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Name: 20040430_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 30, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones!
Ultramassive transmission against tyranny lined up for you now my friends on this live edition of
The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
Hard to believe that it's already Friday.
Well, we've learned that the government used the Patriot Act against the ACLU to block them for months.
It's not a month like the news is saying.
For months and months in a lawsuit they had filed concerning the Patriot Act.
So you see now, suing the government, they come in and use the Patriot Act on you.
They're using it against county commissioners, topless bars, pot dealers, to get people's medical records.
They said they'll use it for all crimes, or all suspected crimes.
It has nothing to do with terrorism.
Homeland Security now says their message is, and their mission is, fighting terrorism and crime, and they're helping put up the face scanning cameras nationwide.
Well now,
They've gone after Bev Harris, and Bev Harris, of course, corporate crime investigator, journalist, broken, literally, it's got to be over 50 major news stories concerning massive, scientifically crafted election fraud, coast-to-coast, how the CIA covertly runs most of these companies.
Well, I shouldn't say covertly.
Vote Here is run by Robert Gates, former head of the CIA and a bunch of admirals, but
She's been under investigation.
They've been using the Patriot Act to keep her quiet about it, and now she's refusing to do it.
Under investigation for exposing that coast-to-coast, Diebold and others have been stealing elections.
It's admitted!
Convicted computer crimes specialists, people who have been convicted and given felonies, you know, are their vice presidents.
Just caught manipulating votes with wireless transmitters in the machines.
No ballot, no record.
League of Women Voters on the dole, on the take, saying we don't want any records of how you vote.
Lobbying against Congressman Rush Holt's bill.
This is the type of stuff we're dealing with.
And she's written a 27-page article detailing this nightmare.
It is on InfoWars.com.
And they're being uploaded right now to PrisonPlanet.com.
Bev Harris is joining us in 30 minutes.
Exactly 30 minutes from now.
Then in the third hour, Dr. Dennis Cuddy worked inside the New World Order system and is an expert on 9-11, the globalist terror paradigm, you name it.
And of course, we'll also have wide open phones to get into all the latest news and developments
The Secret Service, what's your name, will subpoena this website.
And it says the Secret Service has been harassing her, telling her not to tell the public that they're investigating her using provisions out of the Patriot Act.
And then I have the article from Monday where the ACLU sues the government
over the fact that they go into cases in businesses and computers and libraries and bookstores you name it and says give us everybody's names but don't tell anybody we were here ever or you'll be arrested under terrorism in fact there's an execution clause in there in Patriot Act 2 strengthening that
And now they're using Patriot Act 1 on these people saying, yeah, you can't tell anybody about the suit until it finally got leaked out.
So, that's the new America, my friends.
It has nothing to do with terrorists at all.
Well, I guess it does.
The globalists are the terrorists taking our right to vote away.
And the average yuppie just can't face the horror that in every civilization that's had voting, there's been vote fraud, and that it's happening here again.
Happened with Kennedy, LBJ, you name it, but couldn't be happening in an orchestrated, systematic event.
When we've caught them hundreds of times doing it, we'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, now 8 minutes, 25 seconds into the second segment of this global transmission, this report against tyranny.
As we chronicle the New World Order's sinister, and I mean sinister, activities.
Yesterday, I didn't even get in to the unmitigated, unadulterated, massive, brutal, sadistic torture taking place against Iraqis in Iraq.
And then last night I had a chance, stuck in traffic for about an hour,
To listen to Neocon Radio.
I probably tune into 25 different shows across the AM band.
And they were celebrating the torture.
They were celebrating forcing the homosexual activity on these poor people.
They were celebrating having them hold electrical wires standing on a bread box over water.
They were celebrating it.
It's good!
But at the same time, it's bad when Saddam does stuff like that, but good when we do it.
See, I'm like Winston Smith in 1984.
I've got to learn my double thing to stay sane in an insane world.
I've got to learn to love Big Brother.
Every day, there's two more articles a day where it says, Big Brother's actually good.
Big Brother's actually helping.
Big Brother wasn't so bad after all.
Every day.
I know you see the articles.
I know you see it on the news.
Big Brother's helping.
Big Brother's here.
It's so wonderful!
He's our friend!
If you go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we actually had the photos up there three days ago.
And for some reason, I never talked about it.
Well, I'll tell you why for some reason.
It's like when USA Today came out and said, oh, there were plans to fly, you know, drills to fly remote-controlled hijacked jet aircraft in the World Trade Center Pentagon, done by the Pentagon.
What do you know?
You know, I almost didn't even cover that at first because, oh, that's such old news for us here on this broadcast.
And again, I'm not tuning my horn.
Oh, we're so advanced.
Oh, we have all the answers.
What I'm saying is that a lot of times when something's new to the country, new to the world, it's not new to this brain or to you, and torture, yeah.
Look, why are you hearing about this torture now?
Why did it come out on CBS News a few days ago?
Why is it a big story?
Because the hired thugs that they hired to do this, with violent histories as jail guards, you name it, because these idiots thought that it was so normal and so kosher and so acceptable what they were doing, because it was all being, you know, supported and mandated, they didn't think they were doing anything wrong.
They were proud of it!
You know, they didn't think it was a crime.
And so they were emailing it around and giving it to people, you know, video, video stills, and I've talked to my sources in the media, supposedly this video is a lot worse.
As usual, CBS is not showing you what really went on.
It came out in the London Guardian and the Associated Press, what, six months ago, that at Camp X-Ray,
And remember, the head general over Camp X-Ray, Brigadier General Rick Baucus, with a sterling record, resigned, and they said, no, you're fired, almost two years ago, and he said, I refuse to torture anyone, much less innocent people, at Camp X-Ray.
Well, then it came out later that last year, they finally had to release several hundred people who had no connection to any terrorist, and it came out that they would bring in prostitutes,
Menstruating, and I hate to get into detail here, but this is what they did.
And to a Muslim that is just very unclean, I think to anybody that is.
Much less just a prostitute, period.
And made these men have sex, chained down with prostitutes that were, well, I already said it.
Now, that was in the Associated Press, but never in your big national news.
It was on the news wires.
I didn't see it in a single paper.
Like, Rick Baucus was in the AP.
He gave a Rhode Island interview where he lives, talked about it, was in the AP.
We called him.
He said, look, I've been told to shut up.
You know, I'm not going to come on.
Kind of like the firefighters we call about the bombs going off.
They talk at first and later shut up, but just amazing.
And so the only reason you're hearing about this now is because the goons they hired to do the torture.
And for 50 years our government has trained the world how to torture.
They trained Saddam how to torture.
He went to CIA school for two years!
In Egypt and in the United States.
He was trained in the most vicious ways to torture, the most vicious ways to kill, the most vicious ways to assassinate.
With knives and rifles and bombs.
An absolute killing machine killed hundreds of communists for the CIA.
And then was put into power and lavishly tortured and lavishly did everything he did.
So these idiots, these psychopaths, these sickos that did all this to these Iraqis, basically all of them are innocent.
I mean, they just grab people randomly off the street if they don't have a license to sell tangerines.
That's been in the Associated Press.
Again, never in your newspaper.
Take them to the Halliburton-run FEMA camp.
It's a private FEMA camp.
They're at the airport.
There's dozens of them around the country.
That's the big one.
The only reason you're hearing about it, to make a long story short, is because these guys put the information out, and so they have to now say, oh, we're going to discipline or fire, not court-martial, but fire this female general.
Oh, it's all her fault.
And we're going to court-martial six of the goons.
That's two kind of words.
Six of the cowards.
Don't call our troops cowards!
Making men have homosexual sex together is a good thing!
That's conservative!
No, it's not!
Your gun control, your open borders, your neocons isn't conservative, and neither is making a bunch of naked men... Well, I don't want to go on any more of it.
I mean, come on.
In Road to Tyranny, in Masters of Terror, in Police State 3 Total Enslavement, in 9-11 Dissent into Tyranny, in Order Out of Chaos, in the two books and two videos we put out on 9-11, in these incredible Docubombs, these Info Weapons, we have the New York Times, the AP, all of it going, with these people going.
It's time to use rubber hoses and pliers!
It's time to torture people!
In the law enforcement magazines, yeah, let's torture people!
Yeah, let's chill them!
Let's torture!
Torture's good!
And then, not just in reality, but then in fiction, you know, chaining people down in 24 and Threat Matrix, blood spraying, torture their bodies, smoking, and the good guys have to do it, and torture's good.
School of America's for over 50 years, changed the name a year and a half ago.
Train people worldwide, death squads, you name it.
How to hook electrodes to people's sexual organs.
How to do things I won't even mention on air.
How to put a funnel in somebody's mouth and pour gallons of hot water down it.
How to shoot Tabasco sauce up people's noses.
How to pull fingernails out.
And the psychology of how you're doing good by this.
And the naive American people don't even care, aren't even aware of it.
Aren't even aware of it.
And so, some of their sickos think it's totally legal, think it's okay.
You know, they get Fox Television in the barracks where torture's good and how wonderful it is, and they're told to torture these people, so, hey, let's email the video!
Let's pass photos out!
Every few days I see a photo of
Troops making a child stand up saying, the Marines killed my father, raped my mother!
I love them!
And the child smiling, and the troops laughing behind them.
Troops with skulls on their tanks.
Troops with 666 on their helicopters.
Reuters Television had all that.
Just swarms of helicopters with 666 coming in.
And the Arabs call us the Great Satan.
I wonder why.
But I really got sick last night.
We're stuck in traffic, listening, just flipping through channels, going, no, no, no, it can't be, and this is what I would hear, George Bush is a master, he's so incredible, he should have testified publicly, oh, this commission's so liberal, two of them walking out, you know, more theater, oh, oh, you know, the troops torturing these people, well, they're terrorists, they're killing our people, we gotta get tough, level Fallujah, kill them all!
I mean, I'm living in Nazi Germany!
I'm living in Nazi Germany.
I'm living in... it's just sick!
And so, I didn't last few days even cover the torture in the photos of people with hoods over their heads, in literal sheets with holes all in it, dirty, standing on top of bread boxes with water flowing beneath them with electricity hooked up to them.
You know, men all piled up having to engage in sexual activities.
You know, I don't even want to cover the Associated Press and the London Guardian where it's admitted that they bring in prostitutes with these poor men chained down who have their devout religious beliefs and do this to them.
But that's not the beginning of the torture.
I mean, they say it's not torture when they fly them over naked
Chained down on C-130s, all those photos of them naked on 23-hour flights, chained down naked with aircrafts that aren't heated, literally going into hypothermia, a lot of them dying, putting them into
Containers, and leaving them in the sun for three days.
Three thousand of them, or much of the three thousand died.
Those that didn't, they lined them all up and machine gunned them.
When four reporters got the news report and satellite phoned it in, they then got into the Northern Alliance territory and got whacked by some of the mercs so they couldn't tell the full story.
That's your loving government, who admits, by the way, they target and kill Western journalists.
All admitted, right out in the open, right out there for everybody to see.
And they put goggles on them, headsets on them, nose plugs in them, a mask over their face so they can barely breathe, chain their hands behind their back or in front of them, and make them sit on their knees.
I want you to sit down right now and put your feet up underneath your knees and then be forced to lean back on that.
You try that for five minutes.
It's one of the most horrible forms of torture.
Imagine having to hold your arms out to your side.
Remember in football when you were bad, they'd make you hold the two helmets out to your side and after a minute or two it became agonizing?
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Ben Harris!
Who had the United Nations, that's who runs the internet, shut down her websites for exposing Diebold's internal memos that the idiots had a link to on their website.
Defeated them in court.
And now she's been the focus of harassment by the Secret Service and others using the Patriot Act telling her to keep her mouth shut.
So, see, it's to fight the evildoers that hate the freedom.
That's what the Patriot Act is all about.
And the terrorists attack us because they hate our freedom.
I bet the terrorists would like to take our right to vote away.
I bet the terrorists of the types would try to shut down a woman who's been exposing election fraud and making major news reports over and over again.
So, that's coming up, my friends.
Again, making somebody sit there with electrical wires in their hands on a bread box over water for hour after hour after hour, making people contort into weird positions, making people do unspeakable... Dozens and dozens and dozens have died at Camp X-Ray, have died at the camps in Iraq, and it's always suicide or an accident.
But then our TV shows tell us that torture is good, and the news says torture is good, and they hire all these jail guards, send them to Iraq, and they're going to come back and do it to you!
That's what it's all about, having our new ruling elite.
Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney, together, to keep their story straight,
I had a little meeting together yesterday with the 9-11 Whitewash Commission.
Remember, they tried to have Henry Kissinger be the first so-called independent head of it.
It's like having Jiang Zemin investigate Mao Zedong.
And they go in there for this closed-door meeting, and the major report is that Senator Kerry and one of the other buffoons left for other meetings.
Oh, how disrespectful of the leader!
That isn't even the issue!
It doesn't even matter!
They're all New World Order!
Mr. Kerry was a hit-team commander running giant torture squads, admittedly, that killed tens of thousands of people in South Vietnam!
The corrupt South wanted your business or your wife.
You're supposedly a Viet Cong.
We're going to torture you and Mr. Kerry helped run that.
So, I mean, it's just a sick joke, my friends.
And Bush came out, I heard this on NPR, I was out working on a new video last night, didn't get to watch it.
I didn't hear the audio, and I did record it, because I had the VCR set for midnight when it re-aired on C-SPAN.
Bush goes, if I had anything to hide, I wouldn't be talking to the Commission.
If I had anything to hide?
I mean, how guilty is that?
If I had anything to hide?
I'm not a crook!
And all these softball questions by the reporters, I just heard some snippets of it, I haven't watched the video yet, I just heard Bush say that.
I mean, what a joke!
What a sick, sick, sick joke.
And they didn't put Bill Clinton under oath.
They didn't put George Bush under oath.
They didn't put Dick Cheney under oath.
As if they follow an oath despite that.
I mean, we've caught them lying to us hundreds of times.
You know, the Spain bombings were very suspicious.
Ten precision bombings right before an election.
The police had been out in their big squads right before the attack.
They weren't letting people on certain trains.
This is out of the major Spanish papers.
It was on 3-11, 911 days after 9-11.
Very, very serious.
Then a few weeks ago, when they were going to bust some of the bombers, supposedly, the Spanish News reported, we just talked to the police, they're planting bombs in the building, the police are, we just saw them doing it, and then they just said it's for everyone's safety, that's what they said, and suddenly the whole building blows up, and no, no, no, that report was wrong!
The terrorists blew themselves up, but now we can't talk to them, because they're all dead.
Well, BBC reports, and it's the same thing every time,
Spain's suspects were informants!
They're always living with the FBI, living with MI6 or MI5, or living with and having their cars and credit cards and homes paid for by the intelligence agencies.
The Spanish Interior Minister says it is investigating reports that two suspects in the 11 March Madrid train bombings were police informants.
The move came after Spain's El Muno newspaper said that Moroccan Raif Zur and Spaniard Jose Emilio Suras had been in contact with police before the attacks.
The men are suspected of providing dynamite for the attacks, which killed 191 people.
Yeah, like the FBI, through an Egyptian security force agent, Salam, giving him the bombs, telling him to carry out the bombing.
He says, no way, records the FBI and the First World Trade Center bombing, telling him to go ahead and bomb the building.
That's your loving government, folks.
Same thing, every time, it never ceases.
It's the same thing, over and over again, we'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up here in just one moment we're going to have the premier expert on electronic voting machine fraud run by, in her words, companies with no visible means of support but their boards heavily infested with defense industry types, former CIA directors, you name it.
So that's coming up here in a few minutes and she's been under investigation or part of an investigation and she's been harassed mightily and the Secret Service told her to keep her mouth shut
And not to talk!
And just things got worse and worse and now she's going public.
She's written a detailed 27-page report about this.
And it's at blackboxvoting.org.
It's also on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
They've been trying to bring down her site.
All types of stuff.
You need to go to her website.
She has her book free for download.
An incredible book.
I think you should buy a copy there, a hard copy.
Mirror it on your website.
Make sure this gets out.
Because by the time you see it in your mainstream newspaper, it's just, oh, there's a few problems with the voting machines.
Yeah, like engineers quitting and saying it's a total fraud, and vice presidents being convicted hackers, and wireless machines manipulating votes in real time being caught, and then, oh, it's just an accident, and... Again, it's all coming up here in just a few minutes.
Just some major bombshell events for you.
But before we do that, we've launched PrisonPlanet.TV.
And we did this because we have 20 million visitors a month, up from 8 million just a few months ago.
We're growing geometrically.
I keep having to pay for more servers.
In fact, I put in an order for another server yesterday.
That will make it 5.
We have to!
The fifth server will just be so all our subscribers at PrisonPlanet.TV never have slowdowns.
And again, that also supports the other servers.
PrisonPlanet.TV, every week I'm going to put up an hour report.
This week's report is going to be about an hour and a half long.
Again, every week I'm going to put together another documentary, basically, for you.
It'll be for subscribers, and then after a few months I think we'll put it on the main site, if we can handle the bandwidth.
Weekly text reports for subscribers, audio, our best interviews, all my films.
When a new film comes out, it'll go on there for a few weeks first, before it's even released on VHS or DVD.
We're about to put Watson in my book up there.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.TV, sign up for 15 cents a day if you buy a year subscription, 19 cents a day if you buy a monthly subscription, a cup of coffee costs you 99 cents if it's a gas station, 2 bucks, 3 bucks if it's Starbucks.
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We need your support.
Go sign up today.
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I get really fired up on the days where I've already done several interviews.
I did an hour and fifty minute interview on Ktalk and
Salt Lake City in another interview, so I'm pretty pumped up right now.
Let me just read a few paragraphs from a 27-page article, and then we'll get to Beth Harris, who's being persecuted, and who is a modern American hero, one of the best and brightest people I know of, and if we had more like her, we would save this country.
And if more of you don't stand up, it's over.
BlackBoxVoting.org, Main Story.
The Secret Service wants your name.
We'll subpoena this website.
And by the way, they read every word.
Hi, Agent Mike.
This investigation no longer passes the stink test, Bev says to him through the communication.
He says not to tell folks about the investigating they are doing.
I have cooperated ad nauseam to this absurd investigation of the Vote Here hack, which looks to me like it's something entirely different.
I'll tell you what it looks like to me.
A fishing expedition.
It appears that they may be using the Patriot Act, which we found out they are, just like they told the ACLU they couldn't talk about a lawsuit against the Patriot Act under the Patriot Act, to circumvent some of the civil rights protections laid down in the 60s.
You see, it is illegal for a government agency to go in and demand the list of all members of a group.
And you can investigate leaks to journalists by going in and grabbing the reporter's computer.
After the Diebold memos were leaked, put on their main website, folks, and my website was shut down, around the time of the California recall election, which Diebold basically ran, I started getting solicited to accept VoteHear software.
I didn't bite because it was obvious that it was an entrapment attempt.
Okay, a word about Vote Here.
This is the company that has no visible means of support.
It doesn't seem to sell anything.
Its board is heavily infested, as all voting companies are, with defense industry types.
A former CIA director, Robert Gates, now heads George Bush's school of government.
He's on the board.
And Admiral Bill Owens, also vice chairman of SAIC and a member of the Defense Policy Board, with Mr. Perl and Wolfowitz, a very close friend of Cheney, Washington's Secretary of State, Ralph Munro, and others.
And it says, under the Patriot Act, hacking crimes were turned over to a new division called the Cyber Crimes Division and placed under the auspices of the Secret Service.
And let me tell you what they want from me now.
They want the logs of my website with all the forum messages and the IP addresses, that's right, all of them, a giant phishing expedition for every communication of everyone interested in the voting issue.
This has nothing to do with Vote Here Hack investigation and I have refused to turn it over.
Now understand, this is a chilling effect.
They went after universities that posted the Diebold documents, and finally they backed them off and defeated them.
Criminal documents showing the manipulation of our elections, showing the cover-up, showing up the holes in the software, that somebody linked on their page, that they found on the server, no hacking, just clicking,
Then they went after Bev, she defeated them, and now they're after her again, telling her not to speak out, not to defend herself.
She's doing the right thing fighting back.
Whenever they grab you for something, state, federal, or local, they'll tell you, shut up and we'll go easy on you.
That is a complete fraud.
If we stood up to this persecution, they couldn't get away with it.
Bev, thanks for holding for seven minutes while I ranted and raved.
Good to have you on.
It's good to be back, Alex.
I talked to you during the break and I mentioned what had happened with, and I know you're busy with the voting issue, and you weren't aware of it, ACLU sued questions FBI methods of obtaining records, what's happening to you right now, the American Civil Liberties Union disclosed Wednesday that it filed a lawsuit
Weeks and weeks ago, challenging the FBI's methods of obtaining many business records, but the group was barred from revealing even the existence of the case until now under the Patriot Act, but finally it was leaked.
They threatened to arrest ACLU lawyers, saying, talking about your suit against us is an act of terrorism.
Same thing they're trying on others.
Go ahead, Beth.
This is getting outrageous.
It's absolute misuse of the Patriot Act.
And this is basically just
It's taking something and another blank check.
In other words, we just gave them a blank check with the Patriot Act and said, do whatever you want.
And they are.
Well, they wrote it for the general public and they said they're going to use it on the public in their congressional testimony.
But then when they talked to the media, they said, oh, no, it's not for the public.
They're already using it against pot dealers.
You name it.
Yeah, they began using it against all kinds of silly things.
They used it against eBay once, on some kind of a credit card thing.
And I actually wrote something up about this, oh, about a year ago.
I never dreamed it was going to be me next, but this is the way it's going to be.
You're hitting them and hitting them hard because the three major voting companies all have CIA people on the board, obvious Defense Department funding, taking over our voting, we've caught them coast to coast.
Give people an overview of what's happening and the attack you're under.
The attack I'm under, the attack the industry's under, because I think that's what's really spurring it.
What happened in California last week has got them absolutely running for cover, because you have now the California Voting Board recommended to the Secretary of State that he decertify Diebold in four counties and turn them over for criminal prosecution.
So you see, we're drawing blood at this point.
And rightly so, because the documents that were leaked last week were Diebold's own lawyers' memos, in which Diebold's own lawyers are telling Diebold it's been committing crimes, and its lawyers are sitting there discussing how to lie to the Secretary of State.
It doesn't get much worse than this.
So yes, funny thing,
Just as this happened, I get my next call.
Let's stop calling Diebold the CIA.
So the CIA is in a lot of trouble.
Well, whoever is involved with it is in a lot of trouble.
No question about it.
They don't like the fact that they're getting caught.
And by the way, Bob Yerosevich, President of Diebold Election Systems, said in front of the California Voting Panel, we were caught.
I'm sorry.
Now what does that mean?
He didn't say, we made a mistake.
He said, we were caught.
You see, this is where we've come to.
And the fact that this company can even be, it's still counting votes.
Although, by the way, California decertified it.
Most of the country.
It's going to be the largest company counting votes in 2016.
Now, I have an article here where it says that two brothers are going to own and control 80% of it.
Bob Yerosevich, who I just mentioned, the fellow who said we got caught, is the president of Diebel Election Systems, and the other biggest company, Election Systems and Software, one of the executives there is his brother Todd Yerosevich.
Together, they founded Election Systems and Software, and now two different brothers are in management at two different companies that control 80% of the vote.
Again, for people that just joined us, Diebold engineers have gone public, said it's a complete fraud, makes it in a few regional papers, never in the national news.
You've talked to all the big reporters, they all want to do it, they've been told no.
Diebold has convicted felons running elections in the last California election.
They've been caught with wireless transmitters.
The other companies, right here in Austin, Michael McCall, down in the polls, but he's married to the Clear Channel owner's daughter.
Clear Channel was his biggest contributor.
He was Janet Reno's personal lawyer, a good Bush Republican, covering up Chinagate and Waco.
Despite the fact that he's down in the polls, I said, no, he's going to win, because guess what?
Guess who owns Hart InterCivics that 80% of his ballots were counted on?
Clear Channel is his biggest contributor.
He's married to the family, and they own the voting machines, Bev.
Well, and yes, Tom Hicks, by the way, is a big Clear Channel person, and he has a large, large stake in that company.
So, these companies are not independent.
And by the way, there are voting machine companies that produce paper ballots that are independent, that are honest businessmen.
There are three of them that are out there.
They've been
Certified, they've been used in elections, but we're not buying from the good companies.
But the federal mandate, the billions of dollars is mandating these touchscreens.
How do we stop them?
Well, understand something.
There's three companies who are making touchscreens with a paper ballot.
They're very good companies.
It's just that the county officials are not buying their equipment.
They're telling everyone a complete lie and saying they're not certified.
They are.
They like the special machines.
They like the ones you can't audit.
Which is basically the only difference is the ones without the paper, no one can check up on them to see what happened.
Now where's the League of Women Voters?
They've been energetically
Well, let me tell you about the League of Women Voters.
They're fixing to have a meeting in June, and their local chapters are going to have it out with the national chapter, because the local chapters
By and large, what a paper ballot.
The national chapter, for some mysterious reason, is absolutely dead set against it.
And so I'm going to join the League of Women Voters, by the way.
Don't you think I should?
I think you should!
I think I should be there!
And I encourage everybody else who believes in fair voting and an honest election
And a paper ballot to join the League of Women Voters and let's all show up at their national meeting and voice our opinion.
Well, how do... Exactly.
But imagine the premier, you know, guardians of the republic, guarding the vote.
Bill, and we do not want any record of the voting.
And I'll tell you something right now.
If the League of Women Voters was on the right side of this issue, we would already have national legislation to protect our vote.
Well, the globalists are Trojan Horse masters.
I mean, we'd have our Second Amendment back if it wasn't for the Trojan Horse NRA, but people can't get their minds past the label that the NRA is worse for guns than Chuckie Schumer.
And I mean that when I say it.
Now, let's go back here, Bev.
You're under attack, this Secret Service agent.
How did this start?
What's going on?
Break this down for people.
Well, it started legitimately, in a way.
The vote here claimed that it was hacked.
Now, I say claimed because this is a company that's run by CIA cryptographers who specialize in security.
So, I have to say, it's a little odd, the timing, and it seems a little unusual that someone would be able to hack into such a place, but they claimed they were hacked.
And at the same time, I had received these solicitations for the VoteHere software, which I didn't take.
I felt it was entrapment.
I didn't bother.
What I got was an email that said, click this link for the VoteHere software.
Now, this was ridiculous, because VoteHere had announced it was going to be putting its software on the web as open source momentarily.
So the idea that you would go and get it in some clandestine way when it was going to be out there anyway.
And I don't know anyone who's interested in their software.
They don't sell anything.
They're not anywhere.
We have better things to look at.
Be that as it may, because I had gotten this solicitation, I did not feel it was inappropriate to talk to the people who were investigating this so-called hack.
And the first thing I did was tell them, make sure there was even a crime.
Because it sounds to me like this may have been not really a crime.
This may have been an effort to get more information.
Then, as they began supposedly investigating this vote here hack, they spent almost all their time asking questions about the Diebold memos, which have nothing to do.
This is two different companies.
And they admit that Diebold, Diebold, somebody put it on their open server, obviously leaking it, and no one had to hack to get this, and they admit that.
They don't even... It's worse than that.
When they investigate this, they say, we're not interested in that and we don't care how the debolt thing happened, but then all of their questions have to do with that.
So it's like, well, what are you investigating here?
Are you investigating vote here?
Are you investigating this other thing?
And then, most recently, the agent made sort of a pointed reference, and he said, by the way, I was on the plane with you recently.
I was like, well, what are they doing now?
Trying to tell me they're following me?
This is silly.
Well, let's give their names when we get back.
For your protection, yeah.
I think you need to be very careful, Bev.
The Central Intelligence Agency does not appreciate you trying to stop them from overthrowing this country, as they've done a hundred third world nations.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right.
We're talking to Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org.
Spread the word.
Mirror her site.
Get the information out.
Act on it.
Warn everybody.
Bev Harris, continuing with this agent who's telling you not to talk to the public.
How many meetings have you had with him?
What's his name?
How many agents have you talked to?
What are you dealing with right now?
Face-to-face meetings.
It's been either two or three, and then at least three more by telephone interview.
He brought an FBI agent with him one time.
He now tells me that he wants me to talk to the United States Attorney.
I actually did put his full name on the web, and then I'm not going to do that.
I'm calling him Agent Mike.
Mike is his first name.
I'm going to give them an opportunity to behave correctly.
One more.
Now, the minute I get a subpoena or I end up with these federal marshals at my house, which I've been told may happen, you know, grabbing things, at that point everything is going to have to go public.
But I'm going to assume maybe they just overreached and they'll rethink things.
We'll see.
Well, look, they're very upset that all this is coming out.
They are not happy campers.
Well, Bev, so you don't want people to know this guy's name.
I just tend to do things in a sequential fashion and I think we've outed the situation here and I have lawyered up so that they have to go through that.
Between you and me, there's nuts out there who do stupid things, too.
I don't really want to have his family targeted or anything like that.
Well, that's not going to happen.
None of us want anything like that, but we need to know.
You know, these guys want to sneak around when they're public servants.
We need to know who's telling you to keep your mouth shut.
Oh, yeah.
He works for the Secret Service.
Not the FBI, but he works for the Secret Service, and he's in the Seattle office.
You know, he may just have actually believed this story about Vote Here.
I just don't, I don't know.
Yeah, but you say he keeps bringing up Diebold.
I mean, we need to know who our public servants are and what they're doing.
And the timing of his calls doesn't make sense either.
Every time there's a big news event with Diebold, I get a call.
You know, and it's like, well, what does this have to do with Vote Here?
I mean, look, the government's already shut your website down once and then tried to shut universities down that were exposing public information, Bev.
They're trying to stop the truth.
And, you know, this character may be just a useful idiot, but, you know, for the record, it's good to know who's doing this.
Now, he's telling you not to talk.
What does he say to you?
Well, he feels that, you know, if I talk about it, it'll alert the other witnesses.
Oh, let me tell you this.
I have not told this in public yet.
You get a scoop.
A small one.
One of the reasons I decided to go public, you see, is he was investigating a couple of other people who had some documents that might be of interest, or he said he was.
And actually, their documents are a lot more responsive to the Vote Here hack than mine are.
And so, I asked him, when he started demanding that I come in and do all these things, I said, well, have you talked to these other two people or asked them for their documents, which are actually responsible?
Well, he had not.
Now, originally, he said, you know, don't tell anybody about this, because I don't want the other people to know that, you know.
And if he's really investigating a crime of a hack into Vote Here, that's plausible.
But then if you don't even go talk to those people and you don't ask for their documents, which are very responsive, and then you keep coming back to me, then we're up to something else altogether.
And at that point, I just said, OK, enough's enough.
If you were serious about Vote Here, you'd be asking for the stuff that I told you to ask for and who to ask.
And no, they seem to be wanting my stuff.
And the stuff he's asking for makes no sense.
For example, he says he wants the web logs from my site during the time of the Vote Here hack.
Well, my site was shut down during that time.
We discussed that it was shut down due to the debold cease and desist.
So there wouldn't be any weblogs.
And then it's like, well, you're not going to give them to us?
Well, you're being uncooperative.
And about that time, my lawyer said, well, you may now see some U.S.
Marshals showing up trying to seize your computer.
Well, that would be just a ruse then, if that's the case.
Well, it's very important that everybody mirror blackboxvoting.org right now.
Would you agree with that?
I think it's important to have that ability out there.
Okay, stay there.
A lot of other news concerning the election fraud itself when we get back in the second hour.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we've got Dr. Dennis Cuddy, expert on the New World Order, joining us in the third hour.
For another 30 minutes, we're going to have Bev Harris from BlackBoxVoting.org, targeted by Diebold and other sinister groups trying to shut down her site, trying to shut down universities, exposing public documents about all the scams that were going on.
Now the state of California is talking about indicting Diebold officials and others.
They've been caught red-handed engaging in... their engineers have gone public.
But this is just one company.
There's other companies.
Vote here and others.
Former CIA directors and admirals on their boards.
It's like a CIA reunion, basically, front companies.
In weird fishing expeditions.
Nothing to do with Bev Harris, who's a corporate crime investigator and award-winning journalist.
Just incredible what's happening to her and they're telling her not to talk about how they're investigating, how they're, you know, they want information from her about a non-existent hack of vote here, the CIA front.
And then they're always bringing up her other investigations, and basically trying to intimidate her, and telling her to be quiet, and now she's speaking up.
And we have her 27-page analysis of this at InfoWars.com.
Bev Harris, I'm going to ask one of my webmasters to mirror a lot of your site, if that's okay, because they brought your site down once, and now you could be raided any day, as your lawyers are telling you.
Would you like me to do that?
You know, that's why I've tried to make all the information available from the get-go to as many people, because this is a situation where we've got a clear and present danger to our democracy.
And we need to have everybody putting their shoulder to the wall.
I think it's a great idea.
Okay, we've just got a few minutes in this quick segment.
You're talking to a jury in a summation, two and a half minutes.
What's happening with election fraud?
Who's behind it?
And how do we stop it?
Well, what we have is machines that were
Constructed and enabled for fraud.
We have election officials who sometimes are paying no attention whatsoever to doing their due diligence.
They're simply listening to whatever the manufacturers say.
They're parroting talking points written by public relations firms, which were hired by the manufacturers.
And then they're running out and spending millions of dollars of your money, taxpayers' money, on these machines, which basically take away the auditability or the ability to prove that the vote was counted correctly.
This is the situation, and we've got conflicts of interest at the highest levels of the companies that are producing these machines.
So, essentially, American democracy now is based on the vote, and you end up with a handful of cronies in a private company with secret software counting your vote, and you can't watch.
And you don't even know, by the way, if it's your vote, because you can't even see how the vote was recorded.
This is not how you run a democracy.
And Bev, they've been caught coast-to-coast, hundreds of articles admitted were accidentally miscounting, or criminals running it, or engineers going public, or a wireless internet connecting during the election, changing votes.
I mean, they've been caught, these companies, all across the country doing this, and nothing ever happens to them.
They've been caught, and you're right.
We seem to be going through this phase where corporations are running the government and can do anything they want and don't have to follow the law.
You know, well, I won't say, I'll say big corporations.
Now, those of us who own small corporations, who are just honest local businessmen, we get nailed for all, you know, we have to do every single thing just exactly the right way, but these big ones just do whatever they want.
Well, that's fascism!
They're organized crime syndicates.
They control the government.
It's parasitic.
It's predatory.
Right, right.
And what we're seeing now, I really take my hat off to California.
They may not be going as far as I'd like them to be, but at least they're looking at it, and at least they're trying to be objective about this.
I want to talk more about that.
We've got them right, but there's discussions of criminal charges now.
And Bev, you've got a huge archive.
I mean, every week there's probably 15 new articles of election fraud where they catch them doing stuff.
But just take, you know, say five or six, ten of the big election fraud where they've been caught red-handed, these big companies, from Texas to Kentucky to California to New York.
Some of the criminals, public criminals, they have working for them.
And then the criminal charges that may be coming.
Then we'll take some calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You'll have a chance to talk to Bev Harris, the premier
Defender of your right to vote, of the First Amendment.
That's part of it.
Freedom of the press, religion, protests, voting, all of it.
And it's sinister.
I mean, the CIA, they just brag.
I saw some guy on Fox News last night.
I never watch TV and I watch and he goes, when I was in the CIA we killed a lot of people.
We need to kill everybody over there and hire thugs and dictators and pay them lots.
This is what we do.
It's like,
I mean, it's gangsters watching Armitage.
It's like watching The Kingpin with his big bald head laughing, ha ha, I'll tell you how we do it.
We handle everything real good.
I mean, it's just, it's like watching The Sopranos or something.
Ha, yeah, we're running your voting machines, ha ha.
Yeah, don't worry, we're real conservative.
You can grind on us.
We've overthrown a lot of countries and now we're doing it to you.
We're going to shut that Ben Harris down.
Shut that lady up!
She's not going to stop us!
We run things!
I mean, seriously folks, that's what it's come down to.
So, Bev Harris, most of the people out there aren't ever going to go read all the hundreds of mainstream articles that are regionalized, where our boys are publicly being caught by people like you, our own employees are blowing the whistle.
What are you going to do about it, Bev?
Yeah, what are we going to do about it?
It's us, isn't it?
You got a problem, lady?
We run things!
You got it, Mac?
Well, the most troublesome thing, isn't it, is that they don't really run things when there's 200 million Americans.
It's just that we need to light a fire under the 200 million Americans to say enough is enough.
Oh, yeah.
Well, what happens when the boogeyman terrorist pops out?
That'll distract you real quick.
We own you, lady.
We own the country.
You know, that kind of stuff isn't fooling a lot of us anymore, is it?
I'm the kingpin, didn't you hear?
Yeah, well, it doesn't seem to be just all about power and fear of losing it.
I mean, it's just not even about money, although it is about that.
Bev, our boys at Diebold told us they will deliver the votes to us!
Indeed they did!
Indeed they did.
So, uh, probably it's up to us as voters to, uh, deliver Diebold right out the door.
Okay, well let's get into what's happening in California in more detail.
But first, give us just a smattering, and you've got hundreds of these on your site.
We have, you know, a lot on Prison Planet, but you keep it up to date every week.
I mean, give them some of the examples of what these companies have been caught doing.
Well, for one thing, whatever it is that they tell us that we're buying and that they hand over, you know, to the certifiers is not within the machines.
Indiana just found that Election Systems and Software was using uncertified software in its machines.
California has found that every county except for one used uncertified software.
Let me explain what that means.
That means the software that is counting the votes in the machines, nobody has authorized or looked at.
We don't know the names of who wrote it and we don't know what it does.
And so that's one thing.
And the machines are miscounting.
They lost 7,000 votes in Orange County, California.
San Diego County, 40% of the machines didn't work on Election Day.
The Associated Press reported that in the last two years, one million votes have been lost.
I mean, we're talking about... We don't even have any idea, because you see what we did with
We don't even have the procedures in place to even know what's going on.
But I went around and started visiting poll workers and election judges and I said, did you see anything?
This stuff is not even getting reported.
Look, I'm here in Austin.
It finally got reported three weeks after we brought it out.
Magically, people that were pro-America were all winning.
Suddenly the machines all malfunctioned, the new ones, while the clerk was out mysteriously.
And then suddenly all the numbers flipped, but oh, no investigation.
Well, that's the kind of thing.
There isn't a procedure when stuff doesn't match.
Listen, I talked to an election judge down in San Diego.
She said her machines didn't even agree with their own self.
The screen would say one result, and the little ticker tape they print out at the end of the day to see how many voters showed up would say a completely different number than the screen.
Now, think about this.
Suppose you have a computer, and you have a document on the screen, and you hit the print button.
Isn't that kind of unusual that the thing that will come out of the printer is something completely different?
Well, also, I mean, I'm talking about all the articles we post, you post, where there's 10,000 registered voters and 14,000 vote for the establishment candidate when there's not even that many voters.
Oh, absolutely!
I mean, Indiana, you know, 5,000 voters in one area and 144,000 votes showed up.
This is the kind of thing where you have to say,
Well, then they go ahead and certify it and go, oh yes, they've been elected.
Well, in Orange County, they know that 7,000 people got the wrong ballot that didn't even have the right things on, and they did.
They went right ahead and certified it, even though there was not 7,000 votes separating some of the races.
Now, they caught Diebold a couple of elections ago in California with the touchscreens, going in to the computers during the election.
Talk about that.
That was actually not Diebold.
That was Sequoia Voting Systems, a little-known
One that will start getting onto the radar now.
Sequoia Voting Systems, which is in Houston, by the way, I believe, is, yeah, there was a guy who was a technician for the company, and by California law, it's illegal for a technician to go dinking around with a machine during the middle of its accounting.
But he's outside the building.
He has a disk or a memory card in his pocket.
He pulls it out.
He says, let's see if this will work.
He goes into the central tabulator, which is counting 600,000 votes for the entire county of Riverside, puts the card into the central tabulator machine, uploads something, and the witnesses said you could see it was uploading because the little status bar was going, you know, across the screen.
Then after it was uploaded, he put the card back in his pocket, left the office.
These guys are chasing him, saying, what's on that card?
What's on that card?
He says, it's my personal card.
Then he gets on a plane and goes to Denver.
He leaves the state with his evidence in his pocket.
So there's guys just running in, doing stuff.
And this is not the only one.
Election Systems and Software.
In Stanislaus County, three people had access.
And there's no procedure.
And this is the places that actually have a window so we can see.
The latest thing is, when they get to Central Count and they start tallying up the votes, they shut the door and we're not allowed to watch.
So we don't even know who's in there.
They always do that in Austin.
Now, on top of this, we also have, again, cases, as I mentioned, of convicted felons running elections.
Well, yeah, and we haven't even finished with that.
Andy Stevenson and I, and Andy's just, he is a hero.
He's running for Secretary of State, and he and I are suing our own Secretary of State over all this stuff.
But, you know, he and I started looking at criminal records of these guys.
And we found a guy who'd been indicted for Sequoia Voting Systems, we found a guy who'd been indicted for ES&S, we found five people for Diebold, and we didn't half get finished.
You know, the criminal courts building closed before we were able to finish our list of twenty people.
I have to tell you, I'm laughing, but it's because this is so out of control.
You know, if you don't
Have a sense of humor while you're investigating this one.
You would just be going into a dark depression.
Okay, now the latest developments with Diebold, out in California, saying, oh yeah, we got caught, we're sorry.
In a nutshell, tell folks about that.
Got caught again.
I think one of the California voting panel hit the nail on the head when he said,
I feel like I'm in that movie, Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray, where I keep hearing the same lies from Diebold over and over and over.
They were caught back in October and November.
They were caught again in December.
They wrote a letter, which is on the California Secretary of State, promising never to do it again.
And they got caught again.
Never do what again?
Never to put uncertified software in the machines that they made up at the last minute.
They did it again in March, right before Super Tuesday.
And they also stepped up to the voting panel and lied about it because they didn't know we had a witness who worked for them who actually was told to install the uncertified stuff.
He came up next and I will tell you the cross-examination of Diebold that followed that was not pretty to watch.
Oh my goodness, so now they're talking about criminal charges.
Yeah, they pulled back certification and there's going to be a big decision today.
We're going to see what happens because the panel can recommend what to do and they recommended unanimously the decertification and that they turn Diebold over to the Attorney General for criminal prosecution.
The Secretary of State today has the authority to make some directed
uh... uh... decisions and uh... so we're going to be some more news i think coming out of california today don't know how far he's going to go but this should be interesting and then we also have people like uh... senator hagel who wants the national draft he owns the voting machines that people vote for him on well yeah he and his campaign finance director and you also have the state of ohio who this is just bizarre now california has found that the TSX machine that was used by Diebold
Massively failed.
Disenfranchised voters.
Well, it failed to us.
It worked quite well for them.
Well, people couldn't even vote.
It failed so badly you couldn't even cast a vote.
And so, what is Ohio doing?
Ohio counties are running right out and buying the exact machine that California just decertified.
Somebody explain that to me.
I mean, we're talking about a $130 million purchase.
And they're running out and buying what California just decertified and submitted for criminal prosecution.
That's irresponsible.
Well, I mean, if you're a criminal, you want a criminal system.
Criminals gotta help each other.
I just spoke with an Ohio reporter this morning and he said, but Diebold is an Ohio company.
And I said, well, I don't care if it's an Ohio company.
Its own lawyers are saying in their own memos that it broke the law repeatedly.
What do we have to do here, guys?
It's amazing.
We're going to come back and talk to Carlos, Mike, Kirk, and others with Beth Harris.
The website is blackboxvoting.org, also blackboxvoting.com.
If you've got a website, mirror her report or mirror her book that she's put out for free.
Buy a copy of it, an original nice cover color copy of it, but also get it out to everybody.
If people still read
I still care about freedom.
You need to buy this book or go download it for free.
Bev, can people obviously order the book off the website?
Yeah, they can also order it from Amazon.
By the way, don't go to .com.
That site is a bit of a renegade right now.
He seems to think I wrote the book for free.
Whatever gets bought off of that site, I'll never see.
Oh, so you don't want the... No, it's by someone else.
Just .org.
Go to .org.
Okay, .org.
Okay, great.
Thanks a lot, Bev.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, we're talking to Bud Harris.
Let's go straight to the calls.
Carlos in California, thanks for holding.
You're on the air, sir.
Good to talk to you, Carlos.
Alex, how you doing?
Yes, uh, you know, uh, I heard some reports some time ago where
An official from Debalt was engaged in a Republican election strategy session with officials from the Republican Party.
He was in the session with them, and what he said is that he was going to try and swing the vote, the Ohio vote, to them.
Well, his quote is, we will deliver the Republican Party, we will deliver Georgia.
What's the exact quote, then?
We will deliver the election to Bush in 2004.
No, we will deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush in 2004.
Something like that.
And folks, that's public.
That's on the record.
He wrote that.
He didn't even just say it.
He wrote it in a letter.
Is that arrogant or what?
But I just want to impress on Ms.
Harris to stand her ground.
The New World Order has got an onslaught on many diplomats who curtail our mediums of communication, our communication.
You know, they're setting up free speech stones
In universities, in areas where the president arrives, I mean, this is ridiculous!
Yes, and you know, I want to say something for Carlos, because I want Carlos to spread the word on this, it's not well known.
Sequoia Voting Systems is going into heavily Hispanic areas, and that system we now have looked at, it is amazing!
It can flip the Spanish language ballots to the opposite candidate.
I have no idea why that feature's in there, but we gotta do something.
Because when you create the ballot that shows up on the touch screen on Sequoia Voting Systems, you have an option.
You can tell it, when you vote for Ron, record the vote for Ron.
But you can also say, when you vote for Ron, record the vote for Dave.
on Spanish language only ballot.
So we have got to get the word out that there's some very strange stuff with the Spanish language ballot with this one company and it's going into Riverside, Harris County, Texas, New Mexico, Santa Clara County.
We've got to get a look at this thing.
So, appreciate your call, Carlos.
Yes, thank you, Carlos.
Designed for fraud.
Let's talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Caller, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Mike.
Okay, he's away from the phone.
Kirk in Colorado.
Kirk, go ahead.
Hi, good afternoon.
Harris, you can tell you're making a difference because they're actually... But you know, what gets me is I work in automation, so I understand computers and programming and how that stuff works.
And I tried to follow a machine one time and I said,
And I asked the voting official, how do you tell if that's accurate or not, or how that it's not been tampered with?
And he shows me this little white sticker on the back.
I'm like, oh, give me a break.
And I asked him if I could follow it.
He said, no, it was against the law to follow it.
I said, I just want to make sure my vote even counted.
Oh, no, it's private.
It's private software, so no one can look at it.
I mean, third world countries let outsiders come in and watch the counting, but not in America.
Well, this has always been a beef with me because
How can people think they can sneak into a booth and cowardly vote, where nobody... I mean, it's not a John Hancock, like, saying, hey, I go for this, you know, on paper.
They cowardly go and sneak in there and vote and think it matters.
So you've really opened several issues.
And I mean, and I'm not... and I know I'm going to get some heat for this, but some of the people that call Alex's show are probably some of the dumbest people I've ever heard.
Some lady called up the other day and says, oh, you know, we're being exposed to something, you know,
U-R-E-M things.
I mean, it just floors me that she doesn't even know what a micro-rim is or what the exposure levels are.
You know, like it's five per year or whatever for, you know, maximum.
But anyhow, I mean, you have to have a time limit on that also.
But I mean, these people are so concerned about making a squirrel into a hat that the geniuses... I mean, let's face it, Archibald has a lot of customers and they committed that fraud.
Why aren't they going to jail for committing fraud with these machines?
And you know, here's the other thing.
As we've noticed, it's hard to put a corporation in jail.
You can only go after the individuals, and the individuals keep skipping out.
They pass those laws, just like voting, or just like when you invest in the market, they pass laws so that like blue chips, you know, you can't go after the companies if they rip you off.
And people think that's legitimate.
I mean, there's a lot of idiots out there that actually think that Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto.
I mean, that was just tacked on to discredit his work.
And you're dealing with people out here that are just, I mean, you know, right now you would think they would just like, oh my God, all of our voting has totally been corrupt for all these years.
You know, I mean, they don't put a spectrum analyzer on it.
They don't look at the power signal coming in to see if there's some sort of, you know, frequency on there that can be, you know, bypass the filters and set the circuits in there.
I mean, you got these idiots who don't even know what a PLC is.
And yet you're trying to talk to him, and I understand what you're up against, but... Well, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna let you go, Kirk.
Bev, could you use just a few minutes on the other side to finish up your calls?
Sure, sure.
Yeah, let me just say this now.
Look, our callers are not stupid.
Not everybody's an engineer like you, Kirk.
I mean, I don't know all the details about different radiation levels.
I have the scientists on to tell us, because they're the scientists.
So come on, I bet you don't know rocket science, and neither do I.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest, a gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
Before we go back to Bob Harris and a few final calls before I'm getting into the 9-11 whitewash commission, torture in Iraq, the police state here domestically, we've got Dr. Dennis Cuddy joining us in the next hour as well, an expert on the New World Order.
Before we do that, you know, Kirk in Colorado, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but
Just because somebody doesn't know what different radiation levels are, or the different scales of that, doesn't mean they're an idiot.
At least our listeners are trying to learn, trying to get informed.
I mean, the average high school senior doesn't know who the vice president is, doesn't know how many continents there are.
That's all by design, but they know all about Britney Spears, they know all about football, they know all about baseball.
We've been focused into issues of little or no significance.
And so this broadcast is about trying to get people to become focused about, well, the CIA openly running three of the major election companies.
No records.
Their own engineers going public saying it's all a fraud.
Their own documents saying this, you know.
Meetings where the reporters actually get tape recordings of them talking about racketeering and how they have to cover all this up.
There's a lot to know.
I don't know how a computer monitor works.
I don't particularly know how to change my oil, but that's about it.
I'm smart in certain areas, I'm stupid in others, or uninformed.
Just like I bet you don't know how to build a Saturn rocket to boost to the moon.
You know, we all have to seek after knowledge.
That's so important.
And a lot of Americans don't even think about, you know, where the food in the grocery store comes from.
We're kind of all in this big maze, not questioning the man behind the curtain, but beginning that journey of questioning is how we're going to turn this around.
Beth Harris?
Well, I've got to love you, Alex.
I love the way you stick up for everybody in our... because this is particularly my battle here with the voting machines.
We can't win it without everybody, and I'm telling you, I do mean everybody at every level, because we can't expect these officials to do it for us.
It's not going to happen.
We're the people, we're the bosses, we have to take on our responsibility.
Right, there's 200 million of us, and we do outnumber them.
But we've got to take responsibility for our own situation.
That's right, and not have them just laugh at us and say, okay, pat us on the head, now you go home now.
You stop your crimes right now!
That's right, and guess what?
Along those lines, blackboxvoting.org, if you scroll down, you can sign up for the cleanup crew.
The cleanup crew, we are putting people in, it's kind of like secret shoppers, we're putting people in as poll workers, election judges,
And also a lawyer's hotline, a computer hotline, and we are going to be not monitoring this election in the old-fashioned sense.
No, this one, we are going to have some specific ways to call in immediately and get this stuff on record when we spot problems because they're all over the place.
There just isn't... Listen, I've talked to people in the three counties that now have the touchscreen no record system.
There was total fraud all over Williamson County, Travis, and Harris.
And they didn't have a place or a way to report it quickly.
No, this next time we're going to be together.
I set out a call for 2,004 volunteers.
Well, it looks like we're going to have 20,004 volunteers, and I want people to sign up for this cleanup crew, because we're going to take back our own election.
We've got to do what we can do, and I will give everybody a job to get out there and report this stuff immediately.
Get it to the litigator's hotline immediately, on that day, so that we have
We have something that we can do.
We can all get out there and do it.
And I don't want people to go, oh, I won't bother to vote because this is messed up.
No, our ancestors died for our right to vote.
We need to go vote, but we also need to go monitor the heck out of it.
Isn't it also, Bev, about getting past, you know, the average person isn't a criminal, so they can't imagine that the government, with CIA front companies, would be systematically rigging elections and setting up a fraud with no record.
They just can't imagine it.
People have a hard time imagining criminals anyway.
When I used to write about embezzlement,
You know, I met the embezzlers.
They're not people who look like crooks.
They're little old sweet grandmas.
I mean, people, you know, human nature is kind of flawed, and you don't know who the people are, the bad guys or the good guys.
And everyone wants to think everyone's a good guy, but it doesn't work that way, unfortunately.
But now they've told us if it's government, it's impossible for them to do wrong.
Don't investigate.
Just totally trust us.
And trust the men with the black ski masks and the submachine guns and the cameras on the street corners.
We're here to take good care of you.
Mike in Illinois.
Go ahead.
You're on the air with Beth Harris.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Bob, you're doing a great job.
Alex, to the both of you, I want to ask you, is it any surprise that
You know, she was mentioning corporations running this.
You know, it's just corporate America.
I mean, Alex, aren't they basically running everything in this country, including illegal immigration and everything else?
Yes, they're organized crime syndicates, like pirates, using government mechanisms to totally loot the country.
$1.2 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, missing from the Pentagon.
Let me say it again.
$1.2 trillion, no investigation.
And this is systematic, looting at the corporate level everywhere, and then they'll burn some nobody like Martha Stewart, because everybody knows her name.
I mean, that is a total... She is the equivalent of a jaywalker.
They arrest her while Charlie Manson is gutting people right next to her.
Now, here, Alex, I want to ask you guys a question.
I mean, Alex, don't you think it's going to take, for us to rebel and get informed on all this,
And actually do something about it.
It's like you said, the New World Order is going to collapse in on itself because they're pushed to the... People are becoming informed every day and it's actually becoming to the point right now where if they create a crisis such as another major terrorist attack on the United States, which we know is imminent and it's coming, that's going to make people panic.
And I believe right now, you know, people have kind of recovered from the 9-11.
They've kind of got back into that comfort zone and they're just kind of sitting around.
But if they cause another terrorist attack and people are panicking in the streets and it's worse than 9-11,
Don't you think people are going to wake up and then they're really going to start going, wait a minute, you know, who's really behind this?
And that's why they got the riot police and the FEMA centers and all of it ready.
That's why General Eberhardt's talking about how good martial law is in the LA Times.
That's why Tommy Franks and Chigar Aficionado is saying we'll set aside the Constitution for a military form of government.
That's why they're getting everybody ready, because if Franks and Eberhardt say it publicly, then the troops will think, well, they were public, it must not be illegal, it must be good.
Thanks for the call.
Oh, that was a scary call, and what you just said was scary too, but I agree.
You see them sort of prepping us for also, if you watch, they're prepping us for the idea of maybe there won't be an election.
Have you seen that?
There's been several little problems floated out there.
Well, you know, if there's a problem, we may not want to have an election.
And I sometimes think, gee, if I'm too effective, does that mean we're going to not have an election because the machines actually do get on us?
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, Condoleezza Rice saying, better do what we say, the terrorists are about to strike!
Yeah, I wish America would wake up.
I'm not so confident they will, because I meet an awful lot of Americans.
America's a great country.
I meet wonderful people everywhere I go, but I meet a lot who are just sucked in by this whole thing.
I agree.
They're defending us.
They're helping us.
Well, let's go ahead and talk to Dick in Indiana.
Go ahead, sir.
Go ahead, caller.
You're on the air from Indiana.
Okay, this is off the topic, Alec.
Something I just saw on C-SPAN.
It had to do with a group of Marines over in Iraq.
Are you picking up?
Are you hearing me okay?
Yeah, sure am.
You're on the air, sir.
Well, these group of Marines, they made
a uh... makeshift baptismal and they said that they uh... this was in the uh... orange county register i have no idea whether it's ok just please tell us please ok well they made a uh... a makeshift baptismal and that they said that their death was imminent and uh... they were going to be baptized and this fellow that they were talking to on c-span was uh... a correspondent for the pentagon and he didn't know anything about
I don't know.
At first he said 500, but he goes, most of those died by accident.
He goes, 350, and it's now almost 900.
And the press said, excuse us, it's almost 900.
He goes, no, it's not 350.
I mean, that's how stupid they think we are.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Wait, wait, wait.
Okay, go ahead.
Okay, they took these MREs, okay, to make this makeshift baptismal.
And they put a plastic in it and filled it with water.
Okay, thank you.
Appreciate it.
Bev, any comments?
Well, I've always thought it'd be really interesting to do a massive LexisNexis search and get every one of the local obituaries, which is where you're going to find the obituaries of the people who've really been killed over there, and add them up.
I did that very early on in the war and found there was something like three times as many obituaries as there were reported casualties.
Yeah, we're hearing very conservatively that it's double the death.
Yeah, and I think it's findable, because you see, they do put the local obituaries into the little local paper, and I think if somebody went around and found all those things, they would be able to prove it.
But, you know, and that's one of the things that spurred real protest in the Vietnam War, was that they had lied about the number of casualties, and then it was brought out what the lie was.
And really, really started to change the way the media covered it.
And that's why they're trying to cover up the coffins now.
You bet.
Rodney in Texas.
Go ahead, Rodney.
Just last month in the Orange County Register, I had read that some of the officials challenged the dive boat representatives on whether or not the machines would work properly under real-time conditions.
And when he attempted to demonstrate this machine,
It didn't work, but the officials had already paid something like $25 or $30 million for the machines.
Now you're telling us this morning, Ms.
Harris, that in the state of Ohio, they've forked out, what, $139 million?
Nobody even knows whether or not these machines work properly, and I'm curious as to whether or not... Well, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
If they do work properly, they steal elections.
That's what it's all about.
Okay, but what I'm saying is these machines...
Well, I'm talking about calculating the votes, you know, with validity.
But in any case, my concern is this.
Officials out in California absolutely couldn't get those machines to work, period.
But they had forked out this money.
Now, has anybody looked at the possibility
That there are some officials paying out this money and purchasing or whatever and getting kicked back or some kind of bribe?
Well, you are clairvoyant as to where the next investigations I'm doing are going to be going.
Following the money, let's talk to Paula in Missouri.
Last caller for our guest.
Paula, go ahead.
Hi, Alex and Bev.
I was listening to a French station this morning and they were talking about Bush and Cheney doing their little spiel yesterday on the 9-1-1 and one of the guys, he more or less called Bush, well he said it was funny, they all started laughing.
We're the laughing stock of the world, says Alex.
They were saying that Bush was the son of a bush.
And they started laughing and they said that the American people are so gullible.
And, uh, I mean, this, this irritated me because of the way they were talking and they were... Well, this is how it's designed.
Europe, according to Forbes and Money, owns the U.S., they use us as their henchmen, then blame it all on us while the Rothschilds sit around drinking their $500 bottle of Chateau.
And so that's what's going on.
The UN is going to take over Iraq.
It's all staged.
They shouldn't be talking.
There are a bunch of slaves over there, too.
You know, our government bashes them.
They bash us.
It's all WWF, World Wrestling Federation theater to make you think that there's a political difference.
Bev, haven't you found that both parties are just reveling in this election fraud?
Yeah, I mean, everybody wants to say it's the Republican plot, but if you look at the fact, hey, you know, it's open for the taking.
Both parties are getting our problems right now.
And yeah, there's some states where the Republicans are fighting for the honest paper ballot and the Democrats are blocking it.
That would be Georgia and there's others where it's the opposite.
California is straight up bipartisan.
You've got a bill on the table there to get rid of the touchscreens.
It's sponsored by a Republican and a Democrat.
So basically, I've looked at the map.
If you've got Democrats in control, they're all for the fraud machines.
If you've got Republicans in control, they're for the fraud machines.
And now because of public outcry, the politicians are at least having to act like they care in California.
Well, and the other thing is, a lot of the places like Washington State, where they supposedly put forth a new bill for a paper ballot, you read the fine print, it isn't exactly what it says.
Well, that's an important point, is they take a lot of the Scantron ballots, put them in, then it goes into a computer disk, and that can easily be manipulated, but at least there can be a recount to go back and look at the Scantrons.
The problem is they just send it back to the computer yet again, but at least there's some type of record of what you actually bottled in, and if you want to pay all the money, they've gone back and done recounts and found the fraud.
Now with these new ones, there's no paper record.
Right, exactly.
And so you can't even check it
Uh, and it's just getting easier and easier to steal elections with less trace.
And, you know, of course we've found all these miscounts, but what about the ones we haven't found?
Because, you know, a lot of the ones we find are just so ridiculous that they stick out like a sore thumb.
But what about the ones that are not, that don't look ridiculous, they look plausible?
Those are the ones that concern me, because we'll never find them now.
And they've got plenty of criminals to man the system for power and control.
Why would they do that?
Because people want to run your life.
That's why.
Bev Harris at blackboxvoting.org, a link to it, at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Bev, I want to have you back up as the election develops.
People should go to your website and get your book, just a beautiful paperback, Black Box Voting.
In the 21st century, and it's a 1995, well worth it.
You want to be an expert on this, get it.
Now go to blackboxvoting.org.
Bev, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Okay, folks, before we end this segment and come back and get into the torture and get into the Iraq situation and 9-11 whitewash meeting with Bush and Cheney, and then we have another guest coming up and more of your calls, before we do that, I have made ten documentary films, I've written a book, I've published a book, I carry other great videos, books, books on tape, covering 9-11, covering the police state, covering the New World Order, covering the neokinds, covering the gun control, all the evil stuff that's happening,
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So again, 1-888-253-3139 or write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
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I think so.
I think so.
There is no way to describe or chronicle or even begin
I mean, Bob Harris, mainstream links, coast-to-coast election fraud, he has massive, integrated CIA officials running all of it.
I mean, it is incredible.
A bunch of thugs got together and overthrew the country, and now we gotta get it back.
Spain's suspects were informants.
And again, it turned out the police planted the bombs in the building that blew up and supposedly killed the other suspects.
That's admitted.
And now the Spanish Interior Ministry says it's investigating reports that two suspects in this 11th of March Madrid train bombings were police informants, and they're the guys that supposedly supplied all the explosives and all this stuff.
Just like Oklahoma City, just like the first World Trade Center attack, just like the Omaha bombing in England, it's always MI5, MI6, Maasai,
FSB in Russia, CIA, it's the same thing.
It's always their people out doing it.
Who gets power and control out of all this?
That's BBC.
Also, Pentagon's number two flubs Iraq casualties.
Ask how many American troops have died in Iraq and the Pentagon, number two civilian, estimated yesterday a total was at 500.
More than 200 soldiers short.
A lot more than that.
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz was asked about the toll in a hearing of a House Appropriations Subcommittee.
It's approximately 500, of which I can get the exact numbers.
Approximately 350 are combat deaths.
He looked down and got them the exact numbers.
It's 350, folks.
He misspoke!
Spokeswoman Charlie Cooper said later, that's all.
American deaths Thursday.
We're at 722.
That's not true!
They said 800 a week ago!
Oh, man, this is incredible.
Since the start of military operations in Iraq last year, according to the Defense Department, Wolowitz, an architect of the military campaign in Iraq, was responding to questions from Representative Marcy Kaptur, D-Iowa, on the cost of the war.
I mean, come on, people.
It's just they're so used to lying.
But I guess they said it, so it's only $350.
Of course, unless it's your son or daughter who's dead.
I mean, they've lost 85 in one week before.
Two voting companies and two brothers will count 80% of the U.S.
elections using both scanners and touchscreens.
We'll get more into that later.
Again, the ACLU has been gagged via the Patriot Act from talking about their lawsuit.
I mean, that's who they go after.
They say, you can't talk about how you're suing us.
Patriot Act.
I mean, come on.
That's your freedom.
It says, activities once reviled as pornography keep creeping further into the mainstream.
Oh yeah!
And this pornographic stuff, when I go to Gold's Gym, which I might have to cancel my membership, they just put it on these big TVs and it's literal, you know, the most vile videos.
When it's not satanic, it's women, you know,
All over each other or whatever and it says it last month sold out Britney Spears concert in Miami grown-ups and kids alike This is the Sun Sentinel watch the hard-working pop princess sing lip-sync actually in praise of masturbation
From a touch of my hand, a body stocking spears lounged in a see-through bathtub while acting out a song's recommendations for quality private time.
Male dancers in briefs added to the scene by getting intimate with several unconsenting mattresses.
And it goes on and on.
The guy's saying that there was basically X-rated sex behavior.
People just had all their children there like it's completely normal.
You know, they're nine-year-old daughters and sons.
This is how you're supposed to act?
Robbing them of their innocence.
And it's just mainstream news.
You know, you're pop idol.
Pepsi wants you to, you know, this is good.
And when it's not that, it's torture's good, and evil's good, and, you know, literally, you're in the grocery store, or the, uh, gym, and they're playing Marilyn Manson.
And it's just, oh, it's just normal, it's elevator music!
Bleh, Satan kills our children!
Bleh, bleh, bleh!
You know, just, oh, I'm getting my groceries!
Devil, power, devil!
Sick, sick, sick!
La, la, la, la!
You know, it's just, oh, the free country!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, New World Order expert, joining us.
Right now, let's blitz through your calls.
Ken in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
This is Ken, yeah.
Thanks for getting me on.
Look, you've talked about automobile shutdown devices and devices for shutting down communications.
I was looking on the local news the other day, and I just got the story off the internet, where there's this company called Ionitron of Tucson, Arizona.
Says they won a $9 million defense contract, and what the contract was for
Well, they already have wired into all the new cars a kill switch where the police helicopter just shuts your car down.
Uh, and they're also wiring it in where if you don't pay your payment, people don't even know this because they don't pay it, your car doesn't start.
And then a recording they didn't even know about starts playing off a speaker they hadn't seen.
You've got to call this number to pay your bill.
Then your car will start.
I mean, that's the new America.
Uh, they've got the satellite tracker plug-ins and all the new cars made in the last nine years.
I mean, it's all happening, sir.
I know we've had the black boxes in the cars, and I've tried to keep two or three cars that's at least 23.
30 years old, but I know the equipment existed, but they're trying to mass produce it.
They're wanting to hire 300 people.
Oracle goes on to say that Ionitron is engaged in Department of Defense and Homeland Security work.
Well, every day I see Homeland Security going, we're here to fight crime.
We're putting in cameras that scan your license plates.
We're going to be creating citizen spy groups.
We're here to fight the criminals.
And criminals won't have any new process now, because we say you're criminals because we're criminals.
Thanks for the call, Ken.
I appreciate it.
Who's up next?
Randy in Florida.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
You know, I would just say, for instance, as far as our military,
You know, John Quincy Adams says this, America doesn't go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
She's the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.
She's the champion and vindicator only of her own.
She well knows that while once enlisting other banners than her own, were there even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication and all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors of patriotism and usurp the standards of freedom.
Sounds just like us in Iraq, doesn't it?
Yeah, but FEMA teaches police, and I have this in video, that all Founding Fathers are terrorists.
All Christians today are terrorists.
All homeschoolers are terrorists.
And I agree, the Founding Fathers were evil.
I support Bush and Clinton, our leaders, our gods, our masters.
We must learn to give our freedoms up.
We must learn to worship government.
We must learn the Founding Fathers are bad.
Contrast that to what Henry Kissinger said in, uh,
The Final Days book by Woodward and Bernstein.
In Alexander Haig's presence, he referred poignantly to military men as dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.
Well, to breathe the pretty... Look, you love the troops by letting them die to put uranium.
When you stand up for them, that's evil.
When you help kill them, it's loving and conservative.
You haven't learned yet how this works?
Well, you know, I mean,
That people continue to, and I imagine even some of your listeners are still contemplating voting for that phony conservative book.
He showed his true colors the other day by backing that liberal weasel, Armin Specter, instead of the true conservative in the Pennsylvania Senators race.
Well, they don't just do that.
They got Janet Reno's former personal attorney covered up China Gate and Waco Gate.
He voted on his own family's voting machines and he magically became the new congressman from Austin.
You haven't figured out the way things work yet?
The only valid choice is the Constitution Party or the Libertarians.
Oh, the Constitution Party has a conservative record.
That's evil.
You've got to be for communism.
That's conservatism.
Haven't you learned yet?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, now 8 minutes and 40 seconds into this third hour, this global transmission against tyranny.
I know we have loaded phone lines from Honolulu, Hawaii, Canada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Austin, Texas, you name it.
We'll be getting to your calls coming up here in a little while.
Just to give us an overview of the news and events and the 9-11 whitewash commission is Dr. Dennis Cuddy.
We'll go to him in one moment.
I have now launched PrisonPlanet.tv.
We have PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com,
We also have InfoWars.net and JonesReport.com and others, but the big sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
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Dr. Dennis Cuddy, good to have you back on.
For those who don't know who you are, tell us about your background, how you awoke to the New World Order.
Then I want to get into Bush's comments in the Rose Garden that, well, if I had something to hide, I'm covering something up, I wouldn't be talking to the Commission, you know, all your business partners.
Dr. Cuddy, tell us about yourself.
Okay, but first, remember also, he said he enjoyed it, which was, I thought, a strange term to use when you're talking about something that resulted in 3,000 lives being lost.
I enjoyed it, yes.
Okay, my background, basically, is I had been to what was, at the time, in the 60s, the first governor's school in the nation.
Now, every state has one, but it had been funded by Carnegie.
And it seemed strange.
The Psychological Corporation, which has its own curious history, wanted to track us and follow us, and Carnegie had funded the thing.
And I became somewhat suspicious that there was this sort of powerful group, because they kept opening doors for me, and eventually they found out that I was questioning them, and that's when the doors started closing.
But I taught in the public schools and then taught at the university level.
Went up to Washington for a while during most of the Reagan years to do battle with the bureaucrats up there trying to enforce busing and things like that.
Gave some advice to the Justice Department.
Testified on Capitol Hill.
Did some international political and economic risk analyses.
Then left there and came back right about the time George H.W.
Bush was president
Starting his talk about the New World Order and all of a sudden things pretty much clicked.
I've been compiling information for like 30 years beginning in the 70s where during graduate school one of my professors had signed a paper and I wrote it and his response was very curious.
He had come from Yale and he kept asking me these curious questions and what I had been writing then 30 years ago was that there may be this sort of conspiracy going on.
And I quoted from the muckrakers who were, a hundred years ago, the investigative reporters.
And little did you know that Carol Quigley had a suppressed book admitting all of this, that he'd been in their secret documents.
But that's a good place to start.
Let's just start right here.
For new listeners, we've got a lot of new affiliates, the show's really grown.
Let's just start right here.
The night after you heard me on Coast to Coast for three hours, a month and a half ago,
Brian Lamb and this professor, doing all this templating of the hands and his Masonic flashes, all this communication goes on.
They attack me for a full hour.
He said the most amazing conspiracy is that there's a New World Order group that wants world government.
Well, wait a minute!
We have hundreds of CFR publications, foreign affairs, that call for a New World Order.
We have thousands of public statements by chancellors, prime ministers, presidents, CEOs,
We have older public policy reports.
We have the Supreme Court saying they follow the orders of the UN.
We have the global governance, the global taxes being shut up.
This is like saying we're wild conspiracy theorists, Dr. Cuddy, now in 2004, because we believe the sun comes up in the morning.
Man, we're really nuts.
We believe that there are blue whales in the Atlantic Ocean.
We believe that Tweety birds live in trees.
We believe that, you know, I mean that George Washington was a real person.
So, how do they openly say New World Order, and then we're crazy because we believe it exists?
Yeah, there's a deliberate sort of disinformation going on.
That's why you and I try and put it in their own words.
So, for example, when I have a book like The Globalist, I'll actually put a copy of Bill Clinton's letter in which he supports world government in there by name.
And so whenever a Brian Lamb or somebody does that, what I try to do is, I know where they're coming from, so I'll ask them a set-up question.
I'll say, well, suppose I told you there's a power somewhere so complete, so pervasive, so in a lot, so watchful, you better not speak above your breath when you're speaking condemnation of it.
And then I'll say, and furthermore, suppose I told you that the government of the United States has been owned by a financial element ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.
Then they start laughing, the Brian Lambs.
Aha, this is ridiculous, you're a nut, so forth.
I would say, but Brian, don't you understand that what I just did is quote you from Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, both of whom you admire?
That sort of stops them in their tracks, and then you go from there.
And there's whole debates.
This is in the congressional record.
Yeah, yeah.
There's debates.
There's, like you said, the secret records that Carol Quigley got a hold of, and then I was able to get a hold of some after that to a friend.
Actually approached Mrs. Quigley after Professor Quigley, who was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown, after his death, and he purchased all of her material.
Now we got Strobe Talbot coming out and saying, you're going to have world government whether you like it or not, and we've got him in Foreign Affairs saying it's going to take blood to build it, New World Order, New World Order, and then Rush Limbaugh says it doesn't exist, you're crazy if you even say it, well then George Herbert Walker is crazy because he talked about it two hundred and something times.
Yeah, and doesn't it strike you as curious, what sort of put me on to this game that they're playing in Washington is, when I read what you just said, Strobe Talbot in July 20th, 1992, Time Magazine saying, quote, perhaps national sovereignty was not such a great idea after all, and the case for world government is clinched, end quote, I said, well now surely that guy is not going to be confirmed by the U.S.
Senate to be like number two in the State Department, but he was!
95 or so out of 100 U.S.
Senators, including any so-called conservatives, voted for this guy, even after he said that.
Well, I mean, I just had a huge hit piece written on me and my webmaster Paul Watson at Vanity Fair, and Alex Jones thinks that the Bushes flew out the Bin Laden's.
Alex Jones thinks there were drills of flying planes into buildings.
That's kind of funny, because then it came out in mainstream news a few weeks later.
Alex Jones thinks that the White House called Mayor Willie Brown and told him not to fly.
That's in the mainstream news!
Yeah, and still, they insist that there's nothing going on.
There was one recent one, I think it's, I believe it's a J.R.
Nyquist, he writes for World Ed Daily, and he's been having an email back and forth with people, with someone I know about, people like you and me, and he's putting us down as, oh, you know, these people don't know what they're talking about, and so forth.
You confront these, and the friend sort of confronted this fellow and says, okay, tell me then, since you know all about these people, Cuddy, Alex Jones, whoever.
Uh, about Cecil Rhodes' connection with Arnold Toynbee, let's say, for example.
Immediately, they shut up, because they really don't know, and they don't want to know, or they're part of some sort of... Well, here's the deal.
You know, we've supported World Net Daily, and they used to be good, uh, in the past, but now they're so neo-conned out.
I mean, they admittedly went and got our article from an interview about the implantable chips, and one of the very chip suppliers took it, sent it to an American talk show host, took our quotes, and I talked to Sherry Gossett.
She said, I put your name in there, said where it came from, but they wouldn't let me say your name.
Yeah, it's closing down.
Some, also, radio stations are being bought up.
And remember, Jaina Davis, who was coming to Oklahoma City, after she talked a lot about that, her station was bought up and she was out of a job, too.
What's happening at World Net Daily right now?
No, this is Jaina Davis in Oklahoma City, her channel 4.
No, I know about Jaina Davis, but I mean, World Net Daily's not, are they?
No, no, but I was saying stations like hers are bought up and other radio stations get bought up and so they'll knock conservative talk shows off the air and only the Rush Limbaugh type seem to be flourishing there.
There's all this talk about FEMA camps, put people in FEMA camps, they disagree with the government on national radio, lots of generals talking about martial law is good, what do you think about that?
Well, when they talk about that, they have a set-up, a sort of program that they're about to condition the public to be willing to at least accept the possibilities.
Now, when you confront them, they'll say, oh, no, no, we just meant, you know, if there's illegal people and if there's a crisis and a nuclear bomb is dropped here and so forth.
But then what you and I try to do is provide the documents which have, in their own words, where properties have been bought up, or you actually go out and get video
of the the places that are being constructed and so it's it's hard for them to refute that so there are there are backup is to ridicule or either block or ignore or try to discredit in some way which is what they're doing
It's scary.
We're going to break here in a minute.
I want to come back and get into the 9-11 whitewash commission, then we'll go to folks all over the world who want to talk to you and cover some of the news.
But Dr. Cuddy, I see a mass awakening taking place, and I think that's why they pulled out all the stops and have the neocons engaging in Trojan horse behavior.
Do you see a mass awakening?
I really hope so, but we're up against it because the public has been conditioned to be tuned out and turned off and confused.
It's not that they lie, I mean they do that, but what they also do is they throw a bunch of information out there of a different variety and so the public is having to sort through it to find out which pieces are accurate.
That's it.
Mind control to boil it down for you, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
We'll be back with Dr. Dennis Cuddy, an amazing researcher and author.
We'll tell you about his books later.
And we'll take your calls and get into the news.
Please stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, your calls are coming up in the next segment.
I want to get into the 9-11 whitewash meeting yesterday, but
I'm just talking to Dr. Cuddy about the moral breakdown.
I mean, it's a mass programming.
When you turn on all the dramas, I mean, all of them, and torture's good, the government's going to torture you, the Bill of Rights is bad.
When I walk around in the mall, the grocery store, at the gym, and Marilyn Manson is now the elevator music.
Just the background music is bad.
Devil power, yeah.
I mean, you know, sex everywhere.
People take their children to Britney Spears concerts that are now totally pornographic.
Now it's not just that this stuff's going on, it's mainstream and we're bad because we're talking about politics.
And Dr. Cuddy, you were bringing up a point during the break.
Go ahead.
We have Dr. Cuddy there?
Yes, sir.
You were bringing up a point about the moral breakdown during the break when I was talking to you.
Yeah, you were asking about if there might be an awakening, and I was saying I hope so.
The problem is we have to overcome like 30 years of a conditioning process.
They had a program on ABC last night, the show Primetime, and the host Charlie Gibson was really surprised at all the cheating that was going on, especially among young people.
And what apparently he or people don't realize is that this conditioning process has been rather deliberate.
A new morality.
In fact, Ted Sizer, one of the educational leaders, 30 years ago said, we're going to, you know, not have all this moral sermonizing.
We're going to have situation ethics and moral relativism will be the new values.
And so these kids today, especially, have come along with a, you know, what's in it for me, look out for number one.
And that's why they don't care about a NAFTA, for example, that takes away American jobs.
They've been conditioned to love Big Brother, as Orwell said.
And as you were just saying, in terms of morality, you had several soap operas years ago that had the hero rape women, and nothing was thought of as, you know, he was still considered a great guy.
And then the frenetic pace, like you said, of the music, that's deliberate too.
Orwell said, what if we quicken the tempo of human life?
And so they created this sort of frenetic, hyper-reality movement on TV ads and in the music, and that destabilizes the population.
And you need that stability to calmly reflect on what the government's doing to you, but they want to keep you busy.
You know, keep them busy.
Go, go, go, go, go.
And so this is one of the things that translates even into our problems in Iraq, of all places, because what you have is
The Muslims don't believe in the, quote, separation of church and state that we have here.
They actually believe that religion is important, and a relationship with God.
Now, I'm not going to get into the Muslim religion, but they believe that religion is very important, and they believe in Islamic law, and so they see Western democracy, as we call it.
Actually, like you say, we're a constitutional republic.
But we keep saying we're bringing Western democracy.
They see that as allowing this garbage.
And they get satellite TV and really think that's what America is all about, and they're terrified.
Yeah, and unfortunately, like you just alluded to, it looks like we're becoming that way mainstream, unfortunately.
Well, I mean, it's scientifically crafted.
When they're conditioning us that being wicked is, you know, look, Saddam's bad because he tortured, but then I hear the neocons going, yeah, torture them Iraqis, make them have homosexual sex, make them stand there with electricity, you know, torture them, it's good.
It's good when we do it, it's bad when they do it, it's double think.
Yeah, and it's not just in that one area.
We have actually tortured in Afghanistan prisoners to death.
So we have done that, and I think one of the reasons that's why the Bush administration yanked that billion dollars that the court awarded to the POWs who were tortured in the first Gulf War away from them, because what other countries would do is also start freezing our assets over there, so they didn't want that.
And what you have is, like you were just saying, it's a process.
Years ago, Rockefeller Foundation, I'll be quick about this,
They, in 1933, began to say, we want to fund social control, the control of human behavior.
So they sent people out.
They had a radio project, and that's where that War of the Worlds, that famous radio show, came from.
They analyzed it, and they called it, Mass Psychology of Panic.
And so what they did is, Theodore Adorno was the head, from the Frankfurt School, was head of their music division.
I think so.
And the Mothers of Invention actually saying, and I put these quotes, that what we're trying to do is create a revolution.
A generation gap.
Separate the young people from the values of their parents.
And then we had Ms.
Magazine being publicly funded by the CIA.
You break men and women up, now you break the chips.
And now they're going to sell the microchips as a youth thing.
The kids are already saying, I want it, Mom and Dad.
I don't have to have permission.
I'm going out and getting it.
Yeah, and the CIA will be at CNN, for example.
They'll be at Simon & Schuster, and if you write a book that goes there that they don't like, it doesn't get published, and so on, yeah.
This is all admitted.
We'll come back, get a little bit into the 9-11 Commission, and I promise directly to your calls, straight to your calls, and then we'll get into 9-11, and talk about Dr. Dennis Cuddy's books as well.
We'll also plug some of the websites that carry his great writings.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back, so stay the course.
And remember the new website, PrisonPlanet.TV.
Sign up today!
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If you want to destroy the New World Order, you have to try to be a moral person.
And I'm talking about myself here, too.
It's very easy in this society to break down.
They've really designed it well.
So I'm not preaching at you.
You need to love your wife, love your husband, love your family.
Educate your children about the New World Order.
Explain to your children that the society is designed to break up the family, designed to sell them rebellion in the name of being individualistic, whereas in reality it's designed to get them into the prison system, into the slave grid.
If you educate the young people like that, they'll wake up and see what's happening and fight against it.
I found that.
Show them where the real revolution is, and we can deprogram them.
But if you sit there and go, oh, you can't do this because it's too much fun, or you can't do this because, you know, I say so, it's not going to work.
You've got to warn your family.
You've got to be strong.
Again, Ms.
It's admitted.
Gloria Steinem admits it.
She was set up by the CIA to break up the family.
That's some amazing admissions.
But going back to Dr. Dennis Cuddy, Doctor, let's take some calls, and I want to get into 9-11 and also Iraq, okay?
But before we do that, tell folks about some of your new books.
Well, the latest one is a cover-up, Government Spinner Truth, which is largely about 9-11, but it's also a little bit about Iraq.
And it came out just as the war was beginning, but I was saying that they probably would not find any large caches of weapons of mass destruction.
And then I followed that up by explaining what Saddam's strategy was, which Rumsfeld and Cheney said, oh, we can't believe he's planning a guerrilla war.
Well, yesterday, front-page New York Times, sure enough, that's what he was planning.
But is it part of that the Pentagon trying to say, it's not the Iraqi people, they love us, why it's Saddam?
I mean, Saddam doesn't control the Shiites.
Yeah, they're trying to say that, but when a fellow I know who was going over, like Bremer's right-hand man, before he left, he called up and said, you know, what do you think I should expect?
I said, look out for the religious unrest, and basically, you know, he said, well, it's the Sunnis, yeah.
I said, no, no, no, no, you have to watch out for the Shiites as well.
They're being nice temporarily because they think they're majority, but people like this al-Sadr, remember, they want Islamic law.
And they see us as a threat, because our government allows pornography and all of this.
So I said, you watch it, it's gonna break loose.
Sure enough, it has.
How do folks get the books?
Well, uh, the main number would be a toll-free number to the publisher, 888-891-3300.
The September 11 prior knowledge book is now coming back into print with an index and a printing of the letter I received from Homeland Security saying they found 12 information circulars, warnings regarding 9-11, but they're not going to let me see them.
So I put that letter in that book as well.
Alright, let's go ahead and go to some calls here.
Let's talk to Michael in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Go ahead, sir.
Always a pleasure to talk with you.
You were sort of psychic this morning because you answered both of my questions from the last guest, but I did want to make one comment with all that's going on.
The guy that called in a while ago that said he was depressed and didn't know what to do.
It's very simple.
Find two people that you can start educating with the things that you're sharing, your websites and everything.
And then they started doing the same thing with two other people.
And I can tell you that I had some friends at my church who were asking me, you know, are you going to be voting for Bush or whatever, about the New World Order, and I was able to share with them some of the things that even Dr. Cuddy has written.
And I just, you know, turned them onto your website and everything, and then they just were so blown away with the information and everything, and now they are just so hungry for more information.
And I'm just encouraging them, hey, find other people and do the same thing.
I've found, you know, in life, if you just get up and work and stand up and are strong and do your homework, you can wake people up because this whole thing is hidden in plain view.
Dr. Cuddy, isn't the key to really good propaganda that it speaks to our laziness, that it speaks to our fears and gives us excuses to just go along?
I mean, that's really what this propaganda does.
Yeah, it does that, and then they follow that up.
What they do is they provide test cases to probe us to see how far they can go.
You know, they'll throw a, let's get the Bible, a school prayer out, we huff and puff and yell and have 10,000 people rally, but then they have their people in place in the courts to knock us down and we say, oh well, you know, we tried, what can we do?
And that's part of Tavistock, who you're familiar with,
Their theory of social turbulence, where you cause people to go into psychological retreat.
Here's an example.
They come out with Total Information Awareness Network, All Seeing Eye, New World Order, to get us mad.
Then they go, OK, we changed the name.
Then they really double the funding.
Then they come out with matrix systems and all this.
And they go, OK, we're not going to do that.
Then we find out the states are already doing it.
Every time you order a pizza or buy something, it's being uploaded immediately to Homeland Security.
They're always, you know, coming out with new names, new boogeymen, but always the system just moves forward.
Yeah, and another part of that is they'll propose a piece of, let's say, really outrageous legislation with 20 points.
And then we complain.
You and I and all of the people complain.
And they say, okay, we'll compromise and we'll just have these 10 points.
And Congress goes on and passes that and all along... But that's not a compromise because
I mean, obviously, you know, but what I'm saying is that if we gave them 10 points and then they gave us 10 things we wanted, that would be a compromise.
When they say, we want this, and we only give them half, that's not a compromise.
And the point is, that's what they planned all along.
That they knew that we would do that, and so this is their fallback position, which was their goal all along.
Well, it's like Bush saying, oh, you've got to repass the Patriot Act.
It's coming up for reauthorization.
All the key provisions aren't sunsetted.
That's a red herring to have another vote and add stuff to it.
I said that.
Then Bush indeed did say that.
Yeah, yeah.
And that's a third part of their strategy.
This is multifaceted, and it's to keep people off balance.
And you're kept also so busy, you know, I've got to go to the shopping mall, I've got to take the child to the ballgame, so on and so on.
That it's difficult to organize against it, and that's what the accounting... Dr. Cuddy, it's not just compartmentalization.
Thanks for the call, Michael.
Good job.
Keep it up.
You know, I want people to know there are thousands of eggheads with 170 IQs sociopathically sitting around, you know, right here at UT.
I've been allowed into the psychology department, and they're just like, yes, here's the DARPA mind control systems.
We're testing how to manipulate you with TV patterns, and I can't show you the classified stuff.
What do you think of this?
None of it's even hidden, and, you know,
To the people out there, I mean, you've got to become aware of this, but here's the question.
How do they find all these people that would knowingly be part of something to enslave humanity, Dr. Cuddy?
Well, like I said, it started years ago.
Just taking one example, Cecil Rhodes and his plan in the late 1800s to get key people with this type of mindset into journalism, economics, politics, and education.
And he said, after 60 years of putting these people in place, we won't even need a conspiracy anymore.
We'll just have these like-minded people in key positions as heads of university departments and so on, that we'll be able to get our new world order in place.
And then they all go out and pick people that are like-minded, that they mentor.
Yep, exactly.
That's the plan.
I mean, it's just like mobsters in New York, you know, the young kid who's from a single parent family, looks pretty tough, twelve years old, they see him scrapping in the street, they go over and hire him, and ten years later he's a top mobster.
Yeah, that's what they do.
One of the quotes from those muckrakers I mentioned was about the Rockefeller, and it's that he has, this is like a hundred years ago, he has agents in every hamlet
Did you know that in college I had these people approach me, and since I've been on the radio I've had them offer me money, everything, and it's just like the movies with the devil.
I mean, they literally sit there and go, your crusade's going nowhere, join us, be a star.
I mean, the New World Order's good.
I mean, it really is like this, folks.
Yeah, I'll give you one specific example.
A fellow named Wayne Peterson, who your listeners probably never heard of, is in the early 60s.
He's up in Milwaukee at university.
He's going to the cafeteria, and there, at the cafeteria, is David Rockefeller.
Not in New York City, Chase Manhattan.
He's at this cafeteria at this university in Milwaukee.
And he says, come over here, fella.
The guy comes over, he says, you really want to go into Peace Corps, don't you?
He says, well, yeah, I guess so.
He gets him to be in charge of writing Brazil's social services program for the whole nation.
When the guy finishes that in the Peace Corps, he comes back, walks into his living room of his own home, there sits Melvin Laird, Secretary of Defense, saying, you know, we've got to get you a job in the government.
He puts him in charge, gets him a job as head of all the Fulbright programs, and from that position as head of that, this guy goes on to Merv Griffin Show and everything else, promoting Lord Maitreya, who is supposed to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
So this is how they work.
They reach down and they grab younger people and groom them and fund them and facilitate them and get them high-level positions.
Well, it's like a vampire going out and creating more vampires.
Well, they are sucking the nation dry.
And what they do is they feed the ego.
Like, you'll find a lot of people, let's say in Texas where you are, you probably have a governor's school there, and they say, well, you're the best and the brightest.
You know, we're going to give you special treatment, so these little egos come along and say, oh yeah, I'm really special, you know, so I'll find out what this globalism's for, and I'll be really important in the new world order.
And then they'll tell them, but the general public is afraid and small-minded, we can't let them all know about it, so just laugh at them.
That's right.
They're ignorant.
The other people are ignorant.
You're really smart.
You know best.
And so, you know, that's where your future is.
And don't pay attention to your parents, you know, with their old-fashioned values and so forth.
By the way, there was this thing, this program, they have Wave and Save and Others, and it said on the website, the title on your parents and your neighbors, you get a discount card, 200 bucks from Terminal N. This is in my film, The Takeover.
And it says, your parents have old-fashioned views that are dying away.
You're young and powerful.
I mean, it actually said that.
Well, it harkens back to the old Hitler Youth Program, where they used to tell the youngsters to do that.
By the way, this new national draft, we're going to have to serve domestically as slaves here at home.
Well, that's the mandatory, voluntary, quote-unquote, service.
And remember, that was part of George Bush's Points of Light initiative.
Uh, where George Bush, the first President Bush, talked about the need for points of light with service, and then he also talked about the New World Order, and the only other person in all of history, I've found, that uses those terms exactly.
New World Order, points of light, and service.
...was Alice Bailey, the leading occultist of the first half of the 20th century, whose books were first published... George Herbert Walker is into that.
He's only Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, a very Christian organization.
Let's go ahead and take...quickly, because we've got a lot of calls.
Give each person about a minute or so.
Let us now go ahead and talk to Christopher in Canada.
Go ahead, Christopher.
Three things, Alex.
Speaking of New World Order installing their minions into power,
Nortel Networks in Canada just fired three Chief Officers.
Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Accounting Officer.
And do you know that name?
William Owens?
Ah, yes.
Admiral William Owens is the new Chief Executive Officer of Nortel Networks.
Cisco North.
Well, it's like these voting companies are who's who of the CIA.
Yeah, he wrote some books, many.
It's number two in the U.S.
The second thing, Bill C-250 passed in Canada.
That's the bill that adds sexual orientation to the so-called hate speech propaganda.
Yeah, so you can't criticize groups.
It exclusively protects them.
Yeah, exactly.
We'll see what that turns into.
And number three, I ordered your DVD.
It came.
It's great.
I ordered some more stuff.
Order Out of Chaos, two books.
Plus the Matrix of Evil on the video.
Well, thank you, sir.
Yeah, but you know what?
December 17, 2003, that's when it was ordered.
It never came.
Well, we have a big problem with Canada, and I've never made any bones about that.
You need to call my office, and we'll ship it back out to you UPS, but I've gotten probably ten letters from Canada Customs saying it's Conquer Ban Terrorism, and we don't get the videos back.
We get a letter from them, and they just take them.
Thanks for the call.
Call my office, and yeah, I'd say about half the shipments to Canada make it.
I mean, England, they go right there.
Germany, France, boom, right to you.
Canada is a... Dr. Cuddy, have you had that happen with Canada?
Uh, just a few times.
Just a few times, but it has happened once or twice.
Have you gotten the letter back from the government?
Well, I tell you, it's serious business.
In fact, if you've got questions, call my office at 512-291-5750.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kara in Colorado.
Kara, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Dr. Cuddy.
I've got a few things, actually.
I was holding way back with Ms.
Harris, so I just want to make a couple of comments about that.
First of all, I noticed on the League of Women Voters site, they have official statements on their positions, and one of them is that they believe that we should eliminate the electoral college, direct popular vote only.
So yeah, that's definitely what you can kind of tell that maybe that one's not quite as trustworthy, at least on the national level, as it used to be.
And again, they are blocking bills to have a record of your vote.
Dr. Cuddy?
Yeah, and also what you'll notice is when you go into voting places now, there's usually a computer, an automated computer, where you slip this card in, and you'll notice there's a camera back behind you.
And when you slip your card in, you'll notice that it tabs your vote, like number 468, and those cards go in in a stack, so afterwards, theoretically, it's possible for them to find out exactly how you voted.
All right.
Thank you.
Anything else?
Yeah, actually, just a couple more things.
I guess I was wondering if I could get a hold of Ms.
I went to her website and wasn't able to get a hold of her.
Or rather, there wasn't anything for contact, even like an email or anything.
You might have missed it because it's on there.
Oh, okay.
Then the other thing, Dr. Cuddy, really quick, I guess have you read much of the Alice Bailey work?
Unfortunately, yes.
Well, I guess as far as what you've read and what I've read, I guess, are two very different things.
Because, you know, you kind of mentioned her, Ms.
Bailey, in much the way many people talk about Madame Blavatsky.
And really, they aren't the two people.
They aren't really, you know, on the same side of the fence at all.
Alice Bailey wrote a lot about some very high-level spiritual type stuff.
And Miss Blavatsky was really kind of into the more Illuminati type stuff.
Well look, when they try to get you into a cult, they get you into the white magic stuff, but at the heart of all of it, and Alistair Crowley said this, so did Anton LaVey, it's black magic, my friend.
Thanks for the call.
Blavatsky, yeah, with Albert Pike and so on, but I wouldn't dismiss Alice.
Her works were first published by Lucifer Publishing, and that says quite a bit.
Thanks for the call, Kara.
Interesting points.
Tim and KC.
Tim, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
First time I've called you.
I've listened to you for about three years.
One thing, I've been sitting around here in the chat room since I got internet access back.
If you go to Yahoo chat rooms, you see a bunch of the hate people talking about.
Sub-humans, they don't care about their babies and everything else, so you see the old Nazi thing coming back again.
Yeah, but for the Arabs, they're sub-human, let's kill all of them.
Yeah, well that is common, and anytime you start talking about New World Order, they start bumping you out of the room.
But the other thing I want to talk about is your new website.
What about those of us who refuse to get a credit card, or anything of that matter?
They've gone after PayPal and everybody else.
I've got a friend of mine that did MuPay, and the state of Missouri went after him.
Well, I mean, nothing.
I mean, you can buy gold and they can come get it.
I mean, they can come grab you tomorrow.
That's the point.
The key is getting the information out, sir.
I'm on a cash basis.
How would I get access to your website?
You know, we've thought about ways to do that where somebody mails us a check and then we give them a password.
I'll think about that.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
I think so.
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Alright, I want to briefly get into the 9-11 Commission and jam in a few final calls here.
Ron, Dave, Frank, if we have time with Dr. Dennis Cuddy, we'll definitely have him back up sooner.
But folks, you know, the number one cause of death under 55 is getting in your automobile.
You still do it.
Uh, you know, it's more dangerous to buy something in a store with your credit card.
It goes over to phone lines of the internet than it is to do something online that was the same as a secure server.
So, all of this is a double-edged sword, and, you know, living in fear that, you know, the government will get me if I, you know, at the store buy a magazine about guns.
We outnumber them, thousands to one.
We're the people.
We have the power.
It's now time to take action.
They're the bad guys.
They have something to hide.
We're exposing this.
That's what we're doing.
Dr. Cuddy, how do you get people past just the basic fear of even putting their head up above ground?
Well, what you need is one good challenge, which we haven't had yet.
The public had a poll, and I think like 75-80% were opposed to NAFTA and GATT, and the Senators just did it anyway.
And the reason they did it is because the next election the public forgot, or said, well, you know, tough luck.
Our problem, so what needs to happen is, it only requires one single issue where the public actually gets outraged enough that they flood the nation.
Well, 80 plus percent of the public, even the liberals on the ground are against the open borders, but the Republicans and Democrats say, we don't care what you say.
That's right, and they won't until they're kicked out of office, which is the key.
You have to kick them out.
Which is now why they're putting in the electronic CIA-run machines.
Real quick, because I want to take a few calls here, the 9-11 White Wash Commission, Bush is meeting yesterday.
Yeah, they're sitting around on their couches and come out and say, well, gee, everything was very cordial, and basically, from the accounts I have of what went on there, Bush is saying, yeah, well, we heard there might be an attack, but we thought it was coming over
From overseas, end of story.
And none of these people, even Romer or Currie or Benvenista, say, look, the attacks could have easily been prevented.
And that's what I've tried to show in my article.
Well, they don't come out and say, why did you order the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda?
Why did you warn public officials?
Who did the put options at the CIA?
Why did you order civil admins to falsify transcripts?
None of those real questions are brought up.
Uh, no, and the one Sybil Edmonds, uh, Behrouz Sarchar, who Sybil got to, uh, testify to, he said, look, in April of 2001, I told them an attack in the U.S., my information from Al-Qaeda, and using suicide planes.
I mean, how specific do you need to be?
The government ran the rules of it!
Uh, let's, uh, talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
You know, I'm wasting time, Alex, but you and Dr. Cuddy both
Why are the Christian media elite, I've been observing this as you know, Jay Sekulow, Pat Robertson, etc.
Why are they for the Patriot Act and why are they for keeping the military tribunals in Guantanamo?
Okay, let's get an answer to that.
Thanks, Ron.
I think the elections of 2000 were deliberately close.
I mean, that's why they were allowed to be so close, because that caused the Pat Robertsons and others to say, oh my goodness, we can't question anything, or the pro-choice Democrats will come back into power, so we must support Bush at all costs.
All right, Dave in Colorado.
Dave, go ahead.
Hey Alex, the globalist news has really been picking up last couple days, huh?
What I've got in Thursday, April 29, 2004, Denver Post.
Colorado may ride brainwave of the future.
Controversial fingerprint company considers placing training center here.
Brain Fingerprinting Laboratory is a Seattle-based startup trying to commercialize the technology.
And it's already been used in several court cases, according to this article.
Yes, the brain scanner says you're a terrorist.
We're going to put you in the camp.
It's a black box of fraud.
We've proven a lot of sectors of fraud, so they just make a more complex quack box.
Dr. Cuddy, do you agree?
Uh, yeah, along those same lines, they've already placed it, uh, Soledad Prison microchips behind the eyes of prisoners, and it can control them, make them mad or happy.
And your source on that?
Well, I'll send it to you.
I have a little booklet called Conspiracy that I wrote with the source on it.
Alright, God bless you.
We're out of time.
Take care, Dr. Cuddy.
I'll be back Monday, 11 to 2 during the day, back to 9, 9 to midnight central.
If you want to get my videos, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free to order at 1-888-253-3139
Or simply go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Got a new update.
I'll be up there tomorrow.
An hour and a half special report for our members.
Again, back to 9 to Midnight.
God bless you all.
Have a great weekend.
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