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Name: 20040413_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 13, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on this 13th day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Joseph Watson, who joins us at least once a week, the webmaster of my website, PrisonPlanet.com, will be joining us to go over the latest news and his analysis on those developments.
We'll also have wide open phones.
We've got a bunch of other big guests lined up for later in the week as well, so you don't want to miss this broadcast week, what we've got left of it, in the next four days.
Seventy-eight troops killed this month in Iraq, and that's the government's numbers.
Later they, unfortunately in every case in the last year, adjust them up.
There's never been an adjusting down, obviously.
And hundreds and hundreds of wounded.
Meanwhile, thousands of Iraqis killed.
Iraqi clerics, militia retreats.
Seizure of three cities ends ahead of U.S.
And the followers of the radical cleric gave up their hold in three cities
Yesterday, as U.S.
troops prepared to launch an offensive against them, easing a standoff that threatened to become a major battle.
Hundreds of men left police stations and government buildings that they had overtaken a week ago in the cities of Najaf, Karbala, and Kufa.
Witnesses said the retreat appeared to end one of two fronts that erupted last week when followers of the radical cleric rose up in the south and the Sunnis loyal to the previous regime of Saddam Hussein launched attacks in Ramadi and Fallujah.
In the Sunni triangle, dozens of U.S.
troops and hundreds of Iraqis died in ensuing battles.
Well, it's more than dozens of U.S.
troops and it's thousands of Iraqis and
Convoys are still being attacked, vehicles are still burning, the FBI is investigating a whole bunch of different kidnappings that have gone on.
FBI probes, about 40 abductions in Iraq, and that's new abductions in the last four or five days, not counting the people that have been released, the Russians, Chinese,
You name it, and all those grisly images of people in black ski masks, the bad guys.
The bad guys wear black ski masks, holding knives to people's throats.
I thought it was... My local police department over there, though, because of the uniform, I couldn't tell.
I thought it was an authority, and that I should submit to them, because I thought the good guys wore black ski masks.
But I have this old memory of bad guys wearing black ski masks, but I guess I've been wrong all along concerning this.
John Ashcroft and Janet the
Butcher of Waco, Reno.
I've just gotten done testifying.
And, you know, the media keeps saying, oh my goodness, they dropped the ball, you know, this culture of not communicating between the FBI and the CIA.
No, folks.
Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda, to leave them alone, to end their investigations.
That is admitted!
And the media is complicit covering this up.
One of the latest developments, uh, civil admins.
Civil admins.
The FBI translator gets the documents where they knew the attacks were going to take place.
They tell her to go back and alter those documents.
She says, no way.
They threatened to arrest her or offer her a bigger job to do it.
She tells the commission months ago.
They never go public with it.
So she has a press conference with 15 news cameras, over 30 press reporters for major papers.
Nothing in our news.
It shows up on this show.
Tom Flacco, World Net Daily writer,
Puts it out on his website, TomPlugger.com.
It gets picked up by a few foreign papers and finally gets briefly mentioned on Meet the Press.
So they can say, oh, we did cover it.
Never in our papers and a bare mention on Meet the Press.
That's a big deal!
Saying, we'll arrest you if you don't falsify these documents that we have prior knowledge.
But again, the average person will never hear about it.
They'll just hear about how evil Ted Kennedy and Hillary are.
Yes, we know that, neocons.
And we know you're working with them to destroy this country.
But again, they create that false paradigm.
So much news, giant broadcast lined up for you.
Please stay with us.
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
A lot of people have called into the show and they've said that the 9-11 Commission
This is a soft-soaping, white-washing, cover-up, kangaroo court creation of the Bush administration, which they admittedly are a creation, an appointment of the Bush administration.
Well then, why are they even having it in the first place?
Well, that's an important question.
Now, we've gone over the evidence of Thomas Kean, the chairman, being in business with the Bin Ladens, and not just the Bin Laden family, but also some of Bin Laden's brother-in-law and
You get into the head of the committee, that is the head staffer helping write Condoleezza Rice's book, working for the Bush administration, having to secretly testify before the commission because that individual was involved in some of the cover-ups of the evidence.
Other members of the commission leaving and getting the, you know, chairmanships of major federal bodies like the Import-Export Bank.
Just remember, they tried to appoint Henry Kissinger to be the first head of the so-called Independent Commission.
Bush appoints his business partner, his partner in just dozens of public crimes that Bush and his daddy have been caught in over the last few decades, and nobody bought that across the political spectrum.
Dr. Henry Kissinger is hated by conservatives and liberals alike, so they brought out lesser-known whitewashers, lesser-known business partners.
So then you come back with, okay, we know he appointed the Commission, we know it's a whitewash, but why even have the whitewash?
Well, that's an important question, as I said.
Because the people were calling for it.
And it gives the illusion that there's some type of debate going on in Congress with the First Congressional Commission, and some type of debate going on in Washington with the Second Commission.
And so this is a place where everybody can have a false closure and where you can bring up the public officials and then throw them softball questions and basically have a fake trial and then absolve them of any wrongdoing.
I mean, every time they slap him on the wrist, they go, boy, Bill Clinton and George Bush really messed up, but I tell you what, we'll just give you more funds, and we'll... The Commission said day one that we're not looking for any fault, we just want to find out how to stop this, and they said, we believe, this is a year ago, when the Commission first got set up, we believe that a domestic CIA has needed more funds for the government.
Boy, that's real punishment.
Give the government unconstitutional powers more funding.
Which is what happens every time there's a terror attack.
No one's held accountable.
No one's punished.
You know, in all the jobs I ever had, if I screwed something up, I'd get reprimanded, I'd get docked, or I'd get fired.
You know, I've been fired before.
And that's how it should work.
But not in America, with this new system.
Something bad happens, the government lets something bad happen, or in this case, engineers it, and they get more funding.
And nothing illustrates this better than Bush,
Three days after 9-11, going to CIA headquarters, standing on the eagle, on the shield, there in the foyer, on the marble, where hundreds of CIA agents stand around him, clapping, smiling, celebrating.
It went on for several minutes.
I've got video of it, just clapping and smiling and laughing and just, it was such a great celebration!
Just a standing ovation for Bush.
And you know why he was getting a standing ovation?
He announced big bonuses!
He announced raises!
He announced promotions!
And it wasn't just in the CIA and the FBI, all of those, this has been in the news, this has been in the mainstream news, all of the people who blocked FBI agents and threatened to arrest them and came and grabbed case files from them and sent them letters saying you'll be arrested if you continue this investigation under W1999.
They got $15,000 to $20,000 bonuses.
In the consulates, in the State Department, in the CIA, in the FBI, and the people that blew the whistle, that specifically said, plans to fly planes into buildings, look at this, we've got to stop them!
They got demoted, they got threats to be arrested.
And it's the same thing with civil leadments.
I mean, she's just the latest.
Three weeks ago, she goes, you know,
Months ago, she went before the Commission in secret in one of the closed sessions.
Then a few weeks ago, she goes out and says, look, I told them months ago, and they were going to go public with it, but they haven't, that here's the documents I was ordered to falsify.
This is a major felony.
These intercepts, and to change them.
Because the originals show the specifics of plans to hijack jets and fly them into buildings, and indeed the President and his staff had seen them.
Well, of course they'd seen them.
But the point is,
That they threatened to arrest her, and then said, okay, if you'll just shut up, we'll give you a better job.
And she said no way, and now she's being followed and arrested.
And that's a big deal!
But you don't hear that.
When you read the headlines in Time Magazine, the Washington Post, and the Washington Times, across the political spectrum.
It's, man, you know, Clinton was bad, so was Bush, they just didn't know.
It's a culture of ignorance and not communicating, and it's the bureaucracy's fault, and it's the FBI and the CIA's fault, and we didn't know, and we just need a domestic CIA, and we need to get the rest of your liberties, and we need to support the Patriot Act, and get behind that John Ashcroft said in testimony, and basically it's all a big sales job for them to get more power in our lives.
Oh, it's this culture in the FBI, you know, the culture in the CIA.
It's their fault.
They were ordered not to stop Al Qaeda.
They were given bonuses, record cash bonuses and promotions for doing it.
And then the heroes get demoted and get in deep trouble.
Now, this is all public.
This is not our opinion here.
We have over 600 articles and a whole section on this, I guess about 50 of them on this, on the telling the FBI and CIA to back off, on PrisonPlanet.com in the 9-11 archive and on InfoWars.com in the 9-11 archive.
Two separate archives.
I've written a book on the subject.
I've published a book on the subject.
That's two books.
I've made two videos that are predominantly about 9-11 and other government-sponsored terror incidences.
It is the wildest, craziest conspiracy theory to say that 19 hijackers did this.
When the 19 hijackers, at least 7, the numbers are 9, are still alive.
They were trained at US military bases.
They had their cars, their credit cards, paid for by the FBI.
They had CIA people wiring them money.
All of this.
NORAD standing down.
Public officials getting warnings not to fly.
The CIA running a drill that morning of flying hijacked jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
using that as the shutdown order against NORAD that's full of patriots who just sat there thinking it was a drill.
I mean, it's obvious what happened.
And remember, the globalists like to leave calling cards of what they've done.
In fact, get that clip ready, Stephanie.
The globalists like to leave calling cards.
On the one-year anniversary of 9-11, not the Illinois, not the Texas, not the California, not the Ohio lottery, but the New York lottery came up 9-11 on the one-year anniversary.
The Chicago mercantile came up, the big derivative stock market,
The big futures market came up 911.0000.
I have all the AP articles on this.
That's like one out of fourteen billion, they say.
Why did that happen?
Why was there a Phillips TV ad?
I have the AP article on this.
I've never seen the TV ad, but I've read the article about it.
Where F-16s bomb the World Trade Center, and it says, Phillips, changing the way you live your life.
That was two years before 9-11.
Why did the 1999
Justice Department Terrorism Threat Manual have images of cross-hairs on the exact points of the towers that were hit by planes.
Why did the Arabs put out, what, 45,000 calendars showing a plane flying in to the World Trade Centers?
Why, why, why?
Why was this everywhere?
Why did Tom Clancy write two books about it?
Why did Rupert Murdoch, deep neocon, high-level functionary for the New World Order, why did he, months before 9-11, it was written six months before, aired three months before, why did they air this lone gunman piece where a secret government group hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control to fly it into the World Trade Center as a pretext for war, weapon sales, and a police state?
By the way, we found a website where you can download the whole thing.
I don't know how long the site will be up after we've linked to it, but
But, uh, it's on Infowars.com right now.
So, later today or tonight, I guess you can go watch that.
But, um, I got a little clip of it in my film, Masters of Terror, the key part.
But, but, this is from the lone gunman, where they explain exactly what happened on 9-11, months before.
And, again, this is what the Globals do.
It's like the Madrid bombings.
911 days from 9-11, and it wasn't just 911 days, it was on 3-11.
You starting to get the picture of what's going on here?
Go ahead and hit that clip.
What is Scenario 12-D?
We know it's a war game scenario and it has to do with airline counter-terrorism.
Why is it important enough to kill for?
Because it's no longer a game.
If some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?
Depends on who your terrorists are.
The men who conceived of it in the first place.
You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline?
There you go!
Endangering the entire government, as usual.
It's a faction.
A small faction.
What possible gain?
The Cold War's over, John.
But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world just clamoring to take responsibility and begging to be smart-bombed.
I can't believe it.
This is about increasing our sales.
How are you going to stop them?
Why didn't you tell the world this?
Go to the press!
You think I'd still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call?
The press?
Who's gonna run this story?
We would.
This is birdcage liner.
Wild-eyed crap right up there with Elvis is an alien and two-headed babies.
You'll obviously read it.
Don't be so damn naive.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
In the show, they try to plot a plan in the World Trade Center.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I've got a whole bunch of these clips from the Lone Gunman.
We might play some more later in the next hour.
And I'll re-air that one again later as well.
And again, months before 9-11, this is on television with a secret government group hijacking a jumbo jet by remote control to fly it into the World Trade Center so they can attack a bunch of foreign enemies and sell weapons.
Now, when you listen to what the government agent tells his son, the publisher of the lone gunman conspiracy theorist website and newspaper, he talks about why they're doing this, because the Cold War is over, they need a new enemy, so they're manufacturing one.
And that's exactly what the PNAC documents, the Project for an American Century, said from 1997 until 2001, and are still saying.
That's exactly what Brzezinski and his book, The Grand Chess Board, the former National Security Advisor, founder of the Trilateral Commission, had to say.
They said that attacks, whether real or promulgated, are the pretext for imperial mobilization.
That's a term they used.
Imperial mobilization.
That's what you see now with the draft coming up, and all of our troops overseas, and all of this happening.
PNAC said Saddam wasn't a threat.
They said it was about oil.
They said it was about using Iraq as a launch basin for weapon sales.
And they said that they needed a helpful, this is a quote, helpful Pearl Harbor event.
And Ron Paul simply gave a speech about this last year and got threatening calls from Chief Neocons that he better shut his mouth.
They put out publications saying all this, we pointed out, and congressmen get mean phone calls.
So, Rupert Murdoch, in his little planning sessions with the Globalists, didn't just pull all of this out of a hat.
Phillips, the big technology manufacturer, television manufacturer, electronics manufacturer, didn't just pull out of a hat.
F-16s dropping bombs on the World Trade Center, two years before it even happened.
That's now coming up on five years ago.
Phillips, changing the way you live your life.
Changing your world.
They don't just have the Chicago Mercantile come up 9-11 on 9-11, the year anniversary.
They don't do any of this.
They don't just leave skull and bones, death cards at sniper scenes, which Northwoods calls for, by the way.
government plan to carry out sniper attacks and how to frame patsies.
They do all this as a communication to their echelons, their people.
And then we talk about it and we're weirdos, we're nuts.
And watching that episode, I mean, it goes on and on and on with why the globalists are carrying out terror attacks.
And then in the real world, we've got the British doing it, we've got the Israelis doing it, we've got the Chinese doing it, we've got the Russians doing it, we've got Hitler doing it.
Over and over and over again, this is one of their favorite tactics.
And now, out of 9-11, out of the Commission, ooh, they're in trouble!
The government's going to get more funding and a domestic CIA!
That'll show you, when you all get raises and more power, you know, that'll teach you for letting 9-11 take place!
While in plain view, it's admitted that Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda.
And the neocons go, well, Clinton did it too!
That shows how bad things are!
But the entire full spectrum is controlled!
Let's go to Tim in Montana, then we'll go to Marcus and others.
Tim, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Tim.
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for all that you do.
I got your three videos on 9-11 and the Grove and the financial reports, and I'm making copies and sending them out.
You should be getting from me, probably in a day or two, a copy of a book and some tape, an outline that will explain, like from the prophecy side,
What's going on?
I also sent you and your wife a couple of presents that I picked up last summer in Jerusalem when I was there.
Well, God bless you.
Thank you so much.
God bless you, my friend, and let's carry on.
Well, thank you.
Anything else, Tim?
No, that's really it.
What do you think of that Lone Gunman clip I just played?
I didn't get to speak because I can't be online and talk to you at the same time.
Oh, I understand.
So to call in, you had to... Right, right.
I got off, but I'll keep track of what you're doing, and when you get my stuff, if you want to call me, I can tell you more about it.
But at the very least, you should take a look at the Gerbendorf flick.
That's only about 54 minutes.
It's got actual footage from 1960 about the stuff, and it's all playing out.
One of the reasons the Vatican is being silent
Because it was endorsed by the church in the 60s that this is the last post.
Okay, well thank you for the call Tim, and I'll replay that clip later so everybody can hear it.
Man, I tell you, Rupert Murdoch, what an insider!
Productions about the government hijacking jets by remote control to fly to the World Trade Center for a police take.
My, just a few months before 9-11.
What a prediction.
My goodness.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we've got a lot more coming up for you in the next 2 hours and 27 minutes.
The total free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
About 10-15 minutes ago, I aired a little minute and a half clip from an episode of the spin-off series, The Lone Gunman from Fox.
I put a clip of this in my second film, covering 9-11, called The Masters of Terror.
We're going to play some clips you never heard before here on the show.
We played the clip earlier where he's asking the top government agent why is the government going to carry out this terror attack with a remote-controlled jet into the World Trade Centers and he explains that it's a way to get weapons sales and invade countries.
And then the next clip we're going to play later is where they talk about it's the World Trade Center and they're trying to stop that from happening.
So that's coming up.
Also in about 55 minutes from now
At the halfway point in the broadcast, we're going to have Paul Joseph Watson with a big News Blitz Weekly Update Report for you with the Watson Report, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com.
He'll join us and we'll take calls as well, just a ton of news.
We'll get into the 78 troops killed this month in Iraq.
The top general over in the Middle East seeks more combat troops, 80,000 more!
They were supposed to send some home, but they said, no, you can't go home.
And they want 80,000 more, and they've got the draft ready.
And after the next terror attack, look for that universal draft to come in for men and women.
Iraqi gunmen batter another American supply line, another convoy, and another GI killed as troops deploy outside Najaf.
Also, FBI probes about 40 abductions in Iraq.
Just a horrible situation.
Iraq's clerics, a coalition, must pay for the crisis they say they created.
Also, new reports of U.S.
planting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Ryerson found in a Washington apartment.
Four Italian security guards kidnapped in Iraq of the latest kidnappings.
Rice shifts blame for 9-11.
FBI and CIA.
Bush sees a need for a new domestic CIA.
So that's also coming up.
And we'll get into John Ashcroft's disgusting testimony with his best buddy, Janet the Butcher of Waco, Reno, before the Whitewash Commission.
So that's just some of what's coming up.
Also a bunch of police state news.
Before we go to Marcus and everybody else who's patiently holding and air some more of these lone gunman clips, I wanted to bring up Jim Shepard for a few minutes from New Millennium Concepts.
Jim, good to have you on the show.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Jim, so much has happened.
So much craziness is happening.
They admit that they're letting the troops die and put uranium.
The CDC admits that they covered up the fact that millions of people have been brain damaged from vaccines.
This is admitted now, even in ABC News.
They're always getting caught doing new horrible things to us.
How could any of us trust the government enough to drink the tap water
I mean, it's amazing.
What type of stuff is in the tap water?
Well, one of the elements that has been found in 49 states, and strangely enough, there's not even a requirement that it be tested for in many municipalities, and that's MTBE, methyl tertiary butyl ether.
And it has been linked to testicular cancer, lymphomas, some real nasty stuff.
It's interesting that in 1987, the EPA put out a memo, because this stuff used to be in premium gas, and they said, hey, this could create a nationwide crisis, because this stuff, when it gets in the water, is very difficult to extract.
And it takes a very small amount.
One cup of this can contaminate and make undrinkable 5 million gallons of water.
And there's one cup of this stuff in every gallon of reformulated gas.
Well, interestingly enough, about three years later they mandated that it be put in there.
After they put out the memo saying that this is real nasty stuff.
And of course it turns out to be a by-product of the big refineries, just like fluoride is, just like...
Uh, the depleted uranium is.
They take a toxic waste and mandate it be put into the entire food chain.
Bottom line, folks, you can take all the vitamins you want, everything you want to try to be healthy, but if you don't stop drinking the fluoride, the pesticides, the herbicides, the mercury, the arsenic, the heavy metals, it's all in your water.
And once you've been drinking out of a big murky,
A lot of these filters you buy at the store just take out the taste.
They are a filter.
They are not a purifier.
I believe in this.
I get a thrill off knowing that you're getting off the tap water supply, and it supports this show, and it's made in America.
I'm telling you, I want you to call and get water filters and stop giving your family poison!
Jim, it feels good to promote your product.
I use it.
Well, you know, if folks listen to the water filter commercials on the television so far, about the only claim that you're going to hear is it makes water taste like spring water, or it enhances it, and it's like having bottled water.
And that's about all they say.
And the reason why is because essentially they take out some of the chlorine and stuff that tastes bad, and the rest of the stuff is left in there.
And for folks that are serious about their health, you really need to extract that stuff.
It just weighs down your immune system.
And, of course, the other advantage with our system is that it's portable.
So if you're on the road, you can take it with you.
Or if you're traveling, or if there's some sort of an emergency... Well, over a hundred years ago, the Queen of England gave a big award to the inventor of it.
Now made in America, it's been obviously improved on.
That's what happens.
It's top of the line.
I've been using your system for five years.
You've been a sponsor for three now.
Jim, tell folks real quick what the specials are.
Okay, we have a new video, excuse me, a new CD book.
It's called Prudent Places.
And you can get just about any information that you want.
It's hard to get information.
You know, what is religious distribution around the United States?
What specific, you know, where are federal operations being held in?
What specific counties of the United States?
What is the job market?
Where are jobs leaving?
500 color maps, you name it.
It's an incredible CD book.
We're going to include that three.
With every order on the Berkey Light, the Berkey Light system without the lights, that's $199.
It's a true purification center system.
So if you order that, you get Prudent Places free.
If you order the Berkey Light with lights, we're also going to give you the Prudent Places free, but we're also going to give you a VHS or CD, which is called Sheltering in Place.
And this tells you how during a crisis, whether it be biological, nuclear, or whatever,
How to make your own home a shelter that will prevent these toxins from getting inside.
And this was designed by an emergency specialist who worked for the federal government, nuclear, chemical, biological, but it's carried out by a housewife, so it's easy to understand.
Yes, sir.
So, folks, you can order that online at berkeywater.com.
You can print off brochures.
You can get test results up there.
Again, that's berkeywater.com.
You can also call our toll-free number, which is 888-803-4438.
Now, it's important that when they go to the website or to the toll-free number, they tell them they heard it on this show to get the specials.
How are they going to do that when they go to the website?
Well, when they go to the website, there's an area for comments.
So just put in there, Alex Jones, listener.
And what we do is we support Alex's show, and that helps us to know that we're getting a response from Alex's show.
And you can also order those online at InfoWars.com, I believe.
Absolutely, and just when you put in the comment, put in there that you don't want a portable murky mini-filter, sport bottle, or the potassium iodate, put in there that you want to put it in places, or that you want, of course, the sheltering in place.
That's 1-888-803-4438, 808-803-4438, or Infowars.com, or your website, Jim.
Yes, sir.
Alright, well I want to thank you for coming on the broadcast, and God bless.
Always a pleasure, God bless you.
Take care.
Okay, we're about to go back to your calls.
Just on the whole Iraq situation, I'd like to get your response, your take on that.
It's 800-259-9231.
And coming up in about 20 minutes, we're going to briefly have Kelly Rushing on.
His case went to trial yesterday in Lyon County, Kentucky, and we'll tell you what happened with that case.
You can also read what happened at InfoWars.com.
He's the gentleman that was handing out something he taped off C-SPAN, Ron Paul's famous neocon speech, where he exposes how they're all a bunch of Trotskyites.
It's so crazy you wouldn't believe it if it wasn't their own public statements.
And how they said Pearl Harbor was helpful and how they need more attacks like that.
Well, Kelly Rushing gave that video and one of my videos, because I authorize people to make copies of my videos, to a state police officer who arrested him for it.
And they tried to get it thrown out of court.
I'll tell you that didn't happen yesterday, but something else did.
So, that's coming up in the next hour.
And those lone gunman clips, the one you heard and the one you haven't heard, perhaps even several more,
And you can watch all those at InfoWars.com.
And we'll get a report also here in about 45 minutes from Paul Joseph Watson, the webmaster of my website, PrisonPlanet.com.
But the total free number to join us on air again is 800-259-9231.
And Marcus in Albuquerque, Mexico.
Marcus, go ahead.
Alex Jones, thank you for taking my call.
I finally got my shortwave radio, but more importantly I got Police State 3, total unsaved slavement.
And I'd just like to say, listen people, you can sit there and do nothing or you can resist and support folks like Alex by at least spreading the word or getting his videos or, you know, making copies if you do get the videos and getting the word out.
I mean, he's putting his butt on the line for us.
The least you could do is support him.
That's all I got to say, Alex.
Keep up the good work and thank you very much.
Well, I appreciate your call from Albuquerque.
I would like to hear from the listeners, though, about what you think about all the different developments in Iraq.
I listened to different talk shows, different syndicated talk shows, and it was, let's kill everybody in Fallujah.
Boy, they got mass graves.
Boy, they got mobile weapons trucks.
They were still saying that on some of the big national shows.
You probably heard them.
Still lying.
They were saying, you know, let's level that town.
You know, the government's wrong to be having a ceasefire.
Let's kill them.
The government was going to go in and make war on these people again, and I'm not supporting the Muslims either, my friends, or the Arabs.
The whole thing is a mess, but you've got these armchair quarterbacks
sitting there on talk radio and the callers saying kill more Iraqis that'll show them that's why they're doing this because they were told they were being liberated and a year has passed and instead their newspapers are being shut down they're not allowed to sell goods on the streets oranges, tangerines, dates unless they wear a Halliburton bracelet with an RFID in it in some towns all the men down to age eleven have been arrested
They've given press conferences where the generals admit this.
They're putting them in giant FEMA-style camps run by Halliburton.
It's horrible.
I mean, Bush was on TV last night at his press conference.
He's got another one tonight.
He's going to address the nation, saying things are better in Iraq.
I've talked to the troops.
They're not better.
It's total bedlam over there.
And even our supposed
Our precious little allies.
Even they are attacking us, the Shiites.
So it's kind of hard for people to say it's some secret Al-Qaeda controlled group, or, oh, it's Iran doing all this, let's attack Iran.
Actually, Iran's scared to death and has been trying to comply with the globalists.
So is Gaddafi and the rest of these people.
Meanwhile, Pakistan, our big buddies, have been arming everybody with nuclear weapons parts.
Which our government, which Bush ordered the FBI not to investigate, and blocked that investigation too.
That was out before 9-11 and the BBC, but still the average American has no idea.
I mean, let's hold Bush to the same standard.
Bush is a puppet, but he has a figurehead.
Let's hold the government to the same standard.
They say,
That anybody who has connections to Al Qaeda or Saddam or any of these groups needs to be arrested.
No one has more connections to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to every boogeyman we've seen in the last 15 years than the Bushes!
No one!
Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden,
The nuclear proliferation with this scientist, Khan, is his name, over in Pakistan.
Israel, in their own Haratz and Jerusalem Post, admits that their government's been caught arming Iran.
Why is Israel arming Iran?
Why is our government arming all of these people that do want to kill us?
I mean, have you figured?
Because it's just like the old Western, where the bad guy has just gunned down, you know,
Picture this, enter the small town, small western town.
In comes riding the local gold miner with his son riding up in the buggy with him.
In between him and Mama.
And they're riding into the general store to buy some things they need.
They go in and get their fuel oil, and get some blankets, and get Mama a new dress, and he sells some of his gold there, and he's walking back out.
And the railroad, and there's a lot of Westerns along these lines, because these are true stories.
This has happened hundreds of times.
He comes walking out, he's refused to give up his claim to the railroad that wants the gold mine he's found, that he's working by hand.
He comes walking out,
Of the general store where he just sold his gold.
There is the new deputy, the new regulator, the new enforcer, the Pinkerton.
By the way, this story I'm telling, the Pinkertons did this all over the country.
I mean, just pick your case.
Colorado, Texas, Arizona, California.
And the old guy walks up and there's three regulators standing there in their black outfits.
And they've got their six guns on both hips.
And he tells him, you know, give me that money.
You stole that from the railroad.
We really own that claim.
And he says, mister, I've had this claim for ten years.
You don't own it.
And, you know, get out of my way.
At which point they slap the gold miner's wife.
And the little boy runs over and grabs the bad guy's leg.
And the bad guy pulls a gun as the gold miner pulls his gun and blows the gold miner in the kingdom come.
And then the little, uh, twelve-year-old child standing there and the bad guys throw a gun down in front of him and say, pick it up, kid!
And the kid picks it up and they all three blow him to bits.
Well, that's what Israel and the U.S.
and England, all arming the Arabs have done.
They just throw the gun down and go, go ahead, punk, pick it up.
Go ahead.
Pick it up!
Take it!
Hey guys, when you pick it up, we're gonna kill you!
Do you understand that?
But the bullet they fire into these innocent people, the bullet that they shoot into them, is our troops who die in the process.
Oh, let's go to Larry in Michigan.
Larry, go ahead.
Okay, are you there, sir?
Yes, I am.
Go ahead.
How are you, Alex?
Thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
Boy, I tell you, I had some fun last night listening to some of the
No, I didn't.
We've had her on the show, and what did the widow of the 9-11 victim say?
You know, I've never been more ashamed of Pat Buchanan than I was last night.
Mrs. Mariani was bringing up some points about Ashcroft.
And I guess he ridiculed her.
He wouldn't let her talk.
Well, I'll tell you something about Pat.
He totally changed when Bush got elected.
And he really has been sad since then.
I'll tell you what.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up.
I didn't see this.
I wish people taped this stuff for me.
I guess I'll just make myself start watching it all.
There's no way to keep track of it all, though.
We need to get Ellen Mariani back on the show.
In fact, I'm going to do that.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Alright, going back to Larry in Michigan and Logan, Chris and others.
Larry, I didn't see beady-eyed liberal in conservatives' clothing Mr. Scarborough last night.
Pat Buchanan was taking his place last night, Alex.
Oh, okay.
He was sitting in for the beady-eyed.
Let me tell you, and let's see if you agree with me, Alex.
Here's what's going to go on, okay?
If things get any worse in Iraq, and they are, you know they are... The globalists are going to blow something up in the U.S.
and they're going to have a national draft.
And we're going to call it National Civil Emergency, and we're going to go under total martial law.
It's not only that.
I mean, before that, here's what's going to happen.
You're going to see the neocons start back-stepping now.
And you'll never guess what excuse they're going to give you.
Here's what they're going to say.
They're going to say, well, we did our best.
We tipped over the statue of Sabahm, and we blew your country up, and we did the best we could, so okay, goodbye.
Now it's going to be the Iraqis' fault now.
Well, that was the plan all along.
For a year before the war, we're going to play the part of the bad cops.
Then the U.N.'
's going to come in as the good cops.
And that's been the plan from their own public statements from the beginning.
This is all staged.
Even the London Guardian said our government's doing stuff they know was going to cause all this.
Yeah, I heard that on the interview on a soldier on Fox News.
I just couldn't watch no more of it, Alex.
It's getting to where I just can't watch it anymore.
Well, now they're saying they're going to kill this imam, this cleric, which he wants to die, and then the whole place is going to explode!
I know.
It's not sick, Alex.
Alex, this is sick.
Well, it's about getting our troops killed.
They hate our troops.
This is about turning our military into nothing but a tool of the U.N.
And our troops are still going to be there.
It's just going to be under a U.N.
I totally agree with you.
And by the way, I'm getting the tapes out as fast as I can.
I'm recording as we speak.
I've got five recorded today and yesterday.
And so we're getting them out as quick as we can.
I hope I get arrested for it.
I don't know, maybe I can.
Maybe it'll wake up some people.
Well the man that put the sign in his yard...
I hope so.
Yeah, right.
Could you give me the site for Mariana?
I redid my computer and I lost her website.
Do you have it?
Lost whose site?
Mariana's website with her attorney, Mr. Berg.
You know, I don't have it in front of me, so I'm sorry.
I looked for that and I could not find it and I thought maybe you had it.
Type Mariana into a search engine and it will pop up.
I appreciate it Alex.
I appreciate you sir, keep it up.
Speaking of videotapes, I'll take this last minute of the broadcast, well this hour,
Two more hours coming up.
To encourage you to stop sitting around.
To take action like Larry and others are doing.
To get my videos.
I've made ten films.
I've written a book.
I've published a book.
We carry a lot of other great books and videos and books on tape that are so effective at waking people up.
And all of my videos, you can't do this with the other ones because they're not mine.
I can't say you can.
All of my videos you're authorized to make copies for non-profit, non-for-sale purposes.
I just want to get the information out.
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Toll-free number to order, it's simple, it's 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
To order via our secure, safe online shopping cart, or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas.
You can also get the toll-free number and mail address off the website.
Alright, the third hour is just mega jam-packed with your calls, a guest, a bunch of audio clips, news, you name it.
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I don't know.
We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, blasting out worldwide on the AM and FM dial, global shortwave during the day at 9475, 9 to midnight central time at night, 3210.
The Internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom with his Watson Report joining us in about 30 minutes.
We're going to take calls and get into the latest war news as well as what's happening with the economy, gas prices, you name it.
And also in this hour,
I want to air some clips from a Fox television show, a spinoff of the X-Files, from three months before 9-11.
The show was produced six months before 9-11, called The Lone Gunman.
And I put a clip of this in my film, The Masters of Terror.
We're going to play some of the lengthy audio clips, some of them we haven't gotten to.
They're not too lengthy, a few minutes long apiece, here on the show.
Where a secret government group is hijacking a jet,
But this isn't the only mainstream media outlet that was throwing this in our face.
At least 50 news reports where terrorists were planning this, two books written years before 9-11 by Tom Clancy, all these different federal drills of plans to fly planes into buildings, official government plans, documents where they said they wanted to do this, PNAC plans that talked about all this, and then Condoleezza Rice says they never heard of such a plan.
And now the Whitewash Commission says the answer is giving the government more power, bonuses to those that block the FBI from stopping Al-Qaeda.
You know, Bush says he never had any idea and the FBI dropped the ball.
Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda.
This has been out for, well, since even before 9-11 that he signed W199I, ordering them to back off Al-Qaeda and to back off the Pakistanis who were arming all these countries with nuclear weapons components.
So that's coming up as well.
A program note here, in the last few weeks we've talked about Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky, a listener of this show, who taped the C-SPAN broadcast, or transmission, of Ron Paul giving a speech, a congressman.
He also got one of my videos and made a copy, 9-11 on the Road to Tyranny.
He gave that to a state trooper, Trooper Dodd, who then arrested him and said the video was threatening to him.
They tried to throw him out of court yesterday.
They failed at that.
It went to the jury.
They wouldn't let Mr. Russian get any of his information out.
But, what did happen is the jury found him not guilty.
What's scary is that the government would take something like this to trial and attempt to put him in jail for a year for giving two videotapes, one of them stuff off national television, to a state trooper.
The state trooper, he got up on the stand, everything, said the video was threatening to him.
I mean, this is America, where they think a video about information is a threat to them.
It's like the guy in Alabama that got arrested for putting a
A three-by-four sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke, and the judge told the local paper, we can't allow this type of disrespect to the government!
That's illegal!
So this shows how whacked out these individuals are, what's happened to their brains, what's happened to this system.
But the good news is, is that time and time again, Justice Anthony Scalia had to apologize about grabbing AP reporters' tapes at a public meeting.
He's trying to blame it on the federal marshals, but people are going back in time and showing where Scalia has ordered stuff like this before.
So of course he's a complete liar, the liberal socialist that he is.
So Anthony Scalia's had to back off, grabbing the AP reporters.
Bottom line, they're trying to claim we don't have any rights, they're trying to claim we don't have a First Amendment, but the citizenry knows we have this God-given right and is standing up against it, so they're having to back off.
But what's scary is, they're still trying to do this, coast to coast, every day, I see articles along these similar lines.
And that's very scary.
They'd like to arrest us for what we have to say.
We'll be back.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and family to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, now 8 minutes and 25 seconds into this second hour of global transmission broadcast against tyranny in defense of liberty.
We have Paul Joseph Watson joining us with a huge news blitz of the stuff that's going on.
Including plans to plant weapons of mass destruction for the election in Iraq.
We've already caught this government, I don't know, over 50, 60 times putting out false news reports of weapons of mass destruction, falsifying reports, creating false reports.
So, I wouldn't put anything past them.
I think that's par for the course.
We'll get into also the latest developments in Iraq and the economy.
And I want to cover this lone gunman episode.
Where this TV show is talking about a government plan to hijack jets and fly them into buildings, the World Trade Center specifically, to give you the police state.
So that's coming up.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Chris in South Carolina.
Chris, go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
I just wanted to commend you on being a very good watchman in these end times.
I came across some very, very interesting information in your video about the Bohemian Grove kind of
Kind of got me to research a little bit.
I'm not plugging this site, I'm not affiliated with it, but it has some very good information in it.
Is it okay if I plug this site?
Sure, go ahead.
It's called cuttingedge.org, all one word, cuttingedge.org.
If you click on the Freemasonry site, it has a very interesting link that explains much of the history of paganism in our country's leadership.
And just for something that's very interesting, if you go to MapQuest,
And look up the Washington, D.C.
It's a giant pentagram with a big owl sitting on top of a pyramid.
Yes, you've seen it.
Well, they admit that D.C.
was laid out in an occultic fashion just as Paris has been.
It was a French admitted occultic architect.
He was an admitted occultist.
And on top of it, again, Francois Mitterrand, right before he died, had a 71-foot gold pyramid with 666 pieces of glass put up in front of the Louvre, and he demanded 666 from the architect, and he put up weird obelisks and torches and 666 all over Paris.
But again, 666 is no big deal.
That's just the six-trunk, six-vial, six-deal.
But, uh, of revelations.
But like I said, it's very interesting to me to see that because I've never been taught that.
Well again, most Masons hear this and get angry.
Most Masons are low level.
They think there's only 33 degrees.
There's actually 360 degrees.
Very interesting studying that stuff.
But that's all I really wanted to report on, Allison.
And I just appreciate you being out there.
Well, I appreciate your call.
Look, it's the same thing as
Intelligence agencies, they're run in a compartmentalized fashion, whereas the low-level FBI agent is busting bank robbers and, you know, going after child pornographers and good things.
You know, going after bad people.
FBI agents doing a good job.
But by the time you get up to the mid-levels and then the high levels, they're criminals, people.
I mean, they're big-time crooks, and we have the evidence of that.
Murder for hire, prostitution, drug dealing, all of it.
And you have good people at high levels that do go public sometimes, like Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, back in 1997, who quit the FBI Crime Lab, the head of the Forensics Division, said, look, this is industrialized frame-ups going on here.
Last year, police in the Houston Crime Lab went public, showing that from the prosecutors to the arresting police to the Crime Lab, they've been framing thousands of people.
Other than the police chief apologizes and nobody gets fired.
No criminal charges.
Dallas Crime Lab!
They'd throw a bag of chalk in your car.
No drugs found.
Arrest you.
The drug lab would certify a cocaine.
The prosecutor would move for indictment.
With the grand jury, people went to prison.
Tulia, Texas.
56 black people.
No criminal records.
No drugs.
No paraphernalia.
It's now come out in the news.
The governor had to pardon them, by the way.
By the way, he had to be pressured for years to do that after the police admitted they framed him.
And it turns out that a local private prison was paying the police bounties on whoever they brought in.
It was literally like a slave ship pulling up to Africa and conking black people on the head.
Except in Thule up there in cotton country in the panhandle, they literally just pulled up, broom and paddy wagons, drove off.
Forty to ninety years in prison in the private prison.
And they had lots of other roundups.
That was just one night where they arrested a whole neighborhood.
Old women, old men, young people.
It was like that image of Planet of the Apes, where the apes come in, that's the police, and just come in with the nets and are chasing the people through the cornfield, grabbing us, conking us on the head.
It's that same image.
That's what they do.
They just pull up, chase us down, throw us in the backs of their trucks, drive off with us.
And so that's what we're dealing with.
And that's scary, people.
Old police aren't like this.
But more and more, whole departments are becoming criminal.
And when that happens, you've got Great A Tyranny, folks, where our own human species feeds on us as a prey animal.
But they do it to white people, they do it to black people.
You know, in the past decades, it's been focused on poor people.
That's why, statistically, it's more blacks and Hispanics and Asians that this happens to, because they've been the minority group and easier to oppress, and their socioeconomic level has been lower.
Now, in areas where it's predominantly Hispanic or black, we see the police feeding on disadvantaged blacks, whites, and Hispanics.
Or where it's a majority Hispanic, we see them feeding on poor Hispanics and poor whites and poor blacks.
So, again, it's the face of evil.
Let's go ahead and talk now to Kelly Rushing, who was found not guilty.
The jury said, no, it's not a terroristic threat to give a police officer a critically acclaimed video exposing corruption or a C-SPAN video.
But the big news here is that they went ahead and took it to trial, didn't dismiss it, and tried to put this man in prison for 365 days and a $500 fine.
And the jury said, not guilty.
So they're not completely brainwashed in Kentucky.
Kelly, good to have you on the show.
How you doing, Alex?
I want to tell you that the complaints are being prepared on this judge now, because by not dismissing it, he's under judicial review now for judicial misconduct.
And I want you to know that though we had a victory here, in a way it's still a defeat, showing how crazy the local authorities' officials are thinking that they would put you in jail for giving someone a video.
Yeah, just because you win a battle don't mean the war's over.
No, I mean it shows how un-American.
I mean, these people don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
No, there's a great deal of, you know, misunderstandings.
Kelly, I have to be honest with you.
When I called you last night to see how it went, you told me you walked over and told the state police moron, Trooper Dobb, you told him, a guy I don't know what the first amendment is, you told him, I'm sorry about the trouble.
Uh, no.
I said, well, I'm sorry that it was a bother to you.
But, I mean, he should have apologized to you!
Yeah, probably so.
You mean to show him now that you've been found not guilty?
Listen, Kelly, that's official oppression.
Uh, that's official oppression and false arrest.
That county, that state owes you at least $500,000.
That's the bare minimum judgment.
You know, the state police got arrested, not arrested, got convicted for arresting people who were protesting out front the governor's mansion on public streets.
They lost three separate lawsuits.
Let me tell you, you get the right lawyer, buddy, you got a big fat win.
Yeah, yeah, well, you know... Look, look, you need to sue him, you need to sue that judge, you need to sue the state.
Because they are dangerous to our republic in the capacities they're in.
Oh yeah, and a lot of it has to do with being uninformed.
They tried to put you in jail for a year, buddy!
What would that have done to your life, your finances?
Oh, well, it just... They came against you viciously, hatefully, insanely.
You need to do a public service and sue them.
Are you going to sue them?
Yeah, I'm thinking about it.
Well, if you don't sue them, they're going to keep doing it to other people.
Well, you know... And just as I helped you because you helped our country, you need to help the country now by suing them.
Well, it really isn't... Look, you're too nice.
I talked to your neighbors, I talked to your family.
You're too nice, Kelly.
You're a nice person, no criminal record, a good American, a good Christian.
And you apologize to him?
You need to sue him!
He needs to be off the force!
Well, yeah, well...
I don't know Alex.
You're trying to find proper balance in some of this stuff and it's extremely hard.
I don't know what you're going to do if they decide to have some retribution against you then you might be wishing you to suit them.
Well, I would like to redeem what money it cost me for a lawyer and everything and time off from work and what have you.
I feel I'm entitled to that.
I don't feel that I'm entitled to.
You're entitled to $500,000.
Well, that's basically taxpayer money, sir, Alex.
You know what that'll do?
That'll ensure he loses his job.
That'll ensure that judge is removed.
Ah, well, then that, you know, then it's going to cost more money to do that, and I'm not a rich person.
No, you can get a lawyer to take it for a third.
You want me to give your number out for lawyers?
Well, I don't know Alex.
I'm just going to have to kind of think about it all for a while.
I think it's a bad thing to do.
I think thinking about it's good.
Kelly, are you glad that you didn't plea bargain?
Oh yeah, yeah, I'm glad.
Well, I didn't feel I was guilty of anything, really.
Why should I plea bargain something that you're not guilty of, you know?
Well, Kelly, God bless you and I'm glad you stood strong.
Anything else?
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, back live.
Paul Watson coming up.
More of your calls as well.
A bunch of lone gunman clips.
Interesting 9-11 information contained therein.
And right now we're talking to Kelly Rushing.
Found not guilty of terrorist threats, for giving a police officer a video, trying to inform him in a gentlemanly fashion.
And Kelly, such a nice guy, he walked over and said, sorry about all the bother when it was the so-called state police officer that caused the whole problem to begin with.
I want to thank all the listeners that called the courthouse there in Linon County and also called the state police because a lot of people talked to the state police and they said, oh, he's just young and doesn't know what he's doing.
Yeah, it's something else.
Some of them were pretty smart-mouthed, but some of them obviously are good people, and I'd imagine that he's going to get teased quite a bit now, which is a good thing.
He needs to be taught.
At the bare minimum, he should have apologized to Kelly.
If he would have apologized to Kelly, I wouldn't be saying he should get fired, though he really still should be.
But he didn't apologize to Kelly.
Kelly did to him, which is pretty
Well, I'd just like to say, you know, that most things that happen, I think, between all of us is usually a misunderstanding.
And until things can be brought, you know, out forward and people can have enough compassion for each other to bring them out and talk, you know, openly to each other,
I don't think so.
Really means, and what it means to be an American.
Well in Russia they arrest you for giving a video to a police officer.
In America you don't.
And I think Trooper Dob should move to Russia.
Kelly, keep us abreast of the situation as it develops and God bless you and I'm glad that we could help you out and thanks for passing the videos out.
Well I'd like to thank everyone for their support Alex.
And I appreciate, you know, everything that everybody done.
You too Alex, I appreciate everything you're doing.
Well I appreciate you and I also want to thank...
Mr. Farley over at the Court Watchers Association.
Yeah, him too.
He did a great job and I think he's going to be filing a judicial complaint on this judge.
But God bless you and take care.
Okay, you too, Alex.
Good to hear it from you, my friend.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to, I guess, Ron in New York's up next.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Alex, two things I want to discuss with you today.
One came up.
I was actually perusing today's New York Post.
And on page six of the New York Post, there's a picture of George W.'
's two daughters.
They went within the Fort Hood to give out some medals yesterday.
You have to see this photograph if you have any way of pulling that up on the website.
They look completely disinterested and one of them has probably one of the cruelest looks on her face that I've ever seen.
Of any photograph of any member of a first family since the Kennedy administration.
You gotta take a look at it and you'll see what I mean.
It's the one in the dungaree jacket with the darker hair.
I think it's Barbara.
Barbara Bush.
The younger, of course, when I'm talking about Mother Barbara.
Yeah, it's unbelievable photos.
Now, on a page before that...
You have on page five of the post four young ladies, approximately in the same age category, all serving in Iraq, and one of them was killed.
Yeah, three sisters.
Yes, there's only three now.
There were four, I believe.
And one was killed in Iraq.
What a difference.
Take a look at those two photographs and compare the difference between simple decent people from the heartland and you take a look at the picture of GW's two daughters and you'll see the contrast and you'll understand what I mean without saying.
Well I gotta tell ya, and we had a video camera in the car but I didn't videotape them because I don't want to leave the President's brood alone, but I was at a 40th birthday for some friends a few years ago and we were seated right next to them.
And I forgot to shake on the federal marshal's hands who were all fans.
I said, who's inside?
They said, we can't tell you.
I go inside and it's them.
And they were completely drunk, being rude to the waitress.
There were two guys who looked like, you know, heavy metal Satanists or something.
And they were something else.
And my buddy Kevin said, man, let's shoot some video of them drunk.
And I said, are you stupid?
I said, that would be signing your death warrant.
I'm not going to mess with the President's children, but they are pretty hateful creatures.
You take a look at that photograph in today's New York Post on page 6, and it'll speak a thousand words for itself.
Well, anybody that's rude to waitresses, anybody that's rude to people... I mean, if somebody's rude to me, I'll be rude to them, but they're just little lords.
I mean, that's what they are.
Raised to be precocious brats, as simple as that.
Yeah, but I mean, in the aggregate, I don't think it's that important.
No, it's not.
It's just that I find that ironic.
Because on page 5 you have one group and on page 6 another.
You'll see.
Hey, what do you think of Kelly rushing being found not guilty?
Well, I think it was the right decision, but I think he's a little bit too relaxed and apathetic in his response to pursue justice for himself and to establish a pattern so this sort of thing doesn't occur again for the next innocent person down the road.
Amen to that.
Amen to that.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
We've now gone a little bit over the halfway point, the meridian.
Here on the broadcast today, I know that we have got loaded phone lines with Sandra and Chris and Rhonda and Chris and many, many others, Charles and others that are patiently holding.
We'll get to your calls before this hour ends, but I want to bring up Paul Joseph Watson, who is normally with us on Mondays, but he's been on with us on Tuesdays as of late.
And he's the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com.
He's written a book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, available through the websites as well.
And I always enjoy his insightful commentary.
Our minds are very similar on our view of the global matrix of control.
And to give us the news that he thinks is most important is Paul Watson.
Paul, before we get to your top stories, though, I want to air these clips off the Lone Gunman.
And for those that aren't aware of this, why is this important, and what are they about to hear?
Describe this, set this up for them.
Episode of a, it was an X-Files spin-off, basically.
It was made by the same people, and it aired in March of 2001.
And the basic premise of the storyline throughout the whole series is about a group of individuals who try and expose government corruption.
And in this particular pilot episode, the script revolves around
Them discovering a secret plot called Scenario 12-D which involves the government crashing a plane into the World Trade Center to be blamed on foreign terrorists to enable increased arms sales, empire expansion and a police state at home.
And remember this is months before 9-11, this is March 2001.
And it's not just any network doing it, it's Fox who has the contract to break down the family, to show male figures always in a bad light, to have the prostitution shows where the women beg for the man, the most degenerate stuff on the so-called conservative TV network.
And we've got this clip, and for historical reasons we'll air it.
I mean, it has a small amount of mild language, but it's historical for the record, so we can't edit it.
But it is extremely mild.
There's some parts of the show we cannot air because it's not mild.
But there's several clips that we're going to air, but Paul, this isn't happening in a vacuum.
The Globalists put out lots of their calling cards.
What were some of the other calling cards before 9-11, and why do they do this?
Well, there were several.
There were many calendars published in the Middle East which showed airliners coming down in the middle of Manhattan.
There were CD covers of albums, not just the one that everyone remembers by The Coup, where it shows the South Tower exploding, but also others which show planes heading
So, why they do it is anyone's guess, but from my point of view, it's kind of conditioning the consensus matrix of the population to accept, you know, steel buildings collapsing when it's completely unprecedented.
There was some kind of acceptance on 9-11 that this had been coming all along, and you have to ask why people thought that, and it's because they were laying the groundwork for this to happen through these kind of fictional presentations.
And then at the very same time...
That all of this is happening.
Rice says no one in government had ever heard of such a thing.
Forget 50-plus mainstream articles, government documents, the White House ordering FBI agents in Illinois and Arizona and Texas not to stop the hijackers' plans.
Then it turns out the hijackers are still alive, trained at U.S.
military bases, NORAD standing down, public officials being told not to fly, and they still have the nerve, Paul.
I mean, you've been watching this commission.
What do you make of this commission?
Well, basically, obviously it works on many levels, but the main level that I'm seeing emerging for it is to reinforce the official version of events that this was carried out by 19 Arabs hijackers.
You remember we reported that
One of the few members to resign from the commission resigned because he said, you know, I cannot foresee how 19 Arabs could have carried out this attack.
So we get the release of the presidential briefing a few days ago with the title, you know, Bin Laden determined to attack in the USA.
So it's about reinforcing the notion that this was all the work of Bin Laden.
So it's a kind of distraction from the real reason.
And by the way, to keep you safe, we need to get all your freedoms, John Ashcroft said, support the Patriot Act and
And on top of it, you need to give us a domestic CIA.
Well, that's the point.
The argument that this was somehow a failure of intelligence or communication is defeated by the very fact that nobody was fired in its aftermath.
And we had people like Ben Venista, as he mentioned it just a few days ago on the weekend, call for a domestic CIA, basically, to watch Americans.
And then notice, he was...
Well, exactly.
And then you've got Philip Zelikow.
And testifying to his own commission, because he was involved in the cover-up and also working with Condoleezza Rice in 1995, publishing her book.
So you've got people, liberals and conservatives, whitewashing from both administrations.
And then four members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Let's play that clip we aired earlier, and for those that just joined us, this is from the Lone Gunman series, and this is where the son is talking to his father, who's a high-level NSA officer.
And, uh, Byers is surprised by his father as he goes through the house looking for clues to his disappearance.
His father, uh, is less happy to be found knowing that Overlord will use his son to find him.
Confronting his father with his suspicions that Scenario 12-D is connected to his disappearance, Byers learns of an impending stage terror action, the bombing of a domestic airliner.
Then the next clip, they learn that it's to be the World Trade Center at the corner of Liberty and Washington.
So, here's that first clip, aired months before 9-11.
Here it is.
Go ahead and hit that first one, Stephanie.
Scenario 12-D.
Perhaps the computer isn't flying today.
We know it's a war game scenario and it has to do with airline counter-terrorism.
Why is it important enough to kill for?
Because it's no longer a game.
But if some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?
Depends on who your terrorists are.
The men who conceived of it in the first place.
You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline?
There you go!
Endangering the entire government, as usual.
It's a faction.
A small faction.
What possible gain?
The Cold War's over, John.
But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City, and you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world, just clamoring to take responsibility.
Okay, that's good.
Stephanie, that's good.
Okay, okay.
There you go.
And then he starts getting into some discussions of why don't we post it in our newspaper, The Lone Gunman, their conspiracy newspaper, and he says, well, because it's full of space aliens and stuff and that discredits it.
So we played that clip in full earlier, we just played part of it then.
Now, notice that also, and you can download the whole
45 minute long TV show.
I mean, it's an hour, but with the commercials out, it's 45 minutes long.
You can download the whole thing on the website if you go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and link through to the site that's posted the whole thing.
We've posted clips before, but they've posted the whole thing and we're trying to cull through it.
Now, he finds out about it, the publisher of The Lone Gunman, the son of the top spy, finds out that there's a government scenario to fly the jet in the building.
But then his father says, no, it's not just a scenario.
Now, Paul, on 9-11, they were running a CIA drill of doing just that, and everybody else in the government thought it was just a drill, and that's what enabled NORAD to stand down.
Comment on that.
Well, yeah, that's the case.
When they first discover the plan, they just discover the basic details of it that it's to do with counter-terrorism.
So it's dressed up as a kind of drill, which is what happened on 9-11.
But when they crack the deeper details of it, they actually find out that it's, you know, an inside job.
Also, I mean, I watched the whole program many months ago.
The plane takes off from Boston Logan as well.
There are many similarities to the actual event, which are not, you know, in just these short clips that we're playing.
But some people have speculated that it was kind of a desperate attempt to blow the whistle on the fact that this was an upcoming, you know, agenda, so that's another perspective on it.
So, throughout the whole program, though, not just these clips, there are many little things which suggest that somebody on the inside had some knowledge of what was about to take place.
But Condoleezza Rice had said no one had ever imagined this had never been thought of!
Well, Bo Jinker in 95 was about flying planes into buildings.
In 93, there was a plan to fly a plane into the Eiffel Tower.
Before that, in 91, somebody tried to fly a smaller plane into the White House.
So, I mean, even from a perspective of, you know, a Hollywood production, people had thought of it.
So, for Condoleezza Rice to lie and say that she hadn't thought of it is, frankly, unbelievable.
All right, let's go ahead and go to the next clip.
Are we ready with that?
Ah, I thought something was going on.
Murphy's Law, about once a month, the computer they play clips off of has a brain problem and that just happened.
So we'll play that clip a little bit later where they talk about it being the World Trade Center.
Now, Paul, there's a bunch of different news items here.
What do you think is most important right now?
Well it's obviously Iraq at the moment.
I was on the show last week saying that
The neocons were foaming at the mouth and, you know, screaming for Fallujah to be flattened and that's exactly what took place.
We've got approaching 1,000 dead Iraqis now and at least 70 dead US troops.
We've got hostages being taken left, right and centre.
Interesting thing with the Japanese hostages where the stories flip-flop from day to day.
One day they're going to be killed, the next they're going to be released but nothing's happened yet.
It's interesting that those Japanese hostages were in Iraq to research the effects of depleted uranium.
They were doing a massively sponsored study on that.
And then magically, they get captured by guys in black, Chemists.
Yeah, so whether they're killed... And they're the group not being released.
So whether they're killed or they go home, you know, that research gets shut down.
So who benefits from that?
Certainly not the Iraqis.
But in a wider context,
There's been another report, and this is the benefit of reading Iranian newspapers at 1 a.m.
in the morning.
Which we found to be very accurate in the past.
Well, yeah, I always used Iranian newspapers during the war because they hated both Iraqis and the Americans.
The axes to grind cancelled out each other.
But the Tehran Times reported last night
These hostilities are being used as a distraction while weapons of mass destruction are being planted in southern and western Iraq.
And they're saying that they're being shipped in under the disguise of USAID and Red Cross relief shipments, as well as reports of trucks coming from Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
And the Iraqi scientists themselves that are being enlisted to supervise these shipments are under death threat in case they blow the whistle.
And the source of this is the governor's office in Basra.
Now last time it was the people inside the Governing Council.
Yeah, and sources close to them.
So they're now saying that they're using these hostilities to divert attention away from the planting and then later discovery of these weapons to be announced, you know, months before the election.
Okay, we'll go back into Iraq and then do some calls here in just a few minutes, folks.
Right now, let's go to this next clip, also from a lone gunman.
Again, airing, what, six months or five months before 9-11 took place.
This is where they're trying to stop the remote control of the plane by the NSA, where they're trying to fly it into the World Trade Center.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
Did you find anything?
No, but it feels clear if this thing can be trusted.
What do you do, make it with your erector sensor?
You're absolutely sure that this is the targeted flight?
This flight was chosen primarily for its visibility.
It's scheduled to pass over Manhattan on its way to Boston.
You said they intend to bring us down in the middle of New York City?
What if there is no bomb?
Well, how are they going to bring it down?
The same way a dead man can drop a car.
What do you mean, no Bob?
Langley, I need you to hack into the aircraft's on-board navigating system.
We need to know where we're heading.
Okay, go into headsets.
I'll clone the airplane's carrier.
Make them think we're sending it to ground air fast.
That's one twisted star 69.
I'll just get ready to ride the wave, you people.
Just get me on that plane and I'll get you autopilot access.
How are you going to do that?
Airline telemetry systems use processes similar to those found in CB radios.
I'm in.
We got ourselves a convoy.
What's your progress?
I've hacked into the flight control system output.
You want that little bit of help?
It's what the brains of the plane...
So again, that's one of the clips where they're talking about how it's been taken over by remote control.
There's not a bomb on board.
The plane is the bomb, and it's actually the next clip where they talk about unscheduled flight into the World Trade Center.
So we'll get that clip and play that for you as well.
The plane is closing rapidly on the WTC North Tower.
The pilot struggles vainly to override the remote control signal, while Langley struggles to decrypt it.
And they go on to plead with one of the other government people to give them the chip so they can break into it and reverse it.
And there's a clip here where they talk about it being the World Trade Center.
And then the plane narrowly misses and actually scrapes one of the antennas on top of the North Tower.
Yeah, we know they're talking about remote control because you heard them mention, you know, how can a dead man drive a car?
It's because earlier in the episode they tried to kill this man's father by taking remote control of his car and driving it over a cliff, so they discovered that because they found the remote control device in the car, so that's why they're talking about remote control in this instance.
And then indeed they hack in and again get the plane to not crash into the World Trade Center there in the last few seconds.
And then magically, everybody's standing down because they think it's all a government drill, Paul.
What happened on 9-11?
What does the Associated Press say happened?
Well, it says that there was a drill, which involved crashing planes into government buildings, including the World Trade Center.
And on top of that, talking about how Rice lied about it,
There was a Pentagon plan which occurred in 2000, and it was on their own website, which talked about a plane being crashed into the Pentagon itself.
So, again, to speculate that she hadn't foreseen it when they were doing drills on it a year before, and not just on the day of 9-11, but a year before with the Pentagon situation, again, it's another piece of, you know, it's another smoking gun.
Now, Paul, we're going to break and come back and take some calls, but later in the next hour, what's some of the other news we're going to go over?
We need to talk about the weapons of mass destruction propaganda, which has been coming out again in recent weeks.
Cameras on school buses, more Big Brother, Cheney selling nukes to China, and many more stories.
Alright, that's just some of what's coming up.
First your calls.
Ladies and gentlemen, when we get back, I'm Alex Jones, joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
And again, he's the webmaster for my website, PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new
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All right, Chris and Rhonda and Charles, your calls are coming up here momentarily.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We will air that clip a little bit later in its entirety, as soon as we get the computer that never messes up.
It seems to every once in a while, I guess, up and going, the computer we got the clips on.
Look, there's a whole stack of news here.
I want to get into Ashcroft and Janet Reno's testimonies and the rest of it.
Before we go to these calls and into all this news, Paul, your book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor Terror and the New World Order, it just got reviewed by the big Alexandria newspaper, and it got a rave review, and I'm proud to see that.
I mean, most big publishers try to get their books reviewed.
I think we've now had four newspapers review my book and your book all favorably, and this is one of the latest.
If people get Warner out of chaos, what will they be getting?
They'll be getting, probably many people have said, the most well-documented book on these subjects ever written, basically.
Because every page has, well every chapter has 30 sources saying directly, you know, what I'm saying and where I got it from and what evidence there is to back it up so people can go and check for themselves.
And three chapters on 9-11 which cover the, not just the prior knowledge issue, but the attack itself and how it was carried out.
And then other chapters on Iraq as the war was starting, all the propaganda going on before it, and Israeli control of Hamas, British intelligence control of IRA terrorism, the whole government terror paradigm is detailed and documented, and it's a 320-page book.
And it's $19.95, but to give one as a gift, the second one, when you buy one, is only $11.95.
And there's my book, 9-11 Dissent Deterrent.
It's excellent as well.
It covers a lot of the same information in Paul's book, and some things he doesn't cover.
It's 220 pages long.
It's $12.95.
I can't seem to get this right.
It's $11.95, excuse me.
So, definitely want to get my book.
I've also made 10 films.
Order Out of Chaos is, of course, a book.
My book is Descent into Tyranny.
But the films are 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, and The Masters of Terror.
They're both over two hours long, cover September 11th, and other government-sponsored terror events that are documented.
There's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, a lot of other great films we've made.
They're $25.95 apiece.
20 bucks when you order three or more of any of the ten films and you've heard the rave reviews from listeners so call toll free 1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com or just write to me Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar suite 100 Austin Texas 78704
Don't wait!
Get Order Out of Chaos!
Get the Set Deterrent!
Get the videos!
Take action!
That's Triple-8, 2533139.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Illinois.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, I'll talk real fast, because I have about five points to make.
You know, this isn't Chris.
This is Sandra, right?
No, this is Chris.
Okay, go ahead.
From Illinois, yeah.
You know, first of all, we've got to pray and repent for our country, as Daniel did.
That's first and foremost.
But next, I want to tell you that, you know, we've been setting up your tape, and we got it down to a system of, it's like less than $3.
The key is put media mail on the envelope.
For your, you know, for the tape, for the postage, everything is less than $3.
Who are you mailing the videos out to that you make commercials with?
Well, to, you know, a lot of our friends.
Uh, business associates.
My daughter's an attorney, so she's got business associates and so on.
And that's what we're doing.
And also, my son's a cop, not in Illinois, but in another state.
And I just want to tell you, you know, we also go to the Police Academy, Susan's Police Academy, to get familiar with our police and so on.
And talk to him.
Now, most of the suburban cops have not been totally indoctrinated yet, okay?
Hey, I'll tell you what.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Don't hang up, Chris.
I want to hear more about this.
We'll get to you in about 70 seconds after we got a break.
And then we'll get to Rhonda and Charles and others.
Paul Watson's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
The third jam-packed hour is coming up.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into hour number three.
Later in the hour, we will re-air those clips and air some clips we haven't aired from the Lone Gunman episode.
Where the secret government group wants to fly a hijacked jumbo jet by remote control of the World Trade Centers as a pretext for control, weapon sales, invasions of foreign countries.
We'll get into the new reports of U.S.
planting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
What's happening in Iraq.
We'll get into some of the Big Brother news.
Paul Watson, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com, my website, is joining us.
We always appreciate having him on.
Chris, in Illinois, we were talking to her.
Her son's a police officer.
She's educating a lot of people and she was saying a lot of suburban police aren't completely indoctrinated yet.
The question is, Chris, are they aware of the attempts to indoctrinate them?
I don't think they are.
But you know, like I said, we went to the Citizens Academy, we talked to the police, we sent your films, we've given them, and we haven't been arrested yet.
But so many of them are.
Now, here's the point I want to make.
My son, at one time, used to help
I don't know.
Yeah, so you need to ask your son, why is Chicago, New York, D.C.
with gun bans the highest crime rate?
Well, I know what to tell my son, but at this point, I told him a few things.
So is he listening to you?
Well, I don't know.
I have no idea what goes on in his mind.
So suddenly, all of us shouldn't have guns, huh?
Well, yeah.
I mean, you know, they're doing it slowly.
Not everybody should have a gun because they're nuts.
You know, that type of thing.
Another thing, when I write to the editors, I write letters all the time.
I include your website at the end of the letter.
Well, thank you.
That's getting us a lot of visitors.
I mean, I get sent a lot of clippings where people's letters to the editors say, everything I state here is backed up at InfoWars.com.
Another thing, too, Kelly, you know, he's such a nice guy, but I want to scream because
If he doesn't want the money, give it to somebody that can use it, you know what I mean?
To help our cause.
Yeah, for those that just joined us, Kelly Rushing, arrested for handing one of my videos to a state police officer, and he was found not guilty by the jury of terrific threats, but the officer thinks it's illegal to educate police in a kindly fashion.
And, uh, this just shows how bad our society is.
The judge, the prosecutor, and the state police want to arrest us for this, at least in areas of Kentucky.
Paul Watson, any comments?
Yeah, well, it shows the climate.
The First Amendment, under attack as it is.
To give out a videotape is called terroristic.
There was an article we posted nearly a week ago where
A man flew an upside-down American flag in his backyard, which is obviously, you know, a sign of distress.
It's the ultimate form of patriotism.
And his neighbor called the police on him.
And the police officer said, well, I'd like to arrest him, but, you know, the law says that he has his First Amendment.
So, the First Amendment on all fronts is under massive attack at the moment, and I'm glad to see that this jury had some common sense, but as you said, the case should have been dismissed way before that.
Now, you had a BBC reporter two years ago, we interviewed him, and that interview is posted in the audio section, he was arrested for saying the word homosexual, that's not allowed in England, that's considered a hateful word, and you have
Yeah, that was Robin Page who gave a speech saying that farmers should have the same rights as homosexuals and Muslims.
Scotland Yard were called immediately after and within an hour, you know, he was taken and arrested.
And obviously we've got the interview posted in the Deep Archive.
So, again, hate speech is designed to attack free speech.
That's why the whole movement of hate speech was started.
To the point now where the Washington Post is saying that anyone who uses the term neocon really means Jew.
So even that term is out of bounds now, according to them.
When they call themselves neocons, when Bush does,
And I heard Limbaugh do that about a year ago.
It's secret racist code word.
Thanks for the call, Chris.
We'll be back.
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To use this disaster for the New World Order.
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The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, now eight minutes into hour three, my friends.
Before we get back into the news and all your calls, and we're going to go to your calls here in a second, I've had this story for about a week.
I never covered it.
Wired News.
Thanks to an unusual loophole in the strict rules of medical ethics, they're not strict, hundreds of trauma patients in California, Texas, and a few other states will be taking a gamble when ambulances come to scoop them up after accidents or acts of violence.
Without waiting to get consent, paramedics will inject fake blood product into half of the eligible patients chosen to take part in the new study.
The other half will get a routine treatment of transfusion with saline solution until they reach the hospital.
For now, the artificial blood, known as Holly Hem, isn't approved for general use, but it will still slip into the veins and arteries of unconscious patients who won't be able to say no.
Emergency research in general creates a special set of circumstances, said Kelly Fryer Edwards, University of Wisconsin Medical Ethics, whose colleagues across the country are divided over the wisdom of blood study.
Well, I don't care if you're divided!
That caught them off from coast to coast when you die, even though you're not an organ donor, stealing your corneas, stealing skin, cutting you open, stealing goodies, stealing organs.
And this is just setting a precedent.
I've seen a bunch of these articles where they're doing stuff like this, where they don't ask.
They just put experimental things in you.
It's the same thing with the troops.
A captive audience.
I mean, they'll line them up and give them 30 shots at once.
All this experimental stuff.
Not even tell them what it is.
Now, Paul, this isn't freedom, is it?
Well no, obviously that's preparing medical personnel, preparing them to give forced injections and forced vaccinations under a bio-attack situation which is outlined in the Model States Emergency Health Powers Act, so I mean that's probably part of that movement as to why they're introducing it.
By the way, they've been having more of these Red Alert, they call them Red Alert Lockdowns.
Police come in, aim machine guns at children, police dogs jump on them.
Turns out it's really to get them ready for terror roundups.
Well, we had that a year ago, Washington Post, Gannett News Service, both, where we're going to be enemies if we leave our homes.
Our children will be taken from us to FEMA camps until we turn our guns in.
Well, yeah, and in your Police State 2000 and Police State 2 films, they had all these kind of drills, and this was before 9-11 that these films were made, obviously, and the official line was it's for preparation for terrorism and, you know, urban warfare.
We had military walking through the streets, and, you know, these drills going on in schools where officers run around with guns, and we're talking about military-style police in some of them, where guns have gone off and, you know, shot kids in the head.
That happened in Michigan and also they killed top of the year in Fort Worth.
Now a few months ago the BBC reported that troops from the former Eastern Bloc were there running around terrorizing people in the countryside doing a rest as part of a drill and we've had the same stuff going on here and it turned out that was part of a acclimation process as well.
Yeah, and also Tony Blair had tanks rolling around Heathrow right before the Iraq War to bully everyone into supporting it.
And the top police chief of Metropolitan Police, John Stevens, recently called for, well, he said he would have no hesitation in putting troops on British streets.
And they've had that, you know, building up the pretext for that for 20, 30 years with the IRA bombings.
So, yeah, same policies on both sides of the pond.
Yeah, whatever's happening there is happening here.
Whatever's happening here is happening there.
I call it the Echelon Group of Countries because five countries all work in Echelon, the spy grid, and they all follow the same policies.
Well, yeah, it's like a spider web across the whole globe where you have different points of control, but it's the same web.
I call it the Anglo-Saxon Mafia.
It's just these five, six countries that are heading it all, and the so-called non-integrating states like Iraq or Haiti, for example, get bombed into submission if they don't go along with the policy, even though they're these small, broken-back, third-world countries, they still need to be brought in line with the agenda.
Before we go to Rhonda and Charles and Tim and others, I wanted to bring this up.
You mentioned that the Washington Post, and I didn't see the article, said that neocon is a code word for Jews.
Were they implying that you're racist if you use the term?
Yeah, it was in response to a Pentagon whistleblower called Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski.
Who basically came out and blew the whistle on the fact that she was ordered by the OSP, the Office of Special Plans, to funnel false information before the Iraq War up the chain of government through to White House speechwriters.
And she used the term for the people controlling this, she called them neocons, neoconservatives.
So then the Washington Post came out and attacked her and said that the term neocon was code word for Jew.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Because I heard Limbaugh over a year ago say, Neocon is code word for antisemitism.
Only antisemites use this.
Now, let's go back.
Yesterday, Monday, we played a clip off PBS with Crystal's father calling himself a Neocon.
They put out books calling themselves the neocons.
They are the neoconservative movement.
And this is the tactic over and over again.
You're exposing their corruption.
And some of them are Jews, some of them aren't.
And then they try to lay the label.
I mean, it's anything.
I don't want you to put poisonous vaccines in me.
That's code for anti-Semitism.
I'm against corruption.
I'm against the corrupt banks.
That's code for anti-Semitism.
Well, and they're actually creating anti-Semitism because people then go, what do you mean, Jews?
And that gets people thinking about that.
I mean, it's amazing, but Kelly Rushing, you heard him last hour, no criminal record, hands out one of my videos and a Ron Paul video gets arrested.
He had two separate news teams.
One, News 12 from Missouri, show up with the video cameras, you know, big news cameras, and they asked him, they said, have you ever been a member of the Klan?
He said, well, of course not.
And, well, the authorities are telling us this.
So, see, this is what they do, time and time again, is they try to put these labels in there.
And, look, it's not going to work because they misuse them so much and misapply them.
The liberals are all calling them neocons.
The neocons coined the term neocon.
It's in the PNAC documents.
So, this is incredible.
Well, it's also the elimination of language, terms of reference that we use to, you know, illustrate our arguments because they can't attack the arguments themselves because they're backed up by proof.
They're just trying to eliminate the terms that we're using and try and label us as, you know, racist.
So it's that Orwellian thing of eliminating language.
I remember, three years ago, Texas legislature was in session.
Jews for the Preservation of Farms member runs in right before I testify, says, Alex, get out here!
I had a video camera.
I run, and it's funny that it was a Jew telling me this.
They can't say it was some type of racism.
And I run out, and there's the two black guys who testified.
Basically, we're black, we're evil, we'll kill you.
Blacks will kill you with guns if you don't give your guns up.
They were there.
The handgun control group was using them to play a race card.
They were indeed being the racist.
The paid black poster boys who weren't even gang members who talked in a normal accent when they weren't up on the stand or up there testifying.
And I caught them being paid in cash hundreds of dollars a piece.
And then the newspaper calls me and says, Mr. Jones, are you a racist?
And I said, what do you mean?
Well, these are black men you caught being paid off.
And I said, well, the Ethics Committee admits it's a bribe.
And they go, well, that's not the issue.
Are you racist?
If they were white, would you have said something?
I said, of course I'd say something!
But, I mean, that was in the article!
It's mind control, my friend!
Well, it's like how they use people like Rice and
You know, Powell is the front man in front of the UN with the weapons of mass disruption evidence, which you now admit that was completely false, but they use black individuals to elevate them into high positions of power.
And then when you call them liars, for, you know, because they're lying, because it comes out later, and they even admit it sometimes like Powell did, people say, oh, you can't criticize that individual because he or she is black, and it's like, where's the argument from?
Well, people are just ignoring this now.
I remember, last point, we'll go to the calls, I remember
Back in the late 90s with all the Chinese espionage news, and all these thousands of communist spies, Clinton selling us out, you know, having Ron Brown taken out, and then all these newscasts going, dun-dun, dun-dun, tonight the focus on Chinese espionage.
Is it really racism?
I mean, it has nothing to do with racism, but they just do that!
Well, it's just the big hate speech movement which says that anyone who talks about the New World Order is secretly, you know, talking about a Jewish racist conspiracy.
All that comes out of the ADL, who then go and sponsor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is, you know, admitted his father was a stormtrooper, says in his book he admires Hitler.
So, it's coming from the very people who are supposed to protect Jews and Jewish interests, but in fact are attacking them.
Well, we've also caught Jewish groups with people dressed up in Nazi outfits, acting like there's some Nazi threat.
Let's go ahead and... This is disgusting.
I'm sick of it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rhonda in Missouri, and then we'll go to Charles and Tim and others.
Rhonda, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
That's like Freedom Fighter being a terrorist.
That big association with the freedom fighters in Iraq.
You know, they're really terrorists because they're killing our soldiers.
That'll be when it comes here, freedom fighters.
Well, of course, they're terrorists.
Well, I have to say, I don't agree with some of the groups over there, but we are in a war, and then, you know, to call them terrorists, no, they're obviously enemy soldiers.
It's the labeling, you know, it's the psychological warfare.
I actually called in and listened to Mr. Rushing talking about, I can appreciate
His view on balance and that type of thing.
And in my mind, justice was not served, balance was not maintained because he was found not guilty.
That was not the crime.
The crime was the officer arresting him.
So, like the other callers, don't sue to take the money to go to Tahiti and have fun.
But I would probably, if it was me, I would probably go after the troop in which the patrolman came out of.
That way I could have them take that money and put into that troop and educate their officers in the Constitution.
And then I'd go after the state level to have them put that money... With $500,000 you could educate every Kentucky trooper on the Constitution?
That would be balanced.
Well, for those that don't know, they arrested him for giving out videos.
He was found not guilty.
The point is, they prosecuted, they took him to trial, they tried to put him in jail, and now he's saying, oh, I'm gonna be nice, I don't know if I'll sue him.
He needs to sue him!
Anything else?
Look at how much money they steal from our communities to send out there to kidnap children.
Boy, I tell you, that's another big issue.
Anything else you want to add?
No, God bless you, God bless everybody.
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Alright, let's go quickly to your calls.
Let's go ahead and go to Charles in Rhode Island.
Charles, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thank you Alex for giving us the education you do every day.
I want to know you're deeply appreciated.
First of all, I called about Mr. Ruskin also.
When you go along to get along, you end up in a communist, socialist, fascist form of government every time.
You know?
That's what you're going to do by kowtowing to the police matter, is do the Title 42, Section 1983 or 1985, whichever one you prefer, you know, whether it's a single person or two or more people in 1985, and attack the police that way.
Also, I wanted to tell you that I called Friday afternoon, in the 3 o'clock hour to the Kentucky State Police
And talked to a dispatcher there, who was very arrogant, told me that Mr. Ruskin had more than just giving the videotape to the police charges and all.
I said, well, what are the charges exactly, sir?
And he couldn't elaborate on them.
And so... And by the way, that wasn't true, what they said.
It's been in the news, he was arrested for giving somebody a videotape, they thought the content of it was threatening, they tried to put him in jail for it, and the jury found him not guilty.
Okay, but here's where I made the fatal mistake, is I tried to educate this person, and I asked this guy, if you ever read Animal Farm by George Orwell, yet in 1984, you know, why don't you go read and copy Animal Farm?
And this guy was, like, belligerent beyond belief.
You know, but every time that I have a copy to copy of Animal Farm, he changes attitude real fast.
And I'll thank you for all your good deeds and those here, sir.
Thank you.
Well, I appreciate you for calling.
God bless.
Well, yeah, I mean, the reaction of Kelly rushing, obviously, was saying he's a nice guy and everything.
But, as everybody knows, 99% of, you know, how people react to you is how you boil it down to you walking down the street, how you carry yourself, you know, how you look.
People will react to you in that way.
So if you act like a coward, then the people out there, especially those in positions of power, will seek to dominate you and will treat you like a coward.
So that's why... Well, Kelly had a lot of courage.
He's just such a nice guy.
He's like...
You know, Samson or something taking all of this.
I mean, he goes out, he gives up the videos, gives one to the prosecutor, the prosecutor says, ooh, I love this, it's good, gives it to other officials, gives it to the cop, he arrests him, and then Kelly doesn't plea bargain as they threaten him, goes to trial, defeats them, and then walks over and tells the cop he's sorry all this happened when the cop did it.
That just shows what a nice guy he is.
Yeah, I mean it shows that the reaction has to be stronger though, and as you said, he does need to go ahead and sue to prevent any kind of pretext that giving out videotapes is, you know, illegal.
It's like Microsoft are trying to impose a charge on every email sent out to supposedly stop spammers.
Well, we know it's to stop people emailing to mass news groups as they do the information that we present.
So it's that, you know, it's trying to prevent communication, calling it terrorism, or doing what, you know, people like Microsoft are doing, charging for it.
So it's an attempt to shut down free speech on every level.
By the way, where is that with Microsoft right now?
All I know is that Bill Gates proposed it, and at the moment they're looking into it.
So they said it may come into effect towards the end of this decade.
That's insane.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Good afternoon, Tim.
Hello, Paul.
I'm glad you're here because over the weekend, earlier you were talking about how there's, what, the television show, The Lone Gunman?
Yeah, we're going to play those clips again.
Go ahead.
And the way that there's little hints in the television and the movies.
I think, Alex, you call that the propaganda placement?
Well, propaganda placement is when they, you know, pay to have the propaganda put in the TV shows.
This, I would call it, you know, preconditioning, preparing the psychological ground.
Over the weekend I was going through an old box I found in the closet, and I came across a videotape.
It wasn't labeled, I threw it in.
And Paul, you might remember in the late 80s in your country, a television show was produced called the Max Headroom.
I recall the name, but I've never watched it.
Yeah, I've seen the show.
This particular episode dealt with a corporation called SSI, who had, for lack of a better description, the beast computer, and they had everyone's name in it, and they went on to show people being scanned.
Their records turned to poison when the people were trying to investigate the people behind the structure of, you know, the upper echelon of this security corporation, and when it came down to it, you know, they almost killed them.
Now, Max Hendron was the computerized talking head.
Yeah, he was a spokesman for Coca-Cola as far as this country.
I know there were several more episodes that aired.
ABC picked it up for like six weeks in the springtime of 1986, and then it went by the wayside.
But it's interesting how they show it to you there, and then when people see
Well, you're trying to say, well, that's going to happen in reality.
Oh, no, that's just a TV show.
There's nothing to worry about.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was in a film where they changed the Constitution to whereby, you know, foreigners could become president, and he became president in the film.
But in the film, he first became California governor.
In a recall.
All right, we'll be back.
Thanks for the call.
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All right.
We're just going to take four or five more calls from Joe, Hal, Gabe, and just a few others.
Then I want to hit a bunch of news that we haven't even detailed yet.
But after we take these calls, I'm going to air a couple of these lone gumming clips because earlier, Murphy's Law, the computer crashed during one of them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going today, Alec?
Hey, I was just wondering, I'm, you know, newly coming around to all this information.
I've been a political couch potato all my life, and I was wondering if you've ever considered putting out, like, if I wanted to recodify Aussie Comitatus in my area, if I wanted to put Local Actions Limiting the Patriot Act.
I just don't know where to start.
Okay, well,
I actually came out with the idea to have towns and cities and states throw it out.
Put out the basic idea that people actually wrote up a law that I put out in more detail when the deals with Posse Comitatus Homeland Security, not just Patriot Act 1 and 2.
And my provision has been passed by some cities and towns.
In over 400 towns and cities and now four states, they have thrown out the Patriot Act.
And other provisions, but that doesn't mean that the government still isn't violating our rights, but at least it shows a movement in the right direction.
That's in the Save the Bill of Rights Campaign Patriot Act section of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, I'm sorry, again, where was it at?
InfoWars... I'm aware of the website.
Yeah, it's just on the website.
Paul, where is that on PrisonPlanet if people want to find it?
Where is my resolution?
Well, actually, I think tonight or tomorrow we're posting a huge new activist section on PrisonPlanet.com and it'll be in there along with contact details for media and public officials and, you know, what you can do to make a difference.
So, that'll probably go up either tonight or tomorrow, activist section, and it will be posted in there.
Does that answer your question, Joe?
That is exactly what I was looking for.
Anything else?
Uh, no.
Kelly, I wish he would reconsider because what we're asking him to sue for is not for himself, it's for us.
It's for the next person that this happens to, and the next person.
A statement has got to be made that this is not going to be tolerated.
I mean, what's wrong with these officials, these authorities, that they think they need to arrest people for the yard sign that says our court system's a joke?
Or for giving somebody a videotape?
I mean, that's crazy!
They need to move to Russia!
What's wrong with them is that they've done this and they've gotten away with it.
What's wrong with them is that they've done this to people like Kelly and then people like Kelly have not turned around and had them face some type of monetary, for lack of any other sort of repercussion.
I agree.
They need the sleepless nights.
They need to lose their jobs.
They need to be sued.
They need to be punished for engaging in this type of activity.
So far, the limit of their punishment for what they've done to Kelly is they let him go back home.
They have not suffered at all.
And that's the reason they do it is because they can do it again and again and again and we do not come back and say, look buddy, you're not going to just do this to me and send me back home.
You're going to pay for this.
And that's when it'll begin to get the word around that, listen, you better not mess with these people because you know, this is going to happen to you.
This is going to happen to you.
And we really need people like Kelly to follow through with this.
They falsely arrested him!
They officially oppressed him!
I mean, that's what the law says!
Thanks for the call.
Uh, Hal, in Florida.
Hal, go ahead.
Yes, uh, hello Alex and Paul.
I have a question, uh, for you two.
Uh, do you think it possible that people who took the hostages in Iraq could really be CIA connected?
And, uh, some associated and possibly impending atrocity by the captors
Will be used for the defacto government's benefit.
Though I find it very suspect that the Japanese film crew was there exposing depleted uranium, they get grabbed by a group that then does all the simulated threatening that nobody else did.
Very Hollywood scripted.
We know that Jerry Bruckheimer scripted the Jessica Lynch rescue.
That was all stage and a lie.
We know that
Now evidence has come out that they basically put the mercenaries out there in the middle of nowhere and then told the radical Muslims where they were going to be and then had camera people there hours before to show them being hauled up on the bridge, their burned bodies.
We know the Israelis, this is now admitted even in Israel,
Staged the boy-bomber with a fake suicide belt.
The media says they were called hours before to be there.
So we know there's a history of this.
We have a Pentagon that plants fake letters from the troops in the newspapers of false signatures.
So yes, Paul, answer that question.
Yeah, well, as you mentioned, some of them might be real, some might be staged.
The Chinese, seven Chinese hostages were released.
The Russians were released today.
But the thing with the Japanese hostages is that the group that kidnapped them said that they would be released on Saturday after, you know, saying you must pull out your troops within 24 hours.
But then they just, they said, we got a call from the Muslim Council and now we're going to release them.
But since then, we've had two other reports which said that they're going to kill them and obviously now
We're getting into it later on in Tuesday, early Wednesday in Japan, and those hostages are still there, so very interesting, but some of it may be staged, some of it may not be.
With the thing in Fallujah, as you mentioned, the contractors who were killed were apparently, according to some people, set up to be there, which would then instigate all this violence.
And again, today they're calling for Al-Sadr to be assassinated, basically, which will only increase the violence.
And the neocons at the same time are saying that Al-Sadr is sponsored by Iran.
So, another reason to bomb Iran, even though the history of Al-Sadr himself suggests that he's a nationalist and he has a history of non-cooperation with Iran.
But the neocons are out there calling for Iran to be bombed because they're supposedly behind this uprising.
Well, Iran's not the Shiites!
I know, that's the point.
There were stories about Al-Sadr meeting with the Iranians, and the Iranians basically telling him to stop, cease all his activities, but the Neocons pushed that to one side, and they're saying that it's all being supported from Iran.
Well, late last week, the London Guardian had a very astute point about Blair and Bush trying to hype all this up, trying to have this happen.
People said, well, why would they want that?
Well, that's obvious, so that they have an excuse to never hand the government over, and then when they finally do, partially do it, they can have the UN come in, Paul.
Yeah, that June 30th handover, even though Bush a few days ago said it's still going to go ahead, obviously it's only going to go ahead, you know, if the UN are involved, which we've been saying for many months is the plan.
So to create all this violence provides the pretext to prevent that June 30th handover from taking place.
And now they're talking about injecting 80,000 additional troops.
The other troops don't get to come home.
I thought they said as soon as we got to Baghdad, it was all over, Paul.
Yeah, we've got calls for more troops to go in.
Eventually, they're going to run out of troops.
North Korea, a couple of days ago, again, saying that they're on the brink of nuclear war.
We know that, you know, North Korea are bellicose, and they make these kind of statements all the time.
But, you know, they've got the nukes to back it up, and we know who sold them to themselves.
And now we've got Cheney selling more nukes.
By the way, it was on the news last night.
I just saw a blip.
It was a Halliburton employee going, I got $80,000 a year to go and it's tax-free, so that's why I went.
I mean, if you work for Halliburton, you don't have to pay taxes?
I mean, this is getting sick, Paul.
Go ahead.
This whole supporting the troops thing, it's amazing because, I mean it goes back to the Kelly Rushing thing, it's about criticising the government and all these police officers are listening to these neocon hosts like Limbaugh and Savage saying that it's illegal to criticise the government.
I was listening to the Drudge Report on Sunday night and they had a journalist on from Newsday called Pinkerton, who is a Conservative and he was speaking out against Bush.
The next caller called in and said that he should be shut down for what he's saying because
The people that our troops are fighting flew planes into buildings.
So we've still got 50% of American people who think that Iraqis and Al-Qaeda are the same entity.
And that Saddam Hussein is Osama Bin Laden.
So it's all a whirlpool of... And we have a national host every day saying, if anyone disagrees with the government, put them in a camp.
And a large portion of the population thinks that's America now.
Yeah, these police officers are listening to that, and that's why we get things like the Kelly Rushing case taking place, where it's terrorism to criticize the government.
He didn't even do that!
The video doesn't even do that, it just exposes corruption!
These people are nuts.
Let's go in, last call, all I have time for.
We've got to cover some final news here.
Gabe in Texas.
Gabe, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I've got a couple quick things.
First I want to talk about Operation Mockingbird.
Number one, you know, there's a certain late night talk show host, he usually talks about Chupacabras and Bigfoots.
A couple people called into his show, and it's not George Noy, and they were basically talking about Bush and about what he knew and stuff like that, and he totally shot them down, said they were crazy.
Someone said, that's a prediction.
Then he said,
He said, oh yeah, I think Bush is going to win the election.
This infuriated me, so I went ahead and called in to that show, and um, and as soon as he said, what do you want to talk about?
Um, he supposedly doesn't screen his calls, but I said, I want to talk about Operation Paperclip.
Then he slammed the phone down.
Didn't even want to talk about it.
He wanted to talk about Chupacabras, I guess.
But my question to you is, um, I'm listening to you on Free Radio Austin, which is an unlicensed radio station.
Why do you think that Free Radio Austin hasn't been shut down yet?
Well, I don't really know any of the details about it.
In the history of Austin, and I've been on several commercial AM and FM stations, but also in the history of Austin going back, oh, seven, eight years there have been unlicensed stations.
And there's other unlicensed stations that don't carry this show.
There's a whole other one here in town that carries whatever that noise is.
I mean, there's some good political stuff on it, but mainly it's like punk rock music.
Yeah, I remember the other one, Free Radio, Austin.
That was shut down right when the Fortune 500 protest came a couple years ago.
Yeah, and see, that was another group that doesn't carry this show, so there have just been a lot of micros out there, and I think as long as they don't interfere with commercial broadcasts, it's constitutional and a great public service.
But there are just so many of them popping up around the country now, there's nothing the government can do.
You see, we really have the power.
We have the power.
Well, the thing is, they went after Freelander Austin because it was serving as a hub of information for the protests that were going to occur in November, I think it was a couple years ago.
Do you remember that?
I think you were there with a bullhorn, screaming.
I remember that.
Yeah, I was at the horseshoe.
Yeah, they also that same week went after one of the micros that was carrying this show and just sent him a letter.
But yeah, I appreciate your call, Gabe.
I really do.
But there's so many of these micros.
The government calls them pirates, but I think it's a public service.
Yeah, when the Fortune 500 came to town, the government went out and shut them all down, but they just popped back up like mushrooms.
Every time they shut one down, like, three more pop up.
It's pretty funny, actually.
So many, I don't even know the details of it.
Paul Watson, I want to air these lone gunman clips again.
Because the computer had a brain hiccup during the last one.
But before we do that, again, why should people get your book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order, in 60 seconds?
Because it's very successful in waking people up who are just being introduced to this information, and in fact people who have never come into contact with any of this kind of information.
Two military people who were in the military in my family read it and completely changed, you know, full spin on the fact before they were calling me a conspiracy theorist.
After they read the book they actually apologized to me because it's so well documented that basically you can't argue with it and everyone can check out the sources for themselves.
And it's three hundred and twenty-something pages long.
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And that goes to support Paul and his work that he does for us at PrisonPlanet.com and also supports our ministry.
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They're all excellent.
I've also written a book.
We carry other great books and videos by other wonderful authors and researchers.
Paul, just randomly here, what videos do you think people should get from me?
They should get 9-1-1, Roads to Tyranny, because obviously it's the best produced in a kind of CNN fashion.
A lot of people trust that, you know, that slick presentation.
Matrix of Evil, because it shows people getting active and speaking out, getting out on the field.
So those two, and then Bohemian Grove, which exposes the true mentality of the elite that we're fighting against, because, you know, it exposes the pagan occultic origins.
So, 9-1-1, Road to Tyranny, Matrix of Evil, and Bohemian Grove would be the three that I would get.
And again, folks, I've made ten films.
They're $25.95 a piece. $20!
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001
South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Stephanie, which clip do you have from the Lone Gunman first for people?
Okay, I want to air the second one first, and we'll air the first one after that in the next segment.
This is from a nationally televised TV show where the secret government group has hijacked a jet to fly it into the World Trade Center full of passengers to blame it on foreign enemies.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip.
Did you find anything?
The luggage hold is clear.
This thing can be toasted.
What did you do?
Make it with your erectors, sir?
You're absolutely sure that this is the targeted flight?
This flight was chosen primarily for its visibility.
It's scheduled to pass on that mountain to Boston.
You said they intend to bring us down in the middle of New York City?
What if there is no bomb?
Well, how are they going to bring it down?
The same way a dead man can drop a car.
What do you mean, no bomb?
Langley, I need you to hack into the aircraft's onboard navigation system.
We need to know where we're headed.
Okay, go into headsets.
I'll clone the airport's carrier.
Make them think we're sending a ground-to-air fire.
That's one twisted Star 69.
I'll just get ready to ride the plane, keep you buoyant.
Just get me on that plane and I'll get you autopilot access.
How are you gonna do that?
Airline telemetry systems use processes similar to those found in TV radios.
I'm in.
We got ourselves a convoy.
What's your progress?
I've hacked into the flight control system output.
With a little bit of help.
It's what the brains of the plane is telling the little black box.
Course heading, attitude hold, yaw axis stabilization.
What the heck's that?
Is that what it looks like?
I think it is what it looks like.
What does what look like?
Modem protocol.
Remote access.
Somebody on the ground is flying your plane.
Mode, sir.
Keep your course.
We need to know her flight plan.
I'm mapping the data now.
Your flight's gonna make an unscheduled stop.
In exactly 22 minutes.
The corner of Liberty and Washington.
Lower Manhattan.
World Trade Center.
I'm going to crash the plane into a World Trade Center.
I'll tell the flight crew.
Manly, can you override the flight control system?
The World Trade Center, Paul!
The secret government group wants to do it to get a police state going.
Hmm, wonder why they aired that.
No, it's just a coincidence.
We've got an entire section on PrisonPlanet.com called Anecdotal Prior Knowledge, and it's right at the bottom, which includes that clip and several other pieces of evidence like it, like the Spanish cartoon released in 92, which shows a plane flying into the World Trade Center.
But Condoleezza Rice, no one had ever imagined, Paul!
No one had ever imagined!
Only all the government drills!
We'll be right back.
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We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Not just on your AM and FM dial, but on the internet, and global shortwave during the day, 94.75, and at night, 9 to midnight, all three hours, 32.10.
Let's hit that next clip from the lone gunman.
In this clip, they talk about why they're doing it.
And then he says, well, I'd like to put this in our newspaper.
And they said, oh, they're not, you know.
You won't be taken seriously.
So the point is, you can even throw it in their face beforehand, they'll still go ahead and carry out their terror attacks.
So, here they are describing who the terrorists are, how they're going to use a drill as a smoke screen to do it, and how it's really an element of the government.
Here it is.
What is Scenario 12-D?
We know it's a war game scenario and it has to do with airline counter-terrorism.
Why is it important enough to kill for?
Because it's no longer a game.
If some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?
Depends on who your terrorists are.
The men who conceived of it in the first place.
You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline?
There you go!
Endangering the entire government, as usual.
It's a faction.
A small faction for what possible gain?
The Cold War's over, John.
But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat.
But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City, and you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world, just clamoring to take responsibility.
And begging to be smart-bombed.
I can't believe it.
This is about increasing arms sales.
How are you going to stop them?
Why didn't you tell the world this?
Go to the press!
You think I'd still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call?
The press?
Who's gonna run this story?
We would.
This is birdcage liner.
Wild-eyed crap right up there with Elvis is an alien and two-headed babies.
Obviously read it.
Don't be so damn naive.
All right, we apologize for that mild language, but it's historical and we're documenting what they did.
When I air the LBJ clips, some of them I can't even air because there's stuff worse in there, but it's important just for the record to have that.
This is what they're broadcasting during the family hour on television, in your face.
Paul, final comments concerning all of this.
Well, on top of that, the second series of 24, the port was where Nevada got nuked, and it turned out that the group controlling the terrorists was within the government, and it was carrying out the terrorism to control the world's oil supply.
So, again and again, they do this.
But the final point would be that
The criminals know that we're watching them, because I was doing... I typed in Larry Silverstein into Google, because I was just doing some research on it, and eight of the first ten links that pop up for Larry Silverstein, before his own website, are about how, you know, he blew up World Trade Center 7.
So, I mean, Larry Silverstein's got to have done the same thing, so it tells us that he knows it, and that all the other criminals know that we're watching them like hawks, and that's why they're now backing off, and kind of afraid to do anything out in the open.
Why did Silverstein go on TV and say we blew up WTC7 and no one points it out?
I don't know why he did it, whether it was a slip-up or intentional for some other purpose, but the facts are there that he admits it, and what's more surprising is that nobody, not even us, picked up on it for over a year after, because it came out September 2002, the documentary, so amazing stuff.
Paul, we covered a lot today.
It was always, as usual, good to have you on the show.
You'll be back with us, what, next Monday or next Tuesday?
Well, next Monday, April 19th.
Let's hope that we have nothing big to talk about on that day.
Yeah, I hope so.
And good to have you on with us.
God bless, my friend.
We're out of time.
Again, back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
That's 10 p.m.
to 1 a.m.
Or 8 to 11, Mountain.
7 to 10, Pacific.
Again, be sure and join us.
And to everybody out there, this stuff is scary.
It is scary, but this is the history of the world.
And the history of the world is good people finally standing up against tyrants and backing them down.
It's up to you.
We're all going to have better, healthier, more secure lives if we grow some porcupine spines on our backs and stop being pushover wimps.
So stand up and fight the New World Order.
God bless you all.
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