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Name: 20040406_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 6, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends, another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Obviously, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are being updated as we speak, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In about 30 minutes, we're going to be joined by the U.S.
Army Major and former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project, Dr. Rocky Will present
Updated findings on depleted uranium casualties from the Gulf War One, and exposed the latest information.
And why are we covering this?
Captain Joyce Raleigh will also ride shotgun with us because she's been on the forefront of this since day one for what, eight, nine years?
Also, we'll get to the New York Daily News.
They paid for their own scientific test and found massive levels of radiation.
Levels that kill people!
And we even have a link going up on presentplanet.com right now of an Army training film from the mid-90s where they admit it's deadly and recommended that it not be used because there's no way to deal with it.
And whether it's Serbia or Gulf War I or now Gulf War II where they used roughly ten times the amount of plutonium they used in 1991,
They don't care.
And most of Baghdad, most of the cities and towns in Iraq have been sprayed with it.
They don't just use it in the A-10 Warthog to the Abrams tanks.
They've loaded it into the Bradley fighting vehicles, the weapon systems.
They've even got some special forces with rifles that use it.
And ten times, some say more, but we know ten times the amount used this time that was used, what, thirteen years ago.
And by the way, from the first Gulf War, the troops are three times more likely than any other segment of society to have deformed children.
Just a gift from the neocons to you and your family.
Just a gift from Bill Clinton and George W. and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Just a gift.
They say support the troops.
And this is what they do.
And it gives us a window into the soulless pits of the New World Order.
Just how much they hate the population, the deadly vaccines.
You know, the CDC's own documents admitting millions of children have been brain-damaged from the thimerosal.
They're going to continue using it in the vaccines.
It's all out in the open, and it'll be in the back of the paper here or there, and the evil will just continue until we get angry and say no.
So, coming up in about 28 minutes, we're going to be joined by Dr. Rocky, U.S.
Army Major, former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project, and we'll also be joined by Captain Joyce Riley.
Then, in about an hour and a half, we normally have our Watson Report, the Paul Watson of PrisonPlanet.com, my webmaster and editor, on Mondays, but yesterday I had, what, six different guests on, so we moved Paul to today for his updates and a big news blitz
Across the board as we chronicle the criminal activities of the global elite, also known as the New World Order.
So a jam-packed show.
Last week we took 40-50 calls every show, and then yesterday I only took about 10, because we had all those guests on.
Today we'll also have open phones if you want to get involved on air.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Before I dive into all the amazing news in the next 25 minutes before our guests join us, all the other news we haven't gotten to yet, an important program note.
You know, this show just doesn't go out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island to California.
We also simulcast on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and at the same time simulcast on Global Shortwave during the day the first two hours are carried 11 to 1 central on 94.75 and at night now all three hours you don't miss that first hour now from 9 to midnight on 32.10 32.10
9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
For a few weeks we didn't have that first hour, now we have it.
All right, my friends.
We'll be right back after this quick message, and then we'll start getting to the news.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A very important broadcast, an ultra-massive broadcast lined up for you today on this Tuesday, the 6th day of April.
2004, her lordship is going to be testifying in two days on more lies and the 9-11 Commission is saying they're going to ask some very serious questions.
Almost the entire commission is involved with the Bin Ladens and in the cover-up.
And that's even come out in the Associated Press.
But it's so bizarre, a lot of people can't face up to it.
It's like Bush in business, Bush Sr.
in business with Manuel Moriega.
Bush Sr.
in business with Saddam Hussein.
Bush Sr.
and Jr.
in business with Bin Laden himself and in the family.
I mean, it's so incredible!
It's hidden there, right in plain view.
In such plain view, we don't even notice it.
Call free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Dr. Doug Rockey, U.S.
Army Major and former head of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project, will present updated findings on depleted uranium casualties from Gulf War I and expose the latest info.
And why is this important?
Well, here's the New York Daily News from yesterday.
I never even got to this because we had so many guests on.
A shocking report reveals local troops in New York may be victims of America's high-tech weapons.
And they had major private scientists and private labs test their blood.
Massive levels of radiation.
Many of the troops have levels that will kill you in them.
1.2, 1.7, two rims.
And the amount of radiation released is several, can I get this, hundred Nakasaki's or Hiroshima's.
Oh, and our government has bigger plans to phase it into all the basic munitions.
Depleted uranium, and this time they didn't just spray it in some areas around Kuwait and in some areas of Baghdad out in the middle of nowhere where they had tanks and things hidden.
Now they bombed and strafed and attacked the country all over the place.
Every major town, every major city, downtown Baghdad, even the palaces where our troops stay have some of the highest levels according to BBC.
You walk around with a Geiger counter and it's just massive levels of radiation in a powder aerosolized form with the troops breathing it.
Dr. Doug Rockey was brought in by the Pentagon in the 90s as the team to investigate it.
And he got sick, his team got sick, they found huge levels of radiation, found the stuff in the troops' lungs, and he went public and they said, OK, that's it for you, they removed him.
Then we posted, this is on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, and it's on George Riley's website too, David Joyce's site, PowerHour.com, the Army video.
You can watch it streaming at Information Clearinghouse.
In fact, I'm going to get to that story here in a few minutes.
The training video from the mid-1990s from the Army talking about how dangerous it is, and they told Congress, we really shouldn't use this stuff, there's no way to contain it.
I mean, you fire it out of jets, high-powered Gatlin guns, you fire it out of tanks, you fire it out of even medium-sized guns on Bradleys, and it hits its target, it'll go right through steel, right through anything we know of other than depleted uranium itself, which the Abrams part of their hull are built from, the front and back and sides, and it splatters into minute powder.
And then you breathe it.
And by the way, we'll be talking to Dr. Rocky, but depending on what numbers you look at, at the bare minimum we're looking at tens of millions of years.
You ask yourself, how do they do this?
Why do they do this?
This is so devilish.
It's like a Texas company, ProteiGene, two years ago, in 96 locations, planting pharmacological corn that grows live HIV in it, and planting it from Nebraska to North Dakota to Texas, jumping into soybean fields, getting into granaries, and it's in the back of the paper once.
Well, actually, it was never in the paper I saw.
It was in the Associated Press, and that never got picked up.
And again, there's hundreds of these examples.
It's just insane wickedness, out in the open, doing things that are irreparable, that are massive, that are huge.
It's like feeding rotten beef to cows, rotten goats and sheep and horses to cows.
Rotten dead calves in these big, I've seen video of it, big giant factories of green soup where they just grind up and dump the dead animals into it all rotten full of all the toxins and they just feed it to cows who weren't supposed to eat meat to begin with and suddenly the numbers of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are exploding and they find these spongiforms in all these people's brains, hundreds of thousands of them.
But there's no mad cow!
There's no mad cow!
Everything's fine.
Don't worry, the feds will take over the farming now because they created the crisis.
This is the reality.
These people are nuts.
They're out of control.
Four soldiers from a New York Army National Guard company serving in Iraq are contaminated with radiation likely caused by dust or bloody uranium shells fired by U.S.
A Daily News investigation is found.
They're among several members of the same company, the 44-2, the 442nd Military Police, who say they have been battling persistent physical ailments that began last summer in the Iraq town of Samawa.
I got sick instantly in June, said Staff Sergeant Ray Ramos, a Brooklyn housing cop.
And he continues, my health kept going downhill with daily headaches, constant numbness in my hands and rashes on my stomach.
A nuclear medicine expert who examined and tested nine soldiers from the company says that four, almost certainly, and that's a quote, inhaled radioactive dust from exploded American shells manufactured with depleted uranium.
This is the stuff, the byproduct of making nuclear bombs.
Okay, not very good.
Laboratory tests conducted at the request of the news, New York Daily News, revealed traces of two
Forms of uranium in urine samples from four of the soldiers.
And they use the word mundane.
If so, the men, Sgt.
Hector Vega, Sgt.
Ray Ramos, Sgt.
Austin Matos, and Corporal Anthony Yono, are the first confirmed cases of inhaled depleted uranium exposure from the current Iraq conflict.
And it goes into, uh, other American soldiers who were in combat must have had more depleted uranium exposure, said, uh, Dirk Kokovic, a colonel in the Army Reserves who served in the 1991 Persian Gulf War, who did some of the testing.
And again, this is a long, five-page article.
It gets a lot worse.
We'll talk about that with Dr. Rocky, former head of the Army's investigation, who went public with this over a decade ago.
And he's tested blood.
Last article, I saw some Australian troops.
They had massive levels of uranium in them.
Not good for you.
I mean, other heavy metals like lead aren't good for you.
I mean, this is hundreds of times worse.
And a lot of the troops are dying.
When they die, you know, they'll take a 185-pound solid muscle, 6-foot-tall marine who could, you know, hump 30 miles with a 70-pound pack.
And suddenly, you know, the guy was running marathons a month before, goes to the war, breathes this stuff, shrivels up in a wheelchair, and the VA says, take your Prozac!
You're crazy!
And they put him in the coffin, lower him down on the ground, and he was nuts!
He sure shriveled up and died, but was crazy!
He was never sick!
Now, I mean, these are the dis- but you support the troops, yuppies, don't you?
Because, because Rush Limbaugh and, and, and, and, and, uh, all of them, the Sean Hannity's say it's a socialist lie that put Iranians back.
Well, then why did the Democrats vote to use this?
Why did Bill Clinton use this?
In Bosnia?
No, you're all part of it.
Don't, don't make it a left-right, uh, false system.
Information Clearinghouse has, uh, the video,
We even have a copy of this.
We have never taken the time to put it on the web.
We should have, but they did.
Why has our military refused to show this training video to our troops now serving in Iraq?
Army training video, Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness.
Between October and December 1995, the U.S.
Army Depleted Uranium Project completed a series of training videos and manuals about depleted uranium munitions.
This training regime was developed as a result of recommendations made in January 93, General Accounting Office Report, quote, Army not adequately prepared to deal with depleted uranium contamination.
The training materials were intended to instruct servicemen and women about the use and hazards of depleted uranium munitions.
In addition, the training regime included instructions for soldiers who repair and recover vehicles contaminated with depleted uranium.
And when I had Oliver North on, I confronted him about this, and he admitted it's bad for the troops, but just moved on.
Didn't want to discuss it.
I said, should we stop using it?
And he just tried to divert off the issue.
Throughout 96, these videos sat on the shelf while U.S.
soldiers continued to use and work
We're good to go!
In the armed forces or other countries which are developing or have obtained depleted uranium munitions are unaware of the use and dangers of depleted uranium munitions or of the protective clothing and procedures which can minimize or prevent serious short-term exposure.
The DoD principal spokesman for their investigation of Gulf War hazard exposure stated that the depleted uranium safety training program would begin to be shared by a limited number of servicemen and women in July of 97, but that never happened.
So, support the troops.
Don't care about them.
Let them breathe depleted uranium.
Not to mention the Iraqis, or the Sir.
Who have this used on them.
I mean it... Massive birth defects in Serbia popping up.
Whole areas of downtown cities radiated permanently.
I mean this... This is insanity!
We'll be right back with more news.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Again, we have Dr. Doug Rocky coming on the show.
Talk about depleting uranium.
And if they do this to you, what else would they do?
If they'd knowingly put the Marisol vaccine, admit that it's brain damaged millions of children, CDC's own numbers, and say, oh, we've got to continue it and cover it up, that's public now.
If they'd let you breathe a little uranium and use it here in the U.S.
too, if they'd use it on downtown cities, what would they do to you in other areas?
And I want the police and military to think about that.
I want you to think about that long and hard.
What do they do to you?
How do they treat you?
Stop ignoring the facts.
Don't just accept that this is what they do to every generation of our military and our police.
They hate your guts.
They despise you.
Let's go ahead and get into some of the other news.
This is out of the Miami Herald.
Not only is Arnold Schwarzenegger anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-open border, and wants to be your president,
Well, now the brother of George Ndew, the fake Texan, has his dispatched viceroy, Jebby.
Governor endorses illegal alien driving bill.
Bush favors giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses, and it says, saying rigorous screening standards would ensure recipients won't be terrorists.
Governor Jeb Bush, which of course everybody will get, biometrics,
On Monday, strongly endorse issuing state driver's licenses to both illegal immigrants and foreign nationals who make Florida home for part of the year.
So you don't have to be there most of the time, just be there part of the year.
And remember, since 93 in Texas, we have the thumb scan and biometrically face scam.
Face scam, yes, it is a scam.
But remember a few months ago, Bush said that all the illegals from Mexico coming in, whether they're from Venezuela or Russia, whoever's coming through on that border, doesn't have to biometrically be scanned to come in.
But Western Europeans do.
So see, it's special rules for them, as usual.
And the same thing to get an apartment, to get a bank account.
If you're an illegal alien, red carpet, more tuition, tax breaks, it's designed for you.
Hundreds of thousands of people could be affected by the proposal which is currently making its way to the Florida Legislature.
Senator Rudy Garcia, a Republican pushing the measure in the Senate, just goes on and on, drove the piece of legislation through limbo to get valid driver's license and insurance for those who want to become citizens.
And it goes on.
For those who want to work to become citizens.
And he says, our roads and streets will be safer because of this, and so it'll keep you all safe.
And it's just carte blanche, legal, illegal, doesn't matter.
If you're there part of the year, you get a driver's license, you get an ID card.
And it's the same thing with these matricula cards.
Now, last time I checked, what, 87 different countries are now issuing their own ID cards that are valid here in the U.S.
And over 800 cities
And now what is it?
Five states in California and Florida are about to sign on.
That'll be ten states are accepting them as well.
Texas is one of them.
And the head of the Governor's Border Council is a registered lobbyist for Mexico and a Mexican citizen and works for Vicente Fox.
And when a conservative activist in Houston last month, and this was in the news last week, Houston Chronicle,
We read the story on air.
She sent off for the document from Freedom of Information Act, or Open Records Request at the state level is what it's called.
And she got it and published it and they threatened her with arrest and said, turn it back in.
Tell us who you talk to.
Don't talk about it to anybody or you'll be arrested.
So now don't talk about public documents of how foreign nationals are running our states and helping open the drawbridge and the main gate to let the enemy pour in literally.
So, that's your conservatism with good old Jeb Bush, my friends.
Also, Republican Senator says Iraq mobile labs probably did not exist.
Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee criticizes pre-war, pre-war was during the war, U.S.
intelligence, the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday, for the first time that Saddam Hussein's alleged mobile germ factories and labs probably did not exist.
That's Senator Pat Roberts, Republican, Kansas.
Mr. Roberts, this is just damage control.
We don't need you to tell us those were fake to know it.
Day one, people looked at those and they were in Jane's Weapons Dictionary.
Jane's Defense Weekly that knows what every weapon on the planet is that's declassified, even some classified weapons.
Those were registered, sold to Saddam in 1985.
He bought four of them from the British.
They knew what they were day one.
They were already declared.
They were for pumping up balloons.
But for weeks, they said, here's the mobile weapons trucks.
And I heard Sean Hannity about two weeks ago say again, we found the mobile weapons trucks.
He's gonna keep saying he doesn't care because he's a big, fat liar.
And he wants your children to take microchips, he said, too.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
From Pensacola, Florida, to Knoxville, Tennessee, from Kansas City, Missouri, to Denver, Colorado, from Los Angeles to Providence, Rhode Island, I'm Alex Jones, your host, also simulcasting on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and not just on the AM and FM dial, but global shortwave during the day at 9475 and all three hours, nine to midnight,
On WWCR 3210.
We're about to go to Dr. Doug Rockey, U.S.
Army major and former head of the Pentagon's depleted uranium project with some of the latest developments.
Well, they're not latest developments for our listeners of this network and of Dave and Joyce's Power Hour, but they are new developments for the general public, and this horror may finally break out, and we may be able to even bring some criminals to justice, hopefully.
Before we go to our guest, we also have Captain Joyce Reilly on with us.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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The events of September 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform Earth into a prison planet.
In over two and a half hours, I chronicle in stunning detail the true character of the globalist, learned the master plan of the bloodthirsty elite to financially, physically
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Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure, safe online shopping cart.
Or call toll-free to order.
Operators are there right now to answer your questions at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Now, we're about to bring up... Please take action, folks.
We need your support.
We're about to bring up Dr. Doug Rockey, a man of incredible courage, sent in by the Pentagon, basically, I guess, to whitewash things.
He wouldn't do it.
He got sick himself.
He has an incredible resume and background.
And there's a lot of other top scientists now researching and looking at this.
The evidence is conclusive.
It's finally broken in the New York Daily News and then picked up by a lot of British papers.
But still, neocon liars.
Get on the radio and say it's some type of liberal lie, when in truth they are the socialist pimps, the fascist control freaks, whatever you want to call them.
But to introduce Dr. Rocky is a lady who's been on the forefront of the Petite Uranium since she got on the air, I don't know, eight-something years ago.
Captain Joyce Riley, a veteran herself,
Well, thank you.
It's my pleasure, Alex.
I really want to give the credit to Dr. Doug Roeke because he has been probably the bravest person
For the veterans that anybody can imagine.
What he has done and what he is still doing is just beyond belief.
I mean, you've got people with eagles on their shoulders that are doing nothing.
With stars on their shoulders that are doing nothing.
But he has come forward.
And enough of me, but I just want to say that my hat is off to him and we salute him from the American Gulf War Veterans Association because of the truth that Dr. Rocky is telling.
Now he was originally involved in the depleted uranium cleanup project.
Now there's a lot of things floating around, a lot of people who don't want him speaking out and I have the actual documents
Proving everything he is about to tell you.
So I just want to say thank you very much for having me on and I just want to hear what Dr. Doug Rocky has to say.
And there's been a lot of new developments.
Doctor, good to have you on.
Just tell us a little bit about yourself.
In a nutshell, encapsulate what's happened and give us the latest developments.
Well, from the very beginning, I've been in the military since 1967.
They finally put me on the retirement list in September of 2003, so that's just a few years.
I served in Vietnam, went back to Desert Storm, National Guard, Army Reserve, Combat Medic, Medical Team Leader, Health Physicist, Medical Planner Operations, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Intel Officer, kind of like everything over the last 36 years.
During Gulf War I, I was a member of the famed Bowers Raiders.
We were the theater, nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare special operations team.
And then with the completion of the ground war and the use of uranium munitions, General Schwarzkopf, chief of staff, reassigned me by director from the Pentagon to clean up the depleted uranium mess.
In 94 and 95, after we had started the United States Army Environmental Policy Institute report, and I'd written numerous reports, I was recalled to active duty as the U.S.
Army and ended up being a NATO project depleted uranium project director.
To develop all the environmental remediation procedures,
The education and training and the emergency response procedures for the use of uranium munitions by the U.S.
and NATO forces.
What did you find in your in-depth investigations?
Well, first-hand experience during Gulf War I is that all of us, even though myself and my team were wearing respiratory and skin protection, we came down with respiratory and rash problems within 24 to 48 hours.
And we have had them ever since.
We found that the uranium contamination was so extensive that you absolutely must, and this is absolutely adopted by the United States Department of Defense and NATO, that you must wear full respiratory and skin protection within 50 meters of any destroyed building, vehicle, equipment, anything that you have that's been shot at.
By the way, we have the Army training video posted for free.
You can go watch it.
A long clip of it.
It's, as Joyce said, eight hours long.
We have a large clip of it where they admit everything you're saying and they have this from 93 studies and then they put this out in 95 but they won't show it to the troops.
That is correct because although I have the responsibility and I did all the research, first-hand research, not only in Gulf War I, but I went to the Nevada test site, Mercury, Nevada, U.S.
Department of Energy.
I burned up vehicles loaded with uranium munitions.
I shot up all kinds of Soviet equipment and uranium munitions, measured the contamination, determined how and if we could clean it up, which virtually you can't do, and we put it all together.
As a consequence of all my work, it came out very, very clear.
All uranium, depleted uranium, or radioactive materials contamination must be cleaned up.
And that is required by United States Army Regulation 700-48.
And this is all before Gulf War II when they used massive more amounts than what they used in the first Gulf War.
I mean, you know, this is management equipment contaminated with depleted uranium and radioactive commodities.
This regulation is signed by General Eric Shinseki himself.
Okay, cut and dry.
They acknowledge the health and environmental effects.
They direct it all to be isolated, secured, properly disposed of.
But what has happened all over, whether it be in Vieques, Puerto Rico, Concord, Massachusetts, Jefferson Perimeter, Indiana, Aberdeen, Maryland, throughout Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Okinawa,
All the contamination is left there.
Serbia too?
Serbia and Balkans, in 93 and 94, I wrote up the management cleanup plans for 94 and 95 use, and then they went back in 1999.
Even though several of us had been called up to the White House with the Presidential Oversight Board under Senator Warren Rudman and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, who is now deceased, and we warned them, said, you can't do it.
Well, they don't care.
They used it because uranium munitions are extremely effective in combat.
But the Chicken Hawks don't care, but they're actually sending some of the Chicken Hawks to be in these palaces that were heavily bombarded by it.
What's wrong with them?
Well, they don't care.
And what has happened now... They don't even care about themselves?
They don't care about anything.
You know, as a consequence of Gulf War I and the cleanup and the medical operations at Friendly Fire, we had 424 individuals that I submitted names and numbers for that the Pentagon
the Secretary of Defense told the President of the United States that required medical care.
However, as September 28, 1999, even though they knew there were 424, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kilpatrick, the guy that's screwing up medical right now, had only notified 120.
And as of last Thursday, when I was receiving medical care at my VA hospital for adverse effects from uranium exposure, I picked up the Gulf War
Review by the U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs, and in here it's stated on page 9 that, quote, total number of veterans tested for exposure to depleted uranium, 262.
Now, Doctor, you were the head of the program, you wrote the studies, you were there with the other scientists, the other doctors.
For those that just joined us, explain to them what depleted uranium is.
That might be a good thing to talk about.
Depleted uranium is the byproduct of the uranium enrichment process by which we remove the fissionable components, that's uranium 234 and 235,
...that are used to make nuclear weapons and nuclear reactor fuel.
For every 100 pounds of the radioactive isotope complex, uranium-238, 234, and 235, that goes into the enrichment process at Paducah, Kentucky, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Portsmouth, Ohio, you can remove .6 pounds that's usable for nuclear weapons or reactor fuel construction.
As a consequence of every 100 pounds of solid you go in there, you have 99.4 pounds that is radioactive waste that is processed and made into depleted uranium for use in munitions, for use in counterweights and ballasts in all of our commercial aircraft.
It's actually being used to put into concrete that is sold to the general public under what's called D.U.Crete.
In other words, the U.S.
Department of Energy has over a million metric tons of the stuff they want to get away.
So what they do is when they have a toxic waste, whether it be sodium fluoride or depleted uranium, they just put it out there as a precious commodity.
Absolutely, and because it's such an extremely effective combat tool, because what it's formed into is solid uranium rods.
They're giant darts.
The Abrams tank fires a uranium dart that each and every dart
It's solid uranium, and each and every dart is over 10 pounds per dart.
And then the A-10 Warthog aircraft, which just blew up the neighborhoods in Baghdad.
They used the Vulcan cannon on that.
Yeah, that fires a uranium rod.
Each individual rod is 3 quarters of a pound of solid uranium, with a slight copper shielding.
And it fires at a rate of 4,000 rounds per minute on target.
That's one and a half tons of solid uranium,
On target per minute.
And in the first Gulf War, they just used it in certain areas.
Now they use it all over these populated areas.
What's the half-life?
How long are these areas going to be contaminated?
Well, the areas are going to be contaminated for eternity.
Unless you physically remove all of the contamination, which is required by Army Regulation 700-48 and the technical Bolton 91300-278, unless you physically
Isolate, secure, remove and dispose of this in a massive depot that can't get to water contamination, can't get to anything.
It will affect everybody forever.
And then where do you put the blasted out tanks and structures?
I mean this stuff turns to aerosolized powder, does it not?
Doctor, on impact, so it's impossible.
That is correct.
And what happened during Gulf War I
We had 16 Abrams tanks and 15 Bradley fighting vehicles.
They were all destroyed with friendly fire and maintenance.
You know, something went wrong with 6 of the tanks.
You know, or they blew up and burned on their own.
You know, one day you had a bad day.
It took my team 3 months to process 24 vehicles for shipment back to the United States.
And we buried a whole lot in the desert in Saudi Arabia with the body parts that I couldn't get out.
And then once they were sent back, the 24 vehicles were sent back to the United States Department of Energy, Savannah River Sites, Defense Consolidation Facility.
It took them three years in a multi-million dollar facility, the only facility of its kind in the world, to process those 24 vehicles for disposal.
So what are the health effects?
And I want to get into these new scientists.
The New York Daily News hired top scientists to look at this and said, oh yeah, these troops are contaminated with it.
What are the health effects of it from your studies?
And then I want to get into the latest developments and then the cover-up.
And then Joyce, of course, can speak on that.
Jump at any time, Joyce.
But Doctor, please continue.
Okay, what happened is the health effects, the first health effects that we saw,
And again, this is documented going back to October of 1943 during the Manhattan Project.
I talked to the Manhattan Project scientists that verified this was known then.
You know, they're like 90 years old today.
Okay, and Joyce, you've had some of their mentors on your show already, Dr. Lauren Ray.
Yes, we have.
Yes, we have.
And what has happened is the first thing we saw in ourselves, and which was reported throughout Gulf War I and Gulf War II,
Was the respiratory.
It acts like a bronchitis.
You're having all the respiratory problems.
The next thing that showed up is a rash.
That has showed up in Gulf War I. It's in Gulf War II.
And on these kids that you've mentioned right now.
And all the civilians.
Then over a period of time, you have the radiation causing damage.
What's called crassified granulomas.
They actually damage the lung tissue.
We have absolutely confirmed chromosomal damage.
That is the DNA and the chromosomes are damaged by the radiation.
Ionizing radiation that affects the cells.
And you have all of the health effects that go on down.
Then you have cataracts with the radiation.
You have all the kidney problems that are documented in us.
Again, the new guys now have already documented happening to them.
And then you have all the birth defects and you have the cancers.
The first cancer on one of my team members started in the nasal and pharyngeal passageway within nine months.
The first lung cancers and deaths were within two years and they continue.
Unbelievable, and the government knows about this.
Joyce, you've had guests on who've been there at the hearings, and the generals just tell the troops, we don't care what the truth is, we follow orders, and yeah, we know what's going on, so what?
Joyce, what's wrong with the globalists?
Why do they almost enjoy this?
It's like Bill Clinton with the tainted HIV blood, knowingly shipping it around the world.
I mean, why do they do this?
Well, I think you've got a means to an end here.
And like Doug has said many times, you know, they want to kill things, kill people and break things.
And the best way to do it is with depleted uranium.
So until they have something better, they don't care what the
I do want to say that Europe is concerned about this right now.
We have a major interest from Italy, from Australia, from
Well, first off, let's make it loud and clear.
Prior to Gulf War I, Iraq did possess chemical and biological munitions and anthrax.
That was provided to them by the United States Army
The United States of America.
That is confirmed in the Regal Commission Report prepared by James Toot for Senator Regal.
And that was a subject of a made-for-TV movie we called Thanks for a Grateful Nation starring Ted Danson and Mark Helgenberger.
So there's no doubt that that happened.
What happened is we made a conscious decision to blow this stuff up in place in December of 1990.
That's in Schwarzkopf's autobiography.
It doesn't take a hero page 390.
And so we have all this stuff happening.
Tell you what, stay there Dr. Rocky and Joyce Riley.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be back.
There's a lot more coming up.
This is so important.
Stay with us.
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We've got our guest 30 minutes into the next hour.
We will have time to get to some of your calls.
Just be patient.
This is a big story.
There's a lot of different facets to it, but I've looked at the Army's own video that Dr. Rocky Hill put together.
This is not our opinion.
But, Doctor, continuing, I mean, clearly this is a weapon of mass destruction, is it not?
So, with Gulf War II started around, the only nations that used weapons of mass destruction
Our Great Britain, Australia, and the United States.
Deliberately and deliberately taken solid radioactive waste, which in the form of depleted uranium munitions, contained in tank rounds, aircraft rounds, landmines, bunker busters, cruise missiles, and we blew the place apart.
It's funny how when we say we're going to a nation to give them freedom, that we contaminate their air, water, and soil.
We're good to go.
That we cannot reduce the toxicity of uranium munitions.
That's inherent property.
How many tons were used in the first versus the second Gulf attacks?
The individual that issued the ammunition, because I worked with him, he is now sick, and it was a father and son.
Father came over to help us clean up.
The father's already dead.
But that individual that issued estimated right around 375 tons.
Now that's 375 tons of solid uranium.
That does not include
All the other parts, you know, the other explosives and everything else, that is just the solid pieces of uranium.
And then we did in the Balkans in 94 and 95, the estimates are around 30 tons.
The Balkans in 99, 30 tons.
We have Vieques, Puerto Rico, Afghanistan, the estimates are 1,000 tons.
And then now in Gulf War II, throughout Iraq, at a range where the Army has acknowledged some 200 tons, just recently in the last few days,
To over a thousand tons, which makes sense based on how much was over there.
So is it ten to twenty tons?
We're not sure.
It's true, but you have to come down to the fundamental thing.
What right does any nation have to take solid radioactive waste, whether it be one pound or a thousand pounds, take that and willfully disperse it into anybody else's backyard, into their houses, into their schoolyards, their mosques, their churches,
Refused to clean up all the environmental contamination, as is required by the Department of Defense Directives, and refused to provide medical care, not only to the U.S.
soldiers, which is what they're doing as we speak.
This is so wildly corrupt.
I mean, how do you even get your mind around it?
Joyce, now because of Dr. Rocky's work and your work, now the New York Daily News has done another big study.
They paid some top people to look at this.
Can you, both of you, tell us what's developed?
Well, I'm going to let Dr. Rockey talk about this because I think it's important that people understand from the source.
But I just want to also say, please understand how serious this is.
These troops are not just sick, they are dying.
Dr. Rockey is sick himself.
Listeners, this is a huge problem.
It's not going away and I just, I cannot thank you enough, Doug, for what you're doing.
What has happened is the New York National Guard's 442nd Military Police Unit
was deployed to Iraq, to Samara.
They were deployed into an area where uranium munitions had been heavily used.
The Dutch troops confirmed the uranium contamination there.
The Japanese troops confirmed the uranium contamination there.
Congressional investigators sent by, from our U.S.
Congress confirmed the contamination there.
And what happened is these soldiers did not receive the mandated required training
That has been required by written directives since forever.
And I actually have to understand, I put that together.
And then what happened upon that, once they were exposed, they did not wear the respiratory and skin protection required by the United States Army Common Task Training Manual.
And then once they were exposed, the U.S.
military did not give them the medical care
Within the 24 to 48 hours that is mandated by U.S.
Army Directive issued on October 14th of 1993.
We got a break.
When we get back, we'll talk about the study that was done and what happened when you're studying in Australia and all of this.
There's so much.
Then we'll get to your calls as well.
Second hour straight ahead, we'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right!
It is the 6th of April, 2004, on this Tuesday.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're joined by U.S.
Army Major and former head of the Pentagon's Putty Uranium Project, Dr. Doug Rockey.
And he's been presenting the updated findings on depleted uranium casualties from the Gulf War, and he's exposing some of the latest developments.
The top scientist, the New York Daily News, paid to have him look at just one group of troops, and they found very high levels of depleted uranium.
We're talking about that.
Quite a few of our stations just carry the second two hours, so Dr.
Rocky and Captain George Riley, who are both joining us.
Can you, just in a few minutes, for those who just joined us, recap.
Let's say you just got two minutes to talk to a jury.
Just recap, basically, what we're dealing with, what's happening, and then let's continue where we left off.
What has basically happened is the United States Department of Defense, the British Ministry of Defense, and the Australian have used solid radioactive munitions, uranium, in order to go to battle and win the wars.
And as a consequence, they have contaminated air, water, and soil, and food.
We're good to go.
Secretary of the Army, that you cannot reduce the toxicity of the munitions.
And you're sick, many others are sick, people are dying.
Any estimates on the number of dead?
Well, that's a good question.
When you put all the contaminants from war, the uranium contamination, there's no good figures.
We do know from all of the exposures from Gulf War I, of all the individuals who served in the Persian Gulf, according to the U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs reports, of those people who went into Persian Gulf,
From August of 1990 through May of 2002, over 221,000 of our nation's sons and daughters are permanently disabled and well over 10,000 are dead that had service-connected
Injuries and illnesses and everything else.
Now, front page New York Daily News, poisoned, shocking report reveals local troops may be victims of America's high-tech weapons.
They had other scientists look at this.
What did they find, Doctor?
Now, what had happened is the members of the 442nd New York National Guard Military Police Unit were put into a contaminated area.
Absolutely confirmed contamination.
The Department of Defense, the individuals at Walter Reed Hospital,
And the hospital at Fort Dix refused to provide these individuals medical care when they reported the kidney problems, the headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, joint pain, and frequent urination.
As a consequence, they went for help to the New York Daily News.
The leaders of the New York Daily News said, well, our government, our Department of Defense and VA have abandoned our troops, our sons and daughters that we sent to war.
Therefore, we are going to pay for their medical tests.
These medical tests were done by U.S.
Army Colonel Retired Asif Durakovich, who was the U.S.
Army's foremost expert on radiation exposures and injuries and health, not only for the U.S.
Army, but for the U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs.
His testing confirmed that my test and my work and my recommendations are absolutely correct.
The uranium dust and oxide will be re-suspended, can be inhaled, ingested, absorbed, and individuals that are exposed will get sick.
So this is totally confirmed.
And what has happened now is, after this broke loose, and they reported in the New York Daily News, the Army jumped all over these kids, and they came down on them like the plague.
Why did you go outside the system?
How come you went for medical care?
Well, it's real simple.
The President of the United States, the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, and everybody, the Secretary of the VA failed to provide care for our soldiers.
That's totally documented in the congressional hearings last Tuesday before the Shays Commission.
The Department of Defense did not provide our sons and daughters a thorough pre-deployment physical assessment prior to sent to the Gulf for Gulf War II.
And they know from your studies and the research and their own training videos from the mid-90s that depleted uranium does this.
Well, yeah.
We got sick and it's in our medical records, but they deny that it is.
Okay, Dr. Rocky, Captain Joyce Riley, stay there.
I want to get into the cover-up.
Where all this is going and then take some calls.
There's a lot of facets we haven't gotten to yet.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Eight minutes into the second hour.
You cannot overstate the credentials.
The man who literally wrote the book on depleted uranium, been in the military for 36 years, Dr. Doug Rockey, U.S.
Army Major and former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project, and now they've had other scientists, the New York Daily News has paid for scientists, former top military scientists to look at this.
This is killing the troops, and this time they blasted almost every town and city, not just areas in the desert, in Iraq and used, depending on the numbers, 10 to 20 times the amount used in the first Gulf War.
They've used it at a whole bunch of different testing sites here in the U.S.
with creeks running right through the middle of it.
It's in the air.
It'll never go away.
Millions and millions of years.
So basically forever in the scale of human civilization.
And there's been an ongoing... I wouldn't even call it a cover-up.
They just don't respond to it.
And they're going to continue to use it.
Now, other countries are saying they're going to use it.
It's proliferating.
And then we talk about invading Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that we sold them, but they never used, other than the sanctioned use against the Kurds, which was wrong.
We've got a bunch of callers here for you, but Captain Joyce Riley, you've been on this issue, pushing it from day one.
I know you want to give Dr. Rocky all the credit, and he certainly deserves it.
He's very sick from it.
But before we get back into what the top scientists said in the New York Daily News about this, and the information that Dr. Rocky got with his study of the Australian troops that have been brought into harm's way as well, any key facets of this or avenues you think we should explore, Joyce?
Well, I think that the listeners need to understand that he is being challenged by the Pentagon right now.
They are making his life miserable.
They're attacking us.
They're attacking anybody who's coming forward, and we need to support him, and we need to contact our congressmen and the White House.
Well, every time we talk about this, we get denial of service attacks on the websites.
Yes, it is incredible what is taking place.
And I just want to say that I just received from England, from Tony Flint at the UK, he says if Bush is going to send more troops to Iraq, he is sending them to their deaths.
Not from bombs and bullets, but from depleted uranium poisoning.
He already knows that his forces are coming back ill from DU poisoning.
Therefore, he is committing murder.
That's the British Gulf War Veterans Association response to this story.
So, I'll turn it over to Dr. Rocky.
Let me ask you both this question.
And then we can move on and take some calls.
I've obviously got to do more on this in the future because there's so many facets to it, but back to the psychology.
They know it's bad.
The top scientists come out and say it's bad.
The troops are dying from it, but the elite just sit there and continue this, and I think it's bigger than just
Well, I'd like to go back to the fundamentals.
You have to understand, I've been in two wars and I've done my share of killing.
I've done my share of saving lives, and my job right now is to save lives.
But in March of 1991, I received a memorandum from the Los Alamos, New Mexico, from Colonel Michael Z. This came through the Army Official Chain of Command.
And I want to read this because this reveals, as you have to understand, the purpose of war is to kill and destroy.
The soldier, the warrior, is going to use the most effective tool with total disregard for health and the environmental effects.
And this is the memorandum that I received that has driven everything from day one.
Quote, the effectiveness of depleted uranium penetrators.
There is relatively a small amount of lethality data for uranium penetrators, either the tank-fired long version or the Gau-8 round fired from the A-10 close air support aircraft.
The recent war has likely multiplied the number of depleted uranium rounds fired at targets by orders of magnitude.
It is believed the depleted uranium penetrators were very effective against Iraqi armor.
However, assessment of such will have to be made.
There has been and continues to be a concern regarding the impact of depleted uranium on the environment.
Therefore, if no one makes a case for the effectiveness of depleted uranium on the battlefield, the depleted uranium rounds may become politically unacceptable and thus be deleted from our arsenal.
If depleted uranium penetrators prove their worth during our recent combat activities, then we should assure their future existence through service and Department of Defense proponency.
So that's saying, let's cover this up, because this is a good weapon, but we don't build guns that when you shoot a bullet at the enemy, they shoot one back into your head, and oh well, it kills our troops, it kills them, and you certainly don't do something that kills the civilians for thousands
Of years after it's used!
I mean, this is insanity!
Well, that's exactly correct.
And at the same time, I received another official memorandum through the U.S.
Army from the Community General.
You have to understand, that's Norman G. Okay?
And this came down from Carl Gregory Lyle of the Defense Nuclear Agency.
Quote, Alpha particles of uranium oxide dust from expended round is a health concern.
But beta particles and fragments from intact rounds is a serious health threat.
Cut and dry.
And then in 1992,
We received a directive from the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Lewis D. Walker, and direct this quote.
Senate Appropriations Committee Report Number 102408 contains specific language directing your institute, that's the United States Army Environmental Policy Institute, to conduct a study on the health and environmental consequences of depleted uranium on the battlefield, remediation technologies which might develop, and
The ways in which the toxicity of depleted uranium might be reduced.
So the government will arrest somebody for dumping motor oil in a stream, but they're using it at testing grounds all over the country, they're blasting multiple civilizations with it, our troops are breathing it dead and dying, and the average yuppie doesn't even know what depleted uranium is, doctor.
That is absolutely correct.
It's arrogance beyond comprehension.
And it comes down to the fundamental thing.
You'll hear the stories in the government, the Department of Defense, and they'll say,
Well, prove that there's health and environmental effects.
And I go, wait a minute.
Where's your right to take radioactive waste and throw it all over another nation?
Where, if you're in the United States, if you were to take one single penetrator, ten pounds,
You throw it into a backyard, a church, a schoolyard, you're gonna go to jail.
Well look, if one of these Muslim supposed terrorists, people supposedly doing all this terrorism, that's what they say a dirty bomb is, is stuff out of x-ray machines, not even as radioactive, tied to some dynamite, blow that up, they say, oh, hundreds of square blocks, no one can live in it.
But suddenly with something far worse, oh, it's wonderful!
Again, it's the purpose to kill and destroy.
And when I was tasked to put this, clean this mess up and do the research,
I first went in there as a warrior, saying, okay, I need to figure out if they're going to use it.
Let me stop you, let me stop you, doctor, because... I've got to stop you, because in the early 90s, they were a little concerned and wanted you to go clean it up, but you'd get sick from it.
Now they don't even seem to care.
Where is that disconnect?
It seems like they're getting crazier by the minute.
The purpose is to kill and destroy with total disregard for the health and environmental effects on God's children, Allah's children, the children of the world.
They don't care.
Okay, go back.
I'm sorry for interrupting.
They just don't care.
Back to the point you were making, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Well, no, I mean, this is all... Joyce, there's so many facets to this.
It's just so incredible, I guess.
Alex, you know, until you meet these people... Like, I had the honor of meeting with Doug last week.
We had Bob Jones and we had Mark from Georgia come and visit us this past week.
And I will tell you that once you have prayed with them, cried with them, seen what they're going through, you have no idea.
And it's awful when you put a face to these people and you find out what wonderful people they are.
They are dying, and it is our sons and daughters, and it's our world.
But I mean, both Gulf Wars, not many of our troops get killed by the enemy, but then from the vaccines and the uranium, tens of thousands die and get sick.
Absolutely correct, and we totally disregard it.
This is the Agent Orange of the nineties and the thousands.
It's absolutely.
And when I was in Vietnam, Agent Orange, and it's still Agent Orange, has taken a devastating toll on the U.S.
forces, the Allied forces, and it's taken a devastating toll on the Vietnamese.
And now we've done the same thing with uranium.
I mean, it's so simple.
Again, what right does any nation have to take radioactive waste, chemical waste, biological waste, and throw it in somebody else's backyard willfully and deliberately?
So how is the Pentagon going to deal now with their former top colonel, their top scientist saying, yes, I've tested them, the troops have radiation poisoning?
Well, you know, it's pretty simple.
What they do, and Joyce has seen this, they put out a memorandum to the media and the press saying,
Well, Dr. Colonel Asa Durakovich and Dr. Major Doug Rocky did not do the work.
They were not there.
They're not sick.
There's no problems.
That's right.
So they use executive authority to lie.
And it doesn't matter if there's associated press articles with you there in the 90s as the head guy.
It doesn't matter if there's all the photos and video and you're in the registry as that.
They'll just lie to the media and say you don't even exist.
Absolutely correct.
And what's happened with our troops and soldiers at the National Records Center in St.
Louis, Missouri, where all military records are maintained,
The personnel and medical records of my own and my staff, they're gone.
They've been destroyed.
Well, it's like Bush's records.
Somebody grabs them, then suddenly they expunge them.
But how are they going to ignore the New York Daily News?
Well, you know, the New York Daily News right now, that staff needs to have every cuda from every mother, father, son, and daughter.
Because when the Department of Defense refused to provide medical care, they stood up and said, we're taking care of the sons and daughters of New York.
God bless the New York Daily News and that staff.
They should get the Medal of Honor for doing what our leaders have not done.
Isn't it also that now they've used it and they've got to keep using it?
You know, the CDC with the thimerosal and their own documents that just got released said, well, it's brain damaging millions, but we've got to cover this up because it'd be too big.
The cost is astronomical because, you know, you asked the question before.
It comes down to the fundamental thing, and as an environmental scientist and engineer has taught all this stuff and done this for many, many years, our technology is out of control.
Inorganic, organic compounds, heavy metals, biologicals, we've contaminated air, water, soil, and food.
We do not have the ability to provide medical care, and we're seeing the health and environmental consequences because we wanted to have life simple, while we disregarded the effects of technology.
That's what this is all about.
And now we're paying the piper, but instead of going back and turning back, they seem to be accelerating.
Well, that's what you do when you don't want to cover it up and acknowledge what you did.
You keep going in the wrong direction.
Well, I'm here to say it's time to stop the nonsense.
I'll tell you what, we've got loaded phone lines for you guys.
I'm going to come back and take some calls.
Is it possible to maybe keep both of you another 20 minutes?
Hey, we'll stay as long as you want.
Okay, I'm going to ask Paul Watson then to join us at about 45 after.
Uh, instead of 30 Africans, we've got a bunch of other news coming up, but I want to come back now and take calls.
We've obviously got to have Captain Joyce Riley and Dr. Rocky back on, but a lot more coming up.
This is so big.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we're talking to the U.S.
Army Major and former head of the Pentagon's plutonium project.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in Ohio.
Bill, go ahead, you're on the air.
How you doing?
Listen, I just wanted to ask a question for your guest.
You said something about this stuff going into products that are being sold commercially.
It's kind of worrisome.
Are you suggesting that if, say, if I go out to a building supplies store and pick up one of these 30-pound bags of the gray powder mix, you know, mix it up with some sand and some water and make a stone for the patio or for the walk, that I can put a Geiger counter next to that after it hardens and it's going to kick the needles?
If you purchase the product called D-U-Crete, yes, it will.
Just that one?
Yeah, that's the product.
And I'm not sure what else they're putting into it.
That is the one product that we absolutely got confirmed.
Now, think about how off the charts... What else is the government allowing?
And you're telling me... Do you create in a powder form?
Yeah, it's like buying SAKRI.
That is insane, because that's what makes it so deadly.
If there's just a block of it, you're going to get some of it, but isn't it, Doctor, what's deadly is the aerosolizing of it?
Yeah, it's the aerosolizing of the dust and all the other particulates, the whole mixture that gets into the lungs and fine particles.
And so they put it out as a product in a dust form!
Oh, that's even better!
I mean, this is so rich!
Well, on top of that, you know, we've got all of the destroyed, you know, contaminated equipment that's been, you know, collected and recycled.
So we absolutely got D.U.
contaminated metal coming back in car bumpers.
We even had it show up in U.S.
Navy cooking pots.
Navy called and said, we got some.
We measured.
And I called, get rid of the cooking pot.
You can't serve the food in that.
Folks, this is on purpose.
Who's the enemy?
The Patriots are.
Go ahead and finish up, Bill.
That's all.
I could hardly believe my ears when I heard him saying that.
Well, you're listening to the guy who wrote the book for the Pentagon.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Rusty in Texas.
Rusty, you're in the Twilight Zone.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello, Alex.
You've talked to me before, and Joyce knows me.
I'm a sick Gulf War vet.
And I talked to y'all that day, that day that you had Oliver North on your show.
Yeah, when he was giggling about all this?
And I sent you and Joyce both them pictures.
Did y'all get those?
Yes, I did.
Okay, uh, if you notice, uh, the picture, that I took a picture of the dirt on the back of the bus, the reason I did that is because the dirt was, uh, a different color, the sand, and it looked different, and as you can tell, the tire tracks on the bus, that's the reason I took pictures of that.
Okay, for those that don't know, explain what you're saying.
Okay, uh, I, uh, I was on the USS LaSalle AGF-3,
And it was immediately following the war, and we went in to help do some cleanup and to help rebuild some schools and everything.
And I was taken out to death mile.
And we went through the tanks, climbed all over the tanks.
There was exploded, unexploded ammunition all over the ground, not including all of the destruction that happened there.
You should have never been in that thing without respiratory and skin protection, even then it wouldn't protect you.
I've seen the photos all over the news of troops climbing around with the dead bodies.
Yeah, kind of like Y'all Come, you hear?
A lot of those guys are sick and dead.
Terry Reardon out of Canada.
We've got other ones that are sick and dead.
We did a 60 Minutes back on December 26th of 1999.
Individuals of Tourist Rust, they're sick!
Absolutely confirmed, Todd.
So, they didn't tell you to put on gear, Rusty.
They just said, come on out.
They just said, come on out.
And they loaded us up in them buses and off we went.
And if you were to type in USS LaSalle AGF-3 in your search engine on the internet, it'll take you and it'll show you some newspaper clippings of some people that I was with on the bus that actually had their pictures taken in the newspaper sitting inside of the blown up tank.
Have you ever received the depleted uranium medical care and test radio bioassay for exposure?
No, sir.
Not that I know of.
You need to call the United States Department of Veteran Affairs and demand it because you're at the highway of death and don't take no for an answer.
All right.
Rusty, I appreciate the call.
And you know, we get call after call like that, Joyce.
Yes, yes, and they are so in need of assistance and help, and I just hope that this is waking people up to the real significance of this problem.
They can learn more about it at thepowerhour.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
From my experience with Gulf War disability, the civil courts have failed, the VA court and social security courts are a fraud, and civilian doctors and insurance companies refuse treatment.
Congress has so far refused to impeach the executive branch.
They censored their own reports from the public.
We're good to go.
In federal or state courts.
Okay, great questions.
Thanks, John.
We'll come back in another 10-15 minutes with our guest.
We'll take some more calls at 800-259-9231.
For others that want to talk about other issues, we'll get to you later.
Got Paul Watson coming up with the news blitz as well.
Don't want to miss this show.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we'll take a couple more calls for our guest here in a few minutes at 800-259-9231.
But to answer that question, Dr. Rocky and Joyce Riley, there should be criminal charges for all of this.
Who would be the parties who should be indicted for this mass assault with a weapon of mass destruction?
Who should be indicted in your educated opinion, both of you?
The International Tribunals have been conducted.
You can go to our website, www.traprock, t-r-a-p-r-o-c-k-p-e-a-c-e-dot-o-r-g Oh, I should have plugged that earlier.
Give that website out again.
www.traprock, t-r-a-p-r-o-c-k-p-e-a-c-e-dot-o-r-g
P-E-A-C-E dot O-R-G, and you can read the results of the International Tribunals.
The other one you can go to is www.unobserver.org, and you can pull it up there.
But again, they're just rubber stamps of the same global system.
What are they saying?
Well, no, not the U.N.
They're yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs, like the United States Subcommission on Human Rights and the work of Karen Parker.
They have said this is totally illegal and there has to be liability.
What did Congress say in the hearings last week?
Well, in the hearings last week, Secretary of Defense Winkenwerder confirmed, number one, that the casualty count, those medically evacuated out of Iraq as of last Tuesday morning, there were 18,004 of America's sons and daughters, casualties, that have been evacuated out of Iraq.
That does not count the over 600, what is it, like 630 or 640 that have been killed in theater, hundreds that have died once they got home,
In hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands, who got sick and injured and stayed in theater.
And we're not deployed what we call first and second echelon medical care.
So who is culpable?
Who knew about this and made the order, made the decision?
I mean, you read that memorandum from out in Los Alamos, where they were saying, it doesn't matter if it's bad, let's go ahead and use it.
But who is guilty?
Well, we go through multiple generations in multiple administrations, but right now President George W. Bush, Secretary of State,
Dick Cheney.
By the way, in 1992, I was ordered and directed by the U.S.
Army, on directive of Madeline Albright, to do the cleanup plan for Halliburton and Brown and Root, Dick Cheney's company.
And everybody knows they got it, and they've been, you know, whatever they've been doing, ripping everybody off.
So they even get the contracts to do it, and then don't do it.
Absolutely correct.
And then we got Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, we got Secretary of State Powell,
We just go on down and right now the individual that's basically supposed to have responsibility for ensuring medical care is provided for our troops, that's Dr. Michael Kilpatrick and Dr. Winkenwerder.
They've confirmed that they didn't give the pre-deployment and post-deployment physicals, they have confirmed.
That troops were sent to Iraq that were not qualified and they have died over there and been brought back in worse and worse medical shape.
And who blocks showing the video that's been out since 95 that was made by the Army for the troops?
Well, basically it's stopped by the Secretary of Defense where they want to ensure that uranium munitions are always used per the Los Alamos Memorandum without any liability.
So by showing that video that was produced by people like yourself doing the right thing, by showing that they would show culpability and prior knowledge.
Absolutely, but one of the most astonishing things is, back on March 30th of 1998, one of our nation's foremost journalists sent a letter to Jim Steube, the United States Army Public Affairs, and asked multiple questions.
One question, this is astonishing because it reveals everything.
Quote, Army Regulation 40-5 says,
All actual or alleged overexposure to ionized radiation will be investigated and reported under Army Regulation 40-14 and Army Regulation 385-40.
How many such incidents were investigated and reported during the Gulf War and after?
The direct response from the U.S.
Army's foremost Army Radiation Safety Officer at that time said, quote, overexposure is not applicable to the deployed Army.
So magically, it just doesn't count.
It's like you're invisible.
It doesn't count because of the fact we're going to war.
What happens to our sons and daughters is what everybody has been saying and what Dave's other half, Song, says.
You're totally expendable.
You're a bandit!
So it's horrible when four civilian mercs get hung up dead, and it is horrible.
Yeah, but those were mercenaries.
Yeah, but it's wonderful when our troops get sick.
It's just a good thing.
You know, let me just add, Alex, I think this is why they're building the walls around Washington right now, is the American public is now coming to grips
With just how serious this is.
And if we can keep Dr. Rocky going around this country and telling the truth and on the radio, then we're going to be able to really infuriate a lot of people.
So they've got to now start protecting the government so that we cannot get to them.
They're turning everything into an armored compound.
That's right.
That's right.
For this reason, I believe.
Because people are not going to accept this when they understand the full weight of it.
Well, I mean, how did they knowingly use all these dirty bombs
You know, you know, millions of dirty moms, that's what it is, all over the globe, and just right out in plain view.
I mean, it's psychotic!
It just is!
It's a crime against God, it's a crime against humanity, and they must be held accountable.
What type of, before we go to some more calls, what type of health effects have you had, Doctor?
Well, the same about me, but I got sick within 24 hours, a rash in the respiratory, cataracts, kidney problems, neurological problems, I mean,
It just deteriorated on down.
I mean, when I was in for medical care at the U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs last Thursday is when I came across, as I mentioned early, totally confirming that only 262 individuals have ever received the DU assessment that... And within months, your teammates started getting nasal cancers, you name it.
Yeah, the first nasal pharyngeal cancer happened in one of our team members within nine months, and the first lung cancers and death were in several years.
A couple years.
So it just sits there literally mutating the cells.
Yeah, but you know, it's not just the U.S.
We have to look at all the women and children of Iraq, of Vieques, Puerto Rico, of Okinawa, of Indiana.
And what's really astonishing, you can actually verify this because it was on the AP Wire story, our nation was born on the 18th of April in 1775 at Concord, Massachusetts, correct?
That city, Concord, Massachusetts, has devastating cancers and health effects from the manufacturing of uranium munitions at the Starmet plant.
Now let's talk about that, because it's not just the plants, it's also Proving Grounds, where they test this, where you've tested this stuff, and I've read the reports where there's streams, open water, I mean, they're just doing this right out in the open.
Yeah, over here at Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana, the U.S.
Army shot the place up.
The health effects are all around.
A year ago, the U.S.
Army went to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and point blank asked for an exemption from cleaning it up because it's so contaminated and so dangerous to go in there.
Well, they can't clean up Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana, where the health effects are all around, or all these other locations, but yet they take tons and tons in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans, Vieques, Puerto Rico, and they ignore the health and environmental effects, refuse to clean it up, refuse to provide medical care.
Let's take three final calls, and I'm obviously going to have to have you back on, Doctor, and have Joyce on to go over her research on this, but David in South Carolina.
Go ahead, David.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I've got a question for Dr. Roeke.
An Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former Chief of Naval Staff, India, posted a position paper on February 29th
And it's entitled, Silent WMD's Effective Depleted Uranium.
Have you seen that position paper, Dr. Rook?
Yes, I have seen the position paper.
He had asked for some of our primary research and everything that we were able to provide him.
And from his total knowledge as a senior admiral specializing in nuclear weapons, he posted his paper as a result of a world conference that was held in India.
We also have the New York Daily News with its own study with scientists.
They tested the troops.
They do indeed have radiation poisoning.
Now, my question is whether you agree with his assessment that the radiation levels that we spread around Iraq
...is equal to 250,000 Nagasaki-type bombs.
We have to look at... I thought he said 250.
You know, again, that's a real good... You know, the question is, you have to look at, do I have the internalized exposure or the external exposure?
With all the radioactive materials, when we're looking at, you know, probably upwards of 1,000 tons now over that whole area, you know, when you translate to the inside, you've got serious problems.
Now, I don't know exactly on that stuff, okay?
But you've got... it comes down to a fundamental question.
What right does anybody have to take tons and tons of solid radioactive waste that can be inhaled, ingested, and absorbed that does give off serious radiation once it's in the body or contact with the body?
Doctor, I'm going from memory, but I believe CBS reported last year that it is a 500 million year half-life?
Well, it's four and a half billion years.
But, uh, what you have is the actual... The half-life is 500 million, right?
Yeah, the actual uranium, the piece of uranium, the DU, emits beta and gamma 300 millirems per hour within 4 to 6 inches.
Now, if you have that inside your body, it doesn't matter how big or small it is, it's the same radiation.
You're at 300 millirems per hour.
It doesn't take a whole lot of hours to get to a high level.
Well, I saw one scientist liken it to living inside an x-ray machine.
That's exactly, probably pretty accurate.
And then the alpha particles are at, you know, we're looking at 10,000 counts per minute.
And what happens, this is even confirmed by the United States Army's own research that's been presented.
What you do when you hit one cell, you damage all the other cells around you.
And that's the reason why we understand this.
You have to understand the intercellular voltage, how a cell operates, is at 10 electron volts.
It's electrochemical.
It's 10 electron volts.
One single alpha particle.
From DU is at 4.5 million electron volts.
So it's short circuits.
It's like sticking your finger in a super outlet and just getting zapped while you're standing in a puddle of water.
Just one speck of DU-contaminated dust ingested will give you permanent disease, permanent disability.
That's absolutely correct.
If you go to the work that was done at Oak Ridge National Labs and look at the lung cross-sections from the inhalation of one particle, you see the hot particle work.
That's absolutely there.
Okay, I'm going to let you go.
Thanks for the call, David.
Real quick, Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to ask what your guess
What is the purpose of contaminating the troops like this?
I mean, they come home, they'll contaminate their families, and anyone that comes into contact with them.
What are these psychotic bleepity bleeps trying to pull by contaminating them?
Damaging the troops.
Exposing them to this garbage.
That's a good way to put it.
Psychotic bleepity bleeps.
How do we deal with the psychotic bleepity bleeps?
They don't care.
The purpose is to kill and destroy.
And they totally disregard the health and environmental effects.
Well, if it's so good and they're selling it at major stores, how about we have public officials then wallow and snort the D.U.Crete?
Well, you know, that's not a bad idea.
You know, and they also are making golf clubs out of this now, too.
So I think people need to be aware of that.
And every time you chip off that club, you may very well be breathing it.
What's the purpose?
I mean, our troops are to go over and... Well, why did Bill Clinton, knowingly for eight years after it was illegal, strip millions of dollars of blood out of the prisons all over the planet, knowing it had HIV and hepatitis?
Why did they do it?
Because they're demonic filth brains!
You know, that comes up to an extremely important point.
With over 250,000 Gulf War I veterans sick, now over 20,000 Gulf War II veterans sick,
We need to ensure that our blood supply in our nation is not derived from that 260 or 70,000, 300,000
Military veterans.
They were exposed.
All these humanities.
And the troops are the people that like to sacrifice.
They're the ones out giving the blood.
Yeah, well guess what?
There's no way in heck I'd ever take any blood from myself or any of us that have been exposed to this stuff because you're asking for a nightmare.
That's right.
Oh, that's a whole other issue we just came... Oh my goodness.
Thanks for the call, Brock.
Last caller.
Who's next in line there?
Lou in Colorado.
Last caller for our guest.
We've got Paul Watson coming up.
Go ahead, Lou.
How you doing?
I've got a question for the doctor.
I was in Germany in the early 80s, a combat engineer, and our higher-ups would encourage us to go in the gas chamber without our masks on for half a day off in the field.
I look back at it and I feel that
We were kind of an experiment.
They admittedly have done thousands of tests.
Go ahead.
And I'm just not sure... I mean, the New York Daily News reported a few days ago that CPS grabs kids and tests stuff on them in New York.
So, you know.
Don't think they won't do it to full grown adults.
Doctor, any comments?
Well, it's absolutely correct and that's wrong because it's been known with those exposures to the C.S.
and everything else
That it would cause some respiratory and eye problems.
That's actually confirmed in medical literature.
Well, it's been banned on the Geneva Convention for use against foreign enemies.
Well, you have to understand, the United States Department of Defense and multiple presidents have did and continually implement Project Shad.
Project Shad is deliberate use of chemical and biological munitions against U.S.
citizens throughout the United States and Canada.
It's an ongoing thing.
It's happened before.
The Department of Defense, the same guy involved in covering up the depleted uranium, was involved in covering up Project Shad.
The U.S.
Department of Veteran Affairs has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Defense saying, you have to tell us all the chemical and biological you used on the civilians and the military personnel so we can treat them.
The same guy involved in cover-up is saying, I'm not going to tell you what we did.
Alright, we've got to leave it there.
Lou, go ahead.
Is it safe to say that they're basically using the people that serve our country and defend our country as guinea pigs for their own experiments and knowledge?
I got a t-shirt from the U.S.
Army that says that.
Yeah, the Project Shad is admitted.
They've sprayed major states, major cities.
They'd have troops sit out on a boat and fly over and spray anthrax on them, or sarin, and then give them the supposed antidotes and watch them flop around.
I mean, this is what they think of you.
In one case, the BBC reported in 1985, one of the last supposed Shad tests, you know, before it got reclassified, they had a bunch of US and British troops stand out in a field, flew over and sprayed them, and some died that day.
I mean, they just bug spray us like we're cockroaches.
Let me just give a couple of predictions here.
I think you're going to see more pandemonium breaking out in the Middle East as well as here at home.
And number two... Well, top generals are saying that it's going to be civil war.
I'm sorry, Joyce.
Yeah, and they're going to start trying to get rid of these people and downsize the military very fast because they don't want these sick people in the military.
So I think you're going to start seeing that very soon.
Now, Joyce, is there anything else you want?
I'm sorry for interrupting.
No, I just want to say thank you very much.
And gulfwarvets.com website along with Trap Rock Peace
Got to get everybody the kind of information they need.
And thank you very much again Dr. Rocky.
Doctor, any closing comments?
Yes, I'd like to have every mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, aunt, uncle, grandparent call the President of the United States.
Oh, we meant to do that!
And demand accountability, and that their troops are taken care of, the citizens of the world are taken care of, they clean up all this contamination, and they cease the use of uranium munitions immediately.
Joyce, do you have the numbers of the White House in front of you?
No, I don't, unfortunately.
I said I'd bring those, and of course I didn't.
In the next hour, we'll get those and give those out.
Call your congressman.
Call your senator.
I mean, and the other thing, too, is we gotta give kudos to the New York Daily Times today for taking medical care for the New York troops that were affected, that were denied medical care by the United States Department of Defense.
My hat, as a warrior, goes off to the leaders of the New York Daily News.
God bless that paper.
Well, Dr. Rocky, I mean, you served for 36 years for the U.S.
You did a great job.
You were their head guy.
And there's a lot of other good people like you in there.
I mean, what are they saying when you talk to them that are still in?
Well, too many of them can't talk to us anymore because, like us, they'll never work again.
Like me, I haven't worked for years.
You can't get a job.
And even though they care, they'll help from within side, but they can't do anything long.
Because, as you see right now, it's all over the news.
Anybody that speaks up, whether it was Paul O'Neill, Richard Clark, Denise Nichols, Asa Garakulis, Andres Carnegie Bob,
Joyce Riley, anybody that speaks up, you become under immediate attack from the individuals in the White House and the Pentagon, and your life is destroyed.
But how do these guys who were attacking in the Pentagon live with themselves?
They're murderers of their own citizens!
They don't care!
I hear you.
Dr. Rocky, Joyce Riley, thanks for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Great job.
We'll have you both back on.
We'll come back with Paul Joseph Watson, a bunch of other news.
On your call, stay with us.
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I think so.
I think so.
All right, the third hour is coming up, and I promise we'll get to John and Michael and Clint and many others that have been patiently holding cover the DU story.
We haven't even gotten to all the other news, all the 9-11 news, all the other shit that's happening.
But I cannot stress enough how this shows the sick mindset of the globalists that they do this.
And they do it by design, on purpose, to every generation of our military.
They let 24,000 U.S.
troops be held by the Russians.
They were taken for prisoner of war camps that the Nazis had.
They do the same thing in Vietnam.
I mean, they do the wrong thing by design because they're wicked.
They practice evil.
And you are letting them take your freedoms.
You're licking their boots.
And to everybody in the government, the FBI, the police, all of you, shame on you for going along with this.
And you're going to be fed on by your own masters, don't you worry.
Don't you worry.
Before we go to Paul Watson, my good friend, with all his great analysis and key stories he wants to talk about today in your calls,
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Paul Watson, for the last few minutes of this hour, just tell us some of what you want to cover in the next hour, some of the news we'll be getting to.
But first, I want to get your comment on depleted uranium.
Just the abject, soulless pit of hell that is the New World Order.
Well, it's ironic, Alex, that, I mean, we're told to support the troops whenever we question the war and yet we get this from the very people who send them out to die and then, you know, cut the casualty numbers and cut veterans' benefits on top of that.
I mean, people will do this, because I mean, GlaxoSmithKline, if you think that, you know, people would be reticent to do this kind of thing, GlaxoSmithKline just came out and admitted that they tested HIV drugs on babies and orphans, basically using them as lab rats here in Britain.
And so, that's the kind of mentality we're dealing with.
Same thing going on in New York.
Yeah, I mean, with the troops themselves, there are more horrors planned.
We've got the development of this so-called super drug, which will enable troops to operate to fly aircraft for 24 to 48 hours without food or sleep.
They also tested aggression psycho drugs on special forces in Afghanistan.
They'd come back and slaughter their families.
It wasn't the malaria drug.
And Paul, this is a key facet to what we're discussing here.
You know, what they're doing,
Folks, the only thing holding them back from literally killing millions of us like they did last century is that all the police, all the people aren't wicked.
That's why the sitcoms and dramas are all about torture.
We're being mass mutated mentally to prepare for the real horrors, Paul.
Well, yeah, and they know that they can get part of this through anyway because of the natural inclination which has been proven throughout the history of psychology.
That people will follow authority, no matter how insane the orders.
I mean, we've talked about, before the experiment, where people were ordered to give actors who were, you know, playing actors, psychological or electrical shocks, even though, you know, at a certain level it would cause death, they were told.
And they went ahead and did it anyway, because of this natural inclination to obey any kind of authority.
Let me tell you who's authority to follow.
It's God.
Better follow God, ladies and gentlemen, and not these devils.
Stay there, Paul.
What's some of the stuff coming up?
We're getting to the British police state, which is developing at the moment.
And a lot more, believe me.
And your call's very shortly in the next hour.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Third hour.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Imperial Battle March of the New World Order moves forward as millions of people wake up on a monthly basis globally.
We're talking to Paul Watson.
I know that John and Michael and others have been holding for a long time.
We'll get to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Paul, we were talking about the nature of evil.
I mean, if in World War II they ordered 7,000 U.S.
civilians to be kept in the Philippines to be captured as war propaganda, if the government will knowingly know that depleted uranium is killing the troops and people in the areas where it's used, why wouldn't they carry out 9-11?
Not just the evidence of it, but the psychology there.
The naive population better wake up, Paul.
Well, that's the thing, you've made the point many times, where we try to expose the things that are going on, what these creatures are actually doing, and they don't believe it, simply because they themselves, personally, wouldn't have, you know, the emotional psychology to carry out these kind of things themselves.
But that doesn't, you know, that precludes the fact that other people are carrying out these kind of things, because they've been warped into this sick mentality.
So people need to grasp that power
At this level, absolutely obliterates any kind of morality and corrupts absolutely.
That's what people need to grasp.
That was the great British statesman, it was Lord Acton who said that.
Wasn't it?
And then Edmund Burke had a similar quote.
Let's take a few calls, get these guys out of the way, then we'll get into the news, Paul.
John in Ohio, been holding forever, go ahead.
Yeah, I think that the slimy cynicism and hypocrisy of these neocon sociopathic fascists is so unbelievable, outrageous, that the media in this country, they have no fear that this kept media full of prostitutes, full of agents, and full of
Uh... cowards is going to expose them and they're laughing up their sleeves about this.
Well, yeah, because they're getting ready to probably nuke a city and then we'll all forget about it.
Yeah, I was reading something on the ZMag.org website that some of the independent journalists have been pointing out that the reason that this outsider, a militant cleric, a Shiite cleric,
...has been attacked by the United States is that he's been saying some of the same things you're saying.
His newspaper said that the CIA is carrying out the bombings and... Go ahead.
Let's get Paul Watson's comment.
Paul, if I could make another point... Hold on a minute, Paul.
Go ahead.
Well, yeah, that's true.
I mean, the newspapers shut down and these clerics have been shut up because they're making the point that with all these so-called car bombings in Iraq, they're not actually car bombings.
They're Apache helicopter attacks because
The craters from the actual bombings are very small.
And, you know, the kind of damage that is inflicted is, you know, widespread across an entire area.
And the witness reports on top of that state that these are not car bombings, they're coming from missiles.
And that's what these newspapers and these clerics are pointing out, which is why they're getting shut down at the moment.
And some of these independent journalists have been saying that, what the United States, what most Iraqis believe, and we're not hearing this in the Kepp Press in this country, believe that the CIA is behind this, the U.S.
military prefer a divided Iraq, even if it means civil war, because that would make it easier for them to control, divide and rule the country, and therefore you can control it much more easy, just as the British did.
And that's it.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Michael in Georgia.
Michael, go ahead.
Hey, so good to talk to you, gentlemen.
You got me?
Yep, sure do.
Okay, great.
Alex, long time no talk to.
Paul Joseph Watson, great stuff.
I've never talked to you before, but your research is just so dead on.
By the way, PJW, how old are you?
I'm just curious.
I'm 22 next month.
22 next month?
That is amazing.
Alex, this guy is like a prodigy of yours.
It's amazing.
I mean, you know, Paul Joseph, you're your own person, I understand that, but, you know, it's so refreshing to see such a young face.
You know, I've told people listening to you, I'm like, I can't believe there's somebody like this in England.
I'm just, you know, so overwhelmed.
There are a lot of people.
I get hundreds of emails from England every day.
Do you have a question or comment, Michael?
Well, you see what the date is on the calendar, Alex, and you know I've called you about this time before.
Just stay there.
Just stay there.
We'll come back after the break, let you finish up, and we'll go to
Bill and Clint and others.
Everybody, stay with us.
We'll get into some of the news with Paul Watson.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already, my friends, into the third and final hour of this global transmission against tyranny and defense of liberty, we're joined by my webmaster and editor, and also the author of Order Out of Chaos, Paul Joseph Watson.
He runs PrisonPlanet.com.
My wife runs InfoWars.com.
They're both great sites.
And yeah, since Michael and Georgia brought it up, Paul Watson, about three years ago I noticed his fine work and his good analysis of what was happening.
So I teamed up with him a couple years ago and he does a lot of great work for us and we're blessed to have him and there's just a lot of other people out there that need to be leaders as well.
And before we go back to Michael and then to Clinton, Roger and John and others, Paul, you know, that's a good testament to people because they expect us to be their leaders and do it all for them.
But really, you're an example of what putting up a website, taking action can do.
I mean, when did you start Propagandamatrix.com, your own website, and then explain to folks the numbers of hits you now get just in the three or four years you've had the website?
Well, I started PropagandaMatrix.com a few months after I saw your World of Wonder documentary on British television about Bohemian Grove, so I started it right before September 11th.
You know, getting 40 hits a day, basically.
Within a year it was getting thousands and now it's getting 20,000 a day.
Prison Planet is getting double that.
The whole age thing is sometimes used as a bully stick because people say you're too young to understand any of this stuff.
Alexander the Great was commanding armies at 16.
Half of Columbus' crew were teenagers.
It's not really a matter of age, it's a matter of anyone can
This is part of the scripting.
Thomas Jefferson in 1775, I think he was 27 years old,
The point here is, is that they train us to act like children until we're 35, and party, and I shouldn't care, I'm young.
Then, oh, I gotta make money.
Then at 65, oh, I'm retired, I don't care.
You know, they train us how to be in these molds.
And, you know, in the past, our young people were, you know, were the leaders and involved, and now they're a bunch of, you know, drugged-out idiots.
And it takes young people to go out and wake them up, Paul.
Well, yeah, and the point is that many people don't become involved, don't become leaders, because they see that Alex Jones, for example, because, you know, you're on the radio, you've got all these documentary films, that you're somehow larger than life, and nobody can emulate what you're trying to do, but it's the exact opposite.
Anyone can put up a website just as I did.
It's not too difficult.
But the information, they've got to have the brain, though, and the analysis skills, too.
I mean, that's what garners the audience.
That's correct, and basically it's about, you know, eating, living, breathing, sleeping, this kind of thing to really have an impact.
So there is some element of sacrifice, but in the long run, I mean, before I woke up to all this, I was, you know, downtrodden in all the propaganda and my
Mental health now is a lot better, because it's like something's lifted from your shoulders.
The blinkers are off, and so people say, oh, doesn't all this bad news make you depressed and everything?
It's the exact opposite.
It empowers you to do something about it.
And anyone can get a taste of that.
Everybody deep down knows something's wrong, and they have this apprehension, this nausea.
And once you finally know what the problem is and are fighting it, it's very empowering.
That's exactly the point.
So people shouldn't fear treading into, you know, treading onto the field and getting involved.
I'd say being in the game is a lot better than sitting there in the stands.
And it's a lot more dangerous in the stands, because the Globalists are predators, and when you're in the stands, they see you as a prey animal.
Most of the different classes of New World Order minions run from us in fear.
I want people to understand that, because they're criminals and they know it.
See, they act all authoritative and powerful and arrogant in front of you.
They know they're slimeballs.
They know they're going right to hell.
So they want to make Earth a hell right now.
Well, I mean, we're out in the open.
We're, you know, public fighting this.
They're in the background, hiding behind different faces, different masks.
So it shows that they do not have the guts in the first place.
They're the cowardly ones, because exactly, they know that they're the criminals.
People need to realise that.
And they're scared right now, which makes them very dangerous.
Follow me, Ash, before we go to these calls.
When do you think they're going to blow something up?
Do you think it'll be chemical, biological, or nuclear?
We predicted years ago that the next big attacks would be a string in Europe to get their people behind it.
And this is a segue into their openly saying Martial Law and England are having all these staged captures of weapons.
We've caught them doing staged captures in the past.
Well, there's definitely about to be an attack in England, which we can get onto the preparation for that in a moment.
The tip is not to go near the Sears Tower in Chicago on April 19th because we've known that that building's been a target for years on top of all this numerological symbology whereby, you know, it's 911 hours on April 19th since the March 11 attack.
March 11th is 9-11 from 9-11 on 3-11.
And again, we don't believe in all this, the globalists do.
So like police tracking a psychopath, we go after their own psychology.
And now, who bought the Sears Tower?
We're not saying it's going to happen, but the government has said it's the next big target.
That's been in the news.
But who just bought the Sears Tower?
Silverstein and his company.
The reason why we talk about this is because preemption is prevention.
If we get it out in the open, then they're less likely to pull it off, so that's why we talk about it.
And we posted an article a few days ago going through all these things about the Sears Tower, so people can go and look at that for themselves.
We've had mainstream reporters pointing this out and they say that all it tells us, even if you don't believe the whole symbology aspect, is that the same people are carrying out these attacks and we can agree on that certainly, but it's certainly not Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, can Al-Qaeda make the New York Lottery on the one-year anniversary come up 9-11?
Can they make the Chicago Mercantile come up 9-11?
Point zero zero zero zero on the one-year anniversary?
Can they make NORAD stand down?
Can they call Mayor Willie Brown and tell him not to fly?
Can they mash U.S.
troops in Afghanistan in the weeks before 9-11 and have launch orders on their desk two days before?
Can they train supposed hijackers at U.S.
military bases?
Can Al-Qaeda pay for their houses and cars through the FBI?
And the answer is no.
Can Al-Qaeda order the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda?
The answer is no.
Who can do that, Paul?
Well, the very people that created Al-Qaeda in the first place.
And with regard to the next attack, my take on it is that if they want to change, you know, the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated, as you call it, and put Kerry in,
Then there will be no such attack up to the election.
But if they want to keep bushing, then they will either need to trot out Bin Laden dead or alive, or they will need to pull off an attack.
So that's how I see it panning out up to the election this year.
In hindsight, what do you think?
Because when I, two years ago, said my White House source says Bin Laden died of kidney failure, was handed over
And they're going to roll him out dead and claim they killed him in an action right before the election, and then to have Albright and Senator Grassley and all these people the last five months now coming out and saying the same thing, what do you think of that?
I think that up until, you know, it was on C-SPAN after the Coast to Coast show that you did, Brian Lamb, you know, reading off InfoWars saying, hmm, the stage capture of Bin Laden is imminent.
And then, mysteriously, after that, which was about a month ago, the kind of preparation for the capture of Bin Laden, you know, he's in this Pakistani border region, we're about to catch him, that strangely died down, and it has died down for four weeks or so, so we may have prevented them from doing that.
They may still pull it off, but I just hope that they don't, you know... Why do you think somebody from the White House would tell me that?
I mean, that's why at the time I said it really could be disinfo.
Well, we know that they've got all sorts of scripts planned and they can go and change them at any point, but why he told you that, it was obviously when you have an element of secret knowledge, most people's human instincts are to go and tell everybody.
Well, it's like criminals who break into a house and leave their ID card.
They want to be caught.
Yeah, the very allure of telling somebody a secret is, you know, too hard for many people to resist, so at the time it was probably accurate that they were planning to do that.
Whether they will do so now we've blown the whistle on it, so hard remains to be seen.
Yeah, let's go ahead and go back to Michael in Georgia.
Michael, go ahead.
Okay, Alex, do you read me?
Yes, yes, you're on the air.
Excellent, excellent.
Um, you know, we look at the calendar, we see what time it is, we see what day it is.
The 6th of April.
And, you know, I've called you before and made certain predictions relative to the time frame of the 19th to the 22nd.
And, Alex, I can feel it in my bones.
I can feel something coming.
And I think that we're going to see an American landmark.
Something that we can all identify with.
A tap.
And it will probably be on a seacoast.
And I've been looking at news, so I'm not just guessing here.
I'm not just shooting something out.
You know the story of all the divers that have been found dead, washed up, etc.
The scuba divers in scuba gear.
Are you familiar with those stories?
Yeah, I did see that, yeah.
Okay, well anyway, there is a website and it's been promoted on this network quite a bit.
And it's by one of the guests that guest hosts for another show.
I'm not going to go in it.
Uh, too much, but I smell a rat, and I can see how this man's news site, that is supposed to be like, you know, informing us with intel, is actually building a case.
And I called a good friend of mine, Stan Dayo, and I warned him about this individual.
And I said, something's not right.
Listen to what he's saying.
I said, let me tell you what you're going to hear, Stan.
You're going to hear him talk about other than Al-Qaeda.
You're going to hear him talk about
Allies of Al-Qaeda that are other than Al-Qaeda, other than Arab, maybe white even.
I said, they'll probably be saying there's certain white groups and white racist and extremist groups working with them.
I said, and you're going to hear, you know, a few other things and to condense it, you know, I told them to watch out.
They're going to spin it so that, you know, we have to watch the radical right in America that has allied.
Of course, this is an old story to you, Alex.
These bodies, some of these bodies of these scuba divers were indeed white men with tattoos, straggly hair, gold earrings.
You know, not fitting the common Arab terrorist scenario, right?
And who is it that gets shaken down the most?
I mean, I'm a 39-year-old white man.
I look like I'm 30, and so I get stopped by the cops.
Well, the government has said that they're going to then merge it and shift the whole anti-terrorism bureaucracy after Christians and conservatives.
And it'll go to that agenda when there's a Democrat in office.
I want the specifics of what you're saying, Michael, because you have called before with some good info.
I'll talk to you during the break and try to find out exactly what you're getting at, but I'll put you on hold.
Thanks for the call.
Paul, we're going to take a few more calls when we get back, but again, some of the other news that's coming up, the governor down in Florida wants to give all the illegal aliens driver's licenses.
We've got a bunch of police state news.
So we'll come back, take a few calls, and then spend the rest of the show on news with our guest Paul Watson.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are www.infowars.com.
That's infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, we're talking to Paul Watson.
And I talked to the caller during the break.
He was saying that he thinks the Condoleezza Rice testimony is so she can start testifying and then there'll be a big terrorist attack a few days after and they can say, see, we told you the American people are frustrated as the Constitution has.
We need all your freedoms and we're going to keep you safe.
And I've been saying this for years.
I'm not saying terror attacks are about to happen.
But what I have been saying for years is, is that they let everybody complain about the Bill of Rights being violated, let all the tyranny come out, then carry out more terror and say, now shut up!
You held us back from keeping you safe.
We're taking all your freedoms now.
No more criticizing the government.
This is what they're trying to do.
Paul, was that not an amazing article where they arrest the guy for helping a homeless chicken?
Uh, where they arrest the guy for putting a sign up saying our court system's a joke, where they arrest protesters who are peacefully standing there with their families.
I mean, this is out of control, Paul.
Well, you've basically got the death of the First Amendment and the Fourth Amendment all in one week, and more so on top of that, absolutely no big media coverage of it.
And I mean, the same thing's going on in London, where they're prepping for a terrorist attack, where last week nine Pakistanis were arrested and, you know, police seized half a ton of ammonium nitrate.
They paraded it all over the news as yet another example of how London will inevitably get hit by a terrorist attack.
And then the day after, Blair comes out and says that the introduction of mandatory ID cards will now be brought forward to 2008.
I mean, we look at Spain, who've had mandatory ID cards for years.
Didn't stop terrorism there, did it?
But we have Blair calling for ID cards on the back of these arrests.
This terror sweep, as they called it.
And now ABC News is saying they found a chemical that could be used to make you cough and choke.
Of course, it's used in a hundred other industrial reasons, but that doesn't matter.
See, all this stuff's terrorism now.
The thing about the nine arrests though last week and the call for an ID card by Blair immediately after it is that it turns out that, imagine my shock, MI5 were meeting with these individuals weeks before the arrests took place and they were basically trying to negotiate with them and that was reported by the Scotsman and obviously the government says, oh that's rubbish.
And then of course last year they had the fake Ryerson bust.
Turns out that was all staged, they didn't find all this Ryerson.
The whole thing which happened last week was another stage public relations conditioning stunt.
And what's interesting is that they only have until tonight to charge or release these Pakistanis.
So expect, as happened last time with the Riots incident, expect the majority of them to be released and that to be, you know, a blurb in the back of the paper.
But meanwhile, London, as we put a couple of articles up over the past
A few days and weeks, London has basically been turned into a cesspit of government fear-mongering.
They've got a big Starsy Tips campaign running, encouraging everyone to tattoo on their friends and neighbours.
And if you go on the London Underground Tube, the train station, and you walk six feet away from your bag, then some busy-bodied sheep who's bought into all this throws it out of the window.
You've got public announcements every ten minutes there saying, you are under 24-hour CCTV surveillance for your safety.
Then they have that ad with the all-seeing eyes looking over the city.
Yeah, and they've used that before with the cameras on the buses where, you know, big brothers protecting you, pictures of big eyes in the sky.
So, again, today we've got this anonymous source telling all the British media that they've foiled a chemical bomb attack.
Again, it's all anonymous, no details, and everybody just, you know, laps up today's dose of fear and licks some more government dew.
So, again, they're doing all this while saying it's inevitable, it's inevitable.
That London will be attacked and so I don't doubt that in the next few months they will carry out those attacks because MI5, in nearly every bombing in London, which was blamed on the IRA, have caught controlling the bomb squads and actually being in the bomb squads.
What do people think when it's in the newspaper that, oh, the bomb squad did the bombing, but it's no big deal?
Or, oh, we released foot and mouth, but it's no big deal?
Or, oh, we released plague bombs in Scotland and killed people as a test, but it's no big deal?
Just trust us!
Well, it's the thing, it's in the back of the paper, so nobody sees it.
It's like these mass arrests that they keep doing.
They arrest themselves, the top headline on the evening news, when they get released.
They don't even mention it on the news, so people still walk around months after thinking that all these terror arrests were real, when in fact all the suspects were released, because they had no connection to any kind of terrorism.
And they were negotiating that stage event, as you said, weeks before, and they've had a lot of cases where they supposedly bust al-Qaeda leaders, then quietly release them, and they go, okay, he was a CIA asset, we were just protecting his cover.
Well, it's like the case of Abu Qatada, who was supposedly linked to the Spain bombings.
He was under MI5 protection in a safe house.
He was being fed and clothed by MI5 for two years straight before this Spain bombing even took place.
And that was all over your news!
Yeah, and he was described as the European head of Al-Qaeda.
They don't even use different names!
They don't even care!
Just stay there.
I promise, callers, we'll get to Clint and Roger and John and Betty and everybody when we get back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You know, the show goes out on the AM and FM dial on a growing list of wonderful pro-American, pro-freedom radio stations.
We simulcast on the internet, as well on the websites prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
And the first two hours of the daytime show were on Global Shortwave at 94.75 and at night all three hours on 32.10 from 9 to midnight.
Let's go to the calls, Paul, and we'll get back into the news.
I'm just going to take four more calls.
Clint in Missouri.
Clint, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Hello, Paul.
I just want to say I think there's a movement growing, and I'm guessing by the indicator in my local paper in Cape Girardeau, Missouri,
It's a Republican stronghold, but recently U.S.
Representative Emerson wrote a letter defending her actions for supporting this war.
And I wrote one exposing that we had plans to invade Afghanistan before 9-1-1, and I thought I would really get ripped by the locals there.
And to my surprise, three days later, there's been five more letters similar to mine appearing in that paper.
Well, all I'm seeing is a huge awakening, and it's people across the political spectrum, Paul.
Well, yeah, that's the point.
We're actually constructing at the moment an activism page for Prison Planet, which will have all these, you know, emails, addresses of all the big media and medium-sized media, so people can email their opinions and get them printed in these opinion columns.
So that's another front on which we can rally a base of support, which will try and, you know, overturn the public consensus.
And that's another point, you know, it comes out
That Bush ordered this translator to re-translate the falsified files that she saw that show they had total prior knowledge of the plans to fly jets into buildings, which shows they're all a bunch of liars and ordered Norad to stand down.
And that comes out in a few major papers, but never in the big national news, and then the story's just dead now.
A huge story that should be nightly news, cover of all the magazines, and you're not going to hear about it.
I mean, it's proven, Paul.
Well, yeah, obviously you had Tom Flocko on to talk about that.
The story got picked up by the London Independent, which was the only newspaper that I saw it in, but they basically whitewashed it.
So, I mean, yeah, that story's completely dead now, on top of all the other smoking guns.
I mean, this commission itself, with Zelikow, who actually had to testify to the commission personally, because he was involved.
In, you know, these warnings about Al-Qaeda before the attack.
He co-wrote Condoleezza Rice's book in 95.
So this panel comprises of... And we've got the head of a team in business with Bin Laden's brother-in-law.
And then you've got Ben Venista, who covered up for the Clintons in the mid-90s.
So, people say it's politically charged.
Well, yeah it is, but, you know, people are covering for Clinton and Bush on both sides of the equation.
Yeah, it's only on surface level to make it a left-right debate.
That's the point, but the people that staff it are taking turns to cover up for each administration because we know that the Clinton administration was just as culpable, you know, as the Bush administration.
It's the same operation, and they're also there to find out what we, the people, know when people go to them with information.
Yeah, and in one sense it's also to corral the 9-11 victims from, you know, actually suing the government because they believe that there's this real investigation going on, when in fact a few have broke off and actually are, you know, bringing cases against the government, like Ellen Mariani says, to corral that group from having any effect also.
Okay, Clint, anything else?
Yeah, one quick question.
I have a friend down here in rural Missouri,
Both his neighbors on both sides of his property have leased their land to the government at $1,800 an acre for 99 years.
They wanted him to and he refused.
First of all, we can't figure out why they're doing this.
Second of all, he's kind of an activist like us and exposed a lot of things on his website.
Well, the other day he got buzzed by a fighter jet on his farm.
Well, that may have just been training, but if they want your land, and we have mainstream articles,
Let's say they've got an easement to grab the land all around you and they need your land for a right of way, they will come in and kill you with special environmental hit teams and then they'll throw a gun down on you and they're grabbing property coast to coast.
There's a real good article on that in First Freedom newspaper in Alabama about how they make it look like wildlife conservation.
You might agree to do certain things, but then all of a sudden, you're slapped with a restriction.
Humans can't live on your land or whatever, so you gotta move.
Yeah, that's it.
But if they really want your land and it's valuable, they will kill you.
Thanks for the call.
And I'm not kidding, folks.
I've done 50 shows on it.
They got hired killers with badges that just come in and murder you.
I mean, this is real simple.
And you're saying, well, why haven't they killed you yet?
Because that'll make people listen to me more.
That's why.
Because there's so many of us now.
Thirty years ago they'd kill you in a second for talking like this.
But it blew up in their face.
More people stood up.
We don't care!
We're fighting evil.
It's instinctive.
End of story.
I don't care.
I'm going to fight to the end, Paul.
Well, that's the point.
Fifty years ago, they've changed the method from assassinating people to assassinating characters, which is why you will get someone like a Le Pen in France who publicly advocates on his election platform to, you know, get France out of the New World Order.
They don't assassinate him physically, they just assassinate his character, saying he's a right-wing, you know, white, Aryan race kind of person.
Then on the other hand, if there is someone that gets
Very close to taking reign to the country like the Pim Forte, the Dutch politician, and they will still resort to assassinating them physically.
But as you said, the methods have changed more to assassinate characters in the modern day era.
Yeah, they say we have frontiers in your mind.
It's all about psychological warfare.
Let's talk to Roger in Canada.
Roger, go ahead.
Yo, what's up Alex?
What's up Bob?
And one thing I'd like to ask, why are you defending the U.S.
Constitution when it was founded by a bunch of masons, which they are, like, what, probably evil?
I don't get that.
Well, the Constitution and Bill of Rights is so evil, why is the government attacking and dismantling it?
Maybe it's, I don't know, the good and evil side?
They give you the good guy, the bad guy?
It just doesn't make sense, you know?
For me, for me.
You want me to answer your question?
Look, most of the people that died at the Alamo were Masons.
A lot of them, the Founding Fathers were Masons, but they were low-level.
And then George Washington spoke out against the evil Masons that were taking over.
John Quincy Adams did.
You know, most Masons... Let me finish.
Let me finish.
Most Masons are low-level.
They don't know the mysteries.
They don't know about the 360 degrees.
They only think there's 33.
They're ignorant.
And to George Washington's credit, he came out against it.
And America's good, and certainly it's not perfect, but the Bill of Rights is good, and what it points out is good, and that's why it's under attack.
Well, there was a joke that went, you know, they're debating about the Iraqi Constitution, why not just give them the U.S.
It was written by wise men, it worked for 200 years and we're not using it anymore.
So it was, basically, we had an article maybe two years ago now where Washington was actually killed by the Masons, the evidence suggests, and so that's the point.
I mean, the leaders of the Evangelical Christian movement are, you know, not
Following our best interest.
Does it make Christianity as a whole evil?
There are evil people controlling government.
Does it make the institution or the idea of government evil?
Well, no, it doesn't.
So, I mean, that's the point.
These evil people get into positions of power because they infiltrate movements which have power bases.
It doesn't make the power base evil in itself.
It's just evil people.
Does that answer your question?
See, the Masonic Lodge is perfect for intrigue because it's secret.
Another question is, I tried to order one of your videos and the shipping rate is like $40 Canada.
I don't know if there's something wrong with your website.
That might have been a mistake.
I mean, we have the best shopping cart you can have.
Yahoo's rated the best.
I would imagine you made a mistake.
You can always, if you don't want to order it that way, I think shipping to Canada is like $8 or something like that.
I think less actually for one take.
You can always order by mail.
Or by phone, credit card.
Yeah, you can call by phone or you can write to us.
Hey, thanks a lot.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Betty in Ohio.
And then we'll go to John and Bill and that's it for calls.
Betty, go ahead.
Yes, I have called Senator DeWine of Ohio and Senator Voinovich.
Their number is... the Senate number is... Well, for those, tell them why.
I'd imagine about the depleted uranium.
Yes, I was most upset about the depleted uranium.
I asked them to please get a shortwave radio.
And tune in to 3-2-1-0 at 10 p.m.
tonight, Eastern Standard Time, that they might hear what I was talking about.
Well, I guarantee you they got a computer.
They can also listen to the show on the websites.
But you called their offices.
What did they say?
I talked to the staff, and they were very good at listening, and I was very polite.
But I said, we are most concerned and very, very upset, and this is being heard around the world.
And we think that you should have an opportunity to hear the repeat of the program this evening.
And that number is 202-224-3121 for the United States Senate.
Yeah, 202-224-3121.
I really hope that others will call their Senators and tell them to tune in to the shortwave and infowars.com and hear what we have heard
And so they know, you know, that we're hearing news someplace else besides the Managed Network.
Yeah, if folks miss that Dr. Rocky interview, they definitely want to tune in tonight for the rebroadcast, 9 to midnight.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks for the call, Betty.
Did you hear that broadcast, Paul?
I only caught the last ten minutes, but from what I can gauge, it was very revealing.
So I will make a recording of it and post it on Prison Planet tomorrow.
Hopefully one of our great listeners will make a transcript too, and then millions can read it.
Yeah, and if they just click on Contact Webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com and email me that transcript, I'll get it up on the website as soon as possible.
Last call, and we'll cover some final news.
Bill in Illinois.
Bill, go ahead.
I haven't talked to you in a while.
You're doing a brilliant job, like usual, and I really enjoy Paul's commentary.
You know, if I feel I've missed one show of yours, I feel like I ditched class or something.
Oh, thank you.
I mean, it's excellent.
You're outstanding.
But, you know, a little heads up on April 19th.
That is a very special day because it used to be called Patriots Day.
And the reason it was called that is because that's the day that they had the Lexington Green and Concord.
The British offloaded in Boston Harbor on the night of the 18th.
And they marched inland to go to Concord.
They had a little fight up at Lexington and then further to Concord.
You know how the people showed up?
They showed up from word that happened at the taverns and the local Christian churches rang their bells.
And so that's the day that the shot that was heard around the world.
And this is why we get Waco and Oklahoma City.
And there's a whole string of other things that happen on April 19th.
It's their revenge day.
So it's a good day to watch it for, you know?
No, it is, and you're right.
A lot of things globally happen on April 19th.
It's a power day for the New World Order.
It just so happened to be the day that they attacked, and so that's the day that they continue to carry out, but it turned into a victory, obviously.
Yeah, and you know, that was a spontaneous event, too.
That was not a planned event, because that was just the locals responding to having the Redcoats show up.
So that was the day we stuck a stick in the Illuminati's eye.
Remember, the Illuminati didn't really coalesce into a Luciferian group.
And it really infiltrated Freemasonry until about May 1st, 1776.
So, you know, Masonry wasn't always tainted with this stuff.
Well, it always had the occult involved in it.
I mean, it's older than what we call modern Christianity, and it's very scary.
But what I'm saying is most Masons are not even aware of this.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Paul, there's so much news here.
We've covered a lot of it.
But anarchy across Iraq.
Now they're saying 12 dead U.S.
troops in the last few days.
More dead last week.
Our supposed allies attacking the forces.
Where do you see this going?
Well, with the Fallujah thing, there are some sources claiming that it was basically a set-up, and that the men who died in such a graphic manner that we saw were given up purposefully to be slaughtered.
It's interesting that, as in the case of the suicide boy-bomber in Israel, that there's always a flock of Associated Press camera crews right on the scene, at the exact spot, as soon as these kind of things occur.
Now, it has come out that the boy-bomber, that was staged.
Yeah, he said that he was told by Jews to, you know, well he was helped by Jews to strap these bombs to his chest and the media turned up two hours before and obviously that was a few days after they had assassinated Yassin, so that was another staged operation that went wrong.
With the Fallujah thing, whether it was planned or not, many people are now saying that Iraq is, you know, about to descend into civil war.
But what this Fallujah incident did provide was the public acceptance now of a more heavy-handed approach in Iraq, you know, even if it was needed.
I was reading WorldNetDaily, this big neocon editorial, which was basically calling, and I've seen others say this as well, it was calling for Fallujah to be flattened and nuked.
Oh, I meant to mention that!
I've heard neocon talk shows and people call in going, nuke it!
Kill everyone!
Man, woman and child!
Put them all in camps!
So it's wrong to kill some people and hang them up, but now let's kill all the women and children!
I mean, what have we become?
It's this bloodthirsty theatre kind of thing.
Let's kill Goldstein, they say!
Right out of 1984!
Of course, we don't condone what happened in Fallujah, but, you know, what on earth do you expect when you kill 20,000 innocent people and then round up anyone who owns a gun or sells alcohol and put them in camps?
Now they've got this puppet government, you know, elected by Bremner, Shalibi and all the other criminals in there.
Along with this meaningless constitution.
So, I mean, the liberation rages on, and this Fallujah incident is just another example.
And whether it descends into civil war or not, and whether that's actually planned for then the UN to go in, then we'll wait and see.
But definitely the reaction to that incident, as it was splashed across the New York Times so graphically, is interesting from the neocons, whose solution to everything is just to nuke it, basically.
Yeah, including our troops.
Governor endorses the illegal alien bill.
Jeb Bush, along with Arne, the other neocon, they got both ends of the country covered, want to give all the illegals, it says even illegal aliens, it says a state driver's license to both illegal immigrants and foreign nationals who make Florida home for part of the year.
So, this is amazing!
Again, it's about the destruction of the country.
Over in Britain on the same issue,
Tony Blair recently got caught negotiating secretly the safe passage of Romanian illegal immigrants who would then go into child care jobs in Britain.
And they just got caught with the documents doing this, at the same time as proposing a national ID card, partly on the basis of preventing illegal immigration.
So again, cause a problem, you know, get the reaction and propose a solution.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Republican Senator says Iraq Mobile Labs probably did not exist.
That's the chairman of the committee, Senator Pat Roberts, Republican.
We don't need him to tell us that.
They tell us after they've already been caught.
They knew day one the British had sold those
Those blimp motors to pump up the hydrogen surveillance blimps, I mean, they knew day one.
And I still hear the neocons going, we found mobile weapons trucks, Paul.
Well, the Observer, a newspaper in London, went and investigated the so-called chemical factories that they were saying were in use.
And there were the serial numbers.
They knew day one what it was.
They went in and it was a bakery.
That's right, families of dead troops!
You just get over it, you liberals!
When Bush takes your guns, get over it, liberals!
And when he opens the borders, get over it, liberals!
You're a liberal if you're pro-America!
We'll be back.
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Well my friends, here is Lord Bush with his comments
About the missing weapons of mass destruction and a little tidbit about skull and bones.
Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.
As you can tell from the look on Andy Card's face, we've become a little concerned about the Vice President lately.
Whenever you ask him a question, he replies, let's see what my little friend says.
But we get along well.
Here I am, saying, Dick, if the Hunan Palace doesn't get lunch here in four minutes, we're going out.
Nope, no weapons over there.
Here's a stolen bus coming.
Maybe under here.
Oops, this photo wasn't supposed to be in here.
This is a skull and bone secret signal.
So, Paul, there's our Lord.
What do you think of that?
Well, if anyone's ever seen They Live, it reminds me of when they walk in the banquet hall and the elite are fawning and laughing and, you know, proclaiming themselves as the human power elite.
So, reality mirrors fiction again and basically it's completely sick.
Let them eat cake, Brigham had to say.
Mothers of dead soldiers, get over it!
Now, a few final stories.
China continues arrest over Tiananmen.
Mother's groups, you name it, anyone who has a remembrance, they're arrested and taken to slave camps.
That's out of Australia in the age.
Hey, we do that here.
You put a sign up saying the government's bad, they arrest you now.
Isn't that freedom and China good?
Well yeah, and so isn't North Korea putting anyone who has a political opinion in a camp?
I mean, totalitarianism and communism and Stalinism is here in America, and it's good, and it's for your safety, so you better accept it.
Here's Newsday, Associated Press.
Bush Gardens using hand scanners to ID.
And Rebecca Hulette, who has been a seasoned passholder at Busch Gardens since she was 12, is skeptical.
It's clear that it isn't like fingerprinting to the 27-year-old Williamsburg resident.
I wouldn't want my fingerprints in a big Busch Gardens file.
And, you know, all the big people are putting in these, they are digital fingerprints.
They say, no, it's not.
No, it's not.
And it says that anybody who wants to get in has to be hand scanning has taken the place of photo identification for season pass holders at Bush Gardens and Water Country USA.
So to get in anywhere, we've got to biometrically scan, Paul.
We also had the Washington Times article which said that this whole giant database that they're building is based on the premise that these corporations, these theme parks, all these companies will coordinate with Homeland Security and it will be a behemoth version of basically the TIPS.
Last article, CNN money, many firms avoided taxes in the boom.
More than 60% of U.S.
corporations didn't pay any federal taxes for 96 and 2000, the Wall Street Journal reported.
And that's the big top level ones, they just don't pay the taxes and no one enforces it.
Isn't that nice, Paul?
Yeah, well, I mean, we should accept that too.
I mean, they'll go and bust anyone who, you know, misses a tax return by a few weeks, but the elite, they can get away with it because they are the elite and they have the power and we should just acquiesce to that and accept it.
Paul Watson, great job.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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All Godspeed.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Alex.
You bet.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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The devil's going down.
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