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Name: 20040825_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2004
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Friday, thank you so much for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com as well as PrisonPlanet.tv.
Well, all these so-called less than lethal or non-lethal weapons that have been deployed by the military in Iraq, I had read the federal documents years ago where they were planning to use these against the American people.
Humvees with microwave guns, sound weapons, you name it.
And I'm looking at an article out of the Associated Press here where at the Republican National Convention in New York where the mayor says protesting is a privilege that he can revoke.
Your basic freedoms are now a privilege because Mayor Bloomberg is bigger than the Bill of Rights, bigger than the Constitution, bigger than the Founding Fathers.
Well, now they're going to have their sound weapons out there, the very company out of San Diego that's been out peddling this.
Now, they've had sound wave rivals and weapons for a long time.
Some of these can kill you.
The particular device they're going to be using will just hurt your eardrums and damage your hearing with hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of decibels.
Ah, boy, so if it's good enough for the Iraqis, it's gotta be good enough for us, doesn't it?
Why, we might have riots.
You saw what happened in Seattle, they tell the police around the country.
Well, yeah, we did see what happened in Seattle.
You hired provocateurs, housed them, paid them, took care of them.
It's all in my film, The Takeover.
And then you use that precedent you set to go around and edit the video and lie to the police around the country and convince them of all of this and issue them their Black Storm Trooper Combat Armor outfits.
Very, very interesting.
Also, one of the most disgusting groups in the country, the American Psychological Association has done it again.
They're out trying to push and cover up the details of the new Freedom Initiative, which the official federal plan states every child, every adult will be tested for mental illness, and they say upwards of 15% of us will be forcibly drugged.
And the British Medical Journal just read the document and put out the truth, and I've read the document, but the American Psychological Association's out trying to spin that.
Of course, this is the same group, remember Dr. Laura
Four years ago, lost a bunch of stations and then got boycotted off of television because she read from the American Psychological Association manual.
And we read from the manual, too.
And they said, we don't want to categorize pedophilia as a mental illness anymore.
Well, I think it's a crime, but they had been saying that it was a mental illness.
No, we think it's normal and good for children.
They actually went into detail
And so children as young as three, this is very good for them.
Of course, I disagree with that.
I think they're a bunch of sickos.
You need to be arrested and put beneath the prison.
And I mean those that are advocating.
If they catch them doing it, execute them.
But here you have it, ladies and gentlemen, just right out in the open.
They want to forcibly, psychologically test all of you because they're owned by the big drug companies that are pushing all of this.
So we'll get into that as well, plus what happened in Najaf yesterday.
Wide open phones, a lot of your calls.
I'm going to do a good job of going to your calls early in the show.
In fact, we'll probably go to your calls in the next segment after I go over some news.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And again, there's so much news that's been posted with our great webmasters at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be back after this quick break and plunge directly into much of the news we mentioned and a lot more, so please stay the course.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I do this broadcast because I love America, I love freedom, I love my family, I love human dignity and liberty.
And some people can tune in to the broadcast for the first time and hear our anger and our disgust for our ruling elite, for our would-be masters, and in many respects they are our masters, our owners,
and may think, oh, this is hate!
Well, if a black man grabbing away the axe handle that the slave master is beating him with and beating him back with it is hatred, then so be it!
If it's hatred for the founding fathers when their homes were being burned and looted and having their firearms taken, if that was hatred to stand up against the King of England, then so be it!
If it was hatred
That caused Moses to stand up against the evil Pharaoh, and so be it.
But it's not hatred.
We are being enslaved, we are being oppressed, in the very classical terms.
And the globalists, in the name of fighting oppression, are the ones out there actually pushing global suppression and oppression.
And they'll give us all these petty rights that don't exist while taking away our basic rights.
And you see, you can't take away a basic right because a right isn't a privilege.
And now we have Mayor Bloomberg, who said it on Monday, he said it on Wednesday, he said it again this morning, that it's a privilege to be able to demonstrate anywhere in New York City.
And that if any protester does anything wrong, that means one of their higher provocateurs, everyone loses their privilege.
That's another Soviet-style, Nazi-style model, that when one person does something bad, everyone is punished.
That's not the American way, boys and girls.
Alright, so we'll go to calls early, early in this
First Hour.
We'll probably even get to you this segment.
But let me just run down over some of the news that we'll be covering.
Military doctors allegedly collaborated in prison torture MSNBC today.
Not tooting my horn.
But two years ago we reported that a lot of the military doctors are actually the CIA torture officers.
Well, it's like 1984.
O'Brien is... who tortures Winston is really a doctor.
You know, Joseph Mingala was a doctor.
So we'll get into that.
Also, a police-ready sound weapon for GOP Convention Associated Press.
Forget the megaphones.
Police will have a much more high-tech and louder option.
It'll rupture your eardrums, but so what?
To make themselves heard over the din of Manhattan traffic and noisy protesters outside the Republican National Convention.
It's called the Long Range Acoustic Device.
He stomps about like a lion, roaring, seeing who he may devour.
Oh, the article doesn't say that.
It's called the long-range acoustic device developed for the military and capable of blasting warnings, orders, or anything else at an ear-splitting 150 decibels.
We've actually interviewed the CEO of the company.
It goes over 150.
Authorities on Thursday unveiled a mini arsenal of devices and counter-terrorism equipment and they're getting ready for the convention which opens a week from Monday!
By the way, I am considering going to this.
And I don't know if I'm going to have a fill-in host and I'll do call-ins because just broadcasting from there really isn't the news story.
The news story is going to be, 80% of it that is, outside of the convention center and I need to be there to document this and if I do do it, and I'm going to decide, I'll let you know on Monday, if I do decide to do this, which I'm probably going to do, again I'll be doing hourly reports, calling in with updates and information,
Maybe I'll have Michael Corbin or Erskine or maybe even Lew Afton.
We need to do tests of that next week.
Get them hooked up to the show.
Maybe have a different host every day.
And I want to get Paul Watson with Topical Daily News to call in.
Maybe with a 30-minute segment every day or maybe even a 10-minute segment every hour.
I don't know.
I don't know if I'll probably end up getting a broadcast booth there.
But then maybe not using it the whole time and just using that report from inside the Republican National Convention.
Again, I don't know.
I may not go.
Ten percent chance I'm not going to go.
We'll see what happens.
I mean, I want to go because I want to document this.
I want to videotape the troops searching old ladies.
I want to show a city locked down.
I want to interview people where the U.S.
government carried out the attacks, elements of it, on 9-11 at Ground Zero.
And it wouldn't be the first time I've gone into the belly of the beast, but... I don't know, since they're going to have sound weapons... No, that's it.
I'm going.
I'm going.
They're going to have sound weapons there.
I... I may lose my hearing, but... I come back like Rush Limbaugh.
I have to get a... I have to get an implant in my head so I'll be able to hear people.
I shouldn't joke around, folks.
So we'll see what happens.
All right, so military doctors allegedly collaborating in prison.
Why call it torture?
Why not call it freedom?
In prison, freedom.
It's not torture.
It's freedom.
Senator appears on no-fly list.
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard this morning from one of its own about some of the problems with airline no-fly watch lists.
Senator Edward Kennedy, a Democrat in Massachusetts, says he had a close encounter with the list when trying to take the U.S.
Airways shuttle out of Washington to Boston.
The ticket agent wouldn't let him on the plane.
His name was on the list in error.
Yeah, I'm sure it's hundreds of thousands of people on there in error.
Conservative activists, liberal activists,
After a flurry of phone calls, Kennedy was able to fly home, but then the same thing happened coming back to Washington.
Kennedy says it took three calls to Homeland Love and Freedom, I mean Homeland Security, Tom Ridge to get his name stricken from the list.
I've heard the neocons laughing, oh good, make that commie do that.
Folks, if Mike Wallace and Ted Kennedy, and who was the other senator's wife, 85 years old, they stole her.
You know, just some giant diamond necklace.
They just liked it and stole it up in Detroit.
That was like two years ago.
And boy, they freaked out when they found out it was the Senator's wife.
But that ain't me!
That ain't me!
I ain't no Senator's son!
Can you imagine how bad it is for us, just the average little people?
And if you're not a Senator's son or wife, you're in a lot of trouble.
Or even if you're a Senator.
Ha ha ha.
So, that's coming up.
Also, and then we'll get into crude oil surpasses $49 a barrel.
While it was an all-time record last week of $45 and then this week $46, $47, $48, $49 and now they're talking about it may it just might hit $60 a barrel.
There's no telling.
Crude oil futures rose to a record surpassing $49 a barrel in the New York Mercantile Exchange.
I'm concerned
Of clashes in southern Iraq between U.S.
troops and Shiite Muslim militiamen may cut Iraqi exports.
Again, it's all about keeping exports down out of Iraq so they can boost the other prices.
Pinak even bragged about that.
See, people think it's about shipping the oil out.
No, it's about controlling the oil.
There's so much oil in Russia, and in the Caribbean, and in the Gulf, and in Alaska, and the North Sea, and just everywhere, and in Africa, and they're finding new reserves all over the U.S., that they've got to have a monopoly to keep the prices high.
And then they fund their fake left-wing groups out there that tell you there's peak oil, there's no oil.
It's total fraud.
Total lie.
But don't worry, we're going to buy into it and get gouged.
So 49.06, $49.06.
And in some areas it's trading even higher.
Over in Europe it's even higher right now.
And record profits for the oil companies.
So it's artificial perception of scarcity.
Iran threatens brand of strikes, another threat.
Very, very serious.
We'll talk about that.
And we'll get into much more.
Obviously, here is the broadcast developed.
But first, when we return, I will go directly to the loaded phone lines.
And then later, we will get into this little tidbit.
This is oninfowars.com.
It's posted from the American Psychological Association.
Again, the same people.
Remember, Dr. Laura got in trouble four years ago.
She just read from the American Psychological Association.
Their little sister group, the American Psychiatric Association, when they came out and said, we want to remove pedophilia from the list of mental illnesses.
Well, I say it's criminal.
But at least the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association and others had listed it as a mental illness.
At least they're saying it's bad.
Well, they said it's good.
It's good for children, good for those that do it.
This is how sick these criminals are.
Well, now they've come out praising Bush's new freedom initiative that will force everyone, starting with children, and then it says adults, and Illinois is already starting that with women, forcing you for your twice-a-year psychological checkup.
Talk about a brave new world, and they're out defending and attacking the British Psychological Association and the British Medical Association and different reports they put out, demonizing them viciously
Saying, how dare you be against this?
This is wonderful!
Psychologically forcibly testing everyone is new freedom.
That's what it's called.
It's freedom.
Again, the new freedom.
And everything's the new freedom here.
You know, our own domestic Gestapo.
Checkpoints everywhere while the borders are wide open.
By the way, oh, I forgot to bring his number.
A military man I've known for, I don't know, eight years.
Also a police officer.
Brought up to the TV show, uh, last night.
He brought up to the TV show last night, the Texas National Guard document, of course commanded by a British SAS man, foreign leader as usual.
And I, on TV, read over it, how they're gonna arrest people, put us in camps, it's all public, and I found it was even in the old Austin Chronicle a few weeks ago.
We'll be back, stay with us.
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By the way, I'm not kidding.
I've known this military officer for years.
He's also a police officer.
Five, six years ago, he'd laugh at me a little bit, but he's not laughing anymore.
They have foreign commanders, the Texas National Guard.
We talked about a subdivision of that in Alabama, the Alabama Defense Force.
We had their Aid to Camp on a few weeks ago.
I re-aired it a couple days ago.
Well, I'll get into that later, but it's arrest plans, mass arrest plans, lockdown of cities, all of this on a national scale.
It'll be like living in, you know, Florida after a hurricane, but it'll just never end.
And they'll just train us how to be good little slaves, folks, and the fun will really start then.
Michael in England, you're on the air.
Go ahead, thanks for holding.
Oh, hi Alex.
Welcome, sir.
Hi, if you don't mind, I'd like to shed some light on one of the most egregious crimes of the New World Order, which is the worldwide mislabeling of vaccine injuries as Shaken Baby Syndrome and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
That has been proven by a lot of prestigious medical studies.
They give the baby the shot, the baby goes into a coma, and then they arrest the parents.
Yeah, that's right.
The reason I'm calling now is that next week this whole issue is going to come under the spotlight down in Orlando, Florida, when a man named Alan Yurko and a team of experts are going to seek to overturn his life sentence for shaking his baby to death.
That's right.
In that case, they found that the DTAP vaccine
It was one of the hottest lots on record, which killed about four other children.
Sir, I know people in Austin who are middle class, no criminal record, they have a beautiful baby, they give the baby the shots, the baby goes into convulsions in the car.
Let me finish.
In the car driving home, they go back to the hospital and are arrested on sight.
This is a liability protection operation.
There's hundreds of these cases.
Thousands, sir.
Yeah, in the UK they reckon about 200 a year, in the US 1,300 cases a year.
Well, you really got your numbers, I believe that's correct.
Yeah, I've been working with the Yerko case for a while now.
Also, I've interviewed people and it's even been in the mainstream news in Australia.
So, yeah, they do this to your baby and then they arrest you.
Yeah, and if anybody wants to find out about this, because the Yerko's have helped lots of families,
Just go to the Yerco website and they'll be able to read all these medical studies.
By the way, they just started all these SIDS deaths and all this 20 years ago and that's when the vaccines got really bad.
And the CDC have admitted this.
They've said that they recognize that the average age of SIDS death is 2 to 4 months.
And average age of shaking baby syndrome death is 2.2 months, which is exactly round one of vaccine schedules.
Oh, they do tests on the dead babies and they've got massive levels of mercury in them and... Yeah.
Oh, you give a baby hundreds of times safe levels of mercury and they die!
It's a DTHC vaccine.
Oh my God, let's arrest the parents!
I can tell you how that works.
The mercury, along with the endotoxin in the vaccine, actually depletes the vitamin C. And that causes what is actually a clinical scurvy.
And it's also called Barlow's Disease.
Well, according to Dr. Geyer, the congressional expert, and others we've interviewed, that's part of it.
It also toxifies and just sits in the brain.
Yeah, that's true.
It causes the respiratory center in the brain to collapse.
Yes, sir.
It causes it to swell the brain, and then you get a subdural hemorrhaging.
Funny, these babies get the exact same thing that's on the back of a mercury bottle.
Yeah, that's true.
The exact thing that mercury poison does, and they have mercury poisoning, but let's just indict the parents.
So this trial is next week.
Do you know the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons?
Jane Orient, the director of that, will be testifying.
Also, the former chief public defender of Orange County is going to testify in his defense, along with three other medical examiners.
You know, I want to get some of those folks on.
I saw that last week.
Tell us the website.
It's Yerko.
If you just type Y-U-R-K-O into Google, you'll bring it straight up there.
Just type that into Google.
His wife, Francine, he's been by this guy for over six years.
He's been in prison.
She's done several interviews on Radio Liberty and The Power Hour, so she's pretty
That's a good idea!
The whole thing has been blown wide open here with the high profile cases which have been in the mainstream.
Yeah, I've seen it in the British papers.
So hopefully it's going to blow open.
But the thing is they've never mentioned it's the vaccines that are keeping the lid on that.
Here they're just saying it's natural causes and so on.
But they're still trying to keep the lid on the vaccine issue.
Imagine... This is going to bring it to attention.
Well, I appreciate what you're doing, Michael.
Thanks for the call.
From England.
Imagine taking your baby in, getting the shot, it starts having convulsions in the car, you take it back to the hospital, and they arrest you.
I mean... Folks... As he said, 1,300 cases a year of this, and most of them link back to the vaccines.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with more.
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Welcome back my friends.
Let's go back to your calls on this Friday edition.
Emmett in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Emmett, thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
My father used to give me beer and a baby glass when I was seven years old.
What would he be in trouble today?
I'm calling with an update.
Well, the Europeans do that, and then they live longer and are healthier.
But again, they're evil.
Let's arrest all of them.
I'm glad I can drink a micro-brew with my Lebanon bologna sandwich.
I know you're hungry for one, but I'm here in Pennsylvania, Dutch country, where I can get it.
It's bologna smoked.
Why, I'm calling with an update about this man who lost his license because he drinks a six-pack at night.
Yeah, he went into the doctor and he said, I've been having some heart palpitations.
I drink a six-pack at night sometimes.
Is that bad for me?
Should I stop that?
And the doctor said, yeah, you might cut back.
And then he automatically, through the computer system, contacted the state police.
And the man had his license revoked.
And they admit that he didn't say he drunk and drive.
He didn't.
But they just say that that's not allowed.
Yeah, that's a little wrong.
He went to the hospital.
And he even tested his blood, had no alcohol, but one of the interns notified the police.
No, that's not what I got in the article a month ago.
Yeah, no, he went and saw the doctor at night and he said, I drink sometimes.
They said, have you been drinking?
He said, no, that's what I was saying.
And then he said, I drink about a six pack at night.
And then they, the hospital, the doctor was quoted, the hospital was saying, we have to do this.
I don't drink and drive.
Yeah, but it's at the hospital.
The doctor, there's doctors at hospitals.
Well, the latest of it is the judge will not restore his license and they're requiring him to put an $1100 breathalyzer on his car.
Then he'll get his license.
In other words, that analyzes his breath.
So, preemptively, because he told them that he drinks beer at home at night, and there was no alcohol in his blood, I didn't see that part,
But this is the new system where your exterminator, your doctor, the phone man, they're all spies.
And he hasn't even committed a crime.
I see this more and more where things aren't the law but they just go after people.
Well, thank you.
I hadn't heard of the new development of them not issuing him his license again.
The judge... Where did you see this article?
It's in our Patriot News newspaper.
You want me to mail it to you?
Is that the name of the newspaper?
By Patriot News?
Yeah, Patriot News newspaper in Harrisburg, PA.
Yeah, email it to tipsandinfowars.com and we will get it posted.
Okay, it's on jmurphyatpatriotnews.com.
Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
You just gave out an email address.
No, it's Terry Caldwell at bccaldwellpatreon.com.
Sir, sir, sir, that's not how the internet works.
Oh, okay.
You're giving out the email address of the author of the article.
Alright, I'll mail it to you.
Okay, sir.
Okay, bye-bye.
Thanks for the call, Emmett.
Let's talk to, who's up next here?
Andrea in Ohio.
Go ahead, Andrea.
Thanks for holding.
While we're on medical news, I heard this morning on mindfreedom.org that Pat Adams volunteered to screen Bush for mental illness.
He said, I'll do it myself and I'll do it in a humane way.
Joyce Riley was
Where I first heard about this.
But for listeners who want to get all of those British Medical Journal articles and get all the whistleblower reports, www.mindfreedom.org has all of those.
Now, for those who just joined us, which specific British Medical Journal reports are you talking about?
These are about the New Freedom Initiative.
Yeah, oninfowars.com, right now,
At the top of the main page, it says, APA proud of its cover-up.
New Freedom Commission on Mental Health.
And then in the sub-article we posted, we have the links to the British Medical Journal, and to the news articles out of the British newspapers about it, and to American articles.
And we have another article posted out of Illinois, where they're going to implement New Freedom, not just against all the school children, but adults as well.
Oh yeah, pregnant women.
What I find appalling, and I wonder if you have an answer to this, is if Clinton would have done this, if the Democratic president would have done this, there would have been a huge outcry from all these homeschool parents, you know, conservative Christians, whatever.
The silence is deafening, or at least near deafening.
Why is that?
Well, because people want to believe that Bush is on their side.
They want to think they've died and gone to heaven.
And here, Bill Clinton did propose stuff like this, but could never get it through.
Bush is.
Clinton's programs were smaller.
I mean, how does Bush expand all the liberal programs?
Department of Education?
Sign on to UNESCO and the UN, something Reagan pulled us out of.
How does he do all of this?
Double the rate of the growth of government that it was under Clinton, and most of that isn't war funding, by the way, folks.
How does he do it?
How does he come out and say, we're going to test every school-aged child twice a year, and we're going to force adults to do it, in his official report?
And, I mean, that's worse than the Soviet Union!
I mean, I mean,
I can't believe I'm even here talking about this, and now they're starting it!
Ten states have already begun!
And I mean, I think what appalls me, I mean, is the average conservative Republican type person, and I'm not just attacking Republicans, but I'm just saying, this is, I mean, they should be screaming about this.
I mean, I would say anybody that's, you know, homeschooled parents, whatever, you know, they should be aware of this and put pressure on their congressmen and senators.
I know they've implemented it in a lot of these states, but still, let them know how they feel about it because, I mean, this is appalling.
This is appalling.
Well, sir, thank you for all you're doing and keep up the good work.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Patrick in Texas.
Patrick, you're on the air.
Uh, yes.
You mentioned psychiatry?
I've been mentally ill for 34 years.
I'm rotting from the inside out from all the pills, and I'll sum it up.
It's sorcery and witchcraft.
Well, actually, the basis of pharmakia, the symbol for most drugstores, is the urn with the grinder.
And that is what Pharmakea was, is the witch doctor would drug people in the tribe and then make them think he had magical powers.
And he would use drugs in many cases to manipulate the population.
And that is a big part of it.
And even a lot of scholars have called psychiatry the new priest, the new witch doctors, and they're trying to replace religion, they're trying to replace Christianity mainly with their new religion as themselves and the state that they represent as God.
And you know, you say you're mentally ill, sir, but I mean, they say you're mentally ill.
I'm not, but they made me mentally ill is what I'm getting.
How did they first get you into their system?
What happened in Argentina?
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Why were you there?
Oh, I was there because I was a temperamental kid.
I had a temper.
So they brought me to a... Why did you live in Argentina?
My father was an oil tool pusher man.
Your father was what?
Oil tool pusher.
So your father sold oil tool equipment?
Yes, sir.
And so you were down there and what, you got into some trouble and they sent you to the doctor?
Well, I was walking down the stairs and the doctor grabbed me and knocked me out with some kind of drug.
Next thing I know, I'm going through electric shock, frequent howl, doll, and soup.
And that's all I get for the day.
In a dark, dungeon room.
In a bed, sitting up.
Didn't know where the bathroom was.
Couldn't turn on the light.
Then I come to Texas, and uh, they find out I've got meningitis in my past.
And they sent me to a state hospital.
And I thought, well, great.
I'm gonna get some help.
Well, they put me on Lithium and Artane.
Artane's like speed.
Lithium makes you have diarrhea.
And then they diagnosed me then as Bank Depressy.
Then they put me on Thorazine.
I was diagnosed as Schizophrenic or Paranoid Schizophrenic.
Then they put me on Haldol and Artane.
And they diagnosed me as whatever they wanted.
Well, listen, Patrick.
It's gotten inside out.
Patrick, I know.
Those drugs are really deadly.
And now they want to put...
Starting off, 15% of children, not just on the antidepressants, the serotonin uptake inhibitors, or the amphetamine-type, cocaine-type drugs like Ritalin, now it's anti-psychotics because they're new, they have patents that haven't run out, and they want to force the children specifically.
The guidelines have been written by Big Pharma, admittedly, for the New Freedom Initiative.
And it's scary.
It's very, very scary.
And every year,
I mean, I had a doctor on a few weeks ago, and I said, every year there's dozens of new mental illness designations they're coming up with.
And he goes, no, there's hundreds each year.
And, you know, fear of government, fear of corruption is mental illness.
It'll cause all kinds of hazards in your brain.
You won't know what you're doing in the end.
You'll have some old folks home drilling on your shelf.
I hear you, Patrick.
Thank you for the call.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Rodney in Texas.
Rodney, go ahead.
Yes, I guess I'll just continue on with the medical topic here.
I heard you a couple of days ago focusing in on the lies and propaganda surrounding immunization of school-age kids.
Yes, they're all over every TV and radio station in the country that I've looked at.
I mean, literally, just everywhere, but here in Austin, every TV station, every newspaper, the radio stations, you've got to take your vaccines, it's the law, you'll be kicked out of school, you'll be arrested, and admittedly, they had to pass a state law saying, no, there is no law, you have to do this, just last year.
They have the waivers in every school nurse drawer, in every principal's drawer, in every health department, and they know it, but there is a massive, national, big lie campaign going.
Yeah, I found that article out of the Austin American-Statesman dated August 5, 2003, and it was, I'll paraphrase the title, it was, uh, uh, many confused about, uh, uh, immunization shots, thousands opt out, okay?
But what I further went on to do, uh, because I have a family member who, who had their children, uh, immunized about a week ago, and, uh, it was just a simple tetanus shot, but, uh,
The child had a bad reaction, and right now they don't have feelings in their left side of their body.
A tetanus shot.
But I went and found the actual law under the Educational Code, Chapter 38, Subsection 8, dealing with immunization, 38.001, and right there it shows that you do not have to take these shots.
Let me just stop you for a second, Rodney.
For those that just joined us, understand.
There has never been a law in American history that you have to take a vaccine.
They have the religious and the conscientious objector forms, which you shouldn't have to sign to begin with.
Right, right.
But when you try to go to school, they say it's the law, you have to, because they get federal funds for every child they vaccinate now.
They reported that 14,000 children
In Austin, had refused to be vaccinated or hadn't been vaccinated as of about a month ago.
They panicked.
They went all over radio and TV and newspaper and said, it's the law.
You've got to do it.
And in the last two weeks at two different gymnasiums, sports stadiums, last time I checked from 14 to 6,000, now 6,000 still haven't done it.
And it's all color of law, and they're trying to intimidate people into doing it.
And it is not the law.
And we've seen this.
If you're a blue-collar family that looks like you don't know your rights, the hospital will threaten you to take shots at birth.
But if you're, you know, white-collar and you say, I don't want it, they go, here's the form, sign, absolutely, we understand.
Uh, so, this, think of how criminal that is.
It's all color of law, and every Austinite out there listening to me right now, on the local stations, you've read the paper, you've seen the TV shows, you've seen the newscasts where they said you had to.
And you know that's not true.
We had to get Governor Perry to pass a law that he signed last year, right?
Not that there wasn't already a law saying you didn't have to, but he had to pass a law telling government agencies that it was criminal to threaten people and tell them they had to.
So we have to pass laws telling the government that there is no law that you have to do this.
And does that stop them?
And I've seen articles out of Boise, Ohio, you know,
I mean, Idaho, all, just, four corners of the country, Florida, New York, California, Kansas, I mean, I've seen all the, where it's the same ads, the same newspaper articles, like it's written by the same person, saying the same thing, and it's all color of law, and this illustrates everything we're talking about.
You do not have to do this.
But they're creating the perception that you do, and then you're saying you've got a family member who took the shot and now half their body doesn't have feelings.
Yeah, simple tetanus shot.
And by the way, whenever you ask these people who claim that it's the law to take these shots, and you ask them, well, show me the law, they can't tell you.
They can't show you.
Have you ever had that situation?
Well, again, it's just an average nurse or firefighter lined up with thousands of children.
They mean well.
They don't know that the principal right behind them has the waiver and is worried about funding.
Just one other final point here, just slightly different.
You were talking about these non-lethal weapons that the police is being trained to use.
Yeah, at first it was just for Saddam's people, but now they're going to use sound weapons on people in New York.
Well, if they're so non-lethal, Alex, shouldn't the general public be able to have access to these same weapons to protect ourselves from criminals?
Well, sir, they're actually classified as less lethal.
And then the PR term is non-lethal.
These things, every few months the police kill somebody with rubber bullets here in the U.S.
Yeah, I know it's a spin on words, but I'm just saying, you know, these people, they, in my opinion, I believe if they're that un-lethal or non-lethal or less lethal, then why shouldn't I be able to carry it?
Yeah, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Good points, Rodney.
Look, they're gonna use lethal weapons on us, don't worry.
All these are are training aids.
They've issued the black armored outfits.
They've issued the weapons.
They've issued the armored vehicles.
They've issued the microwave guns.
Those are waiting for the real fun to happen.
And now they're issuing the sound wave rifles and weapons.
These are training aids to train them to preemptively go ahead and shoot first.
Go ahead and attack the crowd.
That's all this is, is a simulator.
You know, the shoot-to-kill video games were developed by the Pentagon.
Because they found, even in Vietnam, half the troops up close wouldn't shoot somebody.
So they have them play these point-and-shoot games, started out with the paper targets before that, that pop up, to train you to shift out of the conscious mind into automatic Pavlovian response.
So that's all less-than-lethal or non-lethal weapons are.
They're training aids.
They're training aids.
That's all they are.
And now they admit they're issuing them live weapons.
And it also trains the public of images of police shooting at crowds.
That's all this is, is simulations.
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Alright my friends, you're in real time now.
It is Wednesday, the 25th day of August 2004.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
The Balance of the Broadcast will be live.
I apologize, I've been having to deal with this AXS television situation in Austin.
I had to go ahead and file the legal documents today with the court and with my lawyer.
And with the other, uh, complaint... Complaintants, the other producers, and it started earlier this morning and then went a little bit late, but it's defending the First Amendment, and that's paramount, so I'm here, live, now.
When we get back in the next hour, we'll open the phones up to take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Eight-year-olds recruited for street patrols.
That's right, Mainstream News report two Russian airliners have crashed, and they're saying it's very suspicious, and I would tend to agree with that.
So we'll get into that.
Thatcher's son, Margaret Thatcher's son, accused of coup plot has been arrested out of the Associated Press.
A man caught more than he bargained for while fishing, that flesh-eating bacteria, which is getting more and more common, not just in hospitals, but in the environment.
Outside of them, but Lawton's driver charged at Guantanamo at Gitmo.
Idea of implanting ID tags raises Orwellian fears from CNAT.
I want to get into this, how the light sockets are going to read the chips in your body.
That's mainstream news, folks.
Kerry takes fight over Vietnam ads to Bush's ranch.
We'll talk about this whole distraction.
And just much, much, much more coming up.
But of course your calls are paramount.
We'll hit them up, move them out, load them up.
We'll take your calls.
But I was talking before we went to break from a rebroadcast about conditioning.
Pavlovian Acclamation.
Guess who said this?
This is the father of advertising.
The guy who wrote the book.
Now listen to his attitude and what he says.
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government.
Which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.
Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
But the globalist bring crises, folks.
They want dysfunction.
In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, or in our social conduct, or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.
It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, Edward L. Bernays, the father of advertising, of modern propaganda.
Busy up until his, what is it, eighties with all of this, and then you can contrast that with Thomas Jefferson, quote, I know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of society but the people themselves.
And I think, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.
The opposite of what Edward L. Bernays says is what Thomas Jefferson has to say.
I know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of society but the people themselves.
And if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise that control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.
Thomas Jefferson.
We've got Edward L. Bernays saying the opposite, those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.
We will break and we will come back and start the second hour on this live
August 25th, Wednesday edition, 2004.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
We'll be back after this quick pause and we will commence with all the important news and as I said your calls at 1-800-259-9231 and don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv with weekly TV show postings
My books, all the videos, they're at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
It is August 25th, 2004.
On this Wednesday, Peter, Maggie,
Paul, everybody else, your calls are coming up at 800-259-9231.
Coming up here momentarily.
I'd like to talk about this quote by the father of modern advertising.
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.
We'll go more into that quote.
That's from one of his own books.
I mean, he's the Big Mac Daddy, and oh, there's no propaganda, there's no control, there's no secret government.
They just brag about it in their own publications, knowing you don't read them.
We need to start reading what they're saying and watching what they're doing.
Coming up, eight-year-olds recruited for street patrols.
Two Russian airliners have crashed.
And we'll get into that as well.
A bunch of Iraq news.
Tons of Republican National Convention news.
You name it, it is all coming up.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
As promised, Peter in New Jersey.
Greetings, Alex.
I appreciate very kindly your passion and compassion and heart yesterday, and as I've mentioned to you before, God's calling on your life.
That said, as a believer in Jesus Christ of 25 years here in New Jersey, the passion that I have is that the local church in not only New Jersey but in America, as well as from the radio to the TV ministries,
have and are not saying nothing and will say nothing it's uh... it reminds me of a republican good democrat bad it's all well they've been they've been co-opted and they're in the false left-right paradigm and they're being taken over by the federal government of the faith-based initiative and they're out telling us how good the patriot act is and how good all this tyranny is well Alex, does that have to do with the uh... five c three one and if so uh...
One is called through biblical means to have fellowship amongst believers.
Well, 501c3 makes the state the head of the church, which is the exact opposite of the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law restricting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
And 50 years ago, they said, oh, it's just a little form so you don't have to pay taxes.
Never had to pay taxes before.
Just sign the form.
It's preliminary.
And they got you used to it.
And then later, they claim it's the law.
It's kind of like vaccines.
It's not the law.
But they say it is.
And oh, just sign the form as your waiver.
And then slowly, they change the form.
Until you're a creature of the state and churches even misunderstand what the feds are even trying to do and say, no discussion of politics, no criticism of any government.
When you're in church, we must follow the government's every order.
Well, I guess what I'm trying to arrive at, though I completely concur with what you're saying, is you're called to have fellowships, so what does one do
Uh, does one go, um, go?
I mean, if, if that's your... Well, number one, sir, you're, you know, the 501c3 is a fraud, and there are hundreds of churches that are pretty good size, they only target a few to scare people, and go through a kangaroo court, who have churches, who don't pay taxes, and, because they're not supposed to, and who have people there.
And they can't stop you from having meetings at your home or out in the field under a tent.
They shouldn't be able to, though a lot of cities are quote zoning that you can't have more than four people in your house.
And then there's a big party with strippers, that's fine with a hundred people at your house, but if you have four of your Christian friends, it's happened to Orthodox Jews as well, they come and arrest them.
Say, oh you can't have religious meetings at your house.
It's like China.
I see an article like that every couple weeks.
So, um, nothing new under the sun when it comes from, uh, whether it be Falwell or Dobson or Joyce Meyer or some of the very big, uh, highfalutins in, uh, Christendom, if you will, including even in your home state in Texas, uh, Osteen and people like that, that, you know, um... And Hagee.
And Hagee giving out wonderful, reinforcing, positive messages that are, that are fine in one regard, but they say nothing regarding
That's it.
They only tell you about... Now, there's a Dr. Kennedy in Florida that does.
He does tell the truth.
E. James Kennedy.
Yeah, but most of them only give you part of it and think Bush is the savior and then we're in trouble.
Thanks for the call.
Maggie and Paul and others, your calls are up next.
Great calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've got wide open phones.
We're going to get some of these calls out of the way that have been holding, and I'm going to get into the plane crashes in Russia.
Those look pretty suspicious.
Also, eight-year-olds recruited for street patrols, and to be tattletale squads, and much more.
But right now, let's go to Maggie in Texas.
Maggie, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to share with you and your listeners that this morning on NPR, the part that's produced vocally,
They did have a little mention of the fact that vaccines are not required for Texas school children to go to school.
Well, that's amazing.
So you're saying that the classically liberal NPR admitted that you... I mean, I actually, by the way, got the Texas Code here.
I have it in front of me right off their website.
You don't have to.
There is no law.
It is an advisement that they give.
Uh, kind of a regulation, and they're all over TV saying it's the law, you'll be arrested, gotta do it, and then NPR, was that local NPR or national?
Yes, it is local NPR.
It's one of those little filler announcements that they put in.
It was the female commentator, or a female commentator.
Between the hours, I believe, of eight and nine.
See, that's the difference.
I know some of the local people, and we've kind of been deprogramming them.
They watch the show, they listen to my radio show.
I would predict that if we called that reporter, that she probably heard us talking about it on TV and radio, investigated it, and covered it.
I would never expect to hear the truth out of national NPR.
That's why I was shocked.
But you said the local community radio station.
What exactly did she say?
Yes, he said there is some confusion over this issue.
Many Texas parents are, perhaps he even said Austin parents, but anyway, many Texas parents believe that their children are required to take vaccinations in order to report to school and that is not the case.
There are waivers available on the basis of health reasons, religious reasons, and
We're good to go.
I promptly lost it while I was doing housework around the house.
I can give it to you again.
I have it here in front of me.
You can find it, yes.
I've got it right here in the stack, but I can dig it out here in a second.
So, well that's great.
We want to commend them.
That's the only mainstream media that we know of that's told the truth.
It was very exciting to hear that.
Was that 90.5?
I forget what KUT is.
KUT is 90.5.
That's the big one.
It's on in several cities.
But it's based in Austin.
I've even been in there on a few of their shows.
They've actually got some people that aren't like evil government liberals.
The people that really want to do the right thing and are just confused.
Oh yes, they do.
And I would bet money they would listen to this show and got infuriated by it and went and investigated it.
Well that would have been my guess too.
So I wanted you to know about
Your triumph in this area.
Well, it's not a triumph.
It's a triumph for everybody.
For the people, yeah.
We need to get more of this, though.
I mean, the Statesman is lying.
All the TV stations I've seen are lying.
Just lie, lie, lie.
And by the way, this is being duplicated all over the country, Maggie.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm not surprised.
Anything else?
No, that was the big E for today.
I'm just very happy about it.
Tell you what, keep talking.
I'm going to dig this out for you.
Keep talking.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, I'm trying, I'm trying to think what to say.
I was just, I was surprised and very happy and my first thought was probably this has something to do with Alex Jones and it's a wonderful, it's a wonderful thing.
There is a child in my family who has been damaged by something.
I wouldn't say it was the vaccination necessarily, I don't know, but I think
It's mercury for sure, whether in the environment or a...
Well, that's the thing, Maggie.
It's already in the environment at dangerous levels.
Then you give them hundreds of times save levels in the shots and it overloads them.
And by the way, they especially target preemies, even though the vaccine inserts, they don't do it.
The AMA says, oh no, they're at risk for diseases.
Give it to them.
So you've got a five pound, four pound baby.
They're sticking all these needles in and man, you can just forget it.
That's like wiping a hard drive.
Their brain is gone.
God bless you and thanks for the call.
I have it right here.
It's the Texas Department of Health.
It's www.tdh.state.tx.us forward slash immunize forward slash school underscore exclusion dot htm.
Hey, let me call my wife right now.
I forgot to tell her.
She's the webmaster for InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson does the Prison Planet sites.
I forgot to tell her to post this this morning.
I'll call her during a break.
I won't call her on air and ask her.
I got the number dialed in on the phone here, I'll call her in a second.
I'm going to get this, if she's at her desk, I don't know if she is right now, she may be at lunch, I'm going to get her to, she's not even listening, she's probably listening, to post this, but just go to Google and type in Texas Department of Health, exclusion from immunization requirements, and that will bring it up.
Texas Department of Health, exclusion from immunization requirements, immunization division, if you want to get even
more elaborate and this page will come up www.tdh.state.texas.us you can just go to that address and type that in as well and it will come up or type in the rest slash immunize slash school underscore exclusion dot htm and every state has these but again Governor Perry signed a law something good he did last year that we really lobbied to get through because
This law has always been in place since they started this monkey business.
They had to pass another law saying it's not illegal to take the shot, stating a law against law enforcement and health departments to stop going after people, to stop excluding people from school, that what they're doing is illegal.
They had to make it criminal for them to do that.
And so how does the media and the schools and the superintendents respond after a law is passed?
Saying, hey, it's criminal if you keep lying.
They come out and quadruple, more than quadruple, just wall-to-wall, pell-mell, pelter-skelter, lying everywhere.
And usually the media twists or spins or omits.
I mean, this is just out-and-out, ball-faced,
And the articles are almost identical, whether it's Indiana, or Florida, or Texas, or New York, or D.C., or California, or North Dakota.
I mean, I've seen all these different states.
It's like the same... It's like it's a form letter, and the papers just put their names on it, or something.
Something's going on here.
I mean, this is big.
And they're panicking, because they had 18,000 school children that refused to be vaccinated, and they said, that's it, you can't come into school, because they're losing control.
They're losing control.
And by the way, if more people stop being vaccinated, I'll expect the feds to release something in the schools that makes people real sick and say, ooh, see?
You didn't... You didn't do that.
You're bad.
And I'm not saying vaccines wouldn't be a good thing if they were pure and proper, but the evil people in the military industrial complex, the eugenics social Darwinists, openly in all their big publications say they want to control us and dumb us down and sterilize us and get rid of us, and we're going to take shots they're pushing on us?
When we've caught them all over the third world putting stuff in vaccines and now we've caught them here doing it?
We seem to be spending a lot of time on vaccines because it's something we can stop.
We can stop drinking their poison water and start filtering it.
We can't control the air or the soil.
We can try to eat better foods.
We cannot take their vaccines.
There's certain things we can do.
And so people are in droves not doing it, so they're panicking and turning up the heat here.
They're on a power trip.
They think they're God.
They think they're over us.
And I'm sorry, government, you're not.
Paul in New Jersey, go ahead, you're on the air.
Alex, have you been advocating any particular presidential candidate or party?
I think Michael... I agree with more of what Michael Perutka says than what I think about Michael Bagnerik, who I agree with on about 90% of things.
He's obviously better than Bush or Kerry.
But I think Mr. Perutka of the Constitution Party's good.
He's great.
But again, everybody's so focused on presidential candidates, they've got that fixed.
It's going to be Bush or Kerry and their cousins and their members of the same group and their policies are almost identical, their rhetoric's different.
So I see the presidential election as a diversion in that the real power is at the county, city and state level.
I think there's a lot of power locally, but too much power federally.
Well, I mean, the federal government is tyrannical and has set up a dictatorship, sir.
The CIA runs voting machines in over a third of the country publicly, and it's a total fraud.
So if you want to get involved in something, get involved in recall petitions to withdraw the electronic machines.
Get involved in investigations of that with petition recalls.
Get involved in the Second Amendment locally, get involved in your state government passing laws to control the borders themselves.
I'm telling you, sir, the federal government is gone.
If you asked Michael Peruca to be on your show, I'd love to hear him.
You know, I'm so busy, I meant to get him on, I just haven't gotten around to it.
It's a shame there's not enough publicity about him, because... Yeah, I understand, but I don't... See, this is the thing, I don't think you hear me.
And I'm not mad at you, Paul.
I appreciate you.
Listen, I mean, that's an educated opinion, but it's based in fact that you can forget the presidential election.
I'm telling you, 100% of people could go out and vote for Michael Peruca and they're going to tell you John Kerry or George Bush won.
I have a feeling that's very likely true.
However, I still think it sends a great message to the powers that be.
Well, even if we elected Michael Peruca, sir, if we elected Michael Peruca, I guarantee you the Congress would not certify it.
I absolutely agree with that, too.
However, what a better message to send, especially to George Bush, who really is working his best to destroy conservatism in the United States.
It seems like he... Remember, they used to say Clinton was going to destroy the Democrats.
I contend Bush has been even more successful in destroying any semblance of, like, a conservative party.
Well, I mean, I'm not... You're not the only one.
I'm not the only one.
Pat Buchanan saying that.
Sam Francis does it.
Yeah, there's a whole bunch of us out here.
Anybody who defends George Bush is not a real conservative.
Yeah, that's what I say.
By the way, did you hear about Rush Limbaugh?
He tried to buy food at a grocery store and was told, even if you're paying cash, you have to show your ID.
And he finally flipped out yesterday.
With beer, actually.
Do what?
With beer.
For a party.
Oh, you heard it?
I got about 20 emails.
Yeah, I heard it.
Stay there.
I want to hear more about this.
Stay with us.
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If this was the Yalomo in our fight against the New World Order, folks, they'd come over the walls, we're swinging our muskets.
The Republic went down, my friends, but the New World Order will fall.
The globalists may have taken control of our capitals, and the capital itself,
They may be dumbing down our children and bringing in their New World Order, but more and more people are waking up and becoming immune, or at least resistant to their propaganda, and are opening their minds every day, and the globalists are terrified.
Already, according to major media studies and studies done by major universities, 38 to 45 percent, depending on which study, have just left television entirely.
And are not watching cable, TV, broadcast, any of it.
People are just not watching.
They are on the internet.
They're getting self-published books and films.
They're creating their own websites.
They're on internet blogs and chat rooms.
And a lot of what's happening on the net is garbage, but one of the biggest segments of the stuff on the internet is patriot information.
Real conservative, libertarian, Christian.
Whatever group you think you're in, the alternative truth-seeking movement
It's very exciting.
But I got about, I don't know, I don't know, just a whole bunch of emails, dozens and dozens of emails about Limbaugh yesterday getting on the air and saying, man, I was in New York, went to this grocery store, was buying some, you know, chips, and I didn't hear it, this is what the email said, buying some chips and beer for a party, and they said, no ID, you're not getting it.
And he said, I can't believe there's a total police state.
Well, that's how they're engineering it all over the country.
You go buy anything.
You buy paint.
You buy glue.
Oh, well, it's to stop the drug use.
You buy, what's the little red pills that are over the counter for allergies?
I don't know, maybe once a year I get allergies real bad.
I buy some of those.
Is it Active Fed?
I forget the name.
And they want your ID for that.
And they say, oh, it's the law.
In fact, Oklahoma has a law for that.
Because you can make speed out of it.
You know, before you couldn't buy but one box.
Now it's, oh, you've got to give your ID regardless.
It gets you into this mindset.
And Pastor Butch Paws talked about how food lions in West Virginia have big signs saying, no ID, no food.
And it's just psychological because you can still pay cash without it, but they're just preparing you.
Paul Watson talked about how all the banks in England have big signs that say, no national ID card, no business.
Even though it's not the law yet, there's no national ID card.
They just prepare you.
You know, it's like the ink pads that were given out free to hundreds of banks and stores over the last 8-9 years where you'd put the ink print on the check and you'd turn over that little ink pad and it would be the name of a biometrics company which they admitted was to acclimate people to get us used to doing that.
Just amazing.
I mean, they're using psychological warfare here on us in a big, big way.
And we'll talk more about that coming up.
But Paul in New Jersey, you heard Lord Limbaugh.
Exactly what did he say?
He said he was buying some Heineken and some chips in New York City.
And he got carded and he didn't have his card.
And so I think he had a member of his entourage or bodyguard make the purchase for him.
And then he was watching some film about Reagan, I believe, that's coming out soon, an advanced copy, and he was talking about that.
But he's the person who's always advocated this kind of thing, like the police state.
He seems to not mind it, probably because most of the people doing his shopping are his servants, his Mexican servants, probably.
I consider Rush Limbaugh a man under duress as long as he's still being investigated for his oxycontin down in Florida.
He's gotten much worse since that happened.
Ten, twelve years ago, he was great!
I remember in college listening to him, and he was all about guns and freedom and sovereignty.
And then about seven years ago, man, he shifted.
And if you talk about the New World Order, you're a kook.
There's no New World Order.
There's no black helicopters.
There's no U.N.
I mean, he just got horrible.
And now, oh, it's all issues of no significance.
By the way, about him being under duress, do you think
Jeb Bush is taking his time investigating Limbaugh.
Is that still going on?
Well, Jeb really can't block the Metro Police there, and those are Democrat-controlled.
I think some big strings have been pulled because they brought him right to the point of indictment and then backed off.
And you know what?
I've heard Limbaugh all for the phony drug war.
Your kid gets caught with some pot, throw him in prison when he's a big ex-hippie.
What a hypocrite.
And now he's caught with synthetic heroin, and I think they should put the guy in prison for 50 years.
He said about, I remember the quote saying that we should send drug users up.
As in up the river.
So according to what he's noted for saying and has quoted as saying is that drug users should be sent up the river.
So we should lead by example.
But now, oh he was sick, he had a problem.
Well that does happen.
People have car wrecks and stuff and get addicted.
Let's not put them in prison!
My goodness!
What's wrong with us?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
My friends, I'm high on life.
I have one or two cups of coffee a day.
I had a small cup.
I've cut back from two or three in the morning because it gives me a headache later.
I've cut back to one cup in the morning because coffee is pretty bad for you.
It will have some good health effects.
It's all debatable, but I think me personally, overall it's not good.
I have enough energy not to need it.
But I drink one cup of coffee in the morning, and then if it's ten o'clock at night and I'm exhausted and I've got to work for three or four more hours on some interview or on some film, which I've been doing almost every day the last month, I'm exhausted, I'll have another cup of coffee.
But really, if you look at the molecules of caffeine, it is very similar to different types of amphetamines.
Now, we don't arrest people for drinking coffee because it's an accepted drug that a lot of people use.
But that's really the only drug I use, other than occasional, you know, beer, glass of wine, if I'm, you know, out somewhere eating.
But that's it.
And alcohol kills, conservatively, eight times what all other illegal drugs do, combined each year.
And then you look at the big pharma's drugs, many drugs that don't even get you high, don't even give you a brain effect or central nervous system effect, they kill a lot more than alcohol does.
So why are SWAT teams kicking down doors?
Why are they raiding people's houses?
Why are they looking for marijuana and cocaine and heroin?
And I think marijuana and cocaine and heroin, those are all different drugs.
I think cocaine and heroin are just horrible.
I mean, I think Prozac and Ritalin are horrible, just as horrible, or worse, because their molecules are very similar.
So, why is this happening?
Well, we get the image of the criminal gangs.
You know, the Scarface movie, which was a true story with the guy with the chainsaw.
The thugs.
Oliver Stone actually got those out of the Miami police files.
That really happened.
You know, cutting some guy's head off with a chainsaw.
Cutting his arms and legs off.
That really happened.
Do I support that?
Absolutely not.
So the government holds up that image of the scum and trash, the criminals that are involved in the drug culture, because it's illegal.
And they say C-drugs are bad.
It's like alcohol.
Until prohibition in the 1920s, alcoholism was very low in this country, there weren't a lot of bars, there wasn't a lot of regulation, and then the government used a bunch of do-gooders, actually people who own the big liquor companies, actually lobbied and used the well-meaning do-gooders to get prohibition passed, and the profits went up several thousand percent, and these families all got even richer,
And it corrupted the police, and alcoholism tripled, and we got another, at least a doubling, these are all Fed Zone numbers, in alcohol poisoning and deaths, because it lowered the quality of the bathtub gin and all the rest of it.
So it corrupted our police, it got us acclimated to checkpoints, and police searching houses, and raids, and knocking down doors.
That was unheard of in America.
And they knew exactly what it would do.
And so when prohibition fell apart, because people weren't going to buy it anymore, they said, okay, we'll make laudanum, that had been sold on store shelves, opium, the derivative of, it's what makes heroin, we're going to make that illegal, and we're going to make Coca-Cola, you've got to take the cocaine out of your Coke.
This is admitted.
And so they made all that illegal and started that prohibition because all these agencies had to have something to do.
And guess what?
When they made it illegal, we went from about 4% of the population on laudanum, about 10% that routinely drank cokes, but it was a low level of cocaine,
And it exploded, especially the opiate use, the laudanum use, the rest of it.
And even clearer, the families that were involved in making that illegal, and then who helped profit off of it, the Roosevelts and others, are the admitted historical families bringing in most of the opium.
Skull and Bones founded on opium money.
So these people also had competition now, bringing in opium from other areas of the world,
So by making it illegal, they could go after their competition and jack up the price, then it creates all these criminal gangs, then drug addicts break into your house or business or mug you for the drugs, for the drug money, and what, 9 out of 10 home invasions or muggings are drug related?
That's the FBI's own numbers?
9 out of 10, and then we have this explosion of crime from the 30's right through to 1990, and then crime went down a little bit, but it's still at very high levels compared to what it was before the 20's and 30's, with the two prohibitions.
And I could go on for hours about this, but you got Rush Limbaugh, admittedly, taking 100 Oxycontin a day, a time-released synthetic opiate,
A lot of doctors I've talked to say it even has more of a euphoric effect than heroin.
Very similar to heroin.
And we've got him taking a hundred of these a day that would literally kill an elephant if it hadn't built up a tolerance.
And this guy for all these years is on the radio saying, send people who are using drugs and have drugs up the river, put them in prison.
You know, out there defending, I remember hearing him defend the crack law.
Oh well, if you're caught with even one crack rock, you know, guaranteed 20 years in prison.
But you, sir, are gobbling something even worse and you come out and say, I was just sick.
I got a back problem and I got... I believe you.
I know a lot of people, a lot of football players, you know, blew their knees out in college and went on those drugs and are total drug addicts.
And I don't want to put them in prison.
I know a lot of old people who are addicted to painkillers because they're in pain.
Are we going to put them in prison?
They shouldn't be in prison!
We should decriminalize now!
Okay, I got off on a tirade.
We're about to go to Randy, Eliza, Ted, Eric, and others here in just a minute, but I need to get into some more of the news.
And first off, I'd like to hear you comment on this.
I read this last hour.
We talk about programming and brainwashing and conditioning.
I just took two semesters of radio, television, and film.
And our textbook admitted this, but how good it was!
And how advertisement was set up in the twenties, when it really began to get its modern look, to be a brainwashing aid.
And they used Pavlov and Skinner's and a lot of other people's technologies right through until today to highly develop this.
And I talked about how eight, nine years ago, I started seeing these ink pads at the bank and at the grocery store.
They said, oh, if you're going to cash a check or do a transaction, you want to get an ink print
of your thumb on this and on the top of the plastic cap of the ink pad was a digital image of a thumb and a red dot or red circle which when they put in the thumb scanners is a red laser circle.
So Pavlovianly they got you used to seeing it.
It's like hunters will you know a year before they start hunting in a place will put the deer blind up knowing that the deer will get used to it.
You don't go out there and put it up the day before you go hunting.
And I've actually read the government documents where with these thumb printers they put the ink pads in to train you to give a thumb print, but more importantly to seeing it there and seeing that red dot, seeing that red image.
This is how scientifically crafted it is.
And listen to this, by Edward L. Bernays, the father of modern advertising, from his own book.
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.
This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.
Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as smoothly functioning society.
Well, the globalists bring crisis and dysfunction, folks.
They use these technologies to break up our society, not to have things run smooth.
In almost every act,
Social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of these masses.
It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.
Now, the pundits, whether they're Stephanopoulos,
Or whether they're Lou Dobbs, or whether they are Rush Limbaugh, or Sean Hannity, they will deny that any of this exists.
Oh, we're not trying to manipulate you.
We don't have an agenda.
It's fair and balanced.
We have a clip right now on PrisonPlanet.tv of Fox News, where they openly say, let's kill the Shiite cleric, that'll make the stock market go up.
Yeah, let's kill him, let's kill him.
I mean, openly talking about killing people will make the stock market go up, and they say, it's his fault, oil prices are high.
It's his fault.
Folks, Iraq has nothing to do with these oil prices.
OPEC has released more oil.
The oil companies are saying they don't have refineries.
Totally made up.
There's no reason for oil to have gone over $50 a barrel.
There's absolutely no reason.
And again, it'll drop some later, but then go back up again.
I've read the federal documents where they say they're going to train us to pay about $2.15 a gallon on average.
And so they've got to keep it high, even higher than that for a while, lower it back down, take it back higher again, to train you.
It's like the oil shortage back in the 70s.
Totally manufactured.
I could go off into that all day long, too.
It's just mind-blowing.
Let's go to some calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Randy in Texas.
Randy, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me well?
Yes, I can.
Hey, this is my first time calling.
It may seem like I'm a little off-topic, but if you give me a minute or two, I'll explain how everything's relevant to your show and to what most of us are concerned about.
We're going to talk about hurricanes for a second.
Do you remember back in 1989 there was a hurricane called Hugo that slammed into South Carolina?
You remember FEMA moved in as a disaster relief organization or whatever to support the locals.
Well, turns out they were so incompetent that the locals almost threw them out because FEMA wasn't there to really
Do the things that they were supposed to do.
And now FEMA goes in and takes over the local governments, per agreements they signed before, takes over all the phones, won't let you into your house, and actually caused a lot of deaths.
See, that's why I was getting at it.
You know, because I don't want the callers thinking, well, why are we talking about hurricanes?
As for three years, 1992 Hurricane Andrew.
Now, me living where I live, you know, we have to, you know, follow hurricanes every hurricane season.
This is my first time really taking a second look at what really happened back in 1992 with Hurricane Andrew and I'm just now doing it and now I'm just now realizing the government has lied to us all this time.
It kind of shocks me and I feel stupid because even down to the National Hurricane Center lied
I'm looking at satellite pictures of Hurricane Andrew.
That hurricane was much, much stronger than what the official quote-unquote, um, uh, stats was on that hurricane.
And now it's coming out from some of the locals who experienced it.
And even some of the civil engineers, I heard the reports afterwards, it was unprecedented damage.
The question is, why did they always, in the last 20 years, cover it up?
Let's see, my theory on this particular Andrew situation is
There's two theories.
One theory is they put something in the hurricane to make it intensify.
I don't necessarily think that's the case.
I think it is a case where the hurricane naturally intensified by itself.
Well, I mean, hurricanes do that, but they also have the technology to do that.
Yeah, they do.
And, you know, I don't know which theory is true.
I'm thinking it was more of a case where, this is why I say this, the hurricane made a V-line straight from South Florida and
No, I think it was Andrews Air Force Base.
It was evacuated, but the rest of South Bay County was not.
They knew this hurricane was much stronger than what it was.
If they would have came on the TVs or radio or whatnot and said, Hey, you know, this is saying winds of this hurricane is 180, 185, which I think it was, people would have bailed.
And you had like 1 million, 2 million people on the roads at that time.
Instead they said, hey, it's okay, you're going to get hit with 50 knot winds, you know, stay at home.
I like what they did, you know, similar with Charlie.
I'm going to get to Charlie in one second, but... Yeah, go ahead and finish up, Randy.
It's interesting, but I've got a bunch of calls.
Oh, okay, it's fine, but my point is, to make it relevant, what happened to the people after Hugo Andrew and now this month Charlie?
Same thing is going to happen to me and you when the next so-called Al Qaeda terrorist attack hits.
The FEMA move.
Oh, that's it!
FEMA two years ago, even Newsmax reported on this.
They got the purchase orders, three one million man camps, lockdowns, roundup plans.
They're gearing up and the crisis is the smoke screen for their takeover, setting the precedent for total control.
Good point, Randy.
Good to hear from you.
Eliza in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Um, I'm calling about the fact that I was involved in a terrorist drill.
Oh, Eliza, I met with you last night down at the AXS TV board meeting.
You even got video of this.
My name is actually Elissa, but that's okay.
Yes, yes.
Yeah, they gave me the name wrong.
That's why I didn't recognize it was you, Elissa.
But, yeah, you and your boyfriend went to this.
Yeah, that's fine.
There's another one coming up with the 30th or 31st.
I will definitely be there to film.
And so they have these terror drills.
What was that terror drill like that you attended?
Well, it all kind of started out at my layover.
I was coming back from California, and I had a layover in Houston, and very strange things happened while we were on the plane, but I'll keep the long story short.
We got on the plane, and we were delayed because they said that the pilots that were supposed to fly us were illegal, and they had to fly illegal pilots in from another city.
So, I was later told by a friend, Thad Getterman, that basically the illegal pilots
Was it due to over-flying time or something like that?
Okay, sure, but how does that feed into the terror grill?
Um, okay, so, um, we were rerouted to Dallas when we finally, um, got in the air, and then, because of a storm, and they said, oh, we have to be rerouted, and then we finally got to fly into Austin.
When we flew into Austin, and we get off the plane, everything's dead.
Like, the whole place is shut down.
All the stores are locked up, and this seems really weird.
So I leave college to get the bags and I go out to try to find out what's going on.
Why were we delayed?
What, you know, why is the airport so quiet?
And the woman, I met a woman and she said that all the employees were made to leave.
All the staff, all the taxis, all the buses, everyone was made to leave.
And that, uh, there was some sort of authority there.
They shut the place down and they were running terrorist drills.
And, um,
And it was just very odd, our whole situation of being stranded on the plane, the pilots being routed to Dallas, and then coming in and say, you know, being the only people in the airport, and knowing that this drill was going on, and that's why we couldn't come in.
If anybody has any information about the drill?
And that drill was later in the news, but they didn't give us any details.
There's some other drill coming up this weekend.
Yeah, because there was this strangely dressed authority figure there.
I don't know if they were police.
I tried to get a view of the bags.
Were they in black uniforms?
Yes, they were in black uniforms, and the bags seemed to be like a circle with a pyramid in it, and I couldn't get close to them.
That's infrastructure protection.
Oh, okay.
Well, they were everywhere.
And they wouldn't talk to us, and they wouldn't let us get near them.
And they had blocked off the road.
With those orange and white things and there were lights.
So if anybody can call and let me know when the world bed is, that would be great.
You want to add any more points after the break?
No, I'm fine Alex.
I'll let you go.
I know you've got color.
Thanks a million.
Sorry you had to hold.
I didn't know that was you.
Take care.
All right.
I've known her for years.
Great lady.
All right.
We'll be back and we'll give you some news.
Ted and Eric and others.
Stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Ted, Eric, Joanne and others, your calls are gonna come up right when we start the next hour, so be patient.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
We'll go to a lot of your calls the next hour and quickly.
Eight-year-olds recruited for street patrols, London Mirror.
Children as young as eight are being recruited on a stage to help fight crime, dressed in baseball caps and vests.
The youngsters will go on patrol to combat anti-social behavior.
Now dropping a piece of gum is a year in prison and a 1,000 pound fine.
Nearly 50 children, aged 8 to 14, have already enrolled as junior wardens in Oxford to patrol the notorious Blackbird Laze and Rose Hill areas.
They have already scoured the area for cars with out-of-date tax stickers.
So that's what they're going to be doing.
Rebecca Winfield, 11, of Rose Hill, said, I want to help my community.
Adult wardens insist they are not in danger.
So we got similar stuff.
I've got video in my Police State 2000 film in Heber, Maryland of the Marines in a takeover drill of the city and they have the children as young as 10 as tattletales looking for the guns and mock gun confiscation.
It's all on video!
I mean, that was in 1998, that footage!
A report!
Two Russian airliners crash, Associated Press.
Two Russian airliners carrying a total of more than 100 people crashed almost simultaneously south of Moscow.
The ATAR-TASS news agency reported today there was no word of survivors.
The first plane was carrying 54 passengers and a crew of 8 when it crashed in the region near the village of Bakhali, the agency said, citing a duty officer at the Control Center for Civil Defense and Emergencies.
The Tula region is about 110 miles south of Moscow.
The second plane was carrying 44 people when it crashed near Rostov, said the agency, citing the ITAR-TAS Aviation Committee official.
And it's 600 miles south of Moscow.
Both planes were Tupolev Tu-154 jets, the standard medium-range airliner for commercial flights in Russia, other former Soviet states, Iran, and parts of Eastern Europe.
And they say, the State Department says, obviously we're concerned by the news, we're following developments closely and trying to determine the facts.
In other articles, they're saying they think that it was an accident, but that it is suspicious.
Yes, two Russian planes crash, cause unclear.
This is from Reuters.
And it says President Vladimir Putin, vacationing in Saki, ordered the FSB security services, he's been caught blowing up buildings by the way, to investigate the crashes ahead of Sunday's presidential election in Chechnya.
Rebel separatists have threatened to disrupt the poll with violence.
And they're saying they think it may be terrorism.
Coming up in the next hour after your calls, Thatcher's son accused of coup plot.
Margaret Thatcher's son arrested.
Man caught more than he bargained for while fishing.
Flesh-eating bacteria in the general environment.
Bin Laden's driver charged at Gitmo.
Idea of implanting ID tags raises Orwellian fears.
Very scary article from CNET News.
Kerry takes fight over Vietnam ads to Bush's ranch.
We'll get to that.
Parents tooth-printing their kids.
Dental Procedure Collects DNA's Smallest, Largest Reaction to Stranger Danger.
Latest Reaction to Stranger Danger.
We'll cover that in the next hour as well.
A whole stack of vital stuff here.
Before I end this hour, at least put one plug in today for my videos.
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InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
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That number again.
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We'll be right back with the third hour.
Stay with us.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, into hour number three.
By the way, I'll be down at City Hall on 8th Street.
What is it?
224... 8th Street.
West 8th Street.
It's right by the...
You can't miss it.
Federal Courthouse down there.
I want to see everybody down there.
It's on room 320 or something.
It's the big meeting hall.
You can't miss it.
City Council will be there.
Citizens Communication is at 330.
I haven't really been announcing this, so please, if you're listening, come, be there in Citizens Communication, and tell them that you do not want Access Television to be taken over by Time Warner Minion organizations and to lose its free speech.
And I'm already taking legal action, but it's important to block it at the City Council level.
We're filing stuff today.
We'll have done that now, but that's why I was late into the show.
I apologize, but I was in a court proceeding.
So, that is coming up.
And you'll hear more about it today.
Just come down there.
3.30 today in Austin, Texas.
Please, please, please, please, please, please.
Alright, I don't even have the address from memory.
It's like 224 West 8th Street.
It's the Municipal Building.
Plenty of parking down there usually, just a parking meter.
And just come on in there and need to get there about 3.20 or so to sign up for Citizens Communication.
I want to thank the 200 plus people that showed up about a month ago to this.
It was great, but I had a couple days to promote it.
See what happens today.
So if you're listening, you're very important.
Okay, a bunch of big news.
Thatcher's son arrested in coup plots.
All kinds of weirdness.
But let's go back to the calls as promised.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ted.
Ted is calling us from Georgia.
Thanks for holding, Ted.
Yeah, Alex, you mentioned a moment ago something about Bernie, or Bernay, on advertising.
Yes, the father of modern advertising and propaganda.
Right, and how do you spell it?
This is Bernays, and I just grabbed the clip online out of one of his books.
Name, Bernays?
Sections were on it, a psychological website, but it's Edward L. Bernays, B-E-R-N-A-Y-S.
And it says, those who manipulate the unseen mechanisms of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.
What is the name of that book?
As I said, sir, I was online and just grabbed it out of the book, but it's a famous quote.
I read this in college in my textbook.
I see.
And you don't know the name of his book then, do you?
He wrote a whole bunch of books.
I'm telling you, I grabbed this online out of a passage of one of his books.
I see.
You don't have the online URL, do you?
No, I just grabbed it.
Okay, well let me ask you one other question, if I may, and then I'll have a little something if you have time.
You mentioned something a while ago about infrastructure protection in relation to the airport.
Yes, they wear a circle with a pink triangle in the middle of it.
Sometimes it's green.
It's a circle of men.
What kind of circle is it?
It's a round circle on their arm with a triangle in the middle of it.
Oh, I see.
We're talking about a mom band then.
I don't understand quite.
Yes, they wear armbands, they have patches, yes.
I see, she was referring to an armband when she mentioned the triangle.
I don't know what she was referring to, but I've seen their uniforms and that's what they look like.
I see.
She didn't know who they were, I was able to identify them.
Alright, let me bring up a little subject here.
Did you see the road to tyranny, sir?
Sir, yes sir.
It'll say Special Forces on one side, and then on the other, it has the triangle, and that's the Infrastructure Protection Team.
I see, I see.
And sometimes they're wearing camo, sometimes they're wearing black.
It's made up of State Guard, National Guard, Secret Special Forces Units, FBI Units, CIA Units, there's a bunch of different units.
Usually they'd ride big black Suburbans and wear black uniforms.
Oh, I see.
I have them on video.
I have them on video coming up and telling us to turn our cameras off.
Yeah, stay there.
We'll talk to you when we get back.
We'll be right back, folks.
We'll continue with your phone calls.
We'll continue with TEDs.
Good questions.
Maybe somebody can type Edward Bernays into a search engine and give us some of the books he's written.
And I just grabbed this online and posted it so I don't have to web address.
We'll be right back.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
As long as I've been on talk radio, and since 1996,
I've always had a big computer screen in front of me, at least the first few years, with the internet.
And I found that it broke my train of thought.
I found that I was always searching things and reading things and wasn't paying attention.
And so I started turning the computer screen away from me.
Well, now in my own broadcast studio, I have a computer in the next room where I can run in there and do stuff, but I don't allow myself to have a computer while I'm on air.
Because it becomes a big fat distraction.
I guess I can't do three or four things at once.
But what I do do is I have the folks running the broadcast occasionally go and check things while we're live on air and we bring them on air.
And John Harmon is running the show today.
Never been on my show before.
All the other board ops and producers have been.
But we're going to bring him up.
He typed in
Edward L. Bernays, the father of modern advertising and a big supporter of using it to brainwash the public in his own books, and I was reading a quote from one of his books, and again, I was on the computer a few nights ago, and I was on with the talk show host, Jeff Rentsch mentioned this, and I had remembered reading it, and I asked him to send me a link to it, and he did, and then I just copied it out of the sub-chapter of one of Bernays' books, and I'm sorry I didn't have that for you, but
I've read several of his articles and several of Bernays books years ago, and it's all about how to mind control us, and how good it is, and how good a central government is.
You might want to read it, but to answer Ted's question about different books this guy's written is John.
John in Studio A up in Minneapolis, St.
I'm down here in Austin, Texas.
John, you pulled it up on search engine.
What are some of the books that this guy's written?
Okay, some of the books I found was Public Relations, Engineering of Consent, Propaganda, Your Future in a Public Relations Career, and that was just some of them.
Say those names again for people because I read, I'm not going to lie, it was in college, I think I read part of Propaganda.
It was disgusting and I didn't want to, I didn't learn a lot from it.
Read the names of those books again.
Okay, Public Relations, Engineering of Consent, Propaganda,
And your future in a public relations career?
Very interesting.
Okay, anything else you want to add?
I mean, is this not a scary sounding guy?
Listen to this, John.
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds molded, our taste forms, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of.
This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.
What double-think!
Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as smoothly and functioning society.
In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, or in our social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental process and social patterns of these masses.
It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, Edward L. Bernays.
Now what do you think of that statement, John?
I think it's disturbing.
Disturbing's a good word.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Okay, thanks for coming on with us.
Okay, Ted, does that answer your question?
Ted and George?
Yeah, that ought to give me enough to check it out.
Let me mention something that I was going to bring up that he's touched on there.
You have one, and that is the idea that
The language that we have provided with, this comes back, begins back with probably the British East India Company in that era.
It's controlled.
In other words, with the language that we have provided with, we can only reach certain predetermined conclusions.
And for example, sort of an example of that is the idea that I heard on the shortwave a while back,
The Geneva Version of the Bible contains the word tyranny seven times.
But yet the King James Version does not contain the word tyranny.
I don't know if that's true or not, but it's reasonable.
You with me?
Oh, yes, sir.
I know this.
There are hundreds of versions of new Bibles being used that say, submit and worship government, give up your freedoms.
You know, I mean, just horrible stuff.
They're totally changing them.
I mean, if there's something wrong with the King James, it's certainly better than what we've got today.
Oh, absolutely.
But no doubt that a lot of stuff is going on there.
I'm not knocking the King James.
No, I mean, that's OK.
I'm just pointing out that the word tyranny, since it was published by a king,
Or at least sanctioned by him, then it does not contain the word tyranny.
No, I understand, Tevin.
Let me just add something to this.
You want examples of changing the language.
George Orwell, real name Eric Blair...
Worked for the Imperial Police in India.
Then became a communist.
Found out they were controlled.
Then worked for the BBC.
And then he gave speeches right before he died after he wrote 1984.
And he said, no, this is what I think the world's going to turn into.
This is what I've learned working for the government.
And he worked in propaganda during World War II as well.
And he talked about in the book the language shrinking.
And words having their meanings being changed.
And if you try to read a newspaper from 80 years ago, it's hard for me to read.
The average person can't even hardly read it or understand it.
You read something written by the Founding Fathers, you know, 220-something years ago, it's really hard to understand.
For myself, much less the general public, I'm not being sardonic there, we are being dumbed down.
And the meanings of words are being changed, and whole spectrums of political analysis have been warped to the point where it's hard to even communicate with people.
You mentioned something a moment ago about the word democracy, and you said it didn't make sense, but the word democracy used by the elitists who would control us has an entirely different meaning.
The word democracy is a means of control.
It isn't a means of representation of the people.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call, Ted.
We're going to go to Eric and Joe and Ryan here in a minute, Joanne in a minute.
I've got to move quick, but to explain that, what I meant by it doesn't make sense is he says, oh, we're going to mind control everybody to have a smoothly operating society.
He said, uh, vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
This is logical result of the way in which our democracy and democratic society is organized.
Now, wait a minute.
Since these mind controllers have gotten into control, society's broken down.
Crime has increased.
And every time we look at what they're doing, they're actually carrying out programs that make things worse.
Because then they can bring in more control.
So I said, that was double think there.
He's manipulating right there, saying, oh, we've got a good mission.
We're the elite.
We're the guardians of society.
We've got to control everybody's minds for the good.
To have a smoothly running society of slaves.
Translate that.
But what is a democracy?
It's mob rule.
If 51% of people in a pure democracy say, kill all black people or kill all Jews or kill all Irishmen, it happens.
In a democracy, let's use a more common sense, everyday occurrence in democracy, 51% of the town says we're taking your property with no just compensation.
They can rob from you.
But in a republic, the minority is protected even at a higher level than the majority.
A democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
And who's going to win?
The two wolves or the sheep?
Well, they're out voting the sheep.
They're going to have the sheep for dinner.
And so, that's how this really works.
And so, mob rule.
They manipulate the population.
They say, okay, you want this population.
We're going to give you what you want.
And they use the majority to oppress the other 49%.
Thought we'd go over that.
Let us go back to the calls.
Eric in Texas, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good job, man.
Thank you.
I want to remind people again about your, you have your own, support your own small cadre of writers, of which I'm one, and Chuck Baldwin's also been one.
He is the vice presidential candidate for the Constitution Party.
Yeah, we post his right commentaries every week.
I have just a few quick points on the Rush Limbaugh thing.
I hardly ever listen to AM Radio, but I just caught that, and his bodyguard, by the way, he called Stalin, and he called the
The situation, John Ashcroft's new world.
I listened to it and just was flabbergasted by that.
Yeah, just throwing it in our face.
I got that in the emails too, that he talked about some new world and called his bodyguard Stalin and a lot of little key words there to, you know, the initiates that, ha ha, look what we're doing to these people.
What exactly did he say?
That was basically, he told the story of buying the beer and they carted him and then they carted his bodyguard Stalin
He didn't have his ID either and he called it John Ashcroft's New World.
But a couple other quick points.
Caffeine is an amphetamine and it's the most widely used drug in the world.
And also with drugs, when they made alcohol legal again the Capone gains disappeared and that is exactly what would happen to the crips and the blood if you got rid of the drug laws.
That's the point I was making, yeah.
And one last thing, Bernays is not any kind of father propaganda, but what he did do was bring America, he was in America, bring advertising from a need-based thing to a desire-based industry.
Well, sir, he is known as the modern
Uh, profit of modern propaganda.
That's how he's listed.
And of course, he's mainly known for revolutionizing advertising.
And you're absolutely right.
From a need basis, hey, we've got good prices on quality rice, to you need rice.
Rice is good for you.
My gosh, if you don't have rice, you're gonna die.
Or more like you need diamonds, and you need things that we really don't, don't need.
Yeah, you need that Rolex.
You need that, that, exactly.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Great points, Eric.
Thanks for holding.
Call back anytime.
Yeah, you're not worth anything unless you've got the biggest color big screen and you've got the best Mercedes.
You're nothing if you don't have that.
Now, I drive pretty good vehicles because they have higher safety ratings.
But I choose vehicles according to safety.
And it just so happens that a little bit more expensive ones, I mean, I don't drive super luxury vehicles, but I, you know, drive, you know, Tahoe's and, you know, Volkswagen's, stuff like that, because they, they are big, people see them, and the safety, uh, I'm gonna win in a collision with you.
I mean, it's just that simple.
I mean, I survived being blown off the road by a tornado flying into oak trees.
If I'd have been in a small car, the cops said I'd have been dead.
Along with my dad, or at least wishing we were dead.
So thank God for that.
We'll be right back and we'll go to Joanne and Brian and many others that are holding and a bunch of other news.
Stay with us.
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Alright, Joanne in Maryland.
Welcome to the Airwaves, Joanne.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
I wanted to ask you a question.
I tuned in late, so forgive me if this is a repeat.
Did you hear about the bay bridge here that connects the western and eastern shore about the videotaping structure?
The Daily Times here in Salisbury reported about a man described as a federal authority assistant about Hamas operative was caught filming his wife with video and all the structures and stuff of the Bay Bridge.
Did you hear about that?
Is that the same case of the guy who had family in Austin?
And he was videotaping and got arrested and now he's facing like 10 years in prison for videotaping?
This happened yesterday.
No, I take that back.
It happened Friday.
And so they think the guy is Hamas?
Are you there?
Yes, ma'am.
They think the guy is Hamas?
Her phone cut out and I don't...
We just lost all the phone lines.
That happened yesterday.
We had loaded phones the last 30 minutes, and all the phone lines dropped.
Because we're on the T1, folks, and when the phone company has some kind of hiccup, which it won't happen for six months, then for a week straight the phones will be dropping and coming back up.
If you want to try to get involved on air again for all those that were holding 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 and we'll get you back up on the show for Brian and Dave and John and everybody else that was holding.
Joanne, you can try to call back in if you can get on as well.
We can talk about this Bernays statement.
I mean there's lots of these about, oh we rule you, we control you, we manipulate you.
This is a strange article.
I don't have enough information to know what's really going on, but I'm sure as things develop we will.
This is out of the Associated Press out of Cape Town, South Africa.
Thatcher's son accused of coup plot.
South African police arrested Mark Thatcher, the son of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, early Wednesday on intelligence.
He was involved in a plot to overthrow the government of oil-rich Equatorial Guinea.
Police said Thatcher, 51, was taken into custody during a raid on his home in the upscale Cape Town suburb.
Shortly after 7 a.m., by police armed with search warrants, he was expected to be charged with violating of the Foreign Military Assistance Act.
Police spokesman Sifo Najawima said, we have evidence, credible evidence and information, that he was involved in an attempted coup, said Najawima.
We refuse the South African Springboard for Corps in Africa and elsewhere.
So they refused to allow South Africa to be used as a springboard for coups in South Africa and elsewhere.
Whatever that means.
Thatcher, who has a twin sister, but is the only son of Lady Thatcher, was in his pajamas when police arrived and he received permission to take a shower before they began their search.
The police chief said investigators searched his records and computers for evidence.
They accused Thatcher of helping to finance a plot to overthrow the government of Equatorial Guinea, which authorities claim was foiled in March.
We believe Mr. Thatcher assisted in finance and logistics.
The chief investigator said he left the house in a police vehicle dressed in a dark suit and blue shirt.
Thatcher's lawyer, Peter Hodes, said he
He was arrested on suspicion of providing financial assistance and helicopters linked to the coup plot.
He will plead not guilty, Hodes said.
Thatcher was expected to appear in the Weinberg magistrate's court later tomorrow.
I was kind of babbling through that.
I forgot to print a printer-printly version and it cuts off half the last word, so I hope I got some of those words right.
I'm trying to guess what the last words are.
Boy, that's always fun when I forget to do that.
Very, very interesting.
This is a side note.
Man caught more than he bargained for while fishing.
This is out of the Houston Chronicle.
He's recovering after a bout with deadly bacteria, which is now popping up all over the country, I would add.
It'll be freshwater fishing from here out for Bob Cullens of Hemphill.
The 79-year-old East Texan is recovering in Beaumont's
A hospital from a month-long life-threatening bout of flesh-eating bacteria which entered his body while he was saltwater fishing along the Boulevard Peninsula on July 27th.
And he says, I don't want everybody to have to go through what I went through, Collins said by phone today.
He's one of at least 40 Texans stricken this year by the bacteria, eight of whom have died.
And they've got hospitals around the country and the world where dozens to hundreds of people are becoming sick and dying from this stuff.
And it's basically man-made, my friends.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, my friends, we're back live.
I'm going to get into more of the microchipping and police state news here in a moment.
Right now, let's go back to the phones.
Let's talk to David in Texas.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Uh, yeah, I got a real quick question.
I'm a little bit new to the whole, uh... The first thing I saw was the 9-1-1 to tyranny.
And, uh, I just have a question.
I looked at your website, and I didn't see, when I clicked on, you know, your link,
I didn't see any real good kind of autobiography, and what I wanted to know was exactly what got you started into this whole thing, got your eyes open, and made you realize what was going on with the government.
You know, the bio that's on there is a couple years old.
I need to update it and add some more, but I was just going to college and hearing how bad America was, and how good the new world order was, and how giving up our guns was wonderful,
I was hearing all this stuff that we didn't have any rights, then I'd read the Bill of Rights and find out it wasn't true and I said, and I've read a lot of history books, I've always been into history, and I knew that governments were involved in subterfuge and manipulation and corruption, but I heard people laughing in the media saying that doesn't exist, government's only good, you can trust us, just go back to sleep, so I researched it and found out about the ruling elite and who really runs this country.
And that's how I got involved.
I got involved when I was 20 years old,
And now I'm 30.
I'm 30 years old, and I've been doing this for 10 years.
And I am a freedom lover, and I'm a documentary filmmaker, and I'm a family man, and that's really about it.
All right, well, I mean, I appreciate everything you're doing.
Like I said, the Road to Tyranny was the first one I saw, which was about a month ago.
And I really opened my eyes up.
So I was really just wondering, you know, exactly how you guys started on the same track.
How did you see the road to tyranny?
Uh, this is actually going to be funny, I think, to you, but, um, I had, I had never actually heard about you.
I heard about, um, you know, Fahrenheit 9-11 was the big hype.
Cause I'm actually in the military.
I just got out and I heard the big hype about, uh, you know, Fahrenheit 9-11.
And so my friend got the idea, you know, to let's download it and check it out.
Well, he tried to download it, and when Fahrenheit 9-11 came in and we turned it on, it was, uh, you know, The Road to Tyranny, and we said, hey, well, let's watch this.
And it turned out to be a lot better, in my opinion, than, uh, Fahrenheit 9-11.
Oh, so you later went and saw Fahrenheit 9-11?
Yeah, because, like I said, I'm real new to this, and so we saw The Road to Tyranny, which really just, you know, was pretty mind-blowing, and then, uh,
So we got into it, and we said, well, let's go see what someone else has got to say about, you know, the same 12-year-old.
Well, I really appreciate the thousands of people that posted my film, The Road to Tyranny, on different download sites, and I authorized people to do that, and I think it's a great thing that they labeled it Fahrenheit 9-11, because people got the real Fahrenheit 9-11 when they downloaded my film, and that's been quite a phenomenon, and it really did work, and I want to thank the listeners that thought to do that.
I never thought of that.
And it's been highly effective.
You know, we said that Fahrenheit 9-11, despite some of the disinfo in it and how it's watered down, at least got people to open their eyes.
But this is the reverse.
People think they're going to see Fahrenheit, and instead they see Road to Tyranny.
Also, the local Alamo Draft House, unbeknownst to me, for the 30 minutes before their showings, here locally, of Fahrenheit 9-11, has been showing part of the Road to Tyranny.
And I found out from people who went to see that, and we're sitting there in the seats.
It's a full service movie theater chain here in Texas.
They've got pizzas, chicken, food, drinks, everything.
And people are sitting down to eat and get ready for the movie.
They usually show a bunch of cartoons or old documentaries before the film.
And here they are showing Road to Tyranny.
And I know it's been shown in a lot of other theaters around the country.
So that's exciting.
But I hope you'll pass on the knowledge now that you've joined us.
Yeah, exactly Alex, and I have just one more thing to say, uh, commenting on what you just said, um, I've actually tried to, you know, show other people, and I remember one time I actually looked up, uh, Alex Jones and Road to Tyranny, and we couldn't find anything.
We found out under Alex Jones some other of your films, but, uh, Road to Tyranny wasn't there, and we had to actually look up Fahrenheit 9-11 to find it.
So, um, and I really think that's important just to let people know because I think, um, you know, Road to Tyranny hits a lot harder than
Some of the other ones, because it's just recent.
You see a lot of stuff with the actual president that's in office now.
And I just think it hits a lot harder than my police in those other videos do.
Alright, well thanks for being a listener.
God bless you.
Take care, David.
Good to have you on board.
Thomas in Kansas City.
Go ahead, you're on the air, sir.
How you doing, Mr. Alex Jones?
It's a privilege to talk to you.
No, it's an honor to talk to you.
Go ahead.
I just want to say that it's a funny coincidence that the last caller
Mentioned the first video he saw that was 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
I, too, downloaded it off Kazaa under the guise of Fahrenheit 9-11.
The exact same copy.
It was titled Fahrenheit, but it ended up coming up your movie list.
Well, it would just be horrible if the rest of you went to Kazaa and loaded it up and called it Fahrenheit 9-11 to keep that ball rolling.
That'd just be terrible.
Yes, that would be just atrocious.
But I just wanted to mention something, an observation.
About roughly about two weeks ago, I heard on the news
That the President was putting into effect an order bringing back our troops from abroad, roughly about 70,000 of them.
And ironically, the night before I saw this on the news, I was having a discussion with my wife because we had caught a little bit at the end of your 9-11 video.
And the thing that she said to me was that, you know, well, they'll never be able to apply martial law here because, well, we just don't have the troops to do it.
And I, you know, replied to her, I was like, it doesn't matter if they don't have the troops, they'll find the troops.
There's always willing participants.
Well, the 700,000 police have been militarized and brought under federal control and federal training.
Now, the National Guards, but also the State Guards, are specifically for urban warfare control, pacification, mass arrest.
It's happening everywhere.
But still, we're not going to have the force to do it.
And most of these people are good men and women.
They've got to be fooled by another staged terror attack by the globalists against American people to then tell them, oh, we've got to do this for order.
So that's... and they've got to get the public, most of the public, to go along with that.
That's the only thing holding the globalists back from dropping the hammer is they think, from the evidence that I've seen, that too many of us are awake.
So it's kind of a catch-22 for them.
And another quick observation is that, you know,
I hear you.
Yes, I think so.
Ten, eleven years ago, you'd get off that Long Island Railroad and you'd hit the street and you know, if you saw, you know, a thug in a black BDU jumpsuit with a machine gun, you know, my jaw would have dropped.
But now, you know, we went back about months or so ago and, uh, you know, we saw men in the streets with assault rifles and, you know, paid it absolutely no mind.
I found myself already, like, you know, used to the fact that that's how it's going to be.
You know, and the only thing we can do... Well, that's it.
I mean, I remember going to third world countries back when I had time to travel in college and in high school.
Men in black uniforms, military uniforms, machine guns.
That was a third world country.
That was martial law.
And now it's an everyday occurrence here.
It does nothing to keep us safe, but it acclimates us.
Yes, it does.
Yes, it does.
Well, I'm going to go and let some other callers get on and get some awesome airtime, but thank you very much.
Third time listening to the show, first time calling.
You'll probably hear from me again, Mr. Jones.
Good to have you, my friend, as a listener.
And I would challenge you, Thomas, to get my videos, the DVDs, the VHS versions, and to make copies to your patriotic heart's content.
I mean, one of you got my films.
Number one, that would be a little bit of support for us, which we do need.
And monetarily, and then I also say you can make copies.
Give them to your local talk show host.
Make ten copies.
Give them to your county commissioners.
I already burned the two copies of Road to Tyranny, and I'm looking forward to picking up the rest of your movies, because they're a little bit hard to come by on the net.
I find them, but some of them are incomplete, corrupted.
So as soon as I can get my hands on somebody else's credit card, so I don't have people knocking on my door saying, you know, we know you bought those videos, I will put that into effect, okay?
Thomas, let me stop you right there.
Okay, I'm a big fish in this fight, but there are bigger fishes against the New World Order, okay?
But I'm a... I'm a... I'm a, you know, a fish swimming around in the ocean, and sure, there's sharks and killer whales that could eat me.
But the point is, sir, they're not going to go after you, a minnow.
They do go around and knock on protesters' doors, you know, a few dozen here or there, to have news articles to intimidate everybody.
But out of 290 million people, sir... First, let me ask you this question.
Do you own an automobile?
It's actually in another person's name, because... Well, I mean, just regardless, sir, do you drive?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
Do you know that's the number one cause of death?
For some reason, I figured alcohol would be the number one cause.
Until 55, after 55, it's heart attack and cancer.
Those are taking the pole position different years.
Usually it's heart attacks, next year it's cancer.
But up until you're 55, the number one thing that will probably kill you, if you die before you're 55, will be the automobile.
But you are still going to go out and get in it, and start it, and massage it, and put additives in it to make the engine cleaner, and by massage it, you're going to put, you're going to wax it, you're going to wash it, you're going to pay exorbitant payments for it, you're going to pay for insurance,
You go and you get in your car because you love mobility.
You love the open road.
I do it every day.
I almost died three weeks ago in a car wreck, okay?
I mean, if I were to hit the trees on the side, I'd probably be dead.
Luckily, I hit the back of the car.
But let me just finish.
I make that decision.
You make that decision every day.
But people are afraid to come out in the light and fight the New World Order.
When statistically, it is way, way, way, way, way, way down the list of dangerous things to do.
But the globalists are out in the open now saying the NSA is listening to you and we're tracking everyone and we're doing this and we're doing that to intimidate you as a chilling effect so you do not take action.
So you do not have to be afraid of getting my videos.
You do not have to be afraid of getting on some list.
You do not have to be afraid of any of that.
There are more of us than there are of them.
That is true.
There are more of us than there are of them.
We're the good guys.
We're not the bad guys.
We have the moral authority.
We're wearing the white hats.
We need to start acting like it.
Could I be killed by the New World Order?
Could I be framed for something?
I'm a big fish in this.
It may happen.
I'd say 50-50 in the next couple of years.
But I have counted the cost.
I mean, if our forefathers would charge machine gun nests, having their bodies blown to bits for what they believed was a fight for liberty,
And in many of these wars it was, then how can we sit here and be afraid of what our neighbors will think, or who I'm afraid of getting on a list, or who I'm afraid of?
We have a responsibility for our children, our grandchildren, their children, their grandchildren, their great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren to humanity to get past our fear, to gut up
You know, to just fire up and get past the fear, my friend, you better be more afraid of these guys winning because, look, let me tell the cops out there something.
They put cancer viruses in your vaccines that you take.
They tell you, just like they tell me, that aspartame is good for you and your diet coke, when it admittedly causes massive brain damage.
They put sodium fluoride in your water.
They put mercury in your shots.
They do all the same stuff.
They raid your pension funds.
They do all the same stuff to you and your children they do to me and my children.
And so, uh, military troops, hundreds and actually thousands of tests where they killed our troops knowingly in tests!
So, we are all expendable.
I found this new world order feeds on the ignorant, feeds on their servants more readily than they feed on us.
Hey, these globalist vampires try to avoid people like me.
They're looking, does a Bengal tiger in the Indian northern forest, does it go after the big, powerful water buffalo with the huge horns?
Does it go after the rhinoceros?
Does it go after the elephant?
No, it goes after the little bug-eyed, deer-type animal, gazelle, whatever.
It goes after the rabbits.
It goes after the baby pigs.
It doesn't even go after the big warthogs.
So stop.
Do not act like a baby pig.
Do not act like a gazelle.
Start acting like an elephant.
Start acting like a rhinoceros.
Start acting like the big powerful creature you are endowed by your creator to create yourself and to have power.
Take the land.
It is yours.
I think the most dedicated will win.
I just pray that the lovers of freedom and the Paul Revere's like yourself.
I just hope that there's more of us that wake up fast, because if we don't, things are going to change rapidly.
And we're all in, you know, I just hope we don't get caught, you know, in the tailwindow of it going, oh crap, I wish we could have did something.
I hear you.
God bless you and take care.
Look, they already plan to carry out more terror attacks, LCIA.
They already plan to ratchet it up.
They're behind schedule.
Things are falling apart for them.
That means they may even pull a bigger attack to try to smokescreen it.
They're getting us ready to nuke a city or release some kind of biological to then re-engineer everything.
And I've stood up boldly.
Dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of AM and FM stations, commercial stations have put us on the air.
We're getting more affiliates by telling the truth.
I'm getting on more big national shows.
More and more publications are coming out with the truth.
They can't hide this.
And we are speaking to the souls of the people in the system who aren't evil psychopaths, sociopaths, but are compartmentalized and are afraid of bucking the system and know that something's wrong, but have been kind of denying it and rationalizing it.
I'm talking to those in the government.
I'm talking to you.
I care about you.
I care about your family.
And listen, a lot of you are afraid, so you decided to join this because you think you'll be safe being part of this system.
You will not be safe from your own masters.
Join us!
Join Jesus Christ!
Get out of the evil!
Look around you!
You know this is wrong!
You know this is bad!
Don't be part of destroying and dehumanizing your own civilization and your own species!
This is patent evil!
This is patented despotism and wickedness and corruption and feudalism and neo-serfdom!
This is the New World Order!
And so,
I am fully aware of the cost, okay?
But I am a big frigate in front-line battle on the open ocean against the overwhelming forces of the New World Order.
I am, you know, what did one of the famous British naval lords say?
He said, damn the maneuvers, go straight at them.
You know, I know this, if we just go, and that's a famous term, just using it for historical reasons, go straight at them.
Just go straight at them, and look,
I know every one of you out there, if a bus was going to hit your child, and throwing yourself in front of it would stop it.
You would do it.
You wouldn't think.
You would instinctively do that.
Now I've gotten to the point where I'll do it for somebody else's child.
Most of you wouldn't.
Some of you, though, won't even defend your own family when it's under attack.
You make excuses.
You want to think the system's good.
It's not.
Now, if you recognize the true threat of the New World Order, and consciously, in a calculating fashion, look at the evidence, and then mentally think about it, and ask God for guidance, there isn't one of you that will not decide to stand up and be bold.
I'd throw myself in a meat grinder right now, folks, if it meant it would protect my family from something.
I'd throw myself in a meat grinder right now if I thought it would defeat the New World Order.
Right now!
But that isn't the solution, that isn't the answer.
It's peaceably fighting and standing up against the New World Order.
But if you're not willing to sacrifice, if you are not committed to a fight, then you're destroyed.
And let me tell you, as things get worse, a lot of you are going to really realize once it's too late to get involved.
Or at least when there's not as good a chance of winning.
But you're going to know you don't have a choice.
You're already cornered, folks, whether you know it or not.
You better decide to fight.
And I mean with your mouth, and the pen, and with your prayers, and with everything.
You better do it now.
I'm committed.
I feel good.
My life's already been lived.
I've already had a full life.
I'm just thankful I woke up, that God moved me to wake up.
I'm happy with the decisions I've made.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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I got a bunch of other news articles we didn't get to, but that was important information I just went over.
I mean, there's no question.
Your family, your culture, your society, freedom's threatened, and you gotta get past the fear and stand up against it.
I mean, if we're in fear, they've already won, folks.
But again, they haven't consciously scared you to not ride in your car.
If they did that, you wouldn't ride in your car.
You'd be too afraid.
It's the number one cause of death.
But they've scared you about standing up against the New World Order, even though they say the government is tyrannical, they've done a good job of scaring people.
Idea of implanting ID tags raises Orwellian fears.
CNET News.
I've been wanting to get to this the last two days.
You've got to read this article.
It says that the idea of putting implantable chips has been around for a decade, starting with pets, and now they want to put it in the public.
In case of disasters, or for criminals, or old people, and they say that with this new communication system that's going to go through the phone lines and the power lines, that your light socket will be able to scan you and scan your RFID chip or tags in your clothes.
I mean, it's just Twilight Zone!
We should all be running down the street screaming.
I mean, it'd be like if aliens landed tomorrow in Times Square.
This is as bizarre.
But it's our own species doing it to us.
It's just... It's unbelievable.
Before we go to these calls, just briefly, I don't spend a lot of time plugging my videos, so when you hear me plug them, we need your support.
Number two.
Number one, they're great films that wake people up.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, those are my two films about 9-11.
I carry two other videos about 9-11, 9-11.
Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
Comes with a free booklet when you order it.
Also Eric Huffman's great video, 9-11 Painful Deceptions.
Big discounts when you get three or more of the videos.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or simply call toll free to get the films or to ask questions about the different films and what they're about and how to order them.
Call right now and get some videos and make copies of our films and get them out to people, please.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
The mall is in your court, folks.
Just talking about this does nothing until you take action and start educating others.
Ken and KC, go ahead.
Uh, in Kansas City.
Yeah, KC.
Okay, uh, I just wanted to mention I saw a thing on, I think it was WGN on Friday.
Uh, it says what they don't want you to know about natural cures.
Now they got a toll free number, am I allowed to give that to you or?
Hey, natural tears, what's going on?
Natural cures.
Oh, natural cures.
Yeah, and I call that number, it's a toll free number, uh,
And Walmart were hooked up with it.
And what were they doing?
Demonizing natural cures?
No, they were talking positive about them.
Oh, I guess if they can't beat them, join them.
So they're now trying to take it over, huh?
Yeah, do you want that number at all?
Yeah, but we're almost out of time.
Why don't you just give it to the call answerer.
They're not screeners.
And I'll try to call that number.
Anything else, Ken?
No, that's it.
Hey, good to hear from you, man.
I appreciate the call.
Let's talk to Keith in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Last caller.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing, buddy?
I know you're running short of time.
I wanted to correct you real quick on one thing.
The number one cause of death is life, buddy.
Yeah, that's 100%.
I've been studying what you're telling everybody, and God bless you, you're a fine altruistic young man.
It's fantastic that you're out there.
But a couple of things people should know about.
The census was used to increase the population of the house.
We need to start doing that again.
More representation, so when you do call your rep, you're not one in a million, you're one in a couple hundred thousand.
It means a little bit more.
Three ways to control men.
And in this order, the number one way is religious, number two is economy, and number three is force.
They're trying to set up force now, but the true distraction is the economic situation.
They are sending our jobs out of this country as fast as they can get them going.
You're right!
They're going to bring us to our knees economically.
Great call.
Call me back tomorrow, brother.
Back tonight, folks, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on these bloodthirsty New World Order scum.
We shall prevail!