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Name: 20040420_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 20, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, it's Tuesday, the 20th day.
Of April 2004, and of course yesterday was the anniversary of the Waco slaughter back in 1993.
I guess that's the 11th year anniversary.
Today is the 5th anniversary of the government operation known as Columbine.
So I'll try to recap what really happened there on the broadcast as well.
This is such a big deal that USA Today yesterday, front page, NORAD had drills early like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
And last night on ABC News, they had some interesting spins, so we'll be going over that here in the transmission.
Because they're claiming that this was five months before 9-11, another drill.
Well, we have the public drill that was on the Pentagon website two years before, in November of 2000.
We also have the drill on the morning of 9-11, simulating flying hijacked jets into landmarks in DC and New York.
And USA Today and others are acting like they broke some massive story.
In fact, ABC News said that
Why, USA Today broke the article.
I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of these people taking news that we bring forward and then putting their disgusting spin on it and taking credit for it.
By the time they were done with it, it's, oh, this just shows how we need more funding and more of your freedoms, and boy, we screwed up.
Then they said, next time we talk about this, the reporter talking to Peter Jennings, we'll get into how there were no fighters in the area, how there were no fighters stationed in the area.
That's a total lie!
There were no fewer than eight major military bases with interceptor aircraft with missiles on them within that three-state area, just a few minutes away from D.C.
and New York.
Just incredible to see the spin machine in high gear, and they're saying, why, Bush's polls are up because of the 9-11 Commission.
Who would have thought that would have happened, that the 9-11 Commission turned out promoting Bush and the Patriot Act and Homeland Security?
Of course it did!
Bush appointed them!
He tried to have Henry Kissinger be the head of it!
I told you a year ago that it was going to be a giant advertisement for the Patriot Act and the police state, and that's exactly what it was!
It's not hard to know what they're going to do, especially when the committee chairman, Keene, said, not going to assess blame, we're going to see what we can do to stop this next time, and I think there needs to be a domestic CIA.
All I did was go after what they said.
I mean, it's not very hard to do.
So headline out of the New York Post,
Bush poll numbers, helped by phony 9-11 Commission, President Bush has stretched his lead over his cousin John Kerry to six points, according to a poll that shows the 9-11 Commission hearings haven't hurt Bush politically.
Well, of course not!
It's a giant advertisement!
Bush leads Kerry 50% to 44% among likely voters, according to CNN Gallup Poll.
Independent candidate Ralph Nader garnered 4%.
A separate ABC Washington Post poll of registered voters handed Bush a 48% to 43% lead over his Democratic rival with Nader trailing at 6%.
ABC reported last month that Kerry led Bush on 8 of the 11 top issues, including Iraq, the economy, taxes, and education.
These polls mean nothing.
It doesn't matter who gets into office.
They're all a bunch of globalist traitors.
We'll go over this.
Also, just amazing police state news today.
Bush dumping yesterday for the Patriot Act.
We'll get into that.
Yes, they're going to dump 5 million gallons of denatured nerve gas into the Delaware River.
And into New Jersey.
Hope you enjoy that.
Very good for you, of course.
So we'll be getting into that report.
I mean, this is just... I'm living in a Twilight Zone episode every day.
Look, I haven't scratched the surface.
Ultramassive broadcast.
Wide open phones.
It's all coming up.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here, my friends, back from 9 to midnight Central with a retransmission from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
Nine hours a day, no matter what schedule you're on, you can always tune in to the broadcast.
Okay, let's launch straight into the news, then we're going to have wide open phones, your chance to respond to the Iraq situation, the economy, the OPEC scam, of course run by the big banks, jacking up the fuel prices, record profits for the oligopoly oil companies.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231, and we're going to go through your calls quickly.
You have your question or comments ready.
I'm going to start the broadcast off with what I got into yesterday, and I mentioned this in the first segment.
Remember the USA Today headline?
It was different from that that was on the online version of USA Today.
We have both of those on Infowars.com.
NORAD had drills early like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
NORAD had drills early like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
I've probably been on over a hundred radio shows where the host has attacked me and says, on your website you claim the government ran drills of flying planes into buildings.
That's a lie!
That's not true!
I would have heard that on the news!
And then the question will now be, well, then why are they now reporting on it if the media is controlled?
Well, let's go back in time.
Again, two years ago,
A listener calls in and says, Alex, I work at the Pentagon, and have you looked on the Pentagon website?
We had a drill, we've had drills, but one of the big drills that's posted was in November of 2000, and they did simulations of hijacked jets flying into the Pentagon.
I said, well, send me the link to that.
And he said, OK.
And then I got the story and we posted it and it got picked up by everybody and then luckily Paul Watson had already done a screenshot of the actual Pentagon webpage because it was taken down within 24 hours.
Isn't that interesting?
I mean you got a big Pentagon website bragging about this and showing photos of the mock city they built in miniature with the Pentagon on fire and we have that all posted and then magically you just decided to take it down.
And so we've screened Bloody Murder and we put this report out, and then we had Stanley Hilton on, Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, and he talked about on-air and off-air, about how he talked to sources, and they had said that inside the Pentagon, inside NORAD, that there was a drill on 9-11, and that's why they stood down, they thought it was just a drill.
And then two weeks after that interview, after transcripts were made and after we talked about it, suddenly the CIA puts a blurb out on their website and says, oh, guess what we wanted to tell you?
We were running a drill of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center and other areas on the East Coast.
We thought you'd want to know about this.
So we were just running a drill that morning, just total coincidence, 8.30 in the morning.
That was damage control, getting out ahead of the story.
That way, when officers blow the whistle in these civil trials, if they're ordered to stand down, well, yeah, it was a drill.
We're not hiding this.
And it was in the Associated Press.
The first AP article said that it was hijacking.
That it was hijacking drills of planes being flown into buildings.
The next article was, no, no, no, no.
The drill was just of planes accidentally doing.
So a lot of disinfo there.
So we've talked about this and gone over this, and it's only one small facet of how the globalists carried out 9-11.
You heard the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania on Friday, the lawyer of Ellen Mariani, Mr. Berg, talking about how all the evidence shows the government had to do this.
I mean, you're a conspiracy theorist if you say they didn't.
You probably believe a squirrel in your backyard is going to build a rocket and fly it to the moon.
Al-Qaeda can't order NORAD to stand down.
Al-Qaeda can't have the FBI pay for the houses and credit cards and cars of the supposed hijackers.
Al-Qaeda can't magically put their names on the list and then have nine of them still be alive.
Al-Qaeda can't get their people in to be trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station.
Al-Qaeda can't have Condoleezza Rice call Mayor Willie Brown and say, don't fly to New York tomorrow.
Al-Qaeda can't call the Joint Chiefs of Staff and say, don't fly to New York tomorrow.
Al-Qaeda can't have John Ashcroft stop flying commercially months before.
Al-Qaeda can't get 160, the leadership of the Bin Laden family and some top Saudis flown out with all their ground
Commercial air traffic and private air traffic is grounded.
Al-Qaeda can't fly 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda out of Afghanistan on USG-130s.
Al-Qaeda can't call Salman Rushdie and tell him about the flood in New York.
Which they admit the FAA did for his, quote, safety.
Al-Qaeda can't do all of this.
Al-Qaeda is CIA, by the way.
I have the Senate reports from 1999 where they used Al-Qaeda to attack the Serbs.
When they fought back, they said, oh, look at the evil Serbs.
And the globalists went in and assaulted the earth with depleted uranium and engaged in mass murder that's going on to this day of the Serbs, the Christian minority now in Kosovo.
There are more slaughters this week.
There's mass slaughters, but you won't hear about that in the news.
It'll be in the foreign press.
So this is what's happening.
And on every issue we've covered on 9-11, it's public, it's documented.
We get it from government documents, we get it from their own press releases.
This stuff is all out there.
It's just the mainstream media doesn't talk about it.
So you ask, why are they now talking about it?
Why did Peter Jennings do a little report last night about it and how it was all a big accident and no big deal?
And then drop the disinfo at the end of it that, of course, there were no fire stations in the area.
That's why they weren't scrambled.
That's a total lie!
You can verify that it's a lie in five minutes!
From all the news reports and the bases that are around there and the commanders, you know, admitting that the planes were loaded with missiles.
So why are they doing this?
It's damage control!
They have to take every issue we cover, because what was happening is millions of you were going and seeing the CIA and the Pentagon's own admissions of all this.
And so they had to put their spin on it.
People were finding out this was true.
So now they've got to bring it out and give you an excuse of why it happened.
But here's the point.
Ask ABC News why they're not talking about the CIA running the drill on the morning of 9-11 and 8-30 in the morning.
Ask ABC News why Bush was meeting with the head of the Bin Laden family at a Carlisle Group breakfast at the Rich Carlton in D.C.
Ask ABC News to talk about the top Pakistani general wiring $100,000 to the supposed lead hijacker Mohammed Adab.
Who was, at the very same time, that top general here in the U.S., met with White House officials two days before, met with Tenet four days before, on the morning of 9-11, 8-30 in the morning, having breakfast with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman.
Why isn't all this brought up?
No, they don't.
They bring it up piecemeal, and then try to act like they're giving you some big bombshell, and then put their spin on it.
And that's all they're doing.
Believe me, they don't want to bring this up, but they have to do damage control.
We're not conspiracy theorists on this broadcast.
And the problem is so many people that are out there fighting the New World Order get into things they can't prove, get into speculation.
We've got millions of things that are real and documented that can bring down the New World Order.
But instead people like to focus in on what cannot be proven.
We don't do that here.
We only cover the facts.
This is what we do.
And last night I finally watched that entire Brian Lamb hour and a half hit piece that was done on me on C-SPAN last month as I was getting some clips of it for my TV show to debunk it piece by piece tonight.
I've asked Brian Lamb on.
I've asked the professor on.
No response.
Over and over again.
So I have to respond to them myself.
And they get this professor up and they just go into how I'm a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, I am a nutty conspiracy theorist because I believe there's a New World Order.
I believe the most ridiculous conspiracy of all.
There's a move for a one world government that there's a group that wants that.
Folks, you can go to any newsstand and get Foreign Affairs, the bi-monthly publication of the CFR, where they say, we will have a world government, global government, you will submit to it.
You know, I mean, secretaries of state, governors in there popping off about world government and the Supreme Court under U.N.
I mean, it's like saying, Alex Jones is pretty crazy.
He watched the President give a speech where he called for world government.
Man, this guy's nuts!
He quotes the President!
Can you believe how crazy he is?
He reads Pentagon websites!
I mean, this guy's out of control.
He got the San Francisco Chronicle where Mayor Willie Brown was bragging he got a call from the White House not to fly to New York that day.
The night before, man, he's radical.
This guy's really on the edge.
He just...
He just watches the Supreme Court rule that the U.N.
runs our country, and watches the U.N.
signs go up at the parks, and he reads the executive orders, and he goes to the FEMA camps where the troops are publicly training to take our guns, and has video of it!
So, they're the conspiracy theorists!
They have no facts!
In an hour and a half on that show, 30 minutes before the guest came on, and an hour with the guest, they didn't cover any facts!
It was all just, just, uh, and people were calling and going, it's stupid black people that believe in the New World Order.
I mean, I heard stuff like that, racist stuff.
Uh, you know, it's liberals, it's a liberal conspiracy believing in this New World Order.
We gotta get all these liberals.
And then Lamb goes, well wait, Bush did call for a New World Order.
Well, uh, uh, that's a different New World Order.
See, playing into that dialectic of the fake left-right New World Order choice.
So, just watching this.
So, instead of talking about all the drills they were doing, the drill they were doing that morning, now when somebody hears about a drill, they go, oh, I heard about that.
Yeah, yeah.
That was on Clinton's wife.
It's nothing to do with Bush.
And ABC News says USA Today broke this story.
No, one of our listeners did, and then we pushed it.
Then we broke the story about the drills on 9-11 and then AP stole that.
You want to hear it first, this is the transmission.
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Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go ahead and go to your calls.
Then I want to get back in to the 9-11 stand down.
Then Bush's poll numbers supposedly helped by his 9-11 Police State Advertisement Commission.
That's what it is, an advertisement promotion arm.
Bush says it's vital to make the Patriot Act permanent.
That's a shill within a shill.
Delaware and New Jersey don't want VX waste.
Five million gallons.
And to be dumped into the river.
They say it's good for everybody, though.
I'm not kidding.
This is... I got the mainstream news right here.
DuPont may treat nerve gas waste.
Groups concerned disposal of deadly VX poses risk to people.
Well, they're conspiracy theorists.
Just shut up!
Bunch of police state news.
A bunch of new Iraq developments.
But as promised, we're going to a lot of your calls today.
Ishmael in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I've got three questions.
My first question is, why don't you run for president?
Because the CIA runs electronic voting machines.
There is no more executive election.
I couldn't raise $200 million.
I don't want to be president.
The whole thing's a fraud.
The power's at the local level.
And the sooner we figure that out, the sooner we'll get our countries back.
Now, the second one is in regards to the Marines and the soldiers in Iraq.
Recall the news story where the General Mark Kimmett collapsed on... Well, he didn't collapse.
His head dropped onto the microphone, and I was wondering if they're feeding them drugs to keep them up and peppy, because I always wonder why they just don't all come home.
Well, they admit that at least in Afghanistan they tested new types of speed, they tested aggression drugs, and then they would give them amnesiacs afterwards, and we talked to a lot of tribes, they are getting them addicted to drugs.
That'll make them good clients for Big Pharma when they get back, but more importantly for the street narcotics our government deals.
Vietnam was a lot about that, creating a market of junkies.
Crazy stuff.
Okay, thanks for the call Ishmael, good questions.
Allen in Maryland, go ahead.
Hey, how are you Alec?
Good sir.
Just a couple comments.
I live in Maryland and I have to do a morning commute to D.C.
And I go through Clinton, Maryland, which houses Andrews Air Force Base.
Andrews Air Force Base is approximately 16 miles away from Washington, D.C.
And driving takes about 25 minutes for me, but I know that they have primary responsibility for protecting the Pentagon.
And why no planes were... No, they say once they launch, it takes them three minutes to get over the Pentagon.
Why there were no planes deployed from...
Andrew is amazing.
By the way, there's hundreds of fighter aircraft at that base.
But according to ABC News last night, there were no fighters anywhere.
It's just that they didn't have any at the bases.
So, just ignore their conspiracy theory that's a total fraud, and just accept it, okay?
Yeah, it is totally amazing, and to think people have never had an outcry about that, when it's, again, it's right there and
Um, they perform like aerial shows all the time showing how great they are, yet that they... Hey, let me tell you something.
Go to the middle of the country.
No, go to Utah.
Go to Wyoming.
Take off with a Cessna.
I'm not saying do this, but if you did, fly into restricted airspace for two minutes.
They'll be screaming at you.
Within five, if you don't respond, F-16s will be coming with missiles, and within the national average of 15 minutes, you'll be surrounded by F-16s about to shoot you down.
Well, that was my follow-up question.
I heard that there was a Cessna that went off course and went on to Crawford, Texas, and they were forced down by F-16s.
Well, but you know, just ignore that.
Please, sir, you're thinking, okay?
My president announces a new world order.
We talk about it when they openly say they want world government.
We're kooks when they say it in their own publications.
Thanks for the call.
You see, you've got to learn how this works.
Bob in Texas.
Bob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm surprised you haven't heard about the Let's Roll 9-11 and the videotape that shows the pod underneath the wing of the 767.
I published a book, let me see, eight months ago called Order Out of Chaos that has a whole chapter with that in it, and we posted it on the website about, I want to say a year and a half, no, it's over two years ago.
Well, I guess they're just catching on to it.
This website is showing it, and it's being hit by all your three-letter agencies of the government, and it's getting global attention now.
You know, that's a good promotion.
I want to do that.
We don't even spend time looking at our data of who hits the site, but years ago we were getting thousands of government hits.
Just by the military a day, now it's millions a month by different governments around the world, and literally millions.
Paul Watson, I know you're busy, but get your missile pod story from a couple years ago.
Repost that, and also put any updates on it.
But yes, sir, we've been on that.
Well, it's now just sweeping the net, and looks like it's going to be a big thing here.
Of course, you were right on top of it.
It just seems like it's making its next go around again.
Yes, the video of the missile pod firing missiles.
It's no big deal.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
We're now 33 minutes and 20 seconds into the first hour of global transmission.
We're taking your calls.
We also have a guest coming up to talk about the implosion that's going on in Iraq right now and the Globalist own documents admitting it's happening.
But again, this is all part of a larger plan.
And I'm not trying to brag here when I say, we broke the news about the drill two years before 9-11 of flying hijacked jets in the Pentagon and World Trade Center.
We broke the story about the missile pod.
We broke the story about this, about that.
But the facts are, it felt good last night as I finally watched all of the hour and a half of Brian Lamb attacking me with his professor on C-SPAN.
Because he even got into what I was saying and what I was doing before the guest even got on, saying he was listening to the radio show.
But these two women called in, two separate calls, and they were saying, Alex Jones works tirelessly.
He researches.
He documents what he says.
And he works tirelessly.
And there I was at 2 a.m., having about five hours sleep the night before,
There I was, you know, analyzing, getting these clips to debunk their attack on me tonight on my TV show.
And I thought, you know what?
That's why we are successful.
We are tirelessly working.
And so I just called Paul Watson during the break and I said, that article you posted, I know it's over a year ago, it's in the book, Order Out of Chaos.
The jet, the missile pod, military people have looked at the supposed passenger plane that hit the second tower.
And it's not even the same model of plane.
You see, there wasn't supposed to be video of this until six months after 9-11, the French released their video.
They were there interviewing the firefighters.
They all said video of the firefighters going, man, you see the bombs going off?
Boom, boom, boom!
And so, Paul's going to grab his original story he put up over a year ago.
He's going to get the section out of the book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor Terror, and the New World Order, where he talked about it.
We're going to post that.
And we're going to just put the images up there in a new expanded article.
Not just the original article or the book.
And I hope people will visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It'll be on PrisonPlanet.com in the next few hours.
And it'll be posted with the next update on InfoWars.com.
And so please, if you want the full story, please visit the websites and get it for yourself.
If you want to find out just how serious all this is, if you want to know the reality of what happened on 9-11, because if we don't expose who's behind 9-11, the globalists are going to continue to carry out terror to get control and power out of it.
To deconstruct America, to kill this country's heart and soul, that is our liberties and freedoms.
You need to stop procrastinating and to join us in the fight.
And how do you do that?
Email your friends, your family, your neighbors.
Tell them to listen to the broadcast, whether it's on a local AM or FM station, or global shortwave, or the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We can push this thing over the edge.
I'm only one soldier in this fight, but together we can do so much.
We have the facts.
We have them caught.
They're losing their credibility.
When national figures on talk radio and C-SPAN say that the most wild conspiracy theory of all is that there's a new world order planned for world government,
And that we're just nuts, because we say that, I literally, literally, have, I guarantee you, I mean, I've got a storage building full of news articles.
I've got a garage full of news articles.
The studio I'm sitting in has two or three months of articles, and I'm not kidding, it's two stacks.
One of them's four feet tall, another one's about two feet tall, and my desk is stacked with documents.
I have thousands of documents and articles, official government statements for world government.
Official government statements of making you take a microchip to own a gun.
Official government statements of brainwashing your children.
It just goes on and on.
Official government documents where they're calling for world government.
And then they say there isn't a world government?
All we gotta do is point out how they're a pack of liars!
I have no credibility!
Help me expose them.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Get 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny.
Get the Masters of Terror.
Get the videos.
Buy a second VCR.
Buy a bunch of blank tapes.
Start making a copy every night when you go to sleep.
Give a copy to somebody every day.
In a hundred days, you would have given out a hundred videos.
At a cost of about a hundred and fifty bucks.
Fifty bucks for the VCR, a hundred dollars for the tapes.
Make the copies, get them out to people.
If you do that, nothing can stop us.
They'll probably go ahead and nuke a city or nerve gas a bunch of people and declare martial law, but they were going to do that anyway, so we might as well have an informed population when they do it.
And yes, they're going to do it.
I don't like to scare you, but they're going to do it.
They're going to do it regardless of what we do.
All we can do is expose these people now, so when they give the orders, the police and military don't follow them.
And then the new order's going to fall apart, and these people are going to get arrested and go to prison.
But what does a criminal do when they're cornered?
There is a slight chance that we really expose them, that internally they'll back off and just try to do damage control, and then they won't be brought to justice, but their program will stall.
And that's the most desirable thing, frankly.
I don't want a bunch of deaths to take place at the hands of the Globalists just to, you know, in the endgame, finally defeat them.
But they may engage in a desperate move.
I wish they weren't on such power trips up there in their ivory towers with all these yes-men around them.
But I know they're in fear right now because their own psychological warfare centers, you know them as think tanks, are telling them that they're in deep trouble!
We're all in deep trouble!
New World Order, stop it!
You're endangering the whole planet, you psychopaths!
You've handed out nuclear weapons like hotcakes to people!
You're engaging in all this bizarre genetic engineering that's deadly dangerous, spreading all over the place, into the biosphere!
I mean, you people are just insane!
You're putting mercury in the vaccines that don't care!
You're letting the troops breathe the planet uranium!
Why do the police and military go along with this?
What is wrong with you?
I'm begging you, listen to me!
We've got criminally insane people on power trips in control!
And that's the norm throughout history.
Nero would strangle people every morning for his enjoyment.
He burned Rome just to go after his enemies.
He had his own mother killed.
Before him, Caligula kicked the Senate out, made his horse the head of the Senate, and would have his magicians read the dung of the horse daily for his decisions.
And I hate to talk like that!
That's history!
The Aztecs flipped out and were killing people in mass and on demonic power trips.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao!
This is what governments do.
This is what somebody does when they got all the power.
Nobody says no to them.
They were sociopathic to begin with to get in the position of power because it's the social Darwinism that they believe in.
That they're ruthless and cunning.
That's why they got the power.
And now they get into total power and they go completely nuts!
And destroy themselves in the process of squashing millions of us!
This giant statue, you know, the Colossal of Rhodes is about to fall over on us!
These idiots!
Heaven help us.
I don't mean to go off into an intense rant.
I just... The enormity of what's happening.
The total free number to join us... Oh, all the phones are loaded.
Why give the number out?
If you want to get my videos, I've made ten of them.
They're $25.95 apiece, all over two hours, professionally produced.
Twenty bucks when you order three or more.
Stop procrastinating!
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
888-253-3139 or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Call, get the video, start spreading the word.
I just look at my family and how much I love them and I just look at how evil the globalists are and I love decency, I love goodness, I love sweetness, I love tenderness.
You know, I love the beautiful night sky.
I love the pretty trees.
I love the flowers.
I love the fresh fields, you know, of winter wheat growing.
You know, I just love goodness.
And I am so threatened by the growing evil.
This paradigm, this structure, this signature of expanding self-destructiveness that's coming against us.
We're already in the storm, folks.
We're in the eye of the storm.
And it's just so wicked what's happening.
It's unfathomable.
And I'm begging you to let your goodness and your decency come forth and shine forth and defeat the New World Order with God's help.
Ask God to use you as a vessel against this psychopathic juggernaut.
And I don't want to speak to the police and military.
Get past your programming.
Deepen your guts.
You know what I'm telling you is true.
You know it right now.
You feel it in your bones, your spine, your soul, your heart, your mind, your core.
You know it's true.
You know I've laid it out before.
You know it's all started to happen.
You know the program.
You know the plan.
You're smart enough.
Stand up.
Be guardians of decency and honor and family.
Don't let this evil have its will with us.
Don't let it happen.
Alright, let's go to the call.
Steve in Florida.
Steve, go ahead.
Thank you Alex for taking my call.
I want to first of all thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for answering my prayers and sending his angels constantly to protect you.
Secondly I want to announce that the IRS here in Pensacola Florida last week on the 14th of April raided Dr. Kent Hovind's Creation Science Ministry which is a church right here in Pensacola with the help of 10 off-duty Escambia County
Deputy Sheriff, I'm well aware of the fine work of that church, and again, you know, just more and more Baptist Christian ministries being attacked right out in the open.
This is our freedom.
Yes, his website is drdino.com, that's d-r-d-i-n-o dot com, and people should, if they wish, click on Creation Science Hour, or they can call 1-877-479-3466 to offer any prayer.
Or financial aid.
He's going to be suing the IRS and he has a big battle with the Lord's help in front of him.
Isn't that just classic?
You have a ministry, and this happens all the time now, fighting the New World Order, exposing evil, and they get a police raid just like China.
Yes, he has a creation science tape series.
I've bought them over the years, and tape number five explains everything that you talk about, the New World Order,
By the way, Steve,
That's another example of all of this.
You know, we had the federal documents for the plan to put microchips in the public years ago.
We were kooks.
Now it's admitted that... I have another article, they're moving to make police take it now.
They announced it a week ago, we announced it years ago.
Now they're moving to start to make them to do it.
And I've been on talk shows and they still call me a kook now because I'm against putting chips in people.
I just spoke to Jack McGlam a week or two ago and he has the same concerns.
These police are going to have to face the fact that they're either going to take a chip in their hand, their firing hand, or they're going to have to say no and realize that when they do take a chip, they better read Revelation Chapter 13.
What would you like to say to the police and military listening?
I mean, what would you like to say to them, Steve?
Because I... Go ahead.
I served in the military from Vietnam through the Gulf War, and then in Somalia, and a lot of other stuff in between.
I know we melted civilians in 1989 in Operation Just Cause in Panama.
I know we did a lot of stuff.
And I have to repent for many things I did in the military and thank God Jesus Christ came, died on the cross for my sins and all of our sins if we'll just repent and ask forgiveness.
I repented.
I know the evil is being done under the auspices of the military and the police because many of them are good men.
They're just trying to earn their living, earn their pension.
They don't know they're being used and I would encourage each one of you
If you're not saved, number one, to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, repent and look at what you're doing.
Start thinking of what you're doing because there's coming a time when your conscience will be killing you if it's not now.
You are being used.
I know that now because I did a career.
I served many years with SEAL teams and did a lot of things that I've had to repent for.
Well, Jesse Ventura,
Went on last year, went on Jay Leno, and said it's all a bunch of bull.
We were lied to about 9-11.
It's all a fraud, and I killed a lot of people who were innocent, and I was wrong, and I was used.
Yes, that's a fact.
I cannot articulate it any better than you do.
I'm in my fifties now.
I just thank God for my salvation, and I would say to police and military to contact you at Infowars.com or Jack McLam at
Police and Military Against the New World Order dot com and wake up!
And the website for, again, Dr. Kent Hovind, DRDINO dot com, Dr. Hovind dot com.
And we'll get them on, but let me just add this.
Let me just add to all of this that we've said here.
They know you mean well, that's why they always try to hurt you during your service, they always give you deadly vaccines, depleted uranium, all of this.
They hate your guts.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Marcos in New Mexico.
Marcos, go ahead.
First of all, I'd like to just say thank you, Alex, for being one of the only voices in the wilderness for the people that want to know out there about the truth.
I know it's kind of discouraging.
I can sometimes hear it in your voice.
I've got two small kids right here, myself, Alex.
I worry about this country, but I just know in the end, we will win.
But I just thank the Lord that we have people like you that are telling the truth.
And I ask everyone out there to support Alex by his books, his videos.
I mean, this is just not like cry for Alex Day or anything like that, but the time is near.
The things are going down.
This Hegelian dialectic that they have going between Kerry and Bush?
It's skull and bones!
They're controlling everything!
Just thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate that, Marcus.
I understand your concern.
Believe me, it strikes me to the core every minute.
I mean, they say the beginning of knowledge is the beginning of sorrows, and it is a cold pain.
To see these psychopathic killers on TV, to know they're wicked, to know they're murdering criminals, and to watch them getting away with it, it just disgusts me!
Bob, in Colorado.
Bob, go ahead.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I don't know, you know, whether to tell you that you've got too much passion, or maybe you need to slow down, because I don't want to lose you.
But, you know, this is kind of off topic here, because of the fact that
Yesterday, the Israelis let out of prison the guy who had divulged all their nuclear secrets.
Yeah, there's 400 nuclear weapons.
And I heard something on BBC that just, like, astounded me.
It was the fact that Kennedy, now like I say, this is off topic, President Kennedy had pushed for the Atomic Energy Commission to monitor the fact that they had weapons, or didn't have weapons, and this was only two months before he was killed.
The fact that he had reached the point where the Israelis were stroking us on the inspection
I don't know.
Do you know anything?
Have you ever followed up or heard anything about this?
Look, Kennedy made everybody mad.
Kennedy was a hawk.
Cut taxes by 50%.
Did all this good stuff.
He was pro-military.
Looked good.
Then when they came to him with Plan Northwoods, they thought it was one of them.
And said, let's hijack jets for remote control.
Kill Americans.
Bomb D.C.
He said, that's it.
I'm abolishing the CIA.
Abolishing the Federal Reserve.
I'm going to stop giving nukes to Israel.
And a few months later, they blew his head off.
And I always wondered about this one because of the fact that that brought up something that Mossad might have been involved with, which is never, ever, ever... Uh, no.
From the research, they used, uh, just, uh, good ol' boy hit teams.
They used good ol' boy hit teams.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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I can't back down.
I set myself a long time ago, pointed my ship towards the truth and towards fighting evil.
And I know we can defeat the New World Order if we simply take action.
And it's such an illusion the globalists give us that, you know, fighting them is bad and dangerous and you can't win and there's nothing you can do.
That's propaganda!
There are millions of people now fighting, tens of thousands prominently.
The only reason I'm still alive is because God wants me to be alive and because so many people have stood up and are fighting and the truth's out.
All the globalists can try to do is spin it to their range.
But I've counted the costs and it's a good price to pay.
If the Global Discovery kill me, for my family, I can't deliver my family into the hands of the New World Order.
And I love life, but I cannot commit my community, my country, into the hands of a bunch of psychopathic criminals, a bunch of degenerate sadists, sadistic demons.
It's real simple.
Again, you see four thugs beating and raping a woman in the street.
I will instantly go and fight them.
I don't care if they've got weapons and I don't.
It's not even a question.
And I'm not saying I have courage.
That's my instinct.
That's my programming.
That's who I am.
That's what I'll always be.
It's like the firefighters that run in the burning building.
This is what it is to be a protector.
To be a defender.
And a lot of us have forgotten that.
Most men have forgotten that.
That's what it is to be a man.
It is not a question of courage.
It is a question of duty.
And if you don't have your head screwed on and you're a fearful person, it's time to break your conditioning!
It's time to stand against the New World Order!
Commit yourself!
And you'll truly be alive!
Instead of living this, this, this, this half-living, living death that most of the couch potatoes are in.
Who never really get on the field.
Who will never really affect change.
Who don't count in the equation of life.
Who are just mindless cogs.
Stop it!
Be a free human being!
John, where are you calling us from?
Hi Alex, I'm calling from Houston.
Good to talk to you, John.
No, I have an old book called None Dare Call It Treason, written in 1964 by John Stormer.
And everything that's going on today is in that book.
I mean, the GATT Treaty, the NAFTA Treaty, the open borders, the call for a merger of the United States and the Soviet Union and Western Europe together, it's all in here.
And I showed it to people, and then I take the, it's got the New World Order written right in here, and I showed it to people, I show all the newspaper clippings I clipped out of the Chronicle for the last year, with the New World Order in it.
I said, look at this, 1964.
I said, here's the, within a year, the New World Order.
I said, when are you people going to wake up?
I said, go look at the Target and Walmart.
I said, where's all that stuff coming from?
It's coming from Red China.
It's the worst mass murderers in the history of the planet.
You guys sit there, and you just sit down, and you just take it, you know?
It just ticked me off.
Well, according to Ryan Lamb and people, the New World Order doesn't exist and there's no plan for world government, even though it's in a thousand public documents.
It's... I mean, go back and there's books been written, there's people back in the fifties trying to warn us.
There were people in the 1790s!
It's the battle plan!
It's the song, everybody wants to rule the world.
Well, no, the globalists do, and they've had a plan, and it's hereditary, and they're carrying it out, and it's public.
You can watch C-SPAN and watch the CFR talk about world government and taking all our rights and the New World Order and then the next C-SPAN show says it doesn't exist, you're crazy if you say it does.
I also have a copy of the Communist Goals for the Takeover of the United States that was captured during the Korean War by Army Intelligence.
Yeah, that was read out in Congress and everything in there is being carried out.
I show it to people and I say, this is all going on right now.
They say, you're damn right it is.
I mean, excuse me, but it is going on right now.
I hear you and I appreciate the call.
But again, the label Communism is meant to confuse you like conservative liberal.
It's command and control.
Fascism, Communism, Socialism.
Crony capitalism.
It's not free market.
Look, boil it down to organized crime syndicates that are very sophisticated and have top propagandists and psychiatrists working for them.
There was an article yesterday on Drudge, Associated Press, where the campaign people are testing brain scanners on the response of the video.
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I don't know.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Do you have the strength, the honor, the will, the dedication, the duty, the humanity to stand up against the New World Order?
Coming up in about five minutes, we're going to have a guest on us for about 20
And Tucson Weekly reporting, Fables of the Reconstruction by Jason Vest, breaking a major news story.
A coalition memo reveals that even true believers see the seeds of civil war and the occupation of Iraq.
And it's just imploding in on our troops.
It's horrible.
We'll get into that with our guest.
Of course, your calls.
Bush poll numbers helped by phony 9-11 Commission, the Washington Post is reporting.
This giant advertisement for the police state is just that, a propaganda putsch.
Also, Bush says it's vital to make Patriot Act permanent.
That's a shill within a shill.
The key sections of the Patriot Act are permanent.
There are sunsets on provisions that are just window dressing.
They want to expand the Patriot Act is what they mean by make it permanent.
They mean pass all the rest of Patriot Act to Victory Act 1 and 2.
Delaware to dump a bunch of VX nerve gas in the water supply.
This out of the Indianapolis Star Tribune and the Delaware newspaper, because they're taking it from Indiana to Delaware.
Governor's opposed nerve gas plan.
Army DuPont say VX disposal project still viable and safe.
NAFTA tribunals stir U.S.
worries as they now admit the Supreme Court is under the control of the NAFTA tribunal.
That's the Supreme Court now.
We're not just ruling on trade cases, by the way.
No chip in the arm, no shot from the gun.
Wired Magazine moved to make police take microchips to own guns, as we told you years ago.
Here it is.
You had a guest on a few weeks ago before this broke in the Associated Press about the plan of Applied Digital to do this.
First, foreigners and Americans admitting that the Patriot Act is for all citizens, all crimes.
GIs killed two workers of U.S.-funded Iraq TV.
They're slaughtering so many innocent people that they blasted their own propaganda arm.
British troops may have to stay 10 years to keep order.
We told you that.
And this article out of Tampa, arrest made for feeding the homeless.
And, uh, it was just some people at a picnic giving some food to the homeless, and the police came over and said, don't do that, and they argued.
And the police admit they didn't use profanity or anything, but they say, verbally talking back is resisting without violence.
But he's facing a felony charge, and, uh, that's your new America.
By the way, the Supreme Court ruled, uh, two weeks ago, now three weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago to be precise, uh, that, uh,
Well, they said that from now on, well there was a rancher in Nevada, fixing his own fence, and the Deputy said, give me your ID, answer my questions.
He said, I'm not going to answer your questions.
They indicted him for resisting arrest for not talking, and they found him guilty of that.
And the Supreme Court said, yes, you've not just got to show an ID, you've got to answer all questions, so no Fifth Amendment.
And, uh, so here's that article.
So, how do you resist without violence?
I mean, almost everybody I know now at protests gets arrested for land rights, anti-war, conservative, liberal, doesn't matter.
I mean, you can lay down, you can not say anything, you can submit to them, and they'll go ahead and charge you with resisting on top of it.
So, this is the new system, your new freedom, your new Soviet America.
We'll get into the
Fifth anniversary of the government operation at Columbine.
Also, Nightline sells Marshall Law.
Interesting article on that subject.
And then they get into document.
Oklahoma City bombing was taped.
How many years have we told you that?
The Associated Press claims they broke this.
The government's argued in three separate national security trials that those videos of McVeigh and his government handlers could not be seen.
And also, is your car spying on you?
The answer is yes.
Highway Patrol pulls scanner requests.
Homeland Security putting in scanners that read your license plates digitally.
It's all coming up.
First, Jason Vest.
Fables of Reconstruction, a coalition memo reveals that even true believers see the seeds of civil war in the occupation of Iraq.
And much more coming up, so stay with us.
Infowars.com is the website.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Most filtration systems force water through the filter at 60 to 90 PSI, causing water molecules to race through the filter in less than a second.
The Berkeley light is different.
Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
We're good to go!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up later in the hour, we will get to all your calls.
Also, two years ago, FrozenPlanet.com broke the news, not of one, not of two, but at least three Pentagon drills of flying hijacked jets of the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Where did we get this news from?
The Pentagon website.
After we screen-saved it, they took it down, but
Now ABC News is claiming that USA Today broke this.
And really, our listeners did, out doing Google searches.
You always feed us this.
We go check it out.
So that's coming up.
It's a big deal because ABC put a big spin on it last night.
Very disgusting.
That's just one of the newscasts I saw.
I didn't watch a lot of television.
I don't watch a lot of television.
So that's coming up.
Also, we'll get into a bunch of new, really frightening police state developments where if you don't answer police questions, you're charged with resisting.
So that's coming up as well.
I'm honored to be joined by Jason Vest who writes syndicated columns that appear in the Village Voice, the Tucson Weekly, many other publications.
Fables of Reconstruction, a coalition memo reveals that even true believers see the seeds of civil war and the occupation of Iraq.
He gets into the internal memos where they talk about how this could totally blow up.
He broke a big story before the war, right before the war, on the eve of the war, in the Village Voice, that I remember covering on air, where the Army War College was saying this is going to be serious.
Even the corrupt Enron Chieftain, head of the Army, Mr. White, said it's going to take double the troops.
The former Marine Corps Commandant and other Marine Corps officers, they were called liberal traitors by the neocons.
Because they didn't want our troops going into a tribal warfare zone that always descends into total barbarism.
Now we're attacked by at least four different factions, different factions of Shias and Sunnis.
And now even our buddies the Kurds are taking pot shots.
Joining us is Jason Vest, and we've got one of his great articles posted right now on InfoWars.com.
You can go to Tucson Weekly and read one of them, headlined, Fables of Reconstruction.
Jason, good to have you on the transmission.
Thank you, good to be here.
Just give us a historical overview.
Iraq's been an imperial holding before, and bring us up to date and now what's unfolding.
Well, as for now what's unfolding, it seems to be pretty much the same as it has been in the past.
Iraq post-World War I was essentially British mandates, and the British discovered that it was not the most easy enclave to try to manage.
I don't know.
It really doesn't have a history of democracy, and indeed it doesn't have a history of pluralism, coupled with its past experiences as a holding or a protectorate of other powers.
It's history in that sense that didn't particularly bode well for any future, even the best planned one, and that's the way the U.S.
government was going about
But you have to ask yourself, why did they then choose Iraq for the neocon plan?
PNAC, their own think tank, said it was about oil, said it was about weapons sales.
I mean, that's Dick Cheney in his own writings as late as 2000.
And so now they're there, their own generals told them this, the Secretary of the Army told them this.
Why did they ignore it?
Well, I think this is something I've done other writing on, and this is ranging from The Nation to The American Prospect, or The Voice, or wherever, and indeed any number of folks in the National Security Scholars have been writing this for upwards of 20 or 30 years, and this has to be understood.
You know, in the context of sort of modern national security state history, in that, you know, the people who have come to be known as the neocons, some of them are indeed neoconservatives, some of them are simply more hawkish than anything else.
But these are people, you know, who have a history of
In some senses, seeing what they want to believe in trying to get the career professional elements of the military and the intelligence community to produce the data or picture that they want to see, rather than what is in fact reality.
So, you know, in this sense, to me, I have to confess that I haven't found
Much of what's happened in the past few years is terribly surprising, because this is simply the latest chapter in a story that goes back to... Are you saying they buy their own propaganda?
I think that would be fair, but I think it's, you know, that may be over.
They would probably take issue with that, because I think that you see in, especially on national security matters, particularly among
Certain elements of the writer, the Neoconservatives, it seems it really almost raised the level of religious belief.
For some people, it is an article of faith, literally, that you need a missile defense system.
It was an article of faith that there was a bomber gap, or it was an article of faith that
You know, the Soviets were working on certain weapons programs.
But it's also, I mean, it's a great faith to have this, because then they get, in the aggregate, the hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons contracts.
But now we're in Iraq, and you brought forward this memo.
Can you break that down for us?
Well, yeah, the memo is interesting, because it's written by
Or at least as described to me, it was written by a senior Defense Department official, detailed to the Coalition Provisional Authority, who had described to me the author as someone who really did believe in a need to affect regime change in Iraq for whatever reason.
But the memo itself is, as I said in the story,
Yeah, the author still clearly believes that going into Iraq was the right thing to do.
It's, you know, made life better for some people, but it also is very frank in painting a picture of a country that is increasingly sliding toward the likely civil war, in large part because the coalition provisional authority has, by virtue of sort of isolating itself
I think we're good to go.
Why did they only send in 150,000 troops?
I guess because they didn't have them.
I've had congressmen on this show.
It is not a rumor that they've prepared a draft.
They've got 12 separate pieces of legislation.
As we escalate into this, it'll be a nice political diversion for them for what's happening domestically.
I think they obviously knew from the start what was going to happen.
Well, I actually don't think, and this is the thing that is really the most profoundly troubling thing to me, that I should add, I think really rises above the sort of traditional, and I think in many respects false, dichotomy of liberal, conservative, or Republican, or Democrat, or left and right.
You know, you had people here who really, you had a number of key people driving the train for this endeavor, who really seemed to believe that all you needed to do was topple Saddam, you know, perhaps hand everything over to Ahmed Chalabi, or some, you know, small like-minded group, and it's, you know, Iraq would be instantly transformed, it would be fine.
Uh, you know, and what is so disturbing about this is that, you know, one of the reasons, whatever one's views on government
One of the reasons we have government, and we have career professionals in the military, in the diplomatic corps, in the intelligence community, who do what they do out of their genuine belief in public service and professionalism, is that their job, as they see it, is to provide political leadership with the best information and the best perspective they can.
And what is so profoundly disturbing to me, especially in the case of the War College Report,
Is that when you have two combat veterans who have honorably served their country, who are excellent scholars as well, you know, producing really, really well-considered, well-researched, and very, potentially very helpful documents, you know, warning of the perils, you know, and actively seeking to deal with them, and even those are apparently woefully ignored, you know, what it tells you is that, you know, the people
Let me just stop you for a second.
They obviously don't care about the troops.
Their own top officials like Dr. Rockey admit that the depleted uranium is deadly and killing and making our troops ill, and they don't care!
I haven't done anything on the depleted uranium issue, but what I have reported on...
You know, particularly on the contracting issue.
You know, one of the things that has been very disturbing to me to watch, based on my interviews with soldiers and personnel who are currently there and have been, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, is that there's been such a desire in this administration to outsource work traditionally done by soldiers to private contractors.
Yeah, mercenary forces.
We're almost out of time, but in the memo, this officer talks about breaking down the Civil War,
How a lot of things they're doing are actually inflaming an already volatile situation.
Your prediction from studying this, what do you see happening in the next year?
Well, I tend not to play the prognostication game as so many of the Washington talking heads do, but I guess I would say that what I find interesting is that
The memo I reported on in this current story validates many of the worst case scenario predictions that the Army War College and the people of the State Department and elsewhere were making a year ago.
And worst case scenario is like the British had to pull out, it'll get into the thousands of troops every few months and we'll have to pull out.
Right, and this is really the problem.
Yeah, the sort of evil genius about the situation we're in right now is that it's virtually impossible to pull out.
Because if you pull out, then Iraq certainly will disintegrate into a civil war.
And this has all been done by design.
Hey, I appreciate you coming on the show, Jason.
Take care.
We'll be back with more on this in your calls.
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Alright, my friends.
Yeah, this new memo is just one of many where they're talking about how they think things are going to implode and fall apart.
And the people running this system are not stupid.
And I said long before the war that it was going to implode, and then the UN would come in as the savior.
That's the trick to get the Iraqis to stop fighting.
Our block of the New World Order goes in, shuts down newspapers, shoots reporters, kills people, arrests the men, puts in a puppet government with Chalibi, the Iranian torture master, running around doing all of this, then the UN comes in, chastises us, there's lots of propaganda, then the Iraqis will accept it.
And it'll make the UN look like the authority and the boss, and it can never be questioned again, and we've got to go with what they say.
And then America goes and violates that again and takes over another country.
And the UN has to come in and save us.
And boy, they just hate it.
We're doing all the dirty work for them.
This is what the policy memo said.
People go, how did you know this?
Because the globalists, in many cases, come right out and say it.
And in many others, between the lines, the way they phrase things, what they're doing.
And so, of course they don't want the generals to tell them what was going to happen.
Of course they don't want all this to happen.
They want failure.
It's meant to be a long quagmire for plenty of weapon sales and a new draft and the rest of it.
And they will bring you a draft after the next big terror attack in this country.
Be assured of that.
So get ready to fight it and not go along with it.
And most of the draft will be civil service worker domestically.
You'll be a slave of the government, digging ditches, tattling on neighbors.
They admit this is the plan.
Let's go ahead and go to Jim in Michigan.
Jim, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you today?
Can you get your photographic memory out there?
There's a local talk show host that's talking about those semi-trucks that supposedly were producing the anthrax spores and what have you.
The local host is still saying that that's accurate?
And was there like a news article or something that exposed that as defraudulent?
Well, this is an important issue because do you remember the supposed mass graves?
Well, yeah.
The boxes of bones and sand.
Well, let's go back.
The UN had been in Iraq for 12 years.
Over every square inch of it.
There were lots of declared sites, but it was never made a big media item because most of those sites, we have video of it, were U.S.
marked chemical and biological weapons.
And they'd been out to the sites of the mobile weapons trucks.
They'd been to the sites of the supposed mass grave, a warehouse of coffins with sand and bones.
Well, they admitted, and Iran knew, that that was an exchange program from the Iran-Iraq war of dead Iranians for dead Iraqis.
So the UN had been to all these places.
So the coalition of the willing had a list of all those.
So they go to the mass grave.
And they go, look, a mass grave.
Well, they knew day one from the dossier that it was an exchange program.
And Iran goes, wait a minute, they didn't have mass graves there.
That's an exchange program.
We send trucks there all the time and exchange dead from the desert.
Well, day one, they went into the mobile weapons trucks.
That they sold Mobile Weapons Trucks and said, oh look, Mobile Weapons Trucks.
Day one, they knew that the British government in 1985 had sold four of those to them.
They were for pumping up hydrogen surveillance blimps, or artillery directional blimps, to direct French warfare.
Goes back to World War I. Our military even still uses it.
And so, day one, it was a fraud.
We talked about that.
And yeah, in the last year or ten months, it's been probably in a hundred and two hundred publications.
The last one I saw was the Washington Post with a Republican Senator saying, well yeah, it was a mistake.
But they knew day one.
I mean, they have the James Weapons Dictionary.
The officers that went in, there were the serial numbers.
Our government bought some for the British.
We have the same trucks.
They knew day one what it was.
Uh, they knew day one that these fertilizer factories weren't weapons factories, but they could show you some barrels and say, look, uh, I mean, they created a false Niger document about uranium, false weapons dossiers.
But, um, yeah, it's been in, I mean, it was all over the place.
Just say, uh, just type into a search engine, uh, mobile weapons truck story is a fraud.
And I would imagine a hundred articles will pop up for you.
Okay, and... And so your local talk show host is still saying that these are mobile weapons trucks.
Yes, sir.
Could you tell me where it was reported that that missile from Korea went into Alaska?
That was in several mainstream Korean newspapers.
It was discussed in their Congress or in their Parliament.
Tell you what, stay there.
These are important questions.
I'll try to elaborate on them properly when we return.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
American conservatives are the one group that's got enough money, that's middle class, that could stand up and defeat the globalists here domestically.
The left is, you know, at the grassroots of us, you bleeding heart fools, who think the solution is big government, that give the corporations governmental power.
They're idiots.
So I keep careful track of neocon radio talk show hosts.
Most of them have TV shows too.
But it's really hard for me to listen to, because every time I tune in, it's put anybody who disagrees with the government in a forced labor camp, sweatshops are good, free trade is good, open borders isn't that bad, old Bush doesn't really mean it, oh, Saddam is evil, he had rape rooms, mobile weapons trucks, mass graves, and you don't hear about those articles anymore because they weren't true.
They've all been admitted to be frauds.
And then the caller, but again, the neocons, though, you don't see in the press anymore because it turned out to be a fraud, but that is the print media or the television, but you still hear it from them, and they know it's not true.
They know, and our government knew day one.
They had a checklist of stuff that looked suspicious, that had already been gone over with a fine-tooth comb.
They could go point a camera in.
You know, since winter mass graves, coffins with bones full of sand in a warehouse.
The news is like, look at these mass graves, how unusual!
Perhaps Saddam would put the dead bodies in with sand.
I remember seeing that on Fox, and I'm going, what?
And then it comes out, Iran goes, no, that's an exchange program, here's the UN document, you guys knew that, you're liars.
And okay, well let's move on to the mobile weapons trucks, let's move on to this, you know, fine.
This photo of the UN
Right after the fall of Baghdad going in and a UN inspector unscrewing the top of a rocket and sticking his nose in it to, quote, see if it was nerve gas.
Yeah, that's what you do.
No protective gear.
Here, I think this is nerve gas.
Let me just unscrew the cap and stick my nose in it.
I mean, it was just a staged photo, people.
My goodness.
But they just keep telling the big lie over and over again.
But the caller, Jim, brought up the stuff about the missile and Korea.
Jim, are you still there?
Yeah, in my film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, we have the news articles and it was in several big papers in South Korea.
They said,
America wants us to keep quiet about this, and we have for the last year, but why are they going in against Saddam if North Korea is shooting missiles into the Japan Sea?
And they're shooting missiles, and one of them hit Alaska, and we were told to keep quiet by the U.S.
government on this, but they found the peace, and yeah.
And so they were told to keep quiet, because again, Saddam was next on the list, and we can't go after a country that we're busy giving nuclear reactors to, building up as a threat for World War III.
But yeah, those articles are in the film.
Go ahead.
Okay, and I guess the point to the host over, well he's out of Detroit, but the point he was trying to make, he was trying to convince everybody that, yes, there were weapons of mass destruction.
And he was quoting from some books somebody had written about these trucks, of course, in the book it says, oh yeah, they were used for anthrax.
And when people say there aren't any weapons of mass destruction there, well, that's crazy, because we have all the receipts.
Thanks for the call.
James Weapons Dictionary Encyclopedia is based in Britain.
It's the best in the world.
Every known weapon system and even a lot of classified ones.
You can learn about the B-2 Bomber and James five years before it was announced in 1987.
I mean, they're way ahead of the curve.
They list every rifle, every type of grenade, every landmine, every tank, every armored vehicle, every helmet, every uniform.
It's all in there.
And about a week after it came out that the Mobile Weapons Trucks
You know, we're there.
Jaynes went, wait a minute, those canvas side trucks and those big centrifuge, you know, those big engines, that's for pumping up hydrogen balloons.
You know, the British sold those to Saddam, four of them, in 1985, and there'll be a serial number on it, and then suddenly it started popping up in other foreign papers, and then finally it was in our news, you know, like eight months after the lie got a chance to sink in.
Okay, it was for pumping up hot air balloons, but we're still going to find them.
And Bush says they haven't found weapons of mass destruction, but we're gonna find them.
But his neocon host will say for them, yes we did, the mass graves, the mobile trucks.
I even heard Hannity once say, oh no, Niger really was trying to... I mean, they don't care!
They know they're lying!
Folks, we got a Pentagon that was caught in hundreds of newspapers.
Planting fake letters from troops with fake signatures about how much they love the war.
I mean, when the Pentagon's acting domestically, mailing fake letters, we've got a problem.
That's not freedom, folks.
That's Russia.
You don't support the military.
Supporting the military doesn't mean turning America into the Soviet Union and throwing the Bill of Rights out because some criminal group has control of our military, letting them lie to us.
Supporting the military
I mean, you're the ones letting our troops huff depleted uranium.
All right, we'll go to Hector and Ann and Tim and Malta and others, but... And then I'm going to get into this police state news, but before we do that, let's briefly go to my good friend, Debbie Morrow, heading by the door with us in a few weeks, from New Millennium Concepts.
And Debbie, there have been all these articles about the mercury and the heavy metals and the Prozac and the Ritalin.
And the toxic waste in the water.
And big corporations get a green light to dump scum in the water that if you or I got caught putting a thimble of it, then we'd get life in prison.
Or if a terrorist got caught doing it, they'd get the death penalty.
And Debbie, I wanted to read this article to you.
This is out of the Indianapolis Star.
Delaware and New Jersey don't want VX waste.
The governors of Delaware and New Jersey said Thursday that waste water from the destruction of a deadly nerve agent should be treated in Indiana, not at DuPont's facility along the Delaware River.
Governor Ruth Ann Minner of Delaware and James McGreeney of New Jersey stopped short of saying they would fight DuPont's plan to treat up to 4 million, the other article says 5 million gallons of hydrochlorostate, a caustic wastewater left over from the planned destruction of more than 1,200 tons, the other article says it'll be 5 million gallons once they mix it, of the nerve agent VX of the Army's Newport Chemical Depot in Indiana.
Here's another one, DuPont may treat nerve agent waste
Yes, I'm trying to scare you.
I drink nothing but filtered water.
The bottled water is dangerous.
That's been all over the news.
It's killed people in some cases.
It just breathes stuff in there.
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You need to write down this number.
Debbie, good to have you on.
Hi there, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
You know, that article is just one of many across the country.
I've got five water stories today right here.
Yeah, do you have the one from Dover?
I have one that somebody sent me from Alabama.
Go ahead and tell folks about it.
It's in, I believe it's in Alabama here, it's Dover.
And the title on it says, Dover water ugly but safe.
Iron and other chemicals within limits.
I mean this article is page after page of discussing how there's all this stuff in their water and it's called brown water.
They're telling the people it's okay to drink this and then it has tips on what they can do with their brown water and they're showing pictures of their laundry.
With the water looking like soup!
Well, the CDC comes out and says, yeah, we're going to add more mercury to certain vaccines, and their own top official says it's brain-damaging millions, but they're not going to stop.
I mean, the point is, these people are using this as chemical warfare against us to dumb us down to control us.
They have official government documents.
The Nazis use fluoride to control the camp victims.
Well, the thing that a lot of people, they want to believe that their government is telling them the truth and that this is okay for them to drink this, even though the water looks like Coca-Cola.
And then some people say, well, I'll just buy bottled water.
And the thing about the bottled water is, you know, we've had all these different articles and ads and recalls from Coca-Cola on bottled water.
That's not safe also.
And we're not just talking about taste bad or has some bacteria.
Dannon water, about four years ago, people died in New York from it.
I mean, people
They just filter city tap water, they don't even purify it, they take the taste out, and then they stick it in a bottle that might be on a warehouse shelf for five months.
Right, right, exactly.
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The black Berkey, when you get the Berkey light, it comes with two elements in it and you use both at the same time and it will do 4,000 gallons of water.
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That's a $337 value for $259.
And there's also the Prudent Places DVD with 500 color maps.
Yes, and I don't even know about that yet because I've been gone two weeks and I hope y'all missed me because I missed y'all.
That's right, you've been on vacation.
I have, and so I don't even know about that one yet, but I'll be trying to.
It's $199 for the Berkey without the lights and you get a free sport bottle filter or potassium iodate or the sheltering in place or the other DVD.
And at the same time, for what, $249, you get the LED light system and the recharge port and all that.
It's a great system.
You've also got a special on the sports bottles, a little portable filters.
Yes, we do.
There's five generic labeled sport bottles for $99 or 12 for $199.
And give them to the family, and that does 600 and something refills.
Folks, here's the toll-free number.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thank you.
And good to have you back there running things at the office.
Or, InfoWars.com.
It's on the shopping cart.
You can order there.
They take the orders down every day and ship it out UPS.
InfoWars.com or 1-888-803-4438.
Or just trust the government and keep bringing the water.
Don't listen to me.
Let's go ahead and talk to Hector in Texas.
Hector, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing?
Fine, sir.
Thanks for having me.
What I would like to find out, if I could, and hopefully it's not too far off the subject, I've been going through the Patriot Act.
And trying to understand some of the new amendments.
And I'm wondering where can I find a definition of terrorist that applies to this?
I'll hang up for you.
Thanks a bunch.
Are you looking at H.R.
3162 or Patriot Act 2?
That was interesting.
Are you there, sir?
It sounded like somebody else was on the phone with him.
Tell your wife to get off the phone and call me back.
Okay, call me back.
Yeah, I need to know if it's Patriot Act 1 or Patriot Act 2, you're talking about number 1.
But if it's number 1, you want to look at section 802.
The new definition of domestic terrorism, any action that endangers human life is a violation of any federal or state law.
What I suggest you do is go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and go to our Patriot Act Police States section.
There you can read both the bills, the past bill and the bill that was only passed partially.
And you can read my award-winning analysis, the Project Censored Award I got for my analysis of Patriot Act 2.
So I hope that answers your question, Hector.
Let's talk to Anne in New Mexico.
Anne, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, how you doing?
Oh, really good.
Yahweh bless you and keep you in His love.
Well, thank you.
God bless you.
Thank you.
You're just doing a wonderful work, and I commend you.
And be cheerful.
You know, don't let this get you down because we don't have to give our belief to it.
All we have to do is expose them.
I was listening to the talk radio and here's some news.
You know HAARP in Alaska?
Yeah, they got authorization to double their power two months ago.
And it used to be owned by Advanced Power Tech Inc.
and it's sold now to... I didn't get the name exactly right.
British Aerospace?
Did you know that?
I didn't know that.
And HAARP, again, admittedly, can manipulate the weather.
Well, and it's militarization of space.
And that's really big news.
When I heard that, I'm going, wow.
So I wanted to call you and let you know about that.
And I apologize.
They didn't get a doubling of power certificate.
It was actually a quadrupling.
Oh, yeah.
I'm looking forward to listening to you coast to coast on the 22nd.
I'll be on four hours.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it.
And I was wrong!
I wasn't on RENCH last time.
I'm on RENCH this coming Monday.
Oh, I don't... Where is he at?
I don't listen to him.
Well, you can just go to RENCH.com.
Oh, I don't have a computer.
I'm unplugged.
Anyway, Alex, keep it up, and just keep up the good work, and Yahweh bless you.
Well, thank you.
Interesting call.
Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Alex, the BAE Systems she was just talking about.
Is that the part of the Rokar International?
Say that again, sir?
BAE Systems, she was talking about, who just bought HAARP.
Is that part of the... I know it's a military subsidiary of the British government, basically.
Because I was bopping around on the internet and BAE Systems came up as a subsidy of a company called Rokar International.
Have you heard of that?
I've heard of it, but I'm not placing it.
Established in 1982 for the purpose of developing and manufacturing advanced electronic systems to fulfill specific military and commercial needs, is what it says on their website.
What else is on your mind?
The company's located in Jerusalem, of all places.
Are you talking about the Hart story?
I had read what she had read, that they quadrupled the power and a British company bought it.
And I think this British company is under this Rocar International because it came up BAE Systems under Rocar.
Okay, well, send that to me.
Alright, I'll do that.
The address was www.rocar.com.
It was real simple.
Thank you.
One other thing on my mind there about the Columbine thing.
It must be the high holidays for the globalists, celebrating all of this destruction that they've caused.
Well, I've done whole shows on the Columbine, but it's very clear that was a government operation.
Have you heard of the book called, uh, You Are Being Lied To?
No, I haven't.
The Disinformation Guide to Media Disturbing Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths.
And they talk in there about the sun.
of an FBI agent was in there making a training film.
Yeah, no, he founded it and he founded the Trenchcoat Mafia.
And then the sheriff was having a meal with the principal that morning and the school was 40% empty and the SWAT team stayed outside for four hours.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, for those of you that are patiently holding, we'll get to your calls in the next hour.
There's just a few minutes away.
About six minutes away.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
I'll get into Bush poll numbers, helped by 9-11 Whitewash Commission.
Again, the big advertisement arm.
Bush says it's vital to make Patriot Act permanent.
We'll get more into Delaware with the VX nerve gas components being dumped into the water if they get their way.
An interesting article out of the New York Times telling us how wonderful it all is.
NAFTA Tribunal stirs U.S.
worries, and it says the NAFTA Tribunal is more powerful than the Supreme Court.
Hmm, that's global government.
Also, no chip in the arm, no shot from the gun, a move to make police and gun owners take microchips, own guns.
Of course, you heard it here first, but here it is, mainstream news.
Also, G.I.'
's killed two workers of U.S.-funded Iraq television.
You're only hearing about it because it was guys that worked for a CIA-run television station.
They even mowed them down.
That's how you make friends, I guess.
British troops may have to stay ten years to keep order.
But first, I wanted to get to this.
I mentioned this earlier.
We're going to be getting these folks on the show.
Our neocons yesterday saying they got what they deserve being peace activists.
But they were out there, just a few of them, three of them having a picnic.
They shared a few sandwiches with police.
They're local university people and also, of course, they're anti-war folks.
I'm sure I disagree with them on most things, but I agree with them on the war.
Arrest made for feeding homeless.
Three more people, at least one of them a USF student in Tampa, were arrested Sunday by Tampa police for feeding homeless people in a public park.
USF student Jimmy Dunison was arrested, Macy Park, downtown Tampa for the second time on the trespassing charge, unlike March 28th when he was arrested on the same charge and detained but not taken to jail.
Dunson was taken to Orient Road Jail where he was still being held.
Others arrested include Chris Ernesto, Amber Lee Banks.
It could not be determined Sunday if the two USF students, Banks were released on
$500 bond.
And I have another AP article about this.
It says that one of them, Jimmy Dunson, was charged with resisting without violence.
And they said that he just simply went limp, and that's assault on an officer to lay down.
That's now assault.
Not answering their questions, the Supreme Court has said, is a form of resisting.
And you get felony charges for that.
We'll also get into the Columbine anniversary.
Fox News questions linger for Columbine parents.
Nightline sells martial law by Scott Lowry.
We'll get into that.
Oklahoma City bombing was taped.
We've known this for years, but here's the Associated Press.
Also, is your car spying on you?
And what Homeland Security's up to with the total control grid?
That is all coming up in the next hour.
I'll also get into the whitewash about the drills of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
That's now being reported on by the mainstream news, something we reported on two years ago, but they're putting their own spin on it.
Before I end this hour, in the last minute, I just want to encourage all of you that if you're frustrated by all this, to join us in the fight against the globalists.
To join us in the information war.
I've made ten films.
America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
These are all incredible films exposing the architecture of the global crime syndicate.
You're authorized to make copies of them.
I want you to get them and make copies.
Get them out to people.
Toll-free number to order.
Big discounts when you order three or more of the films.
We've got books, t-shirts, you name it.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Third hour, just 70 seconds away.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into hour number three.
It is Tuesday, the 20th day of April 2004.
We'll get into Columbine, what really happened there.
We'll get into Bush pushing the Patriot Act.
The whitewash going on concerning the U.S.
drills of flying jets into buildings as terrorist attacks.
A bunch of key police state news, you name it.
I want to take about 20 calls, though, in this third hour.
I want to jam a lot of your great calls in, your comments, your questions.
So we're going to move quickly.
And we even got a few open lines for the first time today.
So here's the number.
Any of the news we've covered in the last two hours?
Any news item you want to mention?
It's like a caller calling yesterday and going, Delaware News is reporting they're going to dump
You know, millions of gallons of nerve gas into the river.
I'm like, well, I don't doubt that's true.
It sounds insane enough.
And now I have a stack of mainstream news articles saying that.
To be accurate, it's 1,200 tons of nerve gas mixed in with 5 million gallons of water.
Which, a drop of this, just incredible.
So what do you think about all this?
Malta in Denmark, then John
And Rick and others.
Malta, go ahead.
That's me.
I want to mention one thing first about the 9-11.
I was seeing a short minute of a U.S.
series about a cop in L.A.
I think he's a Chinese-American.
They're talking about a crime syndicate.
They plan to fly four planes in downtown.
I don't know how old this show was, but it's not the first time I've seen about that.
Are you saying before 9-11 somebody was on television?
I don't know.
I can contact the telephone company tomorrow.
There were over 50 press reports of it.
At least three different governmental drills of it.
Rockets on top of the Genoa Italy Summit, months before 9-11 to stop hijacked jets.
They knew, they're a pack of liars, they didn't just know, they ran the attacks.
I know that, I know that.
But it's the first time I see that so obvious.
There was an interesting article on
Conspiracy Planet, I think, the website about this theory.
I don't know.
All right, listen, I appreciate the call.
Good to know you're listening in Denmark.
John in Texas.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, Alex, I was wondering if you're ever going to... I've got two things.
I was wondering if you might ever get to a third hour shortwave during the day.
And the other thing I wanted to know about was
Did you say at some point that Bush was warned that the planes could be remote controlled and he was pulled off the podium or something like that?
I ran two VCRs, sometimes three VCRs, for about a week after 9-11 and somewhere in my stacks.
I've got to get a bunch of interns in here to find it, but I saw it live happen.
When you find it, you're going to give us a heads up on that, aren't you?
Yes, yes.
Let me finish.
Bush was giving a speech in New York.
On a podium.
Yes, sir.
And he goes, you know, we've got a plan where we can remote control planes to land them in case hijackers attack.
Somebody in a suit reaches up and grabs him by the arm and jerks him, and then he shut up real quick.
Yeah, I bet he did.
So I have that on tape.
I also have Chuckie Schumer laughing the night of 9-11 at the Capitol when they were all out front.
And the then head of the Senate,
Uh, walking over and telling him to shut up.
I have that on tape somewhere.
Was it the head of FEMA who said we got there the night before it happened?
Uh, yeah, that was Kenny.
That was the head or just an employee?
It was the head of FEMA, uh, it was the head of the Emergency Management System.
Okay, thanks sir.
Alright, yeah, the head of FEMA at the time was, um, was Alba.
But, no, it was one of the deputy heads.
Okay, we'll, uh, come back.
Thanks for the call, John.
Good questions.
Rick and others, you're up next.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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This disaster is a New World Order.
A New World Order?
Can't imagine.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
John in Texas had some really good questions.
I didn't want to sound rude when I said, hey, let me finish.
He just asked a really important question.
I wanted to finish answering it.
And that's what's so great about all your calls is it takes us in so many different directions and gives us a big picture.
And my best listeners of anybody out there are wonderful because you're so active.
And that's why the globalists are in trouble on shows like C-SPAN and Washington Journal where they take calls.
That's why about half the calls now are anti-New World Order.
What they'd call conspiracy theorists, because the thinkers are watching C-SPAN, know what government's doing.
The thinkers, the people that watch C-SPAN, have seen a hundred CFR live broadcasts on there where they talk about a new world order and taking all our freedoms.
Then we see Brian Lamb saying it doesn't exist, and they're going to call in angry.
I mean, what do you expect?
I mean, we are the informed people.
We're not into football and the topless bars or waxing our cars.
We're into America and the Bill of Rights and what's going on in government.
We're obsessed with that like you cry over your football team.
And no, I'm not against football.
I played football.
My point is, I don't get upset about football because it doesn't matter.
I might even watch an occasional game.
But that doesn't matter.
I don't get all hot and bothered over it, but I do over losing our freedoms!
How do we get to the point where talking about freedom and getting excited about liberty and fighting tyranny is weird, but yelling over some stupid football game that doesn't matter?
That's normal.
Let's just blast through a bunch of your calls.
I'll take four or five more, then I'll go into news and back into your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rick in Nevada.
Go ahead, Rick.
Alex, how you doing?
Good, sir.
I hope you plug Ellen Mariani when you show up on Coast to Coast, because her website is really languishing, man.
By languishing, what do you mean?
I mean, on that petition, they've got about 7,000-8,000 signatures.
Okay, just so you know, it's always good, even if you heard Ellen Mariani, one of the victims of 9-11, lost her husband and her lawyer on, saying the Globalists are behind 9-11, you need to, when you talk about stuff, I'm just giving you a little lesson.
You need to tell folks what you're talking about.
Well, the website of Ellen Mariani is 911forthetruth.com.
Well, you know, a lot of people aren't going to sign a petition because they're afraid.
Millions of people will visit that site, but millions won't sign that petition.
And frankly, petitions are used as birdcage liner by the globalists.
I think their suit should be supported, though.
I agree with you, and I agree with you on petitions also.
I don't think we ought to petition the government, because the government is the employee of the citizen.
Well, let me be specific.
Petitioning the government to stop covering up 9-11 is like asking a murderer to go ahead and confess.
Okay, well, you know, we found you with a dead body, but they're just going to keep saying that they didn't kill him.
So, but, a petition locally to take out electronic voting machines and put back in real systems, a petition to stop a land grab, a petition to, you know, reaffirm the Second Amendment, that type of stuff's good, but a petition in Congress.
Give me a break.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Dorothy in Mass.
Dorothy, go ahead.
Um, I just wanted to say I'm having a problem.
I'm not on the internet, and I'm not on shortwave, and I was getting used to a station coming from Providence, and they're gone.
For some reason they disappeared off the air today.
Well, every once in a while stations have transmitter problems.
Uh, so that's probably what's going on, or it could be atmospherics.
I mean, there are giant radio stations in San Antonio that I can listen to in my house, and then a lot of times during the summer you suddenly can't hear them because of where the sun's at or what's happening, so I don't think that's any big thing.
Well, I hope so.
I just have this feeling that going for good.
You have that feeling?
But your station and the Power Hour and Jack Claude are the only people I'm getting the truth from.
And I'd like to know the real news.
So... I guess if I get a shortwave radio I might be able to pick you up on that, but I have an accurate... Well, ma'am, radio stations are at a premium.
And when you hear one go off the air, it means that lightning hit a transmitter or something.
If you heard it switch to Tejano, or RAP, or to another format, then you would have a problem.
If you hear a station go down for an hour or something, that happens, unfortunately.
Oh, this has been going since 9.30 this morning, and... Yeah, well, they're probably... Let me just call them for you instead of... Have you tried calling them?
Yes, and they say the number has been disconnected.
You might have written the number down wrong.
Well, listen, I appreciate your call.
Any other way I can help you?
No, I'm just very upset.
Like I said, I can't get my real news anymore.
I have to listen to these other stations that I just... Well, ma'am, for about $50 you can buy a decent shortwave radio, and we come in like AM radio all over the country on WWCR.
And you can buy that, and you get a whole new world of listening.
Listen to foreign broadcasts, BBC, French in English language.
You can listen to what the Chi-Coms are up to.
I suggest you get a shortwave.
Well, I have macular degeneration, so I don't know.
It's hard to see numbers on radios and things.
Well, that's actually an older generation.
Shortwave is one of the oldest types of broadcasts.
Listen, good to have you as a listener, and God bless you.
Take care.
Let's go ahead and talk to Amanda in Colorado.
Amanda, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I just had a quick question for you.
I wanted to point out that it feels a little hopeless and sometimes we feel defeated when we have choices between Skull and Bones No.
1 and Skull and Bones No.
2 for this November election.
Recently we just had Dennis Kucinich come to Northern Colorado, to UNC, and also to CSU to give
Um, some talks.
And I was just wondering what your feelings on him were.
Well, I have the facts on Mr. Kucinich.
And that's a good question.
Mr. Kucinich is the extreme end of the false political spectrum.
I don't believe in left and right.
That is something that's only a hundred years old, meant to confuse us.
In the past it was oligarchies, monarchies.
Dictatorships, command and control on one end, versus liberty and freedom on the other.
And a constitutional republic is on the other end of the real political spectrum, away from tyranny, command and control, serfdom, slavery.
Those are the real terms.
And Kucinich is all pro-UN, pro-regulation, pro-gun control,
So the globalists know that you're going to wake up to the New World Order.
You're going to see the fascist push of the right arm of the New World Order through Bush.
So when you wake up to that, they've got to have a catch-all.
So when you run the other direction, you get caught in the net and think that Kucinich or even Ralph Nader or any of these guys are your savior.
See, the left thinks big government's going to go after the corrupt corporations.
But in truth, big government is owned and run by the big corporations who are not free market.
Conservatives say, leave corporations alone, they're a free market, they can do no wrong, don't regulate, you know, don't investigate.
Whereas in truth, big corporations are acting as government bodies and get the lion's share of the welfare.
And notice that Republicans always expand government faster than Democrats.
Republicans are part of the debt cycle for the international banks.
They claim they're cutting taxes, but really it's just getting us more into debt as they also expand government while cutting taxes.
And then the Democrats come in and continue to expand government as well.
So there's no real difference.
Cassandra has introduced some good legislation.
I agree with some of what he has to say.
But a lot of it, you know, it's like rat poison.
Rat poison is 98% grain, 2% arsenic.
So do we have a ray of hope anywhere?
I mean, I go back to this over and over again.
Everybody's so focused on who the president is.
We haven't had a president running anything, and we had publicists before that too, but not in every case.
We haven't had a president since 1963.
And they select who you're going to vote for, and now we're even taking that away.
You know, before they just gave you
Candidate A, Candidate B. Now, they've got the CIA running electronic voting machines.
That doesn't even matter.
The fight is at the county and city and state level.
That's where you have power.
That's where you can affect change.
Really, presidential elections are a big distraction.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, in this case, there's no difference.
I mean, you've got two cousins who are members of the same secret society where they swear an oath to that society first and foremost.
So what do you think about that?
Let us now go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Don in Indiana.
Don, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I was reading this Woodward interview the other day, and I called to talk about Bush the Christian.
He was talking about when he declared war.
He was with his four cabinet, six generals.
And he said that they all decided that they were going to go to war in Iraq.
And Bush stood up, he had tears in his eyes, and he went out.
He walked around.
He said that, number one, he asked for God's will and strength.
And then, he said, of course, I asked for his forgiveness.
And I thought, how dysfunctional this is.
Well, this is all just theater.
I mean, Woodward works for them.
He's the fake liberal who we can really trust.
I mean, it's just a bunch of garbage.
You see his speech the other night, you see him when he talked about, he said a lot of people with brown skin, he says a lot of people think that people with brown skin don't have the ability
Or the right to have sovereign government or self-rule.
Did you catch that?
Yeah, that's wonderful doublespeak.
They've appointed a puppet government.
The handover in June is that puppet government appointing another government.
And then he uses reverse psychology.
A lot of you are against what I'm doing in Iraq.
You must be racist.
I mean, that is just such... That is... It's just... It's just... There's no end to it.
Anything else, Don?
That's good enough.
Hey man, good to hear from you.
We'll come back, cover news, and get back to your calls.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
More of your calls coming up.
I'm gonna launch back into news right now.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
So now in America, you go out and feed the homeless, and you're non-violent when the police say leave, and you sit down on the ground, and they call that resisting, and you get felony charges.
That in Tampa, Florida.
I mean, how disgusting is this getting?
Number one, there's a permit to feed the homeless.
That's the freedom to give somebody a sandwich at a park.
That annihilates the First Amendment.
Yeah, the First Amendment isn't just speech, folks.
It's your free-flowing actions.
You know, your association.
Columbine marks anniversary of shooting.
I want to get into that later.
Just briefly, I'll get into that.
Some of this other police state news, though, is just so vitally important.
But first off, document!
Oklahoma City bombing was taped!
The Associated Press has broken a major
Again, it's like, it's like USA Today breaking the news of Pentagon drills of flying hijacked jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, we just broke that two years ago, are sourced to Pentagon's website.
That's the point, it's not hard to break any of this.
They know it all.
But document, Oklahoma City bombing was taped, let me see.
Five years ago, three years ago, two years ago, I had the lawyers on, top lawyers in Oklahoma, suing the government on behalf of the families to give them the surveillance tapes, all twelve of them.
They've talked to the FBI and other people that saw the tapes, showing McVeigh and Middle Eastern men and all this, but they're government agents so they can't show them, and the government declared national security in three separate trials.
But no, USA Today with a major breaking story for us!
A Secret Service document written shortly after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing describes security video footage of an attack and witnesses testimony that suggest that Timothy McVeigh may have had accomplices at the scene.
Now I told you before the next big terror attack after 9-11, they would bring all this out, say Middle Easterners were involved, and claim Saddam controlled these Iraqis.
Is that why they worked for Bill Clinton and had credit cards from the Justice Department?
Is that why they were protected when some of them were in custody of Oklahoma State Police?
Is that why the FBI was there meeting with them the night before and got their credit card receipts?
Is that why?
Because they worked for Saddam!
See, they had a plan to spring this on Saddam back in 95 and invade, but for some reason they didn't.
But now they're kind of retreading it.
So I said, why are you going to see this brought out?
Not because we're exposing it.
This isn't damage control.
This is so they can all say on Neocon Radio, Psst!
I'm giving you the inside scoop.
Saddam had terrorists in the country and they work with the right-wing militias.
Yeah, it's our own right-wing people, but they should all be arrested, Sean Hannity says.
Yeah, secretly all these conservatives are working for Saddam, too.
We gotta use the Patriot Act against them.
And you're gonna see all that played out, unfortunately.
The government has
Insisted McVeigh drove a truck himself and that it never had any video of the bombing or the scene of the Alfred B. Murrah Building in the minutes before April 19, 1995 explosion.
Security videotapes from the area show the truck detonation three minutes and six seconds after the suspects exited the truck.
The Secret Service reported six days after the attack on a log of agents' activities and evidence in the Oklahoma investigation.
I've interviewed the police, the detectives, the FBI agents, the lawyers.
I mean, we don't just go on air and just say all this.
You know, we don't just pull it out of hats.
It isn't one camera.
It's twelve of them with all the activities, the vehicles they got in, not just the two guys getting out of the Ryder truck, McVeigh and Johnno No.
2, but all the others, including BATF officers down the street!
Waiting in their bomb gear to swoop down as the saviors!
Oh ho!
Don't want to release that, do we?
Don't want to release that, do we?
It's fun for you to kill people, isn't it?
Several investigators and prosecutors who worked the case told the Associated Press they had never seen video footage like to describe the Secret Service log.
Uh, really an FBI agent told the LA Times he had.
The document, if accurate, is either significant evidence kept secret for nine years or misconstrued recording of investigative leads that were often passed by word of mouth during the hectic early days of the case.
Hey, AP!
Let me do the work for you, John Solomon!
Let me do your work for ya!
There's been three lawsuits and it was ruled every time national security!
They admit they have the tapes!
They will not release them!
My goodness!
You people!
It's like Henry Lamb.
New World Order doesn't exist.
I keep saying Henry Lamb.
I apologize.
It's Brian Lamb.
Brian Lamb of C-SPAN.
Brian Lamb.
Brian Lamb.
Brian Lamb of C-SPAN.
Saying the New World Order doesn't exist and I, uh... You know, I believe in this imaginary thing.
I got Allison on the news.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, Alex Jones here live.
Martin and Brett and Paul and Johnny and Ron.
We'll get to all of you here in just a few minutes.
I wanted to get to some more of this news, but for some reason, Brian Lamb is the founder and the guy that runs C-SPAN.
And for some reason, I keep calling him Henry Lamb, and I apologize.
Henry Lamb is a great patriot, exposes the U.N.
takeover of America, the official takeover of our country, and I keep saying his name.
No, no, Brian Lamb, not Henry Lamb.
But, again, this whole Oklahoma City thing, there's no point even going into it anymore.
Look at all these articles.
I see these every day now.
Is your car spying on you?
The Tribune.
San Luis Obispo Tribune.
Or is the event data recorder essential for wreck investigation safety tests?
See, now it admits that information culled from so-called black boxes has long helped investigators reconstruct the crucial seconds before a fatal plane crash.
But could such devices also be used to unravel the facts behind car wrecks?
In fact, that already happens.
I remember eight years ago warning people.
Now it's nine years.
Time's flying.
I remember nine years ago, when I first got on air, reading industry stuff about all the new cars having this put in.
People were already being prosecuted.
You say you were going 60.
This shows you were going 80 when you flipped the car.
We're charging you!
The point is, this has been going on forever!
And they're just getting around to telling you about it now!
But you know what else these black boxes do?
They plug into satellite tracker boxes!
$25 to $50 unit, depending on what company.
The states are getting ready to make it the law under federal mandate.
Satellite tracker box, when you buy your tags, installed at the DMV garage.
This is the official plan.
They're going to tax you.
They're going to trace you.
They're going to watch you.
They're going to control you.
And I got another one.
I remember four years ago, seeing the federal grant.
I remember six years ago seeing the federal grants come through to the state level and city level in Austin.
Microphones in the trees, microphones on the light poles, rotating around shotgun mics, some of them laser-assisted, can shoot the laser to your window and listen to you.
I'm watching the cameras rotate around listening to people in my neighborhood.
I walk by as it turns and looks at me with the microphone sticking out with a laser beam coming out of it.
This is pure evil!
And then six years ago, I also saw where San Antonio and Dallas, as well as El Paso, got the funding for these license plate readers that scan all the license plates with kind of a radio frequency identification system.
It's actually a resident system.
It scans your... And then I saw articles with Indiana, New York, California, all these states doing it.
That's why if you really look at a Texas license plate, there's like a gleam, a glazed barcoding on it.
It was Homeland Security before we even knew about Homeland Security!
And it scans you and tracks you!
And now they put it in all over the state!
And now another article, Ohio News Network.
Confronted with concerns about Big Brother aspects of digitally scanning license plates at the speed of light, the State Highway Patrol pulled a request for $61,000 to put the equipment on the Ohio Turnpike.
The scanners could give law enforcement officers instant access to the information such as restrictions and arrest warrants.
See, it just scans you and then pops up that, oh, you got an arrest warrant, pops up that, oh, you were driving too fast, because they can scan you from point to point.
The patrol wants to use federal homeland security funds to buy four automated license plate recognition devices from an Italian company.
Four of them?
I've seen at least 200 in Austin!
But members of the state controlling board yesterday had some questions, such as how much information would be gathered and how it would be used.
Well, first, cameras are to help traffic, then it's owed to fight crime.
Homeland Security, last Friday, I read this article out of Government Computer News.
Department of Homeland Security wants system to help identify suspicious activity and fight crime.
And it's face scanning cameras.
Let's see, here this is about the patrol planes to get some answers and resubmit the request.
So... And you notice it's Homeland Security!
I got a speech Bill Clinton gave in 93 talking about Homeland Security.
This is about taxing and regulating and watching your every move.
Every misdemeanor is an act of terrorism.
This is all in the Patriot Acts.
It's all about you!
It's about you and your family!
And then there's this article from yesterday that I didn't spend enough time on.
I just want to briefly mention it.
Dancers x-rayed at clubs.
And again, I've seen this in the US, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.
All these articles, I've been seeing this for a year.
This is yesterday.
Nightclubbers could be subjected to mobile x-ray scanners that see through their clothes in police raids or drug dealer havens.
See, that's Australia.
So you're all guilty until proven innocent.
And we've got color images of this on the website for mainstream news, though it is pornographic.
It's naked women and men.
It just shows stuff from the airport.
It shows a man at the airport standing there naked, right down to the pores on his skin.
Women, naked, your whole family.
The Associated Press posting photos, how fun it is now for two years.
They've got them in five airports, and now they've got mobile police vans, Homeland Security's funding it, and they've pulled up in New York at a club, been doing it in England now for a year, but pulled up two weeks ago at a club, and everybody walked through it, and guess what?
They found some drugs!
And they record all this on a computer hard drive!
A 360 naked image of you!
The x-ray machine shows the body.
Listen to this one, with blurry detail.
That's not true.
You've seen it.
They're totally naked.
Of the anatomy and anything concealed beneath the clothing.
Police in Britain said the images were very graphic, but hailed their use as the fantastic success.
So is it blurry or graphic?
It's actually more graphic than the human eye.
When I look, let's say, at somebody in shorts at the pool, from ten feet away, I can't see their pores.
This thing even shows their pores.
Victoria Police are monitoring the device which has been used to arrest dealers and armed thugs at London Clubs.
Low radiation x-rays penetrate a quarter of a centimeter into the suspect's skin.
It can reveal drugs, knives, guns, and explosives under the clothing.
And in another article they said, we even turn it up on high at the airport and see the mules carrying in the opium.
Yeah, you gotta stop them.
They keep the price down.
If it was just the CIA, you'd make so much more money.
The war on drugs against your competition, you dirty filth.
You drug dealing demons.
Alright, I said I'd go to calls.
Who's up first here?
Martin in Tennessee, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Doing okay.
I appreciate all the work that you do in fighting the New World Order.
The way I came to talk to you about it was, I have a company where I work at, we use a Chronos clock, you know, for when you clock in and clock out and everything and all.
The latest model, the 4500 Touch ID terminal, it's going to start using biometrics.
Yeah, it has a thumb scanner on it.
Right, so that way, we're already killed.
That's to prevent employees from entering the labor market.
All H-E-B's make their employees thumb scan and they have signs up saying you're soon going to have to use it to use the self-checkout.
And at Houston, and at the Homeland Security model, H-E-B's in the Homeland Security zone at the College Station,
They make you thumb scan.
And this is the plan, sir.
You'll have to thumb scan to start your car, to get into work, to buy food.
This is the official federal plan.
Well, we're already guilty before we're innocent.
You know, this is not America where you're innocent before you're proven guilty.
That's more or less to prevent employees from entering their labor data inappropriately.
Yeah, well you know they do have reasons for it, but the federal plan for 1968 Army War College is a national sales tax and tracking grid using inkless finger readers, which they've had since 1968.
The official battle plan was written in 68.
Well, it's like you said, it's kind of about metrics and all that.
Yeah, I get a lot of calls and emails saying, you must be a government agent, because I saw your video, your first video made in 97, and you said it'd be in banks and grocery stores and to get school lunches and, you know, how did you know this?
Because I read the Army War College Plan.
How did I know they'd announce every child needs a chip?
That police and troops need chips?
That prisoners need chips?
Because I read the government plan.
And also, if you don't mind me saying though,
It's amazing how many people don't know the basic Bill of Rights and basic Constitutional rights that we have.
I mean, at work, where I work at, there's some people there that don't even know their First and Second Amendment rights.
Oh, they'll tell you, I'm free, I'm free, I gotta give my rights up to stay free.
They even say that.
And I'll go, okay, well, isn't America about being free?
And they go, no, it's about being safe.
Right, I mean, they'd be willing to give up anything just for the sake of
You know, going along with everybody else, but they don't understand that, you know, soon they'll start getting the guns and taking away our rights.
I'm looking at mainstream news, they're proposing making police take chips.
I told you, I told you people!
I'm just reading their official plans!
Yeah, and I appreciate the work, and I've been a longtime listener, and it's a pleasure to get to talk to you.
It really is.
It's a pleasure to talk to you, my friend.
I'm going to call Paul Watson during the break and see if he's posted or reposted our expose of over a year ago about the missile pod on the bottom of the plane.
We're going to be reposting that.
Let's go quickly to these calls.
I've got more news to cover.
Brett, in Washington, D.C., in the District of Criminals.
No, from Washington State, Alex.
Okay, I was told Washington, D.C.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
Alex, war on drugs, war on freedom,
War on whatever else.
Now, this New World Order, when you look at the Equal Opportunity Employment Act, outsourcing of jobs, immigration, and the list goes on and on.
Pretty obvious we've got a war against white Caucasian race.
What say you?
Well, I agree to this extent.
If the dominant wealthy middle class was predominantly black, or let's say polka-dotted, the globalists would be doing everything to attack that group.
So there's a war against everybody.
And it sounds like your cell cut out, but good to hear from you, Brett in Washington State.
Call back if you'd like, because I wanted to hear more about what you had to say.
They're targeting the middle class, which is, a lot of people are in the middle class, even though it's shrinking, some groups are climbing up into it, which is good.
And the official World Bank documents released two and a half years ago, we have them on the site,
BBC say that it's about getting rid of the middle class.
Bush says exporting more jobs is good.
Hamburger jobs is going to be manufacturing.
It's about getting you in welfare, psychiatric system, the criminal justice system.
It's about getting you under government control.
Because the corporations already own almost everything.
Now we just got to deal with the middle class.
Paul in Canada.
Go ahead, Paul.
Hi, Alex.
I love your show.
Thank you.
Uh, I was just, I constantly have arguments with my friends over the whole New World, like the breakdown of it.
I personally feel that like it's not logical that there's only one group.
I personally feel that there are like any different groups competing in a way and you know they meet at like Build-A-Burger and the Grove.
Have you ever seen The Godfather?
Uh, yeah.
When Don Corleone's sitting around that big boardroom table?
That's how the New World Order works and you'll have publicly, they all go in the meetings, no one's allowed in.
You'll have the Rothschilds, Queen Beatrix, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, the Brothmans, the Oppenheimers, all these elite families, and there's about a hundred of them.
And then they'll bring in Prime Ministers and Presidents who can literally kneel before them and be given orders.
And then they have arguments and debates amongst themselves.
The program goes forward, but they all fight over turf and occasionally kill each other.
And it's organized crime.
We can boil it down.
That's left, right, all this.
We're fighting a global organized crime syndicate.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's kind of what I feel.
But I also feel
I heard a caller the other day say, well, we have to put our faith in God and everything.
I personally feel that religion is one of the tools they use to keep the masses, like, pacified.
You know what I mean?
Well, Jesus Christ said that.
He said that.
He was talking about the Pharisees and the government.
But just because the churches are corrupt, God is real, my friend, and God gives us our strength.
So, you know, the church is right inside your heart, my friend, and the church is your family and your neighbors.
That's, I mean, I believe in God, just not the dogmatic religion that says, you know, you can't eat pork, you know, stuff like that.
I just feel it, from back then, it's already starting to give you orders and rules, you know?
Like before the government and whatnot.
Well, God did give us rules, and I agree with the Ten Commandments, and even the hundreds of Jewish health laws is pretty good advice.
Yeah, I mean, I agree.
When they say, be a Christian, worship Bush, that's a fraud.
I agree with you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Johnny in Hawaii.
Johnny, go ahead.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
I appreciate you being here.
I've got a question for you.
I'm not Catholic, but my wife is.
I had to go to church with her last Sunday and walked in there and the priest comes out with all white on and red, nice tempered crosses.
On his robe or whatever it was.
A big one in the front and a couple of small ones around it.
Is there an association or tie between the Knights Templar and the Catholics that go way back when?
Yeah, they had a truce and then on Friday the 13th they killed a bunch of them.
So, what you have is you have both groups infiltrating each other back and forth.
Oh boy.
Okay, well that answers my question.
I thought there was some sort of a tie there.
There certainly is.
Well, yeah, when you see a red cross that isn't longer on the bottom, that's the occult symbols that they infiltrated in.
Yeah, it was uniform in all the lengths of the points, and they were flared out at the ends.
Yeah, that's the... Of course, different groups expropriate each other's symbols.
You can argue from any angle, but... You know, it's like Bush wraps himself in the American flag and then goes, follow me, you'll be patriotic, but it's a Chinese flag made by slaves.
Exactly, yeah.
I mean, you're supposed to burn a desecrated flag.
All those flags should be burned if you respect the flag.
But I know it's not about flag etiquette.
I actually respect the flag.
Yeah, so do I. But if it touches the ground, burn it.
Well, then you really got to burn it if it's been made by a Chinese slave.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Accusing me of probably being, and other Christians, of being naive, and therefore not recognizing that our so-called Christian leaders, like Jay Seculo last night on the radio on his program, is affirming the detaining of these combatants, the Guantanamo and the Supreme Court thing now, and wants to leave that in the hands of the
Government, the military, and President Bush are not making... And they're grabbing U.S.
citizens and doing that, and it's killing America, and Jay Sekulow brags that he helped write the Patriot Act and says it's godly.
That is a total fraud.
Jay Sekulow, I've tried to get him on this broadcast, Jay Sekulow is a Benedict Arnold.
So you understand all that, and therefore, here's a direct quote.
We're representing the side, by him, by Jay Sekulow, the side that we think the Americans are on,
That is, for the President to conduct a war on terrorism just as he's doing it pursuant to the terms of the Constitution.
You know, even more importantly... So that's the twisting they do.
They go, it's the Constitution!
We gotta arrest you secretly!
You're for the Constitution, aren't you?
Give us your guns!
Even more importantly, he stated we back the Patriot Act.
It's good, necessary.
We're fighting a war on terrorism in this country.
And the President's doing the right thing.
And it's now being used coast-to-coast against misdemeanors.
Thanks for the call.
And that's official and that's admitted.
And now they say, oh, the Department of Homeland Security's here to fight crime.
We need a domestic CIA.
Very, very serious.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, recapping some of our top stories today.
This little interesting tidbit here about a wired magazine about how the police are going to have to take microchips in their hands to fire their guns.
I mean, x-ray scanning you when you come out of the bar, videotaping your naked body.
This is freedom.
It's to fight the terrorists, though.
See, that's what Homeland Security's doing, and Jay Sekulow thinks it's all very wonderful.
I mean, come on, people.
This is disgusting.
And I've got this article.
NAFTA Tribunal stirs U.S.
After the highest court in Massachusetts ruled against the Canadian real estate company, and after the United States Supreme Court declined to hear its appeal of the company, today in court was over.
Or so thought the Chief Justice Margaret H. Marshall of the Massachusetts until she learned of yet another lawyer, another law, layer of judicial review by an international tribunal.
I was at a dinner party, Chief Justice Marshall said in a recent telephone interview, to say I was surprised to hear that the judgment of this court was being subjected to further review was, would be an understatement.
Tribunals like the one that ruled on the Massachusetts case were created by the North American Free Trade Agreement, and they have heard two challenges to American court judgments.
In the other, the tribunal declared a Mississippi court judgment at odds with international law, leaving the United States government potentially liable for hundreds of millions of dollars.
And it goes on and on.
That's your freedom.
That's your sovereignty.
Again, no chip in the arm, no shot from a gun.
Palm Beach, Florida, a new computer chip promises to keep police guns from firing if they fall in the wrong hands.
And it says how we all need it.
It just goes on and on and on.
And then, again, a top story here.
The incredible spin by ABC News last night that I saw with, oh, there was a plan, you know, a drill of flying hijacked jets at the World Trade Center in Pentagon.
And USA Today broke this story.
NORAD had drills eerily like September 11th at the Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
It's as President Bush said at a news conference that nobody in our government, at least I don't think prior government, could ever envision flying planes into buildings.
I mean, come on, but see, they're diverting you off the drill that morning, which the CIA admits they had, of flying hijacked jets in the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Why aren't you talking about that?
Why aren't you talking about something, you know, five months before 9-11?
Why don't you talk about the drill two years before 9-11?
Give me a break, people.
They had these drills, but they picked the drill that was never carried out because the Pentagon thought it was unrealistic.
That's how they divert you.
That's how they spin.
That's how they lie.
So now when somebody hears us talk about a drill, they go, oh, well that was the drill we never had.
Contact USA Today.
Contact ABC and go, we know you know about these articles.
They're on the website, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
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Come on.
Take action.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, back tomorrow 11 to 2 central during the day on WWCR 9475 and at night all three hours on 3210 or on the web at infowars.com.
Paul Watson's going to post that exposé, repost it, about the missile pod on the bottom of the plane that we broke over a year ago, if you want to go look at it.
Just get the films, get the word out, get the order out of chaos where Paul exposed it eight months ago.
Take care!
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