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Name: 20040916_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Sitting in for Alex Jones tonight, as if anyone can sit in this morning, is Erskine, and it's a pleasure, and Alex will be back with you on Monday.
Alex will definitely be back on Monday.
Lots and lots of news going on.
Of course, the major news is the poor people over in Pensacola Mobile, and thank God it didn't get too...
New Orleans due to much damage there and the hurricane.
The hurricane is the big news.
Another one right behind it.
Weather conditions in Florida have just been horrific.
Absolutely horrific this year.
And our prayers and thoughts go out to all of you in Florida.
Another big situation is of course the election.
That's all we're hearing about.
The hurricane and the election.
What we're not hearing about, and you're hearing very little news about, is the war with Iraq.
Things are going so bad, that it's too dangerous for the U.S.
Army to enter most cities in Iraq.
It is getting to be a really terrible, terrible situation in Iraq.
And you've got Donald Rumsfeld.
The man is obviously, when they're talking about testing people for mental health, maybe they could test
Mr. Rumsfeld, or else he's been taking too much of his own aspartame since he was the man who passed that and got it through.
On two occasions Friday, he said, Saddam Hussein, if he's alive, probably ordered the murder of the people in northern Iraq.
Mr. Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein is alive and we've got him.
Or at least that's what you're telling everybody.
Two different occasions Mr. Rumsfeld was talking about Saddam Hussein, if he's alive.
This is part of their confusion.
Where they were trying to confuse Osama Bin Laden and morph him into Saddam Hussein.
They were trying to confuse the two.
That was one of our reasons for going into Iraq.
What's our other reason?
Weapons of mass destruction.
And what has been the outcome?
A hundred billion dollars spent plus, plus or minus, who knows, enough money to fill, to fund all of America's healthcare.
All of America's health care.
We all would have health care.
We could have jobs.
We could have a lot of things going.
How about for oil?
Was that a reason for going into Iraq?
We haven't gotten a drop of oil out of Iraq, and we're not going to.
At least not enough to pay for this war, which they said, the war's gonna cost us nothing.
We'll pay for it with the oil.
Way to go.
So, what are our choices?
The U.N.? ?
Kofi Annan has just announced that he says the war is illegal.
There's the leader of the UN, that great body, saying the war is illegal.
Like, we really care about the UN, but still, by the same token, around the world.
intelligence, pessimistic about Iraq.
Stories and articles out there today about that.
We've got a real problem.
They just announced that Saddam Hussein had no drones with which to deliver the weapons of mass destruction, which he didn't have.
Well, that was interesting news.
No drones to launch the weapons that he didn't have.
And the other interesting story about what happened with Iraq is Costa Rica!
The great nation of Costa Rica that has no army,
No aid.
They didn't give us any financial aid.
They had no army.
And yet they were ordered by the court to get off the list.
They don't want to be on the list of the Coalition of the Willing.
Now, excuse me, but this is like telling the United States, the superpower, quit annoying us, you lousy little telemarketer!
We don't want to be on your list!
They want to be on the no-call list!
Take us off your list!
They've given us nothing, supplied no troops, supplied nothing, and they want to be taken off the list!
Are we doing well in Iraq or not?
And then you've got the President saying he is doing this to help fight terrorism?
Oh yeah, he's done a great job of fighting terrorism by going into Iraq.
More on this and much, much more on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Erskine just sitting in.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate it more than you know for Mr. Jones, as if anyone can sit in for Alex Jones.
So we'll be right back.
Happy to talk with you.
Give us a call.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Yes, this is Alex Jones Radio Program.
Erskine sitting in for Alex, as if anyone can sit in for Alex Jones.
One of the things that Alex talks about is the new video that he has out.
And that is the video, American Dictators staged election 2004.
This is a must to get.
And also his police state videos 1, 2, and 3.
The American dictator staged election 2004.
Not only are they staging the elections, but they have the elections to where no matter what happens, they can certainly rig the elections.
Do you really believe that President Bush has the commanding lead that they're saying he does in some of these polls?
Well, we may better be thankful that he does, because if he didn't, who knows what type of tactics some of these people may be using.
But just in case it doesn't work, you've got a few, very few manufacturers who have complete control of all of the voting machines.
They know how to, and they aren't giving anybody any information about the proprietary information on how the voting machines are operating.
That is, the new electronic voting machines.
Most of them have two-way modems in them, so no matter how you vote, they can change the voting on you.
So, it really is exactly like Stalin said, I don't care how a person votes, what I care about is the person who checks the machines, who counts the votes.
I don't care how a person votes, I care more about
How they count the votes.
Huntsville, Alabama, they talked about the three companies certified the nation's voting technology separate in secrecy and refused to discuss flaws in the ATM-like machines to be used by nearly one in three voters in November.
Despite concerns over whether the so-called touchscreen machines can be trusted, the testing companies won't say publicly if they've encountered shoddy workmanship.
They say they're committed to secrecy in their contracts with voting machine makers, even though tax money buys or leases these machines.
It's absolutely insane that they will not talk about the technology, testing, or anything else that goes into the machines.
One of the companies that makes these voting machines is owned by Microsoft.
One of the companies is owned by the Carlyle Group.
You've got Diebold, which has already announced that
Republicans will win anywhere they have die-bold machines.
And so, what's the chance?
What are you looking at?
Let's talk a little bit more about Iraq.
We were talking a little bit about that.
Two Americans, one Brit, kidnapped last night in Iraq, which is a horrible situation.
There are very few cities that the United States can go into right now, and local troops are being
We're good to go.
John Kerry who says we need to send another 40,000 troops to Iraq.
We have no choice.
You can't vote for either one of them.
Another story that a lot of people have been looking at and following very, very closely is what's going on in our security.
And one of the things that we're getting are these RFID chips.
They've got a new, a brand new park that's opening up in, of all places, Florida.
And the place is opening up in Guanado City.
They're issuing bands with Radio Frequency ID or RFID technology to everyone that goes to this new theme park.
So you can keep track of everyone.
If you like this idea, and more and more people do, you stop at Wal-Mart, you're going to get RFIDs in virtually everything you buy, in your shoes and everything.
Then you're going to just love the idea of the Mark of the Beast.
And that's exactly what we're getting.
The Mark of the Beast on every item that you buy and everything that you do.
More and more and more control so this has become a war against the American people.
One other story which I'll tell you very very shortly here and this is from last year but I think it's well worth saying.
Charges were dropped yesterday against Ruth Granny Gordon.
Now Ruth Granny Gordon is an 83-year-old wheelchair-bound grandmother who was originally charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon.
She had an altercation with six airport security guards that left all six hospitalized.
This is an 83-year-old woman now.
Justice was served, said the 95-pound mother of three and grandmother of six, as she said in her wheelchair, aided in her breathing by her oxygen bottle.
I'm going to sue every fool in the federal government for ignorance, stupidity, and just plain general incompetence.
I'm an American and I don't want to be treated like this.
It began when she attempted to board an airplane.
These guys are supposed to be some kind of professional, she said, but they're dumber than rocks.
Here they were, letting guys who look like terrorists walk through without searching them, and they pulled me aside and tell me we're gonna search me.
I don't think so.
Well, according to Bud Cord of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, one guard, who weighed about 300 pounds, looked like he was drunk and had his shirt out, told the woman she couldn't board the plane unless they searched her.
He was really rude.
That's when the trouble started.
Video tapes showed that Granny Gordon ran the guard down with her motorized wheelchair, then sat on top of the screaming man, spinning her chair in circles.
Her quote, Doofus was so fat he couldn't get up, she said with a giggle.
One guard who attempted to pull her wheelchair off the screaming man from behind was hit over the head with her oxygen bottle and knocked unconscious.
A third guard approached Granny Gordon from the front.
He was also dazed on the floor.
Witnesses said she was cackling, put your hands on an old lady will ya, as she passed both guards.
The tape also showed a fourth guard now attempting to grab her wheelchair.
She removed a knitting needle from her purse and stabbed him in his left buttocks.
What a whip, she told reporters.
He started screaming and grabbing his butt and running like a puppy that someone kicked.
It was amazing, said another witness, Scott Ryan.
The whole crowd just stood there cheering and clapping.
I mean, she was whooping butts.
The third guard then attempted to grab.
Fifth guard attempted to grab.
Gordon had the seat of his pants set on fire.
The cigarette lighter that escaped detection.
He went whoosh across the concourse screaming and slapping all those flames flying out of his rear.
A sixth guard, now remember she's 83 years old, 95 pounds.
A sixth guard finally got her in a body hug.
I think that was the wrong thing to do, another witness said.
She just grabbed him by his greasy hair with one hand and cracked him across the jaw with her skinny fist and down and out he went.
After all this, her chair was still sitting on top of the first guard.
They showed her leaning over yelling, apologize to me you fat blankety bike or when I'm done with you, you'll have a greasy spot on the floor.
The crowd roared, the guard cried, I'm sorry, I'm sorry uncle, I won't do it again.
Finally she surrendered.
Taken to jail.
Released our own recognizance.
We didn't have any choice, said an officer of the court.
200 people showed up to support her.
I think if we demanded bail, there would have been a riot.
20 lawyers offered to defend her and set her free.
However, realizing the precariousness of the case, Gordon was not charged with anything.
I doubt there's a jury in the whole country that would have found her guilty of anything, said one of the lawyers.
I'm flying again tomorrow, Gordon told reporters, and I suggest no one there for so much as look at me wrong.
That is the American spirit.
When the American government declares war on the people, then thank you Granny Gordon for standing up when you've got all these people going through.
It's one thing to have searches and everything else.
It's another thing to go through some of the machinations that they're making.
That's the Granny Gordon story, and that one is from Ohio, and my way of thinking, that's what America's about.
Thank you, Granny Gordon, for standing up for freedom.
Now you can stand up for freedom by giving us a call right here on the Alex Jones Show, telling us what's on your mind about Iraq, what's on your mind about the increased security.
What's on your mind about what's going on in America today?
Give us a call right here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll take your calls now.
Two things that I want to mention.
Police state 1, 2, and 3 is available.
Be informed.
Without information, there is nothing.
You've got to have the information.
You've got to understand what's going on.
American dictators have staged election 2004.
You've got skull and bones.
66, Skull and Bones 68.
Who do you want to vote for?
Which one?
You think it's really going to make a difference?
Skull and Bones 66 or Skull and Bones 68?
We've got Kerry versus Bush.
Quite a choice that we have.
There are other candidates out there.
You also will want to get Matrix of Evil.
Go to InfoWars.com www.InfoWars.com or you can call 888-803
These are the Alex Jones videos that are available.
A couple of other major events that are going on is the staged terrorist drills that are occurring all over the country.
I've heard talk of this from many, many people.
The terrorist attack using biological, biochemical, chemical and nuclear weapons.
And they're doing this in various cities, cordoning off areas in various places around the country.
So if Osama or Al Qaeda don't bring terror to us,
The Bush-Cheney regime will deliver terrorism.
It's like George Bush said, we're not going to wait for Osama Bin Laden to terrorize you.
Lots and lots of new things, and it is for security of the state.
Not our security, security of the state.
The other major story with what's going on, we've got to consider where we may be heading.
There are details that both North and South Korea have atomic weapons.
And the other story is that Iran is launching a new oil trading market.
Now what does this mean?
This means that with this new oil trading market that London and New York are going to be cut out of oil trades.
They're going to take all the power away from London and the U.S.
in 2005.
When they launch this oil trading market for Middle East and OPEC producers that could threaten the supremacy of London's International Petroleum Exchange.
If this happens, and it is happening, then you're going to see the United States next go into Iran.
The only reason they're not into Iran right now is because they're so bobbed down in Iraq.
So ask yourself, what is in America's national interest?
Are we more beloved than ever?
Are we trusted?
Give us a call here on
The Alex Jones Radio Program.
Alex will be back with you Monday morning.
Thank you for listening.
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Coming at you with truth and it's the Alex Jones radio program.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex this morning and
Then give us a call on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
We'll be happy to talk with you.
A couple of things that you need to know.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com for the real news!
The real news!
Also, Alex's video, American Dictator, staged election 2004.
You don't think this is going to be a staged election?
It already has been.
It's already said.
It's already pre-planned.
And prison state
Prison State 1, 2, and 3, especially the Prison State 3 and the Matrix of Evil.
If you heard Alex's interview he did right there, right there with the 300,000 demonstrators in New York.
3,000 in the Convention Hall, the Republican Convention.
300,000 standing outside.
He was with the real people outside risking his life and the interview that he did was outstanding.
Question that was asked of Alex is this a prison state and he said this is certainly what we're looking at now is a police state right now in New York City.
This is happening all over the country in little areas that we are into a police state mentality.
Let's go immediately to our first call and that will be coming to us from Louisiana Bert.
Welcome to Alex Jones Program, and were you hit by the hurricane?
Uh, no, sir.
We've been sunshine and looking at sunshine for the rest of the week, so we got lucky we escaped it.
God bless you, Bert.
I'm certainly happy to hear that.
You've got a comment.
I have two comments, if I could please, and I thank you for accepting my call here.
Number one, I think this was a brilliant military move by moving in Iraq for the sole reason that it would drag all these so-called terrorists from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Jordan.
It would get them all in one place.
But my opinion is this.
They're fighting a holy war, which I believe it is, and America's fighting a terrorist war.
And until we get on the same track and the same mindset as the holy fighters are, we can't win this war.
Number two, once we got into Iraq, which was a good move to bring all these people into one area instead of America, we didn't fight the right war.
I believe we're letting these Iranian so-called puppet government control our military, which is sad.
Well, I would respectfully disagree as far as the reason for the war, because we didn't have any terrorists.
The terrorists who attacked America were out of, not Iraq, but Saudi Arabia.
We're leaving Saudi Arabia alone.
And instead of bringing them all in there, we're having terrorist attacks all over the entire world right now.
Wouldn't you say that, Bert?
Well, I agree with that, but we did get a lot of these Jordanians and Syrian terrorists, so-called.
What I'm saying, so-called terrorists.
Now, what do you say about what I say this is actually a holy war and not a terrorist war?
Well, I thought that our extensive reason for going in there was not a war against the Muslims, but it was a war against terrorists to take the terrorists down so America would be a safer place and because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
Well, how can we not say this isn't a Muslim war when you look on TV and after they shoot one of our tanks up and stuff, they're in the town over there and there's hundreds of thousands of them marching
And down with America, down with America, all over that area.
From Syria, to Iran, to Iraq, to over to the Palestinians.
I can't believe that this is not a holy war.
And I think the terrorist war that they're saying it is, is just a front.
You know why I say this?
It's because the war over there is fighting.
As long as they're running into these masks by the thousands, we can't win this war.
So, until we say it's a holy war and we can go in these mosques and get these terrorists, so-called terrorists, we can't win this war!
Well, I appreciate the call there, Bert.
That's awfully interesting points to ponder.
Now, one of the things that I would say on that is that it was a war ill-conceived, absolutely ill-conceived, for two things.
We were fighting terrorism, we told the American people, and we also went in there because of the weapons of mass destruction.
Remember leading up?
Weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass destruction.
I'm not sure that America would go to war on a holy war and all the attackers and most of the things that happened in the United States
The 19, if you're going to believe their story, which I don't.
They all came out of where?
Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia.
Are we attacking Saudi Arabia?
I don't think so.
We'll be back with a call from Denmark and Jim in Texas.
Right here on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
This is Erskine sitting in today, tomorrow for Alex.
He will be back on Monday.
The Matrix of Evil, which is a video you need to get from Alex Jones.
The Matrix of Evil is not, is not made up of people who are Jews.
It's not made up of people who are Catholic.
It's not made up of people who are Muslim.
Though there are Jews, Catholics, and Muslims who are a part of it.
It isn't a religious matrix of evil.
It is a monetary matrix of evil.
And by its nature being evil, then it is satanic in origin.
You can look it up and look at it and I've come to that conclusion.
I'm not speaking for Alex, I'm speaking for Erskine.
Now, my program is on Saturday nights at midnight eastern time.
It's E-R-S-K-I-N-E and feel free to write me and I'll write you back.
And Alex's listeners are the best in the world.
Get up there and get some of the videos by Alex Jones.
American Dictators staged election 2004.
While you can still get these videos, while there's still, you can still have the freedom to see what's going on.
Or you can give them a call at 888-803.
Give them a call.
Get the videos.
The American Dictator staged election 2004 is only $19.95.
Be informed.
Make copies of these videos.
Make copies of them, run them on your local access television station.
Get this out so that the people can be aware of what's going on, so that the people can realize who the real Matrix of Evil is.
Let's go immediately to Molza, calling from Denmark.
Molza, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Yes, your question or comment.
I have a comment and I would try to call out in several weeks.
We have a law in the European Commission
Or about banning herbal herbals which are not from from abroad, out of the European Union.
It's between 300,000 and 700,000 herbals.
Yeah, it's very crazy.
And they're trying to ban anything?
Yeah, they've tried to ban.
I do not have all the information yet.
But it's something of banning is because of, I don't know, that probably control, I don't know.
I think it's money.
Well, the other thing that they're doing is there's a big story that in the European Union, they're thinking about okaying the genetically manufactured... Yeah, I know that.
And so there, the European Union was always holding out on the genetically manufactured foods.
They're letting that loose.
And another story, a positive story.
Let me give you a positive story.
$350 million dollar RICO lawsuit filed against Aspartame.
In the United States today, so $350 million lawsuit, RICO lawsuit, against Aspartame, filed on September 15th, District Court, San Francisco, against the NutriSuite Corporation, American Diabetes Association, Dr. Robert H. Moser, and John Doe's, and you've also got it going against Donald Rumsfeld, who got it pushed through, so there are some pluses that we're getting.
The racketeering, they're accusing all these people of racketeering.
So there are some pluses, but we're going to keep on top and see what happens with the herbal situation.
You know, there are big moves to have anything herbal either put as prescription or banned.
You know that?
I was talking to one of their lawyers today, in the half an hour, and he was saying to me, to him, he was saying it should be approved by the Danish FDA.
He's just a mindset.
He's like a Nazi or something.
I can understand.
Thanks a lot, Molson.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Jim in Texas.
Jim, welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Thank you, Erskine.
First, I'd like to say that, you know, Alex doesn't like people patting him on the back for what he does, but he can't stop me now.
He's having a vacation.
He's not here.
You pat all you want to, Jim.
He's doing a great work, but you know what?
It's not just him.
He's got a tremendous staff.
When he goes out and gets in people's faces, he's got a good camera crew right there with him.
He's got excellent people putting up his website.
Everything's so easy to find.
He's got excellent people, quality people taking his place while he vacations, too.
Well, thank you, but he's got Paul Joseph Watson, who's doing his website work, who wrote Order Out Chaos, which is a wonderful book.
Did you hear that interview when he was there in New York City?
I mean, he was right there on the street.
I've got to pat him on the back.
That interview that he did had the hairs on my arms standing up.
Yes, sir.
And his videos are excellent.
I've got them.
I quoted something one time from his website when I called before.
I'd like to quote something else.
Please, sir.
I don't recall who the author was, but they said the only difference between the Russian press and the American press is that the Russian people know they're being lied to.
And I'll tell you something else.
You got that right.
I heard something, now this is years, this could be 20 years or more ago.
I never forgot it.
I don't even remember who the man was at the time.
He was the Secretary General of NATO.
And he made a statement.
He said, we don't need another committee.
We have enough committees.
He said, what we need is one man of sufficient stature to gain the allegiance of the whole world.
He said, you send us that man, and whether he be from God or the devil, we will accept him.
That's the mindset right there.
It's absolutely the mindset.
They don't care who it's from, God or the devil, they're going to accept him.
One more thing if I could.
You know, I agree with Alex.
The globalists are behind all the terrorist acts.
What about all this blowing up of the oil pipelines up there?
I mean, that's oil money they're stopping from coming in.
I just want to hear how that figures in.
You know, the globalists can't stop everything, and sometimes you just have local people who just do it to stop them.
And I'm not sure if you don't have people who just don't understand and aren't following the right marching orders who may do something like that.
Thank you.
Everybody's going in lockstep with them.
Thank you, Jim.
Let's go to Eli in Michigan.
Eli, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Oh yeah.
Hi Eli, this is Erskine City in for Alex Jones.
You got a comment or a question?
Nice to talk to you.
Good to talk with you, sir.
I heard Bert talk about unless we destroy the mosque in that part of the world, we can't win.
Oh, let's hope we don't.
That sounds pretty dubious.
I don't think destroying mosques is going to make any difference.
In fact, I would probably just hurry the whole process.
Because it looks to me like what is going on there is probably what they call a get rid of the people on top of the ground so that they can get at what's under the ground.
I'm looking at an article here about a pile of fire that just happened.
What a disaster there.
Bodies laying all over.
Everything is ruined.
Buildings are in a disaster.
And nothing is being done after a 12 day attack by US tanks and what have you, you know.
It just goes on and on.
It just goes on and on.
What really is so surprising to me is you're watching the news on television and they're talking about Bush, they're talking about Kerry.
Nobody's talking about Iraq!
Nobody's talking about what's going on.
We've got people dying daily in Iraq.
We've got billions of dollars going out in Iraq.
We've got a failed policy in Iraq.
There are two issues that nobody's talking about.
It's like Kerry's trying to throw the election, which who cares?
Skull and bones either way.
But you've got nobody's talking about Iraq and nobody's talking about the economy.
Well, I can do that.
Say to Mr. Bush, Mr. Bush, you don't belong in Iraq.
You don't own it.
You are there illegally.
You have no authority to be there.
You have no authority to set up a phony government that is just plain phony.
And to take over that part of the world and now to aim at Iran and so on and go on and on with this.
Well, you know, there's no authority for it.
It has nothing.
There is none.
The whole thing is a fraud.
One of the big problems, Eli, is we've also lost respect of the entire world.
Oh, absolutely.
I've had people like Bob Chapman on who've said there's nowhere safe for Americans anywhere in the world.
Thanks, Eli.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Paul in Delaware, where most corporations are founded.
Paul, how are you doing?
Yes, including the Federal Reserve.
Now listen, there's no such thing as that because it's not federal and there ain't no reserves.
So, I mean, there's a great combination.
And it's not backed up by gold.
And this is where DuPont is one of the places they are well established and they even have something called the DuPont Highway and these are the individuals who furnished the gunpowder for the Civil War for both sides.
But, um, there's so much I could talk about, but this caller that called in, I want to talk about Dan rather, but I want to speak to the caller that called in about all the terrorists are going into Iraq.
You know, it's really ridiculous.
The rest of the world, I hear these excuses, oh, they're jealous of our, you know, of our, you know, material goods.
They're not looking to have their women wearing G-strings, walking down the beach, exposing themselves and tempting men and all this kind of stuff.
And that's not what they're about.
They are upset because we're going there, stealing their oil.
I mean, why do you think we're there?
It's the same reason why Indians are selling moccasins and blankets on a reservation.
And of course, now they've got their casinos, the same thing that all neighborhoods are getting, so that they can destroy problem, reaction, solution, and come in and be the saviors once again.
So, I just want the corner to think about this.
I mean, the only terrorists are the elite.
And they're using terrorism to get total control of the world.
Now, let me ask you a question there, Eli.
Or rather, Paul, I'm sorry.
Do you have Order Out of Chaos by Paul Joseph Watson?
No, but that's my next book.
You better believe it!
Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order and they're using, he uses nothing but the major media in that book.
This is the webmaster for Infowars.com from PrisonPlanets.com who wrote this and I'm telling you it's the best book I've read this year.
Order Out of Chaos is fabulous!
You've got to get that book!
Yes, I've heard all about it and Paul Joseph Watson, if I recall, is only 22 years old and he does a very good job with PrisonPlanet.tv
Which I'm a member and also PrisonPlanet.com.
So you're getting the real news.
You're not getting the news on ABC, CBS, CNN, are you?
No, I mean, why... You wanted to make a comment about Dan Rather.
Go ahead.
Now, I see Dan Rather's taking a lot of heat.
And, you know, people are defending him.
He's a Council on Foreign Relations member.
And if you want proof on what CBS is all about, there's a documentary called The 60 Minutes Deception.
I don't know if you've had a chance to watch this.
Well, you look at your CFR members, and they're members of all the major media members, they're all CFR members, so they've got their control, they've got their tentacles out there, we know that.
We know the elitists, what they're doing, and Alex has it, and he talks about it, they're called the Matrix of Evil, and they're leading to prison state, and you can find that in Alex's videos, prison state 1, 2, and 3.
And so they're putting on this election, which is another sham with the Skull and Bones people.
Thank you so much for the call, Paul.
Let's go immediately to Ivy in Texas.
Yes, that's me.
Hey, good to talk with you right here on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Yes, I know.
I've talked before.
I want to speak about the Bush Company, who are against Jerry.
Speaking the truth about Vietnam coming back from a terrible war and having them speak about what is really happening.
I remember the Vietnam War.
I'm an older citizen and I remember the atrocities that went on.
I remember our boys having to go into the little villages and burn the houses, kill the cattle and kill all the people.
There was even a picture
In the magazines and the news about a pile of bodies that the boys had shot.
Do you feel like we're into another Vietnam situation in Iraq?
I definitely do.
Yes, I do.
But I give him a medal for having the guts to come back and fight because the American people don't understand war.
And I do because I was in one.
Did I do that?
We're okay now.
I think so.
Ivy, thank you so much for the call.
Let's go immediately to...
A gentleman who I'd love to have on this program.
Alex Jones!
Alex, welcome to your own program!
That's right, Erickson.
I was supposed to be on a couple days vacation with the family, because New York was not a vacation.
It was the most exhausting thing I've ever experienced.
I wanted to thank you for sitting in and doing the broadcast, but I did just want to call in and maybe spend a few minutes now, a few minutes into the last segment of this hour, because I know you have a great guest coming up, to talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Now, California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
He's introduced a bill so Arnold can be president.
And he goes, oh well, it's not for Arnold, it's for this other member of Congress who's Hungarian.
And the Hungarian congressman goes, well, I don't want to be president and it's not for me, but if we're setting up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire again, Arnold can be my lieutenant.
And so they really do have big plans for Arnold and we have that AP report on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And by the way, now, Erskine,
Well, right out in the open, what, six months ago, Senator Orrin Hatch introduced the same legislation to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution.
He introduced that in the Senate, now Rohrabacher's introduced it in the House.
They're very, very serious about this.
And it just is a testament that so-called conservatives love Arnold when he's for open borders, total gun control, when the guys, you know, pose for gay men.
Yes, I do.
Uh, literally now being worshipped by Republicans.
He's more liberal than Bill Clinton.
And then now they're setting him up for the presidency in 2008.
And I predict that they're going to try to pass this.
Well, they've already introduced it.
And I predict they are going to pass it sometime in the next four years.
And I predict Arnold Schwarzenegger will be president in 2008.
I'm predicting it right now.
I mean, they have pulled out all the stops for this guy.
The Gropinator wants to be President 2008.
This is the same man who became a Republican after hearing Richard Nixon?
Give me a break!
I heard his speech.
Come on!
He's about as endearing as nothing.
His speech, he loved watching Nixon and Humphrey debate where they never had a debate.
I mean, it was the most ridiculous speech I've ever heard.
He said, I did a movie and the movie that I did was True Lies.
He also did Predator!
99% of people don't know that Humphrey's and Nick Nixon never debated, so this is how the scam works.
I mean, think about this.
If you or I were saying we love Hitler, we'd be decried from the rooftops.
This guy says it, campaigns for Nazis.
After it comes out they're Nazis and he's A-OK because he's a Rothschild boy.
So here we have it yet again, right out in the open.
We have those Rothschild articles and the New World Order has big plans for Arnold articles.
They're all posted.
My wife's the webmaster of m4wars.com.
I know Paul Watson over at the prison planet side of things has also posted that.
But this is very, very serious because it's an illustration of how so-called conservatives aren't involved in real values.
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This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Erskine sitting in for Alex, but here is Alex and we're talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Going to be the Republican candidate, the Griffinator, 2008.
And they have a major push to do away with the 22nd Amendment.
We have never had a president who was not born in the United States.
It's required that you be born in the United States.
And why the big push for Arnold?
I've seen the picture of Arnold along with the Rothschilds that was taken the year before he ran for governor.
He was over at the home of Lord Jacob Rothschild in London.
And why the big push for Arnold as opposed to bringing up somebody else who's homegrown in America that they don't have to go through all this with, Alex?
Well, they love him because his father was a Nazi police captain when his father died.
His mother married one of the top Nazis from World War II, who later ran Austria.
He then, of course, campaigned for Kurt Waldheim after it had come up that he was a top Nazi.
Oh, and Yugoslavia killing American airmen and others.
And the UN, of course, still pays him his pension.
So, you know, this is classic.
This is just absolutely classic to show what you're hearing about somebody is the opposite of what they really are.
But it's another issue, you know, a lot of people prayed and hoped that the hurricane wouldn't hit New Orleans, and it could have killed thousands of people in front of the city, and thank God it slowed and hit enough in the country.
That's bad for folks in Alabama, but I'm also very thankful, and I'm thankful that folks prayed about that.
I think that had an effect.
I just wanted to thank you for sitting in on the show, and I'm sorry I'm calling in via a cracky cell phone.
I really want to thank you, and I want to thank all the listeners and all the affiliates and the sponsors and the folks running the broadcast, and I'm going to drive down the road and keep listening to you, Erskine, so God bless.
God bless you, and thank you for everything, Alex.
Nobody has ever done an interview like the one that Alex did, talking to 300,000 people outside New York City.
I mean, that was electrifying, and the people there in New York, and you're not going to fool the New Yorkers, where 50% of them know that the Bush administration knew about 9-11 before it occurred, and maybe even were complicit to send to it.
The New Yorkers know about this.
Let's hope that Alex isn't in Gulf Shores or going down to the Gulf to go shrimp fishing or something on his vacation.
Let's go immediately.
We've got very little time to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Thank you, Erskine.
I hate to pile on Bert, but I think there are a lot of Berts out there in my own experience.
Bert called for a holy war against these people in Iraq and Iran.
I'd like him to reflect a little bit on what exactly he's saying.
This being a Christian nation, and arguably the polls still say it is a Christian nation, did Jesus ever call for a waging war on anyone?
Whether to convince them of his beliefs or anything else?
No, it seems to me that he had a statement that said something like, turn the other cheek.
You know, he was very tolerant of everyone of any other religion that came down the pike, and I think that there are people who'd like to see this as a religious war, and I think there are people on both sides who would, but I don't see it as a religious war.
I see it as a war done by the elitist.
Well, yeah, if you think a bit about this, though, I mean, who benefits from a war between Christianity and Muslims?
I'll just leave it at that.
I urge Bert and his kind to put themselves in the shoes of Iranians and Iraqis and look at what the U.S.
government is doing.
It gives unconditional support to a socialist government in Israel that is abhorrent to the Islamic nations.
It provides weapons of mass destruction.
I hate that term.
It is appropriate here to both Iraq and Iran, which resulted in over a million people dying on both sides of that war.
It set up the Islamic government in Afghanistan that then proceeded to... Oh yeah, now they've got all the dope coming into Afghanistan, where the Taliban had cut it off, and now the women also still don't get to go anywhere.
It's all back to where it was, except they've got the dope in there.
Mike, thanks for the call.
I'm sorry we don't have any more time.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
We appreciate it.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones.
That's all I can do is just sit in for Alex Jones.
I'm not
Guest hosting, really?
Because, hey, how do you guest host for Alex?
He is the best.
And they just called in, and what was he talking about?
Arnold Schwarzenegger doing away with the 22nd Amendment!
Arnold in 2008!
They're getting it set up.
They're getting it set up for 2008 as if it isn't enough.
They're forgetting about this election.
They've already got it in the bag.
They've got it rigged.
And the pictures of Arnold sitting there with Lord Jacob
Rothschild in London.
It just started reeling through my head when I was listening to that interview that we had with Alex this morning.
Now, let's go immediately to Megan in Pennsylvania.
Megan, welcome to Alex Jones Radio Program.
Yeah, hi Erskine.
Can you hear me on this phone?
I certainly can.
You sound great.
Great, great.
I'm calling from Pennsylvania.
I had two quick things.
I just heard on the local news, this is regional news I guess, the city of Philadelphia is going to an
Make the whole city, they're going to spend about 10 million dollars to make the whole city wireless.
So that anywhere you're out in the, you know, you're out downtown and you're walking around, you can get on your PDA and get on the internet, do all those convenient things that you need to do when you're just sitting around waiting for a train or something like that.
Right, and the more wireless it is, it's open for anybody to hear anything that you want to talk about, and not that you're talking about secretive things, but I just don't like everybody hearing my business.
You ever walk into a restaurant, and these people have these cell phones, and it's like they have to yell into it, and you know, I don't really care what their doggie did on the floor when I'm in a restaurant, and I mean, people, they don't even care about their privacy anymore.
No, they don't.
Well, this is often related to privacy, and I don't know
I just kind of heard about this accidentally.
It's kind of interesting how I heard about this, but have you heard of a federal law that goes into effect on October 28th called Act 21, 21st Century Act for Banking?
Oh no, not more banking things.
What is this one?
This is a, I'll just read you the quote from the webpage I got most information off of.
A sweeping new federal law that takes away your ability to get back your original paper checks.
And so basically the law states that as of October 28th, you'll no longer be allowed to get your paper checks back from your bank.
That's right.
All they're going to send you are those little bitty photocopied things.
And part of the important thing that people might want to educate themselves about this is there's different loopholes for the bank.
So if they send you what is called an original copy, that copy is not legally binding.
You have to ask for substitute checks
versus original copy and I'm sure you know even the people that work in the bank ask for ask for Megan they charge you for those exactly guys another it's another excuse for them to reach into our pockets and rob us more and change anything that they'd want to so it's another way of them just taking total control.
Ka-ching as a banker just put more and more of your money into their pockets isn't it?
right and it'll it will it will clear the checks that you use to like pay your bills and stuff it'll clear them faster
But you won't get credited into your bank account any quicker for any checks that you deposit.
What they say is you no longer can use a float.
So if you send a check in somewhere and you figure, well, you know, it'll take a couple of days for it to clear my bank, but I'll go ahead and mail it.
No, now they'll be able to hit you with insufficient funds charges.
They'll hit you with about 50 bucks worth of charges.
So if you mail anything, you better make darn sure you got the money to cover it in there.
And you know, I don't know about you, but a lot of us have mailed checks and realizing that we'd have the money in there by the time they got the check or one thing or another.
If the mail service just happens to be good, you could be in a lot of trouble for a lot more money at this point.
That's right.
So if people want to look it up, they should just Google in check 21 and they'll... because I haven't heard anything about this on the news.
In the newspaper, you don't get anything from your bank saying, oh, by the way, next month you won't ever get a paper check back.
The banksters just don't quit!
They just keep coming at us, don't they?
They just keep... Megan, that's a wonderful call, and that's one of the reasons that live talk radio and the Alex Jones Show is so significant.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones today and tomorrow.
Alex is on a well-deserved vacation after being at the Republican Convention.
You don't think Alex deserves vacation?
You know he does.
And you know the next video he's going to have is going to be about the police state that we have in America today.
One of the situations that's coming up is the new CIA director is going to be Porter Goss.
It's going to be Porter Goss.
Make no bones about it, he's going to be the CIA director.
He's the person who was the bag man down in Nicaragua.
He's the person who was the representative in charge of the 9-11.
He met with the man from Pakistan, who gave the money to a Saudi, according to Paul Joseph Watson.
He's the man who met with him.
He met with him on 9-11.
He was very, very, very influential.
Yes, he's the chairman of the Intelligence Committee.
Porter Goss is the chairman of the Intelligence Committee.
And he had breakfast with Pakistan's chief spy General Mohammed Ahmed, the chief financer of the 9-11 lead hijacker.
On the morning of September 11th, his role in the investigation was to bury the meeting because it proves direct government involvement in 9-11 and could bring criminal charges against him personally.
No conflict of interest there.
He's a former CIA agent,
We're good to go.
Hmm, what's at Yale?
Oh, Skull and Bones, yes.
He served two years in the U.S.
Army as an intelligence officer, moved to Sanibel Island in 1971 after an illness cut short his 10-year career with the CIA, and he's a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, Phi Beta Kappa.
He's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR member.
Is that surprising to anybody?
Let's go with a gentleman here, Anton Tekin.
I think so.
How are you?
I've been working with law enforcement personnel who are stationed
In Florida, in the Fort Myers area where Porter Goss has lived for many years.
I have a little background in this kind of work.
I am the history editor for Executive Intelligence Review, Lyndon LaRouche's magazine.
I wrote a book you might have heard of.
In fact, Alex Jones had the book on his program one time.
I was called
George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography.
I'm the principal author of that book.
And there's a chapter of the book on Iran-Contra.
And in that era, in the 1980s, Felix Rodriguez and many other people were involved with Bush Sr.
overseeing this covert action within the Reagan administration.
There was a lot of
uh... drug activity into uh... central south america with in cooperation with drug cartels porter goth who is now uh... going to be up for his nomination for cia director they're gonna have a uh... hearing on monday there's a good chance
To actually derail his nomination.
You really think so?
You really think that it's not locked in?
That's the case.
Now let me tell you what's going on.
There's a very hot situation.
That's why I think you called me.
What's going on is that during the 1980s, when Porter Goss was Commissioner of Lee County, Florida.
Look on your maps.
It's Fort Myers.
uh... on the west coast uh... he was commercial there he was also uh... uh... the political leader of a set of old c.i.a.
guys that had set taken over uh... the land and some islands in that area these are the sanibel island that was the main island where he lived and what happened was that the sheriff's department in lee county
Came under investigation by honest law enforcement people.
Bob Merkle, the U.S.
Attorney out of Tampa, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Customs and IRS, and other agencies were all focusing on a guy named David Wilson, who was the undersheriff, second-in-command in the 1,000-member Lee County Sheriff's Department.
They were running drugs from the South American cocaine cartels.
And the investigation into this drug running of the Sheriff's Department was sabotaged.
And Bob Merkel said at the time that people in the intelligence industry, as he put it,
We're blocking his investigation.
Now this is something that has been corroborated by every agency.
That's coming from the U.S.
Bob Merkle is the U.S.
Attorney for that area and he said the Intelligence Commission was squashing his investigation.
The intelligence industry, meaning the people in the intelligence community.
Now at that time, Porter Goss was sort of like the Duke of that area.
We have put on larouchepac.org
That's L-A-R-O-U-C-H-E-P-A-C dot org.
On the website.
The latest developments in this case.
We are coordinating with people in the Senate Intelligence Committee.
I've been working on this night and day over the last week.
And the fact is that Porter Goss, probably also US Senator Bob Graham,
Who's his political partner and his intelligence partner at that time and right to the present moment.
He's a Democrat.
We're both blocking this investigation.
Not only your book, the biography of George Bush, but also the one by my friend Al Martin.
which uh... is uh... the insider about uh... the grand contra he tells an awful lot of details about porter goss too because he worked with him and he tells about the work that he did down in Nicaragua.
This guy is certainly not the sort of person who you want in charge of your intelligence service.
The problem with Al Martin's work is that he was, he has a tough situation because he was on the inside.
He was dirty as porter wasn't he?
Yeah he was on the inside of these deals.
If people call us, we will send you, for free, a copy of Children of Satan, the book that we've just come out with.
It's 1-888-347-3258.
That's 1-888-347-3258.
Children of Satan is three reports.
You can see them online if you go onto the LaRouche PAC.
I'm good.
This is a matter of the next 50 days.
Now the person who's been behind all of this, the person who's been behind most of what has been going on, getting into Iraq and the whole thing, is not George Bush, but it has been Dick Cheney.
And there's lots and lots of information about Mr. Cheney.
You're talking about someone who is decidedly evil.
You've got to look at Dick Cheney and the money he's still getting from Halburton and the money that went into this so that they can
I would say it's beyond money.
Let's focus on the physical economy.
This group of bankers in New York and London made a tragic decision in the 1960s.
To take down the physical economy in the United States.
To eliminate our factories and farms.
And do a great job of it too.
That's right.
To set us up as a cheap labor import economy that has devastated our country and made the baby boomers into a failed generation.
At this point, there is a chance to overthrow this regime in the election.
Believe it or not.
We have carried out a change inside the Kerry campaign.
Lyndon LaRouche and former President Clinton along with people in the FDR tradition have actually prevailed on Senator Kerry who is now beginning to come out fighting to go after the real issue
Which is the fact that the economy is a disaster, that people are dying and will be killed.
Most people will die as a result of the economic disaster unless we get this pack of fools out of there.
Let's talk about how bad the economic disaster is.
By 2009, the United States of America, according to the GAO, this isn't according to somebody who's just saying, well, I think this is going to happen.
This is the General Accounting Office that says the United States will not be able to pay the debt on its interest.
By 2009.
We are at crunch time, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolute crunch time.
And you're watching the country go down economically.
You're watching the illegals coming in.
You're watching the jobs being outsourced.
And most of us are sitting around saying, are they trying to destroy our country?
And here you've got a gentleman saying, yes, they are trying to destroy our country.
Am I correct in that, Anton?
This is a faction of senative bankers.
It's in the book, Children of Satan.
The issue with Porter Goss is that they want to reorganize the entire intelligence community.
And I'll get to that when we get back on.
You sure will.
Thank you for listening.
This is Alex Jones Radio Program.
This is Erskine sitting in talking about the nomination of Porter Goss right now.
And we'll have your calls right afterwards.
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This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex.
Today, Alex will be back on Monday.
Monday, Alex will be back.
He has a very, very short vacation.
Let's hope he's not in Gulf Shores because of the hurricane going up there.
It's okay.
He called in.
He's doing fine.
God bless the people there at Pensacola, Mobile, and thank goodness that it didn't get into New Orleans.
They were very, very lucky that it didn't hit over New Orleans just a little bit further west, and they've been in a real mess.
Talking with Anton Chaikin, and he's with the LaRouche organization.
He's also the author of a number of books, including the unauthorized biography of George Bush.
And we're talking about Porter-Gauss.
Now, two things that leap out at me.
One of them is that this entire deal of Porter-Gauss down there in Florida had a lot to do with cocaine and marijuana going into that area.
Now, I talked with Ken Bucci, who wrote Operation Pseudo-Miranda.
I don't know if you're familiar with Ken.
And Ken worked for the CIA.
He was a CIA operative.
He told about a meeting in Zurich, Switzerland between the mob, the CIA, and the drug dealers, and how they agreed that, okay, we will cut our production going into the United States of America if you'll give us safe passage.
And so I said, Ken, what you're telling me is,
We agreed to let them fly drugs in through Mena, Arkansas.
And Ken said, no, no, no, we didn't agree to that.
We told them we'd fly the drugs in for them.
The CIA and drugs have become absolutely interlinked.
Look at what's happened in Afghanistan.
As much as oil, it's a drug economy.
So you're saying that Puerto Gales' area down there, number one was
bases that they were able to take over, agency bases, and that the investigation involved cocaine and marijuana.
Is that right?
Am I close on that?
No, you're exactly right.
Let me, I'm going to give people names now.
And you, the listeners now can make history by interfering with Porter Goss' confirmation.
There's an easy way to do this.
All you have to do is understand the situation.
Porter Goss was there as county commissioner and then congressman.
He was there as his faction ran the dope into that area.
Lee County, Florida.
Lee County, L-E-E.
Lee County and Fort Myers.
The under-sheriff, that means the second in command of the 1,000-member Sheriff's Department, was named David Wilson.
Wilson was under investigation by every federal agency for drug smuggling.
He was known to be a little Hitler there, like Carlos Lehder.
From whose cartel he was getting the dope.
And at a certain point in the early 1990s, the federal agents, who were frustrated, started to demand that this guy be dealt with and he should be in prison.
The Sheriff, Under Sheriff Wilson.
This guy, Wilson, went to Porter Goss to try to protect himself.
Because Porter Goss had been there, in that area, as the
Eminence Gris, the dark, the gray eminence for the intelligence community since 1971.
And this is known to everybody in law enforcement in that area, that you have these two guys, Porter Goss and Bob Graham, that have been involved in overseeing this horrible situation where the dope kept coming into Lee County.
All you have to do
To help us to break this completely wide open in the next three days, before Monday, is to get to your congressman, get to your senator, and say, what does Porter Goss know about the dope smuggling in his own county, in Lee County, Florida?
That will break everything wide open.
The name of the under-sheriff is David Wilson.
He was under investigation, let me quote you, from
The Fort Myers Newspaper, this article is February 9th, 1996, in Fort Myers News Press.
And it says that David Wilson, the undersheriff, I'm quoting here, was Chief Deputy from 1973 to 1996.
During the mid-1980s, Wilson came under fire after a fellow deputy claimed he saw Wilson on the airstrip during a drug run gone bad.
Federal officials not only discovered that Wilson had sold an airplane to a major drug dealer, but also nearly indicted him on drug running charges.
Now let me ask you, Anton, what the heck does nearly indicted mean?
Is that like being a little bit pregnant?
It means that what happened is that the Drug Enforcement Administration, Bob Merkel's U.S.
Attorney's Office, the IRS and Customs were all stopped, called.
By intelligence community interference in the investigation.
Everybody knows about this situation.
More on Porter Goss and what you can do to stop this when we get back on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
For your information, go to InfoWars.com.
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This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones.
As Alex was saying earlier, they are trying to do away with the 22nd Amendment, so Arnold
Schwarzenegger, the Gropenator, can run for President in 2008.
You heard it here first.
Alex says he will be running for President in 2008.
They will do away with the 22nd Amendment, and they're going to have their little Nazi leader, who they want, running there.
This is the same man who saw Nixon and Humphrey debate in 1968, when there was no debate.
At the Republican Convention, it's the same person who said the Democrat Convention should be called True Lies.
Well, I'm saying the Republican Convention should be called The Terminator.
They want to terminate everything, or the Predator, either one that you can go with.
Infowars.com has the entire
scene of what's going on.
You won't find that information on CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS.
Get up to Infowars.com.
His video, American Dictators, the staged election of 2004, and Police State 1, 2, and 3, Matrix of Evil, all the videos go up there and get that.
And as we were talking last hour, this is a book, Order Out of Chaos by Paul Joseph Watson.
Young Mr. Watson has done one of the most incredible books I have read, period.
Right now, we are talking with Anton, who's with the LaRouche organization, and Anton, we're talking a little bit more about Porter Goss, and you say, have your Congress people ask Mr. Goss, what does he know about drug smuggling in Lee County, Florida, and that'll stop him cold.
Ask him that one simple question.
It looks like we may have somebody who is up to their eyeballs in drug smuggling becoming the head of the CIA.
Well, we've got Richard Armitage.
Give me a break!
Come on!
What does it matter if we have this Porter Goss?
What else worries you about Porter Goss other than the fact that he was doing a little drug business down there in Florida or supporting people who were?
What's troubling about Goss, the reason that people on both sides, Republican and Democrat, are deeply worried about this is that in the last days of this administration, they want to do a complete reorganization of intelligence, with Porter Goss coming in, to allow them to start up a war with Iran aimed at Russia.
There is already a fight inside the government that LaRouche and our friends in there have started against this attack that Goss and Cheney's faction is starting.
We got Larry Franklin in trouble.
There's a group inside the Pentagon called the Office of Special Plans set up by Cheney to bypass the CIA, to bypass the normal
channels of the military because they didn't give the neocons what they wanted.
We saw what they did concerning the so-called buying the nuclear this and that from Niger and that was part of the Cheney inside the operation.
That's right.
And so they set up this filthy Israel connected, you know, Likud connected unit that was set up by Cheney
This is Gaza's faction, and they were at the point of about to start a new war with Iran.
The AIPAC was going to get some ads to say that Iran had nuclear weapons and we need to go bomb them.
Now this is aimed in the direction of a near-term conflict with Russia.
This is totally unnecessary from our standpoint.
And Putin is exactly right in his response to this, because these terrorist provocations, just like they came from Cheney in 9-11, they're coming from Cheney now.
They're using the Afghanistan terrorists that Brzezinski and these fools got up in the late 70s, Osama Bin Laden and the rest of them, in those days, they're using them now to try to take Russia apart.
Okay, are you saying that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA operative?
Well, that's understood by every government in the world.
The question is, what are you going to do about it?
And here's my plea... This weekend on Erskine Overnight, we're going to have a... Hello?
I'm dragging me down Gonna stand my ground And I won't back down I won't back down Hey, baby There ain't no easy way out I won't back down Hey, I'll stand my ground
I think we're good.
We're talking about the situation with Osama Bin Laden.
We're also talking about the situation with Congressman Porter Goss.
So we're talking about Osama Bin Laden being a CIA operative at the same time.
And talking with Ted Gunderson, going to be my guest this Saturday night on Erskine
You can listen to it either by your local radio station or you can listen to it by going to gcnlive.com.
And Ted Gunderson met with Osama Bin Laden.
When we're selling missiles to him.
So Osama Bin Laden is essentially a CIA operative, a creation of the CIA.
We've given him the support.
We've given him the money.
So when you're seeing this connection, that really puts things in perspective, doesn't it, Anton?
Yeah, I want to make a plea to the listeners to look at the children of Satan.
This is the 40 year
We're good to go.
The so-called Hitler cult that Tom DeLay and these guys belong to.
But the whole boomer generation, starting back in the 50s and early 60s, was induced to give up their connection to the American Revolution, their connection to humanistic culture, their connection to the Renaissance, their connection to mankind.
And to say, I'm going to live for momentary pleasure.
I don't care about being a productive human being anymore.
Alan Dulles ran a series of conferences called the Congress of Cultural Freedom, and we go through the whole story there.
This faction of intelligence, of which Porter Goss is a leading representative, and he's connected to the Morgan and DuPont families by
Marriage and by his personal background, this is the dullest faction.
This faction backed the creation of fascism and at the same time left-wing synarcism in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere, right and left.
Our intelligence people knew about this during World War II and at the end of World War II.
LaRouche was given
The files by Max Corvo and other people during, under the Reagan administration.
And who'd they bring over?
They brought over Operation Paperclip, who were the Nazis.
So this is leading to what we have today.
Which is very, very close to... The people that are running the drugs, and are running the terrorism inside Russia, inside the Middle East, is a continuation of what we fought in World War II.
And we are now determined to bring this to an end.
We want to go back
We're good to go.
Give up their pessimism.
Go on the LaRouche PAC website and take a look at what the kids are doing, 18 to 25 years old.
They're singing Bach and Beethoven.
They're attacking the problem of energizing the black ghetto, the labor unions, the farmers, the former constituents of the Democratic Party, to bring them back in politics and overwhelm these Nazis, this fat-ass Nazi Dick Cheney.
And I heard them singing
A heightened canon.
A fugal, beautiful music with that name on the top.
It's very, very funny when you hear these kids singing this in beautiful music as a canon about a fat-ass constable, Dick Cheney.
Very, very funny.
That's energizing people in Detroit and Houston.
We can defeat these guys, but you have to play your part and help us block them.
God, he can be blocked on Monday.
There can be an explosion.
Political explosion in Washington, I guarantee it.
If you hit on what Porter Goss knows about dope smuggling in Lee County, how he helped block the federal task force that was going after the Sheriff's Department running of dope out of South America, you can block Porter Goss.
You can play a role in world history.
It's up to you.
Yes, what we've got coming up, this is a topic that obviously someone doesn't want us talking about.
They don't want us talking about this.
They would like for us to stop this because we've had problems that I have never had before.
I don't know if you've had this on other shows that you've done.
They don't want you stopping.
What happened?
When did it stop?
Just when you came on and just when you started talking about Porter Goss, we've had some problems.
Oh, okay, everything's a conspiracy.
But this has just started.
When we started talking about border gossip, we started talking about this.
We could talk about other things, and it never happened, but it just happened at the time.
Well, this is hot.
I talk to people in every one of these federal agencies, and the story is the same.
There was a 25-year-long dictatorship in Lee County by this undersheriff.
Who was running dope, and everybody knows it.
And Porter Goss was there, first as county commissioner and then as congressman.
They don't want the information out about the CIA drug connection.
They certainly do not want that information out.
It's happened to me on other programs.
Get your listeners to give us a call and to call their congressman.
And ask the question.
The question is very simple.
What does Porter Goss know about drug smuggling in Lee County, Florida?
What does he know?
Ask that question and we've got a whole different situation that's going to be coming at us.
That's his home.
Alright, so do what you can.
Get people to call us.
They can get in touch with me.
Give out that number again.
No, 3258.
Okay, Children of Satan 3.
Yeah, well, Children of Satan is the book, people, we'll send a free book to anybody that calls us, but we want, I mean our agenda here is to block Goss.
And we can do it, because there's a real alarm about what these guys are trying to do to put somebody like that in charge of, like Himmler, in charge of all the intelligence, then you have Ashcroft
At FBI, and you've lost the country.
Now, we're talking, when you're talking about the Nazi connection, and you're talking about a definite Nazi connection, they're talking about Alex Jones did that remarkable, remarkable story where he's saying that they want to run Arnold in 2008.
Why they want to run Arnold in 2008?
You've got the Nazi connection again.
Who was convicted of trading with the enemy during World War II?
Prescott Bush, who financed Hitler.
The Bush family, through Brown Brothers Harriman, financed Adolf Hitler.
It's a tradition.
That's my book.
Nothing has changed.
You know, I first put my co-author, Webster Tarpley, on his program, and for some reason was very shy about putting me on, even though it was my research in the book.
And Webster only wrote about the Bush administration.
I was the one
Who told the story about the Bush family and Hitler?
The Bush family and Hitler were tight as could be.
I'm surprised he didn't have a picture of Prescott Bush on his desk, but Adolf Hitler did have a picture of Henry Ford.
Well, Henry Ford was an unfortunate guy who was duped by some Russian intelligence people.
Absolutely, but he had a picture of Henry Ford on his desk, but Prescott Bush, who actually was through Brown Brothers Harriman.
So when you're looking at the Bush family, this is a family that has supported the Nazis from before World War II all the way up through... Well now they're supporting Cheney, and that's just as bad.
Cheney is the guy running this, as you said.
Anyway, what can we do to get this message out to the listeners?
We're doing it right now.
We're doing it right now.
We're getting the message out.
Call your congressman, check with your congresspeople, and make sure that you have this taken care of, that you ask them one question, have your congressperson ask, what does he know, he being Porter Goss, know about dope smuggling in Lee County, Florida?
Ask him that one simple question before Congress has a hearing, and it all could be over.
That's right.
It all could be over and you've got other names mentioned and everything else and you can go up to Larouchepub.org and all of the information.
And if you have information on this also get in touch with me personally, Anton Chaikin.
And spell your name Anton.
A-N-T-O-N C-H-A-I-T-K-I-N.
Anton Chaikin.
And you will give him any information that you have.
So our listeners in Florida who may have more information on this, please, please, please give it in.
People in DEA or Customs or the other agencies that were involved in this, they're still fuming.
They're bitter.
I can tell you from the interviews that I've done over the last week,
That agents in every, honest law enforcement people in every walk of life in our government are still pissed at how this thing was squelched.
We've got three days to do this, so ladies and gentlemen, please get on this topic.
Anton, thank you for being on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, Anton.
Thank you.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Or only today and tomorrow for Alex Jones who will be back Monday and you heard that wonderful report from Alex where they're trying to get Arnold Schwarzenegger for 2008.
That is Alex Jones's prediction.
Arnold in 2008, the man whose picture was taken with Lord Jacob Rothschild over in England.
The man who got his marching order from the Rothschilds.
From the Matrix of Evil.
Oh, by the way, that's a video by Alex Jones.
Matrix of Evil.
The American dictator staged election 2004.
Sometimes you have to take your information where you can get it.
We went to the LaRouche people for some information about Porter Goss.
This isn't an endorsement of LaRouche or anything else along that line, but he had some very valuable information.
Thank you so much for taking my call.
I've been fighting this fight for a long time.
But I needed Alex to know that they've shut down a little private radio station here in Knoxville.
The FCC, it was Knoxville First Amendment Radio.
And I didn't even know it existed because I spend too much time with Genesis.
But they've apparently been around about three years.
And they took all their equipment and shut them up.
They're doing that around everywhere and you've got corporately controlled radio in most places that control most of the big radio stations.
They just simply have control of most of your radio stations and it's a sad situation.
We used to have independent radio stations all around the country and you know that Nancy.
NPR is one of the ones that decided to shut them down.
National Public Radio.
Listen, we don't need Schwarzenegger.
We've already got a knot that grew in the White House.
Why would we need Schwarzenegger to put the icing on the cake?
Listen, these blighters have absolutely crashed my citizenship.
I'm a bloody loinie, originally.
I had to learn the Constitution, the amendments, and renounce all former allegiances.
Now they're allowing hordes of people and giving them green cards which gives them the right to vote and everything else.
They have trashed my citizenship.
And I'm mad!
They've trashed all of our citizenship, Nancy.
All of us who were born in America.
I have my great-great-grandfather's naturalization papers when he came over from Ireland to renounce Victoria as Queen of England and all of that.
And we had to learn the Constitution of the United States.
You read, and now, and now, if you're reading the Constitution of the United States, oh, you must be some type of a wacko.
They don't even want you reading the Constitution of the United States.
Eight hundred and some odd books have been banned.
They aren't really banned, but they're questionable if you're reading those.
Are they books about
That the FBI is looking into?
Are they into libraries and everywhere else if you check them out?
Are they books on building bombs?
No, they're books on the Constitution.
They don't want us to know about the Constitution.
Thank God for Alex Jones who is getting the truth out.
But you know, we're not teaching them in school either.
Only the homeschool children are the ones who learn anything about our heritage and our Constitution and so on and so forth.
Children in regular school don't get any of it.
The home school and some of the religious schools.
And some of the religious schools too, Nancy.
They're doing a great job.
I have a grandson who's one and my son is extremely upset because they're becoming more and more like regular school every day.
I know.
And it costs a lot of money to send them to these religious schools.
It's a shame.
It really is.
It does.
God bless you.
God bless Alex.
And let's get to work on keeping Mr. Schwarzenegger out.
But I don't think it matters because the other whites are already in.
Nancy, thank you for the call.
Get the Alex Jones videos.
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Get the Alex Jones videos so you too can know what's going on.
And not only for you who listen to Alex Jones,
But show it to some people who aren't.
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Get Alex on a radio station if you don't have one near you.
Call up some independent stations.
See if they won't carry the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Introducing... Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
This isn't Alex Jones.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex.
Just sitting in.
Nobody can duplicate.
Nobody can get those.
You can only sit in for Alex.
That's all we can do to sort of keep the seat warm until he gets back here on Monday.
And we've got a couple of things that are happening.
Two of the big stories, of course, the hurricanes.
And God bless the poor people in Pensacola and Mobile, that whole area through there.
Hurricane winds up to 100 miles per hour.
Either side of the eye of the hurricane.
I mean, it was quite a disaster that's going on through there.
I've been watching it on CNN, and it's incredible what's happening there.
God bless the people there, and let's hope that everything works out for the best for you.
And thank goodness, thank God that it did not hit New Orleans.
Being three feet under, under sea level at the start, it just went a little bit to the east of New Orleans, and we're very happy about that.
Other news that's going on.
Kofi Annan is now calling our war in Iraq illegal.
The U.S.
intelligence is very pessimistic about Iraq.
We've had two Americans and one Brit kidnapped in Baghdad.
They're so bad that cities are too dangerous for the armies to enter.
Other than that, things are going fine over there.
Yeah, right.
Well, we found out that they have no drones.
The newest intelligence said, yes, Saddam got rid of them.
There are no drones, uh, drone planes.
These are the pilotless airplanes.
So he couldn't fly these pilotless aircraft with the weapons of mass destruction, which he also didn't have.
And the other news is Costa Rica withdrawing from the Coalition of the Willing.
Get this.
Costa Rica has no army.
They gave us no aid.
But they had a court order to get their name off the list of the Coalition of the Willing.
They just want their name off the list.
Now what are we?
Get your name off that telemarketing list.
I don't want to be part of that.
We aren't going to give you anything, but we sure don't want your name on the list.
Oh, it's getting bad.
It's getting bad when it gets to that point.
Good news.
Good news in my opinion.
$350 million dollar RICO lawsuit filed over Aspartame.
That was filed in San Francisco September 15th.
$350 million dollar RICO lawsuit.
It contains following counts, racketeering charges, unfair competition, false advertising, Consumer Remedies Act fraud, breach of warranty, breach of merchantability, filed as class action representing the people as a whole, and this is filed against JD Cereal and Company, makers of NutraSweet, American Diabetes Association, Dr. Robert H. Moser, and John Doe's, including
Well, you've got Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, who was the person who was in charge of Cyril at the time it went through the FDA.
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It's been implicated in all sorts of different neurological problems.
Lots and lots of different problems.
There are over 10,000 lawsuits against Aspartame.
10,000 complaints to the FDA, including deaths from Aspartame.
It's a very, in my opinion, very, very bad product.
There's a movie that just was released by a friend of ours, Corey Brackett, who's on Erskine Overnight, and it's called Sweet Misery.
This weekend, let me do a real quick little plug.
This weekend on Erskine Overnight, which our website is www.erskineonradio.com, we're going to be having
Mr. Ted Gunderson.
First off we're going to be talking about Christian Wilde's going to be talking about hidden causes of heart attack and then we're going to be having Ted Gunderson, former, former director of the Los Angeles office of the FBI.
And Ted's got a lot to say.
He's going to talk about our attack on terror, which is an attack on the American people.
So that's coming up at midnight eastern time, nine o'clock pacific, Erskine
Overnight on a lot of these GCN stations.
If we're not on one of these stations, call them up, tell them, put us on, because you'll enjoy the program.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Go to Infowars.com for the real news.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There's a war, actually, if you look at it, it seems to me, against the American people.
It's called the War on Terror, and it's become a war against the American people.
Look at what's happened to our Constitution in the United States, just like that lovely lady who called in from Tennessee, Nancy, was saying.
Erskine Overnight is a program that I do, and we're every Saturday night on Genesis Communications Network.
Erskine Overnight and the website is www.erskineonradio.com so if you want to contact me and we've got up there all sorts of information be happy to hear from you.
Know any stations that we ought to be on?
Give me a contact!
Know any stations that Alex needs to be on?
Give him a contact!
We certainly are more than anxious because there are fewer and fewer independent radio stations out there, fewer and fewer out
Hey Erskine, interesting topics.
I wanted to say to Alex, Alex enjoy your vacation.
You worked hard for it, bud.
Oh, he did, didn't he?
He certainly deserves it.
Especially, like he said, that trip to New York was no vacation.
I mean, he almost got arrested three or four times.
Give me a break.
And that interview he did in New York City with the demonstrators around made the hair on my arm just stand up.
I mean, what?
He put himself on the line for us, doesn't he?
He was right on the front lines, and it was great.
Interesting conversation with Anton, and I wanted to reference an interesting book that a friend of mine just lent me.
And if I know Alex, he's probably a mile ahead of me.
He's probably already interviewed him about this book, and I missed the show.
But it's called, the title of the book is, The High Priests of War.
The secret history of how America's neoconservative Trotskyites came to power and orchestrated the war against Iraq as the first step in their drive for global empire.
Wow, I've heard it!
Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press.
I know Michael, yes.
Okay, and he also wrote Final Judgment about the murder of JFK.
And he goes into the history of the neocons, the Trotskyite movement, how they basically wormed their way, these neocons have literally wormed their way into so many positions of influence within the media, the military, the upper levels of the government.
That we're coming down to divining time, Erskine, because every 36 years in America there seems to be a cycle.
The last time a major political spasm occurred in America was 19... what was it?
And here we are to 2004, and we're going to go one of either two directions.
We're either going to fall further into the neocons
Layer, if you will, or we're going to go off into another direction.
I'm not sure what that direction will be, but at this point I think any direction but the neocon direction is one to go.
Now I used to consider myself a conservative.
I wanted smaller government.
I wanted a government that kept out of people's way.
I wanted a government that let people do what they wanted to do and stayed away.
I wasn't for all the regulations and everything.
And so I pretty much considered myself a conservative Republican.
These terms don't mean anything anymore.
They absolutely don't mean anything, Eric.
I mean, it just is totally gone.
And the type of conservatism, I talk to people who are Republicans, and say, yeah, I believe in smaller government.
And I'm looking at the size of the government and what's going on, and I said, well, you know, Republicans traditionally kept us out of war, and I'm seeing this that's going on.
I'm looking at the whole situation.
They have sold the American people a bill of goods.
Yes, and the only difference, people need to understand this, that the only true difference between today's neoconservatives and the old Bolshevik movement, just after the Tsars in Russia, is time, place, and language.
The philosophies are the same, the methods are the same, the aims and the goals are the same, and how they carry out their goal are the same.
This whole war in the Middle East,
This is designed, that part of the globalists, this is designed to antagonize a whole panoply of nations into attacking us and to being our enemies.
It's got everybody in the world, including the leader of the United Nations, every country in the world mad at the United States.
You don't hear that here.
They say, well, they don't like our lifestyle.
We've got so much.
We've got freedom.
They don't have freedom.
That isn't it.
They believe that, especially the United States corporations and their bullying tactics all over the world,
There is nowhere in the world that is really safe for Americans today.
They are disliked virtually everywhere.
Go back five years ago, we were loved by a lot of different countries.
We've given aid to countries that nobody else has.
We've helped countries all over the world.
We've spent all this time building up love for America and then all of a sudden,
Lately, it's just all of the goodwill that we built up is totally gone with the various wars that we have created.
It's ridiculous.
And you listen to the Savages, the Hannity's, and the Limbaugh's, and you talk about a bill of goods.
I mean, I used to think, I've told Alex this more than once, I used to think that those guys were the bees knees.
I love to listen to Russ Limbaugh and I still feel like he's a great communicator, but the message that he's putting out I certainly cannot buy.
I've heard this from several sources that I think he was blackmailed by members of the Bush clan.
You want to talk to him about the CFR?
You want to talk to him about the Bilderbergs?
I don't think so!
He doesn't think they exist!
Did you ever hear him say anything against NAFTA?
Did you ever hear him say anything against gun control?
I don't see him standing up on either of those issues.
And personally, NAFTA has been a disgrace.
The free trade area of the Americas they want to bring in will bring all of our salaries and wages down.
We are going to become a third world nation very quickly if they bring that in.
And the gun control issue?
Give me a break.
I haven't heard him.
I mean, he used to, um, he used to decry gun control.
As of late, though, I mean, I still listen to them.
I don't hold them in the same esteem that I used to.
But I still listen to them, and I don't really hear Mr. Limbaugh decrying gun control the way he used to.
I mean, gun control, face it, gun control is the stuff of tyranny.
Every country where they have taken over the guns, what's happened to the country?
How many people have been killed and murdered after they take over the guns?
This is the Second Amendment.
It's not to keep you safe from some robber or something.
It's to keep you safe from your government.
That's why they put it in.
And what people need to understand about the Constitution, Erskine, is that the Constitution doesn't grant anything.
It reaffirms pre-existing God-given rights.
There's the key.
There's the key that Eric said right there.
God-given rights.
Your rights come from God, not from the king, not from the government.
They are from God.
You can't take away what God gives you, but they're trying to.
Thanks, Erskine.
Thanks, Eric.
Let's go to Jay in Kansas.
Hi, Kansas.
Jay, how are you doing?
Yes, Erskine.
Good to have you on.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I listen to you at night once in a while, and you're great.
You do a great job.
Uh, you got five dollars coming to you in the mail.
I need it.
Anyway, whatever the case, we can study up on everything they do, learn everything they do, know it for a fact, present the facts, and the courts will stop us.
Doesn't matter.
Or if you take it to the congressman, they'll stop it.
Because all those people's jobs depend on money.
And the money comes from where?
The corporations.
We gotta figure a way to break the corporations, then we can be done.
Give us a couple of ideas on how to break the corporations.
You're absolutely 100% right there Jay.
I'll give you one.
There will be no reprisals.
There's no way they can give any reprisal on a citizen for doing it.
And that is simply this.
If it's advertised on TV, don't buy it.
Now, I'm serious.
Because if you quit buying it, what's going to happen?
That corporation knows that if they advertise on TV, they're going to lose sales.
Lose sales, not gain.
Lose sales.
And the first thing you know, they're going to get hurt.
And I bet there's enough listeners to your show, and Alex's show, and Dave's show, and on and down the line, there's enough listeners to really have an effect on them.
If you're going to buy groceries, you're going to buy food.
Try to buy something with a farmer's picture on it, if you can.
Go to a farm market, buy something with a farmer's picture on it.
It may cost you a few pennies more, but you're going to be getting something pure and something that someone cares about.
Go to a small town dealer, if you've got one, small hardware store, small this, that, or the other.
Go, if you're going to have lunch, go to somebody's restaurant that has their name on it.
I'm not talking about Wendy or something like that, but some restaurant where you know the people who run the restaurant, and sit down and talk to your neighbors.
Nobody's talking anymore, Jay!
Well, it is really as simple as this.
If they see it on TV, don't buy it.
If they did that, I guarantee you it would have its effect.
It would stop the corporations, they would stop paying the media, and if the media didn't get paid,
The media would have to come around to our side.
Guess what?
There's no other place for them to go.
You certainly make a point of that.
And of course, that would mean most of us quit drinking beer, which is not a bad idea either.
Let's go back immediately to Nevada and Rick.
Hi, Rick.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Good morning, afternoon, Erskine.
Good morning to us and good afternoon to some of the people on the East Coast.
Yes, sir.
Long live Alex Jones, long live Stanley Monteith, and long live Erskine.
Now, concerning the Remnant Saints Intercontinental Congress, of which Alex Jones is an honorary member, is it a good idea, do you believe, to attempt establishing a Christian world government when the scriptures tell us that that is not to be established until Jesus' return?
I don't think a world government under any auspices is a good idea.
I am not for a world government, period.
I think that I am for sovereignty and our sovereign governments for whatever sovereign areas that the people live in.
Well, I agree.
If Alex Jones is listening, perhaps he'll call in and clarify because I'm concerned about this.
I believe it's a very bad, very dangerous idea.
You get a world government.
You've got Somalia.
You've got what's going on over in Bosnia.
The UN has done a wonderful idea.
If you want a world government, then I think there are some major problems with that.
I don't want a world government.
Thank you so much, Rick, for the call.
And we'll be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Program with Ron in New York.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Well, if you're going to wage war on corruption, then you need to have your Congress people ask Mr. Porter Goss, who is leading the way to become the next CIA director, they need to ask him one simple question.
One simple, simple question.
And that question is concerning
What did he know about drugs in Lee County, Florida?
What did he know about drug running in Lee County, Florida?
You've got to have him ask that one question.
Ask your congressman that question.
What did Porter Goss...
What does he know about dope smuggling in Lee County, Florida?
They ask him that question, and it's all over but the shouting.
Let's go to our friend, Ron, listening in New York.
Hey, Ron, welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Hi, Erskine.
Hi, Ron.
You have made a comment a little earlier about the government, and I'd like to point something out.
For some years now, you know, I'm an active individual, politically involved.
And for many, many years, probably closer to a quarter of a century, I would make inquiries of agencies who ask about what rules are, what laws are, so forth and so on.
Now, keep in mind, this is going on close to 25 years.
If you do that now, you could almost feel a paranoid apprehension on the part of the government worker you're asking a very simple question of.
Uh, you could be making an inquiry about public domain information, government rules.
And this applies particularly with the federal agencies, you'll find this.
And the suspicious paranoia will ooze right out of their pores and through the receiver of the telephone.
Oh, you can't ask them about anything, but can they ask you about anything, Ron?
Oh, they want to know about everything!
And I find this sick.
I mean, this is creating an atmosphere that is charged with neurotic paranoia.
Now, I don't like... It's not neurotic paranoia!
It isn't paranoia when it's happening!
I mean, the government has become more and more opaque, and we're becoming more and more transparent.
They want to know every little detail about you.
Yeah, even to a point where you sign up, they've got the new thing that they've been trying to bring in with the airlines, where they want all of the information.
And you can be green, you can be yellow, you can be red.
They use a lot of colors, I've noticed.
But we're on our orange chartreuse alerts and you've got, if you do any banking, you're spending more than $200 or if you've got a Christmas club, they want to know about that.
We had the lady who called in talking about the new banking rules.
One thing after another to intrude into you.
And I, you know, I said I was a conservative Republican.
I wanted smaller government.
I wanted less interference.
I wanted greater privacy.
You know, I agree with that, and I was in that category once as a conservative Republican, when that meant something different than this.
It seemed to have, didn't it?
They sort of left us, didn't they?
Yeah, they did.
This isn't the conservatism that we were seeking in 1980, when this really all started.
This isn't what we had bargained for.
And there is something very wrong when you... I'm talking about simple inquiries, too.
When you make a public information, public domain information inquiry,
And you're examined, you know, like you're John Dillinger, for merely asking a question of a government servant, a government civil servant.
Yeah, they're very happy.
And this is something I have noticed.
It started a little bit back in the Clinton administration, and post 9-11 it has really gotten hot and heavy and very thick.
This is not... Do you feel safer now than you did three years ago?
Do you feel safer now?
Not at all.
I might say the truth.
You know, I don't know why you're too worried about that.
You've got a job as a house inspector.
What do you care about?
Nobody's going to send that to you.
But people are just worried.
Older people are worried.
Younger people are worried.
And you can't keep this fear factor being built up.
It's ridiculous.
No, it's unhealthy.
It's not consistent with a democratic society.
It creates paranoid lunacy within the general population, and I believe that it's the intent to stampede people in that way, then take advantage of the stampede.
It is absolutely consistent with a police state, and that's why Alex's video, Police State 3, is so important, because it is absolutely consistent with a police state.
As I wanted to say a moment ago, I'm not trying to draw extreme parallels, but if you have people who have read history,
In the early stages of the Third Reich, this is what happened.
You know, it didn't come on them all at once.
Hitler took office and the next day this happened.
It came on them over a period of some years, probably about five to seven years.
Early history of the Third Reich.
We're going to come back with a quote and I want to thank you so much for that call.
That is so significant.
Thank you again, Ron.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy.
It's always a simple matter to drag the people along.
Whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That's easy.
All you have to do is tell them they're being attacked, denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country.
Quote, Rice Marshal Herman Goering.
That's where the marching orders for America today are coming from.
Ron from New York understands that.
Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin said, they that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Meanwhile, a special message right now just came off the press, a message from the Department of Homeland Security.
You're supposed to be out buying plastic, duct tape, and toilet paper.
Now this is to protect yourself from germ warfare.
Don't forget fresh batteries for your flashlights.
Get those batteries along with the duct tape and toilet paper.
Because in the dark, you don't want to mix up the duct tape and the toilet paper.
Now, moving right along.
Let's go to Dave in Illinois.
Dave, you're on with Alex Jones.
Well, not with Alex Jones.
You're on the Alex Jones Show with Erskine sitting in for Alex.
Hi Erskine, I've never heard you before today.
You're doing a great job.
Thank you!
I thought you were going to say, I hope to never hear you again, but I appreciate that Dave.
You know, radio talk show hosts and you're talking about Rush Limbaugh and I always keep in mind that when Kobe Bryant was being called the next Michael Jordan and Lakers were winning championships before he got in all that trouble, when Haley Berry was winning
And Oscar, you know, these two guys are at the peaks of their career.
Rush Limbaugh was still making more than both of these guys combined, so that kind of tells you where Rush Limbaugh's priorities are.
But, you know, as far as him looking like the big gerbils, I think this Thomas Barnett Democrat guy who wrote the book, The Pentagon's New Map, I think he's got Rush totally beat.
Well, I'll tell you one of the nastiest people I've heard on radio, and I hate to say this to criticize anyone, but one of the nastiest people, Sean Hanratty.
He is just absolutely nasty.
I've heard him do interviews where he's cut people off and cut them down.
If you've got anything that disagrees with what he says, he doesn't even listen to them.
He just tears them apart and uses their opening statement.
Dave, anything else that you care to comment on?
Well, yeah, this Thomas Barnett guy, this is real interesting.
Alex was, uh, he was trying to get him on the show yesterday and the guy wouldn't come on.
So, uh, Alex was talking about he was on C-SPAN, so I'd go to the booknotes.org and look at the transcript of what this guy was saying.
And, uh, this guy was working, here, I'll just quote it.
I ran a series of workshops with Cantor Fitzgerald atop the World Trade Center, where we brought together Wall Street heavyweights, National Security Council members, and OSD, Office of Secretary of Defense,
And then 9-11 comes and he loses that job and they put him in a transformation project run by the Joint Forces Command.
Which is basically, um, you know, I'll quote it again.
Oh, we're going to build the military tomorrow, today, which basically they're, you know, pretty much building a privatized, um...
You know, they're trying to destroy the military as we know it now.
You've got the military going out there working for $1,200 a month, and you've got the private soldiers going out there for $1,000 a day, and it's demoralizing to the nth degree, and you've got all these people going out there working for Halliburton and who knows what else.
It's a really weird situation, isn't it?
Yeah, and this guy goes on.
You know, the guy from
The Transformation Project calls him and he says, come work for me.
We need rationales.
We need an explanation of the world that says not only are we transforming because we're a rich and technologically capable country, and thus can have, you know, a well-endowed and technological enabled military, but that we're doing this transformation for the U.S.
military in response to real changes in the international security environment that we think we now understand, in part, thanks to 9-11.
So this guy's saying, thanks to 9-11.
Well, you know, 9-11 has been the excuse for everything.
It's the excuse for Iran, or rather Iraq.
Well, it could be Iran.
It's the excuse for Iraq, the excuse for Afghanistan, the excuse for tearing up the Constitution.
You know, your kid shows up late to school.
Well, you know, we thought he might have something in his backpack, so we had to check it out.
Terrorist alert, you know.
It's an excuse for everything.
You're a little late for work.
Eh, 9-11.
You know, I've been here on time.
But, you know, since 9-11, you know, traffic's just gotten worse.
It has been the universal excuse.
We need to look into this.
We need to look into that.
We need to check this.
Take your shoes off now.
You're at the airport.
Take your... Give me a break.
I didn't see anybody who was...
Who was Polish?
I didn't see anybody who was Irish.
I didn't see anybody who was Mexican.
I didn't see anybody who was Japanese.
I didn't see anybody who was black.
I didn't see any of these people who have done anything concerning 9-11 or anything like that.
But we all got to take our shoes off.
87-year-old women, take your shoes off.
Come on down.
We're going to check you out.
Well, some people may enjoy it, but I certainly don't.
Hey, I want to thank you for the call.
Let's go immediately to Linda listening in Wisconsin.
Hi, Linda.
I've been listening off and on.
I've been on the phone a lot today.
I learned that today or all this week
Ron Paul has had a very important statement on the recording that he has.
Are you aware of that?
I'm certainly aware of Ron Paul's recordings.
He is one of the few true patriots who's in Congress.
Well, I called that number today and this has to do
With mandatory mental screening of all school children and pre-school children.
Well, give them all Ritalin, don't they?
Well, absolutely, and whatever else they can find.
Yep, drugging our kids.
Let's keep them off drugs.
Let's give them government-supported drugs.
Well, it's even worse than that, Bill.
It actually has to do with them taking over the children and owning them.
Taking them away from their parents, etc.
Is it okay if I give out that number for Ron Paul?
I wish you would give out the Ron Paul number.
I think it's 888.
It's 1-888-322-1414.
Let's do it one more time, Linda.
It's 888-322-1414.
That's the number for our representative, Ron Paul.
And Ron Paul is, in my opinion, a true patriot.
I think Ron Paul has stood up and he is a true constitutionalist.
He stands up for the Constitution of the United States of America.
He's a latter-day Paul Revere.
That's what I call him.
You betcha, and thank you for bringing that up.
And that number for his daily updates, 888-322-1414.
And Ron Paul is a representative who ran with no opposition.
I mean, here's a man who is really standing up for the Constitution of the United States of America.
Let's go to Fred in Philly.
Hi, Fred!
Welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Erskine, I wanted to bring up something briefly.
The Matrix, it's called Multi-State Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange.
Is that part of the multi-jurisdictional task force?
No, it's an information exchange.
It's a law enforcement or intelligence tool.
Is this for terrorism or one of these deadbeat dad things that they brought in for that?
Well, it isn't just for terrorism because the article says, and there's a quote here, Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Periondi, Deputy Commissioner for Operations of the Pennsylvania State Police, quote, I won't lie to you, this system is not just being used
He actually said, I won't lie to you.
That's a plus coming from a government official saying, I won't lie to you.
Let me jump over to this though.
I came across, this is a different subject, but I came across this and I've been on some of the other shows, you know, GCN shows.
Here's a patent, Erskine, a control system for air vehicle and corresponding method
And what it does is, when it's determined that an air vehicle is about to hit a designated structure, a controller automatically takes control of the air vehicle away from the pilot and causes an automatic computerized pilot to take over control of the air vehicle and causes it to land at a selected airport and or runway.
Those are not my words, that's the government's patent office.
Okay, now listen just a second, Fred.
If they can cause it to land somewhere else, then they can cause it to go into a building.
Right, in other words... From a pilot.
Right, control is control.
You can control an event, and you can control events so that an event doesn't happen.
You can control the motion of an air vehicle.
And let me give that patent number out.
If people want to look it up, they can go to the U.S.
Patent Office website and look it up.
And it's a, uh, that's the title of it, Control System for Air Vehicle and Corresponding Methods.
And they, you know, they've, uh... Not only are they planning terrorism, but they're patenting it now!
Okay, hey, coming to a city near you, patented, so if somebody like Osama decides to use that, or somebody, uh, in some other country wants to use it, excuse me, you may be flying a plane into our building, but that's a patented technique you're using, we're gonna sue you!
Come on!
Gee, they just don't quit, do they?
Well, there's one little caveat in that, Erskine, in that a patent can be, whether it's in the application stage or whether it's already granted, a patent can be more or less, you know, the use of it can be seized by the government at any point if they want to for any use, let's say, that would be a military use.
And I know that because if you go to the patent office site, they have information about that.
It's called a patent secrecy order.
And they can clamp that down.
Honest to goodness, Fred, the more you hear, the weirder it gets, doesn't it?
I mean, you've got to laugh when you've got a government person saying, I won't lie to you.
Apparently this one guy didn't.
It's like everything else I've told you to lie, but this time I won't lie to you.
You can trust me this time.
Well, I think as long as the money is coming in,
I think their ability to say no, and of course they have that slogan, just say no, but the cops don't say no to money.
And when it's big money, when you're talking about upwards of 50 to 100 billion or maybe even several hundred billion being spread around the country, they don't say no to that and they do say no to ethics when it's a question of money.
Now let's say that again there Fred, that is patent number 6732022 and that's the ability to take over a plane and fly it wherever you want to, override what the pilot may or may not be doing.
I was reading right from the abstract, the official abstract, and what that is, is on the first page of the document that comes up when you type in that number 673
Yeah, I think so.
What is going on and how can the official timeline and events be correct when you have what they know are lots of things that contradict it.
So I went on the internet.
We had Jim Mars on who wrote Inside Job, Dalmatian, 9-11 conspiracies.
That was an excellent book.
Bring it up and get people, because it is public information.
It's public domain.
This weekend on Erskine Overnight, we're going to be talking with Ted Gunderson.
So try to give that a listen.
Go to GCNlive.com.
That's where a lot of the listeners here at the Alex Jones Show can get a lot of the other programs, because some of us aren't on as many stations as Alex.
So go to GCNlive.com.
Also, I'm encouraging everyone to be sure to go up to Infowars.com.
That's the only place you're really going to get news.
You're not going to get it from Ted Koppel.
You're not going to get it from Tom Brokaw.
Give me a break!
Yes, sir?
I think that the Alex Jones Show and the GCN shows are worthy of preserving.
I think people should get their
I think you should have the network itself, the Genesis, should definitely have a lot of different choices on which to communicate.
So if things go out or if there's some sort of heavy-handed approach used, if it's not one it could be the other.
Maybe you could go on Sirius or XM.
I called Sirius up and they said that they don't have any shortwave programs as such, but when I asked again, I said, well how could something like these shows be packaged?
They said, well if someone came forward with a shortwave review, like a shortwave anthology, they won't take it straight from Sirius.
You know, the shortwave waves, but they will take it if it's a package, you know, sort of like World Shortwave Review or U.S.
Well, they can sure get it from us through Satellite and one thing or another.
I want to thank you for the call, Fred, and calling from Philadelphia.
Thanks for breaking yourself away from one of those good Philly cheese sandwiches here at lunchtime for a lot of us.
A couple of things that you need to do.
American dictatorship.
The American dictator staged election of 2004.
This election of all the people running.
You have to get two people who are both members of Yale Skull and Bones.
All the people who are running in the world, you had to get two Skull and Bones members.
Aren't that many?
They're only creating 15 a year.
And we got two of them running for president.
American dictator staged election 2004.
Police state 1, 2, and 3.
All available at Infowars.com.
That is a must.
An order out of chaos.
Paul Joseph Watson's amazing book.
Let's go immediately to Cheryl in Ohio.
Hi Cheryl in Ohio.
How are you doing this wonderful Thursday?
I'm fine, mister.
And yourself?
Fine and dandy.
If I was any better, I couldn't hardly stand it.
Tell me what you've got on your mind.
Well, I just want to reiterate about our personal checks.
It's been going on for years, but I remember probably about three, four years ago I called my local bank and demanded the return of my personal checks, which I do not obtain from them, but buy my checks from a different company.
Shall I hold over?
Let's talk about that when you get back.
I think this check thing is very, very significant.
Talking about Sherrilyn, Ohio, about the checks.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and families to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
The Road to Tyranny is already sending shockwaves through Washington and across the United States.
You absolutely must see this DVD.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terrorism, the police state and homeland security, the nightmare UN population control programs, the cashless society control grid, satellite tracking and plannable microchips, and much, much more.
Bottom line, this film is waking people up.
We're good to go.
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This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones and be sure this weekend midnight Saturday night East Coast time nine o'clock West Coast time be sure to listen to Erskine overnight on most of these same Genesis Radio Network
uh... stations and also you can listen at GCN live dot com my website is Erskine on radio dot com where you can write to me you can see Daisy the desert dog the world's premier pigskin prognosticating poodle and you can see the guests that we've had on and we're going to have on talking to Cheryl in Ohio and Cheryl that's uh... that's pretty bad what they're doing out with those checks is they keep charging you if you want to get a real check back and according to the one lady who called we're going to be
Impossible to get them after October.
So the banksters are just putting more and more controls on us, aren't they Cheryl?
Well, my bank told me that, and I had to call the Cleveland downtown branch for it.
They told me, I had specifically asked them, where are my official documents?
My personal documents, where are they?
It would cost less for you to send me back my personal canceled checks than sending me copies of my checks.
Where are they?
Yeah, because we have to take pictures of all those and take copies of all those?
And she said, she said to me, the woman, she said, I do not know where they are at and you cannot, it's against the law.
To receive them back.
Now this was three, four years ago.
And I find this kind of ludicrous because if I do not order my checks to my local bank but to a separate entity, then those are my legal documents that somebody is keeping and banks, are they now run by the federal government?
Oh yes they are, but you're talking about if you order from one of those little things that you get in a Sunday supplement like Parade Magazine where it says, hey order your checks here, they're cheaper.
It's your money, your paper, you're paying for it.
All you're doing is sending it to the bank and saying, hey put your stamp on it and send it back to me.
And now they're telling you you can't.
No, they won't and I'd like to know where the law is written
Where, if anyone out there knows, where is it law that these banks, these institutions,
Will not give us back our legal documents.
And what are they doing with them?
What are they doing with them?
I mean, why does the bank want to, you know, they take up enough room in my basement where I got the old canceled checks going back about 10 years.
I mean, they want to do that, and if they do, then I'll have a chance to go into their basement.
But you know what they're doing.
They're sending it down there to the information data thing so everyone has it.
Right, to the big B system.
And what my thinking is, is she had told me I believe that she said, well, we shred them.
I do not believe that.
I do not believe that.
I don't think they shred anything unless it's something to make them look guilty.
That's the only time they start getting them shredders out.
I mean, the only time they're getting them out is when they're looking bad and they don't want you to see what they're doing.
I think this is a serious issue and I think that people, if they were to wake up, more and more people were to wake up and start calling their banks
And demanding, and then if the bank says no, then we need to demand where it is written in law.
Poor Cheryl, she doesn't even trust her banker.
I mean, we're in trouble when you don't trust me!
God bless you and Yahweh!
Thanks for listening to the Alex Jones Program.
Alex, we'll be back with you Monday.
This is Erskine of Erskine Overnight.
Thank you so much for listening, and thanks for our great show.
All the callers from all across the country.
Our chair...