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Name: 20040329_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 29, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're cracking open, busting open yet another week of broadcast.
Yes, it's Monday, the 29th day of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've updated infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And believe me, you do not want to miss this important show, this broadcast today.
Someone's coming up.
Well, first off, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that, in federal court, that police can search your house now without a warrant.
Just a safety check.
They can come in your house and search for anything they wish.
And they admit it's not even terror-related.
It's just, you know, for your safety.
It's a hallmark of living in the new Soviet Union of America.
It's just massive that they've done this.
It's so horrible.
I don't really have words to describe how serious this is.
So we'll cover that.
They're just right out in the open.
Usually they just violate the Fourth Amendment and say it isn't a violation and say that, you know, they'll use some lawyer's speak or something.
Well, setting up a checkpoint and searching all your vehicles on the highway isn't a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Didn't unreasonable search and seizure.
Now they just say, hey, we don't need a warrant to search your house or everything.
So, that's the new America, my friends.
It has nothing to do with terror.
This morning, I was on the radio in Midland, Bush's fake hometown, really from Kennebunkport, Maine, and the hosts were telling me, we're conservative, and we don't really see a problem with this police state, and won't it keep us safe?
Then I was on the radio in California, and it was the same thing all over again.
I mean, I'd talk about martial law and generals discussing it and getting rid of the Fourth Amendment and they'd say, well, won't that keep us safe?
Isn't that the answer?
While the border stays wide open?
Well, you know, the terrorists are going to get us.
Just absolutely amazing.
FBI informant revealed 9-11 plot in April of 2001.
That's old news, but new news to everybody because it's out in the mainstream news.
New York Times admits that since Bush said he wants to give the illegals amnesty, they've seen a 35% jump in Arizona alone, and this article is pretty scary what's happening to the people, so we'll go over that.
OPEC comes out and says they're going to lower gas prices, that is, lower the price of oil per barrel.
Then they said, oh, we're really not going to do that.
So that's gyrating back and forth, so we'll cover that as fuel prices hit record levels.
That's just some of what's coming up.
But first, I want to cover this.
And I want to take your calls on this subject.
And I want you to call in on this issue.
You're welcome to talk about other stuff once you've talked about this.
But I rarely say, hey, we're going to talk about this.
But I really think we should.
And again, it's posted right now on InfoWars.com.
We just have the news article itself out of News 6 at the big TV station there in New Orleans.
On PrisonPlanet.com, but at InfoWars.com we have some of my commentary added to the top of the story and some links to some key documents after it.
So I think you need to go get that story and email it out to everybody you know, local talk show host, local constabulary.
Because it's a big, big deal.
Fort opens door to searches without warrants.
That's the headline.
Dissenting judge calls ruling, or dissenting judges call ruling, the road to hell!
I don't know, the Soviet Union was a wonderland.
I mean, why is he saying that?
Maybe he's anti-government.
And I put the comment in here.
The Fifth Circuit ruling is criminal, similar to Supreme Court rulings of the past declaring black people slaves.
It is a total violation of the Bill of Rights and is null and void.
The U.S.
Congress and Legislature of Louisiana should call an emergency session to investigate possible criminal charges of sedition against those ruling to eradicate the Fourth Amendment.
We'll come back, get into the article, and take your call.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Possession is nine-tenths of a law.
The globalists are not following any law.
The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Magna Carta, the Ten Commandments.
They're not following any of America's laws that we were founded on.
No, they're simply following the law of pirates as they pull alongside each other in their kangaroo international courts, hailing their fellow pirates.
Aye, me mateys, how many skulls in your hoe?
That's how the pirates would hail each other.
How many slaves have you fed on?
How many loose fish have you brought upon your decks?
And we, my friends, are the fish.
They laugh at us.
It's a big, fat joke.
And bureaucrats from the lowliest to the greatest are all setting up their own empires.
They've been given free reign to expand the police state and the despotism of taxation and regulation.
They are making us all criminals.
And by doing that, they then strip us of our inalienable rights, our citizenship, our sovereignty, and declare us bounty that they can literally feed upon.
That's what's happening right now.
The norm in history is tyranny and oppression and serfdom and despotism and feudalism.
And it's now here upon us, now.
You know, the Patriot Act was written to make all Americans, all people who the government believes might be planning to commit a misdemeanor, it allows them to strip you of all constitutional rights, and to put you into these giant, mushrooming private prisons to build devices, to build different types of systems for their corporate structure.
And, uh, Saturday I went online and there on the Drudge Report, and it's now on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, I saw this headline.
Court opens the door to searches without warrants.
This is from the New Orleans News Channel 6.
New Orleans, quote, it's a groundbreaking court decision that legal experts say will affect everyone.
Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search or arrest warrant to conduct a brief search of your home or business.
And here's a quote.
We have to have a legitimate problem to be there in the first place, and if we don't, we can't do the search, the fellow said.
The New Orleans Police Department spokesman, Captain Marlon DeFillo, said the new power will go into effect immediately.
So, if this is all up to their discretion now, they want to search your house.
Ten years ago, we all knew that in America, they didn't stop traffic on major interstates or side country roads and pull mommy and daddy and the kids out and throw the goods on the side of the ground.
They admit, no probable cause, just randomly stopping you and throwing your goods out.
It was to stop drunks, but the feds admitted that the federal funding to the states was to get you prepared for it.
The massive checkpoints, and now they admit that.
But let me just read my little comments here I added before the article.
Again, the headline is, Court Opens Door to Searches Without Warrants, Dissenting Judges Call Ruling the Road to Hell.
That's from the article, but I added, This Fifth Circuit ruling is criminal, similar to Supreme Court rulings of the past declaring black people as slaves.
It is a total violation of the Bill of Rights and is null and void.
The U.S.
Congress and Legislature of Louisiana should call emergency sessions to investigate possible criminal charges of sedition against those judges ruling to eradicate the Fourth Amendment.
Note that, uh, look at how calmly they introduce this information.
It's all for your safety.
This is the essence of the Sovietization.
The courts aligning themselves against the people in favor of the Patriot Act.
The Fourth Amendment was the keystone that separated the United States from despotisms like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
And, uh, in the ruling of the police search the house without a warrant,
And the Federal Court says, yeah, those are no longer needed.
And it doesn't just affect Louisiana, it affects the entire country.
A lot of people, two years ago, thought the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had a good gun ruling.
Second Amendment ruling.
I mean, sure, it's better than the Ninth Circuit or Eleventh Circuit or any of those that say that all guns can be banned, there's no individual right.
I mean, they've been ruling like that.
The Fifth Circuit said, oh, you have a Second Amendment right if it's
Designated by law.
See, they're saying low-level laws can circumvent, can go all the way around, can circumnavigate the big Bill of Rights that is the Supreme Law.
That only points out, as the Ninth Amendment states, rights that were already there as free human beings.
I mean, you could be marooned on a desert island with a crew of a hundred people, or you could crash a plane in the mountains of some deserted isle, and still, you would set up your own courts if someone murdered someone for no reason, or if someone engaged in rape or robbery.
These are just God-given, innate understandings that we have, but they're just violating and ignoring all of that.
Setting government up as God.
So, the Fifth Circuit, now again, in Patriot Act 1 and 2, they say no more warrants, no more freedoms, secret arrest, they can come into your house or business and not even tell you they were there, take things, leave things.
In the new Patriot Act, they can secretly arrest you, secretly execute you, I mean, it's all in there.
And this morning, again, I was on a radio show in Midland, then I was on another show in California in the Central Coast area,
And I went on the show in Midland, and I said, well, look at this News 6 article.
It's posted on my website, saying there's no more Fourth Amendment.
And the host said, oh, the Internet, you can put anything up there.
And I go, no, it's a link.
It's a link to the story.
Sometimes we post the article itself to save it, and then add a link to the original source.
But in this particular case, there's a link directly to News 6.
And so I started pushing the host on that, or the two hosts, and I said, look, this is a real article.
And they went, okay, but isn't it there to keep us safe?
And I said, but the Patriot Act was supposed to be for terrorists, but now you have to admit they're using it against everybody.
Well, you know, I haven't done anything wrong.
I have nothing to worry about.
I mean, they're actually carping and announcing the classic statements of cowards and slaves.
And then I'm on in California, and they say, isn't the Patriot Act good?
Why the government couldn't communicate with each other?
And that's why the terrorists attacked us.
And I said to the host, I said, the Bush ordered the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
That's admitted.
And at that point, the host said, I've got to let you go, even though I've been scheduled for a longer period of time.
So that's what's going on via so-called conservative radio, is that big government's good, open borders is good, gun control is good, the Patriot Act is good, and Democrats and Republican judges together, across the board, are deconstructing, eviscerating, decimating, annihilating, incinerating, mashing into a billion pieces the fabric of what makes America, America!
The Bill of Rights and Constitution
Enumerates the freedoms and liberties that make this country what it is!
We're America because we were a free country!
And that's why 4% of the population had over half the wealth, and we had a middle class.
And you could get ahead, and now all that's disappearing.
As they say, they're gonna get rid of more jobs, and ship more overseas, and take more of your freedoms, and put more cameras on your street corners, and in public school bathrooms, and more armored vehicles, and more black ski masks, and more troops on the streets.
I mean, I would sit there with these hosts and talk about Tommy Frank's calling for martial law and General Eberhardt talking about it and they'd say, well, isn't that what we need to keep us safe?
Here's the New Orleans News article.
It's a groundbreaking court decision that legal experts say will affect everyone.
Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search warrant or arrest warrant to conduct a brief search of your home or business.
You see,
That's already in the Patriot Act.
Now the courts are just ruling in kind.
And again, the Patriot Act is for all of us.
Leaders in law enforcement say it will provide safety to officers, but others argue it's a privilege that could be abused.
A privilege that could be abused?
The decision was made by the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Two dissenting judges called it the road to hell.
and uh... the police captain spokesman said the new power will go into effect immediately the new powers will go into effect immediately so this is what the government has to offer you this is what they're up to this is what doing and the question is what are you going to do about it
I mean, we've caught the FBI across the country, all these cases across the country of police framing innocent people in an industrialized scale.
I mean, they don't just frame random criminals who already have records.
They don't just randomly pull them over, find out they're a criminal, throw a bag of chalk in the back of their car, and say it's cocaine that then the crime lab in Dallas certifies, and then they go to prison.
No, they just pull people over on the side of the road,
People with no criminal records throw a bag of chalk in the back of their car, the crime lab certifies it, the DA indicts, the person goes to prison and they got caught doing it and the police chief didn't even apologize.
You're going, well that's just one case point example.
Can we admit that evil lurks in the heart of men?
The heart of man.
You're gonna have bad apples in the bunch, right?
They always say.
Well, then how do you give unlimited power and control and anonymity and liability protection to a massive government, the biggest in human history, that's been caught engaged in so many crimes, they're just legion?
We're in very dangerous waters.
So, what do you think about this?
We'll get you a bunch of other news as well, and take your calls.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This illegitimate criminal enterprise we call the federal government and its allied global crime syndicates we call the New World Order has created an atmosphere of fear and is now shifting the police powers to be focused on the American people.
It was the military industrial complex that carried out 9-11 as a pretext for more control.
So when Lord Bush says that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom, in a sick way he's telling the truth.
They are the terrorists and they are taking our freedom.
America is America because we have these basic freedoms.
The elite is killing the soul of our country.
Now, folks, you need to go to infowars.com.
You need to get this New Orleans news story with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, federal court, saying police can come in your house or business anytime they want without a warrant.
Now, everybody knows that that's not America!
Everybody knows that's Russia and Nazi Germany and Pol Pot's Cambodia and Fidel Castro's Cuba.
But they put out this atmosphere of the terrorist attack, this, we gotta do something, and now all they can do is go out to the American people to pack their private prisons.
Let's go to the calls.
Jeff in Texas, what do you think of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals saying there's no more Fourth Amendment?
Right out in the open.
Well, I think that anything that they tell the people in the news
Has gone through enough channels to make it legitimized.
But, you know, Nazism is Nazism.
I'd like to report about the Alabama Nazis in Dahlonega, Alabama that had a SWAT team attack a coin show Saturday, the 27th of March.
I saw a little blurb about that.
Give us some details.
My brother was there.
They came in Friday afternoon.
And demanded that every dealer purchase a business state license.
$31 and we're demanding it in cash.
It would not take checks.
The dealers are going, wait a minute, we don't know who you are.
And so it doesn't matter, you're going to give us money.
So... By the way, by the way, at my little office, and the whole office complex got it.
It wasn't just my office.
And then I found out, you know, the whole area of businesses and surrounding buildings got it.
Door bust open.
I wasn't there, thank goodness.
The guy comes in and goes, I'm from the new county taxing authority.
What's all this stuff worth in here?
You better pay me.
And they don't even say, well, who are you?
Like the fifth time he finally said who he was.
I mean, these people, they're nuts!
Well, that was Friday.
So everyone paid.
One guy paid by check, the rest by cash.
He had 100 dealers.
They came in Saturday morning at 10.05.
With a SWAT team and blocked the doors and ordered them to pay a hundred dollars for itinerant peddlers license.
And this one dealer near the door goes, I'm not giving you nothing.
What are you going to do?
And they, they suck the SWAT team on him.
And so the dealer started bailing out the back door.
Oh, everybody will see.
This is the new America.
Just squads of men in black chasing us.
It's like planet of the apes where you're running and they're throwing the nets at you.
It's just, they're literally feeding on us like sperm whales eating a squid.
He said it was like a movie, and everyone was kind of in shock, and there were these guys in black boots up to their knees, and truncheons, and gas, and masks.
We're here to help you!
Serve us!
Give us booty now!
Give us!
Pay the Roman centurions!
They're literally starting to collect bounty.
Or on coin shows, because they knew they had gold and silver.
They ought to have Midas Resources find out about it.
Don't go to Dahlonega, Alabama for the coin show.
Yeah, you know, actually I saw that and it was a little blurb and I didn't even get it in my stack.
How do you spell that?
Dahlonega, D-A-L-O-N-E-G-A-L-O-N-E-G-A-A-L-O-B-A-M-A.
Okay, I will have my webmaster check that and post that.
There's so much of this.
You ought to call your brother and have him call in.
Hey, did this wake your brother up?
Well, the funny thing was that I lived down on, it did wake him up, I was, I had just had an event that happened in Mexico, because I lived down on the Tlingit, on the Mexican-US border, and Presidio Ojinaga is the only legal crossing now.
Three weeks ago, I went over there on Texas Independence Day, and was attacked by two federales that had just been shipped from Mexico City.
They were, they were screw-ups, and I guess they'd been there, and on the third day they hadn't killed or robbed anybody, so they attacked me, pulling guns,
uh... having high-speed chases in town, car ramming, guns at the head and I got the police to arrest them but they counter charged the Onondaga Police Department with obstructing justice for helping me.
So this is the new world?
This isn't just America, this is everywhere.
I said the new world?
So understand folks, this has been history.
Just groups, packs of thugs,
Throughout history, when they put masks on, look out.
Well, all I can say is lock and load.
Hey, Jeff, so your brother got a wake-up call?
Yes, he did.
He doesn't trust Alabama anymore.
It's a good old boy.
Well, if they take God out of the Supreme Court, they'll put hell in the streets.
Hell in the streets.
As the judges said, this is the road to hell.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we'll get to your calls here in just a few minutes.
For those that just joined us, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, the second highest tier in the land, headline, Court Opens Door to Searches Without Warrants, Dissenting Judges Pull Ruling, The Road to Hell.
So, I want everybody to think about that long and hard.
And they say, hey, we don't need warrants anymore to search your house or business.
Just, we're not going to have those anymore.
Do you understand that the courts in the past have ruled that black people weren't slaves, that Native Americans couldn't have their land?
Now, in retrospect, we know that was wrong.
In hindsight, we know it was evil.
But back then, it was, hey, they're the authorities.
They can do whatever they want.
It takes people saying, no, I don't care how many black ski masks you wear, how many machine guns you got, and the
Captain of the Police in New Orleans says that we're going to use this immediately.
They said the new power will go into effect immediately.
That's a quote.
And they say this will protect officers.
I see articles every week now for cities and counties, and some states are now moving, banning stun guns in areas like Chicago and New York where they've already taken the public's guns, and only if you're a mobster and give the sheriff, you know, $30,000 for his election campaign, then you get a gun permit.
And literally, it's Hollywood people and Rosie O'Donnell and known organized crime figures in Chicago and New York and other areas that are allowed to carry machine guns.
Oh, they get to have all their bodyguards.
But in these areas, the police are now banning BB guns, banning the sale of toy guns, toy guns being banned.
Hundreds, hundreds, maybe thousands of articles will pop up.
It's happening everywhere.
But now they say, oh, you can't have a stun gun.
Little old ladies, women, people that can't have guns protect themselves in their little little hubbles from the highest crime rates in the country where they've disarmed the victims.
And in all these articles I've seen, all of the police are always arguing, we want to take your stun guns, this will make us safer.
They can't even show examples of people using them against cops.
But they don't want us being able to defend ourselves.
It's about letting us know we're total slaves.
What is wrong with you people?
And now they come out and say there's no Fourth Amendment.
What do you think about this?
We'll go to your calls here in just a few minutes.
Before I do that, you need to get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, about September 11th and other examples of government-sponsored terror and the police state that's unfolding.
It's one of my best films.
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They're both over two hours long.
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Or just call toll free again 1-888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And by the way, when I'm on these talk shows that are attacking me, they'll open the phones up,
And now, almost every caller.
I might do 10 shows now before somebody calls in a disagreement.
Even on shows where they're attacking me.
And the callers call in and agree and bring forward information.
And the host will go, oh, you got your brother, you got your cousin calling.
But after 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 calls, suddenly they go, you're all nuts!
What is it, a full moon?
No, we're human beings and we're not paid shepherds for the New World Order, Judas goats, bringing the population to the slaughter pens of despotism.
Alright, let's go to the calls.
Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for having me on.
I'm recovering a bit from the story about the coin show.
When they come in and demand cash money, that's just straight up criminal activity.
Sir, there's a big band called Oza Motley.
The place kind of Caribbean jazz music.
Very tame group.
Emmy award winning.
Let me just tell the story and then I'll let you talk.
You brought this up and it made me think.
And I'm talking to their managers and I'm going to be interviewing them for a film and we're going to be interviewing them here on the show and they're coming to Austin and they're suing officials.
At NewsAidAustin.com, and I'm glad I just remembered that.
I forgot.
It's in the South by Southwest section of the local news station.
I forgot to tell my webmasters to post this.
It is so incredible.
There's a guy who writes for the Statesman.
He does some of his old video work.
He's a photographer.
His name is Alex Jones.
He's not me.
Everybody thought the stuff on the news, the footage was from Alex Jones, Alexander Emmerich Jones.
That's me.
No, this was from another Alex Jones.
He shot video of it.
And understand, this is an award-winning band, Dylan.
And the fire marshal comes in.
And during South by South of Us, he says, there's too many people in here.
Help us get some of them out.
Well, the crowd wouldn't leave.
There was no problem.
And so, they said, okay, we'll do a maranga, or whatever they're called.
You know, where you put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you.
And you shake left to right.
And so, with the fire marshal and police leading them out, they were bringing out the crowd.
And there's vitigo of all this.
Totally peaceful.
Everybody nice.
Not even that many people coming out.
And the cops outside in riot gear see this, because any time there's anything happening, they're in black ski masks, black helmets, Darth Vader outfits, beating anyone who looks at them wrong, literally, trying to grab your wife or your girlfriend.
I mean, I don't even go down there anymore because of this.
You know, steroid-induced morons down there in their Darth Vader outfits.
And so, out comes the band, and there's crisp video of this, and the cops say, Get back in!
Get back in there!
What are you doing?
And again, the streets are all blocked off.
It's no big deal.
There's big sidewalk crowds coming out.
And so, the band is being crowded.
And so, one of them picks up his drum.
And anybody who's seen this, this is how you carry a drum through a crowd.
His drum, he picks it up over his head because he couldn't walk the crowd with it.
The cops see that, run up, run into him.
He drops the drum, no one was hurt, and they charge him with felonies.
Not just him, but others.
And then attack him brutally, the owner of the club comes out, the manager, hey what's going on?
They grab them, take them to jail.
I mean, you look at them wrong now.
It's like the bad guys in the western, where you look at the guy in the black hat wrong, so he pulls his six gun out and blows you away.
Those movies come from true stories of bad towns with bad criminals running it.
We have criminals now taking... I'm sorry, go ahead.
I'll shut up.
Go ahead.
Oh, well, thank you, Alex.
I do want to comment on what you advised us to pay attention to today.
This ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S.
5th Circuit,
Okay, so this is Alabama.
That covers Alabama, right?
The ruling will cover the entire country, not just the, I don't know, five, six states or whatever in the Fifth Circuit.
It covers Texas, too.
It seems interesting what's being focused on here.
We lost the Ten Commandments in Alabama, and now they're saying we're losing, well, at least
We have these traditions and they are supported by our laws.
The law itself... Yeah, the Magna Carta, by the way, brought in what we know as the Fourth Amendment, that a man's home was his castle, but the local thug, as used to, tax assessors would shove their way in, have their way with your wife, steal your chickens, feed on the public, and it got so bad that low-level nobles took the king and said, look, you stop this now, and so that's where our Fourth Amendment comes from.
Yeah, these are laws, these are traditions,
We're a vilified society.
That's what has made America great.
Our law states warrants.
No warrants shall issue but upon probable cause.
Supported by oath and affirmation.
Oath is capitalized.
Warrants is capitalized.
This is a big deal.
The word right in the Fourth Amendment isn't even capitalized, but the word warrant is.
Let me read this to people.
Fourth Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrant shall be issued but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
And then you read the Declaration of Independence about swarms of bureaucrats eating out our substance.
You know, erecting multitudes of offices.
This is what's happening!
I mean, what a great description of the SWAT teams descending and shaking down money one day, and because they did that, they come back and shake them down again.
I mean, just give us cash!
We have machine guns!
Don't talk back!
We'll beat you up!
Give us the cash!
The cash!
The cash!
Doesn't that Declaration of Independence also say swarms of officers?
Swarms of officers.
And what does it say?
Uh, they'll be being searched and detained without due process and that's what they were rebelling against?
We are not the rebels.
We are not the revolutionaries.
We want to enforce our laws.
Our western traditions, our American traditions of the Bill of Rights... That's it, Dylan.
That's it, and they can't stand it.
Thanks for the call.
And ask yourself, I mean, how did they know in the Declaration of Independence while they were going to war against the king, against their sovereign?
I mean, why is everything in here what's happening today?
How did they know this?
Because this is the norm in the world, is hordes of men in black ski masks sucking you dry.
Oh my goodness.
Paula in Texas, go ahead.
Paula, go ahead.
Yes, I wanted to talk to you about the Fourth Amendment thing right there.
They said that there would be brief searches they're allowed to do with outdoors.
See, that's how it starts.
Just a cursory search of your car.
Well, a cursory search of your home.
Yeah, and see, I looked up the definition for the word brief and there's, of course, no limited time on brief.
And does it say anything about them seizing anything out of your home?
Well, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
They've already been violating it.
I mean, you... Talk about highway robbers.
With Asset Forfeiture Seizure, haven't you heard the story of Texas?
There's been a bunch in Texas of old ladies having their purses taken by cops.
No drugs found.
They got four grand in the purse.
They snatch it.
And that was a small percentage of cops and departments that were actually criminals.
And they've been caught doing it.
Nothing happens to them.
Well, now this is for your house, everything else.
They want it, they're going to take it.
Right, and if you have anything on your computer or anything, they could just take your computer and search it for however long somewhere else.
If they have a briefer... Well, I mean, we've caught almost every police department out there framing people, too.
Like the Founding Fathers said, the most dangerous thing is government.
Well, I also called in... I've got a movie that I bought from a source, a DVD, and it's
Gary Cooper, back in the thirties, and the name of the movie is Meet John Doe.
Have you ever seen it?
It is great.
You will love it.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
What's it about?
It is about the New World Order.
It's about all of it.
Every bit of it.
They try to get the regular people to band together, and then they use that to make a new political party go behind the back, and when the guy stands up and says, no, I can't have you doing this, then they use their little
Manipulation to cause a complete chaos and they hate the guy instead of hating the government.
And it is really a great movie.
You'll love it.
I'll capture it on my computer and I'll email it to you.
Well, thank you.
That's at tips, right?
That's at tipsandinfowars.com.
Yeah, because there's a speech that he makes in there that you could use in your documentary that is great.
That is really great.
Well, great.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Emmett, are you there?
Okay, Emmett's not there.
Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, go ahead.
Okay, Danny's not there either.
Oh, I'm here, Alex.
Go ahead.
Okay, I didn't know if I was on.
That's alright, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Um, I wanted to tell you, I had a lady come in my restaurant last Thursday night, and I had the TVs on, and they were talking about something about the Constitution.
We were kind of busy.
She thought it was illegal.
Right, uh, she started screaming, oh, we've got to get rid of the Constitution, it protects us all, and protects criminals and all this stuff, and I looked at her and I said, man, you're nuts.
I said, the Constitution is there to protect us from the government.
I said, that's why we have a Constitution.
Have you seen The Takeover?
Yes, yes, I have.
My second police state film?
I have.
Okay, I walk into the Sheriff's Department, cleanly dressed, and politely ask about the troop takeover drill and what happened next.
Oh, didn't they take you outside and arrest you?
No, no, that was another time I asked.
You don't remember the woman running around with a Marine Corps shirt from behind the counter screaming, Marshall, I'll line them up and shoot you?
Oh, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I remember that.
And then I walk in the neighborhood and I go, what about the troop drills?
And they go, they told us about you, Alex Jones, you're crazy.
The Army says we're not supposed to talk, on the streets of Florida.
Says we're not supposed to talk to you, the Army's already been by.
Yeah, it's amazing.
You know, that's what I used to do for a living when I was in the Marine Corps.
And I wound up throwing that woman out of my store.
I just can't stand that nasty attitude.
She was very upset that somebody talked about freedom.
Oh yeah, and I asked her, I said, man, what do you do for a living?
She was some kind of, she said she was a high school history teacher.
And she was from out of state, she wasn't.
I live, my restaurant's in a tourist area.
Well, I'll stop interrupting.
She came in, what transpired?
Give me a blow-by-blow.
Well, there was something I had on Fox News, I've got three TVs in my restaurant, and I had on ESPN, and they were, I didn't really catch what they were talking about on the news, they were just going through the Constitution and
Oh, even mainstream about the... Oh, just the word drives her mad.
Right, right.
She just started, you know, freaking out and saying, Oh, the Constitution protects Osama bin Laden and ex-criminals and so on and so on.
Hey, that's what these two talk shows I was on this morning were saying, I mean...
Yeah, it's just, you know, people are just insane, and that's when I looked at her and I said, hey, you're nuts.
Did you say to her, hey, the border's wide open and they're accepting fake ID cards from illegals, but we as citizens are going to be under this?
Right, that's what I always tell people, you know, they'll strip search a 90-year-old woman in an airport, but let's leave the borders wide open.
I mean, it's just insane.
Danny, good to hear from you.
Those that will give up liberty for security deserve and will get neither.
I mean, how dumb are you people?
I don't mean our listeners, but those that love this tyranny.
You think you give up your freedoms, you're safe?
Your safety was your freedom, you fool!
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
Use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Recall toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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This evening I'm going to be on for a couple of hours with Jeff Rentsch on his nationally syndicated program.
I appreciate all his fun work.
So, definitely want to tune in for that as well.
Before we go to Charles and Emmett and Ed and Kim and many others,
I was just thinking during the break about how crazy, how out in the open it is that FEMA's teaching people that the Constitution's bad and the founding fathers and homeschoolers are bad.
I mean, they're really doing this!
They're really trying to pass laws that if one protester blocks traffic, everybody gets life in prison.
I mean, the Oregon law says that!
These people... Folks, all we gotta do is tell people what's happening, show them the facts, and the globalists will fail.
That's why they're moving so fast is because people are starting to listen.
They gotta clench this thing quicker, or they're gonna lose the ball game!
And if you are a cop out there in this system, stop denying what's happening.
Look around you, this isn't America!
Yeah, but 9-11, it has nothing to do with that!
Your bosses did it, and then that's doing nothing to stop further attacks, they're just squeezing the people!
Let's talk to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, go ahead.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, sir.
Well, I see you talking about the new search warrant.
No need for search warrants.
Is that big news in Louisiana?
Well, I called up the sheriff.
I talked to three policemen.
I'm sick in my stomach right now, Mr. Jones.
And what did they say?
Did they say, oh, it's good.
We like it.
They said, they're going to have orders.
Like, you burn trash in your yard and you see smoke, you know, they got reason to come on in and make sure there ain't a fire.
While you're on there, they can sweep in your house.
If you've got a battery laying in the yard or something out of the way, they can give you a ticket for it.
You know?
So that's their excuse, those little petty things, but... So what did they say?
You called the cops up and said... I went and seen them.
I gave a bunch of them tapes.
Okay, describe what happened.
You go to the police and you say this federal court ruling in a Louisiana case that affects all 50 states, folks.
Especially those in the 5th Circuit area.
He went to them, what do they say?
I said, well, what proper cause?
He said, well, anything.
If they can follow you home and they don't stop you, you know, bust a taillight and they follow you to your home, you're turning your driveway, they can follow you to your driveway.
Any reason now.
Yeah, that's what the ruling says.
It says for their safety, they can search any house or business whenever they want.
Well, if you burn a little trash and they see smoke passing,
That's not what the ruling says.
They're telling you their little excuse type stuff.
So when did you hear about this, Charles?
I heard about it Friday night.
I read it in the newspaper.
My wife went and got the newspaper.
What newspaper was that?
Because I want to find that article.
It was Baton Rouge Morning Advocate.
Okay, the Baton Rouge... Morning Advocate.
Because all I've got is the News 6, I want to get more on this.
The Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, Friday.
Somebody send it to tips at InfoWars.com.
It's Saturday.
It was Saturday's edition.
What was the headline?
Well, no warrants.
But here's the thing about it, when you talk to them, they got if any excuse, and when they come into your yard, if anything, they can come up and say, I want to tweak a house.
What happened was, somebody, let me tell you how it started.
A guy, somebody threatened a judge.
And so they went into the house, knocked on the door, and there was an ex-felon, he had three rifles under the bed, and they swept the house.
See, that's how it works.
It's always some criminal.
So because they were bad, all of us lose our freedoms.
Yeah, but somebody told the first one that he threatened somebody, and he went and took the house, got all his guns and all that.
Well, they could have, off the threat, gone and gotten the warrant.
Well, that don't mean nothing.
If you burn trash, or if your kid's running too fast, or if he's in a tree, or anything that might be dangerous, that they could pass, or your kid's in a tree, you shouldn't be doing it.
By the way, we want to see your house.
If you've got too many dirty dishes up in the zinc, they're going to get in touch with, you know, the PC.
Now, did they tell you this?
Yes, they said they're going to make a report when they come out.
It can go either way.
It can go for you, or it can go against you.
So now just safety checks of the home?
And what did you say to them when they said that?
I said, well, man, you know this is unconstitutional.
I said, well, what you're doing is, who's going to be doing this to your sister and your mother?
What if you get thrown off the police force?
Were they going to do this to you?
What did they say to that?
Well, they just kind of, well, we didn't make the law.
We didn't make the law.
Yeah, just following orders.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, a high-level federal court, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled there is no more Fourth Amendment.
They said that the police can search your house or home or business anytime they want for any reason.
This is nationwide.
Let's see the criminals now and try to carry it out.
And they'll have lots of good examples.
Oh, we caught a bad criminal.
We did this.
It's, see, the Fourth Amendment was bad.
Court opens door to searches without warrants.
Dissenting judges calls ruling the road to hell.
The Fifth Circuit ruling is criminal, similar to Supreme Court rulings of the past declaring black people slaves.
It is a total violation of the Bill of Rights and is null and void.
The U.S.
Congress and Legislature of Louisiana should call an emergency session to investigate possible criminal charges of sedition against those ruling to eradicate the Fourth Amendment.
The problem is, these judges are all part of the same system and so are the people in Washington and Louisiana.
And it's just an incredible article from the New Orleans News Channel 6.
There's also an article, we're told, we're getting that posted out of the Baton Rouge.
What newspaper is that, Charles, that you were looking at the article on this Saturday?
The Morning Advocate.
This was the what?
The Morning Advocate.
It's... A-B-D.
Go ahead and put her on the line if she wants to give us a website.
Do you have the newspaper there in front of you?
Just don't worry about it.
I have the News 6 article here in front of me.
Let me tell you, they're going to be taking children.
They're going to use this excuse for everything in the world.
They can do anything they want now.
When they make a report, they're going to make a report when they come out of your house.
If it was clean, they could do anything they want now.
Now, you called the police this morning.
We called the courthouse.
And they told you all these examples.
No, they just said, yes, it passed, and don't worry about it.
It's not going to be that bad.
But I went and talked to some policemen at the coffee shop.
And they told you earlier, you said they gave you examples of what they do.
Yeah, what they can do.
And what did they say again?
They say, like, they see smoke coming out of your yard.
You're burning trash, right?
That's reason enough to come on your property.
Make sure there's not a fire.
And then go in the house, you said?
Yeah, then they can say, well, we want to... Your kid's climbing a tree.
He could be hurt.
We want to come up there and look and see if everything's alright.
You're not watching your kid.
They can use any excuse they want.
But again, they need a warrant to come in your house, but it's for your safety.
Now, what's the name of the local paper again?
The entire name?
I gave it to your host.
The Morning Advocate in what town is that in?
Baton Rouge.
Because I'm going to find that article and post it too.
We have the News 6 here, the big TV channel out of New Orleans.
Court opens door to searches without warrants.
That's the headline.
I mean, if I sound like I'm going... No, no, it was on Channel 9 News.
Sir, I understand it was on the news.
What I'm saying is if I sound upset, it's because we should all be very upset.
Well, no, I think the people deserve what they get, Mr. Jones.
You've been preaching this for years.
I've been giving out tapes.
They know it.
They should be at the courthouse stopping it.
I'm asking people, let's go to the courthouse and start carrying signs now.
Everybody will.
We're going to see how it works, but there are going to be a lot of people who lose their rights, their guns, their kids taken.
They're going to use it.
Remember one thing, we are federal, the feds took over down here.
What did Channel 9, I just have the Channel 6 story, what did Channel 9 say?
They said that, well I'm telling you, no search warrants needed now, and it's a very dangerous thing.
It's a very dangerous thing.
So Channel 9 admitted it was very dangerous?
Yes, oh yes, yes.
I mean, Channel 6 has got the two judges saying it's the road to hell and it's very dangerous, but the police say, oh, we're going to use this right away.
Well, a lot of policemen, a couple of them said they ain't going to use it.
It's against the Constitution.
It's a division right up here.
Some young police want to do it to older police.
They ain't going to fool with it.
America is all about the Fourth Amendment.
Thanks for the call.
And folks that are online in Louisiana.
Any news articles, any TV news stories, email them to tips at infowars.com.
Drudge has got it up.
I've got it up.
Just go look at it.
Email it out to everybody.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster as a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Being an American, being a patriot, being a free human being that loves liberty and decency and honor means that you should be enraged, frothing angry at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
And I have got the ruling here.
We did, just in that last five-minute segment, I just talked to my webmaster, find the Baton Rouge Advocate newspaper article.
So now we have News 6 and the Baton Rouge newspaper.
And I haven't read the article yet.
I've been told by my webmaster that it's, as Charles said, they're saying it's horrible.
But the police are saying how wonderful it is.
This will protect our officers.
If we want, we'll just search your houses now.
We'll search your businesses.
No more warrants.
We want to come in and look.
We'll do it.
And they had to do this because they've already been doing it en masse.
And they've been losing lawsuits over it.
It's incredible.
Remember Swansboro?
North Carolina, the stuff that went on up there with the troops pulling people out of their cars, running checkpoints, taking people to jail.
I have that in the takeover, the video of that.
Remember Goose Creek, North Carolina last year?
Police dogs jumping and biting the bags of children.
Police cussing, putting guns to their heads.
No drugs found!
Cameras all over the school, but they said, well, it doesn't matter.
What we did is good to keep the children safe from the drugs that the government ships in here.
And I want to remind you of something.
No matter how insane it sounds, we have the actual bill and the Oregonian and the Associated Press posted.
Last year, Senator Menace, no pun intended, the head of the committee, almost passed a bill that said if you download music illegally, if you have a gun illegally, mixed it with all these other real crimes, by the way, that's how they do it, if one protester blocks traffic or a doorway, all protesters get life in prison in a forest labor work camp.
Plus an exact quote, Forest Labor Work Camp.
Top generals are talking about martial law.
The neocons are saying how good it is.
And a month ago, News 9, Providence, Rhode Island, we're on the blowtorch 1320, right there, you saw it in the newspaper, Providence Journal, News 10, it said, fourth paragraph, there in News 9, it said right there and there, it said in that article,
That if you fly anything with the American flag, they can arrest you.
That if you criticize the government, they can arrest you.
And then everybody got mad.
The towers right across the street from the statehouse.
And the governor the next day apologized and said, Homeland Security gave me this legislation.
I've never read it.
I'm sorry.
Yes, it sounds insane.
Yes, it sounds incredible.
Mainstream, forest labor camps, arrested for criticizing the government.
Louisiana is the same state where they want to do door-to-door demanding your blood.
Oh, we're looking for a criminal.
Give us your blood!
No court order, no nothing!
By intimidation doing it.
Again, we have News 6, the New Orleans channel, posted, Court opens door to searches without warrants, dissenting judges, home ruling, the road to hell.
It's a groundbreaking court decision.
The legal experts say it will affect everyone.
Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search or arrest warrant to conduct a brief search of your home or business.
That's not America.
That's the Soviet Union.
I want to hear from police on this.
I'm going to go through your calls quickly.
None of the lines are loaded.
I want to hear from police, good police, bad police, whatever.
Do you agree with this?
What's wrong with you?
You swore an oath to the Constitution, to the Bill of Rights.
Our veterans fought and died to uphold these values.
This is the heart of America!
Let's go ahead and talk to Emmett Pennsylvania.
Emmett, go ahead.
Yes, hello Alex.
I've seen The Passion of the Christ, and I appreciate Mel Gibson's works.
But tell me it isn't true.
He's supposed to have said, we will not get to heaven unless we belong to THE church.
Number one, I asked at the first of the show that we talk about the Fourth Amendment.
I rarely say that I want to talk about an issue.
So you talk about that first, then we'll talk about what you called in about.
Did you hear about George Bush looking under a dinner table and saying, oh no,
No nasty weapons of destruction under here.
Yeah, it's real funny.
And then when families of dead troops are mad, they call them liberals.
And yeah, it's real funny that they lied at a press dinner.
Ha ha ha, let's look under the table.
And of course you will not talk about the topic I brought up.
I rarely ask that people talk about a topic I want to talk about in it.
Oh, I'm opposed.
I'm opposed to it, of course.
That's terrible.
That's an awful thing.
They also want to make it mandatory that we wear seatbelts on our pets in the car.
Yeah, I saw that.
And mandatory breathalyzers in all the cars.
Okay, let me take your passion thing real quick.
I'm not a Catholic.
I think Mel Gibson's great.
Look at the fruits of what he's done.
I think that his father is a patriotic guy who's been misrepresented and lied about a lot.
Okay, that's the facts there.
And Mel Gibson was quoted in the press
And others have been quoted that that was a lie.
He didn't say, I don't know if my wife's going to get into heaven because she doesn't belong to the church.
I see.
Yeah, so I just think it's more wanting to get people fighting with each other.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kim in Texas.
Kim, go ahead.
Or excuse me, Ed in Utah.
I'm pretty angry right now, folks.
Ed in Utah, you're first.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Listen, thanks for keeping the focus on all of this.
I have to ask, where's the militia today?
You know, twelve years ago, and a lot of folks, Militia Montana, Militia right here in Utah, et cetera, were talking, and they were talking right.
The things they were warning about, and that you warned about three years ago, are right there in this spirit of Ashcroft, and the Bush crime family, that are, of course, they're at once fronts for the more evil New World Order crowd, and at the same time, they're just as bad, because they're willingly, like them cops down there in the Crescent City, are willing to carry it out.
They are the thugs,
Uh... the frontal of the new world order and I appreciate you bringing that up and this would not be possible without the aftermath of course Alex as you've been saying for years of 9-11.
So let's look at 9-11 and I want to make a quick comment on Richard Clark.
He's not saying anything that you're saying, but he is corroborating certain things.
And that's why the neocons, as you rightly call them, the Rush Limbaugh, and Sean, Sean the neocon, and the rest of these people, that someday need to meet their maker.
But the fact is that Richard Clarke is corroborating the bait and switch from Osama to Saddam.
We're good to go.
People that are backing Israel more than their own Constitution.
Since you bring up Israel, it is admitted now, a bill has passed the House to take federal funding from universities if anybody criticizes Israel.
Oh, that's right, Alex.
In fact, it's reported now in one of your contacts, the American Free Press, there in Washington, that things like this, they have a history of it.
The Chica,
Or Cheka, some call it, which was the original gulag system, KGB run back there in the Soviet Union, where all Jewish staff running the gulags.
And this is a confirmed fact of history.
Even Winston Churchill once made reference to that.
And today, they are of course, over there in Israel, as these universities are pointing out, Alex, are the top recipient of U.S.
tax dollars, so they can build that partition wall to create their water zone there.
And to keep all the groundwater away from the Palestinians.
That's what Sharon's Wall is all about.
He started it in the late 60s.
But I do digress.
Just back to Richard Clark here.
He is bringing up some of the guts of what you have been saying.
Let me just break this down since you bring up Richard Clark.
We have the PNAC documents where they said they were going to go into Iraq.
Iraq wasn't a threat.
It was all about oil.
Written by Dick Cheney.
Written by Rumsfeld.
The 2000 document, Rebuilding America's Defenses.
Then they have Paul O'Neill come out.
Then they can say it's partisan, or he wants to sell a book.
Forget O'Neill!
We already have the facts.
And the same thing with Clark.
They can say it's partisan, and it may even be.
But the point is, the facts are accurate.
And, uh, go ahead.
You're right.
In fact, basically, they're just scratching on the surface of a much larger picture that you have posed.
But then it makes for the left-right debate.
There you go.
A dichotomy to keep the people corralled into either party.
But the fact is, you, Bill Boshears, Joyce Riley,
Jeff Renz, American Free Press here in Washington, and a few others.
Another good patriot from your area, Pastor David J. Smith from Waxahachie, Texas.
Do you know him, Alex?
Yeah, we've had him on the show.
There you go.
The people that are trying to get it out, I wish we could hear from people that properly talked about the true militia 10 and 12 years ago.
I hear you.
I've got to let you go.
I've got a lot of callers.
Let me say this.
Israel has set up a FEMA camp type situation in Israel, in Palestine, and whether it's Hitler or Israel or any of these countries, it's in governments.
The Romans, the Chinese.
This is what big government does.
We gotta say no to it.
And we can't be Balkanized into a bunch of different camps.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kim in Texas.
Kim, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I was calling to see under what condition did this guy get to the appellate court.
Okay, the 5th Circuit just says that, and this is nationwide by the way, they're ruling on a particular case in Louisiana and they say they're going to use it there.
This just says that if they feel like it, or if it feels like it's for their safety, they can just go ahead and search anybody's house or business without a warrant.
This is a massive evisceration of the Fourth Amendment.
What's the name of the case?
I wonder what's the name of the case.
Let me dig it out.
It's actually here in the stack.
We also, and I don't have this in front of me, but I'm told by my webmaster we posted it, we also have another Louisiana News article about it, not just News 6.
That's what I wanted to ask.
I wanted to research it myself.
Thank you.
We will get that.
I believe it's already posted.
If it's not, we'll get it posted.
Thank you.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's up next here?
Edward in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Oh, how are you doing, Alex?
I got a question about this Court of Appeals case.
That was in the Fifth Circuit, right?
Fifth Circuit.
I watched 60 Minutes last night and they did a piece on Charles Tickering.
Is that Charles Tickering's circuit?
I don't believe so.
No, that went to the... Are you talking about the case with having to show an ID?
No, this was the one where they were kind of making Charles Tickering look like a good guy and making Charlie Schumer look like a bad guy.
Give folks some background.
We're not all inside your head.
Give us some background.
I was just... Charles Pickering was the judge that there was all this controversy over that the Bush administration wanted to have him in some court of appeals, I think the 5th district.
And they didn't want him in there because he had lowered the... he lowered the... Just stay there!
We'll cover it when we get back!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Yes, my friends, I'm extremely angry about what's happening.
Let me just say this.
All this stuff about Republicans and Democrats and what kind of judges they put into office, onto the bench, all of that is a soap opera, a total theater.
We have a neocon Supreme Court, with seven of the nine members appointed by Republicans, who are ruling for gun control, open borders, violations of the Fourth and First Amendments,
I mean, just across the board, the judge that they want to put on this new federal court was the Attorney General in Alabama, who cooked, who burned at the stake, Judge Roy Moore.
That's who Bush wants, and you love it, neocons!
So, I mean, it doesn't matter who gets in office for the presidency, because it's the same agenda, different rhetoric.
Go ahead, Edward, make your point.
Yeah, my point is I'm really disgusted by what they did to the Fourth Amendment there.
I thought we had it bad in Illinois, but I guess it's just as bad in Louisiana.
But this is nationwide!
Imagine now when they come in your house, and you try to sue them, and they just do, checking our houses, we're slaves here in Russia, then it's, oh well, we have this ruling for our safety, no more Fourth Amendment!
I'll tell you what really bothers me, it's sort of like they're applying this whole idea of force protection.
Well, it's all for your safety!
But statistically, nothing's more dangerous than government!
Yeah, well, you know, we got all our troops in Iraq, and I asked my buddies who've been deployed over there what their purpose is.
They say force protection.
So we sent them over there to defend themselves.
Now, that's ridiculous.
It's a joke.
Thanks for the call.
And they say we're putting in a government.
You know, they're having a democracy.
It's a appointed government that then appoints the leaders.
And people go, oh, that's freedom, huh?
I mean, what's wrong with us?
We can't do things like this in other countries and not have it happen here.
We have criminals in control.
This is the norm in history.
It's happening again Mayday!
Oh, Garrett, Louisiana.
Go ahead, Garrett.
How you doing, Alex?
Very angry.
I can hear that.
Well, this is going to make you even more angry.
I have two points.
First one is, this is straight out of the article on your website.
The decision came in the case of Kelly Donald Gould, a Denham Springs man who was arrested in October 2000 on federal gun charges after allegedly threatening to kill unidentified judges and public officers.
Deputies went to Gould's trailer after getting a call from a co-worker that the previous convicted felon was planning to kill two unnamed Baton Rouge state judges over the decision to award custody of his daughter to another family member.
But again, he was a criminal, so it turned out good.
So now all of you will be treated like the convicted felon!
The Fourth Amendment was good for George Washington, but not for us!
Think of how... We've now posted that second article out of the Baton Rouge paper.
It just makes me so angry that I'll have no privacy, no nothing.
These goons will come in our houses whenever they feel like it.
Yes, sir.
I'm going to try to get some contacts I have with the local police department in this little town I live in.
See if we can get somebody to talk to you on there.
Well, did you?
We're trying right now.
Did you hear the earlier caller who talked to the police?
They're like, yeah, we'll come in your house and make sure everything's all right.
That better not come to mind.
And my second question, by the way, they said they want all of our stun guns now, because that could endanger cops.
They want our BB guns.
It's all about protecting them, not about protecting us.
Everybody needs to get Police State 3.
That's the best film in my opinion.
It's certainly the longest one.
I enjoyed it.
My third question is, what's happened to Scott Miller?
John had a disagreement with the network and he's doing his own show.
He's still on air.
OK, I must have picked him up on shortwave.
Anyway, Alex, I'm going to try to get you some more information.
I'll send it to tipsandinfoawards.com.
God bless you, thank you.
Oh, don't worry, you'll hear more about this here, because normally they would just have a ruling that you still have the Fourth Amendment, but we don't need warrants, because we have a new thing called a babooboo or something, you know, some weird legal term.
But now they just go, ah, no Fourth Amendment!
And by the way, again, courts can say that black people are slaves, that American Indians have no freedom.
They can say that you can't go outside at night because of a federal curfew, which you're trying to push.
But he doesn't make it so!
I'm a human being, you hear me?
And I know you're criminals!
And I know you're a bunch of thugs out of control!
And I know history!
And we stand against you, you mob of crooks!
Pieces of filth!
Let's go ahead and talk to Paul in Florida.
Paul, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I have to say that I'm with you.
This is very, very concerning.
I don't think that one-tenth of one percent of the people in this country realize what this means.
And if you look at this, if this follows the problem, reaction, solution scenario like they always do, the reaction is going to be that a cop or two or fifty or a hundred are going to get killed going into people's houses, and then the solution is going to be no more guns.
Anything else you want to add?
Uh, just think about that.
That's not very pretty.
And I hope they don't come to my house!
Alright, thanks for the call.
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I know we have loaded phone lines and police officers.
Police chiefs, former police chiefs, I know you're listening.
Every time you hear a caller hang up, every time we disconnect somebody after they have their say, I want you to try to call in.
I want to hear from you.
I want to get your take on this.
We don't screen calls, so we can't just get those type of callers.
But some shows will ask for a certain type of caller and then just take those.
We don't do that here.
It's First Amendment.
But I would like you to get into the show.
You don't have to go along with there being no more Fourth Amendment in the United States.
There are thousands of other rulings saying you have to have warrants, but the government and other courts are going to all start ruling there's no Fourth Amendment.
You watch.
This is all happening across the board, across the country.
This is the darkness descending upon us.
So I think I'll commit a crime here on air, according to FEMA and the FBI.
I'm going to read some of the Bill of Rights and we'll go to Paul Watson and back to your calls.
And he'll be with us for the balance of the broadcast.
The preamble to the Bill of Rights
I think you ought to go read it.
I have this published in the back of my book, Dissent and Tyranny.
First Amendment!
And this is all being violated, by the way.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Look at how they're regulating churches, 501c3, shutting them down.
Or abridging the freedom of speech, or an assembly, or the press.
By the way, you know, whenever the people go out and they'll have 500 pro-Bush people, one person that's not pro-Bush, they'll have them arrested in federal courts.
So don't tell me, oh, we still got our First Amendment, you're on the air.
Oh, the worm is chewing through to that point.
It's almost here, don't worry.
You want more evidence of tyranny?
Don't worry, it's coming.
Again, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or the press or the right of the people to peaceably do a symbol and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Second Amendment, you know it's been worm-eaten.
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
And all the founding fathers said it was about individuals owning guns against government thugs, number one, and street thugs, number two.
Fourth Amendment.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrant shall be issued but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation.
That's somebody swearing an oath!
That they saw the dead body in the house.
You've got to have an oath, an affirmation.
And particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
And so it goes on and on.
The Fifth Amendment.
You don't have to incriminate yourself.
Judges will declare contempt and throw you in jail for years.
Put you on psychotropic drugs to get you ready to tell them what they want.
I mean, I am just so angry about this Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Now we have multiple articles posted in one big blob on InfoWars.com.
We have the Baton Rouge article, the New Orleans articles, my comments, links to legislation.
They're at InfoWars.com.
Email it out to everybody!
Get it out to everyone!
Paul Watson, I am just... I haven't been this hot in a long time, even when
They wanted to pass a bill to put everybody in forest labor camps, that's word for word, forest work camps.
And, you know, the attempted martial law in Rhode Island, I mean, all of this, to have them come out and do this right out in the open is despicable!
Well, as the dissenting judges said, it is the road to hell.
But what's interesting about the original article that we posted from News Channel 6,
They've actually gone in there and amended the article, and they've taken out the quote where the two dissenting judges called this the road to hell.
Wait a minute!
Now this came out on Drudge, everywhere else, yesterday.
We copied it and posted it this morning, and you're telling me now that you've got... that they... Oh, you've got to write an article about how they changed that!
Well, actually, Drudge has posted it again.
Obviously, he posted it a few days ago and took it down, but now he's posted it again because they did update the article.
It says, updated 29th of March.
And they've taken out the quote where the two judges say it's the road to hell, so they've just flushed it down the memory hole.
Well, well, we need to get Drudge to link to InfoWars.com or PresentPlanet.com where we've got all the articles together.
What they've actually added to the article is the phony justification for it, which is the case of, as you've been mentioning on your show in the past few segments, the case of a man named Gould, who supposedly threatened to kill judges and police officers.
But then for everybody else, see, it's for their safety.
Now for everybody else, no more warrants.
See, they always have that excuse.
It's so sick!
And what basically happened is that
They went to his home, somebody answered the door, presumably his wife.
She agreed that they could enter.
They approached the man's bedroom, and seeing that he wasn't in there, they started opening all his closets.
So if it worked there, do it to everybody else!
That's not how America works!
See their excuses?
So I guess we should get rid of all police then, because we've caught some police raping, robbing, and killing, and dealing drugs!
So let's just get rid of all the police, because some were bad!
But I mean ultimately this is obviously about confiscation of firearms because that's the point where they went and arrested Gould after they found the three firearms in his closet.
They no longer will need the warrants to get in everybody's house to get the guns as they ban them.
And so obviously what they're doing is meshing in this Fourth Amendment violating search and seizure process with the confiscation of firearms so the two are one and the same.
And the justification is obviously that it's all for the safety of the officers, so they're not even trying to play it off as, you know, being for our safety.
It's for their safety.
And again, in the areas where they've already taken the guns, now the police are universally saying, give us your stun guns, because they don't even want us to be able to defend ourselves against common thugs.
They want the monopoly of force and power to be our lords, our masters, our owners!
And this is why they're building sophisticated databases.
This is why they have developed and are using this see-through-the-wall radar surveillance.
They want to know what people are doing inside their homes so they can literally catalogue and make lists of gun owners and then go ahead with this search and seizure Fourth Amendment violation.
And again, the Wall Street Journal, military troops in Austin at political meetings, U.S.
Army watching us.
I mean, this is the freedom, folks, but the border's wide open.
Paul, it just, it makes my blood boil.
Well, you've even descended below the level of England now.
We normally say that Britain's, you know, two steps ahead of America in terms of police state, but now this puts America firmly as the number one police state, even before Britain.
Do the people of England still remember you have a Magna Carta, a man's home, his castle?
Some people do, but obviously now the government of England is writing constitutional changes via press release, as Tony Blair has done.
And so they are getting rid of the Magna Carta, getting rid of, you know, the Lords which uphold the Magna Carta.
And so the same process is ongoing.
I mean, with this search and seizure, obviously under the Patriot Act, they had the sneak and peek provision, but they at least had to link it to some kind of terrorism.
But again, Section 802, everything is terrorism.
Yeah, any act dangerous to human life is defined as terrorism.
So, this new thing is basically just the public admittance and application of the Patriot Act sneak and peek provision to all areas.
The only difference
I suppose is that they have to tell you that they search your home but that will probably fall too in the next few years.
So there's a broad application of the Patriot Act and it's basically defining us as the terrorists, as the enemies, as the stay at home under red alert articles which we covered
You know, last year, which said that under a red alert you will be considered the enemy, so this is all moulding into that also.
And it said virtually all constitutional rights will be stripped, you will not be allowed to leave your home.
I mean, this is worse than Russia!
They're shutting up the control grid to carry out worse purges than Nazi Germany!
And we can see how this has developed, the abolition of the Fourth Amendment itself.
Began, you know, on the highway where police have been searching vehicles without warrant.
And then the trains, and the buses, and the airplanes, and the bridges, and the businesses, and the... Yeah, the same thing with airport security.
They roll it out on a public level.
Whereby they say, oh, you're in public now, you should be subject to surveillance and search, etc.
Now they're building that infrastructure into, you know, going into your home and doing all these things.
And we've got the matrix system at the state level, tattling and snooping for the feds.
I mean, it's just total control.
It's against the frog boiling in the pot gradualism.
But the illegal aliens, they are exempt from all of it.
The biometrics, everything.
Yeah, well, the next step, and obviously the illegals won't be subject to this, but the next step from the search and seizure is obviously the thing where you have to show a form of ID upon demand by a police officer, which is being debated by the Supreme Court in Nevada.
So again, it's hell's gates being opened up, and as we've noted before,
Under the Model States Emergency Powers Act, they can turf you out of your home and take anything from it.
And they can take your vehicles and any kind of food supply also.
So this is just... And now News 8, or excuse me, News 6 in New Orleans has gone in and taken out the dissenting opinion and just lavished excuses.
Yeah, in the original article
This is why they did it.
In the original article, the original article simply stated the court case.
They didn't go into the details.
They simply said, due to this lawsuit, they now have the provision to go in your home without warrant.
They didn't give the justification that this guy was threatening to kill people, so then that justifies it in the minds of the sheeple out there.
But yes, they've gone in and changed the article to the effect
Where they've removed the dissenting judge's comment.
I mean, how do the cops sit there sucking their thumbs and go, I want the old lady's stun gun now that I've gotten her gun, because I'm not safe, because one of the sheep has something to defend themselves.
I mean, they want everything we've got, and then the federal courts and state courts say the police have no liability to protect us, and every cop listening knows that!
And I don't expect you to protect me, you can't!
Why do you even want my stun gun now?
And you want to be able to come in my house without a warrant!
You've destroyed this country, you make me sick, you cowardly filth!
And again, as we've covered before, it's the gradualism from the public servant, from the police officer.
Paul, I love this country so much, what is it like for you to watch your country being destroyed and watching your police being turned into goons?
Go ahead and say what you're about to say.
Well, I was just saying about the fact that police have been turned from public servants to law enforcement officers, whereby now even, you know, if a police dog barks at you and you respond to it, that gets you arrested.
People are going to prison for years!
There have been two cases I've seen in the last year, where somebody's walking by a window in a parking lot, and the window's open, the big police dog jumps out, barks, the person yells back in fear, and the cop takes that as a disrespect, like a gang member.
They ought to read their own gang handbooks.
You know, here in East Austin, you say something to the wrong gang member, they'll stab you or shoot you, because they're so into not being dissed.
And the cops are the same way.
You look at them wrong.
If they're one of the Roid Nuts, they go after you.
You yell at their dog back, you go to jail.
Your dogs are better than us!
We're scum!
We're trash!
We're nothing!
We're pathetic slaves!
And we've had other cases where, I mean, the Smoke family, where they got pulled over on the highway, you know, violation of the border.
Their dog's wagging the tail and they blow its head off!
We also had the case where
The woman was considering committing suicide.
A friend went round to a house, tortured her out of it.
The police were called anyway.
And when a small dog came running out in the yard, they blew its head off as well.
Hey, here in Austin, chihuahuas, corgis, it's a slaughter fest.
A bloody, reveling slaughter.
Heaven help us, Paul.
I mean, the dog thing, where now if you talk back to their God, the dogs are God compared to us!
Their dogs are better than us.
Of course, anyone that resists this, well, we can go back to the Detroit Free Press cycle, January 7, 2003.
Detroit officer severs woman's finger.
A Detroit police officer with a knife cut off the finger of a 45-year-old woman he was trying to handcuff in a parking lot.
So that's the kind of reaction that you get when you try and stand up against this.
By the way, one of her arms was already in it and he was, quote, trying to cut away her coat and cut, I think, you know how savage it is to be able to cut a finger off?
I mean, I butchered, you know, wild hogs and deer I've shot.
It's hard to cut things off.
And of course that article said that he had big problems before.
He likes to knock people's teeth out.
It's like the guy who wouldn't let them suck his blood.
Wall Street Journal.
So they kicked his head in.
Killed him.
It's amazing.
We had the New York Post article where... Sir, sir, hey, hey, hey.
There's video of this Emmy Award winning, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know,
Caribbean band.
They just play nice Caribbean music.
And there's video.
They come out of the club.
The cops don't like it.
They assault them and then charge them with assault.
It's on video and the cops don't care!
They don't even care!
They don't even care if it's on video when they assault us now.
It's like Abby Newman.
She didn't assault them.
They assault her, then charge her with assault when their own video shows it.
Then they pull out her pocket constitution and have discussions of, is this legal?
I'm living in the Twilight Zone here.
Go ahead.
They don't care if it's on video, no, and that's why they're mounting surveillance cameras on all the police cars.
But look at the effects of this.
We remember the New York Post article.
Outrage over new wrong-door blunder by police.
Residents of a Bronx building are outraged after getting an unexpected morning greeting yesterday from a police drug squad which burst into their homes, waved guns at children and then left after finding nothing.
We also had the other case in New York.
Yeah, that's the thing.
Every millisecond they're doing it without a warrant, this just protects them now.
Yeah, we had the case with a woman who had a stroke after they barged in the wrong house.
The woman died.
Yeah, but hey, award winnings of a retired city worker.
So, I mean, this has been going on, but now it just codifies it into law.
Oh, well, Paul, you're just picking out a few cases and making them look bad.
No, there are hundreds every day.
Piles of it.
I have piles of it in front of me.
Every form of wickedness and control you can imagine.
Government kidnapping squads.
Government drug dealing squads.
Government frame-up squads.
Illegal DNA databases.
Cancer viruses and vaccines.
Sterilization vaccines.
Just everything.
Wickedness upon wickedness upon wickedness, Paul.
It's not just individual cases, because the whole direction of police training, and in fact military training, which is why the situation in Iraq is what it is right now, is that we are the enemy.
And I mean, you mentioned many times the FEMA lecture, where they said that we're the enemy.
All Christians, all homeschoolers, all founding fathers.
So I mean from that general training, that general consensus where all these new police officers are being indoctrinated into the supposition that we're the enemy, that they're not here to serve us, they're here to watch us and enforce law upon us, that means that these cases will arise and so it's a general consensus across the training of police and military at the moment.
Well, folks, I'm letting myself get angry on air because you shouldn't hold it in, and you should let everybody know how upset you are.
And this is how I feel every day, okay?
Paul, we got a bunch of news to cover and loaded phone lines.
Let's come back, take calls, and then get into the big stack of news I know you want to cover, and fake terror attacks, and fake terror alerts, and the terrorists working for the government, and all the rest of it.
But, Paul, I think we're going to make it through this, though.
Evil always falls, and the people are waking up right now.
Well, it's the old thing about the more they push, the more it affects people on a personal level.
If you talk about, you know, these things in a general context, where it only affects, you know, geopolitical or global affairs, most people will switch off and say it doesn't affect them.
But this kind of thing, where police officers can go in your home car, blanch, take anything they want, this affects people on a day-to-day, personal basis, so this will only wake more people up.
Absolutely well said, my friend.
We'll come back and go to all these loaded phone lines.
There's so many of them.
And I want to hear from police out there.
I mean, what do you think about this?
What do you have to say?
I want to hear from you!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
George Bush was put into office because he has an R before his name to convince good conservatives of America to go to sleep while they set up the final stages of the New World Order takeover.
And it's time for all of you to wake up and realize that this is happening and to say no to this tyrannical system and to defend this country!
America is the Bill of Rights and Constitution!
It's time to say no to what these out-of-control bureaucrats and their banker owners are doing.
Now, we're going to go to Clint and Bob and Laverne and Kurt and Tim and everybody.
Directly when we start the next hour.
We'll go right to your calls, we'll get to you quickly.
And then when folks hang up, I want police and others to call in.
I know a lot of cops come up to me.
Well, you know, a lot of senior officers, SWAT team commanders, you name it, and say, yeah, they know what's going on, they don't like what's happening.
Well, let's hear you on air not be a coward.
Let's hear you explain what you think about this.
Paul Watson, before we go to some calls, maybe get to some now, there's a bunch of other news coming up too, but before we go any further,
You wrote the book, Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor, Terror in the New World Ordered.
I made the films, I published my own book as well.
It's time for people to get these.
I carry your book, I published it.
Why should people get my videos?
Why should they get your book?
Because they are, bar none, no competition, the most documented info bombs out there.
Order Out of Chaos, for every chapter there's at least 20-30 sources where people can go and check the mainstream articles for themselves online.
The URL links are right there.
That's why it wakes up people who are green to this, who believe that it's mostly all this conspiracy theory talk, whereas with the products that we produce, with the information that we put out,
Document it down to the nth degree.
So, my book's had that success in waking up people who know nothing about the New World Order, so if you can have that immediate impact where people pick up on that, then that's the greatest tool you can give to anyone.
Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror in the New World Order, the Fake Terror Alerts, the Government Behind the Terror Attacks, and just masses of info.
$19.95 over 300 pages.
Get a second copy for $11.95.
Get my book over 200 pages for $11.95.
And again, I've made 10 films.
I want you to get them.
I want you to make copies of them for non-profit, non-for-sale purposes.
I want you to put them, you know, out there to the people.
Air them on AXS TV.
I've never seen such an awakening taking place as I'm seeing now.
That's good!
People should be waking up!
Now's the time!
I mean, we're about to lose it all, folks!
Everything's on the line here.
You serve these creatures, they're gonna feed on you.
I mean, cops out there that serve this system, they're giving you and your children shots that got cancer viruses in them.
Mainstream folks!
You know, back in the newspaper, I'm here warning you, I care about you!
You idiots!
You yuppies!
All of you that want to laugh with us!
You better listen to me!
Now, I want you to get the videos.
All of you.
Don't wait anymore.
Get the videos.
Give them to the morons out there that are as dumb as dirt.
We were all dumb as dirt once.
We've got to shock them into waking up and freeing their minds!
Heaven help us!
That's 8-8-8-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
I have pledged my blood, my sweat, my tears.
I have pledged everything to this fight.
My treasure.
Everything to this fight.
And let me tell you, you're in this fight whether you know it or not.
Get off the bench.
Get in the game.
The bleachers are where you get hurt.
Now listen, folks!
Or just write to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Paul, we'll come back, take a bunch of calls on this Fourth Amendment destruction issue, but what's some of the other stuff that's coming up?
Well, we need to talk about the recent, you know, new
Acts of liberation in Iraq.
First they shut down the only independent Iraqi TV company.
They've now shut down the only Iraqi independent newspaper.
And we'll tell people why they've done that after the break.
So that's one issue we can... And there's admitted targeted killing of Western journalists to shut them up.
All the horrible things that are happening to our troops are being trained over there to take your guns, by the way.
Stay there a third hour straight ahead of your station doesn't carry it.
I don't know why.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals says there's no Fourth Amendment, the police can come in your house or business without warrants whenever they feel like it.
And all over the country they're banning BB guns where they've already banned guns.
Normal firearms.
They're banning stun guns.
They say that it makes them not be safe.
So we can't be safe.
So they could suck off of us a little bit better.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
We're about to go to Clint and Bob and Laverne and Kurt and Tim.
Abby Newman is in my film.
Naval veteran.
No criminal record.
They had done absolutely nothing wrong at a checkpoint.
They basically assaulted her and charged her with assault.
We have a video of that happening.
They find her constitutional material and have discussions about it.
You know, is she an evil terrorist, basically?
You know, one of the anti-government people.
This just shows the mindset that we're the enemy for what we think, because we love liberty.
Let's bring Abby Newman up for a few minutes.
And, Paul, you comment any time you wish.
Abby, what's going on?
Well, I was listening to your broadcast today like I normally do, and you made reference to my case, and also what I wanted to comment on is topic related today, but you made a comment earlier how people are waking up.
And I have to say, waking up isn't enough.
What I did wasn't enough.
Because unless we not only wake up and we take action and we go on the offensive after they've abused us,
Unless people do that in math, it doesn't matter how many people wake up.
That's the starting point.
It is the starting point, but we've got to wake up, then take action.
The point is, though, that most people don't wake up unless you confront them with the information in the first place, so people can't take action until they do wake up, so this is why we put out this kind of information.
I agree with you, but a lot has taken place in my case that the listeners aren't aware of, because what went on was behind the scenes where it was on the scene.
You were found not guilty of assaulting them, but they did find you guilty of some other things.
Well, yeah, they found me guilty.
But the point is, even though it was on video that you did nothing to them and they assaulted you, they still
Are such liars, they would show it and try to convict you for it.
I mean, that's how sick they are!
Trying to put innocent women in prison!
But guess what, Alex?
I took the two troopers to trial.
Their trial was last week.
It went on the scene.
No one knew what was going on except the local press in Roanoke.
So what happened?
Well, obviously, well, it was an eight hour trial.
I went pro se and I had the two men on the stand and they did the same thing they did at trial.
They lied through their teeth.
But I put myself on the stand.
If they understand, it is a monumental task to get a case to trial in federal court, but to go pro se is almost unheard of.
But I did it, and it was over on March the 16th.
The two troopers lied through their teeth, but when I put myself on the stand, and I had already shown the jury the entire one-hour videotape, I impeached that trooper three times.
So what happened?
Oh, they got off because the judge's instructions made darn sure that they're, um... Which judges aren't supposed to do.
They say, they have immunity.
Worship them.
Yes, Lord, you are our king.
I mean, juries have become rubber stamps just like grand juries.
Hey, Abby, you know what?
I've got to get you on for an hour as a guest then to talk about this, okay?
And I really appreciate your call, but what do you think of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals saying the Fifth Amendment is gone?
Well, I think we've been taken over by a foreign entity and, you know, they don't wear black robes for nothing.
They aren't white.
It's just in keeping with the fact that we have been totally taken over and it's time for a tea party.
I went through the system.
I used the system to prove that it was broken.
And the point is, now what?
We have to do something more.
Now, I'm glad I went through the system, not only for my trial, but also to go on the offensive.
To make them and hold them totally accountable for breaking the Fourth Amendment.
Okay, Abby, I'll call you and we'll get you on as a guest.
God bless.
We'll have to spend an hour on that subject.
If you haven't seen Red Deternity, you need to get it and watch about 10 minutes of the two and a half hour film of what happened to her.
Just a case point example.
Paul Watson, stay there.
We'll come back and I promise we'll go bam, bam, bam, through the calls and then into all the other news.
Stay with us.
We've got about 55 minutes left.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
What's all the fuss?
What's all the hubbub?
The court opens door to searches without warrants.
The sentencing judges fall ruling the road to hell.
My quote is, this Fifth Circuit ruling is criminal, similar to Supreme Court rulings of the past declaring black people slaves.
It is a total violation of the Bill of Rights and is null and void.
The U.S.
Congress and Legislature of Louisiana should call emergency sessions to investigate possible criminal charges of sedition against those ruling to eradicate the Fourth Amendment.
And then it gets into the article, News Channel 6, New Orleans, but again we have other news articles from Louisiana, but this is nationwide.
It's a groundbreaking court decision that legal experts say will affect everyone.
Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search warrant to conduct a brief search of their home or business.
New Orleans Police Department spokesman Captain Marlon DeFello, who should move to Russia, said the new power will go into effect immediately.
But don't worry, it won't be abused, he says.
Oh, you're just abusing us by violating the Fourth Amendment.
In your black mask, covering up your badges.
That's what the good guys always wear, the black mask.
Paul, let's go to some of these calls.
Let's go, and I'm going to go to your calls quick.
I mean, bam, bam, bam, folks.
Clinton, Missouri, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just want to say, this comes as no surprise to me, and I think the big reason people accept it is because they've been indoctrinated, little by little, gradually, in public schools.
Where they train them how to be searched, and how to be frisked, and how to be drug tested, and how to be slaves.
And you're not a good American if you don't suck up and accept this.
Well, that's what the talk show hosts were saying this morning on shows I was on.
Well, what do you have to say?
I'd like to inform you of one thing.
It's still going on in public schools in Georgia.
I think it's Takula, Georgia was the name of the place.
The principal banned all Confederate flag t-shirts.
And some students came to school wearing them, and they yanked them out of class.
Somehow the parents found out about it, and they would not let their parents pick them up from school.
Oh, I know.
They put fences around them and train them that they're prisoners.
And if you would like the man's email address to learn more about this, I'd like to give it to you.
Yeah, send it to tips at infowars.com with a brief description.
Thanks for the call, Clint.
We see this every day, Paul.
Well, Nicole was talking about the police state and the schools.
No better example than that of an article we carried last week out of Arizona where a student at a high school was wearing a baseball cap sideways.
By the way, he was a top basketball player in the honor roll, never been in trouble.
Yeah, top of the class, and he was wearing his baseball cap sideways.
So, when the teachers asked him to turn it around, he refused.
At lunch!
By the way, at lunch, and the white kids didn't have to, he was black, and he said, no, their hats are sideways, and tell them what happened.
Well, they actually called the police, and the police arrested him for wearing his baseball cap sideways.
And, you know, in the article it said, oh, it's no big deal.
They're just enforcing school uniform policy.
So, I mean, when it gets down to that level, that's how amazing it is.
Let's talk to Bob in Missouri.
Bob, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
What I'd like to know is, do you know a Captain James Brady?
Doesn't really ring a bell.
Okay, well, let me tell you.
He was on Bill Brashear last night for two hours.
He's a whistleblower.
And you should contact Bill and get him on.
Now, you remember the Cobart Powers?
Well, see, he tried to tell them that there was an attack going to take place there.
It was his job to watch it.
He said, I see guys out here drawing pictures of this, one thing or another.
And what they did, they finally grabbed him up and sent him off for psychological testing to Germany.
And when they did that, he said, it probably saved my life, because he said that's when they blew it up.
He said, I kept trying to tell them, get somebody out here, something's going on.
Well, sir, we have literally hundreds of cases of the people at the embassies, the FBI, knowing of the attacks, being threatened with arrest.
I mean, you know, take this lady that worked for the Pentagon who was deciphering the foreign languages, and she knew about it, and they had her falsifying the old transcripts, and she was going to go public.
They said, we'll give you a better job if you shut up.
We'll arrest you if you don't.
See, this guy... Let Paul comment real quick.
Paul, go ahead.
The Cobar Towers, as well as the coal bombing, I think it was Robert Baer, I'm not sure about the first name, but who was a former FBI agent, who also warned them that there was about to be an attack on the Cobar Towers, and the coal incident in 2000, so yeah.
Every incident we see before September 11th, we get these warnings from people inside government who are then told to shut up.
Well now it turns out in Spain, the police were quote, running security to make sure the attacks took place and quote, stop the supposed terrorist and then let them go.
Well, the thing about Spain is that the train on which the bombs were on were the first ones, you know, out of the platform.
It was 7am in the morning, so the bombers must have had access to the transport security within the security train platform because they were the first trains out.
So the fact that the police let the bombers through is no surprise.
The same thing happened
With the Omar bombing, where MI5 carried the bombing out, they stopped the car hours before the bombing, and the police were ordered to let it on through.
And the First World Trade Center attacked, the FBI took the bomb and drained the driver.
Go ahead, caller, finish up.
Yeah, now this, now see, now there's another problem going on that he's throwing the whistle on.
And he said he didn't want to see Americans die again, and he said, uh, see there's some reserve at them, that they gave an honorable discharge now,
And what he did is he broke into their computer somewhere and lied about his backing to get in there.
And they sent him these manuals, these government manuals, which he's been selling on eBay and made over $100,000 on.
Those government manuals are already public.
Not these restricted ones.
Are you talking about the mass internment documents and stuff?
No, I'm talking about ones that tell about our airplanes, the Phantoms, and their weaknesses and their strengths.
Stuff like this, and these were marked restricted manuals.
I don't even know who you're talking about.
You'll have to give me some info.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Laverne in Oregon.
Laverne, go ahead.
Good morning.
I just heard about your radio station.
I have your videotape on Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
And let me just say, it shakes me to the core.
Because I was born and raised in Texas and I thought those were the good guys.
Well, Bush and those guys aren't from Texas, so... Well, okay.
I'd like to know your radio station and the radio station for Tex Mars and the telephone number for him.
I have your literature and I just... Ma'am, I don't have... I don't know.
We have a few affiliates in Oregon, but you can listen at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or you can listen on Global Shortwave.
The first two hours during the day are on WWCR 9475.
And the last two hours, ten to midnight central at night, are on 3210.
Unfortunately, I don't have Texas number in front of me, but do you have a computer?
No, I don't.
Go to the library.
It's TexMars.com.
Thank you for what you're doing.
Oh, and I have somebody at the door.
But thank you for what you're doing.
You bet.
Take care.
Good to hear from you, Laverne.
Let's talk to Kurt in Colorado.
Kurt, go ahead.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex, Paul.
You know, I think the biggest problem is you guys are fighting from inside the tax slave labor camp already.
I mean, that's basically what our country is.
But you were mentioning about the Bill of Rights, and I come to the realization 15 years ago that it's not a guarantee.
It's only a yardstick to measure government tyranny.
They're not going to allow us to be free.
Unless we stand up and say, no, possession is non-intense of the law, I claim my freedom, I take it, I'm not your slave!
But you can't, because I think you misunderstand what the Second Amendment says.
And, I mean, just for clarification, what do you think the Second Amendment says?
Well, I know what the Federalist Papers say, I know what the court rulings have said over the past 225, 27 years.
It's to defend against tyranny.
I have a God-given right, as the Ninth Amendment says.
All of those are just simply pointing out rights that I already have.
Well, but the point I'm trying to make is, they always digress to firearms, and they're basically antique weapons.
No, firearms is the definition of any type of rifle or handgun that uses powder.
Right, and it doesn't say firearms, it says arms.
That's right, all types of arms.
Hey buddy, I appreciate your call.
I can tell you're off on all the law stuff with all these groups that have got all the magic bullets and the rest of it.
It's a fight.
It's humanity.
They said slavery was the law.
We stood up and said no to it.
We're going to say no to this and we're going to win.
What's the point with the Bill of Rights itself?
Only enumerates God-given rights, and it exists to prevent government abuse.
So this justification that, you know, oh, we won't abuse this new search and seizure law, that's not the point.
The Bill of Rights exists to prevent abuse in the first place, because we know, as governments grow and get bigger and bigger, they always do abuse these.
So that's what the point is with the Bill of Rights.
It's to prevent abuse in the first place.
To nullify that justification.
I want to hear from police officers out there about this.
Fifth Circuit ruling.
No more Fourth Amendment.
We've defeated legislation, we've gotten things done, we've reached millions of people.
When I hear, oh you don't understand it, oh there's nothing you can do, we might as well just crawl in a hole then.
We should have never have fought Hitler.
We should never have stood up against Stalin.
We should have never have done anything.
I mean that's a bunch of garbage!
Yeah, that's the first base, making people aware that they can have an impact.
Because if people walk around with this self-defeatist attitude that they can't get anything done, they are not even going to get to first base, which is to be informed about what's already going on.
Yeah, I'm a free human being, I'm not your property, I'm better than your police dog, I'm a human being and you shouldn't be able to come in my house without a warrant!
And I don't care what you say!
My Bill of Rights states it, and it comes from a Magna Carta that comes from Mount Sinai,
With the Ten Commandments?
Paul, I don't think some of these people realize just how criminal this global system is.
Well, they don't realize that the police force is no longer reactive.
It's the proactive police state.
You get a woman who's being raped, she calls 911 and she gets an answer machine message, whereas at the same time all these police officers are, you know, roaming around in homeland surveillance blimps, and it's the proactive police state.
It's no longer reactive.
And then when the killer comes in and whacks her, nothing happens.
They just go home and sleep at night because they took her gun.
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Alright, anybody disagrees with me, or anybody loves the police state, loves the Soviet Union, and thinks the Fourth Amendment's bad?
You're welcome to call into the show at 800-259-9231.
I'm going to take about six, seven more calls, then we're going to blitz through this huge stack of news we haven't even really gotten to yet, because so much is going on.
But worldwide, our freedoms are being flushed down the commode, and the yuppies out there haven't figured it out, as the government dances around saying, getting rid of your jobs is a good idea.
You're being looted, you're being raped en masse.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Montana.
Tim, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to say how thankful I am that you're out there getting out the information.
I ordered a couple of your tapes so I can pass on better copies.
I read the stuff about the New Orleans decision, and that's really a disgrace.
One thing I'd like to know is, do you have an outline?
You were playing that bush, talking about hitting
The towers, that first tower, before he went in.
Do I have an outline?
What do you mean?
Like, well, one thing, do you have the actual commentary written on your site?
Paul Watson, I mean, get into that for him, because Bush claimed that he found out as he read the story to the children at the elementary school.
Later, Times of London photos came out with him actually watching the tower smoke.
And then later he admitted, oh yeah, I saw the first plane hit when no video was seen for six months of that.
Well, on two separate public occasions in public speeches, Bush stated directly to two of the same questions, basically both from children, that he saw the first plane hit the World Trade Center and he thought it was a pilot error.
Now, as you mentioned, the London Times in September of 2002 published photographs where the television's in the background in the school corridor.
Bush is pointing at it, the World Trade Center's on fire.
But interestingly enough, the actual principal of the MRT Booker Elementary School, where Bush was on that morning, stated directly that there were no televisions
In the corridor, in the classroom, and at no point did Bush watch a television.
So it appears that the photos that were published after the event were in fact staged to kind of try and back up this erroneous story that Bush was watching the World Trade Center attack unfold.
Also, he says it jokingly, well that's one bad pilot, like he joked under the desk at the press dinner about weapons of mass destruction, all these Americans dying I guess is real funny to that big government imp.
That is amazing that Bush, this public dinner, what was it, Thursday night, actually got up on stage.
He had a slideshow of different photographs of himself looking under, you know, the desk of the Oval Office and he was giving commentary saying,
You know, where are the weapons of mass destruction?
Are they under there?
Are they under there?
That is completely sick!
To imagine that, you know, approaching 600 US troops have now died, the pretext of looking for these weapons which don't exist unless you count the ones sold to Saddam by, you know, Rumsfeld in 1984.
So again, it's sick.
We've got, you know, approaching 20,000 dead civilians from this war, more dying each day, and yet Bush has the temerity to get up on a public stage and make a big joke out of it all.
And make a joke about the plane crashing.
Does that answer your question, Tim?
One more thing for Paul.
Do you know some more about the guy who supposedly split his wrist?
Yeah, we've had top government people on, you name it.
They killed Dr. David Kelly.
Oh, I know.
I was in Europe when that happened.
That was ridiculous.
No way.
It went down how they said.
A nutshell, Paul.
Well, the update is that they've basically closed the case.
The inquest won't reopen.
But we've had Michael Shrimpton on saying the same thing.
The death scene was manipulated on two different occasions.
He didn't take 29 of these tablets.
Only half of one was actually found in the autopsy.
That never got mentioned apart from one thing.
And there were people hanging around in black jumpsuits before the official discovery of his body.
There was an Operation Mason launched hours before his death, which is classified.
They won't release any details of it.
Now they're talking about putting the whole investigation and the evidence under a 100-year classification, which is exactly what they did with the Dunblane shooting.
That's it.
Thanks, Tim.
Let's talk to Sean in Alabama.
Sean, go ahead.
Hello Alex, good to be talking to you again.
You bet.
Yeah, you're going to get a kick out of this about the News Channel 6 in New Orleans.
A couple days ago I was hanging in the New World Order chat room on FNET when someone posted a link to the original version of the story that they posted.
And I got to reading it and they didn't have the name of the actual court case there so I called up the station and after a little bit of wrangling
They went through the notes and said, oh, it's U.S.B.
So I thanked them very much and went on my way and promptly sent an email to the tips at InfoWars and also sent an anonymous tip to Drudge, who later ran the story that night.
And I heard y'all talking about how they had rewritten the story today.
Tell you what, stay there.
Stay there.
We'll let you comment.
We'll get back to Sean.
It's like a few other calls and nothing but news.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones and Paul Watson.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, a few weeks ago we got a call and we played the clip on air.
It was him.
One of our listeners called in to brush Limbaugh and Limbaugh tried to deny that Skull & Bones even existed.
Later had to admit, oh yeah, it's real.
But, you know, it's a good thing that Bush and Carrier are in, basically.
And here's a caller calling in one of our listeners.
I guess it's kind of an example of our people taking such action.
We had Greg Powell on from the BBC a few years ago, and he broke news about World Bank documents.
His own Newsnight show on BBC, he said, didn't have a small portion of the effect of coming on this show and a transcript being made of that show.
And that was published in over 400 newspapers around the world, by the way, that transcript.
So, I mean, you guys are great.
We're taking action.
We're having an effect here.
But that's just an interesting tidbit that Sean says that he saw the new six-piece, sent the email to Drugs, then he gets it posted.
We're here talking about it.
And that's what we need you to do is let us know what's going on.
Sean, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
What's even better is that I was listening to the show this morning and
Paul, I believe it is, mentioned that they had rewritten the article and removed the quote from the dissenting justices that, you know, it's the road to hell.
So I called News Channel 6 back up, and I reminded them about my call this past Saturday.
Yeah, you're doing the journalism for them.
You actually got them to go look up the case.
Yeah, I guess so.
I guess I reminded them that if you're going to talk about a case, it's kind of important to let us know which one it is.
Yeah, U.S.
v. Gould, yeah.
And anyway, I asked him, I said, you know, I was kind of curious in the rewriting of your story, why it is that now the new version of the story is soft peddling the dissent, and that you've removed the opinion of the dissenting justices that this decision is the road to hell.
And I quickly got transferred to the webmaster.
And I asked the webmaster the same question, and
You got a little bit upset that one of the sheep was calling in and bleeding, I guess.
I got one that can see she was reporting.
Yeah, and asked her the same question.
She said, well, you know, it wasn't a direct quote.
We've got a link to the published opinion.
I'm like, well, yes, ma'am, but that's 64 pages of legal mumbo jumbo.
Do you honestly expect people to wade through that to get to what the
Uh, the salient point that the dissenting justices referred to this decision as the road to hell.
It's not often you'll hear a dissenting justice get that vehement.
By the way, Paul, you need to get that decision and take it because you know they'll take it down later.
Copy it and kind of make a section on this.
Can you do that?
The point is, though, with this removal, that shows deliberate spin, lying by omission, which is why we sometimes put the articles in our own format.
So, if you go to Prison Planet or Infowars, we've got the original article, which includes these quotes from the dissenting judges.
Exactly, but going back, so what did the webmaster say after that?
Well, she started trying to say that, well, you know, the part about, quote, the road to hell, it wasn't a direct quote, and that the
Readers can follow the link to the opinion.
And after I countered that, she got a little bit flustered and was going to hang up on me before I put up the weight.
But it does say in the opinion, it's the road to hell.
They just took that out of the quote.
Why are they saying it?
Well, I started asking her that, and she got flustered and was about to hang up on me when I said, well, wait a minute.
Can you transfer me to someone over you that I can speak with about this?
And so after a couple minutes, I got transferred to one of the executives there at the station, and I was
Explaining what I was going on and why I felt that it was important that they keep this quote from the dissenting justices in that, you know, people aren't just saying, oh, this power might be abused.
The dissenting justices are actually calling it the road to hell.
And he started backpedaling.
And the next thing I know, he's like, oh, yeah, the webmasters over there, she's a
Getting back on, she's going to start, she's going through the court opinion to find the exact quote and she's going to get it back up there and blah blah blah.
Good job!
That's the point we should, look, that Indiana paper was about to publish the names of gun owners and they said, so we know if your homes have guns.
They actually said that last Friday in the article where they decided not to publish it.
They were going to do it until we had everybody called.
This is the kind of stuff we've got to just swarm these people and educate the idiots.
I mean, the way that I see it, this right here is the pivotal point in this country's history.
If the American people don't stand up to this decision and put their feet down, if they hell no, it's over.
And that's how we stand up is swarming them with info, Paul.
Yeah, that's exactly the point.
We can actually set the news agenda of the mainstream media.
How many times have you seen this happen with us, Paul?
I've seen it dozens of occasions.
We had Brian Lamb talking about, you know, InfoWars, saying, oh look, they're talking about the imminent staged capture of Bin Laden, which we'd been talking about for weeks before.
So immediately that goes out, you know, on C-SPAN.
But this Road to Hell thing,
To say it's not a direct quote, I'd ask the webmaster why it's in quotation marks.
It doesn't say, you know, the dissenting judges described it as something akin to the road to hell it stays.
Two dissenting judges called it, quote, the road to hell.
So now they've added it back?
I don't know that they've actually revamped it yet.
I'm going to keep checking back to keep them honest on it.
But they said they were going to give it up.
We need to write up this curious flip-flopping.
Yeah, we do.
It's in the original that we've got on Prison Planet, but the link through to the updated article isn't in that article as of yet.
Well, I did tell the executive there at News Channel 6 that, you know, as a concerned citizen, I didn't much appreciate the Orwellian kind of Winston ministry of truth.
Rewriting of history that they have going on there.
They do it all the time.
The White House goes into their own websites and changes speeches given, you know, a year ago.
And news agencies do this as well.
They take out the key points of articles.
When people, you know, point them out and it gets massive attention, they remove the key pieces and it's, you know, down the memory hole.
It's lying by omission.
Well, they just ordered this lady at the FBI to go and change transcripts for the committee.
I mean, there's no stopping these people unless we stand up to them.
Thanks for the call, Sean.
Keep it up.
Kenneth in Rhode Island.
Thanks for holding, sir.
Go ahead.
Kenneth, it's good to talk to you, buddy.
Yes, nice to talk to you, too, man.
I was wondering, who exactly signed the papers?
What papers were signed to get this to destroy the Fourth Amendment?
Well, I mean, look, the courts all over have been doing this bit by bit.
This is another big chunk, and it's a federal court, the Fifth Circuit, very high level, second highest level, the Supreme Court, in a ruling for five states, but it affects all 50.
Yeah, because I'm trying to figure out exactly who, like, the names of the people who did it, when was it signed, like, was it signed last night, the night before?
This ruling came down on Friday.
Friday, okay.
And it's the members of the Fifth Circuit.
What do you think about it?
I do not want police coming in my apartment with no warrant.
Yeah, because before they'd have to at least make something up you were doing.
Now it's just, I'm here to check your house, part of the freedom.
Yeah, this is the beginning, because this tells me that if they're going to eradicate or destroy the Fourth Amendment,
It's just going to get worse after this.
They may start taking away our guns.
They're going to start taking away the ability for us to work every day.
I mean, working 40 hours a week is getting tough as it is.
But now the gas prices are going up, jobs are getting scarce, the economy is doing really bad, and now the police can walk into our apartments or our homes or our places of living without a warrant.
That's pretty scary.
Really scary.
I mean, I don't like it.
It's not freedom, it's 180 degrees from what America is.
And I want the police and judges to know, you are knowingly killing this country because your fat belly banker owners are ordering you to do it.
Shame on you, start saying no.
It's like the forced vaccination of the police.
You refuse, now you can't make us take it.
That's good, you woke up.
Wake up to this!
And what's funny about this thing is that people are so scared of it.
Like my friends, my family members, they all can't.
You better be careful about what you say, because the police may come by and take you in.
That's the supposed freedom.
A lot of people are scared, yeah.
And they'll still say it's a free country.
Good to hear from you.
That's a good point, Paul.
A lot of people walk up to me in the grocery store or wherever and go, you know, I'm an executive, or I'm a cop, or I'm whatever, and you're right about this, but you know it's dangerous, and why do you do this?
You could get in trouble.
I'm the good guy.
I don't do anything wrong.
Well, I mean, look what America's descended to when people say you're brave to speak up about something that's the truth.
You shouldn't have to be brave to do it in America.
But the good news is this, they're also running a poll on the News Channel 6 website, you know, you can link through from their article, and it says, do you agree with the Fifth Circuit ruling that police officers who think they're in danger should be allowed to briefly search homes or businesses without a warrant?
And the yes vote is 14%, the no vote is 86%.
And we've now talked to police and lawyers, as this has been developing during the breaks, and they say it's, if they're out on the bus at Watermain, or they are doing something in your backyard, whatever, it's just if they feel like it, they can search your house.
Yeah, so it's carte blanche across the board, but, I mean, people are obviously wise to it now with this poll, we're in the majority, 86% against.
We've got to post that.
Everybody, go to the News 8 website.
We've got a link to it in our articles about this.
Go vote on it immediately.
I want that 99%.
I know we can do it.
Let's go ahead now and go to John in Tennessee.
Two more calls and that's it.
We'll keep the phones open the last ten minutes for any police.
Or former police to call in and briefly comment on this at 1-800-259-9231.
John in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yeah, I've got two stories in the news today on searches.
Have you heard about the drug raids by SWAT teams in Tennessee high schools this week?
No, but is it the same as the others where they just grab everybody, put guns in their heads?
Except this time they were smart.
They didn't release any videotapes.
And they didn't send the TV crews down there so they didn't see that.
But there were 700 students at Rome County High School and they were locked down in their building and their cell phones confiscated.
And they did make one single arrest.
Because they searched all the cars in the parking lot with dozens of canine caught.
And so 700 locked down, and they found one thing, and then that'll set the precedent to keep doing it without a Fourth Amendment, training the children how to be locked down like prisoners.
And WBIR.com TV reported like this is now normal and routine, and the public should love it.
And they confiscate the phones so that the people can't get the word out of what's happening.
Right, and another strange thing on the same website at WBRTV said that a talk radio host in Chattanooga, Tennessee was fined $7,000 by the FTC because he's running for U.S.
Congress against the incumbent, Zach Womp, who is ironically a convicted drug dealer, according to the newspapers.
And this radio host is an attorney named John Wolf, and he might appeal to federal court
But, uh, he's on WGOW.com radio.
Okay, so that's W-R-R-I, you said?
It's W-G-O-W.com radio station in Chattanooga.
And it's just ironic that the school kids are arrested for drugs while their congressman is a convicted drug kingpin.
Well, I mean, what do you expect?
You've got to be that, basically, to be in office.
Thanks for the call.
They gotta keep the drugs illegal to keep the prices up!
I mean, that's documented!
Uh, well, let's tell you... Who's the next caller there?
James in Colorado.
Hello, Alex Jones.
Um, I'm just... I'm outraged, shocked that millions of people can understand thousands of words of text, double-speak, yet we can't understand a few simple words called the Second Amendment.
What part of infringed do we not understand?
It's an individual right, but that caller earlier said it didn't say that.
And I would like you to possibly replay the Goldstein takes to Tower 7, and especially if you could replay a pre-9-11 show where you're inviting people to call in.
Oh, telling them to call the White House and to tell them, don't use your business partner Bin Laden to attack New York?
You mean those shows?
Yeah, and I've got your Police State 3 video and I'm showing it to people.
Good, well Police State 2 has a clip off the TV show from July 25, 2001, where I say call the White House, tell them not to attack New York.
Thanks, I said World Trade Centers, of course.
Thanks for the call.
I want to hit just a few final news stories we didn't get to, but if any police want to call in who think this is great or don't like it,
And just go to the calls.
We're only taking calls for that, Stephanie.
Do we have any police calling in?
I mean, again, you're pretty manly out there.
We're not against you if you're for the Fourth Amendment.
We want to know, are you manly enough, or I guess feminine enough for the female police officers to tell us why you think getting rid of the Fourth Amendment is a good idea?
And will you enforce this unconstitutional ruling?
Paul, there was so much other news today.
What's some of the other key stuff you want to talk about?
You want to talk about Iraq a little bit and the freedom we're setting up?
Well, that's the point.
The occupying force that occupies America is the same force giving the orders in Iraq, which is why we see the same methods of liberation.
And I mentioned before, they've now shut down one of the very few remaining independent Iraqi newspapers.
You'll know, there was this explosion of newspapers right after the war ended and people said, oh look, it's Freedom of Press.
Any newspaper run by someone other than the appointed officials there, the editors are harassed, the owners are, in some cases, even killed.
And now we've got Al-Hawza, this latest independent newspaper which has been shut down.
Why did they shut the newspaper down according to the Associated Press article?
Well, it's because, as we've been reporting, all the so-called car bombings in Iraq have, according to witnesses, been helicopter Apache missile attacks.
And this paper was carrying these stories, and that's the major reason why it was shut down.
Of course, they say, oh, that's inciting violence, but they were simply reporting the eyewitness reports, which conflicted with the official version of events that all these bombings are... And they admit, Pentagon now admits they ordered the killing of Reuters reporters, BBC, you name it, just right out in the open, murdering reporters now.
You know, that came out before the war even started.
BBC reported it, that the Pentagon had put the order down to kill any independent journalists on site, said they would be targeted for assassination, which is why we saw the record number of casualties of journalists during the war.
Let me hit this one.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Big Brother likely to be the Big Bosh.
And it gets into, uh, thanks to a new wave of wireless devices that enable employers to keep tabs on workers like never before.
High-tech employee badges not only identify who you are, but also monitor where you are.
Souped-up cell phones can tell whether you're calling from a client's office or the mall.
And don't drive too fast, the company car may be tracking you by satellite.
RFID bracelets are also being employed.
This is the new system, being little.
I have my little slave badge, Paul.
Yeah, I was talking to someone in the Las Vegas casinos and all the workers there have RFID chips in the name tags.
Even the chips that they use on the gambling tables, the higher dollar chips, the $500 chips, have RFID trackers in them.
So, I mean, down to the level of employment, down to the level of education in the schools, this biometric slave grid is being implemented in the first wave, and obviously the second wave, as we've been discussing throughout the three hours, is to bring it down to your home level and to your private life.
So, first they train us with employment and schooling, and now it's getting personal.
Again, we got a little five-minute segment coming up here at the end.
I'll hit a few final news stories, also briefly give out a toll-free number and address to get me the videos or books, but a chance for police to call in, especially in Louisiana.
But nationwide, they're saying no more Fourth Amendment, no more warrant to search your house, no probable cause, no nothing.
It's freedom.
What do you think about that, police?
Are you a foreigner?
Are you a guest?
Are you afraid in the free country to call into a talk show?
Someone might hear your voice and you might get in trouble because we're so free.
We'll be right back.
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Are you going to let them declare you slaves, property of the state, in your best interest?
Or are you going to stand up and expose this fraud?
We just heard about a bunch of raids on schools in Tennessee.
They go on everywhere, training them how to be slaves, putting machine guns in their faces, yelling, cussing at them.
Most of the time, nothing's found, and it's all hailed as wonderful.
Chris in Tennessee says his son was in one of these raids in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Well, Alex, my stepson was involved in this, and I'm highly upset about it.
I know that we still have some rights left in the Constitution.
Basically what happened was one kid came into school with a couple pills and he ate the pills and during this time, well he wouldn't have ate the pills, but what happened was the cops came in with dogs and said, look, we're going to do a drug sweep and if anybody has anything you can put something in the box and you won't be in trouble.
Anyway, this kid panicked, took the pills.
When he was having his stomach pumped out, they were questioning him if he gave anybody else anything else in the school.
He said that he gave one of these to my son, okay?
And my son at this time took the pill and flushed it, okay?
And the school administrator said, look, we're going to either draw blood off your kid, or you're going to have to force him for a drug test, okay?
Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is I told my son not to say anything and not to write anything down, but these cops over here completely overreacted.
There were 40 cop cars there, uh, news crews and everything else, and these two... A-A-A-A-Pew!
While they're pushing Ritalin and Prozac and lithium on the children.
Well, the thing that really got me about it was the kid wouldn't have took them.
And the fact that the other kid was having his stomach pumped and died at my time... Well, they arrest people for Tylenol nowadays at the public schools.
What was this drug?
I believe it was lithium, but I mean, just like this drug... I knew it!
I knew it!
It was drugs they're giving the children, and then they give it to each other, and then they get to have a big freakout.
It's drugs they're shipping in there!
Thanks for the call.
I'll have to let you go, because we're out of time.
Paul, it just sounds like freedom, doesn't it?
Well, it also shows that they're actually desperate because they have to falsely indoctrinate the children into this system because the natural instinct finds it abhorrent.
So they're having to artificially educate this into the children at that level.
So that shows the desperation.
Well, Rice won't testify because, um...
The question would be asked, and maybe it wouldn't with the, you know, the reliability of this commission, but it could cropple as to who warned Willie Brown not to fly into New York on the morning of 9-11.
But again, yeah, another whistleblower.
We've had several that warned the government directly.
Actual, you know, they were inside all these cells.
There was a plan to attack buildings with planes.
The government ignored it because they were basically running the attack themselves.
They ordered the FBI to not cover it or they'd be arrested.
That's the point.
These come out almost on a daily basis so that we can prove the very lie that nobody imagined planes as weapons.
You know, that is the complete falsehood.
Paul, I think it's been a good show today.
I think we woke a lot of people up to the true horror of what we're facing.
Final comments?
Well, yeah, we've got a new wave of people just, you know, visiting the website, tuning in to the show.
I've noticed from emails.
So, basically, it's a numbers game.
We've got the numbers, so we just have to get in, you know, in an organized manner.
Wake each other up to a greater extent and then we can move forward and stop the snowball from getting any bigger Tony Montana said it best.
You know you only one thing in this world gives orders
And we don't want somebody on every corner telling us what to think, what to wear, what to eat, where to sleep.
We're not your property.
We're not your slaves.
Paul, thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Alex.
You bet.
That's the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com.
His book is Order Out of Chaos.
Elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
Available through InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-3139
That's 888-253-3139.
Get off the bench.
Get involved.
Say no to the thugs and the tyrants.
We run this country.
We're free human beings.
We're not your slaves.
We're not your property.
We have some value!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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