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Name: 20040419_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 19, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is April 19, 2004.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
I got up this morning and saw the front story, the cover story on USA Today.
NORAD had drills early like September 11, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
And USA Today is saying they broke this story.
Well, actually, about two years ago, a listener of this radio show found on an open Pentagon website the admission of this, and we saved the website.
We took a screenshot of the entire article and posted it on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because of that great listener.
The millions of listeners out there, tens of thousands of them active out there sending us information.
And then we've written many articles on the subject.
I wrote another one just two weeks ago after Rice's testimony mentioning the drills and linking to our saved page.
And look, I'm glad that finally the mainstream media is having to report on this.
Of course, they're putting their spin on it.
But here it is.
NORAD had drills early like September 11th.
Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
Now, they're reporting on the November 3rd, 2000 drill carried out at the Pentagon along with NORAD.
There were other drills, namely on the morning of 9-11, we first reported that here on this broadcast, and then two weeks after we reported it as Damage Control, the CIA, that's the Central Intelligence Agency, put out a blurb going, oh yeah, they were running a drill that morning of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center and DC landmarks, but again, it's no big deal.
So, time and time again, because of you, the listeners, we're way ahead of these people, and this is nothing more than damage control, but you know, USA Today's been in trouble before for claiming they break stories and doing other things.
I'd like to know why the mainstream media keeps claiming they break all the news articles, when it's this broadcast and other patriots, other freedom lovers out there that are doing it.
It's like last week,
Sherry Gossett is a great lady.
We've had her on the show, World Net Daily.
She wrote an article, and she used quotes from our interview with the Applied Digital Solutions and Plantable Microchip Distributor about the global plan to put it in us, and in gun owners' hands, and all the rest of this.
And we called World Net Daily and said, why does this say an American talk show?
Why didn't you cite us?
And then we later found out from Sherry that she did cite us, and World Net Daily just took us out of there.
Weeks after we broke that story, of course, it was in the Sun Sentinel and the Associated Press as well, but they didn't use or attribute our story.
And again, I don't want to spend all day on this.
It just shows that we are effective, and a lot of people don't want to give us our due.
But that's okay.
We're going to continue with the best analysis, the big world view, outside the box thinking, so you know what's going to happen, so you understand what's developing.
That's why it's so important for those of you out there to tape C-SPAN and different broadcasts, to read bills, to look at documents, to send us news articles, to email them to us, because that's why we're so effective.
We have millions of eyes and millions of ears and millions of mouths to use our brains to energize those apparatus that God has given us to fight the New World Order.
All right, all the big news when we get back.
Huge broadcast lined up for you.
Infowars.com and prisonplanet.com are the websites.
I'm Alexander Emmerich Jones.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
There has been another Skull and Bones development, and I have the tape.
We need to load it onto nbowars.com.
John Forbes Carey, Dark Knight with Lord Bush, his cousin, sworn brethren against us in the order of death, went on a CFR program Meet the Press yesterday morning, and
Russert said, both you and Bush have been on this show, and both of you have given me the same answer about Skull & Bones being so secret you can't talk about it.
According to press reports about Skull & Bones, if somebody mentions Skull & Bones, you're supposed to walk out of the room and say nothing.
If it's brought up during the debates, are you going to get up and leave?
And Kerry, again, would not answer the question.
So we'll have that clip for you, perhaps even on the website today at InfoWars.com and obviously at our mirror site, PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, I shouldn't say mirror, it's a totally different site.
Definitely stay with us for that.
Another interesting little Meet the Press development yesterday.
Okay, I talked about this in the first little five-minute launch of the transmission, but it's a big deal, we need to discuss it.
NORAD had drills early like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets, front page, cover page, USA Today.
Now, this is new news for everybody out there other than our listeners.
And again, this broadcast broke this story.
It was hidden in plain view two years ago.
One of our listeners found it on the Pentagon website.
And the media knows all about this, and here's USA Today claiming that they've broken this story.
So we'll get into that.
Also, a new Newsweek article.
Where Bush and others are openly talking about arresting anyone they think has terrorist ties, no trial, secret arrest, and putting you in Gitmo.
Now we've already known this, but this is new revelations of how they want to get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
When no one has more terrorist ties, the supposed terrorist, than this administration.
Whoever this government attacks is always a Bush business partner.
Whether it's Bin Laden or Saddam or Manuel Noriega.
We should be asking the President why he gave the order to fly 160.
It was 144.
Judicial Watch got the actual documents from the government.
160 of the Bin Ladens out of the country when all other commercial air traffic was grounded.
So we'll get into that.
And the Pentagon and NORTHCOM got a big stack of articles here.
Where they're talking about how military is going to run our lives, and how the Pentagon's watching us, and how they're ready to keep us all safe by taking our freedoms, by killing America!
They're going to save America by killing America while the borders are wide open.
So that's just some of what's coming up.
And the Sears Tower!
Dirty bomb plot on Sears Tower!
British discover plan to use deadly chemical in attacks.
Of course, the British are always having staged busts of terrorists, and every time, in hindsight, it comes out that it indeed was staged.
Many times, people, they arrest their MI6 agents, and then they just stage their arrest, and then quietly release them after they've gotten the headlines they need.
That doesn't mean that the Globalists might not go after the Sears Tower.
It's one of the top targets.
And Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center Complex, a month ago, according to the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, both reported that a, quote, secretive group headed by Larry Silverstein bought the Sears Tower.
And there are people out front of the Sears Tower right now with signs saying, please don't attack it, government.
That may preemptively stop the government from launching any attack.
There's been kind of a rumor going on at the Sears Tower,
I would be targeted, and we certainly hope that that never happens, but here's an article out of World Net Daily.
A plot by terrorists to use dirty bombs laced with deadly chemical osminium tetraoxide to attack U.S.
targets, including the Sears Tower in Chicago, was uncovered by British intelligence and law enforcement authorities, according to a report by Joseph Ferris, G2 Bulletin.
British police and military bomb experts pass on information to their U.S.
Traces of the chemical as well as manuals for it were discovered by British intelligence community during raids following the March Madrid attack.
Oh, the Madrid attack where the Spanish news reported that, quote, the police are in the building planting bombs for everyone's safety.
I have the reports.
It was in the major news, the first reports, they're planting bombs for some reason, the police are.
It blows up and kills the five supposed terrorists.
The Patsy's are dead and then the story changes.
That was in the news.
The police are planting bombs to help you!
And it blows up and well, we won't say why we were planting bombs.
It's like Putin being caught.
It's FSB being caught in 99 planting bombs in the fourth building.
The Moscow police busted them planting them.
FSB individuals have gone public saying that the government was behind all that.
But, again, government doesn't want power and control.
I mean, government gets the rulership of our lives sold to us through terror, and government just hates that.
I mean, Hitler hated burning the Reichstag.
Blame it on his enemies, or attacking the German radio relay station on the Polish border and killing his own troops, then blaming it on the Poles as a way to invade Poland.
He just hated that.
And the Gulf of Tonkin, which is a staged event, LBJ's own tapes now admit, Associated Press.
Again, they just hated lying to you about that.
And, you know, they just hated all this.
And they hate 9-11, even though they called for it.
So we'll be getting into that story.
White House and Justice officials had fierce debates over how to treat Americans with suspected, notice suspected, Al Qaeda ties.
Either lock them up indefinitely as enemy combatants or let the system work.
We'll get into that story.
And they're saying there's an imminent threat.
Connelisa Rice, on the same show that was having skull and bones discussions,
Meet the Press said that, oh, it's an imminent attack before the election.
This time we'll give you a warning.
Nothing's going to stop it, basically.
We're going to scare you into submission.
Ha ha ha.
intelligence officials have uncovered evidence of a potential terrorist attack.
Like many such tips, it is vague that the government is disturbed enough that it has held a rare conference call with local police to warn them.
The intelligence received a week ago, but secret until now is from known Muslim extremists who suggested an attack possibly in the U.S.
was imminent and that operatives were already in place, sources tell ABC.
Now, we have the articles posted where a year and a half ago, Pentagon, FBI, CIA people went public and said, look, we've been ordered to put out false terror alerts to, quote, create hysteria and fear.
Every time some politically embarrassing information comes out, they threaten us that the terrorists are about to get us.
And the question is, will they stop just threatening, and will our global owners kill some people to go, see, we told you so!
You stood up to the Patriot Act!
You caused this to happen!
Give up all your rights!
Shut up!
Stop defending yourself.
Give up your freedoms.
We'll keep you safe.
And I've been saying for years that when you see a crescendo of attacks on the Patriot Act, that Bush and Ashcroft will then march out and say, if you don't stop attacking the Patriot Act, terrorists are going to get you, and those of you that criticize the Patriot Act, the blood is going to be on your hands.
And Bush, over the weekend, gave speeches.
Ashcroft gave speeches.
There's news articles about Patriot Act gets boosted by 9-11 Commission.
Why, they say they need more powers.
And we told you over a year ago, because the panel said, that our recommendation is going to be strengthening the Patriot Act, the domestic CIA, and now that's been their recommendation.
See how this works?
And then when there's another terror attack, nobody will be fired, nobody will get in trouble.
The people that helped the attack take place will get record cash bonuses, they'll have standing ovations and tearful celebrations at CIA.
And, you know, it's just incredible!
The globalists are behind the attacks, and they're saying, brace for more attacks, imminent threat, and now the way they're saying, terror attacks are about to happen, it's your fault for not giving your freedoms up,
That tells me that, yes indeed, we're very, very close, that the globalists may be moving ahead, and there's a very good chance of this, I'd say 80% chance, with a massive terror attack in the next four months.
Because they want to let it take place right before the election, then have a bunch of fear, then act like things stabilize and go ahead and have the staged election run by the CIA through their electronic voting machines.
Or they've been caught stealing elections coast to coast.
But first, let's detail this.
NORAD had drills early, like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets by Stephen Camaro and Tom Squaretti.
And it says, in the two years before the September 11th attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating
What the White House says is unimaginable at the time.
Hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.
One of the imagined targets was the World Trade Center.
In another exercise, jets performed a mock shoot-down over the Atlantic.
In another exercise, an attack on the Pentagon.
Nolrad in a statement confirmed that such hijacking exercises occurred.
And it says the scenarios outlined were regional drills.
You confirm it!
Well, how nice of you!
We got it off your own website with photos of the drill!
And you took it down real fast after we learned of it, but we took a screenshot of it two years ago!
Thanks to that listener.
Remember Bush and Rice?
No one had ever thought of this.
No one had ever imagined this.
And it says, NORAD officials have acknowledged that, quote, script writers, that's what all this is, for the drills included the idea of hijacked aircraft being used as weapons.
And it goes on and on, just magically the World Trade Center, just magically the Pentagon.
And then, of course, USA Today doesn't want to mention that on the morning of 9-11 there was a drill of that, too, that was used to order NORAD to stand down.
You see, man, it's just a drill.
And the first plane crashes, what's going on?
Dick Cheney gets on the loudspeakers, takes control of NORAD, says, stand down.
So the others get to fly in, and then everybody stands around and rationalizes it and says, well, we just messed up.
So that's the reality.
I was a wild kook when I posted the Pentagon's own article, but here it is in USA Today.
We'll be right back.
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Back from 9 to Midnight Central, I'm here live on your host Alex Jones.
Just a program note as well, I'll be on Jeff Francis' show for a couple hours tonight on over 100 stations and then I'm going to be on a panel discussion for four hours Thursday evening into Friday morning on Coast to Coast AM.
Alright, I know you're patiently holding callers.
We'll get to your calls in the next segment.
It's 800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air.
It is very painful for myself to sit here and watch the people that carried out 9-11, to watch the murderers stand up there on television and say, the terrorists are about to attack you, better give up more of your rights, better not just reauthorize the Patriot Act, but you better give us more Patriot Act legislation.
Meanwhile, you see press releases from Homeland Security from the Justice Department saying, we're going to use the anti-terror provisions against all criminals for all crimes.
Homeland Security is going to watch you with cameras looking for criminals.
See, it's all being moved now, this huge domestic CIA apparatus with the Pentagon spying on the people, being moved now against the general public.
Asset forfeiture, seizure, grabbing people's houses and property without drugs even being found.
And the drug war is a mirror image of the war on terror.
The globalists ship the narcotics in, control the big crime rings, then break down your door looking for some small, you know, parts of it.
Some little fragment of what they shipped in.
It's the same thing.
They create the terrorists, they engineer the attacks, and they take all your freedoms in the name of fighting.
The whole society is being engineered to be owned and run in a military camp by the military-industrial complex.
This has been the norm throughout history.
So I would ask the listeners, what do you think about the government saying, oh, you better support the Patriot Act, it's going to be your fault when the terrorists attack.
You know, the terrorists are about to hit us any minute.
Better learn to worship us.
Better learn to support giving up your freedoms, killing America.
And then, meanwhile, U.S.
of Today, ooh, NORAD was running drills of flying planes into buildings years before 9-11, but the government said they never heard of it!
Never heard of it!
They did it!
But notice U.S.
of Today doesn't mention the CIA drill of 9-11, again.
So the people at NORAD, the good forces at NORAD, other than the few officers that were in charge who were conscious of everything,
Oh, it's just a drill.
Stand down.
Oh, it's just a drill.
Wait a minute.
The TV show is a smoking building.
Well, stand down while we get orders from the President.
Ooh, we can't.
He's in a meeting reading a little ghost story for 18 minutes after he gets told about the smoking buildings.
Oh, and then it turns out he knew an hour before that that planes had been hijacked.
But let's just ignore all the admitted facts.
Let's just give up all our freedoms.
Isn't that what America's all about?
Let's just have a domestic KGB.
Now, I mean, what's wrong with this picture?
A White House spokesman said Sunday that the Bush administration was unaware of the NORAD exercises.
Oh, no!
The exercises using real aircraft show that at least one part of the government thought the possibility of such attacks, though unlikely, merited scrutiny.
And on April 8th, the commission investigating September 11th attacks heard testimony from National Security Advisor Connolly Sir Rice that the White House didn't anticipate hijacked planes being used as weapons.
And so they focus in on this 2000 drill, this November 2000 drill, and go, well, Bush didn't know, okay, didn't know that was Clinton's watch.
Hey, if you're a pilot, you just fly around up there in your Cessna and get off course for five minutes and see what happens.
If you don't respond when they call you, F-16s will be launched against you.
And everybody who's been a pilot knows that we're living in denial.
I'd like to hear from pilots on this issue.
And again, this is just one small area of 9-11.
The public officials being warned not to fly that day directly to New York.
Don't come to New York.
The Bushes flying out.
The Bin Ladens.
Bin Laden meeting with the CIA.
The hijackers having their houses and cars and credit cards paid for by the FBI.
On and on.
Folks, I've made two films
And written a book and published a book on 9-11 and we don't cover half of it in the videos and the books.
There's so much.
I've done whole three hour shows where I just hit bullet point after bullet point after bullet point.
With my giant folders I've got that are, you know, eight inches thick.
Ten or fifteen of them just stacked up here just trying to read headline after headline.
But it's all balkanized and broke up out there in the mainstream media.
They don't bring it together.
And now we're losing our freedoms, and they're openly talking about how good martial law is, the terror attacks are coming, and when it does, we've gotta give up the Constitution.
General Everhart and Tommy Franks are saying, We're so sorry America has to die, but it's for your safety.
Government just hates ruling over you, but somebody's gotta do it, you know.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Out of the fifteen plus hundred radio interviews I've done in the last two and a half plus years since 9-11, I've probably been on a hundred broadcasts where the host attacks me and says, the government never did a drill of flying hijacked jets in the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
That's a lie!
You're a liar!
Well, actually, sir, we have a screenshot saved of the Pentagon official website
And a bunch of alternative articles written about it, and it's posted in the 9-11 section.
Oh yeah, right!
Well, the Bushes flew out 144 members of the Bin Laden family.
No, sure, whatever.
Well, the CIA met with Bin Laden in July right before the attacks.
Oh, you're a liar!
He was never CIA!
Well, actually, I have the Washington Post from 1986 about how he was a big hero for us.
I have the Senate report from 1999 where he was used to attack the Serbs in 1998 to get them to invade Kosovo as a pretext for war.
Oh, you're crazy!
Well, here's the Senate report number.
I don't want to hear it!
And it's all been posted, it's all been right there, and here it is, USA Today!
Norad had drills early like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
Oh, you broke the article, USA Today!
Oh, you're doing such reporting!
Because you get into the article and it still tries to whitewash it.
Well, Bush didn't know it was in 2000.
They had other drills, and they had one on the morning of 9-11 of the simulated jets flying into the World Trade Center, and they won't tell us simulated into what in D.C.
You just magically did that, didn't you?
It's only a drill.
Stand down.
This is the Vice President.
Morad, stand down.
This is just a drill, man.
But again, why should USA Today talk about it?
They're only having to talk about this now because we're in the revealing process and we've been exposing the globalists faster than they can handle it.
And they're panicking right now, trying to get control of it and reveal it themselves with their own spin.
Will I get apologies from everybody about this?
And again, I would have never known of this if that listener
Hadn't called into the show, I remember two years ago, and said, have you seen this on the Pentagon website where they said they did a drill in 2000?
No, and I said, email it to me, and I went, and there it was.
Let's go to some calls, and then I'll get to the Big Brother, martial law, just total destruction of this country.
And I'm not being negative.
By being honest about how bad things are, we can save this country.
But we've gotta face how serious it is.
We've gotta be manly enough.
Or womanly enough.
American enough.
We've got to be able to face horrors.
It's like when you find out, say, a family member has done something bad to you.
You don't want to believe it.
You want to go into denial.
Folks, denial is very, very serious in this country.
You know, the rationalizing of what's going on.
You better face the facts or you're going to lose your family, your country, everything.
They're setting up a horrible system.
You don't want to live in the new KGB America.
Believe me, folks, it's horrible to watch our country being crammed into a sausage maker right now.
Pull it back out.
Pull out the country before it's too late.
Get it out of the fire.
Clint in Missouri.
Clint, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I just want to comment.
Everything we've heard today, I keep thinking back to what Hutton Gibson said a while back.
I would like to remind everybody that succession is an option.
And if you'd like to learn more about secession, please visit www.MissouriCSA.com.
Also, we talked about the Patriot Act and how they're saying if you don't renew this, blood is going to be on your hands.
Well, Ron Paul told us a long time ago that that's how they passed it through Congress to begin with.
And that the members of Congress didn't even see the legislation that they were voting on.
You know, Dick Cheney actually called Committee Chairman and said,
If you don't sign this as another attack, we're going to run campaign ads with your face up there saying you did it.
I mean, that's terrorism.
See, let me stop you.
This is a very important point, Clint.
Let's just have a moment of silence so this, what I'm about to say, follows through to people psychologically.
Let's have a moment of silence first.
The definition of terrorism is in your dictionary.
It's in your encyclopedia.
And to paraphrase it, it is carrying out actions or threatening violent actions to scare a population or individuals into accepting your political agenda.
Now, they say, give up your rights or the terrorists are going to kill you.
Pass this or we're going to blame you for the terror event.
That is the very definition of terrorism.
Issuing false terror alerts, which is confirmed and admitted by brave FBI and CIA officers, is the definition of terrorism.
Then the Romans would always ask in the Senate, well, who stands to gain from this?
Well, no one asks who stands to gain from 9-11.
Look at the motives.
Oil, weapons, police state, empire building.
All of this.
I totally agree.
You know, I had a friend, before I even started listening to you and learned on my own what happened, a friend of mine, I consider him a wise man, he's a retired gentleman now, but he said, I think they did this to us, Clint.
And I said, no, you're crazy, they would never do that to us.
And he said, but Clint, who stands to gain from this?
And you know, as I started researching,
Find out who stands to gain.
And then you find out they're protecting Al-Qaeda, they're flying them out of the country, they're paying for their credit cards, their cars, their houses, nine other hijackers are still alive, passports are falling out of the sky magically.
It's a disgusting joke!
And think about all these guys that are our quote-unquote enemies now.
Well, they are, but who created them?
He created every one of these fellas.
Every one of them.
And then, in Afghanistan, thanks for the call, great points, Clint, in Afghanistan,
The Russians couldn't take it in nine years.
In three weeks, our government takes over there.
And the Northern Alliance would complain.
They'd say, you know, we're not allowed to shell the Arab fighters, the leaders.
They're in the third line of trenches.
There was a front line of literal goat herders and shoemakers and old men at gunpoint stuck in the front lines, and another line of fighters from Afghanistan, and then the brain trust
And then all of a sudden, our generals and our colonels, they've been quoted.
This has been in the news.
AP, San Francisco Chronicle.
They watch as helicopters land by the hundreds.
Load them on.
Our helicopters.
And fly them out.
Load them on C-130s.
One of our special forces colonels did not follow orders.
And went ahead and captured the top Taliban general.
And then he was ordered three days later to release him.
To give him vehicles and an escort out.
It is staged!
They loaded 8,000 of these murdering filth scum of the earth CIA Arabs on board those aircraft and flew them out.
That is admitted.
That is MSNBC.
That is New Yorker Magazine.
That is Times of London that wrote the story.
And the government just said it was an accident.
In Road to Tyranny, I say 6,000, because that was the number then.
It's now over 8,000.
It's like in Road to Tyranny.
We talk about 144 of the Bin Ladens.
Well, Judicial Watch last month got the actual, the actual government documents through Freedom of Information Act.
All these federal agencies, they sent them to over 10 agencies, wouldn't release them.
But the Customs Department messed up and did.
A bureaucrat released it.
And all these Bin Ladens.
Blown out 160 of them.
I'm sorry.
It wasn't 144.
I was wrong.
It was worse than what I said.
And it wasn't just three flights on the 9-9-11.
It was several more flights in the next three days.
And I'm sorry.
It wasn't 6,000 Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders blown out by our government.
It was over 8,000.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong again.
Let's go ahead and talk to Paul in Delaware.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I'm pretty angry right now, yeah.
Yeah, me too.
I'm sitting over here in Delaware, and we've got the legislators trying to bring us tens of thousands of gallons of nerve agent from Indiana, and they want to dump it over here in the Delaware River.
I call it DENERREC.
I call it the so-called Delaware Emergency Management Agency.
Tens of thousands of gallons of what?
DX nerve agent.
You can get the Delaware State News.
They have three or four articles I've already read in the paper.
So anyone in Delaware, try your best.
No one wants it.
Well, do me a favor.
Email it to TimpsonInfoAwards.com or to go to Present Planet and send it to the webmaster there.
I know that in Anniston, Alabama, where they have slave labor with the prison and Delta Force operations, where they turn the city's power off.
You know, just bizarre mind control going on there.
They also burn the nerve gas by the ton there.
Not very good for you, but hey, who cares?
And you're telling me that they're just going to dump VX in a river?
You better believe it.
They're shipping it from Indiana.
I mean, it's been in the paper for the last couple of weeks, the Delaware State News.
And, um, you know, I called these people and now I guess the citizens, you know, are outraged about this.
I mean, they're trying to tell us that it's going to be, they're going to add some chemical in it before they put it in the river and everything is going to be just wonderful.
You know what, I've got to stop you.
I haven't confirmed this article, but I believe you.
Let me finish, because 99% of the time when a listener says something, it's accurate, unbelievably enough, when you bring up a news article.
But because, look, I wouldn't believe it if they didn't take a toxic waste, including uranium, 500 million year half-life,
And use it at about eight different testing grounds around the U.S., bomb different countries with it, let our troops breathe it when their own top scientists say it's killing the troops.
They don't care!
You're telling me that they're going to dump the broke-down chemicals of VX nerve gas in the river?
Tens of thousands of gallons.
Why would they do that?
I'm hoping... I guess just to set the precedent.
You know, it's like the CDC comes out a couple months ago and says,
Millions of children have been brain damaged by the mercury in the vaccine, but we're going to continue and say it's good for you.
I'm just hoping there's not going to be some kind of accidental spill along the way that's going to create some kind of biological hazard or something like that.
It'll be a chemical hazard.
So it's Delaware State News?
Delaware State News.
What's the website?
I'm not sure what the website is, but I imagine if you just put in Delaware State News,
If you call up the Delaware Emergency Operations Management, they have all the information on it too, because I called up the gentleman from there and... Yeah, I'll tell you what.
Let me put you on hold.
Give the great lady running the broadcast the phone number.
I will call the Delaware State Emergency people during the next break and I'll try to get them on.
Thanks for the call.
Get that information please, Stephanie.
By the way,
Coming up in the next hour, do you remember Thule of Texas?
50 plus black people arrested, no criminal records, no drugs found, given 20 to 90 years in prison?
Again, I see these articles all the time, stuff like this.
This is just where the police got caught doing it.
It's randomly arresting people and it's all come out and it's admitted.
And a local private prison had given bounties to the local county of money they were giving them for every slave they supplied.
By the way, I have the Associated Press in front of me.
So now it's just roving police out grabbing slaves for the slave camps.
It's literally like a bad science fiction movie where they just ride around grabbing people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lee in Tennessee.
Lee, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I'd like to give you just a little bit of personal information and ask you a question about it.
In 1989, my brother and a lady friend were coming home from dinner and the police stopped them out in the middle of a four-lane highway
What they weren't aware of is that there was a high-speed chase approaching from the rear, and they were chasing a guy with a busted taillight.
They already had his license number, and they had approached speeds of 100 miles an hour, and they ran into my brother's car and killed him.
And they used your brother as the roadblock?
Yes, sir.
Well, that's routine.
What's wrong with that?
It was my brother.
That's what's wrong with it.
So what happened to your brother?
He's dead.
Well, you know what?
I'm not going to be sarcastic with you.
Is it okay if I'm sarcastic?
I understand where you're coming from, Alex.
Is it okay if I'm sarcastic?
Yeah, I understand, Alex.
Your brother's widow should have thanked the police that he was able to be a shield for them to gods.
He was a sacrifice to God.
And these gods, everything they do is perfect.
And I think you should be put in a FEMA camp for criticizing them.
I probably will end up in one for it's over with.
Let me be serious.
I'm sorry for your brother.
They do this all the time.
And they use the public to block roads for them.
And it's pretty sick and it shows that we're nothing but cockroaches to them.
Can I ask you a question?
Regarding that incident, which is not the only thing in my life that's flavored my attitudes, but it certainly is one of the most
Is there a constitutional basis for requiring a person to serve on the jury duty if they are against their wishes?
Well, there are reasons and conscientious reasons why you don't have to, and that's a whole area of argument, but it's certainly one of the ways we vote, not just the ballot box or the soap box in a speech, but also the jury box, the grand jury box.
I couldn't handle it, Alex.
I've just got too many feelings.
Well, tell them that.
I've already done this once, four years ago, and they left me alone.
Now they're threatening to put me in jail again.
They didn't put me in jail before, but that's the threat that's coming this time, and I'm going to talk to the sheriff and try to reason with him one more time, but I cannot be around the legal system.
I just can't handle it.
So your brother, so they stopped your brother out in the middle of the road and made him sit there while a car plowed into him?
Yes sir.
100 miles an hour from the rear.
Well... Over a busted taillight.
But they had to protect the officers.
Your brother... Are you a member of Al Qaeda?
Uh, I probably am.
Yeah, because questioning government, not submitting to them.
A lot of national talk show hosts think you should be put in a FEMA camp.
I'm not being sarcastic now.
Criticizing the government aides terrorists.
Did you know your type of talk will break our resolve and will allow Al-Qaeda to get us?
Well, something's about to go topsy-turvy.
I don't know why you're upset.
I'll stop being, I'm really sad.
I understand you Alex.
I'm actually sad that your brother's dead and what happened to the, was he by himself?
He was coming home with a lady friend.
She miraculously was able to walk away but it hit my, the side my brother was on from the right rear.
What did the gods say after this happened?
They said they felt like they had to stop him, even though they already had enough information.
They could have picked him up at work or at home later on.
And, uh, you know, there was no reason.
They chased him 15 miles across Nashville.
But I mean, not your brother.
No, they chased this guy with a busted taillight 15 miles at high speeds.
What did they say about your dead brother?
Oh, they're sorry.
And we talked to an attorney, my dad hired an attorney, and he says that we had no legal recourse.
Oh yeah, they've been losing lawsuits left and right for running over children and everything else.
I mean, they just... Yeah, I think that we might... My dad just didn't... He was too crushed, you know?
Hey, what's wrong with police driving recklessly?
They don't follow the same rules as us.
You got that right.
The Attorney General said that back in 99.
He said they follow different rules than we do.
If I've got... If the little light over my license plate's out, they'll get me.
Well, there was a case two weeks ago, I heard Paul Harvey talk about, where they pulled a guy over for a tail light.
He had two children and his wife in the car.
He drove off.
They fired 23 shots into the vehicle.
I mean, those children are guilty!
If those officers would have hung that whole family out on a tree, that would have been good!
They were helping Al-Qaeda by not worshipping!
You've got to worship government to be safe!
You've got to give your rights up!
You've got to be fired on for driving off from a police stunt!
Those children are guilty!
Just like they say with Fallujah!
If ten thugs kill four people, destroy the whole city!
Kill everyone!
This is the new freedom!
Don't you know we're the good guys?
Man, I tell ya, something's wrong with you!
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My friends, I'm not against the police.
But when you have a corrupt government, with crime labs all over the country, the federal crime lab framing people,
Police getting caught dealing drugs, planting guns on people.
Randomly just driving through whole neighborhoods arresting everyone because a local prison is offering them a bounty for slave laborers.
This is in the news, people.
But again, local news around here.
It's scary!
I mean, were the police bad in Germany?
Were they bad in Russia?
Are they bad in Cuba today?
Of course, we all know they are.
But somehow today in America they couldn't be bad.
You've got to watch them, you've got to control them, you've got to regulate them under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And that's not happening.
And something's wrong where routinely police shoot into cars full of women and children because somebody drives off from a checkpoint.
I mean, that's crazy!
Or where you yell at a police dog that barks at you in a parking lot and they come arrest you and beat you up and charge you with assaulting it verbally.
I've got a big stack of articles like that.
I mean, it's becoming nuts!
Later, we've got the Tulia, Texas case coming up.
We've talked a lot about this.
We've got one of the gentlemen that helped expose all this coming on.
They just randomly pull up, arrest a bunch of people.
No drugs found, no paraphernalia.
You get 29 years in prison and a forced labor camp.
It's going on coast to coast, folks.
I've probably got 50 examples of this right here in Texas in the last two years.
Things along the same lines.
Before we go to Brett and Brad and Dale and everybody else, before we do that, I'm going to be calling the Emergency Management System of Delaware to ask them if that story is accurate.
I'm sure it will be.
Oh, we're just going to dump a bunch of nerve gas in the river.
It's good for you.
Depleted uranium is good for you.
And so is the mercury in the vaccines at 215 times safe levels.
Massive brain damage in our own documents.
We'll go ahead and take it.
Again, everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
We're not in the Twilight Zone or anything.
Before I do that, I do want to encourage all of you to stop procrastinating.
I have made 10 incredible films.
I've published a book, written a book, carry a lot of other great books, videos, books on tape, at InfoWars.com.
And PrisonPlanet.com via our secure, safe shopping cart.
If you want to know the truth about 9-11, get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Part 2 of that, The Masters of Terror.
Eric Huffschmid's book, Painful Questions.
His video, Painful Deceptions.
You need to get this information.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
If we don't expose who's behind the terror, they're going to keep carrying out the terror to scare us into submission and kill this country.
Get the videos.
They wake up 90% of those that see them.
Hey Alex, great to talk to you.
I'm calling from Oak Harbor.
You might recall that's where the whole Israeli
A moving van thing occurred a couple years ago.
Oh, with the explosives?
Yeah, exactly.
I just want to talk briefly about how the spin doctors and the propaganda and also a little bit about the Iraqi situation.
I happened to go down to Oregon over the weekend, and in the Oregonian, they had a great article as a commentary.
And remember that composite photograph of all the Iraqi men and it turned out to be a fabrication?
Ah, yes.
Well, they put it out again, and it's amazing how they just keep coming out with these things after a period of time and putting it in people's face.
Well, they don't just do composite photos, they plant fake news articles.
Well, that's what this is, and I'm just astounded that even though this article or this photo was a composite and it was clearly a fake, they put it out again.
Well, just by questioning that, you're aiding Al Qaeda.
You should be put in a FEMA camp.
I'd like to hold on if I can.
Sure, but again, you should be put in a FEMA camp, and Newsweek's talking about how they want to do that to you.
Again, once we secretly arrest more people, that brings freedom.
That's what America's all about.
I want to commend General Eberhardt for all his work.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number two of this global transmission against tyranny.
You can always get all three hours during the day from 11 to 2 at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We blast out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California.
The Providence Road Island.
And, coming up, we're going to be talking to one of the people that exposed what happened in Tulea, Texas, where 50-plus individuals with no criminal records, no drug paraphernalia, were arrested and put into a forced labor camp.
It was in the Associated Press.
Turned out there were bounties put out for more slaves.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
So that's coming up.
Also, I told you about this two years ago.
One of our listeners found it on the Pentagon's website.
As soon as we announced it, they took it down.
But we did save the page, an actual screenshot of it.
And finally, it's in the front of USA Today today.
Norad had drills nearly, or eerily, like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
But Bush said he never heard of such a plan.
No one had!
No, just everybody on the planet.
And, of course, they had a drill the morning of 9-11 as well that was used to make NORAD stand down, but here that is.
We'll get into that.
Lots of martial law discussions in the news about how good it is and how wonderful it is, and the Patriot Act's good.
Give up all your freedoms or the terrorists are going to get you.
We'll discuss this as well.
Right now, though, let's go ahead and go back quickly.
To Bretton, Washington.
Finish up what you were saying.
Thanks, Alex.
I just wanted to briefly state about how things really are bad over there in Iraq.
I have a couple friends who are civilians, and they were supposed to stay over there until this fall.
There's bounties on them right now.
The son just came back.
He's not talking to his family because he's in such a state of depression.
His father, who's been in the military for years and decades, he's a civilian now.
He's trying to get out of there right now.
There was a National Guard up here in Washington, a Guardsman who recently returned.
And the police shot him.
By the way, there are troops that have been in the theater for three years that were supposed to be out of there two years ago.
Most of the others were supposed to be out of there nine months ago, and they just keep extending their commitment.
Thanks for the call.
While they breathe depleted uranium, take deadly vaccines, also the globalists could have the oil from their own documents.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brad in Colorado.
Brad, go ahead.
Good afternoon, fellow thought criminal and possible FEMA camp membership.
Alex, can you hear me, sir?
Yes, sir.
You were talking about a half hour ago about life in America under the heel of the globalists.
I remembered last, over the weekend, and I've been trying to find a copy of this and found it's been out of print.
ABC television in the mid-eighties made a miniseries called America with a K. And that's exactly with Chris Christopherson.
Yes, with Robert Urich and Chris Christopherson.
If people saw that today, in conjunction with your videos, they would get just a taste, just a mild taste,
Of what life, of what their life, of what my life would be like.
They're setting up the control grid.
They're not playing games.
No, they're not setting up the control grid.
It's already in place.
You know this, I know this, 99% of the listeners know this, and if you don't know this, you better hit yourself with a frying pan on your head before you wake up.
Well, I tell people that the key indicator of more terror attacks would be, you've hurt the Patriot Act!
You're gonna cause the new attack!
It's about to happen!
And that's what they're all out there saying now.
Oh, exactly!
And if you call attention to things like Red Dawn, like America, like the pilot episode of Lone Gunman,
Which I happen to have on video tape, and I remembered I had it when you had that discussion.
Hey, I'll tell you what, sir.
We've got a guest coming up, but I want to go back to you.
Stay there.
I want to talk to our caller during the break, because all I have is half the show.
I need to talk to you.
I am begging you to overnight me a copy of that.
Tell you what, I'm going to put you on hold.
Stay there.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Time, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here, my friends.
I know we have a lot of phone lines.
We'll get to your calls early in the shower.
We've got NORAD head drills of jets as weapons flying into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Front page of USA Today.
How many years have we told you this?
From the actual documents.
And now USA Today says they broke the story.
A bunch of articles about the military running our lives.
Secret arrest.
All misdemeanors being acts of terrorism.
Pentagon saying they're going to be involved in law enforcement.
The end of America.
But the reason we have this next guest on is because it's one of the worst illustrations, that is, the most horrible examples out there.
But understand, just here in Texas, the police chief had to step down, they admit that they framed thousands of people in the crime lab, an industrial frame-up system, been all over Dallas News, they would randomly pull over a nice vehicle, throw a bag of chalk in the back, take their car, take their home,
They would certify the cue ball chalk as what they used.
They would certify it.
The crime lab would, as cocaine in 100% of the cases.
The DA would indict them with a grand jury and they would get decades in prison.
Austin's been caught doing this.
We've had the former FBI crime lab chief on saying they're doing this.
I see articles every two days or so for a different county, a different city, is doing this.
It is scary.
It is frightening.
And we've got to stand up to it and totally discredit the system.
This is the norm, though, in Germany, in Russia, in England, you know, in Rome, where they need slaves, and so they go out and arrest people under false charges to be slaves.
We have millions and millions of people in the prison system.
It's exploded by millions just in the last few years.
Most of the prisons are private.
They're owned by the people that own the military industrial complex.
Here are some of the headlines.
Perry pardons 35 people in 99 Thulea drug bust.
Was Texas town drug sting racist?
Those are the police in their masks.
Counties group to pay $560,000 in Thulea lawsuit.
Now, again, we've been covering this for the last year.
This is just one case, one small town.
The paddy wagons pulled into a black neighborhood, just grabbed them.
It was literally like something like a slave ship pulling up 300 years ago and conking people on the head.
And joining us is Alan Bean, and Alan has been involved day one exposing this as a local there in the area.
And of the hundreds of people we could have on involved in this case, I think he's the best to have on.
Alan, tell us a little... First off, God bless you for what you're doing.
You know, for your search and your quest and your thirst for justice and decency and honor and dignity.
And then number two, just tell us a little bit about yourself.
Okay, well, my wife and I moved to Thule about a little over five years ago.
I'm from Canada, actually, and we met in Louisville, Kentucky about 25 years ago when we were both going to seminary there at the Southern Baptist Seminary.
But my wife hails from Swisher County, and her parents both grew up on farms in this area.
Her father was also a pastor, a Baptist pastor, like I have been for most of my life.
Her parents, who were in Kansas City, were fixing to retire, as we say here in Texas.
They weren't going to be here for another year, but my wife felt a strong urge to come home and to reestablish a connection with her roots.
Decided if one of us could get a job, we'd come here.
So a basic returning to the nest?
Very much so, yeah.
She was having dreams about her childhood and what have you.
It was a very strong longing on her part.
Both my parents were dead, had passed away in the last ten years and what have.
I didn't really have any roots or connection anywhere else.
So if she felt such a strong pull back to the panhandle, I wasn't going to stand in her way.
And she got a job teaching and we moved out here.
Just about the time that Tom Coleman, the undercover agent, was getting started here.
In a nutshell, describe what happened for people.
And then how you got involved and how the government tried to defend its actions and finally had to back off once it was documented what they'd done.
Well, the first thing we knew about it was the pictures on Amarillo ABC affiliate had ran this footage of African-Americans sort of half-dressed looking kind of dazed, their hair uncombed, being hustled into the county jail here in Swisher County in Tulia.
There was a really celebratory article in the Emerald Globe News, an interview with the undercover agent a couple of weeks later, in which he described the mean streets of Thule as if he was talking about the South Side of Chicago.
I mean, he had AK-47s, he had crack whores, he had, you know, all the sensational stuff that you're used to seeing on cops and shows like that were happening right here in Thule.
Which, and of course, this guy was really being lionized.
He was even, Tom Coleman, the undercover agent, was even given the Lawman of the Year award by John Cornyn, then Attorney General.
And that happened, apparently, before the sting even went down.
But these people were arrested, 46 in all.
Of that 46, 39 were African-Americans.
Again, you're just talking about one big arrest.
This guy was in a bunch of other counties doing this to dozens and dozens and dozens of other people.
Well, yeah.
When Coleman left here, he went to Cochran County.
They ran an audit on him to see what he was doing with his funds.
He couldn't account for his funds, so they fired him.
He went up to Waxahachie in Ellis County.
And got into all kinds of sexual problems with a confidential informant.
So basically, his criminality finally brought him down.
But this is the whole system, though, supporting him, saying this is the model of who we want.
Well, that's the scary thing about Coleman.
I mean, if he hadn't been such an idiot,
And such a flagrant liar.
If he had lied just as much as he did, but had been a little more intelligent and cautious about it, it would have been almost impossible to bring this thing down.
The fact is that in, well, throughout America, but specifically in Texas, lawmen are about as honest as they choose to be.
And that's all we require of them.
The same thing is true of district attorneys, sheriffs, district judges, you name it, right down the line.
If these people choose to behave as decent, honorable men and women,
Uh, they're free to do so.
If they choose to do otherwise, they're free to do that as well.
Because there really are no checks and balances whatsoever built into the system.
Well, that's why I gave some background for this.
I mean, in Williamson County, uh, every time I turn around, some World War II vet, or Korean vet, with no criminal record, they pull over and go, is that your tackle box and rods?
And I go, sure.
And they go, can I search it?
And when they find the filet and knife, uh, they go to prison.
Because that's a deadly weapon.
I mean, this is where I live.
Well, for a while not much happened.
They were all given
Court-appointed attorneys, some of whom worked very hard, most of whom didn't.
You can't really blame the court-appointed attorneys.
Well, I can, but you have to understand that if they do their job properly, they end up working for less than burger-flipping wages because they really only get paid for the first ten hours of work they do for a client.
So the only way they can make money within the current system is to plead their person out without doing any research into the case, without really knowing any of the ins and outs.
They just go to their person, spend 15 minutes, say, this is what the DA is offering.
I suggest you take it.
The guy takes the plea.
And, you know, the court doesn't even have to try the case.
And that's the way a lot of these were handled.
But for a long time, they were surprised at how many of these people, even though many of them were presented with fairly attractive plea offers, refused to plea out.
And when the first guy was... The sting went down July 23, 1999.
And the first one to be tried was a 57-year-old hog farmer named Joe Moore.
He goes by Booty Wooty in the black community here in Thule.
And they found Joe Moore guilty on the word of Tom Coleman with absolutely no corroborating evidence whatsoever.
The cops said he did it.
Joe said he didn't.
And the jury believed the cop and he went down for 90 years.
No drugs, no paraphernalia.
They didn't find anything.
And so they had been harassing Joe Moore for at least a decade.
You know, they had planted drugs on him.
They had hauled him in without any evidence whatsoever.
Because you've got all these police, there's no crime, nothing to do, so you just go out like a slave ship and grab some black people.
Well, that's one of the odd things.
I'm writing a book about what happened here in Thule and I did a little bit of research.
Thule is now about the size it was back in the fifties.
But back in the fifties they had like two cops in town that they were paying.
Now we've got
We've got about 12 working for the Sheriff's Department, we've got a bunch more working for the City Police Force, we've got all kinds of reserve officers, we've got DPS officers, probably about 50 people.
Uh, who are working in one capacity or another for law enforcement, to say nothing of the prison guards, uh, that we now have.
Now that's a key point.
That's not even come out in the news.
We have private prisons with bounties for workers.
Can you tell us about that?
Well, I really can't.
We'll be, uh, truly like almost every small town in the Texas panhandle and, well, throughout Texas generally.
Uh, has its own prison.
It was originally, uh, billed as a private prison, but, um, that was when Ann Richards went on her, uh, prison building rampage back around, uh, 1990, 1991.
And, uh, they built so many prisons so fast that they didn't need the rooms.
And so they eventually ended up selling this thing to the, uh, to the state of Texas for about 50 cents on the dollar.
But, you know, and Swisher County bought it because it was supposed to be a great boon to the economy.
Well, it had a minor stimulus for a while, but, you know, it was no long-term solution to the economic woes.
And that's what's driving a lot of that, is just the fact that there's no money left in agriculture.
Tell you what, stay there.
I want to come back to this and what they did to all these people, and then when it finally came out, then we'll go to calls.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
Rockin' Canada, heaven in Delaware.
Others, your calls are coming up.
We'll get back into all the new 9-11 developments.
That is, they're new for the mainstream media.
And a bunch of police state news.
But I want you to understand something.
I see articles every week.
Where the National Guard with armored vehicles goes into a town, one of the last cases I saw was in Oregon, they do this all the time there, they shut down a whole street of a neighborhood, middle class homes now, they've already basically grabbed all the Hispanics and Blacks and they're moving on to the white people now are starting to be able to enjoy all this.
And they go in and raid the houses and if nothing's found, they will go into a rose garden and say, a bag of potting soil, this is drug paraphernalia.
I've read these articles on the broadcast, or, oh, you had a cooking timer in your kitchen!
That's drug paraphernalia!
Now understand, three of the Tulia defendants are still in prison, despite the fact, no drugs, no paraphernalia, this admitted fraud, this undercover cop who was shopped around the state.
Going back to our guest, Alan Bean,
Alan, we were talking during the break.
Three of these individuals, the governor's pardoned a bunch, they admit everybody's innocent, but they're saying, hey, three people are going to stay in prison.
The system is energetically trying to keep them there.
Please continue.
Well, the problem is that not everybody was tried in Swisher County.
There were several people that were tried in Potter County, which is in Amarillo.
Because Coleman was working in Amarillo as well as Swisher County, which is about 50 miles to the south.
Two of them that I've been particularly corresponding with and writing for are Landis and Mandis Barrow, two very intelligent, good-looking, entrepreneurial young black men who were kind of gotten into a
Well, adversarial relationship, I guess, would be the best way to put it, with the local power structure, for one reason or another.
Let's just tell folks what you told me.
Well, basically, they were both on probation when Tom Coleman came to town for something that happened back in 1996 when they were just getting out of high school.
Coleman said he sold them drugs at Amanda Sparrow's revocation hearing in Amarillo.
What I meant was, tell them why the local establishment was mad.
Well, basically they were mad because these guys had some money, they were very attractive to a lot of the white girls, they were sort of running around late at night, they had girls knocking on their bedroom windows and what have you, and this was really driving people crazy.
They revoked the probation on the basis of Tom Coleman's testimony, then dropped the Coleman-related cases, and technically now their probation was revoked because they missed a couple of probation meetings and missed a couple of probation payments.
So these are just a few guys out of the 46 in this one grab who actually were on probation, so the system can now keep them in.
That's right.
They tried to do the same thing to Billy Wafer,
But a judge in Plainview, Texas, which is just south of Thulea, found that he didn't believe Coleman's story.
This guy was able to show time cards from his place of work and had his employer come and say, yeah, he was here all day when this was supposed to have happened.
Now the point is that you have one guy going around saying they all sold me drugs, no drugs, no paraphernalia were found, but they're all getting 20 to 90 years in prison.
Then it comes out it's a fraud, and the system at first fought to keep them in behind bars.
I mean, how did this goon, this supposed police officer, behave as this started to come out?
I mean, how did this start to come out?
Well, at first, Coleman was saying, you know, I hate dope, and I hate dope dealers, and I beg that if I ever had a chance to put these people behind bars, I was going to do it.
And of course, everybody's been brainwashed with this drug war propaganda for at least a decade now, so everybody thought this was great.
But after Joe Moore's trial, when he got 90 years, this hog farmer,
A lot of the black people in the community really got concerned and came to some of us white folks who had signaled the fact that we were concerned about it too.
And they said, this guy, not only does he not sell drugs,
He figured Tom Coleman for a narc from the first time the guy set foot in town and was going around talking to the young people saying, have nothing to do with this guy, he's with the law.
So he was a leader being targeted by the Commissar and you also made a point during the break that the same farmers that are now out of farming are the jail guards and the blacks that used to work for them are now their prisoners.
Right, you've got an economy where
That just is no longer sustainable.
The agricultural economy is falling apart.
Only a handful of big money people who can afford to buy up all the land are making money in agriculture anymore.
And most of the guys, like the sheriff, the district attorney, used to be farmers, but they went broke.
And so what would have happened is that we brought in a prison, which originally was supposed to be a private prison, but they couldn't find enough.
They were building prisons so fast.
The state was building prisons so fast.
In Texas, they didn't need the bed.
Stay there, we gotta break again.
It's a parasitic system eating itself.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want this to consciously sink in.
Where I live,
They admit, been top story in Dallas for months last year, that the police would randomly pull a vehicle over, throw a bag of chalk in it, just indiscriminately, they would certify it as cocaine, the DA would indict them, and they would go to prison.
That's right.
Now, in Houston, they admit, headline, thousands framed.
Nobody goes to jail from the police department.
The police chief had to step down, though.
They've done similar stuff in Austin.
This is very scary.
I mean, folks, I'm politically incorrect with these people, with these neocons.
I don't use drugs.
I mean, I drink a cup of coffee every morning and that's it, and I might take ten tablets of Tylenol a year.
So understand, folks, we're all being fed upon because it's simple.
The Military-Industrial Complex has white papers out on this.
We're shifting into an economy that's not manufacturing, that's not jobs.
It's surveillance.
It's prisons.
It's law enforcement.
I've got Governor Ridge bragging on tape.
And in Texas, we have more prisons than any three European countries combined.
That's official Justice Department numbers.
They import prisoners from all over the U.S.
to Texas.
That's the new economy is huge prisons all over the place.
You drive down some country road for a hundred miles.
I'm not exaggerating.
You'll see 20 giant detention centers and prisons and they gotta have somebody to put in it.
And they're building all these juvenile justice centers where they get your children to the system.
They ship the narcotics in to begin the crisis.
You know, at the start of this equation, and it looks like that's what happened in Thulia, and again, I use the example of the slave ship pulling up and grabbing slaves.
Please continue, Alan.
Okay, well, what happened here, I think, is the reason that Thulia has gained so much traction is that in this little town, Thulia is sort of America writ small.
You can see everything that's happening across the nation
With perfect clarity in Thule, because it's such a little pissant town, as we say in this part of the country, that everything is clear.
It's a microcosm.
I mean, if this was happening in Cook County or somewhere like that, it would all be too far too complicated and complex to grasp.
But in Thule, you can see all the dynamics unfolding.
And so I think that's one of the reasons why the story has gained national attention.
I don't mean to run over you.
I get very upset and emotional on these issues because I everyday look at the news, but you're aware of Dallas, you're aware of Houston, you're aware of Austin, you're aware of San Antonio.
I mean, this is going on on an industrial scale, and what scares me is it's not a group of corrupt narcotics cops like in the sixties in New York doing this.
It's the system.
How do they sleep at night just randomly pulling cars over and throwing bags of chalk in them?
I don't know.
I do know some narcotics officers that I've met in the course of this thing who are legit, who take their jobs very seriously, who really want to try to get drugs off the street.
I don't know exactly how people like that feel that they're really making an impact or even if they are concerned that they're making an impact.
A lot of them, I think,
Don't believe that's their job to worry about it philosophically.
Their job is to bust people and they try to do it with integrity.
Let me give you an example.
I can drive downtown Austin and buy any drug I want in five minutes.
There's crack dealers all over the place.
You hardly ever see them getting busted.
But then people's houses get busted in too routinely and no drugs are found.
It's a joke!
Which makes you wonder why they're doing it.
If the reason was, if the drug war was designed to get drugs off the street and to get people off drugs to make our children safer, they would be prosecuting it in a very different way.
One almost gets the impression that the drug war is more about poverty control.
The fact that we've got these people, our economy doesn't have places for them, we don't know what to do with them, we're afraid that if they're left to themselves they'll wander into crime,
And be waiting in the parking lot to smack us over the head like they do on television all the time.
And so we take a preemptive strike and we use the drug warden to snatch them up and shove them into the prison before they have a chance to make their move.
Uh, which isn't to say that people aren't dealing drugs out there.
They are.
Well, big pharmacological companies have got 10 million adults on Prozac-type drugs and 6-plus million children.
Well, those are good drugs.
They're FDA-approved drugs.
Does it matter if they have the exact same molecular structure as legal drugs?
Right, I'm being facetious, you know.
I mean, I think what happened to Rush Limbaugh is a perfect example here.
Rush Limbaugh was very much in favor of the war on drugs, and then we find out that he's got addiction issues of his own.
Yeah, what's the difference between synthetic heroin and street heroin?
What he was taking per gram is four times stronger.
Right, and methamphetamine.
Everybody's talking about these meth labs and how terrible they are.
They don't realize that a lot of the stuff we're giving our kids for ADHD and other
Attention Deficit Problems is pretty much the same stuff, chemically, as the stuff they're cooking up in these labs all over the country.
It's a sick joke.
So, three of the people are still in prison.
What is happening to this creature?
Just in a nutshell, for people that just joined us, again, what happened in Tudela and what was the chain of events, the play-by-play of how this
Okay, well first of all, when Joe Moore went down for 90 years and we realized what had happened to him, I didn't know any of the defendants personally, but I quickly learned, just from my own research, that Joe Moore was innocent.
And so I figured that anybody who was going to prison on the basis of these allegations
Should be found not guilty, regardless of what actually happened on the street, because there was no real evidence at all to convict them.
If you find a corrupt cop framing one person, you have to release all those that they did this to, because now their testimony is impeached.
So we got together, this group of black and white people.
We started meeting regularly.
We tried to get the NAACP involved, but they were very slow, until it got to the state level, to really embrace the cause.
There was a lot of internal discussion.
Some people wanted to do it, some people didn't.
A lot of black people, especially middle class professionals, are tired of being identified with the street scene and drugs and things of that sort.
We spent about six months howling in the wilderness trying to get anybody to pay attention to this.
A fellow named Nate Blakeslee, who was writing for the Texas Observer at that time, to come up and do an investigative article, and that managed to find its way into the hands of some drug policy reform people and Will Harrell, who had just taken over with the ACLU in Austin.
Before him, the ACLU wasn't interested, and so what we learned is that you have to get the right people.
Even in the liberal side of the equation aren't interested in identifying with people who have been accused of drug trafficking.
Well, you talked about Ann Richards with the prisons being built.
That's right.
This is not an ideological issue.
I'm part of the drug policy forum of Texas, and when you go to their meetings, you're as likely to find Republicans, Libertarians as you are Democrats.
People across the whole political spectrum are starting to realize that we have got
One of the most frightening challenges to civil liberties that has ever come down the pike, going on in the name of the drug war.
And so, I want to take some calls here in a second, but now three people are still in prison, no drugs, no paraphernalia, the system doesn't care, this shows what their mindset is.
What's going to happen to the police involved?
Somebody's got to be charged with this.
Nobody's getting charged in Dallas.
Nobody's getting charged in Houston.
Nobody's getting charged in uh... in uh... Tulia for the specific crimes they've committed.
It's always for perjury or something like that.
Well that's right.
Well the undercover narc has been uh... he's got three charges of aggravated perjury filed against him.
The uh... district attorney who tried these cases was just uh... voted out of office and is now being investigated.
Actually the Texas Bar Association has filed
It was going to take action against him, so there will be a trial concerning those allegations as well.
The sheriff is still in office and has, other than probably losing a lot of sleep, he hasn't faced any consequences whatsoever.
The drug task force guys up in Amarillo were encouraged to take early retirement, but that's about the only consequence they're going to face.
The same thing is happening in Dallas.
Um, with the drug sting, uh, with the Sheetrock scandal, or the fake drug scandal.
Now, for those that don't understand this, the entire system in Dallas was part of this, a giant program of randomly pulling you over.
They didn't just go out and, well, he's a drug dealer, let's frame him.
They just pull you over and throw some chalk in your car, and the drug lab certifies it as cocaine.
That's right.
And as long as they do that to people who have just arrived from Mexico and don't speak English or to people that they know are poor, uneducated black people in a white-dominated town, they can get away with it almost every time.
But when they start doing it to the wrong people, that's the trick.
You have to make sure that you do it to poor people,
And if the people are poor and they don't have wealthy, well-connected relatives, you can basically do anything you want with impunity.
And that's it right there.
It's that they have literally run out of the poor whites and blacks, and now I'm seeing them hit middle class people.
Uh, because they've gotten arrogant.
I guess, you know, it's like a psychopath does so many crimes and gets away with it, they start getting sloppy.
We have figured out that half the adult black males in Thule were picked up in this stink.
61% of the guys under 30.
76% of the guys under 25 that were still, that had grown up in Thule and were still living here.
And that's how small this town is with 50 police.
Yeah, now there are 50 police actually patrolling in Swisher County, but there are probably 50 policemen of one kind or another and policewomen who live in the county.
I mean, they've got brand new cars.
All of this money that they're obviously getting from the system, from one kind of grant or government handout, is basically a form of welfare that is given to municipalities for police protection.
A lot of this goes back to Bill Clinton's
uh... promise to put a hundred thousand people are more police officers on the street uh... that and it certainly doesn't make our community is a safe and now they're saying they want even more police that's right i mean it it's it's really frightening when you consider that probably five or six uh...
Qualified, trained, professional law enforcement people could very easily take care of a little county like Swisher County.
Earlier you said 50 there.
I mean, how many police are there?
There's police, county... Well, there's about... there's about... there's the DPF agents, there's county sheriff's department, there's the Tulia Police Department.
And, you know, then there's reserve officers who are sometimes called out.
There's also roving MJTF.
Yeah, I mean, and then, of course, we've got all these uniformed people who work as prison guards and what have you.
So, really, 50 years ago, Tulia had maybe two guys who were in law enforcement.
Now we've got probably 50 people who wake up and put on a uniform in the morning.
And it was the same population 50 years ago.
Okay, that's the New America.
Let's take a few calls.
It'll probably be all over the map on different issues, but it's all interconnected.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brock in Canada, then Kevin, Rob, and others.
Brock, go ahead.
It would be nice if bands of people just started hitting these creeps with lawsuits staggering millions and millions of dollars and just bring this whole thinking system down.
Just lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit and get the whole country in on it and break this cycle.
False arrests and this type of corruption.
And bring down, throw out all the bums out of office.
Oh, the CIA's putting in the new electronic machine!
Where people who are losing in the polls magically win by 70% because Clear Channel owns the voting machine and Michael McCall's married to Clear Channel Chairman's daughter!
I'd still like to see them hit with a blitzkrieg of lawsuits, you know, for the scam that happened in Tulia.
Well, that's happening to some degree.
Amarillo has paid out five million bucks, and the other cooperating counties around here are chipping in another million or so.
But that's just the start, really.
I think this has to happen all over the state, because that's really the only language that people pay attention to.
Listen, I know a lot of small towns with poor white people, where over half the young men and women are on probation or in jail.
Uh, and you talk to them, yeah, I had one marijuana cigarette and I got two years in jail and ten years of probation.
That's what they said I had to do.
I mean, it's ridiculous!
Well, especially when you consider that the average child molester who rapes, you know, ten-year-old girls will get, will serve four years.
Yeah, that is the average.
That is the average.
And when, you know, someone smokes a marijuana cigarette, gets two years
This just absolutely has to blow the lid off where people... Do you know what the average murderer gets nationwide?
About five or six years.
It's seven, yeah.
And, oh, I know, I hate the justice system with such a vengeance that I can't describe.
Hey, good hearing from you.
Let me get a comment from our guest on the things you just raised.
Well, most people don't understand what it means to a human being to spend a full year behind bars.
When you sentence somebody to 60 years, or 90 years, or 434 years, like one white guy that got picked up in Thule for basically selling $25 of drugs to somebody on the street, even if they were guilty, you realize that we're basically handing out life sentences to people.
In many cases, on the basis of trumped-up charges.
But even if the charges are so-called legitimate, you know, I mean, we've just lost all perspective here.
A martyr gets seven years, but somebody with selling some marijuana gets... Okay, let's go ahead and take another call.
Kevin, in Delaware.
Thanks for holding, Kevin.
Yes, sir.
Two points.
One I want to address with Paul from Delaware.
I said earlier about the VX nerve gas.
If you go to DelawareOnline.com, there's articles.
I've got some of these papers in front of me in the opinion editorial.
And they admit that they're going to pump thousands of gallons of nerve gas.
No, no, no, no.
Let me just read one sentence.
Given all that, it is no wonder that the people are outraged at DuPont's desire to pump
Four million gallons of ex-DX nerve agent waste water in the Delaware over a couple of years.
I'm living in the twilight zone!
Yeah, so you check that out and also you might want to be able to check out newzap.com, that's the other paper.
Okay, listen, fire off the stories, the hyperlinks to tips.infowars.com or go to prisonplanet.com and it says email webmaster and we'll post that.
Okay, and I want to ask, now Alan, on that prior caller,
You said 5 million, now is that compensation to those that were arrested falsely?
Well, yeah, of course the lawyers will get 33 and a third percent and Uncle Sam will take his cut.
The rest will be allocated to the ex-defendants on the basis of how much time they served in prison.
So that's, what did you say, there was 23 of them?
There were 46 altogether.
So that's going to be divided amongst the 46?
Even the three guys who are still in prison, who haven't been released, are going to get their cut.
They're going to get a rather large cut, and all they'll be able to do with it is spend it in the prison commissary.
That's how crazy this thing is.
Now, will that come from tax dollars?
Or will that come from personal properties from those that are guilty?
That's the point.
They will stop doing this when we take the cops to the judges' houses, but no, it comes out of your pocket.
Oh, mercy sake.
What a system.
You gotta love it.
Well, most of these municipalities, of course, have insurance programs, but they pay $5 million on one case, then your premiums are going up.
So the taxpayer ends up paying the bill one way or the other.
All right, thank you very much, gentlemen.
Yeah, thank you.
Hey, that sounds... millions of gallons of nerve gas into the water.
That sounds good, sir, doesn't it?
Reassuring to me.
But we'll put you in jail for when you dump some mortar oil.
Stay there.
We'll come back, take more calls.
I appreciate our guest joining us, Jalen Bean.
Oh, my goodness.
He got involved and helped expose all this.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We'll continue with your calls in the next hour.
A bunch of new 9-11 news, police state news, we haven't really detailed yet.
A new Skull and Bones clip of John Forbes Carey on Meet the Press yesterday.
Now we're here in our final segment with Alan Beam.
An individual who saw corruption and got involved and stood up against it and had a great effect for all of us in the positive.
The problem is, is that cops and people in government are just like everybody else.
But somehow they told us that, no, there's never criminals in government.
Give us total anonymity.
Give us total liability protection.
Give us total power.
Well, history shows that's a recipe, a guarantee of tyranny, of despotism, of serfdom.
And now it's happening again.
Corruption is exploding.
And we will break and come back and take your calls.
We're going to let our guest go here in just a second, but I promise that we'll get to Howard and
Warren and Brad and everybody else, William and Al, all the folks that are holding.
But here are just the last few minutes, Mr. Bean.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I mean, I would just make the point that this shows, though, that you can get justice, at least partial justice, if good people stand up and do something.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, I've always been a fairly conservative guy.
You know, I was a Baptist pastor for 25 years.
And I really felt that the criminal justice system, with all its weaknesses and imperfections, in a rough-and-ready way, was working.
I felt that the drug war was working fairly well.
And getting wrapped up in this thing in Thulia has pretty much affected a 306, or a complete reversal of my perspective on that.
I now realize that for people who cannot defend themselves, the criminal justice system doesn't work at all, and isn't intended to work.
And I think that people, when they hear drug war propaganda, when they hear about people going to prison on drug charges, need to ask themselves, is this legit?
Do people really have evidence?
Are these people really big-time drug dealers?
Well, I talked to you during a break, and I said, you know the government ships it in, and you go, well, I didn't used to believe that until I looked into it.
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff like that that is just too bizarre to be believed.
And truly it was too bizarre to be believed, but here it was right in our faces.
We couldn't ignore it.
We had to either fight it, or we had to become complicit in it.
And we decided to fight.
Were you ever threatened by the local constabulary to shut up?
There was basically just a wall of silence.
You became like you were walking around with a bubble around you.
People ignored you.
People wouldn't talk to you on the streets.
But there was no overt harassment, especially after the media got involved.
It sounds like a Twilight Zone or Body Snatcher episode.
Yeah, there's something very surreal about living in a little town like Tulia, which I still do under these circumstances.
But it's a good little town.
The fact is that Tulia is no more racist or riddled with corrupt public officials than any other little town.
The fact is, Tulia is typical.
And that's the message we've got to get out.
No, listen, listen.
I scan news wires four hours a day.
It is typical.
And thank you, Alan Bean.
Is there any websites you'd like to plug, sir?
Well, yes, we've got our Friends of Justice, which is the name of our organization, website, fojtulia.org.
We've got a little bit of stuff there that might be helpful.
A lot of links, if people want to learn more about this, that they can find there.
Thanks for coming on the show.
Okay, thanks for having me.
God bless you, my friend.
All that evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
One way to do something is to get my videos, jam them in the VCR, and make copies and get them out to people, so the average dumbed-down public realizes how serious things have gotten.
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They can answer your questions there.
Made a lot of great films.
You need to get them.
The Police State videos fit in here nicely.
Third hour, absolutely, totally jam-packed.
Your call, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well.
In the first hour, a caller calls in and says they're gonna dump thousands of gallons of nerve gas into the rivers in Delaware.
DuPont is
And so callers start calling in and saying, oh yeah, we confirmed it's accurate.
Well, we did confirm that it's in the Delaware newspapers that 5 million gallons of watered down nerve gas, VX nerve gas, one drop will kill a dozen people,
I will be put into the water supply.
I mean, this is the Twilight Zone craziness.
Depleted uranium will be sprayed on the troops.
It'll be used all over the U.S.
at testing grounds.
500 million year half-life.
Incredibly deadly.
Massive levels of mercury in the vaccines.
They're going to increase it in some of the vaccines to 215 time-safe levels instead of 100 time-safe levels.
The CDC says we don't care if it's deadly.
It will continue.
I mean, this is the craziness, folks.
Just the wall-to-wall
Satan is real.
Satan has to be running this.
This is too, uh... But again, you dump some motor oil on your property, you'll get five years in prison.
But the government's DuPont Illuminati family wants to dump five million gallons of nerve gas.
Oh, it's no big deal!
You know, drink your sodium fluoride and shut up!
The nerve gas is fine once we mix it.
I mean, we're just getting rid of it.
I mean, we don't burn it like we do at Anniston for the population to breathe of all the illnesses and dying fish and the rest of it.
I mean, enjoy it in Alabama, too!
I mean, come!
Just come on, people!
Come on!
I promise to get to your calls.
I've been bad about it today.
Let's just bam, bam, bam.
Let's go to them.
I wonder who should I go to first here?
Howard in Colorado.
Go ahead, Howard.
Howard in Missouri?
Howard, Missouri!
Okay, go ahead.
Well, you know, Mr. Bean said something about good drugs.
And, you know, I'd like to explain... He was being sarcastic with the red one and the Prozac.
Well, yeah.
But, you know, I didn't know what he meant there for sure.
He thought those drugs were helping people.
You know, there's a high... No, he didn't.
No, he didn't.
He most assuredly was being sarcastic.
But there's a hypotensive drug and a hyper...
And the hypo was the one that slows you down and they give it to you for three months and it actually destroys the medulla of your endocrinal gland and I'm sitting here, I've been a cripple for almost ten years from it and I just wanted to bring that out.
You know, I didn't know whether he thought it was, you know, his well, good intentions for people maybe need it.
I had him on and I pointed out that the molecular structure of these drugs they push on the children
Is the same as the illegal drugs.
And he said, oh, but those are the good drugs.
He was being sarcastic.
Well, okay.
I'll let you go, Ellington.
And yes, sir, you're right.
A lot of the drugs they give people do radically alter brain chemistry.
You know, you have to bring up the fact what they did to this kid that stole a car.
They gave him a drug to slow him down.
He couldn't join the Marines.
He went out and started shooting people because, you know, he wanted to commit suicide.
That's what leads to this type of activity.
Yeah, the government's a bunch of sickos.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to William in Oregon.
William, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex, or good afternoon.
Yeah, back to that stuff in the river.
I did a search myself, and I found an article also on the Tribune Star from Terre Haute, Indiana.
I just wanted you to know of it, and I did send it to your site.
One thing I find curious, though, I just wanted to discuss with you is I realize you're from Texas.
I'm not trying to slant anybody from Texas.
It seems curious to me that we've had so much stuff that occurs in Texas that has truly, in my opinion, become a Lone Star State, starting with JFK and corruption of LBJ and Bush and the oil industry and Enron.
Is there something like inherently
Going on down there that I'm oblivious to, or the world is, it just seems like so much seems to derive, you know what I'm saying?
It's just a concentration of insanity.
I mean, look, I was just attacking my own state, but understand, Oregon, I mean, you're a bastion of New World Order, too.
California, New York, Florida.
But yes, Texas has such a good, decent, naive, general population of helpful, nice people that we've been very gullible.
We're very gullible here.
Very ignorant, worshipping the black boots that stomp our faces.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, I'd like to see you as governor down here.
Tell you what, stay there, I'll let you finish up.
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John Kerry went on Meet the Press yesterday and CFR minion Russert said, you know, you and Bush both basically have the same response to my Skull & Bones questions last time.
I'd like you to respond to it now.
What's going to happen during the debates if this gets brought up?
Are you guys going to walk off the stage?
Because, you know, you're not supposed to talk about it.
So that clip's coming up and we're also going to post it
On InfoWars.com!
But right now, let's go ahead...
Go back to the calls.
We were talking to one of the listeners in Oregon, William.
Yeah, William, I mean, they try to pass laws in Oregon where you get life in prison if one protester blocks traffic.
You have one of the worst CPS systems, kidnapping children there.
I mean, all the states are very corrupt and out of control.
But yes, Texas has more prisons than any other, well, three European countries combined, any other state.
Very corrupt, and I think I answered that question, but you had one other point you wanted to make?
Yeah, is Wackenhut one of the big owners of your privatized prisons down there?
Are they the big... Of course, Wackenhut and others, and they have a new name for their company, it's like Global Geo.
Oh boy.
And they're just everywhere, they're like...
They're like mushrooms or trees.
They're just prisons everywhere.
Speaking of trees, we had a big huge fire out here last year as you probably know.
It's called the Biscuit Fire out in central Oregon.
Was that the one that when Bush arrived the giant fire started?
I'll tell ya.
And the police said they saw black helicopters starting the fires and then Bush said, this is the Oregonian, he looks and he goes, see the fires, do what I want, see them?
Well, you know, as soon as I heard the fires start, my first thought was, who started them?
What a coincidence, because now they're just going to use this for the logging industry to tear apart everything.
But then it came out in the news that Special Forces helicopters were doing stuff.
People saw them setting fires, and then the day Bush arrives, there's big fires behind him.
He goes, look, see?
Well, I guess the old adage goes, timing is everything.
But I don't know what it takes for people to wake up as a whole nation.
I wish you had a 6 o'clock news show for about a week that everybody would have to watch and get educated.
That's the key, is education.
And I guess the internet helps us get there.
And I just thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are.
Hey, I appreciate you, buddy.
Take care.
Yeah, Texas is kind of like the Illuminati base
For the gateway to the West, and a lot of globalists here running the state, and a well-meaning population that's very trustful.
And so it's a recipe for disaster.
Well, this is Texas!
Nothing's wrong here!
We're good old boys!
Why, Bush is a country boy out there at the Hollywood set, and he's from Texas, too.
We can trust him.
Yeah, he's from Kinneybunkport, Maine.
Let's go ahead and talk to Al in California.
Al, go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
How you doing, Al?
I just hope you don't pull a Michael Madden on me, because that guy's a real punk.
Sir, I don't know what that means about a Michael Madden, but just don't use any profanity.
I don't want any profanity.
Anyways, maybe I should spit this off the air, because I know if you want to
You want to get at the corrupt police in Texas, I don't see why you couldn't set them up.
You know, put like hidden cameras on the vehicle, drive by their police station a bunch of times, and you know, or go to a neighborhood where they normally set up, where they set the people up, go in there and put hidden cameras all over the neighborhood and in their houses.
And set them up.
I got a better idea!
How about you do it?
Because we've done stuff like that.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Hey, then I'm, then I'm, then I'm, then I'm what?
Then I'm a... You already know then.
Uh, did you, did you get the thing on the search engine that NPR was doing where they basically said, uh, you know, uh, we need to, uh, monitor the search engines because, you know,
You put in stuff for a website and you get a bunch of conspiracy sites and their information isn't always factual and therefore we gotta somehow make it so that our search engines bring up, you know, more legitimate, well-researched sites.
And I said to myself, uh-uh, that ain't what y'all want to do.
Y'all trying to... Well, I didn't hear this, but they are panicking because we're taking over the web
And they're talking about taxation, regulation, all this, but you're telling me NPR said why it's horrible when you use a search engine!
Someone else wanted to, I forget exactly all the details.
Well this is why we're winning, because they've got all the idiots on their side that aren't about news, that aren't about research, and so we've now taken over the news, we analyze the news, and we're decimating them and they're starting to panic.
But you're telling me you heard NPR, they had a group on that wants to regulate the search engines.
Yeah, something to that effect.
One more thing though.
There is one thing where we differ on,
But it's pretty major.
You were right, that comment I heard you make, because right now you're off the air, but before you went off the air, and they did this Friday of last week, where basically all I heard was AM 1050 in Loma Linda, California.
I'm a little confused.
You're saying an affiliate out in California only carries a certain amount of the show.
Yeah, but during that time when your show was still on the air, actually you did it early in the week, all I heard was
As they're about to be talking for five minutes.
And this time, right now, I think they're playing symphony music, now it's static, right over the signal before it ended.
But the one main point where we differ is, you know, you said earlier in the hour, basically, you know, Satan's got to be real.
And I absolutely believe that.
The world's line of power is Satan the Devil.
And with Satan's system, I guess you can liken it to a non-zero-point energy device, where basically you have to keep putting
Well, that's a really good analogy.
You know, the global Satan system is parasitic, has to destroy, is vampiric.
And where God's system is self-replicating and self-generating and good and decent and honorable, and the globalists are wicked, and that's why the world's in so much trouble, because it's in the sway of the wicked one.
But where I differ, though, is there's a certain illustration in the Bible where it talks about, you know, when Jesus is casting out demons, basically he says, you know,
No one can cast out the demons until you get a strong man to bind the man of the house so that you can get Jesus movable goods.
And that man in the house is like Satan.
But the strong man is like Jesus because he's the one who cast out the demons.
So this is where we differ.
I'm basically saying I'm going to preach about God's Kingdom but on the other hand I'm not going to try to sit up here and put my new wine into old wine skins
But it's so packed on the system that it needs to be thrown out altogether.
So, if an innocent person is being beaten by criminals, you're not going to defend them?
Let me finish.
If an old woman breaks her hip, you're not going to help her get up?
Oh, I'm not saying that.
I will help people.
We have a job, sir.
We have a job, sir.
That was a cop out there in Hitler.
They said, oh, let's not fight him.
He's the Antichrist.
It's the end.
We have a job to fight evil.
But you also have to be aware of presumptuousness and not step ahead of God's chariot.
Otherwise, he will roll over you.
So it's presumptuous that when they're framing a bunch of innocent people to get on the air and expose it.
Or when they want to put nerve gas in the river, don't.
Don't read the news article.
Don't inform people.
Knowledge is bad.
No, I'm not saying that.
I'm saying you have to separate knowledge from action.
Well, I think what you're doing is just kind of throwing a cop out there.
Somehow you don't have a responsibility or something?
Yes, you do have a responsibility, but that's not the only action that can be taken.
You can't help people in your immediate need.
You know, you see someone on the street.
Yeah, they need help.
Man, you can help them.
Yeah, sure.
But just somehow, I'm doing something wrong, saying we gotta stand up against this evil.
I'm saying it based on what the Bible says.
You have to know when to act on your own behalf, and you have to know when it's in God's jurisdiction.
In other words, that's not a cop-out.
That's taught by the 501c3.
It's a matter of the heart.
I have a duty.
There is no excuse.
If fear ever comes into it, I don't rationalize.
I go forward.
I step out.
Let me finish.
I go up against it head on.
I will expose the mercury in the vaccines.
I will expose the open borders.
I will expose the gun control for what it is.
I will expose NORTHCOM.
I will expose who was behind 9-11.
I'm not getting in front of any chariot.
I'm doing my job to expose the works of darkness.
I'm out there talking to people about God's Kingdom, how He circumnavigates all this stuff.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm trying to help people from the heart so that they can prepare to survive Armageddon.
That's what I'm trying to do.
If you don't, if you ain't helping them seriously, they're not going to survive anyway.
Now I see what you're saying, but I was getting from it, you were saying that somehow just talking about this is, I'm not good or something.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not saying, not talking about it.
I'm just saying, you gotta watch how far you go.
I'm just saying.
No, I do not have to watch how far I go.
No, I'm just saying... Hey, let me tell you something.
Let me finish.
Let me tell you something.
You're irritated... Listen, this is simple psychology.
You're irritated and upset by all this information and news, and so somehow you're projecting onto me, you know, that you're threatened by all this.
The New World Order is still going to be there trying to eat your guts every day, buddy.
I'm not, man.
I'm just saying, I'm putting my faith in God to solve the problem.
I'm not saying these problems don't exist.
I'm not afraid of it.
Well, the better one has a saying, trust in God, but tie up your camel.
And you've got to stand up against evil.
Look, if you've got God in your heart, then you're going to have a drive to stand up against wickedness.
Look at all the prophets.
They weren't just walking around going, oh, God will handle it.
They were in there engaging the New World Order.
Hey, I'll tell you what.
Stay there.
I'm going to talk to you during the break.
Alright, don't hang up.
And then I gotta come back and take some calls real quick, but then I gotta get to all this news and the Skull and Bones clip as well.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I have the Skull and Bones clip, thanks to the great work of my wife posting it on InfoWars.com and Stephanie running the show getting it for us.
From Meet the Press yesterday, that's coming up in the next segment.
I'll take three or four more calls in that segment because I do have a bunch of news I want to go back into.
But let's go ahead and... That last caller, Al in California, he's just frustrated by what's happening.
And I hear this occasionally from people, you know,
Well, you know, it's always kind of this ambiguous, well, you know, you've got to be careful how you warn people.
What does that mean?
Brad, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
Illinois, Alec.
Yeah, thank you.
I just want to say quickly about that last call, I don't think else you'll really be listening to your show.
I can kind of understand where he's coming from, but you're right, he is getting frustrated because what he's basically trying to say is that
Everything is in God's hands, and we shouldn't really be doing anything, but yet, you know, he shouldn't be listening to your show, then.
Well, why did God give us free will, then?
Everything is in our hands, and if we ask God to help us, then He will!
I agree with you.
He shouldn't be listening to your show.
But what I really wanted to call you to tell you, I got some firsthand information, which I just can't believe, and I know you've alluded to this, but I just wanted to confirm it with you and your listeners.
My nephew just came back here in the Midwest from Oregon.
He was in jail for two days for violating a restraining order.
He had a girlfriend that he broke up with and he was calling her and she got a restraining order on him.
About a month later, she called him, left a message on his answering machine because he wasn't home.
When he returned the call, she turned him in for violation and restraining order.
He was in jail for two days.
But the kicker is, they fined him $500 and then they charged him $60 for each day of his incarceration.
I couldn't believe it!
They've written laws to get all of us into the system.
Yes, so now he owes them $120 for two days that they took his liberty away from him.
You know, where is this coming from?
And then the other thing I want to tell you is my brother who lives in Northwest Indiana, and I was thinking about jumping ship over there because the taxes here in Illinois are getting too high.
He just showed me a newspaper article over the weekend of the local newspaper there, the Hammond Times.
Where people are outraged in Lake County, Indiana, where their property taxes have gone from $4,000 a year, in some cases, to $22,000.
I know, I know.
I mean, the housing prices are down in Austin, but the property tax has gone up 1,600% in the last decade.
They're just systematically stealing everything from us, and if your listeners don't understand, by now,
That they don't own anything.
I don't know what it will take, because if you can't... Possession is not ownership.
If they can take it away from you for an unpaid fee or tax, brother, you don't own it.
That's the bottom line.
Well, it's a rent.
You're renting.
Yeah, you're renting from the government.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I wrote a letter to the editor of our paper here, Casper Star Tribune.
I was in limbo for two months.
It was a retaliation against me.
Tell the story, please.
They printed it, angled it completely, and omitted any reference to verify for the reader what I was saying about the Patriot Act II, saying that most of it has been passed.
And now the government's saying, give us more power or it's going to be your fault when the terrorists strike.
Now another guy's written in saying that he called Senator Thomas from Wyoming,
And Senator Thomas assured him that it hasn't been passed.
Well, Ron Paul says that large sections were passed.
Bush signed it December 13th of last year.
About 60% of the bill was passed in the Intelligence Act.
Okay, that's what I wanted to know.
So, your website, as extensive as it is, it can't cover everything.
It probably doesn't have a breakdown.
No, it's posted.
Okay, I'll find it then.
That's it.
Thank you for the call.
Appreciate it, Rob.
Lee, where are you calling us from?
Right now I'm in Las Cruces, but I'm from Illinois.
Greetings in the name of Yahweh, Alex.
Thank you.
I want to first thank you for being on the Rick Barber Show out of KOA.
And I want to tell you that your hard work actually has reached WLS in Chicago on Bruce Dumont's show last night.
Because he had both Jayna Davis
And Mr. Shippers on last night.
And everything you said about that John Doe number two has now come to light.
Now you may have heard about this.
Someone may have called and told you about it already.
But everything you have been saying about the mysterious John Doe number two has now come to light.
Has now come to light.
And now people are shocked.
Well, of course, there were Iraqis involved in Oklahoma City, but did they say that they were U.S.
government employees, or did they claim that it was some shadow group?
Mrs. Davis, Janet Davis, was aiming on the FBI and the obstacles she faced.
She talked about her book that she wrote, chapters 10 and chapters 11, and she got real specific.
But I know you're running out of time right now, but I will call again.
I think you're doing a great job.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.
We try to just tell the truth, and if I sound frustrated, it's because there's just so much information.
All right, no more calls.
We'll come back, play that clip, and blitz through news in the last 30 minutes.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He rode a blazing saddle.
He wore a shining star.
It's his job to offer battle.
His network reaches millions and millions of people.
And Ted Anderson, the owner of this network has put
So much of his blood, sweat, and tears, and his own personal treasure into this fight, just as our founding fathers did.
And I want to commend him.
I also want to commend Stephanie, who runs the show, answers the phones, and runs the show.
It's a lot of work for her to do.
I want to commend George behind the scenes.
We're going to play this clip of John Forbes Carey on Meet the Press, and then I want to go back, Stephanie,
Grab the other clips where he asked George Bush about it and then where he asked Kerry about it.
We have those clips too.
A few months ago on Meet the Press he brought this up to Kerry.
Kerry said it's so secret he can't talk about it.
Bush said I can't talk about it.
It's so secret.
Basically the same response.
Now yesterday we saw again Russert bringing this up to John Forbes Kerry.
So here's that clip.
Again, before we go, you and George Bush were both members of Skull and Bones, the secret society at Yale.
The rule is, if someone mentions Skull and Bones, you walk out of the room.
If you're both in a presidential debate, and the moderator says Skull and Bones, you both leave the podiums?
I doubt it.
You'll hang in there.
I think you'll see both of us have a terrific... You know, I'd love to just have a debate with the President right now.
There's so much to talk about for our country.
Why not say to our nation, every month, let's have one debate on health care.
Let's have a debate on foreign policy.
Let's have a debate on education.
Let's really talk to the country the way Lincoln and Douglas and others have historically.
Barry Goldwater, as you mentioned, was going to fly around with Jack Kennedy.
We can do better for Americans.
And we'll play that again before the broadcast ends and we'll play those other clips too.
Bush and his skull and bones comment and then Kerry.
In fact, Stephanie, I should have mentioned this to you during the break.
Do you have those?
It's not the one where Bush makes a joke about the secret skull and bones sign at the press dinner, but we can play that one too.
And then there's the one where Kerry says, can't talk about it.
There's a lot of things that are secret.
Then there's the one where Bush laughs about it and says I can't talk about it in the interview in the White House.
I'll tell you what, let's just go through them.
Go ahead and play the next one.
You were both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
It's so sick that we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the website.
Number 322?
I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
That's one of the clips.
Go ahead and go to the next one.
We'll play the other Kerry clip and then there's one where Bush makes a joke at a press dinner.
And the video of all of these are posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Now here's the next one.
The risk that somehow that inaction will make the world safer is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.
We'll be there in a minute.
King, John King.
This is a scripted... Thank you, Mr. President.
Yeah, I'm not quite sure why that's listed as Skull and Bones.
That's Bush saying it's scripted.
I got the other clip where he says, I wish you'd have given this to me in writing, uh, beforehand.
Go ahead and hit the next Skull and Bones clip.
Now this, uh, again, we've got them all there for you.
Those weapons of mass destruction gotta be somewhere.
As you can tell from the look,
On Andy Card's face, we've become a little concerned about the Vice President lately.
Whenever you ask him a question, he replies, Let's see what my little friend says.
But we get along well.
Here I am saying, Dick, if the Hunan Palace doesn't get lunch here in four minutes, we're going out.
Nope, no weapons over there.
Maybe under here.
Oops, this photo wasn't supposed to be in here.
This is a skull and bone secret signal.
And then...
After this next break, we will air the Kerry clip from Meet the Press, where he says, so secret, I can't talk about it.
Then we'll re-air the clip, the new clip from yesterday on Meet the Press, where he says, well, both of you were supposed to walk out of the room if somebody mentions it according to Scalabone's rules.
Well, both of you walk off of the debate.
And, of course, Kerry makes a joke when you watch the video, like he's going to get up and walk out.
It's real funny, the secret society that runs America for the Illuminati.
Then he says, will you walk off during the debate?
And he says, oh, I doubt it.
I mean, that's how disgusting things have gotten.
So thanks for having all those clips, Stephanie, on such short notice.
All right, let me just, here, in the 11 minutes we've got before the next break, launch into some more of the news.
Then we'll come back and cover more of the Skull & Bum situation in the final segment.
NORAD had drills, eerily like September 11th, Pentagon Trade Center among imagined targets.
Now that's the cover story on USA Today, today, April 19th, 2004.
NORAD had drills of jets as weapons.
The White House has never heard of such a plan.
Now again, we broke this story two years ago.
It's been out there public since then.
They don't focus in on the drill that was run on the morning of 9-11.
That's been in the Associated Press.
And again, we broke that here on this show weeks before they had to admit to it.
With Stanley Hilton.
So, that might be a wake-up call for your friends who've been laughing at you, but they really spend the whole thing in the article like, oh well, they still didn't know this was done in 2000.
No, they had a drill that morning.
We have a direct link to that
The original story from the Pentagon's own website posted at PrisonPlanet.com contingency planning pentagon mass cal exercise simulate scenarios and preparation for emergencies.
Well, I'll tell you, Larry Silverstein, the owner of World Trade Center Complex, bought the Sears Tower and they said that's the next big target.
This guy is quite a ghoul.
A plot by terrorists to use dirty bombs, waste with deadly chemical
Osinium tetraoxide to attack U.S.
targets, including the Sears Tower in Chicago, was uncovered by British intelligence and law enforcement authorities, according to a report.
Another article here, out of Newsweek, White House and Justice officials had fierce debates, sure they did, over how to treat Americans with suspected Al-Qaeda ties, either lock them up indefinitely as enemy combatants, or let them go, Newsweek reports.
And it gets into the whole continuity of government program.
It says a group of senior Bush administration officials convened for secret video conference to make a difficult decision what to do with six Americans suspected of conspiring with Al Qaeda.
And it says the men from New York were accused of training at a camp in Afghanistan where some had met with CIA asset and Bush crime partner Bin Laden.
I added that for Vice President Dick Cheney and his ally Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
The answer was simple.
The accused men should be locked up indefinitely as enemy combatants and thrown into military brig with no right to trial or even to see a lawyer.
Newsweek reports that the current issue that what authorities have done with the two other Americans, they are the enemy.
They, and they've right here in this country, Cheney, argued according to a participant.
That goes on to the secret video conference.
Where they set all this up.
And for all crimes, all misdemeanors, the Patriot Act allows this for citizens.
And if you accept it, it'll start happening for no seatbelts.
And I'm not joking when I say that.
Imminent threat, Condoleezza Rice got up on Meet the Press and basically said, give all your rights up, support the Patriot Act, submit to us, look for terror attacks right before the election.
intelligence officials have uncovered evidence of potential terror attacks.
Like many such tips, it is vague.
Yeah, the government's been caught issuing fake terror alerts to, quote, create hysteria.
The primary area of concern is so-called soft targets.
Police were told to be on the lookout for surveillance of landmarks and suspicious items left in the mall's subway station.
Some more fear-mongering.
bracing for terror before election.
The United States is bracing for a possible terrorist attack before the November presidential election.
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said Sunday, the opportunity for terrorists to try to influence the election, this will only help you.
As with the case last month in Spain, it appears to be an opportunity that would be too good to pass up for them, Rice said.
I think that we have to take very seriously the thought that the terrorists might have learned, we hope, the wrong lesson from Spain, she went on to say.
Uh, Rove, Karl Rove, regrets mission accomplished banner, this out of KREM television.
President Bush's top political advisor said this week he regretted the use of mission accomplished banner as a backdrop for the President's landing on the aircraft carrier last May to mark the end of major combat operations.
Quote, I wish the banner
Was not up there, said White House political strategist Karl Rove.
I'll acknowledge the fact that it has become one of those convenient symbols.
Patriot Act gets boost from 9-11 hearings.
This out of the Christian Science Monitor.
Controversial law faces a renewal vote.
This year, Bush calls it a needed tool in helping to catch suspected terrorists.
But now Homeland Security says it's all for crime.
They're going to watch us with the Pentagon to fight crime, see?
Because there's no real terrorist.
No, no, no.
Under the definition of the Patriot Act, all misdemeanors are terrorism, see?
While the Bush Administration took heavy hits in last week's 9-11 Commission hearings, the hearings may have given the White House a public relations boost on one important front.
It's effort to win renewal of this year of the controversial Patriot Act.
Folks, all the key sections are not sunsetted.
This is all a red herring to have a debate, to have it, you know, re-passed, because, oh, see, we all believe in this.
9-11 Commission, as I said it would be, has been nothing but a infomercial for the Patriot Act domestic military takeover.
Pressed by commissioners as to why their agencies failed to connect the dots before 9-11 attacks, law enforcement and intelligence officers in both the Clinton and Bush administrations cited powers not included in the Patriot Act.
For example, makes it easier for agents...
Conducting criminal probes to share information with intelligence officers.
They already had that power.
Bush had to order the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda.
They ordered FBI agents.
They ordered CIA off the case.
They gave bonuses to those that gave the orders.
They told Sybil Evans, the translator, to falsify transcripts that showed they knew specific details of 9-11 and threatened to arrest her.
This is such a fraud!
It's a giant advertisement for the terrorists.
Those running the White House.
That's one reason my White House, embattled on many fronts, is touting the Patriot Act this week at events in Pennsylvania and in Buffalo, New York on Monday.
That's today.
Oh boy.
No-Fly List traps the innocent, and it says that the first time Air Force Sergeant Michael D. Green was delayed at a ticket counter before taking a plane to Fairbanks, Alaska, she took it to stride.
An airline agent asked for military orders and a long list of information.
Delaying her for 45 minutes.
When it happened again, she found it was no mistake.
She had landed on the federal no-fly list.
And it goes into environmental activists, conservative activists, everybody.
You just get stuck on the list.
You can't travel like Nazi Germany.
And it's going to get worse and worse.
And it's really a pick-up order to have you arrested.
And it gets all into that and how wonderful it is.
Bush pushes, again, renewal of the Patriot Act.
President Bush on Saturday urged the U.S.
Congress to renew the Patriot Act.
The law that beefs up law enforcement powers as he sought to highlight his national security credentials.
Key elements of the Patriot Act, he said, are set to expire next year.
That's not true.
Bush said in his weekly radio address, politicians in Washington act as if the threat to America will also expire on schedule.
So see, they're setting it up so when they carry out more terror, they say, you frustrated the Patriot Act, it's all your fault!
The neocons say that, just wait till the next attack, you're all gonna pay, you're all gonna be arrested, you're gonna cause this to happen because you stood up for your freedoms!
It's a perfect psychological setup.
Spain quits Iraq, a new Prime Minister orders 1,400 troops home as soon as possible.
Bremer admits Iraq forces not ready for June 30 handover.
More of our troops have to stay there.
So very, very serious.
Rice denies book claim on Iraq decision.
Rice denies claims that war decision came three months earlier than acknowledged.
We have the White House's own documents.
We have their own officials.
But Bush said he wasn't for war until 9-11.
His own PNAC documents say it from 2000.
They just count on you not checking the facts.
Italy plans a law to allow property owners to shoot intruders, as if they need a law to do that.
It says the government in Italy is to change the law to allow people to kill intruders without fear of imprisonment.
That's right, in England and Italy and places, you kill somebody trying to rape you and your family, you get life in prison.
They're trying to change that thanks to grassroots support.
Saudis oil Bush's re-election bid, New York Post.
The Saudis are saying they're going to cut oil just for a few months before the election to get Bush re-elected.
See, the oil companies are all in league.
This is a big scam.
The Arabs don't run anything.
So that's very, very important.
Paper or plastic is now computer or cash.
And it says the Christian Science Monitor shows a baby in the
Grocery cart with the computer, the stop and shop, and it makes you scan your own food, and thumb scan, and they already put them in a bunch of stores, but there's not even checkout lanes now.
Just automatically deducts, as we warned you.
Marina Michelangelo shops for food in reverse.
When she enters her local stop-and-shop market in Quincy, Mass., she meticulously unfolds the lines up six brown bags along the bottom of her shopping cart.
And then, even though she has plenty more groceries to buy, she wrings up the bags, or chips and soda, rather than a backward shopper, Miss Michelangelo considers herself a progressive one.
She uses new technology, a mobile computer, and barcode scanner, and then it goes on and on.
So, there you go.
You're not a good globalist?
It'll be just like the no-fly list.
No food.
Big brother, rent a car.
San Jose Mercury News.
You know, of course, that when you rent a car, your every move will be tracked.
You didn't know?
Well, neither do most rental car customers.
By the way, they make you thumb scan to get a rental car at many places now.
All your cars already have this.
All the new cars.
Not just the rental cars.
I thought I'd tell you.
Invading privacy.
Everything they do at OU, the Oklahoma Daily Reports, is scanned through.
Everything you email, your bank accounts, anything through the computers in the school, is watched and tracked.
And they say it's horrible.
It is horrible.
And there's so much more.
Look at this article.
I see these every day.
I've got like three of these today.
This is out of the perspective.
Chicago benefits from Big Brother.
They're relabeling, rebranding Big Brother as a good thing.
A world in which a Big Brother-like figure is watching you might not seem far away.
And it scares many people.
But in the case of Chicago, it has proven to be not such a bad thing.
I see at least three articles a day where it says, Big Brother is good.
Big Brother good.
Mind-washing the public.
And it says the cameras and listening devices are going to be watching you and controlling you and everything, and it's just so good.
You ask to prosecute property owners who turn blind eye to drugs and guns.
Ten owners of Lawrenceville properties are mailed warnings, Post Gazette.
They're already doing this.
Your renter has drugs, so they take your whole apartment building.
This is how they get to own everything, is by doing this.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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I think so.
I think so.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Only the start.
It's federal.
Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan last night announced an initiative to crack down on owners of local properties that harbor criminal activity.
Letters were sent yesterday to ten owners of properties in Lawrenceville, Buchanan said, a meeting for the Project Safe Neighborhoods, a Department of Justice program to reduce gun violence throughout the nation.
Officials plan to meet with those owners within the next ten days.
If they do not eliminate it, their property will be seized.
If they do not, federal officials could prosecute the owners, which could lead to forfeiture of the property, she said.
This is just a start, Buchanan said, indicating her office is working with other law enforcement agencies to identify properties throughout the city.
All the time in Texas, they bust somebody with a rent house, they catch somebody with some marijuana, they take the house.
So see, it's your job to be a spy.
You're guilty for what somebody else does.
You start to get this, they're going to own everything now because of this.
There was a Seattle Post-Intelligencer article a few years ago where the cops own about a third of the bars because they do raids on them and then own them themselves.
I mean, it's just... They're gonna own everything!
Here's another one.
Harold Sun.
Dancers x-rayed at clubs.
Already starting in the U.S.
and England.
This is Australia.
Nightclubbers could be subjected to mobile x-ray scanners.
That's the ones where you're naked.
Sees down to your skin.
That see through their clothing to police raids on drug dealer havens.
And they pull up.
It's everybody.
Walk through it.
Guilty until proven innocent.
And I got another article here.
Just stacks of this stuff!
Well, you gotta stop the drugs.
Gotta get a digital image of your naked body in our scanner.
Ha ha ha!
That's your freedom.
Goin' in the airports.
Go ahead and play the carry clips.
Before we go, you and George Bush were both members of Skull and Bones, the secret society at Yale.
The rule is, if someone mentions Skull and Bones, you walk out of the room.
If you're both in a presidential debate, and the moderator says Skull and Bones, you both leave the podiums?
I doubt it.
You'll hang in there.
I think you'll see both of us have a terrific time.
Okay, that's good.
That's yesterday Meet the Press.
Here's four months ago on Meet the Press with Kerry.
You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale.
What does that tell us?
Uh, not much because it's a secret.
Is there a secret handshake?
Is there a secret code?
I wish there were something secret I could manifest.
A secret number?
There are all kinds of secrets, Tim, but one thing is not a secret.
I disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country.
We can do a better job than I intend to do it.
And we'll be watching the secret... Alright, folks.
And, uh, you better be watching on Thursday.
We've got something very special for you on the website coming up.
I mean, just an incredible animation that one of my associates is putting together concerning skull and bones.
It's funny.
It's scary, too.
But, uh, we're out of time for all the stories we didn't get to.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on the shortwave at 3210.
During the day it's 9475.
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Get my 9-11 films.
Make copies of them.
Get them out to people now, folks.
It's having an effect.
People know something's wrong.
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If you give in to bullies and tyrants, you'll be a slave.
If more of us stand up, we can expose the evil and save this country and our families.
God bless you.
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