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Name: 20040401_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 1, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, it is Thursday already.
The first day of April 2004.
I know we're not going to have any April fools on this show.
These are too serious to joke and horse around.
We're talking about real issues that affect you and your family and your generations to come.
We're going to have wide open phones today.
I'm proud of myself yesterday, despite the fact that I had a guest on.
We took about 50 calls in the three hours yesterday.
A lot of those in the third hour.
And I'm going to do it again today.
We're going to give each caller about a minute, maybe a minute and a half, if they're making a really good point, and then I'm going to make a quick comment and move on.
I want to take, let me think of a good number, I want to take about 70 phone calls today on the show.
Because a lot of people I talk to try to call in, because once we load the phones up, they stay loaded.
Once we give the numbers out, and then a lot of people can never get in, and I don't like that.
So when you hear somebody hang up,
That's your cue to try to get in.
The toll-free number, any issue, any topic you want to discuss, any of the news issues I raise, you're welcome to bring them up.
Any questions, any comments, you disagree with me, you agree, whatever.
We don't scream the calls.
We ask what your name is, sometimes how you're listening, and where you're calling from.
And I guess maybe once a month I'll say, hey, I want to talk about this topic for this hour.
Of course, no one follows that rule, so whatever.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Old-time callers, first-time callers, you called once a year ago, whatever, you're all welcome to call in on the show.
Let me give you an idea of a topic here that's pretty important.
I want to get your take on it.
They're trying to equate these dead soldiers and these dead Americans hung up on this bridge to what happened in Somalia with the whole situation in 93 when Clinton wouldn't give the troops the support.
And I think it's horrible what happened to the people over there.
I think it's even worse in the aggregate that our troops are breathing depleted uranium at, what is it, 1,000 plus times the safe levels.
And then that's the Army's own top scientists who resigned years ago and went forward with all of this.
Dr. Rookie.
It's a lot worse that our troops have to buy their own body armor.
It's a lot worse if they're eating contaminated meals provided by Halliburton.
It's a lot worse if they're drinking tainted water.
Overall, it's a lot worse if they're being given anthrax and smallpox experimental shots and a lot of them have died and become sick from that.
A Gulf War veteran from the First War is three times more likely than any other group in the population of having deformed children.
And a lot of scientists are saying the numbers are even going to be worse this time.
Why is that?
Is it the deadly vaccines?
Is it the depleted uranium they used in 1991?
I mean, if you really care about the troops, let's talk about it.
Let's discuss it.
And a lot of people are saying, hey, you know, after 9-11, we're not going to have the response of being cowards like we did in 1993.
We've got to really destroy the enemy now.
Look, what happened to the people over there is wrong.
I don't support some of these barbarous groups in Iran.
But I don't support the barbarous globalists using our military either.
I'm able to look at the whole corrupt spectrum and this viper's nest that we've been forced to stick our hand down in.
So, we'll come back.
I'll talk about some of the neocon, socialist propaganda,
Just all the news is massive today.
I haven't even gotten into what's coming up.
So I'll cover news for a couple segments, and then we'll just dive, we'll plunge into your calls on all these issues.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
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We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Imperial Governor of Iraq, Bremer, says killing of nine Americans in Iraq will not go unpunished.
An angry Paul Bremer
The U.S.
overseer, the overlord in Iraq, blasted the killing of nine civilian and military personnel in western Iraq as despicable and inexcusable and vowed that their deaths will not go unpunished.
Addressing 479 new graduates at the Iraq Police Academy.
Now, there was also a riot where riot police had to
With rubber bullets and tear gas, and yes, even some real bullets, shoot a crowd who was begging for police jobs.
A lot of these riots and problems, you didn't see them at first because a lot of Iraqis thought, wow, this is really the liberation.
But soon after, when entire towns had all the men taken down to the age of 10 years of age, according to the Washington Times and New York Times,
The military admits this in press conferences and in all the different Halliburton-run concentration camps and the torture deaths and the rest of it.
Now groups, even like the Shiites that were pro-America, they're now fighting.
Now in the Sunni triangle, and they're in these areas where the bombings continue, I mean, I don't support
The people that are bombing our troops.
I care about our troops.
Even if our troops are being trained to come here and confiscate our firearms.
I'm against the policies of the government.
And somehow you're not patriotic nowadays if you ask questions or are against wars or are against foreign entanglements.
The left in this country, the false left, they want to take over nations.
They just want the U.N.
or NATO to do it.
And don't worry, the U.N.
and NATO, after the hot summer months are over, and the heat of the night has subsided, and after we've played the part of the bad cop, it's official, they're going to be taking over via the new puppet appointed 325-member council.
But I hear the neocons last night and this morning on the radio and I watch a little bit of television and it's, this is just like Somalia but we can't be cowardly like Clinton.
We've got to really redouble our efforts now and never stop because this happened.
Easy for the chicken hawks to sit around and say, I mean, how would you like your country being bombarded and attacked with depleted uranium after a million and a half Iraqis have already starved to death and died and
And to have troops in your country, and to have all this happening, I mean, believe me, you wouldn't be happy if, let's say, the Germans or the Russians came over here and did this.
Let's say we had a dictator, and he was real bad, but let's say the Germans had sold the American dictator the weapons and supported him killing Americans and, let's say, attacking Canada.
And when he attacked Canada, suddenly Europe got together and said, we're coming over here to get the dictator.
And once they did, they started arresting all the men, and not letting you have shops on the streets, and taking over your newspapers, and shutting everything down, and the tanks were driving around with skulls on them.
What would you do?
How would you behave?
And look, a lot of people are saying, oh, this is probably some staged CIA deal where they had a hit team, you know, of Arab-controlled terrorists, which the Globalists do have tens of thousands of that work for the CIA, attack this convoy, burn these bodies, do this.
And I don't think that's the case.
I think this really happened, because that's what Iraqis do.
It's a very tribal, ancient society, and they've done this in the past, before Saddam was put in publicly by the CIA.
In the late 1970s, before they overthrew the communist government that had been in there, before that communist government had been in place, up until the early 60s, I mean, different tribes would grab different people and tear them apart between two automobiles or two horses, burning bodies, hanging them up from lampposts.
I mean, this is tribal warfare!
Look at what the Jews and Palestinians do to each other.
It's just the same thing over and over again.
And there's about, you know, ten different factions murdering and killing and bombing each other, and our troops are in the middle of it time and time again.
I mean, Paul Harvey isn't unpatriotic, and I heard him this morning say that we backed into a viper's nest.
I said we stuck our arm, our legs, our whole body in it.
And it's just horrible.
But, I mean, yeah, they open fire, they blow these vehicles up, and then these destitute, poor, pathetic, starving people, feeling so pathetic, want to have some type of victory, so they frolic with the dead bodies.
I mean, everybody says it's horrible, it's evil, it's totally wicked, and I am sad for the troops, and it is a bad thing, but what did the Italians do to Mussolini?
Whether Mussolini was good or bad.
I'm saying he's bad.
I mean, they hung him up and drug his body around and spit on him for days.
So this is what happens when people feel oppressed.
And I'm not saying our troops should be the focus of that.
It's wrong.
But the greater evil is cutting the veterans' health care, letting them breathe a depleted uranium, denying them health care treatment if they
Complain about the VA, which has been admitted in mainstream news.
Giving them all these deadly vaccines.
That's what's the greater evil en masse.
That the Hollywood shock value of these private security firm individuals.
Are they DynCorp?
Are they Halliburton security people?
I mean, you know, these... I haven't seen that yet.
They just say private security firm.
And some U.S.
So, I hear the neocons going, we gotta hit them even harder now.
We gotta do even more to them.
You know, it's funny.
It's bad to hang up these dead bodies and do this to these dead bodies, and I agree, but somehow it's good to have all the TV shows telling us that torture's good and...
Somehow it was good when the UN mutilated all those Somalis and mutilated all those Rwandans and put nine-year-old children over open fires and ripped their guts out and beat them to death and raped them.
Somehow that's just what troops do.
But that's a good thing.
Well, no, I think it's a bad thing.
So this is what happens in war, and if you don't think our troops haven't mutilated dead bodies and worn ear necklaces and finger necklaces
And if you don't think they haven't hung enemies up dead out of trees, well, you just don't know history!
And war is a horrible, corrupting thing, and this is what happens.
But just the double think that it's good when we do it, under the control of the globalists, but it's when these poor, pathetic, mindless idiots do it.
And by the way, I heard the neocons, as if they were reading off a script,
Going, this is the same thing the Palestinians did on 9-11, handing out cakes and celebrating.
That's been proven and admitted to have been two-year-old footage at the time of 9-11.
That was not real.
Now, I'm not saying that there weren't some Arabs out celebrating.
But the footage they showed you wasn't from 9-11.
But now they're trying to retread all of that.
And by the way,
You know, buildings got blown up by the globalists on 9-11, but let's take the mainstream view by some people that actual 19 magical hijackers did all this, and these buildings are brought down, and it's a terrible thing.
But a lot of people celebrate when we see Palestinian five-story buildings blown up with everybody inside of them to kill one guy, and oh, this is collateral damage, this is acceptable, that's somehow good.
Nobody's got the power of this empire of thousands of aircrafts and cruise missiles and bombers and helicopters and impregnable tanks running around smashing.
I mean, I remember watching snuff films last year.
You go, snuff films?
You yell on Fox News.
Literal snuff films.
It was live video from the backs of tanks and they were driving down the highway and there were bread trucks and ambulances and they would just open fire on them and dead people would spill out bleeding and images of splattered, melted bodies and children on the ground and the troops just yelling and screaming with pleasure and a Reuters reporter at a hotel walked up to Marines and they just shot a bunch of people and said, you just killed children and the Marines screamed, I love it, I want to kill more!
So, I mean, they got live snuff films on television driving into Baghdad just shooting anything that moved?
Well, that's just war.
Oh yeah, 20,000 dead civilians.
That's just war.
Or, you know, when the cruise missile drops in the wrong spot and kills 30 people?
Well, that's just war, you know, no big deal.
But then a few dead Americans are hanging up, and it's so horrible!
How could they do that?
Where's the animals?
What kind of people are they?
Again, I'm just saying, let's be honest about this.
Let's be honest about it.
We shouldn't be in that country.
And it's going to get worse until the U.N.
comes in as the savior.
We've been used.
Our troops have been used.
We've been lied to.
And Bush thinks it's funny to put on a slideshow, we're going to air an audio clip of this later, where he's sitting around making jokes about, no, no weapons there.
No, no weapons here.
Ha, ha, ha, where are the weapons of mass destruction?
Well, we know you sold them to your business partner, but they were taken out by your buddies, the U.N.
in the 90s.
So, we'll get your response, your take on this.
I mean, what do you think about it?
I mean, of course it makes me angry.
Of course I'm tribal.
Of course I still support our military and still don't like seeing our troops being killed.
Because I know our troops.
I know they're good people.
But this is an evil war.
And it's so hypocritical to slaughter and rend and kill
defenseless populations, and then when they get a chance to drag some dead bodies around to boost their pathetic, crushed egos, everyone howls that, you know, we've entered the ninth circle of hell.
Well, you know, that's true.
We have entered the ninth circle of hell.
The whole world is being swallowed by the Illuminati.
They're the people that put the cancer viruses in your vaccines.
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Here in a few minutes, I'm going to play a clip from the BBC.
And it's on PrisonPlanet.com, and yeah, we'll stream it over the net so the audio isn't the best, but it's okay.
Where Bush talks about no weapons of mass destruction here, no weapons of mass destruction there.
It's not funny.
It's not a joke.
And just because the socialist, your cousin, your skull and bones coffin mate,
Kerry comes out and says, yeah, Bush, what you did was wrong.
That doesn't suddenly make it okay for conservatives.
See, this is how the left-right system works.
The Democrats will come out and say that something is good, so suddenly Republicans all have to say, no, it's bad, and then Republicans will come out and say something's good, and the Democrats will say it's bad, and so neocons say, oh, it must be good, and the Democrats say it's bad.
This is all part of the mind control that they engage in.
But yes, it was wrong to get up there and make jokes about the non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
Of course, they could plant those at any time.
They could deploy those babies at any time.
And then we'll come back in the next segment and start going to your calls.
I also want to talk about a neocon big government pimp that I listened to for about 10 minutes yesterday.
And I wish I could have recorded this call and played it.
A lot of you probably heard it.
It was on the Rush Limbaugh program, and Roger Hedgehog, I mean, Roger Hedgecock, was on there, the liberal Republican former government minion there in L.A., up there, and, well, I'll just talk about it later, because it was so incredible what he called a conspiracy theory.
And, just a tidbit of this now, he called a caller a liberal.
Because he wanted to get the oil out of Alaska and didn't want to send it to just Japan.
You see, you're now a liberal of your pro-gun.
You're now a liberal of your pro-border.
You're now a liberal of your anti-NAFTA and GAP.
They are the liberals.
That's how they won.
That's how they took over, was by fooling you.
And until you wake up to that, it's over, people.
It's over.
They're going to get your guns.
They're going to keep dumbing down your children.
They're going to do it all.
But right now, here's this clip of Lord Bush.
Here it is.
It was meant to be a humorous look at life within the White House, but an after-dinner speech by U.S.
President George Bush has backfired, after he made a joke about the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
During the black-tie dinner for journalists, Mr. Bush presented a slideshow, poking fun at himself, his political rival, Senator John Kerry, and senior members of his own administration.
Here I am trying to explain John Kerry's foreign policy.
The annual dinner traditionally features an amusing speech by the president of the day.
Thus, it was a joke about the fruitful search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which drew the criticism.
Mr. Bush used a series of slides, showing him searching under furniture in the Oval Office.
Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere.
Nope, no weapons over there.
Senator Kerry, who will challenge Mr Bush for the White House in November, has shown a stunningly cavalier attitude to the issues of war and the search for weapons.
More than 500 US soldiers have died since the war began, and thousands more have been injured.
Mr Bush did end his speech on a more serious note, acknowledging the work of the US military abroad.
But these comments have been overshadowed by the rest of the speech, which was branded as tasteless and ill-judged.
Alright, so there you have it.
But see, Kerry, his skull and bones WWF fake election partner, comes out and criticizes it.
So see, now if you criticize the President, you're John F. Kerry.
See how they do that?
And I mean, nobody hates their military more than Kerry.
I mean, they're just all in this together.
It's a disgusting joke.
Now, just briefly,
I heard the last 10 minutes of the Rush Limbaugh program because it goes for an hour after the show's over.
I was out doing errands and I heard 10 minutes of it at the end.
And a caller calls in and he goes,
We need to get the oil out of Alaska.
We need to, you know, the Bushes are in business with the Saudis.
They're part of these oil prices being higher.
This is all a big scam.
You know, the Carlisle Group.
And then you could tell that Roger Hedgehog, Hedgecock, delayed him out so you couldn't hear the rest of what he said.
And then he just laughed and said, you wild conspiracy theorist!
Used to it was only the extreme far-right wing that believed in all these conspiracies.
Now that's all the left's talking about.
Started laughing and the show ended.
So, and a lot of you probably heard that.
So, the Karloff Group being in business with the Saudis, and they didn't even mention the Bin Ladens, that's a conspiracy theory when it's public knowledge, a hundred mainstream articles.
And he called the guy a liberal because he wanted to get the oil out of Alaska.
So now you're a liberal and a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, it's like Limbaugh trying to deny that Skull & Bones existed, then later admitting, oh yeah, I know it's real, what's the big deal?
I mean, you know, and the U.N.'
's not taking over our courts either, huh?
I mean, they're there to make sure conservatives don't wake up.
They're there to neutralize you.
It's disgusting.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
With a rebroadcast from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
Nine hours a day.
No matter what schedule you're on, you can always catch the show.
The broadcast.
Before we go to Tracy and Chuck and Jim and Ben and Don and others and start blitzing through your great calls, a couple key program notes here.
You know, this show also goes out on global shortwave, and a few months ago we switched shortwave providers, and we were only able to get the first two hours of the daytime show from 11 to 1.
On WWCR, that was all that was available, on 94.75.
And at night, we were only able to get the second two hours, 10 to midnight, not the first hour, 9 to 10 central, on 32.10.
Well, we've gotten the first hour now for you at night.
And so you can hear all three hours of the nighttime show at 3210, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time, and we're going to try to get that third hour during the day as well.
I want to just speak a few more minutes about Roger Hedgehog Hedgecock, and then we'll go to all your calls, and then hopefully you'll want to talk about what happened to our troops and these civilians.
It's horrible!
But, you know, some of these people were private security firm folks, the DynCorp crowd.
I wonder what people think of DynCorp in Bosnia where they've been caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children according to the BBC Associated Press.
They were convicted in court of that in 2002 for 2,000 crimes.
Again, the point is that there's evil on all sides, and it's not good.
And that's why George Washington said, stay out of foreign entanglements.
Also, U.N.
powers mulling the security force for Iraq, the takeover force.
Official NATO may lead intel Iraq force, or internal Iraq force.
Medical evacuations in Iraq.
War hit 18,000 in the last 365 days.
And now we're up to, what, 370-something days, but in the first 365 days, 18,000-plus medical evacuations from Iraq.
Many of those gunshot wounds, you name it.
Also, military sex assault linked to friendly fire.
Record rapes going on of women.
Well, yeah, because we have record women in front-line positions.
In a war situation where, let's just say, people's morals tend to degrade a bit.
Get the women out of front line positions.
Let them be generals and admirals or whatever.
And let them be in, you know, support roles.
I mean, let them be in power positions, but let's not stick them in the tanks or out on the front lines.
How's that sound?
Also, we will get into crude oil.
Back over the weekend,
OPEC said, oh, we're going to increase production.
And then an hour later, literally, they said, oh, actually, we're going to cut production.
And now they've announced that.
Our good friends, the Saudis, are to slash it.
And it's going to make gas prices even explode more.
Plus that refinery, BP refinery, blew up two days ago down in Houston, British Petroleum.
And so just enjoy yourselves.
And oh, another thing that Roger Hedgehog did.
And again, this is a former, you know, slimeball city council member from L.A.
One of the, you know, great neocon fake conservatives.
They know how to deliver you slavery.
He's in the whole Arnold Schwarzenegger vein.
Arnold will make a good governor because he's for abortion, gun control, open borders, issuing I.D.
Again, they're not conservatives, people!
They're there to pacify you!
I listened to ten minutes of this guy, and
You know, he went into, we've got to be brave, we've got to stay in Iraq, oh, we've got to do all this.
Our glorious military leader will save us, and he, you know, got off into all these different discussions of the evil liberals and what they're up to.
Yes, we know they're evil, we know they want the UN to run things.
They're your left arm.
But then this caller, you know, gets on the show,
And says we need to get the Alaskan oil, as I said earlier, and we need to stop shipping it to Japan, and we need to discuss how our supposed allies, the Saudis, are gouging us right now, and how Bush will do nothing about it, because he's in business with them through the Carlisle Group.
And Hedgcock said, that's a conspiracy theory, that's not true, you wild-eyed liberals, I tell you, you guys are like the far right wing now, you know, you're just as dangerous.
Oh, we're dangerous in the far right wing?
And, you know, you're just incredible, and the left has been taken over by these conspiracy theories.
And in a way, that's true.
Yes, we've broken through real conservatives, real libertarians.
We've deprogrammed the left.
They're out buying guns.
They're realizing the environmental movement's controlled by your big banker bosses, your neocon bosses.
They're realizing the real spectrum, and they're deprogramming en masse.
And you're in deep trouble.
You're in a lot of trouble.
So you better think about that long and hard, that now when I go to a peace rally, about a third of the people there are wearing pro-gun shirts, or holding up anti-New World Order signs, and I'm up there educating the leftists about the Federal Reserve.
You better worry, because you're not keeping us all divided into our false left-right camps.
So, you're a conspiracy theorist if you think the oil's being shipped to Japan, which they admit that's where almost all the oil goes from Alaska.
A hundred years supply for us, by the way, that we can't have.
And then the hedgehog went on to say that, oh, we'll see, the oil prices are up.
This proves it wasn't about oil.
Well, funny, I read the big oil company documents here on air before the war.
And they were, that's why they went after Sedan.
OPEC was mad at Saddam, the cartel set up by the British, controlled by the Globals, the Arabs at the front, as well as a few other OPEC members like Venezuela.
What really happened with all of this is, Saddam Hussein was selling masses of oil, and driving down oil prices.
And that's why everybody got angry at him, and OPEC got angry at him.
That's the point I made before the war.
I said, they're going to go in there, and the oil is not going to flow, and that's going to jack up the prices, and that's because before, Saddam wouldn't go with OPEC.
OPEC couldn't raise prices because Saddam would undercut them.
This was in the news in 1990.
This is admitted.
And so it's about monopoly control.
It's like Alaska.
You notice Bush has a Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, and the executive branch.
He could sign an executive order today and have that oil flowing into the U.S., sweet crude oil, massive fields of it all over the place.
Just incredible.
But notice that didn't happen, and notice that's supposed to be off the radar screen now.
So, going into Afghanistan, going into Iraq, it's about controlling it, and yes, taking the Basra
Port, and using that for selective oil sales, and then using the Haifa oil pipeline that was destroyed in the early fifties, and reconnecting it, which they're doing to Israel, and they admit Israel's going to get free oil!
So, just like with Alaska, only Japan and China get the oil out of Alaska, and now it'll be selectively sold to certain people.
And you're going to be trained, just like the Europeans, who now pay $6 a gallon on average, you're going to be trained to pay $3 a gallon by the time they're done with it, and you'll thank them for it.
And so when a caller brings up that the Carlyle Group has all these Bin Ladens and Saudis and the Bushes and oil companies on it, and that they collude to jack up oil prices, which even the documents that have been released that Cheney couldn't block show they were planning to do their own documents, not somebody else's like O'Neal or somebody.
Even with all that, it's a conspiracy theory.
How many times did I hear Rush Limbaugh?
And he pacified me for years.
I've been listening to that guy for 12 years?
13 years?
I remember, he kept my development frustrated and frozen for a long time.
You know, where I thought the Republicans were good and didn't see their Trojan horse activities.
And he said, the U.N.'
's not taking over the courts, they're not taking over the national parks, it's a lie, there is no new world order, the CFR doesn't exist.
Ten years ago he'd say that.
It doesn't exist.
Then I found out they were publishing his books.
The publishing house owned by the CFR publishes his books.
It's an imprint of the CFR.
I mean, you know, it doesn't exist.
Just like our law group doesn't exist, and oil being sent from Alaska to Japan doesn't exist.
I mean, it's incredible!
It's amazing!
So, they're all, they, to use the term they use, are the liberals.
And they've got the good cop, bad cop scam going here.
I want you to think about that.
And I'm going to be honest with listeners.
I'm not a rich man.
And we need your support.
But I'm going to be honest with you.
I've got family that someday I guess I'll get that money.
And I don't even want it particularly.
Rather have the family be around.
But let me just say this.
Having gas prices high makes my family a lot of money.
With the little gas wells and stuff.
So, again, I'm here telling the world how to drive down gas prices and it will directly affect me.
But see, I don't care about money.
Just thought I'd add that little tidbit in there for you.
So, let's go ahead and go to some calls and we'll get into all this news.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tracy in Colorado.
Tracy, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
There was a time when I was naive enough to think of America as a good Samaritan.
Like we would go somewhere to another country where people really needed our help.
Well, America's good.
It's those controlling us that are bad.
Well, until I found out about the Burma situation and how... Oh, where the U.N.
killed 3,000 people just to get their land?
Well, not only, I don't know about that exactly, but the fact that there was a legal election where Aung San Suu Kyi was actually elected as the leader, but the Burma government never let her take power and actually keeps her, you know, locked up.
When you were in college, you went to college, right?
A police science degree.
I bet you had some history.
Don't you remember gunboat diplomacy over the last 150 years?
If a third world Latin American country didn't let our corporations basically own them, how the marines would be landed and they'd burn whole cities down.
You never read about that?
Not a lot of history, no.
Oh yeah, I mean our troops would burn entire cities all over Latin America.
And that's history.
And they didn't even say they were commies back then.
Oh, their commies were going to kill them.
They would just go in level cities and say, okay, we run things and appoint a dictator.
Go ahead.
Well, the point of this is the fact that they say we're going to these countries to fight terrorism.
I know that Burma has terrorists.
I've heard them mentioned in the whole group of terrorists.
And Bush's campaign goodies are made there.
I just read that, and that's what prompted my call.
And the fact, I would like your listeners to know that we don't go and help people.
And Burma, they have refugees all over Thailand that still sit there and have to pack up their makeshift schools and run.
Constantly as, you know, things keep coming after them as far as their illegal government.
So, just wanting people to know that we don't go help people.
Because there's nothing in Burma.
By the way, Bush's sweatshirts are made in Burma.
And then, when they got caught doing it, they said, oh, and this was in the AP report on drugs.
We posted it on InfoWars.
I never even mentioned it.
That was something in the stack we never got to.
And they said, oh, it was that one shirt.
We only got one shirt.
And that's the one shirt that the Washington Post bought for its study of this.
It's just the one shirt they magically bought is the one shirt they bought from Burma.
All the others are made in America.
And what do you want to bet that if you buy one of those shirts, it's going to say made in Burma?
Yeah, and the major point is... No, no, no.
Only one shirt was made in Burma.
And that's the one that magically got sold to the Washington Post.
The Washington Post.
Thank God.
At least we got to see one shirt.
But it was one shirt.
They only bought one.
The one shirt... Think of that lie.
A two-year-old can figure out that's a lie.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
I'm glad you brought it up.
Chuck in Texas.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I had noticed in the paper this morning that the World Court had sided with Mexico on the death penalty.
Yeah, and Texas has been following their rulings.
That was years ago.
They had another ruling, and so, again, if you're an illegal alien, you are untouchable.
They claim because they couldn't contact their consulate, you know, the Mexican consulate,
uh... that that was uh... illegal you know by uh... well they ruled two years ago that the death penalties uh... unlawful and the supreme court overturned the arizona conviction of two german brothers that brutally murdered a bunch of people in a bank and arizona told the feds that we're not going to listen to you we're killing them and I'm glad they did well you know I'm really not sure how I feel about the death penalty you know because there's there's uh... so much uh...
Illusion that goes on and on.
Yeah, they can torture you into a confession.
They've been caught framing thousands coast to coast.
But with these Germans, they were caught on video and they later confessed.
But I'm for the death penalty in spirit, but I don't trust this government to administer it.
I'm certainly against the federal death penalty.
Well, I like this quote by Fox here.
It said, uh, we're going to keep fighting for legal rights and human rights so that our countrymen don't get the death penalty.
That kind of says it all, doesn't it?
It does, Chuck.
What else is on your mind?
What do you think about the troops and Don Corp people getting strung up?
I think it's horrible, but we really shouldn't be in Iraq.
No, that whole thing is a put-up job from 9-1-1 on, and they're just leading the American people by the nose with all the propaganda that they have.
UPI and
You know, just all the controlled media, Associated Press and everything, you never get the truth.
Well, you get a lot of the truth on the news wires, it just never makes it in the paper.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Jim in Florida.
Jim, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Alex, how you doing?
I have a couple things I'd like to talk about today.
I wanted to go back to what you were talking about, the ambush in, I believe it's Fallujah?
For one thing, while I agree with you, this is not a CIA op or some kind of, you know, this is a pretty nasty place and it was just a week ago that a Humvee was hit there.
So you've got to expect this kind of thing.
But the way this was photographed and the way it's presented, yeah, I believe that.
They had the people there to take the pictures to use this as propaganda like they did in Mogadishu.
And I'm sorry folks, but think about it for a minute.
If this was your country and the same thing was going on in your neighborhood and
People got hung from the bridge.
I don't think you'd be too upset about it.
I think you'd be jumping around clapping.
You'd beat the bad guys.
So, you know, you gotta expect this kind of thing.
The picture that's missing that wasn't shown on the news from this series of photographs that tells the story, for me anyways, is a picture of a six-year-old boy that lives in this town looking out from the doors of his house that are covered in bullet holes.
Folks, if this was going on in your neighborhood, you'd be doing this, aren't you?
Yeah, I saw that.
It was probably 200 bullet holes into his house.
Our government's killed 20,000 Iraqis.
And my point is, is that it's all horrible.
We shouldn't be there.
I'm sad the troops are getting killed.
I have something else to ask you.
Can you hold me?
Just ask the question.
Go ahead.
Okay, the other night when you were on Rens, are you aware that the data stream from Rens was blocked the entire time he was on?
No, what happened?
I couldn't get on Renton's site to even get on the live feed.
It's never been down.
I've been going to Renton's website for years.
Wow, thanks for the call.
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Alright, yesterday I took 20-30 calls an hour, and I said I wanted to do that today, and I've been... There's been a lot of news, a lot of things I had to say, and we haven't done that!
So, I'm... We start going to calls in the next hour, and I'm about to go back to them right now, but... Just a minute or so, make your comments, ask your questions.
It's my fault I'm going slow here, because there's so much stuff.
I want to get to a lot of you, and the total free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Before I go back to your calls and then to more news, I've made 10 films.
I've written a book.
I've published another book.
I carry great books on tape that expose the New World Order that are professionally produced.
I carry great pro-gun, which you would call liberal, because you're a neocon, some of you out there.
But I carry pro-gun, anti-tyranny t-shirts.
I've just got a lot of great materials that are there to wake people up that are riveting.
Whether it's 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, both those films expose 9-11 and government-sponsored terror, or Police State 3 Total Enslavement that covers the whole New World Order agenda, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove exposing the elite's occult activities, you need to have these full-length feature videos.
They're all over two hours long, $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more of any of the titles.
And the books range in price from $5 to $25.
You know, from 60 pages to 750 pages long.
They're all great.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure, safe, online shopping cart.
Or call toll free.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Let's go ahead now and take more calls.
Let's talk to Ben in Idaho.
Hi Alex.
I've got in front of me a copy of a letter from the Idaho County Farm Bureau that was sent to the Superintendent of Public Instructions in Boise on March 22, 2004.
I'd like to read you just three sentences out of the letter.
The following is a quote from a civics textbook since the 12th grade.
We the people, the citizens, and the Constitution, which has been authorized and funded by Appropriations Bill H.R.
The existence of a written Constitution or Bill of Rights does not mean that citizens actually have the rights they contain.
Nor does the existence of laws passed by our federal, state, and local government guarantee the citizens will actually receive the rights the laws are supposed to protect.
So I guess the government's notifying itself that, hey, let's violate their rights.
Well, the government's notifying the high school students that the Bill of Rights in the Constitution and all federal, state, and local laws are meaningless.
Well, at least they're being honest.
Yeah, they are.
They still have meaning because they're our God-given rights, but these pack of criminals are ignoring it.
Will you please fax that to me?
Yeah, I'll get somebody who's got a fax.
Or scan it in and email it to tips at infowars.com.
Let me give you my fax line.
Okay, let me grab a... Okay, get that pen.
Okay, I got it.
It's 512.
Yeah, and please fax it.
And people, don't send me 50-page faxes.
Keep them down to one or two pages.
Yeah, this is like four pages, the whole thing.
Yeah, go ahead and send it to me.
We also go on to say that... Sir, may I talk to you for a second?
Will you please fax that today?
Yes, I will.
Okay, go ahead.
They go on to say that...
Our founders took the ideas of a Roman Republic.
Classical Republicanism when they formed our country.
And that view was that the citizens were not to be concerned with making money and taking care of their families, but with the government and the common good.
And that there would be no inequality of wealth.
You gotta send me that.
That's pure gold.
That's pure communism.
Oh, that's unbelievable.
Please, stay there.
Stay there.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I believe what Ben just said.
He lives in Idaho.
He lives down the street from Jack McClam.
And the caller just read me a government document being distributed to the high school students saying that you don't have any constitutional rights and that we're a Roman Republic where the common good is there and that we're basically a bunch of communists.
And I've seen similar stuff in textbooks, but it's amazing that they're distributing this to the high schoolers.
So, Ben told me he's going to go over to Jack McClam's office.
We can trust Jack McClam.
I trust Ben too, but Jack McClam can have a copy of this.
He can then call some of the government officials, make sure of its authenticity, and then we'll have Jack McClam on in the third hour if he's there, if we can do this.
But I guarantee you, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
Just an amazing document that Ben just read on air.
Alright, we're into the third hour.
I mean, the second hour of this show, but just a program announcement for everybody.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, then back from 9 to midnight Central during the evening.
And we also don't just go out on the AM and FM dial or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com on the Internet.
You can also listen on Global Shortwave for the first two hours of the show during the day at 9475.
And for the past month since we switched shortwave providers, we were only on the last two hours at night, 10 to midnight on shortwave.
Now we have that first hour.
That first hour is now covered by shortwave on 3210.
So during the day, 9475, first two hours.
And now at night, full three hours, 9 to midnight, praise God, WWCR 3210.
So you definitely want to be sure and tune in tonight to the first hour for those of you that have been complaining by the thousands that you were missing the first hour because the only way you could listen was via global shortwave.
Now you can get all three hours at night, nine to midnight, 3210.
Okay, our group's being drug around dead, others being drug around dead, hung up dead.
Horrible thing.
This is war and
There's a lot of propaganda concerning this going on out there.
Oh, we've got to get even tougher on the Iraqis.
Well, let's face it.
What happened to the troops and the civilians is horrible and barbarous, but our own government is doing similar things to them, and that's wrong, too.
We can't engage in double-think here and not understand that.
We've got to wake up.
A bunch of other news coming up right now.
Let's go to your calls.
Don in Ohio.
Don, go ahead.
Something that's going on in Stark County, Ohio at the Canton.
In 1998, a woman was drugged and raped in an oil refinery.
It happened at the Marathon Ashland facility.
We passed out a flyer to locals around here.
We cannot get anyone to help us.
We've been harassed for the last four years.
My sons and I, my sons haven't seen their mother for four years.
What we pass out is women on Stark County drug and rape cover-up by the Canton FBI and the Stark County Sheriff's Office.
For the supervisors from Marathon Ashland Oil Refinery in Kansas.
Well, I'll tell you what, sir.
You know, I'll tell you what.
You're going to need to get me that information because I don't know what you're, you know, the details of what you're talking about.
Okay, what I'm telling you is this is a conspiracy.
They're all refusing to do their job in a drug and rape investigation.
And this happened to your wife?
Yes, it did.
You haven't seen her for four years?
Where is she?
Oh, we're separated now.
She lives in the area.
It has to do with mine control and a lot of other things.
They really did a number on her, and if you were to read the website, the website we have is put up by an ex-sheriff's deputy, and he told me we ain't gonna get no justice in this case.
Okay, well email me that address at tipsandinfowars.com.
What's your web address?
It is www.geocities.com slash the breeze, b-r-e-e-z-e 327.
Yeah, if you want to be effective, you've got to get a shorter address.
It's quite easy to do.
I've got to let you go.
Thank you for the call.
Sorry to hear about that.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals said last week there's no more Fourth Amendment.
We don't need warrants to come in your house or business.
On Monday the Supreme Court came out and said no more Fifth Amendment in your backyard, side of the road, wherever.
You've got to show us IDs and answer our questions.
Or we can charge you with resisting and then put you in jail for years.
That's an assault on an officer to not answer their questions.
Then they charge you with assault and the Supreme Court said they can't for not worshipping.
I mean, this is a real ruling.
I'm not joking.
You know, they got Oregon bills where if one protester blocks traffic, all protesters get life in prison.
If you have a sawed-off shotgun or buy a gun illegally, life in prison.
If you download music illegally, life in prison.
I read the subsections yesterday.
They're trying to pass that.
It has a good chance still of passing.
They tried to declare martial law two months ago in Rhode Island.
That was in the Providence Journal and in News 9.
I mean, this is the reason, this is... And then now we get a caller who's... I talked to him during a break involved with Jack McClammon.
I believe from what he read off the document, but I'm going to have him bring it over to Jack McClammon's office and try to have Jack on about it.
There in Idaho, you're being given to high school seniors saying there's no Constitution, you have no rights, you have no job to make money, you are here to serve the state.
And that's incredible.
That couldn't be happening.
Folks, I have FEMA on tape before 9-11 saying all Christians are terrorists, all homeschoolers are terrorists, all the founding fathers are bad.
I mean, they're really doing it!
They're really out there, and the neocons are there to keep you pacified, to make sure you don't learn of this as conservatives.
It's very, very frightening.
Just a bunch of news here, but let's get about five more calls out of the way before I get back into it.
So much coming up.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tom in Maryland.
Tom, go ahead.
Hi Alex, it's a pleasure to be on your show once again.
And I'd like to start by saying I have all your films and I highly recommend them to anyone who doesn't have them.
And I wanted to comment on your... you had talked briefly about the Council on Foreign Relations
In the last hour or so, and talked about Rush Limbaugh denying that they existed and so forth.
As one of their imprints, that is, you'll have a big publisher that don't have, you know, 50 imprints or sub-names, he is an imprint of the CFR publisher.
I wanted to tell you about a book that I had over several years ago, and my dad initially got it, and he got it off of one of the Capitol Hill libraries.
It was called
The Council on Foreign Relations, 1921-1946.
It was their first 25-year history book.
And I had lost it, but I did hear from my dad himself.
He told me, he said, back when the American Free Press was called the Spotlight, he said, yeah, I turned that book over to them and they had photocopied it and so forth.
The point is, they have a phone number, they're public, they have meetings on C-SPAN, and Limbaugh now admits it exists and says you're crazy and you think it's bad.
But I remember hearing him say it doesn't exist, and then later I found out he was published by them.
I mean, this guy's a sicko!
Yeah, well, I never bought into Rush Limbaugh's bunch of BS, but one of the pages in the book
It says the three goals of the council.
I only remember the one that was the most striking to me.
The goal is to build government.
It's in every bookstore, bi-monthly, foreign affairs, and it's all their propaganda of why it's good, but they say the end of America, world... I got quotes right here from it.
Go ahead, I'll get them.
The book I had said ought to stimulate international thought among the people of the United States, and if you talk to
A lot of folks, whether they're neocons or liberals or if they're a part of the two-party system, I mean uniparty.
If they're into that kind of a mindset.
I had a discussion with a guy a couple of weeks ago who defended every tyrannical move.
He defended it.
I said, you know, he is an avid hunter, yet he's for gun control and a ban of all handguns.
I couldn't believe I was hearing this.
No, I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
And the NRA and in state and federal courts, we have the rulings.
argues against Vermont-style concealed carry in North Dakota.
It was going to pass.
The NRA stepped up and said, no, we're not for unregistered gun ownership.
A federal court ruling in D.C.
last year, they argued for all guns being registered and not being able to leave your house with them.
But you tell the average gun owner that, they can't believe it.
Fine, don't believe it.
Speaking of foreign affairs, published by the CFR, this is a 1995 July-August issue.
We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
in Foreign Affairs.
In the beginning of my book I have a bunch of these quotes and about five of them are out of Foreign Affairs.
Here's another one by Richard N. Gardner in Foreign Affairs.
In short, the House of World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
It will look like a great booming, buzzing confusion to use William James' famous description of reality.
But in the end, an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
Richard N. Gardner in Foreign Affairs, back then it was a monthly publication, April 1974,
Let me find some other ones here.
This non-existent group that's on C-SPAN every month.
Let me find another one here.
Scrub Talbot in Time Magazine.
In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete.
All states will recognize a single global authority.
National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all.
Scrub Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted by Time Magazine, July 20th, 1992.
I'll find some more during the break.
I want to go to these calls quicker.
We are moving quick, but not fast enough.
Logan in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, what do I say to people who love Clinton on the basis of Rwanda?
I mean, I don't know much about Clinton, but I know that, I don't know, anything tells me not to like the guy.
Yeah, Bill Clinton's a New World Order puppet, and so they're saying, don't be like Clinton in Rwanda!
Attack Iraq more!
Don't pull out like cowards!
You know, we gotta kill more Iraqis now!
It's just sick!
I talked to somebody who's like, they're in, like, UT Law School, you know, a real smart guy, and he's in there telling me that, like, Clinton was a great president.
I'm like, well, why?
Like, what's so good about him?
What did he do that was good?
And he says, well, Rwanda.
And he always said, it goes back to Rwanda, you know, like, he did the right thing.
That was a good thing to do, and... Well, in Rwanda, they killed, uh, what, 800,000 Tutsis for their land.
The Hutus were hired.
The UN was caught doing it.
So, it's just amazing, yeah.
But the UN was caught actually, like, causing all the...
Yeah, they killed, they believe, about 100,000 by their own hands.
They would take the Tootsies into a refugee camp, pull out at night and have the Hutus kill them.
And there's also video and photos of them cutting their heads off.
Because the Tootsies were the middle class.
They owned the land.
And the Hutus had been the downtrodden group.
And so the U.N.
hired the Hutus to kill them so Dutch Royal Shell and others could have the oil.
Okay, where should I go to read about this?
It's in my film with all the news articles, America Destroyed by Design, but just type in UN Behind Rwanda Mass Murder, or go to PrisonPlanet.com, there's a big fat archive, I think about eighty mainstream news articles, just a whole bunch, it's almost a hundred, I know that.
Is there a place in Austin to get your books, films?
Because I went to one of the bookstores and I found, they have stuff by David Eichen and stuff, but I don't
Really into that though.
I mean, there's just nothing by... I never see any of your books anywhere.
I don't know where to get them.
You can get it off the website or by the toll-free number.
There's not a place in Austin that says so?
Yeah, there is.
It's the Hardware Store Incorporated.
It's got a bookstore and gun shop in it.
It's Spicewood Springs Road, 183.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
Good to hear from you.
Let's now go ahead and take another call.
Eric in Texas.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I have one question and then a comment for you.
The question is,
What's the bottom line, the big picture on this?
Everything that you buy nowadays is made in China.
You cannot escape it, but here's the big point.
My videos are made in America.
Yeah, well I have them all, so I really enjoy them.
But, for instance, this calculator my wife bought, financial calculator, you know, five years ago, was made in USA.
It was $100.
I go buy it today,
Made in China, and it's $100.
Their cost of goods probably, let's say, went from $80 to $20, yet the price didn't change.
You know, it didn't go down to the slave labor prices, so where does that show up in inflation?
Well, yeah, Nike tennis shoes are made by slaves, but they're the most expensive thing.
Yeah, well, where is that money accounted for?
Because if we cut off Costco or whatever it is, all this China goods coming over here, wouldn't prices just inflate radically?
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Let me try to answer your question.
The globalists call China the model country because they follow U.N.
orders, they sterilize women, they kill people's second birth child, or put them in prison and kidnap the child and put it in a dormitory to be raised as a brainless minion of the state.
China's the model because they have no workers' comp, no environmental standards, no insurance, no nothing.
They'll work on average, I think it's like 50 cents an hour in China.
And so, the globalists can go in, make selective deals with the communist Chinese owners of the slaves, to then ship those goods in here and leverage out their competition.
Now we've entered the phase where the factories are all shut down here, almost all of them, and so they can go ahead and jack the prices back up, because now there's no competition.
So it's about a monopoly.
All the New World Order is about is about monopolies.
They're not about free market.
They're organized crime syndicates.
And the World Bank's own documents say it's about getting rid of the middle class because we were independent.
It's about dumbing us down, getting us into, you know, efficiency apartments, making us work two jobs so our children are always in a government school.
Now they're talking about school going until 8 o'clock at night, you know, with extracurricular activities to help us.
It's about making us drones.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in Colorado.
Bob, go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
Quick comment on that, China's also, their money is tied to the dollars, so it doesn't matter how deflated the dollar becomes, they're still competitive versus Europe.
And they have a 40 plus percent tariff on us, and we have a low tariff on them.
Exactly, and the same thing with India, where they stated this free trade stuff about job sourcing going over there.
India, we can't sell anything in India, but they can take all of our jobs.
Yeah, that's free trade.
Hey, did you know for the first ten years of NAFTA to be renegotiated next year, the first, this year, excuse me, of NAFTA, understand folks, and this is a key point, Mexico never had to agree to anything.
They still block everything!
Go ahead.
That's free trade.
A couple of real quick comments.
One of them is in Colorado, which is the testbed for the Bush program, because they're owned, Governor Owens,
They actually went to the elementary schools in one of the school districts and put up wanted posters for kids that did not take the CSAT, which is our standardized test.
People got a little upset about that.
Tell you what, stay there.
I want to hear this when we get back because your audio is really bad.
You need to speak up.
Just finish your comments when we get back.
I'm going to go to everybody else.
Stay with us.
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Let's take some more calls this segment, then I'm going to come back, blitz through a bunch of news, then go back to your calls.
Believe me, there's a ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet, so be sure and stay with us.
Let's go ahead and let... I believe we were talking to Bob in Colorado.
You said that they did something in the schools.
Go ahead and finish up.
Yeah, they have standardized tests here in Colorado, and that was one of the models they used for the federal program, and the school districts up here have actually put out a reward posters for kids that didn't take the test, be turned in by their
Fellow classmate.
I remember something about that.
All over the country, they give them title-tale cards.
They enroll them in a program and it's, where are they skipping school?
What are your parents doing?
This is the Stasi Society.
The worst thing, and actually what my main call was about, and I hope that people are prepared for this, but I'm going to... Make it real quick because I've got to move on.
I'll do it.
This reminds me too much of Vietnam from the Iraq thing, and I think that we're going to see a big spike in casualties on our side because we're putting the newbies in there.
And they're going to get to use the same tactics, the Iraqis.
That's what Hackworth found out when he went back to Vietnam after the war was all over, talking to the Viet Cong, was that they loved when they brought in new recruits because they could just go back to doing what they did six months before.
I appreciate the call.
Look, the thing is, our troops' lives and the Iraqis' lives aren't worth OPEC working with the Bushes through the Carlisle Group and others, jacking up oil prices.
I told you before the war.
They're not going to pump the oil out.
It's about jacking up prices.
It's creating artificial scarcity.
So the neocons go, see, there's no oil coming out.
That proves our fact.
Yeah, and the oil companies are posting record profits.
And you know it, you liars!
Let's go ahead and talk to Cliff in Texas.
Cliff, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I just want to know if you heard what I heard this morning on one of the news channels.
I forget which one it was.
MSNBC or Fox News?
Okay, doesn't matter.
Go ahead.
It was about a waitress at a Starbucks retrieving a napkin that rums filled and somebody else had been writing on while having morning coffee talking about the problem of Mr. Clark being eliminated soon and it was like a drawing of his house or something else.
I wonder if you'd heard anything about that?
Yeah, I did hear about leaked memos shows how they quote wanted to deal with Clark and I printed it
That was yesterday, and then it got set aside in a stack, and I don't know!
That's the problem!
I'm getting hit with so much!
Somebody call in.
Well, the phones are loaded.
Somebody's got to tell me.
Yeah, exactly!
I did read just the top of the article, printed it, something came up, and then set it aside in a stack, and didn't staple it, didn't bring it here to the studio.
And it was on Drudge, and it was, you know, memo shows how they plan to deal with Clark.
And you heard this on the news.
What did they say?
Well, it was just like a, maybe a 15-second little blip.
You know how it does.
They just throw it out there on the radar screen and never say anything else about it again.
But it was pretty much that, you know.
That was all there was to it, was that our napkin was retrieved, and, you know, it made reference to Richard Clark and, you know, that problem being eliminated soon, and it was like a sketch of his house.
That was all.
Like I said, it was real early this morning.
That was all I called of it.
I couldn't have been more than a ten-second little piece.
Were you watching television?
It was, like I said, on one of the... Well, that's the problem.
I have a stack, literally, of probably 50 stories, as big as what you just talked about.
I mean, we have the stand-down order of Rumsfeld months before 9-11 saying, now generals can't shoot planes down.
It's got to come through me.
I mean, it's so sick.
Thanks for the call.
I'm really glad you called.
Very interesting.
Wyatt in Maryland, go ahead.
Hey there Alex, it's been a long time since I've talked to you.
Last time I talked to you I gave you some bad information.
I said that there was a wrong flight that hit the Pentagon.
I don't believe a flight did hit it, but anyway, still, I said that the gentleman that called before you, he was wrong, and what I said was wrong.
You've got to know, people don't even know what you're talking about.
Well, what happened is, a TWA flight was supposedly the plane that hit the Pentagon.
I said that, no, I said a friend of mine had people killed.
He's a flight attendant.
Wasn't it supposedly a TWA flight?
It wasn't, yeah, it was supposed to be.
I said it was a United.
But then when I double-checked it, the guy that I talked to said, no, no, no, I fly for... I mean American, I'm sorry.
I fly for American Airlines.
Right, it was an American airline that I said hit it, but it was a United flight.
Anyway, I wanted to clear that up and apologize.
You've got 30 seconds.
Okay, great.
Listen, the New World Order is just absolutely out of control.
They're controlling us through high prices, commodity prices, beef, coffee, tea, gasoline at this point.
That's what's going on.
It keeps us quiet as people.
It keeps us shut up and stresses our pocketbooks out.
In 73, when they had the gas shortage, there was no gas shortage.
It was designed to get the pipeline through in Alaska and to open up the Suez Canal.
That's what all, it's all lies.
It's continuous lies.
We're so deep in it, but we won't, for some reason, the average citizen will not admit to it.
They won't recognize it because they're afraid, because they don't know anything.
I have to agree with you.
It's why we gotta wake up and be men and women again.
We'll be back with the news and more calls.
Stay with us.
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And again, the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Let me run through some news and then we'll get to Chris and Rob and Marty and many others that are holding wide open phones throughout the show.
We're going to take a lot more of your calls.
I want to accelerate through them.
Did you hear this caller saying he was watching
MSNBC this morning, and there's just a little blurb about, oh, a Starbucks waitress picked up the napkin that Rumsfeld had left and said, this is how we'll deal with Clark, you know, he'll soon be out of the way, and a diagram of his house, a picture of his house.
I mean, again, I saw that story, and that's how desensitized I am.
I just read the headline about, you know, Rumsfeld Memo shows how they plan to deal with Clark.
Is that something separate?
Because I didn't bring that to the studio.
I really should, I guess, allow myself to have internet in here.
But when I do that, I end up surfing the internet while I'm talking, and then it becomes a distraction I found years ago.
All right, let's plow into the news, some of the news we haven't gotten to yet, and then we'll go back into your calls as I just said.
And I would like to get your take on the horrible images of Americans strung up dead over there in Iraq.
The point is, we're doing evil things to them, too.
Stringing them up, killing them.
You just don't get the photos of it, though they admit it's going on.
Well, they drive around with Jedi Raki's heads and skulls on their tanks, but that's okay when it has 666 written under it.
That's the Reuters photos.
That's alright.
That doesn't get wide circulation, but it's good.
It's good when we do it, bad when they do it.
No, it's bad when everybody does it.
Killing of nine Americans in Iraq will not go unpunished, Bremer says.
Well, yeah, you've already killed a million and a half Iraqis, New World Order.
I'm sure you will continue to punish them.
And don't worry, the U.N.
vaccination's already begun of all the children who won't be able to have children now because you've been caught adding sterilization hormones to it.
That's mainstream news.
But don't worry, the white horse is coming.
The cavalry is coming.
The good guys are coming.
You mean the good cop.
Who's buddies with the bad cop.
UN powers mulling security force for Iraq.
Oh, that was a joke.
The UN's the bad guys.
They're a tool of the globalists.
It says, members of the UN Security Council are working on creating a multinational force to help bolster security for an elected government in Iraq.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was quoted as saying on Monday.
By the way, the elected government will be elected by the appointed governing council.
That's incredible.
My impression is that they are working for a multinational force under a unified command, which would cooperate with the sovereign government of Iraq and contribute to the security of the country, Annan told Italy's newspaper.
Also, from AP, official, NATO may lead Intel-Iraq force.
The Bush administration is weighing roles for NATO in Iraq.
To decide which of several options to support a senior State Department official said yesterday.
NATO could take over command of a multinational division, Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Braddock said, of the alliance could train peacekeepers and Iraq forces to patrol the country as it moves toward self-governance July 1st.
Notice they say move towards it because it's just another puppet appointment of the government.
Medical evacuations and Iraq war in the last 365 days hit 18 plus thousand.
A lot of those serious wounds, not just the 600 dead now.
Very, very serious.
State suffers pump pains.
This is an article out of California.
Partell agrees to cut production of crude.
So they've already cut production massively.
And again, OPEC's the tool of the New World Order.
England and the US, the private banks, actually make most of the money.
The Arabs get a small portion of it.
And it says, OPEC's decision Wednesday to cut oil production by 4% likely will drive gasoline prices in California up by as much as 8 cents a gallon within a week, pushing the cost of fueling cars to record levels.
Experts said the action by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna, Austria, notice where it's located, would further squeeze already tight supply levels in California and drive up prices in all the nation's fuel pumps.
The average price of regular in Los Angeles had inched towards, get this, $2.13 according to the Automotive Club of Southern California.
And it hit a record average in California of 220 a gallon on March 4th, though in San Francisco the pump has been as much as 345.
And just north of there is Alaska, but none of that oil comes to us.
It all goes to Japan.
It's too early to tell, but one of the major factors in increases of gasoline prices has been higher crude oil costs.
Oh, no kidding, said David Fogarty, spokesman for the Western States Petroleum Association in Torrance.
So, amazing, amazing, but the Karl Lager doesn't exist according to the Rush Limbaugh Show, and they're not in bed with the Saudis jacking up prices, and the oil companies aren't all posting record profits.
It's about not selling oil.
It's about not letting Saddam sell oil.
That's why they were mad at him in 1990 and shut him up.
And I'm not defending their asset, their trainee, their murderer.
Again, their business partner.
Rumsfeld's buddy.
White House U-turn on 9-11 inquiry.
This is all part of the staged event.
Condoleezza Rice, who's not a very good liar, has been caught in a bunch of lies, is now agreeing to testify.
By the way, Chairman Keene has now come out.
He is in business with the Bin Laden family directly.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Tom Flacco has also done a big report on it.
So, again, I haven't found anybody in this administration who wouldn't bet with the Bin Ladens.
Now, the White House has bowed to pressure to allow National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify in public under oath of the 9-11 Commission.
Bush never bows to pressure.
He gets your guns, he gets rid of our borders, he moves forward to arm the commie Chinese with expansions of NAFTA and GATT.
This is part of theater, folks.
President George W. Bush, this is so they can act like there's a real, real hearing going on.
It's WWF wrestling, okay?
I'll tell you what, Hulk Hogan, you're going down!
The Macho Man's going to defeat you!
And I've had arguments with people who think it's real, just like they think this is real.
President George W. Kennedy, Buckport, Maine, cousin of John F. Kerry, said it would give Americans a complete picture of events leading to the attacks of 9-11.
The offer has been made on condition that it will not set a precedent.
Previously, officials had insisted that Ms.
Rice could only meet the Commission in private for unsworn conversations.
They said a public appearance would contravene the constitutional separation of powers.
Oh, by the way, a lot of national security people, Brzezinski and others, have testified.
And she's a key witness in the whitewash, they say.
This is all just smoke and mirrors to people that are half-heartedly watching the news.
It will just, oh, they made her testify.
Oh, they're a real commission.
Wow, Hulk Hogan just hit Macho Man!
Oh, The Rock!
The Rock's taking down Babubu!
You know, just come on, people!
Here's one out of the Houston Chronicle, State Demanding Activist Return Records on Official Document Show Border Relations Chief as Mexican Citizen.
Governor Rick... Well, you know what, Perry?
Oh, excuse me.
I won't go any further.
I'm sorry, I won't talk about it.
Governor, that's another issue.
I'm not going to go there.
Everybody else is around here, but I'm not going to that part of it.
Governor Pretty Boy Perry turns out his chief negotiator is a Mexican citizen.
And by the way, I already knew about this, but here it is in Chronicle.
He's a lobbyist for the Mexican government!
And by the way, Vicente Fox was here four months ago.
I bullhorned his speech down.
He had to shut it down, they admitted in the news.
Fox gave an award to the police chief and others for not following the federal law and doing nothing to illegal aliens.
He actually gave them awards for it.
It was in the news.
After conservative Houston activist Mary Williams, Limbaugh would call her liberal, received documents confirming that Governor Rick Perry, head of Texas-Mexico relations, is a Mexican citizen, she shared the information with some of her political friends.
That apparently prompted an anonymous letter sent to farmers and ranchers claiming Mexico isn't paying its water debt to the United States because Helena Coleandro... I apologize, I'm not good at a lot of names.
Helena Coleandro, a resident alien, is negotiating on Texas Bahama.
And it says, now the Texas Secretary of State's office is demanding Williams return all the documents she received, citing that the inadvertent release of confidential documents, just who this public official is.
The letter also demanded a list from Williams of everyone who she has shared the documents.
So, public documents, they release it because they are public, it's just who this person is registered as, this big government official, and it's a Mexican citizen who's a lobbyist for Fox,
And so they're threatening her with arrest.
That you tell us who you talked to, who you choked us to, everyone will shut up now!
You're not going to talk about how they're a Mexican!
You're not going to talk about how they're not a citizen!
You're not going to talk about how they're lobbyists!
William said Monday, the demand smacks of government intrusion into our First Amendment rights of free speech and political association.
All they're trying to do is intimidate me, William said.
Benjamin Hansen, General Counsel to the Secretary of State, Geoff Connor, loving conservative, said he is just trying to recover a document that contains information that could be used to invade the privacy of the foreign lobbyists.
Williams requests information about Cory Ardo under the Texas Public Information Act, also allowed by the Act.
Hanson released her driver's license and social security numbers and addresses, but mistakenly released her resident alien number, which is a confidential under federal law.
Oh yeah, your driver's license, your social security as a citizen isn't, but that holy rulership of being a foreigner is.
We'd like to be able to put the genie back in the bottle as far as the confidential information goes.
I bet you would.
You and pretty boy over there.
Oh my goodness.
This is London.
The London Evening Standard.
Let me just calm down.
I'm going to learn to calm down.
It's OK.
It's OK that foreign Mexicans totally control the Capitol.
And it's total mordido and kickbacks and everything's being taken over.
It's okay that five South Texas towns now fly the Mexican flag and English is not allowed to be spoken in court documents.
San Antonio Express News reported.
Just get some air.
Sure, they've killed a lot of people, too, on the border, but that's alright.
Everything's okay.
Well, the government's taking all my freedoms, but the illegals don't have to thumb scan to get a driver's license and don't have to thumb scan to get into the country, but citizens do.
Let me just take a deep breath on that one.
I'm just going to relax here for a minute.
It's better.
I'm being a little sarcastic here, but in a way I'm being serious.
Many times the greatest truths are told in jest, as they say.
French plant Rothschild revolution!
Kind of them thrown in your face as who did the last revolution, staged revolution in France.
Baron David de Rothschild!
Baron himself.
It is I!
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who encompasses your doom, he says.
Baron David de Rothschild.
That's the Lord over there.
They have Lord Jacob Rothschild in England, who controls Arnold, who takes... Let me start over.
Again, I've got to settle down.
I've just got so much information, so many connections, so much... I wish I could give you the picture I see, boys and girls.
Baron David de Rothschild, who doesn't exist.
Again, there are actual FBI handbooks, ADL handbooks, that this group does not exist.
If you say Rothschild, it is a code Nazi word.
Okay, I'm reading the London Evening Standard.
Arrest them.
Baron David de Rothschild, who takes over as chairman of N.M.
Rothschild on Thursday, is believed to be planning a shake-up of the 200-year-old Merchant Bank.
He replaces distant cousin Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, 72, who retires after 27 years at the top and five years later than the bank official requirement age.
Insiders complain that he had been at the bank too long and had become increasingly autocratic, one said.
They may be cousins, but the two are
Chalk and cheese, whatever that means.
David 60 is head of the French branch of the dynasty.
There's a Rothschild dynasty?
They need to arrest this reporter immediately.
Which owns Chateau Montan Rothschild.
He is expected to unveil a major focus on client relationships, an area he sees as crucial to bringing in the new business.
And it goes on to talk about
How loving and good the Lord is.
I'm sorry, the Baron is.
The Baron.
By the way, New York is to be locked down, New York Daily News reports.
And just in respect to Bush, all the subways are going to be shut down.
No one will be allowed to move while he gives his speech.
It's just something that they feel you need to do.
GOP lockdown looms.
NYPD, Secret Service, Spar on subway closing.
New York may stop its tracks.
The night President Bush accepts his party's nomination in Madison Square Garden.
And it says while Bush is in the convention center September 2nd, the Secret Service wants all Amtrak, Transit, and Long Island Railroad services to cease.
The Daily News has learned.
There's more coming up.
I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg.
Let's go back to calls.
Who's up next here?
Chris in Texas, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
It's such a great fortunate thing to talk to you once again.
I'm not Rush Limbaugh.
I'm doing my duty.
I'm fortunate to talk to you.
Well, first off, you're sober and you're not on Oxycontin.
When I broke my leg, one of a similar pill would knock me out.
Imagine taking a hundred.
A hundred a day!
And he did it.
Because he was addicted.
But he said put little pot dealers in jail!
I say throw that whale of a trader in a prison cell!
Of course.
You know it's not going to happen.
Speaking of the Baron, didn't Snoopy even defeat the Baron?
But, uh, thinking about the thumb scanner, even, I was over at HEB the other day, and they have a thumb scanner for their employees to clock in.
And they have signs up that say, soon we'll be thumb scanning you in the self-checkout lanes, and they've gone in at College Station in Houston.
Oh, one more thing, Alex?
Uh, did you hear about the new, uh, radio program, Air America?
Was, uh, hosted by Al Franken?
Yeah, I have heard about that.
What did you think of that?
Let me answer that question when we get back.
False left-right paradigm.
I think I answered it.
False left-right paradigm.
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Waging war on corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
I wasn't going to have any guests on today, but a caller, Ben in Idaho, called in the first hour and Ben said that the local school district had issued a document to the high school seniors that there is no Bill of Rights that
We are here to serve the state.
And it just turned out that he is friends with Jack McClam.
And I believe the individual when he read the document, but I had to check it out.
He's now faxed it to me.
But to doubly check it, I had Jack McClam get a hold of it in the last 30 minutes and make some calls and do some stuff.
And it is the local county document.
And you want more evidence of pure wickedness?
We're going to have them on here in about 10 minutes.
We'll have them on for about 10-15.
We'll continue with your calls and news for the balance of the show.
This is a big deal that's coming up, so call your friends and family and tell them to tune in, your neighbors, whatever, in the next hour.
They need to hear this, because this is just one more nail in the coffin of this country.
We'll also get Jack's take on throwing out the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, in the last two weeks by the Fifth Circuit and the Supreme Court.
Those rights are still there, by the way.
I don't care what you crooks say.
You can say black people are slaves tomorrow.
I still say they're human beings, and I think they think so, too.
So, again, similar rulings.
You can all just go straight to where you came from.
You deserve to go there.
But a very, very, very serious situation.
Before I go to Rob and Marty and Frank and Anne and others,
Before I do that, last call, I want to know what I thought of Al Franken.
And this will hurt some feelings of some people, because, you know, we have a lot of what you call the leftists listening to the show, well-meaning leftists, bleeding-heart type folks, some of our stations carry.
And I think that's fine, because that'll give people an alternative view.
We're able to reach out to the left and the right, because we're not partisan, we're not, you know, we're not hypocrites here.
And Al Franken brings up some good points in his book.
In fact, at an airport, last time I went out to California,
But my friend Kevin, he bought a copy of Frankenstein's new book, and he read it on the way there, I read it on the way back, and there was no meat and potatoes in it!
And I did read some of his commentary that he doesn't believe any conspiracy theories concerning 9-11.
And callers have said they call in about the Bushes and the Middle-Ladens, and he says he doesn't believe it.
Well, then you don't believe the Associated Press and Reuters.
So he's just more milk-toast, watered-down, left-wing stuff, like the neocons are watered-down, right-wing stuff.
And then they all have this fight with each other, when in truth, both the parties are voting for the same stuff!
So that's what I have to say about Al Franken.
That's where I stand on the situation with Al Franken and this new supposed liberal network, you know, with S&M goddesses.
I mean, that's not news, that's not important, and I'm sure they'll find a lot of people that want to listen to it.
But that's really all I can say about Al Franken.
And speaking of that, one of our fine affiliates that carries quite a bit of the show every day in Los Angeles, they called and asked me today to say, oh, we apologize.
It was an accident.
We were supposed to record it and play it, and an hour of it, Franken played over you there in a station that covers part of San Diego and part of L.A.
It's right between the two towns.
And that's fine.
We're still on there, and they wanted me to tell the listeners to stop calling angry.
The show's on.
No conspiracy.
But speaking of Al Franken, before we go any further, just in the last minute I've got here, we'll come back, take calls, we can get to Jack McClam and then back to your calls and more news.
Believe me, I haven't even hit the meaty stuff yet.
And that's not me trying to plant a hook on you to get you to listen.
I really, there's just so much of it.
We end every show with piles of stuff uncovered.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into hour number three.
I misspoke myself.
I said hour number two coming up.
This is hour number three.
It is Thursday, the first day of April.
2004, and no, there won't be any April Fool's jokes on this show.
We talk about only real, important issues that affect you and your family.
Issues of real significance.
Real talk radio.
We're about to jam a few calls in, then Jack McClam is coming on with a huge development.
You'll want to stay with us for this, what they're doing in the high schools in Idaho.
Very serious.
Total brainwashing.
This will chill you to the bone.
And then I'm going to get into some of the other news.
Russia Duma moves to curb demonstrations.
They say they're arresting people that protest the government.
Also, we'll get into Americans wary of some terror war tactics.
Two-thirds of Americans, 72%, said that they have very little trust in the government.
And this is an Associated Press article.
They don't trust the government in homeland security.
I'd say the numbers are even higher.
And you better watch yourselves, because everybody's starting to wake up.
You criminals!
We're coming for you, Barron Rothschild.
Alright, and new technology turned cell phones into tracking devices.
It's all coming up.
Let's go ahead and talk to, I guess, Robin Wyoming's up next.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Remember during the Lee Harvey Malvo incident there a couple years ago?
Kind of a fizzle out of the follow-ups of the... Yeah, the Lee Harvey, Kleibold, McVeigh... Right, right.
And it was spelled out in Operation Northwoods.
They were going to have a sniper going around the D.C.
area and stuff.
Yeah, official U.S.
government plan for sniper attacks in D.C.
And then how to frame the patsies!
Anyway, when the letter showed up from the sniper,
And the police chief, police chief Duck in a moose, passed along the least helpful bit of information.
He gets up and says, it's very important, like a duck with its head in the nest, total code control.
Well, but he also passes on something that you or I would be the last thing we would pass on from the sniper's letter, giving him an audience and a stage.
Which says, and all the papers immediately picked it up, and you would know that, which is, your children aren't safe anywhere.
And the children were already well aware, and their parents, of the danger.
This was like... Part of terrorizing everybody, it's a mind control op, just like the CIA anthrax attack.
So now, now in the newspaper on Friday, March 19th, we have two Associated Press stories, and that makes me doubly suspicious for the hidden agenda in the writing of the story.
Uh, both on the same page of the newspaper.
Tiny Town Dodges Columbine-Like Incident and Children Arrested in Plot to Scoot Shoemakers.
Oh, I know, they'll have some zip-faced kid talk about what they're going to do and then they arrest everybody.
Thanks for the call.
It's amazing.
Uh, let's talk to Marty in New York.
Marty, go ahead.
Hey, I don't know if you've spoken on the radio yet, but they've got Brothers Starr on station.
I'll listen to you.
Just after 9-1-1, the Chinese had a video... Let me stop you right there.
Let me explain to you the shortwave schedule, OK?
The first two hours of this show, 11 to 1 central, are carried by WWCR.
And then all three hours at night are now carried on 3210.
Oh, so you're not on a shortwave right now?
Not on the third hour, no.
No, OK.
I was wondering... Just after 9-1-1,
The Chinese had a video calling us paper tigers and stuff.
Is that on any of your videos?
Well, I mean, the Chinese are always threatening to kill us and threatening to nuke us, so our government gives them more of our jobs and more of our weapons.
Yeah, but they were saying this after 9-1-1, they had a video saying we're paper tigers and look at the expression on our faces, we're afraid and everything.
Yeah, that's just all part of the propaganda.
You know where Rick Wiles is now?
I heard he's supposed to get a TV program.
Yeah, that's supposedly what he's out doing.
Oh, I don't know what channels he's on or anything.
I haven't heard anything about him.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you.
Interesting call.
Yeah, we'll come back and talk to Jack McClann and we'll get to Frank and Ann and many, many others.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 800-259-9231.
I haven't even gotten into the new incriminating 9-11 evidence.
This third hour is going to be absolutely, totally jammed.
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We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Coming up, a lot of new 9-11 developments, what's happening in Iraq, the police state, what's happening to our Bill of Rights and Constitution, and of course, we'll take a bunch of your calls
I didn't mean to have a guest on today.
I wanted to have a lot of guests on.
I like to have a few shows a week where we don't have any guests.
We just take calls and cover news.
But my good friend Jack McClam, 24 years fighting the New World Order with police and military against the New World Order.
A veteran, most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix, Arizona history.
He's done amazing work.
This man has done.
And I got a call in the first hour from Ben in Idaho.
And I believed Ben, you know, I've got good discernment, and the document he was reading sounded official.
It's similar to what I've seen them teaching at the universities, and it said that, in a nutshell, we're going to read it on air in a second, it said that there's no constitutional rights, you don't really have any rights, we're going to take all your rights.
First it was just the Second Amendment, now, but America isn't about making money or having your own life, it's about serving the state, and the state's your master.
And this is given to the high school seniors.
And then he mentioned, you know, I know Jack McClam.
I talked to him during a break.
I said, do you have a fax machine?
He said, no, but my neighbor... And this is a community where patriots move to to try to get away from the New World Order.
You know, hundreds and hundreds of patriots, a large portion of the town, the county.
And he said, I can go to my friend Jack McClam's house and fax this.
I said, yes, that'll be good.
I can confirm this is accurate.
Jack can call some local officials.
Well, that was an hour and twenty minutes ago.
Jack's got it.
They faxed it to me.
They've called public officials.
He's done some good police investigative work for us.
And I'm sure this will probably end up being in their newsletter this month.
We'll post it on the website in the next day or so.
But, Jack McClam, this is just another indicator of the insane rush towards total tyranny.
Alex, this last week, as you know, has just been incredible.
As these forces of totalitarianism have come to us through the courts in the last few days, and now, I just yesterday received this from Ben, who faxed it over to us, a copy of this Superintendent of Public Instruction letter from
The Idaho County Farm Bureau.
So you were already a few steps ahead of me.
You had it yesterday.
That's good.
And he got over there to get you on the show.
Go over this.
You know what?
I was about to bring up the court rulings first.
Let's do that first to give people the atmosphere we're in.
You know, to show this just isn't Idaho or Nevada or Louisiana.
This is nationwide, worldwide.
Tell us about the Fifth Circuit and Supreme Court rulings.
Well, I don't have him here before me, Alex.
I'm involved in a very critical situation with a police officer right now that's in trouble, and that's what I've been doing all morning long.
He contacted us, and he's being terminated because he's caught with Patriot materials and everything, and so we're trying to help him.
Well, let me go over it then, briefly.
Yeah, if you would, I don't have those before me right here.
Well, let me just go over that then, briefly, since we mentioned it.
On Monday, the Supreme Court said that you've got to answer their questions, show them an ID, or you're charged with resisting arrest.
That was the ruling.
So now it's assault, and I've got the ruling here in front of me, to not answer these gods questions.
Last week, the Fifth Circuit said, no more warrants to search your house or business.
The headline there, warrants no longer needed.
Sub-headline, dissenting judges call it the road to hell.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal headline on the Supreme Court decision called it the road to the police state.
So, that's what's going on.
Now, there have been some other rulings.
Now, Jack, please tell us what's going on.
Okay, brother.
Well, you know, we're deeply concerned here in Idaho.
We have these constitutional communities here, eleven of them we've built.
Hundreds, like you said, of Christian families have come together to take over the politics of this county, to help the good people who live here get some good people in office.
But we're concerned about our schools all across the country, and we're following up on these things as fast as we can.
But praise God for Betty DeFrini, their president of the Idaho County Farm Bureau, that brought it to our attention, this book that's being taught from
That is being offered at a very low price to the schools.
Extremely low price, so every school can afford it, because most textbooks are very expensive.
It is called, We the People, and it's right along the lines of the Humanist Magazine in 1983.
Remember when John Dunphy said, I'm convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged in one in the public school classroom by teachers?
...that correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of the new faith, which will replace the rotting corpse of Christianity."
And of course, this is just more of the same, where in We the People, it has a quote here, the citizen in the Constitution, which has been authorized and funded by appropriations under Bill 7, or H.R. 6,
And the quote is, the existence of a written Constitution or Bill of Rights does not mean that the citizens actually have the rights they contain.
Absolutely incredible that our kids are being taught that, yes, you may read the Bill of Rights and you may read the Constitution, but that doesn't mean you really have those rights that you've just read.
It goes on to say, nor does the existence of laws passed by our federal, state, and local governments guarantee that citizens will actually receive the rights
The laws are supposed to protect.
Now, you can imagine the school kids' perplexity in reading these Constitution Bill of Rights, which maybe even a parent or somebody else has mentioned to them we have, and now the schools are teaching them, well, you really, you know, you can read them there, but that doesn't mean you actually have these rights.
Those textbooks need to be removed immediately, and whoever approved those needs to be fired.
That's right, that's right.
It gets worse!
More of the same.
We here at Aid and Abet Police Military Newsletter, Alex, say that we're pretty strong on this.
If you have your children in the government school system today, you should be prosecuted for child endangerment and for, you know, the crimes against children because there's nothing you can do worse to your child today
Then say, gee whiz, I can't put them in a private school, I can't homeschool them because both my wife and I have to work and we've got to pay for the three cars and the mobile home and the motor home and everything.
It should be a crime today to have your children in the public school system with the corruption and the evil.
That these children are being taught.
Now, earlier, I totally agree.
Earlier, Jack, Ben read some more out of that.
I mean, there's some even worse stuff in there.
Can you continue?
Oh, yes.
Yeah, we've got this whole article here by Betty, who sent it out as president of the Idaho County Farm Bureau.
It goes on to say, in Lesson 3, the students are told that our founders
took the idea of the roman republic classical republicanism when they formed our country that view was that the citizens were not to be concerned with making money and taking care of their families but with the government and the common good and that there would be no inequality of wealth now that's communism pure socialism and communism yes and it says there is no mention of the tenth amendment to the constitution
The book has a negative view of our Bill of Rights and a positive view of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That is exactly what the schools are teaching today.
Which, by the way, in Article 30 and 31 says that you have no rights.
That's right.
And if you read this Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
The word right is really wrong because it is government privileges.
Everything is government privileges and if you notice right after they state what right you have, which is a government privilege, they tell you how
Under law, it can be removed from you, if the government feels that's appropriate.
So, everybody should read, get a copy of this United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and read it.
And, Chuck?
In these two federal rulings, they say, it is the privilege of the officers to search your house without a warrant.
It is for their safety.
It is their privilege that you have to answer their questions.
It's all about we, the people, being beneath the state.
Is that how America's supposed to work?
It certainly isn't, Alex, but I remember, I think when I was on your show one time, I told you in 1976 when I was sworn in as a police officer in the Regional Police Academy in the sixth largest city in the United States, they came in and told us, even in 1976, that we were no longer citizens and we were raised above the citizens
As an entity of government to better supervise the people for their own good.
And now, they're calling us all civilians.
What does it mean when you call the state police office here in Austin about your record or doing a check on somebody, and the voicemail says, if you are wanting a job in our civilian corps as a clerk, please press 5.
If you want to join our force and not be a civilian, press
I thought police were civilians?
Well, they are civilians, but they're being told they're an entity of government above the citizenry to better supervise them, not serve them.
Notice that we went from servants to supervisors of the American public.
And that's where you're getting into this.
It fits in perfect with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where you have government-granted
They call them, but of course, you know, the government doesn't grant any rights.
They grant a privilege while you're acting good behavior.
Well, Jack, I don't want to take it from you.
I want to shift gears, and I want to get you up soon for a couple hours again, but I want to shift gears here in the next and final segment to get your take on the horrible images of Americans hanging up dead by the Iraqis, but again, what should our response to that be, Jack?
Well, brother, I'll tell you, I spent my show this morning talking about that and I was very angry and so were some of our fellow soldiers I've been talking to about it.
Of course, you know and I know that when I went into the Vietnam War,
That we were serving as mercenaries for these internationalists, and we weren't doing anything there for the benefit of America whatsoever.
So it's the fault of the mercenary owners putting our troops in this position.
Yes, we're in a mercenary status today in Iraq and Afghanistan, once again serving the internationalists.
In fact, some of the so-called civilians that were killed were indeed mercenaries.
That's right.
Stay there, Jack.
We got a break.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, coming up, I'm going to zip through your calls, cover a bunch of other news.
This is our final segment with Jack McClam.
Police and Military against the New World Order.
Just type Police and Military against the New World Order into a search engine and it'll be one of the first links that pops up.
Got a long website name, so that's the best way to do it.
And we're going to have Jack back on.
I always love having Jack on.
Before we get back into Iraq here briefly, I mean, Jack,
You're a veteran, a police officer, all of us, to see this happening, everything we warn people about happening, and to see them just butchering the Bill of Rights, murdering America in front of us, and know how criminal they are, and then to see the textbooks, and that We the People textbook, by the way, is out there nationwide, we're getting calls.
I mean, this is despicable!
This is so, it shows us what they want!
Well, it's absolutely treason is what it is, Alex, and you can't call it by any other name.
You know, it's absolute treason, and these people ought to be held up and prosecuted for treason that are putting out this information because it's totally against our constitutional system, and they know it, and it's to undermine this nation and overthrow it.
And by the way, if they wanted to publish books
As part of the First Amendment, and tell us communism and evil and wickedness is good, that's their right.
But, when they collude to put at the schools, as part of a conspiracy, a program, that's not the First Amendment, that's the government destroying the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and that is treason according to the Constitution.
Brother, do you remember Bertrand Russell, the socialist, atheist, hero of the left in the 1950s?
In his book, The Impact of Science in Society, this just reigns right back to that when he said, education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than their schoolmasters.
Would have wished.
And what's happened today in America?
This is exactly what's happening.
They're throwing out reading, arithmetic, and they're saying they're preparing these children for school to work.
Well, what kind of work can children do if they can't read or write or do math?
I think they'd just be slaves at flipping the hamburgers someplace.
Well, that's a good industrial job, according to Bush.
That's right.
That's manufacturing today.
And again, people don't even know.
I've had arguments with idiots.
Well, that is manufacturing.
They've really done a job on us.
They've got a problem, though.
Tens of millions of us aren't stupid.
Jack, just in the last few minutes here, and I want to fire your phone number out for folks who want the newsletter.
It's excellent.
Just briefly for people, the Iraq situation, what should we do?
Well brother, of course it won't happen because we're so brainwashed by the media, the control media, but we should not be there.
We're being told once again, like we were told in Vietnam, that I had to go over and kill little oriental people to protect America.
And, of course, it was an absolute lie out of the pits of hell, just like Bush's lie that we're over there to fight terrorism.
As usual, they were funding the Communists from the beginning.
Yes, that we're over there to fight terrorism, and we're not over there to fight terrorism.
These Iraqis and Afghanis, the Taliban, was violating the trust of the big international banks that were making millions of dollars a day off the opium fields.
We had to go over there and clean them out to get the opium fields replanted.
And it's not just Clark or O'Neill who are saying that.
We have the PNAC documents from the President saying it's about oil.
Well, that's brilliant, man.
That's great.
I haven't seen that.
Is that on your website?
Yeah, that's the Rebuilding America's Defenses, September 2000, written by Dick Cheney.
Okay, I'll go there and we'll look it up.
Because this is the kind of thing we need to put in our police-military newsletter.
Well, Jack, how do people get that police and military newsletter?
Yeah, they can write us here at Aid and Abet Police Military Newsletter, Alex, or go to the website, as you said, Police and Military Against the New World Order, and just put it in the search engine, easiest way, and push the button.
You can order the newsletter there, or give us a letter here to Aid and Abet Police Military Newsletter, same address as Police and Military Against the New World Order, and just write in to us at HC11,
That's like, uh, Hotel Charlie 11, Box 357, Magnum, just like the pistol, or the revolver that I carried on duty.
And that's Kamii K-A-M-I-A-H, Idaho, 83536.
That's H-C-11, Box 357, Magnum, Kamii K-A-M-I-A-H.
Idaho, 83536.
Jack, we're going to win this thing, though.
I've never seen such an awakening taking place.
Are you getting that from your police and military?
We certainly are, brother.
I'm getting more letters and calls and emails, special emails from police and soldiers than ever before.
Because they heard us warn them years ago.
They didn't believe it.
Now they're seeing it happen before their eyes.
Godspeed, my friend.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hoo, hoo, hoo!
All right, enough goofiness.
Let's jam a bunch of calls in here, and then we're going to get to a bunch of news.
Let's go to Frank in Ohio.
Frank, go ahead.
Good afternoon.
Did you, uh, are you aware that those contractors that were killed outside of Fallujah were members of Blackwater USA?
Well, I knew that yesterday they were saying they were either DynCorp or that other group you just mentioned, yeah.
Yeah, well that's a group that was formed by a former Navy SEAL and mercenary.
And that the Bushys are trying to form four more companies of guns for hire?
Yeah, they've already had them for a long time.
They admit it, they're sending them in to a bunch of different groups to take over the diamonds on the west coast of Africa.
Right, but anyhow, these guys, they pull our military out of that town and then they just blasted the heck out of it.
The civilians were just taking revenge for what these mercenaries did to them.
That is what I'm getting even in the back of the newspaper, and I'm not saying it's good to hang up these dead bodies, but you know what?
I don't agree with you.
I think that the Iraqi people should thank the government for bombing their houses and machine-gunning their homes and arresting all the men down to age 10.
And I think, you know, I think it's, I think it's, I think they ought to nuke that city and kill every man, woman, and child.
That's good.
One other thing.
Now, I hear that Condoleezza Rice is the one that negotiated with the Taliban in Houston to go to build that pipeline through Texas?
Is that true?
Yes, that's BBC.
Yeah, I thought I heard that.
We had told the French and the German intelligence in July of 2001 that we'd be in Afghanistan at war in mid-October.
And if I look at my calendar, July comes before September, doesn't it?
Uh, yeah.
Bush, two days before the 9-11 event they orchestrated, had the launch orders for the attack, and 44,000 U.S.
troops, 18,000 British troops were massed in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Thanks for the call.
I've made two films on the subject.
I've written a book on the subject.
Published another book on the subject.
Get Dissent and Tyranny.
Get Order Out of Chaos.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get Masters of Terror.
You'll have a Master's Degree on 9-11.
Watch the two videos, read the two books.
You will have a master's degree.
You will know everything.
Well, 90% of it.
There's too much to know all of it.
And again, I'm being sarcastic.
This war is wrong.
Yes, troops are going to be killed.
I'm sad that's happening.
These were mercenaries.
And our government's doing things on a wider scale to them.
What do you expect?
What do you expect?
I mean, give me a break.
Nobody cared when the UN was doing this to Africans.
I think it's bad across the board.
This war is bad.
Okay, we're about to go to Brock and Michael and Mike and many others for just a few minutes.
The next four minutes, though, Jim Shepherd from New Millennium Concepts.
Jim, good to have you on the show.
Always a pleasure to be with you, Alex.
You're still putting out great news.
Well, Jim, we've got all this stuff happening.
People don't know how to take control of their lives.
I've said it's real simple.
Whether you're listening to this show at 11 o'clock tonight, or at 2 a.m.
this morning, or somebody gives you a CD of it in a month, you need to call this toll-free number that Jim's going to give you.
You need to stop drinking the water full of herbicide, pesticide, chlorine, mercury, nickel, MBTE, Prozac, Ritalin, birth control pills.
I mean, it's so toxic, I see articles every day about it!
Every day about the bottled water being dangerous, it's time to filter your water yourself, 70% of your body.
Most of the toxins you get are through the water.
It's time to take control for you and your family.
Jim, how do they do it?
You can give us a call at 888-803-4438 or you can go on the web and find us at Berkeywater.com
And, you know, for the folks that have been thinking about getting the water filter, you know you need it.
You've just been kind of putting it off or thinking about, you know, the finances of it or collecting the money.
Now, Alex, would probably be a pretty good time to start considering that for two reasons.
Number one, summer is coming up.
The water filter is portable, so you can take it with you, set it up in your hotel room, take it with you when you travel.
And Alex, as you know, you know, there's been some word out there that they might try to, uh, the Al-Qaeda might try to influence our election.
And if you're out of town... The L-C-I-A-D-A?
Pardon me?
The L-C-I-A-D-A?
Yeah, I haven't heard that one before, but, uh, anyway, if, if some event would occur, uh, and you were in a city, uh, vacationing or something like that, it'd be very uncomfortable to be without some, uh, way to filter and purify your water.
And fortunately the Berkey lights are portable.
And we do have that special, you can find the special on Infowars.com or you can call us at 888-803-4438.
Ask us about the Alex Jones Special.
Yeah, folks, you can tell them that Alex Jones sent you to get the big discounts.
You've also got the deal for the Portable Sport Burkeys.
Five of them for $99.
These things are $35, $40 apiece in stores.
They do 630 refills off of tap water, 130 off of swamp water.
Great system.
You get 12 of them for $199.
An insane deal.
Again, you need to take advantage of that.
Give them to friends and family.
By the way, I do want to mention, these are the generic ones that we make for missionaries.
They're the same exact sport bottle, we just don't have Berkey Sport silk-screened on them.
Same power as the Berkey Sport.
And they don't cut everything out, but they're better than most big expensive water filters.
They are a purifier.
They will remove pathogenic bacteria 99.99999%
Which is way beyond what is considered removal.
But your black murky made here in America, this baby is the annihilator.
It is.
They've said at major universities, a new standard you've developed.
And you can get one of those for $1.99 and get a free murky sports bottle or the sheltering in place preparedness video.
And if you want the one with the emergency lights and they work great as night lights,
But folks, if the power goes out because of some event, you've got light with the Berkey Light.
But not just for emergencies.
I mean, every day I hear about a major water supply where they say boil it for a week, it's full of bacteria, and they find out after a thousand people get sick.
I mean, it's time to take control of your life, folks, because the chlorine and stuff kills all the bacteria, but then you're eating, you're drinking dead bacteria.
What do you think of the tragic images of dead bodies strung up from the bridge?
It makes me sick, and I'll tell you what, Alex, I've been uncomfortable with this war from the beginning, and it makes me sick because
I have a feeling that we're mired in quicksand.
You know, when you're in quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.
And I really, at this stage of the game, at this present moment in time, it looks like a lose-lose situation to me.
And this is what happened.
A former top Air Force General, a former Marine Corps top General, even the Secretary of the Army, White,
They all said, it's going to take 400,000 men, you can't do it, these people are always killing each other, this is a nightmare.
That's why it's so dumb when they say it's Al-Qaeda doing it.
No, it's all these factions.
And we're jumping into a snake pit, and all these chicken hawks who've never even served in combat said, we don't care, we're going in!
And Bush makes jokes about, bring them on, well here come more coffins, and oh, we're the mass destruction, not here, not there, ha ha ha, well they're not losing their family members!
Well, and you know this little town of 250,000 people that just drug our boys through the street.
The only way that I can see if they can solve that problem is to literally take the people out of the town, separate them, relocate them to different locations in Iraq so they can't get together and get their gang together, and then level that city.
Now, if you do that, if you do that,
I'm telling you, that's not going to fly politically, internationally, and if you don't do it, we're going to have the same stuff happening over and over again.
And that's the Sovietization, that's what they've been doing in other towns, where you won't find, according to the New York Times, Washington Times, both in articles with the Generals of Vindicant, you won't find one man under 11 years of age.
They just take them all to Halliburton-run camps.
It's, I tell you, to me it looks like a lose-lose situation and it's getting worse by the day.
Do you know that ten million Germans died in the relocation and suppression in the four years after World War II?
Many of them innocent.
How many?
Ten million.
You're kidding.
I've never heard that, Alex.
No, yeah, ten million starved to death and died, most of them in camps.
Those are official numbers you just don't hear about on the nightly news.
And the point is I heard neocons going, let's do the same thing to the Iraqis.
Well, you know, it's probably the expedient thing to do, but it's not the humane thing to do.
To a certain degree, that's the only way you're going to solve the problem.
And if you do that, then I don't think that you're morally justified.
To me, I just agree with you.
Well, what would Americans do if Russians were here taking over and appointing officials?
And, I mean, look, this is horrible.
We've got to get out of there.
They now admit it was all over oil.
Hey, Jim Shepherd, thanks for coming on.
Always a pleasure.
I appreciate the call.
Alright, I'm going to take three or four more calls, and that's it, because I've got to do some news blitzing.
Let's talk to, I guess, who's up next here?
Brock in Canada, go ahead.
Hello Alex.
Hello Brock.
I just wondered if you think this Condi Rice testifying and that, if they've got this whole game rigged.
That's WWF Wrestling.
I've got the article right here in the head of the committee.
It's in business with the Bin Laden family.
Well, I wonder how some of this can leak out, such as the day of the bombings, Willie Brown was told not to fly by the, I think it was Condi Rice?
Yeah, it was Condi.
You know, and how can the fact that Larry Silverstein, the owner of building number 7, ordered it imploded?
For him to do that, they had to have wired it days before the attack.
He can't just go in in three hours and wire a building.
That's right.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, Brock.
Michael in Texas, go ahead.
I got a point to make here from Article 6 of the Constitution.
Okay, FEMA's not going to be very happy.
They say it's terroristic.
You can't talk about it, but go ahead.
I personally believe that the Constitution is not perfect and this
That means through the Congress, and if it violates the Bill of Rights, then that supersedes that and it's now in void.
And the judges in every state should be bound there by anything.
Yeah, people saw that and that's why we had the Bill of Rights.
But they're doing it anyways.
Yeah, so we're going to stand up.
That's right, we're in a fight.
Good to hear from you, Michael.
Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
Alex, quickly, I just want to ask you.
I know you don't like to make a projection or whatever, but
Do you think Bush is going to be re-elected, or do you think we're going to see Kerry?
I've been saying for three years I think Bush will be re-elected.
I said John F. Kerry two years ago would be the running mate.
He's the running mate, not the candidate Bush is running against.
He's the coffin mate, because they're skull and bones.
The skeleton mate of Bush, the cousin of Bush, and it's all a stage deal.
I predict George
Love ya!
We'll be our next Lloyd.
Yes, now Alex, quickly, you know what?
They said today on local radio here in Chicago that
12,000 to 15,000 Iraqi citizens were killed during the first open attacks last March.
It's now 20,000, that's admitted.
But then after they took over, they banned the Iraqi government from ever releasing cancer, death, abortion statistics, any statistics on the number of dead.
First thing killers do is they don't allow the numbers of dead bodies to come out.
That goes for our troops, too.
They cover up those coffins and don't let people see that.
And they only let the news media in there today.
They said they won't let them film the caskets of the four dead men.
Alex, real quickly... It's now nine.
Yeah, nine.
I want to ask you a question.
What do you think happened to all these Iraqi people that were attacked and their whole country turned upside down?
Worse than it ever was before Saddam Hussein was in there.
I'm not saying I condone what they did, but I mean, like I said to my friend, if Russia did attack you in the same analogy, you'd be angry too.
Well, they keep saying civilians, civilians, civilians, and that's being dishonest.
These were Merck teams.
These were Delta Force people.
They're privately hired.
And that's what they signed up for.
And our troops are driving around with people's heads on their tanks.
And that's cute and funny!
No, it's not.
Thanks for the call.
Let's take one final call.
Mick in Arizona.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Hey, I just heard Lord Dr. Henry Kissinger's speech.
Would you like to stay the course?
Oh, Lord Kissinger said so?
The independent head of the council they wanted?
Yeah, well, I just can't believe they're trotting a mile.
I don't think that anybody believes him anymore.
A guy who put out now declassified documents calling for sterilizing half the women of the world?
And on and on.
Hey, did you hear Billy Jack's run for president?
Do you remember Billy Jack?
Oh, it was a movie back in the 70s.
They're really keeping a lid on that, because it was really popular.
I believe people knew about him.
People would vote for him, if the lectures were honest.
He's run as a Republican, but he's trying to point out the
Hypocrisy, or the, you know, crushing the phony left-right, you know, Republican two-party system.
Good, good call.
Thanks for the call.
No more calls, sorry.
Because I got mucho grande news I want to cover here.
This is out of Reuters.
Russian Duma moves to curb demonstrations.
Hey, our government's doing it too.
Russian Parliament gave initial approval Wednesday to stricter rules on public protest that opposition leaders, already with little voice in the legislature, say could clear them of the streets as well.
State Duma lower house, where President Vladimir Putin, supporters have had a huge majority since the general election in December, passed on its first reading of a bill that would outlaw rallies and pickets in most public places.
Which we now have here.
Free speech zones.
You can protest two blocks away or two miles away behind a fence.
And it goes on to talk about how they're arresting people that protest at gatherings.
Hey, we're doing it here too!
By the way, the Russians wear the same black uniforms and ski masks and helmets.
They were wearing them 30 years ago.
We just got ours in the last few years.
But hey!
Major poll, Americans seem willing to surrender some personal information to the government for improved against terrorism, as if you get that, but nearly three-fourths of adults express strong concerns that the government can't be trusted with information according to a major survey.
The Council for Excellence in Government reported, and it goes on to say the survey said 72% of adults have only some or very little trust in the government to use personal information properly.
And it goes on to explain that.
And still they create this false pretext, this idea that
It's a trade-off.
Give up liberty, get security.
That's not how history works.
You get the opposite.
You get tyranny.
A new technology turns cell phones into tracking devices and that's already been in place for three years.
I don't know why they're saying now it's happening.
It's announcing it to you as the slaves.
Boy, I tell you, when we get back, I will... I will hit about five final key news stories.
One a minute.
All absolutely bombshell.
Stay with us in the final segment.
You do not want to miss it.
What really happened September 11th?
And who stands to gain?
Alex Jones here, America.
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Brace yourselves as the New World Order
This program for world domination is blown wide open.
A nightmarish post-September 11th world, where the military and the police are merged.
Witnesses populations beg for national ID cards, and yes, even implantable microchips.
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This is one film you cannot afford to miss.
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That's 1-888-253-3139.
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You see Big Brother's afraid of this documentary.
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America's future depends on the truth getting out.
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Just briefly, you know I've made ten films.
They're excellent.
They're waking up most of the people that see them.
Get them.
Make copies.
I'll authorize you to for non-profit educational purposes.
Air them on AXS television.
Get them out to opinion makers, public officials, and our masters, our lords, our authorities.
Educate them about what's happening.
Many people are dumbed down.
Once they see the truth, they already have a lot of pieces of the puzzle.
They wake up.
1-888-253-3139 to get any of the videos on the elite's occult activities on 9-11, you name it.
1-888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Tom Flacco, journalist for WorldNetDaily and Newsmax and others, has been covering the 9-11 both committees for the last two years.
Chairman Keynes linked to Bin Laden's brother-in-law,
Keane's pre-911 oil links to Bin Laden's brother-in-law were severed just prior to the appointment as FBI Translator's Letter, and calls to Chairman charging security and SBI's breaches were unanswered for a year.
Like an event at an upscale Capitol Hill eatery, Chairman Tom Keane was graciously shepherding witnesses and fellow commissioners from one table of questions to another, and it gets into Osama Bin Laden's brother-in-law who was responsible
We're good to go.
Valenia Council rejects fluoride, ABC News, after almost 40 years of providing fluoride to these Shires residents.
They call them Shires.
Northern Council is recommending that it scrap the service.
This is because new legislation now classifies fluoride as a poison.
It says the head of the region's water and sewage, Bill Warner, says it's time to stop the practice because the council is no longer authorized to hand out fluoride.
And they go on to call it poison.
But again, you're crazy here if you talk about it.
It doesn't exist.
Here's a story out of the evening news.
Speed cameras, the truth.
A scathing report today revealed some of Norfolk's speed cameras could have been wrongly sighted.
So, again, Lockheed Martin runs a lot of these.
They've caught them in California and in Maryland, shortening the yellow lights, causing more accidents, cheating people, private cameras giving you tickets.
The investigation carried out by Norfolk Police found that in some cases the data used to justify the sighting of cameras was questionable, while on other occasions it was simply unavailable because it had been shredded.
And it goes on and on for page after page.
Court orders U.S.
to review Mexican cases.
Saying they're not allowed to execute Mexicans.
Two years ago, they said that we couldn't execute those two Germans in Arizona that killed a bunch of people at a bank.
And the Supreme Court ruled, yes, the U.N.
has told us so we can't do it.
Again, long before the sodomy case in Texas where the Supreme Court said we're going to follow the U.N.
ruling, they were doing it on death penalty cases.
But Arizona said, we don't care what you say, I'm going to go ahead and execute them.
Good, that's the Tenth Amendment in action.
Credit card cards tap into radio tax.
BBC, MasterCard and Visa and others are putting cracker chips in their credit cards.
Big article there for you.
We covered most of it.
A lot of stories we didn't get to.
In enough detail you can simply check out at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Multiple video clips, new audio clips, government documents, legislation, alternative news, mainstream news.
It's all posted there.
Thanks to the incredible work of my webmasters, and just God bless them both.
So definitely check the site, spread the word, tell everybody we're going to expose who the criminals are!
We're going to stand up against big government that's been the most murdering, corrupt force in history!
And we're going to defeat the new world order!
We shall prevail with God's blessing!
Again, all the glory goes to God.
I'd ask God to guide you in your life.
God bless you all, see you back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow.
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