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Name: 20040409_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 9, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is the final broadcast of this week.
Friday, the ninth day of April, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Another ultra-massive show broadcast lined up for you today.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
You know, a lot of people really aren't pointing out the real reasons for this, for this disgusting, corrupt, lying war.
It's getting so many of our troops and Iraqis killed.
It's not just about oil, it's not just about weapon sales and no-bid contracts.
Wars, in the last 500 years, have, according to statesmen themselves, after they retire in their own memoirs, have been about distracting attention domestically.
The real war, that is the main front of the globalist war for a new world order, is the domestic police state that's being set up here right now.
So we'll get into Shiite militants control three Iraq cities, Japanese, Israeli, Arabs, kidnapped or held as prisoners of war.
We'll be getting into that.
But in the last two weeks, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has said no more warrants to search your house or business.
About ten days ago, a week and a half ago, the Supreme Court said no more Fifth Amendment.
We've had guests on who've been arrested for having a sign in their yard that says our court system is corrupt, or our court system is a joke.
And I see these articles every day, but here's one out of the Associated Press, and it's being posted right now on InfoWars.com.
And Supreme Court Justice, the big gun-grabbing socialist, Anthony Scalia, the guy that goes on hunting trips days before he has Dick Cheney's case before him, which is openly criminal, the treacherous, traitorous, larcenous creature, Anthony Scalia, at public meetings is having AP reporters basically held down and their recorders are being taken, things are being erased.
Now we know in past speeches he said it's time to get rid of the Constitution, it's
Chief Justice Rehnquist two years ago at a big meeting in Virginia told hundreds of federal judges that we're going to go ahead and get rid of the Constitution, that that's a good thing.
We've got top generals in the news saying how wonderful martial law is.
We've read those articles and posted them.
They have specials on Nightline about how good it is.
Well, now you go to a public meeting at a university and try to record Scalia and he'll have you arrested.
And we've been at meetings and seen this selectively enforced.
If they know who you are, they'll walk up while ten cameras are rolling.
They'll say, turn yours off.
Turn your tape recorder off.
They'll have plainclothes goons, at least in our cases here in Austin, plainclothes military officers.
This, by the way, has been in the Wall Street Journal.
We're not making this up.
They will have them hold you down and take what you got.
And then they have police arrest you.
So, you want troops to arrest you, just like in China.
They're in the universities, they're at the public meetings.
The troops in plainclothes are all part of the new freedom.
And you know, this is just like Vietnam, where they slowly put the troops in, slowly built it up, and then suddenly overnight, it was a full-scale war.
Well, the globalists, since the late eighties, have had troops in plainclothes, troops in police uniforms, busting down gun dealers' doors, running secret checkpoints.
But see, now it's starting to come out in the open, and then boom!
It's going to radically expand from there.
But we're not off in Vietnam.
We're here.
It's all happening here.
Arrest that woman!
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Again, it is Friday, the 9th of April, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Nationwide, coast-to-coast, state, federal, local courts are saying no First Amendment, no Second Amendment, no Fourth Amendment, no Fifth Amendment.
And they're not even claiming that it's to fight terrorists now.
It's just you don't have any rights.
We run your life.
About a month and a half ago, Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky, and he's going to be calling in on the show today, gave a Ron Paul C-SPAN speech taped off television to a state police officer and my film, The Rogue Tyranny.
And the police officer, the state police officer, later arrested him and said, these are threatening to the government, threatening to me.
The judge in pretrial said, you were guilty, even beforehand, which would normally throw the judge out and throw the case out, of giving anti-government videos to police, and you're gonna pay for it.
And it was in the newspaper, they just calmly report giving police mainstream, you know, C-SPAN stuff in my film.
Stuff like that is just, uh, it's pure evil!
It's just communicating!
It's like Gentleman's Square every day or something, and then you've heard about, you know, the guy with the sign in his yard that said our court system is a joke, so he gets arrested.
I see these type of articles every day now!
We experience it with our listeners!
And this is from the Associated Press Journalism Group Protest Scalia Tape Grab.
This is a big deal.
A deputy marshal violated the law and the fundamental tenets of press freedom when she ordered two reporters to erase recordings of a speech by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia, a journalist Abbasi Karoub said Thursday.
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said in a letter that the marshal violated the Privacy Protection Act, which says government officers may not seize materials in the possession of people who plan to distribute them through public communication.
It is clear that the state's purpose is to provide maximum protection for the news media against seizures of work product.
The group wrote in a letter signed by Committee Executive Director Lucy Doglish, who's coming on the show later, Legal Defense Director Greg Leslie, and Christine Murphy, a legal fellow.
Justice Department employees should receive approval from the Attorney General before ordering a journalist to turn over their work materials, the letter said.
Because the marshal failed to do so, her actions should lead to a reprimand or other disciplinary action according to the letter.
Folks, I see articles every week where somebody's out on the side of the highway videotaping police and they just come over and grab the camera and smash the tape or steal it.
And the article goes on.
We are also urged that all such officials be reminded of the important interest at stake when dealing with the news media, the letter said.
Now, did they sneak into a Scalia meeting and get this?
No, these were public meetings at high schools and universities.
The letter was addressed to Attorney General John Ashcroft, U.S.
Marshals Service Director Jingo G. Reane, and Nehemiah Flowers, the U.S.
Marshal for the Southern District of Mississippi.
During a speech Scalia gave on the Constitution in Mississippi Wednesday,
A woman who identified herself as Deputy Marshal Melanie Rube demanded that a reporter for the Associated Press erase a tape recording of the Justice's comments.
Now, it's funny, last night before I even saw these articles, I meant to go pull Rehnquist's comments from two years ago, Scalia's comments from a year ago, where they both said, we're getting rid of the Constitution, it's not good, your rights are a privilege, we've got to do this.
And when we found those, and we're reposting those.
It's funny, I was thinking about their weird comments last night, then this morning I get up and find this article from the Associated Press, and his speech was about the Constitution.
We want to get the reporters on.
How much money do you want to bet, if you were a betting person, that he was trashing the Constitution and trashing the Bill of Rights, and probably defending the Fifth Circuit ruling that there's no Fourth Amendment, the Supreme Court ruling that there's no Fifth Amendment of last week?
Now, we're going to get these reporters on.
How much do you want to bet the tapes that were taken from him at two separate meetings have his similar statements of the past on them?
And what does this say about his mentality, the arrogance?
The reporter initially resisted, but later showed the deputy how to erase the digital recording after the officer took the device from her.
The marshal also made a Hattiesburg American reporter erase her tape.
We're very upset over the forced erase
of our reporter's tape and believe that that crossed the line.
AP Mississippi Chief of Bureau Frank Fisher said Thursday, we hope this will never happen again.
It's happening every day, sir.
Fisher added that the erasure doesn't show a lot of respect for the First Amendment.
Scalia gave two speeches Wednesday, one at Presbyterian Church High School and the other at William Carey College.
He did not warn the audience at the high school that recording devices would be forbidden, but issued a warning before the college speech.
Since when do you go to a public place to give a speech and then say, you can't record it?
See what they're doing?
This is how shameful, this is how ashamed they are.
They want the dumbed down audience to hear it, but not those of us that can think.
At a reception following Scalia's speech at William Carey, the Justice told television reporters that the local television station, WDAMTV, to leave.
They told the television station to leave.
A member of his entourage also told newspaper photographers that they could not take pictures, but a college official reversed the order after non-media guests started snapping photos.
See, it's all selective.
William Carey's spokeswoman, Jenna Graves, later apologized to the media.
A spokeswoman for the Supreme Court said it is up to Scalia and his staff to get guidelines for coverage of his events.
So he's God.
Spokespeople for the Justice Department said Marshall's service did not immediately respond to calls seeking comment yesterday.
Now, we're about to go to Kelly Rushing from the Lyon County situation with an update.
I need to get him in contact with the Court Watchers Association that's now moving to sue
Judge Harrelson in Alabama, in Jackson County, that arrested a citizen for putting a little sign on his own property saying, our court system is a joke.
But this is a big deal.
Scalia is such a mobster, is so arrogant, that he went hunting multiple times in the weeks before he sat for the case of the Supreme Court over Dick Cheney's Energy Commission records.
Now, again, that's like a mobster or the person being, you know, being prosecuted going on a hunting trip with a judge.
That's what it is.
It's patently illegal and criminal.
It's not even a civil matter.
But they commit the crimes right out in the open to train you to accept it.
Now, again, Kelly Rushing joins us.
And, Kelly, just for those that haven't heard your story, briefly give us a recap of it and tell us the latest developments, sir.
Well the recap is that I put a tape into an officer's mailbox and I put another one in there that said that this stuff was coming from different directions.
I didn't want him to think that because I've had others tell me that you were just some nut and didn't know what you were talking about.
That never made it in the movies.
So you put Road to Tyranny in there first, then to show, hey, here's a video of a congressman on the floor of the House saying the same thing.
And, uh, the second tape is what he came after me for.
He saw me put that one in there, evidently, because... Okay, and so he goes and pulls you over, he says, you threatened me with this tape, they arrest you.
Now let's go to what the judge said in the Lyon County Courthouse in the pretrial.
Tell us what he said.
He said that I was guilty of giving an anti-government police tape to an officer.
So you're guilty of the First Amendment giving somebody a C-SPAN video.
Then from that point, I haven't talked to you in a few weeks.
You were trying to get them to drop it.
What happened after that?
Well, since then,
They are evidently pursuing this thing and I'm going to go to court Monday on charges of terroristic threatening.
Now they did drop the two charges of menacing on their own because I wouldn't take a plea bargain for harassment.
And they're saying it's a terroristic, now the judge already told you you're guilty in the pre-trial, which by the way, just because he did that, he should be impeached just for that.
They're not, the judge is supposed to say you're guilty at the start of the trial.
So where is all this going?
They're charging you with terroristic threat, what are they saying now?
Well, they haven't said a whole lot yet.
I know that my, the
Prosecuting Attorney, he told me that, or he said in the first time we appeared in court there, that I said on the video, the arrest tape, that I knew where him and his children lived, as if I made a threat to the officer on the arrest tape.
I sent you a copy of that arrest tape.
Did you get it?
No I didn't.
You better send me another copy, Kelly.
Sometimes we don't get things that are sent to us.
Now, you told us that you did not say that.
Now, notice he arrests you and says, you threatened me, and then in the car later he claims, oh, you threatened me again, trying to frame you.
You never said that, did you?
As a matter of fact, I say on the arrest tape that what I was saying wasn't a threat to him.
And I haven't once threatened him.
I told him that on the arrest tape.
Now, you know they're going to try to bring in the jury and not even let them see the video.
Yeah, um, my lawyer said that they might do that.
Do you still have the same lawyer?
Oh, yeah.
Listen, I dropped the ball.
American Free Press called me a month ago on this.
There's all these other groups.
Your story's far worse than the story in Alabama with putting a sign in the yard and getting arrested.
That's it.
I am not going to procrastinate.
I'm going to get you in touch with the Court Watcher groups, with some others, today, Kelly.
Let me put you on hold.
I'm going to talk to you during the break.
I want to come back and continue talking.
They arrested him for giving the cop the video, and now, then they try to say, okay, well, then you threaten us in the car when that's not even on the tape.
But see, how'd they get him in the car in the first place if the crime is in the car?
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, chilly, rushing, Lyon County, Kentucky.
I want you to tell the listeners what you just told me during the break about how in the pre-trial they are fast-forwarding, the tape's been altered where you can't hear the officer.
The tape fast-forwards and then suddenly slows down.
You said he called his wife when he first arrested you and said, I've caught the videotape bandit, I've got the Mr. Videotape Delivery Boy.
The judge said you're guilty from the outset of giving them an anti-government video.
Now, after they realize that they can't arrest you for having videotapes, though they thought that,
Uh, now it's, oh, you threatened him in the police car, though that's not on the video, but magically now the video fast-forwards to a higher speed during certain periods.
By the way, you got a copy of that?
Listen, I didn't get the copy.
You gotta overnight it to me.
I can take it, uh, in a computer and slow down the parts that these idiots fast-forwarded.
They think that they can do, you know, uh-uh, that doesn't work.
Putting the tape in a recorder from LP to SP doesn't work.
We can stop them.
And I don't know why that didn't get to me.
You may have some shenanigans in your local post office.
And again, this was in the local paper, people.
You're facing a year in jail for a terroristic threat to a lord, for absolutely no reason, and you're going to trial Monday?
Or what's happening Monday?
Well, Monday I'm supposed to select a jury.
From my understanding, the trial's going to be at 1 o'clock.
Now you know this is going to be family members of the judge and the cop.
And you're going to have to remove them from the jury.
You're going to have to ask them, are you family members?
Are you in law enforcement?
Do you know what the First Amendment is?
And then you're going to have to demand that... And look, they do this over and over again.
We get these squad car videos, and right when they start beating the person, the video cuts out, and oops, we had a malfunction.
Or we get these out of the jail, you name it.
Listen, we've got to get the press on this now, Kelly, and I'm going to interview you this evening.
I'm going to write an article for the website.
Tell people the name of the judge, the name of the state police officer.
The state police officer, Officer Dobb, the judge is Bill McCaslin.
And I talked to Bill McCaslin.
Did you?
And I called him at his home.
Right, and he used to act like he didn't know nothing about it, right?
That's what I thought.
These are incredible individuals.
I tell you, did you hear the story about the fellow who just put the sign in his yard saying our court system is a joke and they arrested him?
Yes, I did.
And now they're grabbing AP reporters at public meetings.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Yeah, they're really getting out of hand.
Well, it's going all over the country.
They'll put you in jail for a year and they'll sleep just fine at night.
I mean, he was that threatened
What all did Officer Dobbs say to you while you were in the patrol car?
Well, he seemed to be trying to get me to actually threaten him.
Because he kept saying stuff like, uh, you sound like you're mad.
You know, and of course I said, well, why shouldn't I be mad?
I'm being arrested for nothing.
And, uh... And then he tried to tell me, oh, that sounds like a threat to me.
That kind of thing.
And then I told him, well, I'm not threatening you and it threatened you one time.
Now did they play that in court or is that part fast forwarded over?
No, they haven't played any tapes in court.
I haven't been to court yet.
Oh, so the tapes they gave you is all screwed up?
Listen, you've got to send me an original full speed to full speed copy or it won't work.
You've got to send it to me and I will get off my hind end on this and I'll go into the computer and I'll physically slow it down.
I don't think they sent me the original copy.
Of course they didn't.
They took the original, stuck it in a play deck, and then sat there in the record deck going super slow play to regular play.
That's one of their little fools because now we can fix that.
But then they're going to say you can't admit that, and then they're going to bring in a fake tape, probably with big chunks cut out of it, and he's going to say on his word that you threatened him.
Yeah, well my lawyer told me that he put in a motion to oppress the tape.
Yeah, and by the way, your lawyer's a local good old boy, and you read that letter last... you're in a lot of trouble, man.
He told me yesterday that
I told him that I wrote a letter to the ACLU and he told me that he's been a long time member of the ACLU.
I don't know if that's good or bad.
It's generally bad.
They're kind of a shill group that loses cases on purpose.
Listen, listen to me.
We gotta get on this now.
Looks like I'm not going to have a weekend.
A month ago I figured they'd drop this.
Now they haven't.
They're going ahead with it.
Have you said in court to the judge, Judge, this is crazy?
Drop this?
Or do you just stand there and let the lawyer talk?
Well, I figured the lawyer would have put in a motion to drop it by now already anyway.
But he's getting money from you.
How much have you paid him?
Well, so far I've paid him $400.
Now, I know you got the home phone numbers of the judge and others, and I called information for them as well, but do you have the number to the courthouse?
Um... No, I don't know it.
Let me... Yeah, try to dig some numbers out.
I think it's time to give phone numbers out to public offices for redress of grievance.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, Kelly.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
I think so.
Don't give me a video or I'll have to arrest!
Alright my friends, I'm going to write an article about the Kelly Rushing story tonight, in Lyon County, Super Police State, Kentucky.
And Kelly, in a few minutes, hang up, call my wife, she's going to give you the number to the Court Watchers Association, the National Director.
They filed an official complaint last week on the Jackson County, Alabama Circuit Court Judge Harrelson and he's been reprimanded and has had to publicly apologize because they arrested a man for putting a sign in his yard.
And when you call this group, tell them I sent you.
Just be very specific.
You gave him videos.
He arrested you saying, I'm arresting you for giving me these videos.
Then tried to frame you in the car.
Tell them what the judge said about you're guilty of giving us an anti-government video.
And his comments to his wife, how they manipulated the tape.
Explain this to them and tell them what I sent you.
And I'm going to get the Court Watcher Association Director on the show.
There's several other groups that I've found to get in touch with you, and then I couldn't find your number the last three weeks.
But you're in a lot of trouble, Kelly.
They will put you in jail for a year, that's what you're facing right now, for giving them a video tape.
And they will... I'll tell you right now, your lawyer is either a complete moron or isn't working for you, saying that he wants to suppress the video.
Which you have a copy of where you don't threaten the officer.
Now again, and the argument here is showing this attempted frame-up is he arrests you and says I'm arresting you for terroristic threats, for videos, then you're already in the car and now they're saying the crime was committed in the car, well then why did they put you in the patrol car to begin with?
This is blatant, that's why you should always keep your mouth completely shut.
Because they can take audio, edit it, they can do anything, we've seen it.
This state police officer, Dob, is a complete power-tripping lunatic.
Again, he called up and bragged to his wife.
What were his exact words when he called his wife?
He called her and told her that he got the videotape delivery boy in the back seat.
And so now he wants to ruin your life and you said he also said bandit or something?
Uh, no.
I said that.
I said I guess I'm a video bandit.
Uh, have you seen, how many times have you been in the court so far?
Uh, just once.
Just the one, and exactly what did the Judge McCaslin say to you when you came before his lordship?
Um, well, the uh,
Actually, they had a pre-trial where I showed up in the very beginning.
So you've been to court twice?
Yeah, actually twice.
Now, let's be specific.
Go through it.
Okay, and then they set a date where I came back, and I came back and then they said that they hadn't seen the arrest tape.
The lawyer hadn't seen the arrest tape, so they set another date for them to be able to view the arrest tape.
And now that we've viewed it, we've found that parts of it have been deleted by speeding it up.
And now what are they saying about this Monday court hearing?
What is this being called?
Well, this is actually going to be the trial, I guess.
So they've dropped the two charges of menacing.
And so they're just calling it a terroristic threat against a God.
Now, I want to explain something.
They're now doing this.
The Supreme Court ruled last Monday that an old rancher on his own property mending a fence, not answering a police officer's questions, was resisting.
So now, you see, not tipping your hat properly is assault.
So they're nuts.
They're out of control.
You had better get that new lawyer by Monday, and you'd better go in there and move for a motion to prepare your case.
You're going to move for a motion to prepare your case that you're not ready for jury selection.
You need to draw this out as long as possible.
Now you said you talked to the prosecutor, your lawyer did, and that they don't want to do it, but the state police want this.
So this lunatic, the state police officer, wants to put you in jail for giving him a tape of a congressman.
Well, it was your 9-1-1 tape that he got all offended about.
Okay, but you gave him one tape and you gave him another tape.
The second tape we had was off of C-SPAN, different other TV programs, off of TV.
In earlier shows you told me they were all so upset about that though.
Excuse me?
In earlier shows you told me they were all so upset about that.
Well, I asked him on the arrest tape if he had seen the second taping.
He said no, that he hadn't.
So, you know, I don't know if he's watching.
Well, you know what's on Road to Tyranny?
It's them pulling a veteran with no criminal record over who has one of my videos of Pocket Constitution.
And they discuss whether it's illegal to have that or not.
And go ahead and arrest her and charge her with assaulting him for having the video, and then later the jury saw that she didn't touch him and so they found her not guilty of that.
But you better watch it.
They may not even... They'll probably show an edited version of the tape, not even let you talk, and give you a year in jail, and the jury will sit there and smile at you, thinking they just stopped an Al Qaeda member.
I know the officer
Some of the first words out of his mouth was he told me I was being arrested for terroristic threatening because I asked him, what am I being arrested for?
And he, he wouldn't answer me.
He said, wait till I get the cuffs on you.
And after he had the cuff on me, he said, you're being arrested for terroristic threatening.
That's before anything else was even said in the car.
Yeah, but I mean, this guy will get up on stand probably, most of them do, and say he never said that.
But it doesn't matter, you're not on the video saying anything anyways.
But now your good old boy inside lawyer, probably cousins with the cop, is going, we're going to suppress that video for you, Kelly.
Yeah, it's funny that in the first time I went to court there, that my lawyer walked up to the
Yeah, but some things developed to where I thought he was okay.
Now I'm realizing that he's not.
Yeah, because it's a big deal around here.
This guy is 81 years old.
Kelly, I'm not going to be able to help you if you don't listen to me.
Yeah, I hear you.
And I've talked to your neighbors, I've talked to local people.
You're no criminal record, real good person in the community.
That doesn't matter.
You understand, you're going to spend a year in jail.
And you're not going to have any of your constitutional rights anymore if you don't get rid of that lawyer.
Now, do you understand that he violated his so-called trust and his parameters when he went in that room with the police officer?
And you notice they came right back and now he wants to help you by not showing the video where you don't say anything?
Come on!
Yeah, yeah.
I told you they're going to try to suppress that tape.
Yeah, they are trying to do that.
Yeah, okay, they're trying to do it, and your lawyer says it's good for you to do it.
Come on, Kelly!
Now, Monday, you have a new lawyer, you get a lawyer from an outside county, Pam, whatever you have to, make sure they're not an establishment lawyer.
The way you do this is you type in a search engine the name of the local county and who's won suits against the government.
You find somebody that's gone after the government that has a record of it.
Then you get them.
You tell them what's happened.
You go in and you move and they have to give it to you for a few more weeks to prepare your case and to get ready.
And for them to give you an unedited tape.
That's why the trial has to stop because they've given you an edited tape.
I hope you're taking notes.
And then you get yourself a few weeks, we get the news articles out, and then you move forward, we stop these people, and then you sue them, and that judge will be impeached.
Now, if you listen to me, you won't go to jail, probably, and I'm not sitting here giving you legal advice, but I know what I'm talking about.
Or you can listen to your lawyer, who's in secret meetings with a police officer, telling you to do what they're asking.
This is very, very, I'm very angry, Kelly, and I, you know, I love you for what you're doing for this country, I appreciate you, and God bless your brother who's been taking action to educate people as well.
You're the salt of the earth, and these wicked people are going to come against us, just like they came against Christ.
There's going to come a time when a lot of these government people are going to have us killed, I hope you know that.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I don't doubt that.
I'm not saying these minions, these are just little toads, but the bigger ones.
This is the system they want.
Did you hear about Scalia having his guards grab AP reporters and steal their tapes?
Um, no, I didn't.
Yeah, well, it's getting very bad, my friend.
Very, very, uh, they're arresting protesters on public streets, uh, when other people are allowed to be pro-government.
Uh, it's just wall-to-wall evil everywhere.
We're losing the country right now.
Oh, yeah, I know that.
Yeah, people better start waking up.
Well, I just want you to know what all of us are getting into.
If we don't fight them, they are assuredly going to engage in mass global genocides.
That is the New World Order is.
If we do fight them, it's going to save a lot of lives.
And I mean fight them in the information war.
If we do fight them in the information war, it's going to save a lot of lives.
But those of us on the front lines may not fare too well, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
But in the position you're in, you've got to stand up.
They will put you in jail and they will sleep good knowing it.
And I'd imagine in your county they use the prisoners to clean the government buildings and stuff.
You're going to get to have them talking down to you while you mop the floors.
You want to do that for a year?
Uh, no sir.
For giving them a videotape?
Okay, I've been talking enough.
You want to say anything?
Go ahead.
Um, well I'd just like to say that I hope everybody, you know, tries to inform as many as they can right now because this is very serious.
That's going on in the country right now.
These people are basically out of control.
That's the bottom line.
They are out of control.
And you know, that's the norm in history.
Did you know before the war with the British, they were shutting down newspapers, arresting town criers.
This is how it all started before.
Yeah, I know.
It's getting bad.
Man, I tell you, did the state police thug shoot his mouth off about how you were going down or anything?
Well, I don't know, because whatever he said, they deleted by speeding the tape up.
Well, they're idiots, and I don't know why I didn't get the tape.
I'm going to go dig back.
How long ago did you mail that tape?
Probably a couple of weeks ago.
Okay, I'll have to dig.
How was it labeled?
Well, I sent it to an address.
Girlfriend, I guess, or just, uh... My girlfriend?
Well, that's not my girlfriend.
I mean, I have a wife.
3001 South Lamar.
Yeah, no, that's the address.
3001 South Lamar.
What was it labeled?
Well, it was wrapped, okay, in just regular brown wrapping paper.
No, what was on the tape?
Um, the tape, uh, had my name on it, and it had a number, U377.
Okay, I'll try to find it, but, uh, here's the deal.
If they did that, they're so foolish.
We can, we can simply, probably on normal VCR, I can hit record as I play the other tape, and, uh, no, it'll probably take a computer if they did that on the tape.
What, I tell you, this is disgusting.
I'll just have to put it through a computer and slow it down.
It'll be hours of work, but it's worth it.
How long was he shooting his mouth off?
Well, there's actually two spots where the tape is speeded up.
One spot is where he goes inside the rental place and tells them that he's having my car towed.
The other time is about a minute and 20 seconds where he speaks on his mic about, according to what you can see,
About four times in his mic.
Uh, and that part is... Well, going back in time, what was he saying then?
Going back in time, what was he saying then when you were in the car?
Well, when I was in the car, I don't know what he was saying, unless he said something inside the, uh... No, when he was speaking into his microphone, what was he saying?
Well, I don't know.
That part was speeded up.
Go back in your own memory.
I was in the car.
I couldn't tell.
This was out in front of the car when he was searching my vehicle and everything.
Oh, yeah.
So he has a lapel microphone or a tie microphone.
Which is always the juiciest stuff when they're talking about you, what they're going to... Right.
So you can tell that he turned his head toward that mic and... Yeah, in the Abbey Newman tape, that's when they shoot their mouth off about how they're going to frame her and what they're going to do.
Okay, now I understand.
Yeah, that's going to be real juicy.
Real juicy.
I'll guarantee it.
Okay, now I got you.
Again, folks, it's a radio transmitter.
It transmits back to the VCR inside the car, and then the audio gets picked up.
Okay, now I understand.
Kelly, I'm so mad about this.
God bless you.
I'm so sorry this is happening.
I want you to hang up and call my wife, Violet.
I will.
And she's going to give you some phone numbers.
I want you to call these people and go through the story for them.
I'm going to call them this afternoon.
When is it a good time for me to call you today?
Well, you can call me any time, really, up until, you know, probably 10 o'clock.
Be sure and keep your phone on.
Yeah, I keep it on my side here.
Okay, keep it on, and I'm going to need you to just check names, check facts.
I'm going to write about a two-page article on this.
And I can just kick myself.
American Free Press called a month ago.
I don't remember the name of the reporter.
I lost the fax.
I'm just so overwhelmed.
I apologize to you.
We're going to get you the media attention you need.
And you better get rid of that lawyer now.
I'm going as soon as I hang up with you and I talk to your wife.
Now again, you can still get convicted.
I'm telling you this is what I would do.
I'm not giving you advice though.
What I would do is I would move with a motion
For a, you know, continuance for a few weeks, if that's the proper term.
So you can get the original tape or ascertain if this is the original tape.
You have to enter that motion.
Your lawyer won't do it for you if you get a new one.
Or do it yourself.
And you need to do that because you need to fire your lawyer, might even do it there at the meeting and say you're moving, and then have the motion already there from one of these legal groups for a continuance for a few weeks.
So you can prepare your case and get the original video.
You need to do that, and you need to, then, if they say no, say, alright, that'll go into my appeal, I am now going to move for a motion to enter the video type as evidence, even the altered one you brought forward.
Which, by the way, is a felony.
It's a felony to alter evidence.
Very serious felony.
So, I need you to do that.
If you, that's my, that's what I would do.
You do what you feel is right.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I'll do that.
I hope that the judge will grant that.
Well, he has to.
I mean, look, he already shot his mouth off and said you are guilty.
And you've got witnesses of that, which you can put on stand and then cross, you know, a reference and see if you catch him in a lie, but he already, that judge has to recuse himself for saying that.
Isn't there a tape of that in the courtroom?
There will be, but a lot of these courts don't even follow the state laws on that.
Oh, okay.
Look, you better get in touch with court watchers and others, and I want listeners to call in and tell me groups they think are good.
I had a bunch of them written down, of course, just piles of stuff every day.
I can't find it.
Kelly, I've got a bunch of other groups for you.
You're in a lot of trouble.
I want to try to help you.
This is with one of our listeners.
You see it all over the country with AP reporters, guys putting signs in their yards, people helping homeless chickens.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Kelly, I want you to call that number I gave you right now.
I will.
God bless you.
Okay, take care.
Did you hear that, folks?
That's the new America.
And I got a bunch of other articles just like this today in other parts of the country that isn't related to us.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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Later in the show, we have some AP reporters coming on.
And the head of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, where Scalia, the Supreme Court Justice, goes around to public schools, colleges,
And selectively tells reporters they can't videotape and tape, but everybody else can.
They have federal marshals grab their stuff, steal it from them, erase their tapes.
They think they're God.
Now, in Lyon County, Kentucky, you give a police officer some videos, he takes it as a threat, puts the handcuffs on you, puts you in the car, says you're being arrested for terroristic threats,
And then, later drops that, says, oh, you threatened me in the car.
Well, how'd you get him in the car, then?
What'd you get him in the car for?
And then you get the videotape and it's been edited.
And now they're trying to suppress that tape and don't want it shown.
If you got him threatening them, why don't you just show the video?
But see, suddenly his good old boy lawyer, who goes and has secret meetings with the cop, says, oh, we need to suppress that, Kelly.
All right, we need to do that.
You can trust me, Kelly.
I'm your friend.
And for those that are doubting this, the judge in Alabama had a guy arrested for putting a little sign in his yard that said our court system's a joke.
It is a joke!
It's more than a joke!
It's disgusting!
What do you think about all this?
Then we'll get into the carnage in Iraq, and boy is it massive.
Three different cities held now by Iraqis.
A very serious situation.
A bunch of other police state news.
Before I go to the loaded phones, we'll take a lot of your calls today, Robert and
Joanne and Davey and Larry and everybody else that's holding, and Chris.
I've made ten films.
These are the evil films that show world leaders saying they want a new world order, that show clips of newscasts and mainstream documents and interviews with public officials, documenting how the globalists carried out 9-11, 9-11 the road to tyranny, masters of terror.
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Total free number to get the films, well they're $25.95, $20 if you order three or more.
That's 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
Could you tell me anything about Terry?
How's he doing?
Terry Scheibow.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Terry, the one that's in the hospital in Florida.
Terry Scheibow?
Well, the government's still trying to kill her and she's not in a coma.
She's wide awake and they want to kill her.
As the Wall Street Journal reported, hundreds of people killed a year begging for food and water, paralyzed from the neck down.
In her case, she can't talk, but in many cases they can actually beg for food and water.
Well, uh, I heard you this morning on Dave's show.
Dave and Joyce's show.
And, uh, we have a police state here in Knoxville, Knox County.
Well, the government's our owners, our masters now, and they're sure acting like it, and I'm here to tell them I'm not their slave.
Thanks for the call.
Second hour, we'll go right to your calls into more news.
Stay with us.
You want to respond to this Kelly Rushing situation or the AP reporters having their tapes stolen by Anthony Scalia?
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, it is Friday, the ninth day of April, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll get into Shiite militias control three Iraqi cities.
They hold Japanese, Israeli, Arabs, and others that they have captured.
Also, Journalism Group protest, Scalia Tate, grabbed this from the Associated Press, the head of the AP in Mississippi, talks about how at public meetings, Scalia has federal officers grab
Uh, recorders of any type, they don't want any of his, quote, speeches about the Constitution recorded.
That's because they've been recorded in the last few months, last few years.
Same thing with Rehnquist, and they say they're getting rid of the Constitution.
Uh, we had Tony Rushing on in the last hour.
He gave a Ron Paul video, one of my videos, to a state police officer.
He had him arrested.
Called the tapes a threat.
Uh, and they're going ahead with the prosecution of him on Monday.
And we'll get your response to that.
Again, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
This is America!
Where you put a sign in your yard that says, our court system's a joke and a judge says we can't allow this type of disrespect to government, arrest that man!
Now that was in the Associated Press too!
This stuff is really happening, they're trying to set the precedent that they're God, that this is China, and that we don't have a First Amendment!
And I'm there to tell them they're not God, they're a bunch of filthy tyrants!
Now let's talk to Joanne.
Joanne, where are you calling us from?
What do you think of that last interview I did?
Which, which are you talking about?
Tele-rushing, being arrested for this?
Yeah, well, I think the courts protect the guilty.
It's pretty obvious.
And, uh, I mean, I've seen things, you know, on a daily basis.
And what I'm calling about, too, is, um, I wanted to talk to you about primetime last night.
They had, uh, Diane Sawyer went into different places at VA hospitals and checked the treatment our VA guys were getting.
Uh-huh, yeah.
And, uh, it was pretty bad.
And they had doctors that were supposed to be there, you know, during operations, weren't even there.
They were out golfing.
I don't know if you saw it.
Well, I mean, three years ago they had maggots killed a bunch of people in the Kansas City VA.
They just chained them down.
Rats were on them.
It showed that.
Oh, it showed the maggots eating their brains?
Well, it didn't show it.
The man's wife was telling about it.
Well, yeah.
I mean, they call that the maggot treatment, where they just chain the old men down, let the maggots eat them and the rats eat them.
I'm not joking, by the way.
I didn't... Right.
But, see, Diane Sawyer will tell the truth on something like that, and then the next day it's, turn in your guns, you can trust us.
And I'll bet she didn't blame the big shots.
I bet it was these individual doctors' faults.
Well, she did show some of the people that were, you know, the...
I paid people that weren't there.
Well, I mean, look, if these old troops complain about maggots eating their brains, they're against the government and they should be arrested.
And I think that this Lyon County, Kentucky judge would make a good judge and put them in prison for complaining.
Because complaining threatens the government.
And another thing... I think we ought to lower all the veterans down into maggot vats.
Well, it's bad... No, no, that's how you support the troops.
You don't take care of them, you lower them into maggot pits.
It's bad in Denver, too.
I mean, it's bad everywhere.
No, this is how they treat the troops, but that's how you support the troops.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, but I hear these psychopaths saying, kill everybody in Fallujah, all the women and children, because four people got killed.
So that means if your neighbor commits murder, the government should execute your whole city of 300,000 people.
I mean, that's how crazy and lunatic the elite is right now!
Well, right, and I understand they're training troops to go into Fallujah, too.
German troops, did you hear anything about that?
Yeah, German, South Korean, you name it.
And another thing too, a lady called in, I don't know where in Michigan, but she called in and said that one of her family members were, they go to school and they were told they weren't going to use their names, they were just going to be given a number.
Have you heard anything on that?
Uh, yes I have.
That's the new system.
Well, that's freedom!
Oh, she was irate over it.
Your number to ZQ854!
That's freedom!
Children going by numbers and taking Ritalin and Prozac is freedom!
And having cameras in the bathroom!
And there's also... Veterans being eaten by maggots and rats is freedom!
People being arrested for putting signs in their yards is freedom!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
America is America because we have a Bill of Rights and Constitution, because the government isn't our master, and because we don't cower in fear of their every order.
In China, they arrest you for protesting the government.
In China, they arrest you for demonstrating.
In China, they take your recording equipment.
Now, all that's happening here on a massive scale.
It's happening!
They gave themselves the power, now they're starting to use it at the federal, state, and local boss hog level.
I just talked to Kelly Rushing again.
Arrested for giving a police officer one of my videos and a C-SPAN video.
They're charging him, they're saying it's terroristic.
Again, my films, one of them, has aired on national TV, excerpts of them on other... This is, this is, this is important work, doesn't threaten anybody.
They just... And the judge says, you're guilty of giving the police an anti-government video.
Anti-government videos.
That's the crime.
The judge said it.
And he's facing a year in prison!
And he went and got some local lawyer that, you know, is just letting the whole thing go through.
He's trying to get a new lawyer right now.
He's going to call back in 20 minutes with the phone number for the Lyon County Courthouse and the phone number for the State Police Office in Lyon County, Kentucky.
And I want every... I forgot to tell them to get the fax number.
I want every one of you, everybody,
The call to be polite but to say shame on you.
In America you're allowed to give people videotapes.
I can't believe you're prosecuting Kelly Rushing for giving a police officer a videotape.
What is wrong with you people?
This is getting national attention.
And I could have pushed this into the Associated Press a month ago.
Again, I don't even care about press anymore.
I should have to get attention.
I thought they'd drop it.
Just like this judge after holding
Philip Dean in Alabama for a day for putting a little sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke.
But this Judge McCaslin in Lyon County, the circuit judge, is just unbelievable.
And Kelly Rushin's facing a year in prison, my friends.
I mean, do you understand how un-American this is?
This is 180 degrees from what America is.
And I see it all the time.
It's now happening to AP reporters.
They're coming up in the next hour.
It's now happening to AP reporters.
Do you understand?
They threw out the Fourth and Fifth Amendment in the last two weeks!
Bob Barr said it's more serious than the terror attacks of 9-11, and it is!
We've lost millions of troops in our wars, supposedly for this republic, over a million.
And we are spitting on their graves.
You know, I've got this article where a man put a
American flag up upside down in his yard, and the neighbors call the police on him.
I got the article right here.
That's the mentality of these fools.
It's not just our police.
And he said, look, the U.S.
Code says that if we're in distress, you're supposed to do that.
That's how you respect the flag.
But they go, oh, it's disrespectful, and the police chief, well, I'd like to arrest him, but I can't.
What's disrespectful is to have American flags made in China by slaves.
What's disrespectful
Is to have that gold fringe on them, meaning it's a maritime administration in these courts.
That's what the U.S.
Code says.
These people don't even know what it means to fly a flag upside down, and the fact that they would call the police for it flying upside down on somebody's house shows that we're in distress.
We are in distress!
We're in a lot of distress!
That's it, I'm about two inches away.
I got a little flagpole and a tree in my yard.
I'm not about to fly the American flag because that means I'm giving approval.
I love the flag, but right now it means giving approval to destroying the flag.
I'm about to stick that sucker up there upside down, and I think all of you should.
And when your stupid neighbor asks you why, go, because America's going down, and I love this country, and I wanted to talk to you!
Now, I'm going to go to your calls quickly.
What do you think of this Kelly Rushing case?
These AP reporters being grabbed by Scalia's goons for recording him in a public forum at a university and a high school.
What do you think of all this?
I got another article here out of the Houston Chronicle.
State demanding activists return records on official Houston Chronicle documents show border relationship with a Mexican citizen and a lobbyist for Vicente Fox, Governor Rick Perry's head of Texas-Mexico relations, the guy selling us out,
And this is publicly filed info.
This activist released it and they're threatening to arrest her.
They're asking who she showed it to and they're telling her not to talk to anybody about it.
Public knowledge!
Registered lobbyist of Mexico!
Public knowledge!
And they're threatening in Houston, Texas!
I just spilt my coffee!
I'm waving my arms around.
I just spilt my coffee.
That's just great.
It's everywhere.
It's just everywhere!
We can't even tell people when we've got foreigners running our government.
They're nuts.
The government's on a complete power trip.
It's happened again.
Danny in Tennessee, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to call and comment on Kelly's case and also give you a bit of news.
We've got to do something to help Kelly.
Whether it's all of us calling there or
Maybe you're setting up some kind of donation thing where we can pay for his new lawyer.
I mean, this is just... It's insane.
It's just... Kelly's a really smart guy, but he's a good old boy.
I talked to his neighbors.
He's just a little farmer.
Real quiet.
No criminal record.
Known for helping... I mean, I literally... Because I wanted to make sure of this case.
Not just the news article or talking to the officials.
I just called people on the phone book on his street.
I mean, I literally spent hours on this a month and a half ago, and he's such a nice man.
He's so helpful.
He's so quiet.
He just gives a cop a video and the nutcase flips out, arrests him, and now he's going to spend a year in jail!
Yeah, it's insane.
You know, he cares about the policemen and, you know, cares about his country and gives the cop the video and goes to jail.
And the bad thing is, is even if this gets thrown out and the cop gets in trouble, he'll get a
A two-week paid vacation.
No, no.
They're not going to throw it out.
They're going to go ahead with it.
They already tried to get him to plea bargain.
He said no.
So they're just going to laugh about it.
We sure showed him.
That's how it works in these disgusting boss hog southern counties.
And I'm what you'd call a southerner, but it's really bad.
They've got their own brand of it in Nebraska, their own brand in Michigan, their own brand in New York, but it is really bad down here.
Well, look at Alabama!
This judge has this guy arrested for a sign in his yard?
Yeah, that judge should go to jail.
I mean, these people have got to be held accountable.
These corrupt judges, these idiot police officers.
They should go to jail.
What country do they think they're living in?
I call it the U.S.S.A.
That's what we're turning into.
The U.S.S.A.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It is.
It is absolutely asinine.
Thanks for the call.
Larry in Arizona.
Larry, go ahead.
Yeah, good morning there, Alex.
How you doing?
I just wanted to comment on the case and the guy there that gave the tapes out.
I mean, it's a complete farce.
I know what he's going through.
I've been going through a lot of stuff here in this town myself, just about like that.
But I wanted to ask you in America out there, it's time.
It's time we do something right now.
And I'm the one who called you about these grievances, and I heard you say it this morning, Alex.
I've talked to Pastor Bush.
And I've talked to Dave and Joyce, and I've talked to a bunch of talk show hosts.
We all need to get together and... Well, there have been a lot of, let me just say, there have been a lot of petitions for redress, and a lot of petitions, and it lets the government know we're aware of them, but they just ignore it.
Right, but I'll tell you what, we can do something where they can't ignore it.
If we all do it on the talk shows and stuff like that, and hit the unions, all the electric unions and the hospitals and everywhere, and get millions of signatures, and rally at these news stations.
And then have a big march going, you know, because I've already contacted truckers, you know, the Bozo Trucker radio program.
We could take and have them hauled straight into the Capitol like that and raise all kind of heck.
I mean, you know, be peaceful.
We've got to be peaceful.
But we have to do something, Alex.
Well, the black ski mask police attack you now, even if you are peaceful.
Thanks for the call, and I've seen your petition.
It's good.
Let's talk to Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I've listened to what happened to Kelly, and the two points that interest me in Kelly's defense, one, is that they called him the video bandit.
The other videos that were distributed had nothing to do with what happened on that particular day, which is good for his defense.
And the second thing is the police officer... Well, it's not a threat to give somebody a video!
Correct, but the police officer calling home to his wife with the cell phone
And saying, look, honey, we've caught the video bandit is totally unprofessional.
And that in itself... No, you said we've caught the video delivery boy.
That in itself will get that thrown out of court.
That has nothing to do with the way a police officer acts.
That is totally unprofessional.
Well, look, yesterday a man drove off at a traffic stop for a traffic citation with his wife and two children and the police fired 23 rounds into the vehicle.
I mean, I mean,
They want them to act like animals.
They want them to feed on us and prod us and let us know who the boss is.
And I can't believe we don't have one single lawyer in the audience that wants to help poor Kelly out.
If there is... Well, I can give that number out, but how do we know if Shell isn't going to call him?
I know one thing, he needs to get rid of that other lawyer.
I mean, the government wants to suppress the videotape, and then his lawyer's going, yeah, we need to suppress these.
But he can still fire them on Monday.
I mean, the fact of the matter is, $400 is a lot of money, in my opinion, and if he doesn't like what happens on the judge's decision, he can still get rid of them that way.
He's got so many people telling him so many things to do, but the fact of the matter is, when that police officer called home to his wife saying that they caught the video bandit,
That case will be thrown out.
That is totally unprofessional of a police officer.
Hey, these judges don't care.
They'll sleep good putting Kelly in prison for a year for giving somebody a video.
That's happened to Rick Stanley in Colorado also.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and who's up next?
Bruce Colorado, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just want to make a couple of quick comments.
One is that we as patriots better start getting a little more aggressive and assertive.
Nothing against this Kelly guy, but he's way too passive.
We've got to be a lot more assertive instead of just taking what they're saying and lying down like we do so often.
You know, 3% of the American population, if they were committed and assertive and fanatical, could change the course of this thing.
But we're all just way too passive.
We want to sign petitions.
We want to have little rallies.
We've got to get a lot more in their face.
Well, I know one thing.
All these judges arresting people for yard signs and for videotapes.
I mean, this is not America!
This is criminal!
Absolutely not.
We are allowing them to become fascist.
It's disgusting.
I just can't believe it's gotten this bad.
And folks, it's not just in the Associated Press happening every day.
It's to this show!
This is going on all over the place.
This is the norm in history.
Tyranny is the norm.
It's happening again.
We'll come back with more of your calls, more news.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I'm going to keep taking calls.
Next segment I'm going to get into Shiite malicious control.
Three Iraqi cities.
The death toll of our troops and their population mounting.
A bunch of other incredible police state news.
AP reporters being grabbed by the feds at public meetings for trying to record public speeches.
I mean, just total tyranny everywhere.
The total destruction of the First Amendment.
All you liberals out there love the attack on the Second Amendment.
Now you're getting the attack on the First.
I hope you enjoy it.
We're going to defend it like we defended all the other sections of the Bill of Rights, all the other amendments.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dave in Colorado.
Dave, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Listen, about this Kelly Rushing deal, you had that caller call in that said we ought to start an account for him.
I think that's a great idea.
Well, we've got to get a good lawyer.
We have got to get together on this.
This is our chance to help a patriot, and we need to get on this.
I'm on disability.
Dave, the lawyer he got hasn't even moved to throw it out of court.
The lawyer he's gotten is having secret meetings with the police.
Look, if he had a real lawyer or knew his rights, he could get this case dropped.
So that's what he's got to do first off.
And by the way, Kelly Rushing is coming back up in a few minutes to give you guys the phone numbers to the Lyon County Courthouse and to, of course, the state police office there in the county.
I want everybody to call him and tell him, look, this is America.
This is not the Soviet Union.
What is wrong with you?
But go ahead, Dave.
Well, he needs to fire that lawyer immediately and
Get a good lawyer, and go after not only the judge, but that lawyer, and like I said, we need to all get together here.
I know how many listeners you have.
I'm on disability.
I'm willing to send in some money.
I'm hurting, but I'll send in money.
Okay, but sir, and thanks for the call.
And I appreciate your compassion and your sacrifice.
The point here is this case, I thought they'd drop it, is coming up Monday for jury selection.
So now, and certainly if it gets to a longer trial, that's a good idea, we need to get a continuance.
We need them to recess for at least a couple weeks.
They have to do that.
All the precedent says is don't expect the judge to.
And they've got a demand that the original tape be brought in, not this edited tape.
Now this is very, very important.
So that's important just on the appeal.
And yes, we do need to sue these individuals and get a fund going for that in the future if that happens.
In fact, let's just go ahead and bring Kelly rushing up and we'll go to John, John, Sandra, and others.
Kelly, good to have you back on the show.
Yeah, Alex.
Do you now have the number for the courthouse?
Yes, I do.
And you've called and tested that number?
Excuse me?
Have you called and tested the number?
No, I haven't called and tested.
I took it out of the yellow pages here.
Okay, give us slowly the number of the Lyon County Courthouse.
What specific number is this?
This is the county clerk.
I guess at Lyon County.
Well, that'll do.
I was saying get the clerk of the court, but you can ask it to be transferred there, and then say that this Circuit Judge McCaslin, in the case of Kelly Rushing,
That the American people, and be polite, are aware of this vicious attack on the First Amendment, this official oppression, this false arrest, and that proper legal counsel is being attained, and that everybody's aware of what they're doing.
Just because it's important to let them know that we're watching.
What's the number to the Lyon County Kentucky Courthouse?
Okay, the area code is 270-388-
And folks, if you're listening in L.A.
or Rhode Island or Austin, Texas, I want you to call 270-388-4727.
Now, what's the number for the... Did you get the state police substation in Lyon County?
Yeah, I did.
Okay, what is that?
There's an 800 number, which is 222-5555.
Now, is that the state office?
Now, is that the state office or the county office?
Well, it just came out of the phone book.
This says, uh, Verlaine County State Police.
Okay, 800-222-5555, and just say, what is going on in your county?
You got a man with no criminal record gives a police officer an award-winning videotape and a video of a congressman, and you have him arrested?
And this is just like Alabama where they arrested the guy for putting a sign in his yard, and that judge is about to be kicked off the bench.
The state board is moving against him.
So unless all these individuals want to be sued, and want to be in a lot of trouble, they need to look at what they've done.
800-222-5555 for the state police.
800-222-5555 or the Lyon County Courthouse 270-388-2727.
Kelly, anything else?
There's another number for the state police.
I get to... Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll come back to you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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My friends, I've talked to the judge, I've called the state police, I've talked to Kelly's neighbors, I've seen one of the local news articles, I'm told there's two others that Kelly needs to get for me, where they just say, yeah, he gave them a video, that's terroristic, and he's facing a year in prison.
And again, I've got AP reporters coming on in the next hour, getting grabbed by federal police at public school meetings, at colleges,
They selectively go out to reporters with cameras, with recorders, and say you're not allowed to do that.
Scalia says you can't have a record of this speech because he's been caught saying we've got to get rid of the Constitution, so did Rehnquist.
And I told my webmaster at Prison Planet to repost those in a section.
My wife's the other webmaster for InfoWars.com.
She's done that as well.
I'm going to be writing an article about this coming up this evening.
And I tried to call, because I don't tell you to do something I wouldn't do.
I tried to call the Lyon County Courthouse and the State Police.
Their phones are busy.
But it's important to call them in an hour, and two hours from now, and tonight, and Saturday, and Sunday, and very important, don't forget, on Monday to call.
Just say, hey, in America it's not illegal to give somebody a video tape.
And say, this is going on all over the place.
What's wrong with you?
We know what you're doing.
You know, how dare you try to put a man in jail for no reason?
The truth's going to come out.
We're getting a legal defense fund together, especially if you do convict this man for the appeal.
And we're going to try to defend him.
We're going to try to get him together with some real organizations.
We've already started that now.
And we do have newspapers now starting to call us on this subject.
And I told Kelly a month ago, I said, look, we can get this in the news if we want to, but you're a quiet guy.
Let's just hope they drop it.
And they didn't do that.
And why I thought they would drop it, I mean, they put people in jail for signs in their yards now.
They grabbed the lawyer, Pat Barber, for putting a sign on his own property.
He just finally won at the Supreme Court on that.
I mean, these people are crazy!
Now, the number's 270-388-2727 for the courthouse, and for the state police it's 800-222-5555.
What's the other number, Kelly?
The other number is 270-676-3313.
And that's out of the phone book?
Uh, yes it is.
What number does that... and that's for the courthouse?
Uh, that's for state police.
Oh, 270-676-3313.
3313, yeah.
Well, I just can't believe they're doing this to you, but I guess I should.
I mean, Kelly, have you been hearing all the stuff that's been happening like this?
I've got three reports today along the lines of what's happening to you.
Yeah, they're, uh, I think they're picnicking.
You think they're what?
I think they're panicking.
I agree.
They know we're on to them now, and they're trying to bully us back into submission.
So what are you planning to do on Monday?
I'm going to go in and ask for a continuance.
I'm going to get another lawyer and go in there and have him, hopefully I can get him.
And you're going to say, I'm moving with a motion.
I'm moving with a motion, is what I would say.
I need however much time it takes to either subpoena or to have the state police give me a tape that's not been altered.
And then to make sure I get that tape, you're going to go and you're going to overnight it to me.
You're going to go do that right after this, right?
I'll tell you what, I think people want to talk to you.
Let's go to some calls.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
Yes, if the judge refuses on Monday to grant a motion for continuance, Kelly should demand the jury and judge both watch every minute of the 9-1-1 videotape evidence in the public courtroom.
That's an essential element of the alleged crime.
That the video is allegedly threatening the car.
Now you know they're leapfrogging now and claiming he sent something in the car, but they don't want the video to be seen because he didn't.
He's seen it, obviously it's not on there, but notice, well then he needs to ask the jury, how'd they get me in the police car and tell me I was charged with this?
Then they drop that and leapfrog it to something new.
That shows the frame-up right there.
Well if they try to censor any part of the police videotape, or the prosecutor tries to censor that,
You want to move to suppress that, not just, you don't want to move to suppress the police video, but you want to sanction and suppress the entire verbal testimony of the police officer as a sanction and move to dismiss on that point.
Now he can proceed pro se.
I would move to dismiss on the fact that they claimed they arrested him for a threat, but they're now not charging on that.
They're charging on something in the car.
You have to study all the essential elements.
You can read the pattern jury instructions for the state.
Understand what the essential elements are.
Now, John, you've been involved in a lot of big court cases.
I know that.
I trust you.
Would you like me to give you off air Kelly's phone numbers so you can talk to Kelly?
Because I've seen some of the work you've done in the newspapers there in Knoxville.
Well, one thing that's important is that any lawyer will require $10,000 cash up front to file any written motions.
If you pay less than that, it's not worth their time to sit down in front of the computer for several hours and print out
Even a single form.
Will you work with Kelly over the weekend and go online and look at Kentucky State Law and fax that to him so he can issue, bring into court that?
Right, I can give him a contingency plan if he can't round up some lawyers group that will help him from out of state.
We've already got him in contact with the Court Watchers Association of America.
The director is probably trying to call him right now.
Well, I've won a case in state court, per se, where they refused to grant me a continuance
Because I was totally unprepared, and they had refused to provide me any of the videotape evidence, just like in Kelly's case.
And I still won the case without a lawyer, being too disabled to even bring my own stuff with me, and I still won in court, in front of a whole room full of other lawyers.
So it is possible to do if push comes to shove.
OK, Kelly, do you want me to give John your number?
Yeah, you can give him my number.
And Kelly, you've got to get on this this weekend.
We've all been kind of...
Okay, John, thanks for the call.
Let's talk to John.
John, call back during the break.
I should have done that now.
I should have kept him on hold.
Is John still there?
Okay, you have him.
Give him Kelly's number during the break.
Just put him on hold because I know you don't have it.
I'll give it to you.
Let's go to John in Colorado.
John, go ahead.
You're on the air with Kelly Rushing, the thought criminal who gave a god a videotape.
Yes, hello?
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yes, very quickly.
Two points about wires.
And one, what he also should do, he should hire, if he can, a court reporter, his own court reporter.
Two points about lawyers.
Lawyers have several titles.
Esquires, officers of the court, attorneys.
Point one, officers of the court is their principal duty and foremost duty, regardless if you hire them.
Second point, have you ever heard of attorneys-in-law?
I've heard of attorneys-at-law, but what about in-laws?
It's like going to the lake.
Once you get there, you're either at the lake or in the lake.
That's the problem.
You've got to have a lawyer that's family, or you've got to know the law yourself, or a family friend.
I mean, I've got a lawyer that can instantly defeat these people.
I've sued somebody before for defamation and won, because I've got the big, hot-shot lawyer here in town that's friends with the family.
But that's the problem.
That's the problem.
These courts are practicing case law, which is law legislated by a judge at the bench, which they have no authority to do so.
You have to deal with in-law issues, laws that were legislated by your state legislature.
Yeah, it's a big scam.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sandra in New Jersey.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
He should appeal, appeal, appeal.
Go to the Supreme Court.
Well, he wants to win this case.
He wants to get it dismissed now, but yeah, he has to.
He'll appeal.
Well... You don't appeal until you've lost the case.
Right, right, right.
But it'll be better for everybody if he goes to the Supreme Court, don't you think?
Well, the Supreme Court, there's millions of these cases, literally.
They probably won't hear it.
He wants to defeat this now.
Good luck to him.
Okay, thank you, Chandra.
Dave in Colorado.
Another Dave.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Well, I'm pretty steamed over this.
I've got a bunch of other news I want to get to, but this is the heart of America.
The First Amendment under attack.
Yeah, I hear you.
You know, it doesn't... Kind of ridiculous, if you ask me.
And I think everybody should
We should go ahead and send them handwritten letters saying, I have the 911 tape, come arrest me, and don't put any return address on them.
From all over the country, get that courthouse.
You know, let them know.
Let them know the word's out, guys.
Well, that's the answer.
Everybody that's got the film should make a hundred more copies.
I mean, most police aren't psychopaths and actually appreciate it and ask for more.
Well, I, you know, I think, uh...
You're changing the tone here in talk radio.
I've noticed it in Denver.
Haven't heard, never heard nothing about Skull and Bones until a few months back.
And now, that stuff, now they're even allowing some conspiracy talk up here.
I'm trying to tell the host of this 1150 AM KNRC up here to get you on the, to explain some of these things.
She's the only liberal talk show host we got here, but, you know.
Well, you know, I'm not liberal or concerned.
I'm a freedom lover.
But thanks for the call, Dave.
You keep it up.
Any comments on what the callers have been saying, Kelly?
Well, I realize that there's a secret organization behind the scenes manipulating things, such as the Illuminati.
And I also know for a fact that there are particular individuals that can actually read the mind of individuals.
And that is the most invasion of privacy that could ever happen to anyone.
Well, the government claims they have those new NASA machines in five airports that scan the brain, but it's a total fraud, and they claim that they, you know, you're a criminal because the scanner says so.
That's how crazy it's gotten.
Will in West Virginia.
Will, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Kelly, I hope you get through this.
You know, I commend you and I applaud you for bringing this out.
But, you know, is there going to be a lawyer that will handle this?
Well, I belong to the prepaid legalists.
Remember, they supposedly look into corrupt court systems and things.
Now, they have appointed me another lawyer out of Paducah.
I haven't called yet, but I'm going to as soon as I can get free to do that.
Look, look, look.
John in Tennessee is a good researcher.
I know of his work.
He needs to go online and Google.
Type in things like Jacksonville lawyer, you know, wins case against the government or, you know, top defense attorneys, whatever.
They're there.
There are a few real lawyers around you.
That's who you need to get.
And people need to help you right now.
So, Will, anything else?
Yeah, well, you know, we live in a constitutional republic, of course, but you know, if there are no judges that uphold that, then do we live in one?
I mean, really, think about it.
I mean, if you're before a judge in court and he doesn't believe in that constitution, such as several federal judges that we know of,
They're no longer going to go by the Constitution, so where do we lie in that?
I mean, people like Abernathy... We've got to impeach these judges.
We've got to call for congressional investigations.
We've got to expose them publicly.
Thanks for the call.
Kelly Rushing, I want to thank you for being on with us.
I'll talk to you this afternoon.
Call back, because I know you've been on the phone with me, so you couldn't talk to him.
Call back.
Be sure you get in touch now, because we've given you the number.
You've already talked to their office, with the Court Watchers Association of America.
They filed a complaint.
with the state of Alabama, who has now gone in and filed a complaint on the judge.
He's had to apologize.
Now they may move forward against him.
This Judge Harrelson, they take action.
They write up some good briefs.
This judge, if this is done right, really should lose his job because he's out of control.
So I'll talk to you soon.
Okay, Kelly?
God bless, Alex.
God bless you.
I appreciate you joining us.
And again, the numbers to the Lyon County Courthouse, and you want to ask for the court clerk, for the circuit judge, is going to be there Monday.
You need to tell them that you're just aware of this, that what's happening to Kelly Rushing is totally un-American.
Be polite.
Don't be threatening.
I mean, telling them, God bless you, will probably be a threat to them.
But the point is, just call them and say, look, what you're doing is wrong.
Are you aware of what you're doing?
What they do is the police want to arrest somebody, and the system goes ahead and backs them up.
The judge and others have reportedly said, the prosecutor, well, we really don't want to do this, but the state police want it.
So their number is 800-222-5555.
Another number for the State Police, 270-676-3313.
Alright, so... And again, coming up in about 20 minutes, we're going to be joined by the head of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
And we've talked to the Associated Press office in Mississippi.
We're very upset over the forced erasure of our reporter's tape and believe that this crossed the line.
AP Mississippi Chief Bureau Frank Fisher said Thursday, we hope this will never happen again.
Fisher added that the erasing doesn't show a lot of respect for the First Amendment.
Scalia gave two speeches to the Supreme Court Justice Wednesday in Hattiesburg and one in Presbyterian Christian High.
Where they didn't say you couldn't tape, but then sent out the federal officers to grab people's tapes and then erase them or confiscate them.
At a reception following Scalia's speech at William Carey, the Justice told television reporters from Hattiesburg station WDAM-TV to leave.
And again, he was giving a speech on the Constitution.
This is the same speech he gave a year ago that got recorded.
He said the Constitution's a privilege.
It should be gotten rid of.
Rehnquist said two years ago, before over 200 federal judges, that the Constitution can be set aside, that he will not be taking constitutional cases, that he will be ruling in favor of, quote, the government.
I thought the government was the people.
And then I got this case out of the Houston Chronicle.
State demanding activists return records on official documents show border relationship is a Mexican citizen and a Mexican lobbyist of Vicente Fox.
He works for Rick Perry running all the Mexico-Texas relations into the millions of dollars.
This is a public information and this activist in Houston began distributing it and they have threatened to arrest her and told her not to talk about it.
Now that's America, people!
That's what we've turned into here!
We're getting real close to the point where they're going to pull up and arrest me.
And go, well he was talking bad about the government, we can't allow that.
You can say, well then I better shut up.
No, we better all speak up and let these people know this is America, not the Soviet Union!
Now this is selective enforcement, they're trying to get away with it.
After conservative Houston activist Mary Williams received documents
Confirming that Governor Rick Perry, head of Texas-Mexico relations, is a Mexican citizen, she shared the information with some of her political friends.
That apparently prompted anonymous letters sent to farmers and ranchers claiming Mexico isn't paying its water debt to the United States because Helena Colandro, a resident alien,
is negotiating on Texas behalf and of course is a Mexican lobbyist.
Now the Texas Secretary of State's office is demanding Williams return all the documents he received, citing the inadvertent release of confidential information.
The letter also demanded a list of Williams of everyone of whom she had shared the documents.
And they go on to tell her to shut up and the rest of it.
She says, all they're trying to do is intimidate me!
We're not going to be intimidated!
We'll talk about how Mexican lobbyists run the Capitol!
We'll talk about how Vicente Fox came to Austin and publicly gave an award to the Austin police for not following the federal law!
Man, I tell you what, this shit in America!
I got, actually I said I had three of these, I got two more articles like this today.
Every day now.
Who do they think they are?
We'll say if somebody's a Mexican citizen running the Capitol.
And a lobbyist.
We'll say it if we want to.
This is America, you hear me?
What's wrong with you?
What is your major malfunction, you scumbags?
What is wrong with you?
Where do you think you are?
You disgraced every veteran that fought and died and was wounded for this country!
You make me sick, you pukes!
You make me want to vomit!
Get out of my country!
Get out of here!
Get out of my country!
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I know I'm weird.
I get excited about freedom and the destruction of our country and fighting against it.
You get excited about football and yell and scream, you're good.
They've taken all your real energies of being a man and funneled them into simulated warfare, just as the Romans did.
You're under mind control.
I know we got loaded phones.
I got news I gotta cover.
Coming up later I'm gonna play this Gulf of Tonkin clip.
Now there's 400 hours of this and the Associated Press reported last year that later there's a tape of LBJ getting mad and saying, you know, you guys told me the ships were attacked and they weren't.
The military manipulating him.
And so last night I sat there and listened to two hours of 400 hours
I'm sorry, I can't listen to 400 hours, but I went in and found some of the dozens of hours on how we got into Vietnam and listened for two hours.
And did find him talking to McNamara, going, well, where are our ships attacked?
And he goes, well, you know, some gunboats were driving around by some islands.
And then they go on to talk about how they got a lie about it in the next hour when we posted
A two-hour clip, if you want to go listen to it later.
I mean, it's something else.
But you can hear all about how they're going to lie and manipulate and that.
And this is the stuff they released!
I can't find the AP quote they found last year where he specifically gets mad at them for lying to him.
This is where he asks them, well, did our ships get attacked after they'd announced it?
And they just went on with the cover-up, so that's coming up.
And AP reporters having their recorders grabbed at public meetings, all part of the freedom.
And hey, they don't like it, let's just put them in jail for a year.
You know, that's... I shouldn't joke around, that's what's happening!
But the good news is, it's waking a lot of people up.
Here's some of the other news.
I am just... I am just steamed right now.
Shiite militias control three Iraqi cities.
Japanese, Israeli, Arabs kidnapped.
Associated Press, Iraqi insurgents fought U.S.
troops in two mosques in Fallujah and held sway over all or part of three southern cities in the worst chaos and violence since Baghdad fell a year ago.
Friday, in an ominous turn, kidnapped, seized 13 foreign hostages and threatened to burn three Japanese captives alive if Tokyo did not withdraw its troops.
A Marine died Thursday in Fallujah, a Sunni stronghold west of Baghdad.
This brought the U.S.
death toll across Iraq
This week to 40.
We're getting over 160 now.
Two days ago it was 130 British News.
Not in our news though.
The newly invigorated two-front insurgency raged through the fourth day and further threatened shaky Iraq security.
Paul Bremer, the Chief Administrator of Iraq, warned Shiite pilgrims to beware of danger this weekend at their shrines, recalling the deadly bombings in Kerala.
...called Karbala in Baghdad that killed 150, which they think the CIA did.
TV pictures aired in the Middle East by Al Jazeera Satellite Network rebroadcast during primetime Japan showed three Japanese hostages, two aid workers and a journalist, wide-eyed and moaning in terror as black-clad captors.
Well, black-clad guys are the good guys.
I mean, ski masks, that's America.
I mean, I thought they were the bad guys, but I get held knives to their throats shouting, God is great!
And, um...
The Japanese government called the abductions unforgivable, and they are, because they're not combatants.
I'll get to more of this when we get back from the AP, people.
Everything else is freedom, you know.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
At quiet, calm, packed university,
AP reporters are being grabbed.
They're having their recorders taken because Anthony Scalia doesn't want his speeches recorded where he openly says get rid of the Constitution.
We know he's been doing that.
We got them coming on the show.
They're arresting people for signs in their yards that say the government's corrupt.
They are arresting people that hand out pro-America videos.
They are telling people not to go public with public information in the Houston Chronicle about the person running the Texas-Mexico border situation out of the Capitol being a Mexican lobbyist, which is totally, totally illegal.
And they just call up and say, we'll arrest you if you keep talking about these public documents.
That's the new America!
These politicians have gotten to the point in their millions where they think we're their slaves.
Meanwhile, our troops are getting slaughtered pell-mell, innocent Iraqi children, you name it.
I hear bloodthirsty demons on talk radio saying, kill everybody in Fallujah, just nuke the city.
So that means if somebody down the road from you kills four cops, that the government should kill everybody in a 300,000-size city.
Because that's what they're saying.
That's how nuts it is!
Meanwhile, maggots are eating the brains of our troops chained down in the VA, and I'm told that was finally on, uh,
On national television last night, we've been reporting out of the AP for four years.
Just massive DU, troops dying, deadly vaccines, MMR, massive brain damage in the children.
Government CDC documents admit it.
They say they're going to continue it and increase the Thetha Marisol in shots for babies in three of the key shots, including the MMR and of course the flu.
Just wholesale pure wickedness at a level I've never before seen.
I'm not joking.
I've got the articles documented, okay?
You know what's going on.
It's the norm in history.
Now it's upon us.
The super tyranny.
People are waking up to you.
I hope you know that.
You control freak demons.
The smart criminals go and join the government.
Let's go to calls.
We'll get back into all this news.
Oh my goodness.
Who's up next here?
Who's up first?
Don and KC, then Charles, Chuck, and others.
Don, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Well, what do you think of all this?
Oh, man.
Hey, you mentioned about the Iraq situation, you know, this escalating situation.
I think that they're also escalating the use of that old term, militia, again.
And I want to bring up a subject to you.
I don't know if you've covered it before, but on the Internet, someone made some interesting observations about the Sears Tower in Chicago in April 19th.
Yeah, we posted it, and by the way, Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTCs, he just bought it.
That's a good page to spread around.
I know they don't care much what we do anymore, but still, the more people aware of that, the little bit more embarrassing to them if they try to pull it off.
Well, Silverstein said they blew up WTC7 on 9-11, but nobody calls him on it.
Yeah, absolutely.
Hey, by the way, I've been noticing something about the neocons you mentioned yesterday.
I'm wondering if they're kind of an actual creation of the CIA under this mockingbird.
I can see people like O'Reilly and Savage and people like that.
Yeah, outright agents, you know, throwing these firebombs.
Yeah, they say it's conservative, put everybody in camps, it's conservative, fight the New World Order, get behind Bush, when it's his daddy calling for a New World Order.
They're the liberals, they're the socialists, and they even fool the idiot liberals, the mainstream liberals, by thinking they're really conservatives.
Then liberals think conservatives are bad, stay in their liberal camp, that keeps that mind control going.
Then conservatives hear Savage say he's a conservative, then they buy into putting people in camps.
Well, keep up the great passion, man.
We really appreciate it out here.
Oh, man, I appreciate you, but I mean, I haven't been this passionate in a while because I've never seen such... I mean, two weeks ago, they threw out the Fourth Amendment and said no more warrants.
A week ago, the Supreme Court says no more Fifth Amendment.
I mean, they said it.
I mean, they're just walled.
I mean, America is that Bill of Rights, boys and girls.
Oh man, it is bad.
And they want this tyranny in place so they can take the middle class's money.
That's their official plan.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, that number we gave out in the last hour is a good number.
It goes to one of the main state police offices.
If you want to talk to the Lyon County Substation, this is the number to call.
I want everybody to call this number.
I just called them, and I said, I'm ashamed to be an American.
We're getting the national media in on this, the Associated Press and others.
We've seen the news articles, seen some of the arrest paperwork where you arrest people for giving them videotapes of a congressman giving a speech and a videotape of government corruption being exposed.
This is shameful.
And they said, well, we're aware of the case, we can't talk about the case, you need to call this substation, and they gave me this number.
I want every one of you, and you know I hardly ever ask for this, because he's going to face it, you're in prison on Monday, Kelly Rushing, to call this number.
And they, I just called it, they are arrogant!
And just let them know that you are ashamed, you are ashamed of Kentucky, that you cannot believe the persecution of good Americans, and that this is not China or Russia.
And just tell them that you're going to make sure national attention is brought to bear on this, and that lawsuits be brought in the future on this.
I mean, this is incredible.
So, 270-856-3721.
Call that number now.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Charles in Louisiana, then we'll take a call in Virginia.
Charles, go ahead.
Yes, sir, Mr. Jones.
Forgive me for calling again, but I wanted to tell the listeners, do not let them discourage them.
Keep passing the tapes out.
They want to stop us.
But they've got to keep going.
Now, Charles, you've been listening for six, seven years to the show, one of our first syndicated listeners.
You've made forty-five plus hundred copies of my videos.
The police went from threatening to arrest you years ago to paying you for more copies, correct?
Well, they gave me money to buy blank tapes to make tapes for them.
So, describe what the videos have done.
Well, let me explain what happened this morning.
I've been passing out the Fourth Amendment, you know, I told you, on a windshield.
You know, on a windshield of course, because we don't have... They don't come in your house in Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi with no search warrant.
I hope they don't arrest you for the Fourth Amendment being bad.
Well, what happened was, I went to Piggly Wiggly in Baton Rouge.
I had 200 copies and I was putting them on a windshield.
And all of a sudden, the police come up there.
Nice woman.
And she said, what are you doing?
I said, I'm putting the Fourth Amendment on the windshield.
And she said, let me see that.
And she said, well...
I said, am I doing something wrong?
She said, no, but they're saying that you're fooling with the cause.
I said, I'm not fooling with the cause.
And everybody does that.
We all get that on our windshields once a week when we come out from the shopping mall or the grocery store, and now we've got secret police asking you what you're doing.
Yeah, well, the manager said I was littering, but I was picking them up.
I asked people if they wanted them off the windshields to help me.
I was picking them up.
And she looked at it.
She said, you know, you've got to get a life.
I said, I do have a life.
I'm trying to defend this country.
You are the ultimate patriot.
You're a thousand times the hero that Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Montana is.
You're a hero!
God bless you.
I love you.
Thank you for defending my family.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So she said, well, I said, I'm trying to defend this country.
I said, you realize that they might throw you off the police force and you're going to come in your house without a search warrant, ma'am.
Maybe arrest your mother.
She said, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I've got to write a report up.
I'm going to sit in his car, going to put him on a windshield, give it to the people in their hand as they come out.
I said, yes ma'am.
And she watched me.
I had passed about 35 until I was out.
I waved goodbye to her.
When she waved goodbye, she drove off.
Well, you say she was nice.
That wasn't nice at all.
Well, I mean, she could have arrested me.
She needs to get a life!
Yeah, well, I told her, I said, my wife is defending this country.
But the main thing is, people must not get discouraged with this guy passing the tapes out.
They could just hand it to people, put them on police cars.
Listen, they're trying to discourage us from doing this, and I'm scared that the people... You know what?
I'm going to get the address to the Lyon County Courthouse, and this is our right to do it, and I think we need to send 10,000 copies of my videos.
Everybody needs to make copies until they're knee-deep in them.
Well, I've been making them since I've been here, since I got my first tape, Police 2000.
And I've been making them since 1999.
And I encourage people, if they love this country, they could pass out ten tapes.
Buy a tape!
Listen, we'll stop people from buying a tape and giving it to somebody.
I mean, people's got to wake up.
They've got to quit sitting down there listening to the show and start doing what you're saying.
We don't have much time, Mr. Jones.
I beg people, please, get some courage.
You love this country, don't you?
You love it!
You love it!
You love it!
I love this country!
I love it!
I love freedom!
They're destroying our country!
They're destroying America!
They're chewing our soul out!
Hey, I'm willing to die for my country, believe it or not.
I'm willing to die for Ms.
And you encourage me and I'm going to take that knowledge and I'm going to keep going until the day I die.
And I thank you, sir.
And I'm pleased, people.
Don't let that discourage you.
That's one incident.
I've been out 400... 4,884.
I think that's it.
And guess what?
I had trouble.
And guess what?
I got respect from it.
People... I would have went to jail for not putting these tapes out.
Preachers went against me, and the police wouldn't arrest me.
God bless you, sir.
I appreciate the call.
For those that just joined us, they are arresting people for putting yard signs that say our court system's corrupt.
The Houston Chronicle, they're threatening to arrest people who put out public documents that people running the Capitol are Mexican lobbyists.
That's Houston Chronicle.
They're grabbing reporters.
It's happening everywhere.
And now one of our listeners in the newspaper gave a police officer a video with Ron Paul giving a speech off C-SPAN and they arrested him and they are charging him with terroristic threats saying the tape is a threat, a congressman giving a speech.
And we've got to get the news media on this.
It's been in some of the local papers.
It is so painful.
I mean, I've got stacks of these articles today.
Our country is disappearing right now.
And here's the headline.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
Journalism group protests Scalia tape grab.
A deputy federal marshal violated the law and fundamental tenets of press freedom when she ordered two reporters to erase recordings of a speech by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia.
We've played some of his speeches in the past where he says, get rid of the Constitution.
Rehnquist said it a couple years ago to a group of federal judges that we're gonna, you know, get rid of it.
And the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in a letter said that Marshall violated the Privacy Protection Act, which says government officers may not seize materials in the possession of people who plan to distribute them through public communication.
It is clear that the statute's purpose is to provide maximum protection for the news media against seizures of work product.
The group wrote in a letter signed by Committee Executive Director Lucy Dalglish, I hope I'm pronouncing that right, Legal Defense Director Greg Leslie and Kristen Murphy.
And we've got the head of the AP in Mississippi saying something similar.
And ma'am, how do I pronounce your name correctly?
It's Lucy Dalglish.
Good to have you on.
Thank you.
Were you aware of people getting arrested for yard signs?
Reporters getting arrested at protests?
Were you aware of what's happening?
I wasn't familiar with anything having to do with road signs, but yes, we've had numerous reports of reporters who are covering protests being arrested every day.
Every few months I get phone calls from reporters who have been trying to cover some protest or another and they got swept up in it.
We have video in Portland where the police are seen ordering the targeting of the news cameras.
Right, yes.
I mean this is in America where they go open fire on the press and the shotguns with the rubber bullets start shooting the reporters.
Right, yes, I am aware of that.
This is Tiananmen Square, ma'am!
No, I'm serious!
Opening fire on peaceful people?
Yeah, it's really outrageous when the journalists are just there for the sole purpose of reporting what it is that the protesters have to say.
It's particularly bad any time you're trying to cover an appearance by the President or the Vice President.
They won't let you anywhere near those people.
And if you are anywhere near the President or the Vice President,
Uh, you know, you're just as likely to get arrested if you try to protest.
Okay, now in this case, Scalia went to a high school and a college.
And we've been here at the LBJ Law School
Actually, if you're not doing anything illegal,
I'm not sure I follow the question.
They have told us specifically, because we're free speech advocates, that we've been at events where we're not allowed to tape, but everybody else is.
Oh, well that's inappropriate.
But, you know, if you're at a private setting, if a private organization is sponsoring a speech, and the speaker says, I'll give the speech, but I will not be recorded by electronic media,
That is probably legal.
But that's not the case in Mississippi.
What happened here?
No, what happened was the reporters were in the audience and before the speech started they did not make an announcement that the reporters could not use recorders.
So they turned their recorders on.
One was a digital recorder, one was apparently a traditional tape recorder.
And these were also public institutions?
This was a private Christian high school.
But I had read that they were inviting the public there.
Yes, that's true.
They were inviting the public, but it was at a private place.
And what happened?
Well, Justice Scalia started speaking, and the reporters must have had the recorders visible.
Because a federal marshal went up to them and said, I need your recorders.
You can't record this speech.
He doesn't allow it.
Meanwhile, they're in the front row and the speech is ongoing at this point.
It was a speech about the majesty of the Constitution and how people don't revere it enough anymore.
Anyway... Oh, give me a break.
He has speeches along those lines and then says we've got to go ahead and abridge it.
But regardless, it's not clear to us whether or not he knew what the Marshal was doing.
But it was very clear that in the past, Scalia has made it very clear to the Marshals that he doesn't want recordings.
So they probably were assuming that he would approve.
Okay, stay there.
We've got to break.
I want to do one more segment with you.
I want to get into what happened and I also want to talk about some of his past speeches.
We're talking to the Executive Director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, and we really appreciate her joining us here on the show.
We're going to break, ma'am.
Can you stay with us?
We'll be right back with our guest, and we'll get more into exactly what happened.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Lucy Delglish is our guest, and she's the head of an organization that has reporters all over the country in it, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
During the break we were talking, and you made some interesting comments.
I was telling you about stories along these lines, how many I see.
Can you tell the listeners what you told me?
You know, I hear of or read about or take phone calls from people about, you know, 11 or 12 times a day when things like this are happening.
I wasn't aware of the example you were citing from Georgia, but, you know, it's going on everywhere.
Would you say things are getting worse, accelerating?
Oh, yeah.
Since 9-11, there's no doubt that it's accelerated.
No question about it.
You also, I mean, who do these officials and authorities think they are?
Well, they think that they were elected
To tell us what to do, when in fact, we're the ones that are supposed to be telling them what to do.
And I think the American public needs to take some responsibility for this, and push back and say, hey, that's not the America that we live in.
Ma'am, you have LexisNexis, correct?
I have Westlaw.
Okay, good.
I have the news articles and stuff.
I'm begging you to do this case.
He's facing a year in jail.
I have one local news article.
There were two others.
One of my listeners gave one of my documentary films that are award-winning, by the way, that are on national TV.
And he gave a speech of Ron Paul to a state police officer.
The guy watched it in Leon County, Kentucky.
Arrested him, saying the tape was a terroristic threat to the government and him.
He's facing one year in jail.
The trial starts on Monday.
I can't believe they didn't drop it.
And the judge says, yeah, you're not allowed to give us videotapes.
Now, that's Lyon County, Kentucky, and the judge is a McCaslin Circuit Judge, and instead of me just faxing you the articles, you might want to find those.
Look, I'll stop jumping over you.
I'm just very upset right now, because this is accelerating, and he really needs your help.
This guy's facing the year in prison.
But just to expand, so what happened?
What happened to him?
Well, what happened during the speech was the federal marshal went up to
The reporters have said, hey, you know, you're not supposed to be recording, and took the tape recorders from them.
And in the case of the digital recorder, erased it.
Now, you know, it is probably legal for them to go up and say, hey, you can't record this speech, turn it off.
Or it's probably legal to say, you know, if you're not going to turn it off, you have to leave.
What is not legal under the Privacy Protection Act of 1980 is for them to seize the recordings themselves and take them away.
And seizing it, because I read the law is illegal, but then destroying it, that would have taken a court order.
Well, ordinarily, yeah.
I mean, there are specific laws that have been passed that protect journalists in these situations.
And it was a law that was passed in 1980 after some experiences they had
uh... in with the justice department trying to execute search warrants and student campus newspapers in california so they passed this law so that you can you really in in situations like this you clearly cannot anything uh... a journalist that doesn't even get to the fact that it's probably also a fourth amendment violation well we saw what they did with the fourth amendment with the fifth circuit two weeks ago
And then the 5th with the Supreme Court last Monday.
I mean, it is wholesale what's happening right now.
I think they're going to pull up and arrest me any minute now.
I mean, I got this Houston Chronicle where this independent activist journalist got the public document about the Mexican lobbyist running the Mexico-Texas policy for Rick Perry, and they called up and threatened to arrest her if she didn't shut up about it and said, you can't talk about it even though it's a public document!
Yeah, well, that is clearly illegal.
You know, it's clearly unsupportable.
But, I mean, who goes after them?
They're the authorities, the masters now.
They enforce it themselves.
So, I mean, how do you counter these people?
Well, I think what we're going to do, well, there's a provision in the Privacy Protection Act that says a news organization that has been subject to behavior like this, or subject to an action like this, can sue.
Then you'll end up in Scalia's court, and then he'll take his security guard duck hunting with him the day before the event.
And he won't recuse himself, and so there we are.
I cannot figure out for the life of me what his problem is with the electronic media.
It'd be nice if he would agree to enter the 20th century.
And the only possible consequence that could have occurred
With these two print reporters recording the speech, would be that their stories would have been more accurate.
I really don't get it.
Well, I tell you, they're waking up a lot of reporters doing this stuff.
They certainly are, because, you know, they're saying, hey, wait a minute, this time you've gone too far.
I'm really happy to see that, because he really touched a nerve yesterday.
Lucy Delglish, I know you're very busy.
Can I give you Kelly Rushing's number during this break, before we let you go, so you can call him and get him to give you some of the info?
Because, I mean, he's facing a year in jail for giving somebody a video.
And I think this is pretty important.
Okay, we'll put you on hold.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll give you Kelly Rushing's number.
We'll be right back, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm going to get into some of the other news in our loaded phone calls here in just a few minutes.
But the substation, state police substation number in Lyon County, Kentucky is 270-856-3721.
Please call it.
Tell them you don't appreciate what they're doing to Kelly Rushing and that the country knows.
And you know, I think I'll go on a big national radio show, not just my own show that reaches millions, but the big one that reaches 14 million people an hour.
When I go on coast to coast in a few weeks, I think I'll be sure, because I don't want to talk about the police state.
I'll be sure and talk about this case too, see how you like that.
14 million people becoming aware of what you've done.
Because, I mean, this is, I can't believe they didn't drop this.
You know, when they arrest people usually for this stuff, they later drop it.
Just insane.
Before we go back to your calls, there are 400 hours of the LBJ tapes that were released last year.
Over 400.
And in August 1964, LBJ discusses reported North Vietnamese attacks on U.S.
military ships in the Gulf of Tonkin and a resolution approved by Congress in 1965.
Discusses his decision to send ground troops to Vietnam and to later increase the number of those troops.
The Lyndon Johnson's library in Austin, Texas began releasing the LBJ tapes in public in all over 400 hours of the President's phone conversations from November 63 through December 65.
Now, I never heard it because I can't listen to 400 hours, but I did report the AP article that's reposted
I did repost the article today that we covered last year, late last year, where the AP reported they heard it, where he got mad at them and said, you guys told me these ships weren't attacking, and they weren't.
But last night I just said, you know what?
C-SPAN's got two hours of this posted, and maybe out of the two hours they've got posted of this public stuff, maybe I'll hear some of that in there.
So I sat there for actually, I think it's two hours and twenty-something minutes long.
I sat there and listened to two hours of this.
And we've got it posted.
Here's just a few minutes of it here in a second.
And now, you hear the tape noise of the tape looping, you know, thump, thump, thump, you know, low quality, but you can hear what he's saying.
He's talking to McNamara.
We can't play a lot of this because there's so much profanity, so we've only had to grab the parts and, you know, cut out the profanity.
LBJ talks like a sailor.
But he's talking to McNamara, and he says, well, were the ships attacked?
Well, you know about some of the gunboats up by those islands.
And then the answer later in the court of the AP is no, no one was even shot at.
Some of our ships shot at some whales.
These were destroyers way out in the sea, you know, 80 miles from land.
So nothing happened there.
They claim that some of the South Vietnamese when they were up in there might have gotten shot at.
Well, yeah, there was a war going on.
But see, one of the national news has said our destroyers have been attacked, our ships have been attacked, and that indeed is a lie.
So here's LBJ, three or four days after this Gulf of Tonkin thing happens, getting ready for the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, and he's talking to McNamara, and he says, well, is it true?
Did it happen?
And McNamara goes, well, you know, we really, there were some boats riding around up in the harbor.
And that's all he said.
And then, man, listen to two hours of this.
It's about how they're going to lie, what they're going to do, how they're going to spin, how they're going to put, you know, a hundred and something thousand troops in without letting the people know.
It's something else.
Imagine listening to 400 hours of this.
So I did catch a clip other than the AP quote.
The AP was specific.
I do think that if you have a press conference today, you're going to get questions on the claim of the North Vietnamese that their strike on the 2nd against the Maddox
was retaliation for U.S.
participation in the strike of July 3rd.
He wanted to get some violence.
I called back this morning and asked him to write a specific message.
And he mentioned that this is a very delicate subject and anybody would go to jail for it.
Well, it's kind of amazing that you say categorically that U.S.
forces did not
Well, I don't know whether it's an act of his grieving, but it's an act of a lot of conversation here.
I think it's one that you have to disassociate yourself from.
And certainly not admit that any such incident took place, but neither should you get in a position of denying it, because the North Vietnamese advised the ICC to come in there and examine the site, and it would be very unfortunate if they developed proof that you in effect had misstated the case.
Well, did the South Vietnamese launch an attack that period?
The night of the 30th and continuing into the morning of the 31st, the battlefield entities ran one of these patrol boat raids against these two North Beach and East Islands.
This is part of that covert operational plan.
It was what John was alluding to when he talked to the leaders, and either they or someone else made a statement in the press about this.
In the New York Times, or rather, the Washington Post, if I remember correctly, put an article on it.
Well, there's several.
Here's one on the post.
Addison gives them a greeting there, and miscalculations vary in ways, and be it crisis or temporary marker.
I'm sure you'll get a question on it.
So tonight we'll get that written and we'll get the answer down to you.
So, LBJ says, were our ships attacked?
And he goes, well, you know, up there in the harbor there were some North Vietnamese patrol boats and there was some engagement with some South Vietnamese on some islands.
But you heard that there were attacks on destroyers out in the ocean.
And that's not the case.
But, in reality, our ships were there days before, and hit-and-run attacks against them.
And I'm not defending the communists.
Give me a break.
The point is they lied to escalate the war, and the recordings go on with 3,400 marines, and it goes, this is a good way to get people conditioned to accept it.
Then they go to 70,000 troops, and 100,000 troops, and 150,000 troops in just the space of a few months.
And then they're, you know, still announcing, oh, well, the troops are just there in an advisory capacity, and, you know, they get into how to cover up the casualties, and, well, our Marines are killing innocent people, well, we just gotta cover that up, and... So, this is very, very, very serious.
So, you know, there he is going, well, were our ships attacked?
Well, there were some patrol boats, and they went up and attacked some islands.
So, uh, that's just a little tidbit, because the AP listened to the $400 and found out where he yelled at him, saying, why'd you lie to me?
And we never, they didn't attack our ships.
But I can't listen to $400, I'm sorry.
But that, listening to two hours, that's what I heard.
So that's what's going on right now.
Uh, let's talk to, uh, is it Chad in Virginia?
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes sir, how you doing Alex?
Good, could you hear what they were saying?
Pretty, uh, pretty crazy.
I just kind of want to know, you know last week when the Madrid bomb went off, the terrorists blew themselves up supposedly?
Oh yeah, that's clear that they were getting rid of the evidence.
Well, when we were driving back to Virginia from Missouri, we were listening to AM radio, and when it first happened, it came across and the news reported that... That the police were in there, quote, shutting a bomb.
So they said it was a controlled bombing.
No, I have the Reuters and UPI reports, and they did tell the news cameras that they blew it up and it was an accident.
Then magically, within minutes, it turned into the terrorists blew themselves up.
Yeah, they found some patches, blew them up, even killed a few cops, and that's the story.
It's really changed, you know, and I just wish that people would wake up and realize, you know, what's going on because I, myself,
Everybody that I know, I don't have a way to burn the videos to give them, but I bring them to my house and show them hours and hours of footage I've got on my computer.
A lot of them, I don't really know where to go from there because I just tell them to tell people.
For those that just joined us, I think we're talking about the Madrid bombings back on 3-11 a month ago, or two days short of a month ago.
That's not what we're talking about.
Last week, it got reported that the police blew up a building full of terrorists.
And then that story didn't go over well, so they changed it and said, no, the terrorists blew themselves up.
So there's a lot of sloppiness usually at the first.
So now there's no witnesses, now they've killed the patsies.
They've gotten rid of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lee Harvey McVeigh.
All right, sir.
I appreciate the call.
You know, that indeed was in the news, and I think I spent about a minute and a half on it.
I mean, there's so many government-sponsored terror ops.
How do you cover them all?
Uh, Vicki in Michigan.
Vicki, go ahead.
This is my first time calling.
How do you like the show?
Um, actually, I missed the show.
I had it downloaded on my computer, and then, oh, I don't know, maybe nine or ten months ago, for some reason... And so now you're tuning back in.
What's on your mind?
I just have to share with you, um,
Have you ever heard of a, well I don't know, do you care if I mention first and last names?
Just go ahead, ma'am.
A good friend of mine, Diane Stozak, I don't know if you know her, but she's the one that originally shared the information with your video.
Anyway, I've gotten a few things from you and I've passed out a few videos myself.
Matter of fact, I loaned out the new video that was
I don't know exactly when I purchased it here.
Matrix of Evil?
No, the Descent into Tyranny, the new video.
Well, that's 9-11 Road to Tyranny and the book's Descent into Tyranny.
Well, thank you for getting it out to people.
What's on your mind?
Okay, well, I just actually called to say how disgusted I am with America and just to let you know a few things what's going on here in Michigan.
Number one,
Number one, Michigan is a police state paradise for the parasites.
Oh, it's awful.
I mean you wouldn't believe the amount, well yeah you would, the amount of sex crimes that are charged with people here in the state of Michigan.
Number two, they're conditioning us more and more.
I have my own retail business and my husband has his own retail business and
I have overheard within the last two weeks and they were just a few days apart I'm standing to wait in line to get to the teller and the one occasion and the guy is from this Dundee area okay and she asked him for his ID and she says ID?
He says ID for what?
She says well I have to have your ID and I looked at him and I said I'll tell you what anytime they ask me for my ID
I would close my account.
I said, this is getting ridiculous.
And everybody just looked at me, right?
Well, then a few days later there was this older couple from Dundee, okay?
And the assistant manager says, I need to see your ID.
And he says, ID?
What do you need my ID for?
And she says, oh!
And she just laughed and it just really irritated me.
You might be a terrorist!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
And I'm telling you, I would be so mad!
Ma'am, ma'am, now they admit, this has been in the news, that they're going to use the Matrix snooping grid for all crimes, all citizens, your income taxes.
It's not for terrorists, but see, all crime is terrorism now, so that's what they're doing.
Thanks for the call and keep it up.
Let's go quickly here.
Let's go to Elias in Michigan.
Elias, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Long time.
Anyway, back to LBJ.
You were talking about LBJ.
That's what interested me.
And you know, it couldn't change his mind about what he was doing in Indochina.
And you see the result that he ended up at.
58,000 dead Americans so the government can ship in some heroin.
Of course, but the parallel is now you see Bush going along the same path and none of this seems to change his mind.
The farther he gets in,
You know, the more he's inclined to get in farther.
He said, bring it on!
Yeah, absolutely.
And his mother said she's not worried about dead troops.
She's not going to let that bother her beautiful mind.
Well, if you can see the future at all, you see him going down the same drain as Johnson.
But see, he's just a puppet.
That's the U.N.
Have us do the dirty work, energize the liberals, bring in the new world order.
Well, of course.
I think they actually said, get lost.
John said, we don't want you around anymore.
And that's why, I don't know if you remember him, when he came on on the television, he said, I will not run anymore.
Well, I think they said, you better get out of here, or you'll be running for your life.
I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
Yeah, he slinked back to Texas.
They found other crooks to run things for him.
Rick and Reno.
Rick, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I called the state police at 270-856-3721, and I was a little disappointed, disgusted that that phone line wasn't busy.
Anyway, I gave them my piece.
I simply said, hands off Kelly Rushing, stop persecuting a patriot.
And the guy that answered the phone says, yeah, or something, or okay, or some sarcastic... Well, you need to... Look, I'm going to call them back when I get off air, and I've called, it's been busy a few times, but everybody does need to call 270-856-3721.
And, I mean, they admit it's been in the newspaper.
Arrested for giving videotapes to a police officer.
They think that's evil.
They think this is China.
Yeah, well, we've got to stand up or we're going to become China.
Well, it helps to let them know that people are aware, so... Alex, looking forward to your show on April 22nd, and folks, call that number.
Take care.
That's 270-856-3721.
Folks, I mean, imagine if
Phillip Dean was in jail still for putting a sign in his yard saying our courts are a joke.
Would you call for him?
If you're afraid to, go to a pay phone.
Let's go ahead now and talk to John.
John, where are you calling us from?
From Missouri, Alex.
Hey, I called at number 2 and I just got off the line with those folks down there.
I let them know that I too was very concerned with the situation down there.
What did they say to you?
Well, they told me that, uh, because I said, you know, they said that, um, allegedly he's been arrested for giving out the tape or whatever, but she implied that the
There were some other charges pending.
Oh yeah, it was in the news!
It was in the newspaper for giving him a video.
He was arrested.
That's why they got him in the car.
Now they're trying to claim he said something threatening in the car.
But you heard Kelly, it's not on the tape.
This is garbage!
It is.
I got a video on Road to Tyranny with Abby Newman where they grab her and put her in the car and find some stuff about the Social Security card and the Constitution and go, oh, what are we going to charge her with?
This may be illegal.
So, oh, so that lady's now implying other things.
Well, what did she imply?
She implied that he did some other things.
I said, what other things did he do?
She said, well, I can't discuss that.
His court case will be on Monday or whatever.
Oh, I guess he'll just bring up new charges when the trial starts, yeah.
I guess so, because she said she couldn't discuss it with me over the phone, but if I wanted to leave my name and number, somebody could call me back.
So I said, look, I hope you know a lot of people are going to be watching this, so justice better be served.
Yeah, we need people there Monday at the Lyon County Courthouse to go in as court watchers.
We don't have a lot of time to organize this.
It's Friday.
Just go do it, folks.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be back with some final news.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
I started my fight against the New World Order by calling government officials and authorities, masters, and letting them know I was displeased.
You need to do that right now.
You need to call the Lyon County State Police Office at 270-856-3721 and just tell them you're aware of what's going on and don't sit there and rationalize it themselves.
They arrested him for giving them a video.
That's bottom line.
They want to kangaroo up some more charges.
That's another thing.
The point is they're arresting people for giving out videos.
And you can also call the courthouse.
It's very important to call the courthouse and to let them know that you're also aware of what is going on.
And we gave out that number a little bit earlier in the show.
Now is the time to get involved and to stand up for this constitutional republic.
Now is the time to defend this republic.
Now is the time to tell the truth by speaking up and getting involved in the information war.
It is so vitally important.
Please, please, please, please take action today.
The number to the courthouse is 1270.
Don't count on others to do it.
You need to do it.
And again, that number is 1270-388-2727.
And the judge is Judge McCaslin, the circuit court judge there, and it's a Kelly-Rushing case.
This is so sad to have this going on in our country.
It's going on all over the place.
You heard the
The journalist earlier with the AP report.
So horrible.
Drug testing to become more detailed.
Victoria Advocate.
By the way, you've heard the global plans to put chips in the police and the military.
You're going to get it first, see?
Drug testing to become more detailed.
The hair, saliva, and sweat of federal workers.
There'll be tests for drug use under a government policy proposed Tuesday that could set screening standards for private employers.
It starts there and this will be seven years of use of drugs.
There's a lot of false positives in the rest of it.
This is all about training as we have no Fourth Amendment.
The proposal will expand the methods to detect drug use among 1.6 million federal workers.
Beyond urine samples, it's being implemented with an eye towards the private sector, however, because it would signal the government's approval for such testing.
Which many companies are waiting before they adopt their own screening program.
The military's involved going around doing free testing for corporations.
That's been going on for four years.
And it's also part of an illegal DNA database.
We've covered those articles.
And now there's a federal plan to make all high school and junior high students do drug testing.
Again, we're all criminals.
This isn't America.
Drug Control official urges schools to adopt drug testing, Associated Press again.
White House's Drug Control National Drug Council wants all schools to test all students, not just athletes.
You see there?
But we can't drug test the President.
And a bunch of other news we just ran out of time.
We're out of time here, my friends.
I hope that all of you will get my videos, will make copies of them, will get them out to opinion makers, will air them on AXS TV.
It's the First Amendment.
It's our right to do it.
It's our right to criticize the corruption of this government.
It's our First Amendment to defend against tyranny.
Call the free number to get my videos.
Big discounts when you order three or more.
Make the call.
Get the videos.
Spread the word.
People are waking up at record levels.
The globalists are scared.
That's why they're moving so hard and fast.
1-888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Again, 1-888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
And call the state police in that courthouse today, tomorrow, and on Monday, most importantly.
God bless you all.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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