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Name: 20040624_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 24, 2004
2160 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I am completely, totally, massively energized.
Years ago, I would watch a couple hours of television every night, news channels, C-SPAN, just to monitor what the globalists were up to.
But the propaganda got so bad and so disgusting and I got so tired of watching the killers stand up there and pose as our saviors that, for my own sanity, I stopped watching television almost entirely.
Other than maybe buying a DVD and watching a movie.
Or going out to the movies.
So, I mean, I might watch like an hour of television a week.
But the last few days I've been watching the nightly news
And, I mean, every time I do it, it's just incredible.
It's how Big Brother's saving us, how wonderful our SWAT teams are, how cameras are going to keep us safe, how world government's good.
I mean, the local newscasts are more horrible than the national newscast.
And last night they had a local newscast, and hence I found a national newscast.
They want to put
Metal detectors, face scanners, in all the malls!
And I had remembered how Governor Ridge, even before Homeland Security got funding, I taped a two-hour meeting he had on C-SPAN with all these CEOs in a Congressional office building, and he said, to have a job you'll have a national ID card, and we'll track and trace everything, and you'll have different levels of security clearance to even have most jobs.
If you have bad credit, you won't be able to have a job in food service or agriculture or anything because you might be a terrorist.
Having bad credit is a mark of terrorism.
You've all heard it now in Caps 2 with the airports.
And he went on to say that we're going to then have the bag screeners and people searching you for getting in buses or getting on trains or then to cross bridges.
We'll have toll roads to pay for the security and it'll be in the malls and it'll be everywhere.
And then now in the last two weeks we've heard, oh, there's going to be, you know, feds on the buses, feds at the bus terminals, feds at the train stations, feds on the trains.
And then last night, there I am watching local news, and they say, yeah, Homeland Security's telling the malls they want them to put in
You know, face-scanning cameras, metal detectors, you'll be searched to go in the mall.
Because you know, they foiled some low-grade moron who supposedly told an FBI agent who provocateur-ed him, yeah, we might want to blow the mall up.
So, now you're going to have to be searched to get in the mall, not just the sports stadium.
I mean, it's going to be everything.
They said, don't worry, this is going to be non-invasive.
It's going to be like
You know, total recall, where you just walk through the scanner and it scans down through your clothes, through your naked body, and there'll be a technician there watching to see if you've got anything suspicious.
And Schumer, of course, also yesterday proposed, and the government's worshipping it, to screen all children at birth with child protective services, you know, just to decide whether you can keep your children or not.
It already happens if you have any misdemeanors in your background.
When they enter your name and social security number at the hospital when you have a child, then you get a visit.
But now it's going to be everybody.
And of course, Bush has this new program that's been going on in Texas that we told you about over the last few years.
And that's New Freedom.
Yes, New Freedom.
That's where they screen all the elementary and junior high students.
Most parents aren't even aware of this.
They set you up in front of a computer and ask you hundreds of questions.
By the way, a precursor of this, I had this when I was in high school.
Everybody got it at Anderson High.
And what, that was about 13 years ago?
Yeah, I'm pretty young.
13 years ago, graduating from high school, I had to do it.
Parents are never told.
They didn't find me to be mentally ill, though, so I didn't have to go on Prozac or Ritalin.
But now it's going to be nationwide, all part of the new Soviet, I mean, American freedom.
So, we'll get into this and just so much more.
I mean, it's an ultra-massive broadcast.
You don't want to miss it.
And some guests coming up as well.
Stay with us.
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We lost her.
We lost her.
From a conference.
...from a conference held at the law school a few days earlier.
The reason?
They were trying to track down students who the agents claimed had been asking suspicious questions.
I felt like I was in law and order, said one student, after being grilled by one of the agents, which the dean handed over to them.
And they were grilling other groups as well.
The incident provoked a brief campus uproar and the Army later admitted that the agents had exceeded their authority.
But in the Pentagon has its way, the Army may not have to make such amends in the future.
Without any public hearing or debate, Newsweek has learned defense officials recently slipped a provision into a bill before Congress that could vastly expand the Pentagon's ability to gather intelligence inside the United States, including recruiting citizens as informants.
Then a caller called and said, hey, have you seen this article out of Connecticut?
Out of the Day newspaper, big local newspaper there in Waterbury.
And I said, no.
Well, we did get the article, and we did post it on PrisonPlanet.com.
Since then, it's gone to subscription.
You've got to just register to get it.
I think we should go in and register, tell my webmaster this, and get the article and post it ourselves.
But you can read where they start out the article and say,
Well, the police department isn't very nice, and it's overcrowded, and so is the fire department.
But guess what?
There's a National Guard base, and it's been made the new emergency center, and we're going to merge the fire department, the police department, the city government, in a partnership with the National Guard, and they're going to help keep us safe from terrorists.
I mean, literally, like Iraq, putting the military over the government.
And here in Austin, out at Bergstrom International Airport, formerly an airbase, about a third, a little under a third of the base is still a military base, and they've got the APD out there, housed with the U.S.
Army and the National Guard.
And all over the country this is going on.
Just right out in plain view, running government like the Russians or the Nazis did, merging the military and the police, in a total violation of posit commentatus and the Tenth Amendment.
And it has nothing to do with terrorism.
Their definition of terrorism is all crime.
And it's not just the military surveilling us.
Now we're going to have these tens of thousands of secret military police in plain clothes, running around, demanding to interrogate us and ask us questions.
I mean, I've gone.
This year, they had a five-part symposium called the New World Order.
And they have it at UT, and they have former CIA Directors and Deputy Directors and Generals in to give speeches, and you go to the LBJ Presidential Library, and there'd be, you know, 20 cameras rolling, and they'd walk up to us and go, turn your cameras off.
Well, why?
Other people have them on, because we said so.
We'll arrest you.
And there'd be troops in suits, you know, there with the General, the retired General who runs that department in UT, General Magus,
And then I didn't go to the last event.
They started getting physical, actually grabbing on our people last time.
So this is the new America, just where you have troops trying to stop you from videotaping, getting in your face.
And if you don't know your rights, they'll intimidate you, drag you behind closed doors, get in your face, threaten to arrest you.
I mean, that's the Soviet Union, boys and girls.
It has nothing to do with terrorism.
And they're setting it up right out in plain view.
So, you can go to PrisonPlanet.com and click on the article.
And you can go through and register at that newspaper if you want to read the article.
Town National Guard Ponder Partnership is the headline.
Of course, they announce it as it's already taking place.
People need to stop that up in Connecticut.
But this is going on all over the country.
All over the country, I see these reports on a weekly basis.
And again, I don't have words to stress how serious this is.
In Nazi Germany, in Soviet Germany, East Germany, in Russia, in China, in Cuba, this is how they live.
And they're announcing all this now to try to intimidate us.
To try to scare the public into being quiet and going along so they can even turn the heat up more.
And if we go along with that intimidation, if we do shut up, they're going to win, my friends.
They're going to win.
They're going to shut up their police state, they're going to carry out more terror attacks to legitimize the continual crackdown on the population.
And they're going to put more and more people in prison for petty crimes in these private prisons owned by the military-industrial complex that is carrying out the terror attacks.
I've got a bunch of reports here where they're now admitting that, well, you're worried about torture in Iraq.
Torture and murder and death is going on all over the prisons, coast to coast as well.
And no one's being held accountable.
And I saw law enforcement publications before 9-11, you know, with headlines like, The Case for Torture.
And law enforcement magazines promoting torture.
Torture isn't really bad, because we're the good guys.
But when we torture people,
You know, we get the answers out of them, and this is how we're going to keep the people safe in America.
And they've sold it, you know, in all these editorials.
Well, what if we've got a terrorist, and there's a bomb planted, and they won't tell us where the bomb's at, and it's going to kill 100 people.
Shouldn't we torture them?
And then the average person goes, yeah, I guess you should.
But see, you just let the camel put the nose under the tent flap.
It's meant for everybody.
Scientific training at literal military colleges on torture.
It's going to be you being tortured.
Don't you understand that?
It's going to be you being tortured under news cameras out of a protest as men in black ski masks and Darth Vader outfits beat you within an inch of your life or kill you.
And then, well, they shouldn't have protested.
So this whole mentality has been sold to us now.
And it's a quick slip into the Soviet-slash-Nazi-fication of America.
Red Cross ultimatum to the U.S.
on Saddam.
Release him, charge him, or break international law, Bush told.
Saddam Hussein must either be released from custody by June 30th
Or, charged in the U.S.
and the new Iraqi government are to conform to international law, the International Committee on the Red Cross said last night.
So they make international law in the U.N.
and the E.U.
look like the good cop, but if you go into their custody, they don't let you have a jury, you can't face your accuser, it's the same.
So they give you a false choice, see, a false bipolar political spectrum.
When really, it's all on the same paradigm.
Nadam Domani, a spokeswoman for ICRC, International Committee on Red Cross, told The Guardian that the United States defies Saddam Hussein as a prisoner of war.
At the end of the occupation, POWs have to be released provided they have no penal charges against them.
Her comments came as the international body, the only independent group with access to detainees in U.S.
custody, and basically a CIA MI6 front, becomes increasingly concerned over legal limbo in which thousands of people are being held in the run-up to the transfer of power at the end of the month.
There is no transfer of power.
Our government appointed puppets who appointed a president.
And I thought the handover was at the beginning of this month.
Oh, now it's next month.
Iraq wants Saddam by the end of the month.
AP, the new Iraqi government, wants custody of Saddam Hussein and all other prisoners by the time sovereignty is handed over at the end of the month, the interim prime minister said.
And then they go on to admit that our troops man the prisons, our interrogators run the prisons, and then the new appointed government says, we want you to stay and run things.
We go, oh, that's freedom, see?
Your government wants us to stay and run the prisons.
We put the government in!
I mean, just double think!
And I've had arguments with people on talk radio and other shows and on the street about this.
Oh, we gave them democracy.
We gave them a free government.
No, we appointed a government!
I mean, do I have... Don't you... I can't believe this even has to be explained!
But the troops aren't buying it.
GIs marching away from reenlistment.
Just one base in Colorado Springs.
Army reenlistments have dropped suddenly and dramatically at Fort Carson and several other posts where combat units have recently returned from Iraq.
The surprising deadline within the past 21 and a half months has jolted recruiters and military analysts and provoked questions about the war's effect on the Army's recruiting ability.
And it says, since Fort Carson units began coming home in April, post-recruiters have met only 57% of their quota for the re-enlistment first-term soldiers for the second hitch, according to an Army report.
So what's the Army doing?
Well, with most of them, they're saying, well, there's a little-known clause that you signed onto that says that we can make you re-enlist.
And that is indeed what they're doing.
And again, on the torture situation, this is out of the BBC, it's also in the Associated Press, a similar article, Iraq abuse ordered from the top!
The U.S.
commander at the center of the Iraq prisoner scandal says she was told to treat detainees like dogs.
But see, they're trying to blame her, that way when there's a trial, a court-martial,
She'll be found not guilty because she wasn't even allowed in those wings of the prisons.
So they go up to someone who's quasi-innocent to then go, oh look we did an investigation, she did nothing.
All they ignore the private contractors with CIA power running it.
That's another tactic they use.
Brigadier General Janice Karpinski told the BBC she was being made a convenient scapegoat for abuse ordered by others.
Top U.S.
Commanders for Iraq, General Ricardo Sanchez, should be asked what they knew about the abuse, she told BBC Radio 4, on the ropes program.
Bunch of other colonels and captains and lieutenants have been saying they were ordered to do it.
Of course they were, you don't just go do that.
One soldier has been sentenced and six others awaiting court-martials for abuse committed, abuse loaded with torture,
Beating someone to death is just abuse at Abu Ghraib Jail.
General Kopinski said more damaging information was likely to emerge at those trials.
And Ashcroft says it's all authorized.
He says they're above the law.
We'll talk about that when we get back.
What a monster!
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At least once a week, generally on a Monday or Tuesday, we have Paul Joseph Watson on from PrisonPlanet.com, my website.
He's our editor and webmaster and great researcher.
My colleague, you could say.
He'll be joining us in the next segment.
And then we're going to have a roundtable, Paul Watson, myself, Alex Jones, and Nick Begich, Dr. Nick Begich from his great institute, his professor up in Alaska, his father of course a congressman who was probably killed by foul play by the globalists for exposing the New World Order, just an expert on a whole host of issues, chemtrails, HAARP,
uh... climate changes of the new world order secret weapons stuff that's public now that he's gotten through FOIA requests that's coming up so we'll have Paul for thirty minutes by himself and then we'll have Paul for the second hour with our guest kind of a roundtable discussion at the third hour and take your calls I'll be doing some more of these roundtable discussions that we've done over the years here on the broadcast continuing with torture I mean again
If you don't put your thoughts, your memories, into a memory hole, that is, if you don't flush your memory every day or two like the general public does, you'll see the fraud in plain view.
All over national television since 9-11, they've said torture's good, beat people with rubber hoses, pull their teeth out.
I mean, that's been in the New York Times.
Lauding the virtues of torture.
It's in Road to Tyranny that I made 26 months ago.
It's in Masters of Terror I made a year and a half ago.
It's in Police State 3 that I made 11 months ago.
Matrix of Evil that we made 8 months ago.
It's in Paul Watson's book.
I mean, we've covered all this.
The official news articles where the government called for torture.
We have a huge torture archive on both the websites.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And then we see the photos, and they go, oh my gosh!
We never knew that was going on!
The people go, really?
You ordered us to do it?
It was going on at all 32 of the camps in Iraq.
It's going on at Camp X-Ray, going on at camps in Afghanistan, and camps our government runs in several other Arab countries that are our little buddies, like Egypt and Jordan.
I mean, there's been CIA section chiefs in the Washington Post bragging how they torture people and bring their children to the camps to quote, threaten them.
I mean, they're admitting they threaten people's children.
What else are they doing?
Then the photos come out and they go, oh, we never, we never were for that.
Rumsfeld was on TV!
Their surrogates were on TV promoting it.
So again, that's double think.
You all remember them promoting it.
Now they're denying it.
Top generals are saying they were ordered to do it, that they weren't even allowed to run those areas of the bases that the CIA was running it, and now, last week we learned of a Defense Department memo saying Bush is quote, above federal and international law, follows no laws, makes laws, as he actually said, he is the Supreme Leader!
The Fuhrer!
Well, here's the Washington Post, Justice Department memo says torture may be justified.
And, uh, today the Washington Post is posting a copy of the August 1st, 2002 memorandum, PDF, Standards for Conduct of Interrogation under 18 U.S.C.
2340-2340A from the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel for Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel of the President Bush.
And, uh, it says that the memo was written at the request of the CIA.
The CIA wanted authority to conduct more aggressive interrogations, including Operation Copper Green submerging individuals underwater.
You've seen Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson?
You know, they did research for that film.
The CIA will put you on hallucinogens to make you panic even worse and put you in a metal chair and start dunking you in water over your head over and over again.
But they don't have that, they put a bag over your head.
And boy, you'll confess to anything then.
Then you'll go out and say, yes, I'm Al Qaeda.
I was planning to do all this while the real Al Qaeda is CIA being protected.
And it goes into how they've authorized torture in it.
So, you know, right out in the open.
But they don't have to go get memos that say this.
They can play Rumsfeld on TV bragging about it two years ago.
I'll never forget being in an L.A.
hotel room, out in California, taping episodes of Conspiracy Theory for TNN, and I watched Rumsfeld bragging, even said the torture word.
I was just freaking out.
I called my wife up and said, did you just record this?
Rumsfeld's on TV.
Ragging about torture.
So that's the new America.
And the sickos on talk radio, the sickos on the nightly news, the sickos in the editorials, the left and the right, promoting torture, saying torture's good.
I mean, I don't want to belabor this, but it's horrible.
And now these troops are coming back to America, they're going to domestically run our cities, Newsweek reporting.
You know, Connecticut newspapers reporting it.
I mean, it's just every day now.
They're going to be running our lives, interrogating us.
Fighting terror, though!
You're not for terror!
Well, the problem is Section 802 of the first Patriot Act.
Now they've got Patriot Act 2, Victory Act 2, strengthening the Patriot Act, which I call 2.5.
And they're going to be running our lives in all... Suspicion of misdemeanor is terrorism!
So we're all caught in this, and I've got some articles on that we'll get to next.
Finally more reports on it.
And Paul Watson and Nick Baggage, Dr. Nick Baggage as well, stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we've got a roundtable with myself, of course you, the listeners, the callers.
Paul Joseph Watson, my good buddy who works for me over at the Prison Planet side of things.
PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And in the next hour, we'll have Dr. Nick Baggage.
Joining us, an expert on the New World Order.
You do not want to miss his insightful information.
Haven't had the doctor on in over a year.
Look forward to it.
The total free number to join us on air, we'll take some calls before this hour ends, is 1-800-259-9231.
I want to get into more admissions now that the Patriot Act's being used against the general public in non-terrorism related cases.
But using Doublethink and Doublespeak, the government says, well, all crime, all suspicion of crime is terrorism.
And these chilling articles where the military's taking over major cities and towns and secret police are everywhere.
Again, this is Newsweek, folks.
I mean, how many years have you heard us diatribe on this here on air?
As I saw it frighteningly grow, legions of secret police, young punks, driving around in black sports cars with MP5 submachine guns.
Well, now they're interrogating people, now they're oppressing free speech.
Now it's being announced, you're being told how good it is.
And they've got a bill to quote legalize it, after they've already been doing it.
It's like, you know, they implement Patriot Act II years before they even pass it.
This is how they operate.
But bringing up Paul Watson, Paul, good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Paul, tell folks about, before we get into the news, PrisonPlanet.TV, what's up there right now and why folks should sign up for PrisonPlanet.TV.
Well, we just posted a bunch of interviews just yesterday from last week, basically.
And on top of that, obviously, we've got a weekly video report, which is a mini-documentary in itself.
I mean, you splice in video clips and analysis of those as well, so it's a multimedia presentation, and that's up once a week, you know, at least an hour long.
And, um, it's 19 cents a day if you subscribe for a year.
There's going to be a lot of material that we're going to be putting up over the next few months.
19 cents a month, uh, I mean, 19 cents a day if you sign up for a month, 15 cents a day if you sign up for a year.
That's correct.
And so, you know, it's worth signing up for a year, because in a year, it'll just be a library of information with, you know, hundreds of audios and videos up there, including eventually our books, which are going to go up there, so it's definitely worth
Yes, we are.
So, by signing up and being a member of PrisonPlanet.tv, you not only get exclusive access to a lot of material and media that others can't, but you also make all the websites possible and the outreach to tens of millions of people.
So, sign up today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Also, there's Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
It's 324 pages long.
Get a second copy when you order one for $11.95 to give to someone as a gift of knowledge and truth and to hopefully unlock their mind.
Tell folks what order out of chaos covers, Paul.
Well, basically, I hop around the globe from Russia to England to the US to Israel and prove that, you know, terrorism is state-sponsored in every major case over the past 20, 30 years.
And on top of that, it's got a chapter on torture, which I was talking about, we were talking about two years ago.
Also, you get into the missile pod.
You wrote your book a year and a half ago.
It was published, what, 9, 10, 11 months ago.
You cover the missile pod on the bottom of one of the aircraft going into the World Trade Center.
One of the first to do that.
That's in the book.
Yeah, one of the first to be attacked for it as well, because a leap of conclusion in the Vanity Fair piece, which we were featured in in the May issue, my contention that pod missiles were evident and that the planes were likely remote controlled.
Was compared by the author of that article to racism.
Now, try and make that connection, because I can't.
And it's because other people, not me, not you, have said that, you know, a bunch of ragheads couldn't have done this.
We never said that.
But they take those comments and splice them in with what we're saying, and it all amounts to racism, apparently.
That's right.
It's just amazing.
Almost like the BBC last week, it said,
Well, a bunch of world leaders are meeting in secret, but McVeigh and Bin Laden think the Mueller murder is bad.
I mean, it's like guilt by association.
Well, it isn't working.
I had Jim Tucker on yesterday and he said that it was front page of a bunch of major daily Italian newspapers putting Tucker and others in a good light.
So, we've gone the last five years from Bilderberg Group doesn't exist, you believe in space aliens if you say it does, and now, okay, world leaders are meeting, 120 of them, and they're minions, but, you know, royalty, but if you want to cover it, you're still a weirdo.
Well yeah, the BBC themselves covered it the year before, where they said that Bilderberg announced the European Union years before it existed.
So I guess BBC themselves, in equating Bilderberg with having power, are, you know, racists.
Or with Bin Laden or McVeigh.
Or whoever this British nail bomber was, they mentioned him too.
Folks, if you want to get Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, or my book, 9-11, Descent into Tyranny, which is $12, which is 224 pages long.
This is 324 pages long.
You need to get them.
You need to get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, both of those cover September 11th.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State, Three Total Enslavement.
You want to see the troops training to confiscate your firearms and put you in FEMA camps, or the secret police sneaking around the country.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free to order 1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 or just write to me Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, TX 78704
And these videos, folks, are the preeminent films on 9-11.
I've seen them all, and I could carry some other great films, but they only cover certain aspects of 9-11.
You know, the architecture of the buildings, the Pentagon, that's Eric Huffman's videos do that, and they're great.
My videos cover the whole spectrum of government-sponsored terror, and just, you know, cover dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of aspects of it.
So again, take action.
You can write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704, or again, call toll free 888-253-3139.
Paul, I don't want to spend a lot more time on this, but I want to talk about Michael Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 9-11.
And, you know, the New York Post came out a few weeks ago and said that he basically ripped me off.
I don't particularly believe that.
It's a public thing that happened.
Anybody can make a film about it.
I know we're the first to put a film out on the subject, of course, and then we put out others.
But now we found out that there is this PR firm that's basically a GOP arm telling people to call and try to shut it down at the theaters.
They're fools, that's only going to backfire on them.
But here's CNN and others picking up on this like this is a legitimate story, and they're not getting into the fact that some of these theaters are now being threatened, and I think this is despicable.
What do you think about it?
Well, obviously I haven't seen the video yet, but in a sense a lot of these left-wing presentations that do delve into 9-11 are obvious, you know, limited hangouts.
These people are gatekeepers.
It's like with Democracy Now!, the left-wing media organisation.
Anyone who talks about 9-11 in the sense that there was government involvement, not just prior knowledge or business dealings with, you know, representatives of Bin Laden and Bush, anyone that talks about actual involvement is castigated and in many cases not allowed on the show.
In fact, Democracy Now!
had an author by the name of David Ray Griffin on a couple of weeks ago and that caused a storm on the internet.
Because the presenter, in a debate with a debunker with this author, and the author was basically, he wrote a book about Pearl Harbor, said that there was inside involvement, they knew it was going to happen.
And the host, Amy Goodman, attacked the author of this book and supported the presentation of the debunker.
But it's now admitted we have the Pentagon, at that time Department of War, documents where they knew days before the date of the attack and let it happen.
Well exactly, and that's been known ever since it happened in some circles.
But again, you will get these left-wingers that act as gatekeepers in that they only allow a portion of the information out, and it's always the least damning information.
And so that's what I see going on with the morphing.
But then again,
And the revelations that are in that film, most specifically the grounding of all commercial air traffic and the exits of the Bin Laden family, which was, you know, approved by Bush apparently, or whoever makes the decisions for Bush.
They've got the documents, Jim.
And so, that in itself, they don't want that kind of thing getting out.
So, any attempt to prevent it from getting out, I think, as you said, is a big mistake, because it will only draw more attention.
And that's why people should get our films.
They need to get my videos, folks.
That says, new objections to Fahrenheit 9-11.
Group asks public to call executives at theaters where film critical of White House will be shown.
And what really happened is reporting.
They did the trace back on the internet and found out it was this PR firm that then tried to erase that.
And now that they've been exposed, they're going ahead and going public.
And it says that a conservative organization, yeah, a real conservative, called Move Forward America, or Move America Forward, formed in May to rally support for U.S.
troops in the war on terror, has asked the public to call and email executives at The Interchange, scheduled to show the film, according to Vanity, I mean Variety.
Michael Moore has the right free speech, said MAF Chairman Howard Kalugin, according to Variety, but so do millions of Americans who find this anti-military propaganda and attacks on our troops offensive.
So again, oh, Moore's a leftist, so it must all be lies.
Well, Moore does say in Dude, Where's My Country that the U.N.
should take America over.
So he tells the truth about 9-11, limits the amount of exposure, but tells the truth about a few issues, but then says, oh, see, America's bad, the E.U.
needs to take us over.
And again, I said two years ago, Paul, that they were going to bring 9-11 out, but then say it was a right-wing group in America that did it, and then the globalists get to get the power of the police state out of it, while also blaming conservatives in America.
Well, and from what I've read of the Moore film, he actually blames the attack, ultimately, not on even the Bush administration, but on Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, which are basically just the client terrorist alliance states for the globalists.
So they're not implicitly responsible, they just, you know, ensure the safe passage of the terrorists that are controlled by the CIA.
And so, I think his conclusion in the video, obviously I haven't seen it, but from what I've read the reviews,
He blames it on these third world countries, basically.
How did Saudi Arabia make Norad stand down, or call Mayor Willie Brown and tell him not to flood New York the night before?
How did they do that?
Obviously that, you know, that they had the opportunity to hand over Bin Laden, as did several other countries, but the Bush administration rejected it time and again because they quashed probes to investigate these same individuals.
Well, overall, people are going to see Morris film that's going to open their mind up to the facts when they see video of the Bin Ladens getting on the planes.
and uh... you know all of that and then they'll be more open to the real deal you know it's kind of a step process uh... where they'll then see rotaterini and see bill clinton bombing oklahoma city and go wow this whole thing's controlled
Well, exactly.
I mean, if it opens people's eyes to it, and they go on the internet and do a search for, you know, 9-11 prior knowledge, obviously more information will pop up there, but, you know, right at the top, as with every case in Google, our information is always right at the top of the list, so they will stumble onto it each time, so eventually it will probably work out in our favour.
Yeah, so people understand that whatever gets the most hits gets at the top, and we are routinely, most of the time, Paul, all kinds of searches we pop up on top.
Well, I mean, try Larry Silverstein.
I wonder if Larry Silverstein's ever typed his own name into Google, because in the first ten results, it's about how he admits that he blew up WTC7.
There's video of him saying it.
It's not like we're making the claim or anything.
So, at least they know, they're aware that we're on to them, because it's out there.
That's right.
That's why they gotta move so quick, Paul.
Because they know their system's falling apart.
I want to get into U.S.
trucks carrying radioactive materials intercepted in Kuwait-Iraq border.
More weapons of mass destruction attempts to plant.
But first off, Capitol Hill Blue, anti-terror laws target Americans, not just terrorists.
Federal and state prosecutors are applying stiff anti-terrorism laws adopted after 9-11 attacks to broad, run-of-the-mill probes of political corruption, financial crimes, and immigration frauds.
And it's as if the government gets its way, even routine transactions of buying or selling American homes, already happening, could soon come under the scrutiny of money laundering provisions of the USA Patriot Act.
Folks, type Patriot Act compliance in.
You'll see your local grocery store.
You'll see preschool regulation.
You'll see public school security.
It's all under Patriot Act compliance.
Everything's being surveilled.
Type into a search engine.
The Treasury Department already has caught
Financial transactions in casinos, storefront check-cashing stores, auto dealers for scrutiny, wants to expand the Patriot Act coverage to home purchases as well.
And then it goes into examples of Virginia, anti-terrorism statute, making death penalty offenses to be involved in more than... And it goes on and it's just, you know, everything you can imagine.
Bar owners being charged with terrorism, you know, for not paying a fee.
I mean, Paul, every...
But then the neocons get on radio with their screened phone calls and go, look, no one disagrees with the Patriot Act and it's never been used against a citizen.
Well, that's a lie, Paul!
Well, it's also been used, as you reported yesterday, that, you know, these artists that have got these biological agents which are involved in the artwork that they create, they're not dangerous to anybody.
They're getting arrested now, and this goes right back to November 2001, where the Washington Post reported, you know, the headline was, Bush Administration Creates Parallel Legal System.
It's parallel to the Constitution, it's parallel to the law.
The Washington Times said martial law activated, and it gave the provisions.
And in this new bill reported by Wired News, the Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Tools Improvement Act of 2003, it strengthens the clause whereby the FBI can demand any record from a business, and anyone that discloses that the FBI made the demand gets up to five years in prison.
And it's basically a piecemeal version of the bill they tried to pass.
Well, it's gag orders!
This is from Capitol Hill Blue.
The FBI has used the Patriot Act provisions in a political corruption probe involving a Las Vegas girly bar concerning zoning.
Oh, zoning is now... And the Justice Department reported to the House Judiciary Committee last year that it used the new law in probes of credit card fraud, theft from a bank account.
I mean, it has nothing to do with it, Paul.
Well, the new one is the piecemeal version of the one they tried to pass during the capture of Saddam.
So they're getting it through in piecemeal because the initial bill was rejected.
And then, you know, with a legal system whereby now they're arresting eight-year-old girls for stealing bunny rabbits, then what do you expect?
And again, the one that you mentioned... Four students have a limited food fight, and they arrest them and charge them with all these felonies.
Yeah, students who wear a baseball cap backwards are getting arrested now.
And so, the one out of Capitol Hill blew, they took the article from Scripps Howard News Service, so it's not about partisanship.
And as he said, they're applying the Patriot Act to the routine sale of homes or any transaction over a certain amount of money which, you know, becomes subject to investigation.
It's the same process as the anti-racketeering laws, which they brought in the 70s, which they're now routinely using against pro-life demonstrators who weren't processed abortion.
And the left love that, so now they can't have any rallies.
They get racketeering thrown on them.
Well, exactly.
Folks, we haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg.
We'll come back, take some calls, and then we've got Dr. Nick Begich joining us as well.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, my friends, let's go ahead and take some calls.
We've got Dr. Nick Begich coming up to direct shot down with us as well, so stay with us for that.
A ton of news and information.
Dylan in Texas, you're on the air.
Good to talk to you, Dylan.
Thanks, Alex.
Y'all are doing a great job.
Gotta commend ya.
I really recommend anyone to read from the Book of Exodus, chapter 20, verses 2 through 5, otherwise known as the
First and Second Commandments.
Okay, but we live in a pluralist society.
Not everyone goes to scripture.
Well, I recommend everyone get educated about standard operating procedures of aviation and also the laws of physics.
Okay, how does Exodus tie into the laws of physics?
Well, actually, Exodus, the first two commandments tie into what you were talking before
Before your partner came on, and that is that the people are putting government in the place of the Lord.
No, we're making government God.
Or I should say government's making itself God and telling us that's normal.
And then the laws of aviation, what about the impossibility of the official story in 9-11?
I'm an Air Force Reserve veteran myself, and I just know a little bit about aviation.
I just happen to know that that was the only day that NORAD stood down.
Yeah, if you're Cessna, I've been in the Cessna with my dad.
And he has to go around a storm, and he calls them and tells them that, but they still radio in.
And if you don't respond, they'll launch fighters on you, and they'll be on you in ten minutes.
But magically on this day, hours go by.
Okay, but these are a lot of facts, too, and a lot of people don't want to let the facts get in the way of their emotions, so I can address that as well.
Yeah, in my opinion, my Savior, Jesus Christ, wants to appeal to my emotions, but a lot of people don't believe in that.
They believe in their television, though, and I don't know, but I think a lot of people just need to turn their television off.
That's all I have to say.
Alright, thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
Any comments, Paul?
Well, I had an interesting conversation with a liberal on the weekend talking about, you know, the emotion versus fact.
And it was on abortion.
And I said, you know, I know abortion's wrong, just as I know someone walking down the street trying to eat a hot dog through their nose is wrong.
And they actually tried to argue with me that eating a hot dog through your nose was not necessarily wrong.
So, these people have no moral compass, so you can't debate them with facts, because they've run on emotion.
So, in many cases, it's impossible, and you just have to move on.
Yeah, Mark in New York.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, um, you know, I got a good one for ya.
Yeah, you know I bought all your tape.
And I'm in the healthcare business.
Yes, sir.
And I want all the healthcare professionals to do this if they can do it.
I put TVs in all my operatory.
And I play your tape in front of these patients.
And tell them this is the History Channel.
I'll tell them after a while, I'll tell them the truth.
But they're astonished.
They're astonished.
I answer, you should see the faces on these people.
It's like some bright light came and smashed them right in the head.
Really, so what do they say after they watch 20 minutes of a video?
They don't know what to say.
They go, you've got to be kidding me.
You know, things like that.
It's like, is this guy for real?
Yeah, he's for real.
Go look it up yourself.
It's unbelievable.
And hopefully he'll be getting a lot of orders.
Well, great.
I think it's such a good idea.
I'll tell you what.
If doctors and whatnot, uh, grabbers in the healthcare field.
I have TV's in my waiting room everywhere.
Just plug them in.
And if anybody's listening, I mean, just buy the tapes.
You said you can copy them, but I just don't buy them.
I'd rather just support you.
Put those tapes in and let them play.
And don't let them watch the TV.
Let them watch those tapes.
Well, I appreciate what you're doing, sir.
And, you know, a lot of restaurants and others are doing that, too.
Or people go to Sunday school and, you know, the Sunday school teacher pops one in.
And that's how we're going to win this country back, is one mind at a time, with the truth.
Anything else, Mark?
I guess Mark's gone.
Good job, Mark.
Alright, Paul Watson's riding a shotgun with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Dr. Nick Begich coming up.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I think the most important question that I can bring up to our guest is, what is the New World Order?
What is its goal?
What are we fighting against?
First off, Paul Joseph Watson, then we'll go to Dr. Begich and get his response to this.
Paul, what is the New World Order?
What's its goals?
And how do we stop it?
Well, it's an alliance across the world in a kind of spiderweb way.
Well, it's basically the head of it is the Anglo-Saxon Mafia, which is headed at the moment, in my opinion, by Skull & Bones, which is obviously publicly the American branch of the German Illuminati.
And the Skull & Bones group has continued that program in America and in Britain today, mainly.
And their goal is, as we know, world government, world army, world police state, world microchip population and world mind control and the basic elimination of any kind of common sense or moral code which humans naturally are supposed to, you know, exhibit.
And that's why the attack on us is not just on a
Not just on a political level, but on a moral level, via the media which they control.
So, how we can fight it is basically rewiring people's brains, because as soon as people are exposed to just a kernel of truth, then that destroys a lifetime of lies, and you can gauge that by people who react to shock and horror that is put upon them by
government-perpetrated events and their immediate reaction now is to immediately shift to the conspiratorial view of these events.
So basically their brains are being rewired to react differently and that's the battle for the mind is the battle that we're engaged in currently.
Very well said.
Dr. Begich, comments?
Yeah, you know, I think that's pretty well true.
You know, the real ultimate test when you look at all of the writings in this area, the idea of
Controlling individuals is really the ultimate answer, whether people look at us as consumers or taxpayers, or something less than what we truly are, which is human beings.
And, you know, human beings have a lot more dimension than simply the next person to purchase the widget that whoever's going to create is going to create.
And I think a lot of what we've seen in the last couple of decades is this dehumanizing of individuals, the lack of
Recognition of individual sovereignty and what that really means as the root of a democratic republic.
And I think that's what's being attacked, is this idea that sovereign individuals still can make a huge difference, that we're created in the Creator's image to be able to make those differences.
And taking that away from us is really what a lot of it's about.
When you look at the idea of influencing human behavior, ultimately controlling the mind,
is the target.
And when you look back at even some of the founders of this movement, this political movement of a one world government, go back to the writings of Big New Brzezinski when he wrote Between Two Ages, you know, back in the 70s, which is pretty much a forecast for the future.
You know, it was written as a forecast.
If you read it today, you swear it's a history.
And what it talks about in one very important part
Is the idea of technologies emerging that would be able to influence human behavior directly?
By the time he became National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter, some of that technology had already been created and has continued to advance since the 70s.
Now you've got a situation where that technology exists today, it's spoken about openly in the literature, and the question, the only question is,
Would political powers utilize that technology to further their political lands?
Okay, I want to ask both of you, and Dr. Begich first, then Paul, what do you think, and it's obviously all interconnected, but what is the most important issue right now?
I mean, here's just a few of them.
I look at Newsweek, admitting what we already knew, secret police military all over Austin, intimidating conservatives, liberals, showing up at meetings, trying to grab cameras away from me, at public events,
Uh, spying on people, and the Pentagon says, yeah, there's a new bill, we're going to be running your life, running Neighborhood Watch, total into posse comitatus, or is it the torture in Iraq and in many other countries by our government, uh, is it, uh,
You know, the Pan-American Union.
I mean, there's all these things happening right now.
There's the cancer viruses and the vaccines.
There's the poison in the water, the chemtrailing.
I mean, out of all these issues, explore one for us, and then show us how it's interconnected into the driveshaft of this larger global mechanism, Doctor.
Well, let's take a look at biometrics as a good example of that.
You know, this is the idea of taking unique measurements from an individual in order to determine identity.
People think, well, you know, if you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about?
The problem is, what is hidden and what is legitimate to withhold from your government, from others around you?
And those are decisions individuals make.
I think the biggest threat
Right now is this fear that permeates the entire country in a way that takes away
Our ability to self-govern by injecting us in a situation where we're almost near panic with a lot of folks.
So it's the government-sponsored terror, the stimuli they give us, like the amoeba putting the heat source in the petri dish.
We race away, and then they race us into their waiting jaws, basically.
So I would agree, it's the government-sponsored terror.
Through that fear, it causes a chilling effect, and then is the pretext for the total lockdown of society.
Absolutely, and I think that's exactly what we've seen.
In fact, it was predicted back in the late 80s, early 90s, in writings coming out of the U.S.
Army War College, that exactly the situation we're in today is a situation that was expected
And actually required in order to institute new technologies that in those days, not too many years ago, would be strongly resisted.
Well, that's like PNAC, the president's top 25 think tank guys, including Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolowitz.
They said in 2000, we need helpful Pearl Harbor events.
Now, I don't think Pearl Harbor was helpful.
I know Paul and Nick don't.
But to them, they said, helpful terror attacks, and then Brzezinski, in a 98 book, said the same thing.
We need terror attacks for imperial mobilization.
Paul, can you elaborate on that?
Well, number one, what do you think the most important thing is?
And then, on the PNAC, on the imperial mobilization, calling for the terror attacks, and we'll get Dr. Begich's comments on the imperial mobilization.
Well, I think the major issue is maybe not terror attacks because, you know, that's just a means to an end, which is to create fear and subjugate humans to an authority of the government.
So I think that's just going to be classed as a tactic and not really a major movement because, you know, they will interchange those kind of tactics that do create fear.
What I see as the main attack on is the moral attack, the removal of basic human values, the removal of faith, trust, community.
You mean the legalization of cloning?
You mean the systematic attack on the family unit and community?
Are you talking about promoting torture?
Yeah, because it subjugates the basic human impulse.
It beats down that basic human aspiration for freedom and confidence in those around them.
But on another level, it's via television propaganda and the creation of culture itself.
Because that's where most people draw their identity from, is culture and what the so-called idols of their generation are doing.
I mean, take reality television, for example.
In many countries in the world, including America, Australia and Britain, we've got the emergence of reality television and programs like this Big Brother program.
Which, the method that they use from my perspective is that they create these idols in the form of reality television.
And then the idol gets a microchip and everybody's got to get it because it's so cool.
How do they use fads to control us, Dr. Begich?
Well, again, you know, this is an opportunity to the herd mentality of getting people to sort of rush off into the same direction.
You know, they did it with Panic over
Various flus and flu season vaccines, if you remember a couple years back.
And really what the story there was was the excess supply and not enough demand, you know?
And they find out afterwards what everybody already knew, that the stuff didn't work.
Ultimately, getting people to move en masse is not as difficult as one might think.
Fear being the primary motivator.
Going back to the U.S.
Army War College for a moment, a document written
In 90s, the Revolutionary Military Affairs and Conflicts, short of a war.
That was Colonel Alexander.
Right, and you know, they're discussing a lot of techniques, things that were coming.
Microcircuits, for instance, for implantation under the skin was openly spoken about in that document.
And then the discussion about how much Americans would resist that at that particular time.
And now today, after 9-11, you hear people openly talking about the idea of, well, maybe this isn't such a bad thing.
You know, they're talking about using it for prisoners instead of ankle bracelets, using it for elders that are losing mental faculties, or children people are afraid are going to get kidnapped.
When you really look at threats, and real threats, I mean, you've got bigger risk of going to the doctor and being
I mean,
Who's benefiting from this war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Ultimately, it's those that are supplying the hardware to continue that effort.
When you think about $200 billion, that would go an awful long way to solving whatever energy problems we have that take us to the Middle East in the first place.
But that is not in the interest of those that control the industrial military complex in the world today.
It's really in their interest to continue these kinds of conflicts
In order to make sure that there's a ready market and supply as well as balance.
And their own white papers say they want perpetual war, but they know that 99.9% of people don't sit around reading white papers like we do.
That's exactly it.
You know, and the other part of it, you know, when you look at, you know, this whole revolution in military affairs was about technology, but they added a dimension in about a year ago.
They started referring to it as a revolution in military and political affairs because
Ultimately, it's politics that's the target, and even the European Parliament calls these technologies weapons of political control.
Stay there, Doctor.
You can get in any subject you want.
I want to hear what you think is important right now on the front burner, and we'll get Paul Watson's take on that, too, and take calls, and we'll tell you about Dr. Begich's books, as well, and his great websites when we return.
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The Globalists have most of the capital.
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The true, original root of their power.
But overall, their programs worldwide are behind schedule.
They're running into major opposition.
Dr. Baggage, and of course Paul Watson, your forecast for the future.
I mean, is it bleak?
Are you seeing the awakening that I'm seeing?
I mean, an accelerated awakening across the political spectrum?
Paul, Nick, what are you seeing happening?
Well, you know, Nick, I think there is an acceleration of interest, but at the same time I think there's an acceleration of activity to keep people
Really enslaved to a system that is not working well.
I mean, when you look at the political environment right now, we've got an election year, so there's a lot of happy talk.
At the same time, there's a lot of disaster in the offing.
My personal view is we're in for a lot tougher times before things turn around.
Although, you know, there's a segment of the population, maybe 10-12% is my estimation of people starting to really wake up to a lot of these issues.
And that's enough to make significant change in this country, but at the same time, I think we have a long way to go before the average person really recognizes what the real threats are.
By the way, we're seeing a lot of inflationary developments across the board with key staple items like milk, cheese,
I mean, not just fuel, but then they're telling us everything's wonderful, but all the real economic numbers show things are in deep trouble.
Paul Watson?
As far as forecasts go, I see if they go ahead and try and introduce the draft, you know, on a widespread basis in spring of next year, which they have announced in many articles that have come out recently, and there are bills in Congress,
Then I see nothing more than people who are addicted and have been conditioned to be addicted to these lifestyles that they at that point on knowing that they will have to be included in this draft will openly you know engage in dissent and I see nothing less than
Civil war breaking out in America, basically, and it won't be a civil war started or led by, you know, what we call the Patriot community.
It will be on a widespread basis because people have been so conditioned to become addicted to their lifestyles that a direct removal of that will cause a mass uprising.
That's why they've got garrisons of riot troops ready everywhere with provocateurs to go in and neutralize protests.
Dr. Baggage?
You know, I think that when people really realize
To the full extent of the abuse that happens at the hands of government, there will be revolution.
Hopefully it'll be the kind of revolution that is civil and sensible, not the kind that results in a lot more violence.
I mean, if you look at Eastern Europe, you look at some of these places that have collapsed over the years, it happens by one of the most... The only threat the military planners can't plan for, which is called spontaneous revolution, it's when people
Don't really wait around for leadership to emerge.
They just finally get to the point one day where they go, hey, you know, what's happening isn't working and we want to change.
And when you see that kind of spontaneous demand for change, and I don't think we're quite there yet, that's when
All things get converted.
But we see them preemptively gearing up for that.
Their social planners, their computer programs, mapping all this, are definitely showing that.
When you look at just the general unrest around the world, what do you do when you want to suppress folks?
Well, you create enough fear so they go internal again, which has been working fairly effectively the last few years.
But at this point, I think people are starting to see it.
The big concern
I have for predictions for the future is, you know, what happened in Spain just before their elections.
That kind of a major event occurring in the United States, I think that is a fear that many of us have seen played out.
The government is saying it's going to happen.
Yeah, and you know, and given that, I think that, again, sort of a preparation of the public for more bad news that
Pretty much understood to be there.
I mean, anyone looking at these issues internationally to suggest that there isn't going to be another major event is the more far-fetched idea.
The fact is, there will be.
additional event.
The question becomes is how do we respond?
What is a necessary response?
And more importantly... Well, they've been telling us, doctor, how to respond.
When there's an attack, give up your liberty, submit to us.
We've got to be getting the message out of who stands to gain from this, who's been behind the other terror attacks, preemptively preempting them.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and I think that's it.
You know, when you look at, when you look at what really happens in all of this, none of this is unanticipated.
When you look at planning documents going way, way back into the, you know, eighties and nineties,
The expectation of these kinds of events was there.
More importantly, the planning about what would happen if, and the what-ifs have been played out perfectly in the last couple years as civil liberties have disappeared, and a tyranny has emerged coming from our government.
An opaque government we can't even see into anymore.
We'll come back, get into some more issues.
Take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll give you Dr. Begich's websites too when we get back.
Paul in Missouri and others, you're up next.
When we return, stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright folks, we've reached the halfway point of this global transmission against tyranny.
Dr. Nick Begich is our guest, as well as Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to go to your calls here in just a moment at 800-259-9231.
Dr. Baggett, tell us the listeners about your websites and some of the great publications you've put out.
We have a website at earthpulse.com and essentially we have a number of things posted there.
For those that are interested in the harp story, there's quite a few articles on that story.
There's a number of essays that were written.
Really to motivate people for change, to give people ideas and thoughts about what we might be able to do to start to turn some of this around.
That's under a button called Empowerment on the front page of that website.
A lot of information.
I encourage people to take the information, pass it on.
There's a lot there.
A lot of it is very well footnoted, which is one of our hallmarks.
When we talk about this stuff, we actually lay out a foundation on which it's built and
That kind of background, I think, is really useful.
We have a number of books I've written.
Angels Don't Play This Harp, which is co-authored with Gene Manning.
Many are familiar with that work.
But the most important work we've produced in the last two years are the two Earth Rising books, Earth Rising, The Revolution, Earth Rising II, which are really about new technologies and their impact on society and our culture.
And I think those are the books that are the most fundamental.
Over a thousand sources.
Our reference there, and they can be obtained either through the website or through one of our toll-free numbers, which if it's alright, I can give that out.
Yeah, I'll give that number out.
It's 888-690-1277.
Again, that's 888-690-1277, and you're welcome to request a pre-catalog at that phone number as well.
And what's the website again for folks?
The website is earthpulse.com.
Okay, we're going to go to some calls here in a few minutes, but I do want to get some into heart what it is for folks that don't know.
I just read an article a few months ago where the government boosted the power at the Array.
Also, Chemtrails, get your take on that.
But before we go to these calls, Paul Watson, I mean there's a lot of key news here I want to go through with both you guys, but any other key news items you think folks need to know about today?
Well, apart from those, vote fraud in the UK, because it's an example for the US, we've got examples of mass vote rigging going on in this European election which has just taken place.
And it boils down to the same thing in both countries, the elimination of the paper ballots, and so we can go through that.
Yeah, we have the CIA, former directors, deputy directors, NSA generals, running the top three voting companies.
They've been caught coast-to-coast engaging in fraud.
Their own engineers have quit, said it's a fraud.
It makes it to one newspaper, then they, you know, die in car wrecks mysteriously.
I mean, all this stuff is going on, and then by the time it gets in my local paper, it's, oh, there's a few problems people are concerned.
Dr. Begich, any comments on the electronic vote fraud?
You know, my family has a history in politics.
My dad was in the State Senate here and was a member of the United States Congress.
My brother is nine years on the Anchorage Assembly and is mayor of the largest city in Alaska, Anchorage, with half the state's population.
You know, and this year I'm a candidate for office locally, and I can tell you elections are won by very close margins here.
My brother won his by 18 votes, which is how many family members voted that day.
And we had paper ballots to back it up when the recounts happened.
When you go to a paperless system, these situations will flip the other direction.
Anyone who believes that these systems cannot be hacked
Are naive.
But it's not even hacking.
I mean, we have the employees who are convicted computer felons accessing them in the middle of major elections, engineers quitting, saying it's a fraud.
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's... We have politicians like Senator Hagel owning the company that people vote for him on, and then the League of Women Voters is arguing against any record.
I mean, this is amazing!
Yeah, and it's, you know, those are the inside threats.
When you consider outside threats, the amount of money spent by China to just figure out how to hack our system is huge.
Anytime that you put a system online that has the ability of determining political outcomes in the West and in the United States, both for the internal and the external threats to our personal freedom and liberty, this is a major mistake.
There are some things that do not belong automated, and voting is one of them.
But again, this wasn't done by accident.
I think this is why we're seeing so much arrogance by these people.
And now they've reframed us as a democracy, not a republic.
And a democracy, if 51% say kill all the black people, kill all the white people, or take that guy's land, it happens.
In our republic, the minority is protected.
So now they say we're a democracy, and oh look, you voted for slavery!
Yeah, you know this, and when you really look at all of it, you know, what's really happened is the erosion
of American values, which is again the root that we were speaking about earlier, is the root of this is really the moral questions, the things that make us who we are.
You start stripping that away from Americans and recognizing the root of who we are has to do with the Democratic Republic that had a much different concept than a pure democracy.
When you look back on that Republican formation, 6% of the people in this country favored
Uh, that major change when it first started back 200 years ago, you know, that that was a far cry from a majority.
It certainly wasn't an enlightened minority.
Well, it's like slavery.
In like 1800, what, 5%?
In some areas, 2% of people were against it, or maybe 1% active.
But 60-something years later, that form of slavery was thrown out.
So it shows that we're seeing the world's round 10 years before they finally admit it, then overnight you're a kook to say it's flat, whereas a month before you were a kook to say it was round.
Exactly right.
And this is the games that are played to manipulate political outcomes.
And again, when you look at the European take on this, which we've looked at pretty thoroughly, we spent a lot of time in Europe, their view of the world is these are all technologies that result in one thing.
From their perspective, political control, the manipulation of individuals to receive and enforce and foster political outcomes.
When you see that shift, which is a shift that's well underway, if not already installed,
That's where the danger lies.
Well, also we see the EU, the Pan-American Union, all these WTO, all these bodies are dictatorial in nature, and it's like the new Iraqi appointed government.
They call it democracy, it's an appointed government.
And this is not new either.
Why are we in these conflicts?
And we can trace the beginnings and the roots of this to our own government's interference with the domestic affairs of other nations.
And, again, when it comes back to Roost, which is where we are today, who benefits?
Yeah, I mean, I have articles out of Connecticut.
By the way, Paul, that article about the National Guard taking over the police department, that went to subscription on that site.
If you can go in and get that and post it, we need to do that.
I even had trouble logging into that newspaper, but I mean, I go back to this.
Openly Newsweek saying, troops are going to run your wife and interrogate you and run the neighborhood watch programs.
I mean, that's East Germany.
That's Russia.
That's not America.
Paul Watson comments?
Well, it's my personal belief.
I don't know whether you agree with it, but
That people will, you know, in a cowardly fashion, accept torture of Iraqis and bombing broken back third world countries, you know, indefinitely.
They won't become aware of it, they won't, the innate human instinct to fight will not kick in.
Until, you know, the war comes to our shores and when they have to go to the level which is an open declaration of war on the American people because generally people are cowardly and they'll just try to ignore something if it's not, you know, happening in their immediate vicinity.
So it's only when it comes home.
But openly they're setting up military offices in our cities and have them out harass... Dr. Baggish, were you aware of this?
Yeah, you know, there's a lot of shifts in terms of policing.
I mean, going to a more of a military model.
I mean, that's been happening for years.
And one of the, again, coming out of Europe, one of the outcries there is, we're headed the direction they just left.
You know, if you look at Eastern Europe,
People know what it's like to be oppressed.
They know what the tools of oppression are.
I know, I talk to Poles and Czechoslovakians and Hungarians and Russians and they watch our news and they go, man, America's going down.
I've seen all this before.
Yeah, and that's exactly, exactly what we hear constantly, you know, from folks that aren't doing it from a history book or doing it from living experience.
They've been there, they've done that, they've experienced it.
We may think that we're immune from it in this country, but the creep
In that direction is one that's happened a little bit slower and the frogs are boiling.
And we're it.
It's happening now.
Let's take some calls.
Thanks for holding, folks.
Paula in Missouri.
Go ahead, Paula.
Hi, Alex.
That movie that Michael Moore put out, that Fahrenheit 9-1-1?
I don't know if you ever mentioned that, but I believe that that was made to discredit your film, Road to Tyranny.
And I have a question for Mr. Biggage.
Have you ever heard the word weatherman in reference to mind control or population control?
I have not heard that, no, not in connection with that.
Okay, and Paul Watson had brought up abortion and I feel that this right now what's going on is occultic and what they need right now is blood sacrifices so the abortion is their, I don't know what you would call it, their
Their major... Their religious sacrament.
Right, and because there were children in the Murray Building and Waco, it would be interesting to find out if there was a daycare center in any one of those WTC buildings.
Oh, there were.
And so abortion is really a big issue for them, so the younger the child, the greater the power they seem to have.
Let me get a comment from Paul, since you directed that to him.
Go ahead, Paul.
Well, now we know that there are actually more abortions of disabled children with, you know, symptoms that can be medically fixed than live births.
So when it comes to that extent, then you know that we've got a big problem.
What is it, 50 million abortions since the 70s?
Well, it's a brave new world.
And people, I mean, people will accept it in the same way that the neocons will justify torturing Iraqis because they're sub-humans and the left will speak out against that all day, rightly so, but then
Again, they'll pick on the most defenseless creature imaginable, a fetus, and say that it's okay to support these disgusting procedures to terminate it.
I mean, sucking the brains out of babies, actually go in there with instruments and cut the limbs from piece to piece.
You know, most people don't know the procedure itself.
They just think that the baby is put to sleep like a dog would be.
Also, there's a movement here in the United States to ban the new ultrasound.
I mean, it's not bad for them.
They say, well, it's non-medical so you can't do it, where it shows the 3D image.
They don't want you to see.
But go into the occult thing that she mentioned.
Whether you believe in God or not, folks, and I do, the elite
Do believe in the devil.
That's what they follow.
Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove.
You have to at least scientifically admit that.
A lot of people go, oh, I don't believe in that stuff.
You know, that's crazy.
Well, the point is the globalists
I've been around major political folks most of my life and I can tell you there isn't any one of them I've ever met that doesn't have a very strong
religious or philosophical base to who they are and it's figuring out what that is that tells you what their character is.
I think you're right on target is that the root of where people are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and how that projects into their creation or reality.
And either they create in conformity with the Creator or in opposition to it.
When you're talking about some of the things that we're speaking about today, I mean this idea of manipulating the mind, you know,
Mind Control, if you will, was a cover story in the magazine The Economist in the end of May 2002.
And when you look at that whole idea, that's the interference with free will, that's something that even God won't do in most traditions.
And here we are, a man not only anticipating it, but excited about the possibilities of controlling people's interior thoughts and ideas in a way that has never been contemplated
It's never been even considered by God Himself.
Well, it's really simple.
To have torture, to have secret arrest, they have to sell a cadre that this is normal.
It took the Nazis years to get this rolling.
Once they did, it snowballed.
And if we have a global elite that know that depleting uranium kills our own troops, and know that it makes them sick, and then bivouac them in Saddam bases that were bombarded with it, knowing they've got, many of them, two rims of radiation,
I mean, again, what religion would you have to have to not have morals and to frankly take glee and enjoyment in even killing and maiming your own troops?
I mean, morally, I feel guilty if I'm rude to my wife or rude to a neighbor or do something backhanded and then I always go back and say I'm sorry or don't do it again.
You know, as I grow in the hierarchy of needs, I become more moral and realize how immoral I truly am.
Whereas these people plunge in the other direction of the paradigm, to the dark side, getting more and more immoral, and they have to enjoy the immoralness, or they couldn't live with it.
Do you see what I'm saying, Paul and Doctor?
Yeah, I mean, this is...
That's the definition of decadence.
It's making the bizarre seem normal, which is why through the media and through entertainment shows, which are, you know, ostensibly watched by more people than news, they create these cultural stereotypes which are, in essence, abnormal.
And so that then puts the people who watch them with the simple mind control of television, where it shifts into the right brain thinking, you know.
No critical analysis, immediate emotional contact, where then they have to ape these abnormal stereotypes under peer pressure.
So that's how the bizarre becomes normal.
It's about creating a cultural stereotype, which is aped by the general population.
That's right.
Dr. Baggage?
I agree with that.
And you know, the idea that Americans are the victims of a lot of different technologies, you know, something that largely is ignored.
But when you think about even the public pronouncements
By our own government.
About people that have been victimized.
And these are the most obscene types of victimizations.
You know, when you look at Secretary of Energy O'Leary, when she was in the Clinton administration, admitting a half million Americans over 40 years subjected to human experimentation.
And if that isn't torture, I don't know what is.
But this is a half a million that they admitted were dealt with in a way that we hung people at Nuremberg after World War II for the exact same kind of infractions.
And you know that in the United States, in this country,
Where half a million of our own citizens have been victimized in this manner.
Not one single solitary soul has ever been held accountable in front of a jury.
Yeah, they come out, they come out and announce it now, and really that sets the president and normalizes it.
Exactly right.
I mean, you know, here's a good example of normalizing what used to be corrupt.
You know, we used to talk about, you know, what did a bribe get you politically?
It got you influence, outcomes.
And at least an opportunity with an audience.
What is the difference between a bribe and a contribution in 2004?
There isn't any.
It gives you the same thing.
We give it a new name, we call it a campaign contribution, and it gives you the same thing as a bribe used to get, only now everybody feels really good about it.
It's a contribution, it's not a bribe.
Well, what the difference is, is what matters.
And there is no difference.
If you as an average citizen walk into your U.S.
Senator's office and ask for lunch,
And then we give ourselves happy little words so we feel good about it.
Others that are patiently holding.
Brenda and others, stay there, we're going to get to you.
And I'm going to ask Dr. Baggett, she's a busy professor and everything else.
We'll see if we can keep a little bit of the next hour to get into HAARP and his book on that and also the chemtrails and the rest of it and keep Paul Watson with us.
A bunch of other news items.
I want to go to the calls a little bit quicker, but this has been a really riveting and revealing discussion here and I hope you're listening and I hope you're thinking.
Because the entire humanity, the human soul, is caught under a black boot right now.
And the people running things enjoy evil.
And you better get your mind around that and stop being naive, or it's over, folks!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Since civilizations first arranged themselves along agrarian societies
Strong men learned how to con and manipulate and not just use muscle to get control of populations.
Witch doctors would say, follow me, do what I say or the sun won't come back tomorrow.
Of course he would give that threat according to his astrological understanding that there would be an eclipse the next day.
The general public had forgotten that pattern.
He had had it handed down to him.
They wouldn't listen and then when the serpent gobbled the sun, they would all prostrate themselves and beg.
Well, the example of that today is the government carrying out 9-11.
The terrorists are going to strike, the serpents are going to eat the moon, the sun tomorrow, better do what we say.
You know, before 9-11 they said, submit to us the terrorists coming, they're going to get you, bin Laden's going to get you, and then boom, it happened.
But again,
I'm trying to use a historical kind of anthropological example here of all of this.
We have to get conscious of that and then see the propaganda and that short circuits it.
And this can actually happen quite quickly if someone is willing to open their mind up and examine what we're saying.
We're about to go back to Dr. Nick Baggage and Logan and Bernard and Ben and everybody else that's holding and Paul Watson.
Dr. Baggage and Paul have agreed to stay for the whole next hour.
Honored to have them.
We'll give you that phone number out next hour to get Dr. Begich's books as well.
They're incredible.
I've read all three.
You need to get my books, my videos.
You're authorized to make copies of my videos.
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But get 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
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I mean, that's the drive in my life is to expose these people and thus protect myself and my family.
Fighting them is the way to be safe, not cowering to these Hitlerian creatures.
So visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get Paul Watson's book that we carry, that I publish, get my book, get my videos, toll-free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
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Big discounts when you order three or more of any of my videos or multiple books.
Logan in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Bagich and, of course, Paul Watson.
Go ahead.
Yes, I was going to talk about illegal immigration and Paul Watson mentioned the idea of a possible civil war in the future and I believe the globalists really do plan ahead and plan ahead
Really, really far ahead, like 50 years, even 100 years.
Yeah, I think the ultra-massive influx of all these different groups and then the government trying to get them not to assimilate.
Things will be fine if they just assimilate.
That is used to just simply balkanize further to cause more hysteria when it does... Go ahead, Paul.
It's about splitting, you know, splitting the community so people do not support each other when the hatchet does fall.
That's the agenda of illegal immigration, to balkanize the community.
Finish up what you were saying, Logan.
I think his cell phone was cutting out there.
Logan, you still there?
He's gone.
Dr. Baggage, any comments to that?
You know, I think, again, whenever you start fractionalizing populations, creating the villains that are really created by our own system, you really are deflecting people's attention to the real roots of the problem and to the symptoms of the problems.
And I think that's, again, a case of watering down what's going on in the United States right now.
Uh, with bad public policy that gets us fighting over issues that certainly are important, but while the bank is being robbed by both parties.
I think this immigration issue is one of those that, you know, for those that are in the border state, it's horrendous what's happening down there, what you guys are under, uh, experiencing.
And yet very little is done to keep those borders secure.
And you talk about illegal immigration.
What else is coming across that border is significant and something that we need to be concerned about.
The one, again, that's driving fear, panic, and the idea of a more directed and controlled society so these big problems don't happen.
Alright, third hour coming up.
More calls, more news.
We'll get into Kim Trails and Hart.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Time flies when you're in the real world.
Hour number three of this Tuesday, June 15, 2004 edition.
We're talking to Dr. Nick Magich and of course, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we're taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
Let's get through a bunch of these callers that have been holding and see which direction they take us in.
We'll get into HAARP, the chemtrails, more on my control with Dr. Nick Begich and Paul Watson.
And again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bernard in Texas.
Another call from Texas.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, sir.
I'm having a serious problem.
No one will listen at all.
I want to suggest to you that Fox is using subliminal messaging because people that I know that would never agree
My whole life are now saying the same things, and they watch Fox.
Well, sir, when I went to, you know, college here in Austin and just took radio, television, film, they admitted subliminals in the 50s, you know, on radio and TV.
Billboards have it, it's public, they've caught a lot of them doing it with really, really horrible stuff.
You know, Toyota commercials in Europe about Satanism and blood drinking, that was in the Times of London four years ago.
And there is a lot of, you know, that text rolling in the bottom.
Your mind sees that, but consciously you don't.
That's a form of brainwashing.
Dr. Baggish, you're really an expert on this, and this stuff is really public.
Can you talk about it?
You know, what you're saying about the scrolling lines underneath, you do absorb all of that.
In fact, if you were subjected to hypnosis, you would actually recall every word in the proper order of every one of those words, because they do imprint.
The other thing that's important
that people don't consider is the flicker rate of the light.
The actual light emanations from a television.
If the flicker rate is adjusted just so, you create a super-suggestivity on part of the viewers.
In other words, it's not even with subliminals.
There aren't necessarily words or anything.
Just the news broadcasts that are coming across.
And what they've learned is that external oscillating fields, including flickering light, when it's in the very precise, what's called a window frequency,
It overrides brain activity, and the brain then locks onto this external signal, begins to mirror it, and makes for very different conditions within the brain.
Well, it puts you down into a dream state, and one of my friends is a top guy at UT's psychology department, and I've been allowed into the unclassified areas of DARPA this, DARPA that.
Most of it is with monkeys and flashing different rates in their face.
I mean, this is going on all over the country, and they know exactly what to do.
Paul Watson?
Well, yeah, it goes back to the experiments of Herbert Krugman, I believe it was, where
He found that when a person actually watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere of the brain.
Of course, the left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought, but when the television comes through, it impacts the right side of the brain, which is uncritical.
And again, how do you hypnotize somebody with a flashing light or a swinging bauble?
This is admitted, Dr. Begich.
Yeah, absolutely.
In fact, you can use any number of methods.
There was, in terms of strobing lights or flashing lights, that goes back even the mid-60s with the device used, putting American servicemen in Vietnam into trance-like states.
It was called the LIDA machine, developed by the Soviets, and it was essentially a flickering light and some oscillating magnetic fields.
And when you look at
If that technology of the 60s laid across the technology framework of 2004, you have a much more powerful delivery system.
Most people involved in light and sound related research understand this and understand its implications.
Even in terms of enhancing human performance, the same technologies can be used for developing, for instance, solutions for attention deficit disordered kids, kids having trouble focusing attention.
But it's not the appropriate uses that are usually discussed, it's the misuses of these technologies.
How to degrade the human brain, how to destroy the human brain.
Well, anyway, I want to make one more point.
I have a friend that I met that said that he had a friend that was put in prison for 25 years for illegal attempt of re-entry in this country, and he's white.
That's a true story, and I told the guy to write you a letter, maybe you could help him.
But that's the ridiculousness of all this.
Well, it's all selectively enforced.
We'll be right back.
Thanks for the call.
More calls straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, I occasionally go to movies, watch DVDs or VHS tapes,
I will listen to C-SPAN.
I really won't watch it.
I will not watch Fox and CNN and the rest of them.
Because when you're conscious of the brainwashing, it does nothing but make you angry.
And my life has gotten so much better, my mind works so much better, not watching television.
I suggest you put it on a cart, put it in the closet, occasionally let your children watch, you know, videos, uh, you know, children's videos, uh, as, as a treat or something, but, I mean, not let them sit there for four and a half hours a day, that's the national average.
You watch the cartoons, the U.N.
Savings, World Government, secret police in black ski masks everywhere, I mean, you know, your secret police, your spies,
This is all coming down the pike.
Massive brainwashing going on.
So stop watching television.
We'll talk to Dr. Nick Baggage and Paul Watson here in a moment and get to Ben and Chris and Michael and John and many others that are holding them.
We've got 50-something minutes left.
We're going to get into HAARP and the chemtrails and the rest of it.
Dr. Baggage is a real expert on this subject and Paul Watson has done a lot of research as well.
Over the next three or four minutes, just stay right there because I'm going to bring Debbie Morrow up from New Millennium Concepts.
Talking about taking control of your life, made in America, high quality water purification, not just filtration, purification systems that also make this broadcast possible.
And to tell you about a few of the specials, and to beg you to stop procrastinating, your body is 70% water, and the sodium fluoride, the chlorine, the mercury, the prozac, the ritalin, the stuff that's in most water supplies, the MBTE, the dead bacteria, the live bacteria,
The amoeba is now invading many areas of the south and the west as the climate gets a little warmer.
It's so important, since you live in chlorine by the way, to start filtering your water properly.
And Debbie, good to have you on with us.
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Didn't mean to get off into something gross.
Go ahead.
That's okay.
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Uh, and you get two free gifts with that.
You've got the, uh, water bottle special, five, uh, sports filtration, not purification, but it filters it out to where it's safe from the bacteria in the wild.
Six hundred and thirty refills.
Well, these usually cost thirty-five, forty dollars for a high-quality one in the store.
You get five for ninety-nine, uh, ninety-nine or ninety-five, and you get, uh, what, twelve for one ninety-nine.
That's another great deal.
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Anything else, Debbie?
Nope, that'll do it.
I'm busy taking orders.
Alright, and Debbie, we really appreciate you.
Oh, thank you.
I appreciate you, too, and your good hard work.
Take care, my dear.
Great lady.
Give her a call.
Made in America.
Take control of your life.
70% of your body is made up of it.
I don't want to get Dr. Nick Baggage to sit here and plug things for me.
He didn't even know I was going to do this, but Dr. Nick Baggage, you study the environment.
With your doctorate.
Would you drink unfiltered water?
I'm just curious.
You know, that's a huge issue, and the answer is no.
In fact, filtering your water, pulling out the toxins that are there.
I mean, in Alaska, we're fortunate to be blessed with really excellent and abundant water supplies, but that is not the case for most of the country.
Whatever you do to get the heavy metals out of the water and other materials out of the water, I think is beneficial.
Both the chlorine and the fluoride can be filtered out pretty readily and something to pay attention to.
So, shameless plug.
I'm getting better baggage to engage in.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ben in Texas.
Ben, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, great show today, y'all.
The doctor, y'all were all talking about mind control earlier, and getting real deep into it.
Of course, I'm not as red on it as your guest and yourself.
And you were talking about not watching TV.
There's a new movie out called The Manchurian Candidate, and anybody that's familiar with that term... They did a re-do of that?
I didn't know it was a re-do, actually.
I believe it's about putting a Manchurian candidate president into the White House.
Yeah, that was a 50's or 60's movie with Frank Sinatra, so I don't... There's a new one out that's just part of the whole TV thing.
That's another thing they do.
Just like in 1984, Big Brother admits through their puppet, Goldstein, the things that Big Brother's doing, psychologically, in a way, getting us to accept it.
Dr. Begich, can you comment on that?
This happens very, very frequently, where film and fiction is used as a method for sort of
Really conditioning the public to accept things that normally wouldn't be.
If you follow major trends, cultural trends, you'll see them show up in the mainstream media, usually through popular television first, and then, you know, basically erode basic values and have them replaced with new values and new ideas.
And media plays a big part of that.
And today, when you combine not just the standard
Methods of propaganda, which is just indoctrination through overloads of information.
Now you have a technology that conditions the brain to more readily accept this.
And, you know, when we talked about mind control and earth-rising the revolution, over a hundred source documents are cited.
Almost three dozen U.S.
patents are noted showing the evolution of this technology.
This is not something that has just all of a sudden popped out of the marketplace.
This is something that has been actively pursued
For now almost 50 years, resulting in a tremendous advance in this type of technology.
Well, Paul, a month ago they came out and admitted that the Republicans and Democrats are having people come in to be brain scammed while they watch their political ads.
I mean, it's gotten down to that point.
Well, another example of how they use TV brainwashing to achieve a political outcome, again normalizing the immoral, is again by this right brain hemisphere emotional unthinking filtered process.
And the example is euthanasia, which is basically the modern branch of Hitler's eugenics program, where they take one case of, you know, a woman who has an illness, who is in severe pain, she wants to die,
And then they feed that through the television.
People have an emotional response to it and then say, you know, legalize euthanasia.
These people are in pain.
They deserve the right to take their own lives.
So they use one case via that emotional manipulation to justify the overall government agenda of reintroducing this eugenics program.
And then Wesley Smith of the Wall Street Journal lists hundreds of names and multiple articles of people begging for food and water being killed by the government and the average person has no idea this is even going on.
You know, this is again an example of how ideas work their way into culture and become acceptable.
You know, the idea of euthanasia as a concept even being openly discussed by people back twenty years ago, there was the legitimate feelings of aversion to that kind of thing.
You know, death is not something that human beings are meant to
Spend their lives asphyxiating on it.
Life that we're supposed to be engaged in.
And here we are again trying to rationalize suicide, which again in most traditions is something severely, strongly spoken against.
And I think here again we're talking about these basic moral questions.
And they admit that these drugs are giving the children increased suicide.
Let's take another call.
Chris in Illinois.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
As I start all my conversations with you, Alex, we have to repent as a nation.
Number two, we got the Berkey system.
It's great.
Well, thank you.
Okay, the reason for my call is I went to college many years ago in the 50s.
There was a book called Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard.
You ever hear of that one?
That's what opened my eyes to a lot of the things that it actually told about all of the, you know, the things you're talking about.
How they get people to buy, etc., etc.
Um, and it's amazing how they insidiously... Are you still there?
Oh, okay.
How insidiously they do things.
It's just like going to the store like Juul, and they've got a lot of cookies.
It's called decadence.
I wrote to them.
I said, I object to something like this.
It's not right.
They wrote me back a letter.
Oh, well, you know, the meaning... I said, no, that's not the meaning of the dictionary.
It means something evil.
But at any rate, they keep insidiously indoctrinating... Well, here's an example.
Dr. Baggage and Paul.
I mean, every day I see an article where they're recasting Big Brother as a helper.
Big Brother helping.
Big Brother helping children.
Big Brother's watching, and it's good.
Have you seen that?
Yeah, it's the same mindset that
It's conditioning, and it's preconditioning to get people willing and ready to accept things, and usually they're motivated by fear, because it tends to resonate the quickest and most readily with most folks.
Anything else?
Yes, I have one other thing.
Just stay there.
Chris, we'll come back and talk to Michael and John and others.
And then I'm not going to take any more calls after the half-hour point, because I want to get into chemtrails and HAARP.
We might take a few, but just stay with us.
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I'm here live.
Thanks for joining us, my friends.
Talking to Paul Joseph Watson, Nick Baggage.
Paul, I know you've been chomping on the bit to get in here.
Any comments or insights on the things we've been talking about before we go back to these calls?
Yeah, just one more thing with the television propaganda.
There was also an experiment in Germany several years ago where they took three families and each were offered thousands of dollars if they successfully avoided watching television for a period of a month and this was all monitored and none of them were successful and that's because the bottom line is that television is addictive again because of this right brain hemisphere activity which produces the endorphins which make it addictive so that's why
But I can't stand watching it now!
Dr. Bugich, I mean, how do people get away from this?
Well, you know, again, it's a case of conditioning.
You know, you've got to recognize what's behind a lot of this.
The idea that brain activity is stimulated in a way that makes it addictive, I think is, again, one of those reasons where people really have to look at what they're viewing, consider how they're taking information in, and make sure they're doing it
in a way that that gets them information rather than manipulation and I think this is again where technology has moved so fast so rapidly that the ability to keep up to be able to screen this stuff out I mean it would be very easy to screen out this kind of manipulation by justifying what is known by military planners and others and that's not being done nor should anyone expect it because the outcome
Manipulate the public not to give us the freedoms that individuals are entitled to and I think that's really what it's about.
It's more about control on this backdrop of fear and the idea is that it's easier to control people that are afraid than it's able to control people that are
Self-assured, strong individuals, the kind of individuals that all of us were intended to be.
Well, I mean, who would want to spend four and a half hours a day for a child watching TV and the average adult over three hours?
I mean, give me a break.
Real quick, Chris, and then we're going to shut up.
My mindset is that you don't suspect everything.
Anyway, going back to this Juul thing, I have a book, but Juul is owned by Albertsons, and Albertsons is connected to the Illuminati family.
Many of their board members and so on.
See, it all fits in.
It's like a spider web.
At the center of everything, they've got to control from A to Z. You've got to be on your toes.
And like you were saying about making it a mindset.
Now Nancy Reagan is, you know, all the stuff that they did, she's kissing the carpet, and now she's calling for stem cell research.
Just like you said.
Yeah, or you're not conservative.
Thanks for the call.
Michael in Hawaii, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, I've got a question for Nick Begich.
Dr. Begich, always good to hear you on talk shows.
I'm just curious, doesn't it seem like everything is accelerating?
You know, in this new world order, this conditioning, it just seems like it's accelerating.
And do you feel that 2004 is going to be a very pivotal year?
You know, I think it is accelerating, mainly because the technology has advanced now to where it can.
And secondly, its fear runs two directions.
You know, those that have power want to keep it.
And I think that's a lot of it, is it tends to push people forward.
And there is a backlash brewing, I think.
Yeah, they're actually running scared.
Yeah, and that backlash, you know, it's what often happens.
Once Americans wake up, we are an unstoppable force.
I don't care what history has shown us, that's one message that we all understand.
The people at the top understand it also, and ultimately that's the challenge for all of us, is to not succumb to fear, but wake each other up with good information,
Apply that information in a meaningful way, and don't let these guys get away with it.
You know, the first step in change is getting people informed, and I think that's where this show and shows like it have given an opportunity in a forum to get alternative ideas and issues out there to make people think again.
And that's the challenge for 2004.
And, you know, will it get worse?
This is a pivotal year.
Every year is an important year, because every year that we take the right actions and actions in the right direction to counteract
Yeah, there's no doubt that their program is behind schedule.
Paul Watson?
Well, yeah, I think it is behind schedule by at least, you know, four or five years.
And one of the reasons for that is that basically they fail to take into account their own human inadequacies, because there's definite infighting within the elite on how exactly to carry out the agenda, whether on one side it be the piecemeal slow progression towards it,
Or on the other side, the basic bombardment and terror of the human mind, which will accelerate the program via the subjugation of people under fear.
So there is an infighting as to which methods to take, in my view.
Yeah, there's the ivory tower arrogance of the elite.
Anything else, Mike?
I'm just curious, with all the information that Dr. Nagich has been privy to, can he share with us anything that he
Well, I think we were talking last hour about another major terrorist event.
I think that's in the cards for this year.
It's an election year.
Unfortunately, I think that's going to be used, again, to instill fear and try and maintain an existing administration that is taking our resources and handing them off.
And the biggest transfer of American wealth since the railroad there.
That's it.
Mass looting.
We'll be back with more calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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There will always be new evils to fight, but we're in the middle of a very, very decadent cycle right now.
Just one more call, because I've got a bunch of other news I want to go over with our two guests.
And this is fitting to be one of the last calls we'll go to, or the last.
Bill in Alaska, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I'm a neighbor of Mr. or Dr. Baggage.
And I've been listening and it comes to me that there can be no righteous indignation without righteousness.
Nor is righteousness, you can't claim it if you have no righteous indignation.
There's a handful of people, relatively small percentage of people that are led by their lusts and controlling and jerking us around.
And the shame of this nation is that there is no righteous indignation because there is no righteousness.
And, uh, something... I think that's what Paul Watson keeps going over, is that they scientifically taught us how to not care about our neighbors.
Because if you don't care about your neighbor, folks, you don't care about yourself.
People who only care about themselves think, oh, I'm looking out for me.
But when everybody has that attitude, it creates a horrible, predatory,
You know, absolutely right, and I think that's again, you know,
The idea of morals and values being fundamental, I don't care where your politics are in the country, those fundamental things have to be in place in order for the kind of government that our founding fathers envisioned can be realized.
And we spent 200 years unraveling that vision, and it's time for Americans to recognize where that vision was centered and get it back.
And that's on a platform of respect,
and responsibility and accountability starting with us individually and it's certainly uh... reflected in our government which is far and i don't know where we are at it give you one more uh... one more thing before i hang up the simplification of my life is as uh... centered on on pleasing god and automatically anybody worth pleasing
is pleased and the rest of them are cannon fodder.
Yeah, he's basically pointing out that there was a scientific move to forcefully eradicate the innate human righteousness and then replace it with a modified program which is basically idol worship and the subjugation to peer pressure, you know, via the creation of cultural stereotypes which are completely anti-faith.
Well, I mean, it's common sense stuff in the Ten Commandments.
Don't murder.
Don't do this.
Don't do that.
But don't worship idols.
That doesn't just mean don't have a little gold thing in your house.
The point is that that idol is what you care about.
That symbol can then be manipulated by controllers.
Love your family, love your neighbor.
Don't love Arnold Schwarzenegger because they tell you he's so cool.
Don't let them program you like that.
It really is.
We are an idolatrous nation.
We worship the double D fake breasts.
We worship the Mercedes.
We worship all this stuff that means nothing and the globalists just dangle it in front of our faces and we'll sell our grandmother for power!
Uh, and people are amazed, you know, that years ago I got offered millions of dollars to go work for, you know, one of the big establishment radio networks and said, no, you know, they were stunned.
Nobody turns down millions of dollars.
It wasn't even hard for me!
What I believe in, standing up for what's good, that's what counts for me.
I can't stand tyranny.
I'm afraid of these people.
I know they're wicked.
You know, this is again, you know, the decisions that we each make are going to decide what happens in the next, you know, the caller before, you know, what's important for 204.
What's important is that we wake up to what is happening and we begin to act responsibly to try and turn the tide.
And that's the challenge, I think, for everyone that listens to these broadcasts, that listens to what is being said and looks for that alternative.
Spread the word.
That's the first step in making change.
It doesn't take a huge percentage.
People complain.
It's apathy that gets in the way.
Apathy is easier to deal with if you think about 20% of the people making decisions voting.
That means you've got to convince 10% that you're right.
Well, Doctor, people look at others' apathy and say, well, then I'm going to be apathetic because they don't care.
Well, what they think doesn't matter.
If 100 of your neighbors are standing there while the house is burning and people are stuck inside and you've got a chance to save them, if you sit there and let them die, you're going to have just as many nightmares as your other 100 neighbors.
Forget what the stupid neighbors did!
That's right, and I think that's again where you act on what you know to be right and true, and act in a responsible way, and recognize that you're not alone in that.
There's millions of other people that think the same way.
The globalists are masters in making us feel like we're alone, we're by ourselves, and I'm in the position, Paul's in the position, Nick's in the position, Dr. Baggage is, to where we talk to the crowds, we see the people, we walk down the street, we're known around the country.
And listen, I go into a grocery store sometimes, and half the people stop me and agree with me.
You know, I went to the pool yesterday, and half the people that were there came up and talked to me.
And they were agreeing!
I mean, I've done 1,600 plus radio interviews in the last two and a half plus years, and almost no one calls in on liberal and conservative shows to disagree with me while I'm saying the government carried out 9-11!
I'm telling you, their poll numbers, what they say is an illusion!
Gentlemen, comments?
Yeah, absolutely true.
You know, this whole idea of manipulation of media and to get us to kind of believe what the masses are supposed to believe is a big part of it.
I mean, look around at just the way media flows into us and, you know, you really got to look, again, at the underlying problems.
If we spent $200 billion on solving
The energy question for the United States, would we have a solution?
I would bet that there's not a single listener that would suggest that we wouldn't.
Well, they already have engines that get 80 miles to the gallon, but again, they won't let us have them.
I mean, they're already solutions that cut the problem in half.
And the conflicts that we've been in, the conflicts we're in now, are based on really resources and energy.
And again,
This is where our resources as tax-paying human beings are being undermined by those resources not solving the real problems, but merely being thrown at ways to send that money for the military-industrial-academic complex as opposed to
Solving the real problems that improve life for the average human being.
Well, it's simple.
The globalists own all the oils.
They're going to keep us on that.
And they love it when the stuff starts getting low here in a few decades.
They'll tell us there's no oil so they can jack up the price astronomically.
And we'll just thank them and love it.
Paul Watson, what's your take on what we've been saying?
Yeah, I'll just round off on the moral principle.
I mean, Jesus said collect treasures on heaven, not on earth.
And, you know, you'll be rewarded.
But on another level, the sheep mentality which they've created is not just that, it's to the point where the sheep have to police the other sheep.
To the point where I, as a 22 year old man, am expected to be out every night trying to sleep with women.
It's because these people, this is their cultural norm, this is what they're expected to do by peer pressure.
So we have to get past that and realise that the moral course is the true course and that it will infinitely lead to many more rewards.
All right, I want to get into HAARP and chemtrails and the rest of it.
I mean, clearly all the experts I talked to agree that they are spraying stuff in the atmosphere.
They are changing the atmosphere.
They are spraying different chemicals and biologicals.
I mean, there's been thousands of tests admitted.
The Atmosphere Goddard Space Center admits the Earth is 20% darker.
Satellite photos show almost the whole world blacked out by these little trails.
These weren't here six, seven years ago.
Dr. Baggage, what's going on with the contrails?
You know, that goes back to actually a story that broke in the early 80s, but it was theoretical then when they were making observations of air traffic increases above Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.
And what they had noticed is that the contrails coming off of these planes
We're actually adding to the formation of cumulus clouds, increasing the severity of storms in the southeastern United States.
When they proved that this theory was more than a theory was when 9-11 occurred and all air traffic stopped in the United States and they could then quantify what their theoretical... Remember how clear and blue the sky's got?
Oh yeah, because what is true is that just the normal traffic is laying down this darkening of the planet in a way that traps
Heat that causes other heat exchanges to occur.
When you look at that issue and then you lay on top of it now experimentally... Well, they admit it!
That causes more global warming than the cars!
In fact, if you take it a step further and you look at satellite launches over the last 50 years in terms of when that technology began, you know, it does more for creating ozone depletion than all the aerosol cans ever discharged on the planet.
And all the Freon that ever existed in a refrigerator, for God's only knowledge of how it can rise when it's heavier than air.
But the fact of the matter is, these things have been around for a long time.
They're contributing, but are they the only problem?
The fact of the matter is, we are seeing significant changes both in terms of cooling and heating in various parts of the planet.
Is that part of the same agenda?
Is that part of an agenda of
Of change and destruction?
Well, we have the Pentagon document about owning the weather in 2025!
Absolutely, and then you look at some of the other ideas that the last three Secretaries of Defense have all spoken about, of taking and abandoning a treaty that was signed in the mid-70s on environmental modification.
All three last Secretaries of Defense want that treaty out, because now the technology is so good, is so well designed,
That controlling the battle environment becomes very tempting without much consideration to the downstream effects, which are huge.
Now, how does HAARP play into that?
Well, HAARP, you know, as a system, was designed to do a lot of different things.
One of the, what the military calls a side effect, and many others consider a deliberate effect.
First off, tell people what HAARP is.
It's the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, and it's a large radio transmitter, actually a field of transmitters,
Right now, the project is controlled by DARPA, previously by the Air Force and Navy.
And they just upped the power, didn't they?
This year, they're doubling the power.
Next year, they're doubling that again.
So quadrupling the power.
They're about four years behind where they planned to be in terms of doing that.
Now, what they can do with this, in just one mode of operation, they can literally heat an area above the Earth's surface that starts about 30 miles up.
They can heat this area called the ionosphere and shove
A column of space going out into space.
Picture it as a tube on a roll of paper towels moving out into space.
There's no telling what this could do!
Absolutely, but when you look at what they admit to, that changes local pressure systems, weather systems underneath can divert jet streams, causing tremendous changes in weather.
In fact, down in your part of the world, there was this jet stream change that moved
Weather out of East Texas and Louisiana a number of years ago, all the way into Central Florida where a couple of tornadoes got deposited where they weren't supposed to be.
And this was from a very slight change in the jet stream flow, coincidentally right above the HAARP facility.
These are the equivalent of giant Amazon rivers that they can direct as weapons.
And when you look at directing the natural flows on the planet and being able to turn
Energy that is tremendous.
I mean, the Earth itself produces tremendous energy potentials, but being able to turn those into a destructive force, that is what much of this new technology is about.
Well, Dr. Begich and Paul, let me ask both of you this.
You know, the globals will put cancer viruses and vaccines 250 times safe levels of mercury in some of the new vaccines.
You know, admittedly, we have that on the website right now.
Last week I was saying 215, it's 250, excuse me.
You know, letting the troops die to please uranium.
I mean, they practice this evil.
They don't care.
They manipulate the weather.
They genetically engineer and splice all this stuff.
It's like they're trying to create disasters.
Comments from, Paul, comments.
Well, and one thing that we reported late last year, there was an earthquake in the Iranian city of Bam, just after Christmas last year.
And HAARP was registered up to frequency to record levels right before that earthquake, and we've seen examples of that before.
But time again, with both Chemtrails and HAARP, I run into this kind of disinformational stance, which is this naive view that it's a benign program to combat climate change, when in fact one of the big patents for HAARP, which was held by ARCO Power Technologies, whose subsidiary actually was contracted to build HAARP,
I mean, in their patent, they describe it as an invention that would heat plumes of charged particles in the ionosphere.
Dr. Baggage, comments on that?
Absolutely correct.
In fact, the latest development is that particular subsidiary of ARCO was bought out by a chain of companies.
It was bought out by eSystems and then Raytheon, and now British Aerospace actually controls the intellectual property.
But talking about triggering
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions or weather changes.
There's a quote by Secretary of Defense William Cohen and it says, others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter climate, cut off earthquakes and volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
He made that statement at a conference on weapons of mass destruction and international terrorism back in 1997, many years before 9-11.
And what he suggested then was as a weapon of mass destruction that terrorist states could use electromagnetic energy in this way.
Well, we know that our government and other governments around the world also can use this type of energy in this way, and yet it's undetectable by virtually anyone else.
Now, this is all admitted, but then you tell the average person this, they laugh at you because, you know, we're in 2004.
It's not 1950, people.
We're in the future.
We're here.
Yeah, and this is, you know, this is right out of a DOD defense briefing from April 28, 1997.
It's something that's cited in the book, Earth Rising, The Revolution.
What did you think of the movie, Core?
Did you see that?
Yeah, you know, that's interesting.
Yeah, you know, up in Alaska, they've got this machine and they can control the poles.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and this is the same kind of concept.
You know, in fiction, writers, you know, they pick up on these concepts.
The idea was that... That writer had obviously read your book.
Sure, and you know, we see that a lot, and we've even worked with some folks on trying to develop that kind of information to get it out there.
But you know, when you see manipulation of the magnetic lines of force surrounding the planet, this is actually something that is done with the HAARP instrument, something that shows up in the military record, basically to try and use, again, natural systems as part of weapon systems on the ground, changing their character dramatically, and the effect on the whole planet,
Without clear knowledge of what those effects might be.
And these guys are doing this with genetic engineering, and every week some lab releases something.
It's only a matter of time before they release some weaponized bug.
Well, and you know, even by accident.
You know, think about the genetic experiments by accident.
Even if you look at killer bees as a very basic example.
You know, that was a genetic experiment in Brazil years ago that went sideways.
And it was just straight up breeding of
Uh, species.
Now you take a look at creating new forms of life deliberately, and then without knowing, again, the interactions, huge problems occur.
Well, it's like, it looks like Texas company Protegene, 96 locations, pharmacological quorum, and live AIDS virus in it, and that's in the AP one time!
That should be top story!
Yep, and again, you know, these stories tend to make little blips.
And that's where this kind of program gets those little blips on the radar screen and keeps them there.
And that's what we've got to do.
Make the changes by keeping them.
You bet.
Final segment, final comments from both of you gentlemen.
Folks, get your pens and paper ready.
I'll tell you how to get my videos, Paul Watson's book, Dr. Nick Begich's books and information.
I'll give you all the websites in the final segment.
So get ready.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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If you don't move, though, we will be totally enslaved.
We're already deep into the process right now.
I'm glad to see people are kicking and screaming.
Now that's good.
Dr. Bagich, how do folks get some of your new books or material and tell us about the website?
We have a website at earthbolts.com.
E-A-R-T-H-P-U-L-S-E dot com.
And we also have a toll free number which is 888-690-1277.
Again that's 888-690-1277.
We have a catalog.
It's free.
You can request it at that number, and we also have our books available there as well.
All right.
Paul Watson, you've got about a minute and a half, and then so do you, Dr. Baggett.
Final comments?
Well, I mean, we have to realize that we outnumber these people, you know, thousands to one.
And their military media complex is scientifically designed to ensure people never realize that.
You know, the only people that have ever changed history are these small groups of focused individuals.
And so I'd say, you know, we're only on this planet for a short time, and so the opportunity to kind of guide the course of the people that do follow us is one we should embrace and not be cowardly and just, you know, go ahead and take that opportunity.
Dr. Baggage?
Yeah, you know, I think it's really the challenges for all of us to recognize our own power as individuals to make change, and I think that starts with
Acting again on what we know to be right and true.
Faith is not a mysterious thing.
It's acting on what we know to be right and true and doing it in a way that is respectful and responsible.
And I think that's something that everyone that listens to these broadcasts can do.
Exercise your right as a created human being to help create a better place.
And that's by stepping up to the challenge and acting on what we know.
And I think that's really been, in the background of all of our work, the challenge that we all face together.
What these programs allow us to help stimulate is faith and confidence in the future rather than fear.
Well, there's no doubt that evil always implodes by its own nature.
The problem is it takes whole civilizations and millions of people.
With it, we're trying to avert that.
We're entering the critical phase of a decadent cycle, and the elite is attempting to bring in a tyranny that can never be removed or defeated, learning from the past, kind of the Orwell view that O'Brien exposes in the final pages of that work, that dystopic work.
I want to thank Dr. Nick Baggage for joining us, Paul Joseph Watson for joining us.
God bless you both, look forward to having you both back up in the near future, and have a great day.
You guys as well, take care.
Alright, take care my friends.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, Central Standard Time.
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