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Name: 20040414_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 14, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends!
It is the 14th day of April, 2004.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have a high-level government official from the first Bush administration coming on the show to talk about, well, 9-11, Condi, Rice's lies, and a lot more in the next
So you do not want to miss that interview with Katherine Austin-Fitz.
We're going to get into Lord Bush's horrible display last night.
And I actually heard Neocon saying, oh, it was so heartfelt, it was so spontaneous, it was even better than Bill Clinton.
Bush, in this press conference, and we have the transcript right here, the official transcript, they admit it.
You probably saw it.
A reporter asked him a question.
He said, well, that's not on the script.
That's not in a written question to me.
I wish you'd have given that to me beforehand.
And he paused for five seconds.
Five seconds.
And a lot of people think he's got an internal earpiece.
He said he feels so bad about those that died.
Folks, he represents the people that carried out the attacks.
And I want to get back into this 9-11 whitewash commission.
But in even bigger news, a couple weeks ago, I had one of the Verit Ship distributors on the show.
Who wants to put it in people to get into the club.
Baja Beach Club.
Big clubs that hold 2,500 people in Europe.
They're also in the U.S.
And he said, oh yeah, I talked to the CEO, Mr. Bolton, of Applied Digital Solutions, and he said that there's a plan to put it in the police to have guns.
There's a plan to put it in every Italian government worker.
This will be a global ID for buying and selling.
And so he was telling us the mind of the CEO.
Now the CEO has tried to push it for prisoners and Alzheimer's patients and the U.S.
military, but we were getting an inside glimpse of what the CEO really wants to do, and it's really a U.S.
government front company.
Well, this is out of the Sun-Sentinel, South Florida's big paper.
Chip implanted in cop's hand would allow only officer to fire gun.
And so, police, you're going to be on the front lines of this, just like the troops are about to be ordered to take the chip.
I have this from my cousin in Special Forces, and it's also been in the news now.
You're going to have to take the chip.
See, they put GPS in your car first to watch you, then we've got to have GPS and you enforce it on us.
Now with the chip, you're going to have to get the chip, and then, oh well, you know, if I've got to get it, you've got to get it.
So, get ready for the chip in your hand, Wyatt.
It's for your safety.
Who would have thought three years ago that they'd be preparing to make us take chips?
So, you heard it here first, chips and the police, and now here it is in the news.
Also, we'll get into an FDA-approved human brain implant device, and DARPA's involved, and they say that it's a Matrix-like system, but we're going to have brain chips.
Now, in 2000, the Army's own War College said,
This is a Federation of American Scientists report that the military's main job will be implanting all of us with a brain chip for our safety.
And they said that people will accept this for security reasons and that the media will help promote this.
And it sounded insane when I read it in 2000, but it was an official document.
After they're done nerve gassing and releasing bioweapons and nuking cities, you're going to accept your brain chip.
And we're all going to be drafted, and so we'll have to take the vaccines and have to take the chips under the skin first, and then a quick, easy procedure for a brain chip.
Folks, I'm not joking here.
This is the Associated Press.
You're going to be getting your brain chip.
And DARPA's involved.
Again, FDA approves human brain implant devices in the brain.
That's just some of what's coming up.
It's an ultra-massive broadcast.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, again it is Wednesday, the 14th day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well as InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com and VirginUtah.com, a Second Amendment website.
Again, thank you.
So it's a pro-Second Amendment, it's a liberal website according to Neocons.
Again, thank you so much for coming on board with us here in the Transmission Against Tyranny.
We'll get into Lord Bush's state-managed event last night.
We'll get into John Ashcroft and the Butcher of Waco Ringos testimony yesterday, now that I've had time to read the transcripts.
We will get into the official government plan to put microchips in your brain by force.
They're just a few yards away from forcibly putting the chips in your hands.
This is, by the way, Associated Press, Sun-Sentinel Mainstream News.
I know there's kind of a culture shock here, cognitive dissonance, to not believe this is happening.
But again, after the globalists are done nerve gassing, releasing smallpox, nuking a couple cities and blaming it on imaginary foreign enemies, you're going to accept all of it.
You're going to beg, you're going to learn how to go into the FEMA camps, you're going to learn how to be a slave, you're going to learn how to worship your masters, you're going to learn how to turn your guns in, you're going to learn how to be a pathetic, bug-eyed serf.
Unless you want to wake up to the full horror of what's happening.
We're in 2004.
It's a bad science fiction movie.
Yes, it is horrible.
Yes, it's happening.
Yes, we fell into the Twilight Zone.
The Outer Limits.
We're here, folks!
It happened.
It happened, so we'll get into that.
Before I get into all this news, and of course we're going to have wide open phones.
We've got a guest coming up later, too.
The total free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Before we do that, I listened to a lot of talk radio last night, and I wrote some notes here.
I was out doing some errands, and I ended up sitting in the parking lot of my home for about an hour, scanning the AM dial.
And I wrote some notes.
Number one, I was scanning through and heard Neil Bortz, a rebroadcaster we show here locally, and you know, Neil's a supposed conservative, he's really about as liberal as John Kerry,
He's only conservative, and then he bashes Hillary and Kennedy and all the people that vote identically with Bush.
So that's the only reason people get sucked in by Bortz, is because he acts like he's a conservative.
But in the actions, it's the complete opposite.
And a caller calls in and goes, yeah, Operation Northwood, the official government plan to fly planes into buildings as a pretext for martial law.
And, you know, as a way to attack foreign countries.
And Bort says, that's ridiculous, and types it in a search engine, and to his credit he goes, oh wow, it is a real news story.
Wow, yeah, U.S.
government plan to carry out bombings and shootings and hijackings by remote control.
But then he skillfully changed the subject.
So, you're saying the government had prior knowledge, because they didn't even have plans to do this themselves.
And the caller's like, well, not really.
And then Bort's kind of moved on to the next caller.
Then I flip to another channel and I hear this guy called Lars Larsen.
And this guy, you know, they get callers on and they say to the caller, the caller says, well I think the Patriot Act's taking our freedoms.
And then Lars Larsen goes, it's giving the good guys the power they need to stop the bad guys.
How can you say that it's bad?
We gotta give them unlimited power.
Give me one example, just one example of where they're taking your rights.
And the caller goes, uh, just, he goes, ah, see, you don't have one!
And I hear Limbaugh and Hannity and Savage and all of them do this.
And the caller goes, well, I can give you an example.
Waco, that was abusive.
Well, that wasn't the Patriot Act, blah, blah, blah.
Well, actually, Bill Clinton was trying to pass most of the stuff that was in the Patriot Act, by the way.
Well, you know, I want to get Lars Larson's on this show.
I want to get all these neocons on if they'll come on.
Usually we've called them and they won't come on.
And I want to go, OK, are you prepared for me to give you about 500 examples?
I mean, they admit I have stacks of AP articles where hot dealers, topless bars, corrupt county commissioners taking kickbacks, people with prescription drugs, you name it.
The Justice Department has said they'll use the Patriot Act.
They told the Senate last year that they're going to use it for all crimes, all misdemeanors.
They're using Patriot Act style powers to shut down protests.
I mean, this is happening everywhere.
They're arresting people for yard signs that say our court system is corrupt.
I mean, there's just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
Of examples, and they admit they're using the Patriot Act.
Coast to coast, states are implementing their own Patriot Act style laws.
In Wisconsin last year, a guy sued the government for trying to take his land.
They gave him five years in prison and said, uh, suing us is a form of terrorism.
You're not allowed to sue government officials, and he was convicted!
And that was in the Milwaukee Journal News article.
I mean, I see this stuff every day!
They tried to pass a law in Oregon.
Uh, that would give you life in prison for downloading music, having a gun illegally, uh, writing a bad check, blocking traffic in a protest.
Life in prison!
It said Forest Labor Camp!
Bill 742!
Almost passed until we learned of it!
I mean, there's so many examples of this, but that's a tactic.
Oh, show me one example of where your rights have been violated.
Oh, no-knock search warrants, scheme-ass thugs busting down doors on a daily basis, CPS grabbing people's children with no evidence.
I mean, on and on and on and on of all the horrible things this government's doing, and this guy's on the radio saying, give the government unlimited power, give the good guys the power,
And then this morning, I watched Tenet on television at the Whitewash Commission, which is basically a big advertisement for police state, the Patriot Act.
And this one member of the panel says, well, we need to give the CIA unlimited power in everything, executive automatic power for just total domestic control.
And Tenet goes, well, yes, yes, we need that.
Yes, this is very good.
We already have the CIA in all our big cities slinging the crack, slinging the smack.
Pumping it out there, running most of our major police chiefs or CIA officers, running a lot of the media, and now it's going to be out in the open!
Our domestic force!
And they send the FBI and CIA to Russia to learn from the former KGB, and they hired Prima Cop, the former KGB general, to help run Homeland Security.
That was in the news two years ago.
I mean, this is so crazy!
And there they are, doing this, but meanwhile the borders are wide open,
The illegal aliens don't have to biometrically scan, but citizens do to get driver's licenses, and now the biometrics are going in the schools.
Folks, it's hell on earth.
It is so incredible to see this happening.
The Senator will say, I want to give you unlimited power because you messed up.
I mean, literally said that, and then Tennant's like, well, we didn't mess up, and how dare you say that?
And they're acting like there's a fight as they go, I love you, I want to give you unlimited power!
Well, good, I don't like you!
Wow, that's a fight!
I mean, it's just so arrogant and ridiculous!
And then I... Listen to Sean Hannity.
Sean Hannity, last night, a rebroadcast of it, about five minutes, and he says, The troops are so good!
These are the ultimate heroes!
Oh, they're so good!
We just gotta worship them!
It's all words!
The troops are being given deadly vaccines, breathing depleted uranium, getting their pay cut, being given rotten meals by Halliburton, being lied to, never being given leave, never being brought back to the U.S.
And the government doesn't care about the troops, but it's all just this rhetoric of, oh, you're such heroes, oh, you're just... It's sick!
It's not about words, it's about actions, my friends.
So that's just some of what... But I hear these neocons.
And so when you call in to talk about the Patriot Act, I mean, know what it does.
Section 802, we're all listed as terrorists.
All citizens.
Know what it does.
It has nothing to do with terrorism.
You go, well, it says for terror.
Yeah, but the definition of terror is everything and everyone.
And getting rid of due process.
And then Ashcroft gets up there yesterday and says, you better give us more of the Patriot Act or terrorists are going to hit us and it's going to be worse.
So when they blow something else up, they can say, see?
The terrorists attacked us and it's your fault.
You people complained about this and you passed laws against the Patriot Act and you kept us from keeping you safe.
And, oh, we've got to merge the FBI and the CIA now to keep everybody safe.
We've got to give them unlimited power.
Folks, from the very beginning, from the very beginning, Ashcroft blocked the FBI, Bush blocked the CIA, and told them not to stop Al Qaeda.
They got all the documents, all the warnings, all the everything, and they told them, do not investigate.
And do not give us reports.
They told these counter-terrorism chiefs to shut up.
Ashcroft said, don't bring it up to me anymore.
I mean, he told David Shepherds, he told his staffer, don't call me anymore.
I don't want to hear about this.
Because they don't want to be culpable.
That's like when Clinton, when Sudan offered him thousands of pages of documents of the whole bin Laden operation, Clinton said, I don't want that!
And here's some cruise missiles!
Shut up!
We're gonna blow you up!
Shut your mouths!
We do not want you to arrest him!
Because he's a C.I.A.
They flew them out to safety in the middle of the Afghan war.
It's a total staged event.
The whole thing.
Magic passports falling out of the sky from two of the flights uncharred.
I mean, come on.
This whole thing is a sick joke, people.
We have official government plans declassified to carry out 9-11.
ENAC talks about carrying out terror and using terror.
Brzezinski talks about it.
This is a plan, people.
And they're just getting started.
Oh, just unbelievable.
I mean, I don't even know how to respond to it anymore.
It is sick!
All this commission is, is a giant advertisement for the Patriot Act and domestic CIA and more funding!
That's all it is.
Most of the members are CFR.
They're in business with the Bin Ladens.
They're in business with James Baker.
They're in business with George Bush.
They're in business with Halliburton.
They're writing books with Condoleezza Rice.
They tried to have Kissinger as the first head of it.
It is a joke.
It is a fraud.
It is a lie.
It is disgusting.
This country is dying right now.
These press conferences the Bush gives are totally scripted and totally staged.
That's now admitted.
This country is falling apart.
And police, when we get back, they're going to make you all take trackable microchips.
And if you take them, you are just the biggest jellyfish I've ever seen.
They're going to give you the deadly vaccines, all of it.
They hate your guts.
They abuse you.
It's just out of hand, you fools!
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Since 1947,
Giant secret government laboratories have been churning out systems to control the population.
Giant psychology departments and universities have been studying mind control publicly, how to manipulate you.
We got a bunch of architecture of doom control freaks running the country and the world, using America as the muscle for the New World Order.
Their calls are coming up in the next segment, so be patient.
And a few weeks ago, I had one of the distributors for the Applied Digital Tracker Chip implanted subcutaneously a chip.
And he said, oh yeah, I talked to the CEO, Bolton, we've had all these guys on before, of Applied Digital, and there's a plan for a global ID, we'll all have to have chips to buy and sell.
The Italian government's getting ready to implant their entire government workforce.
The military's going to put it in the troops, I already knew that.
There's a plan, he said, to put it in the police, where only they can use their guns, and he thinks it should be the law.
This is coming from the CEO of Applied Digital.
It's one of the companies, and it's kind of used as an NSA slash IBM front company.
And I've read the official government plans where they want to make you all do this.
But it's always nice to see it confirmed in the media.
And there's four separate articles we found today where big newspapers simultaneously are saying we all need chips implanted in the police.
Cops, are you going to accept this?
See, some will, and they'll get rapid advancement, and then, oh, you need to get it.
Okay, I'll take it.
And you get all the discounts to get into the bars and amusement parks.
That's how they're going to sell it.
It's happening.
Just like I told you in the late 90s, biometrics would start going in the grocery stores and banks and public schools and libraries.
Now it's all happening.
Hundreds of stores in Austin have it.
Check cashing places, banks, public schools.
Chip implant in cop's hand would allow only officer to fire a gun.
This is South Florida's Sun Sentinel.
A new computer chip promises to keep police guns from firing if they fall in the wrong hands.
The tiny chip would be implanted in the police officer's hand and would match up with the scanning device inside the gun, which is very easy to send out a radio frequency wave to block that.
If the officer and the gun match, a digital signal unlocks the trigger so it can be fired.
But if a child or criminal would get a hold of the gun, that happens a couple times a year, folks.
But it doesn't matter.
It's a slavery.
It would be useless.
The technology is the latest attempt to create a so-called smart gun and could be marketed to law enforcement agencies within a year, according to Verichip Corp., which has created the microchip.
And the government's going to try to make the military and the police take this.
Get ready.
I have the government plans.
Uh, Verichip President Kenneth Bolton said that the technology could also improve safety for the military and individual gun owners.
Now, why is this important?
Because you've heard one of their distributors say, oh, I talked to the CEO, there's a move to make it the law that you've got to take this chip to own a gun, and he thinks that should happen.
And there's a move to make the military take it, and the entire government of Italy, and on and on and on.
And to have this as a global ID chip.
That's the plan!
And he says it on the show, and two weeks later, you, a week and a half later, you see it in the news.
If you let your mind wander to other potential uses, you can imagine the lives that can be saved, he said.
Verichip, which has marketed similar microchips for security and medical purposes, announced Tuesday a partnership with gunmaker FN Manufacture.
We announced that again last week, a week and a half ago.
To produce the smart weapons.
The companies have developed a prototype and are working to refine its accuracy.
And that's FN Herzl.
I guess in the U.S.
it's called FN Manufacturing.
It owns Smith & Wesson and a bunch of others.
Similar developments are underway at other gun manufacturers and research firms.
Yeah, they've already passed the federal law that they've got to come out with smart guns by next year.
And they're going to try to ban all your other guns, make you have RFID put into it, and wear an RFID ring.
That's the plan, my friends!
Are you going to put up with it?
It's incredible!
You'll get that B.A.T.F.
letter that, well, you have this serial number, such and such gun, you've got to bring it in for retrofitting.
They're moving to do it!
You better look out!
Similar developments are underway at other gun manufacturers and research firms.
The New Jersey Institute of Technology and Australian gunmaker Metal Storm Ltd.
are working on prototype smart guns that will recognize its owner's individual grip biometrically.
And, uh, they talk about making it the law here, and who gets it first?
The police!
And then, since they have it, they're gonna go, hey, don't complain, we had to do it!
Now, cops, do you want a chip in your hand?
We warned you about this, and we were coops.
Now, it's all in the newspaper.
You better, my cousin is in Special Forces, 18 years, he's been told that they're getting the chip in the next year.
And now it's been in the news.
And they're going to have a national draft, 18 to 49.
We'll all have to take the chip.
We'll all have to take the vaccines.
They're going to draft you, police, firefighters, medical workers.
You better listen to me.
You better break your conditioning, be man enough, be woman enough to face the horror.
We'll come back.
Get into bushes, stumbling, fumbling, then your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, if you just joined us, we'll get into Bush's stage press conference.
In the last press conference, he said, I'm not taking that question, it's not scripted.
This time he went into even more detail, saying, I wish you would have given me that question beforehand.
That's not part of the scripting.
I'm going to sit here and wait until something pops in my head.
He actually said that, and many believe he has an earpiece.
Because the George Bush I know, George Bush I watched give speeches here in Texas, was not a bumbling, fumbling, complete idiot.
But anybody would be, when they're being fed answers, or trying to go off memorized scripts,
So we'll get into that.
And again, chip implanted in cop's hand would allow only officer to fire a gun.
Discussion of making it the law.
Also, DARPA coming out saying they want to put chips in our brains.
FDA approves human brain implant device.
We did some searching on this, some research, and found out NSA, as usual, involved in it.
A bunch of new developments in Iraq.
Movements to forcibly take your DNA.
Here in the U.S., it's all coming up, and I know we've got loaded phone lines.
We'll get to your calls here in a few minutes.
Paul Joseph Watson, our webmaster at Prison Planet, wrote a story about this last night, and it's on both websites right now.
Bush press conference, again, scripted beforehand.
George W. Bush's Tuesday night press conference was the usual torrent of endlessly repeated, cuddly, sugar-coated questions.
Followed by the same endlessly repeated, worn-out, monotone responses.
Interestingly enough, though, Bush again let it slip at the press conference, was scripted, and that the question had been vetted beforehand by the White House.
Remember we aired that clip last year?
He gives about one of these a year.
And he said, this is scripted!
I'm not going to take your question.
It's not the script.
And we have that on video, but strangely enough, in all the transcripts, it said, this is unscripted, I'm not going to take your question.
Whatever that means.
Near the end of the conference, Bush took a question.
Now, this is from the official transcript.
Thank you, Mr. President.
In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake you'd made in your life, and you used to like to joke that it was trading Sammy Sosa.
You've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made.
After 9-11, what would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned from it?
Lord Bush, and this is his quote, I wish you had given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.
And this is the reporter.
I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way or that way.
I guess this is Bush responding to the reporter.
Let me go back.
So the reporter says, you've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made.
After 9-11, what would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned?
And Bush then pauses for five seconds and says, I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could have planned for it.
John, he pauses again, then the President says, John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, you could have done it better this way or that way.
You know, I just, I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with the answer, but it hadn't yet.
Now that's what Bush said!
He pauses for five seconds, says a line about, I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could have planned for it.
Then he pauses again and says, John, I think something's going to pop in my head here soon.
Anyone who watched the TV footage witnessed the embarrassing side of Bush pausing for at least five seconds and saying absolutely nothing.
Bush's admonition that the question should have been written ahead of time, like the rest, proves that this was not an impromptu question.
And another, or proves that this was an impromptu question in an otherwise carefully scripted briefing.
Many people have speculated that Bush actually wears an earpiece and the responses are fed through it to him as he just repeats it.
I have done radio interviews, Paul Watson says, but I by no means am a master of public speaking.
If a radio host asked a question about a topic that I have no detailed knowledge of, then I could at least give a surface answer, and so could most other people.
Bush, the president of the most powerful country on the earth, could not even do that.
He literally stood there, in silence, fumbling around, waiting for an answer to pop into his head.
That's a quote.
Or through the earpiece.
This pep rally for the neocons has again fallen flat on its face and Bush has only further proven that he runs absolutely nothing in Washington and is just a front man for the real power brokers behind the scenes.
Read the transcript of the whole interview here.
So again, this is so chilling, I'm going to read it one more time.
You've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made after 9-11.
What would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned from it?
Bush, I wish, and after a five second pause, Bush, I wish you would have given me the written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.
And then he pauses again, and says, John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could have done it better this way or that way.
You know, I just, I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hasn't yet.
So, think about that.
I mean, he was a good liar like Bill Clinton, and he would have said, I just wish I could
You know, done more to fight the evil right-wingers that have been lying about me.
I just want to help the children.
Something like that, but no.
But no.
He just sits there waiting for the answer to, quote, hop into his head.
You know, that's kind of like giving him the cue.
Hey, hey, you know, give me the cue.
I'm waiting for it to pop into my head.
Pausing repeatedly.
I mean, five seconds!
That's, I mean, five seconds is a long time.
He asks the question of Lord Bush, and Bush does this.
Uh, I wish you'd have given me that written question in advance.
Maybe something's gonna pop in my head here.
I mean, come on!
And I gotta be honest with you.
You know, I listen to some of it on the radio.
We're good to go.
But we've got to get this clip and play it on air.
I mean, come on.
And I've got to dig around in the literal hundreds and hundreds of tapes I've taped in the last year off television.
I've got it on CD over here, but I've got to find a video of it where the last time a reporter asked him a question, he says, that's not on the script.
This is a scripted press conference.
I'm not going to answer it.
That's not on the script.
And again, somebody asks him a question, he says, you didn't give it to me and written beforehand.
Now, this needs to be responded to.
The media needs to, the so-called mainstream media, the CIA media, needs to explain to us, was this scripted?
Because that's never happened before.
It's never been admitted that presidents script things with the media beforehand.
By the way,
In the past, they would let alternative news into the meetings.
It selected reporters from the mainstream media.
They block all different sorts of other major media outlets, foreign media outlets.
They're not allowed in.
The press cannot get to Bush.
And these so-called town hall meetings that Ashcroft has had, pushing the Patriot Act.
They let special vetted media, hand-picked media in.
And they don't even let the public in, they give tickets to police and military and local officials, and then they call it a town hall meeting.
We have staged public meetings, staged press conferences in America!
This is twice in a row he gets mad at reporters, pauses, turns red, and says, this is scripted!
You didn't give me this written question beforehand!
Now that's not a free country, people!
That's the illusion of it!
We'll go to your calls here in just a second.
Let me just run down some of the news we've got.
Chip implanted in cop's hand would allow only officer to fire guns on Sentinel.
FDA approves human brain implant devices.
Connections to DARPA and NSA.
FDA approves human brain implant devices.
Iraq's post-war oil exports exceed $7.5 billion.
Longo discusses DNA sampling door-to-door.
We've got Catherine Austin Fitz coming on, former Assistant Secretary of Housing to talk about 9-11.
Why tiny brain implants?
Just thinking may make it so.
New York Times telling us how great getting chips in our brains will be.
Four mutilated bodies discovered as foreign workers told to pull out.
Seven Americans killed in Taliban attacks in Afghanistan as things heat up there.
And that's not mentioning all the mercenaries that are getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A man jailed for five years for razor blades in his razor.
So now you forget to put the razor in there.
Last time I flew to California, my wife asked, Honey, why aren't you putting your razors in your bag?
Because I'll go to prison, honey!
Oh yeah, she said.
Man, that's not... I can't even take my...
We'll get to that.
Also, US Marines shoot ambulances in Fallujah.
Deaths of scores of mercenaries not reported, as I said.
Russia could face a stock market collapse.
Panel says Bush saw repeated warnings.
ACLU challenges Georgia laws on protests, banning protests.
It just goes on and on.
That's just some of what's coming up.
As promised, let's go ahead and go to your calls and I'll get into the implantable microchips in your brain.
We told you about five, six years ago, now mainstream news.
Glenn in Minnesota, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you?
Yeah, I wanted to give a heads up to all the lovers of liberty and defenders of this constitutional republic.
I produce a cable access show, Spotlight on Conspiracy, and tonight, at 10 o'clock to midnight, we're going to be running your 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny, so if anybody's in the Minneapolis area, should tune into that.
What channel?
Channel 17.
What cable system?
They're Time Warner.
So the whole city?
Well, good job.
You know, every day it's airing in another massive city and really causing them problems.
And I want to commend you for what you're doing.
We played it Saturday and Sunday in the St.
Paul area.
So I've been hitting the Twin City area.
Did the cable system say what response they got?
I've been getting a whole lot of excellent response from it from people that I run into.
They say they saw it and they're
Yeah, that's a missing scale on this black dragon's belly.
He's missing an armored scale when it comes to Axis television.
And that's a good place to ram the spear in there, in the soft underbelly of this gigantic demonic possum.
And uh... this fire-breathing possum that we're facing and uh... good job to you and others.
What else is on your mind, Glenn?
Were you aware of uh... in the Patriot Act uh... the section that allows the Federal Reserve employees to become uh... officers uh... to enforce the law and carry firearms?
Yeah, well it allows mercenary forces, a bunch of private agencies under contract to bring in merc forces
Mercenary forces of every configuration and type, here domestically, and unleash the CIA in total carnage, torture, secret arrest, secret execution, hell upon earth, for any suspicion of a misdemeanor.
That's unbelievable.
I couldn't believe it when I read that, that they're allowed to carry firearms in our police officers now.
All the employees of the Federal Reserve System.
The Federal Reserve is private, of course.
Well, it's got every Merc Force you can imagine, foreign troops, everything.
Good to hear from you, Glenn.
I'm glad you're taking action.
Diane in South Carolina.
Diane, go ahead.
Hello, Diane.
Before I ask you something about the chip, I just wanted to say for those of you for your information, from September the 11th, 2001 to March 11th, 2004 was 911 days.
This stuff is not coincidental.
People need to open their eyes.
Well, ma'am, let me be specific.
It was 911 days from September 11th to March 11th when they hit in Spain of 2004.
Yeah, when they hit Spain the other day.
On the railroad.
Well, that isn't the...
You know, the March 11th thing.
I don't have the date of it, but it was in the Associated Press.
It was 911 days.
Yeah, it was 3-11.
From 9-11 to 3-11, it was 911 days, yes.
Okay, on the digital chip thing, there was an article in the paper the other day, and there go, by 2005, put the RFID in homeless people, elderly, and children, and these are the reasons.
The homeless, they can make sure they have food and medical help,
The elderly in case they get lost, or the free food handouts for the government, and the children due to security and systems.
I mean, this is already in the paper.
Openly, about 50 news articles a week at least, I see, where they say criminals, old people, foreigners, troops, police, you're all going to be getting your tracker chips.
And if you want your welfare, you've got to take your chip.
This is why they want to get us all on welfare.
And with the new national draft, 18-49, we'll all have to take the chip.
This is official.
And what paper was that in?
I'll have to get it and fax it to you, but I have a question, Alex, about, you were talking about everything about the domestic terrorism, this new department that they are talking about creating the MI6 or something.
Well, they say imitating the British because that isn't so scary, but actually the Russians are here, and this is the Associated Press as well, shutting up a domestic KGB.
But he said it would be like part of another department head in our government.
So it would be like the Department of Education would be a department of what?
The CIA will have control of the FBI.
It will be CIA run.
It will have unlimited power.
You got something on your site for us on that?
Uh, yes.
I've got about five articles today here.
I watched them talk about it this morning.
Okay, well thank you.
But a year ago, when they set up the commission, they said that that was going to be their recommendation beforehand as a domestic CIA.
Well, you know something else, Alex?
All this is a dialectic consensus, but in the schools, we've got the No Child Left Behind, which they are dumbing down the kids.
And they're even doing it in the churches with the church growth and the alpha wave.
I mean, these people
They have gotten into everything, and I hope people will listen and read your stuff and open their ears.
Well, I mean, we're here publicly talking about making, if you want welfare, you get a chip in.
You see, that's how the biometrics started ten years ago in Texas.
You want the Lone Star card, you got a thumb scan, and now it's in the grocery stores.
I mean, it's for everybody.
It's total control.
They're openly talking about chipping the military, the police, the homeless, the old people, the children from the public schools.
Everyone is going to have to get the chip.
It's all happening.
They're openly talking about chipping us forcibly.
9-11 film really has opened up several people's eyes here in South Carolina because when they see it, they go.
Why did I miss this in the news?
I go, well, it might have not been in the news you were watching.
And see, that's what is so bad.
People work all the time and play instead of finding out what's going on.
Well, in between the football scores and what Britney Spears did, they'll go, by the way, chips are good for all children.
Everyone needs it.
Sean Hannity, the liberals don't want you to have this chip.
Go out and get it.
Every child needs it.
Thank you for all you do, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Yeah, it's total.
I mean, let's just pause here for a second and think about it.
They're openly, in the newspapers, saying that everybody needs a chip now.
And, oh, by the way, if you want welfare, you've got to get it.
I've seen those articles.
I'd like to see the one she was talking about.
And, oh, the police have got to do it.
And, oh, the military's got to do it.
And, oh, all the government workers of Italy have got to do it.
And, oh, now all of a sudden we've got to have a chip.
I mean, did you ever think you'd hear that?
I did, because I read the documents.
You didn't believe it.
Now it's happening.
You can be a coward and accept it, or you can fight it.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We did find the video clip of Bush last year in a press conference saying this is scripted.
These are scripted questions.
I can't take your question.
And it was on TV last night where he went into detail saying you should have submitted this to me in writing beforehand, this question.
We're going to get that clip up on the next few days.
As soon as we get Bush's comments recorded.
We just got the transcript right now.
I know we got a lot of phone lines.
We got Kathryn Austin Fitch coming on too to go over 9-11.
I've also got this news about DARPA getting FDA approval to move forward with putting chips in your brain.
I mean, the government says, the official DARPA plan, that they're going to implant all of us with microchips, and that it's going to be forcibly done in the brain.
And now they're openly saying, we're going to start with it under the skin.
I mean, they're actually doing it.
Yes, it's the Twilight Zone.
For real, right here in your face.
Before we go back to the calls,
I've made ten films.
You've heard the rave reviews from listeners.
I don't have time to tell you what all's in them.
You need to get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masses of Terror.
They're both about September 11th and how the terrorists are those in government.
And my book, Descent to Tyranny, also covers that.
9-11, Descent to Tyranny.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor, Terror and the New World Order.
Bunch of other books and videos by other great authors and researchers are on the site.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
Or you can simply call toll free to get the videos.
Big discounts when you order 3 or more of any of the 10 videos.
You save $18 when you order 3 tapes, $24 when you order 4 tapes, and so on.
Toll-free number again, 1-888-253-3139, or via our Save and Secure shopping carts at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Let's go ahead, and do you have that clip of Lord Bush last year?
Okay, well, he's got it.
We're going to play it here in a second.
This is all very, very serious, folks, and I just hope you'll get the films and the videos and start spreading the word and doing what many others have done.
If we don't expose the terrorists, it's over.
If we don't expose the control freaks, the criminals, it's over.
They're moving big time to dehumanize us right now.
Helga in Austin, Texas.
Helga, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I did see the press conference and I was just
If I would have been one of those reporters, I would have gotten up and said, that's it, I quit.
Well, I would have said, Mr. President, why did you threaten through Ashcroft to have Sybil Edmonds, the FBI translator, arrested?
I would have told him, I quit.
It was just so obvious.
You know, after a football game, people are, you know, blowing their cars and
Putting the lights on.
I mean, at least something like this should happen in the public right now.
But I think we are losing so many things right now.
I think we have to put black ribbons on the cars and wherever else.
Well, it's moving very fast, Helga.
We have to start a big black ribbon campaign.
Because there are just so many grievances we have at this time.
And we just have to come out and show that we are knowing what's going on.
Yeah, the Globalists are moving very fast right now.
It's going so fast.
And I can tell by their actions that they're now getting ready to blow something else up or do something even worse.
We have to put black ribbons in our car.
There's nothing they can do about it.
You can always say, you know, you're grieving for you lost one in the war or whatever.
But we've got to put black ribbons in our cars.
I'm going to put black ribbons on my bike and I'm going to put black ribbons on my blouse.
A black ribbon for the death of America.
It's very sad.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate the call.
We've got that clip ready now.
We'll play that when we get back.
We'll take some more calls.
Then we've got Catherine Austin Fitch coming on.
Former Deputy Head of the Housing Department.
Talk about government corruption.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, hour number two.
We have Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing, coming on to talk about, in the first Bush administration, talk about 9-11 corruption.
Her open letter to Condoleezza Rice, you are a liar.
Loaded phone lines.
They're now moving to put implantable chips in the news.
In the homeless, the old people, the children, the troops, the police.
If you want to get into bars, clubs, resorts, amusement parks, you're going to have to have the chip.
Openly being discussed.
Total, absolute insanity.
FDA just approved a DARPA program to put brain chips in us.
Of course, put them in the criminals to make them behave and be good servants.
That was in CBS News three years ago.
Now here it is in the mainstream media again.
Just the insanity of it.
But last night in Bush's stage press conference, he went into more detail than he did last year.
A reporter said, what was your biggest mistake after 9-11?
Bush, after a five second pause, I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.
Then he went on to say, he paused again, he goes, you know, I'm sure something will pop in my head here in the midst of this press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with the answer, but it hadn't yet.
So he admitted that everything was put, given to him beforehand and this reporter asked an unscripted question.
Now he just slipped up a little bit last year while he was lying about weapons of mass destruction and keeping us all safe before he went into Iraq on the eve of that war last March.
Was it like a March 6th or something?
Here is a clip of that where he says it's scripted.
I'm not going to you.
It's scripted.
Go ahead and play that clip.
The risk that somehow
Okay, play that again.
Again, a reporter...
The risk that somehow that inaction will make the world safer is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.
Uh, he'll be there in a minute.
King, John King.
This is unscripted.
Thank you, Mr. President.
You know, I'm going to try to take this tonight, but if somebody's got it, you've got to send it to me.
That's how you can help me.
Because again, I didn't take it.
I saw part of it online, listened to it, read the transcript.
I just somehow couldn't, well actually I was live on TV when he was giving the speech last night on my own TV show, and then I got home at night and
Couldn't find a blank tape, I've gone through so many, and just this morning I'm sitting there waiting to record it, and I get to watch Tenet up there saying, Domestic CIA is going to run your life.
But this is very, very serious, so we'll get your response to it.
Because that was last year, and they changed the transcript to say unscripted, where it clearly says scripted.
All the national transcripts altered that to unscripted.
Last night he comes out and says it is scripted, and you should have given this to me in written form beforehand.
This has got to be responded to.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in Colorado.
Bob, go ahead.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call.
I just, you know, the chips and everything are alarming, but I've seen there's something going on here in Colorado that just blows my mind.
All day long on the TV stations, they're advertising for people to participate in some kind of an experimental thing on a new smallpox vaccination.
Yeah, because they tried to forcibly make the police and firefighters take it.
99 plus percent refused.
And they passed a law to make us all take it, but no, but everybody's just refusing.
So now they're trying to advertise it to pay you to do it.
And they will pay people to do this, which will put the live virus, or whatever it is... They admit it can spread from it, yes.
Which is just unreal.
It's unbelievable.
Why in the world would anyone want to do that?
Uh, sure, they publicly put cancer viruses and sterilization systems in the vaccines.
That's probably how they did it.
How would you want to participate though?
That's crazy.
Because they're idiots.
They're morons.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
War number two, eight minutes into it.
Thanks for joining us.
Last year, Bush, in his pre-war ultimatums press conference to his business partner, Saddam Hussein, always his business partner, Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, a reporter tried to ask a question.
He said, hey, this is scripted.
I'm going to this guy.
But then they had unscripted in the transcripts.
Well, last night he just came out and said, this is scripted.
You didn't give me this question before in writing.
And he turned red and paused for another five seconds and said, I'm just waiting for something to pop into my head.
Very, very serious.
uh... and uh... the horrible display was up there shaking when he talked about oh i'm so sad for those that died well yeah your boss has killed all those people you should be a pretty upset uh... if you have any conscience which you don't you're a member of the order of death skull and bones with your cousin John Forbes Carey and then uh... we've got the sun sentinel chip implanted in cops hand but allow only officers to fire gunners moves to put it in the homeless and the criminals and the foreigners and the troops and the police and we had an applied digital
vendor on a couple weeks ago, and he said, oh yeah, I'll talk to the CEO, it's a global idea, you'll have to have it to buy and sell, and the Italian government's about to make all their employees take it, we're going to put it in all the police, and hey, here it is in the newspaper!
And then even worse, FDA yesterday approved implantable chips in your brain, we have the AP article there, FDA approves human brain implant, we found out, and this is a DARPA operation, and we linked to some of the old stories where DARPA says, by law,
The Army is going to put chips in all of our brains.
Now, this sounds insane.
Yeah, it's Twilight Zone.
It's the Associated Press, okay?
I'm sorry to have to announce this to you.
Five years ago, you never thought they'd be saying we all gotta take chips.
Sean Hannity, you know, every child needs a chip.
Don't let the liberals get you, take a chip.
See, it's liberal to turn in your guns, liberal to open the borders, liberal to worship world government, liberal to have the Pentagon running most of the media.
I want to thank her for joining us, and she's an incredibly articulate, intelligent person.
Cut Ross and Fitch, former Assistant Secretary of Housing under Lord Bush, an open letter to Condoleezza Rice, you are a liar!
It's similar to an article I wrote pointing out her lies, because it's universal lies.
Great minds think alike.
Catherine, good to have you on the show.
Alex, it's great to be on.
I've got to tell you, just even listening to your commercials wakes me up.
Well, thank you.
Did you watch the chief stumbling, bumbling puppet last night admit that that whole press conference was pre-screened?
I didn't watch it, Alex.
I don't own a television.
I don't watch TV, so I did not watch it.
I've read the reports about it, but I haven't watched it.
What do you think about him now admitting that it's scripted?
This is a big deal.
We need to ask the media, how is this scripted?
Why didn't you tell us it was scripted?
This is like something out of Russia or something.
Most press conferences in Washington are scripted.
I mean, the news at this point is very, the corporate media is very controlled.
It's interesting, I read an article from, I think it was the Guardian or the Observer in London last week,
Where the reporter had both people from CNN and the Israeli government conceding that one call from the Israeli government could get a story killed at CNN.
So we're looking at media, we're looking at corporate media that's very controlled.
That's why your radio show is so popular.
People want media that's not controlled.
You heard me get into the plans to forcibly put chips not now under our skin but in our brains.
DARPA says they'd like to do this.
That's off the charts, but it's mainstream news.
I mean, I can't believe this.
What do you think about that?
Well, I don't know anything about that in particular.
What I will say is that what I've observed for the last 12 years is a growing policies to control, in very central ways, the economy, people's behavior, that is nuts.
Doesn't make sense.
Done work.
You know, it's kind of the Tower of Babel.
But the ideas that come up and are proposed and implemented are frightening.
Well, I mean, the normal response to what they're now doing would be running down the street, screaming, pulling your hair out, going, Martians are landing.
I mean, the scale of things, it's like opening your, you know, it's a dark night, you open your front door, you walk in, and an eight-foot werewolf is standing in your living room.
The stuff that's happening is the same scale of tyranny and scariness.
I'm a great believer that if you have a good map of your world, my pastor always says, if we can face it, God can fix it.
And I think step one is to take a deep breath and take a deeper look at what's happening and why.
I once wrote an article, somebody asked me if I'd run for president.
I wrote an article saying why I would decline to run for president.
Permit me to just play a game, and for a second, let's appoint Alex Jones President of the United States.
Can we do that?
You're the President of the United States, and I'm going to be your Secretary of Treasury.
Because if you ever become the President, I want to be your Secretary of Treasury.
So, but you've got a political advisor.
Let's say Karl Rove is now your political advisor.
So, Karl Rove, we come into the Oval Office, you're the President, you're sitting behind the President's desk, and Karl Rove says, Mr. President, everybody in America wants a check.
That's what they want.
So you look at me and you say, well, what does that mean?
Because your Director of Office of Management and Budget is going to be sitting there crunching the numbers, and I'm going to say, Mr. President, we're going to have to borrow more money.
And so we've got to do whatever the creditors want, right?
Because we've got a bunch of creditors globally who are financing our governmental apparatus, and in fact, the people, the lead investors among our creditors own the companies that run our computer accounting payment systems, our banking accounts,
So our whole government is run operationally or financially by the creditors.
So, if everybody wants their check, what do you have to do?
You're the president.
Well, I've got to expand the fiat money system.
You've got to make the creditors happy.
Let me give you an example, because we can bring this down to a neighborhood level and look at it in your neighborhood.
In the summer of 2000, I think I told you this story when we talked earlier, in the summer of 2000 I was giving a speech to a wonderful group of people called the International Spiritual Frontiers Foundation, and we were talking about the Department of Justice, the CIA Inspector General report that admitted, yes, we were dealing cocaine to your children, and the fact that the Department of Justice says the United States financial system is the worldwide leader in money laundering.
Uh, laundering about 500 billion to a trillion a year.
So I said to the audience of these very spiritually committed people, what would happen if we stopped all money laundering and organized crime in America tomorrow?
And so we had a little discussion and they said, well, you know, the stock market would go down and our mutual funds would go down and we'd have trouble financing the deficit because, you know, these guys are all our creditors now.
And, uh, uh, you know, our taxes might go up, our government checks might stop.
So I said, okay, well, let's pretend
There's a big red button up here on the left turn, and if you push that button, you can stop all narcotics trafficking to your children tomorrow.
Who here will push the button?
And out of 100 people dedicated to evolving our society spiritually, Alex, guess how many would push the button?
One person.
One person, that's right.
One person would push the button.
So I said to the other 99 people spiritually dedicated to evolving our society spiritually, I said, why would you not push the button?
And they said, we don't want our mutual funds to go down.
And we don't want our government checks to stop, and we don't want our taxes to go up.
And I said, so what you're saying is, you want a group of people, you know, including with support from the Department of Justice and the CIA, to continue to facilitate the marketing of narcotics trafficking to your children and grandchildren.
And they said, yes, that's right.
What they don't get, though, is the systems of fraud run by criminals.
We could get out of this system and all of us be better off, but we have this commitment to this evil now by the so-called middle classes, actually.
This system is destroying the middle class.
Well, the central banking warfare system has been in existence and growing for 500-some years, but we as a society, as a culture and economy, are financially dependent on doing things that hurt other people.
Including ourselves.
And so, part of what has to change... I wrote a letter to Condoleezza Rice, and I said, you're a liar.
But what I will also turn around and tell you is, that the National Security Council, the President, the Department of Justice, if they don't lie, the American people will slaughter them.
Because the American people send a dollar to Washington, and then we get two dollars back.
And so at some point in that algebraic equation, something's got to change.
And this was designed by the big central banks, admittedly, to destroy private capital, to centralize control in the hands of just a few families.
But Catherine, I want to get into your letter to Condoleezza Rice.
On the bigger scale, this elite has designed this to get control of our lives.
Now they're in the endgame scenario for total tyranny, total control.
It's just rampant corruption in the government, as you said.
I mean, it's not just drug dealing, it's everything else.
Now they're trying to bring in a high-tech control grid.
How do we stop this?
Well, there are a couple ways.
And let me walk through.
The most important thing, Alex, is that every person who takes action
I think so.
Let me tell you the most important thing that can change this, and that's what I call consumer power.
We vote at the polls every year or two years, and given black box voting, you know, there's real concern about, you know, after what happened in 2000 in Florida, whether our vote counts as much as we'd like.
Well, we just had that here in Austin.
I'll get into that later, but it's a total fraud.
We vote in the marketplace every day.
With our time, our attention, our money.
And that vote, Alex, is so powerful.
And Americans have not realized the power that they have.
And that's because if we start to look behind the government and say, who is the government?
You know, who's really doing this?
And you look at the companies, the corporations, the defense contractors, the banks that are running these different agencies, and we can get into that if you want.
Yeah, let's do that.
Let's get into the crime syndicate that runs the world, who they are, what they like to do, what their plan is for us, and then I want to get into how you woke up to all this when you were in the federal government, and we'll take calls and cover a bunch of news.
Stay with us.
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800-430-6748 800-430-6748 800-430-6748 From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've just been told that on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com we've just
Posted the video clip of Lord Bush admitting that the press conference was completely scripted in our so-called free society.
That's coming up later.
And yes, your phone call is the next segment.
Katherine Austin Fitch is our guest.
You can read her open letter to Lord Rice at Infowars.com.
We have a link to her story.
An open letter to Lord Rice.
You are a liar!
In two compact packets of nutshell information, tell us a little bit about yourself, how you woke up to the New World Order, and then what the New World Order is, what this global crime syndicate is, and what their final goal is.
Because I really respect your opinion on this.
I was a partner and member of the Board of Directors of Dillon Reed, which was a Wall Street investment banking firm.
I left in 1989 to become Assistant Secretary of Housing in the first Bush administration.
Organization that runs about a $500 billion portfolio of mortgage insurance, operation to finance homes and apartment buildings and real estate around the country.
I was fired after 18 months by Jack Kemp because I was too good at cleaning up Iran Contra Fraud.
I was ordered to do the cleanup, but the problem was it was working.
I then left the Bush administration and was invited by the
Chief of Staff Sununu and Secretary of the Treasury Brady to join the Federal Reserve as a governor.
But what had happened, Alex, is I had discovered the Internet when I was in the administration and really believed that the Internet and information through digital technology could give us what we needed to get neighborhoods off of the government dole and out of debt and financing with equity privately.
So I saw a real opportunity to turn things around because right now
By the way, that's the big no-no.
That's why the Federal Reserve had to take over, because they don't want private capital accumulation.
They want a debt-based system.
And of course, for freedom to exist, or prosperity to exist, you've got to have an equity-based system.
It's that simple.
And of course, as you know, fiat currency is not going to work.
So, I was a great believer that I had tremendous support from my partners and the people I'd worked with, who you would describe as the New World Order.
To try and find an alternative system, a better way.
And so I started a private company, the Hamilton Securities Group, to try and prototype how we could finance communities with equity in a transparent model.
Right now, how the money works by place is not accessible to you.
You and your family don't get a financial report from government saying, you know, here's the sources and uses of all your money, and here's how we performed in Austin, Texas.
That information is available, but not to citizens.
My passion was making that available because one of the things that had happened to me in the Bush Administration was I tried to promote more financial transparency and that was part of the tension.
Anyway, so we started Hamilton.
It was very successful.
Several years later, the Clinton Administration, on a competitive bid, hired us back to help re-engineer defaulted mortgages at FHA.
We implemented the things they requested.
It was very successful.
Fired by the Clinton administration, so I want you to know, Alex, I have perfect bipartisan credentials.
I've been fired by both Republicans and Democrats.
So when did you wake up that it was a giant, drug-dealing, wicked system?
Well, I've been told those things, but I didn't believe it.
And then, when we were fired by the Clinton administration, have you seen the movie Enemy of the State with Will Smith?
Okay, one of my friends introduces me at conferences and says, this woman played Will Smith in real life.
And I went through what has now been a nine-year enemy of the state process.
I had 18 audits and investigations.
I was basically terrorized by the Department of Justice and still am being terrorized by the Department of Justice.
I'm due in court in two weeks.
And that process forced me to say, something's wrong here.
Why would the Department of Justice terrorize, seize, destroy a leader of transparency of how the money works by place and in the government?
And as I researched and kept dealing with my situation, what I learned was how many people were complicit in this economic dependency on doing bad things.
And that's the red button story I described to you.
So I started to research and write articles.
In 1998, when I was literally running for my life, I was dealing with serious physical harassment and surveillance, I found Mike Rupert, who you know.
And Mike Rupert started to educate me about how the narcotics trafficking worked.
And as an investment banker, I'd always thought narcotics trafficking was not that important because if you look at total financial fraud or organized crime, narcotics trafficking is a relatively small financial percentage.
But I hadn't appreciated the impact that it had on our personal lives and how the train tracks of
Narcotics trafficking had really built up... Yeah, it's used to beef up the private prisons, it's used to militarize the police, it's used to destroy the Bill of Rights, and that secret river of hundreds of millions of dollars is used to finance black budget operations.
Hey, watch.
Stay there.
We'll come back, get more into this, then we'll get into 9-11, and we're gonna go to your calls, too.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My friends, having a tyrannical government is the most horrible thing you can have in your life.
They killed 200 million people last century alone.
These bankers funded Hitler, Stalin, Mao.
The government now admits they put Mao into power, the U.S.
government did.
That's even on the History Channel, CIA people bragging about it.
They had a Rockefeller worshipping Mao in the New York Times, how good he was.
Killed 50 million people.
I mean, they're total control freaks.
Their religion is power.
They're the priests of power and control and sadistic wickedness.
They enjoy it.
It's the only way they could carry all this out.
It's a psychopathic synthesis.
Because a normal, rational person with morals couldn't do all this.
Only the most wicked
And in a sick way, you know, it's that social Darwinism they believe in, that survival of the fittest, but it's our own species breeding us, dumbing us down like grueling cattle, doing everything to break down our society.
We'll go to Brock and Laura and Dave and Maggie and others here in a few minutes.
We're talking to Catherine Austin Fitch, former Assistant Secretary of Housing.
Who found out about all of this and has gone public, and she's written an open letter to Condoleezza Rice, but continue, in just a nutshell again, just the drug dealing.
The heroin, the cocaine, who they boss is the cowboys that don't pay their cut.
But the money off the drugs is only a small part of it.
It's also the war it creates domestically, which is a smokescreen for a war against the people, when the globalists themselves bring in the enemy, the illegal narcotics.
Go ahead.
Let's talk about where the opportunity is for us.
Because right now, the big problem is, we all take the position that our money has no smell.
So, as long as we're not doing it, but we're getting lots of money from it,
You know, we're happy, and the problem, Alex, is the crowd will always vote for the guy who gives them the money.
So, if I don't know where your money comes from, but you've got bo-koodle money because you're doing this, then I vote for you.
I mean, have you seen the Passion, Mel Gibson's new movie about the life or the crucifixion?
Okay, well, the crowd votes for the criminal.
The Romans give them a chance.
You know what I mean?
Our society is stuck in a prisoner's dilemma.
If I was to go to Council on Foreign Relations, sit down with the Executive Committee, try to persuade them to behave differently, they'd say, the crowd always votes for the criminal because the criminal has the money.
We're stuck.
We're in a prisoner's dilemma, and that's why.
But that's the fraud, is that in a real system, a system of freedom built this country, now the parasites have taken over.
It's an illusion.
Yeah, in their system, in their system, in their system, they've got the purse strings.
To take it back, we need power, and the way we get power is by taking responsibility.
The problem, yes, we're centralizing economic and political power,
And the people leading that, you and I might call evil, or they're doing evil.
But there's a bigger problem, and that is, from the point of view of the birds, the trees, and the dolphins, the planet's better off without humans.
In other words, we are all complicit in what I would call, as an investment banker, a negative return on investment economy, and there are very few of us who are really actively looking to change our individual lifestyles so that our money is cleansed, our money has no smell,
And we have a positive return on investment economy.
Let me stop you right there, Catherine, because at the highest levels of the global system, they will say they're bringing in all this tyranny, let them get total control, so that they can save the Earth, so they can reduce the population, when in truth they're just a bunch of psychopaths that love doing this.
Okay, let me tell you what we can do to Mars.
Everybody in America turned off corporate media and shifted their attention and subscriptions and purchases to media that tell us the truth.
Think of what that would do.
That's number one.
Already, let me stop you, 45% in major studies have already left the mainstream media to alternative media.
Isn't that part of why they're panicking?
But imagine if we could shift another 5 or 10% because then the honest person is going to start to have market power.
Now let's talk real turkey.
If everybody in America took their checking accounts, their money,
They're credit cards out of big banks, particularly the banks that control the different Federal Reserves around the country, and moved it back into the well-managed, local, small credit union, or small bank.
Because what we've got here is a war between the people who believe in centralization of economic power and the people who believe in decentralized.
But you know something, Alex?
I will go make a speech to 2,000 people on just these issues,
And sure enough, they all bank at Citibank, they all bank at Bank of New York, they got credit cards from Citibank, you know, on and on and on and on.
And so we got to walk our talk.
If we shift our media attention and money, we shift our bank deposits, we shift our purchases back to local businesses under local control,
Then we're starting to gain power over the situation.
And that's why the globalists are racing to move everything to Mexico, India, and China.
So the paradigm goes in their way to the point of no return.
How far away are we from the point of no return in this economic system they've built to guarantee independency?
We're never beyond the point of no return because until the planet is extinct.
In other words, the Tower of Babel historically has always fallen.
Part of what you're seeing, I didn't see the press conference, but part of what you're seeing is that highly centralized systems don't work because they're nowhere near as intelligent as decentralized systems.
Well, they can't adapt.
They're very centralized.
Our world is invented.
We invent our world.
We invent our world with our thoughts, with our prayers, with our transactions, and no one is as smart as all of us.
And the power of truth
Is it has a much faster learning speed and a decentralized system.
Well, that's it.
We have weapons in the Info War that will destroy their biggest capital ships instantly.
It will only fire the weapons.
Laying around us with our minds, our mouths, our energies, our purchase power, are weapons that will lay waste to their biggest juggernauts.
But the question is, when are we going to be worthy?
Because most people in America are not on the positive return on investment side.
They're in the middle of the road.
You know, I listen to everybody talk about how a Kerry administration is going to be better.
You know, the leading people advising Kerry on economics, one is Rubin, who's the co-chairman of the biggest money laundering institution in America.
Bringing drugs into your neighborhood, or helping reinvest the money, and I can give you stories and documentation on that personally.
Well, they sent the Grasso, the head of the New York Stock Exchange, there's Reuters photos of him meeting with the chief drug dealer saying, invest your money with us!
So what we now have to, if 73,000, because America's just 73,000 neighborhoods, Alex.
America's 73,000 neighborhoods, if every one of us
Turn this around in our neighborhood, and then we collaborate it together.
This can be turned around, and it can be done safely, because nobody's going to put you in jail for marching down, taking your money out of Citibank, and putting it in Farmers and Merchants Bank in Bolivar, Tennessee.
So, the key is, go to the little local banks.
How do you find out if it's really a local bank?
Because lots of them are just big fronts.
Well, that's true, but, you know, we need, you know, one of the things I propose is go to my website at www.solari.com,
It's something called a Salary Circle, or a Salary Circle Investment Bank.
A Salary Circle is basically, don't worry so much about whether there is a conspiracy, you need to start one.
Get a group of people together in your neighborhood, start learning about how the money works in your neighborhood, figure out who the banks are, who owns them, who's well managed, who's not.
I mean, if you're a member of the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary International or your farm co-op in your neighborhood... And the globalists are very good at controlling the grassroots organizations.
You're saying, because we're... Let me tell you why they control... We can go in and take them over.
They control, because if you're the honest small business person in your rotary or whatever, what you know is that the crowd will always vote for the criminal, because the criminal can throw around more money than you can.
Let's get right down to the real deal, Alex.
If I'm a businessman who's laundering huge money in my community versus the guy who's being honest and is not laundering money, who's going to get laid more?
Well, I don't want to use that analogy.
Let's talk about real incentive systems.
Who gets the beautiful woman?
The guy who's got all the money, or the guy who's the honest, hard-working guy, you know, building the business?
Well, let me stop you.
MTV uses that image to manipulate our young people that have your pants hanging down around your ankles, wear all these earrings, deal drugs, and you get the Escalade.
But this comes back, you know, what I always tell women is, women can change this tomorrow.
Not only do we move our bank deposits, but if every woman in America said,
I'm not associating with, I'm not flirting with, I'm not dating, I'm not marrying anybody whose money's dirty.
What do you think's going to happen?
Well, and the Globalist are masters.
That's why they set up Gloria Steinem and the fake feminist movement as the CIA to have women go with the system.
And Hitler said this.
First you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
Right, but for nine years, Alex, I have been working, speaking, and living through 18 audits and investigations
We're good to go.
You know, we're all complicit in this thing.
Well, I mean, Catherine, exactly.
I mean, I've gotten a phone call five, six years ago offering me a million bucks a year to go with a big network and sell out and be a neocon.
You know why?
Because it's more fun to be on our team.
It is more fun to be on.
I mean, I've had more, despite all the things I've gone through, I have more fun and I associate with a much higher, more fun, intelligent caliber person.
I mean, the pro-decentralization team, Alex, is going to win because it's more fun.
Well, I know this.
I'm disgusted by the criminals.
I'm disgusted by their institutionalized wickedness.
I don't... I mean, the New World Order, DynCorp, was caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children and was convicted in civil court in 2001.
I mean, I just hate their evil!
I can't stand bullies!
Let me tell you what's going to happen now, and it's thanks to people like you, Alex.
I took that article on DynCorp to a friend of mine here, where I live in Hickory Valley, Tennessee.
And she came back to me and she said, I cannot fathom that this is happening, and our congressmen and our senators are not doing anything about it.
And what's been going on in America is, Americans are very decent and wonderful people, but they can't fathom that this has really been going on.
And the minute they fathom that it is, and that's part of what's come out on this testimony in 9-11, they are a mighty force, and their money and their transactions and their prayers are a mighty force.
Well, I have to say this, Catherine.
I have to say this.
This is important.
I don't say this for a pep rally.
Six, seven years ago, I was saying, you know,
We're doomed.
Nobody's waking up.
I can't believe this is going on.
Now, I've done over 1,500 radio interviews.
No one calls in to disagree.
I mean, maybe one out of 30 calls.
Everybody I talk to is waking up.
I am seeing a huge awakening, and I just thank God for it, all over the place.
The time has come for us to use our consumer power
And our prayers to shift this in a mighty way.
And I think it's about to happen.
But here's the problem.
I think they're getting ready to release smallpox or Nuka City, try to get us back online.
They've shut up the oppression, tyranny.
They may go to the next level.
They're top military generals.
They're saying martial law is good.
We're about to give you martial law.
I mean, how do we counter that?
I guess by exposing the terrorist art.
And forgive all my biblical references, but I love the stories.
Do you know the story of Gideon in the Bible?
Gideon had an army of 300 people that came down the side of the mountain, banging pitchers and lanterns with no weapons.
And the Midianites, who were so distrustful and suspicious of each other, jumped up in the middle of the night and killed each other.
I call it the Midianite strategy.
As we bring illumination and shift the money... The funny thing about opposing the pro-centralization team is they're so... You know, they steal from each other, Alex.
And every time we illuminate,
You know, the Tower of Babel will fall.
So, when we damage one of their structures, they suddenly, like great white sharks, smell the blood and start gobbling.
They're going after each other.
Well, a great white shark, or even a shark if it's in a frenzy and its own guts are hanging out, will start eating its own guts.
That's exactly what you're watching.
I call it the Midianite thing.
We are watching the Midianite thing happening in great... I mean, you had Ashcroft and all the folks from the Clinton administration pointing fingers at each other
You know, he's to blame, she's to blame.
You know, it's happening.
Alright, let's take some calls here.
And again, we have Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing under Lord Bush I on the show.
Let's go ahead.
And I appreciate you guys holding.
I guess Brock in Canada is up first.
Brock, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me.
I was just fascinated by your surmise that you think the globalists are getting ready to blow something up.
I said that in July 2001.
Now I'm assured of it.
I've seen enough indicators.
They are on go date right now.
I will guarantee you in the next 10 months, unless we get the word out, they're going to nuke a city, release smallpox, or fly more planes into buildings.
Well, I've probably... You know, I haven't said that for the last two and a half years.
You did call that in July.
You said something was going to happen in New York in 2001.
And sure enough, it did.
And I just would like to be optimistic, but I think there's too many people duped by the controlled press.
It's the opposite.
Too many people are waking up.
They've got to throw it in high gear.
It's desperation.
Yeah, well, I think you're doing a wonderful job.
You know I feel that.
I just think there's just too many out there who are duped, and I hope that... Let me tell you what they do.
They screen the calls on these national radio shows to give you the illusion that everybody's buying.
Or they only put inarticulate people on who disagree with them that they can cut up in little pieces.
I don't understand.
What I'm saying is that he's getting the view that everybody's buying into the lies, and I'm telling him that the big national shows are scripted.
That's why he gets that illusion.
I have to tell you, I live in the middle of the country.
I travel all over the country.
I don't see any buying of the lies whatsoever.
What I see are people who are challenged to find an effective solution
And that's why I talk about consumer power, because I think people know that they're being fed lies, but they don't want to say anything about it unless they have a pathway to express themselves which is positive.
And so the minute they understand that by voting with their money and their media attention, I think you can see tremendous shift.
We've already seen 45% of people leave television entirely.
Yeah, I mean, what I see on the ground throughout America is, I don't see people buying the lies at all, but at the same time, they don't want to talk about it.
They want to do something that is practical and that's going to get someplace.
Okay, thanks for the call, Brock.
Dave in Colorado.
Or actually, Laura's up next.
Laura in Virginia.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I was on your show before.
I don't know if you remember me or not.
Yes, I am.
I'm pretending to what?
I'm here, I'm in the military and I'm trying to get out actually because I don't I don't like what's going on.
They have been giving the smallpox shot here in Virginia actually through the military and I've been listening to your show for quite some time you know and the Skull and Bones I've watched the video
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
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I think so.
I think so.
We're good to go!
Okay, the next hour I'll get into all the news, back into the microchipping, all the different police state information.
We'll also play an audio clip of Bush last night saying everything was scripted.
So that's coming up as well.
We'll have to have her back on the show, Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing.
And we really appreciate her coming on the show.
We've got a bunch of other callers here.
I want to at least get Hank in before our guest has to leave us.
But I like what you say in your letter to Condoleezza Rice, that your motives are transparent.
You're a liar.
You knew.
You kept silent.
They died.
You're going down.
The richest and most powerful people in the world pay for performance.
They pay you to make the U.S.
governmental apparatus look legitimate while they use it to centralize economic and political power.
That means they need liars who are better at lying than you.
She's not a very good liar, is she?
Condoleezza Rice has done fairly well lying.
I just think we're at a point where lies are not going to work anymore.
There are too many serious questions that have been documented on 9-11 and it's been going on too long and too many people are watching and those lies aren't going to hunt.
The truth is going to come out here and so I think we've reached a point where these folks have overplayed their hand and they're going to get caught.
Well, they are.
They have been caught.
Almost everybody I've talked to.
I mean, I do my own national show.
I go on other national shows and lay out the evidence of how they carried out 9-11.
They didn't just let it happen.
They carried this whole thing out.
Right, but I think Rice is a professional when it comes to handling this kind of stuff, and the good news for us is that someone who's as professional as she can't pull it off.
That's good news.
You know, once again, the truth comes together and lies fall apart, and that's working for the pro-decentralization team.
Don't we expose them, stop them from carrying out more terror attacks by exposing who's behind the terror, who stands to gain?
Right, the more we can bring sunshine, and the more we can shift our money, and the more we can use consumer power, I mean, all it takes, because their whole operation is so leveraged, all it takes is relatively minor shifts
In total viewership, in total money, to get very powerful changes here.
I hear you.
Well, Catherine Austin Fitts, thank you for coming on the show and your website, Solari.com.
Alex, thanks so much.
You have a wonderful day.
Sure, and that website, Solari.com, right?
And how do you spell that?
It's S-O-L-A-R-I, and it's from the Greek.
It means to illuminate, to reduce anxiety through illumination.
All right, well, that is by exposing.
Okay, well, thanks.
Have a wonderful day.
Take care.
Interesting lady, you know, in the government, and she wrote a good letter to Connelisa Rice.
We had her on the show.
We're going to come back in the next hour, and I will get to Hank and Dave and Maggie and Holt.
Everybody else is patiently holding.
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You want to expose the globalists?
Buy 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
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Mail them out to all your public officials and talk show hosts and opinion makers.
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If we don't expose the murdering killers of 9-11, they're going to carry out even bigger attacks and take everything we've got!
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I know we can win if you move, if you take action.
Third hour coming up, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You're now into hour number three.
Thank you so much for riding shotgun with us today in the fight against the most degenerate, blood-sucking, control-freak sadists you can imagine.
They are the synthesis of weakness and wickedness
They love dumbing you down and turning you into cattle that they can put in little cages and then suck dry when they feel like it.
We're standing up as humanity with God's help and saying we're not your slaves, we're not your property, we're not buying your lives anymore, we're tired of your corruption, your drug dealing, your poisoning the vaccines, your financial scams with the Federal Reserve, your phony wars, your lies.
We're not going along with it.
We're standing up against it.
We're free human beings and we declare independence against you and your satanic forces.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com and our greatest enemies are the neocon socialist big government promoting gun-grabbing pimps who pose as conservatives to neutralize you, the good conservative people of America!
And we declare war on the neocons and their fraud in the Info War!
I step in to my own massive Info War artillery piece and I FIRE!
And FIRE on you!
With the truth, I smash your capital ships!
I lay waste to your pillars and your pyramids of lies!
And more of us are manning the weapon systems to the point that you can't launch the smallpox attacks!
You can't nuke the cities and blame it on foreign enemies to set up your police state because people aren't buying it!
And your own criminal system will implode on itself!
You will be defeated!
Resistance to us is futile!
The victory is all ready ours!
We are assured of it!
Wickedness always implodes, always brings itself down, and you will be defeated!
Your evil, your kidnapping, your murdering, your sickening degeneracy is being exposed!
We'll go to calls, this is a bunch of them, then I'll get into the microchipping news.
The police have to take the microchip.
All this news, it's all come out now.
Let's go ahead and talk to, uh... To who?
Hank in Colorado.
Hank, go ahead and thanks for holding.
Am I there?
Yes, sir.
Oh, wow.
Waited about two hours.
You know what happened is I got you skipped in the call list, and they said, hey, you haven't gone to Hank, so I apologize.
Ah, okay, no problem.
Hey, I'm going to tell you this new world government stuff you're talking about.
I just like kind of got turned on to your radio station lately.
Um, I've known for like about eight or 10 years, I've been harassed at jets, helicopters, had my picture taken.
It happens.
It really does.
And those people out there that you're talking to... Well, they admit that the Pentagon's doing a lot of that type of stuff.
Domestically, are you a member of some type of organization?
No, not really.
I'm like, kind of a little... I was a hermit.
Okay, well that was, they just thought that you were, they thought you were growing marijuana or something, sir.
You've just been investigated for marijuana cultivation.
I don't think so.
That's the most common thing in the statistical analysis overlay.
That's a prime projection.
It's impossible where I was living, in Colorado.
But whatever, um, I don't know.
There's so much I'd like to tell you, and I don't, there's not enough time.
I dated a girl, her parents wrote a paper, it's called
Outlook out in California and they told about this stuff happening years and years ago.
Yeah, a lot of people have known for a long time.
Yeah, I'm sorry, but... Okay, Hank, good to hear from you.
Appreciate you being involved.
Take care.
We'll go to Dave and Maggie and others.
We'll get back.
The waiting's over.
I'll get to all your calls.
All the news!
And a recap of some top stories.
This last hour will be jam-packed.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live.
I want to get into Bush.
Admitting that it was a staged, scripted press conference last night.
Into tale.
He just slipped up last year in his last press conference.
Never does these, really.
And said it was scripted.
Now he went into detail about it.
We have the transcript.
We'll also play some of the audio.
Also, chip implanted in cop's hand would allow only officer to fire a gun.
There's a move to make it the law.
That's the Sun Sentinel.
Also, FDA approves human brain implant devices and says we all need it.
That's some more of what is coming up here on the broadcast.
Right now, let's get back to your calls, though.
Let's go ahead and go to Dave in Colorado.
Dave, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
I've got a couple questions and a comment.
Number one, I was listening to Jim Norrie the other night.
George Norrie.
Or George, I'm sorry.
He was talking about your meeting on the 22nd.
Yeah, I'm going to be a guest on the show.
And he said there was going to be two people with you, Alex Quarz and Jim Marr.
Do you know them?
They didn't say Quayle?
Quayle, okay.
And Jim Maher, do you know them?
I know, I've been on other shows with Maher, he's a great guy, and Quayle is also, he's been on this network before, yeah, he's a pretty good guy.
Okay, okay, I was just kind of worried about them, I thought maybe they were going to try to stick a couple neocons in there with you.
Also, have you heard anything about this Blackwater?
It's basically what it is, it's hired mercenaries from private industries such as DynCorp and Halliburton and some others.
Yeah, the Patriot Act, they're going to be giving police powers here domestically and DynCorp has been convicted of kidnapping 200,000 women and children in Bosnia alone, so it's a real nice group to have running things here domestically.
Yeah, it sounds like they're going to do all the dirty work for the
Well, we're also doing the dirty work in Iraq.
They're not counting all of their dead.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Which is in massive numbers.
And they also have been caught being the people engaging in some of the massacres in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And our troops get the brunt of the response to that.
And my comment is, and I know he's probably listening today, Kelly Rushing, please,
Do something about this, what they did to you.
I mean, you need to go after them.
I hear you.
You need to go after them civilly.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
Yeah, and for those that don't know, Kelly Rushing gave a Ron Paul video, one of my videos, to the State Trooper.
The State Trooper thought that being anti-government, that is exposing corrupt government, that's what he considers anti-government, to be illegal here in America.
So they arrested him, and charged him, and he went to trial, unbelievably, and then he was found not guilty, thank God.
But that shows the insanity.
That shows what they like to do.
It shows they're now the KGB.
And Kelly's so nice, he's like, oh, I don't know if I'll sue them.
I mean, he's got an open and shut case.
The guy who had the sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke who got arrested, he's got a massive lawsuit being prepared, and it's open and shut.
And we've got to do this so they don't think it's normal.
This is official oppression!
False arrest!
It's the First Amendment, you lunatics!
You crazies!
You control freak wannabe despots!
This is America!
The United States of America!
You're not our owners!
You're not our gods!
What's wrong with you?
I'm not against you.
I'm trying to keep you from getting deadly vaccine shots from the feds.
I'm trying to keep you from being forcibly implanted with chips.
I'm trying to keep you from being, you know, put in no-knock warrants that are so dangerous to your safety.
I'm trying to get you fools to listen to me about the crime syndicate that's your bosses!
And stop being so naive!
The bigger your drug war gets, the more people are in prison.
And the more drugs get on our streets, your bosses ship it in!
They own the private prisons!
Oh, man.
Uh, let's just look at the old Alex Jones or something here today.
I'm just so angry.
Just... Oh!
Because I know they're about to kill a bunch of us, as usual, and scare us back into line.
You know, they butcher one of the sheep in front of us and go, Now, do what the wolf says, or more are gonna die!
Uh, let's go ahead and, uh, talk to Maggie in Texas.
Maggie, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I have some information relevant to the call you received at the very end of yesterday in which somebody called in inquiring about the present legal status of micro radio broadcasting.
It happens that on February 24th of this year a segment of the Power Hour dealt with exactly that issue and more issues pertaining to micro broadcasting and the program was so great that I've taped it.
So, I can paraphrase what they had to say about the legal aspect first, and I can actually send you that tape.
For those that just joined us, it's people putting up unlicensed, low-watt transmitters on frequencies that are not occupied, and starving communities with different types of programming.
And I'll tell you where it stands, is that it's civil.
They can come after you civilly.
They don't, in a lot of cases,
uh... and the first defense is a very serious it's more serious down the line and uh... i think that we should have more local community radio stations but this monopoly of of clear channels trying to stop that go ahead all right as you say it's a great public service uh... the guest i had with a man named Sam Britton and he was described as uh... vice chairman of the micro broadcasters association and his uh... he took a two pronged position one is that uh...
These interstate broadcasts are not within the jurisdiction of the FCC at all.
Yeah, the FCC can only regulate according to their own code what broadcasts over state lines.
Apparently, yeah.
And apparently at least one station has gotten an admission in writing of that.
And the other part of it invokes a
A section of Title 47 of the U.S.
Yeah, when we're under an emergency edict by Congress, which we've been under ever since 1930, every year it's reissued, then you're allowed to have your own transmissions in emergency situations.
But they don't, again, they ignore their own code.
Well, apparently right now they're allowing people to broadcast
And another part of... Look, if you're a public school or a college or a car dealership, you can have a micro, but then when it's political, they'll selectively enforce against it.
Well, the other thing that was covered that I thought was interesting was that he talked about how easy it actually is to start up your own micro broadcasting station with a turnkey system.
And these things are available at reasonable cost.
Very interesting.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Holland in Virginia.
Holland, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Holland.
I'm a relatively new listener to your show, but I'm also a neighbor to Colonel Grand Prix that you had on a couple weeks ago.
And he and I chat quite frequently.
I'm also something a little different, and this may offend some of your listeners, but I'm what's known as an unreconstructed Confederate.
My ancestors, I've traced back at least six generations.
You don't accept the illegal authority of the expansionist, violent federal government and of Reconstruction, and so you don't recognize it?
I look at myself right now as being in membership in an occupied nation.
Okay, that being the Confederate States of America.
And they've had other declarations of an occupied country.
1930, I mean 1933, 1947, they always are expanding it.
Now, the lady that you had on a guesting here earlier this afternoon, she was speaking about things that we could do economically to put a crimp in their style.
A couple of years ago when they pulled the sale of battle flags and whatnot out of Walmart, I called the local manager down here at the Walmart and
I told him I would do no more business with him, and that's been about two and a half years ago now.
You shouldn't do business with him to begin with.
Yeah, well, his attitude was, well, you know, if that's the way you feel, then that's just the way it's going to have to be.
So I noticed they're still in business, and I haven't been back.
But anyway... Well, Walmart's in trouble nationwide.
Yeah, okay, but now, I agree with you.
They're going to stir something up, because
You know, this thing goes way back.
This abscess, we can trace that back fairly clearly to at least 1830 or maybe, you know, 1820.
But Andrew Jackson, on his deathbed, they said, what's the greatest thing you did in your life?
He said, I killed the bank, stopping the British bankers from taking over.
Absolutely, but I think you're right in this regard.
You know, people look at what happened on 9-11 as being something that has never happened before.
But I've got ancestors and I know friends of mine have ancestors whose wives and children and mothers were murdered by the likes of Sheridan and Hunter and Sherman down here.
And so, you know, look, in Teague, Texas, where the Joneses are from, we own the hotel in downtown.
The troops came in and burned it down and raped and murdered a bunch of the women, and then the men all got together on horseback and went and killed all them.
It's in the history books here in Texas, but my family went and slaughtered a bunch of the northern troops, and then they were called terrorists.
Well, anyway, I fly my battle flag out here, and the reason being, you know, I lost an uncle that I never got to meet.
My dad served with General Patton, and when my dad died as his eldest son at his funeral, I was given the folded stars and stripes.
And I looked at it there one day, you know, just more or less reminiscing some of the times that we'd spent together, and I threw the sucker in the wood stove in the winter of, I guess, 98.
Because basically, right now that thing is flying over killing four or five thousand babies a day.
It's flying over the same-sex marriages and relationship thing.
It's flying over unconstitutional money and a myriad of unconstitutional things.
So, I looked at my battle flag and this thing was basically brought up and used in 1862.
So, by golly, buddy, we've been fighting terrorism down here since 1862 with that battle flag.
And so people ought to realize that that battle flag is a thorn in their side because it's a symbol of... It's not a symbol of slavery.
It's a symbol of freedom.
And that's why this New World Order hates that.
Now, back to what you said about they're going to do something in the city to hurt us.
They're going to do it physically because they want our blood for putting them to so much trouble.
When they get all the money they want and all the power they want, they're ultimately going to come after more of our blood because that's what it's going to take to satisfy their appetite.
They hate us that much.
Well, they do enjoy killing us.
I mean, they have to to get over their conscience, but it's all about power.
Thanks for the call.
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Okay, here's the deal.
In the interest of getting to all the news I haven't detailed yet, and airing the clip of Bush admitting that the press conference was totally scripted yesterday, and airing the press conference from the eve of war with his business partner, Saddam Hussein, where he said it was scripted, we're going to take a few more calls, then we're going to come back and play these clips, and then I'm going to cover news.
So I'm done with calls here in a few minutes, unfortunately.
I like taking your calls.
I love it.
But I've got to cover this other news.
The chips and the police and all the rest of it.
Let's go to Mike in Kentucky.
Mike, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I don't think, you know, you get people that tune in here sometimes and hear some of your rages that you go into.
They just don't understand, if they're not following this kind of stuff, how easy it is to not
I don't know.
It gets to you after a while.
Here's an analogy.
If your neighbor, you knew, had kidnapped a child and sold him into slavery, what would you do when you saw that neighbor out front?
That'd be pretty... Would you hate their guts?
I'm not sure how I would react, but yeah, that would be pretty darn... you'd be pretty, uh... Okay, imagine if they never got in trouble.
Oh, yeah.
And didn't go to jail, would you get even madder?
Oh, yeah.
Dying court, kidnapped, 200,000 women and children, convicted in civil court, their own people quit and went public.
And now they've been rewarded with more contracts for the U.N., for the U.S., for the Globalist, and they're going to be running Merck teams domestically with police powers in America.
Now that makes me want to scream.
The CDC admits that they're knowingly putting thimerosal on the vaccines in increased levels.
They admit in increased levels the vaccines are staying in.
They admit it's brain damaged millions of children, and they're not going to stop.
That makes me want to scream.
They're putting stuff in vaccines to sterilize women.
They've been caught.
They're going to keep doing it.
That makes me quite angry.
Yeah, it's pretty rough.
You'd be a sicko if you didn't get angry, wouldn't you?
You'd be some type of demonic jellyfish.
The only, I mean, a lot of stuff, I end up just kind of chuckling as a nervous response because you can't, it's either laugh or cry or
Or throw something.
I just want to tell the degenerate yuppies that just want to ignore all the stuff we're saying when we document it up one side and down the other that this is all going to affect you.
You can't let evil go on against your neighbor and then not have it come back on you in a climate like that.
We are creating hell on earth.
Go ahead.
That's what a lot of people don't realize that are involved in keeping this going is that they are expendable.
And I think that was touched on in the Patriot.
Where the guy asks him why should he trust him if he's going to go against his countrymen.
That's their attitude, I think.
A lot of these guys don't realize they're out there enforcing this unconstitutional patriotism.
They scientifically always target our troops with deadly vaccines, deadly uranium, deadly Agent Orange.
They're expendable, yeah.
They put the chips in the cops and the military first.
They put the GPS in the cops' cars first.
They do it to their own people first.
Like Longshanks firing arrows on his own people in the Mel Gibson film Braveheart.
Yeah, those troops, well Hiptar, they're troops too.
But yeah, he killed a bunch of his own.
I just saw Waco's Rules of Engagement for the first time the other day and it dovetails real nicely with your film on Waco and that's got me kind of under my collar.
But I thought I'd mention that.
It's playing on one of the
Satellite networks now.
I can't remember ever so often.
I hear you.
Gotta let you go.
Final call of the day.
Kevin in California.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex.
How you doing?
I was actually calling.
Do you know with that new blood, the fake blood they're putting in,
Do you know what that is?
Is that just a totally fake solution?
I do know that... The Japanese developed a fake blood real controversy thanks to an unusual loophole in the strict rules of medical ethics.
Hundreds of trauma patients in California, Texas and a few other states will be taking a gamble when ambulances are found to scoop them up after accidents or acts of violence.
Without waiting to get consent, paramedics will inject a fake blood product into half of the eligible patients chosen to take part in the new study.
The other half will get a routine treatment of transfusion with saline solution until they reach the hospital.
For now, the artificial blood, known as polyhem, isn't approved for general use, but it will slip into the veins of arteries of unconscious patients who won't be able to say no.
This sucks the precedent!
They're already taking people's organs that aren't organ donors, sir!
Yeah, they also designed another one quite a while back.
I believe it is FDA approved.
It was designed by the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Yeah, look, I mean the products may be good, they may be bad.
The point is you don't test unapproved experimental drugs on people when they don't give their consent.
Oh, exactly.
And another thing I wanted to call out was about three years ago I was down at the Democratic National Convention here in Los Angeles.
I was one of the many people that got shot numerous times, similar to like the World Trade and Seattle and everything.
They just approved
Right, a settlement deal of 1.2 million dollars for everybody that got shot.
And it's on video from Portland to L.A.
to you name it, where they just open fire on people peacefully standing there.
They just shot him.
Everybody was yelling, please don't shoot us, we're leaving.
Tell you what, I want to hear about this.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Truth hurts, but it hurts worse to stumble around the dark and follow these pits.
When they first did this in 99, and we have the local news footage, the police, the amateur footage, the feds hired and trained, publicly, at a training center run by a socialist group in Oregon, 50 thugs.
A little over 50.
Housed them, black ski masks, black uniforms.
They managed the police.
They burned trash cans, knocked out windows, attacked police.
The police were ordered for a day to sit there and take it.
The video cameras of the government and the media filmed it and said, look, they're doing nothing.
What's wrong with them?
Then the police suddenly on day two in their federally issued Darth Vader outfits viciously attacked the peaceful protesters, the 50 plus thousand.
The 50 hired thugs retired to a city building guarded by the police.
And we're very well taken care of, and the police were mad saying, why are we protecting them?
Why are we being ordered to attack the peaceful people?
A lot of cops got into it, and we got video of them savagely stomping on women, breaking bones, going into neighborhoods, attacking people in their neighborhoods.
Just savage.
And then they showed that footage to cops all over the country and said, we gotta be tough.
And so now it's like a training aid to really shoot us with real bullets and microwave guns and some weapons.
The rubber bullets are all just a training aid to blast out eyes and shoot people and bruise them.
For real bullets in the future, and this is the IMF and World Bank plan, actually, like in Argentina, to have cops actually shoot people, so they're getting them used to pulling the triggers, used to using images of this, so they can really kill us in the streets in the future.
They're gearing up because they want to take everything we've got, implode the economy, take all your pension funds, they know you're going to riot, and at that point they're going to slaughter you en masse.
You might want to reach out to the police and educate them now on how they're being part of this.
So, uh, and that's in my film, The Takeover, by the way, my second police state video.
Uh, real quick, Kevin, finish up with your comments about people begging, please don't shoot me.
Uh, there was footage shot, this was even on local Fox News, not on National, in Portland, uh, two years ago, when Bush came to town for a fundraiser.
And, uh, uh, it was about, I don't know, 6,000 protesters, all peaceful, they were herded into the protest zone.
And the police are on video going, Target the media!
Open fire!
They opened fire on all the news cameras and then people were running with their babies and the cops walked right over, sprayed them on video, right in the baby's face.
The father cried and begged, got on his knees and said, Why?
It's my baby!
And he said, You shouldn't bring a baby to it!
Punched him right in the face.
Just BAM!
Pure evil!
We're totally evil!
We're like the communist Chinese!
And soon we'll be able to arrest you and put you in camps!
And all the TV shows say torture's good!
We're mass mutating your minds for pure evil!
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
That's the real spirit of it.
So, hell on earth is now upon you.
They're prepared.
We must stand against them.
Kevin, tell us how they beg.
Please, please don't kill me!
No, please, please!
And then... Now, explain that to people.
Oh, yeah.
There was a... I saw a kid, probably 12 years old.
They ran up and sprayed them with tear gas.
They weren't doing anything.
People were starting to walk the other way, trying to leave, and then all of a sudden they came out of a corner.
Just started opening fire.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
This is admitted.
They have police block all the exits.
See, it's not about making you disperse.
It's about herding you, like, well, until the Hun would swarm around and get you all in one mass and then just firing and beating and stomping.
And of course, in Miami, they got in trouble because they heard a federal judge.
They marked a bunch of union officials down an alley and said, you shouldn't be here.
Sort of beating them real hard.
Hey, the S.A.
did it in Germany.
This is how you seize control.
You didn't know this is how you seize control, Kevin?
They try to blame it on the little anarchists.
There's, you know, a group of about 20, 15 to 20 year olds.
Let me ask you a question.
Did they magically get left alone?
Well, they were actually gone by the time all that started.
Uh, so again, in California, it was the same M.O.
as in other areas.
They, they, they cuss and yell for the cameras, display themselves, kick over a trash can, knock out a window, then they disappear and then suddenly the, the Q comes and the men in black run in?
I think how they explain it was they threw an empty plastic water bottle over the fence at the officers.
Very violent, you know.
But see, they're always, they know how to pull out right at the right time.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, and then they turned off all the sound system for everybody that was on stage, turned off the lights, said, uh, you have 15 minutes to leave.
Anybody left will be arrested.
Hey, have you seen the takeover where the police admit they hired these thugs?
Uh, what was that part?
Part two?
I've seen most of your videos.
Well, you need to see the takeover.
The first 35 minutes is the police, admittedly, the Delta Force, this is from the Seattle Post-Intelligence, a major paper, let me show a video of it, the Delta Force commanding the 50 hired thugs.
Oh, I don't doubt it.
But think about it, you hire 50 thugs, in your case 20, they break something, act dumb, they disappear, and then suddenly they attack everyone mercilessly.
Oh yeah.
But in Portland they didn't even do that.
In Miami they didn't even do that.
They marched union heads down the streets, beat them, attacked judges, AP reporters.
I mean, they would march you down an alley with no cameras and then go, now you're going to pay!
That'll show you, you old World War II vet!
Get down on the ground!
God, yeah!
Take it!
Take it!
This is America!
We run things for the banks now and you're our slaves!
Get down there on the ground!
I'm gonna bash your brains in!
That's how they talk, too.
Thanks for the call.
No problem.
I want people to know the spirit of what we're fighting, because that's it.
We love you.
We wear a black mask.
And we beat you.
We love you.
So, that's what we're facing.
Hope I got your attention, because that's what it's like.
We stopped them here in Austin.
There were about 500 people against the, or 600 or so, against the, oh, it was the World Economic, Fortune 500.
This was about four years ago.
I even got this on video.
I've got to put it in a film.
It's been on local TV.
And we're all there at the Capitol preparing for the march.
Liberals, conservatives, whatever.
And there's like ten anarchists this time, and one of them walks over,
And says, I'm gonna kill you.
To me.
And I said, hmm.
I said, you see those FBI up on that building videoing us?
Are those your bosses?
He goes, yes they are.
And it's almost our time.
And when it is, I'm gonna kill you.
And he was just sitting there going, eh, eh, eh.
I mean, you're a communist, aren't you?
That's right I am.
And he was just like that.
And I go, well, uh...
And then he goes over and confers with these two huge guys with huge muscles wearing black masks.
I knew they were cops.
You know, dressed up like anarchists.
And suddenly they come over and start shoving people trying to start a fight.
I think it was in the melee.
A little demon to run up and do something to me.
And I went, Ladies and gentlemen, media!
We've got police provocateur!
Get cameras on him now!
And I run over and I go, You are a police officer or FBI!
You announce yourself now!
And then all of a sudden, 50 plus cops run across the street and go, Back off, Jones!
Back off!
These are our men!
And so they leave the crowd, and then two more get inserted, and the whole time I'm battling with them, stopping them from provocateuring.
Meanwhile, the little anarchist is going, I'm gonna kill you.
I'm gonna kill you, boy.
And he's bumping into me.
You hear me?
I'm gonna kill you.
We're gonna kill you real soon.
Just working with the police.
You get how I'm so sick of you criminals?
How you deal the drugs and ruin our families, and all the garbage you're gonna pay, you hear me?
I'm sick of you criminals destroying our First Amendment.
Alright, go ahead.
Play the first clip of the puppet.
Last year at the press conference, skipping a reporter saying this is scripted, then we'll go to the all-out admission from last night.
Hit the first clip!
The risk that somehow, that inaction will make the world safer is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.
Uh, he'll be here in a minute.
John King.
This is scripted.
Thank you, Mr. President.
This is scripted.
In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake.
Stop it right there.
Stop first.
Because I want to announce them.
Now, this was last night.
And the reporter asked a question, what was your biggest mistake?
And he says, hey, you didn't give this to me in writing beforehand.
Go ahead and play it.
Thank you, Mr. President.
In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake you've made in your life, and you used to like to joke that it was trading Sammy Sosa.
You've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made after 9-11.
What would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned from it?
I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.
I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, you could have done it better this way or that way.
You know, I just, I'm sure something will pop in my head here in the midst of this press conference, all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet.
I would have gone into Afghanistan the way we went into Afghanistan.
Even though I don't know today about the stockpiles of weapons, I still would have called upon the world to deal with Saddam Hussein.
See, I happen to believe that we'll find out the truth on the weapons.
That's why we sent up the Independent Commission.
I look forward to hearing the truth as to exactly where they are.
They could still be there.
They could be hidden like the 50 tons of mustard gas in a turkey farm.
One of the things that Charlie Dolford talked about was
That he was surprised at the level of intimidation he found amongst people who should know about weapons and their fear of talking about them because they don't want to be killed.
There's a terror still in the soul of some of the people in Iraq that they're worried about getting killed and therefore they're not going to talk.
But it'll all settle out.
John will find out the truth about the weapons at some point in time.
However, the fact that he had the capacity to make them bothers me.
Today, just like it would have bothered me then.
He's a dangerous man.
He's a man who actually, not only had weapons of mass destruction, the reason I can say that is certainly because he used them.
Your business partner.
And I have no doubt in my mind that he would like to have inflicted harm, or paid people to inflict harm, or trained people to inflict harm, on America.
Because he hated us.
I don't want to sound like I've made no mistakes.
I'm confident I have.
I just haven't...
Just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one.
Yeah, I am.
Let's go ahead and start it over again.
Just play the first part, and I'll tell you when to stop.
I just want to play it where he goes, well, you didn't give me this as a written question beforehand.
Go ahead and hit that again for us.
Thank you, Mr. President.
In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake you've made in your life, and you used to like to joke that it was trading Sammy Sosa.
You've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made after 9-11.
What would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have you learned from it?
I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.
John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, you could have done it better this way or that way.
You know, I just...
I'm sure something will pop in my head here in the midst of this press conference, all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet.
Okay, now go back to the first clip.
This was last year, when he skips reports and says, hey, this is scripted.
Let's go ahead and play that clip again.
The risk that somehow, that inaction will make the world safer is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.
Uh, he'll be here in a minute.
King, John King.
So they're scripted.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Okay, so there you go.
By the way, at that time, some of the reporters had complained that the press conferences were scripted.
So in your free country, they're scripted.
And earlier, you know, I went into some of my hysterics about how the police behave at these things.
Imagine, I just tried to go down to videotape a protest against the Fortune 500 meeting in Austin.
And we're standing there at the Capitol getting ready for the protest.
And I have the little, probably ten of the anarchists, there were some others that think they're anarchists but aren't part of the federal group, and one walks over and threatens to kill me.
Says, we're going to kill you sometime when you don't expect it.
He actually said that.
And then there's a cop up on top of the building, a guy in a suit, obvious FBI, videotaping everybody, and I go, you know, so you're with him, you know, you're with, he goes, yeah, we are.
And then he goes over and confers with the two cops, you can tell they're cops, I mean, these guys had arms the size of tree trunks, and black ski masks, you know, six foot three each,
And, uh, I go over and they start shoving people trying to start stuff and I run over and go, these are cops.
They're trying to provocateur and the news cameras run over.
And literally, 50 cops come running across the street.
Across 11th, towards the Capitol, uh, facade.
Uh, going, back off, Jones!
Back off!
And then they pulled those two out and inserted two more.
I mean, it's a joke, people!
The whole time I've got the little anarchist bumping into me, threatening me.
He's working for his bosses!
That jerk probably gets three grand a month going around doing this stuff.
We looked at pay of some of the other type of folks who are usually listed as informants and they're actual provocateurs.
I mean, that's your freedom.
They can then go attack people with baby carriages.
And we stopped them in Austin just because I knew what was going on because we had just gotten the footage out of Seattle.
I just don't know anymore.
It's just so bad.
It's so horrible what we're facing.
To see video of them shooting women with children, and baiting them, and bumping them with armored vehicles, and just attacking people.
We're in a lot of trouble.
And I'd ask the police to look in your hearts.
You know what I'm saying is true, and to stop being part of this.
Please, you've got to have a bigger brain than this.
I mean, look at this article.
I told you this, okay?
And now it's in the news.
Sun setting on big paper in Florida.
Chimp implanted in cop's hand would allow officer to fire a gun, there's a national move to make police officers take microchips in their hands, and citizens to be able to own guns.
And then it talks about the government involved at least making you have biometric guns, you have to turn in your other guns.
I told you!
I told you!
We had the applied digital people on a few weeks ago going, oh yeah, global ID,
Everybody to have a gun will have to have it, the police will have to have it, and then here it is in the news.
FDA approves human brain implant device, and this is comments by my wife who wrote the intro of this and did the research, and then we have the AP article posted under it.
As usual, a seemingly innocuous, even meritable excuse,
...is presented for the development of a frightening technology with horrific implications.
You may remember the August 5, 2003 Boston Globe Story, Defense Department funding, brain machine work.
And the writer states, it does not take much imagination to see in this the makings of a Matrix-like cyberpunk dystopia.
Chips that impose false memories, machines that scan for wayward thoughts.
NASA already put that in two years ago in airports.
Cognitively augmented government security forces that impose a ruthless order on a recalcitrant population.
Click here to read the entire article.
DARPA talks about mind control towers controlling our minds.
By the way, they already have that patented.
They're going to put those in on the cell towers.
That's the Boston Globe, by the way.
Obviously, the DARPA technology discussed in the Boston Globe and in today's AP article are related, if not the same, and the research and development is linked.
In fact, a cursory investigation into the company developing the technology discussed in the AP article below, Cybertechnic Incorporated, reveals that their chief scientific officer, John P. Donahue, PhD, has performed over 20 years of NIH, NSF, DARPA, and privately funded research on the brain-computer interfaces.
Associated Press article FDA approves human brain implant devices.
Then it goes into how we all need a microchip in our brain.
We have the DARPA documents where they pull for putting chips in all of our brains.
Oh my goodness, this is incredible.
It just goes on and on.
Totally incredible.
We'll be right back.
Just stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
You will lose your liberty.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
They'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central during the day.
I have some big guests coming up the next two days.
Oh yes, I'll tell you about them once they're on the air with us.
Talking to Your Car, Becoming Natural, BBC, Total Satellite Tracking, Car Chat, where the car tells you what to do and reports on you.
It's all wonderful.
The Intelligencer Reporting, Local Marines Planning Grilled, and it says they're going to be practicing a takeover of the town.
While Moundsville residents may think they're under attack Saturday morning, representatives of Company K, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment are advising residents not to panic.
It's just a drill.
They'll be doing a drill to take over the town.
They've been doing this everywhere.
Again, implanted microchip would allow only police officers to fire their guns.
They want all the police to take chips.
It's the Associated Press.
Yes, there's a bunch of articles.
Applied digital working on smart gun.
Robots may fight for the army.
Wired news.
Lightweight, super strong robots will lead human soldiers into battle within 10 years.
They already have them.
At least according to iRobot, the robots called Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles, or SUGVs, will direct the presence of chemical biological weapons, identify targets for artillery and infantrymen, and ferret out snipers hiding inside urban buildings.
Today, humans mainly perform these tasks, often becoming the first casualties, so...
This will allow small groups of globalists with hunter-killer robots to just have a few thousand controllers of an entire system and then take out, even having the military, refuse to fire on American citizens.
A Chinese police set up surveillance on dissidents ahead of Cheney's visit.
Cheney's going to give them nuke reactors.
They really love him.
So, very, very serious there.
There's just so much news here, folks, that we're facing.
Criminals to face shock treatment in Scotland.
Scottish police are poised to introduce taser guns within months after trials of conventional weapons proved a massive success.
Police officers trained to use firearms will be issued with a new weapon to use as an alternative to live ammunition in an effort to reduce the chances of incidents such as shooting the wrong person.
And it just goes into
New, more high-powered, 500,000 volt current to the body and target the person, delivering a brief paralyzing shock, which for their newer and stronger stun guns.
But the problem is, this is so they can zap more of us and get away with it.
Non-violent people.
Also, Rio de Janeiro seeks paratroopers and marines to fight gangs.
Same thing's happening here.
This is from Bloomberg News, all part of putting troops on the streets.
Worldwide, Rio de Janeiro is going to build a huge wall around their city, because about half their population is homeless, and they're going to have their tribes occupy the slums, all part of the new wondrous global economy.
I'm out of time here, my friends.
Please, don't wait any longer.
Get my videos.
Get all ten of them if you can afford it.
Give them to public officials, opinion makers, talk show hosts in your area.
Put them on AXS TV.
Start informing people.
90% of those that see the videos are waking up.
Whether it's America Destroyed by Design, America Wake Up or Waco, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Matrix of Evil, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
All these are great films.
Excellent films.
Professionally produced.
Of course, I've written 9-11, Descent into Tyranny.
It's only $12.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
It's $19.95.
It's an incredible book.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Order via our secure online shopping cart and fight this wickedness.
Information is our most powerful weapon.
You can call Joel Fried to get the videos at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Or again, 888-253-3139.
Be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, as I said.
Be sure and join us.
The shortwave frequency at night is 3210, all three hours.
Again, get out there and take on the New World Order!
We're good to go!
Get the Advanced Berkey Light for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.