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Name: 20040429_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 29, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's like it's Monday, but no.
Already, my friends, the 29th day of April 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours, and we're about to jump straight into all this important news and information.
It's posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Biochip featured at Government Health Showcase.
Syringe injectable device.
One of 20 top innovative health technologies chosen by Health and Human Services to be showcased by the government.
And we have Declan McCullough's article here that he posted out of UPI about the plans to put it in the homeless.
So we'll be getting into that here early in the first hour.
We'll also have wide open phones at 1-800
use of depleted uranium weapons causes dangerous rise in radiation level in Iraq.
Canadian research centers have reported that during the war against Iraq, the U.S.
military used depleted uranium weapons, which caused the radiation level to rise at least 300 times above normal.
And the weapons cause similar effects in Afghanistan, folks.
This is a nuclear war.
We attack them, that is the global issues in America, with nuclear weapons, with dirty bombs, with thousands and thousands of tons of radioactive, highly radioactive material, hidden in plain view.
The average person has no idea this is even going on, even despite the fact that the Associated Press, the New York Daily News,
The Canadian papers are reporting this.
The troops have between one to two rims of radiation in them.
Two rims will kill a lot of people in many cases.
So, again, support the troops.
Let them die of radiation and blast the whole country with it.
Hussein's agents are behind attacks in Iraq, Pentagon, fine.
So now the Shiites suddenly
Why, they always worked for Saddam.
They were big buddies with him.
That's like saying the Jews were buddies with Hitler or something.
Or that Sylvester was friends with Tweety Bird.
But no, yes, they worked for him too.
They all do.
They're all working for him secretly.
It's not the Iraqi people.
They love us.
No, they love the uranium.
They just love all of it.
Defectors say North Korea train accident may have been linked to possible plot to murder Kim Jong-il.
This is out of China Channel News Asia and being reported on out of the United States.
We'll get into that.
Oil hits 13-year high amid low U.S.
Sure, that's the reason.
Poll shows growing doubts on Iraq.
Abuse of Iraqi POWs by GIs has been probed.
Army scientists eye new smallpox vaccine they want to force you to take.
Also, a Bush-Cheney 9-11 interview won't be formally recorded.
It won't be televised.
You won't be able to see it in secret.
More whitewashing.
White House braces for the latest assault by a hardback, a former U.S.
ambassador, will this week quote out a government official who named his wife as a CIA operative.
Burning hundreds, by the way.
Andrew Bolcombe examines the latest must-read memoir tracking the Bush administration.
ACLU reveals secret suit over FBI powers.
Hey, when you order a pizza, it goes into the Matrix database.
This is USA Today.
Everything you do with big corporations, they're just openly transferring it directly to state and local governments as well as federal.
Again, UPI, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, said that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to help more closely monitor and assist the nation's homeless population in plantable microchips
They're going to have robots, robot traffic cones, swarm on the highways, block the highways to keep us all safe.
Little robots.
It's a new scientist.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the First Gulf War,
In 1991, beginning with Desert Shield in 1990, then the actual war, in 1991, they used a smaller amount of depleted uranium, different federal numbers, say 10 times the amount was used
This year and last year, compared to what was used in 1991, some numbers say 20 times.
No one's really sure, but in the first Gulf War, the fighting was limited to the south, around Kuwait and a few other areas.
They didn't use a lot of depleted uranium comparatively.
They used, I mean, still, any of it is too much.
They used quite a bit of it all over the Balkans in three separate conflicts that NATO and the U.S.
have been involved with.
But now, in the Second Gulf War, they used it in a lot of big cities.
In Basra, in Baghdad, in Fallujah.
In dozens of towns, they used thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of tons of depleted uranium.
And the French, the Canadians, the British, the Australians, independent scientific firms, former Pentagon officials, people have gone over there, they've tested the air, they've tested the water, they've tested the sand, they've tested the buildings, they've tested the troops' blood, and there is just huge levels of depleted uranium.
Levels that will kill you.
People are dying.
A few weeks ago we had Dr. Rocky on the broadcast who literally wrote the book, the manuals back in the 80's on depleted uranium and how to protect against it, when and where you can use it.
He was sent there in 91 to basically cover up what was going on.
Got deathly ill himself.
A lot of his team have died.
He's tested the blood of the troops.
Now independent firms in New York have tested blood for the New York Daily News.
Incredibly high levels of radiation.
This is nuclear war.
The first
Nuclear war.
It was an atomic war in 1945 with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
That was the first use of atomics.
Now, in 1991, the first nuclear war was in Iraq, then in 94, 95, 98 in the Balkans, and now in 2003 into 2004.
And it's hidden in plain view.
It's massive what's happened.
There are eight sites, at least in the U.S., where they've used thousands and thousands of pounds of DU and test.
That's gotten into drinking water.
It has a half-life of 500 million years.
So it doesn't start degrading for 500 million years.
You can forget
About these places ever being properly livable.
And it shows the insanity of the globalists.
Arming Pakistan, arming North Korea, arming China with nuclear weapons and nuclear delivery systems.
And now U.S.
say today, pull!
Iraqis losing patience!
Many say Saddam's fall benefited them, but most want U.S.
troops to leave now.
Only a third of the Iraqi people now believe that the American-led occupation of their country is doing more good than harm, and a solid majority support an immediate military pullout, even though they fear that could put them in a greater danger, according to a new USA Today, CNN, Gallup poll, the nationwide survey that
The most comprehensive look at Iraqi attitudes towards the occupation was conducted in late March and early April.
It reached nearly 3,500 Iraqis of every religious and ethnic group.
The poll shows that most continue to say that the hardship suffered to depose Saddam Hussein were worth it.
Half say they and their families are benefiting.
Better off now than they were under Saddam, and a strong majority say they are more free to worship and to speak.
But while they acknowledge the benefits from dumping Saddam a year ago, Iraqis no longer see the presence of American-led military as a plus.
Ask whether the U.S.-led coalition as liberators or occupiers, 71% of those correspondents say that they see it as an occupation, not as liberators.
So again, 71% of responders say they see the U.S.
as occupiers, not as liberators.
Well, what about our troops?
I mean, now it's over 800 that have died that they're admitting, not to mention the hundreds of mercenaries that have been killed, and civilian contractors.
Not to mention the admitted 20,000 dead Iraqi civilians in the last, what is it now, almost 400 days since all of this began.
This is horrible!
And the neocons don't want to discuss how we're losing our freedoms here domestically.
You know, we need Operation
American freedom.
We need the Bill of Rights and Constitution here.
I mean, the scapegoat for all of this was the CIA's former minion and control system known as Saddam Hussein, who they put into power, who they demanded the Ba'athists in 67, put in as the head of security, who they installed in 79, who they told to invade Iran,
Who they told go ahead and invade Kuwait, and that's on the record.
April Gillespie admits it, the U.S.
I mean, this is sick, people!
But they push all this, they support all this in 1990 with the Ambassador's daughters talking about, you know, throwing babies out of incubators, now admitted to be a PR firm lie.
Today they support this with lies about Niger uranium and
Well, you know, fake weapons reports and mobile weapons trucks that they knew day one were for pumping up balloons.
I mean, it's just... But new lies for old.
I mean, every week they've got a new weapons of mass destruction fight and later have to, in the back of the paper, say, okay, actually, it was a perfume factory.
But still, the shallow-minded people out there who aren't stupid, they're just not focused in the geopolitical realm.
They're experts on basketball and football and cosmetics and home redesign or on cuisine.
You know, that's the American people.
Or on their porno collection.
They're not experts on how many states there are, who the vice president is, how many continents there are.
They can't find Iraq on a map.
Most Americans can't.
But they'll give you their opinion all day about Iraq and say, oh yeah, they found mass graves.
They found mobile weapons trucks while they had that weapons dossier.
And I go, no, they admit that was a lie.
No, it's not, you liberal!
Well, hey, I'm not the liberal.
I'm not the one for open borders, the assault weapons ban, campaign finance reform, supercomputers to China, signing on to UNESCO, Patriot Act, all of this garbage.
So you better get your thinking caps on.
I don't mean our general listeners, but those hearing this broadcast for the first time.
You know, you say, oh, the liberals are against the war, the liberals are bad, so the war must be good.
No, all the so-called liberal leadership voted for this war.
The John Forbes Kerry's, the Hillary's, the Chuckie Schumer's, the Rangel's.
They're all for this fraud!
And America's playing the part of the bad cop, going in for the U.N.
to take over, and the U.N.
comes in as the false savior, and it's just sick!
Americans are being warned to leave Gaza immediately.
The U.S.
State Department warned U.S.
citizens early today to leave Gaza immediately and not to travel to Israel and the Palestinian territories.
The new advice was issued due to current safety and security concerns and cited the killings of two Hamas leaders in Gaza and threats of revenge including kidnappings as the reason for the new warning.
The Israeli military has been conducting a campaign against leaders of the Islamist group Hamas over the recent weeks, killing its founder and its successor.
Israel has vowed to kill all Hamas leaders and said that the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat could be targeted.
So it goes on and on there, the endless tribal warfare in that region that is not going to abate.
I want to get into biochip featured at Government Health Showcase and a move to put it in the homeless population, but I mentioned depleted uranium.
I want to go back into this because this is a big deal.
Very big deal.
The byproduct of nuclear weapons production.
use of depleted uranium weapons causes dangerous rise in radiation levels in Iraq and Canadian research centers.
...have reported that during the war against Iraq, U.S.
military used to put uranium, or DU, weapons, which caused the radiation level to rise at least 300 times above normal.
That's, in the country wide, certain areas, it's 1300%.
And the weapons cause similar effects in Afghanistan.
troops have recently begun removing contaminated popsule in Iraq, taking it to an unknown location.
You can't remove it.
It turns into dust when it hits the buildings, the tanks.
It gets aerosolized.
Scientists believe the next generation of children and citizens of both countries exposed to DU will suffer from higher rates of birth defects and cancer.
Now again, they claim that they're taking the stuff away.
Dr. Rocky talked about it.
There's no way to get rid of it.
Those, even if they're in protective gear, it goes right through it.
Imagine the troops that are having to supposedly clean this up.
And all they can do is go to a shattered tank or a shattered vehicle and drag it off to be shipped to the U.S.
for smelting.
Societies believe the next generation of children, of citizens, of both countries exposed to the EU will suffer from higher rates of birth defects and cancer.
A Gulf War veteran won is three times more likely, and that's time-life by the way, that one of their big articles about that years ago, the government's own numbers they reported on, three times more likely to be deformed.
Oh yes, this is a wonderful war, folks.
Why did you use depleted uranium?
There's no reason!
I mean, if we drop nuclear weapons on our supposed enemies, that would end wars quicker.
But you can't, you know, nuke everything, so they just use DU.
The Uranium Medical Research Center, UMRC, issued a report based on a 13-day survey throughout the primary conflict zones in urban and rural areas of central and southern Iraq on October 2003, according to the RISQ News.
They performed radiation surveys, nuclei analysis, interviewed civilians and community leaders, collected biological and field samples, and investigated the possible health effects of the plutonium contamination on Iraq's civilians.
According to the report, the U.S.
has used uranium oxide deposits in strong explosives in common and in firebombs.
And it goes on and on.
I mean, this is incredible.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, my friends.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment at 1-800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Any of the news I've mentioned, anything you'd like to discuss, any news story that we're not aware of in your area, any propaganda you'd like to expose that you've witnessed on television or in the newspaper, 1-800-259-9231.
But there's the depleted uranium situation.
I mean, this shows the mindset of the globalists.
Their own
Army and Los Alamos Nuclear Lab training manuals admit from the mid-80s and then right through the 90s that this stuff is deadly if you breathe it, that it really shouldn't be used, and then we see later in the early 90s Army documents saying, well, we shouldn't discuss this or distribute these manuals because this weapon is just too good, we've got to use it.
I mean, yeah, you could release a race-specific bioweapon in the Middle East to kill all the Arabs.
That would end the problem real fast.
But you don't do that because, you know, 99.9% of them aren't the supposed terrorists and are human beings.
And plus, it would kill a lot of people in Israel because a lot of people in Israel have identical DNA to what they call Arabs or Palestinians.
So that would kind of be a problem.
You know, kind of the European Israelis, kind of the carpetbackers, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed ones that seem to run all the real Israelis there.
That's a whole other subject.
They'll be just fine!
And they're the ones who are openly developing race-specific bioweapons to kill Semitic people!
Boy, if you're a real Jew, I'd be concerned about that!
Look, I mean, depleted uranium?
Depleted uranium?
They want to just keep... I didn't mention Afghanistan, I mentioned Iraq one, Serbia, you know, Bosnia where they used it three separate times, and of course I forgot Afghanistan used tons of it there.
Literal tons of it.
And when they use this in tanks, or in rockets, or fired out of gatling guns, out of A-10 Warthogs, or out of C-130 Spectre gunships, which they're doing in Basra right now, and not Basra, Fallujah, areas of Baghdad, excuse me.
I mean, they just fly around using this, and it's killing our troops.
It's maiming them.
It's making them sick.
You know, you can easily go, I don't care about them Iraqis and them, you know, use your racial terms for them that seem to be acceptable in the media.
The only group that's acceptable to be racist towards, I guess, nowadays.
But what about our troops?
I mean, our troops are sick!
They're dying from this!
And as usual, like every other war, when they come back and are dead and dying and have all these deformed children and the nightmares of that, can you imagine the pain of that?
It'll be okay, they'll just sweep him out of the rug and a couple years from now see a few news articles and, oh, that's too bad, they shouldn't have done that, but I still love George W. I still love Bill Clinton!
I still love Hillary!
You know, all of these people, they're all for it, they're all behind it, they're all just puppets of the New World Order.
The most disturbing circumstances was observed in the U.S.
occupied base in southwestern Baghdad
It was close to the International Airport and hosts one of the largest coalition bases around Baghdad, occupying the operational headquarters of the Iraqi Special Republican Guard.
The area was subject to considerable aerial bombardment and rocket fire prior to the coalition ground forces arrival, followed by several ground skirmishes along the main routes at the International Airport and western entrances in the city.
And it admits that the Department of Defense says that it is high radiation and that's where our troops stay.
See, all the places where the Iraqis were concentrated, the Iraqi troops, that's what got bombarded and that's where our troops stay.
Departing the Coalition occupied base was a long and steady stream of tandem axle dump trucks carrying full loads of sand heading south away from the city.
Returning from the south was a second stream of fully loaded dump trucks waiting to enter the base.
As the team passed the base's main entrance, the gates were opened to reveal bulldozers spreading soil while front end loaders were filling the trucks that had just emptied the loads of soil.
And so the method of topsoil removal and replacement of U.S.
occupied bases, living facilities, and administrative buildings is mechanically redepositing tons of potentially contaminated particulate, and the dust clouds are wafting it above and spreading over the entire area of the five million residents in Baghdad alone.
Yeah, that's the point.
They fire tons of this stuff into the cities, and then they go around with bulldozers as if that cleans it up.
That's because the troops all know it's dangerous, and so the Pentagon goes, don't worry, we'll scoop it away and take it away.
Which, frankly, a lot of people say is even worse, because that then stirs it all up.
So I want you to answer the question.
I want Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and all these people that claim they care about the troops, I want you to talk about DU.
But no, you won't, will you?
We'll be back with your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
The globalists create enemies.
They create surrogates to go out and wreak havoc.
There are several different types of surrogates.
There's the terror arm.
That is actually MI5, MI6, CIA, Mossad, FSB in Russia.
They'll go out, blow something up, and then openly blame it on some patsies.
We've caught all those groups doing that.
We've even caught the Arabs doing it from time to time.
Though they don't seem to be as sophisticated in some of this stuff.
Then there's what we call the wind-up toy.
And a Hitler or a Stalin or a Mao is a wind-up toy.
Our government attempted to make Ho Chi Minh a wind-up toy and funded him with $987 million dollars.
Right through World War II, right up to 1960.
Ho Chi Minh!
Yes, and our own government, I'll never forget History Channel a few years ago had the old CIA Section Chief on there from Asia.
Saying, oh yeah, we actually put Mao into power.
We thought he was a great stabilizing effect.
And of course, David Rockefeller told the New York Times that as well.
We've got that in my book, Dissent and Tyranny, with the date and when he said it.
But this is what they do.
Now those are wind-up toys, where you fund a terrorist, you fund a despot, and then later you then either really fight them, you know, build up a war machine to fight them, or you build up a war machine just to, quote, counter them and protect yourselves from them.
Or you build up a Hitler, and then have him run around crazily, and then get to have your big war, and out of that bring in your own brand of curing.
Well, it's the same thing over and over again.
We're about to go to Ken and Helga and Caroline and Wyatt and Dad and others, and then I'll get into Biochip featured at Government Health Showcase.
Also, we'll get into Hussein's agents are behind attacks in Iraq, Pentagon finds.
Yes, now the Shiites suddenly work for him.
Sure they do.
And again, Sylvester is friends with Tweety Bird.
Defectors say North Korea train accident may have been linked to possible plot to murder Kim.
And it says again, defector say North Korea train accident may have been linked to possible plot to murder Kim.
This is out of Channel News Asia.
And then we'll get in to this Financial Times of London article.
Oil hits 13 year high amid low US inventories and that is not the reason.
Hole, growing doubts on Iraq.
More on that.
Abuse of Iraq appeal W's by GIs is probed.
Army scientist eye new smallpox vaccine.
Bush-Cheney 9-11 interview won't be formally recorded.
White House bracing for the latest assault by Hardback, a former U.S.
ambassador, will this week out a government official who named his wife as a CIA operative.
Also, ACLU loyal opposition group reveals secret suit over FBI powers.
And this one's really scary out of USA Today.
Missouri tracks
SCOF laws, whatever that means, via pizza delivery database.
And this is nationwide.
It's the matrix system at the state level, through the NSA, tracking every pizza you buy, what you buy with credit cards, if it's a major chain.
The little outfits can't and don't do this.
It's big chains that do this.
And they upload it directly to the government.
Also, again, from UPI, move to put microchips in the homeless.
This out of the new Scientist robotic traffic cones swarm onto highways.
Little remote-controlled GPS robots to block the roads whenever they want and to squeeze down the lanes and of course they'll have cameras on them watching you lovingly.
It's part of the new robot force to keep us safe.
To block the highways so you can't escape during quarantine.
Berlin cops suspended over Hitler salute.
Florida town to use blanket of surveillance cameras despite the fact there's only a 321 residents.
They're going to watch everyone though with dozens of cameras.
And then I've got all this incredible police state news.
But before we get into all of that, for all the patient listeners, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ken in California.
Ken, go ahead.
Yes, Sybil Edmonds this morning revealed that if within 30 days the government does not come clean on what they know about 9-11, she's going to give all the documents to the media.
I think this is great.
She's a hero.
For those who don't know who Sybil Edmonds is, why don't you tell them?
Well, she was an FBI translator shortly after 9-11.
They had her translate documents that go back to April of 2001, in which there was plenty of evidence that the government had that we were going to be hit.
And the government did nothing about it?
Well, they were trying to have her falsify that.
When she said, I'm not going to do this, they said, we're going to arrest you.
Then Ashcroft called her and said, we'll give you a better job to shut up.
And then on top of all of this now, in court yesterday, and I didn't see what happened with it, it was in the Washington Times, there was an attempt to gag her, a federal gag order, to not let her lawyers talk.
We're trying to get her lawyer on.
I do have to say this, though.
Oh, no.
I think Sybil Evans is for real because she wouldn't have talked to 15 news cameras and all the media and then have them all block it out at the Capitol.
She testified in secret two months ago.
The Commission said they were going to go public.
They never did, so she went out and gave a press conference.
Tom Flacco reported.
The mainstream media ignored it.
Then it got picked up by British papers finally here a little bit.
So I don't think she's a shill, because they don't want this coming out.
That's right.
But it's kind of suspicious.
At higher levels, we know there's infighting at the CFR.
She could be being used as an unwinning set-piece for some higher-level people to get some goodies or something.
I'm not sure.
Again, that's just speculation.
I don't like to speculate.
But look, take Rowley, the FBI agent.
You know, she's the chief counsel up in Minnesota.
Uh, this FBI Politico, you've got FBI agents in Texas, FBI agents in Phoenix, FBI agents in Illinois, like Robert Wright, specifically being threatened with arrest if they talk about what they know, and we already have had their lawyers on the show before they were given gag orders, threatened with arrest for the second time.
Their lawyers themselves, David Shippers and others.
That they specifically had the details of 9-11, tried to give it to Bush, were threatened with arrest.
You don't hear about them in the news, even when they're at the National Press Club.
Who you hear about is Kathleen Rowley, who goes, oh, we messed up, give us more funding, we're just idiots.
So when there's all these whistleblowers going, they'll bring out a few fake whistleblowers.
You see what I'm saying?
Now, Edmonds doesn't fit the bill on that, other than this CFR connection.
Well, what I like about her is she said she's willing to go to jail over this thing.
And I don't think that if she was really a shill that she would be saying that.
I don't think she's a shill either.
I just think that we have to be very careful.
And we are attempting to get her on the broadcast for weeks now.
And trying to get the lawyer on.
In fact, Stephanie, no time to lose.
Will you call my producer and ask her to call that law firm again?
Stephanie, we'll do that right now.
By the way, in the next hour, I'm going to air these CBS clips that were only on local CBS about what looks like bombs in the buildings.
We'll add that with Dan Rather's comments nationally and Larry Silverstein, the owner's comments that we've heard in the past.
Thanks for the call, Ken.
I appreciate it.
Helga in Texas.
Helga, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Welcome, yeah.
Uh, the name depleted.
I looked in all my books, which I bought before 91, the name, the term depleted.
It is an improper term.
It's improper.
They simply take the isotope that is...
I think it's 238.
Mostly 238.
Yeah, they simply extract the type they want for the nuclear weapon or for the fuel rod, and then the other uranium is not depleted.
The term is deceptive.
It's not depleted, and it wasn't.
In 1991, I was very much involved in the nuclear thing, and I have all those books around.
I looked through every one.
The term depleted is not there.
So that's a new term to sound less than total
High level.
Because at that time it was high level, medium, and low level.
Anyway, second thing, last night, I couldn't believe it, I listened to the business news on public TV, and I don't know who it was, it was just some guy who was, you know, that's where they give you the Wall Street Report, and the stocks, and you know how they're doing,
What news scandal is going on and what merger and things like that.
But anyway, Public Radio.
And there is this man and he says, when it comes to the economy, George Bush talks like John Wayne.
And when he acts on the economy, it's like Winnie the Pooh.
Can you imagine?
Winnie the what?
I heard this.
He acts like Winnie the Pooh.
That's what I heard on that business news.
Did you say Pooh?
Pooh, yeah.
You know, Winnie the Pooh.
The children book.
Winnie the Pooh.
Yes, that's what he said.
That's all I can say.
I don't know who that person was, but it was, you know, it comes here on
On, you know, public radio, Channel 9 at 5.30, the business news, Wall Street.
Yeah, that's Channel 9 TV.
And that's where I heard it last night.
I just couldn't believe it.
I wrote it down as soon as I heard it.
Hey, what do you think of this new Patriot Act Bush wants to pass with the death penalty for any federal crime with more than a year in prison?
I mean, it scares me to hell when they put those things on paper, because that's when it goes down to the police.
And that's what we are seeing.
We know that they always have done things, you know, above the law.
But when it gets on paper,
My God, I want to go off the wall, because that means it goes to people who are all of a sudden, who had been no one, and all of a sudden they're getting all those powers.
That's right.
I appreciate the call, Helga.
Thank you.
Yeah, you're right.
Before, they were just breaking the law, violating it, but now things are so criminal, they're codifying the tyranny into law.
It's like saying,
I keep using this example because it's the best.
Well, it's the law that black people aren't human beings.
Why, the Supreme Court says they're not human beings.
Why, we can have them, you know, with chains around their necks because it's the law.
You see, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta says that if it's in violation of our basic God-given rights, tyrants just can't say we're their slaves.
So government, you can say I'm your slave.
I'm still a free human being.
You're the criminals.
I mean, Hitler had lots of laws.
Doesn't mean they were right or proper or had to be followed.
It's real simple.
Let's talk to Caroline in Colorado.
Caroline, go ahead.
I was listening yesterday when you were talking about that guy who researched the mind control.
And he, along the way, mentioned that running sounds or speaking backwards has some sort of effect.
Well, that was Dr. Boir, and he's a top expert in this.
He was in the New Scientist reporting on it.
And already in Tokyo, as you heard, they have Coke machines that beam sound just to you, directly to your skull.
And now with face scanning technology attached, it's messages tailored just to you by name.
And I had the CEO on of the company three years ago.
They planned to put it in the U.S.
They tested it at a few stores and people got really mad about it.
But that's just one of the technologies.
Yeah, I was thinking about something else you had said a few weeks ago about The Beatles, and I was remembering how they did that in a lot of their music, and also that you had said that they were connected with some sort of mind control institute or something?
Yeah, the Tavistock Institute.
How do you spell that?
I was trying to look it up.
I don't have the spelling in front of me, but Tavistock.
Do you know, is that something that they were doing?
All we know is that the formation and the control of the Beatles is directly linked through their managers and others to Tavistock.
That's all we know.
I mean, I don't get into the speculation.
We know there's a connection to the admitted public British mine control facility.
That's a mine control facility, Tavistock.
It's the premier one that we know of that's public.
I have to reevaluate everything in my world every day after I listen to you.
This world is not what I thought it used to be.
Now you have to know that right before they killed John Lennon...
And I've got a CD of his songs where he talks about the elite sacrificing children, the B-666, the New World Order.
I ought to play those!
And, you know, in his songs he says, yeah, I used to be with you, but now I'm against you, standing up for humanity.
I mean, his last songs were suddenly about God and not being evil and how Satanism's bad and how the elite are into 666.
Did you ever hear those songs?
Yeah, I've got that CD at my office.
I know that... I'll try to dig that out and play some of those.
Yeah, John Lennon.
And then they sure dealt with him.
Thanks for the call.
And by the way, the guy that killed Lennon, admittedly, was at this weird CIA-controlled third-world refugee camp.
He was an American who'd been at this refugee camp working for years, where they now admit congressional testimonies.
They engage in mind-control training, kind of like a Jim Jones operation, and he comes up here and blasts Lennon.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wyatt in Maryland.
Wyatt, go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
Welcome, sir.
Yeah, I live fairly close to BWI Airport, and next to BWI Airport used to be Westinghouse, and now it's north of Bremen Defense Contractor.
And, oh, a couple weeks ago I saw a huge Russian heavy lift lift that pull out of there, and, you know, with a real back, the wings that stretched straight back.
I know it wasn't a U.S.
And then last week, I saw this jet take off, and I said, what kind of jet is that?
And as it streaked across the sky, and it was one of the jet-powered drones.
And man, that thing took off, and you know how you can usually, on a passenger aircraft, you can watch it, follow it.
As it says, it's picking up speed.
This thing was out of sight within, like, five seconds.
It was unbelievable.
Well, they authorized, a year ago, drone flights, and the Pentagon said it was domestically to watch the American people, to look through our walls with ground-penetrating radar.
But then, when people complain, they said, oh no, it's to stop the illegal aliens, which, of course, it has nothing to do with.
And, on top of that,
You mentioned foreign aircraft.
Right after 9-11, six days after, seven days after, excuse me, U.N.
General McKenzie was on nightline.
We've read the transcript here on air and he said, we need foreign troops here domestically, foreign aircraft.
They had German and French AWACS in our skies, and then the 56 Norwegian F-16s.
And yeah, our skies are patrolled by foreign aircraft, you name it.
Drones, I've seen drones flying above Austin.
It's all part of the new freedom.
That's great.
Also, I work for a car dealership and one of our finance officers, a fairly young guy, he's from Phoenix, Arizona.
He went back to visit his parents.
He had been away for five years.
Can you hold me over?
And he wanted to visit his parents for five years.
He goes to the airport in Phoenix, and they lock him up.
When he scanned his driver's license, he had an outstanding speeding ticket.
They put him in jail.
He's been in jail for 20 days.
Well, that's how... In fact, you know what?
Thanks for the call, Wyatt.
I'll cover this USA Today article about that when we get back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Wyatt was talking about one of his business associates from Maryland flying out to Phoenix to see family, and when they scanned his driver's license, you know the script they put on there long before 9-11 getting it all ready for this, the Caps 2 system found that he had a warrant for unpaid parking tickets, so he's been in jail for 20 days.
And I see articles about this every couple days where
Somebody's got parking tickets or something.
They get arrested at the airport.
Or you're a conservative or liberal political activist.
You can't fly anymore.
Now they say it's to get on buses.
They want to make you swipe your card to start your car.
They're going to have these robot cones that come out and block your vehicle.
Now that's the new scientist of police checkpoints, hardened checkpoints, built into the roads entering each city.
Total micromanagement.
Total control.
Kill switches going in most of the new vehicles, that's been in the news.
Computer tracker boxes in all the vehicles, all the new vehicles last nine years.
This is out of USA Today.
Missouri tracks scoffle laws via pizza delivery databases.
Jefferson City, Missouri.
It's dinner time and you're hungry and tired so you pick up the phone and order your favorite pizza.
But you might have just landed yourself in a lot more than pepperoni and cheese.
If you owe fines or fees to the courts.
See, it's not for terrorism that they're getting the pizza order records.
It's for everything.
The phone calls may have provided the link the state needed to track you down and make you pay.
This whole article says how wonderful this is.
Total violation of the Fourth Amendment.
That's one of the strategies of firms that is a company being hired by the Missouri Office of State Courts.
It's all part of Matrix.
Administrator to handle its fine and debt collection.
And it says, a sampling in January of the three of Missouri's 141 counties found that 2 million owed by the courts, by people, Social Security numbers were known.
And it goes on to say, database compiled by private companies and government agencies are a key tool for firms such as ACS, Coplin said.
And one of the databases they find to be most helpful are pizza delivery databases.
When you call to order a pizza, you usually give your correct name, your correct address, and your correct phone number.
USA Today called all the big pizza chains and they all denied it and said they don't do it, which of course is a lie.
Why do you think grocery stores have loyalty cards?
It's admitted!
Everything you're buying, your psychological makeup off of it, uploaded to Homeland Security long before you heard the term Homeland Security.
And with your new national sales tax they're going to have, you're going to have to swipe your card and it's total control.
This is the federal plan.
I'll get more into this after the break.
I don't want to just hurry through this.
But again, it's not for terrorists.
It's for everybody.
Haven't paid some parking tickets?
Hey, you order a pizza?
Goes right to the cops and they come and arrest you.
You starting to get this, people?
You starting to figure this out, what the face scanning cameras mean?
What all of this means?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into our number two.
Coming up, Biochip featured at Government Health and Human Services Showcase, saying how we all need the chip, and that's where UPI got the article about the plans to put it in the homeless.
Yes, it's really happening.
They want to put it in the police, the homeless, the elderly, the children.
Why, it'll save lives!
You're for saving the children, aren't you?
Now, top Canadian, even government agencies are admitting incredible levels of depleted uranium.
Very deadly all over Iraq.
We'll get into that.
Before we go back to Dan and Chris and Rob and Vince and Patrick and others that are patiently holding
I was getting into this USA Today article because a caller from Maryland called in about his friend flying to Phoenix from Maryland and having some parking tickets or some driving violations and getting arrested because when he swiped his ID card it showed it.
And they've built the cells, and they've got the local police there, and that's all this is about.
It's not about terrorism.
It's about, haven't paid your fines, haven't paid your fees, you drive down the highway, Homeland Security's putting in scanner cameras.
They did this three years ago.
We saw it in Indiana, Texas, you name it, but now it's going nationwide, that scan your license plate that five, six years ago, depending on the state, put in this electronic barcode that you really can't see unless it's in the right light.
They scan that,
It's for a total control grid.
Nothing to do with terrorism, internal checkpoints, you name it.
And you want to say today, let me go back over this article, because I kind of sped through it.
Missouri tracks you via pizza delivery database USA Today.
It's dinner time and you're hungry and tired, so you pick up the phone and order your favorite pizza.
But you might have just landed yourself in a lot more than pepperoni and cheese.
Oh, see, it's so funny.
If you owe fines or fees to the courts, that phone call may have provided the link the state needed to track you down and make you pay.
So again, you call up with a private corporation to get a pizza, they don't tell you we're going to give this to the police, and the police go and violate everybody's Fourth Amendment and just buy whole grand databases, treat everybody in the databases as if they're a criminal, until proven innocent.
You ought to sue these people, but see, they won't tell you.
Now, we've caught them.
We've caught the big grocery stores doing this with loyalty cards.
It's so horrible, people.
If you owe fines or fees in the courts, the phone call may have provided the link the state needed to track you down and make you pay.
That's one of the strategies of firms such as a company being hired by the Missouri Office of State Courts.
Again, it's part of Matrix, the multi-state task force.
Nothing to do with terror.
It's all about tracking you.
And it says, David Coplin, the state's office budget director, said that he discovered the pizza delivery lists are one of the best sources such companies use to locate people.
They are literally millions of dollars of uncollected fines, fees, and court costs out there, Coplin said.
How much?
A sampling in January of just three of Missouri's 114 counties.
See, it's money they need.
About $2 million owed to courts for people whose social security numbers were known.
Toplin said, that finding suggests court statewide could reap significant revenue.
See, it's a positive article about this.
Once the Dallas-based ACS gets to work this month pursuing people using phone numbers and databases.
Databases compiled by private companies and government agencies are a key tool for firms such as ACS, Toplin said, and one of the databases they find to be most helpful are pizza delivery databases.
When you call the order to pizza, you usually give them your correct name, your correct address, and your correct phone number, he said.
Uh, just when pizza company's databases might be mined is unknown.
Just, oh it says just which, not when, it's already happened.
Pizza company's databases might be mined is unknown.
Frozen pizzas are sounding better and better, aren't they?
A representative of Domino's Pizzas at the company does not sell its consumer information, and other national pizza chains told about this, requested, did not respond to a message seeking comment.
Michael Daniels, an ACS Division Vice President, declined to reveal exactly which companies' databases ACS uses.
This is all part of the federal takeover.
We'll be back with your call.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Years ago, we were aware of the fact the National Security Agency, the FBI, the BATF, and many others were actively out there with large chains like Walmart and big grocery stores, you name it, buying data.
And then last year they came out and said, yeah, we call it the Matrix System.
Ha ha ha.
And a bunch of states are involved in it, and we take the police data, the divorce records, the grocery store purchases, all these private databases, when you go to work, how much money is in your bank account, you know, the census questions, and it's all in this big database.
Nothing to do with terrorism, just part of the new America.
You know, ten times the surveillance of the Soviet Union.
But it's good!
The police wear black uniforms and ski masks now, but again, that's another sign of freedom, like that camera and microphone on your little rural road.
You know, it's just part of the goodness!
But the border stays wide open and the illegal aliens have a waiver, where they don't have to get ID cards or a thumb scan to come in.
But you do as a citizen to get a driver's license or ID.
And it says in USA Today, in this little focus on one company and what's happening in Missouri, and it says that ACS out of Dallas gets 20% of the court fee collected.
So they get 20% of the court fees in the people that they scan the database and match it to the police databases and then tell them who to go out and arrest.
And so if you have unpaid parking tickets or moving violations, whatever, they go ahead and report you, and they come and arrest you if they can't find out where you live.
And they scan everybody.
You order a pizza from one of these firms, and again, most of the big firms wouldn't say that they don't do it.
They just say, no comment.
What does that tell you, girls?
What does that tell you, boys?
What does that tell you, ladies and gentlemen?
This is very, very sickening.
And it says, the first time your babysitter orders a pizza, the pizza delivery company has your phone number, address, and name, and they sell it, he added.
And by the way, we've had companies request, you know, buy our customer list, which isn't even in a list form.
We don't even keep that more than a few months.
And we just say, no thank you, we're not going to do that.
Had the so-called conservative groups contact us.
You know, when you sign up with the NRA, boy, that's when all the junk mail starts hitting you.
From all the neocon groups.
So I'm here to tell you, my friends, do not be part of this.
Do not go along with this.
You need to start suing these people.
You need to sue them now.
They're just, again, this is totally criminal, totally un-American, right out in the open.
Guilty until proven innocent.
By the way, I remember seeing a USA Today article three years ago where it said that major grocery store chains have face-scanning cameras in them, hidden cameras that scan your eye movement, you know, to what you're reading and what you're doing.
A soon-to-be father walks in and stares at the baby aisle from what he looks at.
They then scan his face, compare it to a digital photo in a driver's license database instantly, and then mail him
A direct marketing mail promoting items for his new baby that's coming.
And then, this year and last year, we find out Walmart has, quote, smart shelves with hidden cameras that take a digital photo of your face, match it to the federal database, and then they match it off the RFID and the goods in your cart, and videotape the amount of goods you put in, and then that's compared at the counter to what you've got
And then at the end of the day, they have AI computers.
Artificially intelligent computers, already here.
And they're just artificially intelligent when it comes to images and tracking.
And it tallies up everything, and then they show that to the police, and then you get a SWAT team raid if they think you stole some Gillette razors.
Because, well, we showed you put 15 items in your cart, and then when you left the place, there were only 14 items in your shopping bag.
I mean, this is admitted!
This is admitted!
I mean, can you imagine?
It's worse than Minority Report, people!
And the thumb scanners are going in, the, you know, the check cashing places, the HEBs, the food stores, and I told the story the other night on Rentz's broadcast, then we'll go to your calls, I said that I boycotted HEB.
And undoubtedly,
H-E-B has better prices, better selection, is a better chain.
Right here in Texas, my grandmother here in Austin was good friends with Mr. Butts when they went to Baylor.
All this stuff, good Texas company, but total New World Order, total masons.
But I can't go to H-E-B because they're in College Station in Houston.
Now they've got signs up for six months in Austin saying we're about to put thumb scanners in.
That's actually in my film, Police State's Retotal.
It's like when I go in and ask them about it.
They admit it's indexed with the state database with your face scan and thumb scan.
Then we have a local newscast where they lie and say it's not, but we have their own employees admitting it.
And so I said, I'm boycotting H-E-B.
I've been boycotting H-E-B for two years.
I mean, H-E-B is closer to my house, better.
So I go to a horrible Safeway spin-off.
And now I can't go there either, I guess.
I'm going to start having to go out in my backyard and hunt squirrels or something.
It's already to that point.
And obviously I'm going to break down and go ahead and go into the B system and get the food.
We're all facing this.
And I go in, and you know, a year ago at Randall's, a spinoff of Safeway.
I know Safeway's got kind of a bad name around here, so they just, you know, it's kind of a low-grade deal, rip-off.
A lot more expensive, so they call it Randall's.
About a year ago, I go into Randall's, and it'd be, do you have a Randall's card?
Okay, well, you would have saved $5 on your $25 purchase.
Okay, fine.
No, I don't have the card.
You know, a little swipe card they swipe with a barcode.
And now, it doesn't matter if it's one of the young checkout women or the old checkout men, whatever.
They'll go, why don't you have it?
I just don't want it.
Well, you would save $50.
You just bought $150 worth of groceries.
Well, I just don't want it.
Well, why not?
You'd save.
I go, lady, why do you think?
Your corporation wants to make money, right?
Well, yes.
Well, why then do you get such discounts to have this card?
She said, huh?
You're not one of those conspiracy terrorists.
A lot of people come through here like you.
I said, go to NoCards.org.
You know, research this.
I said, this data, it's been in the news by these customer loyalty cards, gets sold and passed around and they build a detailed database on your mindset, on your buying habits.
They then adjust prices for what people are buying.
In some chains, I haven't seen Randall's doing this, they may be doing it, some other chains index it right down to you personally and manipulate it at the counter itself.
I said, why don't you just have low prices?
You know, I can't go to HEB because they're putting in thumb scanners.
And she goes, okay, sir, whatever, whatever.
And I'm like, no, you're sitting here laughing at me, calling me a conspiracy theorist.
Why do you think they give you these big discounts?
Why do I need a card to do this?
And I said, don't worry, the new national sales tax ID card's coming out, and everybody's going to have to swipe, even if they pay cash, because they're going to say, well, we can't charge the poor people sales tax.
That wouldn't be fair.
So if you make under, you know, $18,000 to $22,000 a year, no federal sales tax.
You just have to pay local.
And so it'll be broken up with state, county, city, federal, international.
There's going to be even an international tax on there.
So I start preaching at her about the national sales tax.
And there's people behind me in the line going, he's right.
Hey, Alex Jones, he's right.
And then I see some manager walking out.
And so I just say, you know, just put my food in the thing.
I'm getting out of here.
So now I guess I've got to go to the expensive downtown Whole Foods or something.
I haven't been there in years.
I don't know what they're doing there, but here's an example.
Of trying to get around Big Brother.
Getting around Big Brother isn't the answer.
It's getting them to take the infrastructure control systems out, educating people about the Big Brother control grid, and suing these companies, and going after these people, and exposing this, and educating the public.
I have a five-year-old cell phone, AT&T, Nokia, so here I am funding the
Oppenheimers, the diamond merchants, but the point is, you just can't win.
And it doesn't have a satellite tracker chip in it.
Old phones, after October 1st, 2001, had to have this in them.
It's admitted.
Triangulating you down, it's a GPS tracker chip that pings off the cell towers down to 15 feet.
They can also listen to you over the new phones without the phone even being on.
That's admitted.
And, you know, I tell people about this.
So, I don't have a new cell phone.
Plus, my old one has more power and works better than these new cruddy ones.
Because I've tried them, you know, the new ones.
Friends of mine that have them, different companies.
But now the keys are wearing out on it.
Now the zero and the one key.
I have to really press them hard.
And I won't be able to get a phone.
I won't be able to get a phone that doesn't have it.
So now it's either take a tracker system, literally the equivalent of a GPS tracker in my car, on my person, or I'm not going to have a cell phone.
And they're getting rid of the pay phones everywhere.
And when I forget my cell phone and try to use a pay phone, it will ask, most of them only take a calling card now with your name, with your information.
Are you starting to get this folks?
Are you starting to understand all the new cars have a tracker box in them?
The states are talking about making you take a satellite tracking plug in with that.
The infrastructure, the hardware is already in all the new cars.
Are you starting to get the picture that they're closing the gaps?
That it's all coming together now?
Helicopters and drones fly over our cities, looking through our walls with a crisp black and white image of everything we're doing in our home with ground penetrating radar.
This isn't freedom.
Cameras in the school bathrooms and showers all over the country isn't freedom.
School children having to thumb scan to get lunches.
No cash allowed isn't freedom.
RFID in the library books isn't freedom.
The FBI going to Borders Books and Barnes and Nobles and demanding the buy list of customers.
Pushing their discount loyalty cards on you to phase out cash.
You see, and now the Federal Reserve says they want to tax you if you use cash.
They're going to devalue cash off the strip in it if you hold on to it and use cash exclusively.
This is the control grid.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to your calls directly in one moment and quickly so we can get everybody in.
But there have been rumblings of this for years.
Quote, rumors.
They weren't rumors.
I saw Governor Ridge
Over two years ago now, before Homeland Security even got funding, say that to have a job anywhere, starting with taxi driving, truck driving, agriculture, you'll have to have a special federal ID number.
You'll go through federal inspections, background checks.
If you have bad credit, you won't be allowed to have that job.
That's going to be considered a crime now.
It's sort of a debtor's prison, where if you don't pay off debts, you can't even own your own business.
And now they announced it.
It is true.
To have any livestock, ducks, chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, you're going to have to have your own ID number.
Each animal will to buy them or sell them.
That's official.
Announced that on Monday.
It's just total control, people.
Total and complete control.
Total control.
This is in America.
And this was all set up before 9-11.
All prepared.
But now when you complain, oh, the world has changed now.
They told you that within minutes of the attack.
Oh, things are different now.
Give your freedom up.
Let us be your owners.
Dan in Illinois, then Chris and Rob and Vince and Ted and others.
Go ahead, Dan.
Alex, last night that program where they were showing how the prisoners were being tortured by the U.S.
Yeah, but it's an isolated thing.
Just a few are bad and we're going to punish them.
No, no, no.
It's system-wide.
They've trained the troops to do this.
Well, to me, here's the thing.
They know that their neocon-loving Nazi supporters of Bush are not going to be offended by this.
But when they publicize this to the world, Alex, they're infuriating the Arabs.
And that then demonizes America.
Went on TV and said, we've killed 700,000 Iraqi children.
It's worth it.
It's a good price to pay.
She said that on purpose.
You're absolutely right.
To make the UN look good.
To make us look bad.
A very sophisticated program.
But, I swear, they're not going to be happy until they kill a million people over there.
I mean, to me, they're just inciting, inciting.
They've already killed 1,500,000.
That's the government's own admission.
700,000 children as of 1998.
I'm talking about in this war, because not just there.
They're talking about all these Arabs that are getting around the world, they're getting together, the jihads from Europe, from Asia.
Well, that's P-2-O-G, Rumsfeld's own Pentagon group, you know, talks about how there really wasn't a real terror threat, but by bombing and killing their families.
It actually says this, L.A.
Times, his own documents, then they get people to attack us.
So, yeah, they go up and punch somebody in the face, and when they hit back, they go, oh, you saw what he did!
Right, I mean, look at their level in it.
Well, you know, siblings do this.
The 12-year-old punches his 9-year-old brother in the arm, and when his 9-year-old brother hits him, he goes, look, Mom, he hit me!
And the 9-year-old gets in trouble.
Well, that's what Israel's been doing for the last 10 years, right?
To the Palestinians.
They keep nudging them, they react, and then they barrel down their own.
I mean, we're becoming Zionists in Iraq, too.
Well, Israel is advising the wonderful policies, but it's a lot bigger than Israel.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Texas.
Chris, go ahead.
A few subjects.
First one, the 2020 auction off for a baby.
Most disgusting.
And I noticed they've actually pulled 2020 sites.
Um, checking this morning on the ABC... Yeah, we had a link to it and now it went down, but um... Yep.
Um, another thing... Oh yeah, that's the... Look, look, look.
That's ABC, but notice that the most degenerate programs where women are prostitutes for money, where you get people to cheat on their family, all the dramas, the husband's bad, he's an idiot, the woman runs things, the most socialistic
Propaganda is Fox TV, but then it's the most conservative news channel, and then even during their regular broadcast of fiction, they scroll weird Bush-worshipping news at the bottom.
I mean, it's just total... It's working on the subconscious of the people, see?
Yes, it is.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry for interrupting.
Go ahead.
It's okay.
Then we've got another article from the Mirror in England.
We've got Navy troops refusing to go on subs because they're absolutely in disrepair after they've been repaired, just hanging to pieces.
They're facing court-martial but they're saying there's 270 safety defects on them, including leaking reactors.
Well, now the government says that radiation is good for you, like the DU, so the troops are bad.
They should lick the nuclear reactors.
They should eat them!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hey, I tell ya, Chris, I mean, uh, radiation was bad in the past, but the new world order is so powerful, it's now good to be on subs with reactors that are leaking.
It's good to be breathing depleting uranium at most of our troops' bases at 1,300 times safe levels.
The entire country at 300 times safe levels.
The entire place basically radiated.
I mean, it doesn't matter if the Army's own training manual says it's going to kill the troops and cause more deformities.
Uh, just, you know, argue with Al-Qaeda or something?
Saying that our government shouldn't be given total control over our lives and that we shouldn't be total jellyfish slaves, Chris?
Well, there's nothing wrong with that, really.
I mean, just watch Fox News, you know that.
We should all just be slaves.
Are you pro-gun?
What kind of a commie are you being pro-gun?
It's just a ridiculous state of affairs.
I mean, I'm from England originally and moved over here four years ago.
I don't think so.
Just believe that everything's okay.
I'm in a little town.
Hey then, let the face scanning cameras watch him.
Let everything they buy at the grocery store or at the pizza place be uploaded to the government.
Now that's freedom, man.
Having the government watch everything you do.
I mean, I'm in Brenham.
I'm sure you know where that place is.
Bluebell Ice Cream, yes.
It's a little town.
We've just got our first camera up.
I mean, this town is a population of nothing.
Uh, basically.
And, uh, we've already got our cameras up on the stoplight.
Well, the terrorists might try to go after the ice cream.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Uh, let's go ahead and, uh, mmm, Blue Bell.
That's just what I need.
Some strawberry Blue Bell ice cream.
It's good for my diet.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Rob.
Two points, if possible, both to do with PBS.
The first one is, the Chief Justice of the Wyoming Supreme Court was interviewed on Cheyenne, Wyoming Public Radio last week, and I called in and asked him point-blank, do you recognize the natural rights of man, the unalienable, non-waivable rights of man, as compared to the corporations' privilege of existing?
He could not give his assent to that.
It's on tape and I have it.
You ought to send that to me.
I will.
Can't say that we're free human beings.
Living is a privilege thanks to our God, the government.
Well, he said we've got to do everything the federal government tells us elsewhere on the tape.
He said, in regards to the Patriot Act, he also said that the state grants you your rights and that we have to follow the statute.
He said that was an advisory question about whether man had unalienable rights.
Well, government made us.
Government is God.
Government is infallible.
And we should drink the fluoride, take the vaccines with the Marisol.
The troops should thank the government for the depleted uranium.
The black men being allowed to die and spread syphilis for 50 years, I guess that was a good thing.
I guess slavery was good.
I guess Hitler was good.
If the government gives you your rights, if government's God, how could Hitler be wrong?
If government's God, you're not allowed to question government.
Well, it's enough to make you love Big Brother.
Well, you're going to learn to cry and you're going to learn to love him.
I mean, look, every day I see articles where now they're recasting Big Brother.
Big Brother helping.
Big Brother wasn't so bad.
Big Brother to the rescue.
All these articles.
Big Brother likes the children.
Big Brother's good.
It's literally 1984.
Thanks for the call.
So now you tell somebody, Big Brother, and they go, yeah, I like him.
I like him.
I like him.
How many articles have you seen where Big Brother's helping?
Every day.
I got one today where they're recasting it saying, Big Brother's helping!
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Vince.
Indiana, Vince, go ahead.
How are you, Alex?
I'm fine.
You sound like you're fired up today, but, uh, listen, you know... Well, because I love Big Brother.
I know you do.
Oh, yes.
I don't need police in black uniforms beating 95-year-old women and running around slobbering is good.
I know, but, uh, you know, uh,
Last couple of weeks, because you know the price of gasoline has gone up and up and up.
And we said it would, and they're going to gouge us more.
Because the cattle like it.
But me and my buddy at work, we work third shift.
We decided to ride our bikes here the last couple of months.
And you know, we've been stopped a couple of times by the police.
And so I finally asked, I said, what is your probable cause for stopping it?
This policeman looked at us, because he called in another buddy of his.
And I said, what is your probable cause?
We have not committed any crime.
We haven't done anything wrong.
We're going to work.
And I said, we've got reflectors, lights.
Okay, what did he say?
What did he say?
He said, you know, you're interfering with the right of way.
We're on the far right hand side of the road.
We're good to go.
Why would you take those bikes from us?
Well, it's like arresting this 97-year-old woman.
It's all about getting us into the system.
We're all bad.
We're fish to be scooped up by the gods, by our lords, by our makers, by our masters.
Of course, they're not our makers and our gods, but government always sets itself up as that.
Thanks for the call.
Now look, before I go to Ted and Linda and Alan and others,
I want to go through these audio clips real quick.
Now, on PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, you can watch all these clips for free, listen to all these clips.
The only stuff we charge for is our own productions that we put on the site.
Because we have to because of the bandwidth.
You know, putting a bunch of two and three hour videos up there.
And hour long reports each week.
So go sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
But I want to do some recapping.
The Associated Press reported that firefighters told the news reporters to get back that they were about to bring building 7 down, the building that wasn't hit by a plane that collapsed, what, 8 hours after the towers 1 and 2 collapsed.
And so we've got that clip from the PBS documentary where Larry Silverstein says that the owner, they gave the order to pull the building.
It's the history of rebuilding, so they go back to the day of 9-11, they show the building, and they say, you know, such a loss of life, we made the decision to pull it, we gave the order to watch it fall.
Then I'm on air, Dan Rather talking about, looks like bombs were in the building.
And we have the firefighters saying this on video, too.
That's on the website.
But there's profanity in it, you know, firefighters, so we can't play that here for you.
I guess we could beep it out, but the point is, this is off national television, the firefighters saying this.
Man, the bombs!
Boom, boom, boom!
But here's the Silverstein clip first, then we'll air the CBS News 2 Channel 2 piece from the chopper, what they had to say.
Go ahead and hit Silverstein.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the north tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life.
Maybe this is why I was thinking of doing this as a poet.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
They made the decision on the day of 9-11 to pull Building 7 and they watched it collapse.
And we have another clip where the engineer says pulling means demolishing, but this next clip is Dan Rather.
Seconds after it collapses, they back the tape up.
You can see him rewinding it on air.
And they play this, and Dan Rather says this about Building 7.
Go ahead and play it.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Okay, now here's CBS Channel 2 in New York from their chopper over the building.
Yeah, go ahead and hit it.
Go ahead and play that again.
Play that first clip again.
Now the seismographs picked up multiple explosions, the exact signature of controlled demolitions.
That evacuated the buildings days before.
Had these weird engineers in there on the very floors that blew up.
The firefighters said bombs were going off.
Some of them even said they saw them.
Now let's go ahead and go to the next clip from the chopper.
If Jim Smith is with us still in Chopper 2, Jim are you there?
Michael, we just saw that as well, the second tower, the only one that was standing, tower number one, just we saw some kind of explosion, a lot of smoke come out of the top of the tower and then it collapsed down onto the streets below, much like we saw the first tower just about a half hour ago.
Now, people try to say, well, that's Tower 1 and 2, they weren't built right or whatever, even though the engineer that designed it says that he designed it for a jumbo jet to hit it.
Building 7 was hit by nothing!
It catches on fire, has some small fires, blows up, collapses symmetrically, and then they say they blew it up.
So, what are you going to do about that?
Are you going to face the facts?
Okay, I've got all this other police state and microchip and Iraq news and economy news with the fuel prices and your calls.
Do we have Jim Shepard?
Okay, go ahead and get Jim for me.
I want to have Jim up for a few minutes.
We'll do that.
Then we'll go straight to your calls and then back into more of this news.
We've got ABC News where they say explosions going off.
We've got, again, the firefighters saying get back.
They're about to pull the building.
Building 7.
We have Rudolph Giuliani telling ABC News that morning that, oh, we got told to get out of Building 7, that was their command center, because the towers were about to come down, Tower 1 and 2.
An unprecedented event in history.
Never has one steel building collapsed from fire.
Magically, three do on this day.
Jim Shepherd, good to have you on the broadcast with us, my friend.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Alex, how are you today?
I'm doing pretty good.
On the water issue, something I believe in, desperately wanting to warn people, the CDC and the FDA have both released reports admitting that POZAC is in many water supplies, it is causing bizarre brain growths in people, women that take it, the babies are having weird brain growths, sterility,
It's causing miscarriages, you name it.
That's just one of the things in the water.
Every day I see articles about nickel and mercury and arsenic and herbicide and pesticide and MBTE and the fluoride.
I believe in people filtering their water.
Not just filtering it, purifying it.
You've got a system made in America, top of the line, that I use.
How do people get it?
Well, and let me just mention something else, Alex.
You know, a lot of people end up getting whipsawed on this.
They think to themselves, I don't want these contaminants in my water.
I'm going to go start drinking distilled water or reverse osmosis water.
And what they don't know is that that kind of water is very acidic.
It has no minerals.
As soon as it gets into your body, it leaches the minerals out of your body, flushes them out.
It also makes your body acidic, which creates an environment for bacteria and virus to thrive.
And what really makes our system different is we do truly purify the water.
We remove the bacteria to non-detectable levels.
We remove the chemicals to non-detectable levels.
We target the bad minerals.
We get those out of there, but we leave in the beneficial minerals that your body needs.
And we also remove the radiologicals like Radon-222.
So we really clean that water up, make it like nature intended it to be with the beneficial minerals, but without all the nasty stuff.
By the way, if I put tap water in and make ice cubes, because I have an ice maker, but I like to make ice with my Berkey water, if I use tap water, they're cloudy, it's fractured.
You use Berkey water, crystal clean, you can look through the ice cubes.
Now, why is that happening?
That's interesting.
Boy, I'm going to have to freeze up some ice cubes and pay attention to that.
I had not noticed that.
Basically, it's just more pure.
Anytime you freeze water or you boil it, you create electrostatic condition, and it will ionize some of the chemicals and make them flock together.
And so that's interesting that you're getting crystal clear water out of there.
You've just got cleaner water.
You've got cleaner ice cubes.
Also, with regular tap water, there will be a white sediment at the bottom of the tray that I'm going to test.
We don't use the ice maker because that's the, you know, we use it for ice chests and stuff, that type of water, but we've done the test.
There's also sediment at the bottom once you take the ice cube out.
That's interesting.
But not with the Berkey.
Yeah, that sediment is just getting filtered out before it ever gets into the ice cubes.
Folks, look, it's Made in America.
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Twelve for $199.
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Here's the toll-free number, 1-888.
Jim, give them the number.
And Alex, let me just correct you.
I think that you said that the one with the lights is $149.
It's actually $259.
No, excuse me.
So it's $259, yes.
$259 and $199 without the lights.
And one other thing that I would mention is that this is, bar none, the most economical water
filter or purifier that you can buy.
Most of the water filters, you've got to change these filters out every six months.
After six months, if these slow down, you just take them out and clean those filters, put them back in.
It's like starting over with a brand new filter.
So, economically, if you're going to purify your water, this is going to be the most economical way to do that.
Jim, thanks for joining us.
Thank you, sir.
Folks, seriously, I believe in this.
Take control of your life in this big area.
It's simple.
Get a Berkey-like system.
1... Now again, write this number down.
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We'll be back with your calls and more news.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Third hour, totally jam-packed with your calls and news coming up.
Don't want to miss it.
Right now, let's go right back to the calls.
Thanks for holding.
Ted in New York.
You're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Hi, Alex.
Wanted to tell your board guy that the phones are a bit on the hot side.
You know, your voice.
I'm calling about a couple things.
First, I heard your problem with your cell phone.
That can be fixed.
Well, let's recap for people.
All new cell phones after 2001, October 1st, and that was set up as a law in 96, have a satellite tracker chip in them that triangulates with the cell towers that have GPS on them down to 15 feet.
And this is an example of, I have to accept a tracker system that they also admit they're listening to people over, if I want to get a new cell phone as my cell phone's punch keys start going bad.
Go ahead.
Yeah, what I was saying about the phone is that the wire phone I'm talking on, that your voice comes through like clipping.
You know, they got it cranked up too loud.
As far as your cell phone goes, if they open it up,
This has, like, the elastomeric rubber buttons on it.
Is that right?
Uh, yes.
Uh, because I've done this before with remote controls and what have you.
It's easy to do.
If you open that up, if you take some, like, 95% isopropyl alcohol, you can clean the back of the, uh, buttons and use a clean pencil eraser, a soft eraser, you can clean the contacts, you'll find the thing will work like new again.
Okay, but, but, but understand, I brought the story up
In two years this phone won't even be able to get service.
So the point is that they're forcing everyone on to the new tracker phones.
Oh, I see what you're saying.
My whole point is that the old equipment I've got is going bad now, so if I want a phone I'll have to accept being tracked, and we should have a debate and a discussion about this.
I agree with you.
Because that's not freedom.
No, it's not.
Another thing I wanted to tell you is, I had written an article that was published on Rents as a feature article about the coming draft, and it includes much of what has been discussed on your show, and the impact of essentially sending our young men and women to their death because they'll pick up a chemical, biological, or depleted uranium poisoning over there.
And I think this is something a lot of people haven't really connected when they think the draft is such a great thing.
We've never had this kind of a threat before to our young men and women.
They admit 1300% over safe levels, 300% in many other areas.
Very sick.
It's admitted.
And the neocons say support the troops, let them die, let them have deformed children.
If you stand up for the troops, you're against the troops.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the tip on fixing the phone, but overall I'm talking about how we're all being pushed onto this system.
Want a car?
Gotta be tracked.
Want a cell phone?
Gotta be tracked.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Order a pizza?
Information sold to the government.
And this is just the beginning.
Before we go to our final call this hour, go sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv for all of our exclusive special video, audio, and text reports.
PrisonPlanet.tv, check it out.
Let's go ahead and talk to Linda.
Linda, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, I wanted to ask a question.
Me and my husband, we drive trucks over the road.
We run California to Florida three trips a month.
And here in the state of Florida, my husband, he stopped at the agricultural, because we haul produce, inspection station, where they have to check our bills.
And, uh, he noticed there was a machine there, a truck with a machine, got talked to him, and they told him it was a Gamma Ray machine to run the truck through.
And my husband was telling them about your website and showed them how to get on there, trying to educate these.
Yeah, that's a ground penetrating radar system looking for drugs.
That's what it is.
I read, I'm worried about this thing because of the gamma rays.
You know, and I went on that back.
Well, hey, you know, they admit a chest x-ray is pretty dangerous over time, but this is something that looks right through steel.
It's good for you.
What's wrong with you?
Radiation is good.
Stay there.
We should eat it every day!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All over the country, they have powerful x-ray systems that they make your vehicles drive through.
And again, there's a reason doctors wear metal-armored lead vests, hide behind a lead wall,
Because they're around that radiation every day and it can build up and increase cancer risk with a powerful x-ray like a chest x-ray.
But these new x-rays look right through inches of steel and aluminum and give images of people, drugs, guns, you name it.
And now the government wants to build hardened checkpoints into all the highways.
They'll pay for it with toll roads.
We'll all drive through these.
It already happens if you're going into Mexico or into Canada, though they don't do it when you're coming out of Mexico to most people, and they waive the illegals from Mexico having to thumb scan, but citizens have to.
And also, another more powerful type of radiation, they are now irradiating nationwide much of the school lunch program poultry and beef.
That and pork.
That way they get to build up the industry, radiate and sell you rotten food, killing the bacteria.
You still get the toxin that were in the bacteria as their by-product, waste product, which is many times worse than the bacteria themselves, so they can feed rotten food to your children.
And now a lot of the food in the grocery stores has been irradiated.
So it's all part of the love.
Linda in Florida,
You were talking about your husband's truck with produce being x-rayed as he drives through the checkpoints.
Go ahead.
Well, I told him I refused.
I won't drive through it.
Because I went on the machine, the people who build the machine site, and it's a real simple factor.
It said, well, is it harmful to you?
And this is from the manufacturer and it says it is unlikely.
Oh, no, it's just, uh, I've read the reports, it's just many, many times stronger than an x-ray, a chest x-ray, and you're supposed to wear a lead outfit with that, but this is more powerful, it's good for you!
Well, I'm not real good with radiation, it says it puts out five U-R-E-M.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you?
They say that questioning the government is Al-Qaeda-ish.
Well, I suppose I must be then.
No, I'm an American.
You probably think, even though the Army admits that the radiation is killing our troops in Iraq, you're probably against that, aren't you?
How dare you care about the troops?
That's more Al-Qaeda!
Give your rights up, okay?
I'm going to tell you one thing... Hey, wait a minute!
You ask the government questions?
You go to websites and read about the machines you drive through?
You're not supposed to care about x-ray machines you drive through that look through steel!
No, no, no, no!
You're supposed to... Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am!
You're supposed to only care about football!
Well, I guess I'm just messed up.
We're talking to a dangerous lady.
I'm very dangerous.
But I just thought, you know, I just want to tell the truck drivers, refuse!
I refuse.
They can refuse.
I also read an article where they're going to make the truck drivers to make sure you're not not sleeping.
You're going to have to thumb scan at the truck stops.
Have you heard about them putting that in?
Oh, no.
That's a new one.
Now they're moving ahead with that.
Instead of a log book, because you could falsify that, you're going to have to thumb scan at certain truck stops to make sure.
Oh, okay.
That sounds like freedom though, doesn't it?
Yeah, real freedom.
We can haul a load of lettuce from California to
Almost Jacksonville and then they worry about supposedly terrorism.
Well, it's for your safety.
We'll take care of it.
Yeah, super high-powered x-rays are good.
That's good.
You don't need to wear a lead outfit anymore.
It's actually good for you.
And in a couple years, as citizens, as we all drive under these, or are pulled off to the side at the hardened checkpoints to go through them, and you're a pregnant woman and you complain, they'll just beat the living daylights out of you.
Like they do 95-year-old women, excuse me, 97-year-old women.
And you can thank them.
Well, I just want to let everybody know that their food will be irradiated whether they like it or not, Alex.
Well, again, more Alka to talk.
Thank you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
To paraphrase Samuel Adams,
The level of tyranny that you will live under is the exact level you will accept.
So when USA Today comes out with a glowing article, one paragraph out of about 25, that is against it, they go, oh, it's so good when you order a pizza, it gets uploaded to the government, and when you're out at the grocery store doing something, it's all going to the government, it's good, oh, it's so wonderful!
No discussion of the Fourth Amendment.
You see, they're just throwing it in your face.
They just come out and say, we're going to irradiate all the school children's meat now.
Admittedly, it breaks up all the enzymes, kills the food, kills the bacteria, but there's still the dead bacteria there eating the toxins.
So it allows them to do that.
You know, it's, we're going to irradiate, you know, the food.
Oh, we're going to, we're going to, with a high power x-ray, make you drive under it all the time.
Oh, we're going to make you thumb scan to get school lunches.
Oh, we're going to make you thumb scan to own livestock.
We're going to make you thumb scan to go to the grocery store.
We're going to have face scanning cameras watching you wherever you are, reporting your activities.
Oh, we're going to draft you and make you serve as a slave.
Oh, we're going to put video cameras in school bathrooms from Canada to Tennessee to London, England.
Parents complain, well, you're for the children's safety, bad things could happen in the dressing room and in the showers.
You don't think we're bad, do you?
I mean, sure, in 1984 they did this, but actually, Big Brother's good now, we're hearing.
That's why I just want to tear my hair out.
Because this is all so blaring, so out in the open, so ridiculous.
Folks, when you're policed or wearing black ski masks, you're in tyranny.
When they're covering their identities, when the fastest growing industry is prisons, you're in deep trouble.
We're all in deep trouble.
And now in two years they've gone from, there's no such thing as a plan to put chips in you, don't listen to the Army War College reports, to every child needs a chip!
All the police need chips!
The homeless need chips!
Chips, chips, chips!
Oh, it's Hollywood's getting chips!
Prince Harry's getting a chip!
Prince Charles has got one!
Oh, it's a fashion symbol!
Oh, the entire Italian government wants to make their government bureaucrats take it for their safety!
Oh, the troops have to take it!
Oh, microchips under your skin tracking you!
It's such freedom!
And the... Don't listen to the weirdos that are against it!
We're here!
We're in total insanity!
And... I just think about this.
I mean,
People think the government loves them.
It's run by a bunch of control freak psychopaths that actually enjoy dumbing us down, drugging us, toxifying us, everything else.
I mean, the CDC just came out, their own documents, admittedly, millions of children have been brain damaged by the thimerosal and vaccines, and suddenly they increase the level in the MMR shot, they increase the level in the flu shot, that's the shot they're promoting,
And the CDC comes out and says, well, it doesn't matter if it's hundreds of times the safe level, mercury isn't bad for you.
When their own documents are going, man, this is brain-damaging millions!
We gotta cover this up!
You know, it's like the depleted uranium, or the irradiating of the food!
Any of this!
You have Bill Clinton for eight years, shipping out tainted blood from Arkansas, knowing it had HIV and hepatitis in it, certifying it as good blood!
It's not just that they're making money off all this, they love it!
They take depleted uranium, which is totally radioactive and deadly, and they go, we're going to put it in munitions!
And let our troops breathe it!
Oh, this is so wonderful!
And you don't support the troops if you talk about it!
Shut up!
Shut up!
You're a liberal if you talk about Bush is going to sign the assault weapons ban this September!
Shut up!
If you're not for gun control, you're a liberal!
I mean, it's just...
Wall-to-wall insanity!
I mean, this isn't freedom!
And to the police and military and government people, you know, wake up!
You know, we should be able to order a pizza without it being instantly activated to the police department.
Everybody, everything you order being tracked and looked at.
Guilty until proven innocent.
There shouldn't be face-scanning cameras up in my neighborhood, and now thousands of microphones in Austin, Texas, Associated Press.
And microphones in Chicago, and microphones in New York, and microphones in little towns.
There's this town in Florida with 321 people putting up over a dozen face-scanning cameras that also scan your license plate.
I mean, it's like a Stephen King nightmare!
Let's go to calls.
I just, I got a ton of news here, too.
Oh my goodness.
Let's go ahead and talk to Alan in Texas.
Alan, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
It's good to hear you covering some of the same old territory.
It inspires me again.
And you mentioned your display of disapproval of the cameras at Walmart and that you don't go there anymore.
And there are thousands of us, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of us, who also
Boycott Wal-Mart for those reasons and others who also boycott H-E-B.
You're not the only one.
I just wanted you to let you know.
Yeah, but here's the problem.
Here's the problem.
In 1997, when I really got hot on this issue of biometrics and what I call the cashless society control grid.
How long have you been listening, Alan?
Three years.
Three years.
Something in that range.
And I'm not bragging.
It's because I read their own government reports and plans.
That's what's so terrifying.
It's all admitted!
Nothing I talk about is speculation.
I'll tell you it's speculation.
Ninety-eight percent is just admitted fact.
Let me finish.
Here's the problem.
I said that if we didn't boycott now, didn't stop it now, before it went in, it would soon be in everywhere.
Then the suppliers would be mandated to do it with RFID, and then there'd be no escape.
And we are only
A year away from everything doing it, and then you literally can't get food, and now they want to make the farmer's markets and all of that be under this, and literally, literally, mark of the beast.
Go ahead.
Right, it may or may not be hopeless, but if there is a chance, it's not going to be by we hundreds of thousands who silently boycott these places if we don't make a voice.
Now, the time I did raise Cain,
In an HEB about the scanning machines and I let the... First I started with the cashier.
I said, what do you think about those scanning machines over there?
And she said, if you'd like to make a complaint, sir, please file out the form on the da-da-da-da-da.
And then she looked at me and under her breath said, get the manager over here.
Complain about it.
The people that work there feel threatened.
They don't buy them.
Well, they, five years ago, they started putting it in for their employees in the bot.
Then, as I said, as I said, because I was going off their own documents, people go, all the time I get emails, Alan, going, you must be a government agent.
How do you know all this?
How do you, how do you predict it?
But because I read about four years ago where the industry had a meeting in Chicago, the telemetrics industry, and they said, they said, look,
First, we'll put in self-checkout with a scan.
Then we'll add thumb scanners to it.
Then we'll phase out all the checkout lanes.
And all we'll need is a security guard and a manager.
And that's why the corporations wanted us to downsize.
But then everybody does it.
You don't get better prices.
You just get lower service.
See how that works?
And it kills entry-level jobs.
That's real economics, not the system.
But the government wants it for the new national, international sales tax.
Go ahead.
So she says, get the manager over here.
Yeah, she said, get the manager.
She said, complain about it, complain about it.
So the employees didn't like this stuff.
I got the manager over there, and I raised Cain, and I did it loudly.
I let everybody in all the lines know that this was dehumanizing, that this was taking jobs from regular people, that food exchange has been a human interaction for millions of years.
Great point.
And to take that from us, that primal, it's in our DNA.
It's a human exchange, and to take that from us is one of the most humiliating and dehumanizing.
And I looked back, and a lot of people standing there in the line, they're shaking their head with me.
They're like, yeah, yeah, that's right.
So I want to encourage our listeners out there... Well, listen, that's what happened at Randall's, but a year ago they'd leave me alone.
Now they'll start, like a Marine Corps drill sergeant, berating me.
Well, you need to take the car!
Well, you want to say, what's wrong with you?
Oh, a conspiracy!
And I'm like, look!
I'm gonna pay 50 bucks more because of this!
I should be able to get low prices and not be scammed and have my psychological database uploaded to Homeland Security!
Yeah, they were the first I boycotted too, but I just think for everyone... Okay, then where are you shopping in Austin?
Where am I supposed to get food, cell phones that aren't tracked, where can I live as a free human being?
You're right, you do pay more money when you go downtown for a lot of that stuff and you hit one of the food co-ops and
And I mean, you know, Alex, I'm...
Raising chickens, I'm eating the chickens, I'm eating their eggs, I'm eating my goats.
By the way, to own more than two of any animal, any livestock, you're going to have to have an ID number for yourself and an ID number and a special federal license.
Well, that's why we have guns, to protect ourselves from those kinds of intrusions.
More Al-Qaeda talk.
Yeah, right.
What are the guns for?
Well, we should be yelling and screaming.
I just, you know, I mean, to see that when you order a pizza, it's uploaded to these people.
I mean, it's... Yeah, it's a concern to me that they're exchanging information between the state agencies on these...
Cards and IDs and licenses?
That this is passing back and forth between Walmart and State?
They're sharing information?
All the big companies have been caught selling data, selling information.
I mean, it's across the board.
It's called the Matrix System.
It's private and public.
Governmental and private databases all integrated.
Yeah, we need to be sure we don't get too complacent just sitting here on our duffel.
And for every mindless yuppie and foreigner that's standing there in the line happily punching his number into these machines,
We need to have 10 of us that are sending out the cards, writing the letters, and one letter is worth 100 emails.
But see, once they force the food co-ops to switch over, then they've got us.
Yeah, yeah, well, like I said, it may or may not be hopeless, but it's only going to be through our inaction that we lose all hope.
Well, I mean, you know, you try to fly now, and you've got a parking ticket, and they arrest you as part of the terrorism system.
Now it's going to be to get on buses, to start your car.
A Toyota's coming out with smart cars.
Well, you know, we're a creative and an ingenious set of American society, and we've always had a way of creating and inventing techniques and ways to do just about anything.
And by God, if there's a little bit of JB Weld on my card as it goes into one of those machines, and half the card comes off and gets stuck in there,
And that starts happening 500 times a day all over the country.
They might want to change their mind about that machine.
Alright, thank you for the call.
Very al-Qaeda-ish.
Very al-Qaeda-ish.
He's not going to be the slave.
He's bad.
He's against America because he doesn't want to kill America.
He's mad.
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To all of our A&M Affiliates, Shortwave Affiliates, Internet Affiliates, everybody, to our listeners, to the folks running the show, God bless you all.
Coming up, defectors say North Korean train accident may have been linked to possible plot to murder Kim.
That's finally in the mainstream news.
Oil at 13-year high amid low U.S.
Biochip featured at government health showcase.
Why the homeless all need it.
This is from World Net Daily.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
We'll get back into the news in the next segment.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in California.
Go ahead, John.
Hey Alex, haven't talked to you in a long time.
I am welcome.
I really feel like I'm with my brothers when I hear them talking on your program and talking to you.
You get me laughing.
Sometimes you get so passionate about what you're talking about.
I'm the same way.
I love to get in arguments with some of these pointy heads out here in this grand state.
I'd like to ask you a question.
On these RFID chips, is there a possible way that you can deactivate those?
I was thinking of throwing stuff in the microwave.
They've got organizations out here, I think Lowe's, Home Depot, your Walmarts and everything else have gone to these self-checking check lanes in their stores.
Here's the deal.
Well, yeah, and then you basically, they're trying to phase out even the cash at those machines to make you go cashless.
Again, I'm not about getting around these systems.
I'm about exposing them and having them removed before they're fully implemented.
That's where the fight is.
Everybody always, you know, it's like when I got arrested refusing to thumb scan here in Texas, and that's in my first film, America Destroyed by Design.
People said, well, why didn't you just put super glue on your finger?
Then they wouldn't get a proper digital thumbprint.
Look, that's how you individually fight it for your own self, but we need, we run this country.
We're the bosses.
Contrary to what you think, bureaucrats, we're the bosses.
Not you!
You're not the authorities or the officials, and we're not the civilians, as you call us in your military dictatorship.
We are the, you know, God-given rights human beings.
We're not your slaves.
But, uh, but, uh, you know, we just got to get the word out.
We've got to get these people to, uh,
Just like a month ago I was down at Home Depot and I told those cashiers, the regular cashiers, that this is draconian what you have in here.
And I'm not going to come to your store anymore.
But when I went down to Lowe's, they had the same deal.
Listen, listen.
They'll first put in three self-checkouts, then four, then five, then six.
Then you'll have ten of them with one person doing checkout.
And you'll notice the big lines at the service checkout.
People don't want to use the machines, but they're forcing us onto it.
Then the thumb scanners go in.
This has been the plan all along, but listen.
If you microwave your clothes or whatever, have this, the RFIDs will pop and burn a hole in them.
You've got to demand that they don't put the RFID in it.
Yeah, that's true.
You're absolutely correct.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call, my friend.
Let's go ahead and talk to, who's up next here?
William in Florida, go ahead.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I discovered you in the aftermath of 9-11.
I was scared and depressed.
I need some hope.
I just don't think people are waking up quickly enough.
It's just really scary.
Gosh, I don't know.
Peter Jennings is never going to tell you that you're doing a good job and that people are waking up.
But let me tell you, I have never seen such an awakening.
I've done over 1,500 radio interviews, liberal, conservative shows, you name it.
New interviews every day.
And it's night and day.
Five years ago, half the callers disagreed, laughed at me.
Now, one out of 30 callers disagrees.
This show used to have people calling and disagreeing when the show was much smaller.
Now people don't.
I mean, it's almost unheard of.
I wish they would.
We don't even screen the calls.
All these AM and FM stations from Los Angeles to Rhode Island.
I mean, where are they?
Because people now know it's all true.
They just don't have a voice.
So it's the illusion that we're the minority.
We're the majority, sir.
And then a lot of the pinheads, as the earlier caller said, the yuppies,
Yeah, but what happens when you have just that small core of people that are getting more and more and more control as of what's happening now?
You stop going along with it.
You start speaking out against it.
You boycott those putting it in place now and let them know.
They would already have RFID in everything if it wasn't for the boycotts.
H-E-B planned to put the thumb scanners in in Austin three years ago and kept announcing it but then kept suspending it.
Now in other neocon cities people are accepting it.
Houston and College Station.
Not in Austin because we've been deprogramming people.
God bless you Alex.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
I appreciate the call.
All right, we'll come back and get into some news and then take some more calls.
The toll-free number?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I should have qualified my statement that people never call this show Disagreeing.
And again, five years ago they would when I was on five stations, and now I'm on, I don't know, ten, fifteen times that, and people don't call in Disagreeing.
But when they do call in it's, I'm not hardcore enough, or
You know, I don't think it's the Catholic Church secretly running the New World Order.
I'm not Catholic, by the way.
I'm just making that point.
I don't think they run the New World Order.
I think it's part of it.
It's infiltrated everything.
You know, I don't think the Jews run the whole New World Order.
I think Jews are part of it.
So are Germans, everybody else.
You know, everybody's got their own little subgroup they think's behind it all, when really it's just a bunch of evil people from every group working together.
Or they'll call in and say, you know, you don't talk about the Federal Reserve enough, or you won't bash other patriots and, you know, do all that stuff that people love to do so much.
Or I get the call that there's nothing we can do about it, it's God's plan, just go along with it.
Now this next caller, I talked to him during the break, he disagrees.
He doesn't really say that, and I agree with a lot of what he's saying.
But if you disagree with me, if you think that
Well, I saw some liberal on TV yesterday saying there's no new world order, you know, conservatives are nuts, it doesn't exist, when presidents and the UN are calling for it.
You know, I'm talking about that type of person.
Or, you know, you think gun control is good.
Give me a call!
Or you think forced inoculations is good, but really, you don't think it's good, do you?
That's why you heard us all talk about this five, ten years ago, didn't believe it, saw it all happen, and now you know we got credibility.
Because I study this like you study football!
I study this like you study how to strut around acting tough!
Sticking your belly out with a case of beer, bugging your eyes out if anybody looks at you cross.
You know, you're in your own little macho world, and the women are off on their own little dingbat planet.
And you know, I'm sorry I'm not, folks.
I'm engaged with the world, looking at what's happening, tracking it, involved.
And I'm not bragging!
I'm telling you, you better get, you know, to be an expert on something real.
We'll go to Rick who disagrees, or Rich who disagrees, Dave, Mark, and others.
I'm going to leave a few phone lines open.
Whoever else calls in, in fact if the lines are already loaded again, just tell the folks we can't talk to them, some of the new callers.
If somebody wants to really disagree with me, 1-800-259-9231.
Now come on, hit me with your best shot, fire away.
Go ahead, tell me what I'm wrong about.
Come on, come on, come on!
I can defend my ideas.
These neocons, these ultra-liberal talk shows posing as conservatives will screen you out.
I don't do that.
I don't have to.
I can defend my ideas.
I know what I'm talking about.
Unfortunately, I wish I was wrong.
Before I go to these calls, because somebody disagrees, I'll go to him first, then into this news, then into others if they disagree.
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Okay, let's go ahead
And go to Rich in Colorado who disagrees with me.
Go ahead, Rich.
Alex, there is a new world order upon us, and it is not of a certain group of man.
It is from Satan.
And it is part of God's plan in the last generation, the generation of the big tree of which we are in.
And there is nothing that any of us can do about it unless we think we're tougher than God and can stop His plan.
It is for the separation of the wheat and the chaff for the sounding of the seventh trumpet.
Now, what your job is, is to wake people up, not try to stop the New World Order, which is what you claim you do and you try to do.
You are not going to stop it.
You are not above God.
It ain't going to happen.
But to wake people up and to teach people how to come out of her so that they can survive this thing between the sixth and the seventh trumpet is what we should be doing.
OK, can I say something now?
Your turn.
So from your interpretation of my broadcast, you think I disagree with you.
No, I do not.
Sometimes you get off on saying that we're going to stop the New World Order.
Okay, I'm going to stop you right there.
Christ told us, the Bible told us over and over again, no man knows the hour of the day of this event.
Is that not in the Bible?
It does tell us the season.
It doesn't tell us the hour or the day of death.
Let me continue, let me continue.
During the break, I asked you, I was talking to you, I said, do you think we shouldn't have fought Hitler?
That's correct, and I said we should have.
Because a lot of people thought he was the Antichrist and said to lay down to him, did you know that?
That is correct, and a lot of people thought it was... Okay, the poor Africans in Rwanda thought it was the end of the world.
The poor Christian Tutsi minority thought that it was the end of the world and they didn't fight back.
That's correct.
Okay, now understand something.
I have a duty, I have a commandment in the Bible hundreds of times to fight evil, try to overturn wickedness, to do that, and is that not in the Bible over and over again?
Yes you do and I commend you for that.
Okay, well let's continue here.
How many times did God send prophets, and I'm not saying I'm a prophet, we all have a job to fight evil, to go to a city, to go to a country and say repent now and you'll get a reprieve, but if you don't you're going to be destroyed.
How many times?
Many times.
Now, certainly the globalists are following the revelation model.
They're setting it up.
They are Satanists.
That's mainstream news.
Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, all of that.
That's what they're into.
Now, certainly we now have the microchips, the one world government.
It is all forming.
It is all happening.
But if we turn our face away from the New World Order and ask God for repentance and take action, we can be reprieved for a season and have time to wake up more people and back this thing up so we don't have to go through it.
And here's my problem.
The churches tell people to cop out, but they're going to be raptured out of this.
Well, in every case I see this anti-Christ spirit runs around murdering and killing in Russia and Germany and everywhere else and people think, oh, I don't have to do anything.
I hear the so-called Christians on talk radio saying, praise Bush, he's a man of God, Patriot Act's good, biometrics are good, microchips are good.
So, so why are suddenly all these Christians thinking this is all wonderful?
Well, let me tell you something.
Every one of those Christians, every one of those pastors and teachers
Are you kidding me?
Nobody was trying to stop the gun bills.
I got our listeners together.
We had two rallies.
I went in, sat there all day, caught bribery going on for testimony, and that killed the bills.
So you're saying I shouldn't have gone myself and defeated bills?
Absolutely not.
I did not say that.
Okay, well explain to me.
Every time I go and fight the New World Order, I'm able to have victories.
And I know you can have victories, and I know we outnumber them, and I know we can change things.
Alex, I've been fighting the New World Order for 27 years.
I have had a great deal of victories myself.
I am not saying that.
Through our victories, we need to teach others to come out of her
We need to teach others how you don't have to go to them stores and get their microchips.
How to live on our own.
Come out of her, my people, so that you are not partakers of the plagues and the sins that are coming upon us.
I agree with you.
We should build our own infrastructure.
We should do that, and thanks for the call.
I don't think we really disagree then.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, I appreciate it.
So there, that's the level of someone not agreeing with me.
That's indicative of it.
So what do you think?
Did anybody else call in that disagrees with me?
Okay, Bill and KC, he disagrees.
Bill and KC, go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to talk about the difference of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin when we were fighting the Revolutionary War.
Okay, so you disagree with me?
On how you're going to stop them, yes.
On how you're going to stop them.
You're not going to go to these evil baby killers that have slaves and try to vote them out of office.
You said the vote, we don't control the vote, so how are we going to vote them out of office?
With the soapbox, with the jury box, the grand jury box, with lawsuits, with boycotts, with education.
It's like Ceaușescu.
Nobody could vote in Romania, but one day they woke up and everybody had his guts.
And they started shooting.
I remember it when it happened, Nicolae Ceaușescu.
They took their guns and started shooting.
Eventually, you can only wake up so many people.
Let's say, for example, you woke everybody up that can't possibly be woke up.
Which is, I think, the point to your two.
Now, you're not going to go to these evil empire people and ask them, hey, please stop kidnapping people, stop murdering, stop ramming planes into towers.
There's going to have to be a confrontation with guns.
And I'm not a federal agent.
I'm a normal citizen.
I've been listening to you for years.
Yeah, you called a few months ago and, um,
I'm telling you, sir, let me ask you a question.
Why do the Feds blow things up and try to blame it on us?
Why do they want that?
They want to have a confrontation now.
They know we're growing our numbers to the point that we can't be stopped either way.
Well, it's going to end in a confrontation.
And I know you don't want to say the K word.
That's why you hang up on me last time.
But the difference, everybody needs to study the difference between George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin went to Europe
And tried to discuss with the British.
Benjamin Franklin was a British agent.
Well, he's portrayed as a hero to everybody in this country, but George Washington picked up a rifle and was shooting at the British and the Sheriff.
And that's why FEMA, that's why FEMA, where you're at, there in Missouri, openly teaches that the Founding Fathers are terrorists.
Oh, I know.
I'm feeling we just got our concealed carry permit here.
Which turns a life into a privilege.
Well, yeah, I understand that.
But, if I get pulled over and I have a concealed gun, and I don't have that permit, they're going to take me out.
I hear you.
Look, thanks for the call.
This is how it works.
New York, 60 years ago, started issuing carry permits.
Then they boost the price, make you take classes, then they just stop offering it.
And then literally only mob bosses who give $30,000 to the Sheriff's re-election campaign get to carry the guns.
So these concealed carries are the worst thing ever.
We need Vermont-style concealed carry, where they say, it's called the Second Amendment!
If you don't have a felony, you can own a gun.
And by the way, I think felons should be able to own guns, because anybody that's still a criminal is going to carry a gun anyway.
You know what?
A hundred and something years ago, when we had a very low crime rate, and when you got out of jail, if you were arrested, it didn't matter if it was for shooting somebody.
When you served your 20 years, when you got out, they'd hand you your shotgun, your six shooters back.
But you know what?
Everybody else had guns to defend against you.
It's all used to come after law-abiding people, not the criminals.
So I am for zero gun laws.
And that's constitutional, and that's... Back when everybody had guns, and my daddy could take a shotgun to school, and he was going hunting after school in a big school district here in Texas, you didn't have school shootings.
You didn't have accidents.
People knew how to use guns.
They had proper training.
And when this country had to go to war, we were unstoppable because we had the best shooters in the world.
Now, we don't have that!
My generation is one of the last generations trained with guns from age four.
Trained in safety for years before I could even touch a gun.
And that's ingrained in me today.
I see these cops all the time on video, mishandling guns, waving them around, shooting their own officers.
You're a bunch of idiots, too!
Killing your own people, you fools, don't even know how to use a firearm properly.
We're a pathetic country of jellyfish and it's time to wake up.
Let's cover some news and we'll go back to calls.
Anybody else disagree with me?
See, it's all, I'm not hardcore enough.
See, I told you.
I'm not hardcore enough.
No, I want to hear the new order doesn't exist, and I'm bad, and microchips are good.
I mean, I know you're out there.
I get your emails once a week.
We said slowly.
Stephanie, does anybody else want to disagree with me?
So there's more people calling in that agree.
Okay, we might go to them.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Tell me I'm wrong!
Tell me I made something up!
I told you last week it looked like they were trying to kill the psychopath Kim Jong-il or push him into a nuclear strike which will then bring us into the new world order via the crisis.
China is pretty sneaky and who knows what they're up to.
Channel News Asia reporting defectors say North Korean train accident may have been linked to possible plot to murder Kim.
A deadly train accident in North Korea last week may have been linked to an assassination attempt on North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
They were among a group of 20 defectors speaking to reporters in Washington to mark North Korea's Freedom Day, an annual event in the United States highlighting human rights abuses under the repressive Stalinist regime.
Kim Jong-Sung, 71, said through an interpreter that the train accident could have been a botched attempt to murder the Supreme Leader.
Well, government can't be wrong, Romans 13.
We should follow what Kim Jong-Il says, according to J. Secula.
Possibility that some terrorists or rebellious groups want to kill Kim Jong-il, he said.
Whether it is accidental or intentional, whatever happens, the regime will try to do everything to secure money from outside, said the retired Russian-trained architect and engineer who defected in South Korea in 1992.
I got these articles about the oil prices and a few other shniblets.
PrisonPlanet.TV is the new website.
We'll come back with the news, blitz, and some more calls in the final segment.
Stay the course, stay with us.
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Alright, Mark in Illinois says he disagrees with me on something.
We'll go to him in a second.
Before we do that, Army scientist I knew smallpox vaccine, A.P.
Military scientists have created a gene-based vaccine against the smallpox that shows promise in early animal tests.
Today's smallpox vaccine, called Drivax, is made from live vaccine virus, a relative of the smallpox.
It provides good protection, but can also cause some serious side effects.
That's not true!
It doesn't even protect you from weaponized smallpox.
And can spread and can cause smallpox.
Here's the UPI article headline.
The U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services said Thursday that it was about to begin testing a new technology designed to help more closely monitor and assist the nation's homeless population.
That's an implantable under a pilot program which grew out of the series of policy academies held in the last two years.
Homeless people in participating cities will be implanted with mandatory radio frequency identification tags that social workers and police can track their movements.
And then WorldNetDaily came out with this article, Biochip Featured in a Government Health Showcase.
That's where this came from.
The syringe injectable microchip implant designed to carry medical records and personal identification information underneath the skin of humans is just one of 20 new technologies chosen by the government to be showcased today and Friday at the Verichip Corporation, maker of the microchip, at a Health and Human Services meeting.
Oh boy!
See, just calmly, I'll make you take the chip now!
But I'm still a kook to talk about it.
Financial times in London, crude oil prices rose sharply to their highest level in 13 years, following surprisingly low inventory figures and record profits for the oil companies.
North Sea Brent crude futures were 56 higher, 34.76 a barrel in late afternoon trading.
It's totally raping us.
There's more oil than ever.
And they're just raping you.
Robotic traffic cones swarm onto highways.
Robotic cones, controlled by GPS, will shepherd, automatically will block roads, you name it, do scientist reporting.
I've got a few other articles.
We'll see if we have time to get to them.
First off, though, Mark in Illinois.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hello, Alex.
My brother Mike calls you all the time, and he's probably mad if he knows I'm calling him, but I saw your films.
I agree with you.
I only disagree with you about 20%.
I agree with most everything.
I look at you as Noah.
I'm a Christian, and I believe that what you are is Noah, and God gave Noah the opportunity to save as many people, even though God knew they weren't going to accept it.
Basically the way I see it is this is the end time.
We didn't have the technology.
You compare gun things from a hundred years ago.
People have changed.
Technology has warped the human mind.
God is going to let man self-destruct.
So what do you disagree with?
I disagree with the fact that you say you're going to save everybody.
I believe you're going to save a lot of people.
I never said I was going to save anybody!
Not save, but I mean turn people around and get them informed.
I'm saying we can fight evil, we can affect change with God's help, and on top of that, sir, look.
I mean, trying to break this down for you, I listen to the news, I watch television, I was at the gym last night, they were playing Marilyn Manson on big screen TVs at Gold's Gym.
All this evil, this demonic stuff is all mainstream, like elevator music now.
You know, it's not just the niche stuff, it's just massive, it's everywhere.
It's a mass warping, torture's good, Bill of Rights being destroyed is good.
I agree, they're trying to warp us, they're trying to destroy us.
If we recognize the mass programming, then we can stand up against it.
Right, Alex.
I agree with you.
I saw your films.
My brother ordered the films.
He showed them at the church.
And I agree with everything you're talking about.
The only thing I disagree with, like the other gentlemen, is I think you're doing a wonderful thing.
I just don't think we have much of a chance.
We're going to be able to get a lot of people out there.
But the mindset of people right now is warped.
Marilyn Manson is warping.
You're right about all that.
Well, sir, I've got to stop you for a second.
And my point is about Marilyn Manson is it's now elevator music.
I agree 100% with you.
What I'm trying to say to you is this, sir.
You think that big guy can't be defeated, but once you get in the fight, you find out you've got a lot of power.
And I'm telling you, I've had a lot of victories, and I know if more of you become leaders and stop worrying what the sheep say, we can turn this thing around with God's help.
We can at least make it better and wake a lot of people up so they're not conned by this system.
So just stop saying we can't do anything.
You know, resistance is futile.
Move forward.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Take care.
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