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Name: 20040319_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 19, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This hour we're live from Scottsdale, Arizona.
My name is Erskine.
I'm host of Erskine Overnight.
Heard over many of these GCN network stations.
Saturday nights at 11 p.m.
Now, I'm honored to be guest hosting this hour only for my friend Alex Jones.
I'm not substituting.
There ain't no substitute for Alex Jones.
What I'm doing is guest hosting this hour only because Alex Jones is preparing for the most controversial peace rally of the year.
The most controversial peace rally of the year.
And that's going to be in President Bush's own backyard.
Crawford, Texas.
4.30 Saturday.
It begins with Ralph Nader.
7 o'clock.
Alex Jones, who will tell the President's neighbors the truth about the family living next door at the Western White House.
I'll begin Saturday at 4.30 with music by Shanghai Five, Ralph Nader and Alex Jones in Crawford, Texas.
Tonkawa Falls Park, that is the President's own backyard.
Be there to support America.
Ralph Nader.
Who is the only non-Skull and Bones presidential candidate.
Of course, you knew that.
You know he's the only non-Skull and Bones presidential candidate because you're listening to Alex Jones and you have been to Infowars.com.
We're going to ask some very, very difficult, tough questions tonight.
Some questions this morning, rather.
Some questions which
I believe that Alex is asking some questions that need to be asked of the President when they do an investigation of 9-1-1.
Oh yeah, they need to do an investigation of 9-1-1.
We need to get some of the facts out and we need to have some of the people talked with, including the President of the United States.
The President of the United States said that he must be judged by 9-1-1 and everything that came after.
Absolutely he must be judged.
I have no problems with the President running an ad showing 9-1-1.
Because 9-1-1 was the reason for the Patriot Act 1, Patriot Act 2, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq.
All due to the Patriot Act.
To 9-1-1.
We're going to talk about some of the details leading up to 9-1-1.
Some of the truths, some of the falsehoods.
Our call-in number, as always, with Alex Jones is 800-259-9231.
And for those of you listening, next hour, the interview with Mr. Dupree, the one where they told you who actually shot down American Airlines Flight 93.
Yeah, right.
Shot down.
Well, the
The engine fell off 8 miles before the plane crashed.
The engine came off 8 miles before the plane crashed.
Now, does that sound like what?
It sounds like it was absolutely hit.
Dupree tells the whole story behind it, and Alex is breaking it.
Thank goodness we have some Americans who are still patriotic.
Pray for America, but also act.
I always wondered... I was told, God will provide you whatever you need.
Anything you need in the world, God will provide it to you.
But you've got to get down out of the tree if you're, say, a bird.
You've got to get down out of the tree and get it.
It's all there for you, but you've got to get out of the tree to get it if you're a little bird flying around.
We are like little birds.
We're going to have to wake up America.
We're going to have to get out of our tree if we're going to preserve it.
Believe in God?
But get out of that tree and do it.
One of the places you can get out of the tree is this weekend, this Saturday.
Be there.
Be there in Crawford, Texas.
That's coming up Saturday and then later Sunday.
On Sunday, March 21st, Alex Jones will be at the Student Union Building, Santa Rio Room of the University of Texas.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones with Erskine.
Our number here, 800-259-9231.
Give us a call!
Hey folks, Michael Trudeau here to tell you about the first-ever half-price package sale at the Ark Institute.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
Use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're good to go.
Welcome back.
My name's Erskine.
I'm host of Erskine Overnight.
Heard over many of these GCN network stations.
If not heard on your station, for goodness sake, tell them we ought to be.
Saturday nights at 11 p.m.
I'm not substituting for Alex Jones.
There is no substitute for Alex Jones.
You know that.
I know that.
I'm just sitting in for him for one hour.
Then we have a meeting with Mr. Dupree coming up.
Uh, the interview that Alex did with him, the amazing interview.
Our number here, 800-259-9231.
We're going to talk about some of the details in a book, which is my favorite book that I've read this year, called Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order by Paul Joseph Watson.
Now, where can you get a copy of this book?
Let's tell that right off.
You can go to Infowars.com.
You know that.
You're all going there anyway.
Our toll-free number, 888-253-3139.
That's to order
This book, Order Out of Chaos, also to get any of the Dark Secrets of the Bohemian Grove, any of the videos by Alex Jones, Masters of Terror, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, 888-253-3139.
That's going to give you the truth in America.
Now, 9-1-1,
was the seminal point.
It was the point from which the Patriot Act, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, all came about.
Mr. Bush must, must be judged by 9-1-1 and what came after.
According to Paul Joseph Watson, Mr. Bin Laden was in a hospital July 4th through the 14th of 2001.
Osama Bin Laden was in a hospital July 4th through the 14th, 2001 with a kidney infection.
What hospital was he at?
Somewhere in Pakistan?
Somewhere in Afghanistan?
I don't think so.
The American Hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Now gather that first word.
American Hospital.
This is two months before 9-1-1.
He's in an American hospital.
Arrived via Pakistan, treated by Dr. Terry Calloway.
Terry Calloway, that doesn't sound Arab, does it?
He met the CIA Station Chief, Larry Mitchell, where he gave complete details about 9-1-1, what was coming.
Two months before 9-1-1.
Did President Bush know?
Well, if he knew, then
He's certainly responsible to the American public.
If he didn't know, then he should have been firing some people up and down the line.
How many firings have you heard from the President of the United States?
No, the only people that are going after us are the American public.
Other questions that need to be answered.
Where was George Herbert Walker Bush, affectionately known as Number 41?
Well, he was meeting with Osama Bin Laden's brother while the buildings were being
bombed, bombed or crashed into the World Trade Center.
The former president of the United States, the current president's father, was meeting with the brother of the man who they accused of running the planes into the building.
Have you heard that on CNN?
Have you heard that on NBC?
The sources for this?
Paul Joseph Watson credits
Everybody from the Evening Standard in London to UPI to ABC, his sources are absolutely impeccable.
Let's ask Mr. Bush a couple of other questions.
Question number one.
Why is there a 30 minute delay?
Okay, let me go back on that.
You're watching, he goes in to read the goat story to the little kids.
That's a nice photo op, isn't it?
That's really nice.
But before he goes in, he watches the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center.
Now, where did he see this first plane crashing into the World Trade Center?
Now, was he watching NBC?
I don't think so.
They didn't have any video.
How about CBS?
CBS always has it.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
How about Fox?
Fox is good.
They've always got it.
They've got the news first and best and... No, they didn't have it.
Well, maybe it's PBS.
Yeah, sure.
No, they didn't have it either.
Well, you only have one source, CNN.
No, they didn't have it.
The only news where he could have seen the first plane crashing was CIA television because it was on none of the networks.
So here's the President of the United States telling on two occasions that he saw the plane crashing into the first building and yet he goes in and for over 30 minutes he's reading a story about goats to little kids.
Did this Commander-in-Chief of the United States call out anybody, any of the troops that he called up, any of the Air Force to protect after the first building had been hit?
No, he reads a story about goats to little kids.
Now, judge him on his actions.
Judge him on his actions.
This is fully supportable, absolutely, 100% mainstream supportable.
Now, what happened after that?
Sent no planes up, but they did send planes up right after 9-1-1.
They did send planes up.
What were they doing?
Going around the country picking up members of the Bin Laden family.
Going around the country and picking up members of the Bin Laden family.
Is this a cover-up?
In any court of law, anybody taking this type of action would certainly be questioned.
The FBI will question anybody for anything at any time.
They're questioning all of us on everything we do.
Go to the airport, take your shoes off, do this, do that.
Jump through a hoop.
Hey, here's another hoop for you to jump through.
Enjoy yourself.
Have some fun.
Jump through all these hoops.
The President must be held accountable for 9-1-1 and everything that happened thereafter.
Nobody's been fired.
The only people who were fired?
People who blew the whistles.
They're the only ones who've been fired.
9-1-1 was the reason for the Patriot Act, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq.
And what's happened?
What has happened?
Has anybody been brought to task about it?
Alex Jones, on the next hour, has got the interview coming up where he's going to be discussing the shoot-down, yes, the shoot-down of American Airlines Flight 93.
The shoot-down of that plane over Pennsylvania.
Another lie.
Now, I don't know about you, but to me this is looking an awful lot like the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.
Very, very much like the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.
Where can you get all this details?
You can go to Propagandamatrix.com.
You can find all the sites for this and everything else.
You can get a copy of the book, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored.
Gather these words now.
Elite-sponsored terrorism and the New World Order.
By Paul Joseph Watson.
You can get a copy of this book by going to Infowars.com.
Notice the things that I'm mentioning.
Bin Laden, July 4th through 14th, American Hospital, Dubai, briefed the CIA Station Chief, Larry Mitchell, on the coming 9-1-1.
The President says he was watching the plane crash into the World Trade Center.
But he went in and for over 30 minutes read a ghost story to a bunch of kids and didn't even call up any special air force or any army or anything to protect America.
Why was a plane sent around picking up the Bin Laden family and why was George Bush number 41, why was he, George Bush number 41, why was he involved in what he was
When you notice that George Bush number 41
Okay, we're back.
We had a little bit of a problem there, and we're going to talk about why this is the adversary of the war with Iraq.
Why September, or rather the 20th of March is such a critical day to the Illuminati.
Why the Illuminati wanted this day, and why the push to war when we get back.
Our number here is 800-259-9231.
This is information that must be getting out.
The chaos, because this is the truth.
Along with the videos of Alex Jones.
The only person I know who tells you, hey, go on out and make some copies of this.
We've got to get these videos out.
Nobody else is doing that.
Nobody else is saying, hey, we've got to get copies of this out.
Everybody else wants to just sell copies after copies.
Alex says, get them out.
Put it on cable access.
Get those videos out and learn what's going on in America.
Our number here, 800-259-9231.
Give us a call.
Happy to hear from you.
And I'll tell you about a caller from
Kansas City and the wonderful call that we had there who was really trying to get the information out and for what he was trying to do he got shot down.
God bless America.
This is the only way we're going to change America and bring it back is by getting this information out.
Waking Americans up.
The only other way I can figure out is take away the beer and take away the football.
That may do it.
That may wake America up.
Can't think of anything else that would do it.
Take away the beer.
Take away the football.
They've taken away your money.
They've taken away your freedom.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire.
And it burns, burns, burns,
Yeah, when he says it's documented, it is documented, and we're using their own documentation from the major media.
Alex goes to a lot of the major media, plus he does investigative journalism.
One of the things that I wanted to make mention of, why the 20th for the Iraq War?
The 20th correlates with the spring equinox.
The equinox is the spring, the summer, the
Fall and the winter equinoxes are all major satanic holidays, major holidays for the Illuminati, or the Illuminazis.
Only thing we're trying to do right now, or what I'm hoping to do, and I know Alex is trying to do, is we are trying to incite a revelation.
We're trying to incite a revelation to reveal some of these facts.
Real short story, I've got to tell you, because I thought it was kind of cute.
George Bush goes to primary school to talk about the war.
After his talk, he offers question time.
Little boy puts up his hand and waves, and George asks him what his name is.
And what's your question, Bob?
Well, Mr. President, I have three questions.
First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you president when Al Gore got more votes?
And third, what happened to Osama bin Laden?
Well, about that time the bell rang for recess.
George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue right after recess.
When they resume, he says, OK, now, where were we?
Oh, that's right, question time!
Who has a question?
Well, a different little boy puts up his hand, and George points him out and asks him what his name is.
And what's your question, Steve?
Well, I have five questions.
First, why did the U.S.
invade Iraq without the support of the U.N.?
Second, why are you president when Al Gore actually got more votes?
What happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why did the recess bell go 20 minutes early?
And fifth, whatever happened to Bob?
So, they don't want you knowing the truth.
Let's go to Frank in West Virginia.
Frank, welcome to Alex Jones.
Well, hello.
Good to talk to you, Erskine.
I just want to mention something that follows up yesterday's topic concerning RFIDs.
For those who don't know, I think most of the listeners do, but it stands for Radio Frequency Identification.
And it was mentioned quite a bit in regards to money and also Walmart.
Anyhow, just wanted to talk about a possible solution, a very simple and easy solution at Walmart's dime.
People can call and pressure Walmart to take those things out of what they already are using in the pallets for inventory, and also to not use those whatsoever.
I would call and ask them to
Leave the message for the head manager of the consumer division, the division that has to do with this.
Also, just call 1-800-WALMART.
That's 1-800-WALMART.
And I know it worked before because they kind of, at least temporarily, went back and said, no, we're not going to use it.
You're right, Frank.
They backed off.
Yeah, they backed off on a lot of those.
Now, they actually were even putting them into shoes and Michelin was putting them into tires.
Now, question for you, Frank.
You know a lot more about the RFIDs than I do.
Can putting it into a microwave, will that dispel it or cause it to burst?
That's a good question.
I will have to speak to a friend of mine who's an engineer.
And has a lot more expertise in that area, and get back to you about that.
Because I don't know of any good experiments that have been tested with those in particular.
Now with the money, we haven't proven, I don't think yet, whether or not it has a true RFID.
We do know it has a magnetic strip, however, that can be read from a close distance.
Whether or not it can actually absorb energy and transmit it at a longer distance, I really couldn't say.
I have not seen any change in those strips, though, by sticking it in the microwave.
Although, like yesterday we were talking about, the guests were talking about the fact that the ink on it, around the center of the bill, at least that's what we know it is, that metallic ink would do that.
And that's pretty typical for any type of metallic device, especially if it has more than one filament in it.
I'll ask my engineering friend and get back to you about that another day, but what does your schedule get on?
On your show, I'd like to listen to it.
We're on 11 p.m.
Central on GCN and Erskineonradio.com.
Anyone who wants to get in touch with me can certainly do that.
I'll spread the word.
We're on p.m.
Saturday night.
Thanks, Frank, and we'll be back with Mike Darrell and Mike right after these words.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Side effects?
Yeah, my knee used to bug me, and that's better now, too.
Call Kliscott Enterprises at 800-569-4340.
That's 1-800-569-4340.
If you're suffering, try MSM.
It worked for me.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Any of you going to Las Vegas, be sure to go to the Bellagio, because right outside the Bellagio, they're having a very special thing.
It's the 40th birthday for the Pink Panther!
Isn't that great?
And Henry Mancini.
I just love the Pink Panther movies.
Let's go to Darryl in Pennsylvania.
Darryl, thank you so much for waiting.
You've got a comment.
Yes, sir.
And Erskine, I just wanted to say, since you mentioned Alex's videos, I've got about 100 Patriot videos sitting right around my living room here, and Alex
I consider three of his to be the very three best.
Which three are they?
Those are 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, and Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
And I just urge everybody, don't sit around and wait to get them.
If you buy one, they're $31.95 postpaid, but as Alex has pointed out, if you buy three or more,
You're going to save $6 off of each of them, and you can save $18 by buying three.
And again, I urge folks to get those three, because they show that governments actually do orchestrate terroristic events, or pay others to do them, and then take advantage of them to push their own agenda.
And again, I just urge everyone, don't wait.
I know lots of folks like to procrastinate, but call today.
Can I give his toll-free number?
I wish you would.
It's 888-253-3139 and pick up those three videos and I thank you for
For also encouraging folks to get Alex's videos.
And the other thing that you want to do, Daryl, is if you haven't got a copy of it, get the book Order Out of Chaos.
It's published by... Paul Joseph Watson and I have it.
You better believe it.
Isn't that book dynamite?
It's great and so is Alex's book, 9-1-1 The Descent Into Tyranny.
And that's the way that we can support people that are
That are risking a lot.
If not their very lives, they risk their reputations because a lot of groups go out and attack folks like Alex Jones.
And Alex has been attacked because he's taken flak for being over target.
So it's critical that we support them.
And one of the best ways to support them, if you can send a donation, that's fine.
But one of the greatest ways is to get informational tools
Great informational tools that they offer, and then share them with others.
And as you pointed out, Alex, by the way, there is two other people.
Tech Mars and Pastor Butch Paw let folks make copies of their videos, but Alex lets folks make copies.
And I'd encourage everyone, get those three videos, make about 10 or 20 copies of each.
When I'm looking at this, I am thinking, my goodness, God bless you for saying what you're doing, but I'm looking at this and I'm saying,
Why isn't the American public waking up?
And then you turn the TV on to any station, you can see why.
It's nothing but propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.
Get the truth and get it out, because once somebody sees it, they can't go back in the dark anymore.
Once you shine the light on some of these cockroaches, they're not going to go back in the light.
I've really begged all my Christian friends to stand up, because if you're not standing up for the truth, then you're standing up for the other side.
You've got no choice.
This is a battle, and it's a spiritual battle as much as anything.
Thank you, Daryl.
And thank you.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Let's go immediately to Drew in Texas, which is Alex's home state, and where they're going to be having Saturday over in Crawford.
The intelligence community presents the most controversial peace rally of the year.
Yes, Drew.
Good to hear from you.
Thank you, sir.
I was wondering if you have seen the Eric Huffsmith video, the 9-11 scam?
No, I haven't.
Okay, you really haven't?
I had Eric on my radio program, though.
Okay, anyway, I urge everybody to get that video.
I've seen it recently.
It goes into very good detail, technical detail, about how
The Pentagon was probably hit by a drone or missile.
It also goes into technical detail about how the Twin Towers had multiple bombs placed in them, and they were detonated precisely.
So, you know, there was no way they could have collapsed in less than ten seconds by the fuel, the burning fuel of those planes.
Well, there also is the fact that they had, and they even are admitting it now, bombs placed in Building 7.
Oh yeah.
That's the one that people aren't talking about, which came down at 5.30 in the afternoon, and people on PBS were talking about, yes, it actually did have the bombs in there, and they brought it down.
They figured, why not?
Why not?
Yeah, just bring the building down.
The other website that I'll recommend to you is Serendipity.
I don't know if it's, I think it's serendipity.com or something like that, but that gives the real
The real story behind 9-1-1 also.
You're going to have that in addition to all the other information that you have.
But you need to get the videos by Alex Jones.
Thank you for the call, Drew.
And hopefully you can make it over to Crawford, Texas.
Well, I'd like to also get into another point, if I could.
Real quickly.
What is it about 9-1-1 that is so important to these psychopaths?
I mean, you know, you've got 9-11-01.
You've got 911 days after that that we had the 311 explosions in Madrid, and also 9-11-73 was the date that the CIA over to the Allende, elected the Allende government in Chile.
What is it about 9-11 that's so important to these creatures?
You also had 9-1-1 exactly 10 years before on 1991 when Bush gave the speech, President George W. Herbert Walker Bush gave the speech for the United Nations talking about what we have is a new world order.
That's the first time they announced that before the United Nations, exactly 10 years before.
Hey, all this research, all this...
All this links up satanically, and you know that, Drew.
It all links to the Illuminati.
They're very much into the numbering system and the whole thing.
You and I both know that, and the listeners of this program are well aware of that, Drew.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Let's go immediately to Mike in California.
Mike, hey, welcome to Alex Jones' program.
This is Erskine.
Thank you, Mr. Erskine.
Thank you for your program and your insight.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Do you have a question or a comment?
Well, I have a couple paragraphs I'd like to read.
It's a billion thanks to President Bush.
Well, start out and read part of that.
That won't take long.
A billion thanks to you, Mr. Bush, for getting us in a war we shouldn't be in.
For sending our sons and daughters to fight and die.
Leading the American people to pay for it.
While your daddy and his Carlisle cronies, along with Halliburton, get filthy rich from the war tools and oil.
And for the Patriot Act, along with the Homeland Security Act, which trashes our precious Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And for lying to the people, saying, we have to take away your rights and freedom, to protect your rights and freedom.
And thanks for cutting the heads off Israel's enemies, to further the cause of Zionism.
Thanks for your complicity in 9-11, and for your plan to flood our country with Mexicans and other third world immigrants, against the will of the people, to take our jobs and our living space.
And for outsourcing the few good jobs left to India and China.
You've proven yourself to be a leader who will get all the love and respect you deserve from the people.
From a real American, not a phony neoconservative, skull and boner, elite fat cat.
91 IQ lying deserter.
Why don't you say what you mean?
Mike, I mean this pussyfootin' around and beatin' around the bush.
You know, I always considered myself to be a conservative.
Yes, I shouldn't have come out and say it, huh?
You really ought to say what you mean.
But I used to consider myself a conservative, and the type of conservative I was was a conservative who wanted smaller government, conservative who cared about America for Americans,
A conservative who wanted America to be strong, and realized that we had our place in the world, and if other countries are having their problems, let them take care of their own problems.
To me, a conservative wanted less government, less controls.
Now I don't know what I am.
I'm no longer a conservative, am I?
I'm with these neocons!
A lot of people are telling me, hey, I'm not even voting now.
I mean, it's like, it's not even lesser of two evils.
They're all equally evil.
Well, that's why I'm so proud to see Alex Jones with Ralph Nader, because you've got Skull and Bones Bush, Skull and Bones Kerry.
You want the class of 1966 Skull and Bones or the class of 1968?
It's the Hegelian dialect.
They've got one bad, they're going to give you another one.
Heads you win, tails you also win.
It doesn't matter.
It's heads or tails, it doesn't matter.
Either way, you're getting the same, same thing.
Either way, we're going to get the boner.
You guys, hey, talk with you later and let's go to Don in Wisconsin.
Don, welcome.
Yes, sir.
Where in Wisconsin are you calling from, Don?
Right in the center, Medford.
Okay, now we are on, Erskine Overnight is on WTDY.
You give them a call in Madison, tell them we need to be on live because they've got us on a rerun over there with
So give them a call and tell them we need to be on live on Saturday nights at 11 o'clock on WTDY in Madison.
You go all the way to the right of the dial and then just keep going.
You'll find them.
What can I help you with, Don?
Well, I just wanted to make a comment about this putting money in the microwave and watching it pop.
Yeah, tell me about that.
Okay, well, what I'm concerned about is it's a felony to deface or destroy American currency.
So actually, when you do this, you are committing a felony.
Okay, well I figure I bought the $20 bill.
I'm going to use it if I want to do that and pop that thing in there.
I'm going to do it anyway.
You know, them fancy pointy heads ain't going to tell me everything to do.
What you got to watch out for is when you're talking about it over the air, you know, you're telling people to commit a felony.
Okay, don't put your money in the microwave.
You can hide it somewhere else.
We know where we're coming from.
Hey Don, thanks for the call.
Let's go to Wolfgang from an undisclosed location.
Wolfgang, you're on with Erskine on Alex Jones.
Hello, you're talking about media control and propaganda.
I'm the owner of Patriot Action Television Network.
And we are right now doing something called Operation Capital City.
Have you heard of it?
No, sir.
Tell me about it.
All right.
We're currently having people run Alex Jones' programs on their local cable access show, and we're trying to reach over 100 million people with this battle plan.
It's on the front page of my website.
Can I give that out?
Please do.
It's Patriot Action Television.
The web address is
P-A-T-V, that's Papa Alpha Tango Victor dot eight M dot net or do a web search on Google for Patriot Action Television Network.
Wolfgang, I appreciate that.
And what you're doing is you're taking the Alex Jones videos, and we used to call it in the business, bicycling them to other places so that they can be shown on as many, as many stations as possible on Community Action, CATV, and they can't stop you.
They've got a right.
It's a public airway.
They've got to put it on there.
And it's one way that you can get around things.
That's a wonderful idea, Wolfgang, and keep up the good work.
That's P-A-T-V dot H-M dot net?
Dot H, the letter, the number H dot M dot net.
H-H-M dot net.
P-A-T-V dot H-H-M dot net, right?
Or you can do a Patriot Action TV network search on Google or any of your search engines, it'll come right up with it.
Also on that site, there's an instant press pass link.
You can get yourself an instant press pass right there off the site.
Wolfgang, that's a great call.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very, very much.
I appreciate it.
Let's go immediately to John in the great state of Louisiana.
Hi, John.
Hello, Erskine.
Erskine, are you topic-bound today?
No, we're not topic bound.
You give me a topic, you give me something you want to talk about, what's in your craw there?
There's virtually no public discussion of the roots of our moral and social decadence.
It started with and it lies with the Frankfurt School and actually it's a half dozen German refugees who came over here in 1933 and they've brought about a complete total revolution in our country and nobody talks about it.
You want to really somebody who talked about it in their last words in their last breath in the last actions and that was Steve Allen.
He wrote a book called Bulgarians at the Gate and I had a interview and that book
It has a lot of nasty words.
When you read that book, you're going to see why.
If we're going to maintain a civilization, you have to include the word civil.
Civil is part of civilization.
We've lost our civility here, haven't we?
We certainly have.
But the public is so dumbed down, the vast majority of people have never heard of the Frankfurt School.
Well, you, me, and Alex are all from the South, and in the South, we learn to say yes sir and no sir and yes ma'am and no ma'am.
I, even at my age, I still say yes sir and no sir to people, and you do too, I'm sure.
Well, it doesn't hurt that much, does it?
No, it doesn't hurt at all.
It doesn't cost money to be civil, does it, John?
No, not a thing, no.
Well, thanks for the call, and we'll be talking about the Frankfurt School in the near future.
Let's go immediately.
I think we have time to go to Chris calling from the great Tar Heel State of North Carolina.
Hey, Chris, how's it going?
It's going fine, Erskine.
How are you doing?
I'm doing fine, dandy, and wonderful.
You're not that great in basketball, though, this year, are you?
I haven't been keeping up with it.
Not the round balls.
Well, Duke's doing okay.
They're rated number one.
You don't get much better than that.
What can I help you with?
Well, I want to let all listeners know about this kind of a, I think it's kind of a heinous little bill coming up in the House of Representatives.
Oh, they wouldn't do a thing like that, would they?
Those wonderful representatives of ours.
What have they got going now to cook up?
Well, the Honorable Ron Lewis of Kentucky has written a little bill, H.R. 3920.
And what it is, it's Congressional Accountability for Judicial Activism Act of 2004.
Now what that does is that allows for congressional reversal of Supreme Court judgment.
Oh, no.
Yeah, if you think about it, if the House comes up with a bill and it gets passed by the President, whichever bozeman gets it this year, and especially if it's maybe an anti-gun law, and Supreme Court judgment brings up a case about it,
He thinks it's unconstitutional.
Well, it's just, it's tough.
They can overrule it.
So, yeah, you see what... So there go the checks and balances.
Does the term uphold, defend the Constitution of the United States have no meaning at all to our elected leaders?
Not after 2000, it seems.
Isn't that something?
That's treason to my way of thinking.
They take an oath to uphold, an oath on the Bible to uphold.
You hit the nail on the head right there.
If everybody would just call the representative and tell them that they need to rethink that situation.
Thank goodness we have people like Ron Paul who are in Congress and a few really, really good people who are there.
Our number here is 800-259-9231.
If you want to write to me,
And I'd appreciate it if you'd like to.
My web address is ErskineOnRadio.com www.ErskineOnRadio.com So you can write to me that way and be sure to get up to Infowars.com and the number for Alex's videos, you've got to order the videos and get up there.
That's 888-253-3139.
The best videos you're going to see.
9-1-1, the road to tyranny.
We're there.
Police State, the enslavement, and all the documentaries that Alex has made.
Get them.
Get them.
Get them.
Be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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I think so.
I think so.
I think so.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I honestly can't believe what's happened to our country.
I'm glad I'm older and I grew up when I did.
We knew right from wrong.
Our parents fought the Nazis and we said the pledge to the flag in Bible verses in school each morning.
Our friends and family worked at the plant and Made in Japan meant trinkets.
We know the answer of what went wrong and why it went wrong and we're learning more and more from Alex Jones www.infowars.com and
America has always had problems, but I want to cry or fight when I think of the beautiful land we call America.
We had problems, yes, but it was a beacon of honesty, a way of life that was more blessed than any of us ever imagined at the time.
Too bad!
You really don't miss freedom until it's gone.
Pity the children of today.
They're missing so, so very, very much.
Let's go immediately to Tim in Wisconsin.
Tim, welcome to Erskine Overnight.
The last time I heard you was on your own show for the first time.
I'm going to be going to something called a Concerned Systems Group where I live in a park.
I've been trying to tell people, family and relatives and some Christian people from a church or so.
About what?
About what's going on and everything?
I'm trying to make sure if I remember to tell them about 9-11.
I know my grandma, you know, I try to tell the truth about that.
I kind of remember trying to tell other Christian people the truth about that too.
They don't really want to believe that, though.
You know, that's the problem.
A lot of people don't want to believe it because they can't handle the truth.
They can't deal with the truth, as Jack Nicholson said, and they'd rather have the little fantasy that the government's putting out to us.
Thanks so much for the call, Tim, and let's go to James in Kansas City.
James, I don't know, did you call a station in Phoenix just last week?
Uh, yeah, I, uh, called in, uh, once before, uh, to state that I've seen, uh, uh, cops up here with, uh, military uniforms on, in camouflage, basically.
Uh, so... Oh, what does that do?
What does that do with the posse comitatus act, huh?
You know, my wife and I were going to Vegas.
We were on the way to Vegas and we got pulled over at a checkpoint.
We didn't get stopped at the checkpoint.
Anybody going across Hoover Dam and they came up to us and they said, where are you going?
I said, Las Vegas.
What are you going for?
Well, a little vacation.
Go ahead.
Have yourself a good time.
Okay, fine.
We're looking back, and they are Park Rangers, and they've got submachine guns, AK-47s, submachine guns, and I'm thinking to myself, what's happened to Smokey the Bear?
I mean, you gotta have submachine guns with Park Rangers?
They're confiscating all of this type of stuff.
You've got the police here, who have become virtual SWAT teams, and they are doing exercises in Phoenix and elsewhere to see on urban warfare, and you've got the military, who are now
I don't understand what's going on, but of course I do understand, and Alex tells what's going on.
You got a question or a comment, James?
Well, first off, I'd like to say that I, too, was raised in the South, and I still refer to everyone as ma'am and sir.
You know where I'm coming from with that, don't you?
Yes, and I'm training my three kids to do the exact same.
I expect no less than a yes sir or a no sir when I tell them something.
God bless you.
I used to get, if I didn't, I'd get the backhand right across me.
Now I know, and I hear children sassing their parents in the grocery store, and I shudder because I know what would have happened to me if I backtalked my mother or father.
Oh yeah, you know, nowadays a kid would say child abuse, but back then, no, it was considered keeping your kid in line.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, James.
And I want to thank you for letting me guest host.
Get over to Crawford, Texas.
Get up to Infowars.com.
Order Alex's videos.
You need them.
And if you want to contact me, and if you've got a station you'd like to hear Erskine overnight on, just contact me at www.erskineonradio.com.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now entering the second hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
It is Wednesday, the 25th day
of February 2004.
The Passion came out today, by the way.
I'll be watching it this evening, and I'll give you a report on it tomorrow in the first hour of the show.
Coming up in this hour, reports.
Slavery alive and well in the U.S.
That's Newsday.
Child organ traffickers.
They grab the children and cut their guts out.
Human Trafficking Study looks towards remedies out of Florida, and much, much more.
We will get into Homeland Security, the police state, what's happening, and of course, your phone calls.
For those that are patiently holding, the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Colonel Don DeGrand is an author.
He's a military veteran.
He put on a symposium a few years ago that made headlines in major newspapers in Portugal.
We have one of those articles posted.
And it says, a Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented the news with a version of the September 11th attacks that has to date failed to attract the attention of the international press.
The report compiled by the Independent Inquiry in the September 11th World Trade Center attacks warns the American public that the government's official version of events does not stand up to scrutiny.
And the man who put this on was Colonel Don DeGrande, who's an American,
And the 72-hour non-stop symposium on deliberation by a group of military and civilian pilots under the chairmanship of Colonel Don DeGrand, after deliberating non-stop for 72 hours, has concluded that the flight crews of the four passenger airliners involved in the September 11 tragedy had no control over their aircraft.
And they get into how the Global has clearly carried it out.
Now, this was two years ago, folks!
A very cutting-edge.
Now, the mainstream foreign press has addressed it, and most Europeans believe the U.S.
government carried it out.
A lot of Americans are now waking up and talking to this trailblazer, cutting-edge pioneer, Colonel Don DeGrande.
It's an honor, sir, to have you on the show.
Hey Alex, it's good to be aboard.
It's good to be here.
We're going to break here in about a minute and a half, but give folks your bio.
Tell us about Colonel Don DeGrande.
Well, you've got part of the name correct.
I'll give you a quick bio.
I entered the military in 1944 as a
Eighteen-year-old radio operator, Morse Code, and I was sent to Burma and China.
I was attached to Detachment 101, which was OSS, and I operated out of Burma, and then later on in Kunming, China, along with such notable people as a tall, skinny gal by the name of Julia Child.
She's since put on a little weight, and now she's doing television commercials, I guess,
But I came back on active duty in 1950 as a commissioned officer, infantry airborne, and I got involved in the Korean fracas for a year and a half until I was wounded.
Then I was shipped home for two years while I recuperated.
I'll tell you what, Colonel Don DeGrand Prix, let's stay right there, let's recap when we get back and go through the rest of your bio, and then launch into this amazing symposium you put on two years ago, and why you did it in Portugal.
So stay with us, his first interview in over a year, and we're honored to have Colonel Don DeGrand Prix.
Hi, this is Bobby Lycus.
I may be the new kid on the block, but that doesn't mean I don't know my stuff.
But don't take my word for it.
I always listen to you and I request that maybe make your program to four hours.
I know.
It's a special privilege talk to speak to an automotive diagnostic mechanic professional like you.
I'm a retired City of New York police detective.
I live in Roswell, New Mexico now.
If I see a UFO coming in on a final approach with the wheels down, I'm going to send them up there to you.
I love your program and I really wish I knew enough about a car to do some hands-on myself.
Love your program.
I listen to you every Saturday and I sure have picked up a lot of helpful information from you.
Great show.
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So tune in Bobby Likus Car Clinic and let me infotain you.
Bobby Likus Car Clinic every Saturday from 10 till noon Eastern.
I'm Bobby Likus.
Likus, you'll love us on the Genesis Communication Network.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and families to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
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Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking to Colonel Don DeGrant Prix.
We have a news article about an incredible symposium he put on two years ago in Portugal, covered by Front Page newspaper and magazine, Portugal's
One of their major papers.
And a lot of key info came out.
Very cutting edge.
And this was his first interview since he had a stroke, what, over a year ago.
And it's great to have the Colonel on the show.
So he got into OSS right at the end of World War II, then went into Korea for a year and a half, was wounded with the Airborne.
And that's where we left off, Colonel.
Please continue with your bio.
Okay Alex, actually I went to work then for SecDef Bob McNamara, he hired me as the Chief Arms Negotiator for the Middle East.
We conducted our business there, we were known as the super salesman in ISA, International Security Affairs, and over a ten year period we sold over a hundred billion dollars worth of military equipment to all comers.
And then you mentioned the interview in Portugal.
I didn't actually go to Portugal, but on 11 September, actually it was 12 September, I wrote to my friend General Hugh Shelton, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs at that time.
He was transisting out and he was replaced by General Richard
What the heck was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs?
The name escapes me, but he was a four-star Air Force General, and Myers, I guess, was the name.
At any rate, I called together from 16 through 19 September in the Pentagon area, not in the Pentagon.
A group of military, civilian, and general aviation pilots, and for three days we kicked around what actually happened on 11 September.
And then the investigative journalist covered that, and it was reported in the Portugal News, and very accurate.
I have the report in front of me.
It is quite involved, but if you have some questions, fire away, Alex!
Well, now you've got these military officers together, and then I guess the only place I ever saw it get reported on was here in Portugal, talked about the symposium.
Of course, I've read one of your fine books, and we'll talk about that as well a little bit later in the show and take some calls.
But what was laid out, what I saw in the four-page article two years ago, which turned out to be very accurate, tell us about the military officers, the pilots,
The civilian pilots that were there, and the conclusions you came to in the 72 hour non-stop meeting.
Please go over that for us.
Okay, Alex.
The group of pilots, and they will remain anonymous, were a wonderful mix of commercial, military, and civilian pilots.
At any rate, after three days the decisions were unanimous.
And I wrote my 24-page report up and submitted it to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
That report ultimately got into the hands of the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on 23 January 2002.
The General was a U.S.
Marine Corps General by the name of Peter Pace.
I got a telephone call on 5 March.
From one of his horse holders who was a Colonel Air Force type and he informed me that General Peter Pace had gotten the 24 pages and that he in effect had no comment at this time but he used the old Marine Corps lingo Semper Fi or always faithful and we let it go at that.
Later on, I continued my correspondence with the Vice Chairman, and most recently I got a letter 8 November 2003 from Peter Pace to me, carrying on about not only the investigation, but about the three books that I've written since that time.
Now, Colonel, going over your report and the
I guess the committee meeting you guys had to put out what you believe really happened.
Now, as more evidence has come out, it shows that that's clearly exactly what happened.
Now they're using 9-11 to turn this country into a total police state.
I mean, how do you see us turning this around?
The turning around is not going to be that easy.
I look at the final paragraph of this Portoguese report and here's what the final paragraph said.
So far the mainstream American news media has failed to publish or broadcast any details regarding the independent inquiry.
Similarly, the White House, whilst having received a copy of the report, has remained silent on its findings.
Well, we know that a copy
First of all, I have to back up a little.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had 500 copies of this 24-page report made and sent out, including the White House.
And I have to say, it was including President Bush.
So they got a copy of the report.
That was Myers at the time.
That is correct.
And so, I mean, if he sent out 500 copies, that would mean that he believed in it.
I'm quite sure that he believed in it and I think that he still believes in it.
You can understand the difficulties.
The administration, the civilian administration of course, won't recognize it as such.
How did you find out that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had sent this out?
I got a telephone call and I think the date was 5 March 2002.
Stating that at the time, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had no comment, but he used the Marine Corps lingo, Semper Fi, Semper Fidelity, Always Faithful.
And that triggered in me further memos and I traded memos with General Peter Pace and Dick Myers and they continued on.
Well, that had to be upsetting to Mr. Rumsfeld to have all these hundreds of your report flying around the Pentagon.
You see, there's a definite cleavage between the military of the Pentagon and the civilian hierarchy
And never the twain shall meet.
Well, there was an article right after the events you talk about in mid-2002 for the Washington Times saying the morale of the Pentagon had never been lower.
And you would think it would be high, you know, after 9-11 and, you know, getting together to fight the enemy, but it said that the officers didn't believe in the, quote, mission or in the intelligence.
That is correct.
That came out of the Washington Times, and I can verify that from Colonel Dick Schultz, who is a friend of mine and the Joint Chiefs.
Morale was not only low, but he said some of the troops are ready to mutiny, and if it wasn't for the fact that the government, the civilian hierarchy has control over retirements, etc.,
They'd probably be blood in the streets by now.
There was also an article where they panicked in the Washington Times.
It was also in the Washington Post.
They panicked and flew the officers on jets to luxury vacations and had these focus groups.
It even talked about a possible mutiny.
People were just totally distraught.
What would make them become distraught overnight in the Pentagon?
Well, it wasn't an overnight thing.
You see, as I outline in book one, and I carry that on in book two as well as book three, we were on the verge of a military coup d'etat.
And this was long in the planning, and even after the 78 days of bombing Kosovo it became critical, and we were close to a coup d'etat at that time.
The survey of the reports and the pilots who worked with that, a coup was a possibility.
In fact, a coup d'etat was pulled on the morning of September 11th.
Only it was an administrative or what we call a cold coup d'etat.
A reverse coup d'etat.
Yes, in effect.
A counter-revolutionary junta.
Well, that is correct.
And as we delved into that, we found that the culprits, including Rumsfeld, were part of a neocon group that had been planning this thing for literally years prior to September 11th.
Absolutely, Colonel.
It's just amazing, picking your brain.
We're going to break here.
I want to just come back.
Talking to you this morning, I was proud to know that you've been a listener to the show for a while.
Well, I've had a single sideband shortwave set for about four years, and I listened very faithfully to Alex Jones, particularly, up until about two years ago.
As a result of the events of September 11th, I did have a stroke.
I'm fully recovered.
As I told Alex, I went riding my favorite corner horse this morning.
So I'm back and ready for anything.
Well, that's wonderful, Colonel.
Okay, we'll break and come back with the Colonel.
And get into all of this, and later get to your calls too, so please stay with us.
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Folks, we'll take some of your calls for Colonel Don DeGrampre coming up in the next segment.
He's done a lot of great work.
I've only read one of his books.
Don, tell us about some of your books and what they cover and how folks can get a copy.
Okay, I've got three books, Al, or Alex.
Under the title, Barbarians Inside the Gates, Book 1 was the Serpent Sting, Book 2 is the Viper's Venom, Book 3, which just came out, is the Rattler's Revenge.
I'd like to quote from Book 2, which came out October of 2002.
There's a very important paragraph there.
It says, The trigger for the 9-11 activity was the imminent and the unstoppable
And now we've seen General Eberhardt say that that's the next step.
Tommy Frank said that's the next step.
Are those not chilling statements?
Yes, they are.
This next step
It will be preceded by what I write up in book one, The Serpent's Sting.
I wrote of a coming coup d'etat.
And this was written in the year 2000.
And sure as blazes, it's coming.
And it'll be preceded by these kinds of things as enunciated by Tommy Franks, among others.
So we're in a world of hurt, Alex.
Now, by coup d'etat, do you mean another intensification of a reverse coup d'etat to keep the people from fighting against the New World Order?
Or do you mean the type that Bill Clinton successfully stopped in his administration?
Well, I'm talking about the administrative coup d'etat that came off September 11th.
You're talking about an intensification... September 11th.
You're talking about an intensification of the elite in a coup d'etat against America.
That is correct.
Well, I mean, it's ongoing.
They're federalizing everything.
They're militarizing everything.
They're engaging in the classic takeover, are they not?
Yes, they are.
And from this, Alex, and I bring this out very clearly in book three, the only way we can stop it is with the classic counter coup d'etat, where the military steps in.
And under the aegis of the military itself,
Disengaging or disemboweling the civilian hierarchy and taking over and re-running and reorganizing the federal government.
Now, the problem is they've got so many CFR minions in the Pentagon.
We know that Clinton had some officers terminated in their offices, you know, shot multiple times and the rest of it.
We know that happened, but the question is, how many of the high-level officers are on the globalist team?
I can only say several of the highest level
Our members now of the Council of Foreign Relations.
The important thing to consider is how many of them are sincere in their beliefs as enunciated by the CFR.
I believe there are several sleepers and I believe I know some of them personally who are three and four star generals.
They're members of the CFR
But their heart belongs to Jesus, if I can use that expression, because they are true Semper Fidelity people.
Some of them happen to be Marines.
And I'm counting on them to do the right thing.
And I bring this out in Book 3.
Absolutely, and we'll tell folks how they can get those books.
I mean, I want to carry them, but Colonel,
I mean, your experience in the military, your experience in the intelligence agencies, there's also the danger, though, obviously, in any military movement of that nature, that it could be self-serving as well and set up its own form of wickedness.
Yes, that's plausible.
That's correct.
I don't believe it'll happen in exactly that fashion.
And the thing about a coup d'etat and a counter coup d'etat is you never know when it's going to happen.
You never know exactly who is involved and this is a plus for any planners of a counter coup d'etat.
Well this is certainly dividing the wheat from the chaff because how many people, and we'll get the answer to the question when we get back.
From your feelers in the Pentagon, how many people in there now know that an element of the global system, a crime syndicate, carried out 9-11?
I mean, only an idiot would think they didn't, but the point is, this has got to be accelerating the division, and I want to get your take on the pulse of that.
We'll take calls when we get back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Don't forget our backup mirror site, InfoWars.net.
There's also JonesReport.com and VirginUtah.com.
We're about to launch a new website, by the way, that you're going to want to hear about, but that's in a few weeks.
We're talking to Colonel Don DeGrand Prix and worked at many different levels of the U.S.
military and has put out some really important information.
Two years ago he put out a report in a meeting in a
72-hour deliberation, a group of military and civilian US pilots under the chairmanship of Colonel Don DeGran, after deliberating non-stop for 72 hours, has concluded that the flight crews of the four passenger airliners involved in the September 11th tragedy had no control over the aircraft, and they get into how the military-industrial complex clearly, that is, elements of it, were in control of this.
Colonel, we're going to go to some calls here in a few minutes after you've covered some other issues with us.
But to understand this, you know, my question of what percentage of the officer's period in the military do you think have finally woken up to the true magnitude of what's going on?
Well, I'm in personal contact at least on a weekly basis with the Joint Chiefs and other select people.
My computation is that 70% of us are with us.
That's the higher-ranking military, field grade officers, etc., and even the first three graders of the enlisted.
Seventy percent are with us.
Well, they've had questionnaires, you know, a decade ago, will you fire on U.S.
citizens under U.N.
And the President says so, and, you know, 74 percent say no to that, so...
But, okay, well then how are the globalists getting away with this?
Sure, frankly, it's one big bluff and we can thank many of the neocons who are now in power in the Defense Department particularly.
They get away with it because they try it out and see if anybody will salute the flag and
That's the way it goes.
So basically they wrap their un-American agenda in the flag and the general public buys it so the military has to sit there and take it.
They do, yes, and I think those days are coming to an end.
The military ain't gonna take it any longer.
Well, I mean, how did the military ever get convinced to use depleted uranium in areas where there's gonna be troops?
To put what, Alex?
Well, I mean, yeah, the military gets treated like dog meat.
You've got the depleted uranium, Colonel, where they spray depleted uranium everywhere and then the troops breathe it at 1,900 times safe levels.
I mean, yeah, I mean, how can the Pentagon put up with that?
Well, the DU rounds are overplayed, first of all.
They aren't that potent.
And secondarily, we must consider that weapons of mass destruction have already been used by some of the opposition in the period February of 1991.
Weapons of mass destruction, including low-yield nuclear weapons.
Okay, can you break that down for us?
Well, I break it down in the time frame that we had satellite images of rounds or missiles being fired from the Negev Desert toward Baghdad, and that's 600 miles distance, and six or eight of the rounds came in.
That was February of 1991.
Are you saying the Israelis use miniaturized nuclear weapons?
Yes, sir.
That's what I'm saying in plain English.
Well, I remember, and I know they brag, they have a lot of really sophisticated miniaturized nuclear weapons.
That is correct.
And I have verification of that.
I think it's in book two.
And I think it will stand up in more scrutiny.
Well I know your work on September 11th certainly has.
Do you think the globalists are going to have the will to carry out another massive attack here in the US to try to get control back over the population and get their agenda back on track?
Or do you think they've calculated, computed as you said, that that will blow up in their face because so many people now know who the real terrorists are?
Well, that's a two-pronged question, Alex.
I think it deserves a studied answer.
The only thing I can say is I'm not sure of how it will turn out, but it's very dangerous.
Well, from watching the Globalist, I think they had a plan, they're still following a plan, but I think they're shook up.
I think from the evidence, in fact I know from the evidence, a lot of things they planned haven't gone according to schedule, and so they don't know what to do right now.
This is correct.
I think it's personified in the persona of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz.
They almost got him in Baghdad when they fired the salvo one night of weaponry, and they scared Paul Wolfowitz off.
He's ready to resign or get the hell out.
Do you think that was U.S.
forces doing that?
I believe it.
It was very well planned, again.
And only U.S.
forces would know that he would be there, yeah.
That is correct.
And the precision of those weapons that came in and into the hotel, there were 11 rounds in all, and I can speak from authenticity that they scared the hell out of Paul Wolfowitz.
And probably C. Paul Brenner, or whatever his name is.
Why does the Pentagon hate Wolfowitz?
Wolfowitz has been in this game since 1974.
I was still on active duty when I met him in 1974, and he was coming on strong even then.
Along with him, Richard Perle and a couple of the others who are now known as New Conservatives.
Now, Perle had the nickname as the Crazy and the Prince of Darkness, correct?
That is correct.
Why was he known as the Prince of Darkness?
I can't answer that directly.
He was a snake to begin with, but nothing was ever straightforward as far as Richard Perle was concerned.
I introduced Book Three to quotes stating that Richard Perle is a madman.
And it goes on from there.
Well, he was a madman.
He was at a press dinner last year and, again, giggling and laughing about how we're going to have World War III, we're going to nuke everyone, ha ha ha.
And then he goes, isn't that impressive?
And, like, sort of grabbing on some women.
I mean, he's a complete lunatic.
That is correct.
Richard Perle's days are numbered.
I don't know if he realizes it, but so many of these so-called neocons
You'll notice now that they are very quiet indeed.
They're not really surfacing anymore, including Dick Cheney.
Yeah, why has Dick Cheney been literally hiding under a bunker?
He's been hiding under a bunker most of the time since September 11th.
And by the way, it has come out that he took control of NORAD and was saying something in the U.S.
ultra-secret bunkers that he was on loudspeakers ordering people to follow his orders.
He had to physically take control of something.
From my sources, it was the fact that they were going to go ahead and shoot the aircraft down.
That's what I've got from lawyers who represent military officers.
We know he was in control, though.
Even during the hijackings, the supposed hijackings, what do you know about that?
Well, not too much, really.
I can't speak to that because it's hypothetical.
And what I try to stick to are cold hard facts.
Well, I mean, Colonel, we know he did take control of the bunkers.
We just don't know what he said, according to ABC News.
But according to my sources, who've been very accurate, he was ordering the stand down.
Yes, I can believe it, but again, it's supposition and I still haven't been able to figure out what makes Dick Cheney tick.
So why is he hiding in a bunker?
Why is he at the Naval Observatory in a bunker most of the time?
I think that that's what he considers to be the safest place at the moment.
He's basically a coward.
And this, too, will come out.
I feel that Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz, both of them, their days are numbered.
Okay, so politically, more and more corruption coming out, more and more of their criminal activities coming out, serious issues.
Colonel, how do folks get your books, the three-part series?
Okay, the book is easy to come by.
My incomparable daughter, Danila, is the publisher of these books, and they're turning out top grade library quality books.
Books 1, 2, and 3, Barbarians Inside the Gates.
They can be obtained by writing post office box 1124, Madison, Virginia.
We're good to go.
All right, these are thick books, jam-packed, and the address is 1124 Madison, Virginia, and that zip code again?
All right, and does that $30 include the shipping?
No, it really doesn't.
For the books, we send them all out priority, special handling,
That runs $3.85 a book.
Okay, gotcha.
Alright, we'll give that out again a little bit later.
Let's go ahead and take some calls.
Thanks for holding, folks.
Whatever issue you bring up, I'm sure the Colonel can comment on.
Glenn in Colorado, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Okay, put him on hold.
He's got his radio on.
Glenn, we'll come back to you in a few minutes.
Brian in Texas.
Brian, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, what's going on, Alex?
Uh, fine, sir, go ahead.
Uh, yeah, I've been on hold for a while.
Sorry to kind of, uh, switch subjects like this, but talking about The Passion.
Oh, yes, The Passion of Christ.
Right, right, the movie.
Um, I had a question.
Um, I've known in the past that you've talked about people who do these movies like the, like the Skulls, and you kind of, uh, you kind of paint a picture that it's, uh, you know, it's some agenda to, to, uh, to take away from the legitimacy of the argument.
And I wonder, when you talk about conspiracy theory,
That's also a Mel Gibson movie.
You don't kind of put it in those same terms.
I'm not going to tell you what I know about Mel Gibson, but I know a lot of private stuff, and I know the family, and I've met a lot of the family, and I'm not going to go any further, but Mel Gibson's the real deal and knows as much as I do about the New World Order, and listens to these shows, watches my videos, knew about the New World Order when I was in diapers.
Mel Gibson's the real deal.
Colonel, do you have any comments about Mel Gibson?
I know him personally, and I know his father, Hutton, who's a dear friend of mine.
He was originally from San Antonio, Texas, and now Hutton has moved to West Virginia, and he's still very active at 85.
Mel is top drawer.
I could find nothing wrong with Mel Gibson whatsoever.
Yeah, so that's what's going on there.
I'm sure he's a great guy and everything.
Mel Gibson's had to pay his dues to get to where he's at.
Now he makes the films he wants.
Patriot, Braveheart, The Passion of Christ.
He's doing a great job.
Right, making a lot of money.
That's good.
You know what?
It's good to make money.
I mean, if you're doing a good thing.
I mean, nothing wrong with making money.
In fact, I'm going to go... I already spent some of my money today.
I'm going to go...
Hey, thanks a lot, man.
I appreciate it.
You know, this idea that you can't make money, I mean, look, let's say I could make a hundred videos and hand them out for free.
Or I could sell my videos and be able to get out thousands.
You know, I'm not the Carnegie Foundation.
Now, if I did have $20 billion, yes, I would spend the interest on it each year fighting the New World Order.
But I don't have $20 billion.
Colonel, you want to comment on this trend of, we patriots, you know, should live in cardboard boxes?
No, decidedly not.
We have to, if we're a true patriot, we have to recognize the
policy of making or unmaking money.
We're not giving things away, but we're selling quality and freedom and liberty.
I mean, you know, check my videos.
I tell people to make copies of them.
And then I get calls going, well, can't you just give me one?
I mean, I could do that for a couple weeks, folks.
It's funny.
Thanks for the call, Brian.
Let's see if Glenn has got his radio off.
Oh, Glenn hung up.
Okay, well, sorry, Glenn.
Ron in New York, you're on the air with Colonel Don DeGramperie.
Go ahead.
Hi, gentlemen.
I was calling about something else, but it'll dovetail into this.
Your last call, I don't understand this philosophy, other than I do see it being propagated by the corporate media now, in reference to Mel Gibson, that turning a fair and legitimate profit is somehow illicit.
So I guess we're supposed to allow Luciferians to make profit, and we're supposed to live, as you say, in a box.
It doesn't make any sense, and I don't even think... Well, I mean, how is Mel Gibson going to make more movies if he doesn't make movies on Thanksgiving?
Alex, I'm watching the media here in New York that's been critical of that movie.
This is corporate media brainwashing.
This is a subtle way in which they enter your subconscious to make you turn against the person who did something positive.
But yet nobody seems to have a problem with wicked people who make profit.
I'd like to ask you, Gasol, Colonel, I'd like to ask you, if you're familiar with Alex, or is, he was threatened by one.
Uh, these movie producers now, I guess you could say they're working for Pentagon Productions.
I believe the Kelly Lynch rescue was one of their main productions.
Alex could probably give you the exact name of the individual.
I believe he was threatened by one.
Yeah, the Lionel Chet one.
Does he know anything about that?
Yeah, we've got elements of the government helping produce these propaganda pieces, Colonel.
We'll get your comment on that when we get back.
Stay there, Ron.
And then we'll go to John and Wayne and Diane and John and everybody else for our guest, Colonel Don DeGranpre.
And we'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Just go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com and peruse the secure online shopping cart and get the books, get the videos, make copies of my videos, air them on AXS TV, give them to opinion makers and folks in your area.
My two newest films are Police State 3 Total Enslavement and of course A Matrix of Evil and they're both just
Very long, very fast-moving though, and just give you a wide-ranging view of the New World Order, and they're full of solutions.
They're $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more of any of the ten films, and then my book's $12, Paul Watson's book's $19, get a second copy for $11.95.
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I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100.
Austin, Texas 78704.
I think what Ron in New York, Colonel Don DeGrand Prix, is getting to is, I turn on shows like Threat Matrix or 24, and on every episode the police are torturing the would-be terrorist.
Torture's good, martial law's good, gun control's good.
These messages, not just on the news, but in the television shows, and there's been articles that the military, the government, is involved in financing this.
Your response to his question?
Well, I must split the two elements.
The uniformed military, as opposed to the civilian hierarchy, and it flies under the aegis of defense departments.
Yeah, that's what I mean.
The big egghead scientists in suits who are figuring out all the mind control.
We don't mean the military.
You mean like John Poindexter?
Yeah, like John Poindexter.
This is correct, and you've got one of the guys.
But my percentage remained the same.
Seventy percent of the uniformed military are with us, and if push comes to shove, they can prove it.
Do you think that's what's been holding them back from going to full bore martial law, Colonel?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
They're afraid of the civilian hierarchy and the power that it has in the persona of Homeland Security, et al.
But when the military strikes, it will strike to kill.
Okay, Ron, anything else?
Yes, this gets to something you spoke of last week with police operations.
You had spoken of what I can only describe as home invasions in, I believe you said Houston or the Dallas area, in Texas at the very least.
Where they'll say they hear shots fired, when in fact no shots are fired, so they could actually just go into somebody's home.
Well, their favorite thing is to say, you had a 9-11 call, then you check the records the next day, it never happened, and you just wake up with a SWAT team standing around you.
Alex, that is something that is taking place here in New York.
I had an associate of mine, you know I'm retired from law enforcement, and like the military, you have two categories of people.
Those that are basically decent and, you know, believe in the rule of law, as we morally understand that, and then moral degenerates.
That's what's happened.
I'm sorry, but that's the truth.
We've tilted into that.
And, uh, you will find that these morally degenerative units engage in that here.
That happened just the other day, an open incident.
This is what's going on.
It's like they're trying to graft police and military forces to do dirty work, but they can't get all the police and all the military personnel to go along with it.
And this is slowing them up.
However, they're still out there, and they're still trying to push it, and this is going on.
This is like a battle between the light and the darkness.
This is really what's going on.
It is, and we'll get the Colonel's comments on that and take more calls here in just a few minutes.
We're about to break the third hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now 30 seconds into this third hour, and we're about to go straight back
To your calls and get into more news with our guest, Colonel Don DeGrand Prix.
And, well, going back two years ago, he had a symposium outside D.C.
that got picked up by the Portugal newspapers, but not our newspapers, of course.
A 72-hour non-stop deliberation, chaired by Colonel Don DeGrand Prix, by a group of military and civilian U.S.
pilots under the chairmanship.
of our guests going over how the official story of 9-11 is a complete fraud.
It'd be a joke if so many people weren't killed.
So, Colonel, the militarization of police, the brainwashing of police, all this urban warfare training, the busting in the doors without the warrants, the Patriot Act,
The cameras going up on the street corners, all part of this DARPA control grid.
Can you speak to that?
Yes, I can.
I'm fairly familiar with DARPA and the way they operate.
It is not military per se.
It is scientific, and it's usually civilian instigated.
The policy formulation and whatnot are coming out of the civilian hierarchy.
And to make a long story short,
Somebody, sooner than later, is going to say, enough is enough.
And it'll be a military guy, and when that happens, it's going to hit the fan.
Okay, well, let's go ahead and go to John in New York, then Wayne, Diane, John, Scott, and others.
Go ahead, John.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Terrific guest.
I called in about a news article, very important.
And after I give everybody information about that, I'd like to make a comment about 9-1-1.
In the Rochester, New York, Democrat and Chronicle website, democratandchronicle, all one word, dot com, February 20, 2004, it's an article about substitute blood going to be used
...without knowledge and without permission to the people that they're going to give it to them.
Yeah, that was in the Chicago Tribune up at Loyola University.
Now they say, we don't care if you don't want to have medical experiments done.
When you come to the hospital, we're not going to tell you and we're just going to do this to you.
I mean, that's an example of the level of just craziness with government pushing the envelope.
Go ahead.
Well, what people that
Our concern about this is they should absolutely get a copy of this article from the Democrat and Chronicle website.
They should call their state legislators and make a lot of noise about it, because I'm going to send it to my state senator.
Well, that's like hospitals around here.
You're not an organ donor.
They still take your organs.
I mean, Colonel, this is just... Why is government everywhere and private industry just engaging in so much wild criminal activity right now?
It's fascism!
Well, it is, but let me say this from a positive standpoint.
I just came from an emergency where I had four units of blood plasma pumped into me.
And I feel great, and this came from the University of Virginia cardiac bunch, and I'd go to hell and back for any of those guys.
Well, certainly, I mean, it's like everything.
There's good people.
I'm talking, it's always the policy makers that are doing the bad things.
That is correct.
Yes, indeed.
And too bad, but so many of these policy makers, and that's their exact title, policy operations.
This is Paul Wolfowitz and his gang again.
They're making policy in Defense Department to civilian hierarchy, which we call the neocons.
And this is bad news.
All right, caller, you had a question about 9-11?
Okay, just ask it quick when we get back, and we're going to move on to all these other callers.
Stay with us, folks.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, eight minutes, thirty seconds into the third hour.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll have our guest with us for about another 25 minutes or so, then I'm going to get into this big stack of news we have not detailed yet.
Believe me, it's all very important.
Our guest is Colonel Don DeGrampre.
Honored to have him on the show.
He's the author of the three-part series of books, Barbarians Inside the Gates.
And, uh, real quick, John in New York, you had a question about 9-11.
Uh, it's not a question, I want to make a comment.
I was in the Air Force, my career field was radar operations, and I was assigned to the Air Defense Command.
Uh, the airliners turned around at Erie, Pennsylvania, and were off course for approximately one hour at the wrong altitude, at the wrong speed,
Without radio contact and it is absolutely insane for anybody to believe that could have happened unless people were told to stand down.
In 18 minutes, had five F-16s around him in the middle of nowhere.
He had the most sensitive air corridor in the world, the eastern coast there, D.C.
New York, with these four planes all over the map and they know there's been hijackings and Dick Cheney's in control and everything's standing down.
The fighters that were stationed in Virginia, just across the border from Washington D.C., could have been flying at buster speed, which is max speed.
They could have intercepted those planes in 15 minutes.
And saved all that tragedy.
And the second airplane was 15 minutes behind the first airplane, so to think that they didn't do anything about the second one makes it even more ludicrous.
So, terrific guest, terrific show, thanks for taking my call.
Alright, and again, we don't even do this justice to focus on one area.
I mean, we've got all the public officials being told not to go to New York, the insider trading by the CIA, the Bushes protecting the Bin Ladens.
Colonel, you want to comment on that?
Well, what I was trying to get through here, John had done a beautiful job of laying it out here on 9-11.
What I want to carry away is that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs himself has agreed there were no hijackers, there were no cell phone calls.
Everybody aboard that aircraft, pilots and crew, were unconscious within 8 to 18 minutes after takeoff.
And you can take it from there.
I've got covered in books two and three what actually happened.
So they're knocked out and then the remote control takes place and the rest is history.
Yeah, there was a remote control and yes.
By the way, people don't believe they have that.
I mean, Kennedy's oldest son, JFK's big brother, died in a chase plane with remote controlling in a bomber loaded with explosives as a drone in 1944.
That is correct.
So I mean, this is very old technology, folks.
And for people that are in total denial, I mean, it's ridiculous.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wayne in Virginia.
Wayne, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
I have a two-part question.
The first part is, Colonel... John DeGramperie.
I'm sorry, sir, I stumbled over your name there, but could you play the instructor with us, ground pounders, for a little while and tell us why, from an airmanship point of view, the maneuvers the aircraft performed were just
Inexplicable and bordering on the impossible from a pilot's point of view.
Yes, let me give it real quick to Wayne from Virginia.
These planes were being piloted by remote control, probably an AWACS aircraft taking over that airplane or airplanes or drones, unmanned drones, and flying them
At five and eight G-force that no pilot could withstand.
So in short, and if you read books two and three, you will discover how and why this came about.
The second part of my question is, after 9-11, our congressman from down here, Randy Forbes, spoke at a Veterans of Foreign Wars hall about how close he was to the Bush
Rumsfeld, Cabal, and how before 9-11 he had a briefing at the White House where they were told they were expecting something big from Afghanistan.
And he also, in his discussion, there was about two or three hundred people there.
It was recorded on film and my notes are very clear on this.
He also said they were following other aircraft out over the ocean.
Do you have any knowledge of that?
Something I've not heard discussed at all about 9-11.
No, but
Uh, this comes under speculation now, and I'm telling you that we are knowledgably speculating.
Those aircraft, uh, carrying, um, crew and passengers went over the Atlantic, and that was all she wrote.
Yes, so they have.
Yeah, you remote control the original planes out, then you're loaded up, drones attack.
And the major, the biggest and oldest newspaper in Spain just came out three weeks ago, and they looked at the bottom of one of those jets, and there's some type of giant belly attachment.
It is clearly a modified aircraft.
Can I ask one final question?
That your line of discussion here, Colonel, in the past few minutes has just opened up.
You said earlier that you expected when push comes to shove that this 70%
Of general and field grade officers, we're going to say that's it.
Well, the enterprise that we're discussing here of taking loaded, regularly scheduled civilian airlines out and ditching them into the ocean and putting in their places aerial bombs... Now that is push coming to shove!
That is it!
Why aren't these people...
Well, let me say this, we know, because I mean, folks, I don't want to give too much of a tail out, but I've talked to them, lawyers have talked to them, we know hundreds of high level officers have leaked everything we're now learning about today.
So I think that this caught a lot of people unawares.
Colonel, do you want to comment on that?
Well, the only thing I can say is that let's consider that second aircraft that hit the World Trade Center.
It did have a control device on the belly, 757.
That aircraft was unmanned and went in and blew up as a diversion and something else happened.
This was a side show.
I understand, but going back to when we know they had bombs in the buildings, that's now admitted, but going back to what the caller said, you're saying these elements of the military, when push comes to shove, are going to stand up.
Well, I'd say 9-11 was the globalist pushing, so where's the shove?
That's his question.
This will come as is going to be in the form of a counter coup d'etat.
You understand that a coup d'etat was pulled on September 11th by the civilian hierarchy.
God grant that it would come soon, sir.
Say again?
God grant that it would come soon.
Well, yes, it probably will.
They're talking about going into Syria now.
Don't believe it.
There's a new ballgame there, and I can't go into it right now, but Syria is going to be something else entirely, involving NATO forces.
And I can't go into that much right now.
Thanks for the call, Wayne.
Let's talk to Diane in South Carolina.
Diane, go ahead.
Before I ask my question, please ask Don the Grand Prix, sir, to give us a phone number so we can contact him.
And I have read the first book.
It is awesome.
It is like reading history and just watching everything unfold.
Yeah, and he wrote about it in 2000 and it happens a year later.
Okay, here's my question.
On Thursday of last week in the Post and Courier in South Carolina, they had a small article on the Russians who are now doing this World War III practice.
Yeah, the Russians are doing nuclear attack drills on us, our little buddies, yeah.
Okay, they had in there about a maneuverable, nuclear-tipped weapon
I don't know.
It's probably going.
I can't give you detail.
We're bordering on certain elements that I can't talk about.
We have to consider the Russian aspect of these weapons as being, in essence, propaganda.
We have the same type of unmanned aircraft, drones, etc., that can fly five times the speed of sound.
We'll do a lot more than that.
Yeah, but Diane, let's not worry too much about the Russians.
Well, is that that non-gravitational type airplane or something?
No, they've got regular propulsion aircraft.
Look, look, look, ma'am.
They claim the SR-71 Blackbird, in flight and 55, in service and 59, is the fastest jet in the world.
It is not the... and it cruises at Mach 3.
I mean, they got jets that'll just... Well, I know we're way behind what they're telling us, but what I'm thinking... Yeah, Carmen, you want to comment on that?
Um... And ask him to give out his number for us, too.
Let me give you a home phone where you can contact me.
Grand Prairie Publishing Limited at 540-547-2996.
And that's my home phone.
It's a private phone and you can call me anytime.
Okay, now we know that you had a stroke a few years ago worrying about this so much, so folks, don't bug him too much.
Hey, I feel like I'm going to have one every day worrying about this.
I can handle just about everything, including this 15-year-old building that I was riding this morning.
Okay, well that's good, sir.
We'll be right back.
We'll take more calls.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, here's the deal.
We're going to take five more calls from our guests, then I'm going to let our guest go.
I really appreciate him coming on and I'm going to cover a bunch of news that we haven't really detailed yet.
It's very, very important, and recap some top stories as well.
Diane had asked for your phone number, and if you want to give it out, that's fine.
Folks, if you want to talk to the Colonel, it's 540-547-2996.
And before he leaves us in the next segment, we'll give you the mailing address again to get the books.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Colonel, did a cruise missile hit the Pentagon or a Global Hawk or a drone business jet?
You're talking about what hit the Pentagon, right John?
It was a cruise missile.
It could have been a Global Hawk.
It was not
A commercial aircraft.
And that's what the eyewitnesses said, and the evidence shows.
And do people realize this was staged at the Pentagon?
I mean, obviously the area that's under renovation, and that all this happens.
Do people at the Pentagon, are they still buying the official story, Colonel?
Well, I can't speak for the rest of them, but I'm certainly not buying that.
And I think I've got the full story in Book 3.
That's it.
It was a diversionary hit for strategic reasons.
And it didn't matter whether it was a pilotless drone or a Global Hawk missile.
It wasn't a commercial aircraft.
It's the most surveilled area in the world, but no video of it, and witnesses said they saw a small aircraft.
No, they did not.
We saw segments of a
uh... a video that purport to show uh... a firing of uh... uh... a launch probably from a global hawk or an unmanned aircraft uh... missile but uh... it certainly wasn't uh... a commercial aircraft shot down in pennsylvania by a u.s.
or nato pilot and was that what was supposed to hit the pentagon no uh... that uh... that was hit at ten hundred dollars
It was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard.
I know the pilot who fired those two missiles that took down 93.
Was it shot down because the airline pilots actually regained control of the hijacked autopilot or was that the replacement unmanned drone that was shot down?
No, the aircraft you see had totally unconscious people on board.
There were no hijackers.
At 935, the Happy Hooligans, the air guard flying F-16s, were ordered to take that plane out, and they took it out from 935 to 10 o'clock.
Were there any refueling jets involved in that operation?
The question is, why did they deviate from the plan of flying it into the capital?
Why did the globalists decide to go ahead and shoot the plane down?
There had been an adjustment to the controls, probably by an AWACS aircraft flying overhead again, remote control, and it was on a course for either the Capitol or the White House, and at this stage you don't know.
The happy hooligans came in and took care of it.
Do you think they were not following orders?
Well, yeah, I mean, we've got Cheney running around, we've got the stand-down taking place.
Oh, this is correct, but you see, the Adjutant General of the State of North Dakota gave the command to take it out.
And by God, they took it out.
And I've got the full story in the book.
That's a good thing they did that.
You say you've talked to the pilot.
You know, think about this, folks.
Imagine what Bush would have gotten if he would have had that plane flying to the Capitol.
Imagine the police state we'd be in right now.
Yes, yes, yes indeed.
And so you have to have the diversionary blast at the Pentagon, so the Pentagon, so no one would get suspicious and think it was a military coup.
John, does that answer your question?
Were there any refueling tankers used by the North Dakota Air Guard, and what tanker wing was used?
I don't know about the aircraft itself.
I don't know about refueling.
They came off base from Langley, and it was just a few minutes out from Langley to the intercept over Pennsylvania.
Just a matter of minutes.
How did you get in touch with the pilot who shot the plane down?
It turned out to be an old friend of mine from the Air National Guard and this is my home state of North Dakota and I attended a ceremony Governor of North Dakota plus the Adjutant General plus the pilot being decorated a year later for this activity over
That happened on 9-11 with Flight 93.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back.
We're about to go back to the Colonel and his amazing revelation of the North Dakota National Guard that had been moved to Langley, Virginia a few months before 9-11 and then went in there and shot down that Flight 93 over Pennsylvania.
Says he's talked to the pilot.
And his info checks out.
I've been researching what he's been doing for years.
Before we go back to our guests and four final calls from Scott and June and Warren and Greg, we're going to go to you quick, too, because I've got a bunch of news I need to get to.
Before I do that, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, an Alex Jones film, the greatest evil that mankind has ever faced is among us, a scientifically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman, and child.
The United States government at all levels has fallen under the control of the desperately wicked New World Order clan.
The events of September 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform Earth into a prison planet.
In over two and a half hours, I chronicle in stunning detail the true character of the Globalist, learn the master plan of the bloodthirsty elite to financially, physically, and spiritually imprison not only America, but the world.
Total Enslavement is the third installment in my critically acclaimed Police State series, and is a must-see for all who love freedom.
The film documents the nightmare rise of the Homeland Security Dictatorship, Patriot Act I and II, the Total Information Awareness Network, government-run white slavery rings, the new prison surveillance economy, and much more.
The very future of humanity depends on exposing government-sponsored terrorism, and how the globalists pose as our saviors, when in fact they are the terrorists.
Now, that's one of my 10 videos.
They're all amazing.
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That video is 2 hours and 44 minutes long.
Really, it's 3 or 4 films in one.
Twenty bucks when you order three or more, and your support of this show is needed, my friends.
So get the video, spread the word, get my book, get the books we carry.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, and I'm at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action.
Don't procrastinate.
You know when you support this show, you're certainly helping get the word out as well.
Colonel, before we take these four final calls,
Go over that a little bit slower for folks.
That's a big deal.
You've talked to the pilot, a friend of yours, who shot down Flight 93 that was going for the Capitol or the White House.
Go over that for folks.
Okay, quick rundown.
They were out of Hector Field, Fargo, North Dakota.
It's the 119th Fighter Group.
And they're called the Happy Hooligans.
They're probably the best interceptors that we have in the country.
They were moved to Langley Air Force Base from Hector Field down to Southern Virginia.
And when the klaxon horn went off at 935, those three pilots all put down their coffee and shot into their aircraft and took off.
They didn't know where they were going initially, but by ten hundred hours,
They had rendezvoused over southern Pennsylvania.
That's about 250 miles in just a matter of minutes.
And engaged 93 with two Sidewinder missiles.
And they accomplished their objective.
Now Hector Field, I used to fly out of Hector Field some time ago.
I know most of those pilots.
I could name names.
I know the
The National Guard Adjutant General, and they were decorated about a year later, and I have the full write-up of that story in my book.
Yeah, and it's just ignored by the media.
I have that article too, and you know, later, well, okay, it was a missile, and well, there wasn't the, you know, let's roll, just all made-up theater for the public, and we buy it like a bunch of saps.
That is correct.
It's incredible.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Florida.
Scott, go ahead.
Hi, how are you doing?
Earlier in the show you mentioned that both Cheney and Wolfowitz might be in some trouble.
I was wondering if they've been serving the real rulers of the world, the 13 families or whoever they are, and been dutifully pushing the
Cheney is closest to the act of action.
He was probably most involved
In all of the details of September 11th, and he'll be one of the first to fall.
Because he knows?
I predict that Cheney will be out of here well prior to the election.
Because he knows exactly what happened?
Yes, he knows exactly what happened and he was toast.
They have to eliminate all those people?
Several, yes.
Wouldn't it serve as a warning to anybody who would serve them in the future?
Perhaps, but these guys can only understand one ingredient, and that is force.
And that force has to emanate from the military.
And the military force in the persona of military tribunals will take over.
And Cheney, as I reiterate, is toast.
But they're the ones creating the tribunals.
Now, I will say this, I will say this, General Rick Baucus, over a year ago, Rhode Island native, the head of Gitmo and Guantanamo Bay, he resigned and said, I'm not going to torture innocent people.
Now, that hardly got any press.
We have two-star generals quitting.
We have a lot of people not going along with this already.
There will be a lot more, Alex.
Pardon me?
There will be a lot more.
People either resigning or retiring.
And yet it's going to come out and there will be military tribunals.
Also, the Pentagon just came out and said that Halliburton's been stealing and is going to do a criminal investigation.
We'll see what happens with that, but thanks for the call, Scott.
June, in mass.
June, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I hope you're not going to be offended, but you know, I'm really suspicious of that stroke, because a lot of us don't trust the pharmaceutical companies or the medical business.
Well, I'm really confused what you're talking about.
Well, the colonel had a stroke.
So, I mean, see, it wasn't like anything caused me.
While he was busy exposing all this, he had a stroke.
Well, you know, strokes happen because of stress.
You want to comment, Colonel?
Well, things happened, June, and with me it was a stroke.
Right carotid artery blocked entirely, and I was out.
I'm now fully recovered, and I'm very active.
In fact, my wife says I'm hyperactive.
Well, many medications can cause a stroke, so I hope you'll look into, you know, maybe call Dr. McCain.
She's a sponsor.
Okay, June, anything on your mind concerning September 11th?
Um, no, but I'm just concerned about his health.
Health is fine, June, and I appreciate your interest.
Well, don't smoke.
I'm doing great.
Don't smoke and don't eat too many fried foods.
I probably sound like your wife.
I don't think he smokes, so...
Thank you, June.
Let's talk to Warren in Colorado.
Warren, go ahead.
Oh, hi.
Just incredible information.
I think this is breaking news, at least for me.
I'm probably the fourth caller familiar with aviation, and we could go into how someone could actually fly planes into a building.
I just wanted to call and thank you, Alex, for
Working pretty hard.
I heard you on KOA at 3.30 when I was checking cattle.
I look forward to the rebroadcast and purchasing some books and videos and so on.
Yeah, I was up until 5 a.m.
Central on KOA.
I was on there three hours on Rick Barber's show.
I'm going to be up tonight doing interviews.
Hey, we don't sleep around here and fight against the New World Order.
Okay, thanks.
Alright, because if we don't win this, it's all over.
I mean, really, this is for all the marbles.
These people are evil.
Thank you for the call, Warren.
Let's talk to Greg in Alabama.
Last caller.
Greg, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
God bless your wife for being there behind you and making sure that you're continuing to do this for this country.
Yeah, she's great.
I can't even say anything enough about her and I don't even know the woman.
I just want to point out a couple things and I hope you don't treat me the way that people treat you when you try to bring
This is very, very important.
As you can tell, I'm shaking.
I finally get through to talk to you.
On your videos, everything is true.
I don't have to tell you.
You already know.
As soon as you see the truth in front of you, it is already evident.
The explanations and the excuses
that are given to you before that, they just disappear because everybody knows deep inside that there is something wrong, that there is an evil power somewhere, and through all the definitions from movies, books, people get everything so confused and you're able to bring it all to the forefront and just lay it out.
You mentioned Malak several times, the Babylonian, the eye on the pyramid, which you mentioned several times in the video.
You're talking about Police State 3?
Yeah, I just watched Police State 3 for the first time after I bought six of your videos.
I will support you until I die, until anybody lays a finger on you.
I will be there for you no matter what.
What I need for your listeners to hear is every night when I listen to your radio show or when I'm sitting here at work listening to it and I'm taking all the grief from the people that I work with, I don't care.
Um, there's a certain knowledge that was known in the beginning of our beginning of time, which is this cycle of our system that we're in now, this last 3,000 or 10,000 years, whatever it was the beginning.
The ancient Egyptians, which were not called the ancient Egyptians, were that the pyramids, all that comes from all that understanding that that comes from.
There was a pure understanding before the Europeans came in and took over those nations.
And then told everybody else what they were about.
Well, I will say this, yeah, the Illuminati got a lot of secret knowledge, information, suppressed it, and that's what a lot of this is about today.
And that's why the globalist symbol is the all-seeing eye and the pyramid, because they're laughing at us, saying, we've got the secret knowledge, you profane idiots don't know anything.
You want to comment on this, Colonel?
Can I just finish something really quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
I don't want to disrespect either of you, you guys are great people.
That's okay, go ahead.
The thing is, is that, just like with everything you say, once you say it, and once you hear it, you just automatically know it.
If you need to go look into it any further and check it out and verify it for yourself, that's fine.
There are two authors that I am aware of right now that I know there's more, just like there's more people like you.
One, his name is Mustafa Gadalla.
He is a native Egyptian.
And the other, his name is Ra'un Nefer Amin.
He is the author of the Metu Neture, which he wrote in trance,
Connecting to the one true source.
I just deal with facts and documents and stuff I can prove.
Just send me the info.
I'll tell you what.
Just send me the info.
Unfortunately, I took way more calls than I was going to and I kept our guests too long.
I've got a few news articles here I want to hit.
But send me some info and maybe I'll have them on for a guest or something.
Five more seconds please, Alex.
Five more seconds, go ahead.
The devil, all that stuff can be completely understood just the way that you understand it now by going to www.egypt-tehuti.com
Reading the metroneture, you don't have to follow along with the names and the people and the cults and all that stuff.
It's just the understanding.
Okay, listen, I'll check it out.
Thank you.
And you can always call back.
Colonel, I really want to appreciate you.
I mean, I really do appreciate you.
I want to thank you, Colonel Don DeGrand Prix, for coming on the show.
And if folks want to get your three books,
Well, it's a pleasure Alex.
Keep up your damn good work.
You're doing marvelously well, Alex.
Keep it up.
Well, absolutely.
We'll have to have you back on the show and God bless you.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
Take care.
I did it again.
Great guest.
Ended up having him on for an hour and 48 minutes and I didn't get to stacks of news.
I mean, just stacks of news here.
I mentioned it.
I mean, I mentioned it.
Soldiers given five bullets for Iraq war.
That's the Herald.
That's what they did to our troops.
I got stuff like that.
A report, Slavery Alive and Well in U.S., Tallahassee, Florida, Newsday.
Modern day slavery is alive and well in Florida.
The head of Human Rights Center said Tuesday, and it released a report on people forced to work as prostitutes, farm workers, and maids across the state.
It's real bad in Texas, too.
Human traffickers, that's what these open borders are about, folks.
It's about oppression of the people.
Human traffickers bring thousands of people into the United States each year, and Florida is believed to be one of the top three destinations, along with New York, Texas, according to the Center for the Advancement of Human Rights at Florida State University.
Although there have been several prosecutions of human trafficking in Florida, no one knows how many people in Florida are under the control of traffickers, said Terry Coonan, the Center's Executive Director.
I'm gonna get him on.
And then I got this article, uh, Azerbaijan probes child organ trafficking.
BBC, the Azerbaijan government, says it is keen to crack down on child traffickers who are believed to be taking children abroad and selling their organs for profit, and it shows a bag of ice with a baby's organs in it.
I mean, who could kidnap a child and cut their guts out?
Man, you people are going to hell, and I am very happy.
I mean, people don't believe there's a hell?
There's gotta be a hell!
You people gotta pay!
I know there's a hell, and it's ready for you.
His mouth is open for you, National Security Minister!
Abzob said the authorities, yeah the authorities, what, investigating your competition?
We're investigating reports that sick children were being taken abroad for medical treatment and adoption and then being used for human transplants.
Yeah, they tell you, we're going to help you.
A lot of the charities are involved.
We've already confirmed this in past reports, but here it is again.
Under the guise of adoption, children who are allegedly afflicted by grave diseases are taken out of Azerbaijan, obstitutely for treatment,
In the course of our investigations, it's come to light that these children are used for organ transplants.
Oh man, I tell you.
And it goes into the results of the investigations will be passed to the Interior Ministry.
And it says corruption that the government's involved.
Of course it is.
I mean... We are turning into hell on earth!
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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Now there's another article out of Florida Naples News.
Human trafficking study looks towards remedies.
Untold numbers of foreign workers are being held against their will in Florida and elsewhere.
A fact that will require a new approach to combat illegal trafficking of humans in the United States.
A study released Tuesday contends.
So, more of the wondrous third world acculturation we're all enjoying.
A story out of Republic Online.
And it says mother wants to know why child died in foster care.
And they took her child because the school thought his child looked a little skinny and might have been abused and then a few months later it died in CPS custody.
It's just CPS, you know how they are.
Good old folks.
They're statistically the most dangerous people around.
I got a Homeland Security, dhs.org,
There's your NSA spying on you at the local level there for everyone out there as well.
Bloodbath feared as Haiti opposition spurns peace plan.
They don't want Aristide to be the leader and well that's what America will be like when you got criminals running things.
Just more criminals trying to take over.
The rule of law is gone.
You turn into Haiti or Mexico.
NATO and the EU to step up for the terror fight.
They say they need to invade a bunch of countries.
Here's an article.
Honduras orders 400,000 chip cards for weapons control.
If you want to own a gun, you're going to have to register it and have a chipped card that tracks you that you're a gun owner.
That's out of CardTechnology.com, they're very proud of that.
And half of young Americans who get sexually transmitted diseases, according to Reuters, sexually transmitted diseases are exploding, thanks to the promiscuous lifestyle that's being promoted by MTV and others.
The U.S.
government brings the first charges against Guantanamo inmates, Reuters says, for conspiracy charges.
I didn't think conspiracies existed.
How can that be possible?
Oh, only other people's conspiracies.
And they're not going to let anybody into those trials.
They're kangaroo courts.
Aristide warns that if we don't send troops in to save him, that he's going to hit us with all the boat people.
Well, don't worry.
I mean, we need some more third world folks.
Let's take a few million Haitians.
You know, it'll be a good deal.
And we've got to accept their culture of voodoo and blood drinking.
Don't criticize them or you're evil.
Putin dumps his entire government.
This is out of Reuters.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has sacked his government and has pledged to appoint a team to overall policy at next month's presidential election.
So he's fired the whole government as dictator and he's used terror attacks as engineered as a way to do that.
BBC reports Blunkett gets tough on terror, has introduced martial law provisions for secret arrest, no more liberties, no more Magna Carta, they're very proud of it.
That bill in West Virginia has been rewritten where everybody has to be vaccinated.
Now, if you can get a waiver from the school, as if you're going to get one from the school, if the government will give you a waiver, you don't have to take it.
Which, of course, you can't get, so it's just as bad.
It's horrible.
So, no, this bill's no good that they're scheduled to try to pass today in West Virginia.
Well, we're almost out of time here.
There's been a bunch of asteroid near-misses.
We covered that at the first of the show and they said there's more asteroids coming in for collision or near-misses and that's on InfoWars.com from BBC and CNN.
Again, I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on your local AM and FM station, the Internet or Global Shortwave.
And I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, the first hour, I'll give you my critique of The Passion.
We've got a bunch of other great guests coming up, so be sure to join us tomorrow as well.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
To my webmasters, the folks running the show, to our sponsors, our listeners, our affiliates, to God, to everybody, thank you for all you do.
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