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Name: 20040901_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 1, 2004
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And good day to all.
Again, Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex, who's in New York City covering the Republican National Convention.
And we've been covering that.
He's been covering that for the last couple of days.
He's going to be there for the next several days, covering the Republican National Convention.
He will be joining me live, as he did the last two days, from New York to give us an update on things that are going on out there, things he's observing.
He's got a film crew, a camera crew out there, and he's covering the thing as really, really good.
And as we heard yesterday in his report, there's a lot of things going on out there.
So we'll get to him today and also Paul Joseph Watson will be joining me at the bottom of this hour and he'll be bringing us up to date on PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Paul is also the author of Order Out of Chaos and we've got a lot of ground to cover actually and I want to invite you first of all to go to Alex's website at www.infowars.com.
He's got a picture up there of the Fuji blimp that he was reporting about yesterday.
It's very interesting because this blimp is unloaned to the New York City Police Department, maybe even probably the state of New York, but who knows.
But nevertheless, it's packed with state-of-the-art electronic surveillance gear.
And it's kind of interesting because in the article that is there with that picture of that blimp, what's really interesting is that article talks about the fact that Fuji
basically makes their blimp available to folks like the police departments as they're passing through and I'm kinda wondering in some ways when they say they're passing through where they passing through from and where they going now there's an innocuous part of that as well because you know we know blimps are used at sporting events, Goodyear blimp over football games and that type of thing but a couple of years ago I saw an article in one of the tech magazines I believe it was
Aviation Week and Space Technology, I believe.
They were talking about blimps, high-altitude blimps, that are capable of flying at about 80-90,000 feet for sustained amounts of time.
And they are, as I possibly understand it, they are in use today.
And of course, their job is to surveil.
And I just really think that it's kind of interesting that
This kind of technology is in place and probably is being used as we speak because again, you know, we know there's a lot of activity in New York but that place is really locked down and it's locked down tight.
We've heard some very interesting stories about things that are going on with the crowds there.
The Zogby poll indicates that a lot of people do not believe President Bush.
They believe that there was some involvement at some level.
uh... by the president and others in the in the government on nine eleven and of course uh... these are people also asked the people if uh... they thought that a new investigation was in order and of course uh... an overwhelming number of sixty five percent said yes they thought that uh... a reinvestment a new investigation was in order and that elliot spitzer the attorney general from the new york should panel
A new investigative team to look at 9-11 and what happened.
So again, I think that we actually are turning the corner here because all indications are that a lot of people are fed up.
And another interesting thing that's on Alex's website is the story about the Cary Daughters being put out on MTV and being booed.
You know, MTV, as we know, was always a big fan of people like Bill Clinton.
And of course, John Kerry would have been their pick.
But it's kind of interesting, because when they brought the Kerry daughters out on stage, they were booed and jeered.
So, I think on both sides of the fence, the game is about up.
Anyway, we'll come back.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we continue again.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex who is away in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Now I'm here with you today, tomorrow and Friday.
Erskine is going to fill in for Alex and Alex will continue contacting, calling in live from New York each one of those days to update us on what is going on out there.
I just want to say I've really enjoyed sitting in for Alex.
It's been an honor to do that.
And I've enjoyed all the callers.
The whole thing has been just wonderful.
I really enjoy it.
And I am the host of A Closer Look, which is heard on the Genesis Communications Network Monday through Friday, 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain Time, 7 to 10 Eastern.
And we do a similar kind of program.
We cover the political topics and current events, and we take a closer look.
So I invite you to join me on that program.
My website address is www.4acloserlook.com.
If you can't get the radio program, if you don't get the radio program and you want to listen to it live on a live internet stream, you can go to that website and there is a link to the stream or you can go to GCNlive.com and select a live audio stream that way as well.
One other thing, too, I want to mention to program directors that are listening to the program, if you want to carry our program, A Closer Look, or any of the other GCN programming, just contact GCN and talk to their technical people and get the scoop on how that's done.
GCN has got a really good lineup of hosts and programs.
And if you want to get more of that, just give GCN a call.
Okay, now, let's move on here.
Going back to Alex's website at www.infowars.com, there are some really, really interesting stories there that are unfolding or breaking as we're talking now.
For example, there is, again, I was talking about the Fuji blimp that is there in New York, high above the action, which is tied into the ground command center that has been established
For the Republican National Convention.
It's the command center that is commanding everything.
It's like the nerve center that is commanding everything.
And it's keeping everything as tight as they can.
The problem is that there are a lot of people there that are very, very unhappy with the things that are going on.
I want to applaud a lot of those people out there, the protesters, for their peaceful demonstrations because
We kind of touched on this yesterday.
It's so vitally important not to allow the provocateurs to get things stirred up so bad that there is an outbreak of violence.
President Bush would love nothing more than to have an excuse to slap down martial law, call out the heavy troops, and then see where that goes.
And of course, I think in some ways the agenda that the provocateurs have
On the ground, and we've seen this in other places like the WTO, the provocateur's agenda is to create or cause civil disobedience to the point that the heavy-handedness has to take place.
And it is not, in my opinion, this is not the way that we want to see things go because they are looking for an excuse.
I mean, consider the fact that all it takes
anymore with the way that things are being portrayed to us in the psychological warfare that the government has launched on us.
Everybody's kind of on a hair trigger.
Again, yesterday we were talking about some of the anger of people.
The thing is that what we need to really do is we need to encourage this anger to be directed at positive proactive action that would
Basically, let our politicians know that we're not taking any more of their stuff.
Now, what does that mean?
That means, of course, that you vote, and you contact your politicians, you write letters to them, and you talk to other people.
And education is a very vital and important aspect of this as well, because I'm amazed, and I'm sure a lot of you are too, because a lot of people listening to this program
Are very constitutional minded and know and understand what the Constitution is and how we are, it's us.
And a lot of people don't need to be told that, but I'm amazed at how many people don't know what it's all about.
I mean, even in this election, you can talk to people on the street and you can ask them who they're going to vote for.
And they give you the answer and then you say, well, why do you vote for that person?
What is that person?
What's appealing to you about that person?
And you're very hard-pressed in a lot of cases, especially among younger people.
You're very hard-pressed in most cases to find any kind of an intelligent answer.
It's mostly based on emotional reactions to the propaganda that's being put out there.
You know, the anything anybody but Bush campaign is nothing more than a partisan campaign to basically keep everybody corralled into the bipartisan camp regardless of who they vote for.
And of course, Alex's video, American Dictators, this is his new video, American Dictators, shows and demonstrates this dynamic.
Because what happens is, if they can keep you corralled
Into the bipartisan camp, meaning that you're either Democrat or Republican.
If they can keep you in that camp, they've got you.
Because it doesn't matter who you vote for, it doesn't matter anymore who becomes President.
Because either way, the New World Order wins.
Kerry and Bush are cousins.
And they're also members in Skull and Bones.
Now, this is the problem that I'm talking about here, is that it doesn't matter to the New World Order, to the architects of that, it doesn't matter, because they are controlling both sides.
And this is kind of the Hegelian dialectic, which has been used so many times in politics.
It's been used for centuries, actually, throughout the world.
I mean, you can look at, trace conflicts in societies, in countries, you can trace these conflicts
And you can, if you get into it and you follow the money and you look at what's going on, you begin to realize that provocateurs and agents, agentures of the architects of the New World Order, are always present.
They're stirring up both sides.
And of course, you know, you take this on a bigger scale around the globe, the whole Middle East activity out there.
Things that happened in Spain before the election.
The socialists, the Ba'athists, were blamed for the bombing in Spain a week before the election.
And bingo!
They got a socialist in office.
And of course, this is the problem on a bigger scale.
This is where all of this goes.
And these guys on both sides of the aisle, Bush and Kerry, one's fascist, one's socialist.
That's what you're getting.
You're getting either fascism or you're getting socialism.
But, you know, a lot of people think that fascism is extreme right.
Actually, fascism is left.
So, again, when I'm making the statement that Bush is no conservative, the Republican Party is not a conservative party, then you have to come to the logical conclusion that they're both on the left.
They have to be on the left, because any time that you have social welfare, it is a socialist ideal
To redistribute your wealth.
It's forced charity.
It's robbery.
And it's wrong.
And there is a lot of people out there that find benefit in that, and that's why they want the Democrats to win.
They find benefit in that because they can enrich themselves off of your money.
But, conversely, in Bush's camp, he signed the largest spending bill in the history of this nation.
Is that a conservative?
Look at your Republican candidates.
Look at your Republican representatives.
All of them are right there in the game, trying to get spending bills passed.
And, you know, this is not conservative.
Not conservative at all.
But anyway, be sure and check out Alex's new film, American Dictators.
Again, the subtitle of it is Documenting the Staged Election of 2004.
A quote from Alex on this is,
The future but we've studied human history and regardless of who wins November election 2004 the new world order wins and that is a quote from Alex Jones and of course he's right because like I said they are controlling both sides and as long as they can keep you corralled into that camp they're going to stay in power and you're going to be
Your country and everything else is going to be sold out from under you.
That's where all of this is going.
Very scary.
That's why I think that it's very, very worthwhile to start looking very seriously about getting a third-party candidate elected.
You know, to me it's vitally important that we need to start working toward that end.
And send this message, because believe me, these yahoos here, these guys, Bush, Kerry, and all those partisan politicians,
They do watch.
They do watch.
They watch the numbers.
They start seeing these kinds of trends.
It's going to put them on notice.
And of course, they're going to have to take a long, hard look at it.
And of course, that kind of thing will trickle down to your local politicians if you let them know, you're not going to go for this anymore.
That's, I think, how we start taking our country back.
But again, as I said, education is vitally important.
You need to help spread the word.
To people that you talk to on the street, because the more people that start waking up and realizing we live in a republic, okay, and we need to take our country back, the more people that start realizing what the concepts are behind the Constitution get reacquainted with it.
It's like blinders, it's like scales falling off their eyes, because they say, wow, you know, this is the way things should be, and this is the way things were set up, and this is the way they need to get back to.
Check out the website at www.infowars.com, www.prisonplanet.com.
Alex has all of his videos and books there.
You can order online from those two websites or you can call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Again, 888-253-3139.
American Dictators.
We'll be right back after the break.
Check it out.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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We continue 1-800-259-9231.
Again, Michael Corbin is sitting in for Alex Jones.
Alex is going to be joining me next hour to talk about the current update
Live from New York at the Republican National Convention, also coming up the bottom of the hour today, Paul Joseph Watson will join me, and we will do some updates on some of the things that are going on in his neck of the woods.
He, as you know, Paul is Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also the author of a book called Order Out of Chaos.
Very interesting stuff, and as I said, it seems to me that with the kinds of things that are starting to happen here,
That I think we're finally starting to turn a corner.
As Alex says, you know, there's a war on for your mind.
There's an information war.
And I think that we're turning the corner.
And I think that things are starting to swing back the other way.
Because I think the pendulum has swung as far as it's going to go to the other extreme.
And I think it's going to start coming back.
And this is a really, really good time.
Because so many people are disenfranchised.
This thing with 9-11.
Put the ball into motion.
It just goes on and on and on, and it's like living in a parallel universe, because we're running one track here, and we know what's going on, and you see these politicians parading one after the other, just at the RNC.
Parading one after the other, up to the microphone, everything's wonderful, we're making headway, we're starting to win this game.
Bush, of course, yesterday, I think it was yesterday, he admitted that he doesn't think we can win the war on terror.
Now, you know, of course we can't win the war on terror.
We have been telling him that for a long time, and if he had any sense about him, he would know that there's no way to win the war on terror.
A faceless, nameless war.
Just like the war on drugs.
So, you know, but his statement is indicative of the idea that he wants to keep the war on terror in perpetuity.
He wants to keep this thing going
and going and going until they have got the infrastructure built so you know the other thing about this whole thing about the total information awareness and all of this the infrastructure is not there it's not built yet okay and that is what John Poindexter was kicking into motion with the Defense Intelligence Agency and TIA and letting out these huge... we're having this like an orgy of contracting that is going on right now everybody's getting their their foot in the door
To devise technology to enslave us.
And there is pools of money there for them to do that.
And the whole war is outsourced.
I mean, take a look at it.
This is what's going on.
These guys are doing this because it's about money and control and power.
They want the world under their wing.
They want to take us under their thumb.
And we're, in some ways,
A lot of people in their attitudes are, why not?
Because they can protect us from terrorism.
They can protect us from ourselves.
I mean, you know, that's basically essentially how they think.
And it's a real sad state of affairs in my opinion because, number one, they can't protect us.
Bush himself has admitted that war and terror may never end.
That maybe we can't win that war.
Anybody liberty-minded, any liberty-minded people will understand and realize that that's why you keep your guns.
Because your responsibility is to protect yourself and your family and your property.
That is a God-given right.
They have no authority, the state has no authority to take that away.
None at all.
They have no authority to give you rights either.
Because rights only come from the Creator.
And that is the beautiful part about a Bill of Rights and the Constitution and the great country that we are.
Because we recognize the inalienable right.
And again, we have to be responsible for ourselves.
And so that's, you know, to me that's the bottom line.
And we need to get politicians elected.
Get them in office.
We need to get the politicians in office that understand that and realize that they are the servants of us.
And that that is their only job.
Not to go out and make big deals, not to outsource the government, not to enrich themselves and all their friends in this cronyism.
It's just totally ridiculous.
Okay, coming up again, as I said, we're going to take a break.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll take your calls.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Also, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv,
And PrisonPlanet.com will be joining me.
And get to those websites.
Get to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Check out the video, the newest video, American Dictators documenting the staged election of 2004.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
And the battle goes on.
Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones.
Our number today 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231.
Give us a call.
Joining me now is Paul Joseph Watson who is Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv
And PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also author of Order Out of Chaos.
And good day to you, Paul.
How are you doing?
Good to be back, Michael.
It's good to have you back.
And I'm on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
I invite the listeners to check out the website.
There's a lot of interesting stories there.
Let's cover a couple of them, okay?
What's really hot today?
Well, I mean, most of the stories on the website and the police date section are obviously about what's been going on at the convention and just to bring listeners up to speed.
I was up until around 5am last night and into this morning keeping track of what was unfolding in New York.
And the events that have taken place have been completely blacked out by the establishment media.
Let's start with the arrest numbers, and this is possibly something you can ask Alex later.
CNN is reporting 900 arrests made yesterday in total.
And yet this completely contradicts every eyewitness report that I came across last night.
The people on the ground were saying at least a thousand had been arrested by 8pm and it wasn't until 9pm that most of the mass roundups and police brutality began.
As Alex mentioned yesterday, we had more reports of police using bikes and mopeds to simply run into people at high speed.
And it's interesting that they used plain-clothed cops to do this, because according to the New York Daily News, that was the case.
Now, obviously people are going to be wary of the police and, you know, get out of the way if they see them coming at them.
They're not going to be expecting anyone, you know, in a shirt and jeans to just plow into large groups of people, which is what was reported.
So I found that quite interesting.
Furthermore, in the same article, the Daily News reports that they've been using these giant plastic nets to simply trap people and keep them in one position, including scores of journalists and tourists who were, you know, simply walking out of the subway and documenting what was going on.
Um, but Mayor Bloomberg came out with an interesting statement, um, in the same article.
He said, quote, this isn't something like it's supposed to be a fair fight.
We have laws, he fumed.
You break the law and you're going to find yourself arrested.
End of story.
For the mass arrest.
Which were taking place yesterday, were just completely random sweeps of anyone.
They hadn't broken any laws, as is proven by the, um, paperwork when these people were being processed at what's called Pier 57, which is the temporary camp they've set up where they cram people into these tiny cages.
Um, when these people were released, the police would write, don't know, next to, um, you know, the entry for the reason for arrest, which strongly suggests
That it was just an order from above to conduct these mass roundups on a large scale with no reason for arrest?
Well, you know, I think in a lot of ways this benefits them in a couple of ways.
And that is that it's given them an opportunity to have a real trial run in real time with handling masses of people for the eventual
uh... you know the total police state kind of thing because uh... it to me it when you see this kind of thing going on uh... as we talked yesterday it's so vitally important uh... that uh... that the protesters maintain a peaceful stance uh... to keep from having uh... bush to have an excuse to uh... to call out the heavy hitters uh... the troops uh... you know the thing is though is that they are it looks to me in some ways that they may be you're doing a real-time uh... examination of how
Their system works.
Well yeah, undoubtedly they're kind of oiling the cogs of the police state.
But the only aggression that I came across was coming from police, and mainly plain-clothed police.
We had reports of undercover cops hitting old ladies in the face, people being thrown to the ground, people being thrown against walls.
And later on in the night, and Alex has talked about this a lot, they actually
Rolled out the Y Armoured Humvee which holds the sound weapon, the acoustic audio weapon, which is designed to disperse large groups of people by emitting this piercing noise at high decibels.
that the uh... associate press report on last week thankfully they didn't use it but i don't i don't doubt that we'd you know we'll see it's reappearance later this week something even more sickening was there was actually from the eyewitnesses uh... a policy in place to arrest uh... medical personnel on mass so that when the uh... handcuffed protesters who were brutally beaten in several different areas of the city
When they were beaten, they couldn't get treatment because all the medics had been arrested.
I mean, you know, how sick is that?
Yeah, that's very sick.
Very, very sick indeed.
You know, the other thing, there's a couple of other things I'm seeing here on the site at PrisonPlanet.com, and that is that you've got some stories on here about this eight-year-old arrested, taken to adult jail for throwing a basketball at a child.
And this follows on from previous stories, such as the one where a high schooler was arrested for wearing a baseball cap backwards.
And again, this third grader, I believe it was in New Mexico, threw a basketball at a child and refused to return to class.
So, I mean, they called the police and then later on the child was thrown into an adult
Well, it wasn't a juvenile facility, it was an adult facility, harangued by the fellow inmates, taunted, and then only released later on, and the parents are filing a lawsuit against it, but again, it's another example of this police mentality where they will pick on the most defenseless individuals and target them.
Yeah, and the final thing I want to talk about before we get to some callers and that is I heard that Bush had said yesterday, I believe it was yesterday, that we can't win the war on terror and I see an article here under the general section at PrisonPlanet.com where it says Bush has recanted and says terror war will be won.
What do you know about that?
Well, he came out with the comment that it can't be won on Monday on a TV interview.
He actually called into the Rush Limbaugh show yesterday in a big, you know, staged event and reversed his position, you know, the neocon worshippers.
But, in a sense,
The original comment is right for two reasons.
One, we know who's behind the terror and it's the people above Bush who are writing his scripts.
And two, even if you do believe that there are these independent terrorist groups, you can never completely eradicate terrorism because it's not a physical thing, it's a tactic.
It's just a word, basically.
I mean, but Bush isn't making these comments for those reasons.
We've been told many times that it's a war which will not only last our lifetimes, but a war which will potentially never end.
And in a permanent state of war, there can exist a permanent police state and a permanent climate of fear, which will then obviously coerce people into giving up their rights in the name of security.
So, Bush's comments are really, you know, the same conditioning mechanism to try to hoodwink people into living in this never-ending state of fear.
And remember what Bush said right after 9-11, the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom.
And he was right, the military-industrial complex attacked us because they hate our freedom, and now they are pushing the agenda to take that freedom away.
As I was mentioning earlier, it's an example of the Hegelian dialectic, because they control both sides of a conflict, but they gotta have conflict going.
And of course, you know, the Cold War is supposedly over.
We needed a new enemy.
And I think that's what this whole war on terror is cut out a whole cloth that way.
Because it supplants the Cold War as the new enemy, and it proposes to go in perpetuity, which is what they are basically
Saying that it's going to do it.
It could go generations.
It could never end.
Well, yeah, and they seek to make it immediate to people's personal lives and not just something which is happening in some foreign country.
Which is why in my country, in Britain, every couple of months they have these, what they call mass terror sweeps, where they will arrest 15 to 20 individuals.
Say they were planning to, you know, poison the London Underground or something like that.
It'll be front page headline for three days and then quietly a week later the vast majority of those individuals are released with no evidence against them and it's in the back of the paper but what that does is it makes the people of Britain think that, you know, there are these groups of terrorist cells running around in their neighborhoods planning to blow stuff up so they try and bring it, you know, they try and give it that sense of immediacy so people feel all the more threatened by it and kowtow into fear.
Very dastardly, I'd say.
Hey, let's take some calls.
We've got Bob calling in from Michigan.
Good day, Bob.
You're on the air.
Hello there, Mike and your guest.
Yes, sir.
Hey, I've got two brief subjects.
I don't want to hog the lines, but I just want to clear something up on yesterday where this guy called in.
He sounded like a liberal because of the way he mentioned Paul Harvey.
I did not say, shoot the protesters.
I'm a protester in government.
Uh, which is my next subject, every single day.
I said, the ones that use lethal force, like the Molotov cocktails, trying to kill that policeman, I said, they should be shot.
But anyway, this other subject that bothered me very bad is, the reason why we got such a divided country is because, uh, like, we have a divided government.
On one side they're saying, let's try to defeat terrorism, yet you have the INS,
Letting these illegals run around the country and even get away with murder.
I faxed in a thing to Ed Jones.
He said, go ahead, send it in to prove to him an Associated Press story by Michelle Malkin.
You probably know her.
Yeah, Michelle Malkin.
She told of where an illegal alien murdered a deputy in the state of Washington
And got away with it.
Now how can we just sit back and be responsible citizens and depend on the federal government to protect us when they let these people come in and run around the country and even get away with murder?
Now listen to you, I'm done.
Okay, thanks Bob.
And in response to your first comment, you know, I understand what you're saying about that they should be dealt with harshly and shot if they use any kind of lethal force against the police, which
I think in a lot of ways that is the standard operating procedure of the police department, but the thing is, is that we still have to be mindful of the fact that we have got to not give them an excuse to drop the hammer down on everybody, and that's exactly what those provocateurs are trying to do.
In response to your second question, or second comment, I agree that we are a divided nation, but you can, again, look at all these issues.
There are double standards here.
There are double standards in play.
The immigration, the illegal immigration issue is one of those kinds of things and how it's plugged into the war on terror is another because they're talking about we've got to stop the terrorists from coming in the country.
They've spent millions if not billions of dollars on airport security but yet they do not do anything at the border and they allow tens of thousands of people in this country a month
And the INS guys that are down there on the border are not allowed to do anything about it.
So there is a double standard, but as far as the division in this country, you can just look at the two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, and I've talked about that earlier, that it doesn't matter which side you're on, they're controlling both sides.
And that's something we have to start recognizing.
You got any comments on that, Paul?
Well, I mean, going back to the first comment about the protesters, the bottom line is that even if you don't agree with some of what these people are protesting about, and in fact some of them were pro-immigration protesters, the onslaught of brutality that they faced last night is a complete insult to the Constitution and any notion of freedom.
The mainstream media, the establishment media, completely blacked it out, even though it's, you know, a so-called liberal media conspiracy, but they blacked it out.
And all we hear about today is how great Arnold's speech was, you know, and how Dick Cheney's looking a little bit under the weather.
But don't forget that this police state, when Kerry's elected, it will rain down on pro-life, anti-immigration, and pro-Second Amendment protesters.
So I mean, the system's in place, so to support a crackdown on left-wingers is only, you know, digging your own grave when a Democrat gets in power, and all this rains down on right-wing protesters.
Absolutely, and the fact still remains that under the Constitution, everybody has a right to voice their opinion and their dissent.
If they don't like something, that's their right to do it.
This is the idea, though, is to inflame one group over another.
And that's what they really specialize in doing.
Last night and into today, so that's what we need to be wary of.
These individuals are there to be violent often, as we've seen numerous examples in the past, under the protection of the government.
Absolutely, that's the sad fact of the whole thing.
Let's take a call, Regina in Pennsylvania.
Good afternoon, Regina, you're on the air.
Hi, I just wanted to call in because as far as you had mentioned yesterday, somebody called in that third party can't win.
I also like Michael Badner, except that his position on abortion, libertarian parties, is really with, you know, right now Laura Bush standing up and defending her husband with fetal tissue and vaccinations and her defending her husband.
He's the first man that's opened up the door for us to taxpayer fund fetal tissue research.
And, you know, with Carrie coming up and
Once the door is open, he's going to open it more when we can use the fat tissue and the umbilical cord to accomplish this.
We don't, for stem cells, we can get it that way.
And I just want to say that the petitions that were passed around Pennsylvania for Michael Peruca, there were presidential electors listed.
So I would just want to suggest that maybe you get Michael Peruca, Chuck Baldwin, or even Michael Bagnerich on.
The reason Michael Bagnerich, he also
If you could question him on the illegals, because I understand that he isn't too strong in opposition against illegal immigration, and you being as strong as you are, Mr. Portman, I'm a little surprised by your support of him, if that is the case.
To me, these three probably know the Constitution and the Bill of Rights inside out, up and down, more than Bush, Kerry, any of these people other than Ron Paul.
I don't understand.
I read an article about Michael Bednarik in our Tribune Review.
It was called Principles Without Paychecks and how much it cost him to go and just be able to sign in to get his nomination.
He barely had money to go and pay for a motel.
I can't believe that these people would just run around the country endlessly
And have, you know, us try to get involved in petitions, but they didn't truly think that there was a chance for them.
But at least now I know that there's been some resistance with my situation of me wanting Mr. Peruca, and even Mr. Badnerica, in the debates.
I got big resistance for me wanting that.
I'll address that coming back from the break.
Thanks for your call, Regina.
I appreciate it.
And I will indeed check out Michael Bednarik's immigration policy stance.
We'll be right back after the break.
Paul Joseph Watson is with me.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Again, we'll be right back after the break.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones.
Who, by the way, will be joining me next hour, at the bottom of the next hour, to give us a live update from the Republican National Convention in New York, and we will look forward to that report.
As Paul and I are talking, Paul Joseph Watson is online with me, and he's Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com, also author of Order Out of Chaos.
As we've been talking, the mainstream establishment media is blacking out a substantial portion of what's really happening
on the ground in New York, and we're going to get a scoop from Alex about what's taking place there, coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
Paul, welcome back, and let's grab another call.
We've got Frank calling in from Colorado.
Good morning, Frank, you're on the air.
Good morning, Michael.
Can you hear me there?
Yeah, go ahead.
I'm going to take a minor issue with you on one thing.
We talk about the difference being between a fascist and a socialist in terms of the parties.
That's not real accurate.
Why not?
Well, both parties are socialist.
The argument is whether we go to right-wing socialism through the Republicans, which is fascism, or left-wing socialism through the Democrats, which is Marxism.
Well, see, Frank, the thing is I choose to make the distinction that they're both in the same camp.
And they're both on the left.
I mean, in my way of defining the left and the liberal is the idea that they're both in that same camp.
They're not right-wing at all.
No, no, they're both left.
Because right-wing would be you're conservative.
And as far as I'm concerned, a conservative has nothing to do with any kind of overblown government and stealing your money and redistributing wealth.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't call myself either liberal or conservative.
I call myself pro-American.
That basically makes me hated equally by both sides.
People are very emotional about this, particularly this election year.
They're very emotional about the whole thing.
Yeah, the country is so divided and they don't realize that they're divided to avoid looking at what's actually going on.
The direction we're going doesn't make a darn bit of difference which side gets in power.
Bush or Kerry, you know you'll have a difference in the type of administration, which makes a difference to the top 10, possibly 25% of the people.
The middle 50% of the people, it's really not going to make a whole lot of difference for one way or the other.
Actually, the bottom 25% of the Democratic-Marxist form is probably a little bit more benign form of socialism.
But we all suffer under socialism.
You know, if you're pro-American.
Yes, we do.
And that's what's got to stop, because that is not the way that this country was structured.
And, you know, you could call what Bush is, and this is kind of the game.
They had this on the drawing boards back in the 60s and even probably before that, but they wanted to call it friendly fascism.
And they create
These circumstances that make people, like the psychological warfare angle, they make people depend on them and welcome it.
That's their version of friendly fascism.
Paul, do you want to add anything?
We've got about a minute.
Well, yeah, I mean, the leaders of the neocon movement owe their political philosophy, the roots of it, to Trotskyism.
I mean, there were big articles about that, you know, ghost of Trotsky walks the halls of the White House in big Canadian newspapers.
I mean, going back to the left-right thing, I mean, what was Stalin into?
He was into concentration camps, mass arrests, elimination of free speech.
What was Hitler into?
The same thing, and yet we were told Stalin was communist left and Hitler was fascist right.
It's the same system.
It's the same policies.
It's a command-and-control establishment that rules with an iron fist, so there really is no left and right when you get to the extreme of both political perspectives.
All right, thanks for your call.
And we'll take the break and come back and continue with your calls.
And Paul Joseph Watson, I want to talk to Paul next hour about the book Order Out of Chaos.
I'm very interested in what that book is about.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones.
Today I'm doing it and tomorrow and Friday Erskine will be filling in for Alex who is in New York covering the Republican National Convention and he is going to be giving updates, live updates, each day to let us know what's going on because we're not getting the full story from the establishment media, the mainstream media.
We're just not getting the straight story.
We were talking last hour
that uh... there may be uh... more than a thousand people have been arrested uh... in protests uh... in new york and uh... the established media is just not reporting those kinds of numbers are making it sound that there's like no real serious problems there but uh... there is there are and uh... alex is going to update us uh... coming up the bottom of the hour today on it and uh... real quick before i get back to paul i want to direct you to check out alex's websites info wars dot com and prison planet dot com
Both of those websites contain his videos and his books.
You can get them online.
Now, Alex's newest film is American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
And of course, this film documents the dynamic between the two parties that are running for president and how they are related.
They're cousins.
And they're also members of the Skull and Bones.
Now, in a dictatorship, which is where this is all headed, there are no choices.
The elections are controlled.
The police are the military.
We're seeing that unfold in New York and other examples of that around the country, as Alex has documented.
Fear equals control.
9-11 is one good example of that.
This is psychological warfare.
Speech is suppressed.
The economy is looted.
The people are the slaves.
That is very, very true, and our economy is being looted.
I mean, how many kinds of documentation do we need to realize that this is what is taking place, what's happening here?
You know, outsourcing the government, privatization of the war, just on and on and on.
The totalization treaty that is being proposed.
These are examples of how we are being forced to keep our nose to the grindstone and finance
This unholy thing that is taking place, and it's sucking the life right out of our country.
Now, again, American Dictators, documenting the stage of the election of 2004, Alex's newest film, available on Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, online, or you can call toll-free at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 1-888-253-3139.
Now, if you're a subscriber
To prison planet dot TV you can view that video on a stream there and if you're not you're not a subscriber and you're just you're you're accessing InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com there is a 20-minute segment there at those two websites that you can get a sample of this this new film American Dictators again you can order online at InfoWars.com
or prisonplanet.com or you can call toll-free 1-888-253-3139 and welcome back Paul and let's see I wonder if we've got time to take another call.
We'll take Fred in Pennsylvania.
Fred, good afternoon you're on the air.
I want to back up Paul's statement about the disinformation on especially the local New York radio stations because
I tuned in last night and, uh, the tone, first of all, the tone that I got from the, uh, reporter was that, uh, quote unquote, bad people are being punished.
Uh, which isn't, uh, actually the case.
And, uh, the tone that I got from, from the station was that, uh, you know, they had to chase down 150 bad people and arrest them.
Uh, and also that, uh, uh,
Commissioner Kelly got on the radio and said that the protestors had become violent and I don't really see any evidence of that.
I also wanted to say... We've got to grab the break.
Just hold on.
I'll take it back after we come back, okay?
We'll be right back after the break.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex, who is in New York covering the Republican National Convention, and we will be getting a live report from him coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Paul Joseph Watson is with me now, and let's grab Fred real quick in Pennsylvania.
Fred, you're back on the air, and let's get to your point, okay?
Fred, are you there?
I'm here.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
The coverage is... Paul said that big media is complicit in the events of the disinformation of this convention, and he is right on.
I back Paul completely on that.
I think that if you listen to the New York Stations carefully, you'll realize that.
And also I want to switch very briefly over to this
Apparently there has been $59 million earmarked, Colin Powell said in a speech a couple of months ago, for the prevention of a peaceful transition to Raul Castro.
And he gave a speech that was in, I think, either Wall Street Journal or the New York Times.
I didn't cut the article out, but it had a
Well, again, this goes back to our foreign policy.
Paul, I'm curious, have you heard anything about that?
I haven't, no, but going back to the original point,
In my view, the protestors have shown remarkable restraint.
The only examples of violence on the part of the protestors were, as Alex mentioned yesterday, the man hitting the police officer who ploughed into a group of people on his moped.
Apart from that, we've had examples of groups of protestors un-arresting other protestors who have been arrested by simply dragging them away from police.
So if you want to class that as violence, then fair enough.
I mean, the policy, as I mentioned, might be the case on Monday, is that many of the police are not wearing badge numbers.
So the protesters can't take down their badge numbers if any violence or police brutality takes place.
And that's obviously to avoid lawsuits later on.
So, I mean, the only abuses that I've seen and that the eyewitnesses are reporting are on the part of the police or the people who have ordered them to carry out these policies.
Yep, absolutely.
Okay, Fred, thanks.
We're going to move on, okay?
Thank you.
And let's take Paul in New Jersey.
Good afternoon, Paul.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I just wanted to make a few comments about immigration, particularly from Islamic nations.
I went to the Department of Homeland Security website
Where you can download immigration statistics, and I did this for the year 2002.
What I did was I used my almanac and I excluded all nations that were less than 50% or less Islamic.
Any nation that was 50% or more Islamic, I included.
And altogether I added up those countries for the grand total of 100,765 legal immigrants
In the year 2002, for a majority Islamic nation.
And this runs straight in the face of a supposed war on terror.
And also, especially when you see the many conflicts between Islamic Christian cultures throughout the world, or even non-Christian, as in Kashmir, the Philippines,
You would think any nation that wanted to prevent future ethnic or religious conflict would want to maintain basically a religious majority, especially the Christian descendant.
Now are you saying... I take a little issue with this because of the fact that you just said that the statistics indicated legal immigration.
Yeah, in one year's time.
In one year's time.
And again, I'm not sure that I find any problem with that.
I see what you're saying, but we can't exclude people from coming to this country.
Why not?
Because the basis of this country has always been people coming here, regardless of their ethnic background and their religious background.
And by the way, I would suggest that you read Peter Brimelow's book called Alienation, where he discusses that this country
That's not true at all.
He was always highly selective about immigration, and let's be honest about it, for most of the time, preferred white Christians from Europe as the ideal.
Well, I don't think I agree with that at all.
I don't know who Paul Bremelow is.
Peter Bremelow.
I'm not sure who he is, but what I'm saying is that if we need to refine our immigration policy, when people come here legally, I have no problem with that.
Peter Bremelow.
Oh, I have a problem with that.
I have a problem with the illegals coming here.
No, I have a problem with legal and illegal immigration because I see this as demographic war against what was a 90% white nation in 1950 and what they look forward to being
A non-white nation by 2050, so in a hundred year period of time, you'll have seen the white race in North America.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
And I completely disagree with that.
I really do.
I'm sorry about that, but I do.
Paul, do you have any comments you want to add to that?
I suggest you read Peter Brimelow's book and really look at immigration as a test.
Okay, that's it.
Paul Watson, I'm addressing you.
We know that there are these strict guidelines in place, these strict naturalization programs, whereby legal immigrants are taught the Constitution, they're taught, you know, the English language, and that's what builds the nation.
People who know freedom, no matter where they come from.
As America was founded by immigrants.
That's right.
Obviously, the problem which is being purposefully ignored is the illegal wave from Mexico, which amounts to an invading army.
That's right.
On that point, interestingly enough,
Many of the listeners will have seen the photographs of the children's candy toys which have come out in the past week depicting a plane, you know, slamming into a tower and Osama Bin Laden being, you know, pictured next to them.
Turns out that those toys were manufactured in Mexico.
So, I mean, that's where the real threat's coming from.
Illegal invading army of Mexicans who really do hate America.
The issue of naturalized, legal immigrants that know their rights and just want to make a good living, then obviously I've got no problem with that.
That doesn't benefit the country.
I don't either.
And you know, I wonder sometimes who's worse.
When we talk about all this stuff, the thing is, is that attitudes like that, this Paul from New Jersey, attitudes like that
Feed into this fascist system anyway.
Because, you know, it seeks to divide.
And divide the country.
These attitudes divide the country.
And it is totally, in my opinion, it's BS.
I mean, it's just wrong.
Well, I mean, it allows the opposition to then hold up anti-illegal immigration as being a position held by people like that caller with overtly, you know, racist viewpoints.
So then they can say that, you know, if you're against immigration, then you're racist.
It plays right into their hands when we're merely pointing out that we're against illegal immigration.
So it's a very dangerous, you know,
Setting to get involved in where they can just label us as racist because of people like that who espouse those kind of viewpoints.
Yeah, I think Paul needs to go back and read the Bill of Rights, too.
It says all men are created equal, and you know, this is the thing.
Like you said, no matter where you are on the planet, okay, we all have this inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And if the United States has always been that beacon of hope to those people, more power to it.
That's the way I see it.
Well, in many cases, the people who do go through these strict naturalization programs are more educated on the Constitution than Americans, because they're taking those kind of classes out of the school system.
And I have no problem with that either, because again, you know, coming to America requires certain things.
In other words, you know, and there's nothing wrong with that.
But again, you know, I can't embrace this other guy's attitude at all.
Hey, back on PrisonPlanet.com, I'm looking here at
The article that you have under Big Brother about the iris recognition added to school security?
What's going on with that?
Well, yeah, this has been taking place up and down the country.
In this case, it's for parents who come to collect their children from school.
They're saying it's voluntary at the moment, but in many cases it's mandatory, where, you know, at the gate of the school they have to submit to this mandatory eye scan.
So it's part of that brainwashing education process to get people to accept Big Brother because they introduce it, you know, at the educational level.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you know, this is just another indication of how they're utilizing every avenue that they have available to them.
Public education is a good example of another evil.
They're using every avenue that they have to gain your biometric data.
It's all fueled by the fear of a kind of Columbine incident, which we know was staged from the research, and the recent wave, or so-called wave, of child abductions, which in fact has not increased in number since the
Okay, we're going to take a break, Paul, and when we come back we'll continue.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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We continue at 1-800-259-9231.
Paul Joseph Watson is online with me.
He is Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
And again, those websites offer a full range of information about what is going on.
And also Alex's videos and books are also available there.
You can order any of them online, or you can call 1-888-253-3139.
Now, as I mentioned, Alex will be joining me live at the bottom of the hour here to give us an update from New York.
He is on the ground there, and he is covering what the establishment media seems to ignore.
So we're going to find out what's really, really going on in New York.
And Paul, let's grab another call.
Let's take Wayne from Michigan.
Good afternoon.
You're on the air, Wayne.
Hello, Wayne.
The voting system.
What was that, Wayne?
About eliminating the voting system.
I have three cards.
What about it?
A Libertarian card, a Democratic card, and a Republican card.
Each person picks a card, and they're governed by that card.
Paul, did you want to say anything about that?
I don't quite grasp what Nicole is saying there.
Wayne, can you elaborate a little bit more on it?
Well, if you pick a Libertarian card, you're governed by the rules of the Libertarian.
And if you pick a Democrat card, you're governed by the rules of the Democrat.
Same way the Republican card.
I don't agree with that.
I mean, I don't think that's really the case necessarily.
You don't think that would work?
Well, I think that what we need to do is we need to reform the voting system so that it allows third party candidates to get in the game.
Well, I think eventually it would end up with one card, because the people would be going with the one that favors them the most.
And it would probably be Libertarian, because Libertarian seems to have the best benefits for everybody.
Well, I agree.
The Libertarian Party is looking at eliminating a large portion of the government we don't need.
Well, if we were to pick a card out of three, it'd certainly give us a better chance of getting a third party candidate in, that's for sure.
The Libertarian candidate Badnarek, why he doesn't have anti-immigration as a platform.
It's interesting that the candidacy was between him and Aaron Russo, who you would expect to be more liberal because he was in Hollywood.
But in fact, Russo's platform was
But I mean, it's not part of his platform, which again goes back to that thing about how third-party candidates are there to educate people.
So it is a question over him as to why it's not on his platform.
Right, exactly.
Let's grab another call.
We've got Don in Pennsylvania.
Good afternoon, Don.
You're on the air.
Hi Michael, how are you doing?
Good, how are you?
I was just curious to let you know that this morning I was watching MSNBC and right behind them they had a whole bunch of things of where's the weapons of mass destruction, etc, etc.
You know, protesters as far as that.
And what was that bill there for the Social Security for Mexico there?
It's the totalization treaty.
You know, there is no bill number or anything.
No, you know, I haven't got that far with it, but what you do is you go to usbc.org, the USBC, which stands for the U.S.
Border Control, dot org, usbc.org.
You go to that website, there is a full complement of information about that treaty.
Bush is trying to sneak it through.
So you have to spend a little time digging into it, because it's buried.
And as I said yesterday when I was talking about it, the timing
Uh, is very suspicious because it's geared to slam it through while Congress is not in session.
Uh, and most of them are out, you know, campaigning.
So, and we have less than 30 days to get it repealed.
Uh, I think it's going to become a reality if enough people don't, uh, get up and tell their congressmen that they want it repealed.
Well no, I've already, you know, with that in mind I'll just call my senators here in Pennsylvania, but the other thing is I did call about my, you know, representatives about Ron Paul's
Bill there for changing legal tender on the notes that we have.
And I got a response back and it just said I was very interested, I never knew about it.
So they're about as ignorant as most of the people are.
And at the same time I just received in the mail the Patriot Act.
Don, we've got to go.
I'm sorry to interrupt you right there, but we've got to go.
We're on a break here.
Thanks for your call.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We continue 1-800-259-9231.
I want to thank Paul Joseph Watson for spending some time with us.
He is, again, Alex's webmaster, PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I want to direct you to go to those websites, check them out, because as I said before,
They offer a full range of offerings and information in this continuing information war.
And this is one of the best ways you can stay informed about what is going on.
Aside from listening to Alex on his program.
Now, we're waiting for Alex to join us.
He's going to call in from New York live, and he's going to give us an update on what's going on out there.
And as soon as he calls in, we'll get him on with us.
And let's continue with calls.
We've got Ron calling in from New York.
Good afternoon, Ron.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon, Michael.
You know, after three days, actually four days of protest, I've come to a conclusion.
And it's an educated conclusion because, of course, I was called yesterday.
You know my background.
I know how to decipher things.
I understand the tactics that are utilized under normal conditions and normal circumstances.
I have to say that I do believe the tactics that are being utilized here, that have been designed, were not so much motivated, I think, out of practical police necessity,
As out of political necessity.
And in doing so, that is where they made a big problem.
Now you have tactics being used where, first off, and this pretty much is unprecedented in the history of this city, and it's dealing with major protests within living memory, groups who applied for permits were denied permits.
Now that is ridiculous, and as I said, unprecedented, especially in light of such a major
national political event, maybe even international political event, where you have a convention being held by the ruling party and the ruling administration.
They would have been wiser to issue those permits.
They would have had more of a controlling factor, and I don't mean that in a negative way, I'm talking about things done in an orderly factor.
So nothing could degenerate into disorder.
However, it does have to be said, and I can't stress this enough,
Still, the vast majority of those who are protesting are non-violent and non-incendiary.
It's a very small percentage.
Many of the conflicts that even occur, that being said,
Or not that the protesters are necessarily initiating aggression.
They're reacting to aggression being initiated to them.
They're not drawing first blood in the majority of the cases.
I won't say 100%, but I will say in the majority of the cases.
Now on the other side, you not only have tactics that are designed with politics more in mind,
Then, police practicality and necessity.
You have police, and your national audience may not know this, who are sitting out there doing 12-hour tours under a very hot August sun.
Many of them are a little frazzled under the collar already because they're frustrated with their ability to get a proper wage and have a contract settlement.
And I believe some part of what's happening is, and maybe it was engineered this way,
Is that that aggravation is building up and they're focusing their aggression towards the protesters because maybe they are upset with the administration not handling or listening to their cries for, you know, economic upward social mobility and they're refocusing those energies in the wrong direction.
On top of that, the tactics, as I said, are poorly designed.
Um, and if the protesters are so violent, there is one glaring fact which cannot be omitted, which has not been mentioned in the mainstream.
If you had tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of protesters who went berserk, which is not the case, but this is the way the mainstream media is trying to plant it and portray it and spin it,
Then you would have a large number of corresponding police injuries.
Now, to the best of my knowledge, and I have a little more knowledge than the average layman, because I'm still connected to that society, okay?
There have practically been no police injuries.
So how violent could these tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of protesters have been?
Ron, very good point.
I've got to move on.
We've got Alex.
He's on the phone.
We're going to take him up right now, okay?
All right, thanks for your call.
And reporting live from New York, Alex Jones is on the ground out there at the Republican National Convention.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are things going out there?
Oh, it's a beautiful day here in New York.
It's actually cooled down a little bit from 95 degrees to about 85 degrees.
And what Ron from New York was just saying is absolutely correct.
You have small cadres
of these anarchists, led by Fed.
We've had them even threaten us.
And they go out, and in the middle of a peaceful demonstration, will hit a cop or throw a bottle or set something on fire out in the street, and then the police will come in and attack the general public en masse.
And last night, of course, I was in the convention for Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech and the rest of them.
The Schwarzeneggers, Maria Shriver was there in the presidential box with George Herbert Walker, Bush 41, and the Schwarzeneggers' four children, who you rarely see out in the light of day, who live up in a resort town in Idaho.
They were there, his two small sons and his two older daughters, and Arnold got up there and actually used, we will not falter, we will not waver, we will not, he was using all these Hitlerian quotes.
He was talking about homeland security.
And then Arnold talked about how when the Soviets had control of Austria for a little while at the end of World War II, when he was a small child, how he would ride around with his father and his uncles and how they were afraid, they'd be questioned, how you weren't allowed to look at the police in the eyes, and how people were disappeared.
And I went, wait a minute.
If you look at the police in the eyes here, they'll get in your face or attack you.
If you're videotaping in public, they'll come after you many times, admitting there's no law.
People are being disappeared.
Lawyers who represent people who are being charged with terrorism are being charged with terrorism themselves.
The Patriot Act sets it up where they can secretly arrest citizens, and it was just frightening to be right there, very close to Schwarzenegger, side passage, right down to the floor.
We're good to go.
Just all of this, to see this happening, and to know how the Bushes were connected to the Nazis up until the early 50s.
And again, if you were just joining us, we're not precarious either, folks.
The point is they control both sides of the equation.
And there are just massive protests going on all over New York, continually.
And again, on Sunday it was 300,000 plus, and the media said thousands.
Now they have arrested over a thousand people and they're being held being moved right now There's me a protest four o'clock up a few hours They're being moved to a park by a train station where they put up fences around them literally an open-air camp and They're supposedly going to be a big demonstration there things might Might get violent there because the anarchists are saying they're going to stay some type of riot So things are really really heating up of course
Lord Bush has not arrived in town yet, but Cheney's been here all week, and we will continue to cover this as it develops, Michael.
Very good, and you were reporting yesterday that you were anticipating some wild excitement last night.
How did things go last night?
There were a lot of arrests.
The police beat the living daylights out of a whole bunch of people almost for nothing.
I personally saw police dogs jumping up and snapping at men, women, and children.
You have the shopping district down around Madison Square Garden, and the police basically used to get in there.
You go through about eight different checkpoints, but then the police have set up quasi-checkpoints about four or five blocks outside that, outside the so-called national security perimeter.
And I personally saw two women, elderly women, I'm elderly, 70 plus years old, with their shopping bags dressed with their pearl necklaces walking nowhere near the convention center and these two police dogs just run up to them and start snapping and barking and they're freaking out and the police are digging through their bags.
It's just total insanity basically and we are, we are in a city
That is under martial law.
The police will threaten to arrest you for videotaping even though they admit there's no law.
They have personally smashed cameras of women in front of me, made me erase tapes.
They have done this to other journalists right in front of me.
It is just incredible.
And then you go inside of the facility and they check your badges over and over and over and over and over again.
And this is a city under martial law.
Swarms of helicopters.
Regular Army, National Guard, police in the black helmets with the AR-15s and the Heckler & Koch assault rifles, and none of it has anything to do with terrorism.
This is all a massive conditioning process to train the public how to submit to this tyranny, Michael.
And it's egregious.
I think it's very egregious.
It's awful.
Now, the mainstream establishment media is reporting basically in a nutshell that all is well there.
They're reporting a low number of arrests.
What can you tell us about the numbers of arrests that are really taking place out there?
Well, that's the funny thing.
You know, I got in about one o'clock in the morning after just covering this all day yesterday.
Well, no, there were some big developments at Ground Zero I can get to in a second.
And I turned on CNN, and they said, a few hundred arrests all week, all is well, everything's great.
Everyone loves Bush in New York, all these interviews with New Yorkers, they just love it.
Turned on Fox, same propaganda, everybody loves it, a few hundred arrests.
And then you turn to local New York channels, as of yesterday, over a thousand arrests.
People being moved out of the jails now to this huge pen that's got, again, over a thousand people.
Arrests going on everywhere for the most petty of reasons, and I saw a big arrest yesterday.
A big peace march, a peaceful peace march, was gathering on a main avenue by the Millennium Hilton Hotel, right across the street from Ground Zero, and the new Building 7 they've almost completed the constructing.
Can we get there and there are hundreds of police lined up in black helmets with machine guns and I start interviewing them trying to talk to them and this New York police officer in plumbing clothes is sitting there with a big camera taking pictures of everybody and I get in his face and he pushes me I tell him that's assault
Then across the street, you have the Peace March rally, and there were so many of them that obviously they were getting out into the street.
There was no way.
It was just a huge mass of people.
And so the police just moved in and arrested over 100 people right there, cracked some heads.
Just swarming all over the place, so this is indicative of what you see.
Then I saw Neil Bortz, the Seneca Talk Show host.
I'm sitting there, the neocon.
I'm sitting there, the ultra-liberal Neil Bortz.
I'm sitting there talking to cops about Operation Northwoods and about PNAC and government prior knowledge and all this, and I'm telling them, wake up and please check out what I'm saying.
Go to prisonpilot.com, look at the 9-11 section, go to infowarx.com.
Go to the 9-11 section.
Just please check out these keywords.
Type it in the main search engine.
It's Library of Congress, Government, Atlantis, 9-11.
And I look to my right, and there's Neil Bort sitting there just laughing at me.
I look at the camera in his face, and I go, well, tell us why we're wrong.
You're a pilot, Neil.
I've heard you talk about it.
If your set is off course for a few minutes, jets are launched, intercept.
But on this day, for an hour and 25 minutes, nothing's done.
Yeah, I think so.
This is just what's ongoing, and the feeling of evil and oppression inside the Republican National Convention is amazing, and it's kind of a paradox.
You see all these evil controllers and media people and congressmen and senators with all their voting records of big government and control and tyranny acting like they're conservative, and then to watch the speeches that all sound great but are diametrically opposed to the reality of what they're doing, it's...
It's just disgusting.
This is Babylon.
This is martial law.
This is a police state.
And this is what all of America is going to be, and Michael, I'll tell you.
I don't have anything against police, but obviously when you're in a restaurant or something or three or four cops will kind of look at them and you might feel a little uncomfortable sometimes.
Whatever, because it's, you know, the authority and the oppression of what this country's turned into.
Now I've been desensitized because there's so many tens of thousands of police that you don't even notice they're there.
And I'm used to showing my ID all over the city, even outside the security perimeter.
I'm now used to holding up my badge, being inspected, being checked.
I've caught myself yesterday being acclimated to this and being totally used to being searched and inspected and parodied and questioned by stern men bugging their eyes out at me.
And understand, I'm clean cut.
This is happening to me.
They're doing it to old ladies, black ladies, white ladies.
They're doing it to young people.
They're doing it to everybody.
It is, and they know full well we're not terrorists.
They're just doing this en masse.
And they think they're doing the right thing.
Oh, this is to protect society.
This is to take care of everything.
And that's not what's happening.
No, and as Ron, the caller from New York, mentioned yesterday, what he sees is he sees the new, up-and-coming, younger cops who have no conscience or no moral compass, and they're more than happy, just like automatons, to execute programs and do what they're told to do and hustle us and treat us like cattle.
Well, you're absolutely right, and that's what's happening, Michael.
Alex, I think we're losing you.
Are you there?
Yes, I am.
Can you hear me now?
Go ahead.
Yeah, you're fine now.
You know New York, all these big buildings.
But today we're going to be doing a 4 o'clock protest covering that.
I'll be back in the convention covering Dick Cheney's speech tonight.
And we're going to be back in the Financial District just bringing and exposing what's happening there.
We've interviewed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people.
Another lie we're hearing is that all these New Yorkers just love what's happening.
I don't think I've found more than one or two New Yorkers that like what's going on.
In fact, the cab drivers say this is the worst business they've ever had.
People that have appeared 15, 20 years.
The city is half empty.
At night, you look at the buildings, almost all the lights are out at 9 o'clock in them.
Half the city plus has left.
They're so disgusted by what's happened.
It is such a tragedy, I think it is.
It's such a tragedy that things are coming to this point.
I'll tell you Michael, everybody I've talked to says that, even Republicans, that they're trying to exploit 9-11, they're trying to use those deaths, they're trying to act like they're the good guys saving us.
And then we see the speeches, that's all they talk about.
It's disgusting.
Let me ask you this, are you going to hold over to the next segment or are you going to go?
Sure, I'll hold over to the next segment.
He's going to be there, and if you'd like to sit in with him, of course, you're welcome to come on for an hour or two with him.
We're going to have Paul Watson with his daily analysis joining you, of course, and I'll be calling in with my regular report about what develops, and I'll also be calling in with a report in the middle of the broadcast on Friday, kind of the aftermath of everything that happened here.
Okay, good.
And of course, I applaud you for what you're doing out there.
I know it's got to be really hard under the circumstances with the oppression and the evil that you note.
It's got to be an incredible undertaking.
Well, I'll tell you, some people went to the Boston convention and said, oh, it's all for show.
The security isn't really that tight.
It's not really that high.
And I've talked to reporters who were at Boston and are now here.
They say this is at least 20 times what it was in Boston.
It is a palpable feeling of oppression.
I personally have been threatened with arrest three times for videotaping publicly on the street.
This is with press credentials with a film crew behind me.
So they're setting the precedent in America where we are surveilled, we are watched, we are tracked, we are traced, but then we pull out cameras even as members of the press.
And we're being threatened.
And you say, well, is there a law?
And they go, no, this is just the way things are now.
So it's all about the exercise of power.
It's a process of domestication.
We're going to come back and get with you after the break.
Okay, hold on.
Alex Jones, live in New York.
We'll be right back.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
And we continue our number today, 1-800-259-9231.
And now, live from New York, Alex Jones is on the line here with us, and he's giving us a live update on what's going on at the Republican National Convention.
And as you're hearing, folks, it's very evil and oppressive.
uh... and the police state is uh... is definitely in full swing at least in new york for right now uh... alex welcome back well thanks michael yeah i've talked a lot of russia i've talked a lot of russians
And Chinese and others, and they say their countries are not like this.
But here they are, up on television, about how we're fighting for freedom, we're giving you freedom.
Oh my gosh, I couldn't look people in the eyes in Austria growing up, but I can here in America.
Believe me, you look a cop in the eyes here.
We talked about that before our speech.
It will get in your face, most of them.
They're on a power trip.
They love it.
They want to be part of this tyranny.
They want to be part of this control.
I'm not saying all of them, but a lot of them.
And it is frightening, and it's sad to see our country turning into this.
I mean, they say the terrorists attacked us because they hated our freedom.
Well, then why is our government destroying our freedom unless they are the terrorists?
Then you look at the evidence.
Yes, they are the terrorists.
They are the people that carried out 9-11.
And that's what we've all got to work harder than ever, because they smell blood, they want total control, they want to dominate, Michael, and they think they've got us on the run, but they don't.
And I tell you, that's the elite themselves.
The establishment minions are scared to death.
They know the people aren't buying the propaganda.
I talked about that Zogby poll where 40-plus percent think the government was behind 9-11.
That's on the Zogby website, but you don't hear that on the nightly news.
No, it's on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
And, you know, they get up there and talk about getting rid of big government.
The government has doubled its growth rate under Bush.
Doubled what it was under Clinton.
And no, I'm not saying vote for Clinton.
These people are all on the same team and they fool us with this false left-right system.
Yeah, let's talk real quick in the moments we have remaining here.
Talk about your film, American Dictators, because this is exactly what you're talking about.
Sure, a new video that we put out is American Dictators.
It's 90 minutes long, shorter than most of my videos.
And we go into Bush, Kerry, and how they're cousins, and how they're skull and bones, and how it's staged, and what their policies are, and what the police state is.
And we revisit Bohemian Grove.
I went back to Bohemian Grove and talked to locals.
We're good to go.
And also, I just want to mention, at PrisonPlanet.tv, they can watch that if they're a subscriber to that.
Very good.
They can watch that online.
That's right.
All of my videos, a bunch of other great videos by other people, my book, Paul Watson's book, all the best radio interviews we do, text reports weekly, it's all there at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm so thankful, Michael, for you filling in for me.
You've done a fabulous job.
I'm going to get out of here so you can come back and take calls and cover news in the next hour.
Of course, I'll be back live Monday in studio in Austin, Texas.
I'm very thankful to the network.
Yes, and Alex, I want to thank you.
I've enjoyed it.
It's been an honor to fill in for you, and I'm looking forward to you getting back from New York and getting back in your chair there, okay?
Well, thanks a million, my friend.
All right, same to you, Alex.
God bless.
Take care.
And again, that's Alex Jones in New York at the Republican Convention, and he's going to be back tomorrow to give an update with Erskine.
We're going to take the break, and when we come back, we will continue with your calls.
Also, coming up next hour, Paul David Collins is going to join me.
Now, Paul is the author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism.
I thought it would be a really good thing to talk about in light of what's going on now.
We're going to get down to how terrorism is state-sponsored.
And maybe fill in some other blanks.
I'm Michael Corbett, singing for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, sitting in for Alex Jones, who again, as you just heard, is in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
Again, I'm on with you today for the duration, and then Erskine is going to take over tomorrow and Friday, and Alex will return live on Monday from Austin, Texas, armed with a load of information and videos and documentation of what's going on in New York, what's really happening in New York, which the mainstream media or the media establishment, as it's called, is not reporting to you.
So you're getting the straight scoop right here.
on the Alex Jones Show on the Genesis Communications Network and welcome back.
Now, what we're going to do is we're going to talk with an author of a book that raises serious questions about the contentions of self-anointed terrorist experts that populate the Orthodox academia.
Now from ancient Rome to the World Trade Center, Paul Collins presents largely ignored or understated facts to show that the majority of terrorist acts throughout history have been state-sponsored enterprises.
Now in turn,
The national governments that sponsor terrorism are merely implementation instruments of a criminal elite suffering from Olympian delirium.
Well, the final objective of this ruling class conspiracy, of course, is the completion of an enormous social engineering project, the outcome of which could hold serious ramifications for human civilization as we know it.
And, of course, a lot of this stuff
is unfolding right before our very eyes.
Now, the author is Paul David Collins.
He studied suppressed history and the shadowy undercurrents of world political dynamics for roughly 11 years.
In 1999, he completed his Associates of Arts and Science degree.
He will soon complete his BA with a major in Communications and a minor in Political Science.
He's a member of the Phi Theta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societies.
Throughout the course of his ongoing college career, he has extensively researched
Political science, criminal justice, psychology, philosophy, and religion.
All necessary ingredients in trying to understand what is going on in the world today.
Welcome, Paul.
Thank you for being on the program.
Thank you for having me, Michael.
It's a pleasure.
Now, what I'd like to do is I want to get down to bringing this topic to the current state of events.
You know, we're talking about what is taking place
Yes, yes.
So let's begin.
Your book, The Hidden Face of Terrorism, is about, I guess basically uncovering the dynamics of what terrorism is all about.
Yes, what I do is I basically tear apart the contention that mainstream orthodox
University professors teach in their classes that basically what they teach is that terrorism is carried out by groups that are in no way connected with national governments, in no way connected with powerful people.
They're just disenfranchised lone nuts that believe radical and lunatic fringe sort of ideologies.
And they're venting their frustrations and their angers and
And what not, through violent means and methods.
However, if you look throughout history, many of these groups, these terrorist organizations, have been connected in some way to a national government that is utilizing that group to steer society.
And it's more about social engineering than it is about a lone group just trying to make a statement through violence.
And the national governments in turn are controlled by a criminal elite who are hoping to, through shock and trauma, revert man back to a tabula rasa, a blank slate.
Okay, hold that right there.
We'll take a break when we come back.
Paul David Collins is my guest.
The Hidden Face of Terrorism, 800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We continue our number 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 and again I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones and I want to invite you to check out my website at www.4acloserlook.com
A Closer Look airs on the GCN Network on Genesis Communications Network 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 7 to 10 p.m.
So we continue and my guest right now is Paul David Collins, author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism, The Dark Side of Social Engineering from Antiquity to September the 11th.
Paul, welcome back.
Paul, are you there?
Yeah, I'm right here.
Anyway, let's get back into this topic, because this is so vitally important to understanding what's going on.
Now, you said something during the last segment I want to go to, and that is that these national governments are being controlled by a criminal elite, or a criminal cabal.
That is so telling, because Sabelle Edmonds, who is an FBI whistleblower who was fired from her job in 2002, was approached
While working in the FBI by what she called a foreign intelligence group, but it was not connected to any particular country.
That's correct.
That's correct.
See, that's where these militia groups back during the mid-90s got everything wrong.
They believed that it was simply national governments that were corrupt and whatnot and rotten to the core that were behind this, and as a result we had a lot of
of violent ideas with them where they believe that you basically had to tear down the national political structure.
The truth is that beyond the political structure are individuals that are pulling the strings of that political structure of very powerful financiers, international banking cartels, and basically individuals who would like to see society
I think
I think?
It began over thousands of years ago with the father of Nimrod, Cush, which his name means confounder or confusion, where he would send bandits into different city-states or whatnot that he wished to take over.
They would cause chaos and go around committing criminal acts and basically cause things to degenerate into a state of
Anarchy, a climate of lawlessness, and then he would arrive on the scene and they would just magically stop because, you know, they were basically under his control and he'd act like he was there to restore order and they would make him the king or the leading authority in that city-state.
And then the idea was recycled by the Freemasons through their dictum of Ordo Abkaio, but
The whole concept of creating and managing crisis in order to reshape human thinking was really brought forward to our modern day primarily through the Tavistock Institute, which was supposedly founded in, I believe, 1921 by Major John Rawlings-Reese.
And the whole Masonic dictum of Ordu Apcheo was recycled by Tavistock and became known as Societry.
And basically, society is the idea that by inducing shock and trauma, you can reduce the human population back to a childlike state.
And when you're a child, your suggestibility is extremely high.
And you'd also be basically a tabula rasa, a blank slate that the elite would write upon.
And of course, certain bluebloods love the idea, and that's why the Rockefeller Foundation
...gave the Tavistock Foundation a grant of significant size.
We must never think that groups like the Rockefeller Foundation, that these tax-exempt foundations are about philanthropy.
They are designed to, A, shield the Blue Bloods' money from the income tax, and B, pour their money into projects
That steer society in the direction that the elite want it to go.
And we all know the direction that they want it to go because old man John D. Rockefeller made it clear as crystal when he said that, quote, the age of the individual is at an end, unquote.
They obviously want a collectivist society, a beehive kind of mentality to exist amongst the people and the individuals.
To cease to exist and more of a drone kind of creature to emerge from all the chaos.
So hence the creation of the socialist ideology, which is a tool that they use to achieve their end of collectivism and basically eradicating the individual.
It's very important that our friends on the left begin to start stripping away the idealistic garb
That the whole socialist ideology has been dressed in, and start to see what it really does.
It places power, it concentrates power in an entity that the elites can control, which is government.
And through government, they'll simply regulate and restrict all their competition out of existence until they have a huge monopoly
Over that country's resources, over that country's industry.
Communism is the ultimate monopoly.
And this gives those on the left heartburn, but it's a sad but true fact.
You can look all throughout history.
And see where the so-called working class movement had been subverted by elites and by oligarchical types.
As a matter of fact, Oswald Spengler, in his book, The Decline of the West, stated that there was no working class movement, not even communist, that had not been directed in the direction that it was going.
by anything less than big money.
Absolutely, and you know that kind of brings me to the to the father of Marxism, Karl Marx himself.
He himself was financed by this this shadowy elite, if you will, and he is the one that basically engineered the socialist platform.
Go ahead and talk about that.
Yes, Lord Palmerston, who was in Britain
And with a huge figure, a very influential figure in Freemasonry, had sponsored Karl Marx.
And Karl Marx's friend, the anarchist Bakunin, once sneered and said, well, you know, the communists have one foot in the revolution and then another
In the banking community.
Karl Marx himself was sponsored also by Frederick Engels, who was living off of the money that his father had made through capitalist ventures.
And if you look at the end of Das Kapital, he posits a fight between communism
and uh... capitalism but he does not state how that would end and if if communism was the end that he had intended then then then why did what why you with all the uh... other synthesis throughout history did we see both uh... opposing sides uh... it didn't emerge together it's obvious that he had something
else in mind other than a utopian society where there was no classes and we were all joined together singing kumbaya?
And speaking of synthesis, that brings us to the Hegelian dialectic.
In other words, we look at what's going on today.
Alex Jones' new video, American Dictators, documenting the staged elections of 2004, he illustrates that no matter who you vote for when it comes to the bipartisan platform, no matter who you vote for, the New World Order still wins because
They are both controlled by the same entity that is undermining our country.
That's correct.
Basically what's happening this year is that with this election, we see the elite following the prescriptions given unto them by Carol Quigley in his book, Tragedy and Hope.
In his book he said, you know, have both sides be controlled by the same group.
So that it appeared that you were just simply clearing the house and cleaning it out and throwing the rascals out, when in fact you just had the same group under a different appellation and different garb.
And we see that with John Kerry and Bush because both have dynastical backgrounds, both have blue blood backgrounds, a pedigree in the elite.
And both are also part of the secretive Skull and Bones Society and Skull and Bones is all about statist ideas.
They're all about the idea of doing away with individualism.
Yeah, and that's exactly what their ultimate goal is.
Now, Paul, we're going to take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
Give out information real quick where people can get your book.
Okay, the book is available on the Amazon.com website and on Barnes & Noble website and also at www.authorhouse.com.
That book is available and also the other book that I co-authored with my brother, The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com and I think that right now they're selling
On Amazon.com, both books as part of a package deal.
We'll continue coming back from the break.
Okay, hold that thought.
Paul David Collins is my guest.
Our number 800-253-9231.
We'll be right back after the break.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
And indeed there is a war on for your mind, but the hope is that I think we're starting to turn the corner.
So let's keep it rolling here.
1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones, who again is in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
And as you heard him say last hour, the atmosphere, the ambiance of the event
is evil and very oppressive and uh... it's almost scary do you think that new york would roll up at nine o'clock at night but as i said it's like a ghost town
uh... and that's uh... is such a tragedy it is such a tragedy anyway joining me is paul david collins author of the hidden face of terrorism the dark side of social engineering from antiquity to september the eleventh we're trying to uh... basically unravel some of the dynamics the core of the game uh... that is on that is a foot
And again, I highly encourage you to check out Alex's new documentary, American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004, because again, this whole thing is a plan.
It's a social engineering game.
9-11 was a game to, and I don't mean to diminish the weight of that whole thing, but it is a game to the masters, to the New World Order architects.
It is basically to disenfranchise us, to strike fear
And as Paul is saying, to erase your mind, so to speak, so that the elite can write on a new clean slate.
That is the whole function of terrorism, the aesthetic of terror, if you will.
And Paul, welcome back.
Thank you, Michael.
Let's grab a couple of calls really quick here.
We've got Jan calling in from Colorado.
Good afternoon, Jan.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon.
I would like to say that I'm a new lister and I
I'm thrilled that you're speaking out against the Patriot Act and some things that are completely eroding what this country represents.
Your guest, however, who seems to be laying the blame on socialism for our lack of liberties, seems to be confused.
Taxpayers over
The history of this country, since its founding, have paid for public utility lines, railway lines, telephone lines, municipal water systems.
And now those are being taken over by corporations.
It's being privatized.
Jan, let me interrupt right there and just say that my guest, Paul David Collins, he's not laying the blame on socialism.
What he is doing is he's demonstrating
How socialism is a tool that is being used to take over not only this country, but the world.
I think that maybe corporatism would be a more appropriate name.
When you have Dick Cheney in the White House serving Halliburton.
When you have General Electric making $600 million.
I think that was an old estimate.
On this war, when GE owns one of the networks and is spinning
Um, positive things about the war.
Paul, go ahead and jump in there if you'd like.
Go ahead.
See, but miss, what you must understand, corporatism or corporate fascism is itself socialism.
It's a derivative of the Marxist idea.
I would fancy antithesis of socialism.
Hitler himself said that the whole of, quote, and I'm quoting here, the whole of National Socialism is based on Marx.
So we have the same socialist ideas, just distilled in a different way.
I think you can spin anything how you like, but what we're experiencing and what is going on is the antithesis of socialism.
Yeah, but would you agree, Jan, that it's the wrong place that we should be going?
Yeah, that's the point.
I mean, the point is that we've got to take the steps necessary to get our country back, essentially.
Thank you for your call.
I appreciate it.
Okay, and Paul, let's grab one more call.
We've got Larry in Arizona.
Larry, you're on the air.
You've got about one minute or less.
Okay, I'll make it real quick.
About what you guys were talking about, about how the Rockefellers want us all to be like little worker bees.
I was just watching, re-watching a movie last night called The Killing Fields, which I recommend everybody see that movie.
It's communism in its purest form, and it shows how they indoctrinate, especially they were aiming at the kids, to tell them not to love your family, you know, the family is bad, we're your family now, love the government, and you can see that's happening in a more subtle way here, the attack on the family,
And trying to make us a more communistic society, less individualistic.
Yeah, you're right.
Hey Larry, thanks for your call and that's a really good recommendation.
Thank you again for listening.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
Paul David Collins is my guest.
We're talking about the hidden face of terrorism.
I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We continue our number 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 Paul David Collins is my guest.
The book we're talking about is The Hidden Face of Terrorism.
We're peeling away some of the layers here of the game that is going on right before our very eyes to understand the aesthetic of terror, why there is terrorism, and who does it really serve.
And welcome back, Paul.
And again, thank you for being with me on the program today.
Thanks for having me, Michael.
Let's grab a call.
We've got John in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon, John.
Yes, I also agree with the lady that what you're doing on 9-11 and the sponsorship of terrorism by agencies like the CIA and others is very productive, and the opposition to all the pretext for military martial law in police states is very productive, but I agree with her that socialism is the opposite of fascism.
Um, and I think it's really very dangerous.
I don't belong to any organization, but I have read some socialist websites like WSWS.org and workers.org and others and the idea somehow that Hitler, for instance, was a
A socialist is absolutely upside down and backwards.
He stole the word socialism because there were millions of people voting for communists and socialists and leftists.
It was a very popular word.
So whatever he said was the opposite of his actions, which were to
Beat them in the streets, the socialists, the communists, and then put them, before anybody else, into the death camps, and kill them before anybody else.
That's why he was supported by the major industrialists, not only in his country, but the military industrial complex in the West, to attack those socialists and leftist forces in Germany, and then to attack the Soviet Union.
He bit the hand that fed him, double-crossed him, and went West before he went East.
And that's why the United States finally went to war against them.
I think this idea of somehow there's no difference I think is dangerous because I think some conservatives when they change the label from a war on terrorism to a war on communism they would immediately drop their skeptical and rational attitudes and then go and support, total support behind these neocons in the next phase of the PMAC war that these neocons plan against Korea, China, Cuba
Or anyone who talks about any kind of a social program for the poor, like Chavez in Venezuela.
I fear that because of this psychological weakness, they could be manipulated right behind the warmongering of these neocons, which they are not doing now in the cases of Iraq, Iran, and Syria.
John, hold it right there.
Let's get some comment from Paul.
Paul, go ahead.
Well, sir, you do make some good points.
However, it must be understood that communism comes from the Latin communis, which means group living.
Fascio, which is the word from which we derive fascism, is Italian for group.
So both are about group living.
Both are about collectivism and the subordination of the individual to the collective and the maintenance of class distinctions.
And you fear the neocons, the neocons behind all the pro-family, kind of pro-American rhetoric.
If you look very closely at what Bill Buckley of the National Review and what some of these other neocon types are writing, and parallel it,
With the writings of Leon Trotsky, then you see that they're almost identical.
This idea that you boost, like what Cheney and Bush did when they boosted defense spending, that's not so much about some right-wing radical idea as that is about the Trotskyist idea
That you have a military expansionist policy abroad.
Oh, no, no, no.
The Trotskyists oppose the imperialist policies of the CIA, the military industrial complex within the capitalist countries, but they do have the idea that there should be a defense.
Against that, among the victims in those third world countries, but that is certainly not the same as the claim that these guys are Trotskyist, these neocons.
If they ever had any alleged association with a Trotskyist organization, it was I think as an agent, as a rat, as an informer, and certainly they're the opposite of that right now.
And, you know, I do believe you have to protect your Bill of Rights, the protection of minorities, but that's separate.
From having a government where the people control.
We're not going to have one kind of government or another, but it's who controls that government.
We've got to find a way to put all the means of life and power, the ownership of the media, the ownership of all of the production forces in society into the hands of those who operate them.
These neocons, though, began as apologists for Franklin Roosevelt
Who's ideas, New Deal ideas and policies came from communists and socialists such as Harry Hopkins and other individuals.
That were later found to have been communist moles within his government.
Now, what they're really trying to do is save capitalism.
And there's a lot of their comments that this was really, by bottom, an anti-socialist, anti-communist, to save capitalism from a rising discontent and a depression, to give a few crumbs, so that the corporate elite could keep the other 99% for themselves.
Sir, when you speak of communism, I mean capitalism, which do you speak of?
Do you speak of the monopolistic capitalism, or do you speak of free enterprise?
Well, I think it's inevitable at this stage in history.
You're going to have a monopoly capitalism at this stage of history, and there's no way to go back to a bucolic 200 years ago, small guilds of farmers, you know.
But the monopolists always have historically funded left-wing organizations
As well as what you would call right-wing fascists.
And we see this historically.
They would not have done so if they did not see how that whole ideology could be utilized to their advantage.
And it can because it concentrates power in government.
No, I think it should concentrate power in the hands of the people, the working people, black, white, blue-collar, white-collar, who work in all of the media, who work in all of the factories, all the retail.
Somehow we've got to get our representation elected from those constituencies, rather than these meaningless, geographical constituencies, to take that power away from the globalists, the corporate globalists.
And that is the source of their power and it's really separate from, you know, protecting minority rights and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which I agree with.
But I think, you know, this is an economic system that is really at the source of all of this warmongering, driving down our wages to the lowest level in the world, and I just think that
You know, things like the New Deal were, if they were, if some enlightened capitalists were for it, was to save their own backside, not to prevent the socialist revolution in the country.
And to dribble out a few alternatives to that people power taking over, because they were in great danger with the rise of some of these leftist and socialist movements at the time.
So, I don't see it as something where it's a
It's socialism.
It was really at bottom an anti-socialist maneuver.
And the person who called before about the killing fields, you know, Paul Pott was actually supported by the United States.
That's one of the propaganda myths that has been...
I don't
But those people were not individuals when Pol Pot had got done with them.
The Khmer Rouge did away with the family structure.
And they placed everybody in a collectivist structure.
They were not communists, they were fascists, and it was our capitalist imperialists who supported them.
Both fascism and communism are socialisms.
They're both collectivists.
They're both collectivists.
They're about group living.
That's why I'm saying fascio is Italian for group, communis is
I don't know.
We have the individual power, I think we have to take it away from these corporate elites who own, as the lady said, G.E.
owning, and all of the media being owned by this tiny elite where we can't even get the truth.
The people who work in these places should be the people who control everything, who control the factories, the mines, the mills, the distribution, and those are the people who produced all the wealth in this society, and it's that tiny elite
Who takes the greatest value of it, who put us in a position where we can't buy it all back, at least leading to depressions like the ones during the thirties, when you had amazing productive powers and who'd going to rot, but because they could not make it for a capitalist profit, they would starve people and guard all of this and not let them have access to it.
And that leads to wars then, because you need to capture other people's, another capitalist country's markets.
And areas of exploitation because of this basic exploitation.
The way we get back to that, the way we get back to that is through the Constitution which sets up a representative form of government.
And that's where the people's voices would be heard, is through their representatives.
Go ahead.
We've just got to move on.
We've got to get to other callers.
John, thanks for your call.
I appreciate it.
And let's move on, Paul.
We've got John in Florida.
Good afternoon, John.
You're on the air.
Yeah, good afternoon, how are you?
Good, how are you?
Pretty good, I won't take up too much of your time.
My question about what you were speaking about a half an hour ago about the Skull and Bones, it's kind of about that.
Is there anything or any website that anybody can go to that can document the 35 presidents that have had blue blood?
I think you should check out Alex's website, Infowars.com.
and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's got a lot of information there and it's a good starting point for doing research.
Paul, do you have any comment you want to add to that?
Actually, yeah.
I've gone to Infowars.com and they actually document a lot of the dynastical backgrounds of these blue blood types.
Just continue tuning into the Alex Jones Show and tune into Michael's show too because
He goes into the elite criminality in depth, too.
Okay, thank you.
Thanks, John, for your call.
And let's grab another call.
We've got Mike in Illinois.
Good afternoon, Mike.
How are you guys doing?
You're on the air.
How are you?
I like your show.
I agree with everything your guest is saying.
My father came here from Eastern Europe.
He came here from the Ukraine in 1950.
He said that he made a remark to my mother after they were married for one year.
He said, my prediction is going to be that there's going to be
Fascism, communism, socialism, whatever you want to label it, here in this country in the near future.
And you know what?
It's happening.
You see this industrial giant.
We were once the gigantic manufacturing giant and ruled the world as far as all that went.
And I just see us giving away everything to China and Mexico.
And I just want to ask your guests, what is the plan behind it?
What is the reason?
And why are Americans so asleep at this?
Watching our economy go to the toilet and, of course, they're lying to us constantly and telling us it's going to get better.
Basically, I don't understand how we can lose all these jobs.
Here in Illinois, Maytag Corporation was building washing machines since the early 1900s.
They employed 4,500 people and there's a huge plant
About 150 miles from where I live.
And I went down there last weekend, because we were camping, and went past it.
It's like a ghost town.
I mean, I just thought this was a huge facility where they manufactured these washers and dryers for years, and now they make them in China.
I mean, you see this happening in everyone.
I just want to ask your guests, how long is this going to go on before someone's smart enough to put a stop to it?
And I hear people say, you know, there's a point of no return.
Once this happens, you know, we're not going to get any of this back.
Okay, Paul?
Well, I believe that people will finally really start putting their foot down and that that dormant spirit of activism will awaken in the American population probably right around the time... this is speculative... probably around the time that this government finally decides it's going to re-institute the draft.
I remember that during the first Bush administration, Bush Senior instead of Junior,
Dan Quayle got up there and was saying, oh, you know, we were all filled with patriotic fervor and we're all going out for the Vietnam War and we were all, you know, willing and enlisting into the military and all, which is nonsense.
I began to look into, you know, the background there and speak to veterans and speak to people who were actually alive during that period of time in this country
Literally became split down the middle and came very close to civil war.
People just really didn't want to go out for the whole thing.
They keep on tossing this draft idea around and eventually the draft is... I'm almost certain that eventually they're going to finally just try to implement it.
And around that time, that's when people are going to say, enough's enough.
And all I can say is that when that happens, please keep your protests and your different methods of voicing your opinion peaceful.
And don't head in a violent direction with it all.
Well, I just want to ask you this, too.
Have you ever heard of a book or movie called Monopoly Men?
Uh, no.
Okay, well it's, um, I don't have it off the top of my head, but I've watched it.
It's very good.
And they just basically said that the Federal Reserve, you know, was started by J.P.
Morgan and Rockefeller and an entity of six people or so.
And it's a farce, and you know, it's a joke, and it's, you know, they create money out of nothing.
And every war, even since the Civil War, was created, even though the Federal Reserve didn't exist yet, was created out of that.
And they fund both sides of the war.
So people have got to wake up and see that we're losing our country from behind.
It's happening very fast.
That's for sure.
And of course, real quick, we've got to grab the break here pretty quick, but I want to say one book that I encourage people to read to understand some of the historical analogues of what's going on here is Paul's book, Hidden Face of Terrorism, and also a book that's out there called Ponds in the Game.
Because it addresses a lot of the stuff about the banking interests and how they have essentially been able to control nations.
And as Paul was making his point in the first part of the hour today, he was talking about that these national governments are all basically under the control of non-governmental entities, criminal elites, the cabal, whatever you want to call it.
You're absolutely correct.
And then, yes, people do need to get a hold of that book, Ponds and the Games, because you'll be amazed at when this was written and how much of what he said was going to happen has actually come to pass.
Yes, absolutely.
Mike, thanks for your call.
Appreciate it, okay?
All right.
And Paul, we're going to grab the break.
When we come back, we'll get some wrap-up comment.
We'll take a couple more calls, and we'll move on, okay?
Gotcha, Michael.
Very good.
Again, my guest is Paul David Collins.
The book is The Hidden Face of Terrorism.
800-259-9231 is our number.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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We continue on Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones, who will return live from Austin, Texas on Monday.
As you know, he's in New York on the ground covering the Republican National Convention.
And I just want to say before we run out of time today that I have thoroughly enjoyed
Filling in for him Monday, Tuesday and today and Erskine will join you tomorrow, Thursday and Friday and he will be taking care of business for Alex and of course Alex will be calling in each day with live updates and it's been an honor for me to be here and I've really enjoyed it.
And again, I want to thank Genesis Communications Network for all that they do as well, because this is so very, very important.
And as we know, the hope in all of this is I think we are turning the corner.
People are starting to wake up and realize that there is something very wrong.
Paul, welcome back.
Paul is the author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism.
And again, Paul, thank you for being on the program today.
And thank you for having me, Mike.
Okay, let's grab a couple of calls if we can before we run out of time.
Brad is in Illinois.
Good afternoon, Brad.
You're on the air.
I just wanted to make this comment.
I always find it funny to hear these people arguing about whether someone's communism, or socialist, or fascist, or whatever.
I mean, does it really make a difference when you've got a guy like Staun that's responsible for 30 million deaths, or a guy like Mao, 30 million, Hitler, how many million, or how about some of our founding fathers who performed genocide on our Native Americans here?
You know, to me, I don't trust any of these people, no matter what they call them.
And I look at the Bible, Ecclesiastes 8 and 9, and it's true.
Man dominates man to his own injury.
And anytime you've got any people, any person or people that are going to stand up in front of a platform and say, I've got the answers and I'm going to help you, you know, nobody needs to help me.
They didn't create me and they're not responsible for me.
And that's the way it's supposed to be.
And that's basically what our founding fathers wanted.
America to be like.
Everybody responsible for their own actions.
And these representatives were merely figureheads, not some rich elitists out there that are staying up on a platform saying how great it is.
Yeah, it's great when you're a Bush family and you've got a bottomless bank account or the Kerry family.
It's always great.
Brad, thanks for your call.
I appreciate it.
And Paul, real quick, if you could, give out information about how people can get your book again and where it's available.
Okay, the book is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com and that's not just the Hidden Face of Terrorism but the Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship is also available on those sites and I believe that they have a package deal for both books at Amazon.com and also the new fall 2004 edition of Paranoia Magazine features an article over the new book along with a
With a review of the book, if anybody would like to read what somebody thought of the book prior to purchasing it.
Hey, real quick too, what have we got on the plate as far as future projects?
Well, currently right now, we have out the new article, like I said, in Paranoia Magazine, and we have a new article that we have put together that hopefully Paranoia will be
That's another
Very, very important element in what's going on here, and that is that the idea of scientism replacing or supplanting religion.
And I know in a lot of ways that's where all this goes.
Anyway, Paul, thank you so much again for being on the program, and we'll be in touch.
Okay, keep in touch, Mike.
Alright, and again, that's it for us today.
I want to thank you for joining us, and again, it's been my honor and pleasure to fill in for Alex, and I've enjoyed it.
Tune in tomorrow.
Erskine will be in the chair, and Alex will be giving you an update from New York.
Until then, I'm Michael Corbin, and you are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Good day.