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Name: 20040318_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 18, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, it's already Thursday, the 18th day.
The 18th day of March 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
A ton of vital news and information.
You do not want to miss this show.
More has come out on the Bohemian Grove.
Of course, years ago I was sent the 1986 to 1996 Annals of the Grove, published by the Bohemian Grove, the Skull and Bones occult offshoot in Northern California, where many presidents and prime ministers and CEOs attend.
I snuck in and got video of the ritual.
I talked about that yesterday.
It's aired on national television.
Well, now people have been going around online to rare bookstores and to eBay and other places and found more Bohemian Grove books for sale.
One of them with a swastika on the cover.
We know about the Nazi motif at Skull and Bones.
I wasn't aware of it at Bohemian Grove, though they admit it was founded by a German death cult.
So, more on that coming up.
Also, about three weeks ago, at PrisonPlanet.com, Henry McHale, who does a lot of great work on his website, sent us a story and some of the photos of a husband and wife who have sent us good RFID information in the past about how they were in a store and their wad of money made the store security go off.
Now, we'd heard this before because there is the old-fashioned RFID magnetic strip at all money since 1998 above a $1 bill.
There's nothing in the dollar bill that we know of, but fives and up, all the way up to a thousand, have the old strip, which they admit that they could scan and the police had systems that identify large amounts of cash with it.
We have the articles about that mainstream.
People still couldn't believe it, even as I pulled the strips out on television.
Hold it up to the light, you can see the strip running through it.
I think?
Paul Joseph Watson's brother didn't have any dollars, but he had Euros.
He put those in the microwave, and right in the middle of the Euro, it popped and caught on fire, and we put those photos up on the site.
They wanted to obviously keep their money, so they didn't let it burn completely up, but it popped and exploded right in the middle.
Now Paul's trying to find a video camera so they can videotape this happening.
Then, I took 20s, put them in my home microwave, they just browned in the middle, right in Jackson's face.
Then I put them in a more high-powered microwave, and they did indeed pop and start smoldering, and obviously I turned it off, but I didn't want to do anything dangerous.
So I got on there and said, hey folks, this is really going on.
About half the calls, half the emails we've gotten, and there's been hundreds, have shown that they do pop and catch on fire.
About half of the others say it doesn't happen, or they just brown.
It seems to be old microwaves that cause the reaction.
Well, Jacqueline McCullough, who writes for CNET News and a bunch of other big publications and has his own great website, he's been a guest on this show probably over ten times, has the headline here in this story, RFID Industry Tries to Debunk Exploding $20 Bill.
And it says, The Myth of the Amazing Exploding $20 Bill.
And I guess he's forwarding something put out by AIM North,
An RFID manufacturer, so we'll read what they had to say.
I don't know about AIM North, maybe great guys, but I do know that the other areas of the RFID industry have put out this info, have claimed Walmart wasn't tracking you, wasn't going to put it in the products, and they caught them doing it.
I mean, hundreds of articles last year, this year, smart shelves with cameras that watch you and take photos of you and integrate it with the RFID.
And so that's it.
We're making huge sections.
We just posted a little bit on PrisonPlanet.com.
We're about to post something on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to add more and just put it all together in one giant area.
I mean, here's the new scientist.
RFID chips watch grandma brush her teeth.
I mean, what?
That's the new scientist here.
So, we're just reporting what's going on.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, thanks for joining us.
There's been a lot of new developments concerning the bombings in Spain.
Even the CIA is having to now quietly come out publicly, but again, it's in the back of the newspaper, and say, okay, the supposed Al-Qaeda group we've been blaming, turns out it's not even a real group.
Boston Globe yesterday said, may not even exist.
Now they're saying doesn't exist.
Again, shadowy imaginary groups that take responsibility for the bombings.
Classic globalist MO.
But first, in this first hour, I want to get into this new controversy.
We post, literally, probably, I don't know, 500 news stories a week on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
My wife's the webmaster for InfoWars.com.
Paul Joseph Watson does the work on PrisonPlanet.com.
His brother also does some posting.
And I'd say we've got about a 99% accuracy level.
You know, the mainstream media tries to lie on purpose, we try to tell the truth.
And when we're wrong about something, we're the first to admit it.
But I don't believe we're wrong about this exploding, or popping, we should say, $20 bill story.
And we're posting.
We already have it all on the site.
We're posting it all in one place.
The articles about the U.S.
government plan to put RFID in the money that they claimed two years ago.
The articles about the EU saying they're going to put RFID in the money.
The Japanese saying they're going to do it.
Already doing it.
We're posting all of that because... Henry McHale, three weeks ago, sent us an email and some photos.
Because he knows we're into RFID.
He's got a big website.
He's a PhD.
In psychology up in Canada.
And he says, yeah, I got sent these photos and this article about these exploding $20 bills.
Well, my webmasters are over in England for Present Planet.
And then they stuck their pounds in the microwave, didn't pop, didn't catch on fire.
So they go, well, we don't have any dollars, any new 20s.
They had some dollars, they said, but no new 20s.
You know, the new pink ones, the new pink and blue ones.
Let's go ahead and stick in there some of these new Euros we just got when we visited France.
I don't think so.
I then started getting emails, calls.
Day one we posted it.
Millions of people were going to it.
Thousands of prominent websites linking to it.
It was the biggest story on the net after it had been up for about a week.
For one day, after it had been up for a week, it suddenly became the biggest story on the net.
That is, that one particular story got the most hits.
They have websites where I can track that.
Just some little obscure article, we posted.
And some other sites, of course, posted it as well, but ours got all the attention.
Yeah, I put mine in.
They sparked and popped.
I put mine in.
Nothing happened.
I put mine in.
It turned brown on his face.
And I turned it off, you know, for fear of fire.
And we're like, yeah, be careful folks when you're doing this.
We don't recommend you do this.
So it was about 50-50.
But I would ask people.
On air and in emails.
Well, do you have a new low-power microwave?
Those that said they did catch on fire, do you have a high-powered old microwave?
You know the types that are at convenience stores that, you know, heat up your item in like 60 seconds, but the one at your house takes 5 minutes to do the same thing?
Well, the high-powered ones, this happens.
Because I've tested it.
And my little microwave at my house just turned brown in about 30 seconds.
In a industrial microwave, that sucker started popping and smoking within 10 seconds.
And the one that Watson's brother has started in 3 seconds, and they didn't want to lose their Euro notes, so they turned it off.
And I'm still on air.
We don't know what's going on.
And we're trying to find the news articles.
I remember, I think it was Wired, or was it Scientific American?
I can't remember, but there was an article about a year and a half ago about the new colored money coming out, which people didn't even believe by the way then.
Even though I had the Federal Reserve documents on it, and it showed, I think it was over 10 different security features.
If somebody finds that, send it to tips and info wars dot com.
We've been doing searches, but ran out of time before show time, because I just learned of this Declan McCullough piece, or him forwarding what an RFID company said about us 30 minutes before I drove to the studio.
So about, probably about an hour ago.
So, again,
This is important, because they say they're putting the RFID in, they say it's going on, they pointed out, quote, hidden security features, and in the same article said, last year, about a year and a half ago, that there are other features that they won't tell us about.
Then we read articles about how they want to put RFID in it.
So we don't know!
I just know I put them in one microwave, they turn brown, right in the center, put another one, they catch on fire.
Now that's what happened, and I said I was going to videotape it, but I've been so busy I haven't.
Now, obviously, I'm going to.
But if somebody in Europe wants to videotape it and send us the video clip, we'll post it on our servers, on our dime, because Watson's brother has a video camera, but not one with a firewire in it, so we can get it into the computer.
We need to, I guess somebody there in their area of England needs to get with them so we can videotape that there.
They've got some more Euros they'll put back in because within seconds those babies go off.
And the EU again said, what, two years ago that by, well, this year or next year they'd be putting them in and lo and behold, what is in there?
Very interesting.
Now coming up in about 15 minutes,
We've got Catherine Albrecht coming on, who's got the No Cards website and the No RFID Card site.
She's been attacked by the big RFID makers.
She's gotten emails, it's been in the newspaper, it's come out, where the RFID industry's been wanting to go after her and smear her.
And everything she said two, three years ago has now been in the mainstream news, that they plan to put RFIDs in all the products, tracking traces at the Pentagon and Homeland Security are involved, that all of this is going on.
And I point you to the new scientist from yesterday, because she said this three years ago, I said this three years ago.
Tex Mars wrote a book about this in 1996.
It was published in 96, written in 95.
Project Lucid, we carry it on the website.
That baby's eight years old now, and he laid out the official federal plans in that.
So, you know, I'm tired of this.
RFID chips
Watch grandma brush teeth, and I just want to ask AMI North, the RFID maker and others, is this not true either?
You want to go after the new scientist?
It says tiny computer chips that emit unique radio frequency IDs could be slapped on toothbrushes, chairs, and even toilet seats to monitor elderly people in their own homes.
I read articles a month ago about putting them in the pills.
Data harvested from the RFID chips would reassure family and caregivers that an elderly person was taking care of themselves.
For example, taking their medication.
Usual data patterns would provide an early warning that something was wrong.
They say the kids have to thumb scan in thousands of school districts now for five years.
And now to get on school buses is starting in Florida and New York.
To quote, track their activities and are they not getting on the bus?
Are they not eating proper food?
Should CPS be called?
It's all part of it.
Two states, New York and New Mexico, about to pass laws.
You've got to have a breathalyzer automatically in your car.
All of us guilty until proven innocent.
I mean, we've proven what we're talking about.
I don't know about RFIDs.
I know these bills catch on fire.
And I know they said they're going to put them in them.
And I know RFIDs explode in a microwave.
So again,
A group of Intel researchers demonstrated the technology to U.S.
government officials in Washington, D.C.
on Tuesday.
The event aimed to show how embedded wireless chips could help tackle the care problems created by the rapidly rising number of senior citizens.
Such networks have already been deployed to monitor the environment and scan for empty parking lots.
You hear that?
This technology could enable people to age in their homes with greater dignity, safety, and independence.
Yeah, right.
Now we can have the new elderly CPS come grab them and euthanize them.
And it goes on.
As we live for longer, the proportion of the population that is elderly is growing quickly.
As a result, the health system is facing a collapse.
And it says, probabilistic reasoning, whatever that means.
Intel Solution, big computer company, chip country company, requires an elderly person to wear a glove embedded with an RFID reader the size of two AA batteries.
The reader clocks any triggered object that the person touches and wirelessly transmits their unique ID to a central PC which records it in real time.
So, there is that article and it goes on and on and on and on about how wonderful it is.
So, again, Walmart, before there was heat on this three years ago in USA Today, said everything you buy will be tracked and traced.
It will be in all products.
RFID Industries have put out pictorial representations and PowerPoint presentations showing the RFID at the factory, to the warehouse, to the store, to your home, to, of course, you guessed it, the landfill.
By the way, Paul, post that, too, in the expose you're building on PrisonPlanet.com, and I know my wife's putting one together right now for InfoWars.com, as well.
You need to integrate those two stories.
And send your mainstream stories that you want to be added, folks, to tips at InfoWars.com or you can go to PrisonPlanet.com and go to the contact info and email Paul.
Because I'm angry about this because, well, I need to read the press release of AIM North President Dan Mullen.
We're going to try to get him on the show.
And again, Declan McCullough, who I think is a good guy, he sent out their press releases in email.
He writes for some of the biggest industry technology publications.
Headline, RFID Industry Tries a Debunked Exploding $20 Bill.
That's Declan's headline.
We're trying to get Declan on too right now.
And we got Albert coming on here in about 10 minutes.
And it says, The Myth of the Amazing Exploding $20 Bill.
Now, that's the press release by Dan Mullen, President AIM.
And it says, do $20 bills explode when placed in a microwave oven?
Do they contain hidden radio frequency identification tags?
Can the government track you through your cash?
Well, they admit the old scanner strip in the money since 98 does that.
We need to get that article and we need to take their press release and make everything they say a hyperlink.
That's how to deal with this.
Every word.
One website recently published an expose, and that's in quotes, about the supposed presence of RFID chip placed beneath Andrew Jackson's right eye on the new 20s bill.
This site claims that microwaving bills will cause the RFID tag to explode and burn the bill, thus exposing the hidden tag.
Microwaving an RFID tag will cause it to create some spectacular sparks and will cause it to pop.
They go on to say that when they put one in a microwave, that indeed did happen.
But without the $20 bill, just the chip.
We'll be back.
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Alright, we got Catherine Albrecht, who's been falsely targeted by other sectors of the RFID industry before.
We posted some of those news articles.
Everything she's laid out has turned out to be very accurate.
In fact, she's underestimated, in my opinion, the real scub of the RFID many, many times.
So she's going to be joining us coming up in the next segment.
And again, if you just joined us,
Three weeks ago, almost four weeks ago, we posted some photos of a man and woman who'd put their twenties in a microwave and watched them catch on fire and then pop and explode.
And the question is, do those bills have RFID in them?
The government has talked about doing this.
We know they, quote, have some hidden security devices in it.
The European Union has said they're doing it.
We tested Euros ourselves.
They did indeed pop in the very same spot instantly, within three seconds, and start burning.
And so we're posting all of that.
Well, it's already been posted, but we're posting it all in one spot.
Some people put their 20s, their new 20s, in microwaves.
It doesn't happen.
It happened for me in one microwave, and not in the other one.
So it seems to be the frequency of the microwave.
But AIM, or AIM North, this big RFID company,
Came out and said, one website recently published an expose about the supposed presence of an RFID chip placed behind Andrew Jackson's right eye.
We said that, you know, is that where it's at?
That's where the fire starts.
On the new $20 bill, the site claims the microwaving bills will cause the RFID tag to explode and burn the bill.
And by the way, the people discovered this because they had, they'd just gone to an ATM, had a bunch of 20s, went through the security door and it went off.
And they figured out that when they took the money out and left it outside and came back in, that didn't happen.
And again, the government admits the old scripts in the money can be scanned and read by different devices they have.
I mean, there is an old-fashioned RFID in money since 98.
That's admitted.
They continue, microwaving an RFID type will cause it to create some spectacular sparks and will cause it to pop.
They're quoting the website, the story the family wrote for us.
As a result, some people have begun wrapping their cash in aluminum foil to foil reading of the RFID tag.
In fact, placing a $20 bill in a microwave oven does not cause it to explode, burn, or affect it in any way.
Is that an old $20 or a new $20, buddy?
In order to determine whether or not there was a security feature in the $20 bill that would cause this phenomenon, you don't make it clear.
Did you put the new one in?
AIM North America tested a new $20 bill in a microwave oven.
After one minute on high, the bill was barely warm.
Next, an RFID tag of the type used by commercial laundries was placed adjacent to Andrew Jackson's portrait on a new $20 bill and again placed in a microwave oven.
After only two seconds, the end.
That's what we said.
Three seconds, folks.
After only two seconds.
Funny you got the same result.
After only two seconds, the antenna and the chip on the RFID tag began to, quote, fry.
After 20 seconds, the destruction of the RFID tag did set the bill on fire.
The area around Andrew Jackson's right eye, where the covert tag is supposed to be hidden, was entirely unaffected.
The attacks, the scans, are the $20 bill that was tested.
The burn area, the right of the portrait, remains on the laundry tag.
Due to the power of the Internet, the source of the rumor,
And PrisonPlanet.com has been quoted internationally.
At least one article based on this published in Flemish and on a Belgian website.
Even a casual examination of the $20 bill revealed that there is no hidden tag.
It's got the old-fashioned strip which is rated as an RFID in it!
You are wrong!
You are wrong right there!
Holding the bill up to the right light will expose any RFID chip or antenna.
Hold the new money up.
It's got the old-fashioned strip in it, which is a primitive, scan-readable RFID.
Boy, I tell you, you are just something else!
So, for reliable information on RFID, please visit RFID.org.
Yeah, the big industry mouthpiece.
One month, we plan to trap you with this.
It'll be on all products.
Next month, we never said that!
You know, it's like, uh, it's like Rumsfeld on the war or something.
They're weapons of mass destruction.
Well, I never said that, you know.
Uh, so, my goodness.
I mean, amazing.
So, I don't know if all the 20s have it.
I don't know if they're popping and exploding because of an RFID.
People sent us a story, we posted it, it became the biggest story on the internet.
Uh, for, you know, it built up for a week, one of the biggest, became the biggest for a day, and then went down from there.
But the point is, we posted it to have a debate about it.
And the fact is, governments are saying they are putting it in and are planning to put it in.
In a whole bunch of countries.
I mean, new scientists are planning to put it in grandma's toothbrush tracker.
They plan to make school children aware of these for, quote, security.
To be tracked by a GPS locator in the school.
That pings off the RFID and watches where they're at.
I mean, we have these articles coming out of our ears that the RFID industry
The RFID industry will say one thing one day and something else later.
I don't know about AIM.
I don't even know who this group is.
We'll find out from Catherine Albrecht coming up in the next segment.
So please, help us counter this.
Go to our websites, get both the press releases we put out on this with the links, and email it to everyone posted on every website, every message board.
Go absolutely insane.
Fight back!
Fight back!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We've had Catherine Albrecht on the show many times.
She's been interviewed by national television, international radio, newspapers.
She's of course completing her doctorate there at Harvard.
She started out many years ago exposing the fact that when you get discount cards,
Uh, at the grocery store, quote, discount cards.
I mean, it's training you to get on the cards.
I'll go to the grocery store, buy $200 worth of stuff, and they go, it would have been $145 if you had the Randalls card.
You know, it's training you, and it's come out that a lot of the big grocery stores are selling the data, using it, using it to tell what people are buying to actually boost prices overall.
I mean, it's a bunch of statistical data analysis.
And they all tried to deny it for years, and now it's all mainstream news and admitted.
It's like I told you that OnStar, Echelon listens to you over the OnStar if they want to.
Nobody believed it.
Now they've lost lawsuits over it.
I mean, the federal government has.
It's been all over the news.
This stuff's incredible what's going on.
Then she got into RFID.
I gotta tell you, Professor Tex Mars of Space and Aeronautics from UT, you know him as Pastor Tex Mars, went into the ministry 20 years ago.
He wrote a book, eight years ago, called Project Lucid, where he got the federal documents about how they plan to put RFID in all the products and track us and track children and old people and criminals, you know, the weakest members of society.
Here it is today, eight years later, a new scientist, RFID chips, watch granny brush teeth, for safety of course.
And so Catherine Albert got into RFID.
I mean, I remember three years ago, USA Today, saying everything we do will be tracked and traced, and cameras scanning our faces with the RFID, and the government reviewing it, and the stores reviewing it.
Frankly, Catherine is so meticulous that
You know, I think she underestimates it many times, but she's been attacked by the RFID industry, different sectors of it.
Coming up in 30 minutes, and I want to keep her on with him, we have a consultant for AimNorth, a big RFID company, Burt Moore coming on the show, and Catherine, you're welcome to stay with us for that, because I want you guys to be able to have a discussion, but they put out this press release.
Now again, just so you know, Catherine, because we haven't talked in a while,
You research this.
We got sent a story from Henry Mckell, PhD in Canada.
People here in the US, the money made the alarms go off.
We know the old strip is a primitive type scan readable piece of filament oxide tape.
That's in the new money too.
The Europeans have talked about putting it in the money.
The Japanese, others are doing it.
This is all happening.
They put it in, it caught on fire, popped, exploded.
My webmaster in England put it in the microwave, it popped in three seconds just as AIM says RFIDs do.
We posted that.
I put it in one microwave, a little white one we've got that'll hardly heat anything, just turned it brown, put it in an industrial one, exploded in three seconds, I turned it off, didn't want to start a fire.
So I have found this to be true.
I don't know what's in there, because it's so small we can't really even get at it.
But we know they're putting it in shoes and clothes, and people have been caught, you know, Gillette razors.
So, Catherine Albrecht, tell us about your background, who you are, and what you think is really going on here.
Catherine, are you there?
Okay, great.
We're getting her up on the air.
I'm told that my board operator was talking to her.
Let's go ahead and bring Catherine up, guys.
Now, here on the show, please.
I guess girls will talk, you know that.
So they're having a little discussion right now.
I'm not sure about what.
But we'll go ahead and get her up here in just a second.
Hey, Stephanie.
Go ahead and bring her up.
Catherine, thanks for being here.
I appreciate it.
Give us a little bit of background yourself, how you got into this and what's going on with the RFI industry and your whole take on this exploding 20-story.
Well, let's see.
I'm Catherine Albrecht, the founder and director of Caspian.
We're the folks who have been taking on the RFID industry for the last year and uncovered scandals around the world, everywhere from Wal-Mart and Gillette and Tesco in England, and most recently we're behind the big protest over in Germany about this stuff.
Masses of people protesting, the grocery stores doing this, others doing this.
Give us some of the big scandals that they've tried to deny that later came out to be true.
Well, probably one of the most interesting ones was when Walmart installed what they call a smart shelf, which we actually call a spy shelf, in a store in Brockton, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston.
What we found there was that I actually went out to the store.
I had read about this and heard about it at industry conferences.
I went out to the store and sure enough there was all the wiring and stuff hooked up to the shelf, so I took some pictures of it.
And according to the documentation on the shelf, what it did is a customer would pick up a package of Mach 3 razor blades.
A hidden camera on the shelf would take that customer's picture, actually an up-close mug shot of their face, on the assumption that everybody picking up razor blades must be a shoplifter.
And then a second camera would actually take another hidden picture of the individual when they paid for the razor blades at the check stamp.
Now, we had found out that this was going on over in a chain in England, their biggest grocery chain over there called Tesco.
There were protests and they had to shut it down.
And then when I found it here in Massachusetts, right here on our own soil, both Walmart and Gillette tried to deny the whole story.
Now, before we go any further, Catherine, before we go any further, this is key because you went to the industry conference in Chicago last year.
You were there.
They said they were going to do this.
You then documented that they were.
They tried to claim in the news that they weren't doing it.
And then here you are catching them in the US and in England doing it.
And what I did was I figured, how could they possibly deny this?
I mean, it's here plain as day.
But just to be on the safe side, I bought a disposable camera at the Walmart and I took a few pictures of it.
And later I was just astonished that Walmart had the nerve to say, you know, we don't have any kind of a shelf like that.
Gillette backed up their story and said, you know, we don't know what you're talking about.
This is after Gillette initially admitted it and later came back and denied it.
It was just the whole thing was crazy.
So I was able to take those photographs that I had taken and share them with actually a reporter from the Boston Globe.
And he blew the story open.
So they at that point had egg on their face.
And you know what?
The absolutely crowning piece of this whole little story was that their response, once they were confronted with this evidence, was to say, Oh, that shelf!
Oh, that shelf!
Oh, yeah, that shelf in the Brockton store.
Well, we never plugged that in.
And that was in their press releases, that was in the news.
So my point is, now I've got an RFID company, AIM North, and again, they could be right, we could be wrong.
All I know is, is that Euros and certain new 20s really do do this, and we'd like to know why.
And what do you know about AIM North?
And we've got Burt Moore, one of their consultants, coming on in the next hour.
I hope you'll stay with us.
I mean, what do you make of this?
Well, you know, there's definitely been a PR war going on, I think, for the last year over the RFID issue.
AIM Global, I don't know if they've changed their name, but I know that it's AIM Global.
Yeah, this is the AIM North office, and the company is AIM Global, yes.
Okay, well, we've butted heads in the past.
They have made some statements about our organization that were inaccurate, and we corrected those on our website at spychips.com.
I would definitely say that AIM Global is an organization that is very much pro-RFID.
Their role, I guess, is to be a PR mouthpiece for the industry and to say positive things about RFID and to try to defuse any kind of scandal or negative taint that comes over the industry.
Now we've also got Michelin now for a year putting them in the tires.
Yeah, I think Michelin is probably, at this point, the most egregious offense happening right here in the United States because all of the other trials have been stopped.
We've pretty much routed them out of the retail stores.
I don't know.
We're finding... I mean, I'm open package and little black dots dump out.
I mean, it's... I mean, I get emails every day of this stuff.
There's articles all the time, Catherine.
Well, that's why we're pushing, Alex, for legislation that would require labeling.
And we're trying to do that on a state-by-state basis.
And let's make it clear, they said they're going to put it, Walmart told the industries, they're the one in, what, 86 who finally got the barcode standardized.
They're telling all of their suppliers, we want it.
The Pentagon came out last year and said, if you're going to sell to us, you've got to have it.
Then they try to deny it.
I mean, there's an industry PowerPoint presentation that shows an image
I think that initially in those early phases when all this was happening behind closed doors and we consumers didn't even know that they were doing this research, they really did have a plan of putting this on everything
Fairly quickly, so that the items in your refrigerator would be beaming back information about themselves to the store for reordering.
Ma'am, you found the public document that they actually leaked out and became public, where they said that 78% of people don't like this, but they're passive and we've just got to do it and they'll just submit.
Absolutely, it's really disgusting what they were writing back in those days.
What has happened since, Alex, I think, is
Well, once they tried to go public with this, they met with so much public resistance because of that 78% majority, and that's a vast majority of people, who have time after time made it very clear to the industry that they do not want to be tracked through the products and services that they buy.
So what they've done is, rather than retreat altogether, they've said, well, what we'll do in the next couple of years is we will make our focus on supply side inventory control, moving things from warehouses and factories and back rooms.
The consumer will never even need to see these products, at least at the present moment.
Now, if you dig a little deeper into their documentation, they absolutely have long-term plans to put these on every physical item.
And three years ago they said by 2004 all Walmart products would have it.
That was USA Today, but now they're behind schedule thanks to you and others.
Well, and what is going to happen?
Walmart, Target recently issued a mandate and so did Albertsons, one of the biggest grocery chains in America.
They've all issued mandates now in recent months to their suppliers saying you must have them on your crates and pallets.
I think so.
suggested to me that for each of Walmart's top hundred suppliers to comply with that is going to cost between two hundred and two hundred and fifty million dollars per company.
And so by Walmart and the Pentagon making their suppliers do this, it is building the infrastructure.
Then you have the meeting last year with Ridge and the CEOs where they, where the CEOs say we want this for Homeland Security, so we have the link established.
This is Big Brother.
Yes, and that actually is accurate.
The Director of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, did meet
With the directors of the Auto ID Center.
We're not quite sure what they discussed in that meeting, but I think we can pretty much surmise that there are definitely Homeland Security interests involved.
Well, I had you on last year and you said you actually got one of their documents.
I'm going from memory here.
My memory is pretty accurate.
And that they were bringing it to RIDGE saying, we want this to be sold as a Homeland Security measure.
Yeah, that was actually Larry Kellum of Procter & Gamble.
He's no longer with the company.
But he has commented in an industry conference I attended
When someone asked him, what will it take for this technology to really take off?
And he said, what it'll take is for Homeland Security to say that this is a step we must take to protect the food supply.
What is the Babylon system?
You said that they went, at the meeting there was lots of weird names, weird biblical names, and then they brought up the Babylon system?
Yeah, you know Alex, to be honest with you, it's been about a year since that one, and that's not one that I have pursued, but there definitely was talk about the Holy Grail and
And they had deputized evangelists at one of these events that would go out and talk about the benefits of RFID to business executives.
So there definitely has been quite a bit of, I think, kind of strange religious terminology with regard to this.
One thing I think is fairly certain, though, is that billions of dollars stand to be made from this technology.
And to the extent that they can get consumers to accept it, or perhaps
Have it slipped into their environment and not be aware of it.
I think that obviously there's money to be made by doing that.
What we're pushing for is saying that right now we run a very serious risk.
And Alex, I'm sure you get a lot of these packages in the mail from people who say, I shopped at my local Target and I think there's an RFID tag on my DVD that I bought, or this tag was in the pocket of the new pants that I bought.
And so people mail us these things.
And the problem is that there's really no way for the average consumer to know, is that an RFID tag?
If so, what is its read range?
How far away can it be read?
Who put it there?
There needs to be labeling!
We must have that.
That is the absolute crucial beginning point.
Well, I want to get back just briefly to RFIDs and the money.
Now, when they came out with the new 20s last year, there were news articles showing all the new security measures, anti-counterfeiting measures, and they had different areas, and then they also mentioned there are several classified security measures that we won't tell you about in the money.
And all I know is we got this story sent to us by listeners,
We stuck Euros, because again my webmaster in England over there, stuck Euros in, right in the middle, it popped in three seconds, started burning, and we have those photos up.
I stuck money in, and one microwave it browned, and another it popped and caught on fire.
And again, I don't have a scientific lab, I don't know, but my old twenties don't do this, Catherine, so I don't know what's going on.
Well, and I'm afraid to say, join the club, because I think most people looking into this $20 bill story have said, well, there's no, as far as I'm concerned, I haven't seen any real definitive evidence that there is RFID.
And I think that's what brings us to the more important question.
And the important question is, would it be appropriate, or would it be inappropriate, to put RFID tracking devices that could identify... Well, the EU said they're doing it, the EU said they're doing it, going to do it, a year ago, and now the EU dollar pops.
And then I noticed when AIM put out this press release, the RFID maker, they said, oh, we put an RFID in, and in two and a half seconds, you know, it did pop.
But the 20 didn't.
They don't say if it's a new 20 or an old 20.
Well, and obviously you'll have to talk to AIM about exactly how they conducted their experiments.
What I can say, and I think the bigger issue here, is that the government of Japan has stated that it will, not might, but will be putting RFID tracking devices into high-currency yen notes.
And I think that already started, by the way.
Perhaps on an experimental level, I think they were... I saw that months ago, yeah.
...within the next year to have that completed.
That's a very serious issue because
If you do put an RFID device into currency, even if the read range is short, even if the read range is a couple of centimeters, which is what you're likely to see with that technology, what it brings up is the possibility that that cash will no longer be anonymous.
So now imagine you go into your bank or your ATM and you pull out a bunch of, I'll say this in American currency, you pull out a bunch of $20 bills.
If they were tagged with RFID,
It would be possible to capture those tag numbers and link them to your identity.
And that will track the history of that money.
Now let me bring this up for you.
A key piece of research.
You can use your LexisNexis for it.
I need to find this.
I covered it many times on the air.
Back in 98, we're now talking 6 years ago.
Hard to believe.
The Federal Reserve Policy Board of Virginia said
That they could already use the magnetic strip that was already being put in the money starting in 98, that long strip you can pull out, to scan at the bank and at stores the history of the transactions, and that if you didn't keep the money in the bank, they could then devalue it over a year.
Now, that's the Federal Reserve.
Number one, were you aware of that?
And number two, I mean, that is a form of tracking right there.
And actually, I would be happy to pull up the documentation on that, which I have myself, and I've actually written on that.
And put it in some PowerPoint presentations that I've done.
It never was adopted, but it was proposed by a high-ranking official of the Federal Reserve.
It was called the Carry Tax, I believe.
And the notion here was that the cash itself would decline in value the longer you held on to it.
And it was a measure to discourage people from hoarding cash or holding on to cash.
But also they said they could track the history of the money.
Did you see that part?
Well, this was all theoretical, though, Alex.
That's the important piece.
They had not yet actually done it.
But that's what the strip is able to do.
Well, that was the point of this guy's proposal, but it did not link into any... Okay, that's key.
Stay right there, Katherine.
This is riveting.
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Alright my friends, we've got Martin Moore, a consultant
For AIM Global, this RFID technology company coming on, and Catherine Albrecht will be on with us.
And so this is going to be very, very interesting coming up in the next hour.
Then we will also take your calls.
I know you've all been patient.
Before we go back to Catherine Albrecht, just briefly, I've made ten full-length feature documentary films that cover the police state,
Uh, both, you know, physical with the police, and the prisons, and the RFID, and the tracking cameras, and the biometrics going in.
You know, all over the grocery stores, the theme parks, it's happening everywhere.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
And the 2 hour, 44 minute film, we spent about 20 minutes on RFID.
I mean, you get a full education across the board with this film.
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So go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to get the videos or the books or the t-shirts, the pro-gun t-shirts, all the great stuff we carry.
Or call toll-free.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And another note here, you need to get behind Catherine Albrecht and go to her website, Spy Chips.
We'll tell you the website in a second.
You need to get her articles.
Email them out to everybody.
Most importantly, get our counter response to AIM Global.
And get it, and email it, post it, get it out to everyone.
We're posting that right now on both the websites, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
But back to getting the videos.
Call toll-free, 1-888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
This is the new tracking grid.
This is the new system.
The Defense Department, Walmart, Homeland Security, and BEDTogether.
We've got to stop this.
But going back to Catherine Allberg.
Catherine, fire out those websites for people that want to learn more.
Yeah, our RFID website is online at spychips.com.
You can see pictures of RFID devices you can keep.
You can get kind of an update on the quiet war we've been waging, the recent protest over in Germany.
All of our activities are online at spychips.com.
There's also a place on there where you can sign up.
You can join our organization free of charge.
You can sign up for our newsletter, and we would love to have your support.
We have now members, and I'm proud to report, in over 30 countries around the world and in all 50 states in the United States.
Well, that is very, very exciting.
We've got Burt Moore.
Do you know who he is?
Hi Bert!
Well, I mean, he's not here yet.
He's coming up.
I mean, do you know who Bert is?
Yeah, well, I certainly am familiar with AIM Global and I think I've spoken to several members of their staff.
I think Bert and I have corresponded via email in the past.
Yeah, well, we'll be talking to them.
What are some of the questions we should ask Mr. Moore?
Well, I think that the bigger question on the story that they've circulated today, which essentially dismisses out of hand the idea that a $20 bill might contain
When the government's saying they're planning to do it.
Well, our government hasn't come out specifically to say that.
Well, the Japanese and the EU and yeah, I actually may have missed it.
I've seen our government discuss it.
So I think that's the bigger question is, well, why should we have to go through all of this rigmarole to determine
Whether or not there is.
Well, why are we weird to ask the question?
Why are we bad when they're saying this is the plan?
Why are we weird to then be paranoid about it?
I would absolutely agree with you, Alex, because there has been quite a bit of discussion about putting these RFID devices into everything.
And so I think the bigger question is, you know, what responsibility does the U.S.
government and the Federal Reserve Bank and the folks involved in our currency have to let us know what they're doing?
And why is it that we as citizens don't feel comfortable to simply go directly to the horse's mouth and say, hey, are you doing it or not?
And, you know, what does that say about, you know, about their trust of the public that they probably wouldn't tell us if and when they got to the point of action?
All right.
Katherine, stay there.
The second hour is straight ahead.
We'll be talking to one of the consultants, one of the mouthpieces for AIM Global.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island to Los Angeles, California.
Simulcasting at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And on Global Shortwave, WWCR at 9475 during the day, 3210 at night.
This is a quick little five-minute segment.
We won't get into the real meat of this until the next segment.
This morning I got up getting ready for the show, and there's this email that Declan McCullough forwarded to me.
We've had him on the show many times.
Great technology writer.
RFID industry tries to debunk exploding $20 bill and he puts out their press release.
Which I think, you know, the press release has some good questions and it makes some good points about how they put a tag in there and it did pop and explode in three seconds, two seconds or three seconds, which is what we found.
And governments have talked about putting these in the money.
This is going on.
Are they in there yet?
All I know is we got this email, this story.
I went and tested it in one microwave, didn't have it.
Put it in another one, more high power.
It did pop.
I turned it off.
I didn't want to have a fire on my hands.
And we put Euros in a microwave.
They popped in the exact same spot.
And the EU said they're going to do it.
Are they already doing it?
Do some of the new 20s have it?
Do all new 20s have it?
Or is it in none of them?
Maybe suddenly cotton in the center of a bill pops like a firecracker when you put it in the microwave.
But joining us is Burt Moore, and he's a consultant, I guess a spokesperson, obviously, for AIM Global.
And, Burt, thanks for coming on the show.
We appreciate it.
Oh, thanks for the opportunity to be here.
You bet.
Tell us about AIM Global, and tell us about your whole take on this.
Well, AIM Global is the international association for the providers of AIDC technology, which includes barcode and radio frequency identification.
And I was actually the one that did the testing and wrote the news release.
And basically... So you're probably an engineer then?
Well, no, I'm actually just applying a little bit of common sense here.
Oh, you're not?
So you didn't have one of your engineers do the test?
Why not?
I bet you got a lot of them.
Well, actually, we do have a lot of engineers in the member companies.
The idea was to replicate what anyone could do at home.
And so, since most of the people out there are not engineers, what better than to just take a $20 bill, throw it in the microwave, and see if it explodes?
Now, did you take a new, sir?
Did you take a new $20 bill or an old one?
A new one, of course.
Okay, good.
As a matter of fact, the news release did have some JPEGs attached to it, which I'm not sure you got.
No, I didn't, but now we've got them.
That answers the question.
Okay, yeah.
I just learned of this right before I went on air.
I'm sorry?
I just got your press release before I went on air.
Ah, okay.
You know, and you can see that, well, I didn't put in a JPEG of an undamaged 20, because there's no way to prove that that was microwave.
Uh, but I did take a little laundry tag, the kind that are used by commercial laundries, have a very short range, maybe 18 inches, optimally.
Uh, put it on top of the 20 after having microwaved the 20 for a minute.
Uh, nothing happened, it got a little, little warm, but that was the whole bill.
Okay, well I'm going to post a video of them catching on fire.
Oops, let me go to a website here.
So you're going to your data.
Well, we're about to break here in a second, so we'll have plenty of time.
We appreciate you, Mr. Moore, coming on in such short notice.
So you conducted the test yourself?
Yes, I did.
I was just going to go to your website.
So I put the little laundry tag on there, and within two seconds,
You know, I should have turned out the lights and invited people over because it was spectacular.
Yeah, that's what we've been getting, you know.
Uh, but the bill... Hey, isn't it funny that what we described is exactly what you got with the tag?
Yeah, except it didn't happen with the bill.
But of course it'll happen with the tag because it has a conductive antenna.
Well, we had no idea.
Well, I mean, the RFID tag has an antenna.
Has to have an antenna if you're going to communicate.
Otherwise, it would be like having the most powerful Pentium chip in the world, but not having it connected to a computer.
No, I understand.
Well, stay there, sir.
We've got a quick little break coming up.
We'll come right back to you, Mr. Moore.
We're honored to have you.
Appreciate you coming on.
And we got some other folks we'll talk to, too.
Stay with us.
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Just a program note before we go back to Burt Moore, a spokesman and also a consultant for AIM Global, a big RFID and barcode, I guess, sales company.
But before we do that, again, I'm seen as a conservative, pro-Second Amendment, pro-border, anti-UN, but I'm honored to be invited to speak, and I really was invited a month ago, I should have talked more about this, this Saturday at Crawford, Texas at a huge anti-war rally, and I'm the speaker after Ralph Nader!
Yes, that's right, I was invited, and
I've been on Free Speech TV nationally.
I mean, I appreciate this new wave of what you'd call the left.
A lot of them are pro-gun.
A lot of them are anti-New World Order, anti-open borders, anti-so-called free trade.
So a lot of people waking up, they'll be conservatives, liberals, libertarians there.
Crawford, Texas this Saturday, I speak at like 7 o'clock at night after Ralph Nader there at the park in downtown Crawford.
So you definitely want to come out for that.
And, you know, be like Mel Gibson, a real conservative.
Be like Congressman Ron Paul, a real conservative, who's against this war and speaking out against it.
If you're a real conservative, not a neocon, come on out.
Then I'll be speaking someday to the Distinguished Speakers Series for the Libertarians in the big hall at UT.
They've had folks like Harry Brown in to speak, and senators and everybody else, and I'm honored to be speaking at that event.
So that's coming up this weekend here in Central Texas.
Going back to Burt Moore,
And again, this is the whole exploding $20 bill story we put out three weeks ago that became the biggest story on the internet for one day, which we've never done before.
I thought it was just a minor story.
Hey, look at this.
And it just exploded after being on the net about four or five days.
Less than a week.
I was talking to Burt Moore during the break.
They tested a new $20.
They're at their offices, and they're an RFID company again, and it got hot but didn't turn brown, didn't pop, didn't explode.
They did put an RFID in then, and it did indeed do what we saw happen with Euros with 20s.
Some microwaves doesn't happen for some reason, some new 20s doesn't happen, some of them it does.
And I said, you know, is there some metal in there?
Is it some other security feature?
We don't know.
And so perhaps we should expand on that.
And he said, well, maybe it's magnetic ink.
And that rung a bell during the break.
I remember hearing them say, we've got to find the, it was a Wired News story a year ago, that the new 20s had magnetic security ink in them.
I remember that.
Could that be it?
I just want the truth here.
Let's go back to Burt Moore, then we'll bring Catherine Albrecht up to have a discussion with him from Spychips.com.
Burt Moore, what do you think is going on here?
Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know, but I'd like to quickly clarify.
AIM Global is a trade association, and our member companies are the ones that are manufacturers and integrators.
Okay, because we got into that earlier.
You said you had a bunch of people you represented, so you guys are kind of...
Are you guys hooked in with a big RFID website that's kind of the industry mouthpiece?
Yeah, the RFID.org?
That is the AIM Global website.
Oh, ah, yes.
And by the way, I edit their electronic newsletter that you can sign up for for free through that website.
And I did suggest that perhaps there is an unfortunate concentration of magnetic ink in there as an anti-counterfeiting measure.
The magnetic ink is would be anti-counterfeiting because it's very difficult to get the right stuff to make it just as it is the right paper, but counterfeiters seem to be getting more and more
I have an article on it myself.
Okay, so, I mean, somebody puts a 20 in and it explodes, or, you know, catches on fire and pops.
We do it, it happens in some microwaves, and we're saying, you know, exploding RFID.
Maybe it is the magnetic ink, but, I mean, certainly we're normal to be concerned about this, aren't we?
Well, the kind of RF that you could put in there, I mean, the simple way to test, hold it up to a really bright light, see if you can find a chip or an antenna or something that could
Technically broadcast.
Well, there is the strip in there.
There is the magnetic strip.
That's not magnetic.
That's holographic.
Uh, no.
I've got the Federal Reserve's statements on that.
They said they could even use it to devalue money you don't keep in the bank.
They could scan it.
Yeah, but magnetic does not transmit.
The concern... What I'm saying is they read that.
A reader scans it.
By contact, yes.
I mean, that's official Federal Reserve.
Let's bring Catherine Albrecht up from, of course, nocards.org, exposing that, and spychips.com, done incredible work.
I'm sure you're familiar with Catherine Albrecht.
Oh, yeah.
We've spoken before.
Catherine, you're on with Burt Moore.
Do you have any comments or questions?
Hey, Burt.
Well, yeah, I have to say, I think the bigger question here is really one of, is it appropriate to be putting RFID tags in currency?
And that's really the question I would ask AIM.
That's the question I would ask really any of these companies.
Hitachi, Texas Instruments, a lot of the companies that are talking about these types of applications for RFID.
I actually haven't ever seen a statement from AIM Global on the appropriateness or non-appropriateness of putting RFID tags into currency.
So I'd actually like to get Bert's thoughts on that.
Do you think it would be an appropriate thing to do?
It depends on
The purpose of it.
If the purpose is to be a near-contact read to spot counterfeits, and what the EU is talking about is tracking organized crime, because they're only going to tag very, very large denomination bills.
500 euros, I believe, is the one.
Now that's how it always starts.
But if it's a near-contact read, in other words, simply to spot counterfeits,
I think there's technologies that are better than RFID.
That can scan the history of the money and then create a history of the money.
The Federal Reserve even talked about that six years ago.
You're not going to put a history of the money on the money, no.
You could theoretically put the serial number on there, yes?
Yeah, and then track it and link it to the history of the individual where it first originated, scan at the ATM or bank when you get it.
Yeah, that's if you manage to scan it at every single transaction.
Well, Total Information Awareness Network, last year, before we got fired over it, said they want to track every purchase, have omnipresent knowledge, know everything we're doing.
I mean, that was in the news.
I personally can't agree with that, and I'm sure that... I cannot make a policy statement for all of our member companies.
I don't think that that's what they're looking at.
Well, if you're not an engineer, and I mean this in a friendly way, because I'm not either, and I came out with this and was asking the questions, how can you test it and then determine that there's not an RFID in it?
Well, again, I replicated what was reported.
I put it in a microwave and it didn't explode.
I think that's fair.
Did you try multiple microwaves?
No, I did not, and I shall.
I shall see if I can find a good
As a matter of fact, I know where I can get a good industrial quality microwave.
Okay, well that's good.
I'd like to see what happens.
Yeah, so would I. Now, Catherine, I mean... Well, I think this debate is to come down to two central and critical key questions.
And one of them is, is it or is it not appropriate to tag cash with RFID?
And then the second question is, why is it that we, as citizens of a democratic nation, are reduced to having to put money into a microwave?
That's a good question.
of essentially pulling the wool over people's eyes and engaging in a lot of secretive and somewhat deceptive practices involving consumers who did not know that they were being used as guinea pigs for RFID technology.
The broader issue here is now if to the extent that RFID is being viewed by governments around the world and potentially here in the United States as a way to keep closer track of the citizenry
The fact that we would automatically assume that we would not be told that, I think is worrisome.
And, you know, why do we not have a representative from the Federal Reserve who is addressing these fears and concerns right up front?
Why is the European Central Bank, in response to very legitimate questions from reporters,
Answering that they will not discuss security features of currency with the public.
That, to me, seems to be the broader question.
We should not have to be burning up $20 bills left and right to get answers to these questions.
Well, my webmaster, his brother had him from visiting France, stuck him in the microwave, and in about three seconds, pop, boom, catch on fire.
I mean, and we've got the EU saying they're planning to do it, so I don't, I mean, could this be some type of beta testing, Burt Moore, by the Federal Reserve, by the EU, that they haven't announced in some of the bills, and that's why some of them do it and some don't?
Well, let me go back and answer one of Catherine's points.
I think the point is not, I agree with the point, should we be concerned about the government tagging?
Let's leave the
Technology aside, because as you point out, we could use magnetic strike.
We could use a variety of things.
So let's take RFID out of the equation and say, should we be tagging at all?
That is a very legitimate question, and I am going to leave that to the policymakers to explain.
Catherine brings up some good points.
Why are people not responding?
As far as I say, we're not going to comment on security features.
To an extent, that's true.
You know, if you're going to be a counterfeiter, wouldn't it be nice to be able to log on to the European Bank website and find out all the security features that you have to counterfeit?
But should we be concerned?
Should we be concerned that we have to be concerned about this?
Yeah, in part, I think the bigger question, though, is absolutely, and I would support a government saying, well, you know, we're not going to give you, we're not going to publish the specs of our hologram.
On our website, you can download it and replicate it at home.
I think it's a very different question, though, and one that goes far beyond authentication and counterfeiting.
They should explain their plan to us.
If cash becomes trackable and loses its fundamental feature in today's financial world, and that is the fact that cash is the only remaining payment method left to us that is anonymous.
And I am sure that the powers that be, that the Admiral Poindexter and the other folks who would like to institute these total information awareness programs would love to eliminate the anonymity of cash.
Well, they said they want to do that.
We've got a break.
Both of you stay there.
Honored to have you.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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We are posting detailed exposés and analysis with mainstream media reports on our RFIDs, quote in 20 story.
Could it be the magnetic ink that they admit is on these bills?
It could be.
Are governments saying they want to do this?
Yes, they are.
Is this a serious situation we need to get to the bottom of?
And I think that both of our guests have a lot of great points to make and we appreciate Bert Moore coming on the show and Catherine Albrecht and you can go to the
Well, I think so.
Are cars evil?
No, but someone, a drunk driver, could use one.
And that's what we need to have as a debate and labeling, if RFID is on stuff, and it shouldn't be forced onto the industries in kind of a, I don't know what you'd call it, in a collusion by some elements of industry onto the manufacturers.
What do you say to that, Bert Moore?
Then we'll get a comment from Catherine Albrecht.
Well, basically I agree.
The EPC Global, which is the organization that is commercializing EPC for the supply chain, is developing a logo to be placed on all items that have RFID tags on them.
AIM Global is also working on a generic label to indicate that there is the presence of an RFID tag.
Will it also state what that tag, capabilities are and how to remove it or deactivate it?
I cannot speak for EPC Global.
The recommendations that have been already
Proposed are that the tags should be visible, should be identified, and should be either removable or deactivated.
Because if I've got one article, I've got a thousand where they were saying five years ago, three years ago, that it was going to be woven into clothes.
Yeah, it's, that's somewhere in the future you might be able to do that.
I think you just cut the hole in my clothes.
Catherine Holbrook comments to what he's saying, and then I've got a business owner.
I remember when this came out last year, and I'm trying to find it, but the business owner has it, where they told business owners about what's in the new 20.
But Catherine, comments to what he just said.
Well, this idea of coming up with a logo is a fascinating one, and I think in part it's in response to some legislation that's recently been proposed in three states, California, Utah, and Missouri.
All three of which are looking to move forward with legislation that actually Kastian had authored called the RFID Right to Know Act of 2003.
Both the Utah and Missouri legislation were patterned after our sample legislation.
And I remember there was some resistance at first from these guys.
Yes there was and it's interesting because up in Utah they actually got an amendment to the bill passed through the House of Representatives in the state of Utah.
This was industry lobbyists.
I'm not sure if AIM Global sent someone there or not.
Maybe you can answer that.
Essentially, what the lobbyists wanted was, we don't want to have to post your language for what RFID is.
We want to have the option of putting a logo on there instead.
What's so fascinating about this was, back last summer when we uncovered all those confidential documents from the industry consortium,
Yeah, we'll make them submit.
78% don't like it, but yeah.
Using a logo is a way to get consumers to accept this.
One of the things they talked about, and I think you'll feel equally disgusted by it as me, was actually calling it a green tag.
And talking about it's better for the environment, it's more efficient, it's more friendly, it's all these wonderful things.
You know, I can't wait to see the logo that they come up with, but I half imagine sort of a daisy with a little rainbow over it or something.
Well, I'll tell you what, we've got some callers that want to address this.
I know you're both busy.
Can you do maybe five more minutes on the other side, Bert, so you can respond to what she just said and so we can take a call or two?
Sure thing.
Catherine, is that cool with you?
That's great.
Okay, we've got a break here in a moment.
Do you want to go ahead in the minute we've got before we break and respond to what she just said?
Actually, no.
AIM did not send a lobbyist.
AIM is drafting a policy statement that does say that personal information should never be associated with a tag.
On the tag, what happens in a database, we can't control.
But, basically, we're going to be drafting an official policy statement along the lines of the legislation that you proposed, because a lot of that stuff is perfectly good common sense.
But, Bert, my question is, why wasn't that done beforehand when the industry was trying to make this universal?
Well, you have to realize that this has not been moving forward under one stewardship.
A lot of the stuff that was uncovered came out of the Auto-ID Center at MIT.
A lot of things that were done there were done, I think, in a... Go ahead, sir.
His line dropped when he talked about MIT.
We'll get him back on the line.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
All right folks, we're back live.
Got a lot of callers here.
Do a few more minutes on this RFID and let our guests go and continue with your calls on any issue you'd like to discuss and a bunch of other news.
Danny in Tennessee says he's a restaurant owner and got information on what's, you know, the security features in the new 20s.
I remember this came out last year.
And I didn't have time to dig it up before I came to the studio.
But, Danny, you got info from the U.S.
government on the security features in the New 20.
What did that pamphlet that you still have say?
I got it about a year ago.
And, of course, it was a little thing selling the New 20s.
And I believe it was from the Department of the Treasury.
And I posted up on my... I've got a bulletin board in the back that I post New World Order info for my employees to keep them aware of what's going on.
And, uh, when that very first came out, I said, well, you know, this is probably the RFID tags they're putting in here.
So I started popping them in my microwave oven.
And of course, several of them popped.
And, uh, it talks about... I can't remember exactly what it says.
I don't have it in front of me.
I'm not at work right now.
But it talks about the magnetic strips and all the new security features and everything in it.
And from memory it said magnetic ink.
Do you remember that?
Yes, I do remember that.
I do remember it talking about a magnetic strip or something in it.
And when I saw that, you know, my take on the whole thing is they're setting this up for when they go cashless.
That if there's any kind of underground economy with money, that they'll be able to track that money.
But I'd be glad to mail you the pamphlet.
I don't need any more.
Uh, yeah, and I'd like to have somebody else do the test, not just us.
Why don't you hook a video camera up and do it again?
I don't have a video camera.
I bet one of our employees does.
Yeah, I'll check and see if one of them does, and I'll email you the clip, but I've done it several times in my mind.
Yeah, and say, hey, you know, wave the camera.
This is Danny in Tennessee.
Turn the, you know, turn the camera towards the microwave and go, doot, doot, doot, doot.
And what's funny is, uh, I took a couple of the bills to the bank in my deposit.
And the bank lady asked me about it, and she said, oh, I've gotten a lot of these lately.
She said, I don't understand what's going on with these bills.
And I said, well, this is just one I got from a customer.
I said, people are microwaving them.
I'm popping the chips in them.
Oh, so she said she was getting bills that had popped.
Yeah, I guess a lot of people listen to your show and then sing it on the internet.
What did the bills do?
I mean, what happened when you... In my microwave, I've done it in my commercial microwave at work, and I've done it at home.
The commercial microwave, it basically just pops instantly, and it'll catch on fire a little bit, and I've got to shut the microwave off real quick, wait for the bill off, get the fire to go out, and then in my microwave at home, it takes a few more seconds.
Well, I really got to say, I recommend you don't do that, and I recommend others don't do it, because it's, again, we didn't do this up front.
We got sent the information,
Uh, from people, uh, who were in a store, had just gotten a bunch of twenties, and it was making the security system go off, they said.
So then they said, my goodness, what's in this, and tested it, and it did happen.
And again, we've tested it, so has the RFID consortium group we've got on.
It didn't happen for them, didn't happen for me in a small microwave, did happen in a big microwave.
Do you have any comments, Burt Moore, from AIM Global, the big, I guess, RFID promotional PR firm.
Is that a good term?
We are a trade association.
Okay, a trade association.
Burt, what do you have to say to the gentleman in Tennessee?
Boy, I'd love to see a copy of that as well, and I'd love to see the video.
So what are you going to do when a bunch of, I mean, a bunch of video services with different people going, I'm Billy from Kansas.
I'm Jimmy from Texas.
I'm Jeanette from New York.
And here's the video.
I mean, what's going to happen if all this gets brought forward?
Well, I think the government is going to have to explain what's going on.
This is not a conspiracy of the RFID community.
Basically, the technology
I don't believe it's extremely well suited for paper, simply because there's a chip, it makes a bump, you have to have an antenna.
If you're going to track money, do it with a magnetic stripe.
Can I jump in here?
Oh, sure, Catherine.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, you know, there's actually, if you do search for RFID and paper authentication or paper counterfeiting, just in Google, you will come back with a whole bunch of companies that have come out with other alternatives, because as... Yeah, they call it smart paper.
They call it smart paper.
Yeah, well, as Bert points out, a chip-based RFID tag, which has the traditional chip in the antenna, I guess we can call something that's new traditional,
That probably would not be the best application.
But the antenna can lay down sideways and be in the paper.
Well, sure it could, but I'm actually agreeing with Bert that that probably wouldn't be your best way to do it.
It wouldn't be the cheapest way to do it.
But there are other methods out there that essentially use radio frequency identification.
Yeah, I've seen that about putting it in the paper.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, I would ask Bert, and perhaps the folks at AIM Global, and maybe some engineers out there in the RFID community,
What are some of the other paper tagging technologies that may be more efficient or more appropriate for tagging something like currency?
Because I'm with you.
I don't think, I think the cost and the payoff would probably be way out of whack in terms of doing this on paper currency today using that technology.
But what about, you know, there's a company out there called ENCODE, I-N-K-O-D-E, which I would encourage our listeners, you know, just take a look at what they're up to.
They've come up with ways of making paper remotely trackable with RFID, putting unique serial numbers on them without even using RFID chips.
We've got to get that article posted.
Yeah, that ENCODE is not really RFID.
It does use sort of a magnetic signature.
Basically, you disperse little magnetic particles across any surface
And it creates a unique magnetic surface or signature when you hit it with energy.
Again, it's not a transmitting one.
It really is much more magnetic.
Now, I remember they said they put magnetic ink in some of it.
I mean, look at the new 20s.
It's a shiny, crystalline-looking, heavier ink.
That could be what is doing this.
Well, there is a color-changing ink that you will see in the denomination in the lower right-hand corner, maybe elsewhere.
I mean, if you tilt it to the light, it'll go from sort of gold to green and back and forth.
I'm not sure if that is... Well, that's not the area that's... That's not the area that's been affected.
It's a crisp thing, yes.
You know, I agree with Catherine.
It's perhaps time for the Treasury to make some statement.
Well, maybe if you put that on your website it will, because I think we're asking reasonable questions here.
I mean, we could be wrong about it being RFID, but I think, you know, I don't want to have this all be some nasty argument.
I think we need to get to the bottom of it.
I would agree with that, and I am, as we speak, I'm writing an article for the next e-newsletter on this, and I think that's a perfectly reasonable question.
Although, I think perhaps the question that has to also be asked is how effective
Tracking of individual bills is going to be.
Let's say I get a new 20 from the bank.
I give it to Catherine.
Catherine gives it to you.
You spend it at a convenience store.
Assuming that the convenience store then reads that, or it's read at the bank, I don't see a trail there.
Well, let me posit a worrisome concern here.
There's been some recent articles, I'm thinking one that came out on World Net Daily recently,
But there's a push to move us away from income tax towards national sales tax.
And actually, trackable currency would be a perfect enforcement tool for a national sales tax, because what that would mean is, you know, Bert, I couldn't go over to your yard sale and buy the sailboat out of your backyard for $500 cash and skip paying the, you know, what will probably be 20, 30, 40% sales tax on that.
Because somehow that cash that now, at that point, you would then have my $500 and go and try to spend it at Walmart and it wouldn't match up with you.
So I think long term, and we're not talking next year, we're definitely talking way in a technological future here, but certainly if we move from a federal income tax to a national or even potentially a global sales tax, at that point then having cash be traceable would be almost essential.
I think?
These have become very sophisticated computer terminals that are hooked up to databases and hooked up to the internet.
And essentially they have more computing power probably than the computer on your desk at home.
So it's not far-fetched or unreasonable to think that a system could be put into place to actually track the numbers on cash.
And the reason why, Bert, that probably the government would be interested in whether you gave me a 20 is why did you give me the 20?
Was it in exchange for marijuana?
That's the kind of question that the government actually wants to get to the bottom of, which is the whole justification for making cash trackable in the first place, is to eliminate things like a black market economy.
Well, I agree with you about the whole national sales tax thing.
That's the fake neocon move and we're going to keep the income tax as a quote social security payment system and then bring in the sales tax that also brings federal control into all businesses and they've said they need trackable cash for that.
Do you have any comments?
It's a terrible idea.
I'm absolutely opposed to this idea of national sales tax.
We didn't already have enough scrutiny on our purchases as it is today.
Bert, you had a comment?
Well, I was just going to say that if, again, if you want to be part of an underground economy, then you just, you know, as soon as it removes once from the source, then it's untrackable.
Yeah, they can come and say, where'd you get this?
I'd say, gee, it's a $20 bill.
I don't know where I got it.
They can't track it, like I give it to Catherine, she gives it to you, they come to you.
You have no idea where it came from.
It could have been involved in an illegal drug deal or handlings ago and you are absolutely not connected to it.
It would be very hard for the government to prove that.
I'm kind of not going to comment on that.
Okay, that's the caller.
That's why I was confused.
Yeah, Danny, thanks for the call.
I meant to let you go.
I kept hearing somebody go, can you hear me, Alex?
And it was Danny who had been holding.
Go ahead and finish up, sir.
Mark, go ahead.
Oh, again, I just, you know, national sales tax, perhaps
Is it more equitable?
Because if I go out and I buy a $50 million yacht, maybe I should be paying more for the government than somebody who goes out and buys baby food.
As a concept, I don't know if I disagree.
As far as the government tracking every single bill, I'm not sure that's a wonderful idea.
I'm not sure I'm in favor of it.
I'm not sure they would ever be able to actually do anything useful with all that data.
So I'm going to kind of back out of that one.
Still there?
Alright, Catherine, comments to that?
Well, yeah, I think the broader question we need to be asking at every turn on this is what pieces are we putting into place and how could they be used in the future?
And that's really what I've been trying to do from the get-go, and encourage the RFID industry to do the same thing.
Because most of these folks, and let's be honest here,
Most people who are members of Inglobal, most of the companies and most of the folks working for the company that is this industry consortium, they don't have evil designs.
They're not looking to spy on Americans.
They're not looking to put a chip in your shoe and spy on you as you walk around.
I think the thing that potentially, though, Bert, makes your member organization somewhat dangerous to the rest of us is that they
Perhaps don't recognize these longer-term concerns.
Yeah, it's building the infrastructure.
Industry's being sold at big companies like Walmart and the Defense Department are saying, gotta have it if you're going to sell to us.
And then the Feds are dancing around saying they want to use it for control.
This is the issue.
Listen, Catherine Albrecht and of course, Burt Moore, I appreciate both of you coming on the show and check out Catherine's powerful website full of key information.
Go to spychips.com or to go to the trade organization RFID.org.
Thank you both for coming on the show.
Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Take care.
Very informative and we'll get to the bottom of what's going on.
Let's talk to callers now.
I've been holding forever.
Let's talk to Barbara.
Barbara, welcome to the Airwaves.
Thank you very much.
I just wanted to say, Catherine did a very good job informing the people, and we thank her so much.
I really feel if you don't protest it now, you won't get to later.
My question was, and it's kind of important about the Masonic Order, I don't know if you heard about this or not, but there was one man that was in the paper, I think he was about 76 years old.
Yeah, they blew the guy's head off in Long Island last Monday.
Yeah, right.
What kind of initiation is this?
I haven't heard of them using the gun before.
I know they use the cable tow and things like that, but I've never heard of them using a gun.
Oh yeah, that's very popular in some of the higher level initiations.
For those who don't know, by the way, we found other articles where other Masonic organizations, the Klan and other Mason groups, have accidentally shot people in the head too, and it's always found to be an accident within an hour and a half by the police, of course, who tend to be Masons.
But yeah, it's just very
loving organization guillotines, coffins, skulls a bunch of other scary stuff you know uh... hungry rats in cages kind of 1984 style torture stuff and that was by the way all over the major new york papers last week and uh... this is what uh... happens this is the christian love of the secret group that wants to take digital photos of all your children and put them in federal databases with their new chips program
And, you know, imagine if I started a group, or you started a group, where it was known we had guillotines and shotguns by people's heads to scare them and, quote, get them into a scared state.
And, you know, there'd be police raids on it as a cult.
But this is all kind of grandfathered in, and the establishment are members, and lower-level masons don't even know what's going on.
Same type of stuff goes on at Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove.
I mean, this is what it's all about.
Yeah, okay.
Well, thank you very much.
You bet!
Yeah, people are really interested in that and they should be.
We've got a huge area on the Masons and the Occult that we put together last week for the website for the Skull & Bones Bohemian Grove Expo is added on Coast to Coast AM.
Frank in West Virginia.
Frank, go ahead.
Two points I wanted to make.
First of all, one issue that has not been covered.
I did an experiment similar to the one you mentioned a long time ago reported on the Power Hour.
One was with a dry
We're good to go.
That's what I was trying to see if it would deactivate.
I saw no observable evidence that anything had occurred whether it be in water on high power for a long period of time or dry without it.
Now if that were to deactivate I would at least think that it would shrivel up or do some other type of
I could not prove whether or not that was deactivated.
Now, one more thing is, um, and that's the only thing we know that is actually a type of RFID or at least a magnetic strip.
I think that's similar probably to a magnetic strip or, you know, regular tape, whether it be VHS.
Yeah, it is a magnetic strip.
Now, the other thing I wanted to point out is we're trying to
I don't see ways of defeating this.
Let's keep in mind that the only ones that have to benefit from this are the government, which is inherently evil, wanting power and control over all of us.
Yeah, it's totally un-American, thanks for the call.
And they say there's billions of dollars in counterfeiting each year.
Big deal!
That's nothing in the aggregate, does nothing.
Made the dollar the world reserve currency because people were counterfeiting it.
Now, thanks to these new measures, the dollar's dying.
That's part of it.
Because now they can't counterfeit it and make it the world reserve currency.
So it's, uh... And no, I'm not saying counterfeiting's good.
My point is, is that that's their excuse.
It's about the cashless society control grid, as Catherine Albrecht said.
And for these industries, it's just about making money.
The government loves it and is pushing it and trying to make people adopt it because they like it for Big Brother.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We had the RFID PR guy on.
He's a nice guy.
Answered our questions.
Burt Moore and Kathryn Albrecht, of course, is great.
But this is the debate we need to be having about this.
And again, I never expected that RFID story to... I mean, I just was like, yeah, interesting posting.
We didn't even write the article.
Sent to us by a good guy, Henry McHale, by some of his readers, who saw this happen.
And indeed, in some cases, it does happen.
In some cases, about half the time, it doesn't.
So whatever's in the money is only in some of it.
And again, I do not recommend you all run out and stick your $20 bills in the microwave, because it could be dangerous.
But, you know, my webmaster in England's brother took photos of it.
He stuck his euros in there.
And the EU says they're going to be doing this.
And they did pop instantly, in just a couple seconds.
So something's going on there.
Something's happening with this, and it became the biggest story on the internet for a day, as I said.
Just amazing!
But it'll be interesting to see what the RFID trade group now has to say.
They said they're going to put something else out on this.
Is it the magnetic ink on it?
The fact is that these surveillance ships are going in, and it is a serious issue, and governments are saying they're going to put it in the money.
Now, I know we've got a lot of phone calls.
The third hour is coming up.
I'll go directly to Tim and Roger and Steve and others as soon as the third hour starts here in about four minutes and ten seconds from now.
Let me take a few minutes out, though, to encourage every single one of you to support this broadcast and what we're doing.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have wonderful listeners that when we post an MP3 file of key interviews on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, they make us transcripts.
Those transcripts are free-flowing information, complex discussions, integrated information overviews,
Fancy term of saying they're very informative.
I would hope that we get this posted by tomorrow on the websites and that our great friends out there make us a transcript of this.
I want to thank you for what you've done.
Millions of people then read the transcripts.
We'll also post this interview.
By the way, before we go to calls and a bunch of other news, open lines, tomorrow I'm taking off.
I've got Erskine, great talk show host, syndicated talk show host.
No, he's on like 50 big stations or plus.
He's on Saturday nights for four hours from, what, 11 central at night till 3 in the morning.
He's going to be doing the first hour with news and calls.
I've had so many requests, I'm going to re-air the Colonel Dondogram pre-interview in the second and third hour tomorrow.
So you don't want to miss that.
Because I'm going to make myself take at least half a day off a week.
I'm going to be giving
You know, a speech out in Crawford, Texas after Ralph Nader gives a speech.
We're going to have conservatives, liberals, everybody together out there talking about the New World Order.
Stand with real conservatives like Congressman Ron Paul, who's against the war, and Mel Gibson, who's against the war.
You know, it's conservative to stand up against unjust wars.
I'll be giving a speech out there after Ralph Nader in Crawford, Texas at the local park.
Uh, there in Crawford.
And then Sunday I'm giving a speech as part of the Libertarian Distinguished Speaker Series, uh, at, uh, UT.
And I actually have somewhere here in my notes exactly where that's being held.
Uh, that's, uh, in the Student Union Building, uh, in the Santa Rita Room, Room, uh, Room 3.52.
And so that's this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
The Libertarian Distinguished Speakers Series.
I think it's free, so that's good.
And you can come to that event and I'll be giving a speech about the New World Order and their police state control grid and how to fight back against it.
So I've got a busy weekend, plus I'll be working on a new film and a book on tape I'm making this weekend.
I'm going to spend some time with the family.
Tomorrow, I've even got a few interviews tomorrow, but I'm going to spend some time with them.
So, tomorrow will be a Colonel Donna Graham pre-interview, since you've been begging and begging and begging and begging for it.
I said, okay, I'll have Erskine on the first hour and re-air that, and that should be a riveting and informative show.
And if you don't know who Colonel Donna Graham pre-is, just tune in tomorrow.
Believe me, you don't want to miss it.
Right now, let's go back to the calls, then into more news.
Tim in Ohio, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Alex, you're too good to us.
What's on your mind?
A couple things.
Did you see last week on the CNN was reporting that the ownership of the Sears Tower in Chicago had changed hands?
Yeah, that was transferred to the owner of the World Trade Center, Larry Silverstein.
Now, interesting that
The World Trade Center was also transferred to him weeks prior to 9-11.
Yeah, a couple months before, yeah.
That was from the Rockefellers, or what they said, the Port Authority of New Jersey.
Which was owned by the Rockefellers, yeah.
Now, should we be watching Sears Tower as a possible target?
They've always said it was the next target.
There was a plan on 9-11, supposedly, to fly a jetliner into, but that didn't happen because FBI agents in Chicago actually helped foil some of the patsies so they couldn't move ahead.
Despite Bush ordering them not to stop them, that was ignored.
And yeah, they admit the Sears Tower is one of the major targets.
And it's just, I think it's even more now that they've announced that it's changed hands to the same person who took control of the Trey Towers.
And I think that included a very large insurance policy when it did go down.
Yeah, I have the Chicago Sun newspaper here.
In fact, right in front of me, yes.
It says a secretive group of Manhattan real estate owners headed up by Larry Silverstein.
A secretive group.
Anything else, Tim?
It's an assorted cast of characters.
How are those RFID chips powered and what effect is that going to have on our bodies if we're carrying these things?
And what can they do to quell our fears that those RFID chips are nothing but a Trojan horse to the microchip population?
Alright, I'll try to answer that and take more calls when we get back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now eight minutes and twenty-five seconds into this third global hour of resistance to tearing as we broadcast on the AM and FM dial, simulcast in shortwave and the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Big RFID controversy.
Callers call in, put their 20s in the microwave, they explode, they pop.
You put Euros in, they do it.
Some microwave it doesn't happen.
With old 20s it doesn't happen.
The big industry group coming out and saying, you know, PrisonPlanet.com is
You know, putting out things that are wrong.
Then we talked to the guy who wrote the article, Bert Moore, and he says, well, we'll have to get to the bottom of it.
Maybe something is going on.
We'll have to find out.
But he doesn't think it's RFID.
He started sounding pretty convinced when callers were calling in.
I'm a restaurant owner.
Put it in and it does it, you know.
We want to find out what's going on.
You know, I was sent this article by Henry McHale, who wrote up the email, you know, of the first people that tried this, and it happened to them.
And it happened to them because they went in the store, got some 20s out of an ATM.
Suddenly, they tried to leave, and the alarm went off, because, you know, they have the magnetic ink on the bills.
That could have been it.
They thought maybe there's chips in it, because it had been in the news they were planning to do this in Europe and Japan, and our government's talked about it.
They've got a primitive RFID strip, a magnetic strip, already in the money since 98, so they put it in the microwave and it did indeed pop and catch on fire.
Then my webmaster's brother in England tried it with the Euros, same thing happened, same spot in the bill, within three seconds.
So we're trying to get to the bottom of this, and we'll find out, and we've posted a lot of information, and help us get these emails and information that we put together out to everybody.
It's really up to you.
You've got the power.
The last caller, and then we'll go to more calls and more news, Tim in Ohio said, you know, is this part of the beast system?
Is this part of the government tracking system?
And I think, clearly, some of the industries are trying to make money, and stores are having it pushed on them, or that is, manufacturers are, distributors are, because Walmart and the Defense Department have gotten together, and this is mainstream news, and have ordered their manufacturers to do this if they're going to buy supplies from them.
So it's very scary and very serious, and we need to have a major debate about it, which is what we're trying to foster here on this show.
Let's go ahead and talk to Roger in Pennsylvania.
Roger, go ahead.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Yeah, I was kind of a little frustrated with that earlier guy about, you know,
Well, you know, about going to an income tax.
I mean, not income tax, sales tax.
We don't want any kind of a sales tax on a federal level because... They want to use the RFID clearly, the government, for the cashless society to do that.
Yeah, now, I don't want to go into the many reasons for that on every count, but beside the point, you know, well, you know, it's not, they're not paying twice as much money if they're buying twice the goods.
Now, he thinks it ought to be progressive.
You know, what if you buy a luxury item like some big boat or yacht or whatever?
Let me stop you and then I'll let you finish, Roger.
This is what I've said.
Eight years ago, they had neocon conservatives going around pushing a national sales tax.
Ooh, it'll get rid of the income tax.
Well, I looked at the bills and the plans.
And again, conservatives will buy it because Republicans are bringing it forward.
They're going to keep the income tax for, quote, Social Security and FICA.
That'll be 14% for employers and 6.97% for people, you know, workers.
Then they can increase that, so they keep the income tax structure in place.
Then they bring out a 15-20% sales tax overlapping it.
Now you're up, if you're an employer, over 30%.
Then they can ratchet both of them up, and that brings federal enforcers and tax police into every business, annihilates any underground economy, paying the, you know, 15-year-old teenager to mow your lawn and cash.
You know, I mean, this brings a whole new level of control.
That's exactly what the feds say.
They go, well, people say, well, poor people will be unduly penalized because they can barely buy their food and, you know, buying stuff with sales tax would hurt them.
And they go, don't worry, you'll just swipe your card and it'll tell us who you are and then you don't have to pay any sales tax if you make under $20,000 or $18,000 a year.
Oh, this is great!
No tax for lower income people.
So, and maybe even discounts for outright poor people with a federal subsidy.
But again, then people steal cards, people get poor people's cards to cheat.
Oh, we've got to have you thumb scan to confirm that that is indeed your card.
And guess what?
At Disney World and SeaWorld and Piggly Wiggly and H-E-B, this is going in.
So that's the control grid.
As I said it, I'm not bragging, this is scary.
Roger, have I not been laying this out for years?
Yeah, yeah, before I wrap up, you gotta do... Well, go ahead and take some time.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
No, no, no.
You go ahead.
Well, you gotta do more shows with experts on neoconism and this free trade of the Americas that the one-worlder burglar Illuminazis are trying to jam through by January of next year.
But just to finish up is
This caller, or I'm sure you remember this, it was something like in the 10 to 15 year ago time frame, that they did put this luxury tax on yachts.
I think it may have been as little as $75 on a, you know, you're talking what, $20,000, $30,000 boat?
And that was enough, just that relatively small amount was enough to kill luxury boating industry.
So they, even the liberals had to pull that embarrassing tax.
God bless us.
All right, I appreciate the call.
And, you know, if I start ranting over the national sales taxes, because it's so bad.
I mean, it's like Bush's Defense of Marriage Act.
Well, I believe in marriage.
I believe in the sanctity of it.
I believe that they should not legalize homosexual marriage.
But Bush says, oh, same, you know, partners, same sex, you know, whatever.
So he's really bringing you gay marriage and acting like it's something conservative.
Because, oh, well, we'll say marriage is a different definition, but the same thing.
And then he goes, we need a con-con for that, a constitutional convention, where they could rewrite the entire Bill of Rights when that happens.
They already tried the flag-burning bill.
Look, I love the flag.
You know, I like the red, white, and blue.
But that flag symbolizes some idiot's right to burn it!
And the flag amendment would mean you couldn't sell Dixie Cups with the American flag on it.
Like my mama buys on Fourth of July, when we're eating hamburgers and hot dogs.
Yeah, I mean, it was like the Nazi Blood and Soil Act, where you couldn't, you know, have the Nazi flag in any effigy but a properly issued flag.
You know, it's like worship of the flag, but it had nothing to do with the flag.
It had to do with getting a con-con going.
A constitutional convention.
And I guarantee you, if they ever get a con-con going, as soon as that happens, the military-industrial complex is going to launch a terror attack and rewrite the whole Bill of Rights during the hysteria.
I mean, they're already ignoring it, but they want to get rid of it.
Let's talk to Steve in Illinois.
Steve, go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
How was the last hour?
It was great.
Very good.
My comment is, we can't forget that these chips can not only be used as tracking devices, but I believe they can also be used in conjunction with the multitude of computers that are putting on a lot of our products as triggering devices also.
Well, that's what they say in the New Scientist headline, RFID chips watch grandmas brush their teeth, they will report back to computers, wireless scanners, they will pick all, the government will pick all this up and then transfer that data.
Oh sure, and we are paying for it, all of us are paying for it as prices increase at places like Walmart, where they're, you know, the government will get on board with them, tell them how great it is, and get everyone duped into believing that it's
Oh, sure.
But also, I don't know if you're a listener, do you remember a woman that was claiming an accident she was involved in was not her fault, she was trying to claim it was the other guy's fault.
There's thousands of it, there's already the black box in all the new cars for eight years, nine years, and they go in there and have all the data on you.
Yeah, and did the manufacturer tell you, hey, by the way, that car you just bought from us has a computer in it that has nothing to do with your brakes, but
It's actually a black box.
And so you're going 80 miles an hour down the country road, a deer jumps out, you spin, run into another car, somebody gets injured, and you get charged with attempted murder, which, by the way, they're doing.
My point is, they're implementing all these things without even telling us.
We're actually paying for it.
They're not even telling us.
You mentioned some woman.
The National News will pick one person.
Cops here in Austin, every day in a big accident, are pulling that computer and people are going to jail.
But when they wrecker speed, nothing happens.
Or when some drunk politician... Around here, politicians are allowed to drive drunk, run into people, local talk show host are.
If you're part of the establishment, see, it's also two sets of rules.
Oh, that's all but in the paper.
I can name names.
Let's not forget just how many of these microcomputers could be in our products that we buy every day.
They're already in a lot of the stuff.
We post, we see, okay don't exaggerate, 200 RFID articles a day.
I mean, it's everywhere.
There's a war going on, a PR war.
We got the truth, they got the spin.
We only post a few of them.
And now I'm constantly hearing around here up by Chicago about how wonderful this micro-technology is.
You know, I just can't... It's going to heal you of cancer and they're going to inject nanobots in your vaccines.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Howard in Colorado.
Go ahead, Howard.
Hello, sir.
Alec, I wanted to mention to you, since you were bringing this up on these chips,
I went into Walmart the other day.
I bought a quart of oil and some gas treatment about 10 days ago.
And when I went to the checkout counter, you know, I put, I ran everything through.
It was one of these places, one of these checkout counters.
Yeah, self-checkout.
Well, you know what they wanted?
They wanted my birthday.
I said, what do you want my birthday for?
They said, well, it's the rules.
I said, it's not my rules, lady.
So I went to another cashier and there was a long line.
I went back.
He said, oh, it's okay now.
Uh, you can forget about that.
I feel worse as store manager.
Yeah, same thing at SeaWorld.
Uh, I'm up.
Miles scanning.
I'm returning my, uh, my season pass.
Oh, forget it.
Forget it.
You don't have to biometrically scan.
Forget it.
Forget it.
Yeah, I don't know what they're doing with these birth dates, but I bet there's a third of them.
They know who you are, and they're training you to enter personal data to buy and sell.
And by the way, at Walmarts and Home Depots and HEBs, after they get you used to the self-service for about a year, then the thumb scanner goes in.
It's already happening, bud.
It's incremental enslavement.
I want to hear what else happened.
Stay there.
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Alright, going back to Howard in Colorado.
He went into the slave camp owning, and that's mainstream news, BBC, Walmart, who owns the slave camps there, and owns the factories built right under the prisons in China.
He went in there, and he went to the self-service system, where you go and check out your own goods, and they wanted your ID.
Describe how that happened, what they said, and then what developed.
Here's what happened.
I went in there.
I was going through the self-service thing.
I scanned my products.
I got ready to pay for it.
The lady came running up to me and said, you know, I couldn't put the money in the thing where you insert your money when you self-pay.
You know, you pay your own money.
You put it in that little receptacle where they receive the money.
Well, it wouldn't go in.
She came running up to me.
She said, I need your birthday.
I said, what do you mean you need my birthday?
I said,
You must be crazy, lady.
I'm not giving you any of my birthday or any of my ID.
Now, they claim that Zip Code's birthdays is to look at demographics.
And on the surface, that's true.
That pays for the program.
But this is about training you to put the personal data in, even when you pay cash.
Go ahead.
Well, what if they're doing facial scanning and they match your birthday to your face?
Oh, Walmart's already been caught doing that, sir.
And they've got... I mean, did you hear last hour?
They were caught with smart shelves that face scan you.
Yeah, that's right.
That really triggered that I listened to your last two hours, as a matter of fact.
So I just thought I ought to mention that to you.
I mean, I know you probably already know about it, but this was the first time I was ever asked for my birthday or any personal information.
And then when you said no, they came back and said, oh, okay, that's okay.
You don't have to.
Well, yeah, they did that, but that's only after I raised a holy living stink.
And I said, you can take my purchase out of there, lady.
I'll take this junk back.
I don't need it.
And I'll go somewhere else and buy it.
Then I went to another cashier because I did really want to get the oil.
And so when I got over to the other cashier, there's another long line.
Then I went back over there, you know, and I said, I want to see your store manager.
Then she says, Oh, forget about it.
Forget about it.
I fixed it.
I changed it.
It's okay now.
You don't have to do anything.
Just put your money in.
And that's what I did.
And then I left.
Hey, it's just like SeaWorld.
They said, well, you got a hand scan to get in here now.
And I said, that's it.
I'm leaving.
OK, you don't have to.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Good to hear from you.
That's how a real American behaves.
FBI would say that's how Al Qaeda behaves.
Bill in Kansas City, Missouri.
Go ahead, Bill.
Yeah, I just wanted to say I called last week and you called me a federal agent when I made a statement.
Hey, hang up on him.
Hang up on him.
Hang up on him.
Yeah, he called in last week and called for violence against federal people.
And if you're not a federal agent, fine.
You just made me real mad because I'm the one that goes to jail when people talk like that.
And I don't think that's the solution.
We're having a great effect waking people up, and that type of talk is bad news.
Now, if you aren't Bill, and that's fine, OK, I don't want to discuss it anymore.
Because I'm non-violent, OK?
And that's all I'm saying.
So don't be mad at me, Bill, OK?
But I'm just not going to have a discussion of it.
You want to call back sometime about something else?
That's fine.
It just sounded like classic provocateur stuff made me very angry.
There was a whole Bohemian Grove discussion, OK?
So if you're mad at me, OK.
That's fine.
John in Tennessee.
Go ahead, John.
John, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Do you have a lecture this weekend with Ralph Nader?
I have been asked to speak at a big event in Crawford, Texas with thousands of people right after Ralph Nader this Saturday in Crawford, Texas.
I'm speaking at 7 o'clock.
I personally handed Nader copies of your videos on 9-1-1 in Bohemian Grove so he does know who you are.
Maybe that's why he's talking about impeaching Bush.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, the coordinator for Oklahoma and now for Texas is a fan, and they want me speaking after Nader, so I am.
I'm honored.
I mean, I'm not a big fan of Nader on a lot of issues, but he's better than Bush and Kerry.
Yeah, well, also, we may have had a Masonic ritual killing this week in Tennessee.
A funeral for a sheriff's deputy was held this week at a, quote, Masonic Baptist church.
According to the church sign on TV, this Masonic Baptist Church was built by a billionaire Arab contractor for our former Skull and Bones Mayor and Bohemian Grove members at Scripps Howard Media Cartel.
How can you just come out and say something like that when you don't have evidence of it?
That's what I'm going to give you.
This Loudoun County deputy was ambushed and allegedly gunned down by the son of a Loudoun County prosecutor using an STS assault rifle with 30-round clips.
The prosecutor's son... Why did the son of the prosecutor do that?
That's a good question.
The prosecutor's son was found shot in the head inside the prosecutor's house, but he did not leave a suicide note.
No eyewitness actually saw the kid alive, and his father's lack of an alibi was never discussed by the news media.
And you can do a Google search for Loudoun County Sheriff's Deputy and Tennessee Air National Guard.
Are they indicting the son of the prosecutor?
He's dead.
He supposedly committed suicide before the 150-man SWAT team could burst into the house.
And this is the same DUI cop and DUI prosecutor.
Well, that's very suspicious.
I want to hear more when we get back.
Very suspicious.
Why was the police officer in the house?
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Probably not.
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Alright, let's take five more calls and I'll hit some top news we haven't gotten to yet, like U.S.
minority groups on rise by 2050.
Whites will be the minority and will be a elderly population of over 60 years old.
And my point on this is that
I don't particularly care what the color of the people are, but they better be Americans.
And the point is, the majority of the majority group will be foreigners.
So America won't be America.
It'll be people from China, Russia, Latin America, who have no history of freedom and are good slaves.
Not to mention all these third world people.
What is the average hourly wage worldwide?
I think it's like 75 cents.
I've seen the numbers.
It's not even a dollar.
I know that.
Going from memory here, which is about accurate, about 9% of the time.
But it's very low.
And they're trying to get rid of the minimum wage.
They say, oh, that's a socialist control.
We have a socialist government.
We have to have socialist price controls.
And so you can't get rid of double time, or time and a half, or overtime, which they're doing, and getting rid of the minimum wage.
So you bring in all these third-worlders who live ten to a house, and people that pay taxes, live in the infrastructure.
You can forget it!
Even doctors are paid less now.
Only people making more are the lawyers and the people running the system.
Back to John in Tennessee, who I have to say has sent me a lot of good info in the past.
He's got this news story he's telling us about where this bizarre deputy is killed and then the son of the prosecutor commits suicide supposedly, but there's no note.
And the SWAT team shows up, and it sounds pretty spooky, but I don't know how you could say it's a masonic killing.
But though we know that goes on, tell us about it.
It's international news all over the world right now.
The dead cop was sent to the prosecutor's house after the prosecutor's wife called 911 about an alleged domestic assault.
She called from a neighbor's house, which is strange.
And the cop was gunned down without warning as soon as he stepped out of his car.
Now this is the same DUI cop and DUI prosecutor who arrested a wing commander of Knoxville's Tennessee Air National Guard base.
The colonel was accused of DUI even though the cop admitted it was a medical condition.
And I threw him in the mental ward.
You called about this.
He was in there for 30 days in the psychiatric hospital without trial, without bail.
Without conviction, and it's the same psychiatric hospital the DUI prosecutor's son was jailed at previously.
And the National Guard stripped the Colonel of command without court martial.
Very suspicious.
And now the DUI charges will have to be dropped, because there's no cop to testify.
Now, the Masonic Link, because that's the church the deputy was buried at, is weird.
And you tile this in with your interviews of Colonel Don DeGrand Prix and General Tommy Frank talking about martial law, and you get this
There's a civil war going on between Homeland Security and the White House with Pentagon people.
So, it's bizarre.
Yeah, I don't know if we can say that, but it is weird and should be investigated.
Thanks, John.
We'll go to Scott and Gabby and John here in a few minutes, then hit some more news.
I want to bring Jim Shepard up, my good buddy from New Millennium Concepts, the best water filters made in America, and they're the big sponsor of this show.
So, quit drinking poison, my friends.
Take control of your life.
Jim, good to have you on the broadcast.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
I tell you what, you bring out information that I don't hear anywhere else.
Well, I appreciate that, Jim, and you help us with our outreach, and you are the sponsor for the Global Shortwave that reaches millions weekly.
By the way, I wanted to tell you, I heard you on George Norris' show the other night.
Absolutely excellent.
I really had a lot of work to do the next day, but I was up until 3 o'clock in the morning.
Well, they told me that they got one of the biggest responses ever in their history from the interview, and that
I'm such a big guest, they don't want to quote overuse me, but that I will be back on multiple times yearly, and so folks, if you want to hear me on, just let them know.
Well, you know, I've heard about your episode down at the Bohemian Grove, and I kind of knew in the back of my mind that you'd done a video on that, but I really didn't know all the details on that.
My friend, you've got some kahunas to go in there and do what you did, but my hat's off to you.
Well, you know, myself and Mike Hanson did it.
I took Mike with me with the British media, and we infiltrated, and we got the footage, and yeah, I never really talk about Bohemian Grove.
I have the video, but I finally spent like 45 minutes again recapping what happened yesterday, because people have got so many questions, but they can find out by getting the video.
Well, great work.
That was a fascinating story, and it kept me awake all night long.
I was tired at 3 o'clock, and I was kind of hoping they'd replay everything, because it was that good.
Well, thank you, Jim.
I'm told that they're getting massive requests to re-air it, but perhaps they'll have me back on.
You've got several specials.
I mean, I don't know how I can stress this.
People know I'm for real.
I don't talk about stuff I don't believe in.
I don't have a lot of people I endorse.
In fact, I think you're the only thing I endorse, other than my own videos and books.
People really need to stop drinking the pesticides, the herbicides, the mercury, the MBTE, the lead, the arsenic, the Prozac, the Ritalin, the female hormones, the birth control pills, and most water reserves,
Oh, well, what do you call a lake when it's used for a water supply?
A reservoir.
I mean, it's time to stop drinking the water, people.
And once you've been drinking murky water, then try to drink your tap water and you'll go, man, I never knew it.
I can't drink tap water now.
People, it tastes like kerosene in the better cities.
It tastes even worse in places like Houston or San Antonio.
How do people take advantage of the great products you've got?
Well, we've got a couple specials running right now, Alex.
And Alex, I might just interject here that we have to make our Berkey filters more powerful than your standard residential use system.
These things have to be powerful enough that they can go out and tackle water in the third world country where the oxygen and so forth might be defecating in the drinking water.
We have to strip that stuff out.
And your normal residential system doesn't have to worry about that stuff.
So we really go to every length to bring contamination levels down to non-detectable levels.
The two specials that we have are the Berkey Light without the LEDs.
And for folks that order that this month, you can also get a freebie.
And you get to select which freebie you want.
You can either get a bottle of potassium iodate.
In the case, there's a nuclear event.
We also have a video, which is called Sheltering in Place.
And it was put together by Wayne LeBaron, who has had all sorts of experience.
He's been a director for various different
Uh, well, with the environmental health communicable disease specialist.
He's worked for the government on nuclear projects and so on and so forth.
Anyway, it's a great video.
It tells folks how to prepare their own house.
If you can't get out in the country, if you don't have enough money to build an underground shelter, how to do it in place in your home.
So it's a great video.
And, uh, the other, uh, item that you can select from is the, uh, sport bottle, which gives you the power to bring the, uh, Berkey power with you wherever you go, restaurants, wherever.
The, uh, second special that we have is the Berkey light with the LED lights.
You can select, uh, whether you want the blue or the white.
And, uh, you can pick, uh, two of the specials.
Now, this is a simple system.
That's built into it.
It takes about
Oh, it took me about two minutes to put one of these together, and I'm not very technical.
You just put the filters in.
You know, put the base with the LED lights.
It's got the post filters if you want them to cut out the fluoride, which hardly any other filters do.
Please continue.
Okay, and so you can pick two of any of the special products, or you can pick one of each.
And the LED lights, yes, they're designed for if you're out camping, you've got a light source.
And, uh, they work as great as a nightlight.
Use very little energy.
You can plug them in with the AC adapter.
But, Alex, they also have the rechargeable battery.
So, if the power goes out, you've got light and you've got water.
If you have to go out to the gutter... And you say it'll do 14 nights on one charge?
Uh, well, we have a special battery adapter.
And on four AA batteries, you'll go 14 nights, light every night.
So, it makes a fantastic
You also have a little solar charger kit that you'll sell with it that plugs right in and it'll recharge your cell phones, your batteries, and also the light system.
How much is that?
That is $79.
The additional battery adapter is only $10.
And folks, if you want to see it, we just updated our website at berkeywater.com.
You can go up and see pictures of
of these various items.
And then call the toll-free number and order it, or go to infowars.com to our secure online shopping cart.
You can also order the water filtration systems there.
The toll-free number to call is 1-888-803-4438.
That's 808-803-4438.
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number, they'll call you right back.
Jim, I really want to thank you for coming on the show, my friend.
Always a pleasure.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
I'll try, Jim, with God's grace.
Again, that's 8-0-3-4-4-3-8.
Stop drinking the poison water.
Support the show, and it's made America.
What more could you ask?
Let's talk to Scott in Colorado.
Scott, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
As you know, all the states and even national laws have a business and commerce code to regulate trade in the United States.
And offenders can be fined based on various laws, but the government doesn't really depend on the revenue from those fines as a primary source of income.
Now, when the ordinary citizen starts
Breaking these laws that relate to the RFID technology and the national sales tax, just your ordinary guy walking down the street times $200 million, I mean this is going to be the government's new source of primary revenue and they're going to have to adopt a whole new body of laws or law enforcement agency.
Hold on to the point, you're going to have, look they say the new national sales tax will be shared by the city,
It'll be impossible to enforce
Wouldn't you agree?
Well, that's what they say they're going to do.
What do you mean?
You go in a store and they want you to thumb scan or face scan to do it, even if you pay cash.
I mean, this is what they're doing.
If the masses disobey the law, they're going to have to come up with some very punitive measures to control the populace.
How do you control that many people?
Well, they're going to incrementally put it in on certain products.
And they're doing it.
I mean, the hand scanners are going in at Walt Disney World, Piggly Wiggly, Safeway.
I mean, public schools, no cash allowed.
You must thumb scan to get your food.
Your parents have to put it in digitally each month.
They track what you eat.
That goes to the bureaucrats.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
They're putting in the grid.
And you're right, it's massive.
It is massive.
Before I let you go, Alex, I called you a couple weeks ago about all the mercury in the vaccines.
Yeah, the thimerosal.
Yeah, out here in Colorado on the American Freedom Network, they advertise a product called Immunocal.
This product will boost your kid's immune system and it will also chelate the mercury out of their body.
Well, I don't know about the particular product, but I'm sure it's wonderful that they're advertising it if they're good folks.
But, yes, I've had MDs, pathologists, neurologists, I've had epidemiologists on.
And they say there are treatments for, you know, your 18-month-old baby's fine, giggling, laughing, running, jumping.
They get the second round of shots, they're in a corner convulsing, and for the rest of their life they're autistic.
They found that if you quickly get them in, and even later it helps, and detox them and do things to get the mercury out, that you can reduce the brain damage.
I'm not going to sit here and practice medicine on the air, but the doctors have said that.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call, Scott.
Gabby in Kansas City, Missouri.
Go ahead, Gabby.
Hello, yes.
Yes, I met you in Kansas City last May when you came.
I just have a quick question and I'll hang up.
These chips, can they be disabled in your $20 bill?
Like with an X-Acto knife, you know, little cut?
Well, obviously if you've got an RFID chip, and I'm not saying do this, but an RFID chip out of clothes or whatever, you know, the big RFID group did their own test with an RFID chip, it does pop and explode in two to three seconds as we said they do.
Uh, you know, the test that was done that we posted, uh... And you just take an X-Acto knife and cut the strip?
Well, again, ma'am, it's clear that not all the new 20s have it, because you'll take one and put it in the microwave, it doesn't blow up.
And the next one does pop, like a little, you know, uh, ladyfinger, uh, firecracker.
Uh, so, you know, that's just, uh, some of what's going on.
What about taking a magnet?
I mean, how can they be disabled?
That's my question.
Well, these aren't magnetized, the new RFIDs.
They're little microtransmitter receivers.
I don't know what a magnet would do, and I'm telling you that not all the money has it.
Europe says they're doing it, going to do it, but we need to expose the system and have the RFID removed.
Okay, thank you.
Hey, thank you.
That's a really good question, though.
You know, back in 1997,
I was concerned because in 93 in Texas, it was only like 25 states at the time, now it's 42, the other 8 are adopting it, the Feds, with a mandate for highway funds, had them put in thumb scanners and face scanners, digital photos, to get a driver's license.
I didn't even know about it until I went to renew my driver's license and saw it, so I didn't do it, so I went and got a protest going, came back, videotaped it, it's in my film, America Destroyed by Design.
And when I got arrested protesting, and I got hundreds of calls over the years,
It was still a minority of people, but hundreds of calls on air and emails and stuff going, you idiot!
You didn't want to get thumb scanned, but you sure did when you got arrested.
You ended up getting fingerprinted.
Their mindset was me, me, me, or self.
As if I personally didn't want to do it, so I was there for myself.
I was doing it for humanity against tyranny.
It's like saying Rosa Parks failed on the bus because she got arrested anyways.
Well no, she drew attention to it.
So that was the whole point.
I'm not saying you're thinking about yourself, you know, because you're bringing up this question.
It's a good question.
What I'm saying is, is that those that made fun of me were.
But again, instead of just disabling the system or fooling with the money, what I'm saying is, go to the government, expose it, speak out against it.
Just like the RFID industry, they're now having to back off.
They're in a lot of trouble.
They're being exposed.
That's where the power's at.
You know, so that's the point I was trying to make, is that we're exposing the system.
For those who said, ha ha, you got arrested, well that was the whole point.
I'm here with eight forms of identification, can't get a driver's license, because I got a thumb scan and it's part of a federal database for a cash flow society sales tax.
I said that in 97.
Now, what, six, seven years later, it's all coming true.
Unfortunately, because I read the federal plans, I read the federal law.
Now, what they also passed as law is urine and blood tests and you get a driver's license.
They haven't implemented that.
See, there's a lot of stuff they've passed that's not enforced.
And you tell a cop about it, they laugh at you until the day they put it in, and oh yeah, that's true.
Okay, and we're out of time for this segment.
We'll have to come back and take, well, no, no more calls.
We'll have to cover some more news here.
A few final news stories.
I do challenge everybody to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com daily and just start reading and researching the legislation, the news articles, the documents, the streaming audio and video.
Just spend a few hours a day, instead of four and a half hours watching TV.
Well, four and a half hours for the average child, three and a half for the average adult.
Spend two hours on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Be interactive.
Email your friends.
Go on chat rooms.
Call into talk shows.
Put up your own websites.
Get your own AXS TV show.
Get active.
Get involved.
Get off the bench in the game.
And just start researching this for yourself and make your own conclusions.
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I think so.
We're good to go!
You know, I'm not putting a good face on this.
I'm not cheerleading.
Instead of covering, you know, 20 articles quickly here, you should just go to the websites or tune in tomorrow, or tonight, 9 to midnight.
I mean, I talked about the last few years, the awakening I was seeing, people becoming more attuned to what's happening, you know, in their bones, in their guts, in their spirit, as the Bible says.
Two of the wickedness all around us, and it's about time.
I mean, stuff's out of control.
A lot of you aren't out on the front lines, you're not talking to people every day, you don't have a TV show so people don't recognize you and talk to you, but I'd say if I'm in the grocery store and stop and start talking to people, about 80% stop and agree.
That's just here in Austin, obviously we've saturated this area more than other places, but I mean, I was on Coast to Coast AM.
For three hours, and when they took calls, every caller agreed.
But I'm on other, you know, mainstream, what you'd call mainstream shows, and almost everyone calls in and agrees.
And I talk about that at least once a week, because it's such good news, but just the awakening is even accelerating more than it's ever been.
And people are so tuned in to what's going on, and so receptive now to the truth.
And I just got, you know, a couple little websites that get 20 million visitors a month now.
And there's thousands of other sites and hundreds that are bigger than mine.
You know, that are telling the truth and pointing out lies.
And we're affecting the government.
We're affecting and exposing these liars and affecting and exposing the mainstream neocon socialist media.
And so thank God, all the glory goes to God.
I mean, I pray for America, pray for the good people in America that are getting the word out.
You know, I thank you for all your prayers.
I know the reason that we've done as much as we've had is because of you taking action, speaking out, getting involved, praying for us, praying for our ministry, what we're doing.
Pray for our affiliates.
Pray for, you know, the folks that are out there fighting on the front lines.
Pray for those that have stood up to evil and have been jailed for no reason.
Pray for all the murdered unborn children and what they're doing to the old people, too, with the eugenics and the euthanasia.
Just get involved and be part of history on the side of goodness, and just get past your fear and say, look, it's better to stand up and fight these people than grovel and lick their boots.
But there's a lot of neutral people who aren't really neutral.
Through their subconscious cowardice or through their ignorance, they go along with the system.
They've never really focused in on all the evil that's going on.
And if we shake them out of their deep sleep, throw some, you know, fictional cold water on them,
You know, to jolt them out of their mind control stupor, they're going to wake up too.
I mean, they're primed for it.
The ice has been broken.
You know, that comfort shield shell has been worn away and people are very hungry now for the truth.
And I'll say it again, one of the best ways to wake people up is my videos.
And I tell you, get my videos and make copies of them.
I mean, this is a high-stress, focused job.
I'm totally committed.
People ask, how can I work this much?
Well, we're in a war, folks.
We're fighting a bunch of degenerate, psychopathic, sadistic killers.
I mean, that's who the globalists are.
The world is in the grip of a satanic elite.
Sounds nuts, but I mean, you know, skull and bones, satanic order, both parties, you know.
I mean, it's time to get involved.
It's time to get the videos.
It's time to make copies of them.
3-1-3-9 to order via our secure online shopping cart.
You can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Everybody feels it.
The awakening is taking place.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
Be that standard.
Right to me at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Want to say hi to my cousin driving along on Manchac Boulevard right now.
Hi, Buckley.
Say hi to my wife and everybody else.
Again, I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
We will re-air the Colonel Don DeGramme pre-interview in the second two hours tomorrow.
In the first hour, we're going to have Erskine of Erskine Overnight with his great syndicated show.
He'll be filling in for me the first hour with the latest news and your calls.
So join us back tomorrow, 11 to 2 during the day.
Central, back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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