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Name: 20040315_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 15, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well, another week before us, breaking open a brand new broadcast.
Here we are, my friends.
It's Monday, already the 15th day of March 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is from Discovery News.
Possible 10th planet found.
This is huge!
We'll get into that.
Also from Newsday.
Pakistan defuses bombs at U.S.
Pakistan has been publicly caught, this is admitted, planting fake bombs that supposedly were going to try to kill Musharraf, their dictator, to use that as an excuse to crack down on the public.
I guess it's better than the Feds actually detonating the bomb.
We'll get into that.
Top police officer ready to put troops on the streets.
That's the London Guardian.
They want to keep you safe with troops on the streets.
It's all about troops on the streets.
EU calls for unified anti-terror measures.
Socialist Al Spain's ruling party.
What really went on with these bombings last Thursday?
More has come out now.
It's got globalist fingerprints all over it.
We will detail this today.
And Paul Joseph Watson is joining us as well with his great analysis.
Reuters reported that those big protests you saw weren't against the supposed terrorists, but were against the government.
Many of them saying the government was behind it.
Oh, people are starting to get it.
That then neutralizes the government terror card.
So we'll cover that article as well.
Very, very important.
Officials probe Spain.
Morocco bombings give you their spin.
Again, anti-government protests spring up across Spain as they accuse the government of being behind it and putting out propaganda.
We're so sorry for the 200 people that died there.
And the hundreds of others that were injured.
Capitol Hill blew and the Associated Press reporting Rumsfeld stole 9-11 evidence to keep as a souvenir while other firefighters and police have gone to jail for similar crimes.
Also, U.S.
unloading weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The Tehran Times is saying, and I have to say the Tehran Times has been more accurate than CNN on average in the past, or Fox.
I don't know if this is true, but it looks like they're unloading the weapons of mass destruction to plant them, according to this article.
DARPA's come out.
You know, the new scientists, a few, excuse me, popular scientists,
Came out a few weeks ago and said they want to put up these blimps that are 30 times the size of the Goodyear blimp in a low space orbit right up in the edge of the atmosphere with ground penetrating radar to look through our walls and some caller called in and didn't believe it.
Well here's another one from Wired News.
DARPA's Far Out Dreams on display and it says
California, conspiracy freaks, hold on to your tin hats.
DARPA, the Pentagon's far-out research arm, may have publicly abandoned its creepy program like Total Information Awareness, but the agency has shown that its DARPA Tech Conference still has a project to make you run full speed into your bunker.
And it says our U.S.
cities will have tethered a giant blimps at 70,000 feet watching us, to keep us safe.
We'll get into that.
Just so much more.
It is a huge show lined up for you today.
So, again, please stay with us.
I went to SeaWorld two weeks ago, and I had a lot of fun.
So I said, well, I'll go back this weekend, because I bought a season pass, and it's just an hour away.
I'm trying to take some time off, spend some time with my wife, because I work pretty hard.
Last time we just bought our season pass.
This time we had to go get the card.
And they wanted to biometrically scan my hand.
And so I pulled the video camera out.
We'll be posting that in the next few days.
I've got to have time to upload it to the web and write an article for it.
This morning I just wrote a little blurb and put a digital photo up on the site.
It's being updated right now as we speak.
Of the hand scanners to get into SeaWorld.
And this is a big story.
I'll talk about that too coming up in this hour.
So again, stay with us.
We'll get into all the annex at SeaWorld.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ultra-massive show of importance for you on this Monday, again the 15th day of March 04.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, as we blast out on the AM and FM dial.
From Los Angeles, California, with our wonderful affiliate out there between San Diego and L.A., to Providence, Rhode Island, from Kansas City, Missouri, to Fredericksburg, Texas, simulcasting at infowars.com, to prisonplanet.com,
And on the big blowtorch, WWCR, Worldwide Christian Radio, the first two hours of the show is carried there on 94.75, and the second two hours from 10 to midnight, the first hour isn't, but we're getting the first hour for you at night, the second two hours, 10 to midnight central, on 32.10.
We've received literally thousands of calls since we did the frequency change.
Some people didn't get the word of that, and I'm sorry.
But those frequencies are also listed for all the shows at GCNlive.com, the network website.
Let me just cover this now, then we'll get into the possible 10th planet found.
And no, this isn't some conspiracy site.
It's a Discovery Channel website.
Pakistan engaged in its staged bombing annex yet again.
Horrible repercussions of the terrible, tragic bombings in Madrid last Thursday.
And a bunch of Big Brother news.
Davon Clyce called in before the show, and I always like having Davon co-host the Power Hour with Captain Joyce Riley.
He'll be popping in for 10-15 minutes with us on several key issues.
At the bottom of the hour here in about 20 minutes, 22 minutes to be exact, he'll be joining us.
And then in the second hour, halfway into that hour, we'll be joined by Paul Joseph Watson.
Because, well, he's our British correspondent.
He's the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com.
Does an incredible, incredible job.
It's come out that they've released those Britons last week from Guantanamo.
And they said, yeah, we were given injections, chained down, beaten, tortured.
By the way, being chained up for days with your legs bent underneath you with goggles on and a face mask is one of the worst forms of sensory deprivation and torture.
It's one of the most advanced, most horrible, claustrophobic-inducing types.
And they just did it to just random suspects.
Oh, we'll just torture you for two years.
So, I mean, this is Mingala-level stuff that is going on, and you are all listed as terrorists if you are an American citizen or anybody else, because if you're suspected of a misdemeanor, all this and more, including secret execution, can happen.
So that's coming up, too.
In fact, I'll news blitz here in just a few minutes.
I want to go ahead and tell this story now.
And we're updating InfoWars.com as we speak.
It may already be up there.
It may not be.
I don't allow myself to have a computer run in studio because I did that years ago and I never paid attention to the callers of the news.
I would sit here surfing the web.
I did that on George Norrie a few times.
He asked me a question.
I'd be, oh, excuse me, I'm finding a news article.
Because I like to quote it right off the article when I make a statement as a crutch.
Whereas I like to rely instead on my memory, read the articles before I go on air and just go off that.
It's kind of a crutch.
I like to stay away from it.
It's a big problem.
Perhaps, Stephanie, you can go to Infowars.com for me and tell me if the Biometrics at SeaWorld article is posted as one of the four top stories yet, as I instructed my webmaster here in the U.S.
to do, who also is the boss.
She's my wife.
But just tell me if that's posted yet.
But continuing here, not this weekend but last weekend, I'm making myself take off.
I'm making myself take off to go fishing for a few hours.
I'm making myself take off to go lift weights.
I'm making myself take off a few hours a week to take my wife out to dinner or to go for a walk with her a few times a week because literally for
A decade, I haven't stopped, and it's not good for me.
I found when I do take occasional breaks, my mind works better, so I've been doing that in the fight against the New World Order.
I am far beyond driven.
Last weekend, now two weeks ago, or a week and a half ago, I went down to SeaWorld, and it was $38 for a day pass.
$48 for an entire season pass.
So for six months, their half-year season in San Antonio, I guess it's open year-round in Orlando, but it's only open half a year here in Texas because it's too cold for half the year, I bought a season pass.
It was only like $10 more.
And they give you the little paper printout with a scan on it, and we walked through, and I was supposed to go enroll.
They let you into the park.
When you first buy it, they go, now you go enroll over there, sir.
And it was a big line at the quote, passport office, it's called the passport office.
And my wife and I said, eh, I don't want to do that.
We'll do it next time.
Let's just go see the park and see Shamu, because Shamu, they were about to have the whole killer whale display at that time.
It only happens a few times a day.
So we ran to see that under the big dome.
Well, I got up this Saturday morning at about
We're good to go.
And I want to go see the rest of it.
And she said, you want to go again?
And I said, well, yeah, I mean, it's fun.
You had fun, didn't you?
And she said, yeah, you know, I feel like they're torturing those whales.
But I said, yeah, you know, but at least this teaches people about the environment, I guess.
And I'm like, boy, I'm sounding like a socialist, I said.
And I'm making excuses.
I said, let's just go have a good time.
She said, OK, I'll go.
So we went and had breakfast and drove down.
And I'm trying to escape the New World Order for a few hours, trying to spend some time with my wife.
And I get there to the facility and I pull up and pay for my parking and drive up and it's a nice cool morning and I walk up to the turnstiles with my pass and they say, you bought this last week.
They scanned it under a scanner.
They said, you bought this last week.
And I said, yeah.
And they said, well, you were supposed to go to the passport office.
And they have one outside the park and one inside the park.
She said, you're going to have to go over there to the passport office.
And so I went in, stood in line for about 10 minutes, and went in, and there were all these banks of cameras.
It looked like a driver's license facility, you know, a DMV, or state police office, where you get your driver's license or ID.
And I walk up, and I stand there, and I go, well, you ready to take my picture?
They go, no, sir, we don't do that anymore.
I said, oh, okay, well, that's good, wow.
And, you know, showed them my paper card.
They gave us our two cards, our two plastic cards, and I went back to the turnstile.
And the lady goes, OK, great.
And she just takes a plastic cover, because it was misting, a little bit rainy.
She takes a plastic cover off of a biometric hand scanner.
I even know the model of it.
Developed by the Defense Department.
And I look at it, and I say, excuse me?
She says, yes, everyone who has a Park Pass has to scan.
And I say, well, I'm not going to scan.
And she said, why?
And I said, well, because it's part of the military industrial complex, the grocery stores, the banks, the public schools, the school buses, city buses are now, they're going to make us scan, face scan, thumb scan, hand scan, or voice print, start our car, to get groceries, to do anything.
It's part of a cashless society tracking grid.
To get rid of cash, and she said, she said, Wow, I'm glad you're telling me this.
This is scary.
And she was nodding her head.
And I saw several security guards nodding their head.
And some guy walking along said, Yeah, it's a dictatorship.
So everybody's having this awakening.
She said, Yeah, a lot of people don't like it.
You can go on through.
And the security was nodding.
I mean, obviously, that's not the rule, but so many people are refusing.
They just nodded, and I had security guards smiling at me.
I mean, five years ago, they'd have run up and said, well, what's your problem?
I mean, we've got video and stuff like this.
They were all nodding and looked very concerned.
You know, in their guts, they know we're all joining together, refusing this.
And then somebody behind me comes through and refuses.
And my wife goes, you know, we had a video camera, but we didn't expect all this to happen.
It's just like the driver's license facility.
Nobody talks about it.
When I bought the season pass, they didn't say you biometrically scan.
When I went into the passport office to get the card, they didn't say you biometrically scan.
It's when you get to the turnstiles with the big line behind you with the pressure
You know, to submit and just go through the cattle shoots that it happens.
It's all crafted, you know, by government psychologists that study all this.
And this is all admitted.
It's a whole science of control.
We went to a few of the exhibits and all I've said, you know, get back over there and interview them with a video camera.
So I go back and I catch people hand scanning to go through, people complaining about it.
I interview some of the people, videotape some of the security guards, the woman at the turnstile I'd originally popped to
And I said to her, I said, you know, and we're going to post that report later this week.
I've got to put it all together off the video and upload it to the site.
But a digital photo of the hand scanner and a short article I wrote this morning is on the website, InfoWars.com.
It should be posted right now.
I mean, I wrote it before I left for the studio.
And, you know, I pointed out that
I said, you know, you used to take photos, because I saw the camera.
She goes, yeah, now we just do this.
I said, don't you understand?
That's so they can get rid of your job, too.
Not just about getting us in the database and training us.
Now, it doesn't take a human to look at the photo, the digital photo, by the way, that's biometric, that they put in their database and Lord knows what they do with it.
Now, they can get rid of the people at the turnstiles.
That's why the grocery stores and Walmart and they're putting in the self-checkout lanes, then they put thumb scanners in once you're used to using them.
It's also about getting rid of employees and lowering the standard of service.
Whereas we should demand it service-wide and then everybody would be competitive and we would demand higher service.
It's not just a cost-cutter, it's about control.
And of course, Anheuser-Busch owns SeaWorld.
They have the Clydesdales and Anheuser-Busch Eagle everywhere, and all these other big theme parks are doing it, and all these other systems are doing it, and also a lot of theme parks.
When I was up in Minnesota visiting the network a few years ago at the Mall of America, you wear an RFID bracelet to get on any of the rides, training you for that.
I mean, this is happening everywhere.
But when we get back, I will briefly finish up what happened when I came back with the video camera and began questioning the people involved.
It was very, very revealing.
So we'll come back, finish up real quick, then I'll get to all the terror news, possible 10th planet found, a lot more.
Just stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Everybody's saying what a great job I did on George Norrie's huge program, Coast to Coast AM, Thursday night into Friday morning.
Really, I didn't get into how Arnold Schwarzenegger is a member of the Bohemian Grove, but we talked about Bohemian Grove for an hour and a half of the show, the three hours I was on, and we have the San Francisco Chronicle posted in our Bohemian Grove occult section of PrisonPlanet.com where they say that the Bohemian Grove chose Arnold to be the next governor.
They said, this is who we want.
That's the San Francisco Chronicle.
I didn't get into how the Madrid bombing, he asked what I thought of the Madrid bombing, and I didn't get into how, even though I already knew about it, it was a 3-11, you know, the date 3-11, and it just so happened to be 911 days since 9-11.
Again, it's 3-11, and it's 911 days from 9-11.
I mean, that's a double numerical, a numerology point there.
Uh, in the, uh, you know, the icons in your face.
It's like, they always do it in doubles or triples.
It's like the one year anniversary of 9-11.
The Chicago Mercantile comes up 9-11.
The New York Lottery comes up 9-11.
Not the Texas Lottery, the New York Lottery.
They leave a skull and bones card at the, at the shootings in D.C.
You know, all of this.
This is what they do.
I didn't get into that, and it's just that there's so much evidence of these people and what they're up to.
So I should have.
And now on the Spain bombing, we're posting the articles at InfoWars.com right now, where the Spanish government had prior knowledge of the attacks, the Pentagon, Bush, Al-Qaeda connection.
All the bizarre prior knowledge involved, and the public is out basically rioting in the streets, saying the government's behind it, and the government's lying.
This is all over Spanish newspapers, but by the time you read it in Reuters, it's, well, some of them say the government's using it to take liberties, but, and they don't like the government.
So, we've got, we're trying to get Jack Blood on the show, because his Spanish-speaking
Webmaster, my wife also speaks and writes Spanish.
Not because she's Spanish, she grew up in Europe.
Her dad was a diplomat.
She's reading over some of the Spanish articles and posting those right now too.
So quite a section we've already built on Prison Planet, a big section being built on InfoWars.
Right now it's just crazy news coming at us from every single angle.
And then later, if I have time, I'll get into the whole SeaWorld thing.
I'll do more on it on Wednesday, when I post the video.
I'll probably just post five minutes of it, where I went back and interviewed him, where you have to biometrically scan to get into the park now.
And again, this is going in the grocery stores, the banks, everywhere.
They put in the self-service systems, then you don't just wipe your car, then you've got to biometrically scan.
Again, this whole system's going in and it's very, very serious.
It's not just the new technology, it's about tracking and tracing what you buy, what you sell, what you do.
If you're not a good globalist, you suddenly can't buy food, you suddenly can't travel, suddenly your car won't start.
Toyota's coming out with cars where you've got to
Swipe your card to make it start, or face scan to make it start, or breathalyze to make it start.
I mean, it's just nightmarish control.
DARPA's admitting new blimps to be tethered over our cities to look through our walls and watch us.
Whether we're enemies, neutral, or friend, it says, that's a quote.
I mean, it's just wall-to-wall craziness.
Rumsfeld stealing 9-11 evidence.
I mean, that's mainstream headlines.
It's just bonker land.
Twilight Zone upon Twilight Zone activities, millisecond by millisecond.
And we got Paul Joseph Watson joining us.
They released five of the British people from Guantanamo.
They said they were injected with serums.
You know, drugs and tortured and tied down for days on end, year after year, with reoccurring torture episodes just right out in the open.
Crimes, incredible Joseph Mingala activities right out in the open.
The British government says they're going to put troops on the streets and have the military running things.
I mean, it's just martial law!
We're living in the Twilight Zone!
And I just, before we break and come back with a special guest,
We're going to have a special little guest from the New World Order joining us.
Before we do that, I do want to encourage every listener to stop procrastinating.
To go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com and to buy my video, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
To buy Masters of Terror.
To get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
To get the video, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, which they admit I got.
I mean, the members admit I shot the video of their ceremony where they do this occult ritual.
Now get the videos.
Make copies for non-profit educational purposes.
Get them out to your friends and family.
Air them on AXS TV.
Resistance is not futile.
People's minds are open now to the truth.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Call right now.
Stop procrastinating.
Come and join us and come in for the big win against the New World Order.
Get on the team.
Get on the field.
Come on!
Join us!
Come in for the big win!
Either fight the globalists or be enslaved and killed by them.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up...
In-depth details of what's really going on with the Madrid bombings, the elections over there, martial law being announced in England, they openly want to put troops on the streets, the latest police state developments here, a bunch of news on gas prices exploding and the economy.
I got kind of caught short in that last segment.
Again, if you want my videos, if you want the book I've written, the other books I carry, if you want to affect change and deprogram people and take the blinders off their eyes,
Call the toll-free number and get my videos at 1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
That's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Now, to be totally serious here,
Last Friday morning, after I'd been on Coast to Coast AM, Ryan Lamb, the founder of C-SPAN, the head of it, went on his show, Washington Journal, and I've probably got 20 tapes on the shelf of him talking about me when callers call in.
He knows who I am.
He kind of sneakily attacks me routinely.
I'm calling him up.
I want to go on his show.
I'll be nice to the guy.
He can come on this show.
In fact, we've got the numbers posted on the site, and a little article about it, and also the video from C-SPAN.
You can watch it.
I hope you'll call them and tell them to have me on.
I still haven't had time to get around to doing that.
But Ryan Lange came on and said, yeah, I heard Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM last night have this really shifty-eyed
Uh, professor on, knowing, ah, conspiracy theories, Mr. Jones is very, uh, uh, and for an hour, uh, they sat there talking about me with callers calling and defending me, and then they'd kind of attack the callers.
That was amazing.
So Brian Lamb's boss from the Star Chamber is angry with me, and so we've decided to have him on air with us.
So let's go ahead and bring Mr. Lamb's boss, because that morning they were busy doing damage control, and it's good to have you on.
Is it Mr. Chaos?
Mr. Chaos, are you there?
Excuse me, sir, you're on.
Hello, sir.
Oh, oh, yes.
Uh, yes.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Uh, hello, Mr. Chaos.
Yes, I want to tell you that I've had to double my usage of Maalox over the weekend, and I'm going to say something I usually don't say.
It's a word that was purged from my vocabulary some years ago, and I'm going to... Mr. Jones, would you... Would you... Please!
Shut up!
Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Kaos.
Lord Rothschild, I can't do that.
I'm sorry.
You know, you're giving me headaches.
You're giving us, a lot of us, fits over here, because you simply keep on doing what you're doing.
You won't just stop.
You won't go along to get along.
You know, you've made things very difficult for us, and we certainly don't appreciate... Where's my mail box?
Can you get me my mail box?
Well, your lordship, and maybe that'll make you happier if I call you Dark Lord, your friend Francois Migneron had at the Louvre that 71-foot pyramid built with 666 pieces of glass.
Why did you do that publicly if you guys aren't into the occult?
Well, you obviously have been talking about these issues on your radio for some time.
You know, so many of the people in this world don't understand.
We like it that way.
We call them the, um, oh, what's the word we call it?
The profane, you see.
Profane has nothing to do with obscenity.
It has to do with the people that are ignorant.
People that are, well, as we call,
The people that are uninitiated, uninformed.
And so when we put this information or these symbols before their eyes, they simply don't see it.
It's called hiding something in plain sight.
But thanks to you, you're explaining all this symbology to the sheeple out there, and they're starting to become aware of it!
And we don't appreciate it.
Where's my mail box?
Now, Your Lordship, you sound like you're in a keep or a tomb of some type.
Are you at a skull and bones compound somewhere, sir?
Just stop that.
Stop that.
I don't appreciate that.
Let me ask you a question, Your Lordship.
911 days after 9-11, on 3-11, a double 11 on Tondra there, we have this bombing, this horrible bombing, and I know now they're talking about martial law globally and a giant crackdown on freedom.
Can you explain to us the numerology there, please, sir?
No, I won't explain it to you.
You're nothing but a conspiracy theorist, and all the listeners out there are conspiracy theorists.
You don't know about what you're talking about, and if I keep saying it, maybe your listeners will start to believe it after a while.
Well, I tell you, you guys responded pretty quick.
I mean, to have a national TV show within hours of myself going off the air, opening the show with my name, and putting websites up on the air, and then telling everyone, you know, how we're, you know, are we dangerous?
Should this be allowed?
Mr. Lamb said, I mean, should this be allowed?
Well, Brian is a good man, and if he decided to handle it that way with the gentleman, the scholar from New York State, what was his name?
Michael Barkham, I believe it is.
Yes, he's written this new book, your lordship.
Well, those people should listen to him!
Don't you interrupt me!
How dare you interrupt me!
I'm going to interrupt you!
Listen to me!
No, you can't interrupt me!
I'm in the star chamber!
Listen to me, you punk.
You control freak.
Let me tell you something, your lordship.
Let me tell you something, Lord Rothschild.
Let me tell you something right now.
We're going to talk about whatever we want here.
This is America, and we're free, and we're not your poppers, serfs, your slaves, your property.
But let me explain something to you, boy.
And I hope you're listening up right now.
We're going to move forward against what the Globalists have been doing, and I want to ask you, why did this professor keep looking left or right, almost like he was an Academy Award-winning actor playing the part of a shifty-eyed wizard or something?
He looked like Saruman from the Lord of the Rings.
Where did you get Saruman?
Well, if you want to sort of relate this to Saruman, you go right ahead.
Now, my checks are good, and he knows it.
And if he was doubting whether or not my check was going to clear, well, then that's his problem, and he won't be going on with Mr. Lamb again!
Uh, anything else you'd like to say, your lordship?
No, I've had quite enough, and besides, my servant here has found my mail box, and also a couple of double... a double shot of Prozac to calm me down.
Now, Mr. Jones, you're going to have to stop this shenanigans, stop broadcasting, just stop doing what you're doing!
Because if you don't, we'll... we'll... where's my mail box?! !
Well, your lordship, there's millions of people speaking out.
I mean, how do you get us when there's millions of us now learning the truth?
I mean, earlier I talked about how they put biometric scanners in at SeaWorld, and I explained it to them, and the security guards were nodding their head, looking concerned, looking scared.
They were all nodding and agreeing, saying, thank you for telling us about this.
Used to, they would have been freaking out.
Everybody seems to be waking up.
I've been on thousands of radio shows, and every caller agrees.
I mean, what are you going to do about this mass awakening that's happening right now?
The only thing that we can do is continue on the path that we've decided to take.
Now, we've already committed to it.
We've had several different incidents happening around the world, and they are falling right into the plans that we have to generate, shall we say, fear.
Because, of course, fear is control.
You know about that, I'm quite sure.
But in order to have this world effort against terrorism, well, we have to have some terrorism, don't we?
Yeah, well, listen, I have to leave here.
My servant here has told me that I have to have a meeting with George Senior.
This G.W.
just doesn't seem to get it.
So I have to run now.
So thank you for your opportunity.
And I'll say it again.
I will say it again as much as I hate it.
Mr. Jones, would you
Please, just back off a little bit, because I don't think they've made enough Maylocks!
All right, well, your Lordship, we've got Dave von Kleist online.
I want to go ahead and bring him up.
Dave von Kleist, would you like to talk and say something to his Lordship?
Are we having fun yet, Alex?
Oh man, I tell you, I gotta hand it to you Alex, you did such a great job on the George Norrie Show.
Obviously, you really rattled their cages because for them to spend an entire hour in damage control, and I do want to tell you, I don't know if you knew this or not, I didn't hear you mention it, maybe you did, maybe I missed it, but Mr. Barkham
The author of that book about conspiracy theories, when he was being interviewed by Mr. Lamb, made the statement that when you infiltrated the Bohemian Grove, you did so heavily armed!
He said that on television!
Well, let me break down what really happened.
And Lamb's done this before.
And again, folks, that was Dave earlier before the New York Times claims that we had Lord Rothschild on.
That was all a big joke.
Just having a little fun here.
Having a little bit of fun here.
You've got to do that occasionally to stay sane.
But about a year after I snuck into the Grove and had been on national TV, a Richard McCaslin, a former Marine who of all places had worked at Six Flags as an acrobat, showed up in Austin and started handing out these weird comic books he'd done himself called the Phantom Patriot.
I think so.
Well, everybody knows there's no elite there.
Happened during the middle of the summer, during July.
He shows up in the middle of the winter, dressed up in a skull mask and a Captain America outfit.
Folks, this has been in the San Francisco Chronicle, you know, all the big papers on the West Coast, even been in the New York Times.
He shows up out there, sits there, and then when the police come, he just starts waving his crossbow and gun saying, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
Then they arrest him.
Talk about government operation, folks.
This is all the handiwork.
Nothing happens.
And then Lamb goes on TV and goes, Oh, Alex Jones!
Then this guy runs in there.
The point is, if you've got some weird place with world leaders doing weird things, it's going to attract news media.
CBS, ABC, Parade Magazine, the British media, myself.
Because I went out there and covered it.
It isn't my fault that some lunatic
Who was convicted of this, goes in there and does it.
But see, that's why that happened.
So then they could say, oh, look at this.
And then, yeah, they didn't really explain what it was.
It's like after Alex Jones did it, somebody heavily armed goes in.
They didn't make that clear, did they?
That's why I need to go on the show and explain that.
And Lamb talks about me all the time.
But this time, for an hour, you know, on the end, doing all this and going, Alex Jones, UFOs, you know, trying to mix it in like it's all a big conspiracy theory.
What did you think of the George Norrie interview?
What did you think of now what's happened with this lamb piece on the air within four hours or three hours of me going off air?
Lambs on national TV opening the show, talking about me.
Well, I've got to tell you again, to be honest with you, you know that Joyce and I do the morning program.
We're up in the wee hours.
We did not catch the George Norrie program live.
We did listen to some of it in the replay.
And you handled yourself really well.
You put the information out there that needed to be put out there in such a way that a lot of the listeners out there to George Norrie, I'm sure, would be able to find it a little bit more palatable.
Now, for those that are not familiar with this type of information, hey, look it, we've all been raised and weaned on a steady diet of misinformation, disinformation, and lies.
So when the truth comes along, like what you are portraying on the George Norrie Show, there are a lot of people that are just going to be
Bulk at it, because they're not used to the taste of the truth.
And some people reject it altogether, but you were able to get the information out there in such a way that they had to go into damage control the next day on the Washington Journal.
And again, this Michael Barkham, not only did he say that you were heavily armed, but they also brought up this issue about skull and bones and all the conspiracy theorists out there.
One of the callers that came to your aid, Alex,
Well, obviously he knows about Skull and Bones.
And to make it clear, he talks real quick and he goes, in my book I've got a chapter about Alex, and then he goes,
This man went in later heavily armed.
He doesn't say I went in heavily armed.
He doesn't say the man's name.
He just kind of leaves it out there to the average person watching it.
You're right, Dave.
That's pretty serious.
I wouldn't say he said I did it, but he just kind of laid it out there.
I got emails, people said, was that you?
Did he say that?
I mean, it's insane.
So yes, it's very serious.
It is insane.
And for those folks out there that are not familiar with this issue about the skull and bones of the Bohemian Grove or any of that,
It's been all over the news now, but still, I have national people saying it doesn't exist, and I'm crazy.
Well, you know, last week, Keith Olbermann on MSNBC interviewed a woman by the name of Alexandra Robbins.
Yeah, we've interviewed her, yeah.
Yeah, and she came flat out and explained about what the Skull and Bones folks do.
She interviewed a hundred of them for the book.
Because she comes from the Secret Society across the street.
Oh, I was not aware of that.
Yeah, she's in Scroll and Key.
Oh, okay, I was not aware of that.
But the point here is that there are so many folks out there that support George Bush because he's such a good Christian, and they don't know about what Skull and Bones is.
She came flat out and said that the number 322 was associated with the Greek orator Demosthenes, and that was the year that he had died, and the Skull and Bones folks worshipped their goddess Eulogia,
And this is a goddess.
I thought that if Mr. Bush is such a good Christian, one of the first commandments says, thou shalt have no other god before me.
Yeah, that goes with the Priory of Zion and the Knights Templars and all of it.
But at the Grove, they worshiped it as the true Luciferians do.
They addressed the owl as a female, then as a male.
So that's how they really operate.
Well, the point here is that if people don't want Skull & Bones, well, you can't vote for Bush.
And guess what?
If you don't want Skull & Bones, you can't vote for Kerry.
And if you don't want Skull & Bones, you might want to think twice about voting for Nader, also, because his chief attorney, Don Etra, was inducted into the Skull & Bones the same year and with the same group as John Kerry!
Folks, a lot of folks are not aware of that.
The FEC chairman, the new one, is of course skull and bones.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Of course, it's all conspiracy theory because we bring it all up here.
Folks, this information is not conspiracy theory and you're not going to hear it on any of the other networks.
And Dave, I did watch the video.
Uh, of C-SPAN and, uh, online.
I haven't gotten a VHS copy of it yet.
Somebody's sending it to me.
But I did watch it online and, and, and, yeah.
What's Scarlemone's?
Oh, I don't know.
How could you not know?
It's been all over the news.
I know.
The guy's been living with his head in the sand.
I don't know.
Oh, he knows.
He's a guy who knows.
And I just want to put the plea out there.
Now, there are millions of people that are listening all over the world on Shortwave, and in this country on Shortwave.
And for those of you that are struggling with static and what have you, it's up to you guys.
Every single one of you.
Not somebody else.
It's up to you.
If you're listening to this program on Shortwave,
Call your local AM affiliate stations and just be a squeaky wheel.
Ask them to get the Genesis Network programming on there so that America can make informed decisions.
Well, absolutely.
And we're on the good digital satellites.
They're on the network side.
We're getting a lot of new affiliates.
We need a lot more.
And you know why I'm so impressed with George Norrie?
I've never heard him, Dave, tell people to tune in to somebody else's radio program, and he demanded I tell people how to listen to the show.
Why did, and then George said, I feel in my heart and from the evidence this is important, you're telling the truth, my gut's never wrong.
I mean, wow, George Norris has got a lot of courage.
I think he's only done that once before, and that's when my wife Joyce was on the air, and he gave out our website, thepowerhour.com, and told them to listen to our program too.
So, I mean, he wants to get this information out there, and I think that it was great that he had you on.
I'm looking forward to having you make a return appearance to Coast to Coast on George Norrie.
You go, boy!
Oh, you go, too, Dave.
You keep it up and tell Joyce I said hi.
And would you please just be quiet?
I'm sorry, your lordship.
Hey, thanks a lot, Alex.
You take care.
All right, so there we go.
And again, to the New York Times and others, that was a joke piece earlier.
That was Davon Clyde.
I just want to make that clear.
He didn't have Lord Rothschild on.
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They've interviewed the British folks that were released from Camp X-Ray.
No connection to Al-Qaeda, no connection to any terrorist.
Given different torture injections.
Tortured for years.
The most horrible forms of torture known.
I mean, continual torture, where they, you know, tie you up in weird positions, just excruciating.
Try sitting on your knees with your feet out behind you for a couple hours.
Try putting goggles on your head and a gag in your mouth and a hood over you out in the sun for a couple days.
Well, don't do that.
It kills a lot of people.
This is the type of stuff they did for years.
A lot of them died.
It was always suicide or natural causes.
Oh, they also would amputate things for no reason.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, you need to have a surgery!
So, that's coming up in about 35 minutes with Paul Joseph Watson.
When we start the next hour, we've got Jack Blood from our great Rhode Island affiliate.
I just love having Jack Blood on the show.
I've got a great website.
And so we'll be plugging that as well.
And he's on a detailed report because his webmaster speaks Spanish.
A lot of key stuff, and we've got some of this ourselves as well, where the Spanish papers are saying their population says the government's behind it and that it backfired on them and that's why they voted the neocon fascist out and in the false paradigm fell right back into the jaws of the other head of the Hydra in the left party.
So they thought they were escaping, they ran right into the other mouth.
Of the beach.
From one hand to the other.
From one clawed, clenched fist to the other into the gullet.
But at least they're struggling.
So that's coming up.
Oh yeah, those demonstrations.
The news told you, oh look, they're mad at the terrorists.
No, there's signs in Spanish that said, you did it, and you stand behind it, and you caused it.
Looks like they're starting to get it.
I'm sure it was just 911 days later on accident.
It was on 3-11.
Just by accident as well, of course.
And there were terror alerts.
There's a lot of evidence.
Not 100%, but in the past it always comes out it was the government in any big event.
Putin was re-elected thanks to lots of bombings in Russia.
Just like he was caught bombing in 1999, that's mainstream news.
But we don't know about these new bombings, though.
Those two stink to high heaven.
They didn't catch any FSB this time.
Planning the bombs, though.
Moscow police didn't catch them this time.
But there's been a lot of key indicators.
So that's coming up too.
And I know we got a lot of phone lines.
I understand that.
I understand that.
So let's go to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, my friend.
How's it going?
Good, go ahead.
One word about last week, and I'll let it go.
So you thought it was good.
I mean, I listened to it.
I thought George Norrie, you know, his smooth voice, his intelligent questions, you know, my heavy breathing into the phone.
I don't think I did the... I did a B job.
Next time if I go on, I'll do an A+.
Well, you're talking about maybe the polish in the presentation content was A+.
You thought it was good?
Very good.
I was just nervous.
It was the middle of the night.
Everybody says it was great.
I'm just... I'm a worse critic.
Three quick things I wanted to talk with you today about.
And I was wondering, and tell me what you think about this.
I haven't really been able to look at the news reports.
It seems that Gitmo is the bullpen, almost, for these terrorists.
You know, every time they make an announcement that so-and-so has been released and then within a couple of days, we have boom.
A big shot of terrorism.
Well, that's a good point.
Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post have reported, as well as United Press International and Reuters, but I like to focus on the Israeli papers, because, you know, you can't say, oh, they're anti-Semitic.
But top Jewish investigative reporters have found that a lot of these prisons for Palestinians, they then turn them loose, they go out and shoot and bomb and kill, and they're working for Shin Bet and Mossad.
Now, that's Jerusalem Post, folks, so you've got a problem with it, you've got a problem with them.
We got those posted in the Israeli Terror Section of Prison Planet.
Again, mainstream Israeli papers.
But I don't have any evidence in this particular thing with Gitmo.
Gitmo is really a diversion.
The real torture is going on on a wider scale in Egypt and in Jordan, the CIA Section Chief said.
Can I hold on until after the break?
Yeah, I'll let you finish up your questions and we'll get to our guest and we'll work Steve and Brock and Ethan and Ann and many others into the broadcast as well.
Second hour of global transmission against tyranny coming up.
Again, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
But, if you place them on the magnet, all would stick.
The same principle applies in water filtration.
Most filtration systems force water through the filter at 60 to 90 PSI, causing water molecules to race through the filter in less than a second.
The Berkey light is different.
Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, that last hour was one of the fastest hours in all the shows I've done over the years.
The next two hours are going to be even more jam-packed.
The next 30 minutes will be joined by Jack Blood, who's posted a detailed analysis of what's really going on with the Madrid bombings.
We've also posted a detailed analysis at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com with the same basic information.
His webmaster speaks Spanish, was able to go read some of the Spanish papers.
My wife speaks Spanish as well, was able to go read it.
And, uh, what their news is saying is the people on the streets in those big demonstrations are not just saying, hey, get us out of the war, hey, you caused this, or hey, you're blaming innocent people.
They're saying, hey, we think you're behind it.
Because in Europe, the best-selling books and videos are saying the government here was behind 9-11.
People are waking up to this.
And, you know, it's not a new trick for governments.
There's this mass awakening happening.
Also, we've got government all over the place going on terror alert right before this happened.
A lot of key indicators here, and it looks like it's backfired on them.
And we've got Paul Watson coming on in 30 minutes.
And then when they're openly talking about martial law, putting troops on the streets, that's the headline.
Members of the British citizenry have been released from Gitmo and tell their incredible tales of intense, sustained, Joseph Mingala-style torture.
That's coming up.
A bunch of other key news.
Joining us is Jack Blood from our great affiliate 1320 in Providence, Rhode Island, one of my favorite guests to come on with reports.
Just a few weeks ago he was on where the governor came out and said, if you fly any flag with the American flag, you'll be arrested as a terrorist.
If you criticize the government, you'll be arrested as a terrorist.
It sounds unbelievable, but yes, it really happened.
And then after we did that show, the governor apologized, said I hadn't read the bill, and withdrew it.
Whereas before, he went to the Homeland Security Conference, brought it back, and said he thought it was great.
So that was a good victory.
But, Jack Blood, good to have you back on.
Hey, thanks for having me on.
It's an honor, as always.
I've got to say real quick that I really appreciate the, what was it, three-hour commercial you did on our competing station down the dial.
We've already seen the new listeners, thanks to your great work you did on George Norrie.
Well, I want to thank George Norrie.
That was, I mean, the guy was plugging out to listen to my show.
And saying that I was right, but...
Now, he kind of hesitated when I said, there's a bill in Oregon to put you in prison for life, if you block traffic, all protesters get life in prison, but we posted that bill too.
I mean, I don't believe this as I say it, but it's mainstream, Jack!
Yeah, well, you did a great job convincing him, and I'm sure a lot of listeners, and I just want to let people know that, you know, we're also a Massachusetts station, so if you're, it doesn't say that on your site, Alex, but if you're in Massachusetts, we get about 500,000 people over there too, so it's not just Rhode Island.
Well, that's great.
So folks should try the dial for your fine station.
You posted some really powerful info.
We had a lot of it already posted, but you had some extra tidbits at your website.
We've now cloned that over at InfoWars, but at JackBlood.com, we've got some new info on the Madrid bombing that's been censored out in our media.
Well first I want to thank Super Mario Andre who speaks multiple languages and is able to scour newspapers from around the world to find information like this.
I think it's really important to note here that once you understand the New World Order you know where to look for this stuff.
Three months ago we were reporting Basque County politics subject to detailed investigation by the CIA and FBI.
I saw that on your website, yeah.
We'll be back, got a break, we'll tell you who Goldstein is too.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, I'm Alex Jones, your host,
We've got an hour and 51 minutes left.
It's eight minutes into the hour.
We've got Paul Watson joining us to talk about martial law in England probably being brought out.
British citizens being tortured by the globalist government at Gitmo now admitted.
It's pure evil right out in the open.
Right now we're talking to Jack Blood.
We'll go to your calls for all of you holding out there here in just a few minutes.
Jack Blood's
Webmaster's done, again, a fabulous job going and reading the Spanish newspapers, what they're actually saying.
Now, Reuters, and this article's posted, we have that.
Admits that a lot of them are saying the government's behind this, or the government stands to gain from this, or the government's blaming innocent people for this.
So, but our news has been telling us, look at them, they're angry.
They support Bush.
They support the war.
They're angry at terrorists.
Then it was, oh no, they're anti-government.
You know, they're with the terrorists.
And then it's, oh wait, they're saying the government, you know, is the terrorist.
So to go over some of these key points is Jack Blood.
Jack, tell us about it.
Well, I started out here, I mean there's a lot of information to cover.
This is like anything that has to do with the New World Order gets very complicated very fast.
You've made great points on your website with the numerological connections 311, 911, 911 days.
We know that when 911 came it was exactly
11 years to the day that George W. Bush gave his very important State of the Union speech announcing the New World Order.
So these are things that we see.
They're telling signs.
And as you say, a calling card of the New World Order.
I wanted to make a quick point in this.
Yeah, they published some of the transcripts we've done.
They published the Greg Powell's interview.
And they, pretty much, their analysis comes down to this.
A terrorist attack in Madrid carried out by a terrorist arm of the CIA is a good trial balloon for future operations.
Pending its political, social, and international results, attacks like this could possibly extend to other European cities, particularly London and Paris.
Yeah, it's real simple.
Jack, and we'll continue reading.
I'm sorry, but I have to add this.
It's real simple.
If you give your rights up when they blow stuff up, you're going to get more stuff blown up.
It's real simple.
And they also say here, in this article... Now start back over, go ahead.
Well, they're making the connection that this is part of the military-industrial complex of the... This is the Bush administration to them.
They're not making a globalist connection.
As we know, we've done the homework to say, you know, Bush is really working for these... They want to keep it compartmentalized in a left-right global government debate.
But they, and this is a good article, and again I can't go over all of this, but I think it's really interesting that people down in Argentina really seem to know what's going on here.
This is the real thing that really I think is telling about this 3-11 blast, and this is what we're talking about, prior knowledge.
Spanish Interior Ministry was making major, Alex, major security preparations for a terrorist attack days before the blast.
Okay, two days before what's called the worst attack in Western Europe since World War II, the riot police in Madrid began setting up checkpoints, and they were patrolling commercial areas, even train stations, airports, stadiums, large crowd, government buildings.
Officers are also in charge of patrolling so-called hotbed neighborhoods in Madrid where ETA terrorists are known to hide.
So, they were building up for something, okay?
And that's one part of it all.
And then again, these terror attacks are used domestically by the country after the global client comes in and does the terror.
It's then used to crack down on the public.
So keeping in mind that we've mentioned this infiltration by the CIA and the FBI, now we know this from declassified documents in the United States in a book that was written, and that's on jackblood.com.
So we've made that connection.
We're making a connection of prior knowledge here.
They're setting up massive mobilization for this attack that they don't know that's going to come.
And then you've got Jose Maria Anzar, the former Spanish president now.
Again, this is probably something that backfired, Alex.
You know, bringing in the police state.
You can just look at the people, look at their faces.
Well, we have the articles.
They weren't out there praising the government.
They were saying, you, you, you.
What they show you on TV are the people begging for the solution, okay?
That's what they've been showing on TV.
But this Anzar, you know, is now under the hot lights, let's say, because his Secretary General was meeting with the head of ETA just really, I think it was last Monday, on the 8th.
Oh, wait a minute, that's funny.
I've seen that article.
That's real funny, Jack, because
The Bushes were all meeting with Al-Qaeda and the House and Senate Intelligence Committee and the CIA were all meeting with Al-Qaeda on 9-11.
It just magically keeps happening.
Yeah, it's absolutely appropriate that they connect this 3-11, okay, of course, to the 9-11 because everything happens the same way.
And I think it's also important to note, I saw a very interesting interview with Walter Cronkite and he was talking about how he went to greet
Jose Maria Anzar when he was elected president.
And Anzar was bragging to him that Henry Kissinger came over and basically was giving him some type of tutelage.
And Cronkite was aghast.
They couldn't believe, what was Henry Kissinger doing over here?
You know, and this is when he first came out.
Yeah, that was the news a few years ago, but again, that's a false shield because Cronkite's a member of the Grove.
But I think, you know, again, right, but it was telling, here's your messenger, Kissinger, wherever there's something, I mean, this guy, he has not retired, okay, Kissinger Associates is one of the top globalist errand boys going today, and they're meeting with this guy, so they might have been setting this up for a long time, the result of which is problem, reaction, solution, pretty simple.
But the question is, why did it backfire on them?
Well, I think you can answer that question by talking to some of your listeners.
I mean, people are waking up, and this is not as easy to do.
Now, they can rig this election, so I have to come to the analysis that they wanted a regime change over there.
They wanted this government out.
They wanted to put the socialists in, and that has something to do with handing everything over to the UN and, you know, this nationalism, or this globalism that we're seeing take place all over the world.
It's good cop, bad cop.
You've got the U.N.
playing the part of the good cop, and then America plays the part of the bad cop, and then they have this synthesis as the people run from the fascist world government into the clutches of the socialist world government, which is the same system.
Yeah, we could very well see the same thing happening here in the United States in the election year.
With Lord Kerry.
So, people think they're getting a change.
What they're getting is a more socialized, liberal version of government that's more willing and more able to go to the good cop, the UN, to give them more complete control over our lives.
And then suddenly, the left is going to love the Patriot Act, and all those laws are going to stay in place.
Yeah, I mean, it always seems to come down to this.
And, you know, you got the Bush-friendly government in there.
I think it's almost a prediction that, you know, they off this guy.
They're probably looking at offing Bush, too.
And by off, you mean removing him politically from office.
Well, I mean, his nickname was Temporary and Skull and Bones, as most people know.
And I keep forgetting, what was Kerry's nickname?
You know, it had something to do with dandruff.
Yeah, I've read it, and I forget it.
I mean, others have names like Beelzebub and stuff, but...
Yes, it's something to do with Dandruff.
I don't know.
Maybe that's meant to humanize him.
Okay, let's do this.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Ohio.
Steve, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How are you doing, Alex?
I have a couple questions.
I want to talk about the Madrid thing.
I think that this whole thing is being played out, and people think they have a choice, and they're falling right into the trap of the New World Order again.
Now they're saying, well, they want to oust this guy.
Have a new party and it's obvious that no matter which way you go, you're in a bad situation.
Now they are going to pull their troops out of Iraq, but I found out that was already scheduled.
The Spanish were already going to leave.
Another thing I wanted to ask you, there's a local, I'm calling from the Cleveland area, and there's a local guy here named Norm, and he's a very politically astute guy, and he was talking about this issue of
You had mentioned on your show about U.N.
troops on American soil and he says there are none and he totally disagrees.
Can you prove that there are?
Can I prove that the sun came up this morning?
Of course I can!
All these people speak different languages.
Where are you going to house and feed them?
Well, that's why they've had thousands of training drills.
Look, in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover, I have footage from 96, 97, 98, 99 of urban warfare training drills, and they have Czech Republic, Russian, British, Israeli, French, Dutch,
Did I say German?
All these troops, and in California, Louisiana, on bases, off bases, openly training to take Americans' guns, openly training to set up checkpoints, and now we hear the excuse for it with the urban warfare, we're going to get hit by biologicals, and this is the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act.
The Army War College in 99 said that we, quote, need to use foreign assets, Mexican and Canadian troops, to, quote, deal with American terrorists.
And for peacekeeping, UN General McKenzie said on Nightline on September 17th,
Of 2001, just a week after the attacks that we, quote, need to use foreign assets and use a UN security perimeter around North America.
I've got Reuters, CBC, you name it on the website, the Foreign Troop Archive, where they signed the deal two years ago to bring these foreign troops in.
They've had Mexican and Canadian troops fighting forest fires, UN troops, NATO aircraft in the skies after 9-11, 56 Norwegian F-16s, Newsmax, Associated Press.
I mean, blah, blah, blah.
Anybody that's denying it is hiding under a rock somewhere.
Let's get a comment from J.C.
I mean, excuse me, from Jack Blood.
Mr. Blood, go ahead.
Well, look, I mean, I want to go back to this, because I don't have a lot of time here.
I mean, I think the important thing to understand is what are we being set up for?
I think the really important thing to stress in this 3.11 bombing is that this is the first European major bombing terrorist act by Al-Qaeda.
We're going to see, well, supposedly Al-Qaeda.
So I think we're going to see more of that.
I predicted earlier this year we're going to have to go to cold red as a trial balloon as well.
Uh, and I think this is an important thing.
So we're being set up.
A lot of people know we're being set up.
Well, I predicted the next big attacks would be in Europe to get them on board.
Well, you predicted that correctly and we've seen the example of this.
I mean, 200 people dead, thousands injured over there, people screaming, you know, for some type of answers.
And what do we see on the news?
About five people, they want a solution.
They want the government to protect them.
I love it.
I want police and military.
I have a question for Jack Blood.
Jack, how would the transition take place?
Let's say a national emergency or martial law is declared, would people literally be putting their guns in?
Again, what they're going to do is, you're not allowed to go on the street unless you've got a perfectly good reason.
This is going to have a... And that's Sid Casperson, Gannett News Service, last year.
It's in Police Station.
It's going to have a huge effect on the economy.
You're not going to be able to go to work.
You have to have an excuse.
Yeah, we got a break.
We got a break.
We got a break.
And to explain that, when I called to get Jack Blood on, that's his boss there.
Our affiliate 1320 is JC Clayton.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
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You know, I say things on this show that sound insane.
Again, I told George Norrie, yeah, we got an Associated Press article and the bill posted in the police state concentration camp section where they say that in Oregon, they tried to pass a bill, the committee chairman, Senator Menace, no pun intended, tried to pass a bill that if one protester blocks traffic, all protesters are given life in prison.
It also says downloading music illegally.
It lists like 80 things.
It was the one thing Nori kind of went, huh?
But then he saw the article and was like, wow.
I mean, we couldn't make this up.
The governor, the governor of Rhode Island came out in News 10 NBC in Providence and then it was in the Providence Journal and it said, it said, it's on the site right now.
It said, you fly anything with the American flag, prison under terrorism.
Criticize the government, influence the government, do anything illegal, Homeland Security prison.
Now, two days after we did a show, excuse me, the next day, he apologized that he hadn't read it.
It was the Sedition Act of 1918.
I just wanted to briefly recap that because some people, Jack, cannot believe how insane this is.
Well, boy, you really saw the troops come out of the woodwork here on that one, and we just swamped the Governor's House with calls.
I can see that from my office window here, that being the State House.
And, you know, I think the guy was completely oblivious to this thing.
He was oblivious to what would happen, and he's another guy like Bush who listens to his advisors and gets scooted into one corner or another.
Yeah, Carl Rove, Bush, let's say fast food is a factory job.
Okay, we'll do it.
I mean, where do they come up... But I mean, folks, they really said, fly anything with the American flag, except this word for word in the bill, that you'll be charged as a terrorist.
I mean, are they just saying what they can slip by us?
Alex, I'm convinced that this came right from the Governor's Conference on Homeland Security.
Well, the article said he went to that Governor's Conference.
Yeah, he actually sent his guy over there, but same thing, you know.
So, hey, a big blow.
It probably cost the guy his re-election over here.
I mean, people were really upset about it, and he was reclaiming... Well, that's like saying, if you don't wear a blue hat on Monday, we're going to put you in a camp.
I mean, it's bonkers.
It's worse than Russia.
Yeah, and then he comes out a few days later with this horrific new budget proposal that's just gonna kill us all over here, so... Well, by the way, you mentioned Goldstein.
You know, Goldstein's behind the bombings.
In 1984, that's the shadowy evil character who can never be defeated.
It's really the government blowing stuff up to keep fear going, but it's always Goldstein who did it.
Well, you know what's obvious to me about this whole thing is that they were setting up Etta and the Basque Separatist Party to take the blame for this.
And this is why, you know, there's prior knowledge and they have people all over the street and they're putting out stories ahead of time that the Basque and Etta are about to do something two weeks before this.
So they were setting up Etta to take the fall for this.
When they rejected this and did so so convincingly, we carried in Reuters and, you know, papers all over the world, they had to go to Plan B, which is even better, to blame Al-Qaeda and Goldstein for the whole thing.
And it's not working anymore.
I mean, used to, these intelligence guys could sit there, blow something up, have us follow, but they've done it so many times, you know, even that Graham Greene book, which is based on true stories, The Quiet American.
Have you seen that?
Yeah, that's a great movie, actually.
Everybody should see that.
Who's the famous actor in it?
Oh, it's Michael Caine.
Yes, Michael Caine.
I mean, I love him.
But, I mean, there you have it.
That's a true story.
The CIA blowing children up to blame it.
I mean, again, we don't support the commies either.
They do it too!
Hey, you've got to see this other story on our site right now.
This is based on the CBC documentary that aired throughout Canada last week.
Yeah, we posted that last week and just glazed over it, and I want Paul Watson and my wife at InfoWars, but Paul Watson at Prison Planet,
You know, I mentioned that article, but didn't even cover it.
Tell folks about it.
Yeah, and, well, I mean, this is another very complicated story, but their name are Kanders.
They're the brothers in there of Saudi Arabian, I think, or Egyptian persuasion, and they live in Canada.
But anyway, basically, this is a thing that's aired all throughout Canada.
Big story.
They were blowing stuff up.
They were working at the training camps.
They were helping people train other terrorists.
And the whole time, they were CIA assets.
And again, he's passed a polygraph test to this.
And so when the caller asked me 30 minutes ago, we know in Israel, in the prisons, they train the Palestinians for terror.
That's Harots, folks.
That's Jerusalem Post, UPI.
Well, he said, are they doing that there?
And I forgot last week where, I guess they are.
I mean, it's just... This guy's lawyer, Jaladi, has quit.
He won't do any more international terror cases.
He's received threatening phone calls from somebody he believes with the U.S.
Intelligence Agency.
He recognizes the voice from a previous case.
So he's done.
He won't do this anymore.
Yeah, I saw that too.
Hey, Jack Blood, I really appreciate you coming on and tell your boss, J.C.
Clayton, the program director there, thanks for picking up the show.
Jackblood.com, hey man, everyone has to have Paul Joseph Watson's book.
It is probably the best conspiracy book I've ever read.
It's awesome.
It is, and speaking of the... Well, not the devil, he's a good guy, but speaking of him, he'll be on next with your calls.
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I know that we have Brock and Ethan and Ann and Ron and Wesley, and you've been holding a long time.
We're going to get to you.
I want to run through some of the top stories first with Paul, then take calls, then go back into more detail with him.
And I haven't even mentioned this 10th planet that NASA's saying they've discovered.
I mean, this is incredible stuff, but there's so much other stuff happening here on the face of the planet that we need to deal with.
Before we go to Paul Joseph Watson, you just heard Jack Blood, one of my favorite guests from one of our affiliates there in Rhode Island, and he was talking about how good Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order is.
And, again, I had no idea he was going to say that.
I was talking to him during a break and he brought it up and we had to go on air and he mentioned it again.
Because I'm the publisher of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, and I, of course, mailed a copy out to Jack because he's going to be interviewing Paul here on the show real soon.
And it's just an amazing book.
I mean, you need to have it.
It gets into how the British carry out the bombings, blame it on their enemies, how the U.S.
does it, how the Russians do it, how the Israelis do it, how it's happened throughout history.
It gets into the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, but with so much documentation, so well written,
You need to have Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
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So here's the toll-free number to order the videos, the books, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to use our safe, secure online shopping carts.
Or just the old-fashioned way, one of the best ways, write to me, Alex Jones.
At 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And if you write me a check, be sure you give me your address.
Because sometimes we get a check that actually just has their phone number.
We have to call you.
I just wanted to add that.
That happens quite a bit.
So, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
We take Federal Reserve notes.
We take the checks.
We take money orders.
And all of that goes to fight the New World Order.
You know I'm here tirelessly.
You hear me on the radio in the middle of the night, early in the morning, in the middle of the day.
On your local stations, doing interviews, I never stop.
You put out the info.
We need more of your support.
So again, take action.
Going to Paul Watson, joining us from England.
Paul, good to have you on the show.
It's been a very eventful last 30 days or so.
We have reached, conservatively, 50 million people in the last 30 days, my friend.
I looked at the numbers.
Well, certainly that's the case.
Our soapbox, you know, increases in its size day by day.
Just from the coast-to-coast interview, I believe just over the few hours you were on there, we actually got 4 million individual hits to the websites and that's on top of the previous 300,000 an hour we were getting a few days before that when we put out the RFID article.
So, the soapbox keeps on growing and our voice is being heard more and more.
It's very exciting, but it's also scary.
People are waking up all over.
Did you hear me tell the story how I was at SeaWorld and they have the hand scanners now to get in?
I started educating the security guards, the lady there at the turnstile.
They were all nodding their heads going, thank you for telling us.
Yeah, it's scary.
A lot of people don't like it.
Go on in.
You don't have to use it.
I mean, mass rebellion happening.
And a couple years ago, there would have been cops with guns drawn, Paul, if I was asking questions.
Well yeah, it's very interesting with the thumb scanning, the finger scanning.
Piggly Wiggly announced that they were putting these systems in just a couple of weeks ago.
I actually emailed the head of Piggly Wiggly and got a reply and he stated that
The finger scanners did not take your fingerprint.
He said that they took index points from several points on the finger and that was not a fingerprint.
So, they're trying to deny that.
And again, Piggly Wiggly, one of the biggest chains here.
Kroger, Safeway, H-E-B, one of the biggest in Texas, and really a great grocery store, but I won't shop there.
Every once in a while I'm caught in there paying a bill because you can pay power bills and phone bills in there.
The only place you can do it, other than city buildings,
And I get caught in there, and people go, Hey Alex Jones, I'm an employee, we agree with you!
But, but, uh, they have biometric access, this round-rock company.
Uh, that makes biometrics, uh, on CBS News here in Loveland, put a clip of it in Police State 3, and they say, we don't take your fingerprint, we, we, we take some numbers off of it, it's all zeros and ones.
Well, the digital photo's zeros and ones!
And, and so they create a digital algorithm off your thumb, your face, your hand, and go, we're not taking your fingerprint, as they do it, Paul, it's in, and so, Piggly Wiggly is telling you the same garbage.
Uh, and they also say it doesn't go in a database.
Where do you think they get the index for the ID?
Then in the film, I talk to the HCV employee.
They're at the counter because they have the sign, thumb scanner's going in, and now it's begun.
That was six months ago.
And she says, yeah, well, we check it with the state police database.
And I go, oh, thank you.
But on the news, oh, no, it doesn't, Paul.
Well, I mean, some people try and whitewash it by saying that these grocery stores are just following the new wave of biometrics.
But, I mean, the Defense Department have been using this technology for years.
And, I mean, we've got the leaked documents before where people like Walmart are involved with basically CIA in these meetings discussing how to roll it out.
Walmart have announced by 2005
They want all their suppliers to be integrated in this RFID system with a tagging on the product.
And they were the ones in 86 who forced the industry to go to the barcode.
And it gets worse, Paul.
This is in the Yahoo group, one of the first postings we did two years ago.
I wish you could go find it and post it.
We did screenshots of the articles.
In Denver, I think it was the Denver Post reported that in the county there, the police, quote, ordered the shops to put in inkless readers.
Then we had the Fort Worcester Telegram that Arlington, one of the biggest cities up there, one of the satellites of D, of Big D, the police just announced, we will not help you in hot checks unless all businesses, and we're ordering you to do it, it's not a law, but we want you to do it, to put in inkless readers.
So, this is the government trying to force this in.
Go ahead.
Find those and post those in our new biometric article and I will just thank you.
Yeah, we've also got a giant Big Brother section now on PrisonPlanet.com with all these articles in.
Speaking of Big Brother, Wired Magazine just put out an article just a few hours ago which is right at the top of PrisonPlanet.com.
Where they were at a DARPA symposium, and DARPA, as we've reported before, are producing and putting the research in for these giant surveillance blimps.
Which, by the way, are already out, folks.
Three times the size of the Goodyear blimp.
Now, New Scientist, excuse me, Scientific... What was the article a month ago?
It wasn't Scientific American, it was...
New Scientist.
I forget which one.
Will you post that?
Because I can't see that one.
Popular Science it was.
Yeah, Popular Science.
Excuse me.
They said 30 times to be in a low space orbit.
People didn't believe that.
Will you post those two together?
But the Wired Magazine article out today, guess what the name of the new DARPA surveillance blimp is?
It's Mighty Isis.
And Mighty Isis was, well there was a 70's action series based on it which re-aired on the Sci-Fi Channel.
Well, the character was based initially on a pharaoh goddess who had a third all-seeing eye in the middle of her forehead.
And she was called Mighty Isis.
And what's the symbol for Total Information Awareness Network?
The all-seeing eye.
So, again, this is a cult symbolism in every project that DARPA announced.
Well, haven't you seen Lord of the Rings?
The all-seeing eye is the good guy!
Yeah, well, now we've got it in Starbucks coffee windows as well.
When the C-SPAN interview, which we've got posted, when Brian Lamb asked the academic, you know, the significance of the all-seeing eye, he just seemed to try and whitewash it completely, and yet we see it everywhere, not just on the dollar bill.
John, if I'm frothing, folks, it's because at every point we're making, I have the articles and I'm literally sitting here with stacks of them around me.
There's so much evidence of this, Paul.
I mean, it almost gets frustrating now that we're just overwhelmed with evidence.
How do we show all of it to people?
Well, it's amazing.
I mean, you mentioned in the last segment the
The Al-Qaeda terrorists working with the CIA to blow things up.
I actually saw that article on Toronto Star's website and I glazed over it.
So it's getting to that level where even we who track it every day are so bombarded by all this tyranny that we tend to glaze over some of the articles.
Yeah, it's bad.
I'm glazing over a lot.
Here's an example.
London Telegraph, and we've got reporters coming on tomorrow,
concerning this, and they just openly admit, I'm trying to dig it out here, they just come right out and say, okay, they were injecting them, they were doing amputations for no reason as part of the torture, they'd train them up for days with hoods over their heads, this is all admitted now, they would beat them up for days on end, these are little kids, British citizens, you name it, and they just calmly admit it, Paul, go ahead.
Well, it gets even more disgusting than that.
They actually brought prostitutes into Guantanamo Bay who got naked and began writhing around, and then actually they made the prostitutes smear menstrual fluid onto the faces of these detainees.
That's how sick and debased they are.
I didn't want to mention that on air, Paul.
I'm not mad at you, but we got... I mean, I know they're doing it, it's just...
Well, that's the point.
We don't even mention some of these things because they're so disgusting that that was in the same article.
Yeah, don't mention the other stuff.
I mean, it gets even worse.
I didn't mean to.
I'm not mad at you, but people need to know this.
It's just... Folks!
I mean, how bad is it gonna get?
Well, obviously the latest story that we're following is the Madrid bombing.
Globalist fingerprints all over it.
And as you were discussing with Jack Blood, it appears that the operation backfired on certain levels and not others.
And now they've grabbed some patsies.
They're now claiming that one of the masterminds behind the attack was a man called Abu Qatada, who was named as the European ambassador for Al-Qaeda.
Interestingly enough, Abu Qatada was the same man who was kept in a government safe house by MI5, who was being fed, clothed and protected.
And the BBC headline, British government protecting Al-Qaeda leader,
That's on the website in the films.
But again, when I saw that this morning, I thought people were going to read this and not know this guy's an admitted British asset.
Yeah, so we posted the flashback on that.
London Evening Standard reporting that he was one of the men behind masterminding the bombing.
To get into the operation itself, the bombs were highly sophisticated, never used before by Etta or anyone else.
They were of Spanish origin.
Associated Press reported that one of the Moroccans arrested was under intense surveillance by the Spanish authorities for months.
Now they're already following their patchy, ready to grab him the day after.
Are they retarded?
They're normally retarded.
Is this a retarded homeless person?
Well, we've got no details on that yet, but that may turn out to be the case.
As Jack Blood was saying, and we're going to post those articles that he mentioned in a few hours on PrisonPlanet.com,
The Spanish Ministry of Interior was on maximum alert just days before they deployed over 200 heavily armed riot gear agents in and around Madrid.
People were arrested heading towards Madrid in trucks chock full of 11,000 pounds of explosives and that was hushed up in the media.
They had checkpoints, night patrols, helicopter surveillance, so it's clear that they knew something was about to take place.
And a lot of times what happens is good police agencies find out and try to stop it too at the last minute.
They find out what their bosses are up to.
Well yeah, it's like the Moscow police agents that prevented the FSB from blowing up the apartment building in Ryazan back in 1999.
Caught them planting it!
I mean, that's the tactic that Putin's used before elections.
Now, he doesn't even need to, because, as the article said in the Russian election yesterday, people were voting for Putin because they didn't know the names of the other candidates, because Putin owns all the TV stations, but we're supposed to think that Russia's a democracy, but back to the Madrid bombing.
The key background, as you spoke about in the last couple of segments, was that there was a public outcry about the fact that top government officials were secretly meeting with the leaders of this Basque ETA terrorist group, and there was a big scandal as to why these ETA leaders were not arrested.
So looking at ETA, it appears that they're just what Hamas is to the Israeli Likud party, a state-controlled
Wind-up toy to be used at politically opportune moments.
Let's shift gears real quick.
This is the Chicago Sun-Times.
Guess who just bought the Sears Tower, which they say is one of the next major targets?
Guess who just bought the Sears Tower, ladies and gentlemen?
Paul, would you like to tell them?
Well, it's the same group that bought the World Trade Center before that was destroyed.
Larry Silverstein.
And it says... Now, this is from the Article 8.
All are prominent but secretive Manhattan landlords, led by Larry Silverstein and the group, buying it.
Well, the thing about C.S.
Tower is that Delmar Vreeland, who has now disappeared, and his lawyer actually resigned from several top cases because of death threats,
The memo that he got listed the Sears Tower as another target on 9-11 and it appears that 9-11 was supposed to be an even bigger operation.
So that building has been in the crosshairs for many years.
But again, good FBI agents stopped some of the Al-Qaeda wind-up patsies in Chicago and in Minnesota before they could do that.
Yeah, so it's clear that the Sears Tower has been a target for many years and it's not advisable to be in that building for any length of time because
Although in announcing this, though, publicly, it might have actually protected them from destroying the building, but it's certainly very interesting.
Well, it is very interesting that Silverstein bought the other one a few months before, and then magically he's buying this one.
Okay, I promise, we'll go boom, boom, boom to your calls in the next segment directly to them as soon as we come out of break, and then we'll continue with calls, keep watching into the next hour.
A plethora of news, literally 50 articles I haven't even covered yet, and they're all just as important.
And again, where are they posted?
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
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Coming up, globalists unloading weapons of mass destruction in Iraq off the ships, eyewitnesses, high-level government sources.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's go to the Coles.
Thank you for holding so long, folks.
Brock in Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I was just thinking that perhaps another major date would be June the 6th of 2006 with the occult numbers and perhaps they'll do a major target in Asia to get Asia on board.
Asia, Europe and America.
By the way, they're obsessed with this.
They'll have some
Police state bill in multiple states.
They're generally 666.
They'll have a horrible federal bill.
It'll be 666.
In England, they'll have a piece of legislation called 666.
They love it.
They just wallow in it.
Paul comments.
Well, yeah, even down to the passion.
Some of the tickets printed out, every single ticket was numbered 666.
And you mentioned on several occasions the past few days of Francois Mitter on Pyramid, which had 666 pieces.
So in every instance we see their occult intergenerational fingerprints on these events.
Okay, good to hear from you, Barack.
Thanks for holding.
Ethan in Kentucky, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to talk real quick about the OTO, the Ordo Templi Orientis, one of the most prominent and vicious Illuminati groups
Yeah, that was headed up by Alistair Crowley, a mid-level minion.
They're in every industrialized country and many third world countries.
They're right here in Austin, yeah.
They're above Freemasonry, but most of their degrees are the same.
You've got a lot of wannabes, though, that claim they're in their own OTO groups.
I want to talk about Vladimir Putin's connection with the OTO.
If you look at the official Russian website for the OTO, which is www.oto.ru, I mean there's a bafflement right there.
It bathes in the light.
And Putin has admitted to being a member of the OTO in the past.
Well, we know he was KGB chief in St.
But if you look at the Russian steel, the double-headed eagle, which represents the Babylonian Nimrod, or later Phoenician Janus, and the O.T.O.
and the Masonic symbol also is on the steel of Iraq, Libya, Albania, and Egypt.
You're absolutely right!
The O.T.O.
has been caught numerous times with ritual abuse of children.
They've been caught doing this many times.
These are the people that are running this stuff.
That's all I wanted to say, and I just wanted to get Paul Watson's, um, what do you think of David Icke?
Okay, go ahead.
David Icke.
Well, David Icke just did a big interview on one of the biggest morning television programs in Britain.
Now, they would have attacked him on anything, but the thing is he immediately started talking about the inter-dimensional nature of reality as it relates to shape-shifting reptilians, when he should have just said, talked about 911 and hit the facts straight away.
So, as we've said before, 80-90% of what's in David Icke's books is verifiable and provable, but then he gets off into this realm of speculation which discredits everything else.
He was the head of the Green Party, champion goalie, BBC broadcaster, and then magically one day announced that he was Jesus on national TV, and then started bringing out all... He's very articulate, very smart, very intelligent, and then he mixes all this together.
Well, I've interviewed him.
It's very suspect.
Very suspect.
Well, he's had a lot of problems in Canada with a big court case going on there.
So, it's difficult to judge what Ike's agenda is, but he's done some good, some bad.
So, it's an even keel, basically.
I hope that answers your question.
We'll break start the third hour with Paul Watson.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll go straight to Ann and Ron and Wesley and others.
Total free number to join us on air.
We're now into the call section.
Take a lot of calls quickly, then I'll get back in the news of U.S.
unloading weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and much more.
We are accelerating towards the third hour here in just about 70 seconds.
Also, you want to get Paul Watson's great book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order?
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Get over there and get the book.
He's a good American, good British, good...
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now into the third and final hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
I got cut off by the last break and kind of misspoke.
What I was trying to say is that Paul Joseph Watson is a great guy.
He's better than most Americans I know.
He's from England.
That is, he's more American than most Americans.
He loves freedom.
He loves our Bill of Rights.
He loves the history of the Magna Carta, which is English and then grows out of Jewish tradition and the Bible on Mount Sinai with Moses, which is all being scrapped.
And I want to get into top cop in England calls for police and military on the streets.
They're getting into martial law.
They're torturing British citizens.
They've now released some from Gitmo, Guantanamo Bay.
Some of those hires, some of the stuff we can cover on air.
Some of it's too bad to even cover with what the prostitutes did to these people.
Nightmarish stuff.
Just incredible levels of torture.
Satanic, basically, and it's all public and admitted.
And of course, your calls.
Just a lot of key info.
Paul, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Ann in New Mexico.
Ann, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
Good morning, Paul.
It's good night to him and good afternoon to me.
Is it still morning for you?
I think it's good afternoon, but go ahead.
Well, Yahweh bless you and yours and your ministry, both of you.
Well, thank you.
I want to add something to what Brock contributed.
On the 6-6-2004, it adds up to 666.
By the way, that's when they say the New World Order must come in.
It was behind schedule.
They said that by near that date in 2004, they must have their New World Order.
Well, let me add this.
You know, it's 9-11 days to 3-11.
Keep counting.
And the day before 6-6-2004 is 999.
Well, and again, the Globals are obsessed with numerology.
It's not just that we had 9-11 on 9-11.
It's not just that we had 3-11, another 11 showing up, but it was 911 days from 9-11 to 3-11.
Yeah, they like multiples of 6-11 and 13.
And this is, I think this is just, you know, pretty obvious.
It's triple sixes.
It's triple sixes and
And the day falls on a Sunday, and they worship the sun and fire and all that.
But also, I mean, just forgetting all of the esoteric stuff, we have globalist fingerprints all over this.
We covered that last hour.
Yeah, so when you see something, if something happens, then we can see through these Luciferian minions of the devil.
They're calling cards.
They're exposed, you know?
And that's what you're doing, Alex.
You're exposing them.
And just post this on the site.
What's going to happen on 6-6-2004?
All right, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Paul, comments to that?
Well, yeah, we've got Flight 11, the Twin Towers themselves making 11, the Chicago Mercantile ending on 9-11, the New York Stock Exchange ending on 9-11, it goes on and on.
So they're basically communicating to each other that they pulled off these events.
So it's an inner
Well, why did Rupert Murdoch, a couple months before 9-11, air the Lone Gunman episode that was the spin-off of the X-Files, where a secret government group hijacks a jumbo jet to fly it into the towers to get martial law and to attack third-world Arab countries?
I mean, they say it months before they do it.
There was a Phillips TV ad two years before 9-11 where F-16s bomb the towers and Phillips says, Phillips, changing your life.
Well, we've got a section in the 9-11 archive which is called Anecdotal Prior Knowledge, and you've got all that in there, as well as all the Islamic calendars with pictures of airliners going down in lower Manhattan.
Several other things on top of that, so we've got a section just devoted to that.
Obviously we don't base our conclusions on it, but we just notify it as their kind of communication between each other that they pulled off these events.
That's what they do, and then they know that we're the profane, or the ignorant, the cattle, we don't see it.
And the lighted torch is the memorial of the World Trade Center, as it is with Kennedy, Diana, you know, everything.
Yeah, they have the torch, and we'll talk about that.
We'll come back, take calls, Ron, Wesley, Cameron, Nash, and others.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
Use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the broadcast has really gotten sped up today because there's just so much news, so many calls, so much information.
We've had three guests on.
I'll have Paul Joseph Watson off the rest of the show, one of my favorite guests from my favorite people.
I just want to take some time out, though, to thank God.
For number one, protecting us in this fight, helping us, leading, guiding, and directing us, and for all the blessings in my life.
I mean, thank you, God.
I just want to praise Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua Messiah.
We're up against evil, but God is a mighty God, the Most Mighty, the All-High King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
It's all in His plan, and He's guiding us.
Praise God!
I am so blessed, and the more I refuse to sell out, the more I decide to fight and commit myself, the better my life gets.
I went through trials and tribulations.
I have gone through a lot, but I've always considered it a blessing.
Again, just go to the fire and see what happens.
If there's more fire ahead, so be it.
Praise God, because so many good things just in my private life have happened.
It's just amazing.
Paul Watson, I talk a lot about this, but just briefly, then we'll go back to the calls.
I just want to get your take on it.
I didn't even tell you I'd bring this up to you.
It's a spontaneous show here.
We're not reading off teleprompters like Peter Jennings.
They're lying to the public, trying to convince them of how good world government is, at the same time it doesn't exist if you disagree with it.
In this fight, in the things we do, so many people say, well, they're a minority, but they say, I don't believe in the devil because I'm an atheist.
So why are you talking about the devil?
Again, as the world leaders believe in Satan, believe in the devil, and are bringing forward this system, because they've been taught to be humanistic and atheistic, they're blind to it.
They can't even see it.
And so many of the so-called Christians can't see it, because it's so incredible, it's so horrible.
I mean, this really is happening.
These psychopaths really are obsessed with the numerology and the occult, and they really are involved in it at Bohemian Grove and Skull & Bones.
What's your response to what I just said?
Well, the biggest enemy that we have, and it is a spiritual battle, but the biggest enemy is the moral relativism which pervades society in the humanist aspect of this, whereby the moral relativism point of argument, this post-modernist thing which is filtered down through all the universities and colleges,
Is that anything goes, basically, and there is no evil.
This whole yin-yang perspective that evil balances good.
And it's more than that.
It means we can't judge something, only the government can.
Yeah, before I got into this, I was an atheist, you know, four years ago.
But when you're faced with this level of evil from day to day, it just makes you realize that there has to be a God, because this level of evil wouldn't exist without there being an opposing force to it.
But many people through moral relativism will try and disagree with you when, you know, moral relativism dictates that they don't have to defend anything because anything goes, whereas we are trying to defend our argument with facts and, you know, things on the record.
They're telling us we can't have a benchmark, we can't have a rudder, but every time we research the atheist masters, the humanist masters, they are devil-worshipping lunatics!
Yeah, I mean... They tell us, don't believe in God, just don't even focus on it.
Meanwhile, oh, oh Lucifer, give me the power, oh yes, oh... Well, the clues are everywhere.
CNN, look at this article, Freedom Tower to Rise 1,776 Feet from Ashes.
And it's about the new World Trade Center design, which is going to be 1,776 feet tall.
But they say it's because it's, you know, the foundation of the Declaration of Independence.
Nothing to do with the fact that the Illuminati was founded on May 1st, 1776.
So again, the fingerprints of this cultism are everywhere.
It certainly is.
And again, the Chicago Sears Tower bought by
Larry Silverstein, the owners of the WTC Complex.
So how do you reach out to these atheists?
Because somehow they say, well, I don't believe in the devil, so I'm not going to discuss you saying Bush is involved in this.
Again, even if they don't believe in it, there's a manifestation that the world leaders do.
Why doesn't that concern them?
Well, it's an example of moral cowardice.
But even with that, you can boil it down to the point and say,
That if Tony Blair is making political decisions which affect the course of the country you live on, based on channeling the light, then surely, even if you don't believe in that, then that would concern you, because he's making decisions which affect you, based on some weird mystery religion, you know, occult channeling of the light.
And again, that's Times of London, London Guardian.
So even if they don't believe in it, then rest assured that these people carrying out these rituals do believe it.
Also in my stack I've got the article from a couple of years ago where Tony Blair worshipped some stone, and Prince Charles has got his own little stonehenge where he does rituals.
Yeah, it infects the whole British establishment.
But then again, that's what you have to do, boil it down to that level.
And people, you know, will... And notice they take Jesus Christ out of things, they take Yahweh out of things, they take Yeshua out of things, and then it's a vacuum, suddenly occultism explodes, witchcraft, you know, 40 million Harry Potter books sold, you know, suddenly it just explodes on the scene.
Well, the Big Parent Teachers Association last year came out and questioned publicly why all the schools were paying for school trips, you know, every few months to take their children to see this new Harry Potter film.
Which, when you read the books, is absolutely disgusting because the whole thing is very cracked.
Blood drinking, sacrifice, killing of children.
Yeah, and again, with the Harry Potter books, it balances evil and good, and, you know, says that if there's a certain amount of good, then we need a certain amount of evil to balance it in this yin-yang perspective.
Which is the Babylon mystery religion, where they, in Bohemian Grove, worship the female side of the goddess as good and loving and healing, and then, oh, the male god gives them power and takes away their conscience.
They address it in both.
I mean, that's your President Bush, folks.
Let's talk to Ron in Oklahoma, then Wesley Nash,
Cameron and many others.
Go ahead, Ron.
Alex, according to the History Channel series, Ancient Secrets, Bible Code segments, every letter in the Torah is assigned a number which has a separate meaning.
These numbers add to a new meaning.
Apparently, it's very ambiguous.
You need a Torah lawyer to do business in Israel.
A lot of numerology.
A lot of numerology in the Kabbalah.
What do you guys have to say about that?
Well, every European court to this day, and the Chinese, the Japanese are the same, it's global, it's the religion, is obsessed with anagrams.
What words mean, and you scramble the words, and all business is done by high-level people according to this, and they do mathematical calculations.
This is public!
But you tell average dumbbell out there this, they laugh at you, Paul.
Well, you've made the point many times before, Alex.
Would you let somebody who was into these kind of rituals babysit your child?
Even an atheist would say, well no, that's far too dangerous.
These people are babysitting the world and the future course of political events.
These are the people with the fingers on the buttons.
That Hillary with the shaman and the seances and the Reagans following their astrologer?
By the way, I went with my grandmother out to Fredericksburg yesterday to visit family.
She was talking about my grandfather's mother.
She was a good Christian lady.
She was a saint.
She got out of it later.
She was a very renowned psychic.