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Name: 20040708_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 8, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, so does he.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Boy, I tell you, this week is blasting past us.
Thanks for joining us.
It is
Already Thursday, the 8th day of July 2004, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I want to thank all of our affiliates across the country, the AM and FM stations, Shortwave, and of course the Internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Ridge says, Al-Qaeda planning attack.
And he just finished up his fear-mongering, scare-mongering press conference.
We'll be going over that.
We already told you this last week, that it looked like this Marine kidnapping was a CIA-staged event.
I'm looking at CNN, the Associated Press, the London Evening Standard, with headlines like this, Marines kidnapping may be a hoax.
But those same websites connected to the Republican National Committee and to neocon front groups keep uploading the video of the beheadings and the video of people threatening to behead.
Just magically, the original upload points continue to be these shadowy intelligence agency connected groups.
And then we look at those supposedly having their heads chopped off like Nick Berg, and the guy's got a clear intelligence agent M.O.
He's working on Abu Ghraib, he's arrested for 13 days by the coalition, released directly into Al-Syeda hands.
About 50 other points.
And now with this latest thing, it just wasn't real, wasn't going on, just a staged event.
With government-controlled websites saying, yep, we cut his head off!
People won't even remember this or pay attention.
It's like they kill Al-Zawahiri three or four times, they kill bin Laden many times, they kill Kim-I-Khalili multiple times, they kill Saddam's sons over and over again, and then they're back again, killing and attacking.
They don't even change the names of the boogeymen!
These guys have nine lives!
And the media never goes back and corrects itself.
They just keep announcing, oh, this person we announced was killed three or four times is back attacking again!
And you know why there's a big study out.
50 plus percent of Americans didn't even read one book in 2002.
That's the latest numbers.
It's always a year or two behind.
Didn't even read a single book.
Depending on the year, they poll high school seniors.
It's 75, 85, 90 percent depending on the year.
Don't know who the vice president is.
Don't know how many states there are.
Don't know how many continents there are.
I mean, I'm not sitting up here as some elitist thinking I'm smart.
I'm just an average guy.
The ignorance of the general public scares the daylights out of me.
But they'll give me their opinion about 9-11, they'll tell me all about the economy and how the Federal Reserve isn't private when it's in the white pages and admitted to be private.
You know, they'll tell me how the U.N.
They've never read the Charter, know nothing about it.
Don't spend their lives studying it like I do, but they'll tell me all about it!
They don't know who the Vice President is, but they'll tell me all about it!
Okay, I've got to focus here.
There's more cancer, virus, and the vaccine news.
Worse than we first thought.
It's all just wall-to-wall.
Here's a brief rundown.
Ridge says Al-Qaeda planning to attack.
Marine kidnapping may be hoax.
Bilderberg performance.
Keita Edwards VP pick.
Kerry and Edwards will use campaign to push domestic spy agency.
Civil Edmund suit thrown out by Bush minion.
Never got to that yesterday.
We'll get to that.
That's yesterday's news.
Swedish pastor sentenced to one month in jail for offending homosexuals.
Jobless claims drop, but that's really a spin.
Millions more may have been given cancer-contaminated vaccine.
New scientists lay surrenders to authorities.
I didn't think that would happen.
Arrested in triple killing at ABC Man's ranch.
Patriot Act foes force House vote.
Police begin random bus searches in the United States.
Schwarzenegger endorses DNA fingerprinting initiative.
You get the picture.
You better stay with us.
Jim Pack transmission.
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Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, my friends.
Again, Thursday, the 8th day of July, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Ridge says Al-Qaeda planning attack this morning.
He did a press conference, fear-mongering.
And about a month ago, the White House told U.S.
News & World Report, the Capitol will be hit.
We will be attacked coast to coast.
It will happen.
They said absolutely nothing will stop it.
Of course, they have no specifics, but they just know it's going to happen, and we know Al-Cieda is CIA.
These are hired Arabs from Iraq when they were our allies back in the 80s, from Afghanistan when they were the allies.
They're still the allies of the opium-running, cocaine-slinging, drug-dealing, money-laundering New World Order.
They're the boogeymen.
They create the crisis, the globalists get the oil, and their little Arab hitmen get paid off handsomely.
Ridge says, Al-Qaeda planning attack.
So they're back at it.
As soon as Edwards and Kerry's poll numbers slid ahead of Bush.
I mean, it's like clockwork.
Ridge goes running out saying, Al-Qaeda is going to get you any minute.
And it's not as if Kerry and Edwards are going to save you either.
We're going to go over that in the Bilderberg Group's new developments.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Thursday that Al-Qaeda may be moving forward with plans to carry out a large-scale attack on the United States.
Prior to Ridge's statement, an administration official said an attack might precede the November elections.
No new specific intelligence exists, however, and Ridge did not raise the National Color Code threat level beyond the yellow or elevated level.
It was not immediately clear how the assessment of existing intelligence has led Ridge to his remarks.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, Republican Tennessee, said the intelligence was very non-specific and there was no reason for panic, no reason for paralysis.
This is not a major announcement, it's just a fact.
Bristol reporters, the reality is of increased risk here in the homeland, the homeland people, over the next few weeks, the next several months.
Now we have a whole section on PrisonPlanet.com, fake terror alerts, where two and a half years ago, two years ago, a year ago, six months ago, a month ago, FBI, CIA, others have gone public and said,
We've been ordered to issue fake terror alerts to, quote, create hysteria.
Now, they didn't need to add to the Patriot Act that giving a false terrorist threat is a serious crime.
They made it terrorism, though.
So you don't get your rights.
So if you or I call in a fake bomb threat, I think we should get in trouble.
But they do it nationwide.
It's admitted they've done this.
Back during last Christmas, they later said, oh, you know, the information we have was false, it was a mistake, but we're going to keep the orange alert right through New Year's.
So, again, folks, this is about you looking to them as the father figure to save you and take good care of you.
Continuing with this article, accusations of scaremongering.
Officials say there's no specific intelligence of the planned attack or either of the major political conventions.
The Fourth Day Democratic Convention kicks off July 26th in Boston.
Mass and the Republican National Convention begins August 30th in New York City.
Officials say Ridge thinks it is time to again raise public awareness and they've started their tips program with the cable guy, the phone man, the truck driver.
They're going to start out with only 400,000 tattletales and oh they look for, it said in the article we read two days ago, that they're going to look for a man and woman arguing on the side of the road.
That's very terroristic.
Better call the police.
People with bags, backpacks by their cars, people wearing jackets when it's not cold.
Women with baby carriages, watch them specifically.
Women that look like they're pregnant.
And of course, two plus years ago, we had the AP article out of New Jersey where they had a Homeland Security meeting and said, look for priests or pregnant women or people that look innocent.
By the way, Homeland Security is here to fight terrorism and crime now.
They're announcing billion-dollar grants in New York, excuse me, billion-two grants, you know, hundred-million-dollar grants here or there.
I mean, every day I see some new Homeland Security grant to use the cameras at the new emergency management centers the Feds put in the last five years in every major city to, quote, track all the terrorists and fight crime.
Literally, every day, it's some new 15 million, 100 million, billion-two.
Small towns, big cities, homeland security, merging the National Guard, local police, CIA officers in your city, emergency management centers.
Which, by the way, run things regionally in your several county areas.
We have one here in Austin.
Because there's no plan to raise the threat level and only general information, some Democrats probably have questioned whether the timing of the announcement is politically motivated.
A senior administration official said accusations of scaremongering are to be expected, but the official who had read the Ridge's prepared remarks added, this is one of those, uh, damned if you do, damned if you don't, and our default is due.
A senior campaign advisor for Senator John Kerry, Bush's cousin and Skol and Bone's brethren, President Bush's expected rival in November, said he is giving the White House the benefit of the doubt.
He added, however, that the White House would have to expand its reasons for the new warnings.
So, what do you think about that, my friends?
The color-coded alert level has been raised five times to orange, or high since the system's inception, after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Attacks on New York and Washington.
The last time the alert level was raised was December.
After a tape threat from Al-Qaeda's number two figure, Al-Zawahiri, the alert was dropped the following month.
Al-Zawahiri, who's been killed multiple times.
Just keeps... the Energizer bunny just doesn't... doesn't stop.
Never stops.
Speaking of hoaxes from the London Evening Standard, we have an AP article and a CNN article on the subject.
Just the three I saw this morning.
This is on PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanetTV right now.
Pentagon officials have launched a criminal investigation into the case of a missing U.S.
Marine amid growing evidence that his kidnapping may have been an elaborate hoax.
I wonder who'd do something like that?
The same Jerry Bruckheimer who admittedly, according to BBC, produced the Saving Private Lynch thing live as it happened?
And we all said it was a hoax and a fable, and then she came out and said, yes, it's all staged.
It's not true.
Authorities have found no trace of an Islamic terror group which claimed to be holding Lebanese-born Corporal Wasif Ali Hassan and threatening to execute him with a sword.
Nice video that got uploaded, of course, from a neocon-controlled system.
All these videos do.
From London or Houston or L.A.
Original upload points.
Not from the Middle East.
No, just popping up over and over again.
Authorities say the man, claiming to be the missing Marine yesterday, called the U.S.
Embassy in Beirut and family members in Lebanon to say he had been released by the kidnappers somewhere in Lebanon and was waiting to be picked up.
However, there had been no further contact with the corporal.
An Arabic translator who was initially thought to have been abducted from his unit in Iraq three weeks ago, later reports that he had been approached.
His kidnappers saying that he wanted to desert claims strongly denied by his immediate family in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Military investigators are now said to have uncovered evidence that the 24-year-old Marine had talked about leaving the Army to join resistance relatives, excuse me, in Lebanon.
It was feared last week that he had been executed by his kidnappers.
Here's the point, folks.
The government's saying they don't know what happened and they don't know if it's a hoax and they don't know which side he's really on.
How did he get this video uploaded
Out of Houston, Texas.
And again, we have the web numbers and where it was uploaded and all that, because these idiots don't know how to cover their trail.
It was feared last week that he had been executed by his kidnappers, but a previously unknown group, the Islamic Response Movement, denied this, saying he had been taken to a place of safety.
Then another group came out and said, no, this is all CIA on Monday, and said, stop it, this is all staged.
Investigators suspected that his abduction may have been staged by friends and sympathizers to cover his desertion.
Sure, that's it.
And then they magically got it uploaded on video and staged all that too.
His disappearance from the unit was the first
threat as a disciplinary matter by marine commanders until footage was shown on Arabic news channel Al Jazeera, the blindfolded individual with a curved sword held above his head.
Last week a claim was made on behalf of the militant group Ansar al-Sunni saying they had beheaded the corporal.
That's a known CIA front.
The following day the group announced the execution claim as the work of impostors.
No London Evening Standard as the work of the government, CIA.
So, and again, we look at the Berg situation and the other cases.
I mean, CIA written all over it, and look who has motives for this.
Bilderberg performance, Keita Edwards' VP pick.
We'll cover this when we get back.
He reported back directly to Kerry and participant in the super-secret conference
And World Daily's more than happy to talk about the liberals working with the globalists, but when Bush is doing it, it doesn't exist, and the Bilderberg Group is a wonderful organization here to keep us all safe.
Also, Kerry and Edwards will use campaign to push domestic spy agency.
Civil Edmunds suit thrown out by Bush minion.
A Swedish pastor sentenced to one month in jail for offending homosexuals reading passages of the Bible.
Jobless claims drop, but it's manipulative.
We'll tell you why.
Millions more may have been given cancer-contaminated vaccine.
New scientist, Ken Lay, turned himself in.
Photos and video of him in handcuffs.
I'm glad that happened, but what about his bosses?
They need to get in trouble.
And, uh, the bizarre triple murder at the Sam Donaldson, uh, ranch.
Very interesting and very tragic.
Patriot Act foes force House vote.
Police began random bus searches here in the United States.
Schwarzenegger endorses DNA fingerprint initiative.
Furious Fahrenheit 9-11 director backs illegal not-for-profit downloads, that's commendable by the way, of his film.
And dumbed down USA, only 57% of Americans read a book in 2002.
Much more coming up.
You'll want to stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
PrisonPlanet.tv is the website.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What do you think of Lord Ridge's new car alert?
Are you going to prostrate yourself before them and say, take all my rights, keep me safe, send men in black ski masks, take my liberties?
Of course we've got John Edwards and John Kerry.
Everybody's focused on this.
It doesn't even matter.
It's all a staged event.
Bilderberg performance, Keita Edwards VP pick.
A month ago we had Jim Tucker on from American Free Press.
It was his 26th visit to cover Bilderberg.
He was covering it decades ago and the media said it didn't exist.
You were crazy to talk about it.
It's an urban legend.
You're insane.
And Mr. Tucker said, oh yeah, Mr. Edwards was there.
Senator Edwards.
So he's gonna be your VP pick.
People said, no.
No, it's gonna be Hillary.
The all-evil Hillary.
The one who voted for the war and the Patriot Act and everything else and loves George Bush.
And who George Bush protects with Dan Burton's committee, not letting him go after him.
But again, don't confuse me with the facts.
Bush is good.
He's fighting Clinton.
Bilderberg performance, Keita Edwards' VP pick, he reported back directly to Kerry, said participant in super-secret conference, this is from World Neocon Daily, used to be pretty good, but now it's Neocon Daily.
Senator John Edwards' standout performance at the super-secret Bilderberg meeting in Italy last month may have been a key reason for his selection as John Kerry's vice-presidential running mate, according to the New York Times.
The New York Times says that!
The New York Times talking about Bilderberg now!
Why have the New York Times attacked me because I talk about the Bilderberg Group?
My goodness!
The 50th anniversary conference of the elite group which many believe conspires semi-annually to foster global government semi-annually.
It's annually.
Can't you get anything straight?
Met June 3rd through June 6th
In Italy, at the Grand Hotel de Les Barmoses, according to attendees from the U.S.
According to a list obtained by World Net Daily, were Senators John Edwards, DNC, and John Corzine, Democrat, New Jersey, Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, your precious neocon, Melinda Gates, wife of Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Timothy F. Ginther, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Donald Graham, Chairman and CEO of the Washington Post Company, and even Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition.
Gotta keep the Christians thinking world government's Jesus.
Here is the entire Bilderberg attendee list published previously.
You can link through and read it.
According to a report in yesterday's New York Times by Jody Wilgorn, analyzing why Kerry chose Edwards over the other 24 contenders for the number two spot, several people pointed to the secretive and exclusive Bilderberg conference of some 120.
That this year drew the likes of Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Gates, and Richard A. Pearl to Italy in June as helping win Mr. Kerry's heart.
Mr. Edwards spoke so well in the debate on American politics with the Republican Ralph Reed that participants broke Bilderberg rules to clap before the end of the session.
Beforehand, Mr. Edwards traveled to Brussels to meet with NATO officials
Brandishing his foreign policy credentials.
The New York Times talking about the Bilderberg Group, which doesn't exist, according to them, in the past.
His performance at Bilderberg was important, said a friend of Mr. Kerry, who was there.
He reported back directly to Kerry.
There were other reports of his performance, whether they reported directly or indirectly, I have no doubt.
Word got back to Mr. Kerry about how well he did.
The New York Times reported.
The New York Times talking about Bilderberg anointings.
Reuters three years ago said they quote pick presidents and prime ministers.
Since 1953...
It's 54, World Net Daily.
The Bilderberg Group has convened government, business, academic, and journalism representatives from the US, Canada, and Europe with the express purpose of exploring the future of the North Atlantic community.
According to sources that have penetrated the high secrecy meetings in the past, yeah, I don't give Jim Tucker a plug, the Bilderberg meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and promote the idea that the notion of national sovereignty is antiquated and regressive.
Yeah, they promote a world tax.
And it goes on about how it has a... which gives the Bilderberg Group a shadowy aura.
It's officially described as a private gathering, noted the BBC report last year, with a guest list including the heads of European and American corporations, political leaders, and a few intellectuals.
Yeah, don't mention the royalty.
It's one of the most influential organizations on the planet, according to BBC.
We'll finish up with this, get into more on Kerry and Edwards want what Bush wants, a domestic CIA, running your life as from MSNBC, and an expanded Patriot Act, everything Lord Bush wants, open borders, you name it.
So, I hope you all enjoy it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
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Alright my friends, we're now halfway through this first hour.
Of this global transmission, and I got into Governor Ridge giving another scaremongering alert, the terrorists are going to hit us any minute.
The White House is going around all the media saying we will be hit, it's going to happen, the summer of terror.
Then meanwhile they come out and say, no specific threats, but we'll probably have a terror attack, look out.
And then meanwhile, I just got into this World Net Daily article.
Talking about the Bilderberg Group, and it continues about how even the New York Times of all places, never thought I'd see that, says, oh yes!
He did such a good job at Bilderberg Group that Bilderberg Group reported back to Kerry, and it actually says this, and that's why they chose him.
That's the New York Times!
Now, a month ago, when we had Jim Tucker on, he said he was there, did a good job, he was gonna be their boy.
And of course, we're just wild conspiracy theorists, but here it is.
And according to a BBC report on June's conference in Italy, not a word of what is said at Bilderberg meetings can be breathed outside, no reporters are invited in,
And while confidential, that's not true, the heads of major media are.
No reporters are invited in, and while confidential minutes of the meetings are taken, names are not noted, the shadowy aura extends further.
The anonymous answer phone message, for example, the fact that the conference venues are kept secret, the group, which includes luminaries such as Henry Kissinger, former UK Chancellor Kenneth Clark, does not even have a website.
But, uh, counter-participants, the secrecy is not evidence of a grand conspiracy, but only an opportunity to speak frankly with other world leaders out of the limelight of press conference and its inevitable repercussions.
There's absolutely nothing in it!
Let me do it like he says it, because Lord Healy has actually countered me in national documentaries.
Lord Healy is in a new documentary that I'm in, a five-hour special.
It's going to air all over Europe and the U.S., I'm told.
And Lord Healy is very upset about what we say about the Bilderberg Group, and he begins cussing at people and blowing up.
So I've had experiences with Lord Healy, but says, There's absolutely nothing in it, argues the U.K.'
's Lord Dennis Healy.
One of the four founders of Bilderberg will never sought to reach a consensus on the big issues at Bilderberg!
He told the BBC it's simply a place for discussion!
But of course they uh... I've never met the guy, I've just been countered by him in one documentary and now I'm being countered by him in another on the Illuminati and the Bilderberg group and there's also another hour of the special, it's about 9-11.
Lord Dennis Healy is their go-to man.
What is he, 87 years old?
He was there at the founding of it when the Prince of the Netherlands, former SS Colonel, helped found it in the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
He's been there all along and he looks like the classic caricature from an old 50's British movie of a British Lord.
Big bald head, curly hair on the side, grey hair, giant eyebrows.
You know that if you cut one of them off, it could be a toupee for a large man's head.
It looks like he's got beaver backs for eyebrows.
Just a classic character.
I'm not knocking the way he looks.
He's this art type.
He's a huge individual.
And John Ronson in the Secret Rulers of the World piece was groveling to him, just going, What about Bilderberg?
Some say it's not really... That's preposterous, you little fool!
You know, just jumping in his face aggressively.
I mean, he just talked to the British media that's doing a new documentary, and they said Lord Healy really got upset.
Just, just, how dare you, you wretched fool!
I am the ruler!
I shouldn't laugh, folks.
What do you think about this?
I know a lot of you are really excited about Kerry, even people that are libertarians and conservatives.
You know, anything's better than Bush.
Kerry, the long devil of skull and bones, will save us.
You go, well then if it's not Kerry, you know, lesser of two evils, lesser of two evils, who are we going to vote for?
Well, folks, you can forget the presidential election.
It's all about making you think you have a choice, getting you back into this polarized left-right false paradigm.
I mean, if I had my druthers, I would have John Kerry and Communist Edwards elected.
And they do have two of the most liberal voting records in the Senate.
I mean, it's true.
The neocons aren't lying when they say that.
I think it's one of the few things I've heard them say that isn't a complete lie.
Why then would I say have them elected, if I even had a vote, if things weren't staged since the 1964 election?
You know, and again, you doubt me on that.
Just research Voter News Services and how things work in the past.
You still have elections at the county, state, and city level.
But when you get up to presidential pitch, it's a staged event, folks.
It is staged.
It is, and more now than ever.
We can go over that whole history, and I plan to in the weeks to come.
We always do this coming into an election with all our vote fraud experts.
But why do I say that?
Because Republicans have appointed seven of the nine members of the Supreme Court, and they are the most liberal members in actual voting record.
I mean, that's the facts, not the rhetoric, the facts.
Bush is for blanket amnesty, gun control, U.N.
You know, just everything.
But he gets away with it because he's got an R before his name.
Think about the revolution we built.
Think about the people that woke up.
Think about the conservatives that would listen to you about the New World Order when Bill Clinton was in office.
Bill Clinton hurt the New World Order in something grievous.
Because people knew he was evil, they knew he had a globalist agenda, and they were fighting him.
And thus fighting the agenda.
With Bush, I've never... I mean, the dam broke, folks!
The tyranny poured in,
And if you get Kerry and Edwards in office, people are going to wake up!
When you tell them the Patriot Act's bad, the New World Order's bad, domestic spy agencies are bad, people are going to listen to you.
You tell them that with Bush, they don't listen.
And again, folks, I didn't vote presidentially in the 2000 election.
I did go vote
Even though they were already putting in electronic voting machines in some of the places here in Austin, now you have to vote on them.
And I will not be voting.
There is no voting in Travis County.
That's been conclusively proven.
It takes an hour to go over it, but we've documented it.
And, I mean, in 98 I caught the county clerk back on the old system, double-counting ballot boxes, changing safety seals, falsifying signatures.
But, um...
You know, I went and voted for everything but the President, because I said it's going to be staged, folks.
You can forget it.
I'm not going to give tacit approval of this.
I'm not going to be part of this.
And now I'm just not going to vote, period.
Because Austin and Travis County are part of the 30% that are total, electronic, no ballot, record voting machine system.
And our voting machines are owned by Clear Channel.
They own a company called Heart InterCivics, and they created a new district.
The Republicans in Washington rewrote the boundaries for the congressional districts here and they cut out all the conservative Democrats, got them out of office and divided it with the most socialist of Democrats.
This was publicly done.
We talked about this and then it was finally in the newspaper.
They admitted that Republicans were targeting conservative Democrats and conservative Republicans and it was like a power-sharing deal
So that's how they do it now.
They just divide up territories.
But you want a sterling example of this?
Michael McCaul, Janet Reno's personal lawyer on Waco, on Elian Gonzalez, on all the big cover-ups.
Her personal lawyer.
The guy that testified.
The guy that did all the lying.
Well, he's married to Larry Mays, the chairman, the predominant shareholder, the owner of Clear Channel.
And it's now 1,500 radio stations and TV stations and the rest of it.
Hundreds of TV stations, dozens of major papers, and over 1,400, I think it's 1,500 now, marquee radio stations.
And you go, what does that mean?
Well, I just pointed out, folks, that Clear Channel owns Hart InterCivics, the electronic voting machines that are used in Williamson County, Travis, and Hayes, the three counties that make up his congressional district.
The new 10th district.
And there were two real conservatives who were running against him in the primary.
No Democrats even challenged.
Because, again, they know what's staged.
They're giving their districts.
No one runs against them.
Republicans are giving theirs.
No one runs.
Things are unopposed now in many of the districts.
This is the new freedom.
People know it's not real, so they just don't run.
And so the real election was the primary, and they had two real conservative candidates.
I mean, pro-gun, anti-abortion, uh, you know, want to control the border.
I mean, good guys.
And in polls, they were beating Mr. Moneybags, Mr. Michael McCall, married to the Clear Channel's daughter.
Lowry Mays' daughter.
And Clear Channel was his biggest contributor.
Mr. Mays was number one, the vice chairman was number two, I mean, all his top contributors were clergymen.
So they own the voting machines he's voting on, he's married to the daughter, and they're the biggest campaign contributors.
And no one's running against him.
And the neocons went out in a worshipful fashion and began worshipping him, attacking the real conservatives, Democratic operatives that really run the Republican committee here in town, and that's even come out in the paper.
I mean, it's Democrats really running, it's a staged event.
And here's this guy who was Janet Reno's lawyer and helped cover up Chinagate and I mean, I'd spend hours and again, this is a microcosm.
Similar stuff went on nationwide.
I saw probably 15 cases similar stuff like this.
You know, similar Clinton people that are these so-called Republicans being worshipped by Bush, being supported.
And he was 15 points behind in a bunch of the different polls.
All the conservatives I talked to were going to vote against him.
And he was strutting around going, I'm going to win, I'm going to win, and then election night came and at first he was behind and then magically they had some type of glitch and they had to shut things down and the county clerk goes in and then magically suddenly he surges ahead by what was it 12, 14 points and wins with this landslide
And oh my goodness, what a shock!
His father-in-law, his biggest campaign contributor, owns the voting machines with no receipt, no record, and no recount, and he magically wins by a landslide, the opposite of the polls.
So I don't want to hear it, folks.
I am not voting again.
Because I'm not going to go in there and be part of this joke.
Now, if you want to turn things around, and one of our listeners a couple years ago, a successful businesswoman, I need to get her on, heard the show, didn't believe it, went and checked out what I said about electronic voting machines, found out it was true, and now they've got billboards going up, and they're at meetings, and it's all over the news, and... I've told everybody how to get rid of these machines.
And it's real simple.
You have a petition to have a paper ballot.
You have a petition
Written up to give the hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding it will take to reissue Piper ballots and have a city-wide election to recall the electronic voting machines, because they're never going to remove them otherwise.
Then you have to also have a citizens group of thousands with video cameras over the paper ballots as it's being watched.
Every ballot box has to be followed by armed guards and at least ten people from the huge citizens committee that's made up of thousands.
Or you can forget it, okay?
That's the only way in your towns and your cities to get rid of this.
Do you understand me?
Now, the Feds, Chuckie Schumer wrote the bill, George Bush signed it last year, over 5 billion dollars, he wanted 6.5, he got what, 4.8 billion, I'm going from memory here, but almost 5 billion.
The Voter Assistance Act, and it had several other names, they broke the money up into several different piles, and this is the Feds paying to put in these systems, the Diebold and the Hardener Civics and the others.
And the hard-hitter civics is nothing compared to Diebold and the other two big companies.
I mean, these things all have deputy directors of the CIA, former heads of the CIA, engineers quit, and say it's all a fraud, it's all a scam, you know, and then it'll be in the back of some newspaper.
The League of Women Voters comes out and says, we don't like this bill Rush Holtz introduced to make there be a paper ballot for recounts, just a receipt printed of the actual record of votes.
You know, so you can see your receipt print out and fall into the container in front of you so there can be a real recount.
We're against it!
We're against it!
I mean, come on, folks!
We send people to foreign countries to make sure their paper ballots are being counted properly, but here, when we say we should have a record, we should be able to look at it, no, that's crazy!
You're a conspiracy theorist!
Just trust us!
Never mind that Diebold's vice president running the election in California was a convicted hacker felon!
Never mind that they were caught accessing computers during elections with wireless systems that no one's allowed to look at!
I mean, I've gone off on a tirade here, folks, but again,
The government will put in who they want as president, and in 30% of the country, it's like 34% now, last time I saw a month ago, have put these dastardly machines in, and it's over!
If they get them in half the country, it's over!
Unless you go do paper ballots!
And then you're going to have the FBI trying to go in and intimidate you, trying to provocateur groups to do this.
I mean, this is a fight for the country, folks!
This isn't a joke!
Okay, so you just sit there and be in denial all day long if you want to be.
We're losing this country right now!
Do you understand me?
It's freaking me out.
I mean, I start talking about it, I just start... The hell's the back of my neck standing up?
The CIA runs these people?
They're taking our right to vote?
Dozens and dozens of engineers from these companies have quit.
Okay, a few years ago, Senator Chuck Hagel.
He owns the electronic voting machine company that in Nebraska people voted for him on.
Used statewide.
Years ago.
Again, he was double digits behind his opponent and magically landslide he won on his own machines.
Folks, I have to explain to you that people shouldn't own... I mean, he didn't just own stock.
He owned the company!
That the majority of voters cast ballots on.
And there's a record of how they vote.
They just tell you.
How do you trust that?
What's your major malfunction, people?
I just can't believe they do that.
I just can't believe that something like that would happen.
Folks, LBJ stole his seat in Congress.
They helped stuff ballot boxes to get Kennedy in.
I'm not kidding.
Every election I probably see
Oh, 150 wire stories of people being caught in election fraud at county level, a couple hundred more of national fraud, and then it's always back of the paper or never in the paper.
I mean, open fraud, open, you just, federal level, local level, up one side, down the other, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What do you think's going on?
What do you think the real world is?
How do you put up with this?
What is your major malfunction?
Let's just have a moment of silence for America and our right to vote because it's basically gone and we need to just go ahead and admit that to get it back.
Let's just have a moment of silence.
I mean, I hope this is starting to sink in for people.
You've got to let it hit you right between the eyes.
You've just got to let it hit you like a 2x4.
It's really that bad, folks.
And so, if I had my druthers, if I had a vote where I live, I would say Kerry Edwards, because conservatives know they're evil.
I mean, would I rather have the Greeks attack the main gates of Troy
Of the Trojans?
Would I rather have Edwards and Kerry hacking at the main gate where we can fight them?
Or would I rather have George Bush, who's already been inside the Trojan horse, open the gate, is dancing around on America's dead body, and you people love it!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I normally go to calls earlier in the broadcast, but there's just so much news here.
We're about to go to your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Cancer viruses in the vaccines, new mainstream news article out of a new scientist on this.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
I went into my rant about voting in this country and
You better head them off at the pass at your state level.
Arkansas is doing this and several other states are.
I think it's nine states are saying no for now to the federal mandate to put this in.
I mean, you gotta stop it.
You gotta get involved.
This is a key issue, folks.
It's why government's gotten so arrogant.
You need to get my films.
I've made ten films.
I've written a book, published a book.
I carry George Humphrey's new 9-11 video.
9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati.
I carry Eric Huffman's video.
9-11, The Great Deception.
Painful deception, excuse me.
You need to have these videos.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, my 9-11 film.
It's the best, frankly.
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Big discounts when you order three or more of any of my ten videos or any of the other videos that I carry.
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So when you call, be sure to ask about those.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Alright, again, people say I talk too fast.
It's 1-888-253-3139 to get those videos.
Clinton, Missouri, and then Moses and others.
Clint, go ahead.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex.
Hello, my friend.
I wanted to let everybody know that you're pretty much correct.
There is no choice now.
Nobody represents us.
But the League of the South is sponsoring an event this coming March called the Southern National Congress in Montgomery, Alabama.
And it's going to be an attempt, similar to what our forefathers did in 1774, to give us a voice.
And if anyone would like to learn more about this, they can go to southernnationalcongress.org.
Now, I'm sure you're aware that the Southerners were infiltrated by British intelligence.
I haven't seen any infiltration on this end.
Well, no, I'm just saying, were you aware that the British tried to get the South into the war and then withdrew their support?
I could see that happening.
From what I've read, though, it was mainly due to the South's protest of importation tariffs imposed against them and the fact that... No, but I'm telling you that the British promised aid and then didn't get it.
Well, yes, I know that.
I know that.
They were probably
Wanting a little revenge from 1776, I would imagine.
Well, I mean, look... You know, exactly, but the thing I'm... You know what?
I need to talk about this.
It's a big subject.
I'm all for secession.
I think states should secede.
It's in the Constitution.
It's in the Bill of Rights.
And then reconvene.
Right now Vermont, Arizona, and South Carolina all have state movements
So does Alaska.
So I'm saying, I wouldn't even make it a southern movement because then that kind of makes people think, oh, it's just some weird, archaic thing.
It's everybody.
Our government's been taken over.
We've got to secede to reform the country.
I think it's a wonderful idea.
Gotta get rid of the electronic voting machines to do that, though.
Introducing... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The last thing out on the AM and FM dial from Kansas City, Missouri to Austin, Texas.
The great folks up there in Colorado carrying the broadcast.
Los Angeles, California.
Providence, Rhode Island.
Pensacola, Florida.
From Maryland to Kentucky.
Again, thank you so much for joining us in this second hour.
You can also always listen to all three hours of the broadcast at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com for free.
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You can also subscribe and hear the best interviews we do on TV and radio and all my films and books at PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Before we go back to Clint and Moe and Bob and many others that are patiently holding, the total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I got into the fact that Ridge has been out fear-mongering again, saying terrorists are about to hit us.
They're now saying that the Marine kidnapping may be a hoax.
Yes, CIA staged an event with the video uploaded to known government websites here in the U.S.
We also have... Even the New York Times yesterday of all places admitting that John Edwards was basically chosen as the VP was tapped at the Bilderberg meeting last month, as we told you!
But here's the New York Times admitting it!
You go, well then I'll vote for Bush!
Oh yeah, because his daddy's a member.
Again, it's a staged event.
They go into the corporate bosses of the New World Order crime syndicate and they pick who the new puppet's going to be.
Pretty boy John Edwards and long devil Bush's cousin, Skull and Bones buddy, good old John F. Kerry.
So we'll go over that as well, but just finishing up on new cancer virus and the vaccine news.
It's just one of the vaccines, but
Clinton Missouri brought up this big Southern Convention, talk of secession, and the danger of secession is, is the globalists plan to have their own controlled secession.
At the state level, they want to break off Texas, Arizona, Mexico, Nevada, California, and make that part of the Pan-American Union, kind of like French separatists in Canada have tried to do, to kind of balkanize us in the Pan-American Union.
So, we'll have all our own little regions, but it'll really be run by the Pan-American Union.
So, any secession movement is very, very dangerous.
If it's going to happen, it has to be done to reconvene constitutional government to reconvene the United States.
States turning against the illegitimate federal government, like Arizona and New Hampshire and others have talked about.
I'm pretty skeptical of any, quote, Southern movement, because from the start that was infiltrated by British intelligence and manipulates a lot of well-meaning people.
But go ahead, Clint, and finish up what you were saying.
Yeah, I just want to say this could be done at the grassroots level.
I mean, this is not official, of course, state government or anything.
It's just a group of southerners that have realized that we all share a cultural... I don't know how to describe it.
Our cultures are similar in the southern states.
And ever since the end of the war, that's been taken away, and it's continually taken away.
And we share some of the same problems as other states in the country.
You know, like the voting, for instance.
None of us, we've lost our votes.
We've lost our voice.
And all I'd like to add is, all this is, is an attempt to try and regain our voice.
And I do agree that paper ballots is the answer to this problem.
Now, what's the website again?
It's southernnationalcongress.org.
Alright, thanks for the call.
I've heard of that.
A few years ago, I think I interviewed their head person.
Alright, we're going to break, and we're going to come back and go to Moses and others that are patiently holding, again, the toll-free number to talk about any of these issues.
We'll start going to your calls a little bit quicker at 1-800-2-5-9-9-2-3-1.
And I'll get into Sybil Edmonds' suit thrown out by Bush Minion.
Swedish pastor sentenced to a month in jail for offending homosexuals.
What's really going on with the jobless claims?
Delicious cancer viruses in your vaccines.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, eight minutes into this second hour, a toll-free number to join us.
Concerning, oh, John Kerry and John Edwards.
And the Bilderberg Group and the New York Times going, oh, the Bilderberg Group wanted him to be VP, and they gave a good report to Kerry, so that's why he picked him.
The New York Times actually said that!
What do you think of that?
What do you think of Ridge's new terror alert?
What do you think of all of this?
Let's go to Moe in Austin, Texas.
Moe, welcome again to the Airwaves.
Thank you.
Newsstand Moe.
I want to tell everyone who listens to the show, you probably already know this, but Alex loves humanity and he doesn't want to see it go to hell.
The way it's going, there's just going to be a bunch of guys with
Guns and knives standing on a mountain of skulls and there'll be nothing left to even exploit anymore.
Everyone involved in tyranny, if you're a police officer, if you're in the military, defy your masters.
You all can do that.
Just say, hey, we're not going to do that.
You can do it.
Well, yesterday I read this article from the Associated Press where troops just randomly grabbed a young teenager and drowned him for fun.
And they're all being charged with manslaughter now, but our troops, it was very rare in the past.
We didn't behave like that.
Now it's becoming the norm.
Running over cars because somebody might have stolen some firewood, shooting people, raping women, torturing children.
I mean, what happened to us, Moe?
Well, I want to say something about
The secret societies who are involved in torturing what they believe is magic, which I reject.
You know, voodoo works on people who believe in it, but it doesn't work on me because I'm just not into that.
The globalists really do believe in the occult.
It is true.
And I want to say they've been sold a lie that might makes right the whole sacrifice of care.
They believe that
They are now free from the constraints of karma and can do what they will.
But, they're really shooting themselves in the foot.
And, I just want to comment on something.
I have the Conan theme coming on.
Comment on Schwarzenegger.
Listen to the commentary on the new release of Conan the Barbarian.
A lot about him is revealed.
And I'd take bets at work and tell people
I guarantee you, I'll bet you anything, Schwarzenegger will be president of either the, you know, United Biospheres... Well that's a good point.
They've said they're going to build it in Atlanta, the Pan-American Union capital.
He could be the president of that.
Clinton, the Secretary General of the UN,
And they admit folks, they have seven or is it six of the G8 lined up for Clinton.
They admit Clinton is probably going to be the next Secretary General.
That's been in major papers.
The U.N.
has said that and there's a lot of things they could pull.
It's funny and not funny all at the same time because it's a recent recording, he and the director talking.
The director's always trying to steer him over to the real meaning of Conan and says, there were supposed to be three movies and the third one was going to be Conan the Conquered.
When the whole village is being burned, you hear Schwarzenegger said, it is my favorite part, the burning of the village.
But he doesn't say, because it's formative to my character's development and motivations.
He just is thrilled
With the scene, and then when Falsa Doom rides up, Schwarzenegger says, Look, there's Falsa Doom.
He's hypnotized the woman.
And he's just fascinated.
He's fascinated with the power.
One last point on video games.
Definitely blurring the line between indoctrination and revelation.
There's brilliant minds doing all this stuff, and the video games are designed to
No, I mean everything you're saying is true, but more than that, I don't really play a lot of video games, but I do read them and the reviews and look at them and have friends that play them.
Most of the new military games, you're a global assault force.
They have games called New World Order.
You go and kill the evil militia members.
You take over the planet.
Then a bunch of the other games, you kidnap women, rape them to death, and get bonus points.
And then our children are playing this, simulating these murders, and the first video games were developed by the Pentagon in the early seventies because they couldn't get troops to shoot people up close.
It's about pulling the trigger, that mechanism
to disconnect the mind to get him to do it so this is all murder simulation and they admit that with television children's minds go into a lower REM state of sleep waking sleepwalking and they admit with the video games that it puts you into even a lower level of subconscious control
And, you know, games like Deus Ex, where the secret government releases biological weapons to create a global crisis, and then have martial law.
I mean, there are hundreds of these games.
Years ago, there was that game Dungeon Keeper, where you kidnap children and torture them as a demon, and you get more power to then come out of your subterranean pit and invade the cities.
And so, yes, they are... The only thing holding back the New World Order is having a mass of evil people that will carry out their aims, and I appreciate the call.
And Arnold Schwarzenegger, the reason I know they've got big plans for him, nobody else can run to a bodybuilding contest and scream, inward, inward, I hate black people and get away with it.
No one else can say, I always dreamed of being a powerful dictator like Hitler or Jesus.
And that's a quote.
No one else can say, I don't care if Kurt Volkheim is a Nazi, I love him and support him.
When it was top news in 1986 and then he went to Austria to campaign for him to be president.
I mean, no one else is allowed to do that.
He goes to the Rothschild Castle, we have the Scotsman in the photos of that, the news articles.
He's hooked in with Warren Buffet, the globalist super gofer.
He just has a blank check and Senator Orrin Hatch wants to repeal the 22nd Amendment for Arnold.
Yeah, they got big plans for Arnold.
And that's true.
And by the way, he's out wanting this DNA testing in California and all this other stuff and more gun control and more open borders and driver's licenses to the illegals and oh, he's so conservative and I heard Limbaugh, I heard Hannity worship him and say they supported him and Bush.
I mean, that's your conservatism?
Because Arnold is this archetype, this war king, and they want to come out with this new movie, you know, King Conan, where he's the king of the earth.
It's mind control, people.
They're going to give us our chief, our Nazi chief, and we're going to love him, and the ADL's going to hail him, and if you fight the Nazis, they're going to call you a Nazi.
Alright, I know we've got more calls.
We'll get to you coming up here in a few minutes.
I've got to cover this up.
I don't know.
Who's up next, Stephanie?
Who should I go to next, Stephanie?
Okay, we'll go to Rhonda New Yorker in just a second, but I've got to... I've got to hit this first.
I mean, this is... Out of all these articles, listen to this.
Swedish pastors sentenced to months jail for offending homosexuals.
And it's a big evangelical official news site and they have a link to the Swedish official government website.
Swedish pastor sentenced to one month jail for offending homosexuals.
A Swedish court, this is on PrisonPlanet.tv, a Swedish court has sentenced a pastor belonging to the Pentecostal movement in Sweden, Ake Green, to a month in prison under a law against incitement after he was found guilty of having offended homosexuals in a sermon.
Folks, they passed a law last year.
The Republican Governor of Pennsylvania, Mark Schweiker, did say the same thing.
And whether you love homosexuality or hate it, you have a First Amendment right to criticize it.
A free speech right.
And so they're going to have their First Amendment to promote their agenda, but we're not going to have our First Amendment.
Soren Andersen, the President of the Swedish Federation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights,
said of the hearing the sentence that religious freedom could never be used as a reason to offend people so now offending people therefore he told journalists I could not regard the sentence as an act of interference with freedom of religion during the sermon in 2003 Green described homosexuality as abominable a horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society and now it'll be some other free speech it'll be your free speech you try to go out and protest Bush you're not allowed to
You know, you have a free speech zone a mile away and you get arrested and spend a year in prison.
I mean, that actually has happened.
As you peacefully stood there with a sign saying, no blood for oil.
But you're all for arresting the Christian preachers!
Ron in New York.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
You know, it's funny you mention that about protests.
What I'm calling you about is, just yesterday it was reported on the news, on ABC Radio News, when the Republican National Convention comes to town in August,
Many groups intend to protest there.
Now, two of the groups that intend to protest are the police union in New York City and the fire union.
The police commissioner of New York, which is our chief of police in New York,
actually threatened his own rank and file.
It's a point-blank statement he made.
If they think they're going to protest at the Republican Convention in August, they'd better be careful and think again.
That's what it's coming to.
I saw that in the New York Post two days ago.
Also, I should have posted that.
I think we did.
Also, coast to coast at universities, deans stand up and say, if one person speaks out or protests,
At this graduation ceremony, you will all have your diplomas taken away from you.
Oh, by the way, a case like that happened here in Brooklyn, New York, where a young lady graduating high school, she was a class valedictorian,
...gave a statement, it was all diplomatically done, mind you, no foul words, no swearing, nothing of that nature, in a very intelligent way, objecting to the way the school had been run.
And they attempted to withhold her diploma.
This is fascism.
When you have a police chief actually going so far as to threaten people, even his own lower echelon rank and file,
Because they exercise the most basic constitutional, the most basic human right to protest peacefully and threaten these people.
You have entered a new stage.
You're not just trying to deprive you of free speech.
They're trying to impose fascism.
Well, I think the police should protest because they've had, what was it, the two billion dollars for the asbestos they breathed in, held back even from the police and firemen, and then now they admit the EPA was told to cover that up, and it's admitted that building was full of asbestos.
And those people breathed it, Ron!
And they have the basic right to engage in peaceful protest and should not be threatened by the chief law enforcement agent in this city for doing that.
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk more about it when we get back.
Well, again, it's the new freedom.
Get arrested for criticizing anybody the government doesn't want you to criticize.
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You know, I don't want to say it's funny, but New York police and others will go out and tell a group of protesters that are in their designated area that they have to disperse or they'll attack innocent crowds and spray pepper spray on women with babies in their arms and then
Oh, by the way, you may lose your job if you protest and you're off-duty.
And the thing is, they do this out in the open now.
And then they tell people, you're going to lose your diploma if you criticize us.
They say, oh, you can only be in a free-speech zone, away from the media.
And they're giving people prison sentences for this, and the government hires provocateurs, but, uh, Ron, is this making the police happy in New York?
Do they like this dose of fascism?
No, they don't at all, and, uh, you know, speaking to what you said, and I've spoken to you in the past about this, I've always said that lower-level minions should be careful about how faithfully they serve their higher-level masters, because eventually they will turn on you.
Because once you outlive your usefulness to them, you will go on to the train.
You will be placed into the train cars like everyone else.
Well also, we had Hillary Clinton got booed during 9-11 events she was trying to get into.
But they also booed a few weeks ago, last week, Dick Cheney at Yankee Stadium.
So this shows they don't like any of them.
They know it's a fraud.
They know what happened.
Do New Yorkers still talk about how they weren't given any medical treatment for the asbestos and all these people are sick and Bush got it covered up or do they just forget about that?
No, that controversy still goes on.
That controversy still goes on and it's still discussed and it's still fairly prominent.
You will see it periodically pop up in our newspapers.
That's still discussed.
But the greatest outrage here to me is the fact that a man who was sworn to uphold the Constitution could actually make a statement like that.
Now, I admit, you see, and I'm kind of, in a perverse way, I'm sort of a little glad it happened.
Because now they will understand when they're given orders to go and clear out other protesters, whatever their political beliefs or whatever,
Now they understand the chickens come home to roost.
And that this Alligarch, this high-level Alligarch, has no more use for its foot soldiers than it does for the people.
That it orders its foot soldiers to move again.
Well, it's, you know, more than that.
I mean, they can't have tens of thousands of police out there protesting on the news cameras because, you know, Fox News and others tell us that everyone loves Bush and, you know, it's milk and honey.
And that, you know, it's just evil hippies that don't like him.
Yeah, well, this is true, too.
It creates that kind of conundrum for them.
And in addition, Alex, another thing that they've done
And I love the way that these people are like elites from another era.
They're like the old elites probably we had in King George's time.
You know, let them eat cake.
They're actually related to those very people.
And they still think like them, too, here in the 21st century.
You have many businesses in that area.
Now, I don't know if you or your listeners are very familiar with that part of New York, but there are many businesses.
Many, okay?
Businesses immediately surrounding, well I shouldn't say immediately surrounding, within several blocks of Madison Square Garden are going to suffer because those streets are going to be closed down even so much as to pedestrian foot traffic.
They don't care about the fact that they're going to harm some small business man.
Well, sir, sir, sir, in Georgia for the G8 Summit, they openly declared martial law.
Thanks for the call.
Uh, who's up next?
Is it Xavier?
Xavier in Texas, go ahead, you're on the air.
Good morning.
I just want to say you're a breath of fresh air on the airwaves.
I'm asking already I'm making an effort to tell other people about you and to get some shortwave radios to listen to your program.
Well good!
Because I've been delighted and you're taking a lot of frustration off of me as I look at the way the nation has been going
And hardly too many voices speaking up about the evils that are really coming us in.
What I call to mention to you today is simply something that has been annoying me for a very long time.
Sir, are you on a speakerphone?
Yes, I am.
Yeah, it's horrible.
You never do that on talk radio.
Okay, well... You're almost unintelligible.
Okay, I will switch my... I am on the other line now with you.
Yeah, that... Now hang up the speakerphone.
Yeah, it is closed off.
Okay, go ahead.
Okay, what I want to say to you very quickly.
I'm an ex-serviceman, and in addition to that, I'm also a theologian, although I don't practice as a pastor of churches.
And there is something that bugs me very much that I want to share on the airwaves for a lot of families and men who might be listening.
I do pray for the soldiers who are in harm's way.
But I have something about killing human beings, especially innocent children.
And although I know some of these things cannot be said in the military by chaplains to encourage people, I want to say personally from my theological background and from my ex-experience as a military person, that the God of the Bible that I know, a soldier wherever he is, be it in prison or on the battlefield, he can pray to God personally,
...and complain to God about his condition and say what he wants to say.
And the God of the Bible that I'm talking about is powerful enough... Stay there, we've got a break.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright, we're letting Xavier finish up his comment about Christian people not supposed to be involved in activities like killing innocent children.
Is that a stretch?
Is it radical for me to say that?
That drowning people and killing them and torturing them and raping women is wrong?
I don't know, you know, maybe that's how Al Qaeda talks.
You know, a good American is for torture and death and evil and government looting and everything else, but a lot of these Christian churches say George Bush is anointed of God and he's the devil's against him.
I always thought Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove were pretty satanic, but according to these groups, they're not.
Massive denial going on, but going back to Xavier, finish up what you were saying.
Yes, thank you.
And all that I just want to say is I feel for the families of soldiers, especially those who die on the battlefield and receive the draping of the United States flag, which I have nothing against.
But people need to know and soldiers themselves need to know because of their predicament.
The God of the Bible that I learn about is one who is powerful enough that can break any yoke of any precedent
or any nation according to biblical history.
I want to offer this as a way out for the soldiers on the battlefield because I have spoken to many of their men who counseled them in the chaplaincy and had strong discussions with them and many of these things are held back from the soldiers because according to law it's not permissible for these things to be revealed.
The final thing that I close with is simply this
America needs to watch every leader of the evangelical movement of this nation.
I am not saying that they're all evil, but I'm saying to America, listen with a very sharp ear.
And thank you very much.
All right, I appreciate the call.
Well, I'll tell you, a bunch of them are wicked devils.
I mean, they're up there as Judas goats, and it's really that simple.
If they don't play ball, their big television companies get broken up and lose their 501c3.
And so the Patriot Act is good and loving, and you're a devil worshipper if you're against it.
Bush just has fun at Skull and Bones.
It's no big deal.
Bohemian Grove doesn't exist.
You're evil if you talk about it.
You know, Bush is this great conservative.
I mean, on and on and on and on, and that's why so many people are neutralized.
I mean, look, you have the former head of the Christian Coalition.
Read at the Bilderberg Group meeting with, you know, Kerry's running mate.
That's in the New York Times.
Just amazing.
We're about to go to Debbie Morrow just for a few minutes and then we'll get to John and Ken and everybody else that's patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
But on PrisonPlanet.com in the
9-11 section uh... we just have a ton of information about Sybil Edmonds and how she was this FBI translator ordered to falsify transcripts to cover up total prior knowledge before September 11th and she's been threatened and the rest of it now they've thrown her suit out declaring national security see everything's national security so I want to get into that later
Also on PrisonPlanet.com we have, in the Brave New World section, a subsection called vaccines, killer vaccines.
And there's articles about not just the polio shots, but other vaccines that have cancer virus in them, mercury, weird hormones that sterilize women, you name it.
Well, this is an article out of PrisonPlanet.com today.
It needs to be added to that archive.
Millions more may have been given cancer-contaminated polio vaccines.
This is out of the New Scientist, July 8, 2004.
Highly respected journal.
Now, remember, remember that late last year, I went in for a checkup to my doctor, something I hadn't done in many, many years.
And my doctor told me, you know, Alex, I heard you talking about cancer viruses, and I know about SV40, the polio vaccine, but by law, you're not supposed to give that in the U.S.
They can still give it to people in the third world.
Isn't that interesting?
Just openly, they can give you a cancer virus filled vaccine, which is a medley, gives you deadly, accelerated cancers.
Well, he said, as a doctor, we're required every year to do so much community service at clinics and to go and do retraining and things.
And he said, I went and was volunteering for a week at one of these big regional clinics and they were giving to the welfare children.
Uh, the Ortal Polio Vaccine.
He said, I couldn't believe it.
I said, well, which clinic?
No, I can't talk about it.
No, I can't.
I said, you can't save people's lives.
He goes, well, you know, I'll get in a lot of trouble and I'm just not going to get into what I told you about.
Uh, so, I came and warned you of this.
Well, here it is.
A new scientist.
Many millions more people than previously thought might have been given polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey virus linked to cancer.
Inclusively proven.
It has been known since 1960 that early doses of the polio vaccine were widely contaminated, they still are, with simian virus 40, or SV40, which infects monkeys.
Tens of millions of people in the U.S.
and an unknown number in other countries, including the U.K., Australia, and the former Soviet Union, may have been exposed
And it goes on, the contamination occurred because the kidney cells that the vaccine virus was grown in came from monkeys infected with SV40.
Health officials say the problem was eliminated.
Now, Michael Carbone of Loyola University Medical Center, who was in the Chicago Tribune two years ago, folks, in Chicago has announced results that suggested that the Soviet polio vaccine was contaminated after 1963, possibly until the 1980s.
It is, is there infectious virus?
The short answer is yes, Cabrone told the Vaccine Cell
...substrate conference of 2004 in Rockville, Maryland.
Last year, the vaccine was almost certainly used throughout the Soviet bloc.
Folks, my doctor told me they're still giving it here in Austin!
The vaccine was almost certainly used throughout the Soviet bloc and probably exported to China, Japan, several countries in Asia.
That means hundreds of millions could have been exposed to SV40 and 63.
Then it gets into the massive increase in these formerly rare cancers.
They go into the tissues and find SV40.
The consensus of exposure to the virus are unclear.
It is evidence that in some of the people given contaminated vaccines were infected by SV40 and that such infections might lead to the development of certain types of cancer many years down the line, but the link with cancer has neither been proven nor shown to be false.
I love that.
I mean, I've probably read 20 medical journals, top scientists, had them on.
It is totally conclusive, but it's inconclusive, they say.
There are two scenarios, says Philip Minor of the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control in the UK.
One is that it doesn't matter, the other is that it does.
Miner found three samples of the Soviet oral polio vaccine from the late 1960s in the NIBSC's freezers, the only samples known to survive from the time.
In 1999, he found they were tested positive for SV40, whereas British samples from the period did not.
But we did not draw any broad conclusions.
On and on and on.
So, again, folks, just a few months ago, they found sterilization hormones in the new vaccines being given in the third world by the UN.
I mean, it's conclusive.
The point is that they admit that the vaccines, the experimental anthrax shot, which they made the troops take, was filled with mercury, live viruses, bacteria, all this stuff, and was killing people.
Causing bizarre, accelerated autoimmune diseases.
That's admitted.
They admit that the new smallpox vaccine, made out of the old, is dangerous.
They admit that cancer in this country is up over 500% from the 1920s.
And... Heaven help us, folks.
You know, there's other environmental reasons for this, but a lot of it's the vaccines.
Let's go ahead and go to Debbie Morrow, then we'll go to John and Ken and many others.
Debbie, all the more reason to filter your water, because the sewage
Is filled with amoebas.
It's filled with cancer viruses.
This has been proven.
In fact, SV40, by the way, and you can type this in, SV40 spreads through contaminated water supplies.
Big time in India and Mexico.
And we know what happens here.
Some do.
The chlorine and stuff doesn't kill this.
The fluoride that's in the water.
Not to mention the MBTE.
All the trash.
Why would we not filter our water, Debbie?
I have no idea.
Because filtering your water is one of the simplest ways to protect your family.
Why give your kids, your loved ones, your animals, poison?
I was reading a really good journal the other day about diet and different things about here in America today, the industry
Water, food, all of them have gotten to be so bad of what we're putting in our bodies that it's just like we're just handing our kids a cup of poison and saying, here, honey, I love you.
You know, it's time for us to take control of our lives.
And one of the easiest ways to take control is by drinking at least good water.
And that's what's so great about the Berkey.
It really does make a difference in your life.
It will make you feel better.
Now, as well as have it, God forbid, something happens further down the road and you need to drink pond or lake water.
Well, I'll tell you, it's not placebo.
I'll be out of town, drink a glass of tap water every once in a while, and I feel bad after I drink it.
I didn't even pay attention, and then suddenly I kind of have like a headache.
I don't feel well.
But, you know, it's not just my feeling.
After you drink Berkey filtered water for a month, try to drink your tap water, folks.
Oh, I know.
And you can even take your Berkey sport bottles.
I keep mine in my purse because I carry a big old bag.
When I go to restaurants, I just get water and pour it in my Berkey and squeeze it into the cup.
If you taste water, the reason people are always drinking iced tea and soda and all that stuff is because they're masking the bad taste of the water.
Well, I grew up in Dallas, where you're at, and it's really bad.
Houston's the worst I've ever tasted.
I know.
Even Austin has supposedly better water, but they take it out of the aquifer and still send it through the treatment plant and get water out of the lakes, and it tastes horrible.
I mean, it's just simple, folks, and it's made in America, high quality product.
Tell them about a couple of the specials, Debbie.
Well, we have, you know, the Berkey water bottle, the sport bottle special is still available.
The five generic sport bottles for $99.
They're a $39 value normally.
And then we have the Berkey light with the lights for $259, and with that you get two free gifts.
Or you can get the Berkey Light without the lights, which is our most basic system, for only $199.
And either of those come with, you know, the $199 one comes with a free gift.
And you can get a free sport bottle with it.
So then you have your water at home and you can have your water on the go.
I mean, it's really cost effective as well as being so important to your health.
You know, we really stand behind our product.
If you have anything, you know, go wrong or you have concerns or questions... And this is a purification, a purification unit.
You know, a cheap Indian knockoff, $300 at the camping supply store, folks.
And this is made in America.
A new standard.
You know, we've gone over all this.
It's a great system.
And you get two free gifts with the $2.59 model.
You get one free gift with the $1.99 model.
There's tens of thousands of gallons.
A couple gallons every couple hours.
It'll do, you know, for your cooking, your food, your animals, your children.
And the free gifts, one is a video or DVD on sheltering in place done by a U.S.
government specialist on how to really make your house safe if there's any type of problem.
You also have the Prudent Places CD with 500 plus color maps and all this stuff about the geography and what areas are safe.
Folks, go to Berkeywater.com in the comments section, tell them you want the Alex Jones special, what free gift you want.
Or InfoWars.com, you can order there as well, do the same thing.
Or call Debbie right now at 1-888-803-4438.
That's 888.
And if you get voicemails, she'll call you right back.
And the lines get filled up.
Call right now, folks.
She'll answer your questions.
Send you out a brochure if you want it.
Debbie, thanks for all you do.
Thank you, Alex.
Have a great day.
You bet.
You too.
Take care.
Now I'm going to accelerate into your calls.
John in Tennessee.
Go ahead, John, and count in others.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, John.
Last night, our local TV news reported that John Edwards is from Tennessee.
He started his career at a Republican law firm in Nashville founded by current Republican U.S.
Senator Lamar Alexander.
Alexander is a former governor who ran the United Nations UNESCO Land Grab Trust Fund for George Bush Sr.
buying up land around National Parks.
And he ran for president several times and each time he would pocket $20 million in tax-free campaign funds
Because, you know, politicians get to keep what they don't spend.
And Tennessee's known as the Cayman Islands for campaign contributions.
Now, Al Gore and Bill Wise IV, who changed his name to Bill Clinton when he turned 18, declared that Alexander was, quote, the sleaziest politician in America, end quote.
So it's like the TV news was saying, Edwards is a good guy, you know, it's a Republican TV station.
They're saying to fellow Republicans, it's okay to vote for Edwards and Kerry, because
Edwards is a good Republican and carries a good skull and bones.
No, I know.
And so it's a totally staged deal.
That's why I say, go ahead and put them in.
At least conservatives will wake up when it's Democrats.
There's no difference, folks.
And can you believe, did you hear me read the New York Times yesterday?
I read it today, where they actually, I'm going to grab the quote and read it again here.
I've got to do that.
It's so incredible that, oh yeah, the Bilderberg Group, he stood up, gave a speech to them.
They said, we want him.
And they called Kerry, admitting that the Bilderberg Group selected John Edwards.
Yeah, there's a lot of plagiarism going on where the mainline news claims credit for breaking a news story.
Last night on Montel Williams' show, he interviewed Sylvia Brown, the Christian psychic.
The last thing Brown said was, quote, I think we are going to find out that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
I don't care how many tapes they put out, end quote.
Then she walked off the set.
Now it's official.
And again, all these goofy psychics have to do is, you've got us two plus years ago saying he's dead, this is going to be a staged deal, now Senator Grassley, Madeleine Albright, and the latest this week, somebody else came out this week, Congressman McDermott and said it, and then they make enough predictions then some come true and they claim they're psychic, yeah.
Yeah, it's good ESP, but I like your website link about
The lottery for Medicare cancer patients, where 1 out of 10 cancer patients will win the lottery and get the drugs to keep them alive and the other 90% will die.
That's the official U.S.
government program on your news site today.
Yeah, I've got that here.
The Democrats just love Edwards.
They just love Kerry.
And the Republicans, oh, they're evil liberals.
They have almost the exact same voting record as Bush.
And they're all part of the same club.
And they admit, they're trying to, look, we're exposing them.
Because remember years ago, they said the Bilderberg Group didn't exist, John?
And then now it exists, and it's a good thing, and they want John Edwards.
I like the New York Times did a 25-page hit piece on you.
With John Ronson or Ron Johnson, whatever his name is.
25 pages all about Alex Jones and how he's tied in with Osama Bin Laden and the Bilderberg Group.
And Bohemia Grove.
It was pretty bad.
Alright, thanks for the call.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Yeah, what John Tennessee was talking about a few years ago.
They did an hour-long hit piece that I was brought up in many times on C-SPAN about Bohemian Grove, how it doesn't exist, how I'm crazy.
And then there was a New York Times book review piece that comes out in kind of a weekly magazine.
I didn't even ever get the original copy of that.
I saw their online shorter version that was about three pages long and it bashed me quite a bit.
And Alex Jones believes there's a new world order.
He believes in a place called Bohemian Grove.
Then they mixed into the article, you know, this is what Bin Laden's up to.
It was all like guilt by association.
Just wild stuff.
And Alex believes in the Bilderberg Group.
He believes in these fantastic organizations.
I mean, just a few years ago, these groups didn't exist, folks.
And now, oh, they wanted Edwards, so he's the VP pick.
The Bilderberg Group.
They wanted it, so they got it.
It's getting pretty ridiculous.
Before I go to Ken and Sheila and Debbie, we're going to get to all of you.
We've got Galen Ross coming up later in the next hour.
Before I do that, just briefly, I've made ten films, written a book, published a book.
I'm carrying a bunch of new videos on 9-11, one of them by George Humphrey.
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It's $19.95 on VHS or DVD.
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So there's three booklets and two videos for $34.95.
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When you order three or more, whether it's 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove,
Get my videos.
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Get them.
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And your support is also vital, so 1-888-253-3139 is the toll free number to order the videos, or books, or any of it.
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Ken in Texas.
Ken, you're on the air.
Hello, Ken.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Hey, I'm going to play your, uh, takeover video Friday on cable access here in Fort Worth on cable 28.
Good, thank you.
And I use a perky.
It works fine.
Number two is, uh, you see the pictures of Edwards with his communist fist salute sticking up?
Well, you know, I've got to be honest about that.
He's communistic because of his elite actions and his voting record.
You know, there's photos of me at speeches doing a clenched fist.
People have done that for 10,000 years.
But, obviously, they script what they do, so there is some credence to what you say.
I'm going to write, I've written Kerry Tolan, ask him to resign.
I'm going to write Edward Tolman resign and tell him that I saw his
Yes, but can you believe that the New York... Did you see it?
The New York Times came out yesterday and said, oh, the Bilderberg Group said they wanted him to be VP.
They're actually throwing it in our face!
That's what they're doing.
They don't care anymore.
They've lost control and they know it.
And we're going to make sure they lose control, because I'm going to play your video on Friday night.
Good job, Ken.
Anything else?
That's it.
Friday later.
Good to hear from you.
Thanks for holding to tell us that.
Sheila, Debbie, Bob, Billy, all of you, your calls are coming up.
And later in the next hour, we got Robert Galen Ross coming up to give us his forecast.
Former NSA officer and an author, good friend of mine.
He'll be joining us from Central Texas.
Stay with us.
Hello, folks.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, coming up in the next segment, we've got Robert Galen Ross, former NSA, Army Intelligence, author on the New World Order, joining us.
Talk about John Edwards, the Bilderberg minion, the New York Times said the Bilderberg group wanted him, so they got him.
Just a bunch of other news I haven't even gotten to yet, and we'll cover it all with our guest.
Right now, let's go to Cheryl in Ohio, then we'll go to Debbie and others.
Cheryl, go ahead.
You're on the air, Cheryl.
Alright, guess she's not there.
Yes, Cheryl, go ahead.
Um, I just want to say one thing that you have not touched on, but next week, uh, the House and Senate are, uh, voting and we should, we should speak up about calling our Senators, even though it's just one voice, whether it does any good or not, to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, because the time the Constitution was amended in 1992, the issue was congressional pay raises, and if they can put their pay raises in the Constitution,
Then they could put marriage in the Constitution.
Well, I tell you, on top of it, have you heard that Bush is saying that our troops will be under U.N.
authority under the criminal court now?
And the neocons aren't saying a word about that.
Well, they're not saying a word about a lot of things, but what I'm saying here is that marriage is a sanctity between one man, one woman,
Not Adam and Steve here.
No, I agree.
That institution needs to be defended.
And it does.
And I wouldn't look for the federal government to do it.
Their job, their stated goal at the Department of Education is to destroy the family.
Is to destroy the family, absolutely.
I agree with you.
And I also do know that I was told this morning that the Democrats will do everything in their power to make sure that the sodomites do get a bill in there that they can't be married.
So it's we the people
Who have a voice in each and every state, lest you want to become like the state of Massachusetts.
Hey, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I read this article.
Swedish pastor sentenced to one month in jail for reading a passage from the Bible offending homosexuals.
And again, if you're going to take his First Amendment, his free speech, they're going to take yours.
And they're trying to pass laws like that here.
A Republican governor did in Pennsylvania.
Again, it's like Communist China, folks.
Well, you don't want to be mean to a group, do you?
You see how that works?
Now it's everybody's free speech.
Well, it's going to be your free speech, too.
Believe me.
Let's go ahead and talk to Debbie in California.
Debbie, go ahead.
Have you heard of David Icke?
Yes, we've had him on before.
I agree with about 95% of what he has to say, and then he goes off into other things.
Yeah, and he speaks of Bohemian Grove and everything, and has some pictures that you actually took, I believe.
Yeah, no, he gives me credit.
Well, what I wanted to ask you is, um, I have a challenge for you.
I would like to know if, uh, I mean, I would like to explain that if you... You know those satellites that are around the Earth?
There's several hundred of them.
And a lot of companies own those satellites, correct?
Is a private party like you, for instance, allowed to rent one of those at any time?
Yeah, if I had millions of dollars.
An audio feed is, I don't know, like $5,000 a month, and the network pays for several of those.
Yeah, well, if you have somebody new in the business or something like that, you could use one of those satellites, and it's supposed to go all the way down and read a license plate,
Why couldn't it go to the Bohemian Grove?
Because they have national security on those and won't allow companies to release those photos.
You can't go out and rent one.
Actually, one company was doing that and they got in a lot of trouble.
Did they ever keep the tape so people could see it?
Well, they didn't do Bohemian Grove.
The point is there was a company that was doing that.
It would go take photos of whatever you wanted.
It just doesn't seem like, you know,
They should be able to expose this, if it's really true.
The Leaning Grove has been exposed!
I got a two hour video of it.
They admit I snuck in.
They say Satan worship is Christian.
I mean, they actually say that.
And they're just having fun worshipping Moloch.
And the Christian groups say that it's good, and Skull and Bones is good.
This video is Skull and Bones.
They say that worshipping Satan is a good thing, and that we should all do it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, folks.
I know we've got Carol and Warren and Matthew and Will and many others that are patiently holding.
We'll get your calls early in this first hour.
In this last hour, I should say this hour, but we've got left.
Freudian slip, I wish it was our first hour we could get to more information with Robert Galen Ross, who worked for the NSA, then worked as an international oil company consultant, lived all over the world, Middle East, you name it.
Good friend of mine, he just got interviewed last week by National British Sky Television News, I did as well, they said that they liked our interview with him.
It'll be interesting to see how that piece goes.
Oh, I'm glad I got one on.
I just forgot about another TV network that just called us.
I need to call Robert and tell him about that.
I keep forgetting to call that TV network back.
One reason I decided to get him on on short notice is this headline, Bilderberg Performance Key to Edwards VP Pick.
And the New York Times, according to a report in the New York Times by Jody Wilgrun, analyzing why Kerry chose Edwards over other 24 serious contenders for the number two spot.
Quote, several people pointed to the secretive and exclusive Bilderberg conference of the some 120 people that this year drew the likes of Henry A. Kissinger, Melinda Gates, and Richard A. Pearl.
to Italy in early June as helping win Mr. Kerry's heart.
Mr. Edwards spoke so well in a debate on American politics with a Republican, Ralph Reed.
Oh, the Christian Coalition guy was there.
The participants broke Bilderberg rules to clap before the end of the session.
Beforehand, Mr. Edwards traveled to Brussels to meet with NATO officials
Brandishing his foreign policy credentials.
Quote, his performance at Bilderberg was important, said a friend of Mr. Carey who was there at Bilderberg.
He reported back directly to Carey.
There were other reports on his performance.
Whether they reported directly or indirectly, I have no doubt the word got back to Mr. Carey and how well he did.
And they go on to say that they picked Mr. Edwards because Bilderberg Group liked him.
And back in 91, they sent Bill Clinton, the upstart governor, and then George Bush was told, you step down, this is the boy, they had 11 meetings, staged that whole deal, Bush Sr.
didn't even campaign, this is staged people, and to give us his insight and study on this, he's written Who's Who of the Elite,
JFK, MLK, RFK, you know, the elite serial killers.
I mean, a lot of great work.
Joining us is Robert Galen Ross, my good buddy.
And Galen, looking at this just in a nutshell, the Mildenberg Group, what we know about it, and these amazing admissions by the New York Times that they're the kingmakers, this is a major shift.
What do you see happening?
It's a pleasure to be with you again, Alex.
You know, there's another phenomenon that went on about the same time.
Was it a coincidence that George W. Bush went to Rome to meet with the Pope, and he overnighted after meeting with the Pope in Milan, which was very near the Bilderberg meeting at that time, so he was also at the Bilderberg meeting.
Edwards was sent to the Bilderbergs because it would have been too obvious for Kerry to show up because the Patriots would certainly have picked him out and reported to the world.
And he couldn't stay.
And exactly at the very same time, Bush is in Italy and many of his hours are missing.
Then we have Bush and the other leaders going from getting their orders at Bilderberg back to the G8, martial law in Georgia.
You and I have discussed many times that the Bilderbergs decide everything of significance all over the entire world, including world leaders.
This is absolutely the strongest clue I've gotten in a long time that Kerry will be the next president.
Why do you think we've seen this shift?
From the globalist bang for Bush to over to Kerry and Edwards.
I really think they're afraid that Bush is too inept, that he's really not too swift, his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, and they're afraid that he may mess up, whereas Kerry is a little bit more intelligent.
He's a member of the Council for Formulation and Trilateral Commission.
Also with skull and bones as Bush is.
Also Bush has served out his usefulness at one level.
I'm not sure that he's not still going to win as if it even matters.
It does matter at a certain level because conservatives have been asleep while he's been in office.
They need us to play the bad cop in Iraq while the UN looks like the good cop.
That's now happened as I predicted a year before the war even started.
It wasn't hard to do.
We got this out of Bilderberg back in the 2002 January meeting.
How does all that tie together?
It ties in perfectly.
Also you'll find that Cheney is getting a lot of spotlight and Bush won't dump him so they may need to get Cheney out and they'll just let him go with Bush because they need to accomplish their goals which is to create the Global Union by 2005 or the American Union by 2005.
And again, it's already basically 90% set up.
They even are choosing their capital of Atlanta.
They're debating Miami or Atlanta.
Looks like Atlanta will be the headquarters, but the average American doesn't even know that our own EU is forming.
That's correct.
And almost no one knows that the African Union was formed back in July of 2000, where 53 nations of Africa
Created the African Union, which is a carbon copy of the European Union.
Now it's the same thing with the EU.
The people of Europe didn't know it was going to be a real government until their leaders all set it up without a vote even being held.
That's right.
It was slipped in from the back side and now they're fixing to present the Constitution for the European Union, which will nullify all constitutions of all the nations of the
European Union.
And by the way, criticism of the government is an arrestable offense.
Here's Sweden.
A Swedish pastor sentenced to one month in jail for offending homosexuals by reading a Bible passage.
Now isn't that something?
Sounds like Communist China.
But that'll be continuing to tighten up all over the world.
As the Patriot Act 2 comes rolling out, we'll probably see a lot of that being included in that.
Robert, I've been saying that Bush is so arrogant that he thinks he's going to win, that I thought he was going to win, and I'm rarely wrong because he's gotten so much of the agenda through, but I have to admit that all the indicators show Kerry Edwards
Unless there is a real shift and a fissure between the Anglo-American establishment and the Rothschild power arm in Europe, but you and I agree that there isn't a real power divide, only that they allow certain bodies of the New World Order to compete with each other, thus for the vigor of the overall entity, what do you see happening?
Well, it's just like a professional wrestling match.
If you think that the wrestlers don't know who's going to win before they ever enter the ring, you've got something else coming.
All of this is planned, and they will have little struggling matches here and there from one side to the other just to get your attention off the real facts.
And to balkanize us back into a left-right false debate.
That's correct.
And you can pick either side.
They're still going to accomplish their goal.
And their goal is?
The creation of a global union or a new world order.
My favorite term is global union, but there's a lot of other terms used for it.
That's right.
They go, we're not for global government.
We're for global governance and global union, which is the exact same thing in the encyclopedia or dictionary.
That's right.
The Council of America meeting a year ago, Dick Cheney said that they will complete the Free Trade Area of America by January 2005.
And that was in Mexico and they said we're going to have a global tax.
A gas tax and a national sales tax that will really be international.
And we have the neocons pushing this as if it's conservative.
Yeah, and now all of this, if done by the people in our elected positions in our government, they're committing treason because they swear an oath when they take their position that they will defend the Constitution and the
The elite are determined to eliminate our Constitution.
Well, we can see the last vestiges of the Republic being swept away, martial law being openly discussed, militarization of police, giant prisons being built everywhere.
Galen, what's America going to be like if the New World Order succeeds?
It'll be... You'll have concentration camps for those that resist, and they'll
We're gonna end up as a police state.
Well, I agree with you if they succeed.
The problem is, Robert Galen Ross, I see a huge awakening, I see their own minions not following orders, I see leaks at all levels, and I see that they don't have enough evil people to carry it out on a mass scale.
Maybe in Russia, maybe in Vietnam, maybe in China, but I see them having real problems here.
Well, I'm convinced that we're going to be able to stop them, Alex.
And we just have to inform 5% of the public of what's going on and there'll be enough protest that they'll stop them.
And I don't like to waste my time like you do.
And you and I wouldn't be doing what we're doing if we thought we were going to fail.
We're going to accomplish what we're doing.
Let's expose what's really going on.
All right, my friend, Robert Galen Ross, former NSA, international oil company consultant, lived all over the world, good friend of mine, author.
Your call, straight ahead when we get back, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We already have the most imprisoned, forced drugged, dumbed down population on the planet.
It's already upon us.
It's what degree of tyranny will we accept?
Robert Galen Ross, let's take a few calls.
We'll get more into the New World Order as this develops.
Honored to have you.
Tell folks about some of your books and materials later in the broadcast.
Carol in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Yes, I know.
Do you know about the... Is there a book out about the Skull and Bones Society?
Well, there's a bunch of books out about it, and there's one called Fleshing Out Skull and Bones.
We've interviewed the author, and he's gotten some national attention.
Alexander Robbins kind of writes a whitewash about it.
She's a member of the other elite society next door called Scroll and Key.
Go ahead.
Okay, I don't even know about that one.
I learned about this one, I guess, from you and someone else on shortwave.
But I went to get someone.
I didn't have a computer.
And I know you know it goes back, um, it's Yale, that's where they're all from.
Uh-huh, 1832, founded with British money by the Germans to overthrow the U.S., that's admitted.
Right, and that's Hitler's symbol.
Right, that's Hitler's symbol, right?
Yeah, and Tony Sutton wrote a book about it for the American establishment also.
Okay, and also, uh, Schwarzenegger, doesn't he wear a ring like that?
His daddy was in the, uh, Nazi.
I don't have any idea.
I've heard that somewhere.
The Skull and Bones, ma'am, came before the Nazis.
Oh yeah, I know that.
Let me just tell you.
It's an Illuminati chapter, and so their symbol, it's the Order of Death.
I know.
Okay, so their symbol is the Skull and Bones.
So it's not good at all in any way you can look at it.
It's just something about destroying and death.
Three years ago, video was released of one of the rituals, which they admit is satanic worship, but the Christian Coalition says it isn't a problem, because, yeah, Mr. Reid is at Bilderberg Group meetings.
Thanks for the call.
Robert, comments to what she was saying?
No, as I say, Tony Sutton wrote a very good book on this, and he put it out in hardcover, but there are several good books out on skeleton bones.
And of course, John Kerry and George W. are both skull and bones, as George's father and grandfather were skull and bones.
And again, he funded the Nazis, as usual.
That same connection.
That's a good question.
How does Arnold Schwarzenegger, they're really grooming this guy and ignoring all the incredible dirt.
No one has as much dirt.
I don't know.
He met with Warren Buffett and Rothschild over in London a couple of weeks before he declared that he was going to run for Governor.
So that's an absolute clue that he's included.
Good comments, Carol.
Let's talk to Warren, or is it Wayne?
Wayne in Nebraska.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, I'd like to know about this Fortinberry who's running for Congress for Nebraska.
I don't know.
I don't know anything about it.
Another question I would have is on the Rifle Association.
They called me up on the phone.
I don't know if this might be getting off your subject.
I hope not too much.
Well, it's all interconnected.
It's all interconnected.
I told the lady about the Lady of Peace Act, and of course she was in denial.
So, anyhow... Yeah, the NRA publicly promoting gun legislation, publicly going into court arguing that all guns should be registered.
That was last year.
I mean, this is incredible.
But, I mean, Galen, as you said, it's a WWF stage wrestling match.
They've got to get our guns.
Of course they're going to take over our Second Amendment group.
I mean, that's just common sense.
Can you comment on that?
Yeah, they cannot create the American Union without first outlawing private ownership of guns in the United States.
We're the most armed nation in the world.
And every dictator that's taken over their country has first outlawed private ownership of weapons before they became dictators.
So it's real simple to all the leftists out there that are starting to wake up.
Slaves are disarmed.
Bad men take the guns so they can have their way with you.
Prisoners are disarmed.
Anything else, Wayne?
Well, there's one other thing.
We've had a thing about a compact, a nuclear waste compact here that we're a part of a compact that they were going to put the low-level nuclear waste here in Nebraska
And now I can see it's gone down to someplace in western Texas.
I saw it in the paper today.
You know, they're trying to charge us, I think, $30 to $50 million, I don't know, for some kind of fines.
It's just ridiculous.
Well, I mean, that goes into the depleted uranium killing the troops, and the government doesn't care.
They see us as cattle.
How people serve these creatures, I'll never know.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
You bet.
Will and Brian and Dennis and others, we're going to go to your calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
Because I've got some other news items I want to go over with Robert Galen Ross.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Robert, I know there's a lot you want to talk about, so we'll get to that when we return.
Everybody, stay with us.
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These are powerful videos and books.
They're waking people up.
So, as Galen Ross said, we've got to get
Five percent of people out there active.
We've already reached that number.
We've got to push it over the edge.
Robert Galen Ross, before we go to Will and Brian and Dennis and Regina and John, and that'll be it for calls, folks.
We've got about twenty-five minutes left here.
Twenty-four minutes left here.
Before we do that, Robert Galen Ross, you've got a new video out.
You've got some powerful books.
How do folks check that out?
They can go to my website at www.number4.com.
That's 4-R-I-E-dot-com.
Or they can call my 800 number, which is 4-1-0-5-5-7-1.
But a comment about... Well, hold on.
Hold on.
Give the website out again and the toll-free number.
All right.
The website is www.4-R-I-E-dot-com.
That's the number 4.
And the toll-free number is 800-4-1-0-5-7-1.
Hey, Robert, let me add a point here and I hope folks take advantage of that.
We'll talk about some of the titles in a minute.
You know, I found out that, and this isn't tootin' our horn, folks, it's just the facts, okay?
I'm not bragging, it's actually pretty scary, and it makes me know what type of responsibility I have.
I found out that my work, Robert Galen Ross's work, Tex Marr's work, and a few other people's,
Uh, is watched by the Muslim governments, is watched by the German government, is big in the Japanese government, and now over the last few months I've actually been contacted by people, I can't even get into names here, uh, are you getting that same thing, Robert, because your name has come up?
Yeah, you and I just, uh, in text appeared on the British, uh, uh, video that's coming out, and then I've also been contacted by the, uh, Japanese, and, uh, that'll be coming up soon.
Yeah, and I've forgotten to call them for the last week.
I need to call and tell them I am.
But I mean, people in foreign governments are sitting around in boardrooms watching my films, and your name has come up.
Were you aware of that?
I'm amazed.
The hits on my website all of a sudden will peak at certain times, and I don't know what's going on, but someone's bringing it up.
And I'm also working on my third book, which will be titled
The elite don't dare let us tell the people, and that's scheduled for completion sometime in September.
Well, I mean, we're just common, average people that understand history and have been following the globalists like other people follow football, so we know all about it.
It scares me how many people in mid-level positions of government don't even know what's going on, Robert.
Yeah, and I think you and I and Tex and a few others are blessed with an abnormal amount of perception, and I don't
I don't claim to be intelligent, but I have some extra perception like you do.
We're able to see things that are going on that other people just don't recognize.
Well, I think if people, you know, the Bible says if you ask God for discernment, many times you'll get it, and I pray for discernment every day.
You were going to make a point, though, before we go to these calls.
What was that point?
I was going to say that I've often talked to people about the Bohemian Grove and described it and they looked at me like I'm stupid and when I show them your video their mouth drops.
You can't deny it once you see your video.
You can't create that.
That's not a play.
It's a real Moloch
I think so.
I don't know that he goes to the Grove, I haven't seen that, but many other Christian leaders go to this and then they'll chastise me.
I've had national Christian shows attack me and say I'm a liar, how dare I say Bohemian Grove is bad, how dare I say Bush's part is skull and bones.
How can they keep denying this when it's out in the open and admitted, Robert?
There's so many people out there that don't want to face up to the truth because
Well, you know, four years ago we snuck into Bohemian Grove and they admit we snuck in.
It's just been in the newspaper.
They say, yeah, Mr. Jones did this.
Still, people are in denial about it.
I mean, imagine if you and I were in our backyard doing this ritual, our neighbors would call the police on us.
That's right.
But our leaders do it, and it's normal.
And it's world leaders, not just U.S.
Well, that's right.
Leaders around the world attend the Bohemian Grove.
Let's take calls quickly, folks, because I've got to get to everybody.
Will in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
First I wanted to say I'm a huge fan of yours.
I watch all your videos.
Show them to my friends.
We all love you.
We think you're great.
Thank you.
I had a question about Richard Gephardt.
We know Bush and Kerry, both skull and bones.
Like you say, two sides of the same coin.
Do you think Gephardt is any different, or do you have any opinions on Richard Gephardt, know anything about him, his background?
He's really just a union man, and pretty high level, and puts out a lot of rhetoric that's good about trade, but he never does anything about it.
Robert Galen Ross?
To my knowledge, and I've got just tons of records, he's not a member of any of the secret groups.
So that means he probably never reached very high within any organization.
Can I ask one more question?
I saw the clip of Jeremy Glick on O'Reilly, and I heard your response on the show.
You had Jeremy Glick, remember that, when O'Reilly flipped out on him?
You made a comment about if you had O'Reilly on your show, you'd tear him to pieces.
Would you ever consider getting Bill O'Reilly on your show?
I've tried, and we've tried to get on his broadcast.
Oh, really?
He wouldn't come on?
Ah, thank you.
I'd rather be afraid of you.
Well, he's an arrogant creature that's fooled a lot of good people.
Thanks for the call, Will.
Brian in Oregon.
Brian, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Brian, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm a PrisonPlanet.tv member, and you had that online poll.
And David Icke got about 50% out of all 12.
I was wondering how that is coming along, if you're going to get him on the show?
We are lining up David Icke for the broadcast.
Oh, great.
He uncovers great stuff, whether you just screw with him or not.
No, we're going to be having him on for a little bit.
And what about Brian Desborough?
You ever heard of him?
Yes, we're going to try to get him on.
Oh, that would be great.
Thank you so much.
Alright, thank you for the call.
What do you think of David Icke's stuff, Robert Galen Ross?
I liked everything that David did up until he did the piece on the reptilian concept.
And I don't say that he's wrong.
I just don't know enough about it to say he's right or wrong.
Well, that's the problem.
We have trouble getting people to admit public groups that are making world government announcements.
I have no evidence that there's a secret breed of reptilian vampires running things.
But everything else he says is very well documented and he's very articulate.
The whole thing's very interesting.
Yeah, I just don't have the time to follow the reptilian concept, and so I can't say it's right or wrong.
Yeah, it's very sensational, but I could sell a hundred thousand books if I was writing about it, but I'm not going to do it.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Next up here, let's go ahead and talk to Dennis in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Greetings, my friends, and thank you very much.
I have three things very quickly.
April 14th, which was the day that Lincoln was shot, I called the John Birch Society about the
KLA007 being shot down because Larry McDonald is still missing.
Yeah, Congressman McDonald, yeah.
And they did send me some information the day after George Bush came to Niles, Michigan, which is 12 miles from me.
And on his morning, he went to the high school at 1 p.m.
in the afternoon, and they had an all-day fire burning the McDonald's restaurant.
Niles is a community of about 15,000 people.
You think that was some type of Illuminati
Well, they always want to bluff you.
That's the kind of stuff I don't touch because you can't prove it.
What I can say is that on the one year anniversary of 9-11, the New York Lottery came up 9-11, and the Chicago Mercantile came up 9-11 with a bunch of zeros behind it, which is like 1 out of 14 billion.
So they are into numerology, they are into doing stuff in plain view.
Let me get a comment from Robert Galen Ross on that.
Thanks for the call, Dennis.
Robert, comments on that?
I'm not into numerology but I've read a lot of information on it and that's just an area I don't have much expertise in.
Let's go ahead and talk.
We're going to these calls quick, folks.
Regina in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Just wanted to tell you that Will from Pennsylvania, maybe he could help and see if Gephardt will help us support Sanders-Paul Amendment to the Commerce Justice State Appropriations, dealing with the funding, denying funding for Section 215 of the Patriot Act.
Let's see where these guys are on this subject.
That's right.
That's a vote in the House.
Today is what I understand.
And here's some of the other news.
Lay surrenders to authorities.
Ex-Enron CEO turns himself in after being indicted for taking part in a massive accounting fraud because they caught him on tape.
And then I have the other article about the Patriot Act.
Patriot Act foes force House vote.
AP lawmakers who say portions of the USA Patriot Act, the whole thing went too far, are taking aim at the provision that made it easier for investigators to learn what people are reading despite a veto threat from the White House.
The House planned to vote Thursday on a proposed Representative Bernard Sanders of Vermont
It would prevent the government from using the Patriot Act to demand records of bookstores and libraries.
Let me get a comment from Galen Ross on that.
Yeah, we really don't know yet what's coming out in the Patriot Act 2, but it's going to be probably twice as tight and restrictive as Patriot 1.
Well, I call it 2.5, because part of it passed in the intelligence package December 13th.
Last year, the same day they made the Saddam announcement, so nobody really heard about it.
And I've seen versions of the new one, they've got like three different versions, and it is, it is, it is unbelievable.
Well, there may be parts of it that are classified.
Most of it is classified, yeah.
Okay, Regina, thanks for the call, good point.
John in Louisiana, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, good afternoon, you too.
Look, our masters have developed in us a propaganda, a phobia, it's a gun phobia, and it exactly parallels the tobacco phobia.
Now, regardless of health issues, if they can manipulate our minds like that, we no longer belong to the civilized, sane world.
Do you agree that it's a phobia that they have developed?
Well, they use mind control in the form of subliminal suggestions and this sort of thing, and that's been going on for years.
I mean, folks, when you take an RTF course at a major university, there's a whole... I mean, if you get a degree in it, you spend like a semester on it.
I mean, it's admitted, but you tell the average dumbbell who's under it that they're under it, and then they'll laugh at you.
I mean, I've got an article here where almost half of Americans in 2002 didn't read a book.
Just look what they have done to us on the tobacco issue.
It proves they can do anything they want to to us.
Yeah, they can take over any industry they want.
Thanks for the call, John.
Rick in Reno, Nevada.
Rick, go ahead.
Yes, gentlemen.
I'm calling to argue the point that how can the average Joe, someone like myself, distinguish the disinformation from the real McCoy?
For instance, so-called former CIA operatives Mark Phillips or John Stockton or Philip Agee.
How do we know that you, sir, are not still working for the NSA?
I used to work for the NSA for five years, but I don't anymore.
We're not telling you some foggy story about mind control slaves in a cave and, you know, Dick Cheney on horseback hunting people or, you know, space aliens or whatever, and I don't even know some of the names you're mentioning.
We focus in on, hey, here's the New York Times admitting the Bilderberg Group basically selected John Edwards.
We can get involved.
We can fight back.
We can have an effect.
And, uh, you know, you judge a tree by its fruits.
Robert Galen Ross has been informing people, getting folks involved, using source documents.
You know, when I say Section 213 of the Patriot Act allows for secret warrantless searches of your house or business,
You can go read the subsection, sir, and it's up to you to decide what you want to do about it.
I understand what you're saying.
I mean, Robert Gaylon Ross is a great guy, and he's telling you you should be a leader, because you know you're a good person, sir.
At least you probably are.
And so you should go out and get involved, Rick.
You should be a leader.
What I'm saying is this.
It's very difficult to sort out the wheat from the chaff.
For instance,
I've seen some material on the internet that appears to be trying to drive a wedge between you and Mike Rupert, and I know that this is false information, but I had to do a lot of hunting to get to the bottom of it and determine that it was true.
But see, I never even responded to any of that.
I'm not worried about that.
It's not about Alex Jones.
It's not about anybody else.
I just cover the news, sir, and try to get you involved.
I'm getting involved.
Okay, and I've driven no wedges.
I get attacked.
I don't attack back.
Robert, I mean, have you ever seen me attack anybody back?
No, not at all, except the New World Order.
Yeah, that's it.
You know, I keep my eyes focused, folks.
Instead, most of the Patriot community spends their time, you know, trying to climb to the top of some heap.
And I'm not into that.
I just keep moving forward.
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I'm going to have to have Robert Campbell Ross back on the show here very soon.
We'll try to talk to Brooke and Pat here in a second.
Just a few of the news items I wanted to throw out here.
Police began random bus searches, and this is going on all over the country.
It says airline passengers go through it, and now so do bus passengers.
Long before 9-11, folks.
They were getting ready for this, so this will be part of the new Papers, Please system nationwide.
Michael Moore has done something good.
I have the Scottish Herald here.
We did an interview saying he thinks it's fine if people pirate his film on the internet and download it for free and get it out to people.
And I say the same thing about my videos.
Again, I don't support Michael Moore on many levels.
But at this level, I do, and that is a great thing.
Meanwhile, the FCC wants radio and TV to keep its tapes of shows.
They want every radio and TV show to keep tapes of their show, bearing witness against themselves, guilty until proven innocent.
Total violation of the Fifth Amendment, and this is only a regulatory agency.
That's a very dangerous trend.
So, Robert Galen Ross, anything else you want to add before we take two final calls?
No, go ahead.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brooke in Rhode Island.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I saw your cremation at care video.
It's staggering and stunning and I recommend it for all your listeners.
That's number one.
Number two is I have a comment and a question.
Comment is even if you're on the right track you'll still get run over if you just sit there.
The question is in 1830
There was an anti-Masonic convention in Philadelphia.
Yeah, so they set up Skull and Bones to counter in 1832.
Is that what it was?
Because I thought John Adams was involved in all this anti-Masonic stuff, and I thought it's a great idea to have another anti-Masonic convention and anti-Masonic party.
No, he was!
I mean, Skull and Bones members told MSNBC that they set Skull and Bones up to counter that.
Robert, comments?
You're right, Alex.
That's all I have to say about it.
Anything else?
Okay, the last thing is for Mr. Ross, in the Reagan funeral, the cross in the floor of the Washington National Cathedral, inlaid in marble at hundreds of thousands of dollars a cost when the cathedral was built, is the same cross.
Hitler and the Royal Families of Europe, where Ronald Reagan's coffin was resting on that cross.
Yeah, I saw that.
It was the Templar's Cross.
Yes, and that cross was removed in any photograph in Newsweek and Time Magazine.
It was totally edited out.
I only saw it in the New York Daily News.
There's a lot of secret symbolism, thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Pat in Colorado.
Last caller, go ahead.
I'm going to make a comment and then hang up.
With all due respect, the New World Order will happen because it is the seven years of tribulation the Bible speaks of.
Satan is the prince and power of the air until the Lord returns.
And then I've read the back of the book and we win.
So let's get on with it.
Praise His holy name.
But I mean, a lot of churches say, lay down to the world system.
Don't warn people.
I'm not laying down.
Well, good.
I'm not laying down a good man.
It's going to happen.
But ma'am, in 1776 they thought it was the Antichrist that shouldn't fight.
They thought it was the end of the world under Hitler.
We have a job to fight evil and we can be reprieved as a nation and world if we seek God's face and repent of our evil ways.
Robert comments?
Well, there's no way in the Bible does it say when end times will come.
So it may be a thousand years from now.
But it is the seven years of tribulation and it will happen.
Well, but if we don't know that this is the proper time... In the end days, really, we are... Well, all I know is I'm not saying you, but with most so-called Christians, it's a giant cough-out.
And the same Christians that say some of that love George Bush and think Bohemian Grove is good.
And I know you don't think that, but I'm just talking about, you know, well, Mr. Reed at the Bilderberg meeting.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Robert Galen Ross, your website one more time.
It's www.4rie.com.
And your phone number?
I want to get you back on soon.
It's been a pleasure, Alex.
Thank you.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order!