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Name: 20040422_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 22, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Thursday, the 22nd day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours here in the broadcast.
Massive amounts of key news coming up, as well as some guests.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com, both updated multiple times daily.
And we've launched a new website.
It's PrisonPlanet.TV.
And it's going to have a lot of information that you will not see.
Video, audio, news articles that you will not see at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You will see it at PrisonPlanet.TV.
So definitely go check out PrisonPlanet.TV.
And we have some announcements concerning PrisonPlanet.TV coming up a little bit later in the broadcast.
Yesterday, I spent a lot of the three hours talking about the official government move by Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the House and the Congress, pushing for a national draft.
And you're going to see, the way things are going right now, they have every intention of giving you a universal draft, as they're calling it, right after the election.
And then they're going to blame the terror attacks that the military-industrial complex is going to carry out.
They're going to blame those on a host of new nations.
And you're going to see this economy totally shift into war.
The domestic police state ratcheted up at untold levels.
The only way to stop this is to create a mass awakening to what's happening, what's developing.
We're going to have wide-open phones yet again in the show today.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Coming up, up to 3,000 casualties in North Korea rail blast.
The North Koreans are reporting.
They're not saying it's terrorism, just the shoddy way they run their country.
Of course, the liberals in this country, if something kills somebody, it should be banned.
So, we should ban trains worldwide because they hurt the children.
Also out of the Australian, 61 dead in rush hour carnage.
Wow, never been 61 die when some nut goes around with a gun.
Let's ban cars!
I shouldn't joke about it.
They'll probably come out and say they want to do that.
China says suspected SARS case in Beijing, one of their provinces.
Lawmakers seek details on Iraq's strategy.
That'll be a big advertiser for the war.
The Democrats are saying, it's a quagmire!
We've got to stay!
Kerry, we've got to stay!
Bush, we've got to stay!
All together, you see, Pentagon deleted Rumsfeld comments from a transcript where Rumsfeld said that he didn't know the threat was this bad and stuff's pretty serious.
He said that on national television, but magically,
The Pentagon transcript's been altered.
Well, we've seen Bush give a speech, seen them alter the transcript, and then seen simultaneously on Fox News and CNN, not just the White House transcript, but their transcripts are being altered, showing centralized control.
So the Washington Post should look at that, and look at themselves in the mirror.
In fact, we even saw them change the
Of the President's transcript back when he said this is a staged, this is a scripted press conference.
That got changed!
I haven't looked!
Have they changed the transcript last week?
When he gave the third press conference of his presidency?
And he said, hey, you should have given me this question written in advance to the reporter who asked what his biggest mistake was after 9-11.
You know, he paused for five seconds, turned red and said, you should have given me this question in writing!
Wow, this is a tough question.
I'm up here.
It's very stressful.
Have they changed that?
I probably have.
So just to show the staged event.
Look, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
There's so much important news.
I've got some audio clips for you as well.
And Paul Joseph Watson with the big news, joining us in the next hour.
And some big announcements.
So stay with us.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
That's right again, it's Thursday, the 22nd of April, 2004.
Big broadcast lined up for you.
Last year, we discovered a PBS documentary called America Rebuilding, where the owner of World Trade Center Complex, Larry Silverstein, says that they made the decision on the afternoon of 9-11, when Building 7, the 47-story building, was burning, to go ahead and pull it.
They gave the order to pull it and watch the building come down.
Then we play the clip where they go, pulling means demolishing.
And plus we have the firefighters saying bombs were in all the buildings, and the firefighters telling reporters to get back from Building 7.
They were about to pull it.
The mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, telling ABC News that morning, oh, we were told to get out of Building 7 because it was going to come down later.
You have all that posted.
And in another PBS documentary, 9-1-1 Memorial that we just learned of, and this stuff just slips out,
They are interviewing people and they talk about seeing the plane fire missiles into the building.
Which clearly, one of the planes hitting the second tower, clearly has a large pod on the bottom.
People looked at the weapons dictionaries, it looks like a configured cruise missile platform.
That you see mounted on B-52's and you see a flash, you see exhaust, you see something shoot out, hit the building, and then come out the other end as the plane is just starting to hit the building.
So it got up close and fired something.
It just goes on and on.
Well, in this PBS documentary we just learned of, that we posted at PrisonPlanet.com, it shows somebody talking about that, so we're going to play that later.
Also, in the French documentary from the guys doing a documentary on American firefighters, they've got the firefighters talking about how they ran away as the building went boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and how they barely escaped the bombs.
That's been posted.
It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
And don't expect to see U.S.
Sunday, you know, months, years after we report on these different stories.
Months in many cases, years in some cases.
Don't expect them to ever cover this, because they've been doing some damage control.
Oh, you know, on Monday, there was a drill of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center in the Pentagon, but the upper-level brass said it was too unrealistic and didn't do the drill.
No, they did a drill two years before 9-11, November 3rd.
They did a drill the morning of 9-11, that's all admitted, from the Pentagon website.
The media ignores that and chooses to pick another drill and then focus in on that.
You know they come out in the Associated Press yesterday and say Oklahoma City bomb document cites a video of multiple suspects and I haven't covered this properly but again for
You see, four, five, six years, seven years, since 97, almost seven years, I've been talking about the surveillance cameras.
They're admitted!
The FBI's been on the record.
So, there's all of this evidence just swarming around.
They're having to respond to a lot of it.
But I haven't heard them respond to Larry Silverstein just popping off and saying, we pulled Building 7.
But it's not just him saying that!
Then we have the firefighters and the AP and the seismographs from the federal seismograph and the state seismographs, two separate seismographs, just like Oklahoma City.
We've got state and federal seismographs, got copies of them admitted, demolition pattern.
They've recorded demolition explosion patterns thousands of times when they've brought down buildings publicly and admittedly, and it's the exact same pattern.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
Boom, boom, boom!
I mean, just come on!
So that's all on the sites, and we're going to play some of the new clips.
We're going to play a clip of a caller, and I don't put much stock in this, but we'll play it from the Howard Stern Show.
Howard Stern's in all this trouble now, so suddenly he knows about the New World Order, suddenly he knows about 9-11, he's been threatening on the air, leave me alone, stop taking me off stations, or I'll talk more about the truth.
And they are starting to back off of him, a little bit.
He had this caller though saying, yeah, I saw the shoot down of the flight.
Forget what Stern's caller has to say, we have the local Pennsylvania papers where state police saw planes, F-16s, shooting it down.
Flight 93.
We've had Colonel Don DeGrand Prix on.
With his Pentagon contacts, he knows the pilot that fired the two Sidewinder missiles into the aircraft.
The general at the base wasn't getting orders, had been told to stand down.
He just said, that's it!
That plane's going towards D.C.
Shoot it down!
On his own orders.
And good thing he did.
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine if that plane would have flown into the Capitol?
The police state we would have been in?
Only about 30 minutes away from the Capitol.
Just a beeline right for downtown, you know, D.C.
So we don't know the specific target.
They've surmised the Capitol or the White House or the Supreme Court.
Who knows?
It's just horrible.
It's just absolutely horrible.
And NORAD was standing down, you know, for the first plane because they were told it was a CIA drill that was going on at that very time with that very thing happening.
And finally, the General at the Air Force Base said, that's it, shoot it down.
By the way, six months before 9-11, when we posted this mainstream article, right off the Pentagon site, because they post all their orders, all their general orders up there, and then think we're too stupid to go find them, but a couple months ago it came out.
The headline we put on it is, uh, 9-11 stand-down order smoking gun question mark.
There's other smoking guns there, it's just one of them.
And it's the order Rumsfeld gave that generals can no longer order the shoot-down of jets.
And now, going back 40 years, if a jet or a plane is off course going to fly into something, they've got shoot-down orders, just like Payne Stewart, the golfer.
They follow it.
If it's going into a populated area, they shoot it down.
And that's very reasonable.
You know, if it's off course, lost pressure, everybody's dead, that's why they first started this back in the 60s.
But magically, right before 9-11, they come out and say, oh, you can't do that anymore.
Well, the General just did it.
And we've gone over that with Colonel Don DeGranpre.
We're going to be getting back on the broadcast, by the way, very soon.
That transcript's on the website as well.
So that's just some of the really serious stuff that's going on right now.
We'll play some of those clips in the next hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
Okay, let me make this announcement now.
We'll elaborate on it in the next hour.
Then I'll get into the trains blowing up in North Korea, the police state, the stuff in Iraq, the latest 9-11 developments, a bunch of news on the economy.
Before I do that, we now have three servers, big servers, and another backup server just to run InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And it's become quite expensive.
I mean, when you've got 20 million people now, it's growing geometrically.
A couple months ago it was, you know, 8 million a month.
Now it's going over 20 million.
And it's expensive enough just to have news articles and have the web pages, the bandwidth.
We have to pay each time we get to the site.
And believe me, we've got the best deals out there.
And to add, you know, 30 minute video clips, my TV show, all my documentaries that we've now put on the web.
To do all that, I mean, I'm going to have to add three or four more servers.
I just can't afford it.
But at the same time,
What's going to happen with this is I'll be honest with you.
Those of you that go sign up to PrisonPlanet.tv, every week you're going to get my TV show that I do locally on national issues, special reports I do, special analysis.
There will be multiple items posted each week, a monthly newsletter that just goes out to members of Key Analysis, original articles,
All the best interviews we do.
Everything is going to be right there at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And then what you're going to be doing is also subsidizing a little bit so we can put occasional clips out for everybody, which we're still going to do.
But they'll be no longer than 5-10 minutes long because when I put up 45-minute, hour-long, two-hour-long, two-and-a-half-hour-long videos, and then 200,000 people in one day watch it, and I get a $4,000 bill just off the servers last month, we cannot continue.
So, we need your support.
You'll get all the exclusive information.
You'll get it first when I make a new film.
Or when I get permission from somebody whose film I'm carrying to post it there, you will get it.
I mean, again, when a film's done, I'll post it on the website for a few weeks before we even start selling it as VHS or DVD.
And we're going to have them for high bandwidth, low bandwidth.
There's already a lot on Prison Planet TV.
We're going to be adding a lot more.
It's going to get just ultra-massive.
Our main focus is going to be on PrisonPlanet.tv and so please go sign up.
It's $0.19 a day if you get a monthly subscription and it is $0.15 a day if you get a yearly subscription.
A cup of coffee costs you $0.75 at a gas station.
$3 at Starbucks.
If you can't spend $0.19 a day to be a monthly subscriber,
And we did the calculations.
Let's say you watch all the videos on the site once.
That'll come up to about 10 cents a day.
And if you watch it more, give people the links or whatever, we'll end up not even really making money off this.
It's going to be a subsidy, basically, that you're helping us just so we can continue what we're doing.
Because, again, the way things are growing, if it's 20 plus million a month now,
Unbelievably, it may be 30, 40 million in six months a year.
So we've got to do this if we're going to have a multimedia site.
I could handle 20 million hits if it was just text, but audio, video, all of this, we need your support.
And we're putting a lot of work into this.
It's a secure server with a secure certificate, the big fancy
I mean, this is what the big national media uses and newspapers use for subscribers.
We got top of the line.
Top of the line, folks.
So be part of our founding pioneer members.
And go to PrisonPlanet.TV and sign up today.
We need your support.
Plus, you're going to get an incredible value by hour-long TV shows.
Some weeks I'll put both TV shows up, two hours of video, special reports, my films first.
We're going to put Watson's book up in text form.
You know, as part of signing up, we're going to put my book up on there soon.
New films will be up there.
We're going to have them for download.
We're going to have them for high bandwidth streaming, dial-up streaming.
And there's already hundreds of things on there, but there's going to be, you know, just thousands after a few months.
So stay with us.
We'll be back with the news.
Please sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, you're called.
You're coming up in the next segment.
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Let me go ahead and dive straight into some of the news.
Terrible events in China.
China says suspected SARS case in Beijing and the SARS season, and I think this is a bunch of fear-mongering, but why it's terrible news is that this will be a nice political diversion here in the States and more training us for quarantines and the health department having all these police state powers.
Up to 3,000 casualties in North Korean rail blasts.
3,000 people were killed or injured in the huge explosion on Thursday when two goods trains collided in a North Korean station hours after leader Kim Jong-il had passed through South Korea's YTN television station set.
And they're not saying that they don't think it's terrorism, but could it be his own military trying to kill this lunatic?
The psychopath that our government's given nuclear reactors to, that Donald Rumsfeld was the bag man as the head of ABB, transferring them to him, the Swiss company.
And again, the socialists in this world say, ban anything that hurts human life.
You know, we are slaves, well then let's ban all trains.
Killed thousands, they're saying.
A strike on US-run prison west of Baghdad that left 22 inmates dead.
So again, the Australian, not in Australia, the Australian.
So since it was rush hour and it caused a bombing, again, I'm being sarcastic here.
I'm trying to be insane on air to just illustrate the ridiculous insanity of the control freaks in this nation who say, ban guns because somebody might get hurt by them and because criminals use them.
That's all the more reason for the American people to own guns to defend ourselves.
So, because people die in rush hour because of bombings, let's ban cars.
That'll stop that.
No, it's not the car's fault.
It's not the explosive's fault.
It's the fault of the people carrying out the bombings.
And that goes for real car pile-ups.
That we see all the time where people die.
They had one a few years ago up in Wisconsin where I think like 40-something people died in a pileup, no bombs involved.
And the question is, is there going to be a call for banning cars?
And of course there's not going to be.
Alright, enough, uh, enough, uh, I don't know, dark satire.
I'm getting a little bit out of control here.
Lawmakers seek details on Iraq's strategy.
And again, this will turn into a big advertisement for the Iraq War, just like the 9-11 Commission did.
Lawmakers will keep pressing the Bush administration until they get a detailed explanation of its situation in Iraq.
Its strategy, a senator said yesterday, opening a second day of sometimes contentious hearings on the increasingly violent occupation, citing a host of questions about the planned transfer of power in Baghdad June 30th.
Senator Lugar said his Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be persistent in asking these questions and others because the American people should have the opportunity to understand the administration and plan and to carefully monitor its progress.
I mean, Lugar is a CFR minion of all of this, but oh, we're going to get tough on you and we want answers.
And we're seeing the Democrats
Running around going, Bush you're so bad on this war, you really messed this up, you're evil, but we gotta stay in Iraq and we've gotta, you know, we're stuck there now, it's a quagmire, we gotta stay, but we gotta have the UN in to be our boss.
Acting like there's some difference in plan between the Democratic leadership and the Republican leadership.
Bush said before the war the plan was to turn it over to the U.N.
That was all a staged, theatrical, thespian display between Bush and, you know, saying the U.N.
will be illegitimate if they don't get behind the war.
That's all part of the good cop, bad cop paradigm that they love to manipulate.
Speaking of manipulation, this is out of the Washington Post.
Pentagon deleted Rumsfeld's comment, remarked to Saudis, about war's certainty is not in internet transcript of interview.
And we've caught them changing, again, many of these.
When Bush says this is a staged or scripted press conference, they take that out.
And then the news media follows suit, despite the fact that the video is clear of what Bush is saying.
When Rumsfeld comes out and says, I'm not sure about
You know, these casualties are worse than we thought.
Things aren't going like we thought they would.
That gets removed, and now his comments to the Saudis are being edited.
That's not a good sign, folks, of a free society.
So we'll cover that as well.
And then we'll get into just a bunch of police state news and a gay militia storms Christian meeting.
We'll get to that, but first, your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
In the dystopic novel by George Orwell, 1984, written in 1948, the government controls the media, and when they change their story or get caught in a lie, they go back and edit the newspapers, edit the transcripts.
And George Orwell, who was really Eric Blair, had worked for the British Secret Police in India.
He then fought for the Communists in Spain.
He'd seen what that was all about, that they were a fraud.
He then worked for the BBC and found out that the Communists and the Fascists were all controlled by the same people and had these phony wars.
And that the government was really secretly bombing its own buildings as a pretext for control.
I mean, the book covers what George Orwell or Eric Blair really thought the world would be like from working for the secret police of the British Empire, working for the Communists, then working for the BBC.
And Winston in 1984 works basically for the BBC, or the Ministry of Truth.
That's George Orwell.
He's writing basically about his experiences and what he thinks is going to happen.
He gave speeches, wrote letters, wrote news articles about this.
And in 1984, they go back and edit things and change things.
And we're catching them in this more and more.
I mean, we have a Pentagon that plants fake letters from the troops in newspapers with false signatures, that declares mass graves, mobile weapons trucks, Iraq weapons dossiers written by graduate students twelve years before.
You already know all about that.
But now they even go into transcripts on the White House website and the Pentagon website and change them!
And then we'll save the White House transcript.
We know to do this now.
We've caught them doing it and shown this in the past.
We have articles about it on the website.
We'll save it and then show them change it.
And then magically, when the White House changes the transcript, CNN, Fox, they all do it simultaneously.
I mean, within minutes!
Showing incredible networking and infrastructure of control.
And here's the Washington Post making you think that they're telling you about this, but they only give you the tip of the iceberg.
Pentagon deleted Rumsfeld's comments, remarked to Saudi about war certainty, is not an internet transcript of interview.
The Pentagon deleted from a public transcript a statement Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld made to an author, Bob Woodward, suggesting that the administration gave Saudi Arabia a two-month heads-up that President Bush had decided to invade Iraq.
That issue was a passage in Woodward's Plan of Attack, an account published this week of Bush's decision-making about the war, quoting Rumsfeld and telling Prince Bandar bin Sultan that the Saudi ambassador to Washington in January 2003 that he could, quote, take that to the bank and the invasion would happen.
The comment came in a key moment in the run-up to the war, when Rumsfeld and other officials were briefing Bandar on a military plan to attack and invade Iraq, and pointing to a top-secret map that showed how the war plan would unfold.
The book reports that the meeting with Bandar was held on January 11, 2003, and Vice President Cheney's West Wing office, General Richard B. Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also attended.
Myers got promoted after having Norad stand down.
He was the head of Norad.
I'd just like to mention little connections for you.
Pentagon officials omitted the decision, the discussion of the meeting from a transcript of the Woodward interview that they posted on the Defense Department's website Monday.
See, they're coming out and accusing Woodward of stuff and then editing transcripts.
And remember that Sybil Edmonds, the FBI translator, hired to falsify.
They hired her and said, go back and change all these intercepts from weeks before and months before 9-11 of specific plans to fly hijacked jets into New York Trade Center and D.C.
She said, I'm not going to do that.
That's a felony.
And they said, Mrs. Edmonds will promote you and give you double the pay if you shut up.
If you don't, we're going to arrest you.
Ashcroft told her that personally.
Gave her a call.
And this has now finally been in the news months after we reported on it here on the broadcast for about a month after we reported on it.
So, they do this over and over and over again.
This is very, very serious.
I mean, we're catching them in lies all the time, and the neocons won't talk about it.
Imagine if we caught Bill Clinton in lies like this.
Well, we did, and we exposed him.
And so, if we're going to expose Bill Clinton's corruption, well, now Bush is in the cockpit.
We're going to expose his people.
I'm very, very serious that they continue to do this.
All right, I'll go to your calls in just one moment.
I wanted to get to this article, though, because it's very important.
It's from WorldNetDaily, it's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Gay Militia Storms Christian Meeting!
Mass members of a group called the Gay Militia, this by the way is in the big Canadian papers, stormed into a meeting of Christians discussing a bill that would criminalize certain opposition to homosexual behavior in Canada.
Now, in Pennsylvania two years ago,
The governor passed a bill and warned preachers that reading Old Testament passages criticizing homosexuality could be civil or criminal penalties.
And then some of the different Christian groups put out warnings to their preachers not to talk bad about it.
I mean, that was in the Associated Press.
We covered it here on the show.
So this is going on all over the place.
Even if you're a homosexual and you think it's horrible that people are against it, don't you understand it's the First Amendment?
Because if they take our First Amendment, they're going to take your First Amendment.
That's what America's all about is freedom of speech.
This is the harassment.
This is what's happening.
Masked members of a group called the Gay Militia stormed into a meeting of Christians discussing a bill that would criminalize certain opposition to homosexual behavior in Canada.
A videotape, there's a clip, there's a link to this, of the incident shows the intruders with bandana-covered faces marching into a meeting room at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Calgary, Alberta, where the Concerned Christian Coalition
...was holding its national convention Saturday night in Calgary.
The Calgary Sun reported.
Right-wing bigots go away!
Gay militia is here to stay!
The intruders chanted.
The Calgary paper said about seven females and one male from a homosexual group were in the room.
About 25 members of the convention held hands and prayed aloud.
A female gay militia member unfurled a banner and read, Liberation!
Queer Invasion!
Well, see, that's the point.
If you've got your life and what you do, you know, this is a free country, but when you, no, you want to cram it down society's throat, you want to make, you want to recruit in the elementary schools, and I've read a hundred articles about this on the show, I mean, just horrible stuff that I can't even mention on air that they're teaching fifth graders.
I mean, I have Reuters, AP, and Washington Post articles, I have a whole file on this, and stations have asked that we not cover on air what fifth graders are taught.
So we won't do it!
Even though it's been in World Net Daily and everywhere else, and I'm sure you've all heard the stories.
I mean, I've tried to not cover this stuff.
I ignore it all the time.
I mean, maybe I should cover this stuff, but the point is, is that we've got to face what's going on.
I mean, look, I don't care if it's a homosexual or a heterosexual.
Stay away from our children.
When you try to target, and that's what's happening, in recruiting schools, that's called pedophilia.
And remember Dr. Lorem, four years ago?
Months after we reported on it, but again, she picked up on it.
Many Christians were talking about it.
Many people that are just concerned about children were.
The American Psychological Society, founded, by the way, by Dr. Ewing Cameron out of Canada.
Dr. Ewing Cameron, by the way, there's big History Channel specials where they kidnapped over 1,000 women and men and would put them on drugs, give them electroshock with audio feedback, turning them into mind control slaves.
Folks, he was convicted in civil court.
It's admitted.
A CIA program in Canada kidnapping over a thousand people over 20 years.
Mainstream news.
Middle class people.
He founded it, by the way, but Dr. Laura, all she did was read, because I heard the show, all she did was read the
Transcript the report in the American Psychological Association magazine that comes out bi-monthly.
All she did was read it, and it said that it was good for children, you know, as young as five to have sex with adults, and it should be legalized, and pedophilia shouldn't be listed as a mental illness.
I agree, it should be listed as a crime punishable by death.
Leave our children alone!
And so, if you're a homosexual pervert or a heterosexual pervert, stop it!
Stop the queer invasion!
Continuing, I'll go to your calls in a minute.
And a lot of people don't want to hear this.
A lot of parents just want to ignore this is going on.
Believe me, it's going on in your school if it's a big public school.
Right-wing bigots go away!
Gay militias here to stay!
The intruder's Janet.
The Calgary paper said about seven families
And one male from the homosexual... seven females, excuse me.
The Fowler paper said that about seven females and one male from the homosexual group were in the room and about 25 members of the convention held hands and prayed aloud.
The female gay militia members unfurled a banner that read, Liberation Queer Invasion.
Calgary police are reviewing several videotapes of the meeting and an investigation is underway according to police constable Doug Jones, the hate bias crime coordinator for the Police Cultural Resources Unit.
We were all looking at it, and if we can identify the protesters, it is mischief charges, disturbing a peaceful assembly kind of stuff, he told The Sun.
Jim Blake, a member of the Christian group, told the paper that he was dumbfounded at the fact that the gay militia would storm into a private meeting where we were praying and discussing Bill C-250, a bill that would affect our freedoms as Christians to discuss certain beliefs.
The controversial bill which passed the House of Commons last September adds sexual orientation as a protected category in Canada's genocide and hate crime legislation.
By the way, that legislation in Canada, if you say that 5,999,000 Jews died in the Holocaust, you will be arrested and you will serve two to ten years in prison.
And there's huge fines.
And they've arrested a bunch of people.
Now look,
Hitler killed a bunch of Jews, Hitler was bad, yes.
But it's historical to be able to debate it.
If I want to say that 900 billion Jews were killed, then I should be able to say it.
If I want to say 5 Jews were killed, I should be able to say it.
That's free speech, folks!
We live in a country now, in a world, we're from England to the US, peaceful anti-war protesters, old ladies are being beaten up by police, reporters, judges are being attacked.
They lead old people down an alley and then beat them up and say you shouldn't protest the war.
That's been in the Miami Papers, beat up their own reporters.
So see, you want to shut down conservatives' free speech, well don't worry, yours is going to get shut down too!
We've got to come together on this.
It says, the World Met Daily reported opponents fear it becomes law the Bible will be deemed hate literature under the criminal code in certain instances because it criminalizes criticizing homosexuality.
As evidenced by the case of Saskatchewan man fined by a provincial human rights tribunal for taking out a newspaper ad with scripture references to verses about homosexuality.
The bill now in the Senate, where it has overwhelming support, the two-thirds amendment were introduced April 1st and laying a vote.
Alright, I'm not going to go any further.
Let's go to your calls quickly.
I meant to go to them earlier.
It's just... You know, stop it.
Leave us alone.
Stop trying to force your agenda on us.
Stop trying to sexualize our children!
Leave us alone!
You know, they make people who want certain types of degrees in college now take these classes where you gotta go to popless bars, you gotta go to S&M clubs, you gotta go to all these places.
That's abusive!
Stop forcing it on people!
You know, if you want a liberal arts degree or a sociology degree, you shouldn't have to do this.
I'm so sick of it.
I'd like to just ignore all this, but you can't!
Let's go ahead and take calls.
Tim in Nebraska, thanks for holding.
Yeah, the other day you were going to talk about Columbine in the third hour, and I couldn't listen.
I was wondering if you could give us an update.
You know what?
I will do that today.
I just barely mentioned it.
I dropped the ball.
I'll get into Columbine today.
Well, I missed it, so... Well, I mean, look.
What do you say?
A son of an FBI agent... The day I was watching it, I couldn't figure out why the
The SWAT team just sat outside.
Well, I had the Rocky Mountain News editor on a couple years ago and I said, you know, the SWAT team stayed outside for three hours.
That was wrong.
He goes, no, Mr. Jones, four hours, five minutes.
I go, oh, excuse me.
It's like I say, 144 bin Laden's got blown up by Bush.
Oh, Judicial Watch got the documents.
It's 160.
It's always worse than what I say.
And four hours plus, but again, that's a small piece of evidence.
Did you know that the son of a prominent FBI agent founded the Trenchcoat Mafia?
They made videos of the simulated shootings a year before.
Harrison Kleibold ran the school's internet.
They supposedly got over a hundred bombs in the school.
Students came out and said they saw four masked men shooting.
Then Harrison Kleibold supposedly blew their own heads off.
Witnesses said they saw them get shot.
The SWAT team stays outside.
Admittedly shoots some of the students coming out.
That's been in the major Denver papers, but nobody outside Colorado even knows about it.
The principal was having an early lunch, hiding out down the street with the sheriff at a subway.
About 40% of the school was empty that day.
Should I continue?
Well, thanks.
Well, no.
I mean, anything else?
No, I just wanted to get a little more info on that because I knew something was fishy about it.
Well, it also happened the week before the NRA convention and the very week that a giant gun-grabbing convention was being held in New Orleans with George Soros and others.
And it goes on and on and on.
I appreciate the call.
Alright, thanks.
You bet.
That's how they're helping turn the schools into little mini-prisons.
That's the agenda.
William in Missouri.
Go ahead, William.
Yes, well, um, I was just mostly calling.
I talked to a lot of, uh, a lot of my friends are pro, very, very pro-Bush.
It's understandable since we're conservative.
Does that mean they're pro-open border, pro-assault weapons ban, pro-campaign finance reform, pro-biggest growth in government ever recorded?
Is, is, is that what they're for?
No, I mean, I, I try to tell them stuff like that and what I always get is, Bush is a devout Christian.
And so, somehow that excuses everything else.
Well, let me see.
They admit he goes to Bohemian Grove.
Mainstream news.
I have video of the satanic rituals being conducted.
So they can't say, oh, skull and bones is when they're young.
They have video of skull and bones with throat-slitting Satan worship.
That's admitted.
Been on national television.
He prays at Shinto shrines.
Does all of this.
So, I don't know.
Well, I said something about skull and bones, and they just said, well, that was when he was young.
So I was going to ask you, I haven't watched Bohemian Grove.
Did you get any video of Bush or anybody around him?
You know, that's a question I get asked a lot.
Number one, my sister went to school with the Bush daughters.
Probably at school functions, you know, eight years ago, you know, where George Bush is there.
George Bush, and I've been sitting at the same table with him, George Bush
Lived in Austin.
Admittedly told the press that he'd watch my TV show.
His wife told the local TV station that.
I mean, I have this in the newspaper.
So I didn't run up to Bush and say, please take your black hood off.
I'd like to talk to you, but we have hundreds of articles where they admit the Bushes go there.
They have their own annals where they go there.
I bought this rare book, and then another listener sent me another one.
The Annals of the Grove, published by them with Bush and his daddy there.
Colored photos, those are on the website.
But no, I didn't run up to the, you know, it'd be like Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut going, hi priest, I have a hidden camera right here, will you please take your hood off for me, please?
Does that answer your question?
Anything else?
Oh, no.
I'll be signing up for the Prison Planet as soon as I can.
I appreciate that.
God bless you.
Yeah, we're going to be posting new videos every week at PrisonPlanet.TV.
That's the only way we can pay for the bandwidth, and that'll help us supplement and put a lot of videos out for free.
Alright, we'll be right back with more news, more calls.
Stay with us, we're just getting rolling.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, toll free number to join us on air, 800-259-9231.
Check out our new website, PrisonPlanet.TV.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dale in Colorado.
Dale, go ahead.
Yeah, Mr. Jones, second time caller.
And I found an interesting article written in the American Legion concerning the Patriot Act.
And it basically interviewed
Terrorism expert Victoria Tonzing dispels myths surrounding the Patriot Act.
And let me guess, she says, these are tools we're already using against criminals, it doesn't affect citizens, it makes us more free, it's all lies to say it's bad, it's wonderful.
Yeah, I also got one little paragraph if I could read you real quick.
Sure, go ahead.
It's very interesting.
They ask her from the American Legion, they say, a number of American cities have passed
Resolutions condemning the Patriot Act for violating civil rights.
Are these legitimate concerns?
Does the Act impinge on our civil liberties?
The answer is with, if the Patriot Act is violating civil rights, then it will go up in the usual process to the Supreme Court.
A local authority such as a city or a state does not have the authority to say, we're not going to obey a federal law.
And it should.
The concept is federal preemption in specific areas of law.
Federal law trumps local law.
That's just it.
The only thing that's... Pardon?
Let me comment on that.
If people want to read the Patriot Act 1 and 2, we have the actual bills posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well as PrisonPlanet.tv.
And on these sites, I also, section by section, wrote an analysis of it.
It allows the secret arrest of citizens, all misdemeanors or acts of terrorism.
And the Supreme Court, you know, the Supreme Court in the past said black people weren't human beings, so we don't have to follow what a court says if it's criminal.
And this new Supreme Court just threw out the Fifth Amendment two weeks ago.
The Fifth Circuit just threw out the Fourth Amendment.
It's horrible what they've been doing.
Justice Rehnquist, the Chief Justice,
A couple years ago told a group of federal judges that they're no longer going to follow the Constitution in terror-related cases.
And so of course they're out there as part of a PR offensive.
Bush has been stumping all over the country saying, you better reaffirm the Patriot Act and strengthen it.
This makes you more free.
And if you don't, the terrorists are going to get you.
That's terrorism.
Do what I say or terrorists are going to get you.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just thought it was strange that they're mentioning that the federal law trumps local law.
The only thing it trumps, that is, if the federal law is unconstitutional, that would be a civil rights violation.
That's just it.
And the person being aggrieved would have to take it up, not a local government.
Well, that's a fraud.
The cities and states can say no and can refuse to go along with unjust federal laws.
Thanks for the call.
And that goes back to the whole Tenth Amendment violation of the Civil War.
Before we end this hour, come back and go to all your calls.
There's a ton of news I haven't even scratched the surface on.
Also, Paul Watson's coming up.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Also, again, I've made two videos concerning September 11th that prove that the military-industrial complex carried out the attacks.
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So again, PrisonPlanet.tv to order online.
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Alright, the second hour is straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, we're already into hour number two on this April 22, 2004 Thursday edition.
Your phone calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
I've also got a bunch of really important police state news we're going to be getting into.
More on the Iraq situation, more on the 9-11 whitewash commission.
And at least once a week I like to have Paul Joseph Watson on the show, the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, author of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order to cover some of the news that he thinks is most important.
There's a whole host of it.
That's coming up in about 30 minutes.
You don't want to miss that.
We're also going to air
A clip from another PBS documentary where somebody's talking about how it looked like a missile that hit one of the World Trade Centers.
Well, we have a video of the plane with some type of bizarre, what looks like a cruise missile pod, it's the only thing that resembles it.
On the bottom, firing something out of the building.
This is for mainstream television footage, and that's on the website as well.
But I really want to discuss the national draft.
I mean, I rarely talk about something two days in a row, but this is a big deal!
We've been called conspiracy theorists for two years for covering the twelve different pieces of legislation that have been introduced in the Congress, in the House and Senate.
Two years ago, when they first introduced this stuff, and now it's a little over two years ago, when Congressman Rangel first introduced it, a Democrat, he used the same words that Senator Hagel used.
I mean, almost the same quotes.
So the Democrats introduced two bills, and the Republicans introduced two more bills, and now, and this is a few weeks ago, there may be more legislation introduced.
But we've been posting on the site on a weekly basis, there are twelve different pieces of legislation.
And the legislation getting promoted, two different versions of the Universal National Service Act, are 1826, 18-49, Men and Women, Domestic
uh... groups domestic citizens having to serve here in the homeland so being government slaves basically and that some of you will be sent overseas it is unprecedented in american history is more of a soviet style you gotta volunteer compulsory volunteerism and and you know six seven years ago we would read americorps plans of bill clinton to make high school students serve twenty hours a week
To be able to graduate from high school, whether it's public or private, to work for the government and federal programs.
And then Bush tried to make it mandatory for cable guys and, you know, phone technicians and the Postal Service.
For the TIPS program, when that got exposed, they just changed the name.
So that's what all this is about.
This isn't just a draft.
This is, this is, this is, this is tattletale East German compulsory service of the government even here domestically.
It's unprecedented.
It's huge.
So I would like to get your response to this at 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to take your calls real fast.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead.
Jay Melissa?
That's laughable.
That's a...
Something out of a bad comedy movie.
Okay, for those that just joined us, they're passing laws in Pennsylvania.
Governor Swiker passed it a year ago, two years ago, a year and a half ago.
And now some of the groups, the so-called gay militia, raided a Christian meeting at a hotel.
The Christian meeting there talking about how to stop a bill that will ban basically reading out of the Old Testament criticizing homosexuality.
Well, yeah.
Hey, I tell you what.
Stay there.
I'll let you come back and talk about it.
I just had to bring folks up to speed about what you were mentioning because I covered that 20 minutes ago and we have new listeners joining us every millisecond, so stay there.
That's one thing I hate about talk radio.
I mean, you tune in and you don't even know what they're talking about, so I really try to always reintroduce a topic.
We'll come back, let you finish up, Ethan, and then we'll take other calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have seen multiple news reports in the mainstream media of states, counties, cities, western nations, arresting people for their political speech.
At first it was, oh, we're just going to arrest people that deny the Holocaust.
They're bad people, don't you agree?
Oh, yes, I disagree with them.
Let's arrest them.
They're Nazis.
And then, oh, we're just going to arrest or find the preachers that read the passages out of the Old Testament criticizing homosexuals.
Oh, yeah, you know, that's bigoted.
Let's do that.
And then, oh, we're just going to arrest these anti-war demonstrators who are peaceful because they're in a, you know, there's free speech zones two miles away from the president and they can go to this deserted public park and protest but no media is allowed to go cover them.
Okay, I'm a conservative.
I don't like those liberals.
And I see the articles were in Idaho.
There's a black referee at the end of a football game.
The woman from the local newspaper takes a photo of him.
He throws a fit because not referee, black coach.
They lost the game.
He starts choking her, screaming profanities at her.
You know, you white this, you white that.
Her husband jumps out of the bleachers.
Pushes him, or actually the black man pushed him, he pushed back, they called each other racial names, and the white man was arrested.
This was in the Associated Press.
I mean, I see this all the time.
They were both wrong for calling each other names, but it's their right to do it.
But the black guy's allowed to, and the white guy isn't.
You see, it's all going to be selectively enforced, too.
And so the caller, Gay Malicious Storms Christian Meeting, up in Canada, where they're about to ban criticizing homosexuality.
And regardless of what you think of homosexuality, don't you believe in the First Amendment?
So let's go ahead and go back to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead and make your comments.
Yeah, I'll just get this.
I went to the grocery market the other day, Kroger's, and I asked the guy working in the produce department why they didn't have any organic food, and he said,
We're not allowed to label what's organic and isn't hippie, so beat it before I call the cops.
You're joking.
And I was like, call the cops for what?
Caring about what?
Putting it on poison and destroying myself for not wasting
Wanna ingest some Monsanto Frankenfood?
That's what makes me a hippie thaw criminal?
Well, I wanna be... Folks, I'm not... You know, I believe you.
Because... Because everywhere now, you'll go into the driver's license office in Texas, and I've talked to 50 people.
I mean, it's more than that in the last year, who go in, who've seen my TV show or film, where I protest it and point out it's part of a federal ID card.
And they will have the cops come out and start threatening to arrest you, or they will arrest you if you just ask questions.
They have a jail cell, because I've been in it when I went and protested.
They arrested me a couple years ago.
They have a jail cell, and they take you in it and question you.
Are you a terrorist?
Who told you this thumb scanner's bad?
You're not part of any terror group, are you?
And so yeah, and then this guy, I guarantee you, you go back and you ask that produce guy, do you listen to Michael Savage?
No, he'll say yes, because all over the country, in his hot show, put anybody that disagrees with the government in a forced labor camp, this idea is permeating.
They're arresting people at protests, conservative liberals, they're arresting people that hand out, you know, videos.
I mean, it's getting bad, sir.
And again, for tyranny to work, the rank and file have to believe in this, have to think that arresting people...
I've done over 1,500 radio interviews in the last, uh, coming up on three years.
Over 1,500.
And we'll take on average, I've sat there, you know how when you're, you know, counting something up, you'll do four little stick men, one, two, three, four, and then five as a slash through it?
I will sit there going one caller, two caller, three caller, four caller, five caller, six caller, seven caller, eight caller, nine caller, ten caller, while I'm on a show, let's say two hours, let's say KOA.
Or while I'm on KF5 for two hours in some big 50,000 water.
That's the shows I'll do this on.
And I'll sit there, you know, we take a lot of calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
One after the other.
And on average, one out of 30 will disagree.
And guess what they almost always say when they disagree?
Well, they say, I'm glad there's camps.
I want to put you in it, you hippie, you communist.
Bush has got to have some gun control!
You know, I'd like to beat you up!
I hope somebody kills you, Mr. Jones!
That's almost always what they say, or, or, you ought to leave this country!
You ought to be arrested!
Criticize the North Korean war!
And I say, well, uh, actually, I'm, I'm the real, now, now, if it's a liberal show, the one caller will call up, and the liberal will call me a fascist Nazi pig!
And they'll just say, you shouldn't be allowed to be on this show.
I'm gonna complain.
But the liberal will call me a Nazi, the conservative will call me a communist, but the conservative will threaten to kill me usually, or say, I want to get you in a jail cell and do horrible things to you.
And I go, oh, you're a jail guard.
Usually, not usually, probably 10% of the time, a lot of calls, it's a jail guard.
They seem to be the type that thinks you're not allowed to... I'm sorry, go ahead.
They control everything.
They control the food supply.
When you control the food supply, you control the population.
Like Monsanto, the guy Perry Schmeisser, if you heard... Yeah, I've heard of him two years ago.
Their transgenic pollution went on his property, and he was the one who got support.
Thanks for the call.
Just briefly on that, I've had, I don't know, probably 20 farmers on from North Dakota, South Texas, Canada, England,
Anyone fighting all this, but Percy Schmeiser had the receipts.
He never bought Monsanto seeds.
He kept his own seeds.
He bought them from a local seed bank.
He was an organic farmer and they caught, this has even been in National Geographic of all places, they even caught
Um, former Mounties.
They hire former Mounties.
Here it's former FBI.
Monsanto hires them.
They walk along the ditches by your property throwing, they drive by in cars, throwing out the seeds.
Whether it's canola, soybeans, whatever.
Then that grows up, then the pollen blows onto your crops, they then trespass a year later, pull about 50 plants, and then they find any of their genetics, because plants aren't like mammals where, you know, it's the mommy and the daddy and that's it.
Your mommy and your daddy's genetics go into you and that's it.
All the genetics they have, going back in those lines, come into you.
With plants, the pollen all splatters on the
On the seed bearing area of the plant when it's pollinated.
And that plant might have the pollen from a hundred different plants in it.
Different strains, different varieties.
Sometimes that's why naturally you'll have mutations where you'll see a part of another plant growing out of another plant.
That happens naturally.
Plants are very easy to manipulate because of that.
So they'll find just a little bit of their genetics in your plant.
It's not even a Monsanto plant.
But if it has 1%
This is the federal rulings here in Canada.
As 1% they rule, and the courts rule, that you have stolen their genetics.
Now you got receipts that you bought seeds, that you didn't use Monsanto.
They trespass.
They do this to you.
They'll move in in a growth belt of a certain type of plant.
They will buy their own land.
Little experimental plots in between your land.
They'll infest everything, then sue them, then take their property.
And you're absolutely right.
It is bio-warfare.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's up next there?
Carol in Texas.
Carol, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to find out when you had that General... I can't even say his name right.
Gromsam III?
Colonel Don DeGrampre.
When did you have him on your show?
It's posted in the audio section of PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
It was about a month and a half ago.
Was it?
Well, I wanted to get a tape of it.
I thought it was so interesting.
And then I was going to tell you I've got about four or five drones watching me at night when I'm at home in Louisville.
And there was a helicopter out there outside the house.
Without four or five men in it.
Now did it fly over?
Or how long did it sit there?
The helicopter?
It didn't stay there very long.
After I walked outside and saw it, it moved off.
But do you know it was so silent you couldn't even hear it.
And then there was about four or five drones in a half circle.
Okay, where do you live?
I live in Louisville, Texas.
Where is that?
It's not too far from Dallas.
They admit that they're using drones now for narcotics interdiction.
They admit they're using helicopters.
Seven years ago, part of a DARPA plan, almost every major city in the country had ground penetrating radar mounted on the helicopters.
Now this isn't infrared that just sees grow lights through your ceiling.
This looks right through the walls, gives them a black and white image of your house.
Everything you're doing, it's like an x-ray vision.
Now, the classified stuff, because I've talked to SEALs and others, and it's even been mentioned by Jane's Weapons publication, the classified stuff, they got rifle scopes that'll look through your skin and will see your beating heart in color 3D, but that's not the stuff they're putting on helicopters.
It's just black and white ground-portraying radar.
It's a similar system they use at the airports, you know, to look through your clothes, set on low.
And yeah, would you say the helicopter was there two minutes?
I mean, was it hovering over your house?
It was not hovering over the house.
It was... I could see it real plain, you know.
How close was it?
In my house?
Well, I have a swimming pool.
It was on the other side of my swimming pool.
Was it flying around?
No, no.
Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
Let me just ask you a question here, okay?
Do you have woods around your property?
No, this is just a residential area.
And so it just descended, you know, and it just sat there for a little bit and then it moved off.
Well, I wanted to just kind of educate people on this.
They may have been looking for a missing person.
Someone may have been hiding, you know, somebody who'd robbed a house.
That's legitimate use.
Did it have a spotlight on?
I didn't notice it.
Oh, you noticed that they did.
Then they weren't after you.
If it hovers over your house, it's recording what's inside your house.
And they admittedly do this.
But if it was just flying around and left, it was probably looking for somebody.
Well, and you know, I work in Richardson.
They have those same drones over here checking out this area.
Okay, well thanks for the call.
We'll be back with more calls.
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You know, Carol called in with a good question and during the break I thought to myself, you know, I sounded short with her and rude and I apologize if sometimes I do.
That happens when I'm looking at the clock and I've been long-winded and I've got loaded phone lines and I want to go to the calls and somebody's making a good point but I'm trying to get information from them so I can understand what the big picture is.
Because I've studied police activities, military activities with helicopters
My cousin, who's in Special Forces, has been out of the country for 18 years, some of the time just at Fort Bragg.
And that's his job, is merging the Army with the local police here in Austin, along with the National Guard, and providing surveillance with Army helicopters.
But if it's just flying around the neighborhood quickly, it's not scanning.
But if they're flying slow and low over the neighborhoods, they're scanning.
They're flying around with a spotlight on.
They're looking for somebody.
Of course, they don't even need the spotlight.
Infrared's even better.
A spotlight so the police on the ground can see where the person's at.
That's more of an indicator for police.
But if you just see drones flying around, which they now admit they've got.
They've had them for years.
Now they admit them.
They are scanning with ground penetrating radar infrared.
So I hope that answers your question, Carol, and it's an important question.
But just because a helicopter flies over you, I mean, last night the police helicopters were flying around my neighborhood and they were probably looking for a fugitive.
Let's go ahead and go to another call here.
Let's talk to Nick in Texas.
Nick, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I was calling just a quick couple comments.
The first one on the bills that were introduced for the draft.
My girlfriend's made it a hobby to email the representatives and senators from Texas here.
And they usually respond to our emails within a week.
And close to a month ago, she emailed them about these bills and put the bill numbers for reference and she has yet to hear from them.
So I think that's sort of telling.
Yeah, they don't want to be on the record.
They want to wait until their bosses blow something up so they can then go, we gotta do it to protect the homeland!
I'm glad you called about the draft.
This is a big deal.
And this new draft they've got is 18 to 49.
You'll have to serve domestically.
Isn't that scary?
It's very scary.
And I've read where college deferments will no longer be valid.
And of course, they've already coordinated with Canada to not let the hippies escape up north.
No, they're planning well ahead, so it's not a repeat of the 70s apparently.
And it's not just the enemy you've got to worry about, it's the depleted uranium, it's the deadly vaccines, if you get injured, the VA is just a nightmare.
And my parents live in Missouri, they're both Bush backers, and I've made it my mission to educate them.
And I've even brought up the draft, and they laugh at it because they think I'm hysterical, and they haven't read it.
There's 12 different bills, they're openly trying to pass them right now, and yesterday I went to the gym, and I was talking to all these good ol' boys, they're like, Alex, they're not going to do that.
Now that's a rumor, now you're making that up, and I'm sitting here with the Associated Press, with the Senate promoting it, saying we need it.
Right, absolutely.
Look, look, look, it's a nation of denial.
We're a nation of spectators that don't want to face responsibility, and they'll just keep denying it.
I will tell you one thing.
It seems that right after 9-11, there was all this fear.
I work in radio as well, and nobody could quite believe some of the things that I was asserting, that I was getting from your show and your website.
But two and a half years later, all of a sudden, they're starting to see that things aren't like it was on September 12th, that there was a lot of lies out there, that there are a lot of stories that just disappeared, such as the short sells or the put option on the stock exchange.
And that raises red flags to them that something's not quite right.
Well, that's what's happened.
And again, I'm just one person in this fight on the front lines, but I've been on most of these stations as a guest.
I mean, when you've done 1500, you've been on most shows.
And they laughed at me two years ago.
They don't laugh now.
Oh, absolutely.
And even locally here in Austin, I know of one radio show that you've been on that they used to deride you.
In particular, they're a morning show, and now they have you on because once the FCC targets them, then holy moly.
The government's bad, and Alex was right.
That's it.
The enemy's our best recruiter.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, Nick.
Frank in West Virginia.
Frank, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to read a little, a short statement from our paper here in West Virginia.
It's called the Dominion Post.
Saturday, dated April 10th.
Marines to raid Morgan 10 in the near future.
About 1,800 Marines and Sailors will flood the streets of Morgantown the first three weeks of May for urban combat drills.
Notice, by the way, Morgantown is a very small city.
Now when they do urban warfare, they actually make arrests in many of the drills and really run law enforcement ops.
Well, I was going to ask you about that.
I don't know what happened until we did the drill, but in Swansboro and other areas, they're actually really arresting people now.
Was that for observation going in with video?
Being too close to the practice?
Uh, no.
Uh, they, quote, assist police and stand there with their M16s while the police search your car and then they come over and help them.
I'd like to get your take on what type of points should be brought down to the general public.
Stay there.
Okay, stay there.
It's very important.
I made two films on this.
Police State 2000 and The Takeover.
Spent about half the time on this.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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So YourGiftSong.com is perfect because Mother's Day is coming up, oh, then Father's Day, then Tom's graduation.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Frank, William, Warren, Gene, Michael, everybody, we're gonna go to your calls in this hour.
Stay with us.
We're about to get into some of the news that Paul Watson thinks is most important.
I respect his opinion.
And then make some very important announcements here on air.
But first, Frank in West Virginia.
In my first video, Police State 2000 made in 99,
We show Marine Corps urban warfare training in Hebron, Maryland, Oakland, California, Army Delta Force training with foreign troops, terrorizing the public with no warning, blowing buildings up.
Yes, I've seen that, and I've gotten those tapes out.
One, two, and I've seen three.
Well, my point is, just for the listeners, I'm giving them some background, and I said in the film, they're going to engage in terror, the government is, they're going to say we're getting rid of posse comitatus, they're going to put troops on the streets, this is all part of conditioning,
And I didn't pull that out of a hat.
I'm not magical with a crystal ball.
The Army War College was saying this was to condition us to accept military occupation, and then they tell the public when they're doing it, oh, this is just for training overseas.
Well, obviously, it's joint training.
So that's not even really a lie, because some of the training is for overseas.
Now, now they've rationed it up.
They've done it in almost every study in the U.S.
They use the Marines mainly, because that didn't violate posse comitatus.
According to the loophole, it's still a violation.
And yeah, all over the country this is happening, and I don't know what they'll do in your town.
They don't say until they get there.
Are they warning the public to be calm?
That this is just a drill?
This is the only article I've seen on it since April 10th.
Now, I've talked to the police, I've talked to the county sheriff's office, and a deputy there, he hasn't heard a thing about it.
The Fairmont is another town in which they'll be doing this, and the police there haven't heard anything about it.
And also... Oh wait, they're doing it in multiple towns?
Yes, sir.
In the area.
Within roughly a 45-mile radius.
How long until they say this is going to happen?
This is going to happen the first three weeks in May.
They say that they will notify the residents and... Okay, okay.
Now just from past experience, because there's been hundreds of these drills, I've been to, I don't know, about 15 of them.
But from the news articles, if it's a three-week drill, they're going to show up first, walk around, have some ceremony with a flag, hand out some prizes to children, give the mayor's awards, do a recruiting drive, have an Orange Humvee drive around playing rap music, trying to recruit young people.
That'll be the first three days.
Then they'll be walking around in the neighborhoods at night.
Then they'll probably covertly leased an old building.
They'll probably set it on fire.
May even blow up some cars downtown.
And then cordon it off.
Not warn people until they do it.
I videoed this in the Rugged Tournament by the way.
Uh, and, uh, then the last week, there'll be checkpoints on the highways in between the towns, and when the police walk up, there'll be Marines with M-16s behind them, and they'll say, we're gonna search the car, and, uh, now that's what's happened.
If it's a two-day drill, not generally, but the longer drills are usually the bad ones.
Go ahead.
The, even at the emergency, uh, they call it MECA, it's the 9-1-1, uh,
The coordinator, the head of that, has not even heard a thing about this, which is hard to believe.
This is something that's hidden in plain view right now.
However, they are saying that the Marine Expeditionary Unit, which is special forces comparable to the Navy SEALs in the air.
Yes, it's Force Recon.
Yes, they will be doing this.
There will be groups of 150 to 200 members going out
Uh, on the streets, they'll raid the abandoned buildings, they'll have live and... Oh, so it does say that?
It does say live fire.
Okay, I was just told to read the article.
Yeah, you're gonna get the full treatment, probably.
Yeah, but they do try to alleviate the, uh, they say, well, there'll be a select few Marines who will have real bullets in their guns.
And then it says, well, they'll be shooting in the traps, and it'll be kind of like a catcher's mitt, catching a baseball.
Yeah, just like when they shot into the all-night restaurant in Miami in 98, when they crashed a helicopter in downtown Houston in 99, when they tried to rob the police chief in 99 in San Antonio.
Boy, if they're admitting live fire, you're going to have smoking buildings, blowing up cars.
You're in for the full treatment.
Well, I started a group here.
We're going to have concerned citizens.
In fact, we're just going to start having a meeting next week.
I've got to get this advertised.
I'd be quiet about it.
I'd say you just want to have a political rally at some park, and I'd stage it for one of the towns they're going to be in.
And then, when you have a big screen TV, show the video and tell the people this is for mass conditioning.
Hey, listen, email me that article, okay?
Yes, sir.
I certainly will.
tipsidy at InfoWars.com.
Okay, I'll do that.
Thank you very much, sir.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
And they're doing it all over the country.
It's not for, quote, training.
It's for conditioning you.
It is training for you.
Alright, thanks for holding up.
Paul Watson, my good buddy, webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com, and now PrisonPlanet.tv.
He is the author of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
Paul, what's some of the big news today?
Well, we're going to talk about Tony Blair sacrificing Britain to federal, well European federalism basically, the British police state, the ID card situation, the escalation of bombings in Iraq and how that links back to the draft which is again being talked about, the activities of the neocons and of course September 11th which we posted a lot of information on recently.
But before we do that, the next three or four minutes, we are launching something new, Paul.
Tell them about PrisonPlanet.tv.
Yeah, we've just launched it today, publicly.
And in just the hour or so that you've been discussing it, we've had 25, 30 members sign up already.
We actually had members signing up before we publicly launched it.
Basically, it's going to be massive.
All of Alex's videos are already on there for viewing, so you can watch the entire back catalogue, including the latest films, Matrix of Evil, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
The books are going to be up there.
My book, Alex's book, every single audio interview from Alex's show is going to be up there.
And it's 19 cents a day or 5.95 a month, 15 cents a day for a year's subscription of 54.95.
And just to take that, you know, a year's subscription, just imagine a conservative estimate of what will be on there over the course of the next year is, you know, touching on the thousands of special reports, videos, audios that will be posted.
Now, I mean, this is not to say that we won't still have a lot of free content.
Obviously we will, but the fact is that this website is going to be the main focus.
All the news will be posted there before you see it anywhere else.
As most people don't know, I do multiple updates daily on all the sites.
There's an automatic mailing list, so as soon as something new is posted, you, as a member, will be the first one to know about it.
And on top of all this, we've got a weekly report from Alex's TV show, and of course we have plans in the future to expand, to add chat rooms, forums, etc, etc.
So, go up and sign up now, we've put a lot of work in over the course of the past weeks and months, making it secure, safe, and you can either pay
Yeah, about two months ago, we had talked about doing subscription and I said, no, I'll just pay for all the bandwidth and then we added server after server after server.
And we just cannot continue to do it, so you're not just for 19 cents a day if you sign up for monthly, yearly, 15 cents a day.
I mean, you're not just getting a great deal on all this information, and my weekly TV show that's excellent, a monthly newsletter online, all these interviews, all this great information, but you're also supporting it, and so we can also put some of the videos up for free on the main site and continue that.
Yeah, that's the point.
We have to emphasize that whenever, you know, for example with the World Trade Center 7 analysis that we put up in January, the night we put that up, when Alex was on Rents, I was on Rents' show with Alex, I made the mistake of hosting most of that video on my own server.
And I woke up with a bill for, you know, $400.
So that's the point to make, that these bandwidth bills are increasing over and over again, and it is a big outlay for us, so people can support us in making this video available to a wider audience in the long run, because we'll be able to post more and more of it.
Yeah, it's real simple that when you go from 8 million visitors a month to 20 million overnight, and just the geometric growth curve,
Uh, that by doing this, by some people signing up and having this exclusive membership, it'll also allow us to continue and expand what we're doing.
So please, go to PrisonPlanet.tv and there's already a bunch of special reports, a report I did two nights ago on television, an hour report, where I go over to the NORAD stand down and
The new whitewash about the Pentagon drills of flying hijacked jets into buildings.
I go to Oklahoma City, then I play some of the clips of the Brian Lamb attack piece on me from C-SPAN.
I counter them point by point.
That's about 53 minutes long.
And every week we're going to put a new
Television show up on the site.
Some weeks it'll be two TV programs.
Some weeks I do two live shows.
We'll also, I mean, it's all going to be there at PrisonPlanet.tv and we use the industry standard
No, the big professional subscription system, I installed it on the big server.
So it's top of the line, you know, a secure, safe certificate, you know, the best you can get.
And so your information is totally safe.
And this is a private
No, just to say that
Basically, to bookmark it.
Even if you don't sign up for a membership, bookmark it anyway and check it every day because all the news and information as well as, you know, some different stories which may not get posted on the other websites will be on there and will be on there first.
So, even if you don't sign up for a membership, visiting the website on a daily basis will be a must.
Now, right now, what is there, about 20 free video clips on the main page right now?
A bunch of audio, a bunch of different special reports.
So that's all still going to be there.
It's just that if you want these big special reports, you know, the longer pieces of video, it's going to be in the members area.
Well, that's correct, and most of the audio interviews from Alex's show will be on there.
We will still keep some free, obviously the more important ones that we need to spread about the internet, but for the privileged access and for absolutely everything, and it will be multiple new items added daily, then that's why people should sign up.
And then weekly, the big...
A 52 hour long TV show, because sometimes I air a videotape or something on the show and I don't do 50 minutes live or 60 minutes live.
Okay, the calls are coming up in just a moment, but Paul, this big national draft move, I mean we've been posting the articles for years, it's official, now the Senator's saying we gotta pass the draft, and people are still in denial.
Have you seen this?
I've seen it, yeah.
And obviously we had Hagel calling for it the other day.
We've had even people like Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich warning that if Bush is re-elected, and I mean they'll go ahead and do this with Kerry anyway, maybe even to a greater extent, but that this will be enacted and that the current plan for it is to be enacted in 2005.
And, you know, with a potential war against North Korea coming up as Cheney sells the nukes to China, which are passed on to North Korea,
Um, maybe that war coming up in 2006 or 2007 as the public plans have already been released by Rumsfeld, we're talking about the need for in the region of 600,000 extra US troops.
So we ask where are they going to get those from?
And as you mentioned, the bills themselves
Talk about service to the homeland.
And this is interesting that at the same time we have multiple forms of mandatory volunteerism being proposed and passed down to, you know, high school level in New Jersey.
They just announced that to graduate from high school you will need to do a compulsory service under this new bill just to graduate.
So this whole move to mandatory volunteerism, which is a complete obviously an oxymoron, is being pushed in all sectors of society.
But with the draft itself, we need to link it into Iraq.
And this is why we have all this quagmire, all this New Vietnam talk, because they want to keep the chaos ongoing in not just Iraq, but the entire region.
And by the way, we didn't just say this.
We were interviewed by Vanity Fair, what, four months ago?
They finally published it in the May issue and it says, Watson and Jones say that this was all set up to be a quagmire.
They've been saying that for years.
That's been the plan.
Well yeah, that article was probably written, what, late January, February, before it was the kind of quagmire that it's escalated to now.
And I mean, they were laughing at us in that, but now it's proven the case.
And with the bombings that are going on, we had another... Oh, by the way, even the London Guardian two weeks ago had an article where they're saying all this is by design.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that was a major article in the Guardian.
And the bombing yesterday in Basra again highlights what we've been talking about for months, that these so-called car bombings in Iraq are nothing of the kind.
Most of them.
Now, we're not saying that there aren't some
You know, useful idiots running around carrying out some of these smaller-scale bombings.
But you find again and again, with most of the larger-scale bombings, there are multiple eyewitness reports of missile attacks.
And the AFP stated yesterday, Basra Police Chief General Mohammed Kadeem said, missiles fell on three police stations after a series of three successive explosions which shook the city.
And again, another eyewitness, Mohammed Haseem, an Iraqi police officer, told BBC Television, quote, I was on duty, the British came, and I opened the gate for them.
Once the British were inside and the post was open, a missile hit the main doors.
I started to run, I ran away, and so did the British.
And witnesses have seen Apaches doing this, and people ask, why would the globalists do that?
Why would they want this?
Well, because on one level, it
It delays the June 30th handover.
Now, nobody, well, we didn't think that this June 30th handover would be any kind of sovereign handover because they won't even say, and Bush covered this in his awful speech the other week, Bush wouldn't even, you know, outline who they would be handing the power over to.
He just called it an entity.
But even with that, these bombings are a pretext for the UN to go in and take control.
That's what we've been saying for months and months.
But again, to justify the call for a national draft, which was reiterated again by Chuck Hagel yesterday, that playing up all this talk of Quagmire... I would say that Hagel understands the Hegelian dialectic.
Well, yeah, it's order out of chaos, and even Bush has given speeches where he slipped up and said, you know, we will maintain the chaos in Iraq.
So, I mean, that's exactly what's been going on.
We're going to find the weapons of mass destruction, too.
Oh yeah, well you can probably guarantee they're going to find them because, as we reported last week, all this aggravation in Iraq is a useful smokescreen with reports of these weapons being shipped in into the southern and western areas of the country.
So Bush was pretty adamant in the speech that they would find the weapons.
And I'm sure they've got a little surprise maybe before the election where they miraculously do come across those weapons.
And also a guy with a turban and a long beard.
Well, yeah.
They may back off of that, though, because we exposed it.
Alright, Paul, stay there.
We're going to come back and we'll go straight to William and many others that are patiently holding.
Stay with us.
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Alright, wide open phones and a bunch of other news for the balance of the broadcast.
We've got about an hour and five minutes left.
Third hour coming up.
Paul Watson riding shotgun with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Let's go ahead and talk to William in Florida.
William, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking the call.
Thank you.
Got the videos, trying to get the word out.
I do not have a computer, so I have a question which I hope is not redundant.
A little while back, you thought that we were going to have an incident here after the election.
I just wondered if you've changed your thinking, if it's going to happen before the election,
And then what will happen?
Will it be martial law then, or is it going to be in stages, or what?
Thank you.
Again, I don't have a crystal ball.
Sometimes I get enough indicators to be able to specifically say with precision what's going to happen, but after the election you can almost be assured of huge attacks and the draft.
I think before the election you may see some small attacks, and it's not small for those that are going to die by the military-industrial complex.
Well, yeah, it all depends on the time span.
I mean, we've backed them off so many times that their agenda's slowing down every day from what it was before 9-11.
Yeah, they plan to already be in Syria and Iran this year.
Well, yeah, it depends, really, whether they want to put Bush or Kerry in to be, you know, the skull and bones CEO, because if they want to put Bush in, if they want to keep Bush in, then if there is no attack before the election, then the polls will probably build as to where
You know, aside from vote fraud manipulation, Kerry will probably be in if there is no attack which rallies the population around Bush.
If they want Bush in for another four years, then expect another probably medium-scale attack before the election.
But there's always an October surprise.
Whether it be an attack, a discovery of WMD, capture of Bin Laden, they always pull a surprise a month or so before the election.
So they're bound to do something, but it may not be as large-scale as was originally intended.
All right, let's go ahead.
And, I mean, Rice is saying attack before the election.
We better just give up all our freedoms and support the Patriot Act, or it's all our fault.
Wayne in Nebraska.
Wayne, go ahead.
Yes, sir?
I've got a question for you.
I keep getting calls from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on surveys.
I will not talk to them and I won't give them out any information.
I just wondered, do you know anything about that?
Well, they're running TV ads and radio ads around the country saying, please come get the smallpox shot.
Please do it.
They couldn't make the police and firefighters take it.
99% refused.
Well, more than 99.
It was almost 100%.
So if I don't answer their questions, do I go down to Guantanamo Bay then?
Well, the Supreme Court ruled three weeks ago that you have to answer their questions.
You have to show an ID card on your own property.
It's a violation of the Fifth Amendment, but I mean, I would say that they can't make us all answer questions.
They can't put us all in Guantanamo or in a whack-and-hunt private prison.
You don't have to answer any of their questions.
Somebody calls you up and wants you to answer questions.
Well, I don't.
I feel that's my privacy.
And I guess I have another question.
It concerns Waco.
You talked a lot about it.
I've never heard you ever say anything about it, but didn't they use chemicals in Waco that you can't even use against the prisoners of war?
Yeah, they used a banned type of gas, VX gas, that is banned against using against foreign armies because it can kill you.
What's the nerve gas?
It's not the type that kills you.
It's not VX.
I mean, I could tell you this a hundred times, but if you weren't asking, it's CS, CS, not VX.
VX kills you instantly.
They use CS gas, a banned type of tear gas that we're not allowed to use against foreign countries.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And they pump thousands of gallons into the building.
We'll be right back with the third hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Paul Watson joins us.
And your calls and a ton of news straight ahead.
Paul, what's some of the other stuff we'll be covering?
Britain to Europe, which is a big story at the moment.
All right, stay there.
We'll be right back.
The third hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's do it.
Let's go to your calls quickly.
And then in our sparsing key news throughout the broadcast, I'm Alex Jones, into the third hour on this live Thursday edition.
Paul Watson joins us, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com, both different sites, check them both out.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gene in Ohio.
Gene, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I just called to let you know a couple of the things I heard on late night radio on AM band.
And this is what I heard, in about June of last year, a Marine called in to talk show, and he said that the new Marine recruits are being asked to fire on the American people.
Then again, a month ago, I heard the same kind of report, only this guy said he had four years in, and we're asking him the same thing, to fire on the American people.
Well, I mean, instead of just a caller calling in and saying it, back in 92 there was the, no, 94, excuse me, the 29 Palm Survey, will you fire American citizens under PDD 25?
Will you confiscate farms under UN control?
And 76% said no.
They all got shipped out of the country.
The goons that said yes went into plainclothes and part of the covert homeland security system that was set up that Bill Clinton talked about in 1993 in speeches.
In the Army, in the Marines, with the Special Forces groups, they all ask him this question.
That's been in the news.
Paul Watson, comments?
Yeah, well, I wouldn't be surprised if they are training them, because just look at Iraq.
We've got people going door-to-door confiscating guns.
We had the now infamous Apache helicopter footage, where they indiscriminately fire and blow up, you know, a bunch of farmers who, it turns out, were waving white flags.
We've got CNN showing soldiers in Iraq killing what appear to be Iraqi civilians who are flopping around on the ground injured and then going...
You know, what was it like?
What did it feel like?
And the response from the soldiers is, you know, it feels great, I want to do it again.
So, I'm not sure about, you know, marine training exactly, but from what we see in Iraq, then I would not be surprised.
Well, let me tell people specifically, I've made two films just about this, Police State 2000, Police State 2, The Takeover, and in Police State 2000, they're drilling, and the people on the drills are saying, I'm an American, I have rights, not the camp!
So, yes sir, this is really going on.
Now, go ahead.
The only other thing I've heard you might want to comment on is I heard the President has rescinded Roosevelt's law stating the American people can have a certain weight of gold coins and you can expand on that.
Thank you.
No, that has not been done to my knowledge and Roosevelt didn't do that.
Roosevelt said you had to turn your gold in for paper in 1933 as first action.
And there are discussions of now going back and reinstituting that.
It's been done four times since the 1930s.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Hawaii.
Mike, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex Jones, and you are a great American.
So are you!
Thanks for the call.
What's going on?
First time caller.
I just want to appreciate GCN Network for having you and all the other people.
I tell you what, you've really opened my eyes to the, quote, neocons.
I used to listen to Hannity.
I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and sort of listen to Michael Savage, but you know what?
You have completely waned me off of the neocons.
A couple of quick things I'd like to ask you.
One, I'm 46 years old.
I was in the military for eight years in the Air Force.
This draft thing, I'd heard rumors about it, but your show is the only one I've heard mention it specifically.
How would that affect, do you know how it would possibly affect someone like me who's already been in the military over eight years?
And also, one other thing, are you going to be on Coast to Coast tonight?
Okay, stay there.
I'll answer both the questions after the break, okay?
Don't hang up, Mike.
We'll come back to you, and I'll detail both of those questions for you.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's our guest.
Wide open telephones at 800-259-9231.
We've launched a new website, PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's a great new site.
Go check it out.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going back to Mike and all the callers here in a second.
Let me just read this article.
Again, this is from AFP.
The AP also ran a similar article.
Senator says U.S.
may need compulsory service to boost Iraq force.
Now, Paul, what we ought to do is, we ought to take the bills and post them again, or at least the bill numbers, and then post this article under it as a presentplanet.tv article.
That way it's all in one spot for people because
Again, bills have been introduced for two years.
The average person has no idea.
It's, quote, a rumor.
We've had congressmen on saying they're trying to pass it, that this is going on.
And now a senior Republican lawmaker said that deteriorating security in Iraq may force the United States to reintroduce the military draft.
There's not an American that doesn't understand what we are engaging today and what the prospects are for the future.
Senator Chuck Fagel,
Putting Hegelian in the Hegelian dialectic, hold a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on post-occupation Iraq.
Quote, why shouldn't we ask all of our citizens to bear some responsibility and pay some price?
Hagel said, arguing that restoring compulsory military service would force, quote, our citizens to understand the intensity and depth of the challenges we face.
The Nebraska Republican added that a draft which was ended in the early 1970s would spread the burden of military service in Iraq more equitably among various social strata.
Those who are serving today are dying today, and the middle class and lower middle classes, he observed.
So, to answer Mike from Hawaii's questions, number one, I'm going to be on coast-to-coast AM, I'm told, for the full four hours as part of a panel discussion about the New World Order.
And then your other question is, how is it going to affect you with your former military service?
Tell me, were you an officer?
How long were you in?
What branch were you in?
I was in Air Force, Crypto Maintenance.
I was in from 1980, I think it was 1984 to 93.
I was enlisted.
Well, if you were an officer, they could call you up any time they wanted to.
Yeah, but I was enlisted.
But no, I mean, I would say that if the draft comes, you're going to be the first on the list, even though you're enlisted, because the Houston Chronicle, two years ago when this all came out, this rumor, it's a rumor when we have the bills in our hands, said that it's going to be doctors, concrete pourers, it's got to be morticians, computer specialists, lawyers,
The first group will be professionals, and it said people who've already been in before with professional skills.
You'll get a specialty draft.
Then the big draft for foot soldiers is 18 to 26.
Then they're talking about passing a domestic draft, 18 to 49.
Even if you have medical problems, you will be in data entry.
You'll have to watch surveillance cameras that are fed into a computer at your home or business.
Several hours a day, that'll be your job, doing a tattletale, ditch digging, weird environmental programs.
I mean, they list hundreds of things.
And it's all basically the Secure Corps program, a subdivision of AmeriCorps.
They mention that in one of the bills.
Tattletale programs, fugitive apprehension, hardened checkpoints that are toll roads.
You'll have to volunteer many hours a week at those, manning those.
Paul Watson, any comments for our guest?
Yeah, and as I mentioned before, on WABC, you know, Neocon New York, they were talking about linking all these school programs in mandatory volunteerism with things like AmeriCorps and SecurCorps.
So it's all going to be domestically based, basically.
We've got an entire section on PrisonPlanet.com.tv as well.
And the only people that have done that were Hitler and Stalin and Mao.
I mean, that is classic, folks.
So what should be, you know, I'm trying to understand on what I should, what my response, how to prepare my response for if, you know, that situation.
Well, you know what?
They would never get away with it if we had a preemptive debate about it, but they want to have it all lined up, ready to be passed, so when they blow something up, during the emotion, we'll accept it, and then they say that's just the way it is.
They don't want us to have a debate now, before they set a big building up like a Roman candle.
So we better let everybody know this is not a rumor.
There have been bills for over two years.
I keep saying two years.
Time keeps flying.
Over two years.
Now there's twelve of them.
And everybody, 18 to 49, and then some even younger in the school programs, are going to be under federal control being given our domestic duties.
Has nothing to do with the war.
Nothing to do with terror.
This is government ownership of the people.
I believe it.
So, so, I mean, what do we do?
That's a good question to the listeners.
I mean, I'm just thinking about this.
I've been thinking about this for years when they call me and say, you know, you've got to, you know, show up ten hours a week at the local nature center helping, you know,
You know, dig out from the reigns we had.
There's discussions there.
You've got to show up at the new toll road they're putting in and help search cars.
I saw that in 98.
And they're saying that's the plan.
I'm going to say no!
And then the SWAT team will come to my house and drag me out, shoot me, whatever, drag me off.
They'll be on the news going, look at this coward.
And the reason I say that is because they will target prominent people who are against it.
You as a citizen, average Joe, you're not going to be prosecuted.
Now, they will, though, once you've got a national ID card, have to swipe it to buy and sell.
Oh, you refuse the draft.
It's like the no-fly list.
It's going to be a no-buy list.
And I have reds on tape saying all this.
So, it's a hellish system, my friend.
Yeah, I agree.
Maybe you should have a special area on your website.
Maybe some guides or whatever or other resources that people could go to to sort of like, okay, what can we do to prepare ourselves on how to respond and also to be proactive on what we can do.
Well, number one, if people just knew about this, but I hear the neocons on radio going, there's no plan, it's a liberal lie!
You know, don't listen to them.
I mean, everything's liberal.
Oh, you're a liberal because you're pro-gun.
You know, you're a liberal because you're against campaign finance reform.
Thanks for the call.
I just... I mean, what do you do?
Paul, there's... I asked you this question a few days ago, but I did find an article about it.
There's a discussion of a draft in the United Kingdom.
Maybe they're going to take you away from us.
You're going to have to go serve on the front lines in a fog of depleted uranium.
Well, that's exactly the case, especially with the controls of Blair tied in so closely to Borkin.
But, I mean,
We've got them in the Working for Homeland section of PrisonPlanet.com where Arizona registered men between 18 and 25 who signed up for driver's licenses and the quote out of the article was
America hasn't had a military draft since 1973, but Arizona intends to be ready if it ever happens again.
Yeah, and last year the Pentagon reactivated the draft boards, started organizing them on the Pentagon website.
We got it, posted it.
People couldn't believe it.
They then took it down, but they're still setting up the draft boards, and they're running ads all over the radio.
Be sure and sign up or we're going to arrest you.
And they've introduced the bills.
They're getting ready for it.
And it's bipartisan, if you want to call it that.
Hagel, obviously the Republican, calling for it.
Last year, Democratic lawmaker Rangel called for it, and that was in CNN.
We've also got that article.
So it's across the board that they're pushing this while the bills, you know, are sailing through Congress.
And you can better believe that Hagel's children, or Bush's children, you better believe that the Bush daughters aren't going to be anywhere.
No, don't worry.
They won't be serving for Homeland.
They're going to be on tour with Britney Spears!
Well, certainly.
Seattle Post Intelligence.
The talk of a draft grows despite denials by White House.
But then from those leaked news memos, we got it that Rumsfeld said, we need this and we are going to get it when they were talking about receiving it.
Well, this is the incredible thing.
They have a total information awareness program.
They have a matrix system.
They have all this stuff
And they announced that it's in the news, they introduced bills, they passed some of this stuff, and then they're still denying it even exists!
I mean, it's... Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to Brian in South Carolina, then Justin, Ryan, and others.
Brian, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm from South Carolina.
I was in the Army for seven years.
I was a Morse code receptor.
But anyway, I have two questions for you.
One, if there was a national emergency right before
The election?
Would that halt the election?
You know, they don't need to do that because they've got the fix.
You know, the fix is in with two cousins, a member of the same secret brotherhood sworn to each other.
It's that staged.
But, you know, will they blow something up to create hysteria during the election as a political diversion?
I think the answer is yes.
But, again, I don't have a crystal ball.
What do you think is going to happen?
Are you there, Brian?
Yeah, I'm here.
Let me ask you this question.
What's the feeling, what's the mindset of the troops right now?
I'm not in the Army anymore.
I got out in 2000.
Do you ever talk to your old buddies?
What do they say?
I do, and they believe that there will be a draft and that they're ready for it.
They're ready for us to be fighting in Iraq.
A lot of people.
To get off that, I have another question.
I was looking under your Info Wars and Prison Planet and I didn't see anything about the Bush plan about stopping overtime.
I work at a job that makes $40,000 a year and overtime
It was my extra money, my spending money.
Well, you've got to understand, we put probably 50 new articles a day on the sites, and then it's like a newspaper.
It's like each issue goes back, and you can click back, going back several years on both the sites.
But yeah, about six months ago, they were trying to pass legislation to get rid of overtime and even reduce the minimum wage, and I don't have it in front of me.
My memory fails me.
Paul, did that pass?
I didn't track that story, so chances are it was posted on Infowars.com, not PrisonPlanet.com, so it'll probably be in that search engine if you try it on Infowars.com.
Yeah, I don't know the status of that.
We were just covering the legislation, so that's a good question.
Yeah, a friend of mine told me that it did pass a few days ago, and I was wondering if you had anything about it.
You know, it's coming at us... It's like a baseball, uh, you know, throwing machine in the cage, and they're shooting baseballs so fast I can't even hit half of them.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I know that over a year ago, they changed the pension rules where you no longer have a right to your pensions, your private pensions.
Did you know that?
The feds did that.
And then I never had time to keep track of it after that.
I just hear them writing pension funds from time to time now.
And I remember them trying to get rid of the minimum wage and go after overtime.
And I knew they wanted to get rid of it.
I mean, it's just... And people say, well, that's socialism.
You can't have that on a free market.
Well, when you've got socialism in the government and a society that's set up where you have to have a certain amount of money to survive and live, then that's a component that's needed.
Especially when you're pumping in another, you know, million and a half illegal aliens every year, who work for two bucks an hour.
You see, now it gets rid of the minimum wage entirely and drives down wages even more.
So, I don't know where that is right now.
Maybe somebody can call in and tell us.
Paul Watson, let's go ahead and take another call.
I guess up next is Justin.
Justin, where are you calling us from?
Kansas City, Missouri.
I want to say I love your show and I love your documentaries and the Skull and Bones clip was great.
I emailed it to about 50 people.
But I want to talk about a show that was on Trio that you were on.
You never talked about it.
It was a five-hour documentary made by a British guy that was in the Bohemian Grove documentary.
Well, I have talked about it, but I mean, it aired years ago, and it airs... Oh, really?
Yeah, I mean, it airs routinely now on national television.
I think it's aired... As of six months ago, it had aired 20 times.
I don't know if it's aired again.
What, did you see it again?
Yeah, it was on just recently, but half of it's whitewash.
Half of it's, like, trying to make the conspiracy theorists look like terrorists.
Well, yeah, I didn't make the film.
Yeah, I know.
It's just a joke.
He tries to make you look like an idiot at the end of the Bohemian Grove segment.
I was wondering why he's never on the show or anything.
John Ronson?
You know, that aired what?
Three and a half years ago on national British television.
That's how Paul Watson and myself got hooked up.
Paul, you want to comment on the British documentary?
Yeah, well, it was mainly a whitewash.
And to read, you know, Ronson's book, which links Alex in with all these neo-Nazis, basically, we know that it's a whitewash and it's a demonization thing.
But still, if it hadn't have aired, then I probably wouldn't be here speaking now, because that's how I first came into contact with, you know, what Alex was doing.
Now, by the way,
Again, he doesn't say I'm a Neo-Nazi.
He has a chapter on Neo-Nazis, a chapter on Bin Laden, and then, ooh, a couple chapters on me!
You know, it's like guilt by association.
So you saw that air again, huh?
Yeah, I was just on recently on Trio on cable, like March, I think.
Yeah, that's one of their favorite shows.
It's a five-hour miniseries, and I'm in, I think, three of the five hours.
All right, well, anything else on your mind?
No, that was it.
Okay, thank you for the call, Justin.
Let's talk to Jack in Rhode Island.
Jack, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Did you see John McCain quoting Chairman Mao with Katie Couric this morning?
No, I didn't.
Yeah, she was asking about the insurgency in Iraq.
Do we need more troops?
Do we need a draft?
And he so eloquently quoted Chairman Mao in that there's 70% of the people out of work over there in Iraq, and Chairman Mao says a fish is to water what a gorilla is to idleness, and that's the real problem.
You're joking!
The Manchurian candidate actually quoted Mao?
Yeah, as if it's a good thing.
You know, we've heard David Rockefeller quote Mao and talk about how great Chairman Mao is and China is, but just completely went right by everybody, I'm sure.
Yeah, McCain was a traitor.
I've had the troops on that were with him.
He sold them out.
He's been nothing but a cowardly traitor all along.
And a gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, sniveling worm.
And these neocons just love that CFR member.
So, Jack, you're saying that he actually quoted Chairman Mao?
I mean, again, this just goes right by everybody, and so isn't that nice?
Say the quote again.
The quote was something and I just, it shocked me.
I don't even watch this show.
I kind of was getting ready for work and caught it.
He said something about Mao, quoted Mao, a fish is to water what a gorilla is to idleness and by gorilla he meant gorilla fighter.
I don't even know if it's an exact quote, but of course he uses it as malice.
If that, it's going to give some validity to his point.
You mean he said, well Chairman Mao says... Exactly.
He should have a little red book, hit himself on the head with it.
And that's why we need to put people to work over there in Iraq.
And of course he's a guy really signed up for the draft.
He wants more troops over there right now.
But see, this is the new conservatism is quoting Mao.
I mean, I'm sure Michael Savage will be pleased.
He can probably quote chapter and verse the whole...
The Little Red Book of Mal.
Anything else, Jack?
Jack, you still there?
Jack gone, okay.
Good to hear from you, Jack.
Alright, we'll come back and, uh... Paul, I know we got some other news.
We'll get into this other news and back into your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, for our callers in Canada and Tennessee and Colorado and Texas and all over the place, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Before we do that, though, and come back with Paul Watson and some other important news we haven't even gotten to yet...
Before we do that, I want to bring Debbie Morrow up from New Millennium Concepts.
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Thanks for having me.
You bet.
We've got these specials, the water's full of all sorts of garbage, and now is the time
Yes, we do Alex, and it is a good time to order, especially this time of year.
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When you order it, or go to Berkeywater.com.
Debbie, you've also got the special where you can get 5 sports bottles for $99, 12 for $199.
I mean, one of these bottles at the store costs $35-40.
People are getting these for $20 a piece.
That's right, and they really are great.
I mean, I'm going camping this weekend, and we take our
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And it does 600 refills on tap, 130 on pond or puddle water and it's a great system and again it's a purifier makes it safe or it's a filter makes it safe.
The big Berkey, black Berkey system is a water purifier cuts all the garbage out.
That's correct.
That's correct.
And if you call and you get my voicemail
Please leave a good number that I can get back with you, because I usually, you know, I'll be talking to a customer and something might go to the recorder and we want to be sure I can get to everyone, so leave a good number.
So that's 888-803-4438.
Thanks, Debbie.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
Alright, let's go straight back to the calls.
Your chance to respond to the National Draft, to
Well, as we discussed,
An attack before the election is more than fifty percent likely.
Whether it will be large-scale, I doubt it at this point.
It'll probably be either an escalation of bombings in foreign countries, like the Bali bombing and the Spain bombing and things like that, or some kind of low or medium level attack here, well there in the US.
And they've also been hyping up this cyber attack, which will be very convenient to wipe out the internet, which is
Now that's a very important thing you just brought up about the cyber attack.
Every time, I mean every time they're about to pass some new draconian internet regulation or taxation law, every time they're about to do this, suddenly there's a big hack attack and they go, see, we've got to have this.
So by launching a huge attack, and DARPA built the internet folks, the Total Information Awareness folks, built the internet back in the 60's,
No, it wasn't Al Gore.
He's a liar, but they helped to set this whole thing up.
They can bring a lot of it down, and they're saying, brace for it all to be brought down.
Then they get to shut off information flow while they're moving forward, while they're taking over with a police state move, and then after the attack, they can then bring in more regulation, make you have an ID number when you get on the internet, Paul.
Well, yeah, and we've got the article today out of China where
Just to log on at the internet cafes there, which the Chinese government basically bombed last year and said, well, we've got to close all these cafes down now because they're a fire threat.
So basically they closed most of them down.
That was admitted.
They firebombed a bunch of them and then shut most of them down.
Yeah, now the article out today says that the Chinese have to enter personal information straight from their ID card to access the Internet.
Now understand, this is being introduced by Senator Hatch and others.
They're pushing, Microsoft is pushing, to make you do that.
And cameras watch you in the Internet cafes.
Well, the public schools, they have cameras watching what they do.
Again, everything China's doing, we're doing, but it's evil when they do it, it's good when we do it.
Go ahead.
And on top of that,
The e-mails, I mean, these viruses that crop up every week, you know, duplicate your entire address book and then send out all these spam e-mails to thousands of people.
You know, where is that originating from?
While at the same time we've got Microsoft proposing charging for every e-mail you send to supposedly stop the spammers.
Well, in fact, it's to stop
It's incredible what they're up to.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Up next is Ishmael in Canada.
Go ahead.
He just hung up.
Don in Tennessee.
Don, go ahead.
A while ago I heard you speaking with someone, Alex, talking about the overtime bill in Congress.
Yesterday afternoon, around 5-ish, on the Fox News, they released some news information on that, that there will be a $23,000 qualifier.
If you don't make $23,000 or more a year, then you won't qualify for overtime.
That was on Fox News yesterday.
So they did pass the bill?
And, you know, the overtime is for people that don't make a lot of money, and this is sick!
And I have employees that I pay overtime, but I mean, I want to pay them!
But again, this is so the illegals can drive the wages down to nothing.
That's all I had, Alex.
Just keep up the good work.
Well, were they saying that this was wonderful and conservative on the show?
I didn't really hear them say it was wonderful and conservative.
I just heard them say that this legislation has made it through and that the qualifier is $23,000 or more a year, that the workers then will get overtime, $23,000 and under, no.
Race to the bottom, thanks for the call.
And that's, again, and there's another bill to get rid of the minimum wage right now.
I don't know where that's at.
It's been months since I looked at it, but again, that's so the illegals can bring it down to nothing.
You see, when the globalists say they're going to make the world fair and equitable, they mean they're going to get rid of the middle class and bring us down to the third world level, so the bankers can have total control.
Well, yeah, and it's to eliminate all those kinds of jobs, so every job can be linked in with some kind of government security job.
Like the New York Times reporting late last year that
Homeland Security is setting up, you know, this whole bank of surveillance where we'll be forced to watch these cameras on our computer.
New York Times glorified it as creating a whole host of new jobs.
So it's basically to do with that and the fact that, yeah, they're trying to lower the economy to third world status, redistribution, basic outright socialism.
And then the only jobs you can have is as a tattletale.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ishmael.
He's back.
Ishmael, go ahead.
I'm sorry, sir.
The first of what you said got cut off.
Go ahead.
Are you kidding?
They're getting rid of your free speech, though.
They're passing all sorts of hate laws.
They've registered your guns and have banned most types.
You're under the exact same system.
Oh, the next question is about the draft.
Will they be arming their civilian citizenry when they draft them?
Well, you see, the government is going to make most of the draftees stay at home because it's 18 to 49, and they'll tell you what you're going to do.
You'll be part of an environmental
Propaganda Squad.
That's what AmeriCorps did under Clinton.
It was socialism, political pamphleteering.
It'll be armies of people out saving the environment.
That is, helping grab property, helping run checkpoints, tattling on neighbors.
I mean, it says all this.
Digging ditches.
You're told where to show up on Saturday to help city workers cut down grass on the highway.
You'll be doing what prisoners do, because you are a prisoner.
And we have all the mainstream articles, it's in the bills, Paul.
Oh yeah, you'll have your own special uniform, maybe even a brown shirt, and basically that's the thing, they'll have all these... Let's not be sarcastic, it says it's going to be a grey uniform.
Well, they'll have them all stationed everywhere.
Shopping malls, you know, theatres everywhere.
Government enforcers for, you know, to watch out for subversive activity.
That's the plan.
It's like China.
Straight from China.
And they're saying on the news, why shouldn't we have citizens out handing out pamphlets to warn about terror activity?
They hand out pamphlets and they watch for terrorists.
They're already going to make all the truck drivers do this, make the truck drivers thumb scan at these refueling stations to quote, make sure they've been sleeping.
That's going in right now.
Total control!
Well, now, about the religious organizations like the Jehovah Witness and the Mormons, are they still going to be allowed to knock on doors?
Or is that considered an act of terrorism?
I haven't seen that.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
But the Mormons are getting, who are pretty good people on average, that is, politically active, but their leaders are just so horrible.
I mean, Orrin Hatch is as evil as it gets, but, oh, he's a good Mormon, we must follow him.
There's a real disconnect between the average Mormon and the Mormon leader.
It's just like there's an average disconnect between Catholics and Catholic leaders.
There's a disconnect between Baptists and Baptist leaders.
It's our leaders.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Colorado.
Dave, go ahead.
You're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Fine, sir.
About this overtime bill, I was watching C-SPAN on the 19th and they had two senators and a representative.
One of them was Senator Kennedy.
And they said that the bill was totally ridiculous and that they would not pass it.
If one person lost their overtime.
But see, that way the liberals get to look good, and then conservatives see Kennedy against it, so, oh, it must be wonderful.
Here is the problem.
They've designed a system of taxation, regulation, and the inflation, where you've got to have the national average, if you're a single person, $8 an hour, 40 hours a week, and you don't have insurance, you don't have anything, you get nothing.
Now, if you have a family, you've got to make $12 an hour to just have anything for your children.
So, they've designed it this way because of their socialism.
Whereas 30 years ago, 40 years ago, Daddy had a blue-collar job at the factory, they went on three vacations a year, they had a mobile RV, they had a country club membership to play golf at the blue-collar country club, you got to put your kids through college.
You can forget all that!
Because they socialize things, get us addicted to government, design the system to destroy the middle class.
Paul comments.
...cycle out of the Wichita Eagle, which talks about this bill and it says, under the rules which the Bush administration has pushed for a year, up to 1.3 million low-income workers will gain overtime eligibility, and anywhere from 100,000 to 8 million workers will lose it.
And if there's new employment rules issued Wednesday, it will take years to fully understand that some workers are already worried that they could lose overtime pay.
So we're talking about, according to this article, up to $8 million.
And Bush says exporting jobs is our number one export.
It's good.
Thanks for the call.
John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
If you go to the Boeing.com website for its 757 and PhantomWorks UAV robot project, its flash privacy settings ask, quote,
You want Boeing to control your computer's microphone and video camera, end quote.
I find that interesting.
Yeah, there's a lot of that where they can tie in through the microphone on your cable box, your computer, you name it, and listen to you.
Yeah, that's why they want everybody hooked up on cable broadband.
Also, here's an example of CNN, retarded Nazi cops of the American police state.
The headline for WRAL.com says, quote,
Man arrested after rushing pregnant wife to hospital.
So he was pulled over for speeding, taking his pregnant wife, whose water had broken, to the hospital.
And he gets out to explain to the officers that he's got a medical emergency.
They point guns at him.
And when he gets to the hospital, they arrest him for resisting arrest.
Throw him in jail.
Yeah, the common sense is gone.
Common sense is gone.
You can watch the video at
That's at news14charlotte.com.
The police car video.
Hey, Paul, I want to get that posted.
I also want to get this video clip of the gay militia rushing in to the Christian meeting, trying to stop them.
That's in the article.
We need to post both of those.
Thanks for the call, John.
Paul, I saw the article three weeks ago.
I first heard it on Paul Harvey, then found the article where they pull a family over with two children and a mother, and the guy thought they were done with him.
And he pulled off slowly, so they fired 23 shots into the car, despite the fact that they were young children.
I mean, why are we seeing more and more of this mental illness?
Well, as you mentioned, it's the complete eradication of common sense.
When you heighten people's fear, psychologically, with all these fake terror alerts, then that filters down to the police, who are being told that, you know, we're basically on red alert already.
Then that has the effect of completely eviscerating any common sense, whereby they treat anyone, even families, as a threat to national security.
And so that's why we see those sort of insane incidents happen more and more.
Well, I gotta tell ya, my wife's water's broken and the baby's coming and we gotta get to the hospital.
I'm gonna put the pedal to the metal.
But I'm Al-Qaeda because of that, I guess.
All misdemeanors are Al-Qaeda actions punishable by secret execution.
We'll be back.
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Alright, we'll take a few final calls.
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So go to PrisonPlanet.tv.
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So again, PrisonPlanet.tv.
There's already a lot of great stuff on there.
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So that's the type of stuff you'll see every week there at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And also, you can always get my videos on VHS.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Let's go ahead and take a call from James in Louisiana.
James in Louisiana, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I was in Austin last week.
I had a chance to listen to your show.
Because I live here in New Orleans and your show is not on none of the airways here.
And it's ridiculous that Clear Channel Broadcasting here has the monopoly on it.
You know, because every time they put a new station in, about two weeks later, it gets canceled out because of them.
You know?
And I was wondering, what can you do to get your show down here?
Find out who the mom-and-pop or privately-owned stations are that love freedom.
Chances are, chances are they've heard of me and get them to pick the show up.
I've been trying and it seems like I hit a few walls.
And the only thing, the only other channel that we do have around here that was decent, they canceled that out about two weeks ago.
I know, I know.
It's very serious.
I'm sorry we're out of time.
Thanks for the call.
Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Alex, I've been following this overtime bill, and if anybody else objects to it the way I do, you can go to c-span.org and post your letter in there in the community.
Also, the internet is abuzz about your interview tonight with George Norrie.
I'm not one of his paid subscribers, but the interview and all the political chat rooms are talking about your interview tonight, and good luck on it, sir.
Well, you can listen on over 500 radio stations, so... I will try to find it, but this overtime bill, Tom Harkin is trying to reverse it, and if anybody else
Uh, feels the same way that we should keep our overtime.
Please go to c-span.org.
Well, we can't do that because we've got to undercut you with the illegal aliens.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks a lot.
Uh, John in New York.
You've got 30 seconds.
Go ahead, John.
New York?
Real quick, um, the woman asked me before about a, a, a, uh, uh, the, the tapes, taping the show, do they make an FM transmitter?
You could probably get from Radio Shack, made by Sea Crane Company, that you can put a thing out 70 feet within your house and you can record it on an FM radio, just tune in.
Alright, thanks for calling.
Also, CNN, this is important, there was a, uh, oh God, uh,
I want to know also what they're going to, what they want to do with all these aliens, what they're going to do with the draft.
What about all these people, where do they stand?
Oh, they love it!
They're in love!
And my last thing is, I don't know if I can get this in quick, but CNN a week ago, I was in a doctor's office looking, there was a screen came on, bingo, I forgot what happened, but the colors, it was like blue and whatever.
On the right hand corner of the screen was a hideous skull looking at you from a bar at the right eye, would be the right eye, which would be the left eye.
Coming out in a corner.
Looked like it might have been a jail.
I gotta let you go.
Show's over, bro.
Hey, Paul, thanks for coming on the broadcast.
Thanks, Alex.
You bet.
Alright, we're out of here.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
And I'll be on George Story tonight, all four hours.
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