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Name: 20040412_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 12, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, a whole other week spans out before us.
It is Monday, the 12th day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Another huge program lined up for you here on the broadcast today.
There is so much Iraq news, I want to give you, the listeners, a chance to respond to what's happening.
There is so much developing, so many facets to this.
Also, we've got a lot of different 9-11 whitewash pieces of info for you.
More information about the United Nations public documents to take over all private property in the U.S.
that's not held by the Global Crime Syndicate.
There is just so much evidence to this New World Order coming up on the show today.
And we're going to go to your calls early in this first hour.
We're going to take a lot of calls.
At 1-800-259-9231.
An Iraqi battalion refuses to fight other Iraqis.
This is why our government wants to bring foreign troops in here for, quote, peacekeeping, because a lot of our troops won't fire on Americans.
Well, the same thing for Iraqis.
A battalion of new Iraqi Army refused to go to Fallujah earlier this week to support U.S.
Marines battling for control of the city, senior U.S.
military officers have said.
Disclosing an incident that is casting new doubt on the U.S.
plans to transfer security matters to Iraq forces, nine hostages said freed in Iraq, Japanese still held.
Just a terrible situation for everybody.
The push on Iraq will remain tough, and since we've got to stay there, the captors of the Japanese hostages are threatening to execute them here in the next few days.
An Australian government advisor was fired after refusing to write weapons of mass destruction media propaganda for refusing to lie.
You're being lied to, people!
A U.S.
helicopter shot down in Baghdad, another one of those.
Yesterday, seven Chinese kidnapped in Iraq.
China urges rescue by the U.S.
Over 600 killed in Fallujah.
And again, we'll detail all of this.
Al Jazeera airs tape of dead CIA men.
Al Jazeera TV has aired a videotape showing two dead bodies with the voiceover claiming that they are CIA men killed in Fallujah.
Grizzly photos, just like the grizzly dead children,
That have been killed by the dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens in Fallujah alone, that you'll never see on our television, but you will see all over the foreign press.
It's all horrible for everybody, except for the globalists, because they don't lose any blood or any family or any troops.
Cheers as U.S.
fuel convoy burns.
Another fuel convoy blown up, and more cheering for that.
Very serious.
And the U.S.
looks to France on U.N.
role in Iraq.
They want France to come save us now.
Don't look for that to happen.
Look for the U.N., though, to swoop in as the good cop.
After we're done playing the part of the bad cop, I forecast all of this that's now developing.
Images of civilian dead, wounded in Fallujah become anti-American rallying point, and now they have publicly combined the Shiites and the Sunnis
Whereas last week there were just rumors of this, and now they're publicly praying together in their same mosque, praying in the streets.
So this is a powder keg and mirrors the history of this region.
And Bush says, expect more casualties, more dead Americans, bring them on!
So we'll get to that article as well.
As the rising death toll dampens U.S.
enthusiasm for the war and U.S.
enthusiasm for the fake, neocon, gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, skull-and-bones, East Coast liberal, George W. Bush.
It's all coming up.
You don't want to miss this broadcast.
More Bohemian Grove news as well.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central.
I'm here, I'm your host.
As we broadcast across the nation on the growing list of wonderful AM and FM affiliates, simulcasting on global shortwave during the day at 9475, at night at 3210, and the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
There's an unusual amount of police state news today, and every week it increases.
Hundreds of articles of face scanning cameras, thumb scanners going in public schools, public buildings, private corporations.
Every form of police abuse and corruption, frame-ups, drug dealing, prostitution.
Meanwhile, in Iraq, we have got troops dying left and right, people being killed, civilian contractors, CIA people being killed.
Thousands of Iraqis being killed, six hundred in one city alone, piles of dead children and women, just enraging them even more.
I remember all the neocons two, three weeks ago when those poor folks got strung up on that bridge, and they said, oh, kill everybody in the city, kill everybody, just indiscriminately bomb them, which then happened, and now it's blown up in their face as we knew it would.
I mean, when Hitler was bombing England, did that make the British give up?
When people attack us, does it make us give up?
No, and it's not going to make them give up when you indiscriminately kill innocent people.
So, thanks a lot, neocons, for getting more of our troops killed.
Of course, the globalists understand this.
This is about, again, making America look like the bad guy before the saviors, the Germans and the French, leading the UN force, come in and then take off all the restrictions that have caused all these problems and then put in another puppet government in Iraq.
That's the plan.
It's been the plan all along.
So we'll take your calls on this subject, any of these items at 800-259-9231.
The BBC reporting opposition fights ID card plan.
Shadow Chancellor Oliver Letwin has slammed plans to introduce ID cards saying there is no evidence they would help fight terrorism.
Tony Blair a week ago said everybody needs a national ID card in England.
Now we already have that here through our federally mandated and controlled driver's license and ID cards.
But they're not as honest about it here.
Over there they just admit it and there's a lot of people speaking out against it.
Mr. Latwin,
Uh, concerned that a series of plans to introduce a driving license, passports, and cards, and fingerprints, and other biometric information might not be, uh, disastrous in themselves, but he warned that twenty, thirty years' time British citizens might find their freedoms have been eroded.
So see how the so-called opposition
Says, oh, well it isn't bad to do this, but down the road we could lose freedoms.
You're getting rid of your juries, you've taken all the guns, you're bringing in more and more foreigners, now you've got hate crime squads arresting hundreds of people a week for their speech.
England is under total tyranny!
So are we!
So, notice how they'll have the so-called opposition come out and really just water it down a bit and make people think that, you know, that the government's working in their interest and that there's some semblance of a political debate.
Listen to this article out of Illinois, the Illinois leader, guest opinion.
And it says, TF South declares Code Red.
Horton Fractional South High School in Lansing was locked down for over an hour during a police drug search.
Drugs in the school actually know, this is the second time in a year,
uh... that no drugs were found and it's a district two fifteen superintendent dr robert k little stated that the search was requested by the school board after watching recent trends in drug abuse apparently that drug raid abuse was not found at the at the school despite the fact uh... that uh... the principal request at least one building wide drug search every year to ensure a safe and secure environment for education
And it's just like the video you saw out of Goose Creek, North Carolina, where they come in with the dogs, the guns, put everybody down on the ground, put a lot of them in plastic handcuffs, search everything, training your children how to be prisoners.
And I see these reports out of Texas, Tennessee, New York, California, Michigan, Illinois.
I see these reports every couple days.
And, uh, why is the local paper attacking this and coming out against it?
Well, it's affecting them.
The administration's position is somewhat contrary to the memories of six South students, including my own daughter.
After sifting through the statements of the interested parties, I was able to determine that there were no announcements.
All six students stated that the first message announced a code red.
They were assured the situation was a drill after a second intercom message.
Now, again,
This is obviously for terrorism drills, and they use the so-called drug raid as the excuse.
Before 9-11, and I have the Associated Press article in my film, The Takeover, FEMA and the Secret Service, federalizing local police, have drills at elementary, high schools, across the board, all over the country.
Again, Missouri, Texas, Ohio, I mean, I've seen it everywhere.
There in Pensacola, Florida, back in 1999, troops, federal troops, federal police, local police, they come in, they announce, this is martial law, this is code red, they put guns to their heads, they load them on buses, and they take them to a local emergency FEMA center.
This is a mass round-up drill for your children.
And we're on the air, they're on 2 AMs in Pensacola,
And the listeners there remember that in 99, they had the Marines and the Coast Guard take over Hobbs Middle School.
They announced, this is code red, martial law, Marines take your classrooms.
They ran in with unloaded guns, screamed and yelled at the children, and then said, Bill Clinton wants you to know what martial law is like.
And that is buried in the archives of InfoWars.com, and our Pensacola listeners remember that happening.
I interviewed the local reporter, and there it was in the paper, and the paper said, this is completely normal, it's no big deal to have our students being trained how to live under martial law.
Now, understand, this is just so horrible.
They're drilling their children of how to be slaves, how to get rounded up, how to get loaded on the buses, how to lose their freedoms.
And remember what Sid Casperson said in the Gannett News Service in New Jersey, the head of FEMA up in New Jersey, last year.
This is in my film, Police Take Three Total Enslavement.
He said that under a code red, virtually all your rights are stripped.
You will be considered an enemy combatant if you leave your home.
The schools will be rounded up.
The children will be taken to government facilities.
Then it was in the Washington Post of this plan.
So they're telling us that when we go under red alerts, they're going to lock our children down, take them to the local sports stadium, and then they'll announce on the radio, which is controlled by FEMA.
FEMA can take over every radio and TV station instantly.
Since 1997, the takeover boxes are in all schools.
Excuse me, in all AM, FM, UHF, VHF, TV, cable systems, you name it.
And so they can announce that they've taken over, on the radio and TV, all the schools, and then you've got to go, quote, get processed at the emergency center to get your children, and then once you get there, you're not allowed to leave.
A KFI employee out in L.A.
just sent me an internal City Newswire story last week, where they're preparing to make the different sports stadiums emergency relocation centers.
This is the plan.
And the Feds have said it, Washington Post, Gannett News Service, you name it.
So very, very chilling, very, very serious.
Okay, I've covered three stories so far, and I've literally got about a hundred today.
But we have top generals talking about martial law, General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM.
We have top generals, outgoing head of CENTCOM, saying we're going to set aside the Constitution in favor of a military form of government.
Tommy Frank said that.
Cigar aficionado last December.
I've got a bunch of articles about a domestic CIA and controlling your local police and recruiting high school students.
I mean, it's happening!
You want the Stasi, you want East Germany, you want Soviet Russia, you want Communist China, you want Fidel's Cuba.
All of the same tactics with the same names, the same exact setup is being done right now.
In the name of keeping all of us safe.
And this reporter found out how they humiliated the children, including his daughter, and what they did to them.
And it's horrible.
So you can go to the website and read that.
What they did to the children.
And they're doing this everywhere.
Why you put up with it, I don't know.
A lot of schools are putting fences up around them.
Big ten, twelve foot fences, barbed wire on the top.
Metal doors like a prison that are magnetically controlled.
The inner doors all locked from the principal's office.
They got cameras in the bathrooms.
Cameras in the classrooms.
I mean, this isn't freedom, people!
And your children are frisked and have police dogs jumping on them and have to carry ID cards.
The feds are pushing drug testing on all students.
Now, not just the football players.
Training you that you're guilty until proven innocent.
The school counselors are spies for the government, trying to get dirt on the parents.
They have law enforcement classes in many mental schools, where federally deputized local police and federal programs are there, having the children, quote, write their journal about their family life onto a laptop computer, which then goes into a database.
That's been in the news.
I mean, this is so Orwellian, so Flylight Zone, like some alternate dimension that we've all fallen into here.
Listen to this.
TV to show death under eyes of police as the man gargled and blood poured out of his throat.
They laughed as he died.
As they killed the... Oh, wait till you hear this.
I mean, it's just so horrible.
I just... 9-1-1, Commission, Ponder's Domestic Intelligence Agency.
See, the Commission's gonna call for more police state.
Well, come back, get to your calls, and then I'll get into all the Iraq stuff.
I've already covered some of it.
And there's just so much.
This broadcast is going to be totally jam-packed.
Please stay with us.
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All right, your calls are just a minute or so away.
Just to recap, I will detail more of what's happening in Iraq and the police state and the 9-11 cover-up commission, who's now calling for an even bigger police state.
That's how they're going to punish the government, give the government even more power.
Calling for that.
It's bedlam all over Iraq.
Now it's four, now they're maybe saying five cities controlled, a bunch of other towns by the opposition.
Sunnis and Shiites coming together.
Civilians being kidnapped and killed.
Just total breakdown.
And I said this would happen.
This is the plan to make America look bad.
Then the EU can come in with the UN and NATO and act like the good cops.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve.
And Steve, where are you calling us from?
Oh, Stu in New York.
Go ahead, Stu.
Nice to hear your show.
You're one of the few radio hosts out there who has the balls to tell people a different side of the story.
Pardon the vulgarity.
Aside from the bad news that's happening over in Iraq, all the neocons screwing things up, I like the... in the police state, I come people would say it's paranoia that you may espouse.
I'd say it's necessarily paranoia.
Well, it's not paranoia!
It's right out in the open every day!
This is a red alert grill!
Put your hands on your head!
The men are gonna aim machine guns at you!
You're in lockdown mode!
This is Homeland Security!
You are all slaves!
I mean, this is what's going on!
I'm looking at it in a different, more subtle way.
I mean, it's making people either be elitist or they're totally dependent on the welfare system.
The fact taxes are raised up so much lately.
Certain municipalities and school districts.
Yeah, the states are raising the taxes.
Every year it's like a 30 to 40 percent hike at some point.
School and property taxes.
It's sick.
The only people who can afford to live in certain communities are elitists.
Yeah, it's feudalism.
How does one fight such tyranny?
Well, you educate the public on the fact that government in history is a criminal enterprise, and that big government doesn't make you happy you're safe, and that giving up liberty gives you tyranny, not security.
Thanks for the call, Stu.
William, in North Dakota.
William, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
Good morning.
What's the latest on Kelly Rushing?
He is in court right now, and we put out an article this weekend about Kelly Rushing handing out Ron Paul and Alex Jones videos, being arrested, and saying that that's a terroristic activity.
And now the Court Watchers Association and others are preparing to file complaints, and we put a report out on this, and we're watching what happens.
Well, because of Trooper Dobbs and Judge McCafflin, I got another chance to plug your video and your website on my local talk show today that covers seven states and three Canadian provinces.
Oh, they were talking about the story?
Well, I brought it up, because I had given this talk show host a copy of 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny shortly after you
Put it out.
So he was familiar with it.
Once I mentioned 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny, he said, Alex Jones.
I said, absolutely.
So, I gotta, you know, we can take something bad and make it good.
Well, absolutely.
A lot of people are waking up now and they're arresting people for signs in their yards saying the government's corrupt.
They're arresting, they're telling news reporters not to talk about government corruption.
It's not gonna work, folks.
They're desperate.
That's why they're behaving like this.
Well this host that I brought this up to today, he was suggesting even airing some of the audio of 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny over his show to see if his listeners thought it was terroristic.
I think that's a good idea.
I do too.
Well, what's terroristic about Ron Paul's speech in Congress?
But exposing their corruption is terroristic.
Look, if you're a criminal, if you're in government and you're a bad person, and somebody comes to you and says you're doing wrong, you take that as terroristic, do you not?
Alright, anything else, sir?
One thing, I mentioned the story about the New York Times article about the 93 World Trade Center bombing to him, to this host, and he thought that was outlandish.
He didn't believe it.
October 28th, 1993, October 28th, Chicago Tribune as well.
Right, and I mentioned that to him.
FBI cooking the bomb, training the driver.
I went to your site, and the link on your site is dead right now, on that story.
But I did find it at WhatReallyHappened.com, and I sent the story to the host, and I'll follow up on it tomorrow with him.
Okay, thanks a lot.
We have 600 9-11 links in the archive on Prison Planet and hundreds on InfoWars.com.
Every once in a while a link, because it's linked to another news site, will change and it goes down, but you can always, off a headline we have posted, pipe it into a search engine and find it in a hundred different places generally, so yes.
That's funny, I saw that link was good about a month ago, I guess it just went bad.
Okay, we will go to break, come back, go to Ishmael.
And we'll ask Ishmael if he's ever been out on the open seas with Captain Ahab.
Okay, most of you haven't read Moby Dick.
You won't get it.
Also, Jay, Robert, and others, toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be back.
There's just so much news, and your call's coming up.
You'll want to stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, it's wide open phones today at 800.
We're going to your calls as quickly as possible and have your question, your comment ready.
We're going to move on because I want to give everybody a chance to get involved.
Let me just go back into some more of the Iraq News and we'll go back to your calls.
We have a major Iraqi battalion of the army that has been set up by Mr. Bremer, the governor.
And they have refused to go into service against the Iraqi people.
It was the first time U.S.
commanders had sought to involve the post-war Iraq Army in major combat operations, and the battalion's refusal came as large parts of Iraq's security forces have stopped carrying out their duties.
It was a 620-man Seghet Battalion of the Iraqi Armed Forces refused to fight
Monday, after members of the unit were shot at in the Shiite Muslim neighborhood in Baghdad, were en route to Fallujah, a Sunni Muslim stronghold, said U.S.
Army Major General Paul Eaton, who was overseeing the deployment of Iraqi security forces.
The convoy turned around and returned to the battalion's post on a former Republican Guard base.
And again, nine hostages said freed in Iraq.
Japanese still held.
A British contractor was freed by Iraqi kidnappers on Sunday.
And an Iraqi group said it had eight other foreign hostages, but the fate of the three Japanese and an American captive remain unclear.
And there have now been other fresh kidnappings.
We don't know the full extent of this.
They're showing photos of
dead plainclothes uh... uh... anglos saying that they're CIA people that they've killed in Fallujah.
But Bush says on Iraq it will remain tough.
He says, though, get prepared for more mounting casualties.
CBS News reports President Bush Sunday braced America for the possibility of more casualties in Iraq after at least 62 U.S.
soldiers were killed across Iraq since April 4th, including three Marines killed Sunday.
And today another convoy has been attacked and more bombings and more just basic bedlam.
Bush said, I just know this, that we're plenty tough and we'll remain tough, he said.
So more fake Texan talk by his scriptwriters.
It was a tough week last week and my prayers and thoughts are with those
Who pay the ultimate price for our security, Mr. Bush said.
No, we don't have security because of stuff like this.
Your own PNAC documents say it's about oil and using Iraq as a military base.
I don't care what Paul O'Neill or Clark say.
Sure, that backs up what we're saying, but we have your own admissions!
So don't try to make it some partisan debate!
Hillary Clinton and Chuckie Schumer and your cousin, Forbes Carey, John Forbes Carey, all voted for this war!
So the top U.S.
commander and Iraq Lieutenant Ricardo Sanchez acknowledged that a battalion of Iraqi Army refused to fight in Fallujah.
A sign of Iraqi discontent with the siege, Marines in Fallujah may have found a bomb-making factory, suicide bomber belts, and a number of U.S.-issued Army uniforms from the 82nd Airborne.
At least 664 U.S.
soldiers have died in Iraq since the war began, and the foreign numbers are much higher.
There is no authoritative figure on Iraqi civilian deaths.
Brigadier General Mark Kimmett, around 880 Iraqis have been killed in the latest uprising.
And the numbers we're getting is well over a thousand.
Three loud explosions have rocked the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.
An American official says it's not clear if the blast in Baghdad are the planned destruction of old weapons or an attack on the area.
Gunman shot down an American AH-64 Apache helicopter on Sunday, killing its two crewmen.
A large force of tanks and troops pushed down the highway outside the Iraqi capital, aiming to crush insurgents who have run rampant for three days.
The rash of kidnappings of foreigners continued.
Seven Chinese civilians were abducted by insurgents in the central Iraq Sunday evening, China's official news agency reported.
Friends and neighbors of an American hostage, Thomas Hamill, on Sunday gathered for a vigil prayer for the safe return of the civilian.
A deadline imposed by his abductors came and went with no word of his fate.
In Fallujah, hardly a shot was heard Monday morning.
More than 36 hours after insurgents in the city said they were calling a ceasefire, the Marines have halted offensive operations since Friday.
Despite the troops, uh, the truce, guerrillas overnight made sporadic attacks, said Marines, killing two insurgents, setting up a machine gun near a patrol, and others were fired on by gunmen hiding in a school, he said, during the day Saturday.
Troops in a Cobra helicopter firing rockets responded to Iraqi fire, killing a significant number of fighters, the spokesman said.
So, that's just some of what's going on.
We'll get back into more of it here in a few minutes.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Ishmael up in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'm glad you put on a good show.
I just have a really quick question.
Where does Canada fit into all of this?
Like, all of the whole globalization situation?
The U.S., Canada, England, Germany, Australia, all these western countries are
Basically a blood supply for the criminal elite.
We're the muscle, we're the brains that runs this empire for this financial banking aristocracy.
And we fit into having our middle class status destroyed.
We fit into having our liberties taken and brought down to the same level as the rest of the world from the government's own official World Bank and IMF documents, as well as UN documents.
That does answer my question, yeah.
Crap, it's really shocking, that's all.
Well, really, it's the history of the world, though, in hindsight.
And freedom was a rare thing, a precious thing, and now it's all disappearing.
The good news is, though, as they squeeze, the opposition is exploding.
That's good to hear.
That is good to hear.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks for the call.
Jay in California.
Jay, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I've got two things.
The first thing is, remember Arguing the World?
Irving Kristol?
Did you ever get a chance to do that?
Say that again?
Arguing the World.
It was on PBS.
Irving Kristol, William Kristol's father.
The former head of the Fourth International.
Yeah, the founder of Neocon.
Yes, the torchbearer of Trotsky.
I know I don't see it, but I've read his writings where he calls for a tyranny of police states, so did Strauss, the economist up in Chicago University.
I sent you a video copy, but I got a short little audio clip from the video.
When did you send me this video?
A couple of weeks ago, I think.
Okay, but it's probably in a big stack.
I'll look at it.
Thank you.
I got a short little video, like the audio from the video, which actually shows his face, and it says Irving Kristol underneath in letters.
But I can play that real quick for you, where you miss being a Marxist.
Okay, do it, but just put it right up to the speaker.
I can remember I've been a neo-something.
A neo-Marxist, a neo-Trotskyist, a neo-liberal, a neo-conservative.
In religion, always.
Even while I was a Neo-Trotskyist and a Neo-Marxist, I'm going to end up a Neo.
Just Neo, that's all.
Wow, I really appreciate you sending me that.
What does the tape say on the package?
I don't know.
I forget now.
Well, you know, Ron Paul in his 45-minute speech on the floor of the House, July 10, 2003, laid out how almost the entire Bush White House is run by admitted communists, how they're taking our freedoms, how they called for terrorist attacks to help get the New World Order, and then a lot of so-called conservatives say, oh, this doesn't exist, it's not true.
Mainstream newspapers brag about how the Communist Fourth International
Couldn't take America over.
And then they said, we've got to, quote, say we're conservatives, get control of the conservatives, then our agenda can be realized.
And understand, I'm not even saying they're communists.
They're command and controllers.
They're power-hungry revolutionaries for the big banks that want to take over the U.S.
And so they'll call themselves whatever label fits.
Bottom line, they're control freak tyrants.
I posted that clip before, and I'll send you another link if you want.
But I put it in a CD.
I sent you a
Fortune Magazine, did you get that the other day?
Yes, I did.
Okay, it's in the CD on there, that little clip, anyway.
Do me a favor, put it on the web, email it to tips at InfoWars.com or go to PrisonPlanet.com, email it to Paul, and we'll post it on the internet.
And I have one more thing before I get you off here, Ben.
Did you see on Judicial Watch they had new documents asserting the Saudi flight?
Yeah, we'd always said it was 144 of the Bin Laden's flown out.
Now they're saying 160.
They have the actual customs documents and everything in a PDF form.
That is posted.
We posted that Friday.
Oh, okay.
I didn't see that then.
No, no, it's important to bring that back up.
Shouldn't they ask Rice why the Bushes are in business with the Bin Ladens?
Shouldn't they have asked Rice about Bin Laden in July meeting with the CIA right before 9-11?
Shouldn't they bring up NORAD being ordered to stand down?
Shouldn't they bring up all of these real issues?
But no, instead they say, the government needs more funding, we need to give up more of our rights, and have a domestic CIA.
That's how they're going to punish the government.
Okay, that's about it.
But you saw the Fortune magazine with the Bohemian Grove thing in it?
Uh, yes I did.
But for those that missed it, tell folks about it.
It's an older, like an 85 I believe I have in front of me, but it shows the cremation of terror ritual.
Um, and it has an article about all the different, like, elite clubs and stuff like that.
And it was actually in Fortune Magazine, you know.
Like I said, I think the Grove release, this is released by Grove or something.
But Rush Limbaugh says that Skull and Bones doesn't exist and neither does Bohemian Grove.
We're crazy to talk about.
I've had big national Christian talk shows attack me as a lying devil.
Why, Bush isn't a member of any evil group.
You need to remake your Bohemian Grove and put all this new stuff in there.
All right, good to hear from you.
You're certainly taking action.
Robert in Tennessee.
Robert, go ahead.
You know why our troops are over in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Well, President Bush's own publication said it's for the oil and for weapons sales and to use Iraq as a military launch base.
It's for the central banks and the rough towns.
Well, more than big money, they print the money.
It's about control, and yes, whether these Muslim nations are good or bad, that's up for debate.
Some are bad, some are okay.
They are sovereign, and so they've got to be taken down.
Have you heard who the Bill of Burgers has put out for President yet?
Either way, they win.
Both Kerry and Bush have been to Bilderberg Group meetings in the past, so they control the race either way.
You haven't heard exactly?
No, we didn't get that information out of Bilderberg.
I just wonder if they're wanting martial law so they can try to take over the country now.
Well, we're already under martial law.
It's one increment of it.
Thanks for the call.
When coast-to-coast public schools get red alert announced and police come put guns to their heads and load them on buses for drills to go to the FEMA Center, when there's cameras in the bathrooms and your thumb's scanning to get a driver's license and the Supreme Court's ruling there's no Fifth Amendment, the Fifth Circuit's ruling there's no Fourth Amendment, and when police are driving around in armored vehicles and cameras are going up in the neighborhoods and the borders are wide open, but we're losing our freedoms as citizens and
When all that's going on, buddy, we got martial law.
It's what degree of it, though?
Blake in Texas.
Blake, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, we got martial law of the media as well.
And that's, I think, the main controlling force that goes on is just keeping all the people brainwashed, or as many as possible.
The little incident of them nabbing that little private plane that flew over the President's airspace the other day,
That makes a good point.
If they can nab that guy before he got to San Antonio or wherever he was going, I'm sure in another hour, him and his son would have landed.
I don't know if people know the little private plane that flew over the President's Ranch the other day.
They had fighters up there firing flares to get their attention and everything.
And of course, everyone knows on 9-11,
We couldn't get planes in the air.
Well, here's the deal.
Some will argue that, well, this is in the aftermath.
Now they do.
My father is a pilot.
And, I mean, flying with him many times over the years, there's all these charts and maps and, you know, your radio in to make sure you're nowhere near controlled airspace.
In some states, over half the airspace is restricted.
And if you're off for five minutes, they're shouting at you, telling you to land.
Within 10 more minutes, it's always about 15-20 minutes, he'll be surrounded by F-16s or F-15s or F-18s.
And that's just what happened with Payne Stewart, the golfer.
Out of nowhere, within 18 minutes, he had five F-16s around him.
But suddenly on 9-11, over an hour, and nothing's done.
And I'm starting to see more of the...
They're sending people out or something to defend this lack of the people in the air.
There's a local, I know you know George Humphrey, his TV show a few weeks ago.
Some guy calls in and says, well I'm going to have a representative from my airline union to call you because you're just putting out like, he was saying George was just slandering the families.
It's terrible what you're saying about the, you know, when that guy, well Humphrey tells him, look,
That plane didn't hit the Pentagon.
It was never found there.
There was no bodies.
The pictures show it couldn't have been a plane.
I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
Look, Rush Limbaugh came out again last week and attacked the victims' families, saying they're Democratic operatives.
I've talked to them.
They're not.
But, I mean, imagine if... But then you say the government's behind 9-11 and they'll go, oh, you're slandering the families.
What does that have to do with it?
I mean, this is what these liberals do.
Socialists like Rush Limbaugh.
This is why they're beating us.
Because they're the Trotskyites, people.
They're the anti-American pushers.
I mean, you just heard the father of all this, Mr. Crystal's daddy, saying it on PBS.
This is how they took over.
And now you're going to get gun control, open borders, big government, and that's conservatism.
And then, oh, you're not supposed to talk bad about the government.
That's un-American.
That's what America's all about, is keeping the government in check.
Let's talk to Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Well, you, uh, Alex, this is Vince.
I wanted to say that you said something in here last week about Justice Scalia and Rehnquist saying that they were always going to decide for the government.
Yes, that was in the news.
You know, the government was always right.
Individuals were wrong.
They didn't believe in the consent of the governor.
I'm finding something that most people talk about with this 9-11.
I'm reading all these little articles on the Indianapolis Star, and it has another pension fund in trouble in Indianapolis.
It's with the Indianapolis Public Transportation System.
I don't think anything like that goes wrong.
Well, sir, what's happening is the mass looting by the criminals in government.
There's over a trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon.
And it's in the back of the paper once or twice.
That's what the corruption is all about, securing their thievery.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What we're trying to do on this broadcast is get you thinking.
To give you the big picture of just how serious things are.
And in that lays a large part of the solution.
In that lies a large part of the
of the awakening that needs to take place, because if the majority of us are aware of what's happening and say no to it and just refuse to go along with it, the globalists lose their power.
But by carrying out terror attacks, by scaring you on a hundred different fronts, they get you to follow along with their direction, with their control.
Now, I'm going to cover news for the next 10-15 minutes, then we'll go back to calls.
The toll-free number to join us on-air is 1-800-259-9231.
This is the kind of news I want to cover.
FDA sat on study linking suicide and drugs.
Again, FDA held back results of child suicide study for years, knowing that Prozac and other drugs cause massive increases in suicide.
It's just like the CDC admits that millions of children have been brain damaged by thimerosal, and their own internal documents said, we don't care, we're going to continue it.
And that goes public, and they say, we don't care, we're still going to continue it.
You see, they just sit there, engaging in this criminal activity, and you sit there and take it!
Robots seen as companions for the elderly.
Associated Press.
See, it's not going to be a camera.
It's your helpful robot, and it's going to be hooked into the government.
It's going to watch you and make sure you're good.
I've read the federal plans.
Here it is.
Starting to get the picture?
Cheney to promote nuke reactors to China, just like they did to North Korea.
There is just so much here.
It's ridiculous, the amount of news I've got here.
So we'll get to that as well.
Also this TV show, Death Under Eyes of Police, footage showing a black former paratrooper choking to death on the floor of his police station.
His officers stand by laughing and joking.
It's to be screened on primetime television this week.
Christopher Alder's death in police custody has been investigated by the team that made the secret
Made by the Secret Policeman.
Documentary that led to the resignations of ten police after exposing racist behavior.
They weren't arrested?
I'm going to get to that.
It's crazy!
Look, we all know that society is becoming more and more degenerate, more and more out of control.
Things are breaking down.
So the government says, well, we've got to take your rights then, you know, to keep you all safe.
The same sociopaths are then going to go into government.
It's breaking down there, too, at an accelerated rate.
They're actually fostering the breakdown.
We're in a crisis, my friends.
Before I end this hour, it really is time for all of you to join us in the fight, to get involved in the fight.
I've made 10 documentary films, full-length feature videos, and they're key tools in the information war.
90% of those that see the videos are waking up.
That's not hype, that's facts.
I hope you'll take action.
I hope you'll get the videos.
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They're riveting.
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You'll have a master's degree on the New World Order if you watch these videos.
We're authorized to make copies of them to get them out to people.
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A lot of great books, books on tape, pro-gun t-shirts.
It's all on the website.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free!
They can answer your questions there about the videos for what you want to order.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait!
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Order them today and then spread the word!
Second hour, straight ahead!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, now into hour two of this live April 12, 2004 edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got two hours additional coming up.
Tons of news and information.
Your calls, of course.
What do you think about the ensuing bloodbath, the bedlam, the anarchy,
The attempts at martial law in Iraq that are failing.
Multiple cities and many towns held by what you'd call the insurgents.
More images of kidnapped Westerners and Easterners for that matter.
Dead Americans in plain clothes that they're saying are CIA.
Losing control of the country and it's just like Vietnam.
Bush says let's escalate.
More troops.
The national draft is in the pike.
But within the next year, you're going to see the UN take over.
They're begging France to come in and save us.
And so they'll play the part of the good guys.
Whereas the big banks that own America also own Europe.
They just have this little good cop bad cop game with their left hand and their right hand.
And that's all that's happening here.
So what do you think about that situation?
The toll free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
I also have an article here, we already knew this and put it in my first film, but more government documents coming out about an official U.N.
plan for the U.S.
government to take all private property from the American people, unless you're members of a select clique, and to give it to the government and then transfer that to the United Nations.
I remember in 97 telling people the U.N.
was taking over our national parks.
They couldn't believe it.
But now it's public knowledge and even in some of the big newspapers.
So we'll get into that as well.
I wanted to get to this little story though.
It's pretty important.
This is out of the Houston Chronicle.
It says, FDA held back results of child suicide study.
Ten months ago,
When concerns arose about a possible link between children taking antidepressant drugs and suicide attempts, senior officials at the Food and Drug Administration ordered their leading expert to head up an examination of the evidence.
When the government scientist filed his report last winter, however, his bosses decided to keep it secret even though it found that children who took the drugs were twice as likely to be involved in serious suicide-related behavior as those who did not.
Now where's the whitewash here?
In 1983, when they approved Prozac, they covered up the fact that there were massive increases in suicides, not just in children, but in adults!
And are they slowing down?
No, they're accelerating the pace of schools ordering parents to put their children on these deadly drugs that are in the same family as LSD.
And what is Ritalin?
It is pharmacological grade methamphetamine.
That's all it is.
That's the molecular structure.
And it causes brain shrinkage, heart palpitation, retardation of growth, all sorts of problems.
But hey, they don't care.
Six million children on that.
We don't even know the numbers.
It's between six and ten million on Prozac-type drugs.
I mean, come on!
One in ten in England on these drugs.
And in March, when the agency issued a warning about the possibility of problems for young patients taking the drugs, FDA officials said no conclusive scientific evidence existed on the link between antidepressants and potentially suicidal behavior by children.
Despite the fact that their own internal studies show that it did.
You see?
But far worse than even this was the CDC's documents from 2000, released three months ago.
Where they said, man, I wouldn't give my granddaughter this shot.
Man, this stuff's deadly.
Millions of brain damaged.
We gotta cover this up.
And by the way, did they get the thimerosal out of the vaccines?
Contrary to what you've heard.
No, they've actually increased it several hundred fold.
In the MMR and the flu shots, and refused to put an advisory out.
They say it's good.
So they're making it worse.
So roll your sleeves up and say bye-bye to your cerebral cortex.
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If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central, we will expose the criminals, the New World Order that they're setting up, what this means to you and your family, and give you a chance to respond and talk about any issues you wish here on the air.
We are chronicling their criminal activity, their deceit.
Let's get back into some more news, and then we'll go straight to your calls at 800-259-9231.
Bush conceals names of U.S.
firms that paid kickbacks to Saddam from Capitol Hill Blue.
And again, these aren't liberals out exposing this, they're the folks at Exposable Clinton.
It's Judicial Watch talking about Bush and the Bin Ladens.
It's real conservatives like myself exposing all of this.
The Democrats wouldn't dare do it, because they're all part of it as well, showing you just how bad things are.
Saddam Hussein siphoned off $10.1 billion from Iraq oil for food programs through illegal contracts and kickback deals with private suppliers of food and medicine.
The Congressional Agency said Wednesday.
John Negroponte, U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Bush Administration can identify the private businesses' firms that cut kickback deals with Saddam Hussein, but intends to keep the names secret.
Now going back to about a month before the war with Iraq,
Well, they were already under siege, a twelve-year siege.
That is the greatest definition of all-out war, is siege, but the intensification of classical military operations.
About a month before that, remember, Saddam delivered eighteen thousand pages of documents about his weapons of mass destruction program to the UN, and U.S.
Special Forces went into the UN building at gunpoint and took
8,000 pages of the documents.
Took all the documents, a few days later gave them 10,000 pages back.
So Saddam released more copies on disk, and the news media overseas looked at it, and it was Donald Rumsfeld, and the former Secretary of State James Baker, and the former Defense Secretary, now the Vice President, Dick Cheney, and they had deals where through the sanctions only,
These select U.S.
companies could sell stuff at greatly increased prices to Saddam, and that was just the stuff that the U.N., again as part of the dictatorship, would allow.
Then the under-the-table stuff was going to U.S.
companies with Bush connections.
So yeah, arrest those that deal with the terrorists.
Well, no one, like the Bushes, is in business with Noriega, Saddam, Bin Laden.
I mean, in every case, no one has more connections.
It's just amazing.
Senator Richard Lugar, Republican Indiana, that's a whitewash, and Joseph Biden, Democrat Delaware, urged Necroponte to make the names public so the United States can prevent shakedowns by the new Iraqi government scheduled to assume power on June 30th.
This corruption was not solely a product of Saddam Hussein's machinations, Lugar said.
He required members of the U.N.
Security Council who were willing to be implicit in the actions, and he required U.N.
officials and contractors who were dishonest and had the initiative or were willing to make damaging compromises in pursuit of a compassionate mission.
So that's the spin.
There's an open letter to Condoleezza Rice, you are a liar, by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing.
She says, I am writing to communicate four points regarding your testimony yesterday under oath before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.
Number one, you are a liar.
That's how I headline my article, yes.
And then she goes on for four pages detailing it.
I'm going to read this later.
Tom Flacco has a really painful article exposing the Chief Socialist, Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh, 9-11 families used, coached, exploited,
Earlier this evening, a snippet of the afternoon's broadcast, The Rush Limbaugh Show, was sent to my website.
Mr. Limbaugh had, for the second time, placed in line of political fire the 9-11 victim's families, seeking truth, accountability, and justice!
On March 10th, Limbaugh played a portion of a cable news broadcast quoting widows Kristen Brettweiser and Monica Gabrielle without naming them.
Limbaugh was highly critical of the two, calling them, from his own website, campaign consultants obsessed with rage and hatred.
The widows recognized their voices after receiving a copy of the broadcast and wrote letters to respond to Limbaugh, which were republished around the internet, including this website.
And it just goes into
Just talk about how hateful and what a lie this is.
You talk about prior knowledge, Bush ordering people to falsify transcripts, cover-ups, all of this, and you're suddenly a big liberal.
And, I mean, attacking widows is pretty sick.
But, I guess this is what neocons do, is Frotskyites.
Brett Hume came out and told the victims' families of the troops
Just to get over it, that you're part of a victim psychology and just get over it.
Get over Bush's jokes about, no weapons here, oh wait, no weapons there.
In fact, Stephanie, grab that clip again for me.
The no weapons here, the no weapons there clip.
I want to play that again in a few minutes.
So, it's just really disgusting.
How they operate.
I mean, now if you're pro-gun, you're a liberal.
If you think the UN's taking over our national parks, you're a liberal.
I mean, I've heard them say this.
I've heard these neocons.
If you're against the microchip and all the children, you're a liberal.
I've heard them.
Oh, the liberals are the conspiracy theorists now.
I mean, it's amazing.
No, you are the liberals by your own definition!
Big government, gun control, open borders, arming foreign enemies, signing on to UNESCO and the UN.
You make me sick!
I'm tired of you!
We're losing our country because of you!
Suppressing the truth, and stop-soping and pacifying real conservatives out there!
Oh my goodness, you know it finally hit Newsday today.
A declassified document written five weeks before 9-11 says Al Qaeda members were planning major attacks, including hijackings.
Something Bush and others said they never got in a memo.
You see, they lied to you.
We'll get into the UN taking over the national parks and a bunch of police state and Second Amendment news coming up a little bit later.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Charles in Kansas City.
Go ahead, Charles.
Yeah, let me turn... Yeah, put him on hold.
Put him on hold.
I don't know what radio you've got on in the background or what's going on, but you need to turn that off before we go to you.
Let's try it one more time.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I've been listening to your program quite some time now.
I'm way up in age.
I've been following what the government's been doing over the years.
People have got to understand that disarming a country is not taking an individual's weapon.
Disarming a country is getting our military in a position to where they're either too sick to fight, or too lame to fight, or scattered all over the world.
And that's exactly what Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr., George Jr.
are doing, is wearing our military down to nothing, using up all the weapons, and then China and others are going to strike Taiwan and other nations.
That's it.
They're going to kick us out.
And American people, I don't quite understand why.
You know, I'm not a well-educated person, but I'm of an age and I've been watching over the years, and I've seen what's coming down.
And it's simple mathematics.
If they wanted my weapon, they could send a couple, three men at my house, take them away from me.
No big deal.
So they're not wanting to take the individual's weapons.
It's disarming this country militarily.
Well, actually, sir, you know, you covered one prong of the fork.
But, no, they do want to disarm the American people.
It's in Handgun Control Incorporated's own documents.
It's been discussed in Senate Commission hearings.
No, they do plan to get your guns, sir.
Well, yes, eventually they do, but the first thing is get our military to a week that we have no
You know, protection.
And then, after that, then they'll come in and take the individuals.
Well, it's more than just getting our military weak.
It's making our military a unit of the global army under UN slash NATO control, and then bringing in foreign troops and training our troops to engage in domestic suppression.
And I've got three articles in the last week where NORTHCOM is openly saying they're going to run our lives.
The military is saying they're going to run our lives.
That is so un-American, I mean I can't even describe it.
I know, I can't understand that we elect officials, put them in office, they be born ready.
They're not officials and they're not authorities.
They are servants.
But now they call us civilians.
You know, your mayor will call you a civilian.
Well, he's a civilian too.
So are the police.
But they call us civilians, they call us civilians, they call themselves the authorities, the officials.
It did.
You know, they're all puppets, including that whatchacallit lives in the White House.
They're puppets.
They're being used, and they're not intelligent enough to understand that that's what they're doing.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Mike in New York.
Mike, go ahead.
Yeah, hello, Alex.
How you doing?
Oh, the big thing is that the briefing that happened yesterday with the 9-11 MO that came out,
That's been the big talk of the town.
I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you.
The 9-11 memo that came out in August of 2001, that was the big thing.
Now, it says here in the article, it says that, in quote-unquote, his quotes, this is in Crawford, Texas, I was satisfied that some of the matters were looked into and had any specific intelligence pointed to the threat to attacks on New York and Washington.
I would have moved mountains to prevent it.
And, I mean, that's a statement blatantly to just, you know, control and... Well, it's total spin!
It comes out that they lied, that they did have these memos, which we already knew about.
And he says, oh, I'm satisfied it was looked into.
I would have moved mountains.
What does that mean?
He signed the document, W1999.
I mean, he obviously suppressed the FBI.
Yeah, he ordered the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
That's public.
And the Commission never brought that up, did they?
I'm very invigorated over this.
And they have Richard Perle in the...
Quoting, unquote, saying that there's no specificity to taking the action.
What could the president have done under those circumstances?
Shut down the United States... Yeah, so this is a tactic.
They announce the truth and spin it as if it's something for their side.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Regina and Brian and others, your calls are coming up.
A bunch of other news items.
You don't want to miss this information.
Perhaps somebody wants to call in about the Iraq situation where you think all this is going.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
I'm really frustrated.
I'm in a bad mood today.
You may be able to tell that.
Because I literally have about a hundred news articles.
I could spend thirty minutes on each one of these stories and not give it adequate time or coverage.
Let me cover some news right now on Bohemian Grove, on the U.N.
takeover of our national parks, then I'll go to calls, then I've got a bunch of Big Brother police state news, then more 9-11 Commission news, but in the next segment we'll get to Regina and Brian and Steve and Eric and Jim and everybody else that's
Holding, and remember all the news that I'm mentioning and covering here today is on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Now look, it was hard for people to believe that the government was really going to come out and say we all need microchips.
They're now in the process of doing that every day, conditioning us.
It's hard to believe that the UN runs our Supreme Court and they follow foreign rulings.
It's happening.
It's hard to believe that they're getting rid of our Bill of Rights.
It's happening.
When I saw the Executive Orders and the Federal Plans and the National Parks and I went to the National Parks and found out that the U.N.
was taking them over, then they were going to connect between the National Parks, these corridors, then they were going to take private property with zoning at the county and city and state level.
And now they're doing it!
And it's in my film, America Destroyed by Design.
I made that film in 97.
It's more accurate and up to date today than when I made it, if that's possible.
More pertinent.
It's all documented.
That film is as good today as it was then!
And people couldn't believe this!
This is from WorldNetDaily.
They found more documents now going back to the 70's on this!
backs U.N.
plan to control land.
The headline appeared in the Utah Independent and hundreds of our newspapers across the country in July 22nd, 76.
The article proclaims that use of all land, public and private, will be controlled by the federal government in the future.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Rex Ford Tugwell predicted this week the land which cannot be operated effectively under private ownership will be held by the government as public forests, parks, game preserves, grazing ranges, recreation centers, and the like.
And then they take the property.
Tugwell asserted privately owned land will be controlled quote to whatever extent is found necessary.
This new federal land policy reflected the quote, new U.N.
land policy developed and adopted at a U.N.
conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
They concluded on July, on June 11, 1976, that the U.S.
delegation headed by Harla Hill, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, endorsed virtually every resolution in the new policy, as did every communist nation.
Tugwell's prediction is now complete.
The federal government
Yes, sir.
He had served 12 years in the Navy and was disabled from an injury during a helicopter jump.
He built a modest home using a generator for electricity and began developing his dream of a wildlife area around fish ponds which he hoped would bring enough paying visitors to meet his meager money needs.
The federal government now wants Jesse's land.
The government has already driven out or bought out all the other landowners in the area to expand the wilderness area.
And to restore the quote, Everglades.
Jesse's land will not be affected by the restoration plan, but he will be the only resident in the area, and as long as there is a human in the area, it will not be wild, the UN says.
Encouraged and funded by the federal government, the governments at the state and local levels are buying private property, conservation easements, and developing rights in every corner of the nation.
When the owners, like Jesse, are not willing to sell, the government is expressing its imminent domain power, forcing people off their land.
Across the state, Riviera Beach, Mayor Michael Brown is leading a campaign to condemn the homes of 5,000 residents, forcing them to move so the city can acquire the land and resell it at a profit to developers who will build more expensive homes and buildings as prescribed by the city plan, which will produce a higher tax yield.
This scheme is an example of the implementation of Recommendation D3-1 of the UN Document Adopted 76.
This scheme is endorsed by the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the American Planning Association has become a popular tool for local governments to abuse the power of eminent domain at the expense of private property owners.
It's feudalism.
It's serfdom.
Right here in Austin, Texas, under Smart Growth, they've grabbed tens of thousands of acres from people, they claim it's going to be a wilderness area, then they build skyscrapers and ranchettes and luxury homes on it.
They steal the property, people!
They don't even pay you market value!
Governments have adopted, developed a wide array of tools to take private property or to take away the use of private property by owners.
Wetlands was the tool of choice during the 80s.
The federal government took jurisdiction of over 20 million acres of private property by announcing its Wetlands Policy.
Now they have the Endangered Species Act of the 90s.
And it goes on and on.
And it's all part of a UN treaty.
And of course it's for the rich, the fat-bellied possums to steal your property.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A lot of people want to have this hopeless attitude that there's nothing we can do.
Don't you realize that if we weren't out here fighting this, speaking out against this, they could simply sell this agenda to the entire population and accelerate their program?
Why do you think the globalists spend so much money on propaganda?
Why do you think they spend so much money on public service announcements and on product and propaganda placement in the news and in the TV shows?
Because they know that they have to affect the public mind to accept this.
None of this can happen unless we accept it.
And they know that we're not accepting it, that more people are waking up, so they're trying to accelerate things to the only other option they've got, and that is a total dictatorship.
And that's not going to work unless we go along with it.
Now their... their ace in the hole is terrorism.
The globalists can carry out terror, act like our saviors,
Tell us to give up our freedoms and somehow get us to accept putting on the handcuffs!
You know, I could never figure out how a serial killer could convince somebody to put handcuffs on.
Put these handcuffs on and then I'll be nice to you, you know.
The government's saying, oh, terrorists are hitting you and put the handcuffs on, give us all your freedoms and you'll be safe.
I mean, come on!
Let's go to some calls and I'll get into some new Bohemian Grove developments and
A bunch of police state news.
Let's go ahead and talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Thinking of you last night when I was watching Mel Gibson carrying that flag.
Did you watch Patriot by any chance last night on CBS?
No, I didn't.
That was great.
You were in it even though you weren't there, Alex.
It was a blessing.
Praise God.
I just wanted to bring up, you were talking about forced dependence on the people.
I kind of want to bring up a bill in Pennsylvania.
You mentioned legislation, I think, about last week or something.
HB 1796 is the home visits bill.
You said that we basically, you know, they're not winning.
Well, this passed by 181 to 11 in Pennsylvania in the State House.
We have to defeat it in the State Senate.
Do me a really big favor, Regina.
When you call them with legislation, tell them what it pertains to.
This pertains to an ounce of prevention program.
It's to reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect through a primary prevention approach, offers home visits and linkages to family supports for families and their newborn children.
Okay, let's break this down.
This is an international program deployed federally and then down to the state levels and about ten years ago they started Head Start.
Now, and you think, oh it's just to help my child.
You know, get them in school early.
It's camouflage welfare.
Once you get them in, every family gets three CPS visits a year.
A lot of children are taken for petty reasons.
Now they want to make it mandatory, where everybody gets these social worker visits.
It's like the Soviet Union.
So, the government's there, making sure you're good, coming in your house, no warrants.
It's just you gotta let them in, all color of law.
And they're passing this at state levels everywhere.
Right, but it hasn't passed the state senate in Pennsylvania.
What does this particular state law do?
I've seen it in other states, but what does your law do?
Well, basically it sets up making sure that they get the children at newborn.
They're called potential at-risk or first-time at-risk expectant parents.
I mean, what would be the ramification for at-risk?
Yeah, no, it's every child gets the social worker visit at birth.
And if you seem stupid to them, they'll probably target you because they've got a federal quota of doubling the number of children they grab each year.
They have to geometrically double it each year.
Right, and they want to make sure that they have the family self-sufficient, increasing involvement of both parents with the children, child-hunting immunization.
Under No Child Left Behind, section 5542 requires school readiness through early childhood emotional and social development is one of the goals.
It doesn't say that
It's saying that all children have to be primed by the social workers and there's no law that you have to take the vaccines but they're there with color of law to threaten you that you do.
A parent isn't aware of homeschooling.
Look, we don't want government people in our houses for no reason.
I know that, but... Let me finish.
Much less without a warrant.
And this is just setting that up, folks.
But also, Alex, you have to realize that this would be a naive parent that would look to the expert to say, oh, well, you're going to help me.
And then they can plug them into the services in the service.
Plug them into the Prozac, the Ritalin, the rest of it.
Instead of, and tell them that, you know, that's bad, like the man said, that they're not going to come individually to the home.
Well, what he has in his home might be considered at risk.
Now, yeah, let me just say this, and I appreciate the call.
This isn't freedom.
Having the government agents come to all our homes for our multiple yearly inspections is 1984.
As much as having cameras in school bathrooms is 1984.
And speaking of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court saying that they can put cameras in bathrooms, that that's good, that you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a bathroom stall.
I mean, if you don't have it there, where do you have it?
Well, it's very hard to figure this out.
You talk about the nanny state.
It's a nanny state in a black ski mask.
Their own official textbooks and documents are there to break up the family.
They are there to break up our society and get us all in the government system.
Through the psychiatric, through the criminal, through the welfare system.
And it's for everyone!
Middle class, you name it!
Now, I'm not going to put up with it.
What about you?
Ryan in Minnesota.
Ryan, go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex, I kind of timed this pretty good.
Talk about 1984.
I'm a college student here in Minnesota, and this morning I was just hit in the face with New World Order.
Yeah, in order to turn in our assignments now for our college work,
We have to go to Turnitin.com.
They're making this the standard process.
By the way, five years ago in public schools they started making high school students do all their papers online in a special software
To make sure, quote, there wasn't anything violent or hateful because of Columbine in it.
Now it's to make sure that there's no plagiarism.
But then they admit this is being indexed by the NSA and looked at, and so what you write is being put into a record.
Boy, they didn't even have that in 1984!
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, I, like, pressured the professor and I was asking questions about it.
And she was so naive about what I was talking about.
I mean, I basically got laughed at in class.
You know what?
You need to refuse... I definitely am.
Have them come after you, then you can sue the living daylights out of them.
This is precedent-setting.
Like, yeah.
I mean, the class is just like... It amazes me at how passive and naive everyone is.
Now, for those that just joined us, explain what you have to do.
Well, we have an assignment.
It's like a three-page paper.
It's for a multicultural studies class that I have to take.
And it's like one of my last liberal courses I have to take.
And basically we have no hard copies of the papers.
We have to go to this website, create a user profile, you know, give personal information to the website so they can keep it all, you know, indexed or whatever.
And then we send in our Word document off our computer to Turnitin.com.
They go through it, as you said, to check for plagiarism.
And then they forward it on to the professors.
I mean, I brought up the point today in class where I said, well, isn't this like being guilty until proved innocent?
And they just laughed it up.
I was just like, I just... But I understand you can also, and it's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, you should write a story about what happened to you and email it to us at PrisonPlanet, to the webmaster at PrisonPlanet, we'll post it.
We have the admitted documents where the matrix system at the state level is paying private corporations to gather all this data.
What we think, what we say, what books we read, what bookstores we go to.
And this is part of that plan, my friend.
This is Nazi Germany.
But it'll stop plagiarism.
It has nothing to do with that.
Already in thousands of public schools, thousands, all papers are done this way.
Students get in trouble if the word gun is in a paper.
No more First Amendment.
No more, you know, write a fictional story.
I mean, I wrote fictional stories for
For English class, where you had bank robberies and stuff.
I mean, that's what we see on television.
Now, we'll have to screen our scripts through their computers?
I mean, folks, do you realize how big this is?
We're, like, literally being raped.
Like, when I left class today, that's how I felt.
I was like...
This is just totally violating, I mean, come on.
Now notice, if you're so weird for asking a question, they're not making all the classes do it yet.
They're implementing it.
No, this is a pilot program.
No, no, no.
You've got to go to the dean.
You've got to tell them.
In fact, just let them kick you out of the class.
You need to sue the living daylights out of them.
That's your intellectual property, and that turnitin.com is just a sinister organization.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I'm definitely going to do that.
So what else happened when you were explaining this to these idiots?
You know, they're so... everyone's just so brainwashed.
I mean, they don't see it.
I can't believe it.
They have the attention span of a gnat.
I mean, I took up a good 15 minutes of class.
I mean, I was trying to rally the troops here.
You know, I was trying to rally the troops and
Man, nobody rallied.
I was just like, what is wrong with you people?
Sir, I have the news articles where they admit that this move towards screening all, all, everything you write is to, is to create detailed psychological algorithms.
That's exactly what I was talking about.
I mean, I read, I know a couple weeks ago you had an article on that, and I read that and I was saying that, I was like, look, this is all, this is totally an infringement on our rights, you know, and
People have, like, no comprehension of... I don't think people believe that we have rights.
They just believe that whatever the government says is good.
And it's... I mean, I'm just frustrated.
I mean, I've been in the fight.
I've been giving out your videos and taping your broadcasts on really great interviews you've done and giving them out and trying to wake people up and...
Man, it astonishes me.
Hey, listen.
You paid to go to this so-called college.
I'm paying through the nose to do it, you know?
That's it.
You paid for this.
And you're not their slave, and that's your intellectual property, and you're not guilty until proven innocent, and you tell them you're not going to be part of some database, and you're not doing it!
And these public school children!
You know, tell your parents about this!
Have them not go along with it!
You should be spied on for what you're writing!
It's out of control.
They didn't do this in the Soviet Union, people!
It's just out of control.
We've got to do something.
I've got to find those documents that you're talking about.
We post them every week, yeah.
Okay, I'll find those.
I'll print those out and I'll put together one heck of a paper for her.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
People have to stop being so passive.
In a way, we're doing this to ourselves.
Also, this is an early warning system for the Feds.
They're going to make all reporters
Run these through, for the major papers, run their articles through to quote, make sure there's no plagiarism, because they've caught a few people plagiarizing.
See, a few people do something wrong, that's their excuse to make it up.
But see, then the NSA can look at all this, and when they see something red-flagged that they don't like, they can call the editor.
That way it doesn't slip out in the newspaper.
Starting to get the big picture?
Oh yeah, man.
Alex, I've seen this.
I mean, I've been listening for a long time.
I saw it, and as soon as I heard her say that, and had it all written on the board, all our passwords, and all this stuff, I was just beat red in the face, and she knew it.
She was scared to call on me in class, because she knew she could tell that I had an axe to grind.
And he was so uninformed about it.
The professor who's implementing this program.
You need to find ten other like-minded students.
You need to pick it.
You need to make it.
Get it in the school paper and tell all those students who refuse.
And by you doing that, in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man.
I have that on my apartment door outside.
Say it for people then.
You betcha.
Well no, give him the quote.
Ah, totally.
In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated in fear, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him because then it causes them to be a patriot.
They're laughing at you today.
Once you stand up, they'll all agree, and they'll all refuse, and you can lead thousands toward defeating the New World Order on your beachhead, on your front line.
You got it, Alex.
That's how we defeat these people.
Thanks for the call.
I want you to write me a news article about it.
I want you to email it to Paul Watson.
We'll post it, and several million people will read it.
That's how we defeat them!
Stephen Ohio, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I'd like to give that guy that called before a high-five through the telephone.
I'm going to college, too.
I go to a local community college here in the Cleveland area, and this is funny.
About two weeks, or two or three weeks ago, I went into the library,
And they said, well, you know, from now on you have to put in your code and your password in order to get online to surf the net.
And I had asked them, well, do you guys keep records of this?
And they said, well, yes, we do, but it's for your safety.
And then I just, you know, it was just like, and it was almost like the guy got defensive right away.
Like to say, in other words, you just got to know that we're only looking out for you.
And I thought to myself, you know what?
I know it.
And of course they admit they do this.
So we've got to know what you read, right?
This is freedom.
Yeah, but I want to sympathize with that other caller, what he had said about... I'm 33, okay, but I hear a lot of these young people talk in the hallways.
They talk about their cell phone battery dying.
They talk about what they're going to do on their date tonight.
They talk about being stood up on a date.
I tell you, the young people of today are totally clueless.
I mean, it's the biggest form of apathy I've ever seen.
I can't imagine
A lot of times you're saying on your show, people are waking up.
My question is, where are these people?
Well, the listeners of Talk Radio and the 1,500 interviews I've done, and it is a lot of young people waking up.
And remember, the mindless zombies don't matter.
It's us that think.
Those of us, we have the power and we have a responsibility as the real intellectuals to stand up against the socialist control freaks.
Yeah, and one other thing I want to comment about the 9-11 debacle.
Of course, you don't believe that it's just incompetence.
You believe our government helped carry it out.
I know they did.
Well I know they did too, but here's the thing.
One of the reasons why a lot of people find a hard time believing the story is because they think that the bigger the lie, the easier it is for people to believe.
I think that once you get people past the belief that our government is capable of committing that kind of corruption, then you change the whole dynamics of the argument.
But until you do that, see, people, the first thing they see is, why would our government do such a horrible thing?
I mean, unfortunately, that seems to be 90% of the people I've talked to.
And then you can give them 100 examples of where they've done things much better than 9-11.
Yeah, and then you hear the old, yeah, but, yeah, but.
It's just, it's irritating, but you know what?
When you say, yeah, but when they abuse you, I want you to remember this.
Yeah, it's just, you know, oh, and one last thing I'll say about you.
I know you gave George Norrie a lot of credit for putting you on the phone, but you really are the real thing.
He still has these gurus on his show talking about paranormal phenomenon.
You really, Alex, tell it like it is, because you're not afraid to take
I'll punch out the New World Order, and I'm glad I'm listening all the time, and I just keep up the good work.
Well, thanks a lot.
I appreciate the call, but I just appreciate George Norrie giving us the platform.
I'm going to be back on there in some roundtable discussion the 22nd of this month for four hours, I've been told, so that's going to be good.
Any chance to talk to the people, any chance to interface with the population is a real blessing.
We're going to break here in a second.
We'll come back and go to Jim.
Many others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And you need to get angry about what's happening.
I mean, the scale of Big Brother behavior dwarfs 1984.
They just aren't out secretly arresting everybody yet.
They are preparing for that.
They would have already done it, but they're not getting away with it.
People are waking up.
Too many police and military are waking up.
Too many whistleblowers are leaking information.
It's only a few thousand globalists trying to con the rest of us.
Little man behind the curtain.
And they're going down.
Humanity, with God's help, will prevail.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Without going into any more histrionics, just think about the mentality.
Nationwide, every news reporter, every high school student, every college student will have to issue, that is file through a computer, their intellectual properties, their ideas, papers they've written.
Everything's gone online and put into one of these shadowy government front groups where they scan the internet, all known writings, and look at it and decide whether or not you may have plagiarized something.
Whereas you heard a neighbor say something, and then you remembered it, and then you put it in there as an idea, and it's too similar, and you get flagged.
It has nothing to do with that!
If they wanted to catch people engaged in plagiarism, they have these computer programs, and if a learned scholar is suspicious, as the professor, they go type it in and find it.
If it's there, then you get in trouble.
But instead, see, all of us have to be treated as if we're guilty until we're innocent.
All of us have to file our information into these databases.
Just like somebody bad might have bought a bad book at the bookstore, so the FBI's got to look at all the bookstore purchases.
And that's been announced.
And when they go to the bookstore, it's not just the library, they have to promise not to tell anyone that they were even there, or they're charged with terrorism.
So it's knowing what you write, what you think, what you do.
You go, well, how do they have millions of feds to read all of this?
Well, they don't.
They have computers that scan the words and then create a psychological makeup on you.
And just don't put up with it!
You're going to college and you're going to be guilty until proven innocent?
You know, have to go to some outside institution with government connections and file your thoughts and now the media is going to have to do this?
This will be selectively enforced against people and the government will look at that and know if the reporter's got the big story and will have time to get to the editor and tell the editor to block the story that would be damaging to the globalist?
That's all this is!
You know, now they're saying they're going to use the matrix system, the state-level snooping apparatus of the NSA.
They're going to use it for deadbeat dads.
Well, we're against those, aren't we?
And, oh, to make sure you pay your income taxes.
And, oh, but I thought you had to get a warrant to get data on me.
Now everything you do is going to be purchased with your taxpayer money from the grocery stores and the bookstores and the corporations.
And then the Patriot Act's going to make them give all of this to them.
I mean, this is outlandish!
And it's totally un-American!
But the criminals in government, everything they do is going to be more secret!
Who's watching the Watchers?
This isn't America.
Again, I'll say it.
Cameras in school bathrooms ain't freedom.
We'll break, come back, go to Jim and uh... Myron and Brian and Tim and Mike and others.
Before we do that though, end of the hour, you know I like to plug my videos once an hour.
Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Find out how nuts our world leaders are.
Caught them on video, engaged in an Eyes Wide Shut style ceremony.
They admit I snuck in and got the video.
It's been in major newspapers.
Get the video.
Get it out to people.
Make copies of it.
I authorize you to, for non-profit, not-for-self purposes.
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Get Masters of Terror.
Get Police State 3 total enslavement.
Get America destroyed by design.
They're all over two hours long, $25.95 apiece.
$20 when you order three or more.
I've written a book, published a book, carry a bunch of other great books and videos and books on tape and t-shirts.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure, safe online shopping cart.
We're call toll free.
And fight these tyrants!
They can't succeed unless they can sell the public this slavery.
And it's not working.
So turn the heat up on them!
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Third hour straight ahead, a ton of news.
Your call's coming up.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, coming up, more on the 9-11 whitewash, the tragic events unfolding in Iraq, NORTHCOM, our new military dictatorship, bragging about how they're going to be running our lives, and much more.
Before we go to the loaded phone lines, I wanted to hit a few news stories here.
Liberty Think got some video, and I was told by some of the folks that went to that 9-11 conference they've got this video and they offered to send it to me.
I just said, post it yourself.
We'll link to it.
I'm glad Liberty Think got this video to put it up.
Liberty Think recently visited the Bohemian Club headquarters in downtown San Francisco.
This is where members of the club
There's a video clip of a survey of the occultic symbolism adorning the club's outer walls, which feature owls, skulls, etc.
There's also a brief conversation with a
Untalkative Security Guard, and a look at the Owl Tree Bar Club, which is kitty-corner to the Bohemian Club Headquarters.
And then I was made aware of a book review of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
And it says, a book looks at post-911 world politics, and this is out
of the staff reporter out of Louisiana the town talk major mainstream newspaper and it says this movie is no picnic pouring on Bohemian Grove recently released on DVD and VHS is a film that could have been a great political satire but unfortunately it never really got off the ground
Teddy Bear's Picnic, directed by droll funnyman Harry Sher, this is Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind, and TV's The Simpsons, is a would-be farce that takes place in the Zambezi Glen.
A retreat in the Northern California where America's elite male power brokers, leaders in government, military and the entertainment industry go to blow off steam engaging in intellectual disclosure and a few laughs.
It's also a place where these bad boys share secrets that us regular folks will never hear about.
While at the Glen, members also find time to discuss, to dress in drag, sleep with tall girls, and drink copious amounts of alcoholic beverages, all while sharing jokes with one another and urinating on the trunks of ancient redwoods.
I should point out that the Glen is based on a very real and super-secret Bohemian Grove retreat located just north of San Francisco.
Bohemian Club members include not only captains of industry, but senators, congressmen, and residents.
This is the place where George W. Bush is alleged to have tapped Dick Cheney as his running mate in 2000.
That was on CNN, by the way.
C-SPAN wants to get mad at me for saying it.
It says, but I digress.
Scheer, who plays an annoying French-like restaurateur, introduces us to a large cast of characters, including a tubby Dr. Strangelove, Esquire Air Force General George Wendat,
And a snobby elitist banker, Robert Mandin, who is at one point is riding in a nice car with actress Morgan Fairchild.
By the way, Harry Shearer's been in the grove.
He was in the British documentary basically attacking me.
What is so surprising is that this movie
Where the superb cast is simply not funny.
I mean, a film that indicates, includes talents like Hurtwood Smith, Citizen Ruth, Fred Willard, Waiting for Guffman, Michael McKean, Best in Show, and Henry Gibson, the Blues Brothers, Howard Hessman, About Schmidt, and Alan Thickel, TV's Growing Pains, should be far wittier than what is offered here.
Sure, there's a couple of wacky moments in the movie, but they're rare.
There's a scene involving a waiter attempting to smuggle Glenn TV footage to a television station.
The movie's really kind of about me, folks.
We'll be back and finish up with it.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
As unbelievable as it is, Teddy Bear's Picnic, put out by Harry Sherb, and a group of big Hollywood actors, I actually enjoy most of their movies,
He gives an elaborate hit piece on us, and he shares in the British documentary, using my footage, Secret Rulers of the World attacking me.
And then he comes out with this Hollywood movie that was in theaters last year, and now it's out on DVD.
Sure, and this is from the article by Andrew Griffin, out of the Town Talk newspaper in Louisiana.
He continues,
And again, the headline is, this movie is no picnic.
Sure, there's a couple of wacky moments in the movie, but they're rare.
There's a scene involving a waiter attempting to smuggle Glenn video footage to a television station, and a scene where the Glenn gang attempts to flee a forest fire.
They're amusing, I suppose, but even these scenes seem forced.
And when you combine with that, a low budget, you're in for trouble.
Don't waste your time with Teddy Bear's picnic.
For those of you who are interested in what really goes on at the Ultra Secret Bohemian Grove, I highly recommend Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, filmed by Alex Jones, Texas-based investigative filmmaker.
It goes on, Jones and cameraman were able to sneak into the grove and film bizarre ritualistic
And, uh, mock human sacrifices conducted by elite rogue members.
Jones' documentary is well worth watching, if only for the footage of the shocking occultic sacrifice the rogue members of the club offered to their stone owl god.
For more information, visit InfoWars.com.
And then he did a big review of, uh, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror!
And, uh, the New World Order.
This was in, again, a pretty big paper there in Louisiana.
I'm going to try to read this later if I have time.
It's a longer review.
But good job to this guy.
We appreciate any real press out there.
But yeah, I finally got a chance to see Teddy Bear's Picnic.
I'd seen a clip of it on Conan O'Brien about a year ago when it came out and somebody sent me a video of it.
And it's basically two characters, two nutcases, two right-wing crazies sneaking in to shoot video of it and we're the bad guys, basically.
So, you know, a movie basically making light of what goes on in there, and it's fallen flat on its face, and sure as other movies have it, they've been big hits.
So, what does that say for you, Mr. Scherer?
It's no picnic, I guess.
So, a lot of new developments there.
Tell you what, let's go back to the calls.
I'll get into more on the 9-11 Commission and some of the police state developments.
I'd like to hear from the listeners about the Iraq situation.
Again, kidnappings, murders of Westerners, a bunch of cities under Iraqi control, Shiites and Sunnis coming together, unprecedented in Iraq's history since a revolt early in the last century against the British Empire.
And Bush says, bring them on.
We're tough.
We can handle it.
Yeah, get ready for more casualties.
His mother says she doesn't want to hear about the dead.
Her beautiful mind doesn't need to hear about it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Michigan.
Jim, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
How are you doing?
Hey, listen, last time I was here, you were talking about all the great interviews you have, and I enjoy all of them.
You had one on this year sometime, I think it was early in the year, with Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, and I can't remember his name.
Stanley Hilton.
Okay, the reason I called is we hear all these great interviews, and a lot of us around the country do have access to the ears of many of the local talk show hosts.
All of our best interviews are posted free of charge at PrisonPlanet.com in the audio section.
I think there's about two hundred of them in there.
The big problem I have, like I heard your interview with Dr. Rocky about the depleted uranium.
And after that there was another local, well actually it was a Detroit station where so many people had heard your program prior to this one coming on.
And I guess the question I would have to, we hear all these people talking on the air,
And I have so many great opportunities to bring people like that on the air to be interviewed, but the problem is getting a hold of these people and setting everything up.
Any suggestions on that?
How we as listeners to your program could have access to maybe some contact numbers with the people who are on your program so we can not only get your interviews, which are wonderful, but when you go to a local talk show host,
Yeah, unfortunately, I barely had time to brush my teeth this morning and eat a small breakfast.
I can't start setting up an index of my guests for people to get them as guests.
We can post the interviews.
I mean, if you hear a guest that you like, write down the name and number, where they're from, call and get their number.
Or call their business or their organization, just like we do, and then give that information to the local talk show host.
I mean, if you give a talk show host, say, a burned CD interview off my website, and if they've got any concern, they'll listen to it and they'll get the person on.
They know how to do that.
That's their job.
Where's the case with Stanley Hilton?
Where does that stand right now?
Are you going to have him on again?
I thought he was just amazing.
As far as a guest, you could have him on again.
How is that case?
I had Stanley Hilton on.
Bob Knowles, former chief of staff.
Represents 400 plus of the victim's families of 9-11.
When I had him on, he got so many hundreds of calls and did a bunch of other interviews, to the point that he burned out and said, I can't even run court, I can't even do my cases, I can't even... He said, I'm not now, Alex.
He said, I've never had such a response.
A transcript of the interview got published in a bunch of newspapers, and right now he's just... But yes, his cases are all tied up in court, suing the President and others for complicity in 9-11.
Okay, well thanks, Alex.
Keep up the good work, buddy.
All right, I appreciate the call.
Some of the best interviews, most important interviews, we post those on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And then we also post the audio, and listeners a lot of times make transcripts of the interviews and send it to us, and we read over them, make sure they're accurate, and then we post them.
We're a small operation doing a lot of good, reaching a lot of people, but we need your help.
Let's go ahead and talk to Myron in South Dakota.
Myron, go ahead.
Alex, I was watching C-SPAN this morning and your name was mentioned.
Did you hear about it?
No, I didn't.
A woman called in and she said, why don't you people put on Alex Jones?
He can explain this New World Order.
And the guest said, we're thinking about doing that.
The host or the guest?
The host.
Was it Lamb?
No, Peter, I think Flynn or Slim.
Flynn, I believe it's.
Peter's first name.
Well, I probably got 20 tapes on the shelf of Lamb and others talking about me.
Lamb having guests on that have written books about me.
But he said they were thinking about putting you on.
We told them, we said, please, please, if you're going to have guests on every few months talking about me and talk about me every day of the week, basically, would you please let me come on and respond to it?
I hope that's a little encouraging.
Something else they brought up, there was an election down in Austin, two Republicans are in the runoff.
Is one of those guys who worked for the Attorney General?
Yes, Michael McCall, an absolute demon.
And what was the election result?
Was the vote pretty close?
Now, I'm going to show you how out of the loop I am, so focused on the international and state.
That I know that the runoff is going on, and I do not know what the results of that were, even though we published an article detailing Michael McCall, I can tell you all about him, but I don't know who won.
Okay, I think the election already was held in the primary.
Uh, no, no.
In fact, I saw one of his ads this weekend in the ten minutes of TV I watched, so they haven't had the runoff yet.
Oh, I thought it just happened over the weekend.
Maybe you did, but I still saw his ads running.
What was it?
Saturday, so somebody could call in and tell me.
I haven't really been... Look, let me tell you about Michael McCaul.
He was Janet Reno's private lawyer.
Her special counsel helped cover up Waco, helped defend her with Ilian Gonzalez.
He helped cover up the Johnny Chung stuff.
He's married to Mr. Mays, the owner of Clear Channel's daughter.
They're the biggest campaign contributors to him, and they own the voting machines, the Hart InterCivic voting machines, the touch screens, here in Travis County.
So I predicted months ago that he would be the winner.
Then there was a runoff.
The other three candidates, one got defeated, the other was a runoff.
McCall was in the lead.
And because of us, because of Bob Dacey writing an article for our website two months ago, we first pointed out all this about him.
Then his opponent picked it up in the TV ads.
We don't know, I mean, I don't know what happened.
I haven't followed it the last day or two.
So if somebody can call in and tell me, that's fine.
Okay, Alex.
But you're saying that came up on C-SPAN?
Yes, they discussed it.
Did they say who won?
No, they said it's going to be a runoff.
Well, yeah, that's what I'm saying.
I thought you were saying they'd had the runoff.
Oh, I thought this just happened, that the runoff was going to happen.
I thought they just had this.
No, no, the ads are running, so I don't think that they've had the runoff.
Okay, I thought an election just happened, that now there's going to be a runoff between those two.
Yes, there was a primary election with three Republicans, and one of them got knocked out of the running, and now there's going to be another.
The first thing wasn't a runoff, it was the primary.
Now they're going to have a runoff.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, yes.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, thank you, buddy.
I mean, that's a really good point you brought up.
I'm just frustrated because I don't know when a runoff is.
Do they already have it?
If you can get into the phone lines, tell me.
Basically, I'd get in the fight and then move on.
We're exposed to who Michael McCaul is.
We don't even know if there's an election in Travis County with the hard inner civics owned by his father-in-law, his biggest campaign contributor, and he's a lover of the Communist Chinese and Janet Reno, and a lover of Waco.
So, what do you say about it?
I don't know.
That's all I can say.
I don't know the details now of the runoff.
I know they're having it.
I know that I was in the grocery store this morning and they still had to vote here, signs up, so I don't know.
I'm going to come back at some other news items and we'll get back to your calls, Brian and Tim and Mike and others.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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All right, let's continue with your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in Illinois.
Brian, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Fine, sir.
I brought all your videos, and so far I've distributed about 125 of them.
You're awesome.
I wanted to make an announcement that on public access and TV in Chicago, 9-11 Road to Tyranny will be aired on
The 14th of April at 1 a.m.
in America Destroyed by Design will be on Sunday April 25th at 1 30 a.m.
They're both on channel 19.
Well that's wonderful!
What cable system is that?
I'm not sure what cable system it is because I don't have it.
I had to go to the studio itself.
I think it's just the
The north area of Chicago.
I mean, it covers Chicago proper, and I think the north suburb.
Well, that's wonderful.
Thank you.
No problem.
I have one more question for you, too.
On the cover of Lee State 2000, what did you say that dragon represents?
What was that?
Well, that is the name of the Marine Corps Warfighting Particular Laboratory that put on that urban warfare takeover drill.
And so that's their mascot.
And one more question.
Do you think Silverstein has doubled the insurance policy on the Sears Tower by now?
Well, again, the Chicago Tribune reported a few weeks ago that Silverstein, the owner of the WTC, and a, quote, mysterious secretive group of Manhattan owners has bought the Sears Tower, which they admit is one of the big targets.
So isn't that convenient?
We're doomed.
It's sad.
Well, don't think the globalists aren't that obvious.
They don't care.
And, uh, I mean, they don't care if something bad happens there and then it just gets pointed out.
And people here are in such a catatonic state that they're either socialists or on the southwest side, where the middle class are, they're wrapped up in the flag and they think George Bush is actually for
It's scary to see how people who don't even realize what's going on
Well, a lot of them are waking up.
And remember, the cattle, people that knowingly want to be cattle, don't count the equation.
It's those of us that want to be in the game.
Keep it up, my friend.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Brian.
You're doing a lot of great work.
Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Okay, Tim?
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call, sir.
Thank you for calling.
I wanted to talk to you about a couple things that were going on here.
First of all, my sister and brother-in-law are both teachers.
And back before, when you were talking about, I guess, the red level, and they're going to take the students away, and things like that?
Well, I was reading an article out of Illinois, where they did these drills, rounding the kids up, putting guns to their heads, and calling it a red-level alert, and then claiming it was a drug raid.
Of course, no drugs were found.
It's all about, and this is, the feds admit this, it's about training us to be rounded up and taken to sports stadiums.
Here's the thing that's real funny about it.
Both of them being teachers,
They know nothing about it, and when I try to tell them, you know, because they both have children in school, and I say, you know, what's going to happen is you're not going to be able to get your kids, and they look at me like I'm funky.
Well, that's been in the Washington Post and the Gannett News Service.
I mean, the feds are the ones that have said it.
Right, but once again, my point is waking people up to this is really hard work.
I'm going to tell all your listeners out there that have tried to woke people up, I'm sure.
They've all run into the problem.
You know, my own mother asked me one day, do we need to take you to a doctor?
Because she's been listening to that charlatan Mr. Limbaugh for like 12 years.
Yeah, well, CFR doesn't exist.
Skull and Bones doesn't exist.
Bush is a conservative.
What we're up against is we have people that are like stunningly uninformed to the truth, incredibly arrogant when it comes to hearing the truth for the first time, and just drowning.
In their own apathy when it comes to accepting those truths.
You know Alex, no one wants to drop their preconceived ideas and their conditioned emotional defenses and take a look at some evidence.
And I don't know if they do that out of stupidity or fear.
I agree with you and I appreciate the call.
This is the good thing, the good point, the good news.
Overnight, everybody was a kook that thought the world was round.
They were arrested, they were killed, they were hung, they were burned at the stake.
You said the world was round, you were evil.
But people stood their ground and educated and informed minority, and then overnight you were a kook to say the world was flat.
And so these flat earthers can sit there and keep saying none of this exists, it's not happening, the UN isn't taking over the national parks, the Supreme Court doesn't follow UN's orders.
But then, as all this comes out, a lot of them are being forced to wake up.
Now, granted, some go, OK, fine, it is a New World Order!
What are you gonna do about it?
We gotta go along with it!
People like that just don't count.
They have no respect for themselves, their families, nothing.
They're idiots.
Move on.
There's a lot of people, though, that do want the truth.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I said this day one.
I said from the beginning.
The 9-11 Commission is made up of a bunch of CFR members, Bush business partners, Bin Laden family business partners, and so they are.
It's a total joke.
Again, they tried to have Henry Kissinger be the first head of it, but nobody bought that, so they got lesser-known charlatans.
And I said, you watch.
When they come out with a report, it's going to be bigger government, domestic CIA, worship the government, give up all your freedoms.
Because that's what all these other commissions do.
The government, you know, drop the ball, they need more of your rights and more money, and that's the answer.
Well, the Washington Post is reporting, so is Scripps Hour News Service.
9-11 Commission ponders domestic intelligence agency.
There is plenty of evidence uncovered by the 9-11 Commission.
The U.S.
government dropped the ball, see?
Finding out what Al-Qaeda, C.I.A., oh I'm sorry, sleeper cells were doing in the United States before the devastating attacks on New York and Washington.
You mean the sleeper cells that have their houses, their cars paid for by the U.S.
You mean the sleeper cells that had executive orders protecting them?
You mean those?
Now some members of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States are asking whether Washington needs to create a new super-spy agency to ensure it doesn't happen again.
As if we don't already have a bunch of super-spy agencies.
We need a domestic CIA.
Oh, our own KGB.
Our own GRU.
Commission member Fred Fielding, the well-placed Republican lawyer, suggested this week that the United States should consider creating a domestic spy agency.
Which, like the Britain's MI5, which thwarted Irish Republican Army attacks.
You mean who carried out the attacks, let's admit it.
In England and coordinated intelligence for the British and Stabulary.
An American MI5 would operate as a super agency over the FBI and CIA,
And it goes on and on.
They've already set up CIA offices in all your major cities, folks, to ship in more heroin, more smack for your children.
I mean, this is so sick.
And it gets into how good the FBI program COINTELPRO was, and boy, can't we have that back?
We already do.
Never went away.
Oh, and hey, don't worry.
It says that the Afghan economy is booming.
Record opium.
Record, record opium.
They broke a record last year over all years, and now this year's is even better.
The good guys are there.
Lots of smack for you and your family.
And this is out of Al Jazeera.
It's also out of the Associated Press, another article.
Drugs push Afghanistan to the brink of failure.
Less than three years after the first bomb was dropped on Afghan soil by a U.S.-led coalition against the Taliban, Afghanistan looks like it's becoming a failed state.
Now that's Al Jazeera.
The AP says it's wonderful that they're making lots of money because of the heroin.
It's actually a positive article.
In the government's bid to create a modern democratic country free from corruption, terrorism, and drugs, the opposite has happened.
We told you that would happen, folks.
There is a probable risk that Afghanistan will again turn into a failed state in the hands of the drug...
USA Radio Network News, this is John Scott.
The ceasefire by rebels holed up in the Iraqi town of Fallujah has been extended until tonight.
The break in fighting began yesterday as a chance for talks between the insurgents and American soldiers who were surrounding the town.
But U.S.
military spokesman Brigadier General Mark Kimmett says there have been some clashes.
And there have been other startling discoveries as well made in Fallujah as we hear in this report from
David Lee Miller with Fox News Channel reporting from Baghdad.
Marines have found in Fallujah a bomb-making factory.
At this site, they say they found suicide belts.
They also say they found evidence suggesting that those responsible for this facility might be foreign fighters.
And there is still no word on American Thomas Hamill, who was captured by insurgents.
They threatened to kill him unless U.S.
troops left Fallujah.
Had I known there was going to be an attack on America, I would have moved mountains to stop the attack.
I do everything I can.
My job is to protect the American people.
President Bush speaking yesterday at Fort Hood, Texas, where he spent Easter Sunday with troops.
He said the presidential daily briefing of August 2001 did not contain any information about an impending attack on America, only that Osama bin Laden intended to attack American interests.
The President attending Easter services at Fort Hood, home of the 1st Armored Division.
Today he meets with the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.
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Spanish boss politicians calling on separatist group ETA to lay down its arms.
There's been speculation of a ceasefire in the terrorist group's decades-old campaign for an independent state.
The ceasefire talk follows comments by the banned political party Batasuna, which is seen as ETA's political wing.
Its leaders have said ETA wants to hold talks with the new Spanish government.
More than 800 people have been killed in the militant group's campaign for a separate state in Spain, but since the Madrid terror attacks in March,
USA Radio Network News, this is John Scott.
Talks about Iraq and the Mideast peace plan will be on the table today as President Bush meets with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
Had I known, we'd have acted.
Of course we'd have acted.
Any administration would have acted.
The previous administration would have acted.
That's our job!
Speaking yesterday at Fort Hood, Texas, he said the briefing didn't contain any information about an impending attack on America, only that Osama bin Laden intended to attack American interests.
A startling discovery by U.S.
Marines in Fallujah today.
Fox News Channel's David Lee Miller reporting from Baghdad.
The Marines have found in Fallujah a bomb-making... Oh my gosh, a bomb-making factory!
And this is the same Marines that found the mobile weapons trucks, the same Marines that found the mass graves, the same government that found the Niger uranium documents, the same people that are just perpetually lying.
Now, for some reason we got knocked off so we went to news.
And we're back, ladies and gentlemen!
I was ranting and raving covering the Passion of the Christ.
Did I get to that, folks?
Did I?
A reclaimed top box office spot, making $17.1 million yesterday, to a total of $354.8 million just domestically, surpassing the Two Towers, and online to become the biggest film in history.
And then, of course, there's gas prices.
If you believe for one minute that the Arabs actually run OPEC, they get less than 20% of the oil money, the British set up the Arabs, set up the oil cartels, and they set the prices.
We have plenty of oil in Alaska.
We have plenty of oil all over the United States.
It's ready to flow, but our government won't let us get into it.
And they're just training you to accept higher gas prices.
The oil companies are all registering record profits.
How is that if they're against the evil Arabs?
This is a staged event.
Okay, let's go back to the calls.
Let us now go ahead and talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Okay, galas first.
Well, you know what?
We're just going to go to Mike now.
We're going to go to Mike now.
What we're going to do,
Mike, in Illinois, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Alex, I want to tell you something.
You know, two and a half years ago, or three years ago, when I started listening to you, and then after 9-11, all these things happened.
You had all these guys on.
I want to tell you, I live in the Chicago area, and they have a large local radio station here, and it's called Beyond the Beltway.
It's on every Sunday, and it's syndicated.
It ran out of Chicago.
Yeah, I know.
It airs right here in Austin.
Right, Bruce Dumont.
Now Alex, I just want to tell your listeners, if anyone knows how to get to Beyond the Beltway 800 number, next Sunday they're going to have a guest on, you know who it's going to be?
David Shippers.
And he's having another woman guest on.
They're going to talk about the Oklahoma City bombing, and he made a comment to how he said that Al-Qaeda was linked to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and how they were linked to the terrorist attacks, and how they brought the building down with explosives, the third building at the World Trade Center.
And Alex, I'm telling you, I think it's wonderful that you're doing a wonderful thing, and more and more people are waking up.
There were people calling the show yesterday.
They were talking about how the building was brought down with explosives, and they're talking about how Bush knew about this, and how he was on Cipro, and the people are waking up.
Wait a minute, you're telling me on Beyond the Beltway, they talked about Building 7 being blown up with bombs?
No, a caller called up and had talked to Bruce Duman about it.
Let me tell you what Dumont's going to do, because I've heard the show for years.
I've heard it for eight years here in Austin.
What he'll do is he'll have Shippers narrowly just talk about Muslims involved, but not the government blocking it.
And I would guess it won't be as extensive as my David Shippers interview.
Right, probably not.
But David Shippers knows the truth.
He's spoken on your show.
So he can't, I mean, obviously he knows he's probably going to be controlled.
So what does Dumont do when they call in and say, uh, yeah, Bush was on Cipro on September 10th, yeah, you know, I mean, what does he say to all that?
He laughs.
He actually disconnects their call.
But the point of what I'm trying to say is... So it doesn't matter if that was in the Associated Press in a press briefing?
But they laugh it off.
And you know what, Alex?
It's like you said the other day.
You've got guys like Rush Limbaugh and what's-his-name, Hannity, and all these guys.
They're all puppets.
They're all part of the system, Alex.
And you know what?
The bottom line is what I'm trying to say, Alex, is that you're getting through... People are... Two and a half years ago, I had relatives laughing at me.
I had people at work laughing at me, telling them about what you were saying and telling them to go to your website.
Now, Alex,
I think so, yes.
I think so.
It's going to take word of mouth.
A lot of people, they can't continue to hide this, Alex.
We're also going to save a lot of lives.
Because by exposing who's behind the terror, that stops the globalists from doing it.
As long as we beg them to take our rights when there's a terror attack, and beg them to increase their power and funding, there's going to be the incentive to let this stuff happen and to carry it out.
If we have a mass awakening to the world being around, the government being behind terror, then we neutralize that ace in the hole that they've got.
I want to ask you a question.
I think I had you a little angry with me last week.
I didn't mean to say anything threatening about Bush, but let me ask you a question.
Do you believe that Bush, he is a puppet, we know that, but do you believe he actually knows everything of what is going on?
No, no.
Bush takes three naps a day, plays golf, jogs,
Uh, you know, has trouble eating pretzels.
Bill Clinton did.
Bush's daddy did.
Uh, but Bush is a total puppet.
They just used him because of the Bush name on the ticket.
Oh, you're doing a wonderful job.
And anybody out there, get his films and get the word out.
It's the only way we're going to win this thing.
Well, thanks a lot.
I appreciate it.
And that's certainly good news.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate it.
Uh, now let's go ahead and talk to Gayla.
Gayla, where are you calling us from?
Hi, Alex.
I just want to point out to you, a friend of mine in North Carolina just emailed me an article he found on Time Magazine.
It's dated 4-19-04 and it talks about how we are absolutely going to have to have more troops.
Calls for 80,000 more.
Yeah, and they have 12 different bills for a national draft in Congress right now.
Well, I knew they did.
I knew they had a draft, some bills pending.
His concern was that, why is this out here dated 4-19?
He was afraid that, and I can see... Well, that's because Time Magazine publishes about a week and a half early.
They'll put a date on it.
I've got the article right here.
Well, we were afraid that they were going to have some kind of attack and then
311, the Madrid bombings was 911 days.
That was on 311.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Great points.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Dave.
Dave, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling you from Castle Rock, Colorado.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, how's it going today?
I have a few things I might throw at you here.
We have a local high school here in Denver.
Well, right towards the end of March, they put out wanted posters for kids who did not complete their CSAP test.
Yeah, I saw an article about that.
All criminals.
Yeah, like you said, they offered rewards of CDs or cash for kids that would turn them in.
You see, like, all over the country, right here in Austin, it's in the road to tyranny, they put out TV ads going,
Here's your discount credit card, $250 for every family member you turn in, every neighbor you turn in, and handing them out and rolling them, when it's the government shipping in the garbage to begin with.
Yeah, it only lasted two days due to someone's discretion, I don't know if it was due to a teacher.
Well that's it, because we complain, because we say no, so they try to turn the heat up, hoping we'll accept it.
That's it, I think they're almost testing us, but in a way when we turn the tables on them,
Well, that's what all of them do.
I mean, don't think it.
Know it.
They are testing.
You know, we do pretty good up here, though.
We've been shutting down some Walmarts that are trying to encroach these big super centers.
But there's another thing.
They've got like a free gun lock giveaway now in the whole state.
And that's to condition you to make that the law.
Well, not to mention, I'm sure I'd have to give them my address and tell them.
I mean, I'd have to have 17 locks to go, you know, one for each gun.
And that's a lot of money involved giving away.
All those locks, and I'm sure they would want some information on me.
It's all to make it look like it's a public service and they care.
It's to get people civically involved in the gun grab movement.
Yeah, you know, it's kind of goofy about stuff, that kind of thing.
Like the France, when they found the bombs after the Spain bombing, and I jokingly told a friend, I said, what, is there an election coming up?
Sure enough, over the weekend, after they had found them bombs on them rail lines, they had a midterm election.
I mean, they must have figured, well, killing them is killing them.
We've caught the British doing fake raids, getting bison and bombs.
I mean, it's just a bunch of garbage.
I mean, it's maybe like the Spain thing.
Blowing up trains didn't work.
Maybe we'll just find them this time.
You know?
That's it.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you.
I'll try to get a few final calls.
I wanted to hit some Big Brother news, too, here in the final segment that we are accelerating towards on this Monday edition.
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Alright, final segment.
It's been a pretty good show.
I've been somewhat irritated today.
I don't know if you picked up on it.
I'm just so sick of it!
I mean, I love this country.
I love freedom.
And it's just being trashed by a bunch of criminals!
They tell us to just give up our freedoms and shut up when they're the terrorists!
Look at this.
Photo recognition software gives location to new scientists.
You can now walk around and the face scanning cameras will tell you where you're at.
And if they recognize you, for a small fee, photo recognition software on a remote server works out precisely where you are and sends back directions.
You can also use your cell phone to take photos of buildings and it will tell you.
I mean, you've got stacks of articles.
Want to be a spy?
NSA is hiring!
The National Security Agency is launching its largest recruitment drive since the Cold War, with plans to hire 7,500 workers over the next five years.
They're going to, of course, be working domestically to spy on everyone.
Isn't that just precious?
I mean, come on.
Big Brothers watching your driving behavior.
All over the country and the world, the red light cameras are now being used to spy on your driving and your activity.
Global ID passport by 2006.
The Russians are going to make all their driver's license applicants and people traveling thumb scan and face scan.
Oh, so's England, so's U.S., so's Germany.
You see, it's a global ID, my friends.
That's their own document.
But they don't announce it as that.
And here's another article.
I mean, stacks of them.
Cameras keep eye on the town.
The length and breadth of Huckfield High Street is now being watched day and night by rooftop cameras and a bit of the curb.
Anti-social behavior now.
Being rude to someone, you'll get a police visit.
A permit to snoop!
Police will be given unprecedented powers to use electronic bugs and false identities to infiltrate the criminal underworld and terror groups.
See, criminals and terror.
First it was terror, now it's criminals.
Now, the NSA will be looking for deadbeat dads and high-risk cheats!
And again, Moscow Airport to scan fingerprints.
A black box for people.
We may have to carry a black box.
Computers and cameras that watch old people.
Science Daily reporting that foreign troops are meeting in Arizona for a giant test of micro-surveillance aircraft.
I mean, come on!
Bush prays for a drop in Iraq casualties.
Who's he praying to, is the question.
We should pray for a drop in casualties.
I think that's good.
But should we have the Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Satanist doing it?
Will that truly get us a blessing?
Is this war just and holy?
I'm sorry to all the callers, the loaded phone lines, I'm out of time, I don't have time to go to your calls, but I'll be back tonight, nine to midnight, and back tomorrow, eleven to two central.
We are having an effect, we are effecting change, we do have power, we can stand up against the New World Order, and the best tools to do it are my videos, and we need your support.
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uh... database of information all the thousands and thousands of news articles and documents uh... in these detailed databases we've built under key subsections like occult, elite, decadent empire, nazi USA, world government, political assassinations, geopolitics, go to these areas research what's in the films document for yourself the facts of what we're bringing forward toll free number to get the videos again I've made ten of them, published a book
Written a book.
Carry a bunch of other great books and videos.
Get the videos and then go to these archives and look at them for yourself.
Look at everything we cover in the films.
Read it for yourself.
Look at the legislation.
Find out we're telling the truth and spread the word.
That's 888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Make copies of them.
Put them on AXS TV.
Spread the word to our affiliates, our sponsors, our listeners, to the people running the show, to God.
Thank you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
We're in the battle for the human spirit against total dehumanization.
Take care.
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