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Name: 20040408_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 8, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Another live edition of this global transmission, this broadcast against tyranny.
This journey into the depths of reality.
It is Thursday already, the 8th day of April, 2004.
2004, my friends.
A powerful broadcast lined up for you.
We will expose the liar, the congenital liar,
Condoleezza Rice, the national security puppet, claiming that job number one was to defeat Al-Qaeda.
This, while we have hundreds of mainstream news articles where Bush ordered the FBI, under threat of arrest, not to stop Al-Qaeda when they flew the Bin Ladens out of the country on the night of 9-11.
Condoleezza calling up and warning her personal friends not to fly that next morning to New York.
Mayor Willie Brown, of course,
But they're counting on you being ignorant.
So I, this morning, wrote a quick little article.
Wrote it in about 20 minutes.
I hope there's no typos in it.
But my wife is my webmaster for InfoWars.com.
I'm sure she's correcting that.
Connellisa Rice is a lying shill for her terrorist masters.
I could write a book on this.
Why, I have written a book on this.
And made a couple films on it.
And published another great book on the subject.
But just in two pages, I kind of cover the most important little tidbits.
And I suggest everyone, when this is posted here in the next few minutes, go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and read over the article, go to the hyperlinks, look at every comment, every statement we make is backed up by the facts.
So coming up, I'll get into Condoleezza Rice is a lying shill for her terrorist masters.
And then we'll get into the ABC News report, uh, defeating Al Qaeda, first priority of Bush Rice.
I watched some of the hearings this morning, had it on in the background, and it's a kangaroo court.
The whole thing is staged, and in my little article I wrote on this, I go over some of the evidence of that.
Things are really heating up in Iraq, obviously.
A bunch of Japanese journalists have been captured, one of them a woman.
By some new Muslim group, and they're saying they're going to burn them alive if Japan doesn't pull its troops out.
Japan's saying, we're not going to do it.
Driving in to do this show, I was listening to Paul Harvey.
They had the fill-in guy on there, and they talked about a government building in Australia got hit by lightning and then locked everybody inside.
So all these new technologies you see where they can lock you in are pretty scary.
Then I missed where it happened, because I was on the phone at the time and told the person to hold on.
They talk about a major city where two cops pulled over a car with a woman and two children, with the husband driving, and when he drove off, they fired 23 shots into the back of the vehicle.
And they've been suspended.
They should be arrested!
Did you hear where that happened?
Email that to me.
I want to post that.
I'm sure if it was on Paul Harvey, it's true.
I mean, they just cover mainstream news.
But that's the type of mentality.
We see this all the time.
Where they just pull guns out and shoot you in the back.
I mean, they're frothing at the bit.
Like they're wolves and we're a bunny rabbit trying to run away or something.
I mean, 23 shots into the back of a car for a traffic violation that drives off when they know that there were two children and a woman who were innocent in the vehicle?
You don't just get pulled out and beat up, now that happens.
And then they mention on the show that up in Oklahoma they're going to make you sign a registry every time you buy Sudafed or cold medicine.
So see, and that's happening all over the country now, that's starting up.
Where they make you leave a record when you buy certain things.
This is getting very, very serious.
Very dangerous trend.
But just a few of the things I heard on Paul Harvey I thought were interesting.
But when we get back, I'll get into Condoleezza Rice later in this show because it was so powerful.
I'm going to re-air that 30-minute interview.
I rarely do this back-to-back.
Sometimes I'll re-air an interview a few weeks after if it was really big, but this interview with this VeraChip distributor about how it's going to be the global chip, we're all going to have the chip as the global ID, to own a gun, you're going to have it in your hand, to get in the bar in the VIP section, you'll have to have it.
I'm going to re-air that, but later in the show.
We'll cover all the news, take calls, and then later, I think in the second or third hour, I haven't decided yet, I will re-broadcast that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Two nuclear powers rattle sabers over a disputed area.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, another ultra-massive broadcast lined up for you on this Thursday, April 8, 2004 edition.
There is so much to cover here on the show.
I want to first get into Condoleezza Rice and her lies, then more of the developments of the RFID tracker chips and the implantable microchips of the global ID system, what's happening in the war over in Iraq, some very, very serious developments.
But here's a little article I wrote this morning.
In about 20 minutes.
And again, I could write a book on this subject, and I actually have written a book on 9-11.
9-11, Descent into Tyranny.
I published Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, which Paul Watson wrote, which has three chapters of the, what, ten or eleven chapters on 9-11.
Every paragraph, another bombshell admitted in plain view.
It's all hidden in plain view.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
But this is just a little article I wrote this morning being posted on InfoWars.com as we speak.
Condoleezza Rice is a lying shill for her terrorist masters.
I was watching the hearings and reading the news articles of her condensed lies and so I thought I'd respond to it and here it is.
Condoleezza Rice and the 9-11 Whitewash Commission are putting on a huge theatrical display.
I have made two documentary films covering September 11th and have written a book on the subject.
I have interviewed dozens of government officials and have been continually researching the CIA-Al Qaeda connection even prior to 9-11.
I can say unequivocally that Condoleezza Rice is a congenital liar.
Remember, this is the woman who got up on national television and told the world that no one in the White House or in the intelligence complex had ever heard of a terrorist plan to crash planes into buildings.
As a radio broadcaster, I have seen at least 15 mainstream media reports, because I went back and dug them out and put them in the first film, in the six years leading up to 9-11, reporting on the fact that the Islamic terror groups were planning to fly aircraft into U.S., British, French, Israeli, and Egyptian landmarks.
Her lie was so blatant that even the dumbed-down general public saw right through it.
She later had to admit that she was wrong.
That makes her a liar, because it turned out she'd been given documents.
But it wasn't just her, it was the whole beady-eyed administration throwing like a bunch of roosters that no one in the world had ever heard of such a plan.
This was despite the fact that in November of 2000, the Pentagon itself ran a drill in which terrorists flew simulated aircraft into the Pentagon.
Now Rice, with sickening... Now Rice has the sickening aplomb to go on national television and claim that the first major national security policy directive of the administration was not Russia, not missile defense, not Iraq, but the elimination of Al Qaeda.
This would have me rolling on the floor if so many people hadn't died on September 11th.
The truth is public knowledge, but it has been buried in the back of hundreds of newspapers in the U.S.
and across the world.
Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda and to leave terrorist funding organizations alone in the U.S.
He threatened to arrest FBI agents that continue to investigate Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and others.
Bill Clinton told three separate countries that he didn't want them to arrest Al-Qaeda.
He also ordered the FBI to stop investigating them while, at the same time, refusing to even take receipt from foreign countries of thousands of pages of documents detailing Al-Qaeda operations.
Because they were CIA operations.
Didn't want that.
The truth be known, Al-Qaeda is a military-industrial complex creation.
It is a wholly manufactured threat to be used to scare Americans and people of the world into submission.
The 9-11 Commission is a joke.
Chairman Keene is in business with Bin Laden's brother-in-law.
Almost every member of the Commission and top staffers were involved in the 9-11 cover-up prior to the Commission being formed.
Don't forget that the first independent head of the Commission was going to be known war criminal Dr. Henry Kissinger.
When that bot fired on the Globalist, they simply got lesser-known thespians, actors, to carry out their Shakespearean WWF play.
If this were a real commission, they would be asking Connelisa Rice why the White House called Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco on the night of September 10th and warned him not to flood New York on the morning of September 11th.
Or why they told the Joint Chiefs of Staff not to flood New York that morning.
They would ask Dr. Rice why her boss, George Bush, ordered her to allow 144 members of the Bin Laden family to be picked up by three separate flights and flown out of the country on the night of September 11th when all other air traffic was grounded.
The Kangaroo Commission would ask her to explain why the CIA was running a major drill out of D.C.
at 8.30 a.m.
on September 11th, simulating hijacked planes being flown to landmarks in New York and D.C.
That's how they had NORAD stand down.
They claimed it was all a drill.
They would ask her why NORAD stood down for over an hour for the first time in U.S.
Of course the commission in secret session talked to FBI translator Sybil Edmonds who told them in specific detail how she was ordered to falsify records in order to cover up evidence of specific warnings before 9-11 of plans by Al Qaeda to fly planes into skyscrapers in U.S.
She also talked about how John Ashcroft ordered... offered to bribe her with a better job to keep her quiet and threatened to arrest her if she didn't shut up.
He also had her followed, she said.
Now the Commission has never said one word about these incredible revelations in all the countless press conferences and TV news shows they've been on.
My friends, there are over 600 smoking guns, not just the four that I've mentioned in this article.
These smoking guns are in my documentary film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, and in my book, 9-11, Descent into Tyranny, as well as a book published by Infowars.com, Order Out of Chaos, by acclaimed researcher Paul Joseph Watson.
Below is a link to the Prison Planet 9-11 archive.
It is one of the most extensive in existence.
I suggest that you spend time looking at these four particular subsections to understand how the truth is hiding in plain sight.
And those sections are Bush orders FBI to stop Al Qaeda, W199I FBI hindered an Al Qaeda investigation, Clinton administration protection of terrorists, Karloff Group and Bush-Bin Laden connection, the Bin Laden and the CIA.
Now, again, that's just a little two-page article.
Just a small tidbit.
Rice brings out this new briefing and says, see, there were no specifics in this particular briefing.
I'm sure you talked about your business partners.
I'm sure you talked about your CIA terror arm.
Of course you did.
You met with Bin Laden for 10 days in July.
That's admitted.
Of course!
Of course she met with the head of Pakistani Intelligence who wired $100,000 to the Bahamian Adda.
Thought of Lisa just days before 9-11.
And he was meeting with Porter Goss and Bob Graham, the heads of the House of Senate Intelligence Committees, over breakfast at 8.30 in the morning.
And then down the road at the Rich Carlton, George Herbert Walker was meeting with the head of the Bin Laden family at the same table with him at a Carlisle Group shareholders meeting.
So yes, yes, we know.
But any document these people bring up is generally false.
Documents about mobile weapons trucks, documents about mass graves, documents about Niger and Uranium, fake weapons dossiers supposedly days old from England, turned out to be 12, now 13 years old, from a California graduate student.
I mean, come on!
This is Caudillese to Rice who said they never heard of plans to fly planes into buildings.
This is President Bush who says in the State of the Union they've got weapons of mass destruction, then says he never said it.
This is George Bush that said in the State of the Union that this is not an amnesty, the biggest amnesty ever.
I mean, they're congenital liars.
More often than not, they're lying people.
And their lies are so blatant, they can easily be disproven.
But we've got a population that, on average, that doesn't know how many continents there are, that can't find the Middle East on a globe, but most adults can't, who don't know, in many cases, what their own state capitals are.
And I'm not trying to be sardonic.
This scares me.
So, it's all about emotion.
America good, terrorists bad, give up your rights for America.
America's about those rights.
I've heard people say, well I guess that man needed to be arrested a couple weeks ago for putting a sign in his yard saying the courts are corrupt.
Well, you shouldn't be able to criticize the government.
I heard Michael Savage say every hour on the hour on his show that if you disagree with the government, you should be put in a forced labor camp.
We have a national host, a bunch of them are saying it, that if you disagree with the government, you're a terrorist.
That's word for word.
You've all heard it.
You're talk radio listeners.
You disagree with the government, put you in a forced labor camp?
You see, the red diaper doper babies figured out how to take over.
Again, that's the Soviets' term.
You know, they're communists, so they wear diapers because they're babies intellectually, and they're dopeheads.
Well, I mean, we got a big fat oily beatnik out there.
You know, the weathermen and all the commies, it's come out that in their meetings it was all about how to get the middle class in camps and re-education, and they could never get it done.
So they learned how to... that's what the neocons did!
Toronto Star, Washington Post, the ghost of Trotsky walks the halls of the White House.
Ron Paul gave his neocon speech July 10th, 2003, where he laid out how the Communist Fourth International runs the White House.
I didn't say it!
Vietnam veteran, doctor, the most conservative member of Congress laid it out from their own publications.
But it sounds so crazy.
That's how they're winning.
They're winning because they learned how to put on, well the Native Americans would put on, you know, a sheepskin, or other primitive cultures, they actually get in a wolfskin, but other primitive cultures would put on the sheepskin and sneak up to the sheep.
That's the wolf in sheep's clothing statement.
I mean, they just did it to you, and now you're going, yeah, put people in tents, yeah, yeah, yeah!
And then quietly behind the scenes, all the FBI training, the FEMA training, the ADL training is for Christians, conservatives, gun owners, land rights activists.
It's all for you.
And you're there cheering it on, thinking it's about Muslims.
It'd be bad enough to put Muslims in forced labor camps.
Remember the bill by the Republicans in Oregon, where if you disagree with the government, you know, if you download music, if you block traffic, you get life in prison in a forced labor camp?
Senate Bill 742 almost passed until we came out against it.
I mean, it's really happening.
You've heard a national host pushed by the establishment say every day, put people who disagree with the government because they're terrorists in forced labor camps.
I want you to think about that long and hard.
They're not going to get away with this.
We're going to expose the globalists.
We're going to expose the New World Order.
We're going to expose all the oily, demonic beatniks running our country as neocons.
Every last one of you.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Ingram, all of you are traitorous filth!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
When a foreign communist country, always funded by the big banks, of course, publicly, threatens to nuke us, you know, it's a big deal.
Oh, they're evil to threaten to nuke us.
And they are evil.
But I heard neocons all over talk radio, that's why they're traitors, say that after the killing of the four mercenaries and hanging them up dead, and that's war, and I'm sad for them, and, you know, I'm not rooting for the Iraqis here.
I heard them all over.
The hosts, the listeners, calling for blood.
Let's nuke that city!
Let's starve them!
Let's kill everybody!
And now I'm looking at photos of dozens and dozens of dead toddlers, babies, machine-gunned.
It's all over the foreign press, even if you watch some of the live feeds, you'll occasionally get it.
Our beloved troops are just in their machine-gunning houses, bombing mosques, blowing stuff up.
It's just mass carnage.
And that will get more of our troops killed, by the way.
And this is all being done by design, and a lot of political analysts are now pointing this out.
We've got to play the part of the bad cop right before the UN comes in as the good cops.
But, I mean, think of some other country that invaded a third world nation and was indiscriminately killing women and children.
It'd be, oh, that country's so evil.
But we're so brain dead and brainwashed and so drunk on wickedness
That we just sit there and, you know, call for the blood.
Why, four of ours got killed.
Slaughter all of them!
Level the city!
Kill everyone in it!
Oh, kill everyone!
When a lot of the people really do support the takeover because they don't, they didn't like Saddam.
Let's just go ahead and kill them too!
And the talk show host, yeah, let's do that!
Let's starve everybody!
Let's lay siege to these cities, yeah!
And you sit there as a decadent person, fat off the work of our ancestors, cramming hamburgers and beer down your throat, watching your football game, and you flip back over to the war and, kill them people, kill them, kill them, kill them!
I mean, you're... that's animalistic!
Photos from Fulgala,
Al Jazeera news crews inside the town, and I mean it is just piles of dead children, toddlers, their heads blown off, blown into pieces.
We're posting these on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, which is the PortlandIndyMedia.org center.
And I just want you to go look at it for those of you that think we should all be put in camps, we disagree with the government, you think that's what America is about, being put in camps.
For those of you that are communists, that are socialists, that are fascists, it's all command and control, that think you're conservative, shame on you!
You just cuddle up to Bush as he takes your guns.
You just cuddle up to him as he gets rid of the borders.
You just cuddle up to him, okay?
You just cuddle on up to him, you idiots!
I mean, I feel like this blood's on my hands, because I haven't done enough to stop this.
You know, I've exposed the UN when they go into countries and slaughter people.
It's the same thing.
And now the Drug Report reports, U.S.
seeks global military force that would protect U.N.
and Iraq.
See, this is going to be the handover.
Iraq's going to play the part of the good cop.
I told you this a year before the war last March.
So that makes it two years ago.
Plus, the United States has asked more than a dozen countries to join a new international military force to protect the United Nations and Iraq, according to latest reports from Washington tonight.
The Bush administration has approached France, which led opposition to the war in Iraq, as well as India, Pakistan, and other nations that were reluctant to join the U.S.-led coalition that invaded Iraq.
The list includes a good global mix, said a State Department official familiar with the proposed force.
See, much of this war just wasn't about oil or weapon sales or bed-rigging, or no beds allowed.
The PENAC documents say it's about empowering a global government.
You see, America goes in alone, then the globalists play the part of the good cops.
Oh, they're against it.
Then we're all trained that we've got to get U.N.
approval and it's okay for the U.N.
to go in and take over sovereign countries, selectively, that don't have weapons of mass destruction, while all these other countries do.
So that's all this is about, is your young people watching the news, learning that the U.N.
is the boss and the bad guys don't follow the U.N.'
's orders.
That's the biggest component of this, is legitimizing the UN.
You just take what Bush says and reverse it.
What it did was legitimize it.
It didn't delegitimize it.
The new force is considered essential to the fragile political transition because the Bush administration is relying on the United Nations to return to Iraq to help organize elections after the occupation ends on June 30th.
By the way, this isn't an election.
Our government appointed 320 people for this puppet governing council.
They will now appoint others.
That's not democracy!
Oh, the Iraqis just don't like democracy!
We're bringing them democracy.
You're bringing them democracy?
Which is bad enough.
They need a constitutional republic.
But arresting all the men down to age 10 in many towns.
Putting them in Halliburton run camps.
Blowing up all sorts of things.
Forced vaccinations now going on.
This is freedom?
Arresting people who are selling stuff on the streets.
You know, oranges and dates without a permit.
That's been the Associated Press.
They pull up and throw you in the back of a truck and put a bag over your head and take you to the camp.
I mean, this is a liberation?
It's worse than Saddam!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Just a correction.
There's another Iraqi town called Fuljala.
I know it's Fallujah in the middle of the Sunni triangle.
I have trouble with these Arabic names and get them interchanged back and forth.
I think a lot of us do.
We're about to go to Lauren and Mike and Lynn and Ron and Paula and many others.
I'm going to do something I really hardly ever do.
In the middle of the next hour, an hour from now,
I'm going to re-air that 30-minute interview with the manager of the Baja Beach Club.
It's a giant, really, resort.
There's a bunch of them in Europe, several of them in Europe, four of them in Europe to be specific, who is a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions.
They're an implantation center, and you're going to need it to be a VIP at their club.
And he talked about how he talked to the CEO, Bolton, of Applied Digital in the interview we did in the first hour yesterday.
And how there's this plan to use the microchip, the radio frequency identification chip, as a world ID system, plans to put it in the hands of police, so only they can use their guns, and he supports making gun owners have this.
He also got into contracts with the Italian government to make their government workers take it.
I talked about my cousin in Special Forces, but then for 18 years, being told they're going to get the implantable chip here in the next few years,
That was a year ago.
He said within two years that we're going to get it.
We'll see if that happens.
But some incredibly chilling developments in this interview.
So that's coming up.
You need to hear this.
It's so important.
I'm going to re-air it.
But we've got 55 minutes right now to get to your calls and cover more news.
We'll go to some calls.
And coming up, as I said they would, U.S.
seeks global military force that would protect you and Iraq.
We'll get into the lies of Condoleezza Rice today as well.
But you need to go look at these photos from Fallujah of piles of dead children, women and children, you name it.
And the British media has been there, they admit it, but somehow it's not in our news.
Our troops are just indiscriminately blasting, bombing, hell-firing with missiles.
Randomly, they're just bombarding the city, dropping 500-pound bombs.
This is happening, what, in eight different towns, but mainly in Fallujah and also a suburb of Baghdad is where some of the main attacks are taking place.
It's going to stir up a giant hornet's nest, and then more troops got killed after this happened.
And I just think of the neocons on talk radio talking about, let's kill everyone in the city,
Let's nuke the city, the listeners, bloodthirstily, sounding like Nazis or something.
Kill them!
Kill all of them!
Kill everyone of them!
They killed four of our people!
They strung them up and killed them!
So, let's kill their women and children!
Let's be worse than they are, because some of them did this!
Let's kill everybody in the city!
I've heard them say this.
I've heard the host say it, not just the listeners.
And I know you have too, as talk radio listeners.
Maybe you can call them with your stories about that.
Because I listen to quite a bit of talk radio when I'm out driving around.
I don't watch much television.
And so, I guess the Nazis, then, when they went into Poland, if an SS officer or even an SS member got shot, they would go arrest 20, 30, 50 men, depending on the town, and just kill them.
They'd put them in a barn, set them on fire, machine gun them.
I guess the Nazis were good.
I mean, they tell us torture's good now in the national news, so I guess Joseph Mingala was good.
I'm sorry, I'm against Joseph Mingala.
I mean, I know a lot of you are for him and all, but I'm not.
So, what do you say about this?
I mean, this is sick.
I want you to go look at these dead children.
As you sit there in your lazy boy, cramming a piece of pizza in your mouth.
And I don't mean all our listeners, I mean the neocons out there.
Who think big government and gun control and open borders is conservative.
I want to know from you what you think about these dead toddlers.
I can barely look at it.
Those of you that have children will know what I'm talking about.
I want you to go look, I'm looking at them right now, these dead babies on Infowars.com or you can go directly to the portland.indymedia.org and look at them and uh... it is horrific.
Hundreds and hundreds of Iraqis dying a day.
Twenty thousand, conservatively, have died since the start of this war.
A million and a half during the U.N.
The good cops killed a million and a half.
Now where are the bad cops in there playing the part of the bad cops for the U.N.? ?
So we'll get into that as well.
There's just so much on this.
Let's just speed through your calls, though, right now.
Lauren in Tennessee, go ahead.
Hello, sir.
I've been a fan of yours.
And just last September, they installed an ID system in public schools.
And I believe they're going to use barcode next.
And you're talking about autism being caused by MRR shots?
Um, my sister was autistic, and then after she took the shot, she became mildly retarded too.
Well, I would imagine that your sister became autistic from the earlier shots.
Then when she got more shots, it got worse.
Oh, yes.
And I had a teacher that was in the Air Guard, and he had been getting sick when he came back from his service overseas.
He was talking about, like, when they were debating the Iraq War,
That's right.
Day one, they plan to attack Iraq.
The PNAC documents written by the President's Vice President said they were going into Iraq.
And then they try to focus in on O'Neill or Clark.
Forget what they say.
They just confirm it.
We have the confession of El Presidente.
And now the troops are breathing massive levels of depleted uranium.
So are the Iraqi people.
It'll never go away.
Top scientists from the Pentagon and elsewhere have looked at it.
Our troops are dead and dying from it, but to support the troops, you cut them loose and you don't care about them, and you violate the Army's own regulations, and you don't give them treatment.
That's how you support the troops.
Thanks for the call, Lauren.
And yeah, all over the country, they're giving the children barcode IDs, they frisk them, have police dogs in, fences around the schools.
But a lot of schools, it's going to biometrics.
And cameras in the bathrooms.
In fact, right there in Tennessee, Lauren, they found quite a few schools with cameras in the showers and the bathrooms.
And it's not some pervert janitor doing it.
No, it's the official school districts.
So, if your school's doing that, you might look for cameras or microphones in the toilet stalls.
Big case two weeks ago in Pennsylvania, where a federal court said, yeah, they can have cameras in bathrooms.
That's not a violation of privacy.
Okay, that's freedom then, huh?
Of course, courts also said black people weren't human beings.
I'm going to ignore those rulings.
I believe black people are human beings.
Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
I'm always out there trying to spread your word on your website.
I'm going to tell you something.
I'm so doggone angry when I put the news on every day.
I work in the maintenance field and we had a guy came over.
He's a light bulb salesman.
He's an ex-Vietnam vet.
And he was in the brush, and he was fighting what he called the gooks and all that, and he said how horrible it was.
And he said, you know, he's got a nephew over in Iraq right now, and he says, I cry every time I have to turn the TV on and see more soldiers dying.
And he says, them Iraqi people dying, too.
And I turned him on to your website, but you know what, Alex?
Like you said, most of the people out there are brainwashed, they're stupid.
Nuke them, that's what they want to do.
And you know, the bottom line is, Alex, them Iraqi people are not bad.
They're there if you, like you said, if Russians invaded our country, wouldn't you want to string four of them up on you when you had the opportunity from a bridge?
We attacked their country.
We're the aggressor.
We're not a peacemaker.
You know, I don't agree with you.
I think a million and a half Iraqis dying and Madeleine Albright in 97 saying 700,000 children was a good price to pay.
I think killing 700,000 children's good.
I think that when people say kill everyone in Fallujah, I think that killing everyone in the city because a small group killed some people, I think that if your neighbor commits murder, your entire city should be executed.
And I think that's completely normal.
And I think that Michael Savage is right.
Anyone who disagrees with the government is a terror, should be put in a forced labor camp.
And I agree with the state laws that are being passed along these lines.
And I think we should kill all the Iraqis.
The more depleted uranium, go ahead and use nuclear weapons.
Kill them all, because they are evil.
It's disgusting, Alex.
I tell you what, I see Bush on the TV.
And I almost want to just reach through that screen and strangle him, because he's so... He's so concei... He sees us as a conceiving liar.
I mean, you could see it in his eyes.
The guy is the most dishonest... Well, sir, I wish no harm upon George Walker Bush, the puppet.
And please, please don't talk like that on my show.
He's just a puppet.
So is Rice.
So is the Kingpin, Richard Armitage, and Powell, and the rest of them.
And they're just puppets for the bigger system.
They're there to make America look bad, to use America as the muscle of the U.N., then the U.N.
comes in as a savior.
Thanks for the call.
Len in Oklahoma.
Len, go ahead.
Hi Alex, good to talk to you again.
Good to talk to you.
Yeah, I want to comment on a couple of things.
Yesterday, our governor here in Oklahoma, Brad Henry, signed the Trooper Nicky Green Act.
And now if you want to buy cold medicine at your local pharmacy, you won't have to present an ID and you'll have to sign for it.
Yeah, I heard that on the radio.
And then it's going to be for everything, though.
And see, with your new national ID card, which is already the driver's license, you're going to have to swipe it for the quote, national sales tax.
It'll also restrict what you can buy.
And once you've bought like three gallons of ice cream in a month, and they've said this, this is official, you're going to be taxed then because you've gone over.
Or when you buy too much beer, it's all going to be tracked.
Everything we do, traced.
Exactly, and most of the people I've heard call in to local shows up here are opposed to this.
But what's the problem?
And there may be whole months where I have to take Sudafed twice a day.
And a couple years ago I'd go in to buy it, you'd get like 50 to 100 in a box.
Now there's like 20 in there, maybe 10.
And they won't let you buy more than a couple boxes of it because quote, you might be making drugs with it.
And see, this is all about control.
You know, and I would also like to comment quickly, I would encourage everyone to stay tuned for the rebroadcast of the interview you did yesterday.
By the way, that was outstanding.
On the Verichip.
I mean, how can we not overstate, there's no way to do it, the magnitude of this Verichip franchise going, oh yes, the plan is a global ID, put it in your hand, buy and sell.
I mean, this is what they're doing!
Exactly, and you know, I've also noticed, Alex, that a lot of the biometric hand scanners that are being put in are set up for the right hand.
Oh, they all are.
So, you know, I would just like to say, I would just encourage everyone to stay tuned for that rebroadcast.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
And let me ask you a question.
Of course, I was being sarcastic earlier when I said, get rid of everyone in Fallujah, kill them.
But they're saying that on national radio.
And I mean, I'd like to see these fat bellied neocon possums
I'd like to see them actually go to Iraq and carry out what they're saying.
They're totally sheltered.
They've never been in a fistfight.
They've never rolled a car.
They've never had a compound fracture.
They've never had somebody put a knife to their throat.
They've never lived.
They've never been in combat.
So they don't know what they're talking about.
They're just decadent Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake.
That's right.
You know Alex, it's got to be demonically driven because I listen to some of the local neocons around here out in Oklahoma City.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
And remember,
They're the big government spenders, they're the gun grabbers, they're the... And those hosts point out the evil of the Hillary Clintons, the Chuckie Schumers, which is correct, but then, because of that, they get credibility, and then they ship in the whole agenda of the Hillary's and Chuckie's.
Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi Alex, a number of things to go over.
If you remember some months back, we were talking about the states that were culling data and information along with the federal government, which everybody laughed at.
Well, reported on ABC News Radio this past Saturday, the reporter, with a chuckle in his voice, like it's a wonderful little thing, has reported that those same states and the federal government who claim to have culled that data merely for the fight against terrible Arab terrorists, are now using it.
He was laughing, sort of, while he was saying it.
To cross-reference information, it's called data mining, and the government wants to use it to cross-reference your income tax, and check everything, and make sure that you don't purchase an expensive car, but you claim you have a small income, and so forth.
Yeah, and I also heard them say it's going to be used for deadbeat dads, and see?
And it's what kind of car you drive, where you live, what's in your bank account, no warrants, just every day, the government will access everything you do.
Is it?
Hold on.
Hold on.
Isn't that freedom?
Oh, total.
It's for the fight against terrorism.
It's for the fight against the American people.
I guess that's why the 5th Circuit threw out the 4th two weeks ago, and the 5th was thrown out publicly last Monday by the Supremes.
And in addition to that, a few other things I'd like to move along to.
They're also installing these, they're like, well not detectors, they're almost like MRI or x-ray devices, only much worse than an x-ray.
In which there's a chamber, and it actually looks like a chamber, like an execution chamber in airports.
It's starting in England, and it's working its way here now.
No, no, no, you missed it.
bars and English bars have already had paddy wagons pull up, and they just make you all walk through it to find guns, drugs, and knives.
And this will be our new life, is these mobile trucks, and then you say, please step through.
No warrants.
Doesn't that sound good?
Alex, it gets better.
We're getting more freedom by the minute.
Not only that,
But you're bombarded with microwaves.
But don't worry about it.
They're not going to hurt you.
The human body was made to absorb microwaves.
Well, that is what this ground-penetrating radar is.
You're right.
It is a microwave.
But what's wrong with a microwave?
That's right.
Especially if you're a frequent flyer, you might glow in the dark after a while.
And plus, by the way, the images... Well, I mean, so what?
They're putting DU now in powdered concrete with the most dangerous aerosolized form.
What's wrong with that?
It'll just kill you, the Army's own document show!
Alex, we get more beautiful, loving freedom.
The images they take of your naked body...
They retain them permanently.
Oh, that was admitted to the BBC last week.
It showed the naked man and the naked woman at the airport.
It says, we keep this in a digital file.
It's a biometric 360 shot of your body.
And we're going to do it on our democratic United States of America now, too.
It gets better.
Oh, another beautiful thing, another sign of democracy.
It shows that all men are created equal in this country.
Condoleezza Rice went to the University of Colorado when she was 15.
Do you remember I told you about that story some months back?
The New York Post where the 15-year-old girl graduating from college was grabbed by the CPS because they said it was abusive for her to be graduating from college.
You mean that one?
Yes, but Condoleezza Rice can do it because it's a prerogative of wealth and power.
And she could not only do that, but she could be tooted by Madeleine Albright's father.
But don't some poor, working class, young girl want to do that?
Oh, Madeline O'Reilly's daddy, in one of the Soviet satellites, he admittedly ran the murder of one million people.
Isn't that nice?
It's beautiful.
This is all the love of our new democracy under this wonderful neocon.
By the way, our government hired Primakov two years ago, the former head of the KGB, to run our internal passport system.
That's always a good sign.
That's a good sign.
And another good sign is this, too.
I know somebody who just recycled back in about two months ago from Iraq.
A soldier?
And a non-commissioned officer.
And he told me that one of the things that were causing a big problem there is that they just have these indiscriminate sweeps of mails.
They'll go into a town, no particular reason to pick anybody up.
Oh, the Army gave a press conference last month about that.
They arrest every mail down to age 10.
That's freedom!
And he told... That's love.
That's love.
That's the love of our Bush democracy.
And it's that love!
You're being mild!
The radio listeners of neoconism want to kill everyone over there!
Well, of course.
Neocon punks, marshmallow punks who've never lived life, little punks who live in some penthouse in Manhattan, have lived with a silver spoon in their mouth, and some of them had that silver spoon up their nose with white powder, too.
You mean those punks who know about warfare?
Neocon punks?
Because that's what they are.
I hear you.
Good call.
Good to hear from you.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
Let me tell you something.
This is all going to come back on you.
This is all going to come back on us.
All of you that are involved in this evil, God is going to judge you and you're in a lot of trouble.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
More of your calls coming up.
I will tell you more of Condoleezza's whitewashed lies at the 9-11 Kangaroo Court Commission.
The theatrical thespian display.
We'll get into the things happening in the war.
Chicago putting enlisting devices all over the city.
Austin's had them for six, seven years now.
We'll also cover that for you.
And some of the admitted abuses and horrors, killing women and children, things that I know make the psychopaths out there real happy.
Hope you enjoy becoming the devil out there.
And a lot more.
Plus we'll get into another article about Saudis flown out of the U.S.
between 9-11 and 9-16.
This time by judicial watch.
I guess they're liberals too, even though they went after Bill Clinton.
Before I go back to your calls though, if you want to learn the truth about 9-11,
You need to get my film, 9-11 and the Road to Tyranny.
Two and a half hours long.
Part two of that, The Masters of Terror.
It takes two films to even adequately cover a lot of the smoking guns in evidence.
I'd say there's 600 plus smoking guns.
One point would convict anybody of carrying out the terror attacks that convict the government.
The illegitimate government.
We cover about 300 plus in my two films in my book.
I'll count the book maybe at 400.
You need to get both the films and the book to understand just the basics.
This is so important.
And they're riveting.
They're dynamic films.
Great book.
Paul Watson's book is excellent as well.
Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
They're cold toll free.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action.
Get the videos.
Make a hundred copies.
If this whitewash makes you angry, you get the videos.
You make a hundred copies.
Easy to do.
Hand them out to opinion makers, people in your area, and most people that see the videos are waking up.
Paula in Texas.
Paula, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
My husband and I, we run a chat room on the internet.
And we titled it, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
We play the audio of the movie through the chat room and people come in and listen to it.
Well, I met a woman who lives over there in San Marcos and she sent me the words of a letter she received from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and it's concerning HR 2292.
Have you heard of it?
Refresh my memory.
Okay, it's talking about, the letter talks about
He's been picked out of 30,000 people in the Travis County area who participate in a pilot program to carry a card that they have to put into a reader when they go into the doctor's office, scan their thumb, and then when they leave they have to do it again.
Now this is all part of the National ID Card, it's happening nationwide.
Right, well it's actually safe, believe it or not.
Hang on, let me find it right in here.
It actually says, pal, imagine the future when you only have one small plastic card for all services and identification instead of multiple cards, paper forms, and other personal identification.
And that's going to be the driver's license.
We already have the National ID card, okay?
But they leave it as a regional card so people don't get it.
Right, and she wanted to know if you had known about this.
I'm not familiar with that particular brainwashing, conditioning, acclimation, desensitization program, that gout lighting, but if you will, you can fax that or scan that and email it to me, I'd appreciate it.
Okay, I'll have her do that or mail it to you at your address over there.
Also, I wanted to ask you about, you were quoting Barbara Bush yesterday on your show, is that correct, Craig?
Yes, that was out of the Toronto Star from ABC News.
Good morning, America.
Pardon me?
You said the Toronto Star?
Yeah, I'll talk about it when we get back.
Thanks for the call.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Condoleezza Rice!
Condoleezza Rice is a lying shill for her terrorist masters.
We're going to go back into the evidence, the bald-faced public lies she's telling, and how this so-called commission is a complete and total fraud, a thespian Shakespearean stage-managed theatrical display.
So that's coming up.
We'll get into the wholesale carnage, our dead and dying troops,
The bloodthirsty neocons calling for killing everyone in Fallujah.
Nazi tactics.
Photos of piles of dead children.
Buildings indiscriminately blown to bits, which will only cause more resistance, by the way.
And don't worry all you neocons out there that love this.
You're going to get drafted and get to go over there and breathe the depleted uranium and be a good little slave.
So that's coming up.
Chicago's going to put microphones up all over the city, as they've already done in many other cities.
Just massive corruption, prior knowledge of 9-11 just pouring out, but never in our newspapers.
It is all coming up, and of course your calls at 800-259-9231.
I haven't even given the number out, we've had loaded phones, but 800-259-9231.
And I rarely do this, but in about 28 minutes I'm going to re-air a half hour interview I did yesterday, because a lot of you missed it in the first hour.
concerning Applied Digital's plans for a global ID system where you have to have a chip in your body.
It's going to start with government workers, police officers, and then gun owners.
This is their plan, and a lot of key revelations came out.
Much of this we already had in the mainstream news, but a piece here, a piece there.
This was all in one big, disgusting interview.
So, that's coming up here in, again, about 28 minutes.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
It's going to be a jam-packed second hour, so stay with us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles... Oh!
Paul, I forgot.
Paul McCall wanted to know where I read this quote from yesterday.
This was in the Toronto Star.
And it was quoting Barbara Bush, George Herbert Walker's wife, the broodmother of the fabulous five felons.
Humanity is first casualty of war.
Why should we hear about body bags and deaths, and how many?
What day is going to happen?
It's not relevant, so why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
And then, of course, Bush Sr.
says, bring it on.
And then when people criticize his son, the President, Bush Sr.
starts crying on TV and says, don't talk bad about my son.
It's mean.
You shouldn't be allowed to do it.
Colin Powell, yesterday, was threatening different government officials, like Ted Kennedy, that he better watch himself.
Ted Kennedy's part of the SHIELD game.
Bush Sr.
just gave him a Lifetime Achievement Award.
That's all left-right theater.
But to answer your question, that was ABC News.
Good morning, America, when she said that.
That was reported on Toronto Star.
Let's go ahead and go to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, go ahead.
How you doing, my friend?
Our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
These police soldiers in Iraq killing these children, which I've seen pictures of them on Louisiana Public Network.
We're going to have to answer for everything they're doing.
You know, it's horrible when these children die, and it's horrible when the mercenaries get strung up, but a lot of people see these pictures and say, good, kill more children!
Yeah, well, that's why my people die for lack of knowledge.
But I'm going to tell you something.
People, and I hate to say this, don't get mad at me, but we get what we deserve for letting this evil rule over us.
We should all stand up and do something, if it's anything.
Right now, I'm putting out the Fourth Amendment.
On this paper, and I'm putting them on windshields, letting people know.
Yeah, for those that don't know, the Fourth Amendment, two weeks ago, publicly thrown out by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Well, I'm putting them on windshields in Wal-Mart and grocery stores.
I'm running off about a hundred copies at a time.
It's the Fourth Amendment.
And I'm just trying to get the people to wake up.
They do have rights.
They're not slaves, like you say.
And, you know, I want the people to be proud again.
I want the people to have... Tell you what, stay there.
I'll let you finish up when we get back.
Everybody stay there.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The norm in history is governments thinking that they own the population.
The norm is enslavement.
America was different.
America is America because we had a Bill of Rights.
We were a free country, at least more than others.
Because the government works for the people.
I read about a story just a few days ago where police shot at somebody driving away who was unarmed at a traffic stop.
This morning I'm listening to the news and police shot 23 shots into the back of a car with two women, excuse me, one woman, two children and the husband at a traffic stop.
They've been suspended.
They should be indicted.
Where does this hateful, bloodthirsty attitude come from?
Why are the television dramas promoting torture and wickedness and an end of freedoms?
Why are so many people buying it?
I'm going to get into Condoleezza Rice in a second and all of her lies.
Let's finish up with Charles real quick.
Charles, we need Operation American Freedom.
You know, the government's turning us into Iraq with Saddam-like laws where you put a little sign in your yard saying our court system's a joke and a judge orders you arrested.
Or where the Fifth Circuit throws out the Fourth Amendment.
Or the Supreme Court throws out the Fifth Amendment.
I mean, this is all coming down on us and you say you're printing up the Fourth Amendment
On hundreds of pieces of paper, and just laying them out at grocery stores and other public areas.
I put them in windshields of automobiles.
When people get in their cars there.
But anyway, they're going to be doing this to our children one day, and it's probably going to be soon.
It's probably going to be soon.
I'm not trying to be ugly, but people better start with... They'll walk, they're just scared to do anything.
A lot of people aren't awake, but there's also that illusion that the mainstream media gives us that people aren't awake and people don't care and that we all love the tyranny.
But in reality, we don't.
It's been a few weeks since they got rid of the Fourth Amendment in your state, but it has national implications.
What are people saying about it?
Well, they talk, and you know, they want to give it this thing, and they mention, you know, this ain't right, how much freedom we're going to lose, and I told them we don't have to lose any freedom.
And by the way, they say it's not terror-related, it's for everybody, and you heard the earlier caller, I do have that report.
The Matrix system, with the NSA locally, isn't going to be used for terror, it's going to be used for IRS, it's going to be used for misdemeanors, they're going to watch all of us.
This is freedom.
Thanks for the call.
Alright, more of your calls coming up and a bunch of news about the war in Iraq and of course the plan to forcibly implant you and your family with microchips.
But I wanted to go back over this because I wrote this article this morning in about 20 minutes.
It's filled with hyperlinks.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Everybody needs to see this.
Condoleezza Rice is a lying shill for her terrorist masters concerning her, her liefying this morning.
Condoleezza Rice and the 9-11 Whitewash Commission are putting on a huge theatrical display.
I have made two documentary films covering September 11th and have written a book on the subject.
I have interviewed dozens of government officials and have been continually researching the CIA-Al Qaeda connection even prior to 9-11.
I can say unequivocally that Condoleezza Rice is a congenital liar.
Remember, this is the woman who got up on national television and told the world that no one in the White House or in the Intelligence Complex had ever heard of terrorist plans that crashed planes into buildings.
As a radio broadcaster, I had seen at least 50 mainstream media reports in six years, leading up to 9-11, reporting on the fact that Islamic terror groups were planning to fly aircraft into U.S., British, French, Israeli, and Egyptian landmarks.
Her lie was so blatant that even the dumbed-down general public saw right through it.
She later had to admit that she was wrong.
That's why she's a big, fat liar.
But it wasn't just her.
It was the whole beady-eyed administration, crowing like a bunch of roosters, that no one in the world had ever heard of such a plan.
This was despite the fact that in November of 2000, the Pentagon ran a drill in which terrorists flew a plane into the Pentagon.
Now Rice has the sickening aplomb to go on national television and claim that the first major national security policy directive of the administration was, not Russia, not missile defense, not Iraq, but the elimination of Al Qaeda.
Which he said this morning, to destroy Al Qaeda.
This would have me rolling on the floor if so many people hadn't died on September 11th.
The truth is public knowledge, but it has been buried in the back of hundreds of newspapers in the U.S.
and across the world.
Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda, we have links to that, and to leave terrorist funding organizations alone in the U.S.
He threatened to arrest FBI agents that continue to investigate Al Qaeda, Hamas, and others.
Bill Clinton told three separate countries that he didn't want them to arrest Al-Qaeda.
He also ordered the FBI to stop investigating them while at the same time refusing to even take receipt from foreign countries of thousands of pages of documents detailing Al-Qaeda operations, i.e.
CIA operations.
The truth be known, Al Qaeda is a military industrial complex creation.
It is a wholly manufactured threat to be used to scare Americans and people of the world into submission.
The 9-11 Commission is a joke.
Chairman Keene is in business with Bin Laden's brother-in-law.
Almost every member of the Commission and top staffers were involved in the 9-11 cover-up prior to the Commission being formed.
Don't forget that the first so-called independent head of the Commission was going to be Dr. Henry Kissinger, the known war criminal.
Well, that backfired on the Globalists.
They simply got lesser-known thespians or actors to carry out their Shakespearean, WWF fake wrestling.
If this were a real commission, they would be asking Honelisa Rice why the White House called Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco on the night of September 10th and warned him not to fly to New York on the morning of September 11th.
They would ask Dr. Rice why her boss, George Bush, ordered her to allow 144 members of the Bin Laden family to be picked up by three separate flights and flown out of the country on the night of September 11th when all other commercial air traffic was grounded.
The Kangaroo Commission would ask her to explain why the CIA was running a major drill out of D.C.
at 8.30 a.m.
on September 11th, simulating hijacked planes being flown into landmarks in New York and D.C.
They would ask her why NORAD stood down for over an hour for the first time in U.S.
Of course, the Commission in secret session talked to FBI translator Sybil Edmonds,
Who told them in specific detail how she was ordered to falsify records in order to cover up evidence of specific warnings about 9-11 of planes by Al Qaeda to fly planes into skyscrapers in U.S.
She also talked about how John Ashcroft offered to bribe her with a better job to keep her quiet and threatened to arrest her if she didn't shut up.
He also had her followed.
Now the Commission has never said one word about these incredible revelations in all
The countless press conferences and TV news shows they've been on.
See, they're part of the cover-up.
My friends, there are over 600 smoking guns, not just the four I've mentioned above.
These smoking guns are in my documentary films, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, and my book, 9-11, The Descent into Tyranny, as well as in my book, published by Infowars.com, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos,
Again, by Paul Watson.
Below is a link to the Prison Planet 9-11 archive.
It is one of the most extensive in existence.
I suggest that you spend time looking at these four particular subsections to understand how the truth is hiding in plain sight.
Like Bush orders FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
W199i, FBI hindered Al Qaeda investigation.
Dozens of mainstream articles there.
Clinton administration protecting the terrorists.
Dozens of articles.
Power Law Group and the Bush-Bin Laden connection.
Dozens of articles.
Bin Laden and the CIA asset.
Dozens of articles.
I didn't mean to go so quick through that, but I wanted to get Jim Shepard on to try to get you guys to protect yourselves from the poison that's getting into the water.
The MBTE, the chloride, the chlorine, the fluoride, all the Prozac and Ritalin.
Jim, good to have you on the show.
Always a pleasure.
Say, Alex, you know, all this stuff is so interesting.
Why do you think
That they are going through this charade.
Why not just bury it and go on?
They have to, because they know, a lot of people are aware of it, so they have to act like we've still got a government, and so they have to bring it out, have a fake trial, and say, no, the experts have found that Lee Harvey McVeigh acted alone, the experts have found that the government loves you, and also, some witnesses inside the government think the commission's good, they go to the commission, and the commission finds out what people know.
Well, I tell you, Alex, I don't know where you get all this information, but every time I... Unfortunately, I don't get to listen to you like a lot of listeners do, because I've got things going on, but whenever I'm on the phone waiting for you to... waiting to go on, some of the information that you bring out is just absolutely incredible to me.
Well, unfortunately, it's all documented.
Jim, what of the special, for the top of the line water filters that people have absolutely got to get?
Okay, and folks, this is important because, you know, even if this insight is absolutely correct and that there's a lot of charades going on, look, if the charade affects you, it's the same as if it was an accident.
Hey, the terror attacks are real, whether it's the Easter Bunny or the CIA.
Right, right.
We have a couple specials here, and we're going to add a new mix to the special.
We have a new CD-ROM book that we're going to start offering.
It's called Prudent Places USA.
Folks, this gives you hard-to-find information.
You can find everything from during an emergency, where are water supplies available, if you're evacuating a city, which bridges are in disrepair that might not be a good idea to go over,
How long it takes to evacuate various cities from FEMA studies.
Just very important information.
Where jobs are going to, how much the average person makes.
Over 500 color maps.
500 detailed colored maps that in detail show the 3,000 counties in the United States.
How do people get a copy of that?
Okay, you can order that on go to Berkeywater.com.
That's a $30 CD book.
It has interactive parameters that you can set to find out the information that you want to know.
We're going to offer that free with the with the Berkey light.
And, and the Berkey light is $199.
It doesn't doesn't have the lights on it.
If you want the emergency lights, that's $259.
These water filters are true purifiers.
It has not been demonstrated that bacteria can get through the filter.
Hey, I'll tell you what, Jim.
Do a few more minutes with us on the other side and then in this next segment I'll get into some more of the war news.
Then I'm going to re-air this interview with the implantable microchips.
This is very important.
Then back to your calls and more news.
I don't mean to go so fast here.
There's just so much I want to get to.
And I want to get back into Condoleezza Rice and just the incredible line, not just by her, but by this phony commission.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us.
We talk about real issues, real conservatism, defending this republic from the socialists and their neocon buddies.
We're against the New World Order.
The New World Order is out in the open.
And those that deny its existence, they are the kooks.
Jim Shepard, he got this prudent place to CD.
I'm really impressed with it.
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If you get the system with the lights, don't you get both of them, Jim?
Both of them free.
That's correct.
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Anything else, Jim?
No, just keep up the good work and I understand that you're going to be on with George Norrie coming up.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Well, that's right, Jim.
I'm going to be back on that show for four hours, April 22nd.
So, good to hear from you, Jim.
Take care.
All right.
Now, for all the callers that are holding, I'm going to get to you.
But this interview is coming up because I've had so many requests to re-air it.
I never have a show one day and then re-air it the next day.
But it's a 30-minute interview with the Supply Digital Franchise Implantation Center.
And he talks about how the CEO of Applied Digital said, oh yeah, everybody in the world is going to have this for an ID, or they're going to have to have a chip to own a gun.
And I played along with him.
I was real friendly with him.
And got more out of him than when I normally have these people on.
But a lot of what he talked about I've already seen in the news, a piece here, a piece there.
He talked about Italy preparing to implant all their government workers with a chip.
Our military, all of it.
This is a very important interview that's coming up.
So right after it's over, we'll go straight to your calls, and then back into all the news.
I know we've got loaded phone lines, so just stay with us.
And then I want to get back into Condoleezza Rice, because, again, the lies are bold-faced in public.
But these people are very bold.
It's like when Rumsfeld got up on Face the Nation and said, I never said the threat was imminent.
And so they showed all these quotes of where he'd said it.
I mean, all we've got to do is have memories here.
And what we do is we save all these news articles year after year on the website so we're able to show their lies in progression.
I mean, Bush said he never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
How many times did you see him say that?
And I hear lying neocons, bloodthirsty neocons on the radio saying that they're still mobile weapons trucks, they're still mass graves.
All of that was a lie, and they knew it day one, and they're still telling the lies!
They are what you would call the liberals for big government, for gun control, for open borders, and I'm sick of them!
Because if the conservatives of this country knew what was happening, we could save America!
We could save our troops and leave the poor, pathetic Iraqi people alone!
Instead, our troops are breathing depleted uranium, they're having their health care cut, they're being treated like total trash!
And then these draft-dodging, AWOL chicken-hawks sit up there and say, bring them on, and laugh at the troops' family members and say, get over it.
And Barbara Bush says, why should I worry about the body bags?
Why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
I mean, this is Marie Antoinette, let them eat cake before they storm the Bastille.
These people are on power trips.
I'm looking at photos of piles of dead Iraqi children.
Our government's indiscriminately blowing up whole sections of towns.
And you fools call into talk radio and go, kill them!
Nuke the whole city!
Nuke them!
Nuke them!
Nuke them!
All the innocent people that weren't involved in that, you want to kill children?
Well we gotta get tough!
Well then I guess the Nazis were good then because that's the exact type of stuff they did.
That's exactly what they do.
You killed an officer, you killed an SS man, they'd sit there and shell a whole town.
They'd round people up and put them inside a barn and burn them up.
And that's exactly what our government's doing.
And what's happened to America?
What happened to people that were loved worldwide and were the good guys and didn't abuse prisoners?
Even the Revolutionary War, we were known for that, when the Redcoats tortured us.
And by the way, the Redcoats lost.
It backfired on them.
That's what created all the resistance.
Most people were Tories until the abuses.
But the globalists aren't stupid.
The London Guardian even admits this is a plan to make America look bad so the UN can come in as the good cop in June.
This is a cynical staged event to make America look bad!
And we've walked into this trap and you stupid neocons have played right into the socialist hands.
You better get more sophisticated and start waking up to these grease balls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've been talking about the global move to making an implantable radio frequency identification microchip to be the global identification system.
And I've talked about how it's something we'll first see in VIP circles.
And we are honored to be joined by Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars that's in several European countries, and it's the top of the line
a club system and he's been implanted with the Verichip radio frequency identification system.
He was implanted on the national television show called Big Brother over there and now the VIPs of the bar, those that want to the VIP room will have it.
And joining us from Madrid, Spain is Conrad Chase, happens to be an American.
Conrad, good to have you on the show.
Good to be here.
In Barcelona, Spain, actually.
Okay, I apologize.
No, no, it's probably our fault.
My secretary probably screwed up with that.
No, I'm sure it's our fault.
But they're in Barcelona, Spain.
Tell us a little bit about your club first.
Well, we are the Baja Beach Club.
We are actually the European affiliate of the Baja Beach Club.
There are several Baja Beach Clubs in America.
The headquarters is based in Chicago.
We've been up and running over here for seven successful years.
We basically have the beach atmosphere inside a discotheque.
And at the same time, there's also some other Baja beach clubs in Europe, correct?
Yes, we also have two up in England and one in Rotterdam, Holland.
Now, you yourself have been implanted.
Can you tell us about that?
I have, yes.
I have the Vip chip in my arm.
It is a radio frequency ID tag.
It's a microtransmitter.
It only transmits when the reader is in the vicinity and the reader has to charge the chip before it to actually transmit its identifying signal.
So you cannot be localized all over the world via satellite as some people may fear.
Now, when you go into the club, why did you decide to start this program at the Barcelona Club?
Well, we just opened our new VIP lounge here on the 25th.
We had the inauguration of our VIP lounge, and I wanted to have something very unique that no other club had, and we were able to achieve that with the VIP chip.
We are the first club in America that are using it for this application.
All kinds of clubs have their version of a VIP card, where the customer shows their VIP card and they're allowed whatever perks may be involved with having that card, pre-entrance and whatnot.
And I wanted to have something very special, so I came across the idea of the Verichip, because I'm a techno fan, and the idea is that my customers
I have the chip implanted.
They come in.
There's a reader at the door.
It greets them.
It says, Good evening, Carlos Sanchez.
Welcome to the Baja Beach Club.
You are a VIP.
You have in your account X amount of dollars, or in this case, we're using the Euros system.
And you have also, we have lockers here where the people can store their preferred bottle of alcohol.
And then it's all automatically deducted according to the chip?
And then at the end of the night, instead of asking for the bill, well, they ask to pay their bill, and the waitress comes up with a handheld portable reader.
It reads up to one meter distance away, reads their identifying tag, and it deducts the amount from their account.
Sir, is this going to be done at the U.S.
and British and the club in Holland?
It's definitely going to be done in my club in Holland and I will be opening soon in Cologne, Germany.
Can you tell us about your implantation procedure and where that took place?
Because that's very interesting.
Sure, well we did actually on a Thursday night at 2 o'clock in the morning while the club was open and performed it right here in the club in the VIP lounge and I had a doctor come to perform the procedure.
It can be performed by any licensed nurse who is certified or is trained in... Yeah, it's very convenient.
A one-time deal.
Very, very easy to get the chip.
It's a simple injection.
Really, really simple.
They do use a small needle to put a small anesthesia in first, and then they put the chip in.
And it's not painful at all because of the local anesthetic.
Now I had read that this was also broadcast on some television there on a show called Big Brother.
Yeah, actually it wasn't broadcast on Big Brother.
What we had was the people from Big Brother came to our club and were going to be chipped.
It turned out being that on the night there was a great deal of chaos.
Uh, the club is just so busy that we wound up not, uh, inflating the chip in them that night.
They're going to come by, uh, next week.
So they're going to videotape it later for the show?
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Ah, well that'll be, that would kind of fit with the show, I guess.
Uh, now, you had told my producer that, uh, FN Herzl, a big manufacturer of firearms, is moving ahead with a chip for the hand to access your firearm.
Yes, Alex.
It's very interesting what they're doing.
It's really a great idea because the policemen that will be using it, they'll have the chip implanted in their firing hand, right in between the thumb and forefinger, and that will actually provide a means of allowing the pistol to function.
If somebody were to steal the pistol from them, it does them no good.
It cannot fire unless you've got the proper chip in the hand.
Well, there's a move here in the U.S.
to make all the gun manufacturers put RFID in the gun, then you wear a ring that activates it.
There's a move actually to make that the law by 2006.
Do you think that's a good idea?
I think it's a great idea.
Might have been much easier to have the chip, though.
I think it'd be a lot easier to have the chip, because then you have the other advantages of having the chip.
You cannot lose it.
A ring, you can lose.
The chip, you cannot lose.
You don't have to worry about forgetting it if you ever were to take it off.
You can also use the chip for other functions.
It can be used as a payment system, as a credit card system.
It can store all your medical information.
The best, best amount of information.
Now, obviously you've been in contact with Verichip, the company.
I imagine they're pretty excited to have someone prominent with this VIP connection to be promoting this.
Yes, yes.
We have a very good working relationship.
I'm actually taking on a distributorship here in the Benelux.
Did you know IBM really owns Verichip?
Okay, I haven't heard of that.
Verichip is owned by the Applied Digital Systems Corporation.
Yeah, but the main creditors and some of the board controllers are IBM, which is interesting.
I'm just saying a big technology company like that.
Okay, I wasn't aware of that.
They're a major shareholder in ADSX.
Yeah, and at the same time, you know, the plant is in Beijing, China.
Were you aware of that?
Yes, yes.
So, there are also some shareholders in it.
Now, sir, I know you
Are you going to have any of your dancing girls implanted?
Yes, I have a lot of people who are interested, several employees.
What I wanted to do is get some of our customers chipped.
This past Monday we had three customers chipped.
And next week on Tuesday, I am scheduling another chipping session where I'll be chipping another six customers.
I want to first build up our customer database of people who have been chipped, and then I'll start working on the employees.
Now, we've got your press release, we're going to be posting that, but I wanted to know what type of perks, because I was hearing that some of the stuff at your club, your fabulous club, is free, so you get just really primo perks if you get the chip.
Right, exactly.
If you install the chip, then you get free entrance.
The entrance is normally 14 Euros, but with the chip you get free entrance, well, basically for the rest of your life.
I'm reading some quotes, some of the things you said.
Did you say, quote, the chip will prevail in the future because in those times the people will use it as cash?
And getting rid of the need for a credit card?
I think that the first stage of microchipping of people has reached our country.
This is being launched to appeal to young people in the first place.
Yes, yes.
That is a statement that I made, I believe, with a television program from Portugal.
Yes, I believe wholeheartedly in the chip system.
The biggest advantage of it is that you don't have to worry about carrying cards around with you.
You don't have to worry about them getting lost, stolen, counterfeited.
You've got the chip with you at all times.
You can't forget it, and nobody can steal it from you.
So, that's an interesting statement.
The chip will prevail, almost like it's a war.
Well, I'm not a fighter.
I'm not going to start any more wars.
The world has enough wars, but I believe very strongly in the chip, in that it perhaps could prevent wars.
We're talking to Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars, and you direct what, two bars?
Yeah, we've got two.
It's actually a large discotheque nightclub.
The one here in Barcelona, we've got a capacity of 2,500 people, 2,500 customers.
And the one in Rotterdam, Holland also has a capacity of 2,000 people.
And then the others that are in England, those are another franchise, but they may, you just haven't talked to them yet.
And you're talking about opening one in Cologne, Germany.
Yes, Cologne, Germany is on track to be open the end of the summer, 2004.
Do you ever see a point in 10 years where if you don't have the chip, you can't get in the club?
Yeah, definitely.
The people are embracing this technology.
I'm flooded with people who want the chip to be implanted.
And the only thing that's slowing me down from getting more people having the chip implanted is that it has to be done in a clean, sterile environment.
It has to be done by a medical professional.
So I have to schedule that during the day.
It can't be done at night.
You're a perfect atmosphere.
Those people are relaxed and happy.
And I know Verichip has been opening offices here in the U.S.
for implantation.
So you're now part of the franchise, I guess.
You're going to be a provider of this.
So I guess you could put a little sterile office in there and have the folks line up.
It's true.
It's something that I've been working at.
The caution that I have with that is that I prefer to have my customers
Not, uh... I prefer to have them sober.
I don't want them to be out drinking.
I mean, there are medical concerns if someone has consumed a great deal of alcohol, and then they're going to put in the chip, because alcohol can thin the blood and could cause bleeding.
Well, let's talk more about that.
You know, an Army War College document said that we're all going to accept the chip in the next few decades, thanks to media and thanks to the culture.
And so you do see a time in the future where you won't even be able to get in without the chip.
Yeah, I definitely see that.
I see in the future that the chip will be embraced here in my club, but I believe also it can
Take the place of the passport.
It could be a global passport that everyone on the planet would use this as a means of passport.
The problem, the limiting factor is that people need to get over the chicken little, the sky is falling syndrome.
The same thing that we went through with Y2K, that everyone went into a panic and predicted that
There was going to be a huge blackout and whatnot.
I think we've all seen that in the year 2000, the changeover from 1999 to 2000, there were very few problems.
I don't know though, sir, if you can really compare those two, but certainly I can see that young people are going to be more open-minded and are going to be embracing this.
I just want to understand something here concerning the chip.
Now, again, when you come in, the door is automatically open for you if you have the chip and a computer talks to you?
Yes, at the current time I have the hand reader implemented and that can be used to identify the people and also to use the VeriPay system to deduct the money from their account.
In one month, the Verichip Corporation is going to be coming and it will be installing the wall-mounted reader with the database and the computer and the monitor.
It won't speak to you.
It will display the information on a monitor.
Sir, now you seem to be really up on all this about how we're going to accept that this will be the global model.
Did you have discussions with Verichip?
Is this their idea, or did you...?
It was all my idea.
I take all the credit for it.
But I mean, your comments about this being the global idea and things, did you discuss this with Verichip or was this their idea?
Yeah, I have had in-depth discussions with Keith Bolton, the Vice President of Verichip.
In fact, yesterday, he and I were discussing it at great length and I discussed the
Yeah, my belief in the system and also gave a little advice to him that there needs to be a second source of verification.
For example, a retina scan.
Oh, on top of it.
But I mean, was Mr. Bolton talking about this global ID system?
Correct, yes.
He is a very, very strong believer in it.
He informed me yesterday that they are in discussion.
I believe, I don't want to quote directly, but I believe that they do have a signed contract with the Italian government.
To implement a test of the VeriCip system installed in government employees for verifying their identification.
Also, a Bureau of Prisons contract a few years ago with California, but that fell through.
Did you hear about that?
No, no, I didn't hear about that.
That's too bad that that fell through.
What about Special Forces?
I've been hearing the military is going to be getting this.
That's where I see one of the largest advantages of this to be put in the military.
I served in the military myself and I know in the indoctrination process you run through before boot camp and you get your shots and I can see this very easily being implanted in each soldier as they run through the indoctrination process and instead of carrying dog tags which was always a problem
Your dog tags would get lost or stolen.
The chip never gets lost or stolen.
It will always be with you.
Well, I'll tell you what, sir.
I know you're very busy, but I've just got four or five other questions.
We've got a quick three-minute break coming up.
Can we just do five minutes on the other side?
Sure, Alex.
No problem.
Okay, thank you so much.
We're talking to Conrad Chase.
Just intriguing.
And I've just got a few other final questions for him on the other side of this quick break.
So he'll be with us for about five minutes to the end of the hour.
We'll break here and come right back.
So, again, please stay with us as we talk to Conrad Chase, the director of Baja Beach Disco Bars, one of the VIP.
Gotta get the chip.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
We're good to go!
We're talking to Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars in Europe.
And he's now on the Applied Digital Solutions Implantation Center.
They're putting all that in.
And they've been implanting the customers.
During the break, I talked to you, Mr. Chase.
You said you like that.
If you want to be a VIP, you've got to get the chip.
That might be a slogan for you later, huh?
I like that, Alex.
It's very creative.
I might borrow that if I may.
Sure, go ahead.
It's all yours.
We're there when you need it.
There is a global plan as you said you talked to Mr. Bolton and the government's pushing this and you know people talk about Germany with the papers please and this tracking and this controlling and having it to buy and sell you think that's coming?
I mean you know you said the TV show Big Brother is coming out to interview you.
I mean this this is Big Brother and and and this is a total control grid that's being put in and I see it being pushed as a VIP thing so that the youth all go out and get it.
What do you say to that?
Yeah, I think it's the technology that's there, and I'm a strong believer in taking advantage of the technology at hand.
There are a great deal of advantages in using the technology, and I think people need to get over their fears, like I used before, the chicken little fears.
But you're an American!
You're an American!
The Founding Fathers said, don't trust government, limit its size, have liberty, have a Bill of Rights, and you're saying you're not worried about that?
But then we created one of the best governments in the world.
One of the best governments which can be trusted.
And I believe you need to trust your government.
And you need to trust technology.
It's there.
We have to use it.
Hey, let me ask you a question.
What did you do in the military?
I'm just curious.
I was in telecommunications.
Oh, telecommunications.
So you were in communications?
Yes, I was.
Did you do NSA work or anything?
Excuse me?
What type of work did you do?
Well, in communications it was, I can't really get into it because it was not top secret, but secret classified information.
It was a form of combat communications.
Well, I have to be honest with you.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I think you need to investigate Verichip and IBM, and you need to look at Applied Digital, and you need to look at the plant they built in China that you said you were aware of.
And I think it's very scary for you to say, no chip, you won't be able to get in the club, and that you think that's somewhere we might be going, or having chips in our hands to have guns.
Sure, well I would never enforce it that stringently that you cannot enter my club without the chip.
Definitely not.
I do feel that that is a... Alright folks, that's it for the interview.
You notice that earlier he said that, oh that's what's coming, that's what's going to happen, but then when we press him, oh no...
I read the official government plans back in 2000 to forcibly implant the entire population, and now they're conditioning us through these front companies.
I have no doubt this guy isn't a government op.
That so-called family that independently wanted to get it done in Florida turned out they worked for the company.
That was all staged.
This is a staged event that's out of control.
We'll get your responses to this, Condoleezza Rice's lies, the growing death toll, what's happening with Big Brother, in the third hour, your calls, when we get back, immediately.
Before I end this hour, though, if you want to learn more about the implantable microchip program, get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
We also cover it in 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
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Third hour coming up.
Hope your station carries it because it's going to be absolutely jam-packed.
Your call is a ton of news.
Coming up, so stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
In this third hour, we'll chronicle the carnage
In Iraq, the U.N.
takeover coming up, playing the part of the good cops.
Connelisa Rice's lies, moron big brother.
A jam-packed third hour.
And of course, your phone calls.
Speaking of phone calls, you're welcome to any of your comments about that interview you just heard me broadcast.
Some interesting revelations of Ply Digital telling their subsidiaries, oh yeah, it'd be a global ID system of chips, which they actually have called for.
The Italian government wants to put it in all their employees.
Put one in your hand to have a gun.
Now again, I was a kook five years ago to talk about this.
It didn't exist when I was reading U.S.
government documents.
Now it's out in the open, and I'm a kook if I'm against it.
The nightmare is upon us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in mass, then Mark, Mike, Tex, John, and others.
Kevin, go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Way to keep hitting the New World Order right between the eyes.
I had a couple of quick comments of the Verachip interview.
You know, I know most of your listeners are probably aware of this, but if you just go to the Book of Revelation, John, and lines 16 through 18, and he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their hand or on their forehead, and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the great beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom, let him have that half understanding, count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 6, 3, score, and 6.
And inside of a UPC code, the numbers are 6.
The number of a man, and again this is your biometric number, and we've had the inventor of the barcode on, it only works in a 666 combination.
A couple of other comments if I may.
You know, what initially got me to call was in response to your request for comments on the neo-prime propaganda.
I started the morning today watching Imus in the Morning, MSNBC, and he's quoted as saying, yes, I'd bomb those mosques.
He pauses dramatically, and we can't cut and run, to which his mindless yes-man sidekick pipes in, how about if we carpet bomb the city and annihilate and run?
Ha ha ha, yuck yuck yuck.
And, uh, local Boston radio, Maddie in the Morning, most popular morning show.
Oh, poor Condoleezza Rice being forced to testify.
Hey, I have an idea.
Wouldn't it be neat if Bush got up there, you know, because protecting the woman, you know, because she's only the National Security Director.
But he's playing up like she's this poor woman the Senators are beating on.
And he came up and said the buck stops here.
Well, they're all stage members, too!
They're all part of it, too!
Fourth Amendment, uh, your show is on fire today.
You know, my boss is an attorney and he's a former policeman and he comes in last night telling me how the reasonable suspicion is the new standard.
It's changed based on this new ruling.
And I said, no, it's not.
Here he is, an attorney, an ex-police officer.
He couldn't understand what I was saying.
They get their authority from the Congress.
Yeah, you don't have to answer their questions for the Fifth Amendment, and they have to have a warrant to search your house, but it's not even a reasonable suspicion.
It's if we want to search, we'll do it.
You've got to say no.
They can't change this.
Look, Supreme Courts have said black people aren't human beings.
I say that's wrong.
I'm not going to follow their criminal rulings.
Tell Cheskow, Phil, when the people just said no to his illegitimate authority, he can make rules based on nothing, and we won't listen.
That's it, my friend.
I appreciate the call.
Good points, Kev.
Mark in Minnesota, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hello, sir.
Can you hear me?
You just came in.
Couldn't hear you at first.
You know what?
I don't think we should nuke Fallujah, Alex.
I think we should go through and torture everybody first and then nuke Fallujah, right?
That's a real conservative thing.
Torture and nuking innocent people is now good.
Yeah, but if I'm not mistaken, wasn't there like a news story recently about like a phone call that Connelly's Rice had with Rupert Murdoch?
Yes, there was.
Well, I wonder if Rupert Murdoch ever told her about that Lone Gunman show, which he aired several months before September 11th, depicting a commercial jet being remotely hijacked and flown towards the World Trade Center?
No one ever heard of that, Mark.
Stay there.
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Back in late 2001, Condoleezza Rice got up on national television in a press conference and said that no one in the federal government ever imagined a plan to hijack jets and fly them into buildings, that no one had ever discussed it, despite the fact it had multiple government drills in D.C.
for it, despite the fact Tom Clancy's two best-selling books said he got it from intelligence agencies.
Rupert Murdoch's Fox Television had a pilot
After X-Files ended in 2001, called the Lone Gunman, and a secret government group hijacks a jumbo jet to fly to the World Trade Center to get martial law.
They say, why are you doing this war for martial law?
We even played that clip, it's in my film, The Masters of Terror.
They say, oh yeah, we're doing this to get martial law, to be able to attack all these countries and blame it on them.
And so,
That's a good point to say, yeah, Connolly Survives had never heard of such a plan.
Of course, they ordered Sybil Edmonds, the FBI translator,
In late 2001, to go back and redact and change the transcript from before of the specific meetings and warnings of plans to fly these planes into the World Trade Center complex itself.
I mean, we even knew about that.
And there were over 50 articles that I'd seen over the years before 9-11 of plans to do this.
Front page, CNN, Washington Times, New York Times, Washington Post.
Project Bojinka came out in 1996 from the Philippines.
And of course, when Bush, just a few months before 9-11, was in Genoa, Italy, for the World Economic Summit, they had anti-aircraft guns up on top of the buildings.
Over 10 foreign countries warned us of specifics, because they were getting all the CIA chatter.
So, she's a complete liar!
And now she says,
Day one, the number one priority was Al Qaeda.
Now first they claimed that it wasn't on their radar screen and they didn't really discuss it.
Now she's publicly flip-flopped and said, oh no, that's all we talked about.
This is the same group that's put out hundreds of different fake documents concerning Iraq.
They are a pack of liars.
And this 9-11 whitewash commission interviewed civil admins in, quote, secret.
And then, you know, tried to under subpoena say, well, you've been sworn this is secret now.
Now you can't talk about it.
That's what the commission's for, to get people into secret testimony.
Then under threat of contempt, they can't tell anybody.
But she walked out three weeks ago.
And we really broke the story here with Tom Flacco.
There were 15 news cameras around him, over 30 other paper reporters, all taking notes as she went over the facts, released the documents.
Ashcroft threatened to arrest me if I told anybody what I knew about them falsifying the records and ordering me to.
They said if I shut up, I'd get a better job.
Now they're following me.
Well, it's the same thing.
They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert Wright from Illinois.
They threatened to arrest FBI agents from Arizona.
It's the same thing.
And so now she says that they were on it from day one and they never frustrated the investigation.
They never even knew about it!
And meanwhile, in reality, publicly, they ordered the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda and protected the Bin Laden family.
And flew 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters out of Afghanistan before the country collapsed.
And that staged war.
That was totally fake!
Then they grab a bunch of innocent people and take them to be tortured at Camp X-Ray owned by Halliburton.
Good training for the troops to come back here and be police.
I'll finish up what you were saying, Mark.
You know, I think it would be kind of interesting to look into some of these media figures like this John Miller, ABC, and then also this Peter Bergen guy, and then there's like two others, I can't remember their names, like a Vincent, I can't remember his last name.
What's the point about them?
Because if you go back before September 11, 2001, it was a fairly
A tight-knit group of people who are putting out the propaganda that, you know, Al-Qaeda and bin Laden are with this big threat and so forth.
And John Miller, you know, of ABC, he actually had a face-to-face interview with Bin Laden a few years ago.
Up there on the Afghani mountaintop.
I appreciate the call.
Let me briefly comment on that.
We'll go to other callers before the show runs out here.
About 45 minutes left, or a little bit more.
The reason I got on the air, July 25th of 2001, two months before 9-11, and said, call the White House, tell them, don't use Bin Laden as your Patsy to attack New York, specifically the World Trade Center.
Now I said that in probably 20 shows, I said it on television, put out the White House, the Congressional phone numbers,
I gave the details of it.
And how did I do that?
Because everyone knew.
I knew here in Austin, Texas.
I didn't just know from intelligence sources.
I knew from watching their propaganda.
Back then, I made myself watch about two hours of news a night.
I just can't torture myself anymore.
I have to read the text of what they say.
I do miss a lot of it.
Frankly, the intelligence on this show suffers because of it.
I cannot make... I'm so happy not watching television.
You know, just what I catch when I'm in restaurants or at the gym is horrible enough.
I have been watching some lately with these hearings and things, but... I can read the transcripts of what the psychopaths say and do.
It's hard to look at them, gloat, and, you know, to know they're guilty of it, and then staging as they're our loving heroes.
It's too much for me to handle, folks.
But, back then, I was watching a lot of it, and about four months before 9-11, they said, the terrorists are about to attack.
When they do, give all your rights up.
But, Laden is going to attack you.
Suddenly, they show the big threat.
Ooh, Afghanistan's bad.
They're abusing women.
You know, they're blowing up these Buddhist temples that were there 2,000 years ago.
These guys are 1,500 years ago.
These guys are really bad.
We've got to do something about them now.
And then I saw Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, two top CFR members, two policy makers when it comes to these events.
They were on hardball about two months before 9-11.
They had a celebration.
Laughing, giggling, back slapping, and I sat there with my mouth hanging up because I was already hitting the pieces of the puzzle.
And they said, you know, let me tell you something.
Matthews and Matthews says, what?
Tell me!
Tell me!
They were all laughing.
He goes, big buildings!
You know, big buildings!
Gotta have troops in them!
Big buildings are in trouble!
Let me tell you, Al-Qaeda is gonna hit us!
Things are gonna be different after this!
Oh yeah!
Things are gonna change!
Homeland Security!
Oh boy!
And it was all this inside laughing.
You know, it's like Murdoch with the secret plane flying into the building.
Ha ha ha!
Martial law!
The government's really gonna do it!
We're gonna take your rights!
They just love
Doing this, and I saw all of that, and then saw some of the indicators and the moves, and I went on air and said, they're about to do it.
And, unfortunately, I was right down to the scintilla of information.
A couple days after 9-11, and this clip is actually in The Road to Tyranny, Gary Hart's on a CFR meeting with Rudman and others, and he says, we need to use this disaster to get what President Bush's father called for, a New World Order.
And so, that's what they're doing.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
I got fed up watching the whitewash this morning and I just sat down with a list of Council on Foreign Relations members and compared it to the
The 9-11 Commission.
Four of the Commissioners CFR, and others are Bin Laden business partners or actively involved, like the head staffer of the committee actually whitewashing before the Commission for Bush.
And published Condoleezza Rice's Helper Writer book.
All the leadership.
Thomas Keene, the Chairman.
Hamilton, the Vice Chairman.
Zelikoff, the Executive Director.
All three of these guys are counsel on foreign relations.
Four of them are CFR.
Yeah, but I'm just saying the leadership in particular is all CFR.
Taking testimony from Condoleezza Rice... Now wait a minute, Rush Limbaugh says the CFR doesn't exist even when they publish his books.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
So it doesn't exist, you're crazy.
Yeah, and Rush wouldn't lie to us.
Condoleezza Rice, of course, is CFR.
Covering for Rumsfeld and Cheney, also CFR.
You know, I urge people to call their congressman.
This was a Senate-run fiasco.
Call the congressman, point this out to them, and say, we want a real investigation, not this whitewash.
Well, I mean, did you hear me earlier just go over her blatant lies?
I mean, it's blatant.
A five-year-old could point these lies out.
So this, you know, you have to be either idiot or complicit in the conspiracy.
To accept this nonsense.
Well, Keane's in business with the Bin Laden complex!
Yeah, but most people aren't aware of that.
Simply the fact that all these guys are CFR is way beyond coincidence and should be compelling in itself to say that we need a fresh investigation.
So the CFR calls for getting rid of American sovereignty and taking our guns.
What's wrong with that?
Yeah, it's a free country.
They're entitled to think that, but they're not entitled to hold office where they've sworn allegiance to the Constitution.
It's incompatible.
I had a staffer for John McCain tell me that the other day.
So what if he's CFR?
He's not allowed to have his own views?
I said, no, not when they're incompatible with his oath of office.
Well, also, what do you think about piles of dead Iraqi children and the neocons screaming to flatten the city and to kill everyone?
Wow, that's a new policy!
You know, and the most bloodthirsty are many of my so-called Christian brothers and sisters who really hold racist ideas.
And it's taken me a long time to come to grips with that, but it's nothing but pure racism that says that these Arabs are somehow less than human and don't deserve the same compassion as any other human being.
Well, the point is, if 20 guys kill 4 people and string them up, then you don't call to level a city and start just blowing buildings up randomly.
Well, you can understand when a sergeant or a private who's lost his buddy can say something like that, but when your general officers start making reckless comments like that,
These guys have to be diplomatic and cool-headed.
Well, look at it!
It's blown up bigger in their face!
They're going to get more troops killed now doing this!
This isn't going to help the troops.
This isn't going to help the cause of the globalists.
But see, the UN's about to come in as the bad cop, so they've got to act like... or the good cop, they've got to act like the bad cop right now.
Yeah, and at some point, you know, even these guys, whether they're CFR or not, start behaving like human beings, and when they see their friends get blown up and shot up,
Uh, things get out of control.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I hear them all over talk radio saying, kill everybody in the town.
300,000 people.
In Fallujah.
Kill everybody!
Just kill them all!
And I've heard responses now to all these dead children.
Well, that's just the way it is.
Good, that'll teach them.
Oh yeah, that'll teach them.
Sure, they're really gonna love us now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I want to go to your calls BAM BAM BAM fast, because I got a bunch of news I want to get to as well.
But to show the mass conditioning, even of myself, four or five years ago, when we would release government documents, when we would bring them out, and talk about the official government plan to microchip all of us as a world ID card system, it was incredible.
Everybody was so upset.
But now we've been conditioned with it all over the news, and how good it is, and how it keeps the children safe, and in a Time Magazine for kids, and all the public schools, oh, children need chips.
Chips are so much fun, and to the cartoons and movies.
Now we have a promoter of air chip on there.
Yeah, the global ID.
Gotta have one in your hand to own a gun for buying and selling.
The chip will prevail.
Resistance is futile.
It's just, ah, no big deal.
See, this process, we have to be conscious of this and move forward against it.
Let's go to Tex in Kentucky, then John, Sander, Ron, Jeff, and others.
Go ahead, Tex.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I'm a rebroadcast listener since you moved.
I've got a gigantic, huge story I'd like to disclose to the public today.
Actually, I've got a number, but I'd like to break this one since... Well, let me just go ahead and say it.
Most people aren't going to like what I have to say.
About 95% aren't going to like what I have to say.
Go ahead and just say it.
Okay, well, the truth is hiding in plain sight.
Let me just say that.
Today is April 8, 2004, and it's the week of Passover and Easter, and it's approximately 1.30, and my name is Tex.
Well, here we go.
Mel Gibson employed at least five pornographic stars in The Passion of Christ.
He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And of these five, you need to do research on one of his, at least one of his infamous cast members, Monica Bellucci, who plays Mary Magdalene.
Okay, she, you might remember her as the topless vampire bride in the 1992 Graham Stoker's Dracula.
And also who was in that movie also was Anthony Hopkins, who played Hannibal Lecter in the series, and Keanu Reeves.
She's in with the new Matrix movie, okay?
Okay, yeah.
I mean, I'm familiar with that actress.
Okay, well, her and about five others like to really pose in their birthday suits, okay?
Now, I know that you don't like to give out websites, but I have an unusual ability, and I found it on this website, and I just wanted to ask if I could... You have an unusual ability?
I wish I had that.
Yeah, you want me to run down through the list of the actresses that are... Well, no, I don't mind people giving out websites.
I just don't want to get endless plugging.
What's the website?
It's http://watch.pair.com.
Okay, go... I'll go back over it.
Some hundred foot website.
Okay, go ahead.
Sir, please make your point.
I just want to give up this website.
If people can do their own research, they really need to do their own research.
Let me talk, because it's my show, too.
Let me just say something here.
Look, I think overall the Passion of the Christ is doing a lot of good.
I think Mel Gibson's put out a lot of uplifting news, like the Patriot and Braveheart.
Do you know what that movie's about?
Yeah, the Braveheart movie.
Well, it's about the Knights Templar refuge in Scotland.
So the Celts and the Scots go back to practicing Druidism.
Knights Templar defeated the English Christians at Bannockburn.
Druidism sometimes utilizes... Now the British government's... That's not in that movie!
The freedom that they're referring to is the freedom to worship Lucifer.
Druidism used to practice human sacrifice.
That's what they're talking about.
Well, let me assure you... Can I get out that website?
Hey, I appreciate your call.
You know, I said I was going to go to calls quickly.
And I'm not doing a show on the passion today.
And you got to have your say, sir.
I know the Gibsons.
They're devout Christians.
They love God.
They hate evil.
And Mel Gibson has said that, you know, he did wrong in the past making racy films.
He's not made porno movies.
And the people he has in his films aren't in porno movies.
Yes, have some women been topless?
The point is, is that you're not too concerned about the global plan to put chips in you.
I mean, I just, you know, Mel Gibson's evil.
Just go enjoy all the other Hollywood movies that are out there.
And I wonder why the world's attacking Mel Gibson.
Oh, I wanted to go to three or four calls during that segment, but it didn't happen.
Just, you know, that happened instead.
And, you know, I guess when I want to be on topic, I just shouldn't take calls because it's never, ever on.
I'll throw out ten big topics, really important things, and it's always this or that or... So I guess it'd be better if Mel Gibson hadn't even made that film.
And, you know, he's got a couple of actresses in there he's saying who were in movies with their top socks, so they shouldn't then be in a movie that's uplifting.
Isn't that what Christ went to Mary Magdalene and saved her from being stoned so she could be forgiven?
He without sin cast the first stone, Tex.
We'll be right back with your calls, hopefully.
We'll try to get to them.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm only gonna talk to Ron, Jeff, and who's the caller after Jeff?
Lou and Rob, and that's it.
I'm sorry to everybody else, because I do have to get to the rest of this news.
And I sounded frustrated with the last caller.
It isn't even what they were saying.
It's that I said I wanted to go quickly to calls, and it was a long, belabored point of his making.
Let me just spend a minute or two, since he brought it up, about The Passion of the Christ.
Moe Gibson's Patriot's a great film.
It's pro-gun, pro-family, pro-America.
What are you going to say bad about it?
Even in his movie,
of the signs was about getting your faith back and believing in God and was anti, you know, atheistic.
Bill Gibson's done a lot of really good work and I'm not a Catholic.
The Gibsons think the Catholic Church is the new world order and frankly it is a big part of it, what the Catholic Church is and how it operates and what it does, so they're out speaking out against that and getting involved there as well.
But a lot of these so-called Protestants, which you would consider me as one, but please don't, because I don't want to be considered, you know, part of, uh, you know, the head of the 700 Club, Pat Robertson, saying forced abortion's good in China, and they're doing what they have to do, and infanticide, and the implantable microchip hitting the mark of the beast, and basically George Bush is God, and this war is holy, and
We'll soon have our world leader to worship in Jerusalem, and all of this, I mean, the entire established religious system, whether it's Protestant or Catholic, is totally full of the New World Order, totally full of the occult.
I've seen Protestant churches that have hidden-in-plain-view upside-down crosses.
I've seen stuff with the Pope on a throne with a big upside-down cross behind him.
I mean, this stuff's everywhere!
It's the World Council of Churches!
They got Methodist churches doing U.N.
gun-grab days, Baptist churches doing it.
This is very, very serious.
And I have discernment.
I'm not sitting here bragging.
And I think overall, this is Pastor David J. Smith and many others have said, that The Passion is a good film.
And I've watched it closely.
And it's not going to suck anybody into the Catholic religion.
Is it going to make some Catholics face stronger?
Catholics, if you consider that Christian.
Probably so.
uh... but uh... it's causing a revival in this country and it's causing a lot of good things to happen and uh... you know that Jesus isn't some pathetic wimp in the movie some effeminate wimp I mean it's a very good film and uh... yes I've seen at least one of the actresses uh... well I'll have to agree with the caller actually I saw the last Matrix series and I wouldn't have gone to see it if I knew how
That movie, and she was in it, the one that plays Mary Magdalene, did have some stuff that I would consider pornographic in it.
Pretty disgusting stuff going on there.
Actually, I'll retract what I was saying.
Again, getting the actors and actresses to be in this film, you shouldn't judge them for what they've done in the past.
But I don't want to get off into that.
I mean, sure, you can talk about it if you want to.
I got a lot of really serious stuff here.
Real quickly, Ron in New York, another... No, actually, up next is John in California.
John in California, go ahead.
He's gone because I didn't say his name earlier.
Ron in New York, go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
For your guest from Verichip yesterday, I know the people.
The appearance of the computer chip means only one thing.
Which is, you know, right here in Revelation 14, the third angel followed them and said in a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast in his image, receives his mark on the forehead or in the hand, he too will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured out full strength... Not according to all the self-righteous neocons!
They think it's... I've seen them, it's good!
Which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath,
You will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the lamb, and the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever.
There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast in his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.
I mean, it's pretty plain and pretty clear.
What did you think of that interview?
I only heard part of it, but these people are either naive or they're just
Promoting something that God has total wrath for.
Well, did you hear him say the chip will prevail?
Everybody globally is going to have it?
I mean, they know what they're doing.
That's the enemy's...
program, you know, but God's in full control.
God's a producer.
He's allowing the devil to direct so he can bring everyone, you know, to the valley of Megiddo and Israel to Armageddon.
Good analogy.
Thanks for the call.
Jeff from Louisiana, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, sir.
Hello, Alex?
Oh, great.
Listen, have you ever heard of a guy named Adam Dolnick and Kimberly McLeod?
These are terrorist experts.
I'm trying to find the article here.
From the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies.
I haven't heard of that center, but no, I haven't heard of those two.
Okay, then basically they're saying, these two terrorist experts, saying that the name Al-Qaeda was created in the West.
That basically what was referred to Al-Qaeda as a loose organization.
Yeah, Al-Qaeda is a CIA brand name given to CIA operatives like Bin Laden.
It's a staged deal.
That's basically it.
It was created in the West in order to come up with a name to define these people.
They don't want to have a logo.
But how they're spinning it, I'm sure how they spin it though, is that see, it's shadowy and it's everywhere and it'll never be defeated.
It's an endless war.
Yeah, they're saying that their United States Government of the West is blowing it totally out of proportion.
Oh, they're telling the truth, okay.
This is on your mind, Jeff.
Oh, that's pretty much it.
You need to get one of these people on your show.
You're Kimberley McCloud or Adam Dolnick.
Okay, well I appreciate the call.
Do you have anything else?
That's it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's talk now to our next caller.
Caller, what's your name?
Where are you calling from?
Lou, Colorado.
Welcome, sir.
How are you doing, sir?
I just wanted to say, you know, the troops that are over in Iraq are just being conditioned to do what they're doing there to do it here.
It's a sad thing that's happening, and they're being controlled by the same things that are controlling us here.
And, you know, people need to stop feeding into it, and we need to start going to more things like barter systems where we're not using the Federal Reserve notes, and start working amongst ourselves like we should be.
We should be thinking about freedom all the time, and when we're
Watching television, looking for the propaganda, and telling others about it.
We should get back to a Bill of Rights culture.
Yep, where we're a community again.
Everybody's so separated.
Nobody knows their neighbor.
Everybody's just hooked into their television.
They're just hooked into their televisions.
But actually, 40 plus percent of people have now left television to the internet and alternative news.
That's why the globalists are panicking right now.
I haven't watched it in 10 years, and I have your films and
I show them to everybody and I think they're great fools, just like you say.
People that don't believe that, they just haven't seen them.
There's facts in your films that are completely true, like Oklahoma City.
I worked in explosives in the military and I understand the workings of explosives and buildings don't blow in when they're blown out.
And the seismographs, and the eyewitnesses, and the newscast, and the bombs being removed, and the FBI saying they weren't there the night before, but they find the hotel receipts, on and on and on.
You can't deny it.
Thank you for doing what you do, sir.
Alright, I appreciate the call.
Thank you.
Let's talk to our last caller, Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to call the audience's attention and yours to last night's Nightline program.
It was chilling.
And I meant to watch that, and it was about the continuity of government martial law control grid.
Right, and Richard Clark was on there.
He was hyping the virtues of martial law, too.
And Ted Koppel agreed.
He said, you know, I'm glad there's a shadow government, or a parallel government.
In fact, one of them, they only put their names up there for a second.
Used to, in the old days, they'd leave their name up there so you could read it.
So the only one I could identify was Richard Clark, but some other guy was saying, um, yeah, we'll have to give up our rights.
You'll have to give up your rights.
That's what he said.
He also said... Let me ask you a question.
Did you type that?
I did.
My VCR's busted, or I would have.
Okay, I may have to buy it from Nightline.
Will somebody who got to take that please mail it to me?
Please, please, please.
In a way, it's a good thing because it shows that they know they have to desensitize us to it.
No, no, no, listen.
That's why they have General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, talking about open martial law in Colorado.
That's why they have Tommy Frank saying it.
That's why they have a nightline show about four years ago, four nights in a row about this.
I only caught the tail end of it, but it was plenty chilling at the end.
They kind of slid in the martial law thing toward the end.
But you know, it's always implied.
And one of these guys, the same one that said we'll have to give up our rights, he was real sad about all the power he's going to get out of it.
He also said, yeah, we've got to get our people out of a dangerous situation.
Our people, the government.
To hell with everybody else.
And he said we've got to give up our rights, and that's exactly what he said.
Well, just the same type of thing.
As far as continuity of government, we have to protect our people.
I read a news article yesterday, an ABC News article, a synopsis of it, about how wonderful martial law is, and I meant to make myself watch it, but I'm so out of the habit that I just didn't even do it.
I ended up working on some other things, and I went out to dinner as well.
Go ahead, sir.
With Tex Marsh last night.
But again, I've got to get that tape.
Go ahead.
A couple more things, or at least one more.
This idea that being the National Security Advisor, she's just an advisor, she's not in the cabinet, in the actual heads of staff.
Condoleezza Rice.
What about, just as an American and as a human being, shouldn't she be forced to testify on misapprehension of felony?
But see, it's not even a real court.
The people involved running it are members of the system.
I've sent every press email I can think of about Sybil Edmond's testimony.
They've all completely ignored it.
I also sent all the pictures of the blown up kids in Iraq to confront these chicken hawks.
They won't look at them, of course.
That's good.
They're on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Everybody's got to get them.
Mass email my article out exposing Condoleezza Rice as a lying shill for her terrorist masters.
Well, man, she owes a duty to America, whether she's an advisor or a garbage woman.
I mean, she's got to account for her misapprehension, knowing that this was going to happen, warning Willie Brown
And not warning America.
And then later claiming she never heard about it.
Thanks for the call.
She's been caught publicly and online, but again, the average person doesn't even know who their governor is, doesn't know where their state capitol is.
You know, the average person doesn't know where their state capitol is in major polls.
They've had the polls where they ask high school seniors who the vice president is.
And I see these polls every year.
It's usually 70 to 90 percent don't know, depending on what year the poll's done, who the vice president is.
People don't know how many continents there are.
Most adults can't find the Middle East on a map.
I don't even see myself as that smart, but that scares me how much more intelligent and informed I am.
It's like we're different people than the mass.
And that's why the globalists laugh at us, because they know how dumbed down people are.
But that supposedly stupid citizen knows all about basketball and football and baseball scores, all how to act cool, they got the best tires on their car, they shine it up each Sunday while their child, you know, is at a party snorting cocaine shipped in by the government.
You care about your car, you don't care about your children.
You care about acting tough and being Billy Tough Guy.
You know, your women care about looking like whores instead of taking care of their families.
This is why we're in deep trouble.
So you try to talk to people and they don't even know what America is or what it's about.
And so they hear a neocon, who's really the reincarnation of Lenin, and they don't even know what it is.
They think that's conservatism.
They think open borders, gun grabbing, big government is freedom.
That's what they think it is.
We're in so much trouble.
Before I hit up a couple of final news stories and recap some top stories, I've written 9-11 Dissent to Tyranny for those that still like to read.
I know my audience does, but I mean for the few that are new listeners who don't know even where America is on a map, some of them.
I'm not trying to be mean here.
I'm trying to get you to think about how ignorant you are.
Because your ignorance endangers you and your family.
I've written a book.
It's something you read.
And it's 220-something pages long, and it details from public documents and public testimony that the media never decides to pull all together for you, how the globalists carried 9-11 out.
Understand, how the people running your life carried out the terror attacks.
Twelve dollars, two hundred and something pages full of photos and diagrams and documents.
Paul Joseph Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror.
The New World Order is three hundred plus pages covering 9-11 and other government sponsored terror events where they've been caught red-handed.
My film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, both those films, over two hours apiece, details September 11th and other government-sponsored terror events where they've been caught red-handed.
You need to get these videos, you need to make copies of them, you need to get them on AXS TV, you need to get them out to opinion makers, pastors, your local talk show host, now!
And I want to commend those that have gotten the films and have made copies and have gotten them out to people.
But if you want to know the answers, go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com, where we have over 600 articles documenting what really happened on 9-11, and who created, who controls Al Qaeda.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Get the videos, get the books.
Big discounts when you get three or more of any of my videos.
Or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
It's up to you.
The people out there know something's wrong in their guts.
They've got pieces of the puzzle.
When they see these videos, they wake up to the big picture.
Ninety percent of them do.
So Rice testifies, tells more lies, the Commission are all a bunch of whitewashers.
They tried to have Henry Kissinger be, again, the first independent head of it.
That's like having Heinrich Himmler or Herman Goering run the prosecution at Nuremberg.
It's ridiculous.
And Bush is defiant as poles dip over fears of exit strategy in Iraq and urban warfare grips Iraq.
America abandoned restraint in Iraq yesterday and launched an all-out attempt to impose its will on the country, bombing a mosque compound, and promising to destroy the militia of the rebel Shia leader.
And Sky Television News is not retracted that the Pentagon told them 130 dead troops.
But now you don't hear about that in our news.
You hear 10 here, 12 there, 4 here, 18 here, just every day breaking the numbers up without giving you the total.
And now an Afghan warlord's troops have taken a remote city.
This is the AP.
Forces of a northern strongman overran the capital of the remote Afghan province Thursday, their interior minister said.
Troops loyal to Abdul Rashid Dostum swept into Maina, Maine.
Mainamania, the center of Fardab province, 260 miles northwest of Kabul, on Thursday morning, Interior Minister Ali Ahmed Jalil said, the advance came in a burst of factional violence, undermining the authority of U.S.-backed President, and by the way, he was appointed by the commission they appointed, and they call him elected.
And so all over the place, the empire is having trouble.
Militiamen control part of three Iraqi cities.
And the Shiite Muslims and the Sunnis have joined forces.
Come back and get more into this in the final segment will be absolutely jam-packed.
Please stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
We use this disaster as a New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, about a year ago I made a correction.
In my film, A Road to Tyranny, I say that 6,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders were flown out of Afghanistan in the middle of the war.
They were there to act like a fight was going on, then the U.S.
troops came in and killed some innocent frontline people who had been pressed into service.
I said it was 6,000, now they admit 8,000.
As usual, it's worse than when I first say.
160 Saudis flew out of the U.S.
between 9-11 and 9-16.
Now their new flights have been discovered by Judicial Watch.
We first reported this two days after 9-11 when it was in Miami papers.
Florida Papers.
About flying out the Al Qaeda people.
And it says, uh, questions concerning Saudi flight from Kentucky on September 13, 2001.
This is from Judicial Watch.
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption today released U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol Protection Agency documents obtained under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act detailing the departure of 160
Subjects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including but not limited to members of the House of Saudi and or members of the Bin Laden family between September 11, 2001 to September 15, 2001.
The documents are available on the Judicial Watch Internet site by clicking here.
And it says the CBP document dated February 24, 2004 lists the birth date, visa status, citizenship, date of departure, port of departure,
Uh, departing airline code and flight number for each Saudi subject.
And these were on days when all of their air traffic was grounded.
They left the country at a time when the U.S.
government had supposedly restricted all commercial and private air traffic through U.S.
Notably, the names were not provided.
Initial Watch filed its Freedom of Information Act request.
October 7, 2003 with the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Aviation Administration, the State Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Justice Department, and the Department of Transportation.
To date, CBP is the only agency to have responded to the FOA request in a substantive manner.
And it goes on.
And we've got some of that.
Why is it that the Bin Laden family and other Saudi Arabian nationals
We're given special permission to flee U.S.
jurisdiction the days following September 11, 2001.
Evidently, the FBI never bothered to question this group.
We hope this list does not turn out to be a terrorist.
E-Mom Wanted List started a state of judicial watch, President Tom Fenton.
Well, we know one of them was Shafiq Bin Laden, the head of the Bin Laden family, who that morning was having breakfast with George Herbert Walker, CIA, I found it, Al-Qaeda, Bush.
I've got stacks of such articles.
Very, very interesting.
Continuing with the important news, Chicago surveillance cameras to be fitted with listening devices.
And as usual, the Chicago Tribune reports that they're gunshot detectors, but when you go and look at the company websites of the systems they've bought, this happened in Austin six years ago, they are shotgun mics and they brag it's for listening to the citizens.
And there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these
The $844,000 grant we've had since 1998 puts in 150 of these each year, so you count up the years.
And there are microphones everywhere, just listening to you, rotating around listening to you, it's all part of the freedom.
The announcement came as Mayor Richard Daley, the crime boss, declared the test installation of 30 surveillance cameras a resounding success and said 50 more devices are on the way.
Daley said he would like to see even more citywide through a
Revealed no specific plans.
And it says they're retrofitting older cameras with it.
And it's hooked into police headquarters.
And it's funded with anti-terrorism funding.
Oh my goodness, ladies and gentlemen.
And they say it's for crime.
They admit it's to keep you all safe.
Of course, in these six years, since they put these in in Austin, they've never used it for gunshot detection once.
Again, and it's admitted when you read the fine print, it's to listen to you, but, you know, it's freedom.
I mean, there's cameras in bathrooms at state parks and public schools, so, I mean, you know, that's freedom.
What's wrong with it?
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time, on the Shortwave at 3210, airing the day at 9475, and on your local AM and FM, send the internet at infowars.com.
Take care.
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