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Name: 20040603_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 3, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well!
Another live edition of the Alex Jones Show!
Spanning out before us, obviously, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
A lot of big developments on the geopolitical scene globally.
And we'll be taking your calls.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Bush, CIA Director George Tenet
Lord Bush has told us that one of his kingpins has stepped down.
I wonder why that's happening.
We'll get into some of the news behind the news.
Also, Paris bans protests in the city ahead of Bush's visit.
Globally, from Russia to France to England to the United States, they're banning protests.
All part of the new global freedom.
You know, the Chinese do it, so why shouldn't we?
So the Frenchies love Lord Bush so much.
After all, he's a Rothschild agent.
Rothschilds basically own France.
And they've done such a good job taking all the blame for France's takeover of Iraq.
They're very pleased with themselves.
They've conned the neocons, as usual.
And meanwhile, over in Russia, London Guardian reporting, television station, Sachs Kremlin's last critic.
And Putin's also banned protests in the major cities as well, all part of the new global freedom.
All these governments doing the exact thing, passing the same laws and the same order.
It's all part of the freedom.
Also, cops intercept innocent text messages.
That's right, they're watching us to keep us safe, and we'll get into that.
Bush likens the war against terrorism to World War II, and basically likens himself to Roosevelt and
Churchill, my goodness, and also France.
Bin Laden within U.S.
reach twice, so they're getting us all ready for that staged capture that we reported on almost two and a half years ago.
OPEC is saying they're going to release two million barrels.
Ooh, big deal.
I mean, how many millions of barrels do we use a day alone?
Members of the oil producing cartel OPEC have agreed to raise output, but the move has failed to have an
uh... immediate cooling effect on high prices also the L.A.
police are saying that they could have a Fallujah on their hands but it's a war zone in L.A.
They need more police, more police state power.
See, it's a war on terror, a war on crime.
Michael Moore has released his new Fahrenheit 9-11 trailer.
We have it on PrisonPlanet.tv if you want to go look at it.
And I think we'll play some of that audio later in this hour here on the show as well.
The trailer for Michael Moore's incendiary new documentary, Fahrenheit 9-11, debuts in theaters Friday, but the curious can find it on his website a day earlier.
Now it's going to start debuting in a few theaters this Friday, and then by what, the 25th of this month, it's going to be in a bunch of theaters.
And obviously I'll go see it, but I haven't seen it, but those that have have told me the U.N.
needs to come in and take over America because we're bad.
Again, that's the European Union plan.
Have their agent Bush carry out the attacks, then this is all brought out globally, and then America has to be dealt with severely and has to be, you know, caught off at the knees and the world has to come together globally to deal with the evil Americans.
But, again, the neocons neutralize the conservatives, the liberals love the UN, so their plan will work, unless we all wake up to its grand, larger designs and get a little bit more sophisticated.
By the way, we were talking about the draft yesterday.
Well, they've already instituted a form of the draft, and this is from Reuters, and so we'll get to this breaking news right after this quick break that we are about to take.
A form of the draft reinstituted.
Meanwhile, Republican Senator rejects blank check for Iraq.
And bees kill second Texan in two weeks.
Deadly African bees ranging about... You know, I've been attacked by them before.
Did you know that?
Was not enjoyable.
Well, they were hybridized.
Normal European honeybee mixed with an African bee.
Had about 12 stingers in my head.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time, we are here live.
Again, thank you so much for joining us today.
Before I plunge into the international and national news across the spectrum, the political spectrum, we got a call yesterday from a gentleman in Fredericksburg, Texan, Gordon Spalding, who'd done absolutely nothing wrong, and the CPS, just because they were lower income, came and intimidated them into signing papers and took their newborn baby.
And we have a great affiliate out in Fredericksburg, Texas, and I got a lot of calls from people in Fredericksburg who were trying to get a hold of Mr. Spaulding, and people offering him places to stay.
Just great people out there, so definitely you need to listen, Mr. Spaulding, to the phone number also that the radio station gives out and give them a call.
And I want to commend all the great folks out there.
We need to have communities everywhere of good people that are helping educate others about the Bill of Rights and Constitution and about
This giant military industrial complex program of imprisoning as many of us as possible through their different systems.
So again, I want to thank all the folks at Fredericksburg for their great response.
You need to get on this and move forward.
Now, Army issues order to keep soldiers from leaving.
This is a form of draft.
Now, they have all these different pieces of legislation introduced to bring back the draft, an expanded draft for women as well, national conscription, you'll have to serve domestically, and tattletale squads.
I mean, this is mainstream news.
This is the East German Stasification, or Sovietization, or Noxification of America.
I mean, the classic M.O.
But, this has been going on for several years, but now it's intensifying.
Where you sign up for a three, five, ten year tour, and these tours are ending.
These contracts are ending, but the small print says, no, we can keep you in indefinitely, twenty plus years we want to.
And that is indeed now happening.
Including people who signed up at the National Guard for a year or two, and were told, oh, you'll just be gone a few weekends a year.
They're being told, you're never going home, buddy.
This is out of Reuters.
Tens of thousands of U.S.
soldiers designated to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan will be barred from leaving the military when their volunteer service commitment ends, the U.S.
Army said on Wednesday.
The latest stop-loss and stop-movement orders
Broader than others issued previously, see it's expanding, were a further sign of increasing stress on the Army as the Pentagon strives to maintain adequate troop levels in the two conflicts.
And it says, Lieutenant General Franklin Hegenbeck, the Army's personnel chief, told reporters it would be wrong to see the orders as a symptom of desperation, but acknowledged the Army was stretched.
The Army issued the orders for active-duty soldiers as reservists in all units that will deploy outside the United States for missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Hagenbeck said the orders were open-ended and could be in place for several years while the Army reorganizes itself into smaller, more interchangeable units.
The orders were meant to preserve unit cohesiveness by keeping together soldiers who have worked and trained together, he said.
Oh, yeah.
It's not because they don't have enough troops, it's because they just want them to stay together because they're friends.
Critics argue that keeping soldiers beyond the end of their contractual obligation is a breach of trust and undermines the concept of the all-volunteer military.
That's right.
Even indentured servants would sign on for five years, seven years, to come here and be slaves.
There were more white slaves than black slaves.
They were just called indentured servants.
But when your tour was over, you got out.
But not in the new America.
We go way past that.
And that's where all of this comes from.
So I hope everybody's aware of this.
It's just kind of an omen of things to come on a much wider scale.
Former CIA Director, and I say former because Lord Bush has informed us that Mr. Tenet, CIA Director George Tenet, who weathered storms over intelligence, lapses, oh yeah they were lapses, finally executed activities and very well done.
That's why you had the big three minute standing ovation celebration a few days after 9-11 about suspected weapons of mass destruction.
Again, CIA Director George Kennett, who weathered storms over intelligence lapses about suspected weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the September 11th terror attacks, has resigned, President Bush said today.
I will miss him, the Lord Bush said.
Kennett came to the White House to inform Bush
About his decision Wednesday night.
He told me he was resigning for personal reasons, of course.
Bush said, I told him I'm sorry he's leaving.
He's done a superb job on behalf of the American people.
Just like you said, Rumsfeld's done a superb job ordering the torture.
Bush said that the Deputy John McLaughlin will temporarily lead America's premier spy agency until a successor is found.
Among possible successors is House Intelligence Committee Chairman
Porter Goss, Republican, Florida.
The man who met with the head of Pakistan Intelligence the day of 9-11.
The man who wired $100,000 to Mohammad Atta.
You were meeting with him over a breakfast.
A former CIA agent, they said.
So again, Porter Goss.
Yes, a very good person.
Just like General Myers with the NORAD stand down.
He got promoted to Chairman Joint Chiefs.
He's been a strong and able leader at the agency, and I will miss him, Bush said, Lieutenant, as he got ready to board Marine One for the trip to Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, and on to Europe, where they've banned protest of his lordship.
George Tenet is the kind of public servant you'd like to work with, the President added.
He's going on for a role on The Sopranos because he looks and acts just like a kingpin, Bush said.
I mean, no, he didn't say that.
He's strong.
He's resolute.
He's an arrogant bastard.
I'm sorry.
He's strong.
He's resolute.
He served his nation as director for four years, five years, and he has been a strong and able leader of the agency.
He's been a strong leader in the war on terror.
Blah, blah, blah.
I send my blessings to George and his family and look forward to working with him until he leaves the agency," Bush said.
Oh, my goodness.
So what does this mean?
I mean, then they go on to say he's been under fire, under pressure, and getting blamed for all this?
There's no failures.
Tennant has done a superb job.
That CIA drill that morning of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
He uses the standout order for NORAD as Lord Myers paced the deck there.
Ah, Cheney in command.
All well executed.
You're so superb, Tennant.
The question is, why are you leaving now to go cash in in the private agencies out there, the entire economy being turned into a private cash machine for former and current administration officials?
Or, is this a bode for bad things coming for the administration?
What is the truth here, my friends?
I don't know.
What do you think?
So President Bush accepted the resignation of Seattle Director George Tenet.
Bush said Tenet told him Wednesday night he's stepping down for personal reasons.
Meanwhile, you heard that Lord Bush is boarding
Marine One to fly out to his command base, the real capital in Maryland.
That's where they built the new capital.
It's admitted, the new emergency appointed capital when they pull off their next big event.
And this is the Financial Times of London.
From there, his Lordship will fly to Paris.
This is the Financial Times of London.
Paris bans protests ahead of Bush's visit.
And then when Bush is back in town next week in Georgia, six counties have banned the protest and preemptively declared a state of emergency.
Boy, I tell ya, this is just freedom!
This shows the unified front of tyranny, my friends.
Demonstrators have been banned in central Paris throughout the week to ensure no hostile protests are in evidence to disturb President George W. Bush's brief presence in the French capital on Sunday, where he will be dining with President Jacques Chirac.
This blanket ban cannot conceal the groundswell of French hostility to the U.S.
Emperor and the unpopularity of his policies of the regional Rothschild Governor.
I'm sorry, of his policies on Iraq and the broader Middle East.
It nevertheless underscores Mr. Chirac, the regional governor of France's determination to make Mr. Bush's stay in the true imperial capital for the 60th anniversary of the D-Day celebrations a friendly occasion and a chance to improve a chilly state of Franco-American relations.
At the beginning of the Vice-Emperor meeting of the year, Mr. Bush had yet to confirm his attendance at the D-Day celebrations of June 6th, which was the residue of his accumulated mistrust of France's opposition, its staged opposition, to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Even when confirmation came in, it seemed his time on French soil would be limited to a diplomatic minimum.
And it just says you're not going to be allowed to protest his lordship.
And then when they come back into Georgia, Mr. Schumacher, and Schroeder, and dumbbell over there, Bush's poodle, Tony Blair, when they're all over here, you won't be able to protest that either.
So, again, it's all part of freedom.
This is what we're fighting for.
The terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom, so Bush is doing the right thing.
He's destroying our freedom.
The terrorists will then love us.
Which is actually a true statement.
They are the terrorists.
They did this to get our freedom, to scare us into submission, and now they're doing that.
The terrorists attacked us because they had our freedom.
People say that's not a true statement.
Well, if you look at it from Bush's perspective, it's true.
They attacked us to get our freedom, and they're doing just that.
Latest critic, one of Russia's leading independent voices on television was silenced yesterday when the channel MTV fired the host of a current affairs program over an interview with a widow of a former Chechen leader.
And it says Leonid Pavlov, the host of the other day, whose hour-long weekly broadcast was one of the televised scrutiny to watch the Kremlin, was still... I'll come back and tell you about it.
I mean, what's wrong with that?
We do that here, it's part of the new freedom!
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Remember growing up, Russia was bad, China was bad, because they didn't allow protests, they'd beat people up.
They had secret police in black ski masks that would go out and do it.
It was always for security reasons, of course, to stop terrorists.
And now, the whole western world is doing this, and the paid pundits are telling you how great it all is.
Coming up, cops intercept innocent text messages.
That's right.
Bush likens war against terror to World War II.
France has been lodged within U.S.
reach twice.
This is from the Associated Press.
OPEC to release two million barrels of oil, which is really nothing.
on the road to Fallujah, claiming that they're about to be a total war zone.
That's the police department.
We'll talk about Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9-11, Republican Senator rejects blank check for Iraq, B attack kills second Texan in two weeks, and this Brockton Junior High sex racket probe, I mean, out of the Boston Herald.
Why would you send your children to public school if they can learn how to be crackheads and learn how to go into the prison system?
And a really scary article out of United Press International, UK laws could allow human
Hybrid animal experiments.
That's already been going on.
But again, this isn't big news.
It's no big deal.
It's already going on.
But the UK is going to legalize it too.
Israeli tank fires on Palestinian school being condemned.
Israeli police charged with abuse.
Three Israeli border policemen were charged yesterday with abusing two Palestinian youth, including beating them up and forcing them to eat gravel and kiss their shoes.
There ought to be police officers over here.
That sounds like they're doing a good job.
Also, possible meteorite reported in Washington.
This is out of Newsday as well.
And a bunch of other news here that we'll be covering for you.
Let's go ahead and go to some of the calls.
Bryant in Texas.
Go ahead, Bryant.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Alex, I've called you a few times.
I'm a big fan of yours.
I get a lot of your downloads from PrisonPlanet.tv and I save them on CDs.
That's a good way to distribute them.
Oh, good!
Yeah, the weekly TV report.
Right, and some of the other things.
It's an easy way to save something that you can just hand somebody and really make an impression on them and it's cheap, you know?
You know, I've always been, ever since the facts of the Berg case came out, or really before they came out, I was real suspicious of it.
And one of the things is the way, you know, the beheading actually took place is so implausible.
And I was tying that together with some of the stories I've heard from soldiers who've come back from Iraq.
One of them, that my daughter told me the other day that she heard from this soldier about this unfortunate member of his platoon who had his head blown off.
And, you know, what happens in these cases is the head or the person doesn't die right away and they're like trying to talk and they're like, you know,
And this head was just, it was on the ground, and it was like trying to, you know, say these expletives, you know, for a rather long period of time.
Yeah, well, in fact, I've actually read the official histories of the French Revolution, the Illuminati Revolution, and the guillotining, and about half the people whose heads they cut off would sit there and try to talk for up to four minutes.
Uh, their eyes wide open, they're trying to scream, mouthing words, blood spraying 10-15 feet.
But not in this case!
No, that doesn't happen.
Of course, this is the Pentagon that hired Jerry Bruckheimer, the Hollywood producer of Pirates of the Caribbean.
And Blackhawk down to consult and basically produce the Jessica Lynch story, which she later said was a fable.
This is the same government that put out the fake Fat Bin Laden tape two years ago.
The same people that plant fake news stories with fake signatures from troops in the newspapers.
The same ones that congenitally lie to us.
But no, they wouldn't produce a fake Berg video.
No, never!
Well, he just magically worked at Abu Ghraib Prison.
He just magically was connected to two hijackers.
He just magically was connected to an Iraqi working for the CIA, the State Department.
Just, you know, you shouldn't be... Just come on!
Well, a lot of this, of course, I think rings a bell with people who have studied very closely the Kennedy assassination.
They know that Lee Harvey Oswald was actually an agent of the
of the Navy version of the CIA.
Yeah, that's admitted, Jim.
Yeah, but really, even more so than the implications of the Berg video, what I'm really more concerned with is the trauma that these soldiers are being subjected to and the DU and all that sort of thing.
Well, now they've basically put in a new draft saying it doesn't matter if your time was up, you're going to stay.
Thanks for the call.
They didn't even do that in World War II, folks.
You went and, you know, you're a volunteer, you serve your year, and you're gone.
Well, not now.
You're gonna serve decades if we say so.
Thanks for the call.
Don and Ron and many others, your calls are coming up when we get back.
A lot of other news, too.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A few weeks ago, I guess about a week and a half ago actually, the New York Post
Surprisingly came out and basically said that Michael Moore had ripped off my 9-11 film and made Fahrenheit 9-11.
You know, I don't really agree with that.
I mean, it's a public thing that happened.
Moore only scratches the surface according to the reviews, and I've talked to people that have seen it.
And basically, oh, the government just screwed up because Bush was business partners with the Saudis, and oh, Iraq's real bad.
We need to have the U.N.
come take America over because our government's out of control.
So this is part of the larger plan.
But let's go ahead and play the new trailer for Fahrenheit 9-11 that Mr. Moore has released.
If you want to view the trailer, it's at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Here it is.
You can make people do anything if they're afraid.
The FAA has taken the action to close all of the airports in the United States.
All commercial and airline traffic was grounded.
But we had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to pick up Osama Bin Laden's family members and transport them out of this country.
In the middle of the war, corporations decided to hold a conference to figure out how much money could be made.
Once that oil starts flowing, it's gonna be lots of money.
Whatever it costs, the government will pay you.
It's gonna be good for business, bad for the people.
Congressman, trying to get numbers of Congress to get their kids to enlist in the Army and go over to Iraq.
The USA Patriot Act allows for searches of medical and financial records.
It gives law enforcement almost unlimited power.
They wait till the middle of the night.
It's printed in the middle of the night.
How could Congress pass this Patriot Act without even reading it?
Sit down, my friend.
We don't read most of the bills.
No one read it!
Welcome to Congress.
This is Michael Moore.
I would like to read to you the USA Patriot Act.
From the corridors of power.
To the streets of small town America.
To the front lines.
This is an impressive crowd.
The haves and the have-mores.
Some people call you the elite.
I call you my baby.
Comes the true story that will make your temperature rise.
I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Thank you.
Now watch this drive.
No, watch this drive.
Yeah, it's real funny.
He's laughing.
Ha, ha, ha.
Hit this golf ball.
So, sounds really good, folks.
Man, I tell you.
But again, they only scratch the surface.
If you want to get the real film, as the New York Post said, I'm shocked by this,
And now some other newspapers have reported it as well.
If you want to get the real film that exposes Bill Clinton, that exposes the entire government for Oklahoma City, the First World Trade Center, which the FBI actually cooked the bomb and trained the drivers, if you want to see Hitler blowing up the Reichstag, if you want to know about Roosevelt allowing Pearl Harbor to take place, Nero burning Rome to blame it on his enemies, if you want the big picture, and not just, ooh, Bush is a boogie man, let's have the UN come in and take over America,
Because I said, again, years ago, I said 9-11 is meant to come out.
It was so sloppily done, all these leaks.
You know, Mayor Willie Brown didn't say, I got a warning not to fly for no reason.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff didn't say we got a warning not to fly to New York that day.
This was all done on purpose.
We were meant to bring this out, as I told you!
And then they'll say, oh, it's the evil cowboys in America, a small group of evil right-wingers, socialism, world government's the answer, the UN's our savior.
And that's exactly what Moore calls for in the film and in his book, Dude, Where's My Country?
So I suggest you spend your money on a real film that is professionally produced, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Over two years old.
Part two, Masters of Terror.
About 20 months old.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement gets summoned to 9-11, but mainly other government terror events and Patriot Act 1 and 2 and the rest of it.
Matrix of Evil, only about six months old, with a congressman Ron Paul and Frank Morales and Colonel Roberts and many others.
Throwing out Patriot Act, you name it.
You need to have the real videos.
I authorize you to make copies of my films for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
Because we're never going to be able to have the power of Michael Moore.
That is with a major release, but we do have the power to tell the truth through you, the listener, getting the original videos, making 10-15 copies, getting them out to opinion makers, telling them to make copies.
It is having a massive effect, my friends, a huge global effect.
So I want to commend those that have gotten the films, I want to commend those that are
That are going to get them, that are going to make copies.
If you already have them, but haven't made copies, make copies.
Because when tens of thousands of listeners take action, it turns into millions of people seeing the film.
So, this will kind of open the door for a lot of us.
People will see Michael Moore's film and get about a tenth of the story.
This is baby food.
We'll give them a T-bone steak.
And a big ol' baked potato, and a glass of iced tea.
We'll give them the full course meal, you know, that wedge blue cheese salad.
Now I'm having dreams of the steakhouse, but the point is, my friends, give them not some pap, not some baby food, but the real deal.
Master's degree level studies and evidence of who carried out 9-11 and who's going to carry out the next attacks they're gearing up for.
It is so important to expose this and expose this now.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and order the videos via our secure, safe shopping cart.
Or call toll free to get any of my ten films.
1-888-253-3139 That's 888-253-3139 Or again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
I have made 10 films.
They're $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order 3 or more.
Or sign up for 15 cents a day at PrisonPlanet.tv to watch all my films online.
About half the stuff on the site is for free, but we have to charge for something, because I can't pay for the bandwidth of 20 million people a month going and watching this stuff.
But PrisonPlanet.TV as well.
But again, that number to order the films, 1-888-253-3139.
Alright, let's just go through, let's hammer through these great calls.
Then I want to get into all the other news.
Let's go ahead and talk to Don in North Carolina.
Don, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How are you doing today?
You're doing a great job.
Thank you.
What I wanted to talk to you about was tenants' resignation.
And I'm not sure if you were aware, but Bill Jahan, who is the owner of the LetsRoll911.org website, last week posted an open letter to George Tennant on his website.
It was astonishing and very blunt and to the point and basically told him that everyone knows what's happened now through his website and through these slowed down
I mean, let's be honest.
We've all exposed this.
We've all exposed the entire 9-11 story.
And I don't think we should focus in just on one slice of 9-11.
Because they can then try to discredit that even though it's accurate.
We need to focus on the hundreds of slices.
That's the argument that's conclusive that's changing the minds of military officers, people in government.
But it's all part of a bigger plan.
Tenet's been under massive pressure and I believe is somewhat of a sacrificial lamb.
Well, that letter was only there for a very short period of time, and then they took it down.
Not Phil, but some of the government cronies somehow made that page come up.
404 not found.
It was there for maybe a half a day.
Did the website say that?
Because if somebody takes your page down, you can put it right back up in two seconds.
Well, I'm not sure why he didn't do it.
Yeah, see, let's be careful here.
Because sometimes there's mistakes on webpages or problems.
And if somebody took something off my site, I could put it right back up in about a minute and a half.
Well, I'd like for you to have Jay Hand back on the show again just to talk to him about this.
It's possible that this letter had something to do with Tenet's decision to vacate this position because maybe... Yeah, but here's the problem.
I like to see... I mean, you see something on somebody's website come down saying that the government did it, but the site didn't say that.
So now you think that, oh, this is the reason Tenet did this.
And it certainly could have something to do with it, but I don't like to speculate, Don.
Okay, I don't mind...
Pointing that out and clarifying that.
One question before you let me go.
Last week, because I listen to you every day, on the GCN network your shows were all mixed up.
They were replays of shows that you played the previous week.
Yeah, I've never really taken off and I took off three days.
I was hoping that was what you were going to say.
Yeah, no, it's not a conspiracy.
Okay, very good.
Thank you for clarifying that.
No, no, and listen, I'll try to investigate what you've said, but there's been a lot of pressure for Tennant to resign, going back over the last few years, but there's been pressure for Defense Secretary Rumsfeld to resign, which I think he should, but again, they're just errand boys.
Bush is just an errand boy.
I appreciate the call, Don.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Alex, the administration released information on Jose Padilla yesterday vis-a-vis the
Yeah, this guy who literally has about an 85 IQ, low-grade moron, supposedly was planning a nuclear bomb attack, and they go, oh, we mean dirty bomb, and just more propaganda.
Well, what I have here I'd like to play for you is the news segment from the 700 Club with Pat Robertson's comment right after it relating to this.
Would you like to hear that?
These never seem to come across very good.
I think it'll come across.
How long is it?
About three minutes, three and a half, four minutes for me, the most.
Yeah, unfortunately I really can't air three minute clips.
I've done this in the past and I hear the replays and a lot of times it's inaudible.
Why don't you mail me that or email me the video clip and we'll post it.
Do you know how to do that?
No, I don't.
You want to try it anyway?
He usually does when I do this.
Well, you want me to put you on hold and you can just queue up to his comments?
I mean, what did Pat Robertson say?
Well, let me just get his comments then, because you know the rest.
That's good.
Hold on a second.
I mean, is it how great this is to have enemy combatants?
You'll like this.
And to grab citizens?
I mean, I don't... You'll really like this.
Hold on a second.
All right.
Let me get his point on here.
Again, they're setting the precedent to arrest citizens with no evidence and to torture them and to put them in these camps.
Very good.
Hold on.
It's not long at all.
In fact, I just got... Hold on.
I just... I got it and I just put it on fast.
We're going to put you on hold and come back to you in just a minute, Ron.
I sound like a cranky guy today.
We don't know if that's what caused him to resign.
You can't play that clip, but what happens is we get caller after caller.
I want to play this clip, but sometimes it doesn't work too well.
Let's talk to Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I saw where Lord Tennant resigned today, and my thinking is he's resigning and taking the weapons of mass destruction fall for Lord Bush.
That's what this is all about.
Well, that's what the media is saying is that, well, he really was pressured covertly because he's the one that took the fake stuff and put it out, and Bush never really knew this.
Yeah, that's really what it seemed to me.
And I also wanted to comment, I watched the weekly report last night on Prison Planet TV.
Yes, sir.
And one thing that was really encouraging to me was the people that are now calling in and disagreeing with you are not intelligent people anymore.
It's just these dumbed down, crazy frat people that I just couldn't believe some of the calls and how ignorant they were.
Well, we posted, you know, I probably get one caller a month who disagrees on the TV show, and then suddenly, a few weeks ago, I was doing a show, a live TV show, and a couple people called in and they were just screaming, cussing, yelling, and it was just incoherent babble, and yeah, that's the opposition.
Yeah, I think it really showed how stupid people are that have no idea what's going on.
Now, you've got the educated, well-informed people
And then you've got the Trump frat boys that say, oh 9-11 didn't happen, worship Bush, ugh!
That's a good imitation.
Yeah, I hear it all the time in my restaurant.
Yeah, and they were calling me a hippie.
Yeah, that's what gets me.
You're the liberal.
And when I was exposing Bill Clinton, I was the fascist.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
I mean, look, we call it like we see it.
We call it like we document it.
And it doesn't matter who's in power, we expose them if they're corrupt.
Yeah, that's what the... I mean, you're probably the least iffy person in the world, and now people are calling you iffy and liberal.
Yeah, I know.
Because I'm against Bush wanting to sign the assault weapons ban and wanting to have open borders.
Yes, I'm very liberal.
Yeah, it's just... it's all that Al-Qaeda talk that comes out of your mouth.
That's right, I'm against Al-Qaeda, so I'm Al-Qaeda.
Yep, that's what it is.
Hey, listen, I appreciate the call, my friend.
Do we have now Ron with that clip?
Ron, do you have Lord on... Go ahead and play it.
See, this is what happens with clips.
... pacified documents revealed that he would have remained silent if he had been charged in a civilian court.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
You know, ladies and gentlemen, we have in this country a wonderful clause in the Bill of Rights called the Fifth Amendment that keeps people from having to testify against themselves in a court.
But is this any reason to treat a
We're good to go.
I think so.
In my opinion, are paramount.
Do we want a dirty bomb?
Or nuclear explosives in our cities?
Or do we want a building blown up by somebody like this?
Who is a sleeper for Al Qaeda?
Well the answer is of course not.
So, he's not been convicted.
He says he's a Patsy.
He says he was working with the government.
We've got these hijackers hanging around with Berg.
You know, all this stuff going on.
Bush flying these people out.
And notice, oh, for the whole... See, we have a right to be safe.
That's what the Soviets said.
Oh, we're secretly arresting people because the general public has a right to be safe.
And you know, that Fifth Amendment... You know, this guy's a sleeper for LCI Ada.
I hope you'll send me a video of that, Ron.
It came out pretty well, didn't it?
You want to comment on it some more?
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, folks.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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Look folks, there's been all these so-called conservative Christian Trojan horses
That have been supported and promoted by the government, that now at this key point are telling us the Patriot Act's good, and secret arrest is good, and... I've been criticized whenever Pat Robertson three years ago said forced abortion and femicides, China's doing what it has to do!
Live on CNN!
We played the clips here!
And I had people call in and go, you know, you shouldn't talk about, you know, this good Christian that way.
Yeah, I know he said it, but you know, he's good, and... So now you're for forced abortion.
I mean, because I'm not Christian, because I'm not for it.
And we've got to have these secret arrests.
Hey folks, it's for all citizens.
All suspicion of any misdemeanor is an act of terrorism, section 802.
They're using Patriot Act coast-to-coast against citizens.
Al-Ci Ada is who carried out the attacks.
I told you about the attacks before they happened.
We know what we're talking about here.
We're not making this stuff up.
You know, they have all these so-called Hollywood liberals come out and support Kerry, and we know that they're bad, so conservatives see that and go, oh, well, Bush must be good.
I mean, it's real, simple, Machiavellian politics!
They're laughing at us!
This is theater, people!
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Ron, and we'll go to Delilah, Roseanne, Sue, and others.
Go ahead, Ron.
The reason I'm doing this, there are Christians out here who are very disillusioned.
People I know, very disillusioned and dismayed at what
Some of the Christian leaders, Pat Robertson, Jay Seckler, some others are doing, and we're very disheartened about it.
And I feel that this should be aired and other Christians should know why.
If you could explain to us why are people like Robertson, Seckler, and some others doing this?
I think you did explain it, but if you can get that... Well, do you remember six, seven years ago, Bill Clinton went after Pat Robertson's 501c3?
He's offering the carrot.
He's offered tens of billions in faith-based initiative to literally turn the churches into the government.
There you go.
And so, yeah, like the Patriotic Church of China.
And so they see the writing on the wall, and that's why they're moving ahead and doing this.
They're married to the political aspect of the Republican Party now, who's throwing them bones.
Well, a lot of these Christian so-called leaders go to Bohemian Grove.
I mean, this is part of the record.
Robertson doesn't, but some of the other big ones do.
So, I mean, these people are really the complete opposite of what they're saying.
Thanks for the call.
And how does the devil masquerade as an angel of light?
As a good guy?
I mean, come on people, have some discernment.
Good points.
Let's talk to Delilah in Ohio.
Delilah, go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I really appreciate it.
You bet.
I just wanted to share and make a comment about yesterday's show that you did last night on the military draft.
I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for that show yesterday.
My husband and I both heard it.
I checked out that website and I emailed every single person I can think of and just gave them the bill numbers, S89, H.R.
163, and I just told them to pass it on to others and I emailed my representatives.
I did everything I could possibly think of.
I also contacted the gentleman that you
That you had on your show yesterday.
Send an email for more information.
Mr. Levitch.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for a reply back.
Very intelligent, very informed.
You notice we were both on the same page because this is the facts we're covering.
A new National Compulsory Service Act.
Women, men, serving as slaves of the government here domestically.
Yeah, I just wanted just to say, you know, a heartfelt heartfelt thank you.
In fact, I'm saving this tape and I'm probably going to try to make some copies of the tape and forward it to some some younger family members that I have.
For some reason, it's just not sinking in into the youth.
And we just need to just wake people up and make people aware and take action before the you know what hits the fan.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Second hour.
Only 70 seconds away in global transmission.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Telling it like it is, for a decade.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
On this Thursday, the third day of June 2004, we're now into the second hour, exactly one minute into the second hour.
We're going to have wide open phones today, your chance to respond to all the news.
The head of the CIA resigning today, Lord Bush tells us.
Also, when Bush goes to France this week, they're going to ban protests.
When he comes back to Georgia, they're banning protests.
It is, admittedly, martial law.
The Russians are arresting people and not allowing protests.
The Chinese are doing it, all part of the new freedom.
We'll get into OPEC claiming they may now cut oil prices, but the
Well, companies say they don't want that to happen.
They're the real bosses, and we'll get into a bunch of other Big Brother news.
There's a ton of information coming up today.
Also, human-animal
Chimeras, or splices, this is out of UPI.
There's some of the horrors going on, just publicly, that no one seems to understand.
This is like a nightmare science fiction movie.
All of this is.
Face scanning cameras, implantable microchips, all of this.
So we'll be discussing that as well.
But we'll get into these human-animal splices coming up in the next segment.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Who's up next here?
Roseanne in Pittsburgh.
Go ahead, Roseanne.
No, it's Ruthanne.
I have three things I wanted to share with you that I've come up with, and some had to do with some research I did.
I'll go through them real quickly.
On Charlie Rose, that talk show host on public TV about a month ago, Kissinger was on, and he admitted to Charlie Rose, point blank, that right now there is essentially no difference between a Democrat and a Republican party, and that's a good thing.
But he said,
That the only difference is tactics.
How they're going to approach it.
And he played up on that.
He actually admitted that.
In some detail.
The other thing I wanted to bring up to you, had to test with you a little bit, the second thing.
That man way back on C-SPAN that wrote the book about conspiracy, Michael Barkin.
I looked him up on the internet.
Yeah, the professor that viciously attacked me for an hour.
I just wanted to point out to you, and I got this off his website.
I went to Syracuse University and looked him up and read about him.
He had a rave review given to him by Eileen Barker, connected to the London School of Economics, and we all know what that is.
They produce a lot of big globalists.
The London School of Economics.
But she reviewed his book.
The guy was sitting there, flashing Masonic signs the entire time.
He was really strange.
And the third thing is very interesting.
This took me days of research, because it's so hard
Yes, I spent days on the internet.
Here's just a little bit more about her that is never in the media.
She of course grew up in Mozambique, South Africa.
Her father, as you know, was a doctor.
Her mother was from one of the wealthiest colonialist families.
She's not like an African Earth mother.
She had hot and cold, black running servants.
She lived in the lap of luxury when 90% of the country was impoverished.
Well, that's who rules the world, is the diamond monopolist, the oil monopolist, the weapons monopolist.
And what else I found that was very interesting is, if you research her, the town she lived in,
And I'm a genealogist.
I looked up... By the way, I was aware of that with her, but go ahead.
Well, here's some things that are a little more not out there.
I looked up the names in the genealogy websites, in the Jewish genealogy websites.
Her father's name, S-I-M-O-E-S, F. Ferrer, I don't know how you... those two last names.
Our Sephardic Jewish names, which simply means Mediterranean Jewish names.
She grew up in, they call it Maputo now.
It used to be called Lorenco Marque.
That is the Jewish community of Mozambique and always was.
There's a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that she's Jewish, of course, and changed her name.
She went to school with Kofi Annan in Switzerland, and then, of course, she worked at the UN afterwards.
So there's a lot of stuff about her that they're just not putting out there.
Well, I mean, people should say who they are.
I don't understand this.
They should.
It's not the fact she's Jewish.
Why do they hide it?
You know?
It's just, why are they lying?
Well, I appreciate the call.
Also, it's been in the news that she's related to Bush.
Related to Kerry.
They're all related.
That's our ruling elite.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
If you're joining us for the first time and you're going, what is this show about?
What are they doing?
I mean, if they're not for Kerry and they're not for Bush, well, who are they?
I mean, that's the whole universe.
That's the whole world.
That's the only choice we've got.
I mean, the government doesn't lie to us.
They love us.
They want to help us.
They tell us in all these public service announcements and propaganda woven into the TV shows and the news.
This broadcast is about looking at human history, the admitted fact that strongmen dominate enslaved populations.
That's the norm.
98% of the time.
We've had our own evils in this country.
Slavery, indentured servitude.
The government's been caught putting cancer viruses in vaccines.
Uranium, plutonium in school children's cereal to see what it would do to them.
You know, black men and syphilis, letting them have it, spread it, die of it.
I mean, there's hundreds of these examples.
We have to stop trusting government.
We know there's evil people out there, right?
So if you give a certain group unlimited power, the criminals in that group will take over even if you had good people in government to begin with.
We're just talking about human history and facts.
We're talking about getting out of denial before it's too late.
Because we're not just going down the road of a police state.
We're going down the road of a nightmarish killing field.
A mechanized, scientifically crafted extermination program.
That's the goal of world government.
That's what these sickos are into.
Calling us down to a 200 to 500 million servant class of the global elite.
They have 30 year advanced technology.
They have built this giant secret infrastructure and the war on terror is about bringing this infrastructure out in the open.
FEMA's had NORTHCOM for decades.
They just announced it two years ago.
They've had all these systems in place for a long time.
Now they're going public with it because now they're getting ready to use it.
And we're trying to save lives here desperately.
We'll go to some calls, Sue and JR and Cherokee and others here in a few minutes.
The toll free number to join us on air.
We'll talk about the tenant resignation or the oil prices or what's happening in Iraq with the new puppet government telling us that this is freedom.
If you disagree with me, whatever, you've got a question, a comment, 1-800-259-9231.
UK laws could allow hybrid human-animal experiments.
This is United Press International.
Now again, every time I mention on air that there are goat spider cross-species creatures in Texas, in New York,
In New Mexico, at military bases, publicly owned by a private company.
People don't believe it.
I've had the CEO on.
I've read AP, Reuters, Washington Post, Time Magazine articles about how wonderful Cross Species is.
I'm talking about goats that have spider spinnerets as their udders that produce body armor.
That bullets literally bounce off of.
Now, I know it sounds crazy.
Sounds like something you'd hear in 2004.
Oh, it's 2004.
Been going on for decades.
Announced three years ago.
You know, we're not in 1975.
We're not in 1952.
We're in 2004, boys and girls.
And every time I tell somebody about a spider goat, they laugh at me.
Just type spider goat into a search engine.
You'll have every mainstream article you can imagine.
That's what's so incredible about all this.
I mean, every week there's a new article where they find cancer viruses, genetically engineered, added to vaccines worldwide.
I'm living in a nightmare hell here!
And you're like, well that's your problem, you should just see the bright side of life.
I do!
There's a lot of good things going on, a lot of good people, but we're so naive that evil is growing like a cancer!
It's almost terminal, people!
But again,
About a year ago I was in a pizza place picking up a pizza and this guy walks over and he goes, you know, I took biology at UT and you're an idiot.
There's no cross-species.
You can't put plant genes in mammals.
You can't put mammal genes in other mammals.
You're a liar.
It doesn't exist.
And I said, when did you have biology?
And I said, well, I said, sir, it's mainstream news.
No, it's not.
You're an idiot.
I used to believe you, but now I don't.
I mean, it's like the draft.
They admit they're going to pass the draft, they're getting ready for it, setting up draft boards, got the bills introduced, and Selective Services had its funding increased, and they say they're going to do it, you're still in denial.
I mean, folks, I know this stuff sounds nuts, but again, I was on the air five, six, seven years ago talking about implantable chips, and now they'd be on the news saying we need chips, and now you've seen them on the news saying it.
But you still have that aftertaste that I'm a kook because I'm against it.
But again, UPI, UK laws could allow hybrid human-animal experiments.
It's already going on.
Britain could become the first country, it's not the first, where scientists successfully create a human-animal hybrid thanks to legal loophole allowing such experiments.
It's not true folks, they've got pigs that are part human.
That's in the US.
The wording of the government
Embryo watchdog legal mandate means it has no power to regulate experiments in which human and animal material are fused to create new cells, the Times of London reported Tuesday.
In other words, ethically contentious studies similar to some conducted by Paniotis Zavos, I interviewed him last year, a maverick scientist seeking to clone a human, could be done in Britain without a license from the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority.
Although human reproductive cloning violates British law, there would be nothing to stop researchers from adding human DNA to cow eggs as Zavos has done to test his cloning technique.
And it goes on into chimeras.
Now again, what's a chimera?
It goes back to the Greek, that multi-headed creature, the head of a lion, the head of a dragon, you know, the head of a goat.
Flying around eating people.
You know, that's where we get the word chimera.
Some pronounce it chimera.
And, I mean, I've had the CEOs on where they got these goats that are part spider walking around.
Most of the stuff you eat at the grocery store has, for some reason, I just love them, cockroach genes in it.
Tomatoes, corn with salmon genes.
They've had to have recall of corn because it causes health problems with the stuff in it.
Two years ago, I'll never forget this, Associated Press in Texas, never hit a newspaper I saw, reported, oh, the Texas company Prote-Gene just got in trouble.
In 96 locations, they planted a corn, a pharmacological corn that grows live AIDS virus in it.
And it jumped into soybean fields, into some granaries, and the feds had a big crisis.
And then I mention that and people go, you can't have AIDS in corn!
What's he talking about?
I mean, you know, I got a horse and buggy here.
There ain't no such thing as aeroplanes.
You know, it's that same attitude I'm going.
No, the world is round.
No, it's really happening.
Oh, it's a major crisis.
We gotta do something about this.
Just, I don't want to rant and rave forever.
It's just,
Things like this illustrate that things move on much faster than the regulatory system often accommodate.
Said Ian Gibson, the Labor Chairman of the Common Science and Technology Committee.
A spokesman for the authority said that the watchdog would also support a review of the loophole.
So, that's from United Press International.
And it's already going on, okay.
I mean, I've seen 500 articles, I've seen 1,000 over the last decade, where they admit they're doing this.
I'll never forget about 7 years ago, a BBC article, and it said that 2 years ago, so I guess that was 6 or 7, that was 8 or 9 years ago, it goes, 2 years ago, the British government began the first human clone.
They only raised the human embryos to a two-week status and then froze them.
And I got on the air and I said, look, cloning, human cloning.
And then they admit eight, nine years ago.
Again, about six, seven years ago they said, two years ago they did this and it's not been released.
This is really cloning.
And now they have this debate, should we clone, cloning, will they clone a human?
They've already done it, they admit!
And now it's going on at U.S.
But it's just an embryo, after all, it's not a baby, it's not a human being, so we can industrialize the use of this, and Monsanto and the rest of them are all moving into this.
You talk about the Matrix, I mean, this is it!
And by the way, Pennsylvania,
Passed a law a few months ago, where it legalized bringing clones to term, letting them be born, and then it stated that they have no rights.
Remember that?
And can, quote, be used for body parts.
In fact, I actually have the article.
I just saw it the other day in a big stack over here.
I'm going to go grab that.
If I can find it, it's over in that stack right there.
I mean, folks.
This is pure evil.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sue in Washington.
Sue, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thank you.
We've got some other news happening here in Seattle and we've got, I don't know if they've activated HAARP or if they've got scalar weapons, but... It's all these weird explosions in the sky.
I have it here in the Associated Press.
Oh, you do?
Okay, yeah.
Tell folks about it.
Well, they're talking about it here on the local radio, but it woke me up.
I didn't see a flash, but everybody's apparently reported that
Ah, they saw the whole sky light up, but about quarter to three.
And there's been reports as far as Roseburg, Oregon, or just outside of Roseburg.
Well, also, we're getting reports of multiple explosions.
Yeah, yeah, there's been a lot of different reports.
My first response was, oh, well, they got done with the trails and the skies and now they've got it all set up.
They've got HAARP going.
Which, we've seen the patents.
They spray out the aluminum, the barium salt, and they use that as an energizing wavelength to activate this.
Yep, so we must be getting close to them.
Yep, something's going on, so... Well, how are you feeling?
Because the Boston Globe admitted last year that DARPA is going to deploy large mine control towers in U.S.
cities to just, if there's a crisis, to make us be calm.
They admit they have it, just Boston Globe.
They're going to control us, it's all part of the freedom.
Well, I don't know what we're going to do about this.
There's so many things that... Well, let me ask you, how are you feeling?
How am I feeling?
Not real good about it.
But I mean, have you felt any physical?
Because it's been related to the heart.
Okay, I'll tell you what happened is I heard it last night, went back to sleep, had things to do this morning, didn't even think about it until I heard it on the news.
And I thought, well, that's odd.
How come I didn't remember something that... Tell you what, stay there.
We'll be back.
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No, to be completely serious, this was probably just a large stone meteorite that come to the atmosphere and then heat up and explode.
It's a good thing it exploded before it hit the ground.
This is the Associated Press.
Possible meteorite reported in Washington.
Bright flashes, because there were a couple of them, and sharp booms were reported in the skies over the Puget Sound area early Thursday.
As experts said, a meteor or falling space junk may have been the source.
Nothing unusual was detected on National Weather Service radar and authorities also ruled out aircraft problems or military flight tests.
Toby Smith, the University of Washington astronomer lecturer who specializes in meteorites, said the scientists were looking into the HAWS.
That's what makes it interesting.
It doesn't usually happen.
You may have a bunch of meteors come in, but only one or two will make it explode.
Some of the reports have it.
Witnesses along a 60-mile swath of the sound from near Tacoma to Webby Island, as far away as Idaho, 260 miles east, said the sky lit up brightly.
Many reported booming sounds as if from one or more explosions.
Made a pretty big bang, Petty Officer Andrew Davis said, from the Webby Island Naval Air Station.
We thought it maybe could be a meteorite or something.
And then also the U.S.
Naval Observatory in D.C.
said it could have been a meteor, but another possibility would be space junk such as a spent rocket engine or satellites falling into Earth orbit.
But they don't normally explode.
It takes a big stone meteor to do that with gas in it.
You know, to heat up, light hot, and then just BOOM!
They pop like a popcorn.
And I've actually seen that once.
It was out by a campfire when I was about 13 years old.
All of a sudden, look up and there's this huge burning object and it just goes BOOM and blows into a bunch of pieces.
They claimed it was a stone meteor.
Pretty big one, too.
Again, good thing those things heat up and explode.
But the point is, is they admit they have HAARP.
They admit they can put these particles in the air and then charge it up and that that sometimes causes explosions and weird, weird atmospheric things to happen.
And then you got DARPA saying, oh yeah, we're gonna
Put mind control towers up.
Instead of having helicopters with narcotic spray to spray cities, which they admit they have ready for every U.S.
city, we might just put up towers that'll control your mind.
So that's why I was saying, you never know what this is now.
We're in 2004, folks.
The age of spider goats and implantable microchips.
Sue, anything else you want to add?
No, that's great.
I'd just like to hope it's not anything to do with HAARP.
So, if it was a meteorite, I'm rejoicing.
Or space junk, but I didn't know space junk blew up.
No, and the way they said it, I mean, the sky lit up like it was morning.
Yeah, I've got another report saying that.
No, 240 AM and a bunch of explosions they're saying.
Right, and I myself didn't see anything, but I heard it and it, you know, I've never heard anything like that before.
What did it sound like?
Well, everybody has their own idea of what it sounds like.
I pretty much thought it was an earthquake.
I thought it was somebody moving a bin across the ground.
You know how you move out your recycling bin?
So this could almost be as big as the thing that hit Russia in 1918, but it didn't hit the ground, thank God.
I mean, how come it was like
I mean, was it a long explosion?
Yeah, it sounded like somebody dragging one of those giant recycling bins across the ground.
And I thought, well, that's odd.
Why would the neighbors be doing that in the middle of the night?
And then my son said, well, that is very, very suspicious.
So a lot of people have heard a lot of different things.
Well, who knows, they could have had one of these new giant space planes, you know, hitting Mach 20 or something.
I mean, they admit over California, that's why they've been hearing those for a long time, and now they go, oh yeah, we've got this giant flying V spacecraft, and no, it's not green men, it's Americans flying it.
Yeah, alright, well thanks Alex.
Okay, good to hear from you Sue.
Yeah, it's an interesting article, I really, I was going to get to it, but it's, again, it's speculation, so I really can't comment much on it.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to J.R.
in Texas.
J.R., go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I've got a few things to mention here real quick, and a couple of questions for you.
Recently, a couple of weeks ago, I was in New York City on vacation, and the first place where I went down to was obviously Ground Zero.
I took the subway down there, and very impressed by the magnitude of, you know, the size of that place.
I can only imagine how chaotic things must have been on 9-11.
After a while, I got thirsty and I went into this Japanese restaurant bar that was very close to Ground Zero.
It was in the World Financial Center.
I went in there and had a beer.
I was talking to the bartender.
Tell you what, I want to hear this when we get back.
Stay there with us.
Don't hang up, JR.
Yeah, one of my friends, Mr. Wright, worked in the World Financial Center.
He's an architect-engineer, and we had him on that day as it was happening, and he said, the most controlled demolition I've ever seen.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Let's go straight back to the calls.
JR, you went into this local restaurant slash bar by Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, and please continue where you left off.
Yes, Alex.
So anyways, I'm in this Japanese bar having a beer, and the bartender comes up, and I start talking with the bartender.
And the first thing I asked him was,
So, what do people here in Lower Manhattan or New York City think about what happened on 9-11 and what they would like to see be rebuilt at Ground Zero?
And I also asked them, do you think that people would like to see the Twin Towers rise again?
And his response was pretty chilling.
He said, look, people here really don't like to talk about that.
Because, uh, there's spies everywhere.
And, uh, most people are scared to even touch the subject because there could be spies anywhere.
And, uh, so it's not safe around here.
Was what he told me.
Well, it's a public giant street right there, and if you want to go hold a banner saying, we love George Bush, you're allowed to.
People unfurl banners saying, you know, the government was behind 9-11, the police will arrest you, in many cases, beat you.
It's all part of living in the new China.
You know, the new freedom, with their banning protests everywhere, you know, France banning it in Paris for Bush's visit, Georgia banning protests in six counties for the G8, you know, or Putin shutting down protests.
Most of the people we've talked to that live in New York now believe the government was behind it.
Was this guy a foreigner, though?
Yeah, but... See, they're used to that.
They're used to not talking because they're spies.
They're perfect, perfect slaves.
Yeah, and after that experience, in the days that followed, I was passing out these small business cards that are printed up here.
I printed up hundreds of these with your websites on them, of course.
and uh... also uh... the website fourteen twin towers dot org uh... on them as well and i i'm not the fact that over a hundred anything all over manhattan and even on the brooklyn bridge and uh... about thirty percent of people would not even turn would not even accept you know the card and i'll go well next year and so uh... but a lot of people were receptive and uh... and a few people even ask me is this about the freemasons i like uh... it goes even farther than that so um...
You know, I got the word out on Manhattan about your website and your work, Alex.
So what percentage of the hundred people you handed cards out to knew what was going on just when you talked to them?
I would say about three percent.
And that's about it.
So you're saying you talked to three people that automatically knew what was going on?
Yeah, exactly.
You were saying a lot of them were receptive.
I mean, what would you say to them?
Well, people want to know the truth.
That's the impression I got.
What percentage were receptive?
Receptive, well about, I would say about 80%.
Okay, so you weren't having long discussions with people.
No, I totally avoided it.
In fact, I went into this gift shop.
Oh, so 3% on their own volition said we think it's the government.
Well, yeah, they suspected it at least.
Yeah, and I think if you'd had time to sit down with each person, 40-50% would have said that.
Because, look, again, I've done these thousand-plus radio interviews, coast-to-coast, in New York, you name it, liberal, conservative shows, shows attacking me, shows supporting me, and most of the callers, and in most cases, you know, 30 to 1, call in and agree with me.
So, I mean, the government's in a lot of trouble.
Yeah, yeah.
Something's gotta give.
Alright, thanks for the call, I appreciate that.
Oh, we can't talk about it, there's spies everywhere.
You know, the 30,000 Hercules teams, what they call it, with the police everywhere and their black ski masks shoving you around.
Have you not caught you little people?
Look at who stands to gain from all this, my friends.
Before I go back to the collars that are patiently holding, I wanted to play this trailer from Michael Moore's new Fahrenheit 9-11.
And it's a pretty
Hardcore stuff in it, but again, I've talked to those that have already seen the film, and I've read the reviews.
He only touches on a few of the issues, but it sounds pretty good from the two-minute trailer for it.
The problem is, is that I've read his new book, and in that he calls for the UN to come in and take over America.
So see, that's the shill.
Stephanie, do you have that trailer ready again?
Go ahead and hit it.
You can make people do anything if they're afraid.
The FAA has taken the action to close all of the airports in the United States.
All commercial and airline traffic was grounded.
But we had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to pick up Osama Bin Laden's family members and transport them out of this country.
In the middle of the war, corporations decided to hold a conference to figure out how much money could be made.
Once that oil stops flowing, it's going to be a loss of money.
Whatever the cost, the government will pay you.
It's going to be good for business, bad for the people.
Congressmen trying to get numbers of Congress to get their kids to enlist in the Army and go over to Iraq.
The USA Patriot Act allows for searches of medical and financial records.
It gives law enforcement almost unlimited power.
They wait till the middle of the night.
It's printed in the middle of the night.
How could Congress pass this Patriot Act without even reading it?
Sit down, my friend.
Uh, we don't read most of the bills.
No one read it.
Members of Congress, this is Michael Moore.
I would like to read to you the U.S.A.
Patriot Act.
Let the eagles soar!
From the corridors of power... Ernestine?
I don't know.
To the streets of small-town America.
To the front lines.
Impressive craft, the Habs.
And they have mores.
Some people call you the elite.
I call you my base.
I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Thank you.
Now watch this drive.
All right.
I call on all nations to stop these terrorist killers.
Now watch this drive from this golf club.
Give me a break.
But again, Moore touches on why did Bush protect Bin Laden?
Why did he order the FBI off Bin Laden?
But he, according to people I've talked to that have seen it, doesn't get into public officials being warned not to fly, didn't get into Bill Clinton protecting him, didn't get into... He covers about 2%, 3% of the evidence.
And, uh, you know, then the answer is liberalism, big government, you know, the U.N.'
's gonna save us from the evil radical cowboys of America.
When we're simply the bad cops following orders of our European owners.
That's the facts.
Now, if you want to see the real films, professionally produced, serious, focused, documented, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, two films I've made, Eric Huffschmid's on VHS and DVD,
Painful Deceptions, George Humphrey's books and books on tape and CDs of books on tape that we have.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Link through to our secure, safe online shopping cart.
Or simply call toll free to get my videos.
Big discounts when you get three or more of any of the titles.
And so let Moore give people his spin.
We give them the truth, folks.
Get the film, make copies, get them out to people.
Again, the New York Post said that my film is much more powerful than Moore's.
You need to get 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
Or, just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And if we don't expose the big picture, they're just going to use 9-11 to empower the New World Order.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to... Who's up next?
Cherokee in Kentucky.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to tell you and your listeners about an incident that happened to me the other day.
Our dog had got off her lead and was running in the neighborhood.
And the dog catcher had cornered her in our front yard.
And I went out there.
I said, what's going on?
And he said, you know, your dog's been running around out here.
And I said, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize that.
I have her on a lead and she must have gotten off.
Did you call him his lord?
No, but he did want my driver's license.
And then he took off with my driver's license.
And he, um, he, uh, I got to the point he took so long that I actually went upstairs and put my shoes on and went out and, uh,
And confronted him and said, you know, what's going on here?
What do you mean my license and stuff?
You mean you asked questions of a god?
Yes, I did.
And he then called the police on you?
He asked me if I had any warrants out.
Oh, yes.
If I had been in any trouble.
If I had been in any trouble.
Well, you know, the pizza man, the cable man, the carpet cleaner man, they're all secret police now.
Right, and I, you know, I mean, I'm not originally from this state.
I'm originally from California, back before September 11th happened.
So you didn't show proper respect to this lord?
Well, um, not at first.
No, at first I looked him in the eye and questioned him.
Okay, so finish up what you were saying.
I'm sorry.
No, that's okay.
So then I, he basically then said that if the
My dog had gotten out into the street and caused an accident, but I'd be liable for property damage and personal injury.
Oh yeah, everything!
I mean, his dog hasn't snuck out of the house or got onto the fence.
Mine does it about once a month.
Oops, I'll be at Camp X-Ray within the day now.
But yeah, this is the new freedom, ma'am.
I mean, you've got to be watched and interrogated because your dog was out.
How dare you?
Right, and now I have to go to court on the 30th and appear before the judge.
He got out.
Well, you don't have to.
You demand a jury trial and you get a jury.
You don't have to go up here before the Lord.
Well, the thing that was so interesting is that as he's standing there asking for my license, a million and one things just flashed through my brain and I wanted to say, no, you don't have the right to take my license from me.
You're not a police officer and I'm not in my car.
And then I realized I'm home with my two little ones.
My husband's at work.
He's got me.
Oh yeah, he'll call CPS on you, sure.
Sure, oh absolutely.
These are deadly creatures.
So how did it all end?
It ended with me basically talking a mile a minute and I really think the Lord intervened because a guy came up in a white car and started harassing the dog catcher and he says, oh this guy's been giving me trouble all day.
He says, I'm not even going to put half of what I should put down here.
I'm just going to put that she was out.
And, uh, you know, here's what you have to do.
And so, anyway... Well, this is the new America.
Every petty thing now is this big investigation and we're all evil and we've got to be watched and yes.
Right, and I would just say... Imagine Knock and Talk, ma'am.
It's begun nationwide.
They're just coming.
Mind if I look in your house?
Well, no.
Well, what have you got to hide?
But notice it was first in our cars.
I want to search your car.
Well, no.
What do you have to hide?
We'll see that argument goes to your house then.
See, if they'll come to your car and say, let me search it, and you say no, and they say, why, what do you have to hide?
Ask them, well, do you want to come to my house and ask to come in and if I say no, what do I have to hide?
But see, now they've extrapolated that to your house.
Well, ma'am, what
We just randomly are searching houses.
It's a part of the new freedom.
It's a new service we have for you.
I mean, what's wrong with you?
You don't like police in your house for no reason?
What makes it even more interesting is that while he had disappeared with my license, I called my friend, whose husband is an officer in the next county over.
And I asked her, I said, ask your husband, is he allowed to do that?
And she asked him and he said, no, he's not allowed to do that.
Well, ma'am, did you hear in 2000 with the census how they would bust in houses, beat people up, there were some rapes, people with just a little plastic badge would say, let me in your house, I've got to count your toilets, what's in your bank account?
And it's thugs on power trips.
You need to file a complaint.
Let me make a guess here.
Are you pretty good looking?
I guess, kind of.
My husband's very handsome, so I guess I must look okay.
Okay, yeah, you're probably good looking, and he's a little upset about that right now.
Punk like him can't get a good woman.
And that's your number one problem.
I mean, a lot of bureaucrats like to harass good looking women.
So, the most you could have done was pick your dog up at the pound, you'd have gone down, they'd have given you a ticket.
So it's best just to not talk to these people.
It's best to not get within their guns.
Yeah, I almost didn't want to go out, but, I mean, the poor thing, she was so scared.
And he said that because she'd growled at him, he could arrest me for harboring a vicious animal.
Oh, he also threatened to arrest you, of course, yes.
What else did he threaten?
Just the, you know, being financially liable for property damage and personal injury and, you know, for
Potentially harboring a vision.
Does he have a lot of tattoos on him too?
Actually, surprisingly enough, no.
And maybe I'm just a little prejudiced because I am from California.
But, um, he looked like a hick.
He, you know, he just, not, not, you know, good hygiene.
Alright, well thanks, thanks for the call.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
No, it's just, I see these cops now, and I mean, they look like somebody you'd be afraid of in a dark alley.
You'll see them directing traffic with like huge skull tattoos up to the wrist, and all wild-eyed, obviously, you know, just took some PCP the night before.
It's all part of the new freedom.
I hope you enjoy it.
Sorry that happened to you, ma'am.
Hey Alex, how you doing man?
We love ya.
My name's Gary.
I live here in Cheyenne, Wyoming and I'm a truck driver.
Anyway, I got a couple questions for you.
Number one is, do you mind giving me all your tapes?
And last night I did list, I mean watch, I mean Police 3, and it's just out of this world.
I mean, my question is, where is gold and silver going to be going, you think?
Well, I mean, it's up in the last three years, and it goes up and down, and I'm not going to say if it's going to go up or down.
I don't know.
I know it's artificially depressed in value by the big central banks.
That's admitted, but at least they can't totally devalue your silver or gold.
They can't totally devalue skills you have.
They can't totally devalue your love for your family and community.
That's worth more than all the gold in the hills is having friends you can count on.
Knowing how to skin a buck and run a trot line.
Yeah, I hear ya.
That's how you can survive.
Anyway, buying gold isn't going to be a good deal then, huh?
Yeah, I personally wouldn't buy the collectibles.
I'd buy a little bit of bullion.
I think that's your best value.
I would buy some bullion.
I'd shop around.
Okay, I got another question now.
My girlfriend mentioned something about filing bankruptcy on the Federal Reserve.
And that can go, I mean, through the state.
I mean, they have to admit this to Congress.
And then file on the Federal Reserve?
Yeah, we don't have to be under the Federal Reserve System.
It's a debt system set up to get us all in debt.
Okay, I mean, why can't we file on the Federal Reserve, I mean, state by state?
Well, we could.
We could if we controlled our states, but we don't.
We've got to get control of them.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, the power is at the state level.
And I'm glad that you thought the Police State 3 was interesting.
It's my longest film and one of the most powerful.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
I think so.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Think about this.
In Georgia, they're banning protests, a preemptive state of emergency for the G8 Summit that Lord Bush will be attending with other global dictators.
And at the same time, other regional governors of the global dictatorship
He's going to be over in France in the next couple days, and they're banning protests in Paris for that.
And Russia's doing the same thing.
I mean, this is freedom?
All these countries working in concert, doing the exact same thing?
Oh, but it's to keep you safe from terrorists, you see.
It's all to keep you safe.
The road to hell is paved with this terrorism that the military-industrial complex is carrying out.
We'll go to more of your calls here in just a few minutes, but right now let me get into some other news items here.
Bush had the nerve, the goal, to link himself, well his White House staff is linking him to Churchill and to Roosevelt, I guess you could link him to Roosevelt, big socialist growing the government.
...destroying freedoms, but the Associated Press, linking the terrorism fight to the World War II struggle against tyranny.
Oh, tyranny.
President Bush urged support for his efforts to spread freedom and democracy in the Middle East, despite the angry distrust of many Arabs.
This is a great challenge of our time, the storm in which we fly.
Bush told 981 Air Force Academy cadets graduating in a stadium at the foot of the Rockies.
Just as the events in Europe determine the outcome of the Cold War, events in the Middle East will determine the fate of terrorism.
Fight, Bush said in a 45-minute foreign policy speech.
He said that beyond jailing terrorists, free nations must nurture openness and oppress societies to head off the resurgence of anger that breeds violence.
Worldwide, our government's going in and putting in tyranny.
Here domestically as well.
They appoint a puppet government.
They appoint a new puppet government.
And then they call that democracy in Iraq.
I mean, appointing governments isn't democracy, people.
I don't have to explain that again.
I know you understand that.
But comparing it to the fight, and meanwhile, France, again, over two years ago I got told here in Austin by, let's just say somebody in the White House, that Bin Laden died of natural kidney failure.
I was told that by another CFR member as well.
But that was on the show, but before that I was told that Bin Laden died of kidney failure.
Good CIA op.
They handed his body over.
It was frozen.
They were going to roll it out right before the election.
I said it could be disinfo, but it comes from a high-level source.
Well, guess what?
In December, Madeleine Albright comes out and says, oh yeah, they've got him, they're going to roll him out.
Then these generals start saying it, and Senator Grassley and the rest of them.
And then quote, they're on his tail in Pakistan, always about to catch him.
And then suddenly that story disappeared.
Now U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan had Osama Bin Laden within reach on at least two occasions, this is the AP, but were unable to prevent him slipping away, France's top general said Wednesday.
French Chief of Staff General Henri Bénigrette said that al-Qaeda leader had evaded capture several times in 2002, but not recently.
He didn't say where Bin Laden had been tracked down and refused to comment on whether French special forces operating in southern Afghanistan were involved.
Several times the coalition has had Osama Bin Laden directly within reach.
He told reporters during a visit to the Afghan capital, but between locating a person and arresting them, there's a giant gap tied to all the uncertainties of all operations of this kind.
You mean the 8,000 you flew out of Afghanistan in the middle of the war?
You mean that type of gap?
The General said that several Bin Laden's top lieutenants had also evaded capture at least two times.
They managed to escape, he said.
That's absolutely inevitable, normal in the conditions in which these kind of operations are carried out.
I'm not saying there was an incident of this kind recently, he added.
To my knowledge, this is not the case.
He made similar comments in an interview in March.
The Francis Europe 1 radio station saying Bin Laden narrowly escaped capture by French troops in Afghanistan perhaps several times.
He did not specify when or where the escapes took place.
Some 200 French troops work with the 20,000 strong US-led coalition in Afghanistan in a drive to track holdouts of the former ruling Taliban regime and the Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda terrorist group.
Yeah, right.
So, just, you know, more of these rumors getting you ready for it.
Oh, we're going to capture him.
We'll find out real soon.
Or have we neutralized them preemptively by reporting it?
We'll be right back with third hour, your calls, and a bunch of other key news.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, now into our number three of this live June 3rd, 2004 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to cover a bunch of key news items.
Tenants resignation, the oil prices, the police state, the puppet government in Iraq, the government saying impending terror attacks are about to take place.
It's all coming up, but right now let's get back to your calls you've been holding patiently.
Who's up next here, Stephanie?
Donna in Mass.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
People think they're not living in the police state.
I've got something for everybody here.
My house was assaulted January 29th, the middle of the night, because my husband's license to carry was not renewed.
I see those articles every couple days, from Illinois, to Mass, to New York.
You don't get your permit renewed.
The day after it's not renewed, a SWAT team hits you and hits you hard.
They blew out all my windows, they fired into a darkened house, and it was sub-zero weather here.
I could have froze to death in my house.
The police didn't care.
And then they ran in, and what happened?
Well, they ran in, they confiscated all his guns.
They did not want to give me a hand receipt.
And, uh, they left me in a freezing cold house.
My coal stove had gone out.
Uh, my kids had left, uh, for my sister's house.
But the most recent development, I mean, that's under litigation right now, but the most recent development is last Friday, my kids were kidnapped by DSS from school.
They were, they were taken by force.
They had to be handcuffed, crying, screaming, everything.
How old were they?
Uh, well, they're 15 and 16.
And they were homeschooled for quite a few years.
And so they're saying because your husband had guns illegally because the permit expired, that shows he's a criminal, so criminals can't have children.
That's where they're at.
Uh, the media had asked the police chief, um, you know... Now, again, the NRA is pushing these concealed carries, but once you start this, then this is how they act.
This is how they act.
It makes your right a privilege, then they make it hard to get the privilege.
Go ahead.
The irony of all this, Alex, is that my husband has a distinction of being one of the most highly decorated veterans in New England.
Well, that's why they hate his guts.
He has a Silver Star.
He was recommended for the Medal of Honor.
Well, that's why...
Veterans all go in the database for harassment, ma'am.
This is pathetic.
This is horrific.
And he got his medals by saving lives.
By taking down pilots out of the jungle.
So have you gotten your children back?
No, that's under litigation.
So you sued the cops so they came and grabbed your children?
Yes, I filed a complaint with the Attorney General's office because of what they did, the damage they did to my home, and the way they left me.
My husband was ordered to remain out of the house.
He was put in jail.
I had to work, and I was unable to meet with the DSS caseworker a couple of times, so they declared I was being uncooperative.
No judge, no jury.
They just kidnapped your children.
I said, what am I supposed to do?
I have to take care of these kids.
You know, they both have orthodontics.
They both have things going on.
I have to maintain this household.
My husband's in jail because of something he didn't do.
Somebody in his house has to work.
Well, they simply said I was being uncooperative, so they kidnapped my kids.
From the school?
Yes, from the school.
Will they even let you see your children?
Well, I know where they're at.
I will be able to see them.
I've been speaking to them.
They did not want to go, and they are very upset over it.
Well, thank God they're older.
Oh, that's what I say.
That's what I say.
Well, they'll now know who the enemy is for sure.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, they know.
Well, ma'am, I'm sorry we live in the Soviet Nazi Republic of America.
And they got these creatures, just the evils rising, the tide of wickedness is rising, rising, rising.
Need to get out of that state.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got about 51 minutes left, and I want to get into the OPEC situation, the terror attacks, some of the police state news, and go back over this George Tenet resignation this morning.
Why did that happen?
Why now?
Also, protests all over the globe being banned whenever an emperor is in the area.
But before we go back to Vince and Jeffrey and Manuel and Robert and others that are patiently holding, and the toll-free number to join us, by the way, is 800-259-9231.
And I'm going to air one more time that Michael Moore trailer coming up later in this hour.
But before we do that, I want to go to Debbie Morrow from New Millennium Concepts.
Haven't had her on in over a week, and we like to have her on a few times a week.
She's the one you'll be calling when you order a Big Berkey or any of the other great items they have made right here in America.
Water purification, not just filtration.
This is where they're poisoning us is through the water supply.
I mean, there's just mountains of evidence.
You want to take control of your life, at least in one large area?
Your body is 70% water.
Debbie, good to have you on with us.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
I missed you last week.
All righty.
Debbie, tell us about the water filters.
Tell us about what they do.
The Berkey water filters are a gravity water filter that require no electricity to purify the water.
And they actually have purification elements in the top that takes out pathogenic bacteria, triomethanes, radiologicals, inorganic minerals, and VOCs to the low detectable levels.
It also reduces heavy metals up to 95% and 85% of nitrates and nitrites, which is really unheard of in the past.
To take out nitrates and nitrites from a gravity filter used to be impossible, and now we take out greater than, you know, 85%.
We do have an additional post filter that works in conjunction with the Berkey water filter to also reduce the fluoride.
I don't know.
And folks, read the fine print on even the expensive filters.
Stuff that costs thousands of dollars for your whole house.
It doesn't do that.
It just filters it.
It does not purify it.
These are top-of-the-line systems for $199, $259.
Great systems.
This is what I use.
You need to have it.
Debbie, what are some of the specials?
We have the Berkey light without light.
It's our standard Berkey light unit.
It's $199 and it comes with one free gift and you get the choice of either a 22 ounce Berkey handheld sport bottle that is filtered or a bottle of potassium iodate that gives one adult 100 days dosage or the movie Sheltering in Place that comes on either DVD or CD-ROM or you can get, not CD-ROM, I'm sorry, DVD or VHS.
And then we have the Prudent Places CD-ROM for your computer.
So, you know, you can get one of those free gifts with the $199 Berkey Light.
If you get the Berkey Light with the lights, which is our more updated model that has the lights in the base, that's $259 and with that you get two gifts.
So, it's a, you know, like $78 savings by getting the Berkey Light with the light.
And you get to pick from those same four gifts to get the two.
The Berkey Light Base has LED lights in the base that work in an emergency for emergency lighting.
They have an electrical cord that charges the internal batteries, but the lights do not have anything to do with filtering the water.
No matter if you have electricity or no electricity, you still get the same great filtration.
You also have the great solar system that people can get that will run and recharge those batteries for the array of LEDs that will burn continuously for 14 years if you want them to.
It can also charge up cell phones and radios and things like that.
It's a great system.
You know, they're telling you the summer of terror, the terrorists are going to get you, but don't buy gas masks, don't buy water filters, don't protect yourself.
Meanwhile, the government's building giant underground bunkers.
But forget the disasters, folks.
You need to stop drinking the water.
Once you've been drinking good, purified water, try to drink your tap water.
You won't believe that you could ever stomach the stuff.
Give Debbie a call at
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number and she'll call you right back.
Or go to BerkeyWater.com and then say in the order area, the comment area, what special you're getting and that you heard it here to get the discount and what free gift you want.
So BerkeyWater.com.
You can also order at InfoWars.com or call toll free.
Hey Debbie, good to have you back on.
Take care.
Thank you.
You bet.
See ya.
That's a really nice lady and she'll answer all your questions.
Give her a call.
Alright, let's go back to the calls as promised and into more of this news.
Let's go ahead and talk to Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
How are you?
I just want to make a little brief, a couple good friends of mine who are living in another county, I live in Marion County in Indianapolis, Indiana, but they're a county south of here, Brown County.
And they're libertarians and they've gotten elected, like the county council.
But, you know, these two people say that, you know, for people to really change and get rid of the two-party system that we have here, whatever you want to call it,
The dictatorship of the two-party system.
He said people are going to have to get... The only way that's going to change is if people get thoroughly spanked.
And I mean, you know, financial implosions, you know, people losing their property, people being put to jail for no apparent reason, and whatever.
Well, everybody... You get thoroughly spanked.
That's what he said.
Hopefully, good people will wake up.
Well, everybody should be thoroughly concerned by the fact that the government has tens of millions of people in their system, seven million behind bars, conservatively, folks.
Those are the new numbers.
Come out in the last year, up from four million.
And on top of all of this, the government's saying we're going to have 33 million in prison by the end of this decade.
Now, just four years ago they were saying 30 million by 2025.
Now they're saying by the end of this decade.
So, again, the military-industrial complex, it isn't enough to have weapons and attack countries and take over and own the oil.
Now they have set it up for all criminals so they can legally and lawfully, under the color of law, get us into their slave system.
Thanks for the call.
Good points.
Let's talk to Jeffrey in Louisiana.
Jeffrey, go ahead.
Yes, I wanted to make a couple points.
Y'all were talking about the evangelist preachers, sir?
Yes, telling us that the police state is good, microchips are good, forced abortion is good in China, yes.
Yeah, I was going to say, Tex Morris has a video out about it.
It's called Priest of the Devil in the Christian Pulpit.
He's got a video out.
And it unmasked all the evangelist preachers.
He has another one that I carry called the Blind and the Dead.
And you can get that at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling, yeah.
Yeah, I've been meaning to call.
There was another point I wanted to... Sure.
I know one day y'all were talking about the RFID chip.
In the End Time magazine, they have a real good article about it.
And they show a picture of a dime with about five or six of the RFID chip inside the letter D of the dime.
Yeah, I've seen that photo.
It's now a tiny percent of a grain of sand.
Yeah, that's the point I wanted to make.
I've been wanting to call and just get that across.
And again, this has been announced by the news.
How great it is.
They're going to track us in traces.
This week's Newsweek says not just chips and everything, but chips and you.
You're going to have to do this to buy and sell.
Oh, it's so good.
And then the so-called Christian conservatives will go, Oh, Pat Robertson says the chip isn't bad.
Oh, this is good.
Oh, I want it.
It'll keep me safe from Al Qaeda.
Yeah, in Tex Moore's video it says, it shows, I mean, he sends out a newsletter and on his newsletter
It shows the televangelist giving the El Diablo, the sign of the devil.
Oh yeah, I mean, from Dan Quayle to both Bushes to Clinton, I guess they all went to UT, that's the excuse, to Prince Charles, to all these people, to these televangelists, giving that sign, giving that sign.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
Really good points.
But again, I guess that's, you know, Christian conservatives got a bohemian grove.
Moloch's a loving Christian thing.
I thought Leviticus said he was the most evil demon, but
Not according to them.
He's a loving individual who wants to help.
Let's go ahead and talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Manuel, go ahead.
Yes, I need a piece of advice from you, Alex.
This is very important.
I'm a member of a group that's part of a coalition that's having monthly meetings with our police commissioner.
I'm going to tell you why that's important here quickly.
In our newspaper, this new police commissioner who came from a big city up in New York, my city is about 45,000
A high-end 50,000 strong.
He came in with his federal plans and he's a big slick talker, real arrogant guy.
Well, in conjunction with the mayor, here's some of the policies they want to institute here in this city.
The mayor said that at his will, in so-called drug zones and mainly high crime areas, he can declare a state of emergency, right?
That was his terminology.
Where all the residents will have to clear the streets and where he can institute a curfew for those areas,
And there will be no travel.
Yeah, and notice this is happening nationwide, all federally funded.
It has nothing to do with terror, and it's for the entire communities.
I mean, five years ago, Cloverport, Kentucky doesn't let you out after 10, and they stop adults.
But this guy's worse than expected.
You hold me over.
Yeah, stay there.
I want to hear about it.
Oh, yes.
State of emergencies everywhere.
It's part of the new freedom.
All part of it is the government ships the narcotics in.
You gotta stop the drugs, and the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs on the streets, and the more of your teenagers that are dumb enough to use it end up in their private prisons.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
This is how it works.
They say, you know, we're going to have to have civil emergencies if terrorists make a city.
And then it's, oh yeah, we think there's drug dealers.
And oh, city-wide curfews.
And by the way, we're going to have knock and talk and search all your houses.
I've been in upscale areas of Dallas for three, four years.
Tucson, Arizona for five, six years.
We're going to take your blood at the side of the road at checkpoints.
We're going to make you walk outside the bar and the restaurant and walk through a scanner to see if you have any weapons or drugs.
This is already happening.
You're our slaves.
We're wearing black masks.
We got machine guns.
We're building lots of prisons for you.
We're here to take good care of you.
You know government's never done anything wrong in history.
You know when we start secretly arresting people, that's a good sign.
Just be our slaves.
I mean, this is incredible.
Why would they want to do something like that?
Because the private people owning the military industrial complex own the prisons.
They own the red light cameras.
They own it all.
They're going to feed the whole economy through it.
Uh, Manuel was talking about his town in Pennsylvania, and I've seen this all over the country.
Well, we're gonna have these civil emergency zones, and we're gonna have house-to-house searches, and curfews, and search your vehicles, but it's for your safety.
Uh, go ahead and tell us about it, Manuel.
Mind you, being a Genesis listener, I knew when this guy was coming from a big city, and that's how they touted him, oh, here comes a big city guy to solve all our problems, I said, you watch it.
That's what I told my family members and friends.
Now listen, it gets worse.
He says, and they have proposed this, and right now they're instituting it, and they're getting ready to set it up and carry it out.
He said, we're gonna send letters to all the property owners and homeowners, and they're gonna have to register all their tenants with the police!
And the police will swing by, and if they see anybody, they'll come up to them and make sure that they're on the list of registered tenants.
And if not, they will be arrested.
See, that's just a way to have them... And again, this is a contract.
You notice it's just a registration.
That's going to be a contract waiving your rights to the Fourth Amendment.
See, if you get arrested for parking tickets, they ask you to sign a form saying that you're a robber, a drug abuser, and that you'll go on probation.
This is the new America.
You just sign the form and your life's over.
I need a piece of advice.
Among this coalition of groups that the Commissioner is coming before,
Come and talk about these policies and supposedly discuss.
The coalition is supposed to be set up for racial profiling.
The reason I went is because I'm a member of one of the groups.
Now, mind you, the groups that are in this coalition, and you'll see why he was arrogant enough to come.
Because when he saw these groups, I'm sure it gave him a lot of confidence.
The NAACP, who only want publicity and fame and money.
And the ACLU, who said we need more laws and we need to call Congress and get them to pass this law.
And we need data pooled and see what's happening.
Well, little did he know that not only myself was there, but also I met another Genesis Radio listener there.
And we hit him a bit more hardcore than the other people there.
Listen to what he called us.
We're seeking a Citizen Review Board that's going to look over what the police is doing and see how they're trained and the like.
That's what we would want to see.
He got very scared and he called it a Civilian Review Board.
That's when I got up and I shuddered and I told them,
Why are you calling a civilian?
I asked him if there's something you would like to tell the people here gathered that maybe they do not know.
You're operating as if you're an apparatus of the military.
Perhaps you have been militarized and you have not...
No, let's explain this.
The military fights an enemy.
They admit they militarized the police.
Now they call us civilians.
Again, that's the wrong terminology.
What did he say to that?
He went from slick talker, and I'm just a teenager mind you, there with my hat to the side.
He went from slick talking, big city African guy, to shuddering.
He almost knocked the mic down.
He turned bright red.
He said, uh-uh, we're going to have to discuss that.
And later when he gathered himself, he said,
Well, earlier, what he had said was, Civilian Review Boards are not competent.
There he goes and insults us twice in one statement.
They're not competent enough, I've seen them before, and we don't need them.
And I told him, well, we will get our Citizen Review Board, and you, sir, too, are civilian, believe it or not, I told him.
And you are not beyond our constitutional rights.
You are bound by them, and you have long ago strayed from those constitutional parameters.
And that is the origination of these so-called racial profiling complaints.
And that's why I want to ask you some advice.
Doesn't sound like you need anything.
Listen, I want to make sure that crowd understands that the foundation for these so-called racial profiling complaints comes from them straying from those constitutional bounds.
And that's what they need to understand, you see.
Well, let me tell you, the whole racial profiling thing, in total, is a red herring.
It's a big trick.
You're absolutely right.
Because then it's, oh, as long as we violate everybody's rights, it's okay.
Yes, that's right.
We all have to be slaves.
Right, exactly.
No one being a slave is good.
And we don't need more laws.
The laws are in place, my people, is what I would like to explain to them, you see.
And what I want the people, this is what I want, I want to ask you some advice, because
I want to know, how do I make sure we get that citizen review board?
Because I know that half of those books are going to drop out when we start talking like this.
Well, more than that, you don't just want a review board.
You've got to stop the plan.
You've got to nix the plan of turning your city into a martial law center.
This shows how we have the power.
Look, look, look, look, look, look, look.
He wants to turn your city into an Indian reservation.
That's all this is, a giant prison, a Nazi ghetto.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends.
We've got giant armed camps.
The entire economy is shifting into police, prison, surveillance.
And they gotta have fodder to put in those jails building those widgets for 20 cents an hour.
This is the modern slavery, where they make everything illegal, get rid of due process, and start imprisoning people.
And it's happening right now!
They're getting rid of the First Amendment, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Second.
Everything's on fire, basically.
And they're chewing through the poor, working-class folks who can't defend themselves.
Now they're moving up into the middle class.
They've normalized evil to where we're bad because we're against evil.
You know, we're weirdos because we read United Press International and the Associated Press where they're splicing human and pig genes and have a pig that's part human or a goat that's part spider.
We don't like that.
We're weird because we talk about it.
We don't like the cancer viruses in the vaccines.
We don't like the fact that our borders are wide open.
We don't like the fact that the government openly says they want to disarm us.
We don't like the fact that our government's arming and training all these terrorists and carrying out terror attacks to scare us into submission.
You know, we're bad, folks, because we want freedom.
No, we're not bad.
We're normal.
We're the good people.
And we're not the property of the slaves of the globalists.
And it's so bad.
I mean, there's so much evil going on, my friends.
And it's daunting, but if you stand up, get involved, inform others, at least the globalists will leave you alone and move on to the ignorant.
And the day when we don't have the ignorant for them to feed on, the globalists are going to have to go back in the box.
They count on us going along with their illegitimate laws, their criminality.
And we're going to win this fight.
It just takes courage and fortitude and being informed and moving forward.
I mean, this is the battle for the Republic, the battle for humanity, the battle for the species, the battle for civilization, all rolled into one.
And the people running the globe are a bunch of sadistic control freaks.
They are into Satanism.
They are evil.
You wonder why they do all this?
Because this is what they believe in.
And they're building their forces.
They're building their minions.
They're building their low IQ control freaks to carry all this out.
And we, the thinkers, who aren't evil, have to fight the thinkers that are evil.
That's the gulf, the giant gulf of ignorant people with the intelligence controllers on one end and the intelligent people fighting for freedom on the other.
And we've got to go into that gulf and wake up as many people as we can because the enemy is busy creating the minions as fast as they can, the brainwashed, conditioned thugs.
We are in a race, folks.
If they get the thugs they need, they're going to move ahead.
And they're using terror across the board to get rid of all of our freedoms.
And they control the Democrats, they control the Republicans, they control the Christian Coalition, they control it all, people, and they play off those groups against each other like there's a fight going on.
There's no real fight.
And I want to air this one more time, then I probably won't play this again, but this Michael Moore's new movie trailer is out.
And again, I haven't seen the film, but I've talked to those that have and read a bunch of reviews.
He admits about 2%, 3% of what really went on, but then says it's all the evil right-wing Republicans, let's have the UN takeover of America.
I said a long time ago, 9-11's meant to come out, come out in Europe, make the EU and the global system look good, make America look like a bad rogue, while we're really carrying out the activities as their henchmen.
It's all good cop, bad cop.
And they do this at every different level.
This is paradigm management and control.
And that's what Moore's doing.
Now let's go ahead and play this trailer one more time.
You can make people do anything if they're afraid.
The FAA has taken the action to close all of the airports in the United States.
All commercial and airline traffic was grounded.
But we had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to pick up the sum of them a lot of these family members and transport them out of this country.
In the middle of the war, corporations decided to hold a conference to figure out how much money could be made.
Once that oil stops flowing, it's going to be lots of money.
Whatever it costs, the government will pay you.
It's going to be good for business, bad for the people.
Congressmen trying to get numbers of Congress to get their kids to enlist in the army and go over to Iraq.
The USA Patriot Act allows for searches of medical and financial records.
It gives law enforcement almost unlimited power.
They wait till the middle of the night.
It's printed in the middle of the night.
How could Congress pass this Patriot Act without even reading it?
Sit down, my son.
We don't read most of the bills.
No one read it.
This is Michael Moore.
I would like to read to you the U.S.A.
Patriot Act.
From the corridors of power... To the streets of small-town America.
To the front lines.
This is an impressive crowd.
The haves and the have-mores.
Some people call you the elite.
I call you my base.
Here comes the true story that will make your temperature rise.
I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Thank you.
Now watch this drive.
Yeah, those video clips of Bush are so rich.
Some people call you the elite.
I call you my base.
Yeah, that is your base.
It's Kerry, your cousin's base, too.
See, that's the difference.
Oh, Kerry's going to save us.
The U.N.'
's going to... Who created the U.N.?
The same military-industrial complex that runs it all.
And then you fall into the two control groups that are neutralized politically.
If you want to find out the truth about 9-11, get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, that even the New York Post admits is much more hardcore than Moore's was out over two years ago, and is basically a big fat rip-off.
But I don't go that far.
The point is,
Again, Patriot Act secret.
No one was allowed to read it, much less they didn't want to.
We go over all that in Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
You want a master's degree education on the New World Order?
Get those three films alone.
I've made ten films.
And our films can have more power than the shill films that are out there.
And you will get my videos, buy another VCR, make a hundred copies.
In 100 days, you can put in a new tape every night, hit record, go to sleep, have a new copy every morning, give them to county commissioners, talk show hosts, your pastor, 90% of those that see the films are waking up.
So it's up to you.
We can dwarf what Moore is attempting to do.
Which again, he'll just put us off in the left wing shill arm of all this.
If you get the films, if you make the copies, if you get them out to people.
The New York Post pointed that out, that I'm not in this for money.
I'm just trying to get the information out.
But I do need your support.
I could hire more people, do a better job.
And, uh, you know, we need your support, folks.
If you haven't ordered 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, my two first Police State films, if you haven't gotten my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com and order via our secure, safe shopping cart.
Or, if you're not on the internet, call toll-free.
The operators will answer your questions, take your order.
We'll ship it out to you UPS, unless you've got a P.O.
box and we have to ship it to you USPS.
But call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
We're 1-888-253-3139.
We want to watch all the films in their entirety on the website and a weekly TV report I do and all the special text reports and the audio interviews.
Sign up for 15 cents a day at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We had to do this.
When you start getting 20 million visitors, I don't mean hits, 20 million visitors, all our websites combined every month, it gets very expensive to have four servers.
So, we still offer a lot of video, a lot of audio free.
To do that, you are subsidizing those that come along to the website who aren't just going to sign up, you know, so you're subsidizing us.
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We're doing the real deal.
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We need your support.
Plus, these are the best films out there, people.
I mean, I've killed myself, basically, to work this hard and do all this, and I need your support.
So, get the videos, get the books, spread the word, expose the murdering terrorist.
Let's take four or five final calls and I'll hit some final news.
I've got about 18 minutes left here, 17 minutes left here.
Up next, I guess, is... I've got so many calls here I get confused.
Who's up next?
Ben in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Hey, I was up late last night and on CNN, about three in the morning, if you watch CNN there's some good stuff on, they had a
They had a book, a new book, about the U.N.
sex brothels and all this called Emergency Sex and it's got some kind of subtitle I didn't catch.
But I was wondering if you've heard anything about that?
No, we have a giant archive on Prison Planet of the U.N.
kidnapping hundreds of thousands of children, slave brothels, snuff films, Russian mafia, hell on earth.
Yeah, I've researched your, I've looked a lot on Prison Planet, but
Apparently there's a new book out written by three former U.N.
employees documenting all kinds of, uh, all of that.
Well, two years ago there was a case from 2000 where a U.N.
employee and a DynCorp employee quit, or they actually went public and said,
They kidnap the children, they load them on jets, they fly them out to slave brothels.
We can't be part of this.
They got fired, they sued and won.
All came out in civil court.
I mean, this is an industrialized hell.
Again, hell on earth.
Nazi level stuff.
And it's in BBC, London Telegraph, Reuters, but never in your newspaper.
And all we do is every week there's more of these articles.
Confirmed, admitted, castles full of skeletons and dead children, you know, SWAT team raids on police that expose it, giant kidnapping rings, royal families involved, and we're talking mainstream news.
Giant, satanic, beast sinners, it's just hell on earth.
And folks, I'm not kidding, it's all mainstream news.
People just can't see it.
Who wants to see it?
I don't want to believe this!
I don't want to believe this!
I don't want to believe they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines!
Let me just leave you with a quote, man.
This is from William O. Douglas, who is, I don't know much about him, he was a Supreme Court Justice.
And he said, quote, as nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged.
And it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air,
However slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I've seen that quote before.
I ought to email it to him.
We need to create a quote page for PrisonPlanet.com.
At least I have one.
Maybe it's still there, buried in some labyrinthine archive.
I mean, folks, when you study the New World Order, it is searing.
It is blinding.
It'll make you stumble, literally.
I mean, it's my every waking hour.
I mean, I know how evil they are.
My life is studying them.
I have nightmares about them at night.
Uh, it's just, my whole life, I mean, I know what killers they are, I know what they've done to innocent people, they just, they get fatter and more powerful and more evil and kill more people, and all these people die of cancer and the cancer up by 500%, and the injections they give you, they give you leukemia, that's one of the designs, and just all, I'm sick of it!
I mean, come on!
To people in government, I don't know how they conditioned you or how you got to this point, but you just need to wake up and get a gut check and look at what you're part of, because you're all compartmentalized, carrying out different little segments of this thing, but when you put it all together, it is hell on earth!
It is Satan's kingdom!
That's the only way to describe it.
It's just so painful.
So painful.
So painful.
There are legions of crimes.
Just the wanton, systematic wickedness.
Heaped upon wickedness.
It's just like with Hitler and Stalin.
People couldn't believe they were killing tens of millions of people until it came out later.
The reports came out, back in the newspaper, nothing was ever done.
Oh, that couldn't be true.
It's the norm!
The globalists killed 200 million people in the last century, and they're setting it up to be a... and groveling to them won't protect you, won't save you.
And we're in that twilight.
In fact, it's about to be the darkness, you know, it's a fading twilight.
And I'm telling you folks, it's time for the dawn.
We gotta bring the sun back here.
You know, they got their thousand points of darkness, they call it their thousand points of light, well we gotta just bring back the truth and just burn away their lies.
Uh, who's up next?
Randy in Florida, go ahead.
Have you had, uh, Michael Perutka from the Constitution Party on?
Are you planning to?
Uh, what's his name again?
The Constitution Party presidential candidate, Michael Perutka.
No, I haven't.
Are you planning to?
I don't know, I might.
It would be a good thing to do.
He was on another show last week and he said that Texas is a real hard state for them to get ballot access on.
That's hard for all three parties.
They're trying to shut it down.
So, your listeners may want to, you know, jump on his website and do whatever they can to help get ballot access for his candidacy in your state.
Well, we first have to stop these CIA run electronic voting machines.
That's where all the energy needs to be going.
Well, that's maybe the other side of the coin, but I think you need to attack both fronts.
I agree.
And also try to get them into debates.
People in Texas that want to help out and get ballot access can go to the Constitution Party website and click on Texas.
Anything else?
All the contact info is there on who to contact.
Anything else?
That'll do it.
Alright, thank you.
Up next after that is Cresson, Kentucky.
Cress, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I'm just as frustrated as you are out here.
I mean, did these newscasts just had a report that, well, Kentucky's never been prone to any terrorism?
But I think we need to get a system and a training system in.
You're so right in researching this.
Because what they want to do is have these troops walk around here and have all the feds walk around and say how good this is.
And draft 10 million people, keep 8 million of them here domestically, timely on everyone.
It's admitted!
It's admitted, absolutely.
And you're absolutely right.
And they're doing it and it's
It's a thinning piece of the media, and I just could not believe it.
I just fell out of my chair when I saw it.
I said, they're doing it.
These people have got to wake up.
You've got to search all your homes to fight terror, but we'll be looking for guns and drugs while we do it.
If you commit any type of misdemeanor, we're going to have to, you know, yeah.
It's the new America with the K. And it's basically what we're headed for.
And people, we've got to wake up.
Get these films.
Get copies.
I passed a lot out.
You may not get responses from people, but I'm talking to police officers as well, and they're beginning to see there's some problems out here.
And they realize it, too.
They're some good officers.
It's their children that are going to grow up in this hell with our children and they better wake up.
Yeah, they better.
I challenge the police and people in the federal government to go to my website, read all the mainstream news articles of the crimes of the globalists, and ask yourselves why they never saw it on the nightly news.
And one officer I talked to homeschooled his kids, so if they take his kids away, he's
He's aware of what's going on.
He will not put them in the public schools.
They're nothing but prison camps, and that's the term he used, Alex.
Yeah, there's a lot of good cops.
Yeah, he's a good one, too.
When we're sitting here bashing, it's the system.
It's the system, exactly.
And they promote the bad cops.
I mean, I read another mainstream article yesterday where in Connecticut they won't hire a cop if they have over 100 IQ.
Yeah, and if they don't know the Constitution, if they know tyranny, they'll take them.
That's it.
God bless you.
Come back and take more calls.
I think so.
We're good to go!
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And the behavior of our police is a reflection of our government.
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The medical bills are going to be enormous for me.
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And that's military dictatorship, that's the War Powers Act, that's your new freedom.
Groveling, being a slave, learning how to be a little nothing.
That's what we're fighting here, my friends.
Kevin in Boston, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Not only do we have an unusual event of
And resigning.
We've got the Federal Reserve, according to reports from Robert McHugh's monetary forecast, have radically increased the money supply.
$155 billion over the past four weeks.
We've got navies sending the ships to sea.
The American Navy sent seven of their 12 carriers out, but not only that, large numbers of foreign countries are sending naval fleets out.
I think something very imminent
I think the G8 conference starting June 8th is something to be very concerned about because of the occult links to that date as well.
Venus is crossing its celestial course in front of the sun the last time I saw it.
And again, I don't believe in any of this, but the globalists are totally obsessed with it.
Right, that's my point of view.
You know, the mainstream view is, oh, all the presidents make decisions according to their astrologer, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan.
It's much deeper than that.
Yes, I'm not suggesting that there's some, you know, that I'm into the occult.
No, no, no, they're into it!
No, no, you're right!
And so that's, I think, you know, in all seriousness, this is five days away.
I mean, if people want to
Well, you know, everybody loves to put dates on things.
I won't do that.
There is massive escalations of tyranny, though, going on everywhere.
All right.
Thank you.
I just felt that there's something imminent, and I know you were getting the word out with opening dates before 9-11, and I just felt that this was something that's going to happen.
I just wanted to get on the record that it's not, you know, visionary.
It's just seeing them moving navies, moving money into the money system.
Something is up.
I hear you.
Elias in Michigan, last caller.
Go ahead, Elias.
Well, don't cut me off.
What happened?
Well, you're on the air.
Oh, yeah.
I only have a little thing.
Yeah, right.
Just a little thing on this.
They called in about their party, the Constitution Party.
I heard a man there.
And, well, you know, they haven't got a snowball's chance.
Because this is the one party state.
All those people out there should understand that it dominates everything because it's corporate control and that is the whole ball whack.
One party, there are no others.
Well, everybody focuses on the federal, the powers of the county and city and state and we can have an effect there but people don't focus on it.
What would you recommend?
Number one, starting a petition for a paper recall of all electronic voting machines.
That's already starting to happen in some states.
This can be done.
And then, running candidates, I don't care if they're Libertarians, Constitutional Party, Democrats, Republicans, if they'll sign on to the Bill of Rights and say they'll carry that out, get those people elected, and have broad freedom coalitions.
You mean a civil uprising?
Well, I'm talking about... What else?
A true populist movement against the New World Order.
If such a thing was organized, the corporate power would come down on them and they would all be in your concentration camps.
No, if we put up with it and don't stand up, then they'll come in with the camps and come after us, sir.
We already have tens of millions of people in the system.
We already have the camps, sir.
Yeah, absolutely.
And they don't generally have... Thanks for the call.
They don't generally grab people that are fighting them.
They grab the person that doesn't know their rights.
The ignorant person.
That's who they feed on.
The wolf feeds on the stupid, slow, ignorant sheep.
Not the big ram.
And he sure doesn't go after the sheepdog.
Be sheepdogs.
You're not sheep, you're not wolves.
You're sheepdogs.
I said that yesterday.
And if you think there's nothing we can do that's gonna come down on us, then kiss yourself goodbye!
Give in to Hitler, give in to Stalin, give in to Mao, give in to Bush, give in to Kerry!
I, for one, am not gonna do it!
Now we got way over 5% of the population, that's what the Founding Fathers said.
And we got people in the government waking up to what's happening.
And we're gonna move forward, and we're not gonna put up with this pure evil.
Just get involved, be a leader, stop talking about how big this thing is, just engage it and we can take it down!
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