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Name: 20040330_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 30, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Here we are, my friends, on the 30th day of March 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have several very important guests coming on the show.
It's kind of the Fourth and Fifth Amendment week, I guess.
Yesterday, we talked about the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
federal court over Louisiana, Texas and many other states saying that police don't need warrants anymore to come in your house or business now simultaneously yesterday afternoon the US Supreme Court came out and here's the Las Vegas Review Journal's headline the road to the police state
and that's interesting because the dissenting judges in the fifth circuit called it the road to hell the ruling there and uh... in this uh... news article of the las vegas review journal because it's a nevada case they call it the road to the police state must americans show their papers this means if you're walking your dog or in your backyard
There's no Fifth Amendment.
I mean, you must incriminate yourself.
You must speak.
And they charged him with resisting arrest.
And he got, you know, years in prison.
Out in the country, working on his cows.
And the cop pulled up and said, what's your name?
He said, hey, it's Free Cowboy.
I don't have to tell you.
And so the cop said that that's resisting and charging with resisting and we have video of this.
You don't touch them!
And they charge you with assaulting them and they'll bring the video in and show it to the jury and say that's assault.
Saying no is assaulting us because we are God.
Literally, they think they're God.
They think their police dogs are better than us.
You can't even bark back at them when they savagely, you know, jump out of the car window as you walk through the parking lot and begin snarling at you.
If you even speak back to them, we see these cases every few months, you are immediately slammed out of the ground for talking back to a God.
Their dogs are God to us.
And I mean it when I say it.
They are our gods.
Let's just start calling them God.
You are the God.
The God of this world, aren't you?
So, some U.S.
Supreme Court justices Monday appeared to scoff at a Nevada man's claim that he should not be required to give his name to police.
I cannot imagine any reasonable citizen objecting to giving his name.
Heinrich Himmler, I mean Anthony Scalia, said,
The exercise of the constitutional right should not be incriminating, replied Robert Dolan, a deputy state public defender from Nevada.
In 2000, northern Nevada cattle rancher Larry Hibble, standing beside his parked truck, was approached by a county deputy.
The officer asked Mr. Hibble,
For proof of identification, eleven separate times in each instance, Mr. Hibble refused saying he'd done nothing wrong.
Finally, Mr. Hibble was arrested and convicted of resisting and obstructing an officer in the performance of godhood.
I mean in the performance of being our owners.
I mean in the performance of being our masters.
I mean in the performance of his duties.
By a four to three vote, the Nevada Supreme Court rejected Mr. Hibble's appeal ruling any
Privacy right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution is outweighed by the benefits to officers.
See, it's all about them.
By allowing police to force people to provide IDs anywhere.
That's why you're having to give up your Louisville sluggers, your BB guns, and your stun guns in places like New York City.
You can't have anything to protect yourself.
Because it might endanger a god.
But under that logic, what right could not be trumped by police convenience?
Using his patrol car computer terminal, a modern American police officer can learn more about a citizen from today's government-issued photo ID that was contained in the infamous travel papers required of any citizen of the third right.
Hey, good job, uh, Review Journal.
I think you're getting it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, there is some good news on this live Tuesday edition, now eight minutes into the global transmission against tyranny.
The Arkansas Supreme Court said that police can't do knockin' talks, where they literally, from Dallas to
California, you know, in L.A.
I've seen these stories all over the country where they go into whole neighborhoods and... Hi, ma'am.
Why don't we come in and look at your husband's guns?
Something we're doing.
It's called Knock and Talk.
Well, the Supreme Court of Arkansas said that police can't do that.
They bully their way into people's houses just randomly.
And, of course, it's federally funded as usual.
But the big, fat, federal Supreme Court
The same ones that are out Clinton and Clinton because they're so conservative.
Seven of the nine members Republican appointed.
They said that it doesn't matter if you're walking your dog, it doesn't matter if you're on your own land, it doesn't matter where you are, you've got to show them an ID because it's for the safety and convenience, and that's a quote from the brief, of the officers.
That outweighs everything.
That's why they've got to have, now again, in a lot of these socialist cities, they've gotten your guns, now they want your stun guns.
They say it endangers us.
No one's hurt them with it, and even if they did, would we all lose our rights then?
But they say it's all about us.
The gods, the lords, the masters.
Who, the courts have ruled, don't have to protect us and have no liability to do so, and we're not allowed to protect ourselves.
So this is what we're... Now, let's be honest, in major polls they've done of the rank-and-file police, 93% are pro-Second Amendment and know it makes them safer and everybody else safer and it is part of this country.
But all the big police associations are anti-gun because they're federal puppets.
And that's who's got the power.
So when I talk about the lords, I mean, I mean the police chiefs, most of them who are CIA operatives.
So again, the road to the police state.
Must Americans show their papers, please?
Some U.S.
Supreme Court justices Monday appeared disconfident of Ottoman's claim that he should not be required to give his name to police.
I cannot imagine any responsible citizen objecting to giving his name to Justice Anthony Scalia.
And then the lawyer, defense lawyer, said the exercise of a constitutional right should not be incriminating, replied Robert Dolan, the Deputy State Public Defender from Nevada.
In 2000, Northern Nevada cattle rancher Larry Hibble, standing beside his parked truck, was approached by a
Humboldt County Deputy, the officer asked Mr. Hibble for proof of identification 11 separate times.
In each instance, Mr. Hibble refused, saying he'd done nothing wrong.
Finally, Mr. Hibble was arrested and convicted of resisting and obstructing an officer in the performance of his duties.
And they go on to admit he didn't touch the officer, but just not worshipping them, not giving up your Fifth Amendment instantly, which doesn't exist anymore.
Not only will the judge slap you in irons for not worshiping his lordship properly, but being in contempt of court.
Now the police do it.
We have video of this happening.
By a 4-3 vote, the Nevada Supreme Court rejected Mr. Hybl's appeal, ruling any privacy right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution is, quote, outweighed by the benefits to officers.
And it says, by allowing police to force people to provide ID anywhere, anytime.
But under that logic, this is the Las Vegas Review Journal, what right could not be trumped by police convenience?
That's a quote.
Under the... Using the patrol car computer terminal, the modern American police officer can learn more about a citizen from today's government-issued ID than was contained in the infamous, quote, travel papers required by any citizen of the third right.
Mr. Hybl was not even in his motor vehicle.
He was jailed for no more than stubbornness and silence.
Again, Fifth Amendment.
If police can demand our IDs by the side of a public road, what about in our backyards, in our bedrooms?
Well, people are arrested every week in Austin at parks, walking their dog.
I was almost arrested, I guess, eight, nine years ago, walking 50 yards from my apartment to a convene store.
Almost arrested.
They told me, we can arrest you.
I was like, do I look like somebody you're looking for?
Don't smart off.
Well, what do you want?
I just, what's in the bag?
Well, what do you want?
Where do you live?
Right there.
Of course, they look like gang members.
So, Fourth Amendment suffers another blow.
Right to refuse ID rejected.
Another Las Vegas Review Journal article.
Some U.S.
Supreme Court justices Monday, and then it goes back into basically the same information.
So, that's what's going on.
And, of course, last Friday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, big federal court, second highest tier of courts in the land,
Headline, Court Opens Door to Searches Without Warrants, Dissenting Judges Call the Ruling The Road to Hell.
And in this article out of the Review Journal, The Road to the Police State.
That's their headline.
We made a film about it, it's called The Road to Tyranny.
You can call it your road to serfdom, your road to being a bug-eyed slave.
The road to the end of America.
They're killing, they're chewing out the guts of America towards the heart, greedily.
And their masters are carrying out terror attacks to scare you, the public, into accepting this.
And we have a copy of the Nazi ID card on PrisonPlanet.com, on InfoWars.com.
You can go into the story and look at the actual picture of a Nazi ID card.
Article below states, using his patrol car, computer terminal, the modern American police officer can learn more about a citizen from today's government issued photo ID than was contained in the infamous travel papers required of any citizen of the Third Reich.
So that's the reality of what we're facing.
That's the reality of what we're dealing with and now they say in the Fifth Circuit nationwide
Now, despite the fact that there are hundreds of rulings saying they can't come in your house without a warrant, you watch.
They're going to use this new one because they want to.
They're just, well, I'm coming in your house.
Get used to it.
This is the new freedom.
What do you think about it?
You can also go to prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Link through in the News 6 story.
We also have the Baton Rouge Advocate story.
We've got some guests coming on about this today, but you can also go in and read the 60-plus page filing and the court ruling by the court, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
And again, there is some good news, though.
The Supreme Court of Arkansas
Unfortunately, not the Supreme Court of the U.S.
or the Fisher Court of Appeals of the U.S., but a Supreme Court of a state said, no, you can't force your way into houses randomly.
Wow, what a radical statement!
These are some real radicals in Arkansas.
They're not trendy, I guess.
We'll also get into Prozac Nation, London Independent.
One out of ten people in England is on a psychotropic, so Soma Nation.
Also, hundreds of missiles missing in the Ukraine.
We will get into campaigners' fight biometric passports.
That's the good news over in Europe.
They're fighting something that Americans can't seem to even figure out is already being implemented.
Man confesses after seeing the past.
I never got to this yesterday.
A 20-year-old man confessed to a half-dozen burglaries, saying he felt guilty after seeing the movie, The Passion of the Christ.
Another guy, another neo-Nazi, who bombed
People over in Europe saw it and confessed and said he was sorry.
A man who murdered his pregnant girlfriend in Texas confessed to that years after it happened.
So, wow!
The film's having quite an effect.
Look at the fruits of it.
Very, very uplifting there.
So that's some of what's coming up here on the show.
If you want to respond to the all-out, hell-mell,
Dismantling of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth amendment.
And again, the Patriot Act did this, and now all the courts are following suit.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist, about two years ago, told the Washington Post that we're not going to follow the Constitution while we're under attack by terrorists, and that the courts are going to rule in favor of the government.
See, the government now is against the Constitution.
It's to keep you safe, of course.
Governments just hate having power and control.
I'd like to hear from police today.
What do you think about... We'd like to come in and just talk about your guns.
I've already visited with the others on the street.
Knock and talk.
What do you think about... We're gonna come on in, just do a cursory check of the home or business for your safety, of course.
Or, hey, you didn't show me your ID when you were walking down the street.
I'm gonna go ahead and arrest you, and even though you didn't touch me, I'm gonna go ahead and charge you with a resisting arrest.
How'd you like to serve a couple years with a felony charge?
And they admit that.
They just say, that's the new thing.
Just write out in the open, criminality.
You just don't worship them properly.
You try to invoke your fifth amendment, you get charged with resisting.
See, you resisted their godhood, their lordship.
Let's talk to Henry in Colorado.
Henry, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Henry, here on the show.
Alright, after listening to your show yesterday, I called, after calling the newspaper here in Colorado Springs, and they knew nothing about this Fourth Amendment issue, and I called my congressman, and he asked me what was the Fourth Amendment.
He didn't even know what it was, Mr. Joe Heffley.
How do you redress your congressman when he doesn't even know what the Amendment is?
And every day they're passing thousand page plus bills.
That's why we have this massive corruption.
It's just insane.
Well, thank you, sir.
You have a good day.
Hold on a second.
So you called the local paper and they didn't know about... They shuffled me around from one person to another.
They were not aware of it.
Did they ask you what the Fourth Amendment was?
They kind of gave me a...
It was a dumb pause.
They were like, expect me to explain what it was.
But I bet they can tell you all about the different basketball conferences.
Of course.
I bet they can tell you what the favorite soft drink is at the Star.
I bet they can tell you all about how to act cool.
Alright, Henry, thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, how do you respond to that?
80 plus percent of high school seniors can't find the Middle East on a map.
The majority of them don't know who the Vice President is.
But they'll give you their political opinion, though.
We need to turn our guns in, they'll say.
Yeah, they're real smart.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the Federal Supreme Court, who's been ruling against the Constitution over and over again and for big government, came out and said, you've got to answer cops' questions, you've got to show them your ID, you've got to lick their boots properly, this is the Soviet Union, and there is no Fifth Amendment.
And, of course, the Fifth Circuit said that police can come into your house or business without warrants, those warrants aren't needed anymore.
But the Arkansas Supreme Court, which is a lower level court, said, uh, no, the police can't do knock and talk.
We're just here to drop by and come in your house.
Uh, no, they said you can't do that.
Maybe they read that thing called the Fourth Amendment.
You know, they're weirdos.
Like us.
But since a lot of you don't know what the Fourth Amendment is, obviously, new listeners out there, I'm about to do something really radical.
I'm gonna read part of the Bill of Rights here on air.
FEMA's very upset by this, and I'm serious when I say that.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrant shall be issued, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
They gotta have someone swearing an oath of what you've got, what they've seen.
That's illegal!
But, uh, then there's the Fifth Amendment, which they violate when they demand your ID card as you walk down the street.
No person shall be held to answer for capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment of an indictment of a grand jury except in cases arising in the land or naval forces of the militia.
That's under martial law, which we're under.
When in actual service in time of war or public danger, nor shall any person be subjected for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life and limb.
That happens all the time.
They try it twice, thrice.
Nor shall he be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
Look at Asset Forfeiture Seizure, man.
They just grab an old lady's purse, you name it.
Nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
The Supreme Court ruled two years ago that they don't have to have just compensation anymore when they take her land, so... That was a Nevada case, too!
So look out, baby!
They're violating every line of that sucker, up one side and down the other.
Brian, in Louisiana, go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I'd like to start by saying I'm a new listener to Shortwave, and I just recently discovered you several months ago.
Welcome to the broadcast.
Well, glad to be aboard.
Number two, I'm ex-law enforcement.
I did ten years with EBR Parish Sheriff's Office.
What do you think of all this?
You're not aggravated.
I'm aggravated.
I saw it Thursday night on TV.
They had the little local news broadcast and they went over it in some detail.
So I made it a point Friday to get the newspaper, which I rarely read because it's garbage anyway.
The Morning Advocate did an excellent job, in my opinion, on reporting.
Pretty much cut to the point.
I mean, how is this America if we don't have a 5th or 4th Amendment?
Alex, I'm going to say it again.
I'll max law enforcement.
I'll max for the simple fact that I played by the rules.
And I understand the Constitution, and I was somewhat of an outcast in my fellow officers' eyes.
After 10 years, I couldn't stand it anymore.
Corruption everywhere!
I know, it's scary and the good cops get targeted.
Well, unfortunately you're correct, and the ones that say the cream rises to the top, I disagree.
The cream gets depressed in any branch of law enforcement.
Because if you're out there to do a good job, play by the rules.
You're not going to advance.
You're not going to.
You're passed over.
Well, there's cases every day of them framing people, dealing the drugs, running the whores, you name it.
I've seen it.
I don't want to say I've been a part of it because I've tried to avoid those circumstances at all costs.
But unfortunately, I had to skirt the edges of it sometimes just out of pure necessity.
But it's out there.
It's going on.
Anybody doubt it, I suggest that they start talking to other police officers that will talk to them.
And the Fifth Circuit Court has a history of liberal rulings.
It just didn't jump out of the sky today.
This has been going on for the past 15-20 years with the Fifth Circuit Court.
And by the way, it's almost all the courts.
Well, I can't speak for all because I don't... Well, I know the local, state and local, they have their share of problems and that's another can of worms altogether.
Let's just keep it on the federal issue.
I have never been this adamant in my life about anything!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, my friends.
They said that we were only getting rid of the Bill of Rights for the terrorists, but the definition of terrorist in Section 802 of the Patriot Act is every citizen.
Every suspected misdemeanor.
And now, insane legislation is passing all over the country.
We're blocking some of it when we learn of it in time.
Federal courts, the Supreme Court, the Fifth Circuit, you name it, are coming down with unbelievable rulings of no more Fourth Amendment.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled you've got to produce your ID anytime, anywhere, and if you don't do it, violate your own Fifth Amendment.
You'll be charged with resisting arrest and serve felony time in jail.
So, I mean, this is incredible.
We're talking to Brian Louisiana, who was a peace officer for 10 years.
You were going to finish up what you were saying.
You were saying that you're very angry about this.
Alex, like I said, I have never called a talk show in my life.
I do listen to talk radio occasionally, and I've never been compelled to call anyone on about any subject.
This is absolutely... I'm about to swing a rod about this.
It cannot stand.
I don't know what it's going to take.
It's going to take people like yourself and your listeners to get behind you, this movement, and let's get our Congressmen, everybody, I don't care who we call, just call.
Well, over 400 cities in three states, and now several others are about to do it, have thrown out the Patriot Act, and it has to be the same thing here.
We have to say no
And again, the federal courts have ruled that black people weren't human beings in the past.
Any ruling that violates the Bill of Rights of the Constitution is null and void.
And so they can say there's no Fourth Amendment.
They can say there's no Fifth Amendment.
It's still there.
It's our God-given rights.
There are police quoted in these articles about how they're going to use this to come in our houses and how good it is.
It's always about the officer's safety.
Oh, you can't have a stun gun now, not just a gun, because it might endanger an officer.
You can't have a Fourth Amendment because it endangers an officer.
And even the Las Vegas Review-Journal says, in this article headlined, The Road to the Police State,
And the 5th Circuit dissenting judges call it the road to hell in another case.
But they even say, I mean, where does it end?
But under that logic, what right could not be trumped by, quote, police convenience?
Alex, I was sitting on go to pass various legislation to take our freedom.
When September 11th happened, it opened the floodgate.
I may have told everybody that I come in contact with
Between September the 11th, 12th, 13th, and there on.
Life as we know it in this country just ended.
And by the way, and I appreciate the call, sir, and I appreciate your concern.
By the way, before 9-11, one reason I knew the Globalists were about to launch an attack was because they were on the news the months leading to it going.
We're about to be hit by terrorists.
When they hit us, you're going to have to give all your rights up.
Now get ready.
What do you do when terrorists hit?
Give our rights up!
You get a gold star.
That's right.
You get a prize.
Now again, let's drill again.
What do we do when the terrorists attack and they're going to attack?
What do you do?
We worship the government and give all our freedoms up!
That's right.
You get another gold star.
Now let's drill it again.
What makes you safe?
Being a slave!
What keeps America safe?
Getting rid of our freedoms!
Good, now it's time for the chair attack.
Get ready!
Here it comes!
What are you going to do when it comes?
I'm going to give up my liberty for so-called security!
I love tyranny!
Yes, you've learned!
Let's go ahead and talk to Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I'd like to share a quote with everybody.
Daddy, Daddy, why did the masked officers storm in seizing property and placing items while interrogating us and yelling obscenities?
Well, it's a question by a five-year-old child.
This child is the grandson of someone's five-year-old child today.
This is a future quote that I made up to demonstrate what we're looking at.
I would like to
Well, here's an example.
About a month ago, Rush Limbaugh got a call from Michigan, and he denied that Skull & Bones even existed, and then later had to admit it.
And the caller called in, and he said, I'm the caller that made that call.
We played the clip, and it was indeed him.
And he called in, and it had a big effect.
He had another caller yesterday, who called News 6 after they took the quote out about the road to hell, and forced them, because it was in the ruling,
Yeah, that's what we need.
Just like that.
Our Constitution, and Bill of Rights is just an amendment to the Constitution, this says, this states, it is the supreme law of the land.
If we're going to violate it,
The moment it started getting violated... Barberry versus Madison, Supreme Court ruling states, anything in violation of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, is null and void.
And for people that can't get this, I keep using this analogy.
Supreme Courts ruled that black people were two-thirds human, and then they ruled separate but equal.
They ruled all this, and it took people saying, no, we're human beings.
It takes us saying, no.
When the usurpers come telling us we don't have any rights, we have to stand against them.
Our laws co-exist with the laws of nature and of nature's God.
That's the Declaration of Independence.
And the Ninth Amendment clearly states that... Let me just read the Ninth Amendment to people out there.
Go for it, Alex.
The enumeration of the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
So, this is just pointing out liberties that were already there.
That's just it.
Our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, that's a check against the government.
Freedom, like George Bush wants, or like someone like Clinton wants, freedom is
Power of the government to inhibit the people.
That's it, thanks for the call.
Look, the globalists have a lot of doublespeak, esoteric meanings that only globalists get.
And Bush has given a lot of chilling speeches about dark cults of evil, no one knows the power of evil.
I have a clip of that from the Pentagon in Rotterdam.
Or let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11th, you know, and saying that they're behind it.
But Bush, when he says the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom, it's true!
They told us, when the attack comes, give your freedom up.
The attack came right on time, and they say, okay, the terrorists don't want your freedom.
Well, then why is the government moving to take our freedom?
They are the terrorists, and it's true.
They want our freedom.
Charles in Louisiana, who called yesterday, and who called local police and others, and talked to them,
They thought that this is all just great new powers to bust in our houses without warrants.
Go ahead, Charles.
I'm sorry to call again, Mr. Jones.
That's okay.
The sheriff was on Channel 2 last night, talking about the sweep searches, and he said if his officers pick up evidence, he's going to use it in court.
It's alright.
So he said that when we come in your house for a cursory check, we'll be looking for crimes and we'll use it in court?
Yes, he said that.
He said, let it fall where it falls.
Well, I hope somebody mails me these videotapes.
So they were showing on Channel 2 News that when a policeman comes to your house, you don't have to invite him in.
He's going to come in.
And they showed SWAT teams coming into houses last night.
I don't know if it was recent or not.
They just showed men in black uniforms and ski masks pouring in no warrants.
Did they say it was wonderful?
Well, me and my wife didn't sleep all night.
We were so upset.
So I tried to go to the courthouse again today.
Everybody's busy.
So I did happen to catch a guy that wanted to take my dog away, Jeff.
I mean, uh, Fred.
And so, uh, I talked to him.
And I said, uh, what reason would you need?
Did somebody have to accuse me or something?
He said, no, it could be for loud music or anything.
Just come to your house, ask for identification.
So if anything's going on, we're just going to go ahead and the sheriff said, do a search, look for some dirt on you.
And so I asked him, I said, please.
I said, officer, y'all put me through 17 years of hell.
Don't hurt my wife and my dogs.
I said, that's all I ask you.
I said, I know you're all anxious to get to work.
Don't hurt my wife and kill my dogs.
That's all I ask.
Just do what you want to me.
Seventeen years I gave you.
There you were to the Roman Centurion, literally begging him in his new god power, in his new Soviet rulership over you.
What did he say when you properly submitted?
Oh, it's not going to be that bad.
It's not that bad.
But some judges said they ain't going for it down here.
It's not constitutional.
And this morning on the news they said some judges ain't going to go for it.
So I don't know what to do.
But hold on, don't you trust him?
There's no 4th Amendment now?
I mean, they say there's no 4th Amendment?
He said it won't be that bad?
Well, Mr. Jones, if you play loud music, they could knock on your door and they come in and want to see identification.
They can go through your house, sweep, open the closets, open the drawers, and all that.
Well, that's just the beginning.
I mean, the ruling says no 4th Amendment, period.
So it's just a part of the freedom.
Well, I asked him, I said, I know y'all a long time.
I gave y'all tapes and I've had coffee with you.
I said, I know y'all carry a little stuff to protect yourself.
How do I know you ain't gonna drop that in somebody's house?
You didn't seize the house, and you just looked at me.
Don't worry, don't worry.
I said, don't worry?
I'm scared to death.
Don't worry.
I said, I don't want you to hurt my wife like you did me.
I said, 17 years I gave you.
What more can I give you?
Now, you've called before.
They tortured you with a bygone with a head and a confession.
Same-as-sounds statement.
Just, uh... Just, uh... It's 17 years.
And so I'm worried for my wife.
What was it like when they put that bag over your head?
Describe that.
The third time, I don't remember what happened for about eight or nine hours.
That's when they said I signed all the statements, but I was kind of out of it, you know?
If you leave it on too long, you get a little brain damage.
Describe what it's like to have them put a bag over your head.
Well, they pick a bag, they handcuff you, they put a bag around you, they put a shirt around you, and they take a pencil and they make a pinhole by your mouth.
And as you gasp for air, it goes down your throat.
The plastic bag goes down your throat.
It has to be a clear bag because it's got a new one to pull it off.
Let me tell folks how to handle this.
You open your mouth and you suck the bag into your mouth and you bite holes in it every time.
No, you don't bite holes in it.
You gasp for air.
It's like a tube.
It goes down into your throat.
Yeah, I know, but I'm telling you what I do.
And then, boy, you know, you could only do it... I had it done to me three times.
After a while, you get tired of fighting.
Well, that's a Russian form of torture.
It's one of their favorites.
They do that a lot here in Austin.
And then, and then, when you pull it off a little longer, then you start signing statements.
You sign anything you want to sign, you know?
Then you go to Charles... But they're the good guys!
I mean, when I watch Threat Matrix or 24 on TV, every episode they torture people!
They have torture chambers and torture chairs, and that's what the good guys do!
They were trying to help you!
Charles, they were trying to help you!
What's wrong with you?
They love you!
Just tell me you love Big Brother.
I love him.
Yes, I love him.
Oh, yes.
But here's the thing about it.
If TPS comes to your door with a policeman, you knock.
They can come in now.
As long as he's there, anybody can come in your house, as long as they've got a policeman out.
That's freedom!
Well, I want to know what the American people are going to do.
Because I'll tell you one thing.
A lot of them are going to go to jail.
And then I asked them, four years past these tapes out, help me fight.
I had one of my partners give over 4,700 tapes.
If everybody be doin' that, maybe, maybe we can wake enough people up.
Oh, I think you have.
People are very upset.
Tyranny's coming against us again, but folks are waking up, and you keep it up, and God bless you, Charles.
Thank you, Mr. George.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
And, by the way, his response is the normal one.
That's how you should be responding.
You should all be very concerned.
This is America.
They're killing our country and telling us how it's in our best interest, as the borders are wide open.
And I'll tell you why.
They say the job layoffs are going to get seven times worse.
They say they're going to accelerate the export of jobs.
They say that's good.
The President's Commission.
He says, don't worry.
Your fast food jobs will be considered industrial.
And they know you're going to get unhappy as they take everything you've got.
And that's why they're gearing up with riot gear and emergency centers and highway blocker systems and RFID and face scanning cameras.
It hasn't even begun.
Oh no, they're just putting the system in place right now.
And they're probing, seeing what they can get away with.
The good news is, they're waking people up across the board.
I've never seen such an accelerated wake-up.
It's like a bully that punches someone.
You know that type of individual who's really tough, really strong, can kick anybody's tail.
They don't like to fight, but the bully keeps punching them, keeps messing with them.
And pretty soon, when they finally break and fight back, the bully's going to the hospital.
I'm sad that so many millions of the New World Order are going to go along with this.
By the way, police, I just want you to know, when you take those vaccines, they don't care about you either.
You drink the same fluoride, you take the same vaccines, you go through the same garbage as us.
And I want you to know you reap what you sow.
And you better stand up and speak out against this, because I don't have to judge you.
God's going to judge you.
And you're going to hell.
But you're going to live in a hell here on this earth.
You wonder why your family life's so bad?
Why you're so depressed?
Why you have the worst records out there of criminality?
How about you start being a defender?
How about you become like the firefighters, a real public servant again, where you're loved and admired instead of hated and feared?
Let's go ahead and talk to Phillip in Virginia.
Phillip, go ahead.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
How have these people, they just don't have any conscience, these people who are carrying out all this tyranny.
Don't they ever even think about their own families?
Let's see, we're all criminals, so they have to do this because we're all bad.
Now statistically, they're the most criminal group out there, but let's just ignore the criminology.
And I can't help but think about your film, Matrix of Evil, when I was arrested at a Sean Hannity book signing, or when I saw your article on your website about the three Bush protesters being arrested, or these two latest rulings in Louisiana and there out west, what Ron Paul said in your film, Matrix of Evil,
This is a war on our liberty.
It's not a war against these Muslim terrorists that they have successfully portrayed to the world.
And until you realize who the terrorists really are, you're never going to be able to figure it out.
Frederick Douglass said, regarding these two rulings recently,
Find out just what the people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.
And these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows or with both.
The limited tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
I want to hear about
The big government.
Every child needs a microchip.
Arrest all militia members.
Sean Hannity.
I want to hear how you got arrested and why when we get back.
Sean Hannity here.
I'm a big fat socialist.
Pacifying conservatives so we can take you over.
I'll be right back.
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We've got a Louisiana defense lawyer coming on.
He's in for these news articles criticizing
This 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that there's no 4th Amendment.
The Supreme Court ruled there's no 5th Amendment yesterday.
So that's coming up and just a bunch of other news.
But before we go back to Phillip and then Addison and John and Jason and Steve and others, I've made 10 films.
I've written a book.
I've published a book.
I carry other great videos and books by great researchers and authors.
You need to go to InfoWars.com
Or PrisonPlanet.com.
You need to order the videos.
You need to get them.
You need to make copies.
You need to educate people.
Because as the globalists press their agenda, more people are apt to wake up.
I've seen a massive awakening taking place.
Get Matrix of Evil.
Get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
It's up to you, my friends.
You're a wall against this.
You've got to get off the bench and get in the game.
Take action today.
Let's go ahead and go back to Phillip.
Phillip, yeah, I mean, if you're pro-Bush, you can protest.
If you're anti-Bush, you get arrested.
If you're peaceable, that's all admitted now.
Federal courts have ruled last year.
It's all part of the freedom.
But you went to a lord socialist Hannity rally of fake conservatism and neoconsuppression of real conservatives.
And what did the neutralizer... I mean, what happened?
Why did you get arrested?
Well, I call him a traitor.
Well, he wasn't even there.
He was late.
I was standing around with the crowd waiting for him to show up.
It must have been my tyranny response t-shirt that I had on.
They singled me out.
Either Walmart or the radio station, I haven't found out yet.
My subsequent investigation, they have not cooperated with me.
Walmart's Public Relations has not got back with me.
The radio station that promoted it has not got back with me.
But yeah, they come up to me and said, you've been trespassed and you're going to have to leave.
And the officers made sure that I left the entire premises.
There was a shopping, the entire shopping complex.
I was run off of it.
And I was there covering the whole event.
I got it on film.
Oh, you got this on video?
You ought to send it to me.
So, I guess, did they say you were under arrest, or you said you were arrested?
Well, yeah, I mean, I was, you know, my freedom of movement was suspended, you know, and they kicked me off.
Well, I'll tell you, they're pretty good secret police, you know, at this little public thing they put on that suddenly they can say is private as soon as they don't like your shirt.
I guess they recognize it's a tyranny response.
They know they're the tyranny.
Oh, absolutely.
I was the only one there that the spirit knows if you're not with it or not.
Two quick questions.
Rudy Giuliani and Margaret Thatcher.
You got any little known facts about those two people?
Rudy Giuliani, his family's had a lot of big mob connections.
That's been in the news.
Margaret Thatcher,
Came out against the Bilderberg Group and handing over England to the EU.
She got thrown out of office, so she's not as bad as a lot of them.
I mean, that's about it.
Okay, okay.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
We'll break, come back and talk to Addison and John and a few others.
Then we've got a guest coming up in about 20-30 minutes concerning this Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling and a lot more in the second and third hours of this 30th of March 2004 Tuesday edition.
And again, those premier websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be right back, so please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
On the heels of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals last week saying there's no more Fourth Amendment, the police can come in your house or business for absolutely no reason whenever they want, the Federal Supreme Court ruled
But if you're walking down the street, it doesn't matter where you're at, you've got to show your ID and tell them who you are.
The Lord, just tell them who you are.
Or you're instantly arrested and charged with resisting felony charges.
And the Arkansas Supreme Court said, no, we can't have knock and talk where they come to your door and demand to come in and search your home.
So two big federal courts do that and a state court says no to it.
And so we've got Defense Attorney Mike Walsh coming on the show from Louisiana, who was in one of the news articles.
He said,
Of lawful searches.
Said Walsh, in my opinion, this is a further erosion of everyone's, not just criminals, constitutional rights to be free from intrusive and unlawful searches.
Defense Attorney Jim Borden said the ruling still limits police searches in certain circumstances.
That's not true.
But still represents a scary trend.
After the King signed the Magna Carta and granted power back to the people, he woke up and said, I made a mistake and need to get it back.
Boren said, and the government's been trying to do that ever since,
We had a bright line rule that said no searches without an arrest warrant.
Now, we have one that says, sort of, maybe.
So, let's go ahead and go back to the calls as we track the latest developments inside the New World Order, as we chronicle the latest developments.
Let's talk to Addison in Wisconsin.
Addison, go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
You bet.
A question and a couple quick comments here.
Alex, the OnStar tracking technology, is there any other tracking technology that they're using, or is it just OnStar?
OnStar is just the brand name of General Motors, as they sell satellite tracking and navigation as a service, but the FBI and the NSA has been caught using it to listen to people, and they use their computers to randomly listen, and it has a microphone in it,
And I warned people about this five years ago, and last year they lost a federal case where the Feds were indeed doing this.
So, it's just satellite tracking systems, period.
And all the new cars already have the ignition and the computer to have a $25 to $50 satellite tracking taxation box plugged in, and Oregon and other states under federal mandates are moving to start taxation and regulation through the tracker boxes.
Okay, that was my next question.
According to the commercial, that OnStar tracking technology is only on Chevy.
I have a 2002 Dodge.
Is it on that?
Okay, again.
OnStar is just a brand of satellite tracking.
And so, they advertise it, they push it.
A Mercedes, Ford, everybody else offers it.
What I'm telling you is all new cars over the last eight years
Right, so if they can't track me now, the plugin or the availability is there?
Okay, one more comment.
And all new cell phones since October 1st, 2001 have satellite tracker chips in them that triangulate off GPS and cell towers.
And so that's going on.
Right, one more comment and then I'll let you go if I may.
Alex, people out there, God, I hope most people realize this.
What's going on right now with this, what I call, new age, new world order?
It's the hand of God being taken off.
This is punishment.
It's a form of punishment from the Lord.
And, uh, you're not going to defeat this thing.
Only one, one, there's two possibilities.
And one of them, you might as well just throw right out the window.
And that one being, uh... Hey, listen, gotta go, gotta go.
Thanks for the call.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, in the latest developments, the U.S.
Supreme Court has ruled in a Nevada case that a rancher walking down the road has to grovel and tell the police whatever they want to know.
There's no Fifth Amendment.
You've got to show your ID.
And in the Las Vegas Review Journal headline, The Road to the Police State, another headline out of News 6, Court Opens Door to Searches Without Warrants, Dissenting Judges Call the Ruling, The Road to Hell, in their 60 plus page ruling, and that's out of the dissenting ruling.
This broke over the weekend on News 6.
It's also been carried by the Baton Rouge Advocate.
We have all these stories posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals said that the police, if they feel like they might be in danger, or they need to, or they want to, or there's loud music or something going on, they just need to go ahead and search your house.
And yeah, the Sheriff's been on TV down there saying, yeah, we'll go ahead and write a report on what's in your house, look for stuff.
So, this is Sovietization of America.
And it's across the board.
It's very, very scary to have this going on.
And one defense attorney, Mike Walsh, with Leon Walsh and Associates, and we have Joseph Scott, one of their attorneys, on with us.
He's a criminal defense lawyer on the show with us.
Mr. Walsh was quoted as saying, the Fifth Circuit decision grossly expands the definition of lawful searches, and another quote by another defense attorney here, Jim Boren, said the ruling still limits police to searches in certain circumstances.
I've read the ruling, that's not really true, but they were already going in houses without warrants to begin with, but still represents a scary trend.
Quote, after the king signed the Magna Carta and granted power back to the people, he woke up and said,
I made a mistake, I need to get it back, Warren said.
And quote, the government's been trying to do that ever since.
He had a bright line rule that said no searches without an arrest warrant.
Now we have one that says sort of, maybe.
And again, some good news, the Arkansas Supreme Court, again that's a state court, came out and said you can't do
Knock and talk.
They have in Dallas and all over the place.
It's right here in Texas where they admit whole neighborhoods, cops go out and, we'd like to talk to you about your guns, ma'am.
Mind if we come in and look at them?
I mean, that's one step to the gun confiscation.
And of course, this case had to do with guns and them going in and getting them.
In Louisiana.
Very, very scary.
Very, very serious.
And we're told that the newscast in Louisiana are showing SWAT teams going into houses and how great all this is.
Going to our guest, Joseph Scott, with Lee and Walsh Associates there in Louisiana.
Mr. Scott, good to have you on the show with us.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
I've been seeing this trend across the board.
The Patriot Act was written for the general public in Section 802.
Now they're saying we're going to go after your Fourth Amendment period.
Number one, what do you think of this ruling?
Number two, what's been the response of people in Louisiana?
I've read the ruling pretty closely.
I've worked cases using the earlier cases to try and support motions to suppress.
There are a couple of big problems here.
The first is that the Fifth Circuit has decided that the so-called knock and talk is an absolutely legitimate exercise of state authority, where they can just walk up
to a house uninvited with no particular suspicion and say uh... do you have any drugs in here do you have any guns in here or uh... do you mind if we come in and talk to you about it or is your brother home that sort of thing and the the previous understanding was that if you let the police into your house and they said do you mind if we have a look around for drugs or guns and you say okay then
Everybody has agreed to it.
It's a consent search.
Now, if you said, well, you can look for my brother, but he's not here, they can go through the house and look in those places where your brother might be.
The problem with this new ruling is that, used to be,
The police were allowed to make a protective sweep of the house to make sure no one was lying in an ambush.
And in order to make that... And that's if they already had probable cause for some type of crime or they were searching for somebody.
This is just random.
We're just going to go in houses if we feel like it.
This still says... Here's the two different scenarios.
The first is where you say, sure, you can come in and look for a person.
Well, then they're going to look in those places where people could be found.
But if you just say, uh, you can come in and talk to me for a minute, this ruling potentially says, well, the minute you allow them into your house, they're allowed to make a protective sweep to make sure that there's nobody laying in ambush.
Now, sir, I've read the 60 plus pages.
I scanned over it last night.
And I printed it off yesterday morning.
We only had a cursory look at it.
I spent about 30 minutes reading over it last night.
And the way this is written, and the loopholes that are in it, and that's what the media and the other lawyers have said here, you know, the headline here is, Court Opens Door to Surgeons Without Warrants, and it just says they're just going to go in houses and businesses if they feel like it, and that they're not going to be liable.
I don't know that it's that broad.
It is a dangerous expansion because it used to be that if you said, okay, I'll talk to you in my living room,
Then the police could not go past your living room without your consent.
But under this ruling, I guarantee that the police will say, well, you know, when we came into the house, we decided that we felt nervous.
That's the thing, if they feel like they're in danger, then they're going to go ahead and do this.
It's the same thing, it says for their convenience, with the Supreme Court ruling, we've got to answer their questions, whatever happened to the Fifth Amendment?
That sounds, now I have not read that Supreme Court ruling yet, it does sound a lot like an expansion of the old Terry Stop and Frisk, but the Terry Stop and Frisk required that they had some reason to stop you and frisk you.
Not all that long ago the Supreme Court said that every citizen
Upon meeting a police officer has the citizen's right to turn and walk away and not answer questions.
Well I have the Dallas Morning News where a year ago it said whole neighborhoods, I mean middle class areas, squads of police would go when the man was gone and literally bully their way in and quote find illegal guns.
That is a consistent problem.
Oh really?
Tell us about that.
The knock and talks such as they are and
There seems to be a lot of consent searches going on.
But most people don't know that.
I mean, look, I've had the police pull me over four or five times over the last ten years, and they'll say, about half the time when you get pulled over, because I tend to speed, and it's true, and they pull me over and they go, mind if I search?
And I go, well, no you can't.
Well, what have you got to hide?
Well, Fourth Amendment.
You know, buddy, go get a dog if you want to, you know, there's nothing in here.
So my point is that most people get bullied by them, and I've had them try to intimidate me into letting them into the car.
So it's really intimidation into it.
I agree, and I would say, remember that cars go under a different set of rules.
Houses are guaranteed a special place in the Constitution.
Cars are not.
But in terms of the houses,
I think so.
When you go to court and you say, gee, I'd like to suppress this evidence because there was not a valid consent to search.
You know, in order to have a valid consent to search, you have to know what rights you're giving up.
But you say that it's not a consistent problem with what you've seen as a criminal defense lawyer.
So in Louisiana, they're doing these knock and talks and bullying in.
Describe that for us.
Well, I would say that the case that I'm thinking about, somebody
The police showed up, claiming that they had gotten a complaint from a neighbor about suspicious activity at the house.
Lots of cars, short visits, looks like a dope dealer.
Should have gotten a warrant!
Should have gotten a warrant, but they said that we didn't have probable cause, and we knew we didn't have probable cause, so we went to do a knock and talk.
This is where the knock-and-talk comes into play.
They know they can't get a warrant, but they also know... And I would state that the cases you're going to talk about are going to be cases where they actually found something, because that's when you get in contact with them as a defense lawyer.
Because I talk to people all the time in Austin, 95% of the time nothing's in there.
They just let the search take place, and that's not America.
And, you know, people who think that there's nothing in their house, and then find out, oh, gee, well,
I guess that a person who was staying here for a short period of time left something behind.
And I also arrest people for prescription pills that aren't in bottles even if they have the prescription.
There are a lot of ways to get in trouble and a lot of these... Go back to that case.
I'm sorry I keep interrupting.
Go back there.
That's okay.
They showed up at 930 on a Thursday night as, you know, this young lady was getting ready to go out.
And kept on telling her.
We just want to take a quick look around.
And her answer was, I really don't want you to do this.
Please go away.
I don't want my house torn up.
And they spent a good 15 minutes just standing in her kitchen telling her over and over again, we just need to take a quick look around and we'll leave you alone.
Well, something was found.
I argued that her will
It wasn't a free exercise of will, and of course the judge ruled against me.
And that case is still pending, so I'm not going to say a whole lot more about it.
But this is not atypical.
This is something that happens because the police know that if they had to go get a warrant, they would need to come up with real testimony and real facts before they could get in the house.
The difference is, under the new U.S.
v. Gould decision, when they show up... One more segment.
We got a quick break.
One more segment, sir.
We'll be right back with you.
Stay there.
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A lot of judges are now coming forward saying this is out of control and they're not going to go along with it.
We've got one more quick segment with him and we'll come back and get into more news and, of course, all your phone calls.
So please stay with us.
We'll talk about some of the other federal and state rulings that are taking place, more cities throwing out the Patriot Act, but you were continuing, sir.
Yes, sir.
In the story I was telling before, the problem with the U.S.
v. Gould ruling out of the Fifth Circuit is that once the young lady
By the way, I have had a house alarm go off not once but twice
And I don't hit the cancel in time.
The police show up.
They say, let me see an ID.
I show it to them.
They don't even know who I am.
And I've had them say, mind if we walk around?
And I've said, no.
Well, why?
Well, it's an alarm.
You just saw my ID.
I live here.
Thank you.
But again, I mean, we got along fine in America without this.
And we don't need this.
America's America because we didn't have this type of behavior going on.
I agree.
It is an expansion, and it's a needless expansion.
What are your colleagues saying?
I mean, what's the public temperature on this?
Well, a lot of people got riled up when they read the article in the local newspaper.
The headline, including that the dissenting judge called it the road to hell, got a lot of play.
Of course, he pointed out that the road to hell was paved with good intentions.
What the 5th Circuit was trying to do is they're going along with the 6th Circuit and the D.C.
Circuit and saying that you can have a protective check of a house without an arrest.
And the protective sweep of the house has been the law for 10 years, but that's after you arrest somebody in their house.
Other lawyers see it as kind of an expansion of something that we were already opposed to, because these consent searches, we think, are not always consented to.
Well, yeah, they'll sit there dozens of times, going, let me search your car, let me search your car.
Why not?
Why not?
You know, what's wrong with you?
What do you have to hide?
Well, buddy, it's America!
And I don't need to have anything to hide to decline for you to search.
There's been a change, and it might be a change in the education that people get, it might be a change in the way that the average citizen thinks after terrorist attacks, but they don't understand
What their Fourth Amendment right really means.
And that's what the airline screening and CAHPS II is all about.
It's training us for this new atmosphere which they're now expanding on from there.
Alright, well, Joseph Scott, thank you so much for coming on the show.
I think this is going to be challenged, obviously.
It'll probably go to the Supreme Court and they'll probably rule that it's wonderful.
I would hope that citizens would get together and resist this, and perhaps move for state legislatures, or the Congress, to reaffirm the Fourth Amendment.
It's got a good chance to go to the Supremes, because now they've set up a distinct circuit split, and that's when the Supremes have a tendency to set in.
Okay, thanks for joining us, sir.
Appreciate it.
We're going to break here in a few minutes, come back, take more calls, get into a ton of other news.
And I know you want to keep talking about this, Lister, so we will.
Some of the other rulings that have taken place that are actually even worse, if you can believe that.
Right now, though, let's talk to Travis in Indiana.
Travis, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Hey, great to hear your voice again.
I've got two comments.
One, last night my kids found a television show that they were in love with.
It's called Smart House.
It's on the Disney Channel.
Yeah, everybody's got biometrics, they scan, they have ID cards, it's all wonderful.
The other shows are Spy Kids and How to Tattle and How to Report.
It's all brainwashing.
Oh yeah, and they're doing it to the young kids because they know the adults won't stand up for it.
So they figure if they get it into the young kids' heads now,
By the time they get old enough, they're used to it, so it's no big deal.
Hey, Time Magazine for Children, issue after issue about how everyone will soon have a chip.
I mean, this is chilling.
Oh, yes.
And another thing about the cars and OnStar and all that, I have a friend of mine who's a sheriff in Marion County, and he's saying that they have developed a machine, because of all the cars have got the computer chips in them now,
They're trying to say that it's safer, like if somebody steals a car and runs away with it, that they can point it at the car, pull the trigger, and it will kill the engine.
Yeah, I've got a newscast with them doing that, yeah.
Okay, so that's one of the new things they're coming out with.
I don't know if it's... Yeah, it's in most of the new brands of cars.
It's amazing how this world's turning, isn't it?
It is, my friend.
Anything else?
We'll be right back.
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Okay, here's some of the news that's coming up and then we'll go back to your calls.
Outsourcing Big Brother!
Office of Total Information Awareness relies on private sector to track Americans.
Again, Total Information Awareness was never scrapped.
They just tell you that when the heat gets big.
Gets intense, they go, oh, no such thing, never said it, there's no such thing as tips, no such thing as matrix, no such, and then they expand it.
And this is the payoff to private corporations to be part of this.
They're paid by the government to spy and snoop on you.
Grocery store discount cards, you know, everything.
It's just what you buy at the bookstore, everything.
This is the freedom, the new freedom.
But the border is wide open and the illegal aliens are exempt from all of it.
That's admitted.
So we'll get to that also.
Prozac Nation, London Independent, 1 in 10 over there on psychotropics and the numbers are growing.
Soma Nation, more like it.
Hundreds of missiles missing.
In Ukraine, campaigners fight biometric passports.
Man confesses after seeing the passage of a whole bunch of these confessions.
admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq purposefully.
White House looks for Rice compromise in 9-11 panel.
She's such a bad liar, they don't want to put her up there.
They put the Kingpin Armitage up there instead.
Chicago Towers were next targets.
That's the Washington Times.
But isn't it interesting, Larry Silverstein has now bought it.
The owner of the WTC magically buying that.
They don't care how out in the open all this is either.
Also, terror bomb seized.
London is bragging they taught people with bombs about to use them.
Of course, they claim they busted a Ryerson poison lab last year.
Turned out that story was a fake story, but that's always in the back of the paper.
Also, U.S.
team probing election shooting in Taiwan.
It says they sent someone who was involved in the Warren Commission, the Kennedy assassination, to decide this was a staged shooting.
So we have Satan investigating a low-level hobgoblin.
They'll probably rule over the Communist Chinese and go, yes, it is staged.
It probably isn't.
Who knows?
So we'll get into that.
You know, the shooting a couple of weeks ago.
Also, the government tried to burn Hatfield, that scientist, when we really know who launched the anthrax attacks and it wasn't
Mr. Stephen J. Hadfield.
But the government wants to have his suit thrown out.
It's like Richard Jewell in the Olympic Park bombing.
They always want to grab a Patsy.
Especially when the BATF was involved in the Olympic Park bombing.
So that's just some of what is coming up.
It's just the tip of the iceberg here.
We've got about an hour and 24 minutes left in the transmission against tyranny here.
Let's go ahead and go to Kim in Texas.
Kim, you're on the air.
Alex, I am livid.
I did not see the Black Caucus come out on this.
I did not see the Black Men's Association.
I did not see Johnny Cochran come out on this.
It's not just a black issue.
Since they're attacking the Constitution, that's the only way we got our freedom, through the Constitution, as slaves.
I'm just so upset.
I listened to the radio station this morning, our local black radio station,
Not one word about this.
This is just ridiculous.
And they wonder why we lose our freedom?
Why we fall asleep?
Well, Tony Brown's journal on the show talked about how they tested on the disadvantaged communities first.
Everybody knows they've been going in black people's houses without warrants forever.
And now, it's just going to be everybody.
It's already been everybody for a long time, and this 5th Circuit is very serious, and because disadvantaged communities, whether it's blacks or whites, in disadvantaged areas, they always get fed on first.
That's just historical.
You don't see them in the rich neighborhoods doing this, though it's starting to happen, regardless of who lives in those neighborhoods, and yeah, black people should be extra concerned.
It just appalls me that we don't say anything.
I mean, she's Maxine Waters out there in California trying to let illegal aliens in, giving them their licenses and stuff.
I listened to Terry Woods' show, and it's ridiculous.
This is just really ridiculous.
Are you talking about Terry Anderson Sunday nights?
I'm sorry, Terry Anderson, yes.
He's got a good show, yeah.
Yes, he does.
That's all I have to say.
I'm in tears, so let me get off the phone.
Well, ma'am, can you hold on a second?
Because, Kim, you bring up a really good point.
And in my analysis of the New Six story, I wrote this.
The Fifth Amendment ruling is criminal, similar to Supreme Court rulings of the past declaring black people slaves.
It is a total violation of the Bill of Rights and is null and void.
The U.S.
Congress and Legislature of Louisiana should call for emergency sessions to investigate possible criminal charges of sedition against those ruling to eradicate the Fourth Amendment.
Now, I use that example because it's the best one I got.
The Supreme Court can say that Native Americans didn't deserve their lands and take it.
That's right.
The Supreme Court can rule that you're not a human being or I'm not a human being, but I'm not going to listen to them.
I'm a human being, you're a human being, and I've got God-given rights.
And so it's up to us to just say, no, we're not putting up with this.
We're not your property.
That's right, Alex.
So tell them, tell them right now, I'm not your property.
I'm not your property.
I got my freedom through the Constitution.
I would uphold the Constitution.
I'll tell them too.
I'm not your slave.
And bottom line, I'm not your property and you're not my God.
No more shackles.
We're going to do this for your safety.
Does it make you angry?
It makes me very angry.
That's what I keep telling people.
That's why the prison is full of black men.
Who's going to defend us when you have your black men in prison?
Your black son's going right behind the black men.
Now the black women.
Now tell these people, selling drugs is not the answer.
Well, you know who ships them in.
Yeah, they can ship them in, but we don't have to sell it, Alex.
A hundred years ago, there were official government reports where they said, let's just allow the drug dealing.
And prostitution in the poor communities.
And it's been designed that way.
They ship the trash in.
They turn a blind eye to it.
Then they grab our young sons and daughters, put them in private prisons, working for 20 cents an hour, building widgets, and then these good old boys say, good, make them prisoners work.
They're taking everybody's jobs, working for 20 cents an hour on top of it!
Dell Computers right here in Austin is outsourcing jobs.
The man who sold the computer ideas and made money, taking computers, repairing them, and changing them to the way he wanted to work, now he feel like he should outsource it?
He should feel like he should keep every job here because of the way we supported him.
You stand up 12 hours a day at that company.
You do not get to sit down, only on your break.
And now he wants to outsource it?
I mean, Pflugerville Round Rock has lost housing.
They're selling their houses.
They're losing their jobs.
And they depended on Dell.
That's right.
Dell, four years ago I confronted him when he was building three plants in China at a press conference.
I said, you're moving to China.
He said, that's ridiculous.
We're not going to lay anybody off.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
And they say the layoffs are going to get seven times worse.
But oh, the economy's turned around.
It's wonderful.
Thanks for the call, Kim.
I share your anger.
Charles in South Carolina.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I haven't talked to you for a long time.
Good to hear from you.
Same here.
You know the night show that comes on at one o'clock in the morning?
I remember you laughed.
What's the name of that guy?
He isn't on anymore, but he's still got the show.
You know what I'm talking about?
Well, anyway, he's on at one o'clock in the morning.
He had one of the Air Force Base, California, pilots, former pilots, you know, was flying these Chemtrail planes?
Did you hear that?
Are you talking about George Norrie?
Oh, God, I don't know his name.
Is it a national radio show?
What's the name of it?
Coast to Coast?
What was the guy that formerly was on there?
They had trouble when he got off.
Yeah, Art Bell.
Art Bell, that's the show.
Yeah, but he's back on the weekends.
Oh, yeah, okay.
Anyway, this was last night.
This guy was saying that these planes are 12 this problem and sober.
Did you ever hear that?
Silver color?
You need to talk a little clearer for me.
You know, uh, twelve planes, silver color, that they're flying, they're putting, uh, they're spraying out the, uh, chemtrails.
Uh, yes, we're aware of the chemtrails.
We're aware of the chemtrails.
Okay, wait a minute.
This guy said there's twelve silver planes that fly from coast to coast, from Edwin Air Force in California to the East Coast and back.
Well, it's a lot more than twelve planes.
Well, he said twelve.
He wasn't the pilot.
Well, I guess that's the group he's with.
Well, okay.
Anyway, he said that they're spraying out motor oil, aluminum, and berylene, and salt, and so forth.
He didn't know the rest of it.
Yeah, they've done the test.
Yeah, that's what they're spraying.
Yeah, right.
And they fly back and forth constantly, continuously.
Right now, they're spraying the heck out of Kentucky.
And the spray is fed into the exhaust system.
Because it's oil.
Why did they say they were doing it?
Why did they say they were doing it?
Same as what you're saying.
They exterminate 80% of the population.
That's what he said.
He said it himself.
The pilot.
The ex-pilot.
That was one of them.
They exterminate 80%.
He said that barium, a little minute of it will kill you.
That's the worst one of them bunches, the barium.
Okay, I appreciate your call, sir.
Look, when you see a plane flying at 30,000 feet and the trail disappears behind it, that is a condensation trail.
When you see a jet at 3,000, 4,000 feet spraying a plume that stays there for five hours, that's not ice crystals, ladies and gentlemen.
And I videotaped in my photograph that I've seen a jet beside a jet at 5,000 feet, one jet leaves a trail, the other doesn't, and two hours later the trail's still there.
I've seen them sit there for five hours.
I've seen hundreds of trails in the skies of Austin until it turns into a giant haze.
Now, barium salts, aluminum, a little bit of it won't kill you.
But it does build up in the brain.
It does cause a lot of problems.
And there are a lot of admitted government programs going on.
But let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Scott in Florida.
Scott, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
First time caller?
I just got one question here.
I've been with the fire department for 15 years.
I'm a paramedic there.
And these guys now want to get an ID from me.
They've got my picture, they've got my signature, they've got my social security number.
Now they want to go ahead and do a biometric scan of my finger, which they took me in to do.
And I resisted on doing that.
I just want to know what my ramifications would be for doing that.
Well, you need to tell them for religious reasons.
Then you can show them the news articles.
This is part of a federal control grid.
Once it's in place, they're training the school children.
It's going in most of the states.
Now, 40 plus of them.
This is the start of a new national sales tax.
You should give them the articles.
Tell them why.
And say, no, you can't discriminate against me.
Well, they told me, well, you're going to have to
You have to take it up to your supervisor, because I'll have to take it.
But I just told him I wasn't going to do it, because I had issues with it.
Well now, sir, is the bar department you work with, or the emergency services you work with, does Florida thumb scan or digital photo... It's a photo on a card.
Okay, but I was going to finish the question.
I'm sorry.
It's alright.
What I'm trying to ask you is, does the state of Florida do the digital thumb print and face scan and get a driver's license?
No, not yet.
It must be one of the few states that doesn't then.
A lot of people I talk to in Texas don't even know they did it, even though they did it, and then later they remember they did it.
But yeah, businesses... I remember, I saw a video of you refusing a scan down there in Texas.
Now there's somebody there.
You know, you're the only one that did that, but there's 300 people that work with this fire department in Central Florida, and I'm the only one
That actually speaks out about what's going on with the World Trade Center and all this stuff, and nobody wants to listen to me about it.
And, of course, when I refuse to... Well, we have a clip of the firefighters, a video clip on prison play.
I explained it to... I'm talking about the bombs going off.
I mean... I even talked to... I mean, I kind of speak out a little bit about it, but I can't, you know, so I can at least sleep at night and, you know, clear my conscience of what's going on.
But I talked to John Micah, who had a town hall meeting down here in Florida.
And, uh, I was in the back there and I asked my question.
I was the only one that was the oddball that asked about, uh, you know, the 9-1-1 thing.
You know, what happened to these planes that turned around.
Tell them who Mr. Micah is.
John Micah is my congressman in District 7.
I think it's 7 now.
And, uh, you know, he represents me and stuff like that, so I figured, well, I might as well ask him what the scoop is here.
I says, this was back in 2002 or 2003.
And he came in and made a speech about the roads that he was putting in and all that kind of stuff over here.
And people were asking questions about hospital beds, which is all legitimate and fine, but this was kind of right after 9-1-1.
And so I said, well, I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet.
And I asked him the question, what happened with these planes when they turned around in the air?
And one hit the building, and then about 20 minutes later, another one hit the building before any planes went up in the air.
And I said, what happened to our air defense?
Mr. Micah, or Honorable Micah, and he says, he said, well when I got the call I was in the war room with Rumsfeld.
And my pager went off.
This is what he was saying.
He said there was so much mass confusion we didn't know what was going on.
Then I said, well what do you mean?
I said, I said, you all remember when Paine Stewart went off course, I said, you had planes that reacted within four minutes.
I said, I said, I said, this is right next to Washington.
And he says, well, what we need is more
General Myers was the head of NORAD when that happened.
He's now been brought into the Joint Chiefs of Staff as his reward.
So it's all just a big sick joke, and it's so horrible the average person can't face what happened, but we have the official U.S.
government plan to hijack jets by remote control, crash them, kill people, have fake aircraft that crash and stage deaths, bomb D.C., commit sniper attacks.
The government said they would.
And then how to blame it on foreign enemies?
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This is our country!
And it's being trashed and pitted out, being looted by organized crime syndicates, allied together, calling themselves the New World Order.
It's time to say no, it's time to stand up, it's time to admit what's in our face.
I mean, for years the neocons tried to neutralize us.
Oh, there's no such thing as the U.N.
taking over.
Oh, there's no such thing as the New World Order.
Oh, you know, the Republicans aren't liberal.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
People aren't buying it anymore.
We're not going to buy that hamburger jobs are good industry factory jobs.
We're not going to buy that outsourcing more of our jobs is good.
We're not going to buy that police in black ski masks busting down our doors without warrants is good.
With warrants is bad enough.
We'll go back to calls, we'll start the next hour and plunge into all this news, but 5th Circuit comes out and says no more warrants, and that's what it says.
I've got the ruling right here.
Headline on it is very, very important from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
We'll go back over that as well.
And then we have this other article out of the Las Vegas Review Journal where they call it the road to the police state.
The judges in the other case call it the road to hell.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up next here?
Who should I go to next?
Tim in Ohio, go ahead.
Alex, always a pleasure.
Good afternoon to you, sir.
A couple of quick things.
Going back to your coast-to-coast thing and the great exposure that you had on there,
Is there any chance now that we can cycle some of your very informative guests to George and get a big audience?
I would love to hear Colonel Don DeGrand Prix on that big of an audience and really start to pound this message home because as you look at this commission, everything that's going on, you can see it's starting to unravel.
The lies are rising to the top and I think it's great.
Well, in a way, this commission is part of that process.
To bring it out, to neutralize it, like, oh, we've already covered that, it was just an accident.
Oh, NORAD stood down.
Oh, we lied to you, but it was an accident.
Oh, you know, we're putting out all this disinfo, but it's an accident.
General Richard Myers, he was in charge of NORAD at the time of 9-1-1, wasn't he?
And then he got bumped up to the Joint Chiefs.
That's right.
He's a good boy.
Well, isn't that wonderful?
And one quick thing about the chemtrails, if I may.
Do you remember your chemistry?
And, of course, it takes a catalyst to initiate a reaction and a monomer to become the reaction.
Could the chemtrails, in this case, be the catalyst and perhaps something like HAARP be used as the monomer where they could, like, say, direct a beam on an area?
They've already got whatever they wanted to breathe.
No, that's what a lot of people say it's for, and I've talked to a lot of military officers.
They say that spraying the aluminum out allows them to do weird things with HAARP
These big electrical arrays that they charge the atmosphere with.
Over the horizon radar and the rest of it.
But then you have all the health effects of it as well.
Yeah, could they be using that to harm us?
I don't know.
The BBC reported that NASA reported that the Earth is 20% darker than it was just 10 years ago.
So, I mean, you'll have a sunny day, they come out at 5,000, 10,000 feet, spray the sky, and it turns into overcast.
I mean, it's a massive program.
And it's being added to the fuel and then some type of conversion and people can't deny it.
I mean, condensation trails don't stay there for five hours.
They don't form at 3,000 feet.
You know, I've gone to great lengths to point that out to people just to get them to spend some time out there for a minute so you can show them the difference.
And once they see, okay, there's a condensation trail, here's a chem trail, they wake up immediately and they go, you know,
You're right!
Yeah, and these clouds start billowing downwards, and it's just bizarre.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, folks, we'll come right back in the third hour.
There's so much coming up, so please stay with us.
And we'll get to Helga and Larry and Gabrielle and John and continuing with Wide Open Phones on this Tuesday edition.
I'll take four or five more calls, then I'll cover news for about ten minutes, then I'll go back to calls and cover news for ten minutes, and back to calls.
It will be informative and riveting.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, now into the third and final hour of this live Tuesday edition of a worldwide broadcast.
Coming up, we'll get into the Total Information Awareness Network, what they're up to.
One in ten in England on Prozac.
Hundreds of missiles missing in the Ukraine.
People worldwide fighting the Global Passport, Global ID system, and that's exactly what it is.
But first, back to your calls.
I love your calls.
Love talking to you.
Helga in Texas, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Question, did the police in Austin, Texas get federalized about two weeks ago somebody told me?
News 8 had a swearing in of a whole bunch of officers
Under federal control so they could then be under a UN treaty, they even said this, to go to foreign countries to arrest people and they were bragging, now I can go to Germany or Japan or Mexico and arrest people and of course that means foreign police can come here and grab you if you violate their laws on speech or whatever.
That's already been happening where Germans come here and grab people for First Amendment issues and take them over there for books they've written.
And all over the country they're federalizing police and this is part of the control.
I have to talk nicely to my adrenal glands because I think we're all running on steroids hearing it.
What about our resolution?
uh... what what what difference did it actually make that we are in Austin when we got the resolution passed to throw out the Patriot Act but as usual the battle isn't over I gave you one and I think everybody should go to the city clerk and demand one and carry it around and I would like to see thousands and thousands of people on the street and declaring
You know, independence from the government.
But see, the mainstream media doesn't make freedom important.
It makes worshipping some gang member, a football player more important.
It makes watching Britney Spears, the role model of our children, dance around half-naked with a snake.
That's what everybody's focused on.
You know what I heard the other morning in our station, K-L-B-G, whatever it's called?
The guy from Hollywood.
He said, oh, the newest Gina, you know, is running behind Britney Spears in Los Angeles.
And actually, you know, the three guys on the radio, they said, hush hush, you know who Gina is, right?
She's one of, I guess that's her name, Bush's daughters.
Oh, yeah.
In fact, it's funny.
They said, you know, don't say anything else.
Anyway, one more thing.
Actually, I listen to that station probably once every two weeks or something.
I happen to hear that morning where they had the Hollywood Reporter on about movies.
The Hollywood Reporter, right?
Yeah, and about the Bush daughters on tour with Britney when she's doing her lingerie act.
And a lot of partying, and yeah, they said don't talk about it.
This is the freedom of America.
You do not talk about our God.
One more question.
Since we have now heavy damage control going on in the news, there is this woman, Karen Hughes, I think her name is, who was the speechwriter.
She is excellent.
I mean, my God, she is good.
I have seen her now twice on the television here doing damage control.
Yeah, they dispatched her.
Who is she?
She was the Governor's, one of his handlers.
Yes, but I mean, what is her background that she has?
I mean, she is very, I mean, as a person, she is just very powerful.
Yeah, she's a better liar than Condoleezza Rice or Kingpin.
Yeah, but I mean, she has the power in person.
I mean, she is just, you know, that person, you want to believe her.
She is terribly attractive.
Yeah, good liar.
Good to hear from you.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There was an article in the New York Times yesterday.
It may have meant the explosion of crime, the 34% increase in illegals by the millions pouring across the southwestern border.
You know, the illegals are burning people's houses, Mexican troops are shooting and killing people, raping, robbing.
I mean, it's bedlam.
And in this big three-page article, they admit all the problems, but then say the solution is just legalize all of them, so they can all just come across legally.
That's the answer, see.
As border woes strain Arizona, U.S.
and Mexico talk.
Every other morning, Bud Strom begins a ritual of life on the Arizona border.
Mounting his horse, Bandit, and traversing the mesquite and grassland of his 1,000 acre cattle ranch in Hereford, to look for barbed wire fencing broken by border crossers.
Come dusk, he will often stumble upon the border crossers themselves.
A few months ago, he came upon a pregnant Mexican teenager and her boyfriend looking for shelter.
See, they come here to have the babies.
That's why California's bankrupt.
From the cold rain.
Before that, it was a man from Sicily who spoke no English, but scrawled on the ground that he wanted to get to New Hampshire.
Before that, it was a man simply demanding una cerveza, a beer.
The border is so porous that we probably get a thousand people a week coming through this ranch.
It's that severe.
Said Mr. Strom, 72 is property sits on the Mexican border about 95 miles south of Tucson.
They're all just looking for a way to head north through the mountains.
And it says, in recent months there has been an eruption of illegal immigration and related violence in Arizona, and with it has come the realization by federal officials, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of migrants they catch and send back over the border,
Then he will return, time and time again, unless the government finds better ways to keep them out of the country and out of harm's way.
And then later the answer is, go ahead and legalize them, give them the worker pass.
They can come to the border crossings.
Here's the deal.
You prosecute people that hire illegals.
And you make it medium-sized businesses because small businesses don't know, or you know, hire somebody for a day you don't know, but you go after
Medium-sized businesses that have hundreds of employees that are doing this, and you start arresting people, and it'll stop real quick, and the illegals won't be coming up here.
And they're from all over.
They're from Central Asia, they're from the Middle East, they're from Africa, they're from Eastern Europe, they're from Russia, they're from Japan, they're from everywhere!
And it says American and Mexican officials agreed in February to explore the Repatriation Plan, which is similar to a program that was scrapped in the mid-90s.
Though Mexico has resisted the idea in recent years, American officials saw the willingness to reconsider the plan partly as a sign of goodwill in response to President Bush's recent call for a temporary worker program.
However, officials made clear that there were still potentially major issues involving logistics and financing to be worked out, and that some issues remained off-limits.
We would never allow someone to be sent back to their hometown if they didn't agree to it, said a Mexican diplomat who spoke on a condition of anonymity because the negotiations were continuing.
The program has to be voluntary.
That issue is not even on the table, so it's just all staged.
Very, very serious, and I mean, the stuff coming out of the border now, I mean, it is just bedlam.
Mexican troops machine-gunning, killing people, blowing stuff up, burning down houses, FBI coming into private ranchers' homes that
You know, speak out or videotape the foreigners.
They get arrested.
I mean, it is just everything to get rid of our sovereignty, part of the Pan-American Union.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up next here?
Larry in Arizona, then Gabrielle, Richard, and others.
Larry, go ahead.
How you doing, Al?
It's good to talk to you.
The reason I called, I sent you an email on your tip stub at infoware.com.
Did you get it from Larry from Arizona?
What'd it say?
What it is, is that I've drafted a petition for regressive grievances before both houses of Congress on the floor at the same time, you know, under Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution.
And I've contacted Joyce and Dave, Pastor Bush, and a whole bunch of other people.
Yeah, you called a few weeks ago and you plugged where people could get it.
Yeah, but I just wondered if you got it.
I sent you part of a copy on the email of it.
I gotta be honest with you, I spent about two hours trying to read the email and I got to a lot of it, but I didn't get to yours.
You don't have to have a fax number, do you Alex?
Yeah, I do.
I have your fax number so I can send you a full copy of it?
Sure, it's 512-899-9809.
Oh yeah, and one other thing I wanted to touch on too was, you know the Donald Rumsfeld was one of the head COs for GD Cereals?
Yeah, Monsanto approving Aspartame.
Exactly right.
You know, and that aspartame is actually a biological weapon.
Look, he's a wicked creature.
When he's not selling nuclear reactors in North Korea or arming Saddam with chemicals and biologicals, he's getting aspartame approved for now thousands of foods.
I mean, he is a literal, literal demonic creature walking around on two legs.
Yes, he is.
In fact, the Food and Drug Administration wouldn't let him in the United States for 16 years, and he got it in.
But, uh, do you mind if I give out that, the email site, where if anybody's interested in it, they can email me?
Because, uh, I want to send you this full draft of it and everything else, you know, and explain it to us.
Okay, sure, go ahead.
Okay, uh, my email address is Petition Grievances, 2004, the numeral is 2004, at yahoo.com.
Alright, good to hear from you.
Appreciate the call.
Uh, Gabrielle in Texas, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just want to say I really like the work you're doing.
You inspired me.
I got a radio program on Co-op Radio where we're attacking the New World Order, but one thing I want to let people know is I'm going to start a petition right now, and it's basically going to be to redesign the police uniforms in Austin.
We'll kind of go with the San Antonio model where we're going to request that they go with the blue shirts and the white hats.
And I think this can counteract a lot of the Malthusian effect
That these cops get when they wear that black ski mask and those black clothes.
I mean, you know, they think it's a war on the people and they're supposed to be public servants and somehow they forgot that.
Also, they're always in mourning, so they cover up their badge numbers with black tape.
Year-round, about half the police you see are violating the state law covering up their badge numbers.
And they won't tell you who they are when they're down there in the black Darth Vader outfit.
So part of the uniform redesign protest I'm coming up with is to prominently display their badge number and their name and to wear white hats and blue shirts.
And I think that's going to have a large psychological effect on the way these cops behave.
Well, I know that the old San Antonio police chief, he retired a few years ago, Allie Philippus, and he's in police state 2000s, was a great guy.
Delta Force tried to bribe him, and he was an army veteran by the way, tried to bribe him to do their urban warfare training ops and terrify the people, and he said no way.
This is ridiculous when we have the cops in camouflage gear.
Why are they in camouflage?
They're not even in the woods.
It's just for psychological fear.
It's all about psychology and it's admitted.
It's about terrifying us into submission.
Why does a bank robber wear a mask but to hide their identity and to terrify people?
Just ten years ago we all knew the bad guys wore masks.
Now the good guys do.
Yeah, so I'm getting the message out on 91.7 Co-op.
I do Thursday evening news there.
But if anybody wants to help with this petition to change the uniforms, they can email me.
Can I give them my email address?
Well, you know what?
No, I'm sorry you can't.
Because, let me tell you what happened.
About five years ago, I let everybody call in and plug all their stuff, and it literally got to the point where they were going, I've got a tractor for sale, and I want to give you my contact info, and then somebody wants to give their phone number out, and then somebody wants to give their... and then all my show becomes...
Is 50 talk show hosts in a line plugging their talk shows?
You just plugged that you're on Thursday night, and you just plugged when you're on, and you need to put up a website, because no one will listen to it if all it is is email addresses.
Now, I don't know if you understand that, but if you'd been in my shoes, you would do the same thing.
Okay, I can appreciate that.
You plug the radio show, you got it out twice, and I'm happy for you, and I'm glad you're doing this, sir.
Why don't you put up a website,
Why don't you email it?
Yeah, well there you go!
Liberated Space.
Oh, I know that show, I've been on it.
You can plug your email, go ahead.
That's it, it's SojournRising, S-O-J-U-R-N-R-I-S-I-N-G at Yahoo.com.
Yeah, the big thing too with email is if it's not short, it's not very effective either.
But LiberatedSpace.com, good libertarian talk show.
And yeah, that's fine, it's just I don't want to
I understand completely Alex.
I'm just trying to wake up all those quote-unquote liberals and they're finally seeing the light Alex.
I mean, you know, I think the wizard is like, the curtains pulled back and everyone's starting to see that the wizard is there.
You need to get that petition on your website.
And then you need to go down to the city council and bring it forward and start that agenda.
I think so, Alex.
Yep, thanks a lot.
Appreciate it.
I know a lot of people who have websites, but they don't post their stuff on the website.
They just say, here's my email address, and email me if you want it.
I think it's better to just have websites.
More effective.
But that's just my opinion.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Richard in Florida.
Richard, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'm going to give you my prognostication on the 2004 election.
Just like four years ago, they're selling us on a close election.
They have every Bush and Kerry dead even on every single poll.
And I think what's going to happen is, if we don't have another terrorist attack, I think what's going to happen is, just like the 2000 election, you're going to have Bush
winning with the uh... electoral college and then they'll have to have a constitutional convention to get rid of the electoral college in india yeah they're going to and they're going to push only about fifty six percent of of the people are going to be voting in electronic voting machines and they're going to push heavily that that other forty four percent that isn't voting through electronic voting machines get so you know what i mean
I remember every time they had the hanging chat thing, they would put, oh look how easy it is to vote through these electronic voting machines.
Yo, which is admittedly run by the CIA.
Anything else you want to add, Richard?
Yeah, do you know I'll pan Alex, how many, can I wait?
Yeah, you can.
Just stay there.
We'll come back, take a few more calls, and I'm going to plunge in the news.
Just a couple more calls, stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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All right, Richard in Florida.
Do you know offhand how many Halliburton-controlled companies have benefited from the war in Iraq?
Oh, I think they said there's like 150-plus different subsidiaries.
That's how they run their offshore tax scams.
And I believe almost every one of them is in Iraq.
They serve the food, they run the concentration camps.
They run Camp X-Ray, No Beds Allowed, they run everything.
Offhand, I know Kellogg, Brown and Root and Halliburton.
Do you know offhand a couple of others so I can have a good argument here?
I've got all the news articles, there are just hundreds and hundreds, at least over 150 different Halliburton fronts.
And they're admitted subsidiaries, and they're off in the Cayman Islands and everywhere else, and they run everything.
I mean, they run the food service for the troops, they sell the fuel to the tanks and helicopters and double charge.
They run everything.
They put up the TV stations and radio stations.
They run everything.
I mean, basically, Halliburton gets all the contracts and gives a few to other people that aren't openly part of them, like Bechtel and
I'm sorry, did I say skull and bones controlled companies or did I say Halliburton subsidiaries?
Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say how many skull and bone controlled companies?
Abbie, you said Skull & Bones, it sounded like Halliburton.
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault.
Well, you have to go look at the 800 living members, 820 or whatever it is, living members of Skull & Bones, and look at all the boards and corporations that are on.
I mean, I have no idea.
I think they're gonna, Alex, I think they're gonna give the election to Bush, because he is more suited to sell us on the next coming wars, and
You know, Kerry just isn't suited for that.
You know what I mean?
You don't think his cousin Kerry's going to get it?
Well, either way, it's WWF wrestling.
This isn't a real election.
No, I know, I know.
Oh, I can imagine Temporary and Long Devil, that's their skull and bone names, patting each other on the back at Bohemian Grove or at Skull and Bones meeting.
You know, good show.
The first party Bush had after his inauguration at the White House was a Skull and Bones reunion.
Do you remember the article?
Do you have that posted?
Yeah, it's posted in the Skull and Bones section of PrisonPlanet.com.
Good to hear from you, Richard.
Warren in Colorado, but I'm coming back and covering news for the balance of the show.
Warren, go ahead.
I was kind of curious.
I would like to ask a question to your defense attorney earlier on.
And that is, when the police stop a car with maybe three individuals, they get to take all the IDs and run them all through the system.
What's the purpose for that, or what?
And they do that, or... Well, look, it's not a privilege to drive.
The Supreme Court ruled in, what, 1918, that in which the general conveyance that everybody uses, they can't demand IDs or... and that you have a right to travel on the public roadways, but...
They considered the motor car to be the unusual conveyance, and so regulation was then brought into bear on that.
Then on trucking, they said, oh, these truckers are making money, let's tax them.
Yeah, let's get them!
And so all of that started.
So they say it's a privilege to drive.
It is not a privilege.
You know, they're now telling us the Fourth Amendment's a privilege.
Well, no, it's not.
It's a right.
But if we accept what they're saying, they'll tell us that it was an old privilege they got rid of.
Uh, so, it's not just in your car, though.
This new ruling is, anywhere, you gotta answer their questions, give them an ID, lick their boots, no Fifth Amendment.
So they can come in your house and demand everybody's ID?
Uh, yeah, that's the Fifth Circuit.
Well, not just your ID, they can just come in your house and search you, if they feel like it, with no warrant.
Yeah, it's incredible.
There's so much going on, you just can't, you just can't cover it all.
But, thank you very much, and see you later.
Hey, I appreciate, uh, the call.
There have been a lot of new rulings, but here's the Las Vegas Review-Journal headline, The Road to the Police State.
Must America show their papers, please?
And they give the Nazi Germany a parallel.
But the Fifth Circuit Court, which affects the whole country, by the way, not just the five states that are in it, but the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just came out and said, look, no more warrants.
We can come in your house or business if we feel like it.
And the dissenting judges there called it the Road to Hell.
So, Road to the Police State.
Road to Hell.
Well, I think I got a better name for it.
The Road to Tyranny.
That's why I made a film called The Road to Tyranny.
And it's available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and later I'll give you the toll-free number.
We'll come back to a big news blitz.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, my friends.
Coming up, we'll get into the mass drugging of the population, the latest evidence of the global government involved with the terrorists that they control, and a lot more.
Before we do that, just for the next few minutes, bring up Debbie Morrow from New Millennium Concepts.
You know, it seems daunting, all this horrible stuff happening, but the good news is we're here on the air, exposing it, talking about it, waking a lot of people up right now.
But one big way to take control of your life is with your health.
And your body is 70% water, and that's where you get most of the toxins, most of the poisons, the herbicides, the pesticides.
The mercury, the lead, the arsenic, the fluoride, the chlorine, the dead bacteria, the living bacteria, the Prozac, the Ritalin, the birth control pills, almost every major water supply, even the creeks, and I don't know why, are just full of this stuff.
It's just in the environment now because billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of pills are being eaten every month.
We've got 300 million people in this country.
Some people gobbling dozens of pills a day over Rush Limbaugh.
Over a hundred Oxycontin a day.
I mean, hillbilly heroin.
That stuff doesn't break down.
It's chemical.
It's artificial.
And it's very, very serious.
And it's time to stop drinking the tap water.
You've been used to it your whole life.
You don't know the difference.
Start drinking good, high-quality, filtered water, purified water.
And you'll taste and feel the difference in a big hurry.
Especially if you've got chronic fatigue or don't know why you feel bad.
A lot of it is what's in the water.
Especially in big cities.
But even a lot of small towns have contaminated water.
Debbie Morrow, you've got some specials for us.
And we can't trust the bottled water.
I had the big Coca-Cola bottled water scare two weeks ago.
They had to recall all the water.
A lot of these bottled waters are just tap water.
They just take the taste out.
How do we protect ourselves?
Well, you can protect yourself, Alex, by getting your own filtering system for your home.
And the Berkey water filter, we feel, is the best available.
It sets a whole new standard for gravity water filters because it does take out your pathogenic bacteria and your inorganic chemicals and compounds to below detectable levels.
It's real simple to use.
It sets on your counter.
It holds two and a half gallons of water.
You pour the water in the top, it seeps down through the filters, and if you have fluoride in your water, then you have a post filter, the PF2 filters that we talk about.
So then the water goes through two sets of filters, empties into the bottom container, and then you have a spigot and you just take your water out.
It's very simple, water available all the time.
And it's not going to have the poisons in it that you're now drinking from your tap water.
And by the way, a lot of the even expensive systems you buy are hard to put together.
They don't really clean the water up.
They're just filters, meaning they filter it, but don't purify it.
This is a super powerful system, made in America, and it's what I use.
You really and truthfully need to take advantage of this.
What are the different specials, Debbie?
We have the Berkey Light with the light.
And the lights are in the base.
They don't do anything for filtering the water.
They do illuminate it so that you do have a light source should your power go out.
So you get the Berkey light with the lights.
You get a choice of two free gifts, either the Berkey Sport Bottles, Potassium Iodate, or the new DVD or VHS tape called Sheltering in Place.
Package right there is $259.
It's a $337 value.
So you save $78.
And I highly recommend the video, Sheltering in Place.
If you already have a Berkey, call in and just order the Sheltering in Place by itself.
It's a great video.
I got to see it, and I loved it.
It's so simple.
It's about preparation, designed by experts, but with a housewife carrying it out to make it all simple and easy.
And also, the Sport Burkeys, little portable Burkeys, are about $35-$40 in stores.
You get 5 of them for $99.
You get 12 of them for $199.
And they clean up the water a lot better than the bottled water.
It doesn't cut everything out, but it's a good filter.
And it's a good gift to give people, so you can take it to work, to the gym, to church, whatever.
Nice little sports bottles, need to get those as well.
And if you call, say tonight, so you hear this show at 2 in the morning this evening,
Write down the number.
Go ahead and call it, and then in the morning they'll call you back.
You know, don't procrastinate.
That's 888-803-4438.
And, uh, Debbie?
Also, this is a big LED array in blue or white lights in the base.
That lights up a whole room.
You can see it from a mile away.
You can also buy a solar charger that will charge the rechargeable batteries.
And with that system, if you buy that, it will also charge your cell phones and your shortwave radios or whatever.
So this is a good system to have.
And it's durable.
It does tens of thousands of gallons.
You'll save the money in a matter of months not buying bottled water.
Now is the time to take action.
Yes, and Alex, we do have the water security package available, like you were saying, with the Berkey Light with the lights, the solar attachment, an extra set of filters, battery adapters, sport bottles, DVD, you know, the whole thing.
It's a $518 value for $399.
It's a great package.
We've had a good response to it.
People want to be secure with their water, you know, and you feel so much better when you drink water and you're drinking pure water.
You can go a month without food, you'll die in three days without water.
That's right.
Alright, well thanks for joining us, Debbie.
Thank you, Alex.
Bye, Eddie.
You bet.
Take care.
And again, it's Made in America and they support our entire shortwave outreach program and it's a good deal.
I bought Big Berkies before they were a sponsor three years ago, so I bought some like, I don't know, five years ago now.
How time flies.
Still using the unit I bought five years ago.
Man, I tell ya, just so much news here.
I gotta recap this just briefly.
Again, court opens door to searches without warrants.
Dissenting judges call ruling the road to hell.
And that was the Fifth Circuit, now the federal court, the Supreme Court, the highest federal court, said you gotta show your ID and answer their questions, or they can charge you with a persisting arrest, not answering questions, then you get felony charges.
So, in Nazi Germany, they would just drag you off, you know, or ask for your papers.
Here, you get arrested if you don't grovel properly and lick their boots properly.
Listen to this article.
This is on the London Independent.
Prozac Nation, UK.
Hundreds of thousands of people are being prescribed powerful antidepressants that they may not need because doctors are using the pills as a quick fix solution to mild anxiety problems according to a report published today.
And it goes on to admit that one in ten in England, that one in ten people in England
is now on a Prozac type of drug.
Research reveals the extent to which Britain has become a Prozac nation with more than six million people now taking pills to prop up their mood.
Campaigners at the level of drug prescribing had reached alarming levels while some patients said they had been handed pills as if they were sweets.
Well, Prozac company, what is it, Eli Lilly last year got in trouble
Millions of people, mainly from Texas to Florida, in their mailboxes were sent Prozac.
Now folks, this is not candy.
This is a psychotropic listed as a hallucinogen.
They admit it causes a lot of people to commit suicide.
So they just mail it out like candy, but then a SWAT team will bust down your door looking for some marijuana.
By the way, did you know we can import hemp, which doesn't even get you high, by the way.
Most of the varieties don't even get you high.
The type they use for rope and fabric, better than cotton, doesn't even... Literally, you'd have to smoke like two pounds of it to get the amount that you get from normal marijuana, the type that you use for drugs, THC.
And I was just thinking about those statistics, that they don't even allow our farmers, since the 30's, to grow hemp, which is one of our biggest crops.
But it's important.
And why?
Because they want the cotton growers lobbied to have it banned.
So did some of the big chemical companies.
Because hemp produces an oil for making clothes that can be reconstituted better than polyester.
So the big business wants to make money?
They just ban something.
So don't bust down your door while they're shipping drugs out a lot worse than you get in the mailbox.
And so it says that
Eighty percent of government officials admit, and doctors admit, that they're over-prescribing drugs such as Prozac and Serorat with patients may simply need someone to talk to.
And again, I said politician, then doctor, because it says eighty percent of GPs.
I guess that's their term for doctors.
And it says the research reveals the extent to which Britain has become a Prozac nation.
More than six million people are now taking the pills.
That's one in ten.
The survey of 250 doctors by Norwich Union Healthcare found that 8 out of 10 admitted that they were over prescribing antidepressants and that the drugs, three quarters said that they were handing out more of the drugs than they did five years ago.
A quarter of family doctors said that the dire shortage of therapies and counseling is now one of the most urgent priorities for the National Health Services.
This is Jim Thompson, Chief Executive of the Depression Alliance, said, quote, the research reveals a worrying level of doctors who think that they don't have any other resource apart from handing out antidepressant drugs.
Well, this is SOMA.
This is Brave New World.
This is what they planned all along.
Continuing, this is out of the Russian Journal, hundreds of missiles missing in the Ukraine.
Kiev, the Ukrainian Defense Minister, cannot find evidence that it had dismantled its
Decommissioned missiles, Ukrainian Defense Minister told reporters.
Unfortunately, there are exotic things when we are looking for several hundred... I don't even get that.
Unfortunately, there are exotic things when we are looking for several hundred missiles that have been decommissioned, but we cannot find them, he said.
The missiles are said to have been dismantled, Mr. Marchuk noted, adding that such missiles contained silver, gold, and platinum group metals.
Where are the results of the dismantling, he asked.
There was no common accounting system in the Ukrainian Armed Forces before the Defense Minister appointed another minister in 2003.
An inventory audit carried out after his appointment showed a $180 billion difference, that's what it says, with the previous report.
And it says, in other words, nobody knew exactly what was happening in the armed forces, he said, frankly speaking.
I cannot say that this is precise information, although I carried out two inventory audits because there was no accounting.
And it says, meanwhile, the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction was discussed at a meeting of the Council of Ministers at CIS Countries in Minsk on Friday.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
Lavrov attended the meeting, and then they, on a sidebar, admit, oh, by the way, these hundreds of missing missiles, they're nuclear missiles!
I'm sorry.
I mean, this is out of control.
By the way, you think their $180 billion missing is bad?
I guess because it's only one former satellite of the Soviet Union, though they're most robust and well-armed because it was on the front lines against Europe.
There's 1.2 trillion, as of two years ago, the numbers have gotten worse, according to the Associated Press, missing from the Pentagon!
That's the criminality, the looting!
Well, you don't support the troops.
Okay, I guess I don't.
I don't support the government officials, I don't mean the troops, stealing 1.2 trillion!
And by the way, about half of that was under Clinton, and in the last two years, because he'd only been in office two years when these statistics came out, Lord Bush, under him, the other half got stolen.
So, it's an acceleration of all of this.
Just unbelievable.
You know, there's a world ID card.
A couple years ago, the U.N.
said they wanted a world ID card.
With a certain prefix number system, the same number of digits in the social security card, they signed a treaty with the U.S.
and others to force the world to go into biometric passports, which is the world ID card.
Well, the Register reports campaigners fight biometric passports, and civil liberties and privacy groups have launched a campaign against airline industry plans to create a massive international database of passport holders tied together with flawed biometric technology.
A global biometric identity system being established on behalf of governments by the International Civil Aviation Organization, or ICAO, poses a grave threat to civil liberties, Privacy Activist warned.
Yeah, this caps too is the U.S.
mode of this.
And to have any job, you'll be on your ID card.
If you have bad credit, no job.
I mean, Ridge said that.
Critics have drafted an open letter expressing concerns over plans to mandate the use of biometrics and RFID frequency technology in all future passports.
The conventional measures are due to be finalized at the ICAO meeting in Cairo this week.
And I remember when the legislature was in session last session in Texas.
Comes in every two years.
They had the federal model of this being implemented statewide.
They almost passed a bill that if you ever criticize the government or the police, no arrest, no conviction, no nothing, just that that was in a database that it would flash up when the cops pull you over for special treatment, like wearing your yellow star.
And that's what this does.
The article goes on to say the face doesn't fit.
ICAO has
Decided that the initial international biometric standard for passports will be facial mapping.
Fingerprinting may come later.
The EU is already calling for fingerprints to be included along with an associated European register of all biometrics.
They go on to say that the legislation pieces for ICAO system are already in place.
The USA Patriot Act passed by Congress after the events of September 11th included the requirement that the President certify a biometric technology standard for use in identifying
Foreigners seeking admission.
But see, when we leave the country, we have to do it too.
So it's for everybody.
And then he said, oh, but people from Mexico don't have to, but citizens do through the state driver's license that's also part of a federal program.
So if you're an illegal alien from Mexico, you're exempt from all this, but if you're a citizen, you're not.
A bunch of articles where a guy who bombed, a Nazi who bombed people in Europe, saw the passion, confessed, and turned himself in.
Man confesses after seeing The Passion, AP.
A 20-year-old man confessed to a half-dozen burglaries, saying he felt guilty after seeing the movie The Passion of the Christ.
When police responded to a burglar alarm at a wireless phone store at 3.30 a.m.
on Sunday, Turner Lee Bingham walked up and confessed to taking 80 from the register.
Police said he also said he was responsible for five or six other burglaries.
And the police said that he said he saw the passions and decided to turn himself in.
Another guy murdered his girlfriend who was pregnant with a baby years ago and got away with it.
He turned himself in over the passion.
That's certainly good news.
This is out of Al Jazeera.
admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq.
military has acknowledged it was responsible for killing two journalists working for Dubai-based satellite channel Al Arabia who were shot close to a checkpoint in the Iraq capital earlier this month.
And before the war, they said they would kill journalists, including Western journalists.
White House looks for Rice Compromise.
We'll cover that when we get back.
I hear the music.
So, when we get back, I'll hit, oh man, ten other quick stories that are all really important.
And we'll wrap up this information, information, information-packed program.
We'll take one quick call, too, so stay with us.
I think so.
We're good to go!
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Black Berkey Replacement Elements are ideal for use in any gravity filter.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Globalists would have already carried out more terror attacks if we hadn't exposed that they were behind it.
And all their prior knowledge and involvement.
So now they're a little bit off balance, which in a way makes them even more dangerous.
We've got to move forward exposing them to save a lot of lives and our freedoms.
One quick call.
Lisa in Mass.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I think you're right.
They weren't exposed to the globalists.
They would be a lot safer, wouldn't they?
Yeah, we've got to expose the criminals, yes.
Well, I wanted to know, I know that, and I thank you for doing it, you had had the Schindler family on back around October.
Are you, are you going to keep covering this story?
There's a lot of new developments that are very serious and I wanted to bring this to your attention.
Okay, well tell folks what you're talking about.
Okay, Terri Schindler Shriveau, and she's right now being confined in Clearwater, Florida.
And, uh, when was it?
It was in 1990 that she was found mysteriously collapsed on the floor.
Yeah, folks, folks know the basics of the story.
We're almost out of time.
Well, I know.
Right now, I found out that Clearwater, Florida is controlled and literally patrolled by Scientologists.
A lot of the things that have occurred in her case, in fact, are presently occurring even today are Scientology tactics.
I'd like to know if you'd be willing to look into this.
I'm the only person who's written anything about it.
Would you allow me to reveal the website URL?
You already know about me.
Frank Whalen's already told you about my internet website.
Sure, go ahead and plug what you're doing.
Thank you, Alex.
It's liberty to the captives dot net.
Type in Lisa Ruby, R-U-B-Y on Google.
Scientologists, their tactics, they are literally accusing the parents of harming Terry.
Terry's lost two teeth in a ten day span.
The parents don't know what happened.
You know, I'll call the parents and get them back on.
Ma'am, I'll call the parents and get them back on.
I appreciate your call.
We're just flat out of time and I had a few stories I wanted to hit here.
Larry Silverstein was the owner of the World Trade Center Complex.
He bought it a few months before the disaster.
Then he said on PBS that they blew up Building 7 and we have a section on that.
Well, now he has bought the Sears Tower with a quote, shadowy group of New York real estate owners.
And now the Washington Times reports that we already knew that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Al Qaeda's purported operations chief, has told U.S.
interrogators that the group had been planning attacks on the library tower in Los Angeles and the Sears Tower in Chicago on the heels of September 11th.
So, still the big target there.
Terror bombs seized, the London police have been caught staging this stuff before, and then they never get called on it, but
An Al-Qaeda plot to blast London was dramatically foiled by police today.
700... 700, that's what it says.
Police swooped in a series of 6 a.m.
raids in the capital and the home counties.
They found a half a ton of fertilizer explosives, enough for a series of terror spectaculars.
I've got local police in the U.S.
holding up jumper cables going, look, pipe bombs.
And later they have to admit it wasn't pipe bombs.
These people are incredible.
But at least they're not blowing stuff up like they usually are.
At least they're just claiming they saved us.
So that's very important.
I'm flat out of time.
We covered a lot of the news.
Went over some of the new rulings, what's happening.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
I hope that all of you will go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
I hope you'll get my videos, my books, the books I carry, the other great videos by other great researchers.
They're waking people up.
They're great tools.
The toll free number to order them is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Get the videos.
Make copies.
Get them out to people.
It's having an effect.
We've got to stand up and fight this corrupt system.
Again, God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
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