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Name: 20040831_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 31, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And good day to all!
Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex, who is in New York, on the ground, covering the Republican National Convention, and we're going to be getting an update from him today.
Now, I'm with you today and tomorrow, and then Erskine is going to fill in for Alex Thursday and Friday, but Alex is going to be gone the entire week.
Covering the convention and finding out what's going on and as we talked yesterday He is going to be giving us the straight the straight scoop on what's taking place because the mainstream media isn't doing it
As I mentioned yesterday, the conservative radio market here in my hometown of Denver was saying that there was not really much of anything going on in New York, that it was all peaceful there, but after we had Alex on yesterday, and of course the New York Times confirmed it with that one article that showed the storm trooper hanging out of a helicopter with a sniper rifle, there is a lot of people in New York, they are protesting the President,
And there's a lot of them.
I mean, there's a lot of them.
Some people are estimating half a million.
Some people are even saying there's possibly up to a million there.
But the authorities in New York have got their hands full.
And we're finding out, Steve, that there are two issues going on here.
Two parallel issues.
The mainstream is not reporting a lot of what's happening.
There is the actual reality of the situation where people are very, very disturbed with our president and what he is doing.
So we're going to get an update from Alex later on in the hour today.
Also, I'm going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul is Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
Paul is going to join me at the bottom of the hour today and we're going to be getting some updates from him.
I want to direct you to go check out Alex's website at Infowars.com because there is a lot of news there.
And of course, there was one article that I saw on there today that they were talking about New York newspapers are faking stories and photographs to hype convention fears.
Now some of you might know there has been a series of scaremongering articles in New York City and beyond targeting mainly anarchists and other left-wing political organizers in anticipation of the mobilization against the Republican National Convention this weekend and the next.
Some of these articles mention, by name, the person who wrote the article, Yagi Singh.
Some of these articles mention him by name, although he says he was never contacted beforehand for comment by any of the reporters, and he's not even attending the anti-Republican National Convention protests.
But nevertheless, he's claiming that the newspapers there are faking stories and photographs to hype convention fears.
And of course we know that the way that this is all working and the way it goes down is that these people want everybody to be kind of living in fear for whatever happens when the next shoe drops.
If the shoe drops.
Which I think in some ways it may.
But fear is the rule of the day and fear is the tool that they are using
to basically disorient and confuse dumb people down and basically take control and get everybody to say yeah we want you to to save us from ourselves we want you to save us from the terrorists so there's a lot of things that are that are taking place also I was yesterday I was talking about this totalization treaty
And we had a caller, Elizabeth from Maryland, who called in yesterday and wanted a little bit more about that.
I'm going to try and spend a little bit of time with that today.
I interviewed Ed Nelson, who is the Chairman of the U.S.
Border Control, and I want to also again direct you to please check out their website at USBC, that's United States Border Control, USBC.org, because they are asking for all of you
To participate in letting your congressman know we need that treaty repealed.
Anyway, we're going to take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
We'll take your calls.
I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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As I mentioned, I'm Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, which is heard Monday through Friday on the Genesis Communications Network from 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain Time at 7 to 10 Eastern.
I'm filling in for Alex today and tomorrow.
As I mentioned, Erskine will take over Thursday and Friday.
Alex is out in New York on the ground, as they say, covering the Republican National Convention.
He's going to join us later today with an update about things that are going on.
Now, yesterday he reported his confrontation with David Gergen about Bohemian Grove, and he also confronted Michael Moore.
It was really interesting, those people who were there yesterday listening to that.
Alex got some video footage of Gergen shoving and pushing him and giving him a hard time.
He really reacted negatively when Alex started asking him about Bohemian Grove.
He was pretty irritated when Alex told him he was the guy that snuck in and got the video footage.
So you can see that these people are really not happy that their game is being called.
And of course, Alex is doing a wonderful job, and he's going to bring us up to date on what's going on out there in New York.
Also, Alex has got a brand new film out called American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
Now, this film covers how the election is staged, and there is no real choice between the candidates.
Now, a lot of us know that, but we have to really understand the dynamics.
This video
demonstrates the dynamics of how this works.
Now it includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry, after all they're cousins, and their membership in the Skull and Bones.
Now, just reading a little bit from the cover, it says here, in a dictatorship there is no choice, the elections are controlled, the police are the military, which we're seeing, fear equals control, speech is suppressed, the economy is looted, and the people are slaves.
And this is a quote from Alex, we don't know the future but we've studied human history and regardless of who wins the November election in 2004 the New World Order wins.
Now I just want to mention to you that this video for members or subscribers I should say to PrisonPlanet.tv
I can watch the entire film online.
Now, if you're a non-subscriber, you can watch 20 minutes of the film on one of the two websites, Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You can order online any of the videos and books, and I highly encourage you to check them out.
Even the Bohemian Grove video is very, very telling and interesting.
You can order those online at www.infowars.com or www.prisonplanet.com or you can call toll free to order 1-888-253-3139 again that's 1-888-253-3139 and again go check it out www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com and the subscription service www.prisonplanet.tv where you can actually see videos and there's a lot of content there very interesting content okay now
I want to spend a little bit of time before we get with Paul Joseph Watson, but the Zogby International, we kind of touched on it yesterday, released yesterday a report that half of New Yorkers believe that U.S.
leaders have foreknowledge of impending 9-11 attacks, and to quote, consciously failed to act.
66% call for a new probe of unanswered questions by Congress or New York's Attorney General that Zogby Pohl reveals.
Now, going on a little bit further than this, on the eve of a Republican National Convention invoking 9-11 symbols, sound bites, and imagery, half, and that's 49.3% of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall
say that some of our leaders knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September the 11th 2001 and that they consciously failed to act as according to the poll conducted by Zogby International.
The poll of New York residents was conducted from Tuesday August 24th through Thursday August 26th.
Now overall results of course have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5
Now the poll is the first of its kind conducted in America that surveys attitudes regarding U.S.
government complicity in the 9-11 tragedy.
Despite the acute legal and political implications of this accusation, nearly 30% of registered Republicans and over 38% of those who describe themselves as very conservative supported the claim.
Now, the charge found very high support among adults under 30.
62.8% African-Americans 62.5% Hispanics 60.1% Asians 59.4% and born-again evangelical Christians 47.9% Less than 2 in 5 or 36% believe that the 9-11 Commission had answered all the important questions
about what actually happened on September the 11th and two and three or 66 percent of New Yorkers and 56.2 percent overall called for another full investigation of the still unanswered questions by Congress or Eliot Spitzer, New York's Attorney General.
Now self-identified very liberal New Yorkers supported a new inquiry by a margin of three to one but so did half of very conservative citizens across the state.
The call for a deeper probe was especially strong from Hispanics at 75.6 percent, African-Americans at 75.3 percent, and citizens with incomes from $15,000 to $25,000 annual, that was 74.3 percent, and women, 62 percent, and the evangelicals at 59.9 percent.
W. David Kubiak, Executive Director of 911truth.org, the group that commissioned the poll, expressed a genuine surprise that New Yorkers' belief in the administration's complicity is as high or higher than that seen overseas.
Now, he says we're familiar with high levels of 9-11 skepticism abroad, where there has been open debate of the evidence for U.S.
government complicity.
On May 26th, the Toronto Star reported a national poll
Showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced that U.S.
leaders had prior knowledge of the attacks, yet declined to act.
There was no U.S.
coverage of this startling poll, or the facts supporting the Canadians' conclusions, and there has been virtually no debate on the victim families' scores of still unanswered questions.
I think these numbers show that most New Yorkers are now fed up with the silence and that politicians trying to exploit 9-11 do so at their peril.
The 9-11 case is not closed and New York's questions are not going away.
Again, that was W. David Kubiak, Executive Director of 911truth.org.
Nicholas Leavis of 911truth.org, an advisor on the poll, he agrees.
He said that the 9-11 Commission gave us plenty of recommendations, but far more plentiful were the discrepancies, gaps, and omissions in their supposedly final report.
How can proposals based on such deficient findings ever make us safe?
Well, we think these poll numbers are basically saying, wait just a minute.
What about the scores of still outstanding questions?
What about the unexplained collapses of WTC7?
Our air defenses, official accountability, the chain of command on 9-11, the anthrax, insider trading and FBI field probes.
There's so much more to this story that we need to know about.
Now, when such a huge majority of New Yorkers want a new investigation, it will be interesting to see how quickly Attorney General Spitzer and our legislators respond.
Well, my guess is that they're probably not interested in responding simply because the truth is so huge that it would literally, I would think, cause massive criminal trials against several people who were probably involved.
And the problem is that
We're not getting the answers, but again, going back to what is going on in New York at the Republican National Committee, there is a lot of people that are voicing their dissatisfaction with President Bush, and of course, there's kind of an interesting, I think, an interesting game here, where I have no doubt that a lot of these controversies that are surfacing now around election time
I have no doubt at all that they're coming from the opposite partisan camp.
The Democrats and the Republicans are having this massive war.
But as Alex has pointed out, and of course in his movie, American Dictators, as he's pointed out, it does not matter.
You know, you see this massive campaign, the ABBA, Anybody But Bush, which is coming from the Democratic side of the ledger.
They're trying to disgorge a lot of dissatisfied Republicans and trying to get them over into the Kerry camp and get them to elect Kerry.
But the problem is that this is not going to fix what is wrong.
Nothing is going to fix what is wrong until we start casting our vote outside of the Democrat and the Republican parties.
We need to get out there and get active and vote third-party candidates, particularly like myself.
I advocate the Libertarian side.
They're the Constitutionalist party.
But you should go out and check out the alternatives, because if you don't, what's going to happen is this game is going to keep going on.
See, the ultimate goal of all of this
The ultimate goal of all of this is to essentially sell out our country and to reduce us to the level of a third world country and dumb us down and make us slaves to this whole thing.
And this kind of goes back to the issue of the totalization treaty that's been introduced by the President and demands that you repeal it.
Because the ultimate goal of this totalization treaty is to destroy the borders of this country, to unite all of these little Latin American countries in Canada with the United States, and create a new American state.
Kind of like on the order of the EU over in Europe.
Now, as you know, this program in Europe is not working.
A lot of people are very unhappy with it.
They're ramrodding it through, and they're forcing the people to accept it.
And we still have an opportunity here in this country to put a stop to this.
Because if we don't, that's the ultimate goal of this whole thing, and that is to restructure the entire global geology, the global structure, the political camps, and bring us into this whole new world order thing.
We're going to take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
We'll take your calls.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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We continue our number today, 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones, who is in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
We continue.
And boy, what a deal it is.
Just looking at the news on the internet just now.
The security is extremely tight.
Now, as Alex mentioned yesterday when he was on the program, Fuji, the Fuji company, has leased these observation blimps to the city of New York.
And these are huge blimps that are hovering above the city, packed.
With state-of-the-art, sophisticated surveillance equipment.
And they are all tied into a massive control center in New York.
And they're just waiting for the drop of a dime to start rocking and rolling, if you will, if anything goes sour.
And there's a lot of people there that are very, very, very angry and upset over the direction that the government is going.
And of course you know this is one of the examples why alternative talk radio works because the message is getting out and people are starting to respond to that message.
That's the hope in all of this is that you know enough people are very very unhappy and at their deepest level of their being they know that something is not right.
Anyway let's take a call.
We've got James calling in from California.
Good morning James you're on the air.
Alex has the best analysis out there but he never
Discusses the subject of Jewish power and influence in this country.
And when the subject does come up, he tap dances all around it, or he suppresses it.
Well, I don't know.
It just depends on, as far as I'm concerned, it just depends on what the analysis is, if there's any truth to it.
You have a lot of people out there carrying on that really say nothing but inflame hatred, and that's not what we're about.
We don't need heat.
We need light.
But we have two candidates for president.
We need light.
They're both Jewish.
That doesn't matter.
Why does that matter?
They gave us the Federal Reserve.
No, no, no, wait.
I am asking you a question.
Why does that matter?
Why does it matter what their ethnic background is?
It doesn't matter.
It's an example in a list of examples.
They created Hollywood.
They gave us the Federal Reserve.
They have the most powerful political action committee in the country.
They were the source of the disinformation that took us into this war.
They're threatening to drag the entire world into World War III.
Well, you know, I thoroughly disagree with your analysis of it, and again, like I said, this is a secular power that is doing all of this, and it has nothing at all to do with a person's ethnic background, because there are many, many players
Well, Israel has defied UN resolutions with impunity for
Decades now.
That's another example.
Well, again, you know, this is the thing.
All these countries, there are a lot of countries that participate in all of this.
I think what we need to focus our attention on is on seating their power, whoever they are.
We need to be really, really looking at what is really important here, our Constitution and what is going on.
And I think we need to quit being the world's police.
I think we need to get out of the United Nations.
We need not have anything more to do with it.
The Federal Reserve violates the Constitution, and the guy that's credited with creating the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg.
That's another example.
I agree with you.
See James, our best resource right now, where we are in this geopolitical game, our best resource now is to focus, like I said, on getting our country back.
And when we start thinking right about the way the Constitution functions and what we're supposed to be doing here, when we start thinking right about that, and we get our country back, every other piece is going to fall into place like it should.
These people are going to have to go away.
Anyway, thanks for your call.
We've got to get ready to take the break.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to join me after the break.
We're going to continue and we're going to look at some of the news that he's got to talk about.
He, as I mentioned, is Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also author of Order Out of Chaos.
And we're going to be talking with him coming back from the break, like I said.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, also, Alex will be joining us during the next hour from New York.
He's going to join us live.
He's going to give us an update.
We're going to continue hearing about what happened with this confrontation with David Gergen and Michael Moore and more.
So, and we will take calls also.
Your calls are important.
I'm Michael Corbin, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You've nothing to lose, but stay in the knowners!
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We continue our number today, toll free is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who is in New York, covering the Republican National Convention, and of course,
There is an update from Alex Live coming up a little bit later on in the next hour and we're going to find out what is going on out there blow by blow and of course he's going to talk about his confrontation with David Gergen.
He's going to kind of expand on it and about the confrontation with Michael Moore.
One of the things that
He brought up yesterday, when he was talking about the conversation with Michael Morris, here's this man who claims that he's for the people, surrounded by these big, burly, tough bodyguards protecting him from his own fans.
So, Alex observed, you know, hollering at him and trying to get near him.
He has to have his big, burly bodyguards to protect him from the very people that he claims that he's all about.
You know, and isn't this kind of an interesting little double standard?
Because, you know, hey,
After all, you know, if he's really for the people, and he was really concerned about what was going on, he could have done a heck of a lot more with what he had available to him, the resource he had available to him.
He could have done a lot more.
But, you know, what do you say?
In this political climate, these people work very, very hard, and in my opinion, they waste their talent trying to work against... They fit into this box.
They're either Democrats or they're Republican.
And these people that have talent, and Michael Moore has talent, these people that have talent allow themselves to be used like pawns by the agents of the Hegelian dialectic that is in control of the mainstream political parties of this country.
They allow themselves to be used like pawns.
They waste their talent on this stuff.
I mean, can you imagine what Michael Moore could have done with a documentary that would have really, really blown the lid off of the whole issue, including the Democrats' involvement in what led up to 9-11?
I mean, it's a foregone conclusion in a lot of ways.
There's too much evidence to deny.
That this thing has had the cooperation of the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party for many, many years.
And they're all working together to destroy this country.
Anyway, Paul Joseph Watson, who is Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com, also author of Order Out of Chaos, is with me.
And good day to you, Paul.
Hello, Michael.
Good to be back.
It's good to have you back.
What's hot on the list today on your site?
Well, just to point on the Michael Moore thing, which you were just discussing,
We've got an article on PrisonPlanet.com right now which talks about questions for Michael Moore about Saudi Arabia's involvement in 9-11.
And anyone who's seen Michael Moore's film will know that, in essence, he's playing into the hands of the people who are trying to shift the blame away from, as the Zogby poll indicates, as you talked about earlier, where the blame really lies.
And Michael Moore's film
It paints the Saudis as having direct involvement in 9-11, so in that sense he's helping the people who actually carried out 9-11 by shifting the blame into that corner.
And obviously he also politicizes the whole issue by, you know, every person in his film is a Democrat speaking out against the Iraq War and such issues like that.
Michael Moore has helped the globalists, basically, with Fahrenheit 9-11.
Whatever, I mean, you know, in Michael Moore's case, I couldn't answer, couldn't even begin to guess what the big attraction would be.
If it'd be money, that's what it is.
If it'd be just the fame and the money, who knows?
But it's a sad reality that a lot of talented people are allowing themselves to be manipulated this way.
Well, but on the positive side, I mean, it isn't working because as this Zogby poll indicates,
You know, half of New Yorkers, 63% of Canadians now believe not just government prior knowledge of 9-11, but actual complicity in that the government, quote, failed to consciously act in stopping the attacks.
Only 36% believe that the 9-11 Commission, or the 9-11 Omission, as I call it, had answered all the relevant questions pertaining to September 11.
I mean, it took over 40 years for 80% of Americans to believe that the government killed Kennedy, and yet, in just three years, almost half believed the government was complicit in 9-11.
So, I mean, that's an amazing testament to the alternative media and the work of the thousands of individuals, you know, that have done in exposing the official story of 9-11 for the monumental fraud that it is.
Yeah, you're right.
And, you know, the only thing that's... the thing that I see
That the alternative media is really, really doing really good.
I mean, they do a lot of things good, but the main thing that I see that they exist for is to give people an alternative.
In other words, to look and say, okay, I'm not really... because I think a lot of people across the board, Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and the Conservatives, they're all saying something isn't right here.
If they could cut through the glitter and the sizzle that the mainstream media has been feeding them with, and they start to realize that there is something else going on, this is a really good time.
This is a very good time.
Back in the 60s, when Kennedy was killed, obviously we didn't have things like the internet, which has created that very platform for that immediate exchange of information, which is why, for example, if Larry Silverstein types his own name into Google, he'll see that the first 20 or 30 hits are about how he and the authorities made the decision to take down Building 7 on the morning of 9-11, which is also what the Zogby poll gets into.
I interviewed David Ray Griffin who wrote the new Pearl Harbor.
I am amazed at all of the things that have been
Glossed over by the 9-11 Commission.
I'm amazed at all of the things.
Although, Griffin's idea is that Eliot Spitzer would be the guy to lead an independent reanalysis, if you will, of the 9-11 thing.
I don't necessarily agree with that.
I think that there is a new investigation that is warranted.
And what I don't understand is why the mainstream media, with all the glaring problems and the inconsistencies that are in that 9-11 commission report, I can't understand why the mainstream media isn't jumping on that.
That would be the news of the century.
Well, exactly.
I mean, the commission itself.
As presented now, it's smoking gun for one of the hijackers' involvement in the attack with this visa, which was apparently found in the remains of Flight 93, which obviously went down in Pennsylvania.
Now, as I wrote on the website, you know, even if we are to entertain the notion that this paper visa supposedly in the pocket of the suicide pilot Ziad Jarrah, who flew the plane
Flight 93.
We're supposed to believe that that survived the crash when you've got aircraft parts which was strewn over eight miles.
And I mean this is what the 9-11 Commission presented last week as part of their evidence and the mainstream media just blindly repeat what they say without even questioning the fact that basically that's just as impossible as finding a paper passport in the rubble of the World Trade Center which we're also supposed to believe
Even though the FBI now admit that they still don't know exactly who the hijackers were, whether they stole identities or, you know, whether there were any hijackers at all.
So, down the line, it's about repeating blindly what they say with no questioning of the official version of events.
Paul, let's take some calls.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
On with me is Alex's webmaster, Paul Joseph Watson.
He is the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also author
of Order Out of Chaos, which I want to ask you a little bit about too, Paul, before we let you go today.
I want to find out about that book, because that's a very interesting book indeed, also showing what is really at the heart of this whole matter.
But for now, let's take calls.
We've got Susan calling in from Colorado.
Good morning, Susan.
Good morning.
You're on the air.
Since we have globalists running in both parties, Democrat and Republican, if we, as a people, elect a third-party candidate
What happens, because my understanding is, from government years ago, is that the Electoral College vote only goes to Democrat or Republican, so even if the popular vote elects someone else, that person can never become President.
I'm going to hang up and listen.
Okay, thanks for your call.
Paul, do you have a comment on that?
Well, I mean, the process of voting for a third-party candidate is not, you know, taking in the knowledge that this guy has any chance of winning.
Obviously, we'd be naive to think that because we don't live in a free country.
But the process of doing, voting for a third-party candidate is to give them the platform to then educate other people on the issues that we talk about on a day-to-day basis, you know, constitutional issues.
I mean, the Libertarian Party with
Michael Peruca is the foundation for that, because Peruca himself has traveled the country over the past couple of years teaching constitutional classes.
So if you give that person the biggest platform possible by voting for them, then they can then educate others and it can increase our numbers.
That's right, I agree with that.
Because, you know, one of the things that I've noticed, particularly this election,
Is that, you know, when I'm talking to people out on the street, getting into conversations with people, they say, well, who are you going to vote for?
And I might say to them, I'm going to vote for Bednarik, the Libertarian candidate.
It's almost like you have just killed their mother, because the reaction of these people is it's a knee-jerk emotional thing, you can't, how could you possibly waste your vote?
But the problem is here, is I'm under, I'm not under any kind of delusions here.
The idea is, just as you said,
The main thrust of what our effort is today is to educate the people about the Constitution, what it means, and how we are, you know, we're it!
This is our country!
And the idea is that, you know, I know that a third-party candidate, you know, I can say this fairly reasonably, I know that a third-party candidate is not going to get elected during this election or maybe the next, but that the idea
is to educate.
The idea is for people to learn what their responsibilities are and how they go about getting their country back.
And once that happens everything else starts to scatter.
You know?
Well yeah, we need to back up and realize that people do need more education because a sizable majority of the people who will vote do not even know the name of the Vice President.
I mean it's down to that level.
I mean
And it plays into the hands of people like Sean Hannity who on a segment on his show he goes out on the street and interviews people and asks them who they're voting for and they say Kerry and Hannity responds by saying so what do you think of Kerry's running mate Stu Pett?
I mean, these people just buy it hook, line, and sinker, and so then it politicizes the debate again, and it throws it between left and right, so the bottom line is education is needed, and that's the process that we follow in voting for a third-party candidate.
Yeah, and they've got it very carefully managed, if you will.
They use subtle, you know, for lack of a better word, that's what it is really.
It's a subtle kind of mind control.
I mean, some people have called it political control technologies.
But the idea is that they get people to react.
It's a knee-jerk emotional reaction.
Because when you're talking to people out on the street about who they're going to vote for, they'll say, anybody but Bush.
And then I say, well, who is your candidate?
But Bush, it's Kerry.
And I say to him, why would you vote for Kerry?
Can you name some of these political ideologies that Kerry has that you like?
And they say, no, I just don't want Bush in there.
And again, this is all driven by mainstream media.
The way that all of this is presented to them.
And that's exactly what the Hannity piece did.
I mean, they asked New Yorkers, who were obviously liberals, who are you going to vote for?
They said Kerry.
He said, can you name any policy that Kerry stands for?
And they said, no, anybody but Bush.
So then again, that reaffirms the fact
Good morning.
Good morning.
Certainly, Mr. Corbyn, I agree with you that the Constitution is vitally important.
People need to understand our government is deviating wildly from a constitutional course.
But in defense of the previous caller, we need to be honest enough as Christians and as fellow Americans to not put whole segments of our society off limits to this discussion.
For just once, let's be honest about this.
You know, the people of Russia didn't realize when they started the revolution against the Tsar back in the early 1900s, that basically they were falling into the hands of their Jewish co... well, I don't know what you want to call them, the other Russian Jews.
And they ended up in a position where over 80% of the
The commissars and the intelligence officers and the NKVD were Jews and ultimately over 60 million predominantly Christian Russians were slaughtered at the hands of a Jewish controlled state.
Now, we don't want to end up in the same state.
This is not to say that all Jews huddle together and conspire against humanity.
That's what I'm saying.
Most Jews, most Christians, most Muslims are busy minding their own business just trying to keep their heads above water.
But there is an element within Jewry that is internationalist in outlook.
It is virulently anti-Christian, anti-Muslim.
It comes straight out of the Talmud and out of the Kabbalah.
The Kabbalah forms the basis for Freemasonry, one of the many threads that is controlled at the top by these rabbis and whatever, conspirators, whatever you want to call them.
You know, jewelry is the only element that can tie together all these various threads.
The foundations, the tax exempt foundations, the Freemasonry, the Skull and Bone Society.
It is all fundamentally occultic and capitalistic in nature.
But that does not represent Judaism.
This is my problem with this, Mike, and it is this, okay?
Again, we are dealing with an evil in the world that has no ethnic boundaries, although you can sit there and you can ascribe an ethnic background to whatever you want, but the problem is
is that Judaism does not represent the Kabbalah as their religion.
When I think of a Jewish person, I think of a race of people who found favor with God in the Old Testament.
They were the chosen people and the Kabbalah is Jewish Satanism and that has nothing at all to do... it's wrong to categorize this conspiracy as a quote, ethnic conspiracy when it is not because it's unfair.
The masters that are running this show
Have nothing more on their mind but corralling everybody.
Divide and conquer.
Thanks for your call.
We've got to take this break and we'll come back.
Paul Joseph Watson is with me and we will continue.
We'll take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
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And we continue.
Again, I'm Michael Corbin.
Sitting in for Alex Jones, who is in New York on the ground covering the Republican National Convention.
And we're going to find out what is going on coming up in the next hour.
Alex is going to join us live.
We have Paul Joseph Watson now on the air with us.
He is Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com, also author of Order Out of Chaos.
Now, I want to mention Alex's new film, American Dictators.
This is a very, very important movie video.
Documenting the staged election of 2004.
It covers how the election is staged and there is no real choice between the candidates.
It includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry, of course their cousins, and their membership in the Skull and Bones.
Now, you know, I think a lot of people would agree.
Those two, at least the Skull and Bones ingredient in the mix,
is extremely dangerous and very, in my opinion, anti-american and does nothing but seek to work against our republic because, you know, these clubs, these secret organizations like Skull and Bones
They have no allegiances to our country.
They have no allegiances to any country.
They swear an allegiance above the country, above God, and above family.
And so when you have this ingredient in the mix, and it's no doubt, I mean it's well documented that Skull and Bones has got a large, large lot to do with politics in the world and in this country,
To me, it leaves no doubt in my mind that we've got a really, really serious problem on the horizon in our political situation, and we've got to seek to get that influence out of our government and out of the world affairs, and get things turned back around.
To get our number today, 1-800-259-9231.
Let's grab some calls.
Paul, we've got Ann calling in from New Mexico.
Good morning, Ann.
You're on the air.
Good morning, Michael and Paul.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Yahweh bless you both.
Thank you.
And Alex also.
Calling in regards to F9-11.
It's a slickly produced propaganda film and the message really is that the people can't really do anything.
It's useless to try to do anything.
Here's some facts on Michael Moore.
He's raised up in Davidson, a very tony town in Michigan.
He's the working class, that's just the front.
Ira Emanuel is his agent.
Mel Gibson of Icon Productions funded his project.
He has a 1.5 mil apartment in New York and probably an equally expensive summer home and it's probably not in Flint.
It's somewhere in Michigan.
And Ira's brother, interestingly enough, was a former advisor to Clinton.
His name is Rahm Manuel.
And it's coincidental, more than coincidental, that the woman that he interviewed before her son was killed in Iraq, it's more than a coincidence, the odds of her son, because there were, I think,
30,000 servicemen with around 800 deaths.
So the odds of him having to go back to her and spend six and a half minutes viewing her sorrow, the odds of that happening is .014%.
Now, I'm not going to draw any conclusion on that, but I want to say, and these are two ministries that have brought this up,
It's more than a coincidence.
And we've got to go to take the break.
Thanks for your call.
We'll continue with your calls coming back from the break.
I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be right back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, Michael Corbin here, sending in for Alex, who's in New York, covering the Republican National Convention.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
And Paul Joseph Watson is with me.
And Paul, welcome back.
And we've got a lot of people online here.
We're going to take some more calls.
We've got Bob calling in from Michigan.
Good afternoon, Bob.
You're on the air.
Yeah, hello there, Mike.
Mike, if you don't mind, I'd like to comment about what's going on in New York there.
I hope Alex is safe.
I was listening to Paul Harvey today and he said a policeman there is still in serious condition in a hospital, you know.
But my comment is, is what right have these slobs, what right have they got
To disrupt the convention in a violent manner like that.
Nobody's putting a gun to their head and telling them they have to vote for Bush.
The thing is, these type of people, they just make me sick to my stomach.
They're all for free speech and everything else as long as you agree with them.
If you disagree with them, they want to knock your head in.
I just wanted to say this, and I'll give this phone to somebody else their turn.
If I was the governor of that state, and I mean every word of this, I would order the National Guard, they'll probably have to call them up anyway from what I've been seeing and hearing on the news, I would call them up and tell them, the first guy you see acting violently with a Molotov cocktail like they burnt something the other day and all, or assaulting a police officer, shoot him right down on the spot and shoot to kill.
That's what I think of these rotten
No good people.
They're the terrorists.
That's what you say.
Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more.
The provocateurs are the terrorists.
They're the people that are down there stirring up a lot of people who have well-meaning intentions.
The provocateurs are the ones that are firing the Molotov cocktails.
I think they should deal very harshly with them.
To get to the point, Michael, if we can jump in, I mean, as Cole mentioned, we've had several reports of black block anarchists, and again, that's nothing to do with race, you know, it's because they all wear black.
Several reports of them physically attacking both delegates and police, one of which, as Cole mentioned, was a detective in Madison Square Garden who was kicked off his bike and repeatedly kicked in the head.
So, I mean, why are they doing this when it doesn't even aid their cause?
It only harms the image of the peaceful protesters.
Because as we discussed at length yesterday, there is an element within these groups which is solely controlled from above.
Now, you know, that's not to say there aren't a few idiots who would do this kind of thing of their own accord.
But even if you talk to hardcore anarchists, they'll tell you that they only advocate violence against what they call inanimate objects, like, you know, smashing a Starbucks coffee window.
So attacking people physically goes against what they stand for.
So again, the call of
Yeah, I think so.
Jenna, we're in 2001, so I mean that's the exact kind of reaction they want from you.
Yes sir, I understand that.
You know, here's the thing.
I think that they should be dealt with harshly, meaning that they should round them up, they should put them in jail, and they should have a public trial where they are exposed for who they are and let people see.
But Paul, I agree with you, because the thing is that one of the things that they must do
In order to bring about martial law in this country is they have to get social breakdowns to the point to where they are justified in the eyes of the observing public.
They're justified in bringing out the big guns and putting this kind of stuff down.
I think they want that.
Well, yeah.
I mean, what concerns me more than these idiot black bloc people is things like the arrest of the Newsday photographer yesterday by the name of Moses Saman, who was photographing the arrest of a protester when he was grabbed from behind, thrown to the floor in handcuffs.
So, I mean, he was arrested for no reason, and that's a very dangerous precedent to be arresting journalists for documenting what's going on.
We gotta take the break.
Hold on, we'll come back to that, okay?
Paul Joseph Watson, I'm Michael Corbin singing for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And welcome back to this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex, who's in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
And Alex is going to be joining us again at the bottom of this hour today to give us an update on what's taking place out there in New York.
And there's a lot of things going on out there in New York, as we said.
Real quick, again, I'm the host of A Closer Look, which is heard on GCN Monday through Friday from 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 7 to 10 p.m.
And just to give you an idea, tonight we're going to be talking with Karen Katowski,
Who is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, who was involved in some of the early controversy about the intelligence data that was used to justify the invasion of Iraq.
And she's going to be joining me tonight on my program, and we're also going to be talking with Kyle Hentz.
We're going to kind of expand on the Sogbe poll.
Kyle is also going to talk about the upcoming September the 9th
gathering in New York, demanding a new investigation of the events surrounding 9-11.
So Kyle's going to join me as well tonight on the program.
So, let's move on.
Paul Joseph Watson is my guest currently, and he is Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
Paul, did you have anything you wanted to add before we go back to the callers?
Yeah, it's about the, um, security state that we were talking about and how, you know, it justifies the overreaction of the police.
There's an interesting story out of the New York Post which is about a man who walked up to Dick Cheney with a knife and was grabbed at the last moment by secret service agents.
And I mean this again reminded me of the fact that all the security, all the police state that we see can in no way protect anyone.
I mean it's like the Irish journalist who got a job driving a truck at the Olympics and during the entire opening ceremony
That's right, you're absolutely right.
You know, again, this whole thing that I think people need to realize again is that the whole idea is to bring about a police state and martial law and have the justification to have military troops on the street.
And the scary part of it is that when that eventuality does come,
They're not going to be American troops that are patrolling the street.
They're going to be United Nations and NATO forces on the ground in our country because of treaties that previous presidents have signed, signing away our country's sovereignty.
Well, yeah, they've already got those deals set up where Mexican and Canadian troops would come in.
I mean, going back to the previous caller again, I mean, the kind of overreaction that he wants, that's what they had in Genoa when several people were killed.
Police chiefs actually got caught firebombing protesters' hostels where, you know, where they were sleeping to try and provocateur them into retaliation.
Okay, our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Let's take a call.
Andrea in New York.
Good afternoon, you're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Corbin, and thanks for taking my call, and I'm really glad to share with your listeners that I actually was able to see Road to Tyranny this weekend, as well as Dave on Kleist in Plain Sight, which I thought both were really excellent.
But I wanted to share, I had, because one of the, I believe it was perhaps you who made the comment that you think that
Attorney General Spitzer may be the only independent, you know, arms-length body to... Well, frankly, I'll share with you what my experience was, because I had heard the explosives up through Sixth World Trade Center, and my concern was over protecting evidence and things like the steel.
And so, a couple weeks later, while I was battling the Patriot Act, and I was faxing to the offices of Senators and Reps,
And I happen to have been in the NBC building in Midtown.
Now, this is in Rockefeller Center.
It's an entirely different office complex, like four miles away.
And the administrative assistant in this office, because it was my outplacement firm that I had been using, and she shared with me that morning what an FBI agent said to her.
This is on the morning of September 11th of 2001, while she was walking into the office building where she worked, which was that office building, the NBC building.
The FBI agent said to her, she's to get her things and go home.
She's to, um, there's explosives in the NBC building, there were explosives in the Trade Center, and that she was to go home.
And I called Elliot Spitzer's office that evening, hoping desperately to get somebody, and an administrative assistant listened to what I had to say.
And, um, and then, um, told me to speak to his, um, his chief investigator, who unfortunately had been with the FBI for 20 years.
So, so what the case is, is that, you see, these people at the top,
Have all kinds of gatekeepers.
So keep in mind that that's an important factor.
And then the second consideration is that Elliot Spitzer, aside from having some degree of ambition, the alternative to litigate easy, ongoing Wall Street fraud was the choice that he took.
And see, Wall Street is involved, definitely, on the front and back end with September 11th.
I was just going to say that
You know, the inclination for Eliot Spitzer to take on, you know, something as extraordinary as, you know, calling for the independent investigation, an arm's-length investigation, because even the fire marshals here in New York, with our fire department, were prohibited.
In effect, you know,
Fire marshal investigation has been done and so you know there's just so many loose ends and there's just so many places for all of us to collectively start and to bring pressure to bear.
Yeah, let me ask you this.
I personally I don't know much about Spitzer as far as what his politics are and things like that but are you saying essentially you don't think that he would be the right choice to head up a reinvestigation of this?
Let's say that I would be reluctant to offer that he could remain arm's length partly because I think he runs afoul with future professional and or political ambitions.
I think he has concerns about what kind of backing he may continue to enjoy from Wall Street because
If you think about it, and the fraud that he litigated, I mean, there's hugely deep crimes on Wall Street.
It's ongoing.
I was a whistleblower.
I work there.
I know what it is to endure.
And the case really comes to is that they just threw them $1.5 billion, the major institution, the major investment banks, threw them $1.5 billion for them to quote-unquote settle, so that everybody can just walk away from this.
Yeah, there were some changes made, but really it was all in form and really no substance.
Andrea, let me ask you this.
Being involved at the level that you are, what would you say would be the way that something like this should be tackled?
Because again, as you've mentioned, this magnitude of this kind of an investigation that needs to be done
You have to have somebody that would be completely disconnected in some ways from the potential influence that may influence their career or their finances by the forces that they'd be going against trying to get the truth out.
How would you say that something like that would be set up?
Well, I don't think that we should ignore an avenue with somebody like Eliot Spitzer.
I think it's important to tap whatever establishment
As a large enough independent force, if you think about it, the fact that the fire marshals were prohibited from doing their job, we in New York, who are living victims, have the ability, perhaps, to start a plaintiff class lawsuit against the fire department, not like I'd really want to do that, however, against the city and the state, because, you know, there was really no... they were prohibited from doing their jobs.
I mean, there's a negligence there.
And even, you know, people like Silverstein, perhaps, can be
Booped into the class because all the insurers no doubt had all of their they're called surveyors.
There always come a crisis when an insurance company has to pay.
They bring their people in to do a review of why they have to pay out from catastrophe.
Well, if it's a natural disaster, you give it a pass.
You know, without realizing that, of course, now the government can control the weather with the satellite.
What really concerned me about the insurance angle is that the federal government stepped in, and in some ways, I think, and I don't know this for sure because I'm not that deep into it, but it seemed to me that the federal government may have circumvented
The insurance companies from being able to do their proper investigations for each one of the insurance companies that were involved in this and again there may have been something there that should have been looked at.
Oh absolutely but I mean there was something there that should be looked at I don't think the government stepped in and prevented the insurance companies.
I'm doing their investigations.
I believe the insurance companies did do their investigations, because if you follow the legislation that happened after September 11th, you should see what the insurance companies were able to wrangle from Congress.
Andrea, let me ask you this, if I could.
Could I get you to leave your number with my producer?
Yeah, by all means.
I'd like to call you out there, okay?
Yeah, by all means.
Alright, we've got to move on, and I'll have him put you on hold and get it, okay?
Thank you.
Michael, if I can just say as well... Yeah.
I mean obviously that's a major story and if the caller could email those details to me or Alex, obviously we kind of blew the lid off the World Trade Center 7 story, so we could really give that some fuel both on the air and on the internet because we've also got
One of my colleagues who has an interview with somebody who works, I believe, in the 36th floor of the South Tower, who again says, as we've had previous reports on this, that they closed most of the floors from the 50th floor up in the days preceding 9-11, which obviously would have given them the opportunity to plant the bombs.
So, again, I would encourage any feedback on that story.
We can, you know, we can kind of put it out there on the Internet and really get some attention.
We'll be in the loop, okay?
We're going to take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
We'll be right back.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here.
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I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
Again, I'm host of A Closer Look, heard on the GCN Network, 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 7 to 10 p.m.
My web address
Is www.4acloserlook.com
I want to tell you that Alex has got a brand new film out called American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
His film shows how the election is staged and that there is no real choice between the candidates.
As we mentioned before, Alex brings out the interesting components to the dynamics of Bush and Kerry, and that is one, that they're cousins.
And two, their membership in Skull and Bones.
And he's documenting how, no matter who wins the election, either be Bush or Kerry, no matter who wins, the New World Order is still on track and they're winning the war.
And this is why it's so important for us to rise up now and speak our voice in our vote and letting our politicians know that we're not going to tolerate any more of this.
You can get this video, American Dictators, and as you heard Alex mention, 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny is now on DVD.
All of his things are available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or you can call toll free to order 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that's 1-888-253-3139.
Also, as an extra added bonus to all of this, American Dictators is available to subscribers at PrisonPlanet.TV.
You can see the video in its entirety if you're a member of PrisonPlanet.TV.
If you're not, if you're not a subscriber to PrisonPlanet.TV,
The non-subscribers can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and you can watch a 20-minute segment of American dictators documenting the staged election of 2004.
So get over there to the website and check it out and get some of these videos and books that Alex has available.
I find that the Bohemian Grove video is particularly interesting
And again, Alex is going to join us at the bottom of the hour today to give us an update on what's going on in New York.
David Gergen, he has a confrontation with David Gergen he's going to talk about.
Gergen is involved at Bohemian Grove and Alex has got a really interesting report about that.
So we will continue with Alex when he comes on at the bottom of the hour.
Right now, though, Paul Joseph Watson is with me.
He is Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also author of Order Out of Chaos.
And Paul, welcome back.
Let's grab one call.
We've got time.
John in Tennessee.
Good afternoon, John.
You're on the air.
I watched part of the GOP coronation last night just to hear Mafia Mayor Sir Rudolph Giuliani, Knight of the British Empire, he already contested that he and the CIA ran a war game on 9-1-1 to hijack planes and crash them into buildings, and that's with the National Law Enforcement Security Institute lectures to city government.
Now, obviously the GOP picked New York City because the citizens are disarmed of their firearms, reducing the risk of a lynching.
But all citizens can make citizen's arrests, like the Guardian Angels do in New York every day.
And what surprised me, I was kind of hoping that while I watched the convention, that the 30,000 man, heavily armed army of New York Police Department would storm the convention and arrest Giuliani, Bush, Cheney,
and all that for being cop killers and mass murderers.
Silverstein confessed on PBS TV to bombing the World Trade Center 7 with explosives on 9-1-1 and that was with the approval of Mayor Giuliani and the New York Fire Department.
So it was really disappointing that these 30,000 cops in their machine guns and flak jackets didn't go in there
And overrun a little bit of Secret Service security and just arrest these people.
They have the authority.
They have the power.
Why didn't they do it?
I don't know.
John, we're going to have to go.
And Paul, you got any comments on that?
We got about a minute.
Yeah, well it's amazing that they do make these admissions, I mean, but the positive thing is obviously the Zogby poll, 50% now know the government was involved.
People like Julie Arney get up before the 9-11 Commission, give their testimony, as we featured back in May on the website, and the family members of the victims stand up and shout, you know, did you know our government trained and funded Al-Qaeda?
I think it's well within our reach.
Paul, thank you very much for coming on.
I will talk to you tomorrow, same time, okay?
Okay, thanks, Michael.
Alright, take care.
And that was Paul Joseph Watson, and he will join me tomorrow at the same time.
We continue with Alex, coming back from the break.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
We continue our number today 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 that's toll free and Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones who is now with me reporting live from New York at the Republican National Convention.
Good morning Alex or good afternoon where you are and how are things going?
Well Michael, things are really heating up and I'm here in Gotham and we're into the second day of the Republican National Convention.
Lord Schwarzenegger
I don't think so.
I guess in a little bit more calm fashion, not out in the middle of the street via cell phone.
I'm now here from my hotel room.
Perhaps I can go over and kind of chronicle some of the things that have happened since I got here Saturday night.
Yeah, I'd love to hear.
I want to hear more about David Gergen and also Michael Moore and whatever else you've got going on out there.
Sounds exciting.
Well, I mean, it's amazing.
The most exciting thing that I could talk about
It's also very frightening is the fact that the media said a few thousand protesters and literally, literally, we would try to catch cabs to get back in front of the different demonstrations and we'd have to go over 5, 6, 7, 8, some cases 10, 15 streets over
Because the protest was so big on Sunday that it took over whole sections of the city.
So, now a lot of the estimations are a half a million, but guaranteed it was 300 plus thousand.
I mean, we're talking about, on the local news, they showed helicopters up above, you know, several blocks and it would just be masses of people going back for miles.
It was huge, but the most exciting thing was
Literally, I talked to the organizers, 10,000 of the people had the 9-11 cover-up signs saying that the government basically is behind September 11th, and yesterday I talked about this Zogby
I think so.
I don't think so.
I don't know.
And the guy, it was just patent lies, propaganda, not about Kerry.
I mean, most of that stuff was true.
What he said about Bush's cousin and Skull and Bones mate was true.
But the way they pose as our saviors, and they're going to keep us safe from the terrorism, and just incredible lies when you know the facts of the government involvement.
And it's so disgusting to see people involved in 9-11 posing up there as our saviors.
It's just totally disgusting.
There were some other developments that happened Sunday and then Monday that I didn't get to yesterday.
When we got here Saturday, we got here about 8 o'clock and we stayed up until about 2 in the morning just going around the city interviewing people and they have signs up saying it's not illegal to videotape but you might get in trouble.
Yeah, I think so.
Yeah, I think so.
Blamps that are going to be 30 plus times the size of the Goodyear blimp with a ground penetrating radar.
This thing's just Fujifilm sponsoring NYPD and it's flying around surveilling.
You might have 10 helicopters in the air at once hovering over people and so here they are surveilling us.
Their cameras are good but they're setting the precedent where our cameras are bad.
Well then last night I ran into
Well, I'm sure you've heard of the fellow who had that Vox New York website.
They've got the government so mad, he made so many predictions.
Well, I run into this guy at a 9-11 truth meeting with all these prominent people, and he takes me out, along with my film crew last night, on his cigarette boat.
And I got to tour all the way around Manhattan.
And no fewer than three times, we get stopped
By the Coast Guard, aiming M-60 machine guns at us.
Good heavens.
But they were nice, and they didn't care that we were filming.
They were just checking, and they were guarding the Statue of Liberty and the rest of it.
So I understand that.
And then we had a little bit of fun with them.
They wanted to race, so we raced the Coast Guard and beat them.
I was having a blast, but I was out there just to get video of the city.
But then we get back and we take the train from New Jersey, because his dock was in New Jersey, back across over into New York.
And once we got to the New York side, the doors opened at a stop in the subway.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
We're sitting there videotaping, going, this is what's wrong with our society, how will this happen?
And these cops run over and go, you're not allowed to film that and show that, and start making me erase my tape.
And another lady on the train, that we weren't even with, took a photo of them.
They flip out, smash her camera right in front of us.
Smash a woman's camera in front of us.
She starts crying.
We're good to go.
We're good.
And there's Giuliani going, we're fighting against the tyranny, the tyranny in the police state they have overseas.
We're bringing you freedom.
We're protecting freedom.
Blah, blah, blah.
And here I am living in a place, staying in a place, where they smash women's cameras, rip the film out, right in front of them, where they threaten to arrest you for giving old people, disabled people, money.
I mean, it was just absolutely amazing to see all of this happening.
Then, of course, as I said back on Sunday, we were over behind the Convention Center, and that's Core Garden, and this black sedan pulls up, and out gets David Gergen with one of his handlers, and I walk over...
We're good to go.
You're the one.
I don't think so.
Yesterday, I'm down by Madison Square Garden, and they call it a national security event.
Everything's cordoned off for a few hundred yards around it, four or five streets around it.
Now they've even increased the security perimeter.
And I'm just standing up against a wall videotaping police, and all of a sudden, there's this horrible pain in my elbow, and this huge cop is squeezing my arm, going, turn that camera off!
Get moving!
And I just looked at him, and he had his billy club.
He just wanted me to do something.
He just wanted to crack my head.
And again, folks, I'm a guy in a dress shirt,
You know, with blonde hair and blue eyes, can you imagine what it is like for people who are, you know, not, you know, the classic, you know, white guy America?
I've really seen them just randomly harassing weak people, period.
Women, children, families, and I'm not saying all the police are like this, but then last night at Madison Square Garden,
The cops will use horses in designated areas.
They say your march is allowed to march from Union Square down to Madison Square Garden, but it's got to stop here and we cordon you inside these barricades as we've seen before.
Well then they start breaking the barricades up and
We're good to go.
Yeah, absolutely.
It gives new meaning to your video about the police state.
Mike Tyson, the cop, went flying off the moped.
It was on the news, too.
And then the little anarchists will come and burn a papier-mâché dragon or a puppet, and the cops leave them alone, and then 30 minutes later, sort of arresting hundreds of innocent people.
These little anarchists, man, they work for the government, folks.
We've proven that in other cities, and I'm sure of it here.
We try to talk to them, and they're really communist.
You know, they're wearing little communist armbands, and they'll threaten us and say, well, oh, Stalin killed 50 million people.
And they go, shut up.
Why are you doing this?
You know, too bad he didn't kill you.
And this is the mindset of these people.
So we've got the Communists basically working for the Republican Party, posing as anarchists, trying to stir stuff up here.
Yep, absolutely.
Alex, tell us about Michael Moore.
I didn't think you got all of that yesterday when you were talking about the confrontation with Moore at the restaurant.
Well, how long do we have before the break, Michael?
We've got about five minutes.
Okay, great.
Well, again, I want to thank you for filling in for me.
You're doing a great job.
Just to describe this, as I said, the march, just what I saw, had broken off into 8, 9, 10 groups.
Just a whole massive city block after block after block, jammed with hundreds of thousands of people.
And so I'm in one tail of a march interviewing folks.
Most of them, by the way, are informed about the New World Order.
No Kerry's bad.
No Bush is bad.
Or getting past the left-right paradigm.
But I'm, as usual, arguing with communists.
They're threatening me.
And my cell phone rings.
And one of my friends who lives in New York said, listen, I'm right up here at the head of the march at 5th and 30-something.
And he said, get over here.
Michael Moore is right here.
And he's being interviewed by people as he walks.
And so by the time I got over there, just getting a few blocks of 30 minutes because of the crowds, I get over there and he's gone in this taco shop and he's in there eating.
And as I get there, he's going in and they had everybody thrown out of the restaurant.
I have video of this.
So here's the man of the people, the average guy out there.
Boy, he's always confronting these corporate fat cats that throw people out of restaurants and have bodyguards.
And Michael Moore, the little man's man.
I think so, yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
I mean, I'm not even that big of a guy, but you just rammed into me, buddy.
I'm going to ram right back into you.
And Moore, and I jumped in front of Moore, and I go, you know, why don't you talk about Norris standing down?
Why don't you talk about the drills on 9-11 of hijacked jets, blah, blah, blah.
And then police came running up and kind of mushered him on through the barriers, and Moore went off to some waiting car, because they had most streets and side streets totally blocked off, but there was this car in a side street.
The police had let it through, and Moore drove off.
It's just very, very hypocritical.
I mean, I've supported Moore under the First Amendment.
I think his film is a whitewash.
It doesn't cover 2% of what really happened.
It kind of acts like it's all the Republicans instead of this larger global system that's doing this.
But overall, I don't think Michael Moore is a bad guy, but he is a complete and total hypocrite, and his bodyguards did act in a thuggish fashion.
Alex, let me ask you this.
With the Zogby poll out, what do you think Bush is thinking with the numbers that they are?
I mean, 40-odd-some-odd percent is nothing to be laughing at.
What do you think Bush is thinking?
Well, here's the funny thing.
The 9-11 Visibility Project and the 9-11 Truth Movement paid $4,000 for the poll, another $3,000 to have Zogby send it out.
Zogby is one of the most, if not the most, respected.
And they did it of 850 New Yorkers, registered voters.
And they called up, again, random New Yorkers, and I've actually got the poll over here.
41% believe that the U.S.
government was behind 9-11, and then of the 50-plus percent that are left, a large portion of those believe the government at least had prior knowledge.
It's only 8% that think the government had no culpability.
So what does that say to the globalists?
And again, for people that say, well, that poll isn't real, again, here we are on my own syndicated radio show.
We beg people to call in and disagree.
When they do, it's that I'm not right-wing enough or not left-wing enough or I don't think it's this group or that group.
But we all agree it's a new world order.
It's a problem.
It's a threat.
Whereas five, six years ago, half the callers to my show on one station disagreed with me.
But it's not just my show.
It's interviews I do.
Thousands of them.
And I know, Michael, you've had the same experience.
We have turned a corner.
And that's why the globalists are scared to death of us.
Yeah, we're winning the war.
We are winning the war.
And again, this is a very, very good time to be out there because we are providing a place for people to get the truth.
They know deep down inside of themselves that something is wrong.
And the thing is that they are now starting to question what's going on.
Well, they are.
Look, the problem is it's kind of a catch-22 for the globalists.
They can either back off with their plan, but we continue to expose them, or they can accelerate it.
And I know that the globalists would have already carried out more staged terror attacks, government-sponsored terror attacks, if people like myself and you and others, the listeners out there, weren't getting the word out.
So we're at a crossroads, a critical juncture right now.
That is time for everybody to be more vocal, more focused, more informed.
Alex, we've got to grab the break.
You want to hang over?
We'll be right back after the break.
I'm Michael Corbin with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who is online with me right now, live from New York at the Republican National Convention.
And I want to encourage you, get over to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, check out the offerings that Alex has there.
We're talking about what's going on in New York right now.
It is a virtual police state.
And Alex has well documented all of these dynamics in his videos and you can get over there and order them online or you can call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
Again, it's 1-888-253-3139.
And Alex, again, I wish I was out there with you.
I know this is all very bad, but it sounds very exciting.
You're covering this thing and nowhere else can you get the truth but here.
Well, I really appreciate that, Michael, and I appreciate the network supporting me and coming out here to New York.
And I want to just thank all the New Yorkers that have been so supportive.
But to watch the police with horses and mopeds ramming into people, I mean, what do you expect us to do when you treat us like this?
And the media will focus on the most clown-like, stupid protesters instead of listening to what people are really saying.
And it's a diverse crowd.
By diverse, I mean diverse opinions and ideas.
I don't think so.
Again, I've had a cop grab me and squeeze me real hard to try to be mean and then want me to do something with a billy club in his hand.
Worse, I didn't fall for that.
I've had him run up and threaten to arrest us and make us erase tapes right in front of him under threat of arrest for giving an old lady money.
It's disgusting, and it's this attitude that they're God, the state is God, and we're somehow bad.
And this whole thing in New York, what happened in Boston, it's all being used to condition us and to sell us on this model of tyranny as if it gives us security.
Right, exactly, and that is the thing that people must really realize, that this is the game.
It's a psychological warfare game, is what it is.
Well it is, Michael, and I really want to thank you for filling in again, and I know you've got a ton of callers, so I guess you're going to be taking calls in the next hour.
Again, I will continue with reports.
I will have more details for you tomorrow of what goes on with Schwarzenegger tonight inside the convention, and they're saying tonight is where you're really going
We're going to have the big protest, and this is where we're hearing that the anarchists are going to try to basically provocateur things.
They're all over the city trying to stir stuff up and basically working with the police, some of them consciously, I believe some of them unconsciously.
But tonight there at Madison Square Garden is a convergence of a bunch of different marches and demonstrations.
So tomorrow, and of course on the websites we'll also be reporting, we'll be here filling all the listeners in.
With an eyewitness account of actually what's going on, not with what the media is telling us is going on.
I mean, there's so many distortions, Michael, that we've gotten from the New York Times, from the Washington Post, from Fox News.
There's the worst, Neocon.
But we'll be here deciphering that and chronicling all their different activities.
Now, keep the cameras rolling.
Stay safe, okay?
Well, I'll certainly try, and of course that's up to God, and I want to thank the Lizards for all their prayers, but it's actually a lot of fun to fight tyranny, and Michael, I'm going to let you go, and thank you so much.
All right, Alex, thank you very much, and we'll see you tomorrow, okay?
You bet.
All right, take care.
And coming up straight ahead after the break, we're going to take your calls, and I apologize, you've been on hold so long, but we're going to get to you coming back from the break.
And keep Alex in your prayers, because New York is live and brimming with all this stuff that's going on out there.
Anyway, again, coming back from the break, I want to also talk about this totalization treaty, the Heritage Foundation's executive summary.
It's pathetic, and they call themselves conservative.
Not a chance!
Anyway, again, 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones, who you just heard during the last part of the last hour.
He's in New York covering the Republican National Convention, and what a story!
There is a lot going on out there, and as Alex said,
Tonight may be a very lively night and we'll get a report from him tomorrow again live coming up.
I'm with you today and tomorrow and then Erskine is going to take over Thursday and Friday filling in for Alex while he's out there covering that convention and again it's very lively and there's a lot going on.
Now, what I'm going to do is, this hour, we're going to take your calls and also I'm going to talk a little bit about this totalization treaty because, again, we have less than 30 days to let our congressmen know, and this is a really bad thing because the timing that Bush has put on this couldn't have been
Yeah, I've been listening to Alex Jones for many, many, many years, but I've never heard the word Cesar on this program.
That's right.
What is that?
You don't know?
Well, let's hear it.
What is it?
Well, Cesar is an ancient race of people descended from the Edomites.
You know who Edom was?
Well, I got a pretty good idea.
Where's this going?
Go ahead and make your point.
The Edomites and the Khazanites combined became the Khazars.
The Khazars drove across Europe on their shaggy ponies.
Almost reached Paris.
We drove them back.
Stalin threw them out of Russia and went to Germany.
Hitler was a part Khazar so he
Yeah, I think so.
Well, sure we do.
Because that's the way they arranged it.
And let's go on to Charlie in North Carolina.
Good afternoon, Charlie.
You're on the air.
Thanks for taking the call.
Yes, Mike.
Thanks for holding.
I got a question and then a remark, okay?
Did you see the police state tutor take over?
Yes, I have.
When that guy come on,
He was painting the guy that was saying, shoot this and shoot that.
He was painting all the demonstrators as something bad.
He doesn't really understand and the people that are listening to him ain't going to get the message.
The government bringing in the anarchists, the productors, but this guy painted a picture.
If they don't like it, they don't have to vote for him.
That isn't the reason they're there.
No, they're there to stir up trouble, and they're there to get... No, I'm talking about the peaceful demonstrators.
They're not there to... No, no, I'm talking about the provocateurs that are inciting... The provocateurs are brought in by Bush and his country.
They're there for a purpose.
That's right.
But the thing is, the peaceful demonstrators, they're not there about voting for Bush.
They're not going to vote for Bush anyway.
They're there to make a show and let the people know what's going on.
There were people that came on that scene that had sons and so forth, daughters dying over Iraq.
That's right.
Hey, Charlie, we've got to move on.
We've got to take a break.
But thanks for your call.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And we continue our number today 1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231 I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex who is in the thick of it now in New York covering the Republican National Convention and again he will be with us again tomorrow I'm going to be with you tomorrow covering and filling in for him and he's going to give us a live update
As to what's going on in New York real quick to again I'm the host of a closer look which is heard on GCN Monday through Friday 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain Time 7 to 10 Eastern my program kind of details additional incongruities with what's going on in politics and current events and
And I invite you to listen to my program as well on GCN.
And my website is www.4acloserlook4acloserlook.com.
You can go to the website.
We have all of the archives from our programs on there.
And you can see what kind of guests we've talked to and where we go with all of this stuff.
And what I want to do this hour is I want to kind of talk a little bit about the totalization treaty.
I think it's a very, very important thing that we need to be aware of.
A lot of people aren't even aware of what's going on.
And that is that they have put through a treaty that is pending final approval in Congress regarding totalization.
Now what they're proposing to do
Is they're proposing to be able to give illegal immigrants into this country the ability to come in here illegally and go back to Mexico where the biggest problem is coming from right now, the illegal immigrants.
Go back to Mexico and file for Social Security and gain money from us to support them.
And of course, what they're also proposing to do in this totalization program is to take away your benefits, reduce your benefits, to be able to fund this thing.
I think it's an egregious crime, is what it is.
And we're going to talk a little bit about that coming up in this hour.
Because I think it's a very bad, very bad thing.
We've got to be aware of this.
And you need to get busy and let Congress know and demand that they repeal this.
And we've got less than 30 days to do it.
We'll cover all that here in just a minute.
But for the meantime, let's get back to the phones.
Darren is calling in from California.
Good afternoon, Darren.
You're on the air.
Hey, good afternoon.
I'm amazed and disappointed on the mainstream media and talk show, radio, how they can easily influence Americans into this mad assault against peaceful protesters.
Like you had a caller earlier, who I guess he'd listened to the Paul Harvey Show, and he was saying that the protesters are the same as terrorists.
Uh, yeah.
And anyone attempting vandalism should be shot on the spot.
I don't know, he was just going at Rantin' Raven and he sounded so angry.
And I could see what it is, it's from these talk show radio shows.
And it's just, they're manipulating these people into just outrageous thoughts.
You know, I'll tell you, Darren, I think you hit upon something that's very key to this whole thing, and that's anger.
Yes, I know a lot of people that are very angry at what's going on today, but the thing is, is that, you know, as he said, he thought that they should deal harshly up to the point of shooting them when they catch these provocateurs doing what they're doing.
I agree, they should be harsh with them, but they should bring them to trial and they should expose them for who they really are and what they're really all about and start getting to who's paying them to go out there and do this.
But, you know, this is a very common trick
That is played by communists.
I mean, their goal is to take down the government in its present form and institute a totalitarian state.
That's their goal.
And the thing is, is that they know how to play on the emotions of well-meaning people.
Because, you know, there's a lot of people that are angry that we have invaded Iraq, but that doesn't make them necessarily anti-war.
They're against the war in Iraq.
and they have their sons and daughters in the in the military over there fighting and they're angry about that but see these provocateurs these anti-war movements are very very clever in how they manipulate the emotions of the American people and you add to the ingredient the mainstream media that is playing along with it I mean that's what's going on they're manipulating our emotions oh exactly and if you see the news
Uh, the way they portray, uh, the protest, you know, they're gonna show, uh, you know, some guy with earrings in his nose and, you know, something crazy.
And then the same with the media, uh, the talk show, radio shows, uh, the same thing.
Like, uh, I guess the Paul Harvey Show really got this guy angry at the protesters and just can't believe they're out there doing it.
And what he described as far as bringing in the National Guard, rounding these people up, Alex Jones could have easily been one of those people rounded up, you know?
Look at this war on terror that Bush has launched, you know, and I say war on terror with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
He has done a lot.
I mean, we had a caller yesterday who was talking about the FBI bulletin that came out a few years back equating militia members and evangelical Christians with terrorism.
This is the kind of game that they're doing.
As Alex said during the last hour, this is psychological warfare.
They know exactly where to hit us and they know exactly what kind of response they're going to get.
Yeah, you got it.
Darren, thanks for your call.
Thank you.
Let's move on to Carlos in California.
Good afternoon, Carlos.
You're on the air.
Yes, you know, you're absolutely right.
And so is Alex Jones in pointing out that there are elements on both sides of police, certain elements, not all elements, by the police and some of the demonstrators who attend some of the rallies.
I remember attending an anti-war rally, where I saw the Not In My Name and also the Answer Coalition, who by their rhetoric, I could tell, were trying to agitate people.
And in fact, I picked up a pamphlet by a newspaper called The Challenge.
I remember reading it, and it specifically said, we will use the anti-war rallies as a platform
To launch disruptions in the communities, the factories, and the schools.
They specifically mentioned that right there and then.
And of course the challenge, to me, all those organizations are probably semi-socialist communistic organizations.
But you're right, both elements are trying to agitate people so that we can have incremental incidences of violence.
Which will ultimately lead to, of course, martial law and the confiscation of our guns.
And that's exactly what they want, and I can see the dynamics unfolding in New York at the Republican National Convention, as Alex has reported.
There is a lot of tension there, and there are a very small... I mean, it just takes a small handful of people who are well-trained and well-funded to get something of this magnitude going, and exactly that is where they want it to go.
Exactly, so we have to be aware of that, and if we attend these rallies, be peaceful, do not fall flat into their manipulation, and as long as there's no violence, then people are going to have a hard time accomplishing what they want.
Absolutely, Carlos.
On a second note here, you know there are a lot of radio talk show hosts out there who extol the virtues of our accomplishments in Iraq,
Here's some of the statistics that I've read.
We've only started 40 of the 140 reconstruction projects.
Most of the projects that are given out, contracts are given to international corporations.
The Iraqis get very little of the contracts themselves.
So I don't blame these people for being mad.
And then none of the money is being allocated for health services.
Over there, the hospitals have no medical facilities.
And no, no sanitation.
There are kids that are dying by the thousands, have been dying for the last 10 years since the sanctions were imposed.
And that's part of the sinister objective of the New World Order to kill people, to reduce allocation for health services.
Absolutely, Carlos.
You know, the thing is that they have absolutely no care or concern for anybody but themselves.
I've done a lot on this outsourcing of the government, this privatization of the war, these big companies like Halliburton and Kellogg Brown and Root and on and on down the line.
They are doing nothing more than they're raping the coffers of the American people, and they're causing a tremendous amount of death and suffering of innocent people, and it's all a dog and pony show!
It's all a dog and pony show, and it's very disgusting.
It's very wrong.
Well, you know, privatization is being imposed, of course, by the World Bank.
And the IMF, which are institutions of the New World Order, and they're privatizing all over the world.
In Latin America, that's all they're doing.
They're taking over the water, electricity, and then they're raising prices.
A lot of people, you don't hear much about it, but are dying because they cannot afford the water.
In Bolivia, there were riots.
In Argentina, there's people dying.
They cannot afford the water.
Because the Bechtel and the Divendi and all these
Corporations are buying up the water, and that's part of the private distinctions that they're imposing on the people, on the bankrupt country.
That's right.
That's right.
Carl, we've got to move on.
Thanks so much for your call.
Thank you very much.
You take care.
Okay, let's take one more call.
We might have time for, we've got about a minute and a half.
Ron, in, I think it's New York.
Ron, good afternoon.
That's correct, sir.
I'm sorry that I didn't have a chance to speak to Alex, as I do many times here from New York.
What is going on is rather strange.
What you have is the mainstream media, the establishment media is what I prefer to call it, trying to characterize these protests as being largely disruptive or non-law-abiding.
That's not really what's going on.
No, I know.
The percentage of people that are disruptive at these protests are very minimal, especially in comparison to the size of the protest groups.
Most of them, whether you agree with their political philosophy or not, that the material, they have a right to express that in a democratic republic.
That's right, that's what makes America great, being able to voice your dissent.
The vast majority, 99.9%, have not engaged in any disruptive way.
However, I've got to say the truth, that there have been tactics utilized, for whatever reason, and I'm saying this as a retired police officer from NYPD, that have not been consistent
With the way you should behave, the government itself and its entities and agents should behave in that situation.
Now you've had, you've employed a tactic, which I think has caused more trouble than anything else, of having officers go out on motor scooters and mopeds and almost, in an attempt to corral people, almost ram into them with these motor scooters and mopeds.
Now this has caused a lot of agitation, obviously as it would normally
And there really has been no reason for it.
You've had them weigh into these groups where there hasn't been any violent disruption.
Ron, let me interrupt you right there.
Hold on.
We've got to take the break.
Stay on the line.
I'll take you back, coming back to the break, okay?
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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We continue.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
Again, he's in New York at the Republican National Convention.
And we'll continue with your calls.
Let's go back to Ron in New York.
Ron, you said you're an ex-New York City cop.
Tell us what you were saying about the use of the mopeds, the tactics that the police in New York are using.
They will wade in, it seems they'll use motor scooters and mopeds, and almost wade into the crowd, almost to the point of maybe colliding into people, cutting in front of them that short.
And it's a tactic now that's been used over the last three days.
We're more or less in the third day of these protests.
And I think it's building up frustrations, naturally and understandably, so on the part of some of these protesters.
Now, I agree that there may be some, there is, there is some small, and it has to be emphasized, that it is a
Very small minority element within the protesters that may be provocateurs.
However, on the other hand, it has to be said, we talk about provocateur or we talk about anarchy.
Let's define anarchy because you know what?
It can occur on both sides of the coin.
When you have officers or agents of the state engaging in that kind of behavior against a largely
Peaceful and behaved group of protesters, and that makes them provocateurs too, and then that makes them anarchists too.
The only thing is it's a little worse because they are supposed to represent government and have a greater appearance, a tone of legitimacy, as opposed to some greasy guy, you know, throwing a rock or something in a crowd.
You've got it on both sides.
The only thing it is worse when you have a government entity doing it, and that's what's going on.
And that frustration is now building up, and some of these protesters are understandably reacting to it.
That's a policy or practice that should stop forthwith.
And I think you will have less confrontation than you do, though you've had a very small amount of confrontation.
Let me ask you this, Ron, as an ex-cop.
When do you think, I mean, what do you think is the threshold here when good cops, that they're working their job, they're doing their job, they start to realize that what they're being asked to do crosses a line when it comes to people's rights and the constitutional protections.
When is this going to start, when are we going to start seeing them down on the front lines saying, I'm not going to do this?
Well, there are a good number of officers
who are aware of that.
Now, I've spoken, Alex, about this a number of times, and I'll speak to it again.
Most of those that are conscious of the fact that you really shouldn't be going overboard or engaging in provocative behavior to solicit a negative reaction are people who, by their very age and generational category, are the older officers.
You got it.
The younger officers, and I'm going to explain this, and I hope your audience grasps this,
We got two minutes.
The reason that the older officers know that is because they come from a time and a generation where there was some morality instilled in their development and upbringing.
Right on, yes.
The younger officers, some guy born in 1981, came up in a time where there was no morality.
So the end product is you have an adult person who enters a job like that, enters into a position of some authority and power,
With no moral background for the most part.
That's right.
And they're like tools that can be used.
Very easily, because they're nothing.
They're ciphers.
They're morally hollow.
They're spiritually hollow.
Their parents were whatever, who was a crack addict and an alcoholic.
This isn't mom and pop from Timmy and Lassie that raised these people.
And so now they managed to make their way through life.
They managed to get into a position like that.
They have no moral core.
So any order given to them, no matter how obscene it is, they just go out and act on it.
Because they have no moral compass within themselves.
They weren't raised with one.
But you know, I myself, when I'm thinking about this possibility with this whole thing, there has got to be some part of them that feels repulsiveness at what they're doing.
In order to feel repulsiveness,
You're wrong in that.
You have to have barometers of comparison based on who you were experientially as a person prior to getting into a position of authority, be it a police officer or an agent.
If you don't have that moral compass, if that soul was not established in you as a small child, you're not going to have it now.
They almost have the moral consciousness of an animal.
That's really what it is.
Well, they're following orders, and they're doing it with a zeal that's frightening.
And if you look, you will see it tends to be the younger ones.
Now, the older ones don't agree with it.
They've remained silent.
That doesn't mean that they've gone out and taken a publicly dissident position because they're concerned for their job, their well-being, their financial welfare.
However, they generally try not to overreact.
But the problem is, these people are fading away, and it is the other generation that is coming to dominate that field.
And it is very dangerous.
That's how you wind up with what we've got going on.
Ron, we've got to go.
I appreciate your call.
It's a great call.
Thank you very much.
Take the break.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back after the break.
We're on the march.
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Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones, who again is in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
And real quick, I want to direct you to Alex's websites.
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Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com have just a wealth of information.
And the program exists to educate
The American public about what is going on with their country and there is no better place to get information than Alex's website.
Again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
He has got a new film out, American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
This film of course covers how the election is staged
And that there is no real choice between the candidates.
Now, the problem here is that what we've got is we've got John Kerry on one side and George W. Bush on the other.
They're cousins.
And not only that, but they're also members of the Skull and Bones.
Very, very, very big problem for the country.
As you well know, it's very well documented that Skone Bones exists.
It only has the cream of the crop Ivy League people that go through it and are tapped, if you will, to their secret society.
But these men, essentially, have to sell their souls to the society in order to go out into the world and gain the success that they enjoy.
Part of that dynamic, and part of that process, is taking an allegiance above God and country and family.
And this is what is in control.
Do you want either one of them as your president, as your leader?
Considering the fact that they have engineered this entire scenario that we find ourselves embroiled in, the 9-11 attacks, all of the things that have happened in this country, the divisiveness, the division that they're creating among the American people,
Do you really want these kind of people leading you and educating your children?
It's just like Ron said from New York, the last Dust call I had, you know, there is a moral problem here.
These people have none.
They have no conscience.
And the problem is that their whole goal and their whole idea for us is to enslave us in a totalitarian dictatorship that is as mindless as a box of rocks.
That's exactly what it is.
That's what they want.
That's what they want out of you.
They want you to be emotional, chemical responders to their stimuli, to give them their power, let them have their way, and we are going to see to their future.
Like automatons.
No, that's not for me and I know that's not for a lot of us out there.
American Dictators documenting the staged election of 2004 is the video for you and it shows the dynamics that are at play here.
Now again, Alex has numerous videos and books available on his website at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or you can order toll free 1-888-253-3139 1-888-253-3139
Also, you can check out PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now that site is a subscriber site.
If you're a subscriber to PrisonPlanet.tv, you can go there and you can watch this video online.
If you're not a subscriber, you can go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and watch a 20-minute segment of American Dictators, documenting the state's election of 2004.
Get over there and do it!
Because it's so vitally important to wake up and realize what's going on and take the steps necessary to get our country back.
Moving on, before I get back to my callers, I want to get to this border control issue.
Now, before I get into the totalization discussion, I want to direct you to a website that I'd like you to go to.
It's www.usbc.org.
That's usbc.org.
Now, what is going on here, and I'm going to read a statement that they have on the website, it's an appeal for action that we must take
They say here that the totalization treaty with Mexico, the sellout of America continues.
This is urgent, so please read and take action immediately.
A year ago, this organization, the United States Border Control, warned that the Bush administration was planning
To do something unthinkable.
They were seriously considering signing a pact with Mexico that would give any Mexican who had worked in the United States, including the illegal aliens, full U.S.
Social Security benefits paid out of your Social Security trust fund.
Now it seemed so far-fetched that we had trouble convincing the Congress that it could happen.
A White House spokesman denied our claim that it was on a fast track, stating the ongoing discussions for totalization were just informal and preliminary.
Of course, that is a bold lie.
When the White House told them that it was not on a fast track, they knew that it was.
But, according to the U.S.
Border Control, they knew better.
They had obtained correspondence proving that it was on a fast track and had seen plans for erecting a huge new building at the U.S.
Embassy in Mexico City just to deal with the swarms of people anticipated to sign up for this raid on our Social Security Trust Fund.
Well, according to the USBC, it was on a fast track, just as they said it was, and a few weeks ago the President signed the Totalization Treaty with Mexico, and unless you and I can persuade the Congress to stop it, millions of Mexicans, including the illegal aliens, will soon be living it up on your Social Security benefits.
Now, the timing for repealing this outrageous treaty could not be worse.
The few days that we have left, and as I mentioned, there's less than 30 days.
The few days that we have to repeal this treaty are the same few days preceding the November election, when every congressman is campaigning hard for re-election, and the Congress is seldom in session.
In short, it was a very underhanded way to sneak a terrible treaty past the Congress.
Now when you go to their website at usbc.org,
You go to this page that I'm just talking about now.
There is a link there that goes to the Congressional Action page.
You send an email to your representative.
I encourage you to do it today.
And I mean that because it's very, very, very important that you do this because this must be repealed.
Now, what I wanted to talk about concerning this totalization treaty is the bigger picture.
Now first of all, as we know, there are plans on the board.
This is inevitable if we don't stop it.
There are plans on the drawing board by the Global Engineers to literally create what they call the New American States.
Now that is a removal of the borders from the top part of the North American continent all the way down to the bottom of it.
What that means is that there will no longer be a republic.
There no longer will be a United States of America.
We will be subsumed into the new American states.
Now, there is a lot of problems with that.
First and foremost, you cannot take a country like ours and subsume it into a third world country and expect it to work.
The only way that that will work is what they are doing right now, and that is to continue their march to socialize
The entire North American continent, from Canada, the United States, on down the line.
Now that's already been done in Latin America.
The majority of those countries in Latin America are, have been, and are under socialism.
Now, this is what really, really aggravates me.
They are preparing to continue this business, their activities, of having us fund their socialist plan.
Because, first of all, as a lot of you will agree, socialism is organized crime.
When they take money from you, your hard-earned dollars, you go and you work hard, you earn your money, you're supposed to be able to dispose of your income the way you see fit.
Socialism is nothing more than forced charity.
It is a redistribution of wealth.
And it is wrong, it is morally wrong, and it is just wrong.
End of story.
What really irks me, and this is so evident in the political climate today, what irks me so much is you have this game that is being played by the engineers and the social engineers that are engineering the so-called New World Order.
We believe in this country that we have a conservative party in the Republican Party.
We do not!
And the first thing to getting over this is to realize that the Republican Party is not
It is controlled by the left.
No matter how you want to cut it, you cannot, if you're a true conservative, you cannot sit back and say that George W. Bush is a conservative when he signed one of the largest spending bills in the history of this country.
There is no way that you could be a conservative and believe that it is our responsibility to take care of everybody else, okay, and be forced into the mindset of how to do it.
In other words,
We are a charitable people.
We're a godly nation.
Charity goes with that.
We have the right to distribute our wealth the way we see fit.
We have the right to decide where our charity goes.
Charity comes from the heart.
It does not come from the barrel of a gun.
So that's the first thing we got to get over.
We got to get over this idea that the conservative party embodied in what is called the Republican Party is the conservative party in this country.
It is not.
George W. Bush is proposing this treaty, which is another example of blatant socialism to aid in continuing the agenda to strip this country of its sovereignty and its republic.
Now, the Heritage Foundation, again, what a joke,
has a paper called uh... the title of it is it's uh... number eight forty nine it was uh... it was written january fifteenth of two thousand three the title of it is how a u.s.
mexico social security agreement can benefit both nations
David C. John and Stephan Johnson are the authors of the article.
They represent the Heritage Foundation and it's cute because the Heritage Foundation has a cute little disclaimer that says, this paper in its entirety can be found at blah blah blah and it does not necessarily reflect the... I'll just read it here.
It says, nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress.
What a lie!
What a lie!
The Heritage Foundation knows that they think they can hide behind their little disclaimer, but listen to this.
This is just the first paragraph of the article.
With the war on terrorism focused on the Middle East and political crises erupting in other parts of Latin America, Mexican leaders complain that their country has been receiving little attention from the Bush administration.
President Vincente Fox's plea to open borders to help Mexican laborers find work in the United States was sidelined by the tragedy of September the 11th.
The US-Mexico Social Security totalization agreement that is now being negotiated provides an opportunity to boost sagging relations and benefit both countries without enacting complicated and premature immigration reforms.
Right there I have a major, major issue with this paper and where it goes.
Now first of all,
Why is it that it is our responsibility, and Vicente Fox is complaining, that the Bush administration has been paying little attention to them and their plight?
First of all, Vicente Fox, you are a monster!
You are a socialist puppet.
You are about oppressing your people.
And why is it our responsibility as an American nation to come to your aid and help you further your goals?
I mean, look it.
We saw this in the Soviet Union.
Every time we turn around, the Soviet Union was threatening to push the button if America didn't come to its defense.
We send over billions of dollars of aid to Russia.
Where did it go?
It went into organized crime over there.
It went into the Russian Mafia.
It went to further these corrupt politicians into furthering their Marxist global agenda to take over the world.
They control Latin America.
They're controlling the Middle East.
You know, going back to Saddam Hussein, what was he?
Everybody said, oh, he's a Moslem.
No, he was a Ba'athist.
He was a Socialist.
A Leninist Marxist.
This is what is in control of the planet.
They're trying to gain their last foothold and that's here.
They've done it to Europe.
They're doing it here.
What is it going to take?
It's just, it's just, it's crazy.
It's just crazy.
It's completely nuts.
And what we've got to do, again, is you've got to get over to the usbc.org website.
You've got to write to your congressman and you've got to demand that they repeal this totalization treaty immediately because it's got less than 30 days and it becomes law.
And if it becomes law, there they go.
They've got another nail, another notch in their gun belt at destroying this country.
And it's just awful.
It's just awful.
Okay, real quick, let's take some calls and try to clear out this as well.
We've got Steven calling in from Texas.
Good afternoon, Steven.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I'd like to comment on a comment that was made by the Brit that called in earlier.
About Black 93.
Okay, go ahead.
There's a new issue that I'm looking at from Reader's Digest, and it's about the Flight 93.
It's Liz Glick's account.
And she says in there, she mentions her husband's conversation.
It was taking place when she was in there and took places about one of the terrorists having a bomb, and in this scuffle that her husband finally had with him.
The phone went dead and everything.
So I'm thinking that that's probably why it looked like it was blown up by a jet.
You're referring to Flight 93?
Okay, you don't believe it was shot down?
I don't believe it was shot down.
Okay, why do you believe that?
Because of her saying that
They had this big discussion between her and her husband about this guy with this bomb, and he said, I don't know how he got through security at the airport, but he's real.
He says it's a bomb, and I believe him.
See, Stephen, I think that the plane was shot down.
I think the evidence cries out that something like a missile hit that plane because you have debris and wreckage that was scattered for eight miles.
You lost an engine early on and, you know, there were all the signs there that the plane had been shot down.
The thing is, is that some people believe that the crew and the passengers that were fighting these guys on the plane were very close to taking back control of the plane.
But a lot of people believe that that plane was shot down.
I believe that they did try.
It mentions about these other guys that were going to go into it with him.
The other guys his size.
And also there was a couple of things I wanted to mention.
I live in close to Tyler, Texas.
And Region 56 aired a story about Crawford, Texas, just about April or May.
And there's a gas station 8 miles from the ranch.
We're good to go.
That was lost by the Pentagon in Erdogan.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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We continue with this edition of the Alex Jones Show, and we're about out of time.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to try to get to the rest of the callers before we run out of time.
Let's grab Don in Pennsylvania.
Good afternoon, Don.
You're on the air.
Hi Mike, how you doing?
I'm doing good, thank you.
I just, uh, you know, as far as the media, yeah, they're all psychologically screwed up or mind-bent, whichever.
Uh, you know, that's... I have other options to say, but you're short of time.
The other thing is, uh, did you ever get around to reading my thing about the difference between a car and a automobile?
I have not, but it's on my, uh, it is on my shelf to do, okay?
The other thing is, whenever I show that to people,
There's a lot of people here listening to the show, and they know who I am.
And I've sent them, and there's never been any problem to it.
If I may, could I give them an 800 number?
They could call me, and I'll send a copy of it to them?
Don, why don't you call back tomorrow, because we've got to move on.
I've got a couple more to clear out before... I've got about two minutes, okay?
So call in tomorrow, okay?
Alright, thanks a lot.
And let's go to Scott from Texas.
Good afternoon, Scott.
You're on the air.
Good point.
One, you were talking earlier about Michael Moore disparaging him.
I think we have to investigate the possibility that he could be vulnerable to attack by the regime he puts up.
That's just a thought.
Secondly, you bring up the deal about the totalization treaty.
It's good if you can give people other avenues that they can investigate because, I mean, call a senator.
How do we get access to those numbers?
And lastly, you talked about the Bush-Carrie similarities.
Do we really want either one of them?
Well, what, as a people, do we have a choice?
What are our actions going to be besides other than taking it to the street?
Thanks for leaving us with that.
Okay, very good, Scott.
Thanks for your call.
And in answer to that real quick, education is the most vital thing that can happen right now to get people aware of how the Constitution works, why it's there, and what their obligations are to it.
And that's got to be the starting point.
Brooke in Rhode Island, you're on the air.
Yes, Michael.
It's good to know you're filling in for Alex.
You made a good choice.
Thank you.
It's an honor to do it.
I enjoy it.
Yeah, it's great to hear you.
I have a quick comment.
I know we're running out of time.
One of the first people to wake up to the corruption in American politics was John Quincy Adams.
We're good to go.
And also had the first national political convention and also was the first third party.
And hey, if they could do it in 1830, why can't we do it now?
You bring up a good point because again, the founding fathers of this country early on recognized the influence
Absolutely, Brooke.
Because of what the secret societies did to gain control of the politicians, gain control of the banks, and ultimately gain control of the people.
The threat to the nation is what John Quincy Adams said and I urge everybody to read the Quincy Adams biography and let's find out how he went about creating this new party and seeing a success.
That's where we have to look.
And also I urge everybody to call into the establishment shows.
Let's call into Rush Limbaugh and Paul Ingram and voice our opinions.
Because I have!
Thanks a lot, okay?
Yeah, Brooke.
All right.
That's it for us today.
Again, it's a pleasure filling in for Alex.
I've enjoyed it.
I will be with you tomorrow, and we will continue.
The fight continues, and we're winning the war.
Don't lose sight of that.
And I'm Michael Corbin, again, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll see you tomorrow.
Be sure to join me tonight.
I've got a good guest lineup.
Go to my website, www.4acloserlook.com.
Good day.
We'll see you there tonight.