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Name: 20041228_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 28, 2004
2228 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
It's already the 28th day of December 2004 on this live Tuesday edition.
Hard to believe that 2004 has grown a long white beard and is almost gone forever.
What will your New Year's resolution be?
What do you see happening in the next year?
What are your predictions for 2005?
That's one of the questions I'm throwing out there at you.
Love to hear what you have to say about it.
Obviously, we'll talk about the massive tsunamis or tidal waves.
The numbers are between 45,000 and 100,000, but at least 40-plus thousand people dead.
That's the number right now.
Sometimes they overestimate, sometimes they underestimate.
Obviously we hope that they've underestimated the dead.
Rescuers scoured the sea for missing tourists and fishermen in Asia yesterday.
And fears of disease grew as emergency services struggled with rotting bodies from a devastating tsunami that killed more than 40,000 people.
Very serious situation.
We'll be getting into that, though I know you've already heard all the details of it for days on end.
Dollar hits new low versus the Euro.
Dropping yet again to new levels.
Rumsfeld says 9-11 planes shot down in Pennsylvania.
It's like another Clinton administration official, actually two of them have done it on TV, talked about
How TWA Flight 800 was shot down.
Then they turn red and say, I mean... But Rumsfeld didn't even correct himself at the time.
Now, days later after it's been noticed, there's a CNN report saying it was an accident, a mistake, not a Freudian slip, you can believe us.
You can believe us!
Plus, new information about Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer, who everyone has always known, flew to England to try to do a peace treaty and end World War II before it had even begun, and everyone knew it was public, that it was a ruse, they wanted the war to go forward, and that they held him basically secretly.
This was called a conspiracy theory.
Now MI6 documents have been made public from the early 1940s and it's admitted, yes, the conspiracy theorists were right all along.
Isn't that interesting?
So we'll go over that for you as well.
Dutch doctor is proud to have killed newborns.
We'll cover that.
Saudi Daily says U.S.
harvesting Iraqi organs.
And I believe this because we've caught the globalists doing this in other areas they control.
Like the Balkans.
Serbia, to be precise.
It is admitted there.
And they swoop down off medical records when they need a particular blood type and grab you or your family.
Kill those they don't need, who could be witnesses, and take the individual off to be harvested.
And there's reports here, out of European intelligence agencies, of the harvesting going on, the liberating of the organs, the liberation going on, in Iraq.
Ah yes, the good guys swoop down from the sky,
Take your organs!
Sounds like freedom to me.
Another article prisoners were experimented on in Guantanamo torture chambers.
And a lot more.
Big broadcast lined up for you today.
We'll go to your calls early in this hour.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
In downtown Seattle today, the First Amendment ended.
A civil emergency was created by the police.
Police attack people on the street indiscriminately.
The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
You see them here with their hands cupped behind their backs.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, I have returned, rested and recharged.
Ready to defend the Constitutional Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's not about left or right.
It's about right or wrong.
I look at what politicians actually do and who they actually serve, not at their rhetoric.
Both parties serve the New World Order.
Our basic liberties are being dismantled, being decimated, annihilated at record pace.
We are now in the final days of 2004, accelerating the next two and a half days into 2005.
I'd like to hear your predictions for the economy, for the war on freedom, known as the War on Terror.
I'd like to get your predictions on all of it, coming up in the next two hours and 51 minutes.
The toll-free number to join us on air, one line is still open, 1-800-255-99231.
John, Fred, Robert, Don, and many others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
The websites, of course, freshly updated throughout the holidays are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.net, ArnoldExposed.com, JonesReport.com, and VirginUtah.com.
Why do we have so many websites?
Well, because there's a lot of the same information on the different sites, but a lot of different information on different sites, and different servers, and different providers, and it's basically about redundancy, having more of the information there on more platforms to serve more people.
Boy, I mean, where to start?
My heart just goes out to all of those that are dead or dying or injured or who have lost loved ones in Sri Lanka that was hardest hit by the tsunamis that slammed into it.
And of course, there was an earthquake, the strongest within the last 40 years, with a 9.0 that erupted off the northern Indonesian coast.
The death toll in Sri Lanka nearly doubled.
From 10,000 to 20,000, and now the latest number is 45,000 to 100,000.
We don't know what the true numbers are.
I wonder how Arthur C. Clarke is doing?
He lives in Sri Lanka.
And other areas were hit as well.
Many different countries hit.
Video caught the 80 foot waves coming in.
But it wasn't so much the waves as just the water level rose over 120 feet in some areas.
Just suddenly the ocean rose.
And a lot of people are saying, it's global warming, it's the end, 2012 Mayan calendar, the flying saucers are coming!
There's actually mainstream news articles that I have here, where they're saying, is this the beginning of the end, 2012 Mayan calendar?
Folks, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Sri Lankans, I mean all these countries for thousands of years have been recording tsunamis even bigger than this.
And so, no, I don't think it's the end of the world, and I don't think it's global warming, and I don't think it's the flying saucers.
I've actually got mainstream news articles out of Asia where they're talking about the end of the world.
I mean, it's really getting ridiculous.
Now, it is the biggest death toll in modern recorded history because there's more people.
Now than there were hundreds and thousands of years ago.
There's more people in Asia now than there were a thousand years ago, or fifty years ago, or a hundred and fifty years ago.
Now the Earth is warming clearly.
But they have been recording for the last 300 years, scientists, that it goes through different cycles.
There's a 12-year cycle and a 95-year cycle.
There are several different cycles in the ice cores in Antarctica, in the south and at the North Pole, and the north do clearly show this.
In fact, they just came out and admitted that Mount St.
Helens is the biggest polluter, not just in Oregon,
But in the entire West Coast.
It's created more pollution with two small eruptions that it's had of ash and gases in the last six months than the entire West Coast created in the last year.
When a volcano explodes above ground and ejects its gases and ash and lava and other particulate into the air, it dwarfs all human activity on the earth.
In the case of Krakatoa, what, almost a hundred years ago?
These are just the numbers!
Can volcanoes change the atmosphere?
Can they help to heat up the earth and melt ice caps and cause coastal flooding?
Well, yes, where I'm sitting in Central Texas was under 200 feet of water in the past.
Could the seas rise?
Yes, they could.
But don't think for a minute it's human activity.
Now, what is a real environmental crisis that no one wants to talk about?
That is real!
Genetic engineering.
Chimeras, cross-species, development racing ahead, no controls.
36 level 4 bio-weapons labs.
Already built or in the process of being built and expanded all over the country.
Weaponizing super-viruses and bacteria in the middle of populated areas.
Live plants growing with live viruses in them!
From HIV to Hepatitis C to Tuberculosis!
Just pipe in pharmacological corn, pharmacological wheat, and add AIDS to the end of it and you'll get AP, Reuters, BBC.
But again, back of the paper, the average person thinks it's science fiction or the Sci-Fi Channel.
What's the real crisis?
Well, in Mexico they just got the pipes, and this is in hundreds of other third world countries, running right out to their lakes and oceans, dumping all the heavy metals and chemicals right into their reservoirs, right into the ocean.
It's causing massive die-offs in the coral, massive die-offs in the fish.
Oh, that's all very real!
But again, the average person has no idea that's going on.
They're concerned about the rainforest being cut down, which is frankly negligible compared to natural fires.
Not that much of it's been destroyed.
But it can be used by the IMF and World Bank as an excuse to run the peasants off their land when the IMF and World Bank take control of Latin American countries, just like in Burma.
Back in 1998, when the UN went in with machine guns and killed 3,000 of the Indians, of the natives, and took over that area for a biosphere.
Then they started mining operations almost immediately after that.
So, there is real environmental crises going on, but every time you hear them say, we've got to ban CFCs, it's because their patents run out on it.
Or when you hear them say, we've got to go and protect the rainforest, it's really to take somebody's land.
And what I'm saying is, is the things going on in the environment in those areas are dwarfed, are made microscopic in comparison to genetic engineering.
In comparison to the dumping of chemicals.
Burning some trees, folks, isn't going to heat the earth up in any big degree compared to a volcano.
It isn't going to do anything that will actually destroy the balance of the biosphere.
And this from all the real scientists whose journals are basically ignored by the mainstream media.
This is the vast majority of what the scientific world is saying.
But the quacks get the big book deals and get put on all the TV shows!
Now is the Earth heating up?
Clearly it's heating up.
Is it part of a hundred year cycle?
The Earth's been a lot warmer than this in the past.
Could it cause major problems?
But is this evidence of global warming because tsunamis killed
Between forty-something thousand and a hundred thousand.
No, it's not, because tsunamis have been recorded for as long as people have been writing in the Pacific.
For as long as they've been chronicling it.
And that's roughly 5,000 years.
For 5,000 years, tsunamis have been recorded.
Bigger ones than this.
Now the 9.0 is huge.
The volcanic activity is up globally.
Earthquakes are up.
Tidal waves are up.
Tornadoes are up.
Yes, we are definitely entering a very hyper cycle.
Hyperactive cycle.
Again, the real scientific evidence shows it's because of that ball of hydrogen at the middle of our solar system, known as Sol, or Sun, that has been more active than it has ever been in recorded history.
The Sun is ejecting more heat, more radiation, more explosive coils
than ever before.
And we on Earth have nothing to do with that.
But I'm sure they'll come up with some plan for you to lose your freedoms, and that'll keep us safe from all the Earth changes.
But meanwhile, the cloning and the cross-species manipulations will only accelerate.
And then when some of this gets released, by accident or on purpose, they'll take more of our freedoms!
We'll be right back with your calls and a bunch of news!
Stay with us!
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Alright, we're back live.
We're going to go to your calls.
And then I'm going to get into all the latest police state news, or domestically, the latest torture news out of Iraq.
And, well, are the liberating forces taking the organs?
Are the private contractors doing that?
The evidence is overwhelming, yes.
They are liberating them of their organs.
All part of the new freedom.
Let's talk to Fred.
Fred, where are you calling from?
Tucson, Arizona.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
I think I've got a breaking story.
This is Arizona Daily Star yesterday, December 27th.
Seek Firm now runs security for the city of Tucson.
ATL Security has more than a billion dollars in contracts for 400 federal courthouses, military installations, and Tucson City Hall and Water Department.
And then, let me read this one real short article here.
It says it has 15,000 employees, 50 of which are Sikhs.
The rest of them are other people.
And, let's see.
Either you send it or I'll pick it up, I guess.
Now again, the Sikhs seem like pretty nice folks.
I mean, a lot of them in New York, and they were some of the only friendly cab drivers.
But they normally wear the big turban on their head, and a lot of times they get discriminated against.
People think that they're the Muslims and go after them.
No, this is a different story, though.
No, I mean, I understand, but what I'm saying is that I don't know if this is an American company, but this has been a problem because, take European companies who are buying up all our water systems, but go ahead.
Okay, AFCO recently took over guarding eight military bases, munitions depots, particular nuclear weapons.
Because our regular troops, National Guard and Reserve units, have been shipped to Iraq.
Remember the story where... Now that's a problem.
All these private contractor groups taking over the military key functions, yes.
Okay, so we had the story several years ago on your show where one of the purposes of the foreign wars
was to get American troops out of America so they cannot defend the American people.
Yes, right out in plain view, right out in plain view.
From Norwegian F-16s, 56 of them, to French and German AWACS, to U.N.
firefighters, troops coming to fight fires, all of this, yes, that's a big story.
Okay, this has a long martial tradition of the Gurkha troops, which were a British secret intelligence service.
And the local manager in Tucson is Ken Lieberman, regional manager for Arizona.
And, of course, Ken Lieberman apparently was raised in London.
And I think he's a, you know, what do you call it, a Freemason.
So it's kind of interesting that the security services, the biggest security service company in the United States now is a, you know, it's spelled B-S-I-S Mossad.
And I thought I'd mention that to you.
Do you know who
Well, you know what I learned about the Texas National Guard that before was just an emergency services, now they've been trained for mass arrest,
Gun confiscation.
We got their own manuals.
I did a special TV report on it a few months ago and a few weeks after that it got picked up by the Austin American-Statesman and admitted that they now have this riot control and population suppression mission.
But guess who the head colonel is now over the selection of officers in their training?
He's a former SAS and then MI6 officer, and that's who controls it here in Texas.
And you see the same story over and over again, yes.
Okay, well anyway, do you want me to send this to you or can you pick it up on the computer?
You know what?
It'd be very helpful if you'd send it, go to prisonplanet.com and it says contact webmaster and click on that link and the email will open up for you and send that to Paul Watson.
Okay, I'll do that.
The other thing, can I make a comment on the earthquake?
Okay, there are several suspicious things about this earthquake, okay?
First of all, it occurred on the full moon and most earthquakes occur when the moon is between the earth and the sun, you know, high tide.
And this one, almost no earthquakes ever occur on the full moon, which is kind of unusual.
Secondly, the epicenter was six miles deep.
And we all know that the CIA can dig a well 12 miles deep and explode a nuclear weapon at the bottom of the well.
And thirdly, the Indian Ocean depth at the epicenter, this epicenter was 50 miles from the shore of the island of Sumatra.
So there's a shelf, underwater shelf, that goes out at least 50 miles.
I'm not a volcanologist and I'm not a seismologist.
And, you know, they do have mega-earthquakes in that area in the Pacific Rim.
That's the king daddy of them all.
Yeah, but they're usually much more than six miles deep.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Whenever, in my opinion, you know, like Northridge and, uh, what's that one called?
Let me just say this.
Secretary of Defense Cohen, in a speech in 97.
Well, I'll tell you about it when we get back.
Thanks for the call.
Very interesting.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I want to take a lot of calls today, and so I'm going to ask the callers to have their questions or comments ready so we can move to the next person.
But it's hard for me to do that because the callers always bring up so many important points and so many pertinent questions.
But we're about to go back to your calls.
Just an update for the listeners on several different issues.
Number one, a few weeks ago I said that I would have these Arnold Schwarzenegger ads produced and would try to, you know, have them airing by now in California.
The ads will air in California.
I'm trying to finish, by late February, the film Marshall Law, 9-11, Rise of the Police State.
And I've been doing my own radio show and scores of interviews
And frankly I've just put too much on my plate.
Up until I took four or five days off for vacation last week.
Up until that point I've been working 18 hours a day and it's just gotten to be too much.
I'm gonna have to ease off a little bit for a while just because I've never gotten to the point before where I'm just frustrated in my work and frankly not looking forward to it sometimes.
I've always enjoyed
Fighting the New World Order, but just at a certain point when you work 18 hours a day, and folks, I'm not kidding, seven days a week for months and months and months on end.
So I'm going to just kind of ease off.
The Schwarzenegger ads are going to be produced.
I've already shot a lot of video.
Put some stuff together.
I've called about making media buys in Sacramento and L.A.
And it's just, obviously they're all fearful of Schwarzenegger.
There's a bunch of hoops I have to jump through.
It's a headache, but it's going to happen.
It's going to be done.
Also, I'm trying to get martial law done and released by February 27th.
And it may come in a few weeks late and of course it will be posted a few weeks before it comes out on DVD and VHS on the website.
The day it's done, it will be uploaded onto PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
I mean, let's say I get the film done in the next month.
Then I have to author it on the DVD and have it mass produced here in the United States.
Cost more, of course I could have it made in Mexico for about half the price, but it's not going to do that.
And then I have to have it mass produced in another state, and then shipped here, and then that takes several weeks after it's done.
And we're still going to try to target for late January.
But not late January, late February.
But February 27th.
But I need to have it done then by early February.
So I can put it on the website and then ship it off to be mastered and mass-produced so that we can get it out to you.
So that's a few updates for you there.
On the Schwarzenegger front, the Kennedy biographer, this is being reported by Newsmax and the Associated Press, the Kennedy biographer is writing an authorized biography of Schwarzenegger.
To sell more copies, they're even going to admit some of the Nazi stuff.
Put a whitewash on it, and they admit.
Talk about how the Nazi father, Gustav, beat Arnold.
And so, it'll also get into some of the womanizing and things.
So now, Schwarzenegger, his crew is admittedly, this was in the New York Post,
In a friendly publication owned by Rupert Murdoch, who just gave another quarter million dollars to the Schwarzenegger campaign.
But the big revelation in the new book coming out is that Schwarzenegger admits his presidential plan that's in motion.
All of this part of a plan to put him in the White House.
As Bush Sr.
three weeks ago said, don't bet against Arnold in the White House.
It's not a joke, it's serious.
He could be your next president.
And it's just, I mean, people are still in denial.
We're a nation of denial.
We deny everything.
Folks, we live in a country where 80 plus percent of the American people are against open borders, are against cloning, 70 percent against gun control.
We live in a country where 80 plus percent are against the National ID Card and the Patriot Act.
Liberal, conservative, the entire spectrum, even in their establishment polls, and they don't care.
They just do it.
And so, so what if the polls show 70 to 80 percent, depending on what poll, against Schwarzenegger for President, or amending Article 2, Clause 5?
It doesn't matter, folks!
None of us want any of this!
But they still move ahead with all of it.
And so, here it is, New York Post, the biography already being written, almost done, authorized biography with sit-down interviews with Maria and Arnie,
And, uh, the presidential plan!
So, you can still be in denial about it.
When the former president tells you it's serious, and he's all for it, and when all these senators come out and the bills are introduced, and you go, oh, it just can't happen, it's just impossible, it just won't happen, it isn't, it's not gonna happen.
And every day I look at the news, there's Arnold doing interviews, there's his minions, his front people doing interviews.
I mean, do you want this foreigner
This guy, he was on a total power trip.
A man who's reportedly said he admires Hitler.
Out there as your president.
Another curious point, and I'm done with the Arnold stuff, I might get into more detail with these articles in the third hour, is that MSNBC, just basically hundreds of publications,
Have been there.
Have reported when he says, I don't care if Kurt Voltheim, I don't care about the Nazi stuff, I love him.
He went and campaigned for him.
You know, the quotes about admiring Hitler, wanting to be a dictator.
He told multiple publications this.
And he told U.S.
News and World Report, you know, how he wants to control the little people, to paraphrase, and how he's all for authority and power, and 95% of us need to have our lives run by the government.
These are all real quotes, real statements.
I found out, though, that the one suit Schwarzenegger ever engaged in over Nazi reports was in 1990 against News Corp and Rupert Murdoch, who now has given him his second quarter-million-dollar campaign contribution.
And it just clears the nose on my face, or on your face, just like they admit
That he is going and bringing out Nazi dirt to then poo-poo it and make excuses over it and to sell books.
Literally, this is incredible!
But to put their spin on it, it's the same thing here.
Schwarzenegger doesn't go after MSNBC or Rolling Stone or US News and World Report.
No, he has a little staged event to create bad precedence for those exposing the truth.
With News Corp.
I mean, these people got this figured out.
And more evidence of this?
I mean, it could be that one of the tabloids wrote this and it got past their screeners and it got out and this happened.
They settled for 30,000 pounds at the time.
With News Corp.
That was about $50,000.
There was one other suit Schwarzenegger had against a major British newspaper back in the late 90s after his heart surgery.
They said that he had heart problems and he shoot them over it and they settled for a small amount.
Roughly small in the aggregate.
I don't know what that is.
It's just amazing.
Just amazing to watch him work.
And the evidence of these staged events is where the New York Post is reporting, as well as Newsmax and others, that Arnold did sit-down interviews and that they're actually putting some of the Nazi stuff and the womanizing and the rest of it and admissions of it in the authorized autobiography by a Kennedy biographer.
And it says that 6% of the book is dirt to sell it.
This is psychological inoculation is what I've heard it called by establishment wonks and think tank experts.
But then overall paints a picture of this American dream and the name of the book is going to be fantastic.
So when Arnold is on the throne of the American military empire
Sitting over the FEMA camps and the rest of it, don't say I didn't warn you.
Don't say I didn't warn you about any of this stuff.
They just passed the Patriot Act II, or large portions of it.
They just passed the National ID Card.
You didn't want it, but they did it.
So don't think just because you don't want it, and because it's unpopular, means they won't do it.
You see, we live in the age of electronic voting machines, with no record.
Where they tell you, just trust us.
We live in the age of police helicopters looking through our walls and FEMA and Homeland Security surveillance blimps.
We live in the age of forced inoculation plans.
We live in the age of the New World Order.
We live in the age of the plunging dollar and open borders.
We live in the age of the accelerated dismantling of our high-tech industries, where they say the Congressional Budget Office, the layoffs are going to get seven times worse in the next five years.
Seven times greater was the number.
Was the quote.
And where the government says, Fantastic!
Better than great!
The consolidation is happening right before your eyes.
And people are busy cheering the Democrat and Republican parties like they're two different football teams.
When it's a staged event.
When the same owner owns both the teams.
It's their stadium, their playing field, their jerseys, their helmets.
It's all owned by the same people.
And we sit here like fools in this modern gladiatorial diversion.
Let's go to calls quickly.
I don't mean to continue ranting.
I've been off the air for five shows.
I haven't had a vacation in five, six, seven years.
I don't know.
And I took it.
It wasn't much of a vacation.
Let's go ahead and take a call here.
Robert in California, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I'm a subscriber and I've watched everything you've made and I listen every day.
I think we're going to have a really unhappy New Year if the New World Order has its way.
It's got its fingerprints all over the tsunami.
I'm so glad that first caller said what he said, because he's exactly right.
I'm glad you just called, because I said after the break, I would say what Secretary of Defense Cohen said in 1997.
You go ahead and make your statement, and then I'll finish up.
Well, like Bohemian Grove, they love to do things ritually.
And so they wait for the full moon, the SOHO satellite down for an unscheduled fakeout, but there's a big flare going on, so that's going to be the possible deniability.
Who benefits?
Well, Big Pharma, the banks, you know, they step in with all their aid and vaccines, right, for all the wounded victims, which are mostly the poor.
And the banks can take over all the destroyed property.
It is true that these were the Asian countries that weren't going along with the New World Order.
That was my point.
I was kidding to you.
It was only a few... Right as they're not going along, right after they had the big summit, they said no, and then, bam, they all get hit.
I got one more great point.
The USGS has monitors all over the Earth.
The CIA has its own satellites we know can produce earthquakes and fracture the crust.
Well, I don't know if satellites can do that.
Certainly nuclear weapons can.
Microwaves can harmonize, like HAARP, at any crustal vibration and match it and cause a fracture.
That's a scientific fact, but let me just say... Well, that's been claimed.
I mean, I've had people, generals on who were over HAARP, so... General Partin says it can't do that, but go ahead.
Well, I know they don't...
Oh, it's the truth, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say they did it.
But it distracts everybody from the 9-1-1 reform bill, just like you were going over all those points.
The USGS said they didn't make a call when they had two hours to give a warning.
They said they didn't make any calls because there was no official tsunami warning system in place.
So they don't call anybody when they...
You know, they knew it from the second it happened.
Let's just say nobody made this and it was totally natural.
No, you're right.
They don't call anybody for two hours.
I do have that from the BBC.
Oh, we knew there was a tsunami coming, but we didn't warn you.
I taped it for the last two days, and all they show is, well, nobody could know anything, nobody could know anything.
Yet you go to the USGS, there's the maps, the pictures, the plots, the times, the graphs.
They knew everything!
Do me a favor.
Screenshot that and send it to the... I already have it.
It's already on its way to you.
Well, let me just tell you what Cohen said.
I'm sure you already know this, but type in, Secretary of Defense talks about weather weapons, and back in 97 he gave a speech, this was in major papers, and he said that governments have the power to cause earthquakes and volcanoes.
Now, folks, again, that sounds like science fiction.
Of course, because then they can just say, act of God, act of God, not our fault.
That's the key, that's the key to it right there, so they can say, act of God.
No insurance companies have to pay off.
Nobody, you know, acts God.
Well it is interesting that the countries that got hit are the ones, the only Asian countries that weren't playing ball.
You've got a few rogue countries like Sri Lanka and a couple others and you've got a few rogues out there in the Middle East.
But again, I don't want to... I think, Alex, the absolute proof
If they had two hours to warn them.
It's just like 9-1-1.
All the regular systems for warning are down.
And wide open for absolute, the biggest death toll they could get.
And I'll leave you with that.
Go to the next call.
But I love your show.
Keep up the great work and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Well, thank you for the call.
Look, there's a lot of talk show hosts that are gonna go with this headline, you know, the government did it.
And I'm just not gonna do it.
Because I only cover things I can prove.
And what the caller brings up is very valid.
They do have the power with nuclear weapons at key fault lines to do this.
You know, did they have a robotic submarine go down and detonate or something?
I don't know.
But... I mean, Secretary of Defense said they can do this.
They can control the weather.
At least manipulate it.
Steer it.
Push it over the edge.
They've got a lot of different technologies, but I just... Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Don in Pennsylvania.
Don, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having the show on again today.
Thank you.
Hope you've had a good holiday so far.
Are you still interested in predictions for 2005?
I want to hear them, yeah!
Oh, I think that at least a million more people are going to wake up to the hoaxes that we've been falling for
The corrupt government hoax, the white collar hoaxes, the phony religion hoaxes, such as that.
I think that once people start realizing within this year that we're the value producers, we are the powerful ones, that all these corrupt government officials, and even the not-so-corrupt government officials, are totally dependent on us.
I think more and more people are going to start realizing this, and we're going to make a peaceable stand.
And no tyranny ever lasts.
Not one.
No matter what they do, no matter what they throw at us,
Even how they're very effectively using this tsunami as a distraction of what's really going on.
I think a lot more people's eyes are going to be opening up, at least a million over the next year.
Oh, I think hundreds of millions are going to wake up to the New World Order.
Oh yeah.
Globally, and tens of millions here domestically.
We've already seen that happening in this year.
But we'll all be writing more.
We've got to write a letter a day, or at least an email a day, or a phone call a day.
Anything else?
Stay there.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Broadcasting in the twilight of 2004, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Polls and news will continue into the second and third hour.
I'll give you my projection, my analysis, what I think is going to happen in 2005, coming up in the next hour.
Going back to Don in Pennsylvania, then to Jason, Charles, Jim, and others.
Don, finishing up on what you were saying briefly?
Sure, I won't be long.
This is a briefer.
Now, what I was going to ask you folks was if people would also join my group.
There was only one other thing to bring up.
Braveheart411 and YahooGroups.com.
We have a few members already, a few dozen now, and people are sharing good, useful information.
Please just come check us out.
Sure, what's your Yahoo group again?
It's Braveheart411 and it's under Yahoo Groups.
Alex, also, I'm still carrying the Arnold Exposed banner in my weekly publication around town here.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to... I guess up next is Jason in Iowa.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I guess my prediction would be kind of similar to his about the waking up of people.
But I think the big wake-up is going to be
That I think they've stated many times that everything happens within the first two years of an administration.
They get everything done.
And I think the one they're focusing on as we speak is the Second Amendment.
The first, I mean, right after the election, you had the hunters shooting hunters, other hunters, and even the palest of pale reserved the Second Amendment for hunters.
When you have hunters shooting hunters, that seems to me like a pretty blatant attack on the Second Amendment.
Well, I made the prediction that he'd turn out to be some vet who'd been in psychiatric care, and that turned out to be the case.
But you know, real things happen that aren't the government.
Nuts go out and shoot people, tsunamis really happen.
But they certainly use these events, and in some cases, the government is behind the events.
We have proven that.
Yeah, I'm not even saying they're behind it.
But the coverage of it, and I mean, the other day I woke up and there was shootings in Southern California, but it was like BB guns.
I mean, you know, BB guns shooting out windows of cars on the freeway and stuff.
I mean, it's just the coverage of it is going to be atrocious.
They're going to, we're going to, you know, make us beg to take the guns away.
And my prediction is by the end of 2006, probably before that, but at least by then, they'll have it, at least
They'll have at least tried at their fullest extent by then.
And I think that, I think, I'm hoping, and this is my hope, is that this is what the final straw that broke the camel's back of waking the people up is when they go after the Second Amendment.
I hear you.
Sir, I appreciate your call.
We're about to end this hour.
We'll come back with other calls at 1-800-259-9231.
It's a very good chance that some Muslim terrorist, who of course will be killed after doing the shooting, will go into a school and kill a bunch of people, and then, oh, see, we've got to have a national ID card attached to having the gun, we've got to have more controls, we've got to ban the guns and the family of guns that were used.
There have been federal alerts along those lines.
And you bring up some really good points.
Briefly, in the next 30 seconds before we end this hour, I've made
11 films and I'm going to continue the discount for just a few more days that we ran through the holidays.
I'm going to go ahead and extend it out.
Some of my DVDs as low as $5.95 a piece.
Upwards in some of the deals, 70% off.
Some of the deals, half off.
The specials we've had that you didn't take advantage of, some of you.
We're going to keep those going for a few more days.
You can call and ask about the specials.
Or go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
The second hour with a ton of news in your calls is straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, in the second hour of this live
28th of December, 2004 edition.
We will get more into the Sri Lanka and other areas that were hit by the 9.0 mega-earthquake that caused massive tsunami.
We will also get into reports that our loving government is liberating the Iraqis, not just of their lives, but of their organs.
By the way, they have caught hospitals in this country
taking people's organs who weren't on the organ donor list.
They've caught hospitals, even though it's 60 minutes, killing people for their organs.
So don't think they won't do this overseas.
We saw the UN do this in areas of the Balkans.
So we'll get into that.
There's just so much news, plus what's happening legislatively.
They're even going to try more coming up in the next session of Congress that starts next month.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to
I guess Charles in California is up next.
Welcome, Charles.
Haven't talked to you for a while.
Good to hear from you.
I'm here in Otflon, or Mexifornia.
Go ahead.
Anyways... Yeah, that's what Time Magazine called it a couple years ago.
I watched that Galen Ross video.
Did you ever watch that one?
The 2005... Oh, the Free Trade Area of the Americas?
Yeah, it's a good video.
It was called Pan-American Union.
Anyways, I think that's going to happen.
I feel very... Oh, they've got it slated to pass.
They say it'll be ten times bigger in its impact than NAFTA didn't get.
Oh, by the way, I would like to say I think your first video is excellent, that Destroyed by Design.
That is my favorite video.
I know it's your first one, but I just think that's such a great video.
Well, thank you.
And I've shown a lot of people it, and I think that's
Really help and wake people up when they see the National Parks being taken over and all that.
And they see me calmly walk in and ask about the U.N.
sign and they threaten to arrest me.
I know, that's such a great video.
I'm surprised you don't promote it more.
It's just, you know, so today... Plus you get to see me 40 pounds lighter.
Anyways, I just bought myself a couple guns and I'm
I'm learning how to do all these self-defense things, because I think that the bottom might fall out in 2005, especially if they do another phony nuclear explosion somewhere and blame it on Iran or Syria or somebody, and then all the people will go running to join the military and all that.
But I really believe 2005 is going to be a bad year.
Well yes, and if they crash the economy then, instead of the old public works, the make work,
With Franklin Delano Roosevelt and others, it's going to be the same thing, but this time military.
Yeah, did you hear Bill Deagle the other night on Pastor Butch's show?
No, I didn't.
It was really scary.
In fact, Pastor Butch said it was the most talked about show he's ever had, and he was selling CDs as a repeat.
He's going to have Bill Deagle on again Wednesday night, but
It was scary what the government has lined up for us.
You're talking about Dr. Deagle?
Yeah, Dr. Bill Deagle.
And it was so scary, I mean, he just scared the pants out of everybody.
Well, people should be scared.
We've got a criminal elite.
That could care less about any of our lives, our families, our wealth.
And that goes for the police, too.
The government doesn't care about you, police.
Military, it doesn't care about you.
Stop being so naive.
The government isn't America.
The government isn't the United States.
It is a pack of criminals.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
You know, that's the point I want to make.
There are so many good, decent people, but they're so gullible.
They just love believing the sappy,
The sugar-coated frauds that are sold in tabloid fashion to our psyches.
And it's not true!
The government does not care about you.
It's run by a bunch of ruthless people.
It's bought and paid for by corporations that are global crime syndicates owned and run by crime families.
And they're putting the police state in place so they can take everything you've got.
They don't like you being free!
Spiritually, economically, physically.
We'll be back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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That's 877-835-5555.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Lighter in the shower,
I will give you my predictions for 2005.
It's going to begin here in about three days.
We're continuing with your phone calls with your predictions for 2005 on the economy, on the terrorism front, on the psychological front, the psyche of not just America, but the world.
Before I go back to the calls to Jim and Mike and Professor and John and Ian and everybody else, I've got a message to people who are in the system.
And that goes for the school teacher or police officer or our wonderful firefighters, men and women, to the military, to corporate mid-level executives, to college professors,
To people that make up the strata of the establishment.
And basically we're all part of the establishment at one point, at one level or another.
But this is a message to everyone.
From the bottom of my heart, from the depths of my soul, directly from
The depths of my mind.
I have studied, and I have searched, and I have researched, and I have read thousands of government documents.
I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of prominent experts.
I have dreams at night, where I try to, I mean, it's 24 hours a day, where I, almost every night, where I try to think about ways to defeat the New World Order, where I
I mean, it just, it consumes me.
My whole life is fighting this threat.
I have dreams where I try to, you know, in my dream, disprove the evidence, where I try to deny to myself, you know, in the dreaming state, the subconscious tries to wrestle with facts and make them more palatable for the frontal lobe of the mind or the cerebral cortex.
You know, we face our fears when we're asleep.
It's where we deal with painful truths.
I have looked at it from every conceivable angle, and let me just tell you something.
I cannot state the magnitude, the level of evil that we're facing.
And I'm so sad to see so many people, take the yuppies for instance,
They could be black, they could be white, they could be Hispanic, it doesn't matter.
They could be Asian.
The yuppies, for instance, one small, small slice of society.
Most of them, that's really one of the few groups, most, I'd say 60% of them,
They will laugh at you if you say the government ever did anything wrong.
Just, it doesn't exist.
Governments are good, and our government's good, and that's the end of it, and if you think that anyone in power ever wanted more power, or that there's any threat to freedom from power, you're just crazy!
Now, of course, common sense shows, and history shows, that that's all government does.
The founding fathers said it, history shows it, common sense
Time immemorial.
I mean, that's just the way it is.
But they deny that.
Because they feel like they're members of the system.
They will vaccinate their children with all these deadly vaccines.
They will drink Diet Cokes in front of you.
They will slurp tap water and laugh at you.
They will tell you that cloning doesn't exist and that cross-species chimeras don't exist.
And then if you show it to them in the front of the paper, they will say, okay, it's good.
Ha ha ha.
Because they think, like a two-year-old, like an eighteen-month-old, they think that if they cover their eyes that the world disappears.
They are playing pick-a-boo with reality, is the analogy, or the metaphor.
They think that if they laugh about a threat, that if they deny its existence,
That somehow it disappears.
Or, you know, the other analogy is the head in the sand of the ostrich.
Always been an unfair thing that's put upon the ostrich.
Actually, the ostrich sticks its head in the ground to face a threat to listen for vibrations.
When it can't see the lion that was chasing it, or the
Hyenas, if they're back in the woods, it sticks its head in the ground to listen for vibrations so it can tell where they're at.
But, again, people hundreds of years ago said, oh, look at the ostrich.
It's scared when it's under threat.
But the analogy still goes.
Kind of a rabbit trail there that we've gone down.
The point is that you think these threats go away because you deny them.
And they don't go away.
But there's more psychology than just that.
An even deeper reason.
Many of them are intelligent and they deep down know it's true.
They know the writings on the wall.
They've seen the indicators.
And so they subconsciously engage in what George Orwell, truly Eric Blair,
What's his real name?
Called Double-Think.
Double-Think is not for the stupid.
The stupid, the dumbed down, just don't ever even notice it.
They're kind of like rats in a maze that was pre-designed and they don't question the parameters of it.
No, for the yuppie, for the quote, educated idiots out there, Double-Think is for them.
It is a split-second calculation or defense mechanism
Where they deny the reality of what they're facing.
Because they know it's true.
And they can't face it, so they simply deny it out of hand.
And when they giggle and they laugh and they make jokes at you, at us, when they basically say, let them eat cake, it's because a lot of them are afraid.
And there's another psychology to this.
They are on a power trip.
They feel like they're members of the establishment.
They think they're the elite.
I mean, somebody with a Cadillac Escalade and a $300,000 house and a motorboat, you talk to these people, they think they're part of the ultra-elite.
They think they're part of the system.
They think they're rich.
Because, in their position, they get to look at the mass of 80% of people who don't have that wealth.
That transitory, shallow, negligible, lower, lower, lower, lower middle class wealth.
They believe, because they have a country club membership, that they are the power elite.
And so they defend the system as if they are part of it.
So that's another facet to it.
And then there are those, I'd say 4% of the population, who are criminals.
The bad cop, the bad judge, the bad school teacher, the smart serial killers, the smart crooks in history don't go out and do it
By themselves, they get into organized groups, and they even legitimize it, even propagandize it.
They have criminal guilds, organized crime syndicates.
They become the government, and then they're called tyranny, despotism, enslavers.
And they were smart, and they saw the world for what it was, and they said,
I'll join this.
I'll be safe.
I'll enrich myself.
I'll become powerful.
And so what's happened is, is that more and more criminals have gotten wise and joined the system.
And its force has grown very strong.
And it used scientific forms, space age forms of propaganda and public relations
To basically crack open the psyche of the general public and turn us into gibbering, moronic, sophomoric people who only chase after the flesh, who only care about instant gratification.
And now, our species, in what is truly the form it's supposed to be in, is literally being disassembled.
Right in front of our very eyes.
And it's, folks, I'm going to tell you the truth.
It tears my guts out.
It tears my heart out, because watching the bad guys win over and over again, watching them con so many good people, that's the other group, is the well-meaning people who just buy the propaganda, who are so good, you know, the road to hell's paved with good intentions, that are so good that they just want to believe all the sappy propaganda.
They just buy into it.
Because their psychology is so tied to this false view.
And so I just want to let everybody know out there, those that want to laugh at the show, those that want to make jokes about what we talk about, listen.
Serving this puts you in a worse position than fighting.
Working for the evil doesn't protect you.
Making excuses, denying the facts of life and the laws of science and
Having this laissez-faire attitude doesn't protect you any more than a toddler thinks the world goes away when they cover their eyes with peek-a-boo.
The world's still there.
You've just covered your eyes.
And I know I'm going to have to watch a lot of you out there worship the government as they abuse the daylight sun.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Please stay with us.
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Alright, we're going to go to your calls.
John, who runs the show, says, man, are you tired?
You sound tired.
No, I'm not tired.
I'm reflective.
I'm very calm.
I had time taken off the last week to really do some thinking.
Something I hadn't done in years.
Just not working.
And all of my research, all of my studies just became that much clearer to me.
When I think about the long train of abuses, just the crimes, the admitted crimes, of this government and other governments, and the same families owning our governments, and the things they do, how bad they are, and how they're, with the media, teaching us that torture, and enforced inoculation, and world government is good.
To watch it all in front of us, happening, is very, very sad.
It's very, very sad.
I mourn for the world and for the people.
And not because I'm some bleeding heart.
I mean, I've just got my head screwed on partially straight.
Most people who don't see what's happening got their heads screwed around backwards.
And I know that what can happen to others can happen to me.
I know that when evil goes on unchallenged it just grows and grows.
You know, you rape what you sow.
What you let happen to your neighbor happens to you or somebody you love.
And I see the rape and repine that's going on.
I just see the scientifically focused wrecking machines of civilization tearing down the established civilization of decency and honor and humanity and replacing it with these spires of darkness
It's like a bad dream.
But alas, it wasn't a dream.
It was the world.
Entering a phase of tyranny the likes of which the planet has never seen.
With our politicians and our preachers and our rabbis and our imams bought off by the globalists.
With our universities bought and paid for by the same people.
With the media ninety-plus percent dominated
by these gaggles and serpents.
I watch the New World Order trade in the souls of men, as Revelation says.
Trading in the souls of men.
I watch people losing their destiny to be free, creative creatures.
And I watch us being turned into petty, decadent, hateful, stupid, nearsighted,
fumbling disconnected fools to a slaughter.
And I know that in the end good will win because evil always eats its own and implodes of its own weight.
The question is how deep is the wickedness going to burrow into the heart of humanity before it kills the host?
Before it kills the body politic.
All right, now we'll start going to calls quickly.
I just had to say that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Illinois.
Jim, thanks for holding.
How you doing, Alex?
The reason I'm calling, last time I was listening to the BBC, they contacted three different earthquake centers in the world.
Hawaii, Florida, and Switzerland.
All centers knew about the tsunami, at least
Two to four hours before.
Yeah, that's where I got it.
That's where I saw what the caller mentioned was in the BBC.
They knew about it two hours before.
And they said, oh, we didn't warn anybody.
You know, the thing is, though, you know, they said they couldn't get hold of anyone in the government.
But if you called the news media, it would have been broadcast all over the country.
No, we've got to get that article posted, if it's not already posted.
And that's a really good point.
Why would they not warn the people?
Even if they couldn't contact the government, just call the news media.
That's ridiculous.
I mean, if the seismology centers called, it would have been world headlines within two minutes.
The other thing, as far as my prediction, I really do believe that there might be a major assassination next year.
Well, I hope you're wrong.
I wish no harm upon the puppets.
The globalists would only get gas mileage out of any type of... That's my whole point.
It's something that they can feed off.
Well, you know, something you brought up earlier, that's the reason they want these AMBER alerts that are really EAS, FEMA control boxes on all the radio and TV stations.
I mean, I've worked in radio stations.
Folks, I've got the documents.
Since 97.
So the globalists cannot warn us, see?
If they don't control the radio and TV stations, then warnings can still get out.
So it's about control of information.
That's what I'm going to put a bullet down to.
I'll let you go.
Thank you for the call.
Boy, I hope there's no assassinations in the next year.
The politicians.
Oh boy.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends.
I was about to go to Mike in Arizona, but he just hung up, so let's go to Professor in Georgia.
Professor, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, it's so good to talk to you, Alex.
Are you reading me over?
Yeah, it sounds like you're on a headset or something, but go ahead.
Yeah, sorry about that.
An inferior headset, maybe.
I'm going to step outside so I get a good clear fill signal.
I just got this cell phone, so I just wanted to try it out.
Oh, great!
Thanks for trying it out here.
What's on your mind?
Lots of things, Alex.
First of all, are you aware that that tsunami that hit was 33 feet tall, reported?
Well, there were a bunch of different waves.
It was thirty-three over a hundred and something feet, depending on what area it was.
Well, the guy on George Norrie last night mentioned thirty-three feet like three or four different times.
So, okay, we get the picture.
That's what they want to go with, you know?
Thirty-three feet.
That makes sense.
Look, I know you're aware of Tesla and technology about the woodpecker effect, low frequency vibration done to create a, what is that word, a resonant
You know, a resonating frequency that can then cause a vibration?
Well, yeah, just like a certain sound can crack glasses, or a certain vibration can make buildings come down.
Or a cat walking across an expansion bridge.
I thought that was the wind.
Sure, yeah.
The vibration, you know, he was making the point that a resonating vibration, and my dad wasn't even aware of Tesla or his technology, but anyway.
So, you know, there's many schools of thought on that, but Tesla had, you know, the ability to create that Woodpecker effect.
Well, I know the Russians have used it.
It's just, it's old technology, a hundred years old.
Look it up on the Internet, people.
Just put, uh, Woodpecker effect, and you'll find that it's not that hard.
And, you know, the Navy has all the ocean covered with their sonar and their sound
Yeah, somebody like Dr. Nick Begich.
Yes, Nick Begich, Stan Baio, and etc.
Just have a couple of those.
Hey, one more thing.
Alex, what you were saying earlier about Schwarzenegger, you know I put you on Schwarzenegger back when that movie End of Days came out.
Listen, Schwarzenegger, he could be no more the Fuhrer than the current president we have.
He could be no more controlled.
Thank you for the call.
Now look, I'm just going to say this.
Between 40,000 and 100,000, and again those numbers could go down, they could go up, but that's what the mainstream media is saying now, died from the waves caused by a 9.0 mega-earthquake that hit Sri Lanka and several other countries.
But Sri Lanka was worst hit.
And what we do know is that that happened.
And we do know that Secretary of Defense Cohen
I've got to dig this up and post this again.
He did say back in 97 that our government and other governments have the power to use the weather as a weapon and to cause earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt.
Now he said that, so I'll repeat what he said.
But this broadcast is a little different than some of the others out there that cover alternative things.
I only stick, and the callers are always welcome to bring up whatever they want, and that's where that stuff comes in here.
I only stick to what I can prove, and I can prove the Globalists were involved in 9-11.
I can prove they just passed the National ID Card.
I can prove that they just passed parts of Patriot Act 2.
I can prove that they've introduced bills for a national draft.
I can prove that they openly want total amnesty and totally to get rid of our borders from a Pan-American Union of the Americas via the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
I can prove that they've been caught putting cancer viruses in multiple vaccines, and AIDS virus in the vaccines, and everything else.
The technical HIV virus.
I can prove that they have got humanzis in Argentina, now mainstream news, chimpanzees with human genes in them.
Pigs with human genes.
Live, growing corn and wheat and soybeans with HIV virus and hepatitis C and everything else you can imagine.
I can prove that the globalists engage in satanic rituals at Bohemian Grove.
I've been there.
I videotaped it.
Skull and bones.
Same thing.
It's admitted.
And all of that is so incredible, so hard to deal with, so amazing, but we post all the articles up one side and down the other, all the admissions, all the media making jokes about it.
That's hard for folks to deal with.
And so, why get into why this earthquake happened?
We know that for thousands of years, since it's been recorded, giant waves hit these countries.
There are offshore earthquakes.
This does happen.
But the government has said that they have the power to do stuff like this.
Very suspicious that Iran got hit a day after they refused to get rid of their nuclear weapons program.
Very suspicious.
This nine-pointer.
The fact that all these different geological surveys, all these different scientists, seismologists, volcanologists, had at least two hours and just decided not to contact the media.
Oh, mega-giant, super-earthquake, record level, 9.0!
I mean, if a 9.0 happened in L.A., there wouldn't be a building standing.
It would look like the day after tomorrow.
And it does look like that in... ...areas of Asia.
But they just decided not to contact the media.
That's just in the back of the paper, you know, you can find it.
That's very suspicious.
It's very suspicious that these are the countries that are being called rogue states in Asia.
But, folks,
Number one, the average person out there doesn't even know about weather control.
They don't know about Secretary of Defense's statements.
So I think this early on, and I think sitting here, I mean, it's okay to ask the question.
I don't blame you for doing it.
But you know what?
They have big tsunamis.
This has happened in the past.
They have big earthquakes.
Real things happen that the government isn't behind.
So that's why I'm not going to sit here and say, yes, I know it.
They did it.
Yes, they're behind it.
Because I don't know.
Probably wasn't the government.
And this is a problem that people have because some of the people I know spend all their time on issues like this that cannot be proven instead of spending their time on the things that can be proven.
The things that are demonstratable.
There really are goats in Canada and the US
That are part spider and have spider spinnerets for their udders and that produce body armor.
I've interviewed the CEOs that spin on the news.
The average person, people walk up to me on the street and laugh at me for saying that.
The fools can type spider goats into a search engine and get Fortune and AP and Reuters and CNN.
You can show them the articles and they'll still laugh at you for talking about it.
So I would just challenge people to stick to what we can totally prove.
NORAD did stand down on 9-11 for almost an hour and a half.
There were war games being done at the exact same time of the exact same type planes hitting the exact same buildings and that's why NORAD stood down.
Social media press.
That's admitted.
Months after we broke it here on the show years ago.
Bin Laden is a CIA agent.
His code name was Tim Osman.
His family gets all the military-based contracts.
In Saudi Arabia and surrounding countries.
They were flown out of the country.
They were flown out of Afghanistan to Pakistan.
8,000 Taliban Al-Qaeda fighters.
Because they were CIA.
That's all admitted, by the way.
San Francisco Chronicle, Associated Press, MSNBC, New Yorker Magazine, Fox News.
That's all an accident.
They accidentally landed
Special Forces colonels.
One of them went public and said, man, we had them all cornered in this valley.
And I sat there and watched.
This was in the San Francisco Chronicle, the colonel.
I watched hundreds of black helicopters land and fly them out.
And then other generals went public and said, yeah, I had the head Taliban general.
We'd captured him and we got an order by the CIA to release him and give him a convoy and watch him drive out to an airbase and fly out by C-130.
That's all mainstream news.
You're a cop listening right now, you don't believe me?
Just type it into a search engine.
Mainstream news.
But you'll see the excuse in the mainstream news.
And why was it ever in the mainstream news?
Because colonels and generals who weren't traitors went, what?
I'm here to kill the enemy that attacked us on 9-11.
What are you doing?
Why are our special forces or slash secret government helicopters landing and flying these guys to air bases?
Why can't we kill them?
You know, all that's true.
That's real.
The New World Order's real.
The global government's real.
Our border's disappearing and the embassy they're pushing is real.
The bills for a national draft are real.
And I suggest people talk and deal with those issues.
John in Michigan, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I just want to recommend you on being fairly so safe now in your area there because you have the NRA member, entertainer to our troops in Iraq with Toby Keith, and also producer of films out of Waco, our Honorary Motor City Man, Ted Nugent, living right next door to the Bushes, who he is 100% behind.
Do you feel much safer?
You know, your phone's breaking up.
You're talking about Ted Nugent?
Ted Nugent's an interesting bird.
We sent him our videos.
He emailed us back and said, really interesting.
We had him on.
And, you know, he's pro-Second Amendment.
I think he and Chuck Norris and others just really don't get it or haven't gotten it all yet.
And, yeah, I know Ted's got a house here in Central Texas.
He was right next to the Bushes, Alex.
Okay, well, he moved there.
He's going to get a Texas driver's license, so you're going to have a
He moved from Michigan.
Someone there to protect you, but it might be convenient for you to get him on the air again and see what we can do to inform him about it.
So Ted Nugent is... I mean, I know he had a place in Kerrville and another one... Crawford.
He's moving down here, huh?
He's right around... The Bushes are right around the corner from Crawford.
And he's doing survival films in Waco.
And he's getting a driver's license.
His family's down there right now.
His son's in school, so...
He must know something.
He just came back from Iraq with Toby Keith.
They entertain troops there.
He says he's 100% behind Bush.
So, I don't know.
This guy might have something that we don't know.
Okay, maybe I'll get Ted Nugent back on.
That'd be great, Alex.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Ian in New York.
Go ahead, Ian.
Speaking about dreaming earlier, you're in a film that's going to be a classic one day.
It's called Waking Life, and I think that's one of the
Biggest ways that people could find out about you because whenever I mentioned your name, I'm like, remember that movie, Waking Life?
This is him.
One and another big movie coming out, but I'm not going to talk about it.
Yeah, I know.
I'm excited to find out what that is.
But anyways, with Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary, he was like... Yeah, when we shot down Flight 93,
We don't even know the name of the pilot and all of it.
And now CNN is saying he didn't mean it.
It was an accident to say we shot it down.
And of course, Cheney said that too once in a speech.
But it's all accidental.
It's just... It's an accident, sir.
During the Republican National Convention, we were trying to figure out what Bush had behind his suit or whatever.
I've came across photos of in the past where it might be like a heart monitor or something and it might explain why he has swords on his face because he gets seizures and falls down and stuff like that.
That's what's been reported by very credible sources.
And he's also, I mean, Capitol Hill blew everything they said about Bill Clinton was true.
They're not some liberal sniping, you know, political sniping organization.
They don't just, I mean, they just muckrake.
They get all the dirt.
And Bush is on a bunch of psychiatric drugs.
He throws fits.
And I believe it.
I mean, you don't get bloody bruises on both sides of your face from passing out from a pretzel.
Yeah, and hey, I just joined
Oh, do you like the website?
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We'll keep it at $0.15 a day as long as we get enough members to continually pay for it.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate your support, sir.
In fact, speaking of that, I'm going to go to break, come back with some of my predictions for the upcoming year that's three days away.
And we'll continue with a bunch of news about Rumsfeld and what you just mentioned.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Why do I do what I do?
Because I know the globalists are very wicked, very bad people.
And they have horrible plans for humanity.
And my very programming, my very soul, my very being,
Is against what the New World Order stands for and what it's doing.
And so my instincts cry out against it.
I guess there was never the question of whether I was going to fight the New World Order.
Now I guess some are called.
I guess by the way God makes us, some people see, some don't.
But I'm not alone.
The good news for the new year is that
For every action, there is an equal or greater reaction.
That's just the facts of science, the facts of the way the universe operates.
And I've never seen an awakening happening this fast, but that's why we see this quickening.
That's why we see the globalists unfurling their plans, their operations, their armies upon us at every level of society.
And yes, I agree with some of the previous callers.
I think we're going to see an accelerated awakening, even greater in the next year.
I think that obviously because of sun activity, increased sun activity at record levels in recorded history, that we're going to see more earthquakes, more volcanoes, more tsunamis, more tornadoes.
And I believe it's really because of the sun is in a very serious cycle right now.
So that's my prediction there.
And I think it's the sun.
But I had to make a guess.
And I think economically, the dollar will go down by at least 10% more, which if it goes down even 5% more, they say the slide's going to start there.
But 10% reduction in the next year over the 45% reduction in value that we've already seen.
I think that in 2005, the stock market is going to go down substantially.
At least 2,000 points.
Take it for what it's worth.
Take the advice for what you think it's worth.
I think gold will go up a little bit more.
I think they're going to still try to suppress the value of it.
I think it's going to go up some.
And I most assuredly think we're going to see major terrorist attacks in Europe, in Asia, and the United States.
Unless we get the word out about who's behind these terror attacks and who stands to gain from them.
Will we see a super event?
The vaunted nuclear attack the Feds have talked about?
The suitcase attack?
The vaunted bio-attack or chem-attack?
I don't know.
I mean, on 9-11 there were so many indicators I was able to say that I believe they're going to attack the World Trade Center and Bin Laden will take the blame in the next few months.
Tell them, don't do it.
Call the White House.
I did that dozens of times on air.
It's in Masters of Terror, the TV show where I did it and put the White House phone number up.
I don't know what the globalists are going to do specifically because I don't think they know.
They've got several different fluid plans going, but they're like roads that all lead to the same place, the New World Order.
All roads lead to Rome, and all roads lead to this latest incarnation of it.
There's the scenic route, or there's the high-speed
Raised Autobahn.
But we're going to the same place.
It's how will we enter deeper into the New World Order?
We're already in it.
And how bad will it be?
How much will they get away with?
Because they take weakness and fear as an encouragement and move faster.
They also take fighting them as a spurring on.
I've got more predictions for the new year.
In fact, more detailed ones about what the agenda is going to be, what's going to happen.
They're not even so much predictions as what the globalists have already told us they're going to do.
So, third hour is only 70 seconds away.
We'll be right back to it.
All right, my friends.
This Live Tuesday edition, the 28th day of December 04, is now into its third hour.
Commencement has begun at this third hour of worldwide broadcast against tyranny.
It's not about left or right.
It's about right or wrong.
We deal with real issues.
This is Real Talk Radio.
It actually affects you and your family.
We deal with a lot of unbelievable information, but it's all admitted in your face by the establishment.
They just put their spin on it, telling you how good it is, or how it's an isolated event, if it's government corruption.
And we seek to move the public conscience into action against the decadent, destructive trends that we're facing in this deepening world empire.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Coming up, a bunch of news on the earthquake and the tsunamis, the economy, Rumsfeld slipping up as Cheney has done in saying they shot down Flight 93,
Just a lot more.
But let's go to call.
You've been holding patiently.
Let's talk to Jerry in Michigan.
Welcome, Jerry.
Yes, sir.
I want to ask you about Thomas Barnett.
Are you there?
Yeah, I think your phone's cutting out a bit, but go ahead.
What I want to ask you about Thomas Barnett, but before I tell you that, or ask you about that, Jeopardy, three weeks ago,
Alex Trebek asked, why have they genetically successfully crossed a spider with a goat?
And the lady answered, the web.
And he said, no, the answer is for their silk.
And then Ted Nugent, I think, a little loud music has gotten to his brain because he used to be a libertarian and tell us how we had to get libertarians into Washington.
And at the last minute, he backed Spence Abraham.
Anyway, what I want to know about is
What I want to know about is Thomas Barnett.
He's a senior strategic researcher for the World Navy.
Yeah, the Pentagon's new man.
Yeah, right.
Do you know anything about him?
Oh, I know all about him, yes.
I'm glad you called about him.
You want me to tell you about Thomas Barnett?
Yes, please.
Sounds like you know a little bit about him.
Why don't you tell us what you know about him?
Oh, no, I just know he's a New World Order guy, but anybody that works for the War College has to be New World Order.
Well, that's according to admirals and generals we've interviewed in the last few years, yes.
But globalists always take over the strategic planning first.
I can tell you all about him!
Well, number one, he was set up as a guest for this show.
I guess about three or four months ago.
And then he typed my name into a search engine and he told the producer that called him to go on the show that day, after he was already set up, he said, I'm not going on that guy's show.
So I called him up during a break, and the little five minute, you know, the break that comes at five minutes after, it's about to come up here in about a minute, and I called him and I said, sir, why don't you come on?
And he began cussing at me.
And then I said, you know, you guys in the New World Order are going to fail.
He started laughing at me, and he said, keep on dreamin'.
And he came right out, and he's the darling of the war colleges right now, on C-SPAN, all over the big newspapers, but I watched a two-hour detailed PowerPoint presentation he did, and he said, we work for global corporations, that's what the U.S.
military serves, we are world government, we're going to attack all these third world countries, and we're going to take over the planet, and we work for Wall Street,
And everything we always knew, and that Smedley Butler told us, in War is a Racket, the Marine Corps officer going public, he just came right out with and said how great it is.
And he told me, when I said the New World Order will be defeated on the phone, he said, you keep on dreaming.
And laughed at me.
It was like I was talking to a ringwraith or a banshee.
So, thanks for the call.
I'll comment a little bit more on Thomas Barnett when we get back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The caller brought up Naval War College guru Puba Dark Lord Professor Barnett.
And the first I ever heard of this guy was, I was up late one night doing some research on the computer.
For some reason, because literally folks, I don't watch television.
I used to.
It just got too depressing.
I read every week, probably 50 different
Summations on CBS or NBC or FOX about what their new TV shows are, what the plot is, last time this happened, next time this is happening.
So I'm able to come here and read and cover what's condensed.
I really should watch them so I can pick up more on what their propaganda is.
But it's pretty hard to escape it.
I went and saw Open Range with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall, I guess a year ago or so, and there was the ad at the beginning of it for Threat Matrix on ABC, and they got a guy in a torture chair with lesions all over him, and the torturers are good, and they say, I'm going to have to torture you, I'm going to have to go ahead and kill you now.
Torturing people to death is good.
You know, I mean, that's the example.
I try not to watch television.
Because then I'll have to see the smirking and the laughing.
But every time I turn it on, I certainly see something.
Or I'll be in a restaurant, and every time I'm in a restaurant, it seems like there's a big screen TV, and they're torturing somebody no matter what show it is.
The police are, and it's good.
Or I'll turn on the TV for a second to flip to the news for a tornado warning, and there's NYPD Blue, and the guy's going, I don't care about the Constitution!
And hitting somebody in the head, and it's the hero doing it.
They're doing it to get the bad guy and it's, I mean, it's just everywhere.
But I turned on TV and flipped over to C-SPAN.
It was about 1 in the morning and say it's about 3, watching Mr. Barnett.
And he was there with all the top brass in a big auditorium just there.
They were smiling and clapping.
A few of them had sickening looks on their face.
I'm sure Big Brother noticed that and they won't be getting the promotion now.
And he was up there!
China and Russia are friends, and how dare the Pentagon!
Some people in the Pentagon think that they're not our friends, and it's part of a new global order, and here's the new map, and we work for Madison Avenue, we work for Wall Street, we work for global corporations!
We, uh, keep the stock up!
And he just said everything Smedley Butler said, the old Marine Corps.
A colonel who went public.
I mean, he was their man.
He said, I went to Latin America and all over the world to take over countries for Wall Street.
He went public and said, it's a racket.
They offered him a coup d'etat.
They wanted him to be vice president in a coup.
And he said, no, I'm not going to be in a coup for you guys.
You're not going to overthrow the U.S.
like you've already done in other countries.
He wrote a book about it.
But listen, Barnett was basically saying everything Butler said, but telling us how good it was.
I mean, I sat there
With my mouth hanging open.
And it got worse and worse and worse.
And here was this soft, twittly person who's in such a power trip that he gets to be part of this.
And he would hit a button and it would go dum-dum-dum, dum-dum-dum.
Whenever he'd go to a new slide, it would say, Phases of Globalism.
And it was this pyramid.
So, Global War 1, Phase of Globalism 1, Global 2, Global 3, and in Global 4, we take over the planet!
And just on and on, and he was just walking around, just prancing around up there on the stage, and just getting off on it.
I mean, he was just dripping with reflected power from his New Order masters, and how smart Wall Street is, and how we serve them, and how good they are, and back to the military works for,
And all these third world countries, look at them in the gap.
They're going to have to be invaded and taken over.
You know, this is the new future and it's going to be so wonderful.
If you just joined us, call or ask about it.
And so I had my producer call him up.
I said, I want to have you on.
And right before he came on the show, he typed in my name into Google.
Again, I called him up.
He suddenly told the folks that called him after he'd agreed to come on the show the day of the event, said, uh-uh, no way!
And when I called him up, he cussed at me.
He just kept talking like this.
I hope you're enjoying what you're doing.
And I said to him, I said, well, why don't you come on and defend your ideas?
He's like, no, no way, no way.
I said, well, let me just tell you something.
The New World Order is going to be defeated.
He just said, you keep on dreamin'.
Just keep on dreamin'.
It's sad.
And yeah, guys like him will do well.
We'll have him in all the big newspapers and promote his book and they'll just promote him forever and tell him how great he is because he puts out what they want.
He'll be a little star and drive the fancy car and live in a big house and everybody listen to him.
He can stomp around like a little neocon and feel good about himself and never be on the battlefront.
Never breathe a depleted uranium.
Never see the bombed out huts and the dead children.
He'll never see any of it.
He'll just prance around.
Prance around like the rest of them.
It's so much fun.
Let's go back to the calls.
I guess Jerry in Michigan's up next, right?
Or no, who's up next here?
Okay, I'm sorry, I got my call list messed up.
Marie in Oregon, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you?
Good, good to talk to you.
I have two things I'd like to discuss with you.
We were listening to Derry Brownsville's show just as he went off, and he said that, you know, Rick Stanley, members of his militia
Went in and arrested the second district judge there, called him over to the police station and had him booked.
Have you heard anything about this?
Uh, no, I haven't heard that.
Was a caller saying this?
No, it was Darry himself.
He said it was in the Denver Post, but we went to the Denver Post and couldn't find it there.
Well, that's huge.
Yeah, that's huge.
Again, Rick Stanley of Stanley Sprockets and Fasteners.
Or it isn't Sprockets, I'm thinking of George Jetsons.
It's Fasteners and Stanley Spastner.
I think it is Sprockets, but Widgets, something.
He's the guy, even though it was state law that you have a gun strapped to him and walk around at rallies, they keep arresting him and then they claim that by sending a letter to a judge saying you're a traitor, that that was a threat.
And I know they'd hauled him off to jail, but no, I hadn't heard about his militia arresting someone.
Yes, the militia arrested the 2nd District Judge, or this is the way Derry Brownfield reported it, and hauled him next door to the police station and had him booked
And I believe the charges were for violation of oath of office and treason.
Alright, well I will check into that.
The other thing I wanted to tell you was on Drudge Report this morning, I think I may know why they didn't warn those poor people in Sumatra about this earthquake.
One of the minions of the UN is screaming that America is being stingy with the fifteen million dollar donation that our president gave to him for aid.
You mean billion?
No, it was fifteen million on this story anyway.
Oh, okay.
And the UN person said that American people would want their taxes raised in order to provide help.
Yeah, that's just more fake fighting between Bush and the UN to keep the base here at home happy while selling the world on global government as if it's the counter to the evil Americans.
So it's all false
uh... bipolar uh... world map stuff it's it's not real I agree and so if you could check on that with the Stanley thing because we could actually start a movement with this and at least try to take back our judicial system well I'll have to check into that I find that hard to believe because citizens arrest are real but the police don't usually recognize it I mean if you're hauling in one of their people I mean you know nowadays you catch a robber robbing your house and
Call the police when they come to go ahead and handcuff you too.
You know, so I mean, even in that case, you can... Exactly, well... And if you arrest one of their guild, one of their society, they really don't recognize it.
Yeah, not normally, huh?
But, I mean, Derren Bramble's a pretty credible guy, so I'll... I just didn't hear him say it, but I believe you.
I just have to check it out.
Yeah, I would appreciate it if you would.
Maybe we can see it on Prison Planet or InfoWars.
Yeah, I don't allow myself a computer in the studio because it's such a distraction, but during the break I can go in the other room and check it.
Or you can just type into Google, Rick Stanley arrest, and it should bring up all the pertinent news articles on that.
Thanks for the call.
Just type in Rick Stanley and then click news, and then we can find out rather quickly.
I'm going to take a few more calls here after the break.
And then I'm going to cover news and get into more of my predictions for 2005.
I want to talk about the Freudian slip, perhaps.
I mean, Cheney slipped and said they shot down Flight 93 once.
I know that was a mistake.
Now, Rumsfeld, in a public meeting, said they shot it down.
I've seen similar politicians in the Clinton administration admit they shot down, or that it was shot down, TWA Flight 800.
And again, it's always accidental.
I've heard politicians over and over again say when the towers were bombed and they turn red and go, I mean when the planes flew into them.
But we will cover that.
There's just so much here.
I believe it's credible to report that the private contractors that are torturing people to death in the 32 death camps in Iraq are also taking their organs.
We know that stuff happened in Serbia under UN control.
And, uh, we know what goes on in China.
We know it's not an urban legend about people being knocked on the head to have their organs stolen.
Uh, that really has happened.
That is true.
And, uh, so it's, it's, it's, I mean, our own hospitals, even 60 Minutes has reported that our own hospitals have killed people for their organs.
They've taken them from people who were not on the organ donor list as well.
They even sanguinate them, take their blood, in many cases.
Your corneas.
They do that, so why wouldn't the private contractors do it?
That's in the news.
We'll cover that as well.
Stay with us.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Let me rephrase that.
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Alright, I'm going to take the five callers that are first up.
Flora and Roger and John and Charles and Justin.
Right now, let's go to Flora in Oregon.
Go ahead.
Hi, I just want to give us a reality check here.
There's 43,000 and counting people that were stacked up.
They said they're stacked up like wood of dead bodies.
I'd like to point out that the Gulf War Syndrome
90,000 people have died, and their number for the patent is 524-2820.
So when we get so shocked at these high thousands of deaths, remember the Gulf War veterans, and that's all I have to say.
Well, the soft kill weapons, you're right, do it slowly so they're able to cover it up.
And by the way, for about seven, eight years, they denied it even existed.
Now they admit,
Even the New York Daily News has gone and done blood tests of the troops.
They have high levels of uranium in them.
They have mycoplasms in them.
Chemical, biological stuff.
I know, but they wait there, and they're so shocked if they see bodies jacked up.
We could count that with our Gulf War veterans.
I don't mean to be irreverent.
I mean, instant deaths that are palpable, that we can see, have a greater effect than a slow death.
Oh no, you're right.
Then, you know, people dying and then the VA giving false reports.
But now it's admitted.
Now it's in your face.
It's been in your face.
Yeah, they're saying between 43,000, as you said, and 100,000, they're still not sure, but over 40,000 dead from the 9.0 earthquake and the resulting tidal waves.
I'm glad you bring that point up.
No, I hear you.
I mean, people have trouble dealing with the numbers we're talking about.
An evil globalist, Joseph Stalin, said that when one man dies, it's a tragedy.
When 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
He also said, I don't care who you vote for, just who counts the votes.
Ha ha!
I don't like our government now.
Oh, we're not going to let you know how you voted.
We're not going to have a record, but just trust us.
And never mind those men in black ski masks.
They're here to keep you safe.
Let's, all throughout history, those in black uniforms are the good guys.
Roger in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
And if the folks would care to grab their pencils, I'd like to pan out quickly those two toll-free numbers to the Capitol Hill switchboard.
And I don't want to put a damper on what was a fine and noble and valid activity the earlier caller suggested.
But that show with Derry with Phyllis the Magnificent earlier, I think it was at least a week or two, maybe a month or two old rerun.
And I think she just, or that Gary probably just alluded to Rick Stanley's court filing where he made known to the judge that he could be subject to arrest, but that the militia never actually did that.
Yeah, that's what I remembered, so that's why, you know.
Yeah, and the reason for the Capitol Hill switchboard numbers, I want to pound out for all sorts of purposes, of course, but in particular,
As Robert Bork reminded us just under a week ago, it's not too late to try to call your senators and try to scuttle the disaster, which would be the appointment of Arlen Specter, I guess that's Alien Spinker, to the Judiciary Committee.
That would be another mitigated disaster.
And we're not, of course, under any illusion that
That Bush is going to send up any strict constructionists there who might call him that, but things have to be worse.
Well, we have to at least try.
I mean, they got two million phone calls against the New Freedom Initiative a month ago to forcibly, psychologically test every child in America twice a year.
But they didn't care, but we still had to call, and they know that real conservatives are very upset about Specter, who Bush campaigned for against a real conservative.
The guy that went after Judge Roy Moore for Bush has been promoted to a federal judgeship, but the neocon followers don't want to hear about all this.
Yeah, and when you call, tell them your senator's aides there, tell them that, as Bork pointed out, there are a thousand ways to kill a nomination, just failing to promote, etc.
So he has lots of power, and point out that you feel that Specter just backpedaling a few weeks back was just a convenient and temporary lie.
Of course it is.
Thanks for the call.
Go ahead and give the numbers out.
Okay, it's 1-877-762-8762 and 800...
Take care.
It's all part of the new conservatism.
From Alberto I Love Torture Gonzales and We're Above the Law Gonzales to Magic Bullet Specter to, well, just all of them.
Bush has all three branches of government with big majorities.
So get ready, folks.
We need to celebrate the end of America.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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So for any stations that want the show from 9 to right to 6
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I'm going to take two final calls.
I've enjoyed all the calls today.
Then I've got a bunch of news I want to blitz through here for you.
Let's talk to John in Washington.
Go ahead, John.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to blast through three things real quickly.
First of all, we've just had our election stolen in Washington by our Attorney General, Christine Gregoire.
And we just suffered through
It seemed like an eternity of Tycom Gary Locke, and now we ran Dino Rossi, Republican, a good solid man, you know, fiscally responsible, and Greg Warren has contested the election so many times that finally this last count came out in her favor, and now she's claiming victory.
The second thing that I wanted to mention, you were talking about this Barnett fellow, that spurred this thought.
Another fellow that we need to be keeping an eye on, and he's very much involved in this tribunal business, and the prison camps, and I think I've uncovered a connection to the FEMA camps, and the covert construction process, is a fellow, he is named Jim Haines.
He was nominated for a Fourth Circuit Court Judgeship,
Which would be the circuit court in Alexandria where they wanted to hold the tribunals.
And also he is the counsel to the DOD, to the Pentagon.
He counsels to the White House and the Cabinet occasionally.
And he is counsel to Dynacorp as well as the Eureka Corporation who hold several other very dubious corporations that are involved in building these FEMA camps and staffing them and supplying them.
You should look into him a little bit and see if you can't dig something up.
And then on this other story that I wanted to mention was on December the 15th, Bush signed onto a policy whereby in the event of a terrorist attack, they're going to take down the GPS system and it will only be available to Homeland Security in the event of an attack.
Now that sounds just a little too convenient, kind of dubious, and I was wondering what your take on that is.
Well, I've seen that, and it's, again, take the EAS emergency alert system that 97 by law was put in all radio and TV stations.
Everything's wired through it where FEMA takes control, and then broadcast over TV and radio via a powerful shortwave frequency audio.
Everybody heard it called the Amber Alert, but now they've told the broadcasters, oh, get ready, the Feds may start taking an hour of programming randomly in the week just for key announcements and things.
Well, it's not just about that.
It's also about being able to take control and shut everything off so you only get their information.
And so they can keep other people from getting information like that NASA shot
from space that showed the massive chemtrailing all across the United States, and they certainly didn't want that getting out, but it did.
And this policy is called the U.S.
Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy, which supersedes, by the way, something that you've brought to light many times, the 1996 governing document, which was put in place by Clinton, and it was just a watered-down version of what Bush just ratcheted up.
No, I hear you.
You've got Bush ratcheting up an old Clinton policy.
Yeah, oh, that's all he does.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, Clinton's got FEMA training, the police, the Christians, and gun owners are terrorists.
Under Bush, it radically expands to homeschoolers and everybody else.
I mean, there isn't a single Bill Clinton policy that Bush hasn't put on steroids.
It's just amazing to watch it happen.
I mean, Bill Clinton signs Presidential Decision Directive 60 saying we will absorb a nuclear strike, and takes the launch codes off the subs, and George Bush keeps it on the books.
Bill Clinton signs PDD 25 for UN takeover and gun confiscation.
I mean, I've had emergency managers from counties
In Texas!
On this show!
Who were there!
Who've been told at meetings all this!
Shown redacted copies of PDD 25!
Told what their duties are!
I mean, this isn't a joke, folks!
But, you know, you... I was at a gas station out in West Texas.
Actually, a town... It was almost in Central Texas.
It was a town outside of Fredericksburg.
Coming back into town last night from a little vacation in New Mexico.
And it's a nice little family grocery store, and they got a picture of George Bush hanging out in the Twin Towers.
And they weren't bad people.
I mean, they think he's conservative.
Well, he's better than Al Gore and John Kerry.
Well, yeah, but again, it's like horses owned by the same person in a race.
It didn't matter to begin with.
It was all staged.
Just because John Kerry's bad doesn't mean George Bush is good.
You understand that?
It's like going to a penitentiary where you got a bunch of killers and going, well, that man's a killer, so he's mad, so let's let this other killer out.
It's just, I almost started talking to him, but I just said, you know, what's the point?
But we do have a duty to try to wake these people up.
Folks, under Mutually Assured Destruction, if they're tracking, you know, 50 ICBMs being launched and up in space or coming back into orbit, coming back into the atmosphere, there's a release of the nuclear deterrent here against the sites in Russia or China, and so they can't do a sneak attack.
Got about 26, 7 minutes, maybe now about 15 with the Topol-2, or is it Topol-M?
They're even faster.
And so they would never do that, because there'd be the retaliation from the submarines and the MXs and all the rest of them, ground-based, sea-based, and airborne.
So what's our government do?
They scrap all that, take the launch codes off the subs to do all this, and then say, we will absorb a nuclear attack before we decide what to do.
The policy says,
The policy says that we will absorb the attack and then decide what to do.
Not, if we're attacked, we'll retaliate.
Now, before it was, if you launched on us, we will launch on you.
Now, why would the government do that?
I mean, you answer the question.
You answer the question.
One last caller.
Jim in Texas.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hey, Alex.
Long time viewer here since back before you jumped all the way down the rabbit hole, I think.
And I see you've definitely done it now.
Man, I wanted just to touch base on something you were talking about earlier.
You had several callers commenting on the earthquake and the tsunami action.
And I noticed you being real careful to talk around insinuating anything that's not provable.
Well, I mean, I just stick with the stuff I can tell you.
Yeah, exactly, man.
And I know, I have a feeling you're probably aware of Tom Bearden.
Do you know who he is?
Uh, yes.
Okay, yeah.
Basically, that guy, anybody that wants to learn about the emerging technologies that are available for weather control can check out him.
Google him.
Colonel Tom Bearden.
He's got a whole host of information about the scalar electromagnetics that apparently have been being deployed for a long time.
He states that numerous tests of this technology can be attributed to unexplainable events.
He says Challenger was shot down by this technology.
He says a lot of stuff, and it gets kind of deep, but I just wanted to see what your thoughts were on that or if you were already aware of that.
Basically, I feel like all of the strange weather we've had, including the weirdly behaving hurricanes, Mount St.
Helens, and this strangely coincidental earthquake,
Over there, apparently based on what this guy says, he seems very knowledgeable, easily doable with this technology.
Thanks for the call.
Secretary of Defense Cohen, back in the late 90s, said that our government and other governments, that wars of the future would be volcanic and earthquakes and weather.
In fact, we'll find that.
It's somewhere in the archives.
We'll repost it.
There's a bunch of mainstream news reported on it.
So, I mean, now, I know they've spent billions on it.
I know they said they can control small areas of weather.
I know nukes on fault lines could cause earthquakes.
That's all admitted.
I just don't know, and I just, there's so much other stuff that I can document and prove that I just, you know.
Easy for me to sit up here and say, yes, this is what's happening, and I know, and... What I do know is they're dismantling our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
All right, let me cover news for the balance of the broadcast.
Floating mattress saves 20-day-old baby from grounding.
Penang, while thousands of people lost their lives when a tsunami hit the region, a 20-day-old baby survived thanks to a floating mattress.
When the tsunami hit the popular Miami beach in Batu Trajati, here at about 1 to 15 p.m., the tsunami was
The baby was sleeping in a room behind her father's western food outlet along the beach.
We were all caught off guard when the wave hit us.
I was thrown several meters away, but managed to hold onto one of the posts.
But my 12-year-old daughter was swept by the wave.
Sapia, 55, and his wife, Anal, 40, braved the strong wave to open the room door to save their baby.
I thought I lost with my daughters, but thank God the mattress was floating in about 1.5 meters of water and my baby was crying.
My other daughter somehow managed to get on her feet and run to safety.
And again, they put the baby on the mattress and another wave came.
The baby was saved.
Water rose.
I thought that was interesting.
A little side tidbit that I just babbled through.
Here's another article.
Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash.
Defense Secretary's remark to troops fuels conspiracy theories.
It just fuels the theories.
A comment Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made during a Christmas Eve address to US troops in Baghdad.
And I know somebody was taping that or can find that video.
I gotta have that.
It sparked new conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
In the speech, Rumsfeld made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop Al-Qaeda hijackers.
But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania.
A Pentagon spokesman insisted that Rumsfeld simply misspoke, but internet conspiracy theorists seized on the reference of the plane being shot down.
Was it a slip of the tongue?
Was it error?
Or was it the truth?
Finally being dropped on the public more than three years after the tragedy asked a posting on the website WorldNetDaily.
A posting?
Some people remain skeptical of U.S.
government statements that despite a presidential authorization, no planes were shot down on September 11th, and rumors still circulate that a U.S.
military plane shot the airliner down over Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
I don't know if the state police said they saw that happen, but just ignore them.
It's a conspiracy.
A Pentagon spokesman insists Rumsfeld was not changing his opinion that the plane crashed as a result of on-board struggle between passengers and the terrorists.
So, we've now had, in a slip of the tongue, Freudian slip, or I'm sure just a conspiracy theory, Cheney said this about a year ago.
Oh yeah, when we shot it down.
I mean, when it crashed.
And we had one of Clinton's people on CNN years ago talk about Flight 800, TWA getting shot down.
There were military maneuvers that day.
Over 400 military witnesses, many of them Vietnam vets, helicopter pilots, said, oh yeah, two missile trails.
We saw the plane hit by two missiles.
You know, guys in helicopters that were in Vietnam said, two missiles.
Hit it.
On record, they were told, shut up!
It's like that American Airlines flight over Queens where the engines blow off, the tail blows off, people see explosions, police see it.
Shut up, conspiracy theories!
So now it's a conspiracy theory to talk about what Rumsfeld said.
See, everything's a conspiracy theory.
Newsmax reporting, Schwarzenegger bio has game plan to bring him to the White House.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger approved exclusive interviews with associates for a biography due in June.
The life of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Kennedy biographer Lawrence Lemer will include the game plan to bring him to the White House.
That's a quote.
The New York Times.
Post Cindy Adams reported today, 6% of the book will be hand-picked lousy stuff like his Nazi Storm Trooper father, who will now suddenly get dumped on for being abusive.
So they're going to kind of just spin everything.
We'll hear details of an early affair, plus the startling story of his wedding day and what that means.
I have no idea, she writes.
So basically excuses for all of it.
And this is an authorized biography.
So there's going to be money made out of all the dirt now.
I mean, it's just, there's no end to it.
The depths are just endless to what these guys will do.
Despite Walmart's edict, radio tags will take time.
New York Times, remember we reported this three years ago, they told all their manufacturers, all their distributors, all their suppliers, you must have RFID embedded in all your products.
But, it's not happening.
A year and a half ago, Walmart served notice, it was three years ago, that it expected its top 100 suppliers to be shipping goods to it with radio tagging technology by January 1st, 2005.
While it may still be true, as the saying goes, that the best way to predict the future is to create it.
Walmart's experience so far has served as a reminder that creating the future is not all that easy.
And with January 1st just days away, many of their suppliers have been unable or have refused to do it.
Because we boycott you when you do it.
We don't buy your products.
Gillette is better than Schick.
I don't buy Gillette
Because they put chips in their razors.
Track and trace.
And put in smart kiosks and all the rest of it.
And a lot of people did that too and now Gillette's been backing off of it.
So that's just some of the news there.
Let me get into this news now for you.
Dutch doctor is proud to have killed four newborns.
The Dutch doctor spoke adamantly in his hospital office as he explained why he had agreed to break the law and kill a seriously deformed baby.
The baby would have lived, but now we have to kill it.
I mean, how many people have been deformed who turn out to have great lives?
Oh, you know, you've got one leg that's shorter than the other, we're going to have to kill you.
This is a small group of children for whom no treatment is possible for the congenital disease and malformations they were born with, said
Eduard Verhagen, the head of pediatrics for the Groningen Hospital in the Netherlands, asking doctors to take away the pain easily and allow the child to die quietly in a natural reaction.
In Scandinavia they used to test the children out, this is in primitive times, put them out in the snow for an hour to see if they're tough.
Kind of just an extension of that, I guess.
Saudi Daily says U.S.
harvest Iraqi organs according to European reports.
Again, I totally believe it.
I mean, they do that in this country when you're not even an organ donor.
They've been caught killing people for their organs in the hospitals.
Citing only alleged European secret reports, an article in the Saudi government daily accused the U.S.
Army of harvesting the organs of Iraqis and selling them.
The story in Al-Watan also was published in the Iranian Daily.
We'll come back and cover it when we get back.
I found these guys to be more accurate than our press.
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This is from World Net Daily.
Saudi Daily says U.S.
harvest Iraqis' organs.
Government newspaper cites secret European intelligence reports, military intelligence reports, citing only alleged European secret reports.
An article in the Saudi Government Daily accused the U.S.
Army of harvesting the organs of Iraqis and selling them.
Folks, our own hospitals have been caught killing Americans and taking their organs.
Again, that's 60 minutes, years ago.
The story in Al-Watin, also published in the Iranian Daily Journal and the Syrian Daily, reports the Middle Eastern Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, writing from Brussels, author...
Fakih Ahmed says, secret European military intelligence reports indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission to Iraq into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded before they are put to death to sale to medical centers in America.
That's been in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal that thousands of organs in New York City alone that come from people that are killed by the Chinese government
Ahmed claims a secret team of American physicians follow the troops in battle and transfer dead Iraqis to private operating rooms.
Reports confirm the finding of tens of mutilated cadavers and cadavers missing parts.
He says some were found without a head.
It's been a popular talk show host topic over the years, I've heard.
All the neocons are for killing people in this country, prisoners and taking their organs.
Oh yeah, that's great for the government to get into that business.
Because a number of those killed in Abu Ghraib and other prisons were subject to operations for extracting their organs, and yet it's been shown they pack them in ice, beat them to death, pack them in ice, and ship them to a hospital nearby.
What's that?
Man, I tell you folks, again, some people go, well, if they're good organs, why not waste them?
Because then it creates a market for the government to kill people for their organs.
In one province in China, they have 24.
This was, uh, the Scotsman first reported on it a few years ago.
24 mobile death vans where they kill you and gut you in the back.
And take the organs right there on the spot.
There's another article.
Prisoners were experimented on in Guantanamo torture chambers.
After Australian David Hicks' horrific revelations concerning the torture he suffered in the Guantanamo concentration camp, including mysterious injections with substances of unknown origin, the lawyer for two French detainees, released in July, recently announced in Paris that his clients suspect that they were also victims of experiments at one of the most sinister interrogation centers at the U.S.
military base.
And then it gets into all the details that match what other people independently have said before it was even public.
We're out of time.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, folks, and back tomorrow live, 11 to 2 central.
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God bless.