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Name: 20041022_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, so does he.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And I tell you, I can't wait for it again.
Mondays and Fridays turn out to be the most jam-packed broadcast that we do.
And it is Friday, the 22nd day of October 2004.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
The Constitution Party presidential candidate will be joining us coming up in the middle of the next hour.
And we're also working on getting on some of the witnesses to this young woman being murdered by the police, a bystander, standing on the street corner.
People were throwing bottles and breaking things.
One police officer got a small bruise on his knee.
And so they went ahead and opened fire with their rubber bullets and wooden dowels and things and they killed this young lady, hit her in the eye and pushed her eye back into her brain and she went into a coma and died a day later.
By the way, every few weeks I see an article where a rubber bullet kills somebody in the U.S.
And I've said, and I've covered this and we found it in federal documents,
These are training aids, like you train a baby German Shepherd, a puppy, to attack.
You know, killer attack dog training, not just defensive training.
You train them in simulations first until they really go for the kill, then you give them a taste of blood.
That's all this is.
This is for training for cops, just machine gun large crowds.
And that's coming next.
You're going to see that in the next few years, I predict.
Just machine gunning crowds, and it'll be like Tiananmen Square.
Well, already over in Genoa, tanks running over protesters, killing people, beating people to death.
So she's dead.
Young journalism student, no criminal record.
Just a bystander walking out of a restaurant, shot in the eye.
She's dead!
Well, you have a little collateral damage in the war against the people.
I mean, you gotta have it.
Imagine if a cop would have been killed.
Boy, it'd be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
If a police dog got killed, here in the state of Texas, almost every sheriff department, a sheriff took off a few years ago and a police dog got killed.
It was on the news and all these big gun salutes and jets flying over.
But their dogs are better than us.
So this young, beautiful, intelligent lady is dead.
She'll be going into a coffin, into the ground, to shrivel up and die and, you know, desiccate.
And the cops will go on with their lives and enjoy themselves and put the black ski mask on and, you know, enjoy themselves.
She's dead!
He murdered her!
Hope you enjoy yourselves!
You killed her!
You just shot an innocent person and killed her!
Well, that happens in the war, you know.
And obviously, folks, I've said the one place riot police are actually needed is not at protests and demonstrations, but when big Super Bowls or World Series or, you know, these big games.
That's where you really get rioting.
But this was obviously an overreaction, and they shouldn't be firing wooden dowels and rubber bullets at people.
First they claimed it was a beanbag, and now we learn it was a wooden dowel.
And folks, I have been to some of these demonstrations where this stuff is used.
They'll shoot this stuff and it'll hit somebody in the back or the face, and it puts a bloody hole in them.
And that's at 50, 60, 70 yards.
You shoot somebody at 20, 30 feet with one of these, it'll kill you!
People die all the time, at least every month, maybe not every two weeks, but every month I see an article where some homeless person struggles and so they shoot them from ten feet with rubber bullets and splatter their intestines all over the wall.
Cops, you should know, if you shot somebody with blanks at eight inches away, it'll kill them.
You go, well how does that happen?
Because let's say you shoot somebody in the stomach from even a foot away,
In many cases, it will blow the outer chunk of skin in like a bullet.
And you shoot somebody in the skull with the gas coming out of a gun, it will shoot a giant chunk of their skull into their brain.
In fact, the mob like to kill people like that.
Just a pistol with blanks, and they shoot you, you know, point blank range, it'd blow a piece of your skull into your head.
No bullet.
Even better than a .22 for assassination.
You just walk up, pop somebody a couple times in the head with blanks, they don't have any
Any forensics?
Anyway, so that's what they're doing to us.
Just mafia killings.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, folks.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, it is Friday.
Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, Michael Perutka, will be joining us in the next hour.
I've got a ton of news here I want to cover.
Of course you know the young lady after the Red Sox game a few nights ago got shot in the face by the police by a wooden dowel.
First they tried to climb a bean bag and it killed her.
And they kill people all the time with this stuff, and we'll be talking about that.
But reading a Boston Globe article about it, it said that at a university riot where kids threw a few cans into the street and overturned a trash can, they threw flashbang grenades at them.
Which, by the way, will blow your face off if they blow up by your face.
Well, a few years ago here in Texas, they threw one into a baby's crib.
They claim it was an accident.
It probably was.
And it almost killed the baby.
Had third-degree burns over half its body, according to the news.
And this is all part of the new freedom.
Just throwing flashbang hand grenades at you, firing rubber bullets, dowels.
And the police should know that if you shoot somebody up close with rubber bullets, or a wooden dowel, it will kill them.
I mean, they kill people all the time, and they know this.
And it's like fun.
It's like they're going duck hunting or something.
Any excuse, they just line up and open fire and start spraying away at the crowd.
Don't worry though, soon they'll have their microwave guns and sound cannons in Boston when we have this problem.
Right now only D.C.
and New York and L.A.
have those ready for the public.
But soon we'll all have our blimps over our cities with the microwave and sound cannons on them to keep us under control.
What is it they've got planned for us that's so horrible they know the general public will be rioting in a mass?
Red Sox fan killed by policeman's non-lethal weapon.
By the way, the industry that sells them actually calls them less lethal weapons.
A student celebrating the Boston Red Sox dramatic baseball victory over the New York Yankees was killed, again she was in a coma yesterday, after a policeman on crowd control shot her in the eye with what was designed to be a non-lethal weapon.
That's not true.
Fifteen other people, including a policeman, suffered minor injuries in Boston's
Kenmore Square after thousands of fans spilled onto the streets to celebrate after the win in New York.
Boston's mayor said he was considering banning alcohol sales in the city during the World Series Baseball Finals to avoid a repeat of the rowdies.
And he went on to say that they are going to ban cameras and video cameras.
He says that that causes problems.
Another one of the articles.
They don't say how, so I guess you don't want cameras of you beating us up and killing people.
So now, cameras again.
Your cameras are good, and when a camera shows you killing one of us, the tape always malfunctions, but then our cameras are bad.
And it says, Victoria Snellgrove, a 21-year-old journalism student, was hit with a projectile fired by an officer on a crowd control duty.
Police Officer and Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole said officers were using projectiles designed to break up upon impact, dousing the target with pepper-like spray.
One article says a wooden dowel, the other says beanbag, and now the police commissioner says it's one of these large rubber bullets that in the center of them has pepper spray.
She said, while I firmly and emphatically accept responsibility for any errors, I also condemn in the harshest words possible the actions of the punks who turned our city's victory into an opportunity for violence and mindless destruction.
And Rick Snellgrove said his daughter did nothing wrong.
What happened to her should not have happened to any American citizen going to any type of game.
No matter what he said, she loved the Red Sox.
She went to celebrate with friends.
She was a bystander.
She was out of the way, but she still got shot.
Awful things happen to good people.
My daughter was an exceptional person.
Mayor Thomas Malino said he was considering prohibiting alcohol sales and asking bar and restaurant operators to ban
Live television coverage during games to curb the rowdiness.
Oh yeah, I don't want to... Also, so in one article it's banned video cameras and still cameras and then maybe we should ban live coverage of TV.
You can't show TV in your restaurants or bars!
This will stop it.
Just incredible.
And in another article they have police under the condition of anonymity saying that this cop was just firing wildly into the crowd and that she was off on the side of the street just coming out of a business, coming out of a restaurant.
So imagine you walk out of a restaurant and a hard projectile hits you in the eye and shoves your eye back into your brain and now you flop over and go into a coma and die a day and a half later.
And, uh, you know, in my film, The Takeover, the first 30 minutes of the two-plus-hour film is Seattle.
And it's the cops admitting that they hired the thugs and housed them and protected them and they went out and provocateured and then...
They went into neighborhoods, the police did, and old ladies would walk outside their house and the police would just... karate chop them with a billy club and break their collarbone.
We've got women on the ground begging as police stomp them going... We have it on video.
Just old women pulling women over in cars, spraying pepper spray on them, dragging them out, beating the daylight out of them.
Yes, we love the New World Order.
Nothing like stomping women.
And then again, let's say a third of the cops are like that.
Well, the other two-thirds are ordered to just stand there and go along with it.
And then the thugs get promoted.
I like you, Police Chief Sips.
You're gonna be promoted.
Oh boy.
And I don't want to hear excuses, folks.
I'm not against police.
I wasn't brought up to be against police.
I got video of you.
I got the documents.
I know how you're being trained.
You just killed a young woman who walked out of a restaurant.
You just murdered her.
It isn't funny.
I don't appreciate it.
She's a human being too.
She's just as good as you.
She's just as good as you.
In fact, it's worse that you killed her than a cop even dying because you sign on for danger.
You get paid.
Nobody made you do what you do, but this woman didn't do anything and you murdered her.
Let me just say it.
It's radical.
We're just as good as you.
I'm a human being.
And that woman was a human being.
And we're just as good as you.
And we don't work for you.
And we're not your slaves.
The government doesn't own me and doesn't own this country.
So I hope you're proud of yourself.
You murdered this woman.
Good job.
You killed her.
And you know full well those things can kill people.
According to the reports, you shot her from only about 25 feet, and you knew you weren't supposed to do that.
You murdered her.
You know you're not supposed to fire those rubber and plastic and dowels from any more than 60-70 feet away from people, and it still leaves bloody holes in people about an inch deep when you do it.
And I got the video of that too.
People shot from distances, two to three times what this woman was shot, with huge, bloody, inch-and-a-half wide wounds.
I don't want to just go on forever.
It's just... It's just... It's incredible.
You killed her!
I mean, you know, and it's going to be more of this.
When's it going to stop?
I mean, I interview 95 year old women on this show who they come to take their red flyer wagon out of their yard because the health department says there's too much junk and the old woman and her 75 year old daughter collect wagons
And an old woman comes out and hugs her wagon and says, please don't take it, it was mine when I was a little girl.
So the cops shoot them with bean bags and pepper spray and then knock one of their fake eyes out on the ground and according to neighbors, start beating the daylights out of them.
I mean, you know, it's like the other day you tasered some 75 year old woman because she argued with you.
Again, it's the tasers, the bullets, the rubber bullets, it's all about we don't look at you right, you just go ahead and shoot us.
Oh, please.
I got really serious news, though, folks, that dwarfs all of this.
This is the new scientist, experts fear escape of 1918 flu from lab.
And I predicted this would happen.
And if we had a big staff, I'd go have them listen to the archives and pull it.
I've said it many times.
What, three years ago, they went to the North Pole and dug up some dead gold miners and whalers.
Who died from the 1918 flu pandemic.
They were frozen in permafrost.
And they got out of their lungs the live virus, which couldn't be found.
It burned itself out.
This is the virus that killed 25 to 40 million people.
Nobody knows the true numbers.
It's over 25 million.
Just in Europe and the U.S.
Probably much higher than that in Asia.
They dug it up and I said they're going to accidentally release it from a lab.
They went and dug it up to study it.
The 1918 flu virus spread across the world in three months and killed at least 40 million people.
That's what New Scientist says.
If it escaped from a lab today, the death toll could be far higher.
And that says the potential implications of the infected lab worker and the spread beyond the lab are terrifying, says D.A.
Henderson of the University of Pittsburgh, a leading biosecurity expert.
Yet despite the danger, researchers in the U.S.
are working with reconstructed versions of the virus that at least
At less than the maximum level of containment.
Yeah, here in Austin they do it.
At Galveston they do it.
They've got places in the middle of Baltimore where they do it.
Many other experts are worried about the risk.
All the virologists I've spoken to have concerns.
Ingrid Cowlings of the Swedish Institute for Infectious Diseases Control in Stockholm who helped set laboratory safety standards for the World Health Organization.
Work on the 1918 flu virus is not the only worry.
Some experiments with bird flu have also been criticized as dangerous.
Cowlings and others are calling for international discussions to resolve the issues related to such work.
It is time for influenza scientists to find a consensus on containment.
So again, they're worried it could be released, and there are some rumblings that it may have been.
But they have the government release the weaponized foot and mouth back in 1999, and then quietly admitted, OK, we released it from port and down.
We've got to kill 4 million cows, 8 million sheep.
And then another article here out of Japan, their actual national numbers, only sort of given the flu vaccine, flu actually increased.
We have that for you as well.
And then later, Bill Clinton to run for U.N.
We told you about this years ago.
Now it's official from UPI, World Daily, and Associated Press.
So we'll be covering that when we get back.
And I kept saying yesterday that I couldn't remember the name of the Illinois town.
I've covered this years ago.
And Lister did send me the email, the mainstream media report out of the Belleville newspaper, Belleville News Democrat.
Subject to inspection, Belleville inspectors and armed police officers show up without a search warrant to check for occupancy code.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
We'll talk about that too when we get back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, your calls are coming up at 1-800-259-9231 on this live Friday edition.
Continuing with the news,
Bill Clinton to run the U.N.
He definitely wants to do it, says insider.
Bill Clinton as Secretary General of the United Nations.
It has been talked about in U.N.
circles and among the former President's insiders for more than two years.
And now according to United Press International, Clinton definitely wants to do it.
The term of Kofi Annan, the current U.N.
Secretary General, ends in 06.
And according to the report, Clinton's candidacy would receive overwhelming support from U.N.
member states, particularly in the third world.
He's already lined up six of the G8 as of two years ago.
He definitely wants to do what a Clinton insider is quoted as saying, but Clinton faces an unusual predicament, a potential obstacle in his quest.
Can he get the support of his U.S.
government to take on the assignment?
Well, if George Bush is elected, or John Kerry is, yeah.
George Bush told Dan Burton's committee, leave Bill Clinton alone, and Bill Clinton's not out campaigning for Kerry, because he loves Bush.
They did a lot of business together at MENA.
boosters think Clinton as Secretary General would bolster the prestige of the world body.
No American has ever been a U.N.
Secretary General, even though the United States has a host country and a major contributor to its budget.
Critics of the U.N.
complain that it's an organization without the muscle and will to put its decisions into effect.
source told UPI there's a good chance that Clinton could significantly change the situation and then we'll see if the critics mean what they say.
A U.N.
Yeah, this is what I've said all along.
You'll have an American face on the U.N.
at a point where under U.N.
laws they're seizing U.S.
servers on the Internet for IndyMedia.
The Supreme Court says they follow U.N.
rulings now.
We're going under global government rule.
They want to get their global Tobin tax and their fuel tax, their money transfer tax through.
They'll be able to do this successfully with Bill Clinton in, whether you've got John Forbes Carey or George W. Bush's cousin in there.
And, uh, it continues, this is not the first time Clinton's interest in the job has been raised.
Back in February of 2003, there were reports of a major international move to engineer Clinton to the post.
Those reports suggested that Clinton had already lined up support for his candidacy from the Secretary General, position from Germany, France, England, Ireland, New Zealand, and a handful of African states, Morocco, and Egypt.
There were also suggestions that Annan might resign before the end of his term in 2006.
Yeah, because of an upcoming sex scandal
And orgies in the U.N.
buildings and then also the U.N.
food for oil program running scams with Saddam.
Annan took over as chief in 97 on the record.
He has an intent to fill out his term to 06.
Bill Clinton's fundraising prowess is also viewed in some quarters as a real initiative for the U.N.
So he'll give us a nice American face.
The final completion of the Pan-American Union's merger with his 10-year term he'll serve, or 9-year term, and his merger with the U.S.
into the E.U.
and the Asian Union.
So, that's been the plan all along, and look for George Bush if he's in office in 2006 to vehemently support it and love it, and conservatives will get tears in their eyes and worship it.
And then we're set, I guess, to have Arnold in 08, here domestically, who loves Bill Clinton and loves his policies.
Basically, he has the same policies, merging with Bill Clinton.
And then at the same time, even if it's George Bush, it'll be the same thing.
You know, up until Arnold gets in.
Or if it's Kerry, it'll be the same thing.
Or it could be Hillary as the U.S.
President in 08, with Bill Clinton as the U.N.
That'll be just absolutely wonderful, won't it?
Secretary General.
Oh boy, this is just absolutely terrifying.
So more on that coming up later today.
We'll get into some more details of that.
Japan's greatest lesson, compulsory flu vaccine, reveals no benefit and deadly side effects.
Dr. Yamamoto, compulsory vaccination conference in Naples,
At a two-day medical conference entitled, Should Vaccinations be Compulsory or Free Choice?
Doctors from various areas of the world were invited to present.
The situation in their country is also to highlight problems surrounding some of the vaccines.
A pediatrician presents a copy of the points made by Dr. Yamamoto's presentation entitled, Why Japanese Government Had to Cease Compulsory Vaccinations.
The English translation is
reasonably clear below and it documents what one vaccine really does so we'll cover that when we get back and then also more on experts fear escape of 1918 flu from labs after they dug it up out of the frozen permafrost near the North Pole and also subject to inspection I kept mentioning this yesterday we talked about Las Vegas about to pass similar laws North Las Vegas
This is from a couple years ago, out of the Belleville News Democrat.
Even worse, and I couldn't remember the name of the town, we now have posted the actual article from December 8th, 2002, where you wake up with armed men inspecting you in the middle of the night, no warrants.
So that is coming up as well.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and now Infowars.net, revamped, redesigned.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends, we're about to go to your calls here on this open line.
Friday, in the middle of the next hour, Constitutional Party presidential candidate, nominee, Michael Perutka, will be joining us.
And of course, there's just a ton of other news.
I'm going to play a clip from the Daily Show a few days ago, where they play a clip of Bush talking about, we're not going to have an all-volunteer army.
And then, no draft!
No draft!
People had to actually help him out in the crowd so he would get back on script.
So that is coming up as well.
Then I'll get into home inspections.
No warrants.
You just wake up and there's shining flashlights in your face making sure that your house is in code and that there's no illegal drugs or guns.
They admit they're looking for crimes while they're in your house and they say they don't need a warrant to do it.
We talked about Las Vegas yesterday but I mentioned the Illinois town from a few years ago that's even worse.
I actually found that news article
From two years ago, well you emailed it to me, that we'd covered so much, and now it is back and we'll cover some of that as well, and just a bunch of other news about Bill Clinton to be our new Secretary General, and just a lot more coming up concerning genetically engineered super weapons, you name it!
But before we go to Danny and Todd and Kyle and Bill and Carol and everybody else,
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Danny in Tennessee, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello my friend, how are you?
Hey, I wanted to call and let you know I stumbled across a website this morning called Project Vatican.
It's a Jesuit run website, and it's the blueprint for the restoration of the global kingdom of Jesus Christ.
And of course it's the New World Order Christ, not the Jesus Christ we know.
And I emailed it to you, but the whole website is about how they're going to take over the military, take over the United States, take over the churches, and enslave us, and make us all take microchips.
It's just, it's one of the most blatant things I've ever seen in my life about the New World Order.
Well, I'm not a Catholic, and most Catholics I know are horrified by the Pope saying we need a New World Order, and all religions are the same thing, and I mean, it's definitely very evil, but that site sounds like it may be a spoof or something.
I mean, why would they come right out and just say all that?
You know, that's what really got me.
It wasn't
Whoever wrote it knew what they were doing.
You can tell the guy that wrote it was John Quintano.
That's what I first thought was maybe some idiot writing it up.
But whoever wrote it had a lot of knowledge about the New World Order.
They knew all about the economical movement.
Very knowledgeable about the Jesuits.
But does the site say this is a Jesuit website?
Let me go back to their... No, it's somebody saying what they're planning, right?
Oh no, this is an actual... Well, it says that he's not affiliated with anybody.
But, from what I've read... Okay, well I'm gonna have to check it out.
Yeah, check it out.
It'll make a lot more sense when you read it.
Anything else on your mind?
I just think for the safety of the people of Boston, they should think about banning the police.
Well, again, for those who don't know, a 21-year-old woman, no criminal record, journalism student, walked out of a restaurant and got shot in the face with a wooden or rubber bullet.
The police won't say exactly what, but it killed her.
And they know, I mean, again, every month I see an article where they kill somebody with rubber bullets.
They know what this does.
And, you know, she's a human being, too.
She's just as valuable as you, the God-people of the police.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
I've fired a lot of those weapons in the Marine Corps, and they are just as deadly as a normal weapon.
They're just, their mortality rate is just a little bit less than a normal gun, and they're being fired out by the same gunpowder.
I mean, it's just, where a bullet is a piercing projectile, you know, a wooden dow is a bludgeoning projectile.
Yeah, it's a concussion device.
It's just, it's amazing.
It's just disgusting.
And, you know, you're trained and you know that if you shoot somebody with one of those, that you can kill them.
Well now, I mean again, I'm not trained in these.
I am trained in almost every type of firearm.
I'm pretty proficient, but trying to understand this from what I've read, you're not supposed to shoot this any closer than 60 feet.
They say really 100 is better, because anywhere after 60 there's a good chance you're going to kill somebody.
They're saying this guy shot this lady in the face at about 25 feet.
Yeah, and that, you know, he had to know.
He was just an idiot or just a bloodthirsty guy that, you know, I'm going to show these people blah.
I mean, you just do not shoot people.
So in the Marine Corps, what did they tell you was a lethal distance?
I want to say around 50 feet, something like that.
I don't know, I always avoided shooting somebody with those if I could.
I mean, personally, I would rather be gassed.
But I mean, in the training, what did they tell you?
Or did they just say, here's a dowel gun, go out and defend the embassy?
Probably, I think it was around 50 feet.
Yeah, I've read 60 feet.
Yeah, it was 50, 60 feet.
I can't, it's been so long I can't really remember.
Hey, Danny, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
You bet.
Todd in Florida.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hello, sir.
I was wanting to commend you on bringing up the, being prophetic yet again about the Red Sox thing because she was actually killed by non-lethal weaponry according to the mayor.
And that was one story and now it's a whole different wire story.
But there were two different wire stories.
That is amazing.
What do you mean prophetic?
Oh, you were talking two days ago.
There was a gentleman who called in and it was scary to me.
And I always wanted to call in.
I remember I was saying the one place you might have riot police is after games because stuff does get out of control.
Right, he actually defended it because he talked about it being tribal.
And I wasn't really agreeing with you, but the more you spoke of it, it seemed kind of legit.
Well, going back, I wasn't defending it.
I said, 200 old ladies, literally, show up for a peace protest and they call up 500 riot police and shoot people with pepper spray and rubber bullets.
And I said, you know, that's out of control.
But I said, the one place I could see having riot police out would be after these football and baseball games.
Because those do get violent.
I'm not defending shooting people with rubber bullets.
I was giving the example of the real threat for riots is after sporting events.
Right, right, and it really is an expression where really I don't think people can have any victory, have any expression of one beat zero, or any kind of math expression now, because it's so much kind of a distorted kind of math.
Well, people were burning, the car did get set on fire, they were dumping over trash cans and the rest of it.
The point is that you don't run up and shoot people with rubber and wooden bullets.
These are not non-lethal weapons.
Well, I think it's just an extension of the crime syndicate that you've mentioned in the past, and creating an illusion, as opposed to creating a rally, which is kind of what Edward Bernays kind of mentioned many decades before.
The term CIA slides, have you heard of that?
Slide agents?
No, just the word slides where it actually just
When you mention the word, it gets people to shut down?
No, CIA slide agent is somebody you use to infiltrate a movement.
No, just a slide.
Just a slide.
I just read that the other day.
The whole thing about the National ID card,
Won't that eventually be the National ID chip?
Because it'll be presented as... We've announced the passports are going to have a tracker chip up to 200 feet and all drivers license under this new National ID card bill that's on the verge of passing.
It's in conference right now.
It's about to go to the President, unfortunately.
Right, but in terms of the false debate and the problem reaction solution, one would be presented that you're going to be scanned every 10 or 15 or 20 or 45 feet, and it'll be easier to have the chip in you, and that'll be kind of that false choice.
That's what they're promoting, Todd.
Thanks for the call.
Kyle in California.
Kyle, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Go ahead.
Thank you for calling.
I was the last one yesterday.
That's right.
I told you to call back in.
What'd you call about?
Well, I have a number of things, but I just wanted to commend you on the Clinton thing.
I heard you mention this days ago.
I don't even know how long.
But I wanted to tell your listeners about the site.
I'm a sports fan, and I frequent a lot of sports sites on the internet.
One of them I go to is ESPN.com.
Right now, on the top of that screen, there's an animated icon of a gold medallion with one side is an E for ESPN.
And on the other side is a triangle, or a pyramid, with the all-seeing eye.
And it's just rotating, looking at you, rotating.
It's very freaky.
Almost every corporation is shifting to pyramids and all-seeing eyes.
It creeped me out, so I'm not going there anymore, but wanted to bring light to that.
Also, I heard you say the other day that you'd like to do a program with somebody who has the position that we have reached peak oil.
Yeah, after the election, if we're not in the middle of World War III with Iran, I'm going to do 4 or 5 shows, 4 or 5 interviews with people pro and con P. Coyle.
Well, one of them is a local guy here, his name is Richard Heinberg.
He wrote the book P. Coyle and he seems like a pretty sane individual.
I've heard him speak a number of times.
But your position is that
The oil cartels are pulling the same thing that De Beers is with the diamonds, right?
Yeah, that's what all the evidence points towards.
People don't want to believe me as usual, so that's fine.
I haven't made my mind up.
I've spent about 10 hours in the last month researching this, and it only confirms what I believe, but I'm not going to make up my mind yet.
Well, that's a great position to be, just let the facts present themselves.
And make your decision at that point.
They're doing it with water, they're doing it with the internet, they're doing it with oil, they're doing it with diamonds, they're doing it with... They're saying it, you know, it's artificially scarce.
They're creating that perception.
It seems that way.
Also, I want to encourage people, starting on November 3rd, to investigate instant runoff voting, because we do need some more choices than skull and bones.
That's all.
Hey, Kyle, thanks for the call.
Thanks a lot.
Bill in Wisconsin.
Bill, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how are you doing today?
Good, my friend.
All right.
I got one of these slick political brochures yesterday in the mail, and it's coming in by the pound.
But anyway, this one featured the puss of Ed Koch, and it says on the front, on issues like abortion and stem cell research, I disagree with President Bush, but when it comes to the issues that matter most,
The security of our country, the protection of our families, and standing up for Israel.
Yeah, I saw him on the Daily Show.
George Bush is absolutely right.
Yeah, I saw Ed Koch say the exact same thing.
It must be a script.
And he's just wonderful.
He said, so we have Ed Koch, the ultra-liberal.
We have Arnold, the ultra-liberal.
We have Iran endorsing Bush, Putin endorsing Bush.
I'm looking for Hitler to pop up out of the grave and endorsing.
Yeah, well, you know, and then on the back, America, we must support President Bush's unprecedented pro-Israel policies, his commitment to fighting global anti-Semitism, and winning the war on terror.
Now this was sent to me by the Republican Jewish Coalition, and they got the wrong guy here.
Well, I mean, certainly, I don't think Ed Koch or anybody speaks for all the Jewish folks out there, but I mean, they're going to win if Kerry gets in.
Kerry wants to expand the war, too.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I predicted it would be George Bush.
I almost changed it to maybe Kerry a few months ago when the Bilderberg Group endorsed him, but it looks like Bush.
Other people think it's going to be Kerry.
Bob Chapman is Kerry by one or two percent.
And again, it doesn't matter.
I'm looking forward to hearing Michael Peruca.
We're going to vote for him here in Wisconsin even though we've got to write him in.
But that's the direction we're taking.
I've got another question.
How do you write it in when it's an electronic vote?
And my mother went to vote yesterday and she dropped by the house.
to visit the family and she said yeah you walk up and people are all lined up right behind you watching you vote and she said it's so confusing and you know she's computer literate it's so cumbersome with this dial that it's designed to make you vote straight party.
Well we have a form at least in our county here where we block it in a circle with a pencil as to the candidate and then there is a position where you can write in candidate
I would guess.
And then you put it in the box and then they run it through a computerized system some point after that.
But we can write in candidates.
Then I check the local paper.
You know, they do report it.
What the presidential election serves as is really a distraction.
They're going to control who gets in either way.
But the power is at the county, state, and local level where we really all can run and get involved and fight things if the new electronic machines haven't been put in.
Thanks for the call, Bill.
I appreciate your call.
Carol and others, your calls are up next.
When we get back, I'm going to get into all the other news I mentioned.
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Yesterday we read several news articles, not a guest on, from Nevada where they want to pass a law in North Las Vegas where they come to your house without a warrant and inspect it.
And without notifying you, well, and I said, man, there was an Illinois town doing this, and it was spreading to other parts of the state a couple years ago, but I can't remember the name of the town.
I knew it was something, Bill.
And it was even worse there, and then my guest said, oh yeah, that's going on in New Jersey and other areas, and he had articles on that.
The ACLU guy we had on, well, this is out of the Belleville News Democrat, subject to inspection was the headline, December 8, 2002, so two years ago.
and it says Belleville inspectors and armed police officers show up without a search warrant to check for occupancy code violations and ticket people who don't let them in a practice experts say is unconstitutional by George Pawlecki and that says uh... and then it goes into the details and it describes you wake up at four in the morning and there's cops with flashlights over your bed and you say what are you doing and they go inspection
In some cases they don't even talk to you and they go in and if you've got more than one toothbrush they go up.
You're only authorized to have one person in this house or apartment.
And these are privately owned homes.
And they have all these city fees and stuff for zoning.
And this is really a federal model.
And it says, Beth Hudson-Dorfer invited friends over.
Babysit your grandchildren or allow relatives to spend the night in Belleville and you risk an armed police officer turning up at your door to search your home and give you a ticket.
Enforcement teams insisting of a housing inspector and a police officer do not obtain search warrants before showing up to check for occupancy code violators.
A Belleville News Democrat investigation found most residents give their permission to come in, although reluctantly.
And those who don't, usually you're charged.
Sometimes they simply walk in.
I'm reading from the article.
Jim Reese said he was standing in his kitchen when he heard a noise at 7 a.m.
and found a housing inspector and a police officer standing in his living room.
I wanted to know who walked in without permission.
He said, they didn't answer me.
They just started walking through the place.
These people are nuts, folks!
Some aggressive enforcement of city law designed to prevent overcrowding violates the Fourth Amendment, which guards against unlawful search and seizure, legal experts say.
And it's a long, seven-page article.
I mean, old ladies at 4 a.m.
with guys standing over them.
Then there was a Chicago Tribune article about it, defending it, saying, we need this everywhere.
And then they admit in the TV station and AP articles out of Nevada that, by law, they're going to be there looking for illegal things.
So, just, it's your home inspection.
I mean, the Soviet Union didn't even have this, folks.
Well, it's for your safety.
We've just got to do it.
Let's go to Carol.
Carol, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How are you doing?
You know, when they do these illegal wars, what in effect is like the ultimate not having a search warrant, kill thousands and thousands of people and maim tens of thousands
Why shouldn't they?
You know, the one toothbrush.
I think it's a good law.
Yeah, you come in and they find more one toothbrush.
They should have that.
Well, they didn't kill her.
They really should be.
Well, no.
I mean, they actually say that say your house is supposed to have five people.
There's seven toothbrushes.
They find you on the spot.
If you have two toothbrushes and one person is supposed to live there, it's over for you.
And again, no warrant!
You just wake up at 4 a.m., 7 a.m., and they're standing up.
It says they stand over your bed.
And when you say, who are you?
They don't respond.
Talk about the nightmare.
Well, it's here.
I really don't think there is a future for the country.
I think that we're going down.
We're going to go down hard.
And probably fighting is going to be the, you know, the ultimate oxymoron is this non-lethal weapon thing.
You talk about the Hegelian dialectic, there it is in spades, right?
Well, it's like the term therapeutic cloning.
You know, new freedom.
Patriot Act.
Hey, what I called you about... Stay there.
Stay there, my friend.
We'll come back to you in the next segment, next hour.
You got Michael Peruccio coming up in 30 minutes as well.
Just a bunch of stuff, you don't want to miss it.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're only about nine and a half days out from the election of 2004.
Bush has protected Bill Clinton all along, wouldn't let Dan Burton's committee go after him for all the different gates, the pardon gates and the rest of it.
And we know why, because the Globalists have big plans for Bill Clinton.
He's positioned, and the UN wants him to be the new Secretary General, coming up in about a year and a half.
And then, whether it's John Forbes Kerry or George W. Bush, then they can double-team us and put an American face on the UN.
More on that today, out of United Press International.
And that's on our website, simplewars.com, prisonpanda.com.
The Constitution Party presidential candidate, Michael Perutka, is coming up in 30 minutes.
Your call is coming up here momentarily.
Also, new scientists reporting.
Experts fear escape of 1918 superflu from laboratories.
Biometric enters the third dimension.
This is out of Wired Magazine.
Charges dropped against woman arrested for talking loudly on cell phone.
And we'll get back into this subject to inspection article where armed police without a warrant inspect your house.
We did get the article that I was mentioning yesterday out of Illinois.
I want to cover some more of that and we'll talk about the election as well.
Just big broadcast left for you the next two hours.
But Carol in Pennsylvania
Now, you had a point you wanted to finish up.
Well, what I really wanted to ask you specifically, you were talking about the other day, the TIPS program and those various, and even this thing like where these, they just come into the house on this woman, you know, the Health and Human Services, CPS, and all the rest of that crap.
Go ahead.
Do you think that they are using civilians illegally to target people, welfare,
Different groups of welfare crash and drug dealers.
It's all color of law.
I mean, as the Penn lawyer for the ACLU said from Nevada yesterday, it is illegal, it is unlawful, but it's all color of law and they're the enforcers so they don't get in trouble.
They can't just walk into your house at 4am to inspect your home.
They can't.
Uh, just come grab your children without a warrant or an indictment.
They can't grab your bank account without, uh, you know, an indictment.
But they do it every day because they're criminal.
So the criminal element is actually in charge and the rest of the good people are actually subject to their abuses at this point.
Well, that's how a confidence man operates.
It's all the illusion of authority.
That's what tyranny or the very definition of despotism is.
I'll leave you on that sad note.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Yeah, you know, when Bush says, hey, we've already been doing the stuff that's in Patriot Act for years, we just need this for terrorists, in a way that's true.
I mean, in all over the country for years, they just come in your house without a warrant, housing inspection, and oh, we're looking for illegal stuff while we're at it.
Yeah, no Fourth Amendment, and they admit it's not for terrorism, you know.
Knock on top, let me in your house.
I want to look at your legal guns.
Don't you want to let me?
Don't you want to let me?
Well, you have to.
You know, and this is in middle class neighborhoods.
They're just doing it.
And how they got these cops to think this is normal.
I mean, why do you want this job?
Well, I need to stop crime.
You don't stop crime.
The bigger your drug war gets, the more drugs we've got on our streets.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael and Mash.
Scene of where they kill people walking out of restaurants with rubber bullets.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Mike.
Yeah, can you hear me?
Okay, you know what the big issue on the radio station, the big, you know, AM news station is this morning?
It's not who killed this woman.
It's the fact that they put her on the front page of the Herald being shot.
And that's what they want to cover.
That's the big controversy.
They have the college expert on the news station.
Yeah, that's the distraction.
They'll always do that.
And divert you off into some other issue.
Yeah, these people, like, we still don't know the name of the fuck that did that.
But they're talking about this, you know, this photograph on the front.
I haven't seen the paper yet.
Well, we can't tell you the name of a god.
Oh, yeah.
Again, this woman isn't as valuable as the lord that killed her.
Oh, yeah.
Tell you what, stay there, we'll talk about it.
Yeah, I mean, she just walks out of a restaurant and they shoot her in the face at 25 feet away, which they admit can kill you, and they kill her.
And then now they're making excuses for it.
You murdered her!
We have rights too!
Or at least as good as your police dogs.
Can we have as much rights as your dogs?
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight, we're here.
Michael Perutka, Constitution Party presidential candidate, is coming up in about 23 minutes.
Continue taking your calls and covering the news.
Everybody wants to talk about this, and I'm glad you do.
It's very serious.
It's indicative of the society we live in.
You know, Joseph Stalin, evil thug he was, said something right.
When one man dies, it's a tragedy.
When 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
And nice, intelligent, no criminal record, and now we're learning top of her class, Victoria Snellgrove, lovely young lady.
A woman dies from head injury sustained after Red Sox win.
A college student celebrating the Red Sox come from behind victory over the New York Yankees was killed after a police officer called in to control a rowdy crowd, shot her in the eye with what was designed to be a non-lethal projectile.
And Victoria Snellgrove, a 21-year-old journalism major at Emerson College, was hit by the projectile, fired by an officer on crowd control duty.
Snellgrove of East Bridgewater died of a head injury at
Brigham and Women's Hospital later in the day, or yesterday.
And folks, I've been at events where they've used this stuff.
I've got video from around the country of where it's happened.
I mean, they shoot you at 60 feet with one of these dowels or big rubber bullets and it puts about an inch wide bloody hole about an inch deep.
I mean, blood will just pour from these.
And everybody knows, and in the training they're told,
Don't fire at somebody from anywhere from 50 to 60 feet because any closer you can kill them.
And every month or so some homeless person struggles and they shoot them with rubber bullets up close and kill them.
Or you know some some guys threatening to commit suicide so they shoot them with rubber bullets and kill them.
You know this stuff happens all the time and the cops know these things are sold as less lethal.
Again, the mafia doesn't just like to
Kill people with a .22 to the head, because it doesn't leave any rifling and it deforms to such an extent you can't trace the bullet with forensics.
But they also like to use the gas.
So you have a high-powered handgun, you walk right up to somebody and put that up to their head, it will shoot a chunk of their skull into their brain.
Then there's no record.
Well, the same thing goes for these rubber bullets and these dowels.
I mean, you shoot somebody 25 feet away, you're probably going to kill them.
Or injure them, critically.
And they shot her and she fell over like a sack of potatoes and went into a coma and died later.
It blew her eye back into her brain.
The bone behind the eye is about half the thickness of a Lay's potato chip.
No, it's about as thick as a Lay's potato chip.
I was thinking of a little bit thicker potato chip.
It's real thin.
I don't know, it's just horrible.
But, you know, cops, how would you like it if your daughter was out there?
And by the way, we get reports of this.
A cop rapes a woman and it's another cop's daughter from another city.
Or a woman gets beat up by police and it's a cop's daughter and then they all weep and wail and then suddenly the cops run and prosecute the cop.
Well, you, you raped a cop's daughter!
You know, it's like, it's like they're first class citizens and we're not.
We're human beings too.
We're just as valuable as you are.
In fact, I say this young woman is more valuable than you.
And why do I say that?
Because you signed on for danger.
You're a man.
You took this job voluntarily.
This woman walked out of a restaurant and got shot in the eye with a huge projectile.
Alright, going back to the calls, go ahead and make your comments mic and mask.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, this woman, in addition, would be paying this cop's salary when she got a job, too, you know?
Paying taxes.
I bet cops tell me, we pay our own taxes, we pay taxes, too.
We don't work for you.
I was listening to a sports station.
It's sick.
We have two all-sports stations.
I don't want to say which one.
It sounded like somebody from the Red Sox organization.
I'm not positive, so I won't say for sure.
He said, well, maybe we should get this photograph out there as an example.
And people won't do this anymore.
I mean, what a ghoul!
What a thuggish, disgusting... Oh, this'll teach people!
Oh, let's show a snuff film of a dead girl, and that'll teach these people!
Yeah, thug!
Oh, so... People are like animals!
They're like animals!
They said the same thing on the other, you know, supposedly conservative talk station.
They have Michael Stanton at night.
No, I know!
And they were saying the same thing.
This'll teach them!
Maybe this is what used to happen.
You know, let's get this photograph out there.
They're not afraid of anything.
Maybe they're afraid of this.
And I'm just... I couldn't listen.
I wish my tape recorder... What if it was their daughter?
What if it was their daughter?
I'm thinking to myself, you know, if I had an 18, 20 year old daughter... Mr. Snellgrove needs to sue them.
That's what I was thinking.
You need to get those people's names.
You need to call Mr. Snellgrove and tell him about it.
And he needs to sue them.
He definitely needs to sue them.
And I'd like to...
I'd like to know the name of the filthy, disgusting pig that did this.
Oh, you're going to hear a lot more of it.
I've actually heard it this morning.
Well, they were turning over some trash cans and, you know, this will teach them.
Well, you know, that night, now I was listening all the way until about two o'clock in the morning.
They were saying there were hundreds that demonstrated.
Peacefully demonstrating.
Now all of a sudden I heard this morning on AM radio in Boston that there were 80,000 people out there.
Now, you can't have it both ways.
Well, I've got a Boston.com article that is three pages long.
No, no, no.
That's part one.
It's nine pages long.
And it says, there was a thousand people celebrating in the streets, and so they threw flashbangs.
There were 200 protesting here, so they opened fire.
And the only place that said there was violence was some people set fire to a car.
That was separate.
And what you do is, you go after those perpetrators.
You don't fire at young women walking out of restaurants.
But see, this is the mindset.
Ten guys kill some contractors and hoist them up on bridges, and I hear neocons go, nuke Fallujah!
Kill everyone!
So that means if somebody commits a murder in Austin, Texas, should the government nuke Austin because one person committed a murder?
And you know what?
So I guess cops were out there on the streets.
Does that mean they were part of the rioting?
Should the cops then start shooting the cops?
One of the most disgusting and roughest sections of town in any big city in the United States.
Boston, if you include the suburbs, is almost twice the size of Houston.
We've got, like, almost 4 million people and about 600 square miles around here.
And that neighborhood, you know, the thugs and the creeps that live in that neighborhood, it's no surprise that happens.
Well, I mean, I want you to understand, though, what you just said, and I've heard similar things, not quite to that extent,
This is the equivalent of saying, let's snuff innocent people and run snuff films on TV and in the paper and then promote that.
It's like public execution.
That's what they're saying.
That's what they're saying on this phony conservative station, on the all sports station, the big one, the 50,000 watt one.
This is what they're saying.
Take a look at this photograph.
Now give us some crap.
This is what they're saying.
They're like mobsters.
They're like animals.
They're ghouls.
There's no excuse for this.
I'm so upset when I heard about this.
You need to contact Mr. Snellgrove.
He needs to sue them.
He'll win a lawsuit in a minute before a jury.
He can own that station.
And not only so, but...
These people should- whoever shot- They need to lose their jobs immediately.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, you know what?
These DJs, they'll fire a DJ for saying nothing.
Well, I don't support the war.
You're fired.
But then they can get up there and yeah, this'll show them.
This is a dead girl, you scum.
Oh man, I tell you.
Yeah, I've got news articles here of the spin machine.
Well, in fact, the mayor- actually, I was just reading that last hour.
Let me dig that out.
Is it the mayor or the police commissioner?
Yeah, it's the mayor going, well, you know, it's the thug's fault, maybe this will show everybody.
You killed an innocent girl!
Now this will show people?
You did the killing with weapons that are non-lethal!
And they tell them that, they train them, they know that.
Alright, here's the Daily Show talking about, playing a clip,
That Bush saying that we're not going to have an all-volunteer army.
And the crowd has to tell him that it is an all-volunteer army.
Go ahead and play that clip and then we'll break and come back with more calls.
Yeah, go ahead and play it.
Here it is.
With even our army having difficulty traveling in Iraq, now I'm sure you're wondering, when do I get to go see this Charles Hellscape for myself?
Well, sadly, Iraq is no place for tourists.
Just ask the Iraqi Tourism Board.
In a Wall Street Journal article, Ahmed al-Jabouri, head of the government-run tourism office, says he sees keeping people out of Iraq as his chief duty.
Thus explaining his new tourist pamphlet, Let's Go Iraq.
By the way, Al Jabori's warning came too late for the Griswold family of the greater Chicago area.
Tragedy was averted only after Mrs. Griswold distracted the terrorists with a gratuitous shower scene.
How bad is Iraq right now?
So bad, our army won't travel through it.
Last Wednesday, 19 members of a fuel convoy failed to go on an assignment calling it a suicide mission after discovering their equipment was not up to snuff.
One of the company members told her family in a call, quote, we had broken down trucks, non-armored vehicles, and we were carrying contaminated fuel.
Broken down non-armored vehicles with contaminated fuel?
No, it's just part of the military's new plan to create an army of nuns.
Now, not providing the troops with adequate equipment and having reservists serve two, three, ten tours of duty in Iraq,
Starting to have a negative effect on recruitment, raising the specter of a draft.
At a rally in Florida Sunday, President Bush made his position very clear.
After standing on the stage, after the debates, I made it very plain.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
I don't think that's what he meant to say.
Alright, folks.
We're gonna go to break and we'll come back and we'll just cue it up to the part where he plays it.
Actually, I've got the whole clip where Bush then corrects himself after about five seconds of looking dumbfounded.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a... Finishing up this clip from the Daily Show.
We'll go to Dan and Troy and others.
And we got Michael Perutka, presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, coming up here in a few minutes.
Go ahead and finish up that clip from the Daily Show that's on PrisonPlanet.com.
Starting to have a negative effect on recruitment, raising the specter of a draft.
After standing on the stage, after the debates, I made it very plain.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
I don't think that's what he meant to say.
So now the crowd at the rally is in a bit of a jam.
They don't really know how to react.
They want to applaud wildly because they signed an agreement saying they would.
But they're certain that the President didn't mean to say what he had just said.
So the anonymous throng quickly realized there's only one thing they as patriot Americans could do.
Correct the President.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
And yet this week, we will have an all-volunteer.
Well, there you go!
Good thing Frank from the local hardware store caught the mistake in time.
Okay, now again, uh,
They really do make you sign agreements to get into these rallies and give them your driver's license number and everything else, and they call them public rallies.
That's a new thing here in America.
But in reality, they are setting up a national draft.
There is a draft of people that have already served, so that's just the facts.
No matter how much they call the conspiracy theory, it's a fact.
Dan and Mass up there where they kill young women and then say they deserve it.
This will be a lesson to everybody.
Go ahead, Dan.
Yeah, this is actually the second time that I've been
Near somewhere where there was a riot and innocent people were getting beat up and maimed.
I used to live in Ames, Iowa and there was a smaller riot but it was at the Iowa State University there.
They're notorious for every year during their visha celebration for having a riot.
I actually had a friend who was in DPS there and she quit after what happened there because one of her friends, she saw a girl get gassed
And then beat up and she was just trying to leave, just like the girl here in Boston was just trying to leave and then, you know, got maimed.
So, anybody that thinks there may be something like that going on in an area that they're in, I would just say, get away.
Because even if you're not a part of it, you're still in danger of getting, you know, beat up or whatever.
So you had a friend who was a member of the state police and she saw one of her friends get... Yeah, and she quit over it.
It upset her so bad, she saw one of her friends getting beat up.
By men.
I mean, it was just like a little 120-pound girl.
Yeah, it's like these guys joined the police force and, you know, they're probably a third of them.
I'm not saying all cops are bad, because they want to go out and beat women and beat children.
I mean, I got video of them spraying a baby in a baby carriage with mace and then laughing, going, shouldn't bring a baby.
I mean, that can kill a baby.
And it was interesting, on the news here, they actually did say the police take full responsibility.
Now, this is the first time I've ever seen
When the police do something wrong that they say that they're going to take full responsibility.
Well they say we take responsibility and then they say we didn't do anything wrong.
Well because there were a hundred witnesses is what I'm thinking because I mean they'll raid an old veteran and you know who's deaf and kill him or whatever and they won't even take responsibility but here they're saying they take full responsibility and I think that's just because there's so many witnesses around in the area that there's no way that they could.
Now again I'm getting different stories but the basics are she was walking down the street
Off from the side of the crowd, and they just ran up close to her and shot her in the face.
Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it.
I'm sure that's exactly what happened.
I know the police say that happened, but... I had another question, too.
The microchips, are those based on RFID technology?
Okay, I know you've had other callers say this in the past, but I just wanted to remind people how dangerous it would be to take a microchip
Yes, they're RFID.
RFID can, as you know, you had the $20 bill thing on your website a while ago, where RFID explodes when it's exposed to a high-powered microwave.
And as we know, they're putting microwaves on the blimps, they're putting microwave guns on their tanks, and they're also going to have handheld microwave guns.
So if you have a chip in your body and you're not being a good globalist or a good neocon,
They can just simply point their microwave at you, I suspect, and blow your chip up and kill you.
I think it would hurt you pretty bad because a contained explosion is much longer.
I mean, I mean, much more powerful.
I mean, it could like melt it and poison you too.
I mean, couldn't it just probably melt it and poison your bloodstream or something?
Oh, one of these chips pops.
I mean, it would definitely be contained and then cause a major, uh...
Major concussion and bloody pulp.
I'm the one who's the parent for Brainwashed by the Neocons.
Now, I did actually get my mom.
She's watched your 9-11 road to jail.
Stay there.
We'll get to you after Peruco if you want to hold.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, I've gotten to the point with these electronic voting machines and all the stuff that's going on in Austin that I wasn't probably going to vote, but I'm going to still go in to investigate these machines and vote for Michael Perutka coming up.
I'm going to vote on Tuesday.
I'm going to vote on November 2nd.
We're going to try to get his VP running mate up, Chuck Baldwin, who actually writes for PrisonPlanet.com, and is just a great guy, a prolific writer for hundreds of big sites, who's his VP running mate.
And Michael Peruca is just an amazing individual, and we're so honored to have him.
He is the presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, who I agree with their platform 110%.
Michael Anthony Peruca, a graduate of Loyola College in Maryland,
And the University of Baltimore School of Law is chairman of the Constitution Party of Maryland and a member of the Executive Director of the Constitution Party National Committee.
He and his wife, Diane, live in Millersville, Maryland with their three children.
He's the founder of the Institute on the Constitution, a nationwide program teaching the principles incorporated in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Michael has, for 18 years, been a partner with his brother Stephen in Maryland, a law firm of Paducah and Paducah.
I mean, Peruca and Peruca, excuse me, inspired by his parents, Anthony and Elizabeth Peruca.
Michael has called to public service at an early age, providing leadership and support of the right to life, the right to keep and bear arms, and other constitutional causes.
Michael resigned from his position with the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services when he recognized that none of the programs on which he was working were constitutionally permissible.
They put his money where his mouth was.
Michael also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Conservative Caucus Research for Analysis and Education Foundation.
And the website is perutka2004.com.
Perutka is spelled P-E-R-O-U-T-K-A.
I don't know.
Too liberal an agenda socially in some cases, though I do like Michael Bagneri, a good friend of mine from here in Austin, Texas.
I'll be voting for Michael Perutka.
Michael, great to have you on with us, sir.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It is an honor to be on your program and to talk to you.
I appreciate your hospitality.
Well, thank you, sir.
In a nutshell, tell us about the Constitution Party, how folks can vote for you, how you're building the party, growing incredibly fast, and then what you think the state of the world is right now with the New World Order.
Well, sure.
Let me just briefly tell you that we began in 1992 as the U.S.
Taxpayers' Party.
And the founding force of our party, really, was Mr. Howard Phillips, who had served in the Nixon administration and left as a matter of principle back in the mid-70s and founded something called the Conservative Caucus and has been active in that ever since.
And in 92, he helped to found, and as I say, was the founding force of the US Taxpayers Party.
In 1999, we changed our name to the Constitution Party.
To more broadly, or more specifically, I guess you might say, express our mission, which is to return to constitutional government in America.
The themes of our campaign, Alex, are God, family, and the Republic.
We say we need to honor God, defend the family, and restore the American Republic.
And just briefly, we start with honoring God, because this is right where our country began.
It's right where our forefathers began, with an acknowledgement that there is a Creator God, and that our rights come from Him.
And the purpose of government is to protect and secure and defend those rights.
I mean, this is the American view of law and government.
It's expressed, you know, as I say, succinctly and articulately in our Declaration of Independence.
Then we say we need to defend the family, and we say we have to defend the family against those who would actually redefine the family in America, those who would refine or redefine marriage in America, those who would seek to murder the most innocent among us,
Unborn in their mother's wombs.
And then we say we need to restore the American Constitutional Republic.
And you know, we hear all the time from both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry and Mr. Jennings and Dan Blather and all those other people.
We hear all the time that we're a democracy.
We're even trying to establish democracies all over the world.
And yet, of course, we are not a democracy.
We are a republic.
I always tell people,
There's a difference.
Say the Pledge of Allegiance and stop at the 16th word, and to the Republic!
That's what we are.
We recognize a higher moral authority, just as I just explained.
We are in our Republic.
Even if 51% of the people voted that we could murder everybody named Jones, that would be law in a democracy.
But of course, in a Republic, it is not.
There's a higher moral law to which government and the people must both
So, this is what we say, we're the truly American party because this is the way America was founded.
And don't get me wrong, people say sometimes you try to turn back the clock.
I'm not trying to turn back the clock.
We're not trying to return to 17th or 18th century America.
What we're trying to do is to re-establish those principles upon which America was founded and to operate our government and operate our culture, actually.
In the way that, uh, that our, our, upon these basic principles that our, that our country began.
So, uh, we, we really are not to, we're, we're not something revolutionary as much as restorative.
I mean, that's what I want to do is restore the Constitution.
We're counter-revolutionaries.
And to break this down, at perutka2004.com.
Again, P-E-R-O-U-T-K-A-2004.com.
And Michael just got off a plane and is going to a speech right now, and he's joining us and working tirelessly out there.
Go to the website.
You can see how to get involved, the press room, the campaign themes, the issues, how to contribute, how to contact them, how to get out the vote.
But, you know, you mentioned people say, oh, we're trying to turn back the clock.
Well, no.
The American system is still new and the most revolutionary and the best system.
They're going back to the Roman or Babylonian or Egyptian command and control slave system.
We're turning into those decadent
Decadent demons that we've seen in the past.
So really, we are the true progressives.
We are the revolutionaries that created the revolution that gave us freedom.
Now they're trying to actually bring us back, turn back the clock 2,000 years.
Well, you're right, and so what we're talking about is restoring the American Constitutional Republic, which, you know, G.K.
Chesterton, you just reminded me of this, Alex, said America is the only country ever founded on a creed, a system of beliefs.
That belief actually is biblically based, it's based on biblical beliefs.
But forget what I'm saying.
I'm not talking about the Fed so much that it's typical.
This is the American view.
This is how we were founded.
This is what we need to return to.
This is what established the blessings of liberty for America up to this point.
So this is what we need to get back to.
I would just say that both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry stand for a different understanding of what government is.
Uh, they believe that the purpose of government is not, as I just explained, the American view to protect and defend God-given rights.
But they believe that the purpose of government is to redistribute wealth.
To take from A and give to B. And now, of course, they want to do it on an international level.
And both men are committed to international trade treaties and international trade organizations.
Both of them are New World Order men, both of them.
And I think if you look at the New World Order agenda, you can see that this is where a lot of the issues in the campaign, this is really the umbrella issue, is this globalist agenda.
And then you start to see the
Then you start to see that these other issues kind of all fall under that.
The idea that we're going to abort, we're going to kill our young.
The idea that we're not going to protect our borders.
The idea that we're not going to treat illegal immigration as though it was and is illegal.
I kind of had the fun the other day to say we're the only party that says illegal immigration is illegal.
But you see that these agendas tie together
Because both of these men and their parties are committed to this internationalist view, where they want to subsume us into the New World Order.
The attack on the Second Amendment is the same thing.
They can't subsume us into the New World Order.
Unless we, uh, if we're armed.
So they have to disarm us first in order to do that.
That's the agenda.
Well, Michael, you know, five years ago, ten years ago, we'd talk about the New World Order and get laughed at, but now the Supreme Court says we follow the UN.
Italy says grab the servers from IndyMedia.
And under an international treaty, they do it.
No free speech.
We see all of this happening.
We see the police state.
Bush saying he would have signed the assault weapons ban.
When I was at the Republican National Convention and watched Republicans worshipping Arnold Schwarzenegger, when he's more liberal than Bill Clinton, I mean, that right there, folks, this lesser of two evils, it doesn't fly.
We're talking about a fraud here.
And look, with George Bush in office, they've been able to get this whole agenda through.
I mean, he signed back onto UNESCO.
What would you do about the UNESCO treaty that Bush had his wife sign us back onto last year if you got into office?
What would you do about the income tax?
What would you do about the borders?
What would you do about all of this?
Well, let me just go through a little laundry list kind of quickly.
First of all, we would get out of the New World Order in every way.
We would get out of the United Nations and have the United Nations out of the U.S.
The whole panoply of organizations that you just mentioned, including NAFTA, GATT, and this FTAA, all of these things are violative of America's sovereignty.
You've got foreign bureaucrats making decisions, and they're not accountable to the Congress, or to the American people, or to the Senate.
So, we would get out of these organizations.
I believe that we do not need an income tax in America.
We existed, many people don't even realize we existed for 120 years without one.
We could do so again.
The problem is not the collection of revenue, the problem is the unconstitutional spending on unconstitutional programs.
So we would, I would look to repeal the 16th Amendment.
I know there's a body of argument out there that says we don't have to because it's voluntary anyway.
But I'm not addressing that here today.
What I'm saying is, I would work to repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish the IRS.
What about the 17th, sending the Senators back to the states?
Oh, the 17th Amendment?
Well, I believe that was a mistake.
I mean, obviously, that is an amendment to the Constitution, but I believe what it did was to
Take away the authority of the states and the sovereignty of the states by electing the Senators by popular vote.
I think it's a drastic mistake for America.
And I would work to change that as well.
I think we... I understand what... Under the Second Amendment, I understand and the Constitution Party understands what the word shall not be infringed means.
And we would not... As a matter of fact, that's the most sweeping language I believe in the Constitution.
I believe it actually might even give the federal government the authority to make sure that there are no state...
Laws against gun control.
Yeah, it does.
Because all powers that aren't expressly given to the federal government are to the states of the people.
And we look at the 10th Amendment, we don't just have the feds running the states now, now the international body's running the feds, thus running the states.
What would you do about President Bush's new freedom initiative to force Soviet-style psychological testing on all Americans?
Well, we would eliminate that.
I mean, look, we are so far gone down the road away from the Constitution.
You know, and your listeners I'm sure know, that Article 1, Section 8 lays out the
We're good to go.
So, uh, we would return to constitutional government in America.
And people say to me all the time, well, you've got to put people out of work!
And you've got to cause chaos!
Well, sure we're going to put people out of work, because that work is not productive, it's actually counterproductive to America's interests.
Let's break down this paradigm.
We always hear that, well, we get free federal money.
They take a dollar from us, and on average we get 30 cents back, with strings attached.
You put that in the free market, we get it all back.
You know, I actually had a man ask me yesterday when I spoke in Mississippi, and he said, how are you going to get votes in Mississippi?
Because Mississippi people get $1.58 back for every dollar that goes to Washington.
I said, well, first of all, I think you're dreaming if you think that really happens.
But even if it did happen, all you're saying is that you're stealing from the other states.
You know, look, we have to return to the rule of law in America.
And, uh, we have to get back to the rules.
It doesn't matter whether you go off the cliff, and you've heard this before, it doesn't matter whether you go off the cliff at 80 miles an hour, or at a law-abiding 55 miles an hour.
If you go off the cliff, the endgame is smithereens at the bottom of the cliff.
Uh, what we need to do is change the direction.
And people say, well, isn't this going to cause- aren't there going to be- aren't there going to be fights about this?
Isn't this going to cause- Sure it is!
This is a fight we need to have.
This is a fight that America really needs to have, because we need to straighten this out.
Michael Perutka, the presidential candidate of the Constitution Party.
Of course, Chuck Boland, a great friend of this broadcast, is the vice presidential running mate.
Getting a lot of attention, doing a great job.
And to break this down for people that just joined us, let's use some case point examples.
Red Sox win a few nights ago, the police 25 feet away shoot a woman in the eye with a hard projectile, she dies, and they're on the news, and I've even heard them saying this, well this will teach folks, you know, not to misbehave.
How would you handle the police being militarized and more and more being used against the people?
Well, this is, as you know, this is a national disgrace, and it's a tragedy that we have 80,000 or so federal armed police in America.
We have natural resources police, for Lord's sake.
We are becoming a police state, if you could declare that we are already, actually.
This is because the mentality of the people is that rights come from the government.
And this is a socialist, this is a totalitarian understanding.
You know, in America, again, we've got to go back to the principles.
The people are the people who rule the police, if you will.
We are in charge.
They're our agents.
They're not our rulers.
They're our agents.
They don't have any power, by the way, that we don't have.
How could they have any power as agents to be armed, for example, if we didn't have that authority?
This is, we have to get back to first principle in America, and we need to get rid of all these federal police, and I know you're probably not talking about a federal police situation with respect to that lady.
I actually have been on the road, and I don't really know all the details of what happened there.
Well, it's just this mentality of, I mean, you just stated it, where they're God, they're above us, we're little idiots, they have to take our rights to keep us safe.
The only place we should have federal police is in the Constitution, and that's on the border, and that's the only place they're not!
You're exactly right, and this is something, by the way, that I believe the war in Iraq, and we're subject quickly here, but the war in Iraq, I believe, is an example of a war for empire.
It's not declared.
We didn't declare war there, so the threshold question is it's not constitutional.
Iraq didn't attack us.
There was no Yellow Cake, there were no weapons of mass destruction, and there was no connection to Al-Qaeda.
And I'm not saying Saddam Hussein is a great person, but... But again, our government put him in power.
The government helped him and our government helped Osama Bin Laden.
Look, we have a situation where we've caused a lot of these problems and caused a lot of these terrorist situations because we have funded and encouraged these things.
Even the War on Terror is, I believe, Alex, a dangerous construction of language.
It's Orwellian, actually, in my view, because what we're saying here is that we're going
Declare war and conquer terror!
Well, terror is not an enemy!
Terror is the tactic of an enemy.
It's the vapor that you can claim exists anywhere you want to oppress.
That's exactly right.
So I believe that that language is poor language for us to use and now it's everywhere.
We're all talking about war on terror.
I think it's a dangerous way to think.
Well, let's look at another war.
The war on drugs.
We have triple the heroin, double the cocaine.
And the very government that is fighting it has been caught shipping it in, creating the crisis.
Sure, we had a war on drugs and drugs won.
We had a war on poverty and poverty won.
And now we have a war on terror.
I'll tell you what, we're going to break Michael Perutka, the website perutka2004.com.
We'll tell you about that website again when we get back.
A link to it on infowars.com.
Final comments and information from this great presidential candidate when we return on the other side.
Then we'll start the third hour, get into all this other news we haven't even gotten to yet, and continue with your phone calls.
Perutka for President 04, straight ahead on the other side.
And again, don't forget my websites, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, and now PrisonPlanet.tv, stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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There is now coming into being a very real chance for a new IRLR.
As George Bush said in the 4th State of the Unions,
That is Bush 41.
Now Bill Clinton openly has got most of the G8 lined up for him to be the new Secretary General, so we'll have probably him in there in 06 when Annan leaves, and whether it's Bush or Kerry or then in 08 Arnold Schwarzenegger as President, we'll have an American face on the UN to come in and take over our society.
It's already happening, so Michael Perutka, it's more important than ever to kick the unpopular UN out of this country, this criminal creation.
How would you do that?
Well, first of all, I wouldn't do what Mr. Bush did, which is to pay the unconstitutional tax, which he personally approved.
People say, well, he fights against the UN.
No, he doesn't.
He and his daddy are internationalists, and the very first time I ever heard the words
New World Order, we're out of the mouth of his father there.
Well, he increases all the funding for the UN, doubles a lot of the big federal agencies, the most liberal agencies, and then he's hailed as a conservative.
Well, this is not unlike what you have with both major parties.
We have these oratorical flourishes back and forth in these joint press conferences that they call debates.
But there really is, I'm saying that there really is no difference in principle between these men and these parties.
They both stand for the same things, and they both have the same principal understanding of what government is supposed to do.
And again, it's to redistribute wealth on an international level is what they're all about.
We are something decidedly different.
People ask me all the time, Alex, why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this, Michael?
And I just say, look, nobody is standing up for the American view of law and government.
And somebody needs to.
So that's the answer to question number one.
Well, regardless, you're growing the size of a good third-party alternative.
You're injecting real sense and real issues into the debate all over the country.
There's a huge buzz across the spectrum, not just with this radio broadcast with real conservatives and libertarians, but everywhere.
For what you're doing, and I mean, even if folks go and write you in, it sends that message, and if everybody voted morally instead of going, I want to vote with the winner or lesser of two evils, we would have a Michael Perutka and a Chuck Baldwin for President and Vice President.
How do folks get out there and vote for you?
Well, please, first of all, we are on the ballot in 37 states, and if you do know how hard ballot access is, because Democrats and Republicans make it that way, obviously, and they want to keep out third parties, and I really say we're a second party because they've merged together.
So, the ballot access is difficult, but we're on in 37 states.
Please go to our website, which is, again, peruca2004.com.
By the way, you can get there by typing in GodFamilyRepublic.com, too.
Just type in GodFamilyRepublic.
Those are our themes.
That'll get you right there.
Check out how you can contribute, if the Spirit moves you to do that.
Check out how you can
Click through to your state, and find out who you can contact if you want to be helpful in building the Constitution Party.
Please get our DVDs that we've put out.
We'll send them to you, and you can use them to show others.
We only have 11 days left here.
But have a little party, and have people in, and have coffee, and show them our DVD, and try to convince them.
Michael Perutka, I'm going to be voting for you, and I think you're doing a great job.
Regardless, vote for a third party, folks.
Get out of this one-party system where it's two cousins who are skull and bones.
Last question.
Big article about how Bush doesn't even really go to church.
The guy's a member of Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove.
He puts out this act about how Christian he is.
Any comments about how he's trying to peddle himself as this devout Christian?
Well, let me just say, I don't judge Mr. Bush's heart.
I don't have the capacity or the authority to do something like that.
I'm not God.
I can't judge his heart.
But I think what we have to do is look at the fruits of a man's actions.
We look at the fruit.
When you check out the fruit, you know what the tree is.
If the fruit is good, the tree is good.
If the fruit is bad, then the tree is rotten.
So I just ask people to look at the facts of what he actually stands for, what he actually does.
And don't worry about the rhetoric.
And by the way, do the same for Michael Peruca.
Don't take my word for it.
See what the man does.
Uh, and don't just judge by, uh, his rhetoric.
All right.
God, family, republic, uh, Peruca and, uh, Baldwin for president.
I want to thank you for joining us and, uh, God bless you, my friend.
I appreciate it.
I'm sorry I had to talk so fast.
You're jumping in and out of rental cars, but I appreciate your, your being on with you and your, your great, uh, your great, uh, helpfulness in, uh, getting the truth out to the American people.
Thank you, Michael.
We'll be right back.
Hello, Burke.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Boy, I tell you, we have had a dynamic past two hours.
Now into the third hour.
Have you missed any of it?
Be sure and tune in to the rebroadcast tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
I'm going to replay the show.
Got into him killing this woman up in Boston, and then now the news saying, eh, this will teach folks a lesson.
Ha ha ha.
A cop shooting her in the eye and killing her with a so-called non-lethal weapon, which they admit is, quote, less lethal, is what they're actually termed as, by the industry.
Bill Clinton to be our new Secretary General.
We've known this for years, but now it's becoming official.
Bunch of new news on the flu virus.
They've dug up the 1918 killer flu and say it could escape from a laboratory.
That's the new scientist.
Just so much more coming up in this third hour.
We covered a lot of it in the last two hours.
But again, just please stay with us.
I know we also have a lot of phone calls, people who want to get involved on air.
We just had Michael Perutka, presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, a wonderful person.
Just a great mind and great policies on in the last hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231 when you hear a caller drop.
Let's go ahead and get some of these great calls out of the way.
Let's talk to Dan in Mass.
Dan was making a point earlier, but we had to put him on hold because our guest came up.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Dan.
Yeah, I was just going to tell you, my parents were both basically brainwashed, I told you, by the neocons.
My mom was actually for the microchip and everything like that.
You know, just pro-government, just total
Submit to government.
Worship government.
Give up your rights.
This is what America is about.
Now, recently, within the past week, she's since watched your video, and so has my dad.
My brother was back home, and he told me that my dad was actually a lot more receptive to the message.
My mom still doesn't believe half the stuff she says.
Oh, well, you know, it's all made up, and this and that.
But I did get her to say that she will not be taking a microchip.
So there was a little bit of progress there.
Which one of my 11 videos did you show her?
9-11 the road to purity.
Okay, so you showed her that and she saw it and of course that's a two and a half year old film telling how they were going to roll out the chips and say how good they were.
I guess that woke her up on that issue.
Well, that's what happens is somebody who's totally sold to this thing, who has cognitive dissonance, you just start making a crack in the wall, and then it gets bigger and bigger and accelerates.
Yeah, it's like I planted the seed, you know?
It planted the seed, and it's just going to grow, and it's going to grow, and, you know, hopefully... Well, people deep down know this is all true, so they're in denial.
It's very scary.
Yeah, and now my dad, he used to be a farmer, so he's a lot more receptive to the message, you know?
I think he believes it a little bit more, you know, what's going on, and he's probably even researched on the website and stuff like that, and I don't doubt that, but so I thought, I just wanted to tell you that, you know, even if somebody's being difficult and they don't believe you at all, 100% right away, just keep trying, you know, just give them, start feeding them the videos, just give them to them for free, of course, and, you know, mail them to them or whatever, and if they watch them, they're going to slowly wake up.
It is having a huge effect.
Thank you so much for the call, Dan.
We'll come back and talk to Troy, and George, and Chris, and TJ, and everybody else.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I mentioned this in the first hour, but I want to get more into it in this hour, because it's such a police state example.
Rivaling stuff like the New Freedom Initiative, forced psychological testing of every American, starting with the school children under federal law.
That's public, private, you name it.
Now, you're hearing about zoning laws around the country, and laws where they do home inspections.
We talked about this in Las Vegas yesterday.
Well, I mentioned the town in Illinois and forgot the name, but I did get the article, and it's Belleville, and now they're doing this in New Jersey and other areas, where they come in with armed police, a SWAT team basically, to do a nighttime search.
To see if you have too many people living in your house.
And then while they're at it, they also search around for other stuff.
And they don't talk to you!
You wake up and they're at the foot of your bed, and they don't talk to you!
This is going on all over the country, so chances are you'll be getting in the next few years one of these visits.
So I want you to know who they are when you wake up and they're standing over your bed.
Just don't have more toothbrushes than you've got allowed for people in the house.
Because that's an indicator.
Then they go ahead and fine you or arrest you.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let me cover a couple of articles, go straight back to all your great calls.
Yeah, I mean I've got a pretty good memory and yesterday we were talking about articles out of Nevada where
They're going to do home inspections, even though they don't have warrants.
They're not going to tell you when they're coming to make sure you're safe.
But the new law also states that they're going to look for illegal things while they're there.
No warrant.
And then now, of course, with the TIPS program, which never got canceled, just got its name changed, truck drivers, phone men and women,
Cable guy, carpet cleaners, they're being paid in some cases and others are compelled to spy on you.
So, the police need a warrant, but you to spy on somebody.
If you say the cable guy, don't.
And then they use you for that.
Well, what do you have to hide?
Well, then let me come in your house, cop.
Let me just show up and... What would you do if I showed up in a black ski mask over your bed one night?
Well, the worst example of this I've seen, we've now learned it's happening in New Jersey, areas of Texas, all over the country.
They also have knock and talk.
Fifth Circuit rule a few months ago that, well, if the police want to go into a neighborhood and randomly knock on doors and try to order people to let them into search, they have to let them.
No warrant, no nothing.
This is just said randomly if they want to.
Well, this is from two years ago, and the name of the town is Belleville, good-sized city in Illinois.
I want to just read part of this article.
There were other articles to me right a few years ago out of the Chicago Tribune.
We interviewed some of the locals.
I mean, it was worse than this article says.
If this is possible.
I mean, it's pretty bad.
Subject to inspection is the title of the article.
Belleville inspectors and armed police officers show up without search warrants to check for occupancy code violations and ticket people who don't want them in, a practice experts say is unconstitutional.
And it says in Beth,
Hudson door firm invited friends over babysit your grandchildren or allow relatives to spend the night in Belleville and you risk an armed police officer turning up at your door to search your home and give you a ticket because if you own your home rent it whatever they say how many people can live in a house
And it's like one to an apartment, if it's certain size, two to a two-bedroom.
I mean, it's weird.
Enforcement teams consisting of a housing inspector and a police officer do not obtain search warrants, the article continues, before showing up to check for occupancy code violations, a Belleville News Democrat investigation found.
Most residents give their permission to come in, although reluctantly, and those who don't usually are charged.
Sometimes they simply walk in.
Jim Reese said he was standing in his kitchen when he heard a noise at 7 a.m.
and found a housing inspector and a police officer standing in his living room.
We actually interviewed that guy.
He said he's sitting there making coffee and they walk in and he says, who are you?
I talked about this yesterday and here it is in the article and they just walked past him and kind of bumped into him and said, who are you?
And they just walked out and said, look at these toothbrushes.
This is more toothbrushes than you're allowed to have.
This is an indication of more people.
We're fighting you.
Quote, I wanted to know who walked in without permission, he said.
They didn't answer me.
They just started walking through the place.
Can you imagine?
Such aggressive enforcement of city law designed to prevent overcrowding violates the Fourth Amendment, which guards against unlawful search and seizures, legal experts say.
I think the way they are using the housing ordinance is unconstitutional, said Jamie Carey, a law professor at Loyola University.
I think it's just a way to get around the Fourth Amendment.
Start searching your house right in front of you.
You can't come in without a search warrant, said William Schroeder, professor and expert in federal law at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
The Supreme Court decided a case on this that this is right on point.
It's based on the Fourth Amendment and you can't arrest anyone for refusing a search without a search warrant.
Oh really?
They call that failure to obey an officer's order?
They call that
They have a bunch of different terms for it.
Belleville attorney Bruce Cook said if they suspect you of something that they can go to a police officer and get an affidavit and then get a search warrant.
You don't do it with warrants.
Your home is protected by the Fourth Amendment.
In more than 30 interviews, residents said officials show up without warrants and ticket people, sometimes just for having visitors.
While many times the tickets were justified because of significant overcrowding, others were given for everyday events.
A young mother who works two jobs was ticketed because the elderly couple she hired to babysit were not listed on her occupancy permit.
They were just staying over during the day.
A man who agreed to house shit for a friend in the Air Force, who was overseas, was cited when he was found alone in the house.
They even have your name.
You're not allowed to be here.
In 70% of cases documented in city records since 1999, housing inspectors called compliance officers and uniformed police officers have gone into homes in the city's poorest areas around Hughes Park and Frankel neighborhood near downtown.
95% of those surprise inspections were a rental housing.
City officials say enforcement of the Occupancy and Housing Codes is crucial to prevent overcrowding and in sanitary conditions, keep the city's housing stock from deteriorating.
And then they got other examples.
It says it's pretty much like a stopo.
There's no right to privacy, said Will Jordan, Executive Director of the Equal Housing Opportunity Council in St.
Louis, which works with the federal government to investigate civil rights violations.
This is much more intrusive than making a random stop on the highway because this is your home, he said.
The findings.
And it just goes through all of it.
And they've got examples of an old lady at 4 a.m.
and they go, well, we like to come in the middle of the night to catch somebody extra sleeping here.
Well, there's only you, old lady.
But wait a minute, you've got two toothbrushes.
Well, we interviewed her too.
Well, you see,
But Dennis said that I should brush in the front with a soft bristle because I was wearing away my gums and in the back with a soft bristle.
I mean in the back with a hard bristle on the... We're ticketing you right now to be approved of this.
Two toothbrushes!
That was even in the Chicago Tribune.
So watch yourselves folks.
Don't have two toothbrushes if you're registered to have one person.
Don't leave town and have somebody over house-sitting.
And the new law that they're about to pass in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas,
Actually says that if anything's unsanitary, unless dirty dishes, dirt in the corners of the hallways, that is a restable offense.
So you're also going to have inspections to make sure you're not dirty.
All right, I'm sorry.
So I mentioned the article.
Somebody sent it to me.
I couldn't find it yesterday.
And they did.
And it's all over the nation.
It's now expanding.
That was December 8, 2002, so almost two years ago.
It'll be two years and a month or so.
Let us now go back to the calls.
Troy in Texas, welcome.
Yeah, howdy, Alex.
I have one to tell you really quick.
I was researching how to vote for Peruca on the electric ballot here in Harris County.
And I called the campaign headquarters for Peruca and they were saying that you have to go in there, if they have a computer voting system, you have to go in there and say, I want a written ballot.
Yeah, and for those who don't know, by law, they still have to give you an affidavit?
And, uh, you know, signing that you want to vote for a third party candidate, not that they didn't put it on the computer, which they were supposed to, wherever they get ballot access.
And most of them will try to refuse and will threaten you, and will threaten to call the police.
We've seen this in Austin, and it's the law, but the idiot behind the counter's been told.
Anybody that complains about these machines may be a terrorist.
I'm not joking, folks.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Go ahead.
No, go ahead.
I never heard that before.
That's totally... That's outrageous to me.
I never heard that before.
No, I've talked to a lot of friends.
The guy that runs my TV show went in to early vote in the last election.
He said, you know, I've got some questions about this machine.
He said, I've heard about you crazies.
I'm calling the police.
I mean, just... I mean, they're having drills all over the country.
The homeschoolers are vicious terrorists.
The most deadly thing on the planet.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, they told me there that they said go in there and ask for a written ballot, and if they don't give you one, refuse to vote.
Write down their names, everybody in there, and the contact information, and we're going to sue them.
See, I told you.
See, they know about this.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, you walk in and go, uh, I've got a question about the machine.
This is what they do.
I was warned about you people.
You're crazy!
No, literally.
I've got like three different people I know.
This is the line.
You're one of them crazies.
Officers, they're in here right now disrupting.
You're like, I just asked calmly about the... Please, I... That's code!
Yep, yep.
Anyway, I just wanted to call and tell you that.
Just a real quick call.
Well, thank you.
Now, this is the new freedom in America where just anyone who asks questions, anyone with a video camera, anyone suspecting or asking questions, it's just they're dangerous.
They're part of dangerous groups.
Oh, they're so bad.
They're almost as bad as those homeschoolers who are planning to kill everyone any minute.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's up next here?
George in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, first of all, I love you.
I have almost all of your material.
Well, thanks for the support.
I love what you stand for.
I despise Bush.
I despise Kerry.
I believe if Kerry becomes the president and Bill Clinton becomes the head of the United Nations, Kerry will be a better, more evil Bush.
And I tell you the reason why I think we should vote for Bush is, and there is a lot of hope, I think,
He's the only one who could make it possible to vote in four new judges in Supreme Court for the saving of babies.
The human sacrifice is the biggest simp trying to happen.
There are 9 to 14 million babies being sacrificed to bar and I think if
is a chance to override Grover's weight.
I think God will show mercy on the American country.
And I think many of these evils will be leaving us.
And right now... Well, here's the analogy.
A vampire... I don't believe in vampires, folks.
It's an analogy.
A vampire has to knock on your door and trick you to give him permission to come in once.
Then he's in.
It's like the curse.
And America is cursed.
We've had 52 million abortions.
And our government funds them worldwide.
Here's the problem, sir.
Seven of the nine judges were appointed by Republicans.
Bush promotes people that went after Judge Roy Moore.
So Bush gives you all this rhetoric about abortion, but they could get rid of it right now.
They have the legislative, they have the judicial, they have the executive, they have thirty... what, thirty-two of the fifty governors.
Sir, don't you think that there's a chance of Bush swearing to the American people, speaking for life, that... I'll tell you what, stay there, we'll talk about it.
It's an important point.
But, again, he cuts $90 million in abortion funding and then he turns around and increases it by $800 million to another... I mean, it's all smoke and mirrors, folks!
Then I am a Republican!
That's your new Republican!
You like me, don't you?
We'll be right back.
I'd like a portion.
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Well, George, I'll tell you something.
I think you're going to get a chance to have your theory tested out.
George Bush, I believe, is going to be re-elected.
I thought that all along.
It started changing my mind a little bit when Bilderberg ripped Doris Carey.
But I think it's going to be Bush because he puts conservatives to sleep.
Mr. Jones, can I say one thing, please?
I mean, my only point is, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I mean, they love this guy when, I mean, he's Mr. Abortion.
Yeah, go ahead.
Look, I mean, I agree with you.
They all start... I believe... I'm a dad of ten children.
We have a dirty home.
We homeschool.
But I believe it's a spiritual warfare, and I'm not afraid of these people.
When things are going to happen, it's going to happen, I put it in God's hand.
And I think the only chance we have is to overthrow the abortion matter.
And when this is overthrown, I believe God is going to have mercy on this nation.
I really think so, Mr. Jones.
I mean, this is our only chance we have, and I agree with your guest.
I think he's a wonderful man, and I would vote for him.
But I don't think we have a chance as a population, because we are dumbed down.
I mean, we are sheeples, as you said.
Well, I agree with you that it's a curse on this country, and it's, uh, man, I can just feel God's wrath.
I can just feel the wickedness of this nation.
We wonder why all this other bad stuff's happening, and now we're euthanizing old people who are begging for food and water.
That's the Wall Street Journal.
I mean, it's just going to go downhill from here.
But this will all change.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
It's horrible, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How's Paul Joseph Watson coming along with his flu?
Is he still with us?
Oh yeah, he's a lot better now.
Okay, the two things I want to discuss today is the fact when George... We've covered so much news in the last six months, but George Bush's visit to Ohio and taking boxes that were made in China
It's in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
That was actually St.
In the Haaretz newspaper and said that God told him to invade Iraq.
And I am just so shocked of the fact that he justifies that for the United States to go into war.
Meanwhile, he's a member of an admitted satanic order, actually two of them, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
But going back to what you just mentioned, about a year and a half ago, Bush in St.
They had the Made in China stickers covered up, which is, by the way, a federal crime when it's in the warehouse to cover up a country of origin.
That's a felony.
They had those covered up, and then they had stenciled big letters, you know, crookedly, like it was real, Made in America, you know, big, huge letters.
And normally, stuff doesn't say that on a box, so people came over and looked and pulled the stickers off, and everything was Made in China or India.
in there was made in America in this giant warehouse in St.
Louis and then a month or two later he was in Indianapolis, Indiana at a rally and they told people take your ties off.
They don't want people to see ties in this rally and a person refused and was arrested.
So that's how staged this is.
They make them sign forms that they agree and won't protest and give them their social security and driver's license photocopied to get into these so-called town halls they have.
Why didn't they do that in the past?
Why does government do that now?
Because it's so staged, people.
I agree.
I just remembered that story from your website.
And I'm very upset at the fact that we don't have an energy plan.
I mean, none of the presidential candidates are talking.
Our energy plan is to rape the 11 daylights out of you.
I'm paying too little.
All right.
Thanks for the call.
Rape you financially.
Let's go ahead and talk to TJ.
In Minnesota.
Go ahead, T.J.
Alex, it's been a while.
Did you do an interview for American Legion Magazine?
Well, it's in there.
Have you read it?
I think I did that interview like a year ago.
Well, it's in there today.
It's not a good article.
It's big news.
It makes a quantum leap by the American Legion into the Fed Corp.
New World Order regime.
It calls you a rising star.
It's a feature article, by the way, Alex.
And if you want me to fax it to you, I hope every Legionnaire
Yeah, I'm getting demonized quite a bit.
I think the great eye is upon me as I sneak through Mordor.
But I got God on my side and it's in God's hands.
So it's a hit piece, huh?
A feature article, wow!
It is THE feature article with cartoon drawings of the devil and Bigfoot.
And it says the public is always hungry for a new hoax.
And you're the feature hoaxer, evidently.
The author is a freelance writer named Dennis McCafferty.
Yeah, I remember.
That guy interviewed me like a year ago.
You better have a chat with him and the American Legion and do a stand down for a reprisal, I guess.
If you're not under the target, you're not going to be getting fired at.
Will you mail me, rush mail me a copy of that?
Yeah, fax it to me.
Tell you what, tell you what, tell you what.
Do you have my fax number?
I got an old one.
Is it the same?
I'll give it to you in a minute.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, back live, got about 26 minutes and 15 seconds to be precise left in this broadcast, and of course we have loaded phone lines and
Another giant stack of important news I want to go over, so I'm just going to take a few more.
I'm going to talk to Tim and Joanne, and that's it, because I want to cover news.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I just wanted to report to you on a few things from my organization, Truth Teaching and Researching United States Prisoners Hierarchy.
In three weeks time, I personally had to go through a roadblock to check my driver's license.
And witnessed two school lockdowns.
One over three pills.
The second over one live bullet in a little teeny Derringer.
And at the scene, there was a police officer in camis and swats loading up an AK-47.
Well, for those that don't know about this, take the pill example.
And they do this nationwide.
It's like a prison.
In a prison, when they do an inspection, if they find any paraphernalia, lock down!
And everybody gets their time outside the cage, taken away, and they lock everything down and go through all this rigmarole.
And the exact same thing is done in the schools.
They're being trained how to be perps, how to be criminals, how to be institutionalized, their thumb scan for school lunches, their search, drug dogs, cameras everywhere.
Dad, it's interesting.
In a local school here, they put in the thumb scanning using the excuse of, you know, the embarrassment of the children that can't afford to pay.
And then they said, well, they paid $850,000 for this system.
And I'm thinking, you know, for $850K, you could be buying lunches for kids from kindergarten through to graduate high school.
I don't think, see, I mean, I just mentioned this and it's in your schools.
Last time I checked, let's see, five years ago it was a couple hundred school districts.
Now it is
I think about a third of them now.
That's thousands, folks.
There's thousands and thousands of school districts, but it's over a thousand.
Now have thumb scanners, or retina scanners for your food, or for your library books.
All part of the conditioning.
Have you seen, speaking of conditioning, and getting kids used to killing at this most grotesque thing I ever saw, because the Vietnam era was my childhood, and that was when I first became aware of the
The military-industrial complex, for lack of a better description right now.
They've got a Vietnam video game.
Where you can see soldiers stalking in Vietnam.
Well, I go to CompusA every couple of weeks to buy something for the business, and you're in there, and I'll take time out to look at the games, and I'd say about, oh, 40%.
I want to take a camera in there and videotape this, but I have friends there.
I don't want to get them in trouble.
I want to take a camera in there and show
Now, over a third of the games are rip people's guts out, torture people, rape a prostitute, steal her money, blow her head off, get bonuses, run over old ladies, kidnap children, torture them to death, go to foreign countries, torture people, murder them, martial law, kill militia leaders, you're a U.N.
I mean, it's incredible!
Even on the show Cops, they're showing a military policeman out with the regular guys on patrol.
They even had one sting where the guy openly said, here, this is a CIA agent and he's going to help us set up this guy to bring some drugs to this location.
Isn't that a law that CIA is not supposed to do more of this?
Yeah, they haven't repealed it, but under executive order they've made it null.
And yeah, the CIA is going to stop the drugs.
You were watching cops and they had CIA involved.
Yeah, they said that it's this guy, the CIA agent, and we're using him to set up this sting.
So we lured these people into a drug sting and they actually busted the guy and they said he's a CIA agent.
They actually did.
They had a regional cop show on the East Coast a few years ago where they catch a guy with one of my videos and they go, this is illegal, we've heard of this document and this is a terrorist and they arrest the guy.
Folks, that's not America.
Let me just tell them something.
Shooting 21 year old
Journalism students and killing them when they did nothing.
Demonizing homeschoolers.
There's more of us than there are of you.
A lot of the cops are on our side and you're waking everybody up.
You just keep it up.
I live close by some place and I talk to him all the time.
I know.
I laid a lot of your work and my work on him and he's starting to wake up and he says there's not like five times a week I think of you now because of things I hear going on in my job.
Well, that's where we have the power, is that we know the plan, they don't.
They're in the system, they don't know the plan.
We can tell them, this is what's going to happen, this is what they're going to be told, and then he won't listen, and then when it happens, the light bulb goes off, and then, well, how did you know that?
Now, where are you getting this?
That's exactly what my superior told me six months after you told me.
What is this?
Right, yeah, I was telling him about the microchips in the hand for the smart gun, to be able to fire the gun.
He's like, I'm not taking no microchips, I'll wear a bracelet.
And that's the whole thing.
We don't need to have all this stuff in our skin.
It's all for total control.
We've all heard of the scientists, David Heist did an interview with a guy who actually put on one of those patches on his skin which dribbles a drug into your body and they have to be replaced every 72 hours.
They've done that for a long time.
The Soviets were big on that with their spies.
That they would introduce a secret poison and then they have to come back every few months to be given the pill.
They had no idea what the drug was.
They had to carry those pills with them, take it every day or they'd die in a few weeks.
And yeah, I don't know about patches, but I'm certainly aware of that.
Joanne in Denver, Colorado.
One more call.
Joanne, good to hear from you.
Hi, how are you?
I just want to make some quick points about the schools.
There's a lot of lockdowns in schools.
Some of the schools are making kids walk two miles.
A lady called into Mike Corbin's show.
I think it was Longmont, Colorado.
This is insane, you know?
What did he make the children do?
Walked two miles to some destination, didn't contact the parents.
It's happening in all these small schools, even like around my area.
Yeah, in my film, The Takeover, made in 2000,
We covered this.
They load them on buses or make them walk.
A federal plan.
They take them to a secret FEMA designated facility.
And now it's been in all the big papers how good it is and how the parents can't have their children.
Setting these precedents.
And I have your videos.
And another thing.
Did you hear anything about the Air Force Academy?
There's been 10 men who committed suicide.
And what is strange is it happened about the same time that Bush was visiting there.
Yeah, a lot of mysterious stuff happens.
Clinton bodyguards die in helicopter crashes, get shot at Waco, have car wrecks.
I know of a nurse who had an underwire bra on and it made the sensor go off.
You might tell women to wear a plain, ordinary bra when they go flying.
What did they do to her?
She was taken aside and they checked and they said
Well, if it hadn't been, if it had been anything else, they would have done a further check.
That's about all they told her.
I don't really think they did much of anything other than, you know, made sure it was the wire that was going off.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
And another thing, when they had the, when they interviewed different, some of the people who, like when 9-11 happened, they were checking all the planes going around.
One guy said that Cheney made a comment that if he had to shoot planes down and he said all he could think of was how he could maybe get the plane down without actually killing all the people and he said Cheney called every five minutes.
That was on either Channel 6 or Channel 12 a while back.
Well that was the Transportation Secretary saying that and thanks for the call Joanne.
Let me give folks the background on this.
Three months before 9-11
Or to be precise, two and a half months before 9-11.
And this is on the Pentagon's own website.
You find all this stuff, it's hidden in plain view.
They took the authority to shoot out-of-control aircraft away from the Generals and the Admirals for the first time since NORAD was set up in 1958, and gave it to Donald Rumsfeld as the designate of the Vice President.
And then what we know, and the rest of it remains classified, is that Cheney was in control of the command bunker under the White House.
He then went to Site R on the Maryland-Virginia border later that afternoon.
But that morning, he was in control, and they said, does the order still stand?
He says, yes, it does.
And he ordered a stand-down.
And we also have the drills going on of the exact same jets flying into the exact same buildings at the exact same time.
Just a magic drill that mimicked reality in real time.
Of course, that's a fraud.
It was used for the stand down so the good folks inside the military would think it was still part of a drill until it was too late.
Then the first plane hits and they say it's not a drill.
And then they're ordered to hold off, hold off, don't launch jets yet, don't launch jets yet.
So 20 minutes later the next plane could hit and then
A few minutes after that in the Pentagon and then all this happened and then we're told from multiple sources the general over the happy hooligans out of North Dakota who were based in Virginia at the time basically just said shoot down and disregarded the orders and shot down the flight 93 over Pennsylvania.
So that's what I've got folks for you and that's what really happened on 9-11 and the so-called hijackers were really CIA agents who'd been part of drills that whole month
Actor James Woods and others have witnessed happening and warned the FBI.
They said, we'll arrest you under national security.
If you talk about this, their houses, their cars, their credit cards were paid for by the U.S.
They were trained at U.S.
military bases.
Went out and were doing these drills.
They were told, you're testing Arabs being able to train at flight schools.
You're testing Arabs being able to get into simulators.
You're testing Arabs getting on airplanes.
And they were officers.
At least the 11 that really were on the planes.
The others have been found to still be alive.
Then they planted passports at the scenes and stuff, which were later to be proven frauds.
They never tell us why they engaged in that fraud.
So they get those guys on board and then nerve gas them and produce a couple fake cell phone calls.
I mean, they got Steve McQueen back, folks, doing TV commercials.
You know, selling goods.
Schlepping goods, as they say.
But... Steve McQueen's dead, folks.
And Forrest Gump isn't real, and he had to shake hands with Kennedy.
And the Saturday Night Live had George Bush drinking beer and snorting cocaine.
That wasn't real, but folks couldn't tell when they received thousands of phone calls from news agencies.
It's a running man.
It's fake.
Who loves you and who do you love?
The running man, folks.
They can record somebody's voice, then have the computer simulate it back out in a conversation where it's unintelligible for the person listening to it.
What happens is you have a controller call up a wife, I gotta go, I'm on the cell phone.
There's hijackers.
Honey, what can I do?
I can't talk, gotta go.
Well, all you do is you have a controller who's already integrated the words of the individual you now have on board who you're going to kill.
And these admitted computer programs, in real time, can take just from a few sentences somebody's done, create a synthesized voice, and in real time, the agent can go, Hi, this is Billy Bob.
And then, by the time the wife hears it, Hi, this is Billy Bob, honey, I've been involved in a hijacking.
Automatically changes the voice.
That's admitted technology.
So that's how they do that.
The three phone calls from one of the planes alone.
And the others were even easier.
They were phone messages.
And it's easy.
They know weeks before who's getting on those planes.
They record them with NSA technologies on their phone.
Record that voice.
Then have the computer synthesize it.
And in real time, the globalist can call somebody up with it running through the computer and it sounds just like that person.
They can fake fingerprints.
They can fake DNA.
They've been caught doing both.
They can fake any of it.
And that's just the facts.
If you want to know, that's what happened.
That's what happened.
NerveGas, their own CIA agents, flew those planes into those buildings by remote control.
I want to cover this.
Experts fear escape of 1918 flu from a laboratory.
New scientists, they've dug it up from the North Pole.
Live virus and they say it could spread and kill 40 million again.
And they said there could be an accident getting us ready for that.
Also, I have another article here about the flu and flu shots and this is out of Japan and they admit that Japan
was giving the flu shots and actually saw an increase in people getting the flu.
And here are the numbers from International Conference on it.
Influenza incidence rates between non-vaccinated city and neighboring vaccinated cities.
City had 25,000 school children.
City B had 21,000 school children.
Statistically, they were the same.
City A seized compulsory influenza vaccination in 1980 and less than 1% of the city took the influenza vaccine.
The influenza incidence was 43% over the convening years.
City B, C, and D continued compulsory vaccinations.
City B, 90% of the city took the influenza vaccine and that city had a 40% incidence of it.
City C had a 77% taking it.
They had 43% getting it, the same number as the city that didn't take it.
And City D had 76% that took the flu vaccine and 52% got it.
So you've got a, what, 7, 8, 9% increase.
As a mass study of adverse reactions against the influence of vaccine was conducted in 97 involving about 400,000 children, the total adverse reaction rate was 254.3 per million, or 10 million children had complained of neurological symptoms.
The study was revealing, since 1971, the government of Japan has changed the flu vaccine from a whole body type to a split particle type, announcing the adverse reactions were almost nothing with the new one.
But does our government go to that one?
The previous type used in the 1960s had the resulting of five to nine deaths occurring every year, just from the vaccine alone.
And it goes on with all the actual numbers.
Official Japanese government.
But, you know, don't listen to that!
They don't let you give a child a vaccine until 28 months or two years and a quarter.
In Japan, they do not.
It is the law.
Hey, don't let you vaccinate, because they don't want to retard and dumb down their kids.
Our government does.
See, most of you just got an IQ reduction.
So did I. But if you get a really bad response, you'll be retarded.
Or you'll get some type of neurological malfunction.
And, you know, it's just the facts.
And that's why this show is so important, because we talk about this and we try to save lives.
And I want to thank all the affiliates that carry this broadcast and all the new affiliates that are signing on.
But if your station isn't carrying a lot of the show, just an hour or two, I beg you to carry more of it, because I hate people missing all the other guests and all the other news we cover.
It's so important, and frankly, I think I'm doing the best job out there.
You know, for all my foibles.
And I just want to commend all the affiliates we've got out there, but if you don't have a local AM or FM station carrying the show, if you do, call them, thank them, support them, support your sponsors, sponsor the show.
You know, if the station's carrying an hour or two, come to them and say, I'll sponsor.
I want more of the show on.
Because I need to reach people.
I mean, I need to warn people.
This is what I'm all about.
And I believe that I'm covering the real key central issues and covering the real analysis and having the best guest on.
Other people are doing a pretty good job too, but
You know, that's what thrills me, is just reaching people.
But if you don't have an AMRF in your area carrying the broadcast, you're listening on Shorewave Internet or Satellite, call your local privately-owned stations.
The best type are, you know, a medium-sized station outside a city that is owned by a small company.
And tell them, go check out Alex Jones' website.
He's against the National ID Card.
He's against the open borders.
Please carry a show, and that's how we get new affiliates.
Please help us, because I want to warn people.
I want to be able to be on the air to get the news out to folks.
I want to be able to, you know, I told you years ago, Bill Clinton will be your next Secretary General, and now it's mainstream news.
This has been the plan all along.
Now they're admitting it.
We'll have an American face on the UN as it takes over this country.
There's so much important news here.
There's an increase in anthrax allegations demanded, where the anthrax vaccine is killing the troops, and there's now state investigations of this.
We've got an interesting clip coming up about Bush saying there will be a non-volunteer army.
We'll play that when we get back as well, so please stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Every month I see articles where police kill American citizens.
With rubber bullets, with wooden bullets.
And from 25 feet away, an innocent woman who was coming out of a restaurant was shot when the Red Sox won late in the evening.
And because there was some rioting going on, and they shot her in the eye and killed her with a rubber bullet.
And then now they're on the radio going, well, this will show these bad rioters, you know, that we mean business.
So you kill an innocent woman, you know, I know we're scum to you, you're God and the government.
And it's a big joke.
This is so sick.
But this just illustrates how serious things have gotten in this country.
The police are being trained to attack the public with these so-called non-lethal weapons.
The real term is less lethal weapons.
And it's just horrific.
And she's dead!
And they're making all these excuses, and then some of these neocons are saying, well, you know, it's the rioters' fault, they caused this.
No, it's the police fault for shooting a woman from 25 feet away when they know you're not supposed to shoot these off anywhere closer than 60 feet.
And it's just so indicative of all these problems.
Here's a clip from the Daily Show of Bush messing up and saying there will be a non-volunteer army.
Here it is.
How bad is Iraq right now?
So bad, our army won't travel through it.
Last Wednesday, 19 members of a fuel convoy failed to go on an assignment calling it a suicide mission after discovering their equipment was not up to snuff.
One of the company members told her family in a call, quote, we had broken down trucks, non-armored vehicles, and we were carrying contaminated fuel.
Broken down, non-armored vehicle with contaminated fuel?
No, it's just part of the military's new plan to create an army of none.
Now, not providing the troops with adequate equipment and having reservists serve two, three, ten tours of duty in Iraq,
Starting to have a negative effect on recruitment, raising the specter of a draft.
At a rally in Florida Sunday, President Bush made his position very clear.
After standing on the stage, after the debates, I made it very plain.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
I don't think that's what he meant to say.
So now the crowd at the rally is in a bit of a jam.
They don't really know how to react.
They want to applaud wildly because they signed an agreement saying they would.
But they're certain that the president didn't mean to say what he had just said.
So the anonymous throng quickly realized there's only one thing they as patriot Americans could do.
Correct the president.
We will not have an all-volunteer army.
And yet this week, we will have an all-volunteer event.
Well, there you go!
Good thing Frank from the local hardware store caught the mistake in time.
That's good.
I'm out of time.
It's been a great week.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
And back next week, covering the election.
Big broadcast lined up for you all next week.
And I'll be here.
And, of course, if you want to get any of my films, American Dictators, folks, as low as $5.95 per DVD, 115-minute video, $5.95, folks.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, you have the safe, secure online shopping cart.
Or any of my other films, got some big discounts on those as well, just check it out at the sites.
They're called toll-free, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100.
Austin, Texas, 78704.
Be sure and call that number, though, and ask about the different specials.
We've been slashing prices to get this information out to the people.
Feel free to make copies of all the videos I produce.
You can't of all the other videos I carry, because I didn't make them.
But feel free to get those, too, and get them out.
Hey, New World Order, I'm not your slave.
I'm just as valuable as any of you are.
God bless you all.