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Name: 20040402_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 2, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, it's Open Line Friday.
We will take a ton of your calls.
We will cover masses of very important news and information.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got three hours spanning out before us today.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central.
Two years ago, I told you that I saw Governor Ridge, even before Homeland Security got funding in late 2002, on C-SPAN with a whole bunch of corporate chieftains.
Two-hour press conference, or meeting, and I taped it.
I've got it in the big stacks here.
Someday I hope to put a clip of it in a video.
And Governor Ridge said to have a job, your ID card, your national ID card through the driver's license will have your four levels of security clearance.
You'll have to be federal approved to have a job anywhere.
And with the new national sales tax, that will bring federal enforcement into every business as the overseers.
Well, the Washington Times reported on this five days ago.
And I just learned of it and I have the article.
So you can tune in here and hear it two years before, or you can just read the mainstream media and find out later.
It says, if you're on the list, no job for you.
That's the headline.
And if you end up getting on the list, how do you do that?
Well, to add credit, you go from a green to a yellow.
And you have to go work off the debts to be able to get a job.
And the government's going to have the new national civilian draft where you work domestically for them in environmental, land-grabbing programs, gun-grabbing, Stasi, Tattletail squads.
It's all been announced.
Just nightmarish as it gets.
That is coming up here on the show.
White House withholds Clinton-error papers from 9-11, protecting Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton always protects Bush as well, and it's for the war.
They're just peas in a pod.
And so, lawyer says Bush won't give Clinton-error records.
Blair eyes identity cards for all British citizens.
They wanted this before 9-11 couldn't get it, but now they say it's for your safety.
And that'll also be to have a job, or to leave your house, you'll have to have one.
Supreme Court ruled you've got to show IDs to walk down the street or you have to answer questions of police or that's resisting.
And then you get a felony charge.
That was Monday's ruling.
Scientists predict major Southern California quake within five months.
This is from KTVU Television.
We'll get into that story.
And I was listening to Pastor Butch Paul last night and I heard him talk about a WAFF television news story out of Decatur, Alabama.
And lo and behold, I found it online this morning.
It's being posted on InfoWars.com as we speak.
And we're attempting to get a hold of this gentleman that this happened to.
And he put a sign in his yard that says, our court system is a joke.
There's a picture of it here.
And the judge didn't like it and held him in contempt and had him shackled and put in jail.
And that's the new America.
Again, I need to hear from Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky.
He gave a police officer one of my videos in a speech of Ron Paul, and a few days later they had him arrested, and the judge said, you're not allowed to give these anti-government videos to police.
So, that's the new America.
And that case is going forward.
I need to hear from Kelly Rushing to see what happened with that, with his case.
So this is the new America.
This is what our veterans have fought and died for.
This shows what the judges and police, who they think they are.
They literally think they're Caesars or Hitlers or Stalins or Maos.
They think that in America you're not even allowed to criticize the system.
And this is happening coast to coast.
We're seeing these type of developments every day.
Hey, you know what?
I'm not going to shut up.
I'm never going to shut up.
Our courts are a joke.
Ooh, evil.
I may be arrested.
I'm not joking.
You know what?
If we cower to this, they're getting desperate.
They know we're waking people up.
If we cower to this, they win.
How about we stand up like Americans and say the courts are a joke?
I mean, this proves they're a joke.
We'll come back, cover this article and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Yesterday, I confirmed that a textbook being used nationwide called We The People
For high school juniors and seniors says, and we read the quotes on air, says that there is no constitutional rights in America, we have no freedoms, that we are not here to make money, we are here to serve the government, that the government is our masters.
I mean, it actually said that.
Now, I had college textbooks that said that, and that's why I woke up to the New World Order many years ago.
But, and I had seen social worker textbooks that said the family is the enemy and must be eradicated and is bad.
But to have this stuff in the high schools, and then to find out that this textbook is used nationwide, one of the most popular textbooks because it's so inexpensive.
The other textbooks, or the gold textbooks, as they call them, are $35, $40.
This one's only $8 in a big old textbook.
So the school districts get it.
And the whole thing is just full of propaganda.
I've got a bunch of, uh, the key pages here in front of me.
And, you know, we've got FEMA in my film, uh, Road to Tyranny in Kansas City, telling police and firemen and sheriff deputies that, quote, all the Founding Fathers are terrorists, all Christians are terrorists, enemies of the federal government.
Then we show their public training manuals, FBI training manuals, all homeschoolers are terrorists, those that believe in a new world order are terrorists.
It's amazing.
I mean, they're really doing it.
It's like a Body Snatcher movie or a Rod Serling episode of The Twilight Zone.
I mean, it's really happening.
It's bold.
It's massive.
It's incredible.
It's unbelievable.
And every day I see articles like this.
Uh, where a police dog, and I've seen 50 of these over the years, somebody's walking through a parking lot, the window's down, the police dog sticks its head out, starts barking.
Who has that not happened to?
Or disrespecting, yelling at an officer.
These are the different charges.
I've seen it in Texas, Newcastle, PA.
I've seen it all over the country.
The point is, they're God now to us.
Even their dogs aren't.
And I see these stories where they arrest protesters.
You know, there'll be two protesters with anti-Bush signs, 300 pro-Bush signs, public sidewalk, police come, arrest the people that are against Bush.
And then the federal courts say they can do it.
I got video of out in Oregon just a few months ago.
Yet again, you've got all the anti-war protesters out there, peaceably standing there.
The police just open fire on them with rubber bullets, chasing them down.
They shot judges in the face in Miami with rubber bullets.
Blew eyeballs out.
Attacked World War II vets.
Herded union leaders down.
Allies beat the tar out of them.
And it's all caught on video now, and it goes on the news, and well, this is a good thing.
And they're mounting their armored vehicles with microwave guns and sound guns here domestically.
They got helicopters with systems mounted on them that look right through your walls with a ground-penetrating radar, a crisp image of everything you're doing.
Airports all over the country are putting in systems that videotape you and record it absolutely naked.
They can even see the pores on your skin.
It's a clearer image than your eyes give you.
More detail.
And now I've got an article where it's going to go in, they're already using it, they'll herd everybody out of a bar and make them walk through this thing to see if they've got weapons or drugs.
I mean, this is the new America!
They just pull up with a truck, have everybody line up, we're going to run you through this!
That's your freedom!
All the borders wide open, all the CIA's caught shipping in narcotics on a yearly basis, while police are caught involved in every form of corruption imaginable,
Oh, I'm ranting and raving.
Leading up to this story, there's so much today.
This is out of WAFF Huntsville, Decatur, Shoals.
Covers three large towns in Alabama.
And a veteran, no criminal record, was tired of the corruption.
He put a nice little small sign in his yard.
Didn't violate any zoning laws out in the country.
And there's a picture of the sign on InfoWars.com.
We have a link to WAFF and it's got
Photos and documents there.
Our court system is a joke.
That's all it said.
And I have the judge's ruling here.
He said this is a direct disrespect and direct contempt of all courts.
And then he ordered the county to arrest him immediately.
And he was arrested and put in shackles in a four by six cell and left shackled, a form of torture.
And the gentleman who we're going to get on the show said, you know what, I'm going to stay here forever.
And there was such a public outcry, if it had been California, New York, it probably wouldn't have been, that the court apologized and released him.
But see, this is what's scary.
They and their power trip, and their compulsive, aggressive garbage, just, that was their instinct.
Arrest that man!
Folks, that's England pre-Magna Carta.
That's Nazi Germany.
That's Russia.
Let me just tell the police out there and the judges.
And we see this in Austin all the time.
A CPS calls families in.
They're not even real courts.
They say, sign away your children or I'm going to have you put in irons right now.
They tell them.
No jury, no nothing.
Just sign all this or it's over.
And the parents don't sign, they're thrown into solitary confinement.
There's about ten of these cases right now.
People want me to have them on air and help them and all the documents and the rest of it.
I mean, just right here in Austin with Judge Gene Mears' court.
It's horrible.
I mean, it's just horrible, people.
It's just total... This is exactly what was in the Declaration of Independence, what the Founding Fathers talked about.
So, the headline here
Man goes to jail for putting sign in yard.
Our court system is a joke.
First Amendment.
Smurfs Amendment.
You can look through them all up to his ears in legal documents.
Phillip Dean is fed up with the justice system.
That's the kind of court system we've got in Jackson County, Alabama.
And I want everybody to know it, Dean said.
So he put a sign in his front lawn saying, our court system is a joke.
A message landing him behind bars.
I was in a cell about four foot wide and six foot long and nothing in it but a toilet, he explains.
Arrest orders signed by Judge Harrelson claimed Dean to be in direct contempt of court even though the sign is on County Road 107, not in the county courthouse.
The signs were so derogatory to the court that they could not be ignored, Harrelson responded in a local paper.
With Dean locked up, the signs were removed by police.
Before they would let him go in front of Judge Harrelson, Dean says, they put leg shackles, they put handcuffs, they put chains from my legs up to my waist, they put a chain around my waist, they put chains from my waist up here and my hands pulled up like this.
With an apology, Harrelson released Dean after a day in jail, but the experience leaves Dean with unanswered questions.
When it gets to where a man hadn't got any free speech in the world, what has he got, he says.
Answers he hopes to find out with a message already in place in his yard on County Road 107.
So, there you have it.
That's the New America.
And I see these articles, listen to me, listen to me.
Every day.
The South, the West, the North, the East.
Across this country.
This is what they think.
This is how they operate.
Look, five years ago you'd try to go down to the governor's mansion on public sidewalks and hold up a sign protesting anything.
They would automatically arrest you until a bunch of suits got filed.
They lost three of the suits and now you're allowed to.
But now it's all being reversed.
They say, you're not going to have any free speech in the new America.
I mean, is America still America when it's like that?
Why are we putting up with this is the question that stands before us.
Why are we putting up with this?
What do you think about this?
Coming up, again I saw Rich two years ago on C-SPAN in a big meeting for two hours.
I taped it.
Saying you'll have to have an ID card to have a job anywhere, bad credit, you lose a score, won't be able to have a job unless you do a further judification, sign on to work at least 10 hours a week as a slave for the government.
And then they'll take part of that money and pay back your debts.
I mean, this is debtor's prison.
It says, if you're on the list, no job for you.
Finally hits the mainstream news.
This out of the Washington Times, March 26th.
I just learned of it today.
I mean, there you got it.
Land rights activists, pro-life activists, Green Party activists, people with no criminal records.
There have been hundreds of these cases in the news.
Thousands of people blocked.
Try to fly, and you're on the terror list, and you can't fly.
And now they're expanding the database out to buses.
You've got to swipe your card.
Now it'll be the trains.
Then tollways on the roads, they're saying internally.
Can't travel, can't do anything.
Nazi Germany!
So, we'll get to that.
Also, the White House blocked Dan Burton's committee investigating Bill Clinton.
Oh, they're doing it again.
White House withholds Clinton-era papers from 9-11 Commission.
Lawyer says Bush won't give Clinton records to the 9-11 panel to show the continued government protection of their asset Al-Qaeda.
Blair eyes identity cards after U.K.
He says, I don't care if 78% of you are against ID cards.
We're going to force you to take them to stop the terrorists.
You mean yourself.
Scientists predict major Southern California quake within five months.
And we'll get into that as well here on the broadcast.
And Miami cops found guilty in gun planting conspiracies.
They were doing it en masse.
And it took good cops blowing the whistle for this finally to stop.
Army cops found guilty of gun-planting conspiracy.
Giant x-ray used in drug searches at bars.
See, now it's not just at the airports.
Bush given warning months before 9-11.
A new article on that.
Ex-FBI woman says Rice lied.
job growth soars.
More lies.
Terror drills for cops.
We'll get into that.
troops in Asia fight fly-borne skin disease.
GM giant abandons bid to grow crops in England, but in the U.S., California Rice Commission approves two genetically engineered drug-producing rice variants.
We'll get into it.
It's all massive.
It's all important.
You do not want to miss this broadcast.
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We put a call in to Mr. Dean.
Phillip Dean in Alabama, no criminal record, put a sign up in his yard saying our court system is a joke and the judge thinks his courtroom gotta worship him.
I guess that means to be contempt of a judge walking down the street and he says to you, lick my boots!
You don't get down there and lick them.
Lick the bottom real good there.
There, chew that bubble gum off the bottom.
You don't do that, hell, you're doing a bad police officer's order.
They come to your door, mow my lawn.
The Supreme Court said that you've got to answer all their questions, or that's assaulting the officer.
That's resisting.
That's a Supreme Court ruling Monday.
I mean, this is godhood for government, and that's the norm in history.
So we've got a call in.
Mr. Dean wasn't there, but we're going to be getting him on the show.
You can be guaranteed of that next week.
Maybe even today, if he gets home and calls us.
Do you live in Alabama?
Did you hear about this case on WAFF television?
The government will arrest you.
Live on a county road.
You're allowed to put a little sign in this yard.
They said our court system is a joke.
That's not a violation.
They usually use an excuse like that.
No, it's just, or usually they complaint something or claim you did something wrong or, what's your problem, boy?
I start pulling you over every day.
You know, wait for you to go to work and pull you over.
But now it's just, what are you doing putting that sign up?
That's contempt.
I'm arresting you.
I mean, these are lunatics!
These people are crazy!
But again, it's like Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky.
Give a police officer one of my videos, a Ron Paul video.
He watches it.
That's a threat to me!
I'm arresting you!
You're facing a year in prison for each count of video!
And the judge said, you're going down.
I don't know where that case is right now.
They're not going to throw it out, they said.
They said, you're not going to give our officers anti-government videos!
Don't you know we're your rulers and your masters?
You don't disrespect the Soviet state!
I'll just say it right now, our courts ARE a joke.
Our court system IS a joke.
I mean, if he would have put up a sign saying, this judge is a joke, which this judge is a joke, the judge could have tried something civil, though he's a public figure, so there's not much he could do, but putting a sign up that says, our court system is a joke, and police officers came, and they arrested him.
Boy, you're in a lot of trouble, they told him.
How do you think you can get away with it?
Would you think this was America?
This is a new America.
You're going to Camp X-Ray, boy.
Mark in West Virginia, go ahead.
Greetings, Alex.
Long time listener.
I want to say that I typically listen on shortwave radio to your program.
Your new frequencies come in significantly improved over the previous frequencies.
Okay, well thank you.
You're welcome.
Some real quick talking points.
I know you don't have much regard for the White Wash Commission on 9-11.
Well, no, most of them are in business with Bush or Al-Qaeda, that's public, and it's a totally staged event.
They have to act like they're doing something, though, so people think it's real.
Yes, sir.
I was wondering if you might consider bringing back your previous guests from Judicial Watch and David Shippers and see what they have to say about the agents they've spoken to.
That's a good idea.
I need to get Larry Klayman on.
David Shepard's back on.
Another thing, about one week ago, a former FBI translator, Sybil Edmonds, Sybil, S-I-B-E-L.
Yeah, we covered that.
We covered the reporter that broke the story.
There were literally 12 cameras, over 50 reporters, and she laid out, I was told to change transcripts and violate them and take out the evidence of prior knowledge.
Then when I said I would go public, they said, we'll either give you a better job if you do what we say.
If you don't cover it up, we're going to arrest you.
That's a smoking gun there, Alex.
One of many.
Sir, sir!
Yes, sir?
FBI agent Robert Wright held up the Justice Department letter at the National Press Club on C-SPAN.
It's in my film, Masters of Terror.
And he said, I've been threatened with arrest if I tell you what I know.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
About W199.
One last thing.
I'm not sure where I heard it, but yesterday I believe I heard a news item that
There has been a significant drop in cable news viewership.
Uh, that Pablum on TV, uh, uh, you know, irrelevant.
Well, they're having an even bigger drop in the aggregate.
Overall, 35 to 46 percent, depending on what study, have left television altogether, and the media admits they have come right here and to other shows.
I mean, they think Michael Jackson is the news.
And it's sad when there's so much out there that needs to be told.
And I just want to salute you for all you've done for us.
Thank you.
Well, we salute you, my friend.
Thanks for the call.
We'll come back and talk to Paul and Heather and others.
But what do you think about this gentleman with the sign?
I mean, I know a lot of police out there think you should be arrested if you say the government's corrupt.
I know that's what FEMA taught you, but that's not America.
I'm sorry.
I know you don't know how many continents there are, who the first president was, and a lot of people don't know that, or what the Bill of Rights is, but just let me tell you something.
You're criminals.
You are criminal.
This judge arresting this man is criminal.
You are a criminal, Judge Harrelson.
A criminal!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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No, I'll stand my ground.
Again, our top story today, WAFF Television.
Covering Huntsville, Decatur and Shoals, Alabama, News 48.
Man with no criminal record, Phillip Dean.
I've actually got multiple stories here on this.
I need to post them all.
I'm posting this one right now.
He put a sign in his yard.
There's a picture of it.
Our court system is a joke.
And this is just a good old boy, a farmer.
He put the sign up on County Road 107 and the judge said,
There's no way we can put up with this.
And he had them arrested, and when Mr. Dean said, I'm not ever going to apologize or take it down as the First Amendment, they were forced to apologize and release him.
That shows how nuts these people are.
And it is criminal.
It's right out in the open.
The crime has been committed in plain view.
It's official oppression.
It's false arrest.
And Mr. Dean needs to file at least a $500,000 lawsuit.
Because I've looked at past precedent cases.
He was in the jail for over 24 hours.
If they just falsely arrest you and oppress you, that's $250,000.
But keeping him in jail for another 24 hours, that's another quarter mil.
So $500,000 is what needs to be brought against these people.
If you did this to me, I'd be suing you up one side and down the other!
And by the way, I got the best lawyer in Austin who sued everybody and won!
So you better watch it and leave me alone!
I'll put a sign in my yard if I want to!
You understand me?
If this doesn't make your blood boil, there's something wrong with you.
And it's criminal.
Let me say it again.
These idiots thought, compulsively, that they could arrest somebody
Out in the country, it's the size of a little election sign.
What about four feet tall?
Three feet wide?
Our court system is a joke!
It is a joke and this proves it!
Rest your case, Philip Dean!
My brother!
I salute you!
He's got more signs now.
So, good for him.
Now, who knows if he'll be pulled over and something be found on him.
Speaking of that, Miami cops found guilty in gun planting conspiracy.
This is common knowledge that if they get scared and grease you at a checkpoint or something, and I had a cop, I'm lucky to be here.
When I was still in high school, I was driving home here in Austin,
My mother said, son, go out and get me some of that frozen yogurt at the yogurt shop.
What is it?
TCBY or whatever it's called.
He said, I was a good boy, so I went out and jumped in my Mustang and drove on down the road.
It was actually a nice cop that did this.
Yes, you're going to hear why.
The speed limit is about 35 in the neighborhood down the main road and I'm not going to lie to you.
I was going about 50 miles an hour in my pretty green Mustang.
And, uh, the cop wheels around, rightly so, and starts following me, and I turn down to my neighborhood, to my street, and literally stop right in front of my house, and he walks over, and there's my weight belt laying in the front seat.
I was a big weightlifter at the time.
It's laying there in plain view.
And I roll down the window, and my hand's on the steering wheel, and I go, yes, officer.
And he goes, you know, you were speeding.
All of a sudden, ah!
He pulls his gun out, puts it to my head.
I'm going, whoa!
Whoa, what's going on?
He starts cussing at me, get the bleep bleep out of the car.
You see, normally in Austin, if they get that mad now, they'll just go ahead and beat you up and take you to jail and charge you with assaulting them.
I mean, you can be on video, but you don't touch them.
You get charged with assault.
The Oza Motley case with the Emmy Award winning or Grammy Award winning band, a few weeks ago, they just beat up some big actor, too, here for the Alamo premiere.
He'll be serving a lot of time in prison.
That's kind of a rule.
Just don't go down to 6th Street.
You're nuts to do it, because the steroid heads are going to come after you.
Anyways, let me continue with the story just briefly here.
I was getting into... So the gun's to my hip, and then all of a sudden he gets me out of the car.
I just put my hands on the car, and then he looks in, he gets in, he goes, Oh, I'm sorry, it's a weight belt.
I thought it was a big scabbard for a knife.
And I was, What?
It's just a weight belt laying in the front seat.
And I was like, OK, and what's in that bag?
Well, you can see it's yogurt.
OK, well, I'm sorry, just don't speed.
Gets in his car, drives off.
I say nice, because usually if they act like that, they're going to psychologically, you did something wrong, and you're bad, and they're going to be embarrassed.
You're going to go ahead and go to jail.
I mean, I don't know what this has happened to.
I know an old Korean War veteran, rancher, drove down to the coast to do some fishing, bay fishing.
Uh, and, uh, an old guy has a lawn service and he left some of his tools in the back of the machete, just in the back of the old truck.
And he comes back and, uh, they pull him over and go over his fish and the rest of it and, you know, make sure he's got his license.
I didn't know the normal state police do that, but they did.
Well, they didn't find anything illegal.
They go, oh, machete.
Last time I heard, I think he's got six years probation for a machete.
You can buy a machete in any store, and everybody knows you use a machete for lawn work, but not in America now.
I know another fisherman, they got one of the knives, one of the Filet-O-Knives, which is a mean knife, about, I don't know, seven inches long, real sharp.
And they got this tackle box, another fisherman I know, and they found that, and my gosh, he got some probation.
So, it's not a free country.
Did you know under Texas law, I can't buy a gun at the gun shop?
A handgun.
And drive home with it.
Oh, I got the Texas law right here.
I've got a book on state laws and gun laws and it's in there.
When they gave us our quote, concealed carry, what, six years ago, almost seven years ago, it turned right into a privilege.
Now, just a few years ago in Texas, handguns, rifles, shotguns, loaded.
When I was a child growing up, even to a teenager, a lot of cars had shotguns and rifles in them.
You don't see people, good old boys, doing that anymore because they know.
My uncle used to do it, but got tired of getting pulled over in East Texas.
So, you just don't have the deer rifle up there.
See, they're training us how to be jellyfish.
Even good old boy state police see a rifle up in your cab.
Well, that's somehow wrong.
and uh... so that's right in texas when I buy a gun I go straight home with it and I still go to the shooting range occasionally and I keep the ammo separate and put it in a lock box in the back of the car and I still know though that it's up to their discretion whether they want to charge me it shows the officer's discretion uh... whether you lawfully have it so they're kind of judge jury and executioner right there on the street so that's how pathetic
My home state, my beloved has become.
How domesticated, how neutered we are.
Hard enough ranting and raving, but Miami cops found guilty in gun planting conspiracy.
Closing a chapter in the city's biggest police corruption scandal in decades, this is out of the Sun Sentinel, a federal grand jury, federal jury, excuse me, convicted three Miami police officers Thursday of conspiring to cover up questionable shootings by lying about guns planted near suspects' bodies.
Lieutenant Israel Izzy Gonzalez, Sergeant Jose Pepe, that's his name, Plinterio, and Officer Jorge, nicknamed Termite Garcia, showed no emotion as the jury returned its verdict after days of contentious deliberations, and a dismissed juror who disagreed with the majority said she was told by another juror, go back to Cuba.
So there, I guess there's, oh well that's my race, I can't convict them.
By the way, it was police officers
That blew the whistle on these guys, God bless them.
The veteran officers were members of an elite plainclothes detail put on the streets in response to a rash of tourist robberies during the 90s.
By the way, I've talked to police and others and it's common knowledge that here in Austin, different SWAT teams have shoot their own officers and then lo and behold, you get blasted and then a gun gets put on you.
In one case they were going up to the door and they had a guy on the roof and he shot down through the officer.
They admit the shot was down through by his neck down out through him.
And then, uh... It's just horrible.
And by the way, statistically, I've seen the criminology statistics.
You, uh, the crime statistics, you're more often shot by your own SWAT team members.
You might want to check that statistic, SWAT team members.
So don't worry about Alex Jones.
I'm not going to do anything to you.
Just look in the mirror and look out.
So why you let yourselves be put in this position, I'll never know.
So I just thought I'd mention that to you.
And it's common knowledge that most police carry a throw-down weapon.
And they get caught doing it all the time here in Austin, but nobody ever seems to go to jail for it.
So, look out.
We've had a lot of cases in the last two years where they shoot somebody in the back.
Usually it's a retarded person who doesn't submit quick enough for runs.
Well, like a wolf chasing a rabbit that can't control the killer instinct, they just go ahead and waste you, and then... Oh, you know, it's all over the news that, uh... Well, the person supposedly wielded a stick at the officer, but... Why are there bullet holes in their backs?
I guess you're against police, huh?
Oh, I'm against them acting like this?
I mean, I was against Pinkerton security men a hundred and something years ago, murdering people in mass, coast to coast.
I mean, turn of the century and into the 1930s, going out with machine guns and, you know, Tommy guns and shooting hundreds of people in one famous case, killing dozens.
I forget the exact numbers, like twenty-something people at these, you know, oh, you're striking?
You're standing out front to strike?
We'll just pull up and machine gun you.
By the way, all these rubber bullets are a training aid for police.
We train them to pull the trigger with real firearms.
Real, real, real lead.
We're going to take your calls on all these subjects.
I'll start going to your calls quicker now.
Paul in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Thank you for your service to our Republic.
And I got your video on, which I've had it for a while, Road to Tyranny.
And the way I do it, I don't make copies.
I go to one person at a time.
And when he gets done with that video, I say, hey, did you watch the video?
And they can't believe it.
I say, well, I want the video back, because I've got somebody else who wants to watch it.
And that's how I do it, one by one, because I make sure they see what this anti-Christ, atheist government is doing to us.
What's on your mind today?
What do you think of in Alabama?
You put a little sign in front of your house saying our courts are a joke and you get arrested for it.
They are a joke.
But see the way I do it too?
I go to public places and I put up signs and I write things on things on what this government's doing.
That may not be right, but at least they don't know who it is.
I've got my own ways about doing things when it comes to stuff like that.
But putting a sign in my yard?
I ain't afraid to put a sign in my yard.
I think that you've got to watch your neighbors, you've got to watch everybody or they'll snitch on you.
That's what you've got to watch.
But anyway, the reason why I called, it was this story, I don't know if you've heard about it, it's about a sheriff arrested a Vietnam veteran about a chicken.
It was out in Oregon.
Dave Daniels.
No, I did see that.
I did see that and didn't get to it.
Again, I see these stories every day and rarely even get to them.
Tell us about it.
Well, to make me tick, and this one made me tick, it was a Vietnam veteran.
He got a chicken.
He went to a market and he seen this old chicken.
It was in a cage.
I mean, it was about probably half dead.
Anyway, he wanted this chicken to take care of it.
This was a Vietnam vet that didn't bother nobody.
And even the owner of the market said it was all right for him to take this chicken.
Well, he took the chicken home.
And an employee of this store at this market called the sheriff on this Vietnam vet and they done nothing wrong.
So the sheriff went to this man's home wanting to
Wanted him to give the chicken back, and he wouldn't give the chicken back.
So, well, then this employee got a warrant out on him or something like that, and they wanted to search his home to get this chicken.
And he wouldn't give them a search warrant.
He said, no, you're not searching my house.
So they left.
So in the middle of the night, they got this judge to go ahead and sign the search warrant, and he did.
And they come out and drug this man out of his house, and he said,
Brent Jones is where I hear the short way, because I listen to John McNamara.
I saw the article, yeah.
Anyway, they drugged this man, they injured him, and he's in jail right now for what they've done to him.
I mean, they broke in his house, four of these jackbooted thugs drugged him out.
And the thing is now, when they beat you up in almost all cases, they then charge you with resisting.
We have video in Austin, in Virginia, all over, where you stand there with your hands down, and then they beat you up and charge you with assault.
Right, well, Wednesday night we flooded that town up there in Oregon.
But again, this is a place selling chickens.
He says, oh, I want to keep it and take care of it.
They flip out and think it's weird.
And then they, and whatever happened to the chicken?
Well, I don't know.
I treated them, well, anyway, I called, I called to find out to make sure.
You know, I always check everybody out.
I don't believe just anybody.
So I called the sheriff.
No, I saw the article, yeah.
Well, the phone number, I ain't got the phone number.
And the sheriff is Dave Daniels.
And he's the one that done this on this Vietnam veteran.
And if you don't care, I can get the phone number out.
And if it's true, it's that you're right.
I mean, I saw a blurb a few days ago, but tell us about what happened to the chicken.
Well, they wouldn't tell me about what happened to the chicken.
I asked them when I called the sheriff.
But what are they saying?
He did wrong with wanting to, feeling sorry for a chicken that was going to be eaten and taking it home.
Well, see what they've done?
They've more or less took another man's word.
Not even the store owner.
The store owner said it was all right for him to take the chicken, but the store owner called the sheriff on the guy for no reason at all.
It wasn't even... It didn't even have nothing to do with him.
And the sheriff more or less took this other guy's word.
These people are nuts.
Well, see, they've run out of supposed criminals to put in their private prisons, and so now it's just a... just a... a free-for-all.
Now, I don't have the article in front of me.
What county is this, in Oregon?
Well, I didn't... I didn't get that.
All I know is I... I got the phone number, and when I called, I mean, I was some mad neighbor, and I just... Is this... is this the jail phone number?
This is the Sheriff's Department, and I asked him about the chicken.
I said, you know, I said, you know, you and you all went and arrested the guy over a chicken.
He's in taxpayer's money, and he's jackbooty foot.
Come out and arrest him.
They're mentally ill.
What's the phone number?
There he called us.
And they said, yeah, they did erase it.
Well, by the way, it's Oregon that almost passed a law that if you have a gun stowed illegally, have a gun illegally, put any information down false, download music, mislabel a videotape, credit card debt.
I read it two days ago again.
You get life in prison in a, quote, forest work camp.
See, this is what's really bad.
These people are totally insane!
That's what powerful people do throughout history.
When they get all the power, they go nuts.
And they start all this bizarreness.
Well, I mean, they drugged this man out of his house.
This Vietnam veteran.
And why is he in jail now?
I'm sure they said he assaulted him.
No, because of this ticket.
He wouldn't let them do a search warrant on his house.
Oh, because he didn't submit.
Now they're saying they're going to show it and hold him.
Okay, well I'll call them and I'll find out during the break why they're supposedly holding him or I'll get the DA's number.
Thanks for the call.
Heather in Colorado.
Welcome to the Airwaves.
Yeah, hi Alex Jones.
Yeah, I've been trying to get your documentaries on DVD and I've been mailed two defective ones.
And I've been trying to call your customer service.
Well, you've certainly heard everybody else that gets DVDs that work.
We've found there's about 200, 300, I don't know, there's hundreds of different types of DVD players.
And in some of them, they don't work.
Like I go to Blockbuster Video and I'd say one out of twenty DVDs I get doesn't work on my Sony player.
You say you've been sent them repeatedly, so we are responding and sending it to you.
Unfortunately, I can't handle customer service here, but we will send you a VHS or we'll refund your money if your DVD isn't working.
Which would you like?
I guess I'd rather just take the VHS because the DVDs aren't working for us.
When you say you had a problem once,
And we sent you another one.
So, what I'm going to ask you to do, this is a byproduct of not screening calls, and it's fine, but I just can't do it on air.
I'm doing a radio show.
We did send you another one, and that's good of us, because that's good of you to get it, but now your DVD player doesn't read a DVD 9.
Because it's almost 3 hours long, some DVDs can't read it.
We will send you a VHS, and we'll put you on hold and get your number, and I'll handle customer service during the break.
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All right, Barney and Tom and Dan and many others, your calls are coming up.
I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg on all the vital news yet.
Wide open phones today.
I'm going to go back to Heather here in a second.
She has something else she wants to talk about.
She says, before I do that, a lot of people have asked, why don't you put all your videos on DVD?
Well, I've made ten films.
Only one of them is on DVD and VHS.
That's 9-11 Rotterdam.
We also carry Eric Huffschmid's DVD, which is excellent.
And I've actually gone and studied the industry documents.
I've talked to the DVD manufacturers, talked to different ones, used two different manufacturers.
And they've told me, they said, look, there is no industry standard.
There are hundreds and hundreds of players.
And, not all DVDs work in all machines, and I've certainly found that.
I will, again, maybe on a Saturday night, my wife says, I want to watch some movies, so we'll get in the car, and go to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, and we go in, we've got DVD players, we tend to still get VHS, because we'll rent three or four DVDs to watch over the weekend, because I don't really watch television, and a lot of the time, it'll just stop in the middle.
I'm sure you've all experienced that.
And then we'll go out of the living room to our bedroom to watch it, and it'll work on the bedroom DVD.
Or if it doesn't work on the bedroom DVD, it'll work in the living room DVD player.
So everybody keeps saying, well, I'm not going to buy your stuff until it's all on DVD.
Well, I've looked at the studies.
Still, more Americans, twice that number, have VHS players than have DVD players.
The industry's trying to make everybody go to DVD.
I'm just waiting for it to become streamlined, because it is a hassle, folks, to have DVD.
And it's a small percentage, but still, it's quite a few come back.
And we stick them in our player, and they work.
But they don't work on some, and it's even worse, because they told me to make it a double CD.
They said, we can put 170 minutes.
It's even longer than the VHS version, which is two and a half hours, roughly.
It's two hours, 24 minutes.
They said, we can do a DVD-9, but even more machines can't read a DVD-9.
A DVD-5 can only do two hours, and at lower quality.
But a DVD-9 can do four hours.
And it can do three at a higher res quality.
So I did that.
And so we did send you out another one, Heather, and I'm sorry your second one doesn't work on your player.
Try it in others.
Just keep the DVDs you've got.
Hollis will send you a VHS, or if you'd like your money back, we'll do that.
Before I go back to Heather, let her ask her other question.
If you want to get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, both of them are about September 11th.
Or, you want to get my book, Descent into Tyranny, that covers December 11th.
Or Eric Huffschmid's DVD, Unanswered Questions.
Well, his book's Unanswered Questions.
The video's Painful Questions.
That is a great video, and it's on VHS and DVD, too.
But again, we've had a few of those come back, and we try them on our machine.
They work.
They just don't work on some machines.
There's hundreds of different DVD players.
Go the safe way.
Get VHS, folks.
And that even cost us more to send VHS out.
I don't care.
VHS is still more reliable.
Okay, here's the toll-free number to order.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order VR Secure Safe Online Shopping Cart.
So 888-253-3139.
And you're authorized to make copies for non-profit educational purposes of my films.
I'm here to get the word out, okay?
Money is secondary.
That helps us do what we do, but it's secondary.
Defeating the tyranny is number one.
And the power is you getting the videos and making copies.
So I want to thank those that have gotten them.
Heather, go ahead and ask your question.
Yeah, I'm also doing my own documentary and I'm writing my own reports and research papers.
Well, good!
Send me a copy of it when you do it.
Go ahead.
Oh, definitely.
And I'm trying to reach the youth.
Mostly because I'm about 20 and I've noticed that the youth, they feel sometimes something's wrong.
You know, but they just don't know how to fight it.
And they want to go along with it.
And that's exactly where they... There's a saying that says, evil can only prosper if men do nothing.
Well, that's it.
So, do you have a question?
Yeah, I just wanted to know, Alex,
What, what state was it that they did the drug sweep to the police?
Um, on the, on the high school kids?
Well, they do it all over, but that was Goose Creek, North Carolina.
North Carolina?
Yeah, yes, Goose Creek.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Second hour, coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're back live at the end of the second hour in Alabama.
According to WAFF television, and we're going to be getting him on the show, Phillip Dean, just a good old boy,
put a sign up in his yard saying our court system is a joke.
Judge Harrelson said this is despicable, that it's contempt of the court, disrespectful of government, and ordered him arrested.
And then the man said, I'm not apologizing, so they were forced to release him, and they apologized.
This just shows the wild arrogance of government, a total violation of the First Amendment.
And then we had a caller, Paul in Tennessee.
I want to go to the bottom of this, because a few days ago I saw a blurb about somebody, an internet blurb, in Oregon being arrested
Because they bought a chicken in a market and said they weren't going to butcher it, they were going to take care of it because they felt sorry for it.
And I didn't talk about the story because I didn't know if it was true.
A caller calls in, Paul, and says, oh yeah, this is the Sheriff's name and this is the number.
They called the number, it was indeed the Sheriff's Department out in that Oregon County, and they said, I don't know what we're talking about.
I don't know if that story's accurate.
I'll try to get to the bottom of it.
It sounds like par for the course, but I don't know if it's true.
I'm not saying Paul's a liar, but I'd like to find out.
I mean, I didn't read a blurb about it, but I don't know if it's true.
You know, I always check stuff out.
I heard about this WAFF story, but I went and got the story first, and here it is.
They did indeed arrest this guy for putting a sign in his yard.
So we'll get back into that as well.
You know, the British government was trying to push national ID cards on England, on the British people, to be able to leave their house and walk down the street.
We now have that via the driver's license, which is really a federal
Mandated and indexed and tracked card.
And the Supreme Court ruled on Monday you gotta have that at all times in your backyard, on the street, anywhere.
And you gotta answer police questions or that's resisting arrest.
They admit the old 77-year-old rancher veteran didn't have a criminal record, done nothing wrong, but didn't answer questions.
So that was resisting arrest and he was convicted of that.
But now Blair puts compulsory ID card on fast track for UK.
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday made it clear that the government now feels it has sufficient public support to accelerate the introduction of compulsory ID cards.
Speaking at his monthly press conference he said that we will need to rejust, whatever that means, our terrorism laws still further.
I have to say this to you and I think the whole issue of identity cards a few years ago was not on anybody's agenda.
It was on your agenda.
Are very much on the political agenda here, probably more quickly than ever anticipated.
And later in a response to a request for clarification regarding last autumn's cabinet decision to deter, defer ID cards for a few years, Blair said that, in relation to ID cards, I think there is no longer a civil liberties objection to that in the vast majority of quarters.
And they're also now in British bars.
They're talking about this here.
They have trucks that have that scanner the airports use where you're totally naked.
It scans right through in total detail.
They just make all the bar patrons walk through it to see if they've got drugs or guns or anything.
We're all guilty until proven innocent.
I mean, think of the humiliation of Big Brother against us there.
And a lot more coming up, so stay with us.
But right now, let's go back to the calls.
Barney in Maryland.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, pertaining to the man arrested for erecting the sign, contempt of court may apply in a courtroom, but the First Amendment applies everywhere else.
Well, he wasn't involved in the judge's courtroom.
He just said our courts are a joke, and the judge thinks that he, you know, everywhere in the county is God, and you've got to lick his boots.
He ought to be impeached for violating the Supreme Law and the First Amendment.
Of the Constitution.
But again, a major textbook being issued nationwide called We the People, and I have copies of it here in front of me, says there's no constitutional rights, that we're servants of the government.
No, it actually says that.
Well, I'll tell you one thing, there's a lot of veterans who fought to restore and protect the Constitution, and that's a bad area to get into.
A friend of mine just gave me a book totaling two inches in thickness,
Stay there, I'll let you finish up when we get back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us on this global transmission against tyranny as we wage war on corruption.
Let's get through some more of these calls on this open line Friday, then we'll get into the latest 9-11 developments, you name it.
Barney, finish up what you were saying about gun laws.
Your friend just gave me books totaling two inches in thickness containing gun laws.
All that should have been required is one sentence.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
And the liberals never seem to get this, that if the government goes after the second amendment, they're going to go after the first, the tenth,
The fourth, the fifth, and they're publicly eviscerating all of it right now, Barney.
I hear you.
Good to hear from you.
Thank you.
We're going to move quick now.
We're going to get a lot of calls in.
Tom in Texas, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, this is Tom.
I'm down here by Port Aransas, Texas.
And you know, it's a big spot they like to get for spring break, right?
Yeah, you got hit by block helicopters in 99.
Oh, yes, we did.
And I'll tell you what, the people that live out there think, well, gee whiz, it was some kind of practice run.
And what they did when they conquered the town, they run the UN flag up at the post office.
Yeah, no, I guess you know what, too.
That was also in the newspaper, by the way.
Foreign troops, black helicopters, Delta Force with them, blowing stuff up, terrorizing the town, and then running up the U.N.
Sounds like freedom.
Go ahead.
Catching things on fire.
They did that little run at Kingsville.
They scaled some buildings in Corpus, the hotel.
People are seeing these black hooded people going down, repelling down their hotel.
It's like, whoa, what's going on?
Ooh, freedom for your own good.
Yeah, and they crashed a helicopter into a skyscraper in Houston.
Oh, I didn't hear about that one.
Tiny blurb in the paper.
Well, I know that they keep a lot of those little black bells or house stuff there by the FEMA thing.
These guys were from Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Bragg, the night stalkers in Delta.
Go ahead.
Oh, what she's talking about, the guy that made the sign who got in trouble?
Well, I used to put a little sticker on my mailbox that said, Get US at a UN.
You've seen those stickers, right?
And I'd go out there and it'd be peeled off the mailbox.
So I'd put another one on and it'd be peeled off.
So I'd made a bigger one that was harder to peel off.
Well, I did get a note from the post office there for Postman Fine.
The problem was, yes, it was on an easement, you know, for the roads.
Yeah, and I guarantee you, though, that if that had been some pro-UN sticker, you never would have had the problem.
Oh, no, not at all.
So I moved it, and I put it in my yard, in my property, behind the fence of my place, and it got removed still.
Now, I asked the neighbor across the street, I said, you know, I've set up three of these signs for my neighbor's school.
And I've put up three of these signs, and I've got three of them missing.
Now, do you have any idea of, you know, who's taking these signs down?
He goes, well, uh, yeah, the guy that delivers the mail, of course.
So I guess, you know, the post office now has extended their jurisdictional limits there somehow.
Well, part of the tips program is they're supposed to spy on us now.
Well, I'm sure they do.
Yes, indeed.
And you get your neighborhoods down here.
Well, you're lucky you didn't have a judge arrest you.
In Alabama, they arrest you.
Well, I know it.
It wouldn't have been because of my Title 18 or my 1047 thing that I notify them of rights.
I keep up there, too.
They get tore down and I quit putting them up there.
Well don't you know in America you're not supposed to put a sign in your yard or have any freedom?
What's wrong with you?
Thanks for the call.
Sure, go ahead Tom.
I want to mention that we're talking about the fillet knives and machetes, people getting arrested for that.
Yeah, I mean, you can have your tackle box and I know people who go to jail for it.
You're driving back with fishing poles and the cops know right where to go.
You've got a knife!
I mean, how does a cop arrest somebody knowing there'll be a fillet knife?
Ooh, you've got a knife, you're going to jail.
I mean, what's wrong with them?
Well, we have to take a ferry to get across the ship channel to get to Port Aransas from where I'm at or go 60 miles further.
They have police that are on the ferries now, and basically they're cigarette cops, is what they'll tell you.
You know, their sign says, turn your lights off, no smoking, turn your engine on.
Well, it started out last year, last year's spring break.
Well, they admit it's for Homeland Security, by the way.
They may tell you it's for that, but it's to spy on you.
Well, actually, yes.
And of course, there's no terrorists, so they're going to harass you.
What happens?
Well, they stand up there, and if you get out of your car like so many tourist do, stand at the edge and watch the water go by.
They see an empty vehicle, they would go shine their light in there and look, you know, from the outside, you know, looking real thoroughly inside.
Well, now they don't even wait until you get out of the vehicle this year.
They just walk around when you're there, and they'll even tell you, would you move your leg?
You know, I can't see.
I remember over and over again, as a child, going to Port Aransas, watching the dolphins by the ferries, and now you're telling me goons are crawling all over.
Thanks for the call.
That's part of freedom though, just having people shine lights in your face and you know, harass you and better answer their questions or go to prison.
The Supreme Court says that.
Let's go ahead and talk to another caller.
Let's talk to Dan in North Carolina.
Dan, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
It's an honor and a privilege to be part of this.
I'm up here in North Carolina driving trucks.
I've got the opportunity to watch Soft Candid Tubes last night.
I do have a DVD and I did tape it onto VCR.
So I was watching them last night training National Guard troops to tape our guns on television.
Like in your police state 2000s.
Where did you see them training to take our guns?
I know it's in my videos, but where did you see it?
I saw it last night.
I couldn't believe it.
I was like, watching this on television.
They're going in the houses, telling them about the booby traps.
Now they'll booby trap the hole in the ceiling, and they'll put a booby trap up there, and then when the terrorists come in, they'll trip that.
Where were they doing the gun confiscation drills?
It was on, I believe it was CBS.
Let me ask Scott to boost his audio, please.
Where was the military supposedly doing this?
I think they were doing it on a base or something.
They had buildings already set up.
Yeah, we've got a video of urban warfare by the Army in Louisiana, urban warfare all over the country by the Marines, and the role players say, I'm an American, no, not the camp, not my guns!
But every time they were doing it, they were failing or doing something wrong.
The Brigadier said we'll have to keep doing it until we get it right and all that.
We got in too close.
Let me ask you a question.
It's all SWAT team tactics.
What do you think of being arrested in Alabama if you put a sign on your own property saying our court system is a joke?
That sounds real bad.
I don't know what to say.
That's not good.
That's not America.
Thanks for the call.
That's not how we do things here.
You need to leave the country, Judge Harrelson.
You're a traitor.
You are a nutcase.
Let's go ahead and talk to Don in Colorado.
Don, go ahead.
This is Don.
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
I appreciate you, brother.
I'm going to try to be brief, but this is fantastic and you won't want to believe it.
Nobody wants to believe me.
I'm going to keep it short, but it has to do with where I live, or used to live.
I moved.
I call it Crime Central, but I was up the street from Moss.
And as it would happen, there was a neighbor, and his house number was 911.
And this is prior to 911.
And I experienced a situation where I found people, caught a man behind my house.
He told me it was a private eye.
And he told me he was watching the people next door because they were looking for a young woman.
And he gave me this story and I believed him.
He showed me his back.
I didn't call the police.
I let it go at that.
And then all of a sudden I had one of these old style satellite antennas that I didn't use because I had cable.
And then I discovered every time I turned it on just to see if it still worked, it had been disabled.
I'm within seven miles of
Target Mountain, Ground Zero.
Okay, and then I find that I've got a lot of activity in my neighborhood.
I contact the police, ask them if there's any crime going on in my neighborhood.
Until that one informs, and I don't think nothing of it.
So what happened?
Boil it down.
Two weeks later, after my neighbor's house had been raided, and after they've
Entered my house, uh, for no reason other than they told me I had a 9-11 hang-up.
Oh, that's the, when they don't have warrants, but now the Supreme Court, well, Fifth Circuit says they don't need it, they just claim, hold on a second, they just claim you get a 9-11 call.
That's their excuse to get in everybody's house.
Go ahead.
Okay, the, the raid was at 9-11.
They raided, raided the house claiming that the guy was making methamphetamines.
He was just a dumb stiff that did, did work and he was having a hard go.
I don't know that he was making it or not, but they raided his house, took everything out of his house.
They forced him into bankruptcy and divorce and had his furniture and they did make it stick and then they returned all his stuff.
But in the meantime, he's had to move.
And the day before he moved, I get this 9-11 hang up.
Well, I'm, you know, I cooperate with the police.
They're there to help us.
You know, this is a democracy.
You know, what is a semi-democracy or a police state democracy or what?
And it still works a little bit, you know, but uh... Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
I'll have it right in my house, you know?
Sir, I appreciate the call.
Take care.
This is not a democracy.
This is a constitutional republic.
The Founding Fathers decried democracy.
Because in a democracy, if 51% say, kill all black people, what happens?
Or if 51% says, kill all white people, what happens?
Or let's give you a real life example.
51% of the town says, we're taking your property.
It happens without just compensation.
And no!
It's why don't you just cooperate?
Why don't we have a Bill of Rights?
Why don't we have a Fourth Amendment if it's bad?
Why don't our veterans fight for it?
And I know hundreds of people in Austin, middle class people, who get, we got a 9-11 call.
In the middle of the night, the SWAT team comes in, gun to your head, where's your warrant?
Oh, we got a 9-11 call.
I mean, it's a joke!
Government is the most criminal thing out there.
We've got to tie their hands.
That's right.
You tie the government's hands, you get freedom, low crime, and liberty.
You untie their hands, you get tyranny.
Big government doesn't make you safe, it makes you a slave.
We'll be back!
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Alex Jones, on the GCM Radio Network.
Yeah, I've got the reports that you try to get on ferries anywhere, or trains, or buses, or checkpoints, and they'll shine spotlights right in your eyes.
Don't try shinin' a spotlight in the God's eyes, though.
One of these Lord's eyes.
They'll knock your teeth out in a second.
Oh, you assaulted me!
That could cause corneal damage!
I guarantee you they'd knock your teeth out within seconds.
Let's see, you're the slave.
You gotta learn how to be their property.
Let's talk to Bill in Oregon.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, first of all, I just want to say, you're a damn good man, and I appreciate you being here.
This is doing me a favor.
We have a lot of children listening, and I don't even want to use the most bad types of... Sorry, I apologize.
No, it's not.
We have a lot of homeschoolers listening.
Go ahead.
Okay, first of all, I just want to know if you can possibly make an attempt to get two guests, actually five guests, four would be the New Jersey girls who I've listened to, Christina Breitenberg, or whatever her name is, Breitenweiser.
She's great.
Yeah, we've done shows on it.
Yeah, I'm mind-boggled with that whole scenario.
Giant pyramids, skeletons, Nazis.
Machine-gunning people.
I agree with you.
Death camps, all kinds of satanic stuff, yeah.
Well, that's probably where they're gonna go.
Another thing is that on the West Coast, I've noticed there's no radio stations in Oregon, Washington, or California that carry your show, and I'm trying to get our open.
That's not true.
Are there any in Oregon?
Yeah, we've got affiliates in Oregon and California, but I mean, they don't cover your area, obviously.
Yeah, well, thank God for the Internet.
And one other item.
On the Internet, I noticed the last hour, I can't get it.
Is that something that you have to requirement?
The third hour, I can never get it.
It kind of goes away.
I get two hours of you on the Internet, and then you go on to your... What do you mean you get two hours?
You're on from 9 to 11, and then at 11 o'clock it goes away, and Colorado Network comes on with Paul Harvey and
Some gold company starts advertising, but the last hour, I never get the last hour on the internet.
You've got to listen at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm on Prison Planet.
Okay, well you're listening on the Colorado Radio Network stream.
You need to listen on the Genesis stream.
Exactly, but how do I get onto that?
Okay, on the main page of InfoWars.com, it says number one stream, number two stream.
Those are the official streams.
Okay, I'll go there.
And one last thing I want to say is, Mr. Hanson, the gentleman you did the Bohemian Grove with?
Well, I understand something happened to him.
Can you give me a little details on that?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Wasn't there a gentleman with you that did the video?
What do you mean?
What happened?
Something happened to him?
That's pretty... Well, I thought I heard something.
I thought I heard something that he...
I went up there to do a follow-up and something happened to him.
He was like murdered or something.
Is that just a rumor I heard?
I don't know.
I saw Mike two days ago.
I'm glad he's good.
And the last thing I need to say is the blacksmith group.
Are you familiar with them?
Listen, I'm going to let you go, bud.
I appreciate the call.
I've got to go to calls quicker here on the show.
I've been promising to do that.
But you're probably talking about Ed Holman and a person who is admittedly insane.
I don't know.
I saw him about six months ago, but it doesn't matter.
They've been saying he's been murdered for two years, and obviously now the story is it's happened to Mike, and that's not true.
Mike just unsuccessfully ran for county constable.
I mean, I get calls sometimes that I'm dead, but rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, or how does the Mark Twain quote go?
So I don't really know what to say anymore, but let's go ahead now and talk to John in Florida.
John, go ahead.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
You've certainly set the range on fire.
Well, I'm not alive, though, so it's kind of hard to.
Well, you're doing a good job, my friend.
I want to talk to you and the listening audience about government authority.
It's something I've been pondering, and I think a good example is the postal system, which is supposed to be a privately run enterprise these days, which seems to be a trend the government is always...
Turning everything into private profits and control over the private corporations, and then they give the corporations government power.
Yeah, and what's come to my attention, I live in one of these nice little neighborhoods where there's, you know, a newsletter that's put out and a little committee that goes around and... Sure, go ahead and tell us.
Okay, well, they put out the newsletter and they can't put it in the mailboxes, which are out in front of the street.
There's a standard-sized mailbox that you can buy in the Home Depot or Walmart or places like that, right?
No, I know.
It becomes federal property.
Yeah, well, that's what's odd.
You know, we can't have people who are trying to, like, you know, do yard work and paint the house, put their little signs in there.
It's totally off the control, but the government hasn't issued me a post office, but they sure want to tell people what can go in it, which I think is a good example of government authority gone amok.
I just want people to hear that.
It is.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
We're going to take a lot more of your calls, and I'm going to cover some news first when we get back.
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We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Warrior calls are coming up here in a few minutes at 800-259-9231.
Open line Friday, 800-259-9231.
I want to get into a few pieces of good news.
There's actually been quite a bit of it.
On Monday, the Arkansas Supreme Court, while the federal Supreme Court was saying there's no Fifth Amendment, the Arkansas Supreme Court said police cannot come to your door
And ask to be let in and intimidate their way in because then they caught them in a lot of cases just going ahead and coming in even if people said no.
Meanwhile, the 5th Circuit days before that said they can come in your house without even asking and without a warrant.
So that's the new America.
That's some of the bad news on top of the good news.
Some of the other good news, this is out of one of the new services that
Promotes RFID tracking and taxation and the implementation of the small tracker radio chips.
And it says, Breaking News!
And it says, Loyalty Marketing News Restaurant.
We've been reporting with breathless anticipation.
Oh, oh, it's so wonderful!
For about a year now, on how countless payment systems are paving the way, or contactless payment systems are paving the way for consumer loyalty solutions.
That means no clerk.
In the Quick Service Restaurant, or QSR, space.
But Carline reports this week that the biggest player in the space, McDonald's Corp, has put the brakes on its own contactless payment migration.
That's what it says.
It's all this weird industry talk.
McDonald's says it will stop accepting ExxonMobil Corp's radio frequency speed pass transponders for payment as of June 30th.
So, because people aren't using it and don't like it.
They've been trying that now for three years.
So, that's the good news there.
Let's go ahead now and get in to some of the other really serious news today.
I mentioned this earlier on the show that two years ago, and I've talked a lot about this, I saw Director Ridge, head of Homeland Security, before it got funding, so I guess it was two and a half years ago now,
I taped it.
And he said to have a job, you'll have to have an ID card with four levels of security clearance.
First, it'll be airlines, then taxis, buses, trains, food service, agricultural jobs, and then everyone.
This will happen to the state-issued driver's license.
It's really a federal ID card.
Funded and controlled by the feds.
Well, I just learned this morning that the Washington Times ran a story, March 26th,
Covering this in the headline, if you're on the list, no job for you!
The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are developing a database that will allow private companies to submit lists of individuals to be screened for a connection to terrorism.
And the government's saying they're going to have to do this.
The FBI Terrorist Screening Center Director Donna A. Buscella told legislators yesterday the database quote will eventually allow private sector entities such as operators of critical infrastructure facilities
Organizers of large events have submitted a list of persons associated with those events to the U.S.
government to be screened for any nexus to terrorism.
Busilla said in a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Homeland Security subcommittees.
That phrase, nexus to terrorism, is ominous and the dictionary defines nexus as a means or connection, a link or tie.
And, uh, again, you're part of the Green Party, a conservative group, pro-land rights, suddenly thousands of us, there's been hundreds of articles about this, cannot fly.
Recall the case of Canadian citizen Mayer Arar, see, and of course the Washington Times uses an example of an Arab, but seems to be more white people than anybody else, who was sent by the U.S.
to Syria to receive torture, simply because an acquaintance happened to witness a lease agreement
Arar signed, according to a November 2003 article from the Toronto Globe and Mail.
You can link through and read that.
The riddle of Mahir Arar's captivity now seems to center on a mysterious acquaintance, Abdullah Al Miki, a fellow Syrian-Canadian, also in his thirties.
The two men knew each other in Ottawa before their inexorably linked fates linked them to meet up again in hellish Middle Eastern prison only a few weeks ago.
Back in 97, both men lived relatively normal lives.
They were naturalized Canadians living in Ottawa.
In a choice that would later come back to haunt them, Mr. Arar had Mr. Al-Awlaki act as a witness for a lease he signed.
This is a few months after September 11th, terror attacks on the United States.
RCMP national security agents went looking for Mr. Arar and Mr. Al-Awlaki to ask them questions.
It's not clear what exactly police wanted from them.
And then it goes on to how they grabbed them and did this because they were on a list because it was a terrorism nexus matrix connection.
They call it a matrix tracking grid.
So this is very serious and if you have bad credit, you name it, you're not going to be allowed to have a job.
You'll have to go sign up with the government and quote, you have to volunteer because it's a privilege to have a job.
It won't be slave labor because you're volunteering to do the labor so they can pay off your debt so then they'll give you a green level coding so you can then have a job.
And a lot of you say, oh, well they're just trying to stop the terrorists.
Folks, they protect the real terrorists, okay?
And they go after nobodies as just part of this whole infrastructure they're creating.
That's been in the news that no one at Camp X-Ray, even Al-Qaeda, much less mid-level Taliban, they just grab random people and torture the living daylights out of them.
And General Rick Bacchus quit the base, the head of it, and refused to carry out torture almost two years ago.
A giant x-ray used in drug search.
Yesterday we talked about a BBC article where their airports are putting them in to scan you.
They digitally record it.
You're naked.
The equivalent of being naked.
A crisp image, 360 degree image of your whole body scanned down to the finest details.
A 7 foot tall x-ray machine was used for the first time by police who arrested 35 people during a drug raid on London pubs in northwest London.
And it says that they had them walk outside and walk through the scanner, everyone in the club, and then find some drugs.
Oh, see, everybody's guilty until proven innocent.
I guess every morning we should all line up outside and have the police search us and search our houses and then why we'd stop drugs, you know, and why then we'd be safer from the government shipping them in.
More than 400 officers took part in the operation to scan suspects for drugs and weapons in Harlinson High Street.
And it says equipment was brought in on articulated lorries on Friday night and suspects have the choice of being strip searched or scanned.
And it goes on to, it shows a graphic image of the suspect minus their clothes.
And there's images of it.
ABC photo of a naked man.
This is on InfoWars.com.
And there's images of the women walking through.
They do this to your whole family.
And to get into a lot of the pubs now, they make you take a DNA tissue swab, they test for drugs on the spot if you refuse, they go ahead and strip search you or rush you.
I've got dozens of articles on that out of the BBC, London Guardian.
And now they just have you come outside and it's on the back of a truck and you walk through the scanner and they record a digital image of you.
It's all part of the freedom!
I mean, they didn't even do that in 1984!
They do now, and that's coming to the U.S.
Most of our big international airports like Chicago and Miami and Dallas and L.A., they have it now.
Five of the airports.
It was the last time I saw an article on it in CBS News about a year and a half ago.
Only five had at the time.
I've been told more have gone in.
A NASA brain scanner actually cat scans your brain and records your brain waves and then green and red and orange image of your brain and if certain areas are red, that means you're upset and you may be a terrorist.
Yeah, you've entered the twilight zone.
I mean, are you hearing what I'm saying, people?
It's like earlier, the article I read out of WAFF television.
Out of Decatur, Alabama.
A man puts a sign in his yard saying our courts are a joke.
The judge has him arrested.
As if his contempt of court goes everywhere, and as if you can't call the courts a joke.
As if it's not defended by the First Amendment.
And the schools all over the country have this, and I now have copies of it, this major textbook called We the People, that says that there's no rights under the Constitution, that we're here to serve the government.
It actually says that, we read it yesterday in the third hour.
Oh my goodness, I mean, it's just, it's wall to wall.
Bush given warnings months before 9-11.
This is old news, but now it's back in the mainstream media.
London Evening Standard.
The White House was warned months before September 11th that Al Qaeda was planning to crash aircraft into skyscrapers.
A whistleblower revealed today.
And a potential hammer blow.
No, this won't be in our news.
President Bush's credibility.
Former FBI translator Sybil Edmonds.
Well, finally got picked up.
We had this on last week.
...said senior U.S.
officials had told an outrageous lie when they claimed there had been no prior warning.
Edmonds, a Turkish-American who worked on wiretaps, had told a special investigation in 9-11 there was information that in the spring and summer of 2001 such an attack was being planned on American cities.
There was general information about the time frame and methods to be used and about people being in place and who was ordering these sorts of terror attacks.
There were other cities that were mentioned, major cities, with skyscrapers, she said.
I got on air on July 25th and said they're going to use Bin Laden as the Patsy to hit the World Trade Centers.
I mean, that's how much I knew.
Everybody knew this.
The 33-year-old revealed she had given evidence at a secret session of the Congressional Commission hearing testimony from government officials, intelligence agents, and politicians in the New York and Washington Ducts.
I gave details of specific investigation files, specific dates, specific targets, information, specific managers in charge of the investigation.
I gave them the commission everything so that they could go back and follow up.
This is not heresy.
These things are documented.
With the issue sure to dominate this bid for re-election, President Bush has repeatedly denied that officials have received any warning about a specific attack on September 11th.
Any suggestion the White House misled the U.S.
public about this would be more damaging than current claims it deceived the nation over Iraq's weapons.
Only last week, Condoleezza Rice, the President's National Security Advisor, is going to be testifying April 8th, they claim.
wrote in the Washington Post, we received no intelligence the terrorists were preparing to attack the homeland using airplanes as missiles.
But Ms.
Edmonds said it would be impossible for that to be the case.
The White House has sought to gag Ms.
Edmonds, but she told the Independent Mr. Bush said there was no specific information about September 11th and that this
And that is accurate, but only because he said September 11th.
Rice, who appears before the Commission next week, has come under attack from the former White House Counterterrorism Advisor, Richard Clark, who says she failed to do her job.
See, he's the shill.
Clark's not the good guy.
Paul O'Neill's not the good guy.
They water it all down, you see.
FBI agent Rowley,
Up in Minnesota.
You got all these real FBI agents blowing the whistle on specific prior knowledge of being blocked.
She comes out and goes, oh we really dropped the ball, we're idiots, we're bad, we need more funding.
And they go, whoa, damning evidence, she's really bad.
That was very hypocritical, I just said damning evidence.
The guy earlier said that word and I said don't use it.
But it also means what context you're using it in.
And I like to be neurotic about it because we have so many children listening.
But it's all very serious.
Ex-FBI woman says Rice lied.
And again, there's more news on that.
We'll get into this later.
job growth soars.
That's another lie.
Bunch of really scary news about genetically modified crops.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
You have been holding extremely patiently.
Looking for my call list here.
Here it is.
Up next is Doug in Ohio.
Doug, go ahead.
Nice to talk to you, Alex.
Um, I gotta stop.
I want to say to you, have you ever heard of check washing?
Check washing.
Yeah, that's some kind of fraud.
But now, uh, I think it was 60 minutes to do the TV show and the government said they could do this show, but there was not allowed to tell the chemicals that were used to do this.
Yeah, so now the government, I heard about that, is engaging in First Amendment blockage right out in front of everyone.
That's ridiculous.
But this is my point.
They would not let them release the chemical compounds to do that, but they got on national TV and told the chemical compounds Tim McVeigh used to blow up a building.
Well, it's all hypocritical.
McVeigh didn't bomb any building.
It's totally staged.
It's a good point you bring up.
Yeah, all over the place now.
Oh, you can't do this, you can't do that.
When it comes to their money, do not touch.
They didn't do that because they care about fraud.
They love fraud.
It gives them more to do.
They are the criminals, but obviously they don't want the First Amendment out there.
They want to set precedents.
Thanks for the call.
Houston Chronicle yesterday, conservative activists asked for the documents from the State House, their public documents, who registered lobbyists are.
and uh... the head of the texas mexico relations with the governor's office is a mexican citizen and a registered lobbyist of mexico public document and uh... the government's threatening to arrest her saying give that back and tell us whoever you talk to and don't talk to anybody else about this how they have registered lobbyist of Vicente Fox running the capitol the whole area over texas mexico relations i mean this is what they're doing folks is very these people are out of control
They're criminals, okay?
I mean, the government is criminal and is out of control.
It happens.
It's the norm in history.
It's happening again.
Say no to it!
Ryan in Ohio.
Ryan, go ahead.
Two things.
First one is, there's 21 copies of Police State 3 and The Road to Tyranny ready to be mailed to 21 city council members.
And then it will be New York City
You should go to my Save the Bill of Rights campaign.
I'm the guy that came up with the idea to get cities out of the Patriot Act, and I'm the fellow that's going to put that out first.
I'm not bragging, it's just that I have the best resolution.
I put out the idea on the website.
I said, we need to have cities pull out of this and just wrote a short blurb.
Then a few people did it, and so I put out a more extensive one, combining some of those, but mine is the best.
It affects the entire power structure of executive orders, PDDs, unelected regional courts, and then it also affects the Patriot Act and Homeland Security.
So I look at Save Bill of Rights,
It's in the Patriot Act section, sub-directory of Police State section of InfoWars.com.
Okay, and then the second thing was about the FAA is supposed to within minutes call NORAD.
Yeah, my dad is a pilot.
If you get off course in a little aircraft, even without a transponder,
For five minutes, you get a call, why are you deviating?
If you fly over any controlled airspace, which New York and D.C.
are maximally controlled globally, the most controlled, the national average is within 14 minutes, fighters will be on you.
Is there like a rule of engagement?
Well, I actually read that on Monday.
I don't have it in front of me, but I can actually dig it out.
It's in Monday's stack over here, and it's posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the archives from Monday, and it's stand-down orders revealed
And in June, Rumsfeld issued an order before generals were ordered to shoot down aircraft.
They didn't need any presidential order.
They were about to shoot down Payne Stewart's.
They followed it until it crashed in a field.
They had sidewinders locked and ready.
What was it?
5 F-16s ready to shoot it down.
But they didn't because it went into a safe area.
But they didn't need any presidential order to shoot down Payne Stewart.
So, yes sir.
They ordered them in, what was it, June 1st to take the control from the generals at Donald Rumsfeld.
Can I get the code number for it?
I just see it.
It's in the pile right here on the website.
I don't have it in front of me right now.
We'll be right back!
Stay with us!
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Alright, I've covered about a third of the news.
I will jam all the other news into the next hour.
And we've got another clip coming up.
You know, I never saw Bush give his speech where he made fun of the weapons of mass destruction.
I didn't see that live.
I didn't see it in its entirety.
I've only seen different clips on C-SPAN.
Because they have little clips and they also have the full thing and I haven't had time to sit down for an hour and watch his whole speech.
But, I did watch more of it this morning.
And he made a comment about skull and bones as well.
Right after he made the joke about weapons of mass destruction being missing.
So we found this new clip and we normally update InfoWars.com at 11 a.m.
Right when I go on air, a big massive update goes up.
Video clips, audio clips, government documents, news articles, you know, you name it.
PrisonPlanet.com does a little bit different.
They do three medium-sized updates daily.
So it's always right up to the minute.
Watson's a workhorse.
My wife does InfoWars.com.
She does it in one big update.
So, it was so big today that it hasn't been updated yet.
She's updating it right now.
It'll be up here in the third hour.
We're also going to have that audio clip for you where he not just talks about, haha, the missing weapons of mass destruction.
Isn't it funny?
But we also have a new Skull and Bones comment.
The third in history.
Because he hasn't said much about Skull and Bones.
Oh, it's so secret I can't talk about it.
Oh, it's so secret.
Didn't even know it still existed.
Ha, ha, ha.
Well, he's doing some type of weird hand signals where they're both putting their hands on their heads.
Him and his sheep have stabbed.
He goes, oh, look, a secret Skull and Bones signal.
So we'll air that in the next hour.
And it'll be up on InfoWars.com in the next hour as well.
Before I go back to Mark and Ann and Andy and Jesse and everybody else, where's that Andrew?
The total free number to join us on error is 1-800-259-9231.
And I heard a neocon talk show host last night play the clip of Brit Hume and go, oh, it's no big deal.
Brit Hume got up on Fox and said, you know, I'm so sick of these people, you know, these families of these veterans.
You know, it's a victim society.
They just like to whine.
He was just saying all this horrible stuff.
And he said, why don't they just get over the President's speech?
Why don't you just get over it?
I mean, how sick is that?
You know, I read the transcript, but to hear it, and then hear the neocon host say it was no big deal.
Yeah, just get over it!
Get over us lying to you for oil in your children's blood for oil!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Just get over it, you sickos!
But then Bush Sr.
will cry on TV.
My big man, Mendemeister, he cried on Monday.
It was in the news, the Associated Press were choking back tears.
Talk about him!
And then Barbara got up on CNN and said, if anybody talks about my family, you're dead!
That's a quote.
You're dead!
People are insane!
They're totally insane!
Before I end this hour, here in the last 60 seconds, do not procrastinate.
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By the way, we're on the first two hours of the show on Global Shortwave at 94.75 during the day, 11 to 1.
Third hour's coming up, by the way.
But at night, all three hours are now on 32.10, 9 to midnight central, 32.10.
Third hour coming up!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
We're now into our number three.
We've got 59 minutes and 20 seconds left in this broadcast.
We're going to be taking your calls at 800-259-9231.
You know, they claim they found a bomb on the train tracks in Spain, and that thing clearly was the government.
The people believe that as well over there, but that's a whole other show.
The British, then, claim that they caught, earlier this week, people with bomb-making materials at a building.
And remember, the British have been caught and have admitted that they've carried out most of the bombings in England as a pretext to militarize Northern Ireland and set up a police state there in London.
And now they've been caught doing that many other times.
They caught, in a story last year, in a staged Sarin bust.
Not Sarin, Ryerson, excuse me.
And it turned out that that was a staged deal.
That quietly got announced.
So I don't believe any of this.
And when it blew up in their face, pun intended, when the people didn't believe that the Basque or Al-Qaeda, Al-Cieda did it,
They now are just going to have some of the cases where, oh, we stopped the bombing.
That's what I believe from all the evidence.
Oh, see, we're keeping you safe.
Oh, you've got to take national ID cards since we found these bombs.
That'll keep you safe, as Tony Blair is now saying.
More news on all this coming up and we're going to play this clip of Bush's speech where he also talks about skull and bones when he was joking about weapons of mass destruction.
I wasn't aware of that until I watched more of it this morning.
That's coming up this hour as well.
Right now, let's talk to Mark in Minnesota.
Mark, go ahead.
Hey Alex, aren't you happy because right now they have President Pervez Musharraf coming down Al-Qaeda in Pakistan.
By the way, it's been admitted in the major British and French papers that he staged bombings against himself to secure his government and set up a police state last year.
I mean, you talk about the quintessential LCA type, that is Mushroff right there.
Everywhere you look... And Bush blocked, and so did Clinton, stopping their top scientist, Mr. Kahn,
From selling nuclear weapons parts to Syria, Iran, you name it.
And it was Musharraf's head intelligence man, General Mahmoud Ahmed, from wiring $100,000 to Mohammed Adam.
Yeah, I mean, every time one of these El Cieta figures' names pop up, they all have British Intelligence, MI5, ISI, CIA written all over them.
It was interesting, you know, part of that $87 billion appropriation, you know, for Iraq, that included almost like a billion dollars for Pakistan.
And, you know, I've got to be honest, a huge part of me believes that a large portion of those funds that got sent to Pakistan went up to like payoffs.
Of course it's ongoing CIA al-Qaeda money.
They pay these guys to sit around and act, and in fact what was interesting
One of these videos that came out that, by the way, had both El-Zahiri, Ben Laine's number two man, and Ben Laine together, September of 2003, even though the government has been simultaneously saying El-Zahiri is being harbored by Iran, are actually being held as a bargaining chip.
And then they claim the year before they captured him and they never dispute any of these stories.
They don't even think that we'll even check it out.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, it's really good points.
Now, we're going to break and come back and go to other callers, but I really do want to get your take.
Your response on this W-A-F-F story out of Decatur, Alabama, where a man, Phillip Dean, put up a sign in his yard saying, our court system is a joke, and the judge said you're not allowed to do that, there's no First Amendment, and had him arrested!
Now what do you think about this?
Because I broke this, talked about this in the first hour, and nobody wants to talk about it.
I want to talk about this!
I want to get your response to this.
Now you can talk about whatever you want, it's open phones.
And you're bringing up a lot of interesting issues, but can you at least give me your response to this?
In fact, there's a short article.
I'm going to re-read this when we get back, then take some more calls, and then get back into news.
Power-packed third hour.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
I wanted to recap this story because it's so outrageous.
We can't just graze or glaze over this, as they say.
WAFF, and we even found some other articles on this,
You can look through them all, up to his ears and legal documents, Philip Dean is fed up with the judicial system.
That's the kind of court system we've got in Jackson County, Alabama, and I want everybody to know it, Dean says.
So he put a sign in his front lawn saying, quote, our court system is a joke.
Little bitty, looks like a political sign, it's like four feet tall, three feet wide.
Got a bunch of photos here.
A message landing him behind bars.
I was in a
I was in a cell about four foot wide and six foot long, and nothing in it but a toilet, he explains.
A rest order signed by Judge Harrelson claimed Dean to be in direct contempt of court, even though the sign is on County Road 107, not in the county courthouse.
The signs were so derogatory to the court that they could not be ignored.
Harrelson, the judge, responded in a local newspaper.
With Dean locked up, the signs were removed by the police.
Before they would let me go in front of Judge Harrelson, Dean says, they put leg shackles.
They put handcuffs.
They put chains from my legs up to my waist.
They put a chain around my waist.
They put chains from my waist up here and had the hands pulled up like this.
With an apology, Harrelson released Dean a day after he'd been in jail.
But the experience leaves Dean with unanswered questions.
Quote, when it gets to where a man hasn't got any free speech in this world, what has he got, he asked.
Answers he hopes to find with a message already back in place in his yard.
Oh my goodness!
That's America!
The judge was so nuts that he issued an order to have him arrested.
They came out and arrested him.
Put him in chains, took the signs out of his yard, and then later thought to themselves, wait a minute!
People told him, you can't do that!
This is America on a country road!
Road 107, County Road, you can put a little sign in your yard saying our court system is a joke.
I mean, it didn't say the F word.
It wasn't in a zoned neighborhood.
They just didn't like it.
And I see these articles every couple days.
This is very, very serious.
Do you have any comments to it?
And again, we'll get back into Bush giving warning months before 9-11.
FBI official says you do not want to miss this.
Just a lot of other news coming up, but right now let's go back to the calls.
Amy in Texas, go ahead.
Anne, go ahead.
Oh, hi.
I am calling because I found a 1903 book from the Masons, and there are four pictures in it, four different illustrations, and one of them is
A skeleton wearing a fez.
And everyone wearing a fez is stepping on, it's like, people.
And they're these demons with whips and scepters.
And there are people being decapitated.
One's being... One's hanged.
One is being sawed in two.
And the people who are doing this are all wearing the fez.
Yeah, the red little fez they wear at children's events symbolizes the murder of Christians by the Muslims.
The Mexicans are really weird.
They, like, secretly worship the mysticism of Solomon.
And Solomon got in trouble.
He was conjuring spirits, genies, that's demons.
This is what they believe.
They also secretly worship the Muslim religion, but a twisted version of it.
Uh, and uh, that's why their symbol is the crescent moon and the sword, the Muslim sword.
Uh, and uh, remember three weeks ago in Long Island, they blew the guy's head off in a Masonic ritual?
I, I missed that one.
And they found, yeah, it was New York Daily News, they found coffins, guillotines, black altars, and they blew the guy's head off and claimed it was an accident, and they let the guy go on $2,000 bail.
$2,200 bail.
And then we found a track record of them accidentally blowing people's heads off in these rituals, and it's always an accident when the Mason cops arrive.
Very serious.
And not all Masons are into this.
It's the higher-level ones, and it's been taken over by the Illuminati, according to George Washington.
It wasn't always like this.
George Washington went public against it, John Quincy Adams and others.
And Skull and Bones is a higher level of this.
They get in coffins.
I'm not going to say the prayer on air.
It's very blasphemous.
They ask Lucifer, who they call God, to enter them, to give them power, to wage war against the cattle, the slaves, the profane, the neophytes.
Yeah, the picture is full of dragons and demons.
No, they for hours just continually chant, Lucifer, enter me.
Lucifer, give me power.
This is what our Christian, most of our Christian conservative leaders are part of this, and this is the very Christian, and I'm not Christian because I'm against it.
Well, anyway, I wanted to tell you about the pictures because they were very shocking to me.
Well, we have leaders, Bush and Kerry, who have chanted for hours on end for Lucifer to possess them, so, you know.
And then we wonder why they bomb innocent countries and are taking our freedoms, and why the government ships the narcotics in, and why they knowingly put poisons in the vaccines.
By the way, the CDC documents have been released a month ago, ABC News, admitting that millions of children have been brain damaged by thimerosal mercury, and the FDA yesterday ruled, we don't care, we're going to keep it in the shots.
I have the mainstream article.
You wonder why they do this?
You wonder why Bill Clinton, for eight years, criminally shipped AIDS-tainted blood that he knew had HIV and Hepatitis in it, after it was illegal to do it, shipped it worldwide for hemophiliacs and others.
Because they're evil.
Because they enjoy it.
This is how they sacrifice in the real world.
Well, the people who are killing in these pictures are all wearing big smiles.
No, because they're Christian.
It's a loving thing that our Christian conservative leaders do.
Well, Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Yeah, what book is this particular that you have?
It's called The History of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
It was written in 1903, and a letter in the front is from, they'll call themselves nobles.
Anyway, nobody... Yeah, do me a favor.
Will you Xerox copy and color the cover and then the inside pages and mail that to me?
The cover, the publish date, and those pictures, because... This is for folks who just joined us and think I make stuff up.
You notice I said that this is the Arabic branch, but this is white guys.
This has nothing to do with Arabs.
This is the Arabic branch of the higher rights, and you notice I said that, and then you just said the Arabic order.
Yes, I'll get that to you today.
Yeah, please, please do.
And that's the slaughter of the Christians.
Oh, how they love it when they come to the schools to register your children with the face scans and thumb scans and they smile with the little red hats.
We're your friends!
Give us your firearms!
Soon we'll be in total control!
We are almost in total control of you!
That's what they're really like, okay?
I hope that scares you because you should be concerned.
You should stand up against them.
And again, I had grandfathers, great-grandfathers who were Masons.
I even had one that was a 33rd degree, a great-grandfather.
And they told my dad not to join the Masons.
And, you know, his Uncle Houston was into it, and in the Lone Star State, most of those that died at the Alamo were Masons.
A lot of the Founding Fathers were, and I'm not saying all Masons are bad, but most Masons think there's only 33 degrees.
There's 360!
You understand this?
And see, so most Masons don't even, they think the highest level is 33rd degree.
You don't become an Illuminati Mason until you go up to 33.
And then some of those are honorary.
Some 33rds don't even find out.
You better listen to me, people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andy in California.
Andy, go ahead.
Andy, good to talk to you.
You're on the air.
Andrew or whatever your name is.
I can't hear you.
It's Andrew.
Okay, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good to talk to you, man.
Been supporting you for a couple years now.
You did excellent work.
I do have a couple of buttons to pick with you, though, and I hope you give me a couple minutes to speak about it.
Basically, a bunch of my friends and I have been supporting you for a couple years now, and we drove up to San Francisco just this last weekend for the international inquiry about 9-11.
I kind of feel like you dropped the ball a little bit, man, by not showing up for the inquiry.
That was a general consensus we got from speaking with a lot of the people there.
It was a very powerful... A lot of people running around trashing me, huh?
No, no.
Actually, a lot of people supporting you.
Selling your videos and books.
Oh, really?
Selling my videos?
Yeah, it was a really good event, actually.
It was very, very powerful.
I spoke to Phil Berg, I think, the lawyer representing Ellen Mariani.
I ran into him at 4 o'clock in the morning at a diner.
Actually, and he was pretty bummed that you weren't there as well.
Hey, why wasn't Andres Von Bulow there?
You know, I don't know.
I don't know.
You know what?
I called them and said, are you going?
They said they weren't going.
Yeah, I don't know.
Did you ever hear me say I was going to that on air?
See, that's the thing.
Actually, that was one of the bones I had to pick with you.
With me?
You want to know the truth?
I've been listening to you for a long time, and a couple months leading up to the inquiry, you were scheduled to be there, and I never once heard you on air mentioned.
I want to get into a big thing over this.
I'm not going to sit there and attack people to put this on.
Let me just say this.
You don't normally get invited to something by learning your names on a list.
Now, that's the end of the discussion.
Do you have anything else to talk about?
Yeah, absolutely.
Can I hold through to the commercial break?
What do you want to talk about?
Just, I wanted to talk about peak oil and some other things.
Yeah, we can talk about that imaginary peak oil situation when we get back.
Thanks for the call.
You can stay there.
I want to hurry through these calls, though, because I really do got a lot of clips, stuff I want to do, some things I want to do.
It's very irritating to me when people don't know what's going on, you know, to surmise what's happening.
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Okay, we are back live, my friends.
Let's real quick let Andrew finish up his comments.
Go ahead, Andrew.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for having me back.
I'll try to be really fast.
My main thing is that I think you have a huge platform, and I just wish you'd get some of the word out about some of these events, even if you're not attending them or not, just to get them out there for people that might not be informed about them.
I don't know about them.
The peak oil thing is, I've heard you say that we have enough oil for a hundred years or whatnot, and at the inquiry, Mike Rupert had this huge presentation about peak oil.
Oh yeah, Mike Rupert, he's real credible.
I support some of the things he says, some of the things I think he's a little bit on the fence with.
Yeah, there's a huge presentation about peak oil, and you say you have stacks and stacks of evidence that supports that we have hundreds of years of oil.
I would just like to see that.
No, I just saw the UN documents five years ago where they said they were going to tell us there's no oil, but I say they're going to tell us there's no water to create artificial scarcity to jack up the prices.
Control for supply.
I would just want to see some of those, if you could direct me to where those are on Infowars.com.
Yeah, I need to do a show on peak oil, and I intend to do that.
You do, absolutely.
I've got to let you go.
I really appreciate your call.
I've got to move on to other callers.
Let's go ahead and go to Esther, then we'll go to Johnny in Hawaii and others.
Esther, go ahead.
Oh, hi.
Well, a couple things.
First, I want to stay on the business of the sign.
Our court system is a joke.
And they came and arrested him, yeah.
It makes me furious.
It was on his own property, wasn't it?
Oh, they didn't arrest him for some zoning rule.
They arrested him because they said it insulted the government.
It was on his own property, and nothing... Well, anyway, this makes me furious.
It shows how crazy they are.
And I'm kind of a sign carrier myself, and as far as
I think everybody in the town, in the county, and even in the state ought to put up an identical sign out in their yard and just challenge every one of them.
Stick a finger in their eye.
Ooh, that's a good idea.
Have every freedom-loving veteran patriot, if they have questions about the courts being a joke, now they know that that court's a joke, they should put signs up saying that court is a joke.
Well, they could just put the exact same words he did and let everybody know they backed what this man said.
Hey, what do you think about this judge?
What do you think about this Judge Harrelson?
What's wrong with his brain that he thinks arrests somebody for a sign?
Because the court system is a joke!
And one other thing, kind of counteracting a little bit what the previous man was saying, you know you made such a hit on Coast to Coast, and I think they're still calling in and mentioning that.
I don't hear a whole lot of it because mostly I sleep, but Monday night,
I was awake just a few minutes enough to hear a snippet and he had a guest on that was, I can't remember his name, but the next morning I forgot who it was, but the kind of interviews that you have.
And George Norris said that he had just had made a decision, he said now something to the effect that I will still have the unusual on.
But I'm going to go more toward the kind of thing you've been talking about, and Alex, I think that's your influence.
To a great extent.
He's a good guy anyway.
Certainly, that show has improved mightily, and we're thankful for being on it.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate your call.
Great call.
Wonderful call, Esther.
Let's talk to Johnny in Hawaii, where I wish I was.
Go ahead, Johnny.
Thanks, Alex.
It's been a long time.
I've called more often, the screener didn't know where Honolulu was.
He didn't know where Honolulu was!
I've got a comment on this poor guy who was sent to jail for his sign.
Now this judge, he's a little dictator down there like Hitler.
I think he controls everything, he makes his own laws.
Well that's it, yeah.
This guy should... Well you know what, you just said it.
That's tyranny.
Where they think they're God and they make the laws up as they go.
And this judge just doesn't like what this guy is doing.
And he said, well, hell with the law, I'll just go ahead and arrest this guy.
This poor guy needs to sue.
Get a lawyer and sue this judge in this county.
False arrest.
He's been humiliated publicly.
Official oppression.
He's got them for at least half a mil.
Yeah, and I was reading your article here on InfoWars.com and it says that there was no warrant even issued for this guy.
They just went in and picked him up.
Yeah, and they just stole his sign too.
Yeah, and locked him up like he was a felon.
You know, like a serial killer.
Something with all these chains and handcuffs.
Good grief.
They grabbed him, threw him in a broom closet.
This guy's got a real good case here.
Anything else, that's it.
Good to hear from you.
From Honolulu, the big island.
Alright, we'll be back ladies and gentlemen.
For my screener, he's busy.
I'm sure he knows where Honolulu is.
He's very smart.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, I got a great job.
I was just teasing my boss during the break.
Michael Trudeau was talking to me.
And before I get a bunch of calls, hey, you say you don't screen your calls.
Anybody that's called here knows I don't screen calls.
And I just called the guy running the show, the call screener.
See, I guess he does screen them.
He says, what's your name?
Where you calling from?
And I think that's about it.
Sometimes, how are you listening as we get curious about that?
But I guess that's his position.
It's what it's called, a call screener who takes the calls and gets the names and numbers.
But no, he didn't hear the caller say, your call screener doesn't know where Honolulu is.
Then I'm saying, no, the guy running the show is real smart.
Probably just wasn't paying attention.
So, I don't know, lots of mindless, trivial stuff here.
Let me cover a few news stories, and then we'll get to Wesley and others that are patiently holding toll-free number to join us on air 1-800-259-9231.
And just a heads up, we've got some big guests coming up next week.
Big, big guests.
A lot of key stuff next week.
You're not going to want to miss a single hour of the broadcast.
You don't have any excuse.
You can listen
11 to 2 Central during the day, 9 to midnight at night.
On another program note, we just don't go out on AM and FM stations, like our great affiliate out in California, there in LA, or our affiliates, you know, from Texas to Rhode Island, or on the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We also simulcast on Global Shortwave, but only the first two hours during the day at 9475, 11 to 1,
But now all three hours at night.
Nine to midnight at 3210.
When we switched frequencies we couldn't get the first hour for a while, but we did get that.
We did get the show picked up by WWCR for all three hours at night.
So you hear the first hour now and the second and the third at 3210.
So good news there for everyone.
Still getting calls asking what frequency we're on a month and a half after I switched.
Okay, let me get a few news stories, then we'll get back to your calls.
Scientists predict major Southern California quake within five months.
This is out of KTVU television.
A state earthquake council has given a qualified endorsement to a prediction by a group of scientists who believe that a
Magnitude 6.4 or greater will occur, that's a big one, in Southern California desert sometime in the next five months.
The California Earthquake Protection Evaluation Council, a group of eight scientists elected by the State Office of Emergency Services, said it considers the new prediction by the scientists to be a legitimate approach in earthquake
Earthquake Prediction Research.
Despite its support, the panel noted in their report that the physical basis for the prediction has not been substantiated.
The team of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, predicted that a quake will occur within a 12,000 square mile area east of Los Angeles by September 5th.
The zone includes a large swath of the Mojave Desert.
Let's hope it happens there instead of in a big city.
The Cochila Valley, the Imperial Valley, and eastern San Diego County.
The area was the location of the magnitude 7.3 Landers earthquake in 92 and the 7.1 Hector milequake in 1999.
The zone is so seismically active that the council noted in its report that the chances of an earthquake of at least a 6.4 occurring randomly in the area sometime before September 5th deadline is about 10%.
And the council concluded that the results do not warrant any special public policy action.
But usually the last few years when they predicted it, it does happen.
From all the different seismic data that they collect.
I'll take a few more calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wesley in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon.
How are you today?
I'm enjoying the show.
I am too, Alex.
This isn't a UFO or some kind of weird psychic phenomenon.
This is a straight-up scientific story and it's really expansive.
What I'll try to do is just synthesize it, if you'd like, after I'm done.
Okay, what publication?
This is a conglomeration of a lot of different studies.
Right now, the Hubble Telescope
is being controlled by the Department of Defense.
The Department of Defense is conjointly working with the Australian Army at an observatory in Australia.
They have been tracking a star.
Most stars in the universe, about 90% of them are binary stars, which means each star has a companion star.
They quite often have a very long
orbit that can take as long as two to three thousand years before that star will come back into the solar system.
I didn't know that.
I thought most stars are the same class as ours.
No, most of them have a twin.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I took two years of astronomy when I was in college just because it was something that... Okay, go ahead and finish up.
Alright, now, the whole purpose of this, the point of this, is that
This star is due to come back sometime around September, which is kind of interesting because it coincides with this earthquake prediction.
Are you saying a star in another solar system?
It's coming back into our solar system.
It's three times the size of the Earth.
It's been tracked for about the last 20 years.
Well, you know what?
I don't buy that.
I mean, I would have heard that our sun has another sun.
Well, not if the people that are involved in the astronomy community don't want you to know it.
I mean, they just had a... Well, I mean, for five years I've been saying that Planet X wasn't going to kill us two years ago.
And it didn't kill us.
See, that was the thing.
That was part of a disinformation ploy.
But I asked you where you got this and you're not telling me.
I've got a dozen different websites.
Okay, tell me one.
There's... Lord, I don't have the list in front of me right now, Alex, but I promise... And of course, these people are all selling books about the killer devil star coming to get us.
Listen, I know, that's the thing, that's what they wanted... Well, no, I just need some specifics, man!
Number one, I took astronomy and all that, and I didn't know that... I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know, because I don't know, you're saying almost 90% of stars have another star orbiting them?
Yes, that's true.
Most are at the University of... I'll tell you what, Wesley, I'm going to let you go.
Send me some information at tipsandinfowars.com.
I'll look into it.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to... Who's up next in Colorado?
Okay, who's the next caller?
And after that?
Okay, Kara in Colorado.
Go ahead, Kara.
Good to talk to you, Kara.
How are you?
Hey, I had a couple of things for you.
One thing regarding the sign in the gentleman's yard.
Tell them to produce the body.
Who is the victim?
Yeah, maybe it's the corpus.
Who is the victim?
The state?
Well, then bring the state on the stand.
Well, such and such represents the state.
Well, no, I want the state.
So basically, that's one way of doing that.
The other thing I was going to mention is I did a little bit more research on the Red Rocks Ceremony.
Very interesting stuff.
If you'd like, I could send you a write-up on that.
Most people don't remember when you called a month ago.
There's this famous theater, natural theater in Colorado called the Red Rock Theater, and they bragged that they did a Moloch Ceremony, a Bohemian Grove Ceremony there, many decades ago.
Yeah, and supposedly they continue to do it year after year now.
It's just not as well known.
But yeah, I found some information.
I consulted with a historian who did some research on that, and that's where they got the information, at the Visitor's Center at Red Rocks Amphitheater.
And I could send that to you if you're at all interested.
It was a very interesting thing.
No, that is interesting.
So they're doing this ritual there, too, once a year?
Not just turn of the last century.
That's what I heard just recently from a friend of ours, and we're going to maybe try to check it out.
I don't know.
Do you have any other comments about all this other news?
Well, just like I said, you know, the gentleman that had that happen to him, I really think that he should do a habeas corpus kind of thing and say, you know, who was victimized by this.
But was he released?
Is that sort of what happened?
They want him to apologize and say he wouldn't put signs up in his yard again on private property in a non-zoned area.
They arrested him because the judge said, I've got his quote here, that it was disrespectful to the government, and that's not allowed.
And so the point here is, what's happened to their brains?
What country do they think they live in, where all over the nation they're doing stuff like this, where they think critics, they call themselves the authorities, the officials.
Our masters, basically.
They call us the civilians.
Judges and police call us the civilians.
And that makes them the military dictatorship.
Well, some information I've been studying, Alex, really indicates that we're getting very close to penetrating their veil of power.
They really don't appreciate that, so they're really kind of overreacting, I think, to much about everybody.
They know we're on to them.
They know we're waking up.
I've seen the awakening.
They're panicking, and what does a bully do when you first start standing up to him?
He goes, I'm going to get you!
You're in a lot of trouble!
You better be my slave, or the terrorists are going to get you!
Never mind, they work for me, and I created them!
And that's all it is.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
And again, if I'm cutting callers off, it's not because I don't like you.
Because I just want to boom, boom, boom, get more people on this show.
We've been doing that.
And I've been trying to hold myself back, too, because it makes for a better program, more issues get covered.
Let's talk to Dan in New York.
Dan, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
You know what?
Your show is getting better and better and better.
Well, thank you.
We're trying.
I really appreciate it.
This thing with Dean.
You know, Dean should file a lawsuit against a judge, because those judges are bound by the Constitution.
The last I know is that we have freedom of speech.
And, uh, I went to court one time, and, uh, they were going to deny my rights, and I told the judge, right in the face, if you deny my rights, I'll sue you.
And he turned all red, and he dropped the charges.
That's it!
But, but, but, other people, the judge says, sign these papers!
They're not, that's illegal, but people still do it, and then waive their rights!
Well, then they have to learn, they've got to be educated, because, uh, they have to.
Even the police officers.
They don't have special powers.
They're bound by the Constitution.
This guy should look in the shoe and the pants off a lot of these people and take a stand.
I hear you.
Appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you.
You know what?
Before we end this show, before we end this show, I'll jam five or ten more calls in, whatever we can get in, at 1-800-259-9231.
Wow, I haven't given that out in about an hour.
It's always good to give the number out.
Let me hit a bunch of news here.
This is really important.
It says, California Rice Commission approves two genetically engineered drug-producing rice varieties spliced with synthetic human genes.
Now, two years ago, Protegene in Texas planted in 96 locations
HIV live virus corn.
It grows HIV.
It was implanted around the country, jumped into soybeans, jumped into granaries, and the last we heard they burned down a bunch of farms trying to kill it, and then nothing else was said.
The feds authorized this.
This is the insanity, the Twilight Zone stuff that's going on.
But the environmentalists don't want to talk about this, they want to talk about taking your farm or ranch.
On the March 29th, the California Rice Commission gave their approval for the planting and milling of genetically engineered, drug-producing rice varieties spliced with synthetic human genes.
This will be the first commercial pharmacological food crop in the world and could be planted everywhere in the U.S.
See, because they're not just growing plants to be used to get drugs or live organisms from.
No, they're doing it to feed it to you.
The Food and Drug Administration has established a zero tolerance for pharmacological crop production food.
Animal feed contamination of the food supply with this rice is inevitable.
Final approval for the pharmacological rice must still be granted by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, CDFA.
The CDFA may be making a decision at any time.
This is a very serious, urgent action alert.
Stop drug producing rice from being grown.
And see, these things are all very aggressive.
Then the pollen blows into other rice, because they all grow in the same regions.
And then, look, same thing with the corn, the maize, the canola, the soybeans.
Almost every major variety.
A plant has had a genetically engineered, and I mean a bizarrely engineered, I don't mean, you know, they go, oh, we've had, we've had some splicing, you know, we've had some, um... Oh, what's the term where you just cross different plants of the same species?
We've had hybrids for hundreds of years!
What's the big deal?
This isn't hybrid crossing two types of squash!
This is putting cockroach genes in tomatoes, human genes in pigs, spider genes in goats!
AIDS, virus, and corn!
How do I have to explain this to people?
It's just incredible.
They announced a month ago that they were going to plant this stuff all over England.
The people rebelled, and so now they've had to back off.
GM giant abandons bid to grow crops in Britain in a huge blow to the genetically engineered food lobby.
Their crop science has given up attempts to commercialize GM maize in Britain.
And it says the decisions blame on company and government restrictions means no GM crop will be grown commercially in the UK until 2005 and raises questions about the issue of GM in the country.
And by the way, the courts are set up in the US.
Monsanto actually owns its own federal court.
Owns it!
Runs it!
Funds it!
In St.
When they plant next to you, it takes over your crops.
You have the records that you bought your own seeds.
They sue you.
They take your land.
They have their own court.
You should sue them for contaminating and ruining your crops, but the courts won't do that.
See, it's set up that way.
Came out a month ago.
We already reported it here years ago because we have people who have seen the documents, but now they're public.
Center for Disease Control, Corporate Minutes from 2000.
This was released about a month and a half ago, ABC News.
Where they said, I won't give this to my granddaughter.
It's deadly.
It's caused millions of brain damaged children.
We've got to cover this up and continue.
We can't let them know that we know it's bad.
We read the quotes here about five times.
This is out of the Detroit News Health section.
Disease centers won't issue mercury alert over flu shots.
They don't care!
Ha ha!
Infants, toddlers at risk, say critics who
Alright ladies and gentlemen, somebody doesn't want us to talk about this.
This only happens when we're talking about key issues.
Again, the Centers for Disease Control knowingly said it's brain damaging millions.
We've gone from 1 in 25,000 20 years ago having autism to now 1 out of a couple hundred.
And it's getting worse.
Disease centers won't issue mercury alert over flu shots.
Infants, toddlers at risk say critics who argue vaccine may not be safe.
Hundreds of thousands of infants and toddlers who get flu shots starting this fall could be exposed to mercury-laced preservatives that has been all but eliminated, that's not true, it's in most of them, from other pediatric vaccines because of health concerns.
Saying there is no proof of harm from exposure to the preservative Thimerosal, officials with the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed that they won't advise parents and doctors to choose a mercury-free version of the flu vaccine.
By the way, some of these flu shots have over 300 times the safe level.
With the other shots, you take a couple shots, it's only 227 times.
We'll be back with the Skull and Bones clip.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Rick Hughes on Fox News last Sunday said that families of troops that are dead complaining about the president's jokes about missing weapons of mass destruction should just get over it, that they're a victim society, and to quit whining.
And here is a clip of Bush talking about that, and I finally saw more of the speech.
But he also talked about skull and bones at the end of this.
He goes, oh look, there we are doing the secret skull and bones sign.
And oh, it's real funny.
And it's him and his chief of staff doing some kind of weird sign.
You can watch the video at InfoWars.com.
Go ahead and hit that.
Those webs of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.
As you can tell from the look on Andy Card's face, we've become a
Little concerned about the Vice President lately.
Whenever you ask him a question, he replies, let's see what my little friend says.
His finger like the shining.
But we get along well.
Here I am saying, Dick, if the Hunan Palace doesn't get lunch here in four minutes, we're going out.
Nope, no weapons over there.
Here it is.
Maybe under here.
Oops, this photo wasn't supposed to be in here.
This is a skull and bone secret signal.
Okay, so there you go.
We'll hear that again on Monday in the first hour.
Remind me, please, Scott, who's done a great job running the show.
Before I hit a couple of these final calls, I want to remind the listeners that I've made ten films, written a book, published a book, carry a lot of other great videos and books, and you need to really get the
You need to get these films and make copies of them for non-profit educational purposes.
The total free number to get them, big discounts when you get three or more, is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 1-888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Our secure, safe online shopping cart.
That's the best way to get them, because you can see everything there and read about all of them.
So, 888-253-3139, or prisonplanet.com, or infowars.com, or write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Michael in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I've been watching you since you started on AXS TV, man.
Well, thanks for joining us.
What's on your mind?
Hey, I've got a question.
It's my pet peeve lately, is they ask you for your social security number everywhere.
Which federal law says they're not supposed to and you've got to refuse?
Right, well I just got a jury summons and the second question on the back is your social security number.
And you write it back and say federal law, you can find it online, prohibits you from asking that.
Well I called my buddy and said, will you bail me out of jail when they throw me in jail when I refuse?
Well no, you just go through the process and you say no, it's a violation of the federal law, the Privacy Act.
Okay, cool, that's all I need to say, huh?
I mean, they don't follow the law.
They'll probably arrest you for putting a sign in your yard saying you don't worship the government.
Right, exactly.
I put up the American for Peace sign in my yard.
All my neighbors got upset.
You know, it's ridiculous.
People need to wake up.
They need to.
God bless you.
Mel Gibson's against the war.
Ron Paul's against the war.
Real Conservatives against the war.
Hillary and Chuckie Schumer and John Carrier for the war.
And Tony Blair, the liberal, for the war.
Stephen Ohio, last caller.
Sorry to the others.
Go ahead.
He's not there.
We'll go to Nat and Oregon.
Nat and Oregon, go ahead.
I'm here, Alex.
I heard the bumper music.
Go ahead!
Real quick on the signs, Alex.
If you go to www.landrights.com
Scroll down the screen to Signs.
There's two Supreme Court cases that uphold the right to put signs on your property and uphold the First Amendment right to free speech.
That's all I got.
Yeah, good to hear from you.
We had attorney Pat Barber on who put it up on his own property and was arrested.
A sign that said say no to illegal checkpoints.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
God bless you all.
Thanks to everybody out there.
And I'll be back on Monday.
Be sure to join me.
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