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Name: 20040914_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 14, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, here we are now, already on the 14th day of September, 2004.
We're several days past the horrible anniversary of September 11th.
We're accelerating into the November election.
The Skull and Bones coordination, either way you look at it, if Kerry wins, that means that
Three of the last four presidents will be skull and bones.
Isn't that interesting?
And if Bush wins, well, you know the story.
It doesn't matter.
Either way, they win.
And by the way, there was an amazing BBC report that was done last week with some new audio recordings.
Some new material on Skull and Bones and I have to say it is an incredibly fair report.
In fact, it even leans towards our side of the world view.
The accurate world view.
So in the third hour, I'm going to air some large portions of this special report they did because it's so important and we'll analyze their report here as, I guess, the critics, as you could say, but I'm not really a critic.
What do they say?
Two thumbs up!
And that, by the way, a link to the BBC is posted on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Over to that.
Let's plunge into the news, though.
We're going to have Stanley Hilton back on today, because he had to get into court last Friday, and it's such a big news story.
We're going to talk about it some more, and we're going to give you a chance to talk to Stanley Hilton.
Bob Dole's former chief of staff, the lawyer suing the Bush administration for $7 billion for involvement in 9-11, not for prior knowledge.
And so he'll be joining us in the second hour.
Hurricane Ivan bombarded western Cuba with the full fury of a Category 5 killer storm, is the headline out of the Miami Herald.
We'll also get into this Reuters report, Hurricane Ivan triggers U.S.
Gulf evacuations from the panhandle of Florida all the way over to New Orleans, Louisiana.
And about once a year, I take office for a few days and go down to the Texas beach, you know, it's a luxury.
And I'm planning to go down there this weekend, so of course, last time I planned a vacation ahead, a hurricane was in the Gulf of Mexico then.
But hey, that's kind of cool, because I don't like it when there's too much sun.
I get enough sun as it is being out and about doing stuff.
But, just very interesting.
We'll get into that.
Oh, and before the New York Times says that I think the government's sending hurricanes at me, I'm just saying it's Murphy's Law.
It was a joke.
It was a joke.
I wasn't being serious.
One time I joked to a reporter when I was in Northern California.
I said, man, this place is spooky and scary.
No wonder they have the Bohemian Grove up here.
It's like Count Dracula lives in this area.
And then there was a major best-selling book written where Alex Jones believed vampires are running around in Northern California.
So I've always got to be very, very careful about that.
The U.S., Iran, headed for possible
Showdown on nuclear issue!
Powell, concerned by Putin's political changes, went back to the old Soviet model, and Powell, unlikely weapons of mass destruction stocks, will be found in Iraq.
Remember, he plays the part of the good cop, the pro-UN guy within the administration.
He's intimately involved in all of it.
Bush's new mental health screening plan evokes memories of Clockwork Orange, Little Alex,
And U.S.
assault gun ban ends.
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
We'll go over that and so much more.
I haven't even gotten to the big news stories yet.
Please stay with us.
We will plunge into it all after these short but very important messages.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hurricane Ivan hits Cuba.
Hurricane Ivan bombarded western Cuba with the full fury of a category 5 killer storm.
It damaged hundreds of homes with crushing wind, crashing 5 meter waves into the aisle.
And swamping at least two towns.
The situation is bad, very, very bad, said a woman huddled in her home in Pinar del Rio province.
We've been told it's going to get a lot worse.
The hurricane seemed to mushroom its size even as it maintained its deadly power.
It was so vast that its clouds simultaneously covered Cuba, the Florida Keys, the entire Florida Peninsula, and parts of the Bahamas, Mexico, Belize, and Honduras.
And it was headed towards Florida!
Towards several of our affiliates there in Pensacola and other areas of Alabama and Florida.
A hurricane watch was posted on the entire Florida panhandle as far west as Louisiana, including New Orleans.
Ivan has killed at least 68 people.
Gulf Coast residents from western Florida's panhandle all the way to the bayous of Louisiana spent the day boarding up there
Houses trying to protect their belongings, tying up their boats, and making plans to evacuate.
I'm getting the hell out of here!
This thing's too big!
Charter Boat Captain Jerry Weber said, it doesn't matter where it comes ashore, not at this size.
In Escamiba County, which includes Pensacola, the evacuation order affects 130,000 homes.
Military bases in the region flew out some 275 aircraft and oil and natural gas companies began evacuating hundreds of workers from offshore rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.
In New Orleans, a city largely below sea level, extremely vulnerable to hurricanes, Mayor Ray Nagin urged anyone who could leave to get out as soon as possible the city and its environs and homes to about a million people.
Arousing hopes that its fierce inner core would bypass Cuba, Ivan veered closer, striking the island's western tip and rocking it with wind and rain.
Still, it appeared that the nation at large was granted a reprieve and would not be savaged.
And it says, uh, westernmost Cuba is sparsely populated, and Havana and areas east of it were not expected to feel hurricane force winds.
Cuban dictator, they say President Fidel Castro, praised Ivan's, uh,
Courageous attitude.
Yes, that's psychopathic, folks.
Cuban President Fidel Castro praised Ivan's courageous attitude.
I had to make sure I was reading that.
Saying Cuba would avoid damage and expenses that otherwise would have been incurred.
What does that mean?
That guy's insane.
At the same time, though, a wide region between Havana and the western tip of Cuba remained in danger.
Mr. Castro reiterated his refusal to accept aid from the United States and other countries with sanctions against Cuba.
We will not accept assistance from anyone who has adopted anti-Cuban measures, he said, saying aid offers from such countries were hypocritical.
A six-mile storm surge, a wall of water that precedes the Hurricane I reportedly covered the fishing towns of La Camom and Cortez in the province of Pinar del Rio.
There were unconfirmed reports that Ivan earlier caused at least two deaths in the Cayman Islands, which avoided a direct hit.
So, this baby isn't just coming in from the east across Florida into the west, now it's coming up into the gulf.
Yeah, that thing veers and hits New Orleans head-on, you're going to have unbelievable flooding, because the city has been sinking for the last hundred years.
The city was built up on silt, and now the silt is dammed up and is unable to redistribute itself, so it flows out to sea, where new islands are forming, instead of there at the city, and so it could be very serious for people in New Orleans.
I don't have to tell them that.
I've been in New Orleans when it's flooding, and it's not fine.
And then meanwhile again, Hurricane Ivan triggers U.S.
Gulf evacuations.
We already went over that, but we have those articles posted on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com if you want to go read them and look at them.
Coming up later, U.S.-Iran headed for possible showdown on nuclear issue.
That's from Voice of America.
Powell concerned by Putin's political changes.
Also Powell unlikely.
Weapons of mass destruction stockpiles will be found in Iraq.
Again, that probably means they will find some because the guy plays the part of the good cop.
The pro-UN arm of the New World Order.
Bush's new mental screening plan evokes memories of Clockwork Orange.
assault weapons ban ends.
It ended yesterday.
And now they pledge that the next Congress they're going to try to pass it.
Bush still says he'll sign it if it hits his desk, and Kerry obviously is for it, so what do you do?
Neuromarketers study the future of manipulation.
This is out of The Age, a big newspaper in Australia.
More and more, when they test marketing on people, it's with brain scanners.
Same stuff they're putting in the airports and now even on street corners.
Bush team knew of abuse at Guantanamo Bay, London Guardian, and sanctioned it.
Canadian journalist, this is important, Canadian journalist kidnapped by Al-Qaeda, they say Al-Qaeda.
Again, Canadian journalist kidnapped by Al-Qaeda group after being handed over by Iraqi police.
This is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
It says, comment from us, more evidence that these hostage takers are largely CIA Arabs, or CI Arabs.
Paul Watson's little term he coined.
Halifax Canadian military writer and publisher Scott Taylor to save for being held captive for five days in Iraq.
Taylor who was abducted last Tuesday night in the town of Tal Afar by an unknown group of men was released early Saturday and it says he told CBC News he and a Turkish journalist were taken by police and told to get into a car with some masked men.
He said he was turned over to a group linked to Al-Qaeda.
And it goes on, folks.
You look at the case of Nick Berg, you look at the other cases, it's CIA.
I mean, the FBI's holding somebody, they release them, and they see Al-Qaeda hands, and they get their head cut off.
And it's obviously Abu Ghraib, where the guy admittedly worked.
I don't know what Berg did to make somebody mad.
Maybe he was working for another intelligence agency, and they said, we'll just punish this guy by
Cutting his head off and use that for propaganda and kill two birds with one stone.
But we'll go over that in detail.
Really serious news article here.
This is out of Local 6 out of Florida.
Florida deputy makes first arrest with facial recognition system.
Remember they put these in all over the country but they kept arresting innocent people because the systems were failing.
So they made the argument of, hey, are face scanners good, a violation of privacy?
No, it was, oh, do they work?
Well, now they work real good.
This lady lied about her identity, but the face scanner caught her, if you even believe that.
And they're in the police cars.
We'll get into that.
Also, Justice Department probes mistake in Mayfield case.
Innocent person lying, grabbed and accused of being a terrorist.
And a big article here, no Patriot Act victims tell it to
Summer Star, and it gets into innocent people all over the country being arrested for no reason.
Oprah Winfrey pulling a stunt, gives cars away to her entire studio audience, 200 plus people.
And why am I going to cover this?
Because it's an excellent example of a particular type of psychological manipulation I want to talk about.
Also, Florida okays Nader's name on an election ballot, even though he didn't make it on the ballot, even though there was a court order against him.
Jeb has put
Ralph Nader, whose new book is published by News Corp, Fox News, the guy whose former campaign boss was Skull and Bones' partner with Bush, and the guy who, just Skull and Bones on every side here, Jeb has moved to have him put on the ballot, pretty obvious.
Also, gay students are offered special college scholarships.
Now statistically, gays end up having higher standard of living, more money, more education, more opportunities already, but oh no, they're going to get even more.
So if you're an illegal alien or some other group, you get more than just citizens get.
And now this new thing here out of the Associated Press, I mean, when is it going to end, folks?
Sexualizing the elementary schools, the junior highs, the high schools, the colleges,
I mean, if it's not a new Homeland Security course, it's a course in sadomasochism.
I mean, it's just, the schools have just turned into a joke.
They're not about learning, they're about your subgroup you're in, all the balkanization.
So that's some of what's coming up, but right now I want to air a few minutes of this, and in the third hour I'm going to air most of this and analyze it.
I think it was the best report I've ever heard out of mainstream media on skull and bones.
Here's the intro to it, and I get into how it's the Illuminati and satanic and how that's admitted historically, but here's the intro to it.
We'll air more of this later, so go ahead and hit that.
Skull & Bones has been called the most powerful and elite club in the world.
Two of the last three American presidents have been members, and it doesn't matter who wins this year's American election, as we already know, it'll be a Skull & Bones White House.
Both George Bush and John Kerry are bonesmen.
Never heard of it?
Well, Skull & Bones like to keep it that way.
After new members go through an occult initiation ceremony, they swear to a strict code of secrecy that forbids them from ever speaking about what goes on inside the club.
Like to join?
Well, you have to be invited.
And the only people each year who receive the invitation are 15 students from America's most aristocratic university, Yale.
In this program, we'll be exploring this strange society, and trying to answer the key question.
How does one tiny club provide both presidential candidates?
Is it coincidence, conspiracy, or something else altogether?
Say John Kerry wins this presidential election, that will mean that three of the last four American presidents come from this one small secret society.
There are nearly 10 members of... Alright folks, and again, we got Stanley Hilton coming back on.
We're live.
It's Tuesday, the 14th of September, 2004.
Hilton's on the next hour to take your calls.
And then in the third hour, I'm going to air parts of this and analyze it, cover some other news and take your calls.
So, big broadcast, lined up for you today.
Be sure and visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, my friends.
You know, before I did this broadcast today, I was thinking to myself, the New York Times comes out and says the Bilderberg Group called Kerry up and said, we want this to be your VP.
Five years ago, the news said the Bilderberg Group didn't exist.
You were insane if you said it did.
Almost every American knows what Skull and Bones is now.
Five years ago, I remember being attacked viciously on national radio, local radio, Alex is insane, he says the Bushes and others are members of a secret satanic group at Yale, ha ha ha.
And now it's just all out in the open.
Now it's almost passe.
Oh, so what the so-called Christian conservatives say.
So Bush was part of a fraternity.
Oh, fraternities all do weird stuff.
Oh yeah, 15 members a year, 800 living members, administrations all made up of skull and bones members, even when the president isn't a skull and bones.
They admittedly call it the tomb, and it's really called the Order of Death, and they worship Satan, but it's just for fun.
It's no big deal.
I mean, you know.
Well, then, if your preacher started worshipping the devil, getting on his knees, worshipping Lucifer, would you think that was bad?
Probably not.
And then a lot of so-called liberals you talk to go, Oh, so what if they're doing satanic stuff at Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove?
I mean, we're worried about their policies.
We're not worried about the rituals they're doing.
And then we went out to Bohemian Grove a few years ago, after we snuck in,
And got all this footage.
In fact, I've got to put that in a film sometime.
It's been on local TV.
All this footage of open Satanism.
You had the protesters outside the gate doing their rituals, calling in the spirits to do battle with the evil right-wingers inside.
So, here were all the leftists who had been criticizing us for getting into the occult.
And we show up there on the one-year anniversary of when I snuck in, and there they are worshipping the different spirits, calling them in to do battle with Bush.
So we're in serious trouble, folks.
This stuff is going on all over the place, all around us.
So what do you think about this transformation from none of this exists to, yeah, it exists, and what's your problem?
What's the big deal?
Why aren't you supporting President Bush?
He's a good Christian conservative.
But before I get into all of that, let's cover this news item.
Perhaps you want to comment on it.
Again, Canadian journalist kidnapped by Al-Syiada group after being handed over by Iraqi police.
And again, whenever the news says Al-Qaeda, I say Al-Syiada, because it's admittedly founded by our government.
And Paul Watson calls them CIA Arabs, or CIA Arabs.
Halifax, Canadian military writer and publisher Scott Taylor is safe after being held captive for five days in Iraq.
Taylor, who was abducted last Tuesday night in the town of Talafar by an unknown group of men, was released early Saturday.
He told CBC, the national Canadian television and radio, news that he and a Turkish journalist were taken by police and told to get into a car with some masked men.
He said he was turned over to a group linked to Al-Syedah.
The newspaper columnist and publisher of the military magazine, Esprit de Corps, said he was tortured and beaten and also told, I was going to die, they were going to behead me on Friday.
Taylor told the National Post that his captors apparently thought he was an Israeli spy.
But then he was able to convince them he was a Canadian journalist.
He said he can barely walk because of the beatings he endured.
His disappearance wasn't known until the Turkish journalist emailed Taylor's office to let them know the journalist had been released and Taylor was still in captivity.
Eventually his captors took him to a spot on the highway, flagged down a taxi, took off his blindfold and put him in the cab.
Taylor said he was taken to the Iraq-Turkey border where Canadian embassy officials from Turkey met him.
It is not known why Taylor, a frequent visitor to Iraq, was abducted.
Kimberly Phillips, a spokesperson for Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, confirmed the government is aware of the incident.
What I can tell you is that we're aware of the situation, and while the tales of this detention are sketchy, Canadian officials both in the region and Ottawa are continuing to make an effort to assist Mr. Taylor, she said.
You can email your comment under this.
We'll post it on PrisonPlanet.com.
We have seen multiple other cases this year.
The most famous, obviously, Nick Berg.
Nick Berg has this classic intelligence agency background.
He's top of his class, quits and leaves school, goes around the world, works at Abu Ghraib, has a company over there, connected to Arab groups that work for the State Department.
Then he's working at Abu Ghraib, he gets grabbed by the FBI admittedly, gets released into the hands of Al-Syedah, and they supposedly cut his head off.
I think the guy's basking in the Mountie sun right now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The truth is still the truth, even if it's painful.
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It doesn't go away.
Children deny reality.
And a lot of adults are in denial.
It's time to stop being like little children.
We're adults.
We have responsibilities.
Coming up, we'll go to Robert and Richard and Roy and Dan and Paul and many others.
And we'll get more into, obviously, the Nick Berg
Situation being a fraud and now that dovetailing with Canadian journalists kidnapped by Al-Syedah group after being handed over by Iraq police.
This happens again and again.
The FBI, our troops, Iraqi police keep handing people over to these waiting cars.
In every case where we get to find out how they were handed over.
Some of the cases we don't know.
But in every case where we do know, it was the government.
And again, who stands to gain from this?
You get a former of the, you know, Shaw torture experts, a former Republican guard trained by the CIA, now working for the globalists, and they'll go out and cut somebody's head off in a minute, folks.
And they'll use it as an excuse to crack down and have a police state.
So that's coming up, and a lot more.
Some good news here, this is a local issue, but a national issue for the First Amendment.
You know that
There's been an attempt to restrict free speech on the AXS TV channels here in Austin, the birthplace of AXS Television.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of you have come to a whole bunch of meetings.
I want to thank you and commend you.
They have now withdrawn from the table their plan to restrict free speech and take over those channels.
For now.
There's evidence they're going to try to spring it in the new year, but at least we've had them publicly admit on the Telecommunications Board
meeting last night that they're backing off that for now.
They claim forever.
We have documents that show that's not the case.
So, good job.
It was a long, hard fight.
And we've got, you know, a lot of points ahead of them now on the scoreboard.
The game is not over.
But good job.
Another victory because you got involved.
So we've won a major battle.
The war is, well frankly, never over.
You know that now.
Evil never goes away.
It's just got to be fought and fought and fought and fought and fought and put back into a box, not running rampant.
Let's, for a few minutes here, I'm honored to have her, Debbie Morrow, then we'll go to calls.
Debbie from New Millennium Concepts, the Made in America water purification system that I use, my family uses, that I've bought as gifts for friends and family.
The Berkey Light, folks, made right here in America with the new super high power black Berkey elements.
Debbie, good to have you on with us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
You bet, Debbie.
In a nutshell, tell folks about the Berkey Light System and why people should get it.
Well, the Berkey Water Filter Systems are the ultimate water filtration and they're perfect for personal protection, you know, against the everyday poisons that we're being exposed to as we just drink water that's supposed to be healthy and clean for us.
You know, our tap water is one of the
The first places that we can start to protect our family by getting rid of the chlorine and the fluoride and the MTBE and the triomethanes and the things that, you know, are not good for your body.
And so, we at Berkey, here at New Millennium, have the gravity water filter system that's economical, convenient, and you can take it everywhere with you.
You know, should you need to leave for some reason, you will have a vital life-sustaining water filter system that you can take on the go in the case of an emergency.
Well, Debbie, let me boil this down, pun intended.
When you've been drinking filtered water for a long time, when you drink bottled water you taste for the impurities.
All the government's own and state's tests documented that bottled water in some cases is even worse than tap water.
It's just tap water that's been filtered through a taste filter and then set in a bottle for five months, six months, in some cases two years.
There have been deaths related, caused by bad bottled water in New York and other areas.
There have been big water recalls from contamination in these factories.
Don't trust water to anybody but yourself.
And just after you've been drinking good, purified water, try drinking the tap water.
Austin, Texas is known for good water, but it tastes horrible when I drink it compared to my Berkey water.
I also have a reverse osmosis machine we use for cooking.
But with both those systems, you don't taste anything but the water.
It's the same thing.
When I go to other cities, it's even worse.
I mean, the water in New York City
Tasted like turpentine.
Houston's even worse than what New York water tastes like.
Dallas water is horrible.
Growing up in Dallas, why anybody would trust the government and let your children drink this, I have no idea.
It's time to stop procrastinating and to call and get a Berkey Light today.
Debbie, tell them about the different specials and different packages.
We have the Berkey Light without the light for $199 and with that you get one free gift either
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We're also offering a special for people who would like to have their systems overnighted to them.
We will just charge the normal $18 shipping.
And we'll send the Berkey Light or British Brookfield Berkey, whichever one they want.
And the overnight, depending on where you ship it, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, costs between $56 and $62.
So we're looking on average on a $40 discount on the shipping.
If the order gets in today, they'll ship it out to you overnight.
Give Debbie at New Millennium a call right now.
Get it before Ivan hits you.
1-888-803-4438 or Berkeywater.com.
Tell them it's an Alex Jones special in the comment box and what free gifts you want.
Does that overnight special also include the free gift?
Actually, it doesn't.
You can get a $65 discount.
Right, but they will get a, if they do want Berkey Sport bottles with it, you know, just
I'll discuss it with him and we'll get a good price for him.
So we're always there to help people.
Alright, so that's 888-803-4438.
Give Debbie a call right now.
The phone's busy.
Leave your name and number.
She'll get right back with you.
Give her a call.
Debbie, thank you.
Thanks, Alex.
You're great.
You bet.
Let me finish up about Nick Berg and now this other reporter.
This other individual over there, this other civilian as they say.
Then we'll go to these loaded phone lines.
Okay, so Nick Berg, top of his class at an Ivy League university, classic intelligence recruiting ground.
He quote, drops out a few years ago to help people in the third world.
But right after he drops out, he pops up with two hijackers.
Not one now, but two hijackers.
Supposed hijackers of 9-11.
With them having his computer codes and using his laptop.
And using his codes and identities.
And he's on buses with them at airports in Oklahoma.
And then he pops up in Africa in terrorist areas.
And he pops up in Iraq.
And he pops up in Israel.
And he pops up...
And then the last person he's with is this Iraqi who openly works for the State Department in this admitted CIA Iraqi group that's involved in these pro-war rallies that Clear Channel and others put on.
He owns a company called Babylon Towers that puts in communication systems
At Abu Ghraib, he disappears from working at Abu Ghraib, admittedly, for 13 days, into the hands of the FBI, which admits they had him.
They release him, and within hours, he is in the hands of Al-Qaeda.
The CIA Arabs.
Then suddenly we see this footage of him having his head cut off.
There's not blood spraying.
The body doesn't twitch and fight.
Top forensic scientists, heads of university in England, Canada, Australia, US, look at it and say it's obviously fake.
Film experts look at it and say it's been blurred on purpose.
The audio is superimposed over, isn't cut correctly.
It's uploaded from US sites with CIA connections.
On and on and on.
It's the same paint, the same white chairs that are at Abu Ghraib.
It's chubby guys, supposedly cutting his head off, who have both their legs.
The so-called Al-Qaeda chief is missing a leg.
These guys have their legs.
All of this.
And there's been other cases where the police grab journalists or contractors and hand them over to these guys to have their heads cut off or to be beaten up.
And now Canadian journalist kidnapped by Al-Qaeda group after being handed over by Iraqi police.
CBC, Canadian military writer and publisher Scott Taylor to save him from being held captive for five days in Iraq.
Taylor, who was abducted last Tuesday night in the town of Tal Afar by an unknown group of men, was released early Saturday.
He told CBC News he and a Turkish journalist were taken by police and told to get into a car with some masked men.
He said he was turned over to a group linked to Al-Syedah, that he was severely beaten, and it goes on and released.
After being threatened to have his head cut off.
So, what's really going on there?
Again, I mean, it's the same thing with the school shooting, the mass shootings in Russia.
I mean, you've got the special forces going in, there's an explosion, machine gunning of masses of people, a bunch of people purposely are allowed to escape, then it turns out the police let them in.
It's just, it's admitted!
I mean, it's just right there in your face, and it's incredible.
Let's go to the call.
Robert, in Colorado, good for holding, thank you, welcome.
Oh, my pleasure, Alex, thanks for taking my call, appreciate that.
There was a really fascinating documentary yesterday afternoon on HBO.
I forget the name of it, but it was done by Rory Kennedy, one of the Kennedy people, young lady.
And it was about Indian Point, which as you know is a nuclear plant just south of New York City.
And she interviewed several people.
One of the people she interviewed was the director of the NRC.
The point of the documentary was, is Indian Point an easy target for terrorists or is it not?
The NRCP was saying that it's very well protected, lots of guards out there, great training, etc, etc.
Then there was a former guard who used to work there and shot all that down.
It's poorly protected as are most of our nuclear sites.
Morale is very low, etc, etc.
The government is just blowing smoke.
I guess my question is, given the juxtaposition to the metropolitan New York City area, why wouldn't that have been a better target than the buildings?
Because had that been hit, it honestly would have caused a lot more casualties, loss of life, and just put a really
Well, I mean, obviously, the things that were hit, the Pentagon was hit, where construction was going on,
Then you have the towers being hit, which were in bad repair and had structural problems and were full of asbestos.
They were less than half filled.
Buildings right next to it that weren't owned by Silverstein didn't even catch fire or were damaged.
Some were lightly damaged.
Buildings way across the street outside the complex general area that were owned by Silverstein magically caught fire and collapsed in the afternoon.
And so, I mean, it's... We have Larry Silverstein saying they blew up Building 7.
I mean, it's not even debatable.
I was just there a few weeks ago and talked to locals who, yeah, my sons in ABC, Lee called and said, don't go to work that day.
So I did and I lived, you know.
These are the type of reports we got.
But it's pretty obvious.
They wanted just to get rid of some buildings, some real estate that had problems.
These were specifically selected targets.
It wasn't Al Qaeda targeting us, sir.
I see.
Yeah, exactly.
It's a really different subject.
Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was pretty much to improve, orchestrate the murder of John F. Kennedy so he could then ascend to the presidency and take over.
According to his mistress and his lawyer, yes.
Yeah, yeah, it's pretty true.
Also, you know, the special on the History Channel, the men who killed Kennedy.
Several books have been written on and on.
So, Common Sense should tell you, he led the pact to have that done.
Well, we're the kooks!
92% of Americans believe that in major polls, but again, the 8% is right, we're wrong.
Then, a year later, he basically shepherds through Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which gave, as you know, the right to vote to black people, equal housing, etc.
I guess my question is, why would he
Or to create a murder and then turn right around and do something that on the surface seems to be pretty humanitarian.
Well, if you look what they did to inner city blacks, and thanks for the call, I've got to get through all these calls that I've been holding before we get to this next guest, but these are all good points.
Going back to the nuclear reactor first.
Most people don't know that there are reactors all over the country that the public doesn't even know about.
Out at the J.J.
Pickle facility at UT in North Austin, there's a good-sized nuclear reactor.
I'm told there's another smaller one in downtown.
You tell the average person this, they laugh at you and roll their eyes.
And those things are not guarded.
They should be guarded.
Security's a joke, okay?
But don't worry, they're going to have lots of checkpoints out on the highway searching you and your family.
But the border's wide open.
On the case with the Civil Rights Movement,
Black people were demanding their freedoms.
They were burning cities.
The establishment had to move.
And so what they did is they came in with a great society that actually took black illegitimacy from 30% up to 85 to 90% today.
That took the black, the population of prison was only about 10% blacks.
Now it's about 60% blacks today.
In some states it's half, in some states it's even more, but the national average last time I saw it was 60%.
So, it's like taking the Indians and putting them on reservations.
If you think, I'm not defending segregation or any of that, but blacks walked around wearing suits on average, were all starting to go to college, own their own businesses, were making lots of money, had their own communities, and integration frankly destroyed their communities, by design.
The government's going to help you.
It didn't help them.
Okay, so, problem, reaction, solution.
It wasn't a real solution.
It was, here, we'll pay your women not to have men in the house.
Here, we'll pay you to live in government housing.
Here, we're going to give you some help.
Okay, so they knew exactly what they were doing.
And now it's happening to the Hispanics, whites, it doesn't matter.
The only group that seems to be almost immune is Asians.
Because their family unit is so strong.
Are you spending time with your family?
A man that does not spend time with his family is not a man!
That's what the Godfather had to say.
The itching of movies.
Everything you... Every life experience you can imagine is in that movie.
Okay, I'm sorry I'm getting off in the film buff stuff.
But... It's just amazing, sir.
Let's talk to Richard in... Richard, where are you calling us from?
Another Colorado caller.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I recently changed my opinions due to you last April.
Two subjects.
Woody, have you seen the new JFK assassination movie available at JFKii.com?
It ties Prescott Bush, Bush Sr., CIA.
It's very damning.
Well, send me an email.
I want to get those guys on.
Send me a copy.
The guy says distributes it to everybody.
So put it on your website.
The other question I have is,
What do you think about the various hype technology that various nations have and the hurricane that is happening now in Florida?
You know, I can't prove that so I don't get into it.
I mean, did Secretary of Defense Cohen say they can create hurricanes?
Can they take an exis... I know this.
They can take, this is admitted, an existing storm and radically intensify it.
Do you think this might be a little revenge from Putin for mid-level US guys working with the check-ins?
I don't, you know, again, I don't speculate a lot.
Okay, I understand.
Richard, but I mean, what do you think?
I mean, is weather modification real?
Did the Navy create massive flooding three years ago in Central Texas, killing a bunch of people?
Do they have to admit it?
I don't know what this is.
Do hurricanes normally hit?
Yeah, they do.
Anything else, Richard?
That's it.
Okay, thanks for the call.
We'll be right back.
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You know, you can play games your whole life.
You can live a life of mindlessness, of denial.
But death cometh very quickly, my friends.
You never know when you're going to be struck by it.
A car wreck, cancer, a heart attack.
You never know, my friends.
Why don't you get out of your fear and live in the now?
But at the same time, think about your children's and your grandchildren's future and the progeny to come.
Because everything of worth, of substance, was built
I'm thinking about the big picture and the future and the stream of life and civilization, whether it's good or evil.
The globalists are long-term thinkers.
That's why they dominate us.
And so, yeah, you can live in the now, but you need to also think about the future and your responsibility.
Before we go to Roy and Dave and Paul and others.
There's some confusion because of time zones.
Either Hilton's on next hour or the next hour.
If he isn't on the next hour, we'll air part of the Skull & Bones piece from BBC and we'll probably be on in the third hour.
I'm not sure my producer was a little confused on that, or I was confused, as usual, on that.
But before we go back to your calls,
We will plug my videos.
Yes, I have made 11 videos now.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, America Destroyed by Design, Police State 1, 2, and 3, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
My new film is American Dictators.
Now my other films are 2 hours 10 minutes, 2 hours 44 minutes.
So they're $25.95.
Order three or more of any of my first ten films, they drop down to $20 a piece.
There really are multiple films in one.
Each video you get, jam-packed.
This film's only 90 minutes, so it's 1995.
American Dictators.
Get it?
Make copies?
Get it out to folks.
It's documenting the staged election of 2004, how the candidates are Skull and Bones and Cousins, Bohemian Grove.
We get into the police state and the New World Order, the latest developments, 9-11.
We expose Ralph Nader.
It is a must-see film.
American Dictators, 1995.
We also carry, for 1995, George Humphrey's new 9-11 video, 9-11 The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
1995, two hours long.
Great 9-11 film and it also comes with a free 80 plus page color booklet, 9-11 The Great Illusion booklet.
You get a second copy for only $14.95 with three color booklets.
So for $34.95 you get two of the videos or DVDs, two of them and three color booklets for $34.95.
A couple booklets to give away and another copy to give away and a copy for yourself.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order via the Safe Secure online shopping cart.
Or you can just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Please get the films.
Please take action.
Please get them out to everybody.
Alright, we'll start the second hour and we'll see if it's Hilton in the next hour or the third hour and then we'll get through these calls and a bunch of other important news on the police state and the rest of it.
Then we'll air this Skull and Bones piece and analyze it and have some new audio of the rituals.
And then we will get Mr. Hilton on, who we had on last week, Bob Dole, former Chief of Staff, who went to school with the Peanack Boys, many of the Peanack Boys at Chicago University decades and decades ago.
And he's alleging with evidence and documents and dossiers and depositions that the globalist carried out 9-11.
And he'll be joining us to take your calls and go over more information.
By the way, thanks to a listener, a transcript of last Friday's interview is on PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv right now, as well as that interview in audio.
So great job to everybody on that front.
Alright, we'll be back with the second hour.
Your calls, a ton of news after this quick
Commercial pause in the action.
Hello, folks!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, now into our number two.
Welcome back, thank you for joining us.
Stanley Hilton is scheduled coming up later in the broadcast.
Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, the guy suing the government for involvement in 9-11, has all the evidence.
We'll get into more of that.
And he's joining us to take your phone calls for a full hour.
We're going to air parts of this Skull and Bones piece from
That's right, good old BBC.
I'm amazed by the fairness of this report.
I want to commend them.
This is amazing.
Some new audio of some of the rituals.
That is coming up.
And of course BBC couldn't play some of the rituals because of all the profanities and we've got some of the rituals too and we can't play those.
We'll cut that stuff out.
I'll kill you!
We are Christian conservatives!
So that's coming up.
Let us run your life!
The terrorists will get you!
These are the people running your life, folks.
So we'll go over that as well.
Right now, let's go to the calls.
Roy, where are you calling us from today?
From Michigan.
Welcome, sir.
In answer to the statement about fear that you had a few minutes ago, I know that the love of God in your
Paper is the only thing that will really get rid of it.
But anyway... Well, I just know that I fight.
I'm not good at flight.
And that's just my instinct is to fight and not to have flight.
And I know that when we act more like predators against the predators, and we bull up against them, they move on to easier targets.
Right, I'm just saying that the love of God and the love of your neighbor is the thing that will catch them.
Well, the love of your family should be the number one engine, and the love of God to fight evil.
That's right.
And how can you give your family over to this system?
I understand.
The reason that I called was last week Rod Paul said that the legislation that would require the National Identification Card was in the works.
And it should be in place by the election.
Yes, it's in bills.
And last night, Steve Quayle, he said that it had already passed the House for the National Identification Card.
Yes, the package has passed.
Okay, that's what I... Did you happen to know what the actual bill number is?
I did read it last week.
We had Ron Paul on.
I read it in the recommendations a month ago from the 9-11 Terrorist Commission.
The Bin Laden Business Partner Commission, literally.
And they recommended it and basically the whole package of their recommendations is being passed through security bills.
No, I don't have it in front of me, sorry.
The light is the same.
Don't you think that's about time to start drawing it?
Where they require you to go down?
Well, yeah, it is a line in stone, but here's the problem.
Anything they're announcing they're about to do has already been done.
I keep saying 42 states, that's three-year-old numbers.
48 states have a face scan or a thumb scan and are federally standardized.
And the other two are about to do it, so we already have a national ID card.
Then they go, we could use a driver's license as a federally standardized system.
Well, just the new law is you'll have to carry it and have to have it.
The Supreme Court's already ruled.
So everything's already lined up before they announce it.
So it's already here.
Not everybody drives a car, Earl.
But you gotta have your ID to have a bank account or a mortgage or anything.
The ID card is a federally standardized, state-issued form of identification.
Not everybody has a bank account or has anything... And under the Patriot Act, when you deal in over $3,000 a year off the radar, that is an act of terrorism.
Well, of course, just the fact is, just being in America, you are a terrorist.
According to Section 802, we are all terrorists.
That's right.
We are all terrorists.
Okay, but I did appreciate your answer to my question.
That's what I had was, did it actually pass the house yesterday?
Did you say yes?
Alright, thank you an awful lot, Alex.
Yes, that's in the stack of news.
That's how bad things have gotten.
We don't even cover it when it's happened.
Of course, they did, their assault weapons ban expired yesterday.
That's some good news we can give you.
We'll be back with more of your calls as we defend liberty and resist tyranny.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There is a big fat war on for your mind!
We're continuing with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Dan and Mash.
You're on the air, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I just moved to Boston three days ago.
The land of the cage, inside the cage, with the machine guns pointed at them for the protesters.
And the Homeland Security cameras they put up for that.
Oh, is that right?
They're going to stay.
I've never been here before.
It's pretty sad, though, to see a city that has so much history involving
The independence of the country, turning its back on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
That's one really sad thing.
Just watching the news here, it is like that.
My second point I wanted to make was that the number of patriots in this country is much larger than most of the listeners probably even know.
I have a good source for this.
He said that before 9-11, there was about 80 million strong.
And after 9-11, all the people like me, my friends that I've now woken up in other parts of the country, our numbers are now over 100 million in this country.
So I just want people to know that.
They're not alone.
Don't let the neocons make you think you're alone.
Just because your immediate friends and family are brainwashed by the neocons doesn't mean there's not 10 more people that are on our side out there that you just don't know yet.
So I just want you to know that
And it is sad that my parents are totally brainwashed by the neocons.
I've talked to them about it.
I mean, they're actually for the microchip, for the checkpoints.
It's disgusting.
Oh, your parents say we should all take chips?
Yeah, it's disgusting.
Well, when you talk to them, describe what that's like.
I know, and I... I mean, what do they say?
I mean, I want a play-by-play.
Yeah, well, if you don't... if you're not doing anything wrong, well, then you should have nothing to worry about.
It's thick, but I'm going to change them yet.
I know I'll be able to free them at some point.
I don't know what it's going to take, but... Well, your parents are probably educated and trick themselves.
They're so afraid subconsciously that they can't handle the horror consciously, so they engage in double-think.
Yep, it's double-think.
That's exactly what it is, and I see it everywhere nowadays.
The double-think is rampant right now in the media.
The neocons are using it like it's going out of style.
I mean, it's just like 1984.
It's so unreal just to see it actually happening.
I don't know what else to say about it, but double think.
Yeah, I mean, it's real.
I mean, you'll actually see them contradicting themselves in one sentence.
They'll say one thing, like Arnold Schwarzenegger will say, I love freedom.
And this and that, and like you said, right outside the gate is the exact thing that's going on is what he's talking about, and all this stuff's being set up, and he won't... When I was a child growing up in Soviet-occupied Austria, my father and uncle owned a car, and they would be afraid to look them in the eyes, and you could disappear.
I know, and... Not in America, though!
And that's exactly what the Patriot Act is, so... Well, I was outside, watching it happen!
Not there!
Right, and I mean, you know...
His speech would have been great if any of it was true.
I don't think anything in his speech is how America is today.
Humphrey and Nixon never debated.
It was just all lies.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
Let me explain this phenomenon since he just brought it up.
It was a good point he brought up.
It's an illusion.
92% in major polls believe the government killed Kennedy.
Half of New Yorkers believe the government was behind 9-11, 66% believe they let it happen and had prior knowledge, and want a real investigation.
Well, that's the numbers I've gotten all over the country.
When I'm able to talk to a crowd, I'm able to convert upwards of 90% or even higher.
But if you watch the nightly news, you'd feel like you're alone and you're a kook.
That is the illusion, making you feel like you're alone.
Making you feel like you're the only person that thinks this way.
And that's why they hate our alternative media.
That's why they're moving to shut down the net with Internet 2, forcing onto that controlled net where you can't even have a website.
That's why they're getting ready to destroy the Internet, as they said they'll do.
Now it's in Forbes Magazine.
They're panicking, folks!
38 to 45 percent of people have left TV altogether.
First they left TV news and TV cable.
Now they're leaving television altogether.
So you've got this massive gulf of brain-dead people, or those who've lied to themselves, who'll buy anything, versus us,
Who are now awake and realizing just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
We're at a crossroads in human history.
But that illusion is so important.
How they trick us to feel like we're alone and we're weird and we're bad.
No, we're not bad.
We know human history.
We've studied what's happened.
We have the official government documents.
We have courage.
We're standing up against a threat.
We're doing the right thing.
We're in the right place in history.
We're on the side of the good guys.
We wear the white hats.
We're not ashamed of who we are.
We're going to tell the truth.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Alright, let's talk to Paul in Delaware.
Hi Alex.
Paul, go ahead.
I just wanted to talk about what's happening here in Delaware.
It was last Thursday, they had like a friend of mine came by and talked about as he was going by that there was like 30 or 40 cop cars and I was like,
You know, I didn't think anything of it.
Then, um, I heard from my, um, fiance that her mother had told her brother where he was because they were going around and getting people for traffic violations or a few at a thousand dollars like he did.
And so, you know, they just had 30 or 40 cops and they were all over the neighborhood and they actually came in my, um,
Mother-in-law's door and searched her house and all this.
Well, of course, she let him in because she's one of these double-think people.
Let me stop you.
In Austin, in Dallas, I see these newscasts.
Coming up next week, it's Roundup.
We'll have some mean guy's voice on the radio.
It's Roundup!
Do you owe money for traffic tickets?
Do you owe money for what you've done?
Well, we're coming to round you up.
Better pay.
And so this is getting us used to, it's all over the country, Roundups.
So when the real Roundups come, oh, it's just another Roundup.
They even call it Roundups.
So when you see your neighbor being carted off, you'll think he owed a $35 fine or something.
That's right!
There's a roundup coming!
And as far as the doublethink goes, I mean, it is rampant.
I was watching C-SPAN the other day, and they were talking about how they want to set up this new intelligence czar.
Domestically, yeah.
So that they're saying for the consumers and producers of intelligence,
So, um, I just thought, you know, that was interesting.
And I wanted to put out there that, um, I have a couple of DVRs and I have a lot of VCRs because I make plenty of copy of your tapes and I've woken up a lot of people throughout the years and, um, I just want to let you know I have DVRs and if you ever need something, um, pre-recorded or if you need to get some stuff off of C-SPAN or whatever, I, um, um, record C-SPAN every day.
And also, I would encourage your listeners to do the same thing.
And I will say that your DVRs and other things, they do watch you, because I know that for a fact.
If you turn your DVR off, it forgets everything, but somehow, through a satellite or something, it'll remember to record that show.
So the stuff does watch you, but I think... Well, it's got a chip in it!
I think it's a good thing, though.
At least they know that this is another person that's awake, and understand I'm really awake, so I just wanted to leave you with that.
Well, sir, a chip can have a memory even if you turn it off.
I don't think you're...
DVRs, it's hooked to a satellite.
Well, uh, Mr. Korten, if you... Oh, no, let me stop you.
You mean your digital recording system?
Well, if that's hooked to your cable, uh, and your TiVo system, uh, they admit, this has been in the Chicago Tribune, that it is watching what you watch and tracking it.
They got caught doing this when they go, a record replay was Janet Jackson showing her breast, uh, a record amount.
They said, well, how'd you do that?
Well, we track people, so that is true.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Listen, the first thing I want to tell you is two weeks ago, or no, it was last week in the local news here in Chicago, they had a big article about Mayor Daley having signed a bill allowing, I think it's $4 million in cameras to be set up all over downtown Chicago.
Well, they just put in a billion two in New York, and now it's quote to fight terror and crime.
Crime, crime, crime.
Right, terror and crime, and there's cameras all over.
But one thing that gets me, Alex, and I've tried calling the local station.
My brother stayed here, and he had a sports station on this morning, a local talk show sports station, and they do the news every half hour.
And I just heard the tip of it.
I want to know if you heard anything about this, Alex.
I called the news, the station, and they said, well, we don't know where the source came from.
The lady that does the news, she's only on until 10 o'clock, whatever.
They said something about some large government-ran company.
They state that by the year 2020, this was on the radio this morning, that something about they're going to go bankrupt and people's pensions, that people aren't going to be able to receive their pensions.
Now, we already know what Greenspan said about the
That's why they're shutting up the police state because they're going to loot everybody's pensions, public and private.
And when you try to riot, just like Argentina, they're going to have nice men out there to deal with you.
Sir, they've already changed the rules where they can legally just take your pension.
Oh, I know.
But legally, I'm 38.
I don't foresee myself getting Social Security, Alex.
You're going to get nothing, and you're going to like it.
And you're going to be competing against... You think 30 million illegals is bad?
It'll be 60 million in another 10 years.
Oh, I know, Alex.
It's disgusting.
It makes me absolutely sick.
When you try to go out and protest, you're a terrorist.
You'll have to be beat down.
And you can't vote them out, because they put CIA voting machines in.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Fred in Texas.
Fred, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Fred.
Alright, this is a good one.
Talking about why there wasn't the strike on the nuclear power plant by New York.
Why LCIA didn't attack that?
Right, and why no biologicals will be really released.
I agree, they'll do a chemical weapon and claim it's bio.
And it's because the New World Order masters don't want to ruin their little jewel of America.
They can't guarantee that they're not going to catch some of the fallout, that they won't catch some of the biological.
And if something happens, let's just say they'll manufacture an event, and say, that happened, closed down communications to cities, and no one will be able to tell anybody.
A lot of this info was put out on the net, we gotta shut it down.
You know, so people will be able to call each other and say, hey, it's not real.
There's really not an event that's happened here.
They're just faking it.
So that news won't be able to get out.
I want to hold through the break, have something else great, and I'll be right on off.
Okay, my friend.
We'll be right back.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go back to Fred.
Finish up what you were saying, Fred, then I'm going to get into this Skull and Bones piece we're going to analyze from the BBC.
And we'll get to Maggie and Matthew and Malta and many others.
But go ahead and finish up, Fred.
This is something so important that I've been meaning to call and announce to the Patriot community for some time.
The Hegelian dialectic is alive and well in Scripture.
God knows that I can't trust the words that men have written or speak.
And there's a lot of truth in the Bible.
We know that God changes its mind, apparently, sometimes.
Old Testament requires blood sacrifice.
Go kill the Philistines, men, women, and children.
Then later, it's not that.
It's love everyone.
So, here in the Patriot community, two red herrings are gay marriage, the whole gay issue, and I doubt that the creator of the universe really cares about his own people
Doing whatever with other grown people.
This is the Skull & Bones piece from the BBC last week.
Very fair.
We're going to play it for the interest of analyzing in here.
A lot of stuff that we've talked about years ago now openly admitted in this piece.
Let's go ahead and start it.
We'll continue it and finish it in the next segment.
Here it is.
Skull & Bones has been called the most powerful and elite club in the world.
Two of the last three American presidents have been members.
And it doesn't matter who wins this year's American election, as we already know, it'll be a Skull & Bones White House.
Both George Bush and John Kerry are bonesmen.
Never heard of it?
Well, Skull & Bones like to keep it that way.
After new members go through an occult initiation ceremony, they swear to a strict code of secrecy that forbids them from ever speaking about what goes on inside the club.
Like to join?
Well, you have to be invited.
I'm the only people each year who receive the invitation of 15 students from America's most aristocratic university, Yale.
In this program, we'll be exploring this strange society, and trying to answer the key question.
How does one tiny club provide both presidential candidates?
Is it coincidence, conspiracy, or something else altogether?
Say John Kerry wins this presidential election, that will mean that three of the last four American presidents come from this one small secret society.
There are nearly ten members of the administration whom George W. Bush appointed who are members of Skull and Bone.
Does it still exist?
I mean, the thing is so secret, I'm not even sure it still exists.
You can't tell me that these ten men happen to be the most qualified men for the job.
He talked about all sorts of difficult things.
He talked about being indicted for conspiracy.
He talked about two divorces.
He even talked about his time in the CIA.
And he would not talk about Scarlet Box.
When I see it, is it fairly obvious that
It's fairly obvious that it's a strange building.
My search for the secrets of Skull & Bones begins on a wet spring afternoon on the Yale campus.
My guide is Peggy Adler, a tenacious researcher who helped investigate the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s, and has been probing into Skull & Bones for almost 20 years.
We're on the way to Skull & Bones headquarters, the intriguingly named tomb on one of Yale's main thoroughfares.
That's right.
On the left.
I can see why it's called the Two.
That's why it's called the Two.
And it seems very appropriate weather that we're in the middle of this storm.
There's, you know, thunder every now and then.
Look at this building, which does look... It's quite an imposing, dark-looking building, really, isn't it?
Right in the middle of the campus.
Shall we take a closer look?
You can, if you want.
I'll stay here.
Why, don't you want to come up?
I just feel that since I live locally and continue to be cited in articles by name that I'll just be on the side of the street.
You don't want to come up and knock on the door?
Oh, no, no, no.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
It's Sunday, when the 15 members of Skull & Bones normally meet, and it's their last chance before the university breaks up for the summer.
We waited for the chance to see the Bonesmen and ask them what actually goes on inside.
And there was an added attraction.
A top bonesman was in town.
None other than George W. Bush.
Alright, we'll hit pause there.
When we come back, we'll talk about George W. Bush in town.
And we will continue with this piece and we'll analyze it.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's 800-255-19...
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into hour number three of this Tuesday, the 14th day of September 2004 edition.
We're going to go to your calls and get into some more news.
Stanley Hill just scheduled, but remember he's a very professional, well-known, high-powered lawyer in San Francisco and is in and out of court today.
It's like when you get a congressman on.
These folks sometimes get tied down to what they're doing.
We had him on last Friday.
He wanted to come back on to talk more.
He requested it.
He should be on sometime in this hour.
To come on and take your calls, and he's got the documents that the U.S.
government carried out, 9-11.
And we now have that transcript of the interview from last Friday and all the bombshell information posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We were just airing the skull and bones piece about Bush and Kerry from the BBC and the good and the powerful that talked about being members of it.
The only part I disagree with
And they didn't get into Bohemian Grove and how these guys are connected to other German satanic societies that they didn't mention a little bit.
They said a German ziggurat society.
Yeah, it's a group, admittedly, in the encyclopedia called the Illuminati.
And they have the same symbol as the Nazis.
They love the Nazis.
They eat off Hitler's silverware in the tomb after World War II.
It's very, very serious stuff.
Maggie in Texas, thanks for holding here on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Maggie.
You still there?
Are you still there?
Yes I am.
I listened last night to the rebroadcast of your program in which you suggested that listeners go and research internet too.
This is in connection with the threatened
Shut down the main internet and make you go to a corporate internet where they allow you, one of five groups, to have a website.
There's a convention in Austin of Internet 2 and it's occurring at the end of this month.
I assume you knew about that.
I had read about it, but why don't you give folks the details?
I don't have the details, but I'll send you the website.
There is a website for this.
If you just go to Internet 2 homepage, it even has a picture of the UT Tower on the front and something very innocuous about some wonderful
Some wonderful demo.
Now again, this is going to be owned by private corporations and private companies.
They will certify you if you're allowed to have a website under their rules.
There'll be no free speech.
This is admitted.
And they say the old internet's about to die.
You're going to be forced onto this.
You're going to lose all your websites.
Yeah, I've been fearing that for years.
I've feared that they would do some kind of an end run.
Just as the commercial internet we have now was built around ARPANET and then ARPANET was separated somehow.
But I didn't realize it was already here.
So if people locate that website, which has, as I say, a picture of the Texas Tower on the front, then it also has details about the convention.
Including a list of the people who are, of the universities, well of everyone participating.
I just looked at the universities.
Yeah, they're going to be the ones that run it.
They openly say the internet will die.
You'll have to be on the internet too.
We'll decide if you're allowed to be on it.
And they say to monitor and control and keep you safe.
Yeah, yeah.
UT of course is a big porthole or gateway.
Well yeah, they got 24 billion dollars in their slush fund.
They really run Clerks Channel.
Yeah, yeah.
Another thing, this meeting is open to the public, but it requires some kind of online registration and you have to... Well, send me... send the hyperlink... I will.
...to the Prison Planet webmaster link and send it to tips at InfoWars.com.
We'll get that posted and that's something I think I want to go to.
Okay, tips at InfoWars.com and which is the one on Prison Planet that says contact us and then it says Alex at... Yeah, you just click on that, it'll pop up for you.
Okay, I will do that.
Anything else you want to talk about?
I thought that your airing of the Skull and Bones piece was very impressive.
Thank you.
You got any comments on it?
Quite a thing to hear.
I did catch the sort of side reference to the... a reference in passing to the Illuminati.
He referred to it as a German pub and that is the Illuminati.
That's right.
We'll be back.
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Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, 8 minutes, 45 seconds into the third hour of this Tuesday Worldwide Edition.
We have Stanley Hilton.
Former high-level congressional staffer Bob Doles, chief of staff, went to school at Chicago University with a lot of the top neocons.
Did his thesis about governments using terrorism to bring in martial law.
Represents over 400 of the victims' family members and others of 9-11.
Has brought forward the evidence of government involvement and orchestration of 9-11.
Joined us last Friday, and it's such an important issue that we've got Stanley Hilton back on with us.
We're going to go to calls early.
That's one reason he's back with us, is to go to calls.
Matthew and Brian and Stan and Tom and everybody, or Stuart, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Stanley Hilton, on your website, which by the way I just learned of and is excellent, we have a link to it, on presentplanet.com and infowars.com,
I notice you've got some information about Kerry Bush, Skull and Bones 04.
I mean, this shows the elite we've got, where they're cousins and, you know, it's all an inside deal.
Kerry isn't even running a real campaign.
Since I covered that in the last hour, before we get into 9-11, can you give us your expert opinion, working in Congress, being a high-powered lawyer, going to school with some of these people, what Skull and Bones is and why it's important?
I'm a Harvard alumnus,
I've never studied at Yale myself as a Harvard alumnus, but Skull and Bones is a very secretive society which is based on the images of
of death and of people being buried alive, and just very horrible stuff.
It's a very exclusive club at Yale that only the sons of the very rich and elite, such as Bush's sons, could join.
Kerry also.
And it continues to remain like a fraternity, a lifelong fraternity, somewhat like the Masons, although it's much more exclusive, of course, it's small.
And these people, these individuals, continue to
You know, cooperate with each other and network long after getting out of school.
I think Kerry is a stalking horse for Bush.
I think it's like a guy who throws a fight.
He's a kind of boxer like, you know, in the movie On the Waterfront where Marlon Brando just throws a fight.
I think Kerry's throwing the election to Bush.
He's not even putting up a fight.
This guy, this is, Bush is running against the ghost.
And I think that the whole skull and bones mentality and the people in there and the elite are very much
In command here to put an absolutely worthless joke candidate like Kerry is only against somebody like Kerry that Bush could lose.
I mean, it's the, you know, the people of the country have a choice between a gangster and a ghost, and they'll pick the gangster and the mass murderer just because he seems to have more substance than the ghost.
And I think that's what you have now.
Well, it's clear that Kerry is taking a dive.
My instincts told me Bush would win, but when the poll numbers went the other direction, when the Bilderberg Group said appoint Edwards, and that was in the New York Times, a lot of people said it was going to be Kerry and almost convinced me, but I've been on record thinking it'll be Lord Bush.
But, I mean, obviously you went to Chicago University and then Harvard.
My point was, is you went to school with a lot of these minions of this same system, and the real name of Skull and Bones is the Order of Death.
And they admittedly do satanic ceremonies, and then at Bohemian Grove, which I've snuck into as old men, they do this.
Stanley Hilton, if your neighbor was doing these type of rituals, would you let him walk your dog or babysit your children?
Much less babysit the nuclear football?
Of course not.
The Bohemian Grove is in San Francisco, the Bohemian Club, in fact.
It's an offshoot, yes.
I personally interviewed members secretly and found out a lot more.
And then we've had some deathbed confessions as well.
Charlotte Isserby, former deputy head of the Department of Education's father, was Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones on his deathbed.
She woke up at the New World Order.
On his deathbed, he cried and apologized and said, it's horrible, I can't tell you what we did.
But at least I think he repented there at the end.
A lot of these guys don't do that.
Well, it's very much the sort of the elitist shadow government that are very much in control.
The Unholy Alliance being government, corporations, and the military.
And you have that Unholy Trinity going on constantly.
It certainly was involved in 9-11.
We've got a skull and bones action there.
For those that just joined us, recap in a nutshell the new evidence you've got of them orchestrating the attacks and what's happening with your case.
Then I want to get into what you think is going to happen in the future, Stanley, and take some of these phone calls.
Okay, we lost him and he said that his phone was running down.
Go ahead and call that backup right now.
And he's also told us that he's been doing interviews and his phones have been cutting out, so we'll get Stanley back on the line.
You can read the transcript of Friday's interview with Stanley Hilton on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It was incredible.
And I'd ask you to email that out to everybody, to post it on all the forums, to educate everyone.
You can link through on the websites to Mr. Hilton's website as well.
Okay, Mr. Hilton, please continue with just a breakdown of what really happened on 9-11, your new evidence, and then I want to get to some calls.
Well, yeah, in a nutshell, our view is that this was a government operation, that Bush personally ordered it.
They had planned it many, many months in advance, that they planned to fly these planes by remote control into the
The World Trade Center and the Pentagon and so forth.
Basically, the Arabs were patsies.
They were just a classic decoy to divert attention to the real culprits here, and that the purpose was to create the type of atmosphere, political atmosphere of hysteria, which gave Bush the green light to go ahead and get the Patriot Act passed and to pursue this foreign policy in the Middle East, such as the war in Iraq and so on.
And so it's basically a classic act of treason, and also heavily involved
The Saudi Arabian government in that, and Bush's connections with that, allowing members of the Saudi royal family and Bin Laden to leave the country just after 9-11 to avoid any questioning, is pretty outrageous.
So we're dealing with problem, reaction, solution, and you've got the documents, you've interviewed the military people, you've interviewed one of the wives of some of the hijackers, they're CIA slash FBI agents, thought they were part of a drill, and we know up to that point what happened.
You've got the operational orders now under this national security order you found through witnesses inside the government where Bush ordered this, but you say you're not sure if Bush thought it was a drill that day.
Can you speak about that?
Oh, yes, okay.
The government had several drills or rehearsals of this happening, and their codes and so forth were used as to when to identify the real one.
Bush, of course, we know, is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
He's not exactly bright.
Apparently what happened on the day in question, this one card whispered in his ears, whatever he whispered,
Some of the wires got crossed.
Bush perhaps did not remember the code or whatever.
He thought it was just another drill.
He later said he'd seen a video of the first plane hitting the first tower.
And of course, that's impossible because there is no video at that time.
But what he had seen was the drills.
It was a computer simulation of this happening.
The fact of the matter is that somehow their signals got crossed as far as Bush is concerned, and I believe that he made a mistake, which is why he didn't feign great concern.
They sat there and listened to these kindergartners read a pet goat story for half an hour after the event, because he thought it was part of this drill that he'd been through many, many times before.
And in fact, many of the military people thought it was a drill, and so it's a complicated thing.
That's basically what happened, and the probabilities are that Cheney himself in the underground bunker was calling the shots and gave the final go ahead, although Bush is the one that authorized the operation.
Our understanding is that it was Cheney that was totally in command of the underground bunker there, a bunker that's probably going to go down in history as infamous as Hitler's bunker in Berlin.
Now, let's break that down.
For those who just joined us, I know we're recapping this, but it's so central.
Mr. Hilton, years ago on this broadcast, months before it came out in the Associated Press and the CIA announced it, said, my NORAD sources say, that there was a drill that morning of flying hijacked jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
at exactly 8.30 in the morning.
And that's why they stood down, because they'd been having all these drills previous, and they had a bunch of drills that morning, run by the CIA, and Dick Cheney was in control of it, and later this came out in the news, so they thought it was a drill.
That's how the good people at NORAD stood down.
Only people like General Myers were actually involved, and rewarded with the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff position.
So, then Cheney is under the White House, then later he moves to Site R, then Bush flies out to Nebraska to a meeting that had been going since 7 a.m.
He goes to this meeting where the big Rothschild handler for Schwarzenegger and others, Warren Buffett, is meeting, and they have a bunch of CEOs, including over a dozen, who had companies in the towers and were supposed to be there that morning.
They're all at this meeting that morning.
Bush goes behind closed doors and has a meeting with these CEOs at Moffett Air Force Base.
Have you found out any information about that?
Yeah, well, the conspiracy that was involved here, including the government, involves so many people outside the government as well, some of the top CEOs who are going to a huddle to decide how to handle this.
And I believe that that was the purpose of that meeting, to meet with them in that regard.
As I say, the real interesting thing here is that many people were given
That was clearly on the list.
As I said, there was a problem that the wires got crossed in some manner, and so they settled for a limited, truncated version of the stunt.
But it was originally intended to be at least on the two coasts.
We've got a break.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, sir.
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We have the official government plans to carry out 9-11.
The ENAC talks about it from 2000, Northwoods from 1962.
And they've carried it out against us.
They plan to take out the Capitol.
They plan to take out other major buildings.
We'd be under total martial law.
But Stanley Hilton, you were getting into wires getting crossed from your research and your depositions.
Tell us about that and then we'll start going to calls.
Okay, you see, the way this works is, in the very complicated computer systems in this day and age, and they work on the basis of codes, someone had made a mistake on a dating question, which explains why it was a limited attack as opposed to a bi-coastal and a much larger scale attack, and also why Bush's bizarre behavior at that time.
For whatever reason, we're still looking into that.
The plan was cut short and only a partial presentation of this bush production happened.
The 9-11.
East Coast only.
One of the interesting things was the plane that was heading
West ended up crashing in what I call Camp Bush in western Pennsylvania.
That plane was at least 250 miles off course.
They claim it was headed for Washington.
What was it doing in Pennsylvania?
So that is part of it.
My understanding is that plane was headed to crash into another building in the Midwest, not to Washington.
So it was a much larger, more spectacular assault that was planned.
Yes, we have a document in which he personally authorized this event to happen.
And I can't really talk in more detail on that at this point, but it is a classified document and it clearly shows that he personally authorized 9-11.
And you talked last week about a lot of people in the government system now waking up to this and being very, very angry.
Well, the government is really a dichotomy.
It's consisted of two elements.
One is the political
Players that come and go with the elections like the Bush administration and then
You know, whoever else, Clinton and so forth.
The other one is the permanent bureaucracy, the civil service system in every branch of the government.
These individuals stay there.
They're basically lifers.
I mean, they don't come and go with the politicians.
They're permanently there.
Many of these are the ones that are very appalled at what's going on and how the government's being perverted for political ends by these political players.
People aren't stupid in NORAD, and you've talked to a lot of them and deposed them.
I mean, what percentage would you say of NORAD and other areas of the shadow government are fully aware of what really happened on September 11th?
Oh, a very small percentage.
Much less than 5% about being fully aware.
I mean, and not only that, but there are these gag orders that are forbidden from speaking about it.
It's certainly not generally known.
It's a very small percentage is aware of what really happened.
And, you know, the cover-up continues in many ways.
As with Watergate, this is a cover-up situation in which the individuals responsible are making every effort to prevent people from finding out and prevent people from speaking out.
So that's probably the reason why it's a very small number that are really aware of what happened.
Many have suspicions, though.
Things just don't add up like these FBI memos being, quote, discarded, end quote, thinking that might be incompetence when in fact it was intentional as part of a bigger scheme.
So there are many people who have great suspicions, that's probably much larger than 5%, perhaps 25%, but they don't really know, they're not convinced that this was a real government operation.
Because it was compartmentalized on these computer systems, shadowed by these drills of 24 other blips that were simulated.
And that's public now.
That's admitted.
And we've got FBI agents saying they've been threatened with arrest if they tell you what they know.
All I can tell you is the Bushes' vacation with the Bin Ladens.
As FBI agent Robert Wright said on the National Press Club over a year ago.
So this is all coming out here and there, but how many players were actively conscious and controlling these aircraft on the day of 9-11?
Well, even as far as the remote control system is concerned?
I mean, how many people knowingly in the government apparatus were involved from your research and your depositions?
Uh, I would estimate the total at about a hundred.
I would say about a hundred from what I know.
It could be a lot more, I don't know.
But I would say at least a hundred were involved, and in some capacity.
The thing is, this is, it's like, you call this the Attila the Hun theory, I call it, because if you want to conceal, you know, the myth is that when Attila the Hun was killed, he was buried, and they didn't want to let anybody know where he was, so the first people that took it out and buried him, they were killed, and the ones that killed them were killed, etc.
I'll show you to a cover-up.
In this case, they're not being killed, but what's happening is that misinformation is being spread to neutralize and distort what has happened.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I promise that you get a chance to talk to Stanley Hill when we take calls.
We're going to take calls for the rest of this hour quickly for our guest at 1-800-259-9231.
I apologize to callers that held so long to talk to him that have hung up.
But we'll get to all those that have been patiently holding, Brian and Stuart and Tom and Mike and many, many others that are patiently holding there.
Briefly, I want to remind you that I've made 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, a two and a half hour film about September 11th, detailing what really happened, the facts.
Part two of that is The Masters of Terror, that has Stanley Hilton in it.
My book, 9-11, Descent into Tyranny, covers it as well.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsor, Terror and the New World Order.
All of those are available from InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You're authorized to make copies of my documentary films for non-profit educational purposes to spread the word and expose these murderers.
Also, we carry George Humphrey's new video, 9-11, Painful Deceptions.
Excuse me, 9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
That's $19.95 and comes with a free book when you order it.
Also, we carry 9-11 Painful Deceptions.
That's Eric Huffman's video.
And we've got that as well.
You need to get all these videos and get them out to people.
Toll-free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Stanley Hilton, for those that just joined us, plug your website, because it's a great website, and then we're going to go to some calls.
Oh, well, the website we started is currently called www.deprogram.info.
And it's one of the newest websites that has a domain name ending in info rather than com or net.
We're also going to start a new one called sootheterrorist.net.
Oh, that hasn't been set up yet, but it'll give a regular update on the case and what's going on.
Here's my last question for you before we go to calls.
We're going to move quick, callers, so get ready.
Stanley, you're a very successful lawyer, worked for major senators, did a great job.
You were aware of this going to college with some of these people, this paradigm.
Why did you decide to be so bold and go public and do this?
Well, because I know where this is heading because, as I said, I personally went to school with these individuals, Wolfowitz,
I don't know.
A traitor, I think he's made Benedict Arnold look better than George Washington by his logic, by the comparison.
I think whenever you see treason, you see a man deliberately murdering his own citizens in the service of a foreign power, Saudi Arabia, someone who's just out there to wreck this country in the service of the nefarious entities that he supports, then people should be aware of it, and that's why.
Now, I want to go back just briefly.
You went to school with these guys at the prestigious University of Chicago.
That's where this Professor Strauss was located.
That's right.
You wrote your thesis on this.
I mean, this was the game.
They later put that in the PNAC documents decades later.
Can you go over some of the stuff they would talk about?
Yes, Strauss was anti-democratic, was very much elitist, the concept of the philosopher kings derived from Plato, and the University of Chicago is really an isolated, it's the middle of a South Chicago surrounded by black ghettos.
The university is just like a place, a life of the mind we used to call it, so you spend all your time thinking, and what the political science professors did, Strauss in particular,
This idea of a utopia where you'd have a dictatorship here that would have a one-party system that would spread militarily to dominate the globe and would support dubious ends in which Israel and the US would dominate
The world, Israel, would spread from the Nile to the Euphrates, etc.
And it would all be a utopia.
I call it a dystopia.
That is, a nightmare utopia.
These people are idealists, although perverted idealists.
And what was fascinating was how easy it was to turn the country into a dictatorship.
Because I studied the national security laws that had first been put into effect by Truman.
During the Cold War in the 40s, and even back then in the late 60s, it was fairly easy to turn a country into a dictatorship if, in fact, you could manufacture this kind of a phony national crisis, especially the concept of perpetual war.
That's what they've got now.
They've got this concept of perpetual terror.
They say the war on terrorism is perpetual.
It will never end.
Bush said two weeks ago it could not be won.
Now, this is right out of 1984.
Now, David Rockefeller said, we're on the edge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right crisis and the population will accept world government.
Henry Kissinger said it publicly.
Brzezinski said it in his book.
We need to have terror attacks, helpful Pearl Harbors for imperial mobilization.
The PENAC documents say it.
Dick Cheney says it.
And so really what you're saying is you woke up because you were on the inside of this in college with these people.
You saw them planning it then.
Right, and it has a great allure, the idea, the concept of world domination has been a concept that people have tried to do since Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, what have you.
Now it's probably far more possible than ever before because of technology.
We have the technology to achieve total domination on the planet.
That's the goal here.
And it's a nefarious goal, I think, because it's the complete negation of any kind of human rights or freedoms, and it's just totally in service of these elites.
Exactly, and a lot of Americans want to wave their plastic Chinese desecrated American flags and think they're going to be part of this.
You're going to be the biggest slaves, folks, here domestically.
We're going to be the slaves used under the draft for this war for global domination.
Now... Well, yeah, and also the idea is to impoverish the American people.
It's a Stalinist mentality.
You keep them so poor and so desperate for jobs that they don't think politically.
Like Stalin would have people wait five hours in line to buy a loaf of bread.
We're good to go.
They're on the street now, with no job.
And that's the idea, to impoverish the people of this country, and to make this a global slave empire.
A global slave empire that's going to accelerate.
Let's go to the calls.
Thank you so much for holding, folks.
Brian in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
My biggest concern right now, my biggest question, I mean I've copied, I don't know, a couple hundred of your videos and given them out and I totally believe in the cause.
What happened to Flight 77 if it didn't crash into the Pentagon?
That's my biggest question right now.
I don't cover, I mean we let guests come on and talk about that, we don't cover the things we can prove one way or the other.
We know there were drills, we know they created Al Qaeda, we know they protected them, we know the hijackers worked for the U.S.
government, we know the CIA ordered them to be let back into the country, we've had the people that worked at Customs
Yes, this is the one part that has not yet been made public, but several of the planes that were involved, the one that ended in Camp Bush that crashed, was headed, I believe, to attack the city of Cincinnati, and then this other one that ended up a claim in the Pentagon,
I believe it was actually aimed at another destination in the Midwest.
My understanding is that plane may have been shot down and the missile fired into the Pentagon.
Instead, when the haywire went wrong, when the signals got crossed that day, as I mentioned, something went wrong.
That particular plane, as I understand it, was shot down.
The location was never disclosed.
There's excellent reason to believe that a missile struck the Pentagon to account for that error, but these two aircraft in particular were headed for the Midwest.
That's why the first one ended up in Camp Bush in West Pennsylvania, nowhere near the East Coast.
Okay, real quick, anything else, Brian?
Just keep fighting the fight.
Thank you, sir.
Thanks, Alex.
Let's talk to Stewart in Texas.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex, thanks for the red pill.
I just want to, I guess, the second
The second plane that hit the World Trade Center did not have any windows.
And, Stanley, I guess I first off appreciate what you're doing.
My question is, the people that you're representing, how many people approximately, what's their state of mind, the fire in their heart?
And are more people waking up that did lose people in that tragedy?
I'm getting calls constantly from people who want to join the suit and who feel they've been victimized because it is a class action suit and it also is being brought on behalf of the taxpayers of the U.S.
against these criminals who have wasted the public treasury on their
Garbage war in Iraq.
Most of the people who are victims of 9-11 or have family members are extremely outraged.
They're very angry at this government.
They suspect that Bush was involved.
They know he's lied about it, that he's tried to hide from any kind of commission.
The smart ones realize the 9-1-1 commission was a sham and just a whitewash that it ignored any evidence to the contrary, which is the
It was like a Stalinist commission, one of the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s, where he would prove that every general under him was a traitor.
You know, that's what it is.
This is a show commission.
It was aimed at blaming 19 mindless Arabs that couldn't even steer a plane down a runway without getting off the runway.
They are supposed now to have carried out the
This great, coordinated, split-second timing attack is a fantasy.
In fact, what's really shocking is the mass media in this country are going along with this charade and aren't even looking at questions.
I've got an example of that.
I mean, there have been a bunch of marches where family members by the thousands march around the White House with signs saying, Bush knew, Bush did it, and they'll show ten seconds of it on CNN or maybe an AP report.
That should be top story.
Stuart, thanks for the call.
Tom in Illinois, you're on the air, go ahead.
I just want to ask your guest if he believes we're going to have a terrorist attack before the election, or there soon after, if there's going to be more terrorist attacks here in this country.
I would like to ask the guest that question.
I believe there's an excellent chance that the Bush administration will mount another terrorist stunt before the election to boost his re-election chances, if necessary.
However, if he's way ahead of the polls, because he's running against a strong man, John Kerry, a ghost candidate,
If there's no need for that, they may not take the risk.
I would add that the big attack is guaranteed sometime in the next year after the election to get the national draft in and to expand the war into Iran and Syria.
Yeah, I personally think, my opinion of the scenario is, if they need to do a stunt, if it looks like if he had a real candidate to fight against and the election were close, he would do it in October, the October surprise.
However, it looks to me like
And by the way,
By the way, every attack from World Trade Center One, where the government took the bomb, trained the driver, Oklahoma City government attack, 9-11, every attack gets bigger.
I think the domestic attacks are going to be radically escalated from what we saw on 9-11's.
Yes, the original goal of 9-11 was to attack the country in all four directions, not just the East Coast, also the West, the Midwest, the South.
That was the goal, like four arms of a cross.
As I said before, they only got away with one of the four because of the concept.
The next time it might be far more spectacular.
These are ruthless, armed and dangerous individuals that have no morality whatsoever.
All right, does it answer your question, Tom?
Yes, it answers my question, and I just want to say you've got to defeat the New World Order, and God bless you both.
Take care.
Mike in San Diego, California.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hi, Alex.
Oh, I'm sorry if this takes up most of your time.
I greatly apologize, Mr. Hilton.
Mr. Alex Jones, I've been waiting indecently to talk to you.
You are an inspiration to me.
And we shall prevail, just like you say.
We will prevail.
The New World Order, the people of the world will prevail, like you say in all your documentaries.
I actually bought a copy.
Dang, it's really heart-breaking, because I actually got into the line, but I bought a copy of your 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, and I gotta tell you, you are the most impact... I call you the truth.
Mr. Jones, are you there?
I'm just trying to defend my family and my country.
I'm just doing my duty.
You're great too, Mike.
You know what, Mr. Jones?
I deeply, like, when I first called and I got in, like, it just gave me heart jerries.
I mean, I greatly apologize to Mr. Hill and I really don't have a question or comment.
I mean, but you know what?
Mr. Jones, you did so much for me.
I'm only a 16 year old kid out of San Diego, California and I'm a 16 year old senior high school kid.
And I take your articles and I take them to school.
And my American government teacher tried to laugh at me.
But you know what?
He shall prevail.
We will get the last laugh, Mr. Jones.
Well, I want you to take the Zogby poll, the most respected polling agency in the world, to him and say, half of New Yorkers think what Mr. Jones and Hilton think.
So how do you feel?
Thanks for the call.
No, no, no, no, Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones!
Can I, can I, can I, um, do you have any other calls?
Loaded phone, sir.
Oh, yeah.
The evidence that you brought to the 9-11, I can almost guarantee that there will be another terrorist attack coming.
I mean, I'm only a 16-year-old kid, and all the adults tell me, oh, you're just a kid, you shouldn't know all this stuff.
You know what?
There will be another terrorist attack.
Here's how terrorism works, the theory and practice, where you go back to the Russian anarchists of the 19th century or to the communists or the renaultists.
It's like the oven cold water, pressure release, pressure release.
They have a while where there's great release and people feel comfortable and suddenly something happens.
That's the way it works.
That's what makes people on edge.
Every time you step onto a player, get into a car, do you know if you're going to survive?
That's what they want.
When they have you in their grip, without any kind of fear, you'll give them anything they want.
That's how it works.
These individuals are extremely adept at this.
We used to study this, as I say, at the University of Chicago, the theory and practice of terrorism, and it's an art.
I mean, it's in society.
Yes, yes.
Mike, thanks for the call.
Let me just say this.
The old definition of terrorism in the encyclopedia or dictionary is scaring people to do what you want politically, threatening them physically or physically hurting them.
That's what the government's doing.
Give up your rights or the terrorists will get you.
And the uncertainty is the frightening thing.
People want certainty.
They can't stand the fear of not knowing if they're going to get on a plane and get off alive.
And FBI and CIA officers have gone public.
And they've said, we've been warned to issue fake terror alerts to, quote, create hysteria.
Well, I have evidence of that directly, where they just manufactured them.
I mean, the Department of Homeland Insecurity with a clown Tom Ridge, their function is to create insecurity, not security.
They should rename themselves the Department of Homeland Insecurity, because that's what they really are.
It's the Department of Homeland Terrorism!
Well, yeah, to create an artificial infirmary.
I tell you, you go around San Francisco Bay or any of the ports and you ask any Coast Guard person, what precautions are you taking against terrorists?
Anybody can walk into here and put a bomb on a bridge tower.
There's no precautions.
It's a joke.
They've got two or three little bullet boats.
If they were really worried about terrorism, they're not, because they're manufacturing it themselves, but if they were really concerned, there would be a thousand.
You go to any port in this country, and you see what a joke it is.
Any terrorist could come in there with a nuclear bomb and blow up anything, and they don't give a damn, because they know that the real terrorist is George Bush.
Alright, we'll come back, take a few final calls, and the final segment with Stanley Hilton.
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Our final segment with Stanley Hilton.
I really want to thank you for coming on.
While this will take a few final calls, let's talk to Elias.
And you're joining us, sir, from Detroit, Michigan.
Go ahead.
Yes, I'm in Detroit, in Detroit.
And I'd like to talk to you, right.
What is your prognostication for the future, seeing as how we are down the road of Hitlerism in the 1930s?
The plain fact is, nobody in Germany really came into opposition against Hitler.
It took a gigantic massacre and ruin in Europe, a hundred million dead.
Let me say this, Michelle, let me stop you.
The Michael Savages, all these people are promoting camps for the American people.
Comments to that, Stanley?
I've studied Hitler in great detail.
I interviewed Albert Speer, he's the government's minister.
I was very close to him.
I was one of the last people to interview him in August of 1981.
Hitler had great charisma and he was very popular with the German people.
Right now we don't have anyone like that here.
Bush is a buffoon.
He doesn't have that charisma, but if you had a leader with that kind of charisma, and I suspect that the powers that be are trying to groom someone like that, I think he'd be far more ferocious.
But if you have a buffoon like Bush, I think there's a chance.
There are holes in the wall.
There's another Austrian who they've got that planned for.
Yeah, Schwarzenegger, right, that his father was a Nazi, that's a fact.
Then you have a real Nazi there, now being glorified by the media as some kind of a, almost being called a Kennedy-esque.
He was married to a Kennedy family member who ought to be ashamed of herself for selling out to a swine like that.
But he's a guy who, an actual Nazi, was a governor of California, and they overthrew the Democratic-elected
Governor, uh, Gray Davis, due to his total, uh, lack of charisma, basically, that was his crime.
Yeah, and they're trying to get rid of the 22nd Amendment in Nebraska.
Well, they're destroying democracy here by these recall elections and that kind of thing.
They want to wipe out any opposition, and what they did in California is basically a coup d'etat, bringing in this Nazi.
Real quick, Elias, finish up.
I'm going to go to Jim and John.
Go ahead, finish up your comment.
Well, what is the prognostication for the future?
It took a gigantic war machine to smash Hitler and his minions.
Nobody in Germany dared to oppose him.
We're daring to oppose.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Jim in New York.
Jim, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Jim just hung up.
John in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, two questions.
Two questions, very quickly.
First of all, Stanley, do you know another lawyer that's involved with presenting the victims and the survivors in Pennsylvania by the name of Phil Berg?
Have you worked with him?
Yes, okay.
No, I know of him.
Every time I've made a call to him, he doesn't return my call, so I can't say anything about that.
Okay, you need to have him back on your program.
Maybe I could have both these guys on together.
Yeah, that would be a great idea.
They're both very busy, but I think that would be a great idea.
Yeah, second question was, one of the intended targets in the Midwest, the Sears Tower, which is now owned by a car consortium that's been created by Larry Silverstein.
That's all I can say.
That's right.
That's a final comment.
Thanks for the call.
Larry Silverstein, in quote, a shadowy group of investors, the Chicago Tribune, bought the Sears Tower, which they say is the next big attack.
That was the targets of the September 11th attack.
One of those planes that was heading west would have attacked that if they hadn't gotten their signals crossed.
I know I used to live in Chicago, and so by this, you know, they're targeting these tall buildings.
That was one of them, the Bank of America in San Francisco, etc.
So I think that, yes, that may well be on the next
Alright, Stanley Hilton.
God bless you.
Thanks for coming on, my friend.
Thank you.
Alright, we're out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to Midnight Central.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
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And go to InfoWars.com to read the transcripts.