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Name: 20040407_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 7, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is the 7th day of April, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are nfowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
This just in from Sky Television News, national television in the United Kingdom.
Report, 130 soldiers killed in Iraq.
We're not hearing that here, are we?
A Pentagon source has said up to 130 U.S.
troops have been killed in fierce fighting in Iraq in the last day.
The large-scale battle, described as intense, has taken place in the town of Ar-Ramadi, 20 miles west of Baljala.
Sky News' David Chatter said, none of this is official yet, none of it is confirmed.
But he added, it sounds very much like this is being carried out by men who are militarily trained.
And Chatter described the attack as highly sophisticated.
It is massive, it is all over Iraq,
Our troops are being slaughtered left and right, and they've got a taste of blood now.
And the Iraqis, before we put Saddam in and killed off the leaders of Iraq, had killed hundreds of thousands of their fellow countrymen in decades of fighting.
And now, our troops are in the middle of it.
Now our troops are in the middle of it, and our supposed allies, the Shiites, are slaughtering our troops in mass, running around foaming at the mouth, because their religious leader has told them to go ahead and fight back, and now they're doing it!
You see, our government paid off the Republican Guard and paid off two of the three major army groups, Rumsfeld said during a press conference two days before the big invasion started.
And that's why they capitulated and it was almost bloodless when we lost a hundred and something troops in the takeover.
Now we're losing that many in a day!
In a day!
Very, very serious.
And Bush says, bring them on.
Brett Humes says to the families, you're part of the victim society, get over it.
And Barbara Bush last year on ABC Good Morning America, quote, Why should I hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it's going to happen?
It's not relevant.
So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
That's right.
These people are, it's like saying, let them eat cake.
Marie Antoinette or something.
Meanwhile, Bush Sr.
starts crying and says, don't talk bad about my son.
You're so mean.
And Barbara says, if you talk bad about my family, my husband, my children, you're dead.
She said that on Larry King Live.
We have the transcript from CNN on InfoWars.com.
So that's just some of what's coming up.
Report, 130 U.S.
soldiers killed.
military operations.
Firefights rage across Iraq.
military authorities report significant number of Iraq foreign insurgent deaths.
...said killed an Iraq mosque compound when the helicopters fired their Hellfire missiles into the mosque.
Boy, that's gonna really stir up the beehive there.
But hey, bring them on!
You know, bring them on.
The battle the U.S.
wants to provoke, the one in Guardian is saying what I believe is happening.
This is all on purpose, people.
We gotta play the part of the good cop so the U.N.
can come in and play... Again, we gotta play the part of the bad cop so the U.N.
can come in and play the part of the good cop.
It's all staged.
We've got their press release now.
We're going to get them on the show.
The owner of the number one bar disco in Madrid, Spain.
Where to get into the VIP section, you've got to take a microchip.
And they're doing it right now.
And how many times did I tell you?
It's going to be a status symbol.
Your teenage children, within just a few years, will be demanding that they get the chip.
They will run out to the so-called tattoo parlors that are now being signed on by Barachip.
It'll be a counterculture thing, sold to you directly by the Military-Industrial Complex.
And there's now a bus here in the U.S.
Embedded microchip seller Verichip announces Chipmobile is on the move.
Watch for the Chipmobile coming to your town or neighborhood.
Like the ice cream truck, children lining up for their chips.
We got that on the website.
Folks, there's so much.
This show is going to be absolutely huge.
You do not want to miss it.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, it's eight minutes into the first hour of global transmission.
Coming up in about 22 minutes, we're going to be joined by the owner of the hottest Madrid nightclub.
You know, where they got the girls in bikinis dancing around with whipped cream on their stomachs.
It's that type of club.
It's the number one club in Madrid.
And guess what?
You want to get into the club, you got to take a microchip.
You want to be a VIP?
And again, I'm not tootin' my own horn on this.
I understand the globalist model.
I had a Wash Tech, that's the Washington Post Tech writer, on, what, three years ago, and he talked about plans he had seen, it was in his article too, he mentioned it, but he went into more detail, that the media was selling the body modification piercing so-called counterculture move, when it's really the majority now, so it's the culture, to prepare us for microchips.
And I've said that you're going to see the Madonna, the Britney Spears types out there getting these.
You're going to see the Hollywood elite getting these.
It's going to be a status symbol, because I understand the globalist agenda.
They control the so-called counterculture.
People that think they're counterculture, they've been sold this by the military-industrial complex.
Now, how do I know this?
In an Army War College report posted on the Federation of American Scientists website in January of 2000, they said
That, well, you know, Americans aren't ready to take microchips yet, much less in their brains.
But, over time, with the media, the people can be conditioned.
In fact, I ought to pull the quotes up.
This is a paraphrase.
But they said, you can be conditioned to accept chips in your body, and even your brain, and by 2025, all Americans will have microchips in their brains, and we will be interconnected in what they call a hive mind.
City Morning Herald picked this up.
AP picked this up.
Never made it in a U.S.
But we posted those.
Every time I mention that, Paul Watson reposts it because it's so unbelievable.
And Paul, by the way, you might want to post the City Morning Herald hive mind article again for them.
The military is saying they're going to put chips in your brain.
That sounds crazy.
My cousin, Special Forces for 18 years.
Ben oversees his entire service career, other than short stints at Fort Bragg for training.
He's now based in Austin the last year, integrating the APD with the National Guard, the regular Army, surveilling Central Texas.
This is all he could tell me.
But he said, you know, I'm sorry about making fun of you three, four years ago at that family reunion about microchips.
We were all called in as officers, over a hundred of us,
In a conference room and told by a colonel that we'll all be getting microchips in the next two years.
That was a year ago.
I talked to him again and he said they've been told yet again, prepare for the microchipping.
It is about to begin.
And it will be for the entire military.
It will start with officers and special forces first and then go through the entire military.
So again, my cousin, you know, the guy who carried me on his shoulders when I was
Five years old, squirrel hunting, is now going to get microchips.
Or a microchip.
So somebody I've known my entire life, who again was laughing at me three or four years ago, had tears in his eyes when he said, we're all being told we've got to take the chip.
And he's only got a few more years in.
So I guess he's going to take his chip.
This is personal for me.
So, for all the yuppies out there that laugh at this, this is happening.
And now, as I said it would, to get in elite clubs, to have elite memberships, you're going to have to do this.
Already the Busch Gardens, the big carnival outfit in Virginia, all of the Sea Worlds, the Six Flags, the Disney World, they're putting in the hand scanners.
The grocery stores are putting them in.
Thousands of school districts make school children do it to get school lunches from Florida to Pennsylvania.
Cameras are going in the school bathrooms.
I mean, this is maximum tyranny.
By the way, I found another court case out of Pennsylvania from a month ago, just found this last night, where they put cameras in the bathroom stalls, and in the court case, they caught a pervert in there, but it was just for the general public, the cameras, and the person was convicted, and they said, you have no reasonable right to privacy in a public bathroom stall.
Just thought you'd all want to know that.
I remember an article five years ago where they started putting cameras in the stalls all over Michigan in the highway rest stops.
So, 1984, it's for your safety.
So, coming up, a microchip to get in a club.
And let me tell you this.
Now, you know I make predictions, and unfortunately they've all come true.
I will now make one.
Let me make a conservative guess, or estimate, or projection.
Because I would say two years, but to be safe, I will say within four years, there will be reports every week.
Many of you as listeners will experience it, as your 14-year-old daughter or son throws a fit and demands the IM-12 mega-chip.
As they blow up in your face, and say, all my friends are getting it, I can't get in to certain events, I'm not cool, I can't interface the internet, you know, through my computer sunglasses, if I don't have this.
I've got to have it.
And your child will come home, and you will never know until they're 20 years old, that 6 years before, they were implanted with a chip.
They're not going to tell you, and they're going to take the chip.
Now, and if you catch them, they're going to scream and yell at you.
If you find their receipt in their dresser drawer, they're going to say, I deserve it, you old kook, you weirdo Christian!
This is so cool!
You know, Donny D, the Mack G rapper has it.
And you know, all these cool people have got it.
You're not going to stop me.
It's mine!
Now, I'm serious.
I'm serious.
It's already beginning.
Nationwide, they have chip trucks driving around chipping people.
It's already begun.
Thousands have been chipped.
And I have the article on that here.
Embedded microchip seller Verichip announces chip mobile is on the move.
Watch for the chip mobile coming to your town.
It says, hey kids!
And we've got some excerpts off Verichip's website.
We've written our own article concerning this.
Hey kids, so much for the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.
The V system is here and Verichip has announced that the Chip Mobile is on the move.
That's a quote.
And their call sign is, Get Chip Today!
Get discounts, free CD players, all sorts of goodies.
Get Chip Today!
Parachip is pumping up promotions for its embedded microchips across the country and around the world from the chipmobile here in the U.S.
to stunts like implanting VIP members of an exclusive club in Barcelona, Spain with status symbol microchips.
The high-gloss promotion is on the move globally.
And again, it says Alex has spoken many times over the years about the
Making the chip fun and how by giving it an elite status, soon an entire generation of young teenagers will be arguing with their parents demanding that they let them be implanted so that they can be in the in crowd.
So there you have it and you can point through to Verichip's ADSX.com's website and read all about
How to get your chip, get your chip today.
And again, coming up, we'll get more into the 130 trips being reported dead in Iraq in the last 24 hours.
But first off, first disco bar that will inject Verichip on clients.
And you can go to the website and read this article.
And we're putting together our own report out of the press release.
And we have the owner of the bar coming on in 15 minutes, by the way.
It's the Baja Beach Club Disco Bar in the Olympic Port, a great night recreational area, will be the first disco bar in Spain that will implant on his or her clients an injectable subcutaneous transponder that will give them free access without documentation, pay the consumptions, and have access to the VIP room.
Mmm, the VIP room.
And it says the inauguration of the method
Was presented by some famous people that were microchipped that was shown in TV programs and shows even more ominous were the declarations of the disco bar owners quote the chip will prevail in the future because in those times the people will use it as cash
And it says, destroying the need of a credit card, I think that the first stage of microchipping of people has reached our community, our country, that is being launched to appeal to young people in the first place.
Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars,
And there are more Baja Beach discos in other countries.
Netherlands, for example, is responsible and the recipient of the VeraChip injection for its clients.
He explained that a simple injection will implant the chip.
This implant will be used to charge money or automatically open the doors when the client is entering into the disco.
And it says, we will know who they are and what his or her account status is.
The injection will cost $153.
And the International Forum on Cultures, directed by Gorbachev, is coming here now.
Coming to celebrate it.
So, there you have it.
And you will have your children begging for it.
And when you say no, they're gonna run out and they're gonna get it.
And they're gonna show you.
And MTV's promoting it.
And everybody's gonna get it.
And they're gonna sit there and praise the global leader when they bring you to the guillotine.
Because you're gonna be the terrorists.
You're gonna be the ones that released the smallpox and nuked a major city.
It's the evil Christians.
They're holding back global peace.
They're behind all the terrorism.
Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them for global!
Last night I thought I could go eat Chinese food after my TV show with some friends.
We walk in, there's a big screen TV on.
That show on FX with the guy that used to play the Comiche with a bald head.
And we were sitting there watching it and they tortured two people within ten minutes of watching the television show.
Viciously torturing.
Every time I see a cop show, I mean every time, and I don't watch TV.
I see it in businesses at the mall or at the TV studio.
A little TV will be on, and they're torturing somebody, and it's good.
It's good.
The mass warping.
The federally funded torture training.
You're all being warped right now.
The gates of hell are open.
The pit is swallowing planet Earth.
Resist it!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I just learned that the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars, that are all over Europe, has been implanted with the Vera Chip himself, and he was implanted on the national TV show over there, their version of Big Brother.
What a fitting place to get your chip!
And, uh, F.N.
Herstal, he was talking to the Vera Chip Company, uh, they're moving forward in Europe, where you need to get a microchip in your hand to be able to own a gun.
Of course, it's in your hand, and the gun doesn't work without it.
Hmm, I told you that would happen six years ago.
How do I know?
Think of the most horrible thing, the most controlling thing, and that is exactly what they're going to do.
Really quite simple system we have here.
And we go off their own documents, of course.
Let's get into some of the horrible news on the war, though.
Report, 130 soldiers killed in Iraq.
A Pentagon source has said that up to 130 U.S.
troops have been killed in fierce fighting in Iraq.
This is from Sky Television News in England.
The large-scale battle described as intense was taking place in the town of Ar-Ramadi, 20 miles west of Fujala.
Sky News David Chatter said, none of this is official yet, none of this is confirmed, but he added it sounds very much like this is being carried out by men who are militarily trained.
Chatter described the attack as highly sophisticated.
Also US military operation
Firefights rage across Iraq.
Military authorities report significant number of Iraqi foreign insurgent deaths.
military operations and firefights rage across Iraq today from Fajala to the Syrian border to the Baghdad suburbs with military authorities reporting the deaths of a significant number of Iraqi and foreign insurgents as well as the deaths of one additional soldier and 12 U.S.
Marines killed in action.
So, 12 Marines killed yesterday, but then we get from the British, it's 130 at least, and it'll end up being the higher number it always is.
We see our news reported in little pieces, and then back of the paper at the end of the week, they'll say, okay, 180 killed this week, you know, but don't worry about it.
Bring them on.
Pool video footage from Perjala, the site of Marine offensives since Monday, showed buildings in rubble as Marines there continue to engage in firefights with insurgents.
And they did something that is going to stir up the hornet's nest to an unbelievable level of intensity.
Forty said killed in Iraq Moss compound.
A U.S.
helicopter fired three missiles at a Moss compound in the city of Fuljala on Wednesday, killing about 40 people as American forces battled Sunni insurgents, witnesses said.
And it says, cars, ferried bodies from the scene, though there was no immediate confirmation of casualties.
Part of the wall surrounding the Abdul Aziz Al Samaria Mosque was demolished.
Today the reporter, Abdul Quattar Saeed, though the mosque building was not damaged.
The strike came as worshippers gathered for afternoon prayers, witnesses said.
They said the dead were taken to private homes in the area where temporary hospitals have been set up.
Angry residents gathered around the mosque after the strike.
Looks like it's got a lot of our troops killed.
So we've got our supposed allies, the Shiites attacking, the Sunnis attacking.
Very, very serious.
The battle the U.S.
wants to provoke is the headline out of the London Guardian.
Bremer is deliberately pushing Iraq's Shia South into all-out chaos.
I heard the sound of freedom in Baghdad's Square, the famous plaza where the statue of Saddam Hussein was toppled one year ago.
It sounds like machine gun fire.
On Sunday, Iraqi soldiers trained and controlled by coalition forces opened fire on a demonstration here as the protesters returned to their homes in the poor neighborhood of Sadeer City.
The U.S.
Army followed with tanks, helicopters, and planes firing at random on homes, shops, streets, even ambulances.
And there's video of that when they invaded.
According to local hospitals, 47 people were killed and many more injured.
In Najif, the day was also bloody, 20 demonstrators dead, more than 150 injured.
And this, so some Saddam sympathizers kill some US troops and hang some people up and so our troops go into a different city and start, and there's video of all this, start just randomly blowing buildings up.
That's real, that'll get them to support us.
That's what the Nazis did in Poland and Russia.
If one SS officer got shot, they'd kill 20 men.
They'd blow up a couple buildings.
They'd put people in a barn and set it on fire.
It was bad when the Nazis did it.
It's bad when our troops were told to do it.
And it's just going to blow up in their face, unfortunately.
While they're breathing, they're depleting uranium.
And it says in the city yesterday, funeral marches passed by U.S.
tanks in the hospitals.
We're overflowing with injury.
We'll get into more of this later, after we cover the microchipping that's going on.
You don't want to miss what's coming up.
Gonna be very honored to have Conrad Chase joining us from Madrid, Spain!
The director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars with the microchippings going on, and if you're a very important person, that is.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've been talking about the global move to making an implantable radio frequency identification microchip to be the global identification system.
And I've talked about how it's something we'll first see in VIP circles.
And we are honored to be joined by Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars that's in several European countries, and it's the top-of-the-line club system.
And he has been implanted with the Verichip radio frequency identification system.
He was implanted on the national television show called Big Brother over there.
And now the VIPs of the bar, those that want into the VIP room, will have it.
And joining us from Madrid, Spain, is Conrad Chase.
Happens to be an American.
Conrad, good to have you on the show.
Good to be here.
In Barcelona, Spain, actually.
Okay, I apologize.
No, no, it's probably our fault.
My secretary probably screwed up with that.
No, I'm sure it's our fault.
But they're in Barcelona, Spain.
Tell us a little bit about your club first.
Well, we are the Baja Beach Club.
We are actually the European affiliate of the Baja Beach Club.
There are several Baja Beach Clubs in America.
The headquarters is based in Chicago.
We've been up and running over here for seven successful years.
We basically have the beach atmosphere inside a discotheque.
And at the same time, there's also some other Baja beach clubs in Europe, correct?
Yes, we also have two up in England and one in Rotterdam, Holland.
Now, you yourself have been implanted.
Can you tell us about that?
I have, yes.
I have the Vip chip in my arm.
It is a radio frequency ID tag.
It's a micro-transmitter.
It only transmits when the reader is in the vicinity, and the reader has to charge the chip before it can actually transmit its identifying signal.
So you cannot be localized all over the world via satellite, as some people may fear.
Now, when you go into the club, why did you decide to start this program at the Barcelona Club?
Well, we just opened our new VIP lounge here on the 25th.
We had the inauguration of our VIP lounge, and I wanted to have something very unique that no other club had, and we were able to achieve that with the VIP chip.
We are the first club in America that are using it for this application.
All kinds of clubs have their version of a VIP card, where the customer shows their VIP card and they're allowed whatever perks may be involved with having that card, pre-entrance and whatnot.
And I wanted to have something very special, so I came across the idea of the VeraChip, because I'm a techno fan, and the idea is that my customers
I have the chip implanted.
They come in.
There's a reader at the door.
It greets them.
It says, Good evening, Carlos Sanchez.
Welcome to the Baja Beach Club.
You are a VIP.
You have in your account X amount of dollars, or in this case, we're using the Euros system.
And you have also, we have lockers here where the people can store their preferred bottle of alcohol.
Or liquor.
So, for example, you would come in and say, welcome Carlos, you've got a bottle of Moet Chandon in your locker, and you've got 300 Euros in your account.
And then it's all automatically deducted according to the chip?
The customers come in, they purchase whatever drinks they want, they have a great time here, and then at the end of the night, instead of asking for the bill, well, they ask to pay their bill,
And the waitress comes up with a handheld portable reader.
It reads up to one meter distance away, reads their identifying tag, and it deducts the amount from their account.
Sir, is this going to be done at the U.S.
and British and the club in Holland?
It's definitely going to be done in my club in Holland, and I will be opening soon in Cologne, Germany, another Baja Beach club.
And the England, the clubs in Britain are actually a franchise.
So I haven't had the opportunity to speak with them yet to find out whether they're interested or not.
But I'm quite sure that this concept is really growing and I'm quite sure that they'll be interested soon.
Can you tell us about your implantation procedure and where that took place?
Because that's very interesting.
Well we did that actually on a Thursday night at 2 o'clock in the morning while the club was open.
And I performed it right here in the club, in the VIP lounge, and I had a doctor come to perform the procedure.
It can be performed by any licensed nurse who is certified or is trained in... Yeah, it's very convenient.
A one-time deal.
Very, very easy to get the chip.
It's a simple injection.
Really, really simple.
They do use a small needle to put a small anesthesia in first, and then they put the chip in.
And it's not painful at all because of the local anesthetic.
Now I have read that this was also broadcast on some television there on a show called Big Brother.
Yeah, actually it wasn't broadcast on Big Brother.
What we had was the people from Big Brother came to our club and were going to be chipped.
It turned out being that on the night there was a great deal of chaos.
Uh... the club is just so busy that we wound up not uh... implanting the chip in them that night.
They're going to come by uh... So they're going to videotape it later for the show?
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Well that would kind of fit with the show I guess.
Now, you had told my producer that uh... FN Herzl, a big manufacturer of firearms, is moving ahead with a chip for the hand to access your firearm.
Yes, Alex.
It's very interesting what they're doing.
It's really a great idea because the policemen that will be using it, they will have the chip implanted in their firing hand, right in between the thumb and forefinger, and that will actually provide a means of allowing the pistol to function.
If somebody were to steal the pistol from them, it does them no good.
It cannot fire unless you've got the proper chip in the hand.
Well, there's a move here in the U.S.
to make all the gun manufacturers put RFID in the gun, then you wear a ring that activates it.
There's a move, actually, to make that the law by 2006.
Do you think that's a good idea?
I think it's a great idea.
But it'd be much easier to have the chip, though.
I think it'd be a lot easier to have the chip, because then you have the other advantages of having the chip.
You cannot lose it.
A ring, you can lose.
The chip, you cannot lose.
You don't have to worry about forgetting it if you ever were to take it off.
You can also use the chip for other functions.
It can be used as a payment system, as a credit card system.
It can store all your medical information.
The vast, vast amount of information.
Now, obviously you've been in contact with Verichip, the company.
I'd imagine they're pretty excited to have someone prominent with this VIP connection to be promoting this.
Yes, yes.
We have a very good working relationship.
I'm actually taking on a distributorship here in the Benelux.
Did you know IBM really owns Verichip?
Okay, I haven't heard of that.
The very chip is owned by the Applied Digital Systems Corporation.
Yeah, but the main creditors and some of the board controllers are IBM, which is interesting.
I'm just saying, a big technology company like that.
Okay, I wasn't aware of that.
They're a major shareholder in ADSX, okay.
Yeah, and at the same time, you know, the plant is in Beijing, China.
Were you aware of that?
Yes, yes.
So, there are also some shareholders in it.
Now, sir, I know you
Are you going to have any of your dancing girls implanted?
Yes, I have a lot of people who are interested, several employees.
What I wanted to do is get some of our customers chipped.
This past Monday we had three customers chipped.
And next week on Tuesday I am scheduling another chipping session where I'll be chipping another six customers.
I want to first build up our customer database of people who have been chipped and then I'll start working on the employees.
Now, we've got your press release, we're going to be posting that, but I wanted to know what type of perks, because I was hearing that some of the stuff at your club, your fabulous club, is free, so you get just really primo perks if you get the chip.
Right, exactly.
If you install the chip, then you get free entrance.
The entrance is normally 14 Euros, but with the chip you get free entrance, well, basically for the rest of your life, for the time that you've got the chip implanted.
Now, I'm reading some quotes, some of the things you said.
Did you say, quote, the chip will prevail in the future because in those times the people will use it as cash?
And, uh, getting rid of the need for a credit card.
I think that the first stage of microchipping of people has reached our country.
This is being launched to appeal to young people in the first place.
Yes, yes.
That is a statement that I made, I believe, with a television program from Portugal.
Yes, I believe wholeheartedly in the chip system.
The biggest advantage of it is that you don't have to worry about carrying cards around with you.
You don't have to worry about them getting lost, stolen, counterfeited.
You've got the chip with you at all times.
You can't forget it, and nobody can steal it from you.
So, that's an interesting statement.
The chip will prevail, almost like it's a war.
Well, I'm not a fighter.
I'm not going to start any more wars.
The world has enough wars, but I believe very strongly in the chip and that it perhaps could prevent wars.
We're talking to Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars, and you direct what, two bars?
Yeah, we've got two, and it's actually a large discotheque nightclub.
The one here in Barcelona, we've got a capacity of 2,500 people, 2,500 customers.
And the one in Rotterdam, Holland also has a capacity of 2,000 people.
And then the others that are in England, those are another franchise, but they may, you just haven't talked to them yet.
And you're talking about opening one in Cologne, Germany.
Yes, Cologne, Germany is on track to be open the end of the summer, 2004.
Do you ever see a point in 10 years where if you don't have the chip, you can't get in the club?
Yeah, definitely, definitely.
The people are embracing this technology.
I'm flooded with people who want the chip to be implanted and the only thing that's slowing me down from getting more people having the chip implanted is that it has to be done
In a clean, sterile environment.
It has to be done by a medical professional.
So I have to schedule that during the day.
It can be done at night.
But you're a perfect atmosphere.
Those people are relaxed and happy.
And I know Verichip has been opening offices here in the U.S.
for implantation.
So you're now part of the franchise, I guess.
You're going to be a provider of this.
So I guess you could put a little sterile office in there and have the folks line up.
It's true.
It's something that I've been working at.
The caution that I have with that is that I prefer to have my customers sober.
I don't want them to be out
There are medical concerns if someone has consumed a great deal of alcohol and then they're going to put in the chip because alcohol can thin the blood and could cause bleeding.
Well, let's talk more about that.
You know, an Army War College document said that we're all going to accept the chip in the next few decades thanks to media and thanks to the culture.
And so you do see a time in the future where you won't even be able to get in without the chip.
Yeah, I definitely see that.
I see in the future that the chip will be embraced here in my club, but I believe also it can take the place of the passport.
It could be a global passport, that everyone on the planet would use this as a means of passport.
The problem, the limiting factor is that people need to get over the Chicken Little, the sky is falling,
I don't know though, sir, if you can really compare those two, but I mean certainly I can
See that young people are going to be more open-minded and are going to be embracing this and I've seen that.
Sir, I just want to understand something here concerning the chip.
Now, again, when you come in, the doors automatically open for you if you have the chip and a computer talks to you?
Yes, at the current time I have the hand reader implemented and that can be used to identify the people and also to use the bearer pay system to deduct the money from their account.
In one month, the Verichip Corporation is going to be coming, and they will be installing the wall-mounted reader with the database and the computer and the monitor.
It won't speak to you.
It will display the information on a monitor.
Now, you seem to be really up on all this about how we're going to accept that this will be the global model.
Did you have discussions with Verichip?
Is this their idea, or did you...?
It was all my idea.
I take all the credit for it.
But I mean, your comments about this being the global idea and things, did you discuss this with Verichip or was this their idea?
Yeah, I have had in-depth discussions with Keith Bolton, the Vice President of Verichip.
In fact, yesterday, he and I were discussing it at great length and I discussed the
Yeah, my belief in the system and also gave a little advice to him that there needs to be a second source of verification.
For example, a retina scan.
Oh, on top of it.
But I mean, was Mr. Bolton talking about this global ID system?
Correct, yes.
He is a very, very strong believer in it.
Uh, he informed me yesterday that they are in discussion.
I believe, I don't want to quote directly, but I believe that they do have a signed contract with the Italian government.
To implement a test of the VeriCip system installed in government employees for verifying their identification.
Also, a Bureau of Prisons contract a few years ago with California, but that fell through.
Did you hear about that?
No, no, I didn't hear about that.
That fell through.
What about special forces?
I've been hearing the military is going to be getting this.
That's where I see one of the largest advantages of this to be put in the military.
I served in the military myself and I know in the indoctrination process you run through before boot camp and you get your shots and I can see this very easily being implanted in each soldier as they run through the indoctrination process and instead of carrying dog tags which was always a problem
Your dog tags would get lost or stolen.
The chip never gets lost or stolen.
It will always be with you.
Well, I'll tell you what, sir.
I know you're very busy, but I've just got four or five other questions.
We've got a quick three-minute break coming up.
Can we just do five minutes on the other side?
Sure, Alex.
No problem.
Okay, thank you so much.
We're talking to Conrad Chase.
Just intriguing.
And I've just got a few other final questions for him on the other side of this quick break.
So he'll be with us for about five minutes to the end of the hour.
We'll break here and come right back.
So, again, please stay with us as we talk to Conrad Chase, the director of Baja Beach Disco Bars.
Want a VIP?
Gotta get the chip.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
We're good to go!
We're talking to Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars in Europe.
And he's now on the Applied Digital Solutions Implantation Center.
They're putting all that in.
And they've been implanting the customers.
During the break, I talked to you, Mr. Chase.
You said you liked that.
If you want to be a VIP, you've got to get the chip.
That might be a slogan for you later, huh?
I like that, Alex.
It's very creative.
I might borrow that if I may.
Sure, go ahead.
It's all yours.
What's the Verichip PR line?
It's there when you need it?
We're there when you need it.
Now, let me just be honest with you here.
You talk about chicken little scenarios.
I have to tell you that
There is a global plan as you said you talked to Mr. Bolton and the government's pushing this and you know people talk about Germany with the papers please and this tracking and this controlling and having it to buy and sell you think that's coming?
I mean you know you said the TV show Big Brother is coming out to interview you.
I mean this this is Big Brother and and and this is a total control grid that's being put in and I see it being pushed as a VIP thing so that the youth all go out and get it.
What do you say to that?
Yeah, I think it's the technology that's there, and I'm a strong believer in taking advantage of the technology at hand.
There are a great deal of advantages in using the technology, and I think people need to get over their fears, like I used before, the chicken little fears.
But you're an American!
You're an American!
The Founding Fathers said, don't trust government, limit its size, have liberty, have a Bill of Rights, and you're saying you're not worried about that?
But then we created one of the best governments in the world.
One of the best governments which can be trusted.
And I believe you need to trust your government.
And you need to trust technology.
It's there.
We have to use it.
Hey, let me ask you a question.
What did you do in the military?
I'm just curious.
I was in telecommunications.
Oh, telecommunications.
So you were in communications?
Yes, I was.
Did you do NSA work or anything?
Excuse me?
What type of work did you do?
Well, in communications it was, I can't really get into it because it was not top secret, but secret classified information.
It was a form of combat communications.
Well, I have to be honest with you.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I think you need to investigate Verichip and IBM, and you need to look at Applied Digital, and you need to look at the plant they built in China that you said you were aware of.
And I think it's very scary for you to say, no chip, you won't be able to get in the club, and that you think that's somewhere we might be going, or having chips in our hands to have guns, or...
Well, I would never enforce it that stringently that you cannot enter my club without the chip.
Definitely not.
I do feel that that is an excellent idea, having that for weapons control.
Earlier you said, though, that's where it's all going, that when everybody starts accepting it, it's going to go to that.
You said that earlier.
I believe it will.
I definitely believe it will.
When the first automobiles came out, people thought that there was no need for a vehicle that would travel at such, quote-unquote, breakneck speed.
You know, that's what the Army War College says.
They say that similar thing.
Wow, you are an interesting fellow, and I really appreciate your honesty with us on the show.
You know, we've had some of the top folks from Verichip on in the past, and you've got your microchip now, and I guess you're part of the elite VIP circle now.
I'm the first person on the planet to have used it in a nightclub.
Well, that's very interesting and I hope that you will look down into your heart and your soul and get some discernment and look at the bigger picture of the global ID system that you discussed and ask yourself, is a global government a good idea?
I mean, everybody wants to rule the world and who are these people that are going to rule the world and how will they use these ships to do it?
There is no negative aspect whatsoever with the chip.
Only positive.
Resistance is futile.
You will take the chip.
Want to be a VIP?
Get the chip.
Hey, listen.
Conrad Chase, thanks for coming on the show.
Take care.
Thank you, Alex.
Have fun.
That guy was reading right off a government script, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know if Verichip put all these ideas in his head or if he came from the inside as he did his secret work with the military.
We'll tell you about the Carlisle Group and what they're doing concerning this when we get back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Oh my goodness, for stations that just joined us for the second hour, you sure missed it in the last hour.
I'm going to re-air it sometime tomorrow.
A 30-minute interview with Conrad Chase, the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars that hold 2,500 people.
The elite bar there in Barcelona.
He's gotten the microchip.
He's talked to the CEO, Bolton, over at Verichip.
They see it as a global chip that everyone's going to take.
You'll have to have it to have a gun.
You'll have to have a chip in your hand.
European governments are discussing it.
FN Herzl, big gun maker, is going over it and just so sick.
And they have this show over in Europe called Big Brother.
We're being watched and tracked as good.
Big Brother is going to come out and show the implantation and how good it is.
See, Big Brother is now good.
Just an absolutely incredible interview.
And I told you, year after year, they're going to have it as a status symbol, to get in certain bars, to get in amusement parks, and then to do anything, to travel, you're going to have to have it.
And here is one of the minions at an implantation center.
They're setting up at the bar.
They've already implanted a bunch of the patrons.
The CEO telling Mr. Chase, oh yes, we're going to have this global ID, and this is going to be the system, and everybody's going to have this.
And I said, oh, so in a few years to get in the club, you'll have to have the chip.
And he said, oh yes, I see that happening.
Oh yes, it's wonderful.
Oh, this will stop war.
Oh, globally, everyone having the chip.
That's the plan.
That's what the military said in 2000.
But when you watch the nightly news, oh, it's for the old people, the young people, the foreigners, the criminals.
He talked about the Italian government starting to sign up to get it to put it in their government workers.
See, the police are going to have to do it first.
And then they'll say, hey, if I have to do it, you've got to do it.
Cops, you better say no.
My cousin in Special Forces has been told they're about to get the chip.
This is the new America.
This is the new world, our new global system.
And I mentioned to him, you know, Tommy's Chinese-owned part of it, and they have the factory over in China.
He goes, oh, yes, yes, the factory in Beijing.
Oh, yes.
And they use Applied Digital as the front.
IBM really owns the company, owns the majority of it.
Owns the debt on it, because IBM doesn't want to run around saying, take the chip, global ID.
Of course, it was IBM, because IBM has some problems.
Their international business machine, their biggest contracts were with the Nazis.
You may have heard of them.
And those little tattoo numbers on the Jews.
Those horrible numbers, those were to be entered into the business machine with their age and weight and height and they would decide how much to feed them, whether to go ahead and kill them, and to calculate how to feed them the smallest amount of food, to keep them alive as slaves, or to go ahead and blow their heads off.
So that's IBM, and they're still at it, the same good old stuff today.
I hope you're all proud of yourselves, yuppies.
I hope you're all proud of what you're part of.
And he had the exact same spin and tone and terms as applied digital top scientists we had on two years ago and other executives with the company.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
Oh, it's so good.
Everything's happy.
There's absolutely no negative.
Oh, it's just a wonderful thing.
Just the same, the same cant, the same verbiage, the same spin.
And, oh, you're going to have to have it to have a gun, but it's so good, and the police officers are going to have to have it in their hands, and, oh, it's so wonderful!
And by the way, yesterday we posted a new microchip that is a swastika, and the company's called Matrix, and it's a Carlyle Group-owned company.
I went ahead and went to their website and researched their corporate filings, and one of the heads of the Carlyle Group heads up Matrix, a Carlyle Group company,
It's a chip that's a swastika and it's called, the company's called Matrix, I mean, and it's owned by the Carlyle Group and was founded by members of the National Security Agency.
And I just knew in the last segment with this bar manager that he would have some NSA work in his past and when I asked, guess what?
He did!
My goodness!
What a surprise!
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We're good to go!
Hands down!
The interview I just did with the director of the Baja Beach Disco Bars, big 2,500 palatial clubs with the half-naked dancing girls at the big resorts around the world, based here in the U.S., that has to be the most revealing, wicked interview we've ever done.
Oh, I talked to the CEO, where we'll all be getting our global identification chip.
To have a gun, you'll have the chip.
Oh, the troops all need the chip.
If you want to be a VIP in our club, you gotta have the chip.
Oh, I see a time in the future when you'll have to have the chip to come in our club.
Oh, it's such a VIP thing to have the tracker chip.
We're gonna post that interview at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com by tomorrow.
And I'm begging our listeners to do the transcripts.
Do a transcript of this interview immediately.
Tens of millions of people will then read it.
We can post it on the website.
Help us get the word out.
It's just absolutely incredible.
That interview, because I sat there sucking him in, agreeing with him, and he just came right out with it.
I mean, all of you are going to take the chip, global government, to travel, to buy and sell your microchip in your hand.
And, oh, I talked to the CEO of Verichip, and, oh, we're an implantation center now here at the club, and, oh, it's going to be a global ID system.
I go, oh, did you get that from the company?
Oh, yes.
We talked about it, me and the CEO, our global identifier.
Chip, it's so good.
We need to trust our government.
We need to do what they say.
We need to love them.
I mean, did you hear all that?
It was like listening to a demon.
A simpering, you know, sweet mouth.
And I go, oh, you're in the military.
Well, yes, I was in the military.
And you were in some classified, was it communications?
I mean, I knew that.
Well, I can't talk about it.
Oh, were you in the NSA?
Well, I can't talk about it.
How did I know that?
Because if you run one of the electronic voting machine companies, you're either a computer crimes felon, some legendary hacker that's been hired, or you are a former deputy director of the CIA or NSA, or you're a former general of the NSA.
If you're in a microchip RFID company, every time I look, I just go to their websites,
It's Carnall Group, Halliburton, Wackenhut, you know, it's always some prison system.
And a big story, and I'm going to cover this, then we'll get to your calls, is from Infowars.com, directly from ADSX.com, or Applied Digital Solutions' stock website.
An embedded microchip seller, Verichip, announces Chipmobile!
It's on the move!
Watch for the Chipmobile coming to your town!
Hey kids!
So much for the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!
The B system is here, and Verichip has announced that the Chipmobile is on the move!
That's a quote!
Get chipped today!
We're there when you need us.
Verichip is pumping up promotion of its embedded microchips, its RFID tracker chips, across the country and around the world.
From the chipmobile, here in the U.S., starts liking planning VIP members of an exclusive club in Barcelona, Spain.
With status symbol microchips, the high gloss promotion is on the move globally.
And I have spoken many times over the years about making the chip fun and how by giving it an elite status, soon an entire generation of young teenagers will be arguing with their parents demanding that they let them be implanted so that they can be in the in crowd.
Isn't that just special?
And yesterday, I never even covered it because we had so many guests on, we posted a company called The Matrix.
It's called The Matrix, just like the state-level NSA snooping grid of everything you buy and sell, your divorce records, your medical records, where you live, who your neighbors are, who your children are, where they go to school, what color vehicle you drive, how much money you have in your bank account, your likes and dislikes.
That's called The Matrix.
Well, this company was called The Matrix and my wife had posted it on InfoWars last night.
I got online with a large glass of ice water for several hours and began researching The Matrix.
And it didn't take long.
Of course, before I went to it, I knew who it would be.
And sure enough, it was the National Security Agency.
Because when the chip is a swastika and the name of the company is The Matrix, I already knew.
Because I know the enemy.
I understand their control grid.
I've already followed enough of their roadmap.
I know what the next piece is.
But I never count on that.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
I knew IBM owned Apply Digital before I went to their corporate minutes.
Because they're behind it all.
I mean all of it.
I knew that it would be manufactured by the Communist Chinese Military.
And certainly it was.
Again, I'm not bragging.
This is the Unified Field Theory of Geopolitics.
And once you know it, it's there.
But, I went to their website.
I went to Matrix, and it's spelled M-A-T-R-I-S.
It's M-A-T-R-I-C-S.
Spelled the different Matrix spelling.
And I went there.
And I went to the About Us, and it said that it was founded by former top members of the National Security Agency.
It says,
Bill and Mike had worked for decades as scientists at the National Security Agency, developing cutting-edge wireless communication technologies based in a quiet suburb of Washington, D.C.
Matrix was created, and then it goes into how it's to help customers and attract criminals and for ID purposes and global control.
And then I went to the Board of Directors, and things got really interesting.
Oh my goodness, uh, Brooke Coburn!
Brooke Coburn is a Managing Director of the Carlisle Group in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Coburn focuses on early and growth stage investments, and then see, they run the government, they make everybody go to RFID, then they give themselves customers.
See how this works?
In the telecommunications industry, since joining Carlisle's telecom early in growth stage,
In 96, Mr. Coburn has been actively involved with the firm's investments and Neptune Communications, Pacific Telecom Cable, Net 2000, Breadband, and B2, Digiflex, Hoar Location, Prime Communications, Genesis Cable, Northpoint Communications, and CityNet Telecom.
And it goes on and on into his work.
He works with the Salomon Brothers as well, and Media and Communications Group.
And then there's Mark Ian.
Mark Ian founded Venture House Group in late 1999.
Previously, he was with the Washington, D.C.-based Carlyle Group.
By the way, Matrix is a Carlyle Group company.
For seven years, we have the responsibility for many of the telecommunications investment activities, including LCC International.
And with all this internal info, all their government control arms, they know just where to invest, just what to do, and then their buddies set policy giving them all the business, making you accept RFID as the new barcode system.
And then there's Michael Arneson.
Michael Arneson has over 20 years experience with the National Security Agency, Department of Defense in electronic design, development, and integration of advanced electronic security technologies.
We were just talking to one of the boys in the last hour with the microchip and planning.
I said, hmm, you did some, was it, stuff with the NSA when you were in the military?
Well, I can't talk about it.
Specialized in the re-engineering applications of smart materials, sensors, software, and hybrid integrated circuitry, and managed multi-million dollar government programs from research to implementation in the commercial sector.
Mike holds eight patents for commercial and classified purposes and has five patents pending.
Mike has been published in technical publications and has received the Distinguished Service Award from the NSA.
He has received several awards from DARPA, the Total Information Awareness Network, the Department of State, the NSA.
He received the Domestic Technology Award.
Folks, it goes on.
Okay, I'm not going to read any more.
I think you get the idea.
Their new tracker chip is a swastika.
An elegant one, by the way.
A double swastika.
They love those.
And... Oh, by the way, the Homeland Security symbol is a swastika.
I thought I'd tell you that.
Oh, and of course, it's called the Matrix.
Just because they want to take good care of you always.
And again, I'm not bragging when I say I know what I'm going to read before I see it.
But if you study this stuff and you know their game plan, well, it's like a cop who's been hunting after a serial killer for 20 years.
The serial killers killed 40 people.
They found these dead women.
They found these dead men.
And the cop has seen the serial killers work so many times, when they get the call, and before he even walks into the woods to another scene, he knows what he's going to see.
I mean, that's really it.
So here I am every day, I open the brush and walk into the woods and smell the rotten flesh and well, I'm going to see their handiwork again, aren't I?
Same people, same operations, same wickedness.
And again, that's my analogy of understanding these people.
Plaunting it in your face, throwing it in your face, the destruction of this country and bringing in the New World Order.
We will now take calls when we get back, and then get back into the horrible tragedies taking place in Iraq as that implodes.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
And yes, tomorrow, in one of the three hours, I'm not sure which one yet, I will re-air the most frightening and disgusting, swiney interview I have ever done.
We will re-air the interview with the entity that we had on, and I say that in a serious fashion, I will re-air the interview with the entity that we spoke with in the last hour, the microchip government creature, who was telling us how wonderful it is and how we'll all need the chip to come in his club, and how we'll all have our global chip, and he spoke with the same tongue, the same words,
As the others from this group.
If you listen carefully to this interview, it is the most... I had goosebumps while this guy was talking.
To be talking to a creature like this is very, very serious.
That will re-air tomorrow here on the broadcast.
But we will come back and take your calls and get into all the other news.
Study TV may rewire kids' brains.
Another article here about the record level of toddlers being put on antidepressants and methamphetamine.
And how that's rewiring their brains.
Poor little things.
And a lot more.
You want to know how evil these people are in the global system?
They knowingly let the troops read the plenty of uranium.
See, that's how evil they are.
We'll be right back.
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Phone lines open Monday through Friday only.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to Midnight Central.
We blast out on the AM and FM dials.
Simulcast at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
During the day, the first two hours are also on Global Shortwave.
Serving our international audience at 94.75.
All three hours from 9 to Midnight Central at 32.10.
Now all three hours at night on 32.10.
Good old WWCR doing a great job.
Before we go to Sherry, Paula, Robert, Wes, Gerald, and others, we are going to get back into the 130 U.S.
troops being reported killed in the foreign press.
I mean British press, not our media.
Before we get into all this other Big Brother news, we will go to your calls.
You're going to want to stay with us.
I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg yet, if you can believe that.
Believe me, it's really bad.
And you need to know, it's good that we're bringing all this puss out.
We're lancing the wound daily on this show.
Let's talk to Sherry in Colorado.
Sherry, go ahead.
I need you to get off your speaker phone.
It's totally unintelligible.
I'm sorry.
I thought I did get off.
The thing I was wondering as I was listening to that interview, I'm opposed to this and outraged as much as you are, but when they say there's no drawback,
On an implanted chip like that, couldn't you kill someone and take the chip?
Or someone take the chip out to steal it?
Well, that's it, of course, for high security federal employees, which the Italian government's about to make their employees, according to him, take it.
And you heard this Global ID situation.
Think of all the crimes this government's committed.
Of course it's insane.
Of course it's bad.
That's why he was saying, resistance is futile, it's wonderful, everyone will take it, you're going to take it.
I mean, did you hear just the wickedness?
Oh, I did.
Yes, I did.
It's so good, just take a jib!
But all I'm saying, I still think... I expect you to go, when we came to your planet, we came here to help you.
It's for them to keep track of all of us, but I still think, what I'm saying, I still think there's ways to get around it.
Well, I'm not going to take it, and most people are against it.
They just get up on the news and act like everybody likes it.
This is all psychology.
It's wonderful.
Everyone loves it.
You need to take it.
There have been polls out.
Ninety-plus percent of people hate it.
But the more they go, everyone loves it.
All the stars love it.
All the VIPs love it.
The young people, and that's what they admit they're targeting, are going to go, Yeah, it's cool.
It's counterculture.
I want it.
I want it now.
And they repeat it enough that the people begin to believe it.
Everybody's for it!
You're the kook when we're the majority!
Anything else?
Nope, that's it.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Paula in Texas.
Paula, welcome.
Yes, sir.
I have a couple of questions.
First, I'm going to address the microchip.
If I had enough time, which I do not, to address the negative aspects that the book of Revelation talks about, that you're going to get for taking the mark of the beast,
Uh, I could go on and on and on.
But, uh, I won't take it.
Nor will my daughter or my husband or any of my family.
But IBM ran the machines that put the tattoos on the people in Germany.
Wasn't that helpful?
Oh, yeah.
Helped them kill as many as they could possibly get a hold of.
Well, it's the same people behind this today.
But, uh, I have also a question about why you don't have your America
Wake up or Waco on your internet site to order it.
Okay, thanks for the call, ma'am.
I know Mike puts you up to that, it's funny.
But that's pretty hilarious.
I appreciate your call, Paula.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in Illinois.
Robert, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm fine.
Making a lot of progress up here in the land of terror, we call it.
They call it the land of Lincoln, we actually call it the land of terror because I don't think there's a more corrupt judiciary.
There's a few good judges, but it's a pretty sad state of affairs.
But this is what we got going, Alex.
We're setting up a toll-free hotline.
Where there'll be someone manning it, volunteers manning it at all times, and people can come out of court, they don't know what to do in front of you.
Sir, just give us some background on what you're saying.
Alex, you're familiar that last year about this time, through your listeners on your show, I was thrown into, well I was thrown, because I believed all the things that you claimed, because I couldn't disprove them, so I was thrown into the nut house, because I was allegedly nuts, because I was paranoid, because I couldn't disprove the competent evidence that you and other people had produced,
About who really did 9-1-1, what was really going on, the fact that there's a globalist takeover and that there's a mass genocide is ultimately the agenda of these satanic, worshipping, abominable, super-rich, the global banking cartel and all the stooges who are doing, the goyim, who are doing their bidding.
But at any rate, the long and short of it is that we remember that through your listeners almost just knocking out the whole circuit on the mental health hospital, we got out of there in a matter of days.
Well, we had this happen again recently by someone who did a lot of 9-1-1 work, and we've just seen the abuses in the court system where people get... Yeah, it's the new Soviet Union where you criticize the government, you're crazy, and they arrest you.
Exactly, and besides that... You don't like the microchip!
You're crazy!
We gotta put you in the nuthouse!
But at any rate, Alex, we're fighting back now.
We've got a toll-free line we're setting up, and we're getting the lines manned.
We're going to get them manned during all the hours in which courts are open, from the Eastern Standard Time, 8.30 in the morning on the East Coast, to the time they close at 5.30 in the Pacific Standard Time on the West Coast.
And anyone who goes into this court proceeding who has a cell phone,
Or I could just go out and call the people who doesn't know what to do when they come up with all these chivalrous and subterfuges and frauds to try to defraud people out of traffic, take money, criminal, civil, whatever.
Okay, thanks for the call.
We'll be back, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, a phenomenon has started back up on my show that I put an end to about three years ago, where people don't call in about a topic or an issue, they call in to simply plug something.
And, you know, I'll let people get away with plugging stuff sometimes, even though I don't really even know who they are, if they will talk about something first.
But I can't turn my show into just a plug fest for things.
I mean, the listeners want to hear about issues, about news, about information.
And so I'd ask the listeners to talk about, you know, some of the hundred things I brought up this week.
Or some news that you're concerned with, or some legislation.
It's about information.
Did you hear that interview in the last hour?
Global microchips for a global ID.
Gotta have it to buy and sell.
Gotta have it to have a gun.
That's what this latest individual, an applied digital franchise, selling it and planning it.
And VIPs, you know, these big palatial, top-end bars.
And oh, I talked to the CEO of our global ID system.
I mean, this is what's serious.
The Carlyle Group with a front company called Matrix, with an RFID that's a swastika.
You know, with NSA people running it.
I mean, this is serious.
This is serious!
Now, we've done an hour and a half, an hour and thirty-four minutes of the show, and I haven't even yet plugged my video, speaking of plugs.
So we'll do that, and we'll go back to your calls and back to news.
What about the... We don't know.
Between fifteen and a hundred and thirty troops, Sky Television News reporting a hundred and thirty dead U.S.
troops as of hours ago.
We don't know what the truth is.
We know there's a bloodbath going on over there right now.
You got any concerns about that?
Want to talk about that?
So I want to take your calls, but I want to, you know, hit the big issues here.
But before we do that, look, I've made 10 films.
And we carry a lot of other great videos and books on tape.
Eric Huffschmid's video, Painful Questions, and just a lot of other key things that you need to have.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, The Masters of Terror,
You need to have all of these videos, you need to have the books, you need to have the pro-gun t-shirts, the anti-tyranny t-shirts, all the things that Sean Hannity would call liberal, I understand that.
Sean Hannity, every child needs a chip, he's conservative, he said.
But you need to have police state three total enslavement, you need to get these videos,
You need to make copies of these films.
You need to get them out to your friends, your family.
Put them on AXS TV, your county commissioners.
It is so important.
They're all over two hours.
$25.95 apiece.
$20 when you order three or more of any of my films.
And again, we have Eric Huffschmid's book, Eric Huffschmid's video, George Humphrey's books and videos, Tex Mars.
We've got Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier that really made the globalists angry.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait, don't procrastinate, get involved, get the films, the books, spread the word, wake people up about this threat that's coming down on us.
The toll-free number is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
Listen, that interview was very good.
I really learned something there, but I've also noticed something else.
With these micro-ID chips.
Buildings are having to come up with construction standards.
And also, I've heard of some buildings now eliminating microwave, the ovens, because that interferes with the transmission of the radio signal.
From the microchip?
Yeah, they're getting ready to make everybody have an ID card with it, or a bracelet, to get in any building or government building, you name it, you're all going to have to have this.
And the government is saying they want the national standards set at this level, they're pushing it.
And then the government is manned by people who then in their private lives own and control the big RFID companies.
Isn't that interesting?
And then, you know, because I keep hearing all these construction standards keep coming up,
You know, they want you to park farther and farther away from where you work.
If you're going to have these ID systems, you can't have crowds of people coming in all at once.
And it's because the cameras can't quite pick them up, and the ID system, if you use a microchip or a mag reader card, you know, if they get too many of them, you know, some people won't get ret at all.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Wes in Tennessee.
Wes, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
In respect for your wishes, I won't go into any details before I talk about today's show and yesterday's show.
I just want to give you a heads up and tell you that I fulfilled a promise I made to you on Tuesday and emailed you about 100 hours worth of research for you to read later on.
So I'll move on to yesterday's show and today's.
I swear, in 48 hours, if I ever had a shred
I don't know.
Well, let's go over it.
The CDC's own internal documents released, millions of children brain damaged from thimerosal, and they don't care.
There are hundreds of times the level in the new flu shot that was in the old shots.
They've increased the level, and they say they're going to continue doing it, and they're going to make people take it.
And then, knowingly, ten to twenty times the amount of depleted uranium, we're not sure, used in Gulf War II, the top scientist, Dr. Rockey from the Pentagon, who wrote the book on it, saying the troops are dead and dying, he's very ill, deathly ill, knowingly doing that, Clinton shipping out AIDS-tainted blood, knowingly, nationwide and worldwide, for eight years after they knew what was happening,
I mean, yeah, these are just examples, and then we have this guy on with Applied Digital, you know, with his bar, he's now an Applied Digital seller, and he's going, oh yeah, I talked to the CEO, global ID, he's got to have one to have a gun, chips and all, you know, chips and the police, chips and government workers, it's wonderful, we all need it, we all need the tracker chip!
I mean, folks, this is the Twilight Zone!
I wish it was, but it's not.
It really is going on.
And to listen to that guy was almost as if you were listening to somebody that was having an episode of schizophrenic paranoia.
These guys really are scared to death.
I mean, I really believe that's what's driving them is fear.
They are so frightened of us that they really feel it necessary to
Keep track of each and every one of us.
Well, they know that we're waking up to them.
There's a massive renaissance and awakening taking place.
And they've got their power base.
They've got their control.
They're expanding it.
And they want to shore up their footing right now by tracking and tracing and controlling and destroying the middle class and disarming us.
And it's happening!
And the neocons are there to suppress conservatives to make sure that we don't find out until it's too late.
I appreciate the call, Leslie.
Let's talk to Gerald in Colorado, or California, excuse me.
Gerald, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
You have a lot of sponsors and people that support you in the way of companies and stuff.
And I appreciate the fact that you don't want anybody plugged anymore on your program and everything.
I appreciate all the work you're doing.
Well, no, it's not that.
Three or four years ago, I'd let people call in and plug whatever they wanted to, and then it would get to where I have ten calls in a row, literally, a guy called in and said, I got a tractor for sale, and that's not what this radio show is!
And so I'll let people give out websites, communicate, or contact me if they want to be a guest, but when it's just caller after caller plugging something with an agenda, and then we're not even talking about the news, that's when I step in and say no!
Yeah, I appreciate that.
I've noticed that a lot of companies that are your sponsors, they're fighting the war for us.
They're doing things to help people.
Well, obviously this network has sponsors.
Many of them believe in freedom.
That's why they're sponsoring.
And because they get a good response.
A great response in many cases.
I'm an individual who does this radio show with the network, and I'm not really... The only sponsors I'm involved with is the Big Berkey and the things that I bring forward here, and occasionally another sponsor that I believe in I'll have up on the show, but that's... I mean, really, if you don't hear me endorsing something, I don't endorse it.
You're aware of the FDA, well you're aware of the crooked government, but I mean the FDA also is crooked, and you know that they're crooked, right?
Yeah, they'll go shut down a vitamin maker, but meanwhile they'll allow rotten food to be served to people.
They'll allow, you know, all this.
Well, there's a man that's been fighting this battle against the FDA and the AMA for a long time, and his name is Joel D. Wallach.
I don't know if you've heard of him.
Yeah, I believe I've interviewed him.
You have interviewed him.
Well, that's interesting.
I didn't know if you had or not.
Because he has a number of videos and a website and everything.
It's pretty good.
I was wondering if you'd heard about him.
Also, the company called Wise Trade.
Have you heard of that company?
You could make a lot of money to finance your show with this program.
Okay, thanks for the call.
There it goes again, folks.
I appreciate it, buddy, but this is out of control.
I want to talk about the dead and dying troops.
I want to talk about the plan to forcibly make you take a chip globally.
I want to talk about babies going on Prozac at record levels.
I want to talk about a news story from your area, people being arrested for having yard signs up.
You know, yard signs up that say that our court system is corrupt and being arrested?
I mean, that's serious stuff.
John, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
Hey Alex, I'm calling from Missouri.
Hey, I talked to you a couple of weeks ago and I bought through the videos that you recommended and watched them.
And I had a question for you because I was kind of concerned after watching 9-11, the road to tyranny.
And after watching that,
I can see how Bush is using the same format like what Hitler did and others to take control of the country.
And my question was, is that I'm worried that what if he decides to let a massive event happen before the elections, say like October or November?
Well, they won't let an event take place, they'll engage in it.
Yeah, suppose that he does that, right?
And then he suspends the elections and everything to keep himself in power.
I don't know how long of a time he could do that for, but I understand he has the power or the ability to do that, and that he could proclaim himself as the dictator for this country just like that.
What are the chances you think of something like that happening?
Well, I'd say it's a very good chance that's going to happen.
I mean, we've got official U.S.
government plans, declassified documents to bomb D.C., to commit sniper attacks, to hijack jets by remote control and crash them, killing people, or staging fake crashes as a pretext for controlling war.
And so, we have LBJ admitting the Gulf of Tonkin was staged in a new presidential tape released last month, or last year, excuse me.
I mean, we have all these examples.
And so, this is a very good chance.
This is how they get their power and control.
Until we wake up to who's behind the terror, and who stands to gain from the terror, and to the fact that giving up liberty gives us tyranny, not security, they're going to keep doing it.
Well Alex, what timeline do you give this thing?
When is it too late for people to wake up and actually do something about this?
We've been fighting the globalists so successfully that whereas two years ago they had a time frame to carry out more terror by now, big events here in the US, not pinpricks around the world, not a pinprick if you die, but comparatively speaking that's what they call it.
Yes, they're scare tactics.
They would have already engaged in bigger events.
Right now, I think they're trying to address things.
They're trying to study.
They're kind of like deer in the headlights.
Things aren't going as they thought it would.
There's a massive awakening that's already taken place.
So, they're even in a way more dangerous right now, but overall that's good because now they're a little more ham-fisted and making a lot bigger mistakes.
So, we've got them on the defensive right now.
But we're in the twelfth round of a heavyweight battle here, and we're not in very good shape either.
Our eyes are swollen shut, our teeth are loose here, we've got cuts all over us, so do they.
And that's why we've got to just dig deep and pound them even harder with the info war, because I don't know what they're going to do, because they don't know what they're going to do.
I mean, I look at what they're doing and all the indicators, and it shows that they've got several different scripts they're working off of, kind of overlaid.
They've got a lot of their own people blowing the whistle on them, so they're in a lot of trouble right now.
I don't know what they're gonna do, but I guarantee you this, there's gonna be more terror attacks.
I don't know the exact time frame on it.
Do you think it'll happen this year, though?
I tend to think it'll be huge and after the election.
I think they'll have lots of staged captures of terrorists and lots of staged, you know, preemption of bomb attacks and things.
I think they'll carry out more covert terror attacks that aren't announced to the people, but are announced to the police.
And they'll go, oh, you're part of the secret security system now.
We can't tell the people we've been hit by terrorists.
You've got to keep quiet about this.
That's going on.
So there'll be more of those.
And police listening right now are going, how does he know we were told this?
Because I know the script, boys!
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Very good questions.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sandra in New Jersey.
Sandra, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
I listened to your show three times yesterday.
I mean, there was just so much information.
However, I want to talk today about an article in yesterday's newspaper.
Matt Cowling saw in track of cluster death.
New Jersey Senator urged federal scientists Monday to determine if a cluster of deaths among people linked to a defunct racetrack was caused by eating mad cow tainted meat.
The letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention follows reports of a woman's research into the death of nearly 20 people who worked at or near a Garden State racetrack in Cherry Hill between 1988 and 1992.
All died of CDJ
Pretzfeldt-Jakob disease and Senator Frank Lautenberg and John Corzine, Press CDC Director Dr. Julie L. Irving for an investigation.
Jane Starbeck, whose mother worked at the racetrack and had a colleague die of the disease, has been compiling cases of humans she believes were killed by Mad Cow disease.
I'd like you to email me that or mail it to me, that's very interesting.
There's a lot of mad cow deaths around the country and that's been confirmed, but it's always in local papers, never a big national story.
They'll have a national story about finding a cow with it, but not all the humans that have died from it.
Oh, I had a friend whose wife died of it and she was, oh yeah, in less than a year.
Well, I tell you, it's very important what you brought up and a very good point to bring.
I'm glad you called.
Very, very serious.
What is that EU Creek?
Is that concrete?
What is it?
Yeah, it's bag sack concrete that depleted uranium is in being sold on store shelves.
Okay, in the worst form, because the aerosolized powder form is what's bad, because then you breathe it, and you have the long-term effects of the depleted uranium, and now, as the scientist said, it's being sold on store shelves.
This is the maximum insanity of it all.
Okay, one more thing.
Because of all this depleted uranium, people are not going to be enlisting into the
When do you think they're going to initiate the draft?
Well, they've got a total of eleven different bills.
It was nine.
Now there's two more in both the House and Senate.
And it's a universal draft.
And some are 18-49, some are 18-26.
Different versions.
And they're lined up to pass now.
I would think after the next big attack that they'll pass a universal draft and we'll all start becoming their slaves.
So, thank you for the call.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, I gotta get into all the big brother and police state news and drugging of babies with deadly drugs and what's happening with the cashless society control grid and Sky Television News reporting a hundred and thirty dead U.S.
troops, but you're not seeing that in our media.
All of this is coming up.
I've already covered some of it, but most of it I haven't.
And yes, I want to take your calls.
And I'm not trying to sound irritable earlier when I'm like, man, the plug-in's got to stop, but you saw it, like, three, four callers in a row.
I mean, it's like, come on, folks.
It's just, that's not good radio.
And I'm here to tell the truth, get the information out, and try to make it interesting in the presentation.
And, you know, that's why this show is, oh boy, has the great distinction of being the number one Christian patriot pop show in the country.
Because I don't descend into plugging endlessly.
I don't descend into fighting with other patriots, which is the favorite pastime of all the failures out there, and I wish they'd get themselves together and move forward against the New World Order.
We don't do that here on this broadcast.
We fight the globalists.
We expose the evil.
And I'm surprised that more callers, frankly, aren't concerned about that interview in the last hour.
Where he's going, oh yeah, the CEO of Applied Digital, this is going to be our global microchip, and to have it, you know, to have a gun, you'll have to have it.
Yeah, I mean, soon when you come in our club, you know, you'll have to have the microchip.
And when I pressed him on it, he said, well, maybe not.
I mean, that was chilling stuff!
To buy and sell, you've got to have a microchip.
I think we've heard this before.
Those were incredible revelations last hour.
And we don't scream the calls.
And you're welcome to call in about whatever you want.
A lot of the calls have been great.
Don't get me wrong.
I just... If I'm going to take a lot of your calls, I really think you ought to call in about real issues.
Like the lady from New Jersey.
I mean, that's a real call.
Here's my local paper.
People dying at Creutzfeldt-Jacobs.
They think it's Mad Cow.
Plenty of them.
Boy, that's a big deal.
Wow, that's... Let's put our thinking caps on.
Let's get into real issues here.
We've got to do it.
Let's take a few calls.
We'll break, start the next hour, get back in the news.
The more your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk.
Andy just hung up, so we'll go to him.
Who's up next?
Who should I go to next?
Johnny in Hawaii, where I wish I was.
Go ahead, Johnny.
Thanks, Alex.
These hearings that the White House is having about 9-1-1, what's the purpose of that?
Is it just to bring it out in the open and then try to debunk everything so everybody will forget about it?
Yes, that's one finger on the hand of evil.
One of the other big fingers is finding out what people know.
Good government people go to the government and say, I know this.
They say, thank you, son.
Now go out and have your car wrecked.
You're going to have it at 3 p.m.
So that's another big part of it.
And so, yes, and they know that people are on to what's happening, and so it's about acting like they're doing something, acting like there's an investigation.
Like, I couldn't figure out why the History Channel did that week-long special proving that the government killed Kennedy, which we already knew.
And now they're doing a week-long special debunking it and apologizing, see?
It's part of bringing it out and trying to discredit it.
I see.
I missed your first hour of your show because we don't get it here.
I'm listening to the WRL on the internet, so maybe I'll pick it up tomorrow if you have a second or third hour.
It sounded like a really good interview.
If you're listening to other audio streams of other five stations that stream us and they don't carry it all, go to InfoWars.com or PresentPlanet.com.
You can get all three hours there.
Okay, I sure will.
And Sky News is the one that had that article about the 130 soldiers being killed.
I haven't seen anything at all about that.
It was just a little blurb and all of a sudden it disappeared.
Yeah, and then what our news will do is they'll dibble it out, 20 dead here, 8 dead there, 9 dead here, 14 dead here, 18 dead here, and so in the front of the paper it's 8 here, 12 there.
They don't combine it all.
That's a psychological warfare program.
I actually read the British Psychological Warfare Manual from the 50's on how to announce casualties to limit it psychologically and it's that tactic.
I see.
I've actually read the Mind Control booklet on that declassified.
Oh, boy.
Thanks, Alex.
Appreciate you being here.
Thank you.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Excellent points.
Excellent questions.
I love that type of caller.
Third Hour, coming up.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, you're now into the big number three here.
Coming in for the big win against the New World Order.
Praise God, hallelujah.
Third hour of global transmission against tyranny.
Giant news blitz coming up in about 5-10 minutes.
I want to get back into the carnage with our troops in the Iraqis.
Just horrible, horrible.
My heart goes out to them.
But Bush says, bring them on.
Brigham says, stop whining.
Families of dead troops, get over it.
This is the reality of the wickedness of Barbara Bush.
Said on television, ABC, Good Morning America, Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many and what day it's going to happen?
It's not relevant.
So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many?
What day it's going to happen?
It's not relevant.
So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
Oh my goodness.
Bring it on, they say.
Bush Sr.
says emotional elder Bush attacks son's critics, starts crying, and says, don't talk about my baby!
It's wrong!
Don't talk bad about him, but, but, but, but troops, families are dead.
Families, just, just get over it, okay?
My beautiful mind, it's so good!
It's so beautiful!
I'm on such a power trip!
I'm so crazy with power!
Drunk on the blood of the saints!
I love it, they say!
Oh, heaven help us.
Let's talk to Warren in Colorado, then Bruce and Paula.
Warren, you're on the air globally.
Oh, hi.
Wouldn't it be interesting to have that type of inside knowledge that that guy with the chip
He must have had some background, insight, knowledge at psychological tests and everything.
We're going to prove that this was going to go over with the general public and he's really kind of sold his soul.
In order to, uh... Did you hear him say that when he talked to the CEO of Applied Digital, oh yeah, it's going to be a global marker system, gotta have it to have a gun, we're going to put it in the police first?
It's like my cousin, Special Forces, they've been told he's getting the chip!
I mean, it's happening, people!
Did you hear how chilling that interview was?
Oh yeah, that was really scary.
I mean, it's... it was just... I mean, it's just right out in the open.
That's how it's going to be, and that's quite the... I guess it's going to have to be the mark of the beast.
Or the, you know, it's incredible how... But he said don't resist it, everybody loves it, just do it!
Just take the chip!
I mean, come on!
Well, the Bible's kind of coming true on that, isn't it?
As far as the... Yeah, but the evangelical leaders...
Say that, you know, that we're about to have our king and leader on the earth as a physical leader.
And we're going to have to praise him.
He's going to be here soon.
Very soon.
He's coming.
Well, thank you.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Bruce in Colorado.
Bruce, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I had a couple of comments.
There's a story on BBC Online right now talking about universal ID card from the home office in four weeks.
Well, yeah, the big terror attack's coming, and Tony Blair says you've got to take the national ID card now.
But in Britain, they admit it's a national ID card.
Here, it's your driver's license, federally mandated, funded and controlled.
The Supreme Court just ruled you've got to have it at all times.
And you've got to answer questions, but Americans don't even know that we already have a national ID card.
Yeah, and I'd like to tie into that, you've got to answer questions from the police.
I've got an anecdote from a friend who's also a listener.
Four days ago, three or four days ago, in a suburb here in Denver,
This guy works at a gas station.
And, uh, he just made a comment about, uh, a police officer not moving a disabled car out of the way.
And the guy went nuts!
Just totally melted down on a surveillance tape, which we're gonna try to get sent to you.
That was a cop or a minion?
That was a cop.
Well, yeah, I mean, you even... Look, Hillary Clinton doesn't let you look her in the eyes.
At Milner Berg Group meetings, the servants are all told, do not even look at their face.
It's the loydliness, the worshipful... Stay there, I want to hear about it.
Stay there, we'll be right back.
Stay there.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There is a phenomenon in world history that when you get despotism and tyranny, generally the police start wearing black ski masks and black uniforms for intimidation purposes.
That is thousands of years old, by the way.
Whether it's inquisitors or ninja assassins,
Uh, or bank robbers, the bad guys wear the black mask, the black uniforms, the combat boots, you know, the regalia, these type of outfits.
And all over the country, I mean, I get video, police video, surveillance video, squad car video, it's on the news or locally.
They'll freak out.
If anything isn't going their way, or if somebody doesn't jump quick enough, or if you just say, hey, what's going on here?
Just talking to them.
They will then beat the daylights out of you, arrest you, blow up, freak out, scream, cuss, flip out, and then they'll tell you you're getting upset.
That's why I've learned with police, and a lot of them aren't like this, but quite a few are, especially the young ones, that if you're just very calm and they start saying, you know, why do you have a problem?
Say, I'm just a human being talking to you.
What's wrong?
What's going on?
You have to talk to him like the HAL 2000 and 2001 Space Odyssey.
Dave, why are you upset, Dave?
And that's what I do.
So your friend works at this gas station, and what did he say to this first class citizen as a 10th class slave minion?
What did he say to this lord that outraged him, Warren?
Yeah, he didn't really say anything directly to him to set him off.
First of all, he was just standing outside of the gas station and made the observation that it would be a lot more efficient to just push this disabled car out of the way.
The guy points at him and screams, I'M GONNA COME TALK TO YOU AFTER THIS!
And the guy just goes in and goes about his business.
The cop comes in, getting red-faced.
Screaming at him, saying, come outside, and basically telling you, you know, I ought to arrest you.
And this guy at least knows his rights, and says, you know, for what?
What do you know?
I've done nothing.
I just, I haven't done anything to you.
And he just keeps going on and on, just interfering with all the customers who are trying to pay.
Have you seen this video of the temper tantrum?
No, he was supposed to be giving it.
I helped him just do it tonight.
But he was smart enough to pull it out of the video recorder and stick another tape in so it didn't get taped over.
And he wants to send it in to you, so hopefully that will happen.
So he was just, so, go, RAWR!
What do you need, boy?
Leaning over Tanner, getting a couple inches from his face, screaming at him, saying he ought to arrest him, you know, for nothing.
For absolutely, for I guess just not, you know, showing the proper fear of the black, uh, black, yeah, blue thug, you know, but.
Uh, that was enough to set him off.
Oh, was he wearing a black uniform?
That I don't know.
Evidently, he was a younger cop, so that's a different scenario.
And this is a big deal, because the type of outfits historically change the mentality and the mindset.
Well, I know most of the suburban police officers in this area.
Have on to the black type uniforms.
You no longer see the baby blue shirt and the little blue hat on anymore and a 38 on the side.
Oh no, they're special forces commandos dealing with the civilians in occupied territory.
We're now the enemy.
See, when you militarize the police, well, what's a military's job?
To fight the enemy.
Well, where's the enemy?
Well, look in the mirror.
Oh, sure.
And so now the judges, you put a sign up in your yard saying, our court system's a joke, you're arrested.
Give somebody a video, you're arrested.
I'm amazed at the rapidity at which this is happening, Alex.
I never thought it would happen this fast.
It's like they got the green light and now they're just going for it, third door.
Did you hear that first hour interview?
I did.
It was chilling.
I couldn't even believe it.
Well, globally we're all going to have our chips.
Yeah, he just thought it was so great that we're all going to be chipped.
I'm sure we won't have to carry money anymore, and assuming we're blind and able to... Mom, why did you hear this quote?
The chip will prevail in the future.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
No, it will prevail.
And the guy that seemed almost giddy and brainwashed how cool it was.
No, no, that's all training as a bearer chip subsidiary seller.
I've had, I think, about four other people on, including the CEO, including the top scientist, and you can play a recording of each one, and it sounds like the same person.
I mean, it's that bad.
But they never come right out.
They got caught with the Bureau of Prisons in California, had to cancel it.
They got caught a bunch of other times, backed off, and they said, oh, and you can find the press.
There's no plan to put this in people for tracking.
There's no plan.
This is an RFID, and now it's RFID.
We're going to track you.
And oh, the Italian government's going to put it in all their employees.
The European police are going to have it in their hands.
I mean, cops, we care about you.
You're the ones that go under this first.
Please, don't... Look, police, just like the vaccines.
99% of you, according to the LA Times, 99% said no to that.
Because you had to take it if you were then going to force us to take it.
You said no.
That messed up the whole global program of the New World Order to go ahead and release smallpox.
You have smoke screen hysteria as a takeover move.
Sooner or later they're going to give us some kind of bioweapon and blame it on us.
It's coming.
We heard all of you complain about your liberties.
Now they're all gone.
We've got to keep you safe.
I've been wondering, how are they going to pull off
putting down a reverse in this country since we still have our guns.
I think maybe you touched on that a little bit a little while ago.
They release bioweapons that creates hysteria, things break down, then the news media, the local officials beg them, then you've got some CIA staged attacks against the troops which are then blamed on the evil Christian militia, and then they move ahead with ID cards and microchips, and then there'll be underground groups that fight the microchipping, it'll really be government groups, and you know, the cops are, we're in a war, we gotta do something!
And then you have to take the vaccines.
Most of us will serve domestically.
I've read the bills.
All of us will have to serve about 10 hours a week.
And that's ditch digging, environmental stuff, you name it, you know, spying.
If you resist this, then you're a traitor to the country, right?
Well, that's it, see, because you won't go along with it.
You haven't been pulling your weight.
You're the reason Al-Qaeda hit us again!
We've lost a million Americans!
We've got to... See, 9-11's just priming us for it.
They're going to kill a lot of people.
And then it really starts.
And at that point, you've got to defend yourselves.
You've got to go pedal to the metal.
And they're going to lose.
We're going to back them down.
Well, I mean, let's say we're able to pull off on unawake America with the Patriot Act.
You know, one nasty biochar attack and people will scream for anything.
They'll give up everything.
And they've been primed for it.
It's like Jim Jones had people drill every day to drink the Kool-Aid.
They drill us every day.
When the attack comes, what do you do?
Give your freedom up.
That makes you safe.
What do you do?
Beggar attack's coming.
Give your freedoms up.
You'll be safe.
So when the attack comes, take my rights!
I mean, I heard people on talk radio right after the attack going, take my rights!
Do everything to me!
One of my so-called Christian friends, who's a pro-lifer, told me, yeah, I'll take the chip, so what?
We gotta do anything now.
The terrorists, the terrorists.
I mean, it's just insanity.
Thanks for the call.
Really good call.
I'll tell you what, Paula and Larry and Ellis and everybody else that is patiently holding, I'll have to get to you in a little while, because I need to go ahead and cover some of this news, okay?
And I know I'm getting pretty wild here on the air because this is the plan.
You heard me say that for VIP stuff, the rock stars, to get in clubs, to be cool, you're going to have to take the chip.
Now, how did I know that?
Because I know how they've sold us other things.
They created the drug culture.
They brought in the drugs.
They released the LSD.
Do you understand they control it through the counterculture?
It's counterculture to not get married.
It's counterculture to have children out of wedlock.
It's counterculture to break things down.
It's counterculture to be lazy and stupid.
And, you know, oh, it's so cool to not know where America is on a map.
No, it's not cool!
If you really want to be rebellious, if you really want to be counterculture, join us.
Join with the people that love freedom.
We're the ones fighting the establishment.
You are pathetic jellyfish out there.
You trendies.
And the yuppies.
And the rest of you.
You're not even in the game.
Your life doesn't even matter because you've made it not matter.
You're a cog.
A programmable jellyfish.
You will break the conditioning.
You will break it!
Unlock your minds now!
Come on, people!
We're under unbelievable attack!
They're putting video cameras in school bathrooms!
That ain't America!
We just had one of these lunatics on here.
Soon the global, everyone will have their global chip in them.
Soon our global system, our global ID in your hand.
I mean, it's happening!
Liberal conservative leaders are all over TV.
Sean Hannity, I got him on tape.
This is a great system.
Every child needs a chip.
See, that's conservatism.
That's what a conservative does.
That's how we get freedom.
We turn our guns in, and we get rid of our borders like Jeb Bush is doing, accepting saying the illegals all get driver's licenses, and we have campaign finance reform doubling the corporate money but restricting individuals, and not letting us have a First Amendment, and we arrest people for signs in their yards, and we just do it, because it's good, because we're helping you!
And more people are in prison, and even more drugs are on the streets.
It's all coming together.
Alright, we'll come back.
Study TV may rewire children's brains.
General Eberhardt in the local paper, there in Colorado, Colorado Springs where we're on the radio, came out and talked about how they need to spy on the American people and have NATO involved in the U.S.
I mean, here it is.
Bar and Dribs, baby.
Oh my goodness.
Outraged preschoolers lead growth of antidepressant use.
That's along the tip of the iceberg.
There is so much coming up.
And I'm going to get back into report.
130 soldiers killed in Iraq.
You starting to get the picture, the magnitude of this?
If you're not pulling your hair out in concern, they've already got your soul.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Man, it's good to have Big Brother advertising on us.
Last ad was something else.
That's funny.
Folks, thank you for joining us here back live on the show.
Study TV May Rewire Kids Brains.
We'll cover some of these articles, come back and take calls.
This is from KRON Television out of San Francisco.
They actually carry an AP article.
Study TV May Rewire Children's Brains.
Researchers have found that every hour preschoolers watch television
Each day boosts their chances by about 10% of developing attention deficit problems later in life.
So it teaches children how to not think and it fractures their brains.
That's why I watch no more than about an hour of television a week.
The findings back up previous research showing that television can shorten attention spans and support American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations that youngsters under age 2 not watch television!
The truth is, there's a lot of reasons for children not to watch television.
Other studies have shown that it's associated with obesity and aggressiveness.
Well, that's all the aggressive acts on it.
Two said lead author, Dr. Dimitri Kreninski, a researcher at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle.
Folks, I told you that last night, after the TV show, I took the crew out to eat at a local Chinese food restaurant here in Austin.
It's a nice little restaurant.
I'll give them a plug.
It's called Triple Eight.
That's the name of the restaurant.
They have this big screen TV.
And we walk in there.
And I see the television.
I turn my back to it.
I didn't want to shit-face the evil stuff on it.
You know, Big Brother over there.
And people in front of me go, what is that?
I turn around.
You can read the closed caption.
The audio was off.
And they were torturing a guy.
About five minutes later, they'll look at that and somebody else's, you know, the authorities are raping someone.
Wow, lots of torture!
And I don't know the name of the show.
It's on FX.
It's got the bald-headed guy who used to be on the commish.
It's called The Shield.
Hey, Scott, you know how to turn your microphone on?
You want to come on air?
If you know all about it, why don't you tell us about it?
All you know is The Shield.
Well, let me ask you.
He's in my ear, folks.
You can't hear him.
You're welcome to come on air.
You want to come on air right now?
Turn your microphone on.
Are you on with us now?
Yes, I am.
So, you knew about the show called The Shield.
Have you ever watched it?
I have not watched it.
Okay, well, I've only come across it twice, and both times they were torturing people.
Yeah, that seems to be the gist of it.
From every ad that I've ever seen, it's kind of those...
I'm going to get the answers I need, and I'm going to beat it out of you.
So, even the ads are torture each time?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I just saw him torturing a bunch of people.
It seems the whole show, but... Now, do you watch much television?
Uh, no, not really.
Not as much as I used to.
Do you watch 24 or Threat Matrix?
I have.
Every episode I've seen, and literally, this is the TV studio when it's on, or flipping through channels, watching news,
I've tuned in three times, every time they were torturing people.
Once they had the lady strapped down, they said, answer the question.
She said no on 24.
They started electrocuting her blood spring.
And this is good.
They're loving when they do this.
Then I went to see a movie and they had an ad for it.
The movies where they're torturing somebody in a torture chair.
Is that what you've seen watching it?
Oh yeah.
That's their main selling point.
So the show is about torture?
Oh yeah.
And the government's good because we're going to torture you.
By the way, this is where everybody gets their social morals, their mores.
This is why you're going to be tortured by the police for having a crooked toenail, because they're going to live out the life of the Shield, or of Threat Matrix, or of 24.
They're fighting it.
In every episode I've seen of this, they're real sad, they go, I gotta torture you now, I'm so sorry, you're the bad one, you did this!
It's like, Joseph Mingala, I'm going to torture you now, because you deserve it, because you're a Jew, and we're gonna do it!
Uh, doesn't that seem a little sick to you?
Uh, uh, Scott?
Yeah, it does.
No one seems to be pointing this out.
Did you ever think when you watched it that why is this all about torture?
No, of course not.
That's what they're going for.
They don't want you to think about that.
Unconsciousness, yes.
Okay, well I think everybody better talk about it.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, thanks for the discussion.
No problem.
I'm about to pull my hair out here.
Anyways, I went off a rabbit trail there.
Again, it is documented that the average child watches four and a half hours of TV, with 11% watching five to six hours daily and about 10% watching seven or more hours daily.
But even children watching two hours have their IQs reduced, become more aggressive, and can't critically think.
Because even when I
I studied RTF, Radio Television Film.
They admit the oscillation of the screen is the exact point to hypnotize and mesmerize you.
If I was you, I'd stop watching television if you're an adult as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks.
Your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
Let me try to get back through the news.
But think about that.
Our million police.
It was just 600,000 a couple years ago, but now it's a million.
Our million police sit there and watch
The, all the cop shows, all the drama shows, all the law shows, anyone I've seen ever, if I ever, I'm not exaggerating, ever turn TV on, or I'm in a restaurant, they're torturing people.
Or they're going, I don't need a constitution, boom, bust through the door.
And they're always, rightly always bust the bad guy, see?
So it's okay.
And I know the Defense Department and Justice Department are funding it, and I've read the news articles.
But the average person just sits there watching, you understand what an indicator this is?
Of just pure wickedness?
But the public watches it and then thinks that behavior is normal, see?
We're social creatures, and this is how we're trained!
And if you watch the cartoons, they've got microchips, the UN troops are saving us, we have to retinascan to buy and sell, rebelling against your parents is good, groveling to authority, though, if it's the police, is wonderful.
Notice Fox Television, all their shows about the family.
It's, you know, these twenty women want to be whores for this man, basically.
Or, ooh, we try to get you to have sex with us.
Or, oh, the family's falling apart.
The male role models are all idiots.
Women are the heads of the household.
And that's Fox bringing you CONSERVATISM.
They're laughing at you.
They've got the top psychiatrists, the top experts.
I know exactly what they're doing, and they're destroying your minds.
But if you're just conscious of it, it won't destroy your mind.
It will expand your mind to incredible levels, and you will see everything these trash brains are doing.
Unlock your mind.
Start watching it.
Start looking for the message you're being given.
It is unbelievable.
And therein lies our power.
And point it out to other people.
Get conscious.
But understand, scientifically, and there's 500 studies that show it.
I mean, there's more than that.
You go into a lower-than-sleep mode, the average adult, in about 15 minutes.
Children, even quicker.
You ever just found yourself, like, stupidly watching the television?
In a dull fashion?
Where you're just, uh, just looking at it, and drooling, and it's an hour later?
Video games are even worse.
The mesmerized state that children get into when playing video games is even lower than that sleep mode.
What do the Prozacs and the Redlands of the world do?
Well, the Prozacs, the psychotropics, puts you in that mesmerized state.
And the speed burns you out and does the same thing.
I mean, this is all admitted.
Do you understand how dastardly this is?
And so it's dumbing your children down and scientists are saying, don't let your children watch television.
You're not going to stop.
You're not going to stop.
Are you?
Let me tell you something.
You take that television and you put it on, you know, one of those rolling racks like they have at public schools.
You can buy one for like 50 bucks.
Put it in the garage.
Put it in the closet.
Let it be movie night once a week or something to watch a good wholesome movie and just tell them no.
And when they want to go to their friend's house all day and play some video game where you rape and kill people and run over people with cars and kidnap children.
Oh, that's all the popular games.
Or you're a New World Order assassin killing Christians and militia members.
Oh, that's, yeah, that's one of the new games.
I'm not kidding!
When all that's happening, you just tell your children no, and you get them in sports, you get them in volleyball, softball, football.
You keep them so busy.
And yeah, that means you can't go to the bar.
That means you've got to spend time with them.
That means you've got to maybe take another job so your wife can spend time with them.
It means you might not have the fanciest car.
Your children are worth it.
Take them away from this!
And they'll bloom like you could never imagine.
Do not let your children watch television!
Not to mention all the subliminals and all the rest of it, but just... This is from Business Wire.
Preschoolers lead growth of antidepressant use and there's nobody protecting the children.
It's just a free-for-all.
This is the St.
Louis Business Wire.
The use of...
Paradoxine and other antidepressant medications continue to grow by about 10% annually among children and adolescents, according to a study published in the April issue of Psychiatric Services.
The study profiles trends of prescription antidepressants use in children and adolescents using prescriptions claim information from a random nationwide sample.
A study of Express Scripts examined antidepressants use among approximately 2 million commercially insured pediatric beneficiaries, or 2 million children, more than that.
18 years and younger.
The fastest growing segment of users were found to be preschoolers ages 0 to 5 years of age with use among girls doubling and use among boys growing by 64%.
from the entire sample.
Antidepressants use increase 1.6 in 98 to 2.4 in 2002, a 49 percent increase.
Over the course of the study, the growth and use of was greater among girls, 68 percent, than boys, 34 percent.
And for each gender respectively, growth was higher among younger boys and higher among older girls.
And this permanently fries their brains.
Permanently brain damages them.
The brain's growing until about four and a half, wiring itself, and they put a dopamine uptake inhibitor in them.
I mean, this stuff shrinks the brains and rots holes in it and causes all types of illnesses in adults, and they're giving this to two-year-olds.
There's cases of them giving them to six-month-old babies.
Four years ago, the governor of Oregon, who's a psychiatrist, I actually had his press release, said that they're going to, on the welfare mothers, and all those in Head Start, that's a form of welfare, demand prenatal screening to decide if the child, if the mother's at risk for having a depressed child from environment, to drug the baby at birth.
And yes, there was even a discussion of in utero, through the mother.
In THX 1138, the nightmare dystopic film by George Lucas, they didn't drug you till birth.
Now they're discussing doing it in the womb.
And again, I'm not joking!
I'm in hell here!
Wake up to it!
We're not going to change it, but we admit how bad it is.
Two million, folks.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Oh my goodness.
Let me hit a few others and then we'll go to your calls.
This is out of the Washington Post.
Armageddon plan was put into action on 9-11, Clark says.
An Armageddon program designed to ensure that the federal government will continue to function in the aftermath of a nuclear war was put into place during September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
According to ABC's Nightline, which plans to report its findings tonight, every federal agency should get into control to alternate headquarters outside Washington.
I gotta take this.
I gotta watch this.
I gotta make myself.
Did it air last night?
This is the day, so it will air tonight.
Will you type it for me so I don't have to watch it twice?
President Bush's decision to fly to Nebraska that day instead of returning to the White House, which drew some criticism at the time, was part of a plan former counterterrorism official Richard A. Clark set on the program.
And at that base, early in the morning,
The Oracle of Omaha and a bunch of CEOs were meeting, including most of the CEOs of the World Trade Centers.
And Bush landed and they had a secret meeting.
That's the Associated Press.
I guess that was pre-planned, too, before the attacks.
Nightline expands on a book by James Mann that detailed the birth of the program, named Continuity of Government, during the Reagan administration, under the plan the United States were facing a nuclear attack.
Three teams of 50 federal officials would be sent from Washington to locations across the country, each with a cabinet member who was prepared to become president.
And we already knew this from the Washington Times.
Four days after the attack, they reported that all martial law provisions were activated.
They just haven't implemented all of them.
Let's go to some calls.
I'll get back into the Iraq carnage and what's really happening there.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Paula in Texas called last hour and said she's not calling back about this.
I'm going to get it back up there.
It's a great video and yes, we still offer it.
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And for some reason we procrastinated and haven't gotten it yet up on the web, and so I was frustrated when she called, but she wanted to talk about something else when I cut her off.
Go ahead, Paula.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to tell you, my husband works with an older gentleman here in Houston, and his daughter was over in Iraq.
My husband was telling him that he had heard, and that he believed, that the soldiers in Iraq were being given drugs to make them be able to feel easier, to change their minds.
Well, yeah, that was in the Washington Post and Wired Magazine.
Well, he told him this morning that his daughter had come home on leave before she went to Germany.
He overheard her talking to his wife, and she told him that she was given a shot to, quote, hype her up, and she would have to have another shot to bring her down off of it.
And that while she was here, she kept reaching for her gun on her hip every time she saw a Muslim.
And so she was still freaked out when her brain was altered from this drug that they're giving our soldiers over there.
Yeah, they give them a aggression or psychopath drug that takes away the conscience.
And that's Wired Magazine, by the way.
And Delta Force was on this, not the malaria drug, when they came back and killed four of their wives last year.
Now, when the police pulled up to one home that the guy had set on fire, the local paper reported he was flopping around, thumbing at the mouth, screaming hate, and they described it as demon possession.
He was just...
That's the freedom, and they're all being trained by watching TV that torturing you and your family is good.
Does that concern you, ma'am?
Oh yes, very much so.
Here, here.
Let's hear how the good guys act.
You know, I also had a comment on your, you were saying earlier about the color of the uniforms.
My husband and I, my daughter and I, we check out movies from our library, and we checked out
Behind the Planet of the Apes, it's the making of the Planet of the Apes, all five of them.
Yeah, that's a good show.
I saw that on Discovery, or no, it was on, yeah, it was on Discovery.
No, it was on, uh, it was on one of the cable channels.
Well, we were watching the part about the fourth movie, the making of the fourth movie, and it's where the apes go against the government, and they take the planet.
And, uh, it talks about the police all wearing black uniforms, and it states in there, they gave them black uniforms,
So that it would look like a DICTATORSHIP!
Well, in every case over thousands of years, when you have a DICTATORSHIP, they wear black.
Yeah, and so that's why they gave them the black uniforms, and yet here we are, looking at our police in black uniforms and not thinking, oh, it's not a DICTATORSHIP, it's our police!
This man lives down the street from me!
They don't realize, either that or they just don't care.
Because we have family members that tell us, we don't want those movies, we don't care.
Good job.
I appreciate your call.
We'll get that back on the website for you.
And I don't mean to, you know, do that on the air, but that's what they're training them to do.
I mean, folks, you better watch... This is deadly serious, okay?
This is the worst, most hellish wickedness we've ever seen being set up.
And we better stand up against it, because it's going to feed on all of us indiscriminately, including our police.
Police, you better listen to us.
Oh boy.
But by the way, then after the troops engage in the psychopathic killing, lining up 3,000 innocent people, mowing them down, that's admitted in Afghanistan, they then give them another shot to give them an amnesia.
So, think about it.
And that's what this lady was obviously talking about.
They didn't give her the shot, they sent her back like this?
I mean, this is amazing.
This is incredible.
They're going to have drug habits after this, by the way.
That's how Elvis got addicted.
You know, he was a patriot.
He got in the Army.
He went and supported America.
Good, clean-cut guy, you know, like, uh, you know, banana and bacon sandwiches.
Didn't even hardly drink.
Handsome, young, strong.
And his, uh, his commanding officer had him playing all these gigs for the Army, doing all these promotions.
He said, look, I'm exhausted.
He said, here, the Army wants you to take these go pills.
And so, the globalists killed Elvis, and I'm serious when I say that.
They got him on this garbage.
Let's talk to Larry in Arizona.
Larry, go ahead.
Hey Alex, great talking to you.
First time caller.
Somebody turned me on to your program about six months ago when I was at a Prophecy Conference, and I'm so glad that they did.
It's so great to be able to get the truth.
It's impossible to get anywhere else, unfortunately.
Well, here on this broadcast, we face the full horror.
We give you the big picture.
Yes, and it's a lot to take.
I don't know how you can take it sometimes.
It's a lot just for us listening out here to be able to take, and you're inundated with it every day.
But I wanted to talk about the neocons today, because before I listened to you, the closest thing I could find to the truth was Michael Savage.
Because at least once in a while he does.
Any American that disagrees with the government, put them in a forced labor camp.
Have you not heard him say that?
I have, but on other occasions he actually talks about the New World Order and he lets people get on his show and talk about it once in a while.
He says that the Arabs of the New World Order, and we have to get behind Bush who's fighting it, see how they, he's very manipulative.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
Um, and also, one thing I wanted to say about Michael Savage, too.
You know, I still listen to him once in a while to see what he's saying, and also watch the other talk shows once in a while.
I don't watch much TV, but I wanted to mention something that I heard Michael Savage say recently, and like I said, he is very deceptive.
Of course, sometimes he says something true, and that's the best way to deceive people is to be truthful.
Sir, what is rat poison made out of?
I don't know.
Well, about 98% of it is good grain.
It's the 2%, but go ahead.
Okay, well anyways, plug in his book again as usual, The Enemy Within, and he quoted something from his book, one of the callers, and he was saying that there's something that's a hundred times worse than a dirty nuke.
And do you know what that is?
It's the tongue of the traitors in this country that are against the war and against George Bush.
And they should all be arrested and put in forced labor camps.
We have a national show on 450 stations saying put people in forced labor camps.
You're right.
It's terrible, and unfortunately, you know, I have gotten some of your videos, and I've been giving them out to people, and it's very hard to break through the brainwashing that they're getting from the neocons on TV and on the radio.
Well, in Road to Tyranny, we show them who the terrorists are.
According to the government, it's the conservatives.
On the surface, they say it's the Muslims, but all the real training's for us.
I agree, Michael.
I think that, uh, excuse me.
Um, Alex, I agree with you.
I think that once they take care of the Muslims... Michael Savage is an oily, greasy, dirty beatnik, okay?
He's a fat-bellied socialist who found out how to really get us.
I agree.
He makes me want to puke!
Can I relate one other thing?
He's a demonic dwarf.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, I was recently talking to somebody at a school that I'm currently attending.
He was telling me about his kid who's in Head Start.
Um, now the kid had, came down with some cavities.
Now he says that, um, he just took his kid, five-year-old kid, in to get, um, fluoride treatment and to get these, um, these cavities fixed.
And I says, well, why are you doing that?
The kid's only five years old.
His teeth are gonna fall out anyway.
He says, well, the headstock's making me do it.
Yeah, you become their slave.
They also give you three CPS visits a year, and at the same time, Head Start got caught in Oakland, California two years ago, giving them the fillings without deadening.
That's the love.
We'll be right back.
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Sky Television News is reporting that a Pentagon source has told them that 130 U.S.
troops have been killed.
But you're going to see this broken up into each individual battle and reported in pieces in the newspapers.
You'll have to add them all up for yourself.
It's a propaganda tactic.
London Guardian's reporting that they escalated all of this, again, so the U.S.
can stage as the bad cop and the U.N.
can be the good cop, and so they don't have the handover.
And now they've blown up part of a mosque, which is sure to stir things up even worse.
Very, very serious.
Before we go to a few final calls, my friends,
I hope that all of you will get my videos.
I hope you will make copies of them.
I hope you will get them out to your friends, your family, air them on AXS Television.
They're waking up 90% of those that see them.
People's minds are very open right now.
The videos are $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order 3 or more.
Again, I've made 10 videos.
I carry 4 or 5 other videos by great researchers.
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I've written a book.
I've published another book.
ProGun t-shirts that I know, very liberal, we're ProGun here.
It's very important you make the call.
That's 888-253-3139 or go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
If we don't get involved now and expose this evil, it's over.
This is scientifically crafted.
You've got to have these videos.
They're great tools.
You've got to take action.
If you move against the New World Order, they will fail.
Resistance to us is futile if we take action.
Let's talk to, I guess, up next is Ellis in Michigan.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I'm also a first-time caller and I'd just like to say thank you for your work, Alex.
It's really waking me up.
I'm 19 and I've
Really showed all your stuff to all my friends.
And I'm sitting here in this New World Order chat room on FNET and IRC, and we were talking about what's going to happen if these microchips are made necessary for people to get to a job.
We just heard that the CEO of Applied Digital, that's his plan.
Right, exactly.
I heard that and it was totally mind-blowing.
I'm wondering what's going to happen if
You go on a job interview and they say, well, okay, you've got the job, but now you need this microchip.
And see, they're going to get the economy all control while there's no independent business, where they force you into doing it.
I mean, at this point... And they were saying it, see?
And they're going to make the police and military do it first, then they'll enforce it on us.
It'll be much easier once you have it.
I completely agree.
This is like a Body Snatcher movie or V or something.
Yes, absolutely.
I completely agree.
I mean, what's going to happen if we can't get our food, if we can't get a job, if we can't even get money?
Call me back tomorrow and we'll talk more about it.
We're out of time.
You made a great point.
Bob in California.
Go ahead.
Hello, Bob.
Alex, are you there?
Yeah, you got about 45 seconds.
Okay, I think I'm going to take that chip, and I think I'm going to see if I can't microwave it or do... You know, when I was in the hospital, they had this thing that would microwave the muscles inside your hand or arm.
I think I might just try to put that under there and see if I can't make it pop like the strip in the money.
Well, I don't recommend doing that.
We need to fight the system itself, but thanks for the call.
I want to hear more about that later.
Ron in New York.
You're our tail gunner.
Go ahead.
Yes, Ron.
Alex, did you see Karen Hughes on Larry King last night?
Way beyond spin and into total lying and deception.
Really hard to believe.
The way, what she was saying and how she was trying to, you know, prove of everything that they're doing over there in Washington.
And of course, that's Bush's former chief of staff.
Yeah, but it was beyond, way beyond spin.
The lying was just unbelievable, unreal.
The other question is, what is
Who is fighting against our troops over there?
Stephen Quayle last night on Coast to Coast said it's Iranian and Syrian troops.
Is that so?
I don't agree.
People want to say that it's shadowy groups here and there.
It's Shiites, it's others, it's the Iraqi people.
We're out of time back tonight, 9 to midnight back tomorrow.
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