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Name: 20040309_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 9, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It's Tuesday.
The ninth day of March 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The website is PrisonPlanet.com.
That's PrisonPlanet.com.
Of course we also have InfoWars.com and much of the news I'll be covering here on the show is posted on the site.
This is from Dow Jones Newswire.
a wall street journal company military creeping into domestic law enforcement and they admit that the pentagon and actual ground troops are watching the american people and they give some examples of this of course this has been going on in earnest with tens of thousands of troops since the late nineteen eighties there are now foreign troops foreign special forces under pentagon control as well
As those that filled out the questionnaire saying they would fire on American citizens are our own fellow Americans.
And I guess you've got to support the military, so you've got to support them domestically, running your life.
Of course, Dow Jones isn't excited about this.
It's a little-noticed side effect on the war on terror.
Uh-oh, it just started, huh?
The military is edging towards a sensitive area that has been off-limits to it historically.
Domestic Intelligence Gathering and Law Enforcement.
We read the New York Times yesterday about how they do the law enforcement, just randomly grab every man in a town down to age 10, put you in a camp, chain you down in the sand for a year, and that's how they do it.
I'm sorry, nine and a half months so far.
Several recent incidents involving the military have raised concern among student and civil rights groups.
One was a visit last month, we covered this, by an army intelligence agent to an official at the University of Texas Law School in Austin.
I read the Daily Texan article on air.
I read some of the other articles.
He went into the class and began commanding people and demanding records of what they were talking about.
The agent demanded a videotape of a recent academic conference at the school so that he could identify what he described as three Middle Eastern men who had made suspicious remarks to Army lawyers at the seminar.
According to the official, Susan Ullman, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Army, while not disrupting the visit, that's not true,
Declined to comment, saying the incident is under investigation.
Or excuse me, I misread.
The Army, while not disputing that the visit took place, declined to comment, saying the incident is under investigation.
This is going on everywhere.
We try to go to events.
They'll call it New World Order Symposium.
That'll be the name of the last one.
And guys with high and tight haircuts will start bumping into you, running into you.
You try to sit down, they'll start grabbing at your cameras.
Well, other people have cameras.
They'll be walking up the stairs and they'll shove you in the back.
I mean, that happened back when McCaffrey came.
You know, just having troops shove you and stuff in America.
They can't wait to grab you, to knock your teeth out, to put a bag over your head.
They can't wait to run this country.
And you're like, you're not against the military!
Okay, has there ever been a criminal in the military in any country?
I think so.
It was George Washington against the military because he fought the British.
No, he was against tyranny.
But in this new world of mindlessness, you're against the military!
It's amazing.
Well, yes, I am against the military acting domestically, and so are the Founding Fathers.
But again, they're terrorists, as the military and FEMA teach.
By the way, I have video of them saying that.
All Founding Fathers are terrorists, all homeschoolers, all Christians, all gun owners.
All defenders of the U.S.
They specifically say, defenders of the U.S.
These psychopaths swear an oath to it, and then we're bad when we point out they're violating.
Look, that's only one article.
They're all incredible.
Did you know forced abortions are going on in the U.S.?
Oh, yes!
We'll be right back with that.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Providence, Rhode Island.
From Rochester, New York, Pensacola, Florida, from Denver, Colorado to Kansas City, Missouri.
Simulcasting globally at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And simulcasting as well on the huge 100,000 watt shortwave blowtorch serving our international listeners, WWCR.
During the day, the first two hours of this three-hour transmission are carried by WWCR on 9.475, and the second two hours at night, from 10 to midnight, shows from 9 to midnight central, at 30 to 10.
And yes, we're working on getting that first hour at night either on WWCR or somewhere else.
I know we've got Kevin and Paul and Tom and Tim and many others that are patiently holding.
We will get to your calls.
It's always a good idea to give the toll-free number out.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Okay, I could spend all day on this one article, and it's Dow Jones, which is the company that owns the Wall Street Journal.
I said that backwards during the last segment.
I said, a Wall Street Journal company.
No, Wall Street Journal is a Dow Jones company.
Dow Jones Newswire and military creeping into domestic law enforcement.
And they talk about how troops are watching us right here in Austin.
They're all over the place.
I'm driving plane-marked vehicles, wearing plain clothes.
And, uh, it's just part of the freedom.
They've been here long before 9-11, of course.
And, uh, it gets into other parts of the country, but it mentions Austin, you know, with the troops.
And, you know, the troops are here, and I've been making films about it and warning you, screaming bloody murder for years, and here it is!
And, uh, another, uh, I have a couple other articles here on the subject, so we'll be, we'll be getting into that for you.
Also, there's an 11-page article
That we posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
It's also going up on InfoWars.com.
NRA management support for assault weapons.
And the NRA has really gone public with the fact that they're for gun confiscation.
And I know that sounds amazing to some who are ignorant to this, but they really are.
Benedict Arnold, Trojan Horse, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, Wolf and Sheep's Clothing,
Treacherous, larcenous traitors.
I don't mean the members in most of the management, but those that run it.
Had a big, detailed article where they'd been caught trying to get the assault weapons ban reauthorized this time, and they were actually involved in letting it slip through in 94.
And, uh, they've been involved just the last two weeks in North Dakota.
They were gonna have a Vermont-style concealed carry there.
Just right to carry.
Second Amendment.
That's my, uh, that's my authorization.
That's my, uh, permit, buddy.
Uh, Mr. Blackstein asked, Mr., Mr.'s carrying a submachine gun, but you want my, you want old ladies to turn in their stun guns.
That's how disarmed you want us now across the country.
And it's a huge, eleven-page article.
I mean, page after page after page after page after page.
Something I've been meaning to do.
They've done it.
Of NRA gun-grabbing put together by Keeping Bear Arms.
So, we'll go over some of that.
Some good news.
Associated Press.
Lawmaker sues to add paper trail to new voting machines.
This guy's some kind of conspiracy theorist radical.
He wants there to be a
A paper trail?
Imagine that, wanting to have a record of how you voted.
I mean, they figured out in Russia you don't need that, or in China.
I mean, why would we have that here?
This guy might need to go to Guantanamo.
He's just 90 miles from it.
That'll keep his mouth shut.
Maybe he's with Al-Qaeda.
You know, we're all nuts.
When you try to vote here in Austin,
With a clear channel on voting machines and they're running their own candidates and their biggest contributors, it's quite a system.
When you do all this, you go down there and you'll say, I'd like a paper ballot please, and they'll go, you're one of them crazies, this is actually happening, you're one of them nuts!
And they start dialing police, this has happened to people we know.
He's asking, he's asking about it, they told us only bad people do it!
I mean, that's the point it's come to.
No, police!
One of my friends went in, and I got a couple reports of this last week from people I know, but one of my friends went in and went in to vote, and he said, uh, here's a voter registration card, I'd like to vote, I'd like a paper ballot, or I'd like to know there's a record of this.
And the lady said, this may be inside a grocery store, but this is a judge ship, you're not supposed to ask questions.
And he set the counter, and he said, at the little table, he said, well,
I mean, there's no record of this, and there's been problems around the country.
Oh, you're one of them crazies.
Call the police!
I mean, it's Twilight Zone every day for me.
Just to hear this stuff.
Call the police!
And the police came.
Police came and said, sir, you need to leave right now.
Oh, by the way, I have an article right here.
Forced abortions go on in this country.
Didn't know that was happening.
We'll be getting to that.
But this is out of the Associated Press.
Lawmakers sue to add paper trail to new voting machines.
As Florida voters head to the polls today, criticism arose over the new voting machines that were expected to rid Florida of ballot controversies.
Notice you have that big fake crisis and the feds pay billions, what, four plus billion to federalize all the voting?
Democratic U.S.
Representative Robert Waxler sued state election supervisors on Monday alleging that the new ballot counters lack a paper trail needed for recounts.
Well, how dare him?
He said voters need to be assured that every vote is counted.
Particularly in close races where a manual recount is required by law.
But, again, he's just one of them commie libs.
Anything therefore must be bad.
And then, of course, we have that evil rut-winger, Rush Holt, the Republican, who's got a bill to do it, but in Congress.
But don't worry, the League of Women Voters is in there blocking it.
They don't want a paper trail.
Actually, lobbying there not be a paper trail.
We have groups lobbying that's a bad thing.
He's starting to realize how serious this is.
These groups, by the way, three of the big companies, are owned and run basically by the CIA.
They're subsidiaries of defense contractors.
Have former CIA deputy directors as their heads.
It's magical, magical what's happening.
So we'll get more into that for you as well.
Oh, there's lots more.
I was reading this article and got sick.
You know, I knew some of this was going on.
When CPS, you might grab a 14-year-old girl who's pregnant and, you know, because, quote, you know, the mother takes her in to get some welfare funding and they decide she's in danger, so they take them in.
There's been some forced abortions there and, you know, the forced sterilizations went on until 85.
There was a lot of forced abortion there, too, but it's not a whirlwind daily.
It's up on the websites.
A woman forced to have abortions.
Expected mother who screams stop will petition Supreme Court responding to a recent ruling allowing forced abortions.
A former judge is petitioning the U.S.
Supreme Court to acknowledge a woman's right to say no.
Which I would imagine with this court they'll probably say you're not allowed to say no.
Because they're so conservative, you know.
All these rulings.
Oh, by the way, I'm hearing all these arguments about, we've got to get behind this conservative judge that Bush has put in.
Yeah, it's the judge that went after Judge Roy Moore.
You've got to love it.
Getting back to the article.
An appeals court rule earlier this year, an expectant mother can be aborted by force if the physician argues it is necessary to protect the health of the mother.
And I've read over this.
There's no reason to do it.
I mean, you would go in and take the baby out by cesarean.
You wouldn't kill the baby.
Or you could still induce labor if it was expected and save the baby.
But no, they ruled, and I've got the ruling right here, that they can chop a baby up basically on the table, folks.
If it's for the mother's health.
But see, it gets worse.
It turns out they're just doing it to women who don't want it.
But pro-life attorney Chris Sapp is prepared to challenge the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling January 23rd in row 2 versus Aware Woman's Center for Choice Inc.
says the Virginia-based Population Research Institute.
BRI is dedicated to ending human rights abuses committed in the name of family planning and ending counterproductive social and economic paradigms
Well, then you don't agree with Pat Robertson because Pat Robertson says China is doing what it has to do with forced abortion.
And again, I'm bad for reporting that.
I'm not Christian.
I've been accused of that.
SAP is asking the U.S.
Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari acknowledging a woman's right to say no to an abortion at any point in time.
These people are radical.
They should put these pro-life people in a FEMA camp.
I mean, they're actually calling for a woman having the right to say no?
The radicalness of it!
These people are incredible!
His argument is based on Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or FACAC, which make violations of women's rights to receive reproductive health care a federal crime.
The woman had a right to enter a clinic to get an abortion set, continued.
She also has a right to leave a clinic in order to protect herself and her baby.
My God, you're hurting me, is the subheadline.
The Roe 2 case began March 29, 1997.
Now, get ready for this, and if you have children, I don't think they should listen.
The Roe 2 case began March 29, 1997, when a young pregnant mother entered an AWARE Women's Center for Choice Clinic in Florida to get an abortion.
According to RPI, William P. Eggerman, who has performed more than 10,000 abortions and been addicted to alcohol and opiates, began the procedure by attempting to dilate the woman's cervix.
But the woman had a change of heart.
My God, you're hurting me, the woman began to scream.
You're killing me.
I'll never be able to have babies.
We'll tell you what happened next.
When we get back.
And then, we'll get to more news and your calls.
Stay with us.
Again, be sure and visit the websites that get better and better.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We'll also expose the liar Rush Limbaugh.
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6 to 10 times?
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Alright, the calls are coming up, but I've got to continue with some important news, then we'll get to everybody.
Women forced to have abortions.
My God, you're hurting me, the woman began to scream, you're killing me, I'll never be able to have babies, stop!
But Eggerman ignored the police and screams and called for assistance from clinic workers who held the woman down as he continued to dilate her cervix.
Then he entered the victim with a pair of forceps, the bear, that's what he's called, and began probing and pulling.
He mistakenly pulled out part of the woman's intestines.
Sapp, who represented the woman, said she described it as like being drawn and quartered.
When he realized what he'd done, he heavily sedated the woman, then he called for an ambulance.
But he instructed the ambulance to come slowly without lights or sirens to give him time to pack the woman with gauze.
And the doctor, or abortionist, said he was also worried his regular flow of business would be interrupted by all the hoopla.
Saturday's our big day, he explained, and I didn't want to generate any more confusion, any more panic than was already present at the time.
She was loud, and I said she was shrill, and there were a lot of patients who were hearing what was going on, and the normal rhythm of the day was interrupted.
The other patients must have been terrified, and I didn't want the ambulance showing up with all the lights and sirens.
It's like
I'm telling people not to complain going into a concentration camp.
Those people complaining in line interrupted the flow to the gas chamber.
In fact, there were accounts of people going into the death camps and they'd get off the train and somebody'd fight back and most of the crowd would say, stop it!
You'll make them go harder on the rest of us.
Just follow the rules, everything's going to be alright.
So, for our safety, and de-lousing, and sanitation, hygiene, take your vaccines, take your fluoride.
Yes, yes, yes.
Take your Ritalin and Prozac.
It's for your safety.
It's the same system.
And the normal rhythm of the day was interrupted.
The other patients must have been terrified, and I didn't want the ambulance showing up with all the lights and sirens, he said.
The woman underwent an operation at the hospital, and the damage to her internal organs was repaired, but her baby was dead.
The matter should have ended at the point, if not for Satch Federal's suit, arguing that the doctor had violated the FACE Act.
And it just goes on and on with other stuff, and I can't read any more, folks.
It's just, it's only the tip of the iceberg.
I mean, these poor families and poor people, it's a nightmare.
The stuff that's going on.
With Planned Parenthood and others in this country.
Some of the other news, you may have heard about the New York Times article last week we covered.
Now WorldNetDaily asked the question, are U.S.
Senators real insider traitors?
And that's the point I've made.
You've got Martha Stewart, who I always found obnoxious, and I don't like, but it doesn't mean that I want to put her in prison for no reason, when she's done nothing compared to other bigger fish.
In fact, she did something maybe unethical,
But, you know, cashing in $50,000, the lady was worth a billion bucks.
And she said, I didn't remember that trade.
I believe it that somebody wouldn't know about a $50,000 trade.
$51,000 trade, when at that time she was worth over a billion dollars.
But they told her broker that, you know, you say she's a criminal and you're going to get off with a slap on the wrist after they convicted him.
And so, I read all these articles, the jurors have said, we feel so good, we struck out against the corporate corruption that President Bush has called for us to.
One of the jurors actually said that.
I heard the President slay, punish corporate criminals, and we've done that, he's so good, I love him.
And you got somebody who cashed in millions of dollars when they knew Harkin Energy was going belly up.
Just dwarfs, literally,
Many times bigger than Martha Stewart, and done with malice and forethought, and nothing.
You've got Enron, all these people, and neocons will say, well, we've got Democrats and WorldCom.
You're all in it together!
You know, people will say, well, the war was wrong, and the neocons will say, well, well, Kerry said he was for it!
So suddenly, oh, it's okay, because Kerry said it was good.
That shows how there's no difference.
By the way, the same big genealogy group that said Bush would be president, because anybody with more royal blood always, and they have the article, the documents, with more royal blood becomes president.
They say Kerry will be president.
He is even more closely related to Queen Elizabeth than Bush.
He is close cousin.
And then, of course, there's old Hugh Hefner, who's also their cousin.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
It's just, you couldn't write this as fiction.
No one would believe it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to your calls in this segment.
I promise.
And then we'll get back into our U.S.
Senator's real insider traitors.
Compared to Martha Stewart, I mean, they're complete criminals.
Uh, Carrie Wilby King says, Royal Pole Theory.
And they've been accurate over and over again in the elections.
Yale grabs Kerry Bush's share of Bond of Secrecy, Palm Beach Post, getting into what a caller discussed yesterday.
Oh, well, yeah, their nicknames are temporary and the Yellzy Bub, but what's the big deal?
It's a Christian organization.
And that brings me to Rush Limbaugh.
We won't do this in this hour.
We'll do it the next hour.
We'll play a clip of Limbaugh and analyze him.
That's part of fair use and expose his deceptive activities.
As Limbaugh says, there's no such thing as a New World Order, there's no such thing as black helicopters, there's no such thing as the CFR, even when the Council on Foreign Relations publisher published his two big books.
Even though he has dinner with these people and brags about it.
It doesn't exist.
The Supreme Court isn't run by the U.N.
There's not a world government.
You're insane if you talk about it.
He's there to pacify real conservatives to make sure we don't realize what's really happening.
Just like the N.R.A.
who's been caught involved in gun grabbing.
And a caller called in and said, yeah, Bush and Carrier and Skull & Bones, you know, why aren't the left or right discussing this?
And see, if the person would have attacked Bush for Skull & Bones, Limbaugh would have known how to handle it.
But see, when somebody goes to a neocon and says, you're all together, this is all one big deal, the government's growing at 45%.
I've heard Limbaugh, I've heard Hannity, I've heard them all go, this is a fake staged call from the DNC, you've got a handbook!
When it's really these guys that got the handbooks.
So, Rush Limbaugh in a flap over Skull and Bones collar.
Isn't that just absolutely, totally and completely precious?
And so he denied it.
He said, isn't Skull and Bones some kind of, quote, death cult in Haiti?
And the caller said, no, no, no, it's the Secret Society at Yale that they're both members of.
And he went, oh, yeah, of course I know what it is.
Yeah, you know, that's just an Ivy League deal.
But he showed his inner knowledge of it, because it's known as the Order of Death, or the Cult of Death, the Religion of Death, and that's exactly what he said.
And yes, there are chapters of the Death Cult, you're absolutely right, in Haiti, Lord Limbaugh.
So yes, you've shown your knowledge.
I want to play just a few minute clip, come up in the next hour, and just let you hear it.
Because I'm not in the business, I mean, Limbaugh is not as bad as some.
He doesn't call to put anyone who disagrees with the government in a concentration camp, excuse me, a forced labor camp, like some national host do, Mr. Weiner, i.e.
So, very, very serious situation here.
But to deny, I've had big neocons on, I'll go, hey, what about Bohemian Grove?
Before they know it's a confrontational interview, they'll go, oh yeah, I've been, yeah, yeah.
I go, well, I've been.
They go, excuse me?
Well, yeah, and I'll mention some of the rituals.
They'll go, actually, I was never there.
I was there with the president, but I stayed in San Francisco.
And by the way, the person that said that, I actually like them.
I like that you can.
But that was a classic interview.
A lot of you heard it.
We re-aired it a few years ago.
He was like, oh yeah, I've been there.
Yeah, yeah, it's fun.
And I go, well, what about this and that?
And he goes, huh, you've been there.
And then he laughed.
Oh yeah, you've been there.
And I gave him examples.
He went, oh, I hadn't been there.
No, never been there.
That was so classic.
I mean, the facts are the facts.
The truth is the truth here.
I'm not saying everyone who's been to Bohemian Grove is a devil worshipper.
No, I'm not saying that.
If you're going to a high-level Republican elite function, or you're part of the President's Cabinet, and you're a big speech writer, you're going to get to stand around while these guys engage in these activities.
Okay, so that's coming up to Russia, NATO, and joint military exercises to begin.
It's all coming up.
Also, the Law of the Sea Treaty, very scary globalism, and we'll get into that as well.
We're about to go to your calls.
Before I do that, though, I have made ten films.
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The events of September 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform Earth into a prison planet.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait.
Okay, let's blast through the calls and back into the royalty of Skull and Bones and all these other key stories.
Uh, Kevin in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Hey, hey Alex, how you doing?
Um, I just thought I wouldn't know, what's with uh, Tony Blair channeling the light?
Well, yeah, Tony Blair, we posted that Times of London article, he... You know what I mean?
Yeah, you played a clip that didn't come through too well.
Here, I'll play it again, listen to this.
There are those among you, however, who have referred overtly to me personally as the Antichrist.
You know what I'm saying?
Who is that?
That's the left behind, uh, tape.
You know?
I understand, sir.
What's on your mind?
But, uh, yeah, I don't know.
I think he's getting kind of freaky over there.
And then, oh, the Mark of the Beast Company, right?
Get this.
I call them every once in a while, right?
Okay, who's the Mark of the Beast Company?
You're kind of gentle.
Digital Angel.
Digital Angel.
That's just the front company.
Yeah, well, uh, I call them, you know, I don't call them every once in a while.
Why don't you call them by their name?
It's jointly owned by the Communist Chinese Military and IBM.
I usually call them just simply the makers of the Mark of the Beast.
But, um,
I called them the one day.
You called me a liberal because Sean Hannity says every child needs it.
Well, I guess the whole world will be deceived and sucked into it.
And I know one of the plans of the Illuminati, according to David Icke, is the microchip population.
They've been saying it for years.
It's official federal government documents.
I just go to those.
They called me back one day.
I didn't get through to them, I got through to like, you know, one of the girls that just, like, like a recessionist.
And I hung up the phone, and like a minute later, my phone rings.
I did not give them my phone number.
I made a mistake of doing this from home.
Usually I do it from a pay phone, because it's the makers of the Market of the Beast.
But they're trying to tell me that they're a Christian organization, and it's not the Market of the Beast.
Well, they say they're Christian.
They must be Christian, Kevin.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I mean, George Bush is a Christian.
By the way, again, Francois Mitterrand, I just pointed out that I was watching in college, in art class, one of these British documentaries about the Louvre, and the British art connoisseur was going, the ultra-modern gold pyramid that was commissioned by Francois Mitterrand,
Who believes he is a pharaoh, and is known as the Sphinx by the French people, commissioned an American-Chinese architect to build it.
It is 71 feet tall, Francois Mitterrand demanded 666 pieces of glass.
And, you know, it's just come on, and all this occultism everywhere.
And the numerology!
We've got Bush in the coffin, we've got Kerry in the coffin at Skull and Bones, we've got Clinton and Hillary with the seances, and we've got Tony Blair and Aztec rituals.
That's the London Guardian, by the way.
Primordial screams flopping around, smearing things on himself, and then now channeling the light and the light telling him, don't go up against Bush, support the war, the light.
Anybody that knows what the light means, I got this email, well I'm a New Ager, how dare you say that, you know.
All New Agers aren't, you know, into black magic or the occult.
My point is, is that in almost all these ancient societies, globally,
How's it going, Alex?
Hey man, last night, well actually a couple weeks ago we had a beautiful clear day here in Portland and of course the chemtrails is to no end.
I mean there was multitudes of them.
There was probably 20 lines going.
Well, the last two days they've been beautiful.
I mean you couldn't ask for any better weather.
It's like 70 degrees, clear days.
And I was mentioning to my boss yesterday, it was like, wow, I can't believe they're not chemtrailing us today.
You know, it's two beautiful days in a row, no chemtrails.
I get off work, I'm walking down the street.
Beautiful moon out last night, lighting my way through.
I looked up to give it a nice smile and there again, there was like eight of them.
I ran into a local bar that's across the street and grabbed one of my friends out of there that lived down the street from there and we grabbed her camcorder.
And while we're filming them against the moon backdrop... No, I know.
I've seen that.
There's still more that comes through.
It's just absolutely disgusting.
We go back in the bar.
We're both appalled about this and we're trying to get people to come outside and look at this.
And they're like,
Oh no, that's just contrails.
Contrails don't last like this.
I mean, they were huge, Alex.
They were making a big cloud.
Hey man, hey, contrails aren't at 4,000 feet and sit there for five hours.
Believe me, you don't have to tell me.
And they've tested it.
Barium salts, aluminum oxide.
How can they get away with it, though?
I mean, I've got hundreds of articles where they admit helicopters, crop dusters, are spraying biologicals on us to test it.
They killed people in the New York subway with it, mainstream news, in 1968, so... Radioactivity stuff that they do in the subways there?
That wasn't radioactive, that was biological.
Okay, because I know that... I remember hearing something they did that, they had a... Yeah, that's been all over, that's been in hundreds of papers.
I use that example, it's the most commonly known.
They had light bulbs that released a biological agent
false light bulbs uh... that were timers and death resulted details remain classified they just killed people going to work
Wow, they did that here in Oregon back in the 60's too with the spraying.
Yeah, in the 60's there was a lot of it.
They sprayed the ship channel in San Francisco, got a bunch of people sick, and then they had army doctors suddenly volunteering at the hospitals to do the test.
Don't you just feel the love from our government?
Well, they did it to keep us safe from the Reds.
Of course, they were giving the Reds all the weapons as well.
Thanks for the call.
Hey, you bet.
Good to hear from you, Tom.
Call back anytime.
Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Tim from Truth here.
I was going to tell you about this story last week.
I don't know if you've heard of it yet or not, but I imagine that you will because it made the big Fox News yesterday.
The mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, let me go back to after she was first elected, she hired an ex-convict to work in her administration.
And now what she's done recently, she's laid over, I'm sorry, she's laid off over a hundred cops, fire,
And EMS workers.
Why do you think they're so arrogant?
Because the touchscreens are going in, they've been told, do as thou wilt.
But listen to this.
This is evolving into more of an attack on free speech, which is what's going on with our brother Howard right now.
She was exposed by a local TV station for having, under her control, four vehicles that were paid for by taxpayers, including one for her husband.
He was paying overtime to police to escort her children to go shopping and back and forth to school.
Well, they should arrest whoever criticized her because by criticizing her you aid the terrorist.
I agree with Michael Savage.
Arrest anyone that disagrees with the government.
A police officer even got paid overtime to go to Ireland.
Hey, they're better than us.
They run things.
We work for them.
There wouldn't be sunshine in the morning without the government.
And let me just be serious here for a minute.
I'm getting all these emails, so he must have said it.
Howard Stern is saying Bush may be involved in 9-11.
He's in with the Bin Ladens.
He's been targeted.
He knew that all along.
If he's saying that now, he's saying that to save his hind end.
A bunch of rats fighting with each other.
Well, the station at... You say Brother Howard, I uh...
Howard Stern, I mean, is not really a brother of mine.
I mean, I try to... I just consider him a fellow human being.
I don't agree with everything he says.
Well, no, I hear you, but all this squealing and squawking now... Right.
...where he goes, there's a new world order, oh, they're in... I've probably got 20 emails on it, so he must have said it.
Does somebody hear it?
Do I have listeners that listen to this?
I mean, I don't know, somebody maybe tell me.
But the point is, if he's squealing and squawking now, it's because he knows his hind end's on the line.
We'll get back to the station in Cleveland.
The station that did the big expose on her, they have been banned from all information at the City Hall.
They should send some troops down.
Hey, here in Austin, buddy, we get troops.
We get troops visiting us, okay?
So I think they should send troops to that radio station.
Maybe that'll wake them up.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Oh yeah, that's the new thing.
If anybody asks Lord Bush a question, even if they're a major reporter, they never get back into the press briefing.
They're in the auditorium for Ari Fleischer and now McClellan.
Let's talk to Gil in Texas.
Gil, welcome, sir.
Yes, Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you finally.
I've listened to you for the last two or three years.
I've got three quick questions and I'll get out of the way.
Yes, sir.
The first question is, I was walking here in my hometown and two spiders kept buzzing me.
And they buzzed me for like, I don't know man, it seemed like an hour.
They buzzed me where I was going and on my way back.
What was buzzing you?
Two Air Force fighters.
And that was a surveillance question.
Are they able to actually track an individual on the ground walking like that?
Where are you?
I'm in Southeast Texas.
No, they were just doing runs over that town and so it seemed like they were, and they're not supposed to be, how low were they?
They were pretty low.
I mean, they were buzzing me, man.
Everywhere I'd go I'd see these two fighters like they were following me.
Well, fighter jocks are well known for picking somebody out to play games with.
You know, they buzz the tower, they buzz the mess hall, they buzz their wives.
There were two of them.
Yeah, they probably just randomly picked you and were having some fun.
You said you have two more questions?
Stay there, we'll let you come back, Gil.
After the break, don't hang up, we'll come back to you.
Stay with us, folks.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Gillin, Texas, go ahead with the other two questions.
Yes, sir.
The globalists always talk about eliminating the global population and whatnot, and you mentioned the word earlier when you were talking to someone about vaccination called sanitation.
Are there different cities in the United States that are tagged for complete sanitation, meaning that they'll just kill everybody in the city?
Well, I was using the Nazi term because, you know, it was all for your own good.
It was for, you know, hygiene and social sanitation.
What you have is well-meaning, useful idiots in the health departments.
that are just federal employees basically mandated to carry out the data collection and stuff and
The globalists are going to decide to exterminate most of us.
They said they plan on it.
Again, Prince Philip, the UN, Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau, the official government documents, all of it, the Henry Kissinger documents.
They do it in third world countries through forced sterilization and abortion.
But they plan on doing it with race-specific bio-weapons that some terrorist will accidentally release.
Then they'll kill the terrorist in a raid and then have a police state to contain it as it kills millions of people.
Then they'll contain it
Get us even more into compact cities, then release even more biological weapons, always herding us in, more and more, taking more of our rights, as things spiral.
Then, in the police state, it'll be a one-child policy, and once they're to that, and have that iron plan... Just like China, one child, huh?
Yeah, and yeah, they've already introduced bills, by the way, in this country for that.
And we'll all basically, this is official government plans, wear like white uniforms, have shaved heads, we'll all be on drugs from birth.
Just like a coat.
Well, well, it's like THX 1138, yes.
And we'll all just march around on drugs from birth.
And I'm not, and it's what all those Huxleys said.
With all those drones flying around saying, where are your papers?
Are you, are you, are you authorized to go this place or that place?
Well, that's just the beginning of it.
By the time they're done brainwashing us and drugging us, we'll all just wander around like drones.
And then occasionally we'll see an overlord, you know, flying around in their sky car and they'll all be brightly dressed and, you know, flying around doing whatever they want and showing themselves laughing at us.
And we're going to be just automatons.
Hell on earth.
Yeah, hell on earth, sir.
Yeah, that's their public plan.
And our city's probably geared for sanitation, the useless eaters, as they call us.
Well, you know, this all sounds insane.
I'm just going off the federal plans, but, uh, yeah.
Good to hear from you, sir.
I appreciate it, Gil.
Uh, Christine in Michigan.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Uh, I guess it seems we're going to have a choice this November on Election Day.
Pirate Bush or Pirate Kerry?
Yeah, you got the skull on the left or the skull on the right?
I think that's good.
I think that's marvelous.
Because what it does is it gives us an opportunity
To get the truth out.
According to Limbaugh, it doesn't exist, and you're in a kook if you talk about it.
Well, when all these presidential elect rallies are going on all summer long this summer across the nation, take a Jolly Roger with you to it instead of an American flag.
Hey, that's a great idea!
Wear a black t-shirt with a skull and crossbones and blazing the cross in the front.
And your choice of a message on the back, such as, one nation under a satanic cult, or accuse your poison, pirate Bush or pirate Kerry.
You know, and then the news will say, look at these crazies, they've got, they've got skulls on, but then the SWAT team will have a skull patch.
People go, oh, that's good though, that's good.
Oh, the President's involved, it's good when they do it, but we've got people talking about it, they're crazy!
If all of your listeners, millions of listeners, would do this simple thing,
You can buy a Jolly Roger for under 50 cents.
But isn't the Jolly Roger, aren't they the good guys?
Well, that's what people must think.
They're going to vote for one or the other.
And the mainstream press can't ignore something.
This should happen.
And it could be.
If we got it going, it could be a Capital 8 happening.
Anything else?
We have one choice.
We have one opportunity, one chance.
Tell you what, stay there.
You got more to say.
You're making some good points.
Second hour, straight ahead.
Stay with us, folks.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, in the last segment, I said that the Globalist Master Plan is to have us all with shaved heads, wearing
White uniforms, walking around inside compact cities, everything we do tracked and traced.
And Oldis Huxley said that, whose brother was Julian Huxley, the first Secretary General of UNESCO, who, by the way, was a big supporter of Hitler and eugenics, so the UN of course hired him.
And we've aired the interview, the final speech.
I ought to do that again.
It's on a CD.
Are we A-OK, Stephanie?
OK, great.
Well, my line cut out.
I'm down here in Austin, Texas and hooked up to Minnesota and sometimes it cuts out and I don't know if folks can still get my transmission.
But again, we are here.
Back to Mr. Huxley.
Huxley, in his last speech that I actually have right here beside me on CD, I ought to air it, about an hour long, 55 minutes long, at Berkeley in 62, he wrote Brave New World.
He said, look, this isn't, this book I wrote in 33, isn't a science fiction.
It's what I believe we'll have by 2000.
Forced drugging of children, psychiatric tyranny, different classes, compact cities, and it's just now a little bit behind schedule.
And he said, my brother was involved in all this.
It's how I know about it.
He says, I've been to the government facilities where people already have implanted transistors in their brains and a remote controlled by wires out of their heads.
That was going on in areas of northern Europe back in the 60s.
I mean, this is real, folks.
I didn't come up with this.
I mean, I get on the air and say, here's Henry Kissinger's document where he says he wants to kill half the population of the third world or they won't get their IMF World Bank money.
I mean, this is what's declassified.
And yes, you've got to realize what psychopaths they are.
And Christine in Michigan was making fabulous points about going to these Kerry and Bush rallies and waving the Jolly Rogers.
Or wearing a t-shirt that says, I support both members of the satanic cult.
Either way, Satan wins.
That'd kind of be a nice t-shirt.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying.
Well, we don't have to go to a World Trade Summit rally in Seattle or one in Miami.
These rallies will come to us.
All we have to do is take our stand right where we are.
Let them come to us.
Wear the t-shirt.
Wave the flag.
Go home.
Take that pirate's flag and
Place it high on your own personal flagpole.
Every day.
With the American flag underneath it hanging upside down.
You know, I ought to fly a big one in my front yard.
Everyone should.
And if people ask why, I go, well, that's the new Christian symbol.
That's what you're voting for?
Go for it.
Fly it.
You know, I just think it makes... It's for a good opportunity.
For a happening to happen all summer long.
And if we don't take the opportunity now, we'll never be able to take it.
Because the presidential election only happens every four years.
And the opportunity is coming to us.
We should grasp it and run with it.
Well, never before have we had both candidates being skull and bones.
And by the way...
Choose your article.
They're between 16th and 3rd cousins, depending if it's Reuters or the Associated Press.
They are 9th cousins with Hugh Hefner.
And they're saying that Kerry's a shoe-in because he has more royalty than Lord Bush.
And this group has been right in the past.
I'm going to read that article when we get back.
What do you think about it, having our two royal presidents?
Well, that's what they are.
Royal bloodline.
Nothing's changed.
Nothing's changed from the beginning.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
Good to hear from you.
PrisonPlanet.com has a 20 minute clip of Fritz Springmeier talking about the Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
We also offer that book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, which is almost out of print.
In fact, I meant to raise the price on that.
I'm crazy.
I have to pay a little more for these now, but I haven't looked at the price yet, so you can still kid them with the lower price.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Your calls are coming up, and I want to do some skull and bones news right now.
Kerry will be king, says Royal Pull Theory.
This is out of the advertiser, Australia.
If royal genes have any influence, John Kerry looks destined to dethrone George W. Bush in November's U.S.
presidential election.
According to a theory, its British proponents say, has proven surprisingly accurate over the past century, a candidate with the bluest blood in his veins will win the White House.
In 2000, it was Bush.
And again, they read the same article back in 99, folks, where Lord Bush, they said he'd be the winner because he had more royalty than Al Gore.
In 2000 it was Bush, this time it's Kerry.
Quote, our research is not yet complete, but my bet is that Kerry has more royal connections and that he is more noble than President Bush, said Harold Brookers Baker, Publishing Director of Burt's Pedigree, a guide to British aristocracy.
Both candidates have a remarkable number of royal connections and both are related to Queen Elizabeth, he said.
Yale-educated war veteran Kerry Sixty can trace his roots via the First Massachusetts Governor John Winthrop to every great family in Boston and a host of royals in Europe.
Kerry can almost certainly be traced back to King James I and the bloodline straight through to Windsor and Hanover families, Brooks Baker said.
And it goes on to how he's related in all these different levels to the Royals.
And Mr. Bush was more royal than Al Gore, his opponent four years ago, and also boasts a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister, Mary Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis VI of France.
He is also descended from Charles II of England.
Brooks Baker said there has always been a significant royal factor in those who aspire to the White House.
I'll bet we didn't know that here.
With Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, among those who had strong blue blood links.
Very interesting.
And then there's this article out here, out of the Palm Beach Post, Yale grads Carrie Bush share bond of secrecy.
In the spring semester of their junior years at Yale University, John Kerry and George W. Bush were tapped on the shoulder and abruptly asked, Skull and Bones, accept or reject?
Both answers accept.
Kale was instituted into the most famous and mysterious Yale Secret Society in 65.
Bush entered Skull and Bones in 67, following as the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
Thus was set up the first presidential election between Bonesmen nearly four decades hence.
It says, the development was perhaps inevitable.
Four generations, fifteen Yale seniors, frequently future leaders of government, business, media, arts, and other professions have gathered in secrecy in the tomb, the windowless home of their select society on the Yale campus.
Often after graduation, their bonds have strengthened inside a bones network entwined throughout American culture.
And it gets into their little satanic names and how they get in all the outfits.
There have been probably ten mainstream news articles that I saw in all the years up until about three or four years ago.
And then, at the 2000 election, you heard a few mentions of it.
I would talk about Skull and Bones on air, and I would be attacked.
I mean, by multiple talk stations and office alone, I'd get calls.
Tune into this.
Alex Jones is insane!
He says the President got in a cop and it's some secret place called the Skulls.
Oh, that's a movie!
He's a kook!
Man, that guy's a kook!
Because you guys were so ignorant.
Well, let me tell you who's not ignorant.
It's Rush Limbaugh.
And a caller, yesterday, called in.
And Cameron in Buckley, Michigan, and he said, nobody's touching the biggest, most controversial, and most important news item of the year.
George Bush and Kerry are skull and bones.
And unless there's a massive blatant cover up on the part of the right and left media, I don't see why nobody is touching this.
And Limbaugh says, oh, isn't that a Haitian death cult?
Very sophisticated answer, because the Skull and Bones is really called the Order of Death, or the Death Cult.
And, you know, he's published by subsidiaries of this group.
He's run and controlled by these people.
And then he gets up on the air.
I mean, I remember hearing Limbaugh, folks, and again, I've been listening to him for, unbelievable, twelve years.
I remember, you know, being a big fan of Limbaugh.
Oh, he's so conservative, until I found out the truth.
You know, there's no U.N.
takeover, there's no CFR, the Federal Reserve's good, it's not private.
You know, his Cook detector.
And again, he just says anything that's against the establishment isn't real.
But when pinned down on it, he flip-flops and goes, yeah, of course I know what it is.
Oh, it's just a Yale thing, no big deal.
It's no big deal.
So I want to analyze this, and that's why we're playing this, is to analyze and critique what this public figure is doing.
Go ahead, Stephanie, and play that for folks.
Cameron in Buckley, Michigan.
Hi, I'm glad you waited, Cameron.
Welcome to the program.
Good afternoon, Rush.
Um, I was just, quickly, did I hear you correctly when you said Rosie O'Donnell has a gift registry for a gay wedding at a Strap-On tool store?
Snap-On on Van Ness.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
Um, Rush, nobody in the media has touched the biggest, the most controversial, and the most important news item of this year.
The George W. Bush and John F. Kerry
Yale University Skull and Bones Connection.
And unless there's a massive blatant cover-up on the part of both the left and the right media outlets, I don't see why nobody is touching this.
Bonesmen Bush and Kerry are backed by the same
What is this?
What is this?
What is this, Skull and Bones?
Skull and Bones.
This is Yale University's... No, no, no, no.
You've got to be wrong.
Skull and Bones is some voodoo society in Haiti, isn't it?
No, no.
This takes place on Yale University's campus.
They have a building right on the campus.
This is a society.
How secret can it be?
I mean, if there's a building, does it say skull and bones on it?
It does.
It's locked by a padlock.
It has less than a thousand members worldwide.
Eight hundred, at least, are still alive to this day.
Can anybody walk in this building?
This building is padlocked from the outside.
Oh, so members have a key.
I imagine so.
I've heard of Skull and Bones, obviously, and I must tell you, I've seen a lot of stories about Skull and Bones that have mentioned Bush and his father, but that have not mentioned Kerry.
Kerry has graduated from Yale two years after Bush.
Uh, the Skull and Bones Society selects 15 seniors to become members.
It is true George W. Bush, his father, George Sr., and also his grandfather, Prescott Bush, were all members.
Wait a minute now, that leads me to another question.
Because I thought Bush was some doofus hayseed hick from Texas that hangs around a barbeque and whips up horns.
No, he's a blue-blooded piece of trash.
His skull and bones sounds like a very exclusive society.
How did Bush get into this bunch?
Well, this is basically a society that selects people very early on.
Uh, from elite circles.
Well, why should we be afraid of it?
Okay, so Skull and Bones, Yale University Club, members of Skull and Bones support, carry some support.
Bush, why should we be worried about this?
The thing that we have to be worried about is that it's the same group whose purpose is to put people into power for their purposes.
Yeah, that's their same purpose.
They are controlling, behind the scenes,
Two guys who are basically going to turn out to be the same.
Cameron, I appreciate what you're saying, but let me help out here.
Let me try to spin it!
You have just described the whole Ivy League.
You've just described the Kennedy School of Government.
You've just described Colgate.
You've just described Yale.
That's what the Ivy League is.
Believe me, it's not just skull and bones.
As a test, if you could, just at random select, you know, go to the State Department website and just ask for, just look up resumes, biographies of... It's the elitist liberal encampment.
And you will find every university they're from is Harvard, or Yale... That's right, your little mind.
Or some other Ivy League institution, Cornell...
East Coast elitist.
Not pit.
Who lays in a coffin.
It's a feeder system for government.
That's what the Kennedy School of Government is all about at Harvard.
It's all about prepping the right people from the right families from around this country for service in government.
And they're all pretty wealthy.
There are some exceptions.
They're all pretty wealthy and they can live without needing a government salary.
Skull and bones may be part of that, but you can't just focus on that.
And I'm not talking about a conspiracy, this is just the way things are.
Not a conspiracy, it's just the way things are.
They're just using the Patriot Act to make sure you stay in line.
You're just a liar, is what you are.
He got up there very skillfully, and oh that's a voodoo, that's some kind of death cult down in Haiti.
You know, this is the whole system.
No, it's not the whole system.
It was set up when the Illuminati had been banned in this country by John Quincy Adams.
He was hunting them down.
It was set up to overthrow this country by putting British agents into power, just like, you're right, the Rhodes Scholar program.
Cecil Rhodes, in his public will, said it is to overthrow countries and set up a global British empire.
A new world order.
Which is what H.G.
Wells wrote about in his 1937 book, The New World Order Rush, that your skull and bones boss, George Herbert Walker, talked about, that you say doesn't exist, and I'm a kook for talking about it, when your bosses talk about it!
You can't pacify us anymore, you big, fat, oxy-cotton-gobbling liberal.
You're the biggest commie I've ever seen.
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We're about to go to Derek, but he just hung up.
So a little Warren, Tim, Hank, Mary, Dave, and others.
Here in just a moment.
First rush.
Insinuates he doesn't know what skull and bones is, but for the profane, you know, he puts up with this info for the for the aluminist out there, he calls it the order of death, his little code word.
But when the caller displays a good grasp of the facts, Rush has to acknowledge skull and bones and then try and whitewash it.
There was also some code words there where he goes, do they have a key?
And he went, hmm.
More code out to his Masonic buddies.
And he just kind of condescends.
Oh, really?
People don't know what it is.
Oh, what is it?
See, he plays the establishment role of, ha-ha, it doesn't exist, ha-ha, Haitian devil cults, you know, death cults.
Ha-ha, ooh, where is it?
Well, then, doesn't sound too secret.
And Percy belittles, and then he says, oh, everybody does it.
It's just to groom people.
I mean, that was very sophisticated mind control.
That you just heard, all in a big, official-sounding, ho-ho-ho-ho voice.
Let's talk to Warren in Colorado.
Warren, go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
How you doing?
I'll tell you what, that was incredible.
And Rush actually made points that you and I, you know, yourself, have made forever.
And to replay that would be something else, especially here in Denver, Colorado with Rick Barber.
But I actually called about the confusion and reporting of articles about gasoline cost jumping and how the article actually goes through deception and despair because they really... Okay, well let me be specific.
On the front page, gasoline cost jump in Colorado, about five paragraphs down it says,
New environmental regulations designed to reduce ozone during the summer months could also factor into gas prices.
Yeah, well, I mean, so the average person hearing it goes, oh, it's the environmentalists, which that's certainly part of it.
And again, corporations go, we've got toxic waste, MBTE, left over.
Well, let's just call it a gas additive and stick it in the gas and make them pay for it.
I mean, it had nothing to do with the environment.
It's about profits, but they have their little foot soldiers
He'll push it, but no, you're not paying on average $2 a gallon nationwide over $3 in California because of environmentalists.
It's the corporations who are openly announcing the biggest profits ever ripping you off because they're in collusion with an oligopoly they're running.
It's called a cartel.
What are you paying in Colorado right now for fuel?
Right now, about $1.61.
That's low!
Well, that's lower than it is in Texas.
Oh, I know it is.
Well, how come you're paying so low?
I'm right by the refineries.
It's like $1.70 a gallon.
Well, we're here in Fort Morton, Colorado, where, I don't know, over 50% of the population, I think there's 15,000 Mexican-Americans and a lot of illegals live.
And it's incredible.
We pay lower prices here than they do in Greeley, which is
Forty-five miles away in Denver.
The government has a stated policy of corporations are told to rent and to let them keep more people in the house.
Cops are told to let them go.
I mean, this is on the record.
They get ten years of no taxes for businesses.
I mean, it's designed to displace the American people.
Oh yeah.
Do you think that's why the gas is lower there?
It always is.
Right before the year turned over to 2000, we were paying 96 cents a gallon.
Oh yeah.
Well, I know that's kind of a mystery.
So what else is on your mind, sir?
No, that Rush Limbaugh transcript, I hope you replay it.
We've got it at presentplanet.com if folks want to see it for themselves.
I think he's probably tuned into Alex Jones, I'm sure, and a lot of people are going to be caught on this deal.
Alright, good to hear from you.
Before we go back to calls, I just want to add about the gas prices.
Don't worry, the government's on it.
They're upset about it.
It's all the fault of OPEC.
It's just horrible that Exxon and Mobil and Shell and Amoco and BP are registering record profits.
It's just terrible.
Yeah, they found bigger oil supplies in bigger areas, but it's just magically, now the price is going to go up.
See, the Iraq War wasn't just about getting more oil.
It was about restricting it.
See, they didn't like it that Saddam, before the first Gulf War, was selling so much fuel at lower prices, driving down the price.
And most of the money goes to the big banks.
The Arabs get a percentage of it.
We've got all the oil we need in this country.
All the oil we need up in Alaska.
But they're training you to pay higher prices.
They also have to.
The dollar's been devalued by 44%.
And so it's going to take more dollars now to buy that petrol.
By the way, Limbaugh
I guess I'm a kook, too, because I don't believe hamburgers are industrial jobs.
His boss, Bush, says they are.
So, who's the real conspiracy theorist?
You know, a hamburger is an industrial job?
Come on.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright folks, we're back live.
We'll be going to Tim and Hank and Dave and Fred and many others here in just a few minutes.
Also, a few months ago, up in Detroit, they unveiled the new Urban Suppression Vehicle.
It has its microwave guns, its sound beams, you know, all that to be hooked up on it.
And it looks like something out of a nightmare science fiction movie.
Black, sleek, very wicked looking.
We have a link to it at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We'll be getting to that.
A bunch of other... I haven't even scratched the surface, even though we've done a good job of covering about 20 news stories so far that are pretty big and important.
But we'll bring Debbie Morrow up, then we'll go to our calls and back into the news, and then there's a lot more coming up.
Debbie, you know, I say this over and over again, you guys have the big Berkeys, the Berkey Lights, the systems, made in America, great water filtration system, cuts out all the garbage, and it's made in America, and it supports this show, our international shortwave outreach is funded by New Millennium,
It's time for people to stop drinking the fluoride, the pesticide, the chlorine, the herbicide, the Prozac and Ritalin.
Yeah, that's in the water, folks.
And the birth control hormones.
It's time to stop drinking it.
And folks, this isn't a sales gimmick.
This is the truth.
Once you've been drinking out of a good water filter, when you start drinking tap water, even in a city that's known for having good water like Austin, it tastes horrible.
I was in San Antonio and drank some water at SeaWorld, and you just got a glass of water at one of the restaurants, and it just tasted like gasoline.
You get used to it, though.
Listen, make the call, get the water filters.
It's made in America, supports the show, and number one, stops you from being poisoned, and the number one way you're being poisoned.
Lord knows we're all getting poisoned enough through the air, through the food, through the environment.
The water is the number one place.
And joining us is Debbie Morrow.
Debbie, what are the specials for folks?
Hi there, Alex.
The specials are the Berkey Light Standard without the lights for $199.
And with that, you get a free gift.
And you get the choice of the Berkey Sport bottle that's a filtered water bottle.
Or one bottle of potassium iodate.
Or we have this new DVD or VHS tape called Sheltering in Place.
And it's really neat.
I haven't seen it yet because I haven't gotten my copy and it's brand new.
But from what I understand, it's a practical application of how to protect your home.
How you can personally set up your home so that
You know, a lot of people can't build an underground fallout shelter or something, but you can fix your house.
Well, Jim said he saw it and was so impressed with it, that's why he'd done a bunch of them.
Again, you take the orders and then that goes to the shipping warehouse and it's shipped out there and that's where these DVDs and VHS are.
And he says it's great and it's designed by professionals, but on the video it's a housewife doing it, you know, in common sense ways to protect your home.
Very, very important.
So describe what this gravity filter does, why the black Berkey, this new design is so good, what the fluoride elements do.
Describe that for people.
Okay, I would love to because I think there are a lot of people out there that don't have a clue what we're talking about when we talk about the Berkeys.
The Berkey is a gravity water filter.
It holds two and a half gallons of water and it sits on your counter.
It has a top chamber and a bottom chamber.
The black purification elements are in the top chamber and when you pour the water in using a pitcher, you know, you can use any kind of pitcher to fill it up in the top, the water seeps down through the filters and drips into the bottom canister.
Now, the black filters themselves take out almost all of the pathogens, you know, they take out like
I don't
They've done major tests, nothing's detected, but, you know, you just say below detectable levels because there could be something still there.
Right, because what is below detectable levels is even if they feed proteins to the water after they've filtered it, nothing grows.
So that means that because when they take tests, you know, like
Other, you know, when the government or when you have laboratories... Yeah, they pour the Petri dish, what is it, Kewter solution into the water, nothing grows, you know there's nothing in there.
Right, so it's absolutely gone, exactly.
And these new black Berkey filters even take out greater than 95% of the heavy metals and greater than 85% of the nitrates and nitrites.
But then on top of that, you've got the post filter, too.
And that's the PF2 reduction filters.
They work in conjunction with the Black Berkey filters.
And folks, this is all real simple.
You can put one of these together in about two minutes, but you're hearing, you know, big filter, another small filter.
That's what it takes to get it out.
When you just go buy some, you know, little filter that's a pitcher and you pour the water through, it might get some of the taste out, but it's not cleaning your water.
That's right.
And Alex, this is so economical.
If you go out and buy bottled water to take to work with you and, you know, to take when you go places, you're spending so much money.
And the Berkey filters last such a long time that, you know, I have talked to customers who say that they take their water to work with them, their Berkey water in jars.
You know, I mean, there are things you can do to save so much money.
It really does pay for itself.
Not only in the aspect of, you know, going to the store and buying bottled water.
Well listen, I mean, you just buy a big bottle that has a plastic top and that's what I take to work with it.
That's what I got right here.
Right, that's what I do.
I just fill old bottles and, you know, I keep them at my desk all day long and just drink Berkey water.
But the main thing is your health is so much better.
If you drink, I think that
It's 8 12-ounce glasses a day.
Right, at least that.
Because most people are dehydrated and don't know it.
Yeah, over drinking coke and coffee and then wondering why they've got bloodshot eyes and a headache.
Okay, so $199 you get the Berkey without the lights as a built-in light system.
Without it with a free sport Berkey or the free CD or video.
And then for, what is it, $259 you get it with the LED lights.
And also two sports bottles or a CD or video and a sports bottle or potassium iodate, correct?
And we still have our generic sport bottles on sale, too.
I have so many people call and order those for gifts.
You can get, what, five for $100?
Great discount.
Five for $99 or 12 for $199.
That's a great system.
Everybody needs to take advantage of that.
These things are $35, $40 in stores.
The toll-free number to call Debbie is 1-888-803-4438.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
Debbie, you were going to say something?
Well, I was just going to say that they can mix and match with potassium iodate, too, if they'd like.
And that protects against a radiological event if it happens.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
Great lady.
Really sweet.
Always enjoy talking to her.
And we need your support, folks.
They pit the bill for the entire shortwave cost, which is an outreach globally.
We do this because it does reach millions of people in the aggregate overseas.
I get the letters every day from Africa and Latin America and Asia and Europe with folks listening to us on shortwave.
But again, it's Made in America, it's an important thing to do.
Give them a call.
Okay, let's go right back to the calls and back into the news.
Tim in Wisconsin.
Tim, go ahead.
Yeah, it's easy to see that no one will get the real truthless in the rest of them.
Well, it's not just that he's a fake conservative and milquetoast, it's that he's very manipulative, very deceptive, very intelligent, just classic twisting of that information.
I just wanted to get my two cents in about him.
I can't believe I used to think he was right, but anyway, a couple things.
Even though I'm glad that I've been going to, you know, it's a group of people that don't have their heads totally in the sand, but still when I talk to an elder about
But Bush being in a skull and bones, and he still thinks that George Bush is such a Christian man, because he's in his testimony.
But I wish I would have asked him, what source is this Christian testimony of his from?
Well, the devil quotes scripture.
And the devil masquerades as an angel of light.
And then I just want to share an article from something called the Christian Alert Network.
A few of the first things is how the federal and state government won't tell you about highly sexually explicit pornographic and previously made series in the public schools.
You know what?
I'm going to let you go.
Those are some interesting points, Tim, but thank you.
Let's talk to Hank in Illinois.
Hank, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I want to thank you for the excellent service.
I just got three of your films and two of your tyranny response
Thank you, we needed that support, so thank you.
Well, it's my pleasure and I'm an avid fan.
I've got two questions for you, Alex.
The first one is, whatever happened to the windfall profits tax and the support structure that was supposed to be instrumented to prevent all of these windfall oil prices?
And the second one is, I wonder how many of the parents realize that children in high school are being forced to watch military indoctrination films before their classrooms start.
Oh, they are, by the way, and all the data and your test scores in public school are now handed over to the military.
So, that's true.
I mean, number one, I'm familiar with what you just said.
I think I don't even need to comment on it.
Number two, I'm vaguely familiar with the tax laws on the oil companies, because it is a global monopoly of just a handful of people, so an oligopoly.
They supposedly put rules in, and people got upset, and it goes back even to the 1906 Antitrust Act, is the roots of that.
And I don't, and the answer is, I don't know how they're ignoring that.
But again, this is not because the refineries are down or something happened.
It's not because the Arabs are reducing production.
The oil companies are registering record profits.
They're in collusion.
They're all owned by a handful of families.
Go ahead.
Well, that law was supposed to prevent them from gouging the public.
And it seems as though the Illuminati have just turned their back on what was considered to be excellent law.
But I mean, my point is, as you bring up the law, I was familiar with it just vaguely.
I knew it existed, but I don't know if it's still there.
How are they doing this?
Go ahead.
I don't believe that they're enforcing it at all, but to my knowledge, the law has never been taken off the books.
It's supposed to still be an active issue in the enforcement of windfall profits.
It's incredible.
I mean, look, how does Halliburton, no bids allowed,
And it goes into the Vice President's private account, but he doesn't manage it so it's okay.
It's like, you know, Hitler doesn't manage his bank account so it's okay if he's taking people's money and putting it in there.
I mean, no bids allowed, feeding the troops rotten food, running the concentration camp at the airport, running the concentration camp in Gitmo.
Did you know Halliburton runs all that?
Yes, thanks to your show.
I think you ought to produce a tape that shows all of the
Well, that's the problem is there's an orgy of looting.
There's 1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon under Clinton and Bush.
Again, they're just puppets.
So, I mean, does that give you an idea of how criminal those running this are?
I mean, they're going for broke.
They're at the point of no return.
They're going all the way.
They've already robbed 10 banks.
They might as well rob 20 more.
I mean, they're in a frothing bedlam of crime right now.
Alex, I got a newsletter from one of my suppliers called Park Supply.
They've got about 11 branches in the city of Chicago.
If you don't mind taking the time, it's a real short letter.
Sure, go ahead.
It says, cheap metal and copper products are undergoing sharp price increases due to the shortages in raw materials needed to produce steel and the consumption of all scrap copper by Chinese manufacturers.
Global demand for steel is up.
It appears that the production needed to keep pace
With this increased demand is lagging behind.
And it says here, the following material is going to be affected immediately.
Copper tubing, fittings, line sets, flat sheets, steel, fabricated metal and metal products, hot water heaters, furnaces, condensers, compressors, and motors will be immediately affected in the middle of March.
And they're blaming it on that the Chinese are buying all of our scrap material and then selling it back to us.
Well, that's the truth, and that's how they've designed it.
They've designed the system to cause this.
And it's all about control.
Good to hear from you, and I appreciate all your work, Hank.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Mary in Pennsylvania.
Mary, go ahead.
Very hung up.
Dave in California.
Dave, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Northern California.
I've got a piece of information for you.
Have you heard anything about Tom Flacco's new phone fax, email action thing that he's got going?
Yeah, we posted that last week.
The numbers of Congress and the President.
Fax them and call them and let them know that we know about 9-11.
Okay, good.
Because I've missed some of your show.
I've been having trouble with my internet service provider.
I do have a toll-free switchboard number that I can give you that might help your listeners, for those that don't have a lot of money.
Well, that's the number for what?
That's for the Congressional Switchboard.
It gets you to anybody, any of the Congressmen or Senators you want to talk to.
Yeah, it's always a good idea to call them and just let them know that we're aware of what they did.
Yeah, it's funded.
You know, I got on the air two months before 9-11 and told people to call Congress and to tell them don't blow up the buildings using Bin Laden in New York.
And of course, they didn't particularly listen.
It seems like they sped things up.
Give them the phone number.
It's 1-800-839-5276.
So that's 839-5276.
And I'd like to encourage people to call.
Apparently they're getting a lot of them, and they're starting to upset people like Bill Frist.
Oh, is that what Flacco said?
Yes, he did.
I just got an email from him today.
So he said people are... Tom does good work, folks.
He's saying they're pretty upset right now?
That's correct.
TomFlacco.com has information on it, and he's sending out email, and he's saying that Hastert is upset, Frist is upset, and he thinks that it may have something to do with why Gary, our favorite skull and bones-er,
He came out so strongly against Bush in 9-11 yesterday.
Yeah, and again I'm getting reports that Stern is about to be axed as going, 9-11!
You did 9-11!
It's like his desperate threat to get them to back off.
So it's not going to work for that guy.
But anything they can say against him is okay with me.
If they want to eat each other, you know, that's fine.
Let them eat each other.
Good to hear from you, buddy.
I appreciate that call.
Great news, Dave.
Fred in South Dakota and others, we'll get to you when we get back.
I wanted to cover this story out of Reuters' photo.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance...
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
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We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Alright, coming up... Student says he's being investigated for terrorism.
Japan cabinet okays war contingencies.
North Korea says U.S.
using talks to prepare for war out of drills.
Morgan facing the heat of the Patriot Act.
So the bosses of the system are kind of doing something themselves to condition us all.
Pakistan tests long-range missile, thanks to Lord Bush and Clinton.
Russia, NATO, joint military exercises to begin.
Global nightmare, saving the lost.
We'll get into the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Very, very sinister.
And another article here, American troops killing and abusing Afghans, writes Body Says.
Teachers suspended for showing the passion.
Passions now made over 225 million dollars.
Libya blamed for West Africa wars.
We'll be getting into that and just a plethora, a huge stack.
We'll tell you what Applied Digital is up to.
They're now buying a satellite company to integrate it and also buying up biometrics companies to integrate the slave grid.
Just so much coming up in the third hour and of course,
All of the great folks that are holding.
It's always a good idea, I guess, once an hour to give the phone number out to get involved on air.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Boy, there's so much here.
I also want to recap.
And the top story I read in the first five minutes of the show, I'm going to go over that in detail, Military Creeping in Domestic Law Enforcement, from the Wall Street Journal, about secret police, military troops walking around Austin.
I've been telling you about this for years, but here's the Wall Street Journal, so we'll be getting to that as well.
But your call's first, as soon as we start this third hour.
Before I end this hour, please don't procrastinate, my friends.
Get my book and film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, and 9-11, Descent into Tyranny.
The book is Descent into Tyranny.
The film is Road to Tyranny.
The film's on VHS and DVD, over two and a half hours long.
The book's 220 pages long.
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The government needed a crisis to convince the people to willingly give up their liberty in exchange for safety.
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And this brutal expose will witness the birth of a global police state that surpasses Orwell's nightmare vision.
It's all here.
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This is one book you cannot afford to ignore.
The future of free people everywhere is at stake.
And that's for the book.
Twelve dollars.
Full of graphics, diagrams, the video's excellent as well.
Part 2 of Road to Tyranny, the video, is Masters of Terror.
And then there's a book I published on 9-11 and other government-sponsored terror events.
Very insightful.
Order Out of Chaos, Elite-Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
And it's $20, over 320 pages.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift when you buy one.
We carry Fritz Springmeier books, Eric Hubschman books, Eric Hubschman videos, Tex Mars videos, The Loss of Liberty video.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure, safe, online shopping cart or call toll-free 1-888-253.
And your support is also needed.
Or write to me, I'm Alex Jones.
At 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
So, again, that's the way to get in touch with us.
The videos are $25.95, $20 if you order three or more.
Alright, we'll be back.
The third hour straight ahead, absolutely jam-packed on this Tuesday, March 9th edition.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Already into the third and final hour of this March 9, 2004 edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Your calls are coming up.
Toll free number to join us in this open line third hour.
Coming up...
I want to get back into this article that I read a couple paragraphs from in more detail from the Wall Street Journal posted at the Dow Jones News website.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and it says, uh, military creeping into domestic law enforcement.
A little notice, side effect of the war on terrorism.
And again, it was happening before that, but that's their excuse.
The military is edging towards a sensitive area that has been off limits
to domestic intelligence gathering and law enforcement.
So that is coming up after the break.
Right now I want to get some of these great callers out of the way who've been holding patiently.
Fred in South Dakota, welcome.
Yes, how are you Alex?
Yes, you know, you have the brightest callers I've ever heard.
Well, I know this, I have an active audience, very active audience.
Very active.
The thing is, there's been an issue that has happened with having the Ten Commandments taken out of the court room.
And Bush is now rewarding the state attorney general that did that with a judgeship, and I hear the neocons going, oh, he's so good, we need him, we need him!
What's more is that the Christian fundamentalists fought it, but
They're not stupid people, but what I'm getting at is simply this.
Go in and now your callers, your listeners are very intelligent.
Walk into a courtroom.
It looks like a church in there.
It's got pews, it's got the nave area, it's got the altar.
Well, hey, we've gone off the Roman civil law.
For somebody that doesn't know this, they'll be stunned.
Read a court ruling or a suit.
It'll say, we pray to the court.
And the judge wears a black robe.
In fact, it's the robe of ISIS.
Yeah, it's a Roman civil court.
In our common law courts, it wasn't like this.
It's all occultism.
We've gone off common law, off of the mosaic of Jewish law, into this Roman occult law.
Well, my idea is how come we don't throw Isis out of the courtroom and her worship and get her
Her, uh, high priests out of that courtroom.
And again, that's how, quote, uh, Lady Justice, which got incorporated, is the female statue.
And again, if you don't believe me, this is, this is mainstream, folks.
You worship the court, you pray to it, you, you know, it's, it's not a public servant, it's your honor.
That's not how America used to be.
That's correct.
And the thing is, is that, that, it is illegal to have that religion in our courts.
Now what?
We've got a religion judging another religion!
But see, that's what a cult means.
That's correct.
They're masters of deception.
Their religion is hidden in plain sight.
Their obelisks, their temples, all of it right in front of us and the average person can't even see it.
And guess what everybody?
They don't have a law protecting them or giving them a license to do this.
No power.
And the judges were running around wearing this black robe.
Now where's the sheriff doing his job?
Where's the Attorney General?
Yeah, doing his job.
You gotta understand, we're the attorneys.
Why aren't they suing for the public?
By the way, people think I'm nuts.
I know, they think I'm nuts too.
Well, some of them out there right now, they're going, you pray to the judge, go read a ruling, go read a request, go read a filing.
Well, I mean the good ones, the ones that are official, you might find some lawyer that doesn't say it, but most of them, we pray to the court.
We pray to your honor.
We just planted a seed.
Now the intelligent ones will check this out.
The sheeple won't.
Well, I mean, it's admitted fact, so... It's like skull and bones.
I told you about it ten years ago, you didn't believe me.
Now do you believe it's on the nightly news?
That's right.
It is Roman occult worship going on in these courts.
End of story.
They are churches.
They are cathedrals of wickedness.
You have to go into the court and pay the idolaters.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, how it would work in the pagan societies all over the world is they have different gods and usually you'd have a different king or monarch in the area or lord if you were in a sub-district who worshipped a particular god and would have taxes levied for that god.
You'd have to go in and pay and give your little offerings to them.
You know, the druids had this with the trick or treat.
You had to give the druid priest the goods they demanded.
And occasionally they would want a child from a particular area.
Well, several times a year they did, but occasionally they'd want one of yours, so that's where all that comes from, trick or treat.
So that's the reality, and people say, oh, but the New Age and the occult and all that, you know, it doesn't have its roots in that.
Well, in every case in the past, in many cases, I mean, there were a lot of African tribes who worshipped rocks.
And it's admitted that our courts
Over the last 150 years, they started wearing the dark robes, making you pray to the court, all this business.
And they brought the Roman civil law back in.
Civil rights.
Guilty until proven innocent.
What you'd call Napoleonic law.
So the caller brought up a good point.
Let's talk to Eleanor.
Eleanor, where are you calling us from?
Hi, Alex.
It's Eleanor White from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and a regular listener.
Well, thank you for tuning in.
What's going on?
You love documented stories and we finally have one for you under the heading of Electromagnetic Torture of People by the Government Admitted.
And I can give you the plaintiff's name.
He has a court case going in Mission, Texas.
Yeah, well what's the article?
What's the publication?
Well, right now I only have his address.
This fellow appeared on another show and gave in great detail how he and his small children have been tortured.
And he actually has the equipment capable of detecting the signals.
And they're frying his 2 and 3 year old child.
His name is Jesus Mendoza.
He's a two-year law student.
If you like, I can give you his number.
He wants to get this case out because he's fighting it in court.
I have congressional hearings.
The information, there are people who really are, where they do these magnetic pulse weapon tests on neighborhoods, and Kokomo, Indiana, and they admit they've done a lot of this stuff, but you never know if it's real or not, because it's also, there's a lot of schizophrenics in people.
This fellow's in court, Alex.
He is already into court.
He's had his session in court.
Well, no, I'm not talking about this guy.
I don't even know him.
I'm just, I was just,
In general terms?
Yes, I agree with you.
That's why I'm calling you with this particular case because this one is well documented.
So who is he?
I guess he's suing the government?
Yes, he is.
What evidence does he have?
I want to get that number to someone who can call him and get the particulars because I don't have them yet.
Can I call your sales organization and give it to them?
Well, you know what would be best?
Because they just handle sales and videos and stuff.
You can email me at tips at InfoWars.com.
Our email is massively blocked.
We have massive... How about if I give it to Sue Ann Campbell and she can get it to you?
Okay, or you could also... I could put you on hold.
You can give it to me right now.
Okay, great.
Okay, you're awesome.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
I'm not doubting that it goes on.
I mean, I've got stacks of admitted stuff.
And it's turned out a lot of people that folks thought were crazy, like that movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson, turns out he's not crazy.
You know, his stuff was really happening.
In a lot of cases, that is the case.
And, I mean, they're announcing.
They've got sound weapons, they've got microwave weapons, they've got resonance weapons.
Boston Globe last year came out and said, well, DARPA doesn't want to just scan your mind, they want to control it and put up towers to calm cities, you know.
So yes, it's a real science.
And yes, they are testing it.
A lot of folks that live near military bases and stuff, it has happened.
I mean, they're testing all kinds of stuff.
Let's go ahead, but I don't know about this particular person, don't even know him.
Let's talk to Alvin in Arkansas.
Alvin, go ahead.
Yes, good afternoon.
I've been listening to you for probably ten years.
Well, welcome to the show.
My problem is you left 5085 and I haven't been able to locate you since.
Except for here, and you're not on two hours, three hours, you're on two, and you're on 9.475.
I'm only getting two hours of you.
If you live in Colorado, we're on five radio stations.
Have you tried 1360?
That's wonderful.
The flagship station of the... Is that shortwave?
No, that's AM radio.
I won't be able to get you.
I'm going to have to have a shortwave number.
You're in Colorado, sir.
No, sir.
I'm in Arkansas.
Oh, I don't know.
I'm losing my mind.
The next caller's in Colorado.
I'm in the mountains of Arkansas.
I'm on one station in Arkansas.
I'm losing my mind here, because the next caller was Colorado.
Yeah, let me give you the frequencies.
You said you haven't been able to find me, but then you quoted me the frequency.
Yes, sir.
Because you're off an 085.
Yes, I went off that on purpose, yes.
So I need a new one on that.
Okay, well, during the day, the first two hours of the daytime show, first two hours of the daytime show, from 11 to 1 Central, are on 94.75.
And at night, from 10 to midnight, the second two hours, not the first hour, the second two hours, from 10 to midnight, are on 32.10, on your Global Shortwave.
I am a Kill Wave Operator by the way.
I'm a Ham License Operator.
And we wanted to cut some hours, and they said, no, you're either on six hours or none, basically, or we're going to double the price in our outreach.
And we just said, well, we're going to go to WWCR.
And people ask, well, why did you make the switch?
Well, I've been on that station six years, and just time for change.
And we're trying to get a first hour at night for you, because we know a lot of people want to be able to listen to that first hour.
Does that answer your question?
Okay, thank you for the call, Alvin.
I really appreciate it, and I understand your frustration, and we're sorry.
Let's go ahead and talk to John.
And, John, where are you calling us from today?
From Missouri.
Hey, Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
I'm a first-time caller, and I just started listening to you about two months ago, listening through the radio stations.
I found your station.
I used to listen to Rush and D. Gordon Liddy and some of those guys, but I don't listen anymore.
I'm hooked on your show.
Well, it's good to have you on board.
Well, thank you.
One question I have for you, though, is that since I've been listening, I've been telling friends of mine about your website and information that you've been putting out.
And a lot of them don't believe what I'm saying, a lot of the information that you're broadcasting.
And so I wanted to get one of your videotapes to show it to them and also to show it to my wife.
But I'm not sure, like, since we're all new to this, what's the best video to start with?
I would get them 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
Or, if they're interested in the occult, and are aware of that already, I'd get them Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Or, if they're concerned about the police state, something like Police State 2000.
The most advanced film we've got that covers the most subjects is Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Okay, so that would be okay to start with?
No, I wouldn't start with Police State 3.
Because that's the most complex and fast-moving, most jam-packed.
But probably the best produced would be Road to Tyranny, and so that's what people tend to like.
9-11 or Road to Tyranny.
And you know what?
You can watch clips of my videos for free and decide what you want to order.
I didn't know that.
And that's at PrisonPlanet.com.
But if they don't believe you, you can print off the Wall Street Journal today about the Pentagon sending troops around Austin.
I wasn't aware of that either.
Well, I mean, it's just every day, this stuff's pouring out.
You know, just every form of government crime and then no one's held accountable.
Well, I want to, cause you talk a lot about your tapes, so I wanted to definitely get one or two of those and start showing them to people I know because they think I'm crazy or something because I'm starting to tell them this.
And I'm telling them that there's plenty of documentation and your show does it.
And I tell them to go to your website and of course they don't do it.
It's good to wake up your friends and family, though people that know you, a prophet, is not accepted in his own country.
And that goes back to the fact that they think you're trying to put them down, they think you're trying to be elitist.
Or they're scared and want to ignore it.
A salesman will tell you it's easier to sell somebody you don't know than your own family.
Because also, with your own family, they're carrying baggage.
They see you.
Let's say it's your wife.
Well, she sees all the problems you have with her parents and siblings, and you see the problems you have with your parents and siblings.
You kind of project that on the other person.
It's very hard to sell friends and family on the truth.
It's very hard sometimes to sell your own people on it, but everybody else will see it.
I think you're right on that.
Hey Alex, thanks a lot for what you're doing.
I really appreciate it.
And I'll get the tape and I'll show it to as many people as I can.
Good to hear from you.
Keep it up.
And no, I'm not saying we're profits, folks.
I was using that as an analogy.
More calls, more news.
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Okay, I rarely do this, but John of Missouri hung up, got right back in, and wants to add one more point.
Go ahead, John.
Hey Alex, sorry to call right back, but one thing I meant to say was that I was listening last week, and I think it was last week, and the caller called in, and he was giving you a hard time about you weren't doing enough about what's going on or something like that.
Well, the caller wanted me to take up arms for him.
Yeah, that's right.
And I pointed out the pen is mightier than the sword.
We've got to wake people up.
That's right.
And I just wanted to make one comment on that.
I think what you're doing is a great job.
Someone has to go out and get the information out here, and it's up to people like us, the people you're getting it out to, to do something about it.
You can't possibly do that and do everything else and try to get everything going.
Other people have to take a responsibility and do something about it.
I really appreciate the call.
Take care.
I'll tell you what.
I want Jack and Lance and everybody else to hold, because I said I'd get to this news and I need to.
We've covered a lot of it today, but there's a whole stack of it here.
And I saw this in some of the local papers a few weeks ago.
And this has been going on for years.
I had special forces groups show up at several events we were at.
They were military personnel.
I had them, in a few occasions, tell me that.
I had them, on a few occasions, on one occasion, basically tell me, one of them, that when the time came, you know, that they were going to have to kill me.
So, that's the type of stuff we've got going on in America.
Oh, that was some new news for you.
You never heard that, did you?
That was about five years ago.
I always redouble my efforts when I'm threatened, though.
They've learned that.
What are they going to do?
Send me to heaven?
Yeah, I'm one of those crazies.
A Wall Street Journal.
Is the military creeping into domestic law enforcement?
The headline.
Well, they've said they're getting rid of posse comitatus.
Well, they did covertly, but now they're announcing it to you.
And a little-noticed side effect of the war on terrorism, and again, they had it all set up beforehand.
That's a joke.
The military is edging towards a sensitive area that has been off-limits to it historically.
Unless you're in Mexico or Russia.
Domestic intelligence gathering and law enforcement.
But see, it's an enemy, you know, it's them against the enemy mode.
See, we're the enemy now.
Several recent incidents involving the military have raised concern among students and civil rights groups.
One was a visit last month by an Army intelligence agent to an official, which is the whole class, of the University of Texas Law School in Austin.
The agent demanded a videotape of a recent academic conference at the school so that he could
Identify what he described as three Middle Eastern men who had suspicious remarks to army lawyers at the seminar.
And understand, they were in there telling us, I wasn't there, but I saved the American people, us, how great the global system is and how great the police state is.
I talked to folks that were there and read the news articles locally.
And then, the next day, the military shows up.
It was actually two guys.
One went in to band the tape.
Other went in and confronted the class.
He was taking photos of people.
According to the official, Susan Allman, the Dean of Student Affairs, and it goes, the Army, while not disrupting, I keep reading that wrong, the Army, while not disputing that the visit took place, declined to comment, saying the incident is under investigation.
Last year, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the nation's primary source of global maritime intelligence, demanded access to U.S.
Customs Service database on maritime trade, saying it needed information to thwart potential terrorist activity.
Customs officials initially resisted the Navy's demands, but eventually agreed to give Naval Intelligence much of what it wanted.
In an interview earlier this month, U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol, Border Protection Chief Robert C. Bonner said he shares data
Often, only after getting Navy assurance that the information won't be abused, Navy Spokesman John Spears says.
So it goes on to whitewash it.
And in another site of military interest in domestic information gathering, the Defense Intelligence Agency's new anti-terrorism task force is looking to share information with law enforcement officials in California and New York, according to an August 2003 General Accounting Office report.
Now again, through the Matrix system, that's the state-level federal NSA gathering point,
And through the purchases they get of all your grocery store records and purchase records and all that, through the private interfaces, through all these systems, they can already get it if the NSA or FBI or Navy wants it.
But the military now is interfacing in these drills and in these activities with police to openly just condition us that it's okay.
It's all cover of law.
And it goes on.
Historically, Americans haven't trusted the military to do domestic police work.
Well, they're designed to kill people and break things.
The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, passed in response to abuses by federal troops in the South of the Civil War, prohibits the use of the military to execute the laws of the U.S.
That's been widely interpreted as a ban on searching, arresting, or spying on U.S.
civilians by federal troops.
But the law has been violated, notably during the Vietnam War,
Waco, it goes on and on.
And the war on drugs.
Ship it in to create crisis.
We'll come back, get into more news.
Take your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, more calls coming up at 800-259-9231.
About to go to Jack and Lance and John and others.
Some of the other news we're going to get to concerns the escalation of the danger of World War III by the globalists and their policies and a recap of some top stories as well.
Right now, let's talk to Lance in Colorado.
Lance, go ahead.
Alex, I'm a new time listener, about four months.
Well, welcome!
Thank you very much.
I've been following a lot of your subjects and many other mediums from talk radio to the internet.
One subject I haven't heard you bring up, I'm curious about, is Nacera.
Oh, you must have missed it when I talk about it.
Okay, I apologize.
Oh no, you don't have to apologize.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Okay, I just am tracking it.
I think it's possible good news if it's not disinformation, another form of government disinformation, but it looks like
By the end of the month, mid-April, we might know if the Federal Reserve has been cut back from foreign bankers, absorbed into the U.S.
Treasury for one thing, and then number two, the current administration resigning for elections in 120 days!
Okay, for those that just joined us, about four years ago, somebody
put out a dossier report saying that Congress has secretly passed a bill reinstating the Bill of Rights and Constitution that in a few months everything would be fine and that it would all be restored, so relax.
And then a few months pass, nothing happened, and it's always a few months, a few months, a few months, a few months, a few months.
It is false.
It is a fraud.
I'm not saying you're bad for trying to investigate it, Lance.
But the government knows the average person, just me debunking it, will hear the government secretly pass something, and will now pass that on.
They're taking the Bill of Rights, they're passing Patriot 1 and 2, they're setting up FEMA camps, they're getting rid of the borders, they're gutting the dollar right in front of you, they're putting in the surveillance systems, and meanwhile about half the Patriots I talk to go, I don't have to do anything.
Either they're going to be raptured next week, or Nassara is going to save them.
I see.
Well Alex, that's what I wanted to hear is your take on it because
Uh, you are right on in so many ways.
But I can't, but I mean, understand, I'm not blaming you for bringing it up, because for the first, for the first year of this, Sarah, I looked at it, I researched it, and I knew automatically, you know, in a few months it was a fraud, just like you're having to learn it is, but then, I mean, over time, you talk to some people that just go, no, no, it's all, we're saved, we're saved!
And you just can't get it through to them that it's not the case.
I'd like to find out who put this hoax out.
I bet money it's the FBI.
Well, if some branch of the government, without a doubt, probably several that are doing the disinformation, pacification, whatever you want to call it, but it's more government
Lies and manipulation of the sheeple.
Yeah, I mean, there's a total looting and gutting going on right now.
I mean, in the real world, they ignore the Constitution that's already there.
I mean, they don't have to, quote, reinstate it.
You reinstate it by starting to follow it.
Hey, good to hear from you, Lance.
It's good to have you as a new listener.
God bless you.
Please spread the word about the show.
John in Texas, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is the first time I've called in, but I was with you at the welcoming committee at the Governor's Mansion for the Vincente Fox a little while ago.
Oh, that was a lot of fun, shutting down a speech with a bullhorn.
Yes, that reminded me of many years ago.
It was a lot of fun.
Listen, I was watching CNN Sunday night, and I haven't heard anybody say anything about this, and I haven't found anyone else who saw this, except for the guy I was with when we were watching it.
From somewhere between 9.15 and 9.30 Sunday night, it had a little on the ticker screen underneath the, you know, Mark Stewart.
Yeah, they got to, you know, the weather report or car goes off bridge, that's scrolling.
Yeah, it said UK and US finalizing plans for simultaneous five-day rehearsal.
Yeah, Al-Qaeda attack drill.
Yeah, of weapons of mass destruction attack.
Well, it was an Al-Qaeda weapons of mass... Yeah, I've got the article from Sunday, and I briefly covered it Monday.
I mentioned it.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I missed it.
Oh, no, no!
I mean, no, that's okay.
I just want folks to know we're on top of it.
And so when I speak on it, they know that I'm knowledgeable.
I'm not just, you know, hey, yeah, I know about that.
They've had thousands of drills.
It's about merging our governments, merging our systems, getting the program... All our federal programs now are the same.
They even have the same names.
And all these top-off and Urban Warrior and all these drills are to be sensitized and to test the nerve endings from the central nervous system to all areas of the body politic.
And yes, that big terror drill.
And we're drilling with the Russians and they're drilling against us and it's all part of this global escalation.
It simply touched my nerve endings when I read that, I'll tell you.
Well, I mean, what about it concerns you?
Well, you know, it's time to store water and get ready for five days of whatever they want to put us through as an alleged rehearsal.
And suppose it's not actually a rehearsal.
Well, again, England's passed the laws.
We've passed the laws.
Even the BBC had mentioned a martial law.
Rest and relocation camps and a new way of life we're all going to be under.
We may have to stay in these camps for years.
There'll be security.
The men are in one area.
The women are in others.
But you'll be able to see your children.
They're saying all of this.
If you're good, you'll be able to see them.
We've got insurgents.
And, you know, occasionally they'll shoot a military man in the back of the head who speaks out and claim terrorists killed him.
I mean, this is a hellish system of rape and murder and open evil everywhere we're about to enjoy.
If they activate it, and I know that sounds, you know, extreme to some, but that's the norm in history.
Yes, it certainly is.
Well, I want to thank you for all of your efforts and everything you're doing, and I just hadn't heard you mention it.
Apparently you did, and
I want you to keep up the good work, and we're praying for you, and we'll pray for America.
Well, thanks a lot.
Yeah, America needs it.
Well, I guess we need to change our hearts and change America.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm surprised God hasn't already rolled the earth up in a little ball and thrown it in the trash can.
One last caller, then I'm going to just blitz through news the last 18 minutes.
Ralph in Rhode Island.
Go ahead, sir.
How are you doing, Alex?
You're doing a fine, fine job here in Rhode Island.
ARL is doing a fine job.
We're going to see your Bohemian Grove movie coming up at the end of the month.
Yeah, I think what, once a month the radio station at the Castle Movie Theater shows Bohemian Grove, or shows a different video.
Outstanding, and you do a fine job by letting them do that.
I just have one quick comment about passing on information and
A good way to do it is amateur radio.
I've been a radio operator for about 12 years now, and I would encourage most people to go out and get their license and learn about radio because it's a real, real good defense mechanism.
Well, it's a way to talk to people across the planet with 100 watts of power.
You got it, buddy.
Out of your car, too.
I mean, you know, you can keep in touch.
If you're being attacked down there in Arizona, I'm not going to find out
Uh, about it from my local news.
I mean, even a CB, you know, you can get it out to truck drivers if you're surrounded, they're putting out lies.
You can tell the truck drivers to call the media and give them a message.
Uh, they can turn your cell phone off, but they can't turn your ham radio set off.
No, and it's real easy to get your license now.
It's five words a minute to get your HF license.
It's free and I would encourage most... And by five words a minute, you mean Morse code.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
They cut it down from 13.
Down to five, so they're basically giving it away.
Yeah, my uncle's real good at all that stuff.
He's been a ham operator forever, you know.
We were sitting there when the Murrow building, you know, from here to Nevada, from Rhode Island to Nevada, we'd have Bragg Chew Sessions and Flight 800.
When that went down, we were all on the air.
It was incredible.
The speed and accuracy of ham radio is just way, way underrated.
I'll tell you... Well, to give people an example, the government's emergency backup system isn't satellites.
It isn't.
No, it's shortwave radio.
HF, yep.
And if you can talk to somebody with 100 watts across the planet, that's why we've got 100,000 watts on WWCR.
There you go.
And I'll tell you something, your buzzword throughout 80 meters at night,
3.950 megahertz.
Oh, everyone's talking about you.
Oh, on 3210?
Uh, no.
We transmit 3.850 to 3.950.
No, I understand.
So you guys are talking about the show there.
Well, that's wonderful.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Up in Rhode Island.
And, you know, I'm thankful.
to 1320 for carrying the show and I'm glad they're showing the videos up there at movie theaters and I pulled it sold out last time so that's good.
We want to support that movie theater and the radio station.
I hope you guys all go to it this time.
Okay, let me just go through the news here.
There's so much of it because then I want to recap some top stories from earlier.
Japan cabinet okays war contingencies.
This from the Associated Press.
Japan's cabinet endorsed a set of proposals Tuesday to respond to a foreign attack and other emergencies by tightening coordination with the U.S.
military, boasting the powers of Japanese forces, and evacuating citizens.
The package, which will now move to Parliament, is a follow-up to landmark legislation passed last June, expanding the military's ability to fight back if Japan is invaded, the first such law since the end of World War II.
Now, they got A-bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and again, they've got the psychopathic, hereditary dictator.
Never a good sign when daddy's son becomes a leader in Syria or the U.S.
or North Korea.
And he's been threatening to nuke Japan.
He's fired two missiles that we know of that plunged into the ocean, miles from the coast, threatening them.
And our government, Donald Rumsfeld, helped arm them with the nuclear weapons.
That's public.
So again, this is part of the escalation.
This is part of the proliferation.
You know, authorizing Pakistan to arm everybody.
The globalists want war out of that crisis.
They get their world government.
This is out of Space War News.
And it says, North Korea says U.S.
talks to prepare for war ahead of drills.
It's just horrible, folks.
Morgan facing heat of Patriot Act.
This is out of CNN Money.
Manhattan District Attorney has asked banking regulators to examine documents from the recent criminal conviction of an unlicensed money transfer operation to determine whether J.P.
Morgan Chase & Co.
or its predecessor banks violated Know Your Customer Rules Tuesday, Wall Street Journal reported.
So J.P.
Morgan might be in trouble for not tattling on all their customers and reporting it immediately to the Feds, which the banks and basically most businesses do now.
You've all heard about how the Patriot Act goes into the libraries and gets the library records.
And then Limbaugh says, Librarians are all liberals!
Are you a liberal?
As if it has anything to do with it.
But no one wants to ever talk about Barnes & Noble, Borders, all that.
If you're paying with a credit card, it's been in the news, folks.
That's going to the government.
The government comes in, demands it.
Also, Borders wanted to put face-scanning cameras in to track you.
It was a big protest, so they backed off.
Now I hear they're about to do it again.
I mean, this is deadly serious, people.
This isn't a joke.
So you thought it had to do with tariffs?
It's everything.
Sending emails to people, selling pot, popless bars, they've all been charged.
Speaking of proliferating and arming the enemy so they can then have World War III and get power out of it, Pakistan tests long-range missile, EBC.
Pakistan has tested a nuclear-capable missile which could hit targets deep in neighboring India.
And again, we helped arm China, who then helped arm Pakistan.
Russian-NATO joint military exercises begin today.
It's out of the People's Daily, out of China.
Under the auspices of the Russian-NATO Council, the first joint command and staff drill and theater anti-missile defense will be held on March 8th through 12th at Colorado Springs National Complex in the United States.
Our little Russian buddies.
And it says the drill is to check the efficiency of the joint experimental concept operations prepared by the Russian-NATO Council and act out Operation Interaction NATO Press Services said.
So to make sure when they have some type of staged
Uh... staged war uh... that uh... everybody will basically uh... you know things will get out of control and yes it's it's staged people.
It's that big.
I mean look at the presidential election.
Skull on the left, skull on the right.
Take your choice of the skulls.
Global Nightmare, Saving the Lost, World Net Daily.
When I first heard of the Lost, Law of the Sea Treaty, it sounded like a bad plot from a science fiction movie.
In the 60s and 70s, when the United Nations Organization had led a series of conferences on the Law of the Sea, most considered the idea too weird to be taken seriously.
However, this maritime nightmare is about to become a reality.
...was hatched by a group of internationalists who want to give the United Nations control of 7 tenths of Earth's surface area.
It creates an international seabed authority to regulate the vast oceans and everything that happens beneath these waters, as well as everything that travels above or below the surface.
And by the way, all over the U.S.
they're making offshore fishermen have GPS, be tracked, all part of the U.N.
The global corporations use it to take things into receivership.
That's all the U.N.
is, and that's what this does.
We'll break, come back, get more into this, hit a few other top stories, recap some top news as well.
Before I end this segment, though,
I want to remind every listener that we need your support.
But number one, these videos are very well produced.
They're waking people up.
90% of those that see the films are waking up.
So why would you not get the videos?
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Get the other books and videos by Eric Huffschmid and all these other great people.
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Or again, 1-888-253-3139.
People are very receptive right now.
They know stuff's crazy.
They know they're losing their freedoms.
They need to know the specifics.
Help us defeat the New World Order.
Get off the bench.
Get in the game.
The ball's in your court.
We'll be back with the final segment.
Stay with us.
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That's right folks, DVD.
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Mel Gibson has a big security detail around him now because of death threats and people throwing blood at him.
Enchanting anti-Semite in New York.
The Italian actor who's played 20 major roles has got a bunch of security around him.
The film has made over 220 million dollars, which I think is a good thing.
I mean, at least it's a lot more wholesome than most stuff Hollywood puts out.
And so that's a few comments on that.
Got a bunch of stuff here.
Global Nightmare, the Law of the Sea Treaty, are lost.
In addition, it would, for the very first time, create a revenue stream for the United Nations.
Our government already does that.
And they go and steal from the countries they're in, so don't know.
They already have their own stream.
And give the onerous international bureaucrats true interdependence from its member nations.
They already suck off Iraq and stuff.
Don't think they... Under the lost, the United Nations would have the power to tax and even
Every type of sea-going vessel, as well as any type of ocean research and exploration, in fact, would give the United Nations absolute control of these activities.
How would the U.N.
exercise this control?
It would persuade member nations to provide safe keepers, or sea keepers, to do its bidding.
However, if that would fail, with its own revenue stream, the U.N.
would be free to recruit and maintain its own standing army of paid international enforcers.
Many believe it would do it and control the great seas and the oceans of the world.
You control the world.
If you control the sea.
And it's about to be passed.
And Bush is... Now it's back up and Bush may sign it.
So that's the news there.
Applied Digital Solutions, your implantable microchip trunk company, a bunch of them are doing it, but it's kind of a water bearer for it, is to acquire Outer Link Corp., a leader in satellite tracking and mobile satellite data communication systems.
And they're also moving into a bunch of other stuff, so that's for the implantable trackable beast system.
Very, very interesting that we see all of this starting to unfold.
There were 8.6 million plastic surgeries last year in the U.S.
I mean, plastic surgery is a great thing if it's somebody who's deformed or got a problem, but what does it say about us when we've had
Eight and a half million of them.
I mean, what does that say about the society as a whole that we're involved in this level of body modification?
I don't know.
And the weird thing is that a lot of them are men doing it now.
But who knows?
I mean, maybe when I'm 60 years old I'll want a facelift.
I just can't imagine it though.
Also, Aristide has said he's suing the U.S.
and others.
He's to sue U.S.
and France.
He says, yes, I was kidnapped.
Yes, I had a gun put to my head.
Our government just says, no, no, that's not true.
No, no, that's not true.
No, no, that's not true.
But then all the witnesses say they saw it happen.
So, he's to bring criminal charges against the U.S.
and now they're just, it's just amazing.
Also, former Shell chairman was told of reserve issues.
The Austin Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell Group was warned of possible overstatements in the oil titans petroleum reserve two years ago before he publicly disclosed them to people familiar with the situation called the Wall Street Journal.
And it just gets into some of the scams that are running.
I hope you enjoy the really high oil prices because they're training you to accept those high levels.
We're talking about $2.50 nationwide by this summer.
Four bucks in California.
Hope you enjoy things out there.
We're out of time for this edition.
Unfortunately, we got the most of it.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, Central Standard Time.
And yes, coming up Thursday night, Friday morning, I'm going to be on for a couple hours on George Norrie's Coast to Coast AM.
That should be interesting.
And right here in Austin, I'll be on for three hours Thursday morning on KLBJ morning show.
So that should be very interesting as well.
But again, to all of you, God bless you for your concern.
And thank you for standing up against the New World Order.
Take care.
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