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Name: 20040614_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, another Monday, a whole week spanning out before us.
The 14th day of June, 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
In the second hour, we have joining us Michael Bagnerik.
He is the Libertarian presidential candidate, won out over to Aaron Russo and others.
That's in the second hour.
In the third hour, back from Italy, from the Bilderberg Group Conference, what is 26th year covering it, Jim Tucker from American Free Press will be giving us the inside scoop on the intelligence he got inside from his moles inside the Bilderberg Group.
So that's in the third hour.
And then tomorrow, we're going to be having a poll Joseph Watson on, who we normally have on, on Mondays.
A lot of other great big guests this week as well.
Jumping straight into the news, Treasuries fall as faster inflation may support Fed rate boost.
Now, if you don't care about economic numbers and the lending rate, you really should.
We'll be getting into that.
Also, gas prices dropped for the first time this year.
And months ago we found out, the Saudis even said that, oh, we've been asked to lower gas prices with the oil companies in Congress together, working together.
I don't mean in the U.S.
Congress, I mean together, you know, the Saudis and the oil companies working together in Congress.
And so Bush can get re-elected.
Well, really, it's bigger than that.
They squeeze us for a while, and they let off some of the pressure, but notice the gas prices aren't going back down to what they were two years ago.
No, they get it well above $2, then drop it down to $1.89, and you think, oh, this is just so wonderful.
And then you're trained, again, to accept higher prices.
It's just like the oil shortage.
That's admittedly a staged event back in the 70s.
Prices never went back down to what they were.
This is part of training you.
They jack up the price, then they lower it a little bit, and you consider yourself lucky.
But it never goes back to the previous level.
Also, they're going to put retina scanners in the airports.
They were talking about this, but people complained, oh, then it was just for foreigners, and oh, now it's for citizens.
Well, yeah.
I mean, they face scan and thumb scan people in almost all the states, so why wouldn't they do it to fly on airplanes?
This is Big Brother Control Grid going into place.
Also, out of the Times Union, Terror Inquiry snares art exhibit.
There was a well-known professor, a white guy, wasn't even an Arab.
He'd been in big trouble if he was an Arab.
Real discrimination there.
And he put on a display about genetically engineered crops.
You know, with some petri dishes and stuff for students that would come through.
I mean, this is pretty simple stuff.
It was an art display about genetically engineered crops.
Again, had some petri dishes and some beakers and things.
Well, the police came to his house because his wife, he's an older gentleman, had died of a heart attack.
They saw some Petri dishes and went ahead and arrested him.
Doesn't matter if there's video and photos of him at art displays about genetically engineered crops.
They're going ahead and got him under terrorism charges for this.
Pretty interesting.
Also, speaking of DNA, proposition to take DNA and arrest stirs privacy fears, mandatory sampling, on November ballot.
And this is out in California.
The problem is that they'll take that blood to frame you.
Remember a few months ago here in Austin, Texas?
They had troops at UT harassing people for their political views.
Plainclothes military secret police.
Finally hit Newsweek, but they say, you know, it might be needed.
No big deal.
Troops watching us, you know.
And just a bunch of other news.
I haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg.
Believe me, you're going to want to stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, my friends, across the United States, in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, all the ships at sea,
Listening to us on WWCR, Global Shortwave at 9475, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time during the day, back from 9 to midnight at 3210.
Blasting out on the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv and of course on a growing wonderful list of AM and FM affiliates across the land.
We have the presidential libertarian candidate
We're good to go.
It's one of the first to ever even report on it, back when it didn't exist twenty-plus years ago.
He's got inside scoops for us yet again, fresh back from Italy, and he'll be joining us in the third hour as well.
Our normal Monday guest, Paul Joseph Watson, webmaster for the Prison Planet websites, my websites, will be joining us tomorrow with his special reports.
Man, where to start?
There's a bunch of secret military police news articles about how they're watching us and taking care of us, and how they're going to take our DNA, and how it's good, and how Big Brother wants to help us.
I mean, every day I see Big Brother being recast as a helper.
Kind of like he was in 1984.
Kind of the view of the Ministry of Truth.
So we'll be getting into that.
Some good news, I guess.
I mean, U.S.
High Court lets public schools use Under God in pledge.
So if they can remove that, they can remove everything out of our system of government.
Though the Under God wasn't added until the last century.
Did you know that?
In fact, we don't even really have a pledge of allegiance.
But interestingly enough, they did create it, but I wish that there would be more fervent defense of the Bill of Rights itself.
I mean, it's good that people are defending the pledge, but how about we defend the Bill of Rights itself?
This is out of Bloomberg News, public school teachers can continue to lead
Recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance with the phrase, Under God, as the U.S.
Supreme Court threw out a challenge to the practice by a California atheist.
The justices, eight to zero, overturned a federal appeals decision that said a California school district violated the constitutional separation of church and state by requiring teachers to lead the pledge.
Five of the eight justices in California, atheist Michael Newdow, lack the legal right to do so, the court said.
Three others said the practice is constitutional.
Now, and if you want to read the case, it was the case is Elk Grove Unified School District versus Newdow, 02-1624.
If you want to go read it, we have a link to it on the website.
But look,
The same Supreme Court has held up Lord Bush and Hillary Clinton's campaign finance reform where I can't have, say, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America on my radio show 60 days before an election.
Of course, we're not going to follow that.
We'll do whatever we want.
It's called the First Amendment.
But people thought the Supreme Court would rule against us.
Oh, there's no way they'll, you know, allow this censorship.
You know, liberal groups can't have their non-profit environmental group on 60 days before an election.
But the corporations can give double the money!
That's your reform!
Silence the people, silence money individuals can give, silence the different organizations that are out there,
But double the amount of money corporations can give.
You know, the Supreme Court just loves that.
The Supreme Court's been ruling against the Second Amendment in different cases.
Other federal courts have been doing it.
The Supreme Court has been ruling against our borders and saying, oh, we can have open borders and, you know, trucks pouring across violating even our own laws.
State laws on traffic and maintenance of the vehicles.
The Supreme Court, across the board, says, hey, we don't have to pay you if we have a taking of your land, if it's taken as public domain.
The Constitution says the government can do that, but they have to pay you market value.
No, no, no.
I mean, there's all these Supreme Court rulings that are just horrible.
But then they'll do something like, oh, you can leave under God and the Pledge.
Because to them, it means nothing.
To them, it's just a way to look conservative.
You notice they even have these so-called liberals on the Supreme Court, you know, unanimously going along with this.
Meanwhile, they're going to go along with Bush's faith-based initiative, billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars a year to federalize churches, to turn them into government bodies.
And of course the churches aren't complaining.
They love that idea.
Talk about separation of church and state.
The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
That means the government isn't involved in the churches.
It doesn't mean that the government regulates and runs the churches and tells you what tax forms to fill out and tells you what you can preach from the pulpit.
But that's exactly what they're doing.
So the government's saying, oh, that means we're to run the churches.
That's separation of church and state.
We're to keep their ideas out of government.
No, it means government stays out of the regulation of religion, and religion does whatever it wants to.
I mean, and that is so strong in the First Amendment, that's why the Hopi Indians are allowed to take, you know, peyote.
Because it's part of their religion.
The government's drug laws don't even apply to Native Americans.
And frankly, they shouldn't.
Because that's the First Amendment.
But you see, the Indians, the Native Americans, can go out and take their hallucinogens all day.
The voodoo people can cut goats' heads off in their backyard.
They can do all that stuff.
But you, say, working at AT&T or Dell Computer or any of these places, can't have a cool cross at your desk.
But right next to you can be the Muslim moon and star or a Wiccan cross.
Folks, it's selective enforcement persecution against Christians.
And the so-called Christian leaders are too busy out-promoting the Patriot Act and the police state and world government to be involved defending the Christian population in America.
It makes you very, very angry.
So, just window dressing.
The U.S.
High Court lets public schools use under God and pledge.
Why do we even have public schools?
There shouldn't even be a debate about this.
Public schools, public brainwashing centers.
Oh my goodness.
You see, when everything's government, they have total government control.
But before I continue with all of this, let me give you the toll-free number.
We'll take a lot of calls in this first hour.
The point I was trying to make is this.
The Supreme Court, along with Congress and the President, Republicans, Democrats alike,
are dismantling America dismantling the Bill of Rights and Constitution and then having these giant debates over under God and the Pledge of Allegiance meanwhile Republican appointed judges and attorney generals elected uh... get rewards for going after Judge Roy Moore with the Ten Commandments situation in Alabama and then Bush nominates him for you know even higher courts because they persecuted Moore
There's the real action!
There's the real violation!
But you don't hear a discussion of that.
Oh, it's a praise Bush, the good Christian conservative.
Oh look, Bush is getting our oil prices lowered.
Yeah, his owners are the ones that jacked him up to begin with.
I mean, it's just pathetic.
Now, a few months ago, it was in the Wall Street Journal.
It was first in the local student paper.
In fact, I got a call on my TV show a week before it was even in the student paper, the Daily Texan.
I got a call on TV.
I didn't know if it was true or not.
They said, yeah, I was at UT at a peace meeting.
And there were these guys with shaved heads in suits, getting in people's faces, shoving them around, and they said they were there from the Army and we'd better watch it or we'd be arrested under the Patriot Act.
And I said, OK, send me some information.
Call local newspapers.
I don't know if this is true.
Sounds like stuff we've seen before.
Then a few days later, I remember it was four or five, six days later,
I get emailed the daily text in the student newspaper and it says, well the troops came in and threatened the Dean and demanded video of the conference and said they'd been there at the meeting and that was basically what we got in the mainstream news and the Wall Street Journal picked up on it and elaborated on it and it turned out to be true!
The Pentagon's spying on America!
Now it's in Newsweek, folks!
Now, by the way, for at least
I don't know.
15, 16, none work.
For 17 years, I've got news articles and interviews and documents that this has already been going on.
But then it was just thousands of troops in plain clothes.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, there are at least 100,000
Lane closed.
Sheep dip is what they call it.
Where they take a military operator who's taken the questionnaires and says they'll fire on Americans and done all this.
They will take them and put them outside the military but still under the military branch.
Kind of like special forces and delta force.
Where they're above the law and give them basically 007 powers.
And you will see 25 year old punks in suits driving Cadillacs around.
Harassing people, dealing drugs, framing mayors, running dirty tricks.
It's scary, people.
It's very scary.
And they're ballooning the numbers of these people.
June 21st issue.
This is the latest news week.
Last February, two army counterintelligence agents showed up at the University of Texas Law School.
Folks, I've been at rallies before and had these guys bump into me and threaten me and laugh at me and stick a potato in my tailpipe.
I don't know if it's these guys, but the same group.
It continues, last February, two army counterintelligence agents showed up at the University of Texas Law School and demanded to see the roster.
They threatened the dean, people, from a conference of Islamic law held a few days earlier.
Their reason?
They were trying to track down students who the agents claimed had been asking suspicious questions.
I felt like I was in law and order.
By the way, that was a separate event where they went to the peace rally.
The one getting the attention was the law school where they had military there talking and they didn't like the questions these guys asked.
So, multiple issues here.
We'll come back, get into the new freedom of the commissars, the political police.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, continuing with Newsweek and how they're about to radically expand the powers of the secret military police that aren't going to be secret much longer.
They're going to be talking to you and your family.
They're going to be organizing the neighborhood watch teams, the new Homeland Draft.
They're going to be our bosses.
They're going to be the police bosses.
Last February, two Army counterintelligence agents showed up at the University of Texas Law School and demanded to see their roster from a conference on Islamic law held a few days earlier, where the military spoke and they were confronted.
Their reason?
They wanted to track down students who the agents claimed had been asking suspicious questions.
I felt like I was in law and order, said one student, after being grilled by one of the agents.
Oh, the school offered him up to them.
The incident provoked a brief campus uproar and the Army later admitted the agents had exceeded their authority.
But if the Pentagon has its way, now put your ears on folks, if the Pentagon has its way, the Army may not have to make such amends in the future.
Without any public hearing or debate, Newsweek has learned.
Oh, you learned?
What's in the new Patriot Act?
What I call 2.5, because they passed Part 2 last year.
This is 2.5.
What they didn't pass in war.
Newsweek has learned defense officials recently slipped a provision into a bill before Congress that could vastly expand the Pentagon's ability to gather intelligence.
Oh, they've been gathering.
Inside the United States, including recruiting citizens as informants.
The Pentagon is going to have citizen informants.
They already do.
This is now the coming out of the closet, you could say.
Oh my goodness.
And man, I tell you, there's nothing like when you're out bullhorning the governor's mansion on a city sidewalk to have one of these guys bump into you and go, excuse me, and bug their eyes out at you.
There's nothing like having them working with the police trying to provocateur rallies to try to cause a fight so the black scheme-ass police across the street can attack the gathering.
It is not fun.
And I've been dealing with these people for eight, nine years, and I'm sick of them!
They're destroying this country!
Well, you don't support the troops?
You don't support them in plain clothes, sneaking around, harassing people?
Folks, this is it!
Okay, now, I'm telling you, conservatively, 100,000 of these goons, and as I told you, they're gonna have, they're gonna be over all the neighborhood watches, they already are in some areas.
And all crime is terrorism.
They're not going to find a real terrorist to fight, so it's going to be their bosses carrying out the terror.
So it's going to be harassing you and your family.
It's not enough to have the helicopters based out at Bergstrom here in Austin and in your town surveilling us every evening.
That's admitted.
I've had JAG officers on this show.
I've got family out there at the airport.
No, it's not just that.
No, it's going to be proactively in your life about your political views and what you're doing and what you're saying and
I mean, this doesn't intimidate me.
It makes me real angry.
So, this is the new America.
And they're announcing all of it now, so when their bosses carry out more terror attacks, they can say, see, it's needed, and you just follow the orders of these young men with their machine guns.
They're here to help you, driving around in their vans and their Crown Vicks and their Mercedes and they drive a lot of fancy vehicles around, driving around in their Suburbans, you know, playing, playing G.I.
Joe's Spy 007, harassing people that are fighting against the electronic voting machines, harassing people that are against these wars, harassing land rights activists, harassing Second Amendment rallies.
That's their new job!
Yes, that's what the military's for!
And I dug back out the Associated Press article and the London Guardian article about the $70 million in fake newscasts we're now enjoying here in the country.
$70 million buy!
Just one of the buys from the government.
We got General Eberhardt popping off a few months ago in the LA Times about how troops on the streets and watching you were good, and Tommy Frank spouting off about setting aside the constitutional government for military government.
I mean, they're talking about it!
Let me just give you a cue.
Military in plain clothes is even worse than regular military out on the street corners.
I mean, this is so East German, so Soviet, so Nazi, so Communist China, so Fidel's Cuba, so Nicaragua, it doesn't even... it is amazing.
I mean, I might as well try to transport myself back to 1980s Guatemala to live in this type of wonderful police state.
Just get in the time machine and go back to 1965 East Germany.
I mean, this is so un-American, so blatant, and now they want to, they already have turned them loose on us, but they now want to pass the law so they don't get embarrassed and in trouble when they do this.
And shame on you and the military that are doing this.
You know, they get young, young guys that are on power trips and give them, you know, the credit cards and the car and all this and they run around with their spy equipment and it's just, just so much fun.
But look at who your targets are, boys!
You know, you're not in Russia, you're not in China, you're not parachuting into North Korea to take, you know, infrared video of the concentration camps.
No, you're at the University of Texas harassing law students!
You are traitors and should be arrested!
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends, your calls are coming up here in just a few seconds.
A few minutes, I should say.
At 1-800-259-9231.
But, I mean, I really want you to comment on this, callers.
You can talk about whatever else you want, but will you first just comment on this?
Now, at first it was, again, on my TV show here in Austin, then the local student newspaper, then in the Wall Street Journal, now in Newsweek.
Now, let me just read this one more time.
The Pentagon!
Spying in America!
Last February, two Army counterintelligence agents, and it's a lot more than that, showed up at the University of Texas Law School and demanded to see the roster from a conference
...held the law school a few days earlier.
Their reason?
They were trying to track down students who the agents claimed had been asking suspicious questions.
I felt like I was in law and order, said one student, after being grilled by one of the agents.
The incident provoked a brief campus uproar, and the Army later admitted that agents had exceeded their authority, but in the Pentagon had its way, the Army may not have had to make such amends in the future.
Without any public hearing or debate, Newsweek has learned defense officials recently slipped a provision into a bill before Congress that would vastly expand the Pentagon's ability to gather intelligence inside the United States, including recruiting citizens as informants.
And these guys are actually outside the purview of the Defense Department.
They're under CIA control.
They've been around for decades, but now it's ballooning, exploding, has nothing to do with terrorism.
And again, I have been to, I went to two of the New World Order conferences, they were actually called New World Order conferences, at the LBJ Presidential Library last year.
One of my friends went to all five, Kevin Smith.
And there'd be 20 people with video cameras.
They'd walk over to me, threaten me, turn it off, we'll have you arrested.
I'd say, no, go ahead.
They'd leave me alone.
But the last three times, I didn't go.
They'd have CIA directors there, you name it.
And they would bump into Kevin, push him, shove him.
I had some of that happen to me.
You know, young guys with short haircuts and suits.
You know, we're here with the general.
We're here with the general, business general.
What is it?
It's over UT.
Looks like Darth Vader or something.
This guy just radiates evil.
And so that's the new America.
We've already had some fun with them.
You know, they're just there to make sure the higher learning institutions, you know, there's no rule against videotaping unless you're against this.
And then the troops are just going to tell you to shut it off and they'll arrest you.
It's all part of having troops.
And so this is the new America.
I mean, you ought to try being in a small town in northern Florida.
In Brooksville and having police and military in plainclothes threatening to arrest you, you know, for walking down the street.
Because you're, you know, exposing their Delta Force takeover drills.
And by the way, that's all in the takeover.
My second police state film.
I mean, this is what's going on, boys and girls!
And this isn't America!
Now, what do you think about this?
By the way, these articles are on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and
I know Paul Watson's listening from England, the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul, we all get the Daily Texan article from a few months ago, the Wall Street Journal from a few months ago, I think we have them saved, and this Newsweek article.
Let's post them all in a little section, because people can't believe this.
Also, post a little section if you can.
I'm giving orders here on the air, folks.
That's how busy I am.
I want to post a section
Take the New York Times, the Associated Press, and that London Guardian article about the $70 million in fake newscasts that are airing around the country.
People still can't believe that, even though we've posted it and it's been in the news.
I want to just, you know, these are key issues.
We've posted the cancer viruses and the mercury in the vaccine section.
That was done for you last week.
What happens is we post these every few weeks, and one of these articles comes out, and then it gets buried in the archives.
We're trying to put them all in subsections for you as resources.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Emmett, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Emmett.
Hello, Alex.
What's next in our institutions of higher learning?
Lecture shock to make sure that the students believe in the government?
Guy Trait or whatever, in the right way?
Yeah, well, let me ask you.
Here they are.
I've been laying this out for years in my films, but now it's just mainstream.
Well, the troops are going to be organizing your neighborhood watches, and watching you, and fighting terror and crime, and manning the cameras in your cities, and just playing close troops, driving around in black vans, grabbing people.
What's wrong with that?
Well, the city of Baltimore, Maryland, they're wired with TV.
Camera scanning for Homeland Security.
Every city is now.
All these cameras are wired through Homeland Security.
Now, last Thursday morning, three individuals were on After Dark with George Norrie, talking about 9-11.
And they didn't seem to get too far.
They were just, you know, like, guessing and moving around.
But then, Saturday morning, Art Bell, who would believe in outer aliens and so on,
He says, oh, 9-11, that wasn't a government thing.
There's no real concrete proof.
If the government had anything to do with 9-11.
This is Art Bell.
Yeah, I wish I could come on the show to talk about 9-11, because they specifically, you know, and George did let me talk about it some when I was on by myself.
When I was on the roundtable, it was all about secret societies.
By the way, they're going to re-air that roundtable July 1st, I'm told.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, but who knows?
Someday I'm going to get on there about 9-11, hopefully.
I've been, believe me, trying.
Have you, did you hear Tech's Mars program this weekend?
He talked about Nick Berg working with the Israeli Mossad to cause hatred among the Arabs.
No, I missed that.
Oh, that was excellent.
I'll have to get text on about that.
Yeah, that was excellent.
Very good.
Alright, what else is on your mind, Emmett?
That's it.
Thank you.
Alright, good to hear from you.
Look, I can only commend how much truth they're allowing out on that national show.
I mean, it really has shifted gears.
Before, they'd have about one, you know, guest about the New World Order out of ten.
Now it's five out of ten.
And a lot of powerful guests.
I mean, I'm impressed.
I have to admit it.
Russ in Alabama.
Russ, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Mr. Alex.
This is Russ in Alabama.
I heard a reading of that Supreme Court ruling regarding the pledge.
And I haven't been able to see it online yet, because I've got my line tied up, obviously.
What I heard was astoundingly alarming.
Evidently, this ruling was a pretext to rule against parental rights.
Because the quote that I heard of Gary Brownfield reading the article said that the Supreme Court ruled that this particular atheist
Did not have the authority to speak for his own child on whose behalf he was
Well, that's the point I was making.
While the government takes over the religions in the country, takes over the Christian Church, abolishes the Bill of Rights, and I do have the article here in front of me, it is true, that's why the liberals, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, voted for it.
I mean, wake up folks!
Do you really think that?
I mean, you know, what's wrong with you out there?
Oh, we can have under God, but yes, you're right.
Then there's the twist of, now there's no parental rights,
Great point.
I'm glad Brownfield made that.
I didn't hear him make it.
No, he didn't make it.
He glossed over it.
But he read this in the quote.
Now, interestingly, you know that this is a major departure from the entire common law traditions of this country and before.
Well, people, you know what?
This is a very serious, complex issue.
And frankly, I'm against pledges and oaths because the Bible says you're not supposed to do it.
but at the same time it's such a balkanized issues the so-called liberals act like they're against something when it was actually uh... it was a big socialist national magazine that brought forward the pledge and got this added
They bring it forward, and then under that pretext, we don't particularly have a problem with under God and all that.
I mean, I believe we're under God and all that.
We should be.
Then they can make us do other pledges, you understand?
And then kind of this East German lining up and chanting.
So it's a sophisticated issue, and overall I agree with you, and of course they did something bad in this, but people won't see that, and so why even talk about it?
Well, you know, in the freedom traditions of our country, the husband speaks for his wife and the parents speak for their children.
So they're taking the opportunity to appear to uphold God and eradicate, you know, 200, 300 years of common law tradition.
And here's an example of how that works.
The neocons come out and are for school vouchers.
The so-called liberals put on an act like they're against it.
But then I read their own policy reports, they love it!
Because that will federalize all the private schools and set up the curriculum there as well and bring control in.
And then conservatives go out and promote vouchers when it's exactly what they want.
You don't want a voucher.
You want a pure tax credit, folks.
But no, we're not going to have that.
We're going to have tens of billions of dollars of vouchers taken over the schools.
It's like a faith-based initiative.
Democrats act like they're against it, while covertly actually promoting it.
Federal control over churches.
It's incredible, people.
And the other point that's made is equally valid.
If you want to know what it is to pledge allegiance, just look up allegiance in a law dictionary.
It's sort of like everybody saying, I'll whoever, in the morning, the children being made to do it.
And that's an ancillary issue, but the parental rights thing is in your face, and oh my gosh.
Well, that's about it, Alex.
Yeah, I've actually got the lengthy ruling here.
Let me dig it out.
I'll try to find that quote.
I did scan over it this morning and had forgotten about it.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Thank you.
You can link through in this AP article about it and read the ruling for yourself on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You know, he's absolutely right.
And again, things are more sophisticated than just, you know, the issues they put out there.
They'll tell you one thing when it's really another.
And that is very, very interesting points that Russ just made, and I hope you were listening to him.
But this is all just very, very serious.
Eric, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Tennessee, Alex.
Welcome, go ahead.
How are you doing today?
What I was wanting to call about, I have actually got a whole lot of things on my mind, but I'll try to keep it brief.
First of all, I am so relieved that the week of deifying Ronald Reagan on the news is over with.
I tell you what, I thought I was watching a sequel to Weekend at Bernie's or something.
They wouldn't put the guy on the ground, would they?
They kept sitting there deifying him like he was a Soviet leader.
You know how the Soviet Union
When they were still in power, and they're in power now over here in the United States, they just moved from Russia to here, but I'll tell you what, they would sit there and they would be like 30 days parading the guy around over there, like Brezhnev and all them, and last week reminded me just that, that he was being deified, and our glorious leaders are now being put up on these super high pedestals that we have to start worshipping.
Well, my wonderful soul surviving grandparent
Uh huh.
And notice the so-called liberal media was out there praising him, and, oh, he's the best ever.
Because it makes you love the government.
It makes you love the system.
It's a huge boost for Bush in the polls.
That's right.
His dad up there crying, that was totally staged.
Yes, it was.
I mean, all of this is disgusting propaganda.
You know, using the memory of Ronald Reagan for their own age.
And it went on, and it's still going on.
Oh, I know.
They're still putting blips in.
But they also got the big benefit of covering up a lot of big news that took place last week.
Well, I didn't watch a lot of the different services, but I will read the transcripts.
A lot of Illuminati language in there.
A lot of weird statements.
It was something else.
Thanks for the call.
And again, Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush hated each other.
This was in major newspapers in 1980.
Reagan called him a globalist, trilateral commission member.
It's clear that the Bushes were intimately involved with the Hinkley's.
They've already gone over all this.
And to have Bush Sr.
I didn't see that up there crying.
It was just amazing propaganda, people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Connecticut.
Eric, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Greetings from Skull and Bones country.
That's right.
The Posse Comitatus Act seems to be getting run through the shredder more and more every day.
And I emailed you an article from my local paper, The New London Day, and it is a news article about what's going on in my own hometown of East Lyme.
Town National Guard Ponder Partnership.
The only plant currently under consideration calls for East Lyme to collaborate with the Connecticut National Guard and move its Police Department Fire Marshal's Office
Emergency Management Department, Dispatch Center, into a 37,000 square foot building at Camp Roland in Nianic.
And they go on and talk about the cost.
They talk about how they're going to set up cameras in town to monitor and surveil.
And they also... Did you send that to tips... tipsitinfourwars.com.
This is a big story out there.
When did you send this?
This morning.
Okay, also go to prisonplanet.com and it says contact Webmaster.
Email Paul as well to make sure that gets posted.
Now look,
I've seen this coast-to-coast.
Here in Austin, the old Berkshire Air Force Base was turned into an international airport.
And about a third of the base, a little under a third, is still a military base.
And they've merged the APD and a bunch of other offices in with the military, with the regular Army, National Guard, and the APD, as well as the Sheriff's Department.
And nationwide, they've run the cameras out of the command base.
And yes, military bases over every city.
And this is total martial law being set up right in front of us.
Please continue.
Thanks Alex.
They talk about the locals wanting to set up a Homeland Security liaison.
See, and that's what the Newsweek just said.
The secret military in plain clothes running your local neighborhood watch.
They said it's the country's first such municipal guard.
Yeah, they always say it's always the first and we're so proud it is not.
And you know what Alex, it's scary.
This is happening right now.
It's funny, I was about to say, does the article say we're the first?
It always says that.
Yeah, well it does right here.
Oh yeah, it says, the first such collaboration on a national, uh, first such municipal guard collaboration on a national guard base.
Total lie!
And you know what, it's scary Alex, because this is now, this stuff is happening in my own backyard.
Of course it's happening everywhere!
Yep, but you know, it's funny because now,
Now all of a sudden, people don't care until Errol Knox gets gored.
Oh, so people are starting to understand that having the entire city government under the military's control isn't a good idea?
And they talk about one of the local state senators, Melody Peters, the Democrat of Old Lyon, says it's going to save the town millions, Peters says.
It's going to save the federal government and the state money
By forming a partnership, it's just ideal because our biggest concern and threat since 9-11 has been the safety of the residents of this area.
Folks, folks, I just read Newsweek saying this, and oh!
So in that partnership, there's the ability to be able to respond quickly to more global issues besides just the local issues.
Hey, here's what you better do.
You better form a local group against it, hand out hundreds of flyers, thousands of flyers, explaining what it is.
You better have public showings of my police state videos, and you better do it now.
Yeah, well, I'm planning on it.
I'm also working on a letter to the editor of the paper.
Uh, exposing this and talking about this as well and explaining why this is not a good idea.
Well, it's the same thing all over.
I mean, these are the command bases and it even says the cameras are wired through it.
Wow, they're being quite honest.
Yeah, they actually say that and it's, you know, basically they're talking about the town being married to the Connecticut National Guard.
I mean, that's wonderful.
Why don't you tell us the news headline and the name of the paper?
It's the New London Day in Connecticut, and it's Town National Guard Ponder Partnership.
And I emailed it to tipsitinfoldwars.com, and I will send a link of this to Paul.
All right, very powerful information.
We'll be right back.
I think so.
We're good to go!
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Everything that is now happening, the secret military police, FEMA command bunkers being set up even before 9-11, now being peopled by troops, even foreign troops in some cases.
All of this is in Police State 2000, made in 1999.
Police State 2, The Takeover, made in 2000.
Police State 3, Total Enslavement, made in 2003.
It's all in the videos.
Video of it.
News articles.
Interviews with troops.
Troops threatening us on city streets to turn our cameras off.
Before 9-11, ladies and gentlemen, you need to have the videos.
You need to buy another VCR.
You need to buy seven tapes a week.
Hop them in there.
Make a copy every night when you go to bed.
Give it to your local talk show host, your mayor, your county commissioners, your authority, your lord, your masters.
Let them see the big picture, because most people are completely ignorant.
Oh, there's a federal grant.
The troops want to have this big building you can move into, this closed-down military base.
They're going to be in there with you, advising you.
We're federalizing, you know, New Orleans, because the police need help.
Oh, and Detroit, too.
See, it's all happening.
You need to have my Police State videos.
You need to have 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny.
You need to have Masters of Terror.
You need to have Police State, Three Total Enslavement.
You need to have Matrix of Evil.
Go to nfowars.com or prisonplanet.com and you need to get the videos and get them out to people.
It's so important.
We've got great books and other materials as well.
nfowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order or call toll free.
When you take action, and get the videos, and then make hundreds of copies in the next six months, and then tell people that you give them to to make copies, a hundred tapes can turn into five thousand tapes.
A couple thousand tapes can turn into hundreds of thousands of tapes, and then those turn into millions of videos by the time you get into third, fourth, fifth generation.
Get the videos, make the copies, and it makes this broadcast possible.
I mean, we've been here over the years laying out the plan, not because I had a crystal ball, but because I was studying the Globalist's own public documents.
Now, if you want to be a total slave, folks,
And be put in a FEMA camp for any misdemeanor.
Everything an act of terrorism.
Have your children drafted.
Have them running around in black uniforms bossing you around.
Just like out of 1984.
Then go ahead and go along with it!
You're gonna find out real fast!
I'm not been playing games!
This is not a joke!
This is not a drill!
This is it, people!
My videos give you the big picture.
Not a little piece here, a little piece there.
The big picture.
My 9-11 films give you the big picture.
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Not just, let's focus in on one piece for two hours.
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1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Clayton in Missouri.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, good morning Alex.
How you doing?
Pretty scary stuff going on.
Yes, it is.
It's getting scary.
You know, I was watching the news this weekend and they broke the story that what happened at Abu Ghraib was not an aberration.
They actually showed the Pentagon documents from two years ago, where they changed the definition of torture, where it basically allowed just about anything except killing them.
Yeah, that came out last week.
We covered it.
Just the Pentagon saying, we are above the law.
They actually said, we are above all laws.
And to connect in, are we going to a break?
Yeah, keep going.
Tex Morris was talking about Nick Berg, that he was a Mossad agent on the CIA payroll.
And the same Iraqi prisoners that were tortured were the ones that executed Nick Berg under the orders of the CIA.
Very interesting.
Stay there, we'll talk more about it.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into the second hour of global transmission against tyranny.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Michael Bagnerik, the Libertarian Presidential Candidate, a good friend of mine from out here in Austin, Texas, is joining us.
Then in the third hour, Jim Tucker from American Free Press, 26 years covering the Bilderberg Group, he just got back and has posted some new articles that we have on the website from the Bilderberg Group meeting in Italy.
That's in the third hour.
In the first hour, I got into this Newsweek article admitting that secret military police are going to run our neighborhood watch programs, are going to control our lives,
How they're harassing people at rallies, going after people.
A total, you know, Sovietization of America, Nazification.
And then callers call in going, oh yeah, the National Guard's taking over our police department, merging it, you know, with the new city building.
And the same thing here in Austin.
I mean, that isn't freedom, ladies and gentlemen.
But going back to Clayton in Missouri, I haven't heard the show.
People are saying Tex Marge was getting into Nicholasburg.
He supposedly got his head cut off.
All I know is that Nicholas Berg has a classic intelligent agent background.
He drops out of an Ivy League school with an almost perfect grade point average with a bag of electronic tricks to help people worldwide.
He works with a member of the Iraqi group that's been caught in smuggling things for organized crime.
He was also on the payroll of the State Department.
He works at Abu Ghraib Prison.
He's involved with two of the hijackers
On and on and on.
Then, where he supposedly gets his head cut off, it's the same color paint as Abu Ghraib.
He's sitting in the same white chairs they've got.
On and on and on.
All I know is it stinks to high heaven.
And top forensic experts, I mean, major university heads in the U.S.
have said the video's obviously fake.
Just from forensics, then video experts have looked at it and said it's fake.
So with that background, go ahead and say what you're going to say, Clayton.
Well, that's basically most of what Tex was saying.
That he was a low-level Mossad agent, but he was on the CIA payroll, which makes me wonder... He did have the Israeli passport, but what other evidence did Tex have that he was Mossad?
I think the evidence shows CIA.
Well, he was on the CIA payroll, but he was recruited by Mossad, which... I wanted to ask you the question, does this mean that our intelligence agencies are intertwined?
Of course they are.
But, I mean, if you want to know who the heart of it is, the big bosses, the real experts are the British.
They sit above our intelligence and Israel's below that.
And I want to ask a question.
Are intelligence agencies intertwined across the world, like the British MI6, the CIA?
To some degree.
So, yeah, they do cooperate and do black ops together.
But, yeah, he basically said that
He was sacrificed to deflect attention from the torture on the Iraqi prisoners.
He laid out, well he talked about it for about a half an hour.
It would be nice if you could get text on the air and go over it.
Yeah, I will.
Thanks for the call.
God bless.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Alan.
Alan, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
I will.
Let's put him on hold.
Let's put him on hold.
It's a big rule on Talk Radio to turn your radios off.
And we don't have time to go to calls right now.
We've got a guest coming up, but we'll go to your calls when Michael Bagnerik, the Libertarian presidential candidate, joins us coming up here in the next segment.
Then, of course, we'll get into Bilderberg Group in the third hour.
I've got a bunch of news on the interest rate, a bunch of key news on oil prices.
And we'll also get into just a ton of other police state news.
Plus, researchers exposed to anthrax.
We talked about this some on Friday.
This is out of the Associated Press.
This is another example of how dangerous these bioweapons labs are.
Every month or so I hear of some lab leaking something.
A Russian dying of Ebola in a foot and mouth in England.
West Nile here, botulism there, and now they're going to create even more deadly strains.
We know they're already created.
They say they're now creating them.
You know that means it was a decade ago.
At these level four bioweapons labs all over the country.
So we'll get into that as well.
The websites are infowars.com, prisonplanet.com, and prisonplanet.tv.
Stay with us.
The Libertarian presidential candidate straight ahead.
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And thank you for your support of our labors and of this network.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're now 8 minutes and 20 seconds into this second hour.
Thank you for joining us.
Again, next hour, Big Jim Tucker, American Free Press.
His 26th visit to the Bilderberg Group meeting.
He just got back from Italy.
Always gives us big scoops.
We're talking 10-12 months before they develop, because Bilderberg Group really does set much of the policy for the globe, for the world.
Over the next 50 minutes, we're joined by Michael Bagnerich, a good friend of mine, who has done a lot of great work.
He's a libertarian right here in Austin, Texas.
He beat out Aaron Russo, the libertarian presidential candidate spot.
And he's, I mean, I couldn't think of a better candidate.
Both those men were great.
And he is truly informed of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And I've got questions for Michael Bagnerik, how he would handle things, what he's going to use this powerful stump bully pulpit to get the word out.
And it's great to have him on with us.
Mr. Bagnerik, good to have you on, buddy.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good to talk to you again.
You bet.
I tell you, so many people, friends of mine, are out there just having huge effects all over the globe and this is really exciting and it's been great to see you on C-SPAN and see you getting the word out about the New World Order.
Well, we thank you for all the work that you have done and you have been just basically an icon here in Austin.
I commend you for all the hard work that you do.
Well, I don't want to go into it.
I mean, thanks for those kind of words, but I mean, Michael, you've done such amazing work.
A documentary you made with Chris Athanas a few years ago about the Constitution, I consider to be preeminent on that subject.
I mean, you have truly studied this thing up one side and down the other and put it into function in your daily life.
But before we go any further, just in a few minutes,
What was the process like as you were chosen by the delegates to be the Libertarian presidential candidate, beating out some formidable competition?
Well, Saturday was the debate, and I was under the impression that I had a 15-minute speech to give, and I had been preparing that.
And then discovered that I had a three-minute opening and a five-minute closing, which, you know, was fairly easy.
I was able to listen to Aaron and Gary Nolan give their answers most of the time, which gave me just a few minutes to prepare for my answers.
Now, showing my ignorance, a week ago the station was reporting that you had won, or was that just one round?
Well, that was the debate.
I clearly won the debate, just basically because my answers were short, to the point, and I constantly referenced the Constitution.
I was trying not to talk to the delegates in the convention, but to the people watching C-SPAN.
I was trying to deliver my message to non-libertarians, so that we can grow the party and make a real difference.
And apparently the delegates saw that, they saw how effective my answers were, and I was a come-from-behind candidate.
And the vote was taken on Sunday afternoon.
And what was the result of that?
Well, the result, there were actually three votes taken.
It was a very close race.
Aaron Russo, Gary Nolan, and I all came with 33% of the vote.
All three candidates got
Uh, roughly the same number of votes within, like, twelve votes of each other.
And so, the drama, the suspense, waiting for additional votes, and at the end, when the smoke cleared, I had come ahead and beat Aaron Derouso in the third vote.
How did Aaron take that?
Aaron was very graceful.
Aaron and I have been friends for as long as he's been in the campaign.
The people from the Aaron Russo campaign have been helping the Badnarek campaign.
The same is said for Gary Nolan.
In previous libertarian conventions, the membership has become, you know, divided and split because of hard feelings as to who won the candidacy.
And I fully admit that I was not everyone's
First choice.
But I think that I was everyone's favorite second choice.
And when I won the nomination, I think that 80 or 90 percent of the Libertarian membership was fully behind me.
We are pulling the party together.
We're developing a large amount of energy and synergy as all of these previous campaigns start to working together.
And we are having a huge media that people are calling to find out about the come from behind candidate.
And I point out that if I can come from behind in our party nomination, that there is a possibility that I could come from behind in the election.
Well, Mike, I have no doubt that if they actually let you on the stage with the two cousins, the two Skull and Bones members, that you'd wipe the floor with them.
If you were given proper media attention, I have no doubt that you wouldn't be our next president.
Four of the CIA voting machines didn't get in the way.
But, bottom line, you'll be able to educate tens of millions of people in the process, and grow the Libertarian Party, and get more of what I would call Constitutional Libertarians, that's kind of the more conservative Libertarians, I would put you in that strata.
That's my job, and I appreciate you having me on the show.
What I'd like to do is point people to our website, lp.org, which is obviously for Libertarian Party.
They can also call 1-800-Libertarian.
And we will be happy to send you more information about my campaign and about the Libertarian Party in general.
I'd like to keep you with us for a while so we can take calls and get more into your platform.
But first off, you're here in Austin.
A couple months ago, secret military police out harassing people, threatening them at the law school just because they asked a general a serious question about the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib.
Even before that was breaking in the news, folks, they brought up the mistreatment and they got pretty shook up by that.
I've been at meetings at the LBJ Center where we had the military in plain clothes bumping into us, harassing us, telling us we can't videotape while everybody else can.
Newsweek reports that they're going to set up military garrisons in the cities, have them running neighborhood watch.
The total violation of the Tenth Amendment and the Posse Comitatus Act.
Number one, I'm sure you're aware of all this.
How would you counter this if you were president?
What we need to do is we need to scale back federal power.
We need to, in most cases, give that power to the state and in several other cases give that to the county governments.
We, the people, ordain and establish the Constitution.
We invented Congress and therefore they work for us.
Clearly they are acting.
As if they work, you know, as if we work for them.
And so, as you said earlier, my job is to spread the libertarian message, teach people about the Constitution, so that we, the people, can take back our cherished Republic.
And, I mean, the Patriot Act 1 and 2, now they've got 2.5 because they passed part of 2 last year, now they're trying to pass the rest and more.
I mean, speak about the Patriot Act, your knowledge of it, and how you're going to try to educate people on that subject.
Well, the Patriot Act is the most egregious named piece of legislation.
It is anything but patriotic.
It violates the Fourth Amendment because, theoretically, government agents could come in and do a search of your home without a warrant.
Which violates the Fourth Amendment.
The Sixth Amendment protects your right to assistance of counsel.
And according to the Patriot Act, theoretically, they can label you a terrorist, throw you in jail with no indictment, no time frame, no phone call, no assistance of counsel.
And the truth of the matter is that in the United States, we are innocent until proven guilty.
So, in reality, you are not a terrorist until after the trial.
Well, that's a good point.
I mean, I say this every week because it's true.
They can say black people are slaves again, but we're not to follow that law.
That's an abhorrent law.
How do we judge which laws are proper to follow and which aren't, Michael?
Well, we, the people, need to become more familiar with the Constitution.
The purpose of the Constitution, and the only purpose, is to protect your rights and your property.
Any time that the government is doing anything to take your property, for example, coming into town and using eminent domain to take your property, they will condemn a perfectly good building and then sell it to some corporation so they can make another billion dollars.
In fact, all over the country they've caught big real estate firms controlling city councils, stealing elderly people's homes.
They seem to, like wolves, target weaker members of the flock.
And the sad thing is that the people that we have elected to protect our rights are precisely the people who are taking advantage of those rights.
You know, abusing a child is certainly considered reprehensible, but when it's a parent or a babysitter, someone who has taken the responsibility or has the responsibility to protect those children, when the person responsible for doing the protection is the same person violating
The child.
We just consider that more reprehensible than normal.
And so our people elected to office have a fiduciary responsibility.
They're obligated to protect our rights.
It's not just a good idea.
It's the law.
And it's the big law, not some regulation they pull out of a hat.
That's correct.
And we, again, we the people have created Congress.
They started out working for us, and over the course of time,
We the people have become lazy.
Every one of your individual rights has an associated responsibility.
I may have a right to keep and bear arms, but I have a responsibility to make sure that you don't get hurt with that weapon.
I have owned my own life.
I am responsible for treating myself.
I'm responsible for putting a roof over my head.
Well, I am also responsible for saving for my own retirement.
When we gave that responsibility, or where our parents and grandparents gave that responsibility to the government, you know, the social security system, nobody feels secure.
And that's because we have given someone else the responsibility to care for us, the government has fallen down on the job, and now we are suffering the consequences.
I want to talk about your platform and then get your take on some of the current issues that are developing and taking place, but
We've seen the size of government explode under Bush, explode under Democrats.
I mean, it's got to be more obvious than ever that we don't even really have a two-party system.
Well, it's clear to me, and, well, we do have a two-party system.
The first party are the Democrats-Republicans.
The second party are the Libertarians.
The Republicans and Democrats want to increase your taxes, increase the size of government, increase the number of regulations that violate your rights.
Libertarians want to lower taxes or eliminate them.
We want to eliminate regulations that deprive you of your liberty to decide how to live your life.
We want to make the government smaller.
Michael Bagnerik, LP.org.
Stay right there.
We'll be back after this quick break.
Get into more of these key issues and take your calls at 800-259-9231, presentplanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We got calls from Hawaii and Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, many other great places around America for Michael Bagneri, the Libertarian presidential candidate.
Coming from behind, because of his eloquence, his intelligence, believe me, I've got a chance to watch him on local television about 50 times, and he's very impressive, knows his stuff.
Because when you know your stuff, you know when somebody else knows what they're talking about, and sometimes his knowledge of certain subjects even plumbs the depths past mine.
We can all learn from each other, and I think you'd make a great president, but bottom line, he's going to have a great chance to educate a lot of people.
Now, we'll go to your calls, I promise, in the next segment, so be patient and be ready and be at your phones.
But, Mr. Bagnaric, continuing, let's talk about the war in Iraq, the draft, the Second Amendment, and electronic voting machines.
But first off, the war in Iraq.
Give us, in a nutshell, your take on that.
Well, the war in Iraq is unconstitutional because it was never declared.
Iraq has never attacked the United States.
They have no Air Force and no Navy.
There were no weapons of mass destruction found.
And they are really not the threat that George Bush told us that they were.
And the United States is basically there throwing their weight around for no good reason.
We were told that Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban were the ones who brought our World Trade Center down.
And I don't know necessarily that that's true, but that's the information that we were told on television.
So we should send our military after Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.
Not transferring all of that energy to another country that had little or nothing to do with that attack.
But we can't go after Bush's business partners!
Well, you know, one of the things that the Constitution allows us to do is to do national defense.
It does not give us the authority to do international offense.
And I think that it's not fair to the American taxpayer for them to be spending their hard-earned money to have our military protecting Germany, Japan, Korea... Well, they've already spent $400 billion off military budget, which is $400 billion, incidentally, a year by itself, so $800 billion in the last year and a half.
It'll be over a trillion
Coming up here in just another year or so.
All of that just so they can have the three trillion in oil that's in Iraq.
What would you do with the Iraq situation?
I mean, it's clear that they've appointed a puppet government, and then our government has the nerve to call that democracy.
So address that and also the difference between a democracy and a republic.
Well, first of all, we are making the claim that they have sovereignty.
But that's not true if the American military can ignore their sovereignty and, you know, trump any motion that they want.
We in America love our freedom, we love to be free, and we don't allow anyone else to tell us how to live our lives.
We need to have the same respect for the people of Iraq and let them decide how to live their lives.
But it's like, let's say if you were my employee or I was your employee, and then you said,
Yes, it is definitely a use of power that is not authorized by the Constitution.
You're asking me about the difference between a republic and a democracy.
Most people are surprised to learn that we are not a democracy.
That word does not appear in the Declaration or the Constitution anywhere.
We are a constitutional republic.
And the difference is that in a democracy, you can vote on anything.
You know, my friends could get together, we can vote to take away your land, which means you have no rights.
In a republic, the rights of the minority,
Individual rights and private property are sacred, and a unanimous vote cannot take property away from someone.
And I'll go back to the issue of slavery.
If 51% of the white people say, let's make black slaves again, in a democracy, ladies and gentlemen, that happens.
And that's what always happens in a democracy.
I can get together with the town, get 51% and say, we're going to make the other 49% of you our slaves, that will happen.
And that's why Republicans and Democrats promote democracy, because then if 51% on the new CIA voting machines say there's no Second Amendment, that happens.
That's right.
Rosie O'Donnell and her million moms went to Washington in March with the idea that if they just got enough votes, that they could take away my Second Amendment rights.
Well, if Rosie O'Donnell can vote away my Second Amendment, another group of radicals can go to Washington.
51% can vote away your freedom of religion.
They can vote away your freedom of speech.
The Bill of Rights does not give you your rights.
You have your rights because you are alive, because you are born.
The First Amendment does not say you can go to any church you want.
The First Amendment says, Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.
So, the Bill of Rights are further restrictions on government power.
We need to remind our politicians that that is true.
Okay, we'll get into the draft, the Second Amendment, and the voting machines when we get back.
But first, we'll go to these loaded phone lines, 800-259-9231, lp.org, to check out Michael Bagnerich.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends, it's Monday.
We've reached the halfway point in this global transmission against tyranny.
I'm honored to have the presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, Michael Bagnerik, joining us.
You can check out his platform, his ideas, at lp.org.
We're about to go to these loaded phone lines, and we'll get into the Bilderberg Group with Big Jim Tucker in the next hour as well.
We're going to go to your calls in just a second, but the draft situation, let's talk about that briefly, because draft is indentured servitude, it is slavery, and now this new draft isn't just where they grab some 18 to 21 year olds, they're talking 18 to 49, some of the bills, 18 to 26, professionals,
You'll have to serve here domestically as part of these tattletale squads.
Our government literally is setting up kind of like a puppet government, like they're doing in Iraq, with little local military bases merging with the police departments.
So please speak to the draft.
Well, the Libertarian Party and I are adamantly opposed to the draft.
I do believe that it is slavery.
If we have a genuine threat to the United States, I believe that many, many people will voluntarily sign up for the military to help protect our liberty.
Anytime the government has to force you,
To go and fight.
That's a real clear indication that the general population does not support that military.
But isn't the government the boss and we work for them?
Isn't that what freedom's about?
Where you're a slave and the government tells you what to do?
Well, clearly not.
The preamble says we the people ordain and establish the Constitution.
We invented government, and they work for us.
It doesn't say, we the authorities, we the... You know, government now calls us civilians.
Mayors even call us civilians.
That's a dangerous piece of nomenclature, is it not?
Yes, it is.
And I am here to run this campaign, to challenge the idea that Congress can tell us what to do, that they can run our lives.
I am here to put forth the idea that the Constitution does not apply to us.
It applies to government.
It puts limitations on the government.
It does not give you your rights.
And it is time for someone to stand up and speak the truth.
And that is what I'm attempting to do.
To teach people about the Constitution.
To teach them about their rights.
And to put government back in its place as the servant of the people.
How do folks get involved in your campaign?
Well, they can visit my website at badnarik.org.
That's B-A-D-N-A-R-I-K.
They can start talking to their friends.
The idea that we are not supposed to talk about religion or politics in social circles is a lie.
If we started talking more about politics, then we wouldn't have these problems.
Oh yeah, people aren't stupid.
They're focused in on issues of no significance.
The average male knows all about how to guzzle beer and watch the football game.
But does it spend any time knowing what his rights are, or what his children's rights are?
And same thing for women.
If we started spending a little more time being informed, we'd find out, number one, that our rights have been violated, we're being enslaved, and number two, that it's exciting to be informed, it's exciting to be involved.
Is it not, Mike Lumme?
You started your fight a few years ago, and now you're a presidential candidate for the third largest party in the country.
And it's very exciting, it's exhilarating, and I am having so much positive effect.
People are coming up to me, asking me questions, they like our platform.
Everyone loves Liberty, and when they find out that there is a political party that is actually trying to protect your rights, trying to help you retain your liberty, they also get very enthusiastic.
So, I'm seeing a great deal of support.
People can contribute to my campaign at Amazon.com.
Amazon.com has a place where you can vote for any of the presidential candidates.
I am currently running third, and I am only a few thousand dollars behind George Bush.
So it would gather a whole lot of publicity if your listeners would go to Amazon.com to contribute, put me ahead of George Bush,
And then I think ABC and CBS would start to contact me because of the impact.
Is there a link at Bagnaric on the website to that?
I believe there is.
You can go to Bagnaric.org and you can also contribute directly at Bagnaric.org.
So, they've kind of got a contest going on Amazon.
There's a big contest on Amazon.
I am currently in third place, but I was in third place when I arrived at our national convention.
And, you know, I was not, admittedly,
Everyone's first choice.
But I was everyone's favorite second choice.
And when the voting started going back and forth, and people realized that Gary Nolan was no longer an option, they selected me as their second choice, and I was able to inch out Aaron Russo.
And the wonderful thing is that all of the Libertarian Party has now come together behind my campaign.
We have a lot of energy, a lot of synergy, a lot of cohesiveness,
That we did not have after some of our other conventions.
All right, let's go to some calls.
And we'll go ahead and try to go to Tennessee and speak to Allen in Tennessee.
Allen, go ahead.
You're on the air, Allen.
Okay, that's the second time we tried to go to him.
We'll go ahead and let him go.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Hawaii.
Michael, go ahead.
Yes, thanks Alex.
I've got a question for Mr. Badnarek.
What's the difference between... First off, I want to say I really enjoy his answers, Alex, like you said.
Clear, concise, and it's so refreshing to hear a constitutional basis for the answers to questions that a candidate is given.
I'd like to ask Mr. Badnarek, what's the difference between his party, the Libertarian Party, and the Constitutional Party?
Well, we have very many similarities.
We all talk about the Constitution.
The Libertarian Party stops at the Constitution.
The Constitution Party takes it one step further and goes to the Bible.
And I am fully in favor of the First Amendment.
I support everyone's freedom of religion.
And if someone believes in the Koran, I think that's just as valid.
That is a decision that you make with your Creator.
And so I'm a libertarian because I believe that that supports freedom of religion just a little bit better than the Constitution Party does.
All right.
Anything else, Michael?
That's it.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
Chris in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
Mike, congratulations on it.
I'm glad you got in the nomination.
My question is, is the bureaucracy of the public school system getting the federal government completely out?
And that would be one of your top priorities, right?
Oh, absolutely.
We started the Department of Health Education and Welfare back in 1953, and last year we just experienced 50 years of government control of our schools.
In the 50s, American students were number one in math and science.
And today, we spend ten times as much per student, and our students are functionally illiterate.
We're behind every industrialized country, and behind a bunch of third-world countries, and if you follow the graph of federal spending, the test scores drop along the line of the graph, and that's because, by design, and I've had former heads of the Department of Education on this show, they have handbooks on how to dumb people down.
This is by design.
The Department of Education is unconstitutional.
There's no authority for the federal government to do that.
And we should eliminate that department simply because they're inefficient.
The only way to get real education is to put the curriculum back in the hands of the parents and teachers, the people who know the children, who care for the children.
A parent has a responsibility to teach their children values and teach them to grow up to be good citizens.
If parents give that responsibility to government,
It's little wonder that our children grow up not having the values that we want them to have.
Okay, anything else from Kentucky?
Yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and spread the word about this.
I'm really pumped up and I've got a former congressman who does a radio talk show and I'm going to mention about this and see if he can get you on as a guest.
Oh, excellent.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, that's a way to really help Michael McNair and his constitutionally-based libertarian platform.
I think he's one of the best libertarians out there.
He doesn't go too far into the left or into the fake neocon side of things.
And yeah, help get him on other radio shows.
That's a great way to reach millions of people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Richard in Alabama.
Richard, you're on the air.
Michael, I want to hear your position.
Okay, that's the tall order.
The court systems that we have in the United States are fairly corrupt.
They are the ones that are supposed to be protecting our rights, and they're not.
We need to have fully informed juries.
John Jay was one of the writers of the Federalist Papers, he was the first Supreme Court Justice, and his instructions to the jury were that they were supposed to decide the facts of the case and also to determine the law, to determine whether a particular law was applicable in that situation.
Today, judges routinely instruct the juries
There are countless examples where a judge won't let the jury see the law, he will tell them how to rule.
That's right, and even when juries find someone not guilty, there have been cases when judges overrule... That was the Waco criminal case in 94.
They were found not guilty, but the judge said, well, I find you guilty of using weapons in the commission of a crime, but they were found not guilty of all the crimes.
And when our government, when our judges overturn the law and they take the law into their own hands, they literally become outlaws.
And we the people are the source of all political power.
The jury system is the strongest check.
I don't
Contradicting what the judges are currently doing.
I hate to, yeah, these petty tyrants.
I hate to hurry you, but try to answer those other two questions.
We've got a lot of calls.
The immigration, basically on free trade, we believe that people should be free to come and go.
The United States is the greatest country in the world because during the late 1850s and early 1900s, millions of people came from Europe.
Uh... the Jews, the Polish, the Italians, I mean everybody came here, they set up their little businesses, and they all came with the clothes on their back to get a small... Okay, right there, right there, let me stop, because I've had a chance to hear you talk about this for an hour, and it made sense, but...
You have to go through the rest of the policies or people won't understand.
If we had a true free market, if Mexico had a true free market, if China had a true free market, if the government wasn't paying massive welfare and putting ads in foreign newspapers to get the people to come here, the market would keep it from happening by the tens of millions that then drives down our wages.
So because we don't have a free market, we cannot allow open borders, plus there's the security issue.
Speak to it, please.
That's true.
And our free trade agreements, NAFTA and GATT, are called free trade, but what they do is they create a hostile economic environment which forces companies to move their manufacturing and jobs elsewhere.
Yeah, so NAFTA's 14,000 pages long.
I mean, that's not free trade.
That is not free trade.
And people say, well, Americans couldn't possibly compete with all the slave labor in China, which is ridiculous.
In the United States, we have technology, we have automated assembly plants, and you cannot make me believe...
That our American technology cannot produce better products faster at a cheaper cost.
But the elite have shut it up to where that won't work.
Where China can have a 42% tariff on us, we have a 2% on them.
So at this point, Michael, and we certainly can't allow 20-something million people here who aren't documented just to do whatever they want, can we?
No, we can't.
And the fact is that during the
immigration of the 1800s and 1900s.
We have policies at Ellis Island, which made sure that people who were coming to this country were not known criminals, so they did not have diseases.
And there were a certain percentage of people at Ellis Island who were turned back and sent back to Europe.
But for the most part, anybody who wanted to come here to work hard, to increase their own standard of living, and to help make the United States a great country, which is exactly what happened.
So you would stop the welfare, and then that would cut out about 80% of it?
Welfare is theft.
If I take $100 for you at the point of a gun,
That's theft.
If I spend that $100 on ice cream for orphans, that does not suddenly, miraculously... Okay, so what would you do at the point, though, of, while it's set up like this, not a free market, you know, we have to control the border, deport the people who are here illegally by the tens of millions, and then fix the internal mechanisms before going back to, I mean, trying to get back to a free market.
What do you say to that?
Well, I'm not sure exactly what the sequence is.
I'm just basically trying to spread the message
I would have a lot of people on my cabinet who are smarter than I am about the economy and smarter than I am about the military.
I would surround myself with people who have studied this.
I've studied the Constitution.
I know that my powers as President would be limited.
We're supposed to have a system of checks and balances, and right now, Congress passes unconstitutional laws, the President rubber-stamps them, and the Supreme Court, you know, willfully misinterprets them.
Yeah, they don't even read it.
Thanks for the call, Richard.
Quickly, folks, Regina in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Regina.
Hey, Alex, how about if he hires you for that consultant, please?
We need it bad.
Mr. Bednarik, I just wanted to say real quick, remember when the Trade Promotion Authority was passed, they gave Bill Clinton that fast-track trade authority,
Uh, the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 says that the Congress is to regulate trade.
So, you know, when we say all these things, let's keep in mind we already gave everything away, and I want to ask you... That's what he just said.
We've got to go back to the limitation, the separation of powers.
Well, I wouldn't give it to anybody else.
I wouldn't refer it to any other entity other than him to make the decisions, because I don't trust the guy.
No, no, but see, that's how this starts.
He has to reduce his authority immediately to get back to the Constitution.
Okay, I want to ask him real quick here.
Number one, I want to try to get his petition signed in Pennsylvania because I am excited about this, but I just want to put a heads up on this.
I don't know if this is something that's just a small detail that isn't being resolved, but somehow the people that have the petition don't have your name as the first person.
If you could answer, if you know anything about this, tell me what to do.
The second question is, this whole thing now,
It seems to me that every time that we have somebody like, you seem to be not so much, I believe, into this.
I've listened to Alex.
No sales tax.
No national sales tax.
Now we have this movement, HR 25.
It's being pushed by the Christian Coalition.
They got their words out.
They got their flyers out.
And I just read it, and it made me kind of sick, because basically our little mouthpiece up here in the Pittsburgh area, who pushes everything that's Republican, this is after they threw our country away.
Yeah, I gotta let you go.
Ballot access, getting Libertarians on the ballot everywhere where they've been thrown off, and then secondarily, this new sales tax meant to run in tandem with the income tax.
Go ahead.
The ballot access laws in Pennsylvania are horrendous.
They violate freedom of speech, basically, by preventing the Libertarian Party from being on the ballot.
They force us to jump through hoops.
It's the same as giving blacks the right to vote, but then having poll taxes and Jim Crow laws that make that impossible to follow through.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation inside the Bilderberg Group, coming up with Big Jim Tucker, fresh back from Italy.
We'll find out how his attempted infiltration went.
Now we got loaded phones, trying to get as many of you in here.
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All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
So stop doing nothing.
And go to lp.org and check out Michael Bagnerik or his website.
We'll plug here in just a second.
Uh, Rich in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Michael and Alex.
Uh, Michael, are you a born-again Christian and what is your personal position on abortion and what is your party's position?
Uh, appreciate your answer, buddy.
Okay, um, I will refuse to answer religious questions because Article 6 of the Constitution says that no religious test will be taken.
What you need to know is that I will defend your right to religion.
So if I were to, for example, say that I was Buddhist, which I'm not, but all the Buddhists would be in support of me and, you know, other religions would not.
So I refuse to answer that question.
I will definitely defend your religion.
The Libertarian Party believes that a woman owns her body, and that she has a right to choose.
I understand that this is a controversial issue, and it will remain so until we can determine... Well, I went to a Libertarian meeting a few months ago, and they believe a woman has a right, but that the baby is separate from her, and it has a right.
And so there's a large debate raging in the Libertarian Party concerning that.
That's right.
The Libertarian Party is split.
There's a large group of Libertarians that are opposed to abortion.
Our official party platform is that, at this stage, that a woman's body is hers.
And that is really the question.
When does the baby take ownership of its body?
When does the baby's rights begin?
Well, I certainly believe it's a human being and then it moves into the whole eugenics field from there and we need to stop the practice.
Let's go ahead and make another quick call here.
Let's talk to, who's up next?
Brooke in Rhode Island.
Brooke, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thanks Alex and thanks Michael for taking my call.
I have a question for you and I'd like to know what is your position on Masonic Affairs
Basically, the private secret intelligence agencies are mafias.
Your comments on those?
Well, I believe that we the people own this government.
They work for us.
Anything that is secret is suspect.
I mean, you can have your privacy at home for your personal life, but when you take an oath
To protect and defend the Constitution, to protect other people's rights, to have any other oath that would supersede that would definitely be a conflict of interest.
Yeah, that's a good point, I agree with that.
Last caller we have time for, Wesley in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Hi, this is Wesley from Eastern Tennessee.
How are you today?
We've got about 30 seconds, I'm okay.
Can you hold me over?
Oh, Mr. McNair has to leave us now.
Do you have any questions or comments?
Yeah, I was just going to say, that's kind of a cop-out about that answer about what religion he belongs to.
Everybody said that when Jack Kennedy was elected that the Pope was going to run the country, and we know that was a bunch of malarkey.
Well, I think Michael... I mean, we're just having him on so you can hear his views.
I think he doesn't want to get into the whole Balkanized situation.
We're playing people off against each other.
He's saying he'll defend everybody's rights.
And I would hope that would include the unborn, but that's a debate in the Libertarian Party.
I've got to let you go, Wesley.
Michael Bagnarek, great having you on.
What's your website?
Uh, my website is Bagnarek.org.
And they can call 1-800-686.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into the third and final hour.
We've got Big Jim Tucker, American Free Press.
26 years of infiltrating the Bilderberg Group.
Fresh back from Italy.
Joining us here in just seconds.
I'll definitely have to have Michael Bagnarik, Libertarian Presidential Candidate, back on here in the near future so we can take more of your phone calls and have more of a debate and see where he stands on the issues.
But just briefly, Michael, I appreciate you holding through.
Just give out your website and phone number one more time for those that missed it.
The phone number is 800-682-8000.
1776, and they can also contribute at Amazon.com.
Okay, and can we have you back up next week for an hour or so to take calls?
I would certainly hope so.
I will put that into my publicity guy, and I'd love to do that.
Okay, God bless you and take care.
Thanks for all the work that you're doing, Alex.
You bet.
We'll see you, Michael.
Yeah, I've told him on air just in the last segment I disagree with the
Very good.
It's nice to be with you.
Bill Lindberg, as you know, is an organization of international financiers, political leaders from all over Europe and North America.
They try to hold a secret meeting each year at a different location.
This year it happened to be in Strasa, Italy near Milan.
And my job is to make it not secret.
And it's a lot of fun.
Now, I only know of one other newspaper reporter, and that was in the 50s, what, 54 that talked about it?
Westbrook Tegeler.
Yeah, for 26 years, though, you've been the preeminent person exposing it.
You've snuck in many times.
It's been on national television, you being chased by the Secret Service types.
Tell us about Jim Tucker.
Then we're going to break and come back and give us the info you got this year from Bilderberg.
Well, I'm a fat 69-year-old paper boy.
Spent my first 20 years with daily newspapers.
And until 1975, when I was first being interviewed at Liberty Lobby for the purpose of getting pregnant and creating spotlight, I'd never heard of Bilderberg.
And I was absolutely shocked.
At first, I didn't believe it.
Right-wing conspiracy theory or something, but it's so well documented that I became a believer immediately and outraged at the fact that I could hold high positions with daily newspapers for 20 years and not know that the Bilderberg existed.
And for the last, I guess more than 26 years then, how long have you been covering Mildenberg?
Oh, since about 1980, physically.
Before that, for the first five years at Spotlight, I presided over coverage.
Of others, and then I started doing it myself.
So we're talking 25, 26 years plus.
Now again, if we have 100 Hollywood stars meeting in secret, it would be besieged by helicopters and news media, but you've got 140 or 120, depending on what year, and about another 100 minions meeting in secret, and we're not supposed to talk about it.
We're weird if we ask questions.
It is something the establishment press simply cannot answer.
Many times in the National Press Club in Washington, just mingling with other paperboys, I would put exactly the same question.
120 film stars, 120 NFL football players, beating behind armed guards in a sealed off resort for three days.
You would try your best to find out what's happening.
You'd climb fences, you'd go through drain pipes.
You would try your best to find out what transpired.
Now that may be significant to football fans, of which I'm one, or to movie fans, of which I'm not.
But certainly, when 120 of the world's most powerful men meet secretly to make decisions that affect you and me and most of the people on earth, there's no curiosity whatsoever.
And many of them frankly told me they wish they could.
And today,
First time I was back in Washington with the American Free Press in my hot little fist.
I've only packed away 20 knowing that down at the press club today, I'll have to give away 20 copies to the press.
Stay there!
We got a break.
We'll come back and talk about it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, eight minutes into the third hour.
Jim Tucker is very busy, but he's going to be with us for the next 50 minutes until the end of the broadcast.
We're honored to have him.
We're going to take calls later in the hour if you want to go ahead and get lined up to talk to him.
It is not possible to toot his horn properly.
I mean, to give him enough laurels, my friends, Jim Tucker, for 25, 26, 27 years, has been sneaking into the Bilderberg Group, sneaking through drainpipes, climbing fences, he gets there days before, finds out the secret location because of his contacts, publicizes that, now other media, especially in Europe are now starting to come and show up, and then he tells us, years before, when the Soviets are going to supposedly fall,
And how it's going to happen.
He tells us that we're not going to war with Iraq in 2002, like they say.
It'll be 2003.
I mean, major breaking story after breaking story.
So people get an idea of what we're talking about.
What are some of the major stories that you've broken, in some cases years before, because of your moles, that is employees, at these resorts that you get to tell you about and to get you materials from inside Bilderberg?
Well, two come immediately to mind.
Bilderberg pressured President Bush, the elder, to break his Read My Lips, No New Taxes pledge, and within the year he did, reversed himself completely.
It may have cost him the election in 1992 to Bill Clinton by breaking that pledge.
This is a story on the downfall of Lady Thatcher as Prime Minister
She should have attended one Dillenberg meeting, had nothing to say and left.
But they were angry at her for resisting the euro and resisting surrendering sovereignty to the European Union.
And so they said she must go and she was replaced by a trapeze artist from her own party, by her own party.
And later I had the privilege of talking briefly for a few minutes with Lady Thatcher at a reception in Washington, and I asked her reaction to what Bilderberg had done, and this is almost a direct quote.
This is a very close paraphrase.
She said that she considered being denounced by Bilderberg, quote, a tribute quote.
The call, she said, no national leader should surrender one bit of sovereignty to an international body.
And, of course, that stood in the way of the great super-state, the European Union, being developed into the United States of Europe.
And they're taking some licks this year because of the results of the parliamentary voting in Europe among the European Union nations, including the ten new ones, that ended Sunday.
And the people running for European Parliament who opposed the European Parliament's existence, many of them gained seats.
And they're trying to have their draft Constitution ratified, but they're going to meet in Brussels in a day or two to approve the draft of the European Union Constitution.
They call it the Constitution for the United States of Europe, if that has any historic ring to it.
And by the way, it's very draconian, no real liberties.
And on top of all of this, we have the Bilderberg Group, of course, many of our leaders attending it.
Jim, do you have that quote in front of you of David Rockefeller thanking the news media for covering all this up?
No, I don't have it right in front of me, but I've heard it many times.
Yes, he's surely grateful.
Of course, there's the media that participate on their promises of secrecy.
The Washington Post's Donald Graham was there, as usual.
They don't list Jim Hogan, which does not mean he was not there.
He may not have been, but they left
Oh, what's his name, that kid who, Microsoft guy.
Bill Gates.
They had his wife listed, but not Bill Gates, but Bill Gates is there.
We've got a photograph.
He's been positively identified by a group of reporters, me and several from Italy, which incidentally, they got the most attention they've ever had from the Italian press.
Leading page one at a time when President Reagan's dying, President Bush is in Rome to talk to the Pope and to Bersaglione, who Bersaglione attended, and gearing up for the D-Day commemorations.
Yet, on the major newspaper, he was the lead story.
Dillenberg was the lead story.
They jumped inside the two full pages of photographs and other Dillenberg stories.
And five years ago that was unheard of, Jim.
You were being attacked by the mainstream media for believing in an imaginary group when you had photos and news articles and everything.
Well, it was several years ago when then the Spotlight readers did something I should have thought about years earlier.
Fool that I am.
We've learned that Bill O'Byrne is going to be in Helsinki far in advance.
So we have the story far in advance.
At the same time, for European readers, it's of course very expensive to have a subscriber in Europe.
Normally they'll send the mail by sea instead of by air to save some money.
One subscriber tends to subscribe for 20 others because it's so expensive.
They got it so early, they simply wrote us letters saying,
That was before they had e-mails and faxes.
They wrote us a letter saying, is there any way we can help?
Should we alert the local media?
And we said, well, I surely please do that.
And now that started to snowball to where it's in the front page of papers.
And so now the BBC's having to come out and admit Bilderberg would try to demonize anybody that's against it.
Jim, in a nutshell,
Explain to people what Bilderberg is and the type of royalty and bankers and people that attend.
And then I want to get into the most important subject, the information you got this year.
Yes, so Bilderberg has its usual stalwarts there.
Rockefeller, Kissinger, high officials of our Defense, Treasury and State Departments, heads of state from Europe, regularly attend.
The Rothschilds still attend.
In the early years, there's an Edmund A. Rothschild.
He decides to die.
There's Evelyn Rothschild.
I first thought it must be a woman, but it's a man.
Now, the Rothschilds are there under the identified Rothschild
Yeah, it says representative of Rothschild Europe.
Yeah, that's it.
So the Rothschilds have never missed a meeting since they first met under that name in 1954.
There's also European royalty.
We get the Dutch royal family and others.
Who does the British crown send?
As a representative.
Oh, that's a good answer.
He once had Bonnie Prince Charles, but, well, he's not a serious representative.
He is a token.
There's many from Great Britain, John Brown's bill, I'm just scanning the list even as we speak, or the British types, Kenneth Clark, a regular, he's a member of Parliament, former Chancellor Exchequer, a conservative member of the British Parliament.
He's, well, I talked to him some years ago,
Admitted eyeball-to-eyeball about the Billibergs grant scheme for the NAFTA is through the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas is to expand into the American Union and the dollar will be our euro.
The dollarization process has begun.
Then the Asian Pacific Union will be the third major region in the world for the convenience, administrative convenience of the world government, which is the UN.
And he just acknowledged that directly, not happily, but directly.
Eyeball to eyeball, in the presence of other reporters.
Now, in the last two years, again two years ago, the government was saying, we're going to invade this summer, it's going to be 2002, and you said, nope, from inside Bilderberg, I got the word, it's going to be in 2003 in March.
And then exactly that happened, what, 11 months later after you reported it.
Jim, this year, what was it like when you got on the ground?
What information did you get for us?
Well, this year, Bilderberg has chastised the United States and Britain, and we anticipate that in an advanced story, for not giving enough
In the way of foreign aid to poor countries of the world, we should increase taxes in the United States and send more money abroad.
And of course when we hear that, that really means give money to the IMF and World Bank and go enslave third world countries.
They're the main conduits of sending American tax dollars overseas.
The British were kicked around some too for not giving enough away.
The United States of course kicked around for the invasion of Iraq with some justification.
The Bilderberg from Europe gave some concessions to the United States, because they do recognize that beneath it all, the United States funds one quarter of the UN's operating expenses, one-fourth of an organization of 188 nations.
It's suggested that the economy in Europe should contribute a little bit more, perhaps.
And one-third of the 16 so-called peacekeeping missions
I don't
So-called peacekeeping missions, which is a tremendous... Well, obviously, it's all owned by the same little clique.
I mean, they own the U.S.
and use us as the bad cop to do the dirty work for them.
What other little tidbits do you have for us that we're going to see on the horizon?
You always get us some major development that Bilderberg is pushing for in the next year.
Well, one thing that the United States' promising effort to placate the British
Was it in Iraq we try to hunker down to more of a defensive operation and let a few or so destroy missions and for that the uh... See I'm trying to remember something uh... Oh, this is a bigger thought crossed my mind.
Now I know you're sitting there with all of your notes and you just got back from Europe.
One of our guys, still a little jet lagged, one of our guys
I had a photograph of David Rockefeller having lunch with one of these magic cameras that can zoom in from a football field away.
And he said, Mr. Rockefeller is a very sloppy eater.
He puts his head down over the plate and slurps in his food.
I could have a photograph of that, but we do have photographs, but not the perfect one of him, but the food's sloppy.
Stay there.
I want to hear about all the stuff that's coming up and your issues.
Jim Tucker's our guest, AmericanFreePress.net.
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Alright, Jim just got back from Europe.
Got all his notes there with him during the break.
We're going through them.
He's got some major developments for you as the spotlights are now American Free Press articles come out.
We're posting them on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Or you can go to AmericanFreePress.net.
We'll tell you how to subscribe later.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
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Jim's going to be with us for the rest of the hour.
Jim, you end direct tax.
You broke the story years ago, literally, before it was even in our media, what, a decade ago?
The plan of this Tobin tax on money transfers.
Now you're saying during the break that they're leaning towards an oil tax because they already controlled that through the cartel, the Arabs are puppets for them.
And this will be trillions of dollars, even though it's a small tax, in the aggregate in the next decade, off of total world oil supply, and bring in international regulations.
Speak to that, please.
Yes, both proposals from Bilderberg have been pending before the United Nations for several years now, though not reported in the mainstream press.
One proposal was a tax on international financial transfers, and the other was a tax on oil at the wellhead.
I think?
I think?
So this will establish the principle of me personally paying the tax directly to the U.N.
when I put gas in my car.
It'd be such a tiny amount that I would not even notice it'd be a fraction of a penny.
But that would establish the principle of the U.N.
directly taxing me and you and every other individual.
And then they can ratchet it up later.
Yes, just like the income tax in the United States was ratcheted up later.
So that's why they tilt toward the
Oh, and that's what they'll be pushing in a subterranean manner before the UN.
That is just massive.
In fact, every big global G8 or whatever meeting they have, they now openly talk about this, and I think you and your paper have had a lot to do with that, because ten years ago, five years ago, they totally denied all this.
Now they admit it, but I hadn't heard the inside info that they were moving towards the gas tax.
Yes, they prefer that over the financial transaction deal, which will not be withdrawn because they want a tax.
But their strong preference now is the oil tax over the tax on international financial transactions.
And also we know that there's other stuff like they don't want the US troops to leave Germany.
Why is that?
This is amusing.
The Americans are being
I think it's a mistake also, and many good patriotic Americans do.
Learning that the Pentagon was considering reducing troop levels in Germany and other places, the Bilderberg reaction was just terrible.
They argued it would undermine unity, etc.
Now, the reason for this is that an American military base in Germany is a local economic generator.
The way those soldiers spend their money, and when they have their families with them living off base, they just do not want the Americans to go away for economic reasons, not military concerns whatsoever.
Now we'll get into the Brits and getting spanked because they can't get their people to accept the Euro, but before we do that, I wanted to
You know, talk about the Bilderberg Group and their larger designs.
I mean, obviously, according to your reports two years ago, they said, hold off on the war for a year.
That was their request.
And obviously the EU and the rest of them are profiting from this because they own much of our nation.
And they want us to play the part of the bad cop.
But why were the Bilderbergs,
Now you're saying, spanking us for the war, or why were some of them against it?
Well, they were opposed to the invasion of Iraq when they started being built up two years ago, partly because of political pragmatism.
People all over Europe were horrified by the idea of invading Iraq, the United States going it alone.
So they think that the Anglo-American bloc was moving too quickly?
Of course, without UN permission, all that stuff, we should get permission slips, as Bush would say.
But at that meeting in Chantilly, let's see, not this year, not last year, the year before, 2001, I think it was, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld roared out from the Pentagon to Chantilly, which is about 30 miles away in Virginia, near Dulles Airport.
To promise the Europeans that the invasion would not come this year.
It will not come this year.
By that time, all the newspapers were reporting that the war will start by late summer or early fall at the very latest.
And oddly, Jim Hoagland, the associate editor for Washington Post and the Billerberg Regular, along with their publisher Donald Graham... Stay there, we'll finish when we get to...
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're about to be taking calls for Jim Tucker.
We're going to go back to him in just a minute or two.
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Going back to Jim Tucker, you were talking about how
There were members of the press corps there, one of the owners of the Washington Post there, some of their writers there, and they knew that the war had been put off a year.
You got that information, we're the only person to publish that, and they decided to just ignore it and not tell the people.
Talk about ignoring a major scoop!
Talk about violating public trust, Jim!
What I cannot understand is why Jim Hoagland, he hates to be called Jimmy Lee Hoagland, I should remember that, Jimmy Lee Hoagland,
Associated Editor of the Washington Post did not even go over to the World Desk, his own newspaper, and say, boys, pipe down on war by late summer, early fall.
I've got reason to believe it will not occur until next year.
When he was there hearing, Rumsfeld promised it would not start this year.
He didn't say when it would start, but he promised it would not be in the year 2002.
It would be no earlier than the year 2003.
That was an effort to pacify the
Uh, uh, European Bilderberg members, and it marked the first time, uh, in history, there's been known to be a, uh, a serious rift in Bilderberg, which has been, uh, traditionally a very congenial group, and they still have their, uh, common goal, of course, of world government and all that jazz.
But, uh, then the rift still persists to this day, uh, with criticism over the Asian, although
The United States cut some concessions and they pressured the UN Security Council to vote unanimously to endorse the occupation of Iraq as it is now.
But the American Bilderberg guys on Bush's behalf, especially the Defense and State Department guys, wanted the Europeans to support NATO's formal involvement in the war.
NATO said no.
We're good to go.
There's not going to be a heavy U.N.
presence as far as helping the United States.
So again, they're playing the part of the good cop, the savior.
I want to shift gears just briefly and then want to go straight to calls, Jim.
We're honored to have you.
You're a journalist, been in the newspaper business, a writer for major papers for what, 40 plus years?
Fifty some years now, about 51 years.
Okay, I wanted to get your take on this, because you're in Washington, you're around this.
I call it propaganda placement, not product placement.
Where the government is paying for stuff in sitcoms, dramas, movies, fake newscasts, newspapers, radio stations, it goes on right here in Austin.
This was out of the London Guardian, it was also the New York Times, but only one small piece of this.
government fake Bush news reports, TV news in America, that show President Bush giving a standing ovation for political voters have been exposed as fake.
It has emerged the U.S.
government admitted, this is London Guardian, it paid actors to pose as journalists in video news releases sent to TV stations and paid for, by the way, a $70 million ad buy.
Intending to convey support for new laws about health benefits.
And that's just one little piece.
I mean, how far down the big brother police state propaganda chasm have we slipped when only one article about, you know, $70 million media buy with fake newscasts, Jim?
Yes, they made a small one.
I think it was FEC or one of those bureaucracies said that that was illegal.
They were saying under the theory that you're explaining the health care benefits
Yes, it was.
They have been told, although not widely publicized, that that was illegal.
Don't do it anymore.
So they've stopped it.
Where the Queen didn't want to meet with actual people in this African country, so they went to a soap opera set and had a stage meeting with her and children, and then it wasn't even announced that it was fake until later when she got caught.
I mean, how much other stuff is fake, Jim?
Well, it's certainly not hard to do.
You can pick out your sweetheart reporters and have a press conference.
You can call them into your Oval Office for a personal interview.
And they're not going to make the President mad.
They're gloating over the fact that they have an exclusive.
The pool reporters flying on Air Force One and the press plane following behind.
Newspapers do pay their share of the cost for traveling with the President.
The taxpayers don't do that.
Then they have the pool reporters.
It changes among the leaders, New York Times, AP, and so forth.
But the pool reporters are obligated
We're good to go.
Well, we're not even talking about old-fashioned corruption like that.
We're talking about fake newscasts here.
Yes, I'm not aware of many actually fake newscasts.
Some press conferences.
Well, this particular article that you were aware of is where they spent $70 million paying for these fake newscasts to air on TV stations.
I even saw one in Austin last year and I was like, man, that's a weird newscast with these fake newscasters going, people love the president, it's all good.
I didn't personally see that when I read about it.
Yeah, but I mean, imagine, well, it's like the fake letters from troops with fake signatures.
Yes, there was occasions where
I don't know.
Of course, some of that can be blamed on President Clinton for cutting back the military, and he used the military all over the world.
Like Monaco, the Windscale Stage 1 invaded Yugoslavia, preventing the threat of Yugoslavia bombing Washington.
I tell you what, let's take some calls, Jim.
Again, thanks for joining us.
Brian, in Virginia, you're on the air with Jim Tucker.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much.
I'm just now going on a terminally from the U.S.
Navy, and there's a
The reason for that as far as not being enlisted or staying in, because I spent three years overseas and just came to Virginia and just was shocked by the plan.
Basically almost like a police state.
But my big question is why it's not in the news that half our Navy fleet got deployed to their new Navy search program.
There's no real news coverage of this.
That's right.
Last week a massive naval deployment.
Any idea what that's for, Jim?
No, I'm glad to hear about it.
I'll take all the information I can get.
Yeah, seven battle groups.
Which is about almost 100,000 sailors got deployed.
10 aircraft carriers.
Or, say now, an aircraft carrier doesn't travel alone.
An aircraft carrier travels with a group of destroyers, frigates, flyships, submarines, and X amount of air weight, depending on size of the carrier, can hold about 100 aircraft.
There'll be a lot of bombing coming up, a lot more bombing.
Well, they say they're going to Syria.
That's where the carrier battle fleets are going.
What, four or five of them?
The others are going over by South Korea.
Is that accurate to what you know, being in the Navy, sir?
Well, there's deployed troops from South Korea to Afghanistan, I think it is.
Yeah, 4,000.
Where the Navy's take on it is this.
What they want to say is, from now on, this is going to be the new way.
Instead of having just two
Carrier groups out at a time with two that come out and replace it every six months.
Now they'll go out at once and no one, if you're aboard or whatnot, has no idea when it's going to return.
Now we do not know when they're going to return.
It could be one month, it could be nine months.
There is a whole armada, half the East Coast Navy, if not most of the East Coast Navy, out at sea.
What are people inside the Navy that you just got out of saying it's for?
They're shocked.
They have no idea.
And I don't understand how they even want to stay in the Navy.
Most of it's going to the Middle East.
Thanks for the call, Brian.
Well, there has been some speculation that we'd hit Syria very quickly if the Iraq War had calmed down as quickly and neatly as the administration mistakenly expected.
I hope this is not a build-up for an invasion of Syria before we
Can even settle down a rock.
Well, the administration might have some helpful terror events, like they said in PNAC documents, that get us all behind that in the new national draft.
Any talk of the draft in Bilderberg, Jim?
Not so much talk of the draft at Bilderberg that I'm aware of, but there are draft bills pending in the Congress, and President Bush is now quietly
Filling in the manpower at the old draft boards that we knew before.
Kids were told to simply go down and tell the post office where you are in case we ever need a draft.
That's right.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Ohio.
Tom, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I got a little information.
I didn't know if you know any of it or not.
On the gun shows now, I've got a friend of mine.
He said he's seen them take pictures, you know, with their phone.
People buying guns.
And I got some information on the troops all leaving this summer.
They're going to pull them all out of here.
And I got that from two different people.
Pulling troops from where?
They're going to take them all out of this country.
Now, but specifics, sir, like the last caller, I mean, it's admitted there's this record armada leaving, but I mean, what's your specifics?
Are they taking them to Iraq?
We know they're upping the number of troops in Iraq.
Anything else, Tom?
Yeah, I went through some chemtrails.
We're getting rained on about every day here in Ohio.
I went 60 miles west of me.
No, it was east.
The other day, it was on Saturday, and this stuff that looked like spider webs was coming down out of the air.
Well, they admit there's a lot of bizarre testing going on.
Thanks for the call, Tom.
Any comments, Jim?
Our Mike Blair has had a lot to write in recent years on chemtrails from speculation about manipulating the weather for military purposes.
Yeah, there's a lot of that going on.
Wesley in Tennessee, you're on the air with Jim Tucker.
Go ahead.
Kudos to you, Alex, for having such an excellent and fine guest on today.
I really appreciate his presence.
Thank you.
I would like to ask you if you believe that
Maybe not necessarily the Bilderbergers by themselves, but the Bilderbergers in combination with the Trilateralists and these other large secret groups are in a position to have enough strength to dictate pretty well what the President can and can't do in the United States.
Well, as demonstrated so many times, they can bring tremendous pressure.
And understand now that every presence since Ford up until
Excluding Reagan to a certain extent, but up until the current president has been a member of either Bilderberg or Trilateral Commission.
And as you know, they have an interlocking leadership.
The Trilateral Commission is a little bit more public.
They have an office in Washington.
You call them, they'll say, yes, our meeting will be here.
We'll have a press conference when it's over and hand out the
Well, we have the leaders of the Trilateral Commission being at Bilderberg.
Isn't the CFR and Trilateral Commission basically just management companies for Bilderberg?
Well, they carry on a common agenda.
The CFR with 3,000 members, their job is to produce a
Well-reasoned white paper reflecting what Bilderberg wants done.
For instance, the year that Big Bush was moving toward breaking his No New Taxes Pledge, the CFR comes out with a big white paper on why it's in every American's best interest that they pay more income tax.
And they came out with a white paper before 9-11 saying, give all your rights up, have dribs on the streets, we're about to be hit.
And the people went, oh, you're such geniuses when it happened.
The CFR is the Propaganda Ministry for Bilderberg, and the Trilateral Commission includes Japan.
Deals with the economy, right?
Yes, and there's always a common agenda, interlocking leadership, Rockefeller and Kissinger.
Now, their numbers fluctuate.
How many members of Trilateral?
They're roughly about 320, while Bilderberg is typically 120.
They have 130 this year, bringing in that
Senator from North Carolina.
What's his name?
The one who's running for President.
Yeah, the one who was running against Kerry.
Yeah, John Edwards.
Lost his Virginia to Bilderberg this year.
Now Bill Clinton, a little-known governor, went in 1991.
What does this mean to see John Edwards there?
They probably think he should be on the ticket with Kerry.
And so they'll own both horses in a two-horse race as usual.
I said a moment ago that Reagan was not a member, and officially he was not a member of the Trilateral Commission.
When he was running in the Republican primaries in 1980, he had his staff denounce the Trilateral Commission in order to embarrass Big Bush.
And Big Bush resigned, saying that the Trilateral Commission is misunderstood.
Uh, then he comes on the ticket with Reagan.
The following March in Washington, D.C.
for Trilateral Smith, uh, the Vice President Bush addressed the Trilateral Commission meeting.
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Well, it's always great to have Jim Tucker on.
We have him on before he goes to Bilderberg every year, and when he comes back, we can read his reports at Infowars.com, or presentplanet.com, or presentplanet.tv, or go to AmericanFreePress.net.
We'll give you a number here before he leaves us to subscribe by phone if you'd like.
Jim, I kind of want to end this interview like we started it, but maybe elaborate on it.
If you've got five movie stars at the beach, 50 reporters go out there.
If you get 120 somewhere, it's a major television event with 30 million viewers.
If they were hiding in secret in a mansion doing something, as you said, people would be catapulting themselves to the windows.
But 120 richest people in the world, royalty, people who were normally followed by the paparazzi,
Suddenly, they're meeting in secret, admitting it's about government, but if we ask questions, somehow we're bad.
The BBC, I don't know if you saw that article, viciously attacked those.
They said, well, McVeigh and Bin Laden talk about this.
Maybe if you talk about it, you're with them.
I mean, this is really childish psychology they're using.
Comments to that?
I don't know how, in what context they used it.
They called me, and asked me if I'd do a five-minute interview, and I said yes.
Now, after doing the interview, which seemed friendly enough to explain the rough summation justice we've done here, it's very polite now.
I don't know if they stuck that in the middle of a broadcast where they said, here's a fat old fool who's paranoid over Bilderberg or not.
I don't know how it was handled.
I didn't see you in this particular BBC text article.
I think it was strictly radio calls.
I was doing it from the hotel room.
I think this is just radio.
Yeah, but did you see the text report where they attacked anybody that investigates it?
It was disgusting.
Go ahead.
No, I haven't seen that.
I don't know what they did.
Although, the newspapers in Italy, some of the big metropolitan big papers,
Which gave such heavy attention, and of course I can't read Italian, so the other reporters, when we gather for our evening meetings to compare notes and exchange information, they gladly said that they treated me nicely in a couple of interviews by their newspapers of me.
Well, that's great.
Well, I mean, it seems like the Italians know about secret government and know it's a bad thing.
Why are we so naive in America and England?
Because the press, well,
The press of the United States is very easily controlled.
The heads of the major newspapers have all attended at one time or another.
The Washington Post is regular, but they've had the New York Times, the LA Times, all the major network anchors at one time or another on a lifetime promise of absolute secrecy, report nothing, say nothing.
Now that's admitted!
So they bring major newspaper editors in, you sign a non-disclosure agreement, that's admitted, and then now you can't have a report on any of those issues.
I mean, this is criminal!
Well, they're journalistic prostitutes.
I'm saying that Jimmy Lee Hoagland is a journalistic prostitute, as is his boss, young Donald Graham, as were the late Mrs. Graham and the late Phil Graham before him, going all the way back to
Not 1954 and well this year as usual to the guys from the Economist of London Gideon Rockman and Adrian Wooldridge were there as rapporteurs they call them.
They've made that promise, and there's several others.
I'm scammed this evening.
Well, you've never made that promise, and you infiltrate, and you get the info out.
And Jim Tucker, I look forward to talking to you again on this subject, and God bless you.
How do folks subscribe by phone?
Just call 202-544-5977.
202-544-5977 or AmericanFreePress.net or link through at InfoWars.com.
Jim, Godspeed and thanks for your great journalistic work.
I enjoy talking to you again.
Take care.
There goes Big Jim Tucker.
A lot of news we didn't cover today.
A lot of news we did cover.
Be sure to visit the websites.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
All the affiliate sponsors, listeners, the folks running the show, the God above, thank you all.
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That's because it can purify raw, untreated water from remote lakes and stagnant ponds.
The Berkelot is unique because it removes pathogenic bacteria, cyst parasites and harmful chemicals to below detectable levels.
It also removes foul taste and odors like the rotten egg smell of sulfide and it extracts nitrates and unhealthy minerals like lead and mercury while leaving in the healthful and nutritional minerals that your body needs.
The Berkey Light's rechargeable LED lighting system is so bright it can be used as a reading light.
Get the Berkey Light for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Or order on the web at berkeywater.com.
Now get available in Iowa.