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Name: 20040507_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 7, 2004
2539 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, coast to coast, overseas, and all the ships at sea, it is Friday, the 7th day of May, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we're going to be here with you live for the next several hours.
I do this broadcast Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles to Kansas City, Missouri to Pensacola, Florida.
Simulcasting on Global Shortwave during the day at 9475 and at night from 9 to midnight at 3210.
And the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
All right, my friends.
I'm going to get back into torture today, but not the torture story itself.
How the media is spinning this, how the White House is spinning this, how the Defense Department is handling it.
The whitewash, the soft soap, the kangaroo operation they're running on us.
I want to go back over the Army's own report where they admit brutal sodomy of detainees, raping of women.
All admitted the Army's own Article 15-6 investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade by Major General Antonio M. de Gumba.
Now, this is all admitted.
And this morning my alarm clock went off at 7 a.m.
I swept in a little bit later today till 7 a.m.
And I heard a national talk show host saying, what's the big deal?
This is just frat house fun.
These people are trying to kill us.
I think it's a good thing.
That was a national talk show host.
Another national talk show host.
I mean, I've heard the Glenn Beck Show, what we've got filling in for him.
I've heard Savage, now Limbaugh, and another national talk show host this morning.
I mean, I'm being woken up by this now.
It's just everywhere.
It's all over the place.
And we've got a clip of Rush Limbaugh going, hey, what's the big deal?
It's frat house fun, just like Skull and Bones, he said.
We've got a short clip.
His comments are even longer.
You can read the transcript of it on PrisonPlanet.tv.
I mean, this is the conservatism?
The guy that won't tell you that Bush is going to sign the assault weapons ban?
The guy that won't talk about Bush and the open borders?
The guy that is so hopped up on synthetic heroin
That, you know, half the time he can't even get out of his house?
This is our conservative.
I thought Skull and Bones didn't exist, you said two months ago, Limbaugh.
Get your lies and chickening behavior straight.
I tell you what, let's go ahead and air that clip now, we'll come back and air it again.
Listen to this.
What's psychologically wrong with that?
It's not the axe so much, it was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hamper them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about people having a good time.
These people, you ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?
And Americans are going to be tortured because of this.
Police are going to carry this out on you and your family.
This is shows like Threat Matrix 24, NYPD Blue, Torture Every Episode is Good of Citizens, the media is saying torture is good.
Just having a good time.
So, I guess when somebody rapes your wife or daughter, they should just tell the judge, hey, I was just having a good time.
I was blowing off some steam.
Raping people with giant objects dripping with battery acid.
Raping women.
Beating people to death is just having a good time, like Skull and Bones.
You know, Skull and Bones are just having fun.
At the Bohemian Grove, they're just having fun.
I mean, the Nazis didn't talk about this stuff publicly.
The Russian Soviets didn't.
The Chaikoms don't.
No, only America.
This is disgusting.
This is shameful.
Get off the drugs, Limbaugh.
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We're good to go!
Hello, my friends!
Thank you for joining us.
It is Friday, the seventh day of May, 2004.
I'm looking at a photo of U.S.
troops mistreating an elderly Iraqi woman, making her crawl through the sharp rocks on her hands and knees with a dog leash on her neck.
We've played the audio of the video we have on PrisonPlanet.tv, where they think people have stolen three pieces of firewood out of a field.
So they laugh at them, machine gun their little vehicle, and then run over it with a tank, laughing, just doing their job, just blowing off some steam.
The Army's own report, and I guess I've got to read this again, U.S.
Army Report on Iraqi Prisoner Abuse, complete text of Article 15-6 Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade by Major General Antonio M. Togumba.
And this is the unedited report.
It's on PrisonPlanet.TV.
And he talks about raping women.
They have a nice way of spinning it.
They say an MP guard having sex with a female detainee.
What is that called when you have sex with someone in your custody in a jail cell?
Of course, you have to admit all this because there's photos of the rape.
Then the CIA put out fake rape photos to try to confuse everything, but no, the government and the media is holding back the actual rape photos, but the general talks about seeing all the photos and the admissions.
They have sodomizing people with things I'm not going to mention.
Folks, the stuff in here is so horrible.
Beating people to death.
This is now admitted.
Beating people to death.
Now, Joseph Mingala, the Nazi scientist, did things similar to this.
This is the exact type of stuff he did.
Pouring acid on people's genitalia and things along these lines.
This morning, my alarm clock goes off at 7 a.m.
and I am sitting up in bed, about to go take a shower, looking out the window, and I listen to
One of the most socialist fake neocons, engaging in a very sophisticated psychological warfare operation, talking about jail guards in America and how we take too good a care of our prisoners and how this is no big deal.
Everything good, Stephanie?
Okay, you have to understand, folks, I'm down here in Austin, Texas,
And they're up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I just got the worst static in my ear you can imagine, and I was wondering if we were still connected up with the network in Minnesota, and we are.
Just continuing.
So he goes into this diatribe about, uh, well, you know, it's incredible.
These prisoners in these jails in America, they get $300 flat screen TVs.
Why most of us don't have flat screen TVs.
And I have to be honest, I mean, I'm not going to go drop
A $300 flat screen TV, it must be about 10 inches.
I mean, the kind I would want would cost $5,000 and I don't have the money and don't want to spend the money on something like that.
But he goes into this clash and he's kind of like a classical liberal with this veneer of conservatism and, oh, these evil prisoners in America and, you know, our guards have got to get tough with them and what's the big deal?
And he went on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Using class envy.
Well, and he had to admit that they pay for it with their own money.
I mean, this guy was a computer draftsman getting 20 cents an hour and took him a year to save up for it and he bought it from the prison itself.
So, you're a slave displacing other workers in America for 20 cents an hour when a computer-aided draftsman, what, gets $20, $30, $50 an hour depending on where they work.
You're going to lose your job now.
In fact, many people have.
to these individuals in the prisons.
They're taking over every industry.
But no discussion of that.
It's how he's evil and lazy and bad.
Oh, really?
I have family in East Texas.
One of them, a great uncle, a veteran of two wars, and he's an old man, still works, worked for the Post Office, didn't like that, so he's a prison guard.
And he says he wishes they had televisions in there.
He wishes they gave them something to do.
I mean, if you're going to be in there, you might as well give them something to do.
But all that aside, he starts out with his discussion of, they shouldn't be able to have these flat screen TVs, we need to stop being so nice to the prisoners, and how 16 states allow them to have televisions, and oh my gosh, they're saving up for a year to buy their own television!
Oh my goodness, you know, we can't afford that.
How come the prisoners can have it?
Man, we gotta get tougher on these people.
So that's the psychology.
Then he cuts to, and they must be reading off a script, and says, this is just prank fun.
This is blowing off steam.
The exact words of Limbaugh.
You may have heard it this morning.
You know, they're under pressure.
They're just having some fun.
They're getting shot at every day.
This is the enemy.
This is no big deal.
This is just like fraternity fun.
Is fraternity fun raping women?
Is it raping men with giant objects dripping with battery acid?
And some stuff here I can't even read on air that's even worse.
Is that fraternity fun?
And Limbaugh, folks, I listen to talk radio when I'm out doing errands.
And I scan through the dial, I spend about five minutes per show, I'm stuck in traffic for thirty minutes.
It runs the gamut from good, torture them, kill them, kill them all, kill everybody in Fallujah, kill all the children, kill everyone, to a Rush Limbaugh or a Gallagher going, oh, they're just having fun.
Now, again, I want to state this for you.
This is the mass warping of the mind.
Long before this torture was big in the news, I was talking about it every day.
Because it's a key indicator that we're all about to be in really deep trouble.
When every cop show and every drama, everyone I've seen on television, every time I turn it on, they're torturing people.
Now I know you've had to see this.
And half the time it's a militia member, a conservative, a homeschooler, their children are taken, they're tortured, they're put in a FEMA camp.
I mean, this is what's on TV.
Martial Law is good, whether it's Nightline, they have these shows, or whether it's a fiction show like 24 Threat Matrix or 10.5 or whatever.
All these shows, every time!
It's painful, I'll sit down twice a week, turn on the TV, flip through channels for 30 minutes,
And every show, every time, in every order, it doesn't matter.
Mass conditioning, law enforcement magazines, New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press.
Torture's good, the virtues of torture.
Let's pull their teeth out with pliers.
Let's torture them.
The CIA section chief almost two years ago in the Washington Post bragging that, well, we don't do the torturing, we oversee it.
We fly these people out to Egypt.
And to other countries, to Jordan, where we can, quote, torture them and torture their children in front of them.
And actually said that!
I mean, Joseph Mingala wasn't in the German newspapers bragging about the horrible things he was doing to Jews.
And Alan Dershowitz has come out.
We've played clips of him here, the so-called liberal, who's Grace of Rush Limbaugh, that torture's good, we need to do this, and I've got a couple clips in Masters of Terror, where they get on there and talk about stopping people's hearts with these torture machines, which they've deployed, and making them answer questions, and then they'll turn their heart and lungs back on.
The most sinister, incredible wickedness you can imagine.
And every time I turn the radio on, it runs the gamut from torture and kill them all, torture their children, to what Limbaugh and Gallagher say, oh they're just having fun.
Go ahead and play Rush Limbaugh for them.
This is Rush Limbaugh two days ago.
Here it is.
What's psychologically wrong with that?
It's not the act so much.
It was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked men and women.
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort and then we're going to really hamper them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about people having a good time.
These people... You ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of needing to blow some steam off?
So, if you've had a stressful day, just go out and grab a woman, knock her teeth out, drag her behind some bushes, and pour some battery acid on her.
Go ahead and rape her.
And, of course, I'm not saying do this, but according to Rush Limbaugh, blow off some steam!
Just knock her teeth out, uh, drag her around, pour some acid on her, break the living daylights out of her.
Uh, this is freedom, folks.
This is, this is, this... I told you this is all gonna happen.
They don't have torture on every TV show for nothing.
You understand?
People strapped down in black torture chairs with lesions all over their bodies, being tortured to death on television.
This is mass warping of the mind by design, and you better listen to me, and you better listen good.
It's been going on within prisons, within 50 miles of me, I know of three prisons that have lost their private contracts because of massive raping and torture.
And finally, good guards blow the whistle, and that's just the places where we've got good guards.
I'm not saying you're all bad.
I mean, I've got family.
We're jail guards in East Texas.
It's the only jobs you can have.
And the hellish stuff that goes on.
You've got some prisons that are good, some that are bad.
But I'm going to tell you, more bad than good.
And that goes in a scale of degrees.
I'd say maybe 10% are massively raping women, torturing them, doing all this.
55% plus are beating people up and restraining people until they die and dealing drugs and stuff.
And then about 45% are well-run.
And frankly, the government-run ones are better.
These private ones... I mean, would you want to be a jail guard?
Would you want to be a jail guard?
I mean, maybe if you're an old retired military guy who's sick of driving your route, like my great-uncle, and, you know, every other business is shut down, well, you'll just go and, you know, do that.
Work at a jail.
I mean, there's lots of people like that.
I'm not saying they're all bad, but there's lots of them that are sickos.
Folks, I've been in jail twice, okay, for protesting.
And every time, I didn't say a word and had my head slammed into the wall.
I mean, that's just how it goes.
And this is going on in America.
They shut down a Wackenhut prison 20 miles outside Austin because they were raping and videotaping the women.
And they hired these guys to take them over.
Oh, they're just blowing off some steam.
They're not getting shot at.
And even if you are, our troops didn't act like this in the past.
George Washington didn't rape women.
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Even the British history books that I've read personally, being somewhat of a history buff, admit that our soldiers in 1776 to 1788, during that lengthy war,
were known for not torturing, not abusing POWs.
Even when our troops were starving to death, had no shoes on, because they'd fallen apart from marching up and down the East Coast, they would still give some of their food to the British captives.
The British, on the other hand, with torture, rape, burn, they were an imperial power, and it blew up in their face, and instead of 5% being against them, by the end it was 20%, and that turned the tide.
But not anymore, folks.
I mean, this even shocks me.
And I guess that's good, because I can still be shocked.
I mean, I'm desensitized by urban warfare training, and black helicopter raid drills, and cancer viruses in the vaccines.
I have a 20-page report, declassified U.S.
government documents of giving schoolchildren uranium in their food.
Covertly in the public schools to see what it would do to them.
Yes, we have that today.
That still shocks me a little.
But we're all being desensitized.
I mean, five years ago it was a big deal when we found out about the plan to put microchips in us.
Now it's in the daily news.
Oh, it's a good thing and no big deal.
And 80% of the time I don't even report on it when I have ten articles in front of me today.
But this does shock me.
I mean, universally, like they're reading off some script.
Oh, it's just fraternity fun, you know.
What happened to these photos?
It's no big deal.
They're just blowing off some steam.
You know, why are we doing this to these people?
You know, this is horrible!
This is no big deal!
In fact, play that Limbaugh clip one more time for people.
This is the sickest thing I've ever heard.
What's psychologically wrong with that?
It's not the act so much, it was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives with it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hamper them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about people having a good time.
These people... You ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?
Hey, blow some steam off!
Sodomizing men with giant objects?
I'm sorry, it's MSNBC.
Uh, raping women?
Raping them!
This is the Army's report!
But the neocons are, oh that's all fake, fake, fake!
Here's the CIA, put out some fake photos of it.
To do that, it's admitted they're raping them.
That's the Army's own report.
They've confessed to it.
So this is bone chilling.
You know I have friends, with no criminal record, who have been arrested at protest and have been beaten up and choked in the jail for hours on end.
Shackled with their hands, you know, to a water pipe in the ceiling, hanging.
This is going to happen to all of you out there.
It's going to happen to your daughters and sons.
Just blowing off some steam.
So next time somebody brutally rapes a woman in your area, their defense can be, hey, I just was blowing off some steam, man.
Just having some fun.
You know, Joseph Mingala.
I'm just having some fun.
You know, the Reich's being shot at here.
Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I want to remind the people out there, one of the guys that was doing that was a prison guard.
He worked for the Department of Corrections.
Well, they had private contractors who were all former prison guards under CIA command.
I get so tired of hearing people say how good the prisoners are.
They must be going to the politician prisons, the white collar prisons.
We got women out here living in parishes that have been raped.
Well, he's not going to get in trouble.
If your teenage son's caught with two Oxycontins, it's considered a narcotic.
You're talking three or four years in prison.
And ten years of probation.
But this guy can take a hundred pills a day.
Something that would literally kill an elephant.
This drug addict of hillbilly heroin, folks.
This guy says, put your son, your daughter in jail.
He's a fat, disgusting, liberal hypocrite!
Yeah, well, I'm going to tell you something.
Do you know most of the guards smoke weed or take pills in prison?
I know them.
I've been there with them a long time.
They take pills and speed and all that.
And they do all this stuff.
But I don't know if people say they've got big screen TVs.
I've never seen a big screen TV.
Well, in 16 states, in the medium security prisons, after you've worked at 20 cents an hour, they will let you buy your own TV.
Yeah, it's 5 cents an hour when we get down here.
Well, obviously states like Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas are very rough, the roughest in the country.
But the point is, that I'm trying to make here, is that they use this class warfare like torture's good on us.
They were saying that in the prisons!
Well, it's coming to us, Mr. Jones.
You know, Charles, you've called before.
You were convicted of a crime you didn't commit.
You were tortured for that confession, weren't you?
Yes, I took somebody to the hospital.
I want people to hear how they put a bag over your head when we get back.
I want them to hear what the real criminals did to you.
Stay there!
Stay there!
Just blow it off some steam!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down.
And the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The truth hurts, but not facing it is even more painful.
Because the evil just grows and grows.
We're going to Debbie Morrow here in a second.
I'm going to let Charles finish up and we'll go to Bill, Eric, Jay, and Ed and others.
Wide open phones on this Live Friday edition.
A ton of other news coming up.
Look, this torture story is old for our listeners, okay?
We've been breaking these stories here, covering them for years and years and years, long before 9-11.
Here in our own country.
The admissions, I mean, well then a stone's throw, all around me are prisons, admittedly torturing people, raping women, even in some cases, as Charles just said, taking the slaves, the sex slaves, home.
So somehow, government can commit all the crimes at once, all day long, and that's good, that's okay.
CPS does it, you name it, it's all across the board.
But to hear national talk show hosts run the gamut from good, torture them, it's wonderful, kill them all, torture their children, to Limbaugh or others who say, oh, they're just having a good time, you know, that's on one end of the spectrum, oh, you know, this is like a fraternity prank, this is just having some fun.
I mean, folks, I have the Army's own report, the confessions, the admissions, raping women!
Battery acid on people!
Uh, stuff I don't even want to continue to mention here that's even worse.
Admit it!
Admit it, admit it, admit it.
Charles, you were tortured into confession of a crime you didn't commit, and now the new numbers are coming out.
Upwards of half the people in prisons are innocent.
I mean, take Dallas, Texas, throwing bags of chalk in the back of the car.
Random vehicles.
They would certify this cocaine at the crime lab.
The district attorney would indict.
You know, Tulea, Texas.
Houston, Texas.
The police even admits they framed thousands.
I mean, I'm just using where I live, folks.
Mr. Jones, I want to tell you one thing.
Hold on.
Tell people the story of what happened to you.
Well, they arrested me out of a bar room.
Said I come in there breathing hard.
Somebody was shot.
Two and a half blocks away.
And they said, we heard you ran into this boy and you was breathing hard.
We want to question you.
I said, about what?
They said they had a robbery down there.
A woman got some jewelry stolen.
I said, okay.
So they took her outside.
They asked me, I said, do you want a gun?
I said, well, I got a gun at home.
They said, what kind you got?
I said, a .357 Magnum.
They said, well, it could have been a .38 Magnum.
We want to talk to you downtown.
They got me there about a half hour.
He said, look, you know about this.
I said, I don't even know.
You know, this woman, I don't have no...
I didn't do this.
And he said, well, we're going to charge.
We don't have anybody else.
You just go ahead and sign this, and we're going to make it easy on you.
And I said, oh, I got kind of smart, you know.
I mean, I said, I ain't signing nothing.
He said, well, OK.
So they hit me a couple of times.
So then he said, get the bag.
He said, I ain't got a lot of time.
And they put a bag over my head.
They put a pinhole in the bag, and they put a shirt around the pinhole.
By the way, a lot of you are going to get to enjoy this.
I want to warn you, I have personal friends this has happened to with the APD.
So you start gasping for air, and the bag goes down your throat.
Like a pencil hole.
And you start... I mean, you're on the floor, they got you on the floor.
You start asphyxiating.
Yeah, and then they pull it off, and then they watch your face.
It's a clear bag.
They know when to take it off.
I think they left it a little too long on me.
But anyway, because they had to get a doctor for me a couple days later.
And they did it to me three times.
And then I started, when I got up, I started signing different confessions for burglaries.
And I don't know all what I signed, but they said they had several confessions.
Confessions, but I don't even remember signing them, Mr. Jones.
I don't, I swear to God, I don't remember signing nothing.
Oh, listen, I know.
I mean, they do this right here in Austin.
On the news, they show the cop putting the gun to the head, saying, I'm gonna blow your head off, and the guy confesses, and then later they find out it isn't even his DNA.
And they, look, they put it on the news, the cop putting the gun to his head, and then they say on the news, well, this is no big deal.
Mr. Jones, everybody could be, they could bring you in 10 minutes later, you could sign a statement.
This could happen to anybody.
Well, the Russians take a gas mask with the nose holes clogged, with the breathing system clogged, and that's how they, it's one of their favorite ways.
Now, the Mexicans will take a Sprite and put a half bottle of Tabasco in it.
They actually use the Avery Island Tabasco, one of my favorite delicacies, and they will shoot it up your nose, and that'll really get the answers out of you.
They also have a thing where they put hot water down your throat with a funnel.
Well, they use the woman's... I did that already.
When somebody put the nozzle on him for a whiskey down, they had to say they were drunk.
I seen a guy, a little something called, he said, we're going to show you you're not a man.
And I was in the next cell, and I seen three guards.
I swear, I raped him to show him he wasn't a man, to prove to him he was not a man.
Because he got smoked with them.
I've seen this.
What did they do to him?
They raped him.
They raped him.
He said, you think you're macho?
We're going to show you you're not.
Put him to the board and shackle him.
And I've seen, help me God, I've seen three officers rape him.
Well, let's play.
Hold on a second.
Let's play Rush Limbaugh again.
They're just having fun blowing off some steam.
Play it.
Psychologically wrong with that.
It's not the act so much.
It was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives with it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hammer them because they had a good time.
You know, these people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about the people having a good time.
These people, you ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of needing to blow some steam off?
Uh, I have the Army report here, raping women.
Is raping women and men, is that blowing off steam, Charles?
Or is that a crime?
No, but they had one woman, she made love to all officers, but she didn't want to make love to colored officers.
And they slammed her breast in the draw because she was prejudiced, they said.
I was there seeing this, so help me God, God be my judge.
But this could happen to every listener out there.
They think all they need to do is be stomped.
Their daughters are going to be in feeder camps.
These same guards are going to be over them.
And that's why I got into this fight, to try to make sure this would never happen.
Another human being.
I still have nightmares.
I appreciate the Christmas cards from you and your lovely wife.
Charles, I'm sorry this happened to you.
I don't want this to happen to nobody else.
But this has been breeding quietly under the surface.
Now they want to make us accept it.
You understand?
Yes, sir.
It won't happen to a lot of people out there.
Probably listeners, and I pray it doesn't.
Thank you for what you're doing.
But I get emotional because I still suffer from this.
I still
I still suffer.
I still have nightmares.
What they did to me.
They broke my toes four times.
That's my backup.
That's my backup.
Yes, stomping on the feet is in here.
That's one of their faves.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Take care, my friend.
I'm sorry to have to... By the way, if you'd like to call in, if you can get in when somebody hangs up.
If you've been tortured, we'd like to hear from you.
We need Operation American Freedom here in America.
Forget Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Now let's go to Debbie Morrow, then we'll go to the rest of our calls.
Debbie, I appreciate you holding through that.
What did you think of that, Debbie?
Oh my God, Alex, I just can't even... I feel like, oh my God, I am so thankful that I have never been through what that man's been through.
You know, I have a sister-in-law who was kidnapped by deprogrammers back in the 70s.
And she had to escape from them.
Her stories are horrific, what they did to her.
The so-called deprogrammers many times are the actual cults.
Now, Debbie, we can take control of our lives in a big way.
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1-888-803-4438 or Infowars.com or also get your free gift at Berkeywater.com and tell them what you want there in the comment section as well.
Correct, Debbie?
That's correct and you can buy those items too.
I've had a lot of customers call in and want to know if they can outright buy the video or the CD-ROM and all of our items are available for purchase as well as a free gift.
And you've also Debbie, you've also got
Uh, where you get five of the sports bottles that cost $40, $35, $40 a piece at the Kavik Supply Store.
You can get five for $100, that's $20 a piece, or $90.95 a piece.
Or you can get, uh, how many for $199?
That's an incredible deal.
These are great systems.
They're just a purifier.
They're just a strong filter, not a purifier.
They're not like the big, murky light with the black elements, but it will make rainwater, creek water, pond water, safe to drink, 600 plus refills.
Debbie, thanks for coming on and have a good weekend.
Thank you, too.
You bet.
God bless.
Sorry you had to hear all that earlier.
Again, if you call and the phone's busy, leave your name and number and she'll call you right back.
Take action today.
Made in America and it sponsors this show.
I mean, I'm disgusted.
I'm freaked out.
My wife wants to leave the country, folks.
About all this torture.
I mean, we've got a giant torture archive with Alan Dershowitz and liberals, conservatives, how torture's good.
Hundreds of articles, how good it is.
And now it's just out in the open.
And these sickos that call themselves conservatives are giving us all a bad name, out there saying this is no big deal, just having some fun.
Let's go to the calls quickly here.
Bill in Missouri.
Bill, go ahead.
How you doing there, Alex?
Listen, I'm a first-time caller.
This is the first time.
I'm a little bit nervous here, but I'd like to make a couple of points, if I may.
Here, I'm calling from St.
Louis, which is supposedly a conservative state, a conservative city.
Every week on Thursday nights, they have a little local program called Donnybrook, okay?
And they get on there and they discuss local issues and things.
Well, last night, they were discussing this torture story.
They were talking about Rumsfeld.
Should Rumsfeld be held accountable for all this?
And it's amazing.
It was sickening, actually, to hear these people start singing the praises of Donald Rumsfeld.
You know?
And it was sickening to listen to.
They're singing the praises this man has served his country in several administrations.
He has bragged that torture's good on TV!
They gave the orders!
Army Intelligence hired these prison guard goons to do this!
Oh yeah, but according to what they were discussing last night, this is only the fault of a handful of soldiers.
Well, look, I want to comparatively commend that show.
I mean, look, in big national broadcasts, it runs the gamut from, this is good, kill them all, to, oh, they're just having fun, leave them alone.
It runs that gamut.
I've probably heard, I don't know, eight different shows saying how wonderful it is now in the last week.
I mean, it is physically sickening to somebody that's got a conscience and a soul.
And these demons, these larcenous devils behind microphones make me want to
Oh yeah, definitely.
By the way, FEMA's trying to do this to conservatives.
Everybody know that.
This is for us, real conservatives.
Well, later on in the evening, I forget whether it was on 2, 4, or 5, or which channel it was on, but it was on Major Network.
On the news, they interviewed the mother of the little girl that was in the photos.
You know, with the big smile on her face.
Yeah, the midget.
Yeah, and they're making excuses for her, saying it's no big deal.
Oh, well, you know, her mother says, no, that's not my girl.
That's not the way she was raised.
She said she talked to her daughter on the telephone, and her daughter said that she was simply following orders.
Oh, she's enjoying it.
You know?
She loves it.
She needs to work for Dr. Mingala.
And all these sickos on talk radio and in the newspapers that have said torture's good, I hope you're proud of yourselves.
You're trying to suck us into hell with you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Eric in Connecticut, up in Skull and Bones country.
Go ahead, Eric.
Skull and Bones indeed, Alex.
I signed up for PrisonPlanet.tv yesterday.
Nice work.
It's a good site.
Well, thank you.
We need your support.
You're welcome.
This clip of Limbaugh is absolutely astonishing.
Let me tell you, he's on the lower end of the bad stuff.
He's actually one of the lightest.
I'm hearing them say it's good.
I'm hearing other hosts say it is wonderful.
It's interesting, he talks about Skull and Bones, he's basically confirming... Well, they admit that that's what they do at Skull and Bones, is have the sex parties, get in the coffins, do all this, and then now something he said didn't exist, oh, which is like Skull and Bones, it's just fun fraternity stuff.
Yeah, well the American Eugenics Society left its old headquarters at Yale University, which was the home of the sinister Skull and Bones Society.
Oh, almost everything evil comes out of there.
Yup, and you know, it's interesting Alex, there's a reason all this stuff's on TV, and I want to talk to these neocons out there.
Hey neocons, how are you going to react when this same activity happens to somebody that you care about, like your mother, or your brother, or your daughter, or your sister?
How are you going to react?
Are you going to simply say, oh it's just harmless fun and they're just blowing off steam?
There's a lot of white trash
Uh, out there that loves this.
A lot of sick yuppies.
And the reason a lot of this stuff's on TV, Alex, is because TV is one of the most effective mass mind conditioning tools ever devised.
Look, every cop show, it's torture every night!
I mean, I saw a cop show where they were raping a guy!
And these psychopaths are gonna carry this out on us!
You bet they are.
It's frightening stuff.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
Oh, absolutely.
I was sitting there in a restaurant, and they had this show on,
Cops show on the big screen TV, and I'm sitting there eating Chinese food, and almost, really, I moved chairs so I wouldn't see it anymore, and it was just the police raping somebody.
I have the audio on too, and that'll show ya!
And of course, it's always a bad person, so they deserve it!
See, that's the weird mind-warping.
Oh, this'll teach you, I don't like doing this, but I'm gonna do it!
Here, take it, take it!
I mean, come on, people!
This is right out of the pit of hell!
I mean, this blows me away!
This isn't... The Nazis didn't brag about it!
We've broken new ground!
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You know, I'm actually speechless that people can get on talk radio and say that torture's good, that good guys torture, while meanwhile going, Saddam has rape rooms and torture rooms!
And they should add, we've taken them over!
And are doing the same thing!
You know, but, oh, it's bad because he rapes and tortures, and now we're raping and torturing, and oh, it's good!
It's just having some fun!
And here's that clip again from PBS of the guys that stole three pieces of firewood, they think, and these guys machine gun their car and run over it with a tank.
And they're, most of these guys doing this are going to be cops in a few years, pulling you over, so let's go ahead and play it.
There was still some looting going on when we arrived.
And when we came across soldiers, they didn't seem sure of their role.
That child don't need to be in here.
You know where the school is?
That's where he needs to be doing, not following you.
We filmed these G.I.s after they caught a group of Iraqis stealing wood.
We try to stop them from looting, they don't understand, so we take their car and we crush it.
United States Army, tankers, hold.
Then they laugh about it as the tank runs over them.
And like Little Boss says, we're just blowing off some steam.
We're definitely having fun.
This is about fun.
Having their minds warmed.
Here comes the latch.
That's what you get when you loot.
Later, the car's owner told us, I'm a taxi driver.
The car was my livelihood.
You reap what you sow.
It's gonna happen to your daughter, your son, God forbid.
We're an evil country, folks.
Fifty million abortions.
And the government's out teaching the police that homeschoolers, constitutionalists, Christians are bad.
That we need to be arrested.
I have it on video.
In Road to Tyranny.
I have the training manuals, the mainstream news articles.
This is all for you, and they're going to con you with the neocons.
And the left, by the way, is calling to censor Limbaugh and others now who are out promoting all this.
And see, that's their plan.
They're going to censor this show, not that show.
And then Savage on the other end of the fake dialectic wants to arrest newspaper editors who show pictures.
So see how that works?
See how this dialectic operates?
Both sides are calling for censorship.
But it's not going to be them that censor.
It's going to be us, the real conservatives.
Those that are holding this country up with God's help.
The only reason God hasn't smashed this country into a thousand pieces, and he's removing the heads of protection.
And all the evil-doers out there, you're going to be judged by your own crimes.
Your own system's going to chew your guts out.
You don't have to worry about us.
Before I end this hour, we'll come back and go straight to your calls, I promise, in quick succession.
Before we do that, if you want to get 9-11 the road to tyranny that shows who carried out the 9-11 attacks and how they're training the police to torture you and your family, you need to have this video to see FEMA saying all Christians are terrorists, the Founding Fathers are bad, Constitutionalists are bad, gun owners are bad, we're all evil.
Get Road to Tyranny on VHS or DVD.
Get Part 2, The Masters of Terror.
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That's 888-253-3139 or order via our secure, safe online shopping cart at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001.
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Call toll free, 888-253-3139.
And don't forget PrisonPlanet.tv where you can see all these video and audio clips.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Why do we have the Second Amendment?
The Founding Fathers actually said in many of their speeches and editorials and newspapers so that we won't be tortured to death and raped by thugs in government.
And now, across the board, neocons, socialists, anti-American, there to pacify real conservatives are all over talk radio saying the torture's just having a good time, it's no big deal.
That shows on the low end, you know, who aren't that radical.
The other ones are saying it's good, kill all of them, kill the children, murder everyone.
This is going on.
This is a bigger story than the torture.
The sickening, demonic, unbelievable, shocking nature and the callers calling in who love torture and love evil.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll free number to order, I mean to call into the show.
Folks, if you... We've got a bunch of other news on this too and a bunch of other issues, but I'm just so blown away by this.
I'm almost speechless.
We're about to go to your calls, but play Rush Limbaugh two days ago again, saying, hey, this is like fraternity fun at Skull and Bones.
They're just having a good time.
What's the big deal?
It's no big deal.
Yeah, raping women, sodomizing people with giant objects, battery acid.
It's no big deal.
Go ahead and play the clip.
Psychologically wrong with that.
It's not the act so much.
It was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hammer them because they had a good time.
You know, these people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about people having a good time.
These people, you ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of me to blow some steam off?
And I have the Army's own report, admitted, U.S.
Army, Article 15-6, Major General Antonio Tagumba, Military Police Brigade Commander, Investigation, and they admit raping of women and things I don't want to continue to mention here.
Just blowing off some steam, having a good time.
Jay in Colorado, welcome to the broadcast.
Hey Alex.
Yeah, this whole stuff here is good for the people that are asleep to see it, but for us,
I don't know about it, it is just speeches that it's all out there in the open.
The show that, I watched the show last night, I think it was on Frontline, about a guy that was in Al Qaeda as a kid, who was like in Al Qaeda, his dad was friends with Osama, he hung out with Osama's kids.
Well, he was friends with Osama, that means he'd be friends with George Bush.
Did he vacation with the Bushes?
They probably were on a boat somewhere together, yeah sure.
But anyway, he got taken to Guantanamo.
Under his own volition, because he was going to work for the CIA, because he had his family in Canada and whatnot.
Anyway, so he said, OK, I'll go to Camp X-Ray and get you information and work with you.
So they said, all right, well, you've got to go through the same process, you know, in-processing as everybody else, so they don't know.
So they stuck him on a plane with all these other guys, a cargo plane, with co-ropes or tie-down straps going criss-cross across the middle of the thing.
With them all sitting upright with the straps weaved in between all these guys with their arms held out straight for the whole plane ride from Afghanistan to Cuba for 15 hours with hoods on their heads and after that and a bunch of other things where they had to just kept kneeling for 24 hours on concrete floors with their hands tied to their
I don't think so.
I mean, even their own guys.
They put them to work in 15-18 hour flights on a cargo plane.
They took some Indians from India who were working for Halliburton in Afghanistan.
And once they got there, they said, you're slaves.
They said, what do you mean?
Well, you're here.
And they tortured them.
And the guys that they wanted on those plane cards, they ground up their family and then they put out signs saying, we got your family.
You better come in and turn yourself in or we're going to kill them.
Hey, that's freedom.
That's freedom.
That's freedom.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're not just talking about the admitted brutal rape and torture of men and women, which is publicly admitted in the Army's own report from Confessions.
They did this, by the way, under orders.
Rumsfeld publicly said torture is good.
We're talking about the response of neocon radio that is there to neutralize conservatives, to energize the left wing by the left seeing the horror of so-called conservatism that then energizes the ranks of the phony left who then brings in the other side of the equation.
The incredible response of these people saying that he's running the gamut from the most extreme, saying torture and kill them all, kill their children, it's wonderful, to Rush Limbaugh on the other end of the spectrum who just says, oh, they're just having a good time, leave them alone.
Oh, it's no big deal, they're just blowing off some steam.
I mean, that's the light side of it.
The stuff I've been hearing, I mean, makes me physically ill.
It's freaking my wife out.
She's like saying, what country do we live in?
This is the mass warping of the mind.
This is the TV shows where people psychologically simulate torture every day.
Every show.
I know you've seen it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ed in Utah.
Ed, go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
You're doing a yeoman's job here.
And I know you're making inroads when you're on people like Mike Romey back east there.
I can just imagine the impact.
I understand he's a 50,000 watt low torch type station?
I don't know.
I do interviews every day.
Well, there's people I know that listen to him in New Hampshire, so I know he's getting out there in several states.
But anyway, I just wanted to bring up a couple of things.
This camp, Audie Gubavitzer, however it's pronounced... Yeah, that's just one of 32.
Right, right.
And the main thing about that camp, there was a front-page picture last year, over a year ago, of course in Washington, D.C., American Free Press newspaper, of which you are a friend.
I want to bring up something in light of this.
Everything I've been hearing today, your caller, Charles, all the information, you've done pretty much the whole spectrum on revealing most of the dark side of all this, Alex.
But I want to go to Colonel Dondergaard-Pree.
And I was listening to a little bit of Donald Rumsfeld today, lying through his teeth and holding back information on this phony hearings that's going on right now.
Colonel Dondergaard-Pree talked about the Jewish Talmud.
And I'm seeing this sex torture.
People need to see the working relationship of darkness with the Mossad.
And you said it, Alex.
It is genuine Christians that are being called terrorists.
Who is a real enemy of Christians?
People need to look at that.
The fundamentalists of Islam, they have a similar biblical code of life, and they're appalled by this.
But so should be, and are, a few anyhow in this country, genuine Christians upset.
Who is the one that we never go on the chopping block?
It's those people that run the Mossad.
And when you look at Colonel Don DeGruy and he talks about Talmudism and how this is Talmudic and that's Talmudic in his book The Rattler's Revenge and Viper's Venom.
The last thing I'll leave you with on this Alex, he has called for military tribunals should there ever be a military coup in this country.
I would support that.
You cannot have, quote, fair trials for this situation.
It needs to come out, openly publicized, in the emergency broadcast system, and people like you should be appointed to the panel to ask the questions.
And I'll tell you, they'd have to hold people like me back, and they can legitimately restrain me if I can unleash and do what I want to do to punish these people in the Bush and Clinton administration that have let this go on, and their wire pullers behind them.
I do appreciate that.
All right, thank you for the call, but look, I have to say this.
Colonel Donna Granpree is talking about the danger of a military coup, how it could happen.
Everything needs to be done through the Constitution.
You need to have grand juries indict these people.
They need to be arrested and brought to justice.
And it's very dangerous to have any type of military coup, and I don't want that.
This is part of a mass warping, though.
Bring this out now.
They've known about this all along.
School of America's at Georgia has trained the world how to torture.
Saddam was trained by this country in everything he did.
The rape rooms, all of it.
And now in his same prison, they're doing the same thing.
Why is that?
Because it isn't Saddam teaching us how to do it, it's us teaching him how to do it.
When I say us, I mean the cockroaches that run America and use us as their muscle.
I mean, it's that simple.
And yes, Israel does a lot of torture.
They have legal torture.
I didn't know about the sexual part of it.
But this is just... They have been advising.
And it's very, very serious.
Let's go ahead... And most of these people are totally innocent in these prisons.
You know, they say, oh, these are criminals.
Well, you don't become the criminal because you're with a criminal.
They do this to citizens in our own prisons.
It's a lot worse here than it is over there, okay?
It makes me very angry.
Let's go ahead and talk to Clint in Missouri.
Clint, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
If I may, could I give a brief plug of my org and then make some brief comments?
A brief plug of what?
Of my organization.
I'd like to again say that I think the session is the answer and ask listeners to go to MissouriCSA.com.
That's the O word, Missouri.
I'd like to say that I agree with you and everyone else.
This whole torture thing has just thickened my stomach.
And let's just think back to the reason they said we went there.
First, it was weapons of mass destruction.
They weren't found.
Then they said it's humanitarian.
Okay, it's humanitarian.
Well, Saddam abused his people, he tortured them.
Well, now we're abusing his people and torturing them.
And the one thing I've noticed that's possibly the most disturbing of all is many so-called Christians are condoning this.
Well, they were bad people.
You know, that just tells me how brainwashed people really are and how involved the church really is with all this because
There's true Christians out there, but they need to learn how to think for themselves, because just because Saddam did this, does not give us the right to do this, and we're supposed to be Americans and better than that.
Look, the Associated Press has a photo in the article from a year ago of arresting men selling beer, tangerines, and dates on a street corner.
Because they didn't have a special license.
You have to have a license.
They hired Shalibi, the admitted top captain under the shah, who ran the rape rooms and torture camps.
Again, set up by our government.
Saddam did this stuff, set up by our government.
Set up by our government.
This is art style, torturing people's children in front of them, sodomizing, raping women.
That's what they teach them how to do at our bases.
And the next step is draft.
They want to continue this.
I'm sure they're going to expand this probably into Iran.
And if we riot and protest, they'll send out the riot police with their black ski masks, or we can protest peacefully, they'll send out provocateurs.
And they're already doing it to us here.
Well yeah, and this time they want our women too.
Men and women ages 18 to 34.
And, you know, they're not getting me, they're not getting my wife, they're not getting my family.
I don't care.
That's just the way I roll.
I don't approve of this, I will not approve of this, and I will not participate in this.
And the key to stopping all of this is the restoration of state sovereignty.
I hear you.
Take care.
That's a big part of it.
And there's several major states preparing for secession, but you didn't hear about that.
Nevada's one of them.
I'll tell you what, play Limbaugh again.
You know, this is just fraternity fun, like Skull and Bones.
You know, the mock drug sling they do at Skull and Bones.
This is just fun.
This is no big deal.
They're just blowing off some steam.
What's psychologically wrong with that?
It's not the act so much, it was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked men... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hammer them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about the people having a good time.
These people... You ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of needing to blow some steam off?
So, reading from the official Army Report, Major General Report, Military Police Brigade 800, from MSNBC.
We have a link to the government's own website with this as well.
Part 1, Detaining Abuse Findings Recommendations.
Let me turn page 16.
And we can go over this.
You know what?
Let's just do that now.
Video taping and photographing naked male and female detainees.
Forcibly arranging detainees in various sexually explicit positions and photographing them.
Forcing detainees to remove their clothing and keeping them naked for several days at a time.
Forcing naked male detainees to wear women's underwear.
Forcing groups of male detainees to masturbate themselves while being photographed and videotaped.
Arranging naked male detainees in a pile and then jumping on them.
Positioning a naked detainee on an MRE box with a sandbag on his head and attaching wires to his fingers, toes, and engine of telea to simulate electrical torture.
Placing a dog chain or strap around the neck of the detainee's neck and having a female soldier pose for a picture.
Now this is the rape one.
A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee.
Well that's rape!
Raping them!
A male MP guard having sex with a female detainee using military working dogs without muzzles to intimidate and frighten detainees, and at least in one case, biting and severely injuring a detainee.
This is where they have photos of this.
Taking photos of dead Iraqi detainees.
Yeah, people you've beaten to death and they now admit they kill them and then take them out on ice with an IV in their arm like they're dead.
I mean, like they're still alive.
And then they continue.
Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric acid on detainees.
Threatening detainees with a loaded 9mm pistol.
Pouring cold water on naked detainees.
Beating detainees with a broom handle in a chair.
Threatening male detainees with rape.
Allowing more police dog.
Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broomstick.
I can't read any more of this.
Play Limbaugh again.
Just having a good time.
Play it again.
Raping women.
Having a good time.
Play it again.
There's nothing psychologically wrong with that.
It's not the act so much.
It was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked men and... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation, and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we're going to really hammer them because they had a good time.
These people are being fired at every day.
I'm talking about people having a good time.
These people... You ever heard of emotional release?
You ever heard of need to blow some steam off?
Yeah, this is what they do at Skull & Bones.
Wow, Limbaugh.
I thought Skull & Bones didn't exist a couple years ago.
A few months ago, we're all cr... Oh, but now it exists.
Does the New World Order exist?
When presidents are giving speeches on national TV about it?
I mean...
But he's on the light end of things.
There's some.
And this is all wonderful.
This is good.
Getting you ready for it.
They can't wait to do this to you and your family.
They just can't wait.
More of your calls and more of the news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've had a lot of requests to re-air that song, Revolution.
Hadn't done it in months.
Played it again last week.
We'll play it at the end of this second hour.
Then we've got a great guest coming on in the third hour.
Continue with your phone calls quickly now.
I guess up next is Deborah.
Debra, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, how are you?
I gotta tell you, these people out here listening, you know, they think that the police forces and whatnot around are there to protect you.
Think again.
The majority of them are there to make a name for themselves and they're sadistic.
There's not a lot of difference between the criminals out on the street and your police force today.
Well, that's admitted in graduate degree criminology courses.
Oh yeah, you know, you think that, you know, if you don't break any of the laws, and you think if you do everything the right way... No, they need people to pack these private prisons!
Well, you know, what they're doing, even on my local level, because I was a victim of this myself, and I can tell you right now, you don't have to break the law to get arrested, and you don't have to break the law to get put in jail, and you don't have to break the law to have your reputation ruined, lose your job, lose all your money, because some crooked cop
For whatever their personal reason is, you know, they decide that, you know, you're a target.
And I'll tell you one thing, people listening need to know one thing.
The people I worked with, this was 15 years ago, we, one by one, all got arrested, and we all got thrown in jail, and we all got charged with a crime.
And the thing was, the only thing we were guilty of was being on the road alone in our car after midnight and being a target where there were no witnesses.
And I'm telling you, after it happened to me, when I got back to work, I told everybody at work what happened.
They said, oh my God, it happened to you too?
I said, yeah.
I hear you, ma'am.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
But this is why tyranny always fails, because then it happens to cops' sons and daughters, and then it isn't good.
You see, they abuse so many people that everybody then resists.
That's why they're trying to put in this cashless society control grid, so you can't escape it once enough people wake up.
But the enemy is our biggest recruiter.
And I'm not saying the police themselves are the enemy.
There's a lot of good police.
But when the government becomes criminal, they start promoting the sociopaths and psychopaths, and whole towns go bad, and then whole countries.
Let's talk now to... Oh, who is up next here?
James in New Jersey, go ahead.
Alex, a recent convert.
Found your show on the internet a couple months ago.
Quickly subscribed to Genesis Communications for your archives.
Subscribed to PrisonPlanetTV.com.
Tested out audio tapes to my professors, my boss, etc, etc.
I just have two questions for you.
Now that my semester's ended, I'd like you, if you could, to recommend five books for me to read.
And the second question, if you could, do you have any information what happened to Delmar Michael Vreeland?
I haven't heard anything about that guy.
I don't know.
He was the naval intelligence guy who was in jail up in Canada
Well, was he actually naval intelligence?
That's what he claimed.
Well, he was in the Navy and had been involved in intelligence.
That came out in the Canadian press.
And he had told jail guards there was going to be an attack on Lower Manhattan using aircraft months before 9-11, and then it did happen, and then he disappeared, and we don't know what happened to him.
And five books!
Boy, what a...
I can give you a self-serving answer, but I really think Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor, Terror of the New World Order.
My book, Descent into Tyranny.
I would get Jews of the Preservation of Firearms.
I have some great books.
It depends on what you're wanting.
How about Tragedy and Hope?
What do you think of that?
Oh, an 800-900 page book by Carol Quigley, professor at Georgetown about the New World Order?
Yeah, you'll learn a lot, but that was a 60s view.
I mean, there's a lot more out now.
That's why I'm asking you now.
It depends on what area.
I mean, what do you want to know about?
Mainly history.
Man, it takes more than five books.
I don't really... Reading different perspectives... You ought to read The Battle for Gaul by Julius Caesar.
Oh, well, believe it or not, I got him.
Okay, well, I mean, you know, you read that 300-page book, it's the same Machiavellian manipulation we see today.
Read The Prince by Machiavelli.
He wrote two other books.
I've read two of them.
Can't find the third one.
But those are some good history books.
Read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Heinz Hobel's Order of the Deathshead.
Order of the Deathshead, man, you talk about... I mean, this is a mainstream, award-winning historical deal about the secret societies and everything going on in Germany.
Very interesting.
Alright, well thanks very much.
Keep up the good work.
Pretty soon I'll be ordering videos from you.
How do you like PrisonPlanet.TV?
Oh, well it's fantastic.
Those videos I'm going to be ordering aren't for me because I can watch them thanks to being a subscriber, but I'm going to pass them out.
You're awesome.
Thank you, sir.
We need your support.
Thank you.
We'll come back and go to all these other patient callers.
Don't forget to join us.
Got a quick little report coming up from Paul Watson, just for five or ten minutes.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Wanda and Jay and Johnny and David and Gary, everybody, your calls are coming up.
Paul Watson joins us briefly here.
Paul, we've got news.
He's the webmaster of my website, PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got the New York Times admitting that they destroyed the control tower tapes.
They declared national security on it.
We've got all this other news coming out, the torture situation.
What do you make of them bringing out this torture news now?
Why did they do that, Paul, in your opinion?
And on top of it, why are the neocons on the radio saying they're just having fun, oh it's no big deal?
Well, the interesting thing about the neocons is that they talk all day about anyone who criticizes the government is anti-American.
Yet, you know, where in the Constitution
Does it say that torture is legitimate?
Where in the Bible does it say that torture is legitimate?
Is the foundation of America, you know, built on the fact that torture is okay?
Well, no.
So they are the real anti-Americans, which is ironic, because they spend all day calling everyone else anti-American.
Well, that's what Bill Clinton did when he was in office.
Well, exactly.
And now we've got rum spelled just an hour or so ago in front of Congress, trying to soft-pedal it.
Many people are calling for his resignation now.
We've got another case in Britain where another soldier has come forward and said that he personally witnessed the fact that these prisoners of war were beaten to death.
So that's breaking today in British newspapers.
And many more stories on top of that to do with this torture situation.
And before we get into some other news and some calls, Paul, PrisonPlanet.TV, a lot of people are signing up.
We have all these servers now at great cost to us.
You can watch all the films for free.
My weekly report has been up there for days.
We're going to put two other special video reports up this weekend.
A special breaking news that only subscribers get.
Tell folks about PrisonPlanet.TV.
Well, it's just been launched a couple of weeks now.
It's 15 cents a day if you subscribe for a year or 19 if you subscribe monthly.
And it's got every single Alex Jones documentary already on there.
It's got basically the mini documentaries that we do each week also posted for members only.
Every single audio interview from the Alex Jones Show.
Options for dial-up people who, you know, have got slow internet connections so they can watch the videos easily.
Special reports that are only for members.
We had one last week about GI's bodies secretly hidden in Cyprus in these massive warehouses which they're keeping under wraps.
We've got another special report coming probably in the next few days just for members about the Iraqi so-called weapons of mass destruction and what's going on with that.
So numerous different features, numerous features that we plan to add in the upcoming weeks and months.
So it's definitely worth signing up to support us and get access to some great material.
That's right.
What do you think of, and of course most of the site is free, anything that isn't on media is, what do you think of Lord Limbaugh going, hey it's no big deal, just blow off some steam.
So now if somebody goes and knocks a woman's teeth out and rapes her, it's just having a good time because that's what they're doing in these prisons and he just says they're having a good time.
Well, that's exactly the case, and from the other talk show host I heard, I was actually listening to Hannity, I believe it was a few days ago, and he was talking to Oliver North about this torture situation, and basically they were also saying that it was overblown in the media, that it was a liberal bent that was being taken on it, that it was an isolated case, even though, you know,
The military report and the reports coming out from Britain also say that it's widespread, that this is in the training to do this.
They were given orders to do this, which tells us immediately that it's widespread.
Well, if it's on the secret liberal plan, then that means Hannity's behind it.
Well, there's also another take on it, which is that
It was a European, because some people think that they're a faction.
Yeah, Fox News came out two days ago and said it's a secret conspiracy.
We actually have the article that a secret group is behind this, a New World Order.
So now if you're not for the New World Order, you're secretly with the New World Order.
Yeah, it's actually Faction 2, some people call that.
I don't give it any credence, because I've seen no evidence for it.
But some people believe that it's
On behalf of the Europeans meant to attack the credibility of the Bush and Rumsfeld.
Sure, the Europeans 50 years ago set up the School of America, brought Joseph Mingala here, taught them how to torture, put Saddam in power, taught him how to torture, they magically control it all.
But what is interesting is the fact that
In the Army Report, which is on PrisonPlanet.tv, it actually lists rape of women having sex with female detainees.
That's rape.
So, we had the CIA, just this past weekend, well, it was an Arab website, but half of these so-called Arab websites are run by the CIA anyway, from what we've seen.
But they put out pictures taken from porn websites of rape scenes involving military personnel.
And then WorldNetDaily did a big story on how the fact that because these pictures were proven to be not as they were claimed, you know, actual photos, then it means that all the rest of the photos must be placed under suspicion.
So even though the official Army report... And by the way, I said last week that that's what was going on.
Well, we were considering whether to post them or not, and the conclusion we came to is that that's probably, you know, exactly what they were doing.
Throwing this out to try and confuse... Well, I told you on the phone Saturday, I said, you watch, these are going to be, by Monday or Tuesday, it'll be, oh, fake photos, it's all fake.
Yeah, and they were grabbed by a lot of other websites and plastered all over their front pages, but we declined to do that because, you know, we're more interested in finding the truth, whatever it is, whether it supports our previous arguments or not, we're not going to put out fake information.
Well, I mean, look, the Army has the confessions of brutally raping and doing other things we can talk about here, and it's all admitted, and it goes on in our jails here all the time, and they get caught all the time.
I mean, they got caught just 20 miles from me at the Wackenhut prison raping half the women, videotaping it, and they just lost their contract over it.
I mean, this is going on all over the place, and it should be national news that American women are being raped by these people.
Did you hear the guy in the last hour?
Talking about them, you know, raping men, raping women, all this stuff.
It's just amazing.
Paul, there's a lot of other news.
What else do you think is important for folks to realize?
We've got a big report out of the London Guardian which talks about how the sex trade and underage prostitution has exploded in Kosovo and Bosnia since the recent influx of NATO and UN troops.
So yet another
article to add to the giant uh... elite sex trade archive which is on PrisonPlanet.com which shows that this worldwide phenomenon, I can't say the word but... Phenomenon, yeah.
But it's basically it's created and sustained by international troops, the UN, NATO, who go into all these countries.
They even load the children on the planes.
Red Cross saw widespread abuse in Iraq, Wall Street Journal,
is reporting massive torture that they've been reporting on for a year.
We knew about this!
You know, it's like Bush saying nothing's going on at Camp X-Ray, where they're torturing people to death.
The news didn't want to focus on the general quitting and saying they were torturing.
Why are they now bringing it out?
To demonize America for the handover to the UN.
And no, it's not Europe running it.
It's Europe running our country doing it.
There's not a split.
It's all one group engaging in this theater.
I'll tell you, Fox has got to be dangerous.
I mean, it's got to be, you know, very, very worried to be, you know, coming out and going into a global conspiracy and now even covering that the Saudis are going, look, the new world order is behind Al Qaeda.
You're doing this to destabilize the world.
I mean, this has got to scare them.
Yeah, one of the Saudi royal family came out and said that Israel runs Al-Qaeda, which is partially true, but then Fox News reported on it, which is even more amazing.
But we've also got a new Bin Laden tape, again off some, you know, strange recluse Arabic website, which immediately this morning the CIA has come out and said is completely genuine, which obviously means that it's fake.
It calls for the
Calls for the assassination of Paul Bremer and Kofi Annan.
So, you know, it's both on the US and the UN side who are supposedly in opposition.
Now, I want to shift gears here for a second, Paul.
This will be our final article and I'll go to all your calls that are patiently holding.
I want to shift gears.
This is from Democracy Now!, but it's admitted mainstream documentation.
Plutonium files, how the U.S.
secretly fed Rio activity to thousands of Americans.
Denver-based journalist Aline Wilson reveals how a reporter for a Tawny Albuquerque Tribune newspaper uncovered one of the country's great Cold War secrets.
The U.S.
government had knowingly exposed thousands of humans, guinea pigs, with radiation poisoning, including Americans who had plutonium injected directly into their bloodstream.
Now, this came out years ago.
The GI's wife, they'd say, here, take these pills.
It'd be uranium, plutonium.
They'd then have them come in.
They'd film the spontaneous miscarriages.
In a Massachusetts school, 73 disabled children were spoon-fed oatmeal laced with radioactive isotopes.
In an upstate New York hospital, an 18-year-old woman, believing she was being treated for a pituitary disorder, was injected with plutonium.
At a Tennessee clinic, 829 pregnant women were served vitamin cocktails, I reported this 8 years ago, with symbols in Time magazine, containing radioactive iron as part of their regular treatment.
No, these are not acts of terrorism by common criminals.
These are just some of the secret human experimentation by U.S.
government conducted on unsuspecting Americans over the last 30 years.
And then, this is a huge lengthy report, okay?
It's 13 pages.
Paul, this shows the psychop... They're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines publicly.
My doctor told me that he's been at clinics where they're still giving the SV40 oral polio vaccine that admittedly has a deadly cancer virus.
They're putting sterilization stuff in the vaccines.
They've been caught doing it again.
I mean, these people are psychopath Nazis that run things, telling us torture's good, and we're sitting here buying it, Paul!
Well, and it's the double think again.
These kind of experiments, you know, automatic abortions, poisoning people, chemical experiments, they go on in the North Korean gulags that we're all told about, which, yes, that's bad to have 200,000 people in these gulags doing it, but again, it's bad when the North Koreans do it, but it's okay when our own government does it.
Well, it's like tsunami in rape rooms.
I mean, Bush's speeches could be put to exactly what our government's doing.
Well, you can show videos of Saddam and the bad stuff and then just show Bush talking about it and then show what Bush has done!
It's bad when Saddam does it, it's okay when we do it.
And for the neocons to, you know, actually say that and get away with it without, you know, catching some flack is amazing, but the Limbaugh clip proves that these people have just gone over the edge on this neocon bent and, you know, it would take a massive wave of
You know, blowing the whistle on this to try and counter them.
Try and point out the fact that they are the real anti-Americans.
I hear you.
I appreciate you joining us, Paul.
Hope people sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Great job there.
Take care.
Okay, thanks.
Alright, let's just bam bam bam through these.
Let's talk to... Who is up next here?
I could... Wanda in Missouri.
Go ahead, Wanda.
This current violence and torture is Satan's angry rebuttal.
To the Passion film, which engendered a powerful Christian conscience that could result in national repentance, God's forgiveness, and His absolute protection.
I agree, we're being bathed in wickedness.
It's time of the life days.
People should take warning.
Well, I have to say, never before has torture been public in the Western world.
That is, it's a good thing we brag about it in modern times.
I mean, this is medieval, what we see happening, Wanda.
Yes, it is.
And I mean, at least in the medieval times, they didn't do sexual things, they just tortured you.
This is sexual, this is really evil.
The Bible says things will wax... This is what serial killers do, they do this to people.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
People say, er, the scripture says that things will wax worse and worse.
That evil will be called good, and good will be called evil.
Perfect definition of it, thank you.
Let's talk to Jay in Colorado.
Jay, go ahead.
Hey, I was watching the Secretary Rumsfeld squirm his way on the hill here.
You mean Snaky Snake?
Oh God, he's despicable.
But there's a Congressman Sessions, I think, from Alabama, who started off his remarks or his questioning... Sessions, if it's Sessions, is from East Texas.
Uh, this was Alabama.
Anyway, everybody else was given the old media.
We're all disgusted.
This guy started off with a big adoration for Rumsfeld and the whole panel, all the generals that were squirming as well.
And then he says, and I understand that there's a bunch of people in this body that are complainers right now.
I also understand that the terrorists aren't happy with you too.
Because I just heard that they have a bounty out on your head, Mr. Rumsfeld.
I appreciate you for all your hard work.
I mean, talk about spinning it with the people who are against torture and his role in it.
Or against Rumsfeld's business buddies, the Bin Ladens.
Thanks for the call.
Good point.
Johnny in Hawaii.
Go ahead.
Thanks Alex.
Yeah, I just wanted to make a couple of comments.
First of all about Limbaugh.
You know, he went over to the dark side a few years ago.
I used to like him!
I mean, like, six, seven years ago.
Yeah, he was a different person.
Well, what happened, you may have heard this too, but I heard this on the air.
He was talking about a meeting he had with Henry Kissinger, a woman that owns a total Canadian media service, Rupert Murdoch.
Yeah, I heard about that.
And he's talking about his meeting at a mansion someplace.
He couldn't disclose location.
And he said, well, we were talking about some things we're going to do in the future and so forth.
And this is real, I can tell you.
At 9-11, Buffett and others met with all the big CEOs and Bush flew to that base.
And Limbaugh said, well, I know you guys are probably thinking about the Illuminati, you know, and so forth.
But I really can't say anything more about it.
He didn't mention Illuminati.
No, yeah, it's all part of Flon.
He's talking about this torture, and he says skull and bones.
Yeah, and shortly after that, he went deaf, and now he's being busted for drugs.
Another thing about the Iraqi torture, yes, it is evil, it is bad.
Most of it is torture, some of it is hazing, but I heard on the news a couple of days ago, it was mainstream media, that they put the Iraqis Republican Guard in charge of
Security forces and the top guy that Saddam used for his development guard.
Yeah, that's the point!
He was trained by us to begin with!
Exactly, yeah.
So, they're just putting their old boys back in.
Thanks for the call.
Incredible points, incredible.
David in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Or Daryl, excuse me.
Hi, Alex.
Sometimes I want to pull my hair out and I don't have much left when I hear people call in and say that the Jews run the New World Order and that the Jews are going to kill us all.
And I really appreciate the fact that you often squelch that very quickly.
And we've got to realize, we're very ignorant, most Americans are very ignorant of history, but it's been so-called Christians who have butchered and tortured other Christians in the name of Christ throughout history.
It has not been Jewish armies that have gone on rampages on the cruise.
Every culture engages in this, especially when they're in decline, so everybody's getting out to blame.
So, I hope people won't get this idea that this is all a Jewish plot, and that the Jews are going to torture everybody in that.
We better look in the mirror and take a look at Christianity, Alex.
Well, to false Christianity.
Thank you for the call.
We're out of time for this segment.
Come back with Revolution for you, the great song in the third hour.
Big guest.
Stay with us.
More info, more news.
We'll be right back.
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I don't know.
The last march, the road up the rocky hills tonight Under cover of the darkness we will slip behind the lines And we will take the men who have stolen our land For the years of domination hit them right between the eyes
Oh, yeah.
What's psychologically wrong with that?
It's not the act so much, it was like a college fraternity prank to stack up naked men and... Exactly!
Exactly my point!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, New World Order expert, joining us.
Right now, let's blitz through your calls.
Ken in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
This is Ken, yeah.
Thanks for getting me on.
Look, you've talked about automobile shutdown devices and devices for shutting down communications.
I was looking on the local news the other day, and I just got the story off the internet, where there's this company called Ionitron of Tucson, Arizona.
Says they won a $9 million defense contract.
And, uh, what the contract was for was developing a wireless taser capable of shooting electrical discharges that can disable vehicles and communications.
Well, they already have wired into all the new cars a kill switch for the police helicopter to shut your car down.
Uh, and they're also wiring it in where if you don't pay your payment, people don't even know this because they don't pay it, your car doesn't start.
And then a recording they didn't even know about starts playing off a speaker they hadn't seen.
You've got to call this number and pay your bill.
Then your car will start.
I mean, that's the new America.
Uh, they've got the satellite tracker plug-ins and all the new cars made in the last nine years.
I mean, it's all happening, sir.
I know we've had the black boxes in the cars, and I try to keep two or three cars at least twenty-three.
30 years old, but I know the equipment existed, but they're trying to mass produce it.
They're wanting to hire 300 people.
Oracle goes on to say that Ionitron is engaged in Department of Defense and Homeland Security work.
Well, every day I see Homeland Security going, we're here to fight crime.
We're putting in cameras that scan your license plates.
We're going to be creating citizen spy groups.
We're here to fight the criminals.
And criminals won't have any new process now, because we say you're criminals because we're criminals.
Thanks for the call, Ken.
I appreciate it.
Who's up next?
Randy in Florida.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
You know, I would just say, for instance, as far as our military,
Now, John Quincy Adams says this, America doesn't go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She's the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.
She's the champion and vindicator only of her own.
She well knows that while once enlisting under other banners than her own, were there even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication and all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors of patriotism and usurp the standards of freedom.
Sounds just like us in Iraq, doesn't it?
Yeah, but FEMA teaches police, and I have this in video, that all Founding Fathers are terrorists.
All Christians today are terrorists.
All homeschoolers are terrorists.
And I agree, the Founding Fathers were evil.
I support Bush and Clinton, our leaders, our gods, our masters.
We must learn to give our freedoms up.
We must learn to worship government.
We must learn the Founding Fathers are bad.
Contrast that to what Henry Kissinger said in
The Final Days book by Woodward and Bernstein.
In Alexander Haig's presence, he referred poignantly to military men as dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.
Well, and to breathe the pretty... Look, you love the troops by letting them die of the pretty uranium.
When you stand up for them, that's evil.
When you help kill them, it's loving and conservative.
You haven't learned yet how this works?
Well, you know, I mean,
That people continue to, and I imagine even some of your listeners are still contemplating voting for that phony conservative book.
He showed his true colors the other day by backing that liberal weasel, Armin Specter, instead of the true conservative in the Pennsylvania Senators race.
Well, they don't just do that.
They got Janet Reno's former personal attorney covered up China Gate and then Waco Gate.
He voted on his own family's voting machines and he magically became the new congressman from Austin.
You haven't figured out the way things work yet?
The only valid choice is the Constitution Party or the Libertarians.
Oh, the Constitution Party has a conservative record.
That's evil!
You've got to be for communism.
That's conservatism.
Haven't you learned yet?
Oh my goodness!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, now 8 minutes and 40 seconds into this third hour, this global transmission against tyranny.
I know we have loaded phone lines from Honolulu, Hawaii, Canada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Austin, Texas, you name it.
We'll be getting to your calls coming up here in a little while.
Just to give us an overview of the news and events and the 9-11 whitewash commission is Dr. Dennis Cuddy.
We'll go to him in one moment.
I have now launched PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we've got a bunch of servers because, well, when you go from 8 million visitors a month to 20 million visitors a month, it gets quite expensive.
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Dr. Dennis Cuddy, good to have you back on.
For those who don't know who you are, tell us about your background, how you awoke to the New World Order.
Then I want to get into Bush's comments in the Rose Garden that, well, if I had something to hide, I'm covering something up, I wouldn't be talking to the Commission, you know, all your business partners.
Dr. Cuddy, tell us about yourself.
Okay, but first remember also he said he enjoyed it, which was I thought a strange term to use when you're talking about something that resulted in 3,000 lives being lost.
I enjoyed it, yes.
Okay, my background basically is I had been to what was at the time in the 60s the first governor's school in the nation.
Now every state has one, but it had been funded by Carnegie.
And it seems strange.
The Psychological Corporation, which has its own curious history, wanted to track us and follow us, and Carnegie had funded the thing.
And I became somewhat suspicious that there was this sort of powerful group, because they kept opening doors for me, and eventually they found out that I was questioning them, and that's when the doors started closing.
But I taught in the public schools and then taught at the university level.
Went up to Washington for a while during most of the Reagan years to do battle with the bureaucrats up there trying to enforce busing and things like that.
Gave some advice to the Justice Department.
Testified on Capitol Hill.
Did some international political and economic risk analyses.
Then left there and came back right about the time George H.W.
Bush was president
Starting his talk about the New World Order, and all of a sudden things pretty much clicked.
I've been compiling information for like 30 years, beginning in the 70s, where during graduate school, one of my professors had signed a paper, and I wrote it, and his response was very curious.
He had come from Yale, and he kept asking me these curious questions, and what I had been writing then 30 years ago was that there may be this sort of conspiracy going on.
And I quoted from the muckrakers who were, a hundred years ago, the investigative reporters of the day.
And little did you know that Carol Quigley had a suppressed book admitting all of this, that he'd been in their secret documents.
But that's a good place to start.
Let's just start right here.
For new listeners, we've got a lot of new affiliates, the show's really grown.
Let's just start right here.
The night after you heard me on Coast to Coast for three hours, a month and a half ago,
Brian Lamb and this professor doing all this templing of the hands and his Masonic flashes, all this communication goes on.
They attack me for a full hour.
He said the most amazing conspiracy is that there's a New World Order group that wants world government.
Well, wait a minute!
We have hundreds of CFR publications, foreign affairs, that call for a New World Order.
We have thousands of public statements by chancellors, prime ministers, presidents, CEOs,
We have older public policy reports.
We have the Supreme Court saying they follow the orders of the UN.
We have the global governance, the global taxes being shut up.
This is like saying we're wild conspiracy theorists, Dr. Cuddy, now in 2004, because we believe the sun comes up in the morning.
Man, we're really nuts.
We believe that there are blue whales
In the Atlantic Ocean, we believe that Tweety Birds live in trees.
We believe that George Washington was a real person.
So how do they openly say New World Order and then we're crazy because we believe it exists?
Yeah, there's a deliberate sort of disinformation going on.
That's why you and I try and put it in their own words.
So, for example, when I have a book like The Globalist, I'll actually put a copy of Bill Clinton's letter in which he supports world government in there by name.
And so whenever a Brian Lamb or somebody does that, what I try to do is I know where they're coming from, so I'll ask them a set-up question.
I'll say, well, suppose I told you there's a power somewhere so complete, so pervasive, so interlocked, so watchful, you better not speak above your breath when you're speaking condemnation of it.
And then I'll say, and furthermore, suppose I told you that the government of the United States has been owned by a financial element ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.
Then they start laughing.
The Brian Lambs.
Aha, this is ridiculous, you're a nut.
So forth.
I would say, but Brian, don't you understand that what I just did is quote you from Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, both of whom you admire?
That sort of stops them in their tracks, and then you go from there.
And there's whole debates.
This was in the Congressional Record.
Yeah, yeah.
There's debates.
There's, like you said, the secret records that Carol Quigley got a hold of, and then I was able to get a hold of some after that to a friend.
Actually approached Mrs. Quigley after Professor Quigley, who was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown, after his death, and he purchased all of her material.
Now we got Strub Talbot coming out and saying, you're going to have world government whether you like it or not, and we've got him in foreign affairs saying it's going to take blood to build it, new world order, new world order, and then Rush Limbaugh says it doesn't exist, you're crazy if you even say it, well then George Herbert Walker is crazy because he talked about it two hundred and something times.
Yeah, and doesn't it strike you as curious, what sort of put me on to this game that they're playing in Washington is, when I read what you just said, Strobe Talbot, in July 20th, 1992, Time Magazine, saying, quote, perhaps national sovereignty was not such a great idea after all the case for world government is clinched, end quote, I said, well now surely that guy is not going to be confirmed by the U.S.
Senate to be like number two in the State Department,
But he was.
95 or so out of 100 U.S.
Senators, including any so-called conservatives, voted for this guy, even after he said that.
Well, I mean, I just had a huge hit piece written on me and my webmaster, Paul Watson, at Vanity Fair, and Alex Jones thinks that the Bushes flew out the Bin Laden's.
Alex Jones thinks there were drills of flying planes into buildings.
That's kind of funny, because then it came out in mainstream news a few weeks later.
Alex Jones thinks that the White House called Mayor Willie Brown and told him not to fly.
That's in the mainstream news!
Yeah, and still, they insist that there's nothing going on.
There was one recent one, I think it's, I believe it's a J.R.
Nyquist, he writes for World Ed Daily, and he's been having an email back and forth with people, with someone I know about, people like you and me, and he's putting us down as, oh, you know, these people don't know what they're talking about, and so forth.
You confront these, and the friend sort of confronted this fellow and says, okay, tell me then, since you know all about these people, Cuddy, Alex Jones, whoever.
Uh, about Cecil Rhodes' connection with Arnold Toynbee, let's say, for example.
Immediately, they shut up, because they really don't know, and they don't want to know, or they're part of some sort of... Well, here's the deal.
You know, we've supported World Net Daily, and they used to be good, uh, in the past, but now they're so neo-conned out.
I mean, they, admittedly, went and got our article from an interview about the implantable chips, and one of the very chip suppliers took it, sent it to an American talk show house, took our quotes, and I talked to Sherry Gossett.
She said, I put your name in there, said where it came from, but they wouldn't let me say your name!
Yeah, it's closing down.
Some, also, radio stations are being bought up.
And remember, Jaina Davis, who was covering the Oklahoma City, after she talked a lot about that, her station was bought up and she was out of a job, too.
What's happening in the world right now?
No, this is Jayna Davis in Oklahoma City, her channel 4.
No, I know about Jayna Davis, but I mean, World Net Daily's not, are they?
No, no, but I was saying stations like hers are bought up, and other radio stations get bought up, and so they'll knock conservative talk shows off the air, and only the Rush Limbaugh type seem to be flourishing there.
There's all this talk about FEMA camps, put people in FEMA camps that disagree with the government on national radio.
Lots of generals talking about martial law is good.
What do you think about that?
Well, when they talk about that, they have a set-up, a sort of program that they're about to condition the public to be willing to at least accept the possibilities.
Now, when you confront them, they'll say, oh, no, no, we just mentioned if there's illegal people and if there's a crisis and a nuclear bomb has dropped here and so forth, but then what you and I try to do is provide
The documents which have in their own words where properties have been bought up, or you actually go out and get video of the places that are being constructed.
And so it's hard for them to refute that, so their backup is to ridicule or either block or ignore or try to discredit in some way, which is what they're doing.
It's scary.
We're going to break here in a minute.
I want to come back and get into the 9-11 whitewash commission and we'll go to folks all over the world who want to talk to you and cover some of the news.
But Dr. Cuddy, I see a mass awakening taking place and I think that's why they pulled out all the stops and have the neocons engaging in Trojan horse behavior.
Do you see a mass awakening?
I really hope so, but we're up against it because the public has been conditioned to be tuned out and turned off and confused.
It's not that they lie, I mean they do that, but what they also do is they throw a bunch of information out there of a different variety and so the public is having to sort through it to find out which pieces are accurate.
That's it.
Mind control to boil it down for you, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
We'll be back with Dr. Dennis Cuddy, an amazing researcher and author.
We'll tell you about his books later.
Ab, we'll take your calls and get into the news.
Please stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, your calls are coming up in the next segment.
I want to get into the 9-11 whitewash meeting yesterday, but...
I'm just talking to Dr. Cuddy about the moral breakdown.
I mean, it's a mass programming.
When you turn on all the dramas, I mean, all of them, and torture's good, the government's going to torture you, the Bill of Rights is bad.
When I walk around in the mall, the grocery store, at the gym, and Marilyn Manson is now the elevator music.
Just the background music is bad!
Devil power!
I mean, you know, sex everywhere.
People take their children to Britney Spears concerts that are now totally pornographic.
Now it's not just that this stuff's going on, it's mainstream, and we're bad because we're talking about politics.
And Dr. Cuddy, you were bringing up a point during the break.
Go ahead.
Do we have Dr. Cuddy there?
Yes, sir.
You were bringing up a point about the moral breakdown during the break when I was talking to you.
Yeah, you were asking about if there might be an awakening, and I was saying I hope so.
The problem is we have to overcome like 30 years of a conditioning process.
They had a program on ABC last night, the show Primetime, and the host, Charlie Gibson, was really surprised at all the cheating that was going on, especially among young people.
And what apparently he or people don't realize is that this conditioning process has been rather deliberate.
A new morality.
In fact, Ted Sizer, one of the educational leaders, 30 years ago said, we're going to, you know, not have all this moral sermonizing.
We're going to have situation ethics and moral relativism will be the new values.
And so these kids today, especially, have come along with a, you know, what's in it for me, look out for number one.
And that's why they don't care about a NAFTA, for example, that takes away American jobs.
They've been conditioned to love Big Brother, as Orwell said.
And as you were just saying, in terms of morality, you had several soap operas years ago that had the hero rape women, and nothing was thought of as, you know, he was still considered a great guy.
And then the frenetic pace, like you said, of the music, that's deliberate too.
Orwell said, what if we quicken the tempo of human life?
And so they created this sort of frenetic, hyper-reality movement on TV ads and in the music, and that destabilizes the population.
And you need that stability to calmly reflect on what the government's doing to you, but they want to keep you busy.
You know, keep them busy.
Go, go, go, go, go.
And so this is one of the things that translates even into our problems in Iraq, of all places, because what you have is
The Muslims don't believe in the, quote, separation of church and state that we have here.
They actually believe that religion is important, and a relationship with God.
Now, I'm not going to get into the Muslim religion, but they believe that religion is very important, and they believe in Islamic law, and so they see Western democracy, as we call it.
Actually, like you say, we're a constitutional republic.
But we keep saying we're bringing Western democracy.
They see that as allowing this garbage.
And they get satellite TV and really think that's what America is all about, and they're terrified.
Yeah, and unfortunately, like you just alluded to, it looks like we're becoming that way mainstream, unfortunately.
Well, I mean, it's scientifically crafted.
Uh, when, when, when, I mean, they're conditioning us that, that, that, that being wicked is, you know, look, Saddam's bad because he tortured, but then I hear the neocons going, yeah, torture them Iraqis, make them have homosexual sex, make them, you know, stand there with electricity, you know, um, you know, torture them, it's good.
It's good when we do it, it's bad when they do it, it's double think.
Uh, yeah, and it's not just in that one area.
We, we have actually tortured in Afghanistan prisoners to death.
So we have done that, and I think one of the reasons that's why the Bush administration yanked that billion dollars that the court awarded to the POWs who were tortured in the first Gulf War away from them, because what other countries would do is also start freezing our assets over there, and so they didn't want that.
And what you have is, like you were just saying, it's a process.
Years ago, Rockefeller Foundation, I'll be quick about this,
They, in 1933, began to say, we want to fund social control, the control of human behavior.
So they sent people out.
They had a radio project, and that's where that War of the Worlds, that famous radio show, came from.
They analyzed it, and they called it Mass Psychology of Panic.
And so what they did is Theodore Adorno was the head from the Frankfurt School was head of their music division and then he created this sort of frenetic music that we would hear with like hard rock and the Beatles and others picked up on that in the 60s and then it's even worse now.
And there was a deliberate strategy.
You'd have the Jefferson Airplane and the Who and the Mothers of Invention actually saying, and I put these quotes, that what we're trying to do is create a revolution, a generation gap, separate the young people from the values of their parents.
And then we had Ms.
Magazine being publicly funded by the CIA to break men and women up.
And now they're going to sell the microchips as a youth thing.
The kids are already saying, I want it, Mom and Dad.
I don't have to have permission.
I'm going out and getting it.
Yeah, and the CIA will be at CNN, for example.
They'll be at Simon & Schuster.
And if you write a book that goes there that they don't like, it doesn't get published and so on, yeah.
This is all admitted.
We'll come back, get a little bit into the 9-11 Commission, and I promise directly to your calls.
Straight to your calls, and then we'll get into 9-11, and talk about Dr. Dennis Cuddy's books as well.
And we'll also plug some of the websites that carry his great writings.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back, so stay the course.
And remember the new website, PrisonPlanet.TV.
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If you want to destroy the New World Order, you have to try to be a moral person.
And I'm talking about myself here, too.
It's very easy in this society to break down.
They've really designed it well.
So I'm not preaching at you.
You need to love your wife, love your husband, love your family.
Educate your children about the New World Order.
Explain to your children that the society is designed to break up the family, designed to sell them rebellion in the name of being individualistic, whereas in reality it's designed to get them into the prison system, into the slave grid.
If you educate the young people like that, they'll wake up and see what's happening and fight against it.
I've found that.
Show them where the real revolution is, and we can deprogram them.
But if you sit there and go, oh, you can't do this because it's too much fun, or you can't do this because, you know, I say so, it's not going to work.
You've got to warn your family.
You've got to be strong.
Again, Ms.
It's admitted.
Gloria Steinem admits it.
She was set up by the CIA to break up the family.
That's some amazing admissions!
But going back to Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Doctor, let's take some calls.
I want to get into 9-11 and also Iraq, okay?
But before we do that, tell folks about some of your new books.
Well, the latest one is a cover-up, Government Spinner Truth, which is largely about 9-11, but it's also a little bit about Iraq.
And it came out just as the war was beginning, but I was saying
That they probably would not find any large caches of weapons of mass destruction.
And then I followed that up by explaining what Saddam's strategy was, which Rumsfeld and Cheney said, oh, we can't believe he's planning a guerrilla war.
Well, yesterday, front page of the New York Times, sure enough, that's what he was planning.
But isn't part of that the Pentagon trying to say, it's not the Iraqi people, they love us, why it's Saddam?
I mean, Saddam doesn't control the Shiites.
Yeah, they're trying to say that, but when a fellow I know who was going over in his, like, Bremer's right-hand man, before he left, he called up and said, you know, what do you think I should expect?
I said, look out for the religious unrest, and basically, you know, he said, well, it's the Sunnis, yeah.
I said, no, no, no, no, you have to watch out for the Shiites as well.
They're being nice temporarily because they think they're majority.
But people like this Al-Sadr, remember, they want Islamic law.
And they see us as a threat because our government allows pornography and all of this.
So I said, you watch it, it's going to break loose.
Sure enough, it has.
How do folks get the books?
Well, the main number would be a toll-free number to the publisher, 888-891-9000.
The September 11 Prior Knowledge Book is now coming back into print with an index and a printing of the letter I received from Homeland Security saying they found 12 information circulars, warnings regarding 9-11, but they're not going to let me see them.
So I put that letter in that book as well.
All right, let's go ahead and go to some calls here.
Let's talk to Michael in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Go ahead, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Always a pleasure to talk with you.
You were sort of psychic this morning because you answered both of my questions from the last guest, but I did want to make one comment with all that's going on.
There's the guy that called in a while ago that said he was depressed and didn't know what to do.
Well, it's very simple.
Find two people that you can start educating with the things that you're sharing, your websites and everything, and then they start doing the same thing with two other people.
I can tell you that I had some friends at my church who were asking me, are you going to be voting for Bush or whatever, about the New World Order?
I was able to share with them some of the things that even Dr. Cuddy has written.
I've found in life
If you just get up and work and stand up and are strong and do your homework, you can wake people up because this whole thing is hidden in plain view.
Dr. Cuddy, isn't the key to really good propaganda that it speaks to our laziness?
That it speaks to our fears and gives us excuses to just go along?
I mean, that's really what this propaganda does.
Yeah, it does that and then they follow that up.
What they do is they provide test cases to probe us to see
I think?
Their theory of social turbulence, where you cause people to go into psychological retreat.
Here's an example.
They come out with Total Information Awareness Network, All Seeing Eye, New World Order, to get us mad.
Then they go, OK, we changed the name.
Then they really double the funding.
Then they come out with matrix systems and all this.
And they go, OK, we're not going to do that.
Then we find out the states are already doing it.
Every time you order a pizza or buy something, it's being uploaded immediately to Homeland Security.
They're always coming up with new names, new boogeymen, but always the system just moves forward.
Yeah, and another part of that is they'll propose a piece of, let's say, really outrageous legislation with 20 points.
And then we complain.
You and I and all of the people complain.
And they say, okay, we'll compromise and we'll just have these 10 points.
And Congress goes on and passes that and all along... But that's not a compromise because
I know.
Obviously you know, but what I'm saying is that if we gave them 10 points and then they gave us 10 things we wanted, that would be a compromise.
When they say we want this and we only give them half, that's not a compromise.
And the point is, that's what they planned all along.
They knew that we would do that, and so this is their fallback position, which was their goal all along.
Well, it's like Bush saying, oh, you've got to repass the Patriot Act.
It's coming up for reauthorization.
All the key provisions aren't sunsetted.
That's a red herring to have another vote and add stuff to it.
I said that.
Then Bush indeed did say that.
Yeah, yeah.
And that's a third part of their strategy.
This is multifaceted, and it's to keep people off balance.
And you're kept also so busy, you know, I've got to go to the shopping mall, I've got to take the child to the ballgame, so on and so on.
Dr. Cuddy, it's not just compartmentalization.
Thanks for the call, Michael.
Good job.
Keep it up.
You know, I want people to know there are thousands of eggheads with 170 IQs sociopathically sitting around, you know, right here at UT.
I've been allowed into the psychology department, and they're just like, yes, here's the DARPA mind control systems.
We're testing how to manipulate you with TV patterns, and I can't show you the classified stuff.
What do you think of this?
None of it's even hidden, and, you know,
To the people out there, I mean, you've got to become aware of this, but here's the question.
How do they find all these people that would knowingly be part of something to enslave humanity, Dr. Cuddy?
Well, like I said, it started years ago, just taking one example.
Cecil Rhodes had his plan in the late 1800s to get key people with this type of mindset into journalism, economics, politics, and education.
And he said, after 60 years of putting these people in place, we won't even need a conspiracy anymore.
We'll just have these like-minded people in key positions as heads of university departments and so on that we'll be able to get our new world order.
And then they all go out and pick people that are like-minded that they mentor.
Yep, exactly.
That's the plan.
I mean, it's just like mobsters in New York, you know, the young kid who's from a single parent family, looks pretty tough, twelve years old, they see him scrapping in the street, they go over and hire him, and ten years later he's a top mobster.
Yeah, that's what they do.
One of the quotes from those muckrakers I mentioned was about the Rockefeller, and it said he has, this is like a hundred years ago, he has agents in every hamlet
You know that in college I had these people approach me, and since I've been on the radio I've had them offer me money, everything, and it's just like the movies with the devil.
I mean, they literally sit there and go, your crusade's going nowhere, join us, be a star.
I mean, the New World Order's good.
I mean, it really is like this, folks.
Yeah, I'll give you one specific example.
A fellow named Wayne Peterson, who your listeners probably never heard of, is in the early 60s.
He's up in Milwaukee at university.
He's going to the cafeteria, and there, at the cafeteria,
is David Rockefeller, not in New York City, Chase Manhattan.
He's at this cafeteria at this university in Milwaukee.
And he says, come over here, fella.
The guy comes over, he says, you really want to go into Peace Corps, don't you?
He said, well, yeah, I guess so.
He gets him to be in charge of writing Brazil's social services program for the whole nation.
When the guy finishes that in the Peace Corps, he comes back, walks into his living room of his own home, there sits Melvin Laird, Secretary of Defense, saying, you know, we've got to get you a job in the government.
He puts him in charge, gets him a job as head of all the Fulbright programs, and from that position as head of that, this guy goes on to Merv Griffin Show and everything else, promoting Lord Maitreya, who is supposed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
So this is how they work.
They reach down and they grab younger people and groom them and fund them and facilitate them and get them high-level positions.
Well, it's like a vampire going out and creating more vampires.
Well, they are sucking the nation dry.
And what they do is they feed the ego.
Like, you'll find a lot of people, let's say in Texas, where you are.
You probably have a governor's school there.
They say, well, you're the best and the brightest.
You know, we're going to give you special treatment, so these little egos come along and say, oh yeah, I'm really special, you know, so I'll find out what this globalism's for, and I'll be really important in the new world order.
And then they'll tell them, but the general public is afraid and small-minded, we can't let them all know about it, so just laugh at them.
That's right.
They're ignorant.
The other people are ignorant.
You're really smart.
You know best.
And so, you know, that's where your future is.
And don't pay attention to your parents, you know, with their old-fashioned values and so forth.
By the way, there was this thing, this program, they have Wave and Save and Others, and it said on the website, to tattle on your parents and your neighbors, you get a discount card, $200 we can turn people in.
This is in my film, The Takeover.
And it says, your parents have old-fashioned views that are dying away.
You're young and powerful.
It actually said that.
Well, it harkens back to the old Hitler Youth Program, where they used to tell the youngsters to do that.
By the way, this new national draft, we're going to have to serve domestically as slaves here at home.
Well, that's the mandatory, voluntary, quote-unquote, service.
And remember, that was part of George Bush's Points of Light initiative, where George Bush, the first President Bush, talked about the need for
Points of Light with Service, and then he also talked about the New World Order, and the only other person in all of history, I've found, that uses those terms exactly.
New World Order, Points of Light and Service, was Alice Bailey, the leading occultist, the first half of the 20th century, whose books were first published.
Now, George Herbert Walker isn't into that.
He's only Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, a very Christian organization.
Let's go ahead.
And it takes, quickly, because we've got a lot of calls, give each person about a minute or so.
Let us now go ahead and talk to Christopher in Canada.
Go ahead, Christopher.
Three things, Alex.
Speaking of New World Order installing their minions into power, Northern Networks in Canada just fired three Chief Officers.
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Accounting Officer.
And do you know that name?
William Owens?
Ah, yes.
Admiral William Owens is the new Chief Executive Officer of Northern Networks.
Disco North.
Well, it's like these voting companies are who's who of the CIA.
Yeah, he wrote some books, many.
He's number two in the U.S.
The second thing,
Bill C-250 passed in Canada.
That's the bill that adds sexual orientation to the so-called hate speech propaganda.
Yeah, so you can't criticize the rich.
Yeah, exactly.
We'll see what that turns into.
And number three, I ordered your DVD.
It came, it's great.
I ordered some more stuff.
Order of Chaos, two books.
Plus Matrix of Evil, the video.
Well, thank you, sir.
Yeah, but you know what?
December 17, 2003, that's when it was ordered.
It never came.
Well, we have a big problem with Canada, and I've never made any bones about that.
You need to call my office, and we'll ship it back out to you if you guess, but I've gotten probably ten letters from Canada Customs saying it's Conquer Ban Terrorism, and we don't get the videos back.
We get a letter from them, and they just take them.
Thanks for the call.
Call my office, and yeah, I'd say about half the shipments to Canada make it.
I mean, England, they go right there.
Germany, France, boom, right to you.
Canada is a... Dr. Cuddy, have you had that happen with Canada?
Uh, just a few times.
Just a few times, but it has happened once or twice.
Have you gotten the letter back from the government?
Well, I tell you, it's serious business.
In fact, if you've got questions, call my office at 512-291-5750.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kara in Colorado.
Kara, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Dr. Cuddy.
I've got a few things, actually.
I was holding way back with Ms.
Harris, so I just want to make a couple comments about that.
First of all, I noticed on the League of Women Voters site, they have official statements on their positions, and one of them is that they believe that we should eliminate the Electoral College, direct popular vote only.
So yeah, that's definitely what you can kind of tell that maybe that one's not quite as trustworthy, at least on the national level, as it used to be.
And again, they are blocking bills to have a record of your vote.
Dr. Cuddy?
Yeah, and also what you'll notice is when you go into voting places now, there's usually a computer, an automated computer, where you slip this card in, and you'll notice there's a camera back behind you.
And when you slip your card in, you'll notice that it tabs your vote, like number 468, and those cards go in in a stack, so afterwards, theoretically, it's possible for them to find out exactly how you voted.
All right.
Thank you.
Anything else?
Yeah, actually, just a couple more things.
I guess I was wondering if I could get a hold of Ms.
I went to her website and wasn't able to get a hold of her.
Or rather, there wasn't anything for contact, even like an email or anything.
You might have missed it, because it's on there.
Oh, OK.
Then the other thing, Dr. Cuddy, really quick, I guess have you read much of the Alice Bailey work?
Unfortunately, yes.
Well, I guess as far as what you've read and what I've read, I guess, are two very different things.
Because, you know, you kind of mentioned her, Ms.
Bailey, in much the way many people talk about Madame Blavatsky.
And really, they aren't the two people.
They aren't really, you know, on the same side of the fence at all.
Alice Bailey wrote a lot about some very high-level spiritual type stuff.
And Miss Blavatsky was really kind of into the more Illuminati type stuff.
Well look, when they try to get you into a cult, they get you into the white magic stuff, but at the heart of all of it, and Aleister Crowley said this, so did Anton LaVey, it's black magic my friend.
Thanks for the call.
Blavatsky, yeah, with Albert Pike and so on, but I wouldn't dismiss Alice.
Her works were first published by Lucifer Publishing, and that says quite a bit.
Thanks for the call, Kara.
Interesting points.
Tim and KC.
Tim, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
First time I've called you.
I've listened to you for about three years.
One thing, I've been sitting around here in the chat room since I got internet access back.
If you go to Yahoo chat rooms, you see a bunch of the hate people talking about.
Subhumans, uh, they don't care about their babies and everything else, so you see the old Nazi thing coming back again.
Yeah, but for the Arabs, they're subhuman, let's kill all of them.
Yeah, well, that is common, and anytime you start talking about New World Order, they start bumping you out of the room.
But the other thing I want to talk about is your new website.
Uh, yes.
What about those of us who refuse to get a credit card?
Or anything of that matter.
Uh, they've gone after PayPal and everybody else.
I've got a friend of mine that did Moopay, and the state of Missouri went after him.
Well, I mean, nothing.
I mean, you can buy gold and they can come get it.
I mean, they can come grab you tomorrow.
That's the point.
The key is getting the information out, sir.
I'm on a cash basis.
How would I get access to your website?
You know, we've thought about ways to do that where somebody mails us a check and then we give them a password.
I'll think about that.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I want to briefly get into the 9-11 Commission and jam in a few final calls here.
Ron, Dave, Frank, if we have time with Dr. Dennis Cuddy, we'll definitely have him back up sooner.
But folks, you know, the number one cause of death under 55 is sitting in your automobile.
You still do it.
Uh, you know, it's more dangerous to buy something in a store with your credit card.
It goes over the phone lines of the internet than it is to do something online that was a safe and secure server.
Uh, so all of this is a double-edged sword.
And, you know, living in fear that, you know, the government will get me if I, uh, you know, at the store buy a magazine about guns.
We outnumber them thousands to one.
The people.
We have the power.
It's now time to take action.
They're the bad guys.
They have something to hide.
We're exposing this.
That's what we're doing.
Dr. Cuddy, how do you get people past just the basic fear of even putting their head up above ground?
Well, what you need is one good challenge, which we haven't had yet.
The public had a poll, and I think like 75-80% were opposed to Naphthengap, and the Senators just did it anyway.
And the reason they did it is because the next election the public forgot, or said, well, you know, tough luck.
Our problem, so what needs to happen is, it only requires one single issue where the public actually gets outraged enough that they flood the nation.
Well, 80 plus percent of the public, even the liberals on the ground are against the open borders, but the Republicans and Democrats say, we don't care what you say.
That's right.
And they won't until they're kicked out of office, which is the key.
You have to kick them out.
Which is now how they're putting in the electronic CIA-run machines.
Real quick, because I want to make a few calls here, the 9-11 White Wash Commission, Bush is meeting yesterday.
Yeah, they're sitting around on their couches and come out and say, well, gee, you know, everything was very cordial.
And basically, from the accounts I have of what went on there, Bush is saying, yeah, well, we heard there might be an attack, but we thought it was coming over
From overseas, end of story.
And none of these people, even Romer or Kerry or Benvenista, say, look, the attacks could have easily been prevented.
And that's what I've tried to show in my article.
Well, they don't come out and say, why did you order the FBI to stop Al-Qaeda?
Why did you warn public officials?
Who did the put options at the CIA?
Why did you order civil admins to falsify transcripts?
None of those real questions are brought up.
No, and the one Sybil Edmonds, Behrouz Sarchar, who Sybil got to testify to, he said, look, in April of 2001, I told them an attack in the U.S., my information from Al-Qaeda, and using suicide planes.
I mean, how specific do you need to be?
The government ran the rules of it.
Let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
You know, I don't have much time, Alex, but you and Dr. Cuddy both
Why are the Christian media elite, I've been observing this as you know, Jay Sekulow, Pat Robertson, etc.
Why are they for the Patriot Act and why are they for keeping the military tribunals in Guantanamo?
Okay, let's get an answer to that.
Thanks, Ron.
I think the elections of 2000 were deliberately closed.
I mean, that's why they were allowed to be so close, because that caused the Pat Robertsons and others to say, oh my goodness, we can't question anything, or the pro-choice Democrats will come back into power, so we must support Bush at all costs.
All right, Dave in Colorado.
Dave, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, the globalist news has really been picking up the last couple days, huh?
What I've got in Thursday, April 29, 2004, Denver Post.
Colorado may ride brainwave of the future.
I'm good.
And it's already been used in several court cases, according to this article.
Yes, the brain scanner says you're a terrorist.
We're going to put you in the camp.
It's a black box of fraud.
We've proven a lot of factors of fraud, so they just make a more complex quack box.
Dr. Cuddy, do you agree?
Uh, yeah, along those same lines, they've already placed it, uh, Soledad Prison microchips behind the eyes of prisoners, and they can control them, make them mad or happy.
And your source on that?
Well, I'll send it to you.
I have a little booklet called Conspiracy that I wrote with the source on it.
Alright, God bless you.
We're out of time.
Take care, Dr. Cuddy.
I'll be back Monday, 11 to 2 during the day, back to 9, 9 to midnight central.
If you want to get my videos, go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free to order at 1-888-253-3139
Or, simply go to prisonplanet.tv.
Got a new update.
I'll be up there tomorrow.
An hour and a half special report for our members.
Again, back to 9 to Midnight.
God bless you all.
Have a great weekend.
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