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Name: 20040405_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 5, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Here we are live.
It is another
Weeks spanning out before us.
It's Monday, the 5th day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The website's freshly updated.
Ourprisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
We have a huge show coming up today.
In 30 minutes, the Grammy Award-winning, I guess you're going to call it Caribbean-style jazz band, whatever.
I mean, pretty mild stuff.
is going to be joining us.
They're, again, Grammy Award winning.
They didn't touch the police, did absolutely nothing, and so they were attacked brutally downtown and are being charged with felony crimes.
And it was all caught on video.
They now charge you with resisting arrest if you don't answer their questions.
We even have Supreme Court rulings that don't show respect to King Herod or Caesar, you're in deep trouble.
So that's coming up and remember the story Friday out of Alabama in their local newspapers and television stations reporting that a man put a sign up in his yard saying that our court system is a joke and proving that point the local judge had him arrested and said disrespect to government is illegal.
Came out and said you're not allowed to criticize us.
This is what they think and
Sounds unbelievable, but it's actually happening.
And then we got a call Friday from a listener claiming that in Oregon, he saw a local news story, and I had seen a blurb about it, that a man saved a homeless chicken that lived on the street in front of a grocery store.
And so he got a vicious SWAT team raid and was beat up.
Now being charged himself with very serious crimes.
Again, this is not April Fool's.
It's April 5th, ladies and gentlemen.
We didn't do April Fool's on April 1st.
This is real news.
This is really happening.
This is the insanity of government.
So you'll definitely want to stay with us for those guests.
In the meantime, the horrible attacks in Iraq.
Over ten, we're not sure how many, but they're saying over ten U.S.
troops killed.
Some Venezuelan troops killed.
Some Spanish troops wounded.
Just a bunch of different news reports with this type of stuff happening.
Very, very serious.
We'll be getting into that.
A whole bunch of Iraqis killed as well.
This time they can't say that it's a secret Al Qaeda group doing it.
No, it's our supposed allies of the Shiites.
And there are at least, I don't know, they say nine to twelve different major factions in Iraq, depending on how you look at it.
And they're all killing each other.
And we have backed into a viper's nest.
We have stuck our arm into a pit with a starving lion.
Very serious.
And, of course, the supposed bombers of the Madrid train blew themselves up.
They were to believe that.
So now there's no witnesses why those that supposedly did it blew themselves up in a suburb of Madrid yesterday.
We'll be getting into that.
Also a new mainstream article about how the U.S.
got Canada into World War II.
A lot of evidence shows.
According to Canadian papers, that the U.S.
government shelled a lighthouse to blame it on the Germans.
And I'm not defending the Nazis here.
I'm just giving you an historical example of problem-reaction-solution.
Folks, I rarely see this big of an overload of key stories.
I'm going to try to just news blitz through all of it.
Just thinly skim the surface.
Then get back into more detail, have a bunch of guests on, and this whole week is just jam-packed with incredible guests.
You're not going to want to miss this broadcast week.
Infowars.com, FrozenPlanet.com are the websites, and I am your host, Alex Jones.
So again, please stay with us.
We'll be back and launch straight into all of it.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, it is again Monday, the fifth day of April 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Oza Motley, the Grammy award-winning band, and it's not some heavy metal band, it's not Janet Jackson, it's... I guess you'd call it kind of a mix between Cuban band music and Caribbean music.
I mean, I'm not the connoisseur of music, but just a tame band, never been in trouble, never had any problems.
And the fire marshal came in and said, during South by Southwest a few weeks ago,
You need to get a lot of these people out of the building.
Will you help us?
And they said, sure, we'll do a moranga.
You know, bump, bum, bum, bump, bump, bump.
And have people link up and go out the door to downtown where they had all the streets shut down.
I mean, it's a big party down there.
And then the black ski mask guardians that take good care of us ran up and said, get back in the club.
They said, OK.
Tried to turn around and had the police behind them yelling at them.
And, uh, one of the band members had his big drum up above his head, because that's how you get through a crowd, and he's trying to carry it.
And the police thought that that was threatening, and ran in, and jumped on him, and then they fell over, and... This is the new America!
They assault you on video!
I mean, that'd be like watching a pro football game and somebody sticks the quarterback after the ball's not in play, and you watch the linebacker break the ribs of the quarterback, blood sprays from the quarterback's mouth, and then the police come and arrest the quarterback and say, you devil, you assaulted them.
Here, I'll use a sports analogy.
In fact, last Monday, the Supreme Court said this old rancher, this old World War II vet,
Didn't answer a police officer's question as he was mending fences, wasn't even in his vehicle, and so they charged him with resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, and he was convicted of that.
The Supreme Court said, yes, not answering questions is resisting.
So now there's not just a Fifth Amendment.
That's gone, but now you also get charged with resisting and obstructing.
And again, a caller called Friday
And said that in Oregon, and I've seen a little online blurb of this on a message board.
I didn't know if it was true.
I didn't find the mainstream news article.
And they act like it's totally wonderful and good.
This Vietnam veteran, no criminal record, landowner.
There was a homeless chicken he kept seeing at this grocery store, jumping around.
And he told employees, I'm taking it home.
They said, sure, it's a homeless chicken.
And then later, one of the employees called the police and said, well, that's kind of our mascot.
So they came to his house and said, let us search for the chicken.
He said, I've got the chicken.
You can't have it.
Come back with a warrant if you want it.
Close the door.
Well, he's now been charged with obstruction of justice, failure to follow the police officer's order.
Interfering with a police officer.
These are felony charges.
And they did SWAT team him.
Heavily armed, black ski mask deputies.
They drug him out of his home in his underwear.
And the chicken is back on the street.
It is true.
And the article talks about how, boy, he'll learn his lesson now.
It's completely normal.
This is the new system, where also a lot of people are going to prison for minor offenses.
The police will arrest them and then they claim the person lies or the person didn't answer questions properly and then that's giving a false report or things like that.
Just all these new crimes where we're all criminals and I have all these videos
Uh, tapes, where people don't even touch the police, they tackle you, stomp on your head, and then say that you resisted them, and they'll even show the jury as they assault you.
Oh, here's the video, see how he assaulted us.
The judge says, that is assault, and you will convict.
And they go, that is assault, we will convict, which judges aren't supposed to do.
They're not supposed to tell the jury what to do, but
Again, these are all incredibly important issues.
They said no more warrants to search your house or business two weeks ago.
The circuit ruling is happening all over the place.
And over ten U.S.
troops died yesterday.
A supposed terrorist blew themselves up.
The Patsy's are now gone, of course.
Lee Harvey McVeigh has gotten himself out of the way over in Spain.
They supposedly blew themselves up.
But the first news report said that the police were there with explosives, deactivating them, and then suddenly things blow up.
And then we get the official story, no, the people who we think carried out the Madrid bombings, we think they blew themselves up.
And we've gone over the facts that all the evidence points towards the government carrying out those bombings yet again.
But jumping into the news right now, more U.S.
troops may be needed in Iraq.
Key Senator says the United States may need to bolster its troop presence in Iraq.
...and expected the deadline for transfer to Iraq rule amid an insurgency that could lead to civil war.
A leading Republican lawmaker said on Sunday, Iraq protests end in 20 deaths.
At least 20 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in clashes between Spanish-led troops and Iraqi demonstrators in the city of Najaf.
And it says one soldier from El Salvador and one from the U.S.
were reportedly killed in the firefight which broke out when Shia protesters marched on their bases.
The crowd were protesting in support of a firebrand cleric.
The U.S.
administrator or governor in Iraq, Paul Bremer, said protests had crossed the line and moved to violence.
And again, I've got the rundown here, all over the country, from Baghdad to the South, just all over the country, different groups riding, but mainly a large break-off group of Shiites who don't like the other Shiites.
Attacked bases, attacked US troops, attacked Spanish troops, attacked other Latin American troops.
It's just amazing what happened and horrible to see this type of thing occurring.
But they're not happy.
And they're not happy with the economy being even worse now than when it was under Saddam.
They're not happy with having their young men all arrested and taken away to Halliburton-run FEMA camps.
And it's just a massive catastrophe ongoing over in Iraq.
We've got Secretary of State Powell now admitting that, okay, we gave some false evidence, but it was just an accident.
And don't worry, we dropped the ball on 9-11, but we're going to keep you safe now.
And Condoleezza Rice is set to testify in a few days before the whitewash commission.
We're going to be getting into that story as well.
I want to get back into what happened to U.S.
troops and other European alliance and Latin American alliance troops
But some of the other news here.
Young children and babies uses lab rats in drug trials.
This is out of the London Observer.
A few weeks ago it was in the New York Post.
And CPS in many cases takes people's children that aren't even sick.
And they tell the parents, this is in the newspaper by the way, that if you give us one of your children for drug tests, we won't take the others, sign the papers.
That came out years ago, but now even more has come out.
They also focus on, obviously, orphans and others that can't defend themselves.
Orphans and babies as young as three months old have been used as guinea pigs in potentially dangerous medical experiments sponsored by pharmacological companies.
An observer investigation has revealed.
British drug giant LaxosmithKline is embroiled in the scandal.
The firm sponsored experiments on the children.
From Incarnation Children's Center at New York Care Home that specializes in treating HIV sufferers and is run by Catholic Charities.
And again, they tested experimental vaccines, they tested experimental drugs on children that had HIV, on children that didn't.
This is only one small piece of straw from the whole hay bale.
Very small piece of it.
I mean, Bill Clinton knowingly shipped tainted blood out of Arkansas prisons when it was illegal for eight years, knowing that it had HIV and hepatitis in it.
I mean, that's all admitted.
These people are totally ruthless.
Have you figured that out yet?
The children had either been infected with HIV or born with HIV positive mothers.
Their parents were dead, untraceable, or deemed unfit to look after them.
Again, that's only one small piece of this.
According to documents obtained by the Observer, Glaxo has sponsored at least four medical trials since 95 using Hispanic and black children at Incarnation.
The documents give the tales of all clinical trials in the U.S.
and reveal the experiments sponsored by Glaxo were designed to test the safety and tolerance of AIDS medications, some of which have potentially dangerous side effects.
And we had top scientists on about this.
Glaxo manufactures a number of drugs designed to treat HIV, including AZT.
And again, going back over the last four or five years, there have been a bunch of New York paper articles where they are doing a whole host of tests on a whole host of children
Up to, you know, 17 years of age, down to newborn status.
And it says they tested toxicity, they tested vaccines.
It just goes on and on.
And this particular experiment's been going on since 1997.
That's the kind of news I've got here.
Very painful.
A lighthouse attack was staged by U.S.
to trick Canada into war.
This out of the Edmonton Journal, major paper in Canada.
It says, the country's top historical magazine is cashing down on the official account of a pivotal event for Canadians during the Second World War, the purported attack by a Japanese submarine on a Vancouver Island lighthouse.
And they
Give page after page of evidence pointing towards the U.S.
government blowing up the lighthouse to blame it on the Germans.
And to blame it as well on the Japanese.
They never even really said who they thought it was attacked.
So, we'll get into that article.
Also, China arrests popular Tibetan musicians.
Well, what's wrong with that?
In the next hour, we got a gentleman coming on, an old farmer, who put a little sign up in his yard saying, our courts are a joke, and the judge said, that's not to be tolerated.
He had to be arrested.
This is disrespectful.
He said that to the paper.
He said, this cannot be tolerated.
Disrespect of your government.
See, that's illegal in America.
So hey, China's good.
China arrests popular Tibetan musicians!
They say the music was against China.
Folks, there's so much more coming up.
We'll come back, get to more of this news.
Then we'll get Ozemantli on, the Grammy award winning band.
We'll be right back.
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Alright my friends, continuing with the news, and I will later get more into the horrible stuff that's happening in Iraq.
Again, all over the country, over 10 U.S.
troops killed, a bunch of other foreign troops killed.
We say over 10 because as of last night it was 10, now they're saying it may be 12.
We don't know, it takes a few days in some cases to find out exactly
What's going on over in Iraq, but in about five different cities and five different regions, because it wasn't just in the towns, it was happening on the sides of the road.
Iraqis were shooting RPGs and firing automatic weapons at vehicles, handguns.
They're saying as many as a hundred U.S.
troops could have been injured.
And if about 1 out of 10 people get killed for every 10 casualties, I guess that's a good number we're getting, that 100 U.S.
troops were wounded.
Very, very serious.
And I saw the video last night, I watched some television, looked at some of the photos online.
I mean, our troops were hiding out in buildings, hiding out in their bases, being shot at if they stuck their heads up above ground.
It is a quagmire.
It is horrible what's happening, and it's for oil.
And Rush Limbaugh may say it's not for oil, and Roger Hedgehog may joke and say he wishes it was for oil.
It is for oil!
PNAC, President Bush's own documents, say it was about oil.
But not just about oil, about weapon sales and setting up a police state.
In Iraq, using Iraq as a military launch base to invade other countries.
So, again, we're going to get back into all of this in great detail.
But continuing with the news, as I mentioned, and we're going to get this guy on the show, this is out of the Mail Tribune out of Oregon.
It's off to jail for Chicken Rescuer.
And they admit here in this lengthy four-page article that he was arrested for picking up a homeless chicken and taking care of it.
The SWAT team hit him and hit him hard.
That's coming up too.
And again, we have the gentleman who was arrested for having a sign in his yard.
The judge said that will not be tolerated.
Disrespect of government will not be tolerated anywhere.
The sign had no profanity.
It just said, our courts aren't a joke.
And I think what the judge did prove that at least in that area, they are a joke.
It's also come out, the Guardian claims they broke, we've known this since before the Iraq War, that Europe was for the war, and that the UN was going to come in and play the part of the good cop afterwards, and this was all a staged event.
And my goodness, here it is.
We already knew about this, this is not a new story.
France sought secret UN deal in bid to avert war,
That is, they wanted the U.N.
to come in and increase the 12-year occupation, or they said, give us some of the oil and we'll go ahead and go along with the war.
So all they cared about was getting their share of the oil as well.
But that doesn't make it okay what Lord Bush did for the Anglo-American establishment, the U.S.-English axis of power.
By the way, in England, ID cards to be compulsory by 08.
Tony Blair says after the latest bombs they supposedly found and saved everybody from.
The same British government that's been caught blowing up their own buildings.
The same British government that's been caught running a fake Ryerson scare last year.
Everyone in Britain can be forced to have identity cards within five years under a fast-track plan by David Blunkett, which is backed by Tony Blair and gaining support within the Cabinet.
And it says that the public is very angry.
They say this is Nazi Germany, Big Brother.
But you see, in England, they're more honest about it.
You're going to have a national ID card.
Here in the U.S., they're good at labeling things falsely with incredible propaganda and spin.
All the states have federally mandated ID cards.
42 of them have biometrics.
Digital photos, digital thumbprints.
And this is federal.
And the Supreme Court has said you've got to have one of these to leave your house, to be in your backyard.
You've got to have an identity or a driver's license.
You cannot leave your home in America without a National ID card.
And they're state issued.
They're regionalized.
That's all they are.
We already have them.
And you have to answer their questions.
Or it is resisting arrest.
It is obstruction of justice.
It is blocking an officer's investigation.
They've got all these terms for it.
You get felony charges.
So again, China's arresting musicians they don't like that are criticizing the government, they claim.
We go, oh, China's so bad.
In America, they arrest people who hand out Ron Paul speeches on video.
In America, they arrest you if you have a sign saying,
In America, they arrest you if you have a sign saying our courts are a joke.
So, we're looking at England going, ooh, national ID cards.
Well, at least they're honest about it.
Here, you already have it, but you don't even know it.
They're masters of mislabeling things.
Oza Motley, the Grammy award winning band coming up, who did absolutely nothing, who were assaulted by police, and now get to be charged for it.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here, my friends.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com
We're going to have our guest on for Moshe Motley for about 30 minutes, then in the next hour I'm going to get into a bunch of news on the horrible situation in Iraq and this quagmire we've backed into, or that Bush has told us to, well, just bring him on.
I guess he's getting what he wants, all the coffins with our soldiers in them, unfortunately.
Then we have the gentleman coming on who was arrested for putting a sign in his yard that said, our courts are a joke.
And the guy who got arrested for saving a homeless chicken, we're working on getting him on the program too.
Kind of our police state broadcast today.
But a few weeks ago, we had this big thing called South by Southwest.
They've had it for about a decade here.
And hundreds of rock bands come in.
Other types of musicians.
Syndicated radio interview right now.
Wake up!
You know what, George, I think you put our guest on air while she's trying to get one of the other band members on.
But that's okay, this is a lot of fun.
But we're honored to have Amy be the manager for Oza Montley on the show while she's hauling around, waking up the other members of this Grammy Award winning band.
Amy, it's good to have you on the show.
Hey, I appreciate you coming on the show.
Tell us a little bit about Oza Montley and the type of music.
Some people get an idea, a flavor, what South by Southwest is, just briefly, and then what happened a few weeks ago.
Wow, okay.
Band is a 10-piece, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-format, multi-genre band.
Kind of all met by going to high school together just around the scene in LA and they've been together coming on ten years.
I've been their manager for nine years.
They play all different styles of music and there's a Japanese guy, a Cuban guy, a Jewish guy, Mexican-American, African-American,
Well, to give people an idea, I mean, it's kind of like jazz, Cuban, Caribbean, I mean, it's... and people love your music, I've heard it, it's great, but...
Who do we have on now with us?
Yeah, I'm on the interview right now.
Oh, so we've got the drummer on.
Yes, Gero, it's good to have you here on the show.
Hi, how you doing?
I'm doing good.
Good to have you guys on.
Good to be here.
So, let's go to the night, the event, where you were.
Please continue, Amy.
Well, yeah, to answer your question, that is correct.
They play all different styles of music, and it's generally really upbeat,
You know, they're considered a party band, really danceable, really fun band, but their music does have a political message and an edge to it.
You know, they do speak about injustice and, you know, current issues.
You guys have never been in trouble before.
You're not like one of these, you know, rock bands where there's problems.
So, going to the night of South by Southwest, you're downtown.
Describe what happened.
You know you want to talk about it?
Yeah, let's go!
Well, you know, we were doing our usual show and we always end in the crowd.
We do a samba line and end in the crowd.
And on this particular day, since we weren't selling merch and since the club was really crowded and they were telling us to go outside, so we went out there.
And the rest is kind of a
Kind of history.
So you guys were going to do the line where people put their hands on the other person's shoulder, and according to the local news, the fire marshal had said this place is too full, get some people outside.
So you were following what the authorities, our rulers, were saying.
And so people understand, they shut downtown down, there's no cars, everything's blocked off.
Yeah, 6th Street was closed.
Yeah, 6th Street was closed, you start coming outside, and there's video of this by the way, and the local newscast shows some of this video that was shot by a gentleman named Alex Jones, and that's not me, I'm not the guy that shot the video, there's another Alex Jones here in town, and there's video of the police running up,
In their little Darth Vader outfits and getting in your faces.
What happened then?
Well, basically they told us to stop playing and to head back in the club, which is exactly what I did.
I stopped right when he told me and I turned around and went back into the club.
The problem is, you know, everybody was exiting the club.
And the other thing, you know, just to give you some context, is we know from experience that nothing will make a crowd more riled up than if you cut the music off because the cops told you to.
So being experienced at winding down a crowd, you know, the band was trying to kind of diffuse any potential
Reaction from the crowd, so they were, you know, slowly winding it down, going back into the club, complying with what the police said, but, you know, to just stop the music would have made people even more angry than they were, so they were kind of handling the situation in the way that they knew how.
Now, again, for those that don't know, you can go to infowars.com and watch video of this, and they come out into a street that's sparsely populated,
You know, come out on the sidewalk and you see the police run up aggressively to the drummer who we're talking to right now, Giro.
Well, basically we were going back into the club
And the people, by the way, were not... You know, when we stopped playing the music, people were yelling, boo, but it wasn't a mob and it wasn't violent and people were just expressing their... They're not verbally worshipping them, we'll get you beat up, but go ahead.
You know, so it could have been diffused very peacefully, with no problems, but obviously that didn't happen.
So after the officer told me to stop playing, the group pretty much headed back towards the club.
And as the video shows, I'm walking into the club, all the people are coming out, and Will is right behind me and he is then grabbed and pulled back into the street by one of the officers for who knows why.
And that's pretty much where
Well, for those that don't know, a famous actor who was here promoting the release of the Alamo
He just told police that he wasn't drunk and so they went ahead and arrested him and now they're saying that he assaulted them and witnesses who saw it said that he didn't even touch the police.
We need to let people know from other cities that the police like to beat people up and like to fire rubber bullets and like to act like maniacs down on 6th Street.
That's why I rarely go down there because it's so dangerous
And Amy B, G-Ro, anything, I mean, any tidbits of this story you want to tell?
Because building up to this, and then what happened at the point that the police jumped on one of your fellow band members?
Yeah, he grabbed Will and pulled him back out onto the street.
And that's when I turned around and I was like, hey, he's in the band!
You know, I was being pushed by the crowd some more.
And then I put my drum down and observed some of the other things that were going on outside.
And, you know, noticed the mace and everything.
And then before I knew it, the officer who had first told me to stop playing turned around and said, you're under arrest.
Or he told his partner to arrest me.
And the other thing that, you know, we definitely should talk about is the use of pepper spray, because it was, you know, you talk about escalating a situation into chaos, you know, people were confused because the band's going back in, everybody's coming outside, they see band members getting arrested, but when you throw pepper spray into the mix, it does become volatile, and all of a sudden everyone starts
Running just to get out of the way.
This could have caused a stampede.
This could have caused death.
The last thing you want to do in a big crowd is pepper spray people, but that's what they do almost every time there's a big crowd downtown.
If somebody looks at them wrong, they will... I mean, they're the size of small fire extinguishers.
They will just blast the entire crowd.
And we feel strongly that, you know, those were two things
Initially, on their part, that were just not well thought out.
Now, let's make this clear.
This is on video.
People are just standing there doing nothing.
The police are grabbing people, slamming them down, pepper spraying like a pack of wolves attacking bug-eyed sheep or something.
Well, yeah, I mean, it was completely unnecessary, you know, and just from my experience of being in groups, in the big groups,
You know, that situation definitely could have been, you know, handled peacefully and everybody could have, you know, gone home and, you know, had a good night.
Okay, from that point on... I'm sorry, Amy, go ahead.
Well, yeah, and then to throw in, you know, this noise ordinance issue, you know, we had no idea that it was illegal to play on the street in Austin after 2 a.m.
That's not something that I cross any of the promoter's minds or South by Southwest minds to tell us.
Well understand that's a red herring and you know the news after the fire marshals tell you get people outside the club it's too busy you try to come out helping them then they assault you guys and then they throw on to the top of it oh by the way you broke a noise ordinance now now
What happened from that point on?
The crazy thing is, we had done this in 1999, our first time we played at South by Southwest.
We went into the street, onto 6th Street, and actually went down to another club where a friend's band was playing, with no incident.
Well, things have changed now.
The force has done the training, and they've handed out the black uniforms and the ski masks and the black helmets and all the guns, and so that's the problem.
Now, Amy, they also arrested you.
Let's go through this here in a nutshell.
Just start over.
From A to Z in two minutes, tell the listeners what happened to you.
I mean, pretty much up until what Gito said, you know, when him and Will were in handcuffs and, you know, there's a melee and everybody's going crazy because there's pepper spray and I'm seeing a kid getting beaten up by six cops out of the corner of my eye.
Um, you know, the officer that arrested Will, um, you know, I walked up to my... Look, I'm the manager of the vans.
I'm responsible for them.
You need to tell me where you're taking them.
I need to make arrangements to get them out.
They have another show, you know, trying to talk to the guy and he, while all the other cops are trying to keep me out of the way, I guess, because I don't know why, he said, follow us and we'll give you the information on where they're being taken.
I'm not from Austin.
Where are you going?
City jail?
County jail?
I have no idea.
So we're walking down the street and there's people all over the place with video cameras taking pictures.
I mean, everybody's
Witnessing what's happening and people are kind of booing the cops, but you know, nobody's threatening them.
Um, but of course people are upset that, you know, a band's getting hauled off and handcuffed.
So we go around the corner and I'm standing there talking to the officer, the arresting officer for Will.
Um, I guess it's Dustin Ownings, I found out later on.
Um, and this woman,
On a bicycle, this woman cop comes up out of nowhere.
She's obviously late on the scene and very jumpy.
And immediately, you know, jumps off her bike and assumes this posture of, I'm going to take control of this situation, which wasn't the slightest bit out of control to begin with.
Well, it's simple.
Another hyena comes in to get on on the kill and she's going to have a little fun too.
So she shoves me up onto the curb.
You know, with using a lot of force and I told her, you're not allowed to touch me, that's a assault.
And she said... You don't understand, ma'am.
And let me stop you.
Around here, they can beat your brains out with a tire iron and then you will be on the news as assaulting them, even if there's video of it.
Yeah, I mean that was just insane.
I've never been physically shoved like that by a cop.
I mean, you know, I couldn't even believe it.
Amy, let's call her our owner, our ruler, our god.
She may come here after me if I don't do that.
So, she showed me up and I said, that cop over there told me I could be here.
I'm the band's manager, you need to tell me why they're being arrested and where they're being taken.
She's screaming in my face, I don't care who you are, get back up on the curb, wait till they're in the van.
I'm like, okay, I'll wait till they're in the van.
So standing right next to me is Jordan Smith from the Austin Chronicle.
So we start talking.
She's like, I can't believe this.
I saw the whole thing.
What's your phone number?
She's taking notes like crazy.
I'm like, okay, great.
At least there's somebody from the media that's documenting this whole thing.
And then your speech outraged the Lord.
And so then...
Once the doors of the van are closed, I go back over there to, again, try to get information, and she says, I told you to get back!
And I said, you told me to wait, you know, until the van was closed.
Next thing you know, I'm in handcuffs.
So, I have no idea why I'm being arrested.
Now let's go over the charges now.
When we first got there,
Um, they told Will and I that we were being charged with class C misdemeanor.
You know, they were kind of joking around about it.
No big deal.
It's basically a traffic ticket.
But in the back room, they said, we got to put these people on the defensive.
We're in a lot of trouble.
What can we come up with?
So then the other officer said, but your friend over there is in a lot of trouble.
He's being charged with a third degree felony assault of a police officer.
And I was like, you've got to be kidding me.
I mean, first of all,
Gino is the guy I know in my life who hates conflict the most, and would never hurt anybody, if he in fact did make contact with that officer's head, supposedly, which I don't even believe happened in the first place, but if it did, it was purely accidental, and I believe it was their fault, because when you throw pepper spray into a crowd, it's chaos, and he's holding this drum up over his head,
Clearly, you can see on the video, trying not to hit anybody, being jostled by the crowd.
It's unbelievable.
And they're saying that he deliberately did it.
Now, we're talking to Giro right now.
What really happened?
Because on the video, you can't even see you touching the God.
But as we know, when you go to Mount Olympus and try to touch a God, you've got to pay.
Now, did you touch God?
No, I didn't.
I was trying to get back into the club.
I had the drum over my head and I was pushed around by the crowd a little bit.
Eventually I put the drum down and I had no idea.
I had no idea.
And I didn't even know until a few hours into my arrest, while I was sitting in the jail, what I was there for.
When I found out I was really surprised.
Stay there, stay there guys.
I really appreciate you joining us.
These are a total of the hung tactics the police use.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, my friends.
Why is this story important to you?
Well, because Oza Motley is a Grammy Award winning band,
Plays kind of jazz, Caribbean, Cuban, whatever you want to call it.
I mean, it's nice music.
They've never had any problems.
And they come to Austin.
They've been here before.
And they do what the fire marshal asks, and the police run up on them, assault them, and it's on video, attack the crowd with prep roo spray for no reason.
They love a fight.
They do this all the time.
They're nuts.
They're out of control.
They think that they're our owners, our masters, our rulers.
And now, G-Ro, the drummer, and others in the band are facing criminal charges.
And, uh...
It's right out in the open on video that they didn't do anything.
But that's what the police do all over the country now, but particularly here in Austin.
After they do wrong to you, they then charge you.
And I can't tell you how many videos I've seen locally where they assault you and then charge you with assault.
They're so crazy, and the courts are so corrupt, it doesn't matter if it shows you not assaulting them or touching them.
They still come after you.
Now, Amy B. is the manager of Ozemantli, and the website is ozemantli.com.
We have a link to it at infowars.com.
Amy, what are you and the band facing right now?
I know you're calling for them to drop charges.
We're coming up on two weeks into this.
Are they going to drop the charges?
So, we don't know.
I mean, right now it's in the judicial system, and you can't lobby the judicial system.
So, as much as we
We know we have the support of many city officials, city council members, the citizens of Austin, the media, people have written outraged letters to the editors of all the local papers, but the police are now saying they have sworn testimony from the officers on the scene that this and that happened.
I don't really know if it's a... Yeah, the police have been on the air saying they want to put you guys under the jail, that you're very wicked.
Yeah, I mean, it's just crazy.
None of us have ever had any run-ins with the law.
We have no prior records.
You know, this is a fun-loving party band.
Did you hear about the Supreme Court ruling last week that an old rancher who didn't answer a police officer's questions was assaulted with, was charged with, he was assaulted by their criminality in the court system, charged with obstructing justice, you know, doing all this stuff to a police officer, and the Supreme Court said, yeah, not answering their questions is a form of assault on them.
So now it's getting really bad.
Did you hear about the guy who had a sign in his yard that said, our courts are a joke, so the judge had him arrested?
And this is in Austin too?
No, no.
But my point is, this is happening all over the country.
Well, so we're learning.
I mean, I think that's why our story is of such interest because it rings familiar and true for so many people that either know someone or have experienced this themselves and now that we're going through it and it's just a nightmare that we, you know, never thought we'd be involved with.
It's a terrible thing because, you know, then it becomes our word against theirs, you know, and they're just completely ignoring the fact that we have videotapes and witnesses and photographs.
You know, they don't care.
They're protecting
Each other's word.
I guess that's what people do, but it's really unfortunate for us because we know where we stand.
But there's video!
There's all these videos from different angles.
That's the incredible part is the police will lie even when there's video of it.
I mean, I just... and they get away with it over and over again.
Yeah, they're saying it's inconclusive and that's really unfortunate.
I don't know what they would need to make it conclusive.
Well, the problem is they know that you guys can sue them, so they're going to try to put you in jail.
I guess you could do an agreement where you won't sue them and they might drop it, but they might go back on that and go ahead and redouble their efforts to get you.
Number one, they're jealous of you.
Stay there.
We'll be back in one minute.
Everybody stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, it's Monday, the 5th of April, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
Coming up in 30 minutes, man goes to jail for putting a sign in his yard, WAFF Television
Put a sign in his yard saying our court system is a joke.
The judge was quoted as saying that this type of behavior will not be ignored.
Disrespect of the government is illegal.
And the judge in his order said that criticizing courts saying they're not good is not allowed.
No First Amendment.
I have a story here.
We're in China.
They're arresting different musical bands, Tibetan musicians.
Saying that it is hateful to the government and that will not be tolerated.
A headline out of AFP, China arrests popular Tibetan musicians.
And I say, hey, China is just par for the course.
We do that here in America.
You don't like your sign, we arrest you.
You don't like your Caribbean band or eclectic band, we go ahead and arrest you.
And we're talking to Oza Motley, ozamotley.com.
We've got the drummer, G-Ro, on the show and the manager of the band, Amy B. They're a Grammy Award winning group, never been in any trouble before.
It's on video.
The police attack them, attack the crowd, no reason, nothing happened.
And it's on video, and now they're charging Giro with... Giro, what exactly are they charging you with right now?
Third-degree felony assault of a peace officer.
Of a peace officer?
And again, you've called on them to drop the charges.
What has your lawyer said?
What has the city said?
Well, the city is inviting us... I mean, the city council, they've invited us to play
On April 22nd, which is the next time we're going to be in town, we're playing at La Zona Rosa, is it called?
And so on that day, they've invited us to play at the city council meeting.
Well, I'm going to come down and meet you and videotape the proceedings, and I'd have a lot of video cameras rolling this time because I'm not trying to scare you, but our police are known for being pretty vindictive.
I can rest comfortably knowing that I didn't do what I've been charged with.
I can live with myself.
I know that I didn't assault anybody.
I'm confident that regardless of how it happens, eventually the truth will come out.
What would you like to say to the police officers that were involved in this?
Because a lot of them are listening right now.
Um, just that, you know, if you come across a situation like that, you know, step back for a minute and just kind of look at the scene instead of, because there was an immediate jump, jump, you know, right from when we got outside there already, like, there was a, you know,
They were violent from the get-go.
You know, they just moved right in.
Yeah, they assault the crowd, start body-slamming people, spraying pepper spray on a big crowd.
I mean, this is... And you guys were doing what the authorities asked you to do.
Yeah, we complied completely.
And... You know, I think just because there was a crowd, maybe?
You know, I don't know.
I don't even want to begin to, you know, guess what was going through their minds, you know, or how they interpret
Uh, any given situation... The whole point is that now to cover up their own wrongdoing, they're falsely charging you.
Yeah, he, uh, in the police report it says that I, uh, I hit the officer three times in the head with the drum.
Um, and, you know, it's just not true.
Now I've seen bands when they're going through crowds with drums and you got this crowd all going around you, you pick the little drum up over your head so you can weave through the crowd and I guess just seeing that made them thought that that was an assault.
Yeah I guess so.
I'll tell you what, let's do just a few minutes more on this with your manager, Amy B. of Oza Montley, ozamontley.com and get a few other comments from the drummer and talk about where this is going.
Then we'll get back into the news that our next guest arrested for having a sign in his front yard.
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This disaster is a New World Order.
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You will lose your liberty.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, the Iraq tragedy news, the police state news, it's all coming up.
Also in about 22 minutes, we've got the gentleman again arrested for putting a sign in his yard.
Not for zoning reasons, but because the judge said he didn't like it.
And then in the third hour, the guy who helped a homeless chicken, who was hit by a SWAT team and hit hard, this is mainstream news, that's coming up in the third hour as well.
Just the insanity of these people.
But human history shows that tyrants always flip out and act like this.
And I just want our guest, our Grammy Award winning guest, Amy B., the manager of Oza Montley, ozamontley.com, and the drummer,
It is so good to have you guys on.
I want you to understand something.
I remember ten years ago, six, seven years ago, before I was dating my wife, and of course before I got married, I'd be down on 6th Street with a date.
And, you know, good-looking date.
And these guys in, you know, with black gloves on, steroids, would walk over, let me see your ID cards, hey baby, you look good.
And I'm not saying all the cops are like that, but some of them are lunatics.
And I will not go down there because of their behavior.
I've seen them beat up too many innocent people.
I've seen them start fights.
I mean, I know people who were steroid head bouncers ten years ago that are cops today, and they're out of control, and they need to be punished.
This is a false report they filed on you, according to what you're saying, and I agree with you from the video, sir.
What would you like to see happen to those if it can be proven they falsified the report?
Well, I guess, you know,
Police officers have a very esteemed place in the world.
They need to be trusted.
If an officer is found to be not trustful, then they shouldn't be officers.
That's the whole point.
In theory, I entrust them with that kind of power of the state.
Well, do you know how many times police have been caught falsifying reports?
Well, I don't think I can guess that.
I'm in it right now, so... Yeah, I mean, we're not necessarily looking for any retribution.
We just want the charges dropped.
We want to get on with our lives.
I mean, Chido travels for a living.
And, you know, this band plays all over the world.
There are certain countries in this world that don't allow convicted felons.
You know, this could have serious consequences to his career, to the band's career.
You know, we just want the charges dropped so we can just move on.
I apologize if I've been pronouncing the drummer's name wrong this whole time.
Is it Gito or Giro?
Gito's fine, yeah.
I apologize.
I'm public school educated, sir.
Alright, well, look, I mean, you're facing, how long in jail have you been convicted?
Ten years.
You're facing 10 years and I've seen two different video clips from different angles and you did nothing to these people.
They were running around screaming, grabbing people, spraying a crowd with pepper spray for no reason.
They need to be charged, not you!
Yeah, it's really unfortunate.
And Gito, let me tell you something.
Just because you're in the right doesn't mean you won't go to prison.
You better fight this with everything you've got.
You better, you know, not get some local lawyer who's in the power structure.
You better take this, and I know you are, you better take this very seriously.
And I'm not here, you know, patronizing you.
I'm warning you because I think you guys are in the right here, you're being wronged here, but I'm telling you, don't think just because you're innocent you won't go to prison.
Yeah, I don't take it lightly at all.
This is pretty much all I can really think about.
And I don't take it lightly at all.
It's a very serious charge.
And I realize that.
Even though I didn't do it, I could go to prison for it.
You're not stupid.
You're not going to hit a cop with a drum.
It's on video.
You didn't do anything to these people.
There's a crowd pushing up against you.
The cop's in your face.
You should have hit the ground, started groveling.
I'm not joking.
If you would have bowed down to him, licked his boot, you may have gotten out of this.
The whole thing happened so fast.
If I had the opportunity,
To say something to them in the future, I would just say respond rather than react because they reacted without properly assessing the situation and making good conscious decisions that were relevant to the situation.
You know, their use of force and their reaction was so far beyond what was necessary at that moment, you know, and I would just really hope that they would be trained properly in the future to
Well, they've been trained that if people don't do what they say, the second they say it.
I mean, you could be up against a brick wall and they could say, go through that brick wall.
And if you don't suddenly materialize through the wall, then you're going to go to jail.
I mean, it's insanity.
Yeah, I mean, I guess we understood that as a concept.
Now we understand it as a reality.
And it is absolutely terrifying how quickly, you're right, can be stripped.
And you're treated like a criminal and you're charged like a criminal.
We're all educated, upstanding citizens and we're being treated like criminals.
For what?
We still aren't sure.
It is very scary and now it's our word against theirs.
Hopefully, you know, when it goes to the next level in the judicial system, the charges will be dropped.
If they're not, we are going to fight it.
We have a really good team of people around us.
We've got resources.
We have supporters all over the place.
We will fight this.
Well, here's the problem while they're going to continue with it, I predict.
Because they've gone to the point of no return.
They have to keep saying they're in the right because if they ever say they're in the wrong, the house of cards starts crumbling.
And that's why they will probably continue to go after you guys, and just keep your nose clean to the maximum, have video cameras running the entire time you're here, because there's no telling, and I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just warning you, what they'll try to pull on you while you're here again.
And that's coming up later this month?
Yeah, April 22nd will be there.
Yeah, they're performing at 530 for the City Council vote on whether to overturn the noise ordinance during South by Southwest.
And the mayor is going to be there, and hopefully we'll get a chance to talk to him and tell him that, you know, we're going to call on him to take a position on this.
But again, that's a red herring.
They went after you guys, they're charging you with other things, and later they tacked on the noise ordinance downtown where all the bands are at.
And that's another thing they use to selectively target businesses that aren't owned by, you know, family members of the city council.
So it's a whole other can of worms, and similar things are happening around the country, but it seems like Austin police have really been giving the city a bad name in the past.
I mean, if you look at them wrong, they come after you.
One of my last questions, what are the other members of the band being charged with?
What are you being charged with, Amy?
I'm being charged with a Class B misdemeanor, interference with police procedure.
It's punishable by up to 180 days in jail.
And Will is being charged with a Class C misdemeanor.
At first, it was failure to comply, and then it got changed overnight when we were in jail to violation of noise ordinance, which you would think is something, even if he did do it, it would be a ticket.
You know?
It's kind of unnecessary, I think, to arrest somebody for that.
I think that they did alter his charges after he was arrested, based on their assessment of the situation.
Because he did comply, and we do have that on videotapes, so they're kind of like, okay, we arrested and we have to figure out something to charge him with.
Obviously, Will's charge is minor, and if anything, he'll have to pay a fine.
My charges are somewhat of a concern.
I really doubt that I'll go to jail for it.
It's really G.O.
that we're all rallying for, because
We all understand his charges are very serious.
Look, these people will sleep fine with you in prison for ten years.
They could care less.
Whereas somebody with a conscience, you know, couldn't live with it.
But don't worry, police.
It all comes back on you.
You do reap what you sow.
And if you do wrong to people in your life, God's going to judge you.
I just want the police to know that.
You've got God to worry about, not G. Doe, not Amy, not Alex Jones.
We wish no harm upon you other than that you would become human beings and be loving, good, decent people with empathy and stop feeding on us like a bunch of ravenous wolves.
But I'll be down there later this month, the City Council, to meet you guys and hope we can video an interview for my local television show and also have one of my friends interview for a film he's making.
But I'm so sorry that this happened to you and I think that you guys are taking this serious and I think you're going to be able to defeat it.
And I know you've got the city on your side because everybody's seen the video and knows you didn't do anything.
Yeah, that's what's really reassuring.
That's one of the main reasons that we're coming back to Austin, because, you know, the citizens and city officials are on our side, and everybody that
We've come across as issued a public apology in every possible way that they can.
But the police aren't.
Mr. Stan Nee, the police chief, I mean, the police here are their own body.
They do what they want.
They basically run the city and it's kind of like an old city-state in Rome or something where the Praetorian Guard run things.
Yeah, it's definitely the people of Austin.
We have nothing but love for them.
People were coming up to us.
You know, all that, all the week of South by Southwest and, you know, apologizing for, you know, for what had happened and, which is kind of odd because, you know, they had nothing to do with it, but just apologizing on the, on behalf of the city.
Well, let me, let me contradict you.
We have a lot to do with it in this town.
I haven't done enough to expose this.
All of us have put up with this.
And so actually, uh, Gito, it is our fault.
No, it really is our fault and we're sorry that we have a bunch of insane goons running around foaming at the mouth.
And it's the fault of the good cops for not speaking out and stopping the bad ones.
Well, one of our bad members said it very eloquently.
If we judged the city on their police force, we wouldn't live in L.A.
either, so... Alright, well both of you, I really appreciate you coming on and say hi to the rest of the band.
I'll be talking to you when you come to town.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
All right, we'll come back.
I'll hit some Iraq news.
And we got another guest coming up who was arrested for having a sign in his yard.
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Okay, coming up in about 10 minutes,
We'll be talking to Mr. Dean, who up in Alabama put a sign up and got arrested for it in Jackson County, Alabama, so you don't want to miss that.
Then in the next hour, it's off to jail for Chicken Rescuer.
This is out of the Mail Tribune out of Oregon.
SWAT team hit him, hit him hard.
And we're not joking, folks, here on the show, okay?
Talking about the tragic events over in Iraq, 10 U.S.
troops killed in Iraqi violence.
Associated Press, supporters of an anti-American cleric, rioted in four Iraqi cities Sunday, battling coalition troops in the worst unrest since the spasm of looting and arson immediately after the fall of Saddam Hussein.
At least 22 Iraqis, 8 U.S.
troops, and one Salvadoran soldier died.
This is from last night, now the numbers are higher.
Sunday's violence, along with the unrelated killings of two U.S.
Marines in Anbar Province, pushed the U.S.
death toll to at least 610.
That's why you have 10 dead U.S.
troops as of last night.
Hundreds were wounded as fighting raged in Baghdad and in Nazaria and Najaf and Ammarab.
Tanks rolled through the Iraqi capital on two Humvees, burned in the streets of the eastern
Satter City neighborhood.
Protesters, some dressed in all black or waving green banners, raced towards the fighting.
As heavy gunfire echoed through the city, one man stood on a bridge, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher at the ready.
The riots were ignited by the arrest, on Saturday, of an aide to anti-American cleric, known for his reverent followers as Al-Siad, or Master.
Also, British troops were in running gun battles.
Many were injured.
May have been some kill.
We don't know.
The British aren't saying right now.
I checked it before we did the show.
And there were other big protests.
People rioted wanting food, wanting jobs in other parts of the country.
And again, the Shiites were supposedly our allies, my friends, our allies, and so they can't say this is Al-Qaeda doing this.
I just feel so sorry for our troops getting deadly vaccines, breathing depleted uranium, being given rotten meals by Halliburton, that's confirmed, being charged for some of their food in some cases by Halliburton.
So that's what's going on there.
By the way, to give you an idea of how bad off the dollar is right now,
There's a commercial running on Genesis that says it's down by, you know, 26%.
And that's from a year ago.
If you look at the dollar over the last two years, it's down by 42 plus percent.
It fluctuates between 40 and 45 percent week to week as the dollar goes up and down.
But if you look at the graph, the dollar's going straight down, but it goes up and down within that graph.
And it says, IKEA founder overtakes Gates as world's richest man.
By the way, these are low-level elitists.
They're nothing compared to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, but their money is hidden in multi-connected directorates, corporate offshore systems, and tax-free foundations.
And it says, Ingvar Kampard, the Swede who founded furniture retail chain,
Has overtaken Microsoft Bill Gates as the world's richest man, Swedish TV News reported on Sunday, citing next week's edition of the Swedish Business Week Vecans Affair.
If I'm mispronouncing that, I'm sorry.
It says Public Service SVT2 Television said Campard 77 has a personal fortune of 400 billion crowns.
Or $53 billion, Gates' fortune is put at $47 billion according to the latest list of the world's rich in U.S.
Forbes magazine.
And it says the dollar's slide against other currencies is the main reason why Kampard has now overtaken Gates.
Now I've had yuppies argue with me that a weak dollar's good because Bush told them.
Bush said it was a good thing last year.
And it plunged further.
And they think that's wonderful, and they also think that fast food jobs are manufacturing, so you can't argue with these people.
They believe Bush if he said that, you know, he was an Easter Bunny.
It doesn't matter, they feel like they're part of the system, they don't care.
But let me just explain something.
The little bit of money I got in the bank
Has been devalued by 40 plus percent, and I don't appreciate it.
And we have massive inflation.
A house that's selling for a million bucks in 1965, and I've got the federal numbers on this, is now selling for over $500,000.
A house that was bought in the 50's for $2,000 is selling for $300,000 plus.
A car that 20 years ago was $10,000 is $35,000.
Somebody who did, uh, say, a framing work 30 years ago got 18 bucks an hour.
And what do they get paid today?
Oh, about 12 bucks an hour.
We're in deep trouble, okay, yuppies?
We're on the march.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're at the halfway point of the broadcast.
And coming up in the next hour, for about 20-30 minutes, and we'll cover other news, I've got coming on the show, the gentleman and his wife,
Who saved a homeless chicken in a SWAT team, again, hit him and hit him hard.
In a few minutes here we're going to be talking to Phillip Dean of Jackson County, Alabama, who put a sign up on his rural property saying, our court system is a joke.
And the judge said that that is disrespectful of government and that will not be tolerated.
He says that, in a quote here, that it just couldn't be tolerated.
You just cannot allow that in America.
That dovetails nicely with China arresting anyone that criticizes the government.
I don't think you realize just how serious it's gotten, okay?
They will beat your brains out right in front of video cameras and then say you assaulted them as they wipe the blood off their nightsticks.
Well then why am I on the air?
Why am I still alive?
Because I got a big voice, I'm standing up, I know how to deal with it, and everybody in the government isn't evil.
Not yet, but they're warping their minds right now, and we gotta stand up against this in a bold fashion or it's over.
Now, it's the halfway point of the show, and I haven't plugged my videos yet.
I need to do that, then we'll go to our next guest.
I've made ten films.
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You need to have these books.
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It's up to you to get off the bench and to get in the game.
The toll-free number to get the films or books or ProGun t-shirts is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action.
Get the videos.
Start spreading the word.
W-A-F-F Television reported, so did some local newspapers, what I'm about to read.
This is from W-A-F-F.
Then we'll go to our guest.
You can look through them all, up to his ears, the legal documents.
Phillip Dean is fed up with the judicial system.
Quote, that's the kind of court system we've got in Jackson County, Alabama.
I want everybody to know, Dean says.
So we put a sign in his front lawn saying,
Our court system is a joke.
We have a picture of it on the website.
A little, I guess the sign's about four feet tall, three feet wide, maybe smaller.
A message landing him behind bars.
It was, I was in a cell about four foot wide and six foot long and nothing in it but a toilet, he explains.
Arrest orders signed by Judge Harrelson claim Dean to be in direct contempt of court even though the sign is on County Road 107, not in the County Courthouse.
The signs were so derogatory to the court that they could not be ignored, Harrelson responds to the local paper.
With the Dean locked up, the signs were removed.
Before they would let me go in front of the judge, Harrelson Dean says they put me in leg shackles, they put handcuffs on me, they put chains from my legs up to my waist, they put a chain around my waist, they put chains from my waist up here and had my hands pulled up like this.
With an apology, Harrelson released Dean after a day in jail, but the experience leaves Dean with unanswered questions.
And this is a quote by Dean.
When it gets to where a man hasn't got any speech in the world, what has he got?
He asks.
Answers he hopes to find with a new message already back in place in his yard.
Now this shows just the compulsiveness of the police, the compulsiveness of judges.
They do this all the time, stuff like this.
They're so compulsive now they're arresting anti-war protesters when there's hundreds of pro-war protesters on the same sidewalk.
They do stuff like this all the time, where they assault you and then charge you with assault.
They're on an insane power trip.
This is the norm in history, not the exception.
And with all the other Supreme Court and Federal Court rulings throwing out the 5th and 4th Amendment in the last two weeks, with just all this other stuff happening, I had a listener.
And when he needs to call into the show, I've been able to get a hold of him.
Kelly Rushing, Lyon County, Kentucky.
Gave a state police officer a copy of a Ron Paul speech from C-SPAN.
Gave him a copy of my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Next day, the cop was waiting for him on the road, pulled him over,
And said, you threatened me with those videos.
He said, what do you mean?
It's for your own good to know what's going on.
The judge then told him in court, in Lyon County Courthouse, he said, you are guilty.
And said, we're going to put you away, and he's facing a couple years in jail, for terroristic threats against an officer.
These videos are anti-government, anti-police.
Now you can cower in fear, or you can stand up and speak out against this.
This is the mindset.
It's really happening.
And again, there's this article out of China.
China arrests popular Tibetan musicians.
How are we any different from China?
Well, because there, they'll execute you.
And don't worry, the government's getting up to that point.
Chinese state security officials have arrested a popular Tibetan singer and a composer, apparently because the implicit political content of their music, an official said, the singer and composer, known as Namkaya,
and Batchoka, respectively, were taken into custody around March 10th in Tundun County, a traditionally Tibetan area, now part of northwest China's province, a police officer at the U.S.
base Radio Free Asia said.
It was the security police who arrested them, said Tibetan police officer.
And it goes on.
So, again, how are we any different from China, where you get arrested for signs, arrested for your speech, arrested for videos.
Bringing up our guest, Phillip Dean.
Phillip, good to have you on the show, sir.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you put the sign up and what happened.
Well, I live in Jackson County, Alabama.
I'm a logging contractor, self-employed, and I went through a bad divorce and the mother was letting the children run wild and take drugs and into all kinds of trouble.
So I took her back to court on June the 23rd of last year to try to seek custody of my two daughters.
I have three kids, but I have custody of my son.
Okay, when we went back to court,
I hired an attorney that wasn't no good, and he never got it into court, so I had to get another attorney, paid another attorney, supposed to have been the best attorney in Scottsboro.
We go to court, my ex-wife shows up without an attorney, and the judge gives the kids back to her.
We prove that the kids were on drugs, we prove that she let the kids be neglected, but yet she wins the case.
The judge gave the kids back to her.
So at this point in time, I'm broke.
So I go back to my attorney and ask him how much it costs to appeal the case, and he wants $10,000.
So I tell him I have no more money.
The appeal runs out, so I make these signs and put in my yard.
They had been up about two weeks.
I get up one morning to go for breakfast, and when I come back home, my signs are gone.
I call the Skyline Police Chief, and he tells me that county officers come out and remove my signs.
So I call Sheriff Wales and ask him and he says yes to Judge Harrelson sent to.
Investigators out to read your signs, and when they read the signs to him on the phone, he told them to bring the signs into his courtroom.
So now the judge just doesn't have power in his courtroom.
He's claiming literal godhood, you know, the power of a Chinese emperor, the power of a Soviet ruler, to not have... Now it says our court system is a joke.
What were the other signs?
Similar sign that says Judge Harrelson said my minor children age 13 and 15 need to be with their mother even though she lets them smoke pot, take drugs, and run wild.
Okay, so now instead of civilly going after you or something else, he believes he's God, he has them take your property, no zoning violation, you're on a county road, 107, they're trapped in the country, and these are little signs, you stick them in your yard, but they don't come up with some little technicality to try to get you, they just take your signs, take your property, in America, something our veterans have fought and died for, what happens next?
You call the sheriff, and he tells you this, what happens next?
Well, they didn't do me like they did Judge Roy Moore.
They didn't have a hearing to see if I should remove the signs or have a judge to tell me to remove the signs.
After they took my signs without a warrant, they stole my signs, I called Sheriff Wells and he says, yes, the judge sent them out to get your signs and said he's going to lock you up for 30 days.
His statement to me was he was going to lock you up for 30 days and teach you a lesson.
So later that afternoon, about three that afternoon, two deputies pulled up, and I know the one deputy, and he says, Mr. Dean, I'm ashamed to tell you why we're here, but we've got to take you to jail.
Mr. Harrelson has told us to bring you in and lock you up.
Now, whatever happened to police knowing that they're not supposed to violate the Constitution?
That's why the oath is there, to protect you police!
So you could say no to unlawful orders?
There's no oath in Jackson County.
The police does exactly what their masters tell them to.
Well, that's the same thing nationwide, my friend.
So, uh, he said... Please continue.
He says, I'm ashamed.
They take me to jail.
He didn't even handcuff me.
He said, come on, get in the car, and said, let's go to jail.
I said, well, what am I charged with?
He hands me a contempt order, says,
These signs are of such disparaging nature that it just cannot be ignored, and they gave me a charge of direct contempt of court.
But let me remind you now, the case, the appeals time and all was closed.
There was no case pending.
Had nothing to do with that.
He admits it's to teach you a lesson over the signs.
He locks me up for direct contempt of court and says in writing that, uh, notify the judge when he is in custody and
The defendant is entitled to no bond.
So now there's no bond either?
No bond.
They put me in jail.
I could have no phone calls and no visitors.
He says in the paper that he released me after 12 hours.
He can't even tell the truth to the public.
I was in jail for 24 hours.
What was the name of the paper?
I want to post that article.
It was in the Huntsville Times by David Brewer.
Huntsville Times.
David Brewer.
David Brewer.
Folks, grab that for me and email it to tips and info wars dot com and I'll get it posted.
Huntsville Times, David Brewer.
I didn't see that one.
Okay, so how long were you really in jail?
Well, you tell me.
They arrested me here at my house at three that afternoon.
Okay, it was fifteen till three the next afternoon before I went before the judge and then after the judge told me I was free to go, they had to
Carried me back to the jail to get all the shackles and chains off of me, so really I was involved for about 26 hours.
Now, that's official oppression, that's false arrest, and I looked up the U.S.
Code, that's an easy win, $500,000.
For the false arrest, $250,000, and for a day of false imprisonment, well it now counts as two days, so I guess it's $750,000.
Obviously, there are some major organizations now getting involved.
We'll get into that later.
They're filing complaints.
They're moving forward.
The Court Watchers Association of America and others are.
Now, obviously, the judge was in a delusional power trip state when he said 30 days, but then he changed his mind and claims he apologized.
Now, number one, is that true?
Number two, why do you think he finally woke up that he was engaging in Soviet-style behavior?
Well, he's the God of Jackson County.
I'm glad you said that.
He is the God.
He is the Principality.
He is the God.
First off, he put me in jail.
My sister got on the phone and she talked to just about every attorney in Scotchburg.
They said, no way.
No way will we touch this case.
That's why you've always got to bring in a lawyer or be family friends with them or family.
That's the types I've got.
And by the way, with my lawyers, they walk in and devastate everything because they're not part of the system.
Go ahead.
Well, all these lawyers told my sister, not no, but hell no.
One of the attorneys I was friends with in Scotchburg that I've known for a long time, he called my sister back on the phone and told her, said, I didn't tell you this, but you need to get out of Scotchburg and get your brother a lawyer because everyone in Scotchburg is scared to go up to God against the God, Judge Harold.
So that's, so wait, wait, he's called God?
Now, folks, you've heard me call them God.
In a lot of small towns, they're known as God.
Just so you know.
Go ahead.
I'm not trying to be blasphemous.
He wants to be known as God.
He's not my God.
He's the God of this world, though.
What does the God of this world want?
Nobody in Scottsboro would go up against him, so my sister finally... Hey, show respect to him.
You're going to get arrested again.
Yeah, well... Nobody would go up against God.
Yeah, we'll go up against God.
No one in Scottsboro would go up against him.
So they finally go to Huntsville, Alabama and find me an attorney.
So she calls me at the jail.
They won't let me talk to her now.
She argues and argues and argues until they finally put her through and let me talk to my attorney.
She says, I'm going to call the judge and I'm going to get you out of jail.
So she calls the judge, which is God Harrelson.
And he tells her, no way, I'm not getting out of jail.
So she came up here.
She was about an hour drive.
So she gets in her car and she comes up here and she demands that they bring me before the judge, okay?
Now let me stop you right there.
Here's a woman doing what men should do, and in Alabama, and Alabamans in wartime and statistically are known as people with a lot of courage, Alabamans will charge machine gun nests, but they grovel in cowardly fear, so do Texans, in cowardly fear of anybody with a tin badge or anybody in a black robe.
How pathetic have we gotten as Americans?
Go ahead.
Okay, she comes up here and demands they bring me before the judge, okay?
He agrees to see me at 3 p.m.
that afternoon.
This is 3 p.m.
the following day now that I was arrested.
And he says to the paper that I was jailed for 12 hours.
After 12 hours, he released me.
Where did he learn how to count at?
Well, that's because he knows the rulings and the precedent and the laws.
24 hours, he's in even more trouble.
Oh yes, that's because he's God.
He can do this.
Well, you know, God can change the time.
Maybe he made it 12 hours.
Yeah, okay.
Before they would let me go before him in his courtroom, they made me take off my clothes and put on a jail uniform that said, County Jail, that looked like it hadn't been washed in six months.
Okay, I put this on.
That wasn't bad enough.
They put leg shackles.
They put handcuffs.
They put waist chains.
Chains from my legs to my waist.
From my waist across my shoulders.
And I can barely move.
They take me to Jackson County Courthouse and they parade me down the halls of the courthouse.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
We got some other guests coming up, but I want you to stay with us if you've got time.
I know you're a busy working man.
This gentleman was arrested for saving a homeless chicken.
A SWAT team hit him hard for it.
Stay there.
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Put a sign in his yard.
Our court system is a joke.
And had the police come out and take a sign.
He called the police.
He said, oh yeah, we're coming to arrest you.
They came and arrested him.
And one of them said they were ashamed of it.
They should be.
That isn't enough being ashamed.
It's even worse to, with knowledge, know you're doing something wrong.
That your guts tell you it's bad.
You ought to listen to those guts.
And to go ahead and do it.
The police in the past just wouldn't do stuff like this.
But now they do in America.
Uh, now they've, they've shackled you all over your body and I know you're a logging contractor and, uh, you know, I guess a little farming and other stuff as well.
You've got a lot of work to do, sir, and I know you've probably got to go here soon.
How long can you stay with us?
Oh, just however long it takes.
Well, I've got somebody else coming up who got SWAT teamed over helping a, a, a sick chicken.
I'm not kidding.
I have the mainstream articles on this.
Your case, by the way, has been in the TV station, the Huntsville Times, the Associated Press, and the Scottsboro Daily Sentinel.
And a complaint has been filed, a grievance, the matter of Philip Dean, a citizen of Jackson County, Alabama, and the Honorable Wallace Harrelson, a circuit court judge in Jackson County, Alabama.
And this has been filed by the Chairman of the Judicial Inquiry Commission.
I've been followed with them by Court Watchers Alliance, who interviewed you, and this is one of the worst cases that they've ever seen.
I've got to get them in contact with Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky.
Did you hear me tell that story of how he gave them a video of Ron Paul off C-SPAN and they arrested him?
He's facing two years in prison?
Does that surprise you?
No, it don't.
With our judicial system, the way it is, they've probably got a guard up there for a judge, too.
Man, I tell you.
Well, he told him in court.
He said, you're not allowed to give anti-government videos to the police and we'll decide what's anti-government.
They make their law as they go along.
Well, they'd do good in China, wouldn't they?
Yes, they would.
Judge Harrelson would do great.
Is it sad to you to see this happening to America?
Yes, it is.
And it's even more sad to see what this judicial system has done to my family.
They have destroyed my children's lives.
Well, that's... So you're all chained up now, and they bring you in before his lordship.
Let's just call him his lordship.
And so you're before this lord, and you're all shackled, but he's about to release you.
I guess this was for intimidation, but why do you think they shackled you like this?
He asked me when I come into the courtroom before my attorney got in there if I was embarrassed.
He looked at me and he said, Mr. Dean, are you embarrassed?
Judge Harrelson, you can't embarrass me when it comes to my children.
I'm going to do whatever is necessary to get my children out of the mess they're in.
And so he was there wanting to gloat over you.
Oh yeah.
So my attorney comes in and she reads him the law where he has violated my constitutional rights to free speech.
And he says, in the eyes of the law, I may have violated his rights, but in my eyes, I have it.
Oh, what an idiot!
Is that recorded?
I'm sure it is.
You get the right lawyers, you're going to own that guy's house, his car, his jet ski.
And on top of that, after she reads him the law, he says, Mr. Dean, I'm sorry, you're free to go.
And he said, Bailiff, take your signs back to him.
But instead of them releasing me and taking the chains off of me,
He told the bailiff to fold up the signs where people couldn't read them when he took them down the hallway of the courthouse.
I said, that's okay, Judge, because they'd done been up in the yard two weeks before you took them.
Everybody's already read them.
And he says, Mr. Dean says, I may have made a mistake on your children, but I've been praying about it.
Oh yeah, right.
That's what he told me.
Uh huh.
But instead of them releasing me and taking the shackles and the cuffs and everything off of me, they paraded me back down through the courthouse, out through the courthouse, back in the patrol car, back over to the jail where I had to stand over there approximately another two hours.
Well, let me tell you where the lawsuit is, sir.
It's in the false arrest and official oppression and a civil rights violation.
You could end up owning the county.
Tell you what, you just gotta get the right lawyers.
And I gotta get the Court Watchers Alliance in contact with Kelly Rushing!
And I'm embarrassed to say it, Kelly.
I've got your brother's number and your cousin's number, but I lost yours.
Kelly needs to call me.
Third hour coming up.
Stay there, Mr. Dean.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Philip Dean of Jackson County, Alabama, went before this Harrelson's, this, I wouldn't even call him a judge, this creature.
You know, in all these chains, and he finally said, OK, release him.
I may have violated your rights.
Wow, that's an admission right there.
Now he's really caught.
You've got to get that court record, and you've got witnesses as well.
But here in Austin, let me tell you how this would have went down if you ran to the wrong cops.
You said the police that came and arrested you, one of them said that we're ashamed of this, you know, we know this is wrong.
In Austin, they have selected goons that would have come, beat you up, then claim that you had assaulted them, and so they would have charged you with that instead, and then taken down the signs.
They're a little bit more sophisticated.
In your area, they're just so used to being God that they think that they can act like this, but you really need to pursue this.
We see these cases now all over the country.
It's very, very, very scary to have this happening.
I wanted to take a few calls.
Then we've got this guest coming up who helped sick chicken.
It was a homeless chicken on the side of the road until the SWAT team raided his house.
I'm going to have that out of the mainstream news, the Mail Tribune out of Oregon, and I want you guys to be able to talk on air and I want you to hear this story.
Right now, though, let's go to John in Ohio.
John, go ahead.
Yeah, I called about your discussion about Iraq that's related to this and the flushing down the toilet of freedom of speech and press, not only in this country but in Iraq.
I was reading just before these uprisings against the shutting of the paper that is run by this al-Sadr militant cleric.
On the ZMAG.org website, some of the independent reporters are carried there, unlike these others who are really stooges for the Pentagon.
John, we asked the callers if you wanted to talk to our guests, and you need to address something to our guests.
No, I said I wanted to make a comment, and the point I wanted to make is, this kind of infringement of civil liberties is going on, first, not only in our country, but against Iraq,
And this particular cleric is not mentioned in the corporate media that simply covers the Pentagon lines.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
And it is true.
You know, I wish we had Operation American Freedom instead of Operation Iraqi Freedom, because we need our freedoms here, and we're becoming more like China, and China is using our rulings to legitimize what they're doing.
Any comments to that, Mr. Dean?
Yes, I'd like Mr. Harrelson
Yeah, he did nicely over in Iraq.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Dean.
Monetary damages is one thing I hope you'll award it.
A massive amount, but most importantly, I want to see this judge impeached.
I do too.
And I want the people of Alabama to take issue with this.
Well, Bush is trying to give a federal judgeship to the Attorney General that stabbed Judge Roy Moore in the back, so we'll probably see this judge as Supreme Court Justice.
Well, Alex, that's William Pryor, and as you know, he's a former Arkansas Attorney General, but you probably know this, Alex.
House Resolution 3077, which was passed October 21, by a voice vote, says, on this Tribunal, if you criticize Israel, Israel, that this Tribunal will make that determination, and they will have the right to restrict funding to that university or college campus.
Yeah, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
All over the place, our First Amendment is being destroyed, Phil.
That's right.
Well, then what are our troops fighting for?
I mean, they say the terrorists attacked us to get our freedoms, then why are they giving the terrorists what they want?
Why are they killing our freedoms?
That's my question.
Why are we over there fighting when we have, uh, Saddam Hussein right here, which is Judge Harrelson?
All right.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Stay there, sir.
I want to keep you for another segment.
I want you to be able to talk to these poor folks who got raided by a bunch of armed police over a disabled, sick chicken.
They took care of him on the side of the road by a grocery store that no one owned, but it didn't matter.
He didn't lick the boots properly of the police, so he's in trouble.
Meanwhile, the border's wide open.
Meanwhile, the government's kidnapping people's children, doing guinea pig testing on them.
Not that mainstream news today.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now my friends, I see these type of articles every couple days.
I don't even cover them on the air because there's so many of them.
But today we've been detailing some examples of it.
Osa Motley, the Grammy Award winning
Conga band, whatever you want to call it, kind of Caribbean music.
Never been in trouble.
The police assault them outside a club, claiming the crowd was too big, and then charged them with assault.
Our guest, Phillip Dean, put a sign in his yard.
Our court system is a joke.
The judge had the police take it, then arrest him.
He's on with us.
And then this story I heard about Friday, and I believed it, but I had to find the article myself, out of the Mail Tribune.
out of Oregon and it says it's off to jail for chicken rescuer Williams man thought he had been abandoned little did he know that uh... she was a town celebrity in Murphy and uh... we've got uh... our next guest here on the line Nick uh... Gombos and uh... his uh... wife uh... Kathy Dean no relation to Mr. Dean in Alabama now we're going to the other side of the country to the west coast and uh... in a nutshell it's a long article
And I've got several other articles here on it.
You get a different story when you read the different articles together.
He goes there, there's this sick, shivering chicken out by the side of the highway in front of the grocery store, sitting there in a magazine rack where he was going to get his thrifty nickel.
And he goes in and says, I'm going to take this chicken.
They say, sure.
Then he calls him and says, hey, I'm taking care of the chicken.
The chicken's doing well.
And then all of a sudden, the police come out and say, give us the check and let us in.
He said, no, bring a warrant.
This is America.
He's a Vietnam veteran.
He has diabetes and stuff from Agent Orange.
And his wife's joining us because sometimes he has problems with his short-term memory, she was saying.
And the next thing he knows, a bunch of vehicles show up with armed police.
They come in, grab him, drag him out in his underwear.
and uh... rough him up and uh... he's facing a bunch of charges now they couldn't charge him with stealing a chicken so what they do is then they claim that he didn't follow their orders that he obstructed an officer a failure to follow an officer's order because he didn't let him in without a warrant see that's how it works now and they got a supreme court ruling on last monday seven days ago
The Supreme Court ruled in a Nevada case of an old rancher, on the side of the highway, at his own fence, mending a fence, the police officer pulls up, says, answer my questions, give me your ID, and he says, son, don't be rude to me, uh, you know, I don't have to answer your questions, I don't have to... Well, so now you gotta have your national ID card, you see, and he was charged and convicted of obstructing justice and resisting, which would be assault, and he got convicted of that.
They admit he didn't touch him.
This was in the Las Vegas Review Journal, folks, in a headline, The Road to the Police State.
He didn't touch them, but it's now resisting to not answer their questions.
And so that's the same thing now that Nick Gombos is facing.
You can read this article out of the Mail Tribune at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well.
So let's bring, well, number one, before we bring up Nick Gombos and his wife,
Miss Dean, I want to go back to Phillip Dean with the separate case of the sign in the yard.
Phillip, you just heard this story.
What do you think of it?
Well, it's not surprising.
That's why I say we're overseas fighting a war when we've got the same thing going on right here.
Our judicial system has gone to the dogs.
By the way, the police were so mad that he wouldn't let him in without a warrant.
And by the way, he said, yeah, the chicken's here.
Come back with a warrant.
Come back with some kind of order.
I'm an American.
And then they admit he wasn't even rude.
And then they come back and grab him and slam him around and drag him out in his underwear.
That falls back to the want to teach you a lesson part.
And the judge, by the way, in your case, told everybody he wants to teach him a lesson.
Let's bring up Catherine Dean and her husband, Nick.
Good to have you on the show.
Thank you very much.
Alex, everything you said is the absolute truth with the exception that
Um, the store was closed.
There wasn't anyone around when Nick picked it picking up.
It was 10 o'clock at night.
Okay, I got three different articles here.
And I know the news gets stuff wrong a lot.
So I'm trying to go off the newspaper.
Uh, you know, my wife talked to you setting up for the show early this morning, but explain to me then what happened.
Nick was coming home from, um, Grant's Pass approximately 10 o'clock at night.
He stopped and as you said, picked up his weekly nickel.
At Ray's Market, and he found, he saw a chicken underneath some magazines.
And he also saw a box.
And his first response to that was, well, someone left a chicken and her hens, and her chicks, and people picked up the baby chicks and left the hen.
Okay, that was what he first thought.
So he looked around to see if there were any baby chicks around, and he didn't find any.
So he put the hen in the box and brought it home.
There was no one around to ask if the chicken belonged to anybody.
Everything was closed up.
Okay, I'm trying to dig out the quote out of one of these stories.
It says that your husband did, though, at some time talk to employees and they said it was fine.
I phoned the following morning after finding out from the neighbor that this chicken looked similar to one she had seen down at Ray's Market.
So I immediately phoned the market and said that we had the chicken.
And the gentleman that I talked to, it was a long conversation, but the final point of it was, we should bring the box back.
We can go ahead and keep the chicken.
This chicken was not a town celebrity as it's been reported.
The chicken had only been there for three weeks.
And no one owns it and no one even knows where it came from.
That's the funny thing.
In one article they say it's a celebrity and they owned it.
In the other articles they say it's not owned.
Yeah, it's definitely not owned and it only showed up approximately three weeks ago.
Okay, well accelerate through this for us.
The train of events.
Okay, we have the chicken for five days.
Okay, and everything was fine.
The market said keep the chicken, absolutely no problems.
We bought two more chickens to keep the company.
And all of a sudden the lady phoned me up and threatened me with bodily harm.
She said that she and a group of people were going to come over and not only get Nick and I, but they were also going to grab the chicken.
So I phoned our local Sheriff's Department here in Josephine County and requested to file a complaint.
They said Oregon has a new two-time complaint law, and the first one doesn't count.
You can tell someone... Now, I know this is hard to believe, and I know it's hard for your listeners to believe this.
No, it's not.
Listen, the police will not allow you to file complaints if they want to.
So anyway, Deputy Sheriff Matt Fripp, C-R-I-P-P, of the Josephine County Sheriff's Department, told my husband and I
That we have a two-time threat law.
You can tell someone you can kill them the first time, and they won't get in trouble, as this lady had did to me.
And you don't get in trouble, but the second time you do it, you can get your hands slapped.
And by the way, when I have a stalker threatening to kill me and my family, I reported it four separate times, filled out reports twice.
They would do nothing for me, because they don't like me.
Oh, right.
Of course.
Of course.
If they're self-politics, we know that.
So anyway, instead,
Deputy Tripp came back and said that my husband was going to be arrested on felony chicken charges.
Not misdemeanor.
I think $2,000 in Texas.
What is it there?
I didn't know this chicken was worth thousands of dollars.
Of course not.
It's not.
It wasn't.
He outright lied to us.
By the way, possession is nine-tenths of the law.
Well, we're going to get her back, I think, eventually when this is done with.
To make a rather long story short, within two days, from the 22nd of last month to the 24th of last month, the police department, the sheriff's department, the DA, and our one and only judge decided that Nick was a chicken thief, okay?
That he had broken the law, that he had gone into Ray's Market and stolen a chicken, even though Ray's Market declined to press charges.
There are no charges pressed against Nick.
There are no complainants.
Who's the individual that threatened you?
Her name is Connie Young.
We don't have to give her last name.
My point is, I just want to know... Connie Young.
Yeah, and what is her relationship with the chicken?
Well, at first she said she owned it, but now she says she doesn't own it.
The chicken is unowned.
It's a free-range chicken.
I don't think so.
So far, I want to get Phillip Dean, no relation to you, he's in Alabama, being arrested for a sign saying our court system is a joke.
Phil, what do you think of this so far?
Well, I'm just sitting here thinking, the sheriff stole my signs and it was okay, but this guy gets arrested for stealing a chicken.
The law doesn't apply to everyone, does it?
No, it doesn't.
No, it definitely doesn't.
Now they came out to the house and they said, what did they say to you when they came to the door?
On the 24th, they came to the gate and wanted entrance.
And Nick and I both told them no, because they didn't have a warrant.
They didn't have a citation for Nick's arrest.
They didn't have anything.
Nick stated to them, if he could show them a bill of sale for the chicken, they could have the chicken.
I was also under
Uh, instructions from the local FPCA to keep the chicken until they finish serving papers on Ray's Market because it's against the law for a market to have chicken poop in front of its doors and have people walking in and out of the grocery store with chicken poop on their feet.
Yeah, it's unsanitary, okay.
You can't have a barnyard in a place of sale of food.
Right, right.
So the local SPCA was involved in this and they were writing up papers against him.
And so because he didn't give up his rights, they came back and later charged him with that.
No, no, no, there are no charges against Nick.
So anyway, the conversation... Well, the newspaper was saying they were going to charge him, so they dropped those.
Hang on, hang on.
Stay there, we've got a break.
Everybody stay there.
Our guests from Alabama stay there.
Our guests from Oregon stay there.
We'll come back and go through the rest of this.
Then we'll let our guests go.
And then we'll open the phones up and cover a bunch of other news.
Stay with us.
The final segment coming up.
We'll get to the end of the story.
And we're thanks for staying now.
I'm Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're back live and we've got the man on the line who put a sign in his yard saying our court system's a joke.
He was arrested and held for 26 hours.
Shackled and shamed all over his body.
The judge says I'm teaching you a lesson not to put signs in your yard criticizing me or the government.
And then we've got folks from the West Coast and Oregon who pick up this homeless chicken, which the grocery store now admits, and that's good of them.
And I guess it's their fault for calling the grocery store to say, hey, we took that homeless chicken.
But the police, to show the craziness, they came out there, SWAT team arrayed, let's go to what happened that night.
And I'm probably going to have to hold you and Phil and
And everybody else, Nick, a little bit into the next segment because we're running out of time here and there's a lot to cover.
And any time you want to pop in, Phil, with your comments, please do.
Because we're all connected.
This affects all of us.
And you've been under similar bizarre treatment by these people.
And pop in any time, Nick Gombos.
You were there that night, Nick, Kathy.
What happened when the SWAT team arrived?
Okay, I received a phone call at about
115, and it was from Lieutenant, or it was from Deputy Tripp, saying, let me speak to Nick.
Well, Nick was found asleep.
He mentioned nothing about a search warrant, nothing.
He said, let me speak to Nick.
And I said, no.
I looked outside, and I didn't know there were four police cars out there.
I only saw the lights from one.
Our home is about 200 feet from our front gate.
And I said, no, please give me a message and I'll have him return it in the morning.
Well, this went on and on, back and forth, back and forth, and at last I hung up on him.
Okay, the phone rang again and this time it woke Nick up.
Well, Nick looked outside and all he saw were searchlights all over our property.
The men had jumped our fence.
There was never a mention of a search warrant.
The men had jumped our fence, okay, and the deputies were swarming our property and they literally had SWAT team type
Um, um, clothes on, okay?
The, the, the, the, the full, um... Was it camo or black?
Armored, armored vest, um, black, um, whole bit.
Boots, boots and all.
Were they wearing black ski masks?
Um, I, I can't, I didn't see, okay?
It's like a nightmare to me.
Okay, so what happened next?
Nick, Nick looked out the window.
He, he did not know that I had talked to one of the deputies.
Nick looked out the window and all he saw was flashlights and he immediately ran to the closest store, which is my office store, and stepped outside and said, what is going on here?
Okay, had Nick stepped outside with his gun, he would be dead today.
Nick, what happened next?
Well, what happened next is when I stepped outside and said, what's going on here?
Immediately, four cops came in on me.
And the supervisor in charge said, handcuff him.
After that I asked him immediately, I said, please give me my shoes and clothes, I'm not naked, I don't have any clothes on, I'm a diabetic, I can cut up very easily.
I said, please release the handcuffs a little bit, you've got them way too tight, they're starting to numb my fingers.
I said, you don't understand what would happen to me in the long term.
Okay, well after about a little while... Your hands would fall off.
Pardon me?
Your hands would fall off.
Well, they don't fall off, but yeah, after a long time, it affects the nerve system of the diabetic.
Okay, so anyway... Yeah, they'll die.
You'll lose circulation in your hands.
So anyway, they start hauling me down the driveway, which is about 200 feet.
They wouldn't give me any clothes.
Now, let's explain that later they said, because they couldn't get you for the chicken, they said, we're going to go after you for getting in the way of an officer's activity or... Just in the term of an officer's activity.
Yeah, no interfering with an officer's... So by asking who they are now, now they're there, now that's the charge, though, because they couldn't charge you for a chicken.
Well, they wouldn't tell me what the charge was.
But later they did.
No, well, yeah, but it's still... I'm sorry, Newt, go ahead.
Okay, anyway, they proceeded to drag me down the driveway, one on each arm, and I asked them again, I said, guys, I said, I can't...
Walk down this driveway, etc, etc.
I need clothes and shoes.
And what they said to me is, they said, your wife will not give you any clothes.
And I said, oh, you've got to be kidding me.
So anyway, we get to the front gate, and the supervisor asked me for the combination.
And out of fear, I'm not going to give him a combination, because I'm worried they're going to go back in and try and hurt my wife.
And he says, OK, then.
He grabs our gate.
We have a big rod, iron, steel gate.
He grabs it.
I mean, he went into a rage.
This is a supervisor, and I forgot his name, and tried to rip this thing off the hinges, and he got it broken open enough where he, and then all of a sudden I was just shoved through there, and I think that's where I got all cut up and all that kind of good stuff, and then they just shoved me in the car.
Well that's the thing, they go into these psychotic rages at the drop of a hat, so he was just like, ahhhh, grabbing you.
Absolutely, absolutely, and that's what he did.
He just went into a rage, it was unbelievable.
I couldn't believe that he was... Let me get a comment, because we'll do a few more minutes on the other side.
Sounds like Jackson County police to me.
We are in Jackson County.
I mean Josephine County.
What do you think of Mr. Dean's case?
Are you talking to us?
Yes, I am.
Tell you what, we'll break.
We're all gonna break.
We'll be right back in a few more minutes on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The government is supposed to serve the people.
The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the state constitutions are there to defend us from government getting out of control.
But government thinks that it's now our master, our rulers, our owners.
And when they abuse us, when they do bad things, usually they just beat you up.
Now they go ahead and charge you on top of it.
I was asking you, Kathy Dean, no relation again to our guest Phillip Dean from Alabama.
I was asking you what you think of Phillip Dean's case where he put a sign in his yard saying our court system is a joke, so they stole his signs and arrested him.
And the judge said to teach him a lesson not to talk bad about the government.
What do you think of that?
Absolutely outrageous.
It's another thing that had this not happened to us and had I not seen it
In person and gone through the shock of it all.
It's the type of thing that you think can't happen to you.
It's outrageous.
Let me get a comment from your husband.
Nick, what do you think of this?
I think it's outrageous also that everyone has the right to free speech in any manner, shape, or form.
He did what he felt was right.
He was abused.
And this is what we're all going through now.
And it's not just a few thousand of us, if it's
Hundreds of thousands of people, I'm sure it's happened to, and it has to stop.
And I applaud you, Mr. Dean, for doing something like that, and we are going to continue our battle also, and try to resolve our issues with the abuse that we're all being treated by.
So they drug you through this rod iron gate.
How bad were the injuries?
Can I interject something right now?
I'm trying to upload to your producer all of the pictures, and my satellite isn't
Um, cooperating at the moment.
Your satellite?
We're hooked to satellite because we're out in the boonies, kind of.
Okay, so we're on satellite transmission.
Wow, that's a nice internet connection.
For computers.
It is for download, but not for upload.
Well, we'll get it, we'll put them up today or tomorrow.
Let me get a comment, some more comments from Phillip Dean, who put the sign up in Alabama.
Phillip, what do you think?
Well, I think the system is, it's not
What's right or wrong anymore here in Alabama, it's a money system.
I mean, you go hire a lawyer, they're not there to help you.
They're there to take your money.
The court system wants to keep you hooked.
They've kept me hooked for the last seven years since my divorce.
They have drained me of every penny that I had saved, my life savings.
I'm so sorry.
That's what they do.
They keep you hooked.
The judge tells you when you go to talk to the judge, oh, you need a lawyer.
Oh, you need a lawyer.
It's the funny thing that I had the best attorney in Scotchburg when I went to court this last time in June the 23rd, but she shows up without an attorney and wins the case when I have the best attorney in Scotchburg.
And then you put a sign up criticizing it and you get arrested.
I've got a few final calls here for you, but I want to finish up the story.
So they drag you through the gate and you're bleeding.
How bad were those cuts?
May I interject here?
Sure, go ahead.
Once we get them to you, or people can go on my website at www.KathyLindeen.com.
Oh, I didn't know you had a website.
We'll put a link to it.
Yeah, yeah.
They can see the damage.
Well, you don't need to send us the photos.
I do, because my website isn't as good as yours.
If we have permission, we'll just grab them and put them on ours.
Well, I'm going to still send you the pictures.
Did you see, say, Kathy Lending?
Kathy Lynn Dean, K-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-N-E-A-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-T-H-Y-L-Y-N-D-A-
Um, an officer said, do you have any, um, needles, knives, weapons on you?
Well, Nick was in his tight red skivvies, okay?
His speedos, okay?
And he says, does it look like I have any weapons on me?
They slammed, they said, okay, play game.
Slammed the door shut on him and left him in there for about 10 minutes and then they at last opened the door and let him out.
Um, they paraded him through the jail naked, barefoot and in his skivvies, okay?
And put him in a cell which where he was there for half an hour still naked before they ever gave him clothes and a blanket.
Let me go to Nick here.
Nick, what happened to you in the jail?
Basically what Kathleen said, they put me in the one cell for about a half hour, left me unclothed.
Another man came in, gave me some clothes, told me to strip down.
Then they brought me out and put me in another cell.
I just laid down over there and then about an hour and a half later another guy came in and said, would you like a blanket?
And I said, please.
When did they tell you you were being charged?
And I guess they dropped that.
When did they tell you you were being charged with disrupting a police officer's godhood?
When I was being booted out of the jail.
So where is that charge now?
It's still fixed.
He interfered with a police officer.
And they are also charging him with chicken stuff.
They're still charging me with both of them.
Okay, so earlier I was saying what are the charges and you weren't clear.
So, okay.
Now I understand.
Let's take a few calls.
Let's go ahead.
Oh, but before we see the photos, can you just tell me how bad the cuts were?
Um, his feet, his feet were cut up.
Um, and both the right and the left sides of his body.
We're cut up pretty bad and we think it was, well we know it was either due when they had him pinned up against our oak tree or when they were pushing him through the gate.
He also had a lot of knee scrapes and scratches and open wounds.
So they drug him around for that.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to John, Ethan, and Lisa.
That's all I've got time for.
John in Texas, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how you doing?
Didn't really have a comment for your guest other than no wonder the people in Iraq don't want the American style of government.
Well, I'm not quite sure if this is the right time to talk to you about this, but you know how the New World Order is always hiding things in plain view?
Well, wife and I watched the movie Willard last night, and at the very last scene, the main character gets thrown into an insane asylum.
The number on his cell door, 3-911.
In other words, September 11th and March 11th?
Yeah, the globalists love to do that.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead.
Yeah, you know, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed, like I'm engulfed, drowning in this toxic poisonous undertow of authoritarian tyranny.
The meager rations of freedom that are left from the skeletons of our liver are being picked clean by this two-headed, ravenous vulture of totalitarianism.
What happened to Philadelphia has put me in tears.
Like that other guy in Kentucky who was arrested for the Ron Paul video?
You know, people are so conditioned to obey and locked in a mindless group think that a lot of people don't care about this.
This stuff should be like first page news on every, you know, major network.
But you don't hear anything about it.
This is the only place I hear anything like this.
And I just... The chains of oppression are dominating and snapping.
You know, this is what I have to say to the people who are giving you death threats that you were saying.
It just shows how insecure they are, that how they...
Overzealous, overkill is what the police demonstrate now.
I hear you, Ethan.
Thanks for the call.
Closing comments from Phillip Dean, who put the sign up in Alabama and who was arrested.
What are you going to do?
Are you going to sue this judge or where is all this going?
And then secondarily, what has the response been in the community?
Well, we are going to sue the judge.
We're working on filing the civil case for the judge, the Sheriff's Department.
The two deputies that stole my sign along with the county and the county commission.
We do plan on suing and we will be having this in the paper in the future.
What are locals saying about it?
Well the first day that this came out in the paper,
You have to understand, I tried to get several news reporters to report this, and every time they went to Judge Harrelson, he locked the file in his desk and threatened to put them in jail, and it scared them all away.
Oh, so more freedom!
Yes, this man, David Brewer, was the first man that was man enough to stand up and print the story, and I'm proud of him.
But anyway, when he printed the story, probably the first day, I probably received 140 calls.
And I'm not alone in the state of Alabama.
You would not believe the people that has called me and told me their stories where the judge has violated their rights in the same way.
This man has been on bench for over nine years and he was not elected.
He was appointed when another judge left.
Nobody has ever voted for him and he has sat here in this office.
He also told my lawyer that I was the first man in nine years that had ever stood up to him like this.
Are we men or are we mice?
I want to thank you for coming on the show, Phillip Dean.
You've got my number.
As this develops, can we have you back on once you sue this creature?
Yes, sir.
God bless you, my friend.
Good luck.
Thank you, Dean.
Take care.
You guys, do you have any final comments?
We have an excellent lawyer.
I believe he's the only lawyer that has succeeded in prosecuting any cases
In Josephine and Jackson County, this area of Oregon, we're going after them.
That's all I can say.
What they did is totally illegal.
They didn't manage... What the odds are of a sheriff's department doing everything wrong
I don't know what those odds are.
And now they're trying to put your husband in jail!
Nick, how much time are you facing in jail?
Can I say one thing?
What I would like to say real quick is that I never thought that this would happen to me in my lifetime and I want all you people that are listening out there don't think that it'll never happen to you because someday something will happen.
Be very careful.
Yeah, and right now we're watching our back.
Cars are driving slowly by the front.
I want to add one quick thing.
When this all was going on, I phoned the state police.
I was so frightened.
I wanted help.
This is all on record.
The state police officer said, listen lady, nobody gets arrested for chicken theft.
He said, you better find out what your husband is really into.
It's probably drugs.
Yeah, we're all bad.
The government can do no wrong.
I need to ask you a question here.
Nick, how much jail time are you facing with these charges?
There probably won't be any jail time at all.
Yeah, we don't know.
This hasn't even gone through arraignment yet.
But you need to look up in the state code.
I would imagine that, they'll throw the book at you, I would imagine it's six months to a year in jail for, what was the exact charge?
Well, I can read them to you right here.
Okay, the exact charges are, count one, interfering with a police officer,
Count two is theft in the third degree.
Okay, on your own property asking what's going on here and being drug around until you're bloody, that is a crime against them.
This is par for the course.
It's happening every millisecond in this country.
Both of you, I appreciate you coming on the show and you've got my number.
We'll post your photos on the website at InfoWars.com.
Nick Gombos and of course Kathy Dean, thank you for coming on the show.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
God bless you too.
Thanks for your service to our country, Nick.
Take care.
Bear Grylls, Nick, may I admit, a Vietnam veteran, highly decorated, no criminal record, diabetic, thought he was helping a chicken, and may spend a lot of time in jail now.
And same thing with Phillip Dean.
He did absolutely nothing.
The judge said, I'm going to teach you a lesson, told the local newspaper.
You don't.
We can't allow people to talk about the government.
We just can't allow it around here.
And folks, I'm not scouring around looking for these stories.
I mean, with the Kelly Rushing story out of Lyon County, Kentucky, I haven't even stayed on top of that!
I don't even know what's happened with that!
We're giving them a Ron Paul video.
Well, that's a congressman on the floor of the House talking about freedom!
That's a threat to us!
Arrest him!
It's... Do you understand?
This is China.
China arrests popular Tibetan musicians.
They claim their music has codes in it.
Code words criticizing the government.
Are these judges, are these police, are kings, are rulers, are owners, are masters?
It's so horrible to see this happening.
And to see ten, and they're saying maybe more, U.S.
troops, there's other dead troops from other countries, and all the stuff happening in Iraq,
I have an article here out of England reporting on what came out a month ago in New York where they're grabbing people's children and testing vaccines and drugs on them, toxic drugs on them.
That's what the government's doing.
I mean, these are the real news articles.
This is the real stuff that's going on.
Then there's this article out of the Edmund Journal out of Canada.
Lighthouse attack was staged by U.S.
to trick Canada into war.
And they go to the evidence of the U.S.
attacking the lighthouse to blame it on Japan or Germany.
And that was the pretext to get them into the war.
There's that article, just another example of it.
France sought secret U.N.
And of course, it's coming out that Tony Blair and others, days after 9-11, got a call from Bush, they were going to attack Iraq and knew Iraq wasn't involved.
I mean, this is the type of stuff.
Here's that article out of the London Observer.
Young children and babies using lab rats in drug trials.
And some of them are dying, people.
I have stacks of it.
I have stacks of it.
ID cards compulsory by 2008, London Independent.
The government's going to make everybody take an ID card.
We already have it.
You already have to have your state driver's license or ID card to walk the streets, to leave your home.
If you don't answer their questions, the Supreme Court has said that's assault on an officer.
It's resisting, which is the assault law, but they go ahead and charge you with it.
Those old World War II ranchers don't grovel, don't lick boots properly.
This is the new thing.
They beat you up, you get charged.
Bush given warnings months before 9-11.
The London Evening Standard.
The White House was warned months before September 11th that Al Qaeda was planning to crash aircraft into skyscrapers.
A whistleblower revealed today.
It was also in the Associated Press over the weekend.
We told you this weeks ago.
It's one of the latest whistleblowers.
And she was threatened with arrest or offered a bigger job.
She gave a press conference.
You found that out here.
Tom Flacco recorded it.
But the news, of course, doesn't get into that.
They just talk about how she was ordered to change the transcripts.
It says, the potential hammer blow to President Bush's credibility.
No, because no one will learn about it.
Former FBI translator Sybil Edmonds, a senior U.S.
official, had told an outrageous lie when they claimed they had no prior knowledge.
Edmonds, an American working on wiretaps, was told a special investigation in 9-11.
There was information in the spring and summer
Of 2001, such an attack was being planned on American cities, and it goes there were information, time frame, methods, aircraft, all of it.
To fly planes into buildings, major skyscrapers.
But, they say they never heard that.
You see, and then they told her to alter the documents.
And see, the average person will never hear about this.
Starting to get the picture here.
Of just how serious all of this has gotten.
Are you starting to figure out how pathetic things are?
We'll come back and hit a bunch of other final news stories.
Telemarketing jobs go to jail!
Rather than sending jobs to India or China, telemarketing firms are increasingly finding hired help in prisons!
You see, you're not just competing against Mexico or India or China, but against the millions of people in private prisons.
But them criminals work!
For 20 cents an hour, they take your job, fool!
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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So, telemarketing jobs go to jail.
This has been going on for five years that I know of.
I tell you about it, you didn't believe it.
Fox News reports.
Businesses say the inmates make good, hard-working employees in an industry plagued with high turnover.
Yeah, they're slaves.
Prisoners are never late, absent or on vacation, and do the job for only about $130 a month or less than $1 an hour.
The average prison wage is 20 cents, folks.
Companies also don't have to offer them benefits.
For many inmates, it's a chance to redeem their dignity.
See, Fox News likes it, because more responsibility and challenge their criminal ways.
But critics of the practice warn that some prisoners have abused their access to personal information.
In Washington State, for example, a jailed rapist harassed a woman from calls and cards.
Supporters also say that most of the criminals behind bars will eventually be back in society, so it makes sense to give them job skills.
That's right, and by the way, the government's hiring them.
You can call about your Social Security, about bank card information.
Of course, the good news is most of them actually are innocent, so... Poor criminals!
But don't let the jail guards get near the data, please!
There'll be massive, massive crimes committed!
And if you complain about it, we'll probably put you in there!
You can... I mean, this is the slave pens, people!
Oh my goodness, there is just so much more here.
There's just so much happening.
Condoleezza Rice and this whole staged event is going to be liefying in a couple of days.
And again, Bill Gates is no longer the richest man in the world.
Never was, but now Sweden is, and they say because of the devaluing of the dollar, 40 plus percent of Gates's value is gone, so now this guy is richer than him.
It says, the dollar's slide against other currencies is the main reason why Kampar has now overtaken Gates.
This is from Reuters.
Gimson's movie, The Passion, a hit among Arabs.
Not out of the Associated Press, so they say, see, it's anti-Semitic.
They like it.
And, of course, I believe the government, the globalists were behind the Madrid bombings.
All the evidence shows that.
But the people they were going to capture, who supposedly were behind it, they got blown up in a building.
Lee Harvey, Oswald, McVeigh, Muhammad, Harris, Kleibold, Sirhan, Sirhan got blown up there.
So, a suspected Madrid bomber, ringleader, killed.
Five suspects may have died in Saturday's apartment blast.
So that's going on.
Bush's administration is worse than Nixon's as Watergate aide.
John Dean, Richard Nixon's legal counsel, who was jailed for his part in the Watergate scandal, has accused the Bush administration of trampling even the Nixon regime, trumping them in secrecy, deception, and political criticism.
Channel 4 in England did air graphic video of an abortion.
Banned images, but they're still going to show it.
And I say that's good.
People need to know what it's all about.
Because they wouldn't be involved in it if they did.
I'm out of time.
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I've made 10 films.
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The videos are $25.95 apiece.
$20 if you order three or more.
Get 9-11 The Road to Tyranny to find out the truth about 9-11.
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That's 1-888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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Please take action.
We need your support.
This is our country.
America's about freedom.
We're not your slaves.
We're standing up.
We're saying no.
Things that are happening aren't right and are only going to get worse until we stand up and say no.
So have courage and know that it's safer to fight back than to lay there and take it.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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