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Name: 20040830_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 30, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And good morning to all of you out there, and of course I'm not Alex Jones, I'm Michael Corbin.
I'm sitting in for Alex, who is covering the Republican National Convention in New York.
He's going to join us a little bit later on in the program today to let us know what's going on.
Now I understand that he has talked to Durgin, I'm sorry, and also he's had a conversation with Michael Moore.
So, when Alex joins me today, about an hour and a half from now, we're going to get the lowdown on what happened out there, what's happening out there, and just kind of find out what's taking place.
And as everybody knows, this promises to be a very, very interesting, I guess you could say, convention.
I think it's going to be very interesting, of course, because we saw the thing that happened at the Democratic National Convention a couple of weeks ago, but
You know, they're predicting that the Republican National Convention is going to really draw the protesters.
And there's going to be a lot of activity out there, and we're going to be covering it for you.
Alex is going to be covering it for you.
And for the three days that I'm here, Alex is going to call in each day with a report and spend a little time bringing us up to speed on things that are going on out there.
And remember,
You're not going to hear the whole deal except right here on the Alex Jones Show because Alex is out there you're going to get
The perspective as it is happening and truthfully I might add because the mainstream media cannot be trusted to tell you everything that's going on.
It's interesting I've seen I've heard and seen a couple of conflicting things already dealing with the Republican National Convention.
It was interesting I heard on the conservative media this morning that there was very little in the way of protesters showing up out there but
When I picked up the New York Times today, the liberal newspaper, they made it sound like they had a big, huge group of people protesting and marching down the street, etc, etc.
So there you go.
It kind of illustrates that the mainstream media is giving conflicting reports and they're not giving the whole story.
So we're going to hear from Alex again coming up.
Also, I'm going to be joined today by Paul David Watson.
Many of you know from listening to Alex's program, Paul David Watson is Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
Paul is going to spend an hour with us today talking about some of the things that he's covering.
Coming up the third hour, William Kennedy is going to be joining me talking about his book Lucifer's Lodge.
Now, I saw in the newspaper over the weekend that Cardinal Mahoney in California has agreed to a 1.5 billion dollar settlement.
This is by far, I believe, the largest payout that has ever occurred.
We're going to get with William Kennedy and talk about what is going on with this whole thing.
Why are we seeing so many problems
I am the host of A Closer Look which airs on the Genesis Communications Network Monday through Friday 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain 7 to 10 Eastern.
We're going to cover a little bit of this during the first half of the program today.
But, I'm kind of really ticked off about this totalization program, this social security program that is, they're trying to ramrod this through the legislature.
There is a bill that's holding it off, and I believe it's got about 60 more days.
If our congressmen do not vote to repeal it, we are going to be stuck.
financing and subsidizing illegal immigrants to come into this country solely to come in and undermine our country and to go back to their country and draw welfare essentially and be able to get social security which is going to take away from all of us.
And we're going to cover that a little bit in brief today when we come back from the break.
And then, like I said, we're going to talk about it tonight on the program.
A little bit later on tonight on my program, we're going to talk about it.
So, we'll come back to that here in just a moment.
And I will have a telephone number for you to call.
An 800 number to call if you've got any questions or comments on the Alex Jones Show.
Again, I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex, host of A Closer Look.
We'll be right back after the break.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
And again, Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, sitting in for Alex while he's at the Republican National Convention in New York.
And again, as I mentioned, coming up later on in the program today, Alex is going to join us.
He's going to update us on what is going on out there.
And we're going to find out.
Now he, as I mentioned, he's confronted David Gergen about Bohemian Grove, and he's also confronted Michael Moore, the sleaze of documentaries.
And we're going to get a report from him about that, about what happened with that, coming up again a little bit later in the hour.
Also, as I said, Paul Joseph Watson is going to join us.
He's Alex's webmaster for Prison Planet TV and PrisonPlanet.com, and also the author of Order Out of Chaos.
That comes up at the bottom of the hour.
Before we get started, I want to mention that what I've done here is during the broadcasting of my program, we set up a live chat area for people who don't have access to a telephone or can't call in.
The number today is toll free 1-800-259-9231.
But if you want to be able to chat or get into a chat area that I monitor and ask comments and questions there, you go to www.4acloserlook.com and sign up on the group chat associated with Philomax and you can get into the chat area and be able to interact with us while we're on the air.
We can take your comments and questions during the program at that chat area.
Again, that's www.4acloserlook.com.
Also, check out Alex's website, www.infowars.com.
We're going to be covering some of the stories that he's got on there during the three days.
Again, that's www.infowars.com.
Also, www.prisonplanet.com and www.prisonplanet.tv.
So, those are the websites.
Okay, now, I saw, I got an email the other day from someone about this totalization treaty with Mexico.
Now, I want to give out a web address and I want you to go through it because we need to have our representatives know how we feel about this whole program.
Now, according to the U.S.
Border Control, they're sending out an urgent appeal
Asking everyone to take action immediately.
Now, a year ago, the organization, the U.S.
Border Control, warned that the Bush administration was planning to do something unthinkable.
They were seriously considering signing a pact with Mexico that would give any Mexican who had worked in the United States, including illegal aliens, full U.S.
Social Security benefits paid out of your Social Security Trust Fund.
Now, it seems so far-fetched to the U.S.
border control that they had trouble convincing the Congress that it could happen.
Well, a White House spokesman denied their claim that it was on a fast track, stating that the ongoing discussions for totalization were just informal and preliminary.
But they knew better, and they had obtained correspondence proving that it was on a fast track, and had seen plans for erecting a huge new building at the U.S.
Embassy in Mexico City, just to deal with the swarms of people that were anticipated to sign up for this raid on our Social Security Trust Fund.
Well, it was on a fast track, just as they said it was, and a few weeks ago, the President signed the Totalization Treaty with Mexico.
And unless you can persuade Congress to stop it,
Uh, millions of Mexicans, including illegal aliens, will soon be living it up on your Social Security benefits.
Now, of course, the timing for repealing this outrageous treaty couldn't be worse, because, uh, the few days that you have to repeal this treaty are the same few days preceding the November election, when every congressman is campaigning hard for re-election, and the Congress is seldom in session.
Now, in short, it is a very underhanded way to sneak a terrible treaty past the Congress.
I just read that was a statement by the U.S.
Border Control.
I want to invite you to go to their website at www.usbc.org.
I'm on my way home.
How do you know all this stuff?
We just got wired into the system, sir.
Well, I'd like to order a couple of your double meat special pizzas.
Sure thing.
There'll be a new $20 charge for those, sir.
I don't hear anything.
What do you mean?
Sir, the system shows me that your medical records indicate
So anyway, I want you to go to the website at www.usbc.org.
That's www.usbc.org.
And check out what their appeal is and find out how you can let your congressman know.
And the other thing you can do too is you can go to the congressional website at congress.nw.dc.us.
And you can go there and check that out.
So again, that's congress.nw.dc.us.
I told you I was checking out this thing.
I've interviewed Congressman Tom Tancredo on my program several times.
This is one of my pet peeve issues.
And the first thing I want to say is that I don't
I don't want my ranting and railing about this problem to be any kind of an indictment against anyone coming into this country illegally, because that is what America is all about.
We have always had an immigration policy, we've always allowed and always had open arms to people that wanted to come to the United States legally and become American and live as Americans.
But my problem is, is that number one, if a person comes into this country illegally, that first of all implies they have no respect for the law.
Because they have no interest in becoming American.
Now, the problem is, is that what we're having here is we have a whole lot of different agendas at play with this stuff.
And that's an understatement to say the least.
I think, you know, in the long run, I think what the idea is, is to Americanize Latin America, ultimately to create the new American states.
Now, some of you are aware of that, others may not be aware of it, but the goal is ultimately to remove the borders on the entire North American continent, and make it one giant country.
Canada, the United States, all the way down into Latin America.
Now that is a very big problem because in the first place, our systems do not work.
They would not work in other countries because the American concept is unique and it implies a certain mindset.
The problem is that Latin America is becoming, it has been, Mexico for example, has been socialist for 70 plus years.
The entire Latin American, Southern American part of the continent has been totally socialized.
And what you have, and again, you know, you hear a lot of think tanks.
Now, the Heritage Foundation, which, first of all, bills itself as a conservative think tank, has written an article that I want to talk about, because the problem is, is that, you know, you have both sides of the partisan aisle have their
Their goals, and why they want to allow illegal immigration into this country.
On the liberal side, on the democratic side, they are looking for votes.
They're looking for as many votes as they can get.
Democrat, liberal votes.
As I mentioned, a lot of people coming in from the Latin American countries are socialists.
The Democrat side wants to have illegal immigration, or wants to turn a blind eye to it, just for that reason.
Because it gives them more bodies to cast votes to get their candidates in power.
On the Republican side of the ledger, you have big business.
Big multinational corporations and big businesses that get cheap labor this way.
So their incentive is money.
Their incentive is not to curb illegal immigration because it solves an economic problem that they have and that is being able to hire labor well below what a skilled laborer's talent would bring.
They're able to hire this labor cheaply.
Much, much cheaper.
So that's their incentive.
Now, the problem is, there's two things here.
The problem is that number one,
Illegal immigration is wrong from the standpoint that all we're getting, and Congressman Tan Credo has spoke about this at great length, we are getting a lot of the crime and the dregs of their society in this country coming across the border.
That's the first problem.
Second problem is, and the one that's most paramount to me at this particular day and age that we're living in, is
The borders are wide open for terrorists to come into this country completely unchecked.
And come into this country and wreak havoc and do whatever damage they're going to do.
That is the biggest primary problem that I have with all of this.
Because we know.
We've known this for several years.
That the terrorist networks are aligning themselves and reorganizing themselves in Latin American countries.
The drug trade that comes into this country, the primary source of drugs coming into this country is cocaine coming up from Latin America.
There are established drug corridors that come into this country and all the people that operate in those criminal cartels are very well aware of those shipping lanes, if you will, and those shipping lanes can be used by others who have money
They can get access.
And ultimately that's what this is really all about.
You know, being able to get drugs into this country and to get terrorists in this country who will pay great sums of money to get in here illegally and either become sleeper agents or work to undermine the country and work to do harm to us.
And what I don't understand
Is President Bush and Congress not doing something about this problem?
It is a serious problem.
A very serious problem.
And it is something that if we don't nail it down now, it's probably almost too late.
Because I was looking at statistics and coming back from the break I'll talk about these statistics that I was looking at.
They were published here not too long ago by the State Department and Homeland Security.
It's interesting to note that over the last couple of years there has been a decrease in the illegal immigration into this country from Middle East countries and almost a proportionate increase in illegal immigration from Latin American countries.
That should say something.
We'll take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
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We're good to go.
We continue 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones who is in New York covering the Republican National Convention.
As I mentioned he is going to be coming up with us in a little bit to give us an update on what is going on out there.
As I mentioned he confronted David Gergen about Bohemian Grove and he's also confronted
The sleaze of documentary television and movies, Michael Moore, I personally just cannot stand that man.
But anyway, he's going to be talking about that.
Also, I want to invite you to check out his website, www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.com and also www.prisonplanet.tv
And Alex has got a brand new film out called American Dictators documenting the staged election of 2004.
Now, this dynamic film covers how the election is staged and there is no real choice between the candidates.
It includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry.
Of course, we all know their cousins and their membership in the Skull and Bones.
That is a lot.
That says a lot.
Now, you can order this and other items that Alex has for sale at 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or again, you can go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and see a full listing of everything that he's got.
He's got books and other videos that you've just got to see.
Again, check it out and if you want to call toll free 888-253-3139.
Let's take a call.
We've got Jules calling in from Oregon.
Good morning Jules, you're on the air.
Morning, how you doing?
Listen, I have a bone to pick with you and Mr. Jones, ever so lightly, mind you.
My son, you know, he's Muslim.
And, you know, he's a God-fearing person.
He loves his country.
He doesn't have any intentions of doing any terrorist activities, no plans, no schemes, no nothing.
They live here under the same constitution, you know, I mean there's many of them, there's even some who, now he's indigenous, he's born and raised here, but there's other people who are transported here, and they come here for the sole purpose of establishing a better life for their families, living under our constitutional laws, trying to be good citizens.
But, then you have, and we know all along that
Bush and Kerry and all these other entities who are part of the different organizations that are plotting and scheming and bringing in the idea of terrorism to us.
What's your bone to pick?
Because I don't have any problem with your son being Muslim or living in this country and being a citizen.
I have no problem with that.
Well, the thing is, I would just hope that we would stop, not saying that we shouldn't be alerted,
But everybody who comes across the border as a terrorist, supposedly as a terrorist, doesn't necessarily have to be a Muslim.
Well, you know, the thing is, is that the, the, uh, this is a very slippery slope, okay?
But, the problem is, is that there are Middle Eastern people that are involved in Al-Qaeda and things like that.
Now, granted,
I believe that these groups like Al-Qaeda are financed at higher levels and by suits and ties, not necessarily Islamic people.
I would say that what we have to do is we have to be very careful.
We have to acknowledge the fact that there is a problem with terrorism.
Who is behind it?
We know.
But we still have to be aware and alert because this is a very complex situation inside of the government.
There are good people working in the government that are thinking that they're dealing with actual, real terrorists.
And the problem is that there are rogue factions in the government that are causing all this stuff to happen.
We have to be very, very careful.
We should not judge a person by their skin color or their ethnicity and immediately judge them to be a terrorist if they're dark-skinned.
We should not do that.
But at the same time, this is part of the media propaganda that the mainstream media and the government is foisting on us, like people like Michelle Malkin, who's talking about profiling and all that, that it's okay, why we need to have it.
I disagree.
And quickly, I just wanted to say that, you know, we didn't look at all Protestants as terrorists, we didn't start, you know,
Every time we've seen a person who's supposed to be Protestant taking pictures or just being themselves here in America as all Americans do.
They record the events of their family.
You know what I mean?
And so, I'm saying we don't recognize everybody who's of the same persuasion as Timothy McVeigh as a terrorist, nor should we do that to the immigrants who come over here or the people who actually live here and are born homegrown or should I say who have
Become homegrown American.
You betcha, Jules.
Hey, I've got to go.
Thanks for your call.
We've got to take the break.
Thank you.
And again, we're going to take the break.
When we come back, Paul Joseph Watson is going to join us.
He's Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, he's the author of Order Out of Chaos.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We continue with the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbett, sitting in for Alex, who's in New York, covering the Republican National Convention.
And again, coming up later in the hour tonight, or today, he is going to be giving us an update.
He'll be calling in with an update about his confrontation with David Gergen concerning Bohemian Grove, and also his confrontation with Michael Moore.
I want to mention real quick about Bohemian Grove.
Alex has a video about Bohemian Grove.
If you haven't seen it, you really have to see it because it's very, very interesting.
Alex was able to infiltrate the Bohemian Grove a couple of years ago and film some of the rituals that were going on in there.
Let me tell you, some of it will give you the chills.
It will give you an idea of how the elite in the world are all part of this club, this pagan club,
Believe it or not, a lot of this stuff has a very big influence on their politics, and their ideals, and their goals, and they are the people that are architects of the New World Order, and believe me,
They have some big ideas about where they want to take it, and what they want to do with us.
And while I'm on that too, Alex has a new film, it's called American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
As I mentioned, this dynamic film covers how the election is staged, and there is no real choice between the candidates.
And of course we know that from seeing this political drama unfold over the last few years.
It includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry, their cousins, and their membership in the Skull and Bones.
Now, I'm going to read a little bit from the cover of this new film.
It says, in a dictatorship there is no choice, the elections are controlled, the police are the military, fear equals control, speech is suppressed, the economy is looted, and the people are slaves.
And we don't know the future, but we've studied human history, and regardless of who wins the November election in 2004, the New World Order wins.
And that's a quote from Alex Jones himself.
Now, one of the interesting things about this new film is that subscribers to PrisonPlanet.tv can watch the entire film online.
Now, if you're a non-subscriber, you can watch a 20-minute segment on PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Now, you can also order online at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com,
Or you can call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that's 1-888-253-3139.
And you go there, you can order the video, The American Dictators, you can order the Bohemian Grove video, and he's got a lot of other videos on there, and also books.
And again, that's PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, or PrisonPlanet.tv.
And again, our number today to call in toll-free is 1-800-259-9231.
Now, joining me from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
Now, Paul is a frequent guest on Alex's show.
He's also Alex's webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
He's also author of Order Out of Chaos, and it's a pleasure to welcome to the program Paul Joseph Watson.
Good morning, or good afternoon, as it might be in your area of the world.
Good afternoon, Michael.
Good to be on the air today.
It's good to have you.
Now, real quick, we've got to cover some things that you've got to talk about.
Let's go ahead and start off there, okay?
Yeah, well, obviously I think we need to get into the police state actions taking place in New York at the moment.
And the New York Daily News has an article out today which they seem to think is kind of funny, but I think it's no laughing matter.
And it's posted on prisonplanet.com.
The headline I gave it is, New York cops arrest filmmakers for wearing bandanas.
And despite the fact that these filmmakers had all the necessary permits, you know, they need permission to film, but the government can give police handheld camcorders to go around filming, you know, protesters.
And we got photos of that on the website as well.
So, despite the fact that they had these permits, they were arrested for wearing bandannas.
So, I mean, to underscore, the characters in the movie were wearing bandannas.
It wasn't even a real protest.
It was, you know, on a movie set.
And so, because of this law that, you know, you can't use anything to mask your face, meanwhile, police units across the country are getting rid of badge numbers.
These individuals were handcuffed and thrown in the back of a van.
It's down to the level where fictional characters are being arrested on movie sets, which is quite extraordinary.
Yeah, it is.
You know, the thing is that it's getting very, very interesting out there on the street, too, because, you know, you see a lot of suspicion.
I'm in the Denver, Colorado area.
There was a news blip the other day about the veterans' hospitals that are now on the
Heightened watch awareness of the Homeland Security Department.
They were talking about, you know, gaining or hearing reliable intelligence indicating that anybody that's taking pictures or filming or hanging around a veterans hospital is to be scrutinized by these guys.
It seems like it's getting so bad you can't do anything anymore without coming under suspicion.
It constantly makes you wonder who the government perceives as the terrorists.
Well exactly and they're still using the information which we now know has proven as being three years old or even four years old for these different targets that were supposedly under threat in New York City.
Media trucks as well in the same bracket as those veterans hospitals that you mentioned were listed as targets which is obviously designed to
We're good to go.
She was actually set on fire by police provocateurs posing as anarchists.
Now, I mean, this is interesting, because notice that in the filmmakers being arrested story that I just mentioned, they were arrested for wearing black bandanas, but these black bloc anarchists, you know, who are wearing full face masks, are left completely alone by the police and allowed to set fire to things, which again suggests
Um, as with past examples in both Seattle in 99 and Genoa in 2001, that these individuals are being protected by the police and being allowed to stage these provocative actions and create havoc, which is not to say that
All of the police are willing participants in this, obviously that's not the case because many would refuse and blow the whistle.
But all that would need to happen is that the order would come down for them to stand off and not make arrests of a particular group of people.
And the previous examples of that are documented on Alex's police state films.
So, I mean, let's not forget, though, that the Weathermen terrorist leaders, the people who were actually responsible for real terrorist bombings, which were covered up by the media back in the 70s, many of the leaders of this group, as was reported by the New York newspapers,
Um, we're released from jail for the express purpose of causing mayhem and providing justification for this police state fear-mongering.
Go ahead, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.
So, I mean, it's interesting that, you know, these individuals who are wearing full face masks are being left alone while filmmakers who aren't even doing a real protest, they're filming a movie, are arrested for wearing bandanas.
So the contradiction is there, um, between the two groups.
You know, the thing is, people are not aware.
I mean, a lot of people in the audience are.
But I think that a lot of people are not aware of the fact that historically, terrorism has always been state-sponsored.
Now, the thing is, is that, like you're talking about here, where you have stage, you have provocateurs in a crowd, and it's kind of interesting because, you know, some of this is being brought on the Democratic Party, that they are, you know, responsible for putting some of these dissent groups up in these protest situations, and they're denying it, saying, oh no, we don't have anything to do with it.
But the problem is, is that
Most invariably, they do.
That's a very common practice.
But a lot of people don't realize that what's going on here is that even though they may ignore certain groups of people, they are very convincing because, you know, your cop down on the street, like you said, most cops are good cops.
And they're doing what they perceive to be their job.
But the problem is that these provocateurs are unknown to even them.
They go in there and they do their job, and most of it is psychological warfare, where they work in the pre-demonstration meetings with a lot of people, implanting ideas using buzzwords and using various forms of subtle mind control to get people all stirred up.
I mean, the anti-war protesters that we see, that we've seen since we went into war with Iraq,
You know, at the core of those anti-war protest movements is a communist agenda.
But they play upon certain sentiments and feelings of the American people, and they draw these people who have good intentions, who may not be necessarily against war itself, but against the Iraqi war.
And these people come to them, get involved with these things, and pretty soon before you know it, they're helping these provocateurs carry forth their agenda.
Well it's interesting you mention that because I actually had an email accusing Alex Jones
Protecting the rights of left-wing protesters, but then not speaking out against such things as the fact that the protesters at the Democratic Convention were put in cages and so forth.
But I mean, at the time, obviously, we did relentlessly focus on that.
But with the left-wing funding and the communist agenda of some of these groups, that is proven by the fact that an article came out just last week, which is on the website, where Ted Turner
funded a group called, I forget the name of the group, but it was one of the leading left-wing anarchist groups, to the tune of $100,000.
This is one of the groups that is out in New York today.
So we have the elite, so-called capitalists like Ted Turner, funding the so-called communist socialist groups.
You know, the other interesting thing is, is that, and you know when you talk about, when you hear the word domestic terrorism,
Domestic terrorism, when they use that word, they're implying that there are groups within the United States that are carrying forth an agenda of terrorism against the United States.
The interesting thing is that I've always encouraged people, start looking at some of these groups like Earth First and some of those groups like that.
A lot of groups that are out there, that are like radical environmental groups, ecological groups, a lot of those groups are funded from nefarious sources.
And, you know, their agenda is to also basically disrupt, you know, the flow of things in our country.
So you have all of these groups that are working against us.
And then another interesting thing is that, you know, and going back to the thing about immigration, illegal immigration,
These are things that I don't quite understand the double standard here.
And that is that there was also another article in the paper today here in my hometown about Level 3 Communications being the ISP for groups like Al-Qaeda and Al-Qud.
There's a law on the books now that forbids any American companies from doing business with terrorist organizations.
I don't understand how these kinds of things slip through the cracks just like I don't understand how President Bush and Tom Ridge at the Department of Homeland Security can sit back and say we need to have immigration laws when we already have immigration laws.
They're refusing to enforce them and they continue talking out of both sides of their mouths.
You know, what is really going on here?
And yes, I go back to these groups that are working to disrupt these events and things like that.
They are, in my estimation, they are funded by nefarious purposes that go to high levels.
Well, you mentioned the ISPs, the Al-Qaeda ISPs linking back to American companies.
We've done several articles in the past few weeks and months
Well, I think
Make up of those groups is not actually Muslim radicals It's in fact a government propaganda campaign as we saw with the Berg beheading Which is just littered with examples of inconsistencies to again convince people of this widespread terrorist threat you mentioned the the funding of the protesters again by the left-wing it's interesting to
Get a sense of who actually they're defining as terrorists because we had the New York Times report last week that the 50 leaders of all these protest groups received visits from the FBI under the jurisdiction of the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
So it's interesting to see how these people were flagged up in the first place.
And it's via things like the Matrix Program, which is a network of state databases subsidized by Homeland Security.
And when it was launched, it flagged up 120,000 people, most of which were American citizens as potential terrorists. 120,000!
If you really think that there are that many terrorists running around, you know, we'd see bus bombings every day.
It would be ten times worse than Israel.
So, of course, the goal is not to find real terrorists.
It's to equate peaceful protest as an activist, no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on.
That's right.
Terrorism, which again goes back to why these groups, these black bloc anarchists that do create mayhem,
Are you sure?
Who was the brainchild behind the program and showed it to the FBI and they took it from there and developed it.
Now our friend Hank Asher, it turns out, has a rather interesting history because he recently had to resign from the Board of Directors at Seizance Corporation because it came to light that he was caught smuggling plane loads of cocaine into the U.S.
in the early 80s.
Now hang on,
Who's heard of Meena will immediately understand that this guy was probably working for the government.
But the bottom line is that a cocaine smuggler has developed with the government a database which has flagged up 120,000 American citizens as potential terrorists.
So, I mean, this is the nature of Big Brother.
You know, this Matrix program is basically a criminal enterprise designed by a cocaine smuggler to spy on Americans.
So, how blatant does it have to get before we understand, you know, the true face of all this garbage?
You know, it brings to mind, and I always go back to the Godfather movies, okay?
And you hear Michael Corleone talking about legitimizing the criminal enterprise that the family is involved in.
What that is, is what we are seeing in the world today.
Because, you know, Sabel Edmonds, the whistleblower, the FBI whistleblower that was fired in 2002, talking about being approached within the FBI by a foreign intelligence group to go to work for them, but they were not associated with any country.
Well, you know, what she's trying to say, or what she is saying, is that
It's a criminal enterprise, but it has a legitimate facade or frontispiece.
And it's got all the trimmings and trappings and the money to rival our own intelligence groups.
Paul, we're going to take a break, okay?
Hold on, alright?
We'll come back to this following the break.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Paul Joseph Watson is with me, and we will be back after the break.
I'm Michael Corbin, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We continue with Paul Joseph Watson.
Your number today, call in toll free.
As you heard Alex say during the break, get to his website at infowars.com and prison planet.
And check out all the offerings that he has.
Now his newest film is American Dictators documenting the staged election of 2004 and he also mentioned Masters of Terror and also Bohemian Grove.
That video is worth seeing.
We're going to hear from him today.
Alex is going to call in.
We're going to talk about his confrontation with David Gergen and also Michael Moore.
I'm looking forward to hearing how that went down because
I can't wait.
You know, as I said, you're going to get to hear what's really happening from Alex, because the mainstream media is not going to tell you everything, and you know that.
Again, our number is 1-800-259-9231.
Paul, welcome back, and let's grab a call.
We've got Clyde calling in from Colorado.
Good morning, Clyde.
You're on the air.
Good morning, gentlemen.
I had one comment or question for you, and then I guess I do have a second question, but are you familiar with the term syndicalism?
No, not really.
Well, Paul, are you familiar with it?
No, I'm not familiar with it.
Well, here's what syndicalism is.
Syndicalism is essentially an activity that's been made legal by government, but is of its nature unlawful and immoral.
The best single example of that is the Federal Reserve.
It's essentially a thievery
A Ponzi thievery scheme.
And I think if you do some research on it, you'll find that there probably is, although I haven't researched it on the net or in books, I've been aware of it, and you can probably think of other kinds of activities that are essentially either constitutionally or from a point of view of moral values, unlawful and immoral, that are really syndicate.
They function as a syndicate.
Let's just say, you know, the term syndicate
Normally it's associated with a criminal activity.
It's basically a criminal activity in the normal parlance of what we would think right and wrong that has been made legal by government.
I can think of a lot of things that go on today.
Welfare, taxes, you know, there's a lot of things that would fit under that category.
And indeed, this is the hallmark of a socialist government.
Because socialism comes in and makes the laws which completely restricts you from doing anything.
Everything is dealt with with a law, with a license, with a fee, with a fine, on down the line.
And that's how they keep you in check and that's how they control it.
And we're seeing this happening with large multinational corporations.
One of my big bones I pick is with insurance.
You know, mandatory insurance to drive your car.
There's a whole bunch of examples of this kind of stuff.
One thing that people don't understand when you study the real historical law of the country, coming incidentally, Paul, out of common law in England, you find out that when you do not really own anything, which we do not really own in the strict sense of the word, anything in America, there is no private property.
There is no private property.
That's right.
See, when you don't really own anything, when there's debt, whether you owe it on your own house or whether the governmental units that are around you have pledged your property as value, your body, your business, your whatever, your wife, your husband, your whatever, when they have pledged that as collateral in order to have a little piece of paper issued as a lien, a bond or whatever, then they are able to regulate that because they do not
As agents of the globalist banking, whatever you want to call it.
They have the right to regulate that in any manner, because you do not truly own it.
That's right.
We've got to move along for the break, but thanks for your call.
I appreciate it.
And Paul Joseph Watson is with me.
We're going to take the break.
When we come back, we'll continue with calls.
We've got several callers on hold.
Stay there.
We'll take you coming back for the break.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after the break.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin sitting in for Alex Jones who is covering the Republican National Convention in New York City and he's going to be on with us.
I'm going to be with you guys Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Today, tomorrow and Wednesday and Alex is going to be joining us each day giving us an update on what's going on out there in New York and of course what's on the plate for today when he calls in in a little while.
We're going to talk about his confrontation with David Gergen and also Michael Moore.
Now, David Gergen is involved with Bohemian Grove, and Alex has had a confrontation with him and Michael Moore.
We're going to find out all about that, plus we're going to find out what's going on out there in New York, and we'll get that at the bottom of the hour.
Alex will join us then.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Also, check out
Alex's websites are Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and also PrisonPlanet.tv.
And as I mentioned, his newest film is American Dictators, documenting the stage election of 2004.
Now, subscribers to PrisonPlanet.tv can watch the entire film online.
That's okay.
Okay, let's take more calls.
We've got people on hold here.
Let's take Mike, who is calling in from Pennsylvania.
Good afternoon, Michael.
You're on the air.
How are you today?
I'm doing good, thank you.
I'm a fan of the Power Hour and A Closer Look, and I think in the next four days we're going to find out how good of a host you really are.
I'm excited to listen to these next four days.
I'd like to ask you a question about the beginning of A Closer Look.
What president is that?
I love that clip, by the way.
What president is that that warns us?
That's Eisenhower.
That was Dwight D. Eisenhower.
That was his farewell speech to the nation.
He made that speech online, you know, on television.
And that was his farewell speech.
And that, I think, Mike, is very telling.
It was a warning to the nation, you know, about what it was that we were in the grips of.
And I think Eisenhower, who was cooperating with it, I think, in a lot of ways during his military career, I think he really began to see the handwriting on the wall.
I think a lot of presidents did toward the end of their terms, like Woodrow Wilson and such.
Can I please make a comment on, not the previous caller, but two callers ago, I have a comment on that.
I see more of his point.
I think what he was trying to say was, these Islamic fundamentalists, they continue, I mean, in my opinion, if you were to block off the borders completely, it wouldn't matter at all, because these Islamist people are not the ones that are really pulling the trigger.
They're not the ones that are, if the remote-controlled planes were flown, they're not the ones that did that.
They're not the ones that actually were behind the violence.
They were just taxis.
They're the MacPhays.
And really, even if they
You know, they can create one.
They can take one that's born here and say, I'll give you a half million dollars if you build a witness protection program and put your face on the news, you know what I mean?
And let's not forget, Mike, that they are now, and I think that we've seen some examples of this, they are recruiting Americans.
People that you would never suspect of being a terrorist.
They're recruiting people like that.
Look at John Walker Lynd.
You've got guys like this that are falling prey to this stuff.
You know, the bottom line is this.
Is that if we just do what we're supposed to do...
If we're vigilant, we watch illegal immigration, we put a stop to the illegal immigration, and we're vigilant, we won't have any problem.
Plus, if people get busy and start demanding accountability out of their politicians and start prosecuting some of these guys that have been involved in this stuff for treason, I think we could bring this stuff to a rapid close.
I had an experience that happened to me.
Back in late 90s.
I'd love to show you really quickly.
Mike, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we've got about 20 seconds.
Hold on, we'll take you coming back from the break, okay?
Okay, that's fine.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be right back after the break.
I'm Michael Corbin, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We continue our number today toll free 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Most of a closer look heard on GCN Monday through Friday 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain 7 to 10 Eastern again on GCN and I'm filling in for Alex who's in New York covering the Republican National Convention also joining online today is Paul Joseph Watson who is Alex's webmaster and also he's the author of order out of chaos
And he's also, like I said, Alex's webmaster at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's continue.
Let's go back to Mike in Pennsylvania.
Mike, go ahead and make your point.
We're going to have to move on though, okay?
Okay, yeah.
I just want to make it a point that I'm also Muslim-Arab and when I was researching the story of the hijackers and all of them come up alive and they had their passports stolen,
In the late 90s when they were here, that also happened to me.
I came home one time and I had my passport completely missing.
Now what I did was I called some of my friends and I said, I got a question for you.
If you saw my face on the news and you had my Arabic name up there and they said I flew a plane into the towers, would you believe it?
They also said yes.
So that's very compelling.
You know, they'd know me 10 years or better and they still would have believed it.
You know, I want to, if I could real quick and then we can move on.
I wanted to say something about Jules' call, when he called earlier about his son.
You know, Mohammed Atta, who is supposedly the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks,
Mohammed Atta was not, and I would challenge anybody on this issue, was not an Islam.
I mean, he might have been Muslim by birth, but you show me a Muslim who is Orthodox in his faith and would be supposedly the way that they paint the terrorists to us.
You show me a Muslim, an Orthodox Muslim, that would partake in illegal drug use,
Dealing in drugs, uh, you know, uh, uh, you know, uh, carousing, debauchery, the whole thing.
And I'll show you a guy who has nothing to do with Islam and who is basically in it for the money and is probably an agent for either the government or some rogue element in the government.
And that's the illustration here is, okay?
Those guys, you know, I don't know what, you know, this is the thing.
Picking through all of this is, is somewhat a complex issue because there's so many layers to this game.
Well, Michael, if I can just jump in there.
Yeah, go ahead.
This thing about the Muslims and, you know, their rights being violated.
The ACLU and left-wing organizations will raise hell whenever there's an example or case of the rights of Muslims being violated.
But then, in the same sense, when, for example, pregnant women and businessmen are being strip-searched in airports, they will barely raise a whimper, you know, when senators are on no-fly lists.
So, when the left wing, the ACLU, take hold of those kind of cases, it becomes about racial profiling and not the fact that all our rights are being violated, whether we're black, white or Muslim, which goes back to the old thing that Hitler did where the Gestapo first rounded up the communists and nobody sympathized with the communists, so they didn't speak out when their rights were being violated.
People like the ACLU need to realize that this just isn't a war on freedom against Muslims.
It's a war on freedom against everybody.
You got it.
Thank you for taking my call.
Mike, thanks for your call.
Okay, Paul, we've got to take another call.
We've got Joseph calling in from Colorado.
Good afternoon, Joseph.
You're on the air.
Hello, how are you?
Thank you for taking my call.
I just wanted to say you guys are very brave.
How many news anchors out there are too afraid to tell the truth because they're afraid of losing their jobs?
No, it's just disgusting to watch the news now.
Anyway, I have a quick question for you or any of your viewers or anybody who wants to jump in.
Has anybody heard about the National Economic Security and Reformation Act?
Supposedly started from a farmers' union about ten years ago, they sued and proved that the IRS was illegal.
And supposedly it is supposed to be announced when it is.
Anybody heard about that?
Well, I have heard of it.
I'm not up to speed on it, but I'm looking into it.
Paul, how about you?
No, I haven't, but it goes back into what one of the previous calls was talking about.
I believe he called it syndicalism, where the government legalizes what would normally be considered illegal or immoral.
I mean, the biggest example of that, even above the IRS or the Federal Reserve, is abortion.
You know, 42 million abortions since 1972.
And how that ties into what's going on in New York at the moment is the fact that yesterday we had Planned Parenthood stage a march.
I think it was across the Brooklyn Bridge.
And so again, that goes back to the point we were making earlier in the show where these radicals who are, you know, marching on completely immoral grounds
We'll then smear good activists on both sides of the political spectrum by marching for pro-abortion rights.
So that's another example of what the earlier caller discussed.
Joseph, we've got to move along.
Thank you for your call.
Appreciate it.
Well, thank you for taking me.
Again, more power to you.
Power to the people.
Thanks, Joseph.
Okay, let's take another call.
We've got Mike calling in from Illinois.
Good afternoon, Mike.
You're on the air.
Hi, guys.
Doing a good job for Alex.
Thank you.
I want to ask you guys, Alex refers to this quite often, we're getting near the election, a couple months away, and I want to ask you both your opinion on what you think is a staged terrorist attack here in the United States before the election to throw the election.
Yeah, I've made predictions on my program, Mike, that there could be something.
I mean, they're floating these balloons.
I mean, you know, the idea a couple of months ago that if something like that happened, would the election be suspended?
I think that they're laying the groundwork for it.
I kind of feel that there might be.
Yeah, and either way, I think even if there's not staged attack and the Russians do follow through, and even if Kerry gets elected, as Alex referred to many times, it's no different.
Makes no difference.
Right, and they have both two Skull and Bones members, so they can't go wrong, I guess, right?
No, that's right.
Paul, any comment on that?
Well, yeah, it's like, you know, the Alien vs. Predator movie.
Whoever wins, we lose.
And the point about, you know, whether there will be a staged attack or not before the election.
I'm with Alex on that.
I think they'll wait until after the election because it's kind of already preordained that Kerry will win because his running mate Edwards was personally selected by the Bilderberg Group.
And on top of that,
I mean, even in that sense, you know, if they're exerting that kind of influence within an election, then it shows where it's going to head.
But also Kerry's closer relations to European royalty, closer relations to the Queen of England, and as all the big, you know, peerage organisations have come out and stated, every president since Washington with closer relations to the Queen of England has won the election.
So again, that goes in Kerry's favour, and there is a kind of fissure within the New World Order
Um, which we see as left and right, but basically, as Alex says, it's just two management teams competing for control of Slavery Incorporated.
So I believe that Kerry is the pick and you will see the stages of attack after the election and, you know, it'll probably be blamed on Iran because that war's been in preparation for several years.
You know, there's a misconception on the American public's part that fascism is extreme right and socialism is extreme left.
Fascism and socialism are left.
They're both left.
So right now, if you get right down to the basics, right now the left is in control.
They've always been in control.
Well, yeah, I mean, Hitler's party was the National Socialist Party, and most people don't remember that.
That's right.
So, in one sense, it's a circular equation.
It's not, you know, one end and the other end.
And all we say for people is to come to the middle.
I mean, we espouse basically libertarian values with a, you know, a conservative bent on issues like abortion and immigration.
People have hijacked that all along and the current administration does not owe any allegiance to any kind of conservative values as Bush's record proves with immigration and this so-called partial birth abortion ban which is in no way a ban because it's being overturned by judges across the country.
So it's about conservative rhetoric and liberal big government action.
Mike, any other comments?
No, you guys are doing a great job.
Alex, I actually didn't even hear about it, but that's great.
It's a dictatorship on the two leaders of the country, what, Kerry and Bush?
Yeah, it's called American Dictators Documenting the Staged Election of 2004.
And again, it's available by calling his toll-free number, 888-253-3139, or going to PrisonPlanet.com, or
I'm Elizabeth Porter from the Divided Kingdom Show out here at WKDI in Annapolis, right after Alex, and we're one of his biggest supporters.
Good afternoon.
Also, I have a program on WWRB in the evenings.
Michael, also I would like to know what your frequency is.
I've never found your program and I liked listening to you last year.
What are your letters?
Well, we're on GCN.
We're on the Genesis Communications Network.
Is that 7535?
No, no.
What you need to do is you need to have the station program director or the technical person at the station contact GCN to get the satellite coordinates.
And they can pick it up the same way they pick up Alex's show on their radio station.
Well, that would be great.
I'll look into that.
And also, on the shortwave, what's your number there that you're on?
Or aren't you on it?
I'm not on shortwave.
I'm just on the satellite.
I'm just on the GCN.
I have a stunning article for you today, I think, when you and Paul were having this wonderful, cogent discussion of the Mohammeda-Otta, the true derivation of terrorism, plus the profiling.
Now, what I have came in our little local paper here in Easton, Maryland, August 19th, the Star Democrat, and it described how Representative Wayne Gilchrist and other representatives went to tour some of the Muslim countries, including Lebanon, and it says that they met with some business leaders there who were Muslim and Christian, and they decided, now get this, that the two main dangers were the extremists, Arabs, and the extremists,
Yes, we are.
Constitutionalists, gun owners, and Christians.
And another thing, I hope, Michael, you will repeat the wonderful information you were giving us so we can do something about this Social Security.
There was some kind of a glyph in the ACLU pizza commercial ran the whole time you were talking.
So please get into that again.
I will.
And we've got to move along for the break, Elizabeth.
Thanks for your call.
Talk to your program director there, okay?
I sure will, Michael.
All right, thank you.
And we're going to take the break.
Paul Joseph Watson is with me, and coming up at the bottom of the hour, we're going to be talking with Alex Jones.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back with the Alex Jones Show.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We continue with this edition of the Alex Jones Show, and I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex, who is covering the Republican National Convention in New York, and we're going to be joined with him at the bottom of the hour.
We're going to hear about his confrontation with David Gergen on Bohemian Grove, and also Michael Moore, the King of Sleaze.
Paul Joseph Watson is joining me from the UK.
Paul, we've got a couple more calls we've got to grab here.
Okay, so let's move on.
John is calling in from Louisiana.
Good afternoon, John.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon, Mike and Paul.
I'd like to address this to Paul.
It's about what the subject was brought up earlier.
Famous celebrated Ike's farewell address.
Putting the finger blame on the military-industrial complex.
Now, we seem to forget that Eisenhower had been in total control of the military in this country for eight years.
Now, I think he was either devious or deceitful in his statement, or maybe he was in living fear that the great general was in fear for his life.
Because on May the 1st in 1960, seven months prior, some entity had violated his strict, explicit orders
Forbidding any overflights over Russia or any flights anywhere on the frontier of Russia.
And in the famous, Gary Powers used to shoot down, which was a lie, somebody passed the order to do that.
And not the military, the military was not in control of that weather.
Who was in control of that?
The CIA.
The CIA.
And so, just a few months later, the CIA sabotaged the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, and just three years later, they executed a president.
So, he knew what he was doing, but he didn't have the guts.
This brave general didn't have the guts to name the CIA.
How do you answer that, Paul?
Well, as we mentioned earlier, a lot of these people, when they know they're coming to the end of their term, the end of their career, do often have these, you know, pangs of conscience, and we've seen it in many examples in the past, where they kind of go on a limited hangout.
They will name the system that controls us, which we need to face, which Eisenhower outlined in his speech, and we've actually, I think we're going to post the whole video, the actual video, not just the audio of that speech, on PrisonPlanet.tv,
So, you're right in the sense that he will outline the system of control, but he will not name individuals, because then that puts his life under threat.
But again, in a sense, Eisenhower was just protecting himself, because if he was to sit on this knowledge of all this corruption that he, you know, personally had administered, then that, in the same sense as Jennifer Flowers came out and said, you know, that Clinton was having all these people killed, being out in the open,
Is in a sense a form of protection.
So I believe that that's what Eisenhower was trying to achieve in his farewell address speech.
I prefer to believe that most of them take their dirty secrets to the grave with them.
But Paul, I would like for you to open up a discussion comparison between the report from Iron Mountain Blueprint and what is going on today.
There are very few people who have carefully read that and highlighted it.
Uh, as I have, just as in the Communist Manifesto.
Everybody yaks about it, but very few people have critically read that manifesto, and I think very few people have critically read this.
It is indeed frightful.
Go ahead.
Well, yeah, I outlined the report from Iron Mountain in my book called Out of Chaos.
And it basically states that the next threat, after the Cold War had ended, after this current terrorism threat, is going to be this cosmic threat, whether that be via the fear-mongering and hype of asteroids, or in fact some kind of staged alien threat.
So definitely... Worse than that, it points out that the enemy, the war machine enemy, is really the US public.
Well, that's right.
You're right.
I mean, look at where we are today.
They think of us as the terrorists.
Of course.
Of course.
John, we've got to move on.
We're back there.
Thank you very much for your call.
And let's grab one more call before the break.
We've got Kenny calling in from Wisconsin.
Good afternoon, Kenny.
We've got about a minute and a half.
Thank you for taking my call, Mike.
Hi, Paul.
How are you doing?
You know, something popped into my head, and a type of an analogy.
Remember in the old days, on the high seas, under Admiralty jurisdiction, of course, out there, the pirates flew a flag with a skull and crossbones.
And later on in history, there was the skull and crossbones that was worn by the SS.
Now today, it appears there's a society operating that banters the skull and crossbones.
I just thought that was just something that
It's all about it.
Uh, is the ocean.
Uh, Kenny, we gotta go.
Alright, thank you.
And those guys are all about death, and that's exactly what Skull and Bones is about.
Anyway, Paul, thanks for joining us today.
We're gonna get Alex on at the bottom of the hour, but thank you, and we'll be talking to you tomorrow, okay?
Okay, thanks, Michael.
Alright, again, that's Paul Joseph Watson.
He is Alex's webmaster.
Check out PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.com, and InfoWars.com.
Our number today, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be back with Alex.
Coming back for the break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
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I think so.
They never do.
They just give you a little bit of either misinformation or they don't give you enough information.
So Alex is out there to make sure we get the whole scoop.
Now, real quick, I want to encourage you to check out Alex's videos.
His latest film is American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
This video is a dynamic film which covers how the election is staged and there is no real choice between the candidates.
And we're beginning to see the reality of that as this whole political drama unfolds.
That includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry, their cousins, and their membership in the Skull and Bones.
Now, here's a quote from Alex.
We don't know the future, but we've studied human history, and regardless of who wins the November election in 2004, the new world order wins.
And of course,
Judging from both of the characters that are running for their Democrat and Republican ticket, judging from that, it is very apparent that regardless of who wins, we're going to get the same deal.
If you're a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see that video in its entirety.
Or, if you're not a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, you can go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
You can watch a 20-minute segment
Of his latest video, American Dictators.
Now, you can also order online at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or you can call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 1-888-253-3139.
And let's move right on to Alex.
Hello, good afternoon.
Hey, Michael Corman, thank you so much for filling in for me, man.
Not a problem.
How are things going out there in New York?
Oh, it's going great.
I'm about to go back into the convention center.
Obviously, things are just getting cranky, and I've got a report for you on the massive protest yesterday and how I confronted Michael Moore, as well as David Gergen.
But first off, I want to thank you for filling in for me for the next three days.
That's going to be Erskine.
On Thursday and Friday.
I guess I should just go through a rundown.
We got into New York Saturday night.
Went out and started interviewing New Yorkers.
About half the people we talked to, from taxi drivers, to white people, to black people, to Arabs, it didn't matter, believe that the U.S.
government was behind 9-11.
A new soggy poll just came out that the 9-11 truth movement paid for.
We're good to go.
Visibility Project just did a Zogby poll, and 41% of New Yorkers think that the government was behind it.
And then a large percentage of the other grouping believe that they had at least prior knowledge.
It is a minority that don't think the government was behind it, or at least had prior knowledge.
So that's very interesting.
But this is what happened yesterday.
At about 8 o'clock in the morning, we started going around and covering all the different protests.
The news said 200,000 to 300,000.
I'm telling you, folks, it had to be half a million.
Dozens and dozens of major avenues and streets would have ten block long masses of people.
There was no organization to it.
Just dozens and dozens of city blocks were jammed with at least a half a million people.
They would go down in front of Madison Square Garden where the Republicans are having their national security event.
Hundreds of people got arrested.
The news said 200.
It was well over 200.
I saw more than 200 people get arrested.
Then we're walking around behind the convention center where the barricades are because there are several blocks around it.
It's a national security event and cars and people who don't have passes can't get into it, but we have passes.
Yeah, I think so.
Walking right up to me.
Well, in my film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, we have the Washington Times article where he got kind of exposed on Bohemian Grove and he said, look, quote, I don't run around naked in the woods like the rest of them.
So I walked over, Michael, and I kind of ambushed him.
I was nice at first and brought up how the convention was going and what was he here for.
I have video of all this.
I have two cameraman behind me.
And then I said, well, what about Bohemian Grove?
What about the stuff that goes on in Northern California?
He said, I can't talk about that.
I shouldn't talk about that.
Yeah, I think so.
But of course, hours before that, Michael Moore, I guess to get attention for himself in this whitewashed movie, flying over Mir, five black helicopters in an attack formation, a V formation, huge Blackhawks, and they had them on the news where they got machine guns pointed at the public.
But anyway, side issue, there's also a huge Fuji surveillance blimp sponsored by the New York Police Department with ground penetrating radar and the rest of it, but again,
Michael Moore was out here, and he marched maybe for 10-15 city blocks with one of the big marches.
Then he ducked off into this taco shop, and he had probably, I don't know, 10 big bodyguards with him, and they wouldn't let the public into the taco shop.
They just took it over.
So here's Michael Moore, who's always supposedly out ambushing people himself, chasing them around, going, oh, look at their elitism, look at their armed bodyguards.
Well, here he was with these armed bodyguards, with these bulging, you know,
I don't think so.
Why didn't you talk about the stand-down of NORAD?
Why didn't you talk about how they were running drills in the morning of 9-11?
And then the police came up and basically enveloped Moore and took him off to his car.
So that happened.
And the convention's just starting today.
Michael, I've got several other points, but do you have any comments?
No, well, I was just going to say, you know, I'm sitting here listening to the report on Moore.
And, you know, my only comment is this typical sleaze, liberal sleaze.
They talk out of both sides of their mouth.
Well, absolutely.
And his film's a whitewash.
He doesn't hit on the real issues.
He doesn't show you the whole paradigm.
Oh, the Democrats are going to save us.
No, both sides are obviously controlled.
And I mentioned these security blamps.
You even did your neocon star piece a year ago.
And, of course, people, most people don't know that piece you did, that little dark satire, that spoof is based on reality, is going to have over 30
But over at the Olympics in Athens, they had a Fuji blimp that was sponsored by the government with cameras and scanner systems, kind of interfacing with all the cameras on the ground.
Well, it's Fuji here, that same partnership.
It says Fuji, NYPD, and we talked to cops, the NYPD is renting it, and it's flying around scanning people.
So this is part of the conditioning process for these dirigibles to be used as giant surveillance platforms.
You know, I was reporting this morning on your program that the conservative media here in Denver has really downplayed the protesters.
They reported on the radio this morning that it was very peaceful there.
But I picked up the New York Times and saw quite the opposite.
Yeah, did you get that?
I'm sorry, my phone was cutting out.
Go ahead.
I said, I was reported this morning on your program that the conservative media, radio media, here in the Denver area was reporting that the protests were minimum there, but I picked up the New York Times and saw quite the opposite.
So the media... Well, absolutely.
Anybody that goes to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, anybody that goes to any of the indie media sites,
They've got shots from helicopters where you can see six, seven, eight big streets below you.
They're above the skyscrapers and every street is filled for miles with hundreds of thousands of people.
It had to be a half a million.
Listen, Michael, I would try to get ahead of marches.
I would get in taxis and cut around.
And it was like every street, there'd be 10, 15 streets.
Every street you go on, it'd be masses of people marching.
And then I got home to the hotel last night, turned on Fox News, and it's, well, there's really no protesters.
Everybody's happy.
New York loves it.
I haven't found a New Yorker who likes this, who likes Bush in this opportunistic fashion, neo-con fashion, coming to New York, returning to the scene of the crime that his masters carried out, trying to use the deaths of 3,000 people to act like he's some kind of hero.
Yeah, exactly.
What other observations and comments do you have, Alex?
Well, Michael, I'd like to try to get to the hotel actually from the broadcast booth and dial into the show where it's better audio on a cell phone here on the side of the road sometime tomorrow and I'll be reporting each day.
I mean, obviously, it's about 95 degrees here in New York.
It's funny.
I left Texas and came up here and it's hotter and more humid, so I'm out here dripping on the side of the road in this massive crowd.
But basically, where I'm going with that is there's so many facets and notes I've even written down that I wanted to talk about.
But standing out here, it's hard to recall all of that.
It's just been amazing.
One big area I wanted to talk about
And I literally had like this old British guy shoving me, and then his Cuban girlfriend or whatever, who was a total communist, was running over.
And I was saying, well, how can you be for communism?
You know, the big banks actually created that, the con, the serfs, back into slavery.
And they started, they started bumping into me and getting in my face.
They said, too bad Stalin didn't kill you.
And we've got video of that.
Then we talk to all these groups of young communists out there wearing their Red Star shirts, and they were getting in our face.
Just very hateful.
And that's what made me a conservative to begin with when I was back in college, was just the viciousness of these ultra-left-wing people.
They're so hateful, they're so stupid.
And every time I try to talk to them, they go, we're not allowed to talk to the media.
You've got to talk to our leader.
Him was this old, fat British guy who was just totally obnoxious.
Also, the anarchists, we've seen them out trying to provocateur things, burning papier-mâché dragons, burning things, trying to get other people in trouble.
And every time an anarchist does something, as usual, folks, the cops go after the peaceful crowd and the anarchist slips away.
So it's clear that most of these anarchists
Absolutely, and that is the mark of a provocateur.
Talking to the protesters, talking to the demonstrators, one of the most exciting things is, Michael, and I'm not kidding, when I put a film out on this, I'm going to put it out quick because it's so important, literally, yesterday in those crowds, I had 200 people come up to me who live in New York, or in the surrounding areas, who listened to the radio show, they talked about you, talked about other talk show hosts on the network,
They're fans, they're informed.
I saw Info Wars bumper stickers on the backs of people's backpacks.
I saw hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
I'd say there were 10,000 total 9-11 cover-up signs that people had.
So, in amongst all these signs, dotted amongst them, were 10,000 of these exposed 9-11 cover-up signs.
Almost all of them had seen Road to Tyranny.
Almost all of them were aware of the New World Order.
They had broken through the fake left-right paradigm.
I had people that looked like hippies jumping on the communists with me, going, you guys work for the banks, you guys are part of the system.
So we really see a paradigm shift.
That is massive.
That is massive.
That's a lot of people.
That's a lot of people indeed.
And it shows, Alex, what you're reporting and what you're finding down on the street is that the New World Order is not making their gains and their goals the way that they want because the people are aware.
They're starting to wake up and through programs like yours and mine and the GCN Network, they're finding out what the reality really is.
And, again, right after the tragedy here, when Bush came to the scene of the crime and threw him a rubble with the fire chief and, you know, gave us that image of him being the savior, that's when they decided to make this the Republican National Convention site, about two-plus years ago.
Now, people totally turned against him.
They see the truth in almost half the city.
No one knows what's really going on.
Everybody else I talked to
He's extremely suspicious and says they at least had prior knowledge and let it happen.
Now I was a crazy cook, day one, saying the government was behind it.
But now we've, again, seen a total shift and that's why I'm afraid the globalists are going to have to move fast with some type of crisis creation, Michael, to try to condition us to accept this.
Absolutely, Alex, and you know that's the thing.
They're behind schedule and that's why I'm very fearful that something is coming down the pike.
It has to.
Absolutely, but it was quite a day yesterday.
It's already started out amazing today, but Michael Moore, David Gergen...
Later, I'll call in tomorrow from the hotel room or from inside the convention center and give you a more detailed account of it.
I still want to go back and watch the video, but Gergen got his face contorted from this little nice guy act.
David Gergen's got that whole act, big presidential advisor.
He got right in my face, leaned over me, started bumping into me, poking my chest, going, how dare you come in Bohemian Grove?
How dare you?
I can't believe that.
You're the one.
You bleep, bleep, bleep.
How dare you?
He was so angry.
I said, are you part of the ritual?
He said, get out of here.
I'm not going to talk about it.
Oh, boy.
Well, that's what happens when you shine light on cockroaches, don't it?
And his whole nice guy act disappeared like a vapor in the morning sunshine.
And he took that mask off really quick.
And then Moore, again, here's Moore, who claims he's this man of the people.
And he's always chasing people around who have bodyguards and who are elitist and who shut down restaurants so the common people can't eat them.
And here's Michael Moore having everybody basically thrown out.
And sitting there, and then when he comes out, his bodyguards just start viciously shoving people, shoving fans!
People going, Manco, Manco!
And I'm just there with a little camera, with my big camera crew behind me.
I got there first.
Somebody I know in New York called me and said he's right up the road.
And it was all, I don't know, four or five news cameras.
Four or five news cameras.
New York drivers, folks.
And just, I can't describe it.
People will have to see the video.
But Michael Moore has become what he claims that he always hated.
Hey Alex, we've got to take the break.
Are you going to hold on?
I think you've got a guest coming up.
You know what, Michael?
You've got some other news you want to cover.
So that's my report for today and the next hour.
If anything develops, I will call back in.
But I'll be joining you tomorrow, probably for about 45 minutes or so, and God bless you.
Same to you, Alex.
All right.
Take care.
Thank you to all the listeners.
God bless.
And Alex Jones on the street in New York with the Republican National Convention.
Coming back, we'll take your calls.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We continue our number today, toll free 1-800-259-9231.
Again, Alex Jones on the ground in New York.
And as you heard him say, he's going to join us tomorrow and Wednesday.
I'm filling in for him today, tomorrow and Wednesday.
And then of course, Erskine is going to do it Thursday and Friday.
But he is going to be covering this Republican National Convention in New York.
He's going to join us tomorrow and the next day and probably into the rest of the week.
Giving us updates about what's going on.
I'm looking forward to his report tomorrow.
Hear more about David Gergen and also Michael Moore and what other things develop.
In the meantime, let's take some calls.
We apologize and glad you've held on and thank you for waiting.
Let's take John in Ohio.
Good afternoon, John.
You're on the air.
Yes, I think that what you and Alex Jones are doing are very good in your analysis of the collusion of the
Uh, corporate globalists, the CIA behind 9-11, the police state measures, all of these things.
But I have some very basic disagreements.
And I don't belong to any organization, but I do read some sites like WSWS.org or Workers.org.
These are socialist websites and they are doing things that are in parallel.
With what you're doing, there's no need to have this kind of opposition.
They're exposing, such as the World Socialist website is exposing the collusion of the neocons, all the evidence of their collusion in 9-11, the police state measures.
And I think that there's a fatal and dangerous Achilles heels among some conservatives to put everything into an anti-communist peg, or an anti-communist stereotype.
And I think the military-industrial complex, the CIA,
All of their attacks against our civil liberties over the years, that Eisenhower warned about, whether it's the military-industrial conflict or the CIA, has been based on anti-communism.
All of their wars, their attacks against Latin America, Central America, have been based on this.
And when you look at Project Northwest, for instance, it was directed against Cuba, ultimately to frame up Cuba for attack.
And so I think there's a parallel to the Manchurian Candidate.
All that I think some of these neocons have to do is call somebody conservative on the phone and say, no longer will we put an anti-terrorist label on all of our warmongering against countries like Iraq and Iran.
Now we're going to go after Cuba or North Korea or China.
We'll put an anti-communist label on it.
And all of a sudden the conservatives' heads will step in and say, I will now obey.
And I think it's all part of the same thing, whether they use an anti-terrorist label or an anti-communist label.
Well, John, what I would like to do is respond to that, because I agree with what you're saying, but this is what the real game is.
You've got to peel another layer away, and you find that the New World Order, the constituency that makes it up the center of the onion, if you will,
They are using a Hegelian dialectic here.
They're controlling both sides.
In other words, they create the crisis, they create the solutions, and they create the alternative choice.
And so, when you say that the communist socialist websites are warning us about the same things, the thing is that they all contain elements of truth, but it's their analysis and where they want to go with it
That I take exception to, but you're right.
There's always been either an anti-communist platform to the whole entire Cold War, but we've got fascism, we've got communism, we've got all these different things.
You know, Hitler stole the word socialism from the Socialists and the Communists because they were very popular in that country, unlike here where it's been attacked.
He had millions of Communists and they stole that word, but he killed, as you said,
The first people, as Paul Joseph Watson said, they did kill, even before the Jews and others, was the Communists, because they were the main obstacle to the aristocratic military-industrial complex.
Yeah, well they all served a purpose.
But we've got to move on.
Thanks for your call.
And we're going to take a break.
When we come back, we'll continue.
Our number today, toll free 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
Introduce... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Sitting in for Alex Jones, who, as you've heard, is in New York, on the ground, so to speak.
He's covering the Republican National Convention, and he was just on with us, and he will be back with me tomorrow to give us an update.
But I found it really interesting, his report, the Zogby Poll, indicating that 40% of New Yorkers do not believe
George Bush's rendition of 9-11.
They believe that he was involved or had knowledge of it and it's very interesting because there is a massive amount of people in New York protesting the Bush presidency despite the fact that the conservative radio media at least in my area today reported it was very quiet in New York but listening to Alex's report
It was quite noisy and Alex was talking about a couple of hundred thousand people there protesting against Bush.
So it's indication to me that the veil is wearing thin.
The veil is wearing very thin.
The game is about up.
And of course, this is an indication to a lot of people that the mainstream media mouthpieces that go on and blather all day on the radio and try to convince you that John Kerry or George Bush, either one, are going to be good for the country.
The game is about up.
People are starting to realize that they're opposite ends on the same bird of prey.
Our number again today is 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 also.
Going back real quick to a caller we had, Elizabeth in Maryland, I want to just make it aware, make aware to the program directors that are listening to Alex's show, if you're interested in carrying any of the other GCN programs, my program is called A Closer Look.
It airs 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain Time, 7 to 10 Eastern.
If you want to carry this program and add it to your lineup of GCN programs on your radio station, all you need to do is contact GCN and talk to them about the satellite coordinates and all the other technical information you need to be able to get the program and carry it live.
Again, my program is called A Closer Look.
It airs from 5 to 8 p.m.
7 to 10 Eastern, and it's a program that complements the programming that is on Genesis Communications Network.
So that's how you get access to it.
And also my website is www.4acloserlook.com
Yeah, did you hear me sigh just a minute ago?
No, but I could feel it.
All right.
I want to give to you and the show and viewers, I mean the listeners, something tangible and not just opinion.
Here's a fact.
There was a patent issued for a, quote, control system for air vehicles.
And the patent discusses the system and or method provided which, well it says it cuts down on the likelihood of terrorism.
But it also redirects a plane to land, boat, at a selected airport and or runway.
Let me give you the patent number.
Let me give you the number.
And you can look that up, you know, on the internet, on the Patent and Trademark Office website.
And basically, I wanted to say is that
This is a great show.
We have people calling in with all these points of view, but we should start getting into tangible, uh... Proactive.
Tangible evidence of this, uh, of this cover-up and, and, uh, horrible, uh, 911 attack.
Fred, we gotta move along, though.
You betcha.
We gotta take the break, okay?
All right.
Thank you for your call.
We'll be right back after the break with William Kennedy.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
And again, sitting in for Alex, I'm Michael Corbin and Alex is in New York and he's going to be there for the week covering the Republican National Convention and he will be bringing you updates each day.
Now I'm with you Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Erskine will be with you Thursday and Friday.
Covering for Alex but again as I said he'll be calling in regularly during those days giving us updates on what's going on in New York.
Our number today is 800-259-9231 800-259-9231 and before I get to my guest real quick I want to mention again Alex has got a brand new film out called American Dictators.
Documenting the staged election of 2004.
Now this dynamic film covers how the election is staged and that there is no real choice between the candidates.
It includes information on Bush and Kerry's shared ancestry, their cousins and their membership in Skull and Bones.
And of course
You know, to a lot of you listening to this program, that right there is a problem.
At least for me, for a lot of people, because what that means is that regardless of their political ideologies, behind the veil of the big door, the big curtain, whatever, they are, well, cousins for one, but they're loyal only to the goals and the agenda of their secret society.
So, again, they're opposite ends on the same bird of prey.
So it doesn't matter who wins.
The New World Order is going to be the winner.
Of course.
That's their hope.
But through programming like this, we're hoping to make people aware and you start getting proactive and let these cats know we're not going to stand for it.
It's nuts.
Anyway, Alex's video.
Now if you're a member of PrisonPlanet.TV, you can see this new film in its entirety on a live stream online.
If you're a non-subscriber to PrisonPlanet.TV, you can watch a 20-minute segment
Both on PrisonPlanet.com and on InfoWars.com or you can call toll free 1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 or you can even order online at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
You can go to those websites and you can see Alex's complete offering of videos, 9 or 11 Road to Tyranny, and as he mentioned just now, Masters of Terror.
All of it's available there on the website at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Now, let's move on to my guest.
Now, before I get to him, let me bring up a Reuters report.
Recently, it was announced on the 29th of August, which was Sunday,
That the California Roman Catholic Church may pay one and a half billion dollars to settle claims.
Now according to the Reuters report, people who say that they were sexually abused by priests could receive more than a billion and a half dollars in damages from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
More than any other U.S.
diocese has paid.
That's according to an attorney for more than a hundred alleged victims.
Now the settlement figure is based on a request by the lead attorney for hundreds of plaintiffs who live within the most populous US archdiocese that church officials set aside 3.1 million dollars for each claimant in Los Angeles and the adjacent diocese of Orange County just south of Los Angeles.
Now the church in Los Angeles faces about 493 child molestation claims.
The Orange County Diocese faces 63 similar claims.
The combined number of claims in both dioceses is greater than in any other diocese.
Now, we're going to find out, talking with my guest William Kennedy, who is the author of Lucifer's Lodge.
We're going to find out what's going on.
What is happening here?
William, thank you for being on the program.
Thanks for having me, Michael.
Let's talk about your book.
What's going on here?
I just talked about this billion and a half dollar settlement that's being proposed in Los Angeles in the diocese there in California.
What is going on?
493 people alleging sexual abuse.
Yes, Michael.
Well, in my book, Lucifer's Lodge, Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church, which you can get at luciferslodge.net,
I take a good look at what is going on in Los Angeles.
Now, the settlements you see now are actually part of a larger global situation within the Church of Rome wherein there is a top-down problem of bishops and cardinals protecting and transferring pedophile priests
Some of whom are involved in satanic and occult rituals as part and parcel of their sexual abuse of children and women.
Now, what my book looks at, my book will give a sort of a bird's eye view of the entire situation around the world and how the church hierarchy, now I'm a Roman Catholic myself, so I'm just making observations and criticisms
of my own religion.
So, you know, I can't really be accused of anti-Catholicism because, again, I am a Catholic myself, but what has happened is there is nothing less than a satanic cabal within the Roman Catholic Church.
Satanist priests and even several Satanist bishops have infiltrated the Church and have this secret
uh... society of luciferian child molesters and women rapists who are posing as catholic priest right now the situation in los angeles that's the tip of the iceberg of a much larger situation and uh... that was a particularly hot area for uh... pedophilic pedophile priest and uh... abusers of women
Now, you know, let's cut to the heart of this thing here, because the title of your book implies something, I think, that's very, very worth noting.
Because, again, I realize you're not, in other words, you're not defending nor are you condemning the greater church itself, as much as you're rooting out these evil guys.
And there is a network, it appears, of what?
What's going on with this?
The title, Lucifer's Lodge, I actually got from the late Father Malachi Martin, who was aware of the entire situation in the Church when I spoke to him back in 1996.
Now, Lucifer's Lodge would be a manifestation of the New World Order into the Church of Rome.
It's part and parcel of a greater cabal of globalists, who are also Luciferians,
And it's interesting, you were mentioning the Skull and Bones earlier.
Many of the ceremonies that have been reported in the mainstream media, you know, like the Associated Press, mimic many of the rituals that you see in the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony.
Including laying in a coffin, such things as that.
Isn't that interesting?
Yeah, isn't that interesting?
It's not too far away from mainstream politics.
The big thing the Catholic Church is trying to do right now is they're using the bad apple argument.
We have a few bad apples amongst our priests and we're rooting them out before they rot out the whole barrel.
But the more you look at the facts, that's simply not the case.
This is an organized international
Um, conspiracy to keep these pedophile and rapist priests going and there's just been more information that came out of Texas that the Catholic Church is also transferring people internationally who are pedophiles.
So if someone has a problem in the United States, they transfer them down to Mexico, protect them, and they start up doing the same thing again.
You know, I was talking with Jonathan Levy, who is an attorney that's suing the Vatican Bank, you know, for the atrocities that occurred in Croatia in the 40s.
And, you know, the interesting thing is that Marcinkus, Bishop Marcinkus, is living now, in retirement, in Phoenix, Arizona, under diplomatic immunity.
So, nobody can talk to him, despite the fact that, you know, he was a major player in the Vatican Bank scandals, you know, that led to, ultimately, to the failure and the loss of over a billion dollars of money.
You know, but there is a very vast entrenchment
of corruption that has not only infiltrated the Catholic Church, but we have seen this in our government institutions, our educational institutions, and our religious institutions.
Well certainly, the situation in the Catholic Church is just a manifestation of the same phenomenon we really see at the top of our hierarchy throughout, you know, economics and politics and what have you.
It's the same scenario that keeps playing out.
Let's do this Bill, if we could.
Kind of cite some of the examples that you bring to the fore in your book regarding, and when you say Luciferian, maybe you could tell the audience what you define as a Luciferian.
Okay, well I make a distinction in my book.
There's Satanist priests who are
Peter files and then they're a Luciferian priest basically a Satanist Catholic priest is one who worships or evokes the name of Satan in rituals while they are abusing children and a Luciferian now that's a little bit I have a specific definition those are Catholic priests who in their abuse of women
actually mimic Lucifer's Rebellion and take on the persona of Jesus Christ in various arcane sex rituals.
And I have two cases in my book there.
Father James Foley and Father Robert Meffin actually ran very small Luciferian cults here in Massachusetts and had women, and even nuns, worship them as, you know, Jesus himself
In various occult sex ceremonies.
Luciferians are very political animals as well, and in a lot of ways, when we talk about the New World Order, we're dealing with, at the core of that, a Luciferian ideology that is hell-bent on taking over the world.
Well, certainly, you have to remember that within this context of Satanists and Luciferian priests,
They are all working in conjunction with higher-ups in the church.
They're protected by bishops.
They're protected by cardinals.
We've got to take a break.
Hold that thought, okay?
When we come back, we'll continue.
William Kennedy is my guest, author of Lucifer's Lodge.
Our number is 800-259-9231.
We'll take your calls.
Coming back from the break, I'm Michael Corbin, and you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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We're good.
We continue our number toll free 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 Give us a call.
My guest today is William Kennedy and he's the author of Lucifer's Lodge and as he said his website is luciferslodge.net and I mentioned earlier at the beginning of the hour with William there is a billion and a half dollars coming down on the table in the California to settle
Lawsuits and allegations of sexual abuse by priests and Bill has written this book detailing some of the problems that we're seeing and I want you to keep in mind that these problems that are cropping up
are just an example of one slice of society where these factions have infiltrated these organizations and are out for your mind and your soul.
And that's what this is all about.
So it's not just refined to the Roman Catholic Church, but we're seeing a lot of that falling out into the news media today.
Welcome back, Bill, and if we could, let's take some calls.
We've got Paul calling in from Delaware.
Good afternoon, Paul.
You're on the air.
One point I wanted to make.
The caller, Elizabeth, that has the Divided Kingdom show at WKDI, she was also saying that she wanted you to cover that social security issue where the illegal immigrants are going to be getting free health care and stuff off of our backs.
So please cover that.
I like your show, but man, you have some bizarre guests on.
The only time I've ever heard you before was when you were talking about the lady who lost her kid.
Man, I need some better documentation, man.
And tell me, get me some video, get me some other stuff, please.
Okay, well you know what?
I encourage people to do, as I put this stuff out there, I encourage people to go out and start digging for themselves.
And it is a reality because, you know, the kinds of topics that we bring to the programming here illustrate serious problems that are not covered by the mainstream media.
And they're very well documented, by the way.
They are.
I know there is, you know, some things are bizarre, but I'll tell you,
Okay, I know.
I just, you know, I've seen her story other than that, and I just have not been convinced.
And I just, you know, maybe I need to dig deeper probably.
But yeah, please cover that before you forget about the Social Security and the illegals, you know, getting all that free health care.
Okay, I'll do what I can.
Okay, thanks for your call.
Thank you.
And let's take a call from Kurt in Texas.
Good afternoon, Kurt.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to comment.
On an article I read yesterday in the paper about Alan Greenspan telling the baby boomers that they were going to have to find some other form of social security, that the social security system would be bust.
How dare they after these people have paid in for all these years and they send billions and billions of dollars overseas and they tell them that they're going to not have a
That's a good way to live when they start to retire.
Well, that's a good example of what happens when government handles your money.
I just think it's absolutely ridiculous.
Yes, it is.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
Alan Greenspan, the Fed and the CFR have to tell them, too.
Thanks for your call.
Okay, thank you.
Jeff, you're calling from New Orleans.
Good afternoon.
You're on the air.
Yes, I'd like to point out two things, one related to your guest and the other related to an earlier caller.
John in Ohio, if you would look up the Von Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact signed in September 39, you'd realize that Hitler was a Marxist, that the Socialist Workers' Party in Germany was as much a Marxist party and only used public-private partnerships, not direct government takeover, but they achieved the same thing that Stalin did.
And in that line,
Let me point out to this William Kennedy, in the 1960s I had heard from some people inside the Catholic Church that the church had been infiltrated by Marxists even then, not just the Mariano Fathers and the
That's right.
That's why I'm pointing this out to you, that the so-called anti-communists like myself,
are not out of the woods as far as in the way that an earlier call suggested but we're actually working for the reestablishment of individualism and individual control over your life and that's one of the reasons why the church is being attacked and all of this is being exposed because both the Catholic Church and the Muslims are the biggest anti-abortion promoters in the world and despite all the imagery
They both advocate, do not kill your children and do not have abortions.
And that's one of the many reasons why the New World Order is trying to demonize both these sides and is trying to attack both of them.
And some of the Muslims have fallen for this with their killing of the children in Palestine.
That's right.
I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we've got to take a break.
Thanks for your call, okay?
Thank you.
And 1-800-259-9231 is our number.
We'll be right back with William Kennedy.
I'm Michael Corbin.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
We continue 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 Michael Corbin here sitting in for Alex Jones who is in New York covering the Republican National Convention I want to get you to check out his website at www.infowars.com
PrisonPlanet.com and also PrisonPlanet.tv.
And if you're a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see Alex's new film, American Dictators, documenting the staged election of 2004.
That is his newest video.
And if you're not a subscriber to PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see a 20-minute segment of that video on PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
and of course you can order that as well and other videos and books that he has available on those websites or you can call toll free 888-253-3139 888-253-3139 and we're talking about the the new world order right now with my guest William Kennedy who is the author of Lucifer's Lodge welcome back Bill and appreciate you coming on the program today
Thank you, Michael.
Before we take callers, I want to kind of expand on this because I was going to get to that, the idea behind the infiltration and the takeover of the church.
Talk a little bit about that.
How far back does that go?
It actually goes quite a ways.
Well, it's quite interesting.
Throughout the history of the Roman Catholic Church, there's always been heretical groups who tried to take it over and dominate it, you know, Gnostics and what have you.
The big thing now that we're looking at, and this is probably a post-World War II phenomenon, is that
Leftists in various groups would want to control the Roman Catholic Church first of all because it's the most geographically expansive organization on earth.
It goes to more countries than the UN or the World Health Organization.
It's literally everywhere you want to be if you want to control and dominate other human beings.
Now, the trick is, rather than set up a counter-organization and organize it and expand it all over the globe, the trick is just to take over a pre-existing organization, which will give you a geographic presence and an ideological presence, and then just shift it the way that you want it to go.
Right, exactly.
And that's what we're seeing with the Roman Catholic Church.
It was infiltrated primarily by Luciferians and Freemasons around about 1962.
This was a big year.
Now, about 20 years after that, there was, you know, the Calvi thing that you were talking about earlier, the B2 Freemasonic banking scandal, which ties right into this New World Order agenda.
Now, essentially, what these globalists and New World Order people want to do
is just, you know, usurp the Catholic Church, keep, you know, the physical structures and the symbols intact, but radically alter their meaning as a method to control the political and even personal lives of the membership.
You know, the thing is, is that, you know, the, the, this, this conspiracy
Even goes as far back as the French Revolution, and that was to co-opt and take over the church.
I mean, that was their sworn enemy.
Because, you know, the Luciferians want to completely eradicate the traditional major religions around the planet.
And it's not just Christianity, but they want to eradicate all of it.
Because they want to homogenize everybody into this one vast ideology that is secular materialism.
Okay, being a Luciferian implies that you're a secular materialist.
That is the bottom line.
Well certainly, you replace the individual with God, which is actually a mimicking of Lucifer's Rebellion that you can read about in Isaiah 14.
That's what they're playing at.
You know, replacing God with human beings or dictators.
Right, and they turn the state, they elevate the state.
It's an inversion.
It's an inversion, right.
They elevate the state to the status of God.
The state can give rights and the state takes away rights.
Well, that is the farthest thing from the truth because the inalienable rights that our founding fathers wrote about in the Bill of Rights implies that our rights, our inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
No, it doesn't.
And when you look at states that take on that role, they're usually quite brutal, like Stalin's regime, or Pol Pot, or Mao Tse Tung.
All of a sudden, a large segment of the society is demonized and usually murdered.
Yeah, exactly.
Okay, let's take calls.
We've got Tom calling in from Illinois.
Good afternoon, Tom.
Good afternoon.
I like the program.
Thank you.
I just want to say that there's so much I'd like to say in the short amount of time I have to say it.
I used to be a Catholic, and I'm not here to bash the Catholic Church, Mr. Kennedy.
I just want to tell you
That I agree with everything you're saying, but I would go a lot deeper than that.
I would say that Satan made his infiltration of the Catholic Church in 312 A.D.
with Constantine.
And I think that everything that's happening now is just trickled down, and this has all been planned by Satan.
I don't think so.
But I believe that all this molestation and things, I believe there is Satanist priests, but along with all that, there is nowhere in the Bible that it says that a man cannot be married and serve the Lord.
Although it is in Paul, but it doesn't say he can't be married, and I don't know why the Catholic Church never let a man be married.
You go to any other church in the country that's not Catholic, that's Christian, and they could be married.
And I think a lot of that molestation took place because the priest had to be abstinent.
Well, I would have to take issue in
There's no correlation between celibacy and pedophilia, because most pedophiles that are arrested by the police are married with children and are sexually active with their wives at the time of their arrest.
So I wish it were that black and white, but the...
You could argue more the case that marriage causes pedophilia.
Well, I understand what you're saying.
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of Protestant pastors that have been caught with pedophilia.
I'm not saying it's going to cure it, but I think it might help in the fact that it's the large scale and it's not going to cure it.
But Mr. Kennedy, the one thing I do want to point across is that, and I'm not here to bash the Catholic Church, don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend anybody who's Catholic, but I used to be Catholic and a lot of the doctrines
Yes, we are.
You know, the point I would say is that Sagan has made his way into anything that God or man has created on this earth, and he's turned anything good into bad, and I believe that there's a lot of good Catholic priests out there, and there's a lot of good Catholic people, but you're absolutely right.
The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by Sagan, but I'd go way back before the Masons came in.
Well, I should say that my book does have a history of this sort of thing from the Apostolic Age to our day.
You know, I didn't neglect what's happened in the past.
You'll have a complete history
of Satanism and sexual abuse in the Catholic Church for two thousand years.
I did cover a lot of what you're speaking of.
Okay, we've got to move along, Tom.
Thank you for your call, okay?
Alright, bye.
Okay, bye.
Dick is calling from Colorado.
Good afternoon, Dick.
You're on the air.
Good, good, okay.
I have a couple of points to make.
In the previous caller made one of them, I was going to say that this
Sexually deviant practices is not limited to the Catholic Church, obviously, and I can attest to that from a time when I was a kid, but I haven't heard any mention of homosexuality here.
The whole discussion has been centered on pedophilia and assaults on women.
What about the existence of homosexual Catholicism?
Well, I should say that in my research, and I cover this in my book, Lucifer's Lodge, there is less of a correlation, I discovered, between the gay rights community and the pedophile community.
And I'll give you two cases in point.
Father Bernard Lane and Father Paul Shanley were priests here in Boston who were active in the gay community.
And Shanley went on to be a founder of NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, while all of the gay activists in Boston, you know, patted him on the back while he was doing this.
So, a lot of what you're saying I would agree with, and it is also covered in the book.
There's a horrible problem of homosexuality in the Catholic Church, and it does spill over into pedophilia.
Yeah, I remember a comment in a newspaper article by a young neophyte at a Catholic seminary, and his comment was, if homosexuals were excluded from that seminary, there would be hardly anybody there.
There's a whole book called Goodbye Good Men, which covers a lot of this.
So I didn't get too much of it into my book, because another book does look at exactly what you're talking about.
Now, what my book does do, is it looks at some of these pedophile priests who are involved in overt Satanism, like Father Sean Fortune in Boston, who would molest children, and if their parents came and confronted him, he would threaten them with hexes.
He would say that their next child would be born crippled, that Satan would haunt them day and night.
And he used to take children to a haunted house, Loftus Hall, and they had a ritual chamber where he used to sexually abuse the children in rituals.
So that's more the focus of my book, more stories like Fortune.
And there's a lot of other material out there about the
Seminary problem in the Catholic Church.
My book's just a different focus.
Dick, thanks for your call.
Appreciate it.
Okay, thank you.
Let's go to another call.
We've got Maggie calling in from Texas.
Good afternoon, Maggie.
You're on the air.
Hi, Maggie.
I forgot what I was going to say.
Mr. Kennedy, you mentioned the year 1962 as significant, and I seem to recall that there was a great ecumenical council held
Around that year.
Vatican II.
The Second Vatican Council, yes.
Where was that held?
The Second Vatican Council was held in Rome and it was called by Pope John XXIII and it went from roughly 1962 to 1965.
Now the problem I'm talking about is that at the time of the council there was an enthronement ceremony in the Vatican of Lucifer
In a Freemasonic type ceremony.
That's what I was referring to.
Wow, okay, okay.
During that time period, what I do recall very clearly was that shortly after that, the Mass was changed to English.
Yes, the Mass was changed into the vernacular in 1968, and that came about as a direct result of the Council we talked about.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Now it's interesting, I'm in touch with a Satanist fellow who
Uh, we debate now and again.
And he told me that he looked at, uh, you know, films of the New Mass, and he said they resemble occult rituals very, very much.
You know, the Mass, they change the Mass quite a bit when they change it from the Latin into the vernacular.
But he said it mimics occult ceremonies, the New Mass, as we call it.
The New Mass.
Uh, yeah.
Okay, and the other thing I recall is that they gave up the practice of fish on Fridays.
Well, that's a little bit different.
It wasn't that you had to eat fish on Fridays.
Well, you didn't.
You couldn't eat meat on Fridays.
You didn't eat meat out of respect for the Trinity.
I had many Catholic friends.
I grew up with many Catholic friends and it was somewhat after that time that I noticed interest in the religion dropping off.
Well, yeah, there's a direct correlation between when they made all these changes in the church and decline in attendance.
And, of course, that's the whole idea behind all of this, is to divide and conquer, to get people away from any religion, regardless of what denomination it is.
It's about rooting people in materialism and living in the here and now, and not acknowledging our composite nature of a physical nature and a spiritual nature.
Megan, we've got to move along.
Thank you very much for your call.
Thank you.
And let's talk to Irving in Colorado.
Good afternoon Irving, you're on the air.
Yes, how are you doing?
Good, how are you doing?
Thank you for this opportunity.
I wanted to ask William Kennedy, in his book, if he addressed the incident in Watertown, Massachusetts, a warehouse burned down in about 1978 or 79 in Watertown, Mass., just outside of Boston.
In the aftermath of the fire, firemen, police, onlookers found photos and film, 8mm, of prominent people in Boston.
Police chiefs, fire chiefs, retired people.
They had an arson for hire, a murder for hire.
They had tapes of... I did hear about that fire, but I haven't confirmed the existence of these tapes.
And these films you're talking about?
I have talked to people who claim to have seen them though.
This is a big popular myth around Massachusetts, by the way, where I'm from.
I don't think it's a myth.
I have a buddy who was on the police force at the time.
Oh, I'm not denying it.
I'm just saying I haven't seen any of the materials myself.
But it ran across the board from Baptist priest to Catholic priest, police chief, lawyers, judges.
Yes, I do.
I'm actually in Massachusetts now, and that's one of those things I didn't write about because I didn't have any material evidence.
Right, it was on my radar at the time and it was just totally dropped off the radar.
If you visit Boston Globe or Boston Herald now, there's nothing on it.
That's a really good point you just brought up because the stories in my book
Now, they are from mainstream media sources, like the Boston Globe or the Associated Press, and they certainly do talk about pedophilia and satanic ceremonies, but, you know, it's usually one article and then it just, you know, disappears into oblivion.
And the example I can give you is Martin Sr.
Frederick Ryan, who was the Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Boston, tattooed a boy with a devil figure,
And took him down to Rhode Island and sexually abused him in some ritual over a weekend.
Now that was in the newspaper for about two days and you haven't heard a word about it since.
So these stories, they do get reported, but for reasons I can't fully explain, they quickly disappear.
Just one more thing, when Geraldine Ferrara ran for whatever she was trying to run for, she was totally put down because her husband was a porn kingpin on the East Coast.
I wasn't aware of that.
Okay, Irving, we've got to move along, we've got to take a break.
Thanks for your call.
Alright, William, we'll come back, we'll take some more calls and we'll go on, we'll wrap up the program, okay?
And William Kennedy is my guest, our number 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back after the break.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we continue.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
And by the way, I'm host of A Closer Look, which is heard on GCN 5 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern, right here on GCN and among their affiliates that carry the program.
And also via a live internet audio stream available through GCN as well.
And tonight on my program, we're going to be going into depth concerning the totalization program that they want to slam through, making it possible for illegal immigrants to take Social Security money away from you.
We're going to cover that topic tonight.
Also, I'm going to be interviewing David Ray Griffin, talking about his book, The New Pearl Harbor.
That's coming up tonight on A Closer Look, 5 o'clock Mountain, 7 Eastern, right here on GCN.
Let's get back to my guest, William Kennedy, author of Lucifer's Lodge, and Bill, I want to try to get to the rest of these calls, and I want to have you give out information about how people can get the book.
Let's take Charlie from South Carolina.
Good afternoon, Charlie, you're on the air.
Good, how are you?
Yeah, how are you?
I have a question for Mr. Kennedy.
When did the 5013C come into being?
The 5013C?
What is that, sir?
That's a non-profit.
For the clergy.
Oh, I'm not familiar with tax exemption for clerics.
I'm not an attorney.
Well, anyway, I think that's got a lot to do with what's going on.
They shut up all the good religious people by doing that.
Yeah, well, that's how they control them.
That's got a lot to do with what's going on.
That's it.
That's 501-3C.
Thanks, Charlie, for your call.
Let's take Carol in Arkansas.
Good afternoon, Carol.
You're on the air.
Mr. Kennedy, what is the number to get your book?
Um, there is not a number.
Uh, you can order it online at luciferswatch.net.
But if we're not online, then what?
Uh, well, there's, uh, you could get it at, um, any Barnes and Noble bookstore.
It can be ordered then?
It can be ordered at any Barnes and Noble bookstore.
There's one bookstore.
I can give you a number for seven stars in Cambridge, Mass.
It's 617-547-1317.
617-547-1317 and they carry it and can ship it anywhere around the world.
Very good.
I'm anxious to read your book.
Very good.
Addressing some of these issues, I don't know if you are familiar with Dr. Alexander Hislop's book, The Two Babylon or The Worship of Nimrod, which was originally published in 1853, but that book is still available and it will show you how
Pagan worship came into the worship of both the Catholic Church and then to some degree not so much into the Christian Church because at that time they were using what we now call the Authorized Version or the Text of the Reception.
I will have to take a look at that book, yeah.
Well, it has a lot of the symbolisms in it that also are used by the Masonic Order
Oh sure, it's all similar.
These things are all similar.
You will see Osiris, Isis, Horus, Baphomet, all of that you will see goes back.
And you see Constantine, known in his time as the Pagan Wolf, realized that the Christian group was a growing phenomenon, a powerful group of people that he had to control, and he could harness that by seemingly
Going along with them, and actually he had a man named Origen of that period.
I mentioned Origen in my book.
Okay, well as you then know, that was the period of the Gnostics and the Gnostic Gospels, which the Apostle Paul talked about.
Okay, Carol, we're going to have to go.
We're up against the clock here, so I'm sorry.
Thank you for your call.
Bill, give out the information real quick.
You can get my book online at luciferswatch.net.
Or at Amazon.com.
Okay, very good.
And thank you for being on the program.
And we'll be in touch, okay?
Thank you.
Very good.
Alright, and sorry we couldn't take the rest of the callers, but I will be here tomorrow, same time, 10 o'clock Mountain, 12 Eastern.
And I'll be filling in for Alex tomorrow and Wednesday.
And again, check out my website, www.4acloserlook, the number 4, acloserlook.com.
For Alex Jones, thank you for joining us, and we will see you tomorrow.
Bye bye.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here.