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Name: 20040630_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 30, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's Wednesday, the 30th day
of June 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
Ashcroft calls for tougher Patriot Act.
We're going to play a clip of that a little bit later.
Also, Iraqi transition an illusion, says father of beheaded US civilian.
Well, and we don't need the father of Berg to tell us this.
They have an appointed government
And they call this a democracy.
I mean, this is getting ridiculous.
denies reports of al-Zawahiri capture.
Well, they claim they killed a guy four months ago.
I mean, can't they get this straight?
Embedded filmmaker who shot Fahrenheit 9-11 in Iraq describes humiliation and sexual abuse of Iraqi families in U.S.
raids, the stuff Michael Moore didn't show you.
They showed some of the nighttime raids, but not some of the horrible things they do.
I wonder why, Mr. Moore?
Coal girls and strippers ready for a Republican convention, New York Daily News.
Ha ha ha ha.
Oh man, I tell you.
CIA spying on Israeli banks.
Art professor indicted over biological materials he put on these art displays about genetically engineered crops and things.
They said, well,
You know, these are things you can buy at the store.
Petri dishes and stuff.
We're going to go ahead and indict you because you're anti-government.
Bodily organs from Chinese prisoners tortured to death were moved and sold.
Well, they're the Supreme Government.
I mean, leaders are allowed to torture.
They're above the law.
What's wrong with it?
Of course, I'm being sarcastic, but our government says torture is good and they're above the law.
Dick Cheney booed at Yankee Stadium.
And they flashed his picture up on the screen of him there in the luxury box with the owner.
They don't love you, Lord Cheney?
Britain thinks Saddam will be executed.
Well, they've handed him over to the people they appointed, and we're now going to have a kangaroo trial, and they're saying they're going to execute him.
Who knows?
They might even cut his head off, and then we'll praise that.
It's good when we cut heads off.
Bad when they do.
I think it's bad either way, folks.
There is just so much, so much here that I haven't even began to scratch the surface on.
I'm looking at a BBC report where a U.S.
General is telling the British, prepare for war with Iran, prepare to attack their forces.
They're on the border, and of course, about a week and a half ago, three British patrol boats were up
Literally, up against the shore of Iran, the special forces troops in some type of intelligence mission were captured.
And they've finally been sent back after discussions of indicting them.
So we'll cover that as well.
Social Security Agreement reached with Mexico on cross-border workers, so that's a done deal now, more of the great conservatism.
Also, again, I mentioned this, but we'll get into more details.
Attack Iran, U.S.
Chief ordered British to prepare.
Also, we will get into Fahrenheit Hype 9-11 by David Icke, who makes some really good points that we'll be going over.
And long debunked rumor, in quotes, validated by Giuliani.
This is from Scoop.
And it's on.
PrisonPlanet.com right now, as well as PrisonPlanet.tv.
A lot of so-called 9-11 researchers have told us, how dare you say that FEMA was there massing for some type of drill on September 10th?
Does it matter if the head of FEMA said that, the deputy head of FEMA, said that it was a mistake, it isn't true, don't talk about it, you're evil if you do,
And well, Rudolph Giuliani kind of slipped up in his testimony before the 9-11 Whitewash Commission, and this has now just been noticed, we have the audio clip on the side, and said just that.
And then strangely enough, that's the only transcript to be taken off the 9-11 Commission's website.
Said something he wasn't supposed to, didn't he?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, 8 minutes and 27 seconds into this first hour of global transmission against tyranny.
We're going to have wide open phones today on any of the news items or issues we bring up, any questions or comments you have.
Any news that we've missed that you think is important, 800-259-9231.
Attack Iran!
Chief ordered British
America's military commander in Iraq ordered British troops to prepare for full-scale ground offensive against Iranian forces that have crossed the border and grabbed disputed territory, a senior officer has disclosed.
An attack would almost certainly have provoked open conflict with Iran, but the British chose instead to resolve the matter through diplomatic channels.
If we had attacked the Iranian positions, all hell would have broken loose, a defense source said yesterday.
We would have had the Iranians to our front, and the Iraqi insurgents picking us off at the rear.
And again, these are areas that Saddam, under globalist orders, when he was the big hero, remember that?
Back in the 80's, took from the Iranians.
And they're saying small groups of Iranians may have come into the area, so that could be the Globalist also giving the British disinfo.
The incident was disclosed by a senior British officer at a conference in London last week, and it's reported in today's edition of Defense Analysis that the identity of the officer is not given.
Some Iranian border and observation post were repositioned over the border
Broadly, a kilometer into Iraq, a Ministry of Defense spokesman said.
The incident began last July when Revolutionary Guards pushed about a kilometer into Iraq to the north and east of Basra in an apparent attempt to reoccupy territory which they had claimed belonged to Iran.
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez then ordered the British to prepare to send in several thousand troops to attack the Revolutionary Guard positions.
The Revolutionary Guard Corps had 125,000 soldiers.
And they're not the Iraqis, folks.
Making it 25% larger than the entire British Army.
And it equipped with both 500 tanks, 600 armored personnel carriers, 360 artillery weapons.
The incident is reminiscent of the exchange during the Kosovo conflict between the American General Wesley Clark, the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, and General Sir Mike Jackson, the British Commander.
When General Clark told General Jackson to send British troops into Pristina, remember the capital of Kosovo, an airport to prevent Russian troops, who were already there, from taking control, General Jackson refused.
He was reported to have said, I'm not going to start World War III for you.
I mean, and the Russians pulled out after the diplomatic discussions.
Again, folks, I mean, you can sit there in your lazy boy easy chair, drinking a six-pack, going, yeah, let's have a nuke war!
Man, kill them commies!
Oh, kill them Iranians!
Kill, kill!
Yeah, wait till your kid goes over there!
Wait till nukes hit our major cities!
Which the globalists would just love.
The police state they'd get out of that's just gonna be... That's why they released three battle plans to attack North Korea last year, trying to get Kim Jong-il to do something stupid.
And then that was an obvious assassination attempt a few months ago with all the trains blowing up and explosives going off and then that story kind of disappeared so they're trying to get that nutcase to attack us.
They gave him the nuke reactors and the nuclear delivery systems.
I mean, just come on, people!
Oh, we are such a decadent, soft population sitting there going, kill them, kill them, kill them!
Uh, it isn't a video game, boys and girls.
War, thermonuclear war, biological-chemical war isn't a game.
And I hear you neocons on the air every day, just nuke Fallujah!
I'm serious, nuke them!
Kill them all!
Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill everybody!
Kill them all!
Kill all the Arabs!
I mean, what happened to us?
We never behaved like this in the past.
You know, the British engaged in atrocities against Americans in the 1770s and 1780s.
But Americans never did that.
The colonialists never did that.
The Revolutionary Army never did that.
Very gentlemanly.
And we've been known for that.
Not anymore, folks.
It started getting bad in Vietnam, and now we are just the vicious creatures of them all.
We've had the troops on, Marine Corps sergeants and others, talking about being ordered to mow down children.
And they've got articles here, the Army admits they just have checkpoints, 79% of those they take to these 32 camps.
Just families, somebody didn't have their papers in order and they take them and beat daddy up in front of mommy and rape mommy in front of daddy and beat the kids.
Do things I can't even mention here on air.
It's Army's own report.
And then the neocons go, Oh, it's just putting underwear on somebody's head.
Just fraternity fun.
Just blowing off some steam.
I mean, I don't want this on my head.
I don't want this on me and my family.
I don't want this on my conscience.
I don't want this on my soul.
So I'm no part of this.
Understand, I'm not part of this.
My family's not part of this, and I know the listeners of this show aren't part of this.
We don't want any part of your evil, any part of this curse you're bringing down upon us!
So, with the gunboats getting grabbed last week and, you know, up there doing some type of covert operation right on the shore of Iran, it's getting scary.
Here's Ashcroft on television yesterday.
Ashcroft calls for tougher Patriot Act.
We'll get into that.
Go ahead and hit it.
Again, here's Ashcroft.
We got that ready?
Or we don't have that ready?
Okay, good.
Let's go ahead and play it now.
You know, every once in a while our computers have heart attacks, and I guess that's why I wasn't playing earlier.
We'll try to figure out what's wrong with the computer that's playing that and play that later.
I apologize.
We have it now, ladies and gentlemen.
Here we go.
Go ahead.
Attorney General John Ashcroft tells Bay Area law enforcement leaders that the next few months offer what he calls symbolic events that could be attractive to targets, to terrorists.
Now Ashcroft visited the Port of Tampa this afternoon.
It's just one of the many places of concern if Al-Qaeda terrorists carry out plans for another attack.
As 10 News reporter Dave Bowman shows you, the Attorney General is getting local officials involved in stepping up the war on terror here at home.
The Attorney General met with Bay Area police chiefs and top deputies of county sheriff's offices behind closed doors and then addressed the media.
John Ashcroft said he's trying to make the controversial Patriot Act tougher.
Ashcroft wants judges to impose the death penalty on people convicted of plotting terrorist activities.
For those terrorists who seek to save their own life while they are
Destroying the lives of others.
I believe acting in terror to take innocent life should be punishable by the death penalty.
Ascot's proposals are likely to draw fire from critics of the Patriot Act who say it steps on individual rights.
But the Attorney General says he's just trying to give cops and prosecutors the same tools to fight terrorists
So see, the opposition isn't against the secret executions and that's what the new Patriot Act does.
I'm going to
Patriot Act 2.5, the sections they couldn't get past last year with new added sections, and I've read the new bill, we've posted it months ago, the 2.5 version as I call it, and any suspicion of a quote, active terrorism, and again an active terrorism is any misdemeanor, folks, according to Section 802 of the first Patriot Act, and you can be executed.
And the Supreme Court says that they can secretly arrest American citizens, and that they can not give us a trial and not let us face our accusers, but that we can complain to the internal judges at the camps.
And the people hail that as a victory.
You can complain about being held secretly.
I mean, that's an oxymoron.
It's like, oh, we've given Iraq freedom.
We've appointed a new government.
I mean, it's just such a bald-faced lie.
How do you even respond to it?
And, you know, they're saying, we're going to get hit by terrorists, you better pass this so we can keep you safe.
That way, when the globalists carry out another terror attack, they'll say, see?
You didn't give up all your freedoms, it's your fault!
This is the very definition of terrorism, the real definition of threatening violence or carrying out violence if someone doesn't follow your political orders or doesn't do what you want.
And they're saying, give up your rights, let us run your life, let us surveil you, let us control you.
Never mind, we're making the borders more wide open than ever.
But U.S.
citizens have got to be our slaves, so we can keep you safe, or the terrorists are going to get you.
And what do you do when terrorists attack?
What do we teach you to do?
We give up our freedom!
That's right, good children.
Let's drill again.
What do you do when the bad man gets you?
Never mind, he's CIA, never mind.
We flew his family out of the country, never mind.
We funded him and met him in July before the attacks.
What do you do when the bad man attacks?
When Bin Laden attacks, we beg to be your slave!
That's right, good job!
Let the eagles soar, Ashcroft says, to the highest mountain, with your liberty in its claws.
I mean, this is really getting ridiculous.
And so, that's on the website if you want to go watch that.
And they say the same tools we use for drug dealers and white-collar criminals.
What, secret executions?
They're calling for secret executions, but it's the same thing you use for drug dealers and white-collar criminals?
You need to give local prosecutors the tools?
See, local prosecutors.
All crime is now terror.
And the state's gonna keep good care of us.
We'll be right back with more news.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alright, your calls are coming up momentarily.
Then we'll get into, oh my goodness, all this other news.
In fact, let's go ahead and go to the calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joanne in Colorado.
Joanne, welcome.
Hello, how are you?
Do you know anything about
Explosives that they're making where the Ohio and Pennsylvania line meet?
I'm not really following you.
They had an explosion about two weeks ago back there.
They have rubber bullets, tear gas, and it's where Ginsburg, Ohio, Jamestown, Pennsylvania meet.
Okay, an explosion, rubber bullets, I don't... Well, I don't know exactly what the explosion was, but they had to evacuate people.
For three hours.
It happened about two weeks ago.
Okay, how does the rubber bullets tie into that?
I'm not sure what the explosion was.
But they supposedly are making tear gas and rubber bullets.
Beyond that, I don't know.
Oh, okay, so you're saying there was some type of explosion at a plant.
Making tear gas and rubber bullets.
Right, and it's like a rural area back there, back in a field.
Well, it's big business equipping the police to suppress the population.
Because they've got lots of fun in store for us.
And, you know, people back there, they evidently, someone wanted to petition it, you know, to not have it put in.
This happened three to four years ago, I believe.
I wasn't aware of that.
You know what I'm really worried about is the 36 level 4 bio-weapons labs, some of which have already been opened right here in Texas and around the country, that produce stuff that is 100% fatal.
And they're just putting these all over the place.
They're putting them on fault lines.
They're putting them in major, densely populated areas.
And then we have a government that's been caught mailing anthrax to people out of the CIA headquarters.
So, there's no telling.
I mean, you talk about a threat.
I'm not too worried about a rubber bullet factor.
Well, supposedly there was no smell or anything.
I have family members and friends back there.
Yeah, I know that they think they were using something different than just regular tear gas in Seattle.
And I don't know.
I mean, they could have something else.
All I know is it happened at noon when supposedly no one was around, which I thought sounded rather far-fetched.
Yeah, it is interesting.
Thanks for the call, Joanne.
I just don't have any info for you.
Bill, Bill, where are you calling us from?
Yes, Bill, where are you calling us from?
Oh, okay.
How are you?
Hey, I'm glad you could take my call, but I thought I would pass this on to you.
Two items real quick, so I know there's other people who want to talk to you.
One of them is a tape that was given to me, and I'm watching it, and I was disgusted because it's so slanted to one side.
It's called The New Barbarians.
I don't know if you've seen it or heard of it or not.
Okay, if you want to, I will send it to you.
It's all things about anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, there's no such thing as Palestinians, blah blah blah blah, and I'm thinking, what is this?
You know, I've just never seen anything like it in my life.
But anyway, the other key thing I wanted to tell you about is, I read an article by Charlotte Iserby.
I don't know if you've ever heard of her.
Charlotte Iserby?
Iserby, yeah.
Have you ever talked to her?
Yeah, about 50 times.
Now, only 45 times.
Oh, okay.
We need to have her back on.
I haven't had her on in probably six months.
She was the number two person of the Department of Education from 80 to 84 and has all the documents on the deliberate dumbing down of children by design by the federal government.
I've talked to her, too, personally, but anyway, have you heard about the two, the KGB agents that are working for
I guess one of them's working for Poindexter, I guess the other one's working for, you know, this administration.
Yeah, they hired a former KGB general to, and this was even in the Associated Press about two years ago, to help set up Homeland Security to consult.
Again, sounds like freedom!
Oleg Kalugin, and he's the guy that recruited John Walker.
He recruited John Walker.
We all know who he is.
The American Taliban.
Yeah, well, he wound up in a Navy warrant officer who got him for espionage.
And he paid him a million dollars.
Well, I wasn't familiar with that, but I know a lot of this is just theater.
Yeah, well, this guy and the other one's working for Poindexter.
Okay, anything else, sir?
No, sir, that's it.
I thought I'd pass it on to you, and if you want me to, I can send that tape to you.
Yeah, I really don't want to see... I mean, I don't need to see the propaganda, but if you want to send it to me, go ahead, thanks.
I appreciate it.
We'll come back and get to all these other callers.
Is anybody concerned about the U.S.
ordering the British to attack the Iranians?
This is out of the mainstream news, the London Telegraph.
That's a big deal.
Anybody concerned about the staged handover of Iraq to appointed government?
I mean, it's a joke.
We got a bunch of news we're going to cover.
We'll take your calls on any subject, but anybody want to comment on that?
Ashcroft wants another Patriot Act, or are we just conditioned to accept all this?
Where's the outrage?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Thirty-three minutes past the hour.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are excellent.
They're PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and, of course, InfoWars.com.
The sites have a lot of different information, but also a lot of the same information posted on them daily.
Audio, video, text, legislation.
Just tons of information.
I'm really proud of the work that my two webmasters do.
It looks like we're going to be getting a third person to work on one of the sites as well.
Really expanding what we have to offer and what we bring you.
We're about to go to Julian and Casey and Regina and Rodney and Gary and many others.
And then we'll get more into the serious situation with the U.S.
military ordering the British to attack the Iranians, and the British refused to do it, hearkening back to when the Russians were at the Pristina Airport in Kosovo, and Wesley Clark wanted the British to start World War III, and they said, no, I won't start World War III for you.
Ashcroft calls for an expanded Patriot Act to execute people if they might be planning a terror attack or engaged in terrorism.
And again, terrorism is so broad that it literally is almost every misdemeanor.
denies reports of al-Zawahiri capture.
Embedded filmmaker who shot Fahrenheit 9-11 footage in Iraq describes humiliation and sexual abuse of Iraqi families in U.S.
Stuff Michael Moore didn't show.
Coal girls and strippers ready for Republican convention.
Oh yeah.
CIA spying on Israel.
An interesting article.
Art professor indicted over biological materials.
Bodily organs from Chinese prisoners tortured to death, removed and sold.
Dick Cheney booed at Yankee Stadium.
Britain thinks Saddam will be executed by the puppet government that just was installed.
He was installed as well before.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Won't get fooled again, huh?
And just tons of other information.
One of the biggest articles, one of the biggest stories I'll get to in the next hour, and I'm going to spend some time on this,
He is a long, debunked rumor validated by Giuliani.
Now, the deputy head of FEMA, on the day of September 11th, did say on national television that they were there the night before, getting ready.
He slipped up, turned red, it's on tape.
And all these sources you can trust would criticize anybody that talked about this and go, it's just a mistake, ignore it.
But then we heard from firefighters and police that there were weird drills going on, and that evacuations of the building days before, and the bomb-sniffing dogs being pulled out, and just countless pieces of evidence of preparation for this.
We know there was a CIA drill that morning of 9-11 of flying hijacked planes into the World Trade Center and Washington, D.C.
New York and D.C.
Well, it turns out that Ruloff Giuliani slipped up in testimony before the Whitewash Commission and admitted this, and then strangely enough, that's the only transcript to be removed from public testimony.
We've seen this happen when Bush slips up as well in other press conferences, but there is a link to the local TV and radio stations that have his testimony.
His testimony was caught on video as well.
By the way, we just have links to this now.
I suggest we go save those.
I know that's more work to do on top of the pile, but don't want that to go down the memory hole as well.
About FEMA and a massive drill.
Again, a cover drill.
So, all these high moguls of the expose 9-11 movement who are constantly caught basically trying to cover stuff up.
I wonder what they'll say about this now.
I guess we'll just move on and nobody will point it out to them, but big piece of evidence, big piece of evidence there.
But as I said, we'll go to your calls here in just a moment.
Before I do that, I do want to encourage all of you to sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
19 cents a day if you sign up for a month, a trial subscription, or 15 cents a day if you sign up for a year.
And for those of you who've let your month subscription lapse, you really need to sign back up because we put new videos, new documentary films, my book, Paul Watson's book up on the website in the last week, my weekly television report goes up there, all the best radio interviews I do get posted there, special text reports.
I mean, so much to offer!
I mean, my book's $12, Paul Watson's $19,
You know, my videos are $25.
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So, PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's been radically expanded and it's just going to get bigger and better, my friends.
Also, I've made 10 films.
I've written a book.
I've published another book.
My films on 9-11 are wide-ranging, cover all the issues.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Part 2 of that, The Masters of Terror, between them, almost five hours of video in those two films.
One of my newest films is Police State 3, Total Enslavement, two hours, forty-four minutes long.
It's really the equivalent of three or four films in one.
It covers the whole gamut, the architecture of the New World Order, what their main operations are, how to stop them,
I mean, it just gets into everything.
Foreign troops, concentration camps, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, Government-run white slavery rings, forced inoculations, gun control, PNAC, what the New World Order is.
The first 25 minutes is great.
It's worth it.
My videos are $25.95.
Order 3 or more of any of the 10 titles, they drop down to $20 a piece.
Then I carry Eric Huffman's video that gets into the bombs and the buildings and the architecture and the Pentagon.
Covers that section of information.
Does a great job.
George Humphrey's new 9-11 film.
It's one of the best I've seen.
9-11, The Great Illusion, Endgame of the Illuminati, Your Choice, Fear or Love on VHS and DVD.
Get a copy for $19.95, get a free color booklet, 80 plus page booklet for free when you do that.
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So you get two copies and three color booklets for $34.95.
Great deal.
So a copy for yourself, an original copy to give to a friend or family member or a talk show host or somebody in your area.
We've got the new Jews for Preservation of Firearms ownership video, Innocence Betrayed, the most professional thing I've seen out there.
Comes with three pamphlets on the Second Amendment in comic book fashion to explain the racism and evil of gun control.
And the history of it, that's $29.95 for the video and the three booklets.
Just a bunch of stuff.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order a VR safe secure shopping cart to watch clips of the films before you order them.
Or simply call toll-free.
Operators are there right now.
You're authorized to make copies of my videos.
I want you to get the videos that I produce and make copies and put them on AXS TV and get them out to people.
888-253-3139 or just write to me at Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78704.
I sound a little dingy today.
I had National Sky Television News from England following me around basically all day long.
And then I did radio interviews in the morning, and then I was on KOA for a couple hours in the middle of the night, the big blowtorch in Denver.
I had about three hours sleep, because after you end up staying up until four in the morning, then you can't go to sleep.
You kind of get your second wind.
I laid there for about two hours thinking about the New World Order until about 6 a.m., and finally nodded off and slept until about 8.45.
And why am I talking about this?
It's just I want folks to know that nobody works harder than my crew and myself.
And when you get the films, the videos, it supports us.
And frankly, I think that you know that when you support us, you know it's really going in the right direction.
Okay, so get the videos and books.
Let's go to Julian in Indiana.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Good, sir.
I came across your website, and I came across another website that was devoted to the exposing of the New World Order and their plot.
I came across some people that were very knowledgeable about this topic, and they pointed me to your website, PrisonPlan.TV, and they found out that even though there's a membership fee, which you were just talking about, that supports the bandwidth and
Well, no.
What's happened is, is that there's
There's dozens and dozens of other videos and things that we have put out for free in the past.
There's a directory that is free, and you're confusing that.
But if you'd like to send us that information, that'd be fine.
Sir, what else is on your mind?
You know, not really anything else.
I'm so appreciative that you're doing what you do, and you enlighten the people that need to be enlightened against what's actually going on in reality.
Well, I appreciate that.
And to make sure it's not the free videos you're talking about that are in those directories, just email the webmaster at Prison Planet that information and we'll check that out.
I really appreciate it.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Thank you.
Alright, thank you, Julian.
Let's talk to KC in Minnesota.
KC, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, I'm a big fan of yours.
I just want to let you know.
And then also, just a news tidbit for you.
Actually, not a tidbit.
It's big.
International Taser, or Taser International, just received a 1.8 million dollar contract from the United States military.
I sent you a link in your email so that you can verify that.
Yeah, that way they can torture the Iraqis better.
No, it's not torture, we do it to our own citizens.
Did you see that a few weeks ago, I read it on air over and over again, it was so unbelievable, that Arizona Republic article where Taser goes,
Well, here in Mesa, the taser has only been used in the last few months twice on children under the age of one.
And the headline was, nine-year-old girl tasered, but in the articles, the bombshell, that they're tasering babies.
Well, if the baby's uncooperative, we have to deal with it.
I was up all night actually watching a movie, and I saw that one in particular.
That's why I thought you might want to know.
It looks like they're preparing for something.
And then, I was also interested to know if
Do you have any knowledge about how to get your documentaries on local access channels or anything like that?
Well, every access station is a little different, but you get my videos and you're authorized to make copies of them and air them on Access TV.
I even say that in the takeover.
You can go, here's the takeover.
He says I can do this.
Or you just go in there and you just go down and you call them and you ask them how you do it.
And then you go down and you turn them in or you get a producer's license or however it works.
And you air them.
And that would be great.
A lot of folks have been doing that.
Will they need any permission or authorization to duplicate?
Well, sometimes they ask for that.
But again, I just said on the video it says you can do it.
That's great.
That's great.
Hey, thanks a lot.
Hey, I appreciate it.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, for years I've intended to put on the website a form letter.
It's just one of those things we never get around to.
You know, a scanned in copy of a signature saying you're authorized to air them on AXS television.
By the way, all over the country they're shutting down AXS TV facilities.
What they do is they come in and they say, oh, we're going to hybridize the channel.
Because back in the 70s,
Cable Systems got monopolies to lay cables in cities.
So if they were going to get a monopoly, cities said, well, if you're going to make, say, in a city like Austin, Time Warner makes profit, you know, $35-something million just a few years ago.
I saw the numbers.
That's just their profit.
They get a monopoly.
But then they deregulated that in 96.
If you're going to have a monopoly, you've got to provide video to the school board, the county commissioners, the city.
uh... and you'll just hook up some cameras and you gotta provide a facility for the citizens for the first amendment was a great idea now they come in and go oh no we're just gonna have a billboard we can put little messages up and that'll be your first amendment or we're gonna hybridize the channels and have some government programming on it and they're in the process of trying to do that right here in Austin Texas and I'm sure the Axis producers here won't get involved or won't care or won't do anything they'll just you know suck their thumbs till it's shut down uh... but uh...
Use it while it's still there.
Get involved with it while it's still there.
I mean, it's a great venue.
I mean, look, we've had senators fly here to speak to a thousand people.
I mean, they know the value of speaking to politically active folks, to being involved.
Well, conservatively, a primetime AXS show, say in Austin, Texas, has tens of thousands of viewers.
My broadcast has won Best of Austin twice in the Reader's Poll in the newspaper.
The radio show has won as well.
And I'm not bragging.
I mean, it's AXS TV.
That's why I started a decade ago.
I got a local radio show, a syndicated radio show.
It was a launch pad, a springboard.
The big movie director, Robert Rodriguez.
The big director here in Austin.
He started out there.
A bunch of people I know did.
It's a great way to circumvent the controlled media and get some skills.
I don't need Austin Access TV anymore, but it's sad to see it being basically taken over.
Kind of a slow death.
And I see it all over the country.
They just flat shut them down routinely.
By the hundreds.
I see the articles all the time.
So while they're there, I suggest you march down, and I suggest that you use them.
Because, I mean, in a small town of maybe a couple thousand people that's got an access station, you'll reach hundreds.
In a big city, I mean, places like New York where they still have it, you reach literally millions.
And you shut it down in L.A.
where you could reach millions.
So you better use it while it's still there, folks.
These poor college kids will go and be an intern for three years at some radio station, you know, literally cleaning the toilets.
But they won't go down and get an access show and start a website and really get real training in the real world.
Because the university doesn't tell them to do it.
Because they're not there to teach you, they're there to keep you in the system.
Let's go ahead and talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Regina, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
When I got this in the mail, I felt the need to either contact Bush Paul, which I couldn't get in last night, or you, because of Mel Gibson and his movies that have helped so much.
But before I get into their propaganda trail, and I think using his movie to push Bush, I wanted to just remind people that UNESCO will come up, and I understand it has to be appropriated every year, and Ron Paul, and I think a Virginia
A Davis lady from Virginia is also one of the co-sponsors of H-Con Res 443 withdraws from UNESCO, so anybody... For those who don't know, Bush had his wife go, how he did that, and sign on in France to UNESCO, but openly says its mission is to break up the family, force drug the population.
Aldous Huxley's brother was the founding director of it.
And, uh, yeah, that's your conservatism.
Stay there.
I'll let you talk about it when we get back.
I want to hear about this.
What, are neocons using the passion to push their agenda?
I want to run it by you.
Okay, stay there.
Probably say something like, Liberals are attacking the passion.
Give money to Bush!
They do that routinely.
We'll be right back.
PrisonPlanet.tv, stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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You know, I do something on air that's a little bit neurotic.
But I think overall it's important.
When a caller starts saying something that's true, I like to finish their sentence.
Because what that does is the person listening for the first time understands that if a caller is saying something that's true, I want folks to know it's true.
And then I can finish their sentence for them.
You know, showing that it's documented.
You know, because the caller will be saying something that sounds completely nuts and out of control, but here I am looking at the Associated Press or Reuters or BBC article, and of course people say, well, you're using mainstream media, I thought you said they lie.
No, they mainly spin.
The article will say how good the death penalty is for any act of terrorism or planned act of terrorism that's a misdemeanor.
And they'll go, oh, this is wonderful, and I'll just read it and go, no, this is not wonderful.
You know, here's the subsection of the bill.
They also lie by omission, so we'll give you the big picture.
Before I go back to Regina and Rodney and Gary and Mark and Kelly and many others, another point is they've started the Trusted Traveler Caps 2 system.
And I always harken back to this two-hour meeting that I watched Ridge have on C-SPAN with all these CEOs.
And he said, you're going to have this ID card to have a job, to drive a car, it's going to have four levels of security clearance, you'll have a yellow rating from green if you have bad credit, and he said it's going to be a, you know, a trusted citizen card.
And that's all this is, is beta testing.
And Northwest Airlines, up in Minneapolis-St.
Paul base there, is billing it as, only if you're a frequent flyer, only if you're perfect and you have it.
You're retina scanned, everything.
You're VIP'd.
They're selling you this as if it's a status thing, see.
I'm special.
I've got a multi-pass, you know, like something out of The Running Man.
I've got multi-pass, you know.
You know, I've got my
I got my bubble chip.
I mean, it's so sick to see him doing this.
But Dr. Regina, she was talking about UNESCO, and now Bush says that our troops will be under the UN.
Oh, how conservative!
You know, it's just wall-to-wall evil, and the average person has no idea.
But you said some group is trying to piggyback or ride the coattails of the passion, my dear?
Okay, the way I'm reading this,
Uh, this is uh, they want me to give them $25.
I say, everybody give $25 for uh, you know, for the donation to you or you know, put it towards the, this uh, in a sense, the trade.
I mean, these people are just unbelievable.
This, this concerns me because they want to put, it's a big long sheet and it shows a picture of Kerry and then it shows a picture of Bush and it's, you know, Kerry's all involved with all this stuff with the ACLU and the fact that we can't speak in the schools, but in the meantime,
No Child Left Behind is aligned with UNESCO.
We all know that.
We're following the edicts of it and changing all our being forced sanctions in every state.
Meanwhile, Bush is rewarding the Attorney General of Alabama that went after Moore.
So, Kerry and Bush, there's no difference.
It's just different rhetoric to make you think that you've got a choice, folks, but go ahead.
So, who's the group?
What's happening?
Benjamin Hart, Citizen Leader Coalition.
I wish you would get some of these people on if you could.
It's Bill Bright, Charles W. Colson, Prison Fellow Ministries, Judge Roy Bork, Robert Bork, William F. Buckley.
And what they're basically doing here, which I pulled the letter out, I've been in their survey, and they said he's doing a poor job.
Thank you very much.
Get out of UNESCO if you really cared about him saying that.
What happened is you gave money to Republicans at one time, so now you're on their mailing list, and so how does it tie into the passion?
Well, they want me to send a letter to Bill Gibson thanking him
With my survey, while I send my $25 to them.
So that's just an emotional thing to make you feel like they're somehow connected to Mel Gibson.
Right, exactly.
But does Mel Gibson know that they're using him as an opportunity to run a campaign?
I think that's sort of a liability there for Mel Gibson.
Hey, you never know who's listening to the show.
A lot of the Gibsons listen to this broadcast.
Praise God!
You know, I love his Patriot, and there's nothing that says in the Patriot that I'm supposed to follow what it says in here.
I mean, the propaganda they're telling these students in this big flyer, it is gigantic.
Well, William F. Buckley is a skull-and-bones neocon.
He's disgusting.
He's not a conservative.
But he says he is.
And so, you know, he's telling Christians, pray for them, Alex, and the people will be pulled from the midst of the governing authorities.
Well, the Patriot didn't tell us that.
And his movie's on at 8 o'clock again this Saturday night, I understand.
What movie?
The Patriot.
Mel Gibson's Patriot.
Oh yeah, that's a good movie.
Hey, thanks for the call Regina.
We'll come back with more calls, get into all this other big news in the second hour.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Long debunked rumor, and that's in quotes, validated by Giuliani.
FEMA in New York City prior to 9-11 for Project Tripod terror drill.
And the Deputy Head of FEMA had set that on television, national television, and then people said, well don't focus on that, it was a mistake, just don't talk about it.
But now Giuliani slipped up in testimony and admitted it, and the government pulled the transcript, but we have the audio of it.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
Just a ton of news, but I'm told that Jerry in Colorado disagrees with me.
So I talked to him during the last little break and I said, what do you disagree with?
I wanted to find out.
And he was saying, you know, last hour I talked about just this mindlessness of the neocons going, let's nuke Fallujah, kill everybody, you know, just this sick mindset of people in easy chairs drinking beer who want to start World War III.
So what do you disagree with, Jerry?
Well, morally, I agree with you completely on that issue, but when you said you don't support that, I would point out that
Like myself and millions of others who don't morally support those policies that we do support it practically by paying our taxes.
Okay, so you don't really disagree, you're just making a little psychological point.
Well, actually there are a couple of other things I do disagree on.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, and this was actually a while back on a show where you made the, well, you said like a lot of people say that we're totally doomed if we give up our guns.
They're an extension of the will.
Oh yeah, we're not doomed.
I mean, we can take over with butter knives.
Without the will to use them, the tools are useless.
Oh, I agree with you again there.
So I don't see the disagreement.
I'm saying that if we morally let them have the guns, that's why we're cooked.
And I know you've forgotten more about American history than I'll ever know, so please correct me.
Oh, no, I make mistakes all the time.
What's up?
Well, I've just got a very vague understanding of some of these incidents, but you were saying that you think there's been a huge change in the American psyche to where people now
Aren't averse to horrible atrocities.
Oh, certainly there have been horrible atrocities, but it was always to the minority or to a select group.
And the general public didn't think torture and rape and murder was good.
And obviously we've gotten less moral.
I mean, there's dozens of video games now where you rape people.
I mean, we certainly are the most decadent country in modern history.
Well, I would agree with that.
Tell me, what's your opinion of some of these Sherman's march to the sea?
There was widespread rape and murder and plenty of it.
No, I mean, we got tombstones at family cemeteries that say, killed by northern troops.
A hotel was burned.
Women, in the family bible, women raped and killed.
Uh, you know, and then, uh, I mean, sure, I mean, it was horrible, but a lot of that stuff's gone.
Sure, the Sand Creek Massacre, the Death March, the Trail of Tears, um, I don't remember the town, but there was a whole town burned down and lots of black people killed by rampaging races.
Yeah, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
And we've forgotten history, but I'm saying it's waxing bigger and worse than ever.
They're setting it up on a mechanized scale never before seen anywhere.
Well, I would agree with that.
All right.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
That's the kind of calls we get to disagree, you know, just on, just on, I guess, presentation or total world view.
But, you know, people don't call in and say, oh, I love the U.N.
or they don't call in and say, I think we should turn our guns in.
You know, I'd love to get those type of calls.
I occasionally get those emails.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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You know, a few months ago I got a little bit better at this.
We were taking 40-50 calls a broadcast.
I've gotten back down to about 20 calls just because I belabor things with each caller.
I want to try to shift back to that.
So when we do go back to your calls here in a few minutes, just have your question or comment or point ready and we're going to move on because I want to get more people on.
So many folks say they try time and time again to get in, but the phones are always busy and I want to open up some space for people.
So when you hear a caller hang up, when we finish a call, that's your cue to try to call in at 1-800-259-9231.
Let me go ahead and get into a big news story that's really important.
On PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, in the 9-11 Archive sections,
And some stuff is in one archive that isn't in another archive.
The PrisonPlanet.com one is the most up-to-date and you can go to our FEMA in New York prior 9-11 attack section.
A bunch of articles there in that huge 600 plus article archive.
And we need to go ahead and expand that archive.
There's probably been 20, 30 big developments in the last month or two that need to be added to that section.
But, right after 9-11, people went, you know, on ABC Nightly News, and it was also carried on NBC, as his comments were, the Deputy Director of FEMA, and I have a tape of it, got up on television and said, well, we were here September 10th, and so we were all ready on September 11th.
People went, excuse me?
All these 9-11 researchers you can trust came out and said, ignore it, leave it alone, don't touch it, don't investigate it, just ignore it.
And I said, well, I mean, I don't... I mean, it could have been a slip of the tongue, but I have to investigate this.
And I found out that firefighters said there was some weird drill going on for the week before, the building being evacuated, drug-sniffing dogs being pulled out.
More news confirming that just came out yesterday, by the way.
But we got the first news almost three years ago, right after it happened.
You know, all this stuff happening, the CIA running a drill of flying hijacked planes in the World Trade Center and Pentagon on that morning, and that was used as a NORAD stand-down smoke screen.
It's just a drill, man, just a drill.
But wait, that building's smoking.
Well, get a hold of the President!
We can't!
We can't!
They just changed the rule three months ago to where a General or Admiral can't order shoot-downs.
Only Donald Rumsfeld can.
He took the power to himself.
What are we going to do?
We can't get to the President.
None of our people are on the ground, and he's sitting there reading The Little Goat Story, conveniently.
But boy, I tell you, the people out there that tried to say that, just ignore what the Deputy FEMA Director said.
I mean, they got some egg on their faces.
And it says, long debunked, quote, rumor validated by Giuliani, FEMA and New York City prior to 9-11 for Project Tripod Terror Drill.
Scheduled for 9-12.
As of this writing, the transcript of former
New York City Mayor Giuliani's testimony to the 9-11 Commission during the May 18th, 19th, 2004 hearings in New York is the only transcript of the hearing omitted from the Commission website www.9-11commission.gov.
Did Rudy say something wrong?
In case you missed it live, you can listen to his testimony in full at the WNYC radio website
And then it's www.wnyc.org forward slash news forward slash articles.
Just go to prisonplanet.tv or com, you can link through to this.
As Giuliani recounts his experience on the day of 9-11 and the evolving location of the Emergency Command Center that morning, you might want to pay special attention to what he says at the end of the prepared statement.
Quote, the reason Pier 92 was selected as a command center was because on the next day, on September 12th, Pier 92 was going to have a drill.
It had hundreds of people here from FEMA, from the federal government, and from the state emergency management office.
And they were getting ready for a drill for biochemical attack.
So that was going to be the place they were going to have the drill.
The equipment was ready here, so we were able to establish a command center there within three days.
That was two and a half to three times bigger than the command center that we had lost at WTC7.
Folks, they were already setting up a command center because they knew they were going to destroy the FEMA slash CIA slash FBI state command center that was in Building 7.
Continuing, this is his testimony.
And it was from there that the rest of the search and rescue effort was completed.
Now, Kenny, Tom Kennedy,
Had come out and said later, oh that was a mistake, there wasn't a drill.
I misspoke.
And now we have this caught in a lie.
I mean, what is going on here, people?
Readers may remember that on the days immediately after 9-11, there was a nasty little rumor running around the Internet.
FEMA had arrived in New York City on Monday, September 10th, thus implying foreknowledge of the disaster.
The source of the rumor was a September 13, 2001 interview between CBS News anchor Dan Rather and Tom Kennedy.
He said it that night, too, on ABC.
Later corrected by Kenny of FEMA National Urban Search and Rescue.
So they tried to change his name in the records.
Here is a transcript of the brief interview.
Rather, Tom Kennedy, I mean Kennedy, a rescue worker with the National Urban Search and Rescue is part of FEMA.
Yeah, Deputy Director.
Kennedy, we're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster.
We arrived late Monday night.
And went into action on Tuesday morning and not until Monday did we get a full opportunity to work the entire site.
And we've got that audio clip somewhere on the website.
Scott, will you call Paul Watson and ask him to email you that link or post it on the main page in this article?
I want to play that if we can get it.
Instead of just saying, quote, we're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster.
We arrived on late Monday night and went into action on Tuesday morning.
By the way, folks, again, this was on CBS, as they say.
It was on NBC and it was on ABC.
I've got tapes of the ABC one.
The rumors were subsequently ravaged online.
Chat rooms and 9-11 websites officially denied by FEMA.
In a November 15, 2001 WorldNet Daily piece titled, FEMA, no prior knowledge of 9-11, agency dispels net rumor, says team didn't arrive in New York City until September 10th, John Daugherty wrote.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has said it did not have urban search and rescue teams in place.
Funny, I've talked to firefighters and said they did, in New York City prior to September 11th attacks, contrary to an internet-based rumor alleging otherwise.
You mean from what he said on national TV?
In the interview, Kenny misspoke when he said he and his team arrived in New York City and were finally on the ground and deployed by Monday night.
If accurate, that would have meant the team arrived September 10th, the night before the attacks.
According to a spokesman of the office of Vito Pisa, who works for FEMA's Federal Coordination Office, a total of 16 teams were put on alert or activated September 11th.
Two of those teams were sent to Ground Zero the next day, September 12th.
FEMA officials said Kenny, in the heat of the moment, misstated his team's arrival date.
Kenny could not be reached for comment.
The rumor of FEMA's presence prior to 9-11 was so stubborn that it took another debunking in a September 5, 2002 Boston Herald piece written by Stephen Scarrow.
Scarrow recommends the X-file fiction can be separated from fact with simple research and checking of multiple sources in reference to the rumor that FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City the night before the attacks occurred.
Scarrow writes,
But if you search further, you see that Tom Kennedy is actually Tom Kenny.
Well, that's because Dan Rather said it wrong.
An officer with the Massachusetts Urban Search and Rescue Task Force, and again, he was appointed as a deputy head of the emergency, according to the Associated Press, but again, who knows?
They put out so many different stories.
Apparently, Rather got the name wrong.
Likewise, common sense dictates, Kenny simply said Monday when he meant Tuesday.
To confirm, the Herald called the Kenny home on Cape Cod and spoke to Kenny's wife, who said that her husband did not go to New York on September 11th, but was September 10th.
She explained that he was under extreme stress when Rather interviewed him.
And, uh, we should note that the actual wording of the debunking accounts does not deny that FEMA was in New York on September 10th.
It merely denies that the Urban Search and Rescue Task Force was in New York on September 10th.
We should note that FEMA were denying presence in New York City prior to 9-11, did not raise the possibility that there were, uh, confusion about the existence of a separate FEMA team for a scheduled bio-terror drill.
A drill which we have learned is codenamed Operation Tripod.
It seems that prior to Giuliani testimony there had been scant monitoring of the bioterror drill.
But now he's gone public on national TV and said, Operation Tripod.
And we had FEMA on the ground beforehand.
But again, then they removed that transcript off their website, but we have the audio of it.
I think I taped him in that testimony.
I guess we have the video of it, too.
According to May 22, 2002 press release from the New York City Office of Emergency Management, the tripod, or point-of-dispensing drill, was successfully held that day.
The press release states tripod had originally been scheduled to take place on September 12th at Pier 92, which ironically had served as the temporary home of OEM shortly after the terrorist attacks on 9-11.
The release also mentions the tripod exercises supported by the Office of Justice Programs with the Office of Domestic Preparedness.
The Office of Domestic Preparedness was the effort assigned to Dick Cheney by George Bush on May 8, 2001, although reports indicate that Cheney never convened any meetings on this task force prior to September 2001.
It seems that there must have been some sort of planning involved with the organization and scheduling of Operation Tripod for September 12, 2001.
With all the unpleasant news of 9-11, it must be
It must have pleased Cheney that the scheduling of this drill made the pre-assembled emergency team immediately available to the New York City who would have thought of that.
While they use so-called drills in case they get caught, then it's, oh, it's just a drill.
It's like the CIA drill.
Major questions exist as to why FEMA would deny being in the New York City prior to 9-11 without mentioning the 9-12 bioterror drill.
These questions must now be addressed as the initial suspicions of those who learned of the Tom Kenny statement have been clearly validated.
The coincidental presence of large FEMA teams in New York City at the location of Pier 92, which became the command center for the entire emergency operation, is disturbing.
An alert press and a legitimate 9-11 Commission should have raised the issue long ago.
And it goes on to say,
Vito Pisa, listed as FEMA Branch Chief, was contacted for this article.
We'll come back, take calls, get to a bunch of other news.
So, Rudolph Giuliani slips up and admits it, just like Larry Silverstein.
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By the way, here's this Kenny character on national television talking about how they got there on the night of September 10th and so could respond on September 11th and we have Giuliani admitting all of this and then we have them taking the transcript down
So you don't just have all this evidence, you have the men lying, being caught lying, and then trying to remove evidence after they get caught lying again.
So go ahead and hit that clip.
Tom Kennedy.
Kennedy, a rescue worker with the National Urban Search and Rescue, which is part of FEMA.
We're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster.
We arrived on late Monday night and went into action on Tuesday morning.
And not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the entire site.
Tell you what, play that again for folks.
Play that clip.
I'm Kennedy.
Kennedy, a rescue worker with the National Urban Search and Rescue, which is part of FEMA.
We're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York for this disaster.
We arrived on late Monday night and went into action on Tuesday morning.
And not until today did we get a full opportunity to work the entire site.
Okay, and then they denied all that and tried to cover it up, and it turns out government bureaucrats always mess up.
They put stuff out on their website.
Giuliani slipped up and said it.
What do you think about that?
We'll get into Social Security Agreement reach with Mexico on cross-border workers.
That's right, that just happened.
Bunch of news on the Iraq situation.
Right now, let's go to the calls.
Let's talk to Rodney in Texas.
Rodney, welcome.
Yes, and thank you.
I appreciate you taking my call.
Real quick point.
You've reported time and time again that the compulsory military draft is right around the corner.
And today, USA Today's news, they're saying 5,600 military soldiers to be called up again
Again, a year ago, people would finish their term and they'd say, okay, you're being called back up, there was a clause.
This is just a large grouping, this 5600, and I'm not trying to go, ooh, I told you beforehand, but this isn't the first time this is happening to what they say about half the troops, they won't let them leave.
They've already served, and so this is a draft.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to bring that out.
And one other point, you were talking about how the system, the educational system, is dumbing down the students.
And I'm looking at the Orange County Register today, and right here in our own state of Texas, Alex, they're talking about they're paying off the teachers to take these early retirements.
They claim that they're amputating to take this offer to early retirement.
Now my question to you is,
What are they going to replace these teachers with?
Some of their own psychiatrists and doctors and people from the pharmaceutical companies?
I have the AP in front of me, that's exactly.
Already most schools, you spend a whole semester in the 7th or 8th grade with a law enforcement officer there, you write dossiers on your parents, you're drug tested, you're taught how to be a prisoner.
Thanks for the call.
Excellent points, Rodney.
Gary in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, you're doing a great job.
I just wanted to let you know, I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about that gentleman you were interviewing yesterday, Let's Roll 911.
And he didn't know nothing about it when I was telling him about the plane being shot down and things like that.
He's saying, what?
I said, I gave him the website.
But anyway, I wanted to bring up the point, did you see that on CNN?
Where that last guy that was beheaded, he was from Korea, wasn't he?
They just killed another U.S.
military person.
Anyways, they had a clip on CNN, it was a video clip of him about three weeks prior to him being beheaded that he was putting down Bush and saying that Bush was there just for the oil and he was the real terrorist.
Did you see that clip?
They had that guy on there saying that.
Yeah, they actually had him on CNN
Now, was he in LCI at his hands when he said that?
Oh, no, no, no.
This was just him doing this.
It was like three weeks before he was abducted.
He was saying all this stuff about Bush.
That's interesting.
Well, you know, like with Berg, he's obviously connected to two of the hijackers.
He's working at Abu Ghraib.
He's in U.S.
Works with these weird State Department people.
And then suddenly he gets released out of custody and gets his head cut off.
And it's the same paint, the same plastic chair as Abu Ghraib.
I mean, it's the whole thing, folks.
But this makes the torture okay.
Well, we're allowed to torture because they cut our people's heads off.
Then I thought that was pretty ironic that the three guys from Turkey that were being held and had 72 hours, as soon as the Turkish agreed to go with Bush, they suddenly released them.
I thought that was kind of ironic.
Well, they have tens of thousands of Arabs that work for the CIA, and they play these dirty tricks, and the people who don't understand that, they're naive.
And all the evidence points towards the globalists controlling Al-Qaeda.
They are Al-Qaeda.
They're doing this.
We'll be right back.
Thanks for the call.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight.
Thank you for joining us.
I'll tell you what, let's just ram through five, six more calls, then I'm going to get into this whole other stack of news.
And believe me, you don't want to miss this stuff either if you want to be informed.
Right now, who's up next here?
Mark in Minnesota.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing, sir?
Article from the LA Times today.
Iraqis take legal custody of Hussein.
Uh, this is what it says in there.
Among those scheduled to be arraigned with Hussein, are former Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz and Ali Hussein Hassan Mahid, also known as Chemical Ali, who they supposedly killed how many times?
Uh, four times.
Said Salem Chalabi, the Executive Director of the Iraqi Special Tribunal created to handle the trials.
Salem Chalabi, is he not the nephew, is it, of
uh... the uh... big-time mafia don well you mean the head torture lord for the shah who then went uh... when the ayatollah took over in the late seventies who then went to jordan and is a convicted bank robber uh... but the uh... these type of guys may have cut a few heads off in iran but they wouldn't be doing that in iraq they're nice fellas and uh... yeah so saddam was put into power now they have former ba'athist as lieutenants running the trial
And again, he's kept at the base under U.S.
Troop Guard.
Our government's appointed the new government.
And then they call this a new free country.
I mean, it's just... And they're not going to let him have any witnesses, talk about how he was in business with the Bushes.
It's going to be a staged Arab trial.
And it's just incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
In Salem and Chalabi, you've got the same exact little crime family over there handling all this.
Speaking of these trials,
You know, one thing that I thought was kind of peculiar, when I came across an old article that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, supposedly high up in Al Qaeda, supposedly he was killed, and then like six months later, right before they launched the war, they captured him again.
Yeah, he's been killed and captured, I think four times.
Well, it's like they killed Saddam's sons three times, and then showed wax figurines of them,
They've shown videos of fat Ben Ladens and later admitted they were fake and all these... Some website uploads and audio tape of Ben Laden always saying agreeing with Bush.
Yes, I work with Zidane.
It's on a website!
He did it!
No, what's interesting is, you know, I've been wondering, you know, like, what's up with all these guys?
You know, these so-called, you know, LCA, you know,
Captains that they have, where are these guys?
Well I came across an article for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Let me stop you, we have a whole section on Prison Planet, I forget the name of the section, but let me just tell people about this.
We have a whole section where they stage arrest of Al Qaeda members and then quietly release them a month later and it goes, oh they were actually CIA, they were just covering their escape.
I mean it's sick people, go ahead.
The only thing they would say about the whereabouts of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is he's in a top secret location.
I'm thinking, no kidding.
Yeah, isn't the guy supposed to be dead?
I mean, is the guy dead?
Is he alive?
And who knows, maybe they could be saying these guys are dead to cover for him, too.
You know, like... No, I... Listen, I hear you, and thanks for the call.
They're all CIA folks.
That's admitted.
That's who founded all this.
That's who stands to gain from this.
That's who runs this.
Some people are going, but Saddam, bad, man!
You so want him, you don't get a fair trial!
Our government put him in power.
It's like if you have a mafia captain doing evil things.
And then the Mafia Don engages in a war to take over his captain and then has a trial punishing his captain for following the orders of the Don.
The Don is more guilty than the Mafioso Captain.
And that's all we're trying to say here.
I mean, look, it's like Slobo Milošević.
If he's really guilty of all this stuff, which he is guilty of some of it, nothing compared to the Muslims, who were our buddies then, now our enemies.
See, it's 1984.
Different enemies every day.
Now, Gaddafi's our friend.
Tomorrow, he'll be evil.
It's the same thing, but... If Slobo's so guilty, why is this trial been going on for four years?
Why do they deny him his medicine?
We've had his lawyers on.
Now, that's a U.N.
And they won't, I mean, they'll give him like literally ten minutes to rebut for five weeks of testimony against him.
All it is is a kangaroo court, folks.
And it just goes on and on and on.
Well, we're not even going to do that.
The globalists appoint a puppet government with a bunch of torture masters, and school bus bombers, and movie theater bombers, and criminals of every configuration.
And then they have a puppet trial, and they're saying they're going to kill Saddam.
And we'll all celebrate, yeah, we killed him, we killed him.
And that's even him!
His wife says it's not even him!
And if you don't know, the CIA doesn't stage executions and have agents and release them and do plastic surgery.
You just don't know what the CIA has done in a hundred other countries.
Stop being so naive!
Good point, Mark.
Kelly in Texas.
Kelly, welcome.
Yes, I just wanted to say, I used to be a member of your forum on PrisonPlanet.com.
Is it true that it moved to
Well, sir, listen, I appreciate your call, and you can take care.
I set up a forum, and then it turned into nothing but a gossip column, so I said, you know what, you guys, maybe we'll just let people have it.
And that wasn't good, so we said, we'll just shut it down.
And so, my broadcast is not about spending 100 million years fighting with each other.
I just do a radio show, I work 18 hours a day, many days a week, and I just... I'm gonna talk about forced drugging of the population.
I'm gonna talk about cancer viruses and the vaccines.
I'm gonna talk about staged puppet governments in Iraq.
I'm gonna talk about the government carrying out 9-11.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I am not going to sit here and get into issues of little or no significance.
That's my rule.
Let's talk to Jerry in Colorado.
Jerry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I took the census test yesterday for what they call field representatives.
I worked on the census in 2000.
And what they're doing now is they're sending out random long forms to everybody.
Eventually everybody's going to get one.
And when you send it back in, you have to put your social security number on it.
You don't have to do anything.
You have a Fifth Amendment.
The federal court in Houston, and you worked for them, so I'm sure you remember this, said they can ask one question, how many people live here, and that's for proportional representation, and the electoral college, and what the census is now is a giant data gathering system for the NSA,
And one in six homes got the 54 question survey.
Every other house out here in the rural got it.
Okay, well, according to the government, one in six.
What is it?
One out of a hundred got like a 200 question one.
Businesses got multi-hundred questions.
What gallon is your toilet?
What's your bank account?
Where is it?
How much money do you have?
Does your renter pay cash?
Where did they last live?
What type of cars do you have?
What's your net worth?
Do you own firearms?
And I had him at my door.
I got the long form.
And I had this young, zit-faced punk come to my door three times.
And finally I stuck a camera in his face.
What they had to do was come back three times.
Yeah, exactly.
And I said, you get out of here.
You don't ever come back.
And he started threatening me.
And I said, get out of here!
Okay, I have a 5th Amendment!
I don't have to answer your questions!
And then they said when the census ended in 2000, that they were going to have a yearly census!
And that's what you're talking about now.
That's what they're going to do.
And they said that if they ask you why they need your social security number, we're not allowed to tell them why.
And they didn't tell us either!
I know, it's just amazing.
And the next job they'll offer me is going around putting a chip in your head.
Well listen, for those who don't know, the census comes from Leviticus, just a number of the people, once every ten years.
It's biblical, but it's not by name.
Article 1, section 2 of the Constitution.
And then it came into the Constitution to decide how many members of the House a state gets.
And it's just, how many people live here?
Not how many cars do you have?
Where's your bank account?
And now you're saying, sir, they want your social security number.
And that's not identification!
Your social security number is not ID.
There's been one charge!
And they didn't show my social security card yesterday, and my driver's license.
Well, you didn't have to do that, sir.
I wanted a job.
Yeah, but you're saying that they sent you a census form as a census member.
No, no, no, they sent me out an application, and I took a test.
To be a field representative.
Okay, I thought you were saying that now they want your Social Security number on the test.
Well, that's... I mean on the form.
To apply for the job, I had to show them.
I couldn't just write it on the form.
I had to show them my Social Security number.
Let me ask you a question.
What did you run into when you were doing the 2000 Census?
Well, most of the people, I told them that we were doing it to, you know, get your representation.
And that was how they apportioned out the federal road money to fix the roads.
And that everybody I counted was $6,000 in road money over 10 years we were going to get in this county.
And they filled out the minimum number of questions on the form.
That's the only thing on the long form you don't want to answer.
I just put on there, don't reply.
And all you had to do was answer the first five questions.
That was good enough.
But again, I answered one question and the guy wouldn't take it.
How many people live here?
And I told him the number.
You only had to answer, on the long form there were 64 questions.
Complete the form, you only had to answer
Five questions.
Well, on the back it said that in small print, but there were case after case in the news where they would threaten people at their houses.
I'm sure you heard about census workers busting into homes.
You heard about that?
Oh, I've heard all kinds of stuff.
It was all over the news.
One guy over here went to somebody's house and the guy read him a manifesto and held him hostage until the police came.
None of that happened with me.
There were a couple of houses where people just wouldn't answer the door.
I had to go back there and knock three times.
After that, I just didn't go back.
It's best, folks, in today's climate, more often than not, if they're not there to help you, I have to be honest, if it's a cop or somebody with a clipboard or a solicitor, don't answer the door!
And if they keep ringing the doorbell, just do not answer.
I suggest everybody put a peephole into their door.
I suggest everybody use Big Brother against them.
You know, for a hundred bucks you can buy a camera and a little monitor.
Mount a camera on your front door.
Hook a VCR up to it.
Don't put up with it.
We're under siege, folks.
Thanks for the call.
You betcha.
Good call.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, I had local business owners on this show.
They were getting like multi-hundred questions.
I forget, it was over 200.
Some people got 100 questions, 54 questions.
And it would say, under U.S.
Code, you have to answer the first five.
No, you don't.
You have to tell them how many people live here.
And then arguably, under the Fifth Amendment, you don't even have to do that.
And a federal judge even said in Houston, one of the few good rulings, no, you don't have to answer but one question.
How many people live here?
The census said 14 million illegal aliens, by the way.
Folks, how many illegal aliens do you think come to the door and tell the truth?
Or come to the door, period?
I thought the number was well over 30 mil.
I would say even higher than that, but that's the numbers we've got.
It's 30 million.
Another 2 million every six months, by the way.
Who's up next here?
Who's up next?
Okay, Bernard in Texas.
Dave's gone.
Bernard, go ahead.
Yeah, how are you doing today?
I wake up every day and I want to pull my hair out.
I'm a degreed engineer.
And this thing with the WTC, you don't need to be an engineer to see that they're lying.
I mean, the reason they call it pulled, I mean, one of the reasons they use that term is because they collapse the interior of the building first and it pulls the exterior inside and
It minimizes the rubble, but I mean... That is the industry term to pull a building.
He says we gave the order to pull and then watched it come down.
Building 7, not hit by a plane.
And they have the designer of it say this is impossible.
They had university heads of engineering say it.
And then suddenly, suddenly they all shut up and wouldn't give interviews.
Go ahead.
Let me tell you what really aggravates me though.
I've talked to my PhD professors that
You know, Tottenham, they're better, and they're like, well, you sound silly here.
They're so programmed to just follow the leader.
I just want to vomit.
Every time I think about it, it makes me just furious.
And another point I want to make is, you know about all this money from the Iraqi U.S.
going straight to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.
What do you think they do with all this money?
Well, again, publicly they just admit that large portions, billions a month, 100 plus million a day, goes directly to the Federal Reserve.
And it's their own private cash machine.
It's private.
I mean, where did the 168 billion in gold go?
They admittedly have that in the World Trade Centers.
It's admitted.
But again, there's no discussion after the fact.
And then another thing is, this is Adam Hussein of Kangaroo Court.
You know, there's no web to the Mass Destruction, there's no connection to Al-Cieda, and it's like a TV show.
It's so damn stupid, it's not even funny.
I mean, what are they doing there?
It's just dumb.
No, I hear you.
And they've got former Ba'ath officials running it.
Because the Ba'ath Party is the globalist party.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Anything else?
My last note is really, WTC, how can anybody not see what they did?
Even a child can see that these buildings were taken down.
In a fashion that had nothing to do with fires on a few floors.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
And we had an engineer on that day, Jimmy Wright, who worked in the World Financial Center, lives, has a ranch here in Texas.
I'm friends with the family.
And he's on the air after they collapsed.
They're on a cell phone going, yeah, it's the most controlled demolition I've ever seen.
But again, I mean, firefighter engineering came out.
The oldest firefighter group in the country said it's a controlled demolition.
It's a cover-up.
This is impossible.
And suddenly they said, well, we're not going to talk about that anymore.
But Building 7 wasn't hit by an airplane, folks.
Seismographs picked up bombs.
The building fell faster than a bowling ball would fall in gravity.
Because whole floors were evaporated by explosions.
The firefighters said there were bombs.
They told AP reporters they were told to get back.
They're about to pull the building.
Then the owner gets on TV, slips up, and says they pulled it.
It's like Giuliani saying FEMA was on the ground before 9-11 now.
And still they'll be... I mean, they slip up all the time.
All the time.
Well, I'm getting my twice yearly hiccups on air, ladies and gentlemen.
Boy, this will be the next fun hour.
I drank some coffee down the wrong way.
Oh, boy.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Louisiana.
Jeff, welcome!
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing there?
Listen, did you get my emails about Lark and Rose, about what they've done to them now?
Well, Larkin Rose has exposed the fraudulent tax system.
I know they raided him for videos he'd made exposing it.
It's all part of the new freedom.
But no, what's happened to him now?
What they're doing, they're charging him with kiddie porn.
And I think they're trying, there's just another method they're using, trying to shut him up.
Where did you see that report?
I sent you a couple emails.
Was it in the newspaper?
Yes, there was an article in the paper.
It was from philly.com about him being charged.
And there was another article from some website called Clarewolf.com.
There was something there about it.
Well, I will try to check that out, but... I'll send the tips at Infowars.com.
Well, they did the same thing with one of the head U.S.
inspectors who was blowing the whistle.
And again, folks, they can put anything they want on your computer.
They can do anything.
And, I mean, they've rated him a bunch of times, and admitted, oh, it's your videos, tell lies about the IRS.
I mean, they've rated him a couple times, and that's what makes this, that's what makes me believe it is a fraud, is because, I mean, here you have this guy being rated for no reason before, and then he starts beating their rap, and they are so afraid of him because he's so dead on.
I need to interview him.
I guess he's in, is he in their custody?
No, no, as far as I know, he's not in custody.
I urge people to go to his website, taxableincome.net, and download.
You can download his mini CD for free.
Yeah, they're really scared.
He's got 40 million non-filers now.
They know it's a private Federal Reserve front.
They can do this to anybody.
It's so scary.
We'll be right back.
I think so.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There are now tens of millions of people awake in America, hundreds of millions worldwide of the New World Order.
They can't get all of us.
They can't frame all of us.
They can't demonize all of us.
All they can try to do is discredit anyone who talks about freedom.
And it's not working.
The evil is obvious.
And the only thing stopping the globalists from moving forward to frame people en masse, and to arrest people en masse, to call us terrorists, whatever, is that they don't have enough minions, enough servants that are willing to frame
Enough abject criminals in the FBI and the BATF and the Federal Marshals and the State Police.
That's why they're trying to get the CIA into every major city to pick out the corrupt cops.
To create the squads of frame-up groups.
Though the corruption is getting more and more widespread.
We're in a fight here, folks.
The globalists are not going to stop pushing.
Keep their hands tied behind their back.
We have to stand up against them and expose them.
And expose the Houston Crime Lab, and the Dallas Crime Lab, and Tulea, Texas.
I mean, right here where I live, all the frame-ups.
Whole neighborhoods arrested.
No drugs found.
People given 20 to 90 years in prison.
Houston Crime Lab framing thousands.
Dallas police throwing bags of chalk in people's random vehicles.
And then the crime lab is certifying all this cocaine, and you know, the FBI in Boston running murder for hire, and the prostitution, and the rest of it, and the L.A.
police, and all this corruption.
We've got to educate people and stop trusting them.
And we've got to get involved in the juries and grand juries, and that's a key area of voting rights.
That's where we vote.
Not just at the ballot box, but not just the soap box, or the cartridge box, which we're trying to overt going to that, but in the grand jury box and the jury box.
So it is frightening times, but giving in to these bullies isn't going to keep us safe.
We have to commit, know that God's on our side, and just pray that people in government will have their hearts and minds moved to join us in the fight against the New World Order.
Alright, I know we've got a lot of callers.
The total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And Al, and Tom, and Mike, and Justin, and whoever that is in Illinois.
All these callers.
We'll get to you in the next hour.
I need to plug the videos and cover a few articles here if we have time before this hour ends.
I'll actually start the next hour with a bunch of news, then we'll go back to your calls.
There's a whole stack of important stuff here.
I have made ten films.
I have written a book, I have published a book, I have carried a bunch of other great videos and documentaries and pro-gun t-shirts and so many materials at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that are waking people up, that are affecting change, that are informing people
And I carry a bunch of new videos made by other great researchers.
So visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and peruse the section that says, titles by other great researchers and authors.
Or search the section that has all my films and books.
And our productions.
And get my videos.
And make copies of them.
And get them out to people.
Get 9-11 the Road to Tyranny.
Get Masters of Terror.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Get Matrix of Evil.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed.
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America Destroyed by Design.
You need to have these videos.
My videos are $25.95 apiece.
Order 3 or more of any of the 10.
They drop down to $20.
Toll-free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
If you've been procrastinating, folks, help us get in the fight.
Wake people up and support this broadcast.
Or again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar.
Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All right, my friends.
Third hour, ton of news.
Your call straight ahead.
So stay with us.
Stay the course.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, you do not want to live under tyranny.
The textbook, classical tyranny, on steroids, Mach 5 with the hair on fire, is now upon us, and they've got to get their minions in the establishment to go along with it.
We've got to reach out to people in government, out of government, with the truth.
We've got to cause a revelation, a revolution of understanding.
They're millions of people, too.
We've got to wake them up.
Because the globalists put cancer viruses in their children's vaccines, the millions vaccines.
They put the fluoride in their water, the aspartame in their soft drinks, the MBTE in their fuel that gets in the water.
They poison you, too.
They dumb you down, too.
And you better wake up to this and stop serving the New World Order.
A lot of you are afraid of the New World Order, so you've made the conscious decision to serve it.
You think you'll be safe.
You won't be safe.
We're going to go back to calls here in just a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
But right now, I wanted to cover this article out of the Associated Press.
Social Security Agreement reached with Mexico on cross-border workers.
Remember a year ago, Bush proposed giving Social Security to the illegal aliens?
And now they've made the agreement.
Mexican and U.S.
officials signed an agreement yesterday to eliminate double Social Security taxation, providing relief to thousands of people who work in both countries.
So, again, Pan-American Union, they're merging the social security systems.
Social Security Commissioner Joanna Barhart and Mexican Social Security Institute Director Santiago Levy signed the agreement at an economic development workshop here.
This is the Pan-American Union, merging our police, merging... it's all happening.
Workers also can count their work history in a foreign country to qualify for retirement benefits in one system.
Merging our systems!
You gotta love it!
Under the agreement, the PAC still must be approved by the Mexican Senate and reviewed by the U.S.
This agreement eliminates a serious and unnecessary impediment to American and Mexican businesses and their resources to the Social Security Commissioner, Joe Ann Barhart.
Just as important, it promotes equity and fairness for workers who divide their careers between the two countries.
And of course, what this is, is us paying Social Security to illegal aliens.
That's what they originally said it was, but now they put the spin on it.
Listen to this.
This is out of the Miami Herald.
Schools may use spray to track kids' drug use.
Not enough to have the forced drug testing that Bush wants for everybody now, and the mental illness testing, and then to put you on drugs that are even more deadly than illegal ones.
Two years after approving the use of drugs giving dogs, Bowerd County Schools may have another narcotic fighting weapon.
An aerosol spray that detects residue on school desks or backpacks, similar to bomb detection equipment used in airports.
Training you that it's like a laboratory, a prison laboratory.
Despite research that shows drug use is down among high school seniors, since the early eighties, school systems nationwide are becoming more aggressive at trying to curtail the problem that the government ships in.
And the federal government is helping, oh, with grants to more than twenty school systems that want to try the new spray.
The Bowerd School Board approves the kids this fall.
A principal could
Rub sticky paper on a locker or desk or anything else that might have been touched by a drug user.
They then spray it with a chemical to find traces of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, speed, and ecstasy.
The paper may display one of the rainbow of colors, and of course they admit it doesn't work very well, but so what?
We'll still just put you in jail for that, depending on the illicit substance.
Reddish brown for marijuana, purple for heroin, canary yellow for amphetamines.
Well, the kids that are using Ritalin will get in trouble.
It says, uh, the school district is downplaying the scope of the kits saying they would only be used when there is a probable cause to suspect drug use to confirm or debunk suspicions that a student is on dope.
Well, what about the coming up on, you know, ten percent of them that are on the deadly drugs the government forces them onto?
Oh, my goodness.
There's lots more devil speak in this article.
We'll come back with more on this in just
About ten others, then we'll go to your calls.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
Already into hour number three, eight minutes.
Thirty-five seconds into hour number three.
Continuing with the news, you know, they're turning the schools into just total prisons.
Thumb scanners to get lunches.
They're frisked.
They wear ID cards.
You're late to class.
You're put on probation.
I mean, it's really that bad.
Any way to snare your children in this net.
And the feds have said that we're going to go from the tens of millions of people in the criminal justice system to seven million behind bars, and the tens of millions on probation,
To $33 million behind bars by 2010.
Now, a couple years ago CBS News had the Feds on and they said, oh, by 2025 we'll have $33 million.
But then last year the Feds came out and said, no, no, no, no.
By the end of this decade, and they're online to do that.
How are they going to do that?
By making everything criminal.
By framing people.
By getting people into the system.
And again, the globalists, the drug dealers, the criminals, the terrorists, the New World Order military industrial complex, they own the private prisons that they're going to put us in.
This is Nazi Germany, this is China, this is Soviet Russia.
The mechanisms have been built, it's expanding incrementally, we cannot put up with this.
We've got to be in the light, you know, when you're facing the sun, you know, all the shadows fade from view, folks.
I was on a fortune cookie last night,
I'm paraphrasing.
We've got to stay in the light.
We've got to be involved.
There's more of us than there are of them.
We've got to discredit these people.
And it says, the school district is downplaying the scope of the kits, these swabs that look for drugs, saying they would only be used where there is probable cause.
Oh yeah, you already do that.
My intention is not to swab kits, said Joe Melta, the Broward School District's Chief Investigator.
It could be used if a parent is worried about their child and needs the school's help.
Oh yeah, go get the school's help.
Your kid's going to end up in juvenile hall, folks, and learn how to be a real criminal.
A positive test from the kit would likely steer a student to the guidance office, not the police station.
Oh, likely!
See, we're going to make it real comfortable at first.
We don't want this to be a punitive thing.
You're a liar.
They always, they go to the same PR schools.
It's always, we don't want to swab kids, we just are.
We don't want to put you in jail, but we will sometimes.
The U.S.
Supreme Court allowed public schools two years ago to drug test students who participate in extracurricular activities.
What was going on when I was in high school, folks?
Now Bush has announced they want to do it to everybody.
Expanding a 95 ruling allowing testing of athletes.
Neither Broward or Miami-Dade schools conducts those tests despite the green light.
If approved, Broward would join a handful of school districts.
A handful?
There's like three or four in Austin that do it, and around Central Texas, including Palm Beach County that have used the kits made by the Washington, D.C.
firm funded by a federal grant.
Oh, man.
Years ago I saw Army News Watch on TV in Austin, National Show, going, whether you have two employees or a hundred, we'll drop by and drug test them for free.
We're the U.S.
Here to help.
Part of our job in the military is defending America.
Drugs undermine America.
So we're going to fight drugs.
Getting the military involved in your life, folks.
I mean, this is not a late night science fiction horror movie.
It's happening.
It's all being beta tested.
Soldier's mom invites media coverage of caskets.
Pentagon restricts photos of coffins in military facilities.
The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq invited news coverage of the arrival of her son's flag-draped casket at Sacramento International Airport.
The neocons are already attacking her.
I heard them this morning.
Nearly a dozen reporters, photographers, will even attack women who have lost their children.
These people are sick.
Nearly a dozen reporters, photographers, and television crews were present when the coffin of Army Sergeant Patrick McCaffrey, 34, was transferred to a hearse outside a cargo terminal late Sunday.
The scene was in stark contrast with Pentagon policy banning photographs of the coffins of dead military personnel where they are on military facilities.
McCaffrey did not die for nothing.
The way he lived needs to be talked about.
Patrick was
Not a fighter, he was a peacemaker.
His mother, Nadia McCaffrey, told the Los Angeles Times, I wanted his body to be coming home, so I just decided to do this this way.
It just happened, she added, Tuesday on ABC's Good Morning America.
While she said the invitation to the media wasn't a political protest, she planned to continue speaking out against the war.
This is enough, she told the Times, we have to react.
Yeah, they don't want you to see the cost of it.
And America never did this in the past, covering up coffins.
This is new.
The Soviets always did, though, by the way, in their Afghan war.
They wouldn't even let you put it on the tombstone that your son or daughter died in the war there.
Just incredible.
I already mentioned this, but Dick Cheney
They don't like any of you.
That's good.
Startling Images, Embryo Images, Renew Abortion Debate, and the FDA is moving to ban these.
They admit it doesn't hurt the child, but it's just such a good image, and well, this is non-medical, and you shouldn't be allowed to look into the womb if it's non-medical.
That was in the local paper a few months ago in Austin, the FDA going after one of these facilities.
They don't want you seeing this, folks, because it drives down abortion.
It says, uh, compiling pictures of babies in the womb, apparently smiling, crossing their hands, and making, uh, walking movements, appeared in British newspapers on Tuesday, prompting calls to renew abortion laws.
To review abortion laws.
The pictures taken by Professor Stuart Campbell, an obstetrician, have caused surprise at the capabilities of unborn children and renewed a debate on the maximum limit during pregnancy within reach of termination should be permitted.
Currently this can be as much as 24 weeks or a pregnancy that's under British law.
Well here they can do it right up to birth.
Pictures in the press show a 12 week old fetus stretching and making kicking movements with its feet and what appeared to be an action mimicking walking a 14 to 15 weeks old fetus sucks its thumb and yawns then opens its eyes at 18 weeks while a 22 year old embryo smiles.
Folks, it's on embryo at 22 weeks.
Campbell made the pictures in 3D, 4D, a new technique in existence since 2001, with photos in three dimensions of video animation, enabling a study of fetal movements in real time.
So, Campbell said he's not against abortion as such, but has called for what he calls a detailed debate on the subject.
It says Josephine Quintaville of the British anti-abortion organization Pro-Life told reporters, quote, we were very happy to see these pictures.
We've always believed in the humanity of the unborn child.
And again, in the U.S.
they're trying to ban this.
I mean, doctors run these facilities, and I've talked to people that have done it, and we've all seen the images.
Drudge has posted them many times.
You know, the baby's smiling and walking and
Playing and jumping up and down and it's, you know, color images of these little humans.
And very early in development.
And they do not like this, folks.
They want to tell you it's a blob of tissue.
You know, it's a woman's right.
But here's the problem.
That baby has rights, too.
That's a human being.
We were all there once.
Oh my goodness.
I mean, if we can kill babies... What's happened to us, folks?
You think the new world order won't kill 3,000 people, but they'll have 50-something million abortions?
Listen to this, San Diego Union Tribune, then we'll break them back to the cause.
Windshield-mounted drive cam monitors drivers.
And it says that, yo, there's black boxes in your cars for years.
They used to prosecute you, but there's a new move to make you take a camera.
And of course, a few years ago, MSNBC had Ford and GM going, 30-something children die every summer left in cars.
We'll have it where there's pressure sensors on the seats, and there'll be an infrared little camera with a cell phone that sends back images, and if the temperature goes up and there's pressure on the seats showing someone's there, it'll dial the police and give them an image of you.
And the FEMA command centers they built, of course, will monitor this, and they now admit they're funding to monitor the cell phones as they track and trace you, with audio and with GPS positioning.
Near the Cincinnati airport, a shuttle bus misses a curve and careens over the embankment, smashing into a parking lot below.
No one was hurt still, the accident could have been.
Lost the bus driver at his job, and left the shuttle company with a hefty insurance claim.
Neither happened.
Unlike many accidents, there was a clear picture in the case of what went wrong.
And see, they'll make you do this to get insurance.
Progressive already does that with the black boxes.
The evidence came from DriveCam Video Systems, a small San Diego company that markets windshield-mounted digital video cameras to monitor drivers and record accidents.
The camera shows the drivers frantically spinning the steering wheel seconds before the accident when the bus continued straight ahead.
See, the camera's on you, folks.
Even police at the scene didn't believe her story, but because of the video, the shuttle company investigated and found the steering linkage had broken.
While most people know about black box recorders in commercial airplanes, they're less aware the automobiles are moving in the same direction.
DriveCam is among several companies providing the technology to vehicles.
Vehicle black boxes have been around for a while, nine years.
Many newer cars from General Motors and other manufacturers, all of them, have detectors that activate when the airbag is deployed, a lot more than that, said Ed Andrew, DriveCam's chief executive.
The devices record things such as speed and braking.
In addition, a handful of companies sell aftermarket devices that take more sophisticated measurements, such as the GeForce, built by... and it goes on and on.
And they're going to make you all take this, unless we say no to it.
We're the kooks.
We're against cameras watching us and the guards.
We're the kooks.
We're against implantable microchips.
We're the kooks.
We're against cancer viruses and the vaccines.
Where are the kooks?
We read Henry Kissinger's plan to sterilize half the third world.
Declassified, you know.
No, you're the raven lunatics, you sickening control freaks!
We'll be right back.
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Alright, let's go to your calls quickly.
Thanks for holding.
Let's talk to Tom in Connecticut.
Tom, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
One of my concerns is really the deterioration of the world financial system as a whole.
Like, you know, precipitating martial law out of a financial collapse.
That type of thing.
Well, the system is designed.
I mean, there's no way in the Federal Reserve System to ever pay the debts.
It's debts created out of nothing.
It's designed to do that.
And the World Bank documents from almost three years ago that Greg Powell's got at the BBC say that they want to create calamities.
They want to create implosions.
Because that's when they get real assets by making people go bankrupt.
Well, yeah, I agree with that, but to what extent do you think that local, you know, action, which I agree with also, can in any way affect that type of manipulation of that kind of system?
Well, it can't, but by exposing the system at the grassroots, people will know who did it to them.
The globalists won't pull this stuff unless they can get away with it.
So it's all an information war across the board.
Look at it, you know, I mean the derivatives market that's up into the tens of trillions of dollars and, you know, I mean just the endless debt that's accumulated over the federal debt reducing, just this easy money and all this other stuff.
It just seems like it's so out of control that whether they think you know or not, it's inevitably just going to implode.
I mean, you know, how's it going to, they're going to run around telling somebody they can't get the,
You know, that money out of the ATM machine because somebody did it to them?
Well, they can just keep adding zeros and ones and they'll do that to the national ID card.
I mean, they can do whatever they want with the money system.
So, listen, I appreciate the call.
I hear you.
Stacy in Indiana, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
My question for you is, given the success of Roger Moore's movie and these types of films... Michael Moore.
Michael Moore, sorry.
Have you looked into finding an independent distributor for any of your films to put them into the mainstream theaters?
Because I think there is a market for it now.
Clearly people will pay to see this and you would reach a much larger audience to, you know, enlighten people to what's going on.
Okay, well, just so you know, ma'am, yes, I've been to Hollywood.
I've met with people.
Okay, they all know what's going on.
They're all scared.
I mean, he barely got his distributed, okay?
Mel Gibson barely got the passion distributed.
These people have hundreds of millions of dollars to get it done.
So, uh, and, uh... But I think that the bottom line in Hollywood is always money.
They don't care if your politics don't agree with them.
Actually, they do care.
Actually, they do care, and Michael Moore's film is partisan, keeps it in the left-right paradigm, doesn't expose Bush for involvement in 9-11, and that's why you see this film.
But don't you think that your films would get seen also if people, if you found a distributor who thought he could make a lot of money off of it?
But man, I'm telling you, I've been to Los Angeles.
I've met with people.
I've looked at it.
And there's no interest?
Well, no.
They know about the New World Order and they're scared to death.
So they're afraid of... My film says the government did it and lays out the evidence.
That's a far cry from Michael Moore saying Bush is an idiot and accidentally let it happen.
Well, you know... I mean, if I wanted to make a whitewash film and worship John Kerry or worship George Bush, if I wanted to make a film saying 9-11 didn't happen and concoct a bunch of lies, I could probably get that in theaters.
I mean, I could be on every one of these national TV panel shows.
But no one would support you for telling the truth.
Well, no.
The people do support us.
I mean, we've reached millions of people on through little cable shows and people making hundreds of copies of our films apiece.
I mean, we have reached a lot of people.
But there's not an investor out there, you're saying, that would be willing?
Well, it's not just an investor.
It's the mechanisms.
You can't just have money and then go get somebody to carry your film.
It's a closed shop.
It's a monopoly.
I see.
Mel Gibson.
Academy Award winner.
Worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
You can barely get the passion in theaters.
Right, right.
Well, that's a shame.
It would be wonderful if you could find a way around it.
It's shown in private.
You can go theater to theater.
It's shown in a lot of theaters around the country.
Yeah, people just show it and make money off of it.
I don't make a dime, so what?
I'm just about to get the word out.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Justin in Minnesota.
Justin, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I was just calling about a couple different things that have come to mind to me lately.
And I know you don't like to do a lot of speculation, but this to me was sort of like your hunch about September 11th.
And I'm concerned about the 4th of July and the significance of that date just as far as
Yeah, Ashcroft's out spouting off that we're probably going to get hitched to him, but they do that all the time.
I don't know.
I guess I just say the 4th of July because I'm just seeing George Bush saying, America, let's do some more flag waving and get these bad guys.
Now you attacked us on our day, let's kill the Bill of Rights, that's what the Constitution demands.
Stay there, we'll talk about it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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They laid their bodies down.
We're free today, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
How can any of us put up with the new world order?
How can we commit our children to this high-tech future nightmare that's already upon us?
The first stages of it.
I mean, the people in government.
Look, you know you're corrupt.
You know you're evil.
You know for your paycheck you keep going along with this.
And the compromises you're making are getting worse and worse.
Just stop it!
The world doesn't have to be this way.
This doesn't have to happen.
It doesn't have to go down this way.
Let's take five or six more calls and I'm going to cover a whole other stack of news I haven't gotten to and then recap, not re-tack, some of the top stories.
Like the U.S.
government ordering the British to attack the Iranians and they refused.
This is admitted, folks.
This is incredible stuff.
Justin in Minnesota, you were making a point.
Yeah, the globalists love gimmicks like 9-11.
And they told, the White House has told U.S.
News and World Report that
We will be attacked by the election.
It is going to happen.
And they only talked like that before 9-11 last time.
The last two and a half years, it's been, we may be attacked.
We may be.
Now it's, we're going to be.
And give your rights up when it happens.
And troops may need to run your life.
And we may need to take your freedoms and bitch for your safety.
So, I mean, yeah, an attack could come any time.
I don't like to put a date on it.
But they loved, every year,
Well, that's exactly what I was getting at.
I don't want to give these people any more ideas, but they've been
We've been doing this sort of thing for a long time and you know they're just... Believe me, you're not giving them an idea.
They've said that the 4th of July would be perfect for Al-Qaeda.
Well, because you've got such big... I mean, what Arab country would really finance some Arabs to come blow something up here knowing it'll bring an invasion force in to smash their cities and take them over and put the leader in a prison?
The Arabs are running around trying to arrest everybody they can, trying to stop this, screaming, it's the government of the U.S., it's the globalists, we're not doing it!
It's the circle of evil, as they call the New World Order.
I mean, what Arab government would blow something up here?
That's so stupid!
It's common sense!
Who has the motive?
Then you look at the evidence, and it's the globalists!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh, it's just alright.
I know how it is.
I mean, that's why in the old days the cops went after people because they investigated the person who had the motive.
And then usually they found out, ooh, that was the person indeed!
So we have the motive, then we look at the evidence, and it's the globalists doing all this!
These creatures!
The nightmare scenario to me would be, you know, several simultaneous attacks that Fireworks displays with small arms and, you know,
That would be just about the most, you know, the worst thing that I could see.
Yeah, the government's been saying that, and that's the kind of stuff they've been talking about.
Oh, there's a lot worse.
They could release smallpox.
They could nuke a city.
Oh, there's stuff a lot worse.
Oh, and I know as far as a death toll there is, but as far as a blow to the Second Amendment, you know, we can't let people have guns, blah, blah, blah.
Well, we've got to register him to make sure you're not Al-Qaeda.
Thanks for the call.
Charles, Louisiana.
Charles, go ahead.
Let's put him on hold.
So he can turn his radio off.
We'll skip him.
We'll come back to him in a minute.
Mary in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Mary.
You were working on the premise about if it's safe for doctors, it should be safe for people to do ultrasounds.
Are you there?
Well, no, ma'am.
I said doctors run these clinics that do this 3D, 4D ultrasound, and the FDA is saying they don't want these clear images because they're saying it's non-medical, okay?
And they're doing this admittedly because the abortion crowd, this is really hurting them, and so they're trying to get the practice restricted.
You know what?
Did you know that in 1984, the Bureau of Radio...
The FDA and the World Organization and National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurement said that ultrasound should only be used for prenatal morbidility or if the baby is grossly deformed.
That it's not healthy for fetuses.
Not even healthy fetuses.
Well, I've seen the debates on that.
I have a lot of friends that are doctors that are aware of vaccines, a lot of other stuff, and they say, ultrasound a couple times once the baby has passed four months isn't a problem.
I mean, it's very low power sound waves.
Well, you can't measure hertz after a certain level.
You cannot measure the length of the hertz after a certain level.
Do you agree with the FDA?
No, no, I don't agree with the FDA.
I think doctors should not be doing this.
The 39 animal studies that were done all showed that the animals exhibited symptoms of ADD.
Okay, ma'am, ADD doesn't even exist.
Every year they've got 10 new, 12 new, 15 new, literally, new mental illnesses.
We've all got something.
The reason the kids are bouncing off the walls is because they've got Coke and candy bar machines lighting the schools.
I agree.
But it does affect the nervous system of fetuses.
It does.
It was proven in the studies that it does.
It shouldn't be done even by doctors.
Doctors should not do it.
Go ahead and send that over to me, okay?
I sure will.
Alright, thanks for the call.
They're just going to abort them, folks.
The point is it shows it's a baby.
Oh my gosh, missing the forest for the trees here.
Let's go ahead and
That's an interesting point, Mary.
I'm just saying.
Charles in Louisiana.
Welcome, sir.
How are you doing, Mr. Jones?
I'm with you.
Where is the outrage?
I mean, if, you know, people, I mean, they talk and all that, but how many people are fighting this thing?
That's what I like to know.
How many people are really putting something into this?
Well, most people think they've got to go out like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a movie and defeat the new lord of themselves in one fell swoop.
It's a process.
It's getting an access show, putting up a website, getting a Saturday night radio show if you have to pay for it.
It's going to county commissioners and city manager meetings.
It's becoming informed.
It's reading legislation.
It's calling into radio shows and putting lying neocons and liberals on the spot.
Well, I wish they would start doing something, because I'm telling you what,
We're going to deserve what we get.
If we just keep on sitting down, we deserve what we get.
Charles, you've called before.
How many copies of my videos have you made and given to people?
A little over 5,000.
And, but you've called before.
What effect did it have from police threatening to arrest you for handing them out, to them paying you to make copies?
Well, I mean, I made friends with them and spoke a lot of mob, some omitted, but they don't disagree with it.
None of them disagree with all the tapes.
I mean, they'll say, well, yeah, this is true.
Yeah, well, we know.
And so, though they may be lukewarm and not fighting for freedom, they at least aren't going to be as apt to frame people or to be as wicked.
Because now they've thought about it.
So what you've done is an incredible service.
Well, I'd like to do more if I could.
I really would.
I prayed and cried and asked God to open doors for me to do something more.
I hope all the people give their loved ones a tape or do something but sit down there because we are getting to be a weak generation.
We almost deserve what we get because we don't have no more fighting as it sounds like to me.
Well, actually, here's the good news, Charles.
I'm seeing an awakening, the likes of which I never imagined, but the mainstream media isn't going to tell us we're having this awakening.
So we can't look for them to tell us we're doing a good job.
I mean, what's the enemy going to say?
What does the Borg say?
Resistance is futile.
Resistance is futile.
You know, even as their mothership's blowing up, they're saying it.
So, you know, Ceausescu, resistance is futile.
Stalin, resistance is futile.
Hitler, resistance is futile.
Tokyo Rose, GI, you're not going to see your sweetheart.
You're losing.
When we were winning.
So, just don't buy the propaganda.
Well, I thank you for what you're doing.
I recommend if people want to wake somebody up, they really want to fight, get the tape,
Give them two copies out.
Don't cost that much.
They'll be doing a great service to their country.
How did you make 5,000 copies?
Because you've been calling for five, six years.
Since 1999.
It took me years to do it.
But I mean, I mean, so every night you got a couple VCRs, you make a few copies?
I got three.
Three VCRs.
And so what, I mean, how do you do it?
Before I go to bed, I put one in.
And then I'll check that one.
Then I check to make sure they all come out right.
Then I put another one in.
Then I'll go in the yard.
Well, I'll go to the store, come back, I'll run them, make sure they're right, and I'll put another one in.
Sometimes, I'll put in, uh, nine, ten, uh, twelve a day, you know, whatever, how many tapes I got.
I don't have a lot of money for tapes, but people donate tapes to me.
The police give me money sometimes to make tapes, certain tapes for me.
Oh, no, that's great.
You know?
And I mean, they already gave me twenty, twenty-five dollars.
I can buy me another coffee shop every day and have coffee with them.
Or five of them.
And it's gone from
Well, when I first started, they wanted to arrest me and take my dog and everything else.
They used to keep me up at night.
I was fearful of them, but I just wouldn't back up.
And accept it and let it go through you and over you and just go through it and just face it.
That's what I've done.
And just commit.
And when you think about it, Evil the Globalist Star, we're doing this for humanity.
You just commit yourself to it.
And it's in God's hands and it's God's will.
And I commit myself into God's hands.
You commit yourself into God's hands.
It's God's will.
And whatever God wants is going to happen.
We've got to be men.
And you're a man.
And I commend you.
Let me ask you one quick question.
I always was taught if your family was threatened or something dangerous, you would stand up and die for it.
We're all being threatened.
Our kids are being threatened.
Our country.
Our religion.
People must stand up.
Like you say, they'll go for anything if they don't believe in something.
I believe in this show.
I believe in what we're doing.
People must stand up.
They must look at themselves in the mirror and say, I am what I am.
I like what I am.
If they don't fight, how can they look at themselves in the mirror?
Well, life's so short anyways.
I mean, we're all going to wake up dead one day.
I mean, it's going to happen.
It seems like yesterday I was ten years old.
You know, grandparents die, family members die, and one day I'm going to be dying.
And I'm not going to look back on all this and lay down to these bastards.
Mr. Jones, it's not how long you live, it's how you live.
Well, exactly.
It's not how long you live, it's the life you lead.
I mean, you're already dead.
If you're so cowardly, you won't fight against evil because you're afraid of it.
I mean, that's capitulation.
What are we, men or mice?
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to John in Michigan.
John, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I've spoken with you before.
I was on John's show yesterday sharing some Michael Moore moments.
I live within about two miles of his home.
I pass by often, and for the last two years, I've been
Putting stuff in his newspaper, too far with his newspaper.
A lot of information from your website.
I've approached him and spoken to him on his doorstep.
He knows about everything.
Chemtrails, vaccinations, the whole nine, ten yards of the field.
And Jack Pugliese on the John Show, he's a host on his network.
He made a comment that this is the only way Michael could have gotten it out, is by giving
Pointing the focus on the Bushes, but at the tip of the iceberg, I said to John,
These people now know there's an iceberg out there.
So, sir, I'd like to get your phone number off there.
So you actually gave him my videos, you've said in the past, and you personally talked to Michael Moore?
Oh, about all the issues.
Oh, yes.
I've given him, printed him so much information.
Now, I'm going from memory.
Did you indeed give him copies of my videos?
I didn't give him copies.
I gave him the information and told him where to get it, and he and I said it's on the website.
He says, I've seen it.
And that was two years ago?
Oh yeah, that was right after probably 2002.
I know I started putting stuff in his mailbox before then and right after 9-11.
Well, I'd like you to talk to Michael Moore for me.
I'd like to have him on the show.
I know.
I've left a note.
I've mentioned that to him.
I've told him that too.
It's about time he does get on your show.
I have friends in Florida that are very liberal, and they're just on fire.
They said, Florida's on fire for this movie.
And I'm saying, well, I've been giving them information, too.
I said, well, it's good that they're at least focusing back on 9-11 from a different standpoint than this committee, and that we are at the tip of the iceberg, and it's opened Pandora's box, and so people don't give up, because it's open.
They have to come up with a way of closing it, and I don't think they can.
All right.
Well, that's interesting.
John, I'm going to put you on hold.
I'm going to get your phone number, okay?
All right.
Scott, get his phone number for me, please, John.
Let's talk to Nancy.
Nancy, where are you calling us from?
Marcy, excuse me.
Marcy, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Maryland.
Thank you.
I'd like to hear you interview
The Constitution Party's presidential candidate, Michael Peruca.
Do you know of him?
Yes, I do.
I might do that.
That'd be great, because I believe that the Lord has raised this man up, and when I looked at his... We actually are supporting him because of encouragement from people like you, Alex, and others on shortwave.
Get behind, don't sit out there, but do something.
So, we found somebody that will honor God, defend the family, and restore the Republic.
And this is, and he has a website and you can go on there and I could actually send you a DVD of his stuff.
If you would like me to, I could send it to you.
It's on his platform.
Yeah, I think that's great.
I think they'll educate some folks in that process.
Really, I think the whole focus is at the local, county, city, state level.
Absolutely, and he's done that because he also teaches, he has a thing called the Institute on the Constitution and he teaches about the Constitution and one of the
Man that took the first class that was motivated to become a delegate.
Well that's what it's all about.
Okay, Nancy, send me that info.
Thanks for the call.
Carol in Arkansas.
Carol, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
In listening to all your great information, and I commend you on all the research you do, and certainly a lot of people send clips and everything in.
But one of the ones that I wish you would add to your repertoire, which would fit right in, was the memorial service at the Oklahoma City bombing, and it was a statement when Clinton was talking, and he made the statement, and it just hit me right between the eyes.
I mean, it registered so strongly, because obviously, you know, we've had Clinton here, and I knew him pretty well, but anyway,
He made the statement that Americans are going to have to get used to having less freedom.
Well he said that in USA Today too.
I have the quote from the day he said it in my book.
Well he's got that on a clip because that was on television on the memorial service at the Oklahoma City bombing and so I think it would make a great addition to your clip of like Ashcroft and things that he said about it and Bush etc.
Uh, I just think it's a great, uh, because it really was exactly, and of course he brought in all those, uh, Iranians in from Iraq and turned them loose there outside Oklahoma City.
Yeah, Stuart Bush Sr.
Uh, anything else?
Um, no, that's basically it.
Okay, that's the call.
Great points.
Great points.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
One look in the mirror and we know our country is entering a high-tech police state.
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Medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
You see them here with their hands cupped behind their backs.
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I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down... We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
If your station isn't carrying the nighttime show, you should ask them why.
We do thank all the Aminavid affiliates, Shortwave and Internet as well.
If not, you can listen to us at 3-2-10 on Global Shortwave, 9-9 Central.
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The Internet at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and of course, InfoWars.net as well.
Attack Iran!
Chief ordered the British, when some Iranians came across the border, they claim, and the British said, no way, talk to the Iranians, and they backed off.
Big, big news there.
The father of Nick Berg says that the handover of Iraq is a total illusion.
Well, no kidding.
The father of a U.S.
civilian beheaded by Iraq dismissed as an illusion, a trick, the handover of power to an Iraqi interim administration as he joined anti-war campaigners on a visit to London.
The transfer of power is nothing more than another nut and shell game of the U.S.
President, Bush, and Prime Minister Blair.
Coalition, Michael Berg, 59, said of Monday's surprise handover two days earlier than planned.
We know that the Iraqi people have not had an election yet, and so we do not have a democracy over there.
We just have a dictatorship of Bush and Blair, he said.
I mean, no kidding.
It's just a fact.
Also, Embedded Filmmaker, who shot Fahrenheit 9-11 Iraq footage, describes the humiliation, sexual abuse of Iraqi families in U.S.
And I was actually at the TV studio yesterday, and they had Democracy Now!
on one of the cable channels.
I even saw a few minutes of it.
The stuff Michael Moore didn't show you, just unbelievable.
Just randomly coming in houses, doing horrible things to women and children.
Well, that'll win their hearts and minds.
Here's another one.
This is out of the New York Daily News.
One grand old party.
Agencies are flying in extra call girls from around the globe to meet the expanded demand during the August 30-September 2nd gathering at the Madison Square Garden.
We have girls from London, Seattle, California, all coming in for the week, said a madam at the Manhattan Escort Service.
It's the week everyone wants to work.
It's going to be big, everyone operator.
They went on to say these call girls are $1,000 an hour and nobody spends like Republicans.
Very interesting.
Very Christian.
Very Christian!
We are almost out of time here.
I wanted to hit this story.
That art professor who put on public art displays of petri dishes and stuff to expose genetically modified foods and things.
The government raided him, SWAT team, demons charging him.
Art professor indicted over biological materials, AP.
An unconventional artist who became the target of a federal terrorism investigation and the cause, celeb in the world of the art community, was indicted Tuesday on charges of illegally obtaining biological materials.
So there you have it, folks.
He did absolutely nothing.
No terrorist connections, no nothing, put on public art displays, and he's in trouble.
It's like cops taking people to prison for 30 years.
He goes, oh, you got some gardening soil.
That's drug paraphernalia, drug growing.
We'll have a rose garden.
Shut up!
Oh, you think I'm joking?
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
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Again, back tonight, 9 to midnight on the shortwave at 3210 or on the internet at InfoWars.com.