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Name: 20040517_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 17, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, my friends, it is I, Alex Jones.
Monday, already the 17th day of May 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have our contributor and webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, Paul Joseph Watson joining us for the next hour.
Other guests lined up as well.
And of course, wide open phones.
The toll-free number to join us on air, as always, is 800-259-9231.
A lot of big developments.
A lot of incredible Big Brother activities.
You know what RFID is?
Radio Frequency Identification Chips.
They're implanting them in people's bodies now.
Thousands of Americans have gotten it.
If you want to get into the fancy topless bars of Europe, you're going to have to get it.
They want to put it in the old people, the young people, the troops.
It's all happening right now.
Well, USA Today came out with a glowing article saying we all need the chip.
It's going to replace everything.
It's no big deal.
Just take the chip.
It'll be sold to us as a stylish counterculture move to get back at your parents.
And Coca-Cola has a Coke can with an RFID, a high-powered one, tracking you.
And that's in the mainstream media as well.
No, you haven't fallen into a time warp, a Philip K. Dick novel.
It's really happening.
And Rumsfeld and Firing Line for clearing abuse of prisoners.
Well, of course he did.
Now they admit that it was all right out of a CIA manual on torture.
And we're just being given the lighter side of it, if you can believe that.
There's new photos of people savagely beating to death that we have on the website, which the government admits are real.
They've also been trying to put out fake ones to muddy the waters, but we have noticed those and assessed those immediately upon sight and have put that out even before they put their spin on it.
Also, Mr. Nicholas Berg, who supposedly had his head sawed off viciously a few weeks ago, we're going to have to go back over this.
You know, he was investigated with the hijackers, now not one but two, magically bumping into them, giving them passwords.
Mr. Berg worked at the Abu Ghraib prison, that's admitted.
Mr. Berg dropped out of an Ivy League school to suddenly go traversing the world with high-tech communications.
Classic intelligence MO.
He was held by U.S.
forces for thirteen and a half days, then released right into Al's CIA hands.
Only to have his head sawed off, supposedly, but that video is very questionable.
And now, the Philadelphia News is reporting here, Berg met with Shady Iraqi,
Under U.S.
intelligence control, an A.I.
Iraqi who's been caught shipping in crack cocaine.
So, it's about a 110% chance, no, a 150% chance that Mr. Berg worked for some intelligence agency.
I mean, this is getting ridiculous.
This is out of control.
This is unbelievable.
This is an orgy of evidence.
Maybe he didn't work for an intelligence agency the more I think about it.
This is much evidence that he did.
There's another strange new twist to the saga of Nick Berg.
In his final days of Iraq before his savage videotape beheading, Berg teamed up in Baghdad with ex-Philippine man who led a controversial group of Iraqi expatriates encouraged by the U.S.
government, i.e.
CIA shills.
Even as he faced deportation for his role in Russian, uh, immigrate crime ring, selling millions of vials used for crack.
Aziz Khadouri, Aziz, also known as Aziz Al-Tayyi, hooked up earlier this year with 26-year-old Wes Chester Mann to start a small company called Charat.
Arger Babool, or Babylon Tower Co.
Oh, Babylon Towers Co.
that would install, inspect, and repair telecommunications and utility towers.
Getting very, very suspicious by the millisecond.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing to the lies and disinformation.
Thanks for joining us on this opening salvo of the week.
This Monday, the 17th of May, 2004.
We're going to have wide open phones.
Any news item across the political spectrum, globally.
You'd like to discuss any police state action, Big Brother news.
The torture that's being promoted on all the big night-time TV dramas, how we're being told torture is wonderful in the fiction and non-fiction media.
Anything you'd like to discuss, it's a toll-free number, 1-800-259-9231.
Rumsfeld in the firing line for clearing abuse of prisoners.
And Rumsfeld says this is just ridiculous.
And remember him on Face the Nation?
He got up there on TV and said, I never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
It was an imminent threat.
This is a wives tale, an urban legend.
And so they started playing clips of him and showing text clips of him saying it.
I mean, we've all seen it.
The neocons are still on the radio and TV saying that the mobile weapons trucks were for producing anthrax.
Though six, eight months ago, generals admitted that it was for pumping up hot air balloons.
Now Powell on TV said that it was for pumping up balloons, but still the neocons will accuse me of being a liar.
They're still up there saying they found mass graves.
They're still saying Niger ship uranium to Iraq.
They're still saying the letters from the troops in the newspapers are real after the Pentagon admits they planted them.
They are in total and complete unbelievable denial.
By the way, now a senator has come out and said the thing that Limbaugh and others are saying.
Why, the abuse is just abuse.
It's just fraternity fun.
The people in the prisons should find themselves lucky to be under such treatment.
Folks, they're actually out there saying it.
It's not just Lord Limbaugh, the king of socialism and lies.
I'm serious when I say that, by the way.
See, everything's the opposite of what you believe it to be.
But now we have senators, two of them now, popping off about how it's just fraternal fun.
So I guess when someone is raped brutally in your town or beaten to death, you can just say, hey, just fraternity fun.
What's all the hubbub?
Why are the police even upset about this?
Yes, we have now become worse than the Nazis.
I don't mean in total numbers of people killed.
The Nazis were very evil.
I mean in the fact that we brag about it and say it's good.
The Nazis didn't do that.
We have broken new ground.
I personally am just totally amazed by this.
Rumsfeld and the firing line.
It was a
Gamble, but as he spoke confidently to an audience of whooping soldiers, it looked like Donald Rumsfeld's surprise trip to Iraq paid off.
The Bush administration hoped the visit would stanch the bleeding from the Abu Ghraib affair and change the story, ending the questions over Mr. Rumsfeld's future.
This week's revelations in the New Yorker change that completely.
Far from being an isolated case of ill-disciplined United States soldiers abusing their Iraqi charges, the article portrays the Abu Ghraib as abuse as part of a wider plan to humiliate Iraqi prisoners using techniques perfected in Afghanistan.
Mr. Rumsfeld is credited with taking the decision to expand the secret program on interrogations.
Folks, I need to hire the interns to do this because I can't work anymore, but I have an entire room full of tapes, video tapes.
During the war, for the weeks up to it and the weeks during it, the big combat operations of last year,
I mean, I probably got, I don't know, a hundred tapes just from that.
At some point, I had three televisions with VCRs running, taping three different channels.
And I've got Rumsfeld on tape in press conferences bragging about torture.
You all saw him!
You all read it in the newspaper, remember?
I need to get those clips and have somebody watch all of this.
And get this together, because he said they were torturing him.
He said it was good.
It was in all the editorials.
I mean, hundreds and hundreds of them, all over the newspapers, all over TV.
We all saw them.
It's in my videos, how torture's good, and the White House's torture's good, and Bush's comments.
I mean, I've got that in two of my latest videos.
I've got the news articles and video clips where they're on TV saying torture's great.
But we need Rumsfeld at these press conferences, and I've got it all.
Oh my, it's a sea of evidence, and then, oh no, we, this is isolated, and now we have the CIA training manuals from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and 90s, right through Afghanistan two years ago, admitting all of this.
So it's not debatable.
Our government has camps.
In Cuba, camps in Egypt, camps in Jordan, camps in Iraq, camps in Afghanistan, camps, camps, camps, everywhere a camp, here a camp, there a camp, everywhere a camp, camp.
Old MacDonald had a concentration camp, E-I-E-I-O, and on this farm he had innocent people, E-I-E-I-O.
And a C-130 flying out with terrorists here.
A C-130 flying out with terrorists there.
Flying out the real CIA terrorists here and there.
Everywhere CIA terrorists being protected and paid in gold bars.
Old Rumsfeld.
Alright, I'll stop it.
It's just getting really ridiculous here.
So, Rumsfeld and firing line for clearing abuse of prisoners.
And it says, according to interviews with several past and present American intelligence officials, reporter Seymour Hersh, we have that article posted on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
The Pentagon's operation, known inside the intelligence community by several code words, included Copper Green, encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in an effort to generate more intelligence about the growing insurgency in Iraq.
The program was triggered by frustrated efforts to capture senior Al-Qaeda and Taliban members, the ones you pulled out on C-130s.
Hirsch, you reported on that two years ago.
In the weeks after the start of U.S.
bombings in Afghanistan.
See, Hirsch puts out these reports, doesn't combine it all.
It's actually Hirsch.
Among others, and it's all admitted now, 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda flew out to safety.
The actual Arab fighters, then goat herders and shoemakers, cobblers is the term, thrown into the camps, and Brigadier General Bacchus quit over that and said it all happened.
Oh my goodness!
Under the program, Mr. Hirsch wrote, commandos were given permission to conduct instant interrogations and use force if necessary at secret CIA detention centers scattered around the world.
They have the CIA Section Chief in the Washington Post quoting, bragging how they tortured people.
Well, the CIA would stand over Egyptians and Jordanians when they would torture people, and it even described, we ought to repost that on the main page, it's in the Torture Archive at InfoWars.com, but we ought to repost that Washington Post article with the CIA Section Chief bragging that not only do we torture them, we do stuff to their children in front of them to get them to answer questions.
Yes, torturing children now is a
Very Mingalish loving thing to do.
So, uh, Joseph Mingala?
I mean, this is just really getting rich.
Uh, last year, Mr. Rumsfeld and Steven
Cambone, his Undersecretary of Intelligence, expanded the scope of the Pentagon's program and its methods moved to Abu Ghraib, Mr. Hirsch wrote.
Critics say the interrogation rules, first laid out in September after a visit to Iraq by the then-commander of the Pentagon's program and its methods moved to Abu Ghraib, Mr. Hirsch wrote.
Again, critics say the interrogation rules, first laid out in September,
To the then commander of the prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba amounted to green light for abuse.
The New Yorker quoted a former intelligence official as saying, they weren't getting anything substantive from the detainees in Iraq.
No names, nothing.
They just could hang their hat on.
Gambone, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence says, I've got to crack this thing and I've
Tired of working through the normal chain of command, I've got this apparatus set up, the Black Special Access Program, and I'm going in hot.
So he pulls the switch and the electricity begins flowing last summer and it's working.
We're getting a picture of the insurgency in Iraq and the intelligence is flowing into the White House, into the white world.
We're getting good stuff, but we've got more targets, prisoners in Iraq jails, than people can handle them.
And they were told, no rules apply.
Torture them.
Get the answers.
Rumsfeld authorized prisoner abuse.
Another article here about how they did that.
And then I want to shift gears here into Berg.
Just briefly recapping, Mr. Berg has classic intelligence operative M.O.
He's in an Ivy League college.
He drops out.
Travel the world with high-tech equipment, helping the poor.
That's the quiet American out helping everyone and he travels the globe helping everyone and then he's working at Abu Ghraib before that he's being interviewed by the FBI because he wasn't in contact with one but two of the hijackers we now learn the supposed hijackers just accidentally loaning them computers and passwords no big deal
and uh... then he ends up being grabbed by the coalition held for thirteen and a half days released the next time we see him his head's being sawed off by LCI ADA well now the Philadelphia News is reporting as well as the Associated Press Berg met with Shady Iraqi there's another strange new twist of the saga of Nick Berg in his final days of Iraq before this savage videotape beheading Berg teamed up in Baghdad with ex
Philippine man who led a controversial group of Iraqi expatriates encouraged by the U.S.
government even as he faced deportation for his role in Russian emigre crime ring selling millions of vials used for crack.
Aziz Qadouri, Aziz, also known as Aziz Altim, hooked up earlier this year with a 26-year-old Westchester man to start a small company called Babylon Towers Co.
Would install and inspect and repair telecommunications and utility towers.
The interview with several news organizations in Baghdad.
Aziz claimed he may have been the last friend to speak with Berg before his kidnapping and beheading by terrorists possibly linking to Al-Qaeda network.
The radio tower contractor had come back to Baghdad after 13-day detainment in Mosul, only to disappear again April 10th.
Aziz said that on April 10th, Berg surprised me by calling me at 9 or 10 to say that he found some friends to travel with, but Jordan Berg said he was en route, but Aziz didn't know who or what kind of vehicle they were driving.
And Mr. Aziz, they admit, has worked with U.S.
intelligence agencies.
He's there to tell us when Mr. Burke disappeared too.
We'll be back with your calls, a ton of other massive news, cracker chips in your Coca-Cola cans.
Stay with us.
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You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to go ahead and go to your calls in this segment.
And then I'm going to get back into Rumsfeld.
I mean, this was all publicly.
They were ordering them to torture people.
They were in press conferences saying it.
And then we see the results of it, and people don't like it, and they go, we never did that, this is psychological warfare, softening us up before they even released all of this, and then having the beheading video to reconfirm all of this and see it's all good, it's a new American value to torture.
Then Powell admits CIA wrong on Iraq Mobile Weapons Lab, Powell says, and his
His handler began yelling live on TV, shoving the camera on his side, telling Powell to stop giving the interview, and Powell goes, No, it's live!
It's live!
Stop it!
Stop it!
So they thought it was taped.
This is the state's nature of things.
But Powell admitting no mobile weapons trucks.
Of course, that news is over a year old now, but I'm not going to stop the liars from telling the story over and over again.
Also, your Coke cans are going to have tracker chips in them.
That's Associated Press.
Just a bunch of other amazing news.
Car bomb kills Iraq Governing Council Chief.
One of Chalibi's rivals.
Very interesting.
But right now, let us go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to James in New Jersey.
James, welcome.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, my friend.
Alex, I love what you're doing with the Prism Planet TV site.
Well, thank you.
The frequent updates of the stories.
One of my favorite things that you did, one of your weekly reports, you referred to Bush as a gangster.
And you freeze-framed a video clip of him giving a press conference after he testified.
And the pose you caught him in, God, if he didn't look like the gangster you said he was.
Oh, all of them, Tenet!
You talk about ready for Hollywood to play the kingpin, that's tenant or armatage.
They just drip that arrogant aplomb.
Well, you caught them just right at that moment.
But it got me to thinking, one thing I'd like to see you do with the site, I'd love to see you do like a media review kind of thing.
Like establishment TV, mainstream TV media.
Just looking at the way they present the news.
Well, we do that sometimes.
Actually, in there, we analyze a few reports.
Well, maybe you do it in print, but I'm thinking more like using footage, things like that, from the TV broadcast.
Well, did you see where I analyzed the ABC News report about the CIA drills of flying planes in the buildings?
Yeah, well, probably.
It doesn't ring a bell, but I'm sure I've seen it, yeah.
Alright, well I appreciate your support and being a member of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Anything else on your mind?
Well, only a personal question.
I'm going to ask it because I don't think I'll ever get a chance to ask you otherwise.
How much chess do you play?
Pardon me?
How much chess do you play?
A little bit.
I'm not very good at it compared to playing my dad or somebody.
Okay, I heard you mention it on a broadcast.
Yeah, I know.
If I have time, I'll play a game of chess or two.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, James.
Yeah, but the people I play against always prompt me or stomp me.
Let's go ahead and talk to... I can't find a lot of people, I guess, kind of at my mid-level of chess.
People I know are just too good at it.
Let's talk to Linda in Missouri.
Go ahead, Linda.
Hello, Alex.
I'm calling about something in the Kansas City Star on Wednesday, May 12th and the 13th.
of Missouri, Bob Holden, he's the leader, of course, of the Missouri Army National Guard, has demanded an investigation on that Tuesday into reports that guardsmen were assigned to work for a private contractor in Iraq.
This private contractor is Kellogg, Braun and Root, alias Powell Burton.
That's right, Halliburton has several hundred, no one's really sure, offshore subsidiaries.
People ask, well, who controls these private contractors?
Well, the Central Intelligence Agency.
They are government bodies.
It's just the profits go to their owners, who are all former intelligence or current intelligence.
And I'd like to see that.
So your governor is upset about his troops, the state's military, being used as minions of these people?
He has also, on the second article on 513,
The Star reports that his complaint by Holden has triggered army inquiries.
And the 1221st Transportation Company, they've been asked to ride shotgun with civilian drivers.
And they should have military people at their back, not civilians making $80,000 a year tax-free.
Well, see, this is the public-private partnership.
This is the ultra-fascism.
Anything else?
I think everyone... Well, stay there.
Stay there.
We'll come back to you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We just got an interesting call from Linda in Missouri and she was bringing up some Kansas City Star articles that I wasn't aware of.
I was aware that most of our military is under CIA command, but the guys that run the CIA and the CFR like to make money, so what they do is they control the companies.
And then they also command the military through the companies.
The real generals and colonels and captains are the private contractors.
And then the profits from all of that, the profits of having our troops work as slaves for them, all go back to Halliburton and its hundreds of subsidiaries.
So I was aware of that.
What I wasn't aware of is that the governor of Missouri there, Linda is saying, and I have no doubt of it, and please email the article to tips and info wars dot com,
Or the webmaster over at Prison Planet as well.
We'll get those posted.
But you were saying that the governor is upset about this and these private contractors.
Well, these are the same private contractors we have commanding the troops around in these prisons that the generals aren't even allowed into.
And then they blame the generals.
Then they have a trial of the generals.
And the generals are rightfully found not guilty.
And they go, see, we didn't do anything.
Well, no, that's compartmentalization.
So they go after someone who's innocent on purpose, knowing they'll be found not guilty, and then that diverts the entire public.
But finish up what you were saying, Linda.
Governor Holden needs some phone calls.
Can I get his phone system?
Well, you say Governor Holden's calling for an investigation.
We should call him and... And thank him!
And push him to open this can of snakes that's probably all over the country.
Well, I mean, we know that civilian contractors are controlling regular Army National Guard, and that's a good point that the governors... I mean, this is totally illegal, patently corrupt, and everybody should call their governors.
So, I mean, this is happening.
The part I'm not sure of is, you know, did your governor do this?
And I have no doubt that you're telling us the truth.
Well, I don't have a fax machine.
Oh, I believe you.
I mean, I believe what you're saying, Linda.
But maybe you can put somebody on a web search of the Kansas City Star?
Yeah, I would imagine we can find that.
I mean, look, I believe what you're saying.
I know they're using the private contractors.
I know they're commanding the troops.
It's just great news that the Governor is upset about this.
Well, I've been asking people on local radio stations to call and thank him.
Okay, well, if you want to give the Governor's... Is this the switchboard's number?
Well, yes.
It's the one, area code 573.
Alright, well, Linda, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
George in Illinois.
George, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good to be on the show.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
I have a question for you.
I don't know if you saw this on TV.
I was watching the Food Network and they had a program called Kitchen of the Future where they were talking about
Microsoft having this future home where in the kitchen they have... And then the refrigerator automatically orders the food when you need it.
Everything's tracked with RFID.
I didn't see that show, but I five years ago saw the plans.
And of course this will also watch you
It will tax you according to how much you're eating.
The Agriculture Department has said this.
So has Health and Human Services.
If your children aren't eating properly, they will dispatch CPS to your home.
Already thousands of school districts, thousands of school districts, have put thumb scanners in for children to get school lunches.
No cash allowed.
Tracking what you buy and do.
CPS is dispatched.
If your child's not eating properly, this is the total spy grid.
Go ahead.
Well the thing that really got to me was that it will tell you what product you have out, you know, let's say you take a medicine and you bring it up on the counter and it says
Oh, this is a drug interaction, so that might cause health problems.
Yes, and it's directly hooked in to whatever grocery store or pharmacy you choose, and then even if you don't have the, quote, smart refrigerator, you have the RFID to begin with with your purchase, so they track you that way in consumption.
Well, I'm thinking that, imagine if they decided to change that and say, well, we're going to purposely kill people, so we're going to go ahead and let them
react to these drug problems.
So, this way we'll say, well, it's not our fault that it happened.
You know, it said it right there in the system that, you know, it's bad for you.
You shouldn't have taken it.
And then, you know, not our fault.
No responsibility taken.
And this is how it's going to work.
My old cell phone finally broke down and died.
And I'm going to have it repaired.
And I'm told it's going to cost more than getting the new cell phone.
You can't buy a cell phone that isn't satellite tracked.
So they just changed the whole industry.
You can't buy a car that doesn't have a satellite tracking system in it.
That is the hardware to have the software plugged in at a later date by law, which is now announcing.
And it's the same thing with this.
You're not going to be able in 5-10 years to buy a refrigerator that doesn't have this in it.
So, or you go to the grocery store, they're saying they're going to penalize you because if you don't use the smart cart that has a computer in it, that, you know, where you just throw the stuff in and leave, it automatically charges you, there'll be one lane that still has a service person at it, and then they're going to phase that out and force you onto this.
And this is publicly announced.
That's how I knew when you mentioned this, exactly what it was.
Not because I'm a smart guy, but because I had actually read the documents.
Well, I've been reading more on the RFID, like you've been talking about, as well as other people, and the thing that got to me is that they're putting it, like, they're conditioning people to put it in little by little by little by little, so people will take this slowly,
And then they're going to say, oh, this is normal.
Just like having troops out in the streets.
Oh, it's normal.
Torture is good.
Blah, blah, blah.
I don't buy into it.
That's all.
Well, that's because you probably are Al Qaeda-ish.
Oh, I must be Al Qaeda-ish.
Because if I am, I must be a terrorist.
You know, I'm trying to find my USA Today.
There's actually two of them.
One of them here, get chipped.
Then, Charged Without Plastic, You Are The Card, a glowing article about how we all need chips.
And then here's the other one, ABC News, Soda Can Spies Coca-Cola New Tracker Product.
George, great points.
Thanks for the call.
Let me go ahead and cover the Soda Spy first.
This high-tech soda can, used by Coca-Cola in its latest contest, looks and feels like an ordinary Coke can.
But this can knows how to call home and tell it where you are in the US.
And by the way, Walmart said two years ago, it was in USA Today and they were working with the Defense Department, that all their suppliers had to have this in by 2004 if you were going to be able
to sell to them.
Now, no one would... people weren't accepting the barcode until 86, when Walmart demanded all suppliers affix this to their products.
That caused the universal acceptance of the technology.
Walmart has bragged with the Defense Department that they are both demanding this of all their suppliers, and everyone is going to it.
It is already in tens of thousands of products.
But now it's going to be your, your, your pop can, your soda can.
We call every soft drink a Coke can here in Texas.
Whatever you call it, it's going to be in that little aluminum can.
Soda can spies in the week's cyber shake.
We take a look at how one soda company has added a high-tech twist in the war to win over more cola drinkers.
Oh, sure.
Plus, editors at one magazine try to figure out which gee whiz gadget will... still gets our goat.
And it shows the can with a loving
Transmitter inside of it.
And it says, uh, Summer is just around the corner, and as thoughts turn to vacation and recreation, Coca-Cola has a nifty game of hide-and-seek.
It wants to play with soft drink consumers.
For its latest sweepstakes, the beverage maker has hidden specially-marked soda cans among the ordinary cans of cola in its cardboard cases, multi-packed.
But once consumers find the right can, the game turns where the hunter becomes the hunted.
In order to deliver the prize, Coca-Cola has to find the winner.
And it does so with the can itself.
See, it's so much fun to be to be tracked.
Let's play hide and seek, can we?
We're your friends, you can trust us.
Each winner can, which has the same heft and weight as an ordinary pop can, is really stuffed with electronic guts of a cell phone and global positioning system tracker.
On the outside of the can are a button, microphone, and tiny speaker.
What you do is press the big red button and start the game in process.
And again, Pepsi actually did this last year.
So, this is not new.
This is all conditioning.
Here's another one.
USA Today.
Again, I said years ago they were going to sell us this as glamorous and cool and cutting edge.
And your children, when you refuse to let them have the chip, will scream at you and run off with their friends at midnight and go to the tattoo parlor where they'll be licensed implanters, which they are now using them for that counterculture, fake counterculture movement.
And you show up there and you get your chip.
And I don't care what you say.
There's a new law.
I'm allowed to have the chip.
It's my freedom.
You can't stop me.
That's how it's being sold, as we said it would be.
Get chipped!
Then charge without plastic.
You are the card.
And it says, for instance, there's the important and deeply scientific experiment being conducted among the barely clothed patrons of the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona.
We broke that story months ago.
They're getting electronic
Credit cards implanted under the skin.
Beautiful club goers.
See, they're beautiful.
They're geniuses.
Beautiful club goers have a problem.
If you're going to wear a halter top and micro skirt, there's not much of anywhere to put a wallet.
And who wants to carry a purse when there's time to dance?
Luckily, a company called Verichip this year unveiled a solution based on radio frequency identification technology.
It's a slender glass capsule about as long as a dime is wide.
Inside sits a computer chip which stores unique code that can identify an individual, sort of an electronic social security number.
The capsule also holds tiny antennae, which are radio code to receive many feet away.
At the Baja Beach Club Tuesdays are Verichip implantation days.
Yeah, baby!
You stop in and a nurse at the club's ward, of course in a beautiful outfit, uses a syringe to inject a varrochip capsule under your skin.
That doesn't seem to be any rules about where on the body it has to be placed.
If you think that sounds like something you'd never do, you're not the kind of person who goes to clubs wearing your beset nose ring.
See, this is only for the trendies.
Oh, that's lovely.
Once implanted, you become your own credit card.
Need to pay for a drink?
Wave your implant, ooh, it's so cool, near a radar, and you're done.
Verichip has dreams of going global with its human implantable ID technology.
Once implanted, you could wave a body part to pay for a burger at Wendy's, a beer at a baseball game, or whatever.
I remember reading the Army War College in 2000 going, people will submit to this if we use PR.
Through the media, if we sell it as stylish and cool, the entire global population will have it.
By 2025, they will accept brain chips.
We will control them with it.
The hive mind will be complete.
The military's main job will be the brain implantation control centers.
Once everyone's under our control, total global power will be real.
I mean, it's just literally like some scary science fiction novel nightmare.
But it's just out in the open.
We're going to sell it to them through Hollywood and the media.
We're going to sell it as stylish and cool.
They will submit to us.
I mean, think about this.
And here it is.
And then they get into how great it is, page after page, and it'll save the firefighters, it'll save the police, and they'll retina scan us to start our cars, and everything will be tracked.
Oh, it's so good.
Page after page after page after page after page of them telling us how wonderful it is.
Day after day, article after article, everywhere.
It's totally normal.
It's totally cool.
Everybody's got to have it.
Oh, it's so good.
And yuppies who don't have any social conscience, who don't have any bearing in life, the young people out there, the trendies, the stylish soccer moms, are going to get it.
They are getting it.
And we had the very chip distributor on.
He said, oh yes, everyone will have to have it globally to buy and sell.
That's our plan.
The Italian government's about to make their whole population take it.
All their government people.
There's a move to make the police take it.
And gun owners.
And I think you have to have it to have a gun.
And this is our plan.
Ha ha ha!
Openly talking about making you take it.
Just submit to it.
And then he said on the show, he goes, the chip will prevail.
He started laughing.
I said, did you say that to the newspaper over in Barcelona?
He goes, yes, yes, the chip will prevail.
Go ahead and accept it.
It's so much fun.
Everybody wants it.
Just go along with it.
Embrace it.
Don't be a square.
So, my friend, within two years, your children will be secretly implanted, running off to get them.
I mean, you're a 14-year-old child and you get an abortion without telling you in most states, so don't think they're not going to get the chip.
Oh, it's so stylish.
Don't listen to your parents.
Oh, it's so cool.
You can't get more.
Oh yeah, very counterculture being a Pentagon idiot.
A Pentagon minion.
And my cousin a year ago, over for coffee, said within two years we're all getting chips.
We were told in a briefing by an officer, hundreds of them in the room, told you're all getting chips.
Chips, chips, chips.
We're just calmly talking about chips.
No big deal.
And a bunch of states are announcing a federal plan to start satellite tracking and taxing you to drive your car.
It's no big deal.
And Mr. Berg, it turns out, was working with U.S.
intelligence agency operatives over there and shadowy activities.
People known for their Russian Mafia connections and drug trafficking, and he was at Abu Ghraib working on the cell towers and in custody of the globalists and in and around hijackers, but I'm sure he's not with any intelligence agency, and I'm sure that video's real.
Mr. Berg isn't basking in the Maui sun, his debt to society paid in full.
And now Mad Dog Ben Richards can try to pay his debt here on The Running Man.
We don't lie!
We're the number one television show in the whole wide world!
Let's cut to that video now, showing the brutal slayer of 15 men, women, and children, the Butcher of Bakersfield, Mad Dog Ben Richards, and his lover, his confederate!
Okay, if you haven't seen The Running Man, you don't know what I'm talking about.
We are now coming to that point.
Flaunting it in our face.
Oh, help us.
Help us, God.
We are actually entering the beast system.
And the preachers are telling you, the chip isn't the mark of the beast.
It's not a problem.
We're all going to be raptured out.
The best-selling books tell us, don't have to fight evil.
Just rejoice that the evil is upon us.
Don't warn anyone.
Just accept it.
This means the end is near.
We'll soon be carried away on golden ropes to heaven.
There's no problem.
Bush is anointed of God when he's not at Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove or Chento Shrines.
He is a godly man, they say, who we can trust and who we can love.
His cousin Kerry is the devil!
Okay, we'll come back and take more calls and we have Paul Joseph Watson, webmaster contributor.
For us, joining us, I'm in a lackadaisical mood, as you can notice today.
Swimming 50 laps in the morning is, well, very congenial to the makeup of my physicality.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Brock and John and Fred, many others, your calls are coming up here in Uno Momento.
But to see all this unfolding exactly as the globalists said it would, and to watch people... You know, you're a cook to talk about implantable chips five years ago.
Now you're a cook to say they're bad.
Go ahead and take them.
We cannot put up with this.
We cannot let them get away with their tactics.
We have got to warn people now.
We've got to say no to all of this.
This is the control group.
It has nothing to do with terrorism.
It has to do with the globalists terrorizing and controlling our lives.
We've got Paul Watson with a big news update coming up again in your calls here in a minute.
Before I do that though, just briefly, I've written a book, published a book, carry a bunch of other great books and books on tape, and some of the best documentary films out there on 9-11 by Eric Huffschmid, and Jews, the Preservation of Farms, Ownership, their great video, Innocence Betrayed, about 180 million people killed after their guns were confiscated.
Amazing new documentary you've got to have that we're carrying.
Also comes with three Second Amendment booklets.
In comic book form, telling the story of gun control.
A great way to wake somebody up as well.
I've made 10 films.
America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Wake Up or Waco.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com and sign up via our secure, safe online shopping cart.
Or call toll free to order the videos or books at 1-888-253-3139.
My videos are all over 2 hours long, $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order 3 or more of any of these powerful videos.
Get them, make copies of them, get them out to your friends and family, educate the world.
Again, 1-888-253-3139.
If somebody doesn't tell the world, you know, it's over.
It's up to you, folks.
These are the tools.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Or infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
By the way, I'm on Alan Combs' syndicated radio show tonight in his first hour.
We'll see what that's like.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
I just wondered, with this prisoner abuse scandal and this sort of thing, it looks like
Lord Kerry is going to be the front-runner, so I'm wondering if the globalists want Bush or Kerry, because if they want Bush, there might be another attack they might be conjuring up.
Well, you know, you have to look at the fact that it doesn't matter.
All the key cities are now under touchscreen, federally paid for, CIA-controlled publicly.
Electronic voting systems, Bush and Carrier buddies, this is all staged.
This is staged at multiple levels.
The voting itself, the candidates who are cousins, members of the same secret society.
Then on top of that, they'll carry out terror to legitimize the next ratcheting up phase of police state.
What is the next phase?
Police state level, do you think?
Is it going to be more control of people's lives?
It's going to be the Caps 2 system, to start your car, to have a job, to walk down the street, showing papers everywhere, police beating folks up, legitimizing it, torture of American citizens, all crimes being listed as acts of terror, just a whole new level, probably a bio-release, and then a shutdown of a whole region to demonstrate how good martial law is.
That's the next phase.
When do you see this coming in in the next three to five years?
Oh, most assuredly unless we stop them.
Well, I think that people are waking up.
You've done some excellent work and getting a lot of people online and that's why I think that the chip intentions they have may be slowed down and impeded because of the good work you've been doing.
Well, thank you.
It's because of your good work as well.
They're going to have a lot of trouble selling it.
They're going to sell it to our children.
We'll be right back.
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And tell them Alex Jones sent you.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into the second hour of global transmission.
Major developments in the torture scandal.
Lord Rumsfeld publicly ordered the torture, bragged about it on TV.
Now the documents themselves have come forward in eyewitness testimony.
Nicholas Berg and his intelligence EMO is becoming more and more clear.
Big developments there.
Your coke cans tracking and tracing you and then you're hunted down by people and it's
A real cute.
Also, they have the Aquafina things where the surveillance blimps follow you around.
This is all part of the training that it's fun to be tracked and traced.
Big USA Today article saying all of us need our chips.
It's so cool.
It's so stylish.
Only a square daddy-o wouldn't want it.
And we've got Paul Watson joining us, and we're going to take a lot of calls early in this hour.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Thank you for joining us, Paul.
A lot to cover on the plate today.
We haven't even scratched the surface.
Good to have you riding shotgun with us.
Good to be on again, Alex.
We're getting a lot of things done, a lot of people are waking up, so the establishment is just trying to legitimize all their tyranny by bringing it out in plain view.
What are some of the top stories we're going to be covering in the next hour?
Well, obviously the Berg thing, because a few more things have emerged about the video and the circumstances surrounding it over the weekend.
The torture scandal has deepened, in fact, but not in the US, because the US media isn't reporting on what the big mainstream German media is reporting on, which is Iraqis tortured to death.
Also, the sacking of Piers Morgan, the editor of the Mirror newspaper in London, who were at the forefront of basically blowing the whistle on numerous examples of government corruption and cover-ups.
And with that story, that's interesting because I remember telling you, you know, these images.
You have all these admitted images of beating people to death, raping people.
This is all admitted.
Then they put out fake porno pictures, then fake other pictures.
Troops bring these to the Mirror, tell the story, the Mirror post it, then they absolve the entire British military of torture saying, oh look, it's fake.
A classic tactic.
Well yeah, just before we get into the Mirror thing, you mentioned those
Porn photos which were taken from porn websites then posted on Arab websites and claimed to be authentic.
Interestingly enough, the Boston Globe published those photos days after they'd been denounced as fakes.
Everybody knew they were fakes and yet the Boston Globe still published them.
Then the day after... And we never did.
We said they were fake day one.
And we said they would then bring it out and say, oh look, it's all discredited when it's admitted this is going on.
Yeah, and they actually apologized.
The newspaper apologized the day after.
So why would they knowingly print fake photos?
Well, it's to, you know, try and discredit from the real rape, which is contained in the military report.
So that whole Boston Globe thing smells like a setup to me.
With the mirror thing, the sacking of Piers Morgan, it was interesting.
I actually got the word a week before it happened that Morgan was about to go from Shrimpton, who was on the show talking about the Kelly murder, so that increases his credibility.
We've got the mirror, which was a former Labour Party mouthpiece, basically.
About two years ago, it turned on the government
...and started reporting accurately the civilian casualties in Iraq, blowing the whistle on the fact that Princess Diana was murdered, and of course this torture scandal.
But as with the Hutton inquiry in the BBC, where the BBC was blamed for concocting a story about the unreliability of the government's WMD dossiers,
The story itself is true, but the government takes a minutiae of that story, declares it to be false, and then grandstands saying that it's vindicated and that the government never lied.
So we've got the same thing with the case of the mirror.
Amazing levels of spin.
We'll get into all of it when we get back.
The latest Berg developments, the latest torture developments, the latest Big Brother developments, and your call.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, eight minutes and ten seconds into hour number two.
Thank you for joining us.
Every week, usually on Monday, we have Paul Watson up to go over the news with us.
And I know that we've got a cornucopia of callers we'll be going to here in a few minutes.
Paul, let's go over, recap the Berg developments, Nicholas Berg,
And the obvious intelligence agency connections here, those can no longer be denied.
You'd be a conspiracy theorist to deny this.
They don't want to get into the latest torture developments with Lord Rumsfeld.
And then we'll get into how they're trying to spin this and deal with this.
We now have another senator coming out and mirroring the comments of Lord Limbaugh.
The ultra-liberal socialist, saying that this is just fraternal fun, torturing these people, no big deal.
We may air that Limbaugh clip one more time, just so folks can hear it, but now we have the Senator, we actually have that video clip.
Ooh, Stephanie, you ought to go grab that.
You ought to tell Stephanie where that is on PrisonPlanet.tv and play the Senator saying that, but Paul, let's launch into Berg.
Okay, well, everyone knows I basically live on the Internet, so
I know when a story's out there, and this one's out there, the fact that these anomalies do exist.
Because the hits to our websites have doubled since last Tuesday and basically have remained steady with all these hundreds of websites linking to our different Berg pages that we've set up.
And actually on last night's Drudge radio program, a caller called in and raised the Berg execution and all these anomalies that we've been pointing out.
PluggedinfoWars.com and Drudge's response was that basically he'd seen the evidence but he didn't think it was staged, but at least
You know, we know that we're being noticed with this.
You mean, he admitted that he'd seen the evidence?
Yeah, yeah.
The caller mentioned Infowars.com and Drudge said he'd seen it.
Well, he's the big man not to delete it out.
The other big shows do that.
Now, let's go back here for just a second, if we can.
Let's go over the Berg evidence.
Who Berg is, the classic intelligence MO, and then now the latest developments.
Go over that for them, Paul.
Well, now I think there's approaching about 50 anomalies just with the video itself.
Some of them might be explainable.
I mean, the red herring in my view is everyone screaming about the fact that military time is used on the video when almost every video camera in the world uses military timing.
So we've got these different red herrings that we need to ignore.
But the bullet point issues of the Berg video are that
He worked at Abu Ghraib Prison.
The standard-issue white chairs and the decor in the Abu Ghraib photos match exactly the execution scene.
Berg was wearing a US military-issue orange jumpsuit, like the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
The audio from the first clip where Berg introduces himself is different from the execution scene.
Um, Zarqawi, the man blamed for the execution, according to MSNBC, died three months ago, and even if it was him, he would have a pronounced lymph, because we know that he had an artificial leg.
Um, there was very little blood seen when the execution took place, and doctors around the world have said that this is simply not possible, you know, one and a half gallons of blood in the head alone, according to doctors.
Either, you know, Berg had already been dead, or they were using some kind of mannequin.
Um, the five Arabs seen on the video, or CIA rabs as I call them, are fat, um, they're bloated, pale white skin, from what you can see on some of them.
Some of them are in military stances, and obviously this is the opposite of how you would expect Arabs who had been on the, uh, been on the run for nearly three years would appear.
One of the Arabs wears a gold ring, which is forbidden in Islamic law, and not only that, he's wearing it on his left hand, which is supposedly, according to Muslim doctrine, the evil hand.
You know, the hand only reserved for things like toilet cleaning.
The statement read out does not mention Al-Qaeda, and that was purposefully misinterpreted and added in by the US government to create this phony Al-Qaeda link.
Um, the Arabs who view the tape say that the accent of the speaker, who is supposed to be Zarqawi, who is Jordanian, sounds more like, um, Egyptian or other Arab dialect.
And there's also clearly a Western voice saying, I will be done on the tape.
Yeah, Western Voices at the end of the tape.
And let's go back to him working at Abu Ghraib, a main prison.
He drops out of an Ivy League school with good grades, where they recruit people.
That's where they recruit these Ivy League for Intelligence.
He, quote, has this classic M.O.
of a helper with technology, the quiet American, all over the world.
And then he's captured for thirteen and a half days by Western forces, which is now admitted and confirmed, which they tried to lie about, but now got caught with the emails and the FBI now admitting it.
On top of this now, the latest development out of the Philadelphia News, Berg met with shady Iraqi.
There's another strange new twist to the saga of Nick Berg and his final days of Iraq.
Before his savage videotape beheading, Berg teamed up in Baghdad with ex-Philippine man who led a controversial group of Iraqi expatriates encouraged by the U.S.
government, i.e.
CIA, even as he faced deportation for his role in Russian
Crime ring selling millions of vials used for crack.
Aziz Khadori Aziz, also known as Aziz Al-Taiyya, hooked up earlier this year with a 26-year-old Western Chester man to start a small company called the Babylon Towers Company, install and inspect, repair telecommunications and utility towers.
And in interviews with several news organizations in Baghdad, Aziz claimed he may have been the last friend to speak with Berg.
Very, very, uh, stinky.
And on top of this, we have Berg now not with one, but with two of the hijackers, with his passcodes being investigated by the FBI.
But his dad says that just on buses and stuff, he would hand people his computer and magically give them his passcode, Paul.
Well, what does this tell us?
Does it tell us that because Berg was involved with all these CIA rabs that, you know, he was their guy, did they turn on him?
Or is the video a complete hoax?
And is he right now basking in the Maui Sun?
Well, yeah, some people have pointed out that the individual on the video
Doesn't look like Burke hasn't got his bills, etc.
So, I mean, did they use a different person?
Did they use a mannequin?
Who knows?
I don't know!
They create fake videos of fat bin Ladens taking credit, later admit it's fake, but then nobody investigates why they put out a fake.
Fake letters in the newspapers with false signatures from troops, fake Niger documents, fake mobile weapons trucks, fake mass graves, fake... on and on and on, Paul.
I don't know.
We've got a government that will put uranium in children's cereal at public school to see what it does to them.
They wouldn't kill somebody.
No, they're not like that.
They're very loving in the New World Order.
They didn't let black men die and spread syphilis over
45 years!
They didn't give uranium to pregnant women!
They didn't release biologicals in the New York subway, killing people!
This is a government that can be totally trusted, that loves human life, Paul!
Oh no, governments never lied.
Blair's never lied about anything ever, according to their own statements.
But, yeah, it's interesting.
Is it Berg or is it a different person?
But the other anomalies, as I mentioned on Friday, the AK-47s
One of them, at least, is carrying actually a Jilal model, which is Israeli-made.
Of course, the U.S.
government tried to lie by saying that Berg was never in U.S.
custody, and then the family released the ambassador's email saying that it was an attempt, you know.
Yeah, but here's the spin.
And again, you know, the proper scientific Latin term for a dog, a domesticated dog, Fido, whatever, may it be a dachshund or a
Bulldog is, what is it, caninus familiaris.
So this is what they did.
They said, we never had him in custody.
We never had a dog.
We had a caninus familiaris.
So in their statements they say, we never had him.
Our Iraqi provisional government did.
Yes, the FBI interviewed him.
And yes, troops did.
But that was under the control of the Iraqis.
We didn't control him.
It's like saying, your name's not really Paul.
It's an incredible lie.
They admit they had him in custody, but then say the Iraqis really had him.
Go ahead.
Well, it's the same with the British government.
They take the minutiae details.
You know, say that three torture photos are false, even though it's admitted that the torture went on.
They still say that it's all a lie because these three photos take the minutiae of it.
But the timing of the release of the video is very interesting.
After the Spain momming of 3-11 and of course 9-11, the question of why Berg's body, who is obviously a civilian, or according to them is a civilian, was flown to Dover Air Force Base, which is of course on clampdown to prevent the media from filming the coffin.
So why was Berg a civilian taken to an Air Force base?
Why was Berg's family and anyone else prevented from seeing the body or the coffin?
Were they making sure that the body
Fitted the cover story.
And I mean, the reaction is predictable from neocons.
Trying to justify the torture which came out previously by saying, you know, we humiliated a few people but at least we didn't kill anyone.
Well, besides the fact that it's now admitted that prisoners were tortured to death, what do you call the murder of, you know, approaching 50,000 innocent Iraqis during the war?
You know, doesn't that count as murder?
Despite the fact that the video, as we've proven, is full of holes, the media just parrot the official line.
They don't even investigate the video itself, because on one level, because the news cycle is so hot and they're bombarded by news on a daily basis,
Either they're too lazy or too overwhelmed to even look into the details of the video.
So they just take what the official spokesperson says and then repeat it ad infinitum.
So this is why we're here talking about it.
Well, they're still saying that it's this Al-Qaeda leader who's got one leg and who MSNBC, the government said, was dead three months ago.
I mean, it's like the Fat Bin Laden tape.
It later comes out it's fake, but then there's no discussion of it.
Well, exactly, and they use these
Supposed captures of Al-Qaeda leaders again and again.
Yeah, they capture people three, four, five times, kill them two or three times, kill them again a month later, kill them again, and they're involved in more attacks on us.
I mean, it's great!
Well, there's three other examples.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
He'd been dead before they announced his capture, but now they're using him to fearmonger about what Al-Qaeda are going to do.
They're doing the same thing with Al Zawahiri.
Supposedly on these, you know, these new Bin Laden videotapes that always come out.
Yeah, he was captured in February 2002.
So, they use these Arabs all the time.
And they think so little of us, they don't even come up with a new name.
Now they're arrogant.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Your call's coming up.
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Alright, I want to get into oil prices.
I want to get into the police state.
There's been a lot of new developments there.
I want to get into this tactic of trying to condition us to accept torture.
The latest info on Rumsfeld ordering the torture, which is already public, but now coming out in the mainstream media.
But first, let's go ahead and go to some calls, Paul.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
John, Fred, William, George, Delilah, and others.
Lila, don't come after my hair with those scissors.
I'm just joking.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm from Texas.
Okay, fine.
Go ahead.
A lot of people don't really understand that once you take that microchip and total control comes, there's no way you're going to be able to organize any kind of resistance against them.
But USA Today says it's so stylish the young people all are going to want it.
It's so cool.
You can't get into the topless bar unless you have one.
Let's get a comment from Paul Watson on this.
Well, yeah, they're trying to make it cool by phasing it in with the nightclubs and that takes care of, you know, 20-somethings.
And then for younger people, they'll phase it in.
And we had the reports last year, both in Britain and America,
Tagging footballers, both soccer players in this country and, you know, footballers in America, to track their progress on the playing field.
And so, they're going to phase it in by saying it's cool, by having it with the footballers, so then the younger generation will identify with that, and then want the chip as well.
Well, what I was trying to say is that, uh, there are a lot of people who think we're going to, you know, when all the total control comes, we'll be able to head to the hills and fight like the French Resistance.
We'll be able to track every move you make, you'll stamp you out.
You decide you're going to flee from the New World Order, you could go to the wilds of the Amazon or up to Canada, they'd still be able to track you.
There'd be no escaping them.
Well, that's the thing that any supplies you bought to leave with are going to have RFID in it, and they'll know because your RFID will be trackable because it'll be moving.
That's all I got, Alex.
Alright, good to hear from you.
This is control nobody ever even thought of in a science fiction movie.
This is light years ahead of 1984.
And it's just happening.
We cannot accept this.
Let's go ahead and talk to Fred in Philadelphia.
Fred, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to bring up something that ties in with media censorship and the way that story broke about the torture of prisoners.
Did you ever hear of something called the Nixon Monarch of 1948?
Well, it prohibits a 12-year ban
On rebroadcasting or repeating anything that the USIA or intelligence community sends out as a foreign broadcast.
And it has been used, but as far as this particular scandal is concerned, the way the story broke that I had heard on the radio was that when the story broke, the government had asked big media not to
Uh, not to, uh, report on the, uh, uh, abuse and... Yeah, they asked CBS to hold off a few weeks.
Right, they asked them, and I think that, uh, in doing that, I think the government has been able to manage
uh... the media and this may be well the same military industrial complex that owns the media owns the military and owns the whole system so it's not like a they're having to manage it they're staging it they're releasing we're via the alternative media we're forcing them to release more and more so they can try to put their spin on it and i don't think they're using that uh... particular act you talk about to block people from releasing this because it's it's coming out of a thousand different sources they have lost control thanks for the call
First of all, I want to compliment you on your article in Global Outlook on the Secret Patriot Act 2.
You had an article in Spring 2003, and Patriot 2, a big slice of it, was signed into law in
1503, by President Bush.
Yeah, the same day they announced the Saddam capture, so that smoke screened it, and he had a signing of the intelligence bill, that's what it was called, secretly.
He normally has public signings, but this was done in secret.
Yeah, and the other thing is, another magazine called Covert Action Quarterly, and I believe it was spring or summer, the cover of the magazine was produced showing
A Iraqi prisoner being humiliated.
A hooded Iraqi prisoner being humiliated.
Yeah, this is all old news.
Thank you for the call.
Paul, comments?
Well, yeah, CBS did hold the tortured photos for two weeks.
The question is, I mean, we've been reporting on it for two, three years.
Was it a deliberate attempt to bottleneck the information so it would all come out at once and overwhelm people?
That's what I see going on.
So, yeah, they released it all at once and it was just a slurry of information.
Yeah, while they were telling CBS to hold back, Berg was getting grabbed and the beheading being prepared.
And so they bring all the torture out, then legitimize it with the Berg getting his head cut off, that tragic video if it's even real, then it legitimizes it all.
Okay, more calls, more news, coming up 800-259-9231.
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All right, William and Gary and Delilah and many others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
I want to get into Rumsfeld ordering the TOR shirt.
He did it on TV!
I mean, where are our memories?
It's not like it's any big scoop, but I guess it is for those that are now talking about it in the mainstream media.
It's amazing.
It's like Rumsfeld saying that it's an urban legend, a wild wives tale, that I ever said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was an imminent threat.
And they go, oh really?
Here's fifty quotes!
It's like Rumsfeld going, my name's not Donald.
That's crazy to say my name's Donald Rumsfeld.
I mean, that's the level of transparent lies counting on you not being informed.
But if the American people ever become informed about politics and the geopolitical system,
Like they are about the last episode of Friends, or Frasier, or how the football game's going.
It's over for tyranny.
They count on you being ignorant.
That's why Christ said the people perish for lack of knowledge.
That's why they want you dumbed down, not knowing where Iraq is on a map, not knowing who your governor is.
Most high school seniors don't know who the vice president is.
I mean, that is scary.
And I don't get an elitist feeling off of that, some type of sardonic idea off of that.
That scares me.
I know a lot of young professionals, old professionals, who don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
But they know all about the best golf clubs, the best graphite golf clubs, and all about the coolest Lexus to own, and all about their Hog, all about their Harley-Davidson.
Well, you know, fine.
You can know about all that stuff, but you'd better spend some time learning about politics and the New World Order and how the world runs and operates.
Let me tell you, once you start looking into it, you'll never pull your nose back out of it, because it is addicting to know the truth.
Before we go to all these calls, I'm back to Paul Watson.
I would encourage all of you to go sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Two of my TV shows last week.
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The ball's in your court, my friends.
Take action.
Or suffer the consequences of the globalists having their way and putting you into the slave grid.
Paul, let's blitz through these calls, four or five more, then I want to get into the torture with Rumsfeld admitting it.
Let's go ahead and talk to William.
William is calling us from Oregon.
William, go ahead.
Morning, Alex.
First, I want to say thanks for Prison Planet TV.
Great site.
Another thing I found on the site the other day I was on, and you might know about this, perhaps because every time I find stuff, I find that you're ahead of the curve.
I commend you for that.
But on a dollar bill, are you familiar with the fact there's actually an owl on our dollar bill?
Yeah, up in the right-hand corner, a little owl looking over the one.
I just thought of Bohemian Grove when I ran across it.
I go, dude, God, this thing's right under my nose.
Well, the Globalist, one of their favorite communications is architecture, too.
There's a giant 33-story
Owl downtown, complete with a beak and two eyes, and the designer admits it's supposed to be an owl, so... Downtown where?
Downtown Austin.
Oh, really?
You got one down there?
The Compass Bank Building, yes.
One other thing I was going to say, you know, you basically sum up the Roman period, give the people a little bread and a little circus, and we'll do what we want.
My analogy for that in this day and age of the United States is they give them a Daytona 500 and a Coors Silver Bullet, and they do what they want.
And people, like you say, need to wake up, but when you hear these guys that say,
Hell yeah, I'm going to vote for George Bush.
He's a NASCAR fan.
It just goes to show how shallow the pond really is, you know?
I mean, we're not exactly at the deep end of the gene pool, it seems like.
Yeah, people like to be manipulated.
They like it to all be easy.
But I'm sorry, folks, the wages of sin are death.
That is, being ignorant, going along with this will destroy you and your family.
Evil is growing at every level.
Well, I kind of find out, Alex, in my ventures and talking to people and trying to spread the word as we say for
Many, many years since I read None Dare Call a Conspiracy.
People don't... They react like a six-year-old does when you tell them there's not a Santa Claus.
They just can't.
But as the globalist abuse more people, the wake-up is growing.
That's why they're accelerating the oppression and trying to legitimize it.
Thanks for the call.
Paul, the acceleration of the wake-up.
I've never seen it happen this fast.
It's geometrically, month by month, growing.
It is all coming to a head, like four locomotives on four tracks converging on a single point at maximum speed.
Your take on that?
Well, that's exactly the case.
Every big event that they pull off,
Only brings more people, you know, towards our cause because we expose the fact that most of these big events are psyops, basically.
And then they have the tactic of trying to make this information, you know, bog it down in their kind of debase mentality, which is why we've been bombarded by images of torture and beheading and so forth.
So they try and turn people off to it by making people sick of it.
But I mean, on the other hand, they've bombarded people with images of, um,
You know, rape and murder on television for the past 10-15 years, that's an accelerated pace, so maybe that backfired on them as well.
But they are trying to bog people down in that mentality where, you know, people resort to moral relativism and say, you know, I don't care what's happening, I can't do anything about it.
But we're making people rise above all that and actually face the truth and not be cowardly about it.
That's right.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up next here?
Okay, George in Canada, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
You can't win a fight by running away.
You have to turn around and counter-attack.
They use psych-ops and propaganda on us.
A lot of their jingles and advertising from the big corporations are stuck in our mind.
They've been there for years and years and years.
With a minor manipulation, you can turn it into a major disinformation campaign against them.
You were talking earlier about the microchip, so something just came in my head about the old Pepsodent commercial.
You wonder where your freedoms went.
When you run your world with microchips.
And then when they, if you're in a short little debate or in a lineup and you have to win a battle against somebody, a quick little jingle like that.
When's your debate?
It's something someone will easily remember.
Well, they use, let me stop you, they use jingoism, that's why they chose 9-11, you know, to imprint it with that archetypal image, and they do this everywhere, like Al-Qaeda is a brand name, doesn't even exist, that's admitted, so we say Al-C-I-A-da.
And what's the term you've coined, Paul?
C-I-A-rabs, yes.
Gotta love it.
Did you hear what happened to Colin Powell and Jordan?
Yes, I was going to get to that, and I'm glad you raised it.
He was on Meet the Press yesterday, and I've got to get this tape.
If somebody's got it, please send it to us, or I'll have to get it through a lengthy process.
They thought it was tape, but he got there late, so they joined him in progress, and when they got to the Missing Weapons of Mass Destruction, this woman begins screaming, pushes the camera out of the way, starts commanding Powell, and Powell goes,
We're in public.
You can't be my boss in public.
And so it all blew up in their face how staged it was on live television on the CFR program Meet the Press.
And then Powell had to go on and admit that the weapons of mass destruction claim was fake, the mobile weapons trucks were fake.
Total disintegration.
Paul, George comments.
Well, yeah, it shows that this aide had the arrogance to do that.
I mean, is it the case?
She was shouting and commanding the secretary.
So is she pulling the strings of Powell just like Karl Rove does with Bush?
It shows the arrogance and contempt of what they think they can get away with, you know, live TV, millions of viewers.
That's it!
The interview is over!
Shoving the camera aside!
Stop it!
You're off, pal!
Well, no, I think we're actually live.
Yes, we're live!
Get out of here!
We have the match, but then they do something to attract attention to pull you away from the real match.
And there is no free press or free anything in Jordan.
That's why the World Economic Forum is being held there.
But the big thing is that they want to pull our attention away with the Circus Act, so that we do not concentrate on what's going to be discussed at the World Economic Forum.
But it's just a quantum leap that's even discussed in mainstream media.
This was played on local Toronto station CFRB last night, which shocked me to no end.
That's the battle.
Just disinformation a la wrestling and we're not to know what's really going on at this forum where all the world leaders attend.
It's not even going to be discussed.
We'll talk about the little quip from the interview.
That's a good point.
This whole torture story they held back was brought out now because of the World Economic Forum, the free trade area of the Americas, NAFTA about to be reauthorized.
We're not talking about the dead bodies of the troops now that are still dying every day.
Notice that story's gone now.
Very good point.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Delilah and Ann and others.
Delilah in Ohio.
Go ahead, Delilah.
Hello, Paul.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you so much for taking my call.
Thank you both for waking us all up from living in Gaga Land, if you know what I mean by that.
I just wanted to ask a question in regards to the military draft, especially pertaining to us women.
My understanding is I've been doing a little bit of research on the internet.
I saw a couple of
I just turned 34 last month and I wanted to have a better understanding of
Why they want to bring it back.
I mean, first of all, why they want to bring it back and include us women.
That's the first thing I want to know.
You get to be slaves too.
That's all part of the liberation.
Get to break your family up and have you working in a prison camp as well.
It's the wonders of being a slave.
But this is the deal.
There's at least 12 different pieces of legislation.
Two of them have women in it.
Two of them make it 18 to 49.
Most are 18 to 26.
18 to 49?
18 to 49.
and especially professional women and they've reauthorized the draft boards.
They're preparing selective service to order the state attorney generals to begin at the DMV registering all young girls at 16 to 18 for selective service.
Paul, comments on this?
Well yeah, obviously they're going to use
Under 35 is the military expansion, but at home the age limit is going to be unrestricted because you'll be working for Hellman.
And the Selective Service Board website, just go and look at it.
The people at the top that are representative of who they are looking for are old black men, young white men,
So it's across the board.
It's the whole spectrum of society that they're trying to get for this Home 1 draft.
And again, this isn't like a draft we've had in the past.
This is a Soviet or Nazi draft where old women, young men, everybody's in the Home Guard.
But since there's no real terrorists, now Homeland Security says you're going to be fighting crime, tattling, and neighborhood squads.
To graduate from high school, you'll have to serve two years.
You'll have to watch surveillance cameras that are fed through your home computer two hours every night.
They're going to simulate terror attacks with artificial AI computer programs.
This is the New York Times.
To make sure you're watching and reporting the terrorists.
I mean, this is maximum tyranny.
So in other words, from what I was reading on those articles, you're not going to be able to claim the conscientious objector either.
Well, I mean, they can't make us all do it, but yeah, they'll arrest a few prominent people.
Oh, see, you didn't do the draft.
But it's a violation of its indentured servitude.
It is slavery.
But see, right before they finally pass the draft, they've got senators out promoting it and saying it's good.
They're going to blow a bunch of stuff up, kill a bunch of people, and then in the emotion, oh, we've got to have the draft, then they'll put it into place.
It won't matter.
I mean, I'm going to get drafted.
I guarantee you.
They're going to call me down and I'm gone.
That's it.
They'll have a special injection for me.
Here's your vaccine, Mr. Jones.
I'll die a few weeks later.
Minor footnote in the newspaper.
How does all that stuff work, especially... By the way, you see, if you're the troops and you say you won't fire on American citizens, 76%, you get shipped overseas, you get the deadly vaccine.
If you're a little globalist, you stay here domestically, you put on plain clothes, you walk around the streets, you harass people at UT, The Wall Street Journal a few months ago, secret force troops, army troops, army intelligence as young as 25, on incredible power trips, running around harassing people,
Well, yeah, the basic system is
There's basically the brown shirt system you're going to see.
And they're desensitizing people to this in my country.
And imagine all of these power trip bullies are going to have uniforms, MP5s, clubs.
It's going to be hell.
They're going to be raping your daughters, beating you up, running everything.
And all the yuppies will grovel to them to stay in good with them and to make money off of them because all the federal contracts are going to go through this.
And we'll all have our local police viceroys we've got to worship.
Sound good to you, ma'am?
Sound fun?
Not really.
Not at all.
It stinks.
It sure does.
Paul, I'm sorry.
We're going to write and come back and talk to Ann, but Paul, comment.
You were trying to say something about brown shirts.
Yeah, well, they're going to be everywhere.
They're going to be in your supermarkets.
They'll stage some kind of bio-attack, and that will be the pretext for this draft.
And then you'll see swarms of Homeland Tattletales, you know, in black gas masks, in military garb, just walking around the street, walking in supermarkets everywhere.
Yeah, and they've said this.
This is a plant.
I mean, you want to live like a Soviet, folks?
But don't worry, you'll still have your football games, you'll still all have your, you know, your bread and circus.
And they're already implementing it on beta test levels, like the airports and the subways.
Yeah, the 30,000 strong Hercules teams in New York.
Yeah, military guards basically on subways, on buses, so they're getting the transport system in gear with this and then they'll introduce it, you know, on a wider basis after the next attack.
They admit, hardened checkpoints, toll roads, paying for all of it.
Every person you know that runs the Neighborhood Association will be a Lord Viceroy of the area.
Home inspections knockin' tall for your safety.
Oh, I hope you all enjoy it.
I hope those listening in intelligence are proud of what they're doing to our country.
I hope you're proud.
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Alright, Anne in Chicago said that she was a reporter and had some information for us.
And then she hung up.
Ann, if you want to call back in, if you can get back in, we'll put you at the front of the line.
I wanted to hear what you had to say, something to do with Nicholas Berg, the development there.
But listen, I'm not trying to scare you or embellish.
Long before 9-11, they were creating the cadres under AmeriCorps and SecurCorps to turn your children into secret police, all of them.
Hundreds of school districts, as of two or three years ago, last time I investigated it, have BATF officers
Actually in the middle school for a semester they write dossiers on their parents.
Teach them that guns should be illegal.
That's in my film, The Takeover.
They train your children how to be loaded on buses and taken to FEMA centers.
They admit under a red alert you won't be able to leave your home.
You'll be considered an enemy combatant.
This is nationwide martial law.
We have top generals talking about it in the LA Times and Cigar Aficionado.
This is what powerful people want, is total control.
They're doing it again, using a manufactured crisis.
Exactly, and we've seen numerous reports about how the military are going into high schools now, creating lists of future soldiers, you know, even though they've got no business being there.
We've got this new thing about mandatory volunteerism, where you will have to do 10 hours a week of community service just to graduate from high school.
So that's how they're introducing the draft.
They're doing it on a level of mandatory volunteerism.
Helping the community.
It's incredible.
Folks, do not put up with this.
I serve for the homeland, you call me?
We should have to work!
They'll kind of gun us!
We gotta do it!
Torture's good!
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in California.
Dave, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Paul.
You guys are doing a good job.
Thank you.
I have something slightly off subject about the Staron bomb that they supposedly found.
I was wondering if you would refresh my memory on the troops that got sick transporting something.
In secret convoys, because my guess is this so-called bomb is supposedly or possibly a precursor.
Well yeah, last year, last year when we confirmed this, there were convoys carrying something and a bunch of the troops had their lungs liquefied and died after a car wreck.
And the last we heard is they were just having a bad cold.
It was like 12 people's lungs liquefied, a bunch of others are still in comas.
Paul, comments to that?
Well, yeah, this story's actually just broke in the last couple of hours.
A nerve gas bomb explodes in Iraq.
An artillery shell containing a small amount of the nerve gas they're in has exploded in Iraq.
Brigadier General Mark Kimmett said the blast had caused a small release of the substance and two people had been treated for exposure to the agent.
And so they're basically saying that because Iraq had declared all rounds of this destroyed before the 91 Gulf War, that this is
Weapons of Mass Destruction, although they're not dressing it up in those terms, but it's another one of those, you know, mythical mobile weapons lab stories that the neocons will jump on to justify invading.
And there were hundreds of sites with weapons of mass destruction.
The problem is we've got video of it marked U.S.
and so they can't bring that out.
Well, we've got video of Donald Rumsfeld in December 83 shaking hands with Saddam to
Tie the deal up to sell him those weapons, which Rumsfeld also has conveniently forgotten.
He does remember all his trips to Iraq.
I was wondering if maybe they're using this as a warm-up to actually finding the mother load that we may have planted.
And I love the CIA... Well, we've gotten the reports of them doing that, haven't we, Paul?
Yeah, we got reports from southern and western Iraq of these
Strange unmarked convoys supposedly driving in undercover, which many people, whistleblowers, including the heads of the provisional Iraqi government in Basra, who are saying that these are the weapons of mass destruction that will be later planted and discovered.
Okay, finish up your question there, guys.
Well, I love the CIA rats thing, and I've got a couple for you.
One is, treason, lies, death, war.
First Cheney, 2004.
And, uh, the other would be, get your war on, vote for the moron.
All right.
Or he can vote for his cousin, the moron who's for the war.
By Lord Kerry.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the third hour.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, we're now into the third hour of this May 17, 2004 Monday edition of this global transmission against tyranny.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Providence Road, Ireland.
Samba casting on global shortwave during the day at 9475 and at night from 9 to midnight central at 3210.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
And we're going to continue with your phone calls at 800-259-9231.
Paul, I want to get into Rumsfeld telling people to carry out the torture.
I want to get into a bunch of Big Brother news as well.
What are some of the other pieces of news you want to bring forward in the next 58 minutes?
The report out of German television which details Iraqis tortured to death and the fact that dozens of these bodies are emerging out of these prison camps on a weekly basis.
And that's admitted.
They beat them to death.
There's the photos of the IVs, the bodies packed in ice.
These new photos are admitted real.
People brutally beaten to death.
Yes, and it's not been mentioned in the US, obviously, but German Spiegel TV have got the documentation and photographs.
And this came not from Abu Ghraib, but from a prison camp called Al-Assad, which is west of Baghdad.
And the other prisoners told the news channel that the 47-year-old man was brutally tortured for five days, and that soldiers took photographs.
And that there was a cover-up with the death certificate and the autopsy by U.S.
officials who said he died of natural causes.
But when the body was handed over to Iraqi doctors, they reported deep, dark bruises and lacerations all over the body, consistent with torture.
And there's a photo of this.
It is grisly.
But I guess that's just fraternity fun, Paul.
Just blowing off some steam, like the senator said.
Well, another senator,
Inhofe came out and said that it was okay after Limbaugh, and then yet another senator, the name escapes me, but he said that the torture was akin to hazing, so it's just having some fun.
But on top of that, the Iraqis are saying that dozens of bodies are handed over from Abu Ghraib every week, and they are always labeled victims of grenade attacks on the prison.
But very few of the injuries to the bodies are consistent with grenade attacks.
So, the depth of this from both Abu Ghraib and the other prisons... They might as well just stick a big oven on there!
And black smoke coming, they might as well just, you know, resurrect Joseph Mingala.
Well, exactly, but the point is that these Iraqis have reported that dozens of these bodies are coming out every week.
So, that's the depth that this has got to.
And don't worry, soon all these military police will be cops back on our streets pulling you and your family over and they've got a taste for blood.
Well, it's the cement of blood, as you called it.
Training the cadres, it's what it's all about.
How do people rationalize torturing people to death and raping women?
I don't understand how that's just having a good time.
Well, they beheaded our guy.
Come on, Alex.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you?
No, I'm not with the CIA.
No, I'm not.
But yeah, every neocon station you tune into, they're saying the same thing.
Torture is now acceptable in the new America because these guys flew planes into buildings, so anything goes, basically.
So let's... 70-90% of those taken to Abu Ghraib and others were families at checkpoints, and I guess the tortured children in front of their parents is now a loving, good, wholesome American thing.
I guess I'm mentally ill, Paul.
I thought torturing children was bad.
Much less adults, but... Well, they're saying that their barbarism justifies our barbarism.
Even though, outside of that very argument, as you mentioned, 95% of these people in these prisons are not even criminals, never mind terrorists or insurgents.
Well, the government's own documents say 79%.
Associated Press, Army Zone Report, but imagine, I guess this will be the new tactic here, why you might be guilty, we have to torture you, not just you, but your wife.
That's guilty until proven innocent.
Tortured until proven guilty.
My goodness.
We'll take a break and come back and talk to Nat, Mark, Eddie, others.
Get into Lord Rumsfeld.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
25 seconds into this third hour.
Thanks for joining us.
Let's go straight back into your calls and we'll plunge back into more of this vital news and information.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Riding shotgun with us is the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Paul Watson, also author of Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
I love that Bush clip where he's going, we're trying to re-establish chaos in Iraq so we can bring in order, you know, order out of chaos.
That's their slogan, is Order Out of Chaos, so get the book.
Let's go ahead and go to Nat.
Nat, where are you calling us from today?
I'm calling from outside of Sodom, Oregon.
Okay, good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just have a question for you real quick.
It seems like the global MO is to throw red herrings out and then pass legislation.
Can you guys comment on what the deal is with Syria and the sanctions?
And then I'll just get off.
Well, I mean, just what you just said.
They want to go into Syria, they want to go into Iran.
60 plus countries left on the public PNAC.
uh... hit list and so this is a softening uh... syria up uh... for the invasion and syria's been desperately trying to grovel and comply almost every week our fighter bombers and helicopters and warthogs have been slaughtering syrians up and down the border so there's already a war going on there just like it was a war against cambodia comments paul
Well yeah, even during the Iraq War there were bombing buses that were going into Syria to try and spill the war over the border.
Also, Israel has been advised by their equivalent of TNAC to attack 15 different Middle Eastern cities to take out any
WMD capabilities, and that obviously includes Damascus in Syria.
And this is all P2OG, the $7 million Pentagon program, to attack countries, to get them to attack us, to widen the war.
And also Israel being recommended to attack Iran.
On the flip side of the equation, we've also got confirmed reports that China is still selling top-grade missiles to Syria, so
Maybe a later attempt to involve China in the war, which we suspected all along was the ultimate goal.
Meanwhile, Rumsfeld's handing out nuclear reactors like hotcakes.
Well, yeah, to Pakistan, who were allies with China, who then, you know, passed them on to North Korea.
So it's just one big whirlpool of nuclear weapons trading between so-called adversaries.
But we've got to have some control freak at a checkpoint search our car because it's homeland and things have changed.
Meanwhile, they're proliferating weapons of mass destruction like it's going out of style.
Well, exactly.
They're the chaos mongers and they're begging for North Korea to, you know, hit Hawaii or whatever.
Yeah, putting out battle plans to attack them, trying to push them into it.
Suspicious bombings that almost kill Kim Jong-il.
And somebody like Kim Jong-il with the largest collection of daffy duck cartoons in the world is obviously insane enough to fall for something like that.
Who has a thirty-something story pleasure palace.
And by the way, folks,
The good old boys going, nuke them!
Nuke those!
Kill everybody!
It's your daughter, it's your son that's gonna be drafted to go fight all this, and it's your bosses that sold all these weapons.
So, I know being soft and thinking you're tough, and being a wimp, you think war's real cute.
Believe me, it's not cute, it's not fun, it's not neat.
You idiots!
Just wait till your sons and daughters come back with their arms and legs blown off, and you're changing their diapers.
We'll see your neo-contune then.
I mean, this is sick, Paul.
War is sick.
And to watch them start wars, watch them create wars, watch them create boogeymen, I'm sick of it.
Are you sick of it?
Well, yeah, but they get away with it because they've boiled it down to a sports mentality where it's us versus them.
And while it's true that North Korea has this network of gulags with 200,000 people in them, the people getting bombed and killed will not be Kim Jong-il, they'll be the people of North Korea.
And they've allowed North Korea to build up this million-man army so that they are a worthwhile adversary.
They're talking about 660,000 troops for an invasion of North Korea.
And North Korea are basically ready for it.
Every week they put out, you know, state press releases where they say... And look, the globalists can nuke a city and say Kim Jong-Un did it, or that psychopath who has been hiding saying the West wants to kill him and Rumsfeld released the public battle plans to do it.
You don't do that unless it's like a ten-part plan to get Japan to attack us.
So that's there, or he could nuke us, and imagine the reorganization of America into the police state after the nuking of a major city.
Well it will be the final straw, and it's why Rumsfeld was on the board of ABB, even though conveniently, surprise surprise, he'd forgotten that as well.
He doesn't remember his trips to North Korea giving him the reactors.
He doesn't remember lobbying Bill Clinton to let him do it.
Even though it's in his official bio.
Well, at the same time, he's telling Russia to stop helping Iran build light-water reactors.
And that's the exact same thing that he did with North Korea.
He gave them the materials... And we have the BBC and Associated Press where the US and Israel have been arming Iran with the parts.
Why would Israel do that?
Because they've now been advised to go and take out weapons of mass destruction capabilities in 15 Middle Eastern cities, though they need a pretext to do it.
Oh man, let's go ahead and go to Mark in Minnesota, then Eddie, Bill and others.
Mark, go ahead.
Hey Alex and Paul, how are you guys doing?
I noticed that the link to the article that CBS News had, they switched the link around so that when you go to it, it's no longer the article about strange new link in a burg murder, it's Ashcroft
You know, trying to mitigate the whole situation.
Oh yeah, there's nothing here to see.
You know, CBS and MSNBC never used to do that, but on these key articles, they don't erase them, they just move them.
Paul, can you go find the article and just save it?
Well, I found a link to a CBS affiliate in Chicago that has the same exact article, and I emailed that to you, Alex.
Okay, will you go to Prison Planet and email it to the webmaster, too?
Yeah, I'll do that.
But I'll tell you, that was a very interesting article.
When I first saw that, when that first came out a few days ago, and I noticed that as Burt had Israeli papers, I'll tell you the first thing that came to me was that Mossad ring, and then, you know, yeah, just... Okay, if you're going to mention Burt, let's go over it.
Burt has got the classic intelligence MO, leaves Ivy League school with top grades to, quote, help the world with high-tech software.
Uh, he then is in Abu Ghraib prison doing work.
He then is grabbed by intelligence, released 13 and a half days later, grabbed by El-Syiada.
Uh, he's investigated not with one, but two of the hijackers by the FBI in 2002, and magically... Paul Bizarre Coincidence.
...magically them getting his passports.
Now it turns out he's working with an Iraqi group with, under CIA control, who's been caught trying to ship out cocaine components with the Russian Mafia.
Uh, I mean, Paul, this is ridiculous.
Paul Bizarre Coincidence.
Well, on top of that, the first point made was this, you know, on the internet, how they shift around these stories and change them.
On Friday, there was a story out of the London Evening Standard which talked about how a school had organized the abortion for a teenage mother without the consent of the parents.
And in that article, the first version of it, they stated that this was a program of government sterilization which had been authorized across the country.
Two hours later, I went back to that
Yeah, good points.
Good to hear from you Mark.
Please send us all that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eddie in Texas.
Eddie, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Paul.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are y'all?
I had a little comment to make.
You know, companies are doing research on chips and control mechanisms and all that, and I told a friend of mine who doesn't really believe what's going on, and I told him, I said, do you have any money into these chips?
Because he said he had some money into some of these companies.
And I told him flat out, I said, man, you should pull your money.
His father is a pastor.
I said, if you don't believe me, just ask your father if it's right.
And he went and talked to him.
I think it took him to come to the realization of what was really going on, and he pulled his money out.
And if we all did that, then I think it would hurt them.
Yeah, for those that didn't see it, USA Today, huge article, it's trendy, everybody's got to get chips, everyone's going to get them, just accept it.
And then these yuppies still deny that this is even going on.
But no, listen, two years ago they had the big week-long blitz of the family getting implanted, and everybody needs it, and on the news, here's how you buy the stock.
Really trying to push Applied Digital, which is just one of many up front for IBM,
The stock actually plunged from a couple dollars to like 30 cents.
It's backfiring!
People are not buying this!
I mean, a national week-long ad for Verichip caused their stock to plunge, Paul.
Well, yeah, we get reports every couple of months about how Applied Digital keep going into hundreds of millions of dollars of debt.
They can't pay it back, but the
The boon for them is that they're owned by IBM.
So IBM just keeps bankrolling them.
The same IBM that produced the machines in the German concentration camps to tattoo the Jews.
But IBM keeps bankrolling Applied Digital.
So even though with these massive debts, gigantic debts, the company still exists?
I think that the people, you know, if they pull their money out of these companies,
The United States would just basically go bail them out, but the people would get to hang on to their money, and I think it would just cause them probably, like, maybe a merely, uh, an inconvenience?
Is that possible?
Well, yes, and at least you, I mean, at least you won't own the stock in the friendly concentration camp companies.
Yeah, I agree.
I think that, you know, as Christians, Baptists, and Catholics, you know, just to have your money in there, to make a few monies,
And by that I'm talking about IBM when I say your friendly concentration camp company.
They came up with the formulas with their international business machine of how tall a woman is, her age, they'd measure her fat level and they'd decide whether to blow her head off or make her a worker bee.
They'd put a tattoo on her and decide how much to feed them to keep them barely alive or if you just wanted to kill them by starvation.
You know, people may think that they're just having fun blowing off some steam, but I think killing Jews is wrong.
I think torturing them to death is wrong too, but I don't know, maybe you're a neocon, maybe you think it's good.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Cutting through the propaganda, my friends.
More calls coming up.
1-800-259-9231 on this live Monday edition.
Let's talk to Bill in Oregon.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Alex, just another thing here.
Last night on the news stations in Portland, they were talking about how the Reserves that signed up for four years, I guess the National Guard, they came home, their tours are all ended.
Well, they're evidently somewhere in the contract.
They can be just simply called up for another two years.
They can be re-upped in perpetuity.
That's kind of what's happening right now.
And another thing I was thinking, I don't know if you've run this through, I'm sure you have, but
Wouldn't the Olympics be a prime place to have an attack occur to just kind of, you know, make the world all freak out at once and have some event, you know, for the election?
Well, for the evidence, the BATF did attack at the Olympic Park back in Atlanta back in the last century and then tried to blame Richard Jewell, then tried to blame others.
Right, I remember that.
But, yeah, I mean, look, the Globals can strike anywhere, anytime.
Of course, the former owner of the World Trade Center complex just bought the Sears Tower, which they say is one of the next big targets.
Bohemian Grover, are some of your tapes on our public access channel?
Well, on a bunch of my videos, say The Takeover, I say you're allowed to air all my videos, and I'm publicly telling you that you're allowed to.
Okay, excellent.
I appreciate that.
No, I appreciate you.
Are you kidding?
I'm asking you to air it.
We're going to do... I've been working on it for two weeks, and it looks like it's going to come to fruition.
Go down there and get your own show.
Hey, they asked us about that, my buddy Chuck and myself.
And so we're contemplating getting an hour to see how we do.
Yeah, get your own weekly show.
If you don't feel like going on live that week, just air a video.
Well, there's some young kids around here that are pretty smart, too, in their late teens, early twenties, and I like to have them on and get their perspective and, you know, kind of promote the whole concept.
Hey, look, I went and got an AXS TV show ten years ago.
Then I got a radio show.
Then I got a syndicated radio show.
You know, I've been in a movie.
Never tried to be in a movie.
I'm going to be in some other movies.
I'm making documentaries.
I've done thousands of radio interviews.
I mean, I know that if you've got something to say, and you know what you're talking about, all of you are leaders, and you should all take advantage of that media stepping stone that is access television.
Thanks for the call.
Let's get Paul Watson's take on putting up a website and taking action, and where that journey has led him the last three years.
Well, yeah, when I started off July 2001,
Really on the website, my own website, and I'm getting 30 hits a day and now with our websites combined, it's something ridiculous.
You know, I've lost count, I don't even keep track anymore because it's millions and millions a month.
So, it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of sweat and blood, but you can build your own media platform.
Now we have the internet and you can influence a lot of people.
But, the caller mentioned the Olympic Games.
There have been small-scale bombings in Greece over the past few weeks by these left-wing anarchists which were created in the 60s and 70s by the CIA under what was called Operation Gladio and there's been a lot of talk about how the stadium in Greece for the Olympic Games isn't even finished and probably won't be before the Games start, so won't it be convenient if part of the stadium collapses and it gets blamed on some left-wing anarchist terrorist group?
There have been small-scale bombings in Greece over the past few weeks, so it is a possibility, unfortunately.
Let's take one more call.
I'm going to come back and cover news, then take more calls.
Mark, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
I'm calling in from Washington, Alex.
A lot of calls from Washington.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, something you said really struck me, and basically what it was was, you know, how long are people going to sit and watch what is happening in this country, knowing that, you know, what happened in 9-1-1, the bombings in Spain,
All of this coming down over and over again.
How long are we going to sit back on our rear ends and do nothing?
How long is it going to take the American public to wake up and realize that these tyrannical, greedy, very rich men are doing all this by design to bring us into this new world order?
Powerful people don't do mean things.
They're in power because they're nice, because they're not ruthless.
I mean, let's just give our freedoms up and take microchips and everything will be okay.
It's not scary to have the TV and print media telling us to take chips.
That's a good sign of freedom, man.
Well, you know, I look at it this way, Alex, that, you know, the Illuminati had done their homework.
They've infiltrated basically every... Yeah, the Christian Church wasn't run by the New World Order.
This wouldn't be happening.
But they took us over from within.
They took us over from within.
So when are good patriots going to realize
That we just can't sit back and do nothing.
That we have to speak out.
That we have to do what you and Paul said.
That we have to step up and be leaders.
I've started a radio show myself.
It's called Beyond the Veil on American Voice Radio.
And myself and another gentleman.
Thanks for the call.
That's wonderful news.
We'll come back and get into all the torture.
A bunch of news we haven't covered.
A bunch of Big Brother developments.
With Paul Watson, I'm Alex Jones.
And again, the website's InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, we've gone over a lot of the top stories, haven't covered some of the Big Brother and Energy News.
Also, we'll take a bunch of calls for the last 10-15 minutes of the broadcast for those that are holding.
Just be patient.
If you'd like to join us, it's 800-259-9231.
Paul, though, here are just the next few minutes.
I want you to plug PrisonPlanet.tv, and I want you to plug Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order, your book.
Tell folks about that.
Okay, well, with PrisonPlanet.TV I've actually posted video on PrisonPlanet.com which is a segment, three-minute segment of one of Alex's mini-documentary presentations which, you know, are posted on PrisonPlanet.TV for members numerous times weekly so people can get a sample on PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got video obviously from Alex's TV show, every audio interview on the Alex Jones Show,
Print reports, which are only available for members, dial-up options if you've got a slow internet connection for the videos, and it's only 15 cents a day if you subscribe for a year, 19 cents a day if you subscribe for a month, and we've already added a lot to the site.
It's going to get bigger and bigger as the weeks and months roll on, so it's definitely worth
Probably saving some money and getting a yearly subscription because in a year the amount of content that's going to be on the site is just gargantuan so it's worth going ahead and getting the full year.
With the book Order Out of Chaos it's 320 odd pages full of photographs, diagrams, documents.
Many people have said, I'm not blowing my own horn, but many people have said that it's the most well documented so-called conspiracy book out there because
The end of every page I produce a list of sources which people can check out for themselves.
Yeah, Paul, you need to take all those newspaper reviews you've gotten that we've never even talked about, just random newspapers, giving it great reviews.
We need to post those, but go ahead.
Yeah, and there's also a section on torture.
You know, two years before this whole thing broke in the mainstream, I was talking about it in my book with quotes from people like Alan Dershowitz, who said that it was necessary after 9-11 to torture people, and he's a liberal lawyer.
So there's a section on torture, because we were blowing the whistle on it two years before the mainstream did.
So sections on police state, Big Brother, obviously 9-11.
Weapons, sales, the whole order out of chaos scenario.
Government-sponsored terror across the world.
So it's definitely worth getting a copy of the book.
It's $19.95.
You get a second copy for $11.95.
Give us a gift when you buy one.
And we carry George Humphrey's books, books on tape.
My book, Descent into Tyranny, is $12, over 200 pages long.
My videos, other videos, Juice and Preservation of Farms, ownerships, video.
It's about mass murder after gun control.
I need to get that innocence portrayed.
I need to get my 9-11 films.
You need to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our safe, secure shopping cart.
Or call toll free.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And look, your friends and neighbors won't listen to you when you give them just one piece.
Like, the government did 9-11 because the White House called Mayor Willie Brown and told him not to fly to New York that day.
Or, you know, oh, Bush flew out to Bin Laden's.
That isn't enough.
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Well, it just breaks their conditioning.
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So, go to Infowars.com to order or 1-888-253-3139 or write to us.
I want to get into all this other Big Brother news and some energy news and then take some calls here in a second.
But Rumsfeld, I mean, he was on TV saying torture was good the last two years.
They had CIA section chiefs in the magazines and newspapers saying it.
Now it comes out that Pentagon officials are telling the media, yeah, he did order us to do it.
They're all getting worried, so they're saying, look, we were ordered by Rumsfeld.
The low-levels say we were ordered by this general, by these contractors, they say we were ordered by Rumsfeld.
He's publicly been saying it.
I mean, the media can play clips right now of Rumsfeld bragging two years ago about this poll.
So where do you see all this going now?
Well, if they play it right, then a few lower-level people will get burned if it goes to a
Um, a situation where they need to, you know, display some kind of reaction and someone like Rumsfeld will be forced to step down.
And now we know the name of the program, it's called Copper Green, and obviously it was transferred over from Guantanamo Bay, where the torture was already instituted.
And the justification from Rumsfeld, he complained that they were not getting enough information from, you know, both these Iraqi prisons and Guantanamo Bay.
So he went ahead and, um,
I think?
Is it really a surprise that they got no information out of them because these weren't real al Qaeda?
Yeah, Rumsfeld knows they flew the 8,000 Taliban al Qaeda leaders out of Afghanistan.
They know all this.
They paid off the generals in Iraq beforehand.
Rumsfeld's on tape saying that.
So this is about creating a cadre of torturers.
You've got Rumsfeld in there flogging them to give me more, do more.
And if this was about, you know, obtaining information, then why are they torturing
Goat herders and shoemakers and not Saddam Hussein.
We've got this big media circus about how they're threatening Saddam with exporting him back to Iraq where he's going to face torture.
So they're basically saying that they're not doing anything to Saddam.
And maybe, you know, he called in a few favours from his ex-CIA buddies, but no discussion of torture and Saddam.
It's all about torturing children and taxi drivers.
Again, Rumsfeld and Firing Line for, quote, clearing abuse of prisoners.
We've got CIA wrong on Iraq mobile weapons labs.
Powell says Reuters, the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency, was wrong about Iraq's reported pre-war mobile biological weapons laboratories, a key part of the case about suspected weapons of mass destruction.
But they didn't just say it before the war.
They went right to the inspected sites where they looked at it as early as 92.
These old British trucks
Which had serial numbers, were in Jane's Weapons Encyclopedia, for pumping up hydrogen surveillance blimps.
They knew what it was.
The U.S.
had bought a bunch of these from the British, that make one of the premier models of it.
They knew, just like they knew the mass graves was a dead exchange program between Iran and a declared site.
So they premeditatedly went around.
But now, Powell has said it's fake.
The generals have said it's fake, but still the neocons are on TV, Paul, saying they found mobile weapons trucks.
And they will continue to do so.
And the moment right before Powell went ahead and admitted that the mobile weapons trucks were fake, as we already knew, that was the very moment where his aide tried to pull him from the interview and turn the camera to face the palm tree.
So, some of them don't want that to get out, but as you said, Powell's admitted that.
Bush knew, or Bush was told, his handlers knew, that the Niger-Uranian
transfer claim to Iraq was false and yet they still went ahead Bush's script writers and put it in his State of the Union in January 2003 so they knew these claims were all false before the Iraq war started.
It's only coming out now with some of them that they were false from their own mouths but we've been reporting on it for 18 months or more.
Oil strikes new high on supply fears also Reuters oil prices struck a new record high today
...on simmering concern that rapid fuel demand growth will outpace global supplies at a time when traders fear a sabotage attack on Middle East oil infrastructure.
They've ordered oil production to cut back.
This is all just a profit-taking going on right now, and then they're going to lower oil prices later and give you a national gas tax through the satellite boxes in your cars.
Well, yeah, they've just acquired, you know, the second largest oil fields in the world, so...
Surely a more plentiful supply would bring prices down, but that's not the case, because if you inflame the Middle East, just like with the Israel-Palestine situation, you keep the prices high.
And the Saudis, apparently it came out from, I think it was one of the whistleblowers, I think it was O'Neill,
That they're going to lower the prices right before the election, and the economy is going to be great for a month or so before, and Bush is going to get re-elected.
Now, obviously, it doesn't matter who gets elected, but if they plan to keep Bush in, then the Saudis might go ahead and lower those prices right before the election.
And again, the Saudis only get about 20% of the money.
If there was a lack of oil or supplies, you would see oil companies not registering record profits.
You know, Halliburton just denounced record profits.
They all have.
Suicide car bomb kills Iraq Governing Council Chief, the counterpart of Chalibi, his main competitor.
A suicide car bomber killed ahead of Iraq's Governing Council Monday.
Increasing fears that instability will make a new Iraq government unable to function when U.S.
occupiers hand it over in six weeks.
They're not handing it over, number one.
It's a new puppet council appointed, but on top of that, what do you think of the killing of Yassin Saleem, the Shiite leader?
Why do you think that happened?
I don't know.
I haven't seen the pictures, but if they show giant craters, then...
Odds on it wasn't a car bomb, it was a missile attack, like most of them are.
But with this handover, there's this whole debate where they're saying that the new Iraqi government, which they install, if they ask the US to leave Iraq, then they will do so.
Now that's a complete smokescreen, because obviously they're not going to tell the US to leave Iraq, because they're putting these people in, they're not elected.
Not freedom.
So they're not going to ask the US to leave, but you know, they present it as this big
Things, so as to make people think that it is a liberation and a new government, a sovereign government, when it isn't.
When BBC report that they won't even have the power to make any new laws.
Alright, Indian markets crash on turmoil.
Reuters, Indian stocks plunged as much as 17.5% today in their biggest one-day fall ever.
As it became clear the new leftist-backed government could be unstable and slow the pace of economic growth.
Well, I don't know what's going on with that.
That's the granddaughter of Gandhi.
But they do, I estimate, because they're still selling weapons to both India and Pakistan.
Maybe it was to do with the fact that Vajpayee was ousted and this new government came in.
Maybe it was to do with the fact that two weeks before he went, he came out in a public press conference and said that the U.S.
was still trying to sell him nuclear bombs.
So maybe that's got something to do with the fact
Okay, now shifting back into the torture, we have Limbaugh.
Go ahead and get that clip ready, Stephanie, please.
Limbaugh clip.
Saying just hazing, just blowing off some steam, just having some fun.
We have Senator Inhofe saying that, and then now we have Iowa Congressman abuse little more than hazing, A.P.
Representative Steve King says the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S.
soldiers was little more than hazing.
I'm reading off a script here.
The statement in Friday's Des Moines Register, the Iowa Congressman said the mistreatment of Abu Ghraib in prison does not compare to what Iraqi insurgents have done to Americans.
Now it's okay to rape people and then kill them because, well, it's good when we do it, bad when they do it, Paul.
Now that's the double think.
The military report, which was...
Came out before these new photographs, which we're not allowed to see, that very report said rape and torture.
It's not just humiliation, as they call it.
It's beating people to death, and that is not hazing.
turns to private sector for spies.
Financial Times article about how your private companies, your grocery stores, your banks, are working for Homeland, uploading everything you do.
That's for IRS cases, child support.
This is all Homeland's new job.
Well, yeah.
Most of the big office, you know, the big office spaces now, mandatory email monitoring, cameras focused on every employee, so phone calls traced, obviously that's been going on for years, so they're getting people ready for it in the workplace.
Here's another one, Bush and Blair's speed-up exit strategy, the Herald.
Of course we said they're going to have the UN as the new viceroy boss, will be a subsidiary, Britain and the US.
This was planned beforehand, before the war.
Romano Prodi said, I've met with Bush, we're going to come in after, and then they play the part of the savior.
This is totally set up, oh America's evil, something must be done, we must have a global government to deal with that crazy cowboy Bush, and here it is, Tony Blair and George W. Bush,
Well yeah, that UN resolution they're hoping will include troops from numerous different countries.
So, even if they do pull out, they're only going to send a new batch of troops in to replace them.
It will be a different mask on the same regime in there.
It's not a sovereign government.
All right, here's VUNet, uh, VN, VNUNet.
Uh, UK considers electronic borders, technology publication, government agencies, collaborate on plans to track every UK arrival and departure.
Then it goes on that every citizen will be tracked by an RFID national ID card.
That's to stop the illegals that the government brings in to begin with, Paul.
Yeah, Tony Blair got caught organising the secret influx of Romanian immigrants.
He was in secret negotiations with the Romanian Prime Minister to do so.
So they create the illegal immigration problem and then say that we need to take a national ID card to solve it and, you know, eye scans in the street now with this new national ID card for British people so it's all directed towards us and not the illegals.
That's exactly what's going on.
But the UN wants to save farmers of the third world, ABC reports.
Third world farmers need biotechnology, the UN says.
They're going to help make sure that they bring in crops that kill all their other crops, Paul.
Well, that's good if it's for global, then I advocate it.
And that's another front.
Yet again, the elimination of self-sufficiency with these
Frankenstein crops and on top of that livestock tracking which is going to be implemented mandatory in many states in the U.S.
Starting right now, some U.S.
troops in South Korea may go to Iraq rotating 4,000 out of there as things begin to get desperate.
Did you see this London Telegraph article?
George Orwell must have written the EU constitution handbook?
And they give all these examples of double speak?
Well, yeah, they say it's not about a total takeover of Britain's economic, military, social apparatus of law.
And yet, the next page, they say it is!
Because I've read the EU Constitution, and that's exactly what it is.
Here's another one.
You mentioned it earlier.
Israel urged to conduct pre-emptive strikes.
Tel Aviv?
Israel News Service.
Israel has begun urging and leading strategists to plan preemptive strikes against weapons of mass destruction arsenals in the Middle East.
The report, entitled Israel's Strategic Future, asserted that Israel must prevent the formation of enemy weapons of mass destruction coalition through such means as conventional preemptive strikes against vital facilities.
The report said the Jewish state has been threatened by biological and nuclear first strike that seeks to exploit Israel's small space as a high population density and they list 15 countries to be hit.
Well, the most dangerous threat regarding weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East is Israel.
They're the ones with 400 nukes and this developing race-specific bioweapon.
So I think people would need to look at Israel a little more closely before they go out and bomb other people.
Very strange that you've got Israelis running around the US in orange jumpsuits as well.
I wonder what they were up to.
Alright, we'll come back, take a few final calls from Charles in Pennsylvania and others, and one or two other final news articles.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com and now PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
Corruption for the lives of disinformation.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, back tomorrow at 2.
Charles in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
I've heard you over the last four years talk about the census, the busybody census forms, the three levels.
Well today I just got a
I'm self-employed.
Yeah, they're going to have a yearly census.
Okay, well this is called the 2002 Survey of Business Owners and Self-Employed Persons.
You are required by law, Title 13 United States Code.
Not true.
Federal judges block that.
You have a Fifth Amendment right.
They can only ask you how many people live in a house once every ten years.
Anything else is criminal.
Well, I agree.
Who would I contact to complain about this?
They have no enforcement power.
I mean, they prosecuted one person in 1960.
The 1960 Census, they ended up prosecuting them by 1963 because they refused.
It's not a law.
A federal judge in Houston blocked it back in 2000.
One out of seven houses, one out of six houses got a 59 question survey.
Some got the business survey.
Is yours over 200 questions?
No, it's only 34, but I'm not asking you to tell me what to do, but what would you do?
Just throw it away?
Yeah, I'd throw it away.
And if some punk comes to your door, tell him you're going to call the police.
Okay, Alex.
I've been listening to it for four years and I really appreciate it.
And I will be listening to the show tonight because I missed the first part.
Okay, thank you.
I appreciate it.
Paul, a lot of attention on Michael Moore's new movie, which Disney dumped, Fahrenheit 9-11.
I'm told from folks on the inside it only covers the Bushes, the Bin Ladens.
It doesn't say Bush had involvement, just that he had prior knowledge.
It's got about 10% of what's in your book and in my films, but still is important.
What do you think of the film?
Well, I haven't seen it yet, obviously.
From my understanding of the reviews, it blames people like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia for their direct involvement in 9-11, so it shifts the blame.
But callers to these neocon shows that I listen to on a regular basis all call for Michael Moore to be arrested.
So, I wouldn't take it to that level.
It is, in one sense, a whitewash, but it shows their desperation in trying to
Suppress it, that they don't even want a small amount of information to get that much big media coverage.
It'll backfire on them like the passion, and it will make it a liberal right paradigm, which is stupid.
Bill Clinton's just as guilty as Lord Bush in the cover-up.
Let us get into another final article here.
Russia wants faster aid for rotting nuclear subs and ships.
We're not worried about that and how they're proliferating them.
We're worried about Iran.
Well now, Russia
from on a basically six-month rotational basis have these military exercises which are all geared towards an attack on the US mainland but it's in cooperation with the US government even though they're planning to attack the US so again they don't care they're helping these people plan these wars.
And we're still under PDD 60 where we will absorb a first nuclear strike before quote deciding what to do instead of mad mutually assured destruction which Hellison could stand.
Well, exactly.
Mutually Assured Destruction ensured that, you know, many people think that the whole world should have one nuclear weapon and then with the MAD system it protects us infinitely from any kind of global escalation where one superpower or two superpowers gain the advantage and have, you know, a reason for starting a nuclear war.
So that system has changed now.
Well, we will absorb a nuclear strike, but they say give your liberties up so you're safe and the border stays wide open.
Paul, final comments?
Um, the websites are exploding in popularity.
We've got people coming over from different aspects of this, um, getting really focused on the information, the important information.
So, just, um, stop preaching to the choir and keep working hard and we can, um, back this off.
Don't spend your time fighting with other patriots.
That's what COINTELPRO does.
Focus on the enemy of the New World Order.
Move forward.
You know you're a good person.
You know you're a leader.
Stand up and join us in this historical fight or be totally and completely enslaved.
Stop letting them use manufactured crises to scare you into submission.
If you give up liberty, you get tyranny.
You do not get safety or security.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, back tomorrow 11 to 2.
Paul Watson, you can check him out at PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, my websites.
God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
We shall prevail.
Evil always fails.
That's the way it works.
God bless.
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