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Name: 20040312_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 12, 2004
2507 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're live.
It's Friday, the 12th day of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
I got up yesterday at 5 a.m., went down to the local talk show for three hours.
I took about a 45-minute nap in the afternoon after doing my own broadcast.
Then I was on coast-to-coast a.m.
until 4 in the morning Central.
Got a three or four hour sleep and got up and got ready for this broadcast today!
And, uh, talking to my administrator, we now have InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com spread over several servers.
We now have a backup server at, uh, Info, well, at PrisonPlanet.tv, PrisonPlanet.tv, and of course there's InfoWars.net as a backup server.
Before I went on Coast to Coast AM yesterday, and we never had this happen, something got into one of the servers and actually destroyed it internally.
You don't see that happen, but they replaced it.
And then, this morning, we got about 4 million visitors last night.
Then this morning, as the traffic went down, we had more, again, and these are IT people looking at it, I don't just get up here on the air and say this, we've had more governmental attacks.
They do not want people in 50 states and Canada and all over the world hearing me lay out news articles about concentration camps and foreign troops, than having them be able to go and actually see it posted.
It was amazing being on that show for three hours and having George Norrie agree with me on the topics I was covering because every point I had that I was making I had news articles posted to back it up and he certainly has a lot of courage.
We're going to talk about the horrible bombings in Madrid which my instincts and the modus operandi, the pattern we're seeing tells me that this is a globalist
Operation, but don't worry, they'll grab some Patsy for you within a fortnight.
And we'll get into what's happening with the stock market.
We'll have your calls.
Wide open phones.
We'll go to your calls directly in the next segment if you want to join us on air.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Open lines in the first, second, and third hour.
I do have a guest coming on, Dr. John Breeding.
To talk about the drugging of the children and the population and what's really going on.
You don't want to miss this interview.
We'll have open phones for that as well.
Also, you know, my little operator service here in Austin had four operators there last night.
I told them I have more people, but I'm not mad at them.
They didn't, you know, I guess take me serious.
Now they've got dozens of operators because it's daytime and the phones have been jammed the entire time from the Coast to Coast Show.
I mean, you call the number, it's busy.
Last night, I told people, I said, once you buy my videos, you're authorized to make copies of them.
There's no copyright on these if it's not for sale purposes.
They said about half the calls are, I'm calling for my free video.
Well, no.
We say on the show that you can make copies of them.
Really, nobody else does that.
But we certainly can't give them out for free.
But it is frustrating.
You can get to the Shopping Cart by going to InfoWars.net, then linking through to the Shopping Cart, because that's on Yahoo.
There at the banner of the main page that says Matrix of Evil, that'll get you to our Shopping Cart.
So InfoWars.net is up.
Our new backup mega-server that really wasn't even ready, I wasn't going to announce it yet, is PrisonPlanet.tv.
That's a clone of Prison Planet, but a lot of its links are to the InfoWars and Prison Planet server.
But to PrisonPlanet.tv is a backup.
So InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, please tell everybody that those sites are up.
The other sites are there now, but crawling along, not because of traffic, but because of some type of blockage in the network.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster with a New World Order.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Take Three, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're about to get into...
My gut instincts and the latest news concerning the horrible Magritte bombing that's killed over 193 people, injuring hundreds of others.
I don't want to belabor this point, but anybody that has any doubts about the New World Order's activities, we have textbook professional
Government grade hack attacks that have been going on yesterday before I even went on Coast to Coast AM.
We were having to replace brand new servers that people had entered and destroyed.
And then I guess somebody was off work last night because it stayed up and 4 million visitors plus were able to visit Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com when I was on Coast to Coast AM.
And now this morning the servers are all operating correctly, it's just there is a block somewhere in the network itself blocking the data being transferred out down the pipeline, down the T1s to the people.
And why does this make me so angry?
Because we posted on PrisonPlanet.com, on InfoWars.com,
You know, the article from last year, the bill from last year, where if one protester blocks traffic, all protesters are given life in prison in a forest labor camp.
We posted that story from three weeks ago with the governor of Rhode Island.
Coming out and saying that they were going to pass the Sedition Laws of 1918, that if you criticize the government you'd be arrested.
I mean, it said this in News 10, NBC.
It said this in Providence Journal.
You know, we posted all these.
We posted the Newsmax and LA Times and City Morning Herald about the public concentration camps.
But again, this is all just buried in the back of the newspaper.
Here and there, we take it all and put it together.
Hundreds of articles on the police state.
Hundreds of articles on implantable chips.
Hundreds of articles
On the Occult and Skull and Bones and a new major story we broke on Bohemian Grove.
I had had the book for years given to me by a listener.
A rare book, only 200 are printed every 10 years from top level Bohemian Grove members.
I finally scanned in the photos of Bush Sr.
and Jr.
giving a speech before Mollick the Owl and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Nixon and all these people from their own book.
We posted that.
And it's very frustrating because there it all is for people to prove everything I was laying out.
And it was there last night, and we were all able to follow along with it.
We were actually waking up millions of people.
And then today, when all those good folks go to work and want to tell people how they can go look at it for themselves, it could have potentially woken up millions of people.
But instead, we have our friends, obviously with the NSA, just having an absolute field day with us right now.
After all, DARPA designed the Internet.
They control it.
So do me a favor, tell everybody about InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because there's just incredible updates there on both the sites.
Paul Watson, the webmaster of Prison Planet, worked a 24-hour workday yesterday.
My wife worked an 18-hour workday.
I worked a 21-hour workday.
To bring you all this information and to have them
Fooling shenanigans like this, but you know, what do we expect?
What do we expect?
We're in a war for humanity.
We're in a war for the future of the human species against criminals that want to basically turn us into cattle to be fed on and to be bled.
So it is outrageous.
So please tell everyone.
Infowars.net is up.
It's the Mirror site.
We also have launched PrisonPlanet.tv.
A giant 3,000 gig a month powerhouse.
But again, a lot of its links are on Prison Planet and InfoWars.com.
And I mean, hundreds of thousands of stories we've posted over the years, those archives.
So if you go to that site, those aren't there, just all the other mainstream news articles and stuff that we've posted in the last week or so.
All of those links are there.
It's just very frustrating.
So how do you counteract this?
You email 10 people and tell them,
To tune in to the show at GCNlive.com, the network website GCNlive.com, Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv, PowerHour.com, and many, many others.
We're going to take your calls 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
I spent about an hour, a three-hour broadcast on the Spain bombing yesterday.
I probably should have spent more time on it.
I predicted, and I hate to keep saying I predicted, I predicted, I predicted, but I really do see the big picture.
And it's just from study that the next big attack, if it wasn't to be smallpox or a nuke, because if we kept exposing the New World Order and their terror paradigm to scare us into submission and world government and the anti-Christ system,
I said that if we backed them off from a huge martial law escalation that they were going to blow stuff up in Europe so they can clamp down there and get everybody behind this war and prop up Tony Blair and prop up Lord Bush and prop up the UN.
And exactly that happened.
Al-Qaeda, when you hear Al-Qaeda that means some CIA guy posting stuff on a message board and they've caught them doing this.
They were saying, oh, train stations, they're going to get hit, train stations.
And Blair was saying, hey, you better do what I'm saying.
You better pass my martial law provisions.
I mean, it even says that in the BBC.
Blair would outlaw dissent, arrest and relocation camps, round-up plans.
You know, all of this is in the British News.
We have a huge archive on that same thing here.
In the last week, he was dancing around saying, terror, terror, terror.
I'm going to be right.
You'll see.
You'll see.
It's like when Tony Blair and Bush met in England and said, you know, the war is the right thing.
Don't criticize it.
You watch terrorists are going to hit us.
Suddenly British embassies and banks get blown up in Turkey.
And every time it leads back to the CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad, Shin Bet.
Putin's been caught blowing more stuff up in Russia right before the election.
And don't worry, all the control freak New World Order candidates will now be winning in Spain for their election.
That's how Putin got into power, was blowing up some apartment buildings.
Again, he was probably caught FSB-ing the fourth apartment building by Moscow police doing it.
And first it's the Basque that were doing it, then it's, oh, we think it's Al-Qaeda.
Oh, then we found a car with a Koran in it.
It's like the magical passports that fell out of the sky onto the vehicles.
Uh, at two of the crash sites.
Unburned, but everything else charred and destroyed.
It's just like leaving Korans at a topless bar, you know, the night before the attacks, and saying, we're going to knock down the buildings, ha ha ha.
It's the, you know, a car found with Korans and confessions in it.
Just always so wonderfully convenient.
Death toll in Spain, bombing rises to 198.
And this is out of AP.
Spain pledged Friday to find those responsible for train bombings that killed at least 198 people while businesses emptied nationwide for several minutes as Spaniards
Observed a period of silence to honor the victims of the country's worst terror attack.
Spanish officials initially blamed vast separatists for Tuesday's, for Thursday's stunning, well-coordinated string of ten explosions on packed commuter trains, but they all were studying a claim of responsibility by a shadowy group in the name of Al Qaeda.
See, it's always a shadowy group working for Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda is a shadowy group, publicly founded by the CIA, but
And protected by the CIA, but let's not discuss it.
It's a shadowy group.
Prime Minister Jose Maria Anzar said no suspects had been ruled out.
Quote, we'll bring the guilty to justice, Anzar said in a news conference, no line of investigation is going to be ruled out.
At noon, Spaniards across the nation observed several minutes of silence.
Again, when Australia didn't want to go to war, suddenly a nightclub full of them gets blown up.
By the way, the night before, the FBI and others pulled out of their hotel across the street, and it turned out that the FBI bomb team was there within minutes.
Then they grabbed some, as usual, some retarded person.
It's always a retarded person.
With Hitler's Reichstag, it's a retarded person.
The two people that drove the truck in the World Trade Center bombing in 93, they admit the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, and the informants said, let's bust them.
They said, no, the bombing goes forward.
Those two guys were, one had a 71 IQ, one had an 80 IQ, both retarded.
So, don't worry, they'll find a retarded person to execute, in this case, in Spain.
Again, there'll be some drooling, poor, pathetic, you know, trauma victim, or someone with Down Syndrome, who, they'll be, and by pathetic, I mean it's pathetic how they grab these poor people and do this to them, and we'll all, and it'll be in the back of the paper, page 28B, that, oh, this person, by the way, is retarded, and just so happened to be in government psychiatric ward a year ago, but they were found, and they've made a full confession, they work for Bin Laden.
Just, I mean, come on!
It's the same M.O.
over and over again, so I'm predicting they'll find a couple of retarded people, a couple of poor, mentally retarded people to blame this on, as that's the same story over and over again.
So, Hitler does it, our government does it, and Spain is certainly with King Carlos and all the rest of them involved in all of the New World Order activities.
And again, we have a giant archive that you just can't get to, because the government's blocking it, at PrisonPlanet.com, full of the British government calmly admitting that they carried out the terror attacks of the last 25 years in England as a pretext for control.
And we have the major Israeli newspapers admitting that they're behind a lot of Hamas activities.
They've got a problem with that.
That's Eratz and Jerusalem Post, by the way, and UPI as well.
So that's what we're facing right now here, ladies and gentlemen.
So we'll get more into this.
We'll take calls first.
When we get back, if you want to respond to any of this, 1-800-259-9231.
Open line Friday here, ladies and gentlemen.
As we blast out on the AM and FM dial from Rhode Island to LA and simulcast on WWCR 9475 during the day, 3210 at night, I've got to say about George Norrie that
I mean, I've sold him a guy because he didn't censor me for three hours.
He even plugged my radio show, people, and I was almost hesitant.
I couldn't believe it.
I mean, to have the second biggest radio show in the country with 14 million listeners per hour sitting there telling me to plug my radio show.
So that's also got the globalist outrage, I'm sure.
I don't know.
What in the world's going on?
This is a major paradigm shift.
We'll be right back.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live.
Backup websites, PrisonPlanet.tv Infowars.net
And by the way, with this new PrisonPlanet.tv, that won't even... once you see on that site, that clone of PrisonPlanet.com, in the next two weeks, will not even be the same site.
It'll be the same web address, but believe me, what we're building is absolutely beautiful, absolutely wonderful, and absolutely damaging to the New World Order.
So get ready for that.
I didn't want to announce this yet, it's been up for a few days.
PrisonPlanet.tv, and it's just a clone right now of PrisonPlanet.com, but be sure and go visit it.
Let's go to calls, as promised here, talking about the horrible bombing that has globalist fingerprints all over it, and how they said, ooh, we think it's the Basque, and ooh, now we think it's Al-Qaeda.
Now it's a shadowy group took responsibility, and they're looking for, again, a mentally retarded street person right now to blame it on.
Who will be the super mastermind.
Let's talk to Steve in Ohio.
Steve, go ahead.
How you doing, Art?
I'm sorry, Art.
Actually, I'm not doing well.
I've had about three hours sleep in two days.
I've got a backache, but I'm doing good fighting the New World Order.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I keep saying Art as an Art Bell, but I heard you on the radio last night.
What did you think of it?
I'll tell you, George Norrie is something else.
Well, I've got to be honest with you.
This is what I wanted to call about.
I woke up and I got the last half hour of the show, but
I'm very much so against that show because they are in the pocket of the New World Order.
All their guests are these New Agers.
You were about the best guest they've had in the last two or three months.
I can honestly say that you are the real thing.
I've listened to his show on and off for so long.
Well, they've had Joel Skousen on, they've had... Look, in the past I've sat there and, you know, criticized a broadcast that just did the whole UFO New Age thing.
I'm telling you, this is what I've been getting from listeners, about half the people on that show now are talking about the New World Order.
Yeah, and the reason why George Noria lets you on the show, and this is the real key, they cannot keep a lid on this thing anymore.
I mean, you have exposed it, people like Jeff Renz has exposed it,
And there's no keeping a lid on it anymore, and they have no choice.
But the point is, is that what really upset me with George Norie is he's still intimating that brag-head terrorists committed this crime only, and that maybe our government was a little irresponsible.
I'm of the belief, like most people in the Internet community, that this was carried out by our government, not just this
Well, maybe they just covered up a little.
Well, I know this.
Four million new people just on the net alone went and saw the facts and the truth.
And so, overall, I mean, it's not a bad thing.
I mean, we can all calculate and wonder why something happened, but I know that George Norrie with Joyce Riley helped stop the smallpox inoculations.
So, I mean, I don't want to think that George Norrie himself is some witting tool.
I think the guy has a lot of courage.
And I mean, I have to say that because for three hours he let me say whatever I want.
Like I said, Alex, they realize they have no choice, but I will give him a little more credit.
But Art Bell, every time he's on the show, he talks about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster and paranormal underworld.
I mean, and I read an article on him by someone who listened to your show, and they were saying basically that he never wants to talk about the New World Order, so if George Norrie is breaking ranks, I applaud him, because it's good to hear that you were on the radio last night.
Thanks for the call.
Again, folks, I've been on Good Morning America, 2020, all those shows, and it's there to reach the people.
Listen, I mean, I was just amazed by the zero censorship, and I can only commend that.
Ron in New York, go ahead.
George Norrie is to be commended.
That caller is partially right, but generally wrong, because George has a lot of people on that expose what this is all about.
He has a lot more courage than Art Bell has in putting
Well, here's the deal.
I do not want to talk bad about Art Bell on this show, and that was long before I was on George Norrie.
I am not going to talk about Art Bell, and I'm not going to censor people.
There have been a lot of people who said things about Art that weren't true, and I don't want to be involved in that.
I'm not saying you're doing that.
No, no, I'm not doing that, Art.
You know, he has a tremendous gift.
Totally, totally interesting.
You were truly God's hero last night in the
In the company of patriarchs in the Old Testament, like Moses, David, Daniel, etc.
Your courage, your expertise as usual.
My expertise, man?
I was just trying to spew the information out.
So you heard the whole show?
All of it.
And divulging specific information that exposed what these people are really doing.
All I can say, and a lot of other people, I had a friend call me at three in the morning.
He usually sleeps like a log.
Now listen to this.
I don't think so.
But I get coast to coast.
Alright, well that's wonderful.
I really appreciate the call.
We'll be back.
We'll talk about the Madrid bombing and a lot more.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Back to the loaded phone lines here.
Toll-free number to join us, of course, when you hear somebody hang up is 1-800-259-9231.
Just briefly, if you want the videos that the Globalists are so afraid of that I authorize you to make copies of, not for sale purposes, folks, then you really need to go to InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.tv, our two backup servers.
They're both separate monster servers.
The others are under NSA attack, and I'm not joking about that.
That's specific now.
You need to go to our secure online Yahoo shopping cart.
To take down our shopping cart, we have to take down Yahoo, folks.
And get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, on VHS or DVD and find out who really carried out 9-11.
Get Part 2, The Masters of Terror.
Get my book, Descent into Tyranny.
Get Paul Joseph Watts' incredible book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order.
Get them and spread the word.
Put them on AXS TV.
Give them to local talk shows.
Give them to your pastors.
Give them to everybody.
Again, that's infowars.com or prisonplanet.com, but they are loading very slowly right now.
It's not the servers.
There's just a blockage in the data coming out of them somewhere in the network.
I don't mean this radio network.
I mean in the network system emanating out of South Texas.
And so go to InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.tv and please tell everybody about that.
It's important that we let them know when they do this, we're going to come back even stronger.
In fact, I'm going to add even more servers on more networks.
That's it.
I just added two more.
I think I'm going to add, and I'm not joking, I'm going to add five.
That's it.
Five new websites.
Five new servers.
I just made that decision.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, you need to go to PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.net and go to the Secure Online Shopping Cart and order these videos.
Order these books.
Get them out to people now.
Again, and you can always get to the network and listen to the shows at GCNLive.com.
Now, the toll-free number to get the videos, which has been busy since this morning,
Uh, is 1-888-253-3139.
Might just try to call it tonight or tomorrow.
Uh, or you could simply write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And, uh, what is it now?
It's $5 shipping and handling per tape.
It's like six dollars for three tapes and it goes on up from there.
We're in the process of shifting over this week into next week from USPS to UPS.
I don't know when you order this week, I don't know how you're going to get it if it's going to be USPS or UPS, but the next week it's going to be all UPS.
We're really trying to get away from the Postal Service, a bunch of malcontent, rude fools.
I'm not saying all of you, but the ones who are around here in Austin.
So, again, ladies and gentlemen, take action.
The videos are $25.95 apiece.
$20 if you order three or more.
My book's $12.
We've got ProGun t-shirts.
All of it makes this show possible, and obviously adding all these servers and trying to hire new employees and do all of this is very expensive, and we've even had to cut back on shortwave time and stuff, so we need your support.
So, again, write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 787.
Let's go to Rhett in North Carolina.
Rhett, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, I didn't get to see your show or your interview on Coast to Coast last night, but I know someone who did, and I don't know if you saw C-SPAN, Washington Journal, this morning, or have you heard about that?
Well, Mr. Brian Lamb, I think, who is the CEO of C-SPAN, pretty much dedicated a whole hour of Washington Journal
Today to you and the things you've been talking about.
I don't know what's going on.
I don't know if they're getting ready to whack me or something as an example, but all of a sudden I'm getting this attention everywhere.
Well, what they were doing, let me explain.
They were doing an interview.
I'm not saying Lamb's getting ready to do that.
I'm just saying the system, it's just bizarre.
Well, I can't believe that they, I don't know, have they contacted you for an interview or anything like that?
No, I don't know.
So what happened?
Well, they were doing an interview with a Michael Barkun, who's the author of a book called A Culture of Conspiracy.
And the first lead-in question that Mr. Lamb asked, or he said, he listened to your show last night.
And I mean, they did a whole hour and you had probably about three that sounded pretty dedicated callers call in to show their support for you and your show.
And during the hour, I guess your name came up probably about 15 or 20 times.
Yeah, Brian Lamb kind of went after me on Bohemian Grove, too, one time for an hour.
He mentioned that, and he is kind of, I think, their conspiracy debunker that they get on there to... Well, I don't know why, all of a sudden, you know, this is happening.
Well, I tell you, I don't know how you get in contact with these people on C-SPAN, but you deserve your time on there, because a lot of the things you said were misrepresented.
He specifically mentioned
You're talking about Bohemian Grove last night on Coast to Coast, and he kind of gave his little comment on some of the things you said.
What did he say?
Well, he was talking specifically.
He said, you said, and again, I didn't hear the Coast to Coast show, but he said, you said that at Bohemian Grove is when
The Bush-Cheney ticket was solidified.
Yeah, that was on CNN.
Okay, well now, he said he didn't believe that.
He said that, um... Okay, well, I mean, he's, you know, it was on CNN, and he said that, uh, we've talked to Colin Powell and Bush Sr., and this election has been made at the Bohemian Grove retreat in Northern California for Dick Cheney.
Well, and that's why you need to get on there, because, I mean, I was fuming.
I mean, I was just so mad, and I, you know, I could never get through.
And you did, like I said, you had some dedicated callers call in, but they, you know, they weren't very articulate.
They were doing the best they could, and Brian kind of railroads them a little bit, you know.
So what happened?
What else did he say?
Well, that was the only real specific thing he mentioned.
When someone would call in, they would say, you know, Alex is great, he gives us the information and backs it up with facts, and he'd be like, you know, well what makes you think he's right?
What kind of education does this guy have?
Who is this guy?
Yeah, the classic statement.
Exactly, exactly.
Well, let me see, Brian, I just posted to the Washington Times and the Sacramento Bee about the Grove, and used Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor's own comments from his own book, and let me see, last night I posted photos and
Yeah, well that's why I wanted to give you a call.
Lamb said he heard the show.
Lamb said he listened to the show.
He apparently heard the whole thing.
I have seen them flash their website up before when they'll talk about these types of things, but I have never seen them spend so much time
We're good to go.
The last few days I've been having this feeling.
But, you know, it's worth it to try to defend the little ones of the world that are being fed on by the globalists.
Hey, absolutely.
And I really wish there was some way that you could get on there because, I mean... Well, I'll call them.
I mean, obviously, I need to counter that.
I don't know if they want me on Washington Journal to confront Lamb.
But I haven't seen it yet.
It's online.
That's the other thing I wanted to tell you.
There's a stream, it's already up, and it's at c-span.org, and you can go there right now.
Well, tell me what else they were saying on the show.
They weren't hitting the factual stuff.
The book is about conspiracies.
Magically, they just so happened to have this guest on, and magically, he just so happened to hear the show.
I suppose.
I've heard them mention your name on several occasions.
People send me a bunch of videos of them doing it.
Well, you can get this whole thing right now.
It's an hour long, and like I said, it's an interview with the author.
But the first 15 minutes, you're taught about a lot.
Then throughout the hour, it's dispersed with some of your listeners that call in.
He kind of attacks them, and they're not really ready.
I understand.
They sound a little nervous.
They ask him why they believe you, and they just say, well, just because it makes sense.
That's a great answer.
Everything I say is posted on the site.
LA Times, Ashcroft's Hellish Vision, Plans for Camps for Citizens.
It's all right there.
They didn't get into specifics.
No one called in and said, well,
How about the things we can prove, like Garth?
What else did Lamb have to say?
Anything else?
Asking them why they believe what your credentials are and why you're getting so much attention.
I think the door should be wide open for you to come on there because those guys, I can't believe as much as they were talking about you and as much as they were asking questions why they wouldn't let you come on to basically defend yourself and set the record straight and talk about some things that
Well, I don't know how long you've been listening to the show or if you have web access, but I mean, I'm sure people figured out everything I cover on the show is a news article in front of me.
I mean, I'm neurotic about it.
I don't believe that.
He didn't say I was a liar.
He said I don't believe it.
He said he doesn't see how that could have happened.
Well, Mr. Lamb, have your archivist call CNN.
That's what he said.
And see, nobody would get in that would confront them and say, hey, look, I've got these facts, you know?
You would just get someone calling in and it would just kind of get, you know, kind of washed to the side or whatever.
And, you know, that's why I wish one caller could have got through that, you know, wanted to talk about specifics and, you know, documentation.
Nobody really got through, just a couple of people that called in that maybe sounded like they just started listening to your show and they couldn't articulate as to why they believed what you were saying or why you, you know,
They didn't never get that far along with it because it was a broad conspiracy.
When is Washington Journal on?
Like 6 in the morning?
It was on Eastern Standard Time at 8 a.m.
Because right after that is when the sites just basically got blocked.
That's what I was going to call it.
I'm not saying C-SPAN is doing that, but it's very interesting that here's this website and suddenly, and it's not hits, you just can't get to it.
You'll be floored when you see it, because it was basically a whole hour.
Your name just kept coming up.
Well, I just want to ask the government people out there.
Look, you know it's a New World Order.
You know the Supreme Court admits they're under U.N.
You know we're losing our freedoms.
You know the border's wide open.
You know campaign finance reform restricts the First Amendment in elections.
You know they're putting up cameras everywhere.
That this isn't freedom.
You know they're building FEMA camps.
You know, what is wrong with you people?
You should not go along with this.
Well, they wouldn't let it get, you know, they would not let the conversation get to anything concrete like that.
Did they try to mix in space aliens with it?
Oh, certainly.
Oh, that was the M.O.
of the whole show was to, uh, to, uh, you know, to mix your name in with the, uh, with the alien talk.
But see, I don't, I don't get involved in all that, but see, that's, you know.
I know that's their, you know, I know that's part of their trick.
I know that's how they work.
You know, I ought to call George Norrie and tell him to have myself and Henry Lamb on for a debate.
They're all about debates.
Let's have a debate with myself and Henry Lamb on Coast to Coast AM.
Excuse me, Henry Lamb is great American with the folks fighting the U.N.
takeover of the parks.
Yes, Brian Lamb, Brian Lamb of C-SPAN.
Yeah, you know, he would be like now, someone would call in to defend you and he would be like, well, now exactly who are these people?
Name one.
And the callers would kind of fumble with it and then that's when he would be like kind of, you know, smile or smirk.
Well, let me just use the Lord of the Rings analogy.
I know that the great eye has been looking at me as of late.
You can sense it, see it, and the things that are happening.
But for those that haven't seen the movie, there's this big pyramid with a burning eye and it looks around at its enemies.
And it's looking right now.
I just want to say hi to it.
Why would Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ's will will be carried out, and whatever his will is will happen.
It's all in the Father's hands.
I'm at total peace.
I'm at total peace.
I believe in you.
Like I said, I was just a little upset today because they brought your name up, but they didn't.
You know, they didn't give you a fair shake, and I can't imagine that they would sit there... I wonder why the great eye is so focused on me right now.
It's kind of weird, I'll say.
And I've only been listening to your show probably about three weeks after September 11th.
I started listening to your show, and another guy called in and talked about coincidences.
And it is amazing how God works, that he brings me to see some things.
Especially when the mass media, the mainstream media, talks about you.
It's funny how I seem to catch that show and the other things I hear from time to time.
I heard Pastor Smith for the first time last weekend and then he's on your show yesterday, I guess.
You know, God does make things happen and puts things in front of our eyes.
The world is being given a choice.
We're being shown the truth.
The globalists are revealing it to us, because that's a rule.
They have to.
You know, the vampire has to trick you into inviting him into your house.
And so they've got to show themselves to us, you know, give us a chance, and then if we go the wrong way, we're going to be fed upon.
Good to hear from you, buddy.
If somebody's got a video of that, please mail it to me.
You know, I'll get lamb on this show.
I don't, you know, I get really tired of the stuff he's up to, and it's not working.
Brian Lamb, ladies and gentlemen, of C-SPAN, the director of it.
Let's talk to Tom and Flora.
Tom, go ahead.
Yeah, do me a big favor.
Whatever you got on in the background, turn it off.
Tom, go ahead.
Yeah, go ahead and let them go.
Paula in Missouri.
Paula, go ahead.
Oh, boy.
Paula, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, welcome.
Listened to your show last night.
You were a dynamo.
I just want to congratulate you, and I'm so thankful that George did have the courage to let you on, and I see that he wants you to come back.
Well, if I'm still alive, I will.
Yeah, you will be.
God's with you.
What I want to say is a couple of those callers, I believe they were probably
Coast-to-coast callers, and they agreed with you.
I mean, they were right along with you.
Yeah, every caller.
It's the same thing.
The reason I've hurt them so bad is it's the coming up on 1,500 radio interviews.
And that's where I've been hurting them, with God's help.
And I've been, you know, just plodding along, battering against the enemy.
And so, you know, it has had an effect.
But everybody's had an effect.
But I believe that they're now, those coast-to-coast callers now,
I know that you probably have, I know you have a lot more listeners, because they're, like, his listening view is just a mass of people.
Well, I mean, it's unheard of to have a talk show host say, tune into this guy's radio show, and that's what George Norrie said, and I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open.
You know, he said a couple months ago, George Norrie did say that he is out for the truth and he'll go to any end to do it, and he's doing it.
So that's great.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, thank you for the call.
I tell you, that gives me a chill, though.
C-SPAN, Brian Lamb, that very, very lot of Sinister energy in those eyes.
Those baby blues.
Nice, interesting individual.
Got the eye looking at me.
We'll be right back.
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All right, I've missed back our guest, Dr. Breeding, later for the next hour, getting into the drugging of the children.
Because I want to get to all your calls, continue with the Madrid bombing.
But again, all of us are in God's hands, and God's will be done.
That's my simple prayer.
We should all ask God to use us and to use us as vessels to stand up against this wickedness.
Life is so short, and at the end of it, wouldn't you rather have stood up for what's right and stood up for your family?
It's very enriching, it's very rewarding, and it's a great peace.
And I'm at peace, my friends.
And I have been so honored and blessed over the years to be able to fight the New World Order.
We're joined by Captain Joyce Riley, then we'll go to Jim and Roger and Jeff and Wes and George and others.
Captain Joyce Riley, good to have you on the show.
Hey Alex, thank you.
I won't take up much of your time.
I just kudos for the incredible job that you did last night.
Of course, I was trying to get ready for my own this morning, but I tell you, we heard that that was the best interview that you have ever done.
And I just want to say thank you from all of us because, you know, the reason that the Genesis listeners are calling in is because they're so proud because you represent them.
And our voice was heard last night.
And I just cannot say enough good things to you.
What do you think about this whole Brian Lamb thing?
Which, by the way, we looked at the site, the interview is there.
I mean, Brian Lamb coming out, he was listening and then coming after me.
I mean, that's scary.
Well, I don't think it's scary.
I think it's great.
I'm sorry, but you know, the DOD listens to what I have to say, too.
Oh, I know they do.
And that's great.
And by the way, a lady just called me and asked for your address.
I told her I didn't have it handy, but if you'd give out your address, she'll send you the video of what happened on the show this morning if you want it.
Well, thank you.
Thank you, Joyce.
So you heard some of the interview.
I was amazed by George plugging the network and telling me he's going to have me back on.
I mean, I really got from him that he's very genuine.
He really is.
Now listen, I just want the listeners to know, I knew George when he lived in St.
I went up there and did a program with him.
I was on his station up there almost every other week.
George is former naval military.
He understands what's going on.
And he is willing to tell the truth.
But he needs people that are documented to do it to come on the show to support that side of it, of which you are.
Well, that's what he said.
I mean, everything I claimed, the article was posted.
I know.
And he is hungry for the truth.
He is a genuine person.
I'm just so thrilled.
We've had George on our show before.
He was picked for this position.
We provided some support for him in getting picked for this Coast-to-Coast program, which I'm proud of.
I'll tell you what, he's the real deal.
The fact that you've gotten his confidence and the way they wrote up the program last night on Coast-to-Coast AM is just excellent.
We read that on the Power Hour this morning.
And so I just am thrilled.
This is a boon for all of us, for the truth.
And the listeners out there are just as proud as they can be, because you just represent them.
Everything they've been doing, you got the word out.
You were the voice for them.
So thank you an awful lot, and we'll look forward to a lot of things.
And I just think the listeners need to just email, coast to coast, and tell them you want to hear Alex back on again, or you want more about Gulf War illness, or you want more about the truth issues.
Get the people on there that are doing the right things, and I think they will.
Well, look, I mean, I explained this last night.
I've been on national TV.
I mean, the biggest shows there are, they had almost no response, you know, by emails or hits.
But you go on radio shows, that's old media.
That's where there really are people listening.
Uh, you know, it's not, you know, 300 cable channels.
And to be on the second biggest radio show and to just lay out all the facts of the camps and the troops and the... It was amazing.
Well, the New World Order has been dealt a huge blow last night.
And we've got to keep it coming.
And that's why you said... Well, it's obvious they were dealt the blow.
If C-SPAN comes crawling out within hours and launches a full-scale attack... No kidding!
That was their damage control.
But we understand what they're doing.
So that means, man, we've been hurt.
We better get back on the horse and do something quick.
Well, the beauty is, we've got it going now, listeners.
Keep going.
Keep trying to get this program on other networks.
Call all those coast-to-coast stations where he was.
And get Alex's program on there.
Thank you very much, Alex.
That's all I wanted to say.
We're proud of you.
Well, thank you, Joyce.
We'll be back, folks.
Second hour, loaded phones, a ton of news.
Got a guest coming up about drugging the children and how to stop that as well.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, we are now into the second hour of global transmission on this Friday.
Loaded phones talking about what's obvious, the fingerprints of the globalists on the Madrid bombings.
We'll get into that.
Your calls.
I was on Coast to Coast AM, the second biggest radio show in the country for three hours last night.
And it's on the C-SPAN website.
Brian Lamb just
Led into me this morning on Washington Journal, and we're going to post that at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We now have PrisonPlanet.tv, a new huge, giant backup server.
InfoWars.net, another backup server.
As of the first, while I was on the show three hours, we got four million individual visitors.
And so it's got to scare the globalists.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Hey, I was originally calling in for the same thing I wanted to tell you about Brian Lamb this morning.
Well, okay, I'm giving your perspective on it.
Brian Lamb says he heard me on the radio.
What I heard was a phone call from a listener who called in and wanted to talk about the fact that you had been on the radio last night.
You were talking about Bohemian Grove, and he jumped on them immediately and went to
Uh, yeah, well, you know, he had some interesting things to say, but then he goes off and he talks about how, blah, blah, blah.
So Lamb, who just so happens to have a guy who's written a book, The Monkey Conspiracy Terrorist, just magically gets a call and says, oh yeah, I heard it.
And he jumped on him immediately to cut him off and said, you know, he likes the fact that you did this and you went to Bohemian Grove.
But then when you talk about how Cheney was picked there, that's when he loses me.
I don't believe it.
Blah, blah, blah.
That was on CNN.
My mommy called me and said, son, you just snuck in this place.
I talk to my mother about once every three, four weeks, OK?
And I'm not a mama's boy here.
But my mother calls up and says, hey, it was just on CNN, and then I went and found the news article that, oh, we got word from the Bohemian Grove and Colin Powell and Bush Sr.
say Cheney's been selected, and then a few days later they announce it from the governor's mansion!
I was listening to you back then about that, and I remember hearing on the radio CNN reporting that George got the phone call from his father and Colin Powell at Bohemian Grove
Congratulating him on picking Cheney as his running mate.
They said that themselves.
I have an article somewhere.
Well, he jumped on immediately this morning.
And this guy that wrote this book, his whole point was conspiracies are crap.
There's nothing to it.
It just gives people comfort.
Hey, I'm not mad at you, sir, but we have to have higher standards.
We are curriculum in thousands of homeschools.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Just remember, you're talking to literal kindergartners and first graders.
Just always talk as if you're talking to a first grade class.
So where does it go from there?
His point was that this gives people, in times of trouble like we're in today, it makes people, it gives them comfort.
To think that everything's connected, that conspiracies are real.
Oh, we need to believe this.
We need to give meaning to the world.
I think all the attention you're getting right now, what's going on, the fact that they did this this morning, the fact that your website's down, this is a message.
And I agree with Joyce and the other caller that called in.
You need to get on C-SPAN immediately.
Just for your own health and for the rest of us.
Get out there now.
Get the message out there.
All the attention to Skull and Bones and the election right now, it's all over the news.
They're running pieces every day trying to cover up for these guys.
For eight years I've been a lying kook because I believe in an imaginary thing called Skull and Bones.
Oh yeah, well I've been studying this and telling people about this for over 20 years, so I know how you feel.
Everybody's waking up right now, which is great, but it's very dangerous because they are going to really, really step up what they're doing.
Let me just say, I will never commit suicide.
I drive safely on wet streets.
Oh no, if you disappeared, yeah.
Uh, we pretty much know what was going on.
Just beware.
Remember the purge that went on December 7th, 1999, right before White UK?
It feels that way right now.
I think that's what they're doing.
Uh, a lot of people are disappearing, websites going down.
Well, they're in trouble.
We're hurting them.
We're in a, we're in a, you know, 12th round of heavyweight boxing.
We're in the fight.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
Let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Roger in Florida.
Roger, go ahead.
Alex, good day to you my friend.
Long time listener since before anybody even knew who you were.
First time caller.
Well good to have you on board.
Good to be here.
Let me get inside so this jet doesn't drown us out here.
Um, I just wanted to call.
I've wanted to call for a long time.
Give a couple of things here.
First of all, absolutely congratulations on last night.
You did an absolutely wonderful job.
You think I did?
I thought I kind of... Listen man, I've got a radio background.
I was in it for a career and you did a great job.
Don't, don't, don't put yourself down.
You did a fabulous job.
You could hear it.
George, you had him hanging on every word you put out there.
Well, it's just all the truth.
It is the truth, and you've got a fabulous command of it.
But your delivery and your persona, all of those things make a complete package.
And if you want to know why the evil eye is looking at you, buddy, remember the old cliche from World War II?
If you ain't catching flack, you're not over the target?
Okay, you're over the target.
Man, square over it, buddy.
You've got the Bombay doors wide open and dropping stuff.
Yeah, I used the Star Wars analogy of going in against the Death Star.
How many guns?
I'd say about 20.
Some on the surface, some on the towers.
I'm on the back end of a bad case of the flu, and I just couldn't stand up to stay up and listen to all of it.
But I drifted in and out and heard the first 45 minutes and the last part.
But it inspired me to call you today and give you some accolades, man, and some kudos, because you did fabulously.
All right, buddy.
Well, thanks a lot for the call.
I appreciate it.
Look, I was just trying to get the word out.
Really, we should be thinking about the 100 and now it's 98, 200 maybe.
It looks like it's going to go over 200.
Blown to bits.
And really, who stands to gain from that attack in Madrid, Spain?
Who stands to gain from that?
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, go ahead.
I'm a long-time listener.
I've talked to you quite a bit.
I also am a long-time listener of Coast to Coast, especially with George Norrie.
I'm telling you why, Alex.
One of your callers questioned George Norrie, but I've been listening to him a long time, as I do you every day and night.
You did just a fantastic job.
George Norrie, I don't know if you caught it, but he said,
Alex, we want you on here as a regular contributor, and I really think you should do that.
I know one of your callers said you ought to respond to CNN.
Alex, those are just going to be a set of slams against you, but I really do think that you should be on coast to coast.
And I know George Norrie wants you on there.
He's a straight-up guy.
He agreed with you on everything you said.
Well, also, I mean, it was everything I was saying.
My wife spent days, and so did Paul Watson, but on Infowars.com, I told her, I'm going to talk about this, I'm going to talk about that, I'm going to talk about this.
Everything I said, I was looking at Times of London, LA Times.
But again, it's all hidden in plain view.
I just take the pieces of the jigsaw and lay them down and say, okay, what does that look like to you?
At the end of the show, Alex, he said,
There he is, Alex Jones.
He tells it like it is, and most important, he backs it up.
He's telling everybody right there.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
He backs it up with facts.
You did a fantastic job.
You've talked to me before.
You may not remember it.
A good friend of mine is Chuck Norris and he is a very good supporter of you.
Yeah, you're the police chief.
I got ahold of Chuck and he was going to listen to you.
I haven't talked to him since, but he was going to listen to the show last night.
He's a big admirer of yours.
You remember when you had Hudson Gibson on there?
We were talking about Mel and some of the things, the flack he's getting over the passion.
And Chuck had experienced some of this with one of his shows when he was doing Walker, Texas.
Yeah, he couldn't even say the word Jesus.
Yeah, yeah.
And they really tried to get him to bounce it off the air, but he's stuck to his gun.
You notice he refused and suddenly was off the air.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm waiting to hear back from him.
He was going to listen to you last night.
We talk about you quite a bit.
Buddy, I just wanted to call and say God bless you and tell you what a fabulous job you did last night.
I listened to all of it.
Well, thank you.
And I hope you get back on there some more, because I know George Norrie wants you back on there.
Well, thank you.
God bless.
I mean, I would just say this.
It's an illusion.
It's the king has no cloaks.
You know, the scammers came to town.
They're in the kingdom, and they said they were going to weave the most beautiful cloak for the king, but it was so beautiful that he couldn't see it.
It was a magical cloak.
And he paraded out in front of the entire city in his underwear.
And, oh, look at the beautiful cloak.
Everyone was afraid to say, well, he's not wearing anything but a loincloth.
But a little, you know, five-year-old child just started laughing and said, the king is naked.
He has no clothes.
So, look, again, folks, it's not about Alex Jones.
It's about going, hey,
Police in black ski masks isn't freedom.
Cameras in school bathrooms isn't freedom.
Foreign troops massing.
FEMA camps isn't freedom.
Open borders isn't freedom.
This isn't freedom!
And that's all we're doing.
Let's go ahead here and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wes in Ohio.
Wes, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I didn't get to hear the show last night.
I fell asleep, but apparently you had an effect.
We got you 15
Uh, lagged out IPs and still can't get to, uh, InfoWars running through the, uh, IP command line.
Anyway... Uh, explain that to me.
You're saying you can't get to the site?
We can get to the site, but when we run a trace on the IPs, it's going 15 and then it's just lagging out completely.
We're not getting to InfoWars at all.
And by the way, the servers are all humming, but there is a specific blockage on it.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Uh, anyway, I wanted to just say, um,
Between what you did last night and C-SPAN today and Howard Stern screaming and yelling about the First Amendment going up in smoke, people are starting to either wake up or decide that the things that are unimportant are the most important thing.
I have a suggestion for you.
You need to get a couple of tunes from Mike and the Mechanics as bumpers, maybe.
Word of mouth and silent running.
All right, my friend.
Thanks for the call.
What happened with Howard Stern is he's an establishment guy, but
Alex, interesting day for you.
Well, it's not about me, it's about fighting the globalists, because any day now they could nuke a city, release smallpox, you name it.
I agree.
Listen, I actually know quite well the Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Texas, who was told to turn over the videotape, and I believe you commented on that article about two days ago.
Wall Street Journal, yeah, secret police troops at UT going around harassing people.
And believe it or not, in my lifetime, I actually have served some of the New World Order believers in South Texas on a ranch, and I won't go into specifics, but the reason I called was I own a small
Uh, private protection agency in the Austin area.
I know Austin like the back of my hand.
And, uh, I sent you an email, but I didn't get a response, but I know you're busy.
Yeah, I saw your email.
Sir, sir, I was just saying, you know, when the globalists are focused on you, it's, it's, it's, and I was just pointing out, I mean, I've been doing this for years and if they want you, they're going to get you.
And I'm not worried about it.
I'm at peace with it.
So I don't want any protection.
But I appreciate the offer.
I mean, I mean, I just, uh,
I mean, what did, was it Patrick Henry or was it Thomas Jefferson that said that the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants?
And, you know, I'm a peaceful person that's getting the word out, and I just pointed out that it is dangerous to go expose skull and bones of Bohemian Grove in such detail, but that's just the way it is.
You know, that's what men have to do.
And so I'm at peace.
I mean, not having fear, you know, when you're in a righteous cause.
Let me ask you a question.
Go ahead.
If you could jump in front of a Mack truck to knock a child out of the way, even if it wasn't your own child, do you have the instinctive drive that there wouldn't even be a question that you would instantly sacrifice your wife?
I do.
Okay, well that's what a normal man, a normal human being does.
It's only this sick, mutated, modern population that wouldn't do that.
Okay, so I'm nothing special.
I'm just an average person who just has basic, decent programming with all the foibles and all the problems.
And, uh, you know, when you really find out how evil the globalists are, if they were just good ol' boys and corrupt, then, you know, it might be easy to rationalize and not fight it.
When you realize, I mean, these are psychopathic pieces of filth, killers, who are, who are destroying the fabric of the human, uh, system, and setting up a nightmarish architecture of enslavement.
And so, I'm here and have freedom, and have this country I live in because people sacrificed before me against tyranny.
And so, I mean, I'm just paying the debt, whatever happens.
You understand that?
I do understand that, and I... I was just going to say, I mean, you can have your people check me out if you need anything, but I do understand, and I respect that opinion, so I will... If they need me, they'll call, if not, then we'll continue to support you on the radio.
Hey, you're awesome.
God bless you, my friend.
Now, let's go ahead and talk to Roger in Texas.
Go ahead, Roger.
Rodney in Texas.
Go ahead.
Well, I listened to the show.
As a matter of fact, I put a pot of coffee on.
I said, I'm not going to miss this for...
For anything.
Well, I put a pot of coffee on, too.
Yeah, you know, I listened to you when you make your appearances on the big station out of Denver there, and actually this time you were even better than you were when you were on KOA out of Denver.
It was just absolutely incredible, and I want to say this, you know, it's commendable that the callers are calling in and thanking you, but
Like you said last night, you know, this isn't free.
Your airtime and everything isn't free.
People have to support you by buying your videos, t-shirt, and other things.
And, you know, so I just want to put that out there.
But I also want to say this.
Maybe this conspiracy guy that was on C-SPAN, uh, this morning, uh, was there because, uh, you know, right now Fox is the one that actually owns C-SPAN.
Yeah, I knew they were coming into a merger, yes.
No, they did that almost, it's been over a year ago that they actually merged.
So, I think that maybe Fox was behind that, but then, I wouldn't let that trouble you, my friend, because I think that you're doing an incredible work, and God bless you.
God bless you.
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I think so.
I think so.
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And I won't!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
There's no easy way out.
We're back live, and I want to talk about the Madrid bombing, which, again, my snout tells me is a globalist operation, but I can't say that at this point.
Though it has all the M.O.
and tailoring and the shadowy groups connected to shadowy Al-Qaeda and all that.
And I know we have loaded phones.
I want to talk about how I was on coast-to-coast AM and Brian Lamb this morning saying he heard it on C-SPAN spending an hour trying to snipe and all the rest of it.
And we'll get your calls.
And it's all interconnected.
Now you talk about the police state, 10 million children on Prozac and Ritalin, and millions of adults on it, and all the problems, and shrinking of the brain, swelling of the heart, the heart palpitations, all the admitted stuff.
The internal bleeding, the suicide, it's all admitted.
The evil just continues.
And I had Dr. Breeden, he's a friend of mine here in Austin,
A respected psychologist who has written four books.
We carry a couple of them.
Wildest Couples Make the Best Horses and several others.
We have those on the websites.
We're going to have him with us here for the rest of this hour.
Into the next hour we can stay.
We'll go to your calls because it is all interconnected.
Dr. Breeding, thank you for coming on the show a little bit late because everybody was just going wild.
They still are, but this is very important.
Yeah, well thanks Alex.
I was happy to wait a little while.
I understand that you were dealing with having done a big show plus the events that happened yesterday in Spain.
So I understand.
I appreciate you working me in.
Oh, well this is very important.
This is the brave new world.
We have the official
Education Department documents of how they want to teach our children to not have critical thinking, to regurgitate with a Prussian brainwashing model and you're fighting that and have done incredible studies on it.
What's the drugging of the children all about and what's it doing?
Okay, well you mentioned a statistic that's pretty accurate.
You know, it really is approaching about 10 million children
On psychiatric drugs in the United States, school-age children.
I was just going off an AP article I saw a month ago.
It said 10 million, so I don't know.
Yeah, well that is approaching that amount.
It's unbelievable, you know, which is about 15% of the school-age population, which means, what, one out of seven kids in the United States on psychiatric drugs.
It's just incredible.
And that's about over a 4,000% increase in the last 30 years, so it's been a very
Intense and specific growth pattern in the last couple of decades.
My take on it is that basically, not that they topped out, but that the pharmaceutical industry really relatively well saturates the adult market and that children were the big growth market and it's been very successful.
Well, it's also a captive audience.
You can have the school teachers basically prescribe it.
You can have them as a captive audience.
Well, the captive audience is exactly right.
You know, what we see is a tendency, in this case of psychiatry and biological psychiatry, to really take advantage of captive audiences.
That's why we see it just on the other end of the spectrum.
We see the elderly in nursing homes, you know, where you have over half of the residents in nursing homes now on psychiatric drugs.
This old lady's depressed because her children won't see her.
Let's give her electroshock.
That's right.
So as a middle generation, as a parental generation, you have to deal with, on the one hand, your parents being drugged or electroshocked if they go into nursing homes.
And then on the other hand, your children, if they go into schools, the agents of the government.
And what's really important for parents to understand is that school employees, even if they are good teachers and some of them are caring people and that kind of thing, it's very important to be very clear that they are government agents.
The government stays schools and that their function even when they do care about your children is really about sort of controlling and managing your children and keeping the flow of the school going.
You know they're not like you are as a parent where you're interested in the long-term well-being of your child.
And unfortunately the schools really have become the primary conduit or the primary entry point of young people into psychiatry today.
It's just phenomenal.
Stay there, Dr. Breeding.
We'll come back and get more into this.
And yes, go to your calls, ladies and gentlemen, at 800-259-9231.
We go to your calls, and I'll work it in with the drugs.
This is important, and then you can add a tidbit of something else if you'd like.
And we'll be back with Dr. Breeding, and we'll tell you how to get both of his fine books that I carry, and we'll also tell you about his website as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're talking to John Breeding.
Dr. John Breeding.
Because, you know, while we're all talking about who's behind the terror, and the New World Order, and the gun control, and all the rest of it that's happening, and the stock market gyrating up and down, like a fibrillating heart, at the same time, millions and millions of Americans, as the doctor said, a 4,000% increase in the last few decades of children on drugs,
About 15% of the population.
And these are very toxic, dangerous drugs.
This is a very serious issue.
It shows that the government and Big Pharma could care less about your health or safety or well-being.
Doctor, the name of one of your books,
The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses.
Explain what that title means and get into some of the book.
Then I want to talk about the toxicity and the admitted effects.
The bleeding, the suicide, the internal bleeding, the psychosis.
What these drugs, what we know these drugs do.
Yeah, Alex, that's really one of the things that's the most difficult for the defenders of drugging children and of psychiatric coercion.
I was just talking about this with somebody because I've been in this dialogue with a lawyer who's really a defender of involuntary treatment and the forced drugging of so-called mentally ill.
They don't want to confront the fact that they're not just forcing people to get a massage or to get exercise.
They're forcing them to take a drug that's poisonous.
They're not willing to confront that because it's one thing to say, here's your medicine.
Here's a poisonous, toxic, addictive drug.
By the way, the Supreme Court just came out last year and said judges can order you drugged to, quote, get you ready for trial.
They can order you drugged to get you ready for trial.
They can order you drugged to get you ready for execution is the latest one that's even really, I mean, to be fit to be able to be executed.
Now, doctor, we're doing everything the Soviets and Nazis did basically now.
I mean, they did the same thing in Russia.
What's wrong with that?
Well, and again, that's the phenomenon of, you know, you can look at this evil empire and say, that's really bad, you coerced your dissidents, you know, by labeling them mentally ill and putting them in hospitals, and so you didn't have to say you were putting them in prison for being dissident, you called them mentally ill.
It's easy to point the finger, you know, at some evil empire over there, it's a lot easier, harder to take responsibility and say, you know, we're
Depriving people of civil liberties, which is a lot about what your work is, defending individual rights and civil liberties, in psychiatry just happens to be one of the greatest offenders because it's the one place where even the vestiges of civil rights in the form of protections within the criminal justice system don't apply.
Once you decide or get somebody's opinion, in this case a doctor's opinion, that someone
Now, that has roots going back to witch doctors 5,000 years ago.
They had more power than the chief.
If they said you had a devil in you, they could order you killed, or order you to take this drink of nauseous plant matter, or to drill a hole in your skull.
That's right.
That's right.
Yeah, good point.
And in terms of Western civilization, it goes back to the so-called Inquisition, you know, where witches, people could be accused, heretics could be accused of being witches, and then
I think
We're good to go.
So that's the dynamic there.
It's incredible.
I want to give us some calls at the beginning and tell folks how to get your books, but at the same time, let's go through some of the toxicity of the drugs.
Let me first talk about the book, because I brought that up, and then let's get into the toxicity of these drugs.
Okay, yeah, great.
Well, the book that you're mentioning is called The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses, and you asked about the title, and the title comes from a Greek philosopher, an old
I don't know, I'm not a 500 B.C.
guy named Themistocles, but what I like about it is that it's a positive, uplifting image that says something real specific.
The wildest coves make the best horses.
Spirited young people make for spirited adults.
I like to juxtapose it with the idea of how would you title a book about young people struggling or having challenges in school or whatever if you were writing it from the point of view of biological psychiatry?
Poor sick children need drugs in order to cope with life.
What our work is about.
Well, it's funny.
Have you read Charlotte Isserby's book, Deliberate Dumbing Down?
She was the number two person in the Reagan administration, Department of Education, head of policy.
Well, good.
And she's published many declassified documents, internal documents, where they said, the person that raises their hand, talks a lot, that's going to be a free thinker.
We need to get them under control.
I mean, it's admitted, this is a targeting of our leaders.
Charlotte Iserbud and then the other guy is John Taylor Gatto.
He looked at the documents really from the turn of the century and stuff by the commissioners of education and that kind of thing explaining why the schools are designed the way they are.
Why do you have age segregated education?
It's not because that's how children learn.
Why do you have a bunch of
It's single-age children dependent on a single adult authority for their intellectual and emotional well-being.
Why do you have bells every 45 or 50 minutes to change classes?
That's how children learn.
It's Pavlovian.
It's Pavlovian and it's specifically designed to break the independent spirit and learning processes of young people.
The fact that some young people aren't broken is just a testament to the strength of the human spirit and how hard it is to do that.
The fact that so many people do turn out
I think so.
It's a model that was designed to create effective workers and soldiers.
It's not designed to create independent thinkers.
And by the way, under Bismarck and people before him, they said, look, our troops will not kill people when they're down.
They will not be mindless.
And they came up with a mind control program of shaved heads and enchanting.
And then they started the, quote, tender garden in Prussia.
That's where it first started.
Talk about that some.
Well, the programs were designed specifically to create effective workers and soldiers and so what that meant is you needed to create people who were not independent thinkers, who were not independent producers, who would tend to doubt themselves and to accept the instruction of authority and not only accept it but depend on it and to be anxious without it.
And it worked!
And so those are the principles of age segregation, of dependence on an external adult authority, of systematic interruption, of self-directed learning tendencies, of compulsory schooling, you know, so that you have to go even if you don't want to.
All those design concepts were done not based on how children learn.
They were based on how to create a certain effect.
And if you look at what Gatow and people like that did, they just looked at the documents and the overt statements in the late 1800s and around the turn of the century of the U.S.
Commissioners of Education who were mostly people who had trained in Germany.
And at that time they didn't try to say this is the best way to teach children to be independent learners and thinkers.
They said this is how you create a good workforce.
Thank you.
Folks, if you want to get the Waldus Colts to make the best horses in just a minute or two, tell folks what the book encapsulates.
It's a great gift for a mother or father who's drugging their child as their brain begins to swish, cheese, and shrink, as the heart begins to swell, as the growth is retarded.
Tell folks what the book encapsulates.
It's basically what I wrote, which is my best understanding of
Of what's important to know and think about and be reminded of as a parent or as someone who works with young people.
I've been a psychologist a long time and I'm also a father and so I'm speaking from my professional and my personal experience and just sharing the best thinking I had at the time when I wrote the book.
The first part of it kind of lays out how psychiatry works and how to understand that and how to respond to that because of the fact that it is such a
I think so, yes.
A really good support.
But that's what we did in the past.
This is the future.
We just put them on toxic psychotropics.
Yeah, so that's part of being a parent anymore.
One, you have to defend your child from the toxic influences of society, one of which is the psychotropic drugs.
And then you also have to remember or find the things that have been forgotten, which is, you know, what is really the true nature of young people and how do you support them and maybe
This insidious thought that maybe you don't have to break their spirit or
Or make them a certain way, or sort of control them.
Maybe you can really trust who they are and just support that.
Well, if you do that, then they honor you and trust you, but the society... I mean, watch the cartoons.
They show the children being rebellious, being bad, the parents being dumb.
All these Fox Family shows, you know, the male's a weak person, the family's dysfunctional.
I mean, they're really mass programming us for this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's why Isserbit's book and Gatto's book both talk about dumbing us down and making us accept the assumption that people are kind of stupid and lazy and you have to make them learn and force them to study.
Folks, absolutely.
If you want the Wildest Colts, Make the Best Horses and some of Dr. Breeding's other books, go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com or PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.net and link through to the secure online shopping cart.
They're great, you need to get them.
But Dr. Breeding, what about your website?
People can also get the books from you.
Yeah, well my website is... I really want to encourage people to get the books from
You right now because you're really helping me put them out there and I really like that.
My website is www.WildestCults.com after the book.
The books are there but also I've got a lot of articles and information.
We also invite people to join our e-list of people concerned about these issues and communicate.
I've got some links on there that are pretty interesting for people related to
To parenting or to the issues related to psychiatry.
Yeah, we can't just abandon children to this media big pharma empire.
We've got to, and you know, Dr. Breeding, I mean, I interviewed you first six years ago, and back then most people didn't understand this.
I have seen a mass awakening.
People really do now, you know, most people I've talked to know this is out of control.
We have made progress in terms of awareness that way.
It used to be that if you did a Google search or whatever, you know, and riddling, you just kind of get the
Manufacturers and promoters of Ritalin and why people had ADHD and why it was so important to treat it.
But now you do it and you come up with Wildest Colts and the dangers of Ritalin and kid dies from psych drug, RitalinDeath.com, you know.
So, you know, people are much more aware.
We're just fighting to kind of turn the tide because the other side of it is that the massive
Money spent on propaganda by the pharmaceutical industry saturates.
So, you know, I think we're at this critical point where we've got to actually turn the corner, you know, but definitely the public awareness is greater.
We're at the knife's edge.
You know, the battle's been joined.
We're in the fight, folks, but we're in the fight.
We're in a fight.
You understand?
We are in a knock-down, drag-out, future of humanity fight at every level.
Let's, I mean, this is it.
This is it, folks.
We're going in.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Joan in Florida.
Joan, then we'll go to
We'll go to John and Melissa and Kevin and Charles and others.
Go ahead, Joan.
Hi, Alex and Dr. Brady, B-R-A-D-Y.
It's Dr. John Breeding.
Oh, how do you spell that last name?
Yes, ma'am.
Right, correct.
It's wonderful.
Wonderful guest.
Thank you.
And there is a movie out there, they can rent it from Blockbusters, it's called The Soldier.
Now they take a child right from the beginning and condition them like you were talking earlier, Alex, about.
Yeah, that's a Kirk Russell great movie, yeah.
Right, right.
But back 25 years ago, the World Futurist Society put out a tabloid.
It was funded by the National Geographic, of all things.
And in that, and I don't have a copy of it, although when I ran for school board,
I complimented them on their tabloid and they sent me a whole case.
They thought I was going to be promoting it.
Actually, I was running for school board and I was promoting it for people to see that what they were promoting was the futurist society would be what we're dealing with today and the drug culture
Yeah, I mean absolutely.
That's why the CIA would release the pharmacological calculations of how to make a lot of these drugs during the 60s.
Kind of a covert action.
Let's get a comment from Dr. Alex.
Alex, wait a minute.
Okay, John.
Alex, one minute.
I'd like to give out the number to C-Stan, but I think when people call, they ought to request that Dr. John Brigging be able to get on with C-Stan, and I think he ought to be on with George Norris.
Okay, but listen, Joan, I'm going to have to let you go, okay?
I mean, if you want to give the number, I'll go ahead.
765-464-3080, and that is for comment or talk to a producer.
Okay, Joan, thank you.
We've got millions of calls here.
Let's talk to, now, up next, who's up next here, should I go to next?
Melissa in Florida, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to let you know that the interview everybody's been talking about on C-SPAN has been on from 1 o'clock and I guess it'll be over at 2.
It's back on, they're re-airing?
Yes, it's on right now and I believe it will be on tomorrow because this show does come on tomorrow 7 to 10 and 10 to 1 Eastern Time.
So they're re-airing the attack piece?
Yes, and I believe they'll re-air it again tomorrow because they're trying to make you look bad.
Well, you know, we're hitting them pretty hard.
Hey, what do you think about C-SPAN coming after me, Doctor?
You know, I was advising somebody about how to handle attacks yesterday on our e-list, as a matter of fact.
One of the comments I made was that one piece is to be thankful because it means you're being effective, which was what I got out of your response you just gave.
You know, it means that you're hitting them pretty hard.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, third hour coming up.
Oh, and I forgot to ask if Dr. Breeding can stay with us some of the next hour.
Can you do that, Doctor?
Yes, sir.
And for those who just joined us, we're getting a lot of calls.
You know, how do people get Dr. Breeding's books that I carry?
How do they get my videos?
How do they do this?
You can always write to me at 3001
That's Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And Dr. Breedings' The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses is a great book.
It's $16.95, just jam-packed with information.
So again, just write to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
The lines have been jammed since I was on that show last night and they still are.
But later today or tomorrow or maybe next week you can call toll free to order too at 1-888-253-3139.
Or you can order right now at InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
By the way, all those sites are on different servers.
So if one is so jammed with literally millions of visitors an hour now,
And about one out of a million people buy something.
That's good.
I'm sorry, about one out of 500,000.
I'm not exaggerating, but the point is we're reaching people.
You can go there and do that.
And we need to get your support.
We're going to continue to have all these servers and all this stuff going on.
So please take action.
Dr. Breeding, you were making a point about when you're under attack.
An earlier caller said, you know, it's an old World War II saying, if you're not over the target, you're not going to get flack.
When you're over the target, you're going to get the flack.
Yeah, so that's a basic aspect which is called being effective.
If you're just totally ineffective then nobody is going to pay attention to you.
The other thing is when you're in an attack you've got to recognize it as an attack.
Sometimes you get attacked but you don't realize it.
Just questioning yourself or whatever and you don't realize that sometimes the points aren't really even being debated.
They're just attacking you to take you out.
That's a different phenomenon than having a real discussion about what the issues are.
When you recognize it as an attack then you have to protect yourself.
That means doing things to get back on topic.
I don't have pearls before swine.
And, you know, I talked about, Dr. Breeding, because I really respect your opinion.
You're one of the few good psychologists out there.
You have a wide range of understanding about the system.
I said, you know, how do you have a John Kerry or a George Bush, and Bush doesn't have a high IQ, but Kerry does.
His daddy did, Bush Senior.
You know, somebody like Kissinger with 170 IQ.
But they're doing all these evil things.
I mean, how do they not have a conscience?
And you really laid that out in just a minute or so, why that is.
Well, I don't remember exactly what I said, but I hope I can recreate it.
Basically, it's conditioning.
You talk a lot about conditioning and how that happens.
Humans seem to have this incredible capacity to compartmentalize and to be able to live in this realm of logic to justify themselves out of their need to be right, but that's divorced from
Really being connected to people.
I think what I was saying was that if you break that sense of connection, that knowingness that we're really connected to each other and to really feel that and know that in your heart and in your body, if you break that as a young person then you're able to do any kind of thing
And without really feeling it.
So really, we're about to break and we'll come back and elaborate on this and take calls, it's so important.
It's what Christ said, the golden rule, do unto others as you have them do unto you.
I mean really, they somehow short circuit the conscience where we have sociopaths, is that what you're saying?
Yeah, you're able to do things like, whether it's clobber your own kid, or whether it's sexually abuse your kid, or whether it's drop bombs on some people and not be sad about it.
You know, it's like whatever it is, the connection is not there, you know.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There is no greater love than to let down your life for your brother or someone you don't even know.
And when you have that attitude, you live in a dynamic, creative, loving system.
How we're designed to behave.
But instead, we have seen, through civilization, the centralization of power, the system breeding its minions, training their minions to be ruthless and feed upon the population, and they've inculcated it.
Into a mass acceptance and we're fighting against that.
We're entering a very decadent cycle in world history right now.
We've gone through these cycles in the past.
Now because of the technology and the weapons and really the centralization of evil with levers of control never before seen, we are coming towards a climatic head.
We're talking to Dr. John Breeding, a psychologist who's written four amazing books concerning just how the system is trying to turn us into these automatons and using the drugs and the rest of it.
And we're about to go back to your calls as promised.
We'll have Dr. Breeding with us for another 30 minutes and we'll get back into other news and calls.
Your calls will come up here in a few minutes, folks.
Dr. Breeding, you know, we talked when I was setting you up for the show, we talked about
You know, how are these people smart?
How are these globalists intelligent?
And how are these drug company owners and scientists?
They know this is toxic.
You know, it's like the vaccine CDC internal documents came out from 2000, where they're going, yeah, I won't give my grandson this.
Man, this is deadly.
It's causing massive brain damage to the mercury.
Well, we've got to cover this up and can't let them know.
I mean, you know, how do they just do that?
I'm guilty if I'm rude to my wife or if I step on a gecko on accident, you know, a little lizard walking out of my house.
You know, almost, this is pathetic to say, I almost start crying now just because I just don't want to hurt innocent things, whereas used to I wouldn't care.
You know, I mean, what is this process?
Somehow you've been
I'm blessed with the opportunity and maybe the will and the support and whatever to stay connected with what I call your true nature.
That's the other book that you're carrying for me, True Nature and Great Misunderstandings.
The idea is that part of our true nature is that sensitivity and that empathy that you feel when you experience harm of another being.
When anybody who's waging war, and we're presumably a country at war, you know, there's really something wrong with the picture when you're the leader of a country that's at war, that's systematically wreaking havoc and death and destruction on other human beings and other life forms, and you present an image that's sort of glib and smug and self-satisfied.
There's some kind of real disconnection there, otherwise there would be a main and primary response of really grief.
Yeah, I think so.
hurt in a way that they are so disconnected.
And we see these elite families, the way they set up the social structure, they do, you know, with these prep schools and skull and bones and all this, you know, Prince Charles, his father, they admit Prince Philip sent him to a boarding school and had them beat him up and treat him bad and put him in a leaky room, you know, to be mean to him, and they seem to do this
And, you know, used to, I've talked to World War II vets that killed quite a few people, but that was a real war.
And if you can get them to talk about it, they'll start crying about it.
They didn't enjoy it.
Used to, we would vomit.
People would vomit.
Troops would, when they were killing somebody, they had to kill.
Now the Marines will shoot women on national TV and go, I love killing them!
We learned after World War II to be more smart about how to systematically
I don't think so.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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This disaster is a new world order.
A new world order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's 8 minutes and 40 seconds into this third and final hour of global transmission against tyranny.
Your calls are coming up here momentarily.
We've got Dr. John Breeding on.
An author of just very insightful books on the drugging of children in the population.
But we're talking to Dr. Breeding just about how they condition people to carry all this out.
I hate to keep blaming stuff on Germany, but that same kindergarten brainwashing system for soldiers and workers.
Has been adopted by our military, and it's the classic Jim Jones cult.
The shaved heads, the chanting, and I'm not saying I'm against the military folks, but the Marines 20 years ago weren't chanting, you know, have the children gather around, mow them little bastards down.
I mean, that's been in the news.
They weren't jumping up and down when they, you know, shot innocent Iraqi women and saying, I love, I love it, I want to kill some more.
By the way, that's been caught on video by national television.
Dr. Breeding, the government's funding
Different TV shows and different programs, through what I call propaganda placement, they call it product placement.
Almost every show, like Threat Matrix on Fox, or Threat Matrix is on ABC, 24 is on Fox.
I rarely watch it, but I've talked to those that do watch it, I've seen it a few times.
Every time I turn it on, the police are torturing somebody, and torture's now good!
Is that not a scary mass conditioning, to see Joseph Mingala-style values being promoted?
That's real scary and it's very sad.
I've seen the debate in the media more lately for sure about when is torture justified and trying to create a climate that says that all these hypothetical situations where if you're torturing a terrorist it's justified because you're getting information from someone
But it's just more and more graying and blurring of basic humanity and more and more justification of the basic idea that to what point is killing acceptable and valuable and to what extent you can desensitize yourself to the basic sort of gut reaction or basic empathic response.
So I'm with you on that.
I think it is really a horrific trend.
Yeah, I mean, in the newspaper they're saying torture is a new American virtue, and then on the TV shows they simulate it in front of us.
That is trauma-based mind control.
Yeah, it is, you know, because the other thing that is related to the mind control thing is that, you know, you have this level of the brain, you know, it's called the reptilian complex, or the so-called primitive brain, you know, the brain stem, the earliest
We're good to go!
In a way, if you keep having those kind of images, that's why we talk about this being a culture of fear.
You know, there's a really interesting statistic, you've probably heard this, I don't know, but that in the 1990s there was a 20% decrease in the murder rate in this country, but there was a 600% increase in the number of murders shown on television news.
Now, what's that about?
The only thing I can think about is that it's about this deliberate
Deliberate or semi-deliberate, whatever, this decision to just transmit this fear, fear, fear kind of energy into people's minds.
Well, to explain that, let's say there's a graph.
Looks like the Himalayas.
Television comes in 1950s, becomes violent by the 60s.
Massive spike in the graph with the simulated violent acts that people see.
And so, yeah, it went down a little bit in the 90s, but, you know, it's like you're down one side of the peak.
Well, the murder rate went down slightly, but the rate of murders shown on the news went up 600%.
So even though there was less... Yeah, they're showing more.
They're showing more, and so the people aren't knowing that, oh, it's actually a little bit safer.
Yeah, they didn't study it.
People thought it was much more dangerous.
I'm seeing murders all the time.
I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid.
And that's part of it.
You know, when you're afraid, you're more susceptible.
And that's the definition of terrorism, is that we don't want to go out... ...and not being able to think for yourself, and to justify terrorist acts, and to justify violent... and to justify intrusions into privacy and liberty, which is the kind of thing that you're fighting.
Well, Dr. Breeden... It's only when you've got the population kind of cowed and afraid that they'll say... they'll sacrifice their own
Liberty for the sake of some so-called security.
When you've got people at that point, they're way lost.
What you're trying to do is wake them up.
Wake them up today and say, hey, liberty is precious.
Don't turn it over to
John Ashcraft, because he says, you know, that that Obama bin Laden might come in your doorway today.
I mean, come on.
Well, let me boil that down for people.
I mean, this is the psychology.
They create the fear.
They create the perception that the boogeyman is going to get us.
So we've got to give our rights up.
And so we don't want to go bomb more innocent countries.
And so somehow some shadowy group slugs us in the face and says, see, you're being attacked.
Now attack them.
And that's what Brzezinski said.
He said, we need to have terror attacks in his own book, The Grand Chessboard.
Founder of the Trilateral Commission, you know, this top globalist, he said we need these Pearl Harbor events for, quote, imperial mobilization.
And every time we falter and don't want to be brutal and evil, suddenly we're attacked again.
I say look at who stands to gain from these attacks.
That's right.
And part of my message is basically to say that as parents or as adults who are caring for young people,
There's these two levels and one of them is that we have to systematically protect our children from these noxious influences.
We have to not let them watch 9-1-1 go over 6,000 times on the TV because they're processing all that.
We have to protect them from all these fears and these intrusions and being exploited to be a drug market and being conditioned to be a passive learner and being fed
We're good to go!
You know, and let them know that at least in this space, with this person, you know, you can just be a child for a while, you know, and you can enjoy, you know, loving and cuddling and smuggling, and you can enjoy thinking and learning for yourself.
And it's those two things.
You know, we have to face the reality of what you're confronting with your work and protect the children from that.
That's another thing they do.
And what we can do as adults to back that off, you know, on the other hand, kind of remember
Not at all.
Support them and allow that.
Those are amazing points.
I totally concur with what you're saying.
And that's another thing.
The society is trying to accelerate the development of children at every level into this consumer society.
And you've got 8 year old children thinking they're adults.
Uh, instead of just being children, you know, running around, uh, you know, in the woods, uh, you know, playing hide-and-seek, or, or, you know, fishing out at the pond, uh, instead, you know, they're playing Grand Theft Auto, where you're running over people and committing simulated murders, and... Yeah, the problem isn't even that they're thinking that they're adults, because that's part of what young people do, they'll play at being adults.
The problem is, what does an adult look like?
It's fine for a child to think that they're an adult in the sense that they're a thoughtful person, they're taking responsibility for themselves, they expect their opinions to be respected, that kind of thing.
But if being an adult means you're playing out these games or these tragedies and it means that you own more and buy more and that you have guns and shoot people or whatever, if that's what being an adult is, whoa!
Yeah, it's amazing what they do.
Folks, this is very important information and we've been going back and forth here.
Let's take a few calls.
Who's up next?
You said Kevin and Mass?
Kevin and Mass.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Dr. Breeding.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'll make a few quick comments as precisely as possible.
Alex, I'll hang on until you cue me to move on.
You know, the drugs that you're talking about, you know, people have to not trust these well-meaning doctors who sometimes are fools to the pharmaceutical companies and the medical associations.
You're a psychologist as well.
You know that it's not just these kids that everyone's on Ritalin, you know, 4,000 times, but the adults they're pushing antidepressants on.
Well, it's only a culture that has millions of adults who are drugged that would even consider drugging that many children, so you're right on that way.
Quick comment on the games.
The commercial says rated M for mature.
On your last comment, I think they should rate it I for immature.
Alex, we won't quit if they do come for you.
I know sometimes I feel like I'm getting listened to.
You're right out in the front line there.
We won't quit if they do come.
My wife was listening to that story you printed on the Freemasons' initiation.
Shooting accident, haha!
Her boss, who's an ex-Marine, who wears American flag neckties, and he mentioned it to her.
When things like that start to happen, she starts to listen more and hear what I'm saying.
This guy still loves Bush, but he's a good guy.
He's a real true American Marine, and we'll wake him up.
We're getting there.
For those other Freemason brothers, most of them out there are good people that are on low levels.
And, you know, they're afraid we're going to wake them up, because that's a lot of their power base.
And you can look back to the days of Captain Morgan in the 1830s, where he spoke out and they kidnapped and murdered him, causing the country to have the anti-Masons parties of the 1830s.
And, you know, they don't teach that in school, but they're trying to get the CHIPS program into our schools.
Yeah, they're marking and numbering the children.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, what he was getting into, Dr. Breeding, is we found a pattern of Masons in these rituals accidentally blowing people's heads off.
It's not just the case in Long Island, so... Very bizarre.
Our final segment with Dr. Breeding, and I'll continue with your calls and a recap of some of the top stories.
Final segment with Dr. Breeding coming up, so stay with us!
And we'll get to Charles and Howard and Richard and Tom and Susan and everybody else.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com!
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We carry several of Dr. Breeding's hard-hitting books, exposing the brainwashing and drugging of the children in the population.
Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses is one of his best books, and it's available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv, just link through the secure online shopping cart.
And Dr. Breeding, one more time for folks, give people your website.
W-I-L-D-S-T-C-O-L-T-S dot com.
Alright, let's take some calls.
Charles in New York.
Go ahead.
Matt, just keep up the good fight.
You guys are doing a great job.
And Alex, last night I never heard George Norrie so excited and so fired up.
You got to his heart.
You were cutting edge and I just want to thank you for... This was the biggest thing we could ever hope for.
And also, could you please change your format to DVD
Which makes it easier for me to duplicate your work.
Yeah, you know, still VHS, despite the fact we're trying to force a switch to DVD, is still what most people have.
We actually still sell more VHS than we do DVD, even when we offer it in both.
And really, it's just the money to have it transferred over and done and then mass-produced, because I can't make them.
I mean, if I make DVDs, I've got to make a couple thousand or it's not economically feasible.
And then I don't have the money to make a couple thousand, so it's kind of a catch-22.
So, yes, that's something we're going to do, okay?
But I mean, I can't do it right now.
Okay, Dr. Breeding, if I'm forced to inoculate my kids, to keep them in the school system, I don't want to inoculate them, okay?
How can I go about getting over that?
Well, it's not the law right now, and Dr. Breeding's not really the big vaccine guy, but Dr. Breeding, comments?
Well, it depends on what state you're in.
In most states, there's a couple of things you can do.
In some states, it's actually gotten to where you're not required.
I think in virtually every state, you can get a so-called religious exemption.
Now, they're trying to get rid of that in West Virginia, but yeah, it's in all 50.
District of Columbia.
That's one way you can do it.
In some states, you can actually just take an exemption of conscience.
We now have that in Texas, which is a big step.
The other exemption that you can usually get is a medical exemption if you have some justification that this is whatever your child had approved of.
Yeah, in a free society, they shouldn't be able to make you take something.
It's really simple.
Thanks for the call.
They're from New York.
Howard in Colorado.
Howard, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to say that you were very articulate, clear, and concise, and I want to let you know I appreciate everything you're doing.
And I also want to mention, as you know, I do a lot of demonstration in D.C.
If you ever need me to come and spend a week with you to help you do anything, I'll be happy to do that.
I'll be calling back from time to time.
Well, I'll tell you what I want you to do.
I want you to fight the global system yourself and be the leader you are, my friend.
Okay, I appreciate everything, Alex.
You were beautiful last night.
Well, thank you.
People sure seem to like it.
Brian Lamb at C-SPAN didn't like it.
Let's talk to Richard in Alabama.
Richard, go ahead.
Go ahead, Richard.
You're on the air worldwide, sir.
He's gone.
Tom in Florida.
Go ahead, Tom.
You're on the air.
How are you doing this morning?
Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about the Department of Peace and Dennis Kucinich, but I wanted to throw this in real quick.
You and Dr. Breeding were talking about the children in the mine control.
We were in a pub last night here in Daytona Beach, and my son and I were there eating pizza, and there was a bunch of spring breakers in there, and they were talking about
uh... college and different stuff in the uh... episode of Kent State came up by someone and uh... one of these young men uh... looked up and said well i like richard nixon and all those kids deserve to die because they were traitors well when you got michael savage saying put everyone in a camp that doesn't agree with the government uh... and he says it every day we're in deep trouble we are in deep trouble and uh... if you've read uh... house bill hr sixteen seventy three the percentage uh... the venerable
Yeah, it's very scary and uh... uh... you know what uh... you know in in in the first section section one under number two it even talks about uh...
Declaration of Independence appeals to the supreme judge of the world and is derived from the causes of nationhoods and from the laws of nature and the entitlements of the God of nature.
So, that's scary stuff.
That's strictly a Luciferian doctrine and the whole bill is just scary.
Okay, well I'm going to let you go.
Another greeting.
I want to thank you for coming on the show.
God bless you my friend and look forward to having you back up in the future when things aren't so nuts.
Okay, Alex.
That'd be great.
Carry on.
God bless.
Alright, folks.
We'll come back.
30 minutes left.
I'll get into some more news.
Keep taking your calls.
And again, the websites are InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Those are your backup servers.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're getting a lot of calls asking for my mailing address.
People that want to send me Brian Lamb on C-SPAN attacking me today.
It's 3001-3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
That's also the address you get any of the videos or books or materials.
Let's just go over these calls quickly.
I mean quickly.
Let's talk to Susan.
Susan, in Alaska, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, just real quickly, I listened to the whole show last night and I tried to be as objective as I could because, you know, I've had my Alex Jones inoculation and you're not a shock to the system anymore.
So I tried, I listened very objectively.
You did wonderful.
Well, thank you.
And it was, it was like, you know, this has been some really dark years and, um,
You've really been a light for me, and last night was just like a breakthrough.
The sun broke through the cloud, and I think it was a significant turn around a corner, and you did wonderful.
Well, wow.
I mean, it was just an interview on Coast to Coast AM for three hours, and the people are going nuts over it.
I thought I was going pretty quick on the show, and the three hours just burned past us.
I didn't get to ten percent of what I wanted to cover, though.
It went by so fast, I couldn't believe it.
You know what, I did call because I had a question for your guest too.
It had to do with, you know, I was trying to verify because I read before that they took out pedophilia out of the DMS-IV, the Diagnostic Manual for Psychiatry.
Well, this is the whole system abusing the population.
I know that Dr. Laura got in trouble four years ago when she read from the American Psychological Association's, what was it, their 2000 report, now four years ago, hard to believe that pedophilia was actually a good thing.
And this shows how psychotic establishment psychiatry has gotten.
And yes, Dr. Breeding has spoken out against the stuff that's going on in psychiatry.
That's the whole point of what he's doing.
Brian, I wanted to see if you could verify that because I haven't seen it in a while.
Oh man, it was all over the news.
And yeah, Dr. Laura, she was bad for speaking out against it.
That shows how sick the culture is, you know.
Mel Gibson's bad for making a movie about Jesus.
You know, she comes out against what the American Psychological Association said, and she's bad when they're the ones that are disgusting.
Alright, gotta let you go.
Good to hear from you, Susan.
Great job, Alex.
Thank you.
Mitch in Arizona, go ahead.
Go ahead, sir.
I heard you talk about it.
Yeah, that's not a real photo.
Oh, it's not?
Yeah, and it was... that's a fake San Francisco Chronicle article and it was made to be caught in a lie.
It has a date that wasn't the right date.
It says he's a congressman two years before he was a congressman.
That's a fake photo.
Um, I wouldn't have been too surprised if he was, but... Well, I mean, he's a member of a real satanic organization.
Uh, yes, I do believe that.
Well, no, it's called Skull and Bones, yeah.
Oh, and your friend, um...
John, um, Dr. Weezer, or what is his name?
Oh, Savage is what he calls himself now, yeah.
Yeah, he's calling your audience like, uh, lunatic shortwave out of hillbilly country.
Oh, is he talking about us?
Well, that's what he said.
He called shortwave listeners lunatic shortwave out of hillbilly country, basically.
Oh, really?
Voice of America's on it, I guess.
They're lunatic hillbillies.
Look, here's the point.
Mr. Savage says that anyone that disagrees with the government should be put in a forced labor camp.
So I think that discredits him right there.
He's a fake conservative, there to manipulate and pacify conservatives.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead now and take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Colorado.
Sean, go ahead.
Hey Alex, yesterday, and this is way off topic, but I know you're open for him here.
I was talking to a security guard who was fresh out of Homeland Security training, and
I mentioned that he had a confederate flag on his wallet and I told him about Rhode Island and he was like, well that ain't nothing because they're starting to spray this stuff called Dust in Florida Bay Area.
And I called you to find out what this Dust was.
Have you ever heard of Dust?
All capitals.
No, I know they're doing a lot of spraying of the population with different things, that's been admitted, but I don't know.
Okay, well, he said that you'd be able to snap your fingers in six months and find your keys.
And, uh, I was just calling to find out if you knew anything about it.
Well, that sounds like basic craziness.
Uh, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Have a good... Uh, thank you, buddy.
Uh, who's up next?
Ryan in Ohio.
Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing there?
Hey, I heard you last night.
It was really good.
I was so impressed.
And, uh, we heard you here in Cleveland.
Instead of having to li... Instead of having to listen to you on the Internet,
I've given your tape to two different radio stations here in Cleveland, but nobody's done anything yet, but hopefully maybe that'll help a little bit.
Well, just keep educating them, absolutely.
Yeah, and that was pretty much all I had to say, except keep up the good work and hopefully more people like you will come along.
Well, thank you.
Well, they have.
It's a look in the mirror.
Let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, Ron.
Like everybody else, of course, I heard the broadcast last night.
It was impressive.
What'd you think of it?
You presented it in the most cogent, geometrically logical way, so that the audience, and even someone like George Nouri, really got the point.
I think he was just, the host of the show, I think he was just awestruck.
That's what I think.
And you got out that point to a very large audience, because I understand it's a pretty well listened to show.
14 million listeners an hour.
You know, that's going to be difficult for them, and when I say them, I'm talking about, you know, the types at the Grove to get around.
Your presentation was very good.
You made a point of citing the evidence that you have to back it up, in addition to your own word and your video, which you can't deny that.
You even spoke about the news articles, articles that backed that up.
You know, you not just presented the issue, but you gave points of reference to help support it.
In case there are naysayers and doubting Thomas's, they're going to have a little bit of a hard time with this kind of information getting out.
This is going to start a lot of people to thinking.
Why do you think Lamb, Brian Lamb of C-SPAN, came out against me?
Well, come on, to be expected.
You're making an indictment against the power structure elite.
A power structure that reaches into many areas, and I'm sure most particularly, uh, you know... Did you hear me where I laid out that their rationale is, is that, oh, all these bioweapons endangers rogue countries, we've got to have a world government, you know, to, uh, you know, to keep us all safe, and then I point out that they're the ones arming everybody?
They're the ones creating the problem, so then they could come along and propose the solution.
I just told them I don't appreciate them endangering my family and my civilization.
You know, Alex,
Something you brought out, and you've been right.
This is 100% right.
Anybody who knows anything about, I guess, metaphysical or supernatural topics will know this.
Case in point, of course we know about 9-11.
Yesterday was 3-11.
The number 11 is obviously significant to these people.
Now, they're trying to... By the way, it was 911 days from 9-11.
That's correct.
That's right, it was.
That is documented.
You know who's obsessed with numerology?
Right, not Muslim fundamentalists.
Of course they're saying this is an Al-Qaeda thing, which it's a little bit difficult to believe because Al-Qaeda, first off, would not all of a sudden change its modus operandi.
Well, Al-Qaeda's an un-CIA front.
It's this shadowy thing.
Taking blame for it.
But the use of this numerology, that's not, you know, consistent with Muslim culture.
That's consistent with black magic.
And, uh, things of that nature.
So, you know, I'm beginning to wonder.
There is something going on here.
I'm not just beginning to wonder, but I'm saying, even if a person didn't know much about this, they would have to wonder about these similarities.
And you brought that out about the numerology last night.
Another thing I wanted to ask you.
Two things.
You saw what they described as an effigy of a child, a bound child, that they sacrificed to their son.
Well, it was just a small human form, yeah.
Are you that sure that it was just an effigy or a mannequin?
Well, no, I just said they made it clear.
They said this is an effigy.
We're going to burn it.
Do you think it was an effigy?
I tend to believe it was an effigy.
I mean, this was a big event with a lot of people.
Okay, and at that event... But again, I don't know, so... Okay, I'm just wondering, you know, did you hear sounds actually coming from the thing, you know?
No, no, it was all done.
I mean, that's where theater comes from, is from rituals.
That's what the first theater was.
This was all done with regalia.
This was a reenactment of a Canaanite sacrifice.
And did you recognize any of the personages at that event?
At that ceremony.
Was there anyone there readily recognizable?
Well, those doing the ceremony were wearing red and black hoods.
And so their faces really weren't visible?
Well, I mean, the media admitted who was there.
It was a bunch of world leaders.
That's who goes there.
They admit I went in and got the footage, but I wasn't running up to the world leaders, you know, and going, God, videotape your face.
I was, you know, in the crowd videotaping it.
None of the faces were easily recognizable.
Well, I did see faces while I was walking around before the ceremony.
I did see some famous people, and, you know, it's in the news who was there.
This is remarkable.
These people are involved in pagan, satanic ritual.
You got it on video.
There's no question about it.
And, uh, you're not the first person, I guess, to say this.
You indicated last night that even CBS tried to get over the Grove with a helicopter and were chased away.
And what gets me is you have law enforcement agencies, you mentioned the Sheriff's Department in that county and the Secret Service, that are actually collaborating and protecting this while it goes on.
So their, their minions reach far.
They've, they've, uh, they've,
How would you say?
Usurped, I guess, other people as well.
Lower down.
They've got a lot of ghouls serving them.
They've got their familiars, is what you call somebody who serves a vampire.
And I use that as an analogy, folks.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to... Who should I go to next?
Warren in Colorado, then Vince and others.
Go ahead, Warren.
The point I'd like to make is if
If this is a conspiracy theory, as far as they have a guest called Michael Barkin, and he's an author of... Yeah, on C-SPAM with Brian Lamb.
Yeah, and I caught the last ten minutes of that, and if it is a conspiracy and shouldn't be worried about, then why are they even talking about it in the first place?
These guys are worried.
And, uh... Well, it was Brian Lamb who did a piece on me the first time, you know, in 2000, after I got into the Grove.
Yeah, you know, the thing that attracts me to what you're doing and trying to support the show is that I already knew this from going to Regis College in Denver, Wealth and Power in the U.S.
And this stuff is completely documented, it's completely... Yeah, it's college courses.
I mean, it's a public group.
So, if they're so worried about it, why are they trying to debunk it?
I mean, they've already shown their true colors, what they're trying to...
Trying to get the American public.
I hear you, Wayne.
Vince in Illinois.
Vince, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
I heard most of the show last night and I'm just kind of befuddled.
That's pretty mainstream.
You were heard by a lot of people out there.
I'm just scratching my head wondering why they even let you on that program.
Because Art Bell, who used to be the host, huh?
William Cooper accused him of being a Freemason.
Yeah, you know what?
I'm not going to sit here and attack Art Bell.
And I wasn't on Art Bell's show.
I was on with George Norrie and he was totally fair and just did some amazing things like telling people how to listen to my radio show.
That's absolutely correct.
And I'm not saying Art Bell's a Freemason, but I was just kind of surprised.
I didn't hear you use the term Freemasons the entire night on the show.
I didn't hear everything.
I tried to, but I didn't hear you use the word Freemason.
Well, that was all posted on the site, and I did talk about how the Klan, the Masons, all of this are just offshoots of the same secret societies.
You know, there's an article on Jeff Rentz's website called Armasonic Constitution, and it talks a little bit about the founding of our country, and
Kind of makes the point that there were some good Freemasons that gave us the Bill of Rights.
Hey, look, I got a bunch of family that are Masons.
Most of them are low-level and don't know what's going on.
George Washington spoke out against those that were taking over Masonry.
And, yeah, that's the same thing with the FBI or public school teachers or anything.
There's good people, there's bad people.
It's just that the top is bad.
That we know.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Brian in Oklahoma.
Brian, go ahead.
Uh, yes, sir.
Yeah, it's Oregon, but I only have one quick question about, uh, Nes-Nesera and, uh, the White Knights.
If you comment about that, it's a little bit off the subject, but... Yes, it's not true!
Nesera's a fraud.
There is no secret government group that gave us all our freedoms back.
Look at you, the tyrannies all around you.
Well, yeah, exactly.
That's what I thought.
And, uh... It's just more, you know, more delusional stuff.
More government conspiracy theories.
Where can I get access to the show that they're talking about last night?
I just caught the end of that.
I was on Coast to Coast AM.
It's the second biggest radio program in the country after Rush Limbaugh.
I was on for three hours and I covered a lot of what I wanted to get to and I posted everything I talked about on the site beforehand and so that's why George Norrie, that's how I was able to go on the show and do it because I said everything I'm going to say is going to be posted with at least 100 news articles backing it up per issue.
And so we posted thousands, and I mean thousands, of articles and subsections there, and everything I said was right there, and as I said it, George was looking at it.
So where can I access this interview at?
Is there any way I can stream and listen to it?
Yeah, you go to coasttocoastam.com and this weekend they're having free streams, which I know why they have to charge for it.
It must cost them millions if it cost us tens of thousands to do it, just with our listenership.
But this weekend it'll be free streams.
You supposedly will be able to go hear that interview.
But I'm sure people have got it out there and will be putting it on the web and other places as well.
I would just type in a search engine next week, Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM, you know, audio file, and it should pop up for you.
Well, thank you very much, and have a good day.
Alright, thank you for the call, and who should we go to next?
Who in Kansas City?
Bill, go ahead.
I wanted to talk about the difference between Benjamin Franklin and Washington, George Washington.
Benjamin Franklin tried to talk his way through the British, and George Washington picked up a gun.
And I want to know when we're going to have a George Washington to lead us into battle
The thing that needs to happen is to go to Bohemian Grove and kill those people that are there.
Okay, I can tell you're a fed.
You're a disgusting federal agent.
You're absolutely disgusting.
Don't you ever talk like that on my show.
Man, I tell you what, that is disgusting.
And I can tell by his voice.
That was the real deal.
And don't be calling into my show, buddy.
Don't you ever try that.
You know, we stand up for the federal officers that are being killed on the border by the Mexican troops.
We stand up for our military breathing depleted uranium.
And, you know, being given rotten meals by Halliburton.
We stand up for America.
And, you know, I wish absolutely no violence against any of these minions of the globalists.
We're going to expose them.
And don't you dare try to short-circuit the peaceful revolution that's having such an effect right now in this country.
How dare you try to inject that into the discussion so your agency can pull some federal funding to do some type of detail on this.
I know who you are!
I know what you're doing!
And you ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you've done to this country!
What you've done to humanity, the blood of all these innocent children from the abortions is on your hands.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Yeah, we've got about five minutes left.
I'm going to take a few final calls here.
John and Mike, that'll be it.
But, back in 2001, after I snuck into Bohemian Grove, this former Marine showed up.
And I never met him.
He would show up when I was on TV and one time he peeked into the studio and he would hand out these weird Phantom Patriot comic books that he'd done himself and he would try to get in and around me without a really bad feeling and would just totally avoid him.
If I saw him walking down the hall I would just literally get out of the building.
Then he went into the Grove, when he knew no one was there, he admitted that, in the middle of the winter, and set a building on fire, and then he started repeating my name over and over again, and it goes back to a government program and some stuff, and then I got it from my sources, that all was basically a setup, which they went ahead and implemented, but luckily I never had any connection to him, it was meant for some kind of frame-up for myself.
And it was all over the West Coast newspapers, so these people are out there.
That's why the globalists have to carry out their own events to try to say that we're doing it.
It's horrible, but they're going to fail with the grace and blessing of Yahweh, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, our Lord and Savior.
That's who we've got on our side.
That's who controls me.
I give myself totally up to God.
One hundred and ten percent.
And you should, too.
His will be done.
His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Alright, John, Indiana, you go ahead.
You're on the air.
Thank you, Alex, for all your effort.
From Chicago, I heard you on WLS.
It sounded like George was going to give you an invitation to come back.
For your Chicago listeners, they don't get your The Third Hour, Georgia Show.
They can pick up $1,100, the 50,000-watt flame thrower out of Cleveland, Ohio, WTAM.
And that's how I did last night.
So I heard the whole program you did.
The other thing, real quickly, as you had on your tape, the World Trade Towers were sold a few months before 9-11.
Well, in today's papers, Chicago, MetLife out of New York, expects to close the deal on selling the Sears Tower.
In the second quarter, but let's also keep an eye on if they change the security force in that building.
Yes, I saw what that article's posted.
Very chilling.
Thank you for the call.
Last call.
Mike in Pittsburgh.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alec.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for everything you're doing.
I'm just calling.
Two things, just real quick.
I don't know if you're going to put a link on there for the archive of Coast to Coast last night on your web page at all, because I didn't get to hear it.
And just if you find anything out about this mercenary plane lately, in the last couple days.
Oh, yeah, over in Africa?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, they're destabilizing and taking over everywhere.
Alright, sir, thank you for the call.
You know, we're flat out of time, my friends.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
You can listen to the show at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The backup sites are Infowars.net and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Get Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove, a two hour, five minute expose of the occult rituals going on at Bohemian Grove.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
Get the books, get the DVDs, get the material, get them out to people.
Wake up America and the world.
There's more of us than there are of them.
We have the power.
We simply have to move against the enemy.
And number one, expose that they are the terrorists.
So when they carry out terror,
Everybody knows who the terrorists are.
A terrorist does something to get you to do what they wanted politically.
Well, they're getting what they want politically out of the terror.
Who are the terrorists?
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139.
That's the toll-free number to get the books, materials, videos.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar.
Suite 100.
Austin, Texas.
I'm out of time for this edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Again, back to 9-9-Midnight.
I'll be back on Monday from 11-2 Central and then again back Monday night, 9-9-Midnight.
And I want to thank George Norrie for having me on the show and not censoring me.
It took a lot of courage and it was a good thing.
And, uh, yeah, if they want to have me back on, that'd be great.
You guys request that.
Again, God be with you, my friends.
God bless you.
Stand up against this new world order.
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