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Name: 20040721_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 21, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I want to be completely honest with the listeners of this broadcast.
Many of you have been listening and watching my television show for nine, ten years.
And over the years I've become more astute, more aware of the New World Order.
I've learned their operations, their tricks, their overall program.
I've warned you many times that all of us can become conditioned through a broadcast like this.
Acclimated to what's happening.
And that has really started to happen to me.
By that, we're aware of the New World Order, we know what's going on, but now I see articles about, okay, they're not just going to implant the judicial workers in Mexico with chips, they're going to make the police take it.
And I don't even read the news article, when this is a massive, earth-shattering development.
Last week I was shown the brochure for looking for suspicious people fighting terror and crime here in Austin.
It was identical in the text to the Florida brochure that made major headlines.
Look for people that don't have a lot of furniture, people that have strange equipment, a lot of men living alone in a house,
People that have locked doors, look for guns, look for drugs, to have the cable man, the phone person, the exterminator, the firefighter, whoever's in your house via Tattletail.
That's the Federal Tips Program.
And then last week I learned, they even had a symposium.
I could have gone and videotaped it.
Luckily others did.
Now I've seen some of that.
I'm going to get all of it.
And then I learned that they indeed lay all this out, word for word, what's being announced in Florida, which we already knew was really a federal program implemented at state level, called the TIPS program.
They call it AWARE in Florida.
They call it Homeland Security Meeting here in Austin, but it's the exact same text, same brochure.
It just says Travis County, Austin, Texas.
And then it says the name of the cities and the counties in Florida.
And I see reports all the time out of Idaho, New York, California, New Jersey, you know, with the Neighborhood Watch program doing it, everybody else being part of it.
I typed into the search engine this morning, Austin, Texas Homeland Security Citizens Meeting, and thousands of links popped up.
Every type of meeting you could imagine going back two and a half years, even before Homeland Security got funding.
AmeriCorps, SecureCorps, CitizenCorps, giant tattletale squads formed in Austin, and I dropped the ball.
I mean, I knew they were already doing it, but how many of you knew that there were giant squads?
So I started typing in random names of cities, and the same thing.
Cincinnati, Dallas, giant squads, hundreds of meetings, spies everywhere.
I dropped the ball.
I dropped the ball.
I drop it all the time.
There is so much evil coming at us, such a takeover, that I can't even... I mean, I get battle fatigue, folks, in the info war.
I mean, at a certain point, when you get overstimulated with information, you psychologically start shutting down.
And that's happened now.
I mean, I'll have giant stacks of news that we all post to the website, and most days I'll have horrific stuff that I don't even want to read on air.
I don't even... I mean, I want to expose the New World Order.
I want to fight them, but I don't even want to focus on it anymore.
I want to go into denial.
I want to... But not today.
I mean, I've chastised myself psychologically.
I realize how serious it is.
How my family, everybody's family, is in danger.
I mean, I'm so desensitized.
We'll come back and talk about it, but I mean, we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
It's much worse than even I thought.
I just... It's just everywhere.
It's a total take-out.
All around us.
We've got to fight it.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up in a little while, we're going to play about a three and a half minute news piece from ABC Nightly News.
One you've all heard about.
Last week, where they showed the Mexican judicial workers in Mexico City getting their microchips.
Then I want to play the long trailer that's been posted on InfoWars.com for the Manchurian Candidate coming out in nine days, and believe me, I'll be there when that movie opens.
I'm very impressed by the trailer and what I've read about the film.
Of course, the problem is, in the film, they get soldiers, they dose them, they put microchips in their brain,
They drug them for months, brainwash them.
I mean, they could do this without the microchips 40 years ago, and they did.
This is declassified stuff.
But here it is, throwing it in your face in this film.
So we're going to play that for you.
But I want to play it right after we air the ABC Nightly News piece, because this is talking about putting microchips in you, and then next we'll go to the movie.
But see, now when you talk about Manchurian candidates and mind control and microchips, when you hold up an Army document saying that they want to do this to the population, from 2000 they'll go, oh, you got that from that movie.
It's like the film The Skulls.
Before we got both our presidential candidates being skull and bones, a first,
Before they do that, they come out with a movie called The Skulls and whitewash the whole thing.
But from what I've seen, the Manchurian candidate doesn't look like that.
You've got a global group of royalty and European power elite in secret meetings with mind control slaves, and they're putting people into the vice presidency with them, and then have Manchurian hit men.
And of course, again, the last two weeks we've got the
New York Times going, yes, the Bilderberg Group gave Kerry a call and said, we want John Edwards.
And then he did, I can confirm.
Kerry went on Larry King Live and spouted off about, well, I picked him because he went to this meeting in Italy and did such a good job.
Really impressed the people there.
So what we see is a massive conditioning taking place, a massive coming out of the New World Order through non-fiction media, TV, radio, print, and mainly, to a greater degree, in the fiction media.
Just a bathing of the consciousness in this information.
And in the last segment I was talking about how I've gotten overwhelmed.
I mean, I really have gotten overwhelmed.
Because I could take one of the articles I have in front of me and spend an hour on it properly and show all the connections and what it really means and the spin and the societal propaganda and what the bigger agenda is.
There's no way to do that.
We just don't have time.
One cannot be told about the Matrix.
One simply has to see it for themselves, as they say.
But, I remember right after 9-11, even before 9-11, they were going to have Secure Corps, and AmeriCorps, and Citizen Corps, but be title tales to quote, fight crime and terror, and why the terrorists are going to hit us any minute.
Give your rights up when they hit us.
And then after 9-11, you know, I read the Associated Press where they have the Neighborhood Watch programs.
Look for pregnant women that really aren't pregnant.
Look for baby carriages.
Look for men dressed like priests.
Look for, look for drugs.
Look for guns when you're in people's houses.
Spy on your neighbors.
And then they came out with a tips program for 1 in 20 Americans to be a snitch of the government.
If they can't get in your house without a warrant, the police will just have everybody else spy on you.
I mean, total East Germany.
And then everybody got mad about it, so they said, oh, we're canceling it.
And then we've seen hundreds of different programs, all federally funded, popping up around the country.
And one of them, two weeks ago, was announced in Florida.
They're training firefighters that when they're in your house to spy on you and it says for terror and crime.
It's like that run on Senate.
It was first going to be for terror and then now it's, oh, and crime.
Homeland Security is putting up cameras.
You know, a billion two grant in New York to fight terror and crime.
A hundred million dollar grant in San Antonio to fight terror and crime.
A three hundred and fifteen million dollar grant in Chicago for cameras and sensors.
And infrared sensors to fight terror and crime.
And last Tuesday, when Bev Harris was here in town doing her black box voting, exposing that, at the same time they had a Homeland Security meeting with the Sheriff and others, and they brought the brochure in to me at the TV station and said, Alex, are you going to this after your show?
And I said, no, I just can't handle it anymore.
I don't want to go be around these people.
And they said, well, here's the brochure.
And I scanned it, and it said,
You know, what to look for that's suspicious.
Be there.
Well, we've now got the video of this that folks shot there, that the feds were putting on, and it was the exact words, wording of what was said and done in Florida.
It's a federal program.
And so this morning, I said, well, let me just type in... What exactly did I type?
I did several searches.
I typed in
Citizens Homeland Security Meeting, Austin, Texas.
I did several other searches.
Then, when I found what I found there, I started typing in random cities.
And I only had time to type in, I don't know, three or four cities, and it was the exact same thing.
Hundreds of meetings, thousands of links, we're talking early 2002, Citizen Corps, AmeriCorps, Secure Corps, Neighborhood Watch,
The meetings with the local business councils, the cable men, the exterminators, all there, how to fight terror and crime, terror and crime, in your house, spying on you for the government.
And so, I mean, I've said TIPS is here to stay, TIPS is there, they changed the name as you got wise to them, and I knew it was going on, but I didn't know that, I mean, I knew that
The Philadelphia News and other papers two years ago had the high school juniors and seniors, if they want to graduate, they go be part of Secure Corps, part of AmeriCorps and Citizen Corps, a division of those.
And it's sad.
We help run checkpoints, we do warrant service, we learn how to do fugitive apprehension and how to spy on our neighbors.
So, you know, I've seen bits and pieces of it.
But to then just be confronted with thousands of links, hundreds of meetings in every city, just giant squads of these people everywhere, just amazing, amazing to see that and to know that and to deal with that and to know that I could have gone to that meeting here in Austin, but I mean there will be dozens more I'm sure,
And then to learn that all over the country, you know, mom-and-pop privately owned radio stations with good listenerships are being bought up with Carlyle Group money, and to see access television stations being shut down all over the country, one of the few venues we had left.
You know, ten years ago I started out on access television.
And, you know, regardless of whether I'm on the radio in Austin or not, I can always go down once a week and do my live TV show.
And then about a month ago, I'm down there leaving the studio and there's a board meeting breaking up and board members go, Alex, have you heard about the changes that are coming?
And they were trying to sell me on how great they were going to be.
And they said, yeah,
Yeah, it's going to be entertainment up here on the Austin Music Network.
You know, this failed city endeavor is going to be coming in here and it's going to be great.
So instead of saying the government's taking over free speech in Austin, it's, hey, it's going to be entertainment, Alex, and you can be part of it!
And they don't tell any of the producers about it.
They're all real secret about it, the people that do shows up there.
And then I talk to some more employees and find out more.
They're going to have this little Citizens Forum Thursday night here in Austin, Texas.
It's 7 o'clock at 1143 Northwestern off East 11th at the Axis TV studios down there.
You know, it just says on the wall, oh, be here for the Producers Forum.
They don't tell you that, oh, by the way, when nobody shows up, we're going to say, well, nobody showed up because nobody was told what this was about, so we're just going to go ahead and make the changes.
And so then I won't be able to be on the air two years from now when they're putting in all the toll roads and scamming everybody and have got their citizen squads out running around full tilt boogie.
And it's happening nationwide.
Every form of free speech where you can really reach a lot of people is being clamped down on.
They're just shutting them down pell-mell every week I see them shutting these things down around the country.
And usually it's the same story.
Oh, there's a reorganization taking place.
We're getting rid of the charter of free speech.
It's going to be entertainment.
You'll still have your show, maybe.
And you know, I tell some of the people that do shows down there, and they kind of roll their eyes, and, well, what can we do?
You know, it's just... It's... To watch the vice closing... You know, to see this happening is so very painful.
And... It's just horrible.
And frankly, I can't do it all.
I can't go to every Homeland Security meeting.
I can't go down when they're trying to, you know, pass a bunch of gun control laws at the legislature and catch people paying people bribes in the hallways, which I've done.
I can't go set up all the rallies.
I just can't do it all.
You people, wherever you are around the country, are going to have to be the leaders and step up and get wise to this and be leaders.
I can't do it all.
And luckily, people did go to the meeting.
And luckily they did get all this on tape.
But just the full magnitude of it.
And to see this happening is just mind-blowing.
And I just hope that people will get, again, wise to what's happening.
Because, I mean, I'm really freaked out.
By how far along this whole thing already is.
I mean, I didn't know that they'd already had hundreds of meetings in Austin.
Getting thousands of people lined up as spies.
To fight terror and crime.
Or the suspicion of crime.
I mean, that's not America.
Now they're going to shut down our free speech.
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I want folks to understand, these giant tattletale squads,
We're being quietly set up in the mid-1990s.
The troops in the late 1980s all over the country were raiding gun owners' homes in the middle of the night with a BATF.
I have video of this, I have news articles, it's all in my films.
So all of this was being set up, this huge infrastructure, before 9-11.
And the government white papers said, we're going to have helpful Pearl Harbor events, huge terror attacks, they called them helpful,
To sell the people on the domestic police state, then we're going to have a national draft, enslave the people with that, and send them overseas to fight our battles, and then clamp down on dissent here domestically.
This is Rome, folks.
And, just to give you an idea of who we're dealing with, I read the London Telegraph yesterday, with the British and U.S.
government together,
Sending people into gas chambers.
They'd tell them, oh, it's just a test for the common cold.
Sign this form.
They'd kill them with nerve gas, and then take their body parts and test it.
We're talking about young troops, 20-year-old soldiers, men who loved their countries, who would die, who believed in the government.
They will kill you!
And we're talking mid-1980s having people stand out in fields and spraying you with sarin nerve gas.
Injecting you with autoimmune diseases to see what it do to you, and then tracking the progression of it.
Folks, I have stacks, and this all comes out in the mainstream news, but it's just like, oh, the government did it, and we're real sorry, and you sit there and you serve these people?
So I knew they were doing this, but I didn't know until this morning, when I started typing in the name of the city, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Citizen Homeland Security Meeting.
And there would be AmeriCorps, SecureCorps, CitizenCorps, Tattletail Squads, going out to the different, you know, having, inviting the President of the Plumbers Union for Central Texas and the President of, you know, the Appliance Repair Group in town.
Why they were there.
They were there with all their employees.
You're coming!
We're going to be patriotic!
And you sit down and
They tell them, all right, you're going to be spying on people when they're in your houses.
And we're not just looking for terrorists, we're looking for criminals, because crime undermines the state.
And AIDS, Al Qaeda, we're looking for pot dealers.
We're looking for husbands and wives fighting with each other, signs of abuse.
We're looking for everything.
We're looking for prescription drugs that aren't in marked prescription bottles.
Folks, I've got the manual right in front of me!
I mean, how many of us, how many of us have friends and family who are on medication and they put it in their own little containers?
I got friends that have gone to jail for that!
And go into trial and go, well, here's the pills I had, and here's the bottle they came from, and here's my doctor.
Well, you're still getting probation.
You're going, they wouldn't do that, folks.
The government, in official press releases last year, said, we're going to have $33 million by 2010.
That's the Justice Department.
We have 7 million people in the prison system or on parole right now.
33 million.
And you watch my film, The Road to Tyranny, CBS says we'll have 33 million by 2024.
That was from three years ago.
Now they upgrade it and say, no, it's going to be by the end of this decade.
And they're building giant prisons, biggest part of our economy everywhere.
And then we've got major police departments.
Every major police department we look at.
Type in the name of your city.
And type in police caught framing suspect, police crime lab, caught manufacturer.
90% of the time, these search engines are incredible.
Mainstream news will pop up for your town.
You'll see hundreds of cases for big cities of them framing people back into the 60s right through 2004.
Industrial frame-ups!
Where they pull you over, throw a bag of chalk in the back of your car, randomly.
The crime lab certifies it as cocaine.
They take your house, your car, your children.
I just talked to a lady, folks, and this is even in the news.
No criminal record.
Hadn't had a ticket in about ten years.
Driving with her five-year-old child.
Forgot to do a turn signal.
The cop arrested her.
And CPS took the child for the night.
She was arrested for... They arrest people for not having their seatbelt on now.
You know, in their own neighborhood.
Remember that case here in Austin?
And now, of course, CPS is visiting the family because once the child was in their custody, that child was interrogated that night looking for some dirt or something to show, hey, you don't do a turn signal or don't stop at a stop sign when your kids are going to take them now.
Folks, folks, I'm not joking.
The most petty misdemeanor will end your life.
It'll all be over.
But it's all selectively enforced.
If you're a cop's kid, things will quietly be dropped.
If you're a judge's wife, you can drunk drive all you want.
If you're a member of the legislature, you can run people over in the street.
Nothing's gonna happen to you.
You've got immunity!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I am not going to talk about the degenerate Michael Jackson.
I'm not going to talk about Senator Kerry's Botox.
I will spend a few minutes on Sandy the criminal burglar.
I mean Sandy Burger.
But really all of those are distractions and diversions from the bigger things that are happening.
Discussions of suspending the election.
Secret police and troops recruiting millions of citizens over the last two years, covertly.
Really, in plain view, though.
This is the reality of what we're dealing with, what we're facing.
In my film, The Road to Tyranny, I have FEMA in Kansas City in a classroom before police and firefighters, telling them that all Christians are terrorists, that we're enemies, their training manuals saying people that make frequent references to the Constitution.
Now it's far worse.
What type of guns are in people's houses?
Recruiting the exterminators and the phone men and everybody else.
Was a husband and wife arguing?
You know, just all of this, this total tattletale society.
What does it have to do with terrorism?
But on the Sandy Berger situation, and we got the guy admitting he stuck stuff in his socks and
Accidentally carried it out and did all of this, and if I had to estimate what is happening, he's probably... Now understand, he prepared these reports.
He brought these documents over.
These are his documents that he brought to the committee, to the National Archives.
Then why would he be sneaking them back out?
Probably to protect himself, you know, to give to certain key people in case something might happen to him.
They all do this in intelligence if they're smart.
Berger is a horrible CFR piece of trash.
Committed so many crimes, it's innumerable, just like his boss Bill Clinton.
And they did protect Al-Qaeda, and it's in my film that I made two and a half years ago on the subject.
They exposed George Bush and Bill Clinton as the puppets they are.
They did when Sudan and Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia wanted to arrest Bin Laden and hand him over.
They said, no, we don't want documents on him either.
And so this continued with George Bush.
And so it is election garbage.
It turns out that back in October,
October, folks!
How many months ago was that?
Nine months ago?
That they watched him take these documents out, that they gave him more copies, that they watched him stick them in his underwear.
Why'd they do that?
Why are they now bringing it out?
It is obvious.
But the point is, is that it doesn't even matter.
It's just a political diversion.
What about
Ashcroft calling up Sybil Edmonds, the FBI translator, and telling her, don't come out about how we ordered you to falsify prior knowledge documents, you know, to cover that up, to retranslate them, and we'll give you a better job, and if you don't, we'll arrest you.
I mean, that's on the record.
FBI agents being threatened with arrest if they try to stop Al-Qaeda.
The CIA bringing back in Al-Qaeda.
This is paying for their houses, their cars, their credit cards.
It's all on my website, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
So it's a big distraction.
So what?
Yeah, Sandy Berger's a crook.
Wow, boy, tell me something I didn't know.
Sandy Bergler.
We got Dennis Hastert, Mr. CFR, Speaker of the House, running around in his high horse, you know, calling this a third-rate burglary using Watergate terminology and nomenclature.
And oh, look, there was some cover-ups at 9-11.
Ooh, we caught them.
It was Bill Clinton's people.
Really, did Bill Clinton's people order NORAD to stand down?
Did Bill Clinton's people fly out Al Qaeda?
Did Bill Clinton's people amass 44,000 U.S.
and 18,000 British troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan the week before?
Did Bill Clinton's people fly out 8,000 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders out of the middle of Afghanistan in the middle of a war and a staged event?
Did Bill Clinton's people call and warn public officials not to fly to New York on September 11th?
On the night of September 10th?
Did Bill Clinton's people run a CIA drill of flying hijacked jets in the World Trade Center and Pentagon at 8.30 in the morning on 9.11 as the smoke screen, as the stand down order for NORAD?
They're all guilty, but they play this double game, and this false double agent game of there's left, right.
Oh look, the Democrats have prior knowledge.
Oh look, the Republicans have prior knowledge.
And both sides of the false debate can see the corruption of the other side, but can't see that it's part of a larger body.
It's amazing!
Let's take a few calls, then I'm going to air the trailer for the Manchurian Candidate, then I'm going to air this ABC News piece about the implantable chips in Mexico's judicial workers.
Anthony in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
The most mind-blowing part of your show in the eight or nine months that I've been listening to you happened yesterday when you were interviewing the Roth guy.
And that is, I've called before, you're probably sick of hearing it, but it's about peak oil,
Well, if you remember, the Ross guy said, well, you know, oil peaked in 2000, and you didn't say anything, but then you said, and this guy used to work for an oil company, but you've said over and over that it was a big sham.
So I was wondering, which way do you feel about that now?
Well, if you listen carefully, I came back with, the oil companies want us to believe there's no oil, and have put out these reports so they can charge more for it.
And a lot of oil company people, and a lot of companies, and the BBC report just about a month ago about record oil supplies that have been found in the ocean, floor, record oil supplies in Africa, record oil supplies in Alaska, record oil supplies in Russia.
I mean, come on!
Okay, I mean, I just didn't hear it when you were talking to him, okay?
It was kind of freaking me out because
If you did reverse that thing on peak oil, that would change everything about... No, I don't agree with everything Robert says.
I mean... Alright, I just want to clarify that.
Okay, thank you, Anthony.
Let's talk to Paul in Delaware.
Paul, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How you doing?
I wanted to tell you, you were talking about Tattletail squads all across the country.
And I wanted to bring up Project Impact and something called Mitigation Planning, which is what they have here in Delaware.
Now what they're doing is, I called up these people at the Delaware Emergency Management Operations and they said that it's all about hazardous spills and this and that.
But really all it's about is about, you know, cracking down on American citizens.
Well, exactly.
When you type in your city's name and Citizen Homeland Security Meeting, the first thing almost all the documents say is, Emergency Management Hazardous Spills Training.
And then deeper in it, there's a program, the real program, and it'll say of what to look for suspicious when you're in people's homes.
And I went down to the library to look at the mitigation planning and there's
And the main key sections are blacked out where the public can't see.
And then the Project Impact.
You've heard of that, right?
I'm shocked, man.
They have the Boy Scouts being part of this.
So if you've got your kids, and by the way, in order for your kid to be an Eagle Scout, he has to swear to be a citizen of the world.
So I just want to throw that in there.
But they have the Boy Scout involved in this Project Impact where they take over all the elected officials of the
local elected officials and um... you know put in these a lot of times foreigners by the way i just want to throw that in there
I know, it's like America with a K, and people just type in the names you just said.
The government websites will pop up.
It's unspeakable what's happening.
And again, we hear about it as a local program gets heat in Temple, Florida for Tattletail squads in your home.
But then you type in the same thing for your city and it pops up.
It's going on everywhere.
It's federal.
Yeah, and if they would just go ahead and pop in Executive Order number 12919,
That will bring up exactly what they're doing.
You know, you elect someone, not only are your votes... I just got done watching Vote Scam, The Stealing of America.
They have it on video and they also have a book.
I suggest all people out there, please read it so you can see how not even your paper ballots are counting.
So, all I have to say is, you know, wake up.
I hear you, my friend.
It is staggering what's happening.
Who's up next here?
Daryl in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
About a year ago I called in and I gave a very brief story and I'd like to repeat it because I'd like to draw a parallel of what's happening here in America today.
When I was a military intelligence officer in the Army back in the late 70s over in Berlin, Germany, we went to a little German resort called Königstein where they brought in Russian emigres who had fled the Soviet Union.
They were in different places in Europe like Sweden, Germany, etc.
And they came down to give us total immersion in Russian language courses.
And because I had had teacher take a liking to me, I got invited to a couple that were basically teacher's only soirees or late evening get-togethers.
And Alex, I had mentioned when I called him before, that the vodka flowed and you got around 1am, 2am, the tears would start to come down.
And just about every single Russian teacher there
I had a horror story of a loved one that had been taken to a camp somewhere in the gulag system that some of them found out they'd been tortured to death.
Others found out something worse, that they never knew what happened.
They could never trace them down.
They'd been moved from camp to camp and they didn't know how they died or if they were still alive.
And Alex, the reason I'm mentioning the story again is that there's a deep feeling in my gut that
Maybe 50 to 60 years from now, some of our sons and daughters, some of our grandchildren will be sitting around in their 50s and 60s and saying, oh, in late 2004 or early 2005, my mommy and daddy got hauled off by Homeland Security and taken to Alaska or Cuba or Haiti.
And we never heard what happened to them.
We've tried to trace them down.
And I smell that coming.
If you'll let me draw an analogy to Star Trek, the Homeland Security fatherland mothership is
Is moving at warp speed right at this very moment and we can't sit around and be idle.
Everyone, not just Alex Jones or me or anyone else, everybody who's listening needs to get into warp speed and get super involved and I've promoted your tapes before and I'd like to do it again and I still think your three best ones are 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror and Please State Three, Total Enslavement and I just, I plead with everyone out there
Get those videos and share them with your loved ones.
Get them into the hands of police and military.
Because we may not have a lot of time, Alex, as you've brought up on your show many times.
You've got retired generals like Tommy Franks, you've got General Ralph Eberhardt, and others are all talking about either suspending elections or having troops in the street, or the Constitution's gone down the tubes, the next major terrorist event.
And I think, would you agree with me, Alex, that we all need to get into warp speed right now?
Well, absolutely.
And all of this is meant to intimidate those of us that are waking up.
But if we let the bully intimidate us, they win.
The key is being bold.
There's more of us than there are of them.
And letting them know we're not going to go along with it, it may back them off.
I mean, look, look.
All of these secret tips programs and tattletale programs to fight terror and crime, and crime and crime,
They're doing it covertly.
Why are they doing it covertly?
Because they know it's bad.
They know it's not popular.
They know it's illegal what they're doing.
I mean, again, a cop's got to have a warrant to come in your house, but they're going to get the exterminator, the plumber, the cable guy to spy on you in your house?
And I like the example that you've brought up many times on your show is that we'll be just like the Stasi in East Germany.
The Germans, for some reason, did a better job than both the Russians
Well, I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad you're here.
Uh, these large groups of, uh, swarms of, in gray uniforms or tan or whatever they'll issue them to go around their neighborhood, watch and, uh, uh, knock on your door, uh, do you have any, uh, illegal guns, et cetera, et cetera.
Well, they've already started for five years, knockin', talkin'.
They got it in Dallas, in nice neighborhoods.
Oh, your husband's not here?
Why don't we come in and look at your guns?
Just door-to-door, randomly!
Again, I just urge everyone, get your videos and start screaming loudly.
I know some people say, don't call your congressman.
Doesn't do any good, but... We'd better use every avenue that we can, peaceful avenue, right now, because sooner or later, we're not going to be given that option anymore.
Well, are you going to go quietly to the FEMA camp?
Uh, Alex, I pack all the time, and, uh, like you said, I've had close-ups.
With the people that have been under those type of systems.
And the last thing I want for me or any of my loved ones is to end up in a camp where you're totally at the mercy of the cruelest scum that they can put in over you as guards.
And Abu Ghraib is not an aberration.
Abu Ghraib is the norm for today for people that are in camps.
And you want your female loved ones, your young sons,
To face the likes of the people that ran the Nazi camps, the Soviet gulag camps?
I don't think so, Alex.
I hope that God will allow me to go down fighting, and that's one of my prayers.
It may sound cruel to some folks, but the Bible has tons of examples of courageous men like Abraham that went out and delivered his nephew Lot from Gideon with his 300 men.
There's just example after example of courageous men that stood and fought
And God gave him victory, but whether he gives us individual victories or not, the last thing any of us should want to do is to go along peacefully to some camp or allow our loved ones to go.
What did Alexander Schultz need to say?
How we burned in the camp just thinking, oh if only we had gotten together in the hallways with pokers or axe handles or anything and just started to slay some of the Stalin's security guys that were coming around
How quickly he would have run out of people that had the guts to come and search people out, but instead, as Solzhenitsyn also said, when they came to the different apartments and lairs and knocked on the doors, would hide in our room, and when they took the other person away, would say, oh, he must have done something to offend the state if they took him.
Now, we better all hang together, or we will hang separately, as
As Ben Franklin said.
And Alex, I can't thank you and Violet and the others, Paul Watson, enough for all you've done to post great materials on your websites.
And I beg everyone, go up to InfoWars.com and take a look around, take a look at the materials that are offered.
Because the best way to support any ministry or organization or group that's standing for what's right is to buy the great informational tools they have and then share them with your loved ones.
Well, I appreciate that, my friend.
And, you know, we're at the crossroads right now.
I mean, they're really doing it.
You know, this isn't, oh, we're paranoid.
I mean, folks, it's really happening.
You know, in your guts it's happening.
Look at the evidence that you'll know in a cerebral fashion what's happening.
And, you know, it's just really happening.
And I can't believe it happened this fast.
And after the next terror attack they're going to engineer, we're going to see even more.
And thanks for the call, Darrell.
Since you mentioned my videos, if you want to get any of them and make copies of my films, I carry a bunch of other videos, too, that other people have made.
You can call toll-free to get them at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order via our safe, secure shopping cart.
I've made ten films, and they're $25.95 apiece, $20 if you get three or more of any of the titles.
And I've written a book, and I've published another book, and I carry a bunch of other books and videos as well.
Different prices you can call and ask questions about the discounts and the specials by calling 1-888-253-3139.
Or you can write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And it's up to you, folks.
I mean, there's more of us than there are of them, and a lot of police and military have questions about what's happening.
We've got to give them more information.
We've got to say no.
And not be like the Russians, not be like the Germans, not be like the Communist Chinese.
We're Americans.
We're different.
There may be a lot of dumbed-down, decadent people that don't care, but they don't count.
It's those of us that will stand in the gap, because when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against them.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones, inside the New World Order.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up the next hour, we've got a guest.
30 minutes until the next hour, but we'll get to Barry, Benji, Jerry, and Kirk, Roberta, and many others.
I want to air this Manchurian Candidate trailer, because the science they talk about, what's in the film, I mean, is really what is already existing.
And it's totally in your face.
Then in the next hour, we'll re-air this, but then play the ABC News piece about the implantable microchips in Mexico's government officials.
Go ahead and play this clip.
I know how much Americans have to fear today.
I believe that freedom from fear is not negotiable.
We must secure tomorrow today.
For 12 years, I've had one dream, not variations on a dream, the same dream.
In all those years, I've been denying what every nerve ending in my body is telling me is more real than not.
It is appalling, the way they let these troubled individuals walk around with the rest of us.
I'm not crazy!
I know him, Father.
I served under him.
He's, uh, not a well man.
This is rich people, Manchurian Global, funding bad science to put a sleeper in the White House.
We can give them peace, give them a war hero forged by enemy fire in the desert, in the dark!
Raymond Shaw is probably the kindest, bravest human being I've ever known.
If this is about my son, you swore to me that this was fail-safe.
When I think of you, I fear for this country.
I got the proof.
We can nail them.
We can take them out.
I will do anything that's necessary to protect America from all of its enemies.
Sergeant Raymond Shaw.
Raymond Apprentice Shaw.
I got to know where it's going to happen, when it's going to happen.
I want to believe you.
Then do it.
Believe me.
Help me.
Alright folks, and again, audio isn't as good as video.
You can watch the clip, the trailer, at InfoWars.com right now.
But I spent about 30 minutes on the website last night, and it has a high level of knowledge about mind control and current programs that are going on.
There's actually another trailer, too, where he talks about the implants that are in him.
And, you know, it's just horrible.
Which is exactly what they did to McVeigh.
I mean, did you know McVeigh had the admitted top mind control expert as his doctor when he was in federal prison?
I mean, they don't even hide this stuff.
Jollien West, he just died last year.
Jolion West, who came out in the MKUltra hearings back in the seventies, is involved in all this.
He was McVeigh's private doctor right up until the time he was executed.
Dr. Ewing Cameron, the founder of the American Psychological Association, found guilty in civil court with the CIA abducting hundreds, if not thousands of people, confirmed hundreds, and taking him to facilities, drugging him, putting audio recordings into their minds, electroshock, creating Manchurian candidates.
Eric Harris and uh... Kleibel.
Both their parents working in secret government programs.
The FBI founding, FBI agent's son founding the Trenchcoat Mafia at Columbine.
I could go into that for hours, all the evidence, all the facts, but people can't handle it.
It's 2004, boys and girls.
Now, from fiction in The Manchurian Candidate to ABC News
With the chips and how good they are for you.
We'll play that when we get back and take your calls and cover a ton of news.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we are now into our number two.
On this Wednesday, the 21st day of July 2004,
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Your calls are coming up.
I'll get into Sandy Berger.
We will also get into the TIPS program, which never got canceled, which you now hear is just in Florida.
We found out the identical program is in Austin, Texas.
They had a meeting last week.
We have some video of that, where they said, look for people who have guns in their house.
Look for people, our husband and wives, fighting.
That's called the police, under Homeland Security.
It listed everything.
All misdemeanors.
If you think someone's committing a misdemeanor.
So I want to go through that.
We've got Bob Dacey joining us, expert on the New World Order, coming up in about 30 minutes.
And before we do that, I do want to air this trailer for the Manchurian Candidate.
We actually aired one of the shorter trailers.
We're going to get the longer trailer.
And then I want to play the ABC News piece from last week where they showed the Mexican judicial workers getting their microchips.
That video is now posted at PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com as well as InfoWars.com.
But we'll play that audio here and go over it.
But, you know, even I didn't realize how far along the Tattletail programs were.
And again, it's not just terror now, it's terror and crime.
Homeland Security is doing a million-two grant in New York to fight terror and crime for cameras alone, you know, over a billion dollars.
Hundreds of millions for this city, tens of millions for this small town.
And it's all for cameras and tattletale squads, and you just type in the name of your city, Citizens Homeland Security Meeting, and you'll see AmeriCorps, SecureCorps, CitizensCorps, as a caller said, the Boy Scouts involved, high schoolers involved, tattletale squads, spying on neighbors, fighting guns and drugs for the homeland, in your house, spying on you, no more warrants, looking through your windows, folks, it actually calls for all of this.
And it is just mind-blowing.
It doesn't intimidate me.
It makes me very, very angry.
And we've got to speak up and expose this.
We've got to develop our own
Talk shows, you've got to get your own radio shows in your area, even if it's an hour on the weekend, you've got to get your own access TV shows while they're still around because they're shutting them down.
You've got to get your own websites.
You've got to be leaders and expose this and get involved.
This is classical tyranny with a high-tech overlay being put into place right now.
And I've never felt this much
Frantic need this much earnest to warn you that it is coming down.
Whether it's before the election or a year after the election, whether it's John Kerry or George W. It just doesn't matter.
It's the new world order.
They control it all.
But they don't control your county or city.
They do not control you.
They run their system through ignorance.
The average person has no idea how their government works, how their federal, state, or local government works.
They just accept that government operates in secret.
They just accept that more taxes are needed.
They just accept that they need to give up their rights for security.
It's a fraud.
We're getting tyranny.
I beg you to think for yourselves.
I beg you to get involved.
I beg you to look around you at how bizarre things have gotten.
And to stand up and to speak out and to get involved against this new world order.
Now is the time to stop being ignorant.
To stop being in denial.
You know, the dictator counts on you being afraid.
Subconsciously and going along with it.
And if we do that, they win.
But if we reach out to the police and the military and educate them, they won't go along with it.
It's like two years ago, they tried to force every cop and fireman to take the smallpox shot.
Ninety-nine percent, literally, L.A.
Times reported, refused it.
So they couldn't go ahead with launching a bio-attack because their own enforcers wouldn't take the vaccine and then force us to take it.
And then during that
Crisis, they would have their martial law and their smoke screen to get total control.
We've got to fight this process of enslavement.
We've got a chance to defeat it.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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So, quietly for the last two years, all over the country,
At Homeland Security meetings, they've been training neighbors how to spy on neighbors.
They've been having all of the different plumbing and repair groups in to train them how to spy on you, how to get paid bonuses.
And again, it's all for crime, because they're never going to find any real terrorists that aren't government-controlled, so it's all crime-ish terror, as Section 802 of the Patriot Act says.
We got Bob Dacey coming up in about 25 minutes.
We got a bunch of your calls we'll get to here in just a few minutes.
I'm about to play this ABC News piece about how great the implantable chips are to keep you all safe.
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Do you have firearms to protect yourself?
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This is the ABC News piece from last week that everybody talked about.
It's posted on the websites now.
And, in this piece, they just, they don't even have somebody, usually they have somebody for five seconds of a three minute news piece saying they're against it.
Now it's just all good and you need it.
And the official government plans are to make the police take this.
It's now been in the news, now been in major newspapers.
I was a kook five years ago, but now it's mainstream news.
And they're going to make the enforcers take it first, the military take it first, FBI agents and judicial workers take it first, for their safety of course, when in truth, we have a detailed analysis written by a Harvard doctorate on this, of how this actually gives you less security.
But they don't care.
Let's go ahead and hit that for folks.
Finally for us this evening, technology on the cutting edge.
We were interested today to hear that more than a hundred law enforcement officials in Mexico are having microchips implanted in their arms.
The chips allow a person to be scanned, sort of like a cereal box at the supermarket checkout.
In Mexico, this will be one more tool in the fight against crime.
Here's ABC's John McKenzie.
You've seen it before, right out of Hollywood.
It's maybe a little uncomfortable.
A microchip inside the body.
A hidden, high-tech identification tag.
Now, Mexico's Attorney General and 160 of his deputies have had microchips implanted in their arms to control access to the country's new Criminal Investigation Center.
It is to provide access, said the Attorney General, to the right people in exclusive areas where there is valuable, sensitive information.
The microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is injected under the skin and gives off a low-frequency radio wave.
A scanner reads each chip's identification number to verify an official's security clearance.
The microchip is tamper-proof.
It's secure.
No one can take your microchip and use it to their advantage to gain access to your facility.
The chip, developed by Applied Digital Solutions, is similar to those used in the U.S.
to identify and return runaway dogs.
In humans, it can have several uses.
Little stick.
The chips can also be programmed to carry medical information.
The one in this patient details his blood type, allergies, and the fact he has Alzheimer's disease.
The device is now awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
Some researchers are developing microchips for use in the home, so that wearing one can turn on lights and open doors.
The next step, say researchers, is developing an implantable chip with a global positioning system to track people miles away, whether kidnapped or lost, just as cars can now be traced.
A kind of lojack for the body.
John McKenzie, ABC News, New York.
That is our report on World News Tonight.
I'm Peter Jennings.
We hope you have a good evening.
Good night.
Isn't that cute?
You can take the chip, and then easily create another RFID with the code sequence, very easily, and then that gets you through.
Why wouldn't they just have biometrics, thumb scanners at the doors, that they've had for 25 years, and secure U.S.
military facilities?
It's a gimmick by the Mexican government, and now they say they want to make the police take it, and then the population take it.
And of course it's going to be dictatorships and corrupt plutocracies, kleptocracies, like Mexico and China.
China's moving ahead to do this.
The plant that makes these chips is partly owned and run by IBM and the Communist Chinese military in Beijing.
That's been out for two years.
And again, my Special Forces cousin, in for 18 years, has been told they're getting the chip.
It's happening.
And it's nothing but a... and we said they'd pitch it to you as, oh, your pets have had it for a long time, and see, they're doing that.
They're going to pitch it as a fad to the young people.
Now, here's another trailer from the Manchurian Candidate, which is all documented technology they have.
Again, throwing it in your face, go ahead and play that, this upcoming movie.
Something happened out there in the desert that night, during that mission, and it's not what we thought it was.
And it happened on my watch.
We've been on this road with you before, yes?
No, sir.
Not this road.
Sergeant Shaw!
Sergeant Shaw!
You ever dream about Kuwait?
Captain Marko!
How much do you actually know about your friend?
I served under him.
He was a good man.
That's what the neighbors always say about serial killers.
Somebody put an implant inside me.
I got a good feeling he put one in you too.
You need to get help back.
You're not crazy, Shaw.
Raymond, this is J.B.
Johnson of Manchurian Global.
We're strong supporters.
Let's fix the switch.
We can adjust character.
Change personality.
Police are not supposed to exist.
Raymond Prince is Shaw.
This is a coup.
This is rich people funding bad science to put a sweeper in the White House.
Among the shareholders in Manchurian Global, you would find former presidents, supposed kings.
Yeah, I get it.
They're big.
They're huge.
And you bring me rumors and conjectures.
I started with nightmares, rumors, conjectures.
That's a giant leap forward.
Somebody got into our heads.
Neurons got, got, got exposed and circuits got rewired.
I think he should leave.
What do you mean, do we?
I gotta find out what's gonna happen, where it's gonna happen.
He is delusional.
Hey, watch where you're going!
You swore to me that this was fail-safe.
No leaks, no glitches.
I will do whatever is necessary to protect my son!
We're gonna stop this and take them out.
You don't think they factored you in?
Hello, Captain.
Do you remember me?
Man, I want to believe you.
Believe me.
Tell me.
Or shoot me.
And it shows the bays of troops.
How they do this, going back to Vietnam, is they'll insert a group of special forces soldiers, and I've actually interviewed people, and folks, I've seen documents, okay?
They would put them out in Vietnam into a wooded area, they would fly over and hit them with knockout gas, they'd then land, load them on the aircraft, and take them in, and then over, sometimes with men it tends to take a year to two years, women you can break in six months,
And women tend to stay sane and can operate and function under this.
The problem is with men in mind control is, in about 60-70% of the cases with the newer technologies, they say they're getting higher success rates.
A lot of them go insane, commit suicide, think they're schizophrenic.
But they take them, then they give them shock therapy right off the helicopters, keep them in a drug state.
Then, for months, they put audio recordings in, you know, headsets with audio recordings of how they want to program them, with shock therapy, with peyote, with PCP, with LSD.
This is back in the 60s.
And then they continue to program with trigger words, and then they drug them in a kind of mesmerized, half-conscious state.
For months, they watched in a large, you know, movie-theater-style system, they watched the screen and were programmed.
With the images and the trigger words.
And when I watch the trailer for this film, they show all of that.
They show it all.
This is what was done with McVeigh and with some of the mass shooters that have gone into schools and other places.
I mean, we have the evidence.
We have the facts.
We have the known mind control doctors visiting him in the hospital, keeping him under control.
Just incredible books.
We have Senate hearings, boys and girls.
This is not debatable.
You're going, oh, the government wouldn't do something like that.
Folks, I've read mainstream news articles where in the mid-eighties they'd have troops stand out in the field and just fly over and kill them.
People who serve this government, that serve this system.
If they'll kill you, they'll do this to you.
Old-fashioned torture could get mind control.
The Japanese with the ninja had mind control.
With years of drugs and training and
They could have somebody go commit one assassination and then commit suicide.
And that was just old-fashioned mind control.
So the new stuff is incredible.
We'll come back.
Take your calls.
Got a guest coming up as well.
Stay with us.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
We'll be back.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
I'm working on getting the lady who shot the video of the Homeland Security meeting last week in Austin where they were recruiting everybody to be spies and again it's all word-for-word the Florida program and then you type in the keywords it pops up in every major city and most small towns for two years going on the TIPS program covertly.
By the way you're wondering why when they do a mind control operation on troops to then later use knockout gas on them and then take them and then brainwash them
Because then, with the original memory, they've got to be told they were in some type of combat.
And that's why they wake up in hospital beds a year later.
That's why they would insert them into an area before they did this.
And you heard that Manchurian Candidate trailer.
Well, there's royalty and presidents on the board of directors of this company.
It's supposed to be like Carlisle Group.
And they're doing all this.
Yes, so much of the stuff.
You know, the New York Times.
Oh, the Bilderberg Group basically chooses our Vice Presidents.
Oh, la la la.
Just all in your face now, folks.
Barry, Barry, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Missouri.
Yeah, hey Alex, great job you do.
Your tapes, your videos, your CDs, your books, all that is a fantastic tool.
I highly recommend them.
I can't go wrong.
Listen, I also put out flyers and I tell people when I'm on the phone talking to customer service or telemarketers, I say, hey, by the way, write down this website, InfoWars.com, and when I'm at the library and I'm looking you up on the library, when I walk away, I make sure that InfoWars is on that screen before I leave.
I'm doing what I can, anyway.
What would happen if millions of people did that?
Well, it's happened!
That's why we have tens of millions of visitors, and it's exciting, and we're only one group of people fighting the New World Order.
There's many others.
A couple of news items I saw, just heard last night on the top of the hour news or whatever, they're talking about the biometrics in the Irish scan, big time on the airline.
Just like you said, okay?
But I wanted to know if you happened to catch that
That story this morning on ABC with Charlie Gibson.
They had the SWAT team and they had this suspect who I guess had a standoff for 13, 15 hours or so.
He had a woman and they bulldozed or knocked a wall over and he started to crawl out and she was about a couple of inches away from him, maybe a half an arm's length away from him, and they took him out.
And they showed that about five times, you know, completely guilty before proven innocent.
What happened to giving people a trial?
I mean, just take them out and they just applaud it.
Well, look, if somebody's threatening and has got a weapon to kill somebody, I think that's when the police should take you out.
But, you notice, I heard about it, I didn't see it, they show that, but then they don't want you to see the beheading video.
So there's always a double thing going on.
What did the video look like?
It was just a small clip.
Man, they show the early part where they had the bulldozer show them knocking over the wall and how they spent 15 hours or so and it got to a point where they just had to act.
And then they showed, this screen was, you know, they had the man, he was on his knees, she was on her side, and he was kind of like crawling out of the hole that they busted open.
And then it just showed up for like about three or four seconds and then BAM!
Took him out and he just fell over.
You know, and they show it about five times.
I just think they're kind of desensitizing the public that, that, that, hey, you know, uh, you know, no, no jury, no trial, nothing.
We're just, you know, we're not going to bother with you in the court system.
You know, you're dead.
You know, it's just, it was chilling.
So he didn't even have weapons or anything?
Well, he had a weapon.
I didn't catch the whole scoop.
You know what I mean?
I just turned it on.
Well, I gotta be honest with you.
I mean, if somebody's got a weapon and they're there holding somebody captive,
I mean, what's bad is every week I see where they bust in the wrong house and shoot some old lady and the cops don't get in trouble.
You know, the person's in bed and they shoot them five times in the chest.
That's the big problem.
But I agree, why are they showing that on television, but not showing the obviously fake beheading video?
Yeah, absolutely.
Hey, listen, I also wanted to tell you, I've heard people call in and talk about these FM, low power FM stations, and go ahead and do a search on Google on that, and I'm trying to get started up with that, and get that going out here in my neighborhood.
I taped your program,
I got you wired in throughout my house on shortwave, and I mean, I'm just always glued whenever you're on, Alex.
It's just a real encouragement.
And another thing I just want to tell you, Alex, with all this stuff that you report to us and you get on your ramps or whatever, it's very encouraging.
But you know what, Alex?
It's very calming, very peaceful to hear you laugh.
I love to hear you laugh, Alex.
It's very warming to me, and I appreciate that.
Alright, well thanks for the call.
I appreciate your call.
We've got a bunch of other callers we'll get to you, and we've got some guests coming up as well, and a ton of other news items, so stay with us as we delve into the New World Order exposing its wickedness.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, we're back live, my friends.
Thank you for joining us on this Wednesday edition of the World Wide Broadcast.
We're going to go to Jerry and Kirk and Roberta and Vince and others here in a few minutes.
I wanted to get my friend Bob Dacey, who's a federal firearms dealer,
Firearms instructor, expert on the New World Order and the UN, and a lot of other issues on with us.
And to also talk about the Homeland Security Program here in Austin that we'll be doing more on.
A video was shot of this meeting last week where they just went over the fact that
You know, old crime of terrorism and, you know, everybody's going to be recruited to be tattletales in your home.
And the reason this is so important is, this is a federal program.
This is going on all over the country.
But you always hear that it's, quote, a local program.
And it is the end of America, folks.
And that does nothing to protect us.
And there's just so much other stuff that's happening.
Bob, good to have you on with us.
Hey, good to be here, Alex.
Thank you for having me on.
It's been a while.
You know, Bob, I just...
Things are moving so fast.
I mean, when ABC Nightly News comes out and goes, oh look, the Mexican government's getting microchips.
You know, you should too.
We've got a major problem.
Yeah, we do, and you were the guy that was telling us about it years and years ago, and everybody said you were nuts.
Well, I was just going off the government's own documents.
Yeah, but they still said you were nuts.
When I met you, I thought you were nuts.
Remember that?
You know, that was a long time ago.
It was 1998 when I woke up.
That's right.
You were listening to the local radio show and didn't believe it, did you Bob?
No, it was not that.
It was your access show actually.
I didn't know who the heck you were.
I had no idea.
I was sitting at home and up pops this nut.
He's talking about the UN and taking over the national park system.
I just sat there and listened to you because I thought you had an entertaining delivery style.
You were spouting all this nonsense about the UN and taking over the national parks.
I'm saying this guy's funny.
And so then you change the subject and you started talking about the Second Amendment.
And when you started talking about that, everything you said was 100% dead on accurate.
You know, I'm a firearms dealer, I'm into the Second Amendment big time, and everything you said was completely accurate.
So this put me into a conundrum there.
I researched what you said about the UN and the National Parks, found out about the Biodiversity Treaty and the Man and Biosphere Program and all that nonsense, and all of a sudden,
That nut wasn't so nuts anymore.
Everything you said was right.
And that's basically how I got into all this, Alex.
Well, unfortunately, there's a move now to kind of take over Axis Television.
It sounds like no big deal, folks, but I've won Best of Austin for the TV show twice, Best Radio Show.
It's shown up very high level in the ratings.
And now there's over, what, about a dozen different Patriot shows on there.
And they can't stand it, and all over the country they're shutting it down, Bob.
Our show, The Simple Truth, we're in our fifth season now, Alex.
We've been on for five years now, and I've got to say, if I will pat us on the back, we've broken some pretty interesting stories.
I mean, some real stuff, you know?
Matter of fact, your Bohemian Grove footage, you gave us the honor of being the first TV show to ever air any of it, you know?
I remember I got back and my show was a few days later, so we played it on your show.
Yeah, you said, I want to get this out now, quickly.
You know, before it was too late.
So, you know, that was quite a coup for us, and of course you allowed us to do that, and I appreciate that.
We've done some stuff locally, big news, national news.
That thing we did a few months ago about Michael McCaul and running for Congress in the 10th Congressional District.
A lot of the people that own the voting machine company are giving money to Michael McCaul for Congress in the same district, the conflict of interest there.
You enabled us to break that story nationwide.
And he was married, is married, to the owner of Clear Channel's daughter, and Clear Channel owns the Heart InterCivic's company that 80% of his ballots were cast on in the three counties.
Well, the Heart InterCivic company, three of the five major investors in various forms own Heart InterCivic.
That's the way that laid out.
It just seemed like a conflict of interest to have
You know, you promoting a candidate and owning the voting machine at the same time.
Of course, you know, nobody wanted to pay any attention to that.
But hey, it's a fact.
And we broke that story.
And thanks to you, it went all over the world.
Along with his connections with Bill Clinton and covering up China Gate because he didn't prosecute Johnny Chung correctly.
He let the guy go and then let everybody else go.
Janet Reno's personal lawyer and the Republicans targeting the real conservative candidates.
The seat was unopposed by Democrats, a new seat, and we knew he was going to win.
The polls were showing he was going to lose, but when you own the voting machines, when your daddy-in-law does...
He's also your biggest campaign contributor.
You know who's going to win.
It didn't hurt either that all those so-called Republicans at the top in the state of Texas, the Senators, the ex-Senator, the Governor, all of them knowing all this about Michael McCaul, all of them knowing that he worked for Janet Reno for six years, all of them knowing that he covered up Chinagate, all of them knowing that he's still sitting on evidence.
That could put Bill Clinton in jail for a million years.
All of them knowing that, they all came out and said, vote for Michael McCaul for Congress in a Republican primary.
And I'm sure that that did sway a lot of those sleeping Republican voters.
Machine or no machine.
Now, we're going to go to calls here in a few minutes, but let's talk about the TIPS program.
Supposedly got canceled, now it's popping up in all these states.
Identical program pops up here in Austin.
All of this happening, the cable guy, the exterminator, the firefighters, whoever comes to your house, spying on you, and then I typed in Austin Homeland Security Citizen Meeting into the search engine, and there have been hundreds of these in Austin, and they've already created a giant cadre of tattletales, and I started typing in the names of other cities, and hundreds of links were popping up.
I mean, this was going on full tilt, boogie, and nobody was even aware of it.
Well, the people listening to you were aware of it.
I remember way back on, I don't know which one of your many videos it was, but you had that Anderson High School, or was it a junior high school, Austin AISD cop passing out tattletale cards to everybody on one of your videos.
You know, that was years ago.
You know, tell all your friends and all that, and maybe you could be able to get up to 200 bucks if you squeal on somebody, and all the little kids sitting there grinning, oh boy, 200 bucks if I squeal on somebody?
And then when we complain about it, they go, uh, it's... We're sending the kids out in the community to tattle, outside the school, folks, with little tattletale secret badge numbers, all this stuff on the back of the card, to fight terror!
It's about terror, Bob!
Oh yeah, sure, it's about terror.
You know, I've been identified now
Because of what I do as a domestic terrorist.
Because I like to quote the Constitution a lot and I like to bash the U.N.
a lot.
I mean, you know, now I'm on, you know, I'm profiled that way because of that FBI pamphlet they put out a few years ago telling the cops to look out for people who quote the Constitution and bash the U.N.
and that's what I do all the time.
So, boy, am I in big trouble now or what?
You know?
Hey, what do you think of the Sandy Berger thing?
I mean, it's clear that Bush, Clinton, they all had prior knowledge, were involved in 9-11.
But, oh, Berger's stealing documents when they're documents he brought to Congress.
Oh, come on!
I mean, Berger's stealing... Okay, Berger's in the CFR, okay?
He's a Council on Foreign Relations member.
Nothing's gonna happen to him.
However, if it's a big show... I mean, Bill Clinton sat there and gave the Communist Chinese nuclear missile launching and targeting technology, right?
In exchange for campaign contributions.
I mean, talk about a national security breach, and where is he right now?
Running around all over the world giving speeches at $100,000 a pop?
He's the guy that needs to be arrested.
Of course, if Michael McCaul would kind of cough up the information that Johnny Chung gave him, maybe they could arrest him, but I guess that's not going to happen.
Hey Alex, you know one thing I found out about when I was fighting that fight with McCall's people and all that, and his father-in-law, Lowry Mays, I didn't realize it at the time, but do you know that Lowry Mays is on the deck of cards, the New World Order playing cards that Propaganda Matrix puts out?
Yeah, yes.
Man, I thought, oh my goodness, we're fighting one of the deck of cards!
No wonder we lost!
I didn't know that until I was all over it.
It's kind of funny.
Well, it's a stacked deck, as they say.
Yeah, he's the Seven of Diamonds, I believe.
Yeah, that's what he is.
Lowry Mays.
That was amusing to me.
I know, my friend.
It's just...
Well, now they're talking about suspending the election as if it matters.
We've got two skull-and-bones cousins, so that's a rigged horse race.
So why would they want to be discussing suspending the election?
Yeah, that's a really good question because, you know, if Al-Qaeda is what they say it is, then if Al-Qaeda hates George Bush so much, why would Al-Qaeda want to keep him in office longer by disrupting the election?
That doesn't make any sense, does it?
Oh, boy.
It doesn't.
I've got a local thing I'd like to tell you about, Alex, in regard to something you said a while ago on the show.
You're talking about how they don't own the counties and they don't own the cities and whatnot, in terms of the New World Order crowd?
Well, they do to a certain extent, but we can still fight here.
Well, let me tell you a story.
I mean, you're right about that, but let me tell you a story.
Something happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I was a guest on one of the other local cable access shows, the Trailer Park Show.
And they had the Travis County Sheriff candidate Greg Hamilton on there, live.
And the host of the show, Jimmy Ritter, asked me to come in and ask him a question.
And, you know, this guy's running for Travis County Sheriff, all right?
I asked him, live on TV, I said, hey, if you become Sheriff, are you going to swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution?
And he said, yeah.
I said, is the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution?
He said, oh, most definitely.
I said, is the Fourth Amendment part of the Bill of Rights?
You know, the part about unreasonable search and seizure and having to get a warrant?
He said, oh yeah, that's no problem.
Then I asked him if he knew about Section 213 of the Patriot Act.
And he looked at me like, what are you talking about?
And I explained that it says you don't need a warrant anymore.
And so I told him that, you know, the FBI has identified people like me as a potential domestic terrorist because I quote the Constitution a lot and because I bash the U.N.
a lot.
And I said, ask him the question, the bottom line question.
If the FBI comes into Travis County, and you're Travis County Sheriff, and they ask for your help to search my house without a warrant, are you going to help them?
You know what he said?
He said, yeah!
I mean, in one sentence he says he's going to swear to protect the Constitution and the Fourth Amendment, next sentence he says he'll search my house without a warrant.
Well, he doesn't have to do that.
When the cable guy or the Exterminator is in your house, they're going to be looking for signs.
And the signs are not a lot of furniture, a lot of men in a house.
It's just gun cases, guns.
You smell marijuana.
I don't know if you're old enough to remember the old show, the TV show Bewitched.
I don't think so.
And that's what they're trying out there.
They're trying to get a job for every Gladys Kravitz in the United States.
Go peeking in with nothing better to do.
So if you're like Gladys Kravitz, the nosy neighbor, boy, you're going to be in hog heaven.
Oh man, I've got a Gladys Kravitz living next door to me.
You ought to see it.
Half the time in the backyard there's an eye peeking through the slit.
I'm like, you know, what's going on over here?
I'm feeding my chihuahuas.
Well, you're Alex Jones, so they've got to keep an eye on you, boy.
Oh man, I tell you, this country.
But the border's going to be wide open, isn't it?
Oh yeah, the border's going to be wide open, and it's going to be even more wide open if they do this free trade area of the Americas thing that they're trying to get rammed through by 2005.
That's a gigantic Trojan horse there.
I mean, I know you're aware of it, but they're trying to turn, and Bush is backing it, big time!
I mean, all our so-called conservative Democrats and Republicans are backing it.
And what are they trying to do?
They're trying to turn the Western Hemisphere into a European Union.
A 34-nation European Union.
And that's what they're trying to do.
They say they're trying to do it.
They admit they're trying to do it.
And they're trying to kind of sneak it through because the press certainly isn't talking about it.
They control the press, though the average Joe out there is not going to hear about it.
Yeah, think about that.
We're about to be publicly, completely merged with the Caribbean and Latin America and Canada with military deals, everything, but the average person has no idea.
You tell them this, it's like you're a space alien.
Well, I'll tell you what, if any of your listeners are interested and if they can go to www.stoptheftaa.org
That's www.stoptheftaa.org and learn all about it because I'm going to tell you something.
They're trying to dis... You know, there won't be any border problem, Alex.
There's not going to be any border problem because there won't be any border!
I saw the former head UN General McKenzie on seven days after 9-11 on Nightline, and he said, the answer is not internal borders, but a continental security perimeter that will be administered by the United Nations as part of the free trade area of the Americas.
Yeah, you know, I thought the same thing.
They had a panel discussion with Head Koppel, and they were all agreeing that they were going to stop all the terrorists at the Mexican border and at the Canadian border.
Right there, that'll be real effective.
You know how honest the Mexican government is, and once they get into Mexico, once they get into Canada, then they can just free flow so we don't mess up our free trade.
And understand, that means the Mexican border at Guatemala and the Canadian borders with the ocean, not the internal borders.
It was absolute insanity, and they're all sitting there smiling and nodding at each other.
Talking about how to have domestic security but not mess up our free trade area.
Well, it's like saying your leg's cut off.
Instead of putting a tourniquet on it, we will slow the flow of blood from the other leg by chopping the other one off.
And when blood sprays out of that one, that'll lower blood pressure and less blood will flow out of the other leg.
Now, that's kind of a gross analogy, Alex.
How about a more mild analogy?
That's like if your utility bill is too high, you seal up all your doors and windows and you leave your garage door wide open all day long.
You know?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
If you don't seal off the border, you're not going to stop the terrorists.
Well, again, Bob, who are the terrorists?
Well, who are the terrorists?
You know, I do know that they do have Islamic types that dupes are working for them.
I know that.
You know, that's a fact.
But you want to see who the terrorists are, look up in Washington, D.C.
Go over to New York and find the Council on Foreign Relations building and knock on the door and open up.
In fact, those are the terrorists.
Let's talk to Jerry in Oklahoma.
Jerry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
I called originally regarding Sandy Berger and the good cop, bad cop foil that I think he's playing for the administration or whatnot.
And it occurred to me in answering one of my own questions this morning what I think is actually what he's actually being used for in regards to the foil.
And oddly enough, it ties into what you're talking about, particularly regarding the Manchurian candidate.
And what you all were just talking about regarding terrorists in the Middle East, the lawyer for Sandy Berger is rationalizing Sandy Berger taking it as, well, maybe there were documents that they wanted to invade Iran or that Iran had closer ties to terrorists.
Have you heard that yet?
Yeah, I've heard that.
And that's coinciding with the points that are coming out tomorrow on 9-11.
Well, they're not saying that Iran had anything to do with, any more to do with Al-Qaeda, but it had to do with Hezbollah.
And now that's one of the points that is going to come out tomorrow in this 9-11 Commission report.
Well, I think what's quite on the table, what this is being set up for is us evading Iran.
Well, I mean, PNAC said four years ago they were going to invade Iran.
Bob, tell them about PNAC.
Man, that project for the new American century.
I mean, they sat there and they wrote up this big long report about how, you know, we need to go over there and we need to control the resources over in the Middle East and it doesn't matter whether Saddam Hussein is in power or not.
We just need to have regime change and he's really irrelevant.
And, uh, you know, the whole thing, I mean, they write it all, they write this stuff out on paper, and then they do it, and then people say, well, I don't understand it.
I'd be, you know, just, just making it up.
Alex, can I make my point about the Manchurian Kennedy on the half, on the other end of the break?
Yeah, you can.
And then we'll go to everybody else.
I'm Alex Jones with Bob Dacey.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
A gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
I'm the guy who's a boss on this highway.
So watch out... Alright, this is Alex Jones, you're back live.
We're about to go back to Bob Dasey and your calls.
We'll go to your calls quickly.
Everybody be patient.
But first off, 9-11, the Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, two films I've made about September 11th, and other examples, confirmed examples of government-sponsored terror, where governments carry out a tax to scare their populations into submission, into accepting a police fee.
Which is what you now see happening.
I suggest you get my 9-11 videos, and that you make copies of them for non-profit, not for resale, educational purposes, that you air them on AXS television, that you get them out to people now while we still can.
Also, I carry George Humphrey's new amazing 9-11 video.
And we've got some discounts on that.
My book, 9-11 Dissent and Deterrent, gets into September 11th.
So, again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to peruse the different videos and t-shirts and books and books on tape and all the great stuff we have to offer.
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Or call toll free to ask about the different videos or about different specials or to order.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
We're having about a 90% success rate with people that watch these videos, because they've already seen or heard much of it.
They never just put it all together.
It's up to you to expose the killers of September 11th before they carry out more attacks.
Or, if they carry out more attacks, more people will know who was behind it, and we can bring them to justice.
Real quick, Jerry in Oklahoma, because I've got other callers, your Manchurian candidate comment.
The Iranians developed the art of assassination.
They have two strongholds in the Middle East.
One south of the Caspian Sea, which is now modern-day Tehran.
The other was in northern Israel, southern Lebanon.
And anybody who doesn't know that Hezbollah has... And they were called assassins, which comes from the word hashashin.
They used drugs and mind control to carry out selective execution.
That's what assassination, is where the word comes from.
Have you seen the original movie, Manchurian Candidate, the black and white version that came out in 1963, Alex?
Yes, I have.
That's what that movie is all about.
No, I know.
I appreciate the call.
Look, the ninja, 700, 600, 500 years ago in Japan, they would take them as a young man, train them,
We're good to go.
And that was just with cultural mind control, and you're right about the word assassin being an Arabic or Persian word.
It's a corruption of the word hashishim.
Those who smoke hashish.
Yeah, I appreciate, sir, I appreciate the call.
Yes, you're right.
And then now you have this film throwing it in our face.
Bob Dacey, any comments?
Well, I don't know what to say about that.
That's kind of heavy stuff, isn't it?
I mean, the Manchurian Candidate, I haven't seen the new one.
I did see the old one, of course.
And I do know that that's all based on the truth.
MKUltra came out in Senate hearings, what, back in the 70s?
Where MKUltra was experimenting with massive mind control experiments on unwilling subjects.
I mean, it's not like somebody made it up.
The U.S.
Senate documented it back in the 70s.
And you think the CIA stopped messing with it since then?
I don't think so.
Well, clearly, we know 100% McVeigh was part of this program.
I mean, they're so arrogant, they send the top mind control expert, Jolian West, to be his doctor from the time he's arrested, drooling on the side of the road saying, I got a chip, I got a chip.
You mean the world's fastest executed federal prisoner in the history of the world, that guy, McVeigh?
Well, they got rid of him quick, didn't they?
They got guys that have been on death row for 20, 30 years, getting trial after trial after trial, but they got rid of McVeigh real fast.
I guess they figured maybe the mind control might wear out eventually and he might start talking.
And then Mr. West died last year.
Mr. West.
Is this Jolly and West?
Is this Mr. West?
We'll be right back.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, third hour.
I want to get into the election.
The police state, the Iraq War, the Second Amendment.
And I'm going to re-air that Manchurian Candidate trailer, and perhaps even that ABC News piece.
Got to do that again with, oh, the chips and the judicial workers.
You know, maybe you need a chip.
We're talking to Bob Dacey, a New World Order fighter extraordinaire, my good friend here in Austin.
And we've got loaded phone lines here.
Let's go to everybody that's been holding patiently.
Kirk, or is it Kurt in Colorado?
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'd like to take it a step further and also show how your show is being used to further their cause.
I don't think on purpose.
But, uh, basically... Well, no, no, no.
I said in the first of the hour, I said that if we're not conscious of the New World Order, if we do not take action against it, if we get desensitized by all this police state news, and then I even catch myself being desensitized, then they win.
Go ahead.
Okay, very good.
Back in about 1986, they passed a law 100-690, which was for drug enforcement, which, you know, established the National Police Force.
And what people don't understand is the CIA and FBI, these are not legitimate law enforcement.
They're supposed to be asked in to help.
And as your guest was pointing out, well, what if you were told by these people to give them a hand?
That's totally backward.
They're not even allowed to tell you to give them a hand, because they're supposed to be invited in.
The problem is,
Like, they used the fishing game to rubber stamp search and seizure because they said that they gave them the power to go in without a search warrant, that sort of thing.
If you read the law, you'll see what I mean.
And it let people realize... Yeah, game wardens, I'm familiar with it.
Right, yeah, they could get away with it.
Well, of course, you know, it just branched on, they found out.
Well, for example, like, China used the EP3 downing and held them as hostages.
I mean, obviously, that plane knocked it down.
You've got our guard units don't have any weapons left.
I mean, if you drive by and you can see that, you know, we've been disarmed as a country.
And I'd mentioned this like ten years ago, but it wasn't very well accepted.
But, you know, we send money to Russia to supposedly destroy arms, and of course they sell the arms and use it for buildup.
You know, the Russian officers get $30,000 a year from our taxes.
You know, the jobs... Well, sir, you're all over the map, and yes, it's true what you said, but how... I mean, what's your comment about me?
Well, my comment is, basically, I know you made the point about the desensitization, but what I'm saying is, they desensitize you to the point where, for example, when your guest said that the Second Amendment is about firearms, and it's not, it's about all arms, for one, and two, when the FBI comes in and orders some law enforcement person, the highest law enforcement person in the area, supposed to be an elected official,
And he doesn't understand that, so... He's saying, I'll follow the orders of the FBI.
Right, and it's supposed to be the other way around.
The FBI is supposed to be asking.
Well, no, that's true.
I mean, everything is backwards.
So, but with all these jobs... But my main point is, I wanted to make, is we've actually lost the Cold War, you know, and that... It's more sophisticated than that.
The big banks that own the U.S.
and own Russia and own Europe... Yeah, the dictators are in charge, but I mean, what I'm saying is, they're already totally in control.
And we've been disarmed.
Our guard units and our military, for example, like when they took the power away from the submarine captains to be able to launch independently without, you know, the low frequency... PDD-60.
Thanks for the call.
Bob Dasey, any comments on what he was saying?
Well, I don't agree with him entirely.
We're not... They are not totally in control, you know.
I mean, they think they are, and a lot of us think they are, but they're not.
Look at all the cities that have thrown out the Patriot Act.
How many hundred cities have done that?
Municipalities and what not?
I mean, you know, if you tell them they come into your neighborhood and you refuse to play ball with them, then guess what?
They lose.
I mean, come on.
There are a few hundred of them, maybe a few thousand of them worldwide.
They're running the show and the only thing they have on us is money and organization.
We got numbers and we got the truth.
The whole point is to spread the truth so we get more numbers.
If they were in total control, they'd be moving even faster right now.
Yeah, if they were in total control, you wouldn't be shooting off your mouth right now, Alex.
Think about it.
We'll be right back, but thanks for the call.
We'll come back and talk to Roberta.
Many, many others that are patiently holding, stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, now, well into hour number three on this Wednesday, the 21st day of July 2004 edition.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.com, and of course, PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Let's go back to the calls, Bob.
Let's talk to Roberta in Colorado.
Roberta, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, hello.
Hey, I wanted to bring something to your attention about a
Well, something that was brought to my attention last evening, in Colorado here, our Motor Registration, Vehicle Registration Division seems to have hired out an independent data gathering firm to collect information on who's got auto insurance.
And this was brought to my attention last evening by a friend who has a classic Oldsmobile.
He insures it through the summer.
And then garages it for the winter, because we have snow and sand on the roads.
Well, he received this letter that basically says, well, we've noticed you don't have insurance.
We would like to know when you plan on getting insurance, what months you're going to insure through.
And then it said, we are building a database in the letter.
And then at the very bottom of the letter, it says, this is the only notification you will receive from us.
And that was the end of the letter.
Well, this is the New World Order.
You have private owners that are in government who then force government to give themselves contracts.
It's like the article where the guy told his doctor, I drank a six-pack of beer at night, 44-year-old businessman, I don't drink and drive.
He said, is the drinking hurting my heart?
He says, yeah, you might cut back.
And then he gets a letter saying, we revoked your license because the doctor called and said you drank a six-pack and that's too much.
No judge, no jury.
This is the TIP system.
And under the MATRIX system, the NSA, Total Information Awareness Network at the state level, but it's national, it's called MATRIX, everything reports on you.
Your discount cards, your loyalty cards, everything you do, what's in your bank account,
There's not even a need for warrants.
It's all automatically uploaded to these private groups that keep the databases for the government.
Bob Dacey, comments?
Well, you know, there's something similar to that right here in Austin that was in the paper last week.
I mean, you've got the city of Austin going around and collecting my tax dollars from me, and then they contract out to these private groups that go around finding ways to give money to what they call minority business or women-owned business or whatever.
I don't
Where's my goodies so I can sit there and swill at the public trough, you know?
But apparently I'm not one of the in-crowd, so, you know, I don't get any goodies from the city.
I mean, you want to talk about corporate socialism and cronyism and giving contracts to your buddies to go out and do all this nonsense?
The article in the paper was complaining that maybe they weren't getting enough bang for their buck for their program, not that the whole concept behind the program is ridiculous.
You know, if you think about it, putting certain businessmen in a more favorable light vis-a-vis other businessmen by virtue of what?
Well, it's like the city says, we'll give you a discount on a washing machine or a dryer, but it's one company they work with that sells it, you have to get it from them.
Yeah, I mean, you know, the classic example of that a few years ago, Alex, I don't know if you remember, the city loaned about a million dollars to some group of people to build a Mexican restaurant in East Austin, Don Lamones, you remember that?
And the thing went belly up and lost a whole bunch of money.
And I'm thinking to myself, hey, wait a minute.
I know East Austin pretty well.
I'm a Texas boy.
I was born and raised here.
You know, born and raised here in Austin.
And I know almost every Mexican restaurant in Austin.
And guess what?
There's about 50 Mexican restaurants within a stone's throw of that place.
The city comes along and plants a Mexican restaurant right in the middle of East Austin and hurts all the other small businessmen out there.
Isn't that a brilliant idea?
But again, we have a trillion-two missing from the Pentagon.
A trillion-two!
It's mass looting at every... Well, okay.
Anything else, Roberta?
Well, actually, no.
I just wanted to have you guys comment on that.
And maybe one question here.
Isn't it not a violation of my friend's rights to... He doesn't have to answer that letter.
No, you don't.
But it's like the new yearly census.
It's going to be two hundred and something questions.
As I told you in 2000, it's all the federal documents now.
It's publicly.
Like Ron Paul talking about it last week.
They threaten to arrest you.
A criminal doesn't have to answer questions, but the census says, tell us how many guns you got, how much money in the bank account.
Thanks for the call.
No, you don't have to.
But see, the problem is, is the police don't know what the laws are.
The juries don't.
People don't know.
And again,
It's all about the private corporations that own and run the government enslaving you and your family.
I know, Alex, and I'm not sure exactly why they're doing this, but I know that in my business, you know, my corporation, I get this letter from the Census Bureau and they tell me that I have to answer it or otherwise I'm going to be in big trouble.
I mean, I don't know what the, well, you know, what's with that?
Well, you have a Fifth Amendment and a federal judge said you don't have to answer that and it's common sense and I just ignore it.
I got the 51 question one and I threw it back in the guy's face, literally.
Well, the third time he came to my house, he started threatening me.
I said, get out of here, you punk!
You zit-faced punk!
Get out of here!
I stuck a camera in his face because he tried to tell some lies.
You know, that I had a flying saucer with nuclear bombs attached to the bottom of 14 Godzillas on pogo sticks.
Because that's what they'll do.
They'll run off and lie about you.
Now, Bob, let's get into the... and again, this has national import.
And then we'll go to Elizabeth and Frederico and others that are holding.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
The toll roads in Austin.
Nobody wants them, Bob, but they got their electronic voting machines in so they don't care what voters do.
And these aren't toll roads for big new highways.
These are existing roads.
I'm trying to figure this out, Alex, because I don't understand it.
I thought that back in 1775, somewhere in that vicinity, the Americans decided that the concept of taxation without representation was abhorrent to the American people, and that's always been the way it is, right?
I don't know enough about the local government structure here to understand where did these unelected, bureaucratical, pencil-pushing geeks sit around some table and decide that now we have to pay for roads through a toll that we've already paid for through our tax money?
Where did that come from?
Where did it come from?
I don't know!
I mean, did it come out of thin air?
I mean, why aren't these people being run out of town on a rail after having been tarred and feathered?
I don't understand that.
Look, these city managers of corporate shills, they have the National Association of Counties, Cities, Water Districts, School Districts, they write up the national policy, that's brought down to local level, and then passed,
And they lie to us and say there's no money left when we all know about the comprehensive annual financial reports.
They really have plenty of money, but here's the deal.
Mr. Dacey, they're going to put checkpoints in on these.
They're going to have a side road they pull you off of.
And you're going to have to have a transponder on these babies.
And phase one is nine toll roads, not seven like the paper said.
I can count on the map.
Nine toll roads.
Why don't you tell folks about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, Bob?
Well, the CAFR, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, is every single city has it, school district has it, county has it.
I think so.
We're good to go!
It's just absolutely flush with money, and if you treat them like a business, they are solid, solid, like 4 to 1 ratios.
I mean, they're really solid, yet the information, which is public information, you can get it if you want to, even have it posted on their website.
is not ever discussed by the mainstream media.
They never talk about it, because they don't want you to see the humongous amount of assets that the state has been accumulating for decades.
It's there, and it's public information.
But again, then those government investments, the people sit in government, then they leave to run corporations, then they're cronies, they appoint in government,
Well, I know that when I got into that CAFR thing years ago, I was corresponding through email with the local statesman guy, I forgot his name.
About the cappers and all of his stories in the paper about how we don't have any money.
And I told him about the capper and I asked him where he was getting his information from.
And when I told him, don't go to his editor's desk to get the copy that they sent the statesman because you might get fired.
Go down to the comptroller's office and get it yourself.
That's the last time that guy ever talked to me.
I mean, that was it.
He would not respond to my emails anymore because I think he valued his job more than he did his integrity.
Well, this is a number people know because it's gotten out.
On the budget, the University of Texas has over 24 billion dollars in just liquid cash.
That's the yearly yield off investments.
And they've got even more in their comprehensive annual financial report.
And you want to talk about something funny about that?
Part of that University of Texas endowment you're talking about?
Was used for Clear Channel.
Is the Thomas Hicks, the Vice Chair at Clear Channel, is also involved in UTEMCO, which is involved in Texas Growth Fund, which owns part of the loading machine company.
Think about it.
But we've got to have toll roads on every major road because there's no money!
Yeah, right.
And it's going on in your city, folks.
You want to be raped and robbed?
Financially, you are.
We'll be back with your calls.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
So you get how the scam works, the private corporations that are not free market take control of the government
Then pay 70 plus percent of all the tax money into their private coffers publicly!
And all the major newspapers, the editors, all get copies of the comprehensive annual financial reports.
The big mutual funds do.
When you talk to some successful, you know, business person, mid-level, they'll know what it is and laugh at you.
They go, I gotta put my golf clubs in the back of my Jaguar, Mr. Jones, you have a nice day.
I mean, I've actually
I've been in parking lots and have, you know, city officials do this to me.
It's just a big fat joke.
They know they got us.
They're going to tie us down even tighter.
They're going to track and trace us.
They're hiring more and more black ski masks, secret police.
They're building lots of private prisons.
They own as well.
The government's investing in.
And then we're going to be their slave.
You understand that?
And if we start struggling, they'll just blow something up.
And blame it on some foreign terrorists and take our rights in the name of keeping us safe.
Now it boils down to that, people.
It's real simple.
It's called organized crime.
Bob, your comments on that?
It's also called crony capitalism.
That's another word for it.
It's not free market.
It's not real.
It's the good old boys scratching each other's back.
I mean, you know, one of the things people don't understand about, like, for example, the Iraq War.
I mean, the question that is not asked is, OK, whose money was spent to bust up that country?
Whose money?
It was ours.
Our taxpayer money, right?
And next question is, okay, now that we busted up the infrastructure of Iraq, whose money is going to be spent to fix what we broke?
Okay, well guess what?
It's ours again.
And the question that people don't understand is, they're spending this money with somebody.
This money is coming from the taxpayer, and it's being spent with who?
The crony capitalists, all the people that are in debt.
I saw the numbers again last week.
What, 84% of it has been spent with three companies?
And the majority of that, with Halliburton, run directly out of the Vice President's office?
Yeah, under no-bid contract situations.
So, they take our money away from us to go bust up a country.
They take more of our money away from us to go fix what they broke, and then they give that money to their crony capitalist buddies.
I mean, you want to talk about corrupt?
That is like the ultimate in corrupt, it's so easy to understand.
Another way to look at it, and I kind of look at things on a simple basis, you know,
I have a hardware business here in town.
It's the same thing as if I was to go out and have my friends go out and break every window in the neighborhood and put fire ants in everybody's lawn and rip everybody's screens up and then all of the people in the neighborhood come to me to get their new screens, their fire ant poison and their new glass.
That's what it is.
That's exactly what it is.
Except it's on a worldwide, massive, multi-billion dollar basis.
Well, there's actually a famous case of that.
What, five years ago, the guy in New York, for like a year, almost every night, somebody would bust out windshields with a ball-peen hammer.
And then suddenly the cops looked around and went, look at all these billboards that are up about getting windshield glass fixed.
We better stake this guy out.
And they watched the owner sneak out and bust windshields out.
Well, there you go.
I mean, somebody like me could do something like that.
We'll get hung.
But when you're the President of the United States and the CEO of Halliburton and all that, oh, it's just fine.
And for some reason or other, our mainstream press can't add two and two together and come up with four.
Well, it's because it's owned by the very same military industrial complex.
And it's one of the things you really, if you're new to this stuff that we're always talking about,
If you've got to understand that the mainstream press is totally bought and paid for by the New World Order crowd, and their job is to keep you in the dark by not telling you the truth.
Or now, to bring out the truth but put a nice spin on it.
Yeah, spin it.
It'll be wonderful.
Let's take a call.
Let's take a call.
Up next is Elizabeth in Maryland, and then Mandugu, and then Clinton, Ted, Wes, and others.
Go ahead, Elizabeth.
Hello, Alex.
You know that since the time I've gone on WKDI with my own little local show, I've talked about you and supported you and I've thought about something.
It's really important what Bob Dacey told us about the corruption of the money, but another reason that I think God has been protecting you all this time, and I like to hear you laugh too, Alex, about one of the main reasons is that you have had the gut
To bring out what's being done to the children at the international level, the horrible child abuse.
The first show I heard last year, June 2nd, that was what riveted me to you.
And I've said on my show recently, when the history books are written, the name of Alex Jones will be there.
And my late father, who hated bullies, would have loved you, Alex.
Well, you're great, and our affiliate in Maryland is absolutely wonderful, doing a great job.
Stay there, we'll talk more.
Elizabeth on the other side, then we'll talk to everybody else.
And I've got a few other news items we're going to cover as well.
I'm going to replay that Manchurian candidate piece, so please stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
All right, we've got a lot of calls to take, a bunch of news to cover, and a short time to get there.
Elizabeth in Maryland finished setting up what you were saying.
Yes, and I'd like to tell you how the youth are being treated, Alex, up there in western Pennsylvania.
You might like to get this article.
I couldn't find it, but it's very good, and it has pictures.
It's called Youth Measure Up at Camp Cadet, June 23, 2004, Bedford Gazette in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
And in the article, these children go supposedly to learn about how the state police act.
Yet the youthful cadets also learned about, quote, police dogs, state police's weapons, radar and special emergency response teams, a group of specialists dispatched to high-risk situations.
And this is for kids?
And I was hoping that Paul in Delaware and Daryl in Pennsylvania might look into this a little more.
Well, ma'am, ma'am, I've seen a hundred of those, well, five hundred of those articles over the years.
I thought you had.
And what they do is they have these police cadet academies and they call a group of those to be Secret Tattletail Police.
Oh, really?
It's coming out of that too then?
Oh, it's just everywhere.
And did you notice that loaded language in that great clip you played from Peter Jennings?
It said the right people would have access to the sensitive information.
Yeah, so they're going to make the cops do it first, and then they're going to say, hey, I had to do it.
You're going to have to take a chip.
And Elizabeth, I really appreciate you and your fine station and what you're doing.
Why don't you plug the call letters and the frequency?
840 AM.
It's right after your show at 3 o'clock on Friday, and it's in the evening.
Your show is now replayed.
Anyone in the D.C.
area, 6 p.m.
at night, going to the beach, they can hear you at 6 p.m.
on 840 a.m.
and then me at 7 p.m.
Do they, uh, and I'm Monday through Friday on that station?
Right, yes you are.
Are they carrying it during the day?
Yes, they are.
Oh, well, they picked up even more.
That's right.
Well, it's just, we've got so many affiliates and I don't have any proper way to thank all of them, but just God bless them.
Could you do one thing?
Could you give that wonderful quote again?
That biblical quote about when we mobilize ourselves, what about the fire of God?
What is that, Alex?
Well, no, I was saying that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
Oh, that's so wonderful.
And we can all do this if we work together.
We have to.
Thanks for the call.
We have a giant section on PrisonPlanet.com of BBC, Associated Press.
I mean, it's got to be 60, 70, 80 articles.
It gets bigger all the time.
We don't even put most of them in there.
Just too much work for us, but we do put some in there.
You know, we always post them on the main page for a day or so and then they get put in the archives, but we have special archives
Where the UN has been caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children in Kosovo and other areas alone, loading them on C-130s and flying them to slave brothels.
Alex, I've got a great example of that that kind of came right home to Austin a few weeks ago.
The International Criminal Court Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito was in Austin at the commencement exercise at St.
Ed's University.
And this woman was sitting here glorifying what a wonderful organization the UN is and how great the ICC is.
And her big claim to fame is women's rights and children's rights.
However, when she was a judge in the former Yugoslavia
Supposedly defending the rights of children and the rights of women.
That's her big claim to fame.
Right there is where they were importing hundreds and thousands of women and children into the former Yugoslavia to serve in the brothels to serve the UN troops.
You want to talk about gross, disgusting UN hypocrisy?
This woman sanctimoniously says she's guarding the rights of women while right under her sanctimonious UN International Criminal Court nose
Children and women are servicing the UN troops.
Now that's a fact and it's documented in mainstream press.
I know, and again, we've seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of confirmed articles on this, but it never gets to be big news like Michael Jackson.
Hey, forget that pervert.
Let's expose the big industrialized perverts.
But no, the big industrial level perverts, they'll point their finger at one of their own little group and say, oh look, there's the bad man, instead of pointing it right at themselves.
And these average people out there just can't get their mind around this level of evil.
Well, it is a huge level of evil.
I mean, you're talking about institutionalized child prostitution.
I mean, well documented.
Remember the DynCorp employee who blew the whistle on that a few years ago?
Yeah, they won their civil suit over it.
Yeah, they won their suit over it.
I mean, where is the outrage in the media?
Hey, DynCorp got all the big contracts in Afghanistan and in Baghdad.
Yeah, well, why not?
They're one of the favorite groups, you know.
They're making ID cards for the troops, I guess.
You know, wonderful.
Another no-bid contract, I'm sure.
Oh, there's no such thing as a bid contract.
Let's take a few more quickly, folks.
Yes, how are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Very good.
I once talked to you concerning the planned impulsion quote from Aaron Brown, and I tried to send it to you.
I guess you never received it.
I put it up on the website.
And about the CAFR, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, it's so easy.
I live in Canada and was able to order from 1988 all the way to 2001 and they speak exactly what you're talking about in the video.
Government running giant surpluses, doubling, tripling, quadrupling.
Listen, the comprehensive annual financial reports, the real books, are so big and wealthy... They send them to me for free, I have all of them.
...that just off the interest, we would never pay any taxes again.
The other reason I was calling, I wanted to play a clip concerning a documentary they put on
NBC, it was hosted by Robert De Niro, and I have a clip that they actually pulled out of the documentary where the firefighters explain how there were bombs in the building.
Can I play it?
Doesn't that have profanity in it?
No, it does not, sir.
It takes about two seconds, and it's pretty interesting, and I'll play it live.
Yeah, we have those clips on the website.
Okay, go ahead and play it.
Okay, great.
Thanks a lot.
Just a minute.
Here we go.
It won't be long.
As if they had a plan to take down a building.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
I put it up on my website.
I also have the Aaron Brown clip.
I don't know if you guys would like the address of the website.
I don't want to try to put it up.
Yeah, go ahead, but we have those clips.
No problem.
It's n.w.o.watch, as in n-w-o-watch, dot tripod dot com.
And I have all those clips.
By the way, you're doing a great job.
I forgot the name of the person that's on the show with you today, but hello to you, too.
Bob Dacey.
Hello, Bob.
You guys are doing a great job, and continue.
It was a pleasure speaking to you both on the phone.
Good talking to you, my friend.
I mean, we got the owner of the WTC saying they blew up Building 7.
I mean, it's not like it's debatable.
Well, what is not debatable in that, and people just have to understand, you came out in the middle of the biggest
Man-made disaster in North American history, the biggest chaotic situation in the world, in the middle of the afternoon, make a call to some demolition expert company with the fire department, waltz into a building which is supposedly on fire, do all the calculations, set the right cutting charges, walk back, pull the trigger, have the building collapse.
You can't do that!
It's not possible!
And then even if you could, you don't forget to tell FEMA
And the whole investigation.
It's a farce!
There were charges in that building before September 11th, and there is no other conclusion.
And we're talking about building number 7, at least.
There is no other conclusion you can come to.
Well, they say they blew it up, and the firefighters told AP reporters, get back, we're about to bring the building down!
Yeah, right, and FEMA never found out, right?
In their report, where they said they couldn't figure out how come the building went down.
Boy, we sure spent a lot of money for FEMA to tell us nothing, didn't we?
And it turned out that Giuliani admitted in testimony that FEMA was on the ground beforehand.
It turns out that Kenny quote by FEMA was true.
Yeah, they were on the ground beforehand.
But, you know, they were rehearsing something else unrelated, I'm sure.
Right, Alex?
Yeah, just like Oklahoma City.
BATF out of the building, second chapter, running around in bomb gear.
Yeah, and the same guy, what was his name, that was supposed to investigate the Waco fire and the Oklahoma City explosion.
Yeah, the head of the FBI hostage rescue team lied and said that he drove up there and got there the night of the event after it, but it turns out we have the hotel receipts with him the day before there.
I can't remember the name of the engineer that they used for all three projects to whitewash the whole thing.
Same guy.
Same guy at Waco, same guy at Oklahoma City, same guy in New York.
Saying, oh, there was structural failure here and we can improve the buildings by doing this, this, and this.
I can't remember the guy's name.
Let's talk to Clinton in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Clinton.
Good day, gentlemen.
Hello, Alex.
It's been a while since we spoke.
A couple points, please.
This last week on Sunday night, fantastic man Charles Smith was interviewed by Art Bell.
He is an extremely articulate man who is discussing how the Chinese industrial military complex is evolving.
He would make a perfect guest.
Well, it's evolving because the New World Order is building it up as an enemy.
Well, that's right.
You know what else, too?
We have a lot of corporations here in the United States like Autodesk that make the CAD software, that design all their military equipment, that are giving them all this technology to make that happen.
And if anybody's interested in that, they could look up.
He's still listed as a guest at the Coast AM website.
The second issue I thought would be intriguing to you is this week in Oshkosh, which is an old city just 18 miles north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, there was apparently a shooting where a police officer was wounded in the arm.
And the police en masse apparently routed a six block area in the community and was
Where the news reported people were asked to leave their homes.
Yeah, that happens all the time.
I appreciate the call.
I said I'd air this, then we'll go back to your calls and hit a few final news stories.
Let's play the longer trailer.
This is the Manchurian Candidate trailer.
And listen to them.
They go, it's a secret group run by kings and former presidents.
And, you know, they're doing all of this.
Just an amazing clip.
Go ahead and play that.
Something happened out there in the desert that night, during that mission, and it's not what we thought it was, and it happened on my watch.
We've been down this road with you before, yes?
No, sir.
Not this road.
Sergeant Shaw!
Sergeant Shaw!
You ever dream about Kuwait?
Captain Marko!
How much do you actually know about your friend?
I served under him.
He was a good man.
That's what the neighbors always say about serial killers.
Somebody put an implant inside me.
I got a good feeling he put one in you, too.
You need to get help, Bennett.
I'm not crazy, Shaw.
Raymond, this is Debbie Johnson of Manchurian Global.
We're strong supporters.
Take the switch.
We can adjust character.
Change personality.
Please, I'm not supposed to exist.
Raymond Prentiss Show.
This is a coup.
This is rich people funding bad science to put us people in the White House.
Among the shareholders in Manchurian Global, you would find former presidents, supposed kings.
Yeah, I get it.
They're big.
They're huge.
And you bring me rumors and conjectures.
I started with nightmares, rumors, conjectures.
That's a giant leap forward.
Some money got into our heads.
Neurons got, got, got exposed, and circuits got rewired.
I think you should leave.
What are you doing?
I gotta find out what's gonna happen, where it's gonna happen.
It's delusional.
So watch where you're going!
You swore to me that this was fail-safe.
No leaks, no glitches.
I will do whatever is necessary to protect my son!
We're gonna stop this and take him out.
And he's going to pay for that, don't you worry.
Hello, Captain.
Do you remember me?
Believe me.
Tell me.
Or shoot me.
Unbelievable when you see the actual video of it at PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.com, the trailer.
And everything I've witnessed in the trailer when I've read about it is what the actual programs are.
Here's the next one.
This is ABC News.
This is non-fiction with the Loving Chips and how good it is for you.
Go ahead and play that for folks.
Finally for us this evening, technology on the cutting edge.
We were interested today to hear that more than 100 law enforcement officials in Mexico are having microchips implanted in their arms.
The chips allow a person to be scanned, sort of like a cereal box at the supermarket checkout.
In Mexico, this will be one more tool in the fight against crime.
Here's ABC's John McKenzie.
You've seen it before, right out of Hollywood.
This may be a little uncomfortable.
A microchip inside the body.
A hidden, high-tech identification tag.
Here are the access codes to your job spot.
Now, Mexico's Attorney General and 160 of his deputies have had microchips implanted in their arms to control access to the country's new criminal investigation center.
It is to provide access, said the Attorney General, to the right people in exclusive areas where there is valuable, sensitive information.
The microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is injected under the skin and gives off a low frequency radio wave.
A scanner reads each chip's identification numbers.
To verify an official's security clearance.
The microchip is tamper-proof.
It's secure.
No one can take your microchip and use it to their advantage to gain access to your facility.
The chip, developed by Applied Digital Solutions, is similar to those used in the U.S.
to identify and return runaway dogs.
In humans, it can have several uses.
A little stick.
The chips can also be programmed to carry medical information.
The one in this patient details his blood type, allergies, and the fact he has Alzheimer's disease.
The device is now awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
Some researchers are developing microchips for use in the home, so that wearing one can turn on lights and open doors.
The next step, say researchers, is developing an implantable chip with a global positioning system to track people miles away, whether kidnapped or lost, just as cars can now be traced.
A kind of lojack for the body.
John McKenzie, ABC News, New York.
Bob Dacey, in your face!
That was a commercial, Alex!
That wasn't a news report!
That was propaganda on steroids.
I can't wait to get my chip.
Well, they're going to make us take them.
I mean, that was not a news report.
That was pure, unadulterated cheerleading for a product.
Which is owned by IBM and the Communist Chinese.
Didn't they have a commercial, I don't even know what product they're selling, where some sneaky looking guy with a trench coat is cruising through a department store stuffing stuff into his coat?
It was an IBM ad.
Yeah, and he gets near the checkout and the checkout is jammed with people and he just walks toward the door and a security guard comes up to him and says, here's your receipt Mr. Smith.
And he walks out the door because he's so cool, because he's got a chip, and he got scanned.
How disgusting.
And they were running those ads long before.
That ad was running four or five years ago.
Well, I guess we're supposed to like that.
Get used to it.
Just IBM that ran the machines for the Nazis, eh?
They don't want you to know how good this is.
Star of David shaped chip, I guess, huh?
It's amazing.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Take a few final calls with our guest, Bob Dacey.
I'm Alex Jones.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
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The neighbors in that area of Sandpoint Naval Air Station were shocked to hear that the old brig was being reopened.
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They have public brainwashing in China.
They don't even hide it.
Remember the Chinese scientist who first reported SARS being released?
They arrested him and after a year of treatment, headline, London Guardian, China-free surgeon after re-education, the Chinese military surgeon who exposed the government's cover-up of the SARS crisis was released yesterday after
Much time of political re-education, his family said.
Zhang Yangyong, 72, a semi-retired general in the People's Liberation Army, had been detained at a secret location where he was forced to undergo daily study sessions aimed at making him renounce a critical letter he had written about the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.
And then it just goes into a bunch of examples of different people at the military hospital
Some of the things they do that make them say they're sorry.
And now they're saying they're mentally ill.
You disagree with the government here in America.
We all need to be tested for mental illness and treated.
It's all part of freedom.
It's all part of being a Manchurian country.
Before we go and take a few final calls from Ted and Wesley, I want to thank Bob and get a few final comments from him.
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Bob, have you not seen a major awakening taking place?
Do you think we have a chance to defeat the system?
Yeah, we have a chance, Alex.
I'll tell you, I was at that Truth Seekers thing last night in North Austin.
The place was jammed.
I've never seen that many people before.
They had standing room only in the larger room.
It's more and more and more people all the time are starting to figure this out.
And you better hurry because the other side has just gone nuts.
They've cranked it up.
So much they've just gone nuts.
When I was a kid we used to poke fun at the Soviet Union.
They'd say, oh the Soviet Union is really bad because if you disagree with the government they'll say that you're crazy and send you to a mental institution.
We used to laugh at that.
And now President Bush, as you just said, wants to mandate a mental health scan for everybody.
You know, I mean, and then once they decide that you're nuts, they're going to force you into taking certain pharmaceutical drugs made by, guess who, the people that are in bed with them.
Some more crony capitalism.
It's insane, but it's happening.
You talk about insane.
The first person who needs to have his mental faculties checked is President Bush and is under his own program.
And again, you're one of the most conservative people I know.
I'm not saying Kerry's going to save us.
It's just all a big joke.
That's right.
I'm a conservative Republican type.
I believe in mom, baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet, and Dodge.
That's what I am.
I grew up that way.
I'm sick and tired of these New World Order globalists trying to ruin this country.
Absolutely ruin our country.
Ted and Georgia, sorry to the other callers, no time, but Ted and Georgia, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how are you doing?
Almost out of time, I'm fine.
I share Elizabeth's admiration for you.
I'd like to point out two things.
One real quick is the Democrat platform has a statement in it, a 27-word statement.
I got this on Drudge this morning, a 27-word statement acknowledging that the media is very closely held
And this could be a crack in the armor of those people.
Did you hear me?
Yes, I did, sir.
One other thing I'd like to mention very quickly, and that is the fact that there's a fissure, F-I-S-S-U-R-E, in the armament.
It's as far as the trial lawyers are concerned.
We recently had an election yesterday in which the trial lawyers were very effective and, of course,
They have a very conflictive, a very definite conflict of interest for the corporation.
You read me?
Well, I tell you what, call me back tomorrow.
I want to hear more about it.
I want to thank you and others.
Bob, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.