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Name: 20040326_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Another week of broadcast is about to conclude here in just a few hours.
Time is just flying past us.
It is the 26th day of March 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we'll be live for the next three hours.
We have Tom Flacco joining us, and Tom is a journalist who's written for major publications like WorldNet Daily and Newsmax.
He's an investigative reporter.
He's been at all of the whitewash hearings that have been open to the public.
He's broken dozens of major news stories concerning 9-11, and with some of the latest revelations, he'll be bringing those forward in the second hour, so in about 59 minutes.
In the third hour, Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster has some amazing predictions.
An economist, of course, former army intelligence.
We'll talk about the economy and also his take on the Madrid bombings in the third hour.
And, of course, we'll have wide open phones throughout the broadcast.
Wide open phone lines 1-800-259-9231.
We'll go to your calls early in this hour and take a lot of your calls.
Websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com, both updated daily for you.
You know, I mentioned this UNICEF Nigerian polio vaccine contaminated with sterilizing agents scientists find.
I covered this in the third hour.
I didn't spend enough time on it.
I'm going to cover it for five minutes or so in this first hour after I get some more in the news because this just shows you
The mindset of the globalists, caught red-handed, and how any of us could trust any vaccines, or the water, or anything the government's providing us, is insane.
And I'll go over some of the history of the mass sterilization program going on.
You wonder why the women are becoming infertile while the men are.
A lot of it is by design.
This is confirmed from official Australian, British, EU, US government documents.
So that's coming up.
China says it won't sit by if Taiwan turmoil worsens after the President and the Vice President got shot last Friday, seven days ago.
We will also then get into two bills now pending to bring back the draft, and they're very close to passing.
We'll go over those.
GPS tracks state youth offenders moving in with Big Brother.
Civil Liberties Group's cry foul over EU anti-terrorism plans getting rid of all their freedoms just like the Patriot Act.
Blair to offer Libya military training.
We've always been at war with East Asia.
We've never been at war with East Asia.
It's just one day they're the enemy, next day they're the friend.
So we'll get into Blair's horrific plan to sell arms to Libya.
Well, Israel's always selling them to Iran.
Also, U.S.
sent medically unfit soldiers to Iraq.
Pentagon acknowledges?
That's just some of what's coming up.
There is so much that we'll be covering here on the show today.
I do this broadcast Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
Central Standard Time with a rebroadcast from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
So, nine hours a day, whatever time zone you're in globally or
We've got a time when you can listen to the show, and if your local AM or FM isn't picking it up during those hours, you can always listen at GCNlive.com or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
But again, any of these issues I've mentioned, you're welcome to call in about them or any news item you think is important.
Just have your question, your comment ready because we want to go to calls quickly and get as many of you in as possible.
I know it's frustrating for a lot of people that try to call in week after week and either can't get through or we never get to you, but we're trying to change that and we've been doing a better job of it.
So again,
Shortwave frequencies, by the way, are 94.75 during the day, 32.10 at night.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It is Friday, the 26th of March, 2004.
In about 52 minutes, we're going to have Tom Flacco, investigative journalist, writer for Newsmax, World Net Daily, you name it.
Joining us, he's covered all the public hearings, the last two whitewash commissions, and he'll get into some of the latest, I mean, smoking gun, cover-up, prior knowledge information, press conferences that have been given by witnesses that you never see on the nightly news, despite the fact that masses of cameras surround these individuals that are bringing this information forward.
Then in the third hour, Bob Chapman, economist,
Author, of course, former Army intelligence will get into the economy, the plunging dollar, and what he thinks about the Madrid bombings over in Spain from his educated point of view that I concur with by the way.
So that's coming up in the second and third hours, of course, as I said, wide open phones, 800-259-9231.
In about 30 minutes or so, I will air a clip
That we posted on PrisonPlanet.com that originated from the Richard Milhouse Nixon Presidential Library.
Now, I first read an Associated Press article, I guess six years ago, when I was doing research, or five years ago, when I was doing research on Bohemian Grove and Tex Mars' archives.
He has several rooms just full of files
And it quoted Richard Nixon as talking about Bohemian Grove in a bad light.
And so I've mentioned that article on air.
I've talked about it.
Well, lo and behold, we posted this on PrisonPlanet.com, where Richard Nixon has some interesting things to say about the Bohemian Grove.
And I'm sure a lot of you have heard other presidential phone call conversations from LBJ, Kennedy, even Reagan.
They're not very high quality.
I mean, if you listen carefully, you can hear everything he's saying on the website.
We're going to broadcast it.
So you definitely do not want to miss that when it's coming up a little bit later in the show.
Right now, though, I want to continue with the news.
And I want to go back to an article that I covered a little bit yesterday, but not properly.
Because it's such a big deal, it's such a smoking gun into the mindset of the globalists and the criminal activities they're engaged in.
Now, by turn of the century, they had the social Darwinists, the H.G.
Wells types of the world, who were calling for a new world order, who were calling for sterilizing most of the people of the planet, who were calling for a one-child policy.
They had the Malthusian view that the masses of people dying was no big deal.
And there are literally hundreds and hundreds of prestigious publications over just the last few decades.
And this is what you'll hear at any martini party with the sociology or biology professors at a major university.
The people bomb!
How we've got to get rid of 80 to 95 percent of the population.
Prince Philip in his own publication of I Was an Animal that he wrote in 1987 says, I'd like to come back as a particularly deadly virus.
To kill 80-plus percent of the population.
Ted Turner, back in the mid-90s, actually 1997, at a press dinner live on C-SPAN said, and it was also picked up by Audubon Magazine, that we need to kill 95% of the useless feeders.
That, by the way, is an Adolf Hitler quote.
Margaret Sanger gave awards to Hitler, got awards from Hitler, helped them set up their eugenics program.
Planned Parenthood today in this country.
And we have the 1973 declassified documents of Dr. Henry Kissinger, declassified in 1992.
We've posted those on the main page many, many times.
Just use the search engine on InfoWars.com, type in Henry Kissinger, you know, population control programs, it should pop up for you.
And they told the five most populous third world countries, sterilize half of your population or you'll get no IMF or World Bank money.
And then all over the globe, from India to China to Nigeria, they would just go around grabbing poor women and would tie their tubes.
So, this is going on.
This is their program.
This is what they're up to.
This is what they believe in.
And a major pro-life group in Canada, LifeSite, took several mainstream articles and put their own story together, and they reported years ago that it's not the first time that UNICEF has been embroiled in a controversy over sterilizing agents and vaccines.
They reported that in 1995, the Catholic Women's League of the Philippines won a court order halting a UNICEF anti-tetanus program because the vaccine had been laced with B-HCG.
Which, when given a vaccine, permanently causes women to be unable to sustain a pregnancy.
And it says, um, the Supreme Court of the Philippines found the Surreptitious Sterilization Program had already vaccinated 3 million women, ages 12 to 45.
B-HCG, Lace Vaccine, was also found in at least 4 other developing countries.
A top Indian scientist from India did a test of vaccines being used in Africa and India, other third world countries, at one of the most prestigious laboratories in India.
And they found a new sterilizing agent bonded to the pathogen in the vaccine.
That is what the body creates an autoimmune response to.
They bind it to other chemicals or
Other living agents, depending on which one they choose to use, and then it sterilizes the woman.
And time and time again, when the UN gets caught doing this, with different manufacturers in different countries magically, you know, these expensive synthetic products get added, agents get added, they say, oh, it's an accident.
But it's not an accident, because the programs are only for women.
This is sold as UN funding for women's health programs, which all your loving liberals go out and lobby for.
More for women.
Women deserve it.
Oh, you certainly do, the globalists say.
And so they go out and target women because this stuff wouldn't hurt men.
It wouldn't sterilize men.
They have other ways of doing that.
The water supply, chemically, they admit.
I have dozens and dozens, actually hundreds of major studies, top scientists, epidemiologists, biologists on this show.
I mean, Nobel Prize winners have been on this show.
Sodium fluoride, in even low levels, reduces your sperm count massively.
And that's why in countries that have been fluoridating, you have 75 to 85% reductions in sperm counts and sterility in millions and millions of men.
But continuing with this article, UNICEF Nigerian polio vaccine contaminated with sterilizing agents.
Scientist finds a UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio may have been a front for sterilizing the nation.
Dr. Haruna
Taita, a Pharmacological Scientist and Dean of the Facility of Pharmacological Sciences of Abud Velo University in Zaire, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis.
Using World Health Organization recommended technologies like gas chromatography, or GC, and radio
Immunoassay, Dr. Katia, upon analysis found evidence of serious contamination, quote, some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic, some have direct effects on human reproductive systems.
He said in an interview with the Weekly Trust newspaper, quote, I have some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the lab and could not believe the discovery, he said.
When asked by the Trust newspaper why the doctor felt the drug manufacturers would have contaminated the oral polio vaccine, he gave three reasons.
These manufacturers, or promoters of these harmful things, have a secret agenda, which only further research can reveal.
Well, we've done that research, sir.
Secondarily, they have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we don't have the capability, capacity, knowledge, and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants.
And very unfortunately, they also have people to defend their atrocities within our midst.
You know, we're paid off.
And worse still, some of these are supposed to be our professionals who we rely on to protect our interests.
The doctor is demanding that those who imported this fake drug in the name of polio vaccines be prosecuted like any other criminal.
Now, about six months ago, I visited my doctor.
I hadn't had a checkup in years, and I visited the doctor.
He was a mainstream medical doctor, and he was telling me we were having a discussion about vaccines.
He said, you know, Alex, I was working in a major clinic here,
Because I won't tell you the names, I know you'll go on the air with it, but he said they were still giving.
He said last month, so this is seven months ago.
He said they were still giving the oral polio vaccine despite the fact that it's not supposed to be used in America because they admit that it has SV40, a very aggressive, deadly form of cancer virus.
This monkey virus.
Humans didn't have all these new weird forms of cancers.
They admit it's causing them.
I mean, weird cancers in the brain that look like purple yogurt.
I mean, these are the descriptions.
All these new horrible cancers.
I mean, it's just un... flesh-eating cancers.
Just accelerated cancers.
Again, they banned it in the use in the western world because they admit it's deadly, but it continues for the third world, and he said, oh, they're still giving this 30 year old vaccine right here in Austin, Texas.
How many of you listening in Austin went and slurped it down with pleasure?
Because you didn't want to believe that radical Alex Jones.
That guy that makes up stuff about an imaginary group called Skull and Bones and that crazy who believes there's a world government as the presidents announce it.
I mean, this is the horror, my friends.
I hope you'll go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
And I hope you'll read these news articles.
I mean, just a month ago it came out.
CDC's own documents.
They admit it's brain damaging tens of thousands of children every year.
Millions have been damaged in the aggregate by the thimerosal mercury.
It's gonna continue.
They talked about the documents, how to cover it up, how to continue it.
Why have we stopped it?
They'll get wise.
We've gotta continue.
I mean, how do they sleep at night?
It's part of a concerted program.
The brain damage you, and when you get overly brain damaged, then you get the autism.
The rest of the public are just having a 20-30% IQ point reduction.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I know what's right.
I got just one life, my friends, and so do you.
Stand up against evil, be in the game, get off the bench, be part of history on the side of decency.
We'll take calls, then I'll get into more of the top headlines coming up in the next segment after some calls, and I'll air that presidential phone call discussion with Richard Nixon from his presidential library where he talks about Bohemian Grove.
Bud in Texas.
Bud, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, you do a heck of a job.
Immigration, or illegal immigration, or whatever is my hot button issue, and I'd love to tell everybody about the East Austin, largely Mexican neighborhood that I live in, and what they would expect, but in the interest of brevity, I was wondering if you could tell me what an administrative judge does, because
I have a problem with a criminal that I believe is protected.
And I want to know how much danger I might be in by taking action.
Well that's probably not enough info for me to come up with an answer for you.
Let's go back to the immigration issue.
Are there masses of illegals in your neighborhood?
Oh yeah.
Well, I mean, sure.
I mean, when I call PD, for instance, to say, you know, ask for parking enforcement, because they like to park on the sidewalk, you know, I don't know if that's just the way they do things.
But, you know, and I'm calling off a plate number, they're like, you know, that's too many numbers.
No, this one's from, you know, Michigan or whatever, you know.
I mean, there's
Ah, the park nearby.
You know, I walk the dog out there.
Yeah, this is the frustration, is that as citizens, whether we're Hispanic or black or white or polka-dotted, we're under all these new rules, all this oppression, but foreigners, whether it be from Mexico or Russia, we always talk about Mexico, because that's the majority, have more rights than citizens, get more tuition, more welfare.
It's designed that way.
But getting back to administrative judges and administrative courts, I don't know which administrative court you're talking about, but a lot of these are over color of law, government just creates new jurisdictions, new bodies, and then they go out and engage in quasi-governmental activities, and the Constitution's null and void in their courts, so I don't, you know... Well, I guess what I'm seeing is, is all the functionaries, like PD, Power Company, Legal Aid,
You know, they're all like, you know, well this guy's crooked, you know, be careful of him.
You know, but yet, you know, you've got drugs.
That's the problem with a corrupt society.
This happened in Nazi Germany.
Well, I guess my question is... Well, let me just go over this, since you bring it up.
This is what happens in a corrupt society, is that you've got the big criminals, and then all their minion criminals, and they protect them, and then they just start feeding on people, and then it becomes a third world system, and then why should anybody work hard, because somebody will just take it from you, and then everybody just gets lazy, and then we stop progressing.
Apathy is a terrible thing, yeah, you're right.
Finish up real quick here.
Okay, so I'm just trying to discern whether going to the FBI is a wrong move because obviously... You know, occasionally going to the FBI is not a bad thing.
I went to the FBI about eight years ago when I had a satanic cult after me.
This even ended up in the newspaper.
And they sent four thugs to attack me in a parking lot, and I found out about some of their activities and what they were doing.
And I did call the FBI, and the FBI really did go after him, and they disappeared and quit messing with me.
And this is what I've explained.
The low-level FBI guy that investigates bank robberies or, you know, money laundering or whatever at the low level is a good person.
Then it's the counter-terrorism divisions that are the criminals, so it's kind of a separation of division of labor there.
But yeah, I mean, sometimes the FBI really will do something.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that call.
Let's talk to Emo, I believe, in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to follow you.
I haven't called in a long time.
Yeah, I really appreciate what you're doing.
It takes a lot of fortitude to do what you're doing.
Well, thank you, but I'm just doing my duty.
Go ahead.
I wanted to call and ask you, I sent an email in reference to some things that are flying around about NASARA, N-E-S-A-R-A dot U-S.
Yes, it's not real.
It's government disinfo.
The government secretly is good and never mind the Patriot Act.
Everything's about to be perfect.
I just lay down and everything's fine.
It's not true.
It's a fraud.
That's what I thought after reading into this.
I was like, wait a minute, something's not right here.
There's a magical secret law they passed and the government's going to give you all your rights back and the New World Order was defeated and just go back to sleep.
It's total garbage.
And I bought that Berkey light, too.
That's awesome.
That product that you're selling.
That's amazing.
Well, good job.
Stop drinking the poison.
You've done that, and good job.
I had another question for you.
I'm wondering if I could get to it.
Go ahead and throw it out.
I'll answer it after the break.
Okay, about what are we supposed to do, like, with the driver's license and stuff like that.
A lot of us are standing up and sending them back.
What should we do now that we did that?
Okay, what do we do about the biometric national ID card known as the driver's license?
We'll be back to answer that question.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming up, Tom Flacco, investigative journalist, writes for World Net Daily, Newsmax, you name it.
He's been there since day one of the two different whitewash commissions in Congress, at Congress.
And a bunch of new, big smoking gun developments, cover-ups of prior knowledge, you name it.
We'll talk about that from an eyewitness to all of this.
Coming up in the next hour, then in the third hour, Bob Chapman, economist, former Army intelligence, to talk about the plunging dollar, the economy, his take on the Madrid bombings and much more.
Of course, more of your calls coming up here in just a few minutes.
A caller in Pennsylvania was just bringing up the driver's license, the biometric driver's license, federally funded, going in in almost every state, and he said, what do you do about it?
Well, in 97 I went in and protested and got arrested at the DPS with about a hundred protesters here in Austin.
And I put it at the end of my first film, America Destroyed by Design, the last 20 minutes is the protest and my arrest and what the biometric plan is.
Now you can see everything I claimed in that film coming true in the grocery stores and the theme parks and the school buses and the public schools, no food allowed without thumb scanning, no cash allowed.
He asked, what do you do?
I mean,
It's like living in Russia, you know, and going, well, a national ID card is wrong, but if you're going to be fighting it, you've got to have the national ID card, I guess, to go about your business in the country fighting the tyranny.
And so about a year ago, before 9-11, I could still get on planes with my old driver's license or passport, but now without it, you can't get on planes.
And so I said, well, will I stop flying places?
Will I not fly to L.A.
to go on national television?
Or will I not fly to Florida to expose corruption?
So I went and thumb scanned and got the driver's license.
My point was, exposing what this system is, you need to get people behind a movement to repeal this and not go along with it.
So it's up to you what you're going to do, but it's very, very serious.
It's a federal program of total control to track everything you do.
And they're going to move towards
Making you swipe your ID card, your driver's license, which is your national ID card, in your face.
When you buy anything, because that'll be part of the new national sales tax.
They're getting you ready for this if you buy cold medicine, or cigarettes, or beer.
Oh, we gotta swipe your card.
Many states do this just to make sure that you're as old as you say you are.
Or because you're buying cold medicine, it could be for making drugs.
So they're preparing you for this, and now the thumb scanners are going in.
They're getting rid of the people at the checkout counters, and then the thumb scanners go in after the self-checkout goes in.
This is all part of the program of control.
Before I go back to your calls, John and Don and Kevin and Chris and many others that are patiently holding, on PrisonPlanet.com right now we have a clip from the Presidential Library of Richard Milhouse Nixon.
And again, I have an AP article from years ago where they talk about Mr. Nixon openly discussing
In one of the recorded conversations there at the White House, how he hates Bohemian Grove, you know, how he's been there, and how it's, quote, the most faggy, bleep bleep thing, you know, place he's ever been.
And I pointed this out, you know, in the film and on the air, because everybody that went there didn't love it.
Ronald Reagan said he didn't like it in recorded transmissions.
Nixon said it, but the point is they had to go there to be part of the power structure.
They had to be there when they did the rituals.
They had to do all of this.
And, you know, the Washington Times reports, you know, how they run around naked in the woods.
That's the Washington Times.
It's in my film.
The first 20 minutes of the film is just news articles and documents and autobiographies of prime ministers and chancellors and people talking about the rituals, talking about what goes on.
Major publications have reported they bus in the male and female prostitutes for them.
And the point is, this is all off limits.
We're just not supposed to discuss how our Christian conservative leaders, supposedly,
...are attending this.
And I have photos from their own annals, from the 86 to 96 annals, posted on Infowars.com, of George Bush and his son, the current president, there at the Grove.
What, in 1993, the two of them, they're giving a speech beneath the owl!
This is a real place, it's been in the news, I got the footage of this.
Now this audio clip, when you listen to it online, these presidential tapes are already bad enough.
Let us look at it in order.
I don't want you interested in it, Stephanie.
You know the sentence in San Francisco just got declared, I don't care.
This is just not on the right part of town.
Now, of the upper class, the San Francisco is that way.
Now, the only in-growth that I've had on top of these years and the others that come here, but it is the most faggy land that you will ever imagine in San Francisco probably because it's just terrible.
I mean, I'd wash my hands of anybody in San Francisco.
Well, it's a different set of values.
Okay, and sometimes when you take an audio clip and try to clean it up, it makes that weird computer noise in the background.
Stephanie, try to open that up off the website and just play it raw.
I mean, he says GD.
I consider that profanity.
I don't use that.
When he says it's the most faggy, then right there, pause, you know, fade the audio down for about a second or two.
I mean, you know, they use this on Rush Limbaugh show and everywhere else.
We try to have higher standards, but somehow, you know, Stephanie, you say that clip's better now.
Sounds worse, because online you can really hear what they're saying.
But, uh, alright, I'll tell you what, how about you try to record it onto the computer again, Stephanie, here I am giving him instructions live on air, and how about you record it on the computer and just not clean it up?
Because somehow I think the cleaning it up
Somehow, put that computerized heterodyne noise on it, which seems to happen.
But again, I mean, off the presidential website, it's horrible enough, and then we put it on our site, and then we transfer it here.
It's an important piece of evidence, though.
I don't know if you can make out what he was saying.
I mean, I can make out some of it.
But later in the show, we'll try to play it raw without trying to clean it up, and maybe it'll be easier to hear.
Alright, let's...
Let's go ahead and take some more calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Texas.
John, go ahead.
God bless you, Alex.
I'm going to try to be real brief.
Well, let me ask you a question.
Could you hear what Nixon was saying?
Sir, I couldn't understand it.
I was listening to it over the phone and I couldn't hear what he was saying.
Well, you can clearly hear it online, so I guess, but go ahead.
Anyway, I wanted to bring up two points I think you'll have an opinion on.
I'll be real brief because I know other people are waiting.
First one is, as you know, the Globalists are putting, quote-unquote, the protection of intellectual property as one of their big priorities.
And I sent you an email about Reuters now saying that they're going to be searching the Internet, or looking for anybody that's using any of their material, even if normally it'd be fair use, and go and ask them for copyright infringement.
The second point I wanted to bring up that I haven't heard you talk about was
The performance by our Lord Bush in front of the television and radio commentators where he was doing things like getting under a desk and looking for the WMD and the comments about Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and all that stuff about Rumsfeld and the other people.
So anyway, those are my two points.
I appreciate hearing from him again.
God bless you, Alex.
Well, thank you.
I hope somebody will send me
The video of that that was on C-SPAN.
I didn't see it.
I have the article here.
I mean, it's not half as bad as the stuff he said to Ozzy Osbourne.
You know, blood and hell and death and Sabbath bloody Sabbath and Bush laughing and cackling because they do stuff a lot more radical than that at Skull and Bones.
You know, getting in the coffins, doing all the bizarre, dark, masonic stuff that, well, we saw develop, unfortunately, out in Long Island just a few weeks ago.
So I don't know what to say about it.
Alex, what do you think about the Reuters thing about them going to be using that FAST search engine looking for anybody that's using any of their material that they haven't given their previous blessing to?
Well, I mean, this is all just fear-mongering.
The Internet is damaging the globalists.
And so it starts out with people that are ripping off music off the internet, which I've never done because I don't listen to a lot of music.
And then, oh, we've got to do this.
First it's Napster, then it's that.
And now, oh, we want to go after everything.
And so they go and arrest a bunch of old ladies and people because their grandchildren use their computers.
Or they don't arrest them, they sue them.
It's all fear-mongering.
There's billions of people online now, over a billion.
There's nothing they can do.
It's selective enforcement to try to scare people.
It's civil.
So it's a bunch of propaganda.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate the call, John.
Let's go ahead and talk to Don.
And Don, where are you calling us from?
Raleigh, North Carolina, Alex.
Welcome, sir.
Pleasure to speak with you.
On behalf of every American who cherishes freedom, liberty, and privacy, I want to thank you for doing your duty.
Thank you.
You've helped to inspire me to have the courage to try to wake up those around me to this evil that's going on around us.
What I'm calling today about is I wanted to alert the people in my area, especially here in North Carolina, to pay attention to what's going on in the sky.
And I don't know if this relates to what you were talking about earlier with the vaccines and who knows what they're spraying with these contrails, but
I ventured outside of my area this morning, about 45 miles south of Raleigh, which gets you out in the country, and looked up in the sky, and it's a beautiful spring day, blue sky, very few clouds, and I saw a couple of jets going across the sky, and the contrails that they were leaving were minuscule.
They did not persist.
They evaporated and went away within a minute.
Yeah, that's a real contrail.
That's a real contrail.
You know, contrails don't form at 4,000 feet.
But right now, in the middle of the summer, the winter, it doesn't matter.
They do here, and they sit there for four or five hours.
That's not a condensation trail.
That's right.
Well, when I returned home, which is in a suburb of Raleigh, North Carolina this morning, around 11 o'clock or so, I looked up into the sky, and the sky was crisscrossed with contrails, new ones, jets crossing our area.
Billowing out white, very brilliant looking vapor that persists.
And anyone that goes outside here right now can look up in the sky and probably see 10 or 15 of these things in the cloud banks that have formed and expanded.
What it reminds me of, I grew up on a farm here, and I used to put chemicals in water.
And some of the ways that these clouds are dispersing reminds me of the way chemicals disperse in water.
And it certainly makes me very concerned about what they're spraying over us.
Listen, I hear you and I appreciate the call, Don, there in Carolina.
Look, I just read an admitted official report that the U.N.
puts hormones in vaccines that sterilize women.
If they'll do that, they'll do anything.
They cannot be trusted.
Let's talk to Kevin in Pennsylvania.
Kevin, go ahead.
Hey, I called in a local talk show, Michael Smirconish, and they were talking about the 9-1-1 Commission.
I might have sounded a little crazy when I called in, but I said that it's all problem, reaction, solution.
It's a whitewash.
The government did 9-1-1.
It's too scarce in the submission.
One thing I did say a couple times is that
Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are aimed at American citizens, and I gave your name and your website.
Did you notice, would you happen to notice a jump in hits on your website around?
Well, I hate to sound braggish, but I mean, sir, we get millions and millions of individual visitors every week now to the site, so I know I didn't... The whole Philadelphia area here that was listening at that time, that station, you know,
I heard me call in.
Hey, but I...
Does that make them angry, by the way, if you call into a normal talk show and give out, you know, say stuff like that, like the government did?
No, I mean, it makes some shows mad and other shows like it because they think it's entertaining, it's interesting.
But, I mean, who cares what they think?
Yeah, but that's why the screener asked what you were going to say, because if you told the screener that, then they wouldn't let you on.
Well, that's it.
I mean, look, the quickest way to get on a neocon show is call up and say you're a liberal, act really stupid, and they'll get you on instantly.
If you call up and say I'm a conservative and Bush isn't a conservative, you're not going to get on the air.
Yeah, but it's all controlled.
Well, in some areas it is.
There are a lot of talk shows that aren't controlled, but there's not a lot of big syndicated ones that aren't.
This one's a local show that's, uh, that's very popular, and, uh, but I know that, see, I had to talk fast, because if I just talk normally, he's gonna cut me off before I make any good points.
Before I, you know, before I say anything substantial, you know.
So what did he say after you were on the show?
He, uh, he was asking about, he was asking me how did they, so how did they do it?
And it's like, I don't have anything in front of me, you know, and I'm all,
You know, I'm all hyper saying things.
Well, you don't have a lot of time.
You say, look, we don't have time to get into all the details.
You need to research it.
Here's just a few case examples.
The Bushes are in business with the Bin Ladens.
They flew them out of the country on 9-11.
They warned Mayor Willie Brown not to fly to New York that day.
The CIA engaged in insider trading.
Some of the hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases.
Nine of the 19 hijackers have been found to still be alive.
Just fire those out at them, and that's how you do it.
I hope a couple people, at least, that heard me, you know, went up to your site and, you know, maybe... Well, good job!
But I'll tell you another thing.
Just like you've been saying that, you know, years ago, like, half the people would disagree with you, and now you get fire pressed for you to find a caller that disagrees with you.
People on the street now, that I talk to,
Only once in a while I get somebody that will disagree.
A lot of people that I talk to, they're like, yeah, you know what?
It doesn't look like the government did it.
That's it.
I appreciate the call.
Everybody knows the truth deep in their guts.
And they've got a soul.
Now, the wicked of the world are blind, but yes sir, yes sir, that's what we've seen.
It's very encouraging to hear that from you.
Thank you.
We'll break.
I'm going to come back at some news, and then we've got a guest coming up.
We'll go to your calls early in the next hour.
Before I end this segment, though,
Be sure and visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Be sure and visit the sites.
Be sure and order the videos, the books, the information.
Because if you don't give this story legs, if you don't expose the New World Order, nobody will.
The power we have is through you.
So don't thank me, I want to thank you.
I want to thank those that have gotten the videos and made copies.
I want to thank those that have called in to C-SPAN and other talk shows.
I want to thank those that have gone down to their county commissioner meetings and gotten the Patriot Act thrown out at their city councils.
But a lot of you haven't taken action, so go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and use our secure, safe online shopping cart and order some of the videos today.
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Get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
Get those two films on 9-11.
Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Alright, we'll cover some more news and we've got Tom Flockill, investigative journalist, who's been there at the whitewash hearings, covering it, joining us.
And we'll take more of your calls into the next hour.
Kind of got rushed there at the end of the last segment.
Again, it is so important that when we have videos that are waking up 90% of those that see them, you need to take action.
If you already own my films, make some copies, donate them to the library, give them to your county commissioners, you know, whatever.
Just, you know, your city council, the local talk show host, your pastor.
Take action.
If you haven't gotten the films, get them!
1-888-253-139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or write to me at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And the videos are $25.95 apiece.
If you order three or more, they drop down to $20.
My book's $12.00.
Watson's book's $19.95.
I carry a bunch of other videos and books as well.
Back into the news.
China says it won't sit by if Taiwan turmoil worsens.
Reuters reports that China, in its strongest statement yet on the political crisis convulsing Taiwan since its controversial election, warned on Friday it would not stand idly by if the situation on the island spirals out of control.
Quote, We will not sit by watching should the post-election situation in Taiwan get out of control, leading to social turmoil.
Endangering the lives and property of our flesh-and-blood brothers and affecting stability across the Taiwan Strait.
Yes, soon Taiwan you'll have mobile death vans for speaking out against the government and your churches will be shut down.
Soon you'll be living under the UN award-winning country's control.
Beijing's policy-making Taiwan Affairs Office said in a statement they will not sit idly by as their flesh and blood is hurt.
It reiterated that China was paying close attention to events on the island, which had been wracked by protests and political paralysis since President Xi Jinping, who favors Taiwan independence, won re-election by the thinnest of margins on Saturday.
The opposition immediately contested the result and demanded a recount.
So China's clearly trying to destabilize, and they may really shot him.
Some are saying now it's a staged shooting.
I don't know, isn't that kind of what the commies do?
Who knows, though?
This is an interesting little tidbit here for you.
Two bills now pending to bring back the draft.
There's actually about nine of them, but these are two that have been out of committee now.
163, this is from the bill, to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in the furtherance of the national defense and homeland security and for other purposes.
We've read the other purposes.
Tattletale squads, gun-grabbing squads, checkpoint squads, environmental land-grab squads, literally.
Just everybody has to serve.
And some of the bills, it says 18 to 49.
S89 says to provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security and for other purposes.
So it'll be a new type of draft.
Not where you join the military and go fight, but where you engage in Secure Corps and TIPS type programs.
Pretty scary stuff.
But again, we're in the new Stasi America.
After the Feds blow something else up, you better believe they're going to pass this.
They've said they will.
And I guess I'm going to be under it.
You know, I'm under 49 years of age.
If you read into these bills, 49 is a young person.
And, you know, I guess a lot of us will get arrested.
We refuse to go tattle on neighbors, help run checkpoints, help do environmental, you know, tattletailing.
I saw somebody leave a Coke can at the park.
I mean, literally, that's what they say they're going to do.
So imagine, you have to serve your 10 hours a week in the Homeland Brigade.
You have to volunteer your time, compulsory volunteerism, to watch the surveillance camera feeds from FEMA, the New York Times reported.
So Orwellian, it is unspeakable to try to even describe the bone-chilling nature of it.
Tom Flock goes up next.
More of your calls.
Tons of news in the second and third hours.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with me.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
He's written for World Net Daily.
From the Wilderness Publications, Newsmax, Marco News, Judicial Watch,
He's a retired school teacher, served 24 years in the Army as well.
He's been there at the two whitewash hearings, the two different fake commissions, both the congressional one and the latest kangaroo operation, kangaroo court operation.
And he's broken just major news story after major news story after major news story.
He sued Bill Clinton and others.
He just has a huge bio, done a lot of great work exposing the New World Order.
TomFlocco.com is the website.
Also, unansweredquestions.org.
He's done a lot of great work and yesterday we covered an article he broke because the media didn't want to cover this.
The lady was surrounded by cameras but didn't see it on the news.
Breaking special report, 9-11 hearings, DOJ, SFPI translator to change pre-9-11 intercepts.
And she was threatened with arrest if she didn't change him or testified about him.
And the same thing happened to FBI agent Robert Wright and countless others.
But this was there in the Capitol, but nobody seems to know about it.
Tom has broken a lot of other news, like the spokeswoman for the FAA admitting that the government called him in before planes were flying into buildings and was in control of the situation.
And that links in with the ABC News article about Cheney in control of the Bunkers that morning, even beforehand.
A giant staged event.
And Tom, good to have you on the show.
I appreciate you joining us, Tom.
I had a couple of very interesting days.
I was down there for a press conference on Monday, and I spent the whole day Tuesday and Wednesday, and it was quite tiring, but we knew it was going to be a pretty exhilarating experience because of the
Just the people that were testifying that day.
Well, I want to go over, because you've been there, I want to go over the past few years, a year and a half, down there watching all this.
I want to go over the big smoking guns that haven't gotten reported and how the whitewash is progressing and where you think all this is going.
Well, I'll tell you, I personally, and I'm going to write about this.
I normally write a story that's kind of like geared toward one particular subject, but there were so many things that struck me in this hearing that I'm going to kind of do a new, you know, like a shadow, you know, 9-11 shadow news, the stuff that doesn't come out of the shadows type of thing.
And I literally had personal contact with five of the ten commissioners wherein I went and asked them, why aren't, why are you failing to use your subpoena power?
You know, and it's just incredible.
They just look at you, and I say, you know, I say, you know, the hijacking started at 10 after 8, the plane turned south at 8.20.
I'm just rattling stuff off.
23 minutes after 8, the man on Sweeney calls in and says, you know, we had a maybe possible gunshot.
A stewardess got her throat slit.
So we know that there's a hijacking going on at 10 after 20, after we know there were phone bridges at 20, 25, after we know that the President of the United States said,
I know what's going on in New York City at 8.30 in the morning, and I'll have more if this is before he stepped into his limousine to go to the elementary school, and said, uh, you know, I know what's going on.
And this is all admitted, by the way?
Yes, all admitted, all reported by U.S.
journalists, 8.35 and 8.30.
We have an audio clip of Bush talking about seeing the first plane hit on television.
Oh, if, yeah, that's, I mean... But nobody else has seen that.
A lot of people don't realize, if you listen closely to the testimony,
All American Airlines equipment was grounded at about 845.
I've got to go check that because I've got that.
I was taking notes and I've got to go back to my files.
But in that area.
So we're talking about a hijacking that the air traffic controller, the quote was, we determined it to be a hijacking at 810 or 813 in the morning.
So that's just about two hours before the last plane crashed.
And it's about 30-35 minutes before the first plane crashed.
See, and so their actions, Alex, are indefensible.
And I've been saying this.
They're the actions of General Myers, who sat in his office.
He was the head of NORAD that shut everything down.
Now he got the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for his good work.
He was acting Joint Chiefs that day, the highest ranking general on U.S.
soil, when
Tell you what, stay there.
We gotta come back and go over all this.
Everybody stay with us.
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We're good to go!
Alright, we got caller
From Chicago to Atlantic City.
From Austin, Texas to Los Angeles, California.
Your calls are coming up later in this hour, but we've got Tom Flacco, a military veteran, a journalist, writes for major publications, a retired school teacher.
I mean, he's done it all, and he's been down there at these whitewash, well, both the whitewash committees, the congressional one and this new one, and it's come out, you know, first off, let's impeach the committee itself.
Some of them had to testify secretly because they were involved in actually covering up 9-11 evidence before they were even on the commission.
That's correct.
Others are in business with Bush on a dozen different fronts.
Let's go over that first.
Well, they first tried to have Henry Kissinger as the head of it, calling him independent.
Let's go over that, then let's go through what you've seen happen in the committee and the witnesses that aren't ever brought forward that you then interview and that the media interviews, but then we never hear about because of the government gatekeepers inside of the mass media.
Well, what struck me right off the bat was the questioning seemed a little tougher.
However, as anyone who knows anything about the prosecutorial interrogation, it's the follow-up that's critical.
You mean, you telling me this?
Or why didn't you do that?
Or how come you did this?
And there was no follow-up.
The follow-up was very weak to poor.
And that's where you're going to get some of the answers that you could get.
They never really... See, the families and the media, everybody knew that the Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld
Well, let's go over the timeline later, but I mean, this is Shakespearean theater.
I mean, the Warren Commission supposedly asked tough questions.
This is theater.
They set up, but they don't bring up who called Condoleezza, you know, or, you know, why is it Condoleezza Rice here?
You know, why has she been lying?
They didn't bring up, you know, to the public, well, why were public officials told not to fly?
Or, you know, why did FBI agents get cash bonuses for blocking other FBI agents?
I mean, none of that real stuff was brought up.
Well, there's been close to 1,000 behind-the-doors, behind-closed-doors interviews.
That's a good question.
But we were doing, there was a big interest in Philip Zelikow.
The families were calling for him to resign immediately.
It was all in the hallways and a lot of the people that are listening to C-SPAN or watching C-SPAN don't realize that a lot of the action is taking place in between in these sidebar interviews with family members and some of the officials.
Now all the officials, Colin Powell, Armitage, Rumsfeld, none of them all came in from the side door.
None of them would
Would stand for an interview in front of the media.
They all slipped outside doors coming in, going out so that you had no contact.
Yeah, I saw that.
They're coming in through the back where the congressmen come in or the commissioners come in.
Even at the end, they allow a press conference.
I wasn't allowed to go to the press conference because I don't work for a recognized media like the Washington Post or something.
And so all of the hard questions being asked by a few of us who have spent a great deal of time
Um, working with us.
That was totally left out.
And not only that, they moved the press conference to the Dirksen building from the heart.
So you had to walk over to it.
And then you had, they had somebody standing in the doorway checking credentials and so forth.
So, uh, I didn't even bother to go because the last time I did ask a hard question, they said, well, I'm not going to answer that now.
And you only get one question, but, but they've, they've changed that whole policy to basically shut out
Anybody that's asking intrusive questions.
Well, I mean, let's go over that particular commissioner, who again, this is the Associated Press, admittedly involved in covering up 9-11 evidence for Bush, and then is a supposed independent commissioner.
Why are the families calling for this guy to resign?
Well, this is Philip Zelikow, and he is the staff director of the... staff director and executive director, and he has control over the flow of the whole investigation.
And what makes it interesting is that
The two people, there were only two individuals who were allowed to see the presidential daily briefings and those briefings would indicate whether the president had prior knowledge
of planes used as weapons.
And actually, we're going to report because Timothy Romer said in his opening statement, he listed some of the areas about hijackings and planes used as weapons, and literally came out and delineated some of the aspects of what was in the August 6th briefing.
So he basically said it publicly, and yet the media, Alex, the media is not covering.
That was the most explosive thing.
And then Rumsfeld, or not Rumsfeld,
Uh, was it Rumsfeld's testimony talked about hijacking?
I believe it was Rumsfeld's.
Um, it mentioned hijackings, um, or it was, uh, it was, uh, no, I knew it was, it was Tenet.
George Tenet, uh, was telegraphing the fact that hijackings were mentioned in some of the briefings.
That's mentioned in the transcript, so you can look at that.
But, uh, all of this, all of this came, kind of came to a head all at once.
And, and that's the, the amazing thing.
Zellico and Gorelick were the two that were picked.
Now, Philip Zelikow is not even appointed by Congress.
He's appointed by the staff.
So he directs the whole investigation.
He knows who's going to testify, when they're going to testify, what they said behind closed doors, what they might say, what questions are going to be asked, how they're going to be asked.
He controls the total inner workings of the... Yeah, this is a kangaroo court.
Now, Philip Zelikow... And Tom, not just
The overt cover-up and prior knowledge and involvement by the globalists, but just the body language of Powell and Armitage and all of them.
I mean, my wife walked in and saw Armitage up there and said, he looks like the kingpin.
Tenet looks like he's ready for the Sopranos.
You know, the arrogance, the smacking, the laughing.
We're talking about thousands of dead people and Armitage is just laughing and joking and rolling his eyes.
I mean, these are arrogant kingpins.
Well, they're also wealthy, arrogant kingpins.
They're totally above the people, and they're above scrutiny.
And when you've got somebody like Zelikow, who worked in the CIA, he worked for Senior Bush, he worked for James Baker, you know, we found all this stuff.
We were doing a deep Google search.
In other words, we were going back into page 40 and 50, you know, looking for everything.
And he wrote a book called Why People Can't Trust the Government with Two Other People.
And, you know, it's just amazing some of the things.
And he wrote a book with, I believe he wrote two books with Condoleezza Rice.
We have smacking, he was on the Bush transition team.
And then, and he's not even appointed, and he gets to look at all 4,000 plus PDBs, the Presidential Daily Briefings, and have access.
And then he and Gorelick, Jamie Gorelick, who's a member of President Bush's CIA Intelligence
She's a member of the partner in the Wilmer Cutler and Pickering Law Firm, which is representing Prince Faisal in the terrorist finance probe that was brought by the victim family.
This is a supposed independent commission.
I want people to listen to this.
This is Bush talking about, on 9-11, before he goes out and reads a little goat story to the elementary school students.
This is Bush saying, oh yeah, he saw the plane crash, which no one had seen.
Six months later, the French video came out of it.
No one had footage of the first plane.
But he says he saw that first plane hitting the building.
Of course, before he claimed he first learned of all this, while reading a little goat story from his chief of staff, Mr. Card.
But again, here it is.
What do you think of that?
Yeah, I mean...
It's just that there are so many issues here where you've got presidential knowledge of the hijacking.
Well, I'll tell you what, Tom, we're going to get into that in just a second because I want to go through the timeline and what you think some of the biggest smoking guns of prior knowledge and even involvement are, but for those that just missed it, here it is again.
I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower of a TV.
The TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.
So what do you think of that?
But what can you say?
The public is totally unaware of this, the majority, you know, the overwhelming majority of the people.
There are just, you know, 30, 40, 50,000 people in the world that probably are well-read on 9-11 and understand and can articulate some of the issues and where the real problems lie.
But see, Gorelick and Zeliko get to pick these briefings, and the thing is, they get to choose
Which briefings are promulgated forward for Chairman Keene and Vice Chairman Hamilton?
But then again, Keene and Hamilton are establishment whitewashers from a long time ago.
Hamilton goes back to the old Iran-Contra.
Many people claim that he had a part in calming down the Iran-Contra, the BCCI problem.
Yes, it's the same crew of kingpins.
Tom, let's go over some of the big smoking guns.
Well, first, let's do the timeline, you know, the obvious prior knowledge, then let's get into this major story you broke.
And again, the media was all around this lady, one of their codebreakers, one of their decipherers, and they told her, you shut up, we'll give you a better job if you don't, we're going to arrest you.
Let's go ahead and cover that now.
Yeah, it's just quite incredible.
I was walking around coming back
You know, a quick run to the restroom.
I see Michael Isikoff, Kelly Wallace, and David Corn standing around Kristen Breitweiser.
And I went up and we're asking questions.
They asked a few and she's doing a lot of talking.
And the conversation kind of drifted, you know, to things that were happening.
You know, what did they know before the event?
Kristen's talking about it.
All of a sudden she says, wait a minute.
For those who don't know, tell us who this person is.
Kristen Breitweiser is probably the
Right now, the number one spokesman for the 9-11 victim family.
She's generally the most articulate, quick-on-her-feet person who's able to bring forth the real issues.
She's one of the so-called Jersey Girls.
The women, Patty Kavazza, Lori Van Alken, and Kristen Breitweiser.
Okay, so you're there and they're talking inside the Capitol.
And so they're all talking.
So she says, wait a minute, I'll bring this woman back.
And there's a woman inside you need to need to listen to.
And so by now there's now about, you know, 10, 15 reporters all.
Yeah, we'll come back and talk about this and some of the other big smoking guns.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I can tell it's very frustrating for Tom Flacco to try to go over all this information, give you all the details, because he's been in the middle of it, researching it for so long as a highly respected investigative journalist.
So just remember, Tom, a lot of people don't have the level of knowledge you do.
Just with bullet points, go through this major news story, and then some of the major smoking guns you've documented in the past year plus at these hearings.
So you've got this admitted FBI linguist, codebreaker, individual,
You know, there's a story there that the media is all around her, with news cameras and the rest of it, and none of that makes it out.
That right there is a story.
Number two, she's not the only one.
There are probably 50 people that we know of, FBI, CIA, others, who've been told to shut up about prior knowledge.
Well, she's starting to talk, and at the time, this had been broken by CBS News on a short segment on one of their programs a year ago.
But the issue, what made it so important, was she was breaking much, much more new ground.
The issue before was, she was hired and she found some irregularities in the translations.
They weren't doing, it was shoddy, what she called shoddy translations.
I believe there was a... Yeah, CBS spun it that it was just laziness.
Yes, exactly.
But now we know it's John Ashcroft calling her saying, you want a big job or do you want to go to jail?
Well, that's the issue, of course.
She had said that she would go in and make a translation, and then she'd come back the next morning, and the translations would be missing, and she'd get all mad.
So it's not laziness, it's not them missing things?
Yeah, what they're doing is they're taking the translations off.
We're trying to teach you a lesson, I believe, with something said like that.
But when you get into the new allegations, she's fluent in Farsi and Turkish,
She speaks the languages.
She's been working for the FBI for six months and that's all she said.
Now I got a chance that it was this about 40-50 people gathered around firing questions at her like crazy and she's talking and people are scribbling, we're scribbling notes down and then she walks away and then they put her in front of a whole bank of cameras and microphones with cameras running and they reiterate the whole thing all over again and ask her the same types of questions and now it comes out that
You know, people are asking, were you bribed?
I guess you could interpret it as that.
Yeah, let me read her quotes.
In a 50 reporter frenzy in front of some 12 news cameras, Edmund said...
Attorney General John Ashcroft told me, quote, he was invoking state secret privilege and national security when I told the FBI I wanted to go public with what I had translated from the pre 9-11 intercepts, close quote.
Another quote, I appeared once on CBS 60 Minutes but I have been silenced by Mr. Ashcroft and the FBI follows me and I was threatened with jail in 2002 if I went public.
And it goes on.
That's correct.
The term came from the October 18, 2002 DOJ memo to me from DOJ spokesman Barbara Comstock telling her that it was a state secret privilege not to talk about it.
That's another quote.
There's a bunch of others we'll go into.
Please continue.
Well, exactly.
So Comstock had given her a memo.
Now, I got a chance to get Sabelle off to the side by myself with her.
And I asked her, you mean to tell me you were bribed?
Just trying to get her to reiterate, to verify this.
And I kept thinking, well, what's the big deal about the translations?
And I said, when did you start?
I want to get this.
She said, I started in December.
What year?
December of 2001.
And I'm thinking, I asked her, well, that's after the attacks.
And she said, but you don't understand.
I was asked to retranslate, was her word, and change the contents of
Pre 9-11.
And they were covering up exactly what was in there.
In other words, just the transcripts.
This is them altering evidence for the whitewashed kangaroo commission.
And this is not a story!
This is not a story.
Alex, it's incredible.
I'm flabbergasted.
I do a search and I don't see anything.
This is one million times bigger than Nixon spying on the Democrats.
It's totally incredible and what makes it the biggest story is that it's not a story.
I mean, that's the caveat.
Side story.
I said to Kelly Wiles as I was by his side, I said, Kelly, I hope you're going to put this story on the air now.
I said, I'm going to go write it.
So what I did is I hightailed it downstairs.
I had left my cell phone.
It didn't charge right overnight, so I couldn't call right from the spot.
So now it's 12, 15, 12, 30.
And I sat down there on the floor with scribbled notes in my hand and just dictated a story into a hardline telephone to my webmaster.
And he was typing it as he went.
Couple of typos and things which I fixed when I got home.
This was at the tail end.
But I had that story out there around noon and I was thinking, man, I'm going to try at least maybe CNN will have it on and MSNB, they have their people.
I figured, heck, I found out that I might be the only one in the whole country that has this story in a line.
I'm totally flabbergasted.
And then I have the Chicago Sun-Times saying Homeland Security is basically running Hollywood, and we've got a $70 million fake newscast package running right now in the New York Times.
So, the media is controlled.
Did you find anybody else?
That ran this story?
By the way, Tom's run a bunch of other stories that months later get picked up by the mainstream.
He's very credible.
Stay there, Tom.
We've got to come back.
I want to get into other big smoking guns that you've covered that nobody else has covered.
Then I want to get into the timeline and take calls.
Stay with us.
We shall return!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're talking... We're talking to investigative journalist Tom Blocko.
Written for WorldNet Daily, From the Wilderness, Newsmax.
You name it.
He's been there covering the 9-11 whitewash committee too, that they tried to have Henry Kissinger head up, but nobody bought that.
Everybody else involved in this thing has just as many connections to Lord Bush and James Baker and the rest of them.
Most of the committee members are in business with those testifying, literally.
But the media says it's independent, you can trust them.
We got a bunch of calls for you, Tom, but let's get into some of the other big smoking guns that have come out that nobody else has seen to report, or that they later kind of bring out and
And watered down as well, and then let's get into the timeline of some of the key smoking guns on 9-11, and then we'll go to the calls.
Well, there was a great deal of mention about hijackings.
There was a lot of interest in that with regard to what the government knew and when it knew it.
And Timothy Romer probably said it the best when he expressed the fact that there were
There were briefings that were out there, and these briefings were declassified, and they mentioned the fact that there were hijackings, that there were planes, the issue of planes used as weapons.
You see, the reason that becomes important
Is that if the American people ever find out, the majority of them, find out that they knew that planes used as weapons was one of the key areas of this investigation.
And the fact that Arab terrorists were taking flying lessons in the United States... And the government knew, and then the lied and said they never heard that.
And then on that day it shows they knew what was going on.
You see, my brother is a Delta Airlines captain.
And he's retired now, just retired.
He just called me on the phone and said, I just read a story about, you know, there's a lot of talk about the Bin Lads being escorted out of the air, you know, out of the country.
And he wanted to know, he had just finished reading the book by Kevin Phillips, the Bush Dynasty book, and it mentioned something like seven or eight flights.
And I always thought it was two or three flights.
And you have to remember, all of the planes were grounded.
He told me that it would take about
Forty-five minutes to ground one company's equipment.
In other words, if American Airlines ground, he says, you've got to fly maybe 130 miles to get to an airport.
It was 144 to Bin Laden's when all other ground traffic, air traffic, was grounded.
Right, and they were gathered up and flown out of the country in one or two flights.
They actually left the country, but there were other flights getting them to the gathering point.
And my brother said, and other pilots have told me, I believe there are, I've talked to a couple actually at the airport,
And some of the ones at the airport, I just, I ask them, you know, is it hard to get them out of the air?
And guys say, yeah.
I mean, it's, you've got to, you know, they land one by one.
And Boston Logan, I believe one of the flights for the Bin Laden left at least the one flight or one of two.
Well, this came out in the Sentinel.
It came out in the Miami Herald in the days after.
The media tried to claim it was an urban legend.
The former counterterrorism chief had to admit
Just last year, he told Vanity Fair that, yeah, it was a presidential order.
That's how the FAA and the military let these people leave.
Yes, and I believe it was Tenet's testimony.
They mentioned this issue.
It was brought up again by Romer.
Romer and... I haven't watched all the tapes.
I only saw some of it.
And, of course, the media hasn't talked about it.
You're saying they brought up... Yes, they did.
And they asked him why... I'm going to have this in my news.
Apparently, see,
I'm taking this for granted that the media's going to report all this stuff, and apparently they're not.
You know, Alex, I guess I'm going to have to write my little chatty news notes deal where I'm going to do two or three paragraphs on some of these things that struck me.
Well, that struck me.
Well, what did Tenet do when this got raised?
Well, he said that they weren't questioned.
No one was questioned.
This was mentioned at least once, and I'm trying to think now.
I'm pretty sure it was Tenet.
It might have been one of the others.
Don't quote me on this because again, I just got home and I've had to take a day's sleep just to catch up from being up all night for three straight days.
What I'm saying is that was brought up in testimony and I know it was Romer that brought it up.
So you can check the transcripts.
Under Romer's questions, and it will be there.
By the way, the White House had said that it wasn't true at first, so more on that.
Yeah, there's a lot of that going on.
You see, I was shocked to hear that, because they said, someone, I think Romer, said, you mean they got out of the country and they weren't questioned by the FBI?
And I believe that's true.
That it was the President getting them out of the country with his orders.
So this is massive again, but this had to come from the very highest areas.
Also, last year you were there and the FAA spokeswoman said that, oh, that morning, even before the crashes began, the attacks began, that the White House was already on the phone tree with the FAA.
Yes, the phone, I have the email.
They originally told us it was 820, then she wrote me a separate private email.
Uh, later that night, uh, saying that it was 845 rather than...
Well, we know darn well that that issue is safe because there's no way that if the President knew at 830, then the phone bridges had to have started at 820, 825 in the morning at least.
He was attended to by his own privacy.
He was on the Secret Service detail.
Well, Bush says he saw the first plane hit, but nobody else did for six months until the French video got brought forward.
I mean, how did he do that?
Alex, boy, I'll tell you what.
These are the kind of questions
And there's thousands of them!
There's thousands of them!
Alex, it drives you nuts when you sit there and listen to a policy wonk history, college history lecture, with poor preparation of questions for the most part, and terrible, worse, follow-up.
See, basically the president, the chairman of the commission, Tom Kino, is an honorable man.
But he's acting like a fancy restaurant maitre d'.
And he asked, well, what could we have done?
Everything was, what could we do?
Well, the commission said at the outset that we're not going to blame the government.
We're just going to find out how we can not do this again.
Yeah, it's turning, the families are turning it into something far different.
Trust me on that.
I want to get more into the timeline and then some calls, but being there for week after week during these hearings over the last year and a half, you're there with the families.
We've had a lot of them on.
They believe Bush did it.
I mean, I've had Stanley Hilton and all these other lawyers on who represent them, but when you're talking to the families, I mean, what's going on?
What's an average discussion like?
Well, they're calling for a new set of hearings to investigate 9-11.
In other words, they're saying we don't want history lessons, we don't want what's been going on.
This is politics.
And by history lesson you mean it's all how dangerous Al-Qaeda was, and why they dropped the wall, and how busy they are.
And let's, you know, we don't want this to happen again, so what policy should we change so that we can move on?
And the committee says a domestic CIA is the answer, big government's the answer.
Alex, there is nothing about accountability.
The only person who made himself accountable was Richard Clark, who has worked for both administrations, I believe, right?
And so he said, you know, I want to apologize to the families,
Alex, there's been subpoena votes.
I asked Timothy Romer.
Point Blank, Slade Gorton, Point Blank, Bob Kerrey.
Point Blank.
Individual, myself.
I asked all three of them.
And when I asked Kerrey, there were about 20 to 25 reporters standing there.
I asked all of them, why aren't you using your subpoena power?
And I said, have you voted for subpoenas to subpoena the Condoleezza Rice?
And they wouldn't answer.
Nobody will answer.
And I do, and they will say, Romer said, I voted to subpoena.
Now why don't they want Rice?
Because they stuck her out on TV and she told a bunch of lies.
She now admits those lies about we never heard of a plan to play.
Well, the other thing is, I have another story, a title, you know, I love to fool around with titles, and this title, the definition of is, is.
We now have a new definition of what is, is.
And you want to know what it is?
The President of the United States is saying that if I'd only have known that they were going to take airplanes
And fly them into buildings.
He said that at the last story.
You should go to tomflocco.com, F-L-O-C-C-O.
And you'll see in the last story I did regarding the Bush, the commission is still talking about subpoenas.
There's a quote up at the top.
And the president has changed that quote.
Instead of saying, if I'd have known that they were going to fly planes into buildings, he has planes into buildings in New York City.
You see, that's depending on what the definition is.
By the way, we've caught them going into old transcripts of speeches from two years ago and altering those, too.
This is a chilling cover-up and takeover.
Tom, any other key points you want to hit on about where this commission's going?
One more thing.
Hold on a second.
Will the public buy the whitewash?
Then I want to go to calls.
Count Elisa Rice.
Uh, when she made her damage control May 16th press conference in reaction to the Bush New Headline from the New York Post.
Yeah, she's not a good liar, that's what I want her to testify about.
She had made that statement while there was also a question, somebody said, about this issue of the Pakistani Intelligence General.
Uh, and then what they did is the CNN and the White House literally put inaudible in the transcript.
However, there was another issue where they named the Pakistani General.
So they put inaudible on the White House version of the transcript, so that we have evidence there, and I believe that was... Now explain, for a lot of people that don't know what you mean by Pakistani General Amoud Ahmed.
Give us the background on that in a nutshell.
Quite incredibly, we were all waiting in Attorney General Powell's testimony to find out if they would ask him, Secretary of State Powell, he confirmed that he met with Pakistani intelligence in his follow-up question testimony that day.
When he testified the first day.
However, there was no mention and no one followed up and said, well, did you meet specifically with the General of the Intelligence Team?
Well, obviously he inferred that.
Well, this Pakistani Intelligence General, Mahmood Ahmad, had one of his surrogates, his associates to wire $100,000 to Mohammed Atta,
The elite hijacker.
And by the way, that's admitted, and in the second trip in his life, he met with the CIA chief.
He also met with Richard Armitage.
And then that morning of 9-11, he was having breakfast with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairman.
That is correct.
He met with Porter Goss, and he met with Robert Graham, and also mentioned was Senator John Kyle.
So here we have United States Congressman in charge of the
The Joint Congressional Intelligence Investigations of 9-11 meeting with the general who had wired money to the lead hijacker a week or two prior to coming to Washington.
Let me give them some more.
We have a London Guardian reporting as well as the Associated Press that Bush Sr., at a Carlisle Group function at 8.30 in the morning, was having breakfast with the head of the Bin Laden family.
We also, of course, have a bunch of other examples of this.
Yeah, these are the kinds of things that were... See, they had opportunities.
They could have asked this to Armitage.
They could have asked it to Colin Powell.
Armitage was very arrogant, wasn't he?
You know what?
I bet this hasn't been... I've got to report this, too, because we all walked out.
The families and all the reporters walked out before Armitage spoke.
Did you hear that?
Uh, no, we didn't hear it.
Well, you're hearing it now.
There was four reporters left in the room and the room was almost empty during Armitage's testimony and no one has reported that except for a slight, slight mention of that I did a Google search for it.
But you know what I'm going to have to do?
I'm going to have to write a story.
I'm going to have to write the real thing because you know what?
And that was a protest.
That was a protest because Rice hadn't shown up.
That's right.
That was a protest.
But have you seen that on all the big news reports?
Oh no, the families love it and think it's great.
Let's take calls.
Oh my goodness, who's up first here?
Let's talk to David in New Jersey.
David, go ahead.
Hello Alex, hello Tom.
I want to thank you gentlemen both for the work that you're doing.
Uh, Tom, I had come across an article regarding Sybil Edmonds a while back.
I tried to retrieve the letter, but I archived it.
And it was some mention about she had been looking over the shoulder of one of her co-workers who was mistranslating
Some of the intercepts that she was tasked to produce.
That is, they're going back and altering them retroactively for the committee.
Yeah, and this was, she was mistranslating them on purpose at the time.
Well, you see, this is the story, and now she came out.
She said that she was asked personally to change and because she wouldn't do it, she was basically fired from her job.
They offered her, in her quotes, they offered her a bigger job to shut up or threatened to arrest her if she didn't and that's documented.
We covered that earlier, David.
Okay, we'll move on to another thing.
Tom, your fax campaign.
Can you post any additional information as far as contacts that we can... Well, what we're going to do next on that, I've left that up there.
Tell folks what it is.
I didn't even talk about that, but we had Bill Douglas from the 9-11 Visibility Project and I had gotten together and talked on the phone.
What can we do?
And I said, well, you know, there are basically six people.
You've got your House and Senate leaders.
You've got Mr. Keene of the Commission and Mr. Kerry who has the microphone and is being covered daily.
These people have the most power to call for a subpoena of Condoleezza Rice and the President and the Vice President, some of the key players.
Secretary Myers was testifying.
So you posted their contact info?
Yeah, and people started calling and for about two weeks we were able to get quite a bit done in terms of getting people to call the telephone numbers and
We're good to go.
3,000 death and mass murder, and you don't even have a grand jury.
You have no career prosecutors involved in this thing.
And you can tell by the questions being asked.
You have Bush syndicate partners running the investigation.
Well, if you want to call it that, basically you have, you know, the committee is so conflicted, it's disgusting, Al.
Alright, let's go to more calls.
Let's talk to Don in Wisconsin.
Don, go ahead.
Yes, John.
Yeah, Mr. Jones, I just wanted to make a quick comment about the laws about the news stories that you're putting out on your website.
If you make a copy of any news story that's broadcast on television, that's against federal law.
It's not under fair use, and normally we just link the stories and we're analyzing the news, sir.
Do you have a comment or anything about these news articles?
Well, I was just wondering, I heard yesterday on another show on Shortwave about an international court in the year 2000 found the Bush administration guilty of war crimes.
Okay, well thank you for the call, Don.
Let's talk to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, go ahead.
You're on the air, Dan.
Yeah, go ahead.
You know, it's very clear that this panel is not put together to put any of the questions at rest.
All the doubts, how jet fuel can melt the building, how amateur pilots can hit these needles in a haystack, or how the hole's too small in the Pentagon for a plane to hit.
It's not put together for that at all.
They're put together just to give the neocon followers some ammunition that they're doing something.
Well, I spent some time at the end of the last hearing because of the rush hour.
I wasn't going to drive home in that.
I went out to dinner with some reporters and there was a Philip Weirin who had spent a great deal of time researching the buildings.
When I first looked at the buildings, I thought they were imploded.
There's no question.
I looked at them and they looked like they came down straight.
But after talking to Philip,
Basically, he said that the buildings were built by the mob, and they were built so shoddily, and just quarter-inch pieces of steel, they were just pieces of plastic.
We have the owner of the World Trade Center complex saying they blew it up.
We have those video clips.
There's a lot of discrepancy.
We've got to break again, folks.
Everybody, stay there.
More calls coming up.
Stay with us.
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We got Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, Economist, former Army Intelligence to get into the Madrid bombings, what's happening with the dollar, the economy.
Of course, we've got loaded phone lines for our guest Tom Flocco.
And, you know, some of the callers... I mean, you can talk about whatever you want on the show, but I'd like to try to keep some of the calls to 9-11, because one of the callers stumped me.
He's like, a court in 2000 found George Bush guilty.
I think it was a war crimes court just a few months ago did that.
So it's pretty confusing stuff and kind of off the issue here.
Let's see if...
Oh, I guess who's up next here, Stephanie?
Sandra in Atlantic City.
Go ahead, Sandra.
I was listening to the Senate this morning.
Harry Reid said that there were 100 security meetings before 9-1-1, and only two of them terrorism was mentioned.
Also, I live about three miles from the FAA Center at the Tech Center in Pomona, New Jersey.
I don't think it would have taken those planes very long to get up there.
They sure can make it down to D.C.
every day to guard the President, and that's it.
Thank you.
Thanks for the call.
That's a good point, Tom.
Well, Sandra's right on, and I know where Pomona is, and I know where the Atlantic City is.
That's where the 177th Fighter Wing is, and I knew General Girard personally and had associated him with him because he was the commanding general of the New Jersey National Guard when I was in the
National Guard back for so many years.
And so, yeah, on that day, I heard Chairman Tom Keene, who was also the governor of the state of New Jersey, who was the governor, and he had said that on C-SPAN one morning that a caller had called in and talked about the same things Sandra said.
And he said, well, you know, we were looking outward and somebody asked a question to him about why.
They couldn't have done something about escorting the planes or shooting them down or something?
When another plane goes off in just a few minutes, it's surrounded.
Yes, exactly.
And it's a standard procedure.
And we've put the notification of a hijacking.
But there were planes in the air, Alex.
Operation Vigilant Guardian.
They were training missions up and down the East Coast with firefighters.
It's a fraud.
People need to investigate it further.
We really appreciate you coming on.
We'll have you back up on the show and thanks for covering these hearings.
Alex, take care and send me, if you could, TomFlacco at CS.com.
Send me the information about the two people that grabbed Mr. Bush when he was talking about the
You know, the remote control.
I'd love to see those.
You know, I have that on tape somewhere.
I was taping when it happened.
He said, you know, we can land these planes with remote control.
And somebody reached up and grabbed his arm.
Yeah, could you get Violet to send me this?
You got... Well, like I said, I have a literal room full of videotapes, but we're going to be going back through those.
Tom, thanks for the call.
You bet.
I really appreciate the call and you coming on the show.
All right, we're out of time for this hour.
We'll come back, take more calls, get to our next guest, cover a bunch of other news.
If you want to find out the truth about 9-11, get my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
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Get part two of it, The Masters of Terror Exposed, another great two-hour plus video.
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I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Well, again, 1-888-253-3139.
Next hour, you can talk about whatever you want and have a free-for-all.
We've got a guest coming up talking about the economy, the grid bombings, and a bunch of other news we haven't even gotten to.
So, we'll get to all your calls and a guest.
When we get back, stay with us.
Third hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into the third and final hour of this global transmission on this Friday.
We'll do the show 11 to 2 during the day, central back to 9 at midnight.
Bob Chapman, you know, has degrees in economics.
He's done incredible forecasts of what's going to happen in the markets.
Made the federal government very mad at him.
Exposed their suppression of the gold market.
Done a lot of great work.
Also was in army intelligence.
And I respect his opinion, and we haven't had him on in four or five months, so I wanted to get Bob back up on the show.
We'll also get to your calls early in this interview.
I wanted to get him up to talk about the 9-11 whitewash commission, his take on that, what he sees happening with the Madrid bombings with government fingerprints all over it, what's going on with the economy, and Bob, good to have you on the show.
It's very nice being back again.
Uh... what do you think of uh... I mean let's just get into, since we just talked about 9-11, I mean the fraud, the lies there, what clearly happened there, the police state that's being set up, this whitewash commission with all these business connections and to the Bush administration, your take on that?
Well, it's another whitewash just like the uh... commission on the Kennedy assassination and uh... as you say, the people who are involved in the commission are
Council on Foreign Relations stalwarts, if you may, part of the elitist.
And nothing's going to happen.
Nothing's going to come out.
And that's the end of that.
And we know who did it, which is, you know, the Bush and the neocons.
That is 9-11.
And we just have to keep on hammering away at them.
And as far as Madrid is concerned, in my latest issue, which came out yesterday, I said that I thought it was a black ops operation.
It was too well run for a group of itinerant Moroccans to have executed that in that fashion.
Well, I want to go over some of that a little bit later in the show, in 10 or 15 minutes or so, but first off, the economy, the plunging dollar, what's happening with Bush saying that exporting more jobs is good, it's going to get seven times worse, they're saying, Congressional Budget Office, your take on that?
Well, first of all, outsourcing of individual jobs and outsourcing of companies, mainly manufacturing, is an absolute disaster for the United States.
And it continues to expedite every single day.
And it's like in the war, the guy next to you is the one that's going to get shot, not you.
Well, let me tell you something.
If we continue to allow this outsourcing, and we continue to allow free trade,
and globalization we will be a second or third rate country within the next three or four or five years and if we allow in addition to that the continuation of massive illegal immigration that's going to add to it and have particularly at the lower end.
Yeah because now we're not just losing the high-tech jobs or the factory jobs now it's the cheeseburger jobs.
Everything's going and Americans just don't understand what's being done to them
And every politician in Washington knows, and the 15% who are decent, don't have a voice, and the rest of them all vote together as a group.
And so we don't have any representation to any great extent in Washington.
Nobody wants to stop what's going on, because they're all getting paid one way or the other.
Except, you know, just a few.
Well, that's what's happening, and...
I want to go over some of the details of it and what it will be like living in the third world police state, but I'm sure you saw Bush a month ago, his economic commission tried to claim that hamburger, fast food jobs should be durable, good jobs.
Considered manufacturing.
Well, they figure, you know, the Goebbels theory, you keep on telling a lie long enough and if it's big enough and unbelievable enough, they'll believe it.
And obviously, you know, half the population in the United States more or less believes it.
Just like they believe in this make-believe war that they're having over there.
In my publication, The International Forecaster, I said four years ago... Tell us what you said four years ago when we get back, Bob.
Honored to have you.
Stay with us, folks.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
I'm talking to Bob Chapman, economist, also was in military intelligence, had a lot of predictions, a lot of really important information.
And, Bob, you were making a point before we hit the last break.
About four years ago, when I told everybody to get out of the stock market right at the top, I also told them that to go into the gold and silver area and buy the shares and the coins and the bullion.
And I also said that in order to cover up the coming crash in the American economy and the world economy, that they would have to have perpetual wars for perpetual peace.
And I told them that the war would be in the Middle East.
I also
Uh, projected the infamous 9-11 about nine months before it happened, although I didn't know where it was going to happen.
And so I've got a pretty good handle on what these people are doing.
The reason they went into the Middle East was not only to cover the economic conditions which have been going on since then,
But also, they wanted the oil, and they wanted the geopolitical position, the entire area also, outflanking Russia on their southeastern flank.
And our own PNAC documents say that.
It's not like we're... They point at Paul O'Neill and others that have gone public that day one they plan to invade Iraq and Energy Commission maps of the oil.
They go, oh, well, he's just angry because he got fired.
We have the PNAC documents.
Forget what O'Neill's saying.
That's right.
And so this is all part of the syndrome.
That leads us into the fulcrum that we're in.
Well, we have a mass looting of $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon, $45 trillion debt, that's Dallas Morning News.
All this stuff going on and they're just robbing and looting and no bids allowed in Iraq.
I mean, this is full-scale criminality.
Absolutely, and they continue to do it and Congress does nothing.
And then you have the markets.
Every single day, the Plunge Protection Team, which is the working group in financial markets, which is run by
The president of Mr. Greenspan, the head of the New York Fed, the head of the SEC, the CFTC, and the U.S.
Treasury Department.
And they have their people, 24 hours a day, rigging not only in the New York Stock Exchange, but in the gold and silver markets, and in the currency markets in particular.
Admitted, but you tell the average economist this, they don't know it.
Well, they don't want to know it.
And it's the same with the public.
They keep on pouring money.
I think?
I think?
Now, Bush comes out and says hamburger jobs are manufacturing, exporting jobs is good as commissioning.
I mean, how are people, how are the yuppies still buying all of this?
They still go on their merry way and say debt is great.
I mean, that's their total take on the thing.
Four years ago, Bob, the summit there in Switzerland, the World Economic Forum,
They said, we're going to plunge the dollar, we're going to bring up the euro, then we're going to use that as pressure to make America go to a Pan-American Union.
I mean, they're gearing this thing up.
Why does the elite want to get rid of the middle class?
What's the big plan?
What will life be like in 10 years if they succeed?
They want a world government.
And they want a world government where everybody will be subservient.
The United States has been
And could continue to be the number one nation in the world.
Because of our industriousness and technology, etc.
And this is a deliberate attempt by the elitists throughout the world, and particularly in the United States, to bring down the American economy.
This depression that we're going into, these jobs leaving the country, these illegal aliens continue to come over the border every day, this didn't happen by chance, it's by plan.
As you pointed out,
They want to pass FTAA by January of next year.
Once they do that, they'll have one union all the way from the tip of the North Pole to Tierra del Fuego.
And they want to have a world government unit for North, South, Central America and Mexico.
The same thing has already been done in Europe.
And after they have units like that all over the world, they will amalgamate into their world government.
And at the same time, the United States, they hope,
Will be so fundamentally financially on their back that they won't do anything about it.
I'm talking about the American people.
They know that poor serfs, it's harder for them to resist.
There's only one fly in the ointment for the conspiracy that's doing this.
And that is, number one, they haven't got the weapons away from the American public.
And as long as they're there, they can't take the country over.
And they know there's people like you and I out there who are telling people the truth.
And those who are listening are going to hide what they have and use them if they have to.
And they're trying to brainwash our police.
They're telling us secret arrest is good.
The Pentagon's putting on a fake newscast.
I mean, it is Orwellian to the max.
And from your military intelligence training and study,
I mean, do you think the troops will go along with this, or will they need a terror event during the deepening depression as a way to unify us behind the plastic Chinese flag?
Well, two things.
Number one, I expect that if Mr. Bush feels that he's not going to be re-elected, there will be terrorist events in the United States which will be done by his and the neocons' black-op teams.
That's number one.
I picked out five major cities with heavy Jewish populations.
New York, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are all potential victims.
Oh, you think they'll kill a bunch of Jews?
Well, they could kill a bunch of people.
They might even use small nuclear devices.
And then say it was Arabs targeting Jews.
And we'll have plenty of Arabs who they'll put up front to take the blame for it, supposedly.
And that's why I think that is said, and a precursor to that was what they just did in Spain, only it backfired on them.
And the Spanish... Now, let's spend a few minutes on Spain.
It's in your new issue.
We'll tell folks how to get a free sample copy of it here in a few minutes.
But, I mean, these are incredible, you know, information that Bob puts together.
Bob, break it down for us.
What happened in Madrid?
Well, you know, everybody has seen the reports of the bombings.
The question is,
And the important question is, how did these people get a hold of what they had, number one, under the circumstances, and number two... And now it's Spanish military explosives, by the way.
That's right.
And the timing involved.
The timing was absolutely perfect.
It was the same way 9-11 was done.
This was done by ultra-professionals, not a group of terrorist militants.
It's impossible.
I mean, these people who did this, spent their whole life training to do this.
Then they tried to blame Basque, I mean literal goat herders from the mountains, when the Basque have never done anything a tenth this big.
And then they had to admit it wasn't the Basque, and oh, it's Al-Qaeda.
Turns out the Al-Qaeda group they talked about doesn't exist, but is some weird CIA front group.
Well, we know it's a put-up job, and that's the bottom line, and that's the important thing.
And if I am right, and it's a precursor to something in the United States, then we get some real problems.
I think that the people who are running George Bush, I do not think they want him to run for President, nor do I think they want him to win.
And I think he's made such a mess out of this, he's lost such credibility.
Among the people.
That they may put his cousin, John Forbes, Kerry in.
That's right.
Or, if he doesn't want to go peacefully, I think there could be an assassination.
If you don't get out of the way, they get rid of you.
Well, I hope that doesn't happen because Bush is just a puppet.
That's right, but that's not the point.
They don't care.
They do what they want to do.
And if you notice, you have all these little events coming out now, particularly three days ago.
Goldman Sachs' chief economist came out and essentially said that all the figures coming out of the United States government are lies.
This is about CPI, PPI, and on and on and on.
Now, that's a political statement.
So they've got the big guns out after him and Goldman Sachs is an elitist company.
So you think the elite think that Bush hasn't been a good puppet and they want Kerry in?
That's right.
He's made a mess of things because they wanted to take out Iran and Syria.
In fact, the Jerusalem Post this morning said that the rumors are over there that Rumsfeld wants to go after Hezbollah, which is the palace in Lebanon and on the border of Syria, so they can draw the Syrian troops in so they can go in and smash them.
Well, they put out official reports where Rumsfeld's advocating the invasion of Syria.
Well, this was just the latest one.
And these people are out of their minds.
Well, that's what the Pentagon, even ten years ago, I've had former Republicans, former top advisors to Reagan on, saying that they called the current group the, quote, crazies.
Well, that's a good name for them.
Incidentally, I was on Reagan's Speakers Bureau when he first ran for governor in California.
I used to travel all over the place with him.
Well, it's amazing the stuff that's going on, Bob.
There's so many other issues I want to cover and people that want to talk to you, but what are some of the things you want to talk about in the next 40 minutes?
Well, I think the important thing is where is the economy going and how people can protect themselves.
I think that's the most important thing from my perspective.
All the other things lend to it.
It's like a part of a mosaic, and you've got to put it all together to come up with a synthesis.
And that's why people subscribe to the International Forecaster and read 30 or 40 pages every week to find out really what's going on out there.
And there are other good publications, too, but not very many of them.
And read books like Don Granpre's three books on the subject of 9-11, which I recommend in my publication, and books like Ed Griffith's Creature from Jekyll Island and Dr. Stanley Monteith's The Brotherhood of Darkness.
We've got a break.
We'll come back, take calls and get more into the economy.
Everybody stay with us.
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Oh, I tell you, when there's this much information,
It gives you a headache.
But bottom line, there is mass criminal looting taking place at every level of government.
This is the normal pattern throughout history.
And it's happening again.
What do we do to stop it?
Number one, we get out of debt.
We stop being dependent on the government.
We develop cadres of people in your area that understand what's going on, who work for liberty and freedom.
It's a process.
And we're not going to defeat this overnight.
But I have to tell you, Mr. Chapman, I see fear in the globalist eyes.
I don't see as much arrogance as I did.
I'm seeing a massive awakening taking place right now.
What's your forecast long-term on defeating this current gaggle of global crooks?
Well, first of all, I think that you're correct in stating that these elitists, as I call them, are getting very nervous.
Because things haven't been turning out the way that they would have liked them to, and they haven't had the success that they had envisioned with what we call the neocons and Mr. Bush.
And so your perception on that, at least as far as I'm concerned, is correct.
When you see them in the markets every day, trying to make things last as long as possible so they can get all their ducks in order and get the kind of people that they want in office
And you see that they continue to run into trouble because of programs like yours and newsletters throughout the internet, which is probably the only place where you can get the truth today.
So they do plan to implode things, but they need to get their police state control grid set up first, and so things are falling apart for them.
That's correct.
And the economic part is very, very important because it brings
People into a submissive state.
We don't have a job, and you can't pay your bills, and you've been thrown out of your home, and all those terrible sorts of things.
When they start happening to lots and lots of people in the economy, and incidentally, unemployment's not 5.7%, it's about 14%, because they don't even count the people who have given up looking, and this goes back for years that people have given up looking.
And so the situation now,
It's even worse than it looks.
Well, I mean, for those that don't understand, I'm cooking the books.
I hate to use this three times in an hour, but they're trying to change the numbers where fast food is manufacturing.
I mean, the numbers are cooked.
And that's what the chief economist for Goldman Sachs said three days ago, and they probably have one of the best research departments in the world, irrespective of where they're coming from.
They are one world, believe me.
But, and this is a political thing... Aren't there different power blocs?
You have the old line, European money, that has let Bush run wild on a long leash to create havoc.
Now they say, oh, we've got to have our liberal world government based in the EU, but then they blame Bush for the centralization and the oil grabbing, which they then later take over, which we see with the UN now beginning to take over Iraq.
You're absolutely correct.
And there are power factions.
And they do disagree with one another as to how things should be run.
Maybe they're think tanks behind the scenes that spend 24 hours a day with billions and billions of dollars at their disposal, and millions of people at their disposal, and they're planning day and night on how to do the things that they want to do to us.
And that's where you get the complexity.
The complexity.
And people say, well, how can that be?
It's this whole study in itself.
Yeah, the globalists don't manufacture cars or computers.
Their job is manipulating, dumbing down, creating false perceptions, manipulating economic trends over decades.
And it has been going on for decades.
As a matter of fact, I often say that both sides of every war have been financed by the same people since the 12th century.
And people look at you like, my goodness gracious, how could that be?
Well, it is.
It's the same families, and others have been added along the way.
The people who become Rhodes Scholars, and the people who become members of the Skull and Bones.
The servant class.
We're the servants of the elite.
Well, I mean the servants of the elite class, yeah.
Well, yeah, they call them Sherpas.
You know, like up in the Himalayas?
The men who do the guiding, they call them Sherpas.
They're appointed guides.
And that's what Henry Kissinger always referred himself as.
And so, yes, they're second-level people.
So they're managers.
Managers of the conspiracy.
And it's amazing when you look at it and you say, well, gee, how can that individual accept and become part of that when he didn't need to?
But it's a power thing.
It's a recognition thing.
And it's for many people who get involved.
We'll break.
We'll come back.
We'll tell people on the other side of this break how to get a free copy of the International Forecaster.
And will this free copy be the current issue on the Madrid bombing?
Okay, good.
Get your pens and paper ready, my friends.
On the other side, we'll give you this toll-free number.
And then we'll go to John and Brad and
Folks in Illinois and Washington, United States... We're on the march.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
We've been changing directions a lot.
Patrol Interconnected.
We'll get more into the economy we're about to go through.
A bunch of your phone calls, but before we do that, get your pens and paper ready, because I'll give you the number to get Bob Chapman's amazing newsletter, an issue of it, free.
But before I do that, I've made ten films, I've written a book, I've published a book.
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Again, I've made 10 films, I carry other videos, we expose, we carried out 9-11, we exposed the bizarre occult activities of the elite.
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I mean, you need to see this on video, the bizarre satanic rituals they engage in that I caught on tape.
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You need to get these materials and get them out to people.
There's a total free number to get the films, or the books, or the books on tape, or the pro-gun t-shirts.
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And it makes this show possible.
So again, 1-888-253-3139.
Bob Chapman, International Forecaster.
Again, just amazing information.
You've got a lot of info on the economy, what's happening with the dollar, what's happening with gold, but also on the Madrid bombing.
A lot of insight in this new issue.
How do people get a free sample issue?
Well, all I have to do is call the toll-free number, 877-479-8178.
And I'll repeat that.
That's 877-479-8178.
877-479-8178 and they will send it out to you immediately.
That's 877-479-8178.
877-479-8178 and get real insights into what's going on.
And we publish weekly on the internet and we do hard copy twice a month.
What are some of the other ways to sign up for it then online?
All you have to do is email us.
And do you have that email address for folks?
Yeah, it's international underscore forecaster, that's F-O-R-E-C-A-S-T-E-R at yahoo.com.
Alright, and again, 877-479-8178.
Let's go to some calls and we'll get more into the economy.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to John in Ohio.
Thanks for holding, John.
Yes, though I'm on the left, I have some discrepancy with you.
I totally agree with your position and others like Global Research.ca that the neo-fascists and the Bush-Cheney gang are behind the 9-11 attacks.
And also beyond that, I believe we've got to realize, as your previous guest shows, that the top corporate military industrial complex-owned media
is really part of this in in covering up and uh... uh... trying to disguise a cover-up as an expose limiting it to saying that uh... this is merely laziness incompetence or negligence when in fact uh... their own reporters have recorded uh... evidence of this collusion and i think there's other instances of this kind of uh... cover-up of things that they know all well about for instance five years ago
All the media was in Cuba at a three-week tribunal that documented a 40-year war of terrorism by the United States government and the CIA against Cuba.
But you can't have a terrorist doing a report on terrorists and the CIA put Fidel in and controls the left and right.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
Bob, you got any comments?
Yes, I do.
And I think that a lot of what the people on the left say
It's true, I just think that we have to come to the middle and meet so that we can save the country.
I don't want to hear about left-right things, I want to hear about saving America.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And I welcome ex-communists, I'll have them at my home for dinner, as long as, you know, we want to get rid of the bad guys.
That's it.
And again, the establishment created these left-wing movements to consolidate the wealth.
Now that they've got us addicted and domesticated to the welfare society, they're taking that away and transferring all power to the corrupt corporations that are organized crime syndicates that aren't free market.
The commies and the socialists point at their banker bosses and say, oh look, capitalism's bad.
No, the so-called capitalists aren't free market.
They use government.
It's organized crime.
Let's talk to Brad in Illinois.
Brad, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I want to make a comment about this sham commission and then ask Bob a question.
First of all, watching this commission and Richard Clark, I don't know, Alex, but I smell a complimentary smoke screen here.
I've got the big smoking gun for you, just like Rowley, the FBI agent.
Ignore all the real prior knowledge and involvement.
Oh, you guys just drop the ball because you're dumb, then make it a partisan issue.
He was being attacked quite regularly there, and I don't understand why Mr. Clark didn't bring up at least two issues.
Number one, where was the Commander-in-Chief on the morning of 9-11 when he was sitting reading a book in the Florida classroom while all this was going on instead of taking action?
And number two, how come he didn't reveal that it was the White House itself that allowed him to print his book or publish his book at this time?
Not his idea.
I just didn't understand why he didn't.
He had the opportunity to bring those out, and he didn't.
It's Shakespearean theory.
You got a question for the guest?
Yeah, and I have a question for Bob.
Bob, I've got some extra cash on hand.
Do you advise me buying numismatic gold and silver coins or playing the forex market and selling the dollar short?
First of all, are you out of debt except for your house?
I don't even have a debt on my house.
Well, if that's the case, then you can afford to go and buy numismatic coins, and they're a very good buy at this time.
Forex is a foreign exchange market.
I don't know if you watched Joe Scarborough last night, but him and Ann Coulter, I've emailed him numerous times.
It's asking if he could get you on his show.
I would just love to see you on the Scarborough Show.
Well, that's an ultra-liberal socialist program of phony neoconism, and I'm sure they won't, but I appreciate the call.
Speaking of Bush, again, on 9-11, he saw the first plane hit.
Later, he... Well, at first he said that he first found out about anything going on while reading the story to the children after the second plane had hit.
It just goes on and on, but I thought that we would
I don't know, re-air this clip, because this is Bush slipping up and not getting his story straight, so here that is.
I was sitting outside the classroom, waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower.
The TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.
Interesting, Bob.
That sounds like some bonehead talking.
What a silly retort.
I don't know.
Uh, you know, professionally.
I then knew it was an inside job.
By the way, then the owner, Silverstein, who incidentally, quote, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, a shadowy secretive group of New York real estate owners headed by Silverstein, just bought the Sears Tower.
Which magically, they say, is one of the new big targets.
But Silverstein went on TV and said, oh yeah, we blew up Building 7 on 9-11.
And there are no questions about that.
Not now, but there certainly was then.
But why do these nuts slip up so much, and then no one calls them on it?
Or is this like an open throwing down the gauntlet laughing at us?
Open throwing down the gauntlet laughing at us?
But, as you said earlier in the program,
They're getting a little nervous, because shows like yours, what's on the internet, my publication, others like it, we're really drilling them every day.
And, you know, the control isn't what they want it to be.
But they do continue to operate in the markets every day.
Gold is up $6 almost today, and they are pounding the big gold stocks.
That is trying to hold them down, trying to keep them down.
We'll go to some more calls here in a second, but since you bring up Bush, my point in playing these clips is that his daddy was pretty smart, former CIA director, but it's never a good sign in North Korea where the son of the leader is the next leader.
It's never a good sign in Syria where Assad's daddy gives him power.
This is what we face here, and the media really covers this up.
Before 9-11, they would make fun of him for it, but
Now they don't.
Here's just a couple minutes of famous Bush clips.
And again, there are literally, literally hundreds of these.
Here's one right now.
And so, in my State of the Union, or my Speech to the Nation, whatever you want to call it, Speech to the Nation.
I asked Americans to give 4,000 hours over the rest of your life of service to America.
That's what I asked.
I said, 4,000 hours.
There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
I was sitting outside the classroom, waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower.
The TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.
I think the intelligence I get is darn good intelligence.
You're free, and freedom is beautiful.
And, uh, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order, but we, but we will.
There was a honest difference of opinion as to how to account for a complicated traxation.
I'll remind you all that I, in order, in order to fight and win the war, uh, it requires a expenditure of money, uh,
That is commiserate with keeping a promise to our troops to make sure that they're well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped.
You're working hard to put food on the family.
We're working hard to put food on your family.
It's in the interest of a long-term peace in the world that we work for a free and secure and peaceful Iraq.
A free and secure Iraq in the midst of the Middle East will have enormous historical impact.
I just had to do that.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead, Bob.
That's okay.
He's just, um... It's just as simple as that.
And he does what he's told, and he hasn't done a very good job at it.
Not only in his speeches and his communicating, but also in the action of him and the people who they have doing the planning for him.
And they made a mess out of things.
Well, they have.
Let's take another call.
Let's talk to Jayshaw in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for getting my name correct.
It's Jayshaw.
I listen to your show all the time.
I've been listening very much to you, Bob.
I moved to Chicago a year ago after I graduated college and still haven't been able to find a job.
I happen to work at Houston as a server.
And I would say that 85% of the people that I work with have degrees.
And, you know, are waiting tables and underemployed.
Well, hey, according to Bush, you've got a factory, a good, high-tech job of working as a waitress.
Right, yeah.
And that's the new economic, uh, you know, system.
Yeah, you know, and everything you've been playing at, you know, he's such, everything that he says is such double-speech.
You have to think of the exact opposite.
The government's growth has doubled under Bush.
Campaign finance reform, open borders, he's going to sign the assault weapons ban, supercomputers in China, signed on to UNESCO.
It goes on and on, Bob.
I saw your SeaWorld.
A little bulletin about how you had to get biometrically scanned at SeaWorld for eight dollars more.
Well, I refuse, but yeah, if you want to get into SeaWorld, you've got to biometrically scan now, Bob.
Well, I haven't gone to SeaWorld for a long, long time because my kids are in their thirties, but that is preposterous.
But it's a tragedy that a young person or their family or a combination of both will go out and spend
$150,000 or $200,000 educating their children, like this young lady says, and then there's no jobs for them.
And plus, they have the bill that they have to pay back if they, in fact, borrowed money to get that education.
It is absolutely awful, and every single day, I am reporting they're exporting this job and that job.
Now it's legal work, and accounting, and auditing, and patent work.
And transcription, and on, and on, and on.
Government jobs.
All kinds of jobs.
It's got to stop.
We have to re-elect punitive, protective tariffs.
And we've had them since the beginning of our country.
They help make us great, and we have to get away from free trade.
Well, so-called free trade.
A bunch of these countries have the tariffs against us.
We just don't have them against them.
That's right.
But we have to have a protective tariff, and we have to have the end of outsourcing.
If you want to outsource, well, then you've got to pay the government so much money.
All the jobs will come home, and it'll change everything.
And this young lady, like so many young people, will be able to get a job.
You know, I want to tell you another thing.
Once you're over 40, the companies don't want you either.
I know.
I know.
You can't win.
It is really dreadful.
Well, I don't know why you're complaining, ma'am.
I'm sorry, but I don't know why you're complaining.
You've got a good, factory, high-tech job as a waitress.
Right, which I have been doing for seven years, all through high school and college, with the thought that, you know, as soon as I get out of college, I'm going to leave this job.
And, I mean, I'm an honor roll student.
I'm actually trying to get into the media.
I've done all kinds of media internships.
I'm a writer.
But, you know, I'm working on my sixth internship right now, where I work for free 30 hours a week.
Every single day and we've got to stop it.
It's going to destroy our country.
It's destroying our young people because they've got nowhere to go.
And what are they doing, you know, in order to survive?
They're using credit cards.
So, not only are they working the ones that can and can get jobs, but they're running these horrendous debt thefts because they can't make it in the amount of money that they're making.
Okay, I'm going to give Brett and H.W.
a few minutes here when we get back and give you that toll-free number to get a free copy of The International Forecaster.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
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I think so.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents
Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
From 11 to 2 central during the day, back from 9 to midnight, I'm here, I'm your host.
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Let's take a few final calls.
Bretton, Washington State, you're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
We got cut off yesterday.
Okay, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, New World Order.
Immigration, Israel, or the economy?
I'll give you as the honored host of the show to pick the topic.
Well, I mean the New World Order, I mean the economy, I mean... Okay, let's go to the New World Order.
What a perfect opportunity with what has happened in the last... What was it?
Three days ago, when they assassinated that Hamas leader?
Uh, yeah, I'm listening to you.
Yeah, they assassinated that Hamas leader.
You know, Alex, if they retaliate in mass scale, and when I say mass scale, I'm talking not just tens or hundreds, but thousands dead over there, what is Israel going to retaliate with?
Hold on, Israel helped found Hamas, that's what they want, is chaos, as a way to oppress the Israelis, as a way to oppress the Palestinians.
This is bigger than just Israel.
Thanks for the call.
Comments to that, John?
No, the situation, I think, is going to elevate and it's going to get worse.
And that's what they want.
They want an excuse.
That's it.
And there was a Reuters headline that the assassination of the Hamas leader actually, actually empowered Hamas.
Let's talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how you doing?
Hi to your guest.
Alex, I just want to ask you a quick question on your guest.
If you could comment on, I talked to you a couple weeks ago about this.
Jobs are leaving at an astronomical rate.
I just want to ask, Kim, now you say, you know, we've got to stop this, but is there really, are we to the point of no return right now as far as losing all these?
Here's one thing we can do.
There were laws, and they're ignoring them, or they've repealed them, I don't know if they've repealed them, where if there's going to be government contracts, it has to be given to Americans.
Why, when you call for your welfare check, does the call go to India?
Or why is IRS work being done in India?
I mean, jobs like, by American, Bob,
I think that you have to go after your Congressmen and Senators and just work them over and get everybody that you know to do the same thing about the issues that we're talking about.
Otherwise, it's going into the streets and that's the only alternative you'll ultimately have if you don't take a shot at telling them how you feel.
It's unbelievable.
Alex, I want to tell you though, I was a victim of the India thing.
I spoke to a gentleman who was actually in India giving me a customer service for a telephone company.
It's amazing.
Thanks for the call, Mike.
HW in Colorado.
You've got about 45 seconds.
Go ahead.
Alex, hi.
I think you guys are ready for talking some philosophy of life.
Because anything else doesn't make any sense anymore.
Technology is a Trojan horse.
And world government, forget it.
Because it ought to be God.
That works to the six billion people.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I think what H.W.
is saying is we have to change the hearts and minds.
The change starts at home.
If we hadn't become decadent and fat yuppies, they couldn't have gotten away with this if we would have been involved.
I agree.
But we still have to pursue as long and hard as possible, and even if it gets very, very frustrating at times.
Well, yeah, I mean, if we weren't here fighting this and exposing this, things would be a lot worse right now.
It would have been.
The case would have been closed years ago.
I mean, that's history.
Bob Chapman, thanks for coming on the show.
Thanks for having me again.
Loved it.
You bet.
We'll have you back.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, and back on Monday, 11 to 2 central, right here on this same station.
And I want to thank the affiliates, the sponsors, the folks running the show, of course, number one, God, and the listeners for everything.
And I just hope we've gotten you to think.
We've jumped around a lot, covered a lot of different news and issues.
The power elite doesn't care about your life, your standard of living.
They want you under their control.
They want you broken down and dumbed down.
So stop being part of it.
Love your family.
Spend time with your children.
Get out of debt.
Get involved in your community.
That's how we're going to save this country.
God bless you all.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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