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Name: 20040723_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 23, 2004
2547 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, it's already July 23rd on this Friday edition, 2004.
We're going to have wide open phones and cover a ton of vital news and information today.
I'm glad that you joined us.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and now PrisonPlanet.tv.
There is so much to go over here, and I don't want to get off into gossip first, but this just shows you the level of hypocrisy by the Republican Party leadership, and backs up everything we've talked about in the past.
And this is confirmed, but I consider it, you know, kind of a gossip column type story.
The New York Post headline
This is on PrisonPlanet.com, folks.
New York Post.
Gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members.
Did you hear that?
And of course, the article even mentions that, wow, Nixon, from the presidential tapes, talked about what goes on at the Grove.
The homosexual orgies.
Well, we just went ahead and put a link in the story, at the bottom of the page, to Nixon actually saying that.
Of course, earlier this year the Presidential Library released this.
The question is, we've had the New York Times come out and say the Bilderberg Group basically appointed John Edwards, VP running mate,
Then we have John Edwards saying on TV that people liked him in Italy at the global meeting and so that's why he was chosen.
On Larry King Live we have Skull and Bones member Bush Cousin John Kerry saying the Bilderberg Group likes him.
Why are they admitting the Bohemian Grove back on Monday in a 14-page article about the Bohemian Grove showing a photo they released
Of some of the leaders of it in their red and black hoods.
I mean, you link through to my website, you go to the... You don't have to go to my website to look at photos and video now, you just click through to the San Francisco Chronicle, and they got photos right there of this stuff going on.
Why are they just coming right out in the open with all this?
And of course the paper says it's fun and good and happy and... It's no big deal, you know, headline, gay porn stars, services, Bohemian Grove members.
That is the New York Post headline.
That's not our headline, folks.
Do you understand?
And are you going to hear of the Christian conservative leaders talking about this?
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Certainly not.
After all, the microchip implanted in your body is good.
It's Christian.
World government's good.
We should submit to it.
And, uh, look.
In my film that I made four years ago, three and a half years ago, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove,
I show news articles mainstream from the eighties about literal private jets landing, buses coming in, with the most expensive male prostitutes around, and some female, but mainly male, that's their favorite.
And it's admitted, ladies and gentlemen, busing them in like beluga caviar for these people, and this is one of the top homosexual porn stars
Who gets tens of thousands of dollars a film and he's there at the Grove, folks!
And it says, as a servant, a servant to them, quote, servicing them.
Very Christian, very conservative.
Of course, Bush Singer's there right now.
I wonder what he's up to.
New York Post.
We've got terror alerts, all this news.
I haven't hit the tip of the ice.
Folks, there's so much.
It's all coming up in detail.
Plus the 9-11 whitewash commission.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, TGIF, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank God it's Friday.
That means I can get all my other work done this weekend.
That's right.
The Army never sleeps.
We never stop the fight against the New World Order.
Thank you for joining us.
You know, I'm going to do things a little bit different.
I don't like it that I've been doing 45-minute diatribes before I go to phone calls.
So, I'm going to tell you the news that's coming up, and then I'm going to take calls to the bottom of the hour, and then I'm going to cover news for the rest of the hour, and then I'm going to take calls in the first half of the next hour, and then I'm going to cover news for the next half of the hour.
That's how I'm going to do it today.
I'm going to do something a little different.
I mean, I get zero guidance on this network, which is how I like it.
That's why I'm here.
And so we'll play around a little bit with the format.
New York Post, gay porn star, services Bohemian Grove members.
Okay, that's their headline.
We'll tell you about that.
Also, the media is now being threatened.
Oh, the terrorists are about to attack you any minute.
And so now the secret police and the black ski masks can keep you safe, and so now the media can run around fear-mongering at an even greater pitch.
And what we heard about last week, that hijackers are probing the planes again, seeing what they can get away with, and it's imminent attack, and we need a domestic CIA to run our lives right now or it's all over.
We'll be getting into that story as well.
As Boston battens down for the DNC, all of this, these are little demo models of the police state.
Every time there's a World Trade Organization meeting, a NATO meeting, a G8 meeting,
DNC and RNC meeting.
You have no more freedoms and we're all shown on TV, men in black ski masks, secret police, checkpoints, troops, machine guns, all part of the training process and the government has said this and it's going to be like this for your everyday life and if you're suspected of any misdemeanor crime, you'll disappear, never be seen again and be taken to a camp.
This is public.
They're getting ready for it.
But the 9-11 panel blames institutional failings, and I want to go over some of the lies in the panel's report.
I've now had a chance to read over it, so we will cover that information.
Also, the Ministry of Truth is at work again.
9-11 Whitewash Commission attempts to spin Bin Laden family exodus down the memory hole.
And what's happened with this is, the Customs Department, the Republicans, the Democrats,
Probably, I don't know, 20 newspapers have confirmed there's video of the Bin Ladens getting on planes flying out the 12th, the 13th, the 14th, the 15th.
Over 160 of them.
But to neutralize this story, they've now focused in on Bin Ladens flying out, a few Bin Ladens flying out eight days later on the 19th of September 2001.
And they go, oh look, they flew out later and they were questioned, ignoring the admitted FBI being ordered to let them leave, you know, the high-level bin Laden's days before.
But it's all sleight of hand.
They now focus in on another issue and call anybody who's talked about this a liar.
So we've posted the documents from Judicial Watch.
We've posted several major mainstream newspapers with links to this.
It's all totally concrete and minute.
And then we show the new news report where they try to misdirect you and talk about a flight on September 19th.
So, I'm about to go to your calls.
I just want to let you know what's coming up.
And we'll go over those government documents.
Also, new Flight 93 propaganda that we'll get into.
And then I've got a bunch of articles like this.
Has kids tasting flavored condoms.
This is from World Net Daily.
Government agency backs instructor over ninth grade girl's mom.
She complained they were putting condoms on bananas and teaching them how to, you know, perform certain actions and the mother complained and she's been reprimanded.
How dare you?
And what's happening with our military?
Alabama doctor reactivated for Iraq war at 68.
That's right.
Army just had urine.
That's the BBC headline.
The new meals they're giving the troops are to be activated and stirred in urine.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
military has devised a way to ensure its troops in battle may never go hungry.
The U.S.
Dried food can be rehydrated using dirty urine and water.
Here's another one.
This is out of Reuters.
Bigger breasts for free.
Join the Army.
They're offering women.
Double-D breast enlargements if they'll join the military.
Folks, you can't make stuff like this up.
Here's another one.
forces debilitated by combat stress.
American Free Press, 20% of U.S.
soldiers returning from combat in the ongoing guerrilla war in Iraq have shown signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Army announces 94 allegations of abuse.
California man who shot burglar has been jailed.
We're just going to be just like England, folks.
Tennessee man tortured for hours by police.
A caller called yesterday, and I found it hard to believe, but it turned out to be in the newspaper.
Guy had a hidden camera in his house.
The police came in, did things I can't mention on the air for two hours.
Abu Ghraib, exact stuff, folks, okay?
I mean, we're talking they enjoy themselves on a routine basis.
They ought to go to Bohemian Grove.
They can make a little money there.
Uh, and the guy had a hidden camera of this as they tortured him for two hours, wanting him to sign a warrant to look for drugs.
You know, sign a waiver.
So... Full part of the new freedom!
Of course, they've been fired now, but the FBI and the state police have asked that the lawyers not talk and that the video not be released of this.
Oh, I can understand why.
Nice man in black ski mask.
You guys ought to... We'll get into that later.
Matrix, Rejection, Analyze, Salt Lake City Tribune.
No, not the movie.
The Matrix system.
It spies on you.
And, again, just... Oh my goodness.
Anazar withholds secret Madrid bonding intelligence documents showing government involvement with Madrid bondings.
Bush signs into law a new terror bill that ought to scare the daylights out of you.
Okay, that's the tip of the iceberg.
It's all coming up.
We'll take calls until about 38 after, then I'll get into this news.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
John in Florida.
Thanks for calling, sir.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I haven't called you in a long time, but when I heard that story Monday about Bohemian Grove and the San Francisco Chronicle, my mother lives in that area, and I asked her to get the newspaper, or I asked her to read that, and she could not find that article in the newspaper.
What happens is, by the time we read an article, it's usually a day old, and then she might have gotten the wrong date.
She gets it every single day.
She writes Sundays, maybe it would be on Saturdays.
Well, sir, we have a direct link to the San Francisco Chronicle on the website with a story.
I believe you, but you can't find it in Sundays or Mondays.
But you can look.
Well, I actually have that somewhere here in the stack.
I can try to find it for you.
She was looking for Bohemian Gloria, but what's it titled?
No, the title was something like
Private clubs, some allow women, some don't.
I think that was the Diversionary headline.
Okay, I'll tell her that.
And then it talked about three, no, four elite California clubs, and most of the 14-page article was about the Grove.
Private clubs.
I'll have her look at that.
Yeah, it was something like that.
I can try to... It's actually in a stack of about 100 articles from over the week.
I then stack them up after I cover them, and I can actually try to dig that out during a break for you.
Thank you.
And this New York Post article, if you want that one about the Grove, it's on the website, and then we have a link to the New York Post, page 6, the same page 6 that wrote up how Michael Moore supposedly ripped me off for his film, which I don't really agree with.
The same New York Post, page 6, known for being pretty accurate.
Pardon me?
Is that in today's newspaper?
No, that was in yesterday's.
And we just learned of it at the end of the show yesterday, but it's posted today.
I want my mom to look at that, because I want the article.
Also, there were two New York Times articles in the last two weeks, and it was a Wall Street Journal article about the Bohemian Grove last week, too.
Alright, I'm still making copies of your tapes and that one, the Innocence Portrayed, is a very, very well documented movie.
Well, that's not my film.
I sell it.
I buy it from Jerusalem Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
And we do carry it.
When you get it, you get three of the pamphlets covering the Second Amendment that are really good to wake people up.
And I can't authorize you to make copies of that.
If you want to do that, you have to call Aaron Zellman.
Yeah, no, I've got it and I've showed some people it and they're blown away by it.
But you are authorized to make copies of my videos.
Oh, yes, I do that.
Well, John, I appreciate your call.
Take care, my friend.
Good questions and comments.
It's all on the website, folks.
Who's up next here?
Carlos, or who's up next?
Carlos in California.
Go ahead, sir.
Good morning, Alex.
You know, real good, buddy.
I'm in good spirit.
I've had a long lingering doubt about Jasper Arafat.
I look at the repeated pattern of his activities in which the Israelis seem to benefit from.
Continually, I mean, all his activities always end up with the Israelis digging in further and further into Palestinian territory, demolishing more and more of their homes, setting up their perimeters further and further in,
And, uh, in essence, almost, uh, throwing the Palestinians out of, out of, uh, pushing them out, you know?
Well, I don't, uh, Well, Barry Hamish, who's written for the Jerusalem Post and other publications, is Jewish, and we've had on, we need to get him back on, says that Yasser Arafat works for the Bilderberg Group, and he says the Jewish leaders do, too, and that it's all staged.
Now, he said this years ago,
But now they've even caught Mossad founding Al-Qaeda groups and carrying out bombings.
We're talking Jerusalem Post, Harats.
Stay there.
We'll talk about it, Carlos.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up, all the fake terror alerts, the impending government-sponsored terror attack, New York Post headline, gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members in the Grove, and much more.
We're talking to Carlos in California.
Look, that's how it is with, it's like Arafat is Kerry and Bush is Sharon.
And it's the same thing with the Tories and Labor in England.
And it's the same thing with one black tribe against the other, all run by the U.N., both chiefs, supported by the United Nations.
And then their job is to just basically kill and enslave their own people, and the U.N.
keeps them in power.
It's the same paradigm over and over again.
And they have caught.
We have huge archives on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Use the search engine, my friends.
It's there on Prison Planet.
Search both the sites.
And, you know, just type in Israel behind terror attacks in Israel.
And it isn't, you know, some, you know, Israel-hating group.
It's Haaretz.
It's Jerusalem Post.
It's the facts.
And you go, well, why would they do that?
As an excuse to build the fence, to clamp down on their own people, to get more weapon sales, to get more international funding.
The war is meant to go on and on, as George Orwell said.
The war is against the people of the countries.
The states get together and stage this stuff, folks.
These are staged wars.
Vietnam was staged.
All this stuff is staged.
This is a joke, people.
Or it's staged to the point of, Saddam's a former business partner, Noriega's a former business partner, Bin Laden's a current business partner, and they have these, you know, the globalists can already control the intelligence apparatus that put the dictator in power, so it's easy for the globalists to then take them out.
These are staged wars.
These are staged events.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Carlos.
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
I've always suspected that Arafat was a Mossad agent,
In fact, in some of the, sometimes when I call several talk shows, I positionally say that Sharon and Arafat are drinking buddies.
But you know, at one time I did read an article where it mentioned that Damascot actually financed Camargue.
Yeah, that United Press International, AFP, Reuters and AP a few years ago, Yusak Rabin, right before they killed him for speaking up, apologized that Shembet and that Mossad had founded Hamas, again, to also have another fake group.
And then they'll kill a few leaders of it here or there, but keep the key ones in place.
And then Arafat will come out and say that Mossad founded Hamas, but then to make himself look good, I appreciate the call.
But again, the average person just can't get this through their head.
You know, Mossad every six months goes, we're going to kill Arafat, we've got a hit out on him, and then suddenly it never happens.
If Mossad wants you dead, folks, you're dead.
This is, again, when they attack Arafat, the average Arab sees that and goes, oh, Arafat must be good.
Folks, Jews and Arabs lived in peace.
Did you know that until the 1940s?
This whole thing is staged, people.
Everybody lived in peace together.
Christians, Jews, Arabs, all lived in peace together.
Until this whole thing got set up.
And radical Islam, and we've covered this, has been funded by the CIA.
You go, why would they do that?
To create a crisis.
Now the Saudis have said, hey, we're not blowing anything up.
You're destabilizing our country.
They said MI6 and Mossad are destabilizing and carrying out these bombings and protecting the terrorists to overthrow our country and then to have the military come in here.
You want a radical Muslim state in Saudi Arabia.
And folks, that's true!
Okay, let's go ahead and people go, well how dare you talk bad about Israel?
Folks, their own media admission!
Michael in Ohio.
Michael, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you today, sir?
I'm just sitting here watching a few of your tapes a buddy gave me and I was thinking to myself, I've got to call this guy.
This guy is a patriot.
Alex, I just got back from Israel.
I have a couple things I would like to say, sir.
Okay, go ahead.
I respect you fully, and if you run for president, I will vote for you on November 2nd.
Well, thank you, but it's not about me, friend.
I mean, really, we're just fighting the New World Order, but I appreciate the kind words.
What's on your mind?
Okay, anyways, I want to talk a little bit about Arafat.
First of all, he has $1.3 billion in Swiss bank accounts.
That he took from governments across the world that were supposed to be for the Palestinian people.
Now, uh, I see things a little differently about the wall.
For instance, the security wall in Israel.
People compare it to the Burbank wall.
Okay, now we've gotten off on to this and that's fine.
You guys can talk about whatever you want.
Stay there, we'll briefly let you finish up, Michael.
And we'll talk to Leo, Ted, and Clint, then I'm gonna go back in the news and then back into your calls.
So, PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
We'll be back, stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we're going back to your calls and I'm going to dive into details of some of the news I've already scanned over.
Before I do that though, look, my friends, there are a lot of great 9-11 films out there.
And a lot of powerful information that's been brought forward.
And I think that we should all view the material.
We should all research it.
We should spread the word.
And I carry four of those 9-11 films that are out there.
Four of what I think are some of the best information.
You've got Eric Huffman's video.
On VHS and DVD, for some reason on the shopping cart, we just listed Eric Huffman's video as VHS, but put in the comments if you want a DVD, you'll get a DVD.
We have George Humphrey's new video on VHS and DVD.
9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati, Your Choice, Fear or Love.
And then we also have my two films on 9-11, which are the most expansive.
We cover the most issues.
The widest spectrum.
And go through history and show governments carrying out terror attacks.
Show official U.S.
government plans to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Part 2 of that film is the masters of terror.
And it's such an important area of study, such an extensive area of study, I hope you get all four of the 9-11 films.
9-11 The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, 9-11 Painful Deceptions, Eric Huffman's video, 9-11 The Great Illusion by George Humphrey.
We carry all four of these videos on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And George Humphrey's video is $20.
My videos are $25.95 because they're over three hours long.
I think what Huffman's is like $22.
If you order three or more of any of the ten films I've made, they drop down to $20 a piece, by the way.
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Alright, quickly, let's finish up with the callers.
Michael in Ohio, you wanted to talk about Israel?
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to point out that the Berlin Wall kept people in
And this wall actually is keeping terrorists out.
The suicide bombings have gone down dramatically since it's gone up.
I believe there's a big smear campaign against Israel, and I think it's a lot to do with Al-Waheed bin Talal, the fifth richest person in the world, Saudi Arabian.
He gave millions of dollars to bin Laden in the 80s.
He owns over a billion dollars worth of Time Warner shares, which is the parent company of CNN and other media companies.
And because of this,
There's a smear campaign against Israel, and I believe this is what's building to Armageddon, where all the world's armies come against Israel in the north, in Megiddo, which I was just there.
Okay, listen, I appreciate your call, sir, and it's more sophisticated, okay?
I mean, what you're saying is true.
But that's like saying, oh, look, there's water.
You know, you've said, look, there's water.
And I'm going, yes, but is it a lake?
Is it a glass of water?
Is it a stream?
Is it an ocean?
And it is indeed an ocean, my friend.
So you need to... The Saudi Arabians are horribly corrupt, but they're puppets of the globalists who are having the vice squeezed on them right now.
You know, you say, oh, this guy gave millions to bin Laden.
And I'm familiar with that.
Bin Laden, sir, is a CIA asset.
His family is British intelligence.
He's been protected.
I just told you!
I mean, are the Saudi Arabians funding United Press International?
Are they funding Associated Press?
Are they funding Haratz and the Jerusalem Post?
Were they funding Ishaq Rabin to apologize for Israel helping to found Hamas?
They caught, sir!
Young Palestinians that have been formed into Shembet and Mossad teams, blowing things up.
Every time there was about to be a peace deal.
Every time Israel looked bad, Jews would get killed, and then Israel would say, see, we've got to do this.
And it led back, in many cases, to Mossad.
Now, sir, this is on the record.
And so what I'm telling you is, is it possible that Israel could ever have evil leaders in its history?
Was Saul evil?
Did David stand up against him?
Did the prophets say that Israel would have corrupt leaders and would be judged?
And the answer is yes.
This new warped view is you do whatever Israel says, no matter what, you're going to hell.
Well, my Bible says that the Antichrist is going to stand up and basically set up a temple and rule from there.
And so you better really spend a little bit more time in your Bible.
But number one, sir, I just go off the facts, okay?
And I don't want to get... You can call in about this if you want, okay?
Because there's no censorship here.
But if you want to go off down these rabbit trails, that's fine with me.
But it's the Arab leaders are evil and are New World Order controlled, the Jewish leaders are evil and are New World Order controlled, the English leaders are evil and are New World Order controlled, the American leaders are evil, Kerry and Bush and are New World Order controlled, the prince, the principalities, the powers, they are controlled.
Who rules the earth?
Who has control over it?
Who's been given dominion over the leaders?
And so, instead of the people seeing the evil behind the shadows, we can focus in on the personality of the puppets, of the Chiron's, of the Arafat's, of the Carey's, of the Bush's.
We need to focus on the Bilderberg Group.
We need to focus on the Committee of 300.
We need to focus on the Bohemian Grove.
We need to focus on the power behind the throne.
Leo in Texas.
Leo, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, brother.
Alex Gregg.
Good to talk to you.
Long time listener down here in Beaumont.
Uh, Homeland Security is alive and well at the Port of Beaumont where I work.
But, uh, this all kind of dovetails into what I've been wanting to call you about for a long time ago.
Uh, a few days ago, in fact, you said something like, what's up with all this Jewish hatred stuff and all that?
But, uh, I was watching a news program and they had this peasant in South America and he was carrying these anti-Semitic signs around.
It kind of struck me that
This is just a universal spirit.
It's like the Antichrist spirit.
This is just an anti-Semitic spirit.
It all has to do with the heavenlies.
I'm just so glad that you've always been balanced.
Just like you just preached that whole sermon right there.
It was just so perfect and so right on.
These aren't our enemies.
And it's the New World Order and all that.
Well, I mean, look, there are Jewish people in the New World Order, and they manipulate and try to create anti-Semitism.
I've even got Zionist documents that have been published, liberal groups have written about this, where they thought Hitler was a good thing because he would get the Jews together, and then make them leave and get their own country.
And so what happens is you've got evil mafias manipulating different groups, but it's not Jewish people, you know, that are evil or bad.
And you can relate it to information, and there's no anti-Semitic spirit behind it.
It's just like if you're talking about the corruption in our government, you know, it's all the same.
But see, by having people go out and say, no, Jews are inherently evil themselves,
Then, when you criticize Jewish Mafia, oh, you must be anti-Semitic.
It neutralizes real debate.
Alright, good points.
Anything else?
God bless you and your family.
Hey, good to hear from you, my friend.
Let's talk to Ted in Georgia.
Ted, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, to a certain extent, you just took away what I was going to say.
You said, I think your last statement, one of your last statements was,
It neutralizes debate.
And I think some of the things you might not realize, some of the things you said earlier regarding Arafat and Sharon, also, there's some reality.
I'm not arguing the fact that they might be staged, but there's some reality in here somewhere.
And if you don't recognize... Oh no, they've got, they've got useful idiots on both sides, uh, you know, I mean, I mean, you know, Israel provocateurs its people to go shoot and bomb, uh, Arabs, and then, and then Arabs, Palestinians come across, and they've certainly got real suicide bombers and real stuff going on.
Well, the fact is that I have found, and I called you the other day about this and got in on the end of the program, you asked me to call you back, I have found some reality
uh... within the establishment and that is that the trial lawyers uh... the corporations and the republican party the corporations through the republican party have declared war on the trial lawyers and this is a genuine uh... conflict
Yeah, there is an internal battle, and that's why John Edwards is a trial lawyer, and they don't like the fact that because it's a double-edged sword, the trial lawyers are out of control, but they're a symptom, and the corrupt corporations are out of control, and they want to be able to use their lawyers against us, but not have us be able to fight back against them, and there is a battle going on.
A lot of support for the Democratic Party is from the trial lawyers.
Well, the fact is that the corporations also
By trying to destroy the trial lawyer angle, they're also working against the people and it's working against the responsibility of the corporations to put out safe products.
Well, I totally agree with you.
I mean, they've got examples of frivolous lawsuits all day long, but I'm much more worried about these corrupt courts and judges and getting rid of juries, which is happening, and all this maritime admiralty, uniform commercial code, you know, courts.
I'm more worried about that than I am all the trial lawyers in the world.
Well, you'd better if you are a leader, which I believe you are.
I think you are probably our greatest leader at the moment anyway.
Uh, in this fight.
And I think that you need to recognize the fact that we have to exploit, as an old divide and conquer, uh, concept.
Yeah, separation of powers is good.
Gridlock and fighting in government is good.
When you get centralization and greasing of the skids, you always get dictatorships.
That is a guarantee.
We need to concentrate on this opportunity we have
Because the trial lawyers and the corporation, the trial lawyers really represent what the corporations are doing.
Yes, they're moving the conflict out of the justice system and into the political system.
And so they're really declaring war against the entire justice system.
Now, there is a justice system.
It might just be in shambles at the present time.
But if you remove it entirely, it'll be like Hitler.
When Hitler came in, all the lawyers said they were good for nothing but shine and choose.
Yeah, Night of the Long Knives.
I appreciate the call.
And let's break that down.
When a centralization of criminal crime syndicate happens in any country, all the other parasitic groups
That are feeding on systems that the preeminent criminals want are brought under heel and control.
And so, yes, you can sabotage the New World Order by getting them to have infighting with each other.
And yes, sir, you're absolutely right.
I agree with you.
Very sophisticated information.
I hope people understand what we're saying.
Clint in Missouri.
Clint, you're on the air worldwide, sir.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hello, Clint.
I just wanted to take a comment to a different subject.
I'd like to comment on the 68-year-old doctor that's been called up for service.
And, you know, it occurs to me that a good sign of when a nation gets desperate is when they start enlisting the elderly and the youth to fight its wars.
And I think that's what we're seeing now.
And I think it's an attempt to fill a gap until
After the election, whoever it is that's elected, I feel that the draft legislation will be enacted then.
There were rumors of it, but no one believed it, but after the terrorists struck and destroyed half a major city, there is a new national draft, men and women, and this is for the homeland, you better serve!
Yeah, that's probably what it'll be like.
The only other thing I have to say is, you know, you mentioned a lot of good videos that you have for sale.
I would like to emphasize that, I don't know about the others, but if you purchase one of Alex Jones' videos, if I'm not mistaken here, you do give permission to reproduce those to give away, right?
Of course!
Yes, my videos.
If it's an Alex Jones video.
If you buy another video from me that I didn't produce, that I bought from someone, you can't make copies of that.
Unless you get permission from them.
I think that's an important advantage of buying your products in particular, and I'm starting to see a lot of this go on, and I would encourage your listeners to write letters to the editors of their local papers and use direct quotes from their founding fathers to prove what you're saying, which is what I've done recently, and it put me in contact with several people, and one of them I showed 9-1-1 Road to Tierney to, and he's going to make several DVD copies and pass them out to individuals as a result.
When the people move against evil, we are unstoppable.
God's told us that over and over again in His Word.
So it's up to you.
And yes, the equivalent of a mini printing press, just like they had in the 1770s,
This is how we can circumvent the mainstream media and expose their lies, because the globalists have to reapply their lies every day.
People just have to see the truth once, then they get the lies, they understand the big picture.
That's where we have power.
And if you, the listeners, get my videos, and make dozens of copies of them, and give them to others, and tell them to make copies, a thousand tapes turns into a million tapes.
Ten thousand tapes turns into tens of millions of videos.
And it's having a huge effect.
God bless you.
Take care.
You know what?
We'll just come back, take a few more calls.
Then I'll start the second hour and I'm going to spend about 30 minutes on news.
Then we'll get into more calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
The Information Overload is coming up.
Keep it locked in.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The New World Order program of enslavement is moving along, is in train, is in axis, is orbiting the political system and metastasizing.
But it is rattling, it is smoking, it is losing nuts and bolts, it is falling apart.
But this thing they've started is so big they can't stop it.
And I think there is, at some levels, a debate, a fissure.
I believe the Bilderberg Group and others believe it's moving too fast.
But there are a lot of individuals within the system that say that it cannot be stopped.
And at another level, that's so they can act like there's different levels to it, and a good cop, bad cop situation.
They give us the illusion of choice.
The New World Order is upon us, my friends, and it's only going to get worse.
But that means more people are going to wake up and get involved and come out of denial.
More and more corruption is coming out.
More and more people are beginning to realize what we're truly facing.
And evil is going to defeat itself by its own weight, by its own structure.
The question is how big, how fat, how out of control is it going to get before we can at least slow it down and then put it back in the box?
And how much pain is our civilization going to go through in that process?
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Colorado.
Jeff, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks.
You know, it's your videos and the grace of God that woke me up to the New World Order just months ago, and I appreciate that.
I just want to say I'm praying for you and your family.
Well, thank you!
Yeah, for sure.
That being said, there's all kinds of stuff I want to bring up, but you know, I agree, yesterday you were talking, you're a little frustrated, and I can only imagine, with everything you know, why you wouldn't be.
I'm pretty frustrated myself, it brings me down to know that
You know, a hundred officials in Mexico got microchips implanted in them.
A hundred and sixty to get in the building?
That's only phase one.
They're going to make the police take it.
It's disgusting.
I mean, and you say, you know, the New World Order is upon us and, you know, people aren't waking up.
You know, when you tell them that Bush was in charge of 9-11, you know, and that, you know, all of what Clinton did and everything else, it blows their mind.
You know, when you bring up Bush,
I don't know.
Just, I mean, over and over and over.
And this is an admitted Pentagon control model.
They've even shut it, the microphones, the cameras, the scanners, and they're putting the same thing in Iraq.
This is a control grid, folks.
This is government, knowing you're waking up, trying to put leg irons on you.
I know, and then, yeah, and we've got all this stuff going on in Iraq, and these guys coming back to be, you know, our police, you know, and then talking about a draft, you know, and I have a family.
I'm old enough to be right in that draft.
All this stuff's happening.
People need to wake up.
I'm thankful for what you're doing and everybody else out there.
That being said, I just wanted to let people aware, if you're not already Alex, that we have a brother named Rick Stanley here in Colorado who's facing 32 years for sporting his pistol on his hip at a gathering.
This year, I believe.
When the state law said that he could have a open carry.
Yeah, not only does the U.S.
Constitution say that, the Colorado Constitution says that.
You know, he broke no law, yet they arrested him, and now he's facing 32 years.
And people ask how that is.
All the time people go to prison
And, uh, you know, once they arrested him, they said, oh, well, you sent a mean email or letter to a judge, and he read the email on the air.
It was just like, what is happening is treason.
And by calling them treason, oh, that's a threat to say I'm a traitor.
You know, they take an oath.
So we're going to give you 32 years for that.
Not for the arrest with the gun that wasn't illegal.
We'll be back with the second hour of the news.
Thanks for the call.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to get into the Democratic National Convention and how they're fear-mongering and how they're saying the terrorists are about to hit us any minute.
Some of the lies and propaganda of the 9-11 whitewash commission and the media.
A bunch of police state news, draft news, of course your phone calls.
But first I want to get into this New York Post headline from yesterday.
Headline, Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members.
That is their headline.
Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members.
That's the elite satanic club that goes on for 15 days every year from July 15th to July 30th in Northern California.
So we'll cover that.
Before I do that, to show you kind of the weird way my mind works, and why I get frustrated, last week there was a, I believe it was a BBC News article, I printed it off, had it in the stack, put it on the website, and it was the government saying that if you were cruel to worms, or beetles, or bugs, in your yard when you're gardening, you will be arrested.
And there are going to be inspections
...of your yard to make sure that you were not abusing the bugs.
Now, just during that one minute break, I just thought about all the craziness and I thought, man, I didn't cover that article.
And you know what I can do?
I can call my webmaster right now, Paul Watson, I can get him to post that.
On the main page of PrisonPlanet.com, and we can read that article, because I don't want to make a claim like that and then not have the article.
I think it was BBC.
Let me see, what's his number?
011... I'm trying to remember that long British phone number.
Dialing it...
I want to call Paul.
We'll see if he answers.
I'm here calling him on my cell phone.
Because I don't want to make a claim about something like that.
It's just a level of tyranny without backing it up.
Don't want to be abusive to the worms.
When you're hoeing the dirt in your yard, you're going to be arrested for that.
And a very, very serious situation.
Hey, Paul.
Are you there?
Okay, I'm on the air.
You're not on the air.
I'm just calling you on the cell phone.
Was that BBC or London Guardian last week about if you hurt a worm when you're in the garden, you'll get arrested?
Well, I'll tell you what, do a search, find it and post it, because I don't want to make a claim like that and not have it.
And then when you find it, will you call in and I want to just have you read the article on air?
Well, just find the article and then call in, or I'll have Stephanie call you in five minutes.
But it was last week, it was on Prison Planet, it was on InfoWars, and it was
Yeah, yeah, okay, well, if you've got a pizza coming, don't worry about it, but, uh, yeah, just call before the pizza guy gets there.
You can find it, it was... Uh, yeah, the, uh, the, uh, the animal welfare people are saying that if you're mean to worms, uh, you remember, you posted it, if you're mean to worms, uh, you'll be arrested.
Yeah, yeah, find it and I'll call you back, thanks.
Okay, there.
Now, now, now, why did I think of this?
Because Stephanie, during the break with the vice president of the network, and I did this back when I was a kid.
My dad showed me how to do this.
There was a fly in the office so they grabbed it and tied one of her hairs to it and you can have a fly on a leash.
Well, they should both be arrested, folks.
I guess I should be arrested because I guess 25-something years ago, back when I was a kid, my dad tied a hair
To one of my mother's hairs, because we don't have long hair.
I remember, she gave him a hair, and he goes, look at this son.
Tied the fly to the hair, and we had it fly around on a leash.
We could all be arrested now if we lived in England, because we were mean to a fly.
I'm not joking.
See, this is the type of stuff we're talking about.
So, we're going to get that for you.
But first, we'll get to New York Post, Gay Porn Star Services, Bohemian Grove members.
Stay with us.
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I remember an article a few years ago in Germany where if you have pig
You have to give them a new toy each week.
There are inspections to make sure that you're playing with the pig one hour a day.
Again, this is about insane bureaucracy, always in the name of being sweet and nice and happy.
And now I've started seeing articles in Europe where people are being arrested if they're mean to bugs.
Caterpillars, slugs, worms of different types.
If you accidentally run over a rat in California, you get arrested and have your trackers taken because you ran over a rat.
And again, I've got all this news I want to cover, but I just thought of this article I saw a week ago.
I saw several articles about this, where they've got laws and are passing more laws, where if you're chopping the ground with a hoe, they have investigation teams to find out if a worm or slug or bug has been injured.
And then it's animal cruelty.
Again, this is the type of insane law that gets us all under their control.
But then I make a claim like that, and it sounds so crazy, that I had Paul Watson, our esteemed webmaster, find the article.
He found one of the articles.
Paul, tell us about it.
Oh yeah, from the London Telegraph, the title is, Gardner's Critical Over Slug Protection Laws.
They say it's a new animal welfare law that will offer slugs and snails the same protection as cats and dogs was condemned by Gardner yesterday.
Legislation could lead to governors being fined for killing insects, worms, caterpillars, slugs and snails if scientific evidence proves they have suffered pain and distress.
Ministers say the law which updates existing legislation is needed to protect animals from abuse.
Horticulturists rejected the idea that they could be guilty of cruelty.
And that's part of the article.
And that was out of what publication?
London Telegraph.
Yeah, I saw it on BBC2 and it actually mentioned an animal welfare law where they've actually already charged people and then it was questionable so they're trying to update the law but Paul, if you step on a bug when you're outside now we're going to have to arrest you.
Well, in this article it says a £20,000 fine and a year in jail for people guilty of mistreating animals.
So that's about $35,000?
$35,000-$40,000, yeah.
And a year in prison.
That's right.
Alright, well you posted that about a week ago.
Perhaps we can repost that.
Other side issue, can you put in the news, in focus, that Bohemian Grove article out of the San Francisco Chronicle?
People are having trouble finding it.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com at the top right hand corner.
It's still there.
Oh, not the gay porn star, the San Francisco Chronicle.
Oh, the other one.
Okay, yeah, I'll repost that underneath as well.
But actually, you did put a link in that article, in the New New York Post article, to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Yeah, the headline of that was The Chosen Few.
Okay, Chosen Few, and then it had a sub-headline, though, about some clubs admit women or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Okay, listen, I want to thank you for the fabulous job you do, Paul.
Okay, thanks.
I know it's dinner time over there, so go eat your pizza.
Thanks a lot, man.
Alright, bye.
When I called him, he goes, the pizza's about to be delivered.
I won't be able to get it.
And he was very concerned, which I would be, too.
Pizza is almost, it's a very important thing, and, uh... Oh, boy.
Um... And when we go out in the woods secretly, it's a big pizza we worship.
I'm joking, folks!
That probably would happen.
You know, I love pizza.
So much, I ate a boiling hot one two days ago and burnt my lip off like an idiot.
Uh, but uh, side issue, I was, he was mean to the bacteria when I ate the hot pizza and burned my lip.
I should be arrested because it killed bacteria.
Uh, you're in prison, twenty thousand pound fine if you kill a worm.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Okay, uh, it's not funny, folks.
I shouldn't be laughing.
It's not funny.
It's just, it's just all out of control.
Okay, I know we got callers and I'm off the map again.
It's just, every day there's like twenty, thirty articles I've got I never cover that are like the one you just heard.
People being arrested for shooting a rapist in their house as they rape their wife.
I'm not kidding, folks.
Children being taken because their mother read the Bible to them.
Just every day I don't cover this stuff.
I mean, I have fatigue.
I don't like focusing on it.
Like, I don't even want to read this article.
I don't even want to analyze it.
I don't even want to go over it.
It gives me a headache.
But I'm going to read it right now.
New York Post gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members.
Now, why does the article give me a headache?
We're about to read it.
Because in my film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, I have mainstream publications from the 80's where they admit that male prostitutes, we're talking multi-thousand dollar an hour male prostitutes,
And female, but it's mainly male.
That's what they like.
Come in to the Christian Conservative Enclave, and are bused in, flown in, there's photos of jets lined up with the prostitutes coming off, okay?
And they go into the Grove and enjoy themselves.
And I've covered this.
Frankly, I'm a half-decent looking guy.
I was pretty young, a few years younger, when I snuck in there back in 2000.
I got a few comments and a few looks.
They thought that I was one of these.
That's probably why I got away with sneaking in there.
The average age is about, I'd say, 65-70 years old.
That was four years ago.
I was 27 years old at the time.
Now I'm in my 30s.
I've seen this with my own eyes, and I saw some of the other young people that were there, and I witnessed a lot of this.
I was only inside four and a half, five hours.
It goes on for fifteen days.
I was just there for the kickoff of the satanic ceremony.
Which, by the way, this New York Post article does admit.
But it says, New York Post, gay porn star, services Bohemian Grove members.
But they put this spin on it.
It's all between the lines of, oh, these world leaders don't know that their beds are being made, their drinks are being served, they're being dressed, that's what a valet does, by this top porn star.
And so we did a Google search on this guy, and he is one of the top porn stars.
These people get tens of thousands of dollars per video.
Why is he there then as a valet?
Because he's getting even more money, folks.
Believe me, I'll bet you a lot of money he isn't just serving drinks and putting people's shoes on for them, okay?
But again, I saw a lot of these young valets while I was there.
These old men, they'd bring their chair and sit it down and pat them and stand there hovering around them.
It's just totally disgusting, okay?
Because it's even more out of control because mainly these are Christian conservative leaders.
And corporate leaders, you know, and they're up there and they're hypocrites is what they are.
And it says, comment.
And this is Paul Watson's little comment above the article.
And we have a direct link to the original New York Post article.
The spin here is that the Grove members are unaware of who the porn star is.
Point one, porn stars get paid tens of thousands of dollars.
It's highly unlikely that Chad Savage needs a part-time summer job to earn money.
Point two, as the San Francisco Chronicle reported,
We have a link to that.
Employees are highly screened.
They don't just get in by accident.
To get in without them knowing, you would have to sneak in like Alex did.
Plus, there have been numerous reports down the years of how male prostitutes are bussed in, especially for the members.
I mean, they come in from Paris, from England, from New York.
I mean, this is admitted, folks.
They fly in on jets and then are bussed out to them.
Now, here's the article.
Today's the 23rd.
July 22nd.
This is yesterday's New York Post.
The power moguls and political heavyweights now luxuriating at the ultra-exclusive retreat, Bohemian Grove, are unaware that they're being waited on, hand and foot, by a famous gay porn star.
We're told that Chad Savage, who has appeared in such carnal classics as How the West Was Hung, is supplementing his sex job by working as a valet at the Bohemian Grove.
The all-male annual gathering inside the 2,700-acre Redwood Forest in Monterreo.
Folks, there have been published photos of Henry Kissinger and people in women's clothing, and when we were in there and we saw bulletin boards up, and this was even picked up later by the press of stuff I can't describe, with world leaders simulating... I just... Oh, man.
Oh, please.
I just... Oh, give me a break.
It says, that has been attended by every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge.
Uh, no, it goes back before Calvin Coolidge.
You're wrong, okay?
A taft wind of Skull and Bones fame.
As well as by industrial titans and media magnates.
All of us valets in the Grove are tittering about it, says our bohemian bladder mouth, to think that there's all these powerful conservative guys having their drinks and food served to them by a gay porn star.
He makes their beds and attends to their every need, and they have no idea who he really is.
Oh, sure they don't.
I've got the jets just with masses of these people being offloaded.
Bigwigs who have attended the two-week retreat include George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan, George Bush Sr.
is there right now, Walter Cronkite, Newt Gingrich, Alexander Haig, Jack Kemp, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, John Major, William F. Buckley, and former CIA Director William Casey.
Savage is at the Grove under his real name, which won't be revealed to Grove spokesman Sam Singer, because we didn't want the valet to lose his job.
Yeah, sure, he's gonna lose his job.
But Singer said the club didn't care about the past.
All that matters is that the valets do good service.
He said that's really all that matters.
Good service.
Savage sure knows how to provide service, the paper says.
That's what they say.
When he starred in How the West Was Hung in 99, one reviewer wrote that he wore a beatific grin while engaging in an orgy and added that his youthful enthusiasm is entirely winning.
When they're not listening to policy speeches, bohos,
...are known to frequent freely in the Redwoods, and to urinate freely in the Redwoods, and perform mock druid rituals that revolve around a 40 foot tall stone owl.
In one ritual, called the Cremation of Care, members wearing red hooded robes cremate a coffin effigy of dull care at the base of an owl altar.
Well, the club has claimed its share of accomplishments.
Grove privately boasts, no, they released this to Berkeley, that the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb was conceived on the grounds its oddball activities aren't for everyone.
Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as the most faggy, geedy thing you could ever imagine.
And then we just, and that's from the newspaper, but then we have a link to Nixon saying it under that.
That's journalism.
So, there you have it.
Hidden in plain view.
He's there servicing them.
We'll be right back and get into the really serious terror news and the rest of it, and then take your calls.
We'll talk about the Christian Conservatives.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, homeland security isn't enough.
We need our domestic CIA that Kerry and Bush and CIA and everyone's calling for.
Very bipartisan.
Just spy on us and run our lives and double the funding from the doubling they just got two years ago.
Yeah, they want the Patriot Act too, they recommend that, but they come out on TV and go, blow!
We're all gonna get it!
It's over!
We're about to be attacked!
Give up your rights!
And we may have to suspend the election in the next day.
There's no problem.
Everything's fine.
Go back about your business.
You know, sending out these mixed signals to confuse people.
This is classical psychological warfare.
And then to really get people's attention, they go, oh, the FBI has told the media that the terrorists are planning to blow up their news trucks.
That'll get the media talking about it and how credible it is, and then we'll have these embedded reporters, folks.
That's what this is all about, whether it's Iraq, or whether it's the Miami WTO protest.
Any of this, the reporters are embedded with the police, they get the propaganda, they get the whole mindset, and those that aren't, in Iraq's case, or publicly, the Pentagon admits this, are targeted to be killed.
I mean, Reuters, BBC reporters, private American reporters are being targeted and murdered.
We have a whole giant section of mainstream news admitting that.
I mean, our troops just walk up and blow people's heads off, fire their tank shells into their buildings,
You talk about targeting the media, we have the government caught doing this, but it's back in the newspaper.
But now this government's going to take good care of you, and you've got to be embedded with the government, and we've all got to be one big happy family.
Because the low-level grassroots reporters are not New World Order Minions controlled.
They just regurgitate what the big national controlled media says, and think that's how you're successful.
But see, now they can be brought into the fold even to a greater extent by, oh, the terrorists are going to attack you, the nice men in black ski masks are going to keep you safe.
New York, the FBI began warning the U.S.
news networks and divisions Thursday night of a credible terrorist threat targeting media vehicles during the Democratic National Convention in Boston next week.
Fed stressed the threat comes from a domestic group, not Al-Qaeda or any other group or foreign terrorist group.
Oh, see, it's those domestic terrorists.
Also in Boston on Thursday, reps for Arab satcaster Al Jazeera met with Democratic convention officials regarding the removal Wednesday of its Skybox banner in the Fleet Center.
And the other media is allowed to show their banners, but Al Jazeera, they're not going to be allowed to, because this is all part of the freedom.
But again, that's to make it look like Al Jazeera is this outsider.
Al Jazeera is total government, folks.
So, more manipulation.
But I mean, all of this is so transparent.
So now when we watch the convention, it's a giant advertisement for helicopters.
Have you seen the Homeland Security helicopters?
Giant black helicopters flying around with a Homeland Security seal on it.
Scanning everything, police in black ski masks, thousands of troops, military, checkpoints, snipers.
It's just everything now.
Any type of meeting, any type of government function.
And it's spilling down into local government.
They're building little machine gun nests around courthouses and putting up barriers and the police are all paranoid and scared of the citizens because the shadowy Al-Qaeda.
But see, now it's not a shadowy Al-Qaeda.
It's some unnamed domestic group.
Some evil right-wingers don't like the media.
And they might try to get them.
But they don't say exactly who the evil right-wingers are.
Again, it's unspecified, but it's some domestic group.
It's not Muslim.
And they want to attack the Democrats.
I mean, this is so transparent.
Now the media is running around screaming about this.
We're under attack!
We're soldiers now!
Look at how brave we are reporting from here!
Just incredible.
And so now, I mean, these conventions are already staged, this is all total theater, but now the theater isn't about the theater of the policies, which are exactly the same, different rhetoric, but just how many ski masks are marching around and how many armored vehicles and how many black helicopters.
Meanwhile, the 9-11 committee says it's not Clinton's fault, it's not Bush's fault, no one... Bush didn't attack America, which was actually...
I need to use that clip.
Yeah, he did.
I mean, his bosses did.
Clinton didn't attack America.
Al-Qaeda attacked America, Dennis Hastert said, Speaker of the House.
Which is true.
I mean, that's the shill who's taking the blame, playing the part of the bad cop in this whole scenario.
And so we now need our domestic CIA to run our life.
And the Christian Science Monitor describes it as a, quote, police state.
Just incredible.
So you can talk about that with me if you'd like.
We'll come back and take some calls.
And there's so much other news, we haven't even scratched the surface.
It's all coming up as well.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, uh... Eric and Ben and JR and Brian and Steve and everybody else, we're going to get to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Then I'll get to the Washington Times.
More government fear-mongering.
Scouting jetliners for new attacks.
Flight crews and air marshals say Middle Eastern men are staking out airports, probing security measures, and conducting test runs aboard airplanes for a terrorist attack.
Now, there were rumors of this last week, and we'll go over that.
Also, we've done a data page, that is with dozens of links and information and facts, where the government admits, the Customs Department admits, the Bush administration admits, that they flew out the Bin Laden family.
And that the FBI wasn't allowed to interview them.
And this happened on three separate flights.
The 12th, 13th, 14th.
And now we've learned of other flights on the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th.
The media is focusing on a flight the 19th where some low-level Bin Ladens were leaving.
Local FBI demanded to interview them and that did happen.
So the media focuses in on stuff that happened a week later
And goes, oh look, it's not true.
That is nothing but misdirection, folks.
It's classic.
And then when you argue with somebody on the street, they go, oh, that was discredited.
No, it wasn't.
We have the government's own admissions.
Right here, we'll go over that for you.
Also, we'll get into this teacher has kids tasting flavored condoms, World End Daily, but government agency backs instructor over ninth grade girl's mom.
So the parent might be in some trouble for saying she doesn't like this.
Alabama doctor reactivated for Iraq war at 68.
This is the BBC headline, folks.
Army food, just add urine.
The ruddy meals now are going to be eaten with urine.
Folks, I can't even believe this anymore.
We'll go over it.
Also, Reuters, bigger breast for free, join the Army.
And it says they're offering women large breast implants if they'll join the military.
I'm not kidding.
That's... Oh, there's no draft coming, folks.
They're just that desperate.
forces disabled by combat stress.
We'll get into that article.
Army announced over 94 allegations of abuse.
I thought it was torture.
California man who shot burglar jailed.
Tennessee man tortured for hours by police.
He had a hidden camera in his house.
And showed them doing things that are unspeakable.
Actually can't even say it on air.
The Matrix Surveillance System, Rejection Analyzed, Salt Lake City Tribune.
Yeah, the Matrix System.
Bush signs new terror law.
That's some of what's coming up, but before we get to your calls, and then to the news, more of the news, we're going to talk to Debbie Morrow for a few minutes.
And Debbie, you're a good Christian lady, what I call a real Christian lady, a good person.
And I wanted to get your take.
I wanted to get your response on this New York Post article.
You may not have heard of it.
New York Post.
Gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members.
And it says George Bush Sr.'
's in attendance and they've got these people there to serve the world leaders.
What do you think of that?
What are they doing?
They're having what?
It says New York Post, gay porn star, services Bohemian Grove members.
Oh my gosh.
So they specifically hired gay people to act as waiters and...
Serving people for this Bohemian Grove party?
Well, yes.
From past articles, it's admitted they actually ship in homosexual prostitutes for the world leaders.
That's admitted.
I have a bunch of articles that's in my film.
But this new one is all tongue-in-cheek.
It says, gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members.
And they now know that he's this.
But they say, we don't care.
But he's the valet.
He puts their clothes on for them.
Oh my gosh.
I think we've all been lulled into a state of apathy and there are very few people who even care anymore about morality.
You know, I mean, I think most of your listeners, of course we care, but most of the world has been so deprogrammed to care about anything anymore.
It's just do your own thing.
Let's feel good.
And there's no right or wrong anymore at all.
But the point is, these are the Christian conservative leaders, and we have Richard Nixon on tape saying...
That it is the most out of control homosexual orgy you can imagine.
That it's more out of control than San Francisco.
But again, this is the supposed conservative encampment, Debbie.
That's the point, is why isn't the Christian Coalition talking about this?
I have no idea.
Well, I'll tell you why, because the New York Times reported they're at the Bilderberg group meeting.
Oh my God.
Yeah, they're globalists, they're here to pacify.
A side issue, I just wanted to get your take on it.
Yeah, I just, well my take really is that I think everybody's just quit even understanding anything about morality anymore.
You know, everybody's just, I'll do my thing, you do your thing, and if it, you know, if we can get together, great.
If not,
Well, the point is that these people are hypocrites.
They are very much hypocrites.
I mean, they're claiming that they're the Christian conservatives and vote for them, they'll defend morality, but notice they do nothing to do that.
It's incredible.
I wish that sometimes we would know who to even vote for, because to tell you the truth, Alex, I don't believe anybody, you know, I don't know what to do when it comes day to go vote, you know?
I don't know.
I'm in as much a quandary as most people out in the world are.
I hear you.
Briefly, tell folks about the Berkey Water Filters.
Well, I wanted to tell you about the new special.
I was just talking to Jim and I said, you know Jim, I really want to boost Alex's sales towards the end of the month.
You know, because all you listeners have to realize that, you know, we really do, through the sales, that's how we support your airtime.
And by airtime, as an international service to all the people overseas and here domestically, shortwave, folks, we have to pay for that shortwave.
And it's very expensive, and so much, we don't hit that hurdle, and I end up paying for it.
But number one, these Berkeys are made in America, they're a great product, that's why folks should get them, but go ahead.
Absolutely, that's why they should get them because they should take control of their health.
But I wanted to do a new special that would only be from today to the end of the month.
And, you know, and I would be glad if somebody wants me to run their credit card, let's say, on the 2nd or 3rd, because they want to make their payment first, I would hold the order as long as they place the order between now and the end of the month.
And it's going to be the same Berkey Special that we've had in the past, which is either the Berkey Light without lights for $199, you get one free gift, and the Berkey Light with lights for $259, and you get two free gifts.
But in addition to that, for only $27,
They can get a KDF shower filter and they can get as many as they want.
Like if they want to pay $27 times five, they can get five KDF shower filters.
They're normally a $49 value and they are wonderful.
I have worked for the company, you know, now since the beginning with Jim, you know, since 98 and I've only ever had one KDF shower filter returned because the guy had ultra modern
You know, equipment that sucked into the wall and it just didn't fit.
But it's a very standard size.
It works fantastic.
And people call and every year they get new ones because they love them so much.
And again, Debbie, for those that don't know, you absorb through your lungs and skin as much, in many cases, as you get from drinking the water.
That's absolutely true.
And you can tell a difference with the KDF shower filters just the feel of your skin.
You can tell a huge difference.
People always ask me, how do we know when it's time to change them?
Because there's no monitor that says 10,000 gallons.
But you can tell such a difference in the quality of the water.
Well, it's your hair.
I mean, you can feel it.
I've reordered filters, I think, once.
And after a while, you can taste it again.
You can smell it again.
You can feel your hair.
It gets that chlorine feeling.
So, that's a great special.
Give folks the toll-free number.
It's toll-free 1-888-803-4438.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
And normally, you know, a lot of the calls go to the machine because I am the only one who takes the calls.
So be sure to just leave a nice, clear message with really clearly speak your phone numbers and I will get back to the people, you know, if not today, it'll be next week.
And we'll be glad to, you know, process the orders after the first if they feel like they want to wait for their credit card statements to come in or however they want to do it.
Jim, for many years, has been the national sole distributor of British Barkfeld.
Then he took the system, brought it to a new level, made here in America, folks, in a comparable filter that costs $199.
A real purification system.
$300 is what I paid years ago for systems that aren't as good, made in India, you know, at the local hardware store.
So, it is so important to take advantage of this one
That's 1-888-803-4438.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
Y'all have a wonderful weekend.
You too.
Take care, my dear.
And you can also go to Berkeywater.com, and the specials are right there.
Put in the comment what special you're getting, and they ship it out to you.
They take the orders every day, ship it out UPS.
They're great folks.
Or Berkeywater.com or Infowars.com.
Okay, I want to thank the callers for holding and through all of my news digest and babbling, but let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Eric in Connecticut.
Eric, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, greetings from Skull and Bones country.
That's right, you're up there.
From Christian conservative death cult.
Absolutely, and it's amazing how many people don't really know this, but I think the numbers are increasing.
I sent some articles from my local paper to you and Paul in Word document format about a local program at a rather liberal private college about a U.N.
symposium for kids.
It's called Model United Nations.
It's been around since the 50s.
And I'd go to one of these in America, destroyed by design, and show the children being brainwashed to give up American sovereignty and accept world government.
It is horrible!
Well, that's exactly what's been going on in New London.
And, um, I'll send you the final segment of that tonight.
It's like a three or four part series.
Hey, listen, my cousin, Buckley, of course he got out of it, he was in Model United Nations and he went to New York and he went high up in it and they wanted him to be a globalist diplomat.
They actually tried to recruit him and then he got out of it.
But they sit there and they test the youth at the higher levels for, you know, it's horrible, folks.
Yeah, absolutely.
And also, Alex, I sent you a PDF version
of the story I mentioned last month about the guard in town trying to get together.
I sent it to Paul, so if he wants to archive that on his website and you want to do that on your own.
Now again, that was the article of moving the emergency center in a quote partnership, that's what these are called, moving the guard, and of course there will be a CIA officer there as well, in and the police department will be under the National Guard with the city buildings now under military control and that's happening all over the country.
When did you send me that article?
I think it was middle of last month, but what happened was after two days, the New London Day, you have to register.
Well, I sent you the article in the form of a PDF format, so your listeners and the people who go to your website and follow Propaganda Matrix will be able to get it as a PDF format no matter when they access it.
But you sent it a month ago and Paul didn't post it?
Well, he did post it, but if you go into the article... Oh, I remember Paul posted it and then the news article was taken down.
It went to subscription on the website.
Yeah, we'll get that original, that PDF posted.
I appreciate that.
Okay, Alex, and one more thing.
It's remarkable, just the psychological warfare that's going on.
And I also think what's happening is these New World Order minions are ramping this thing up because they know so many people are awakening and they see their window of opportunity closing rapidly.
Well, that's it.
I mean, I don't want to be idiosyncratic and focus only on Austin, but Austin affects the rest of the country, and I appreciate the call.
Take care.
I might as well just tell this story now.
Access Television has now been here 31 years, going into its 32nd year.
It is the most award-winning, the nicest facility.
We have broken hundreds of major stories.
It's how I started out.
It's how a lot of other people broke into the media.
All over the country, they're shutting access television facilities down.
And they've learned that when they try to just shut them down outright, they'll get a lot of resistance.
But from Maine to California to Texas, they now come and say, oh, there's a new partnership, just like with the National Guard.
Oh, we've got a big base.
Why don't you put your city council here?
Why don't you put your sheriff's department here?
And we'll advise you under the Emergency Manager what to do.
It's the same thing.
Austin Access is going to be taken over by KLRU and Time Warner.
They're going to shut down the nice facility that's been there for decades.
And they're going to take one of the channels and call it educational.
That's going to be government-style programming.
On the other channel, we won't even be on that.
That'll just be music.
And then all the hundreds of shows that are free speech, liberal, conservative, libertarian, that's all going to be crammed into one channel.
And I've talked to board members.
If we're lucky, we might get a little bit of time each week.
But again, I've seen this in other parts of the country.
They're just going to call it Access TV.
And they even said, you'll have to go to the partnership and ask Time Warner, ask KLRU, to allow them to maybe let you have a little time every once in a while.
And so they're just going to put government programming on the rest of it.
But then when the producer, a member of the place, calls up and says, I heard this is happening.
Well, I have the documents, folks, now.
You call up and you say, what's happening?
They go, no, there's no takeover.
You're getting more.
We're just taking two of the channels from you and restricting what you can do.
That's more.
Doesn't that sound good?
Again, that's like I hit you in the head with a ball-peen hammer 15 times, and I tell you here, that's a nice thing I did for you.
I mean, it's total doublespeak!
And so, right here in Austin, Texas, they tried to shut it down back in 86, and they had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people down at the city council, yelling, screaming.
They had to back off.
They tried to shut it down since then, but now they're more sophisticated.
You know, they don't call the Patriot Act, butcher of the Constitution, set up Nazi Germany.
They call it the Patriot Act!
And they don't call it getting rid of Axis Television, they call it a new partnership, a reorganization, a regional.
They're going to have regional government and quasi-government bodies, UT, KLRU, Time Warner, running it.
And they admit they're going to decide what content goes on, what happens.
They were all saying this in the board meeting, and then when you confront them about it, oh no, we didn't say that when we have them on videotape.
Another thing is they had signs up all week that, oh, there's a producer's forum.
We have them once every three or four months.
Come to it and ask your questions.
They had a little picture on the citizen's forum of a person asking a question at a microphone to people on a dais.
Suddenly those were all taken down and new ones were out.
New ones were put up that showed a person sitting at a desk, three people with light bulbs above their heads with ideas.
Of course, it turns out they've already done the deals, signed the deal, they're already commencing with it, won't give us any of the documentation for it, and they're putting this whole thing in place, and we show up, and they lock the big conference room door, the big studio door, and go, no, no, you have to write your questions on a piece of paper, no, no, no, never had that in the past!
And then I have producers arguing with me before they give their speech that, oh no, they're not really going to do this.
Then they announce just what I told everybody, because I talked to the city attorney's people, and people are still in denial.
It's like, there's no Patriot Act 2, Alex.
Ashcroft says there's no Patriot Act 2.
You know, it's just total denial.
Get out of your denial.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I did nothing in the first hour but take calls, and so this hour I've been mainly covering news, but we're going to get to
Ben and JR and Brian and Steve and Mark and everybody else.
Got a whole third hour coming up jam-packed with the news and your calls.
Just on the AXS TV situation, they're shutting it down all over the country.
You shouldn't let them do it.
I'm not tootin' my horn.
I mean, I've won best TV show in Austin.
In the Reader's Poll.
In the paper.
You know what else wins other years?
UT football game.
Favorite TV show.
I mean, I beat out the UT football game, folks.
I remember back in 98, they had a Nielsen's Ratings locally, and my show came up number three, folks, in viewers.
And now with these digital cable boxes, they know what people are watching, and I've heard from folks, our moles inside the cable company, that we've got even more viewers.
They hate it!
They want it shut down!
We have dozens of Patriot broadcasts down there!
And so, yes, we're the reason they're trying to shut it down.
And I was told, play ball with us and you'll still have a show.
I was told this a month ago.
I analyzed it.
I looked at it.
No, I'm not playing ball with anybody.
Oh, don't worry.
When this new takeover happens, I probably won't be on the air anymore.
Well, that's just the way it is, folks.
Because when they shut it down in a year, in one month, everybody will remember what I said.
And again, in your city, it's something you can use to fight the globalists.
People will listen to you.
They will get involved.
You can air my films.
Other films.
And it's having a great effect.
And imagine, as things get worse and worse, as there's more tyranny, as all this abuse intensifies, you think they want Alex Jones on TV during primetime on Tuesday and Thursday nights?
Do you think they want all these other people on television, George Humphrey and Bob Dacey and people you've heard on this show?
No, they can't have that, folks.
And that's why they're shutting it down all over the country.
You can stop them if you fight against it, but now they've gotten more sophisticated.
They say, oh, it's just a reorganization.
They just mislabel it.
It's absolutely amazing.
And so I hope everybody calls the City Council in Austin and I hope everybody gets involved and stands up against this and doesn't buy the propaganda being spewed at the people.
Alright, we're going to break.
We'll come back, go directly to your calls and get to this news after that.
I'll take all the calls that are on hold as quickly as possible, then I'll cover news and we'll go back to calls.
But I wish your station out there
Some of your stations will carry the third hour, and I wish you'd carry us at night as well.
But I'm thankful to every A.M.
and F.M.
God bless you from the bottom of my heart.
We are reaching so many millions of people, and just, you're amazing.
And to all of the supporters of this show, and the people that have supported us, you know who you are.
God bless you.
Thank you.
And I would just encourage everybody that hasn't gotten involved in the fight,
To get my videos, I've made 10 films.
They're hardcore, folks.
They're mind-changing, life-changing.
And I carry a bunch of other powerful videos.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Peruse the SafeSecure shopping cart.
Order the videos.
Watch the video clips.
Call toll-free to ask about different films or different specials.
You can call and ask questions about the films, and if you want to order by mail order, then you can do that.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Or again, call toll free, 888-253-3139.
Whether it's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, or We Caught the Ritual on Tape,
Or my 9-11 films?
Or America Destroyed by Design?
These are all powerful videos.
You know, folks, I don't need AXS TV anymore myself.
I have a forum.
But for all the other people, it's needed.
And it's also a canary in the coal mine.
As they take your free speech in your town, they get emboldened.
They get more aggressive, because you don't have a voice.
So don't let it happen in your city.
And don't let it happen to the oldest and most successful access station in the country that has made Austin a beacon against the New World Order.
Third Hour coming up.
Big Brother.
Stay with us.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're now into hour number three of this worldwide broadcast.
I'm here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight central.
A bunch of news about terror, the police state, police torturing people, corruption.
It's just so much coming up this hour.
But first, let's get all these great callers out of the way.
Been holding patiently.
Ben in Louisiana.
You're on the air, sir.
Hey, how you doing Alex?
Um, well if they do cancel that,
Your show, you should just keep going on Prison Planet TV.
Oh, I am, don't worry.
I mean, look, and the films will all be there.
We're not talking about the radio show, folks.
The original place I started out, Access Television in Austin, is being taken over and free speech is being annihilated, and then the city is lying about what their own plan is.
Yeah, well, I just... I know a lot of people who I've told about this, and who know on their own,
Or just that they know about it, but they're afraid to say anything to anyone about it.
Because there's this idea that, you know, after the next attack, everyone who knows and talks about 9-11 is going to be rounded up and put in these camps.
I just think that's really unhealthy to think that way.
Well, it's more than unhealthy, it's disastrous.
The Russian people are known for laying down and having a loser mentality.
I'm not bashing Russian people, but
You know, that's just the facts.
That's their culture.
The culture in other countries is laid down.
In India, they have that attitude.
This is America.
And the globalists... I've never seen people waking up like this.
And now they're trying to intimidate people.
They're not going to get away with that.
They're not going to be able to pull that.
They may be setting that up, but they're not going to get away with it.
That's right.
And I like... They're the bad guys!
They're the bad people!
And cowering to criminals does not make you safe, people!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I like the way Eric Huffman puts it in his movie, which I watched the other day on Prison Play on Tub TV, and he said, look, people have been exposing these things from JFK to General Partin in Oklahoma for a long time, and no one's been rounded up.
They can't do that.
They have to pretend that we're nutcase.
They can't
You know, a police state like China, they'll just go arrest you.
Look, look, look, China's been tyranny for 5,000 years.
We used to have freedom.
We still do to a certain extent.
And so, yes, there's millions of us speaking out.
We outnumber them.
And sure, they can arrest a few people and make an example and watch the other people scatter.
But we're Americans.
This is our country.
The globalists put cancer viruses in your vaccines, people!
They attack all of you!
Cops, military, all of you!
They feed on their own people!
Stop serving them!
Right, and if they started arresting people, then the jig would be up.
People would be like, wait a minute now, what's going on?
I mean, the regular people won't stand for that.
Yeah, they've got to sell us on all this.
That's why they're on the news going, we should arrest those that disagree with the government.
It ain't a terrorist.
We should torture people.
Torture's good, but nobody's buying it.
No one's buying it.
No one's buying it.
Listen, when Applied Digital Solutions two years ago,
Went on every TV network, every cable network, even stuff that wasn't news channels.
I mean, it was dozens and dozens and dozens of channels, all cut live to that family getting the chip.
And they said, oh, it's so wonderful, oh, it's so great, this is the best thing ever, oh, everybody should buy stock.
Their stock plunged that day.
Look, it ain't working!
It isn't working!
Do you understand?
They have to ignore us.
We should be bold.
We should be fearless.
We should be in their face.
Because they have to ignore us.
Did you get a response?
Nah, I just mailed it today.
Everyone else should go there.
Yeah, and it's another whitewash commission.
We should let them know that we're aware of what they're doing.
We have the owner of WTC7 saying they blew it up, folks.
We'll be right back with more calls.
Thanks for the call, Ben.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look, almost the whole world is under tyranny.
Populations have been domesticated.
And that's all that's happening is the domestication process of us, the slaves, the cattle, the human resources.
And they're using sophisticated psychological warfare tactics, lies, half-truths, mislabeling, semantical deceptions, twistings, to do this.
And it's time to wake up to it.
Because their whole sophisticated mass of lies is annihilated once you know the truth and the real structure of power.
That's it, folks.
It's real simple.
We have a government, admittedly, up until the mid-1980s, this is the last time they declassified stuff, that would have troops stand out in a field, fly over and kill them, nerve gas our own troops.
They'd put our own troops in a room and nerve gas them and kill them.
And then cut their body up and do tests on them.
We got a government that'll put uranium in a GI's wife's vitamins and watch her have a miscarriage to see what it does.
We got a government run by a bunch of psychopathic killers that love evil and love to be sadistic.
And we got a bunch of people in denial about it!
It's real simple!
You got a bunch of smart criminals in three-piece suits, running things, who want it all, and who know you're waking up to them, so they're gonna carry out terror attacks, and play off this farce with their hired terrorist bin Laden, to use that as an excuse to have a war against us!
A war that's never gonna end!
Now we got Homeland Security.
Now they want Patriot Act II.
Now they want a domestic CIA.
They say this is an endless war.
And there's going to be more attacks.
They're going to be bigger no matter how many rights we take from you.
And the more liberties they take, the bigger the terror attacks get.
And we're going to track and trace and scan you.
And you're going to have to swipe a card to buy and sell.
And we're going to make your kids stay in school until 8 o'clock at night and through the summer.
And we're going to put you on drugs.
And we're going to psychologically test all of you.
And we're going to... Heaven help us!
Heaven help us, folks!
It is a scientifically crafted warfare, enslavement, dictatorship being set up on us right now!
And the people are struggling, they are waking up, but not all the way!
We gotta go, you know, ape!
And just warn everybody, and just get the word out in our area, and just expose this thing?
Let's go to the calls.
Let's talk to JR in Texas.
JR, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
A couple of months ago I was in New York City on vacation and I went down to Ground Zero and I went down inside the new PATH terminal station, the Trans-Hudson Subway.
And anyways, they made this multi-billion dollar train station down at Ground Zero in the pit.
And as you go in there, first you go down a flight of stairs, then you get to this area where they have the really long inclined electric escalators.
So you go down those, and then you go down to another rest stop, and then finally to the lower level, where you go through the booths or whatever, and you catch your train to New Jersey.
So anyways, as I was down at the lowest level, right in the middle of the Ground Zero Pit, I felt a really strange sensation coming from the ground.
I don't know exactly how to explain it, but it felt like a certain
Energy like a low voltage jolt, like a very, very low voltage jolt.
And it's something I've never felt before.
I mean, I've been in small earthquakes before in Mexico City and things like that, but I mean, I've never felt what I felt down at that PATH station.
Well, there could have been a giant air conditioner unit through the ceiling above you sending off vibrations.
I mean, there's a lot of weird stuff like that.
Yeah, and also I wanted to mention that down there at the new PATH station,
It's like a 1984 nightmarish place.
I mean, there's cameras everywhere.
Down at the what station?
At the PATH terminal station.
In the Ground Zero pit.
Did you call it New PATH?
Well, the New PATH terminal.
I think they rebuilt part of the PATH station that was destroyed there.
So they basically remodeled and redesigned the whole interior of the place and spent a couple billion dollars on it or something like that.
Well, I know they're going to spend a billion and two on Homeland Security cameras in New York.
Interesting points.
Yeah, thank you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Brian in New Jersey.
Brian, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Always an honor to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
It's funny that's the last call I brought up, 1984, because I actually just finished reading it again yesterday.
I had three comments on that and then a question.
I think our government has actually read that book, because War is Peace is one of the party slogans, and Bush has openly said, when we're talking about war, we're really talking about peace.
Freedom is, uh... Freedom is slavery.
And, uh, ignorance is, uh... Strength.
And now, I think that freedom is slavery, um, I think the slavery that they're talking about is being under one government, as we are right now, because Jefferson himself even called for a revolution every twenty years, and since Skull and Bones and
Other private organizations have been putting their presidents in charge of our government, and I think that we're slaves to them.
But as far as a third one, ignorance is strength, something you were talking about earlier with the television stations being taken over.
And I think the Internet, and you, and a couple others like you are our last hope, and that we need not to be ignorant, we need to
Look, all of you need to start a local newspaper.
I don't care if your first issue is 200 copies and it's four pages.
All of you need to start websites.
All of you need to get access to TV shows where they're still at in your area.
All of you need to get websites.
All of you, if you've got money, pay for two hours on Sunday night on the local AM station.
That's what I wanted to ask you.
Actually, I'm starting a website called brainwashedamerica.com.
It'll be up in a month.
My question was, how can I get public access
I know some of my videos have aired on New York Access, which is one of the few they haven't shut down yet.
But most towns, a lot of places still have them, though they are shutting down quite a few.
And, uh, you just call the cable company or the city and you say, do we have access to TV?
You don't even have to be a cable subscriber.
And you go down and sign a few forms and maybe pay a little fee and then you're on TV or you can put videos on.
And, uh, yes, sir.
I mean, you've just got to investigate that for yourself.
Very cool.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, my friend.
And listen, I mean, a congressman, a senator, will fly thousands of miles to speak to 500 people.
We've had them into town to speak to us, our Second Amendment groups.
But then a citizen will go, oh, it's not worth it to go get an AXS show, where in a big city you reach hundreds of thousands in the aggregate over show after show.
And in a small town you reach thousands or hundreds, you know, each time.
I mean, this is valuable.
This is important.
And you should take advantage of this, folks.
And maybe you're already an AXS producer somewhere, but you haven't been doing a lot of shows.
Do more.
Do your own live show.
Just don't put my videos on.
Start an organization.
Use that media power to start an organization that will be there after they shut it down.
Don't let them shut it down in your area.
But know when they come to shut it down now in your area, they're not going to call it a shutdown.
They're going to go, oh, we're reorganizing.
It's going to be private now and just shut up.
And then once they've taken over, you're off the air and can't complain.
I mean, they've wanted to shut it down here in Austin for a long time, and now they're doing it, folks.
And it's not going to die with a bang, but with a whimper.
Slowly, they're slowly killing it.
Slowly shutting it down.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Steve in Kansas.
Steve, welcome.
How you doing?
God bless you, Alex.
I'm doing fine, go ahead.
Well, now, I'm talking, the Bohemian Grove, which you were talking about?
I have six of your videos.
They're very, I mean, they are hard to watch for the first time.
That's how strong they are.
They just, I mean, they just blew me away.
I've lost a few friends and had a few tapes returned.
One of them is even going to be brought up in court, possibly, because I have custody of my little girl.
Oh, and your wife's saying you're crazy because you have this video.
Oh, well, I mean, I'm just, yeah.
Yeah, that's the nuts and bolts of it.
Well, what you do is, you go to, do you have a computer?
You go to PrisonPlanet.com and you type in the search engine, New York Post, Michael Moore, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, and you walk in, we have the actual screenshot of the New York Post, you walk in and you go, I have videos that are in the New York Post that are written up as incredible.
Is something that the New York Post says is incredible, is this bad?
Alex Jones, and you can go in and show screenshots of me on 20-20, and Good Morning America, and because that's what will work with the, you know, and say, so, my wife says I'm bad because I have a video that's critically acclaimed in major newspapers.
Well, no, I mean, I mean, I mean, it's ridiculous.
Yeah, I mean, it is totally ridiculous.
I mean, one thing about that Bohemian Grove, I am a Christian,
I will tape it, I will give it to other people, but I watched it once.
I will never watch it again.
It is, uh, it, it, it's so satanic that I, I mean, I, it's hard to talk about.
Well, let me just read the headline.
New York Post, gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members.
Now my film doesn't have any of that in it, it just has the satanic ceremony.
Right, right.
I was only in there for five hours for the kickoff.
I mean... I mean, worshipping... Moloch?
Forty foot owl?
I mean... I mean, and our elected officials are doing that?
People have to wake up!
People that I've given the tapes to?
I mean, they hardly want to talk to me.
Because, I mean, it's just so, I mean, they don't want to know the truth.
They don't want to know that psychopaths control their lives.
I mean, I mean, it's just too hard for them.
They want to sit in their, you know, nice, comfortable houses.
And I'm disabled right now.
And so I can't get any more of your films.
And I'm still trying to get, you know, more tapes and, you know,
Get more of them out, and I would like to talk to the person on the other end of the phone to get a little bit more information.
Well, see, the network isn't involved in my videos.
Well, no, I mean, I'm just, I mean, so I know how to get through Info Wars, and Prison Planet's very friendly.
Info Wars is, you know, I'm not, you know, computer illiterate, but I'm not, you know, a guru.
Yeah, the folks at the network don't run the website either.
That's all mine.
That's all separate.
I'm thinking about moving down to Austin, buddy.
Either that or Virginia.
Alright, buddy.
I appreciate your support.
Take care.
We'll be right back.
You know, that's the mindset out there in America.
I've gotten lots of those calls.
People bring it up in court.
Why, he has these videos!
He should be arrested!
You know, he talks about freedom!
My gosh!
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Let's keep taking your calls.
Next segment, I'm going to go back in the news and back to your calls.
Got a bunch of news here we need to go over.
Right now, let's go to Mark in Rhode Island.
Mark, go ahead.
You're on the air, Mark.
I do want to say I appreciate GCN.
I'm very grateful for them for airing your show and also WARL 1320 for picking it up.
Well, thank you.
You're welcome.
Alex, I'm a little bit upset.
Actually, I'm a lot upset.
I was watching C-SPAN this morning, and I got a chance to watch about a half an hour of the taped Whitewash Commission yesterday.
And I'll tell you, Alex, I was utterly appalled.
No, I was upset by it yesterday.
That was really horrible.
It is horrible.
We're going to take your rights.
There's going to be bigger attacks.
We're going to have a domestic CIA, and none of that's going to stop more attacks.
And then we're going to take even more of your rights.
But then we're going to protect your rights.
And isn't it interesting, Alex, how they're making it available free online for you to read it.
And if you want to buy it in the bookstore, it's in all the bookstores for just $10.
You know what, Alex, I'm really fearful that they're going to use this
They're going to push this in the days and weeks to come, and it's just another step in the minefield.
Yeah, it was never an investigation.
I said 20 months ago, because they said they would do this, it's a call for a domestic CIA, a Patriot Act II, and saying the government's good.
And that's exactly what happened.
And Congress is bad and better give us all the power.
I just hope, Alex, you know, between yourself and all the other good Patriots out there,
You know, this document is exposed and torn apart.
I think there's, what, 41 or so planks in it, or recommendations that they want to implement.
It's a nightmare.
I appreciate the call.
I hear you.
Let's talk to, uh, who's up next here?
Dan in Colorado.
Go ahead, sir.
Oh, hi, Dan.
I'm sorry.
This is Dan in Colorado.
Yes, sir.
Good to talk to you again.
I called you sometime back telling you something about
Uh, the tapes have been distributed in the area, and then I have been distributing the flyer, uh, you know, regarding 9-11.
So, you've handed out a lot of my videos, okay.
Right, and it's doing a lot of good, and I want to say that, uh, anything can happen at this point.
Uh, we could actually make some big changes, and, uh, through legal means, get rid of other problems that are coming up.
You know, uh, just by exposing it.
Like you said, there are millions of them.
They've got to have, no matter how much police state power they've got, they've got to have the general public dumbed down, buying into it.
And if we, one person at a time, expose this, they cannot get away with it.
That's true.
We still have our freedoms, but we're losing our freedoms little by little, and piece by piece, and this is the focal point in history right now.
And I mentioned a little bit, but what happened was I was using a cell phone, and the cell phones do drop out.
So I advise listeners, don't call on your cell phone, because you'll have a loose call in the middle.
We are losing most of our civil rights under the guise of security, and that is exactly the word from this alleged time traveler that I was starting to tell you about.
It's JohnTitor.com.
Now we can't say for sure this is absolutely real, but there's enough evidence coming up
Now, people are looking into some of the scientific predictions that he made that were going to be coming up, as well as 2004 and 2005, losing most of our civil rights under the guise of security, which was... But again, sir, I deal with stuff I can prove.
It's easy to put up a website and make predictions about what's going to happen because the globalists have said what they're going to do, and then it gets a bunch of credibility.
I mean, I just stick to stuff I can prove.
Don't, I'm not saying we should ever use this.
You know, as proof.
Well, I mean, I've heard people talk about it, and I've heard people talk about it.
It is interesting, you know, but again, I stick to stuff I can prove.
But I'm glad you're out there making copies of the videos.
You keep it up, and God bless you.
Let's talk to Ron.
Ron, where are you calling us from?
Yes, sir.
I'd like to make this statement.
Where are you calling us from?
New York.
Welcome, go ahead.
And I'd like to make this statement and then play this excerpt from J. Sekulow's
Analysis of the Commission Report yesterday, which I think you'd be very interested in hearing.
Okay, go ahead.
I share your frustration and I feel your pain about the entire issue.
You said that people are dumbed down.
People who become dumbed down because they've lost their righteousness and have become wicked, thus accepting falsehood.
They then have no discernment to recognize what is happening
To them nor the moral fiber to fight back.
Now here's the key question.
Thus God's justice and judgment rains down on them.
Now here again is the key question.
But there are enough righteous people left here in this country like Alex Jones and the rest of us to blow the whistle on this evil incarnate.
What does God do now?
The question is this.
Does he rapture us out of here as per the scripture?
In a pre-tribulation sense?
Or, as some of your recent callers have said, we stand up and literally fight our would-be enslavers physically?
Yeah, we got a break.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I've talked to Ron during the break.
We're not going to play clips of Jay Sekulow's broadcast, the dangerous neocon, fooling a lot of good Christians.
But I've heard him.
The Patriot Act's good.
He helped write it.
The new commission says it's good.
We need to have it.
It's very godly.
You don't want the devil win.
Basically, destroy America's freedoms or the devil wins.
This is basically the line that we get from these people.
And so it's just part of the course.
But you should call Jay Sekulow up and go, what about the Bohemian Grove?
And types like him will just not even exist.
New York Post asked him about this.
Gay porn star services Bohemian Grove members is the headline.
And it talks about George Bush Sr.
and others being there with the other conservative leaders.
So maybe Mr. Sekulow should tell us about how godly Mollick is.
Go ahead, sir.
Alex, that's exactly what I want to do and I can't
I might get him on a repeat here, but I'm going to have to get him at his original time and make that call.
I've had it in mind for quite a while.
But what he said is exactly what I told you in break, what you just said.
I can't reiterate it better than what you just said.
That he said that this is not the time to discard or diminish the use of the Patriot Act.
Exactly what you were saying.
What I was saying before was, though, that where does God
In his instructions to Christians in the Word, what does he say we're supposed to be doing now?
Does he want us to go out and fight our would-be enslavers physically in the streets, in the mountains, in the highways and byways of this once great nation?
That is the essential question now.
Alright, well I appreciate the call.
Sir, I appreciate your call and I want to cover news and we'll go back to calls, but let me just say this.
Creatures can twist the Bible to say whatever they want.
The Bible is full of instances of God saying, stand up against evil, physically fight it.
It's also full of instances of God saying, you're being judged, you're going to be enslaved, nothing you do can stop that.
It's full of examples of, okay, if you repent, you'll be given a reprieve, your city, your country.
But it's just common sense.
I have a job to fight evil, whether I'm going to be teleported tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, or whatever.
And the big cop-out from the neocon churches is, just don't worry about it,
You know, rejoice that they're coming with microchips.
It means the end is nigh.
And then they're going to be there taking the chips because they're not going to be going anywhere.
I mean, it's incredible, folks.
So, regardless, you know, duty is mine, consequences are God's.
And that's the end of the story.
I mean, you know, I'm not going to say, well, it's the end times, so I'm not going to help my neighbor when their house is on fire.
This is just part of the end times.
Or, that old lady's getting mugged.
I'm not going to help her because it's the end times.
It's just evil's getting worse.
Nothing I can do.
It's that attitude that's brought us to this point.
And Christians, who should be the backbone of America, are being neutralized and pacified by the controlled opposition like the J-Seculos out there.
Who, I mean, I've had national Christian talk show hosts, not Jay Sekulow, but others, tell people on the radio, I'm a liar, Bohemian Grove doesn't exist, or if it does, it's no big deal, it's just some having some fun with the gay porn stars.
Okay, sure.
I mean, and again, it's not like this is just in the New York Post today.
My film made three and a half years ago has news articles about this.
You're like, well, hey, that's their right to do that.
Folks, it's the so-called Christian conservatives!
Oh, please!
All right, let me get into some news.
I'll get into this fake story about the bin Laden's not being flown out, or the FBI not being ordered not to stop them.
It's a very simple way of lying, but it's hard for folks to get their minds around it, so we'll try to talk about that, then go to some calls.
First off, they're attacking the Manchurian candidate as liberal propaganda, because in it, the government has carried out terror attacks.
I haven't seen it, but now I'm reading reviews.
And it's threatening more attacks are coming if you don't give up all your rights, and putting out fake terror alerts, and there's a global group, kind of like the Bilderberg Group, run by royalty, that has created mind-control slaves, and they're taking over.
And one mind control slave wakes up to all of this.
And they even show the exact programs and the ways they do program people.
Just from the trailer I've seen, the reviews I've read, it's amazing.
And this is out of variety.
Politics and presidential elections were on everyone's lips at Monday's Gotham premiere of The Manchurian Candidate.
This is a movie about political brainwashing and we're right back there again now to director Jonathan Demme.
I hope it has the potential for stimulating people to start thinking about the process because Lord knows we could use some stimulation he added.
Raises lots of questions and gets us thinking about assassinations and other things we went through and were traumatized in the sixties.
John Vogt, who plays a liberal senator, bumped out of the vice presidential candidacy.
And it says, even SCORE collaborator, that's the music, Wycliffe Jean said his band, who performed an exuberant set of the swanky Uptown Metropolitan Club after the bash, displayed a political bent with his song, If I Was President.
And speaking of that, let's play a little clip of Jadakis.
The number one musician in the country.
Not some, not public enemies saying Bush is Illuminati and carried out 9-11.
Not Paris saying that.
No, no, no.
This is the number one song in the country, at least it was last week.
Why did Bush knock down the towers?
Why was he hanging around there?
Because his brother ran the security and all that.
And then when they talked to Jadakis, he said, hey, this is what everybody I talk to in New York thinks.
I'm just talking about what we all know.
So the number one song, go ahead and play that for me.
Now play that again.
Why are they pushing us the powder?
Why did Bush knock down the towers?
Why was he hanging around those towers?
Pushing powder.
Oh, pushing powder.
Boy, you couldn't say it better.
They certainly pushed the powder on you.
And why'd you bring down the towers?
Why were you hanging around them towers?
Play it again.
So what you gonna do, bad boys, when we come for you?
What are you gonna do?
See, it isn't gonna take 40 years for 92% of us to know you killed Kennedy.
It took that long to go from a small percent thinking it was the government to 92% in major polls.
And the 8% of you can call us kooks all day.
So what's going to happen now in just a few years?
It's already about half the people I've talked to, conservative, black, white, liberal, old, young, about half the people now know the truth.
75% think you had prior knowledge, let it happen.
In about a year, it's going to be 90 plus percent.
Okay, you're in a lot of trouble.
You're in a lot of trouble.
The learning curve is, and you might go ahead and blow up a city or something, we know that, we hope you don't.
You might just fearmonger us a lot, but you're not going to get away with it.
It's too late.
You understand?
We're on to you.
Now, speaking of Manchurian Canada, I just love this trailer.
Here it is one more time.
The Manchurian Canada trailer.
Now, play it.
And it's also posted on PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
You can link through and watch it.
Here it is.
I know how much Americans have to fear today.
I believe that freedom from fear is not negotiable.
We must determine today.
Hey, Stephanie?
For 12 years, I've had one dream, not variations on a dream, the same dream.
In all those years, I've been denying what every nerve ending in my body is telling me is more real than not.
It is appalling the way they let these troubled individuals walk around with the rest of us.
I'm not crazy!
I know him, Father.
I served under him.
He's, uh, not a well man.
This is rich people, Manchurian global, funding bad science to put a sleeper in the White House.
We can give them heat, give them a war hero forged by enemy fire in the desert, in the dark!
Raymond Shaw is probably the kindest, greatest human being I've ever known.
If this is about my son, you swore to me that this was fail-safe.
When I think of you, I fear for this country.
I have the proof.
We can nail them.
We can take them out.
I will do anything that's necessary to protect America from all of its enemies.
Sergeant Raymond Shaw.
Raymond Prentiss Shaw.
I got to know where it's gonna happen, when it's gonna happen.
I wanna believe you.
I didn't do it.
Believe me.
Help me.
Or shoot me.
Alright, folks.
Now, that's one of the trailers.
Here's the better one.
And in this second trailer, they talk about, you know, royalty, heads of state, this big corporation, Karl Allgrub, Karl Allgrub, and what they're up to.
And understand, the top of mind control here is exactly what McVeigh went under.
We know this.
They openly sent the top mind control doctor, once he was captured, once he was on the side of the street, thumbing at the mousing, I've got a chip, I've got an implant, help me, help me, the police.
In a car without its license plates.
This is in the state police report.
Then Jolly and Wes, the admitted mind control expert and overseer of MKUltra, shows up at the facility, stays with him for years in the federal prison through the trial, and is there when he's executed.
An admitted top mind control scientist!
And it's the same thing.
And they had a whole pack of these guys from the Gulf War.
We know that Mr. Muhammad, the shooter, was in this program.
A bunch of these guys.
And Buford Furrow, shooting up the Jewish Center.
Larry Ashbrook, he tried to break programming.
Remember he shot up the Baptist Church youth meeting, what, five years ago, four years ago?
Neighbors, he was telling people, look, I was normal until I was in the Navy back in the eighties.
They grabbed me again, they're telling me, go shoot these people, help me.
He'd even tell the cops they wouldn't come get him.
Then neighbors saw men dragging him out, putting him in a van.
And then a few days later he shows up and starts shooting everybody?
That's when the programming breaks down?
And he was buddies with Furrow?
I mean... Here's the second clip, folks.
Here it is.
I know how much Americans have to fear today.
I believe that freedom from fear is not negotiable.
Yeah, that's not it.
Stop it.
That's not it.
We've got two clips in there and it's a separate clip and we played it the other day and it's on the website.
I don't know what's going on.
So, let's go ahead and get into other news.
But you can hear about the royalty and all that if you want to go listen to it.
Maybe if you find it, we'll play it later, if you can find it.
I understand you weren't there when we got the clip.
TIA now verifies flight of Saudis.
Now this is from the St.
Petersburg Times, and this is June 9, 2004.
Now, again, this was in all the papers days after 9-11.
There were published reports by the 13th
Reporting that Saudis were being ordered to be allowed to get on private planes and all of their traffic was grounded and flown out.
More has FAA people saying it in this film than others.
But again, we've been talking about this for years.
And we have copies of the Commerce Department, excuse me, the Customs Department's own documents from Judicial Watch who got them.
And we have White House officials admitting this.
So how does the 9-11 Commission discredit this?
They show a case where on the 18th there were members of the Bin Laden family flown out who were questioned by the FBI and they focus in on that flight out and go, oh see, they didn't fly out when all flights were grounded.
They didn't fly out without being seen by the FBI, the 160 plus.
But then clearly, this is misdirection.
They're talking about what happened on the 18th.
Not all the flights that happened before that.
So this is how they lie.
And again, we have all these mainstream news articles posted.
We have the documents posted for you right there on the site.
Ministry of Truth at work again.
9-11 whitewash.
Commission attempts to spend the Lawton family exodus down the memory hole.
And so now when we talk about this, people say, oh no, that was discredited.
The Alex Jones Show has revealed that the Independent 9-11 Commission report attempts to spin down the memory hole, a vital piece of information concerning government complicity.
We have extensively documented the fact that on September 13th, around 116 members of the Bin Laden family and leading Saudis were flown out of the U.S.
on private jets whilst all other air traffic was grounded.
Then we have links to the FOIA request, mainstream news articles, public officials' admissions.
This information has been publicly documented by U.S.
Customs and Border Protection,
BP agency documents obtained by Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigated and prosecutes government corruption under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act request.
Furthermore, the information has been documented by leading media outlets such as Vanity Fair, by former Bush administration terrorism czar Richard Clark, and most recently, and perhaps most tellingly, by Michael Moran's documentary Fahrenheit 9-11 with chief FBI agents, FAA employees, you name it.
It was reported today that the Commission is now adamant that the Bin Laden family were not given preferential treatment, that the FBI had interviewed each person flown out, and that they did not leave until eight days after 9-11.
This is pure spin.
It is entirely possible that many more Bin Laden family members were flown out eight days after 9-11.
They have video of that.
Indeed, it was reported by the National Review that, with the help of the FBI, the Saudis and the Bin Ladens' family chartered an aircraft to pick up family members in Los Angeles, Orlando, and Washington, D.C.
The Bin Ladens then flew the relatives to Boston where one week after the attacks the group left Logan Airport bound for Jeddah.
So that is a flight a week after.
And that was reported last year by National Review.
And they've had Bandar, the Saudi main ambassador, on Larry King Live, and this is in Fahrenheit 9-11, and I've got it on tape myself, saying, yes, we flew them out, yes, they weren't questioned, yes, we flew them out on the 13th because they might be abused.
That's on the record.
But the 9-11 Commission says it never happened.
Oh, look, it happened on eight days after.
Because they focus on some other Saudis flying out.
It's just incredible!
Furthermore, each column member was given an all-clear on the basis of a single day of departure interview conducted in FBI spokesman Bill Carter's words at the airport as they were about to leave.
The crux of the matter is, though, is that the Bin Laden family outing is not the same as the one that occurred on September 13th, as documented by the CBP, or the Customs Bureau.
But the information need not be made clear to the average person on the street.
Worse still is the matter, is confused by the fact that the Michael Moore film, he talks about the 913 accidents, but shows footage of Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, admitting on Larry King Live that 24 members of the Bin Laden family were flown out of the country in cooperation with the FBI.
These 24 were indeed flown out eight days after.
Why does Michael Moore reference the 160 flown out on 9-13 and show the documents but then take his quote out of context?
We have video clips of all that and all the documents and the newscast and it's all there on the website.
Help spread the word.
Help tell the truth.
Help expose these manipulators.
We'll be back with some final calls and final news.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I mean, how could you not get excited?
How could you not get upset about the stuff that's happening?
Other people get upset about their football team losing and yell and scream.
They're normal.
We get upset about the total destruction of America.
We're weirdos, folks.
No, we're the normal people.
We're about to try to jam in as many calls as possible here in the last five, six minutes.
Just briefly, folks, if you believe in what we're doing, want to join us in the spot against the New World Order, the best tools we've found are my films.
I've made ten of them.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, Police State, Three Total Enslavement.
By books, other videos, other books we carry about other great people.
Infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Just click on the secure online shopping cart to read about the films or to order them online.
Or call toll free to order the films or ask about different specials or what different films have in them.
That's 888-253-3139.
Don't procrastinate.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Street, 100 Austin, TX 78704.
The ball's in your court, folks.
Take action.
All right, let's go to Nancy in Texas.
Nancy, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just have a real quick question, and then I'll hang up and listen.
We are watching the United States Postal Service apparently spend a fortune supporting Lance Armstrong's cycling team.
And I'm not bashing them at all.
I totally support Lance Armstrong.
But I think I've heard you say before that the U.S.
Postal Service is now a privately held corporation.
Is that correct?
Well, it is.
It's quasi.
I was just wondering if you'd go into a little detail there for me.
No, hang up.
Okay, thanks for the call.
I mean, frankly, the Post Office isn't half as evil and out of control as FedEx.
UPS is a little bit better about all this stuff.
And I think it's money well spent for the Postal Service to... I mean, they couldn't have a better spokesman than Lance Armstrong, and that's just PR.
But, yeah, it's all this public-private partnership, quasi-private kind of corporate socialism.
The Postal Service, yeah.
That's all I can really say on that subject.
Chuck in Texas.
Go ahead, Chuck.
You're on the air, Chuck.
Chuck's gone.
Joel in Colorado.
Joel, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi there.
Hello, my friend.
I'm actually in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Okay, that's fine.
Go ahead.
You're in Canada, then.
Yeah, we love you up here.
I'm trying to get all my friends to listen to you.
A couple things to say.
I think there's something that I know you're aware of, but
Maybe people aren't investigating enough, is the whole Nazi thing behind the New World Order.
Nazi funding?
Nazi leaders?
I mean, there's a whole history in the U.S.
Well, yes.
of, like, eugenics connected to Britain.
Yeah, this country, we trained Hitler.
Yeah, exactly.
And there was one of his officials who brought back from America, from a conference there on eugenics,
Back to Germany, and then they wrote the race laws.
Margaret Sanger got awards from Hitler and gave awards to Hitler.
Yeah, and that's all connected to Prescott Bush as well.
That's right.
The Bush family, and I'm sure the sons probably agree with the grandfather.
They're such a nice family.
Well, yeah.
Another thing I wanted to bring up, too, I know you don't have much time, is have you looked into the BTS records on the American Airlines flight?
There's no record of the American Airlines flights on CPS.
Well, there's lots of big holes and spaces.
I appreciate the call.
Rob in South Carolina, you've got 30 seconds.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I was wondering, do you guys do recordings on Prison Planet?
Because I'm going to be in school soon, so I won't have access to this.
Yeah, the best interviews are posted.
Alright, cool.
And one more other thing real quick.
How would I go about getting you on local stations around here?
Because the farthest one is pretty wet.
Mom and Pop stations, privately owned ones, tell them about the website, tell them about the satellites we're on, and tell them you want to hear the broadcast.
I'm sorry we're out of time.
Thanks a lot.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight, and back on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.