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Name: 20040311_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 11, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is yet another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It is already Thursday, the 11th day of March, 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours and we're going to have wide open phones and a ton of vital news and information.
And yes, this evening or this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in, I'm going to be on the George Norrie Coast to Coast AM broadcast for several hours.
I'll be on from the second hour on, so a big plug out there for that.
And I have to tell you, I've been on a lot of national TV shows.
But there's so many television channels that you don't really get a big response off TV.
I get a bigger response going on some big radio station as a guest for an hour in Chicago than I get going on Good Morning America.
So I have no idea what type of response we're going to get that is getting the word out, waking people up, talking to folks on over 500
Marquee radio stations.
So, thank God that that show is having more and more hardcore guests on than it did in the past.
I mean, if you look at the schedule, about half the people coming on are, it's really intense stuff.
I guess all part again of this revelation of the method or the
Putting out the system.
But look, the cat's out of the bag, and this is what the people want to hear.
This is the truth.
The New World Order is real in front of us.
And everybody I talk to is upset about it.
I was a talk show host in the past, you know, would belittle me on air and go after me with the number one talk show in Austin.
In the morning, and I saw him a few weeks ago, and he said, you know, I'm sorry, you were right, and the New World Order is real.
I've researched it.
Man, I'm scared.
Now he's like, hey, will you come on my show for a couple hours every month here locally, which I did this morning, Dale Dudley on KLBJ-FM.
And then he's in there pitching the new owners.
It's no longer owned by the Johnsons.
Yeah, pick up his show!
Pick up his show!
And there's like serious discussions of trying to pick this show up, two hours of it, on their station.
Which would be great, but look, again, it's not about Alex Jones, it's about the information.
If we don't admit the king has no clothes, if we don't admit the world is round, if we don't admit that tyranny is unfolding around us, it's over.
But if we just wake up and say, we don't like it, we're not going along with it, the globalists will back off.
They will slow down their mad dash towards total martial law
FEMA Camp Police State.
And again, it's the best news I've got for you.
I mean, everywhere I go, everybody I talk to, people that, you know, would call up yelling at me five years ago, walk up to me and apologize to me on the street.
And again, I'm just one guy putting the truth out, doing the best job we can.
There are thousands of other prominent people who are also fighting the good fight against the New World Order, and millions of people down at the grassroots level taking action.
And all of the
Kudos or slaps on the back go out to you, not to me.
In fact, it irritates me when you call in and say, oh Alex, you're so great, thank you so much, before you start talking.
You don't have to do that on my show.
I'm not some neocon socialist, okay?
I'm doing what I'm doing because I love this country and because it's about survival for myself and my family to defeat this new world order.
And I want to commend you
Not myself, because we're all in this together.
I don't want you behind me, I want you beside me.
Alright, we'll come back, and I want to get briefly back into the Masonic deal a few days ago, with the guillotines, the black skull altars, and the torture chamber, basically, blowing the guy's head off.
Because we've done some more research on this, and this happens more often than you think.
It's always, of course, an accident.
Is it a ritualistic murder?
And we'll get into the horrible explosion in Madrid, Spain.
We'll also get into just global shares plunging.
Look, it's all coming up.
You don't want to miss this show.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition, another global transmission against tyranny here in the broadcast.
As we blast out on the AM and FM dial, simulcast on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and simulcast on Global Shortwave WWCR, 94.75 during the day and at night at 32.10.
Alright, let's dive straight into the news.
Explosions in Madrid, burst open train cars, scattering bodies.
killing more than a hundred and seventy people and wounding more than six hundred at the height of the rush hour commute according to witnesses and interior minister Angel Acebes, if I'm pronouncing that right.
A series of explosions blasted through passenger trains in the Madrid area today.
The blast which came just days before the Spanish general elections were so powerful the train cars were burst open and bodies of passengers blown out into the roads.
And don't worry, they'll catch a few patsies and torture the living daylights out of them.
Putin's been caught blowing stuff up again, and now they're admitting that there's not even a real election in Russia.
Same thing goes on in Spain.
England, the US, over and over again they blow stuff up right before elections and you vote for whoever's in power to save you.
The blast which came just days before the Spanish General Elections were so powerful the train cars were burst open and bodies and passengers blown out into the roads.
The explosions took place on trains packed with commuters just as they pulled in and out of stations.
Medics were treating victims on the floor of at least one of the three stations affected by the blast.
People carried out the wounded on makeshift stretchers.
There were pieces of flesh all over the road, said one woman, Luz Ellen Busco, 42, who described and descended from a bus at a stop near one of the stations about ten minutes before one of the explosions occurred.
The train was in pieces, she said.
I saw a lot of smoke and people running all over the place.
I saw a body without a head lying face down.
I started to cry.
I saw a kid about three years old who was all burned.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast, but they think it was Arabs and not Ba'athists.
I'm hearing that now.
I said Ba'athists.
Ba'athists would be in Iraq.
From the country of Basque.
Their mountainous region in Spain.
But that's what's going on right now.
It's just terrible.
And now the number's up over 173.
They've confirmed 173 dead, but they're still finding other bodies and body parts here and there.
It's 400 injured and over 170 killed.
Well, the government will just take more of their freedoms.
That'll be the answer.
Everything's going to be okay.
BBC News reports share hits by World Economy Fears.
Suddenly I can't read properly.
Shares hit by World Economy Fears.
European stock markets have fallen sharply amid concerns about the strength of the global economic recovery.
Now again, this new recovery is Bush saying cheeseburgers are manufacturing jobs and exporting jobs is good.
His economic commission has said all that in the last three weeks.
Now this is the Alice in Wonderland stuff you hear.
Germany's DAX dropped 4% to reach its lowest level this year, while Spain's IBEX shed 3 after a series of deadly explosions in Madrid.
There were also substantial losses for UK's FTSE 100, down by 2.5, and the French PAC 40, which lost 3.5.
The falls followed a drop in US markets on Wednesday after figures showed the US trade deficit at an all-time high.
The figures dismayed investors who had expected the drop in the value of the dollar to boost U.S.
exporters and retain the deficit.
That's as adjustment due, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had lost all its 204 gains, and its 2004 gains, when U.S.
stock markets closed on Wednesday, having dropped 160 points to 10,297.
Folks, all I know is the dollar's been devalued now by 46 percent.
Yes, it's gotten worse from where it was approximately two years ago.
That's one reason you're paying more for gas.
Your dollars aren't worth as much, people.
And again, I have businessmen I talk to that I've known for years, and they go, well, why is it bad to have a low dollar?
I mean, these are people with educations.
They don't even know.
It scares me, because I'm not even that smart, and compared to a lot of people, I don't know what the population is smoking.
Well, I guess it's what they're drinking, that fluoride.
Very, very serious.
But don't worry, the feds are on the job.
They say they're going to investigate why the gas prices are high.
They're going to have some oil execs from the White House, former oil execs, meet with the seven big companies and ask them, are you colluding to raise prices?
Of course, they'll say, no, we're not, and everything will be okay.
Again, a Basque leader suspects Arab resistance, not ETA, for Madrid bombing.
Back to the situation in Spain.
The leader of the illegal Basque separatist party with links to terrorist group ETA has said that he believes the Madrid bomb explosions of this morning were the work of elements of Arab resistance.
Arnold Otegi said the ETR always ran in warnings before attacks, which no such calls apparently being received prior to the railway attacks of earlier today.
Yes, the modus operandi, the high number of victims and the way it was carried out make me think, and I have a hypothesis in mind that yes, it may have been the operative cell from the Arab resistance.
Again, always some shadowy Arab group doing the big events that helps the government,
And you follow the Arab resistance, Al Qaeda, any of these groups back, Hamas, it leads to MI5, Mossad, Shin Bet, CIA, FBI, and the German security forces as well.
By the way, I saw it a few nights ago on, just the end of it, on HBO again.
What is it?
Seven days in November?
I forget the name of it.
It's about the Olympics and the kidnappers, the terrorist hostages, and all that, and how they killed the terrorists at the airfield.
Well, then when they captured some of the terrorists, the terrorists were threatening, other terrorists were threatening to bomb stuff in Germany, so Germany staged a fake
A hijacking as an excuse to give the terrorists back to their bosses.
And they just calmly have the former head of the German secret police, what's it called, GSGQ or whatever, admitting, oh yeah, we staged that.
I mean, just calmly, oh, we staged terror attacks, oh, no big deal.
I mean, I'm just wallowing through staged terror attacks by governments.
And a major county in California, voters ban biotech crops and animals.
And absolutely, we need to ban this, ladies and gentlemen.
It is criminal to the max.
It is dangerous.
You're saying, well wait a minute, it's freedom of science.
Do I have freedom to put cyanide in your iced tea, to break in your house to put cyanide in your iced tea?
Oh, no I don't.
Well, this is the equivalent.
You know, protegine with 96 open-air locations planting AIDS virus corn.
Every time I say that, people don't believe me until they type it in the search engine.
It's all over my website, Associated Press.
Yes, it happened two years ago.
And there's hundreds of such cases.
I don't even cover these anymore.
I'm so desensitized to them.
And Mendocino County voters ban biotech crops, animals.
Oh, and yeah, it's a bunch of lefties doing it, but uncontrolled lefties, and obviously they haven't gotten the Diebold machines yet, or this wouldn't have happened.
It's good news!
The county voters on Tuesday were the first in the nation to ban genetically engineered crops and animals.
This is out of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
By a margin of 50%, 56% to 44%, they approved Measure H, an initiative pushed by the county's organic farmers and one that has far greater symbolic impact than practical effect because such crops are not likely to be introduced in the county for years.
Well, that's a joke!
And by the way, it does have an impact.
We're not talking about frosting two tomatoes or two zucchini or two eggplants.
Or developing a better hybrid strain of corn.
We've been doing that for thousands of years.
That's fine.
That's what all modern foods have been engineered.
You know, like breeding a dog.
You still haven't changed the basics of what they are.
You've just done selective breeding.
We're talking about cockroach genes in your favorite tomatoes, grasshopper genes in salmon.
Salmon jeans and corn.
We're talking human jeans and pigs that we eat at the dinner table.
I mean, this is out there, you know, goats that are part spider that create body armor out of their udders.
I've had the military officers on, I've had the CEOs on of these companies, okay?
Yes, that's real.
They got part spider goats, okay?
Yeah, it's 2004.
I've had people walk up and go, Hey, buddy!
I used to believe you until I heard about the spider goats.
There's no such thing as cross-species.
I had biology at UT.
When were you in UT?
Well, it's 2004, baby cakes!
You need to get your head out of the sand.
Anyways, uh, so this all needs to be banned.
And I mean, if they catch you doing it, you need to be executed.
I mean, it's that dangerous.
It could kill everybody, ladies and gentlemen.
Some of the nation's largest agricultural interests spent more than half a million dollars in a bid to defeat the measure, fearing that it could become a precedent for other counties.
Don't worry, you've got your voting machines going in.
And that is likely to happen.
Passage of Measure H is just the beginning.
We're the first county.
But the revolution is just starting.
We need to get this posted on my website and have other cities pass it.
Hoopender, owner of Ukea Organic Brew Pub, who spearheaded the campaign.
Let me explain what Monsanto does.
This is public.
This has been in the mainstream news.
They hire former FBI, former BATF, former Mounties up in Canada, and they just walk by your drainage ditches throwing genetically modified seeds into the ditch.
I mean, they've been photoed doing this.
This is admitted.
Then when it takes, you know, a cycle for that to grow, blows pollen into your field, they then trespass on your property, grab 50 plants, and if they find on one plant any of their genetics, you've got records you bought your seeds somewhere else or saved your seeds, never bought from Monsanto, they do this to farmers that refuse to buy from them, then they sue you and take your land and the courts are all owned by them.
They literally have their own court in St.
And they take over!
So, I mean, it's sinister!
They come plant it on you, it blows onto you, and they take your property because they own the judges.
I mean, it is, it is, it's like, you know, a comic book.
The evil scientist.
Nah, my evil plants will take over all the others.
I soon will control the entire biosphere of the Earth!
We have CEOs of these companies saying things just like that.
Jack Brownrigg for Midas Resources.
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January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The Nasdaq in that same time frame is flat.
Two years ago, the U.S.
dollar was worth 17% more than the Euro.
Today, the U.S.
dollar is worth 28% less than the Euro.
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January of 2002, the gold spot was 283.
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We're going to have wide open phones today on any of the issues I'm raising or any item you want to talk about.
But let me get back into these news articles first.
You know, I've been talking a lot about the New York Daily News and other stories that have, I'm trying to find my KKK article, that came out of Long Island with the guillotines and now the skull altars and some bizarre type of torture chamber.
You know, the Christian conservatism is what Bush and all them are into.
They do the same stuff in the tomb at Yale.
And they're blowing this guy's head off.
This Mason blew one of the initiates' head off.
And then now there's been a bunch of other articles about it as new horrors start coming out.
But the police within an hour and a half of being there, it's a total accident, we're sure of it.
They normally don't declare that for a few weeks, the grand jury looks at it, the DA looks at it, but man, they seem to know in these cases, I say these cases because it seems to happen quite often, that it's all just an accident.
Man hit by a stray bullet in KKK initiation ceremony.
This is out of the Sydney Morning Herald.
There's a lot of these articles we found.
But it's covering the U.S.
A bullet fired in the air, that doesn't happen.
You don't fire a bullet in the air and then have it hit somebody even 50 yards from you.
That thing goes out on a trajectory and falls a minimum of 600 yards away or so.
Just the way the arc works.
So that shows that that's ridiculous.
A bullet fired in the air during a Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony came down and struck a participant in the head, critically injuring him, authority said.
By the way, it didn't strike one of the idiots standing around in the satanic regalia.
It didn't strike, it of course hit the initiate, the person being tortured.
It just magically in these cases hits them, but it's always an accident.
Gregory Allen Freeman, 45, was charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment in the incident that wounded Jeffrey Murr, 24, on Saturday night.
About ten people, including two children, had gathered for the white supremacist group's ceremony.
And it says the man who was being initiated was blindfolded, tied with a noose to a tree, and shot with paintball guns as Freeman fired a pistol into the air to provide the sound of real gunfire, Sheriff Ed Grable said.
And it goes on, a bullet struck Murr on the top of the head and exited in the bottom of his skull.
Authority said Freeman fled the ceremony but was arrested.
Near his home, authority said he was released on a $7,500 bail.
The other guy got a $2,000 bail.
He killed that guy.
This guy, last time I saw him, was in a coma.
And there's other cases of this.
By the way, the University of California has Bohemian Grove photos released by The Grove.
We ought to post these on the site.
We've got links to them.
It shows 1920 Grove members do simulated hanging.
And they're wearing Klan outfits, of course, but it's a Christian organization, according to them.
There's a photo on the side of a Klan group dressed up like pirates with Skull and Bones symbols on next to a regular Grand Dragon type outfit.
I mean, it's all the same thing, folks.
People say, well, why is Masonry so similar to Skull and Bones?
Why is Skull and Bones so similar to the Ku Klux Klan?
Or, wait a minute, the Ku Klux Klan are a bunch of toothless hillbillies.
Well, no, the Klan was governors and officials and
It was formed out of Knights of the Secret Circle, or you know it as the Illuminati, by Albert Pike, who was the Confederate General and one of the head guys and the Supreme Grand Mason.
Jesse Jackson doesn't want his statue down in D.C., by the way.
You're a real live Nazi, real live piece of garbage.
You're not Margaret Sanger giving awards to Hitler, getting awards.
You're love.
You're real live Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigning for Nazis.
You get ADL and Simon Wiesenthal awards.
And we've covered that here on the broadcast.
Very interesting.
But if you're not a Nazi, you get accused of being one.
That's the special little system.
And of course all the Nazi flags and the Adolf Hitler silverware at Skull and Bones.
Pretty serious stuff, so what do you think about that?
They just magically, we've found other cases of this, blowing people's heads off in Masonic rituals.
And it's said to create an atmosphere of fear and apprehension.
I mean, they make you think that they're killing you!
And that's just some of the little mid-level rituals there.
It gets a lot more fun, but again, it's a Christian organization, shouldn't criticize it.
And a lot of your police and judges are in it, of course.
By the way, I had a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-
License to kill, baby!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm not trying to besmirch the memory of my great-great-uncle, who gave my dad a .243 Savage lever-action rifle that I have and love, and that I've shot about 50 deer with.
But, the point is, is that he ran, during Prohibition, bars.
And people would try to rob you, and there were other gangs and folks, and a couple times he had to, you know,
When they had gun battles down in Houston, he would just go before the judge and flash the Masonic sign, and the judge would instantly dismiss the case.
Now, arguably, according to the Masonic rules, if he wasn't justified in killing the people he killed, and then he flashed that sign, and the Masons found out that he was lying, that he was in distress and had to do it, they would slit his throat and give him a Colombian necktie.
But you can see how this type of atmosphere can be massively abused.
And most of the mid-level and low-level Masons are not bad people.
But when you get up to high levels, it is satanic.
It is occultic.
And you know, guillotine, skull, altars, coffins.
They believe Lucifer's God.
I mean, that's the facts.
That's the Supreme Grand Mason.
Albert Pike wrote that.
So I have a copy of his book published by him.
You know, it's like the German Chancellor, Menin Powers, he wrote the book.
It's not the Washington Times or Sacramento Bee saying that they do rituals, satanic rituals at Bohemian Grove.
It's the German Chancellor.
So all we do is cover the facts here on this show and you know, it's just amazing to see all of this happening.
Now I know we got loaded phone lines.
I got a bunch of other news here.
Bush carry along
Another one, Bush's Skull and Bones sleepovers, MSNBC just came out today.
I remember criticizing Bill Clinton for renting out White House rooms, you know, for $100,000 a night.
Well, Bush doesn't rent them out.
He has Skull & Bones sleepovers.
In fact, the first party he had at the White House, nobody was allowed there but Skull & Bones members, and they've got the FEC chairman, and all of them are Skull & Bones.
It's pretty sick, folks.
But, uh, fundraisers and campaign donors aren't the only ones who've been sleeping over at the White House lately.
So are some of George W. Bush's buddies from his Skull & Bones days.
The administration yesterday released the official list of guests who stayed overnight at the White House between June 2002 and December 2003, and among the names are at least three members of Skull & Bones, the secret society that Bush belonged to at Yale.
And it gets off into that.
So you can go read the rest of that at the website.
Well, you know the websites, don't you?
Sitting here, I have a piece of paper with a list of callers and who I'm supposed to go to and what order.
And then now suddenly, very, very good.
And they gave me a computer hooked up to Minnesota where they can type out the names of who my callers are, but I never use that system.
I just have them tell me the names and where they're calling from.
So I'll find that in a minute.
We'll go to your calls here.
But I was about to cover some more news anyway.
This is out of ABC News, and it says, Black Market in Nuke Trade.
knew of Pakistan nuclear dealings for at least seven years.
Now, in 2001, I have Greg Palaston.
Who had written articles about how Bush signed W1999, blocking going after Al-Qaeda domestically, blocking going after Pakistan proliferating nuclear weapons.
I mean, it was admitted!
We have the document!
The FBI people have come forward!
But total news blackout, neocons on the radio, people that claim they're exposing the New World Order, said, I'm a liar, it doesn't exist, it's not true, when it was public.
I had, like, nine different mainstream articles all reporting it on the site, and they'd still say, not true, not true.
Well, here it is.
Black market nuke trade.
The U.S.
knew of Pakistan nuclear dealings for at least seven years.
It says the United States has knowledge of a network of black market nuclear proliferation from Pakistan, the country's accused of supporting terrorists, for at least seven years before it was publicly exposed.
ABC News has learned.
Oh, you learned it.
What U.S., British, and U.N.
Found was that a company in Pakistan was prepared to sell everything needed to make a nuclear bomb, plans equipment and fuel for $50 million, with no questions asked about how it might be used.
And this is our little darling!
Notice our little friends are always the real terrorists!
So that's certainly quite interesting.
Here's another one.
This is from the online news journal.
Cheney helped cover up Pakistani nuclear proliferation in 1989 so the U.S.
could sell country fighter jets.
Gets into that.
Again, that's just some of the news.
Who's up first here, Stephanie?
Danny in Tennessee.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to call and let you know if you had heard about H.R.
3717 that the House is voting on today.
Yeah, that's that gun control bill.
Well, there's another one.
This one that they're doing right here is
A bill about the radio, and it's called... Oh, I got it confused.
The number's similar to the gun bill.
Yeah, this one's called... Yeah, the FCC wants all these new powers, and it's not going to be to go after Howard Stern and others.
It'll be to go after shows like this.
Right, exactly.
And I read through the bill and sent you the actual bill.
It's called the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act.
Yeah, I haven't read it.
What's it say?
Oh, it's insane.
Let's say you're on the air and you say something that's labeled as hate speech or anti-government or anti-Luciferian.
Um, the talk show host can be fined up to $500,000.
Wait, it doesn't say anti-New World Order.
I don't believe it.
Because I was on a radio show this morning and they had it and they were reading.
If you just imply something sexual, they can go after you.
But of course, it's all going to be selectively enforced.
So if you describe, and I have heard Christian shows talk about this, if you describe abortion or you... and again, it will all be selectively enforced.
But look, overall,
This is a diversion from the FCC allowing consolidation.
They were under a lot of heat, and then suddenly, despite all the profanity and all the sex and all the, you know, men in bed together during the family hour on ABC, and despite all this, suddenly they got angry when they were under the gun.
So really it's just a big distraction.
Yeah, it's just insane.
And I also wanted to tell you, you were talking about masonry.
My grandfather was a 33rd degree mason.
And he was a Luciferian until he became saved.
And we used to sit and have long, long talks about it.
And when I was a kid, before he became a pastor, he used to take me to the Mithonic temples.
And I used to see him sacrificing goats.
And he was just insane.
For those that just joined us, tell us about the loving rituals.
Well, I was probably four or five when I went.
I would just remember them going and they would worship like Jabal El.
I would always ask my grandpa, I'd say, what in the world is this?
He finally sat me down and explained to me the big secret of Masonry, that it was Satan worship.
Of course, the lower people, they had no idea what was going on.
It was just the upper initiate.
My father was also a 33rd degree Mason.
When he really found out what was going on he started exposing them and my father wound up committing suicide when he was 33.
I don't know if he committed suicide or if they killed him or not.
Well they say that's why the group was banned in the U.S.
because they murdered
A famous war veteran who was high-level and went public because when he got initiated, what they do is they have you write essays about, you know, would you do something criminal for the greater good?
Would you touch your wife's head off the border?
And if you say yes, they go, ah, you understand the power!
But if you say no, they go, oh, you're the type we want.
You'll stay right here.
Thank you.
But some people answer those questionnaires, then get deeper into it and are like, hey, man, I don't want to worship Baphomet.
Uh, well, he's the horned god's actually Jesus's friend.
Don't you want to be part of it?
And listen, I mean, here's the New York Post, here's all these articles, guillotine skull alters, you know, shooting the guy in the head.
Now imagine, this is going all over the place.
Imagine if you or I tried to get a place, looks like a mausoleum, and do this kind of stuff.
If we weren't masons, man, we'd have police raids on us.
Oh yeah, that's gross.
But because they're doing it, oh, it's no big deal.
People say, oh, they've got children's burn centers, they can't be bad.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Yeah, that's there in Tennessee.
And ask yourselves, what a great tax write-off.
And how many burn children are there really, folks?
That's a big question.
Thank you for the call.
And again, you know, most Masons are not bad.
Almost all those that died at the Alamo were Masons.
I mean, the Lone Star State people, this state was founded by Masons.
I mean, you didn't own land and get an elected office unless you were a Mason.
And a lot of my family are Masons.
I mean, I got family that are great, good people, do anything for you, salt of the earth.
But they were given the questionnaires and didn't answer them properly, so they stay mid-level.
But you go up to that 33rd degree or above it, oh yeah, there's 360 degrees, which again, most places don't even know about.
You go above that degree, it is flat-out devil worship.
I mean, on your knees.
And some new ager will email me and say, well actually, you know, we don't believe in the devil.
The angel of light is good.
You're just in this Christian paradigm and don't understand it.
Okay, let's talk to Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
First time caller.
A friend introduced me to you and I got two quick questions.
I started telling people at work about you and your program and what you've been revealing and stuff and a person said I ought to be taken to a field and shot.
I was just wondering what you were thinking about that.
Well, I mean, you've got Michael Savage saying anybody that disagrees with the government should be put in a forced labor camp.
You've got senators calling for it.
You've got the governor trying to pass it in Rhode Island.
I mean, if you disagree with the government, you're arrested.
But they are the minority.
And yeah, if they think America is, criticize the government, you're put in a camp or killed.
Well, I'm on talk shows, and that one call out of 30 calls them to disagree.
They almost always say, I want to kill you, I know the camps are real, I'm a special forces officer, we're going to kill people like you, or I'm a jail guard, we're going to get you.
And then 10 more military call in and go, he's a sicko, we're against him, or I'm a jail guard and it's wrong what's happening.
But yeah, there are these psychopaths.
The deep down are scared, so they join the evil, thinking it'll keep them safe.
And so you said, yeah, Mr. Jones talks about, you know, how the government's behind this or that, and they just said, well, they said you should be taken out in the field and shot, huh?
So what'd you say back to them?
I said, well, I said, why don't you call in?
Why don't you go to his website?
Why don't you search for yourself?
And this friend was nice enough to show me your website and, you know, documents that you've been... But, I mean, did you say, that's not very nice, saying I should be killed?
Well, I said, well, if you don't like it, go somewhere else.
This is America.
Well, I mean, what did you say to this individual to get him to that point of saying that?
Uh, I told this person that my friend had this 9-1-1 tape of yours and that he should watch it and that how the government was behind it.
And he said that I was speaking out against our government and that I should be shot.
I was a commie.
Oh, Akami.
By the way, there is a great editorial cartoon, and thanks for the call, sir.
Keep it up.
That fruitcake's in the minority.
And it's that twisted's a weakling, so don't worry about him.
Continuing, there's a great editorial cartoon on PrisonPlanet.com and it's Bush sitting there with a bucket of pretzels, you know, in a Hollywood director's chair with lights behind him, with his legs crossed, with Karl Rove, the White House cheap spin meister behind him, and there's the rubble of 9-11, the World Trade Center, and
And there's families out there with big banners saying, you know, the government carried out 9-11.
And, uh, uh, you know, Bush is saying, oh, you know, get these people out of here, they're getting in the way of my campaign commercial.
So, I mean, by the way, any day you go out there now, there's people with big banners saying the government did it, you know, Bush is in with Bin Laden, and the cops come up and threaten to arrest you in America on the public sidewalk and kick you out of there, but anybody else is allowed out there.
And most of the victims' families believe the government's behind it now.
Most of them.
Did you know that?
And we've had a lot of the people on.
But, again, you never really hear about it on the nightly news.
So, again, I guess all those victims, all those firefighters' families are bad, too, huh?
I guess they should be taken out in the field and shot, because they know Hitler blew up the Reichstag.
Because they know the U.S.
government document in Northwood's called for the attacks.
Let's talk to Jay in Colorado.
Jay, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to call about a documentary I saw about North Korea.
I wasn't sure if you saw it.
Pictures from inside North Korea, videotape.
The guy who took the pictures, after getting arrested a few times, he's been in and out of the country.
Received awards and stuff for the pictures.
What's his name?
Oh, I couldn't.
He's in North Korea.
Because I've had a bunch of those doctors and people lying.
This is the guy that went in the death camps where they stomp the babies' brains out?
No, no.
This is like a North Korean
A refugee that has been going back in, sneaking back in, and out with photos of the kids walking around city streets, starving, and uh... Well, Vanity Fair admitted that they were selling human body parts, beef jerky, baby parts, there, you know, years ago in the city center.
Well, they said that in the marketplaces.
He was talking to a lot of the refugees, a lot of them kids, which was even more disturbing, about how they're so hungry that they
Great education, factories, jobs, beautiful parks, huge shopping malls, and then north of them, absolute complete cesspool.
And America and the world is going towards the North Korean model because a tiny elite, there was a German doctor we had on who was over there for years, won their highest award, gave his own skin to somebody.
And his driver got hit by a car, so he went into these glistening, better cat scans than we've got.
And he saw the lavish, you know, Colby massaged steaks, and, you know, huge, you know, pleasure buildings, and just, oh, everything for the, oh, for the elite.
And see, that's the lesson.
The elite don't care about us living well.
They want us down on our knees groveling.
That's their mode of control.
That's feudalism.
Well, the disturbing, one of the more disturbing parts was all the cities, including Pyongyang.
The guy who was doing the documentary was meeting up with that Korean guy.
The other guy was a British citizen who was posing as a tourist.
He was really doing a documentary about it.
He was meeting up on the China border with that North Korean guy.
He never met up with him.
Later on, he found out he was, he ended up sneaking out months later or whatever.
But Pyongyang was empty.
No cars.
No nothing.
Huge city.
It's beautiful.
I mean, statues.
Huge skyscrapers.
They stayed in a 60-story hotel.
The guy said it was almost empty.
Not a person in it.
And no traffic.
No people walking around.
It's a ghost town.
And then he was, when he was traveling around the city, um, when he left Pyongyang for China, he said he was going up to China.
Along the way, he wasn't supposed to have a camera in that country.
And, uh, all the cities he's seen.
The factories.
Not a person there except for some military you saw one time training doing uh... uh... Taekwondo.
Well, their military's keeping the homeland safe.
Hey, they got troops on the street in North Korea!
We need troops here, man!
We need to be like them!
Lord Bush is bringing it home!
We need to turn our guns in so the government can keep us safe.
Our stun guns too.
The police want them.
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Yeah, in North Korea, they got cameras on the street corners, they got troops on the streets, they carry ID cards, and, well, we do here now.
Of course, their cops aren't as scary.
They're wearing old 50's style Soviet uniforms.
Here, it's the black ski mask and Jolly Roger flying from black APCs and giant automakers coming out with urban suppression vehicles with huge microwave guns mounted on them.
A lot slicker here in America.
We're better fed, you know, than the poor North Koreans, millions of which have been starved, because the government only lets them grow opium.
Grow poppies.
But before we go back to Alan and Bill and Howard and Martin and Kevin and everybody else and just tons of other key news, I do want all of you to cease the procrastination and to take action now, my friends.
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Just a lot of different items there, and it all spreads the word.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Bill in Ohio.
Let's pull these over.
Okay, we're going to put Bill on hold, and then we're going to go to Allen in Texas.
Allen, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I haven't been with you in a few days.
Just found the new frequency on the shortwave.
But, um, I got an email yesterday on the Supreme Court's gag rule on the U.S.
about saying anything about Bush on TV while they're doing these caucuses.
Have you heard this yet?
Uh, no.
I'm in the dark.
Beginning 30 days after the first primary or caucus, December 14, 2003, Section 203 of McCain-Feingold will criminalize... Oh, yeah.
Of course I knew about that.
...broadcast references to the President.
It'll be a crime for a union corporation or incorporated non-profit.
Yeah, but then they get to run all their ads, and again, it is incumbent protection, Bush signed it, Supreme Court, a Republican appointed, did it, and this is the new America!
60 days before an election, and now they're saying maybe longer, I can't have Larry Proud on!
Yeah, and they say this is the irony here, is Bush's probe evokes tremendous irony, given that his own 9-11 body parts ad
Provide some of the tackiest moments in the history of television.
So he can abuse that kind of stuff, but we can't come out there with the truth.
We'll save you.
He's got leadership.
Ted Bundy helps women.
Ted Bundy for president.
Hi, I'm Ted Bundy.
I save a lot of women.
Yeah, I don't know where this is going.
Where else do you see one of the engineers of the killing up there standing on top of the dead bodies saving us?
Right, yeah.
Just strong arms standing next to you telling you that what you're saying is illegal.
Go to the free speech zone, please.
It's freedom like North Korea!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're all ready into the second hour of this live Thursday, 11th of March, 2004 edition.
I'm Alex E. Jones, your host.
And, uh, we will again have two hours left here.
It's wide open phones.
I got into a town out in California banning genetically engineered crops being planted.
Great news!
I'll get back into why, because it's, you know, you can't run around putting cyanide in your neighbor's yard.
Well, you can't do this.
This is much more dangerous long-term to all of us.
That's a good trend.
Uh, also, we will get into our loving government, Bill Clinton and Lord Bush.
Helping protect Pakistan while they were arming all the enemies.
That's now on ABC News, not just on this show.
A bunch of police state news.
Swiss debate tax on fat.
We'll get the same control freak system here.
That's bad news.
And of course, loaded phone lines taking a lot of your calls.
Always interesting.
A lot more on the skull and bones and the Masonic murders and the rest of it, too.
Right now, let's go to Bill in Ohio.
Bill, go ahead.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
Listen, I heard you, I believe, yesterday, I forget whether it was you or perhaps a guest at some point, made a reference to an individual who had put out an article sometime in the past referring to their desire to see the United States, or their belief, I guess, that the United States' standard of living had to be reduced down to the level of the rest of the world.
I'd like to know
What publication was that?
I've heard NPR do it.
I've seen it on national TV.
The OECD, Organization of Economic Co-operative Development, has said it.
The IMF, the World Bank, has said it.
The Joseph Zicklund of the World Bank, when he quit, said they're planning it.
The World Bank documents say it.
They're posted in the interview section of InfoWars.com.
It is the stated policy that we've got to lower our standard of living.
You have it on your website?
It's all over the place, yeah.
Attributed to where you can find it?
It's thousands of places.
Do you have a computer?
Not... I don't have internet.
I've got a computer, but I don't have internet.
I go to the library to use it.
Yeah, I mean, do you know how to use a search engine?
Eh, more or less.
Clumsily, but I get by.
Okay, well, just type in UN body states
Uh, that U.S.
standard of living must be, uh, lowered to that of third world, or just type, I mean, it's all over the place.
You're like, I mean, you're like saying to me, are there fish in the sea?
And it's a very good question.
And I'm saying, you know, or show me the fish.
I'm like, man, you see it?
There's the ocean.
Believe me, there's a whole lot of them in there.
I don't have it here in front of me.
It's a very good question.
It's like the last caller about campaign finance reform.
I mean, I don't have the bill in front of me, but I've read it.
It helps when you're talking to people, if you can wave something concrete in front of their eye.
Well, I mean, I know you want to do that, but that's what I do.
Whatever I talk about on this show, I'll have in front of me.
You know, like if I say Swiss debate tax on fat, that's news.com.au.
You know, major European news, and I read the article.
Yeah, that's kind of crazy.
Now, I have a, I went, I hunted up from Foreign Affairs an article by a guy named Richard Gardner from back in the 70s, and where he said something about they needed to do an end run around the Constitution.
Yeah, I have that quote in my book, yeah.
And I just printed out the entire article, but
Yeah, I don't like to say much about stuff like that unless I can show people something concrete that they can't refute.
Yeah, Pastor David J. Smith gave the reference of who said it.
I just don't remember it now.
I mean, as I said, there are thousands of them saying it.
I mean, it's all over the place.
It's wall to wall.
Here it is.
That was the April 1974 bimonthly foreign affairs Richard M. Gardner.
In short, the House of World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down.
It will look like a great booming, buzzing confusion to use William James' famous description of reality.
But an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.
One of the things you raised, I brought it up instantly for you.
We'll be back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Remember about three years ago they passed the Medical Privacy Act and I'd watch CNN and go, this act gives you medical privacy.
And in truth it made everything you do public once it's in the big grand federal database.
But then your doctor can go to prison if they do something with your debt, but the government and big corporations can do whatever they want.
So more local control by the feds over everyday life of a key area, key industry, a key area of infrastructure, but loosening any controls over the criminals, the big globalists.
Well, it's a perfect example of that with campaign finance reform.
We hear the word reform and somehow in our semantical lexicon,
That is good.
Well, and I've said this many times, if you're hit by a Mack truck, a concrete truck, going 50 miles an hour, you are reformed.
Your head is splattered, your body is crushed, you are flattened to about two inches wide, your intestines stream all over the highway.
I hate to be graphic, but that is a reform.
It has been reformed.
That's all reform means.
But again, they've changed the meaning to mean it's good.
And they come and they say, well, we're going to give you reform.
We're going to double the amount of money corporations can give.
But we're going to restrict individuals.
Because you can't have some rogue person with money doing something, or you can't have some individual groups getting together and going out and supporting somebody.
We're going to go after that money.
And we're also not going to let talk show hosts and others interview
Any type of non-profit or union group or any of these groups, 60 days before an election and a few months ago the IRS said, well actually, you may not be able to ever talk before an election.
They're now telling gun owners of America this.
I mean, it's incredible.
And the church has never had tax exemption.
You just were exempt because Congress cannot make a law concerning churches.
But the government just completely ignores that, and now churches are saying you can't talk about you're against any government policy.
And they tell churches that.
Well, you can't say abortion's bad, or you can't say homosexuality's bad, because then, you know, that's a restriction of a government policy, and you're getting involved against a policy.
I mean, they're actually saying this, people.
So, it's happening.
And I'm glad the caller raised this.
Yeah, in the conservative Supreme Court, the same one that follows U.N.
rulings, the same one that's, you know, doing all this, came out and said, oh yeah, campaign finance, it stands.
And Bush said, well, I did sign it for you, didn't I?
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Howard in Colorado.
Howard, go ahead.
Alex, thank you very much for taking this call.
I got your tapes a couple or three weeks ago, and I've got to tell you, you've got a good crew that's getting those things in the mail right away.
And I thank you so much for it.
Well, thank you.
You know, we try our best, and I've said this for years.
I've finally done it.
Within a week, we've already got all the stuff, we're switching over, we're going to UPS.
Because we found out that it's just maybe 50 cents more and incredible service, guaranteed.
I am sick of the postal service.
Some people in New York get the videos in three days, and then somebody, my family in Austin, gets it in two weeks.
So the postal service is a disgrace.
I do have to say that.
It always has been.
It would really help me try to convince some of our guys in our church that this 501c3 is a communist move.
To me it is, at any rate.
Well, the Communists had those exact rules.
Hitler had similar ones.
The churches were regulated by the government.
And if they spoke out, they were shut down.
And we now actually have that in America.
And these idiots don't see it right in front of their face.
No, they don't.
And I've tried to tell them about this mess.
And they say, oh, well, what we'll do is just back out.
And I thought to myself, yeah, sure you will.
You lose your church and everything you've got invested in.
But, Alex,
Is there anyone I can contact?
I don't have a computer or email.
Is there anyone I can contact to try to get some solid information about what this government can and will do
To a church that gets into this... Yes, Tex Mars, again, was already a best-selling author of military textbooks and a military affairs and space and aeronautics professor.
Is that two R's or one?
Two R's and what?
In Mars.
I'm going from memory here, but the point is, Tex went after Bill Clinton.
Yeah, the IRS came and he's written all this down and has it on record and he has like a three page deal I think he'll send you, I don't have his number in front of me, unfortunately, but text, I'll give you his website if you don't have that, and they came and they said, look,
You can't criticize the government.
Any government policy you criticize, anything the government does, you lose your 501c3.
And he did drop it and did get rid of it.
And you know, he had to shut down his church here in Austin and all that, because we're a free country now.
But text can give you all that information.
Churches that have never been a part of it fare better.
It's once you've gotten into the contract.
And again, 50 years ago, nobody was in this.
The government couldn't say a word to a church.
Everybody knew that.
I mean, that went back to sanctuary where, you know, if somebody ran into a church, nobody could do anything.
I mean, this isn't just an American value.
But now we don't have that.
And look, as more churches find out and say no, if more say no, the feds will back off.
But if they just say, well now you can't say anything about abortion.
And then suddenly the Baptist Church in Austin says, well don't talk about this, because we were told.
This is America!
Ignore them!
If they say that a preacher can't say homosexuality is wrong, ignore them!
They passed a law, the Republican governor did last year, in Pennsylvania.
And it said, I read the AP article, it said in the law, it said you criticize homosexuality, you can be criminally or civilly prosecuted.
Hate speech.
It said it and they passed it.
You just gotta ignore it.
And even people that are for homosexuality, the point is it's the First Amendment.
This is America.
And you have a right to have your opinion.
And not with these people.
And folks, again, I have to explain.
Police wearing black ski masks with helicopters looking through your walls isn't freedom.
With a ground penetrating radar.
Cameras in school bathrooms, again, Associated Press, is not freedom.
Creatures not being able to read from the Old Testament is not freedom.
Folks, that isn't freedom.
That isn't freedom.
I'm not able to have Larry Pratt on 60 days before an election.
That isn't freedom.
That isn't freedom.
That isn't freedom.
Now just let me say it again.
That is not America.
Go ahead.
Can you give me an address for TexMars?
Here's the problem.
I don't have any of Tex's material in this whole studio in front of me right now.
And no, I don't.
I can give you his website.
Would you please?
I apologize, I don't have the phone number for you.
It's powerofprophecy.com or texmars.com or conspiracyworld.com.
And his phone number is all over that.
Oh, wonderful.
All right.
Man, I sure thank you, Alex, and I do hope that America will wake up, but man, I tell you, they have been so dumbed down and lulled to sleep, they think this thing's going to go away with the election of a new president.
Absolutely, and then we'll get wise to care in the next horrible one, but I predict Bush will be elected.
Thanks for the call.
Let me give you an example.
A woman went into Walmart with a million dollar fake bill wanting to buy $1,700 worth of products.
I mean, that idiot thought she'd get away with it.
And I have to be honest with you, I mean, I'm not a sardonic person, but I mean, I am stunned by just the... You'll be talking to somebody who's as dumb as a cow about basic, you know, I use the example of what the First Amendment is, who the Founding Fathers were, how many continents there are, where Iraq is.
They don't know anything!
Absolutely nothing!
But then you ask them about football, and suddenly their eyes bog, there's a sparkle in them, they know every detail, they know what some, you know, MVP's favorite pizza is.
I mean, literally!
Because they focus themselves into this stuff.
And, uh, you know, I mean, I guess I've gotten hyper-aware because I've spent my life studying geopolitical structures, history, legislation.
You know, I live this.
This is all I do.
I'm completely consumed.
I'm driven.
This is my life.
I don't really think about food.
I don't really... I mean, really, it's just this.
And it's very rewarding.
I mean, it's very uplifting.
I mean, it's simple.
You're in a trench with enemy forces attacking you.
You don't get tired.
You don't really anything.
You just move forward against the enemy.
Okay, well, I've been going on enough about that.
How many of you can't see the abject evil just running rampant, foaming at the mouth all around you?
Wild-eyed wickedness everywhere.
I mean, what planet are you living on?
I mean, it's incredible.
Let's talk to Kevin in Pennsylvania.
Kevin, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Firstly, there was a caller last night who said he got arrested for giving out your videos or something.
What's going on?
I have a newspaper article.
I've talked to local officials, and they say it was a Ron Paul video of Congress.
He spammed one of them.
The other one was road to tyranny.
And they said both videos are threats to the government and to the police, and that they want him to spend a year in prison.
Oh, God.
Also, was there really a law about you can't criticize homosexuality or is that for the 501c3 churches?
No, in Pennsylvania they're saying that period, that the Old Testament and New Testament can be considered hate speech.
And the governor warned pastors to keep their mouths shut.
That's my state.
For your entertainment, and I want this to spread, I want to sing my Homeland Security song.
Homeland Security It will be tyranny And under it will live The Constitution died The Patriot Act made alive With cameras on the mountainside
Let tyranny reign.
What do you think of that?
I think you ought to quit the day job.
That's good.
You ought to write more of those.
Yeah, I know.
Okay, buddy.
Good to hear from you.
I'll be right back as we delve into the recesses of hell after this.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's go ahead and give the toll-free number out again.
Always good idea to do that at least once an hour.
We'll go back into the calls.
I've got a bunch of police state and global terror news and a lot of key info coming up for you.
You do not want to miss the rest of the broadcast today.
Again, it's wide open phones on this Thursday edition.
Let us now go ahead
And, uh, go to Anne in New Mexico.
Anne, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
What does the E stand for?
Alex E. Uh, my middle name is Emmerich.
It's German.
Yeah, mine's Alicia, so I was just curious.
Oh, no, that's okay, yeah.
Um, uh, you mentioned, uh, that we're in a, a, a feudal system, and if you do a study on the word feudal, see, thief.
The word thief comes from old English and it means cattle.
And that's all they're doing, begging and tagging the cattle.
You know, which is us.
Yeah, and speaking of that, begging and tagging, I called before, oh, maybe a week or so ago, talking about the Smart Chips.
Yes, the RFID Trucker Chips.
Is the microchip made by the Applied Digital Solution the same as an RFID?
Yes, it is a radio frequency identification device.
Can they put it in food?
Ah, yes.
But that'll just pass through the body though, won't it?
Ah, yes.
The only way they can really lodge it in the body is through injection, is that correct?
Unless it's got nanotech built into it so that it will lodge in the intestinal wall.
Oh, no, because I have this article by, you were speaking of text.
Mars, the May 2002 issue, and he's saying... Yeah, he has friends in the CIA, and they've been working... He had friends in the 70s telling him he rolled his eyes about nanotech weapons, Jim.
Well, many robots to be injected in human bodies, transmitters for global electronic control systems, disguised as stadiums.
So, you know, the GPS, the satellites, the stadiums, the main robots... Yeah, we found massive power systems hooked to the superstructures of this World Cup system, and they've got all these arrays, and they are giant transmitters.
And by the way, that sounds crazy.
Then last year, a bunch of articles, but one of them in the Boston Globe said that DARPA wants to not just put brain scanners up, but mind control resonance systems on the street corners.
Now, here's the question... Now, again, that sounds completely insane.
Folks, it's in the newspaper.
Here's the question, Alex.
How can we avoid having those things in our bodies?
You can't!
They're going to mount on these new police vehicles, like something Darth Vader would drive.
Microwave guns, sound cannons... No, I'm talking about the RFI feature.
Well, no, no.
I'm trying to just give you an example.
The RFI that you... Look!
I was going to talk.
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, no.
Go ahead.
You ask the question, and when you're ready, I'll tell you.
How can we avoid getting those RFID chips in our bodies?
Okay, well let me go over that.
Okay, sir.
Well, no, I mean, I'll just tell you.
I'm really concerned about this.
This is pretty scary stuff.
Well, I'm going to tell you.
Look, the product code, the universal product code, the barcode, did not get fully accepted until 1986.
Met with the government and said, we will demand it from all of our suppliers and then it will become universal.
Now they've publicly said in meetings last year, they're going to make all their suppliers, put these in RFID to make that the new standard.
It's already going in everywhere.
So is Target, you name it, it's happening everywhere.
Is this called the barcode enhanced?
No, but let me just finish and answer your question.
What they're doing is, it's going in everywhere now, and you've got to protest it and speak out against it and not go along with it.
And so, you asked how to keep it out of your food.
There's no publicly stated plan to put it in the food.
But, they are planning to genetically engineer bananas and potatoes and everything to have vaccines in them so you can't escape the vaccines.
Now what about vaccines, you know, giving a person an injection like a vaccine?
Oh, that's a good way to do it, yes.
Yeah, well then we must say no.
Well, I mean, I'll say no to the vaccines because of the thimerosal and everything else.
And everything else, right.
Yes, and I mean, there's still this debate about all this.
This is all admitted.
You had a guy call up last week and go, well, I read a magazine that said the RFID ain't gonna drug us out of the store.
The industry, the RFID consortium came out with a map, a picture, you know, pictorial showing the chip from the factory to the warehouse, to the store, to your house, to the landfill.
I've got a quote by Dr. Jose Delgado.
We must electronically control the brain.
Armies and generals will be controlled by electronic stimulation of the brain.
Then he goes on to say... Now that's an Army War College document from 2000, yes.
We'll be back.
Thank you for the call.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, my friends, Alex Jones here.
A little bit past the halfway point on this broadcast.
The point of no return.
For many of us, we've gone into the reality zone.
I guess we're not going to be in the darkness any longer.
We're going to have to face the world and what's really going on.
Childhood's end, as they say, having to grow up.
I know we've got loaded phone lines.
We'll get to your calls.
I've got a bunch of news I want to run through quickly.
And again, global shares, stock markets plunging, 170 plus kill in the Madrid bombing, and now they think it's Al-Qaeda, means L-C-I-A-D-A, also.
We've got the Swiss debating a fat tax.
That's being debated here by the Agriculture Department as well, and it'll take the National Sales Tax System to track that, of course, and track your purchases and your habits so you can be properly taxed in the index.
Because it isn't fair to tax somebody for Blue Bell ice cream if they only buy it occasionally, or you only buy alcohol occasionally, or buy an occasional cigar.
All that goes in your file.
This is the official plan.
They already do it in Finland and places like that.
Also, Detrox, the degenerate scum bag, the satanic child kidnapper and killer for the elite.
His wife says she was too terrified to save the girls.
He would starve to death after the Illuminati had had their way with him.
So we'll get into that.
Also, Firm turns to high-tech snooping.
How companies are spying on their own employees in newer and more horrible ways.
Also, ex-UN official to be new Haiti Premier.
Talk about a puppet dictatorship.
They go in and kick out their old puppet, who probably had U.S.
Special Forces as his security detail, and then put in a new one.
That's ABC News and we'll get to that.
Also, mind reader, brain reading technology, becomes new tool in courts.
Now I told you years ago that NASA developed these frauds.
It took 50 years plus to prove that lie detector tests were a fraud and that anybody could quote beat them or that the FBI agent running it could claim you were guilty when you weren't.
A lot of people went to the gas chamber or the electric chair to the hangman's noose because of it and turned out they were innocent later.
Well, now they just scan your brain and they ask you questions and, ooh, you got upset by that question.
You're lying!
And it's total quackery, but, uh, it's, it's, it's, and by the way, they've mounted these now, uh, and it was in four, now it's in five major airports in the U.S., Boston, Logan's one.
I have CBS and the Associated Press on the website about it.
You walk under a high-powered MRI,
We're good to go.
They're not just recording that of you and your family at the airports.
Most of them have got that.
You know, putting it in.
And now, you know, they're looking at your brain, folks!
And then if it shows that you're upset, or your walk biometrically is upset, your walk's been scanned too, you're then put under a, you're sat down on the machine and asked questions.
This is going on right now in America.
Imagine ten years ago going to a science fiction movie, and the guy's trying to get out of the city, you know, he's innocent, but the guys in black uniforms are after him, you know, the bad guys always dress like that, and, you know, they grab him and put him under a scanner when he's walking to the airport, he picks up that he's upset, and, excuse me, we'd like to talk to you, but he's coming here, and he gets under a machine, they scan him, hmm, what have you been up to?
We're going to take you in for questioning.
This multi-pass looks like a fake.
Wait a minute, you've removed your subdermal security freedom plus chip!
Off to the gulag he goes, you know?
I mean, you know, that'd be great for screenwriters out there, but now it'd kind of be, well, Mommy, this movie's just a normal thing!
Why is that man so bad?
Why is he fighting back against the good guys who wear the black helmets and ski masks?
Mommy, the good guys wear skull and bones on their armored vehicles, the bad guys run from them!
You know, that's the future America.
Mommy, that man spoke out before the election and was arrested!
Mommy, that man gave a man a videotape about corruption and was arrested!
Good, they're keeping the homeland safe!
Alright, we'll go to your calls in a few minutes and into some of this news.
Now, Jim Shepard, for the next five minutes, joins us because I believe in not drinking the fluoride, the chlorine, the pesticide, the herbicide, the Ritalin, the Prozac, the birth control pills,
Why people don't take control of their lives?
Why you don't just stop drinking the poison water?
It's fun to me.
It's because you're desensitized to it.
You need to get these filters.
They're made in America.
They're the highest quality.
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And it supports this show, which is also vital and needed.
Jim Shepard, welcome to the Airwaves.
What do you think of my latest rant while you've been on hold the last five minutes?
Yeah, well, I've been
I was actually kind of chuckling when I heard you talking about that.
I'll tell you of an interesting experience that happened in the mid-seventies.
I was walking to a park and I saw a well-dressed man who was somewhat disheveled and had a bandage around his head.
He was sitting on the park bench and he just looked kind of confused, so I sat down and started talking with him.
Alex, he communicated to me that he had been a
participant in some sort of a government uh... mind control operation and he said they they'd hooked these diodes up to his head and they were being they were trying to read the images out of his brain and that they were uh... actually inputting images into his brain and he communicated to me that he was uh... confused and trying to get his brain back together and trying to you know think of you know
Uh, just trying to get it back together that he was confused, but he was also on the run because... And you say this wasn't the wild-haired, schizophrenic type talking about the aliens are coming.
You're saying he was dressed pretty nice, but he looked out of place?
Yeah, well, it looked like he'd been sleeping in the same clothes for three or four days.
But they were nice clothes and he was well-dressed.
And, uh, but basically he, uh, he explained to me that, uh, he'd escaped from the facility and that he was afraid of them.
He didn't know where to run.
And he was having a hard time getting his mind back together.
So how did all this end?
Well, at that particular point, I just chatted with him for a while and just walked away with a question mark in my mind.
Is this guy absolutely stark raving mad, or is this stuff really going on?
And now the Boston Globe says FEMA, with DARPA, wants to put up active mind control towers.
And they admit it's patented in the 50s.
They can send out a resonance to make you get sick, make you go to sleep.
Folks, you laughed at me ten years ago when I told you about microwave guns.
Okay, they've had them.
Now they're on the Humvees in your local police department waiting for you.
ABC News.
But, uh, we're not making this stuff up, so I don't know if this guy's a nut or not, like you said, Jim, but the point is, they're now talking about, well, in case there were riots or problems, we could have a resident system that would calm the crowd.
I'm not kidding.
Alex, you're supposed to feel more secure.
They're taking care of you.
I know.
I mean, Jim, at some point it's like I want to run down the street yelling, just waving my arms insanely.
Again, I said a few weeks ago, it's like opening your door and there's a werewolf in your closet.
You know, you want to, that's, the normal response would be running and screaming and yelling.
And I'm not saying werewolves are real.
It's an analogy of the level of extreme bizarreness.
You know, to have the government going, well, we're following the UN's orders now at the Supreme Court.
Well, you can't... I don't know, it's just... Do you get what I'm saying about the same level of bizarreness?
What's scary is to look ahead ten years from now.
I mean, look how much our world has changed just in the last five years.
I mean, things are accelerating so fast in their bombardness with so much new technology that
Could be friendly, could very not well be friendly.
And it all is just coming out and it's like trying to get a drink of water out of a fire hydrant.
And I know that you're probably exhausted just trying to keep up with all the stuff that's coming out.
Well, it makes my head spin.
The problem is I've got so much evidence of what they're doing.
I mean, Jim, I got a call last year and they said, have you seen this bill in Oregon?
Where one protester blocks traffic, every protester gets life in prison in a forced labor camp.
And I said, oh yeah, right.
Well, then I go to the Oregonian news story, I blink through to the official state website, and it says it!
It didn't mince words, it said, Forest Labor Camp for Life.
If you download any songs, Life in a Prison Camp.
If you have a gun, Life in a Prison Camp.
Family violence, Life in a Prison Camp.
Blocking traffic, Life in a Prison Camp.
I mean, it listed like 80 things, Jim.
It's on my website.
Were you posing it?
Folks, that's Twilight Zone!
Somebody wake me up!
And it was the Senator Menace, no pun intended, the head of the committee, wanted to pass it, and news got out, and it almost passed.
I mean, Jim, Jim, I can't believe this.
Well, and I've seen it in other areas as well.
I was reading an article, one of the Senators from Colorado was trying to get an amendment passed or whatever,
And I'm not, I haven't kept up with it, so I don't know if it was successful, but basically anybody who was involved in what they would call, you know, eco-terrorism, which in my view was a way to, you know, there's a lot of people that have a lot of angst against the, you know, the tree huggers, and so they'd probably say, yeah, well that's probably a pretty good thing, but basically anybody who was involved with trying to block
You know, things with respect to the environment and so on and so forth, new building construction, that that would be considered terrorism and they'd be prosecuted under these new Patriot Act laws.
And by the way, that's happening all over the country, not just in Colorado, and some of the laws have passed in some states.
What they do is they go, environmental terrorists, torch 20 SUVs in a dealership, or they burn down a home.
Man, those guys deserve, you know, 40 years in prison.
I mean, not serious arson, but then they go, see, see?
But then the law is, and I saw it, block traffic, block a logging road, 20 years hard labor.
You know, no, you don't do that for somebody protesting.
The same thing under Reno happened to abortion protesters.
Hey, Jim, tell folks about the specials.
Okay, we've got the Berkey Light, and this is the system without the lights, and if you order that, we will also send you a $30 copy of Preparing in Place.
It's a CD book.
Or, excuse me, it's a DVD, or you can get it in the VHS format.
This is a fantastic video that tells people how to prepare their homes in the event of a bioterrorist attack, if there's nuclear waste that gets released in the air, or any kind of a nuclear event.
And not everybody, Alex, can go off to the country somewhere, and they're going to pretty much have to be in the city.
And so this tells you how to prepare your house
Repaired by experts, but presented by a housewife.
Two housewives, so they can do it if the husband is out.
It's very simple.
It makes a lot of sense.
Again, we will send that to you free.
We also have the Berkey light with the lights.
And you can select either blue or white.
And if you order that, then you also get the CD and or a Berkey sport bottle.
Or potassium iodate.
Pick your choice.
But you get two free items.
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We send these off with missionaries.
They don't have our Berkey Sport on there.
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Or you can get 12 sport bottles for... I don't know if I said $1.99, but you get five for $99 or 12 for $1.99.
And if you'd like to see these items, you can go up to our website at BerkeyWater.com.
And if you'd like to order, you can call us at 888-433-9000.
Also, I've got a lot of the specials on InfoWars.com and they take the orders off each day and then Jim ships them out UPS.
So InfoWars.com or you can also call 1-888-803-4438.
Great water filtration system.
A lot of them in the stores are junk, people.
This is a high quality system and it's worth it.
You'll save money.
A lot of you know the water's bad, so you buy bottled water.
Well, that's not good in many cases.
Go to this.
You'll save a lot of money.
And again, this will go for years, folks.
It's a great system.
You can just buy more replacement filters.
Cuts it all out.
You need to have it.
Anything else, Jim?
I will just mention that this is a true water purification system.
We tested it with microbial, with bacteria.
We asked the lab to mix up a soup of the most dense pathogens that they could put in the water.
It's known as lawn growth.
So many in there, they can't even count how many is in there.
Zero got through the filter, none.
They even checked it under an electron microscope.
And there weren't even any dead micro... Yeah, it's the new standard, folks.
Thanks, Jim.
Good talking to you.
And we went a little bit longer, but Jim's a really smart guy, knows all about the New World Order, and I always enjoy talking to him.
Let's go back to some of the calls.
I mean, bam, bam, bam.
We had a few news stories before this hour ends, too.
I guess up next would be H.W.
in Colorado, then Jamie and
Mike and Leslie and Ryan.
Go ahead, H.W.
Hi, Alex.
The other day you mentioned 322, the number being a mathematical formula.
Could you elaborate a little on that?
I don't have the time yet to go to conspiracyworld.com or conspiracyarchive.com.
I was going over Skull and Bones and what's on the door, 3-2-2, and Tux was saying we've got it from Skull and Bones, people, that that's Genesis 3-2-2 where the devil says you'll get everlasting life and pulls the big scam that was also, what is it, Dioclastes, one of the big Greek philosophers,
I was into a bunch of New World Order stuff, was into 3-2-2, and so there's a lot of different reasons, also Chapter 3-2-2, so... Uh-huh.
I'll look for it.
You ought to check out the story of this 32nd degree mason by the name of Frederick Wilhelm Dower.
He was a Yale graduate and Doctorate of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado.
He, uh, claimed he had, uh, uh, devices in his teeth that went in 73 when I met him.
Uh, that, uh, made, uh, how he put it, him see, uh, green or red or his prick stand up.
Okay, thank you for the call, sir.
I really appreciate it.
You know what?
There's a lot of crazy people.
A lot of crazy people who think the government's doing things to them and think this is happening.
And, and, you know, a lot of these probably are victims of experimentation.
You know, all this Huxley said in the 60s, I've been to the facilities, they've got people with wires coming out of their heads, the remote control.
I mean, this stuff is going on.
Then you've got a lot of loons who also believe it.
And so you don't know what to, you know, I don't ever go off individuals.
I go off, hey, DARPA says they're doing this.
Hey, Sean Hannity, every child needs a chip.
You know, hey, Reuters, Department of Prisons in California wants to put it in all the prisoners.
You know, I go off the stuff I can prove, and that's hard enough for people to believe, okay?
Let's go ahead now and talk to Jamie in Colorado.
Jamie, go ahead.
Or maybe Jamie's gone?
This is Clyde.
Okay, Clyde, go ahead.
Sorry, well thank you very much.
I'm sorry I got in front of some other people.
That's okay, go ahead.
Just very quickly, do you know Peter Kershaw?
Do you know who he is?
Okay, well you know he's done a brochure, not only the one that has the history of the Federal Reserve, I think it's called Economic Solutions.
Why we're bankrupt, which I believe the network gives out up in Minneapolis.
But he's also done one called the Modern Church Divine Institution or Counterfeit.
And it pretty much gives you the history of the federal, excuse me, of the tax exempt status and why it is so dangerous.
And I think he might, I don't know if you've had him to interview him sometime, but I think he might make a very interesting guest, Alex, to interview sometime.
Yeah, it sounds interesting.
What else is on your mind?
Well, that's really all I really want to say.
I think he's in Branson, Missouri the last time I heard, but I think that the danger is obvious when you look at how ineffectually churches and pastors have become in America.
Well, yeah, they said, we can't talk about the government.
That's what America's all about.
Well, it doesn't surprise me the IRS is telling ministries to be quiet.
Now it's, don't talk about abortion.
Okay, okay.
Say Satan's good.
Alright, alright.
We'll be right back.
Thanks for calling.
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You know, my friends, I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Going out on your AM and FM stations, we're very thankful to them for their great work and their courage to stand up for America and the world.
Simulcast at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com, my great websites.
And the first two hours of the daytime show, from 11 to 1, are carried on WWCR, Global Shortwave, at 9475.
And the second two hours at night, from 10 to midnight, at 3210.
3210, just a program note.
I know we've got Mike and Leslie and Ryan and Mary and Jay and many others, and we'll continue, we'll open phones today.
Your chance to get involved in a lot more news coming up.
Just briefly, my friends, if you want to be shocked, if you want to be amazed, if you want to have a tool that will silence the doubting Thomases out there, that will show people the big picture, not just little pieces of the tyranny, you need to get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, my newest video, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
These are all incredible videos.
Very well done, very scary,
And it's all true.
Get them!
And I want you to make copies of them.
I want you to spread the word.
I want you to educate your friends and family and neighbors and community.
And it also makes the show possible.
If you believe in what we're doing, you need to support us.
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Or you can simply call toll free and the operators are there 24 hours a day to answer your questions at 1-888-253-3139.
You can ask him about the videos, the books, the tapes, the books on tape, the t-shirts, the bumper stickers, and decide what you want to purchase.
So again, 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me.
I'm Alex Jones, and I'm right here in Austin, Texas.
The address is
3,001 South Lamar, spelled L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 787-04.
Okay, let's go ahead and take some calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to, I believe, is it Mike or Leslie that's up next?
Mike in Illinois, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how you doing?
I just want to tell you,
On Monday, I was going to work, and I went past the local high school here in the Chicago suburbs, and there was all the kids.
There's high school's 3,000 kids, and they were all walking down the main street, going to this huge park.
They were practicing getting on buses?
No, they weren't getting on buses.
They went to a park, and what it was is they had to evacuate the school in case it was a bomb or terrorist threat.
But the cops were there with their masks on, all in black uniforms.
There was about five or six different
Yeah, we have hundreds of articles in our own government documents.
They've had the Army pull up in Arkansas, Missouri, Texas.
They load them on buses, take them to a FEMA center.
And yeah, getting the kids used to men in black masks.
Yeah, all in black.
They look like Darth Vader.
That's what they look like.
I have a clipping in the newspaper.
I'm going to send it to you.
I've got your address.
I want you to see this.
They had canine unit dogs or everything, but they were getting them ready because they said... Perhaps they could put guns in their heads and have the police dogs attack them like Goose Creek.
It'll all be caught on video.
Yeah, but it's unbelievable how they're preparing the younger generation to accept all this.
And the other thing I wanted to say real quick was you had a call a couple days ago.
You had some callers talking heavily about the...
And I live outside of Chicago and it's one of the busiest airports.
And I'm telling you, you should have seen the sky.
It looked like a tic-tac-toe board with all the chemtrails that were up in the sky.
It was a clear blue sky.
But these things were just lingering there, sitting there.
Hey buddy, 3,000 feet, there'll be 50 of them.
And they'll sit there all day.
And folks, when it's 85 degrees and 3,000 feet, that's not ice crystals.
That's not an Easter Bunny.
They're spraying, and a jet right next to them won't be spraying, but these weird white jets will be spraying right beside them.
It is going on.
The problem is, then, Kooks pointed a jet at 30,000 feet and go, look, a trail!
When it's a condensation trail, but they are.
On certain days, these military jets show up and block out the sun, and they admit they're doing it.
We'll be back with a third hour, stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, boys and girls!
We're now into the third and final hour of this live, March 11, 2004, global broadcast, resisting tyranny, defending liberty.
As we chronicle the criminal activities of the global elite, also known as the New World Order.
Here's the deal, I'm going to jam a few calls in right now in this little four minutes we got left.
Then we're going to come back, I'm going to cover news for a segment because there's a bunch of it.
Then we'll go back to calls with a smattering of key news and a recap of top stories into the rest of the show.
I'm told we even have a line open if you'd like to join us on air on any of the issues we've covered in the last two hours.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
The other night I was trying to get you on shortwave to 3210.
And, uh, what I ended up was getting the Roger Fredenberg Show.
Yeah, yeah, ma'am.
Only the second two hours of my nighttime show, as I just said in the last segment.
I'm not complaining, Alex, but it was interesting, because, you know, he asked to call in, so I called in, and I brought up the 1986 Uniform Limited Partnership Act, and that is where they changed the law in all the states where only a general partner needed to file in his contributions, and the limited partners no longer needed to.
And, you know, meanwhile the government is monitoring all of our finances, and as you well know, and the laws are changing dramatically, and the law, before this law, this prevented conflicts of interest, and prevented fraud and abuse and things of this nature, and I just find it interesting that
All the states passed this, and we had the savings and loans scandals several years after that, and there was very few prosecutions, and they walked away.
And so I see where you're going with this, thanks for the call.
Where this is going is, Martha Stewart compared to Bush and Harkin Energy and the SNLs and all the criminal activity, and Enron in the last few years, and all these companies,
I mean, it dwarfs Martha Stewart, but she's well-known, so she was the scapegoat.
And it's amazing.
I mean, you've got no bids allowed, Halliburton double charging for fuel.
But let's go ahead and talk to... Let's go ahead now and talk to Mary in Pennsylvania.
Mary, go ahead.
Good to hear from you, Mary.
My name is Dr. Mary Reed, and I'm an herbalist, a doctor of naturopathy.
And you're talking a lot about the chemicals that you're releasing.
Well, I thought maybe this program would be a good medium to let people know that Ma Wong is being taken off the market.
And if they would release viruses, Ma Wong is very strong in helping get rid of viruses of the respiratory system.
Yeah, they're going after a lot of good natural drugs that have been proven for thousands of years.
And then they'll put the general public on very, admittedly, toxic big pharma drugs.
And it's only going to be until mid-April that people can buy this stuff.
And I thought maybe, you know, you'd want to let that known so they can prepare, have it like in their home storage or whatever.
And also, do you think that this is directly because they plan on releasing a virus, a respiratory virus, out?
They've been on the march for a long time.
I mean, in Europe, they've basically banned over-the-counter sale of vitamin C. They're trying to get the Codex in here.
It's about monopoly.
You see, for a big pharma to get a patented drug, it has to be a new molecule, their own creation.
That's why they hate the natural stuff so bad, because it can't be patented.
They can't have a monopoly of profits.
So they want to ban everything, so you have to buy vitamins from them.
I think it's a tragedy, I'm telling you.
It is.
Good to hear from you.
Pleasure there, Doctor.
We'll talk to Jay and Paul and others after I cover some news.
When we get back, toll-free number to get involved on this show, 1-800-259-9231.
And again, I'm Alex Jones, your host, as we chronicle the criminal activities of the gloveless.
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The Berkey Light's self-sterilizing filter elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, and they reduce lead, mercury, aluminum, nitrate, salt for odors, foul tastes, and much, much more.
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It's rechargeable bright white LED lamps allow for optimum use at night or during emergency conditions.
Get the Berkey Light, the ultimate filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm going to cover some really serious news stories, then we'll get to your calls.
I want you to understand that... I want everybody out there to understand this, because it's very, very serious, that over in Europe,
They have caught public officials, the heads of media, royalty, you name it, with dead bodies, dead women, dead children.
And in the Mark Dutrock's case, he had been caught doing stuff before, had been released.
He was a handler for the elite.
This has all come out.
And the public basically had the biggest marches in Belgium's history.
Riots, very peaceful population over this, because they knew of the cover-up.
By the time we read about this, though, in the Associated Press or Reuters or BBC, it's watered down.
But we have all those articles posted on the websites.
Now listen to this.
Detrox wife too terrified to save girls.
Listen to this.
The wife of Belgian child rapist Mark Detrox has told how she left two young schoolgirls to starve slowly to death in a dungeon-like cellar because she was terrified of her husband.
Now, he was in jail for some other stuff and decided not to feed him.
Uh, she did.
This woman needs to be executed.
Of course, they don't have that.
Europe doesn't allow that publicly.
They just do it, uh, quietly.
If you're innocent, they'll kill you.
Because they're a bunch of scum.
Uh, it's like the U.N.
doesn't have the death penalty, but they'll just murder you with machine guns, you know, out in the street.
Uh, Michelle Martin admitted to investigators yesterday that while her husband was away in jail, she would, uh,
I have freed the two girls, Julie Lejouni and Melissa Russo, who were eight when they were incarcerated on December 6, 1995.
I know I should have gone in and said come, but that didn't happen, Martin told investigating magistrate at the trial of the spat of abductions, rapes and murders in 96, which opened last week in the southeastern Belgian town of Arlein.
And again, they couldn't.
She said she couldn't go even though he was in jail and warned people.
She's part of this, folks.
But she said, if I told Mark they had gone away, he was going to kill me.
Well, why didn't you go to the police?
Because you're part of it, you filthy devil worshipper.
And by the way, that's all come out.
This is satanic.
He was just a handler, folks.
The trucks had been on trial in the southeastern town of Arlon since last week over a series of abductions, rapes and murders in 95-96 that convulsed Belgium and shocked the world.
And all six girls were abducted, four of whom died.
Martin, who was convicted in 89 of helping the trucks to kidnap girls, see, they'd all been convicted of this before, but they'd be released because they worked for the government.
And this has come out.
Again, Martin, who was convicted in 89 of helping the trucks to kidnap girls for rape,
Ten years to life in jail if found guilty in the Arlon trial.
Last week, the former school teacher, her voice turning emotional.
See, it's always those we can trust.
The police, the school teachers, the CPS workers, the truancy officers.
Statistically, criminology is taught at major universities.
That's the number one group.
But again, they're the ones that have the authority now.
We're getting rid of our due process.
Last week, the former school teacher, her voice turning emotional, acknowledged that she failed to follow Dutrox's orders to feed Julie and Melissa while he was in prison for car theft from December 1995 to March 1996.
So, understand, folks, that he was in jail, but she never released him or never fed him.
Man, I tell you, oh, but she's innocent.
I mean, they need to take her and just hang her high.
In her testimony then, she described her fear that the girls, like wild animals, would come to attack me.
They were down in this torture basement.
And it just goes on and on.
I can't read any more of this.
I tell you, this is just... I can't read any more.
And there's royalty implicated, top bankers, everybody.
In the power structure, that is, there's somebody in every area of the power structure.
And the same thing in France.
Dead bodies, women in torture chambers, in huge castles.
And it's some homeless man who supposedly ran it all.
Hundreds of women disappearing.
They found them buried with their hearts cut out.
It's hundreds of articles.
I see dozens each week.
Satanic cults kidnapping children.
Family of their hearts cut out in Italy.
Leads back to the government officials.
It's just... It goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
It's unspeakable.
Satanism doesn't exist.
It's not a problem.
There's so much more here.
Ex-UN official to the new Haitian Premier.
And again, our government put guns to Aristide's head and said, get on the plane or you're dead.
And that's now all admitted, but nobody's calling Colin Powell and lying and saying it isn't true.
That Aristide asked to leave.
And I'm not supporting Aristide or any of these people.
The point is, he had U.S.
Special Forces as his protectors the last decade, and they publicly did this, and now they're going to put a U.N.
puppet in as the head guy.
Haiti's U.S.-backed advisory council picks former U.N.
Latroux as the new Prime Minister.
Oh, the U.S.-backed government.
The U.S.-appointed council then appoints the President.
That's your election.
It's just like in Iraq.
People, how dumb do we have to get here buying all of this?
And the place is just in total bedlam.
I already mentioned this earlier.
ABC News story.
Mind reader, brain reading technology becomes new tools in court.
And again, they've proven the old lie detector didn't work, but now they show a brain scan and say, oh, you're clearly lying.
Well, the computer says you're lying.
It's impartial, just like the voting machine.
There's no record, but, you know, there's no paper trail, but it says you win, or it says you lose.
You know, it's just, believe the man behind the curtain.
Trust us.
No verification possible.
It says now it may be impossible for even the best liars to conceal their crimes.
Oh, really?
Let's aim these at politicians.
It'll always say the government-run machine that they're telling the truth.
Why, the machine that Bill Clinton controls says he never lies.
Did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.
Feed my lips, no new taxes.
The latest technology in forensic science uses details known only to investigators.
And the criminal to prove a suspect's guilt or innocence.
Developed by Harvard-trained Lawrence Farwell, brain fingerprinting uses brain waves to measure what Farrell calls the AHA of recognition.
Traditional lie detectors rely on reading emotional reactions, such as sweating or heart rate, as a suspect is asked questions.
But now that's been disproven, so they move on to the new quackery.
The problem is that well-practiced liars can control these reactions before the polygraph has a chance to detect them.
Uh, yeah, and the FBI's been caught framing thousands, and so has every major police department, so... So you can't trust that, too.
That's not a possibility.
Oh, it isn't, huh?
In a brain fingerprint test, says Farwell, chief scientist and founder of the Seattle, Washington-based Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories.
Identifying the AHA in the brain, during the test, the suspect wears a headband equipped with sensors to measure activity in response to recognition of word or image relating to a crime in question.
When the brain recognizes a word or picture, it releases an involuntary wave that Farwell calls a P300 MIRMIR, Memory or Encoding Related Multifaceted Electro
That's a long word.
Let me focus on that.
Electrocentimographic response that's used to determine whether suspects were ever at the scene of the crime.
So, we've all seen millions of images of violence, dead people stabbed, beaten to death, shot.
We've seen every image.
But now they show you the image and you recognize the violence.
You recognize the blood.
Your brain has a response from that area, that memory center.
And oh, you must be guilty.
Now that's just one level.
They're going to frame you with this.
You can't believe these people running any federal operation.
I mean, they've been caught framing so many.
That's all over the news.
Number one, you can't trust these criminals.
Number two, this is total quackery.
And they got brain scanners to pick up if you're upset again at the airports and how you're walking.
And it's just all sick.
And, uh, and it says, people remember the very major events in their life.
Even a serial killer, says Farwell, that tends to have a very solid record in the brain.
Technology may sound like science fiction, but it has been tested by the FBI.
We've got the former director of the FBI crime lab saying they frame people.
And uses evidence in U.S.
According to Farwell and his brainwave results, accused killer Terry
Harrington didn't have the details of the 78 murder he had convicted of stored in his brain.
An Iowa judge allowed the new technology into evidence in Harrington's special appeal and he's now a free man.
See, that's how it always works.
Oh, DNA has freed people on death row!
Or we tested the corpse of the dead man and he actually wasn't guilty.
We execute an innocent person or
You know, this is the way they... Oh, and I like that!
I like DNA!
Oh, but now they have your DNA from birth.
If you're 34 years old or younger, they take it and put it in a federal database.
Remember the blood test at birth?
And they can frame you with that, or they can just claim that it matches you, which they've been caught doing over 2,000 times in the Houston Crime Lab alone.
So, uh, just, just, just unbelievable.
Alex Jones lied about not being a terrorist.
Why, the brain scanner said that he really was with Al Qaeda.
Our nice FBI agent in a black suit wouldn't lie to you.
All we can do is expose these people.
At this point in time, uh, this, uh, article is from Better Humans News site.
What type of cyborg implants are available now?
Well, today's implants are pretty basic.
Several hold promise for linking the brain to a computer.
And, uh, it says chipping in, and how wonderful it is, and, uh, collar electrodes, single electrode connections, electrode grips,
And it gets into... Firstly, there are a lot of implants for restorative purposes, such as heart pacemakers, ear implants.
So they use the same script.
Oh, it's no big deal.
We'll all be getting it.
And then they go into how wonderful it is.
Here's another one.
George W. Bush is getting brain jacked.
We'll come back, take some calls, get back into all the insane news.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Alright, now look.
I want to get 15, 20 calls in before this show ends.
I got about 10, 15 other news stories I want to cover.
So, let's do it.
Let's blast through the calls.
Your question, your comment, and we'll move on.
Ryan in Texas.
Go ahead, sir.
Thanks, Alex.
First of all, have you ever had Mike Rupert on or plan on having him?
Yeah, I have had Mike on years ago, and I don't agree with some of the things he's putting out.
He attacked me once unfairly, and so I'm not going to have him back on my show.
Yeah, he takes, he doesn't give.
What's that?
He takes, he doesn't give.
Fair enough.
Secondly, you talk a lot on here about the Satan-worshipping rings and all of this, and it just seems kind of
I don't know.
In my perspective, I definitely don't completely share yours, but you've been a major influence on my views, but it just seems that all the organized religions are either explicitly or implicitly
Violation of all kinds of human rights and participating in all kinds of Nazis.
Well, you're going to have corrupt people that get in control of any power structure and misuse it.
But Christianity says, do unto others as you have them do unto you, be loving, be good, stand up for decency, stand up for family.
And then Satanism says, dominate, rule, be a god on earth.
There's a big difference between the Masons with guillotines and black ultras and coffins blowing somebody's head off in their rituals
What I'm getting at is that any organized religion will tell you that their religion is the only right one and everyone else's is the black, dark one.
Well, that's kind of moral relativism.
That's not really the case.
Some people think at least more relevantly.
The UN likes every religion but real Christianity, I'll tell you that right now.
Gotta let you go, Ryan.
Good to hear from you.
Good to hear from you.
I mean, a lot of people think, because I'm talking bad about Satanism, that, well, all the religions are bad, or, well, you know, I don't believe in Satanism.
It doesn't matter if you believe in God, the Devil, or the Easter Bunny.
I mean, it does, but what I'm saying is it doesn't matter if you believe in it or not to the globalists.
They believe in Lucifer, and that's their religion, and their symbols of all seeing eyes and skull and bones are everywhere.
So, so you have to address it.
It's the religion of psychopaths, okay?
I mean, you know, a psychiatrist should be able to tell you that, but most of these psychopaths believe in the devil.
Why is that?
You can say, well, you know, it's the manifestation of their evil mind.
Okay, then.
You'll take your argument, which is false.
Still, it's bad enough.
Let's talk to Paul.
No, Jay's up next.
Jay in Colorado.
Go ahead, Jay.
Hey, Alex.
That guy should really study up, like,
Mr. Gibson talks about how the church was corrupted.
It's not the real basic Christianity that's shown.
Everything's been taken over.
Everything's been infiltrated, if it's old and big.
Right, and I'm an atheist.
I'm just saying that it's a fact that there were Jesuits and they were taken over.
So, I mean, here's the point.
If your neighbor believed in the devil and was doing sacrifices in your backyard, you wouldn't say, well, I don't see that sacrifice because I don't believe in the devil.
You, as an atheist, would say, my neighbor's a complete psychopath.
I called about the, uh, uh, two things.
The chemtrails, which weren't here the last few days.
Nice, beautiful blue skies.
I was really thankful.
Same here.
It's a, it's a, yeah.
I was thankful they at least take days off.
And then, uh, today they're back.
There must be 20 of them out there right now.
And, uh, I was wondering if, uh, people listening in Colorado could call in and if any, uh, protests or...
Meetings or anything like that?
You know, there's thousands of websites.
Everybody's starting to talk about it.
I mean, five years ago, the skies didn't look like this.
Condensation trails aren't at 3,000 feet.
What is going on?
And we've got government documents where they go, well, it's some type of weather modification, or we're mass inoculating you, or it's a HAARP radar test.
Something big's going on.
Good to hear from you.
Jay Paul in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing Alex?
I just got exposed to this not too long ago from a friend of mine and I just want to say you're doing a hell of a job.
Well thank you.
I've investigated some things just recently and I'll tell you it blows my mind.
Let me give you an example and I'll hold you over if you need to finish.
But I was on a local talk station this morning, you know, in studio for two and a half hours
And I said, you know, Bush and Hugh Hefner and John Kerry are all related to Queen Elizabeth directly.
They're cousins.
And they said, oh, that's ridiculous.
Just type it in Google.
Type it in Google.
It's CBS News.
And they said, okay.
And every claim I make, that's ridiculous.
I'm going to type this in Google.
Pop up.
And by the end they were going, huh, huh, huh.
We don't make this stuff up.
Go ahead.
I'd like to bring up, I'm originally out of Canada.
And a friend of mine I talked to last night brought up an interesting thing.
Outside of Toronto, at a Masonic ritual or bringing somebody into the light or whatnot.
Again, I'm not that well versed on it.
Well, we'll stay there.
We'll talk about it.
We'll get back with you, Paul, and then we'll talk to everybody else, especially Holden.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was going to Cherry in London, England next, listening on the internet, but they hung up.
More calls are coming up, my friends.
And yes, a ton of other incredible news stories you don't want to miss coming up before the show ends here in 26 and a half minutes.
Let's go ahead and go back to Paul in Colorado.
Paul was raising some points about Luciferian religion hidden in plain view.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, there's a story out there, and I think it's in today's paper.
I'm going to get on the internet later today and completely look into it.
But from what I understand, one of the rituals to bringing somebody in, they blindfolded them, put two cans on either one of his shoulders.
And I guess a guy from a distance will pull out a gun.
It's got blanks in it, supposedly.
And as he shoots, somebody standing on either side of the gentleman going through the ritual will knock the cans off.
Well evidently the story broke up there and it's in the papers from what I understand.
I have five versions here in front of me.
I don't blame you for not hearing the first hour of the show that I spent 20 minutes on it.
You know that this isn't the only time this happens.
Oh, exactly.
They accidentally like to blow people's heads off, and the police within an hour and a half always say it's an accident, and somebody gets a few months in jail.
This guy's got a $2,000 bond.
The other guy that did it, a Klan ritual, which was the same Masonic ritual.
It's Masonic, folks.
Shot a guy in the head and claimed it was an accident.
Got a $7,000 bail.
But the point is, is they had gigantines, black alters with skulls,
All this stuff down in there, and this is the group that's going around getting your children's DNA, taking photos of the children in case they're missing.
Yeah, the chips they're putting in is unbelievable.
You know, they want to put chips in to be able to trace, you know, the children.
Yeah, the Masons are big behind chipping the children, yes.
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
Because my phone mat's friendly and wants it.
But the point is, we're not making this up.
Exactly, and people need to
Absolutely good to hear from you.
Well, I mean, look, the worm's turning.
Five, six years ago, I'd talk about skull and bones, and I mean, I would, people would say, tune in to the local radio, and I'd tune in to be, Alex Jones is a nut, should be arrested, he's totally insane, he claims the president gets in a coffin and does a Luciferian ritual, and all those fun people go, oh, the president's just having some fun.
The president's good, he's just no big deal.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let us now talk to Faye in Florida.
Faye, it's good to have you on the show with us.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a brand new listener and I really appreciate your work.
Well, welcome to the Airwaves Globally.
Thank you.
I was listening earlier and you had a caller concerned with reducing American
America to the third world status?
Well yeah, he just called in and wanted me to give him a quote, chapter and verse where and when it was said.
And I gave him a bunch of examples.
I don't have it in front of me, but it's on national TV, it's on NPR, it's the UN, the IMF.
They're saying we're going to be brought down to third world status as part of this as being fair.
And of course the big banks are going to own everything, but somebody's got to do it.
Yes Alex, and wasn't it you just in the last day or two that was stating that there's a incremental
A step-by-step approach by the One World Order Group to bring us to an ultimate collapse and usurp our financial stability.
Yeah, I told him we have the World Bank documents posted from three years ago in the BBC article and the interview with Greg Pallas.
Well, you'll be interested in this.
Just last night on Lou Dobbs on CNN, and I know that's secular news, but
Everyone can go and look at the transcript.
Well, yeah, they have to spin it, but yeah, a lot of stuff comes out on Lou's show.
It's a pretty good show.
It was very interesting.
I was very pleased with the information.
He had on a guest in a later segment, one of the last segments, Mr. Paul Craig Robert, who was the former Assistant Secretary of U.S.
Treasury, serving under the Reagan administration.
Yeah, he's written a new book about the evil organized crime ring that runs the country through the bushes.
Okay, so you're familiar with some of his work then?
Mr. Dobbs stated that he was going to have a guest on that had concerns about the exporting of America.
Um, and how that it would bring this country into a third world country.
Well, it's designed to do that, but don't worry, they're going to tell you there's more factory jobs because cheeseburgers are now considered durable goods, value-added.
In fact, Mr. Robert quoted a statistic that stated that MIT has announced that their enrollment in their engineering department
Has dropped 33% in the last two years.
Well, I mean, look, we've lost 2.2 million industry factory technology jobs.
Not just jobs, but they want to change it to where all fast food is considered manufacturing.
And he further stated in Education that we are hearing, this is Mr. Roberts' quote, we are hearing from the Bush administration and many private businesses
A businessman running public companies stating that we really just need to re-educate them for a new world.
Quite telling, I thought.
Well, yeah.
We'll work in the prisons or be in the prisons.
I mean, they've said it.
It's all going to be surveillance, security, bringing the military-industrial complex home.
We're the new enemy.
We're the new product.
Good to hear from you.
Bush's Economic Commission said three weeks ago, at the same time they were saying that cheeseburgers are factory jobs, literally, that exporting jobs is good and it needs to be, quote, accelerated.
That's our new export, is your jobs.
He actually said that.
Very conservative.
Just like the assault weapons ban, open borders, he's conservative, I'm liberal.
Let us now talk to Chris in Florida.
Another caller from Florida.
Go ahead.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to bring something to your attention.
I mean, you've gone over it numerous times about the direct link between numerology and our wonderful occult government.
I was talking with some gentlemen today and apparently we figured out that it's been exactly 911 days between the World Trade Center bombings and today's attacks in Spain.
Oh, somebody ought to do the math on that and email it to me, or I should do the math.
Don't worry, I have it typed up.
I'll send it to you.
And they are obsessed with numerology, and for those that are doubting it, here's an example.
Numerology and iconology, icons.
All the Starbucks coffees have all-seeing eyes dripping coffee into a cup, triple sixes everywhere, the goddess symbol with the two serpents coiled about.
And, I mean, again, it's the back of the dollar bill, it's the Time Warner symbol, it's everywhere.
It's just amazing, I can't believe it.
Well, I guess you have to believe it when you look around.
These psychopaths are not backing down, we've got to stand up against them.
Well, I've got your videos, I give them out.
I do what I can.
What effect are they having?
Oh, people get pretty... sometimes I've had some people get pretty hostile, to tell you the truth, and I've had other people just completely break down.
Well, the hostile ones, what do they say?
That's traitorous!
Put them in a camp!
Now that's usually the response.
Well, later though, when they're abused, see, you planted a seed.
Later when they're abused, they'll totally break and come over to our side.
I sure hope so.
But, I mean, what percentage would you say are, you know, waking up, as you said, breaking down?
I would say probably 90%.
Oh, really?
So most are waking up?
Yes, sir.
So what do the hostile ones say?
The caller earlier said, you should be put in a camp!
You should be shot!
Uh, no.
Basically, they say that it's fiction.
That this can't be true.
So, as we show the President saying it, as we show the documents, as we show the eyewitnesses, as we show all this, it's just not true?
Uh, they're more or less saying it's manipulated.
That we've manipulated it to try and convince them that something is not... that this is not true.
Okay, well, thank you for the call.
Very interesting.
Have a nice day.
You bet.
Anything to deny the facts.
Who is up next here?
Dean in California.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Hello, Dean.
Hey, man.
You're making a great impact all the way out here to the West Coast.
Keep it up, man.
There's a lot of minds out here.
Where are you in California?
Well, I live in Manhattan Beach, but I work in Long Beach.
Well, you'll be able to hear me on Kogo and KFI and all of them tonight.
I'm going to be on coast-to-coast for a couple of hours.
I listen to that show regularly.
I'm going to definitely check you out.
Well, awesome!
Hey, I've got a question.
We're talking about that Oregon Senate Bill 742.
Yes, sir.
I just brought that up on the internet, and I was reading that, and it knocked my pants off.
I mean, this is scary.
This is a real bill that was introduced?
It's on the website, yeah.
We got it from the Oregon side.
It was in the Oregonian, it was in the Associated Press, it was in the Seattle Post-Intelligence, or even another state.
And it says in there, if one protester blocks traffic, all get life in prison in a forest labor camp.
But if they agree to work in the forest labor camp, only 25 years, downloading music, having guns, life in prison, forest labor camp, actually says forest labor camp.
Did it pass?
No, it almost passed committee.
Senator Menace was the sponsor, and then he said, I don't get why you're all so upset, this is for terrorists, but the Republican Party did support it, and it narrowly was defeated.
You know, it's amazing.
By the way, let me stop you.
News 10 NBC in Providence, Rhode Island.
By the way, we're on 1320.
Great station covering that entire state and two others.
We're on up in Rhode Island, but it was in the Providence Journal, News 10.
It said, flying anything with the American flag, terrorism, secret arrest.
It was the 1918 Sedition Laws.
Criticized the government, secretly arrested.
I called for the governor's arrest as an insane traitor.
He says he learned it at a Homeland Security conference, and he apologized, said I hadn't read it.
No, this was in the next day.
But, I mean, that's the insanity.
And it sounds totally insane, but it's happening.
Well, I mean, the larger issue here is...
Not that it got defeated, but the fact that someone would actually propose it in the first place.
They're psychopathic.
They're just seeing what they can do.
Look, we got top generals saying, we're going to be running things, we are going to put a lot of you in camps, martial law's the next step, I mean, LA Times, Cigar Aficionado.
They're conditioning us.
They're mad loons for power.
And they've got to, look, to do it, they've got to bring it out.
Do you understand?
They're going to do it because they're bringing it out.
They have to condition the people incrementally.
Well, I mean, I'm not the one saying this, either.
I mean, they're the ones.
Yeah, right.
One thing in the summary part of it, though, you know, because they're brought up on the internet, is that the following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof.
Subject to consideration by the Legislative Assembly.
It is an editor's brief statement of the essential features of the measure as introduced.
So, I... Yeah, you're reading, on InfoWars.com, we have the summary, which goes, is what the politicians read, and then we have the entire bill.
So, in my film, Police State 3,
I have the bill.
I heard it.
Okay, good.
You got me, Alex.
Hey man, keep up the good work, bro.
Alright, that's awesome.
Thank you.
And please make copies of the film.
I'll keep it up.
Give me who's up next, but first I'm going to go to some news.
Who's up next?
Okay, good.
We'll go to calls here in just a few minutes.
I didn't get my call list here, folks.
I'm down in Austin.
They're up in Minnesota.
And we'll take some more calls before the show ends.
I want to hit a few final news stories here.
And just go to my search engine on InfoWars.com and say, Oregon Bill
Uh, life in prison, forest labor camp, and it should pop up.
We had a county commissioner on, too, where they have the forest labor camp, and FEMA told them this is where we're gonna hold the citizens in a slave pit.
And, uh, folks, you think I'm joking?
I'm not joking, okay?
I'm not playing games here.
I know it sounds insane.
I understand that.
All the time I'm on talk shows, and I go, you got the internet open right now?
And they go, yeah.
And I go, type this into Google.
Type this into Ask Jeeves.
Here's the keywords.
They go, wow, ABC, CBS.
Yeah, well, they admit it.
That's crazy.
But, you know.
Again, it's all in your face.
It says in there that if one protester blocks a doorway or traffic, that all protesters, because of their action, and that's the provocateur, will be given life
Life in a Forest Labor Camp.
That's a quote.
Life in a Forest Labor Camp.
Let me say it again.
Life in a Forest Labor Camp.
And I've talked to cops who go, well, man, that's good, we got a, you know... I mean, what happened to you people?
Well, I watched Keith or Sutherland in 24, where we torture people every episode.
You know, this host this morning, good guy, when I was talking to him, he goes, oh, I like 24.
Well, it's the bad guys they're torturing on the show.
But see, that's the point.
They show you what's a bad guy, we're going to torture them.
But see, that conditions you now that everybody's a bad guy and the government's allowed to torture.
I mean, this is insane, people.
Yes, it's out of control.
Yes, it's out of control.
Now, this is a horrible article out of the London Mirror, and I see one of these every week.
I never cover it.
I'm going to today.
I mean, this is all the time.
A lesbian couple who terrorized two foster girls in their care were given glowing reports by social workers.
Leslie Broughton, 31, and Lynn Sheridan, 30, were said to offer an excellent placement.
Again, they grabbed somebody else's kids and gave them to these people.
And statistically, they have higher criminal rates, suicide rates, assault rates.
I'm giving you statistics, folks.
And, you know, they could get somebody else's children.
But, uh, secretly, they put the two sisters, ages 11 and 9, through two years of hell, a jury heard.
They punched and slapped them.
I'll guarantee you a lot worse.
Made them drink washing fluid.
Stand in silence for hours or sit with their noses pressed against the wall.
Neighbors at Little Holton near Bolton called police after seeing the girls frog marching.
That's a form of torture they use at Gitmo.
Walking on your feet.
Very painful.
They used to be punishment in football.
After five minutes you'd be crying.
Everybody was bad at playing football.
You know, didn't show up on time.
Smarted off to a coach.
They'd make me do that and give me pops.
But the point is, they're just little kids.
Neighbors at Little Holton near Bolton filed police after seeing the girls frog marching around the garden.
An investigation was underway yesterday and they said that they admit that they fed them the dishwasher fluid and that they did do it.
But yeah, I imagine there's a lot more you did.
Because the normal story is so horrible, I can't read it on air with the normal thing.
A lot of times they kill the kids, you name it.
A lot of times these foster parents just warehouse children.
I'm not saying all foster parents are bad.
I'm saying statistically, they warehouse them.
It's just horrible.
Statistically, they're five times more likely to abuse than anybody else.
The police, statistically, are more often drug dealers, running whores, framing people, statistically.
Statistically, power corrupts absolutely.
Power corrupts absolutely.
What about human nature don't you get?
I don't want to dominate anybody.
I want to be left alone.
I'm a normal person.
A normal male who just wants a good decent life.
But the sickos go get a badge and a gun.
Now a lot of people aren't sickos.
They just were in the military and want to protect the country.
Being a cop sounds alright.
I'll do that.
Around them are a bunch of psychopaths and we gotta protect ourselves with our Bill of Rights against them.
Now the Founding Fathers said that!
And if you don't agree with it, you're not an American.
GPS keeping track on car rentals.
CBS News on tracking you, taxing you, fining you if you go a mile over the speed limit.
Deutsche Telekom on GPS highway to hell, taxing people to drive their cars.
Sheriff focused on surveillance cameras under a federal grant.
This is the time to pick in you and they're going to put cameras in the street corners in the neighborhoods.
Dutch police use GPS track Disney to set up an anti-terrorist system.
Oh, I got snacks on it.
We'll come back in a few final calls and a few final tidbits of news.
Stay with us.
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Ah, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a few minutes left here.
And I am just here looking at this out of USA Today.
Russian presidential race seen as preordained.
And it says, like the hints of the spring, the frigid Russian always yearns for the time of year.
Signs of the presidential election will be held Sunday can be deceptive.
And it goes into how they're arresting presidential candidates and all, you know, and all the, just... Well, same thing here.
We got skull and bones on the left, skull and bones on the right.
You know, cousins.
With Hugh Hefner and the Queen of England, I mean, you couldn't make something up this weird.
So that's the reality of what's going on.
The article goes into how it's a staged event.
Yeah, but it's a staged event here, too.
I mean, they don't have CIA-run, KGB-run electronic voting machines over there.
You've got to go to PrisonPlanet.com and look at this editorial cartoon.
It's images of the smoldering wreckage of the World Trade Center complex.
And there's a banner hanging on the wreckage that says, never forget to vote for George Bush and Dick Cheney on 04.
In front of it's a bunch of men and women with a sign, which many of them have been out there with a sign like this.
9-11 survivors demand full disclosure and accountability.
And it shows firefighters walking away with dead bodies with American flags over it.
And Bush is sitting up on top.
of a pile of rubble with a big bucket of pretzels.
Behind him is Karl Rove, and he says, hmm, do you people mind?
We're trying to film a campaign commercial.
Geez, have some respect!
And that's exactly what these sickos have done.
I mean, I've never seen anything this bad where the very people, well, Hitler did parade around the Reichstag promising to take everybody's rights, keep them safe, but to have to watch
The killers, the people responsible to have to watch them stand up there on top of the rubble and talk about, I mean again, it's like watching Ted Bundy on top of a pile of dead women talk about how he's for women's rights.
I mean, it's so over the top, people.
General will lead Iraqi Army and of course the U.S.
government appointed the council that voted for the new U.N.
official to run Haiti.
They're putting in imperial governors now and in Iraq they appoint the council that then writes the fake constitution and appoints the U.S.
I mean, it's our puppet appointed us!
Why, it's a free election!
And people go, yeah!
They got freedom over there!
They got camps set up.
Don't anybody know what their names are?
So another high court justice faces questions on ethics, Palm Beach Post.
A member, Anthony Scalia, going on duck hunting trips on Air Force Two.
The week before, he was going to have Dick Cheney before him in the Energy Commission documents.
The stuff we know is Dick Cheney with big maps of the oil companies.
You'll get this oil.
You'll get that oil.
You give me contributions.
Well, another high court justice, Ruth Bader Gun Grabber Commie Ginsburg, has lent her name and presence to the lecture series co-sponsored by the liberal, now legal defense and educational fund, an advocacy group that often argues before the court in support of women's rights that the justice embraces.
But that's nothing compared to Cheney and the lunatic.
Oh boy, I tell you, we are out of here.
We are out of time.
There's so much we didn't have time to get to, but we got the most of it on this informative, riveting, dynamic Thursday edition.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central Standard Time, right here on the GCN Radio Network.
And again, tonight I will be on at 1 o'clock Central, 1 a.m.
Central, second hour of Coast to Coast AM with George Norrie.
This should be extremely interesting, so be sure to join us for that.
And as always, just please get out there and realize that, what does Michael Trudeau say?
Nobody can walk on you unless you lay down and let them do it.
Is that the quote?
Alright, I'm out of time.
God bless.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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