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Name: 20040325_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 25, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well.
Another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
And we've got some great guests coming up.
Your calls, a ton of vital news and information as normal.
As usual, we're going to have wide open phones today.
We'll go to your calls early in this first hour.
Any news you'd like to discuss.
The 9-11 whitewash commission that I watched several hours of yesterday.
You want to get into what's happening with the election?
Want to cover the unfolding police state control grid?
Or any of the news items I bring up?
Or any news stories from your area that you think people should know about?
I've gotten a little better about this, but I'm going to really go to the calls quick, so have your point, have your question, make it, and we're going to move on.
There is so much here to cover.
But I was listening to Gary Brownfield, who has a syndicated show on Before Mine, and he had a caller who talked about how back when they were in public school, they'd carry their shotguns with them on the
on the bus they weren't allowed to carry their rifles and uh... that if they saw some deer during deer season they would well suddenly the windows would slide down and look like a portuguese man o' war you know porcupine or something all these uh... all these shotguns sticking out the windows they start blasting away and you didn't have very many accidents back then you do nowadays and people don't know how to use guns properly but the point is my father he's not even that old
Like 55 years old.
He would carry his rifle, his shotgun, to school and stick it in the locker.
And he was in a pretty big school district.
I mean, it was a rural area, but there were thousands of students in that school system.
And, you know, he'd go hunting with the coaches after class, or he'd go to a friend's house.
He'd bring his handguns to school.
Back when America was America.
Oh, you know, back then in the
In the 50s and 60s, you couldn't bring your gun to school.
In Russia, you couldn't have a gun.
But, see, we're more like Russia every day.
Domesticated, pathetic, slobs.
And they started discussing the story because an ag teacher, I think he said in Missouri, he was reading an article, had killed a rabbit.
Showed them how to kill and butcher a rabbit, which I was taught how to do.
And it was Top Story and, you know, will there be a rest, oh my goodness, and why they're teaching people how to butcher animals.
Where do you think the animals come from, people?
I guess I'm evil because I know how to butcher a deer.
I know how to, I know how to chop it up real nice and put it in a, put it in a ice chest and take it home and put it in the refrigerator or the freezer.
I'm a crazy
I'm not a domesticated serf who doesn't even know where the food comes from.
In about a week, you'd have these Lexus-driving yuppies just running around on the streets, starving, screaming, pulling their hair out, the same crowd that wants our guns.
We've become domesticated.
We've become a nation of mindless, bug-eyed spectators.
Side issue though, bunch of news today.
Global Research does a lot of great work and they put out a photo taken by the troops and they've had human skulls on the tanks and 666 on the helicopters that Reuters has shown that.
But this latest thing is they have kids hold up signs that said
It says, you know, this military officer killed my dad, and he knocked up my sister.
And the troops are behind him, you know, with the thumbs up.
It's a thing of pride.
They have them do chants about killing children now.
You turn the television on, torture's good.
We're turning into a, not just a spoiled, rotten, domesticated, bug-eyed population, but into a wicked population that thinks evil is good.
So we'll get into that.
Folks, there is so much today.
Washington Times wrote up that RFID story we posted.
So that's coming up too.
Just stay with us.
Big show.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
It's all coming up.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're all kind of in a culture shock right now.
That is, the globalists are trying to overwhelm us.
Shock us into submission by overwhelming us with data and tyranny.
The data of the tyranny.
I mean, I remember eight years ago talking about Skull and Bones and having local talk shows attack me as a raving lunatic.
You know, claiming that Bush gets in coffins and they're in some weird secret order and
When it was already admitted, known of over a hundred years ago in major publications, to them it was insane didn't exist.
As soon as the news came out and said it was going on, they said, oh, what's the big deal?
They're just having fun.
It's like the New World Order.
New World Order doesn't exist.
You're crazy if you talk about it.
The kook detector, only nuts discuss it.
Now the Supreme Court says they're under U.N.
control, following their orders.
They're getting rid of our borders.
All this is happening, and oh yeah, the New World Order's here, and it's a conservative thing.
You're a liberal if you're against it.
You know, three years ago, I read
Tucson Citizen News articles out of Arizona, where the police suck your blood on the side of the road, jabbing needles into you by flashlight illumination.
People couldn't believe it, even as I posted the articles, and, you know, now it comes out in the Wall Street Journal as they beat people to death taking the blood.
My only point is, is that, you know, I talk to people all the time, and just, I just can't believe it.
I just, well, Alex, I know, I just, well, look into it.
Well, I just can't.
I just can't believe it.
I just, uh,
Look at history!
Look at all the bizarreness!
Look at all the tyranny!
Look at all the things that happened and then stop being so naive!
Well, I'm a member of the establishment and I've got my whole life invested in being a toady of this system and so you criticize this system, you criticize me.
No, that's not the case.
You're not a fire ant or a honey bee as part of some hive system.
You're a human being made in the image of God.
You need to start acting like it.
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We're going to get to your calls coming up here pretty quick.
Just some of the news coming up.
I see photos like this every week.
And Reuters has put out quite a few of them.
They've got a big force of reporters in Iraq.
You know, skulls on the fronts of tanks.
Dead bodies on the fronts of tanks.
666s on helicopters.
666, the beast on helicopters.
Oh, the troops are just having fun, just like Skull and Bones are just having fun.
You know, I guess the Masons up in Long Island, when they blew that guy's head off with the coffins and guillotines all around him in the black hoods, they were just having fun.
Again, it's just all having fun if it's the establishment.
And we put out, you know, cover news articles here, mainstream news articles.
We put it out on the show where the Marines don't have kill a commie for mommy chants anymore.
That's how it starts.
Now the cult-like chants are have the school children gather around, throw the candy on the ground, mow them little bleepers down.
We're going to kill them.
We're going to kill, kill, kill, kill children.
I mean, this is cult-like, worse than Jim Jones brainwashing, right out in plain view, and it's, what, you're against the military?
Well, no, I'm not against turning our troops into brainwashed zombies and putting them on methamphetamine and psychotropics.
Which they're also doing.
You know, so Delta Force comes back and slaughters their families at Fort Bragg.
But this newest photo, um, Lieutenant Corporal
Bolderolt killed my dad, then he knocked up my sister.
That's what the sign says.
This photo is disturbing.
It certainly reflects the military training and indoctrination of the troops, which encouraged them to kill civilians indiscriminately, as confirmed in numerous reports.
Well, I watch live Fox News as families in trucks or machine gun out of their vehicles falling out dead on the ground.
No resistance, just shooting everything that moved.
It also confirms the crudest form of war crimes committed by an occupation army, murder and rape.
Two smiling children on the picture do not know what is written on the cardboard poster.
We are not dealing with an isolated event.
We are dealing with a code of conduct which emanates from the U.S.
Occupation High Command.
The war is criminal and it insults, uh, instills criminality among occupation forces.
Is this what Bush means when he says, we the civilized world?
Remember that Army colonel that said with a good fierce of, uh,
With a good dose of fear and brutality, we'll be able to give the Iraqis freedom.
I mean, that bizarre quote of last year that was in the, what, the Washington Times?
I mean, this is just la-la land craziness.
And look, I mean, I've talked to World War II vets, I've talked to Vietnam vets, I've talked to a lot of people, and real men who've actually had to kill a lot of people are sad about it.
You know, as old men, they would get tears in their eyes if you could get them around the Deer Camp fire to talk about it.
But nowadays, I mean, it's real cute.
In front of BBC reporters and AP reporters, we posted all these mainstream articles.
A reporter said, you just killed those children.
And one of the troops goes, yes, and I want to kill more, and I'm going to kill more.
I mean, if you're going to kill women and children, I mean, that happens sometimes in war, it's an accident.
You certainly don't do it on purpose and then brag about it and revel demonically in it, you know, like the captain from Moby Dick possessed by demons.
I know you've got to read Melville's book to get what I'm saying, but...
I don't know.
It's just crazy.
It's not manly to kill women and children.
It's not manly to talk about how rape is cool.
It's not manly to love torture and death.
I mean, I know that's a radical statement.
I'm a very radical person, and I'm against such things, but it's just out of control.
So we've posted that story at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson, my webmaster, listens to the show.
Paul, you ought to get all those articles together where they chant about killing children
Where they would revel and scream, we want to kill more women, or they would shoot a woman walking down the road at 200 yards and watch her head splatter and then make jokes about it.
Hey, did you look at how I blew that bleeper's head off?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
You know, it's just sick!
I mean, that's the whole attitude they've got here.
Um, but uh, experts urge steps to cut army suicides in Iraq.
This is out of Reuters.
Because most of the troops are good people, and they're around all this government-sponsored psychopathic behavior, and they're committing suicide!
We've never had this many suicides in a war, by the way.
And that's official.
The suicide rate among US soldiers in Iraq far exceeds the Army's average, and experts believe more mental health specialists should be sent to Iraq, among other measures officials set on Wednesday.
But they said the 12-person Army Medical Health Advisory Team, including psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, and experts in combat stress, did not regard the suicide rate in Iraq as a crisis.
The finding was that there is no epidemic, said a senior Army official discussing the report the day before its formal release.
So, you know, it's like, well, the anthrax shot's deadly in killing troops, but it's no problem, we're going to continue it.
Part of that same attitude.
And it says Army statistics are higher than in past years.
However, and this is why it's not a crisis, they are still lower than the U.S.
National Average in the same age group category.
So it's a record for the military, but still, you know, why are school children are killing themselves more often?
So everything's okay.
Which they admit, Prozac causes increased risk of suicide, but again, let's give more Prozac to the children.
This is a story here from Tom Flacco.
He's done a lot of good reporting.
He goes to all these commission hearings.
DOJ asks FBI Translator to change pre-911 transcripts.
Breaking special report from 9-11 hearings.
DOJ asks FBI Translator to change pre-911 intercepts.
FBI translator Sybil Edmonds was offered a substantial raise and a full-time job in order not to go public, but she had been asked by the Department of Justice to re-translate and adjust the translations of terrorist suspect intercepts that have been received before 9-11 by the FBI and CIA.
Edmonds, a ten-year U.S.
citizen who has been a polygraph examination, speaks fluent Farsi and Turkish and had been working part-time with the FBI for six months
Commencing in December 2001, in a 50 reporter frenzy in front of some 12 cameras, Edmund said, Attorney General John Ashcroft told me he was invoking state secret privilege and national security when I told the FBI I wanted to go public with what I heard translated from the pre 9-11 intercepts.
And again, the FBI paid for their houses, their credit cards, their cars, the supposed hijackers.
They trained them in US military bases.
They gave bonuses to the FBI agents that blocked other FBI agents that tried to stop Al-Qaeda.
David Shippers, the man that impeached Bill Clinton, that brought down the mob in Chicago, tried dozens of times to get to Ashcroft and Bush to warn them of specific threats.
FBI agents were threatened with arrest if they stopped Al-Qaeda.
And so this is just a continuation.
It's like a Springman who we had on, who was in the Jetta office in Saudi Arabia, and he called and said, you're letting in all these known terrorists.
And they said, yeah, we know.
They're going to be trained at training camps in the U.S.
I mean, I've had him on.
Just admit it, people!
I want to get her on the show.
I need to do that.
But again, you don't hear this on the nightly news.
Instead, you've got the chairman of the commission, all these other whitewashers who are in business with Bush and involve the 9-11 cover-up.
That stuff's been out.
Just telling you how wonderful it is and, well, there was a mess-up and we really dropped the ball.
Just give us your freedoms and everything will be alright.
And she said, quote, I appeared once on CBS 60 Minutes, but I have been silenced by Mr. Ashcroft.
The FBI follows me.
I was threatened with jail in 2002.
I went public.
Edmonds told Tom Flacco and the reporters.
When we asked her if it was really true that she had been bribed by the FBI and DOJ, Edmonds said, you can interpret it as that.
The writer personally asked Edmonds where the term State Secret Privilege was derived.
The term came from the October 18, 2002 DOJ memo to me from DOJ spokesman Barbara Comstock, said Edmonds.
Edmonds said, my translations of the pre-9-11 intercepts included money laundering, detailed and date-specific information enough to alert American people, and other issues dating back to 99, which I won't go into right now.
We'll come back, take calls, get more into this, and then just so much more news.
We've got some guests coming up as well.
So be sure and stay with us.
This is on PrisonPlanet.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up we'll get more into just another person in the federal government saying they were told to keep their mouths shut about government prior knowledge and protection of Al-Qaeda, their created organization.
Widow of soldier in Jessica Lynch unit, Blast Bush.
Oh, I guess she's against the military then.
Again, if you criticize anything the government does, you're not patriotic.
I'll also get into the Padilla case and how it will have an impact on the Patriot Act.
Also, we'll get into the 9-11 whitewash hearings and what's going on with Clark, how really it's just a big shell operation.
And there was an interesting story out of the London Evening Standard.
Teenagers simulated sex with a head.
They dug into a tomb and then got a skull, and then the teenager did this.
But, I mean, that's presidential material right there.
In the new Christian conservative system,
And if you're a real Christian, you're not a Christian, but if you worship Satan, you're a George W. Bush.
At the tomb, they get in the coffins with the skulls, and well, that's what they do, according to the people inside and out and mainstream reports.
So, I don't know why this teenager's in trouble.
I mean, I personally think it's bad, but perhaps this is going to be a future Prime Minister of England.
I just wanted to bring something to the attention of all the
Ohioans here who are going to turn their Second Amendment right into a privilege and have it regulated as such with the concealed carry legislation they just passed.
Now that turns it right into a privilege, yep.
And, well, all the way on page 138 of 141, there's something very interesting in section 6 here.
Section 6 is just real small, it's a paragraph, I'd like to read it if I could.
Of what?
You mean the legislation?
Yeah, the legislation, right.
It says, uh, in amending sections, blah blah, it gives the numbers, you know.
Of the revised code and enacting sections blah blah blah of the revised code in this act, the General Assembly hereby declares its intent to recognize both of the following.
A. The inalienable and fundamental right of an individual to defend the individual's person and the members of the individual's family.
B. The fact that the right described in Division A of this section predates the adoption of the United States Constitution, the adoption of the Ohio Constitution, and the enactment of all statutory laws by the General Assembly
And may not be infringed by any enactment of the General Assembly.
That's what it says.
Now, what do you get out of that?
Well, they're stating that you've still got your Second Amendment right, and this isn't taking it, but in reality it does.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Watching the comedy of errors, you know, if this 9-11 incident wasn't such a tragedy, seeing Rumsfeld and Rice and all of these people choking on their own tongues and their own lives would be hilarious.
My question to you is, where do you see all of this going?
Because, obviously, some of the public is going to
Wake up, that hasn't been woken up before.
I mean, just for people that don't even research 9-11 and all the proof of how the globalists carried out the attacks, the body language of these people is enough.
I mean, they had Richard Armitage, Undersecretary of State, old CIA globalist, from what, three different administrations?
They had Armitage up there and my wife walks in the room with the TV on and she goes, that guy looks like a kingpin.
I mean just the way they look.
Look at Tennant.
Tennant reminds me of Al Capone.
I mean he's ready for Hollywood.
He could play the Don.
And again, don't judge a book by its cover, but the arrogance, the snickering, the laughing, the rolling of the eyes, I mean, they're a bunch of gangsters, that's what they are.
You look at their actions, it proves it, but not just their actions, not just the text of the book, in this case, the cover, you can judge the book by the cover, and yeah, they're a bunch of kingpins.
Exactly, but my question still is,
How is this going to have an effect, do you believe?
This way, a lot of people come to the commission going, I want to give you information, help me!
And then they can have car wrecks, or they can be threatened by Ashcroft with arrest.
That's what happens.
People go to these commissions.
This is the second commission, and that's even admitted today in the news.
They go to the commission and tell them what they know.
Suddenly, the FBI's there going, you're about to be arrested.
Whether you're an FBI agent, or a codebreaker, or NSA, or CIA.
And that's also the front, so they can say, well,
The government dropped the ball, Clinton ambushed, but it was a big mess up and why we've had an investigation.
It's a big, it's a big smoke screen.
It's also about finding out what people know.
Oh, you can trust them if you're in the government.
Go to them, young man, young officer in the Air Force.
Tell us what you know.
Thanks for telling us.
And then, the young Air Force officer dies in an automobile accident the next morning.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends, we're back live.
I'm not against George W. Bush because I'm an evil liberal.
I'm against George W. Bush because he's a front man for the globalists, getting rid of our borders, massively increasing the size of the government and the debt.
Going after my Second Amendment, expanding the U.N., you name it.
Setting up a horrible police state.
And no, his cousin, his skull and bones brother, in darkness, literally, in the cult of death, isn't going to save us either.
The solution is locally, at the county and city level, taking action.
Coming up, we'll get to Dylan George, and Vince, and Richard, and Chad, and many, many others.
But I've never aired these on the show.
There are literally hundreds of these.
But I just want you to listen to George W. Bush.
I think there's six or seven different clips of things he's said in the last few years.
And again, there are hundreds of these.
I've got hundreds of these.
We're going to post some of these on InfoWars.com.
And why is it so important?
Because it shows how the media crafting and image makers can blot over this.
How they can cover this up?
The fact that Bush has got all these egghead lying geniuses, globalist kingpins and mobsters around him, but he is the hereditary heir to this police state system, just like over in North Korea, Kim Jong-il, by all accounts, is a moron.
I'm not saying Bush is a total moron, but he's so scripted that he's not good at scripting things, so he messes up.
He's so nervous to get the lies and spin right that he's a bumbling fool.
I mean, I've seen George Bush give many speeches as governor, and they were pretty good speeches.
Why did he suddenly become this raving idiot?
And by the way, I've watched many of his live speeches.
He does this in every speech.
This is the Democrats combing the world to find me.
So, here is one
Well, I guess six or seven of these different clips and we'll go back to your calls, so please stay with us.
These are very revealing.
And so, in my State of the Union, or my Speech to the Nation, whatever you want to call it, Speech to the Nation, I asked Americans
To give 4,000 hours over the rest of your life of service to America.
That's what I asked.
I said, 4,000 hours.
There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower.
The TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.
I think the intelligence I get is darn good intelligence.
You're free, and freedom is beautiful.
And, uh, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order, but we will.
There was an honest difference of opinion as to how to account for a complicated traxation.
I want to remind you all that in order to fight and win the war, it requires an expenditure of money.
That is commiserate with keeping a promise to our troops to make sure that they're well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped.
You're working hard to put food on your family.
We're working hard to put food on your family.
It's in the interest of a long-term peace in the world that we work for a free and secure and peaceful Iraq.
A peace, free and secure Iraq in the midst of the Middle East will have enormous historical impact.
Well, isn't that just special, my friends?
Isn't that the cutest thing you ever heard?
I mean, do I need to describe how ridiculous this is?
And we've got a lot more of these.
I mean, perhaps in the future I should keep playing these.
I mean, there are hundreds of them, more than a hundred of them, that I was viewing last night.
And we'll be posting on InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com.
We need to do that, create sections on this and maybe have Bush's idiotic statements, have Kerry's wicked statements, have Clinton's lying statements, have Bush's lying statements.
That'd be thousands of clips.
But let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks.
I'm trying to catch my breath from cracking up from those quotes.
I just want to mention... Had you hear the order out of chaos comment?
Oh yeah.
It's just... He was going truthful for a moment or something.
Like Tony Blair said twice, weapons of mass destruction.
Uh huh.
I really want to mention what's going on in our border communities.
Of the great states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
We have illegal aliens, machine gunning, FBI, border patrol, burning down houses, raping, killing, slaughtering, trying to run them down.
I mean, it's just total bedlam.
Yeah, well, some of these illegal aliens happen to be Mexican military in their full attire.
No, no, it's been in the Associated Press.
We have the photographs and video of it.
I have hours of video of this that's been sent to me of just Mexican troops carrying bundles through the fence, over the border, pointing machine guns at people, then turn your cameras off.
And the government will do nothing.
They will go arrest you.
If you even try to go videotape them, the FBI will swoop down on you because you're trying to keep them from getting shot by the troops.
I've got just tons of news articles in front of me about this from places like Fox News, New York Times, Newsmax.
No, I know!
Believe me, we see them every day to the point we don't even cover them half the time.
And this affects me personally here in Austin, Alex.
You know why?
I live in North Austin, just on the other side of 183, and
Recently, my wife and I moved into an apartment.
It was a number of months back.
We almost moved out before the lease was up, but we decided we didn't want to, you know, get a bad credit rating.
So, this neighborhood, just seven or eight years ago, it was not like it is now.
It's violent.
And dangerous driving habits of people also, but this violence... Sir, there are former middle-class neighborhoods that five years ago were nice.
You now see sides of beef hanging in open doorways, chickens running around in the middle of major intersections.
Yes, we're becoming Mexico City.
Well, if there were just going back to some of the more wholesome, simple ways like you just mentioned, that'd be one thing, but a lot of the people
In these little Mexicos, and my wife is Hispanic, so this is not racist.
A lot of these people are criminals.
Well, they're criminals when they come here, and they violate the law, but a lot of them are criminals playing justice.
That's the statistics.
What is an illegal from Mexico?
I think the LA Times even had the numbers a few months ago.
It's like twice as likely to be a criminal.
So, and it's even worse if it's Russia or China.
I know we had a real good apartment manager and she quit.
She just couldn't take it after a while.
One of the things that happened to her, this young gentleman, she said must have been 17 years of age, came into our office one day because she had called his cell phone number on his car in the parking lot.
He's a non-resident of the apartment, trying to sell his car.
She called him, told him he had to move his car.
Well, he came in, pushed everything off her desk,
Uh, her supervisor happened to be in the bathroom coming out, and so the guy decided to run off, but she feared for her life.
And when she called the cops, they were very nonchalant.
And, uh, I have some brothers in law enforcement, so I appreciate y'all, but, uh, you know, uh, this is just, this is just very confusing.
So, so, so, Vicente, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Vicente Fox came to Austin three months ago.
I confronted him with a bullhorn with a bunch of other great people.
And, uh, he gave an award to the APD for not following the federal law.
Over 800 cities do this and accept these fake IDs, and now, uh, what is it, 80 plus, uh, uh, other, uh, countries are now, I'm sorry, it was 80, it's over 100 now, are, are saying, we're gonna issue a matricula card, those will be accepted.
But you as a citizen, regardless of what color you are, are gonna have the government microscope down your throat.
And this is the new freedom.
Look, the terrorism that they're creating is about scaring you into submission.
And we're going to have 450 million people here by 2045.
That's another 150 million.
And by the way, very few of the illegals, regardless of where they're from, actually talk to the Census Bureau.
And the census, the census said there were between 8 and 14 million of them.
Folks, there's well over 30 million.
That's from congressional studies.
30 million people.
And I talked, I have a family friend, in fact, I've known her since I was a baby.
She's my parents' friend.
And she manages the biggest apartment complex in Austin for the biggest property management company in the United States.
And that gentleman went to their corporate meeting last year in Dallas.
And they were told, in the big hall, all the managers, hundreds of them, they were told that they have been secretly taken over by the federal government, that they no longer have to pay taxes if one-third of their residents
If it's government housing.
But that they're not to tell other people in the apartment that they're now government housing.
And that if it's illegal aliens, they're allowed to have as many as they want.
No rules.
Leave them alone.
This is official, folks.
I have this from the horse's mouth.
From her.
And that they are not to do anything to them.
But if a citizen has somebody staying even for a week there to find them, threaten to kick them out,
I've stood at the bank when the illegal alien has no ID and has given a bank account, but citizens are treated like garbage.
I mean, again, foreigners get seven to ten years of tax exemption.
That's why they now own almost all the motels and gas stations that are branching out into everything else.
Because it's designed to destroy the middle class.
I mean, Bush said that exporting jobs is good.
They want to accelerate it.
It's going to get seven times worse.
Congressional Budget Office.
They're going to tell you all the new factory jobs you've got because they want to make fast food be considered a durable, good factory job.
Okay, good point, Dylan, and I'm sorry that's happening.
Let's talk to George.
George, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Ontario, Canada.
And I'd like to bring up a little point on this rabbit story.
I was listening to Derry's show as well.
And, uh, the whole root of the matter is... Well, for those that just joined us, tell them what you're talking about.
I was a school teacher that, uh, found two day-old hairless rabbits that were being eaten by ants.
And, uh, put them away by hitting them with a shovel and burying them.
And, uh, you know, basically just, uh, you know, saving them a lot of pain and suffering.
Yeah, and then I, callers were calling in about how there's been trouble when the people in the ag departments show people how to butcher, and then there's the freak-outs.
But this is what you're supposed to do!
So what the substance of the message is, when Derry said that she should have called the state authority, which I was assuming was the SPCA or something like that, is you no longer have a right or a capability to decide life and death issues, and you're being trained with the animals so that it's the state that decides who gets euthanized and when.
Even though you may run a farm, you may be a hunter, you may be a woodsman, you may run a crop line.
What are they doing to her?
I heard it was on the news.
$310 per rabbit.
So now, if I have a horse, or I have a dog that's hit by a car,
I brought up an issue on your show a couple of months ago that had a happy resolution and it involves
One of our tactical units in Ontario that went after a hunter and he had a license.
He was hunting with permission of a property owner, but it was next to a schoolyard and he was reported as like, you know, the Beltway Sniper.
He was taken down with extreme prejudice.
Body searched in the street.
His baby was held at gunpoint.
She was used as a bargaining chip because she had transplant surgery and needed medicine in the house to get consent to search the house.
It was a very nasty affair.
In a small town up here.
That tactical unit has been disbanded.
I wrote every MP in this country.
I got a letter back after I was on your show two days later from the Prime Minister's office saying that he would delegate the Justice Minister to look into this matter.
But unfortunately... Down here they'd get awards for what they did.
Well sometimes things work in mysterious ways and this was how mysterious it was.
They weren't disbanded for this incident but they had another incident where they were lawfully taking down someone who misused a firearm.
But this person was a Native Indian.
And while they were searching his house lawfully, they drew X's through a Mohawk Indian and the Mohawk Nation flag.
And that's why they were disbanded.
Why would they do something like that?
Well, they're just completely, totally out of control.
They take great sport and delight in having absolute power and control, just like you described.
And by the way, I talked about the photograph of the troops having the two children hold up the sign that, you know, the troops killed my father, they raped my sister.
These people are going to come back here and be police officers.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Good points, Georgia and Canada.
Uh, Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
Listen, I, uh, I'm trying to keep track of this case.
It's about an identification case, whether you're required to identify yourself.
Yeah, in the Supreme Court.
Yes, it was argued Monday.
And the name of the case is Larry P. Heibel.
I don't know if you're familiar with it.
It's the petitioner, and it was versus the 6th Judicial District.
Court of the State of Nevada arguing for the county of Humboldt County.
Yeah, and the court in the past has said you don't have to have an ID to walk down the street.
Have they ruled yet?
It was argued, and the question presented was, does the Constitution prohibit the state from forcing people to identify themselves during a police investigation when they are seized upon with less than probable cause?
This is generated because of a phone call to the Sheriff's Department, because this guy drove his truck down some road, and the person that saw them called the Sheriff's Department.
This person thought they saw this driver assault a female passenger.
The Sheriff upon coming upon this incident, or coming upon the truck,
Notice that there were skid marks and what the sheriff said.
Yeah, I know the story.
I've actually covered the article on there.
But they argued that the writ of satori for the state was denied twice in this case.
But you know, the Supreme Court requires written documentation of all cases presented all the way.
And they didn't have one written document written for this case.
I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
I appreciate the call.
I have predicted that they're going to rule that they can make you produce IDs.
Here in Austin, they arrest you routinely if you don't do that.
About 10 years ago, I was walking back.
I told the story from my apartment maybe 50 yards from a local convenience store, and I bought some, I don't know, Gatorade milk or something.
And the cops pulled up and said, let me see your ID.
And I said, I just walked from my apartment.
Well, what apartment are you in?
Well, here's the apartment I'm in.
Well, I can arrest you for not having an ID, and I said, are you looking for somebody?
They said, no, don't get smart, and I said, look, I don't have my ID.
But the point is, the courts have said they can't do that, but they still do it, and it's still on the books.
So, yeah, it's just, well, I guess in Germany you had to show your papers, so why not here?
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Alright, we'll get more into 9-11, the White Wash Commission, the police state, your calls.
We've got Pastor Ernie Sanders coming on too.
He's got a syndicated Christian broadcast on the Salem Network.
I've been on his show as a guest a couple times over the years.
We'll be talking about the 501c3 churches, why Christians think George Bush is God, and we'll get into a lot of other key issues with him as well, and take your calls early into that hour.
We're about to go to Michael and Chad and Charles and Bill and many others that are patiently holding.
Just briefly, before I go back to your calls, I have made ten films, I've written a book, I've published a book, I carry several other great books and other videos by great researchers and authors.
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Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Texas.
Michael, go ahead.
I happen to work at Intercontinental Airport in Houston.
And what's interesting is I know you use deductive reasoning and common sense to find out about the New World Order and you read a lot.
Well, last week for two straight days there were Air Force planes doing crisscross patterns across Houston.
I'm not talking about chemtrails.
And, uh, I could tell that they were because of the speed they were flying and at the altitude.
And then, uh, this week, here and all is going to be, we got war, there's going to be a terrorist attack and all that.
And what's interesting is, if you go back to, I think it was October of 2003, they were saying that a security guard had been wounded, shot in the arm.
And they said he made it up, and now the FBI says they think Houston is going to be hit, the refineries, by a tax.
Would that be a good excuse for him to jack up gas prices even more?
Whatever happened with that security guard?
Well, I have no idea, but what's interesting is, I don't know if you've ever heard of Lt.
Jim Ammerman.
He lives out in West Texas.
Yeah, we've had him on the show.
Okay, he said there was something like three million foreign troops throughout North America.
Well, he said that in the Pentagon, when he was there, I think under Clinton.
Early days under Clinton.
He said that the Pentagon feared Texas the most, and what's interesting is, with the, you know, trying to figure this out through deductive reasoning, and with the martial law... Well, you know, I don't think it's three million troops, but there are foreign troops here.
I mean, that's admitted.
Well, I figure that if they fear Texas the most, that they're probably going to do something in Texas to get the people in Texas afraid.
Well, that's what it's all about.
I've got a report here.
Associated Press, FBI says the other day they're going to blow up refineries in Houston.
Hope that doesn't happen.
Hope the feds don't do that.
Thanks for the call.
We've got the second hour coming up.
More calls, more news.
Then a guest.
Just stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, boys and girls, thanks for joining us today, already into Hour 2 of this March 25, 2004 Thursday edition.
Got a guest, Pastor Ernie Sanders, coming on the show.
He has a syndicated broadcast on the Salem Network.
I've been a guest on his show.
Talk about the 501c3 charges, the render-and-seizure argument of submit to government, worship Adolf Hitler, God says to do it, which is what people actually say.
They say you gotta follow whatever leaders you got.
We'll get into that and all the news and take your calls.
I have just a bunch of news on the Whitewash Commission, Beck brother, the police state,
Just a ton of key stuff I haven't even gotten to coming up in the next two hours.
Right now I said open phones and I meant it.
Let's go ahead and talk to, oh I guess up next here, who's up next, Stephanie?
Chad in Illinois, go ahead.
Hey Alex, can you hear me?
Yes I can.
Okay, three things.
First of all, I was just out in Cancun last week for a little spring break trip.
And it's just, first of all, amazing how Americanized it is down there, and second of all,
Every day we had chemtrails overhead.
And that little small strip of Cancun, they managed to get chemtrails down there.
Because obviously now is the prime time for spring break and it's all full down there.
So I thought that was pretty interesting.
How low were the spray clouds?
They looked like they were 30,000 feet and above.
Those could have been real condensation trails, but when you see jets at 3,000 feet and the trail stays there for five hours, you've got a problem.
Yeah, no, these were staying there for the whole day and spread out and created cloud formations.
I just thought it was amazing.
Even down there, they go to spray us.
Second of all, last year when Lance Armstrong won the fifth Tour de France,
You breezed through that article, and then you said, what a joke.
What did you mean by that?
I breezed through the article.
Well, you mentioned when Lance Armstrong won the fifth Tour de France, you said, what a joke, and moved on.
And I was just wondering what you meant by it when you said, what a joke.
Well, I'm not against Lance Armstrong.
In fact, my parents know Lance Armstrong.
I mean, they were actually in the box.
I don't think so.
I'm not really sure.
Yeah, I just thought maybe it was a staged event where he went on again.
I'm not sure.
That's why I was just asking.
Oh, no, man.
He was sick.
Had the flu.
Was falling down.
But, I mean, again, I don't really cover sports.
Lastly, are you doing the
Yeah, show out in California this week with Mike Rupert and a bunch of other people.
You know, what happened is that I think a long time in the past, they said, hey, would you like to come out?
Oh yeah, sure, I'll come out sometime.
And then, oh, Alex is going to be here.
And then I thought, well, maybe I will.
And then, no, I don't think I'm going.
Well, the question I had is Mike Rupert is really fixed on peak oil.
And you're not.
Yeah, it's, I mean, no, nothing bad against Rupert, but I don't agree with it.
Okay, that was just my question.
I've listened to a couple of calls he had and a couple of conference calls and he's absolutely dead set on peak oil and it's just interesting that two gentlemen of your caliber in the area of the expertise in... Okay, well I read the U.N.
policy reports five years ago where they said they're going to tell us there's no water in oil and jack up the prices.
It's creating artificial scarcity, telling you there's none of it so they can increase the prices and the fake left is out there putting us out.
There's enough oil around America for a hundred years in Alaska.
They're finding giant reserves everywhere.
Their problem is they've got to have world government so they can keep supplies under wrap so the price would fall too far.
It's the complete opposite of what you've been told.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
I'll come back and get Pastor Ernie Sanders on and we'll take more of your calls.
Everybody stay with us.
A lot more coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Into the second hour.
I know we've got a lot of phone lines.
We'll get those calls coming up here in a little while.
Coming up, DOJ asks FBI translator to change pre-911 intercepts.
Ashcroft threatens to have her arrested if she doesn't shut up.
She gave a press conference yesterday there at the Capitol, but again, the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about it.
We will also get into the FBI warns Texas oil refineries of possible attack.
We will get into Mr. Clark as well, who's really a whitewasher.
I mean, all he says is the government didn't do enough.
It was, you know, an accident.
That's a lot more than that.
So that's just some of what is coming up here on the show.
Pastor Ernie Sanders has a syndicated broadcast on the Salem Network, and I've been on his show several times over the years.
He does a great job.
And he's an expert on Romans 13 and rendering the seizure and what's happening with the 501c3 churches.
So I've got him on the air with us to ride shotgun and comment on some of the news and take some calls.
Pastor Sanders, good to have you on the show.
Hey Alex, it's good to be here.
You bet.
Tell folks about your website.
Well, you know what, they're working on my website, so I really don't know what condition it's in right now.
I was on it just a few weeks ago.
It looks good.
Oh, was it?
I have Kevin and Joe Clark, and there's two or three fellows that put that together, and I hardly ever even go up there because I have seven full-time ministries, so I'm pretty busy.
Usually on the streets or in the prisons.
Yeah, you also go into the prisons and expose that whole racket, and of course you're a conservative, but you're not too happy with Bush, but you say, you know, anybody but, you know, Kerry, but then the liberals say anybody but Bush, but they're cousins, they're members of the same organization.
Yeah, they are, but here's the difference, okay, in my view, and I've been studying this for a very, very long time,
What you have, you know, they're both globalists, but there's two different ways and approaches they have.
They're in competition.
That's good for us, the fact that these people are, you know, in competition, that you have virtually three main groups that are out for world dominion, and that are the communist globalists, which Kerry is, and basically
That is Kabbalistic Judaism in leadership, and I'm not in any way, shape, or form, Alex, you know, I know that to be prejudiced is a sin, and you know, we're not prejudiced at all, but we do understand what God's Word of the Bible teaches very clearly, and
As far as, you know, Jews were the people that loved the Lord the most.
You know, Abraham, and Jacob, and Isaac, and of course the Apostles, and the Lord Jesus, but also the people that hated Him the most.
And today what we have out there is, is, is Kabbalistic Judaism.
There are very few in numbers, but they hate the Jews, the Orthodox Jews also.
In fact,
If you go back and you know this, that if you look at the old Soviet Union and the Politburo, 45%, even though they were less than 2% of the population, they were 45% of the Politburo.
Okay, so that's one group.
The other group is?
Okay, the other group is, which you have as far as Bush and his New World Order.
They are the capitalistic.
They want to achieve, again, globalism too.
And the means are different, okay?
The Communists, the way that they do it is eliminating people.
Stalin, Joseph Stalin, over 120 million killed.
Mao, over 90 million killed.
You look at North Vietnam, North Korea today, where the persecution of Christians is unbelievable.
So the way that the Communist globalists want to achieve world dominion is
By eliminating large portions of the population.
I sat in one of their meetings up here.
They didn't know who I was.
I got in, you know, I just walked in.
You know, like anybody else, and I sat down.
And, uh, in fact, I probably could have got by, you know, the entire meeting, but one of the fellows in there, um, called me out and asked me a name.
Which, of course, everyone looked at me then.
But I sat right in one of their meetings for two hours.
It was between, uh, the World Population Control, which is United Nations,
Planned Parenthood, which we call Planned Predators, and the organization they call the Sierra Club, they go under the guise of an environmental organization.
Yeah, that's the land grabber group.
They're communists to the bone, right to the bone.
Now, they said, and they talked openly, they were speaking openly about ways of obtaining
What is called utopian form of government.
Of course, you and I know that... By the way, a new article has come out about sterilization materials in the polio shots.
I'm going to get to that later in the show.
So you're in the meeting, go ahead.
Yeah, exactly what you just brought up.
That's a part of it.
Sterilization through these vaccine scenes.
But in that, they said they had to eliminate 3 billion, with a B, 3 billion people
Well, Ted Turner and Prince Philip want higher numbers than that.
Yeah, I know that, but Ted Turner is a part of this, okay?
Now, that's how they want to achieve world dominion.
In other words, they believe, they look upon the earth, Mother Gaia, in their way, and you and I, those, especially those that believe in God, Christians and others, as a useless mouth to feed, and actually parasites.
They said what they wanted to do is this, they wanted to use abortion, they wanted to use euthanasia, and they wanted to, in their, they have a constitution and a declaration, and in their declaration, food and water, Alex, food and water would be a privilege, not a right, a privilege granted by the state, and by the way,
The practice of your religion would also be a privilege granted by... Yeah, in 1997 at the World Population Forum in Beijing, China, the head of the UN Food Program said, we will use food as a weapon and we will not apologize for it.
But look, Pastor Sanders, let me just throw this in here now.
You've been studying the New World Order, I've been studying the New World Order.
I don't see it as any one group.
You've got evil people.
No, it's not.
Let me just say something here.
You've got evil people, and on the surface they've got the phony right-wing world government, and on the surface they've got the phony left-wing world government, and then they said in policy reports, we'll give them a fake choice of a left or right world government, but when it boils right down to it, the globalists are occultists!
And that's what George Bush and Kim Jong-il have in common.
So that's the system, but you talked about the third group that you've identified.
Let's identify that third group.
That's Islam.
Islam is out after world dominion.
They want to acquire their own banking system.
Right now, in fact, they're working that way, and they're out for world dominion.
That's their cause.
But again, why does the establishment go to them for the oil when we have plenty of oil in other areas?
Again, at a deeper level, the Saudis and the rest of them are part of this New World Order.
They go to the Bilderberg Group meetings.
Well, yeah, because they control both sides of every war.
You know that.
Well, that's what I'm saying, is that these groups are all really interconnected.
Well, they are, but you see, it's kind of like a chess game, right?
Or it's just kind of like, you know, look at it this way, that let's just say that you and I
Are very, very, very wealthy.
Now, you know, people talk about the wealth of Bill Gates.
You know, Bill Gates is a pauper compared to the wealth that is owned and controlled by people like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Yeah, that's true.
But you are not allowed to.
There will be no one that will come out and state what they're worth.
Because virtually any newspaper that would print it would be out of business.
Same day.
Well, that goes for Bush, too.
I mean, the Bushes aren't high-level elitists, but they're worth tens of billions of dollars.
Yeah, they are, but they're nowhere near.
They're not, uh... No, I know, but then you read in the magazines that, oh, the Bush is worth a million dollars, you know.
Yeah, but you see, they're... Now, here you're talking about the capitalistic globalists.
The capitalistic globalists, their road to world dominion is a little different.
They want to do it by eliminating the middle class.
In other words,
There's two classes of people.
Those to be served, and those that are there to serve.
Yeah, but let me continue that.
So you just proved my point.
You just proved my point, Pastor Sanders.
And this is what I'm trying to get at here.
The socialists are for NAFTA and GATT.
The socialists are for bringing in all the illegals.
The socialists are for globalism.
So, I mean, they're for the exact same policies.
Yeah, they are.
But the difference, the only difference in their policies is one wants to
Achieve the utopian government by eliminating people.
The communist sector, they've done that.
If you go back and you look at Stalin, you look at Mao, you look at Kim Jong.
All of these people, they kill millions.
Pol Pot.
Kill millions.
Their answer always is to kill.
I mean, kill, kill, kill.
That's why it's called the Red Death.
But the other side, they would rather have you eliminate the middle class
You see, that's happening.
Just like, you remember, well, I'm a lot older than you, but I remember, Alex, that when I was a kid, a young guy, and back in those days, the Indians, the Cleveland Indians were a number one ball club, and we could go down, and you know what?
I could go to the ball game for a buck.
It cost me a buck to get in.
But then they tell us there's no inflation.
Well, today, a lot of people, I mean, how many families, the average family cannot take
Their family.
They cannot afford to take their family to the ballpark to watch baseball, or especially football, when tickets are $45, $50 a piece.
And then to get a hamburger or a hot dog, they're $3 or $4.
The average family can't do that anymore.
It's beyond the average.
And this is what's happening out there.
They want, the capitalistic globalists, want basically two classes of people.
The very elite, the wealthy.
We're seeing this.
It's called feudalism.
It's called serfdom.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Pastor Ernie Sanders has done decades and decades long work exposing the abortionists, standing up to the corruption in the prisons, what's happening to the people in the prisons, which is very good work to be doing.
And of course, he has a syndicated broadcast.
I know that we have people from Alaska, New Jersey, Canada, Tennessee, all over that want to talk to him.
And so that's coming up in the next segment.
We'll also throw some news items out at Pastor Sanders.
Give us a take on it.
But Pastor Sanders, shifting gears, I've heard you on your show talk about Romans 13.
And even for people who aren't Christians out there,
A lot of Christians, the same Christians that ended slavery in this country, now sit there on their haunches because, oh, Romans 13 says worship all government.
Well, it doesn't say that.
It's out of context.
And I was on a Canadian Christian show last weekend, and they attacked me, basically, and said, I'm supposed to follow the government.
Romans 13 says so.
I mean, that's totally out of context.
I mean, I guess we shouldn't have fought against Adolf Hitler dinners.
Can you break that down for us?
Yeah, I certainly can.
You see, the problem these people have is understanding and discerning what a legitimate government is, okay?
That's the problem.
Let me give you the five points of human government.
Most of these preachers have no idea where we even got the institution of human government.
They don't.
They have a 501c3 cholera, and I can tell you this right now.
Folks, most of the people, the vast majority of the people in this country that think they're saved are not even saved.
They're not saved.
They're going to have a very rude awakening.
And I'll get into why I know that to be a fact.
The vast majority of these that call themselves churches are not churches.
They're 501c3 corporations.
You cannot be a corporation and a church both.
You can be one or the other, but you can't be both.
And the 501c3 contract is very clear, Alex.
It states that the state, that the state, not Christ as the head, the pastor, is called an agent.
Look the word up in Black's Law.
It means spy or intercessor for the state.
They're corporations.
These are not churches.
Now, there are some good godly people in them that have got themselves in and then don't know how to get out.
But now, as far as what is
legitimate government these preachers I would now for 16 years Alex for 16 years I've been challenging to debate any three neo-evangelical or neo-fundamentalist preachers on Romans 13 exactly what those Canadian preachers told you I haven't had one in 16 years take me up on it and the reason is when you set down open the Bible that all of the BS has to go
And when God gave us the institution of human government, Alex, and we're talking about legitimate, genuine human government, which is ordained of God.
You see, this telephone in my hand right now, I can say, well, this is not a telephone here in my hand, this is, you know, a thirty-odd six.
And you say, well, that's crazy, that's a telephone.
I say, wait a minute, you just wait here.
And I go and I get ten men from my church and I tell them, men,
This is a 30-odd-6, and you go and you tell this fellow that.
And that is not going to make it a 30-odd-6.
And see what happens, we have government that's got power, but it's got no standing.
The government in America today is illegitimate.
It has no authority.
It's just like if I walk into your office there, and I say, Alex, I'm the king of the world,
Now, who am I?
And you say, well, no, you're not.
You're the preacher Sanders.
Then I put a .45 up to your head and I said, now, Alex, I'm the king of the world.
Who am I?
And you're going to say, uh, you're the king of the world, right?
I mean, that's what our government does.
It's got power, but no authority.
It's lost all of its standing.
Yeah, it's a criminal, rogue system.
Well, I mean, Christ goes in and beats the money changers.
The prophets are killed.
Almost all the disciples killed by government.
If they were following all the orders of the government, why were they killed?
No, they were imprisoned.
Paul was in prison because he was saying no, but Hitler took this quote, and others have before him, and these preachers say, I'll do whatever the government says, Romans 13, and now governments are saying, don't criticize abortion, and they say, yes sir, I won't anymore.
They're cowards.
They're cowards.
You have a tremendous dirt of courage.
Most of these guys, and Alex, this is true, when they say that to me, you know what I do?
I pinch them right on the behind.
I'll pinch them right on the butt.
And I'll tell them, you're cute.
Because these guys are effeminate.
They're not men.
They're afraid.
And when you go back to the five points of human government which God established, the very first point, Alex, was to whom was this covenant made?
The Noahic Covenant.
And it tells you in Genesis 9, verse 9, verse 12, and verse 16, to all mankind for a perpetual generation, an everlasting covenant, okay?
To all living in all life.
So, we got a break.
We got a break.
We're going to come back and take some calls and get more into this.
This is important.
I mean, it was Christians that ended slavery in this country.
Not anymore because, well, I guess blacks should be slaves because God put people over them to make them slaves.
I mean, it's a fraud.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, and we will cover these articles, UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents Scientist Finds!
Oh yes!
Also, now Big Brother wants seatbelts for your dogs and cats.
Industry debunks met the $20 bill.
The Washington Times has written a story about the article we posted about the RFID chips.
I'll get to that.
Also, remember up in Fort Wayne, Indiana?
They were going to publish the names of gun owners.
Concealed Carry owners in the newspaper wouldn't say why.
They said it was, well, to find out if your child is going to be able to go to somebody's house if they own evil guns.
But they said they got 3,000 calls and almost all of them were against doing it.
And so they backed off.
And that's because of you, listeners.
Good job.
That's just some of what's coming up more on the 9-11 Commission, you name it.
Pastor Sanders, I want to get back into 501c3, back into the abortion, back into all the stuff that's going on.
But right now, let's go to some of these calls.
Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Let me ask you a question.
I go through so many mixed emotions.
Do you think I'm wrong to stop blaming the government, stop blaming the people for this happening?
Well, are you talking to me?
Yeah, he's saying he stopped blaming the government and he started blaming the people for what's happening.
Well, you know, the Bible says what, Peter?
That judgment begins in the house of God.
You know, that's where it begins.
He's absolutely right, you see.
The problem, if you look at the people, there's one entity, Alex, that has not only the power and not only
The authority, but the responsibility to bring our nation back to one nation under God, that's the church.
And that's who started it in 1770s.
The problem is... But why didn't they interpret Romans 13 like Hitler did?
Because they didn't have a 501c3.
There was a fellow, do you remember a guy named John Bunyan?
Who wrote a book called Pilgrim's Progress?
He spent 14 years in prison.
Do you know why he spent 14 years in prison?
Because he would not take a license in England.
From the state.
He would not take the 501c3.
What that does is it just castrates these preachers.
You lose all authority.
When you take the 501c3, you can put church, you can write the word church all over your building.
You can put church signs a mile high.
They're not a church.
And they have no authority because they've surrendered to that.
And for people that are going, well I'm not a Christian, and why are you guys talking about this?
Because this is how they politically control us, people.
In the Soviet Union, in China today, you have churches, so-called churches, they're government approved, they are agents of the government, just like the 501c3.
And we never had this before, and they just said, take this, and people just bought into it through color of law.
Charles, anything else?
Yes, sir.
Lisa Rice, she's not going to testify.
No, they sent the Kingpin armatized, the real Secretary of State.
He's the real guy in control.
They sent that giant demonic possum up there to laugh and giggle about, you know, what happened on 9-11.
It's real funny.
What do you think is going to happen?
I don't know.
Hang on.
Just tell me what you think.
Well, Rice isn't a good liar and has messed up in the past and they had to admit she lied when she said... They admitted this.
She lied when she said we never heard of plans to fly planes into buildings.
Thank you for what you're doing, Mr. Jones and Pastor.
God bless you.
All right.
Thank you, Charles.
Let's take more calls.
Let's go north to Alaska.
Bill, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Alex, Pastor.
I'm fine, sir.
Pastor, there's one lawgiver on my right.
And there's ten laws that he made us obliged to obey, right?
And that's what Romans 13 is saying.
Yes, and it's, you know, I've been guilty of trying to confuse the issues and everything, but it's just a fundamental difference between right and wrong and where you stand in it.
If you have a just balance and a just measure, which is Christ, you have the righteousness, and you know what right and wrong is, and
I believe that it was the frustration that David felt for the armies of the living God cowering before the Philistines that brought that giant down, not the rock.
Let me see if I can try to symbolize this.
I know we don't have a lot of time.
God's law of dominion.
God's law of dominion.
When I spoke about the five points of human government,
The second point was that man was to govern for God, but the third point, this is very important.
This is the purpose, and this is what I'm talking about, what is real government, what is genuine government, compared to what we have.
We have a disingenuous, we have a counterfeit government.
It's not recognized by God.
Now, you see, the purpose in the Noahic covenant was
The purpose of human government given to us by God was to preserve the image of God, that being man.
God gave man dominion over all of the environment.
In Genesis 9, starting with verse 4, he kept dominion of man for himself.
That's where, Alex, you get the statute of the death penalty in Genesis 6 and 7.
Now, what happens, that statute was given, the idea was to preserve human life, not to
By putting the fear of God into those that would take or destroy the image of God.
In 1973, the U.S.
Supreme Court set itself up with God.
They said, we, the Court, will take what God has said is unlawful, and we will make it legal by license.
If you transfer money, mammon, we will give you permission, that's what license is, to violate God's law.
By doing that, when they did that, our nation lost all standing.
Let me ask you a question.
Is somebody on a cordless phone?
No, sir.
Yeah, I am, but I can... Yeah, Arnie, you never want to do an interview with us cordless.
You need to get closer to the jack or get on the landline.
Yeah, I'm right there now.
One thing before I hang up, please.
Master, would you stand behind the idea that a man ought to just
Not traditions, not flag waving.
You ought to do what's right.
Okay, thanks for the call, Bill.
Ernie, can you get to a regular phone?
Yeah, let me do that.
I'm going to run down.
We've got a break coming up.
I've got another phone that I'll run.
Well, we don't for about 10 minutes, but that's okay.
This won't take me but about another 30 seconds.
That's wonderful.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Ed in Canada.
Ed, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I guess I should mention that I'm not one of your fans, Alec.
Well, that's fine.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'm a Canadian who is sick and tired of your anti-American hate propaganda, how you demonize the U.S.
troops as child killers.
You know, the real child killers are these Palestinian devils who arm young children with suicide belts.
Sir, let me just... I'll keep you on, but let me talk.
Let's have a conversation here.
And by the way, Pastor, we'll keep you over to the next hour if we can do it, so we have plenty of time to get to all the calls and cover all the news.
Ed, you know, I love America, and America is the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and that's being destroyed.
So I defend that, and I fight those that wrap themselves in a plastic Chinese-American flag
Made by slaves, and then tell me I gotta follow their orders or I'm against that flag.
I love America, but when our troops stoop to the level of shooting women and children and then laughing about it, which is admitted, and put 666 on their helicopters and human skulls on their vehicles, I'm saying that's wrong.
Now, are you denying that that's going on, number one?
Number two, are you denying that that's not pretty wicked?
You're not reporting the other side of the story.
According to you, there are no Islamic terrorists.
Let me stop you.
We just talked about the Muslims being part of the New World Order.
We just talked about the global domination move.
All the time we talk about what's going on.
We expose the evil, and that's just not fair.
That's just not true.
Well, speaking of the so-called Whitewash Commission, you are doing the whitewash.
You're nothing but an apologist for these Islamic beasts.
Okay, sir, sir, sir, sir, I've made two films, I've written a book, published a book on 9-11, I just read to you where one of the encryptors, the people breaking the codes, was threatened with arrest, and they exposed the government's prior knowledge.
I've had David Shippers, the guy that impeached Bill Clinton on saying this, I've had the FBI agents on, I've had the lawyers on, I've had the widows on, I've gone over this and over this, and you're just in total denial.
Talk about world domination!
The Muslims want to take over the world, you know that?
There's your New World Order.
Why did Clinton and Bush pay for millions of radical Hadiths?
That is radical interpretations of the Quran.
Kill Americans.
Why did our government pay for those books?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Of course you don't.
You're not informed.
I'm going to be honest with you.
Yes, I knew about the New World Order before you were born.
Okay, so who runs the New World Order?
Go ahead.
Who runs the New World Order?
The New World Order is run by the Islam.
By Islam.
You know, you're doing exactly what... Hold on a second.
Did the Muslims run Pol Pot?
Did the Muslims run Fidel Castro?
Did the Muslims run Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin?
Come on, man.
What's wrong with you?
It's evil.
The New World Order is evil.
It's evil people.
I expose evil.
Yeah, and Islam is evil.
You should tell your listeners that.
The government carried out the events of 9-11.
They funded, trained, ran the whole thing.
They're using that to take my freedoms while leaving the borders wide open.
And while Israel was caught Monday, Harots, Harots, Harots, let me say it again, Harots and Jerusalem Post giving them key weapons systems.
Now, am I against Israel because I don't want them arming their enemy?
What's wrong with you?
You don't have three-dimensional thinking, sir.
Pastor Sanders, do you have any comments?
Well, yeah, we spoke about this earlier in the program.
He apparently didn't hear it, the fact that, you know, the Muslims are out for world dominion, but they're just one of the three major groups that are out for world dominion.
And they are evil, there's no doubt about it.
You're absolutely right, but again, you know, if you look back at the funding and all of what is taking
You know, the Muslims were fine as long as we could use them, and that's exactly what's happening.
Both sides are trying to use and manipulate Islam for their own purposes.
Yeah, that's what's going on, and now we're going to have Muslims call in.
I'm not saying they're all individually evil people, but obviously that system has done a lot of evil things and we're exposing it.
So, what do you say to that, Ed?
I don't like it when you demonize American troops.
So, so, if troops aren't like everybody else, there's not bad ones, and we shouldn't punish those.
You're giving your country a bad name around the world.
Okay, no, no, the globalists hijacking America have.
Thanks for the call.
You're very emotional and you're not looking at the facts.
Understand something.
I don't support the troops breathing depleted uranium.
I don't support them being given deadly vaccines.
And I don't support them coming here and acting in domestic law enforcement as top generals are talking about.
So supporting troops doesn't mean you mindlessly say, I want you in my house with a gun to my head.
What's wrong with you?
You're just unbelievable.
I don't want to get off into the side issue.
This is disgusting.
Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is the disabled veteran business owner from Tennessee.
Oh, I guess I'm against you now, Danny.
Well, I just wanted to say to that last caller, I spent four years working for Force Recon and the United States Marine Corps.
And I'm also the guy that called in and was telling you about how the Marine Corps asked me if I'd be willing to fire on and kill American citizens if they wouldn't give up their guns.
And these people better wake up.
Well, according to him, supporting the government means not asking questions, shutting up.
I mean, is that what Americans are supposed to do, Pastor?
Is just not ask questions and worship the government?
Well, God's Word, the Bible is extremely clear.
Resistance to tyranny is always obedience to God.
You see that, and you know, going back to that Romans 13, the Apostle Paul, Peter, all of them went to prison, all of them were killed,
Even the Lord Jesus himself for obeying God, not the government.
You had a corrupt government.
And see, do you understand, Alex, what happened at the resurrection of Christ when Jesus arose?
Remember, over the tomb, Caesar posted his guard.
Now, he also posted his seal over the door.
Now, the law stated that anyone that broke the seal of Caesar
had to pay with their life.
If Caesar could not put that person to death, then Caesar lost all authority.
Caesar had no more credibility.
But when the Lord Jesus rolled the stone away on resurrection morning, guess what?
Caesar was declared null and void.
Lost all standing.
And of course you saw what happened to the corrupt Roman government not long afterwards.
It degenerated until it is no more.
Good point.
Anything else, Danny?
Well, one thing I was also one to add, back before 9-11, we were all screaming that the government was getting ready to stage terrorist attacks, and I remember you talking about it on your show also.
I said they're going to use Bin Laden to attack New York, possibly the World Trade Centers, for my intel.
Yeah, and I mean it was just, you know, kind of all over the place, and back then there was a lot of good, true information on the internet about
New World Order, and I've noticed in the past few years, you know, there's only a few sites on the internet that you can trust now, and the rest of them are full of disinformation.
And one thing that really gets me is about, you know, the factions of the New World Order.
And one thing I wanted to point out in Acts 4, 26, the Bible says, "...the kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His cross."
And, you know,
One big part of this is the whole masquerade that, you know, the Democrats and the Republicans and the Communists and the Fascists, you know, at the high levels, these people are all Satan-worshippers.
Well, that's what I'm saying, you know, they're not German, they're not Jewish, they're wicked.
Comments, Pastor?
Well, at the high levels, you're right, but you have to understand, at that high level, that is very, very elite.
Most of the people that you know, the people that you know about and you see in the news, even people like Henry Kissinger, these people are not at the high level.
Yeah, he's just a super gopher.
Thanks for the call, Danny.
And I want to add a point here before we break and come back and take more calls, and we're going to keep the pastors in the next hour to go over some news with us.
I want to get his take on it.
We'll take more calls then as well.
You know, I got asked a month ago to go give a speech at an anti-war rally that Ralph Nader was going to be speaking at.
Well, I'll go anywhere, especially if it's around Central Texas, to give a speech.
I gave a pro-gun, you know, anti-New World Order speech.
That's who we need to reach out to.
And I've got an email going, I saw you on the Dallas News, you were standing right beside Ralph Nader.
Explain yourself!
Well, I mean, I'm there interviewing people.
I'm there speaking to people.
I'm there, you know, that's like saying, you know, the disciples, how dare you go talk to the heathen?
What are you doing with them?
That's what I was trying to do.
Pastor, can you speak to that?
Exactly what you were doing.
You were there.
Doing, like you said, that's what you do.
And I go to some of these things myself and I do, you know, like you say, but normally I don't get invited to too many of these things.
Well, that's my point is we are successfully deprogramming a lot of the low-level people.
See, there's an interesting thing.
There's very little that we and the extreme left have in common.
One of the things that we have in common is
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Yeah, just weirdly talking about the deprogramming of the so-called left, because I don't get into the whole left-right paradigm.
It's freedom versus slavery.
Wickedness versus goodness.
But they had one big peace group run by Jensen, the UT Socialist professor and others.
They had the stage beforehand, and then a group called the Texas Intelligence Community, which are what you'd call them.
They're wearing pro-gun shirts, whatever, but they like Nader.
They think he's good, better than Carrier Bush.
They invited me to be one of the main speakers.
In fact, the other speaker.
And, I mean, Ralph Venter didn't know me from a ham sandwich when he was there.
But, you know, I introduced him and I interviewed him and all that.
And I got up and gave an anti-New World Order speech.
I had one of the leftist organizers, even though it wasn't their stage, run up and try to grab the microphone away from me.
And that was actually covered by the Ellis County Press and others.
My point is, is that we are burrowing in, waking up neocons, waking up the liberals.
That's what it's about.
If we don't start getting in these groups, talking to these people, that's where the New World Order is going to be defeated.
If we stay all Balkanized, it's over.
We've got to engage as human beings with other human beings.
Before we go back to Pastor Ernie Sanders and your loaded phone lines, in the next hour I'll get into the UN sterilization news, the latest developments there.
Also, the Washington Times reporting on the article we posted about the RFID chips and the money.
Just a bunch of key news coming up.
But before we do that, I have made ten films, I have written a book, I have published a book, and they are pro-gun, they are pro-border, they are pro-family, they are anti-New World Order, and they expose the corrupt system being built.
My new film, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, is four
Films in one, really.
Three or four films in one.
It's two hours and forty-four minutes long.
The first twenty-five minutes is, what is the New World Order?
Then who are the neocons?
The false left-right paradigm.
How it's controlled.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Now, Ernie Sanders, Pastor Ernie Sanders, we're about to break, come back with more calls, but for those that don't get a chance to, haven't heard your broadcast, you're on the Salem stations, you're on the Salem network.
And I get a huge response when I come on your show.
How do folks hear your broadcast?
Well, we're on a station called, one is 1220 WHK, they call it the blowtorch of the east, and this station at nighttime just covers, it goes all the way
From the east coast as far west as southern or western Illinois.
But it goes all the way to the middle of Canada, Alex, and then all the way down to the ocean south.
So it covers 38 states and half of Canada.
And then we're also up on Crusade Radio on the internet and also satellite.
So you can pick us up just about anywhere in the world by going to crusaderadio.com.
Alright, and there's the tales for the show.
We've got a break here in just a moment and we'll come back and we'll go straight to Joe and many others.
Carla and Marcello and Brett and Mark and many others.
So everybody stay with us.
Third hour.
Straight ahead we'll keep the pass around with us.
A couple more segments and get into
Your calls, and I want to get his take on some of these news stories, too.
So, your calls and news blitz are guessed.
It's all coming up in 70 seconds on the other side of this break in the third hour.
Keep it locked in.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now is the third and final hour.
It is the 25th of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming up, we'll get into U.N.
sterilization programs being caught yet again through the vaccines.
Industry debunkers blast the myth of the $20 bill, or the headline, Industry Debunkers Myth of $20 Bill.
And they supposedly debunked it in the RFID chip that's supposedly in there.
We'll go over that.
Also, we'll get into, now Big Brother wants seatbelts for your dogs and cats when they're in your car.
Judge denies bail to rancher in grazing rights dispute news for KOBTV.
And, again, this is the feudalism.
They steal your cows, you ride up on a horse, they claim it's threatening that you rode the horse up next to them, and so he's going to face assaulting royal police officers.
This is the feudalism of America.
I'm talking to Pastor Ernie Sanders, who has a powerful syndicated broadcast, and who I've been a guest of, and we're taking calls.
Right now, let's talk to those callers.
Let's talk to Joe in New York.
Joe, go ahead.
Or in New Jersey, I apologize.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
The reason my call, I've just tried calling Immigration to try to file a complaint or something.
And, um, I don't know.
They seem like they don't want to do anything about it.
Like in my local town, my next town over, we have like, I don't know, amount of like two, three hundred
Illegal immigrants and that sort of thing.
This is how it works.
They don't have to follow any of the laws.
Citizens do.
And the sheriffs have complained that they've been ordered to run federal checkpoints searching our vehicles, but when they catch illegals or vans smuggling them in the heartland, they're ordered to release them.
They are above the law.
Pastor Sanders, any comments on this?
Well, they're right.
And if you wonder why this is,
One of the strange things we have to really take a look at, and this is something that people don't, they don't understand.
I mean, if people really understood this, okay?
We are, United States of America is 4.8% of the world's population, okay?
So folks, get a picture, do the math.
Now we are over 25% of the world's prison population.
We're over 25% of the world's... We have more prison inmates, Alex and Joe, than any country in the world.
We have a half a million more than Red China.
Now, I said this because here in Ohio, just in Ohio, we have more inmates.
We have more prison inmates in Ohio than the country of Germany, or the country of Japan, or the country of France, or the country of England, or the country of Ireland,
Or the country of Italy.
We have more inmates in just this state, Alex, than any of these countries, okay?
We have become a police state, but people don't understand this.
And the judicial system is absolutely corrupted.
When the Clinton mob was in an office, they relaxed.
I mean, they totally relaxed all of the laws
Where it comes to illegal aliens.
They just basically shut them down.
And so now we're playing catch-up.
And they're coming in.
Do you realize how many, that in this country alone, there's over 200,000 red Chinese students that have come over here to go to school and our government has no idea at all where they're at?
They own over 3,000 front companies, too, and it's only going to get worse.
But again, the magnifying glasses on citizens, the illegals have had it.
Well, you know foreigners get 7 to 10 years of tax exemption.
That's why they own all the little grocery stores, I mean all the little hotels, all the little gas stations.
I mean almost all of them.
It's incredible.
So thanks for the call, Joe in New Jersey.
Yeah, they're above the law.
You gotta go down south, come back across the border, change your name, and then you'll have rights.
But if you're a citizen, you're dog meat.
You're a slave.
You're Al-Qaeda.
We'll come back and take more calls.
Stay with us.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Carla and Marcello and Brett and Mark and Lisa and others, we'll get to your calls here in a few minutes.
I wanted to go over a couple news articles here.
We've gotten calls and it's admitted that our troops put 666 on their helicopters and human skulls on their tanks and chant songs about killing children.
Never had to do that in the past, but now I guess that's the new thing.
They tell us torture is a good virtue.
The television shows funded by the government tell us torture is good.
Pastor Sanders, we have a photograph in a news article posted, and he's come out all the time, and it says, Lieutenant Corporal Porter-Relt,
Killed my dad, then he knocked up my sister.
This photo is disturbing.
It certainly reflects the military training and indoctrination of our troops, which encourages them to kill civilians indiscriminately, as confirmed in numerous reports.
It also confirms the crudest form of war crimes committed by an occupation army, murder and rape.
The two smiling children on the picture do not know what is written on the cardboard poster.
And the troops are behind him.
They have him holding it up.
It's like a sick joke.
And I've talked to troops that have gotten back.
They arrest whole towns of men down to ten years of age.
They're dying in custody.
This is wickedness, but people say, well, you've got to support the war.
You've got to support all this.
Do you have any comments, Pastor?
Well, no.
I don't support all that.
I do support our troops.
These are our people.
They're sent over there and we have to support them.
I remember vividly Vietnam and what happened to our people and my friends in Vietnam.
One of the things, Alex, that people don't understand was that in the military today, first of all, I'm absolutely totally against sending women over in combat.
They've got no place.
The Bible is very, very clear.
And if we go back and we just look at some of what is taking place, you know back in 91 and Desert Storm, we had 35,000.
35,000 women got pregnant through fornication.
Through fornication in Ottawa during that.
They've had ships where half of them get pregnant.
But let me get to this next story then.
This is out of LifeSite.
Big pro-life group up in Canada, and it comes out of mainstream news articles.
They've compiled this article, and they caught the UN, what, eight years ago, in tetanus shots, putting a hormone in it to sterilize the women.
And, of course, the UN program was just for women because they care so much, wouldn't have hurt men.
And then they got caught doing it, even with different vaccines they manufactured.
UNICEF Nigerian polio vaccine contaminated with sterilizing agents
Scientists find the UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio may have been a front for sterilizing the nation.
Dr. Harun Kayati, a pharmacological scientist and Dean of the Faculty of the Pharmacological Sciences of Amudo Bello University in Zaire.
Let me just finish this.
analysis, the doctor upon analysis found evidence of serious contamination.
Quote, some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic, some have direct effects on human reproductive systems, he said in an interview with the Weekly Trust newspaper.
I and some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the lab could not believe the discovery, he said.
A Nigerian government doctor tried to persuade the doctor that the contaminants would have no bearing upon human reproduction
And it goes on, I was surprised when one of the federal government doctors was telling me something contrary to what I had learned, studied, taught, and is the common knowledge of all pharmacological scientists, that estrogen cannot induce an anti-fertility response in humans.
He said, because again, they put the estrogen, the synthetic estrogen, in with a polio shot, bound to the polio pathogen, then the body has an autoimmune response to it.
It continues.
I found that this argument very disturbing and ridiculous, he said.
When asked by the Trust why Dr. Kaita felt the drug manufacturers would have contaminated the oral polio vaccine, which they also put SV40 cancer virus in very deadly, he gave three reasons, which I was told by an Austin doctor.
They still give people here in Austin.
And it says, uh, this is not the first time UNICEF has been embroiled in a controversy over sterilizing agents and vaccines.
It says they reported in 95, Catholic Women's League of the Philippines won a court order halting UNICEF anti-tetanus program because the vaccine had been laced with B.H.
Well, first of all, UNICEF has been a communist front organization forever.
And they've used that for money laundering.
But Bill Gates gave them billions to vaccinate the children.
I know that.
There's nothing, nothing that UNICEF does that's good.
Everything about UNICEF, there's no redeeming merit to UNICEF.
But Lord Bush increased their funding through UNESCO.
Again, they're a communist front organization.
You were talking about that estrogen.
Did you know that that is made from the urine of female horses?
And it's got a very, very detrimental effect.
It's caused a lot of death.
I don't just mean hormone replacement.
They bind it in there and then it causes the body to attack continual autoimmune diseases in their reproductive organs.
It doesn't just sterilize them, it really screws them up.
I know.
It kills them.
It ends up often in death.
A lot of the vaccines that they've used.
I did a radio program where I had a number of people, Alex, who were people who were totally disabled.
I mean, absolutely, totally disabled from the time that they were in first grade in school.
They had gotten these vaccines in first grade.
And I had a whole studio filled with them, and every one of them, because of these vaccines, were disabled.
By the way, the new thing is they give your child the shots, you know, they're four years old, 18 months, running around laughing, give them the shots, have convulsions, retarded afterwards, then they arrest the parents and claim they beat them.
When the CDC's own internal documents were released one month ago, ABC News, CDC says, we know it's brain damaging millions, we've got to cover it up.
That's from their own documents.
I mean, how do these people live with themselves, Pastor?
Well, you know, again, we have... I mean, that's what you have.
These people are not saved.
They're not Christians.
You had made a comment a few minutes ago about, you know, you don't look to this right or you don't look to the left.
Let me give you a little bit of perspective from the Bible, what the Bible has to say.
In the name of our radio ministry, it's what's right, what's left.
It's from Matthew chapter 25.
No, I understand right is the manly and the godly and the left is the sinister.
Righteous, yeah.
Or the goddess five-pointed star.
I understand what left and right means.
I'm saying their modern system of left and right, it's the same people and it's a false projection of left and right.
Yeah, in many instances you're absolutely right.
They are.
But again, the good news for us is this, that there is
This conflict or this battle and competition being waged by these people for the ultimate power.
It's like they've turned the world into a giant chessboard and the very, very elite have set the rules and they're watching those, you know, via for world domination.
But again, we have to understand
That we have, first of all, God is on the throne.
God is still on the throne.
He is still in authority, and He's going to be there.
And what we're required to do, Alec, is storm the gates of hell, okay?
He told us He would deliver the victory, and God has never been wrong, right?
But what we have to do is we have to be obedient.
He never said it was going to be easy.
He never said it was going to be easy, and again,
These preachers that are preaching this mush, you know, that you must obey the government.
These speak-men are cowards.
They are cowards.
You must obey a government that is a government that is ordained of God and it's got standing and authority.
Our government lost that standing and authority.
We are to be salt and light.
In other words, the salt, it means we're to preserve the faith, Alex, and we're to preserve what the founding fathers gave us
Through the grace of God, and we are to expose the darkness.
That's being the light.
According to these preachers, worshipping the government is what we're supposed to do.
Well, because they're not preachers.
These men are agents to the state.
They have signed a covenant with the state, acknowledging that the state, and not Christ, is their head.
They've signed a covenant in agreement with that.
You know, if you read the first Corinthians chapter
Our second crypt is chapter 10, or chapter 11, I'm sorry.
It tells you that Satan comes as an angel of light, so does his ministers.
These men are false teachers.
And there's many of them today you hear on the radio.
A lot of your mainline radio preachers, your neo-evangelical preachers,
They're using New Age Bible versions, the NIV, and these Bible versions, these are perverted, polluted, contaminated, you know, Bibles.
No, no, listen, I'm out of time.
I really want to thank you for coming on the show.
Plug that website again for folks to be able to listen online.
All righty.
They can just go to crusaderadio.com.
That's crusaderadio.com and they can pick me up.
And you're on, what, three hours every night?
Nine to midnight, Monday through Friday, Eastern Standard Time.
Thanks a lot for coming on the show, Pastor.
God bless.
Thanks for having me.
You bet.
We're going to come back, take calls, then get into more news.
Everybody stay with us.
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Alright, I covered the poison vaccine piece where they're sterilizing you with the vaccines.
I literally got like 15 other articles I gotta at least mention.
We got loaded phones, all this stuff happening.
Let's just try to get these calls as quickly as possible.
Carla in Oklahoma, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Yeah Alex, the reason I was calling, my teenage daughter brought me a Bible and your guest just touched on that before he went off about how it's worded and stuff, some of them.
Hey, they got new Bibles out that also have little notes in them that owning guns is bad, world government's good, Jesus is Buddha.
I mean, they got some sick Bibles out there now.
Can I read you a little bit out of this Bible that my daughter brought to my attention?
Okay, this is Romans chapter 13.
Obey the government, for God is the one who put them there.
All government has been placed in power by God.
So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God.
And that is a changed translation.
It also says, let me see, so do what they say, talking about the government, and you will get along well.
The authorities are sent by God to help you.
But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be punished.
And you will be.
The authorities are established by God for that very purpose.
To punish those who do wrong.
So, we were wrong to fight Hitler.
That is so sick.
Is it not?
My 14 year old daughter brought this to my attention.
They have hundreds of new versions.
They've got
They've got new versions of the Bible about how to dress sharp.
I mean, it's getting sicker and sicker and sicker.
Well, I was just amazed when she brought this to me.
It's a new living translation.
And I was just sick when I read it, Alex.
I appreciate the call.
Thanks for holding that up.
Marcello in Canada.
Go ahead.
A lot of calls from Canada.
Go ahead, Marcello.
Hello, Alex.
I, by no means, consider myself an expert on the Bible.
So I don't know if this is really true or not, but a friend of mine claims that Romans 13 has actually been altered.
He says the original text was, Surrender unto Caesar what is his.
Instead of, Surrender unto Caesar.
And what he claims that means is, he's talking about your corporate fiction,
No, that's what the King James Version and the older text clearly says is they're saying, look, the government's garbage is theirs, and give unto God the things that are God's.
That means follow God's orders, go with God, and just forget this whole system.
But they take it totally out of context.
The whole Bible is people being told to stand up against the government, being killed, being tortured, being put in prison, and then they take it and twist it.
And again, even if you're not a Christian, this is important because this is why the churches support this evil system, because they think it's their new religion to worship the government.
That's right, yeah.
So, what we are really instructed to do is to reject all that.
To surrender that.
Yeah, come out of Babylon.
That's right.
Thanks for the call.
And look, I mean, I've heard a hundred sermons on this the last year.
I mean, I'm serious.
On this network and other networks.
Look at the Bible in whole.
It is a fraud, what they say.
It is a lie.
Let's talk to Brett.
Brett, where are you calling me from?
Well, I'm from Washington right now.
I'm in the front range of Eastern Wyoming here.
I've talked to you before.
I'm the truck driver.
Yeah, how are you doing?
Pretty good!
Well, I'm glad to hear you got the topic of not only the New World Order and the World Events, but the Scriptures on your mind and of your conversation, because I'll tell you, the way things are going, especially with what happened in Israel there the other day, I can't help believing we're right on the threshold of the Tribulation time.
And as far as this Romans 13 goes,
Oh, that type of malarkey.
You're right.
There's a lot of stoppies out there on that.
What are they going to do?
Revelation 14?
What is it?
I think it's verse 10.
Poor guy was on a cell phone for 30 minutes holding and then that happened to him.
Try to call back in, Brett.
He can even hear me.
Let's talk to Mark in Illinois.
Mark, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
On another note, I don't know what you know about microwave towers, cell phone towers.
I know that we are in danger of having one put up practically right in our backyard here.
Not good for you.
Not good for you?
Okay, it's kind of hard.
I mean, there's hundreds of major studies on it.
It's kind of hard to find anybody knowledgeable to talk to about it.
It doesn't seem to be as bad for adults if you're not too close.
It's really bad for children because they have fast-growing cells.
Okay, and on the subject you're talking about, Jesus said when he was shown a coin by the Pharisees trying to trip him up, you know, in his words, he said, they said, whose picture is this on the coin?
And he said, Caesar's.
He said, render unto Caesar, talking about paying taxes, the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
He was killed by the government because he said... Hang on, stay there.
We'll let you finish up.
Everybody stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight.
I'm your host.
Thanks for joining us here on the broadcast.
Got about 27 minutes left here.
And we're going to just take a few other calls here from Mark and Leslie and just a couple other people.
Then I want to hit some other key news for the balance of the show.
It's all very important.
Then recap a couple of the top stories.
Before we do that, I wanted to bring Jim Shepard up.
I had Jim up on Monday.
We talked about over the weekend Coca-Cola having to withdraw all of its brand of bottled water because it admittedly, they said, had a
Very toxic carcinogen, a poison in it.
Because they were getting it out of a municipal water supply.
Again, that's why you shouldn't drink the tap water.
And we're taking out the taste, but not the chemical.
And I believe in this.
I believe in simple things that really work.
You don't hear me endorsing magic machines or, you know, cure-all's or whatever.
But your body's 70% water.
And it's time to take control of your life and to stop drinking the bottled water, which a lot of the companies have had big problems.
It's time to stop drinking the tap water.
I mean, that's almost even worse.
And it's time to start filtering your water for you and your family.
And they've got sport murkies that do 630 refills only.
You get five for $99.
You can buy them individually if you want.
They got 12 for $199.
I mean, that would cost you $300, $400 at a sporting goods store.
And those cut out almost everything.
And they clean it up a lot.
But it's not even as good as the big Berkey that's a couple hundred bucks that sits in beautiful units sitting in your house.
Just cuts it all out.
Just an amazing system.
And yes, it's made in America.
And yes, it also makes this show possible.
Jim, good to have you on the show.
Always a pleasure to be with you, Alex.
A lot of stuff going on in the world out there, isn't there?
You bet.
I'm about to go, after you leave us, we're going to go to the callers who are... This whole Renderunda-Caesar thing, I wonder why they killed the prophets then.
It's amazing.
You know, one of the things that I've seen
It seems very apparent to me, anyway, is that, you know, five years ago, Alex, you know, you have these people with these smug faces saying, we're not up to anything, and oh, yeah, well, we think, you know, liberty and all this kind of stuff, and they're doing all this stuff behind the scenes, but they have this air about them of being, you know, very open-minded and very intellectual and so forth.
And that whole air is coming down now.
I mean, these folks are mad!
I mean, you know, some of the stuff that's going on out there and, you know, and, you
You know, some of the things that, you know, I think that a lot of people are starting to fight back and now you're seeing the masks come off.
And they're just, you know, you see that these people are not as civil as they pretend to be, so to speak.
Jim, I mean, I belabor this, but I mean, I should talk about it more.
We talk about, oh, what can we do against the New World Order?
I mean, I just read the official reports where they're catching and putting sophisticated chemicals in
To women's vaccines.
It's always in a program for the women, because the UN loves the women, and they're sterilizing them.
They're putting this stuff in the water.
Folks, you can at least not take the vaccine.
You can at least stop drinking their water.
Take control of your life.
Jim, what are the specials?
Alex, we have a number of specials.
The first one is the Berkey Light.
This is without the LEDs.
This is going to purify your water.
It is a true
Purification System.
And that is $199.
And for folks who purchased that, we're also going to include a $40 Berkey Sport Bottle, which is also a purifier, a true purifier.
And we also have the Berkey Light with the lights, which is just fantastic.
If there's a power outage or something like that, you've got your lights, you've got your water.
And for folks who want that, that's $259.
We're going to include two of the Berkey sport bottles.
Now, folks can also have a choice.
If they would prefer, they can get the shelter-in-place videotape, which tells you basically how to fix up your house so that in the event that there's a biological or nuclear terrorist attack,
How to keep all the bad stuff out and protect your family.
This was designed by experts in the field but carried out by some housewives to show you how to do it practically.
It's a great video to have and you get that free when you order the Big Murky with the LEDs that burn for years and 14 days on one charge with rechargeable batteries.
You can get the adapters.
You can charge cell phones and radios off a little solar panel that you can also buy separately.
This is a survival buoy.
Great system to have.
Made in America.
I know that's liberal.
Again, it's liberal to be pro-gun, too, but... Well, we don't think it's so liberal.
You know, we can save quite a bit of money by having a lot of this stuff manufactured in Asia.
Believe me, I'm telling you.
And when our suppliers and we said now we want to made in America, they said, well, you're going to pay about 50% more.
And we said, yeah.
Uh, we want it made in America.
And the only stuff that's not made, you know, the AC adapter, we couldn't make that in America.
You just can't find those that are made in America.
Now the old, uh, uh, uh, Berkey, and this one's even more advanced, that was made in England.
Yeah, that is correct.
And you can still get those through you guys if you want.
That's better than made in China or something, or Mexico.
Uh, at least that's Western Civilization we're supporting.
But, but you really, because of the request, you have this made in America.
You did it!
People should support it.
Here's the number, folks, and I want you to call.
You can get free literature if you want that, too.
That's 888-803-4438.
You've also got shower filters, don't you?
Yes, we do, and a lot of folks are not aware of the fact that you get more chemical contamination in your body from taking a shower with the chemicals in it than you do from actually drinking the water.
And that's because your lungs are so efficient at breathing in those chemicals that evaporate out of the water in a shower situation.
Especially hot water.
So, uh, we do have those.
I also wanted to get, you know, there's a lot of folks that are, you know, beginning to think, well, maybe, you know, after the situation in Spain, you know, Al Qaeda may feel like, you know, they've got a real success story going and they may try to influence our elections with some oddball attack or something like that.
Uh, I wanted to, uh, to mention our preparedness special.
And, uh, with that, that's a Berkey light with LED base, two Berkey sport filtration bottles.
And again, you can swap those bottles out for if you want to get some potassium iodate or the video or something like that.
Uh, the Berkey battery adapter, which allows those lights to light all night long for two weeks on a single set of batteries.
Uh, the MP solar charger, which allows you to charge your cell phone.
And of course, the lights.
And we're going to give that to your listeners for $399.
That's a savings of $119.
Folks, 1-888-803-4438.
Jim, thanks for coming on.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
And folks, you're not going to find filters this good for any less in the stores.
And they're going to be made in China or India.
And we've done shows on this of deficient materials.
So, 888-803-4438.
Let's go back to the calls.
There's a few more calls here.
Who were we talking to last?
I told a hold.
Yeah, that's right.
Mark in Illinois was talking about Romans 13 and the rest of it.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, while I was waiting here, I've got Romans 13 open.
Now, this is very interesting.
Can I read you a part of this?
Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
Now listen, for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.
Do you want to be unafraid of the authority?
Do what is good and you will have praise from the same, for he is God's minister to you for good.
But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.
But, now Alex, what about when the government becomes the one who is practicing evil?
Well, absolutely, and then you read it in its full context, it says, stand up against it.
Our forefathers fought against evil, against terror.
Were they wrong?
Were they unbiblical?
I don't think so.
Well, I mean, if we took Hitler's interpretation of that, or government's interpretation of that, then, I mean, why did they kill, what, 11 of the 12 disciples?
I mean... Right.
Now, the prophets and the...
The apostles died under the hands of the government because they stood for Jesus Christ.
But the government only wields the sword for good.
That's saying a godly government, not those governments.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
And again, even if you're not a Christian, we're covering this because this is why the Christian churches love tyranny now.
This is why they love evil.
This is why they can't see what wickedness is.
And there were those who tried to use Roman 13 when the abolitionists were against slavery.
They said, oh, you've got to go with the government.
The blacks are slaves because, you know, that's what God wants.
Well, then why did God, you know, get Israel out of, you know, the Jews out of control of the Egyptians?
Again, it's a fraud, people.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I just want to, I'll be brief, preface my call that my husband's a Vietnam vet, my brother and father and grandfather all served in the military, and I took deep exception to the allegations that Ed placed against you that you were unpatriotic and anti-American, which is totally absurd.
Well, I mean, I'm for making stuff in America, I'm against open borders, I'm against abortion, I'm against gun control, I'm against supercomputers, the Communist China for nuclear weapons.
That is liberal and un-American.
Well, I'll tell you what I'm doing about it, Alex.
I am supporting these Christian broadcasting stations and Jewish broadcasting stations as well.
They're exposing this
I'm sick of it!
Well, we've all got to stand up and get involved, and all I ask is people get my videos and make copies of them and spread the word.
Take care.
I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you, Leslie.
Let's talk to Phil in Virginia.
Go ahead.
Hey, I was wondering if, Pastor, he's still in with you, right?
Oh, I lost him.
We lost him.
Okay, because I didn't catch the top of the next hour.
Well, then, what was that story that you mentioned the other day, that the way they're going to sabotage
The listening ability by transmitting... Yeah, we're going to get guests on about this.
I have in the past.
They're going to have high-level data transfer through electrical lines.
They can stream data through those, but then it turns the lines into giant shortwave transmitters, and just the testing of it is blacking out shortwave and emergency systems.
Okay, I was just wondering, was there a story concerning that?
Yeah, a whole bunch of them over the last three years.
The FCC had a comment period last year and they're moving ahead with it.
And the technology is called data... Well, yeah, it's just high frequency, you know, data transfer down electrical lines.
Okay, I'll punch that in.
Okay, thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Mark in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, I just noticed how people get upset when they realize that the Scriptures have been mistranslated and everything.
But what's just worst of all that everybody overlooks is this blasphemous system we've got today that the Messiah in Revelation says that he's going to destroy the system that's changed in the name of the Father and the Son.
And we have Satan, the God of this world, deceiving the whole world by
Taking out the name of the Son!
Well it says, you know, that you're going to have this Antichrist government and we've got to stand against it.
And they say, no, you've got to follow it!
No, I'm saying it's more serious than that.
Christianity is deceiving everybody by teaching everybody that the name of the Savior is not this Hebrew name, but this Greek-Latin concoction, Jesus, which in Latin means he's a pig.
It means the horse in Hebrew.
Jesus means the horse, and everyone's been deceived into calling upon these war horses, and people are wondering why they're reaping these wars.
Well, it is, you know, Yahweh, Yeshua, yeah.
You know, Jesus in Hebrew means the horse.
Psalms 33, 17 says, Jesus is a vain hope for safety.
The horse is a vain hope for safety.
There is no safety through war.
And the symbol in Scripture is the horse, which is what we find in Revelation 6.
Well, Christ's real name is Yeshua Ben-Joseph.
Yeah, well, Yeshua's not even the name.
That's an Aramaic, Babylonian... Okay, well, tell us the proper way to pronounce it.
Okay, the proper name of the Messiah is listed in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
It's Hebrew word 3091.
It's a combination of the word Yahweh and the Hebrew word for salvation, which is... Well, Yahweh's the name, you know, by God.
Listen, I'm just saying that the Messiah's name is a compound word.
I just had a quick question about the book that y'all have been talking about.
It's Children's Bible, is it?
I basically wanted to know what the name of it was.
There's hundreds of them, sir.
I mean, I've looked at dozens of them, heard radio shows about hundreds of others.
It's just, Jesus was Buddha, and, you know, the New Age gold pyramid's gonna love you, and just hand your guns in.
I mean, anything you can imagine, they got a Bible out saying it.
Yeah, I also wanted to ask you about, like, a caller yesterday had mentioned that he's getting your show on the air around town, and I go to San Jacinto College down here in Pasadena,
And let me tell you, there's a lot of people down here that are ready to hear your show, and we would love to have you broadcasting down here in Houston.
Do you have any AM or FM stations not owned by Clear Channel or Infinity?
I really don't know, to be honest.
I listen to you on the Internet.
Well, you know, if there's a mom-and-pop station or privately owned station that's left in your area that wants to hear the truth, just tell them to go to GCNlive.com, and they've got all the affiliate relations contacts and digital satellites and everything they need.
They could have this show on in hours.
Okay, alright, thanks.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate your concern and wanting to get involved.
Sorry to all the other callers, I've got a few new stories I wanted to hit on here before we end this show.
Listen to this.
Now Big Brother wants seatbelts for dogs.
See, it's total control to keep you safe.
And it says ultra-trendy, ultra-liberal, ultra-wacky, Santa Fe,
Where we're on the radio, by the way, is considering requiring seatbelts for critters.
A city council committee in New Mexico's capital yesterday endorsed an ordinance that would require any animal in or out of a vehicle, in or on a vehicle, to be restrained.
And then it goes into what you have to do.
So no more having your dog running around the back of the bed of your truck.
It's for their safety.
We just can't allow that.
And New Mexico's about to pass a law that all cars will have breathalyzers in them, see?
Another story here I'll cover when we get back, quickly.
You know, we posted a story that Henry McHale put up, where these people put their $20 bills in the microwave, they popped, exploded, caught on fire.
We did it, in some cases it happens, in some cases it doesn't.
We tested Euros in the microwave, it indeed happened, and the government says they're doing it in Europe.
Now the Washington Times comes out.
Industry debunks myth of $20 bill.
But we had the so-called industry spokesman on last Friday.
They didn't have their engineers do it.
They stuck one in a microwave and said, oh, it doesn't happen.
But then the article goes on to admit there is a plan to put it in the money and says it's bad.
So, pretty good article overall, but debunks the facts.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, I should have covered this earlier.
We're almost out of time, but the Washington Times reports industry debunks myth of $20 bill.
Audrey Hudson.
The new $20 bills made char when microwaved.
Wait a minute, the guy that did the test for AIM Global
Showed that they don't char.
Oh, but a lot of them do.
Right where we say they do.
The new $20 bills may char when microwaved, but that doesn't mean tiny tracking chips are embedded in Andrew Jackson's right eye, as an urban myth circulating on the internet maintains.
Reports of Americans microwaving $20 bills that destroy the chip prompted AIM North America, part of AIM Global, a trade association, for radio frequency identification chips.
Or RFID manufacturers to test the notion and declare it a fallacy.
It also said that wrapping bills in aluminum foil to foil the technology, as some metal detector operators have noticed people doing, is unnecessary.
They admit the old strip can be scanned.
That's admitted!
The internet myth exemplifies a public mistrust of RFID chips and other surveillance technology, as Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says these fears have merit.
Mr. Leahy, in a keynote address this week at the Video Surveillance Legal and Technology Challenges Conference at Georgetown University Law Center, called RFID chips, quote, barcodes on steroids.
Use of the technology raises exciting possibilities, but they also raise potentially troubling tangents, Mr. DeLay.
He said, while it may be a good idea for the retailer to use RFID chips to manage his inventory, we would not want a retailer to put those tags on goods for sale without consumer knowledge, without knowing how to deactivate them, without knowing how it could be used.
Oh yeah, but every new cell phone has a satellite tracker in it, and your on-star can listen to you, and all that's okay.
And he goes on and on how it's Big Brother, but again, and they go on and admit the Europeans are getting ready to put them in, and the U.S.
talks about it, but don't worry, they don't have them in there now, but oh, we have a good reason to have this fear.
You stick some of them in there, they pop and catch on fire.
Others don't, the same microwave, or in high-powered microwaves, they almost all do it, and the Euros do it too, so that's what we know.
We don't know there's an RFID in there.
But it has certainly turned into a big story.
And it continues.
Member of Fort Wayne, Indiana, they were going to post the gun permit owners in the newspaper.
And they said, we want you to know who's got dangerous guns.
It even says that in the new article that came out yesterday.
After much thought, the list of gun permit holders will not appear online.
And they say that of 3,000 plus respondents, almost all were against doing it.
But she said she was doing it, the writer, to keep everybody safe, and they've tried this in other areas.
It's like making gun owners wear a yellow star, or something like it's Nazi Germany.
Bunch of new 9-11 news on the website, again, breaking special report, 9-11 hearings, DOJ, SFBI translator to change pre-9-11 intercepts, and she was threatened with arrest by John Ashcroft if she talked about their prior knowledge.
I've got three articles where three different cities are now throwing out the Patriot Act, or have thrown it out in the last two days.
I mean, it's just more and more good news there.
And I hope you visit the websites about UNICEF Nigerian polio vaccine contaminated with sterilizing agents top scientists find at an Indian lab in India.
So, and this is the first time, so...
Go ahead, take the vaccines.
Don't listen to us, don't check it out, don't research it.
The CDC admits they've brain damaged millions with the other stuff, but again, just incredible.
A lot of other news and information at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Stop procrastinating.
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People are very primed to wake up right now.
So take action.
Don't look back on it later and wish you hadn't laid there like a possum.
So 1-888-253-3139 or infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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