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Name: 20040322_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 22, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It is the 22nd of March 2004 on this live Monday edition.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central during the day, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We've got several guests coming up today and a ton of very important, riveting information for you.
The websites are being updated as we speak.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Al-Qaeda's number two man claims to have nukes.
Osama Bin Laden's terror network claims to have bought ready-made nuclear weapons on the black market in Central Asia.
The biographer of Al-Qaeda's number two leader was quoted as telling an Australian television station.
Now they claim it's Al-Zawahiri, but there's a problem.
They claim they killed him, they claim that they've captured him, and we have the mainstream news articles posted under this one at PrisonPlanet.com.
I mean, they don't even come up with the new names for these boogie men.
Did they get them from Russia, like Alexander Lebed said?
You know, there was over a hundred of these suitcase portable nukes, or tactical nukes, or frogs missing.
They call them frogs.
So, we'll get into that.
warns imminent attack may target airliners and ships any minute.
This is from a White House that's been caught issuing fake terror alerts, admittedly, to create scripted hysteria.
Ex-Advisor, Blast Bush Terror Response, was on 60 Minutes yesterday, on Sunday, saying that within minutes of the 9-11 attack taking place, it was Iraq, it was Iraq, and when, as the weeks progressed, and it was proven that Iraq had no connection, they still tried to put it out in the media, which is why in major polls, a lot of Americans still believe that Saddam is bin Laden, and bin Laden is Saddam.
They are both former CIA, of course, but the point is,
That they wanted to attack Iraq immediately and go ahead and launch that war, which of course they ended up doing.
So did Bush press for Iraq 9-11 link?
Clearly they did.
Hamas chief killed an airstrike.
Now there will be more fighting back and forth between these people than this tribal war that never ends.
Also, last Friday, the Taiwanese pro-independence president
And one of his aides were shot and both grazed while they were driving around in an open-backed vehicle, jeep.
And a lot of people are saying they think that it's a problem-reaction solution.
That's what protesters in the streets are saying.
And the opposition parties, they think it was a staged event because both of them were grazed.
We don't know, but hospital staff were saying that the security services were at the hospital that morning, hours before it even happened, getting ready for something.
And now the hospital staff have given, that is the head of the hospital, a press conference saying it's not true.
I don't know if this is true or not, but I know that Musharraf, the dictator of Pakistan, it's admitted, did stage
Fake bomb attacks on himself, and then last week they supposedly foiled a bomb attack on Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Now, we know that's been admitted.
They've been caught doing that.
I'm pro-Taiwan.
I don't want to think this of them, but frankly, we've got to look at the evidence here, and this is what governments love to do.
Thousands and thousands came out and protested in Spain.
We read the Spanish newspapers.
They weren't protesting a supposed terrorist.
They were saying that they thought the government did it.
And this is the point we've gotten to.
This is the point we needed to get to.
Where when there is a bombing, the first suspect is the government who gets the most power and control and has the motive.
And then we have all the past examples in England and Russia and Germany and Israel and in the US.
Of our government scaring out terror attacks to blame it on shadowy enemies they indeed have created.
So more on all this coming up.
Huge show lined up for you.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will also take calls early in the shower at 800-259-9231.
We'll also talk about the Coca-Cola company having to pull all its bottled water because of a poison in it.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Something very interesting has been happening.
Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell and George W. and Condoleezza Rice and Richard Perle and Wolfowitz, the rest of them, got up on television, literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times, and told the American people that they were sure Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and was about to attack us, that the threat was imminent, imminent, imminent, imminent, imminent,
That was the byword.
And then, in the last three months, they got up on television dozens and dozens and dozens of times.
Combined, I'm sure it was over a hundred times, but I don't watch much TV, and every time I turned it on, they were saying it.
We never claimed that there were weapons of mass destruction.
We never said it was an imminent threat.
This is an urban legend, a wives' tale, perpetrated by liars in the media.
Well, really, your neocon big government minions are still on the radio and TV saying that they're mobile weapons trucks, bio trucks, mass graves.
They're still using fake dossiers, still saying that Niger really did transfer uranium.
I mean, they're not stopping!
They're still telling the lie of a year ago.
Yeah, it's been a year and two days.
367 days since the big kickoff of the premeditated illegal war that's meant to make the U.N.
look like the good cop and America the bad cop and bring us into the new world order.
Full speed.
So later in this hour, I'm going to play this little two-minute clip.
We've had it posted for about a week.
We're putting it back up on the main page.
Rumsfeld's lies.
Finally, something incredible happened.
He was on a national television show owned by the Beck Military Industrial Complex, and I guess they know their lies aren't working anymore, so they've got to try to at least act like they're telling the truth some to keep some of their vanishing credibility.
Forty percent
It's over 40.
You see numbers of 35 to 42 percent in major Nielsen ratings and polls have left the mainstream media.
They're just not watching it.
They lost 40 percent plus, depending on what poll you look at of their audience.
So they're trying some of this damage control and they bring up to Rumsfeld very politely, the reporter did, well, you know, the administration talked about this imminent threat and Rumsfeld said, what do you mean?
That's an urban legend.
You know, that's one of these lies brought up by the mainstream media, you know.
And they said, well, here's a bunch of your quotes where you and the President and others said it.
Which, by the way, they had the video clips.
I wish they would have played the video clips.
I wish we had the staff to do it.
I taped for two weeks before the war, the two weeks during the, you know, big military activities.
The war is still going on.
And I remember Rumsfeld saying,
We have paid off two of the three regular army groups in Iraq.
We've paid off most of the Republican Guard.
We've got special forces there paying them off.
They're going to give up.
It's going to be an easy victory, which was true.
Then days after they had declared the victory, from the aircraft carrier, Rumsfeld gets up there and the press said, I've got this on tape.
Again, I just literally have an entire shelf of videos just that I've taped on three different VCRs, taping different channels.
And I was sitting there watching, and as Rumsfeld got back up there, somebody had planned to make a film and show all these lies.
And the reporter said, well, did we have a quick victory because you paid off the military?
And see, now Rumsfeld was trying to get us to accept the war before, so he told the truth about how they paid him off.
Now he wanted to say our troops were the most incredible ever, and he said they fought the greatest opposition, but just crushed all of it, and no one gave up.
And people showed the video of peaceful people in trucks driving down the highway, big machine gun, families falling out dead of the vehicles as they exploded.
You know, images of dead women piled up on the street corners.
They were going, you know, you're just attacking innocent people.
You know, the troops wanted to attack somebody.
Nobody's really fighting back.
Why are you doing this?
And he said, that's ridiculous.
We never paid anybody off.
We fought full resistance.
I mean, it's double speak.
It's double think.
And I'm glad that, you know, the mainstream media is being forced to talk about this some.
And the neocons go, well, what are you?
Some kind of socialist who supports John Forbes Carey?
And again, obviously not.
That's the false paradigm.
Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Chuckie Schumer, all of the crew, the big government socialist, America-hating, North Vietnam-supporting crew, you know, the flag-burning crew, they all voted for the war.
Again, in action, they're identical.
In rhetoric, they're diametrically opposed.
So don't let the neocons, who've doubled the growth of government than we saw under Bill Clinton, don't let them sit around and go, it's conservative to believe all the lies.
Stop being part of this grand illusion, this grand illusion.
Cannot accept lies of this magnitude, my friends.
And it's almost like they're practicing lies on purpose, just to desensitize us to it.
This Al-Jawwari guy, Bin Laden's number two lieutenant,
The guy who met with the CIA at the American Hospital in Dubai, way back in 2001, in July for 10 days, they claim they killed him, they claim they captured him, I mean, we've got the BBC, the London Guardian, the Associated Press, hosted underneath
The current article that he's about to nuke us any minute, and boy they're hot on his tail there in the border region between Tora Bora, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and man they're hot on his tail, they're about to capture him any minute.
And then nobody in the press, we have to go back and get the articles, goes, well, wait a minute, you claim you captured him, you claim you killed him.
Which they still hold out there as official reports.
They don't even change the names of these people, you know, what the new boogeyman is.
They just keep retreading them, reusing them, over and over again, recycling them, I guess is the operative word.
They don't even change the names of the boogeymen.
It's like 1984, where Goldstein is defeated thousands of times, this shadowy, perbed, bearded man, this demon,
He just keeps coming back over and over again.
They claim they killed Saddam's sons three times.
They claim they killed Saddam's cousin over and over again.
Chemical Ali!
I mean, what is the truth here?
What's really going on here?
Why do they tell such ridiculously shoddy lies to us?
This is propaganda.
This is a propaganda campaign.
Later in the show, I want to tell you the ridiculous story of what happened when I went out to Crawford, Texas there, at the little local municipal park.
To give a speech and to introduce Ralph Nader.
And again, I'm not part of the Ralph Nader campaign.
I know that the greens are like watermelons.
Green on the outside, red on the inside.
But he's speaking out against NAFTA and GATT and 9-11 and a lot of other things.
And I was invited to give a speech to a whole bunch of people.
And you know, I'm not going to turn that down.
I'll speak to the Libertarians.
I did at the Distinguished Speaker Series yesterday.
That was a lot of fun.
That was great to see everybody out there at the University of Texas for that, in that packed meeting hall at the UT Union Building.
But I went out there and I gave a speech, but the annex of the leftists that were there,
The intelligence community, that's the name of the group up in Dallas that runs Nader's campaign and brought Nader in, and they're anti-New World Order, pro-gun, they were wearing pro-gun, you know, my Mass Murders Agree Gun Control Works t-shirts, just great people!
They rented out the park, they got the permit, they brought Ralph Nader in, and the local leftist said, oh, let us have some of the time, you know, we're going to get the time before you!
And so they did.
And so they used Ralph Nader's people, sound system, everything.
And when they saw that I was there to speak, well they tried to keep me from speaking beforehand and told me I wasn't welcome even though the people that were with Nader had set it all up.
I get there, and when this local UT professor sees me and he's up there speaking, he goes, Ralph Nader is the last speaker when he gets here.
And by the way, Ralph Nader was to be there on the time of the intelligence community group that had set that up.
And when Nader got there, they literally had to have the police stand there and give the gun-grabbing socialist the cue to get off the stage so I could introduce Ralph Nader.
It was just something else, and I got video of all of this about an hour before Nader got there.
They had some local musician up there going... I mean, it was an incredible little song.
And of course, it was all white guys up there preaching how bad America is.
And then I got the word that some people were angry because I was a white male who's against open borders, and that's why they were so upset.
And they were very upset by the Ralph Nader people who were wearing pro-gun shirts.
Well, that really freaked them out, and they were just pulling their hair out.
But it was an adventure.
It was a lot of fun, but I'll get more into that later.
That I forgot just how disgusting real live feel-good elitist leftists are.
So basically what it was is they were mad that Nader was even coming so they weaseled in and said we're going to set up and have our own peace rally before it and then they were just there to try to
Because they think Nader's going to get Bush in, as if it even matters with all the CIA-run electronic voting machines, as if it really matters with Kerry and Bush being cousins, as if it really matters when they're both skull and bones.
I mean, at least Nader will inject some different ideas into the campaign.
And you know, some say Nader could be a shill, and he certainly could be, but I have to tell you, after the reporting I saw, AP reporters, Reuters reporters, all these people there, none of their stories made it on the wire.
They picked up a story on the wire written in New York, and the one quote they have was from a veteran who thought these kids ought to support Bush.
That shows you right there, I don't think they're too supportive of Nader, the establishment.
Or they would have let him talk in the debates back in 2000.
Remember that?
He was scheduled, but they threatened to arrest him.
Just like they did arrest Alan Keyes, who was scheduled to speak at the Republican debates back in 96.
We'll be back with a bunch of other news in your calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got Paul Joseph Watson, who does his Monday Report with us every Monday.
Coming up in the next hour, just a whole slew of incredible news articles.
Exposing the criminal activities of the global elite.
I know we've got MOLTA in Denmark and Brock in Canada and Don in Wisconsin and Richard in Florida and many others.
The total free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
I wanted to talk about, briefly here, some of our top stories, and we'll come back in the next segment and start going to your calls.
We do have that Rumsfeld clip that's been posted on the site for a while.
We're reposting it on the main page when he lied on Face the Nation a few weeks ago, a week and a half ago, and got caught in the lie.
That's an important clip.
A lot of people haven't heard it or seen it.
Obviously, here on the radio, you can only hear it.
At Infowars.com, you can see it.
Al-Qaeda, number two, claims to have nukes.
Some of Bin Laden's terror network claims to have bought ready-made nuclear weapons on the black market in Central Asia.
So the globalists are creating that ledger now, that history of how they got them before they used them.
And gee, the elite, after a major city gets bombed,
It's going to really hate taking all your freedoms and running your life and the military industrial complex is going to hate even owning more private prisons and FEMA centers and all the scanning cameras and the police state grid.
It's just terrible.
The elite just hates all the power they'll get out of this.
Osama Bin Laden's terror network claims to have bought ready-made nuclear weapons on the black market in Central Asia.
The biographer of Al Qaeda's number two leader was quoted as telling an Australian television station.
In an interview scheduled to be aired today, Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir and Ayman Al-Zawahiri claimed that smart briefcase bombs, that's a quote, were available on the light market.
It was not clear when the interview between Mir and Al-Zawahiri took place.
Well, that's another thing.
Remember last year, what about six months ago, they aired new Al-Qaeda tapes with Al-Zawahiri and others threatening to nuke us and attack us any minute?
And then people looked at it and said, wait a minute, this new Pentagon release video is old, edited, uh, release tapes by bin Laden and their number two man.
This isn't real.
And our government knew that, but put it out.
Again, more fear mongering.
This is a government that just spent $70 million for fake newscasts airing all over the country, including Austin, Texas, where I'm sitting.
I mean, come on, people.
intelligence agencies have long believed that Al-Qaeda attempted to acquire a nuclear device on the black market, but say there is no evidence it was successful.
In the interview with Australian Broadcasting Corporation, television parts of which were released Monday, Meir recalled telling Al-Zawahiri it was difficult to believe that Al-Qaeda had nuclear weapons when the terror network didn't have the equipment to maintain or use them.
Dr. Zawahiri launched
Into a laughing fit and said, Mr. Mir, if you have 30 million, go to the black market in Central Asia, contact any disgruntled Soviet scientist, and a lot of smart briefcase bombs are available, Mir said in an interview.
Which isn't true.
Our government has spent tens of billions of dollars buying these off the Russians and having them decommissioned.
If these were sold to any of these former, and I mean current CIA people like al-Zawahiri and bin Laden,
Or Pakistani President Musharraf, or Amoud Ahmed, or any of them, it was done under the absolute okay of the overlords.
So, brace yourselves for that, and believe me folks, 9-11 was only the precursor, the primer, to tell you, give up your liberty when the terror attacks, give up your liberty when the evil terrorists hit you, so when the bigger event comes, and notice each event gets bigger, they will really clamp down.
Because we've been getting the word out and educating people, and because in Spain they don't buy that terrorists did it, they think it's the government.
Because in Taiwan they don't even buy the president there saying he got shot, they think it's staged.
Whether that's true or not, the people don't trust you anymore!
From Texas to Spain to Japan, people think the government is behind everything.
Which, in many cases, they are.
So it's really neutralizing the establishment.
They'd better watch out.
This is out of World Tribune.
warns of imminent attack.
May target airliners and ships.
The United States has warned its nationals to be alert for a major attack in the Middle East.
Well, there may be a real attack after they killed the Hamas leader.
The State Department has issued an announcement that warned of an attack on civilian passenger jets in the Middle East.
The announcement said Al-Qaeda aligned groups, because there's no real Al-Qaeda, it's always some aligned group, could be planning strikes against U.S.
interest in the region.
Why do I think they may be getting ready for a big attack, the globalists?
Well, because I'm seeing lots of fear-mongering on television now.
Just like what we saw before 9-11, priming us.
Terrorists are about to attack.
Give your liberties up immediately when it happens.
These are like Jim Jones' Kool-Aid drinking drills.
When the attack comes, dump down the Kool-Aid, give up all your freedoms to the men in black uniforms and ski masks.
They're the good guys.
Get on the bus to go to the Wrestling Relocation Center.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends, here's a brief
Synopsis of what's coming up, then we'll go straight to your calls.
We'll get more into how they continually kill and capture Bin Laden's number two man.
Now they're hot on his tail again.
Again, the recycled boogeyman that thinks so little of us that he doesn't come up with new names.
...of their CIA assets.
We'll get into that and the whole nuke threat, they say, is imminent any moment.
We'll get into Rumsfeld wanting to attack Iraq on the day of September 11th.
This out of the Sunday Herald.
Ex-White House advisor, Blass Bush, terror response.
He says the CIA and FBI, actual analysts, not the bosses, but the actual analysts are going, this is ridiculous.
Saddam is involved in this.
Come on, this is crazy.
They said, we don't care.
We're going after Saddam.
They said, this is a visible target to make the people feel good.
So let's admittedly, this is a White House official saying that they wanted just to attack somebody they knew was innocent because it would look good politically.
I mean, that is incredible.
Also, Hamas chief killed in airstrikes.
We'll get more into, is it a staged assassination attempt on the Chinese
He's an enemy of the Chinese because he's for sovereignty in Taiwan, but now they're saying it's a staged assassination attempt on the Taiwanese president.
We'll get into all of those articles.
Conspiracy theories rampant in Taiwan, the Seattle Times Post-Intelligencer is saying, and Thousand Condemned Taiwan Assassinations stunt, they're saying again that it is a staged deal, and even though I support Taiwan, we need to investigate this and find out if that indeed is the truth.
Also, it's past the House, it's now going into the Senate,
And it's a bill to have the federal government monitor free speech on the campuses and not allow it if it's anti-Israel.
And you know it's not going to stop with not allowing criticism of Israel.
It's going to move on from there.
And the New York-based Jewish Week newspaper claimed that the report by American Free Press that Republican members of the Senate were planning to crack down on college and university professors
Who were critical of Israel was, quote, dangerous urban legend at best, deliberate disinformation at worst.
In short, they were saying AFP lied.
Well, now it has passed, ladies and gentlemen, out of one of the two bodies in Congress,
And we'll go over that piece of legislation for you as well.
And I want to get Michael Collins Piper from America Free Press on regarding this issue.
Also, U.S.
will retain power in sovereign Iraq.
Again, they appoint the Puppet Council.
They then appoint another Puppet Council, and they call that an election.
And then admit that it will continue to be a Vice Roy holding of Halliburton, basically.
Also, the Trusted Traveler Total Information Awareness Network System is moving forward.
Jerusalem Post reporting about Israel, sections of Israel arming Iran.
Again, we've talked about this quite a bit.
That's coming up as well and a lot more.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls as promised.
Malta in Denmark.
Malta, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I tried to call you the last four months, but
If I call after six o'clock, it's very hard to come in.
Okay, you're on the air, sir.
What's on your mind?
You think we have a chance to win these battles at all?
We do have a chance to win these battles against evil, but it's an eternal fight against evil.
It's always going to come back at us.
But yes, I mean, we have headed off a lot of other globalist terror activities and criminal activities in the past.
I'm very... this Constitution we have here in Europe.
They want to make a Constitution for Europe.
Well, yeah, and the Constitution for Europe gives dictatorial power to the Governing Council.
I'm afraid this Patriot Act maybe could be put in that legislation.
You already have many pieces of law
Color of Law stuff that are mirror images of the Patriot Act.
Yeah, we have that for many years.
You have this in the library.
The police come snagging the libraries.
If you don't know.
Yeah, the police can... I think that's possible the last 10-15 years here.
Yeah, they look at what you read, all part of living in a free country.
Just one thing we don't have, it's not illegal to the library to tell the police is looking for what you're reading.
Ah yes, under the Patriot Act, when they go in a bookstore, not just a library, but Borders Books and many others,
When they go in and demand reading records, purchase records, from the libraries or private businesses, they're not allowed to tell anyone or they're arrested as terrorists.
Yes, good job for having your facts right on that.
So the libraries are allowed to tell people that the police have been by in Denmark.
Here in Denmark they're allowed to say if they're interested in what you do in the library.
Hey Malta, what's your take on what happened in Spain?
I don't know.
I think it was something... maybe Mossad.
I don't know.
I don't know.
There was a link on David Icke's homepage.
Something about maybe Mossad, I don't know.
Well, I know they were there just hours after helping with the investigation, but there's other groups out there carrying out terror other than Mossad, but whatever happened... One thing I will mention now, maybe I get in trouble when I say it, I have been contacting people, a friend of mine, a night he was coming to his apartment, and say, I am from the, what are you calling,
The Patriots League, I was on the board, and he had some information about the Illuminati.
He says they are losing money like bats.
And he says he knows where they're holding here in Denmark.
I know this terrorist attack, I was waiting that since the 2nd of January, the first time I heard there would come something big.
Good to hear from you, Mulder.
Appreciate the call from Denmark.
Now, let's talk to Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, sir.
I wanted to ask you a couple of things.
First of all, the good work that you and others have done, it may really blow up in the globalist space, so I wonder if they're going to do a stage two or plan alternate.
And what's with Israel arming Iran?
The U.S.
government, the British government, the Israeli government, the Russian government.
I mean, our government will criticize China or Russia, which I think they should, for arming Iran.
Then we always catch Israel giving them the latest missile components, the latest nuclear weapons parts.
And again, that's Jerusalem Post, Haratz.
I mean, that's incredible!
But again, this is what the military industrial complex wants.
They want war.
They want threats to security.
That way they get to keep the police state going.
Why do you think Israel helped fund and found Hamas in the early 1970s into the late 1970s?
Creating a wind-up toy to further destabilize things so that Israel has the pretext to continue to expand.
Now folks, again, that's Haratz, that's Jerusalem Post, that's in Paul Watson's book, that's in Police State 3 Total Enslavement, that's in our Israel terror group section on PrisonPlanet.com.
So, people who love Israel and support Israel out there,
And I certainly think Israel has a right to exist and a right to not be attacked, and the right to not be under a military dictatorship, by the way.
You know, they have these elections, but that's just for whatever figurehead you're going to have.
The media can't report what they want.
They can't do what they want.
They're under massive controls.
You know, the people of Israel need to stand up and say, why did you found Hamas?
Why are you arming Iran right now?
Well, I think that the good work you're doing is going to make some globalists very, very
Absolutely, I appreciate the call, Brock, and let me try to answer that question.
Take a road map, for instance.
Let's say you were going to try to drive from Pensacola, Florida to Los Angeles, California.
And there are three or four different routes you can take to get from Pensacola, Florida to Los Angeles, California.
Now, one route will get you there a day early.
Another route will get you there a day longer.
There's another longer route that would take twice as long.
But in general, they're following that roadmap.
They're going in that direction.
And so we have backed them down.
They were already planning more terror attacks.
They were already planning to accelerate this.
Bill Clinton gave speeches of, you better be nice to me, I might be president for a long time, you know, gearing up for martial law.
But they didn't allow Clinton to go ahead with it.
They may not allow Bush to go ahead and go with it.
They may let Kerry in and let him carry it out.
Or it could be somebody after Kerry.
The point is, the thumb scanners are going in the grocery stores, in the public schools, and at the amusement parks.
The cameras are going up in your neighborhoods.
Your police are quietly being federalized, and even sworn in as UN police, as part of the APD was two weeks ago, and that was on News 8 Austin.
At UT, when they have a political rally or meeting, secret military police show up and then start threatening people.
We're from the Army!
Don't criticize the President!
You know, that was in the Wall Street Journal two weeks ago.
All of that's in place.
All of that's expanding.
Will they put it in high gear and go to the next level with the next big event?
We've backed them off at this point.
But it's kind of a catch-22.
If we keep damaging them and keep exposing them, they're going to go ahead and go with the big attack as a way to try to black out and smokescreen the awakening that's happening.
But if we laid down to them, they would have already carried out the next attack.
So it's better to go ahead and expose them.
Go ahead and warn as many people as you can.
People's minds are ready for it.
Everybody senses in their gut something's wrong.
Like a mouse that feels a tornado coming, but the people can't sense it.
Deep in our guts and our soul and our hearts and our bones, we know something's wrong.
And so we've got to educate everybody now that the Redcoats are coming.
They're landing.
They're offloading.
Get ready, because they're about to hit us.
That's all we can do.
All we can do is expose the criminals and stand against them.
Now, let's go ahead and talk to Don in Wisconsin.
Don, go ahead.
Yes, Mr. Jones.
Yes, sir.
I believe there is one more step we can take to help wake up the American people.
It's going to stir up a hornet's nest, but I believe if we took the step, it would help.
We need you to run as Vice President under Nader.
I don't think Nader would want that, and I'm not in the Green Party.
I spoke at a rally I was invited to speak at, and I gave my normal speech about the New World Order, and I did introduce Nader, but number one, that's not going to happen.
They're talking about changing the Constitution to where Arnold Schwarzenegger can run for President.
So why can't we change the Constitution on the age limit for President and then you can run for President?
That's right, I'm not yet 35.
Listen, I mean in all due respect Don, the solution is at the county and city and state level.
That's where we still have some power and still can effect some change and can still get involved.
Very little.
I mean look at your little town.
You're very involved.
You have your TV program, your radio program right there in your own little town.
They're in Austin, which I'm from, Texas.
But still, you've got all these criminal police on the streets doing what they're doing.
There's really not that much of a change.
Well, I have to tell you that change comes slowly.
Here's the analogy.
Have you ever seen the movie Force 10 from Navarone?
No, I didn't see that one.
It's got Harrison Ford in it.
And the explosives expert says, wait just a minute.
These things are delicate, they take time.
And then suddenly cracks form, and little holes form, and water starts spraying, and over the next few minutes, bigger holes form, and then the whole thing collapses.
And it's the same thing fighting the New World Order.
Again, ten years ago on the air, six, seven years ago on radio,
Eight years ago on radio, half the callers disagreeing with me.
Now I do syndicated interviews every day.
I go on mom and pop stations, big stations, my own show.
Almost no one calls in to disagree.
We don't screen the calls here on this show.
The other shows aren't doing it.
The host will be against me begging for people to call in and disagree.
And they can't get it.
So we've seen a shift.
Now the power structure is still corrupt.
It's out of control.
It knows that we're on to it now.
That's why the Tokyo Rose, you know, the propagandists, and again, back in World War II, as Japan was burning, and millions were dead, they were still broadcasting, G.I., you failed, we've defeated you, so are the Nazis!
And so, of course, they're still broadcasting that resistance is futile, and everybody loves tyranny, and there's nothing you can do about it, ha ha ha!
So, the good news is, they're actually losing, okay, and there's big holes in the dam already forming.
I realize that.
And so from my position where I'm at, talking to the people, interfacing with them on liberal shows, conservative shows, Christian shows, I've never seen such an awakening as I'm seeing now.
You know, one big terrorist attack here in the United States, we go under martial law, your radio is shut down.
The only thing we'll ever hear is what they want us to hear.
Let me explain that to you, sir.
We've been under martial law since 1933.
Well, I'm talking about if we have, like, if Dow Chemical blew up.
Let me give you an example.
Listen, I appreciate your call, Don.
It's good to hear from you.
But let me just comment on what you were just saying.
Let me try to comment on it here, because this is important.
Again, we've been under martial law since 1933.
They expanded it in 1947, created the shadow government.
Okay, Bush, four days after 9-11, put us under official martial law, that's the Washington Times, activated all those executive orders.
Those were activated.
They passed a law to forcibly inoculate you and round you up.
They've trained the troops to come after you and your guns and your family.
But people are ignoring it.
The military isn't for it.
A lot of police are waking up.
The point is, they haven't gone ahead with the next big attack because the people aren't buying into it.
No matter how many times they say, next terror attack, give your liberty up, that keeps you safe.
People aren't buying into that.
And so if they go to that next level, they were going to do that anyway.
So now if they go to the next level, they've got even more opposition.
And now when they blow stuff up worldwide, people point the finger at the government.
In mass protest on the streets.
It isn't working for them.
Do you understand that if they do try to declare martial law and say you can't speak out against the government and start trying to arrest people, that's when we've got to come out against them?
Yes, we're in a fight, but we're going to have to stand up and say no.
Yes, things are serious.
But, I mean, just get in the doom and gloom.
I mean, you need to get with a good group of people and get outside the paradigm of believe in Tokyo Rose, OGI, you won't see your sweetheart.
That's all over for you.
Resistance is futile.
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Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Alright, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes, my friends.
We got Paul Joseph Watson for the Watson Report.
As he joins us each Monday, coming up in the next hour.
We'll continue with open phones and a ton of other news I haven't even gotten to yet.
Before we do that, though, I told you about this Donald Rumsfeld clip from, what, eight days ago on Face the Nation.
And the video clip is on InfoWars.com right now.
And Mr. Rumsfeld got questioned by two of the reporters there on the show about his claims of imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction.
And then, when he denies it, they put his quotes and where he said it up on the screen.
No doubt they could have had more dramatic video of him saying it.
Well, let me just ask you this.
If they did not have these weapons of mass destruction though, granted all of that is true, why then did they pose an immediate threat to us?
You and a few other critics are the only people I've heard use the phrase immediate threat.
I didn't.
The President didn't.
And it's become kind of folklore that that's what's happened.
The President went... You're saying that nobody in the administration said that?
I can't speak for nobody and everybody in the administration and say nobody said that.
The Vice President didn't say that?
If you have any citations, I'd like to see them.
This is you speaking.
Some have argued that the nuclear threat from Iraq is not imminent, that Saddam is at least five to seven years away from having nuclear weapons.
I would not be so certain.
Well, I've tried to be precise and I've tried to be accurate.
My view of the situation was that he had, we believe, the best intelligence that we had and other countries had.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
You should go watch the video and look at his face.
I mean, he was just turned red, looked down at the table.
There are a lot better quotes than that.
We've all seen them.
But just an eminent, you know, the greatest threat to us is Iraq.
Oh, really?
As North Korea was threatening to nuke us on a weekly basis in their big newspapers, they have the nuclear weapons, they have the Taepung Dong-2s that can now hit any part of the U.S., thanks to our government giving the technology to China, then being given to them.
And it was Bill Clinton helping engage in all those transfers, but the companies were headed up by people like Donald Rumsfeld and a bunch of so-called Republicans.
But see, the Rush Limbaugh's of the world won't tell you about that.
By the way, North Korea shot a missile at us, a dummy missile, that hit Alaska.
That is official and admitted.
We have that in Police State 3 total enslavement.
But again, the average person has no idea that's even going on.
Speaking of Police State 3 total enslavement, we've got in the little 20 minute segment of that two and a half plus hour video, we have John Ashcroft saying there's no Patriot Act 2 months after it was introduced.
I mean it's just full of lies, full of peanuts, full of New World Order.
You need to get Police State 3 total enslavement, 9-11 the road to tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, my book Descent into Tyranny, big discounts when you get multiple books or three or more videos,
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Second hour, your calls.
Paul Watson, Tama News, straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congress is set to pass legislation that restricts the First Amendment on college campuses.
Something the left has already enjoyed doing for a long time.
Now we get the neocon flavor of it.
No criticism of Israel.
We'll also get into the CIA, I mean Al Qaeda, threatening to nuke us any minute now.
We don't give all our freedoms up to their bosses.
The Bushes, also more government officials come forward and say it's all a fraud.
They knew Saddam wasn't involved in 9-11, but Bush wanted to blame it on Saddam, his former business partner.
That's all coming up too.
We got Paul Joseph Watson with a big news blitz report in this hour as well.
Right now, back to the calls.
Let's talk to Richard in Florida.
Richard, go ahead.
Hello Alex.
Hello sir.
Hi Alex.
First of all, I want to say I was really happy to hear you on the Coast to Coast program.
Well, they say I'm going to be on every few months.
Great, great.
I'm really happy about that.
They tell me they got one of the biggest responses ever off me coming on the show.
Well, you were long overdue.
Anyways, I called to tell you that I've been thrown out of the grand jury, Alex.
That's right, you called and you wanted to be part of exposing corruption through a grand jury, one of our other ways we vote, the ballot box, the jury box, the grand jury box, and now you've been thrown out.
I've been thrown out because of my outspokenness and just my insistence on conducting my own investigation.
So you didn't want to be a rubber stamp for the prosecutor?
Absolutely not.
I asked one of the judges if we were to bring him an indictment independently of the attorneys, would he be obligated to take the individual into trial?
The answer is no, because the indictment has to be signed by two attorneys.
It has to be numbered by the government.
And see, that's what they've done.
In the past, it was the grand jury saying, indict, then the government had to, but now, oh, you guys just do what we say, and then the lawyer for the county or city, they decide.
Alex, apparently what's happened is the powers that be, instead of eliminating grand juries, they have stripped us of its power and just left it there as an adornment, you know, because
If you have an ill-informed people that, you know, most of them are, which indict everybody.
I mean, we batted a thousand, Alex, for the government.
A perfect thousand.
Oh, I know.
Grand juries every week indict some 80-year-old man, excuse me, some old person, who shoots someone who's in their house, attacking them, and they'll indict some old man or woman.
Basically, what you got, I mean,
You're saying they would indict a ham sandwich?
Yes, that's true.
Basically, I mean, if the grand juries indict everybody that the government wants, and then they're not allowed to do their own investigation, basically that and nothing, Alex, is the same thing.
I mean, it's a rubber stamp.
They've taken all our institutions that made America, America,
And they have removed their powers and made them all just rubber stamps.
In order to do what Red Beckman wants to do, basically we need an act of Congress to give us the powers back to be able to conduct our own investigation, to become independent.
But basically, I mean,
Why did they say they kicked you off the grand jury?
You know, they were so arrogant that they wouldn't even want to tell me, but basically they hinted on the fact that I wanted to conduct my own investigation.
Which is what the Constitution says you're supposed to do.
Absolutely, Alex.
Alright, Richard, I appreciate the call.
You should write a story for me about what happened and email it to tips and infowars.com and we'd post it as an article and millions of people could read it.
Thanks for the call and thanks for trying.
Yeah, they've taken over our institutions, my friends.
They'll read the Declaration of Independence.
Everything that's in there is happening again.
We'll come back with Paul Watson and your calls.
Stay with us.
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The New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, my friends, we're now 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this second hour of global transmission against tyranny.
In defense of liberty, the websites are infowars.com, and we've got the webmaster for one of my great sites, presentplanet.com.
He's an author, researcher, good friend of mine, Paul Joseph Watson.
His book is Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror, and the New World Order.
You can read a sample chapter of it for free.
At InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, in the Order Out of Chaos section, Her Majesty's Terrorist Network, exposing MI5 and MI6 for publicly admitting that they carry out many of the terror attacks in England as a pretext for control.
But joining us from England is Paul Joseph Watson.
And Paul, we've got loaded phones here, so let's cover some news, take some calls, cover some news, take some calls.
There's a lot going on.
What do you think is most important right now?
Well Alex, we've got a story today out of Britain where the government down in London have created a new, basically a civilian Stasi and they're encouraging people to report suspicious behaviour and the Metropolitan Police's head of the anti-terrorism branch said according to the article which is in the Guardian that people should not be afraid of reporting somebody they knew.
And of course this is on the back of the Metropolitan Police Chief saying that you would have no hesitation of putting troops out on the streets.
And the things they list as possible aspects of terrorism include paying for things with large amounts of cash, so again that's equating cash with terrorism as they push for a cashless society.
And things like staying in a hotel room for a short period of time.
So this whole tip-starzy mentality is ongoing.
By the way, in Australia, we've posted the handbook that the government printed millions of that said, if your neighbors quiet or if things don't add up, go ahead and report on them as well.
But it's a friendly thing to do.
And even down to the school level, we've also got an article about the Associated Press at the top of prisonplanet.com right now.
Which is entitled, High School Students Offered Rewards to Stop Crime.
And it says, Students at Esquimalt High School have been turning in classmates who trash a locker or steal somebody's expensive sneakers since the school began offering small cash rewards, Vice Principal Robert House said.
So again, we're training our children to be spies for the establishment right down to the school level.
Absolutely, and
In my film Road to Tyranny, I have the newscast, a little promo piece.
It's actually a city ad, where they enroll all the students with the Tattletail card.
And what are your parents doing?
What's in the medicine cabinet?
Does your neighbor have guns?
These are the questions.
And the cop says, you can get up to $250.
And the kids are all smiling.
All the middle schoolers, oh, it's so much fun.
Training us to spy on each other because of this so-called terrorist threat, which is in fact non-existent.
And of course there's no real terrorists, so it's all going to be for stealing sneakers or marijuana or whatever.
Paul, also, let's get into Al-Jawari, or Zawari.
They say they captured him, they say they've killed him, but now he's back, he's going to nuke us.
Give us the history of that.
Well, it's interesting that every time you get a new Bin Laden video out, for example, as well, there is Al-Zawahiri at his right-hand side.
And again, two days ago, they reported that his official biographer, he was told by Zawahiri that Al-Qaeda has these suitcase nukes.
Interestingly enough, though, we posted the story from over two years ago now, out of The Guardian,
Which is entitled Bin Laden's Number Two Captured in Iran.
Osama Bin Laden's most senior lieutenant, the Egyptian militant Ayman al-Zawahiri has been captured and jailed in Tehran, a leading Iranian newspaper reported yesterday.
So again, you know, it's an open question if he's been captured.
How is he still active on the scene?
On top of that, we had the Boston Globe on Thursday reporting that
The so-called Al-Qaeda affiliate group, which claimed responsibility for the Madrid bombings, and has claimed responsibility in the past for other bombings, does in fact not exist, and there is no proof of it existing.
They get these phantom letters sent to this London-based Arabic newspaper claiming responsibility for all these terrorist attacks, did an investigation of the group itself and found no proof for its existence.
So again, this whole fake Al-Qaeda thing goes on.
We've got a war on terror archive on PrisonPlanet.com, which is chock full of these fake arrests, these fake alerts, these fake created stage-managed Al-Qaeda groups.
So it's just another thing on top of that with the new boogeyman Al-Zawahari.
Well, that's certainly what's happening, and it's criminal.
If you or I put out fake terror alerts, we'd be arrested under their own Patriot Act.
But they do it, and nothing happens to them.
Well, the so-called suspect who was planning to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge, turned out he was an FBI spy working for the FBI.
The story was immediately shut down.
We've mentioned before Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, so-called mastermind of 9-11.
He was captured or killed, in fact.
The Asia Times reported a year before his public capture was announced.
So, again, on top of that,
Now they're saying Saddam's sons are alive but they showed us their dead bodies but on the screen in small print it said these were wax figurines reconstructing the dead bodies
And Saddam Hussein's daughter sent the letter directly to him, where she said, by the way, Uday and Qusay are still alive.
So, who knows which of these individuals are still alive, captured or dead, but... Also, following terror attacks back to the government, we have these fake letters supposedly written by Muslims, and then the anthrax attack led back to the CIA.
Same thing with the rice in attack as well.
The source of that was never identified.
So again, time and again we see these stage managed scripted hysterics.
Talking about stage manage, we can talk about the shooting of the Taiwanese President, Chen.
We've got a whole, there are massive protests going on in Taiwan right now.
For the listeners who don't know, he was shot on Friday as he travelled in an open-topped motorcade through the streets there.
But one of the nurses who worked in the hospital to where he was taken said security agents were there the morning before the shooting took place and the hospital itself was not the one that had been previously designated to take the president in a case of emergency and they actually passed three other more modern hospitals on the way to this particular hospital and immediately after the shooting Chen
Activated the National Security Apparatus, which meant that the 200,000 military and police who are nationalists and would have voted for the opposition party didn't have time to vote.
And on top of that, and we've got all these articles posted... Now explain these politics, because obviously Chen has been standing up to China, has been speaking out, correct?
Yeah, that's what I got from it, but actually the election of Chen
I don't
So, Chen himself has been caught carrying out similar sort of stunts in the past, 18 months ago.
He claimed he had been poisoned by the Nationalists, but the next day he was completely healthy.
So, the wave of sympathy that won him the election and the questions that are now being asked in Taiwan are going to be interesting if they ever come to light.
Yeah, some think he might be a shill and he's actually merging with China and this is a staged deal.
It is interesting that himself and the aide were both grazed.
Bullets weren't found.
No one in the big crowd behind them was hit by the bullet.
They didn't find the bullets in the vehicle.
The security forces take over this hospital.
They then pass two other hospitals taking to that and show the grazing cuts on their sides.
And now the population isn't buying it.
And I was reading, it's the conservatives that aren't buying it?
Or is it the communists that aren't buying it?
I think it's... the Communists certainly aren't buying it, but there are many Conservatives who feel the same way.
And, I mean, there's no actual video of the shooting where you can identify, you know, where he's shot.
He just immediately starts bleeding from his abdomen and then suddenly notices it, just like his Vice President.
And so, again, it should be staged.
Now, Paul, though... I mean, what does this mean, though,
Whoever was behind the Madrid bombing, whoever was behind the shooting in Taiwan, instantly now, populations jump up and start screaming, the government, the government, the government!
I mean, that shows an awakening period.
Well, exactly, and it shows why, to an increasing level, they're desperately trying to stage these events for this outcome.
But just with the Spain example, the government told the people to go out and protest, and the people were saying, well, who are we supposed to protest against?
We don't know whether it's ETA or Al-Qaeda behind these bombings.
So a desperate move though from the evidence we've seen from the neocons to stay in?
Yeah, that's what it appears to be from my perspective.
But again, over time we'll get more of the answers that always leaks out.
Paul, we're going to come back and we're going to talk to Paula and Vince and Joe and Moses and others.
Then we'll get into... I want to re-air this Rumsfeld clip where he says, oh, it's this folklore that I ever said it was an imminent threat.
And then he gets caught in the lie.
I also want to get into Bush administration officials saying, oh yeah, we knew that Saddam didn't do it, but Bush wanted to say Saddam did it.
We'll get into that.
Also, Israel wants to pass legislation in this country where you can't criticize Israel.
Yes, I've got the bill.
Yes, it's really happening.
It would restrict it on college campuses.
That's coming up as well.
But your calls first.
When we get back, stay with us.
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There's a whole plethora of more information and news coming up, and I'll re-air that Rumsfeld clip of his lies when he finally gets caught in one.
Well, he's been caught in the lies for a long time, but somebody finally called him on it.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls for myself and Paul Watson.
Let's talk to Paula in Texas.
Paula, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
My husband was going through the Houston Chronicle yesterday, and when he got to the very last page on the very last article of the business section, down in the right-hand corner, there was this little article titled, Thousands of IRS Returns to Go to India for Processing.
Yeah, the government is going to outsource almost all the government jobs to India and Mexico
And there's been federal laws that if you've got a federal job that can be done by an American, it should be, but they're just ignoring those.
And so, yeah, they're going to do most of the work with your data, your information overseas.
Yeah, I was talking about the first part of it talks about how many people will never know that their personal data is being electronically shipped overseas to India, and that between 100,000 and 150,000 people will have their returns processed in India.
For a price of $300 versus $3,000 here in the United States.
And then the government claims that, again, quote, all this saves money, but it isn't designed to save money.
The IMF and World Bank have said it's about getting rid of the middle class so we can all be under their control through serfdom.
Paul Watson, how is this part of the system to move us into neo-feudalism?
Well, the figures came out a few months ago, where they're actually going to increase his outsourcing by, what was it, seven times over the next five, ten years or so.
But it's about, yeah, outsourcing, lowering the American middle class to a third world status.
And in fact, they go and train these employees in India to pretend that they're actually based in America.
And in the case with Britain, they educate them on what's going on in all the soap operas and what's going on with all the different football scores.
So they're actually trying to lie and pretend that they're actually based in America.
Understand, you pay your tax money so your job can be shipped overseas by the government's own operations.
Yes, exactly.
Alright, good to hear from you.
I'm glad you mentioned that story to me.
Please email it to tips at Infowars.com, Paula.
Let's talk to Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I'm watching, and I can't remember if you're a gentleman, Mr. Watson?
Okay, because they're doing a thing on C-SPAN about the 9-11 Commission, where these people are survivors of the Pentagon.
And one of the survivors,
Not one of the survivors, but one of the husbands of his wife was killed.
And he mentioned that they have not paid those death benefits.
Well, they tell you sign over all liabilities.
Say you won't investigate, speak out, or sue anybody, then you get your million four.
But if you don't, you don't get the money.
Yeah, but he didn't want to sue them.
He just wanted to be paid the death benefits.
Oh, you're saying they're not even giving him his insurance?
Yeah, well, it was in the Toronto Star that basically the title was, you know, 9-11 victims of government attempts bribe, and they're actually trying to pay them off from preventing them from suing the government, not for, you know, prior knowledge or any of these surface issues, but for involvement, such as the case with
Yes, we're good to go.
9-11 and how they had prior knowledge, so that puts it to the surface level because Stern also advocates John Kerry, so then they can whitewash it and say it's all, you know, a liberal conspiracy theory.
Yeah, you're not for Howard Stern, are you?
So, interesting point.
Joe in Ohio.
Joe, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Jim.
Yeah, I'm calling from Cleveland, Ohio, and I've been trying to get you on AM here for a while now.
I've been in contact with Vince Genesis,
I think we finally made some headway.
He's going to send me a demo down of some of your programs and I'm going to put them out.
Well that's awesome!
Yesterday on Hard Target on the History Channel from 1130 to 12 Eastern Standard Time, Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, retired Pentagon Advisor, and she mentions how Bush talked about leading the American people in this Iraq War.
She talked about the neocons
I'm familiar with her.
They had her on what channel?
History Channel.
What was the name of the show?
Art Target.
I have a couple more comments to make about that.
I want to hear about this when we get back.
She was inside the Pentagon and she's been public about how it was all a bunch of lies and the intelligence people knew it.
And, you know, they were openly saying, how do we lie to them?
How do we manipulate them?
The Pentagon plants fake letters from troops in the newspaper, people.
They're showing up at the university harassing people.
We're in deep trouble.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's go back to Joe.
Joe, you had some other points you wanted to make about what you saw on the History Channel last night.
His name was Warbro, W-A-W-R-O, the interviewer, and one of the questions he asked her, he says, do you think that Bush misled the American people?
And she said, absolutely.
She was very authoritative about that.
And it's not like they accidentally misled.
On purpose, in the meetings, it was all about, we know Iraq isn't part of it, but we want to blame it on them.
There's a bunch of new government officials going public on this.
And she admitted that they didn't even contact the intelligence agencies before they went to the...
The American people.
They just came right out and dropped it in their lap at the Pentagon and said, this is what we're going to do.
We're going to war.
And again, this is compartmentalization.
This is what they do over and over again.
The average Department of Intelligence, you know, Military Department of Intelligence, the Defense Intelligence Agency, to use the right term, the CIA, even the FBI aren't bad people, but they're all compartmentalized.
It's the crooks at the top and they just do whatever they want.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that call.
We're going to get into a bunch of other news, just shotgun effect, running through it in kind of a Blitzkrieg fashion.
Then we'll get to Moses and Tim and many others that are holding.
But because of the Coca-Cola story that came out on Friday throughout the weekend, and it's posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, because that happened, I called Jim Shepard up this morning and said, will you come on the show today?
Folks, all of the Coca-Cola bottled water, their brand has been pulled off shelves.
I've been in stores, I've walked up and asked them this weekend, why is it still on the shelf?
They said, oh, we didn't get the order to pull it off the shelves.
It's still on the shelves.
Now the Associated Press reported that they pulled it.
The Coca-Cola had ordered the pulling of all of it, and it's got a very dangerous poison in it, a deadly carcinogen, this is their own words,
And look, I'm not here attacking Coca-Cola, the folks that put aspartame in their diet drinks.
What I'm telling you is that Dannon bottled water, what, four years ago, killed people in New York.
And yes, so we'll go ahead and put Paul Watts on hold, and we'll go ahead and bring Jim Shepard up.
Jim, look, I don't drink a lot of bottled water, and if I do, it's one of these little companies here in Texas, and I've even been by the spring before.
This bottled water from the big companies, time and time again, is found to be dirtier in some cases, folks I've got stacks of mainstream articles, than tap water.
First off, Jim, why is that?
Why can't people trust bottled water?
And then secondarily, why should they buy one of your water filters?
Well, Alex, the University of Indiana did a research project and they found that 75% of bottled waters had a bacteriological count 10 times or greater than that just found in tap water.
And there's several reasons for that.
First of all, most of the companies out there use tap water.
They just filter the tap water.
And they may call it something springs or whatever.
But basically, it is tap water.
There's one very well-known bottled water company up in Michigan that actually just has a pipe in the middle of a parking lot that sucks the
out of the ground.
But the big problem is that when they're filtering that water, Alex, they remove anything that's going to inhibit bacteriological growth in that water.
And when you take out anything that's going to inhibit the growth, then any bacteria in there is going to start multiplying
Okay, let's explain this.
They run it through a system that takes the chemicals out, leaves the bacteria in.
Now the chemicals, which are bad enough, aren't there to kill the bacteria.
Then it sits on the shelf for months, in some cases, in hot trucks, gets loaded off from the warehouse, and then you drink it.
It's real simple, people.
If you buy a Sport Berkey, it'll do 630 refills off the tap water.
I want 130 off of pond water, or stream water, or ditch water.
And then they've got the super black Berkey system that does tens of thousands of gallons and sits in the corner of your house, foot and a half tall, two feet tall, takes two minutes to put together.
They're a great sponsor.
It's made in America.
I'm sorry, it's not made in India like the competition.
A lot of them are.
And yes, I believe in you not drinking bacteria, not drinking herbicide and pesticide.
Jim, I mean this is a big deal though.
Coca-Cola is the biggest bottled water group out there.
They admit they just use tap water.
This is a sick joke.
Well, and really the most efficient method for cleaning up your water is to do it at point of use.
Unless you're putting water into an absolutely sterile container and you've removed absolutely 100% of the bacteria, then bacteria is going to begin to breathe in that water.
And so that's why it's so important to filter that stuff out right when you're ready to
To use it.
Yeah, clean water, folks.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Clean water is what civilization was built on.
That's why all the big ancient cities are on clean rivers or by springs.
It's simple.
You've got to drink clean water for your mind to work correctly.
Well, and you know, there's been a lot of hoopla about vaccines and how they've diminished a lot of the diseases here in the United States, but actually that's not true.
If you look at the graphs,
When we started getting our water systems in place in the early 1900s, that's when disease, such as polio and everything else, started going down.
I have the big graphs, Jim, and it shows a massive drop, and then when vaccination started, became widespread in the 50s, the diseases actually went back up again, just not the previous levels.
You're drinking water.
I mean, that's the basis of hygiene.
And, you know, people go to great lengths to take a shower every day to wash the outside of their body.
But you shouldn't be putting trash in there.
You really need to put something in your body that's going to assist in cleaning the toxins out of your body.
It's a big load on your liver drinking all the chlorine and fluoride and the pesticides and the Prozac and the Ritalin and the birth control pills, but also all these bacteria.
Even if there's chemicals in it, it's just dead bacteria.
I believe in this, folks.
It's time to stop drinking the poison.
It's time to get a big Berkey.
Jim, real quick, what are the specials?
Okay, we have the Berkey light without the lights.
That's $199.
And then when you order that, you can select between a sports bottle, potassium iodate, or the new video, Sheltering in Place, which tells you how to fix up your house during a terrorist event so that you don't get biological or nuclear stuff inside your house.
And then we have the Berkey Light Special with the lights.
And you can select two of those items, the sport bottle, the sheltering in place, or the potassium iodate.
And of course, we have our generic sport bottles.
Same as the Berkey Sport, but we use these for missionaries.
We don't go to the expense of putting a copy on the bottles, but it's the same filter.
Five for $99.
Well, for $199.
And again, this cuts out almost everything.
It doesn't cut out everything like the Big Berkey unit.
So get both, folks, and stop drinking the poison.
Take control of your life.
They've got several other great specials.
Or simply go to my website, InfoWars.com.
We've got a secure online shopping cart and they take the orders down each day and ship them out to you UPS.
So InfoWars.com, secure online shopping cart, or PrisonPlanet.com, or Jim, tell them about your website.
You can go to BerkeyWater.com and you can actually print brochures off from the website, full description of all the different products, pictures,
And, uh, we've been told that it's one of the most beautiful websites, uh, that, uh, I had a magazine call the other day.
They want to do an article.
They just were surfing the web.
They saw our website and said, man, you know, we were impressed with the website.
We started reading about your product.
We want to do a review on it.
All right.
So again, folks,
I mean, all the time I tell you how dangerous bottled water is, I tell you how dangerous the tap water is, I know a lot of you heard the story over the weekend about Coke pulling every bottled water container off every store shelf in the country.
And I can't tell you how many times I've seen different brands, you know, with the same type of stuff in it.
It is now time to take action, to take control of your life, and support this broadcast, and it's made in America, 888-803-4438.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
You bet.
I mean, it's real simple.
You talk about, oh, what can I do?
The New World Order.
I don't have any power.
Your body is 70% water.
You're going to get enough poison in the food, people.
It's time to stop drinking the toxic water.
It's simple.
And you'll save money not buying bottled water.
And occasionally I drink bottled water, too.
But I never drink tap water.
Tap water tastes so bad.
All they do is take the taste out of the bottled water.
The bacteria just go in there and start breeding.
Now, with the Coca-Cola situation, with their brand of bottled water, it is a carcinogen.
And I commend them for doing the recall, but it's time to start doing it yourself.
You can't depend on other people.
Going back to Paul Watson and your calls.
There is so much here to go over, so many different news articles here, but ex-advisor blast Bush's terror response, this is out of the Associated Press, President Bush's National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, looked skeptical when she was warned early in 2001 about the threat from Al Qaeda, and appeared to have never heard of the terrorist organization, according to Bush's former counterterrorism coordinator.
He went on to say that
They told them on 9-11, no, Iraq's not involved in this.
They told them a week after.
But they said, Rumsfeld said, I want to start bombing them now.
Everybody knows who Iraq is.
We've got to, quote, do something.
So now, attack innocent countries, because they already had a battle plan to go after them.
Yeah, and this is Richard Clarke, the former White House counter-terrorism coordinator, who said that they planned to attack Iraq before 9-11 and immediately told the intelligence agencies, in an intimidating manner, to find a link between Iraq and 9-11.
By the way, he's the same guy that came out and confirmed that they flew 144 of the bin Ladens out in the days after 9-11.
I wonder why he's doing that?
Well, I actually listened to Drudge last night and he and his callers were saying that this was a liberal conspiracy theory and that these people are just trying to sell their books.
It's funny when anyone releases a pro-Bush book then they don't get attacked for trying to sell books.
Paul O'Neill is a conservative, and he was the Treasury Secretary, he said day one they had maps of the Iraqi oil fields, we're planning the invasion, that guy's a billionaire, doesn't need to sell books, but forget Paul O'Neill, forget Clark, we have the PNAC documents, Paul!
Yeah, are the PNAC documents a liberal conspiracy theory?
Is it a liberal conspiracy theory that Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice did a public speech in Cairo on February 24, 2001?
Pre-Iraq dossier saying that Saddam had the ability to launch a strike on Britain within 45 minutes, and then the Iraqi source of that later came out and said it was a crock of fill-in-the-blank, and yet still they hang on to it.
Still we've got Rumsfeld flopping around on this interview that you read in the last segment.
In fact, let's do that now.
Well let me just ask you this.
If they did not have these weapons of mass destruction though, granted all of that is true, why then did they pose an immediate threat to us, to this country?
You and a few other critics are the only people I've heard use the phrase immediate threat.
I didn't.
The President didn't.
And it's become kind of folklore that that's what's happened.
The President went... You're saying that nobody in the administration said that?
I can't speak for nobody, everybody in the administration, and say nobody said that.
The Vice President didn't say that?
If you have any citations, I'd like to see them.
Some have argued, this is you speaking, some have argued that the nuclear threat from Iraq is not imminent, that Saddam is at least five to seven years away from having nuclear weapons.
I would not be so certain.
Well, I've tried to be precise, and I've tried to be accurate, and I'm still trying to be precise.
Will the terrorist state pose a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of the world and the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq?
My view of the situation was that he had, we believe, the best intelligence that we had and other countries had.
Okay, so that's the clip.
I mean, they could have hit him a lot harder than that.
It's an immediate threat.
No one is as an immediate threat.
Tony Blair, they're going to attack us in 45 minutes.
They got a lot of nerve to continually tell these lies, Paul.
Well, it's like the faked Niger document, the uranium, which CIA directly told Bush it was false, it was faked, and yet he still included it in the State of the Union address, and they were the CIA agents that were actually doing their job.
But since then, we've had articles like, WMD, just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz.
And he gave a speech where he said that the primary justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force was because it was politically convenient and nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction.
Okay, let's shift gears.
We got Israel as usual.
This is Jerusalem Post today, far from some anti-Semitic rag.
Yeah, we've got that out of the Jerusalem Post and another Israeli newspaper.
Well, again and again, these businessmen working on behalf of Israel get caught transferring the technology to Iran, and then threatening to invade Iran.
We had, just a couple of months ago, it seemed that Sharon was on the verge of going into Iran, and they even publicly stated that they intend to attack and bomb their nuclear production facilities.
And yet the same people saying that are the same people arming them, just as in the case of North Korea, with Rumsfeld on the board of ABB signing away the transfer of these light water nuclear reactors, which produce uranium, one of the main components of nuclear bombs.
Enough for 100 nuclear weapons a year, according to the Associated Press.
Now, we have the American Free Press article, and we're talking about Israel.
Israeli lobby slips anti-free speech bill through House,
Bill can still be defeated in Senate if citizens act now.
This is by Michael Collins Piper from AmericanFreePress.net.
We have the story at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The Israeli lobby has launched an all-out drive to ensure congressional
Passage of a bill approved by the House and now before a Senate committee that would set up a virtual federal tribunal to investigate and monitor criticism of Israel on American college campuses.
Now, the left has always loved banning stuff against conservatives, but now the neocons are going to move in and take over some of that territory as well.
Ten months ago, the New York-based Jewish Week newspaper
In short, they were saying AFP lied.
Now the truth is known.
Way back on September 17th, the House Subcommittee on Select Education unanimously approved H.R.
3077, and now it's quietly moved out and passed out of the House in the Senate poll.
And this would, of course, remove federal funding for any campus that allowed any of their students to engage in criticism of Israel, so it's total thought control.
We'll get more of your response to that.
We'll go to calls from people that have been patiently holding.
Keep watching with us.
About 30 minutes, 20 minutes into the next hour.
Bunch of other news.
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All right, Moses and others, you're up next, and we'll accelerate with your calls and more of the news we haven't even gotten to into the next hour.
Third hour coming up, and I will also tell the story of what happened at the Peace Rally that I spoke at.
Boy, it was that interesting.
Great people put it on, but some of the socialists there.
Just a very interesting story coming up in the next hour.
I'll also talk about some of the other issues facing the Second Amendment.
There's a lot of key stuff coming up.
Just briefly, because I want to go to your calls, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor Terror in the New World Order, it's an excellent book.
You can read a free sample chapter of it on the website, in the Order Out of Chaos section.
My book, Dissent into Tyranny, covers September 11th and the ensuing police state and how to stop it.
It's $12.00.
Watson's is $19.95.
Get a second copy when you buy one for $11.95 to give as a gift and that goes to support what we're doing and also Paul's work.
I've made 10 films, carry several other great videos by other researchers, carry a lot of other books and books on tape and pro-gun, anti-tyranny t-shirts that are again available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and we need your support to expand and continue our work and the things we're doing.
To the toll-free number to get the books, the videos, the books on tape, the t-shirts, 1-888-253-3139.
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You've had a great effect.
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And again, the videos are all over two hours long, $25.95, $20 if you order three or more of any of the titles.
So, 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure, safe online shopping cart.
Let's go ahead and go to Moses in Texas.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, brother.
How you doing?
Or should I say, today, Cousins, like, that thing you're talking about in Britain, about turning your friends and neighbors, that sounds like Fahrenheit 451 with the little blue light flashing on the corner, that vision of the future of Britain from the 60s.
Well, there's also, I mean, they're doing that in the public schools here for a decade.
They give them little tattletale hotline cards and they get $250 if they turn Mommy and Daddy, and that's the big bonus, Paul.
Well, there are no real terrorists running around, so the government's making the people spy on each other to create that shadowy threat that there are real terrorists running around in their back garden.
So it's about creating a civilian starzy to watch each other, and it is straight out... But meanwhile, if a woman who's being raped stabs the rapist to death, she gets five years in prison.
That actually happens in England, doesn't it, Paul?
Yeah, the right to self-defense has been completely obliterated, especially under Tony Blair.
People like Tony Martin, who do defend their property, are, you know, put in jail while the burglars seek legal damages.
Yeah, go ahead and finish your comment, Moses.
Well, what you're talking about the British intelligence that you guys have been talking about how they admitted during the papers that they're behind all those IRA bombings and stuff.
The church hearings showed in the documents that the FBI informants were behind all the Weatherman bombings and all the KKK bombings.
Oh yeah, we've had, who was the famous lady, the civil rights worker got killed down in Louisiana?
I've had her son on the show, it was the FBI that killed her.
And that's even come out on the History Channel now.
Well, you know, I really appreciate you doing those quotes on the radio because we've been telling everybody up here in the canyon,
My brother Clayton has ordered three more videos.
We've already been getting one out, The Road to Tyranny.
And so we, I got invited into my son's high school, and I got to talk to three classes about, they were talking about conspiracy theories.
And I said, well, if you don't believe in conspiracies, then you don't believe in Psalm 2.
But why did the heat of rage, why did the nations conspire to do this crazy stuff?
And that, the quote you've been doing with Bush, with the, Bush and Kerry about the skull and bones that we can't talk about, and then Bush says, I'm not going to lose, I have a plan.
Well, he announced the plan, the Roadmap to Peace, and they're just getting ready... I hear you.
Great call.
Keep it up.
Third hour straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already in the third final hour,
A lot of people in Taiwan think the President staged this shooting of himself, disgracing.
And then Paul Watson, our webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com and also an author,
Reposted the Times of London article, Musarraf faked bid on life, where they admit that in Pakistan he staged fakes bombings against himself, and then last week they staged a fake bombing that they foiled against Colin Powell.
They do this over and over and over again, but I guess we haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet in Taiwan, though the evidence of the security forces already being at the hospital before it happened, them passing to other hospitals,
Could be just a make-up job for all we know.
But again, I want to support Taiwan and what they're doing, but we've got to be honest about government activities.
I mean, even good government stage these events.
I want to say it's better than them blowing up a building full of innocent people.
We certainly appreciate them not doing what our government does.
Paul, comments on that, then we'll start going to more calls and more news.
Yeah, obviously with these kind of things, a smoking gun emerges later on down the line, which gets no massive coverage, but it proves the case either way, so we'll keep watching for that.
The one other thing I wanted to briefly touch is the killing of Yassin, the Hamas leader, and Reuters have got an article today which is entitled, Killing of Leader Seen to Boost, Not Cripple, Hamas.
So the question I asked on the website,
Is Israel taking a page out of the Pentagon's P-2OG book?
P-2OG was a program launched which launched secret operations stimulating reactions amongst terrorists and states possessing WMD, meaning it would prod terrorist cells into action.
So now we've got Hamas openly declaring war on Israel.
We've got a further move away from any kind of peace settlement.
And we've got Israel helping found Hamas.
And that's a Rots Jerusalem Post.
If you've got a problem with it, we're not against Israel here.
We're just reporting the facts.
And I wouldn't say that E2OG took a page.
I mean, I would say that they took a page from Israel.
Yeah, because Israel have been doing it for many decades.
But also on Georgia last night, he made the case that it was dangerous to legitimize killing heads of state.
But his alternative, interestingly enough, was that they should have captured Yassin and took him to the torture camp.
So again, a nice conservative radio host advocating torture, just like Dr. Laura did a few weeks ago.
And you notice nobody criticized you for that.
They criticize her for good stuff she's done.
I mean, this is incredible.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to... We'll go to Phillip and then Ron, Jim, Mac, Ed, everybody.
Phillip in Virginia, go ahead.
Hey, two questions.
One to you, Alex, and one to Paul.
You mentioned earlier that we've been under martial law since 1933.
What was the legislation or event that caused that to come about?
Number one, are you on a speakerphone?
No, I'm in a lobby.
Okay, I can barely understand you.
Your question was martial law, the different increments of it.
We've seen the same things in Europe.
Paul, you want to take that question?
Well yeah, it was the War Powers Act, which made the people the enemy of the government.
Then with the National Security Apparatus of 1947, when that all came about, that's when the CIA was created, obviously, and then those clandestine operations started to take place, such as Operation Gladio, which we recently covered on the websites, which was
Founded by the CIA in league with the Vatican and a Freemasonic lodge called P2, which staged bombings in Spain and Italy, interestingly enough, to be blamed then on the left wing, so they could get their own people into power.
And that, by the way, is now admitted.
They committed assassinations and bombings, killed hundreds to blame it on their enemies.
And that includes martial law.
In 33, and that was the War Powers Act.
Yes, and that confiscated the gold, gave us paper money back after grandparents.
Okay, and Paul, after you get back, what's the attitude of the people in Britain concerning what's going on?
Okay, we'll get the answer to that when we get back.
Thank you for the call, Phillip.
We'll talk to Ron, Tim, Mac, Ed and others and a bunch of other key news items.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central back to 9 midnight central.
I'm here.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Answering that question from Phil in Virginia before we go to others.
What is the response of the people in England?
Is it just quiet desperation?
Are they just going along with the impending tyranny?
Well, England or Britain is a country where, you know, there's a camera for every two people, where they've started to mount speaker phones on these cameras, turning them into telescreens which shout at anyone.
So that's the kind of surveillance that we're under.
Regarding how people react to it, I think there's a definite split between the younger and the older generation.
Because the younger generation are generally just running around frothing at the mouth, being mindless and being encouraged to do so by this giant growth of entertainment culture.
But you will find a greater success in targeting the older generation with the information because they remember a time when
England was a more free country where we did have at least a limited right to bear arms.
And, you know, it's that old traditional sense of old blighty.
So the older generation recognize that, remember it, but the younger generation are basically gone.
So that's the split in England.
Well, you're a young man yourself.
When you talk to people, I mean, what do they say when you try to warn young people?
Well, there's a thing which came down from the universities, which is post-modernism or moral relativism.
Which, um, it works.
When you talk to somebody about anything, they will say it's your opinion.
And while they'll accept what you're saying and listen to you, they just won't do anything about it because they'll just try and pass it off as your opinion.
That's moral relativism.
That's what the universities teach up and down the country.
So that's why the older people still, you know, know what an argument is, know what fact is.
So that's why it's easier.
Well, we've reached Orwellville here.
I mean, hundreds of school districts now have cameras in the school bathrooms.
In the bathrooms.
I mean, that's not freedom.
But again, they don't have you read 1984 in the schools anymore.
The people don't know what it is.
And so yes, you have this young, brainwashed population.
A lot of young people are waking up and getting involved.
But it is a minority, though a sizable minority.
I guess the good news is the cattle, the spectators don't matter.
It's those of us that are informed and willing to take action.
Throughout history, that's been the only group that ever mattered anyway.
Yeah, small groups organized in small minorities are the only kind of groups that have ever changed history in the first place.
So it's all about organization.
The New World Order is organized, but we're not at the moment.
So it's about just finding a couple of people, you know, who live near you and then starting some kind of small action group.
And then if you can get three of those groups in each state, for example, then you can start to have an effect at the local level.
So it's all about organization.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to
Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, gentlemen.
What I called about fits so perfectly into the topic you're discussing today.
It's a page five news story from the New York Post.
And it's in regards to the stepped-up so-called security in the aftermath of the bombings in Madrid.
And they talk about how the police department here is being used to help protect us.
In the article it says that you'll have sweeps of subway cars of ten to twelve officers and no one will even notice because you know they'll do this so, I guess, smoothly.
And then it goes on in the next sentence to say that they will be eyeballing people.
Well, of course, there's a contradiction there.
You can't do something, not know, be covert, and then eyeball people, which really means dirty looks.
Uh, they go on to talk about how Hercules teams will swarm stations out of the blue, heavily armed Hercules teams.
For the rest of the country that doesn't know what that is, their offices, they usually dress something like ninjas and they come in with fully automatic weapons and looking like something out of a, uh, dime novel about a banana republic.
Uh, and this is how they're supposedly keeping us safe.
And really all it does is acclimate you to living in a third world police state.
Well, hold on, it goes a little further.
They talk about the use of body language.
Now, I've called about this.
I've studied it.
I know what proxematics is.
Proximetics is just about the equivalent of voodoo, okay?
If you believe that voodoo could accomplish something... Well, they've got the new, uh, thousands of cameras in the U.S., same thing in England, are hooked up biometrically to study your body language and decide if you're a terrorist.
Yes, yes, the voodoo of Proximetics, which is, you couldn't be more inaccurate in using a barometer of judgment to determine who somebody really is.
Where'd Billy Bob go?
Well, the camera said he was a terrorist, because the way he was walking, he went to a re-education center.
Could you imagine employing these tactics in a city this densely populated with this many diverse cultures in it?
That proxematics is about as useful as a wet toilet paper float in the mid-Atlantic.
But really, these are just new quackery scams as an excuse to grab people.
It's like saying anybody that has a road atlas, go ahead and bring them in for questioning, because that's a sign they're a terrorist and there's a road atlas in their car.
Now, another thing too with swarming stations with these armed police, armed in the way they are.
I've seen them before.
Now they're swarming stations with these Herculean teams.
That's not really going to stop a professional terrorist vis-a-vis the type who committed the atrocity in Madrid.
These guys, these terrorists, are very well disciplined.
They have been born into cultures, born into places like Palestine or Afghanistan, where people are very used to large groups of people swarming around with weapons all day long.
They won't really be unnerved by this, but you know who will be unnerved?
Stupid, little, law-abiding citizen in the city of New York, because these things are really not disastrous.
Now Ron, you've called before.
You're a retired police officer.
What do you and other cops and former cops think about it?
Well, the older ones think it's idiotic and unethical and immoral and questionable.
The younger ones, and it gets back to what you just said a few minutes ago,
Don't know of a more ethical America.
They're almost cat-alike in their thinking.
They'll go along with any absurdity.
I'm letting you go.
Thanks for the call.
Paul, you've got, every time Tony Blair gets caught lying, he calls out troops, has a terror alert, has tanks racing up and down the roads.
Yeah, that's what happened right before the war.
You had tanks rolling around Heathrow, which then, it was admitted later, turned out to be a fake report.
But that's the point.
All these measures, even if you agree that these terrorist cells even exist, they would have no success in stopping any of them.
It's like the airport screening process.
And the government's not stupid, they know that.
Yeah, I mean, we had gate analysis under Poindexter for total information awareness.
We've got the FBI saying that people carrying almanacs are terrorist suspects.
And the DARPA surveillance blimp is on the way, you know.
We've got Christian Science Monitor today, a debate kind of article which is titled, If Police Ask Who You Are, Do You Have to Say?
There's this big Supreme Court case today in Nevada about this.
Well, of course we know any law that violates the U.S.
Constitution is null and void, so why have a debate about... Well, the Supreme Court has literally ruled 20 times is the number that no, you don't have to produce an ID card, but I bet they are going to say you do.
Let me see your papers.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mac in Georgia, then we'll go to Tim in Ohio.
Mac in Georgia, go ahead.
I got something in the mail I wanted to ask you about.
The book is entitled, Addicted to War.
I want to know if you know anything about it, Bob.
I've heard of the book, yes.
Joel Andrus, and a man got a comment in here.
His name is Frank Durrell, but the people associated with it are Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, and some of these folks.
That's what they do.
They have liberals come out against the war who were wrong on every other issue, then conservatives think that and think, oh, the war must be good.
Well, I wondered, do you know much about this?
Are these people Chris Christopherson listed and Edward Asner?
No, no, they're bad news.
What they're doing is they want the UN liberal model of the New World Order.
They're part of the false choice paradigm.
Paul, fill them in.
Yeah, what they've done is, and I was talking about Howard Stern earlier, all these kind of people, they've hijacked our arguments and then tried to whitewash them.
So then the neocons can point at the arguments and attack the arguments because of the source of them.
That's what they do.
And I mean, people like Chris Christopherson, I mean, isn't he a Bohemian Grover member?
These people are all- Rhodes Scholar.
That's what, see, I've never found myself agreeing with that on anything, but here,
This came out and it got a beast of what I've learned about U.S.
foreign policy.
Look, in a nutshell, this is what they do.
Five years ago I started seeing policy reports in the news where the globalists said they found out about the new world order
The people don't want it.
The left and right are waking up.
So what we'll do is we'll give them a choice between a liberal, socialist world government and the evil, right-wing American government.
So the leftists then see the horror of world government, but they say, oh, it's because the right-wingers control it.
We've got to have a big, centralized world government to stop them.
So it's a good cop, bad cop scenario, Mac.
Okay, well that's kind of what I thought, but I wanted to know what you knew about it.
It bothered me some, and we got this thing in the mail.
I don't even know how we got it, but it really, when I got to looking at it, you know, I guess error rides on the back of truth, what it amounts to.
Well, it's simple.
The New World Order controls the left and right.
They control Kerry and Bush.
There's your two false choices.
Kerry now is against the war, but does that mean that the war is good just because Kerry's against it?
You see, they've got to give you the false choice.
We're trying to get you a third hour of shortwave.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hello, Paul.
I wanted to share a quick story with you.
Two weeks ago, I had printed up off of the website about the shooting in Long Island with the Freemason Ritual.
And I work in an institute of higher learning.
The department is like three departments in one.
One of the guys in one of the departments was a mason.
So I showed it to him and I asked him, you know, did they ever do this to you?
And he got really stern like his lip was trembling and he said, uh, no, we go right for sacrificing the lambs.
And then at the end of last week, his supervisor, which is also involved in law enforcement, walked right up to me, stood two feet away, pretended to point a fake gun at my head and pulled the trigger.
And when I said, hey, you better not miss when you do that, and he goes, oh, I don't, and he chuckles, and I go, well, you're all going to be replaced by the military.
He goes, no, no, not military.
Hey, watch.
Stay there.
Everybody stay there.
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This is our final segment with Paul Joseph Watson, my webmaster at PersonPlanet.com and author of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
You know, he lives in Sheffield.
And he's from Loxley, the little village there in Sheffield.
So he's broadcasting from Loxley.
Home of Robin Hood.
Kind of interesting, huh?
It's Watson of Loxley.
And he's a merry man.
Going back to Tim in Ohio.
Yes, sir?
I would take that quite seriously.
I would get a micro recorder on you and go up and strike up a conversation with the security guy.
And go, you know, the other day, why did you...
Act like you were going to blow my head off.
No, this wasn't a security guy, Alex.
This is a department head.
No, I understand.
He's the law enforcement guy, you said.
Yeah, he's also involved part-time in law enforcement.
So I would go with a recorder up to him, and I'd say, hey, were you joking the other day when you said you were going to, you know, simulated blowing my head off?
And get him on tape, then go to the police department and file a terroristic threat.
Because I take these people very seriously.
So you're at your university, you show Mason in your department,
uh... the article with the masons blowing people's heads off in rituals and uh... which seems to be quite uh... frequent occurrence around the globe on accident of course always and uh... exactly what did he say to you again?
it was uh... well it was like uh... a standing around kind of thing so i have other witnesses and uh... two guys were goofing around like you know uh... karate i can remove your heart with my two fingers okay if they're joking then don't don't no no no no these other guys were joking and and and i said
Hey, watch it, he can take your heart out with two fingers.
And then this guy comes walking up and he goes, I only need one finger.
And then he put the hand in the gun and he pointed at me and BOOM!
Well, that may not have been interrelated then.
But the other guy, when you said, you know, hey, what's going on with this?
You said his lips started trembling and he said, we go right to the goats?
Oh, yeah, he said that they, no, they don't do that.
They just like to sacrifice the blood of the lambs.
And I believe in the Bible, don't they say the lambs of God are us, right, as human beings?
Yeah, that's a very cryptic statement.
So what did you say to him after he said that?
Well, I just kind of like walked away because the lip was trembling and he looked kind of angry.
Oh, very good person.
Paul, any comments?
I mean, your own media admits that the Masons basically run your nation.
You can't become a judge or any other kind of high judicial position without being a Mason and there have been non-Masons campaigning against that for decades where they've got all the qualifications and they're prevented from getting into any sort of office.
Many of these lower-level Masons are obviously on a power trip because they don't realize the 33rd degree level where these Masons are made to spit on the cross and you know renounce Jesus and it gets to that kind of sick level as was documented many years ago in a book called the Brotherhood which basically blew the whistle for the first time on the high-level occult initiation rituals of these Masons.
Was that the Pike book?
Well, about Pike, the Supreme Grand Mason who loved Lucifer so much, he felt it seething in his hands, the power seething in his hands.
He wrote Mortals and Dogma.
That's right.
Well, Tim, I mean, so... Well, I had, in the meantime, I had gone to my supervisor and I said, hey, you know, is my work that bad that, you know, this guy has to do what he just did?
And I said, I'd appreciate it if you find out what's going on, or what he did, because maybe it was
Who knows?
No, he did not.
of the Libertarian Distinguished Speaker Series.
Now that's the very building where they had an Islamic Studies meeting and the military stood up and was very upset at it in their plain clothes and then harassed the Dean and others because Lord Bush was being criticized.
I mean, that's how close to home it's getting for us here, Paul.
Well, yeah.
They use the Islamic thing as making people look away and think that it's only geared towards foreigners.
Like the admission in the Telegraph.
on yesterday that said that universities all around England were working with MI5 to spy on anyone who engages in suspicious activity on university campuses and they said it was aimed at foreign students obviously but that means that they're just trying to distract your attention away from it.
Well, it's like World War II, you know, it started out with the Nazis.
Oh, it's just the retarded children.
Oh, it's just the old people.
Oh, it's just the Jews.
Oh, it's just anybody who's got property.
Oh, it's just anybody who isn't a Nazi.
Yeah, so they target the disenfranchised groups, eliminate them, and then, you know, go after the wider population.
Paul, we've got about 50 seconds left.
How do people get your fine book?
Well, they can go to prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Hey, thanks for riding the shotgun with us for part of the show again today, Paul.
Okay, thanks.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Okay, we've got 30 minutes left.
And we got a bunch of callers.
I'll get to you, then I'll get back into some of the news I haven't covered.
A recap, and I'll tell you about what happened when I went to give a speech at the anti-war rally.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Folks, Hillary Clinton, John F. Kerry, Al Gore, Chuckie Schumer, that whole crew in and out of Washington,
Are all globalists.
So is George W. Bush.
Look at the actions, not the rhetoric.
And so people see Hollywood and others that are wrong on almost all issues out there against the war.
And that does a couple things.
That lures people into the leftist movement to think, oh it must be good, it must be right on everything if they're against this.
But it also then allows the neocons to get up on TV and radio and point over at the socialists to go, oh look, they're against the war.
The war must be good.
So we've got to get more sophisticated than that and see the big picture.
Because that's what's really happening.
Right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls and into more of the news that I mentioned.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Ed in Pennsylvania.
Ed, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
On page 3 of our local newspaper, we have a picture of a little kid, elementary school kid being mug shot.
They're getting their DNA, fingerprints.
And it's called the CHIPS program and the Masons are running it.
Yeah, right above his head there's a picture of a Mason symbol and a P.A.
CHIPS symbol.
Mannerism, speech, appearance, and all their traits as a child, yeah.
Yeah, and all over the country they've been tasked by their masters, and the useful idiot Masons at low level think it's really good, and that's going into federal databases and being kept as part of this control grid.
That's great, huh?
I called a couple weeks ago, right before you got sick, Alex, on an article out of Soldier of Fortune about Special Forces taking down a heroin lab.
And I didn't know if you got a chance to follow up on that.
Well, give us some details of it.
Well, Special Forces went in and took out a big smack lab.
It was a big one.
And right after, like a week after they did it, they, from, see it says here, Combined Joint Special Operation Task Force, gave them holy hell on it and said,
You're not there to be doing anti-drug operations.
They were told to cease.
Cease all such missions.
And where did this supposedly take place?
Well, I know this.
Heroin production was down to almost nothing, and now it's at record levels.
The biggest supplier in the world is now Afghanistan, flooding the east-west coast, flooding Europe.
Or guys that are so proud of what they're doing over there and then they catch holy hell from high above to stop.
Then they put them on stupid things like Peyton building or teaching some soldiers how to shoot a gun or something.
Well, I didn't see that particular article, but they've caught the CIA over a hundred times.
The local police will catch the CIA flying drugs in and they just flash their badges.
The police go ahead and arrest them and then later get the call, yeah, let them go, it's the government.
I'll mail it in to you if you want to ask.
Absolutely, please do that.
Thanks, buddy.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate that call, Ed.
And that shows how arrogant they are.
Back in 1998, and again, I've just seen so many of these cases, but here's one example.
The Associated Press reported it was a tiny blurb posted in the Austin American-Statesman.
Little bitty three or four paragraph article in the back of the paper.
And the Border Patrol caught an 18-wheeler full of pure cocaine.
They got excited.
They brought it in to their office.
They were going to call the media for a press conference.
And then the DEA and the FBI showed up, took the 18-wheeler, set press conferences off, and took the cocaine and released the driver.
And then they said, where's the cocaine?
They said, don't ask questions.
See, when they lose one of their shipments, they don't even care if the whole world knows, because they run things, and nobody's going to be there to stop them.
And then that trash hits your streets, and your children use it.
And then the SWAT team wants to kick in your neighbor's door with no warrant, because they think some of it's in there.
Then they bust your teenager using some of the poison, and they put him in one of these private prisons building widgets, taking our jobs away.
That's right, 20 cents an hour taking your job away.
So I don't want to hear you say, put them buzzers in there and make them work.
Take your cable TV away.
Yeah, take your job away, fools.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ron in New York.
Another Ron from New York.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Our radio hasn't been working, so I haven't been listening.
But who really did this thing in Madrid?
And the other one is, there was a guest on Coast to Coast the other night.
Talking about the FCC and blocking AM radio and shortwave and that FEMA will not be able to communicate in an emergency.
There's a whole new thing, some bill or something, a P something or other having to do with doing that and also part of that would be putting a signal in every home through the
Through the sockets in the wall, so they could monitor people.
That's all one deal, they said.
And what was the guest's name?
I can't recall, but he was on Coast to Coast.
What day was this?
This was Saturday night.
Bart Bell interviewed him.
There were two guests on.
One was a musician from The Eagles, the music group The Eagles, who's a ham operator and everything.
And the other guy, I can get back to you with that, I have it on tape.
Okay, well I didn't hear the show, but for years I've been reading in some of the publications and reading news articles where they're talking about ultra-high frequency data transfer over power lines.
That's it, I think that's it.
Yeah, and they've already started some tests of this, and it blacks out shortwave reception all over the country.
The government's backup isn't satellites, because those can go down.
It's single sideband shortwave that can broadcast globally from 100 watts.
That's what our submarines use, what a lot of other systems use, aircraft use it.
And all over the world, these transmissions are just being blacked out.
And so it takes a 100,000 watt transmitter like WWCR to be able to overpower it.
And what it does is it turns every power line, every phone line, anything they're transferring this data over, usually a power line, they use its conductivity to transfer data streams through the electricity.
And so it causes the power lines themselves to broadcast, and that's all emitted,
And then blacks out the reception for hundreds of miles in all directions, and they want this to be the new form of data transmission that will replace cable and ISDN and T1s and, you know, the phone lines.
But the problem is that it does send off a lot of new frequency pollution.
I don't know about being able to listen to it as a listening system.
I've never read that.
But I do know that it is really bad for shortwave.
Well, they said it's going to prevent all shortwave and all ham and I was surprised that they said FEMA complained about it and drew some papers up to
Well, last year, FEMA and the FCC had a questionnaire on their website about what people thought.
Overwhelmingly, it's bad.
And they're already doing some of it, and it's already causing big problems.
And so, wow, they actually talked about that subject.
I'm surprised.
If you want the name, I'll get back to you, and I'll give you the name.
Yeah, email it to tipsandinfowars.com.
I'd like to have that guest on.
And the address is?
You can write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Okay, we'll do well.
Thank you, my friend.
Appreciate that call, Ron.
Kevin in Boston.
Kevin, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just had a quick comment and a quick question.
One quick comment is
I took a look at the quote today for one ounce to silver and one ounce to gold, and I bought a small bit of silver and gold back in July of this year, so it's about eight months ago.
The price per ounce of silver on the quote, not including for collectible, but just per ounce stocks, was $4.90 back then.
It's up to $7.62 today.
That's a $2.72 gain, which is about 56% in eight months.
Gold appears to not be doing as well.
I bought it at $343.50.
Today it was at $417.50.
$74 is 22%.
Of course, they're manipulating the gold market and forcing that down, but it's still up 22% in eight months.
It was up higher.
It will go.
It's still a good time to get in.
That's my comment.
My quick question is, what do you think of the CATV network?
For local cable access, is that a good group to sign up with?
They seem to advocate your videos as if they're affiliated with you and any comments would be appreciated.
What's the name of the group again?
It's Patriot Action Television Network.
Wolfgang Anacom was one of the... Oh yeah, I've talked to him.
He's called in.
I mean, yeah, I'm sure he's a good guy.
I know there's a lot of people involved trying to get my videos on local access stations to try to
Comment on your first point that you made.
Recap that point that you made just a second ago about the gold and the silver.
The gold and the silver.
You know, gold had hit as high as like $4.25.
Right now, the quote today is $417.50 an ounce.
Now, it was just back in July I called Midas and got, you know, for what I had, you know, not a lot, but bought a little bit of gold and silver to have in possession.
And through them you buy mnemonic coins that are collectible.
They have a little added value.
But just these prices I'm quoting are the per ounce cost.
Yeah, let me try to boil that down.
I'm not going to give people advice on gold or silver.
I'm not going to give people financial advice.
The gold I've bought, and I bought bullion, by the way, and there's nothing wrong with numismatic with some collector value or semi-numismatic, but I mean, I personally just want it for, you know, the melt value.
That's what I would do, personally, but I think it's okay to, you know, have some of the collector coins, but so people understand this.
When gold hit $4.27 or whatever it hit, I didn't sell any of it.
I bought it at $250.
I bought it at $300.
And when it hit $4.25, $4.27, I didn't sell it.
And I won't sell it if it goes to $600 an ounce.
My gold is an insurance policy if they implode the economy, which the IMF and World Bank documents say they plan to do.
So that's my answer there.
But if you buy gold,
Expect it to go down, expect it to go up, expect it to go sideways.
I wouldn't buy gold personally as an investment.
If you're going to do that, I'd buy gold futures or gold stocks.
Those have been exploding.
But I would buy gold as an insurance policy.
Right, if the paper becomes worthless.
It's always going to have some value.
Gold, over a decade's spread, gold always goes up.
If you can hold on to something for a few years, it's always going to pay off.
But if you want to buy something for a year or six months and make a profit on it, it's not a very good investment.
Now, that's my opinion.
I mean, I wouldn't buy gold as an investment.
Number one, I'm not wealthy.
But I have some gold as an insurance policy.
Well, thanks for the call.
I appreciate the call.
Let's take one more call, then I'm going to hit some news, and we'll go back into calls.
Chris in Kentucky, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Okay, I'm on the air.
Mike McConnell, talk show host, in a syndicated show Saturday here, says how good the cashless society would be despite terrorism.
It's unbelievable what these neocons are doing.
Yeah, thumb scanning to get into the bank or the grocery store or into SeaWorld is good, and it's good that they're making the school children thumb scan all over the country, no cash allowed, and this is going to keep us all safe!
Yeah, and stop terrorism.
You know, it's just so conservative, what they're doing out there.
Hey, cameras in the school bathrooms are conservative.
Open borders is conservative.
Assault weapons ban are conservative.
Campaign finance reform is conservative.
Attacking innocent countries and increasing UN funding is conservative.
Arming China, arming the enemies of Taiwan is conservative.
Arming North Korea, threatening Japan and America is conservative.
No, that's so good for America, folks.
The government doubling its growth in the last three and a half years.
Doubling the rate of growth that Clinton had.
Very conservative.
And if you're not for big government and nanny state, you're some type of commie!
Yeah, that's right.
And the lockdowns in schools are good, too, where you can't get your children.
That's right, yeah.
Gotta show an ID card at the fence to get them.
Training them how to be prisoners.
Letting police dogs jump on them and bite them.
And putting guns to their heads and no drugs being found.
It's all conservative.
It is so conservative.
It's so good for America.
You bet.
Thanks for the call, my friend.
You know, when you hear these neocons, email them, write them, call them.
Getinfowars.com out on the air.
Dare them to interview me.
I'll go on these shows and tear them up.
I work tirelessly to get the word out.
All right, I'll come back in the final segment and hit about five news stories I haven't even mentioned and recap a couple.
Right now, though, I said I'd tell the story, so I will in just a few minutes.
I am not a Green Party candidate.
I am not a Ralph Nader promoter.
I think he's better, obviously, on many issues than Bush and Kerry, the cousins who are Skull & Bones members.
About a month ago, I got invited to speak
Uh, at a rally put on by a Ralph Nader campaign group.
And they were good guys.
I got to Crawford, Texas.
They were wearing pro-gun t-shirts.
They were really a nice group of people.
The liberals that showed up had the stage before this group did, and boy, they were upset I was there.
They told everybody, go home, don't listen to the next speaker, don't listen to Alex Jones.
We had the stage at five o'clock.
I walked up there, and the lady running it, running the other group, ran up and tried to grab the microphone away from me.
I just said, here, have it.
Then they said, we're going to introduce Ralph Nader.
And the people said, no, you're not.
So I got to introduce him.
I mean, it was incredible, and they had these speakers up there before Nader's group, who all, by the way, love Kerry, and they had a guy up there playing his banjo, Mexico will run America, America's evil and will fall, all Soviet system will prevail, la la la la la, I mean, it was, he was literally saying all this, and it was just, I forgot how disgusting liberals are.
And again, they're really fascist, boot-licking, lovers of tyranny, who want my guns so the system can totally enslave me, but love it when Che Guevara has a gun, or love it when the Zapatistas in Mexico have it.
But not me, not you!
And then I had this UT professor come over and say some really mean things to me.
I'm not even going to repeat what he said.
He said, you can quote me on that, but I'm not going to give him what he wants.
It's horrible.
It was just something else.
Right before I got up to speak, the professor got up and he said, leave immediately after this!
Do not stay!
Get in your cars!
Get in the buses!
Get out of here!
And there were probably 600-something people there, and I'd say over half of them just immediately left with fear.
Oh, we might hear something!
Oh, we might... Let's get in our cars!
So I got up there and introduced Ralph Nader, then I gave my speech about the New World Order, and they had some very interesting bands.
They had one that was a lounge singer group.
I actually liked it, called Shanghai Five.
But, I mean, they're just... neocons are terrified of waking up to the New World Order and what Bush is, and these liberals don't want to wake up to what Kerry is.
Yeah, and it was just disgusting.
I mean, it was... and they were vicious.
Vicious to me.
Hateful, I'd forgotten.
It was like... And again, they're against the war, but they love Kerry, and they hate Ralph Nader.
And I got a chance to interview Ralph Nader and got a chance to introduce him and that was interesting and he's against Nafta and Gatt and he's against the war and he's against a lot of good things.
He's got a lot of good positions.
He's got some bad ones too.
But my whole point is I'll go speak to any group if it's around Central Texas.
I can't travel much because I'm so busy doing radio broadcasts but I certainly did enjoy going and speaking at that.
I mean that guy playing the banjo.
Mexico runs America.
We will soon have it.
It will be ours.
Evil white males will pay.
La la la la la la la.
I mean, literally singing that.
Of course, he was a white guy.
It's just incredible.
You work for the bankers to break down America.
You're incredible.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You will not stop us, because all of us belong to Mexico.
La, la, la, la, la, la, we will confiscate your guns.
La, la, la, la, la, la.
So this guy sung song after song like that, and... and they, one of them walked up to me and said, you're against the borders being open.
You're a racist.
And I went, well George Bush is for open borders, why are you for George Bush?
Literally, the lady just hissed at me.
Now what's wrong with these people?
Bunch of idiots!
You look at who funds your board of directors lately, people?
You work for the big bankers to break down America.
But anyways, watching the peace activists was really disgusting.
They're not peace activists.
They desperately want power and control through a big government they run.
And they love their boss, George W. I tell you, they don't want to really defeat what's happening in this system.
They've always, by the way, enjoyed restricting free speech at the universities.
Now they're very upset by this bill that's passed the House because it will have the Feds going in and investigating and stripping funding from universities if anybody criticizes Israel, which I'm against!
I'm against restricting the First Amendment, but now you guys get to enjoy the neocon version of yourself, don't you?
will retain power in sovereign Iraq.
This is out of news today.
The United States says Iraq will be sovereign, no longer, under military occupation on June 30th, but most power will reside within the world's largest U.S.
embassy, backed by 110,000 U.S.
It's like the Romans saying, we've got King Herod over Israel, but we really run things.
And the Governing Council?
Appointed by our government.
So, I mean, how can anybody read that and go, well, we've put in democracy,
In Iraq.
Also, TSA's trusted traveler program heralds Big Brother from Newsmax.
If the new Transportation Security Administration gets its way, Americans may soon be ID'd, stamped, and tracked in a manner an old-style European police state could only have dreamed of.
And it gets into the Caps 2 system and the rest of it.
Folks, I've seen Ridge on C-SPAN.
Everything you do, every job you have, the airports are the beta test.
It's to be everywhere.
Everything you do, tracked and traced, bad credit, you can't fly, gotta sign up with the government to go to a work camp a few hours a week to pay off your debts.
I mean, you want tyranny, folks.
This baby is it in every single way.
By the way, we have a Washington Post article
Posted from July 6, 1905, where Howard Taft, El Presidente, was out at the Grove having a feast for Moloch.
You might want to read that article.
Also, the Deception Dollars we sell at InfoWars.com, these little handbills that expose a lot of New World Order information.
It made it in a Reuters photo gallery.
A Brazilian anti-war protester holds fake U.S.
currency modeled after the dollar, but showing an image of U.S.
President George W. Bush and referring to September 11th attacks during a demonstration along Copa Chica Beach in Rio de Janeiro.
And people definitely need to get those deception dollars.
Very, very interesting.
Folks, we are unfortunately out of time.
In California, the Christian Science Monitor reports, they've banned smoking outdoors in many areas, smoking in your own house in some cities.
Now, no smoking forces taking new territory, the beach!
They're already banning it on some beaches, and there's a statewide move to not let you smoke on any beach.
I mean, it's just a control freak nightmare system.
That was a great show today, thanks to all the callers, all our affiliates, sponsors, folks of the network, Paul Watson for coming on the show.
I'm Alex Jones, getting ready to sign off here in about 20 seconds.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get the books, get the videos, get the books on tape, spread the word, educate America and the world.
Call the free number to order the films, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Now get out there and take on the Tyrants.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow 11 to 2.
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