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Name: 20040609_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 9, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It is now Wednesday, and we're 30 seconds into the first hour.
Of this global transmission against tyranny, I'm Alex Jones.
Again, the day is the ninth day of June, 2004.
The websites are infowars.com, prisonplanet.tv, and prisonplanet.com as well.
Massive amounts of vital news and information today, but I do want to spend a few minutes in this first hour, probably in the next segment,
Talking about rumors, talking about disinformation.
A couple weeks ago I started getting calls on air.
Listeners saying, have you heard the news?
Why a scientist says that a comet is going to slam into the earth and kill all of us on the 20th of June.
And I went on to say that this is the classic type of disinformation that we have seen reoccurring and that I was almost completely sure that it was a fraud and I got a lot of emails and a lot of other talk show hosts talked about it and said that, oh no, clearly this was well documented and was going to happen.
And it is this type of penchant for
Disinfo and and and and shocking sensational stuff that continually discredits the alternative news movement in this country.
A lot of so-called patriots would rather gossip about what talk show hosts are up to and who's fighting with whom or what rogue planet
Packed with vicious, blood-drinking aliens is about to slam into us, then to openly discuss the mainstream news, saying that we're all going to be getting our implantable chips soon, and that martial law is good, and that we all need to be on Ritalin and Prozac.
I mean, there are massive, scary, hard-to-believe things going on that are admitted and public.
But again, it's hard to get the alternative media to cover them.
I refuse myself to get into it.
I mean, the things I cover that are documented are hard enough for people to believe.
So I don't need and I don't want to dive off into the deep end of Bigfoot's
Abominable Snowmen, Chupacabras, Flying Saucers.
And I'm not ever going to do it until I see a Bigfoot myself, or a Chupacabra myself, or until I am picked up and taken for a ride to the Pleiades on board the Interdimensional Aircraft.
So, I do want to spend some time on this because
I mean, I could put on my website that a scientist told me that a comet was going to slam into the planet with no evidence and everyone would run around believing it.
And it's the same ignorance that makes the public accept the official story on 9-11, which you'd have to be the most wild-eyed conspiracy theorist on the planet to believe the U.S.
government's official story on 9-11.
We are rational.
We attempt to use logic and history and facts and legislation.
This broadcast is about real things that are much stranger than the stuff you see on the X-Files.
So when we get back, I'll get into all the news.
Believe me, there's a lot of it.
And also, National Geographic.
Vintage photographs!
They've got a new issue out.
The 100 Greatest Vintage Photographs.
And one of them is of a Satan worship session at Bohemian Grove.
Oh yes!
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, thanks for joining us.
Now we're into the second segment.
It is the ninth day of June 2004 on this Wednesday edition.
A Houston dentist who was writing a book titled, The True Story of Three 9-11 Hijackers,
Who were reported to the FBI ten months before 9-11.
It's called the Graham Report.
Again, the true story of three 9-11 hijackers who were reported to the FBI ten months before 9-11.
And he had a lot of evidence to this, and had been talking to the local media, and the book was about to come out.
And, uh, suddenly, uh, he's at the hospital and has been poisoned as of a few days ago.
We haven't found out how he's doing.
And, uh, his organs were shutting down and the hospital said he'd been poisoned.
This was from KTBS News 3 out of, uh, I should say Shreveport, there on the Texas-Louisiana, uh, border.
But he's a Houston man this is, uh, happening to.
Interesting ABC News article here about, uh, this father was ordered to put his 10-year-old on Ritalin.
The 10-year-old got pretty sick from it.
I think?
Smith Klein, the big European mega-pharmacological giant, is facing criminal charges in England and in New York for covering up the fact that it caused massive increases, their antidepressant, in suicide.
Now, we've known this since Prozac and other big drug makers, so frontline antidepressant, the most highly used and prescribed.
They do that back in 1983.
I mean, I've been talking about that since I got on the air nine years ago, coming up on ten years ago.
So, we'll get into that as well.
The UN, surprise surprise, fully authorized the new puppet government in Iraq, what, about a year before the invasion?
So that's two years and four months ago?
I went public and said, look, here's the plan.
We're going to go in, take over Iraq, and the UN's going to come in as the savior later, and take off some of the restrictions and be seen as the good guy.
I mean, how did I know that?
Because I understand the modus operandi.
It's really pretty simple.
And exactly that has now happened.
So we'll go over that as well.
But last night,
It was brought to my attention that the current issue of National Geographic, the 100 Best Vintage Photos, and they are quite interesting photographs, has a 1915 ritual at Bohemian Grove with the high priest leaning over the body that they have just sacrificed
And they have a picture of this half-owl, half-human man, and then a picture of P.J., the club familiar spirit.
I did see pictures of P.J.
while I was inside the Grove when I snuck in there in July of 2000.
And it says, Power Party, photographed by Gabriel Molin, 1915.
To purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite bohemian club participated in a 1915 cremation of Kerb, complete with candles and a robed, hooded comrade to guide him.
This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco.
It uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat, but today the ceremony involves burning a mummy-like effigy named Kerb at the foot of the group's mascot,
A forty foot tall, twelve meter tall, concrete owl!
Now again, five years ago, if you talked about this, it didn't exist.
You were a psychopathic crazy, probably worshipping Hitler.
They didn't say why, just it doesn't exist.
You're a psychopathic killer worshipping Hitler.
I mean, that's what the BBC said.
If you believe the Bilderberg Group, hundreds of world leaders meeting in secret is any big deal.
It should be investigated.
You're with Bin Laden, McVeigh, the Nail Bomber,
And Sullivan Milošević.
It's just the program here.
Pretty sinister photograph, and it's being posted right now on InfoWars.com.
But if you want to go to it directly, it's on the National Geographic website.
magma.nationalgeographic.com forward slash ngm forward slash best vintage forward slash photogallery underscore zero two dot html or i guess you can just go out and buy a copy of the one hundred uh... best vintage photographs the current issue of national geographic you'll probably see it laying around the uh... the barbershop the beauty salon or or perhaps at the uh...
The YMCA, but there it is for you.
And we're in the process of blowing up areas of the photo so we can look at it a little bit closer.
A lot of ritualistic goodies here, and it is a satanic ritual, but I mean, you know, that's Christian and conservative.
I mean, Richard Nixon in a new presidential tape released last year
says that it was is the most horrible you know homosexual orgy you can imagine but again that's the president saying that and of course we had uh... had our uh... our historians on the past talk about how much nixon hated going and i have to be fair to ronald reagan he didn't like it particularly much either of those the only two people i know of
Who, of their own volition, brought it up in interviews and in conversations of how much they disliked it.
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said that he loved it.
It was his favorite place in the world, and that he was a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, that they were the New World Order.
This was in his own autobiography.
He wrote it, folks, and he loved the Druidic rituals.
They did it at their groves in Germany, but the groves in Northern California, the grove, the Bohemian Grove, was his absolute favorite of them.
Nixon didn't like it.
Thought it was a horrible homosexual orgy.
But, again, that's just the President.
We should just ignore that.
The Bushes love it.
They always attend and talked about how much they truly enjoy it.
And that's on the record.
But I have a photograph from Berkeley, where they seem to release some of their photos with Nixon and Reagan and George Shultz and others.
And having a meal nearby, just within a hundred yards of the ritual site, I know because I have walked those needle-covered paths for five hours when I was in there July 15th of 2000.
Coming up on the fourth year anniversary here in just a month and three or four days.
Very, very interesting.
So you can go look at that.
Of course, we have the Bohemian Club's own annals.
Photos from now three of their ten year anniversary.
Every ten years they release to members a bound hardback book in the 96 to 90s.
86 to 96 issue has Bush Jr.
and Senior below the owl giving a speech together and you can go look at that at InfoWars.com as well of course you can also simply get
My video, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grow, if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes.
I wonder why Stanley Kubrick made Eyes Wide Shut?
You know, he made movies about real things, or things that were going to happen, or things that were metaphors for things that were going on.
All of his films.
From Clockwork Orange to Full Metal Jacket to Doctor Strangelove.
But his final film, he was arguing with
With the production company.
They were wanting him to cut 20 minutes from it.
He refused and suddenly died.
The film got edited and got released, but it does show the world elite Satan worshipping.
And it seemed to be quite similar to things I've witnessed.
But again, let's just ignore that.
They're good Christian conservatives and we'll just hand our firearms over to them and start following the orders of the nice men in black ski masks and Darth Vader outfits and wave at the face-scanning cameras and take our microchips, as Newsweek told us last week, the future of shopping, as we'll all have chips very soon.
If we'll just accept all of this, and accept torture, and accept world government, and accept big government, and accept open borders, and accept all of this, everything will be absolutely wonderful in short order.
So, what do you think about that?
The U.N.
endorses Iraq's sovereignty transfer.
And my goodness, the people our government appointed are saying they love the U.S.
government and want the U.S.
government to stay there forever.
And they're going to increase the troops from 125,000 that are there now to 145,000, according to the Associated Press.
Perhaps even 168,000, they're not sure right now.
They've said we'll be there for 10 years, but the people that our government appointed
The new democracy are saying they want us to stay!
So after all, our viceroy wants us to stay, and so it must be freedom!
And now that we have our new appointed government, Lord Bush was appointed of course, I'm not saying Al Gore was any better, but we now have an appointed government of our own, and there's talk of other appointments in this election cycle, and this is the new freedom!
I mean, I guess, you know, Thomas Jefferson
Or any of these people.
They weren't John Quincy Adams.
They weren't elected.
They were appointed.
This is what we do.
This is freedom.
Of course, they were elected, but again, don't confuse me with the facts.
It's freedom.
And the UN now, the leftist UN, the supposedly leftist UN, the creation of the military-industrial complex, has given their rubber stamp to the dictatorship.
That has been set up over there.
Iraq's new president takes world stage at G8.
Report, new Iraq leader helps CIA in attacks.
Oh, we'll get into that too.
And much, much more.
So stay with us.
We'll be back after this quick break.
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment at 800-259-9231, so stay with us.
Report from Reuters.
New Iraq leader helps CIA in attacks.
The new Iraqi Prime Minister worked with the CIA as head of an exile group that sent agents into Baghdad in the early nineties to plant bombs and sabotage government facilities, the New York Times reported on Wednesday.
And al-Wa'i's group, the National Iraqi Accord, used car bombs and other explosive devices, smuggled into Baghdad from northern Iraq in its attempts to depose President Saddam Hussein.
Car bombs, period, are terrorism.
Well, no, actually only when it's the enemy using it.
When it's the enemy of the globalists.
When the globalists use it, it's loving and good to blow children up and torture children and rape women and, you know, that's all admitted by the Army's own reports now.
So we've got to learn the double-think here, folks.
He's grouped the Iraqi National Accord, used car bombs and other explosive devices, smuggled into Baghdad from northern Iraq in its attempts to depose President Saddam Hussein.
The newspaper said, after all, Saddam had rape rims, and now there are rape rims again.
So, citing former intelligence officials, the bombings, whose effectiveness is disputed,
Never threatened Saddam's rule, the former intelligence official said, according to the Times.
The Iraqi government at the time claimed that the bombs, including one it said, exploded in a movie theater, resulting in many civilian casualties, the Times said.
And now the CIA admits it was U.S.
government operations.
Well, blowing up movie theaters is a loving thing!
I mean, blowing again!
Of course, I don't happen to think that.
I think it's wrong to target civilians, but I've got to learn to double-think.
It's bad when Saddam does it, good when we do it.
And it goes on.
And, uh, just amazing.
And it says he was chosen last month to lead an interim government.
Let me say that again.
He was chosen last month.
Let me say that again.
He was chosen last month.
He was chosen last month.
He was chosen last month to lead an interim government in Iraq.
The U.S.
selected, the U.S.
selected, the U.S.
Iraqi Governing Council agreed by consensus to name Hawaii to take over from the U.S.-led occupation authorities set on June 30th.
So meanwhile we're increasing the troops by tens of thousands and running everything and set up this new 3,000-person consulate that is really the real government and this CIA operative, this bomber of movie theaters, very friendly person,
Well, I mean, if he's not bad, then Hamas isn't bad, folks.
I know, I don't double-think like you.
I need to learn how, I'm sorry.
Hitler's bad and, well, so is Bush.
Torture's wrong, folks.
And, uh, wow.
It says that he and the President were chosen from top political posts by the U.S.
So, there you have it, my friends.
But I listen to neocons and even CNN and the Democrats.
Oh yes, the U.N.
loves it.
The U.N.'
's given their seal of approval.
This is democracy.
This is freedom.
This is wonderful.
I've even heard them say there's been an election in Iraq.
Yes, our government appointed 300 and something people and they appointed this guy and that's an election.
Well, yes, the 320-something members of the Governing Council did appoint him, so... Do I have to even again explain?
I mean, I know you're smart out there.
When I'm talking down to people, it's the neocons.
The neocon followers, the neocon leaders know what they are!
Sinister, big government, America-hating trash, U.N.-promoting, gun-grabbing, slack-jawed, beady-eyed thugs, killers,
Murderers, 9-11 terrorists, who are getting ready to blow more stuff up to teach you how to love them, to teach you how to lick their boots.
And it makes me very, very angry.
So that's going on, but meanwhile, UN endorses Iraq's sovereignty transfer.
It's a sovereignty transfer.
Again, it'd be like the Russians coming over here, blowing up the Capitol,
Appointing 324 Americans to run things and then having them appoint a president and the news going, You've got your freedom!
You've got your sovereignty!
We're putting more Russian troops into America, but they're just here to help for your sovereignty!
While your leader that we appointed says he wants us here!
That's freedom!
Shut up!
Shut up!
We're the Russians!
We're here to... Would you buy that?
But would you buy this?
We've liberated them.
We've liberated the rape rooms.
The rape rooms that we trained Saddam how to use.
With classic CIA copper green training.
And now we've increased the raping and killing.
But that's good when we do it.
It's laughing.
It's good.
We'll be right back, you Joseph Mingelis.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends, you're 33 minutes and 15 seconds into this first hour.
We're going to go to Steve and Clint and Tim and many others that are patiently holding here in just a few minutes.
The total free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
You know, I didn't spend enough time on this yesterday, so before I get into the new Iraqi puppet government and the disgusting U.N.
takeover and more of our troops being injected into the country and
All this mass drugging of the children, a lot of new developments there, more Bohemian Grove news, this time out of National Geographic.
I want to go to your calls first, but before I do that, I want to get into these stories that surfaced yesterday.
Oh, this Pentagon memorandum that the President is above, it actually says, we quoted from it yesterday, the President is above federal
State, international laws, the laws against torture, murder, none of it counts!
Now, that's the very essence of tyranny, the very essence of despotism, the very essence of the slave masters in time immemorial.
And here's the BBC, U.S.
not bound by torture laws, and they have the stunning statements here where it says the president is not held by any laws.
The extrapolation of that is he can roast children as easily as he could roast a suckling pig on the White House lawn.
I jokingly years ago said that Bill Clinton or George Bush or any of these globalists could guillotine people on the lawn of the White House to be praised.
And now it comes out, raping, killing women, arresting families, raping, beating children to death.
This is all admitted!
And the neocons go, we never said do that, that's not... They were all over the news calling for torture.
They had CIA section chiefs in the Washington Post two years ago bragging about the torture of Afghans to death, torturing their children.
You all remember it, plus we posted reposts of the articles.
But the power of a dictator, the right to torture,
Sure, Bush is a dictator.
They're admitting that by claiming that he has the right to torture terrorist suspects, never mind this is the kind of power and activity that justified our pursuit of Saddam Hussein, that the Pentagon and the men he put in power say he's above the law and that he has supreme authority, that's a quote, then we must all trust in the judgment of our all-powerful leader.
That's a quote out of the Scotsman.
I've actually listened to the neokinds when they're not busy, you know, creating a false left paradigm over the Reagan death and some of the liberals out there attacking him.
They'll go, well, you know, the president can do that, or, you know, we're in a war, folks!
Wasn't Saddam Hussein in a war when he was torturing people and had the rape rooms going?
Why do you think it is our troops at all these different bases, it's not just Abu Ghraib, are raping and torturing?
I wonder why Saddam had people do that?
Because it turns out that there are handbooks from as early as 1968 by the CIA of how to do this.
How to threaten and even torture people's children in front of them.
There have been handbooks that came out of Fort Benning, Georgia decades ago how to do this.
Why do you think Saddam did the exact same thing?
Do you remember in the 80s?
I remember sitting in the kitchen while my mom was chopping up vegetables.
She had a little television in the kitchen.
I remember coming in with my football gear still on and getting orange juice out of the refrigerator and my mother sitting there
Watching the news, and I remember Saddam Hussein, the great guy, battling the evil Iranians.
Man, he's great.
We've got our advisors there.
Don't you remember that?
Is there any memory left out there?
He did all this because he was trained how to do it.
How to car bomb, how to kill, how to do all this.
And now, our new boy, the new leader, Reuters reports, blowing up movie theaters full of women and children.
This is so sick!
Okay, let's go to calls and I'll get into all this other news.
Stephen Ohio, go ahead sir.
How are you doing, sir?
I have a question to ask you.
I'm going to play the devil's advocate for you.
What are you going to do, let's say, in three to four or five years if what you say is going to happen never transpires?
In other words, we see less freedoms but there's no cataclysmic event.
It seems like
The way the globalists do this is incrementally, and there's a lot of people in the patriotic movement that say, oh, there's going to be this big cataclysmic event that's going to put us in a police state.
What makes you so sure it's going to happen?
Well, that is one of the best questions, and one of the deepest questions, and most multifaceted points that I could probably imagine.
But let me try to answer that.
On an escalation scale, even if it's incremental, if you put a piece of paper in an oven, you know, that's 500 plus degrees, that's right at the point that will cause paper to burst into flame, it will slowly, incrementally, over 20 minutes, yellow, brown, start to blacken, and then will suddenly burst into flame.
Okay, right.
So, you're right, it's incremental.
They've been building the martial law systems, the docs, the program, the integration, the brainwashing of the public, the military, the police, for decades and decades.
Well, I got another thing.
But let me just answer.
It's a big question, so let me try to answer.
Are you still answering it?
Tell you what, you go ahead and talk and when you're done I'll let you go and I'll answer the question.
Go ahead.
Okay, what I was going to say also is somewhat related to that.
I can see why the media moguls and the powers that be want everybody to act like a bunch of self-centered individuals because it makes people, it makes you think less of what the globalists are doing and you think you're so fractured when you behave like an individual and you consume and consume and you're in la-la land and I think that's part of the incrementalization process.
Okay Steve, thanks for the call.
Now let me try to briefly answer your question and then I'll go to others who are patiently holding.
You said, why don't they just continue to incrementally do what they're doing and get total control because that's what they've been doing in the past.
And I would agree with you.
That's the course they like to follow.
But have we not already seen a catastrophic event?
Airliners flying into towers, giant 110-story buildings collapsing, other buildings exploding, projectiles hitting the Pentagon, aircraft being blown out of the sky over Pennsylvania, now coming up on 900 troops in Iraq alone dead, well over that number in Afghanistan.
I mean, these are catastrophic events.
And the globalists need to escalate things because people are not going along with their program.
They're not accepting wholesale their program.
And so you're going to have to see an escalation.
And the globalists have been calling for this and giggling about it and laughing about it.
They need helpful terror attacks.
And I don't think they're helpful, but PNAC says they're helpful events in their PNAC documents.
The September 2000 Rebuilding America's Defenses, written by Dick Cheney, on Pearl Harbor scales, they said, on a Pearl Harbor scale or bigger, to get us behind imperial mobilization, to use National Security Advisor Brzezinski's term.
And so we will see incremental police state being implemented within
Kind of seasonal terror attacks every few years to get us back in line then with the intermittent dry run terror alerts and terror drills and terror training to integrate this into the psyche.
And so I hope there aren't any big terror attacks.
We can expose who is behind terror and neutralize the race in the hole.
We can also, it's a catch-22, expose that they're behind 9-11 and if enough of that happens and there's a big enough movement against them, they'll conduct another terror attack.
But I've looked at the course, and the best course to take is just to expose them and to resist them.
Because regardless of what we do, they're going to continue to try to move forward, so it's best for us to go ahead and fight them.
And again, formation war.
So, in a nutshell, I mean, there's your answer.
We've seen catastrophic events.
We've seen the first World Trade Center bombing.
The FBI cut the bomb and trained the drivers.
We've seen Oklahoma City.
We've seen 9-11.
We've seen all of this happen.
And they are setting up the entire economy and the governmental and private
infrastructure to now bring us into this new plane of existence and they're talking about sixty-plus countries they want to invade and national drafts and to legitimize and continue all of this to put wind in there in this dreadnought sails they're going to have to continue to give it wind and that's terrorism
So, number one, we've got to educate people that when you give up liberty, you get tyranny, you don't get security.
So even if the terrorists were really living in caves, orchestrating these incredible space-age attacks on us,
Why does giving up our liberty keep us safe?
It doesn't.
But then you go a step further showing people who's behind the terror.
The official U.S.
government plans to carry out 9-11 style attacks.
They tell you in Operation Northwoods why they want to do it.
To blame it on foreign enemies as a pretext for war.
And why do they want war?
Because powerful people want more power.
That's what they do in history.
Clinton, Missouri.
Go ahead, sir.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I just wanted to say
I think something big probably is going to happen sometime this summer.
I read a report that said that the government is
It's printing massive amounts of dollars right now.
Yeah, it's at an all-time high.
The Federal Reserve is printing money out of control.
They told U.S.
News and World Report that we quote, will be attacked this summer.
It will be the summer of terror.
Now, I don't know if that's true, but when the terrorists themselves, the people we know, are carrying out the terror attacks, when the terrorists put the gun to our head and say, this is what they're doing, do what we say, be our slaves, or we'll pull the trigger.
Well, there's other factors in this article, too.
For instance, the U.S.
Navy is going to be conducting a massive naval exercise at the same time China is.
Yeah, that's all going on for a week.
Yeah, and combined with that, the latest bogus terror alert that was issued by Ridge and Ashcroft was done without the approval of the Bush administration or the Pentagon.
Well, that's not true.
I'd read it somewhere.
I can't remember where.
It was in the Associated Press and other places.
It's not true.
Do you want to know why they did that?
Well, if it's not true then it's some sort of disinformation.
Do you want to know why?
Lay it on me.
Because for two years, FBI and CIA people have gone public.
It's been in the back of the newspaper that they're issuing fake terror alerts to, quote, create hysteria.
We have a giant fake terror alert archive on PrisonPlanet.com.
And so now, this time, they need to insulate the presidency and go, oh, we're doing this on our own so that the White House doesn't get in more trouble over that.
Go ahead.
Yeah, combine all of this, with the exception of that last one, I didn't know that one wasn't true, but combine this with the draft legislation that they're sitting on just waiting for Bush to get re-elected.
And they've already passed funding six months ago in the last Congress to fund the draft boards, to increase the funding of the Selective Service.
What I think is going to happen is they need something massive to happen
Because people are revolting against the Patriot Act, and they want to invade Syria and Iran so bad they can taste it.
Well, that's it.
You hit the nail on the head.
Hundreds of cities, over 400.
A Wired Magazine report says four states, over 300 cities.
No, it's over 400 in four states.
That was months ago.
Good to hear from you.
Great points, Clint.
Tim in Missouri.
Tim, go ahead.
How you doing?
Yeah, I just thought I'd want to make a news tip and make a comment on Secret Societies, if that's okay.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, last night, halfway through the evening news here in Kansas City, Channel 9, ABC affiliate, announced that Mrs. Bush and George Bush, 41, was in town celebrating a Point of Light celebration, which goes along the lines of the Secret Societies.
And we have the
Well, the common with the secret societies is that we don't emphasize enough that there is an inherent danger of those of us who believe in Yahweh, that are Christians.
We forget that that enemy is ever so hidden in plain view right in front of us, that these evil people are looking to do this to us.
Yeah, we had Venus... I mean, that evil existing is so hard for people to believe, I mean, that's why they look at us like we're nuts.
I understand.
No evil exists.
You guys are willing to eat.
People, individually, you can talk to them about, but as a group, they're down cattle.
I mean, damn.
And that's what's scaring me.
I hear what you're saying.
The point of celebration that he was here in Kansas City for, I mean, it was a 30-second soundbite.
Point of fact, no elaboration.
Showing beautiful pictures of Ma Bush and her husband.
What is the Point of Light Celebration?
Thanks for the call.
I'm going to try to tell you what it is.
We've had Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D., and others on.
The only other person to say the exact words of, a thousand points of light bring in a new world order, that was an exact quote of Adolf Hitler in a speech in 1938.
And then in the early 1990s, Bush Sr.
Herbert Walker gave literally hundreds of speeches where he said a thousand points of light bringing in a new world order.
And all over the planet yesterday, world leaders met at different occult functions hidden in plain view.
And these thousands of points of light functions are that.
And you had Venus moving across the Sun.
Hadn't happened in over 170 something years.
Which is a high occult event.
Because they're totally into the planets and astrology and numbers and numerology.
Even mainstream news admits the Reagan White House was run by Nancy, according to her astrologer.
The astrologer bragged about it.
The time of meetings, when to give speeches, what to do.
They're all into this.
And that's just the facts.
And so, yes sir.
That's why you have the G8 meeting while Venus was going across the sun in Georgia.
That's why you had the bushes and the thousand points of light celebration.
I did see that report.
That's why, folks, here's an example of this.
I was watching PBS on the Millennium Celebration in 2000.
In between breaks on the radio.
And I walked out, turned on PBS, and they were going to different areas of the world via satellite.
And they went to the Giza Plateau and the Great Pyramid.
And they had, I'll tell you what they had when we get back.
They were openly worshipping Lucifer on national television.
And the Bushes and all these world leaders were there.
And yeah, it's in plain view.
It's like National Geographic with the satanic ritual photo of Bohemian Grove saying, yeah, it's a mock human sacrifice.
What's the big deal?
We'll be right back.
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Rarely does this happen, but I said I was going to finish a story after the break, and then I went off and made a phone call and came back and said, what was the story I was going to tell?
I was going to finish something.
That's good.
We'll also get into the puppet government being set up in Iraq, and we're going to do a bunch of drugging with children news, a bunch of terror news.
But let's go ahead and go to a caller.
Maybe this next caller can tell me what story I was going to finish.
Go ahead, Richard in Texas.
You're on the air.
Well, Alex, I'm sorry I can't help you on that because I was collecting my thoughts on the facet that I wanted to talk to you about, and I want to thank you for the work that you do, Alex.
Well, guys, listen.
Nobody needs to thank me anymore because part of talk radio was worshipping the neocons and groveling to them, and I'm not a neocon.
You don't have to do that.
The part that I want to talk to you about was this torture that we've got going on at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, and who knows what variety of other prisons around the world.
Not to mention our own domestic prisons, which are some of the most dangerous in the world.
The Luima case comes to mind on that.
But I was asking myself, okay, you know, they're doing all this torture and you've exposed and pointed out so many facets of it, how it's
Dehumanizes and corrupts our own soldiers out there in the field.
They come back to be police, etc.
But one of the things also that I was thinking about is the way that the torturer seems to be a critical element that's been reported in mind control operations.
That's how, evidently, the trauma-based torturer, whether it's mental, physical, emotional, etc., is the way that they create mind control subjects.
Well, that is true, but also integrated with that is massive, multi-year-long bathing the brain in hallucinogens.
And then with audio recordings, a person being chained down with audio recordings for months on end being pumped into their head, that is the congressionally revealed forms of mind control.
So there we have it.
These prisons and camps like that are just terrorist breeding grounds.
They're going to cut all these people loose.
Well, you know, it's a little bit simpler mind control than that.
We know the Israelis have done this, according to Haratz in the Jerusalem Post, is they'll grab thousands of these young Palestinians and then cut out a few who they've tortured and done other stuff to, and they say, now you work for us, go out and blow something up.
And then they've been caught doing this.
This has been in the major Israeli newspapers.
People are pretty angry about it.
Right, so it's just too bad that we can't really get it out to the mainstream, that understanding of that.
You know, I know you're working hard and many of us out here are talking to people and probably not a day goes by that I don't tell somebody about InfoWars.
Well, I appreciate the call, Richard, and take care.
We'll start the next hour here in a few minutes and perhaps somebody can tell me what the story was I was going to finish.
It'll pop in my head probably during the next break.
Just a bunch of other news, key info coming up in the next hour.
Before we do that, though, please visit PrisonPlanet.tv if you're online, if you have a computer, and sign up for it.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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You're authorized to make copies of my videos, by the way, for educational purposes.
Get them, make copies, get them out to folks.
Wake the world up.
We're in a fight for humanity against a bunch of degenerate, inbred, sadists.
Second hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, we're now into the second hour of this live June 9, 2004 Wednesday edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be going to your calls coming up here early in this hour, coming up in the next segment for all the fine folks that are patiently holding.
And the toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Last hour, we got off into a discussion of the occult.
You know, the eyes wide shut nature of the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove clan.
And we had the transit of Venus yesterday across the sun.
It was stunning.
I saw some video of it on the news.
Hadn't happened in what, over a hundred and seventy something years.
And the elite
He's obsessed with the occult.
I talked about how no decision was made in the Reagan White House without Nancy's approval through her astrologer.
I mean, this is even admitted by her.
The astrologer is brag.
What time to have meetings, where to go, trips, decisions.
I mean, look, you can be an atheist out there and not believe in spiritual matters and not believe in God.
You know, that's your right.
I happen to believe in God.
And the devil.
Good and evil.
Dark and light.
But the elite certainly does believe in it.
Let me assure you, they make their decisions according to it.
And I've got a caller talking about Kansas City, a Points of Light celebration with George Sr.
and his wife.
And people want to know what that is.
And the only other person to say a thousand points of light could bring in our New World Order.
Was Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s?
Well, George Bush gave hundreds of speeches in the early 90s saying that.
Then on Saturday in a press conference that was in the main news Sunday, he said Ronald Reagan helped bring in a new world order and all this.
Some more new world order comments.
But the elite is obsessed with the transit of Venus.
That's why they were having the G8 Summit while it was happening.
That's why the Bushes were off having their points of light meeting right out in the open.
And in the last hour I mentioned that
On the Millennium Celebration, on 2000, I was doing my own broadcast, other broadcasts, here on the network, I think I was on like nine, ten hours that day on different shows, on the network, and during breaks I would go out and track the news, and I flipped to PBS locally, and they were going to different areas of the world as the Millennium was coming in.
And they cut to
To the Giza Plateau and the Great Pyramid at 12 midnight there, and it was in the course of the afternoon here.
And I talked about what I saw, and George Bush and all these world leaders, you know, French Prime Ministers, they all gathered there, and they had said in the news, and Reuters, that they were going to put the gold capstone on, but that had been put off at the last minute, and they said in the news, because the New World Order has not yet been achieved.
And they had the most spectacular fireworks display I have ever seen.
And again, there was another host doing a show, so I took about a ten minute break and was watching before I ran in on the radio and started talking about it.
Of course, I didn't get it taped.
And I need to go to local PBS locally and get a tape of that.
I bet they still have it.
And some of you called in and said, you saw it on your local PBS.
There was fireworks that looked like red fires shooting
Hundreds of feet out of the ground, with the pyramids in the background, a French New Age band, with giant movie screens, with these horned devils marching on the movie screens, and the French going back and forth between French and English, going, come forward, anti-beast!
You know, and then all these Egyptian words, and then they go back into, and I called my wife, and I go, look at this!
She was up there, you know, working on the website.
And then they would go back into French and they were saying stuff in French about, you know, the angel of light come forward and all this.
And they go back into English, anti-base come forward.
There were all these world leaders and there's this band beating on these drums and doing all this going, come forward, come forward, come forward.
And then it shows these devils coming up out of cracks in the ground, you know, on the movie screens with fires shooting up.
I mean, public devil worship!
These people are nuts!
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So, we have a superstitious, inbred, global crime syndicate, whose religion just so happens to be Satan worship.
And if you doubt that, again I just want to mention this, this is oninfowars.com, but you can link right through to the National Geographic's current issue, National Geographic 100 Greatest Vintage Photos, and it says, The Purge, to purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite bohemian club participated in a 1915 cremation of care ceremony.
Complete with candles and a robed and hooded comrade to guide him.
This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco and uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat.
But today the cremation involves burning a mummy-like effigy.
It's a bound child.
An effigy of a child.
Like effigy named Care.
No, they're sacrificing it to get rid of their conscience.
At the foot of the group's mascot, a 40 foot tall, 12 meter tall, it's actually 45 foot, concrete owl.
And it is Moloch worship, or Babylonian mystery religion that they sacrifice the children to.
And that's all admitted, folks!
I got video of it!
But, national talk show hosts, national publications, the New York Times want to attack me and call me a liar.
Even when the Bohemian Grove admits in the national documentary that I did sneak in, even when major newspapers, San Francisco Chronicle, what, Sacramento Bee, Press Democrat, admit it.
I have the video.
It's admitted.
It's admitted they go there.
It's in National Geographic.
Richard Nixon talked bad about it, how horrible it was.
That's now been released.
Presidential Library.
So even when they admit I snuck in and it's real, still I'm attacked by their henchmen.
And it's a very sinister, very frightening photo, folks.
You need to go look at it at Infowars.com or go to National Geographic's website and just type in vintage photos, 100 vintage photos, Bohemian Grove, it should pop up for you.
Scott, you said you typed it in and it popped up.
What did you type in to get it?
Yeah, why don't you type into the search engine.
You just went there.
Oh, and it's actually... Oh, you went to NationalGeographic.com.
It's on the main page.
Oh, it's a link to it in the corner.
But again, you don't even have to go there, folks.
You can go to InfoWars.com.
But I know when it's on InfoWars.com, it isn't real.
By the way, about every day I get an email saying, you've got Reuters and AP and New York Times articles, but I don't know if they're real because they're on your website.
So I guess when you read your local newspaper and it says, you know, Washington Times, but you're some little local paper, and you go, well, how's the Washington Times?
It's called syndicated columns.
It's called saving the articles for posterity to document.
But again, you can go to National Geographic, Lookit, or you can go to Infowars.com.
But again, that's just a side issue.
I've got all this other torture, Iraq news, just drugging the children news.
It's all coming up.
But let's get through some more of these patient callers.
Let's go ahead.
I guess up next is Jim in Texas.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hello, Alex.
My sister turned me on to you about a year ago.
She's in Florida.
My favorite is prisonplant.com.
I stay there.
And before I would talk to people about things, and they'd think I was a kook.
Now, I get the documentation that you present, and they reject it.
So who's a kook, you know?
I've got a quote I'd like to quote something off of your prison plan that I saw, and then a question.
Sometimes you publish authors.
One of my favorites is James Hall.
I like his writing style.
He said, When a nation fails to learn the true history of its past, the people are doomed to reside in fairytale delusions.
Once these delusions become ingrained into popular culture, the task of the tyrant simplifies.
He nailed it, didn't he?
He sure did.
I have a question for you, Alex.
I haven't seen anything on this.
Just a little earlier, you mentioned about the missile hitting the Pentagon.
It was definitely not a plane.
But a plane took off and disappeared.
I never heard anything about what happened to that plane and those people.
Maybe you could answer that.
I'll hang up and I thank you so much, Alex.
Well, thank you, sir.
Um, look.
Again, 9-11 is such a big subject, we have so much proof that it almost does a disservice to just cover one little facet.
But, you asked the question, so I'll do it.
I mean, it's an important question.
What we know is, is that their official story is a fraud.
That NORAD was ordered to stand down.
The public officials were told not to fly.
That the CIA engaged in insider trading.
That the U.S.
government flew out 160 of the bin Laden's.
What we know is they had troops massed north of Afghanistan to invade.
What we know is, is that they vacationed with the Bin Ladens and protected them, and didn't want Bin Laden arrested under Clinton or Bush.
What we know is, is that most of the 19 hijackers have been proven to still be alive.
What we know is, that their official story is a complete and total fraud.
And we have 600 plus points on PrisonPlanet.com and the 9-11 Archive covering this.
We made two films, I've written a book, published a book on the subject, carry a bunch of other books and videos on the subject that I think are preeminent information on the website.
Clearly, the aircraft were remote controlled.
Clearly, now we can look at the enhanced video, those weren't even the same aircraft that took off.
Clearly we know this is the case, we have official government plans.
In Northwoods it says we can have a plane take off for real with people on board and blow it up and blame it on the enemy.
Or we could have military personnel and plane close, board aircraft, have the aircraft take off.
This is a government plan, folks.
Let's go off that.
And then land it, offload them, then crash a drone jet and claim that all aboard died.
I mean, that's how sophisticated these guys are.
Then you say, well, what about the few phone conversations people call their family members?
Well, I mean, the government can give you, you know, video of Forrest Gump shaking hands with LBJ or Kennedy.
You know, The Running Man.
This is decades-old technology.
Fake newscasts.
And we've caught them doing just that.
So, you know, fake bin Laden tapes, fake weapons dossiers, fake news articles.
Seventy million dollars for fake newscasts that aired nationwide worshipping the government.
Remember hearing about that a few months ago?
That's just one buy, one media buy.
Seventy mil.
Seventy mil of fake newscasts.
We're reporting from Washington with blah blah news.
I mean, come on!
So, it's all right there out in the open.
So, I don't focus in on those facets because we'll never be able to prove it one way or the other.
What I do focus in on is jet aircraft pulling G's that the flight controls will not allow a pilot to pull unless it's under fly-by-wire.
I focus in on the buildings collapsing, seismographs picking up explosions, no plane hitting building 7 but a collapse, the owner saying on PBS that they destroyed the building, ordered its demolition.
Building 7.
You know, I focus in on the FBI agents being told not to stop Al Qaeda.
I focus in on W1999.
Though we do explore the other facets, we focus in on the Bushes being in business with the Bin Ladens.
On the fact that their official story is demonstrably, provable, to be a total 100% fraud.
That we know.
That we confirm.
That we prove.
It was like a murder prosecution.
You don't have to prove every part of the case.
You have to prove that the person is lying, had the motive, and then present evidence.
And then it's up to the jury to decide.
And no right-thinking, intelligent, informed jury on the planet, if presented the months of evidence it would take to go over all of it,
There is no jury on the planet that would not convict the military-industrial complex of total prior knowledge of 9-11, aiding the terrorists, funding the terrorists, and protecting them.
Then you have to look at the evidence of how they carried the attacks out, and that is, we know how they did it, but it's not 100% provable.
But were they accomplices?
Did they protect them?
Did they have prior knowledge?
Did Mr. Doe stand by and knowingly aid Mr. X in the murder of Mrs. Doe?
100% conclusive conviction!
Now, are the killers ever going to tell us exactly what went on in the woods when they butchered the woman?
Is her blood all over them?
Are the tools used to disembowel her in their vehicle?
Did the two write up plans to carry out the murder in their own handwriting?
Yes, see, we have the equivalent in all of this to the murder, to the mass murder.
So I'm giving the analogy of a woodland homicide, murder, capital murder, premeditated murder, excuse me, to the 9-11 event.
So we can convict them of it with the proof we have.
But they're keeping their mouths shut.
They're taking their fifth and lying.
And so we have to present our evidence.
Let's go ahead and talk to William in Florida.
William, go ahead.
Hey Alex, discovered you shortly after 9-11.
Became a believer and ordering tapes trying to get the word out.
I just, I don't see how
Uh, we can avoid a major incident because I think they're going to have to do it.
I'd like your comment on that.
Well, I mean, I... They're going to have more incidents.
They've said they're coming.
It's going to happen.
We're going to have to be their slaves, so we'll be safe.
And, uh, I mean, I agree with you.
I mean, they're out there saying it will happen.
Ha, ha, ha.
We're going to be your masters.
Torture's good.
The President is above the law.
They have their own Pentagon report.
He is above the law.
He follows no law.
He is God.
They are giving him kingship, lordship, uh, total domination.
Well, I mean, I hope I'm wrong.
But, I mean, I just, I think that I don't see how they can avoid it.
You know, I don't see how they can go with the gradual incrementalism.
With the sudden explosion of information and awareness.
Well, I agree with you.
But the question is, you know, how is this going to work itself out?
What's going to play out?
And I have a good idea of what's going to happen.
I don't know if people actually want to hear it.
I think people need to hear it, and I would like to hear it.
Anything else, William?
Just a quick comment.
I think everyone needs to check themselves and
Figure out which side they're on.
Hey, I'll tell you what.
Stay there.
Stay there.
I'm going to hear more of what you have to say when we get back.
And then, yes, we'll plunge into news as well.
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All right, going back to William in Florida, finishing up his comments.
Go ahead, William.
You remember the movie Fallen with Denzel Washington and John Goodman?
Yes, I do.
Remember, there's a great line when John Goodman says to Denzel, you know, when the time comes, you either do the right thing or the wrong thing.
And I think everyone needs to just really, you know, put all the discussion aside and ask themselves, you know, what's right and which side are you going to be on?
Because the time, one way or the other, is coming very shortly.
Well, I mean, people can deny that there's government corruption and can deny that we're, you know, under an evil system.
Folks, you know about uranium in school children's cereal to see what it would do to them over the last four decades.
Black men in syphilis with Tuskegee.
The forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of women.
In America, all the eugenics.
I mean, you know now about the CDC admitting high levels of mercury in the vaccines and that it's brain damaging children, but that they're not going to stop.
I mean, we know that the government's been caught bringing drugs in.
Everybody knows that.
We know that there's a trillion plus missing from the Pentagon.
We know now that Halliburton
Uh, ran the contracts right out of the Vice President's office.
I mean, we... There's so much Project Shad, spraying biologicals on the troops.
In some cases, killing them.
I mean, this is all because... This is killing our own troops, knowing it would kill them.
Just stand out in this field, we're gonna spray you with something.
I mean, folks, this is... We got a bunch of sociopaths running things in the general public in La La Land.
You know, who have the mindset of a child, so naive.
And I know the truth is scary, but it's even scarier to keep going along with all this.
So I hear you and I appreciate the call, William.
Let's talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, go ahead.
Hello, Jim.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, my friend?
Monday you had a big show on Reagan and the coincidence of his assassination.
Is that the information for the most part on TheInfoWars.com?
Yeah, the attempted assassination of Reagan, the Bush involvement.
Just incredible information.
That's posted in yesterday's news.
You'll click on the 8th, because I had Tarpley on.
I talked about it Monday, I had Tarpley on Tuesday, so it's on Monday and Tuesday's archive.
Okay, and my other question, Alex, is have you seen this article by Mike Rupin on the coup d'etat that I guess is in progress?
You know, I know a few weeks ago on PrisonPlanet.com we posted rumblings and discussions of this and we went over it, but I don't know.
There's no real need for a coup d'etat.
You buy people within the system because they're all part of it.
So, you know, I would watch that.
I don't really put a lot of stock in it that, you know, there's some internal fighting going on.
I mean, they've got sacrificial lambs of Tenet and others, but that's about it.
Alex, fantastic show.
You're doing a great job, my friend, and we have to commend you.
And I guess, you know, I don't know if you didn't do it, I don't know who would, but hopefully we can find a few more Alex Jones out there to really shoot this thing, really get that grassroots movement going red hot.
Well, I mean, you're looking in the mirror, my friend.
You're it.
All of you are leaders.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate your kind words.
Let's talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Regina, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I had to touch base.
When you talk about the crisis, I think we're already in it, Alex.
This morning,
Representative Rohrabacher, you know who I'm talking about, Representative Rohrabacher from California, and you know, if you followed him, he was against the United Nations, he wrote against the, you know, inegal forum, you know, I mean, I wrote a letter to the editor supporting him because of that.
And I feel very, uh, betrayed today, because he stood on, uh, he was up on Washington Journal today, and he talked about how, um, now with, uh, Reagan passing, uh, and the whole situation with the fetal tissue,
And I've called his office and told him, I think this is abhorrent that he would say this, that we can accept that, as Reagan probably would, that we can use the fetal tissue from the... That's right!
It's for Reagan!
It's conservative!
Let's use body parts!
Nancy wants to!
You're not for using baby parts?
You're liberal!
Well, you know, it was interesting, because I just had a conversation last night on the station that you were on,
Uh, up here in the 50,000-watt zone up here, and, uh, the commentator made the comment, so I called in quickly because he called in and said that, he made the comment that Jerry Falwell had made a statement, and this is, he calls himself a liberal, he doesn't like Reagan, and Jerry Falwell made the statement that George Bush is just what we need at this time, just as Reagan was.
And I called in and I said, I don't really believe that God would accept
That George Bush thinks that we should use fetal tissue for our research, when we can use fat tissue and other tissues and we should not go in that direction.
And he kind of lamb-blasted me, but I thought, you know, then I hear Rohrabacher on here defending the thing that I'm trying to go against.
No, Regina, you're a liberal now, okay?
You're against using baby parts.
That's liberal.
You're not for Reagan?
Reagan would be for body parts, according to Nancy.
No, I hear what you're saying.
Good points.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
About four months ago, I had John F. Kilmer, President of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity on, and he was talking about how, going from memory here, was Pennsylvania had passed a law, a chilling law, Republicans had even gone along with it,
Where they were going to allow the cloning of humans up to birth and then use the babies after that for body parts.
I want to get him back on to talk about that because we had all the mainstream news articles at the time and I was looking at his stat during the break and didn't find the news article.
I just found his bio from the website.
We had him on covering that.
It was chilling stuff.
But yeah, when they set the precedent to use, quote, fetal tissue, baby parts, baby brains mainly,
Then they set the precedent just to basically grow humans, like so many cabbages, to be used for body parts.
And England and the U.S.
have already legalized all of this.
Chimeras, the splicing of humans with animals.
I mean, there's... And that's the declassified stuff.
Can you imagine what's really going on?
And yeah, I saw the articles where Nancy Reagan wants stem cell research, fetal stem cell research.
And, you know, it would have saved Reagan.
And I heard some neocons this morning.
Maybe we should do it.
If it would have helped, it would have helped Reagan.
Kill the babies!
And so you, uh, you know, see, uh, Ben O'Rorbacker on, uh, C-SPAN spouting offrogen.
I mean, I'm not surprised.
I didn't see it myself.
But get used to it.
If you're against chopping up babies and so much mincemeat,
You know, like a T-bone at the grocery store, you're a liberal!
If you're against Bush signing the assault weapons ban in September, he says he will, you're a liberal.
If you're against open borders, you're a liberal.
If you're against signing onto UNESCO, you're a liberal.
If you're against the UN taking over Iraq, as we said two years ago, they would, you're a liberal.
If you're against big government, you're a liberal.
If you're against Satanism, you're a liberal.
If you're against the skull and bones of devil worship, you're a liberal.
I mean, you've got to learn!
That if you're against torture, then Joseph Mingala, you're a liberal.
You've got to learn.
You obviously haven't learned yet.
You know, they say that there's democracy in Iraq.
Oh, democracy!
Forget a constitutional republic.
And here's the article, the new Iraqi Prime Minister,
Worked with the CIA as the head of the exile group that sent agents into Baghdad in the early 1990s to plant bombs and sabotage government facilities.
The New York Times reported on Wednesday that the CIA had reported and included bombs in movie theaters, crowded movie theaters.
Resulted in many casualties, civilian casualties.
And it goes on to say, Al-Wa'i was chosen, chosen.
Al-Wa'i was chosen.
Say that again.
Al-Wa'i was chosen.
Chosen, last month, to lead the interim government in Iraq.
The U.S.
selected, the U.S.
selected Iraqi Governing Council, agreed by consensus, to name al-Wa'i, to take over the U.S.-led occupation authorities.
And then I got the article, they're going to boost the troops by tens of thousands.
They're going to put more troops in.
This guy's CIA, appointed by the people that our government appointed, and they're hailing it as, look at the democracy we've given them.
So I guess, you know, somebody comes to your town of 10,000 and appoints 10 people over you with machine guns and says, this is your freedom, I've appointed them.
And the 10 people I appointed say that they want me to dominate you, so that's democracy.
Because I appointed them to be the slave masters.
I mean, does it... I mean, there's arguments on talk radio, oh, you liberal liars, you know, this is a free government.
We've brought them freedom, but now the Liberals are shutting up because, well, the UN gave it their seal of approval, 100%, UN endorsement, I mean, they're coming in to help, I guess everything's okay now.
We played the part of the bad cop, made the UN look good, took it over for them, same folks that run the UN run the New World Order.
UN Secretary, uh, Security Council gave resounding approval,
Yesterday, to a resolution endorsing the transfer of sovereignty to Iraq's new government, by the end of June, President Bush said the measure would set the stage for democracy in Iraq and be a catalyst for change in the Middle East.
Yes, a military launch base.
The unanimous 15-0 vote came after a last-minute compromise allowing France and Germany to drop their objections to the U.S.-British resolution.
Which underwent four revisions over two weeks on tough negotiations.
Oh yes, very tough.
Diplomats on the Council, which was deeply divided over going to war against Iraq, welcomed the American flexibility.
The compromise gives Iraq leaders control over the activities of their own fledgling security forces and a say on sensitive offensive operations.
So again, I come appoint you and I go, you work for me, and I go, look, he's independent.
He can do what he wants, but he works for me.
Okay, fine.
And it goes on and on.
Just amazing that this is happening.
Security Council vote backs transfer of Iraq's sovereignty.
Iraq's new president takes world stage at G8.
Sea Island in the midst of martial law and thousands of troops and military.
and police president bush declared that world leaders were pulling for iraq's new president discussed a possible nato role in trying to stabilize the country at a group of eight summit wednesday bush said his closest iraq war ally british prime minister tony blair had breakfast talks on possible nato involvement in the trading iraq security forces a senior bush administration official said iraq's new president uh... gazi al
Yawar will make his first entrance on the world stage when he will launch the Bush and leaders from Afghanistan, Iran, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey, and Yemen.
He will then meet with other G8 leaders.
That's already happened.
I mean, you talk about doublespeak.
We've appointed a government and the government likes us, so they're free.
They said they like us, so it's freedom.
We'll go to more of your calls here in a few minutes, but I've got a bunch of other news I need to go through first here.
This is out of the London Independent, and these articles are all over the news in the last few months, trying to scare you to not be politically involved.
This has been in place for decades, my friends.
But Echelon, ten years ago, eight years ago, when I talk about it, didn't exist.
There was no such thing as the NSA.
Fort Meade didn't exist.
These crazy right-wingers believe the government's watching and listening and violating our Fourth and Fifth Amendment.
It's not true.
Well, now it's out in the open.
UK, US and Australia, that's the echelon group, to begin total internet chat room surveillance.
Police are to monitor conversations on the internet chat rooms in a bid to prevent pedophiles from grooming victims on the web.
Now, everybody, I think 99.9% of us are against pedophilia and the rest of it, but when you look at the UN and the government, they're behind the most egregious forms of it.
The kidnapping, the rest of it.
But see, they're going to save you now.
And, oh, we're going to monitor everyone.
But, you know, the facts are, my friends, that, again, this just sets the precedent for it.
Oh, we're not going to give the pedophiles a trial.
And you go, oh yeah, good, don't give them a trial.
We're not going to give the terrorists a trial.
Yeah, they're terrorists.
Don't give them a trial.
But then, when you are in trouble for something,
uh... that is you know innocuous should he be a crime uh... you know what taxes or environmental stuff whatever you are going to have the process either officers in the u k u s australia will monitor this site twenty four hours a day the bbc reported the national crime squad in the u k is to play a key role in setting up a surveillance operation they did a big sting a year ago year and a half ago in fort worth and when it led back to a large percentage of police judges in the u s and uh...
And social workers and others in the US, Canada, England.
Suddenly the investigation ended.
So this is the perpetrators investigating themselves.
One of the proposals for deterring pedophiles is to flash up a symbol on computer screens to let chat room users know they are being watched.
Police could then intervene if someone has asked for their name and addresses online.
It is believed that detectives are also
I'm pressing banks to withdraw credit cards from people who pay for access to the websites.
Why don't they just arrest the people running the websites?
Oh no!
Can't do that!
Can't do that!
Of course, then that's at the president.
Somebody comes and says something on your chat room that's about auto parts, and then you get arrested.
Or they come in under your name and do it, and you get arrested.
Good Lord.
Why don't you go arrest DynCorp officials convicted in civil court of kidnapping 200,000 women and children in 2000?
And it says, the idea of monitoring chat rooms was brought up at a meeting of the Virtual Globe Task Force in London, which was set up six months ago to make internet use safe for youngsters.
And then it continues with other articles about, oh, it's going to be the other chat rooms too, see?
All the chat rooms.
Because stuff could be going on in other ones too.
This is out of Capitol Hill Blue News.
How Big Brother is watching, listening, and misusing information about you.
You're on your way to work in the morning and place a call on your wireless phone as your call is relayed by the wireless tower.
It is also revealed by another series of towers to a microwave antenna on top of Mount Weather between Leesburg and Winchester.
Virginia, and then beamed to another antenna on top of an office building in Arlington, where it is recorded on a computer hard drive.
The computer also records your phone digital serial number, which is used to identify you through your wireless company phone, bill that the Defense Department Research Project Agency, or DARPA, already has on record as part of your permanent file.
A series of sophisticated computer programs listens to your phone conversations and looks for keywords that suggest suspicious activity and it picks up those words and an investigation file is opened and sent to the Department of Homeland Security.
And to intimidate people, they go, oh, you say, oh, I, you know, I bombed the test or it's the bomb.
Folks, they only have maybe 10,000 agents doing this in NSA, Defense Intelligence, all of it.
They get hundreds of millions of flags for the best keyword software.
What all of this is really used for is to protect their terrorist operations.
When they come after you, what the system's really rigged for is FBI agents talking about how they were ordered not to stop Al-Qaeda.
Inventors have actual agents listening to them.
Successful inventors and companies.
It's espionage.
Then be handed over to the Chinese by our own government.
Because that's where the industry is to move, part of this global plan.
So you have a real live person listening to you.
If a real analyst, if you're a successful private inventor, have a successful private large corporation or medium-sized multi-million dollar corporation.
If you're an investigative reporter, like Cy Hirsch or myself.
Yeah, we got actual people assigned.
And I'm told the Glovels have a lot of trouble keeping their people after they listen to us for a few months.
But that's fine.
But the average person does not have the NSA... Sure, we've all had it click on, record what we're doing, it's basically recording everything.
But it's the equivalent of coming home and having a million messages on your voicemail.
You can't listen to them, and if you did, how would you ever respond or investigate them?
This is all part of the larger chilling effect.
Really, these systems are used to protect the criminals.
To make sure people aren't on to them.
To kill investigations that are going on at lower levels that could embarrass the establishment.
That's what their time is really taken up with.
With economic espionage.
Stealing people's patents to then give it to their own companies.
That's what's really going on.
And I've been talking about this for many years.
So, you know, they come out with this.
And so they're just announcing it to try to scare everybody.
They've now had a final 9-11 report slams FBI, CIA.
Yes, they slammed them with tons of white paint.
Fired from a huge fire hose.
Projected from a fire hose.
Hosing down the administration, the Clinton administration, the Bush administration with white paint.
Buckets, giant tankers of soft soap, huge smoke screen vehicles.
Yes, they've slammed them with the total whitewash.
This is the Associated Press.
The average person hears this, so, final 9-11 report slams FBI, CIA.
Hoping to avoid partisan attacks, the September 11th Commission has drafted a final report that avoids placing blame on individuals in the Bush or Clinton administration.
They said they'd do that first.
But sharply criticizes the FBI and the intelligence agencies for mishaps prior to the catastrophe.
But everybody got promoted and those that blocked the Al-Qaeda investigations got the record cash bonuses.
The 10-member panel, most of them Bush and Clinton business partners, has been reviewing portions of the draft, the bulk of which is factual accounting of the events, oh yes, including intelligence failures that could lead readers to conclude that attacks were preventable.
Four commissioners told the Associated Press in separate interviews.
A separate section that details the panel's recommendations remains under intense review, but we've already got that months ago.
Domestic CIA, title-tell squads, national draft,
With no agreement yet on the widespread measures needed to shore up communications breakdowns and allow the hijackers to succeed, the Commissioner said, there's broad consensus that major changes are needed.
This is not just a question of running faster, jumping higher, said Republican Commissioner John Lehman, a former Secretary of the Navy.
We need to ensure the fusion and sharing of intelligence that could have helped us to avoid 9-11, i.e.
total federalization.
Certainly there's a consensus that the FBI has not done a good job prior to 9-11 and that they have a long way to go, said Romer, a former Indiana Congressman.
I mean, come on.
So final 9-11 report slams FBI and CIA.
Yes, slams them with a fire hose jet of white paint.
Whitewash, my friends.
I'm going to break here in a minute.
We'll come back and go to some calls, but I want to get into this.
Dennis, who was writing a book about how he knew the hijackers and how he warned the FBI and how they told him to shut up.
He's fighting for his life.
Pills versus talking.
Your child gets sick on Ritalin.
You try to take him off.
CPS comes and grabs your child.
Meanwhile, Smith, Klein, Glaxo, about to be under criminal charges in New York and the UK.
For knowingly putting out their drugs when they knew it would cause suicide, massive increases in suicide.
But before I end this segment, it's time for us as a people to engage in the information war.
And I can think of no better way to do this
than to get my videos.
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You can watch clips of the films and all that too before you order them.
So take action!
We'll come back with your calls and a bunch of other news.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Alright, we're going to take your calls.
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Ashcroft testified that he's going to block any release of the memos where they said that Bush is basically God and can torture and break any laws he wants.
We'll get into Michael Moore's new film.
There's been some new developments there.
Forcing people to put their children on admittedly deadly drugs.
And just a ton of other really, really important news.
Some more on Ronald Reagan.
And I want to get into people who like to cover unsubstantiated things.
You know, last week and the week before, these calls about this comet's going to hit the Earth, kill us all.
You know, there was this ham radio intercept.
There was this professor in Australia and never any facts.
Everybody ran wild, Planet X is going to kill us.
I wish people would run wild and yell and scream about all the real stuff that's going on.
You know, martial law in Georgia and the rest of it.
But we'll go to your calls here in just a second.
I didn't really have time to give out my mailing address.
If you want to
Get my videos or books or any of the materials.
They're $25.95 apiece.
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$20 if you order three or more of any of my videos.
My book, Descent into Tyranny, is $11.95.
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Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, is $19.95.
When you buy one, the second copy is for $11.95 to give as a gift to somebody.
Please write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
Hey Alex, can you maybe fill me in on, you know, with all the hype and the hoopla going on over Reagan, you know, what did the guy do that makes him so big deal?
He doubled the size of the federal government!
You know, I mean, to me... But the liberal media can't get you to celebrate him for that, so they tell you he's conservative and you celebrate him.
Well, it just seems so many people are, you know, just drooling over themselves, or gushing over him, and I just don't know what it's all, you know, what warrants... You know, from what I can remember of the guy, you know, he was just an actor playing a role.
I mean, he probably did an Oscar performance as a president.
You know, but he talked the talk, but he didn't walk the walk.
I don't see that he reduced the government at all.
Well, the illusion is king, folks.
And, you know, perception is reality.
And I don't hate Ronald Reagan like I do Bill Clinton or George Bush, because he was just a puppet.
And they clearly didn't try to assassinate him once, and it got a little obvious, so they backed off.
But, no, he grew the size of government, set up the war on drugs, which the government ships in, and did a lot of really bad things on his watch.
But, see, they have these vicious, horrible liberals attack Reagan, and so, oh, if the bad liberals are against him, he must be good.
But that's all part of the theater.
But, I mean, don't say Reagan was involved in theater.
He was just an actor.
This isn't theater.
You know, Arnold's a good guy.
He's pro-Jewish, because he says he wants to be Hitler.
You've got to learn, see?
We're going to learn to love Arnold.
We're going to learn to love Bush.
We're going to learn to love open borders.
We're going to learn to love the assault weapons ban.
We're going to learn to love torture.
We're going to learn to love it.
I went back over the last couple of days and re-read the Reagan sections in the book, Don't Dare Call It Treason and Shadows of Power.
And it just laid in with example after example of how he carried water for the globalists, he stacked his cabinet with CFR,
Like every president in my lifetime has done.
Well, Bush said Sunday in a press conference, Daddy Bush, that he helped bring in the New World Order.
And that he even said you're a liberal if you're not for it.
He actually said the liberals don't like the New World Order.
Oh sure they don't.
Yeah, they just hate it.
You see?
I mean, it's like Nancy Reagan.
Either you're for stem cell research or you're a liberal.
Hey, hey, hey!
Give us those baby parts or you're a liberal, buddy!
Third hour, coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, this is Real Talk Radio, First Amendment Radio, Information Warfare Radio.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We cover real issues of real significance that actually affect you and your family.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time back from 9 to midnight.
Central Standard Time.
Now, I want to hear from the listeners.
You know, it comes out, the Pentagon says Bush is God.
He is above all laws.
He is allowed to torture.
And now they're scattering around freaking out.
They were all over the news years ago saying how good torture was.
This isn't any surprise.
What do you think about this?
What do you think about the appointed counsel appointing the new president who is a CIA terrorist blowing up movie theaters full of women and children?
That's Reuters!
Is this democracy?
This is the real issue.
These are the real issues, the things we're really facing.
I got a bunch of other news on the police state front, on
Drugging of the children and on how patriots just love hoaxes and just love disinfo.
So does the general public.
So I want to go over this comic story that I told you was a fraud last week.
Gonna kill all of us, but some people didn't want to listen.
Very childlike, but there's enough craziness we can prove without having to invent some.
And this has government disinfo written all over it.
So we'll get into that as well.
Right now, though, let's go ahead and take some more calls.
Maureen, you're on the air.
Then we'll go to Brian, Roberta, and others.
And Maureen in Virginia, welcome.
I have to send out an SOS, please.
Lynchburg, Virginia, tomorrow, beginning at 730, for 24 hours, they will be having the Marines
...mobilized for training in downtown Lynchburg.
If anybody wants to go down and monitor what is happening... Yeah, I'd love somebody to shoot some video of that and send it to me.
I know I will be there, but I don't know... I mean, it's like I have no idea who else in this area listens to you.
Can I give my email address so anyone in this area could email me?
And we could get together.
It's Aaronize, that's A-R-A-N-I-Z-E at yahoo.com.
And if you don't have a computer... Ma'am, I don't want to give phone numbers out.
No, we don't do that.
Listen, they're having Urban Warfare training drills everywhere, admittedly to acclimate us.
Then they have the martial law in Georgia for the G8, body bags, thousands of troops, 20,000 police, black uniforms.
This is all part of the ratcheting up.
Now the top general is telling us how good martial law is.
It's actually happening.
It sounds like Major Keith Owens.
From the Lynchburg Police Department is the one that has approved this.
Or the Police Chief Charles Bennett.
But it's funny, just within the last week, I've given the Lynchburg Mayor copies of the videos.
And also, probably within the last two or three weeks, I've given some to people in the police
Well, there's nothing to be afraid of.
I've been to ten of these Marine Corps training drills at least.
And just walk around with your camera and at first they'll be there and raise the flag and hand out some hot dogs to the kids or some balloons or whatever.
And then all of a sudden at night they'll come in, they'll blow up a building they've covertly rented, they'll fire live automatic weapons in your streets.
There might even be some foreign troops with them.
And they'll practice taking over your city hall in most cases.
Where are they saying the training is going to be?
Just in downtown Lynchford.
They gave specifics in the newspaper, but I don't get the newspaper.
Somebody called me and told me that they had heard about it.
No, I had seen that a week ago.
They were going to be doing that.
We've posted all that.
I don't have it in front of me.
Okay, well, thanks.
Thank you.
You bet.
I hope people in Tennessee and West Virginia and Florida and Georgia and all these places will get video of this.
But see, in the past, I would beg for it.
You'd go out and do it.
You know, now I'm so acclimated, I'm just like, ah, more takeover drills.
But I'm told they're getting even worse, more specific for the takeover.
We'll come back and talk to Brian and Roberta and many others, and then get into this stack of vital news.
Stay with us!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now 8 minutes and 27 seconds into the third hour of this Wednesday edition.
Let me get a few more news stories, then we'll go to Brian, Roberta, Dave, Roger, and others.
Folks should go into Lynchburg, Virginia, and they should help videotape
The Marines doing their takeover drills of our cities.
I mean, I have this on video in other parts of the country.
Admittedly, with role players, I'm an American.
No, not the camp.
Drilling, taking over the city halls.
And this is to normalize it for the military, because they think, well, it's out in the open.
It's in the newspaper.
I mean, you know, taking over America must be normal.
They're just normalizing it.
See, they're normalizing all this aberrant behavior.
And then, setting up FEMA to go after conservatives, Christians, Libertarians, and then meanwhile, the average dumbbell conservative out there thinks, oh, it's for them Arabs!
No, my friends, the target is the American people across the board.
Now, I came across this article from ABC News, and again, it just normalizes this.
Pills versus talking.
When it comes to mental illness, see now it's a mental illness, parents face dilemmas over medication, talk, therapy.
And what they're saying now, one in six young men has ADD, why we all have it and need the methamphetamine.
When Chad Taylor noticed his son was apparently experiencing serious side effects from Ritalin prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, he decided to take the boy off medication.
Now he says he may be accused of child abuse.
And every week I see where they take people's children.
They use this article because it's not as horrific just to get you used to it.
This is some type of crime.
In February, 12-year-old Daniel began displaying some symptoms that his father suspected were related to his Ritalin use.
He was losing weight, he wasn't sleeping, wasn't eating.
Taylor told ABC News.
So Taylor took Daniel off Ritalin against the doctor's wishes.
The doctor's the god.
And though Taylor noticed Daniel was sleeping better and had his appetite returned, his teachers complained about his return to disruptive behavior.
Daniel seemed unable to sit still and was inattentive.
His teachers ultimately learned that he was no longer on Ritalin.
School officials reported Daniel's parents to New Mexico's Department of Children, Youth and Families.
Then a detective and a social worker made a home visit.
The detective told me that if I did not medicate my son, I would be arrested for child abuse and neglect, he said.
And now he's all involved in a lawsuit.
More kids on antidepressants, as a footnote, Taylor is among many parents facing a dilemma over whether to medicate children who suffer from mental disorders.
By the way, the school teachers or principals make the diagnosis, then send you to the school doctor, and then it's also a big racket.
A recent study by Express Scripts Incorporated, a medical benefits management company, found that antidepressant use among
Increased 49% among consumers younger than 18 years between 98 and 2002.
Almost a 50% increase.
Preschoolers up to age 5, the study found, were the fastest growing use of prescribed antidepressants.
Now, I used to joke, you know, 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago that when you go to the pound or when you go to the breeder and you buy a puppy, you know, a 3, 4 month old puppy,
And you take it home, you would think something was wrong with that puppy if it didn't soft bite you, if it didn't roll around on its back, if it didn't jump up and down and run around in a hyper fashion, grabbing a magazine off the table and shaking it viciously.
Monkeys, apes do this.
Baby lambs kick and jump and romp and roll and play.
This is what mammals do?
This is what all the history books say children do.
This is what common sense tells you.
And it takes discipline, training.
They're cutting back the length of the recesses.
They won't let children run because it's, quote, aggressive in many public schools.
Nationwide dodgeball has been banned.
And they've cut the recesses back to about 15 minutes instead of 45 minutes, 30 minutes.
And so, this is the new system.
And so, they have Coke machines and candy bar machines in all the schools.
People are gobbling them.
And then they have, they get all hyper, then they crash.
They're eating that bilge in the school cafeteria.
And so they go, you know, we need to put your child on pharmacological methamphetamine.
We need to put them on a psychotropic.
And they admit, increased, 15% increase in suicide.
Ritalin, hundreds of medical reports, esteemed organizations, heart palpitations, brain shrinkage, retardation of growth, mental illness, five times more likely to end up using illegal drugs after being on Ritalin or Prozac.
I mean, this is all out there.
But, now if your child had illegal methamphetamine, basically the same molecule as Ritalin, they'd be arrested.
But there they are pushing, and they go, well, you know, Ritalin makes a hyper child be calm.
Yeah, because it burns their little brains out.
Burns the little speed freak out.
I mean, I know different families where the younger child isn't on Ritalin, and the older child is, and the younger child, four or five years younger, is bigger than their big brother.
And the mother and father are both over six feet.
I know another case where the older brother was never on Riddler and his younger brother is and he's a midget and the family's big.
But that's just my common sense.
You know, I remember driving along in the car with my mother when I was like four years old, and she didn't want me to use drugs, and she was smart.
So she said, look at that poor little zit-faced, you know, short guy standing there at the street corner.
I guarantee you, son, he uses speed.
Don't ever use speed.
It'll make you short.
It'll make you weak.
It'll mess up your muscles and your body.
Speed kills.
Yeah, speed kills, alright.
And that's how you keep your kids from using drugs.
You point out what people look like who are on this stuff.
And you know what?
The kids that are on this Ritalin look just like that dopehead.
So, we've got a government that has 10 million children on antidepressants, 6 million on Ritalin, 1 in 10 people in England are on antidepressants,
1 in 6, they're recommending for it here in this country.
I mean, folks, I graduated from high school with a 99 grade point average.
I mean, it was ridiculous.
I get my report card, 100, 100, 100, 100, you know, 99, 98.
I was done with high school and, you know,
There in the last year.
I was actually in high school five years.
The first year after football season, I was out drinking beer and partying and skipping school so much that I actually flunked a grade.
But then after that, I straightened up.
Next to last year, I had like a 95 point grade average.
And then last year, it was actually a 99.
But again, all side issues.
This is just my own personal experience.
Clean cut, quiet, so quiet, because we lived in Dallas and we moved down here.
I just wanted to get out of high school.
I had friends who were in college.
I was real quiet.
I just sat there doing my work.
People thought I was a police officer in NARC.
Because, you know, oh, 21 Jump Street.
Because, you know, I didn't talk a lot.
I was just quiet.
And, you know, I was pretty good looking too.
And so I was a teacher's aide first period.
You know, I'd carry the notes around for the classes and if people come to the office.
And last couple weeks of school, you know, I told the story of how the school nurse hit on me.
And then said, here's a doctor's card.
Do you like speed?
Do you like marijuana?
Do you like drugs?
And I said, actually, no, I don't.
At that time, I didn't even drink anymore.
Occasionally now I'll have a glass of wine if I'm eating Italian food.
But at that point, I wasn't even drinking one beer a year.
And I was so straight-laced.
I go, no, I don't use drugs.
And so she went through all this.
And hitting on me, pushing Ritalin on me.
You like speed?
Speed's great.
Why don't you get on Ritalin?
And she was giving me this doctor's card, you know, she was in the principal's office, and she got pretty mad when I wouldn't, you know, oh, you're graduating, you want to go, you know, she knew I was 18.
Oh, you want to, you want to go out?
She's pretty good looking.
I was like, I was taken back by it.
I was like, no.
And so that didn't please her.
And so we know that young mammals jump around or hyper, have a lot of energy.
We know that this is going on.
And I made the joke that, you know, why don't we drug puppies?
Because they jump around and roll around and, you know, soft bite you and tear up newspapers, whatever.
You know, they're mentally ill.
Anytime you see a colt, a baby horse out in the field kicking its legs and jumping and having a good time and rolling on its back, that's mental illness.
Let's drug them.
Well, I just learned, and I have to show my ignorance, reading a dog fancy magazine, which I never read, my wife takes it, and then I talked to my vet, that millions of dogs and cats are on Ritalin and Prozac.
If you're gone all day, and you live in an apartment, and you have a breed of dog that's a herding dog, and it's freaking out, chewing things up, you know, you shouldn't have that dog.
Well, your dog must be mentally ill.
Let's put it on drugs.
Your dog's mentally ill.
Or, then I found out puppies are being drugged.
My vet says he gives up prescriptions all the time.
The puppies rolling around, hyperhaving, jumping up and down.
I mean, that's why you want a puppy.
It's fun.
No, we drug the puppies now.
Folks, I mean, talk about my new world.
Any joke I make, any sickening statement I make ends up happening or already going on.
You're not supposed to be on methamphetamines.
You're not supposed to be on psychotropics, which are classified as hallucinogens.
This is not how we're supposed to live.
One in ten in England adults on this stuff?
Those numbers have almost gotten there here.
They have speed ads on TV now for adults.
Oh, having trouble getting through the day?
We've got this new speed!
But then they'll SWAT team your house
To get the exact same illegal form of the molecule.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I know that we have loaded phone lines.
Brian Roberta, Dave, Roger, John, many others.
We're going to get to you here in just a second.
But my whole point about this mass drugging is, this is an admitted global plan to get us all dependent.
To cognitively retard our psychological and spiritual development.
There's federal plans on this.
And they target those that show leadership qualities in the public schools with these drugs.
The school teachers, the nurses, the judges, they order people on to drugs.
And it's wrong.
And these are horrible drugs.
And again, I watch maybe an hour of television now a week.
And all I see is drug ads.
I mean, they're selling speed to adults.
It's not just now that you've got attention deficit as an adult.
Oh, you just don't feel good.
Take the speed.
At least they're being honest about it.
But then the SWAT team will raid your house because you've got the illegal form of that exact same drug.
And they'll talk about what a scourge it is all day.
Look at this.
Glaxo faces criminal action in UK over suicide pills, Paxil.
And, uh, this is the headline out of the Times of London, Glaxo faces criminal action in Britain over suicide pills, as well as in New York, via Elliot Spitzer, the Attorney General.
Uh, Glaxo may face prosecution over antidepressants, Reuters.
But, but some drug-head school teacher, or some drug-head principal,
Because the Department of Education mandates they do this.
It's going to order you to take vaccines full of mercury, order you to give your child these deadly drugs.
I mean, come on, people!
Let's go ahead.
You know, they say, oh, abortion, we've got to keep it legal, you know, it's your body.
But, oh, but you've got to take the drugs when we say.
Come on.
Um, Maureen, we already talked to Maureen.
Brian in Colorado.
Go ahead, Brian.
Hey, Alex.
Did you happen to see what President Bush gave the Pope when he was over there a couple days ago?
I saw some photos of it.
Did you see the pentagram made out of diamonds?
No, I didn't see that.
Yeah, he handed it to him in that wood box.
I caught a glimpse of it on mainstream news, you know?
And then on the evening news they didn't show it.
I thought that was kind of weird.
He gave him a pentagram with diamonds?
Yeah, a little pinnacle, like a pinnacle, you know, the Medal of Peace or Freedom, whatever they said it was.
Yeah, have you noticed the Medal of Honor and the... and several of those medals are upside-down stars.
I'm not bashing the Congressional Medal of Honor winners, folks.
I'm just pointing out it's an upside-down star.
That's what this was, and it was made out of diamonds and had a big red stone right in the center of it.
Well, I mean...
Well, I'm sure there's photos of that on the web.
Can somebody send that to me?
I don't have photos of it.
I just caught a glimpse of it.
No, I'm saying somebody.
People out there.
Anything else on your mind?
Yeah, have you seen the stone chair that the Pope goes and sits in Israel where it's got the upside down cross above the Pope's head and he goes and sits there once a year?
And all the other religions sit there and listen to what he has to say?
Yeah, they say that that's for one of the disciples who was crucified upside down.
Oh, really?
Yeah, but it's still pretty... Yeah, there's a Baptist church here in town.
It's got an upside-down cross.
They go, oh, that's for the... that's for the... one of the saints.
What do you think about that?
You think it's for the saint, or...?
I think this stuff's hidden in plain view is what I think.
Yeah, I think it is.
I mean, it's not even hidden in plain view anymore when most corporations have the all-seeing eye as their symbol.
This month's National Geographic's got a satanic ritual at Bohemian Grove as one of their 100 vintage photos.
Yeah, people are nuts, man.
They are.
I appreciate the call, my friend.
Good to hear from you, Brian.
Roberta, where are you calling us from?
Hello, I'm calling from Colorado.
Hey, listen, I phoned you before.
This is the second time I've talked to you.
And I kind of wanted to shift gears.
You mentioned just a little bit ago about Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I've been reading a little bit about him, and he seems to be an up-and-coming person that they're grooming.
Yeah, meeting with Lord Rothschild, hanging out, working for Warren Buffett.
Doesn't matter that he said that he loves Kurt Voltheim, doesn't care if he's a Nazi, doesn't matter if he screams at bodybuilding contests that black people are n-words.
He's tied to, I understand, his father and Karl Rove go back?
From what I've read, I could be wrong on that?
No, I wasn't aware.
His father was a Nazi police chief.
Right, right.
And then when his dad died, his mother married the former top Nazi of Austria.
Oh boy.
The head of the Austrian parliament.
Well, listen, I don't know how far your sense of humor goes, but in April 29th of 2004, he filed a lawsuit against a small Canton, Ohio firm
Yeah, for the bobbleheads.
Did you hear about that?
Yeah, I saw the article.
Yeah, and he's a public figure now, and you can make a bobblehead of anybody you want who's a public figure.
That's true, in public domain.
Well, that's all I wanted.
Alright, well, good to hear from you.
Alright, thanks for the call.
We'll be back with more calls and a bunch of other news I haven't even gotten to.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Think of the arrogance for the Bush administration to have their internal memos saying we're allowed to torture people, we're above federal law.
I mean, this is the attitude, this is the mindset, this is dictatorship.
And then, of course, it's not just the planes that are going to get searched and where you don't have any Fourth Amendment.
Now you see it's going to be the trains, and then, oh, the bridges, and oh, the highways.
And it has nothing to do with terrorism.
It's about training you how to be a slave.
Massachusetts Transit Authority plans random bag inspections, Bloomberg Financial.
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, which serves the Boston area, will begin random stopping passengers.
"...will begin randomly stopping passengers and inspecting their bags to help thwart terrorist attacks in the first such initiative by a major U.S.
transit system," said Joseph Carter, Authority Police Chief.
The police policy, prompted in large part by the March 11 terror train bombings in Madrid that killed 191 commuters, should be in place in time for the Democratic National Convention in Boston next month.
If you look at most terrorist attacks, 50% involve public transportation.
Carter said the March attacks sent the message home to the vulnerability of public transportation to terrorist attacks.
And the random searches will add to a campaign started in Boston last month and undertaken in other major U.S.
cities including New York, Washington, and Chicago under which riders are encouraged to report unattended bags
And you get prison time if you do leave one, by the way.
The authority already patrols its stations with 247 police officers and four teams of bomb-sniffing dogs.
And it's all under federal control, they go on to say.
And again, who are the terrorists?
Who stands to gain from all of this?
And I said after, you know, a train bombing, it'll be the trains.
Then it's the bridges.
Then it's the schools.
Then it's the
You know, oh, we had a mass shooting in a school.
We've got to turn the schools into prisons.
What do mommy and daddy do?
Do they own guns?
It's for your safety.
We have to know.
And look at this article.
This is out of Florida.
And it says, woman sentenced to bread and water for neglecting horses.
Now folks, I'm an animal lover and I'm totally against neglecting animals or whatever, but again, it's always, this person's a terrorist.
We're going to take their rights.
This person's a pedophile, the government claims.
We're going to take their rights.
This person has some other horrible crime, they allege.
We're going to take their rights and not give them due process.
And then yeah, yeah, get them, get them!
But then it's going to be you next week, next month, next year.
Your son, your daughter.
So listen to this.
Woman sentenced to bread and water for neglecting horses.
It says a woman convicted of starving her two horses was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
The first three days on bread and water, she's going to get more than her horses got.
Judge Mike Peters said Monday.
He also ordered that enlarged photos of the famished horses be posted on the wall of Melissa Dawn's Sweeney's cell as a reminder of what she did.
Sweeney, 28, a former stable worker, was convicted Friday.
Prosecutors said she left the horses outside her mobile home without food or shelter for more than four months because she was too lazy to care for them.
One horse was later destroyed, the other was adopted.
Sweeney blamed the animals' poor condition on their advanced age.
What are they, 35 years old?
Because then a horse really can't eat.
Their teeth wear out and they do shrivel up and die, but probably not true.
There's a lot of trash out there.
But the point is, I know people who own horses that are fat and healthy, and they're politically incorrect, so they get the little visits, and we have to inspect your horses.
Sign here that we're allowed to do that.
I've seen the horses, they're stumbling around so fat they're about to fall over.
Huts here in Austin, this is in Florida.
But, cruel and unusual punishment, folks.
Oh, now we're going to punish you by what you eat.
Now we're going to punish you by what you have to look at.
You see, two wrongs don't make a right.
If somebody tortures someone, you don't torture them.
Of course, that's what our founding fathers said.
You know, they're evil liberals.
So, interesting article, but that shows where we're going.
Cities say no to the Patriot Act.
And this is out of wired news.
In the past two years, more than 300 cities and four states have passed resolutions.
It's over 400, folks.
On Congress' repeal or change parts of the USA Patriot Act, activists say,
Volatile constitutional rights such as free speech and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
Barring that, the resolutions declare that their communities will uphold the constitutional rights of their residents should federal law enforcement agencies come knocking on the door of local authorities for assistance in tracking residents.
This means local authorities will insist on complying with federal orders only in ways that do not violate constitutional rights.
The resolutions are not binding, however, and do not affect the federal government's actions.
The National Movement was launched in 2001 by the Bill of Rights Defense Committee.
I don't like to toot my own horn, folks.
This was all my idea.
An organization led by activist Nancy Talanine
Her first lobbied her community, Northampton, Mass., a town of 30,000 people, to stand against an act in November 2001 when few people had heard about the legislation.
And it says, two years later, 322 municipalities in four states, Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and Vermont, have Patriot Act resolutions.
Again, I counted them up six, seven, eight, nine months ago.
It was a long time.
It was over 400 cities and towns.
They just count cities, so they say 322, but it's a lot more than that now.
It's well over 400.
But finally, here's an article that doesn't say 125, 152, 191.
I mean, the last Associated Press article I saw said upwards of 200.
They just won't report the real numbers.
But finally, Wired News has put out 322, 3-2-2, and four states.
Alright, let's go ahead and take some calls.
But that is good news.
The Globals will just blow stuff up and say, oh, you didn't go along with the Patriot Act, it's all your fault, give us all your freedoms.
That's what the terrorists always get to do.
Imposes our saviors.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Maine.
Dave, welcome.
Well, hello Alex.
It's been a long time since we spoke, and I thought I'd just check in and get you up to speed on some of the new information that I've discovered, and that is... Well, first off, let me ask you a question.
I saw your local Maine newspaper with photos of George Bush saying, Reagan helped bring in the New World Order, and it said that he said it on television.
Did you see that in Maine?
Uh, no.
I make it a habit not to read the local newspaper because it gives me chest pains.
But as a side note, and this is what I called for, but a local newspaper here went out of business in January because the owner was retiring and nobody purchased it.
And now I am the editor publisher.
Oh, really?
So yes.
So I am the chief cook and bottle washer, as it were, for a local paper up here.
And what's the name of the newspaper?
It is going to be called the Fort Fairfield Journal.
It is in northern Maine.
And we just... Are you going to launch a website?
It's already out there.
Oh, really?
What's the website?
It is www.mainmediaresources.com Well, that's great!
Yep, so we're taking a little bit of ground back.
But what I really called you for was the 2004 DVD re-release of The Running Man has two documentary films on it that didn't occur with the original movie.
One is called Lockdown on Main Street.
And it is an analysis of the post 9-1-1 era.
They discuss DARPA, they discuss total information awareness, they discuss the FBI and George Bush and John Ashcroft and how they've circled the wagons around us and are locking us in.
And it's about a 20-minute exposé.
And they just come right out and say that... The director and producer of The Running Man are interviewed in it, plus many other people.
It's like a
It's like a public television format.
Very soft, very quiet.
Are they happy about the pollution?
Oh, they hate it.
No, they hate it.
It's disgusting and it is definitely, it would be like one of your videos on slow speed.
Just calm, relaxed, but you know what?
You're losing your freedoms.
Well, if you watch The Running Man, that's exactly the world we're living in.
The government carries out the terror attacks, blames it on innocent people, has giant private FEMA camps, the media is the government, fake newscasts, all of it.
Right, and I got the DVD because I was just curious how they would treat lockdown on Main Street, and they're saying everything you're saying
Only in a public television style format.
But they end it with, this is terrible, this is crazy, this is insane.
And I think it's a very good documentary to help advance our ball downfield.
Now, they do another documentary called The Game Theory, which is a discussion of the reality shows that are on television today.
And because The Running Man was a, quote, reality game show in the movie.
And they interviewed producers of various reality shows and they had one girl on who was a past contestant from the Survivor show on CBS and what she said segues in really well with what you were talking about the bottom of the last or bottom of this past half hour where where they're trying to with the drugs beat the men down beat the leaders down
And beat down everybody who shows any kind of leadership qualities or ability.
And one statement she made in this Game Theory documentary was where the leaders on the island in Survivor are getting kicked off first.
And she said, the alpha male leadership qualities aren't that popular anymore.
And I thought to myself, isn't that interesting?
Well, that's because the big alpha males, and mammals do this, you know, a grizzly bear will go and eat the male baby, but leave the female.
Right, well, I think the societal engineering going on there was, since the goggly-eyed TV viewers are watching this and believing everything they see on Survivor and thinking, oh, this is the way it is, where they see the strong leadership
I don't know.
It's about ending competition for the elite.
They've got the monopoly now.
They want to dumb us down, drug us out, get us under control.
I mean, I have these federal plans.
They're public.
Where they want to drug all the leadership males.
That's also discussed in a little booklet that Roy Masters put out.
You had him on a while back about it.
brainwashing, a synthesis of the Russian textbook of psychopolitics.
Yeah, you're a great caller.
I've got a bunch I've got to go to here, but this is not a call I like.
But the thing I wanted to bring up first to you, Dave, is that what is the name of the new Running Man DVD?
Because I want to get a copy.
Okay, it is just labeled The Running Man, and it's the original movie.
They just re-released it, but with these two documentaries appended into it.
And it's like 20 bucks, and you can get it anywhere.
Well, I'm going to go out and get one immediately.
The 2004.
Make sure it's the 2004 release.
All right.
Well, thank you.
Take care.
Interesting call.
Let's talk to Roger.
Roger in Missouri.
Go ahead, Roger.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I just wondered if anybody else had seen the same little buried article that I saw in the Kansas City Star yesterday.
It says five cents a gallon for gas, only for a Rocky.
Yeah, I did.
I did see it.
You know, that's just enough.
And it goes on and says where they're paying a dollar.
Halliburton is using taxpayers dollars to buy gas at $1.50 a gallon in neighboring countries and then deliver it.
And at what cost to America?
I mean, they could be charging $35 per gallon per mile and we wouldn't know it.
And today on the front page, they run off.
What a sad time this is for the average working person in the Kansas City area.
Oh, but the mainstream media says that the economy is just wonderful!
Yeah, if you work for Halliburton and you've got a $160,000 a year truck driver with the National Guard units over there providing security so you can take a tank of gas from Kuwait, or not Kuwait, but Saudi Arabia to Baghdad, that works out pretty good, doesn't it?
They do.
They get a, well let's be honest, $90,000 to $180,000 depending on what job it is.
But yeah, truck drivers getting $120,000.
So anyway, I'd like to see if more people would look at that and go to the AP article.
It's probably on there.
I actually have it here in the stack.
Okay, well post it on there and then, because this needs to be a congressional investigation into this one.
Either that or I can't wait until Halliburton opens one in my area.
Well, this actually came out months ago that the gas is paid for by the Pentagon, Halliburton gets it, and then sells it, and they actually sell it to the military for about $3 a gallon, $2.50 to $3 a gallon, and then to beat all the competition, the other few private gas stations, I didn't see $0.05, it said $0.10 to $0.15
Gallon adjusted, so no one can compete with them.
And that's the point.
None of this is free market.
It's a mafia.
You know, it's like the mafia would steal a trainload of whiskey and then own their own liquor stores where they sold it for 10% of their competition, and suddenly they owned all liquor stores, and then they could charge five times what it was before.
See, this is how monopoly works.
That's what Walmart in China is about, is destroying all competition
Then they can jack the prices up through the roof.
That's what grabbing Iraq was about.
Not getting the oil, but stopping the oil from being shipped out to then artificially increase prices.
Which time America woke up and found out those facts.
Either that or I can't wait till Halliburton.
Open the station in my neighborhood so I can get that, because based upon today's prices... Well, this is how it works.
Halliburton gets the government to pay for the gas, then sells it for at least double the price to the military, and then... Yes, I understand.
And then sells it to the Iraqi people for almost nothing to go out for competition.
I understand that, but if they'd open one here, I could use a $1.80 a gallon discount based on average price in my area.
I hear you, man.
Okay, bye-bye.
It's a great call.
I know, it's bad.
It's bad.
John in Ohio.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, the absurdity of the media pretending to believe that this CI agent who's also a terrorist who blows up movie houses and car bombs is somehow an indicator of giving democracy to Iraq
It's so absurd on his face, I think it shows the total control of the media.
You know, I'm on the left, and the fake liberals pretend to believe that the UN is going to give some kind of alternative to this military-industrial control.
Well, John, let me stop you.
You've been calling for years, and did you not hear me two years ago say that we're going to go in, take the blame as the bad cop owned by the same military-industrial complex, then the UN will come in as the savior?
Well, that's true, but I think I also have to say that people like myself on the left realize that.
For instance, the workers I was just reading on their site, this sentence, the French imperialists, along with the German and Russians, are not concerned with whether Iraqis are free of foreign colonial occupations and denominations.
On the contrary, they're only concerned with whether or not the puppet regime will share the oil
Another loot and bounty from the war.
And I think that's exactly what's going on here.
And I tried to call NPR about two weeks ago to bring some of this out.
I was getting towards the point of trying to point out the prior knowledge of the Bush administration and its involvement in 9-11.
I didn't get that far when they started to see where I was going.
But I did point out the only difference between Kerry and Bush is that he wanted to bribe and blackmail a few more Security Council bureaucrats to go along
With this rape of Iraq and this attack on Iraq.
And when I started to get around to the part about prior knowledge, Diane Reams realized where I was going and got kind of agitated and cut me off.
And I think the reason for that is that NPR's chairman, Kevin Close, is a former director of all CIA-borne radio propaganda.
Yeah, I know.
It's domestic propaganda.
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Alright, let's take two final calls, then get your pens and paper ready, because if you want to wake people up, I got the tools to do it.
I hope you'll get them and take action, my friends.
John in Texas and Jules in Oregon, that'll be it.
John, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, isn't $100 billion going into the Federal Reserve Bank every day from the Iraqi oil?
It's actually a lot more than that, but yeah, a lot of the... And the tap's been open to ship oil directly to Israel from Iraq, hasn't it?
Yeah, the Hypha Pipeline and that's about it.
The rest of the oil is going to be kept there in the ground.
That then jacks up global oil prices.
Didn't you say you had a further comment on Fahrenheit 9-1-1?
Yeah, I meant to get to that.
I mean, really what it does... I'll have to elaborate more on it tomorrow.
Okay, I have one other comment.
It may be propaganda, but three years ago on Coast to Coast they had a
Well, I mean, Nostradamus' quatrains, lots of them are frauds, people mistranslate them, I don't believe in it, and you can twist them into whatever you want to believe, thanks for the call.
And yes, I meant to get to that, and I will do that tomorrow.
I routinely do this where I say I'll cover something and I don't.
I told people last week, two weeks ago, thanks for the call.
I told them, no comment is going to hit us the 20th.
It's made up and it turned out it was all disinfo.
And if we could just focus in on the FEMA camps, the foreign troops, the cancer viruses and the vaccines, the drugging of our youth, that's real stuff we can prove.
Jules in Oregon.
Jules, go ahead.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
I wanted to know about, if it's possible, could you
Tell me how I can get a hold of All Fall Down and the inside of the two books you were talking about.
And I just wanted to say that the UN publishes a listing on land with the natural resources highlighted here in the United States.
And last but not least, the American Enterprise Institute in mid-April had a seminar, an all-day seminar, that was on C-SPAN.
And they were talking about how they were going to case, as you say, Alciada in Africa.
But at the end of the show, at the end of the day, he had a four-star general, who was actually orchestrating everything from the background, was explaining how, where all the natural resources was in Africa, and how the best oil in the world is found in Africa, which is called the... Yeah, they openly have some, they openly, thanks for the call, they openly have symposiums, and go, Alcott is going to go here, and that's good because we got resources we can grab while we do it.
And you must have been hearing a different radio show because I don't know those books you mentioned.
That happens a lot.
People call in, hear one show, think it's my show.
So I'm not sure what you're talking about with those books, but that is interesting, sir.
Yes, Al Cieda, always there to give the globalists the pretext to take over sovereign countries and bring in total enslavement.
Got some big guests coming up later this week, be sure and join us and I'll be back tonight from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time as well, so be sure and join us.
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And 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, both those films cover who really carried out September 11th and I cannot stress how important it is
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Again, thanks to all the callers, the affiliates, the folks running the show, the listeners, our sponsors, and number one, to God.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
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