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Name: 20040903_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 3, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We are live.
Our number here is 800-259-9231.
This is Erskine sitting in for my final day with Alex Jones.
Alex will be back with you Monday.
Alex will be back Monday.
Right now he is at the belly of the beast.
He is at Ground Zero New York City where he will have another astonishing report.
If you missed yesterday's program, you missed one heck of a report from Alex Jones right in the middle of everything that's going on in New York City.
I'm not talking about the floor of the Republican Convention, I'm talking out with you, the people, the 300,000 people who are out protesting that you're not hearing about on ABC, NBC, CBS, or CNN, but then you're used to hearing the news that they don't report on the Alex Jones radio program.
First off, let's go back to the Republican Convention.
On Wednesday night, it was Dick Cheney.
And when Dick Cheney is the good cop, you know they are really going on the attack.
It was Zell on Earth, Wednesday night.
In an interview with Chris Matthews, where Chris finally threw him a hardball, he said, I wish we lived in a day when you could challenge a person to a duel.
And then he walked out on the interview.
Man, I'm telling you, he fired both barrels and just kept on firing and Dick Cheney came off looking like Mr. Nice.
Where else could you see that type of occurrence?
And then last night it was the President's turn and the President had the most beautiful stage you were ever going to see.
It was set out totally regal with the emblem of the President of the United States
Huge and he's standing in the middle of it and he essentially is saying that we're going to be safe, secure and all fuzzy and warm.
It was a wonderful speech.
It really was a wonderful speech and I think you'll find that it was just
Very rousing for the people.
The one quote that they never used.
The one quote that you didn't hear.
You never heard anything about our Constitution.
You never heard anything about our freedoms.
You never heard the quote by Benjamin Franklin.
They that give up essential liberty shall obtain a little temporary safety, neither liberty nor safety.
They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin's quote was not said that night.
Now the other person whom you didn't see at the convention who didn't give a speech was John Ashcroft.
Why did you not hear John Ashcroft?
Well, let me give you two of his quotes from 2004.
Two of the John Ashcroft quotes.
One is, I'll continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein aided Al Qaeda, financially and materially, despite the fact that he didn't gather that.
This is the Attorney General of the United States.
Actual quote.
This is not out of context.
I will continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein aided al-Qaeda financially and materially despite the fact that he didn't.
And the other quote from 2004.
This was before the 9-11 Commission.
The administration categorically denies that it authorized the use of torture in Iraq and I refuse to release the Department of Justice's letter of sanctioning the use of torture.
John Ashcroft.
He actually said that.
So is it a miracle or are you at all surprised that he did not appear at the Republican Convention giving any speeches?
The other thing that he did as Attorney General, and I thought this was interesting, is an important message that was released this week.
When you're out buying plastic, duct tape, and toilet paper to protect yourself from germ warfare, don't forget fresh batteries for your flashlight.
Because in the dark, you don't want to mix up the duct tape and the toilet paper.
Well, that's something you certainly don't want to do.
Now, if you'll notice this week, no alerts.
No orange alerts.
No pink alerts.
No chartreuse alerts.
We're just safe as can be this week.
Unless you're on the streets of New York City with Alex Jones, you're safe as can be.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show and the number here 800-259-9231.
Thank you for listening.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Erskine of Erskine Overnight, and this Saturday night on Erskine Overnight, 9 p.m.
Pacific, midnight East Coast, we're going to talk about 8,000 people dying a day due to
An activity of the United States government.
You won't want to miss the first hour of Erskine Overnight.
The last hour we're going to have Harry Brown on, talking about where are the Libertarians, where is any other party other than the Democrats and the Republicans.
That's one of the things that President Bush was talking about.
Are you feeling more safe today than you did four years ago?
Do you feel more safe today?
Is your money safer?
Are you safer?
Is the world safer?
Is America safer?
Well, they've taken a lot of actions.
And one of their actions that they're bragging about is their new surveillance powers to stop terrorists
The Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control has 10 times more agents assigned to track violators of the U.S.
embargo on Cuba as it has tracking Osama Bin Laden's money.
Attorney General Ashcroft claims that federal agents have become far more savvy in defending America against terrorists, but last December they warned 1,700 local and state law enforcement agencies that people traveling with a world almanac would be terrorist plotters!
A world almanac, let's get real, and the TSA, Transportation Safety Administration, is imposing fines up to $1,500
$1,500 on Americans who are surly when passing through TSA airport checkpoints.
Boy, that makes me feel a lot more secure.
Now, what the TSA agents do, that's their business.
They want to browbeat some grandmother?
They can do it.
But don't get surly with a TSA agent, because you could be a terrorist.
February 2003, the U.S.
Justice Department was on orange alert, fearing terrorist attacks here before the invasion of Iraq.
That was February 2003, right before the invasion of Iraq.
What did they do?
Did they step up and watch the Mexican border?
No, they didn't step up and watch the Mexican border, where we know that people have crossed over.
Did they step up and watch the Canadian border?
No, they didn't watch the Canadian border.
Were they stepping up and watching ships coming over?
But they launched Operation Pipe Dreams!
1,200 federal agents conducted raids across the entire United States to make you more secure, carrying out the biggest crackdown on bombs in American history.
Now let me ask you.
Somebody's smoking a little marijuana.
Are they going to be a terrorist?
Are they going to... The only thing they'd terrorize would be a 7-Eleven with the munchies!
Let's get real!
That is what a lot of Americans are extremely concerned about.
As Benjamin Franklin said, they give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety.
They deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Are we giving it up?
You bet we're giving it up.
Let's talk about true terrorism.
The federal insurer behind 3,100 U.S.
pension plans has warned of multi-faceted and profound changes.
The pension fund guarantor, the United States guarantor, is now $350 billion in debt.
When the president took over, it had a surplus.
That means your pension funds, ladies and gentlemen, are gone!
That's terrorism.
When they take your pension funds, that is terrorism.
When they are able to go into your house and record whatever they want to.
Newsweek reports that the FBI and other government agencies have regularly used the Patriot Act to get access to financial records in cases that have no visible connection to terrorism.
Contelpro is alive and well.
That's the old one that was done by J. Edgar Hoover.
Threat Assessment is the new code for racial and religious profiling.
If you have Christian identity, you're religiously profiled.
If you believe in the Constitution, you can be profiled.
Under Threat Assessment, Attorney General Ashcroft, now remember Attorney General Ashcroft is the same person
Who had the quotes that I was reading earlier, the same person who said, I'll continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein aided Al Qaeda financially and materially, despite the fact that we know he didn't.
That's a quote from Attorney General Ashcroft.
He says he's seeking the same authority exercised under Contra Pro that allowed the FBI agents to suspend the constitutional rights of those expressing what the government considered unpatriotic or un-American scenarios.
Representative Bob Barr had a few things to write in an article that came out Wednesday.
It's called the FBI's Preemptive Interrogation of Possible Demonstrators.
Possible Demonstrators.
You remember the time with Ronald Reagan?
He was always laughing and they said, when Ronald Reagan walked down the halls in the White House, you could tell he was there because people were laughing on the way.
Always disarmed protesters with his whip.
They didn't have orange nets.
They didn't have asbestos-lined Pier 57s with Ronald Reagan as president.
You had people wearing anti-Clinton t-shirts.
They showed up at Clinton rallies.
The worst they faced?
Well, the President's supporters did scowls at them.
The atmosphere didn't mean security was absent.
It was present in the 60s through the 70s, Clinton's second term through all the way through January 2001.
Everyone knew if you caused disruption, Secret Service agents would be on you in an instant, as they should be.
Now, things are different.
The administration campaign of President Bush is squelch any possible hint of disagreement or protest at every political rally or gathering.
For example, those with t-shirts.
The hint of disagreement.
They're allowed nowhere near any event nor even the route traveled by the President's motorcade.
Think what you will.
This is very, very frightening.
The FBI's preemptive interrogation memorandum went on to urge law enforcement to monitor the Internet because protesters often use the Internet to coordinate their activities prior to demonstrations.
This has nothing to do with terrorism!
It has to do with legitimate dissent in the United States and the right to
Protest or applaud the candidate you want.
It urges law enforcement to watch out for protesters who use cell phones to coordinate or update colleagues.
Be warned to be aware of possible indicators of protest activities.
Evidence suggests that protesters are subject to home and office interviews.
They can come to your home.
They can interview you.
They can go to your office and interview you.
Oh, by the way, ma'am, before me and
My armed partner, leave your house.
We'd like to remind you that if you haven't told us, if you know someone else who might be planning a demonstration, you've committed a crime, and we can prosecute you for not telling us that.
Have a good night.
They can come and ask you.
Not only are you protesting, but you better tell us who else is, who you may know, who may potentially protest, or you could be in problem.
Have a problem.
J Edgar Hoover said, no matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you can imagine.
J Edgar Hoover, no matter how paranoid or conspiracy minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you can imagine.
From J Edgar Hoover.
Well, that's what we're up to today.
Lots and lots and lots of things.
Now we had Zell on Earth as the first one.
And as you said,
Mr. Zell Miller made Dick Cheney look like the good cop.
I mean that took some doing and then you had Mr. Cheney coming forward and speaking.
Zell Miller became so, I'm telling you these Democrats are awful, he became so absolutely adamant, he was so
There isn't a word for what Zell Miller was.
He was talking about the men and women in uniform, how proud he was, and nobody should disparage them except for Mr. Kerry.
And how bad things had become that people were actually protesting the war that we had.
They were actually calling the United States troops in Iraq occupiers.
They aren't occupiers, they're liberators!
Well, that's why we're having so many problems.
They're having so many flowers thrown at the people that they can't make any progress.
Well, the fact of the matter is these Democrats just keep on going.
Zell was talking about the Democrats?
I thought he was a Democrat.
Oh, there's a man you can trust.
So give them hell, Zell was talking about Republicans and calls himself a Democrat?
Isn't that strange?
Okay, two things.
First off, no alerts this week.
Two things.
No John Ashcroft speaking this week.
And you're going to find that the person who is elected President of the United States, no matter how you vote, I will guarantee you, is going to be a member of Skull and Bones.
Let's go a little bit to what happened with Alex's interview yesterday.
The Alex Jones interview right here on his own program.
He was talking about what was going on in New York City.
Alex was apparently under siege when he was talking.
He had people there and a couple of the main facts that came out, and I find this to be extraordinary.
49.3% 49.3% of New Yorkers
Now, they are the people that you really can't fool, because New Yorkers are tough.
There is no question that New Yorkers are tough.
49.3% of them believe that the government knew what was going on, or that the government... Well, here's exactly it.
49.3% knew
Our half of New York City residents, 41% of New York citizens overall said that some of our leaders knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11th and they consciously failed to act.
49.3% of Canadians and 63% that was a poll that was done by the Toronto Star, 63% of Canadians convinced that U.S.
leaders had prior knowledge of attacks yet declined to act.
America is awake.
You think, oh, I'm not doing any good.
We're not learning anything.
This is terrible.
We're not going anywhere.
Nobody's believing this.
Don't buy it.
We'll be back on Alex Jones.
The number here, 800-259-9231.
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Hello folks, Alex Jones here.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest, a gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
I'm the guy who's the boss on this highway, so watch out what you're doing when you're driving my way.
If you break the law, you're here for me, I know.
I'm working for the state, I'm the highway patrol.
Working for the state on the highway patrol.
You betcha.
Not only that, but you're going to find more and more working for the state as the police are being deputized.
Deputized as U.S.
Increasingly, so that they'll fit under the Patriot Act with the powers of the Patriot Act.
So you're losing your local police.
You're not working for the state no more.
They're going to be working for the federal government.
We are just inches away from a federal, a federal police force.
It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, and in many cases it is here.
Vince in Indiana, the great Hoosier state.
Welcome to Alex Jones Program, Vince.
How are you today, Erskine?
Doing fine and dandy.
Where in Indiana are you living?
Good man, Don Naptown, tell me what's going on and what you'd like to comment on.
Well, I like your comments and what we say, but, you know, I was going to say something, I mean, I think it's directly related.
I heard Bill Cosby talking to Operation Bush on the C-SPAN network, you know, not minding, you know, all the media filters that took him afterward.
I mean, you know, these people, I watched the whole thing.
And it was amazing, if you listen to the media filters, basically call him an Uncle Tom, a white black man, y'all like to know.
He got up there and said, you know, we gotta quit blaming other people for our troubles.
And I mean, he quoted something there from the South Side of Chicago, where the UAW, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, flies.
A county tax, or an employee tax, what they call a payroll tax.
In the city of Chicago, in Cook County.
Two people, you know, he said no one in the south side of Chicago, there was a Ford auto plant, I think, there was a GM plant, there was a big electrical producer there.
I mean, they all were working in conjunction with one another.
There was steel makers.
And every one of those plants shut down.
Because, you know, these people were, you know, no one spoke up there.
The South Side of Chicago was phenomenally black.
No one spoke up and gave those guys support.
The press, the trade union people, is goon.
Yeah, you can go right on across all the way to Gary.
You got the same thing in Indiana.
I mean, Gary used to be a working city.
Now it's shut down.
A lot of places this has happened, and they're trying to turn them into tourist meccas.
Come on.
If you are producing anything, you aren't producing any goods, we're losing it.
And where are the black leaders talking about jobs?
Where are the union leaders talking about jobs?
It's all going south.
It's all going out.
You know, Perot was right when he talked about that giant sucking sound.
We're seeing it.
We're seeing the jobs going and illegals coming in.
We're being overtaken and the jobs are just gone.
We're no longer creating good jobs, middle class jobs that you and I grew up with, aren't we, Ben?
No, and I mean, let me say this.
I'm not going to say those were glory type jobs, but those were demanding jobs.
People got to pay.
They put bread on the table, didn't they?
And gave you a lot of respect because you were doing a job, you were doing some work, and you were making something, you had enough money to go down and buy what you needed.
And he said, Bill Cosby said the most interesting thing.
He said, the reason why we're going to see more police, and more of this, and that, and he said it doesn't matter whether, you know, he said it doesn't matter if we, you know, because he talked about the deputizing of the city police there in Chicago, the Bank of Federal Marshals, he said, you know, you're going to see
We have more gambling, more alcohol stores, more this, that, and the other than anything else.
And he said the reason why is because they pay a city tax to the city of Chicago and the Cook County.
And these people that you chased out, the ones that were the higher paying jobs, because you allowed it to happen,
And you didn't fight back.
And he said, you know, Harold Washington wasn't the answer.
We've had black leaders and they've turned their back.
He said, and they're all sitting up here by me.
He's exactly right.
Bill Cosby is exactly right.
You take these jobs, like these gambling jobs, they're not productive jobs.
They're not throwing anything back into America.
They aren't producing anything.
It's just shifting money around.
And then when you have the government this year classifying working at the fast food restaurants like McDonald's has now become manufacturing.
Vince, thanks so much for the call from the Hoosier State, Indiana.
And we'll be right back talking with Marina in Virginia.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is the Alex Jones Show, and this is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones.
Now on Erskine Overnight, that's Saturday nights at 9 o'clock Pacific Midnight.
We're going to have a heck of a show this weekend, so be sure to listen.
If you can't, if you're not getting a radio station near you, ask them why not?
If you are, then listen.
Otherwise, go to
GCNlive.com where you can listen to Erskine Overnight this Saturday is going to be a must show.
The first hour is going to be unbelievable and the last hour we're going to have Harry Brown.
Now one of the things that happened to me, I was talking with a couple of people, I had a caller from New York, I had a caller from Pennsylvania.
And we were talking about the illegal immigration.
And I said, you're living in Pennsylvania.
What do you care about the illegal immigration?
And the fellow says, well, Bubba, I'll tell you what I care about the illegal immigration.
I was making $17 an hour in meatpacking.
Now I'm making $7 an hour and by George, I better be speaking Spanish.
That's what's happened to America!
The good paying jobs!
Where's the unions standing up?
As Bill Cosby said, where are the black leaders?
Where are the unions?
It isn't a black and white issue.
It's a green issue.
It's an economic issue.
Let's go to Maureen in Virginia, and then we're going to Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos.
Hi there, how are you?
Fine and dandy.
How are you doing?
I've got a couple things.
The first one, I was not able to listen to the show yesterday.
I was told though,
That within like the first maybe 15 minutes you mentioned something about a National Guardsman saying that we were going to have martial law by November 1st.
That was on a video that was done by Alex Jones.
He did a video concerning that and that is with a Texas.
Thank you for bringing that up because that's an extremely important thing.
Last weekend on the Alex Jones Access Television Show he displayed the Texas National Guard manual for infrastructure protection delivered to him by an insider within that program.
The Insider called into the show and answered Alex's questions about the program and their notification to be deployed on November 1st.
You're exactly right.
Very astute of you, Marine.
The manual goes into great detail on the military takeover of civic authorities, city halls, etc.
Exactly the way Alex documented in the three police state videos he's made over the last ten years.
Now, that is exactly what you're talking about.
For the videos, and he's got the Police State 1, 2, and 3, you can go to Infowars.com.
But this was a gentleman who gave him the Texas National Guard manual calling for them to be deployed on November 1st.
100% correct.
Your other question, and I think maybe, Paul Watson, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Can you help answer that?
Because it's up on your website.
Is that pretty much the story right there?
I believe Alex talked about that on his last weekly report because he obviously does a television show from Austin, Texas.
And all those TV shows are posted on prisonplanet.tv for members.
So I believe it will be in the last report there.
So that's where you can go to get more information on it.
Okay, thank you.
Another question?
I have one other.
It's not a question.
It is a request.
It is a plea.
I'm begging.
I've got a website.
It's draftedintoslavery.com.
Congress is out right now.
They will be back the day after Labor Day.
The information, the legislation is posted on there about the draft that they plan on implementing in May or June for every male and female from 18 to 26.
Congress will be in session for one short month.
I am begging people to go to that website and get the phone number for the Capitol Hill switchboard.
The day after Labor Day, start calling your congressman, asking them, ask them if they've taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
Ask them if they realize the 13th Amendment is part of the Constitution.
Ask them if they know it will be treason if they vote
Or anything so horrible as a universal draft.
Any draft is unconstitutional.
This new draft, as I'm seeing it, Maureen, is supposed to include everybody, everybody of a certain age.
Males, females, and if you aren't going into the military, you're going into national service for two years.
There are a couple of them.
Congressman Regal has one.
Senator Hollings has one.
The bills are before Congress right now.
This isn't hypothetical.
They can talk all they want to about how there's going to be no draft, but the bills are already sitting there before Congress.
Am I correct?
You are correct.
And basically, I do believe we can stop it with two things.
One is fasting and prayer.
The second one is with action.
Pray as if everything depends on God.
Act as if everything depends on you.
Call everyone that will be affected, not only from 18 to 26, but anyone who's involved with higher learning institutions.
Those people are going to lose incredible amounts of money because there is no deferment for education.
Call businesses that employ people in that age group.
Call businesses that cater to people in that age group.
Just please, our children's lives are at stake.
You're 100% correct, and I'm going to give that website out again.
It's draftedintoslavery.com.
Maureen, thank you for the call, and God bless the work that you're doing.
And thank you too, and God bless you.
Thank you.
Paul Watson.
A beautifully run convention with nothing but chaos outside.
The inside is orderly, incredibly scripted down to every syllable that is said, everything that is done, scripted and rehearsed.
Where outside you've got 300,000 protesting, inside you've got 3,000 partying.
What is this, the order out of chaos that the New World Order is bringing about?
Well, you mentioned scripted.
It's scripted quite badly for people like Arnold Schwarzenegger because in his speech a couple of nights ago he actually made reference to the fact that he became a Republican after somebody translated for him back in 68 a TV debate between the presidential candidate Humphrey for the Democrats and
Richard Nixon was like a breath of fresh air to Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Richard Nixon, a breath of fresh air, Paul?
Well, we know that Nixon was responsible for the introduction of many policies with the Socialists bent under the banner of conservatism, but the point is
Humphrey and Nixon never had a TV debate in 1968 because Nixon, after his debate with Kennedy in 1960, refused all TV debates.
So the foundation of Schwarzenegger's conservatism is based on a debate that never happened.
On a speech he was supposedly working on for five weeks straight before the convention started.
So, I mean, that's just a point to throw in.
But I mean, the update from New York, as the convention obviously winds down, is that the numbers of arrests made set a new record for arrests at any kind of political demonstration, even more than the Chicago riots in 1968.
And the City of New York has been fined $1,000 for every person who was not released after a judge's orders to immediately release those who were arrested was ignored.
And you have some people in Pier 57 at Guantanamo on the Hudson, as they labelled it, kept there for three days straight in these cramped, dingy, filthy conditions, and for what, as Alex elaborated yesterday,
They would just throw these giant nets around people and arrest everyone in the general vicinity.
People going to see a movie.
Businessmen coming home from work.
People exiting shopping stores.
And I mean, while they were doing all this...
Alex alluded to the fact that they were arresting everyone, but there were a number of the actual demonstrators they seem to be letting loose.
This would indicate that they were wanting, wanting disruption outside there, at least some disruption that makes it look worse than it was.
Is this a tactic that the New World Order is using these days to let the violent disruptors go out, or maybe they're agent provocateurs, and arresting normal folks who are there?
That's exactly the case, as was back in Seattle, where it gave them the pretext to bring the National Guard in after these Black Block anarchists who were, you know, smashing shop windows, setting things on fire.
The police were told to stand off and let them carry out all this chaos, so then it provided the pretext for the police state crackdown.
But I mean, the thing about this convention is that while they were doing all this, while they were, you know, ploughing mopeds into large groups of people, anyone with a pass, which was easy to obtain from anyone, could just walk right into the convention.
And in fact, several people interrupted Bush's speech last night and had to be caught and dragged away by the security.
So, again, the security isn't about making anything secure, it's about imbibing this myth that police with machine guns and riot gear keep us safe.
Which is why, as I predicted weeks ago, there would be no attack in New York, because then that would make people say that the police state didn't protect us.
On a similar point, that's the reason why I fear that the next attack in America will not be in a major city, but maybe in the heartland, and it will be a soft target, like a school or a shopping mall.
Because then that will give the establishment the excuse to say, look, riot cops with machine guns protected us in New York, now we need riot cops in schools, riot cops in shopping malls,
Well, they're already talking about putting the same type of airport security guards that they had, or at least they flew this balloon up, in shopping malls.
And we also had this activity that's occurred in Russia, where they have all the children hostage at the school.
Is this a new escalation of terrorism?
State-sponsored terrorism?
Is it state-sponsored, in your opinion?
After reading your book, Order Out of Chaos, nothing happens by coincidence.
Most terrorism has a state behind it.
Well, yeah, and it's coincidental that
Exactly as I predicted a few weeks ago that you'd have a wave of terrorist actions abroad to kind of distract from the protest and that's exactly what we had in Russia with these planes being crashed and now this school siege which we can go on to talk about in more detail.
Well, the school siege has been major, major news, though you wouldn't know it.
And according to, after looking at your book and reading it and going into details of Order Out of Chaos, the true terrorists were not outside on the streets.
But they were inside the walls of the Republican Convention and the various other conventions.
These are the people who design so much that happens.
And the New Yorkers understand it.
The polls show that America is indeed waking up.
They're understanding what's going on.
We're winning, aren't we, Paul?
Yeah, we're winning the battle for people's minds with our weapon, the truth.
I mean, it's more powerful than any lie they can tell.
I mean, just imagine the power of the establishment media and how many people it reaches, and yet still, through our work, both on the internet and with all the great 9-11 activist groups which have been doing some great work out there,
50% of New Yorkers believe the government was complicit in that they failed to consciously act on 9-11.
63% of Canadians think the same thing.
So, I mean, it just exemplifies, again, the kind of platform that we've created and the power that we can have with the weapon of the truth, which dwarfs the lies, even though the lies have a more significant power base and reach more people via the mass media.
So it's testament to our work.
And the power of the truth.
One of the stories that came out, and I think this one was a surprise to you, was where was George Herbert Walker Bush, George Bush number one, on the morning of 9-11.
This is very telling.
Where was he on that morning?
Well he's at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington DC at a Carlyle Group meeting and he was meeting with one of the big Bin Laden family heads, the brother of Osama Bin Laden, Shafiq Bin Laden on the morning of 9-11 as, you know, the Pentagon was being attacked.
That came out in CBC in Canada and in the London Observer in Britain, which is a major Sunday newspaper.
So I mean, that alone, that came out around about, I think it was ten months ago, and yet very little attention was garnered.
So, again, it just proves that these people are intimately involved with each other.
And this 9-11 Commission, or 9-11-O Mission, as I call it, is nothing more than a stage whitewash.
And the very heads of that, like Thomas Keane, were in business with Bin Laden family members as well.
Khalid Bin Mahfouz was in business with Thomas Keane, who was the head of the 9-11 Commission.
The heads of the previous investigative committee, Bob Graham and Porter Goss, who is obviously now the new head of the CIA, were meeting on the morning of 9-11 having breakfast with the Pakistani ISI spy chief Mahmood Ahmed.
Discussing terrorism when this same spy chief was a major funder of Mohammed Ata to the tune of $100,000 and they were having breakfast with him on the morning of 9-11.
So I mean these connections never end and obviously the main plank of my book, Order Out of Chaos, three chapters, full-length chapters are completely devoted to those kind of connections.
You've also got the fact that the
Day after 9-11, there was one or two airplanes flying across the United States when nobody else could fly, flying out the Bin Laden family, out of the United States of America.
Now, these people, under any criminal investigation, would certainly be questioned.
But no, they were, by orders of the President of the United States,
The only plane flying that was non-military allowed the fly out of the United States.
As a matter of fact, we went by, picked them up and flew them out of this country so that they would be safe.
Here he is blaming Bin Laden.
If he really thought it was Bin Laden, wouldn't you want to question the family?
Would that not be logical, Paul?
Well, I mean, the critics to that would say that Bin Laden was the black sheep of the Bin Laden family and they had nothing to do with him.
That's blatantly not true because
Most of your listeners will remember the articles which came out of Washington Times United Press International in July of 2001 when Osama Bin Laden was in hospital in the American hospital in Dubai United Arab Emirates where he was met by CIA station chief Larry Mitchell but also the article said he was met by numerous members of his own family therefore disproving the myth that Osama is the black sheep of the family and again highlighting the fact that this
I think?
We are not talking about that.
We're focusing on the fly-out in the two days after September 11th.
There were two different fly-outs.
Which I mean is what Michael Moore focuses on in his film.
He focuses on the later fly-out, which is not the main point.
So people have used that to discredit the whole story.
But the facts remain that the FBI did not get a chance to question the Bin Laden family members the first fly-out, which took place in the day after and the following day after September 11th.
More when we get back.
The Alex Jones Show featuring Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos.
Thanks for listening.
We'll be right back.
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I don't know.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones on this Friday edition of Truth Radio.
This is what you're going to hear.
This is the truth.
You're not going to hear this on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS.
This is the only place you're going to hear the truth about what's going on in New York City and the truth about 9-11.
Let's go immediately to Ron in New York.
You're on with Erskine and Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos.
Yes, Ron.
Hi, gentlemen.
I'm calling you from New York, from New York City.
A place which was treated like a plaything for the last four days.
What had gone on was so largely inexcusable, and yet it was blacked out with the establishment national media.
You only heard about what really went on in the streets from the local, very local stations.
But the national networks didn't project that image out.
And people in Spokane and Boise will think everything went well and fine here, when in fact it didn't.
There was no coverage.
You have a sense of media.
You have an American profit.
That's what we've developed into now.
There's no mention.
People who live in other parts of the country will think that everything went on here with no problem.
This is a disgrace.
This is un-American.
You had people who were largely scooped up and arrested.
While I will concede some small portion of them committed violations and offenses that might be considered anti-social in the mind of anybody in the general public, the larger part of them were just scooped up for really no reason.
At least if we still believe in the Constitution, the right to express free speech, they were scooped up and a good part of them
Well, people that weren't even participating in the protest in the least.
I even met a woman yesterday.
She was shopping at Macy's department store, and she wound up being swept up.
This woman couldn't even spell the word political.
And this is ridiculous.
This was unforgivable, what happened.
My guess is that many of these people are seeking redress in the courts, our state, New York state courts.
I do feel that in the end what's going to happen is the rug will be pulled out of any claim that they make regarding their mistreatment or false arrest because they're going to cite to a national security doctrine.
So that's how they're going to pull the rugs out from any lawsuit that will subsequently come down the pipe because this was classified a national security event.
I don't know if most people are aware of that.
Well, Rob, don't you think New York was used as a backdrop, as just a stage, as in any Hollywood production, they did it as New York as a backdrop, and they couldn't afford to show this, because if they showed what the people were really thinking, if they were releasing the information from the Zogby Poll of what people are really thinking, if they really showed what New Yorkers thought and believed, they couldn't get by with what they're doing.
No, because you know something?
Whether you go by polls, and polls certainly will bear out what I'm going to say, or whether you just live here, in this city, and you talk to your neighbors, you know you're an interactive human being.
Nobody, at any level, was happy about the imposition and the intrusion that went on, for the sake of basically throwing a glorified frat party for 3,000 brats.
That's really what went on here.
And a lot of people have suffered and pay a large price for this, to one degree or another.
And there is no way
There is no way that this could ever be sanctioned or condoned.
I don't care how fanatically partisan you are.
There is an absolute rock bottom right and wrong in this life.
This thing was the wrong thing.
It was handled and done the wrong way.
All the rules and standards of 227 years of our republic went right out the window and down the drain.
You spoke with Alex yesterday.
I know he's been calling in.
I spoke with him last week.
I'm a regular caller to the show.
I told him even before he got here, because I'm retired from law enforcement here, that he was to expect the kind of things that he did encounter on the streets of New York.
I told him that that was going to happen, and sure enough, it did.
Ron, can you hold on?
We need to take a break at the top of the hour, because I need to hear more about what you're saying.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for calling in.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
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Midnight East Coast Time.
We're talking with Ron who is a former retired police officer from New York City and he's telling it like it is.
He is absolutely telling it like it is and Ron was saying how he told Alex what to expect and he wishes it wasn't true but it's exactly what's occurred.
Am I correct Ron?
Yes, exactly what's occurred and it's exactly what I anticipated would occur.
You had approximately 1,700 people arrested in reference to this event.
And I'm not sure if I should call it an event or a catastrophe.
That is the largest number of people, at least in memorable history, ever arrested in reference to any political event in the United States.
Do you know that?
Do your listeners know that?
Right, we talked about that last hour.
We said this is greater than all the arrests in Chicago in 1968.
That's correct.
And they rounded them up and they put them in a facility, a place I happen to be familiar with.
It's an old port, a facility that was deactivated many years ago, way back when.
And I happen, believe it or not, it's been used for one thing or another throughout the years.
It's last incarnation prior to being a
A detention facility was a bus depot, and prior to that, for a short time, it was used to store some other things.
The place is a proverbial cesspit.
I wouldn't want to store stray dogs there.
They put people there, they put up fences that are about ten feet high.
The place looked like any classic concentration camp that you might have seen in films throughout history regarding other oppressive states.
Whether it was Stalin's Russia,
Or the pictures that we saw of what went on in the Balkans with ethnic cleansing.
That image is inconsistent with our society.
Now, as I said, the way this was projected out to the rest of the country, your listeners in many other states and the heartland will never know what really went on here because they rely on the national media to cover it here, and they made it seem as though everything was honky-dory.
Well, I live here, on the ground.
I went out.
I saw.
I know people who've been affected by this.
It was not honky-dory.
No, and everybody that was scooped up and arrested was not a menace to society.
As a matter of fact, the majority weren't.
Alex said he was almost arrested three times.
Does that surprise you?
No, as a matter of fact, the only thing that surprises me is that he wasn't ultimately arrested.
That's what surprises me, is that he was ultimately not arrested.
But the fact that he was accosted... I used this specific term, Alex, one week ago.
If your coverage of these people is not in a favorable light, such as an embedded type of reporter, then in this exact quote, you better saddle up for a hard ride.
Now, he could have been one of the embedded reporters, because the embedded reporters, when they went to the Republican convention, they were all for time at the spa.
I saw them being massaged and everything.
The Republicans set up a massage parlor for the reporters so that they were being pampered, they were being treated just like royalty.
That's the way they treated the reporters inside.
The reporters outside were chased, their cameras were broken, everything else happened.
This is much the same as they did in Iraq with those who were embedded, those who weren't.
That's right.
Those who weren't were targets.
Those who were embedded, sure, they're fine.
Is our news controlled?
You bet it's controlled.
We're seeing nothing that's coming out of New York.
The real story of the 300,000 protesters and what else is occurring.
What they were treated with a velvet glove.
And you know, we as people have to start thinking at a higher level and out of the box.
Because the forces that are being arrayed against you are, for better or worse, and for worse, not for better, high-level thinkers who think through a light spectrum and a looking glass.
They know how to manipulate.
Now, that's pretty hard for the average, simple American who tends to be decent.
It's just a truck driver or a waitress or somebody like that.
We have to be careful.
We have to increase our mental acumen.
We have to increase our mental abilities to understand how we're being manipulated.
We have to wake up and look at things as they are, not as we are being told or we think it is.
Ron, thank you, thank you, thank you for that wonderful call from New York City.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And Alex Jones will be back with you Monday.
Monday, Alex Jones will be returning.
He'll be on here a little bit later with another update from New York.
And I'd like to thank Ron for that excellent, excellent report of what's going on in New York and the whole scenario behind it.
Ron, who is a former, who's a retired New York City police officer.
God bless you, Ron, for what you're doing and what you're standing up for America.
My guest right now and for the rest of this half hour is Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos.
Paul, this is exactly the things that you've been writing about, and I've got to ask you a couple of real quick questions while you're here.
One, you're talking about Osama bin Laden meeting with the CIA on January 4th through the 14th, 2001.
He was treated for kidney infection at the, catch this word, and I'm quoting from the book, Order Out of Chaos, American Hospital in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, where he
Was treated by Dr. Terry Calloway, an American doctor, and met with CIA Station Chief Larry Mitchell, CIA Station Chief, July 4th through the 14th, 2001.
This is July, let's see, August, September, two months before 9-11.
Now, you just make up this information, where'd you get this information?
Well, I mean, the point about the book is that
You know, at the bottom of every page, and this is the only decent thing I learned from being at university for two years, apart from the Marxist brainwashing course.
Was that, you know, how to do footnotes.
And that's the point of the book.
Every chapter has at least 30 footnotes which point to mainstream sources and actual internet URL links where people can go and check the information for themselves.
And that story was first reported by Le Figaro, a big French newspaper, Radio France International, and then it was picked up by both the Washington Times and United Press International.
So we're talking to major mainstream news medias reporting this, and I'll guarantee you, America has not heard that story.
Now, are you anticipating another major event before the election or before the year's over?
Are they going to have to... because you understand how these people think.
Order Out of Chaos, the elite-sponsored terrorism, and the New World Order.
When you wrote this book and after writing it, you had to have an idea of how the elite think when they are making plans for various activities, terrorist activities around the world.
Are you anticipating another event here in your own mind, Paul?
Well, I've said before that the next big terrorist attack in America, I don't think it will be right before the election because
If there was an attack right before the election, the chances are that the population would rally around Bush and that he'd be re-elected.
But I see it as if they won't carry in because 1. he's got close royal relations to European royalty and the Queen of England and 2. because Bilderberg at their annual conference in Italy this year
Personally selected Kerry's running mate John Edwards to be the Vice Presidential Candidate.
So if they can exert that kind of influence, and we've seen examples of it before, for example when they delayed the Iraq War, which was set to take place in late 2002, they actually delayed it several months.
If they can exert that kind of influence over selecting vice presidential candidates then obviously Kerry seems to be the pick and therefore the terrorist attack will not come before the election but after the election and
As I said earlier, it will probably be a soft target, but it will be played up in the media as a big attack to then justify putting armed police in schools, shopping malls, etc, etc.
So from my vantage point, I think it's going to be after the election which will then give them the opportunity to roll out this draft.
The attack might be blamed on
Groups linked to Iran because now we've even got so-called liberal NPR holding forums and debates which are you know on the radio station from big neocons from people from the Project for a New American Century who called for you know four five six years ago when Iran
To be invaded and now liberal NPRs, you know, putting out that propaganda line.
So, if there is an attack after the election, it will probably be blamed on organisations linked to Iran and then the war with Iran will take place in either late 2005, early 2006.
Same thing, different players.
Instead of Iraq, it's going to be Iran.
What, were we off by one letter?
This time it's going to be Iran.
Do we have enough troops to do it?
We certainly couldn't put together a coalition of anything.
This one they call the coalition of the willing.
But you couldn't put together a coalition of anything to go into Iran.
But they're going to have to go into Iran as Iran is launching their new oil trading market.
This could upset their apple cart big time.
This could be
I mean, the entire house of fiat money could fall down if Iran announces the new oil trading market, could it not?
Exactly, and what concerns me also is the fact that now that all the barriers have been removed for nuclear component parts, exports to China, who we know have armed Iran, Russia have armed Iran with nuclear components,
And therefore, Iran will be allied with those two countries.
And I mean, this thing could spill over into a wider conflict on the same basis.
Iran is not the nothing country that had been totally disarmed that Iraq is.
Iran actually does have some arms.
It's a lot bigger in that sense.
Iran's not going to be a pushover, would it?
The current estimates from insiders are that they already have two nuclear bombs already.
Well, no.
Um, and they've been exchanging with North Korea also.
It's the whole, um, nuclear arms trade which flows from China to Pakistan to North Korea to Iran.
And of course we can go back, and this is also in order out of chaos, to, um, the year 2000 where Rumsfeld was on the board of ABB which, um, signed away the, um, exports and the, um,
Right for the North Koreans to construct their light water reactors, which can produce nuclear components.
So Rumsfeld was instrumental, just as he was in arming Iraq, in arming North Korea.
So I mean, that's why the book's called Order Out of Chaos.
It's building up your own enemies, so then you can later call them a threat.
I don't
You know, get rid of a corrupt dictatorship.
I mean, they could do it in different ways, even if you believe that we should be intervening in foreign countries.
But, I mean, that's the agenda with Iran.
They'll probably link Iran with Al-Sadr, and then the Shiites will be allied with some of the Iranians, and it will, you know, the conflict in Iraq will spill over to Iran.
So, I mean, they've got several different cards that they can play, but with this draft upcoming already in Congress, it's definitely a dangerous time and we need to be watchful.
Pakistan has armed everybody in the Middle East, it sounds like, except for Iraq.
Is that fairly accurate?
Well, yeah, we know who armed Iraq.
We've got pictures and video of Rumsfeld shaking hands with them.
Saddam Hussein in the December of 93 when he gave them the chemical and biological weapons.
Colin Powell was running Iranian and, you know, battlefield intelligence, Iraqi battlefield intelligence when Iran and Iraq were at war.
So, I mean, it's the same players that are still there today.
So, it's no surprise that they wouldn't resort to the same tactics to fuel the same wars.
Have you noticed how Osama bin Laden morphed into
Saddam Hussein it was Osama Osama Osama and then they couldn't find him he proved pretty elusive and then all of a sudden it became Saddam Hussein and so Saddam became like Osama's ugly second brother it was really weird Osama is the person that we hate the most we're gonna track him down
We haven't heard much from Osama lately.
He has certainly been the person who was missing.
You didn't hear mention of his name one time at the Republican Convention.
They weren't really anxious to have the memory of Osama Bin Laden around there.
Are they going to drag him out before the election?
That's a possibility, but there's an article out of the London Independent today, which I think is called the Bush Numbers Game, and it lists how many times Osama Bin Laden was mentioned in Bush's State of the Union speeches the last three.
And the number of times Osama Bin Laden was mentioned was zero.
And, you know, back at the time when the war in Iraq was, the propaganda was being set for that invasion, there were polls which came out which showed that 50% of Americans thought that Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were the same person.
Literally the same person.
Hey, that is really great, great PR work to be able to do that.
I mean, you have to admire these people.
Well, it is, and...
We've got a video actually on PrisonPlanet.com in the perspective section which is kind of a comedy take on it.
But it's got clips of Bush saying in early 2002, you know, we're going to smoke him out, we're going to kill Bin Laden.
And then switch to later speeches when Bin Laden isn't even mentioned and the very name of Bin Laden isn't mentioned.
It's just terrorist.
They just morphed the definitions and then it eventually morphed into Saddam Hussein.
So I mean Bin Laden has been on the verge of being caught on many occasions and the evidence shows that they let him escape.
I mean I've got articles from major Pakistani newspapers from back in 98 where Bin Laden was under the armed guard of elite US Marines in Pakistan.
And so, he's their boy.
If they wanted to roll him out at any time, they could do.
But, you know, he's been a good ally.
He's done a lot of good work.
I mean, he helped in, you know, the invasion of Serbia back in 95, right up to 98, Congressional Report Show.
And here's a guy who is on dialysis.
I mean, he can't be that difficult to get.
And the other thing that you mentioned in Order Out of Chaos is he was paid!
He was paid $250,000 to take out Muammar Gaddafi!
We paid Al-Qaeda.
That was actually paid by the British government.
More with Paul Joseph Watson and your calls right here on the Alex Jones Program.
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This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones with my guest Paul Joseph Watson who was my guest yesterday.
The book Order Out of Chaos and let me quote from his book.
Your brain is the most powerful muscle in your body.
It controls all others.
Reclaim it as your own and you'll be in awe of its amazing power.
We've been presented with our final opportunity to defeat the New World Order.
If we fail to act, then our children will look back at this moment in history as one in which humanity cowered in the face of evil and signed its own death warrant.
Order out of chaos.
They've got the money.
They've got the power.
The only thing left for them is spiritual.
Isn't it, Paul?
Well, yeah, that's the case.
And in many ways, I mean, you've heard people say many times, how do we defeat such a mammoth, gargantuan system?
In a sense, I kind of think it's already preordained that we defeat it.
I think it's just a kind of a test on the part of God to see who stands up against it and who cowers, backs away, who doesn't get on the field.
So it's kind of a trial run, basically, on the way people respond to this.
So it is a spiritual battle, it's a battle for the mind.
I mean,
H. G. Wells said that the 20th, 21st century would not be about, you know, the battle for, you know, the military battles.
It would be about the battle for the mind, and that's exactly what we see today.
So it's a spiritual, it's a mental battle, and it's a trial run from God about, you know, how people react to it and what people do about it.
You're exactly right.
You're going to be on with me on the 11th of September at 1030 Pacific.
You'll be on for an hour and a half.
Paul Joseph Watson on Erskine Overnight.
You can get to it either by listening to your local station or by going to GCNlive.com.
Let's go to Andrea in North Carolina.
We'll take your call real quick before the 30 marking.
Hopefully, Andrea in New York.
I'm sorry.
Andrea, you're on with Paul Joseph Watson.
Hi, Erskine, and hi, Paul, and I wanted to say I was downtown at the Trade Center when Alex almost got arrested.
One of the three times, right?
Tell me about what's going on there and your comments.
Well, I haven't been out today, but what I have seen so far from a lot of the media, even the independent media, is
What appears to be a good story, what appears to, but I think the establishment media wants to see entertainment.
What is going to engage the viewer so that people come and watch and I was in the march that picketed CNN and CBS and I, you know, I was listening however to people who I think a little bit operate themselves in disinformation because
I was a little annoyed that you get the typical liberal bias, and I only say that because they kept attacking the media, our media.
Well, they fail to understand the technicality of it being under a Federal Communications Commission license, which is all under the executive branch.
We do need to take back our republic.
We need to go after the advertisers.
We don't need to just attack the media per se.
They are part of the corporate state.
But we need to take a very aggressive step against the advertisers and against their wallet.
And I wanted to share... And promote the advertisers to go to places that are trying to get the truth out.
And this is true.
And that's exactly right.
And I also am a firm supporter, and to circle back, because I listened to Ron's comments, my fellow New Yorker, and I thought he made some very good points.
And what I found was the mix among the police departments, because some of them were very open to me sharing with them
that I was a September 11th victim and that's how come while I was downtown at the Trade Center I was in a way able to keep that police officer at bay and what was actually very interesting though is that he said that Alex lied to him and I said well you know so what that the guy doesn't have on his press passes you know I said he's been broadcasting from the garden all week long now we who live in New York know that Madison Square Garden and the Convention Center we just call it the garden
And this officer would not hear me, and I think what has happened is that there's a degree of conditioning and mind control, brainwashing, you know, give it all those labels, but this guy had reached a point where he was peeved, he was stoked, and he wasn't going to listen to reason.
Your comments on that, Paul?
Well, I mean, as Jesus said, if people don't listen to you, just dust off the dust from your shoes and move on to the next day.
People will get angry with you because it threatens their very perspective and mindset and the way they've lived their lives, their whole lives.
If you suddenly tell them that the world operates in a completely different way from what they've imagined for 40, 50 years, then obviously
In a kind of survivalist instinct, they're going to lash out and reject that.
It's a basic human instinct.
They're going to lash out at the messenger, aren't they, Paul?
Not the message, they're going to lash out at the messenger.
That is what's happening with a lot of the police there.
Do you have anything you wanted to add, Andrea?
Well, thank you.
The Lord made some wonderful observations.
Among other things, you know, that the, you know, casting your pearls before swine, you run the risk that you're going to be rent.
And I think that the Lord himself, he admonished us to be wiser serpents than generalist doves.
And that doesn't then provoke that kind of swine attack on us.
Thank you, Andrea.
You're right.
Thank you, Paul Joseph Watson.
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The Turks come sitting in for Alex Jones and Alex will be joining us from New York City and we certainly appreciate the calls from Ron and from Andrea from New York and our number here 800-259-9231 will be putting you on without a lot of delay.
You definitely want a copy of Order Out of Chaos.
I know you listen to Paul Joseph Watson and
We've heard what he had to say.
We've quoted a little bit from the book.
Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order.
This tells you what's going on, what has gone on.
It will open your eyes.
You think you know what happened on 9-11?
You think you know what's happening in the world?
Read Order Out of Chaos.
I thought I did.
I mean, I've been doing this show for a number of years.
Not Alex's show, but my show for a number of years.
I've had all these guests on.
I know what's happening.
Well, Paul Watson woke me up to a lot of things that I didn't know about.
To order the book, you can go to InfoWars.com.
You know that.
Or you can call.
Let me give out the 800 number.
It's 888-953-3139.
Shouldn't have dyslexics giving out numbers.
888-253, I'm sorry, 3139.
It's 888-253-3139.
The book is only $19.95.
I mean, it is cheap at half that.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
It's over 300 pages.
Order out of chaos.
Get a copy of it.
His other videos, American Dictators, the staged election of 2004.
It was staged just as the program last night with President Bush was staged.
Slick as a Hollywood production this election is going to be.
Thank you, Erskine.
You and Paul have done a decent job filling in for Alex.
Just filling in.
We are not replacing Alex.
There is nobody who can replace Alex, so I appreciate that.
Do you have a question or a comment?
Well, I don't know if Paul's listening.
If he lives in London, I have in-laws in his neck of the woods through my wife.
I was hardly surprised to see the events of 9-11 used as a blunt instrument in a GOP convention.
Certain victims were presented
um... references with all kinds of very uh... uh... slick imagery um... sound productions it's like you said it was like a hollywood production
It was slick, wasn't it?
I mean, these people know what they're doing.
They know how to put spins on things.
They know how to produce things.
They are using the ultimate in control.
They're flashing images.
Everything that you can imagine, isn't it?
Well, you know, it's interesting because there was a wonderful movie made back in 1957.
Yeah, absolutely.
Elia Kazan produced it.
And it's called A Face in the Crowd.
It was Andy Griffith's first role on the big screen.
And basically he's an itinerant Arkansas traveler, guitar picker, sort of a down-home philosopher.
And this woman whose uncle runs a station in town discovers him.
And it chronicles his whole meteoric rise, the fame and fortune, and how he gets involved with these political figures.
And how they use him
to promote this candidate to a basically a real status candidate to becoming on the verge of being elected president.
And it's very interesting, I won't spoil it for anyone who wants to see the movie, but he gets quite a jolt when he realizes the protagonist, Mr. Griffith, who's Lonesome Rhodes, that's the name of the character, the protagonist,
He realizes quite a shock when wherever there's power, there's somebody with even more power.
But it was interesting because this movie was truly ahead of its time because it was the network of the 1950s.
And how this general was telling his audience, his people, in his circle, that people don't want long-winded dissertations.
They want soundbite slogans.
You know, the mess in Washington.
More bang for the buck.
You know, basically he's saying, well we need slick personalities that can be presented by the media.
We really don't need detailed presentations of people because they don't have the patience for that.
Well, it's like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And that's exactly what we want.
Don't be economic, girly man.
Okay, tell that to the 1.3 million Americans who've sunk into poverty, but the fact of the matter is, that's a quote that people remember.
They want sound bites.
First time I ever did TV, I had a PR person who worked with me, and he said, now listen, you're doing television, and that's why I like radio so much.
You're doing television, it's all sound bites.
Say something memorable, something they can pick up on, something they can go, cling, cling, cling.
It's all
10 second sound bites on television.
Radio, you can get into some actual facts.
We can actually talk about things like you and I are talking about and discussing back and forth.
You don't get that on TV.
That's true, but I just wanted to mention that movie because it was so prophetic in many ways.
I also wanted to mention, Erskine, it was good to see that half of New Yorkers smell a rat with the attacks of 9-11.
And if New Yorkers smell a rat, what about the folks in flyover country?
Can you imagine how they feel about this?
I think a lot of them are still asleep, but we haven't done any polls on there.
There's been no Zogby poll across the rest of America, but I find also the Toronto Star poll, 63% of Canadians are smelling a rat, so apparently the word is getting out across the world, not just America.
And you know in Europe, they're getting less filtered news.
Hey, I thank you for the call.
We've got a couple of other callers that we need to go with.
Anything else you'd like to add, Eric?
Yeah, just one thing.
Paul mentioned the selection of Kerry.
I'm just thinking the only thing that could throw a monkey wrench into Paul's theory, Erskine, is the band of neocons.
There's this band of neocons.
They sort of realize that the jig is up for them, and they could
As a cabal, pull something before the election so as to ensure the re-election of George Bush.
I'm not seeing these people wanting to be out of office and the other thing that I differ with Paul on is they passed all of these and the President was so anxious to get Patriot 2 passed and as Alex has chronicled so well on this program
They have done it incrementally, bits and pieces, attaching it to one bill after another, and they didn't get all this power to turn it over to Kerry.
Exactly right.
I do see the neocon cabal becoming extremely dangerous, particularly in the days and weeks just prior to the election.
Thanks a lot, Erskine.
Thank you.
Let's go immediately to Moses in Denmark.
Hi, Moses.
You're on the Alex Jones Program.
Moses, are you there?
Yeah, I'm there.
I want to just say two things.
The first thing is about this U.S.
election is never elected by ballot, by by blot.
The carry will win.
And the second comment I will say, I don't buy these products from these multinational companies anymore.
I think if you buy them, you support Satanism and that like that.
That's my attitude to that.
You support that.
You will gain if you buy the product.
No, Paul isn't here, but when you're talking about the main controllers, I go straight to the banksters and the multinational corporations, and I can't disagree with you.
I buy small family products if I can.
Sometimes I don't can't.
I buy them.
I have a bad feeling in my mouth now.
I don't buy them.
I try to buy.
Product from small family business or middle sized company.
And I analyze and I research companies who are owned by these beets.
And I have a list of all the companies I don't buy.
I'm starting to totally abolish fruit and vegetables that are not organic.
Wait a second, wait a second.
There's a gentleman who wrote a book called Metro Farm.
His name's Olson, Michael Olson.
And he said don't buy any fruits or vegetables without the farmer's picture on it.
You've got a local fruit stand.
Go down and get it from the local fruit stand.
Stay away from the groceries.
Buy whatever you can organically and from the people who grow it who you know.
I know.
I was just saying about this fruit.
Our vegetables, people who sell vegetables, these small vegetable dealers here, a lot of them, if you drink it, it tastes like cocaine if you get less, like fruit or, I don't buy a lot of these small, I heard it tastes like, it tastes a bit small, sweet taste, the cocaine, I don't know, I just heard about it.
Much better.
Much better.
I don't know.
I tried to buy it.
You say this about this picture of the farmer.
We don't have it here.
I don't know.
Well, if you've got a local farmer, or I noticed when I was in Germany, Moses, they have people for their therapy, and it's a wonderful thing.
I was going down on the ICE train, InterCity Express, and you're looking over the side, and everyone has these little gardens, and it's a wonderful thing.
Moses, thanks so much for the call.
Let's go to Nolan in Texas right now.
You're on the Alex Jones Program.
Well, I gotta go with Moses on that.
Not buying from the big corporations and going to get some decent food.
I'm telling you, down there in Texas, if you've got somebody, either grow your own or go to somebody who you know is growing it.
You know where I am, you can go out and you can go to a farmer.
We've got little stands on the side of the road around here and I found a fellow that
He doesn't use very many pesticides.
He says he doesn't like that stuff either.
And the bell peppers and tomatoes at the grocery store have a wax sprayed on them.
You can't scrub it off.
You betcha!
It's messed up.
And messed up!
And that's what happened to my stomach when I was walking through the living room and the Republican convention was on and Arnold was up there.
Wasn't that something?
Wasn't that something?
I used to like him.
And they talked about when he got finished
He's putting out this great thesis and he's such a great actor!
Yeah, no kidding!
You can't convince me he believed that, Kroc!
Well, then he starts talking about the Democrats putting out true lies, and I'm thinking about, yeah, well, you did another movie there, Arnold, called Predator, and that's the way I'm looking at it.
They're predators.
They're preying on the middle class of America.
The elite are preying on the middle class of America.
The top 1% in America control 70% of this country right now, and they're predating on the rest of us.
They really are, Nolan.
You know that.
But try to go anywhere.
You go into a Walmart, you're going to find everything from China.
It's like they are Chinese representative in marketing.
There are just so many products you can't even buy made in America anymore.
Everything is starting to really stink.
But I'm watching Kerry.
Just enough to kind of get the flavor, you know?
I don't want to just focus on him because they all make me sick.
But I see him.
I'm wondering if he is
He's basically self-destructing, in my opinion, and I'm wondering if he's... You know, they're both stolen bones, and they're both members of the same elite group.
They don't really care who's driving the boat.
They're both just shafting America to death anyway.
Kerry doesn't need the job.
It's not like he's not plenty wealthy.
He's married to Hines, and I think that he's setting himself up to not even make a good showing, and if the polls show
That Kerry is going to put in a good show, and even after he's flip-flopped and made an idiot of himself?
That's whenever I'm expecting a major problem in America that we can call a national emergency of just not having an election.
Uh, it could well occur because the President has all the powers where he doesn't even have to call an election.
Nolan, I want to thank you for the call and I appreciate it and keep buying as much locally as you can.
Deal with the little fella that still owns the local this, that, and the other.
I've always been that way.
They're putting money back into your local economy.
The same thing with your local radio stations that you know that are putting money back into the economy.
The local, go down to the diner.
Don't go to the fast food restaurant.
Go to the diner and talk to some people.
See some real people.
Don't just get wrapped up in plastic.
Bad business.
Oh, plastic.
I drink 2 or 3 quarts of water a day out of a glass jug.
No plan.
You're a good man and the other thing is down there in Texas enjoy some good old-fashioned chicken fried steak.
Ain't nothing better.
That's what I hear.
You're not going to get that at McDonald's.
No you don't.
Thank you.
I had fun.
You too.
Now let's go to Austin.
Who am I talking with?
Hi Mo.
Hey it's Mo.
Just talking about the food and everything.
The enigmatic they, the rulers of the world.
Really have their stuff together.
They probably have it set up to where we go to work to make the money to buy the food that makes us sick, get the medicine to make us better, and we can go back to work.
Why don't we have a Diet Coke or a Diet Pepsi with that?
Have your dose of that aspartame and enjoy that methyl alcohol.
Yes, sir!
And then have a supersize it, too.
So they're poisoning us, and then they're sending us back to work.
I mean, do you ever feel like a drone?
I wonder, I wonder I'd like to see some charts like the soda making company, how much money do they have invested in diabetic test strips and insulin production.
It'd just be neat to see some sort of flow chart indicating that.
Well, we've done shows where we've shown the flowchart of the people who were in charge of the FDA and approved the aspartame.
And who was in charge of the FDA?
Who was in charge of Cyril, the company that came out with aspartame, going in and getting it through the FDA?
Donald Rumsfeld.
All this ties up.
He was president of Cyril when Aspartame was approved.
He was the man who got it through the FDA.
Donald Rumsfeld.
The man has no conscience whatsoever.
Ol' Rummy.
Another thing, if we have time, just real quick on Alex's local access show here last night.
They took a call from a gentleman named Ron
Who said that he had gotten, his wife had gotten a phone call from a friend of hers she hadn't heard from in five years that works for Homeland Security.
She said that friend warned her not to be in Austin this weekend.
I just want to say that to not be a sensationalist, but to hopefully dissuade anything from happening anywhere.
I know the fella who called in.
If I hadn't have known who it was, I might have been able to shrug it off just a little more easily.
But I was not pleased at all to hear that.
But we could envision some scenario where something happened and of course they could blame it on the terrorists and say, well they're just trying to get back at Bush.
We just want to say, don't do anything anywhere.
Just keep keeping the peace.
That's your job.
Chill out.
We'll be back on Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for the call, Mo.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
Here's just a sample from my documentary film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
In downtown Seattle today, the First Amendment ended.
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Riot police attacked people on the streets indiscriminately.
The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
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I think so.
Headlines Iraq!
Police fire at reporters as tanks roll up to the shrine.
This is George Bush's war.
He's going to tell it the way he wants it told, and any reporter that doesn't do that will pay the ultimate price, including death, which has already happened.
51 reporters dead in Iraq for telling the truth.
If you don't believe it, you can check out Reporters Without Borders and see how many imprisoned or murdered have been silenced.
They need your support to keep a free press for which they're willing to die.
Without it, you have only a dictatorship.
And isn't that why we're in Iraq?
No matter how things change, they still remain the same.
This is the newfound freedom Bush has for Iraq and has for the U.S.
They're just like us.
They now have controlled media, too.
That's democracy, boys and girls, only in Iraq.
They shoot protesters dead in the streets.
We haven't got to that point yet.
Let's go to Debra in Michigan.
Debra, welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Hello, Debra.
Let's go to Jack in Ohio.
How you doing?
You're great and fabulous.
How about yourself?
How are things in Ohio, the battleground state?
Yeah, well, most people, I think they're just asleep.
I mean, they're like robots, rats in a maze.
The hive mind.
I think you guys are waking them up, though.
Those poles in New York, you know?
Well, when you've got almost 50% of New Yorkers saying, hey, listen, there's something rotten here, then you've got some people waking up.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but most of the people most of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.
Abe Lincoln said that one.
Abe Lincoln said that.
Yeah, I remember that.
And 66% in Canada, I guess.
63% in Canada are awake.
But here's the thing, uh, you know, I don't see how out of a country of 280 million, Bush and Kerry, both third cousins, skull and bones, and they only have 15 members a year now.
Wouldn't that kind of make people suspicious?
Wouldn't you think that of the two people really running, representing each of the major parties in the U.S., they could have got somebody who wasn't skull and bones?
It definitely seems like it, if it wasn't pre-planned and pre-programmed.
Yeah, but if people know this and they still don't wake up, what are they, just ignorant, stupid idiots?
What are they?
Mentally ill?
A lot of people, a lot of people are starting to wake up.
A lot of people are starting to wake up, Jack, and people lose their pension funds, they're looking at Social Security being devastated, they're looking at their sons and daughters dying, and you've got a president talking about where you have peace right now, we're doing much, much better, and you're hearing about the economy's coming along.
Yeah, the economy's coming along, it's coming along down the tubes.
Isn't that something?
If you vote for Kerry, that's just more of a flip-flop of Bush, isn't it?
I don't see any difference between the two.
There are other parties out there... Well, I was going to change things.
Nader, Nader, he just takes the vote away from Bush.
Yeah, I don't know.
You vote for another party because I don't think it really matters if Bush or Kerry.
I think they're both skull and bones.
But not voting is a vote away, isn't it?
Not voting?
Not voting can certainly be a vote.
I mean, if enough people didn't vote, they would know that there's no two-party system.
Well, a lot of us have taken that attitude.
I'm just flat not going to vote anymore because it's just no sense in it.
I don't want to give my vote to either one.
I don't like either one of them.
It's been a while since I was excited about somebody to vote for.
Actually, I've got no bones about it, I'll just flat-tell people.
And no bones about it, no skull or bones about it.
There are two that I liked.
I liked Ross Perot and I really liked Ronald Reagan.
He made me feel very good about being American.
We'll be right back after these brief words with Deborah in Michigan and Joe in Maryland.
Thanks for listening to Alex Jones Show and Jack, thanks for the call.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This Hurskin hosts the Hurskin Overnight, sitting in today only for Alex Jones.
He will be back Monday, Lord willing.
The Greeks don't rise, he doesn't get arrested again.
There have been three attempts to arrest him in New York and we're expecting to hear from him this hour.
We had Paul Joseph Watson, who wrote the book, Order Out of Chaos.
You've got the Alex Jones video, America Dictators, the staged election of 2004.
The election's going to be staged.
You're looking back.
They've got everything in place, the electronic voting, everything in place to stage the election.
They've got all the propaganda machines wrapping it up, really cranking it out.
You watch the staged program.
Oh, that was certainly exciting to see the Republicans and the Democrats.
You're not hearing about anybody else, just those two.
For one week on the Democrats, one week on the Republicans.
It was Skull and Bones night!
Two weeks of Skull and Bones!
They were able to get out their propaganda to learn what's really going on.
Get Police State 1, 2, and 3.
And those living in New York, they may not even have to get the videos because they're witnessing it right now going on.
But Police State 1, 2, and 3.
American Dictators, a new video, 1995 is all that video is.
The American Dictators and Matrix of Evil, and also to get Order Out of Chaos.
This is the one book, this is the best book I have read this year.
I mean, I read it cover to cover twice.
It is fabulous!
Paul Joseph Watson's going to be on my program, Erskine Overnight, coming up on September 11th, 1030 Pacific.
It's going to be three hours later in the Eastern Time Zone, about 1030 Pacific.
Paul Joseph Watson will be on for an hour and a half.
To get that, go to your local radio station.
If they're not carrying Erskine overnight, ask them, why aren't you?
And if you can't get it there, then go to www.GCNLive.com.
Or you can go to my website, if you want to write me, Erskine on radio, E-R-S-K-I-N-E on radio.com, and you'll hear about the new guest, whoever's coming up, and all the previous guests who have been there.
To Alex Jones videos and books, you can call 888-253-3139.
Or go to Infowars.com if you've got a computer.
Either way, you need to get the American Dictators.
Hi Erskine.
God, I listen to you every Saturday night.
I love your show.
Plus you're one of the good folks.
This week I think you're really going to enjoy it.
Can I help you?
You've got a question.
I just want to say something real quick.
The program you're having on Saturday night, I have what you're going to be talking about.
I've been infected with it.
Well, we're going to have Dr. Professor Donald Scott from the University of Ontario on, and it's going to be an amazing program, and like I say, you're welcome.
It's going to be about mycoplasma, right?
Microplasmas, we're going to talk about age, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's, and the other epidemics that the United States of America, we're going to talk about who developed it, where it came from, and hopefully some advice on what you can do about it.
And I love the fact that your show is out of Phoenix.
I just recently moved to Michigan, but I lived in Scottsdale, so I miss it a lot.
Well, what I really wanted to ask you was about the lady who called earlier and the comment that you made yesterday about the thing with the um... I was wondering if you could give more information about the thing with the National Guard and about November the 1st and explain it more.
I will when we get back.
So hold on, Debra.
I'll certainly do that when we get back on Alex Jones' radio program.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance
Use this disaster for a new world order.
A new world order.
Hannah Murray.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Not from Austin, Texas, this is Alex Jones.
We'll be hopefully calling in from
New York City, ground zero, as he did yesterday with an unbelievable report of what's going on in New York.
The report that you're not seeing covered anywhere else.
Not the sugar-coated reports that you're seeing of the 3,000 delegates, but the report of the 300,000 protesters and what's happening to them.
The 300,000 protesters and Alex's report at his own peril.
Much like he did with Bohemian Grove.
This is Bohemian Grove East.
This is the face of the New World Order.
Talking with Debra in Michigan and Debra...
Last weekend on the famous Alex Jones Access television show, Alex displayed the Texas National Guard manual for infrastructure protection.
It was delivered to him by an insider within that program.
The insider called the show and answered Alex's questions about the program and their notification to be deployed on November 1st.
The manual goes into great detail on military takeover of civic authorities, city halls, etc.
Exactly the way Alex documented in his three police state videos made over the last ten years.
That is the report that I have on it.
And it is a manual that was distributed by the Texas National Guard.
Now, this is coming about November 1st.
Could be a critical day for all of America.
It's right before the election.
And is there something coming down at that point?
It would indicate that perhaps there would be something coming up around Halloween or November 1st, which is All Souls Day.
I have no idea.
Let's hope and pray that it isn't, but that is the report and the manual that they're distributing.
That's the issue you were talking about, Debra?
Yeah, I was curious, is it just Texas or is it nationwide?
Well, the manual that Alex apparently received is from the Texas National Guard.
So, if it would be Texas, I would think it perhaps could be nationwide.
I don't know.
That's all the information I have on it.
Well, all I can say, Erskine, is I love listening to you.
I love listening to Alex.
And if it wasn't for people like the both of you, I mean, we'd still all have our head, you know, buried in the sand, you know?
Well, most of the media is controlled, Debra.
You and I both know that.
It's very, very controlled.
So I certainly appreciate everything you've said, and thank you for listening.
You're taking a big chance for all of us, and I really appreciate what you're doing for all of us Americans.
Well, you want to know something?
Living in Scottsdale, we've had the helicopters flying over my house with the bright lights about 30 feet over, just shining on the backyard, that type of thing.
So they're doing a lot of intimidation to myself and other talk show hosts.
People don't like to talk about it.
I haven't mentioned it a lot, but on at least four different occasions, they've been about 30 feet over the house with a light shining right down.
I don't know if they were Sheriff Arpaio's or whose helicopters they were, but it certainly was intimidation.
Well, we all know about Joe Arpaio.
Those of us in Phoenix and Scottsdale do.
Elsewhere, they think he's the toughest sheriff going.
Other places, we look at it as military dictatorship.
The guy is a mental problem.
There's no two ways about it.
I'm not going to comment on that.
I'll drive down the road someday and see those lights flashing on me and you know that.
I don't want to take on every battle.
My pappy once told me, he said, white knights don't always lose.
You know, dragons sometimes get you.
Thanks Debra.
Thank you.
Let's go to Joe in Maryland.
Hi Joe, how are you?
Okay, how are you doing?
Wonderful, fine and dandy on Friday.
You've got a question or a comment?
Actually, I have a comment.
Didn't catch the gentleman's name that called in that had the warning about Homeland Security, the call about Austin?
Yeah, I think that was Moe and Austin who was talking about that.
Let me tell you, that, I believe that's prophetic because I'm telling you, just talking about it right now, I've got the same anointing that I get when evil's present, that Yeshua has given to me, and let me tell you, just
Talking about it, I really believe that something is up.
I mean just by the Spirit of God, only by that I believe something to watch and pray against is what I believe, that we need to really stand against it.
I had on as a guest Norio Hayakawa.
Norio came over here about 10-12 years ago from Japan and he came over to study Area 51.
He came over as a complete atheist, and I'm asking Norio, I said, Well, what's over there in Area 51, Norio?
Tell me, is it alien?
What's over there?
What's going on?
He said, No, no, it's not alien.
And he was talking about, he said, We've got these things up there that they have the holograms, and they've got this, and make you believe this, that, and the other.
And I'm saying, Then Norio, you can't trust your eyes?
He said, No.
You can't trust your ears?
He said, No.
I said, What can you trust?
He said, You can trust the Lord.
You've got to ask.
He said, that's all you can trust.
I said, I thought you were an atheist.
He said, I was, but I'm not anymore.
That's all you can trust.
Smart man.
And let me tell you, by the spirit of God, I believe there's something, you know, I pray that I'm wrong, but I'm telling you, I've been, I just moved from Dade County, Florida.
And I'll tell you what, the devils down there did not need a green card coming across the border.
And let me tell you, I learned a lot about the spirit realm in Florida.
In fact, they tried to kill me five or six different times, but the Lord prevailed.
I'm still here.
But anyway, I think you're doing a fantastic job.
I missed Alex yesterday, of all things, because I had a
I didn't hear it!
I didn't hear it!
Totally amazing.
Alex was talking about they had orange nets where they were just like fishing.
They were grabbing everybody they could.
Reporters, everybody.
He was there at the peril of his life just like he was at Bohemian Grove.
Thank God for Alex Jones standing up and finally getting the truth out that nobody else has been putting out on any of the other news services.
Let me tell you, I've been really praying for a hedge protection.
I think it's got
watching over him and protecting him and for prayers covering him in the lion's den.
Because that's who he is.
He's Daniels in the lion's den.
And it sure sounded like it.
Like I said, I missed Alex.
I caught a little bit of it, but not very much.
My radio kind of went out because I get it on an AM station.
And all of a sudden, boom, I got in a section that I couldn't hear anything.
And I caught just a little bit and not much.
And I'm really disappointed in that.
Thank you so much for the call, and keep praying for Alex's safety as I know we all are.
And let me tell you, here's something else.
You know, we've got that big storm.
With me moving, I lived through Andrea, the hurricane, in 1992, and I'm... Yeah, then they had Charlie, and now they got Fran.
And let me tell you, I have a lot of good friends down there now, and you know, my family, I've got a son there, and two grandchildren, and a daughter-in-law, and
This is very frightening for them, you know.
But anyway, it looks like to me it's going up north a little bit.
I haven't heard an update, but it looks like they're at TV on and trying to listen to you.
It's kind of hard.
Hey, you do a good job.
I wish that I could stay awake after 12 o'clock and listen to you.
I understand.
I understand.
Thank you so much for the call, Jo.
Let's go immediately to Russ in Texas.
Hi, Russ.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Program, Russ.
You're on.
Thank you for taking my call.
I just wanted to bring to the listener's attention two articles from the Associated Press reported yesterday.
One was by a Michael Wiesenstein, Associated Press writer.
The article was entitled, 19 Anti-Bush Protesters Arrested in New York.
Well, that's a rather deceiving title for one.
All 19 of them, huh?
19, yeah.
19, you can count down your fingers and toes to 1700 at least.
Down in the body of the article, it says related arrests for the week numbered more than 1700.
And it said that many of those arrested were being processed from Tuesday's wave of arrests, which totaled more than 1187.
The city's chief lawyer said in court Thursday that 524 anti-GOP protesters remain in custody even though fewer than two dozen were arrested the previous day.
A legal aid lawyer told the court... How could 500 remain in custody when fewer than 24 were arrested?
A legal aid lawyer told the court the figure was closer to 700.
The bulk of the arrests this week were on Tuesday night.
But in the prior paragraph, this reporter wrote that Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said most had been going through the holding facility in about 90 minutes and asserted that no one was held longer than eight hours.
In a follow-up article, in a follow-up article, Associated Press, same day, it says State Supreme Court Justice John Cataldo ordered 470 protesters freed
Including some who had been awaiting arraignment for almost three days.
Now this police commissioner, Ray Kelly, ought to be held accountable for his blatant and just flagrant lies.
These people are liars, they're deceivers, and the press is complicit.
And they, you know, thank God for the alternative press, or for the true press, you know, that you can only find on the internet, because these people are liars.
They need to be held accountable for their lies and their deception.
Now say what you mean, Ross.
Are you saying they're not telling the truth?
Oh, there's no question about it.
Listen to this quote that I started out with, John Ashcroft, 2004.
I'll continue to maintain that Saddam Hussein aided al-Qaeda financially and materially, despite the fact that we know he didn't.
And then he said before Congress, the administration categorically, categorically denies that it authorized the use of torture in Iraq, and I will refuse to release the Department of Justice's letter of sanctioning the use of torture.
Now, talk about liars.
Listen to what these people are saying.
Use your brain, as Paul Joseph Watson says.
Use your brain.
Thank you for bringing that up and bringing out the news, so-called, that we're getting from the mainstream media, but not... Prison, terrorism, chemical attacks, dirty bombs, fallout, biological attack, anthrax, and to top it all off, duct tape and plastic.
Alarming words for our time.
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This is Erskine Guest Hosting for Alex Jones and coming up on my program this weekend at 9 o'clock Pacific Midnight East Coast so if you can stay up and listen first hour without Homeland Security getting upset with you by the time 1 o'clock you may take your little radio and put it under the covers because if you're up over 1 o'clock you know
That's a problem.
But coming up this weekend, Professor Donald W. Scott from Ontario, Canada, offering the startling revelation that the United States government has a patent for engineered pathogenic microplasma.
This is where AIDS and chronic fatigue came from.
He's going to give you the whole rundown how this was developed.
We're losing 8,000 people a day.
8,000 a day from AIDS and the chronic fatigue and why they were developed and how.
Then Michael Brown's going to be with us.
And then finally, Harry Brown.
No, not related.
Harry's going to be talking about freedom and unfree worldwide government doesn't work.
That's 9 o'clock Pacific, midnight
East Coast time.
Be sure to listen to Erskine Overnight this Saturday.
My website, www.erskineonradio.com, where you can contact me.
And then in two weeks, Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos, and also Bob Chapman is going to give us an update as to what's happening economically around the world.
So, a couple of very, very fine shows coming up.
I'd like to thank Alex for the opportunity to guest host, and I'd also like to thank his audience.
You're the best callers and listeners anyone would ever want!
Thank you for keeping up and not being afraid to learn the truth.
Not being afraid to learn the truth.
Did you hear that?
So many Americans today are afraid to even hear the truth.
They don't want it!
They don't want to hear it!
They don't want to know about it!
What's it going to take to wake up Americans, as Al Martin says,
Make NFL pay-per-view.
That would do it.
That'd wake them up.
Domino's doesn't deliver.
And if beer went on strike, most Americans would just say, oh, it's over for us.
We've got to do something.
They'd really be protesting.
But in New York, there are 300,000 protesting right now.
You're not watching it on NBC, CNN.
No, no, you're not.
It's not on CBS.
It's not on ABC.
The only place you can hear about it is right here on the Alex Jones Radio Program, and Alex will be back with you Monday.
Go to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com for an update, and also look at Alex's videos.
They are something.
They are something.
His new video, American Dictators,
The staged election of 2004.
You think the convention was staged when you're watching how pretty Mr. Bush went out and the whole thing and the way that they started with their day of diversity?
I mean, if you were black, you had to picture on TV in the Republican convention.
I mean, they had everybody, every nationality they could come with.
And then the next day is like All-White Day.
It was really weird.
But it's very, very strange.
You think that was staged?
Wait till you see this election coming up.
You can also call and order any of the videos or order out of chaos by calling 888-253-3139.
Meanwhile, our number is 800-259-9231.
And we're going to Richard in Alabama, land of the crimson tide.
Hey Richard, welcome to Alex Jones Radio Program.
Is your Saturday night program on shortwave?
I don't think so, Richard.
I'm sorry.
It's a wasteland Saturday night.
But anyway... Hi!
Yes, sir?
This morning at 10 a.m.
Central Time, I heard on the Information Radio Network News that some American girls had been discovered in Nigeria in an orphanage.
And these girls were supposed to be in the custody of Child Protective Services
And they were supposed to be in a foster home here in America.
But somehow, they got lost and they wound up in Nigeria.
And there's, that, it's been an awful lot of girls getting lost in Child Protective Services.
Because they do have a value, they can be sold in certain parts of the world.
Well, that's not like going to Birmingham and ending up in Huntsville.
I mean, we're talking about from the U.S.
to Nigeria, which also, and we've had Ted Gunderson, we've had John DeCamp on talking about the child pornography and the child slavery that's going on, and this is another part of the New World Order that they're doing.
They're using our children for this, and not only with the child pornography and slavery, but also with the homosexuality.
They're using our children.
In all of this.
We'll be right back.
Don't go away Richard, because I want to talk with you.
And other callers, our number 800-259-9231 looks like may not be hearing from Alex today.
So let's say a real strong prayer for Alex Jones that everything's doing fine in New York.
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Today is the only day you'll hear this ad.
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I'm Jim Babka with downsizedc.org.
In 2002, John Kerry voted for a restrictive campaign finance law.
One provision of that law is that during the final 60 days of this campaign,
Citizen organizations like ours cannot run ads that mention his name, despite his oath to defend the Constitution.
Despite his stated concerns about the constitutionality of the bill, George W. Bush signed it into law.
Tomorrow, if we mention Bush or Kerry on air, we could face big fines, even jail time.
Tomorrow, downsizedc.org won't be able to broadcast this ad.
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I want to invite you to downsizedc.org to tell your representative and senators to repeal this bad law.
That's downsizedc.org.
Don't let your voice be silenced.
Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
Oh, we got the men in black, or the men in black, Johnny Case, talking about the Ring of Fire.
This is the Alex Jones Radio Program.
This is Erskine sitting in for Alex Jones.
Hopefully Alex will be back with us come Monday.
I know we all want to hear what's going on with Alex, and we'll hopefully have an answer for you before this hour is over.
We're talking with Richard Alabama.
Richard, you're going to have to keep your radio, your TV, and your newspaper, and you're going to have to look for those little bitty stories and catch those stories like that one about the girls in
Coming out of the orphanage in Nigeria because you're going to have to look at those very closely.
You catch that story one time and then you're not going to hear it anymore on the major media.
Well, you're right.
The next hour they didn't repeat it.
But maybe it's still up on the IRN website.
If Information Radio News has a website maybe somebody could
Definitely worth going to.
Anything else you want to comment on?
I don't have internet.
I was just hoping that you might be able to research the matter and find it.
We can certainly check into it.
I want to thank you for the call there, Richard, and have yourself a real good day and a wonderful weekend.
Let's go to Tom in North Carolina.
Tom, hey, down on Tar Heel State.
How you doing, Hurston?
You're doing fine and dandy.
Thank you, sir.
One thing I wanted to bring up.
Last month in North Carolina, one of the largest rob and stage operations began with over 4,000 North Carolina National Guardsmen being trained by special forces.
The training is taking place on and off of Fort Bragg, as well as in the wilderness areas in various counties.
Now part of this training is for checkpoints, taking over local county government, law enforcement, as well as search and seizure.
So this has been going on since last month.
And, uh, this is, uh, serious.
And, uh, one other point, uh, over ten years ago, I believe it's Article 74 having to do with unlawful orders.
Most of the Article 72 to Article 74 has been removed from most of the training manuals.
So they're not, uh, teaching our soldiers anything about, uh, having to disobey lawful or unlawful orders.
So I just wanted to bring that point up.
Okay, now these are the new terrorist drills which are being held in cities across the United States.
They've identified some of the cities as New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco, LA.
They will not announce the cities beyond that, nor will they announce the exact timings.
We now know that they're in North Carolina.
They want these to be short notice drills to simulate the most realistic effects.
These drills include a mock terrorist attack using biological, biochemical, chemical and nuclear weapons.
So if Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaeda doesn't bring terror to us, Bush Cheney will deliver terrorism.
It's like George Bush said, we're not going to wait for Osama Bin Laden to terrorize you.
We're going to do it!
Look at ourselves.
Look at what's going on.
This is exactly what's happening.
These are mock drills.
And when they're doing the mock drills, you and I both know they're planning for the real thing.
And who better would know when it's going to happen?
So that is certainly a frightening report there, Tom, that they're doing these drills.
The other thing that happened
I'm trying to think of what state it was where they had a police went in and they ended up taking all the weapons of everybody including an 87 year old woman because one policeman got shot in the shoulder.
This happened about three weeks ago.
They are coming after your guns.
There's no question.
Talking with Debra, and Debra was talking about Arizona.
Arizona and Montana, if they come in and they do a gun confiscation, then both states are thinking about maybe withdrawing from the Union because they aren't going to put up with the gun confiscation or the abolishment of the Constitution.
We've had the Constitution torn to shreds, but it's still hanging on by a very thin thread.
So, Tom, their posse comitatus looks like it's going by the wayside real quick, doesn't it?
Yeah, exactly.
And this is nothing new.
Even if you go into Alex Jones' police state, too, he shows different cities and areas in North Carolina.
Swansboro, for instance, where they took over that town completely.
So in a lot of these new National Guardsmen, I spoke to a few of them.
They're young.
A lot of the older National Guardsmen, they're not even in the country.
Some of them are even sheriff's deputies that have even recently left for Iraq in the last few weeks.
So the older guys, 35 and older, they're out.
You have a lot of young guys in there with the training from the public school system, so they have no idea.
And the young people, they have no idea about unlawful orders.
No, and they also have no idea.
They take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and they have no idea what the Constitution is.
Thanks for the call, Tom.
Let's go to Mark in Rhode Island.
Mark, you're on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Hey, Erskine.
How you doing there, brother?
I just want to let you know you're doing an excellent job, and you and Michael Corbin have done a great job filling in for Alex.
Hey, I really appreciate your whole demeanor and your hearty laugh.
I don't know what state you're from.
But you just sound like a real good guy.
Thank you, sir.
Got a question?
I got a couple of real quick comments you're asking.
Yes, sir.
Did you happen to catch, I know it's pretty difficult for people that are in the know,
Oh, I gotta go.
Thanks a lot there, Mark.
Let's go to Tim in New York.
Tim, welcome to Alex Jones Radio Program.
Well, thank you.
And as a first-time caller, it's wonderful to hear someone taking over for him that is of like mind and fights the fight like you do.
I want to tell you that all you people are empowering a lot of us.
I've made close to 800 copies of Alex's videos and gotten them out.
and uh... having a lot of fun doing that and uh... he has empowered me and uh... i actually have my own local saturday show from noon to one o'clock here on the sunshine radio network in rochester talking about getting out there and doing what we can do.
That's on the Sunshine Radio Network in Rochester.
Yes, absolutely.
Any station you'd like to give out?
1310 AM and 1590 AM.
We're good to go.
12 hours later is Erskine on radio.
Erskine overnight.
So you'll enjoy that program.
It's wonderful.
I'm worried about Alex because he hasn't called in.
Have you had any messages that he is safe?
Uh, excellent question.
We are trying to get in touch with Alex's command center in Texas right now.
As soon as we find out anything, we'll have it on the air, hopefully before we go off this hour.
Thank you so much, so much for the call, Tim, and thanks for making the copies of the Alex Jones videos, and thank you so much for
Really taking the bull by the horns and doing your own program.
God bless you and may it be very, very successful in getting the word out.
Get a copy of Order Out of Chaos.
That's a fabulous book there, Tim.
Got them all.
Got the 9-11 in plain sight, which is another tremendous video.
Having a lot of good success with handing that one out, too.
Show wakes people up and you are part of the reason that
50% of the New Yorkers know what's going on about 9-11.
Let's go to Ken in Kansas City.
It's always good to have somebody giving the truth out, especially like our friend Tim is doing.
God bless you, Tim, for doing that.
Ken in Kansas City, you're on the Alex Jones Program.
Yeah, I appreciate you filling in for Alex, Erskine.
Thank you, sir.
It's an honor.
I've called in before and talked to Alex.
I had a couple of points I wanted to make.
You know, this man mentioned these girls over in, you know, they were sent over to Africa or whatever.
Right, so Nigeria from the homes here in America, right?
Yeah, the place that I worked before, that's been four or five years ago now, I was required, we did work with the European Union and ISO 9000.
And I had to send a personnel questionnaire and a job questionnaire to them when I worked there.
I've been on disability now for quite some time.
Also, with reference to the Republican Convention, I've got that all on tape if Alex needs it.
I put it on VCR.
I noticed that though they're talking, well they didn't mention anything about the New World Order on there.
Well of course not.
Of course not.
And they were bad mouthing Kerry.
They were talking about him going to the UN.
But I saw on a news broadcast and that was during this week.
Saw that Owen Powell was overtalking the European Union.
I don't doubt it.
Thanks a lot for the call, Ken.
Let's go to Art in Kansas City, or rather in Kansas, and one of the things that Ken was talking about is, sure, they're not going to talk about the New World Order.
Of course not!
It doesn't exist, don't you know?
The only person who talked about it was George Herbert Walker Bush.
He said, we have a New World Order.
He told you it's here, okay.
Doesn't have to beat you over the head with it.
Enough said.
Art, you're on the Alex Jones Radio Program.
Hi, Erskine.
Hi Art.
Speaking of the New World Order, there's a great little book called The Insiders by John McManus.
It's a great book.
It really is.
It's got the latest list of all these insider creeps and the corporations who support them.
You've got the corporations and the banksters and you've got the same people on the board of directors of all of these companies.
They're all intertwined.
It's very incestuous how you've got them all intertwined and intermarried into these groups, isn't it?
Well, yeah, but this, I mean, this lists the actual corporations.
So you know who you're buying stuff from is supporting them.
Sure that you are.
And there are very few places where they aren't supporting them when you're talking major corporations.
It's like Nolan and Mo and Moses was talking about.
Especially Moses was talking about it from Denmark.
Buy from the small local people who you know.
Okay, now here's my main point.
What worries me about this convention and all the melee in New York
There's always a good little Nazi someplace willing to do this against their own citizens for a paycheck.
Just the same as Hitler or anybody else.
And as the one lady was talking about, if they come in with the new draft, then that is going to essentially beat the Brownshirts.
We're going to have them so indoctrinated, you won't be able to see straight.
I know it!
And it's local government, it's county, it's whatever, they all do it.
Whatever the paycheck covers.
But you know last night,
That whole convention reminded me of Hitler and the Brownshirts.
I mean, did you see the looks on those people's faces?
Yes, yes I did.
They were mesmerized.
And they did everything except, uh, Zick Heil, didn't they?
If he had said that, they would have said that.
I know, it was disgusting.
Thanks for the call, Art, I appreciate it.
Let's go to Joyce.
Joyce, uh, I think you're in Texas, aren't you?
Hi, yes.
Hi, welcome to Alex Jones Program.
We're going to have to be real quick because we're close to the end of the hour.
Alright, what I have is real quick.
I'm calling from Houston, which is where those kids from Nigeria were from.
Oh, okay.
The previous caller.
It was boys and girls.
What happened with that, I've been following the story in the paper.
The mother wanted to take a job in Iraq for Kellogg Brown and Root.
She enrolled the seven children in boarding school in Nigeria.
He says he never got the money.
Long story short, the kids, the tuition ran out, the kids were kicked out of school, ended up in the orphanage.
A minister from San Antonio found them there and brought them back to the states.
But that was the information behind that story.
I appreciate the caller.
He's paying attention to these stories about kids.
Kids definitely need to be watched out for.
But I just wanted to give him a little bit of information.
Pay attention to kids.
You better believe it.
And thanks for the information on that.
And I am sure that
That they'll be happy to know that it wasn't as nefarious as it may have sounded.
Let's go to... Yes.
Yeah, it's still a bad situation, but it's not quite as bad as it could have been.
You got it.
You got it.
Keep your eyes and ears open, though, but don't go off to extremes because sometimes the answers are not as complicated and sometimes they are not definitely as convoluted as you might think.
But I appreciate that.
Thanks for straightening that story out, Joyce.
That's wonderful.
That's the advantage of doing talk radio.
You get to hear a story and then someone else comes in and says, well, here's what really happened and here's the way it happened.
And that's great!
That is great!
That's what it's all about!
Thanks Joyce!
You're welcome!
All this is from the Houston Chronicle, so anyone can go to their site online and find this.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to Darren.
Darren in Colorado.
Yes Darren, you're on.
Thank you very much.
I have something real important I'd like to try to get across.
Their goal is to send us into chaos.
The way they can do that is, think of, you know, everything has a weakness.
And I found a weakness possibly with the Constitution.
I'd like to fill that hole so it's not a weakness anymore.
It gives us freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to defend that assembly with the Second Amendment, to challenge their authority in case we think they're taking yours and mine and everybody else's loved ones' future away from them.
Well, that challenges the whole government as a whole.
It's unjust because it includes the good and the bad together.
It's against the mother.
Her son is in the military.
He might be sent against that, that lives next door.
It's against the police officer down the street.
It's against the Congress.
It's against the mayor, the police chiefs, everybody.
So, when they have a thousand police out there,
And you're one that doesn't agree.
You don't know whether the 999 others agree, so you keep quiet, grab your billy club, and do your work because you want your paycheck.
They haven't got a package to turn to.
So, if we change that, and work toward giving a refuge to these police officers in the message.
In other words, you don't say, the government's this, the government's that, we're challenging their authority.
Let's give these guys, work, put the whole message toward building them a refuge.
Our ATF, FBI, CIA can't go to work, protect their families at home, and they need that refuge.
They would support it.
The difference is this.
Under the Constitution, everybody in the government that would be sent against that refuge wants the public to sign it.
Change the whole message.
And say, let's build a refuge for each of these officers.
Or right up to the President, they might need the refuge too.
Congressmen, everybody.
Then everybody in the government wants you harmed, because when they go to work they want to know their family's safe at home, and who's better to do that than the neighbor who's been loving his next-door neighbors himself, doing the good deed, standing firm from their neighbor.
Then they can't send us into chaos because your message wasn't against the government, your message was for the good of the government.
And I'm, as I read the Constitution, Second Amendment, it is to protect us from the government that we're given the right to bear arms.
I want to thank you for the call and I think we've got just barely enough time.
Let's go again to Mark in Rhode Island and we'll get back and we'll talk to George in Pennsylvania.
Thank you for listening to Alex Jones Radio Program.
If we have any updates on Alex, we'll certainly get to it in the next five or ten minutes.
Thank you for listening.
This is Erskine.
I think so.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Either you're going to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything.
Let's go to Mark again, Rhode Island.
Very quick, Mark has got two other callers.
Thanks, Erskine.
I'm sorry I had to hang up quickly.
You know, there was a reference actually in the convention last night of what little I watched.
The phrase was, we will not be stopped.
And number two, I just want to thank God for all the women out there that do call on Alex to show.
I know, you know, these subjects are very, can be very frightening and scary and women in general tend to
shy away from it.
I don't want to deal with it.
But I noticed there are a lot of women, young and old, that call up that are aware and that have woken up to all this.
And number three, Kirsten, I'd just like to say that there's so many Americans out there that really need to wake up.
And when we do wake up, we will be like a sleeping giant.
Maybe we can't stop this with God's help.
Absolutely, and with God's help.
And you've got people like our friend Tim up there in New York, who's on Rochester 1310 AM, 1590 AM on Saturdays.
He's got his own radio show going now.
He has made 800 copies of Alex's tapes.
This is what is going to count.
And if you believe that there's a final analysis, or even if you don't, I don't want to be standing up there and saying, well, you know, I tried to sort of get along and do everything pretty much right to just sort of go along and get along.
Yeah, that's what you want to say when the final day comes.
Let's go to George in Pennsylvania.
George, quick comment?
Yes, you're on.
This is Alex Jones Radio Show.
You're on.
I heard you mention something about two states were thinking about backing out of the Union.
Which two were those again?
Montana and Arizona, they've got things going before the legislature of both of those states.
You know, it was tried by, like, the entire South.
I don't know where that's going to go, but at least there are two states that have resolutions, at least before their legislature, that if they take away guns, if they try to do away with the Constitution, that these two states want out.
Things are real interesting here.
How long do you think it'll be before it gets real interesting?
Oh, I think it's interesting every single day, George.
Every single day.
More and more things that you're seeing.
More and more reports.
I mean, you had the report of the lady who was taken off of the cruise ship in shackles because a year before she didn't pay a $50 fine for leaving marshmallows at Yellowstone Park.
Took her off a cruise ship in shackles for that.
What are we coming to in this nation?
For goodness sake, what are we coming to when they take away... I'm looking at... left a bag of marshmallows and what are you going to have?
Like from the movie, the Ghostbusters?
The Marshmallow Man rise up?
Is that what they're scared of next?
Who knows?
So that's what's happening.
Yes, I heard Dave and Joyce mention Buffalo, New York had a big concentration camp up there.
One of them FEMA camps and they mentioned a list of them and I was wondering if
You can find out that list from them.
Repeat that on the show, if you could.
Well, I'm not sure about that.
I've heard that there are over 200 secret camps, and I know that the figure that was done, there is $3 billion for the CLIF.
That's the Civilian Labor Force that has gone in, and these are essentially concentration camps with a red and blue list.
Newswatchmagazine.org has a thing posted on the internet where they're showing UN vehicles coming in through Fort Beaumont, Texas.
Thank you, George.
Thanks for the call.
Listen to Erskine overnight, please.
This is Saturday night at 9 o'clock Pacific, midnight, East Coast.
Thank you.
Thank you for great listeners.
And thank you, Alex, for letting me sit in.
This is Erskine saying, have yourself a great weekend and Alex will be back with you Monday morning!