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Name: 20040709_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 9, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's unbelievable!
This week blasted past us.
It's already Friday.
The ninth day of July, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live again for the next three hours.
We're going to have wide open phones and I'm going to go to your calls early in the shower.
I want to take a lot of them today.
Give each caller about a minute or two for your questions, your comments, you disagree with me, you've got a news item you want to talk about, you want to comment on something I've raised.
I got a bunch of new news, but I mean yesterday I didn't see it live.
I saw a little bit of it live and I read the transcript of it and then I saw some more of it last night.
We have some of the photos of this on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Ridge and Dick Cheney
You're standing there in front of this command center with these cameras watching us and these maps of the country training us to accept this.
You know, the shadow government out in the open.
You know, we will be hit by the election.
It's going to happen.
Of course, we don't have any specifics.
Well, I've got specifics.
If there is any big terror attacks, it's going to be you.
You that is behind it.
Because you've got the motive.
And then we look at who's been carrying out the terror with the clear evidence.
It is your bosses.
It is you.
It's Operation Northwoods being carried out.
You know, I wrote this comment above this Associated Press article that we posted on InfoWars.com.
Headline, Group Objects to Firefighters and Spies.
That's the AP headline.
I wrote this comment above it.
In my experience, firefighters are some of the best people in America and they are certainly the final remnant of the spirit of public service in government.
I've been wondering for a long time when the New World Order was going to get their hands on them and turn them into members of the secret police.
All of us should be outraged by this, and yes, they're turning them into secret police tattletales.
I guess they'll be wearing black ski masks and carrying submachine guns in the next few months.
We'll get into this horrible report
Firefighters, if you're lost or something, pull into a fire station and ask for directions.
They're so nice.
If you want to interview them.
When my grandfather was still alive, they didn't want to put him in the nursing home.
My grandmother couldn't pick him up.
He'd have a stroke and stuff.
He'd fall down sometimes.
She'd call the fire department.
She didn't want to call us sometimes, even though we'd take off work and go do it.
They'd always come out and be real nice and helpful, even though they really weren't supposed to.
You know, I've gone and interviewed government people about urban warfare treading around the country, and the police will scream at you and threaten to arrest you, and other people in government are rude to me, and the firefighters always invite you in, give you a cup of coffee, talk to you.
Just a different culture.
Real men, real women, good people.
And they'll be warped scum if the globalists have their way.
This just makes me so sad.
Because, I mean, I've had nothing but good experiences with firefighters.
I just have got a special place in my heart for them.
They're real guardians.
Real heroes.
And I am just disgusted by this.
Oh, man.
I've even read the plan that the feds are bringing forward.
This is being done in Florida, one of the test areas, Orlando, Florida.
Civil rights advocates criticized a plan to teach firefighters and other workers who regularly go into homes to report terrorist activity and, of course, crime.
They do see on the job and look for signs of crime.
It's kind of like the National Tips program under a new name.
There's a man and woman arguing, call the police.
Is someone wearing a jacket in weather that's not quite cold enough?
Are there drugs or guns?
That's all signs of terror.
Let us, you know, just secret police everywhere.
The East German Society.
And now they're going to warp our dear, our dear firefighters.
I just, there's no depth these people will not stoop to
They're going to have trouble, though, with the firefighter culture, I think.
I just... I just think they're going to have trouble, and I'll tell you why when we get back.
Folks, there's so much other news, it's just ridiculous.
Total free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231. presentplanet.tv is the new website.
I'm Alex Jones, TGIF, baby, it's Friday, stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Good morning, Vietnam!
Oh, it's 2004 America, our own psychological warfare zone.
There is a war on for your mind.
We do crash for the lies and disinformation, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
We love America.
We love the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And I can't stand watching it being shredded before our very eyes.
All right, Anthony and Dylan and many others, your calls are coming up, as I said, on this Friday edition, this global transmission against tyranny, this worldwide transmission against tyranny.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, I just can't get over Ridge yesterday on TV, now that I've had time to look at some of this video, with these giant computer screens, jumbotron screens behind him, with cameras watching pedestrians and highways and command
You know, systems, this is all a big set selling you on the fact that, look, surveillance, Big Brother keeps you safe and the terrorists are going to hit us.
The Toronto Star said Bush is sowing fear for votes, critics say.
Well, yeah, but Skull and Bones Kerry and his Bilderberg Group buddy
John Edwards are announcing, we want a domestic CIA.
Funny, that's what Bush wants too, so that's one of their big campaign things they're pushing.
And once Kerry's in office, if he gets in office, the Democrats will suddenly love the Patriot Act, suddenly love the Iraq War, certainly love all these new invasions they plan, just like they love the attack on the Serbs.
They will love the domestic CIA, and suddenly it'll be all the evil right-wingers that have to be arrested because, you know, we're secretly working with Al-Qaeda.
But it doesn't matter, because all that's happening under Bush as well.
This is a puppet system that we're dealing with.
But continuing, the Bush administration faced accusations on two fronts yesterday that it was using the threat of terrorism attacks for its own political advantage in an election year.
First, the White House was forced to deny an explosive report, the New Republic Magazine, accusing it of pressuring Pakistani President Musarraf to kill or capture Bin Laden or his top lieutenants before November 2nd election.
The magazine also quoted a Pakistani intelligence source as saying President Bush's office was pushed hard for a high-value target to be served up by the end of this month to coincide with the Democratic National Convention where Kerry will be officially nominated as the party's presidential skull and bones candidate.
Then the White House was accused of sowing fear unnecessarily when Homeland Security Chief Blockhead Ridge held a news conference to warn of Al-Qaeda operations targeting the U.S.
during the election season.
He went on to say we will be hit.
However, while mentioning the Democratic Convention in Boston and the Republican Convention in New York, Ridge said there was no specific information about time, place, method, or attack.
Well, of course you can't tell us what you're planning to do, can you?
I mean, the bank robber's not going to tell us.
That's where he plans to strike.
The news conference, which yielded no new information, was reminiscent of similar availability by Attorney General John Ashcroft in late May.
It also drew charges that the Bush team was using terrorist fears to dominate the U.S.
news cycle and send a political message that only it could defend the homeland.
For those that can't figure this out, I mean, I don't want to belabor this, but on Infowars.com, on PrisonPlanet.com, we have direct links to the U.S.
government, Library of Congress, Operation Northwoods, where they explain the government says we want to bomb D.C., hijack jets by remote control, kill Marines using the U.S.
Army dressed up like foreign troops, blow up ships, kill people, shoot people, frame Patsy's, and then blame it on foreign enemies.
But to boil this down to the Mafia example, again, protection money.
The Mafia captain shows up at your grocery store, business, or textile factory and says, you better pay me protection money because this gang over here that's got the police paid off is going to burn down your business if you don't pay me protection.
I'm not going to burn it down, but if you don't pay me, the terrorist, i.e.
the Mafia, is going to do it.
And so you give in, and you start paying them, and then six months later they want double that, and then soon they, you say, I can't keep my doors open, and they go, that's okay, put my cousin in as the head of your company, make him your partner, and then pretty soon they make you sign the whole company over to him.
So that's the same thing with terrorism.
It's just muscling, it's extortion, it's protection money.
You wonder why the Italian mob was so good at that?
Roman emperors figured out how to do this.
They created, speaking of fire departments, speaking well of modern fire departments, but the ancient fire departments, they were actually the goons that would burn down your area of town unless you paid them exorbitant protection money.
And then the Mafia that came to this country, the Italian Mafia, simply continue to carry that on.
Pay us and we'll burn down your business.
Of course, we never will burn it down.
That evil guy Franco or Luigi over there, he's going to do it if you don't pay me.
And then you pay them, and a few years later you don't even own your business, you're an employee of the Mafia, barely being able to feed your family, doing all the work as they stand over you laughing, drinking Espresso.
Now, that's just the Italian mob.
Small potatoes compared to the real mafia of today, which we call Homeland Security, Governor Ridge, Lord Bush, Lord Cheney, Lord McCary, Lord Edwards.
These are just the high-level minions of their bosses at the Bilderberg Group.
By the way, I don't ever want to be attacked again by the mainstream media for saying the Bilderberg Group puts in our Presidents and Vice Presidents and Prime Ministers and Chancellors, because the New York Times on Tuesday
Excuse me, on Wednesday, we have that article posted.
Came out and said, oh yeah, they decided they liked Edwards and they called Terry up and said he's the man.
I mean, that's the New York Times, boys and girls.
Just incredible to see that type of admission right out there in the open.
And the Bilderberg Group is the top captains, the Mafia dons.
Meeting, once a year, the 124 power elite, and it's the Dutch Royalty, the British Royalty, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition, John Edwards, they all just meet up, all the control masters, and they all divvy up things, and decide what's going to happen, and they dispatch their minions, and then they run the country.
First time I saw this admitted mainstream news was three years ago.
Just said, well they do appoint, you know, basically select, I think the comment was, uh, select presidents and prime ministers, and it's no big deal, they may know best, you know.
Then simultaneously when you speak out against it, you're a kook, it doesn't exist, you're insane, you know, it's a double thing.
That's their tactic, whether it's the draft or lies about weapons of mass destruction, any of it, or the TIPS program or Total Information Awareness.
They'll bring out a program.
I mean, I have Ridge on tape saying, we never proposed a TIPS program.
We never proposed a Total Information Awareness Network.
It doesn't exist.
And then I've got him on tape two weeks before going, it's a wonderful program.
We should really fund it and support it.
And then I never said that even existed.
And then they change the name of the program and increase its funding.
They do this for the draft.
They introduce the bills, announce it, push it, promote it.
We say we're against it, and they go, man, you're insane!
This doesn't exist!
So it's very interesting psychological tactics that they use here.
We are about to go to Anthony and Dylan and many others here in a second, but first off, FBI expanded probe to four terror attacks.
We'll get into that.
A group objects to firefighters as spies.
That's right, they're about to take over our good firefighters.
One of the British chieftains calls for pooling of European terror intelligence, merging that.
Colleges focus on Homeland Security studies, showing you it's for good.
It's for keeps, the entire economy to be engineered through it.
New employment opportunity, never going to go away.
They say it's a hundred year war.
EU chief backs Interpol's style force to fight terrorism.
Thousands of mentally ill children held in detention centers, Reuters.
Bush wins.
America loses.
House leaves Patriot Act as is.
Is Dick Cheney headed for the door?
Capitol Hill blue.
Ridge again issues new terror alerts.
Boeing claims national security on WTC's second plane.
We'll get into that and much more right now.
Let's go to the calls.
Anthony in Louisiana.
Yes sir.
Hi Alex.
Today I want to ask you
I was thinking when I was watching Fox News.
I watch Fox News a lot.
I try to watch it in that other scope.
The most liberal channel, yes.
Yeah, I try to watch it as in what they're trying to tell me, you know what I'm saying?
And I was wondering, what do you think that the pundits, all these pundits, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, all these people, Rush Limbaugh, how much do they know?
Are they consciously aware of what the
Oh, absolutely.
Oh, yes.
And then they set up these icon figures, and then all the low-level talk show hosts basically just parrot that thinking, that's the secret of success.
I mean, are they aware of all the effects of what they're saying?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I don't know.
I find that kind of mind-blowing.
You know what I mean?
I don't see how they could live with themselves knowing all of that.
I don't know.
I mean, you know, making ten, twenty million dollars a year, it's pretty easy to do.
So it's the money thing.
But they are aware of what it all will lead to.
Or what?
Are they aware?
Yeah, but see, deep down they're afraid of the system, so they're going to join it.
They're going to serve it.
Alright, that's all I want to ask.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
You know, that's a good comment, a good question.
Let's go to Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, go ahead.
Good day, Alex.
Hello, my friend.
And good day, listeners out there.
I just want to testify that a few years ago, I started tuning into Alex.
I was pro-choice, as they say, and, you know, I had voted for Clinton.
I saw the
The horrible lies and criminal activities of the Republicans, but I was yet to see that the Democrats were simply tag-team partners.
And something I noticed Alex, really happened after 9-11-01.
It's like, I really noticed, I know it didn't just happen on 9-11, but I really noticed that what happened to the rule of law consciousness, like evidence, like
What happened to all the evidence?
People aren't like, well, did they investigate the evidence?
What happened to the rule of law consciousness in America?
We'll stay there.
We'll let you elaborate on your point when we get back.
So stay with us.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Look, the New World Order uses very sophisticated psychological models.
Whereas the big financial interests that run this global system want to invade countries, want to take over their oil, want to set up world government, world taxation regulation.
They will tag team us, as the caller said.
They'll have the left arm of it take over and outrage the right and then
Then the right gets into power and takes over a large section of the economy, and then that outrages the left, and the left can see the evil of the right, and the right can see the evil of the left, and... It's all totally manipulative.
And so we all got into this culture of Bill Clinton's evil, obviously he was, because he's a globalist.
And boy, the Republicans, they sure tell us the truth, and we all, you know, can't believe the Democrats are so dumb, and we bind ourselves to the Republicans.
And then overnight, they get into power and intensify all the tyranny,
Because the agenda is just moving forward.
If a Democrat was in office, the same thing would have happened.
We're just further in this progression of events, and suddenly we can't see it because, see, they'll have a Hillary Clinton come out against the war, when she really voted for it, but we know Hillary's bad, so the war must be good if she says it's bad, or... You see how that works?
And so it's simplistic logic.
It's people only looking at the political system on the first layer.
And so if you criticize Bush, you must be a liberal.
No, actually we're against Bush because he's out-clintoning Clinton.
It's very, very serious.
And people better grow up and face the facts.
And also the globalists sit up there as the experts and they know all the facts.
You know, Greenspan comes out and says the economy's going to be devastated because of the national debt and it's going to have horrible repercussions because of... But when he runs the Federal Reserve that has set up a system that did this by design to get control to the very people that are behind the banking scams, the terrorism, all of it, they sit up there as the authorities directing our lives.
I mean, it's comical if it wasn't so serious.
But you talk about moral decline and not having a moral compass
I mean, we have pell-mell looting of the government by the entire political apparatus.
We have torture being promoted.
We have lies upon lies.
You know, world leaders saying they have weapons of mass destruction and then saying we never said that.
I mean, it's just... We're being trained how to accept the fraud.
Finish up what you were saying, Dylan, and we'll go to Brian and Mike and others.
Well, with all the time people spend watching TV, I recommend this.
In the promotion of a rule of law consciousness to prevail again in America, in our communities, turn off the TV for three days.
Right before that three days, this is the TV fast, right before the three days, listen to one Alex Jones Show, or a comparable show, someone that presents, you know, good, honest information, as I call it, and
Go to the internet.
We have the internet now.
You can research.
You can find many national and international news agencies, government agencies, probably congressional investigations, military documents backing up the show.
Research that instead of watching TV for just three days.
Well, here's the problem.
In a big national study,
Uh, and you know, in a whole year now, the average of 57% of people read one book.
Uh, 43% don't read anything.
Uh, I mean, this is how bad it's gotten.
So what you have is kind of the pop news culture where it's all just emotional.
It's like Fox News is a cartoon.
You know, luscious info babes talking about how much they love the New World Order.
It's really serious.
We really do need to get back to the rule of law consciousness.
Okay, define your rule of law consciousness.
People don't even know what the Bill of Rights is.
So to be conscious of that, they have to... Okay, well, the buildings... Let's talk about the buildings coming down.
We don't even have to refer to 9-11.
So what you're talking about is logic.
People don't operate according to their own logic and their own compass.
They operate just at the surface level off of whatever's programmed into them at the moment.
Yeah, and laws of physics come in there.
General Parton, U.S.
Air Force munitions expert, would back me up on this.
He gave a real good explanation and painful deception by Eric Huffschmid.
Regarding the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
And again, the Federal Building, just like the Twin Towers, all the destruction, the debris... Yeah, it's a mathematical impossibility.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate the call.
We're going to break and come back and...
Go to Brian and Tim and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I mean, in my film, The Road to Tyranny, folks, we have the newscasts that are removing the bombs.
The building's blown out.
The BATF was told to go into work.
The police admit that the BATF told them that.
It's all on video.
And yeah, General Parton does the mathematics and shows how it's an impossibility.
You know, just the laws of gravity of physics.
But again, people don't want to be confused with the facts.
They want to give their rights up and be slaves.
They think that makes them safe.
It doesn't, by the way.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright, we're about to go back to your calls here momentarily.
I first want to get into groups.
Objective firefighters and spies here in the U.S.
That's out of the Associated Press from Reuters.
Thousands of mentally ill U.S.
children held in detention centers.
That's their headline.
All part of the new freedom.
But before I do that, I do want to encourage everybody to go sign up today at PrisonPlanet.tv if you're online.
All of my videos, a bunch of other great videos produced by other wonderful researchers are on the website.
My book, my 200-plus page book, Paul Watson's 300-plus page book, Border Route of Chaos, is there to read or download or print off for yourself there on the website.
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Also, you can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and link through to our Safe, Secure Online Shopping Cart and get all the videos I've made, a bunch of other great videos that I carry,
My 9-11 films are 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, and The Masters of Terror.
They're excellent.
I also carry Eric Huffman's video, 9-11, The Great Deception.
Painful Deception, excuse me, and George Humphrey's 9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
We have The Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, that satanic ritual caught on videotape coming up on the four-year anniversary on the 15th of this month, just in five, six days.
Snuck in there and got that satanic ritual on video.
There's also my three Police State films, America Destroyed by Design, there's America Wake Up or Waco, there's my newest film, Matrix of Evil, which is amazing.
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That's another great film we carry by Howard Films.
What is that, $22?
So, PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Well, I know I said I'd hit these two articles, then we will.
And this is my comment that I wrote above the AP article.
Again, group objects to firefighters as spies.
That's their headline.
I wrote this above it.
In my experience firefighters are some of the best people in America and they are certainly the final remnant of the spirit of public service in government.
I've been wondering for a long time when the New World Order was going to get their hands on them and turn them into members of the secret police.
All of us should be outraged by this.
Now on Tuesday we went over the new expanded
Tips program under a new name, and it was in the Time Magazine, how wonderful it is, and how all crime is terrorism, how the new spies are going to look for terrorists and criminals.
It's always terrorists and criminals.
The new Homeland Security cameras on the street corners that work for traffic.
Now they're for Homeland Security, hooked into the command bunkers in your city.
And the federal government, where Ridge was speaking yesterday in front of them, in front of a command center hookup.
But we're going to fight terror and crime, because crime undermines the state and aids the terrorists.
Protesting against the war aids the terrorists, hence it may be illegal.
You know, this is the whole mindset.
This is the new freedom.
New York police, you can't protest the Republican Convention.
We'll fire you.
You can't protest your graduation or we'll take your diploma.
You can't speak about God or we'll take your diploma.
This is the new free speech.
And the left is for taking the conservatives' rights and the right is for taking the liberals' rights and so everybody loses their rights.
Isn't that nice?
Again, I'm digressing.
Group objects to firefighters as spies, AP, Orlando, Florida.
Civil rights advocates criticize the plan to teach firefighters and other workers, other workers, who regularly go into homes, it's the TIPS program folks, to report terrorist activity they see on the job.
But again, you go on, it's a crime.
The plan proposed by Local Domestic Security Task Force, which I love that name, Local Domestic Security Task Force, that invade privacy and add to a culture of suspicion and paranoia created after the September 11th attacks, said members of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Again, loyal opposition.
They always lose the cases on purpose.
We think it's misguided.
We think it's an attempt to turn neighborhood activists against neighbor, neighbor against neighbor, intrude on privacy and encourage racial profiling.
Folks, they say it's for the Arabs first.
It's for everybody.
With little reason to believe it will make us safer, a brochure for Citizens Awareness Project warns that the potential signs of international terrorism could be multiple adult males living together,
Between 18 and 45 with little or no furnishings.
The warning worries members of Orlando's Arab-American community.
Clearly this is going to be disproportionately impact Arab-Americans at first.
Like Germany with, you know, certain groups first.
And those of the Muslim faith, said Defense Attorney Mark Nijam, a leader of the Arab American Community Center in Orlando, to think that a terrorist is going to invite people to snoop around is ludicrous at best.
It's not only silly, but silly and scary at the same time.
The proposal also calls for reporting signs of drug trafficking and child sex abuse.
So, I mean, nobody's for drug trafficking, nobody's for child sex abuse.
But again, you can link through and read the actual pamphlet, and it's drugs, guns, child abuse, child sex abuse, you know, it's everything.
And the point is, you're guilty until proven innocent, now the firefighters are going to be snooping, now the phone man's going to be snooping, all of this.
And so you notice it was for terrorism, but now it's drug trafficking and child sex abuse.
That's what the AP says, but you read deeper into it, it's everything.
The Domestic Security Task Force is led by the Orange County Sheriff Kevin Barry, Orange-Osakola State Attorney Lawson Lamar, and Joyce DeWaley, Regional Director of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
And it says that the program is an educational program to train workers who regularly go into people's homes on what terrorist, drug, or sexually predatory activities look like.
Oh, boy.
And it says the Sheriff's Office would like Orange County firefighters to be the first trained, followed by utility workers.
Yes, utility workers.
So, see, it's the TIPS program, and it's terrorism and crime.
And crime.
And I remember before 9-11, I've told the story, what, probably ten times?
The carpet cleaner is in my house, where I broadcast from.
He comes into the studio, and on the wall is a shotgun that I bought at the local camping supply store.
Just a shotgun anybody can buy.
And he begins staring at it, and says, you know, is that loaded?
And I said, well, sir, it's just a gun.
You know, it's Texas.
It's not illegal.
And he was looking scared, and I said, look, here's a newspaper article.
And it was back in 2000 when the legislature was in session.
I've been, you know, having big gun rallies with congressmen and people, and I held up a news article and said, Look!
Alex Jones!
See my picture?
Second Amendment, you know?
And he just went on about his business, and I had this bad feeling that afternoon, hours later, and I called the carpet cleaner in place and talked to the manager, and he said, Yes, Mr. Jones, we know who you are.
No, no, there was some discussion of calling the police on you, but we didn't.
And no doubt why this happened, I mean, at that time they had billboards up all over the highways in Texas and I got reports in Missouri and California and just everywhere, for that matter, Florida, with an image of a hand and a revolver.
And it said, Report Illegal Firearms.
Now, revolvers, you know, little six-shot revolvers, like a little Smith & Wesson, you know,
Lady Hawk or Lady Smith, whatever you call that model.
Those aren't illegal.
You can buy them anywhere.
Just a few cities where they're illegal.
But half the population has never touched a gun or fired one, and they drive along seeing there are illegal guns.
My God, you know, come in your house and see a revolver, they'll call the police on you.
So, I mean, I've experienced it.
And then I went on TV that night and talked about it, and the carpet cleaner assistant, you know, there's two people on the crew,
It was a white guy freaking out over my shotgun, and the fellow I talked to, his assistant, who was a young Hispanic gentleman, called into the show, got into the show, and said, yes sir, I was there at the office.
I was there when you called that afternoon.
Yes sir, there were discussions of calling the police on you.
And, I mean, you know,
So I talked to the manager, and don't worry Mr. Jones, we know who you are, we know guns are legal, I handled it.
But see, that was only because the manager knew that guns weren't illegal, that a shotgun, you know, a hunting shotgun was legal.
I don't want to go on and on about this, folks, but
Every day, on the 2nd Amendment websites, they have scores, I mean scores, take KeepingBearArms.com.
I mean, they'll have 20, 30, 50, sometimes 100 articles, depending on the day, posted where dozens of those articles are where a neighbor thought they saw an illegal gun.
I mean, when I go deer hunting, rarely, in Texas, understand, just 10 years ago, everybody had their guns in their rack, in their truck, just 10, 15 years ago.
Now, I will open the garage, open the back of my truck, my Tahoe, my evil SUV, and I will a lot of times wrap a bolt action, single shot Remington 700, buy it anywhere, I will wrap it in a blanket or in its container and I will walk out judiciously and put it in the back and close it.
Because that's how free the society is, folks.
Because every day I read scores of articles where somebody did that exact thing,
And the police come to the home or the apartment, and they say, a neighbor said they saw you putting a gun in your car, and we're charging you with a felony of brandishing a firearm.
Or they SWAT team the house, confiscate, you know, 10-15, handguns and rifles, all totally legal, the person never gets them back, and the cops keep them and sell them for themselves.
I mean, I see those articles every single day!
Sometimes dozens of them!
In amongst the hundreds of articles about gun grabbing.
This is the new free society.
And this is what the TIPS program is all about.
And that's what the billboards are all about, nationwide, federally paid for, that say report illegal guns with a picture of a revolver.
It's like saying, you know, report illegal knives with a picture of a butcher knife.
I mean, it's not illegal.
By the way, the way Texas law works, you cannot buy a gun and drive home with it.
Did you know that?
It's up to their discretion.
You can't drive to the shooting range.
Even if you have your gun locked up in the back, in a case, unloaded, and it's a handgun, in Texas, thanks to the concealed carry law, which, quote, gave us our rights, turned a right into a privilege, they tightened up the laws, and I can't buy a handgun and drive home with it.
Obviously I'd do it, at my own risk, because it says it's illegal to have a gun outside your house, a handgun.
I mean, that's what the law says!
But the billboards say report illegal guns.
And so the idiots see a revolver and think a revolver is illegal.
And so perception is reality with these people.
A general public that doesn't read books, that doesn't know how many states there are, that doesn't know who the vice president is, that doesn't know where Iraq is, that doesn't know who the first president was.
Yeah, most Americans down polls don't know who the first president was.
Folks, I'm not joking.
We've read these major studies on the air.
So, we are a nation of dumbed-down idiots, and it's going to be the T.I.P.S.
program, warping our firefighters and everybody else, utility people, peering through your windows, and every day I hear where some worker came in a house, saw a gun case, and went and called the police, and they go ahead and come out and SWAT team the house, and if you want to spend 20 grand with lawyers to get your guns back, you will.
So that's your freedom, folks.
That's your Second Amendment.
Just can't believe what happened to this country.
I mean, I've almost had police called because a carpet cleaner saw a shotgun on the wall.
And that's the freedom.
I mean, and in fifteen years, really ten years, I mean ten years ago there were trucks everywhere with rifles and shotguns in them.
and uh... now you don't see that anywhere because i have friends that'll that that that that you know now it's fishing poles you know up there and friends will be going deer hunting and they'll go ahead and stick them up there thinking it was the old times and they'll get pulled over three times driving a hundred miles to go deer hunting.
Thanks a lot for what you've done to my country and my state.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot NRA members who are controlled by the government who are really loyal opposition controlled opposition.
Alright, let's go to the calls.
Brian in New Jersey, then Tim
And everybody else.
Go ahead, Brian.
Hey, Alex.
Always an honor to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
Just to reflect really quick on what your last caller was saying about television, there's two incredible books by Neil Postman.
One's called Amusing Ourselves to Death, and another one is called How to Watch TV News.
But that's not really what I was calling.
I was calling because I've handed out tons and tons of those flyers, at least 200 of those flyers that you had on your website.
You mean my Fahrenheit 9-11 flyer.
To give out and go, here's the rest of the story.
Uh, yup.
And, uh, I write letters to the editor all the time.
The thing that I'm having a problem with, I'm trying to figure out the best point to bring up to people when I just talk to them about it, because most people are skeptical and they don't believe, uh, you know, this huge thing.
They go, oh, it can't be that secret.
You know, it's too big of a secret.
Okay, just say this.
Hey, Michael Moore has done a good job, but he doesn't tell you the whole story.
He wouldn't have been allowed to.
On this website that's on this flyer, they have links to mainstream news articles where public officials were called the night before and told not to fly.
Uh, say, hey, did you know the CIA was engaged in insider trading?
Hey, did you know that the Bushes have been in business with the Bin Laden?
You're going to see that in the movie.
We'll find out the rest of the story.
And then that's, you don't have to convince them they're on the spot.
Just plant the seed.
And get them there.
That's all I wanted to ask.
I mean, what response have you gotten handing out 200?
Honestly, most of the people look at it and they just, you know, they eat it up and they take it home.
I'm really talking about the people that I go out to and I talk to just in my neighborhood, or people that are my friends that go, oh, you're crazy, and I'm just trying to figure out what I can say to them.
Well, see, that's why it's so good that when they're walking out of this film, it's a watered-down version, about 80 times what I've done, what others have done.
I mean, so that's why you target audiences that, you know, that want to be active, that want to be informed.
You don't worry about people that think Hitler's good, that want to worship the government.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
Don't worry about drooling spectators that, again, don't know how many continents there are, but that will tell you their opinion about geopolitical systems.
That don't know what WTO stands for, but will tell you all about global trade.
That don't know what the Congress is called.
They'll tell you it's the Executive or the Judicial.
They don't know it's the Legislative.
I mean, just don't waste your time on some bug-eyed moron!
Somebody who doesn't care about their children, that wants to be an idiotic slave.
Just do not waste your time.
Move on to those that want to line the battlements, engage in the Info War at point-blank range.
And they'll cut the chatter, lock X-Foils in attack position, and go in against the Death Star in the Info War.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters!
Go to the sound of the guns!
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If it keeps on raining, love is gonna break.
Alright, folks.
This is really just history.
I mean, it is.
We become
free after our forefathers and mothers fight then we become decadent and fat and bloated off of the spoils of liberty and we become enslaved again and uh... our whole society's already crashed folks look at the evidence of it all around you open your eyes up become inquisitive and observant and get past your denial so I'm trying to slow down our dissent
I hope that's what you're trying to do.
I just want to climb back out of the pit and at least stop the plunge into Hades as a society.
I mean, tyranny is a bad thing, boys and girls.
And let's say the terrorist threat was real, you know, real from some group called Al-Qaeda, not Al-Cieda.
I assure you that the threat of government tyranny is much greater than that of Al-Cieda.
But again, it's all one and the same.
We're under attack!
The first time our homeland's, you know, even in World War II our homeland wasn't under attack!
It's a hundred year war!
Give your rights up to these nice men in black ski masks and we're building lots of prisons for you and uh... never mind we're in business with the so-called terrorists and uh... just let us do things here.
Well, let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, and then we'll talk to Howie and Michael and Claude and others.
Go ahead, Tim.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hello, Tim.
I had been waiting a couple weeks for you to call me back.
I was the one living with the lady that has the Vegas nerve stimulator.
You know, I've just been, this has been the most busy time of my life.
I understand that.
And I have been dropping the ball on scores of issues.
What happens is I scribble your number on the back of a news article and then I get them all scrambled together.
Never get around to it, and I'll get... You know, I mean, does she want to come on the show?
Yes, she said she would.
Okay, and again for... Again, they have this for people who have epilepsy, but now they're going to put a wire into your brain to stop you from being depressed.
And if they force millions on drugs for this, they're now admitting they want to force us to take these wires into our brains, and everything will feel much better once we do that.
I was even going over some more of the facsimiles that they sent of this trial that she's going through.
And it scares me.
It's like a page from Joseph Mengele's medical book.
In one thing, they want to perform a PET scan and they want to inject her with as much radiation in one dose.
That's permissible to a nuclear worker in an entire year.
And of course they say, oh, it's safe.
And they're going to watch that go into her bloodstream.
All of her organs.
It's all a bunch of guinea pig stuff.
Hey, if she's there today, you want to get her on in the third hour?
I can't do that today, no sir.
I'm sorry about that.
I wish I could, but we're in separate areas of the county right now.
All right, this is the third time.
I'll leave my number with Stephanie after we call.
Yeah, for the third time.
Dr. Nick Begich was on Coast to Coast again last night, and I caught a little of it.
And earlier he had a person on
That was talking about, of course, Ridge and how they're ratcheting up the security and all that.
And George Norrie made a statement where he said, I'm not with the camp that believes the government had anything to do with it.
And I think, did he hear anything you say to him?
Did he hear anything Jim Barr says to him?
Well, he's, you know, he's had me on twice.
And they said they were going to re-air a broadcast during the holidays.
And when he was off last week, they didn't.
Uh, and, uh, I mean, I'm surprised they let me on there twice.
And I think, overall, it's a positive thing, but, uh... Right, it's just amazing that, that he doesn't, you know, he can still disagree after all the information that's been put in front of him.
He must be a Republican.
Ha ha!
I think George is okay.
I like George, too.
We need to... Oh, by the way, we got David Icke coming on for two hours Monday.
I'll definitely call you then, because I'd love to speak with him.
And one more quick question.
Who has the authority
And the guts to go into Washington D.C.
and arrest this entire lighting administration and their controllers that are lurking.
Okay, we'll talk about that when we get back.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, we're now in
The second hour of this global transmission, you can always listen to all three hours at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com or at PrisonPlanet.tv and of course the global shortwave during the day, all three hours during the day at 9475, 9.475 and at night from 9 to midnight at 3210, 32.10, 3210.
Or 3.210, I should say.
Okay, we're gonna go to Howie and Michael and Claude and Chris and others here.
It's wide open phones on this Friday at 1-800-259-9231.
First off, you know, what we're talking about here on this broadcast is not our opinion.
It's the facts of history of what the world government's doing, of what they're up to.
I just can't get over the New York Times two days ago going, oh yes, the Bilderberg Group.
Heard John Edwards speak to them a month ago in Centro, Italy, and they decided that he should be the VP, and they called up Mr. Sconebones, John Kerry.
I mean, they wouldn't even mention the Bilderberg Group two, three, four, five, six, seven years ago anywhere in the mainstream media.
And now to be saying, oh yeah, they're basically the bosses.
Just an amazing development.
Also, again, under TIPS program, with federal grants for local governments, this out of the AP, they're going to turn firefighters, utility workers, cable people, carpet cleaners, TIPS is back, at the local level, just like Total Information's back, called the Matrix, they call it the Matrix, folks.
No kidding, in your face, at the local level, spying on you.
And they're going to look for terrorists and criminals.
Yes, of course.
So we went over that.
I haven't gotten to this yet.
Thousands of mentally ill U.S.
children held in detention centers.
That's for Reuters.
Also, the globalists win for now.
House leaves Patriot Act as is.
Hello Alex, long time no speak, but you're in good voice as always.
The American Free Press, which you have an ad on your station almost every day, my subscription arrived.
Everything is perfect.
I called the editor and in the editorial department and I said, thanks for advertising with Alex.
And he said, I didn't know we were doing that.
But anyway, it's not the old spotlight, but I'm sure when they get enough subscribers, it'll be filled.
But thank you for having him as an advertiser.
Well, yeah, what we have is we have a distributor that's an advertiser on the network and my website.
Well then, very good.
Please thank him for doing it because it's been, as I say, over 20 years since I had the spotlight and they got in trouble.
And I had a great time the minute you got the guy from American Free Press to tell you that Edwards was in Italy at the meeting.
And I called a local paper VP and said, hey guys, Kerry's going to pick Edwards.
And they said, yeah, cut it out.
And I told them why he was going to be picked.
But you're a kook, and you're still a kook if you call him back, even though the New York Times said it.
The New York Times is good and loving, and they say that Bilderberg's the boss, but simultaneously it doesn't exist and you're crazy.
That's right, and they wouldn't print anything about it.
So anyway, yesterday,
When the New York Times, when you read the New York Times?
I called them up and I said, oh by the way, the gray lady says what I said is true.
Now what are you going to do?
Hey, I want to hear what they said when we get back.
Stay there.
Howie, Michael, Claude, Chris and others.
Global transmission against tyranny continues on the other side of these important messages.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, again folks, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
That's 10 to 1 Mountain.
You can hear all three of the hours at nfowars.com or prisonplanet.com or prisonplanet.tv.
Right there on the internet, folks.
Or on Global Shortwave at 94.75 during the day and at night from 9 to midnight at 32.10.
And we're getting a lot of new affiliates, folks.
If you're listening to us on Shortwave or the internet and not on a local AM or FM, call your local mom-and-pop privately owned talk stations
Tell them to go to GCNLive.com, link through to the network, call Affiliate Relations.
We'll send them out demos of the shows.
They've got all the satellite coordinates for them.
We've got the satellites they need.
That's how we get more affiliates and that is so vitally important because we're already reaching millions of people every week.
We need to reach tens of millions.
We'll go back to the calls and I'll get into this other news.
That's very, very important.
There's a lot of it.
But right now, let's go back to Howie in Illinois.
Again, I've been attacked by the New York Times because I believe in an imaginary organization called the Bilderberg Group, as they openly call for world government publicly in Europe, that our world leaders go and attend.
But now the New York Times comes out two days ago and reports what we broke a month ago with Jim Tucker from American Free Press, who's been covering Bilderberg for 26 years.
He got back photos of John Edwards,
And he said, yeah, he'll probably be the VP pick, because, you know, when they send somebody there to be looked at, and then the New York Times goes, oh yes, Bilderberg told us that he gave a speech before them and the 124 world leaders, and they decided that they thought he'd be the good VP, so they called, it says this in the New York Times, they called John Kerry up and said, he's your man.
Right out in the open now.
A month ago, you called the local papers and said, hey, they're going to pick Edwards because of this, and they laughed at you.
When you called them back yesterday and said, the gray lady says this, that's the name of the New York Times, no longer the gray lady, it's color now, but when you called them up and said this, what did the local papers say to you?
Well, they said, we couldn't do that, look what happened to that New York paper that published their exclusive, Ephardt wins Vice President position.
Oh, so as if they'd make a mistake, because the New York Post comes out and Rupert Murdoch tells them it's going to be Gephardt.
That's right.
But no, you can listen here though and find out who it'll be, can't you?
Yes, I can.
I mean, how time and time again are we just right?
Over and over and over again.
I'm not bragging.
People better take this serious.
Yes, and this paper that I call the third largest newspaper in Illinois and they're dropping like flies because they're losing all their readership and I jabbed them all the time as much as I can.
But I asked the American Free Press if they'd please run a column listing all your shortwave frequencies and times and your affiliate times and your website on their paper.
And so maybe you could follow that up with a request.
Yeah, I'm just too busy, man.
Because you're mentioned in the chat in Austin that has an ad in this issue that I just got, the 9-11 film that he made, and you mention it on your program.
Yeah, I carry George Humphrey's video.
Listen, I appreciate the call, sir.
Take care, I really appreciate it.
Let's go ahead now and talk to...
Up next here is Michael in Chicago.
Another Illinois call.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
Good, buddy.
Long time no hear.
I'm the former Air Force guy.
I've had, in the past, I did a town hall with the Road to Tyranny, and it was a pretty heady crowd, a little peachy crowd, and a lot of the folks were somewhat skeptical.
Now with the Moore movie out, they went ahead and checked out Fahrenheit 9-11.
Now all of a sudden I'm getting emails and calls saying, hey, you know what?
We need to take another look at this road to tyranny.
Because the things that we saw in there were obviously consistent with Moore's video.
And it just bugged me at the beginning, because I called you early on and expressed some of the skepticism of some of that crowd, but now they're starting to come around.
So, there is some value in the Moore movie from that respect, and I'm starting to send out your video more and more, and folks are actually requesting it.
Yeah, Moore says Bush might have let it happen because he's in business with the Bin Ladens.
No, no, they carried it out.
So if it just stops it more, it actually helps the globalists, making the people think the left's going to save them.
But if it goes deeper into the 9-11 truth movement that I'm just a small part of, then it has a massive effect.
One more quick point, Alex.
As far as the connectivity with left and right, I frequently refer people back to False Prophets by Peter Terrell and Larry Goodwin.
Starting the BCCI scandal.
I mean it's just a massive cast of characters you have.
Yeah, you got BCCI with all these world leaders and Republicans and Democrats and money laundering and drug trafficking and working with all these dictators and no one's ever held accountable.
Do you believe that Kerry, because he was running that commission there, and it's my understanding and my research of Kerry, that he's kind of their go-to man.
You know, he's like the clean-up guy.
Okay, here's all these scandals bringing Kerry.
Yeah, well, I mean, I said years ago that they bring Bush in, let him carry out the dirty work, demonize conservatism, because Bush isn't really conservative, kind of like a false flag operation, and then it makes the U.N.
look like the savior and they get to play the part of the good cop.
Well, Alex, I appreciate your time.
I want to let some other callers get on.
Keep up the good work.
Hey, good to hear from you, Michael.
Let's talk to Claude and Mass.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
Listen, I was wondering, have you ever heard of the secret law, supposedly already signed in the law, called NACERA?
Yeah, it's not true.
It's not real.
It's not real?
No, it's as real as Planet X. Is that right?
I don't
Look, magically the government really gave us all our rights back, and everything's okay, and they secretly gave us freedom, and just ignore all this, and why in 2001 everything's going to be, oh, in 2002, next month they're going to fix it.
No, it's a secret law.
Just don't worry.
You know, it's just, it's unbelievable.
And it's one of the biggest hoaxes ever out there, and it's meant to neutralize people getting involved and taking action.
No, no.
They're getting rid of the Bill of Rights.
They're setting up a police state.
They're setting up a national draft.
They're dismantling this country, setting up world taxes.
Our courts are going under U.N.
It's all happening, but meanwhile, don't worry, conservatives and patriots and libertarians and truth-seekers.
You can go to sleep.
Congress really saved you.
Alright, I appreciate the call.
We get one of those.
And I mean, it's important to ask the question.
I'm not putting you down for asking about it.
It just really gets old, folks.
I remember back in 2001.
Planet X is coming in the summer of 03.
It will kill everyone.
Total destruction.
New mountain ranges.
And I said, it's pure garbage.
Not gonna happen.
And then the government would put out stuff, hmm, maybe it will, you know, try to foster this.
And there's always, every year, some new hysteria.
And then I predicted, I said, two years before the summer of 2003, I said, it is not going to come, and when it doesn't, they'll go, the Gregorian calendar!
We were off three years!
Because I've seen this scam and other manifestations.
You know, because they got the calendar off three years, and so, thousands of years ago,
And so they'll say, it's the Gregorian calendar!
Earth will be smashed!
You know?
Give or take within a year to two years after this, you know?
And so that means three more years of book sales.
We were wrong!
It's coming!
Or, everybody prepare for death two weeks from now!
The comet will kill us!
The comet will kill us!
And I said, it's a hoax.
It's not real.
It's got classic government intel written all over it.
It's like this beheading thing turning out to be fake.
This latest, you know, marine captured, they're going to behead him and uploaded from government websites here in the U.S.
I mean, just come on.
I mean, it's just, it's so much theater to manipulate people.
I mean, I have people call me, people who've told me three or four times that the comet's coming, this meteor's coming, this planet's coming, Alex, Alex, I'm not worried about the giant prisons being built everywhere, or how they're going to forcibly drug the entire population and, you know, forcibly test everybody, and I'm not worried about the admitted cancer viruses and the vaccines, and I'm not worried about all this and the plan to invade 60 other countries and the plan to nuke a city and blame it on terrorists and have total martial law that top generals are openly talking about.
Alex, Alex,
Coming two Saturdays from now.
This is months ago.
There will be a comet.
It will hit us.
We will all die.
Prepare yourself!
It's over!
You know, and it's just like, people cannot focus in on real stuff.
Well, Alex, how am I going to plot the New World Order?
Because the Rapture is in one year.
I hear that every year.
Okay, the Rapture is in one year.
And then when it doesn't happen, and the world leader's putting the microchips in you, which they are announcing, that part's happening, they'll go, well, it can't be the Antichrist because it's, uh, it's, I haven't been raptured!
Planes didn't fall out of the sky!
It didn't happen!
You want to think Time Magazine and Newsweek and everybody you're promoting left behind?
Because then they'll go, well, the devil's a counterfeit, and Jesus really did come, and he wants us to take chips!
He defeated the devil!
I mean, I'm starting to hear this!
So we weren't raptured, so Jesus came back and he's our new leader and he brought world peace and he says we should all have one God and not fight with each other!
And we've got to cut the heads off of the Al-Qaeda terrorists!
These right-wing Christians work with Al-Qaeda, we've got to cut their heads off!
Because they're trying to overthrow our Lord!
Our Lord and His Prophet!
The Christian Coalition!
You think I'm joking?
Yeah, you think I'm joking.
I'm not playing around, folks.
So that's what's coming down.
That's what's happening.
Do I believe the Bible?
Do I believe Revelations?
Do I believe they totally warped it and distorted it?
I know I've got a job to fight evil.
Whether it's post, mid, or
You know, pre-Rapture, whatever.
Folks, I'm going to fight evil.
I see five thugs beating an old lady up down the street.
I'm not going to go, well it's the end times and evil is to wax and nothing I can do.
I'm not going to help you old lady.
I'm going to cop out.
Nobody's going to help you.
So go worship Satan.
That's who you really worship.
That's right.
You're deluded.
You worship the beast.
You love it.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, up next, I guess would be Chris in Illinois.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead, welcome.
Hi Alex.
We gave up on the NRA probably ten years getting back to the gun thing.
But what do you think of Gun Owners of America?
Is that a decent group?
Yeah, I think they're a good organization.
And I think there's several other groups, Jews of Preservation of Fathers' Ownership, anybody can join that, they're no compromise.
For those that don't know, I don't mean NRA members are bad, I mean those on the top are Judas Goats, and they just tell us, oh the concealed carry law is great, but then it turns right into a privilege here in Texas where I can't buy a handgun and drive home from the store with it legally.
Now they say, well it's up to our discretion, we'll decide whether to indict you.
This is the new freedom.
They've done some pretty stupid things.
Well, it's not stupid things.
They've even tried to help the environmental land grabbers get tens of billions in funding.
They've been taken over.
Yeah, that's the way I feel too.
They've argued in federal court that all guns should be registered.
That we should be allowed to leave our homes without a registered gun.
Well, I just wanted to make sure about that, Gun Owners of America.
Did you ever have Larry Pratt on your show?
About 50 times, Jim.
Oh, well, I don't get to listen to you every day, unfortunately.
I usually have him on during election cycles, and it's time to have him on again.
Yeah, I think so.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
It's time to have Aaron Zellman on, too.
Let's go ahead, and who's up next here, Stephanie?
Andrea, New York.
Hi, how are you?
I'm fine.
I'm a September 11th World Trade Center victim.
And I wanted to, you know, this is the first week I've heard your show.
I had heard of your show and actually it was last week Dave Von Kleist and Joyce, Joyce, I don't recall her last name.
Mortified to admit I don't remember, but they had me on their show because I'm someone who heard the explosives blow up through Six World Trade and the Associated Press photos that are on
Power Hour's website, as well as a woman I know who worked in the NBC building at Rockefeller Center.
Yeah, we have that in the WTC7 pulling the tower section, the AP photos, the video stills, the video of the buildings being blown up, and the AP was told to get back.
We're about to pull the buildings.
I mean, all that's on the record.
It's all hidden in plain view.
So what did you see that day?
Well, no, what I heard was up through Six World Trade in the morning.
No, I understand.
I'm saying the entire section about all the buildings is in the WTC7 section.
That's just what it's called.
You'll have to look, because what the case is is the government has, you know, it's on the record for lying that, you know, there were no explosives in the complex.
You know, they can't account... Okay, well that morning with the first six buildings, what did you see?
That's what I heard, because I knew the complex.
I had worked in the complex.
I understand, just a figure of speech.
Yeah, no, I had been, I had at that point been working in the Merrill Lynch building, which was across the street.
And when we were forced to flee the area, we were forced actually to evacuate the buildings in the general vicinity.
And when you're over in Battery Park City, it's very difficult to move uptown.
So I crossed town and I also needed to witness for myself, you know, only what I'd heard rumored about the towers.
And because they'd been a part of my life for the more than 20 years that I've worked and lived in New York.
So I witnessed them burning and coincidentally often when you see illustrations and photos
They don't accurately portray the actual spots on the buildings where the original damage happened.
But by the time I got to just below City Hall, at that point there were no subways running and there's no earthquake fault under the World Trade Center.
But more than a few minutes had passed.
Tower 2, I don't believe, had even come down yet.
I heard the deep rumbling from the vicinity of the foundation of 6th World Trade.
Now, the administration says that the U.S.
Customs Service had seized hazardous materials, but when you look at those photos, the symmetry of the hole could not have been created by hazardous materials.
I mean, it really can only... One can only conclude that the symmetry... Well, the seismographs picked up multiple explosions.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, that's been confirmed early on, but I've endured a great deal of... I was censored by the New York Times early on.
I was a Republican.
Um, delegate for Senator McCain at the Republican Convention in Philadelphia.
So I'm not an ordinary Republican, but I'm also not a brainwashed Republican.
So I've been pushing back, um, you know, for these several years now, and I've endured letters from the IRS, uh, FEMA cutting me off.
It's, it's, they've made it difficult, and I have enemies elsewhere.
All because, uh... Absolutely, because I've been, because, you know, the whole war on terror is a complete, you know, piece of fraud.
You know, the Homeland Security is a $90 billion dollar pork barrel on the U.S.
taxpayer's wallet.
It's complete piracy.
And, you know, they're abrogating our Constitution.
Trade Promotion Authority is abject corruption.
We could go on and on.
Well, I'll tell you what, stay there.
We'll come right back to you, and then we'll go to Curt and others, and I guess David Joyce obviously got you out of some news articles, so we'll learn more about you when we get back.
Stay with us, folks.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
We're just going to keep Andrea Soros on for a few more minutes.
She was on Dave & Joyce's show.
She was just telling us some interesting information.
I'd already seen some of this in the news where they intimidate the victims.
She has another Republican friend who was there and saw the buildings being demolished and has been
Basically being told they'll get something if they stay quiet.
She's been getting all sorts of harassment.
But how has it affected you and others now that Larry Silverstein comes out on national TV and says we gave the order to pull Building 7?
Well, what happened with 7 doesn't directly have a great deal to do with the rest of us.
Well, wait a minute.
If you get them to admit they blew up one building, then obviously that proves they were involved.
Yeah, not to interrupt you, but I mean, it's a valid point.
I mean, we could probably turn around because they did lie in the beginning and say that although they, when you parse what they say, you don't get that they really include 7 or that they're not inferring 7 when they're speaking of the rest of the complex.
And see, when Pointblank asked about what happened with 6 in the AP photos, you know, that's where they're on the record for saying that there's no explosives, you know, indicating that
Well, I had my engineer friend on who was in the World Financial Center.
As he was at the harbor, I mean, he was in the buildings when it all happened, but hours after it happened, there he is as it's all smoking and rubble, and he's saying, yeah, controlled demolition, explosions going off.
Well, that's the only way 7 could come down.
I mean, if you, I remember listening to our public radio station
And at that point, I had met up again with my one friend who was working for the Commerce Department in Sixth World Trade when the building blew up around him.
And it's he that has, among other of my friends, who are reluctant to go forward because in the one friend's case, who was with the Commerce Department, he's the one looking for the quid pro quo from the State Department.
And he figures that he keeps his mouth shut.
But the others are basically just people who want to get their lives back
And so, whatever they know... And they just want to move on so this can happen to other people on the globe and blow more stuff up.
Well, I mean, that's a good point.
You're right.
And that's where, you know, not only as... And I happen to know the Lord, so I'm a believer who, you know, draws that line and says, you know, regardless of what I endure, I've got the Lord, I've got to go the line for the truth.
You know, if I don't take the step to go forward and endure whatever it is, and I know we win because in the Lord we win.
Well, listen, Andrea.
The WTC7's the key.
You've got the seismographs, you've got the firefighters saying, telling the AP, get back, we're about to pull the building.
You've got the owner going, yeah, we'd already had such a loss of life that afternoon, we gave the decision to bring it down, gave the order to pull it, and so we pulled it.
We've aired those clips here, the videos on the website.
I mean, he said that on PBS.
So when you've got that type of evidence, because they say they didn't blow up Building 7, now they say they did, and there's no discussion about it.
I'm telling you, that's the key.
It's true.
Well, it helps significantly because
Piecing together all the other mosaic pieces is complicated.
Well, look, they said the other buildings fell from the planes and the jet fuel.
Well, Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane, wasn't hit by rubble of the other buildings.
That's right.
And then, you know, later in the afternoon a small fire starts and then suddenly the building implodes perfectly.
Well, I mean, it looks so evident that the owner says he blew it up.
I mean, this is getting ridiculous.
Well, absolutely.
By the way, we call their office over and over again, the media has, others have, and then there's no comment, no comment.
Well he's on the record, he had to go on the record because people like me from the very beginning have been forcing, we've been putting the truth constantly.
Well by the way, Giuliani in the hearings, the whitewash hearings that was appointed, he admitted now that, oh yeah, FEMA was on the ground the day before for a drill.
They were there that day.
Now, Kenny, one of the FEMA guys admitted this on CBS News and other places, and then later they changed their story.
Now, Giuliani slips up.
This is too big to cover up.
They're always slipping up.
You're so right.
I saw his cover-up.
It was pathetic.
You know, I really resented that he did that to us.
And I resented how they lambasted our fire department and our police department.
I really resented that.
But meanwhile, I asked Vincent Capetta, who's the new fire commissioner in a public forum at New York Law School, Mr. Capetta, I said, you know, what happened to the independent investigation that the New York City Fire Marshal is supposed to make with respect to the failure of the building?
I said, you know, I've been waiting for this independent investigation to be done.
It's a crime scene, so they don't let anybody take photos, they kick the fire department out, haul the wreckage away to China.
Among other places.
But it also went to, coincidentally, it went to that shipyard in Louisiana.
And we got a phone call last week by one of the engineers down there who said that the steel, the trauma to the steel,
Um, number one is not only not annealing and annealing is when you heated the steel to a certain point where it can bend.
So what he's saying is that these I-beams are so thick that you'd need 3200 degrees and the jet fuel... But nothing, no jet fuel hit Building 7.
Again, Building 7's the key.
It blows all their arguments out of the water.
Well that's true.
I mean, at a minimum, you can get them on all the lies that they have committed up to this point.
Because the mosaic of all the other puzzle pieces about the mercury and the atmosphere that the EPA didn't disclose, you know, they'll tell you about the asbestos.
Because what are they going to do?
They can't get away with that.
You know, but they didn't tell you about the amount of mercury in the atmosphere.
From the explosives.
Well, yeah, because apparently it's used in the detonators, or it's used in the charges that set off the plastic explosive.
And the buildings were just full of them.
I mean, you look at the symmetry of the peel-down.
And I mean, any person who uses logic... Look, they had heads of university engineering departments the next day go, demolition!
Perfect demolition!
Symmetrical demolition!
Then suddenly they all shut up.
Firefighter engineering comes out and says it's a cover-up.
Jet fuel couldn't do this.
Building 7, and suddenly they shut up.
It's been horrible.
It's been very difficult.
My life has been very sidetracked by a great deal of this.
Well, it's a magician's trick, and they don't want us to slow it down and look at the trick.
They want us to look at the lovely assistant.
And meanwhile, all the distraction with this whole horrible thing.
You know, I mean, you look at trade promotion authority that they worked on for a year.
I vigorously battled that the summer before the catastrophe.
Vigorously opposed it.
I faxed 100 senators
And at least half of Congress to oppose trade promotion authority, because I know it's a piece of... And then while we were diverted on that... You bet!
...the week after, they give China most favored... Oh, I know what you're saying.
...strategy to membership.
I know.
I vigorously oppose that, too.
I vigorously... I so... I don't know how many senator's offices I called in.
And I'm a Republican who worked on Wall Street.
So for me and Corzine, Senator Corzine, to turn around and say, don't do this, you know, this is going to be bad for the domestic American commercial environment,
You know, but who do you have but the kind of power that management can rouse with some things like, you know, you look at campaign contributions.
Well, Andrea, I'm glad you got this fire burning in your belly.
Maybe we can have you and some of your associates on my show sometime.
You know, by all means, don't hesitate to have your people contact me.
Okay, well I can do that for Joyce's producer, and thanks for calling in.
You're very welcome.
You bet.
Take care.
Oh, I forgot to ask her how many New Yorkers are awake to this now.
I know a lot of them are.
I know every day there's demonstrators there at the site saying the government did it with giant banners.
Let's go now to Kurt.
Kurt in Texas.
Go ahead, Kurt.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, buddy.
I needed to bring about three observations.
First of all, I'm from the northwest part of Texas and they just announced the other day in the paper that the Homeland Security
Well, yeah.
And again, every day I see, most days, multiple articles.
Every day I see at least one.
I have one here in front of me.
Where it'll be a billion two for New York, a hundred million for New Orleans, you know.
Fifty million for Austin.
But just for more cameras that they then all watch and control.
Ridge was up in front of them yesterday and they say, we're going to fight terror and crime.
We're going to have the cable guys spy on you for terror and crime.
The Stasi secret police.
And then, oh, we're going to have urban warfare military training drills in your city of how to take your city over.
And so, you're saying in your West Texas town, where are you, Kurt?
And so, in Abilene, they're going to have this love.
They've already had the black Apache helicopters touring the sky up here.
And yesterday, an observance, traveling from Fort Worth back into Abilene, where I've been down that way, I see a bunch of red and blue lights ahead of me.
I thought it was maybe the highway patrol.
They were loading a white van on one of these carry-away wreckers and behind it was three white cars with blue stripes.
One of them said U.S.
The other two said U.S.
Is that FEMA?
Yes, it's the new Federal Police.
They've been around for decades, but now they're coming out of the shadows.
So they were picking up somebody's vehicle right on the highway.
I wasn't there, but according to you, yeah.
Yes, that's what they were doing.
So they're in Abilene, they're going to have urban warfare drills.
Evidently, that's what it said in the paper that it was given to them to allow
We're good to go.
Yeah, it's going on everywhere, and it has nothing to do with, you know, looking for the terrorists.
We're going to have troops practically taking over your city and setting up checkpoints and arresting you.
We're going to lease a building and blow it up, but we're not going to tell you what day we're going to do it, we're just going to terrorize you.
Just get used to repelling troops and all of this, and then we're going to put up some more cameras in your neighborhood, and the feds are going to watch you, and we're going to recruit everybody to tattle on you, and it's the new freedom.
Let's take a couple more calls.
We'll get to Sheila and Carol and others here in just a minute.
Let me get some more news because I promised I'd do this.
Thousands of mentally ill U.S.
children held in detention centers.
This is out of Reuters.
Now, again, for years we've talked about this.
Florida's the worst, statistically.
Thousands, thousands and thousands of children are missing that they've grabbed from families.
You're five times more likely nationally to be abused in their custody than in anyone else's hands.
Because the predators and criminals that want to operate in safety go join this.
But when they take your two-year-old, your two-year-old cries and screams for mommy, they call that mental illness.
Most of them are then put, not on Prozac or Ritalin, but on antipsychotics.
The children then stop developing and they tie them down up to 20 hours a day.
With bed sores all over their body in maximum security facilities.
Thousands in Florida alone.
This is out of Reuters today though, just an update for you.
Thousands of mentally ill, because they're mentally ill because they cried.
children held in detention centers.
Thousands of mentally ill American children, some as young as seven.
Toddlers, folks.
...are locked up in juvenile detention centers because there's nowhere else for them to go.
A U.S.
Congressional report has found the report, and see, they'll get more funding and then do more of it.
So we've got to fix this, and then they'll build more and do more of it.
The report painted a disturbing picture of children with mental illness and or substance abuse warehoused in jail-like conditions where their mental health often deteriorates.
And then see, they get more money.
They grab a normal child, drug them, then they get even worse.
Then their wards of the state forever end up brain damaged and used in medical experiments.
More than 160 of the 524 centers surveyed reported suicide attempts by youths.
And then it goes on.
The last place some of these kids need to be is in detention.
The study quoted a Tennessee juvenile center administrator as saying.
Those with depression are locked up alone to contemplate suicide.
The House-Senate bipartisan report was initiated by Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins and California Democrat-Republican Henry Waxman.
Again, they'll get more funding to do more of this.
It was the subject of a hearing on Wednesday by the Senate Committee on Government Affairs, which Senator Collins chairs.
Many families struggle to afford mental health care.
And again, the new New Freedom program will test all youth, and then all adults, and put you on these, forcibly, and put you in these institutions.
That's mainstream news.
Oh boy, I can't get you in the prison system or on welfare.
We'll say you're mentally ill.
Health insurers often provide little or no mental health coverage or pay so little doctors do not want to take part in the health plans.
Community clinics are stretched and cannot meet demand.
The study found that 33 states hold youths who have no charges against them of any kind in juvenile detention centers.
And again, they want more funding to actually expand it.
This is how it works.
Education fails, it actually succeeds, they dumb you down, they give them more funding, it gets worse, they give them more funding.
The drug war, more drug war funding, more SWAT team raids, more drugs on the streets, more people in the private prisons, owned by the drug dealers.
The study found that 33 states hold you so you have no charges against them of any kind in juvenile detention centers.
On any given day about 2,000 such young people, that's 2,000 Florida alone folks, are incarcerated and over six months the number is 15,000.
Too often children are simply left to languish in juvenile detention centers which are ill-equipped to meet their needs while they wait for scarce mental health services.
Ah, great services, Senator Collins added.
And they go on to say how they really need to get more funding for you.
Okay, continuing.
This is out of the Associated Press.
The Globalists prevail as House gives up effort to block part of Patriot Act regarding reading habits.
Republican-led House bowed to White House veto threat Thursday and stood by the USA Patriot Act, defeating an effort to block the part of the anti-terrorism law that helps the government investigate people's reading habits.
Of course, Section 213 does that too, but it's even worse.
They can break into your house or business, take whatever they want, and not even tell you they were there, or make you not speak out about it, or that's a terrorism charge.
The effort to defy Bush, the Democrats all voted for it too, and bridle the law's powers, lost by a 210 to 210,
Well, the Democrats are against it.
It must be good.
When you win some, and some get stolen, Representative C.L.
Bunch, honor Republican Idaho, one of the few that voted against the Patriot Act back in, uh, 01, by the way, a sponsor of the defeated provision, and one of Congress's more conservative members, polled a reporter.
Representative Zach Womp, Republican Tennessee, simply switched his initial yes vote to no, after being shown Justice Department documents asserting that terrorists have communicated over the internet via public library computers.
This new world we live in is going to force us to have some constraints.
Womp said, OK, Womp.
That's fine, Mr. Wompy.
So, and the Supreme Court loves it, and says they can secretly arrest you, and again, all crime is terror.
So, that's Section 802 of H.R.
3162, passed October 27, 2001, when no one was allowed to read it.
Uh, we don't read the bills, they say.
Now, is Dick Cheney headed for the door?
We'll come back, take more calls, get into this and more.
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We're about to go to Cheryl and Carol and others, just briefly.
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We're carrying George Humphrey's new video for $19.95 on VHS and DVD, and you get a free 80-plus page color booklet.
And both the booklet and the videos, his video is titled, 9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
You get a second copy for $14.95 and you get three of the color booklets that accompany it with the news articles and the documents.
So again, you get two copies and three booklets for $34.95, one copy and one booklet for $19.95.
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But again, my videos are excellent as well.
The toll-free number to get the films or the books or any of the materials is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
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Cheryl in Ohio, thanks for holding, go ahead.
You're on the air, Cheryl.
Hi, I'm sorry, I just want to state two points here if I may.
Um, I've often heard you say over, I've only been a listener for a couple years, but you always say, problem, reaction, solution.
Create the crisis, scare the people into submission.
Problem, reaction, solution.
Here's my solution.
First off, you won't lose on every front if Jesus is your Lord.
And Galatians 5-1 says, stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
The evil doers think
Well, you know what?
If we stand up and we say no, and we do the right thing, because the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword,
So therefore, when you do speak up... I agree with you.
Listen, listen, ma'am.
I agree with you.
But most of the so-called Christians in churches love the New World Order and don't talk about any of this.
Well, this is true, but we do have pastors out there that do take a stand, do speak the truth in a congregation.
And we have them on this broadcast.
Yes, yes, yes.
And I know that.
But I'm just saying, also, that like Andrea said, that, you know,
She knows Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, so therefore what she is saying to you is that she is no longer in fear or bondage, and nor should any of us be who really know Jesus Christ.
Even Satan himself knows Him, but do we really know Jesus Christ in our hearts?
Okay, thank you for the call.
Ma'am, I understand that, but also you can't just chant the name Jesus and then think everything is going to go away.
The Bible actually says that.
You can't just chant it, and I'm not saying you're doing that, but most people do.
You know, and then they think George Bush is great, and they think the world government's a good thing, and they think giving up their rights is good, because it'll stop the evil Democrats.
I mean, it's just all theater.
So, you called a few days ago and said the same thing, and I don't disagree with you.
I almost got the idea that you think I disagree with you or something.
So I'm kind of in a quandary over what you're saying.
All right, the third hour is coming up.
We'll go to Carol and many others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll be right back.
And again, if your station doesn't carry the third hour, you can listen at InfoWars.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Now into our number three of this global broadcast against tyranny, this worldwide transmission.
And boys, there's a lot of news we're about to launch into as well as wide open phones on this Friday.
We've already taken a lot of calls.
We'll take a lot more of your calls early in this final hour.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to order.
Yeah, that's the toll-free number to order my videos.
That's the toll-free number to call into the broadcast.
The number to get my videos is 888-253-3139.
But the number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
I get distracted.
I'm here looking at all these news articles.
Is Dick Cheney headed for the door?
This is out of Capitol Hill Blue.
We'll get to that in just a second.
Also, more on Ridge Warren's election terror plot.
I guess Al Qaeda wants Bush to continue to attack Arab nations.
Doesn't make any sense, does it?
Boeing claims national security on WTC's second plane.
Very interesting about that missile pod.
The Washington Post has no plans for the military, draft official says.
Also, China to rehearse Taiwan invasion.
Vatican Library adopts radio frequency identification devices in their books.
Trump slams Bush, so one oily thug bashes another oily thug.
Ken Lay sure got a round CEO tied to Kerry's, too.
So the neocons say that Bush isn't connected to Enron, but Kerry has some tenuous connection.
And oh, see, it's bad when he does it.
But you know, they're all involved in it.
So stop the partisan garbage.
Admit how bad things have actually gotten.
Also, Americans object to war images online, the Associated Press reports, and one, it's censored.
And Murdoch's source of erroneous New York Post VP story paper denies that.
And we'll also get into a bunch of different news items here on the unfolding police state.
But right now, let me get into this Dick Cheney situation, and we'll go to Carol and others that are holding.
Again, at 800-259-9231 is the number to call in.
Is Dick Cheney headed for the door, Capitol Hill Blue?
Although President Bush proclaims fierce loyalty to Dick Cheney as his running mate, a second term questioned stubbornly linger about whether the Vice President will remain on the Republican ticket.
And when USA Today ran an editorial by an editor saying Dick Cheney should step down two weeks ago, that did not bode well for them.
Cheney's approval ratings have plummeted amid persistent questions, questions about his role in performing the Iraq War and in handling the September 11th terror attacks.
That's like saying, persistent questions linger about, was Stalin good or bad?
Persistent questions linger about if it's good to stick your hand in a blender or jump out in front of a bus.
There's no question of his corruptness.
Cheney's approval ratings have plummeted amid persistent questions about his role in promoting the Iraq War and in handling the September 11th terror attacks.
He faces indictment!
From a French court on charges of bribery, money laundering, and misuse of corporation funds, while CEO of Halliburton, and is also under investigation by the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission for his role in administering a $180 million slush fund that Halliburton used to pay bribes.
Well, don't worry, they put their man in as the head of that, so...
You don't have to worry.
In addition, an analysis by the White House Counsel's Office concludes Cheney violated federal rules of conflict of interest by helping push through a $7 million no-boot contract for Halliburton's work in Iraq, part of an $87 million package.
Some prominent Republicans grumble in private about Cheney's behavior and his dominant role in administration decision-making.
There's also... We'll finish up with this and take your calls on the other side when we return!
Right here on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Honored to be your host.
And PrisonPlanet.tv is a new website.
Be sure and check it out.
We'll see you on the other side of this quick break.
Stand by.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, my friends.
Got about 51 minutes left, 8 minutes past the hour.
This Friday edition, we're about to go to your loaded phone lines.
Here in just a second, but I want to read the first few paragraphs of this again and continue from Capitol Hill Blue.
And again, how many of you have heard this in the mainstream media here in the U.S.?
Is Dick Cheney headed for the door?
Although President Bush proclaims fierce loyalty to Dick Cheney and his running mate for the second term, questions stubbornly linger about whether the Vice President will remain on the Republican ticket.
Cheney's approval ratings have plummeted amid persistent questions about his role in promoting the Iraq war and in his handling of the September 11th terror attacks.
He handled them quite well.
He faces indictment from a French court on charges of bribery, money laundering, and misuse of corporate funds, while CEO of Devil Burton, I mean Halliburton, and is also under investigation by the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission for its role in
Administering a $180 million slush fund that Halliburton used to pay bribes.
In addition, an analysis by the White House Counsel's Office concludes Cheney violated federal rules of conflict of interest by helping push through a $7 billion no-bid contract for Halliburton work in Iraq.
Some prominent Republicans grumble in private about Cheney's behavior and his dominant role in administration decision-making.
There also is unease in GOP circles about
Comparisons between the youthful, energetic John Edwards, a Bilderberg minion, and the Democratic vice presidential candidate, and Cheney, a veteran of decades of political wars, who seems uncomfortable on the campaign trail.
Former Senator Alphonse D'Amato of New York, the only prominent Republican to speak publicly about replacing Cheney, said that, I believe the President can guarantee his essential re-election by looking to several other notable individuals who would add a great dimension to his ticket as a running mate.
D'Amato suggested Secretary of State Colin Powell
I see no scenario in which the President would replace Dick Cheney.
Bush gave a terse answer to the question about how Edwards would stack up against Cheney.
Dick Cheney can be president next.
Bush snapped.
The White House insists that Bush is sticking with Cheney.
While no one in the GOP establishment suggests that there's much chance that Bush would dump Cheney, there's still a lot of what-if talk as the political convention's near.
Bush's minion, or boss, I should say, Cheney 63, has had four heart attacks since 1978, the most recent in November 2000, right after one of the closest, most stressful elections in U.S.
A sophisticated pacemaker, defibrillator, has been placed in the chest in 2001.
The Vice President had his annual heart checkup in May and has been told there were no signs of irregularities or blockage or blood flow by his admitted drug addict doctor, who just had to stand down.
What if the speculation goes, Bush decides, or is persuaded, that jettisoning Cheney is the only chance of being re-elected.
Again, almost everyone close to the President suggests such an initiative would have to come from Cheney himself.
Oh, give me a break.
None of this even matters.
John Edwards doesn't matter.
Kerry doesn't matter.
Cheney doesn't matter.
Bush doesn't matter.
They don't run anything.
They're puppets.
Let's go back to the calls.
Uh, let us talk to Carol in Mississippi.
Carol, go ahead.
Uh, yes sir.
I called yesterday and you told me something about the, uh, Skull and Bones and I had someone, I didn't have a computer so I had someone look that word up for me, Illuminati, and it just sent chills all over me when I saw that picture of that owl and that sacrificial place there.
Uh, yes.
And that fire and all, and I mean, you know, it's so wicked, you know, and, and so then I heard someone last night, I had been
Uh, noticing they had run a lot of planes over this house.
Okay, let's say they've got 50,000 employees that spy on Americans, which they do not.
Now let's say they have voice recognition software that listens to all radio, TV, phone conversations, reads all faxes, emails.
Okay, now hundreds of millions of words that are red flagged and put into computer sorting algorithm artificial intelligence grids, and they still get tens of thousands of flags they're supposed to look at.
They can't read or look or follow what you're doing individually.
And they sure can't do an investigation or follow-up on it.
What they can do is public investigations of prominent people to intimidate those of you like yourself.
Now, are planes flying over your entire area, looking through your walls with ground-penetrating radar, chronicling what everyone's doing?
The answer is publicly yes.
Are they focusing in on you?
The answer is no.
Okay, there's 295 million people in this country.
There are tens of millions of awake patriots involved in speaking out.
And really, in reality, only about 5,000 NSA people spying on Americans.
But let's say 50,000.
Let's say 100,000.
They are not watching you.
They can do nothing to you.
All they can do is categorize you off of computer algorithms into databases.
They still can't do anything to you.
They can do something to individuals, show it to people, to intimidate the general mass, okay?
So the planes, because you called into this show, are not hovering above your house.
Go ahead.
No, sir, I didn't mean that.
I mean it was that way before I ever even turned on the shortwave.
Uh, it's like a chemical trail.
I know you know about that.
Oh, you're talking about chemtrails.
Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
And again, that's against the whole public.
The globalists are about infrastructure.
It's about mass movements.
They're about mass movements against humanity.
Yes, I understand that.
And, uh, I guess you've had this person on your program.
Sam Hewitt.
Al Coffey.
Yeah, I've interviewed him before.
I agree with a lot of what he says about the shadow government that's now public and the foreign troops.
I don't totally agree with him about the power structure of the New World Order.
Well, I don't know about all that, but I just know that yesterday I went outside.
That's what I called in actually for yesterday, but I started talking about that other and I looked up that Illuminati and that was pretty shocking just that.
And so I looked
Outside it was beautiful, all blue clear skies.
It was real, oh about five something in the morning.
And then they started streaking the skies, you know, making these crisp passes.
Hey, I hear you.
Your phone's breaking up.
Thanks for the call, uh, Carol.
We could do a whole other show on chemtrails.
We have.
We'll do it again.
I mean, it is going on.
It's admitted.
NASA now comes out and admits it.
It's going on.
Scott in Hawaii!
Scott, welcome sir.
Hey Alex, just a quick point here.
I haven't heard anybody mention the fact that all the different flights from 9-11 respectively, beginning with flight 11 as the anchor, because that is the anchor from which we move with the occultic symbology that these idiots espouse.
But then starting with 11, going through the other flights, they're in sequential order.
And from an operational standpoint, it's perfect, because it's flight 11, 12, 13, and 14.
It's perfect.
It's unreal.
If you add up those flight numbers.
Well, you know the stuff I focus in on, the more esoteric things, is the New York lottery coming up, 9-11 on the one year anniversary, the Chicago Mercantile on the one year anniversary, coming up 9-11, you know, just one out of 14 billion something.
All of this
Yes, that's how they communicate with each other.
It's kind of their joke.
You know, it's like a serial killer leaves a calling card.
Or actually, even on the day of 9-11, then, if these guys were communicating with each other, and just talking about 11, 12, 13, or 14, it'd be totally innocuous.
Well, more than that, sir, I mean, let's focus in on all four planes.
Had exactly 20% occupancy.
Two different airlines.
That day occupancy was above 85% on the west coast.
Magically, two different airlines, four different flights, two different computer malfunctions.
This is admitted.
And magically those planes only get 20% on board.
I totally agree with you Alex.
I mean, there's nothing that you cover that I haven't investigated for myself that I am totally not in agreement with you on.
Well, all the occult numerology around 9-11, and then 911 days later on 3-11, not just 911 days later, but on 3-11, we have the Madrid bombings, which have now been proven to be the government.
The thing that people have to understand and keep in the back of their minds, Alex, is what you tell them almost daily.
And that is, you may not believe this, but they do.
And that's the thing that people have to understand.
Well, serial killers are always into the occult.
The occult runs the country, runs the planet.
I mean, the Bible says so.
And in reality, it's proven.
And you're right.
And it's just out in the open.
Hey, Alex, you take care.
You bet, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
William in Texas.
Go ahead, William.
Yes, hello, Alex.
Hello, William.
I wanted to bring to your attention a story about a fellow named John Titter.
His story is chronicled on a website called www.johntitter.com.
Okay, just tell us about the story.
He claimed to be a time traveler, which kind of ends the conversation whenever you bring that up, but what he talked about was in late 2004 and early 2005, it's kind of going to be the start of the second American Civil War.
But not like, as you would think about the previous one, he said it's more like a series of frequently occurring Waco-style things, which is kind of along the lines of the things you talked about with the police state.
And so, I just kind of wanted to... Well, you know, that's... all these... I don't know about this guy, but all these so-called time travelers and psychics, what they do is they come up with things that are probable to happen.
I mean, you can look at
You know, the U.S.
Geological Survey statistics, there'll be a big earthquake every five years in California, and the site goes, within five years, there will be an earthquake.
A big one in the L.A.
That happens, they go, unbelievable, how did he do it?
Well, the same thing with Nostradamus and all of this.
I mean, it just never ends.
Sir, all I do is stick to legislation and document things I approve.
I understand that.
I know it's sensational and fun and you know, it just goes nowhere.
Well, I was curious what you thought on the possibility of something like that happening.
You know, in the next several years, with you talking about the government taking over control, what do you think the chances are?
Yeah, I see a lot of Waco-style events, because even if one out of a hundred people resist, that's thousands of Wacos, and they can't win if we fight back.
But I'm trying to avert that.
Good to hear from you.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
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You know, I'm just looking at these photos of Ridge and Chaney at this giant campaign stop in front of these cameras watching the American people.
This big brother image as they stand up and grandstand.
We'll keep you safe, just give your rights up.
The terrorists are about to hit you.
And then, meanwhile, they protected the terrorists, they funded the terrorists, they ARE the terrorists!
It's just so rich!
It's just... Oh, it's... I mean, this picture I'm looking at just says a thousand words.
Did you watch that on television yesterday?
We'll go back to your calls coming up in the next segment for Kyle and Linda and everybody else that are patiently holding.
If you want to join us on air, we'll continue to go to your calls quickly.
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Ridge Warns of Election Terror Plot.
Again, a steady stream of intelligence, including nuggets from military, militant-linked websites indicates, which are always government-run, we always find out, but nobody wants to point that out.
Indicates Al-Qaeda wants to attack the United States to disrupt the upcoming elections.
Federal officials said yesterday, besides elaborate security plans for the political conventions this summer in Boston, those are police state kiosk training sessions,
In Boston and New York, the officials are considering how to secure polling places come November.
Yes, you've got to have men in black ski masks searching you when you come in.
You can't protest electronic voting machines.
That's Al-Qaeda.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and the Bush Administration based a decision to bolster security on credible reports about Al-Qaeda's plans, coupled with pre-election terror attack in Spain earlier this year, which is now admitted to be the Spanish government, and recent arrest in England, Jordan, and Italy.
This is sobering information about those who wish to do us harm.
Rich said, but every day we strengthen the security of our nation.
You mean of the dictatorship.
And last, um, what was it?
Last Thursday, the Associated Press, the head of the Federal Elections Commission, just calmly came out and said, we're preparing to suspend the election when the terrorists attack.
It'll be a type of national security threat in martial law, just like they have in Baghdad now.
They're just announcing it, getting us ready, it's all part of the freedom, keep you safe.
Believe this?
Shifting gears, you know, there's clearly something on the bottom of one of the planes flying into the World Trade Center.
And it says, it is clear that the flight that struck the second of the Twin Towers on 9-11 was not the United Airlines Flight 175 because views from underneath the plane reveal a 20 millimeter, uh, meter, excuse me, long, uh, one and a half, uh, diameter, uh, cylinder that opens just before impact.
The pod appears in all other photographs that clearly show the aspect of the plane and can be seen in the frame by frame analysis of the videos on impact.
Where there is sufficient contrast and resolution.
And we have links to the photos.
The Barcelona Daily, La Vanguardia, which has run a series of articles based on the technical report on this pod, asked Boeing about these features, who claimed they were unable to respond for reasons of national security.
It's like the federal court throwing out civil admins, the FBI translators, suit over being told to shut up about prior knowledge and being threatened because it's national security.
And, uh, need to go look at this.
Boeing told the, uh, the Spanish big newspaper, daily newspaper, that, hey, this is national security, we ain't talking about it.
So, again, we got the owner of the World Trade Center saying they blew up Building 7,
We've got seismographs, we've got pods on the bottom, and it's just all admitted and nothing happens.
That's the way it is.
I love this propaganda.
This is out of the Washington Post.
No plans for military draft, officials say.
And a week ago they had an editorial saying how good it was.
But there will be a draft.
There are no plans to reinstate a military draft.
The Bush administration does not support conscription.
The Pentagon's top official for personnel and readiness told Congress yesterday.
Well, they've got the bills introduced, senators calling for it, draft boards being set up again.
Trying to counter recent internet rumors, got senators calling for it, that the military and the Selective Service System are girding up for potential draft to support operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Undersecretary of Defense David S.C.
Choon said there is no reason to bring back the draft.
He fielded questions at a House Armed Services Committee hearing that focused on the strains on military personnel and officials' plan to rotate more troops in the conflicts in coming months.
Already people whose commitments up didn't know they'd signed the document that had fine print saying they could be held in for many more years.
That's a draft, that's forced conscription, of people who've already served!
Members of the committee
Bemoan the rising stress of the Army and the increasing use of National Guard and Reserves.
Chew and top military officials said there is definitely a strain, but that the Army can handle its current operations while relying on reserve forces that share the burden of service.
After the nuclear attack, after the smallpox attack, none of us thought there'd need to be a draft.
There have been rumors by some American haters.
But now we are instituting it.
For everyone.
Serve domestically as a secret police officer to defend the mighty homeland.
We'll be back on your global New World Order Network.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, as promised, let's go to your phone calls.
And then I'll get into this other big stack of important news here as well.
And I've had a lot of requests.
I hear this every three or four months.
We'll play that Chris DeBorg
Hi Alex, thank you for all your good work.
My question is, why would documents like Northwoods or executive orders like W199I, why would they ever be declassified?
Well, because 67 years ago, we didn't have the National Security Act, but in 1947, what, 57 years ago, we did get the National Security Act, and people said, hey, you can't have a total of zero governments.
They said, okay, we'll release documents every 20, 30 years.
And then they started breaking that rule, reclassifying, reclassifying, reclassifying, and then good people in the National Archives slipped this stuff out,
And when just hundreds of thousands of documents do get declassified, things like Northwoods gets slipped into it, and they have congressional hearings, back when we had some better Congress people about all this, a lot of this comes out that way.
You know, Project Shad, biological testing on the troops, chemical testing, all of this does come out.
Now you won't ever hear any of it come out.
They've pushed the Kennedy declassification up to 2030-something now.
It was supposed to be declassified a few years ago.
Now everything is going to be, presidential records are classified forever now.
And so something from 1962 we can see and learn about.
But not other things.
Now nothing will ever be released, unless people leak it.
And there are good people in government and things do get leaked, but you'll have huge bombshell events like the documents getting leaked, the White House admitting they're accurate,
than trying to, you know, go after their aides because, you know, here's the emails with Dick Cheney and his assistant running out of the VP office, you know, the Halliburton contracts.
He should go to prison for that.
Bill Clinton should go to prison for pardoning cocaine dealers who came to the White House, or communist generals in the White House, but nothing ever happens to them.
I guess people just don't... they see this stuff and they just... I guess they just don't care.
Well, we've been conditioned that this is just the way, that's what government does, they're just corrupt and people admit they're corrupt, nothing you can do about it.
But then they'll go, oh, government's not bad though, let's give our rights up to them.
Powerful, inbred, you know, people, they don't want more control.
No, that's just the number one, 100% rule in history, like gravity.
Alright, thanks for the answer, Alex.
Hey, you bet, Kyle, good to hear from you.
Leslie in Virginia, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex, I'm on a cell phone.
I apologize for that.
I'm just responding to the caller about 20 minutes ago.
And she... I mean, no disrespect here, but a lot of Christians are very uneasy speaking out against evil.
Because of the conditioning of the 5103 churches.
And in my view, they basically sold the plot down.
And the Bible speaks specifically, and your response to the caller was that she needed to stand up against evil.
And to be counted.
Well, the scripture in Ezekiel just reinforces what you had to say.
I thought you'd find that interesting in two passages in the chapters of Ezekiel 22.
And it also talks about the conspiracy of the prophets, how they sold the flock out, basically.
Well, hey, you want to read those quotes?
I mean, I sat through a lot of Sunday School, folks, and enjoyed it.
The whole Bible is standing up against evil and getting your head cut off.
I don't mean the last caller, but I kept repeating, okay, we've got to stand up, and she just kept saying, well, you've just got to be a Christian, are you?
As if, somehow, I'm not supposed to be involved or out there.
It's confusing.
She wouldn't say it, but she kept kind of bringing up the edge of it, and I'm sorry.
I mean, the whole Bible is standing up against evil and being punished or being rewarded for it.
I don't care what happens.
I'm supposed to do this.
Let me read you the two quotes, and what is required of us, because in the chapter of Ezekiel, it's because we did not, it was the whole land was destroyed.
And I'll read you the conspiracy, and I'll read you the, it's Ezekiel chapter 22, verse 25.
There is conspiracy of her prophets.
In the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravaging the prey, they have devoured souls.
They have taken the treasure and precious things.
They have made her many widows in the midst thereof.
It goes on further how they've taken the treasures and the profanities and blah blah blah.
They've taken the children?
I believe it talks about taking children?
Yes, it's horrible.
Why don't you list what the New World Order does to us?
No, let me end with this.
And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it.
But I found none!
Therefore I poured out my indignation upon them.
I have, I have, my vision is not good.
Consumed them with the fire of my wrath, their own way, that I
We can tense them upon their hands, except the Lord.
The point is, the Lord had asked one person to stand up against evil.
One person!
Well, I know that.
If people weren't fighting evil, we'd be totally in the jaws, totally judged.
But the new church says, give in to it, let it come, it's supposed to happen, don't fight it.
I've heard these Christian callers, these so-called Christians, Praise the Lord, they want us to take chips.
This means it's the end.
Oh, it's wonderful.
Oh, and I go, we need to fight it.
No, we don't.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I mean, it is sick.
I don't think that earlier caller was saying that, though.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kelly in Texas.
Kelly, go ahead.
Yes, real quick.
I just wanted to say, those people that boarded that plane in the morning, Flight 175, how did they not recognize the pod on the bottom of the plane?
People don't pay attention.
Do you run around looking at the bottom of the plane and wondering what pods are?
No, I just, and the next point was the Knight Rider theme song that you use on your show.
Are you a big fan of Knight Rider, the show?
No, years ago I bought
You know, those TV themes on CD, I thought it was interesting.
Okay, also, you said yesterday that some kids listen to your program.
I'm wondering where, you know, these kids, where are they at?
You said, watch your language, because kids are listening.
Yeah, I appreciate your call, sir.
Kind of a weird, aggressive call.
I don't know where you're really coming from.
Yeah, I was just telling people that all over the country, see, we're on during the day.
And it's the summertime right now, especially, so it's transmitting off AM and FM transmitters.
And it goes into people's cars and their homes and businesses.
And I have had conservatively, I don't know, 300, 400, more than that, letters that I've read myself over the years of homeschooling families and Christian schools that at the lunch hour during the school year listen to this broadcast.
And so you're saying, where are they?
This isn't a visual medium, it's an audio medium.
It's radio, invented by Marconi.
And so, would you like me to produce the children that listen to the show?
I don't really understand, sir.
If you have a serious call and disagree with me on something, I'll have you on.
But if it's just silliness, I really can't do it, Kelly.
Dan, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling you from Longmont, Colorado.
Good to hear from you.
Yes, and I've been listening to your program for some time.
I really appreciate the information you're putting out.
I spoke to a couple of people today about InfoWard.com and about the program.
You know, telling where they can hear 1360 here in the Longmont area.
Wonderful folks, absolutely.
The American Freedom Network doing a fabulous job.
Why don't you give out their website?
Okay, it's InfoWars.com.
No, their website.
Isn't it American Freedom?
No, no, no.
I was mentioning InfoWars.com.
You ought to give out their website.
I'm not sure what it is.
I don't want to say it wrong.
I think it's just AmericanFreedomNetwork.com, but go ahead.
Okay, well, the point I wanted to make was that I mentioned InfoWars.com to a Colorado University student, and she told me, though she had never seen the website,
That there was chalk on the sidewalk at Colorado University on the walls all over the place at Colorado University.
And so I played the website to her and got her really interested.
She's definitely going to look at the website.
Yeah, writing on the wall like Ezekiel.
Yes, all over the place.
InfoWars, she says that one, she recognized it right away but didn't know what it was about.
Well, let me go back to something.
About every week or two, I get a threatening email or letter from Colorado, Oregon, New York, South Texas.
One time,
I got the email sent to me, the police even contacted me one time from New Zealand.
And they said, Mr. Jones, we're going to come get you.
You climbed up on this skyscraper and spray painted InfoWars.com.
So the funny part is, is that I don't support spray painting, folks.
I do think putting chalk on the sidewalk, it washes away that spine.
But we don't support any of that vandalism.
But the point is, is these people are so stupid, from New Zealand to Oregon, that they think I'm doing this, that I'm this omnipresent being in Kiwiland, scaling skyscrapers, spray-painting Infowars 50 feet across.
But I guess we are in a war.
I mean, would the founding fathers have done that to get the word out?
But go ahead.
The people are very enthusiastic.
I mentioned it to someone else and he said, oh that one.
And I said, what do you mean where?
And he said, he got it from one of the free tapes that are being given out in the area.
Yeah, the power of you, the power of you, the people.
Okay, well I'm going to keep doing that.
I wanted to mention... So that had to be encouraging for you?
Oh, it was!
What it has done for me is made me feel like something's happening.
People are all over waking up really fast.
And they're questioning and they're asking questions.
Go to every hill and mountain because the time is now at hand to light a fire in the minds of men and women everywhere.
Anything else?
I emailed a website to you.
I'm not going to mention it unless you ask me to, but it had to do with 2004 and 2005 as being very critical years.
In other words, somebody back in 2001 said that in 2004 and 2005 people are going to get really upset about their loss of freedom in the USA.
Well, they already got upset in 2000 and in 1776.
They did it, but it's reaching a critical point now.
That's why the globalists have to carry out more terror and try to scare us back into submission.
In 2001, in March, he mentioned Iraq and said that... We didn't hang up on you, your phone cut out.
Yeah, there's a lot of people who want to claim, oh, I was psychic, I said we'd attack Iraq.
PNAC said they'd do that in 99, in 2000.
Dick Cheney's own group.
Hey, folks, really want to hear this song again.
I'm going to air this, then come back, go to break, come back and take a few more calls and a few more news items if we have time.
But here is, speaking of revolution, here it is, folks.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Wake up, boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the word, revolution.
There are men coming down from the valley.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Revolution!
Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
They will see through the lies after we light the fire.
For to every villain mountain of the time is now at hand.
There are many who have not seen the light.
You're living history.
You're living the crossroads of humanity.
The edge of total enslavement.
Or a new beginning of liberty and freedom.
The new world order in all its horror.
He's now upon us.
We have entered the gates.
They are upon us.
Unlock your minds.
Stand up against the tyrant.
Or be swallowed into the depths of despotism, serfdom, feudalism, and the New World Order.
We'll come back, talk to Steve and Ned and Roberta.
That'll be it for phone calls.
I will briefly fire out the toll-free number and website to get the videos.
If you want to join us in the historical battle against the Globalist, where you can sit there and suck your thumb and be a slave in a prostrate position.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Be part of history on the good guys team, ladies and gentlemen.
Fight the New World Order.
A great way to do it is my documentary films.
I also carry a bunch of other great films and books and books on tape.
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Or just call toll free to ask questions or to order or to find out about the specials we offer at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Get Masters of Terror.
Get 9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
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Get them out to people, folks.
Get my films and make copies.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
The ball's in your court.
You can let the killers of 9-11 stand up there and pose as our saviors in front of threat boards and tunnels to give up our freedoms, or you can expose these creatures.
It's that simple.
You only live once.
You're only in this once.
You better get involved.
Annette in West Virginia.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Oh, hello, Alex.
I would like to reinforce your position about the people standing up, besides a few other comments, if you don't mind.
Essentially, the Bible proves that the people in the land, in the land of Israel, who did not actually rebuke their leaders
paid for it.
In other words, they were responsible to keep their leaders doing the right thing according to the scriptures.
But now, talking about Israel, we're supposed to support whatever they do.
That isn't what the Bible says.
No, but you see, what you're talking about in Palestine is the counterfeit
The state of Israel is the fulfillment of the prophecies pertaining to the people of Edom.
That's not true Israel.
See, when you're talking to me about Israel, it's about true Israel.
No, no, but just going back to examples of standing up against evil.
Oh, the standing up against evil.
True Israel.
Their people paid for it when they didn't rebuke their leaders and do that.
You see, and the prophets, as the previous caller said, it's the prophets, it was the church that was at fault because the church and the prophets did not insist that the people do that.
The prophets were corrupt, they became corrupt and very lax.
But anyway, that was the one point I wanted to make.
There was another reason why I called it... We got 30 seconds, I gotta go.
Well, with reference to this federal bill to make an amendment to the Constitution on marriage, I think it should be that a man and a woman constitute a marriage, not one man and one woman.
And I'll tell you why.
Look at the prophet Isaiah.
In Chapter 4-1 where it said, seven women shall take hold of one man, saying we shall eat our own bread, wear our own apparel, only we want to be, you know, under your... Ma'am, I gotta let you go.
Call me back tomorrow, okay, or tonight or something.
Let's talk to Roberta in Colorado.
Last caller, go ahead.
Alex, hi.
Hey, listen, I'm calling with the website for 1360 AM.
Out of Colorado.
Yeah, it's American News Net.
American with an N. AmericanNewsNet.com.
Great folks.
Can I bring up a couple quick points here?
Yeah, go ahead.
I received a book as a gift.
It details 1957 like a calendar, every day of every month.
On June 2, 1957, CBS aired Nikita Khrushchev, filmed in Moscow, unrehearsed,
And he predicted on that day, his filming, that your grandchildren will live under socialism.
Isn't that interesting?
And you'll sell us the rope to hang you with.
Can you believe it?
On the next day, June 3rd, the U.S.
Supreme Court ruled... Unfortunately, Roberta, we're out of time.
God bless you all.
Have a good weekend.