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Name: 20040310_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 10, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, it is Wednesday, the tenth day of March, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We have a great researcher,
Who's put out just masses of work on the multifaceted criminal activities of the global elite.
In the second hour, Pastor David J. Smith, who puts out News Watch Magazine, he'll be joining us in the second hour.
And it's a great magazine, by the way, for our listeners.
He's going to be offering a free year subscription to the magazine.
I mean, it's a full-color magazine, folks.
Full of exposés on what the globalists are up to.
So, Pastor David J. Smith is going to be joining us in the second hour of the show.
A ton of news as usual.
It's getting more and more insane out of control.
My webmaster at InfoWars.com in the next 30 minutes is going to be posting a detailed analysis
of this situation where masons blew somebody's head off in a ritual.
And we found some other news stories where the Ku Klux Klan has done this and other people to their fellow masons.
And the Klan is a Masonic organization founded by the Supreme Grand Mason Albert Pike.
We're also going to post some black and white photos of Klan meetings where they wear pirate hats with skull and bones, skull and crossbones, Jolly Roger,
Because that's what the New World Order is all about.
They brag about it.
When I was inside Bohemian Grove, we have photos of this in the Bohemian Grove section, they have a big skull on a sign in between two big redwood trees and it says Lafitte.
In French, the famous pirate.
So, they're openly saying, we are kings, we are pirates, we are criminals.
They have these chants about, was he a king, was he a despot, was he a pirate?
And they get in these pirate outfits and do satanic chants.
I mean, this is their religion, folks, of criminality, of feeding on us, on running the system.
And that's what the New World Order is.
That's what they're all about.
That's where they got their money was from running opium on their ships and piracy.
That's where the Russell Trust got its money.
They found Skull and Bones.
We also have, uh, Paul Watson posted this, and I don't know why I've never mentioned it.
Uh, I go in Starbucks sometimes.
I like strong coffee.
A lot less these days, because I think it gives me a headache.
But, uh, everywhere it's 666's in them, hidden in images, all seeing eyes, dripping coffee out of them, pyramids, into your cup, a lot of really serious occult symbols.
The Starbucks symbol, uh, is the goddess.
The, uh, the Earth Goddess, the Goddess of the Night,
But, uh, one of our listeners actually took a photo of this.
Thanks for doing it.
And, uh, you know, I'm thinking I'll go out and take some digital photos of that.
And, uh, make a whole section.
I mean, every Starbucks I've been in, to the point I don't really go in them anymore, is just satanic stuff, wall to wall.
Jeff writes, uh, I had always thought a cup of coffee was brought to us through a combination of exploiting poor, sick farmers, and by adding thousands of chemicals to give the bean a rich, roast-like taste.
How wrong I was when I saw this Starbucks window graphic.
It appears the all-seeing eye is weeping a little coffee teardrop into a collection cup.
Ah, how sweet!
And it's an all-seeing eye on top of a pyramid dripping the coffee for you.
And that's in all the Starbucks.
If you look carefully, I mean, there's one a quarter mile from me that has a giant pyramid in its main seating area.
This stuff is everywhere, folks.
Again, Francois Mitterrand over in France having the big gold pyramid built with 666 panes of glass and running around saying he was a pharaoh.
Tony Blair channeling the light, doing Aztec rituals.
George Bush and Carrie in coffins.
Things are run by complete psychopaths.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are expanding the Bohemian Grove section.
We are expanding the Illuminati Occult section on Infowars.com right now.
A great
Skull and Bones and of course Bohemian Grove section is being prepared for PrisonPlanet.com.
It'll be up there in the next day or so.
But again, I was spurred to expand on this on the website because it's so important.
This is out of New York Daily News.
It's also out of the Associated Press.
I have a total of four different articles on this.
New York Daily News, a secretive initiation ceremony in the basement of a Long Island Masonic Lodge went tragically wrong when a member mistakenly pulled out a loaded weapon and fatally shot an inductee in the face, police said Tuesday.
William James, 47, of Medford, New York, was pronounced dead at the scene of Monday night's shooting inside the Southside Masonic Lodge, said Suffolk County Detective Lieutenant Jack Fitzpatrick.
First thing we need to do is find out if Jack Fitzpatrick, he's a cop, he's got the last name Fitzpatrick, he's in New York, I bet he's a Mason.
I mean, that's what they focus on is the constabulary, the power structures.
And they just say they're sure it's an accident.
I have another article here from a ritual that the Klan was engaging in and they just so happen to accidentally shoot one of their members in the head.
We found quite a few articles where Masonic rituals, the Klan is Masonic by the way folks, that's admitted in dictionary encyclopedia.
They catch them just accidentally blowing each other's heads off.
And by the way, or people accidentally get hung, or you know, this stuff happens.
It just so happens to be that some of the higher level Masonic rituals are ritualistic killings of Hiram Abiff.
And it goes back to the Middle East, and back to Solomon, and even back before that in the Babylon.
And that's why they wear the red fezes and the little red hats and that's why their symbol is the Muslim crescent moon with a big Muslim Arabic sword under it.
The Knights Templars of course then made a lot of deals with the Muslims and also fought against them during the Crusades so it's a lot of this secret society stuff.
And I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that all Masons are bad people.
I mean, a lot of them are useful idiots.
Who are compartmentalized.
It's set up just like the CIA is.
In fact, it was high-level Masonic organizations that founded the Central Intelligence Agency.
This is what they do.
This is how they control things through this beehive structure of direction and command and control.
Most of the people that died at the Alamo were Masons.
About half the Founding Fathers were Masons.
And it was just a secret construction guild cult for them.
It was Masons who dumped the tea in the harbor, dressed up like Native Americans.
There at the Green Dragon Tavern.
So, I mean, both my great-grandfathers were Masons.
I've got a lot of Masons in my family, and they're not evil people.
They are part of the good old boy club, but they're not high-level Masons.
And, you know, they won't get into the rituals that they do, even though I know what the rituals are.
And they go, oh, we talk about God, we talk about the great architect, but the Supreme Grand Mason, over all of global Masonry, for two decades, in the late 1800s, said that
He worshipped Lucifer, and that the God of Light was Lucifer, and that Lucifer was really God.
And that Jesus was really the Devil.
And it's really sick stuff.
And he said he feels the power of Lucifer seething in his hands, and all of this business.
He was also the founder of the Klan.
So we're going to post this photo.
There's lots of these.
These are in universities.
These are in any book about the Klan, any big picture book about the Klan.
I've seen many of these.
The Ku Klux Klan, or that came out of the Knights of the Secret Circle, which was the Illuminati, Albert Pike, same group that set up Skull and Bones, they would dress up like pirates, wear skull and bones, their symbol was a skull and crossbones.
We've got pictures of Klan members with appointed hats standing right next to other Klan members dressed up in skull and bones, black outfits with pirate hats on.
This is what they're into.
This is what they do.
They do simulated murders at the lower levels.
Then when you get up into the higher levels, some of the black lodges, the elite lodges, do the real thing.
And that's exactly from the evidence we have what is happening in some of these cases.
I can't say specifically that, you know, oh, we accidentally shot this guy in the head during a Klan ritual.
Oh, we accidentally shot this guy in the head and killed him up in Long Island during a ritual.
By the way, the article gets into all the death stuff.
You know, they got skulls on the altars and they go in there and pray to the Dark One and all this business.
But again, that's Christian.
It's very Christian.
It says James was participating in an induction around 8.40 p.m.
at the Southside Masonic Lodge when Albert Id, 76, pulled out a gun from his pants pocket with real bullets instead of blanks and shot him, Fitzpatrick said.
And it said he had a permit since 1951 for the .32 caliber handgun used in the shooting, but it was not clear why he brought it to the ceremony.
A second weapon, a .22 caliber pistol with blanks, was in his other pocket.
The detective said both weapons are approximately the same size.
Oh, it just so happened he had two of the guns.
Big accident.
As Patrick told reporters at the news conference that the police would, I believe the shooting was completely accidental.
So they do believe it was completely accidental.
That's a quote.
Police believe the Masons sat James in a chair and placed hands on a small platform around his head.
It says, Ed was standing approximately 20 feet away, holding a gun, Fitzpatrick said.
A third member of James's View, out of James's View, held a stick.
And when the gun was fired, the man with the stick was supposed to knock the cans off the platform to make the inductee think that real bullets were being fired.
See, they torture people.
Fitzpatrick said the ceremony was designed to create a, quote, state of anxiety for the inductees.
Police also found a guillotine, rat traps, and a wooden board that Fitzpatrick surmised was used in some type of walking the plank routine in the basement of the one-story building.
Ed pleaded innocent to a second-degree manslaughter charge at his arraignment before Suffolk County District Court Judge Paul Hensley in Central Islip.
He was released on $2,500 bail in order to return to court on April 27th.
Oh, so he's got a month or so to hang out.
His lawyer did not immediately return calls or comment.
Fitzpatrick described Id as quite stunned and distraught.
The shooting shone a spotlight on the Masons, a highly secretive society that traces its roots to medieval craft associations.
While officials in the Lodge denied that the gun played a role in the ceremonies, Fitzpatrick said members told police the Wright involved a gun with blanks goes back at least 70 years.
This is Carl Fidgey, Grand Master of New York State Freemasons, released a statement early Tuesday in which he said guns do not play a role in any official sanctioned lodge ceremonies.
We are fully cooperating with all the authorities, appropriate law enforcement officials, he said.
Yeah, they're with their brothers.
They're all going along with it, making sure everything's fine.
These are all pretty old guys, obviously high-level ritual.
Most of the low-level, mid-level masons never get down into the guillotines and the coffins.
The guns and the rat traps and all of this macabre stuff.
The kind of stuff you'd expect to find, you know, when they bust into some farmhouse and there's a basement and there's, you know, a bunch of videotapes of young women that have been chopped up after they were raped.
You know, kind of that whole macabre layout.
You know, we've heard that before.
Just the same M.O., same criminology.
But hey, maybe it's an accident.
They just blew this guy's head off.
Just by accident, he just so happened to have the two guns in there, and he just didn't know, and he just pulled one out and shot the guy in the head.
And it just so happens we're finding these articles going back at other Masonic and Clan meetings, just magically, somebody dies!
And it just so happens that Hiram Abiff was killed by his fellow Masons, and they normally do do the simulated murders, but sometimes people seem to die.
The police always say it's just an accident and somebody gets a few months in jail or has to pay a fine, but the sacrifice does take place.
We're not saying that happened here.
No, no, no.
We're sure the police officers investigating are right.
This is no big deal.
Somebody's got their head blown off, but they're sure.
I mean, within two hours of this happening yesterday, the police were in the news.
I got off the air, there was this little article, and it just so happened that the police told everybody right away, man, this is an accident.
We're going to release this guy on bail, and that's the end of the discussion.
How's that sound to you?
Boy, I wouldn't be involved with these people.
But again, we know the Masons are listening out there.
We've actually had people call up here saying they're Masons every time I talk about them and they death threat us.
They're going to come down to our office and kill us and all this business.
But, you know, we're going to keep defending the country.
That's how it works.
But, boy, we told you one more time, we're going to kill you and we're going to kill your family.
It's kind of nice people that are out there.
I wonder if the other Masons know that their bosses are like that.
Probably not.
How many of you know you're worshipping Lucifer?
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2, Central, back from 9 to midnight.
Yeah, I'm only alive because of the grace of God, because God wants me doing what I'm doing.
I mean, I snuck into the big, bisonic, satanic shindig, uh, back in 2000, and shot video of it, along with Mike Hanson, who went along with me.
And, uh, I got, you know, video of it.
They admit I snuck in and got the ritual, and I'm only alive because, uh, God, uh, is, uh, put up a hedge around me, I have no doubt.
Because even the low-level Masons, I would guess they've got to be low-level.
These guys sound like they grew up, you know, never, never left their property.
Uh, who call up and routinely threaten us if we even mention Masons.
They're going to get it, boy, all of you are going to get it.
I mean, we're just here covering the news, covering what's happening.
And usually I think people that call up and threaten us are the lower-level fools who aren't high-level and don't know what goes on at the higher levels of masonry.
And I don't talk a lot about it on air.
I mean, it's really just all part of the occult, but we're going to get more into that here on the show.
Coming up, just believe me, I haven't scratched the surface, masses of news, and of course your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Uh, Kelly Rushing in Kentucky, and I got the news articles, I talked to the local officials, it's true.
They're no longer public servants, I talked to the officials, the authorities.
Uh, he gave a police officer a Ron Paul video from Congress, public video, broadcast on, you know, television.
Send out over cable, C-SPAN, very radical, evil stuff, an elected congressman, Vietnam veteran, a doctor, very evil, very radical stuff, talking about the neocons, and one of my videos to a police officer, and he was then, the cop next day pulled him over, arrested him, and said, you shouldn't have given me that video, that's a threat.
And the judge said, you've given anti-government, anti-police videos, you're guilty.
Last time we heard that they were postponing the trial for a while.
And now to give us a report is Kelly Rushing from Lyons County, Kentucky.
Good to talk to you, Kelly.
How are you doing, Alex?
What exactly has now happened to you?
Well, I went to court and they tried to plea bargain with me.
My lawyer told me that they wanted me to admit to a guilt of a charge of harassment.
So, so, do not do that.
No, no, I didn't.
I didn't.
Now, I told you they'd do that.
You gave somebody a video, and I tried to say it was a threat, a terrorist threat, for giving them a Ron Paul video.
Hey, tell them, let's go ahead and push it.
Tell them, go ahead and put you in jail, and we'll get all the, you know, the foundations out there on your side, and we'll, we'll sue all of them.
Um, anyway, after I found out that I told my lawyer that no, I wouldn't do that, that I didn't feel I was guilty of anything,
I went out into the courtroom there and come to find out in the courtroom that they had dropped the two charges of menacing.
And now they're strictly going after the terroristic threatening.
Well, not really.
You just told me what their office was.
Well, they didn't say anything.
I mean, basically, when I went into the courtroom, then they told me that
The prosecutor told me that he felt that it was best that they drop the two charges of menacing and they were only going to pursue the terroristic threatening on April the 12th.
Okay, April the 12th at the Lyon County building, courthouse?
Yeah, in Eddyville.
Okay, in Eddyville, the Lyon County Courthouse, and you're going to be there, and so they say the trial's going to continue.
Have you called for a trial by jury?
Yeah, I called for a trial by jury.
I guess April the 12th will probably pick a jury.
Okay, and well, we're going to have to stay up to date on this, and that's it.
Now I'm going to have to get in touch with the media.
I thought they'd drop it, but of course we're in the Soviet Union.
I mean, did you stand up and say, what is this?
I gave him a video?
Was the nutball state police officer there?
Yeah, you know, what's funny is... Well, I'll tell you what, stay there.
By the way, folks, I've checked into Mr. Rushing's record.
He has no criminal record, no nothing.
He just gave somebody a video.
They want to put him in jail for a year.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we'll go back to Kelly Rushing here in a few minutes.
From Lyon County, Kentucky, and it's been in the newspaper.
He was arrested, and you heard it, charged with a terroristic threat.
uh... menacing uh... forgiving uh... a police officer and i mean this is admitted by the way a copy of a c-span forty five minute speech by ron paul and called neo con that we've read here on air several times with the text of it it's posted on my website where he just talks about who really runs the government and uh... giving him one of my videos which doesn't threaten police or anybody it's it's these are it's award-winning film he gave them
So, this shows how nuts they are, and it's not just a boss hog county though, you know, that tries this type of stuff.
Big cities are doing it.
I mean, they're that crazy that they really think giving them videos about how they're corrupt, or about how the system's corrupt, is somehow illegal.
And in that Road to Tyranny video, they pull a lady over, Navy veteran, housewife, no criminal record, at a checkpoint, stopping all the cars.
She says, no, you can't search my car.
They jerk her out of the car, say she assaults them.
It's on video, didn't assault them.
We have the police video.
Then they talk about how her pocket constitution may be illegal.
Pocket constitution may be illegal.
I mean, they think a pocket constitution may be illegal.
I mean, it's just, it's... Yes, it's Twilight Zone.
Yes, it's insane.
Yes, it's out of control.
Let's go back to Kelly Rushing.
Kelly, you were going to finish up.
Go ahead and talk.
I'll quit running over you.
I'm just freaking out that you went back for another pre-trial and they said, oh, please plea bargain that you at least harass the officer.
So you said no.
I mean, describe what happened.
Well, basically he acted out just like the tape.
When he came to my window, after he pulled me over, I asked, how you doing?
And he just said, get out of the truck.
And the second thing he said was turn around.
And at that time I asked him, why am I being arrested?
And he told me for terroristic threatening.
And then later on in the car, I told him that, you know, when a father sees something in the future that may be detrimental to his children, he would take a course to protect them.
And that's when he wrote on his report that I had threatened him.
Yeah, I understand.
They arrest you for a video, and then later, you know, you commit crimes in the car, you commit crimes in the jail, which you later go to jail for, and everybody knows what that means.
We're fighting for our children.
Hey, sir, how can you say I'm doing something bad?
As a father, wouldn't you want to stop what's happening in this country?
Oh, that's a threat, too!
You know, now everything's a... But, uh... So they try... But they want to drop the menacing.
So, in two days, I guess on Friday, you're going in what time at the Lyon County Courthouse?
At 1 o'clock on April the 12th.
Okay, and they say this is for jury selection?
Yeah, this will be for jury selection.
Okay, let me make a prediction.
They're going to corner you and threaten to charge you with other things if you don't sign right now.
And at that point, you've got to say no.
You've got to keep going with the jury trial, and you've got to start... I've got to... I had all these names written down, Kelly, of conservative and libertarian foundations that would just sue them, and now I can't find the folder, and I had the news article, and I had your faxes.
I still have those.
Those are at my house.
You know, what's funny is that I've given these same two tapes to plenty of other people and I never had any problems.
Because I give them to a police officer, now for some reason I've got a problem.
Well, they're lunatics, sir.
I mean, they're on complete power trips.
It's like giving a Nazi in Nazi Germany a pamphlet about how arresting Jews is bad.
What do you think would happen to you even if you were German?
They're going to take you and you're going to get charged.
And, again, it's an analogy.
I'm not saying they're Nazis.
I'm saying these are Nazi-like tactics.
And these people ought to be ashamed of themselves.
I mean, let's, uh... They're in deep trouble, sir.
And you know what?
Even if you're convicted, even if you're convicted, it's going to then be a national case, and you're going to have a lawsuit that's so big, you're going to own... See, see, now they're causing the abuse.
Pulse Arrest, it's already up at $500,000.
Oh, in what way, Alex?
You know, the officer has moved out of his house.
I couldn't believe that.
Well, you know, the Bible says the wicked fleeth when none pursueth.
I mean, they're guilty, man.
It's like, you know, this is how they operate.
I mean, you've got to be... I mean, folks, what type of wimp should police come to be?
I was talking to a 35-year-old woman last night, really nice lady.
I mean, you're talking middle class, and her car was broke down in a rural town on I-10, and the cop pulls over, and she has her hood up, and he jumps out and says, get out of the car, get out of the car, and drags her out and, you know, gets in her face, and she's like, why are you so afraid of a broken down woman, you know, at 2 a.m., you know, out here on I-10?
I mean, these people are, and I'm not saying all of them, but a lot of them are crazy.
They're unstable.
Well, I think we're all enemy combatants, ain't we?
Well, that's the point of all this.
So, Kelly, give us more details.
I mean, did your lawyer say anything for you?
Did you stand up and say, I gave somebody a video, this is crazy?
I mean, they postponed it for a week and a half to, quote, watch the squad car video.
What did that show?
So far, my lawyer hasn't said a whole lot.
Basically, he... He didn't move with a motion to dismiss all of it?
He didn't move for a motion to dismiss all of it.
He didn't?
Because he got some money out of continuing it.
You need to get rid of your lawyer, buddy.
I mean, is this some good old boy in the community everybody can trust?
Oh, well, I'm sure that, yeah, he's in the... And, Alex, you know, you were talking about Masons.
There seems to be a...
There's a nest of them around here.
Oh, there's a nest everywhere.
Yeah, but there are really a lot of them around here.
We're going to show this boy how things are done, doesn't like our new world order.
We're going to suck some money out of him and put that boy under the jail.
That'll keep him under heel.
So, Kelly, tell us what else happened.
I mean, describe what happened in the courtroom.
Well, the prosecuting attorney started talking about how the Second Amendment right was to be held up and that he felt that it was best that they drop the menacing charges.
And what is this about the Second Amendment?
I'm confused.
Kelly, what is this about Second Amendment?
I'm confused.
Well, I don't know either.
I know the prosecuting attorney keeps talking about he's not giving up his guns.
So, I'm not really sure why he's even bringing that in.
They're trying to get you to say the word gun and they're going to put you on medication and you'll never be seen again.
Keep your mouth shut about stuff like that.
Get rid of your lawyer and we've got to get you in touch with foundations right now.
You're in a lot of trouble.
Because these people are nuts and if it continues you could end up having a problem on a dark road at night.
We're going to show him one way or another.
He ain't going to get away with this.
We run things in this county.
Not you.
We own you people.
We've owned you for hundreds of years and you're going to learn we run things.
Now listen.
Did you ever talk and say, this is crazy, I haven't done anything, I gave somebody a video in America, drop this, did you say I'm going to the media, did you say any of that?
Or did your lawyer just say, just let them approach you and say, here, plea bargain.
I mean, what happened?
Yeah, that's pretty much what's happened.
He's just kind of, just laid down to them and, you know, he don't seem to be showing any opposition here.
So basically you're just paying him?
Yeah, I mean, I've already given him $400 and really I don't feel I've gotten anything.
You better go get yourself a new lawyer now.
He'll be there on Friday.
Get you a lawyer from three or four counties over.
You know, somebody who's hard-hitting.
Ask him on the phone.
Hey, you go get in here and defend me.
I gave this guy a videotape for saying all this.
Now they're trying to plea bargain.
I want motions.
I want to, you know, blah, blah, blah.
This is a major issue.
Call the Libertarian Party.
Try to get a Libertarian lawyer.
I mean, you need to get rid of that lawyer quickly.
You hear me, Kelly?
This is serious.
Yeah, I hear you.
I've got to get you in touch with some foundations, some organizations, and... Right.
I didn't want to escalate it with these people, getting foundations and groups involved, because then, you know, they'll really go after you.
But now it doesn't look like you have a choice.
It looks like they want to put you in jail for a year, and you can't put up with that.
So be really careful.
You know, you sent me your lawyer's letter where he said, all these tapes are a bunch of garbage.
I've watched them, but it's still not illegal.
You know, I don't get this.
I mean, look, that police officer needs to have psychiatric evaluation.
They all do.
I mean, this is crazy.
Now, my lawyer told me, you know, that it's the officer that's pursuing this thing.
Well, that's a bunch of garbage.
It's a false charge.
Look, look, look.
They're all deep down guilty.
So it's all, it's the state police, it's the officer.
Oh, we just gotta, that judge can say dismissed in 10 seconds, but they're so weird that they can't, you know, just leave somebody alone.
They gotta make you say you're bad because then somehow that makes you bad.
You understand?
I know how that works.
So you need to go in there on Tuesday and say, look, drop all this, and I'm not going to get everybody from the ACLU to you name it involved.
And I've gone to the media, and I'm willing to go to jail.
I've done nothing wrong.
What is this, the Soviet Union?
I gave you a tape of a congressman in Congress.
And a documentary filmmaker who's award-winning.
I've done nothing wrong.
I'm trying to be politically active.
This is not China.
Now, I want a jury trial and I demand one now, and that's the end of it.
Go in there and represent yourself and just say that.
And so you people need to be ashamed of yourselves.
And just leave it at that.
This is insanity.
Okay, Kelly?
Yeah, first, you know, Alex, they told me that the Post was pursuing it.
Then later on they changed the story and said that the offers...
We're pursuing it.
Yeah, all they're trying to do is scare you because they're saying, as I told you, sticking tapes in a mailbox.
That's the only area they could actually come after you.
They're so dumb they didn't.
They finally sat around and talked about it and they figured out some charge.
But now because they didn't make it a charge at the time, and the post office doesn't enforce this stuff, they don't have a leg to stand on.
Just don't plea bargain.
And even if you go to jail, which you're not going to go to jail, imagine how it's going to look then.
You're in jail for giving somebody a videotape.
Oh, yeah.
At that point it's going to be national headlines.
Hey, Kelly, I'll call you this afternoon, okay?
Good to hear from you, buddy.
Oh, Kelly?
Did they say anything to you when you left or anything?
No, sir, they didn't.
Was the state police goon there?
This time he wasn't.
Now, the time before, he had his wife in there with him.
And what were they doing, bugging their eyes out at you?
I didn't even pay him any attention, Alex.
I didn't even look at her.
I mean, I couldn't tell you what she even looked like.
I only know that it was his wife because my lawyer told me that he was sitting back there with his wife.
Well, under the Patriot Act, all these snot-nosed, control-freak lunatics are getting unlimited power.
We're all in deep trouble.
Good to hear from you, Kelly.
Okay, we're going to go to Ethan, KC, and Steve, and everybody.
I didn't mean to, you know, get off into that for 20 minutes, but...
Again, it's better than the newspaper.
Arrest them for giving them a videotape.
I mean, they're just... It's lunacy!
And I said they're going to tell you a plea bargain, go ahead and make her guilty, and just keep dragging her out.
I predict they'll never let it go to a jury trial.
They'll just keep threatening him.
And then, you know, maybe do something to him in the parking lot.
I mean, there's just no telling what these goons are going to do.
Kelly better have somebody with him at all times.
Russian government to install cameras in every Moscow apartment building.
Again, Big Brother, and they're doing that here in the U.S.
Truck stops may become fingerprint collection point.
See, under Homeland Security, this is from eTrucker, under Homeland Security, we're all going to have the fingerprint to have jobs anywhere, and they're starting it with the truck drivers and others.
We'll get to that.
Use prints to track kids.
Petersburg Times.
Kids having to thumb scan to get school lunches, to get on buses, to get into the schools.
The district wants to identify students on school buses by their fingerprints.
Again, we already talked about that, but more news on it.
The government admits spy tech to monitor emails.
Every email will be read now by the government.
They're just publicly saying it.
No warrants.
We're just reading your mail.
But again, this is the new freedom.
urged to take lead in issuing biometric passports.
There's a world treaty already.
It's begun issuing the biometric world ID card.
Military.com, major mainstream report, troops that complain about bad health care at the VA are being denied all care, even though their legs are blown off.
That's Congress admitting that.
So again, denying troops health care, that's good.
If you're against it, you're with Al Qaeda.
Despite the fact that England doesn't want GMO foods planted, the government's now authorizing the total onslaught of the takeover of their biosphere.
So, we'll be getting to that, and they're going to use nanotech for Nestea ice cream.
That's wired news.
They're going to put nanotech into the food.
Microwave beam weapon to disperse crowds.
I told you about this years ago, but here it is in the new Scientist Police to be given microwave attack systems to control crowds.
They're gearing up, folks!
The fun!
They got plenty of lunatics that think
Well, Christians and homeschoolers are bad, and let me tell you something, they'll knock your teeth out and take you to a camp, folks.
They'll stomp your guts out.
We'll do it in a minute.
As soon as they get our guns, they're gonna start.
And it's peer pressure.
Even cops who are half-decent human beings will go, well, I guess I gotta do it.
I mean, this is what we're doing.
We just had an American city nuked.
We gotta arrest all these people now.
I don't want to, but you saw what happened.
Somebody released smallpox just like the government said they was, and we got to arrest everybody.
And by the way, I get to move into this neighbor's house now, since I fingered them as Al-Qaeda.
It's kind of nice running things.
See, that paradigm is now expanding.
You want total wickedness?
You want to enter the deepest, darkest recesses of Soviet Nazi life?
We're on the edge, about to plunge into it.
So everybody listening better wake up!
That goes for police, all of you, and be good human beings and repent!
Don't face the evil we've all been involved in!
Don't look at this society sliding over the abyss and stop being intellectually dishonest!
Stop denying how evil we are as a society!
Let's go to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Hi, uh, I was calling.
I wanted to talk a bit about the Freemasons and stuff.
Yeah, you go ahead and talk about them.
Go ahead.
I was a DMA.
Um, I don't know if you're familiar with that.
Yeah, that's the junior group.
Yeah, it's a degree of masonry that's offered to youth.
By the way, it's the Masons that are blowing each other's heads off in satanic rituals.
That's New York News, folks.
Uh, that are doing the DNA database of the children, getting us into the biometrics.
They're the ones helping at the schools.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, the demolition is a Masonic degree given to people who aren't old enough.
Yeah, it's for boys, and the eastern star is for girls.
Yeah, well, it's eastern stars for grown women.
And if you look at the eastern star symbol... It's an upside-down star.
Yeah, and that's no accident.
Oh, yes it is!
I mean, yeah, if you study... It even has the satanic markings on it.
Yeah, like even someone who's studied a cult or even a ritual magician can tell you, yeah, if a star is inverted.
Well, it has the symbols on it.
It has the symbols on it.
You drive into these small towns, big ol' upside down star with satanic symbols, and police office pulls you over, gonna need a little cash, man.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I tell you what, you just stay there, Ethan.
This is our time!
We're taking over!
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Look my friends, all throughout history strong men have gotten together in tribes and civilizations from the smallest group to the biggest group and created allied organizations to expand their control and power.
And that's all these secret societies are.
They're gangs that have their own rituals, their own systems.
And they admit that's what they are.
They're pirates feeding on you.
And it's very scary.
And they've got a lot of useful idiots that rationalize being part of the system.
And they really think they're good guys in many cases, letting us know who's boss, because if they ain't in control, somebody else will be.
It's a thin black ski mask line, you know, and you've got to do this.
Well, I'm tired of putting up with it.
Before we go back to Ethan and Casey and Steve and Bert and Ray and many others, we've got Pastor David J. Smith coming up in about 10-15 minutes.
Talk to him about the satanic upper echelon of masonry and much more.
I've got a bunch of news here, as I mentioned.
I've made ten films, written a book, published a book, got pro-gun t-shirts.
You know, a lot of evil stuff, folks.
It's made right here in America, too.
Even worse.
So you need to get these videos.
And most people, 90% of those, including police and firefighters and public officials, who see these videos are waking up.
There's more of us than there are of the control freaks.
It's time to come out of the shadows, get in the light, stand up against the New World Order, and say no to their system.
Hiding in the darkness, that's where they rule.
It's time to come out against them, and God will protect you, folks.
So again, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order any of the great videos via our secure online shopping cart.
Big discounts if you get three or more of any of the ten videos I offer that I made.
I carry other videos as well.
uh... and uh... there's dark secrets inside bohemian grove and 9-11 road to tyranny and police state three total enslavement they're all excellent info wars dot com or prison planet dot com via our safe secure online shopping cart our call toll free right now folks one triple eight two five three three one three nine uh... that's eight eight eight two five three three one three nine i think the answer is
We need to have people in Lyon County, Kentucky get the videos and make 100 copies apiece and just hand deliver 10,000 of them to the police department and say, you know, here's... Maybe even get that Ron Paul video!
Even more evil!
A congressman in Congress giving a speech!
Are you going to arrest us for this?
This is how wicked we are here!
You can write to me to get the videos at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
So take action.
We also need your support.
Let's go back to Ethan in Kentucky.
So you got inducted into the junior group.
Why'd you get out of it or did you get out of it?
I just stopped going after a while.
I just got tired of it.
Didn't really have time and I lost interest in it.
So what did they have you do in there?
Well, we did do rituals inside of a Masonic Temple.
And there was one, the initiation involved, there was an altar, you know, there's four different people in each direction.
And they have a chair east, south, north, you know.
And there's the altar in the middle of the room.
Were two pillars, were you in there?
There were two pillars in the back of the room, yeah.
And there's, you know, the eight-point star on the floor.
Did they have you get in the coffins?
No, we never did anything like that.
Did you ever see the coffins?
No, I never... I did see... There were secret passages in this lodge.
Well, yeah, I mean, they don't let the DMLA folks generally, unless they're... But I did go off once, and in this lodge, they would have these things called lock-ins, where they would let the DMLA spend the night there.
And I found some stone tablets that had some names etched in them of Babylonian gods.
Uh, Baphomet and Pazuzu.
Well, that's a Christian.
They say Baphomet's Jesus, they say.
Of course it's not, but you know, hey.
Well, if you look at the inverted pentagram, the eastern star, if you ask any, like, someone who practices a cult and claims that they're good... Well, it has the occult symbols.
And again, most towns in Texas have it hanging when you drive into town.
Oh, okay.
Hey, good to hear from you.
We'll be right back, folks.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got Pastor David J. Smith coming on to talk about the New World Order.
In the next, well the rest of this hour, right now we're talking to callers.
We've gotten off into Masons because of the New York Daily News and other articles about one of their rituals blowing somebody's head off.
We found that this accidentally happens a few times a year.
Either it's the Masonic Halls or at clan meetings, somebody accidentally gets their head blown off in a ritual.
Of course, they're re-simulating the Founding Masons murder by fellow Masons.
We've got all that now posted on Infowars.com.
Some more of that coming up and a bunch of other news as well.
Right now, Casey in Ohio.
Go ahead, Casey.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
I want to expose the Skull and Bones Navy.
Something I've been wanting to do for a long time and haven't heard anybody talk about.
Are you familiar with the
Jailback initiation that the Navy does every time they cross the equator.
Oh yeah, see that's where all this comes from.
That even goes back to Babylon.
It's all rituals hidden in plain view.
And again, that's what Skull and Bones is, is pirates.
They brag, we come from pirates.
That's the opium runners founded Skull and Bones.
And so of course, but go ahead.
Well, they get initiated into the domain of Neptunus Rex.
And we all know Rex is.
And he's the ruler of the raging Maine, you know.
And they have all the initiation going on.
The Shellbacks are the initiators and the Pollywogs are the initiates.
Which translates into Neophyton.
And they have all the, you know, mermaids and this type of thing and all the departments
Get together and they elect a queen to run for the Neptunus Rexes Queen.
And we didn't have any women on board at that time.
Yeah, it's goddess worship.
And you've got the male and female side.
Yeah, right.
And I was on an aircraft carrier.
And when we crossed, first they put us in the hangar deck and on our hands and knees like cattle and they made us move
What's the color of blood?
Communists are only one spin-off group of these people.
There's so many facets to this, like a spider web.
But the whole point of the thing is that during that whole time, Jolly Rogers was flapping from the mat.
Yeah, it's a revealing.
And see, that's for the low-level people.
That's just like an outward initiation for you.
And it gets deeper and deeper and deeper to the point of accidentally blowing people's heads off.
Just an accident.
The police show up within an hour and a half.
It's an accident and everything's fine.
Yeah, we're thinking in a brand new way, ain't we?
And, um, one of the main things is, one of my friends was on watch during the whole ritual and, you know, the Soviet Navy always shadowed us and they were doing exactly the same thing.
And I just happened to be flying the same flag.
Well, you know, Tom and Bob's maybe.
That's right.
Just like Bush, the fascist, Kerry, the commie, but they're cousins and they're in the same group and they both fly the same flag.
What an interesting story.
You're there with the Soviet Navy right by ya, doing the same thing.
Well, I hear the other navies all do it too.
They sure do.
It's important.
I do have a bunch of photos of it.
Oh, I'm begging you.
I'm begging you.
Stay on hold.
I want to talk to you.
I want that.
I'm making a new occult film.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Providence, Rhode Island.
Simulcasting on WWCR during the day at 94.75, at night at 32.10.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
I know we got loaded phone lines.
We'll get to everybody.
We were just talking to Casey in Ohio.
We talked about when they crossed the equator, how they put up the Jolly Rogers on the aircraft carrier.
The Russians shadowing them, put up their Jolly Rogers.
They all did this ritual.
And exactly, it's permeated.
You know, all sides are controlled by the same occult influence, and this is just the outward stuff.
And this whole discussion began because of a New York Daily News article, another one out of the Associated Press, where Mason's up in Long Island, just accidentally down by the Skull Altar
Uh, and the guillotine and all this just so happened to blow one of the people's heads off.
The police said it's all an accident.
We went back and searched on it and found other cases of them accidentally blowing people's heads off at Klan meetings and other Masonic meetings.
Uh, and this is the Hiram Abiff simulated sacrifice occasionally.
It turns into the real thing.
And going to Pastor David J. Smith, Pastor, I didn't mean to have you on today talking about the Masons.
I wanted to talk about the New World Order, Skull and Bones, what it all means, and how communism is a creation of these people.
But I know you're an expert on the Masons, and how it's compartmentalized, and all of their bizarre activities, and how they're obsessed with collecting DNA on the children, and getting them into the biometric databases.
What's really going on here, Pastor?
Well, it's all a part of the long-term plan to create the world government.
That's the bottom line.
And I think anyone who's listened to your show or to my radio programs and read our literature and seen the videos that you put out, we put out, knows that the bottom line is that they had to create a seen enemy of the Western world.
Now, Freemasonry itself
It was infiltrated in 1782 at the very highest level by the Order of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati, according to the Economist magazine several years ago that's published out of England, said that the Illuminati is the mother of all secret societies.
And they've infiltrated and taken over every one of them.
So Freemasonry receives their orders, unknown, from people from the very top
And they pass the news right on down and everyone swears allegiance to the order and therefore they must carry out any plans and activities which they purport from the top down.
Now the people in the very lower levels, they know nothing about this.
It's just the upper echelon.
They hand select people out of the 33rd degrees and those who have shown a propensity to give up on Christianity
Because that was the enemy of Adam Weishaupt when he founded the Illuminati, May 1st, 1776.
He hated the Catholic Church and everyone else that had broken away from the Catholic Church.
They wanted to infiltrate all organizations, whether it's religious and government, and then in secret, infiltrate, take over,
And then they would overthrow every monarchy on the face of the earth.
And by the way, Pastor, this is all public.
This is all their mainstream history books.
But eight years ago, I'd talk about Skull and Bones.
I was a kook.
It didn't exist.
You were nuts.
I was nuts.
Just because we were educated and informed, now it's coming out into the light.
Now they're revealing themselves.
They're revealing their wickedness.
They're conditioning us.
Why are they now revealing themselves?
Is this not showing that they're about to go to the next level or a massive global escalation?
Oh, absolutely.
There was a woman named Alice Bailey, and she wrote Externalization of the Hierarchy many, many years ago.
She said she received her information from an Ascended Master, which is nothing more than a fallen angel or a demon that's rebelled against God.
His name is Dwal Kul.
And they said in order for them to create their world government, they would have to do it in steps.
They would have to create regionalization all over the world.
And Albert Pike, who was 33rd degree, head of all ancient and accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry around the world,
Said August 15, 1871 that they would have to create many revolutionary wars and at least two world wars and a third if necessary in the 20th century or shortly into the 21st century in order to complete their world government.
And so we saw World War I did happen.
The International Communist Movement started.
It was to be the arm to destroy all seen governments and prepare them for the world government.
And then World War II began the regionalization.
Out of the fall of Germany and so on, we saw NATO.
We saw the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization.
And so on.
And then we saw the Warsaw Pact, so regionalization began.
And now in the Western Hemisphere, they've begun, this is one of the communist programs that was uncovered by W. Cleon Skousen of the FBI many, many years ago, and that was free trade.
This was to be the stepping stone toward regionalization that would bring them to the full realization of world government.
So they created NAFTA on the North American continent and we've already documented and it has been documented by private study groups which our own government has referenced that we've lost over 900,000 jobs just since NAFTA began
Well, it's 2.2 million jobs just since 2001, but I mean, you mean specifically from NAFTA.
Now they're going to radically expand it with the free trade area of the Americas.
That's how the EU began as a so-called trade deal.
They don't even let us know that this is the amalgamation merging with Mexico right now.
And when they put in the World Trade Organization, the whole idea of that, and now they're going to vote, or our Senate will be asked to vote upon
free trade areas of the Americas at some time in 2005 and the whole purpose of all of this is so that they can create bureaucracies that will then override the laws internally in the United States.
42 state attorney generals warned that if the World Trade Organization and NAFTA went into being
Then they would have to change local, state, and federal laws to comply with it.
And then local government becomes a rubber stamp to the regionalization.
Pastor Smith, so much has happened, there's so many facets of this to discuss, and you've done such incredible research with your work.
And for those that don't know who you are, tell them a little bit about yourself, the website, Newswatch Magazine, the great work you're doing.
Okay, we started publishing Newswatch Magazine in 1980.
I went to college at Harding College in Searcy, Arkansas from 1959 through 1965.
And I sat at the feet of Dr. George S. Benson, who headed up the Freedom Foundation.
He would travel the country showing slides of the threat of international communism to our religious freedom, our political and economic freedom.
So I had a base when I got out of college, and then I began to publish Newswatch Magazine in 1980.
And it's a world news magazine showing the threat of international communism, but it goes further than just communism.
And it shows that communism is only an agent of the true one-world government proponents, the international bankers, the industrialists, the multinational corporations, and so on.
In fact, the big corporations create government to be the control arm to suck the wealth and everything out of us.
Materialism is just the front.
I mean, look.
Look at the level of wickedness, Pastor.
I can't believe it.
I mean, you know, cameras in school bathrooms, thumb scanning to get school lunches, cameras in the neighborhoods, microphones in Austin, police in black ski masks, flying the Jolly Roger flag, both presidential candidates being skull and bones.
Skull and Bones, just a satellite of the Illuminati, just an elite peak of this ridge of wicked organizations tied into the Bohemian Grove.
I mean, what does this mean to have both candidates publicly being members of the Order of Death, cousins related to each other, and the Queen of England?
I mean, this is real, but what does this mean for the average person?
Well, it means that the average person eventually will be reduced to slave labor, just like in Russia, because Russia and China and other communist countries were to be the program to test their new government.
And also, few people understand that the Order of Skull and Bones can be traced back to the Thule Society in Germany, which Adolf Hitler was initiated into.
And that Eckhart, who initiated him, opened his mind so that he would be able to communicate with the higher intelligences, as they called them.
And it just came out that Tony Blair was channeling this entity called the Light.
He also has Aztec rituals, rebirthing rituals, where he howls and screams and flops around smearing himself.
That's the London Guardian, Times of London.
Francois Mitterrand, the giant 71-foot pyramid in front of the Louvre, 666 pieces of glass.
Old Starbucks coffees have all-seeing eyes.
I mean, it's everywhere, Pastor!
It is, and they wouldn't be coming out so blatantly into the open if they didn't feel very confident that they were about to come into their world government.
To be exact, they said that as they approached the completion of their world government, they would begin to keep huge monopolies, and they would control them.
And then at the right time, they would pull the economic base out from under the world, not just America, but the whole world.
And it would be a giant crash.
But they would have the gold, and they would have all the multinational corporations doing business on every country that would survive.
And that's why they're getting the riot police together, the public FEMA camps.
I mean, they are really gearing up, aren't they?
There's no doubt.
And the United States, I believe George Bush, current president,
Was one of those who were put into office to help to finalize it as fast as they could by going into other areas of the world, diverting our attention away from the internal part of the country, and now they're passing laws that just are stripping us of all of our constitutional rights, the Bill of Rights, and so on.
I know you've got a break.
Yeah, we're about to go to break.
We'll be back with Pastor David J. Schmansen.
Stay with us.
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Pastor David J. Smith.
We've had him on many times as a guest over the years.
He's done incredible research work.
He has an amazing color magazine he's been putting out for 24 years.
And he's offering a free year subscription.
That's how bad he wants to get the information out.
Pastor Smith, how do people call and get a free year subscription to Newswatch Magazine?
Okay, they can call 1-800.
That's 1-800-516-8736.
Yes, and call 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
Central Time because our offices close.
So call during the day.
It is excellent.
We'll talk more about that later.
So get your pens and paper ready.
During the break I just popped in and asked what you thought of the passion and I stated that look at Mel Gibson's fruits, look at the world attacking him.
I have discernment and I'm not bragging, I just do and it's painful in many cases.
But this is a good film.
Some are attacking it.
I'm not a Catholic, but I believe it's a good film.
It's moving people.
It's causing a revival.
But your comments on it, Pastor?
Well, when you look at the entirety of the film and you see the big picture, not just every little minute detail, but the big picture is
The suffering that the Son of God had to go through in order to pay for the enormous number of sins in this world.
He shed his blood, he was beaten, and the Bible said he would be marred more than any man.
And so, that picture, that gave a graphic picture of what he went through, and yet it was not as bad as he really experienced.
Because with those cat-o'-nine-tails and these professional lictors, they would actually tear the flesh right open off the bone.
And it would expose the nervous system and the bones.
And it didn't show that in the film.
By the way, I've read secular histories of the Portuguese giving somebody 20 lashes, you normally died.
And that's why they always gave them 40 minus 1.
Because they didn't want to go beyond that because it would break the law and it would be so bad.
This is the Romans now, not the Portuguese.
But it would be so bad that they could not live through it.
And my opinion is every American should see it.
I don't say that every little detail is absolutely perfect, but when you can overlook little things, and see the big picture... Well, the point is that, look at the world.
Look how upset the world is by it, and compare it to all the other garbage, and look at the effect it's having.
And by the way, under Soviet, under Nazi, under Illuminati governments, they enjoy this.
They will do this to you and your family, folks.
I want people to know, what you saw happen to Christ is what they like to do to people.
Is that not accurate, Pastor?
It is, because, you see,
This world is right now currently being run by Satan.
God has left hands off except as he intervenes in the lives of individuals.
But the good news is that Jesus Christ will come back to establish the Kingdom of God.
And so, naturally, the world, as we call it, people who do not profess Christianity, are going to be against this because it's everything that God stands for.
Let me just throw this in.
I don't watch much television, but I do analyze it.
24, Threat Matrix, all these shows.
Every episode they torture people.
Torture is now good.
They secret arrest people.
That's mass programming for it.
Then I have the FBI training manuals.
All Christians, all Founding Fathers are terrorists, word for word.
Defenders of the U.S.
Constitution, homeschoolers.
They're quietly teaching police.
And that seems so insane, but to the world, it's the good people that are bad, Pastor.
They see us as...
As the bad, do they not?
They say good is evil and evil is good.
They always make it backwards so that they can desensitize people and prepare their minds to accept the inevitable.
We're going to commit mass genocide against Christians when we take over the world.
And look at what the U.N.
does in Rwanda.
Look at what they do everywhere.
They love slaughtering Christians.
Well, of course, we know the U.N.
was founded by international communism.
And international communism was founded by the Illuminati worshippers of Lucifer, whose name was changed to Satan.
So, did you see the article with Tony Blair channeling the light, and he also does the Aztec ritual?
No, I did not see that article.
Yeah, London Guardian, it says he howls and screams and sees the spirits in the pool.
He goes down to an Aztec pyramid to do this ritual, that's London Guardian, and then now he's been channeling the light.
Who is the light, Pastor?
Well, the light is Lucifer.
And that's exactly what Skull and Bones does, and that's exactly what Satanists do when they lay in coffins and go through their rituals.
All of a sudden, a spirit entity just fills their body and circulates throughout the room.
And that's what they call a born-again experience.
And their whole life is changed and they start serving the Illuminati after that.
Now, are they possessed?
Do they believe they're possessed by Satan, or just touched by it?
No, they believe that Lucifer is the God of good, the God of light.
They believe that Jesus is a God.
He's a brother of Lucifer, but he's evil.
We'll be back.
We'll get more into this.
Take your calls.
I'm Alex Jones with Pastor David J. Smith.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends, we've reached the halfway point of this broadcast.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Again, we're talking to Pastor David J. Smith, very intelligent, very well-researched information on who runs the global government.
And then, of course, with his Christian perspective, and that's the only real perspective, and that's the group, the real Christians are the folks out there fighting the New World Order.
Everyone else seems to be serving it.
Even if they think they're fighting it, they're fighting it from some controlled opposition point, actually empowering the New World Order.
And Pastor Smith just does a great job in this big, full-color magazine that he puts out, Newswatch Magazine.
He's offering a free subscription, a year subscription.
You need to take advantage of this, folks.
Also, we need your support here on this show.
I've made some of the most hardcore, scary videos that are all documented that wake up about 90% of those that see them.
And Police State 3 Total Enslavement is one of the newest videos.
It gets into the Total Information Awareness Network, Patriot Act 1 and 2, the architecture of the New World Order, the PENAC, criminals setting up the terror attacks.
It gets into the dehumanization that's taking place, the Illuminati symbolism, the occult that's running it.
There's dark secrets inside Bohemian Grove, where I snuck into Bohemian Grove and caught the satanic ritual on tape.
Where they do this Babylonian Mystery Religion Sacrifice, Mock Sacrifice.
I've made 10 films, written a book, published a book, carry a lot of other good books and videos.
Go to infowars.com
Or PrisonPlanet.com.
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Order some of the videos and books and items today.
Get them.
Spread the word.
Educate your friends and family.
If we don't do it, the evil is going to accelerate.
Believe me, we'd already be under this system if folks weren't out there fighting them like yourself.
They're about five years behind, they say, in their own writings.
And the more people we warn, the more people we can save, folks, from not being deceived by this system.
So it's so important.
These people are so wicked.
Don't be naive and just go, all these guys are just saying this.
You know what we laid out 5, 6, 10 years ago, 7 years ago.
It's all come true.
And we're telling you stuff a lot worse is about to come true if we don't spread the word now.
So go to InfoWars.com or PresentPlanet.com or call toll free.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com so you can get the videos, the books, the information, and get them out to people.
Again, that's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Incidentally, Pastor David J. Smith is up in Waxahachie, Texas, doing great work.
We've got TexMars down here in Austin.
A lot of people getting the word out right here in Texas.
Pastor Smith continuing
For the police officers, for government officials, for people that rationalize because they get fat off the system, who aren't overtly evil, but go along with all of this.
For the people who think they're Christian, but support the Patriot Act, and support the UN, and even Baptist churches now are having UN Day, and the Presbyterian Church having gun buybacks, and homosexual marriage, and all of this happening.
To the people in the system going along with this that can't see the evil growing, what does that mean for them?
I mean, what should they be thinking right now?
What's your warning to them?
Well, my warning is that they need to get down on their knees and ask God to give them the Holy Spirit.
Because the Holy Spirit of God, it says in John 16, 13, will lead them into all truth, not error.
So if they're going and falling for the New World Order and the world government, they think it's a good thing and the United Nations is going to save this planet, they don't believe the Bible anyway.
Because the Bible is the good news, the gospel of the coming of the Kingdom of God, to eliminate all evil off planet Earth.
And if they think the United Nations is going to do it,
They're just missing the whole boat.
Now what about those that buy into the false right paradigm and think George Bush is a born-again Christian when his fruits are all in opposition to that?
Well, they don't know that he's a member of Skull and Bones.
And when his father said that he, if you mean being a Christian means being born again, he didn't explain that he meant born again under a Luciferian right.
And that's exactly what happened to George W. Bush, current president, when he was initiated in 1968 under the order of Skull and Bones.
Rush Limbaugh, who's the steam valve for the globalists to keep conservatives in line with their counterfeit
First tried to deny Skull and Bones existed, and he said, oh, isn't that a Haitian death cult?
Then he said, okay, yeah, I know it's real, but it's no big deal.
Showing, and he talked about, he used some code words about keys and, you know, oh, death cult.
He used the inner meaning, I mean, this is the order of death, and it's adorned with skulls and war and chants to Beelzebub.
I mean, this is all admitted.
How can a Christian be born again into Beelzebub?
They cannot be.
That's the whole point.
The Bible says to come out from among them and be you separate, not participate with them.
Now, you've seen the dark secrets inside Bohemian Grove where I snuck in.
What did you make of that ritual, Pastor?
Well, it's all idolatry.
I mean, it's nothing more than worship of Satan.
The whole ritual comes straight out of, I guess you would say, the pit of hell.
Well, they admit that the president and his daddy and others go to that.
And the Washington Times says they bust in male prostitutes.
I mean, how can this be out in the open, but we're still buying this?
Well, the American people at large will not read that much anymore.
They have been de-educated, and the younger people, they have been gotten away from watching the political
They've been given sports.
They said they would do that.
They would give them sexy books, filthy movies, and so on, so that they could undermine the moral virtues of the nation.
And they've done it!
So, professing Christian does not mean you are a Christian.
A Christian is one that is going to obey the Bible, not disobey it.
So when you're working and aiding the rise of what
Most people in Christianity call the Antichrist system.
Then you're a part of that system.
You're not a part of God's church.
Well, look, I'm not going to get up here on my high horse because I have plenty of problems, but, you know,
Again, I've looked at the world.
It really does believe in the devil.
They really are Luciferians.
So even an atheist should be able to recognize that, you know, but see, they're blind.
They can't.
That's right.
You know, the elite really is into Satanism, but then suddenly we're bad because we're Christians.
There's the Bible verses about the beginning of wisdom.
It's a painful thing.
With much wisdom comes great pain.
It is, every day, more and more painful for me, Pastor.
And I want to get your take on this, your analysis on it.
It's painful to see the evil.
I can't stand it.
Used to I just got angry.
Now it's painful.
Can you explain that process?
Well, first of all,
When you see evil and you discover it, the natural thing is to think, I've been deceived.
They've been lying to me.
And that is very hurtful because nobody wants to admit they're deceived.
Nobody wants to admit that they've been wrong about anything.
And then when you feel helpless that you can't do anything about it, then that's when anger comes into a person's life because you can't do anything about it.
You try to fight them.
If you were a politician, you would have been dead by now.
And that's the way it is.
Or else they would have smeared you in the news media that they control.
So you would have been dead as far as your message going out to anybody.
And so evil is here.
There's nothing we're going to do about it.
We have to choose to change our personal life so that our personal lives will prepare.
Because you see,
And this is something, Alex, that I don't get into all that much on talk shows, but I will today because of the question you asked me.
It's so painful to see the evil.
God Almighty has said that He is calling individuals today so that they can qualify to become kings and priests to rule under Jesus Christ.
Rule the world!
That means that's the day when we're going to put down all rebellion.
The Illuminati will be finished, but they have control today, and God gave permission for that.
And so the anger is a natural thing, but you have to realize there is a program and a purpose, and God is going to furnish the solution, or else he wouldn't have allowed it to continue this far.
And if you don't understand, there is hope at the end of the tunnel,
Then it will frustrate you to no end.
I know I've been through that.
Well, I know there's light at the end of the tunnel.
I just, you know, to see serial killers, to see the murderers of the people at the towers standing up there running TV ads about how they're our saviors, I mean, it's just unbelievable!
Well, the people in the Illuminati, they have written
In books, New Agers have written stating that they are the fulfillment of the book of Revelation, and that they're going to reduce the population.
They feel that they are doing the right thing.
Well, that's my question.
How, if just watching them is painful, how do they survive?
I guess there's just no conscience there.
That's right.
Or it's this sick religion of, oh, we're doing this for the betterment.
Well, they have to sear their conscience, and they have to
Come to the conclusion that they have bought into, and they won't do this, because they believe it is a fact, that evolution is a fact, when it's a lie of Satan.
So he can produce in the minds of these people the lie that they are helping mankind to evolve into a new state.
But look at, I mean, as they take control, everything's falling apart, people are degenerating.
But when you follow God's laws, you get a milk and honey 4% of the population with half the wealth.
There you go.
And now that wealth's being taken away from us.
That's right.
We're already being judged, aren't we?
As is a nation.
Is the hedge disappearing?
Yes, it is.
And that's what I try to tell everybody that will listen.
It is an individual thing now.
Because the nation will not turn if it's proven it won't.
I've been on the radio
For over 20 years.
And I mean at one time we were on 31 50,000 watt radio stations that blanketed this nation.
And the highest mailing list we ever got to was 11,000.
11,000 because people did not want to hear the message.
And they won't today either.
But those of us who know
That we're supposed to be giving the message as a warning, must continue it.
Well, I have to tell you this, Pastor.
I've been on the air for now, coming up on ten years, and five years ago I could load the phone lines with people that disagreed.
Now, I've done fourteen hundred plus interviews, almost no one calls in to disagree.
I do all these shows.
I have seen a shift.
People are very receptive to the truth right now.
Why is that happening?
Is that because so much of this system is out in the open now?
That's right.
Before, they couldn't believe it.
To be exact, people have even written and even called me and said, how do you know so much about this unless you're a part of it?
Well, it's because I went behind the scenes.
I did my research.
I went to libraries.
I got books.
But also, once you see it, you know, it's like those pictures that are hidden pictures.
Where, you know, there's hidden pictures in the design.
Once you see them, you can't believe you couldn't see it.
Once you know their roadmap and their program, you know what they're going to do.
That's right.
And when you're laid down, their plan, and it will never deviate.
Now they may go off course just a little bit to fool people, but then behind the scenes, they're still going to go with that one plan that Adam Weishaupt laid down May 1st, 1776.
And when you know that program, everything else becomes incidental, because you can see in every segment of society how they're working it.
And it becomes just like daylight, 24 hours a day.
I know, it's just, I mean, their symbols are everywhere, their activities are everywhere, their evil is everywhere.
And they just hate life, they just chew through it.
But that's because who is behind them?
Satan hates the human race.
The human race is going to replace him and his angels.
They have never been offered sonship to God.
We have.
They hate us, so they are going to do everything they can to deceive, destroy, they're going to do everything they can to maim, mutilate, put into concentration camps, everything to destroy.
They have nothing productive about them.
They only reward the very handful at the very top with great wealth because they're the ones who are carrying out the program.
And of course, as soon as the system starts unfolding, those guys at the top are going to get smashed.
Oh yes.
Satan is not loyal to anyone.
Only those that will go with no reservations.
and do exactly the plan that he's laid out.
Those are the only ones that will survive.
They even take that as an oath that they will no longer have any private judgment of their own.
They will follow the dictates of the Order of Skull and Bones or the Illuminati with no reservations.
Well, that's the cremation of care ceremony.
It's about not having a conscience when we go out into the marketplace and trade in men's souls, what Revelations talks about.
It's unbelievable.
Let's take a few calls, Pastor.
I really appreciate you joining us.
Thanks for holding, folks.
I know we're all over the map.
Steve in Ohio, then Burt, Roy, Kevin, others.
Go ahead, Steve.
How you doing, Alex?
I just want to say, first of all, people, get your video, Please State 3 Total Enslavement.
It's outstanding.
It was very professionally put together, and I think you documented everything with facts.
And also, I wanted to ask your guest a question.
Why is it today that the churches are not fighting the biometric technology?
I mean, ten, twelve years ago, I was reading up on this.
All the churches were saying, oh, we're going to fight this, we're going to fight this.
There is not a mainstream church.
Yeah, the thumb scanners are going in the grocery stores in Austin.
It's all unfolding.
Well, what has happened is that the Illuminati said that they would infiltrate every segment of society.
And one of the first things they said was religion.
So, in other words, the churches that used to say they were going to fight it, there was a guy named Peter and Paul Alon that did a couple of videos in the early 90s, and I have them both, about the biometric technology in the Casual Society.
Are you familiar with what they're doing now?
Also, I had another question to ask you.
Alex, why is it you're sure that people will comply with the New World Order?
I mean, you said on the video that FEMA is setting up all these
to take over the government.
How do you know that the masses will comply with this?
Well, I didn't say they would, or I'm not being sarcastic.
What they do is they nuke a city.
They say, oh, the terrorists got us.
Now we've got to arrest all these people who we think are with them.
Oh my gosh, keep us safe.
Our way of life.
We've got to go along with it.
They create crises to hurt us into these systems.
Would you agree with that, Pastor?
Crisis management is what it's called.
Yeah, really good questions.
Can I make one comment?
Oh, you've got to go to a break?
Yeah, we've got to make... Okay, stay there, Steve.
We'll all go to breaks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, folks.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
Well, I'm not scared when I look at this system.
I'm just angry and concerned and dedicated to trying to warn people to not go along with it.
And, uh...
We've got to warn as many people as we can.
Pastor, they've told us bigger crises are coming.
They're going to take our rights.
They're preparing us all for it right now.
They're training us that torture and wickedness is good.
Through this crisis management, are we going to... I mean, I know that standing up against it, you know, obviously is better in the long run.
But people need to just gut up and fight this, because if you don't fight it, you're going to be fed on at an even greater level
Pastor, I mean, this whole crisis system, problem, reaction, solution.
The crisis management program is, they create the crisis, they advertise it widely, then they furnish the solution that benefits them.
Now, the problem is that many Americans are waking up and they haven't gained as complete control over radio as they thought they would.
They've got television.
But now they don't have the radio.
So what is happening is so many people are beginning to wake up because of shows like this that they're going to find that it's going to be more difficult to control the American people.
However, the Illuminati laid down a plan way back in the 1930s.
And remember, they don't deviate from plans once they lay it down.
They may have additions to them, but the whole program goes as is.
They state it.
And this was Manulovsky in Russia at the Lenin Warfare School in Moscow.
He said that the day would come when they would continue to build militarily.
And the day would come when they would pretend to collapse communism.
And when the West, America mainly, would let down and we would become friends again.
We would begin to disarm.
And then they would smash us with a clenched fist.
In other words, invasion.
February of 2004 they had the largest simulated nuclear strike
Well, also, they put the Red Stars back on, but obviously they're a tool of the globalists, just a subdivision of that.
I've seen the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, all the big top generals have been saying, martial law's coming, it's good, you've got to accept this transition, we'll use quote, foreign assets, if our troops are overseas, I mean, I don't see it as what you
It's called an invasion.
They'll call them, our saviors are here, because the enemy, they released smallpox, so these foreign troops are here to save us.
They have their program, how they're going to do it.
They've already got laid out plans where they're going to have Russians who will be manning below the Mason-Dixon line, and the South called the Bible Belt.
Yeah, Czech Republic here in Texas.
Yeah, and so it's going to be, they've got it all lined out.
So, the problem is, if enough Americans do stand up, they begin to make it known to their Senators and Representatives, and let's face it, anybody that were to call Ted Kennedy or send him a fax, it goes right into the hotline as this is one of the enemies to take care of when the time comes.
Because he's a socialist all the way.
And so, they've got their plan where, whether they
Actually attack and use some type of missiles or whether they just bring in the United Nations troops, it's still going to be an invasion.
Either way you look at it.
Whether it's just a silent invasion with no weapons that are going to be fired unless necessary or whether it's bombs.
And by the way folks, they really are setting up for this.
I mean this, we're not just here saying this, this is real.
I mean, top generals are saying, martial law is good, get ready for it.
Tommy Franks.
And Eberhardt was even worse.
The Wall Street Journal yesterday about troops in Austin.
Did you see that?
No, I didn't see that yesterday.
Yeah, it's the headline from yesterday at InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.com.
Oh yeah, we get questioned around here by the troops.
It's all part of our new freedom.
Third hour coming up.
We'll go straight to your calls, I promise.
Pastor's going to stay with us.
Third hour, stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, Alex Jones here, already in the third and final hour of this Wednesday edition.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to Midnight Central.
I want to thank all of our AM and FM affiliates, Shortwave Internet, the listeners, everybody for the great work you're doing spreading the word.
We're talking to Pastor David J. Smith.
From Waxahachie, Texas with Newswatch Magazine.
If you're calling to get your free year subscription to this full-color, well-documented, 24-year in publication Newswatch Magazine free year subscription.
The phones are busy.
Just call back later.
We'll give that out again later.
I know we've got loaded phones and we're just talking about serious issues.
We haven't gotten to a lot of the calls.
We're going to do that now for the next 20 minutes.
Okay, one question I have, Alex.
It's kind of something about younger people.
Do you really believe it's worth saving for the next 30 years to have mutual funds in retirement?
I mean, isn't it true that it would probably be better off to stock up on clean water and rations?
I mean, honestly, the next 30 years, that's about how long I have for retirement.
You know what I think?
I think having real friends and family is worth more than all the gold in the hills.
I think having firearms and being willing to defend your family and being proficient, and being committed is more valuable.
Being out of debt, being in a at least semi-rural area, and educating others.
But I'm not going to advise you on investments.
No, I'm not saying like investments, but I'm talking about food rations.
No, I mean I understand, but I'll tell you what, let's get a comment on this from Pastor Smith.
Pastor Smith?
Well, it's always wise to
Beware of any circumstance and there's nothing wrong with water.
There's nothing wrong with being prepared for things.
But I would not be so overly prepared that I forget that I have to work to feed myself and that type of thing.
You have to go on no matter what the circumstance is.
But be prepared for emergency is fine.
We've got to occupy.
We've got to be involved in our communities.
Well, thanks a lot, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate it, Steve.
Let's talk to Burt in Louisiana.
Burt, go ahead.
Yeah, how are you doing, Alex?
Listen, the man from Kentucky, I see that the government, the state of Kentucky is setting that man up.
I see their cards are ready.
Okay, let me tell Pastor Smith about this, and I've confirmed it.
I have the news articles.
I've talked to the public officials.
He gave a police officer a copy of Ron Paul giving his neocon speech, and he gave him a copy of Road to Tyranny.
The cop the next day pulled him over, arrested him, and they're going ahead trying to put him in jail for a year, calling the videos a terroristic threat.
And they're trying to make him plead bargain, and this just shows how nuts these people are.
Pastor Smith, you got any comments on that?
Well, this is exactly what's going to happen eventually.
I've said since the mid-1980s when the Genocide Convention Treaty to the United Nations was accepted, that one day they're going to use everything that Christians state and produce as a witness against them, and we will be accused of being the terrorists.
By the way, in Pennsylvania, Governor Mark Swiker, the Republican, came out and said preachers can't read any anti-homosexual passages from the Bible or you'll be liable, could be arrested.
That's the Associated Press.
Pastor, comments?
Well, I guess I'm going to be arrested real soon then because we've got a radio program going out calling it what it is.
So this is the point.
I mean, folks, they haven't brainwashed all the police.
What would you say to police officers out there who are being brainwashed that the Founding Fathers are evil and all this other garbage?
Well, first of all, they need to read the Constitution.
And most of them don't even know anything about the Constitution.
It's just been eliminated from the minds of the people, basically.
And if they're going to have any opportunity whatsoever, they're going to have to do some research.
But people are lazy nowadays.
They don't want to go out and spend the time to research and find out if something is the truth or not.
That's a problem with police officers too.
They just have a job.
They may have families.
They have to feed them.
That's the excuse that I get all the time when I send our magazine to sheriffs.
We'll be back with more calls.
Everybody stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
I want everyone to know that I've received hundreds of emails and faxes and multiple calls on the air almost, what, every day the last few weeks.
Of people saying, I was in the Army, I was in the Marine Corps.
I heard you say that we were taking questionnaires.
Would we fire on Americans?
And I didn't believe it, but now I was just given the questionnaire.
Will I fire on Americans?
Will I confiscate their guns?
And are you in control under a crisis?
Or, I thought you were nuts, but they came into our police station and said the Founding Fathers are terrorists, Christians are all terrorists, maybe working with Al-Qaeda, homeschoolers are bad.
Folks, when I say it, it's because I have boxes full of government documents, public FBI documents, videos shot, you know, three, four years ago in Kansas City of FEMA preaching it and teaching it.
I mean, sitting there saying, all Founding Fathers are terrorists, all Christians are enemies of the federal government.
I mean, that's stuff that came out of Lennon's mouth.
But we have it on video.
I know it sounds crazy.
It sounds crazy when I say it.
Law Enforcement Technology Magazine three years ago said, if you see somebody with a Get Us Out of the U.N.
sticker on their car, go ahead and arrest them.
Police chiefs, find something to put on these people.
They actually talk about framing people in major magazines.
Torture's good.
All of this.
And I want people to know that a lot of cops aren't buying this, but some for peer pressure are, because we're not speaking out.
Pastor Smith, this is a massive brainwashing campaign, is it not?
Absolutely it is.
And something that happened back in 1985 and 86 when we accepted the Genocide Convention Treaty, then it became we had to pass laws in every one of our 50 states to coincide with the United Nations Genocide Convention Treaty.
And so as a result we have hate crime laws now.
So this man in Kentucky you were talking about, showing Ron Paul's material and your video, that means that he is causing or possibly could cause someone mental harm.
That's inside the Genocide Convention Treaty.
It has nothing to do with liquidating whole segments of populations like Russia did.
Well, yeah, it's all a nice-sounding term, but that's... Look, smoking bans in cities, or zoning, it's all international treaties.
We have an international treaty through UNESCO to drug test all the youth.
Bush signs back on, announces we're going to drug test everybody.
You know, all guilty until proven innocent.
Suddenly it's announced.
I mean, this is all under treaties.
The Supreme Court said three times last year, we follow the UN's orders.
So we're not a sovereign nation anymore.
It's just a matter of when.
You know, I don't think people realize, Pastor, how late in the game it already is.
Well, the New Agers said that they wanted to have everything set in order shortly before or after what is termed the Age of Aquarius.
Now, from what I understand, we're right around that time period.
I'm not sure of the exact time.
Well, they say they're four years ahead, and they say Age of Aquarius was in 2001.
So anyway, we're very close to it, and we can see it because they're accumulating to themselves monopolies.
They're outsourcing.
They're doing what they're said.
Back in the Council on Foreign Relations paper number seven years ago, how that Americans were going to have to have a lower standard of living.
They would have to redistribute the wealth to other countries.
They're doing it.
That's pure Marxism.
And Bush says he's going to accelerate getting rid of the jobs.
He says it's good.
That's his official report three weeks ago.
Well, that tells you he's a part of it, up to his eyeballs.
The entire New World Order is within grasp, I would say, within years.
Not centuries, not decades, but within years.
Well, we're already inside the New World Order.
We're already in the pot with the bubbles forming at the bottom.
They just don't have the military to control everything yet.
And that's because most of the military and police are not complete psychopaths, but the peer pressure is starting to work on them, and all the TV shows are showing torture and secret arrest as good.
Man, I tell you, this is scary.
It is.
All right, let's go back to the calls.
Let's quickly, bam, bam, bam, let's talk to Roy in Missouri.
Roy, go ahead.
This is Roy in Michigan.
Okay, go ahead, Roy.
I don't know what's happening in other areas, but I know what's happening in my area because I've been out here circulating tapes and evidence for many years.
A lot of the evidence I circulate has been to law enforcement people.
And what we got going on in our area, without question, is we have the
State Police who have the Sheriff's Department under heavy investigation.
And the Sheriff's Department deputies, they're well aware of what's going on.
And they're witnessing to these law enforcement people.
I've had several of them that have told me that they want to kill the other cops.
And this is exactly what is going on.
Is that when the time comes, they're going to turn the guns on each other.
There is no question about it.
Well, yeah, there's going to be a revolution here, which they're going to really cause a bunch of violence.
Then the foreign troops come in.
And by the way, folks, the head of NATO, the head of the UN, General McKenzie said that days after 9-11.
Other generals have said it.
I mean, they're going to use foreign troops.
Thanks for the call.
Let me get a comment from Pastor Smith on that.
There's no doubt whatsoever that the police are going to be turning against one another.
And even the sheriffs being under investigation,
Bernadine Smith, from out in California, head of the Second Amendment Committee, has reported that sheriffs in Ohio realize that they're trying to eliminate sheriffs.
Well, they're getting rid of sheriffs.
And they'll bring in U.S.
Marshals to replace them so that they'll be federalized police departments and not localized.
By the way, last week, Pastor,
And we have the News 8 article, but there's more in the video of it.
It showed them swearing in a whole bunch of APD and county sheriffs, and they go, we're federalized now, now we're under the UN, and the head cop says this, and then they go, now we can go to other countries and arrest people, and they go, now police can come here from other countries and arrest citizens for their laws.
We already see Germans coming here and arresting people for writing a book that's illegal in Germany.
So again, I mean, this is on our news.
It's happening right now!
So it's all accelerating.
It'll be done in a matter of years.
It will, and there's going to be painful consequences when the American people finally realize it, and then they begin to stand up against it, then there is going to be, and my prediction is, there will be bloodshed in the streets of America.
Pastor, what do you see happening?
How will it unfold?
Well, I think, just like you said, they've planned on occupation of the United States with foreign troops for a long time.
Senator Nunn from Georgia actually invited them here to be trained.
I went down personally and talked with people at Fort Polk, Louisiana.
They admitted they were training them there and had in 1995, 1997, and so on.
And they had a continuing program of rotating our National Guards and our military and training them.
So that they could go house to house, search and seizure.
So it's all intact now.
And with a Marine base out in 29 Palms that you were talking about, would they fire upon American citizens?
That is an absolute fact.
There is nothing about it that is not fact.
It is truth.
And so America is being nationalized right now as far as, not locally anymore,
And we, the people, do not have any power whatsoever anymore.
It's all on the federal level.
That's what the international socialist communists said many years ago, that they had to create crises that would more centralize government in Washington, D.C.
so that they'd only have one victory to win.
That was Washington instead of, at that time, 48 separate states.
Now 50.
Let's talk to Kevin and Mass.
Kevin, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
Thank you for being here, Pastor Smith.
Just some quick comments on today's great show.
To Mr. Kelly out there in Kentucky, you know, you're in our prayers, and this is a worthy cause you're suffering for, and the fact that this is hurting them so much that they're doing this to you should be a sign for folks to get some more taste from Alex and get them out there and keep hurting them like this.
Ramp it up, because if this is what they don't want, that they're going to take such drastic action on, then that's what they're going to get more of.
The Freemasons are in my town trying to get in through the schools, where you can't say a prayer in the secular schools.
That's it, the Masons are getting the DNA of the children, the biometrics, they're pushing this whole tracking system, and then meanwhile in Long Island they're having rituals where they blow people's heads off.
Comments on that, Pastor?
Well, we know that they have oaths that they have to take.
In order to scare those into submission.
Now how often they actually carry these things out, it's all covered up so we don't know.
But we do know that these people who are in charge are Satanists.
That's all there is to it.
So they're not above doing anything to protect themselves.
So I doubt whatsoever that they would not be executing people that would stand in their way.
Well, we looked it up.
There's lots of cases of Masons and Klan meetings where, oh, accidentally somebody gets shot in the head, the police show up and go, within an hour and a half, oh, it's just an accident.
No investigation, just an accident.
Back in the 1980s, there was a lodge in Memphis, Tennessee, put out a contract on me for $100,000.
The man drove all the way up there, who was a member, and he disagreed with him and told me about it.
David Yalop's book, In the Name of the Father, shows that it was probably them that killed the, he didn't die a natural cause, Pope John Paul I. And I just want to say to the good police out there, if you hear them order a roundup of citizens, of supposed terrorists, to pull them in, so that the feds can then pull them into a stadium like they do in these third world countries, give folks the head up.
Don't, you know, resist this.
Give us a fighting chance, and don't turn citizens over to these Nazi usurpers.
You know what, Pastor Smith, if you've got to go, you've got to go.
We could have you for one more segment, a little five-minute segment after the break.
That'd be great.
Do you want to stay with us or do you need to go?
Okay, I'll go for one more segment.
That's wonderful, because we'll come back and let Mark
And then Diane talked to you, and that's it for calls for David J. Smith.
We'll then come back and take more calls.
So one more quick segment.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
Oh, Pastor Smith, we haven't plugged your website.
What's your website?
It's www.NewsWatchMagazine.org.
And the toll-free number, 800-516-8736.
We'll be back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, this is our final segment with Pastor David J. Smith and I'm going to get into a bunch of news to take more of your calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Tennessee.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Pastor Smith.
Alex, great show.
I've just got two quick questions.
Pastor, I know you're an expert in Masonic and occult symbolism.
Here's my question.
At the top of our website, remnantofyhwh.com, is an occult shrine that in October 2000 was unveiled to the world by President Clinton and the New World Order forces in Germany.
What is your interpretation of the occult significance of the unveiling of this shrine of the Four Horses atop the six-pillared Brandenburg Gate by the country that spearheaded World War I and II?
Well, they probably are going to feel that since they are the occult, they're going to fulfill the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
They've said so.
They've written it in all their writings.
Yeah, Army documents say they're going to use the military as the Four Horsemen for world extermination.
That's official Army documents.
Thanks for the call, Mark.
Diane in South Carolina.
Go ahead, Diane.
Diane, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, she's gone.
We'll go ahead and hang up on her now.
Now let's go ahead and talk to Debbie in Oklahoma.
Debbie, go ahead.
Yeah, is there scripture that you could show a Christian that would explain to them how they're not aware and how they're not seeing what's really going on?
And I'll hang up for a moment.
Okay, thanks.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of Christians think that Skull and Bones is Christian.
They heard it and, oh, that's just a fraternity and Bush is just having fun and
I mean, how do you wake somebody up?
Well, that's a very difficult thing because if a person's mind is not open and willing to accept the fact that evil exists and that there are men who are perpetrating evil upon the world, you're not going to get anywhere with them.
Yeah, I mean, if they can't see it now with Bush saying that losing jobs is good and that cheeseburgers are manufacturing and that... I mean, if you don't... and it's going to sign the assault weapons ban and
You know, Americans have to biometrically scan, but foreigners don't have to.
I mean, if people think this is conservatism, then they're not going to wake up.
No, they're not.
Okay, Diane's back from South Carolina.
Go ahead, Diane.
Pastor, what do you think of this dialectic on Jesus out of Christianity that the left side of Christianity is doing?
And the church growth movement.
We've got so much apostasy coming in.
Could you talk about that just for a second?
Yeah, the World Council of Churches saying Jesus wants you to turn your guns in.
He's going to come back and be our new world leader.
Well, they're setting the world up for someone who is an apostate.
Who is not going to be, because every Christian should know if they've ever studied their Bible, that it's a seventh trump.
Jesus Christ will return, but those who are His will be changed from this flesh body to a glorified spirit composed body.
If you don't receive that spirit composed body when this guy comes on the scene from the United Nations and the World Council of Churches, then he's an imposter.
It's that simple.
Yeah, it's real simple.
And again, folks, any world leader walking around, you know, sitting on a throne, I mean, that's... But again, they're going to say, oh, gotta support Israel, and this guy from Europe's in Israel, so you better, you know... Oh, we're going to be the devils when they're cutting our heads off!
I mean, that's the spin I seem to see forming, Pastor.
Well, let's face it.
In Zechariah 12, 13, and 14, it does prophesy that people from the tribe of Judah will come back to the Middle East.
They are there.
That tells me that the signpost is there, that the end of the age is here, and that there is coming the false system first.
Because this person is going to sit in the temple in Jerusalem claiming to be God.
And then we're going to have to spin that, you've got to support Israel or you're not a Christian, you've got to support that leader.
That's right.
And that is not the case.
That is the exact opposite of the Bible.
That is the Antichrist.
Boy, we're going to be in a lot of trouble because a lot of these people think that you can have somebody with red horns and if they were over Israel, they'd say you've got to follow them.
That's right.
Don't you think that this whole thing with Janet Jackson is trying to get Colt to the radio stations and control them?
Oh, absolutely.
It's going to be myself and others that are shut off.
This is all a big scam, an excuse to divert while they're consolidating to get us off the consolidation issue that everybody was looking at, off into the filth on TV.
The filth will disappear for a couple months, it'll be back.
Pastor Smith, comments on that?
Well, there is a scripture, Amos chapter 8,
Verse 11 to 13, it says, The day will come when there will be a famine of the hearing of the word of God.
There has to be the crisis management program to prepare the nation for the elimination of everything Christian, everything that is conservative talk shows with a Christian listening audience.
All right, good to hear from you.
Pastor Smith, thanks for spending an hour and a half with us, and keep up the great work.
If you want a three-year subscription for the 24 years publication, Newswatch Magazine, it's excellent, 800-516-8736, 800-516-8736, and newswatchmagazine.org.
Thanks for coming on, Pastor.
Thank you very much.
You have a wonderful day.
You too.
Infowars.com, we'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got loaded phones.
But I'm going to go to your calls after I hit the news.
There's a bunch of news I didn't get to yet.
Before I do that though, I want to encourage every listener out there to stop procrastinating and get involved in the fight against these people.
And as the pastor said, we change people's hearts and minds one heart and soul at a time.
We've got to wake people up.
We've got to wake police officers up.
We've got to wake the firemen up.
We've got to wake the judges up.
We've got to wake a lot of these people up.
And believe me, you can wake them up.
But you have to take action.
You have to get involved.
And I've made 10 films.
Again, I've written a book.
I've published a book.
I carry other books and videos by great authors and researchers.
I authorize you.
I want you to make copies of my videos.
Get them out to people.
We've got books on tape by other great authors that are amazing.
We've got exposures behind the terrorism.
My books do that.
My videos do that.
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, the book Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
There's all this great information.
George Humphrey's books on tape that are amazing.
Very good videos.
Very good books on tape.
Very good information.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Don't wait!
Or PrisonPlanet.com.
We need your support.
We can do more with your support, if you support us.
Or call toll free.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And I always get complaints I say that too quick, so let me say it again.
3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 or 1-888-253-3139.
My book's $12.
Watson's $19.95.
Get us a copy of his book for $11.95 to give us a gift when you buy one.
My videos are $25.95.
$20 when you order three or more.
And again, all of that supports this show and makes it possible.
So much more we could do if we had more funds.
It all goes back into the fight.
All I do is fight the New World Order.
You hear me on your local radio station at 2 a.m.
doing a live interview until 5 a.m.
You hear me, you know, at 7 in the morning, 6 in the morning, 5 in the morning on your local station.
I mean, we're just... Because we know how wicked the globalists are.
We know we're fighting for humanity.
We know the score, folks.
We're far beyond driven.
And, you know, I have a news show.
Every few weeks I'll have a pastor on who I agree with.
Or who I disagree with, to expose them, in the case of gun-grabbing Presbyterian pastors or something.
But the world does believe in the devil.
Even if you're an atheist and don't believe in God, those that are running things do.
That shows that their image of God, what's driving their psyche, is this evil creature.
Whether you believe in that entity or not, they believe in it, they're manifesting it in the real world by their actions.
I believe that entity is there.
I believe in God.
I've had the experiences.
I look at the cosmos.
I know, without a shadow of a doubt, there is no doubt.
And so things are confusing to you because you haven't looked at this or you've seen the Bob Tiltons or the rest of them and their idiocy that's put out there to make God look stupid and to mock God.
And you've bought into that.
And you know, Darwin was this humanist and he actually believed in the occult.
How many of you know that?
I don't get into the whole debate about evolution.
I mean, I don't argue about how God created things.
That's a whole other debate they just create to have fights over.
And so the reason I don't get into a lot of my Christian views on this show is because I don't want to have some big secular fight with everybody who's got all the answers.
I just know that they are setting up this beast system
They are creating it.
You know, I get emails from new agers who say, well, I'm a loving, good person, and you know, you don't know that Tony Blair isn't channeling something good, and you know, we're not all that, and it's not all, you know, ritualistic wickedness, you know.
Well, you may not be into that, but let me tell you, where your river flows from is into that.
And so don't tell me I'm ignorant, or you can call into this show.
I mean, I started out as a secular broadcaster studying the New World Order, the global system, and every time it leads back to 666, pyramids, all-seeing eye, ritualistic abuse, sacrifices.
I mean, that's where it always leads!
That's where it always goes!
And they sure hate real Christians!
And it seems that it's only real Christians who are fighting the New World Order!
So, you better wake up, people.
This is the real deal, you know.
Most of the sitcoms you see are about witchcraft and ritual and the New Age and Deepak Chopra, you know, on PBS every night and all these New Age teachers.
That's all okay.
That's all acceptable.
And the whole world likes all that, but that's just your gateway drugs, folks, basically is the analogy.
And then always those evil Christians.
They gotta be stopped in all the FBI training manuals.
You know, we stand against you.
We stand against all this wicked system.
And we're not gonna stop.
And again, we've got the stories on the website, a big update about the masons and the satanic orders and the ritualistic killings.
That's on the site today, and then of course, a listener pointed out that all the Starbucks coffee shops have got these all-seeing eyes and 666 on the walls.
The dollar bill's got it.
It's just everywhere.
Mass conditioning you.
A Russian government to install cameras in every Moscow apartment building.
See, now it's not just on the streets, or in the roads, or in the back streets, or with little laser systems that listen through your windows,
That's happening here.
Now Russia says, we've had bombings in the apartments.
We've got to have them in the apartments or in the apartment buildings when it's the Russian government who's been caught blowing the buildings up.
And Moscow was planning to install surveillance, or should we say spy systems, at the entrance
Of every apartment building in Moscow during the next three to four years, this news follows a recent idea to take fingerprints of all visitors to Moscow and gives us a good idea of government's desire to have control over the people.
All governments are announcing this fingerprinting.
This is a global treaty, folks.
Many years ago, every flat in Moscow was fitted with a gadget called a radio.
This radio was connected with a wire to the station that provided news and music.
But as we all know, they could listen both ways.
Again, 1984.
And now your digital cable does it, little microphone in the box, your OnStar does it, your cell phone does it, doesn't just track you, listens to you.
This isn't freedom, people!
I'd like to explain to you police out there that cameras in school bathrooms isn't America!
Listen to this, truck stops may become fingerprinting collection points.
I told you two years ago, before Homeland Security even got funding, I saw Governor Ridge
In a two-hour symposium with top Fortune 500 CEOs, over 20 of them, and he said, the Caps 2 system will start in the airports, it'll go into trucks, then fast food, then agriculture, all jobs, for the next five years, you will have your national ID card through the local driver's license, you will have four layers of coding to decide what type of job you can have, bad credit, can't have a job, all of this.
I mean, I study these people.
And listen, I'm not going to have a job, you know, have to do this.
But see, oh, we've got to do it to keep you safe.
So truck stops would become a fingerprint collection point for hazardous waste.
See, it's just hazardous waste haulers, because they can be terrorists.
Via a proposed partnership between NATSO, the National Air Transportation Association, the plan is for the NATA, the Association of Aviation,
Businesses, services, providers to furnish the means of fingerprinting truckers according to see it's the airlines doing it, it's the government system, it's the maritime administration, it's everything.
There's a lot of disinfo in this article.
NATA coordinates the fingerprinting of U.S.
airport employees, but now it's going to be truck drivers.
In turn, NATSO members will receive a fee for each fingerprint NATA collects.
The Patriot Act requires the Transportation Security Administration, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, to fingerprint hazardous materials drivers.
Those fingerprints are added to the FBI's National Data Bank.
The TSA is scheduled to begin fingerprinting collection by next month, but states unable to do this by April 1st may request an extension from the TSA.
And it says to gas up, you're going to have to thumb scan.
A truck stops, so see how this works?
By the way, it'll be food service, taxi drivers, people who work on farms or ranches, and they're going to put them in at the Walmarts, feed shops, everywhere.
The thumb scanners are going in the stores to track what you buy.
It's all happening.
Publicly, they said it, they're doing it.
But you can see the incrementalism.
Broad use of prints to track kids, St.
Petersburg Times, and it says,
No one at Tuesday's meeting complained about privacy issues, but board member Nancy Bostock and Mary Russell voiced concern about how the issue appeared on the agenda.
It was listed on the consent agenda with many other similar purchases.
So it wasn't announced, folks.
It really represents much more than a simple purchase, she said.
This is a significant policy.
And it goes, when the idea first was raised last month, some parents and civil liberties groups said the proposal had a Big Brother quality that might threaten student privacy.
And again, everyone must be fingerprinted, thumb scanned to get on the bus, GPS tracked.
Now they want to put bracelets on all the children to track them, to keep them safe, of course.
GPS trackers.
And it's going in the 24 area schools, 750 buses.
Folks, everything you do, you'll be tracked.
Already, Finland has this.
So, I'll tell you.
Spy agencies to monitor emails they're announcing from MSN.
And they just say, yep, no more 5th Amendment.
Every email you read will be read by the Pentagon.
Just flat out, no more 5th Amendment.
And there's that article, U.S.
urge to take lead in issuing biometric passports.
The State Department should begin issuing passports with chips containing biometric information later in the year.
My folks were on a cruise three years ago and have this done to them.
An Assistant Secretary of State says the United States needs to take the lead to encourage other nations to issue similar passports.
See, all citizens will have to do this.
All countries that I know of are adopting it right now under a UN treaty signed two years ago.
But foreign illegals from Mexico don't have to do it.
That's what Bush announced Saturday.
See how that works, folks?
Military.com reporting from United Press International posted on Military.com.
This is on Infowars.com right now.
An Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran says Army officials at Fort Knox, Kentucky refused him medical treatment after he talked publicly about poor care at the base, which helped spark hearings in Congress where they admitted there were people with arms and legs blown off, no treatment, just you name it, they had to pay for their own food, and they've confirmed that if you complain, then you're given no treatment.
But again, I'm evil for saying the troops deserve treatment.
If you support the troops, you cut them loose and can care less about them.
That's the new double-think.
GM crops set to get a go-ahead after five years of consultations and tests.
UK ministers will today announce the fateful decision to allow GM crops to be grown commercially in Britain.
Open air, and it takes over all the other crops, and then you have total monopoly.
GM May has given an official go-ahead.
London Guardian.
The government today took a historic and possibly irreversible decision to allow commercial GM crops to be grown in Britain for the first time.
And, uh, boy, this is bad news.
Because then Monsanto claims they own your crops when their species jumps into your crop.
Little things can mean a lot.
Wired Magazine.
Nestea is, uh, screaming for smoother ice cream.
Scientists working in the field of nanotechnology are helping them make it.
The Swiss Sweets Company was among hundreds meeting this week at the 2004 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show.
The company was joined by scientists who presented their visions for nanotubes, nanoparticles, and quantum dots which could soon revolutionize the fields of medicine and food production.
So, nanotech and your food.
Microwave beam weapon to disperse crowds.
The loving microwave guns are to be mounted on the new police cruisers to control us.
They're looking for mass riots.
I wonder why.
A test of a controversial weapon that's designed to heat people's skin with a microwave beam.
I've shown it can disperse crowds, but critics are not convinced the system is safe, and it goes into how they're mounting them on police and Humvees to suppress us.
It goes on and on.
Let's take a few calls and we'll get back into some top stories.
Let's talk to Mark in Minnesota.
Mark, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
How you doing, sir?
You liberal communist EO?
Yeah, I'm a pro-gun, I'm a commie.
Well, if you're a good conservative, Alex, you shouldn't be so worried about the government tracking and tracing you.
Well, yeah, I mean, I'm against Satanism, therefore I'm not a Christian.
That's kind of interesting, you were talking about cameras in the bathroom.
I noticed an article from a few weeks ago, an optometrist.
He got sentenced to time in jail because he had cameras in the bathroom at his office.
Yeah, now you're learning the double thing.
Let me explain this.
A janitor at a public school, an optometrist, that was some pervert up in Round Rock who ran a gym doing this to women.
And they get time in prison, and they should, but then in Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, New York, they put them in the school bathrooms, and it's good!
That's the Orwellian double thing!
There's an article from, this is from February, and I wasn't sure if you saw this article, it's from the Associated Press, and I'm reading the copy that Fox News has posted on its website.
Uh, and it certainly, uh, it fits in with, uh, you know, John DeCamp's book.
The idea that, uh, you know, you gotta be fairly compromised to climb the ladder, uh, with government jobs.
Uh, I thought this was a pretty, uh, phenomenal article.
I mean, just, just, uh, absolutely breathtaking and it's amazing.
Okay, you've told us how breathtaking it is.
We gotta move on.
Tell us.
Uh, ex-FBI watchdog pleaded guilty to molesting girls.
Yeah, that's like the guy that killed all these children for the elite in Belgium.
They admit he'd already done it and they released him 20 years ago.
This is how they operate.
You've got
The head got over CPS in Florida with the 3,000 missing kids.
Turns out it's a three-time convicted pedophile.
I'm telling you.
And then they'll go bust somebody who didn't do anything.
And then, you know, run all these stains on innocent people.
Meanwhile, it's the institution.
The globalists know how to get their own compromised people in.
Now, get this.
His name is John Condon.
I actually saw the article.
I think I covered it.
You ought to email it to me again, though.
It's amazing how that stuff gets glossed over.
Okay, we got like a senior, I mean, running the Office of Professional Responsibility for the FBI.
And they knew that he was into all that, you know.
Yeah, it's just, it's incredible.
But, anyway, take care, Alex, and God bless you, liberal commie.
All right, well thank you.
Yes, we're against open borders.
We are liberal.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kara in Colorado.
Kara, go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
I had a couple comments.
One thing I wanted to let you know, I was up at Red Rocks above Denver this Sunday and happened to see a chronology of what went on up there from about the early 1900s forward.
Including concerts and all kinds of stuff.
But they even started before the thing was constructed, which was in the 1930s.
On June 29th, 1913, a satanic ritual was performed there.
The cremation of care and the ordination of the Goddess of Prosperity.
Now wait a minute, you're up at this place and they're admitting that they do these rituals?
It was just a listing, yeah.
A listing?
I mean, I'm not familiar with Red Rock.
Tell us about it when we get back.
Yeah, don't hang up.
I wanna... They say cremation of care?
Well, that's a high-level Illuminati ceremony.
Very Christian!
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America's future depends on the truth getting out.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, my friends, Alex Jones here, back live, final segment of this Wednesday transmission.
Kara, you say you're up at Red Rock.
I've heard of Red Rock, Colorado.
I mean, specifically, where were you, what is this place, what did you read?
That is Red Rock's amphitheater.
The Red Rock Ample Theatre.
That's right, and it's world famous.
All kinds of people have played there.
It was constructed in the 1930s, but before that even the Native Americans saw that it was a very sacred place.
They recently built a visitor's center there, and it has all kinds of displays and things.
One of the things that it shows
Is this a hewn into rock or is this a wood structure?
It's got a couple of rocks on the side and one down at the bottom.
It forms a perfect amphitheater, a natural amphitheater.
So I've heard of that.
What do they say about it?
On June 29, 1913, which is numerologically a 22, which is the same number of stars incidentally that are around the paramount
Wow, that's amazing!
So that's inside the building just behind a
Yeah, they have a visitor's center right above the amphitheater itself.
So where is that displayed in there?
Is it displayed in a carving or is it like a piece of paper?
It's like a wall display.
It's a permanent wall display.
Very well done.
You know, like I said, as time goes on and they start showing concerts like Stevie Nicks and all the folks that played up there.
Wow, that's amazing.
Alright, so was that interesting for you because we have the cremation of care ceremony on video from Bohemian Grove.
Yeah, well actually at the time that I saw that I wasn't aware of that and I went to a meeting where we talk about your kind of stuff and I mentioned it to my brother who had seen that tape and he really just blew me away when he said that that was exactly what you covered in the Bohemian Grove tape.
Yeah, it's a ritual about not having a conscience.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
About being zombies to the New World Order.
Interesting ritual.
Let's go ahead and talk to Randall in Texas.
Randall, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I'd like to say thank you to you, and Tex Mars, and to David J. Smith, and John Stadler, and all the people.
I think y'all are the real rush to the truth, instead of a bunch of ditto heads.
I wanted to tell people that David J. Smith is going to be at the Truth Seekers meeting in Austin here this coming Tuesday, which is the 16th at the Old San Francisco Steakhouse.
What time on I-35?
Seven o'clock in the afternoon, and it can be a dinner event.
It's optional, and it'll be via video, I think.
I don't think he can work it into his schedule, but it's, uh, is Bible prophecy coming to America?
All right, Randall, what else is on your mind?
Oh, I tell you, y'all are doing a great job, and yes, I agree with everything I'm hearing, and I've been listening to you for many years, and I'll just let somebody else get on, and we need to wake more and more people up.
Absolutely, good to hear from you.
Last caller, Mike in Illinois, go ahead.
Okay, Mike's gone.
Who's up next?
Vox, go ahead.
Always interesting.
Vox, are you going to say anything, or are you done?
How are you doing, Alex?
Fine, go ahead.
Vox in New York.
I've had my own problems with this Bush Nazi.
I've been watching this Massachusetts Freemason program called My Chip.
Do you know about that?
Yeah, they want to, uh, they call it the CHIP program.
Right now it's biometrically enrolling them.
Is this Vox New York?
Oh, the guy with the website?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, I wish I could get you on as a guest.
Email me your contact info at tipsandinfowars.com.
Alright, I'll send it out.
Now, what else?
Just real quick, go ahead and finish up.
Well, it's just, uh, how much you want to bet that this is going to be the subdermal microchips by these very same people in short order?
And they're up there busy blowing each other's heads off in rituals, but... Well, that's just the East of me, yeah.
But these guys up in Massachusetts, they've already done over 177,000 kids.
So, and it's a... The cops are working with them, and it's in elementary school.
Very scary.
We're out of time.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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