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Name: 20040324_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 24, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is now the 24th day of March, 2004.
As we go straight into Gale Force New World Order criminality as we expose it, as we chronicle it.
It is Wednesday, the 24th of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The website's freshly updated thanks to the great work of my webmasters, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We'll be live for the next three hours, and we have an ultra-massive show for you today.
In 30 minutes, I have a district attorney coming on in a major state who says he loves
Making people give blood at checkpoints, and you better get used to it!
Imagine, driving up to a checkpoint, 50 cars are stopped in front of you, every third car is pulled over.
Police officers handcuff you and jab needles into your arm, sucking out your blood.
The Nazis, imagine watching an old movie, ooh, the Nazis on board the train sucking people's blood.
No one would buy that.
I mean, just showing the papers was bad enough, but see how far we've gone?
Every day there's articles that say, headlines, Big Brother Helping, Big Brother's a Friend, Giving Up Liberty is Wonderful, Cameras in School Bathrooms are Good.
I remember three years ago, first getting news stories out of Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Arizona,
Where they, for some reason out west I guess, this newest horror is out of Wisconsin.
And people, the police put notices, we'll be stopping at checkpoints, taking your blood.
And by the way, they're trying to say, well if you don't breathe, if you don't blow into the breathalyzer, we do.
It's drug testing and we're trying to find those articles and repost them.
They're in the archives, we're posting them with this Wall Street Journal article as well.
It's checkpoints, but don't believe me, it's going to happen to you!
It's going to happen to your son or daughter, to your mommy or your daddy, or your granny!
You're going to get to enjoy men in black uniforms, sticking needles in your arm!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Oh, don't believe me, they're going to put thumb scanners in the grocery store to buy and sell!
It's coming to your area right now!
But the illegal aliens?
All their fake ID cards are accepted.
They're given bank accounts, given apartments, given more tuition than citizens.
They can do no wrong.
In push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Hey, let me tell you something about MAD, folks.
They're a front for the government.
Has nothing to do with drunk driving.
It's about a police state setting up automatic toll roads on all highways, automatic checkpoint systems.
They passed the federal laws, the federal funding to do it.
Back in 1998, and it's in my film, Police State 2000, released in early 99.
So that's the reality of what we're dealing with.
Remember the drug testing in the schools?
It was just for if you were in the band or played football, or, oh, if you're allowed to leave the campus at lunch, that's a privilege, or if you're allowed to park your car there, or, oh, allowed to be in shop, or now it's
Federal initiative to make even elementary school students be urine or blood tested.
Just getting us used to the government.
Imagine if the Soviet Union took people's blood.
People would go, that's incredible tyranny.
But here it's good!
It's good!
It'll stop the drugs that the dirty government ships in.
And in this article it says, uh, in push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Authorities often must force suspects to give samples.
A dilemma for doctors.
Wall Street Journal, and that sub-headline, Mr. Jones dies fighting.
They kicked his face in, they tied him down and kicked his face in until his eye actually fell out, caved the whole eye in.
And he died.
And they got their blood.
Cause it's America, where we jab needles in your jet points.
Cause we're free.
Cause we put cameras in the school bathrooms.
Cause we're free.
It couldn't happen here.
It did happen here.
And shame on all you sickos in government that think this is freedom.
You're shameful.
You're not even Americans, you pieces of worthless trash.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Throughout history, powerful, ruthless, cunning,
Individuals with no conscience get into power and they sell the population on being slaves, usually using an outside threat.
A threat, in many cases, that the establishment produces.
The effective boogeyman.
And we got a big show.
I mean, Rumsfeld up there lying and turning red face before the Whitewash Commission.
All the developments on that.
Incredible police state developments at every level as our society is transformed into something worse than the Soviet Union in our face.
But I want to talk about this first because a caller near the end of the broadcast yesterday called in and he said, Alex, yet again you're right.
The front page of the Wall Street Journal reports how they force people to give blood at checkpoints.
So I got the news article and we posted it on InfoWars.com
And PrisonPlanet.com and it says, in push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Authorities often must force suspects to give samples.
A dilemma for doctors.
Now we got dozens of writers for PrisonPlanet.com and I know you're out there listening.
I want a bunch of you
To listen to what I have to say, to check out what I have to say, and then to go take this Wall Street Journal article and dissect it paragraph by paragraph and expose the lies and the evil that's being sold in this article.
I don't know what upsets me more, the checkpoints sucking your blood, and this total police state activity, or how they lie in this article, or perhaps the writer Joseph Hallen may just be ignorant, probably is,
But oh, the police and establishment are lying.
I mean, I've got their postings in the Tucson Citizen and in Colorado newspapers, and again, Arizona, going back three years ago, where this Thanksgiving, when better not drink and drive or use drugs and drive, we're going to have checkpoints randomly taking blood samples.
Randomly taking your blood samples.
And we've had a bunch of guests on the show who were driving home from work, five o'clock in the afternoon, get pulled over and
They say, give us your blood, and they say, no way, man!
And they pull a gun out and put it to their head and say, give us your blood, or you're dead!
I mean, that's what they let them know.
I mean, it sounds incredible, but it's happening.
Well, here it is!
Wall Street Journal!
In push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Authorities often must force suspects to give samples.
A dilemma for doctors.
Sub-headline, Mr. Jones dies fighting.
I'll be clear on that.
People we've had on, the one individual in particular, said that they didn't say we're going to kill you.
They said, pulled the gun out, put it to his head, and said, don't resist me.
Which is, I'll kill you.
That's what it is.
You put a gun to somebody's head, what are you saying?
And they've killed quite a few people.
You know, I said that if they pulled me over and said, we're going to suck your blood, I'd say no.
But they don't care, folks.
And this article also implies that nurses take your blood.
Oh no!
Maybe in some cases, but again, we have stacks of articles we've posted on this that people couldn't seem to believe that they take the blood at the checkpoint.
We've even got photos posted.
At least I saw my wife getting ready to post them this morning when she was updating the site.
Uh, where it shows the police and they're jabbing a needle, you know, the needle that's built into the blood container into somebody's arm on the side of the road!
And, uh, in one of the articles I read on air years ago, it described how by flashlight they take your blood.
I mean, can you imagine this?
The oppression, the violation, but when thousands die from drunk driving, we gotta do something!
The Mothers Against Drunk Driving may have some nice people involved, and it may have started as a good organization, but they're involved federally lobbying to get rid of the Fourth Amendment, to set up internal checkpoints in the country.
It's all part of this control grid, the internal passport, the Caps 2 system.
Which now isn't just for airlines, it'll be for trains, and bus drivers, and now taxi drivers, and food preparers, and people that work in agriculture, and in any job you're going to have, this is how it works.
You know, you hear it's a trade deal, NAFTA and GAP, Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Well, the actual documents say it's the Pan-American Union.
So you hear, oh, it's an initiative to stop drunk drivers.
No it's not, it's internal checkpoints where they suck your blood.
Again, they just give it nice names, nice excuses why they're doing it.
And in push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Authorities often must... They're the authorities, see?
They're not the servants.
They're the authorities, the officials.
Authorities often must force suspects to give samples.
A dilemma for doctors.
And it says, uh, Brookfield, Wisconsin.
And again, it starts out with an excuse of, oh, see, this guy was drunk and we forced him to give blood, so see, all of you are guilty, too, now.
Oh, the U.N.
is gonna try this guy.
He's a Nazi.
They extradited him for what he wrote.
Oh, well, he's a Nazi, then I don't support the First Amendment.
Then it's your First Amendment that gets shut down when you're out protesting George Bush.
Which the federal courts have now ruled, you can have 500 pro-Bush supporters on a public street, you have an anti-Bush sign, you get arrested and federally charged as a terrorist.
That's been in the Washington Times.
You see my examples here of how this works?
But the article goes on, and it says, flipping back into it, it's a long article, it says, Guard Dan Lee Krischke testified that physical resistance to blood draws was a nightly event.
Guards would use whatever force is necessary, he testified, typically handcuffing defendants' arms behind their back, bending them over an examination table in the jail's nurse office.
Again, they do this on the side of the highway, folks.
And holding them down.
Sometimes drivers were held on the floor.
We always got our blood, quote, he testified.
Mr. Jones, 270 pounds, tossed several officers off his back with the buck of his head.
Two officers testified that another stood on and kicked Mr. Jones's head.
The officer denied the charge, but I guess the other officers lied then.
Suddenly, Mr. Jones went limp.
The coroner ruled that Mr. Jones died of acute cardiac arrhythmia, a heart rhythm disturbance, but a second autopsy performed by a retired deputy medical examiner at the request of Mr. Jones's widow found that his head had been beaten and his left eye crushed.
Quote, had it not been for the trauma, he probably would not have died, the doctor testified.
And by the way, we've made the calls and talked to the people.
This guy's eyeball was hanging out of his head.
They kicked his head in.
And then the government medical examiner said, no, he had a boo-boo with his heart.
And the retired medical examiner said, no, that killed him.
This is the point, and they're, well, we gotta stop the drunk drivers.
No one.
We gotta stop crime in schools, so let's put cameras in the showers for the middle schoolers, which they're doing.
I mean, again, that's not freedom.
Cameras in the bathrooms.
I keep repeating this every day.
That's not freedom.
Do I have to explain how a camera in the toilet isn't freedom?
Oh, from Canada to Tennessee it's going in.
And the article just goes on and on.
It is 90% positive, glowing report about get ready for it.
And I'm sure we'll get calls today.
Every time I talk about this, we get calls.
But I mean, I've probably read 40 articles on this from around the country, mainly in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California.
This big story is out of Wisconsin.
And we've got a guest coming on who's in this article here in about 15 minutes.
You don't want to miss this.
I mean, do I even have words to describe how bad this is?
Ten years ago, they said, we've got to stop the scourge of drugs.
Not the Ritalin and Prozac and Lithium you put the children on.
Ten million of them.
It's much more toxic than even methamphetamine.
No, no, no, no, no.
Not the legal stuff you're pushing actively as the teachers acting as doctors.
No, no, I don't mean that.
No, I mean the illegal drugs that you're so worried about.
We've got these immoral drugs.
Which you ship in, you trash.
You government filth.
Started out, again, with the band, the football, want to park your car at the school, want any type of extracurricular, any type of privilege, but you've got to do this.
Well, now, guess what's happened?
Well now, all over the country, federally mandated, federally funded, urine, blood, or other tissue sample.
They take them on a monthly basis.
They all line up.
And that's what's happening at these checkpoints.
It's just total tyranny.
Drug testing all students isn't freedom.
Cameras in the bathrooms at the schools isn't freedom.
Thumbs scanning them, no cash allowed to get school lunches isn't freedom.
Police wearing black ski masks and skull patches isn't freedom.
None of this is freedom, people.
And it gets much worse.
There's a major article admitting that Homeland Security is controlling Hollywood.
You know, about the $70 million fake newscasts that are running that Lord Bush paid for.
I mean, I've been warning you about this forever.
We are in a Twilight Zone situation here.
It is very, very serious.
There's some good news, though.
On c-span.org this morning, early this morning at 6 o'clock, before I went on the radio in Rochester as a guest on the show, I was watching part of Rumsfeld's testimony where he breaks up and has to admit a bunch of stuff.
We'll get into that later.
And on the main page of c-span.org, it says, Most Watched Video.
And it's been the most-watched video now for coming up on two weeks since it was posted.
I've never seen that happen before.
Below it is NASA briefing on Mars mission, President Bush's remarks on first anniversary of start of Iraq war, Bush-Cheney campaign, Manager Ken Malum, former Dean Campaign Director Joe Tripp.
That's all there.
Major political analysis, major speeches.
Do you know what, for almost two weeks, has been the number one watched video and story on c-spam.org?
Can you guess?
It's not the President, it's not NASA.
Michael Barku, author of A Culture of Conspiracy from Washington Journal.
That's the show they spent the morning after I was on, coast-to-coast AM, attacking me.
And I've called c-spam.
They're not going to have me on, they said.
They're just going to sit there and let people attack me, basically.
And we're going to try to get Brian Lamb on this show.
I'll be polite to him.
And I'm going to try to get Michael Barkun, the Saruman of propaganda for the Globalist.
We're going to try to have him on the show.
If they won't have me on, I'll go there.
Brian Lamb, I don't know, I've got 20 tapes at least of him talking about me.
It's endless, but they spent almost the whole hour talking about me.
And it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.
And they just said, no, we're not going to have you on.
So they said, well, we're covering politics right now.
Oh, really?
You just have this guy.
I'm talking about me for an hour.
His book's about me.
And, uh, but, but I can't, and that's the second time they've had an author on about me.
And the point is though, it's the number one thing on there.
We outnumber these people.
We're winning.
You hear that criminals?
We're winning.
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The globalists can tell their lies, put out their spin, the people don't trust them, they see through it.
There's a massive awakening taking place, and to have the hour-long bash piece against me, that was on C-SPAN, on the 12th of this month, still be the number one story, and it's most watched video, number one story, above NASA briefing on Mars mission,
On the 18th, President Bush's remarks on the first anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, Bush's shady campaign, managers on television, C-SPAN rebroadcast their first televised session of the House of Representatives from 1979.
All of that rates under!
And people that have watched it, just on the internet, again, we have the power, we have to start using it.
But we call up Lamb's office, we're real nice, we go, you know, he talks about us all the time, we'd like to come on, talk about the so-called culture of conspiracy, give some answers, and Lamb's talked about me so many times, had other guests on, I just said, no, no, that's not a topic we do.
Oh yeah, you just have this professor up there with no facts, just spewing propaganda.
But coming up here in just a few minutes, we're going to have District Attorney John O'Boyle on the show.
And Mr. O'Boyle will be coming on the show here in just a few minutes to talk about how he's, quote, really pushed it, that is, blood testing to stop the evil drunk drivers.
And just so, when you and your family pull up to a checkpoint and they've got the needles ready, see, it starts out with just those we think are drunk, and then, oh, we're randomly testing for drugs.
They've been doing that for three years that I know of.
That probably means it's been going on for five years, but we know three years.
But we'll talk to the old district attorney coming up here.
That should be quite interesting.
Then, U.S.
gas prices at all-time high.
The President's boy in Congress testified yesterday, Spencer Abraham, and said, hey, we don't care.
We're not going to try to lower it.
We're not going to go on the strategic reserves.
We're not going to ask the Arabs to cut prices.
It's not the Arabs to begin with.
It's just the way it is.
Just get used to it.
Hey, the borders are wide open.
Get used to it.
Hey, Bush is going to sign the assault weapons ban in a few months.
Get used to it.
Just get used to it and the neocons are going to get out there and lie for him.
Also, U.S.
says FTAA January 2005 deadline still on course to bring us into the Pan-American Union.
And they accelerate your job losses seven times what they already are, they admit.
That's a good thing, they say.
Exporting jobs is good.
And fast food jobs are now manufacturing and is a durable, good product.
Big Mac star.
So again, don't listen to us.
Believe them.
Things are great.
Russian nuclear warship ready to blow up, says their top admirals.
They're trying to get it back into port before it explodes in a nuclear explosion.
That's the mainstream headline here out of the Register.
A 9-11 NORDAT issue addressed in Rumsfeld testimony.
He confessed that planes are supposed to be sent up to intercept hijacked planes, but for an hour and twenty-five minutes they weren't.
He turned red and began stuttering.
Also, a blistering criticism of pre-9-11 readiness.
President Stapp was warned of imminent terrorism, panel says.
The panel is a complete whitewash, making you think they're doing something and bringing up no real issues.
I was watching Tenet this morning.
I mean, again, he's ready for the Sopranos.
He's a perfect mobster archetype.
Just up there, arrogantly banging his fist.
I don't know about you out there, but I have a little bit of discernment.
I know the body language of congenital liars.
And Sandy Berger, and Tenet, and Powell, and Albright, and Rumsfeld.
I mean, liars, liars, liars.
But not just their body language.
I know they're liars from the facts.
They were all talking about how the FBI could never get documents or whereabouts or info on Bin Laden, it could never arrest him.
When we know all these countries offered to turn him over, when we know they offered all these files and they said, no we don't want it, here we'll bomb you with cruise missiles, don't offer to hand over our CIA officer again.
I mean, just every point.
How do you describe every molecule of H2O in the sea?
How do you track every word?
An embellishment, a lie, a twisting, a fabrication, a bamboozlement.
It's just overwhelming.
I just sit there watching an hour of this, preparing to vomit.
People are watching all this smoke they're throwing.
I'm trying to confuse people.
So we'll get into the whole 9-11 Commission as well, and as I said, there's just so much Big Brother news.
It is just absolutely legion here, so you do not want to miss that as well.
Here's a headline, Chicago Sun-Times coming up, Homeland Security Liaison to Keep Hollywood in Line!
Oh, Homeland Security, keep Hollywood in line.
Government will track ID card use.
They admit your national ID card that's your driver's license.
We'll track everything you buy and sell and do, as we told you.
That's London Guardian.
NEC, Demos Big Brother biometric phone booth.
Got a thumb scan to use the phone booth.
They already tried to make you put in an ID card number, most of them.
High school students offered rewards to stop crime in the Soviet Union, but I guess that's good.
Cameras to guard new city parks.
It says the new patron of the park is Big Brother.
Big Brother's good now.
Every day I see articles.
And people are saying Big Brother's good now.
See, Big Brother, we're learning he's actually nice.
We'll all love him like Winston at the end of 1984 with a tear down our cheek.
Oh, Big Brother, I love you.
We'll be right back and talk to Big Brother.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Alright, blasting out from Los Angeles, California on the Avondale to Providence, Rhode Island.
From Austin, Texas.
Simulcasting at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Again, about three years ago, I started reading reports about police checkpoints in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado.
Where the police would just randomly take blood, or they thought you might be drinking and driving, they'd take blood.
But in some of the articles it said we're just going to be out taking tissue samples to see if you're on drugs.
People couldn't believe it as we posted the mainstream news articles.
Well, here's an article out of the Wall Street Journal, and it's posted on the websites InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And it says that, oh, we take them down, we hold them down, we force them, we get the blood.
And in the case of Mr. Jones,
Uh, out in Nevada, Mr. Jones, 270 pounds, tossed several officers off his back with a buck of his head.
Two officers testified that another stood on him and kicked him.
Mr. Jones's head, the officer denied the charge, despite the other officer's testimony.
Suddenly, Mr. Jones went limp.
The coroner ruled Mr. Jones died of an acute cardiac arrhythmia.
A heart rhythm disturbance, but a second autopsy performed by a retired deputy medical examiner, at the request of Mrs. Jones' widow, found that his head had been beaten and his left eye crushed.
Had it not been for the trauma, he probably would not have died, the doctor testified.
And, uh, it's the last of March.
A jury ruled the police and jail officials weren't responsible.
Paul Martin, the jail's chief, says it now uses a specially made chair with Velcro straps to restrain drivers brought in for forced blood draws.
Joining us is a district attorney from a different area of the country, John O. Boyle, district attorney of Pierce County, Wisconsin.
And we're honored to have him on the show.
He says that I've really pushed it.
He believes in it.
And he says blood tests tend to be pretty bulletproof.
Sir, it's good to have you on the show.
Thank you.
So you're a big fan of this.
When did the blood drawing start?
Well, I'm a big fan of having officers obtain and do blood tests as their primary test under our law.
When they arrest somebody for an OWI, they have a choice between either having the person submit to a breath test, a urine test, or a blood test.
And I've advocated for them to always use the blood test because it's the best result.
Now let's make that clear.
In the stacks of mainstream news articles I have, and I've mainly seen the Southwest, they don't give you a choice.
They say, we're taking your blood on the side of the road.
Were you aware of that?
No, I'm not.
We don't do that in Wisconsin.
Our law in Wisconsin allows the officer to, once the person is placed under arrest, to choose one of the three tests, either breath, urine, or blood, but only after they've been placed under arrest.
Not on the scene of the road, no.
Now, have you heard about the checkpoints they run where they take the blood?
Uh, no, I'm not aware of that.
We don't do that up here either.
Well, I mean, you know, they started the drug testing of just some people in public schools, and now it's everybody.
We can see this certainly probably growing in states that have started it.
How long ago did Wisconsin start this?
Start doing... doing what?
The blood testing.
Oh, I think it's been around for quite a long time.
I mean, I've been prosecuting here for ten years, and
You know, we've always advocated to have the officers utilize a blood test as their primary test, as opposed to the breath or the urine test, just because it's more accurate.
Now, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I mean, imagine an old black-and-white movie if the Germans on the train would have been sticking needles in people.
I mean, the government sticking needles in us?
You don't think that's Big Brother?
I don't think in the context of an OWI arrest, no, because they lawfully can do it.
A blood draw can be done.
Now the officer thinks they're on drugs.
In the other states I've seen, they say that they take the blood to also look for other drugs.
Right, and we've done that too.
We've had, once the blood test has been obtained, the result has been obtained, we have them all sent to our state laboratory of hygiene, and most of the time they're just doing the screens for alcohol, but we've also on occasions
Uh, have them run a screen for drugs, too, because we have seen situations where there's a combination of drugs and alcohol.
What do you do if it's legal drugs?
Because Ritalin is legal methamphetamine.
Prozac is a legal hallucinogen.
I mean, what do you do about all the legal drugs they got everybody hopped up on?
Well, it depends, because our law actually, conceivably, you could be prosecuted for operating under the influence of a
Uh, I'll be a drug, even though the drug is legal, if it impairs your ability to safely operate.
So if you don't commit suicide from the Prozac, you'll end up in jail either way, so it's kind of a great system.
Well, not necessarily, no.
That's not necessarily it.
I'm sure you heard about the suicide with the drugs.
Not that I'm aware of.
And all our draws are done either in a hospital setting,
Or we've had a medical provider come into the actual jail and do the draw there.
What do you do if somebody refuses?
If somebody refuses, and we've had this situation come up where they've essentially said, you know, you're going to have to hold me down to do it, and the law does allow us to use, the officers to use a reasonable amount of force to obtain the blood sample, but typically what happens is
The suspect will ask the nurse if they can do it, and the nurse will tell them, yeah, they can, and then the person cooperates.
In ten years, I've not seen a situation in my county where somebody's actually been physically held down to have the blood sample used.
Are you familiar with the executive order Clinton signed in 1993 for urine and blood testing at driver's license facilities?
That's actually the law, but they've never implemented it.
I wonder what people are going to think going to get their driver's license when it's not just biometrics, but they want our blood.
I'm not aware of that at all, and I don't think that's done up here at all.
Have you heard of the public schools now wanting, President Bush wants to drug test everybody?
Uh, no.
Yeah, he gave a radio address a few weeks ago, federal, I'm sure you've heard that a lot of schools are moving to drug testing everybody, you didn't hear that?
Drug testing teachers or students?
All the students.
No, I'm not aware of that.
What do you think of that?
Well, I guess it depends on what the circumstances are for the particular school.
I don't know.
It's hard to comment on something like that.
Let me just say this.
The Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the rest of it, and I've got the federal plans on this, the National Seat Belt Initiative Program Part 3, they admit it's about getting us used to checkpoints, getting us used to having our vehicles searched.
Getting us used to having our masters, the government, our owners, and I appreciate the great job you do owning us and running us, but at the same time, people are getting very angry about this and I'm not going to give my blood to anybody.
I don't drink and drive.
So I guess the police now are judge, jury, and executioner.
They just go ahead and arrest me and take me on down to have my blood sucked or if I'm in Nevada or if I'm in
Some place like Arizona, I guess, they'll just hold me down on the side of the highway in a net of fire ants and jab the needles into me.
I, you know, I can't, I don't know what goes on in those other states.
I only deal with what goes on in my jurisdiction in my state.
I would find that kind of hard to believe that that would happen.
You find it hard to believe, so you're not aware of a bunch of the stuff I brought up to you?
Well, you know, I have to tell you that
I don't think the cost of giving up my liberty for so-called security is worth it.
And to have this going on in our society, I think it's scary that they're leaving the breathalyzer, which will find somebody if they're drunk.
And moving into sticking needles in, that's very invasive.
Well, but the problem is, you know, the law doesn't allow when somebody, at least in my state, and I'm sure this is probably consistent in other states, once you're placed lawfully under arrest for drunk driving, law enforcement officials have the option of obtaining evidence and the blood is evidence of a crime.
So they're law enforcement officials and authorities, they're not servants?
What do you mean by... Well, we used to, just ten years ago, it was law enforcement, public servants, peace officers.
It's enforcement now.
It's authorities.
It's officials.
Well, I'm not sure.
There's semantics.
You know, a police officer puts somebody under arrest for an order to lie.
You know, they have the lawful, we can obtain evidence... What I'm saying, sir, is that the semantics are very important.
For ten years now, we've been called civilians.
Police are civilians.
Our mayor, here in Austin, calls us civilians.
Is this a military government?
I don't know what your mayor calls you down there.
Well, don't your police call people in Wisconsin civilians?
I suppose some place in the state they may do that, but I'm not aware that they do it here.
Well, look, this is the point I'm trying to make to you.
I'm a little lost with the point.
Well, Mr. O'Boyle, I had you on.
You don't sound like a mean guy, so I'm not going to jump on you like I planned to do.
But this is what I'm trying to say to you, okay?
This is what I'm trying to get across to you.
You can say it's the law.
We had a law that black people weren't human beings.
That doesn't make it just.
We had a law that black people couldn't ride at the front of the bus.
That doesn't make it just.
We had a law that women couldn't vote.
That doesn't make it just.
So just because the courts say that you can have, you know, the nice men down at the jail sticking needles in us, and you've got your reasons to stop the evil drunk drivers, it's scary, it's out of control, it's Big Brother.
I guess that's your opinion.
I don't necessarily agree with that.
Well, have I got you the articles out of Nevada and places where they do it on the side of the road?
We found photos this morning of the police sticking the needle in somebody on the side of the road.
So you agree that's pretty scary?
Well, I would agree.
I would wonder why that's being done before I would go that far.
What authority would they have to do it?
If it was being done with absolutely no lawful authority, yeah, that's scary.
Well, you know the law.
We're under arrest when the blue and reds go on.
No, we're not.
Oh, really?
Well, I'll get chased and gunned down if I don't stop.
No, I doubt that.
You haven't watched Fox News with the chases?
I don't get Fox News up here.
So, you're saying I'm not under arrest in your county when the blue and reds go on?
Right, right.
Well then what am I under when they do that?
You're being stopped.
But you're not under arrest.
I don't think you've read the case law.
I don't think you've read the case law.
Well, let me just bring this up to you.
I'm sure you heard about the Supreme Court case about you have to show your ID.
The courts have ruled hundreds of times, over 20 times in the Supreme Court, that you don't have to show your ID walking down the street.
You do with a motor vehicle, they claim.
But the Supreme Court is moving to say, oh, you've got to show your ID.
I mean, do you think I've got to show my ID when I'm walking my dog?
Legally, you don't have to.
They just said that.
But they still arrest people all the time for it.
That's what I'm saying.
Well, that's pretty broad.
That's a broad sweeping statement.
In Austin, Texas it's called failure to ID.
What's that?
It's called failure to ID here.
You're in Texas, correct?
Yes, sir.
I'm not familiar with your state's laws.
Look, I'm just trying to pick your brain on several issues here.
I know what you're trying to do.
Do the people love this up in Wisconsin?
Do the people love what?
I think the people see the seriousness and the dangers of drunk driving and I don't think they have a problem with the laws being enforced lawfully.
Let me ask you a question.
I do this in Austin and in D.C.
and other areas.
Do your police go in bars to arrest drunks in the bars?
In ten years I haven't seen that kind of situation.
You haven't heard about that going on either?
Oh yeah, that's a big story.
In fact, they go into places where they serve food, people aren't even drinking, just randomly fill paddy wagons.
I bet you don't believe that.
You know, I would really want to see the details on that.
The Washington Times last year did a big article on it.
Have you heard about the FBI Crime Lab framing people?
Well, I've had the former head on of the Crime Lab, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst.
Just type Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, exposes Crime Lab.
Did you hear about Tulia, Texas, where they arrested the 50 plus people?
No drugs or paraphernalia found?
You know, I'm in Wisconsin.
I don't keep up with the news that goes on in your state.
Well, my point is, I don't even trust the government now to give us real tests, to give us real results.
I don't have confidence in this government.
I don't have confidence in its activities.
Is there something wrong with me?
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
I suppose if you don't like it, you can move, but you're certainly entitled to your opinion.
Well, wait a minute.
Yeah, but I'm going to stay here.
I want to make people move out of the country that want to pull me over and jam needles in my arm.
I mean, I want America to be America, Mr. Boyle.
Oh, Boyle.
I'm trying to find something out here.
Have you heard about the national news stories about cameras in school bathrooms?
You know, no.
And you keep asking me about stories here, there, and everywhere.
No, I'm not aware of those.
Well, because it all goes together.
I thought you wanted to talk about OWI laws and blood draws, not newspaper articles from all over the place.
I'm not familiar with them.
But it's really, I'm not in any position to comment on an article.
Well let me give you an example of why I'm saying this.
You're prosecuting a guy that's got a long rap sheet.
You want to bring in his criminal record to the jury.
So I'm trying to give you a snapshot of the stuff that's going on to find out, I want to see what's going on in your head, why you think this blood sucking is okay.
So I'm trying to find out here to see if you're informed, to see if you know what's going on.
About what?
About the Orwellian
There's garbage going on in the country.
I'm not sure what that has to do with my law enforcement officers in this office, our office enforcing the OWI laws in the state of Wisconsin in my jurisdiction.
Well, have you read the Wall Street Journal article?
You know, I have not seen it.
I was surprised to actually get the phone call about this whole article because I have not seen it yet.
Were you interviewed by the Wall Street Journal?
Yeah, I was, but it was quite some time ago.
Well, this just came out yesterday.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, sir.
Yeah, I've not seen the article.
You can go read it after you get off the show.
I imagine you are.
But this is what I'm trying to get at.
It's a scary article.
Police are killing people.
They're holding them down.
They're doing this all over the country.
The story doesn't say your people are doing that.
You're pretty much saying that.
You're saying everybody's doing it based on articles and things that are happening in different parts of the country, and that's not really a fair characterization of everything.
Well, no, I just clearly stated.
I'm asking you if you guys did.
You're saying no, and I was making clear yet again that you're not in that part of the article.
I made clear that it was Nevada we were talking about.
It would be almost impossible for me to comment on something that's happened in Nevada that I have no knowledge of.
I literally read to you from the Wall Street Journal, and I'm just trying to talk about this progression here, and as a public servant, as an official, an authority, I was trying to find out what your view on it is.
It's hard for me to give a view on something that I'm not familiar with.
Is that what we grew up to think of America?
Guys in black uniforms holding somebody down and putting a needle in their arm?
I don't know.
It depends on each given person.
Do you guys still wear blue uniforms up there, or are they black uniforms?
I don't wear a uniform at all.
No, I mean your police.
You know, they have different colors.
Different agencies have different color uniforms.
What's your county SWAT team symbol?
Is it a skull or a cobra?
I don't think it's either one.
Black widow?
Well, what is it then?
I'm almost thinking it's an eagle if they have a symbol at all.
An eagle?
I don't even know if they have a symbol, to be honest with you.
An eagle?
Well, that's good.
Good old eagle.
Alright, well, John O'Boyle, I'll let you go and go read the article and we appreciate you coming on the show and I don't think you're a bad guy, I think you mean well, but this isn't America and you need to research the things I've told you about because it's all documented.
Okay, right on it.
Alright, God bless.
Have fun out there with the needles.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll let you respond to his authority-ness.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
Side issues that connect into this blood sucking situation.
Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, and Texas.
In recent years, enacted statutes specifically permitting police to use reasonable force to obtain blood samples in DUI cases, and that includes killing quite a few people by beating their brains out or crushing their skulls.
And it gets into all that and how wonderful it is.
We'll go to your calls here in a few minutes, but I also have articles out of Arizona, out of Illinois.
These are posted in the archives of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, or just type keywords and the search engines will come up.
It's a great tool.
Uh, before 9-11, you know, troops at high schools, middle schools.
Oh, we had a list of kids who had to have their vaccines.
We dropped by to give it to them.
The National Guard, or, you know, photos out of the Arizona Republic of the girl crying as the troops give her the shot.
Didn't tell the parents, didn't tell anybody.
Had them, had them sign a waiver form before, like a month before, that, oh, we'll be giving them shots.
They hadn't had them.
Then had troops come in, lined them up.
I got articles out of Pensacola where the troops marched around going, Martial Law!
Martial Law!
Bill Clinton wants you to know what Martial Law is!
People never believe that story until they go read it.
I mean, this is the real stuff that's going on.
So it also gets the police used to sticking needles in you.
Gets them into that area.
Acclimates you.
It's all part of a larger program.
And you know what?
I think I'm going to get the widow on of Mr. Jones.
Oh yes, it's amazing here.
Testimony in a federal suit last year shows that authorities in Las Vegas regularly obtain blood samples in Clark County Detention Center.
The suit involved a 98 incident.
Police found Terry Jones, then 33, asleep at the wheel of a parked car and opened Budweiser between his thighs.
He was arrested, taken to jail, and ordered to submit to a blood test.
Mr. Jones, who had two prior DUI convictions, put up a furious fight.
And they always use someone who's guilty as an example.
Uh, and it says, Guard Daniel Kurtzke testified that physical resistance to blood draws was a nightly event.
Guards would use whatever force is necessary to testify, typically handcuffing defendants' arms behind their backs, bending them over on an examination table in the jail nurse's office and holding them down.
Sometimes drivers were held on the floor.
We always got our blood.
I've talked to people who've been arrested in their houses for not paying a traffic warrant.
And they take their blood and do blood tests.
We got him in here for not paying a warrant.
Let's go ahead and take blood.
I forgot about that.
Mr. Jones, 270 pounds, tossed several officers off his back with the bunk of his head.
Two officers then testified that the other officer was still on his head and kicked him in the face.
And he died.
So that's the love of the New World Order for you.
We'll break and come back and go straight to your calls and to all this other Big Brother and 9-11 whitewash commission news.
Just stay with us.
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Second hour, only 70 seconds away.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You don't just have to worry about mosquitoes when you're standing outside your car with your family as they throw your goods all over the side of the road at a checkpoint.
Now you've got to worry about them sticking needles in you and your family.
Same thing in the public schools.
Urine and blood testing.
Feds want to make it federal law.
They're already funding it in literally thousands of school districts.
Everyone being drug tested.
Wall Street Journal yesterday posted on the sites today.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
And push to stop drunk driving, of course.
They're sucking your blood on the side of the road and in the police stations.
And, oh, they're killing people that resist.
That's in the article.
So we'll take your calls on that, and we'll get to exploding gas prices, the whitewash 9-11 commission, a bunch of Big Brother news.
It's just going to be totally jam-packed.
We've got to move quickly.
As promised, let's go to your calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Illinois, then Drew, Todd, William, and others.
Steve, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I find it almost amusing how every time you talk to a state official, it's always the same old thing.
Oh, I don't care what goes on in other states.
I'm not up to date with what they do and this and that.
But then if the feds come to mandate something, it's boom, let's get on the wagon with them automatically.
What are you going to do at a checkpoint if they want to jam needles in you and your family?
It's not going to happen.
And more people have got to stand up and say, no, this is not going to happen.
Well, the jail guards and police are laughing.
And some of it is that they're killing people.
Did you hear me wrong where they killed that guy?
You know, I hope to God that his family pushes that issue through court and I hope justice prevails in that situation.
I mean, what more?
You know, it's not bad enough you can't go up to a stop sign without a cop standing there with a flashlight looking to see if you've got your seatbelt on now.
At their seatbelt enforcement zones... But again, the federal plan admits, Part 3 of the National Seatbelt Initiative Act of 98, $2.4 billion a year since then, they admit, sir, and this is a very key point,
Uh, what is that?
Almost ten billion dollars now they've spent since then?
Or more?
Uh, they admit it's to train you to accept checkpoints and to search your car for drugs and guns.
Oh, sure it is.
And, uh, Mr. Stateboy that you talked to earlier is so independent.
Well, then why don't they stand up against the Fed?
Say, no, we're not going to do that in our state.
But instead, you know, it'll be, sure, bring it on in.
You know, no problem.
Well, number one, they're never going to stop drunk driving.
These drunks aren't going to stop them, but that's their excuse to get into our lives, to set the precedent to jam needles in us.
Well, what worse infringement on our liberty than to stick a needle in you?
It's insane!
But I've had the public officials on where they've got cameras in school bathrooms and they say it's wonderful and it stops crime while we're the bad ones.
Winston in 1984 is the bad one because he doesn't like Big Brother having a camera in his bathroom.
We don't want police helicopters with ground penetrating radar looking through our walls.
We're weird.
Well, I predict soon.
You know, every state has different laws.
Illinois is horrible with, um, you gotta register to own guns.
You know what registration leads to.
Well, nobody banned most of them, yeah.
It used to say on the application form, if you were convicted of a felony, you know, have you been convicted of a felony in the past so many years?
Now, the registration form changes to, have you been charged with a felony?
Have you had a misdemeanor?
In Maryland they arrested man of the year who saved a bunch of police because 30 years ago he got back from Vietnam and got in a bar fight and they said, oh, it's over $200, the thing he was convicted of, we're taking his guns.
And now if you go to court, not even been convicted of, but if you're in court for any domestic violence court, you're in there for any reason,
You get your gun card taken away from you.
Your privilege card is bye-bye.
Thanks for the call.
Drew and Todd and William and others, you're up next.
A toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Always a good idea, I guess, to give that out.
Warrior Calls, a blitzkrieg of news, straight ahead, fighting against tyranny, defending liberty.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Right now, in Wisconsin, they're trying to pass a law, under federal funding of course, to arrest adults, to take your children,
Doesn't matter if you're an 80-year-old lady, you gotta take all the vaccines they say are mandatory, whenever they say, whenever new vaccines they come out and make mandatory, you gotta take those too.
And again, public officials, authorities, our masters, our rulers, our owners, our keepers, the people that run us and our lives and our free country,
We'll just say it's for your safety.
We're doing it for you.
Doesn't matter how much evidence.
It's poison.
It's toxic.
It's sterilizing us.
It's brain damaging us.
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
They love us.
They're the government.
They're already, through color of law, trying to act like it's the law.
Uh, let's talk to, um...
Well, I guess up next is Drew in Texas.
Drew, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Good to talk to you again.
Good to talk to you.
I couldn't believe that character, that Boyle character, the D.A.
in Wisconsin.
Yes, Mr. Boyle on the surface of America.
I mean, the guy sounds like he's a high school dropout.
He's a complete idiot.
I can't believe the people up there would vote for somebody like that.
I assume they elect their D.A.s up there like they do here or everywhere else.
Well, you know, so many times you talk to the authorities, the officials, we're the civilians, and they just don't know anything.
They just... But on that civilian point, you know, the semantics of how they're the military state, you had to go, yeah, I heard that.
What is that?
But the guy sounds like he's completely the dark about everything.
I mean, everything he brought up, he just, I'm not aware of this.
I'm not aware of that.
You know, I mean, was he been hiding under a rock or what?
Well, it's like Sergeant Schultz.
I know nothing.
I know nothing.
Yeah, yeah.
I know nothing.
I followed the Fuhrer, yeah.
It's like Bill Clinton.
I know nothing.
Listen to me.
Hold on a minute.
Hold on a minute.
I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Read my lips.
No taxes.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Well, just like our little Lord Bush, he doesn't know anything either.
Well, in his case, I believe it.
Oh, well, I guess that's about all I wanted to say.
I couldn't believe that guy.
I just wanted to throw in my two cents about that moron up there.
What are you going to do if they want to take your blood on a dark night at the side of the road?
Well, I'm not going to do it.
I don't think that's happening in Austin, though, is it?
Texas has, quote, passed the law that they take you down and suck your blood at the police station, but I've read the articles where they're sucking the blood on the side of the road.
Here in Austin?
No, it was in Colorado, and it was in Nevada, and in Arizona, the articles I've seen.
Well, I know Arizona and Nevada are farther along toward a police state than we are.
As bad as we are, they're even a little farther on, I think.
I hear you.
Good to get your call.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Todd, and Todd is calling us from California.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
That seemed like a boxing match.
You got him on the ropes at some point, and you kept hitting him with body blows about sources, and all he could do was say plausible deniability.
The thing is, the judges are not on the side of truth, so he gets to actually pretend that he serves the people.
My main concern is, when he finished up your interview, he gave that little spy remark of, I'll look into that kind of thing, but I don't think he's going to read when he finishes up that interview.
He said, I'll look in the letter on the way.
No, no, but what he's going to do, he's going to call everyone who put him in that line of fire,
I'm going to chastise you, you, and you for even making me that exposed because I need to perpetuate my myth.
Well, maybe he is.
He's probably some sports fan who goes right to the sports bar immediately after work.
Or, you know, goes to the local arena.
Or maybe he goes and plays rocket ball.
I mean, he didn't even know he was in the Wall Street Journal until a day later.
No, but all he had was plausible deniability.
This guy was in the front page of the... Maybe he didn't know anything.
This guy was in the front page of the Wall Street Journal yesterday, and no one let him know he was in it until we called him.
Like I said... And then I said, did you interview the Wall Street Journal?
He goes, uh, yeah, I did.
But the end thing is, he wants to give you the impression, and he didn't at the end, he gave you that little snide thing, but he's not going to look into it.
He's going to call the people that set up that interview and chastise them.
I had two direct questions for him.
One of which was, Bush has been diagnosed, or the current president has been diagnosed as baso-vegal.
I am that.
And if you inject me with any kind of needle, even if it's a little thing, I might die on the scene.
And it seems like what's being implied is that now cops can just inject people and if they don't see it, it's no big deal.
What if you're an hemophiliac?
You'll be in there with all those goons and they're like, get him in the corner!
We're gonna take your blood!
He'll come to deliverance now, boy!
But again, he goes back to the plausible deniability thing, because it's happened in Florida down here in the recent month.
It happened down in California, where they chased a guy who was about nine inches shorter than the real guy, and they eventually shot him.
Or down here in Florida, where they tasered him.
Oops, he died.
And guess what?
There's no real follow-up.
Oh yeah, and he claimed that you're not under arrest when they stop you.
Every cop knows you're under arrest, technically.
No, that's exactly what I wanted to ask him about!
Because those people died!
And guess what the follow-up is?
Those people are still dead!
The sad part about- Well, they've not been working with Al-Qaeda.
Well, yeah, demonization, and I wanted to ask the grander- and by the way, sir, I appreciate-
You as a delivery mechanism of information, I appreciate the other message that you offer that's not about a cult of personality.
I just say over the last two years or so, I understand that the information campus that's out there globally is a lot more vast based on the wing like you and other people out there that you're kind of just a professor talking out into the world.
And I appreciate that.
That's a whole new wing that I didn't know existed in the first place.
In terms of double sync, I think it's interesting that
The same type of nationalist, militaristic mentality that's been sold to conquer nations and ultimately destroy nationhood is being used to perpetuate globalism.
So, it's almost like nationalism is being used to destroy nationalism.
I wonder, do you think that that's double-thinked as well?
Well, they come into America, they destroy our sovereignty, then they wrap themselves in a plastic Chinese-made slave flag, and then paint themselves up in it in camouflage.
It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And they go, be nationalistic, and after decades of bashing nationalism, people go, yeah, it's okay to fly the flag again!
But again, the flag's being used as a false symbol for those actually using America to destroy nationalism worldwide.
Oh, but it's the ultimate double-think.
It's disturbing to me, over a couple years now, to realize, hey, Brian Lamb, who I used to think was Mr. Objectivity,
That maybe he's not.
Maybe he's Mr. Limited Hangout.
And by all means, that thing that I heard on C-SPAN two weeks ago, if I had no awareness of you, sir, I would have at least looked into you.
Because look at the clip.
Look at the hour.
Mr. Lamb, who I thought was objective, I've been watching and listening to C-SPAN since 89.
I have my little coloring book out with Carter, Reagan, and 80.
I'm a little bit of a stooge that way because I thought,
C-SPAN was truth, but really it's a very sophisticated limited hangout.
They're not going to have certain interviews, they're not going to have certain authors, and yet they're going to spend that hour.
And Mr. Wham, who's supposed to be the paragon of objectivity, all the people that call in and say, thank God for C-SPAN, in some way they're saying, thank God for conditioning.
Because it's not.
It's not objectivity, it's the ultimate level of
You're selling your mind out to the illusion of truth.
Well, about a year ago, Fox took over C-SPAN.
Did you know that?
Well, no.
What's the data on that?
Who bought who?
Well, they've come in and, quote, helped with the management and some of the funding, but look, C-SPAN's good because you can at least call into it, and then sometimes they censor calls.
I've called in and said, I want to talk about this, and they go up, and then they hang up on you.
Uh, or we're not talking about that click and, you know, there's no topic.
But to make it clear, they have this professor on who says that, you know, how I'm this wicked devil, basically, and Ryan Lamb has had other authors on going after me and spent other hours on me years ago and talks about me on a routine basis, admits he listened to me on the radio, knows who I am, they put my website up before, at least they've done that, and I call up and talk to his assistant, uh, and she just said, look, uh,
We're not talking about this stuff right now.
It's all election.
I go, wait a minute.
You just have this guy on talking about me.
He's written a book that I'm in.
You're putting all this out.
You talk about me all the time.
You should have me on.
If you're supposed to be... And he said, well, not at this time.
Well, and then I didn't think.
I called back and left a message.
I want to have Lamb on here then.
I want to have a discussion with Brian Lamb.
But even then, if you're supposed to be in objectivity form, they're ultimately a non-equal-time entity.
Well, we're objective, but we'll never give you that half an hour about the Federal Reserve, we'll never give you that half an hour about Eustace Mullins or Anthony Sutton or Alex Jones, but we'll even extend that and we'll slam Alex Jones and then never let him on!
That is the ultimate limit hangout.
That hour bashing fest, the day after I was on Coast to Coast, was Damage Control.
Thanks for the call.
And again, it is the number one link now, two weeks into it, there at the C-SPAN website.
They say most watch video, and right there, Michael Barkin, author of A Moron's Journey.
I'm sorry, A Culture of Conspiracy.
Let's go ahead and make another call here.
I'll go to these quicker.
I'm out of control here.
William in Colorado.
William, you're on the air.
Go ahead, William.
There's a lot of talk about needles and mandatory vaccinations today.
And the police at checkpoints jamming needles into you lovingly.
Oh, what we have is on the social services school side of it.
We had a case of induced autism from a forced vaccination that they said that they were going to either throw him out of school or he needed to have the vaccinations, but they never informed the mother that she could have signed a waiver.
Yeah, no, it's all color of law and then it causes massive brain damage.
We have the official CDC report admitting it's doing it, but still it continues.
Well, no, I'm pretty much hopefully not going to hijack your show right now, but tell the rest of the callers that this might be a significant interest where this might be it.
It's Quinton Darryl Nash.
And it's the case they kidnapped him last Thursday, March 18th.
Social Services kidnapped him and
I need to probably go through the break, but... Yeah, you gotta stay there.
Now wait, they grabbed him because he didn't take the vaccine?
No, he was... he got autism since the vaccine and they took him and they claimed his mother for child abuse.
Oh, that's another thing.
When they give you the shot and the child dies or gets sick, then they charge you.
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We'll finish up with William, then we've got Phil in England, and Dennis, and Jack, and Joe, and others.
But William, how do you know about this particular case?
Because I know that a lot of, this has even come out in mainstream news, the so-called shaken baby syndrome.
They'll give the child the shot, it'll go into convulsions in the car on the way home, die,
Or go into a coma, and then they will charge you with shaking the baby or beating the child.
I mean, I was in a big libertarian group giving a speech.
I had people walking up going, my dad took the flu shot and hours later was paralyzed.
Or my son was fine and took the shot and now he does nothing but drool in the corner.
And then we have the CDC's own documents where they say it's happening and they got a quote covered it up from 2000, just came out about a month ago on ABC News.
I mean, this is real, but the government just, we want to pass laws to make you take it now because you found out how bad it is.
Go ahead, William.
Yeah, the Center for Disease Control article, that would be on InfoWars.com.
Oh, you found it on my website?
No, is it on there?
Uh, yeah.
Oh, the one I just mentioned.
Yeah, we posted it about a month ago.
It's in there, yeah.
CDC article, and then there was a... Well, no, it was an ABC News article about the CDC.
And then, the medical document that cites the family as a disease, which document was that?
Uh, that is the Calhoun Reader used at the University of Texas, and I ended up getting the textbook, but I actually found out about it from Dr. Dennis Cuddy's book, uh, Secret Records Revealed.
Let's get back to what you called about for a second.
Yeah, they took JoJo Nash-Connor's son, March 18th, from school.
Where did you find out about this?
I've been living it, sir.
I've been living this for ten years.
This situation for the last three weeks.
So you know these people?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I've lived this for the last three weeks.
I would have went to court yesterday, but I probably would have been arrested.
Okay, fine, fine.
Just tell the story.
So, how about if I have her tell it.
She's right here.
Hold on.
Her name is JoJo Nash.
Good morning.
Hey, Jo, what happened to you?
Well, Alex, they took off with my baby after he had his vaccination.
He had spent like seven months in a school situation with a teacher who was
How old is the child?
He's five.
And so you let him give him the vaccines?
Well, what they told me is that he had to have them or he would get suspended from school.
That's a lie, so that's racketeering, that's color of law, that's official oppression right there.
And so I took him in and got his shots and, well boy, he was way up there.
So what happened after he took the shots?
Um, he went to the school and he was, um, being really terrible to his teachers and the kids and everybody and we just couldn't, I didn't know what to do about, and me, myself, Alex, I just went through brain surgery a year ago.
Okay, so what happened?
Why'd they grab your child?
Because, um, he had a spanking and he had welts on his behind.
Well, you know, it's not illegal to spank, but they can come after you if you leave marks.
Samm, I don't know what to say.
I mean, you shouldn't have your child in a public school and they don't have any money.
You have brain surgery and took the shots and acted bizarrely.
I'm sorry that happened and just get with some good folks in your area and learn your rights.
Thanks for the call.
That's really all I can say on the subject.
Let's talk to Jack in Colorado.
Or no, Jack in... We'll go to Jack in Colorado in a second.
Phil in England is up next.
Phil, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Hi, how are you doing?
What a show you've got today.
First of all, I thought your guest was extremely naive.
Oh, the guy that thinks sucking people's blood is good?
Yeah, according to him the world doesn't exist outside his county or state.
He needs to wake up.
I wanted to talk to you about the government sponsored terrorism in Madrid.
Classic case of problem, reaction, solution.
At the weekend, they had an emergency meeting, Homeland Security Ministers, at which they agreed to set up a department to coordinate, sorry, a counter-terrorism czar based in Brussels.
I'm quoting from the London Telegraph here.
And it says, the British rights group Statewatch warned that the EU is once again exploiting the terrorist crisis to extend police control over society as a whole, with Britain again leading the push for greater EU powers.
No surprise there, because the Blair government is the most authoritarian government ever.
And I couldn't have said any better.
All this is an excuse to extend police state controls over all of us.
Stay with us.
And I've looked at all the evidence of the Madrid bombings.
It's clear.
I agree with the people in the streets.
The government did it.
And it backfired on them.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm gonna force myself to go through four or five calls real quick, then cover more news for the balance of the hour.
It's gotta be done.
But briefly, before we go back to England to talk to Phil and the important points he's making,
Police State 3 Total Enslavement is one of my newest films.
There's also Matrix of Evil, but Police State 3 Total Enslavement is really good.
It's 2 hours and 44 minutes long.
It's really 3 or 4 films in one.
It covers the Total Information Awareness Network, Patriot Act 1 and 2,
Homeland Security, forced inoculations, the government-run white slavery rings, it gets into just what the New World Order is, the first 25 minutes of it, about PNAC, who the neocons are,
So much.
I mean, it's really a library in and of itself.
A film by myself, Alex Jones, total enslavement, the greatest evil that mankind has ever faced is among us, a scientifically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman, and child.
The United States government at all levels has fallen under the control of a desperately wicked New World Order clan.
It is a clan, they're related.
The events of September 11th marked the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform Earth into a prison planet.
In over two and a half hours, Alex Jones, that's me, chronicles in stunning detail the true character of the Globalist.
Uh, their master plan of the bloodthirsty elite to financially, physically, and spiritually imprison not only America, but the world.
Total Enslavement is the third installment in my critically acclaimed Police State series, and is a must-see for all who love freedom.
The film documents, again, the nightmare rise of the Homeland Security dictatorship.
The Patriot Acts 1 and 2, Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy, and much more.
The very future of humanity depends on exposing government-sponsored terrorism, and how the globalists pose as our saviors, when in fact they are the terrorists.
And to order copies of Police State 3, Total Enslavement, or Matrix of Evil, or the book Order Out of Chaos, or my book Descent Into Tyranny, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove,
Simply call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Operators are there to take your call, to answer your questions.
You can also write to me at 3001.
South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704, or of course, Infowars.com, or PrisonPlanet.com.
And the videos are $25.95 apiece.
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Well, any of the videos, they drop down to $20 if you order three or more.
The books are from between
You know, $5 to $25 depending on how big the book is and how much information's in it.
But a lot of key info there for you.
I hope you'll take advantage of it.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Phil in England, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, you're making your point about them using the Madrid bombing to expand their tyranny.
I mean, China uses the example of 9-11 to crack down there against Christians.
Worldwide, governments are intensifying the enslavement.
Go ahead.
Well, we're now at the Reaction and the Solutions and, you know, we can see the event more clearly now it's been a week or two.
They're proposing to set up a new department.
I'm quoting from the London Telegraph article on Sunday which says, the new department will be an analysis centre lodged at the EU's military staff headquarters.
Critics say it will duplicate the work of Europol in The Hague.
You can see the blurring of lines between military and police.
It's a police state.
And your police chief in London says he wants to put trips on the streets, get ready for martial law.
Our top generals are saying it.
They just love it.
They're going to be our masters.
This is what happens in history.
This is the norm.
It's happening again.
Are the yuppies or the middle class people starting to get it in England or are they just loving all this?
Well, I think it was Paul Watson who said on Monday that there was a huge generational gap between the young and brainwashed and those who are older.
Um, and can see it more clearly.
Um, I mean, you know, you've got the mindless drones who just watch MTV all day.
Um, and they don't know what's going on.
Um, but those who do care to look, who do care to see, you know, are waking up.
Um, I wanted to, um, thank you as well for the show, and also thank, um, and GCN as well for putting this on the internet, your show on the internet, because it's a global awakening that's happening, and they deserve some credit.
Well, for every action, there's an equal or greater reaction.
And as they move ahead with global tyranny, globally, God is moving into the human spirit to really cause an awakening.
And I don't just say that as a cheerleader.
I can't believe
Just the grassroots, instinctive wake-up that's happening.
But everybody feels like they're alone because we're all balkanized into tiny pieces.
We've got to start getting out, talking, starting organizations, being leaders.
That's where the victory lies is you.
That's you.
I'm talking to everybody out there.
Look in the mirror.
That's where the solution is.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that call.
Let's go ahead and take another one.
Dennis in Arkansas.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
You talked about this gas price going up here not too long ago.
I was watching on your Communist News Network and Walmart was number one when it comes to profits and Exxon Mobil was number two.
They broke that down into what happens to a gallon of gasoline.
And they've got the fake left out saying that it's peak oil, there's no more oil, that they have found the biggest reserves ever in the last decade.
There's more than ever that they've discovered.
It's a complete fraud to create artificial scarcity.
They're telling you there's no fresh water, got to boost the price.
Oh, diamonds are rare when they've got tons of them with a monopoly.
It's about artificial scarcity and they're just training you to accept, and listen,
Uh, Spencer Abraham.
That's exactly who I wanted to talk about.
He got before the Congress, I got his quotes here, they're stunning.
And then he said, look, we're not going to get into the reserves, we're not going to do more drilling, you're not going to go into Alaska, and we don't care if the Arabs do this, we're not going to beg.
Now it's a pride thing, as if the Arabs are doing it.
Well, number one, he is, uh, his dad immigrated from that part of the country anyhow.
That's right.
He's Mr. Oil.
That's right.
And his fax number is... Well, he's not gallivanting around with Hamas people.
He's okay, because he's a neocon.
And if your folks out here in the listening audience want to fax him and start lodging complaints, his fax number is 202.
Oh, you've been faxing his lordship!
And then, uh, if you want to write to him, it's U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, Southwest, Washington, D.C.
You know what this is?
Sir, this is mass looting, 1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon, no bids allowed with Halliburton, you know, running around foaming at the mouth, they are raping everything, mass criminality, raping us over the gas,
When there's more fuel than ever, and these idiots are buying it.
And I just wish all the people would start faxing him and writing him letters and saying we've had enough.
And you're talking about drawing blood.
I wonder what these police officers would do outside the road.
I thought about it.
When I get out of the car, if they ever want to draw blood, I'll say, go ahead.
I've got hepatitis B and I'm in full blow today.
Would they still want to take the blood?
Well, that's another thing, too.
I mean, the police aren't trained for this.
See, it starts out in the jails, then it's on the side of the road.
It's just craziness.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jack in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Hello, sir.
I'm calling because I just recently went to court for running a green light, and the cops denied everything.
Oh, you didn't know they teach police officially how to lie on the stand?
I didn't know.
It's called liefying.
Yeah, and see, the referee... They don't testify, they lie-ify.
Yeah, it was disgusting.
And see, I slipped and said that he was lying, and that's when she screamed out, you're guilty, and she fined me.
Well, you should have demanded a jury trial.
I probably should have, but it was my wife.
Hey, hey, she's the authority, the official, your lord.
I believe you, but see, what he stopped me for was that one of those checkpoints for a DUI, and he'd even denied that.
He even denied stopping me for a DUI.
I mean, he even tested me in the whole thing.
Sir, I've watched them lie.
They're congenital liars, and I'm not saying all of them, but the system encourages the liars and promotes them.
I know.
Okay, so I'll just tell you quickly.
They're recording people there now, too.
And when I was standing in line to get through those metal detectors, it was all Hispanic people.
So, you know, I don't understand why this is going on, because
I listened to some of the people that were ahead of me.
They do feed on, especially immigrants, and we're against the open borders, but they do feed on them a lot with the tickets because they don't resist.
This girl that was in front of me, she was Hispanic too, and not from this country.
The judge was asking her if she needed an interpreter, and she also asked her if she
Apparently she didn't have any car insurance when she was involved in this accident.
And she wasn't charged with anything for that.
And again, they arrest them and they pay the fines, but on the other side of the coin, oh yeah, they don't have to have insurance.
Thanks for the call.
It's a major discrimination.
I appreciate it.
I know it's wrong.
But see, the people listening today don't believe us.
When it happens to them next month or next year, that's when the seeds sprout.
See, we put the seeds out, and the tyranny is the rain and the sunshine for it, and it grows it up.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and take another one.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Indiana.
Go ahead, Joe.
God bless you and all your hard work, Alex.
We've been listening to you for about seven years.
Well, thank you.
When we first started out, we were kind of skeptical.
Not quite like Christ, but we almost worship you.
No, please!
No, I'm just an average guy!
Well, yeah, you're an average guy with the kahunas to stand up and speak for what's right.
What I'm calling about, that... I don't want to call him a police officer.
I guess I'll call him Barney Fife instead of calling him a jerk.
Well, I just did.
Shame on me.
Well, anyways, he was talking about he didn't know this and he didn't know that.
There was national media coverage
About a college student here in Indiana that at some wee hours of the morning was knocking on the wrong door and untrained, I believe it was a Ball State police officer, shot that boy dead.
That boy was unarmed.
Oh, that was the trick-or-treating.
Okay, I wasn't sure of the situation.
No, that was the exact situation.
There's a bunch of these cases, but they're trying to kill, and they're like rabid as dogs.
Yeah, shot the man dead.
And, uh, you know, he was totally unarmed and he was, he was poorly trained.
So they're going to retrain him and put him back out on the street.
Uh, maybe next time he'll be able to shoot him from a further distance or, you know, they'll train him to put a weapon on him or whatever.
And I'm also dealing with, uh, the, uh, school corporation down here in the town I live in.
I'll, I'll leave their name out of it for now until I figure out what my attorney's going to do.
I guess it's okay for our teachers to fondle our children, and they just call that battery when they get back in a corner.
Just a simple misdemeanor battery.
All over the country, they have police stripping young girls in front of classes.
I have articles on that.
And nothing's being done.
They do sexual examinations of elementary school students.
They're putting cameras in the bathrooms.
I mean, it's worse than 1984, sir.
Yes, it is.
It's outrageous, but like I said,
I'm in the process of getting a victory on my end.
petrol prices at all-time high, BBC.
Americans are paying more at the pump for their petrol than ever, thanks to the remorseless rise in oil prices, a study has found.
Again, OPEC said they were going to raise prices last year, since the oil companies making the profits, and the government won't go into the Strategic Reserve, won't open up ANWR.
You notice Bush is in, as are the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the Executive, everything, and they're not letting you have the oil from ANWR.
They'll run the country for a hundred years, by the way.
The AAA, a U.S.
monitoring organization, says prices now average almost $1.74 a gallon.
I've read $2.
And out in California, it's upwards of $3.
In many areas of the country, it's soared to $2.69 in the east.
Here's another one.
USS FTAA January 2005 deadline still on course.
Forbes Magazine, a top-level U.S.
trade official, said Tuesday that some Congress was made in recent informal talks to overcome an impasse in negotiations to craft a free trade agreement covering 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere.
And I've read the synopsis of the agreement they're signing.
The third world doesn't have to give their sovereignty up.
Just America and Canada.
So that's globalism right there.
Russian nuclear warship ready to blow the register.
The nuclear-powered Russian warship has been ordered back to port amid fears it could, quote, go sky high at any minute.
That, at least, is the opinion of Admiral Vladimir Koryendov, who said the Peter the Great, and those places on board where the admirals actually go, everything's fine, but where they don't go, everything is such a state that it could go sky-high any minute.
And the admirals made the decision to dispatch the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet back to port for immediate repairs last Wednesday during exercises in the Barents Sea.
They say it could have a nuclear meltdown and explode any minute.
9-11 NORAD issue addressed in Rumsfeld testimony.
We have the video clip at PrisonPlanet.com.
When he was confronted by one of the whitewashers on the commission, he confessed that planes are supposed to be sent up to intercept hijacked planes.
The inference here is that they were sent up on 9-11, and that a shoot-down order was issued, but that the pilot did not receive the said order.
That's some news, man.
This is huge.
This means somebody either deliberately did not convey that order, that there was a huge colossal mess-up, extremely unlikely given the severity of the circumstances, or a standout order was issued by someone.
We know that to be Dick Cheney.
Rumsfeld just gave the whole thing up, and he knew it.
He looked sick, and if I'm not mistaken, his hands were actually shaking.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Myers tried to join in to help, but was not much use, and he looked freaked out, too.
By the way, I saw this online.
We didn't get it recorded.
I'm begging you, when it re-airs, if I miss it, or if you've already taped it, please mail it to us folks.
This is, I saw it online, shaking, freaking out.
I mean, total guilt just spewing.
We know from the facts they did it.
But at the same time, just to, and of course General Myers is now the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, and he's the guy over at NORAD who did the stand down that day.
Continuing, next hour I'll get more into this big stack of 9-11 whitewash.
I want to cover some of the
Big Brother news right now that's really, really important.
And then we'll get into 9-11 and take more of your calls coming up, but this story out of the Chicago Sun-Times, Homeland Security liaison to help keep Hollywood in line.
That's the headline.
You know, the government, when it's not producing $70 million packages of fake newscasts that have been airing all over the place of how wonderful the government is, fake newscasts, that's now admitted, they're doing this.
Protecting Americans against terror attacks and other disasters requires strong interagency communication and superior intelligence gathering.
Oh, and a little help from Hollywood.
The Homeland Security Department has posted a job for a liaison to the entertainment industry.
The salary could be as high as $136,000 plus benefits.
Well, I have AP articles from two and a half years ago where Karl Rove and Card and others and Chetwyn
Lionel Chetwin went to Hollywood and told them don't criticize the government.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now again, you already have propaganda placement.
The government paying for anti-gun, pro-join-the-military statements.
I mean, it's paid for.
Fake newscasts, all of it.
And this article out of the Chicago Sun-Times admits, quote, there can be tremendous impact on the public with the ability to communicate to people what we're doing, Murphy said.
They're going to do their movie.
We just
We don't want to be silly, whatever.
We just don't want to be silly.
The FBI has been aided by many dramatic portrayals, among them, actor Robert Stack as heroic FBI agent Elliot Ness in the television series, The Untouchables.
Which you are untouchable.
All crimes committed, you enjoy it.
The actress Jodie Foster's determined agent-in-training, uh, Clarice Starling in the film, The Silence of the Lambs.
And it says, in September, ABC debuted Threat Matrix, where they torture people every episode.
It's wonderful.
A one-hour TV show about highly trained, specialized torture masters.
I mean, task force that works out of Homeland Security Department and, quote, fights the many faces of terror, which is drug dealers, everybody.
We all are terrorists.
According to the promotional material, Homeland Security officials declined to comment on the show, which they've been helping.
The last year, the department has been inundated with requests for help on motion pictures and documentaries.
Spokesman Tiesa Scaloni has said, oh, they contact them and want help.
That's why they fund them.
Movies and TV shows could be recruiting tools for people considered a career in Homeland Security.
Well, yeah, one of the big hosts in the Oscars, there was a big article about it, she's on the website recruiting for the CIA.
The CIA recently began airing recruitment ads starring Jennifer Garner, who plays a CIA agent in ABC series, Alias.
And it gets worse and worse.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is aware of the entertainment industry's effect on the department's image, and it goes on and on.
While in Los Angeles, he met with the entertainment executives who asked him how they can help the Homeland effort.
How they can help the Fuhrer with the Reich.
And Ridge suggested they could promote the department's Ready Campaign to educate citizens on how to prepare for a terrorist attack.
And they tell us, grovel, give all your liberties up, that's how you prepare for an attack.
Let's just run through some of what's coming up.
Government will track ID card use.
That's right, it's to track you.
NEC demos Big Brother biometric phone booth where you have to thumb scan to use the phone booth.
High school students offered rewards to stop crime.
Tell us about Mommy and Daddy extra cash bonuses.
I have video of this by the way.
Cameras to guard new city parks and it says people have a new patron in the park, Big Brother.
Big Brother is now good.
Every day I see an article where Big Brother is a good thing.
Israel to kill in U.S.
allied nations.
I thought I'd go back over this because people don't believe it.
Big Brother on the bus.
More about satellite tracking and thumb scanning school children.
No disciplinary action taken yet in strip search incident.
And this is out of the Times-Shamrock Communications.
All the folks that used to own KJFK I was on.
It says no disciplinary action has been taken yet against two Mount Carmel Township police officers and two Mount Carmel Area School District employees involved in a strip search earlier this month during a high school gym class.
This happens all the time.
I see this story every couple days.
On Monday morning, Mount Carmel Area Superintendent Richard Berschmidt said physical education teacher and high school nurse Ruth Gregory had not been disciplined thus far in connection with the March 9th incident.
And boy, this story's a horror story.
They took the six girls inside a... I don't even want to go on, folks, what they did.
But this is your loving government training you that you're absolute slaves.
Less rights than a black slave in 1830.
I mean, it's really getting to that point.
And also, police to get more spy devices.
Wait to hear about that.
Some good news.
Maine House OKs Hutton's call to change the Patriot Act.
I never really got to this properly yesterday.
Convoy of illegals.
Probably some rundown agents.
I want to go over that.
Oh, there's so much more.
Just please stay with us.
We have the third hour coming at you right now.
We'll take some more calls, then we'll get back into the news.
Please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let's not waste any time.
Giant news blitz is coming up and recaps of top stories.
A Big Brother report on what they're up to.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Dennis in Kansas City.
Can't seem to get my states right.
Dennis, good to talk to you there in Missouri.
I just wanted to tell you good news.
The Kansas City passed a resolution against the Patriot Act.
I heard about it.
I went to one of those big rallies that they had, like you went to, like a peace rally or whatever.
And they announced it, and I guess it's the proof in the Kansas City Star, but I don't take the star, so... If it would pass here, it would pass anywhere, I can promise you in the country.
Dallas threw it out.
Cities and towns everywhere, if you confront the City Council with Section 802, that we're all terrorists under it, all suspected misdemeanors, no Bill of Rights,
Well, it failed the first time, but the second time they did it, I guess
Let me be honest with you though, they're still implementing it in most areas, but at least they're publicly having to say they're repudiating it.
That shows the pressure.
You know, that's good news for here because... You know what I'm saying?
It'd be about like New York trying to throw it out.
New York did.
I know, so that ought to make you feel better.
Thank you.
Hey, good to hear from you.
Great points.
I appreciate that, Dennis.
Let's talk to Sandra in New Jersey.
Sandra, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I was one of the people who called on the morning that Mr. Forkin was on C-SPAN.
And I proceeded to ask him a few questions.
Okay, for those who don't know, recap.
Two weeks later, it is still the top story on C-SPAN.
They say it is their most visited, most watched story.
That's on the main page of C-SPAN.org right now.
Their hit piece on me, and I've called their office and they're not going to be interviewing me at this time.
People need to keep calling them.
Go ahead.
Oh, well, I'm waiting for you to get on there.
But anyways, I asked him a few questions about 911.
And, uh, he proceeded to answer them by saying, uh, uh, about that, uh, they were stupid.
Bush was stupid.
That's, that's why, uh, they, that 9-1-1... He's so stupid he's gotten all this power and got the jack up gas prices and hundreds of billions of unaccountable cash going into their coffers for the defense contracts and, and a huge approval rating.
He's just so dumb he let this happen.
Well, I don't know.
But I listen to you every day, every day.
If I don't get you in the day, I get you out.
You're awesome.
From 2 till 5.
I can't find any man like you.
Where is one?
But anyways, ever since this man got into office, I have been obsessed with trying to find out the truth of why they wanted to get in so bad.
Um, they must have spent the first six months planning 9-1-1.
Oh, that's all come out.
They had the launch orders to go into Afghanistan.
They were all meeting with the Bin Ladens that morning and the head of Pakistani intelligence.
Uh, they had oil fill maps out of all the goodies and how they jack up the prices.
And that's the stuff that's even come out of the commission.
Uh, so yeah, this whole thing was set up.
The PNAC says we need a helpful terror attack to get the oil.
Um, you know, those two buildings came down at the same time.
And, uh, the way they came down, I just saw Vesson Stadium, uh, being, um, imploded yesterday.
And, um, I-I mean, it's like the exact same thing.
How could they come down at the same time?
And, uh, you know, there's so many questions about this.
Um, they're-they're gonna fall because of the internet.
Um, the computer is-is gonna kill them.
And thank you.
Thank you very much.
You're awesome.
Thanks for the call.
We'll come back to take more calls.
Stay with us in FoeWars.com.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing with the lies and disinformation.
Now 8 minutes and 20 seconds into this third hour.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island to Rochester, New York to Los Angeles, California to Austin, Texas.
Simulcasting on global shortwave during the day at 94.75 at night of course at 32.10 and of course on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I said we're going to have open phones and get into a bunch of this other 9-11 whitewash commission news and get into a bunch of Big Brother news, but in the first hour, I had this district attorney, John O. Boyle, on from Pierce County, Wisconsin.
And it was the Wall Street Journal headline story yesterday.
We've got it on the websites right now.
In push to stop drunk driving, police draw blood.
Well, my producer got us another guest on this because I wanted to have somebody pro and con.
We've got somebody who's against it.
And it says, Mr. Jones dies fighting.
And I know people, they beat up, they put guns to their heads, they whatever.
I've read the articles for three years on air where they do it at checkpoints on the side of the road, people.
And they test for everything.
I know people who are arrested for a warrant for not paying parking tickets, and they take their blood in the jail.
I mean, this is Orwellian.
and uh... it's it's just horrible and and i want to read two paragraphs will go to our guest who's an esteemed uh... doctor it says uh... well they've got guard daniel kurski testified that physical resistance to blood draws was a nightly event guards would use whatever force is necessary quote uh... he testified typically handcuffing defendants arms behind their back bending them over and examining
An examination table in the jail nurse's office and holding them down.
Sometimes drivers were held on the floor.
Quote, we always get our blood.
He testified.
Mr. Jones, 270 pounds, tossed several officers off his back with a buck of his head.
Two officers testified.
Officers testified that another stood on him and kicked Mr. Jones's head.
That officer denied the charge.
Suddenly Mr. Jones went limp.
The coroner ruled that Mr. Jones died of acute cardiac arrhythmia, a heart rhythm disturbance, but a second autopsy performed by a retired deputy medical examiner at the request of Mr. Jones' widow found that his head had been beaten and his left eye crushed.
Quote, had it not been for the trauma, he probably would not have died, the doctor testified.
Is this freedom?
Again, imagine the Germans on the train wanting to jam needles into you.
Oh, those evil Nazis!
But in America now, it's freedom, right along with cameras in the school bathrooms.
Now, it says, some physicians are alarmed when doctors, or those working for them, draw blood for police without consent.
The doctors argue that the Hippocratic Oath, which they don't even give anymore, requires them to put patients' needs and desires first, and to respect their privacy and decisions.
Yeah, doctors shouldn't become butchers, and bakers, and candlestick makers for the police, and decisions to decline medical procedures.
The American College of Emergency Physicians said in 1998 that it opposes requiring or permitting doctors to give blood results to police because such reporting fundamentally conflicts with the appropriate role of physicians in the physician-patient relationship.
And this is a quote from the doctor who's with us now.
For me to draw blood from a patient who is refusing to have his blood drawn, unless I have compelling medical reasons for that blood sample, I'm committing assault and battery, and I'm not going to do it, says Dr. Phil Brewer, president of the Connecticut College of Emergency Physicians and a fellow at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
And he joins us now, and again, this sets the precedent, forced inoculations, all of it, sticking needles in people, and taking their person.
Dr. Brewer, thank you for holding during my diatribe, welcome.
Hi, how are you?
I'm doing alright, but I seem to be informed on this, the district attorney wasn't.
I have articles where the cops take the blood on the side of the road, but why are you against this?
Well, what I'm against is what I'm for.
It's probably easier to explain what I'm for.
I'm certainly for pursuing drunk drivers or people who are impaired drivers.
But there's a method for doing that and when it comes to drawing their blood, the laws in the states that I'm aware of,
Uh, only do that under informed consent, meaning, um, the person has asked for permission to draw their blood.
And if they agree, then I'm perfectly willing to draw it.
And if they disagree, then I'm perfectly unwilling to draw it.
Well, Wisconsin did, what, 22,000 of these in 1999 alone.
And I've talked to people where they demand the blood.
And the point is, they have the flashlights that are really breathalyzers.
I mean, they could even hold somebody down and get their breath.
Well, from what I understand, I don't think just showing the presence of alcohol, which is what the flashlights can do, is not enough evidence to convict somebody of a DUI.
You have to establish what their level is.
Well, Doctor, this isn't America having them grab people, hold them down, and take their blood.
Yeah, I certainly don't agree with that.
I do agree with the principle that when you get a driver's license, if you refuse to give blood, then you may forego your driving privileges for a set period of time.
And that's a Supreme Court argument, is it a privilege or not.
If it's the general agreed upon conveyance, it's not, but they have it listed, the automobile, as the unusual conveyance, but that's a whole other debate, and obviously you're involved with the Traffic Safety Administration.
The federal government, so you're probably an expert on this, but let's get into the blood.
Why are you against this?
Well, again, I don't think that... I think when people are brought to emergency departments or to hospitals for medical care, that's the health care team, the physician, nurses, and so forth.
That's their first responsibility is to take care of that patient.
They have other responsibilities to protect the general health and safety, and if they can do both in ways that don't interfere with each other, that's fine.
But I think if you have a person who does not want to give blood, and you're literally wrestling them down to take blood from them against their will, that's clearly way beyond the bounds of medical care.
I don't think so.
A state police officer came to the hospital requesting us to draw somebody's blood.
So at least in this part of the, this neck of the woods, it's not done very often.
Okay, well, it says right here that they did it over 20,000 times in 1999 alone in Wisconsin.
23,500 times.
Also, they have quotes here from the Las Vegas jail guard saying that every night people refuse and they have to hold them down, they have restraining systems, and of course they have the case of them killing someone in Las Vegas.
Do they... I'm not a lawyer, but from what I understand, in those circumstances if somebody refuses,
Certainly in Connecticut, you can only do it with a court order.
Not in these other states that use all color of law.
They beat the living tar out of you, stomp on your head.
I mean, around here in Texas when they arrest you, you can get out peacefully, but they go ahead and slam you around a bit, so it's kind of a... Right.
So up in Connecticut, it's still a bit more genteel.
I suppose, or else...
Maybe there aren't enough police to come to the hospital and investigate these cases.
Well, have you read the Wall Street Journal article?
I haven't, actually.
The gentleman who wrote it interviewed me about a month ago, and we had a fairly long conversation.
It was front page yesterday.
Have to get a copy of it, I suppose.
You can go to InfoWars.com.
Planet.com and it's a top story.
But, yeah, I mean, this is a scary article.
They got jail guards in here snickering and, you know, saying, yeah, people resist every night, but we get the blood.
I mean, it's just scary.
I mean, that just doesn't sound like America.
Well, I've worked on this issue for a long time because in my position,
I can honestly say that with maybe four or five exceptions, over 20 years of practicing full-time as an emergency physician, I have never had a shift without at least one person who was a victim of a drunk driving accident.
That's how widespread it is and how big a problem it is.
It makes, I mean, the issue of people dying from drunk drivers makes 911 look pretty minor by comparison.
Yeah, but those that will give up liberty to attain security will get and deserve neither.
I mean, you know, setting up checkpoints and sucking people's blood, I mean, I'm more afraid of that than I am drunk drivers.
I mean, I drive all the time.
Every once in a while you see a drunk.
The police pull them over.
I mean, I know thousands and thousands and thousands of people die every year from drunks, but thousands and thousands die from distracted drivers.
I mean, now they want to mount cameras in the cars to make sure you're not distracted.
Have you seen those articles?
Yeah, I don't... Big Brother will keep me safe?
I mean... Yeah.
Well, there were 17,000 deaths last year.
All right.
737 and crashed it full of passengers every day.
That's basically what we're faced with.
No, I know, but here's the deal.
It's never going to stop.
There's more bars everywhere.
The society's designed to do it.
Humans have been guzzling alcohol for thousands of years.
And the point is, we're going to end up with the entire population in prison, and it's just going to continue.
Well, we've made a lot of progress.
I mean, there's a lot fewer drunk driving deaths now than there were ten years ago.
I'll tell you what, I want to ask you about that when we get back.
Just do one more little segment with us and then callers will get to you afterwards and I'll get to all the other news.
Because I want to discuss this.
The move to put rathalizers by law in all cars.
It will save us.
We'll talk about that when we get back.
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Alright, here's another quote from
Dr. Phil Brewer, president of the Connecticut College of Emergency Physicians and a fellow of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Dr. Brewer says some doctors fear that reporting alcohol levels to the police might violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which makes the unauthorized disclosure of a patient's record a crime.
Quote, who's willing to take that risk, he asked.
I don't want it to be the test case.
Well, you haven't gotten the word, doctor.
They don't follow the law.
It's all about breaking it if you're the government.
So that's what these people are doing.
But getting back, doctor, into drunk driving, you obviously don't want to come on and defend what's happening, but when a society becomes decadent and you've got idiots everywhere, then the corrupt state gets to come in and run everybody's lives and treat us like children, and then people who don't act like children get treated like children.
But, you know, there's a move in New York, a move, it's almost passed, it's out of the house, in New Mexico, to make everybody get in their car and have a breathalyzer detector automatically.
I mean, I'm not going to put up with that.
What's your comment on that?
Well, I don't think having breathalyzers in all cars is needed or warranted.
The great majority of drivers
Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, and there are plenty of drivers who drive under the influence of other drugs that aren't detected by breathalyzers, so that would be a huge expenditure.
By the way, this district attorney said that if you're on Ritalin or Prozac, and they test your blood and find it, they'll go ahead and arrest you, even if it's prescribed.
Well, if it can be shown that you're impaired by it, that's a pretty difficult thing to do.
But let's just stick to alcohol if you don't mind because that's, I shouldn't have mentioned the other drug, that's my fault.
Alcohol is complicated enough as it is.
In states where the one thing that's been shown in people who are repeat drunk driving offenders, the one thing that seems to work better than anything is interlock devices or having a breathalyzer that
You have to blow into and have a negative reading before you can start your car.
That costs about $70 to install, and there's a $70 a month maintenance fee by whichever company you have put it in.
That's effective, but that's only for people who are repeat offenders, who have had two or three convictions, and especially the ones who are convicted and have lost their licenses
And continue to drive anyway.
To take... You know, what's wrong with these idiots?
I don't know, but there's plenty of them to go around and they will keep driving if you don't take them.
Some of them will keep driving if you don't somehow prevent them.
Another technique that's used in some places is impounding the vehicle.
The problem with that is, if it's a family vehicle,
Then the other people in the family who aren't drunk drivers can't use it.
So the thing that seems to have the least negative impact on the family and the best positive impact on reducing drunk driving is an interlock device or a breathalyzer that's hooked up to your ignition.
But again, that's not for everybody.
That's for repeat offenders.
Yeah, but you notice how this works.
Now they're wanting to make it for everybody.
Well, I don't know of any places where there's actually a law that's advancing and where that's likely to happen.
Very close to passing in New Mexico and New York.
Well, I'm right next door to New York and I've not seen that.
I would be extremely astonished.
That would be such an unpopular law.
I mean, that would basically be
A $600 or $700 tax on every single car.
I can't imagine that actually being enacted.
Past the House in New Mexico.
Yeah, well, you know, sometimes people pass laws knowing that they're not going to be signed into law for political reasons.
Oh, for publicity.
I doubt very much that Bill Richards, who I think is the governor of New Mexico, would stay governor very long if he signed that law.
No, they've got a new one.
Well, whoever the governor is,
He or she is not going to sign that law because that'll be the end of their term.
No, I think it is, Richardson.
I don't know, I don't have a terrible memory.
Former Clinton Energy Secretary.
Okay, well, Doctor, anything else you want to add here?
Well, again, this is a tricky issue because people certainly do have the right to go out and drive on safe roads, and one of the major menaces to
I think wrestling people down and drawing blood against their will is definitely not a good idea.
Well, that's an old American ideal.
Hey, Doctor, thanks for coming on.
Alright, thank you.
We'll be back with your calls and more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We have unaccountable power and authority in this country by a bunch of government twits and their banker bosses.
That think that we are their property, and I'm sick and tired of it.
What about you?
Let's go ahead and take some calls.
Because they can talk about drunk driving all day, my friends.
Governments last century killed 200 million people.
Innocent people.
Let's talk about that.
Let's talk about how they're getting control of our lives to do it again.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Since you drive without a driver's license contract, police lack jurisdiction to force you to take a blood alcohol test under implied consent.
So that's a good thing.
It's all color of law.
You heard the doctor fellow in the federal government saying it's illegal for him to do this, but they still do it.
Well, medical doctors murder a thousand times more people in car crashes with
I don't know about a hundred times, but it's way over what the cars do, and that's an official number.
Well, it's five million Americans die every year out of three hundred million.
One and a half million doctors confess to killing, but they're never arrested for murder.
Those numbers have come out.
The most dangerous thing to do is to go visit a doctor.
Doctors also do great work, but they make a lot of mistakes.
That's why they call it a practice.
Well, I worked as an investigator on two wrongful death lawsuits of people tortured and murdered by police.
In one case, an ex-cop was beaten to death on the side of a road during a DUI arrest.
In another $10 million case, an innocent, unconvicted woman was murdered in solitary confinement by denial of food, water, and medical care during a diabetic coma.
After death, she tested a .40 blood alcohol level without drinking alcohol because she was in jail for six months.
This is a normal score for a diabetic.
The blood tests are a huge scam no matter who does them.
A good blood test is very expensive.
Hospitals don't even do tests that can test for alcohol because they give false positives all the time.
Well, I know this.
I mean, I just read the Chicago Sun-Times, where Homeland Security is controlling Hollywood.
They got a $70 million fake newscast, and they're funding that tortures good, selling us on this.
So get ready to be tortured, because cops think they're heroes when they torture you.
Well, that's an assault to stick a needle in your arm that can kill you.
And Mr. Boyle... By the way, they admit that there are a lot of conditions where that will cause you to go into shock or die, and that's what the doctors are saying.
But the cops don't care.
All it takes is an air bubble to kill you.
And Mr. Boyle, in your interview, admitted that a person is already under arrest for DUI before the blood test is taken.
This means police do not require a blood test to win a conviction for DUI.
It also means there's no passing score.
And a Tennessee driver handbook right now confesses, quote, a driver can register a BAC of 0.0% and still be convicted of DUI, the level
The BAC does not clear a driver when it's below the presumed level of intoxication of .08.
End quote.
So the whole thing's a big scam.
It is.
It's a huge money maker.
Thanks for the call.
Very interesting.
They're going to keep us safe.
Let's talk to Ian in Canada.
Ian, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I wanted to give you a heads up on the continuing saga of gun control up here.
Just as a preamble,
You know that they brought in the gun registration and of course the illicit gun market exploded.
And then the guns they registered, what they banned, 63% of the guns registered within one year.
Yeah, the same old story.
Criminality with guns has exploded.
The illicit gun market exploded.
Well, it's the same thing with drugs.
1% of America
Use opiates, okay?
Turn of the century.
Then by the 30s, they had banned it.
That made it have greater value.
Then there was a market to push it.
Push it on your children in the schoolyard, push it, the police pushing it, and then now, upwards of what, 25 or 30 percent of people use opiates at one time or another.
So, this is the point.
It's a scientific fact, and I, there was some idiot congressman on C-SPAN this morning going, we have to morally keep going, we'll never defeat it, but we have to morally fight it.
You're pushing Ritalin and Prozac on more people that's just as bad or worse!
It's a sick joke, it's an excuse for these goons to get into our lives!
Well, let me get to this point.
I'm sort of building up to something that's going to absolutely enrage you when you hear this.
Of course, the billion-dollar gun program was supposed to cost two million, but I'm convinced that that billion dollars has been redirected, like they did with the Clinton administration, into buying armored vehicles and state-of-the-art body armor and automatic weapons for our municipal police forces, which have been equipped with this.
And there was no
I saw that article.
Which one are you talking about?
Now understand now!
They have 85-year-old retired railway workers.
I see these articles every month, but in one particular case we had them on a few years ago.
You have your gun owner ID card in Illinois, and it's usually old people.
They forget to re-register each year and pay their privilege fee, and they do a SWAT team raid on them.
What do they call them?
Cage teams.
And so yeah, now you haven't paid your child support, you get this black scheme-ass goon raid.
It's all about intimidation.
Alex, did you hear last, I think it was Friday,
We have welcomed the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms people.
Those murdering bandits are going to establish an office in Toronto.
Oh, how wonderful.
Well, it's been radically expanded.
They built a giant new building for them in D.C.
Lord Bush did that.
I mean, it's so conservative.
And there's no outrage on the part of all the liberals up here.
The Canadians, they convince themselves and delude themselves that they're the nicest country.
In the world.
And this is often a foil they use against the American character as they perceive it.
But you don't see any outrage of this.
There hasn't... You'd think that people who really believe that they're so nice and so socialist would be up in arms.
Now I want you to understand, I'm a guy, as far as guns are concerned, I don't have any.
They're like golf clubs.
I don't need them and I don't need more stuff in my life.
But I know that the right of my neighbor to possess firearms protects me.
And I know the history of the ATF.
Maybe you could give me a little potted history of the ATF.
Weren't they involved in the murder at Waco?
Aren't they in fact involved in the control of illicit gun trading?
It's the most criminal organization that's on the surface in the federal government.
And thanks for the call.
I'll go over that here briefly.
They were known as the regulators, the enforcers, and before the feds got smart and banned alcohol for a decade, so the politicians could all run the alcohol trade themselves and make huge profits.
Again, there were all this competition, thousands of breweries, thousands of whiskey makers, and so the big whiskey families, this is all public information, lobbied to have it banned.
They then publicly had their factories and made it and shipped it out and nothing was done.
The first checkpoints were set up and they would search the vehicles.
It was a good way to corrupt the police.
Alcoholism tripled.
Massive increases in alcohol poisoning because it was a bad quality.
Just, the Seagrams folks up in Canada, you're good folks, the Brothmans, they lobbied for it and made record money out of it, the Kennedys and others did.
And so they brought all this in.
But before that, going back into the 1800s, 1900s, even before that, even before the 30s and the 20s,
People would brew their own whiskey and not pay a tax.
So the regulators would have shootouts, kill people.
They started acting as bandits.
They would just rob people, randomly set up checkpoints.
And they were bounty hunters.
They were just criminals.
And so they were the most hated people out there.
That's why in a lot of rural areas, you know, the feds are hated to this day.
Because they'd rape people's wives, they'd take over towns.
I mean, it was horrible.
And that's what happened during Reconstruction, too, with the Northern soldiers.
You give them unlimited power, this happens in history.
It's human nature.
You support the troops, don't you?
I mean, that's a sick line.
So the BATF was the Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco.
And then they slapped firearms onto it.
And they said, oh, this evil hillbilly had a shotgun.
He saw it off and shot somebody.
Let's ban that.
Oh, yeah, that's a hillbilly gun.
Let's ban it.
And that's how it all started.
And so in big insurance scams by big globalists, they're allowed to burn down their buildings.
BATF covers it up.
And then they'll go after a few real arsonists or a few people that are innocent.
A few tokens, symbolic busts of people running illegal cigarettes.
I mean, it's just all a big scam.
Research the BATF.
They are just an incredibly criminal organization.
I mean, they'll plant a gun on you in a minute.
Some of the states have passed the so-called gun show loophole law.
Well, then that means you can't buy a gun from your neighbor if more than two people are there.
So they'll have three people there.
Your neighbor was really a BATF officer with their friend there.
So that makes it three people, an illegal gun show.
And you end up getting five years in federal prison.
And the Republicans, of course, support with the Democrats.
Project Exile, it's a gun crime.
Now it's federal.
Special federal prosecutors.
I mean, it's just amazing.
Let's talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, go ahead.
Hey Alex, two points if I can get to them, if not, oh well.
First of all, on CNN, Ryan Lamb, notice how one caller said, so you do everything Alex Jones tells you to do?
Totally out of the blue.
Like you're some kind of cult leader or something.
Yeah, I just sit here reading mainstream news articles of what they're doing to us and make films.
People that agree with someone else or are in sympathetic intellectual belief with someone else, they're blindly following them, I guess.
So when you vote for Bush, you just do whatever he tells you to do, yeah?
What did you think of that C-SPAN piece?
It was just a remarkable piece of disinformation.
I don't have the number in front of me, but I'm asking all our listeners, to be nice to them, but to go to InfoWars.com, Brian Lamb still on the main page, click on the phone numbers there, call their office and say,
You know, Alex has been nice about this.
Brian Lamb talks about him all the time.
He's had two authors on that have written books about him, attacking him.
You know, don't tell Alex that, well, this is the election cycle, we're not on that now, when you just have this, quote, conspiracy author on.
You know, give Alex, you know, a fair shake, his fair time.
To defend himself.
Pardon me?
Equal time.
To defend yourself, absolutely.
It doesn't matter.
The MC span is so fair and balanced.
I want everybody tomorrow morning, Washington Journal, all the shows, please call them in the morning.
Let's come on, it's 6 o'clock central or something.
Call into that show and tell them, hey, have Alex Jones on.
Let him defend himself.
Well, let him debate this expert on conspiracy, you know.
And, you know, if they're afraid of me, I'm going to be nice if I go on the show.
Look, I don't even care about going on the show.
I need to defend myself here.
Well, they're denying me the same opportunity in our statewide paper that's the only paper here.
But I may not have time to get to that.
What was your second point?
Go ahead.
Well, the first point is actually more germane to this show.
I was driving down the road at night the other night.
You know, a cop comes behind me, he starts tailgating me to see.
Now, I pulled kind of a rolling stop, but there was nobody around except him, and I kind of pulled in front of him a little too fast.
So anyway, he starts, not tailgating, but he would have soon, to kind of put pressure on me to speed up.
There's not a convenient place to turn off.
They're trying to force me into something, right?
So anyway, he stops me, gets out.
He admits that he knows about my sworn affidavit.
And I explained to him, you know, nicely, I was real nice, that you're going to have to
Approved that this ordinance applies to me.
You're going to have to swear under the penalty of perjury.
Are you prepared to do that?
And it's all on video record.
Now, I notice he doesn't have a name tag or badge number, just a cloth patch.
And I, you know, pointed that out to him.
He said, well, we're not required to do that anymore.
I said, well, who told you that?
Because they need to be held totally accountable.
We don't have secret police here.
Almost all the state codes, the federal code, they have to have their identification out.
Right, and they got little tiny numbers on the front and back bumpers of their cars instead of painted big on the side so you can't see what car it is.
You know, why not just wear a mask?
So anyway, now the guy starts getting hot-tempered.
Another cop car, you know, during the checking my license and all that, he calls for backup for no reason, and I'm being totally calm.
And this other guy sneaks up like I can't see him.
And he starts coming and trying to, you know, chew me out.
So I start pulling away and nodding and saying, am I free to go?
It's over 15 minutes.
This is detainment.
Am I under arrest?
As I'm pulling away, using my left arm to signal that I'm pulling into the lane.
And the other guy is saying, okay, see ya.
He was actually pretty cool.
So then the second guy starts shouting at me, my windows down, put your seatbelt on!
Okay, so now I completely ignore him.
I ignore what he was saying before.
Then he says it again.
He shouts at me again.
Put your seatbelt on!
Like he's my nanny, you know.
Dress nice and warm or I'll crack your head open.
That's how concerned he is for your well-being.
So I just defied him and drove off.
And that was the end of that.
But I thought you'd find that interesting.
Because that's all recorded.
Last point, you've got 30 seconds.
Okay, the Tribune, I wanted to counteract the falsehoods the Tribune's printed by.
Ed Fielder of the Heritage Foundation, that the notorious sections of the Patriot Act are sunsetted.
Yeah, that's true.
The sunset section sunsets the stuff about how we love the liberals and happy birdies and all the really serious stuff is not sunsetted.
Well, I tried to counteract that and by personal grudge and retaliation or at least extreme negligence
We're good to go.
Well, especially when I said it appeared the editor-in-chief and the publisher have entered into a conspiracy against me.
Yeah, they can't take your letter and edit it and then not later let you pay for your own notice.
Especially the one... Gotta let you go, gotta let you go.
Michael in Rhode Island, or Michelle in Rhode Island, go ahead.
Michelle, it's good to talk to you here on the show today.
Hey, I wanted to, um... I had an idea when you were talking about the drunk driving.
Instead of mothers against drunk driving, maybe we should have mothers against government control.
And name it Magic.
But anyway... No, that's a good idea.
Or Mothers Against Police States.
But I wanted to ask you a favor.
There's a guy running for President under the Libertarian Party named Aaron Russo.
He wants to close the borders, ensure the Second Amendment is still passed.
Yeah, we've got him coming on the show.
He's been on the network.
Yeah, and has he been on your show recently?
No, he's been on other people's shows and on the network.
Right, I've heard him on Dave & Joyce.
I know that the Libertarian Party Convention is in May and he's probably going to win the nomination for the party.
I didn't know if you'd consider having it on or not.
Yeah, I got phone numbers for him and stuff and I guess they were wrong, but it's being set up.
Okay, good.
I look forward to that, and you take care, Alex.
Hey, thanks a lot for the call, Michelle.
We're going to break here in a few seconds, and then I'll come back and hit five or six articles I haven't covered, and just bravely throw out the mailing address and phone number and websites to get the videos and the books and materials.
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I think so.
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Alright, my friends.
Final segment.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
Government will track ID card use, as if we didn't already know that.
And again, you go into the grocery store and they say, oh, your stuff's going to be $25.
More because you don't have our
What do they call it?
Loyalty card.
That's training you that if you don't biometrically scan, you don't get the discount.
And then, oh, then it'll be the law.
But in England they admit, and the London Guardian, the government does, that, oh yeah, we're going to use this to track everything you do.
It's the same system.
Indicated yesterday, Stephen Harrison, the head of the Home Office's Identity Card Policy Unit, that yesterday there was also plans to introduce mobile electronic fingerprint and eye scan units to allow elderly and infirm people in rural areas to register for identity cards without traveling long distances.
And again, they make you in a lot of the stores in England, thumb scan to buy and sell, get into bars to get your driver's license.
To buy gas, just start tracking what you buy and do, which is what the Total Information Awareness Network said it was all about.
The Register reports NEC Demos Big Brother Biometric Phone Booth.
And it says the biometric team has developed a facial recognition algorithm they claim can match a captured image with a database with better accuracy than ever before.
And they said they want to make you do this to use a phone booth.
Make sure there's no fraud involved.
It'll save children.
Cameras to guard New City Parks.
They're going to guard you.
Beginning with the Skate and Splash Park, all New City Parks and Rogers will have an all-day, all-night patron, Big Brother.
See, recasting Big Brother is loving and good.
Parks Director Jim Welch said Monday morning at a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission that a recent arson
It's like anything else, if you know a camera is watching,
It will keep honest people honest.
Oh, guilty until proven innocent.
And in Michigan, five years ago, they've been doing it.
Cameras in most of the state bathrooms and they admit over the toilets.
Why, that'll stop vandalism.
Don't have cops bust people that are doing stuff in the bathrooms.
Just make, you know, we all, you know, keep you safe.
Stop criminals.
You know, it's good.
Israel to kill in U.S.
and allied nations.
Nobody ever believes this when I mention it.
So I thought I'd re-read this.
United Press International, 1-15-03.
Israel has embarked upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries.
Former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International.
It's already going on.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now.
These sources said speaking in condition of anonymity.
The Israeli statements were confined.
Confirmed by more than a half-dozen former and currently serving U.S.
foreign policy and intelligence officials in the interviews with United Press International.
Just thought I'd mention that because, you know, I mean, if Israel bombed the USS Liberty knowingly to blame it on Egypt, with our government's blessing, imagine a very useful hit team served domestically.
Don't have time to cover the other stuff.
It was incredible.
But we'll get back to it tomorrow and back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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God bless you all.
Again, see you back tonight, back tomorrow.
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