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Name: 20041213_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 13, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
It's already the 13th day of December 2004.
Strap yourselves in, get ready.
I tell you, this Monday edition is gonna be jam-packed.
Let's go over some of the news that's coming up today.
WTC rescuers
And workers silenced after discovery of black boxes.
Now, a few months ago, rescue workers, firefighters, you name it, started going public, saying, look, we found the black boxes and have been ordered to shut up about it.
Well, now they're being threatened.
Now they're being told to shut up.
But see, these are real men, these firefighters.
They'll run into burning buildings.
And so it isn't working too well on them, telling them to shut up.
So we'll be going over that.
Journalist who blew a whistle on CIA drug trade commits Arkansas.
Gary Webb, interviewed him many times.
A great American.
And I have no doubt that they have murdered him.
We even have some of the mathematics here on all the activists that have been committing suicide over the years.
It is over a billion to one ratio against the normal statistics.
And of course, Princess Diana said, they're going to kill me in the next few months in a fake auto accident, Charles said.
And then she dies in the auto accident, and then there's all the evidence that they killed her there on the spot.
And the polls all show the people think they killed her, but the government says no, no, no.
Dr. David Kelly told two different colleagues, one in the U.S., one in England, that some men are going to kill me in the woods if I don't shut up.
And then he was found dead in the woods, and now the ambulance drivers and paramedics have said, look, we found him, no blood at the scene, this man was murdered.
That's just new news today.
So there it is for you, ladies and gentlemen.
Deadly death, paramedics.
Question, verdict.
We'll be covering it.
And an attempted murder, I guess.
The pro-western candidate over in the Ukraine.
Candidate, chief of staff, suspects KGB experts in poisoning.
Of course, we talked about this weeks ago.
Now it's mainstream news.
We've got news on Bernard Carrick.
He's not quitting over affairs in nannies.
Nannies that he didn't pay taxes on, folks.
That is not why this is happening.
Also, the Pentagon wants to build permanent prison at Guantanamo Bay.
Pregnant women as well.
Ten-year-old arrested and handcuffed for carrying scissors to school.
They used scissors at school to cut up paper mache and paper.
She brought hers and they
They hit her and hit her hard with the police.
Oh, but don't worry, in Pearland, Texas, Bible Belt, South Texas, the police distributing satanic sex orgy rituals to the children.
And I have the local news report on this, out of KHOU-TV, and I have World and Daily.
They certainly distributed the satanic rituals when I was in public school in Dallas before we moved down to Austin.
That's what I know about the satanists.
In fact, there weren't many people in Rockwall, Texas in positions of power who weren't satanists.
Texas is a very satanic state.
We also love George W. here.
Iranian missile could reach eastern U.S.
More fear-mongering there.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
And yesterday I went to an election fraud rally.
and got hit by two different cops trying to provocateur and I'm really getting tired of it so better stop because I'm gonna make sure legally that some of you guys get in trouble if you pull it anymore.
We'll tell you about that too.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The award-winning San Jose Mercury News writer, Gary Webb, who I've interviewed many times over the years.
It's funny, just about a month ago I wanted to, I thought to myself while driving, I want to interview Gary again, the author of Dark Alliance, who exposed CIA crack cocaine trafficking.
And the media's like, well, perhaps it's not true.
Folks, I've interviewed CIA officers who unloaded the cocaine at MENA.
Okay, it's public.
But he's dead now.
He supposedly committed suicide.
Committed suicide.
Blew his own head off.
Folks, I've seen cases from Oklahoma to Texas to Arkansas to California to New York to Florida from Minnesota to London, England where people are stabbed and tortured and have electricity marks all over their bodies and have been shot in the back of the head with a gun with a silencer.
And the government coroners declare it suicides.
There were cases in Arkansas where someone would shoot themselves in the back of the head twice with a shotgun.
Now that's impossible.
To take a shotgun and number one with a barrel that's too long to be able to put it in the back of your head, pull the trigger,
Of course, when you open your front door and walk into your house at night by yourself, and then go ahead and put another shot in the back of your head while you're at it, because there's no finger there to pull the trigger.
You pull it once, that's it.
You've got to pull it again.
I'm talking about Fannie Malick, the Arkansas medical examiner, state medical examiner.
People will have arms and legs cut off, be found in trash dumps.
And, oh, it's a suicide.
It'd be comical if it wasn't ending people's lives.
And so I guess right now before I get into the murder of Gary Webb, the obvious murder, and just some interesting statistics about exposures of government corruption and the probability of the odds of government corruption researchers committing suicide at these numbers being over a billion to one,
Before I do that, people call me, they email me, Talk Show hosts always ask me, Well, if all this is true... Well, if all this is true, we document it.
Why are you still alive?
And I tell them.
Well, number one, I believe I'll be here as long as God wants me to be here, as Colonel Craig Roberts has said.
That's what his old Baptist grandpa told him before he went to Vietnam.
Son, you just don't worry while you're over there.
If it's your time to go, it's your time to go.
But if God doesn't want you to go, nothing on Earth can take you.
And if it's your time, you're going to be dead.
That's just the way it is.
I mean, look.
I've given this analogy before.
The number one cause of death in this country is your automobile.
Until you hit 55, then it's heart attacks and cancer.
Depending on what year.
One year it'll be cancer, next year it'll be heart attacks, but those two are always bidding for pole position to get the checkered flag for the number one cause of death in this country after 55.
Before that, it's your car, but you put your children in it, you get in it, you get out there and you drive 80 miles an hour down an expressway with 18 wheelers right next to you, you drive by cars smashed, blood on the ground, and you gawk at it, and you just drive on past, because everybody else is doing it, and you like to drive, you like the freedom of it, and this is a risk you're going to take!
It's a risk I take!
But I'll tell you, when I get in my car, I try to drive defensively and I realize this is the most dangerous thing I do.
Getting in this car.
I'm more afraid of my car than I am of the New World Order.
And I'm really afraid of dying in my car because it's a worthless death.
It will mean nothing.
It's not for any cause.
So I try to treat it with respect.
And sure enough, I got blown off the road, I don't know what, six months ago by a tornado out in the hill country.
Smashing the two oak trees.
And by the grace of God, I didn't get injured.
My dad got a concussion.
It was just me and my father.
But we were right back in cars the next day.
But there's this subconscious fear.
You know, the subconscious fear of the saber-toothed cat.
Basically in our brain cells.
Our subconscious fear of the big bear.
You know, the subconscious fear of the thing with big, long teeth.
It's scary.
There's the fear of the predator.
And so the fear of men in black masks, the fear of them lining up against the wall, telling you to turn around and double-tapping you in the back of the head.
That's so much more scary!
Or having them come grab you and take you down to some subterranean dungeon and put the screws to ya!
And so there's that subconscious overpowering terror that people have.
And quite frankly, I have no fear of it.
Because that is a notable death.
That is a admirable death.
That is a lack of a better term, manly way to go.
That's losing your life for something of value.
Your family, your children, humanity.
I mean, when you know how evil the globalists are and the horrible things they're doing, if you're normal, if your programming is in order and you haven't been reprogrammed by the media and this sick culture, then there is, it's selfless.
And I guess some people have it and others don't.
I would say that, you know, firefighters have it.
Soldiers who've been tested.
Not all soldiers have it.
It's just that if you believe that you're fighting for something right and something righteous and something good, or you're fighting to save weak people or those that are in need, I mean, that's how we got here as a species.
That's one of our attributes.
We don't just turn and run.
And that's what men are supposed to
Have that courage!
And so are women!
And so people say, well, why haven't they killed you?
Well, number one, because God hasn't set its time yet, and the minute God removes that protection, I'll be... I'm sure they'll kill me very quickly.
Probably, it's probable that in the years to come, I will be murdered by the New World Order.
I will cease to exist on this plane of existence.
I will die.
Well, so is life!
C'est la vie!
I die a man.
I die with courage in my heart for the right thing.
I wasn't ruled by fear.
I conquered my fear a long time ago.
And now it doesn't exist.
The only fear I have is a kind of a reticence or a
A painful vision, kind of a pre-idea of, oh, what's the term I'm looking for?
What's the term where you, you know, remember things in your life?
And nostalgia.
I already kind of have a nostalgia for my life.
I guess that's what it's like when you're resigned to death.
I have a nostalgia for not seeing the beautiful sunrise and moonrise and trees and the smell of the woods.
I have a nostalgia for, if I do pass from this world, not being with my family.
I have a nostalgia for wanting to stay with those I love.
But if I love them,
If I care about them, I have to be willing to do what it takes to stand up against the evil and to defend my family, and that's what I do every day.
I guess it would be kind of like the split-second nostalgia or sadness you would have if it was a small child 50 yards ahead about to jump out in front of a bus, or who had jumped out in front of a bus, and you had to throw yourself in front of the bus to stop the bus from hitting the child.
I guess it's kind of that split second, life before your eyes, flashing before your eyes.
The answer to this is to not be ruled by fear, and for all of us to stand up, and for all of us to be leaders, and for all of us to take action against this evil.
Because you see, even if you don't fight the evil and go along with it, it's still going to feed on you.
It's still going to grow and get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.
And so just like these firefighters are now going, man, we're getting threatened by the FBI.
We're having our lives threatened to shut up about what really happened in the towers.
Well, we're not going to shut up.
And I know they killed police officers and medical workers who were at Oklahoma City.
They tortured some of them quite badly.
But you know, the open arms of God.
And there is an afterlife, folks.
They're just waiting for those heroes.
And they are going to be, they are going to be just weighed down by the spiritual treasure that's laid up for them.
Life is so short, why run from death?
You're not truly alive until, until you truly
Embrace death for life.
What did Christ say?
Laying down yourself for your brother.
Laying yourself down.
That brings freedom.
That brings life.
Running from death brings death.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, don't worry.
The truth always comes out.
Evil always fails.
But really, I mean, we owe our existence, we owe our country, we owe the Bill of Rights and Constitution to people
Who are willing to put their names, their treasure, their lives, their sacred honor, everything on the line.
To sign their own death warrants.
You know, John Hancock wanted his real big, right across the middle.
And I'm kind of like, in a way, John Hancock.
I mean, I want to be at the top of the list.
Because that's how we save our lives, is being willing to give them up.
And being willing to face the truth.
But I'm real sad for Gary Webb.
They've been trying to discredit him and attack him for years.
And it's so many other activists they've killed.
I mean, look at the statistics.
A billion to one, it's more than a billion, but more than a billion to one in the odds, the chances of all these activists committing suicide.
And I just want on the record to say, I would never take a coward's way out.
I would never, I will never commit suicide.
And I'm on the record for that.
I love life so much that I'm willing to stand up against the New World Order even if they crush me.
Because in crushing people like myself, they lose.
And they've tried killing people 20, 30 years ago.
You talk about this stuff, they kill you out of hand.
There was just a few hundred people doing it at the time.
And then they would only kill you if you specifically had information that hadn't been released yet that would burn them.
Then they'd kill you in a New York minute.
Then they have kind of these grudge killings, which they seem to do many years later.
They just kind of go down the list, making a list, checking it twice, the globalists know who's naughty and nice, and they kind of go down that list.
And it's always the same M.O.
I think if the globalists murder me, it'll probably be a fake carjacking or something along those lines.
That's the type of thing they do to people who it's clear on the record are not going to kill themselves.
Or they'll call the police out to a fake event when the cops get out of the car, a sniper kills one of the cops.
And then they go in and kill the individual thinking that they did it.
We've caught them doing that.
We've caught them pulling that on Bill Cooper.
So it's kind of the same MO.
And their hit teams aren't very big.
I guess that's why they've got a long roster of stuff to do.
That's why they're trying to promote torture on TV and evil on television to condition the young that all this is normal and cool.
Most of these big popular video games, the children do simulated murders hundreds of times a week when they play it going out.
And in the games they kill conservative leaders, militia leaders.
Or they simulate killing patriot presidents.
Most of the games now you simulate killing good people, murdering women and children.
And so they do these simulations.
And we've even got government documents where they admit this is all to condition them.
But bottom line folks,
I'm a canary in the coal mine for you.
And people worry that if they just stick their head above the radar screen or start a website or get involved or run for office that you're going to get killed.
And no, that's just not the case.
You can still, you know, count up the number of activists that have been murdered and it's not that high a level.
And now government agents, it's a lot higher.
I mean, I've got mainstream news today
Where the paramedics that showed up said that Dr. David Kelly had clearly been murdered.
And again, he was the former head of Porton Down.
And he was a hawk, by the way.
And he said they were lying about weapons of mass destruction.
They told people they were going to kill me.
And they killed him.
And that was in the back of just a few newspapers.
It's like Princess Diana.
She said they're going to kill me.
They've told me they're going to kill me in a fake auto accident.
In a staged auto accident.
They did that.
So these people will tell you.
Gary Wabbitt said he'd been death-threatened.
They're probably going to kill me.
They'll tell you.
And then when they kill you, then the media says, oh, they committed suicide.
So if they ever do kill me, just remember this broadcast.
And, you know, call the media when it's in the Associated Press or whatever and say, you know, Alex said he was never going to commit suicide.
And you at least need to quote him from the grave.
Or, you know, if at 30-something years old I have a heart attack and die, and I want an independent toxicology test done.
We've caught them, too, when somebody gets an independent test.
They call up and threaten the people doing the test.
I mean, it's amazing.
I mean, just give the globalists kill me.
Don't let them then claim I was a coward and committed suicide.
That's the least you can do for me.
But again, I don't see that happening at this time.
I think I have more work to do.
After all, God is in control.
Come back, cover news, take your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want to go over the news in some detail, then I'll go to Charles and Eric and Michael and John and many others that are patiently holding on this 13th of December 2004.
First off, we had a successful rally for the limited time frame.
Over 200 people, I would conservatively say, showed up to the little rally we had concerning election fraud at the south side of the Texas State Capitol.
And in over 30 states, they had similar rallies.
And just talking about how there is not a verifiable voter trail, election trail,
With these electronic software systems.
And I got up and gave my little speech and then I went into the crowd and was on my way leaving and talked to probably 50 of the people.
And this big ol' tall clean cut fella walks over to me.
I mean just the total demeanor of a federal officer.
I'd say about 35 years old.
And says, Alex, you know, what are we going to do about this?
If we would have just had all these people that marched, they would have just marched on Washington with their loaded handguns.
We could have stopped it.
We could have turned this all around.
We could have, you know, removed those people.
And my cameraman had just stuck his camera back in his bag.
They're always good at that.
You know, walking up after we put our cameras up.
We were starting to walk away from the crowd and I just looked up at the guy and I just said, you know, we're for non-violence.
We're only for, you know, defensive actions that use force.
And, you know, years ago I'd have said, man, you're a cop.
Or years ago I'd have waited and followed the guy back to his car.
I'd have gone and stood around the side of the building and pulled the camera out and videotaped his face and then followed him to his unmarked cop car and got in his face.
I just wanted to get out of there.
And then it got worse.
We're walking away.
Another one walks up.
Another one walks up and is sitting there saying stuff.
And you can just see how they look you in the eyes with that observant look like you're prey or something.
Like you're stupid.
And then, you know, sort of bringing up similar things.
And then I just said, man, I gotta go.
And I turned and started walking away and the guy said something threatening to my back.
And my camera guy that was with me said, man, these cops!
And, again, back in, uh, I guess it was 1999, they had the Fortune 500 meeting in Austin, and the march started with about, I guess, about a thousand people.
I got video of this, too.
The march started with, uh, about a thousand people there at the south side of the Capitol, and there's these big, huge guys
In black ski masks and bandanas and dressed up like anarchists, starting fights, getting in the middle of things.
And I go, hey, stop it.
Look, I know you're cops.
And there's news media.
They run over and put cameras on the guys and all of a sudden across the street, like 50 Austin cops are running across the street going, back off, Jones!
I'm like, look, get your... and those were APD.
I said, get your officers out of here.
They're trying to cause a disturbance.
That's wrong.
We're just trying to demonstrate against globalism.
At that point, they were pulled out and five minutes later, two more cops were inserted in their little Halloween outfits, basically.
Their little costumes.
And then one little anarchist, who was obviously an APD informant, walks over.
And I played all this on TV, by the way, and then it's... I want to dig it out.
We tried looking for it one time.
It's aired on television.
A lot of us and I have seen it.
Found one of the tapes.
I'm trying to
I want to put that in a film.
I know I have.
I just need to go dig through literally a thousand tapes I have and put it in a film.
And this little red-haired anarchist walks over and he goes, you know, we're going to kill you.
He goes, I'm going to kill you.
And I said, oh, those guys up on the building over there with the binoculars and the cameras, you work for them, don't you?
He goes, that's right, and our time's coming.
I was like, oh, see this is a person who always wanted power and who found a system that will pay him probably, they usually get about three grand a month to really do nothing and just go around stirring up trouble.
But we ran the other pod of police off and we marched down to the Four Seasons Hotel and had our little demonstration.
And I have police on video admitting they were doing this
In Seattle.
That's in my film, The Takeover.
They actually hired the anarchists and paid them and Delta Force commanded them.
That was in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Seattle Weekly, both papers.
It's in The Takeover.
The headlines, the police saying it in the video.
I mean, this is real, folks.
But, I mean, how dare them?
They know I have a message of non-violence.
They know this.
And they're such criminals.
That they would walk up and accost me for just giving a speech about election fraud and would predatorily, you know, look down on me and just treat me like that.
And I'm... It hadn't happened in years.
It used to happen a lot.
So I was kind of taken aback and just wanted to get away from them.
And, you know, I had my witness there that I said nothing and I should have pulled cameras out and stuck them in their faces.
I almost just, I feel sorry for them, really.
I mean, they're destroying their children's future.
We're losing our country, we're losing our Bill of Rights, we're losing everything.
We're losing the value of the dollar, the government's doing horrible things to them and their children, horrible things to the troops, they put horrible things in the vaccines, and terrible things in the water.
I mean, you're abused by this system, too.
But I guess they're just evil people.
I mean, they've really got evil people working for them.
That's all compartmentalized.
You know, the average beat cop isn't bad, or the average police detective isn't bad, I hope.
But, I mean, they've got these cadres of intelligence officers and FBI people and the rest of them.
I mean, I've had special forces five years ago admit to me that, you know, face-to-face, we're watching you, Jones, and we're
You know, some of us agree with you, but still, and I've even had them break down, really, and tell me.
Well, we agree with some of what you're saying, but we just still gotta, you know, what you're doing is still dangerous.
We gotta watch you.
And, you know, it was a bad weekend.
I was at Academy Sporting Goods, buying some binoculars as a gift for somebody, and
I'm there, and I'm just up there getting the binoculars at the gun case.
They got the knives, binoculars, bows, all that stuff.
This guy with the short haircut walks over and he goes, don't you remember me?
I got in your face one time down on 6th Street.
They actually showed that on TV.
And he's like, ha ha, you believe the black helicopters?
And I go, well, I mean, it's part of the government, part of the Night Stalkers.
I'm with the Night Stalkers!
Still, you're a kook!
He kind of put his hands on my shoulders and, ooh, you gonna start something?
I was just like, man, you know, whatever.
And then I walk over and I wanted to buy a knife as another gift for somebody.
And, uh, he's like to the guy behind the counter, ooh, he's getting a knife!
They just want to, in our minds, and then the guy actually ran off.
He had an exchange with the guy at the counter, and said, ooh, he's getting a knife, and ooh, I better watch it, and then he just left.
Like I was gonna... I mean, I was there getting some binoculars and a knife and a wall cap.
I was buying some people some gifts, and I just had to deal with these losers.
Of course, 20 people while I was in the store ran up and were fans.
White women, Hispanic men, you know, just
Hey, I'm a lawyer and a Democrat and I'm going to be at the rally tomorrow.
You know, just all these people.
But I still, you run into these goons who
Who are, I guess, just guilty about what they're a part of and who they aren't, so they're mad at me for... And when the guy put his hands on my shoulders and went, ooh, don't do anything, he was trying to start a fight with me, and I was just... I've grown up a lot, folks.
Ten years ago, that guy would have had a problem, but I was just... I would at least want to talk back to him.
I just looked at him sadly.
I almost have just like a sorrow now for these people.
I don't even... I feel sorry for him.
What type of prison, mentally?
I just looked at him, I said, you know, the vaccines they give you are really dangerous and triple the incidence of birth defects.
And then he, you know, really, they do?
I go, yeah, and I've had the former head of the Army's DU program on to talk about how deadly depleted uranium is.
And he's like, I'd never heard of Dr. Ruckey!
Quit making stuff up!
And I just said, you were just making fun of me for black helicopters, but then you admitted that
That you said you fly them.
You know, that you're in the Night Stalkers.
And I mean, it's just, I go, that's double think, sir.
Just real calmly.
And I just went about my business there at the little shop.
I mean, is this America?
Is America America when there's thousands less Border Patrol on our borders?
But they've got time to send goons up to people?
I mean, that really is illegal, folks.
You can go look at the laws.
Police shouldn't really be able to go out and try to incite people.
You know, what if I was some weak-minded person?
And they go talk to some weak-minded person, and police are walking around in plain clothes, going, man, shouldn't we do something violent?
No, I mean, I'm there at the State Capitol, and I've got the head of the State Police, you know, for the Capitol Detail.
Hey, Alex, come talk to me later!
Come have some coffee!
And every time I'm over there, come have dinner with us!
They're all real nice.
I'm like, oh, I can't.
I've got to go work on a video after this.
I'm editing today.
Alright, come back and see you sometimes, buddy!
And they're just nice guys.
Alright, bye-bye!
You know, and then I just walk into the nest of, you know, you've got the good cops over here, and you've got the really bad ones.
Just, I guess, whose lives are just going around stirring up trouble.
And, I guess I should have pulled the camera out, and then the guy would have started walking away real quick.
He'd go to his car, and it would prove he was cops, and cops would suddenly appear and walk over.
I mean, this has happened many times to me.
And then the cop says, let me see your ID, you know, as the person, as the provocateur gets away and gets to their car.
But I just didn't even do that.
Yesterday, I just was like, man, I'm non-violent, and you know that.
I'm not for violence.
No, that's a horrible idea.
You know, just shame on you.
But I pledge this.
I am going to try to keep a camera on me at all times.
We had one there.
Again, it was a big professional TV camera put up in the big bag and stuff.
You're taking all the mics off of it and stuff, but I mean, next time you do that, I'm going to make a serious issue out of it.
I mean, I'm going to get your license number, and I'm going to go on TV and radio every day for a year, and I'm not going to shut up about it.
I'm going to put your face on TV, and then people are going to call me and tell me what your name is, and who you are, and who you work for, and then I'm going to sue you.
So, just please spread the word to your people.
Leave me alone.
It's your bosses that are violent.
It's your bosses that carry out terror attacks in the government to take our freedoms away.
And you ought to be ashamed of yourself, trying to kill this country, trying to murder the soul of America, being out at rallies, trying to stir up trouble.
I mean, what is your major malfunction?
You know, it's like Shomertech, that huge law enforcement catalog a few years ago, put it in road to tyranny.
It has these nausea machines that put out these wavelengths that make everybody nauseated.
And it says in the magazine, oh, a lot of our officers have used this at rallies to make people giving speeches sick.
I mean, that's a crime, and they're advertising it.
I mean, that's how mainstream it is.
They're advertising nausea machines.
Oh, our officer tells us this is great for using these at political rallies to make a political speaker sick.
I mean, you advertise what you do?
And so, one of my friends bought one of these and even demonstrated it on TV.
Had a bunch of people in the studio and turned it on.
Everybody started getting sick within a minute or two.
They'll sell them to anybody.
I mean, that's how reprobate you are.
The Soviets did stuff like that, but they kept it secret.
I guess the first time they publicly used it in America was in Time Magazine, excuse me, Newsweek, and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Just type in, Russian team uses sound weapon device at Waco.
And it'll pop up in mainstream news from back in 93.
And they were there with it pointed at those Davidians.
Russians, because the Russians were the specialists in it at that time.
Now our government's got these.
It's not a sound cannon.
It's a different type of weapon.
You can't audibly hear.
So, I mean, you guys are just
And I know deep down you're afraid.
You also were insecure.
You always wanted power.
And you were smart criminals.
You didn't go out and become, you know, somebody who broke into people's houses or somebody that snatched people on the hike and bike trail without a badge and gun.
You went through the process.
You were smart.
And people like you, like Bernard Carrick, can almost rise to the highest levels.
Bernard Carrick, by the way, is not stepping down because of having an illegal alien nanny.
He didn't pay taxes on.
He's not stepping down because of his mistresses.
Which are all really tertiary issues.
He's stepping down because of other issues.
Just like the Newsday last week was saying, just look into things.
Just ask folks about Bernard Kerrig.
There in New York.
The mafia ties.
He is a monster.
Just all of it.
Which is why they wanted him.
But it got out into the press.
And now, you know, Rudolph Giuliani's been groveling to Lord Bush.
He's so sorry.
I just love America.
I love this country, and I love freedom, and I can't stand seeing criminals and despots.
And the worst thing about the government criminals is they almost start believing it's okay.
You know, you take criminology courses.
I took one or two, and I read a lot of crime books.
It's an interesting area.
A lot of criminals and serial killers and sociopaths think it's their right.
Like, they hate the people they abuse.
While they're doing it, they make little excuses to themselves.
And so these criminals in government do that too.
And I'm just sick of you!
You know, we're good people!
And you may have gotten into control, and you may be able to act like this and do all these things, but I'm sick of you!
And that's what tyranny is, folks.
It's when criminals get control of the government.
You know, why do criminals do bad things to people?
Because they like it!
It's not, it's about power and control.
It isn't just about, you know, building themselves up.
Unless you're like a cat burglar or somebody.
That's why, historically, we're pretty lenient on cat burglars.
Because they really, it's all about the money.
We're not lenient on the other types of criminals.
So, I just want the people to know that you've got criminals in power right now, and now they're hiring, putting in criminals in every other position.
And when they get criminals in most of the positions, that's when they're going to hit the little red button and bring in total New World Order.
And at that point, you know, as I told the provocateur, we all have a right to protect ourselves.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
I know I normally take calls earlier.
I just had a lot to talk about.
We haven't even gotten into all the news yet, but we'll go to Charles and Eric and Michael and John and Phillip here momentarily.
Another effect of guys up on roofs with cameras at every demonstration you go to, whether it's for land use, Second Amendment, I mean, any type of protest, or anything now.
We've got to watch these evil people, these evil Americans, you know, being involved.
But can't watch the border, though, and got to give all those visas to known terrorists.
It's also meant to be a chilling effect.
You know, intimidate and scare people off from protesting and demonstrating.
Because they don't want the public to see crowds out involved.
But again, the answer is all of us standing up, more of us getting involved, they can't get us all.
And it hasn't worked for them.
Again, the awakening has already happened.
Everybody I talk to is waking up.
And I want criminals and government to know that they're going to be brought to justice one day by a jury of their peers.
And just the way they're living.
I mean, you reap what you sow.
I don't believe in karma the way the Buddhists do, but to use the term for those that don't know what you reap what you sow means.
It means what seeds you throw out is the plants you get, you know, that grow.
And I've noticed in my life, when I do something bad, man, it comes back on me.
I mean, it really does work that way.
And you wonder why your lives are so bad out there?
Why don't you get on your knees and ask Jesus for forgiveness?
Yahweh, Yeshua.
Why don't you get on your knees and seek the face of God and ask God to forgive you?
Because it's never too late for you people out there listening that are evil.
And maybe you didn't know you were evil, but right now the hair on the back of your neck is standing up and you've got a weird tingle in your stomach and you've got a bad feeling in your mind.
It's because you never looked at it.
You've been too close to it.
You never got outside of it and looked at it.
You are evil, my friend!
And I love you.
I feel sorry for you.
I don't even hate you anymore like I did years ago.
I feel sorry for you.
But I do have to fight you and stand up against you.
Because you're doing bad things.
You're making this world a bad place.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
We're going to break and we'll start the next hour until we get to everybody's calls.
Everybody that's holding.
Go straight to your calls.
We won't stop.
Before I end this hour, my posterity is my videos.
And that's a way I can always get the word out.
The way you can educate people are some of the best films out there.
Bar none, I've made 11 of them.
Very much of other great videos.
And I hope that you'll get my videos.
And I hope that you'll make dozens and dozens of copies.
Every night when you go to bed, pop in a tape, a DVD, whatever.
Burn a copy, make a copy.
Give it to somebody every day.
Stop and give it to a police officer.
Mail it to your county commissioner.
Give them to your pastor, your rabbi, whatever.
Your EMOM.
Get them to opinion makers.
American Dictators is my eleventh film.
It gets into the staged election in 2004.
That was all staged, Bush and Kerry.
It's important for people to understand why the election was staged.
It gets into Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove and 9-11.
It's a great video.
You buy one copy for $19.95.
Each additional copy is $5.95.
As many copies as you want.
Now that $5.95 deal is only for the DVDs.
VHS are $9.95 each additional copy.
The VHS basically cost me five bucks.
The DVD cost me a couple bucks, so... We can't even afford to send a VHS out at that price, but if you buy one VHS or one DVD, the regular $19.95 price, each additional DVD to give as gifts is $5.95.
You can buy a bunch of copies and give those as gifts, or buy one and make copies.
Just get it out to people.
And Road to Tyranny, the preeminent 9-11 film, giving you the history of government-sponsored terror.
It's $5.95 when you buy one copy at the regular price.
Toll-free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Or you can write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
The second hour and your calls and a bunch of news are straight ahead.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We talked about government oppression a lot in the last hour.
We talked about government provocateurs.
We talked about activists.
Expert on the New World Order, basically.
Expert on C.I.
drug trafficking, Gary Webb, they killed him.
And of course, it's in another Arkansas.
And there's more news on the paramedics saying that clearly Dr. David Kelly had been murdered.
He told people they were going to kill him.
And then they kill him, and then the media goes, oh, it's a suicide.
And more on Princess Diana and her murder.
Just a lot of this stuff going on.
But right now, let's go to calls.
There's so much other news coming up.
Charles in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Charles.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, sir.
This morning, before you come on, I turned the radio on, and I heard they've got... I don't have a, you know, an internet, but they've got... New Americans got an article in about the draft.
They want to try to draft 15-year-olds.
Do you hear anything about this?
Uh, yes I did, yes.
Well, down here it makes sense.
If you go get a driver's license now, for a young kid, you know, 15, 16, they make you sign up for a draft.
And I kept thinking, what did they make you sign up for?
Yeah, that's the Selective Service, and they've been setting up the draft boards again, and they've been taking action.
Well, Mr. Jones, you know,
I'm out of commission right now on the tapes, but I still like to urge people.
I think that's the only way to get this country back.
And I'm not saying it because I'm into it, but it wakes people up.
And once you woke up, you cannot go back.
You cannot go to sleep again.
And if we don't do something, these people listening to this program right now would start doing something one hour, two hours a week, telling the people about this program.
Puttin' ads in the paper, passin' out cards, gettin' your tapes, and just sit down with their neighbors and watch it.
They don't have to make tapes.
Just invite the neighbors over.
You would have people in your neighborhood woken up with you.
That's when you're strong in numbers, like you've been tellin' people.
We're strong in numbers.
Now listen, they want to draft out kids right now.
Mr. Jones, it's time for everybody, every good man to come here to his country right now, today.
You understand?
You cannot do it all for the people.
Well it is, because when the globalists carry out another big terror attack at another one of their events, they're going to try to go full bore at that point.
And that's when we've got to have as many people as possible woken up to who's really behind all this.
And Mr. Jones, this is Christmas time.
People are doing something for the country for this Christmas.
What do you think about that?
You know, just for this Christmas.
Everybody do something.
I hear you Charles.
God bless you.
Take care.
Let's talk to Eric in Connecticut up in Skull and Bones country.
Go ahead Eric.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Welcome from Skull and Bones country.
Oh, I wanted to mention that I was able to
We're good to go.
I got them kicked back.
And I also illustrated it.
I pointed it out with text and everything.
Yeah, our email's kind of jammed up and we need to get that worked on and cleaned up.
And I really apologize.
Try to send it to Paul Watson.
Have you got a prison plan?
Sure, I will.
It says, Contact Webmaster.
It'd be great for those who may not be familiar yet with this technology.
And I think that the picture quality itself is pretty good and the way the
Yeah, they're already putting RFID in hundreds of products that we know of.
Yup, and I also wanted to mention, Alex, that I heard about Mr. Tennant's speech, and I just wanted to say something real quick to Mr. Tennant.
Tenet, you and your filthy compadres keep your dirty, rotten hands off the Internet.
The only reason you people don't like the Internet is because it's exposing your filthy and dirty deeds.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
Yeah, they want to take the Internet away, regulate it.
They're going to do it through Internet, too.
They're not going to rebuild or upkeep the hubs.
The 20 plus hubs, they've said they're going to let that die.
And when the internet fails, they'll start forcing you incrementally over to internet too.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
We're good to go.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The total free number to join us on this Monday edition is 1-800-259-9231.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
Then of course back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Let's go ahead and go to Michael in Kentucky, then I'm going to start going to some news after we take a few more calls.
Michael, go ahead.
Last hour you mentioned about interviewing some CIA guys, and I have looked and I can't find it.
What video did you interview Terry Reid in?
I know I've got the video, but I can't figure out which one it is.
No, last hour I was talking about interviewing CIA individuals on this radio show, but you are correct that I did interview Terry Reid in the takeover.
Yeah, police take to the takeover?
Yes, I also confronted General Barry McCaffrey.
Right, okay, I couldn't remember which one that was that you did.
His top lieutenant was caught shipping in masses of heroin and cocaine and I
Confronted him about that at the University of Texas.
And Terry Reid was of course involved in the whole Mena, Arkansas thing and that's what, you know, I recently have been trying to find that clip and I couldn't find it.
I looked through several of your tapes, you know, I thought maybe it was in America, Destroyed by Design.
On another thing that you mentioned there, I must have missed this, are you saying that they used a double or something to take down Bill Cooper when he threatened that doctor?
uh... exactly what were you referring to about the bill cooper uh... situation because i i i misunderstood what uh... what i was saying is if you look at the case they created a false crisis at the front of his gate that that was admitted in the major newspapers okay because he and then when he came out somebody shot the cop in the face and then they shot him the reason they were there is my understanding is that he had confronted a doctor uh... that had trespassed on his land or something and he
He went to town and confronted the guy at his front door, and that's what generated the warrant.
Well, I'm telling you what happened the night of the event.
At his front gate, the police came and staged a disturbance.
Okay, I thought maybe there was some new piece of information that I didn't have.
Were you aware of how they got him to come down to the gate?
Yeah, they proposed as if they were teenagers or something, making out down below his house, and he went down to run them off.
There's a lot of evidence that he isn't the person that shot the police officer in the face.
Oh yeah, they shot one of their own, it sounds like, to me anyway.
Yeah, that's a whole other area of discussion.
Well, on another thing, I would say there is a proverb in the Bible, I believe, and I'm going to quote it and paraphrase it, that says, be not over wise.
Well, I die before your time.
I think some of the areas we've got to be careful with in exposing things that, you don't generally expose stuff that's considered classified, but stuff that's openly known.
I mean, they're putting it in our faces.
No, the thing that gets you killed is if you're a police officer in Oklahoma City who helped remove the bombs, and then you won't shut up about it, they come and kill you.
They came and they tortured the officer and found out who else he knew, and then they killed him.
Or these firefighters.
These firefighters that found the black boxes and they won't shut up.
And listen, I've talked to firefighters.
I've called them years ago on the phone and said, please come on.
You told the paper you found bombs.
Sir, I love my family.
I've been told to shut up.
But these other firefighters are saying, we're not shutting up.
And the FBI is threatening us.
I've got those articles.
Well, they've got to be made high profile enough to where if something happens to them, then people will be raising a lot of questions.
I had heard that Gary Webb was working on something new.
And that's what you, the Gary Webb thing was what reminded me of the Terry Reid interview.
So that's why I called originally.
But thanks.
I'll go look that clip up.
Hey, thanks a lot.
I appreciate you.
Yeah, that's a fellow who runs a local commercial TV station.
I should air my videos.
Please, please air it.
Yes, sir.
John in Texas.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Yeah, I was reading this article I found called Growing Up With Your Chip.
Talked about the school district in Spring, Texas is issuing radio frequency ID cards to school kids.
Yeah, that was a Jim Hightower article last Friday.
Yeah, I was reading about that.
Yeah, they make them carry chips on them that scan them and watch them and remember where they are and he talks about how they're getting us ready to take the implantable chip and how stupid this is.
Yeah, I was wondering when do you think AISD is going to come out with their commercial saying vaccinations and implanted chips, it's the law.
After the globalist NukaCity.
That's pretty soon, huh?
I don't know when they're going to do it.
We're trying to save lives.
That's why I'm putting my life on the line.
We're trying to save lives.
That's why we do what we do, sir.
Alright, Alex.
That's all I'm calling about.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
I mean, it's very painful psychically.
But painful to my soul.
To know who the terrorists are, without a shadow of a doubt, total documentation, and then to have to watch the killers, the orchestrators of 9-11, sit up there as our saviors.
And to watch them lauded and praised, and then to own their own private security companies and make money off of it.
It's horrible!
The analogy to the police officer out there is imagine somebody's a serial killer and you've got to watch them running the investigation for the serial killer and watch them praised on the news.
And you've dug a dead body up in the back of their yard and still they don't get in trouble.
That's the analogy.
And if we're cowed by this, if we let them bully us, just a tiny cabal of individuals,
And let them.
It's just going to get worse.
Folks, they want it all.
They want it now.
They want to be king of the earth.
And they've got to have terror attacks to scare us into submission.
So we'll get behind being their military force to go take over the planet.
And while they're at it, they're going to loot our own economy.
See folks, they're not just looting Iraq.
A lot of people go, well good, we need that oil.
Like, I'm getting part of it.
I actually heard Rush Limbaugh last Friday.
The ultra-liberal.
That's really what he is.
According to his definitions of liberalness, he's the biggest liberal I know.
And he made a joke, ha ha ha, Patriot Act II passed and the Democrats have been defeated.
This really showed that more Democrats voted for it than Republicans.
But see, he did that and Republicans heard that and went, wait a minute.
Wow, wow, we beat the Democrats.
Wow, the Patriot Act II is a conservative thing.
But then he backtracked without saying he was backtracking.
He goes, you know what the funny thing is?
The Democrats were promoting this bill and Bush flipped it on.
He tricked them.
Then like it was some fun little trick had been pulled.
So it was actually triple quadruple think.
Not double think or double speak.
I mean I was having...
It's hard to articulate the level of this.
It was just basically this feel-good thing, ha ha ha, what you get out of it, the average person listening is, the Democrats are dumb, we've defeated them with the Patriot Act too, and then in case it was a smart conservative listening, he kind of caught himself, because he knows a lot of people read the vote tallies, and well, they were actually for it, but they weren't for that, and then he got slipped in on them by Bush, and he's so smart, he's so big,
And I'm so glad Halliburton got 10 million bucks.
Yeah, that was just one contract, folks.
We're giving the troops rotten meals.
And he just laughed at the end and goes, you know, making a joke about it.
Well, that is the case.
So it's just decadence and corruption just right out in the open.
To watch him dance around laughing at us.
And see, he has to keep that fake left-right debate going as if there's a separation between those groups.
When, really, it's just, you know, the left wheel and the right wheel, or the left wing and the right wing.
You know, there's this buzzard, this demonic buzzard that the wings are attached to.
Nobody ever talks about the creature the wings are attached to, or left arm, right arm.
And then, uh, nobody gets into that, nobody talks about that.
See, I focus on the body, on the brain, on the head, on the eyes, on the nose, on the mouth.
All we ever look at is the hands that are grabbing at us.
And I'm with that hand.
No, I'm with this hand.
Well, I prefer the puppet on the left to the puppet on the right.
As a famous comedian once said, I like this puppet.
It's mind-boggling.
The government's exploding in size, we're losing our liberties, Bush is expanding every socialist, ultra-liberal federal agency.
I mean, doubling them in size is the average.
Just slaughtering the Constitution, getting rid of the borders, going after your guns, Schwarzenegger signing gun bans left and right, and conservatives running around worshipping him.
I mean, what happened to you people?
Appointing all these pro-abort people to high cabinet positions?
And you just can't get through to them because they're shut down because they laugh and giggle as they listen to Limbaugh and feel powerful.
He's good at making people feel like they're part of the system.
They're powerful.
Ha ha ha, we're winning.
You know, it's good to just rationalize and everything's fine in America.
And oh, we're winning.
The conservatives are winning.
We're real conservatives now.
I want to read an editorial by Chris Floyd when we get back.
Bush is torture incorporated.
And so we'll cover that when we return, then we'll get into WTC rescue workers silenced after discovery of black boxes.
Journalist with a whistle on CIA drug trade gets shot in the head.
Kelly death, paramedics question verdict, London Observer.
Now the paramedics are going, man, this guy, this guy had been taken to that spot.
There wasn't any blood.
We've been to lots of murder scenes and trauma scenes.
It's impossible.
Then the government goes, well, it was the sleeping pills he took.
Oh, you mean the three pills?
Three pills doesn't kill you, and by the way, they weren't even digested.
Plus, uh, the Ukrainian election, more news on the guy being obviously poisoned inside the Kyrgyz mass.
We'll go over why he stepped down.
Some of the real reasons for that.
Pentagon wants to build permanent prison at Guantanamo.
Imprison pregnant women there, too, and children.
Already got some children, but 10-year-old arrested, handcuffed over scissors.
But, big, conservative, Christian area of Houston, Pearland.
School distributes satanic sex calendar.
Tells the kids when to have their satanic death orgies.
School says it's just an accident that the police were giving these to children.
It's no big deal.
stages simulated attack on Iran.
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Alright, we got your calls coming up here in the next segment.
I want to go over this editorial by Chris Floyd.
Bush's Torture Incorporated.
When the devil comes knocking on your front door looking for a way to spread his evil inside, he won't be sporting horns and a tail.
He's going to come dressed as your sweetest dream, clean as a whistle, pious and sincere.
He's going to speak your lingo.
Ape your ways!
And when he opens up his little box of poison, it's going to look like the heaven your mama sang about when she rocked you to sleep in your cradle.
Then one day, when the mind fog lifts, you see him sitting at the head of the table.
Walls of the room smeared with filth, dead bodies swelling on the blood-mucked floor.
The still-living victims hogtied and naked.
Screaming for mercy as the whip cords strike.
He beckons you forward with a welcoming smile.
You pause for a moment.
It seems so strange.
All this horror.
It would have once made you sick.
But now it just feels like, like home.
You shrug.
You grin.
You take your place beside him at the feast.
In just this way, while Americans were finishing their Thanksgiving dinners and preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a series of stories exposed, once again, the torture chamber at the heart of this feast.
A government gone insane, embracing terror, atrocity and tyranny.
Yet, there was no public outcry against these desecrations.
Few even noticed.
Fewer still cared.
Last week the millions of George W. Bush announced in open court that he was and has the power to seize anyone on earth.
Even in the court hearing, quote, little old ladies in Switzerland.
Again, last week the millions of George W. Bush announced in open court that he was and has
The power to seize anyone on earth, even little old ladies in Switzerland, and imprison them forever, if he so chooses.
The New York Times reports, the Minions said that anyone Bush declared an enemy combatant, close quote, even if they never took up arms against America.
Even if they didn't know their actions were related to terrorism in any way.
Could be abducted from any nation, friend or foe,
or in the homeland itself and held indefinitely at the President's direction, stripped of all rights under the U.S.
Constitution or the Geneva Conventions.
Assistant Attorney General Brian Boyle said Bush's captives were entitled only to a single hearing alone before a military tribunal without legal counsel or access to the evidence against them.
They've had a lot of folks on those tribunals quit, by the way.
They can't keep one convened.
Evidence which Boyle cheerfully admitted could be obtained by torture in foreign countries.
The Associated Press reports, overturning centuries of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence, Boyle said there were no restrictions whatsoever on using torture evidence as long as the President or his military agents arbitrarily decide it is credible.
Days earlier, the Sunday Times tracked down the private plans of the CIA front companies that Bush uses to carry victims of his lawless abductions to torture chambers in Jordan and Egypt, Libya and Uzbekistan, where credible evidence, in quotes, can be obtained with fist, cattle prods, rape, drugs and starvation.
For example, witnesses told of hooded American agents grabbing captives in Sweden, stripping them, jamming drugs.
I can't read this.
Putting them... can't read this.
And... Oh man, it just goes on and on.
Can't read any of this.
And it's all... they all just come right into court and say, yes, we do it!
And they ordered all that stuff at Abu Ghraib, beating people to death, taking families in there, raping people's wives and small children in front of them.
Because we're the good guys.
And by the time it gets on Rush Limbaugh, it's a fraternity crank.
It's fun.
It's blowing off steam.
We've got that audio.
In fact, try to find that, please.
Just blowing off steam.
Because Saddam was bad, because we trained him to do it, and he did it, and he was bad, but now we're doing it at the same torture centers our government paid for, but we're good!
Why, this family didn't have their papers in order.
They're lucky we just tortured them to death.
Why, in Fallujah, we kill you on sight if your papers aren't in order.
NBC News reported.
It's what the good guys do.
Didn't you know?
Pull up a chair.
And start the feast.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Again, that was written by Chris Floyd, Global Research.
And you can openly go read all the mainstream news articles from the Associated Press, you name it, who were there at the press conference.
The government said, yeah, we torture people and we're going to use it as evidence.
It's very good evidence when we torture people.
Again, the Soviets hid this in underground torture centers.
The Nazis hid it.
No one in modern history has ever used evidence from torture
They just torture you to do what you're told.
This is how we woke up at the devil's table.
So before I play Limbaugh and then go to your calls, I want to just read the first few paragraphs again.
When the devil comes knocking on your front door, looking for a way to spread his evil inside, he won't be sprouting horns and a tail.
He's going to come dressed as your sweetest dream, clean as a whistle, pious, sincere.
He's going to speak your lingo, ape your ways, and when he opens up his little box of poison, it's going to look like the heaven your mama sang about when she rocked you to sleep in your cradle.
Then one day, when the mind fog lifts, you see him sitting at the head of the table.
The walls of the floor smeared with filth.
Dead bodies swelling on the blood-mucked floor.
The still-living victims, hog-tied and naked, screaming for mercy as the whip cords strike.
He beckons you forward with a welcoming smile.
You pause for a moment.
It seems so strange, all this horror.
It would have once made you sick, but now it just feels like home.
You shrug, you grin, you take your place beside him at the feast.
In just this way, while Americans were finishing their Thanksgiving dinners and preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a series of stories exposed.
Once again, the torture chamber at the heart of their feast.
A government gone insane, embracing terror, atrocity and tyranny.
Yet there were no public outcry against these desecrations.
Few noticed.
Fewer still cared.
We did notice.
Just openly saying in the court, we can grab an old woman from Switzerland and take her and torture her if we want.
We can hold her for the rest of her life!
We'll grab American citizens, we'll grab foreigners, we'll grab whoever we want, and we will torture them!
And the Army's own report, 75-90% of those taken to the 32 camps in Iraq, where our trainee, our boy, Saddam, used to do his work.
There's just been a repossession.
Saddam didn't make the payments, so they brought in a new boss, Alawi.
If it's possible, even worse.
Put the bat and the sole back in, and if a family doesn't have their stuff in order, I mean, who else would volunteer?
You gotta be a volunteer to be one of those prison guards.
And federal prison guards all over the country actually left and got a pay increase and went to Iraq because they like it, folks!
That's a place where they can really do what they like!
Where they can really torture and kill children.
See, the smart serial killers, folks, you go work in Iraq and you can
Slit throats and murder and beat people to death and enjoy yourself and then, hey, when you do that, this is what Rush Limbaugh has to say.
By the way, I found other clips that I meant to tell the folks on the network about online of him saying even worse stuff.
I found even worse stuff than this.
But here's Limbaugh talking about, it's just all a fraternity prank.
Here it is.
It's psychologically wrong with that.
It's not the act so much.
It was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked men and... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort and then we're going to really hammer them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about the people having a good time.
These people, you ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?
And so, a couple weeks ago I found a clip and I printed it off and meant to bring it.
I don't want to paraphrase it.
It was just open endorsement of torture.
I gotta find that clip.
Just open
Open, open, open endorsement.
Saddam is bad because he tortures, but we're good because we torture.
And you think you're safe from this.
You think it's all for the Iraqis, right?
Even for sociopaths out there.
This climate should concern you.
The self-centered people out there that only care about yourselves.
That think if you just deny any problem it goes away.
Do you think you get ahead because you don't care about anything or anybody, and because you're deep down afraid to stand up for something?
You're delivering hell on earth to this country.
Let's go to calls quickly.
Let's talk to John in Louisiana, and then Richard, Richard, Daniel, and others.
Yeah, Alex, all I did now is enough medicals and change, isn't it?
Go ahead.
Look, there's been a number of great writers and thinkers who've described the decline and fall of Western civilization.
People like
Oswald Springer and Albert Schweitzer and Arnold Toynbee.
Pitterim Sorokin called our age a sensei culture, but he stopped short.
A sensei culture is not forever.
It leads to licentiousness, and licentiousness leads to morbidity, and that's where we're at now.
Let me read a short definition from my favorite
Read this digest, Funk and Wagner.
It says, uh, an abnormally impressionable state of mind taking or showing an excessive interest in matters of a gruesome or unwholesome nature.
Ain't that where we're at, boy?
It is.
I mean, we're literally at the feast for the devil, and Limbaugh was like the devil there.
It is.
Just come on up to the table.
It's okay.
We're just having fun.
We're just blowing off some steam.
And so, next time they grab some woman, and they find her butchered with teeth marks all over, the cops shouldn't even investigate.
Just say, hey, whoever did this was blowing off some steam.
I got another shot.
In the sorry Newhouse newspaper rag here, headline says,
Uh, it's from the New York Times.
That's our new sunny eye, you know.
The Pentagon debates shaping truth.
Some say deception puts credibility at risk.
It goes on to say later...
The office, that's the Pentagon office.
Yeah, I know.
Two weeks ago of strategic influence, they admit they're planning stories and lying to us, and using the media to do it, and it's good!
See, they come right out and say, we're lying to you!
Yes, it's an office that would control public relations and combat information, so now the next step for them is to control all information.
What's left for us?
Can anybody say what's left for us?
Well, people just finally have to
Go through enough pain at their abuser's hands and get it.
You know, get who's behind it.
Thanks for the call.
Look, we're going to win this thing.
I have faith.
I have no doubt.
Let's talk to Richard in Texas and another Richard in Texas.
Then Daryl.
Go ahead, Richard.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I, uh... Hey, listen, earlier you were talking about how I kind of feel sorry for the people on the other side, from the law enforcement officials and everything like that.
I think one of the best things we can do, one of our most powerful weapons is we can pray for these people because they really need it.
I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
I mean, they say that, the Bible says that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
I fear God.
So the opposite of that is fear of the devil is the beginning of ignorance.
And I don't, you know, I just don't, I mean, I, just my basic programming, I've still got my original programming that God puts in our genetics to be disgusted by all this.
And to have a conscience!
I'm not even that nice of a person!
I just know a threat when I see it, and I can't stand... I know what these globalists are!
They're evil!
None of us are safe!
None of us are safe when their power is not just sustained, but growing!
Well, and as we saw on 9-11, even these people that think they're within the system, police officers and firemen themselves, were taken out just right there in front of a live audience on 9-11.
Anytime I get to talk to a policeman in a casual manner or whatever, I'll just mention to him that, uh... And by the way, the police, the firefighters and the police are saying there were bombs and they carried off the flight recorders and they're threatening them right now.
You know, I've noticed police a lot of times won't stand up for their own officers when it's the system burning them, though.
So you really don't care about your brothers and sisters in uniform, do you?
Well, we do!
And I have to say, I've gotten to the point where when those police in plain clothes were trying to provocateur yesterday, and at that rally, when I was leaving and following me to my car, trying to get me to say something violent, years ago I would be disgusted and hate them.
I didn't even hate them anymore.
I just was disgusted by them and felt sorry for them.
Anything else, Richard?
I'd say one of the best things we can do is pray, and I do have one more thing.
You know, that's a good idea.
You want to pray for him right now?
Well... Say a prayer for him.
I can.
Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray, that Thou wilt help all these people involved in the New World Order, whether they're compartmentalized or not, that Thou wilt help them open their eyes, their minds, their hearts, and their ears, that they may
I'm out of this evil system and work for you, our Father in heaven.
Well, I appreciate your call.
Finish up, go ahead.
Tonight at 6 o'clock here in Austin at 26th and Red River at the Joe Thompson Conference Center.
They're having a tech stop meeting for those of us that are against the toll roads.
And that's everyone.
Anybody that's interested in there, anybody that can, if they can show up there at 6 p.m., 26th and Red River, Austin, Texas, at the Joe Thompson Conference Center.
That's all I got, Alex.
Thanks for the call.
Another Richard in Texas, my beloved home state.
Go ahead, Richard.
That would be me?
That would be me, Alex?
Well, it seems to me that
And I heard you talking about suggesting that the people who were oppressing you at the rally yesterday should get on their knees and pray down to Jesus for forgiveness or something.
And I wanted to tell you how that the people that had voted
Mr. Bush voted for him on value reasons, and a lot of those center around their belief that he's a believer in Christ also.
Oh, they're totally deceived!
Yeah, they think they're out battling doing the good fight.
And that further, that what we're seeing about what he's doing is he's actually bringing about Christian prophecy, or Bible prophecy.
And that the reason that they liked him
was that he was against abortion, for prayer in schools, for the mandatory recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and for oppressing gays.
And I gotta tell you, Alex, a lot of the people that are listening here and a lot of what you talk about on your show is support of the same things that Bush is actually
He's, uh, what's the word?
He's using those things.
He's making capital out of them.
You know, I'm glad you called, Richard.
If we can, over the next few minutes, let me try to shift your paradigm here, because you sound like an intelligent person, and let me try to explain something to you.
They ship in top gay porn stars and top $2,000 an hour
homosexual uh... prostitutes for the bohemian grove.
That's mainstream news.
Mainstream news.
Okay, sure.
I mean it's in my film uh... we show the news articles in my latest film, American Dictators.
And the so-called Christian leaders say nothing about it.
Uh... when a congressman in California who's a Republican is caught with his male mistress uh...
The neocons do not talk about it, but then when a governor is, who's a democrat, they go after him.
It's all double-think.
Bush actually increased abortion funding $800 million and then cut it $80 million.
So he played, they played games.
He said he's for the assault weapons ban.
The guy could end abortion right now
They've got total control of the government, they're not.
It's rhetoric to fool good people who I think have good values.
And sir, I don't think that the gays are being oppressed.
People don't want it being pushed, any sexual activity, on their young people, on their children in the schools.
There's a revolution, this whole, you know, Alfred Kinsey move, which is very destructive and very bad.
Now do I hate any of these groups?
No, I want to go oppress them, no.
But certainly it's out there being pushed.
And so to say that Bush is bringing all this in.
Bush goes to a Shinto shrine, the shrine of the devil, and summons the devil.
In Japan, let me finish.
That's the Associated Press and Reuters.
Bush goes and prays to Allah.
Bush goes and prays to Christ.
Bush prays to whatever audience he's at, but when he really goes to church, he does it with around skulls and death and Nazi flags, sir.
So, so we've, you know, the devil masquerades as an angel of light, and just because he fools some people, and that's how it's meant, you know, when time comes out and says, shows an image of the Oval Office and light shining down and
Oh, he's an evil Christian, he's bad.
That's double-edged propaganda.
The liberals, the deceived liberals think, oh my gosh, see, Christians are bad because they bring all this destruction and evil and corruption and it gives Christianity a bad name.
That's one edge of the sword.
The other edge of the sword is good Christians see, the world attacking Bush
And think, oh, he must be good.
See, they're attacking him.
That's called mind control, sir.
And you've got, and I know what I'm talking about.
I've lived my life studying this.
And I know God's real.
And I know that it's real Christians throughout history that stood up against slavery, and stood up for women's right to vote, and stood up for everything wholesome and good, and our Magna Carta, our Bill of Rights.
It all comes out of Mosaic Law.
It all comes out of the Bible, the foundation of what is good.
Springs from it, and I'm telling you, sir, that the Democrats are all voting for the same stuff Bush is voting for, and you can go ahead and try to counter what I'm saying if you want, but I beg you to see what I'm saying.
I'm appreciating the paradigm and certainly the
You know, in my own morals, even though I'm not a, I don't consider myself a practicing Christian, certainly my morals are very close to, and base of the Judeo, you know, the Golden Rule, stuff like that, you know?
Well, you just haven't had the experience that some of us have had.
I mean, believe me, sir, there is a spiritual dimension
Well, I believe in God.
Just like we didn't discover... It's just that it's not that Jesus... and in fact it is that Jesus is within us.
Look, I appreciate your call, Richard, but, you know, I was there yesterday giving a speech.
Most of them were Democrats.
The one part that I didn't like a few boos was when I said Kerry took a dive for Bush.
Kerry has the same policies.
He did!
And people need to get out of their denial and see that it's a rigged game.
It's like a rigged boxing match or horse race.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The beast system is upon us.
It's gonna take great sacrifice to defend the weak and the innocent.
But it's our responsibility, those of us that are strong, to stand up for the weak.
Or we lose our souls.
You don't have to wait till you die.
You lose them when you're alive.
And more and more people in government are blowing the whistle, going public.
More and more people are waking up and getting involved.
And that's what's going to defeat this system.
So the globals are trying to make us as immoral as possible, use peer pressure to sell it on us so we won't stand up for each other.
Darryl in Pennsylvania.
Darryl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Here's a short quote that I'm sure you'll love and it fits perfectly with what you were talking about on the torture article.
This is a quote from a former World War II
OSS officer and one of the co-founders of the Central Intelligence Agency.
His name is Colonel George White.
He said, I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyard because it was fun, fun, fun.
Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the blessings of all the highest?
And Alex, I would add, and torture with the blessings of all the highest.
And I have a couple questions for you.
That article that you read when I just tuned in at about 1.30, who was that guy on the torture, the devil coming in your house?
That was Chris Floyd.
And do you know the name of the article?
Yes, it's Bush's Torture Incorporated.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com.
And Alex, I really appreciate you bringing up numerous times on the show
That uh... the former Stasi Chief now is advising Homeland Security and of course you brought out previously that we've had former KGB Chiefs Yevgeny Primakov and General Karpov, who by the way Alex, to get up to a high level in the KGB you have to be a master of torture, willing to torture your own mother and uh... that these guys would all be brought in advising Homeland Security.
You know I've called in previously Alex,
I started off my intelligence career working for the Air Force, Air Force Intelligence, against the Soviet Union.
And that's the favorite thing they like to do.
And as you mentioned on the broadcast before, they refine torture.
Them and the East Germans were the most famous in the Communist bloc for having sophisticated torture, taking people into mental asylums.
Of course, if you were an enemy of the state, then you were mentally ill and, you know, you'd get chemical lobotomies and that.
And we've all got to realize that not only were the KGB, which now is the FSB, and the German Stasi famous for torture, but we've also had here in America, our share, the School of America that's been exposed.
And now they're out in federal court admitting torture, but then denying the government was behind Abu Ghraib.
Thanks for the call.
It's just pure evil, folks.
Next hour I'll get into some new political assassinations that have happened.
Gary Webb exposed CIA drug dealing, dead, shot in the head, at his home, and new information about Dr. David Kelly being killed by the British government, that's mainstream news.
But, when you're over the target, you get the flack, and your calls, of course, third hour, coming up, third hour.
I've made 11 films, and it's a great way to wake people up, and you're authorized to make copies of them, and I hope you'll get my two 9-11 films I've produced.
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Alright, we'll be back with the third hour, your calls, and a lot of vital news.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday,
From 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, we're here.
And, of course, back from 9 to midnight.
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Your calls are coming up.
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1-800-259-9231 and we'll get you up and on the air.
I want to start going over the news now, and boy, it is prolific.
WTC rescue workers silenced after discovery of black boxes.
Now, firefighters, emergency workers, others, who helped carry out three of the recovered four black boxes, which the government says was destroyed, have been threatened to shut up!
And I've talked personally to many other firefighters that have been threatened.
This is from American Free Press, Greg Siminski, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
WTC owner, of course,
Silverstein got his double the money, almost six billion dollars, on the huge insurance policies he put in on the building.
WTC rescue workers silenced after discovery of black boxes.
A 9-11 rescue worker recently came forward to say he was told by FBI agents to keep my mouth shut about one of the black boxes a fellow firefighter helped locate at Ground Zero.
Contradicting the official story that none of the flight and cockpit data recorders were ever recovered in the wreckage of the World Trade Center WTC Tower.
I mean, they put those things under torch fire for days.
They drop them out of airplanes on the concrete.
Nothing destroys them.
But, in all these cases, they're always just disappeared.
Honorary firefighter Mike Malone claimed he was approached by unknown bureau agents a short time after he and his partner Nicholas DeMasi
A retired New York firefighter found three of the four black boxes among the WTC rubble before January 2002.
And again, they first brought this forward in a book entitled, Behind the Scenes, Ground Zero, to have found the data recorders.
The mass scene that the black boxes were found while he traveled and traversed Ground Zero in his all-terrain vehicle, ATV, were three federal agents, with three federal agents.
And again, they didn't even have the yellow paint burned off of them.
FBI New York Fire Officials have denied ever finding the voice and data recorders.
Now, Ballone claims agents have adamant about keeping the discovery a secret.
They confronted me and told me not to say anything.
Recall Ballone referring to of the three radish orange boxes and two white stripes he saw in the back of Damascus ATV.
I said, give me a good reason.
When they couldn't, I told them I wouldn't shut up about it.
Why should I?
I have nothing to hide and nothing to gain.
It's the truth!
And Nick and I are sticking to the story as we always have.
Malone said he and DeMasi were not the only 9-11 rescue workers to see the black boxes.
He said there were several other witnesses and said he knows that they had been silenced by federal agents.
Folks, they claim a passport went out of the guy's shirt, out of his jacket, out of the fireball plane, out of the metal, out of the gasoline,
Out of the jet fuel, out of the building, through the rubble, out of the fire, and a day later was found by the authorities.
Then it turned out it was a fake passport and that the person didn't exist and that somebody faked it.
But they won't ever retract it.
I mean, if they retract that it was found, they'll tell you why it was retracted.
But these four black boxes that are incredibly hard to destroy,
All disappeared.
There's two per aircraft.
It's amazing.
I mean, how do these FBI guys sleep with themselves?
And how do they sleep at night?
You've got to cover up what your bosses did, huh?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, two decorated firefighters first told
The Philadelphia Daily News, months ago, about how they found three of the four voice and data recorders.
Again, they were there after they'd been found.
They witnessed them being found, being loaded on FBI four-wheelers, being taken out.
They were told, be quiet at the time.
Others were told, be quiet.
And now they've gone public, they're being told to shut up again.
He went on to say, Malone did,
But there were other 9-11 rescue workers to see the black boxes.
He added that there were several other witnesses and said he knows that they have been silenced by federal agents.
And again, you can't miss them.
They're like bright orange and yellow with stripes on them.
I know two or three others who saw what went down, but they're not talking, said Balone.
They got to those guys and they talked to me.
The only reason I can figure that they are trying to hide the truth is that the government knows it screwed up.
It's a lot worse than that.
And the recorders would prove it.
Yeah, you hear the pilots screaming we're under remote control as the nerve gas was released.
Anyone to give names of the other witnesses, he said, wouldn't break a fellow worker's confidence by revealing his identity.
And again, I've called other firefighters home to talk about bombs.
And they just go, Mr. Jones, I've been told to shut up.
Look, I love my family.
I gotta go.
I gotta go.
You're on the right track.
You're on the right track.
That's the kind of conversations I've had.
It's unbelievable, folks.
We just all stood up.
What do they do if hundreds of the firefighters stood up?
Because I was at New York a few months ago in Ground Zero, and you'd see firefighters getting on the subways and stuff.
We've got video where I'd be doing a live speech or something to a crowd.
You'd see firefighters walk by, nodding their heads, looking all freaked out, gulping with their eyes wide open.
Yep, yep, yep.
You'd see cops though, most of them just laughing.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
It's just all real funny.
We're part of the power system.
We're taking over.
We don't care if our own officers got killed.
It's fun.
But some cops weren't like that.
Some of them were nodding their heads.
It's just unbelievable.
I can tell you this though.
It was all very strange.
I worked
on the Columbia cleanup and you know when something's important is found and when something is not, he said.
The day after the black boxes were secretly carted away, agents acted like something big was going down, he added.
Malone said he never learned the FBI agent's names as the type of personal contact information wasn't exchanged between civilian workers and government officials working side-by-side at Ground Zero.
They had on their FBI jackets that I'm sure I could pick one of them out or them out of a lineup or recognize their pictures said below.
The pair's bombshell accusations will a big hole in the official story as well as the findings in the recent 9-11 Commission report.
In chapter 1, footnote 76, there is the sole but definite reference to the airline black boxes, the CVRs, and the FDRs, voice and flight data recorders, from American 11 and United 175.
We're not found, the 9-11 Commission report says.
Ask if DeMassi and Ballone were questioned or subpoenaed by the 9-11 Commission.
Spokesman Al Beisenberg said, I can't tell you now if he was one of the 1,200 people who interviewed.
And then it goes on.
Ballone said commission members never contacted him or DeMassi and never asked the two to appear before the group, even though the book was published well before the hearings commenced.
I have been contacted by only one newspaper reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News, Sid Ballone, referring to an October 4th, 2004 story by reporter William Bunch, who recapped Damascus' statements as well as the usual official denials.
Those close to the 9-11 investigation said the recovery of the black box is important because they may hold vital clues about what really happened on the morning of September 11th.
The cockpit voice recorder used a pair of microphones to capture all cockpit sounds for at least the last 30 seconds of the doomed flight.
The flight data recorder is also significant since it records altitude, heading, and airspeed.
Both recorders are designed to withstand enormous impact and heat.
National Transportation Safety Board officials said they should have withstood the conditions at the WTC.
You can drop these things into furnaces for hours.
Nothing happens.
And, uh, finding the boxes after a crash seems to be standard procedure according to the NTSB.
Yeah, you got people standing in the holes in the buildings for 20 minutes, waving for helicopter help, supposedly in the hottest fires.
Just standing there.
Just, the firefighters said the fires were almost all out, but it melts down to nothing, all these black boxes.
Then people see them being hauled out, and they're told, shut up.
And again, DeMasi, recently retired from Engine 261, nicknamed the Flaming Skulls.
And, uh, it's just unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
Hey, boys should like him with their fire crew named the Flaming Skulls.
Your calls are coming up.
I got some more news I need to cover here.
Journalist who blew a whistle on CIA drug trade, quote, commits suicide.
Mr. Webb's friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father and a funny, dogged reporter who was passionate about investigating journalism.
Gary Webb joins Mark Lombardi, Jay Chatfield, Danny Casolaro as the fourth suicide
By a researcher who had a detailed understanding of the structure and the function of the Bush crime family.
It's scores, like the Clinton death list.
And, uh, coming up to San Jose Mercury News, Gary Webb, a former Mercury News investigative reporter, author, and legislative staffer who ignited a firestorm with his controversial stories, died Friday in an apparent suicide in a suburban Sacramento home.
He was 49.
And, uh, the Sacramento County Coroner's Office said, uh, when a better moving company arrived at Mr. Webb's home, oh, man, Mr. Webble's gonna be moving somewhere.
Getting out quick.
So I guess you shut the moving company and then you go commit suicide.
A better moving company arrived at Mr. Webb's...
Mr. Webb, an award-winning journalist, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head of Sacramento County Deputy Coroner Bill Gallut, said Saturday.
Big Gallut.
Mr. Webb's friends and colleagues described him as a devoted father.
It goes on.
And he exposed
Freeway retrofitting problems in 89, before the earthquake and wrote stories about the Department of Motor Vehicles computer software fiascos, and he was best known for breaking the national story about CIA-backed drug running.
And then they go, but the government had tried to discredit it.
I've interviewed multiple CIA agents on this show who openly unloaded the drugs.
I mean, everybody knows this.
It's been in Esquire, all these DEA people, all these FBI people.
They caught the head of Latin American anti-drug trafficking operation for General Barry McCaffrey shipping in heroin and cocaine back in 1998.
I mean, just hours of evidence.
But now they're trying to discredit him after they killed him.
It told no one he was going to commit suicide.
It was moving.
You just set up the movers and they're going to move and you blow your own head off.
And actual mathematics was done on this.
Gary Webb death.
New math of Bush reporter suicides.
Now that Gary Webb joins Mark Lombardi, J.H.
Hetfield, and Danny Casolaro, plus the woman who was suing Bush for rape.
They didn't have that.
As the fourth suicide, just by researchers who've been investigating drug trafficking.
The math of the odds of Bush suicides have changed.
The new math.
Examining the male US suicide rate for recent years, and we have a link to that, we can extrapolate a conservative estimate of 17 male suicides per 100,000 people, or 0.017.
The odds of four specific male biographers committing suicide would be the fourth power of 17 through 100,000.
Or, 8.3521, 4.913, X, 10 to the power minus 17, roughly, one chance, and I'm sorry, I said a billion earlier, 10 billion.
About as good a definition of impossible as you can get.
Well, it was one out of fourteen-something million, the Associated Press said, that the Chicago Mercantile would come up 911.0000 on the one-year anniversary of 9-11.
But that's just the Chicago Mercantile boys having their fun.
You know, like they like to say, they play their games, we play ours.
So that's
A person would stand a better chance of playing the Canadian Lottery 649 exactly twice in one's lifetime and winning the Grand Jackpot both times.
That is, picking six numbers out of 49 possible numbers and matching all six numbers out of six random draws on two separate occasions and having only purchased two Canadian Lottery tickets ever.
This calculation should be regarded as a conservative estimate.
The actual odds against such a coincidence would be much greater.
For example, if any of the biographers were female, the odds would be even greater.
The press hasn't even bothered with the usual, he-was-known-to-be-depressed stories yet.
And there's like, uh, Dr. David Kelly.
They're going to kill me.
They've told me if I don't shut up, I'll be found dead in the woods.
Found dead in the woods!
Paramedics show up and the others don't want it the same.
Diana, they're going to kill me in a fake car accident.
Charles told me, he's going to kill me!
And she dies in it and, oh, it's an accident, I'm young, I'm good.
Just shut up, everything's fine.
We'll be right back, one out of ten billion.
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Alright, let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Then when I come back, Kelly death, paramedics question verdict, saying he was obviously murdered.
There was no blood where he supposedly slid his wrist out in the field.
And there's so much more.
Down in Houston, at one of the suburbs, Sugar Land, a cop was handing out, not an advisement about satanic organizations, but how to conduct satanic orgies and holidays and how to celebrate satanic holidays.
The cop's not going to get in trouble.
The parents are all afraid.
They admit on the news they handed them out to students.
It's all part of your new freedom.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, welcome.
How are you doing?
Hello, Alex.
Hey, I tried to get in a call last week sometime when someone was calling in about the food scare.
And I don't know if you ever ran across a story that sparked all that.
It was Tommy Thompson when he was resigning.
He was saying that he worried every night about the food safety.
And then Bush said, oh, it's no big deal, whatever.
It's old.
The house is burning down, but go back to sleep type of thing.
But I just wanted to make sure you were aware of that story.
Also, I was wondering... Well, the psychology is the underling creates fear, but the father figure then, it's alright, children.
Just give your rights up, I'll take... It's the same thing when Ashcroft was leaving.
These judges trying to uphold the Constitution are gonna destroy us!
And then Bush, now, that's alright.
So it's all good cop, bad cop.
Exactly, exactly.
Don't you worry about those scary things.
Just let me run things.
I'll take care of it.
I was also wondering your thoughts on a couple of other things.
I've been reading a lot on the internet about what Pakistan had to do with 9-11 and also their
I mean, Bush even mentioned in the campaign about the Pakistani nuclear scientists that were meeting with Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, that was Khan Laboratories.
Right, and yet these are supposed to be our good friends in the war on terrorism, and right now those guys... That's supposedly where Bin Laden's hiding out while you're engaging in 2 plus 2 equals 4, how dare you!
Our government gives them billions a year, and our government landed C-130s and loaded 8,000 Taliban Al-Qaeda
Quote, Arab fighters on C-130s and flew them to safety, because they work for the globalists, sir.
They're a team that goes in and create crises, that they get to invade and take over, and Pakistan gets to get all the funding and be supported.
Pakistan is the Arabic language support hub for Al-Qaeda, for the CIA.
It's the go-between.
It's public!
They landed aircraft, hundreds of times, lifted them up, and flew them to Pakistan, our government.
The terrorists work for our government!
And you're just like, how did everybody just go to sleep on this?
It's public.
It's MSNBC, Associated Press, Reuters.
The government accidentally flew out all the Al-Qaeda leaders.
And then in Special Forces, colonels were quoted by the San Francisco Chronicle and other papers going, we had bin Laden and all the people surrounded.
We were ordered to stand down.
And I watched as over a hundred, quote, black helicopters
Landed and flew them off.
made helicopters.
Flying them to the airfields to then get on the C-130s and be flown out to Pakistan.
And very handsomely paid as well.
Now again, you have the globalists who run the remote control attack.
You have Arabs who are CIA agents who think they're part of a drill, get on the planes.
They nerve gas them by remote control, fly it into buildings.
Say all the voice recorders are lost.
You then create a few fake cell phone calls that are even easier than showing Steve McQueen pitching Mustangs from the grave.
Fake anything.
And then you've got your whole story.
And then you also have that general that wired the $100,000 to... General Mahmoud Ahmed, the head of Pakistani intelligence, who'd never... He visited the U.S.
ten years ago, but then on the week of 9-11, he visits five days before, meets with Bush first in Cheney, then he goes to secret meetings with the head of the CIA and FBI, and then on the morning of 9-11, having a luscious meal
He was having a meal with Porter Goss and the other head of the intelligence committee and the reporter walked in, the staffer walked in and said the second tower's been hit and Goss turned and said we know and continue eating his poached eggs.
This is not freedom!
We know!
We're sitting with him!
He's the man who's done so well!
It's a myth.
One other thing I ran across on the web, and I know you guys have been talking about the drop in the dollar and the OPEC nations are going to be investing in the Euro and everything.
What have you heard about the Islamic Dinar, the gold Dinar coin they're supposed to be coming out with?
They announced it in 2001, and then it was supposed to come out in 2003, but it hadn't come out yet.
I was just wondering if you had heard anything about that.
Yeah, I'll try to answer that after the break.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
And we'll talk to everybody else.
Johnny and another Richard from Texas and everybody else on the other side of this quick break.
Please stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this whole Muslim-Dinar thing is a red herring.
I mean, certainly it has an effect.
Last week, the New York Times reported
uh... that over fifteen percent in the last two years of the purchases purchases that uh... arab countries have made have shifted out of buying dollars that is buying our currency into buying the euro but those numbers are even greater with Europe dumping the dollar and
Other countries starting to move away from the dollar, like China and a score of others.
And I predicted a long time ago, I said nothing is ever the government's fault.
Bush comes out and says a weak dollar is good, it starts plunging.
Even American companies start dumping the dollar.
But don't worry, when the people finally figure out what this means for us, the Arabs are going to dump it too.
And so we'll just say the Arabs did it.
And now I'm seeing all the articles.
The Arabs craftily have engineered the entire dollar collapse.
George Bush is valiantly fighting it as best he can.
George Bush is on record saying he wants a low dollar.
But don't confuse me with the facts.
But yes, that will drive the dollar down even further.
But the Arab countries are not as wealthy as Europe.
They're not as wealthy as China.
They're not as wealthy as Japan.
They are conspicuous consumers though.
The Arab sheiks in the House of Saudi haven't learned how to be sneaky about their consumption.
You know, in the old days, the robber barons would have twenty white horses or whatever pulling their carriages around, and the diamonds, and the twenty mansions, and they learned that that caused them problems.
The elites have learned how to go underground with their money and not be as conspicuous.
Well, the Arabs don't, so that makes their people get pretty angry because it is despotic.
It's not free market.
Our country picks up on that too.
The Arabs get a very small upwards of 20% of the actual oil money.
Most of it goes right to the banks.
Our governments went and drew the Middle East, put in the oil fields, put in the royal families, gave them the machine guns to keep control.
They would just pick one tribe and put them in charge.
Incidentally, the Bin Ladens have been serving the British since 1918.
They go back to serving British Intel, the British Foreign Ministry for a long time.
And they're still doing great jobs.
I think it's a bad job.
I think it's horrible.
A great job playing the part of the bad guy.
And they've been rewarded lavishly by the Carlyle Group.
Lavishly with big contracts to build all our bases in the Middle East.
One company.
Bin Laden.
The Bin Laden Group.
That's all we spend our money with.
They've done such a fabulous job!
Again, it's just so wonderful.
And it's one out of ten million that this new researcher died with all these other researchers.
Exposing the globalists.
Exposing specifically the Bush crime family and drug dealing.
Again, everything's fine.
Flying out Al Qaeda to safety in Pakistan.
Flying the Bin Laden's out of this country.
Giving them all the big contracts.
Just don't discuss it.
Everything is fine.
I want to get into your local satanic high school where you're publicly taught how to worship Satan, but first let's go ahead and talk to Johnny in Kentucky.
Johnny, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I really appreciate what all you do, man, and keeping the flame going and bringing everybody's attention to what's going on in our... Well, how could I not do it?
Man, I'll just tell you, man, I appreciate it.
You know, there's not a lot of people that would do what you do and take that chance and, you know, rock on, man.
Hey, what I'm wanting to call about is this intelligence bill that they shoved down their throat last week without even reading the bill.
Part of it calls for it to be illegal to attend a terrorist training camp in the United States.
But they're rather ambiguous about what a terrorist training camp is.
No, it mirrors the state law's militia training.
More than three people with firearms.
You know, or what about church camp for some of these kids?
You know, when it becomes evident... Well, it also says that you don't even need to knowingly have contributed to a group that contributed to another group.
Isn't that pathetic?
Yeah, I know.
I wrote the analysis, the first analysis of Patriot Act II back in January of 2003.
Yeah, and now this National ID that they're setting the standards for,
Last week, I'm only able to catch your show about once a week, but last week you were talking about the lady in line in front of you buying the 12-pack of Bud and she had to scan her driver's license or something?
She was obviously... No younger than 35.
I'd say 41, 42.
I'm pretty good at that.
And they told me, yeah, pretty soon we've been told we're going to do everybody and we know if you have warrants, we know everything about you.
Well, and you know, if you tie that in with the
Well, we're witnessing the collapse of our dollar.
They're just going to switch us all over to digital money.
Oh, that's the public plan.
You know?
You still have cash, but it's only, um... Well, they'll make it illegal to use it.
Well, no, no.
They'll scan your card, even when you pay cash, to assess how much sales tax you're going to pay, because it's going to be a graduated sales tax.
I don't see any way to get, you know, to opt out of this system.
I mean, you know... You know what?
We could stand up and say no if the 700 Club wasn't basically saying it was the coming of the Lord.
There you go.
This is a wonderful thing.
This is of the Lord.
I've got a buddy.
He flies 747s.
So I was bringing it up to him the other day.
We were cutting firewood.
Because I figured he's going to be on the front line of getting his national ID.
And he says to me, it's not anything bad.
I'll be raptured out of here before then.
And I just stood there with my mouth open.
And they'll be sitting there, exactly, with all their cards, with their chips, going... Inject me with the chip!
It can't be the chip, because... because I would have been raptured!
I'm still here!
Oh, man.
I appreciate it, Alex.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Yeah, what that is, is a big cop-out.
When Rome, when Titus came... What was it?
In 70 A.D.
and sacked Jerusalem and killed hundreds of thousands of people?
Were they beamed out of there?
The chosen people?
No, but God gave them a warning.
Obviously those that were listening to the warning said leave.
They didn't.
Those that did, left.
Were people raptured when Hitler was in Germany?
Does the Bible talk about a rapture?
And, I don't know, I don't want to get off into the whole argument, but pretty clear to me, folks.
I mean, you've got the sea dying, and giant pillars of fire, and the whole planet blowing up, and Christ appears in the sky, and then all the people that are dead rise.
I don't know what Bible you're reading where it says there's this rapture before.
But hey, just get your ship, worship your world leader.
I see the move going towards, they're now talking about a physical Christ, soon ruling amongst us.
And it's really the whole New Age thing, but it's being spouted by the so-called Christians.
We're soon going to have our Jesus.
He'll be here, ruling with a rod of iron.
He'll have to kill a lot of people, if they don't accept the Lord.
You can really see the great delusion.
Coming down on folks.
Richard in Texas, go ahead.
You're on the air, Richard.
Okay, Mick in Arizona, you're on the air.
Hey Alex.
They clearly weren't raptured when the Bolsheviks took over in Russia either.
How many killed, how many, 66 million Christians there?
Well, to be conservative, 60 million people were killed.
Probably about 40 million were Christians, yes.
That's an excellent comparison.
Hey, um, did you hear Maureen Dowd's article today?
She said, finally someone stands up to Rumsfeld.
She's pretty funny.
She says, of course it was a real soldier who confronted the secretary and not W who only likes to dress up and play soldier.
It's a good one.
But then they say, yes, but the questions were planted.
The troops wouldn't get up there and risk their careers.
These were officers.
Unless it really meant something to them.
And they had the moral advantage.
But now the debate isn't about giving them armor.
It's about... It's not about giving them armor.
Now it's about, was it planted by the reporter?
Of course.
The spin monsters took over afterwards.
Anyway, I used to travel around the country telling everybody about you when I first heard about you.
But now,
Everybody I tell, they already know and they want to give me your tapes!
It's amazing.
Your listeners are doing a great job, but you gotta step up the efforts now.
The crunch time's coming.
Hey, you know, cops, it's amazing, but they actually believe they're part of this system, you know, the fraternal order of police.
But the truth is, if you go and read through the history of the secret societies, they've always used the lower levels.
All through history, they've used the lower levels.
And, um, Weishaupt himself said, I do not wish for the lower level to know who I am or that I even exist, or for that matter, the true goal of the Illuminati.
Yeah, that's all secret societies are the old name for intelligence operations.
And the people these cops serve are stabbing them in the back and painting huge targets on their backs at the same time.
And they can't see this, so if they're not stupid enough,
So stupid they can't figure it out.
They're being used like puppets.
Let me ask you, let me ask you one more question.
You say you talk to people just randomly and they know about me?
Oh yeah, all over the country.
They want to give me your tapes now.
It's amazing.
And uh, yeah, these people, you were talking about the concert earlier, anyway,
You know, a lot of them aren't.
Some of them are waking up.
They just can't keep past the power trip on their nose, you know?
But, uh... I hear you.
Listen, keep it up, and I appreciate your call.
Take it easy, Al.
You bet.
And again, it isn't, ooh, people have heard of me.
It's actually like, ooh, they've heard of me at the front lines.
Ooh, I'm dancing around the front lines wearing a big captain helmet.
That's exactly what the Globalists go after, but it doesn't matter as long as I am able to spawn
Hundreds of thousands of leaders who spawn millions of leaders.
Somebody's got to hit the barbed wire.
Somebody's got to jump on the hand grenade.
Somebody's got to gut up to the table, to the plate.
And, uh, there's just too many of us.
That's why they've got to have a big event.
Then we're going to have a big event to begin with.
But it is, uh, to watch them kill Mr. Webb, to watch them kill Dr. David Kelly,
To watch him kill all these people.
And the people say, they're gonna kill me.
You know, uh... Dr. Kelly, Princess Di, they go, they're gonna kill me.
They're gonna kill me and put me in the woods.
They're gonna kill me in a fake auto accident.
They told me, they're gonna kill me.
And then they kill him, and then it's, oh, it's an accident, or it's a suicide, it's a... it's a... I mean, where do they get these reporters that'll do this?
But see, a coward
Hi Alex.
Reported in yesterday's New York Times, there's a company
Uh, which has started one of these super databases.
This particular one is in England called WorldCheck.
Big article in there.
Now, they're trying to entice American authorities into using their databases.
And it was reported that they actually categorized people in there as terrorists, certain individuals, corporations.
Hey, it's mainstream news that if you criticize homosexuality, you will get several years in prison and the equivalent of a $50,000 fine, that's what it comes to in Euros, in France.
Same stuff being passed in England, and yeah, there's hundreds of databases, and this is going to be your new national ID card.
Well, the best part about it is this.
That their standards for how they classify someone as a terrorist doesn't even meet the American standards, yet they're trying to entice the American government, Homeland Security, and the authorities to utilize their database.
In fact, they're giving them one month free service starting, I believe, this month.
Well, they say hundreds of index databases.
Right, it's all consolidated, but the best part is that they actually admitted that their standards do not meet up to American standards on how we define someone as a terrorist, yet they still want the American authorities to use that to define a terrorist.
And then congressmen, actors, just average people, oops, sorry, there's another Jones, or another Johnson, another Smith, similar name, you can't fly, and now it's going to be you can't buy or sell, because we can't have people who are out of sorts with the system.
When you swipe your card, it won't work.
And another good part about it is that the article did admit that many of these vendors that sell this garbage, because that's what they are, these are parasites living off of hysteria,
are making bundles of money and they're just hoping to propagate the hysteria that's going on.
Ron, you've been calling for years.
You're a retired New York police officer.
What do you think about cops walking up to me yesterday?
At the election fraud rally we had after I left, obvious police walking over going, man, we ought to do something violent, or, well boy, and I had to go, just get away from me.
Agent, that's a cheap, a very cheap knock-off version of an agent provocateur.
Yeah, but how do they get those guys?
How do they morally act like that?
Because, unfortunately, within the last decade, the moral threshold, the kind of person that they seek for the job today,
He's not the kind of person that they sought for the job years back.
They're looking for people who are pliant and are willing to do things that are unethical by any universal standard.
That's what's going on.
When they tell the public, they've got the public fooled about this, that we test people before they become officers, my response is, yes, they do.
But they're not testing them to come up to the higher moral standards of a good person, they're testing to see if they are willing to do things
Hey, look, right here in Austin, they give the Travis County Sheriffs a contract to sign that they're against constitutionalism, they're against pro-gun groups.
You ought to see it!
Oh yeah, no, I've seen it going on.
Alex, this started about a decade back.
This really started about a decade back in policing.
What they're looking for are the Attila the Hun types to be policed.
And they're saying, well, they passed our test, our psych test, to get in.
But I'm saying that that's because the psych tests are designed to weed out... No, I'm not even in the news, Ron.
Thanks for the call.
Before I end this segment and come back and just blitz through a bunch of news, I have made 11 films.
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3139 that's 888 253 3139 or Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or you can write to me Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78704.
It is time for all of us to take action.
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I want you to, or if you want to buy a bunch of the originals, do that.
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Alright, we'll be right back.
I'll go through some final news.
Please stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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I've got about three hours of news here.
I've tried to cram in the last five minutes.
I should have gotten into all this earlier, but... Ten-year-old arrested, handcuffed over scissors.
Little ten-year-old, never been in trouble.
Brought him to trim papers.
He pulled him out, started trying to cut some paper, and they called police, arrested her, took her downtown.
And, you know, here in Austin, a lot of your janitors are really police officers.
It's like that around the country.
It's about getting little kids into the system.
They have them march with their hands behind their back.
It's the same way they do it in corrections facilities.
It's about integrating them to get them into the system.
This is from K-H-O-U-T-V, also WorldNet Daily.
School distributes satanic sex calendar.
Texas parents infuriated by explicit material.
Local school officials in the suburb of Houston, Texas are investigating how it was possible that a school police officer handed out calendars to students that featured explicit details on satanic and sexual rituals for every day of the month.
Parents in Pearland are documenting answers according to, or demanding answers according to a new report by KHOU-TV, the public
A school police officer who handed out the calendars was supposed to deliver a positive anti-gang message to the students last Monday.
According to the report, September 20th is the midnight host, it said.
It's pictures of the calendar here.
Whatever that is, said one unidentified parent regarding reading from a calendar.
You should have a blood-tight ritual, the calendar went on.
September 23rd is the fall equinox.
You should have an orgy.
Activity group, sex, any age, any sex.
Again, activity of group sex, any age, any sex, it reads.
And the parents don't want to go public and fight it because they're afraid, obviously, of the satanic police.
They shouldn't be teaching the kids at 12 years of age a calendar of satanism.
It's just not right.
He said, well, who says that, sir?
Don't you know this is the time of the beast?
Paraland school officials, say 25 students at the junior high, received the calendar.
And the Paraland ISD spokesperson said, we don't want it to happen again.
And so, it was not done with malice.
It was not done to promote Satanism in any way on the campus.
It was just a mistake.
Isn't that interesting?
It's just an accident.
Of course, ladies and gentlemen, it so happens that when I was in high school,
For several years in Dallas, that it was rampant Satanism with the police, the government.
I mean, it was just everywhere.
It was everywhere.
I could not stay away from it.
I have friends saying, oh, we're going to a bonfire, and we go to the bonfire, and there's public officials, and it's a Satanic thing, and I get in the car and leave.
I mean, folks, wall to wall.
Wall to wall.
stages simulated attack on Iran.
The U.S.
Defense Department was said to have completed simulated war games to determine the feasibility of destroying Iran's nuclear weapons program.
So they're gearing up for that.
And now Newsmax is saying Iran could have a missile to reach the eastern U.S.
It could just destroy us anytime.
Just like nukes could be sent from Iraq and hit them anytime.
In England, we've got to invade them now.
There was also this article, France sets up a mandatory ministry of quote, high authority to combat discrimination to dole out jail sentences for thought crimes.
And it's the London Independent article, France to punish homophobic and sexist remarks with jail sentences.
And if you say anything in any way criticizing any group,
You will be given several years in prison for a 31,000 pound fine.
That's why I said $50,000.
$31,000 is $62,000 right now, the exchange rate.
All part of the new freedom!
I will be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, on the Global Shortwave at 3210, from 9 to midnight.
And back tomorrow, 11 to 2, at 9...
We'll be back and just get out there and take on the evil, folks.
Have a great day.
We'll be back tonight.
God bless.