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Name: 20040308_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 8, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, it is Monday.
Already the 8th day.
Of March 2004, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours and on many Mondays we have a regular guest, Paul Joseph Watson, to go over the global news with us.
He'll be joining us in an hour and a half midway through the broadcast.
We'll also have wide open phones throughout the show and especially for that first hour and a half, we'll go to your calls early in this first hour.
Any news item that came up over the weekend
The conviction of Martha Stewart.
More bombings in Iraq.
Lord Bush meeting with Lord Fox.
We'll talk about Warren Buffett saying that the economy's going to plunge even further.
He thinks it's real funny.
He's doubled his money because Lord Rothschild, and when I say Lord Rothschild, I mean that's his real title.
Lord Rothschild gives him all the inside info.
Has him and Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others in his hip pocket.
Big show lined up for you, toll free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
I'm sure you've heard that federal grants are going to make all children in all public schools drug test.
As they ship the narcotics in, try to put your children on prescription drugs that are as deadly or more deadly than illegal drugs.
They'll also test your children and have lots of false positives, but you won't have the $100,000 to defend against the CPS and the police.
So it's a great new system.
Here's a new one from Education World.
Using satellites to track wandering students, the schools don't just want
You need a thumb scan to get on the school bus, thumb scan to get your school lunch, wear an ID card, be frisked, live behind fences, automatic locking ceiling doors like a prison is a prison.
Now they want the children and the feds agree to start wearing ankle bracelets.
To start wearing, well, what criminals wear, training you how to be a good slave.
And the cars are going to have cameras.
You'll have to swipe your national ID card.
And the kids are all going to be used to it.
This is the new system.
Explosions rock center of Baghdad.
We'll get to that.
More finger scans coming to the market.
Naples Daily News.
It says, oh yeah, to go anywhere, bank, shop, everything, you'll have to thumb scan.
It's so wonderful mainstream news.
Buffett warns on dollar and greed.
Again, his own greed.
Berkshire Hathaway profit doubles with their inside info.
And also, scientist claims proof of afterlife from News 5.
Scientist, mainstream scientist, proof of afterlife.
We'll get to that.
detaining 10,000 Iraqis.
This New York Times article was chilling.
They talk about men disappearing, children disappearing, no rights being tortured.
It's just no big deal.
It's what needs to happen.
It's good.
It's a good thing.
So we'll go over that.
Disappearing, kind of like what Alexander Shultz and Itza talked about.
Bush, in fact it says that some towns are just empty of men.
Oldest man you'll find in the town would be a ten year old boy.
That's in the New York Times article, and they act like they're just talking about, again, the weather report or something, or, you know, a cheese contest, or a chili contest.
It's like, oh, how to bake your cake, how to roast your turkey, and disappear, never again seen.
Bush campaign says it won't pull its 9-11 ads.
I don't know.
Lots of Bush standing on top of rubble that his bosses created, and lots of bullhorning and how he's going to get the terrorists in your liberties, of course.
Iraqis agreed on a new constitution.
Listen to this BBC headline.
Iraq's U.S.
appointed government has signed an interim constitution at a landmark ceremony in Baghdad.
By the way, it has lots of flowery statements, but I've looked at the constitution.
Total police state.
Something right out of the Soviet Union.
And they all get national ID cards, too.
Of course, vaccinations, everything.
We'll get into Stewart.
Martha Stewart.
It's all coming up boys and girls.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right.
I'm going to cover news for the next 13 and a half minutes.
Then we'll go to break.
We'll come back, go straight to your calls.
The toll-free number to join us on air
is 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231.
Our regular contributor to cover a plethora, a cornucopia, a wide range of key news and analysis, Paul Watson, the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, will join us in the second hour.
So that is coming up.
And you don't want to miss it.
It's like halfway into the second hour for the balance of the show.
Might as well get this out of the way now.
I got an unexpected contact a few weeks ago from George Norrie's producer.
You know, that's one of the biggest, arguably the third largest radio show in the country.
You know, 500 and something radio stations.
And they want me on there to talk about concentration camps and Bohemian Grove.
And I have to tell you that George Norrie, I mean, I've been looking at the guests they've been having on.
I mean, it's just one after the other about the New World Order and 9-11 and the globalists carrying it out.
So you do have to commend them for having that type of courage.
I guess the cat's out of the bag now, so the establishment will allow some of these bigger shows to come out with it.
I mean, I've said it many times that my show's gotten a bit passe.
I mean, I was pretty radical six, seven, eight years ago talking about how they were going to put implantable microchips in all the children.
Now it's on the nightly news.
I mean, I was talking about concentration camps five, six years ago, but now it's
Out on the nightly news, how wonderful it is!
So I guess it's just time for everyone to learn about this.
But I do commend the show, and I'm going to be on there Thursday night, that is, Friday morning.
So that'll certainly be interesting for everybody out there.
Because I've been on national TV shows.
I've been on Good Morning America, 2020, The Conspiracy Zone,
I've been on, you know, C-SPAN, and we can track the website.
TV viewers aren't really responsive.
I mean, I'll go on Good Morning America and plug my website twice and get 25,000 extra hits that morning.
I mean, that's nothing.
You know, some days we've gotten 300,000 hits an hour, just from the grassroots out there.
So I gauge that.
But going on these syndicated radio shows, and I've never been on Coast to Coast, but going on syndicated radio shows, we might get, you know, 500,000 hits.
And this thing will be the biggest radio show I've ever been on.
I think we're going to get millions, which is great.
Millions of people going and finding out the truth and going past conspiracy theory into reality and facing the facts.
So that's Thursday night, Friday morning.
We'll just thank God for opening that opportunity up because I want to reach people.
It's so important.
Okay, my friends, let's launch straight into the news, then we'll go to break and come back with your calls again at 1-800-259-9231.
Using satellites to track wandering students.
Again, using satellites to track wandering students.
This is Education World, the educator's best friend, the leading education website.
Losing a child, especially in a crowded, unfamiliar place, is very
Parent and teacher's nightmare.
And a concern during field trips.
Now a new wristwatch-sized global positioning system receiver allows students to be tracked and located in minutes, including tips on how to use global positioning system technologies in schools.
And they go on to say it's not just for field trips.
We want the children to wear these in the schools.
Again, training them how to be prisoners.
And I've got the article here.
Where, you remember two weeks ago, Bush in his weekend radio address said we need to drug test all the children, and I'm giving the federal funds out to do this, and suddenly school districts are all announcing, oh, we're going to drug test everyone, and they're going to walk around the class with these little tissue swabs, not just demanding urine or blood, which some schools are doing, but just swabbing the fingers, or swabbing the lips, and, I mean, prisoner behavior!
You are prisoners!
And so they'll make good members of the society.
And then there's this article.
It's not just for the children.
They're just a captive audience, training them how to be wards of the state.
More finger scans coming to market.
Biometric devices, which confirm identification by measuring biological or behavioral features, have been a staple of police work in science fiction movies for decades.
Yeah, part of the conditioning.
They had biometrics back in the 60s, folks.
Now they're moving into the everyday world of airports, workplaces, and corner markets.
In the future, expect to see them at cash registers, allowing customers to pay for goods as well.
No ATM card or wallet needed.
Oh, no ATM or card needed?
You're going to have to thumb scan!
Well, we have to do this because we don't have checkout clerks anymore, and so we've got to make sure you haven't stolen the card, and we've got to make sure you pay your sales tax.
Plus, the sales tax will be higher for wealthy Americans, for poor people, no sales tax.
So, this is how you make sure that you're not cheating when you don't have to pay the tax.
See how this is going to work?
The most common biometrics measured in fingerprints, but some devices also identified based on the retinal or iris scan, a face, or voice.
Biometrics promises identities that promoters claim are virtually impossible to steal, impersonate, or misplace.
And it goes into how the grocery stores and everything from Safeway to Piggly Wiggly to H-E-B to Kroger's to the banks to the pizza places to the hair salons, just everything.
It says after initial enrollment you can return without identification, place a finger on the scanner and pull up your identification on a monitor for the cashier and cash a check.
The account information is stored at the
Somebody headquarters, and they tell you, and not share with others according to biopay.
Which is a total lie.
They have this news piece last year, and it goes, H-E-B at Houston and College Station has been thumb scanning people when they buy their food for years, but don't worry, it doesn't store your fingerprint and doesn't go to a police database.
They're laser scanning your finger, keeping a record of it, and they show the owner of the company,
The CEO of Biometric Access, north of Austin and Round Rock, and he gets up there and he says, Oh, no, no, no, no.
We don't store an image of your thumb.
We store a template of numbers.
Well, what do you think computer data is?
A photo that's on your computer screensaver of, say, dolphins jumping around in the Pacific Ocean.
Folks, that is nothing more than zeros and ones arrayed and then put back together.
So with that lawyer answer, he was telling the truth.
Oh, we don't store the image of your thumb.
We just store some zeros and ones in a template.
Yeah, which they hit a button and it comes back up, and of course it's hooked in with the police.
That's admitted, because then I go in
This is in Police State 3 total enslavement, by the way.
I then go into H-E-B and talk to the employee and she goes, oh yeah, it's hooked in with the state police, we check it against that.
Of course it is!
We already knew that!
But just the blatant lying, saying the police don't look at it, and then saying that, oh, you don't actually have any thumbprints, just numbers.
I mean, incredible!
And the average person watches that.
So it really is a lie, even though you could, in a lawyer fashion, say it was the truth.
Uh, really scary talking about the economy here.
Buffett warns on dollar and greed, London Independent Warren Buffett, the American investment guru and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has issued a fresh warning over the way the U.S.
is deluged the world with dollars to fund its huge trade deficit.
Now understand, he's an insider.
He's Arnold Schwarzenegger's handler.
He's an agent of Lord Rothschild, publicly.
And people say, how does he always know the inside information?
Well, why do senators on average make 12% more than any other investors in the stock market?
Inside information.
Berkshire Hathaway profit doubles Warren Buffett.
Blasted mutual fund companies, attacked greedy chief executives, and revealed he was loading up on foreign currency as his holding company.
Berkshire Hathaway said profit nearly doubled in 2003.
The world's second wealthiest person.
He's not even as rich as the Bushes, folks.
He's low-level rich, so we know his wealth, like Gates and others.
The world's second wealthiest person in his annual letter to shareholders, released on Saturday, said by the end of 2003, Berkshire held positions in five foreign currencies totaling $12 billion.
Obama said he began investing in foreign currency for the first time in 2002 as a result of the widening U.S.
trade deficit.
Well, I told you to go into Euros.
Let me see, we got shows saved back to four years on the network website.
Four years ago, because that's as far back as we've got, I told you to invest in the Euro.
And it was because these globalists love to brag.
The Davos Economic Forum bragged four years ago that we're going to drive down the dollar and bring up Europe and teach these Americans not to live out of their means.
Ha ha ha!
But of course, none of that, those shilling statements by Greenspan and others, is just an unwritten rule that those were in the European papers, but not in Money and Fortune and CNN Money, and not in the Wall Street Journal.
You just didn't get that!
You were told how wonderful it all was, and there's this company called Enron.
Wink, wink.
It's the place to invest.
Wink, wink.
Let us give you the advice on where to invest, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is all by design and Warren Buffett is a disgusting creature.
By the way, on 9-11, where was Warren Buffett?
Where was Warren Buffett?
Well, he was up in Nebraska.
We'll tell you what he was doing on 9-11 and who dropped by to give him a visit.
A lot of people drop by to give them a visit.
We'll come back, talk about that, go to your calls.
A ton of other news.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
Alright, my friends.
Where was Warren Buffet?
On the morning of September 11th.
He was up at Offutt Air Force Base.
In Nebraska, meeting with an un-numbered group, that is, we don't know if some of the people were there, dozens and dozens of prominent CEOs, including about half the CEOs of major companies that just so happen to work in the two World Trade Centers, they were all there for, quote, some secret meeting that began at about seven in the morning, that is,
Mountain time, even before the aircraft started hitting the buildings, and then Lord Bush, who we now know had actually been watching the first building on fire from the green room of the public school, then got word of the second plane, walked out, read his little story, acted like he just got the news, walked out, flew to Louisiana, and then from there to the Air Force Base for a closed-door meeting with the CEOs and Warren Buffett.
Very interesting!
And then, of course, Warren Buffett was already playing footsie with Lord Schwarzenegger.
And on September 24, 2002, they traveled to meet at Lord Jacob Rothschild's home.
And he is Lord Jacob Rothschild.
I'm not adding the Lord thing to be sarcastic, as I normally do.
And they helped set up his whole gubernatorial run to continue the looting.
Because if we would have gotten a real conservative in California, we might have been able to save that state, but they sent Arnold in to make sure the gates stayed open here at Midas Territh as the enemies of Mordor, that is, the enemy of Mordor poured through the gates.
Arnold's a giant cave troll, you know, holding open the gates as the hordes pour in, as he laughs and giggles at everyone.
And that's basically what Bush is doing with Vicente Fox this weekend.
All Americans will be thumb scanned and face scanned and thumb scanned to buy food and get into grocery stores or get into amusement parks, and we'll all wear RFID badges and all of this, but the illegals, they won't have to do any of it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ron in Michigan.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Nice to hear you.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Yeah, I got a point of contention with you about a month ago.
I was at a meeting Michael Moore had in Grand Rapids, and I personally can't stand the guy.
And I needed one of your bullhorns.
I got going at him.
And the point of contention I got is,
You quoted a number on the number of inmates in the United States at six million or something like that before?
Yeah, it's seven and a half million.
He said two million, and that got me going.
And so my girlfriend's a sociology professor.
She pulled out books and everything that has a two million figure on it.
And I'd like to know where you got your numbers, you know.
Well, I got it off of Associated Press articles and news stories on TV.
The problem is with statistics, the general statistics, is that when Bill Clinton left office there were 1.3 million people in prison.
There are now 7 million people behind bars and several million more who are on parole.
And I've gotten those numbers off television, out of news articles,
Those are the latest numbers.
Usually sociologists and people are working off two three-year-old data and I mean I wouldn't get up here and say it was seven million of it if I hadn't seen that number and I know that the population has grown geometrically I don't have it here in front of me but no it is I know this it's well over two million.
Oh I know it is too.
But you say her books now I mean a textbook
It's usually pretty old.
Because by the time it gets written, approved, and bought, then printed, then sent out, and then it's using data usually three years old on top of that, it actually sounds like a pretty modern textbook if it's only got three year old data in it.
But the latest numbers I've seen, I mean a whole bunch of times,
On the news, in print, is you see between six and eight million.
I don't, so I just say seven million.
I've seen a lot of the numbers saying seven and a half million.
I know this, they're building prisons everywhere.
They're all over Texas.
There are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people in prison in Texas.
I mean just look at the numbers and remember a lot of times you'll hear federal inmate population or state inmate population or well now there's all these counties have detention centers where people stay for years.
So it's just massive jail populations.
But does that answer your question?
Pretty much Alex, yeah.
Thank you very much.
You want to talk more about it?
Because I'm trying, I mean I don't know how I can help you.
I really don't know either.
I had to read those articles.
You bet.
You bet.
Perhaps I'll ask my webmasters to go dig it up with Google and post it on the websites for you.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Yeah, I get, uh, occasional questions about my prison population numbers.
And all I can say is, is that sitting here, right now, on the air, I mean, I say Warren Buffett says the dollar's gonna plunge further, and that we're evil, we've been greedy, so we deserve this, that's the whole European line, while he greedily doubles his money on it.
And somebody may later ask me, you know, well, when did Warren Buffett say that?
And I'll go, uh, and I'll probably remember Reuters.
And it's posted on the site.
I mean, I have no doubt that all over Infowars.com and the archives, you can use the search engine on the site.
Just type in, you know, 7 million prison population and links should pop up that have hyperlinks off the stories.
So, I mean, I'm not surprised Michael Moore is saying our prison population is 2 million.
Because, you know, the guy doesn't do much research.
He just
Basically goes off other people's work and then puts a leftist spin on it and says socialism is the solution.
So those are just old numbers.
I mean I wish the prison population was 2 million.
I have read many reports here and on air over the years watching it grow from 1.3 to 2 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 and in just the last few years it's gone over 7 million.
Same system there.
It's the same system you see in Communist China, Russia, all of it.
In fact, we have more people in this country than they do in China and Russia.
Now, that's on paper.
China doesn't count the public schools built onto firework factories and Walmart textile factories and Target textile factories and Hitachi television factories.
They don't count that as
Prison labor, because you're just all prisoners under that system.
But it's so classic to have Warren Buffett then criticize America as he's part of those designing this controlled looting.
And Warren Buffett, the American investment guru and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has issued a fresh warning over the way the U.S.
is deluging the world with the dollars to fund its huge trade deficit.
Now that's one reason the dollar
It's going down as they've had those machines running at overtime.
And the average person doesn't know that their dollar's been devalued by about 45% now.
Got up a few points in the last few weeks.
45% from where it was almost two years ago.
In his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, the world's second wealthiest man says the consequences of this could be troublesome, reaching far beyond the currency markets.
He also discloses that Berkshire is loading up with foreign currency to offset its exposure to the dollar, but also loading up on gold and silver.
Prevailing exchange rates will not lead to a material
Let up in our trade deficit.
So, whether foreign investors like it or not, they will continue to be flooded with dollars, Mr. Buffett writes.
Very serious.
And you've got them dancing on our grave.
Opening the borders, more illegals, drive down the wages further.
This is the race to the bottom.
And it's very sad.
I'm going to go back to your calls and we'll get into
detaining 10,000 Iraqis.
Scientists claim proof of afterlife.
A bunch of really important news.
Right now, let's go to Rick in North Dakota.
Rick, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How you doing?
You had the Grand Prix on a while back?
Yes, Colonel Don the Grand Prix.
Yeah, I didn't quite get the whole thing.
He said that the planes were remotely controlled into the drink?
Yeah, that's the clear evidence we have, yes.
Okay, now, Flight 93 was basically remotely controlled too, right?
Uh, yes.
Then I'm just trying to figure out why did they shoot it down?
I mean, who was... Well, yeah, he made that clear.
Uh, the base general exercises his own authority and had it shot down.
They were still being ordered to stand down.
Okay, so basically, what I'm trying to figure out is...
Here's what happened.
They had knockout gas on the real planes.
Yeah, I believe that.
Then they had mock-up military planes.
And by the way, this isn't just me.
It's the London Telegraph.
It's big Spanish papers.
You blow up these planes, they're not the planes they claim.
And it's got some weird belly thing on it that's on no commercial airliner of that type.
It goes on and on.
Okay, so they shot it down just to put credence into the fact that Arabs hijacked the plane.
Is that why they shot it down?
I don't know.
I mean, that's what a lot of people have speculated.
The colonel says that they were going to let that thing fly into the Capitol or into the White House, but that the general just gave the order to shoot it down.
So basically the general, he knew something was up.
Dick Cheney was on loudspeakers ordering everyone around in all the bunkers.
That's admitted.
But they've classified what he said.
But I've talked to people who are lawyers for these military men.
It was Cheney saying, stand down, stand down.
So the general basically
Well, for those that just joined us, this isn't said from speculation, and it's covered in the films, it's covered in news articles on the websites.
Um, that, you know, all four of the planes, two separate companies, United American, had exactly, exactly 20% occupancy on a day that was running over 80% occupancy.
Um, we, uh, some numbers say 90% depending on what news article you've got there on the Eastern Seaboard.
Um, so magically, they all just have 20% occupancy.
And then at the same time we have Operation Northwoods where it talks about having military people get on a fake plane, have it fly somewhere in land, let the actors off, blow up a military drone where everybody can see it, and then claim that everyone on board was killed.
Now that's an official U.S.
government plan.
And then you start adding all the other facts into this, that's the picture we've got.
But instead of
But instead of just having military people stage that they got on the aircraft, you actually have the computers, quote, malfunction, the airlines only book 20% on all four of the flights, and thinking I guess we wouldn't notice that, and then they nerve gas the people on board, it remote controls to its destination.
Yeah, that sounds pretty ruthless.
I mean, and then people say, well, there's no such thing as remote control aircraft.
I mean, they've been having fighter jet drones fly around for 30 years for missile target practice.
You know, the oldest Kennedy sign got killed flying a fighter plane following a B-17 loaded with explosives into Germany.
And we had attack drones that were attacking the Germans.
They had their flying bombs, their V-1s, their V-9s.
Yeah, well one thing's for sure is those ain't planes hittin' those towers.
So, well, okay, thanks for the call.
Those aren't commercial jetliners, because they are planes hitting the towers.
But understand that there was no video of the first plane.
Until we later find out that these French crew covering the fire department had gotten the one plane.
And you watch it, and there's an explosion in the building before the plane even hits, if you watch it frame by frame.
So the explosives.
And it's a small plane.
And all the witnesses who survived said, oh yeah, a small plane.
And you look at that video, it is a smaller commuter plane.
It's not the big plane they claim.
Now that's just a fact, folks.
It's like Larry Silverstein, the owner, getting on TV and saying we blew up WTC 7 that afternoon.
Have you seen any other news articles about it?
Have you heard of any investigations over it concerning it?
It's just right out there in plain view.
Uh, Drew in Texas.
Drew, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
You bet.
Um, yes, I saw your 9-11 Road to Tyranny and Matrix of Evil last night with a friend, and, uh, both of them are excellent videos.
Well, thank you.
Uh, did you see in the Statesman the article on the front page about, uh, Colin Bones and, uh, Bush and Kerry?
No, I saw it on the rack and for some reason didn't read the headlines, but I did see their two ugly faces.
By the way, I have the Associated Press article.
They're not 16th cousins, they're not 3rd cousins now, because we don't know what's true.
Now they're ninth cousins and they're all related, both ninth cousins, to Hugh Hefner.
And Hugh Hefner gave an interview about it.
And for those that don't know, he's the porno magnet.
Oh yeah.
So, I mean, so what do the statesmen here locally say?
How it's no big deal and just accept... Yeah, just hide in plain sight, you know.
How they have strange names like Beelzebub and
Oh, Kerry had some kind of a name about how he's real tall.
You know, really strange, bizarre names they give each other.
Yeah, they have names like Power Demon, Lost Child, Fire Breather, Temporaries, what Bush has got, Beelzebub, Satan, Baphomet, a lot of devil names.
Very Christian, very, very Christian.
Yeah, really.
Oh, I was just wondering... So wait a minute, the article admitted the Beelzebub stuff.
Right, yeah, it mentioned Beelzebub by name.
I was wondering if, you know, like other big universities, Harvard, Stanford, UT, Cambridge, do they have these secret societies and what some of the names are of them?
Yes, most of the big ones do.
You notice it's Chapter 322.
And, of course, people say, well, no, that means, you know, that's the first book of the Bible, 3-2-2, the devil saying, I'll give you everlasting life.
Well, anything with a real occult, they don't put a symbol out unless it has multiple meanings.
Normally triple meanings.
Triple, or six, or nine.
And obviously 322 has triple meanings.
Let me answer your question.
It's a mathematical equation.
It obviously talks about Genesis.
And it's the chapter.
And we have German Chancellors and others talking about how they have their own ritualistic groves.
I was going to ask you about that.
Do they have Bohemian groves in say Germany, England, France, Australia, Japan and what not?
Yes, according to German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, yes they do.
That's the point I was making.
Let me give people an example here.
Remember Francois Mitterrand?
Oh yeah.
He died of prostate cancer a few years ago?
Um, vaguely, yeah.
He was the German, I mean the French president?
Okay, now Francois Miron, are you familiar with the Louvre?
Oh yeah, it's the art gallery.
It's the biggest art museum in the world, and there's four of them there, all on four tips of the compass.
Uh, laid out, and, uh, there's giant obelisks everywhere, huge pentagrams, huge, uh, Illuminati statues with women holding torches, uh, you know, Statue of Liberty's really a man in drag.
Uh, that's a, it's a deep Illuminati symbol.
Uh, the, uh, the, uh, there was an American, uh, architect, uh, who a decade ago built that giant gold pyramid out front of the Louvre.
Did you hear about that?
Uh, yeah, vaguely.
Okay, because it made a lot of the French real mad, because it doesn't match the classical architecture.
Now, it's 71 feet tall, and that has its own occult calculations.
It's above the underground entrance to the Louvre, one of the main entrances, and guess how many pieces of glass are in it?
I'm sure you'll tell me.
Well, Francois Mitterrand was known as the Sphinx.
By the French people.
Just type in Francois Mitterrand, the Sphinx, and in a search engine it'll pop up.
Do you know why the French called him the Sphinx?
Because he was obsessed with the pharaohs.
He believed he was a pharaoh.
He was obsessed with everlasting life.
He was obsessed with the Light Bearer.
Now this is all public.
He put Sphinxes and Obelisks up.
There were already a bunch.
All over Paris and all over France, costing hundreds of millions of francs, and then he paid for this gold pyramid.
It has six hundred and sixty-six pieces of glass.
He demanded that it have six hundred and sixty-six pieces of glass.
But again, we're weird because we report that they're members of organizations where they're called Beelzebub and they lay in coffins and worship Satan.
We're weird because we report
They pay for gold pyramids with 666 pieces of glass.
We're weird because we report they go to Bohemian Grove and engage in Moloch worship.
Yeah, yeah.
Are you familiar with a local creature named Terry Logan?
No, I'm not.
I appreciate your call.
I'm not going to get into local creatures here on the air.
Let's go ahead and talk to Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
This is the disabled vet that spoke to you last Friday.
Oh, you called in during the show.
You were talking about how when you were in the Marines, they just said, yeah, we're going to... Will you fire on Americans?
Will you confiscate their guns?
Yes, sir.
That was me.
One thing that I thought about when I heard the second caller, um, one thing that a lot of people don't know about hijacking airplanes is, back in the 70's when, uh, the officer Arafat started hijacking airplanes and all that was going on, the Pentagon has a system set up
...to where if a plane is hijacked that it can be remotely controlled and taken over.
By the way, Bush slipped up two days after the attack and said that.
I did not have a VCR running.
He was in New York and a plainclothes guy with, you know, the short haircut, no more than 40 years old, reached up and grabbed him by the arm.
I'm not kidding.
I mean, I wish somebody'd find that tape.
I'd say it may be out there.
I'll check on the internet and see if I can find it.
Well, I've heard them say that, I've read that, but I can't confirm that.
I know that they did put it in some aircraft that were going to the Mideast, but you're saying it's in all of them.
Yes, since back in the 70s when Joshua Arafat started hijacking planes.
Of course, we've got George Luciferian Bush trying to give him a country now.
But yeah, all the pilots have got to pretty much do is just hit a button and tell the Pentagon it's been taken over.
And the Pentagon can take over the plane, and as long as the plane has enough gas, they can fly it anywhere in the world they want to.
So as soon as I saw, you know, the plane flying into power September 11th, I said, oh Lord.
Now here we go.
Well, and again, it doesn't even do justice to this to mention it and not go into some detail.
Folks, public officials were told not to fly that day.
NORAD stood down for an hour and 25 minutes.
I mean, this really happened.
And again, we have to face what happened.
And another thing that kind of bothered me was your first caller had talked about asking you about the prison inmate population.
And I've been listening to your show for probably a couple of years now.
And one thing I'd like to say to callers, you know, you're working your tail off to expose the global government.
Let's expose the Luciferian.
Let's not worry about
Alex got a, you know, a number wrong on something.
But I didn't get the number wrong.
That's, uh... Hey, listen, I appreciate your call.
God bless.
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Use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grants, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A ton of really important news stories.
And your calls coming up here in the next hour, Tom and others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
I'll get to this.
Scientist claims proof of afterlife.
A really sad article.
detaining 10,000 Iraqis out of the New York Times.
The New York Times acts like it's no big deal.
This type of Soviet-style treatment they're getting.
They're putting in the puppet government now in Iraq, and calling it democracy.
Also, I've got my comments about Martha Stewart.
A scary article out of Tennessee, where Homeland Security says they're going to be arming all of the police's Homeland Security minions, and arming the Homeland Security people.
You see, everything's terrorism now.
All crime is terrorism.
A portable drug test for students to get
A tryout in Palm Beach.
Again, everyone will be tested, not just urine tested a few times a year, but swabbed on a weekly basis and targeted.
Bush gives Mexico's Fox concessions on borders and says we're going to get those borders open.
Scientists gag by number 10 Downing Street in England after warning of global warming threat.
That's a fraud.
Attorney General John Ashcroft still in intensive care.
The Passion, as of yesterday, had made $212,334,000.
$212,000,000, my friends, before it even opens internationally.
We'll also get into an article about bioweapons.
Tony Blair has been caught by the London Times engaging in Lucifer worship.
Yes, I'm not kidding, folks.
It's The London Times.
It's on presentplanet.com and infowars.com.
But again, I'm that weird host who talks about it.
Oh, Francois Mitterrand wants 666 pieces of glass in the pyramid.
We've got Blair conjuring the lightbearer.
It says channeling the lightbearer for answers.
We've got Bush and Coffins with Beelzebub.
But I'm weird for reporting it out of the newspaper.
And I'll get a call months from now, where's the article that he channels Lucifer?
Well, it's the Times of London.
My memory's that good, but I won't have the date for you.
It'll be posted the 8th day of March 2004.
We'll have to go back in the archive and look at it.
So that's coming up too.
Yes, it's all insane.
The owner of Google says that we should, you know, get chips in our heads.
It's all nuts, but it's happening.
Before I end the shower in the next minute and a half, I've made ten films, I've written a book, I've published a book, I've got pro-gun t-shirts, anti-tyranny t-shirts, and your support is needed.
You want to know about the occult activities of Global Elite.
Need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove from when I snuck in there.
In 2000, and back in 2000, in July, and caught them engaging in their Satan worship, you might want to get that 2 hour, 5 minute video.
It's $25.95.
All videos are $25.95.
$20 if you order 3 or more of any of the 10 titles.
A book's $12, Paul Watson's $19.95, get a second copy for $11.95 at Order Out of Chaos.
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The toll-free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Second hour, your calls, ton of news and a guest coming up.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday.
From 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here, my friends, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
In 30 minutes, we've got Paul Joseph Watson to go over a plethora of vital news and information.
Joining us, he joins us on most Mondays.
That's his regularly scheduled time, as they say.
He is the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com.
Of course, I have InfoWars.com as well.
We're about to go to Tom and Mike and Mike and Marie and others that are patiently holding.
I'm going to get into some of this other news.
Scientists claim they found proof of the afterlife.
We'll get into the concentration camp they've set up in Iraq and not just in Gitmo.
We'll get into a bunch of other technology news.
We've still got two hours left.
Big show lined up for you today.
Incidentally, you know, last week we shifted shortwave frequencies, and I'm sorry we couldn't give you much notice on that.
It was kind of a quick decision.
The first two hours of the daytime broadcast are carried by the big blowtorch, WWCR.
And that is 94.75, 9.475.
First two hours, 11 to 1 central during the day, Monday through Friday.
And then at night, the second two hours are carried, not the first hour, second two hours on 3210, 10 to midnight central.
And we're trying to get that first hour at night for you, and so as soon as that's available, we'll get that 9 to 10 slot there central.
Let's go back to the calls you've been holding patiently.
Let's talk to Tom in Ohio.
Tom, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
I got big news up this way.
I woke up a lot of people with your movies.
I've got a guy working with me now.
He's retired.
So we're going to be working all summer long.
I've been preaching with my minister about what's coming at us.
Oh, so your pastor's starting to wake up?
Oh yeah, I got him woke up.
Now I'm working on another minister.
He's 27 years old.
I talked to him yesterday.
I'm working with him now.
He said, yeah, he knows something's wrong.
I gave him a bunch of movies.
And I said, well, preach on this next week, uh, next Sunday.
I said, uh, and I gave him the pastor's Bob, uh, paper.
He sends me every month.
I get that.
I'm really loading them down.
I'll tell you, Alex, I'm working on them.
Well, if we had the type of pastures we had in 1776, this country wouldn't be in this position.
And thanks to people like you out there, we're starting to go in the right direction.
And it's very, very exciting.
And I want to commend you, Tom, for what you're doing.
And all I have found is success waking people up for all my foibles and all my stumbling and all my problems.
And you know, guts is enough.
Taking action is enough.
Standing up against bullies is enough.
If we just do that, they will fail.
And a lot of people get desperate and think, oh, it's so bad, there's nothing we can do.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
The cliche is true.
And in the darkness, our light shines that much brighter against their wickedness.
And believe me, if you weren't out there, Tom, doing what you're doing, and if your pastor wasn't doing what they're doing, we would already be completely under the Antichrist system.
I know what you mean, Alex.
Trying to think of something else.
Kind of split my mind.
I know, I'm good at that, at interrupting.
There's so much going on.
Well, I walk with these people and I give them the news and I got one, probably out of 20 people, it's going to work with me.
I woke him up, Alex.
I mean, I woke this man up, I joted him, and he's ready to go.
We're going to be moving all summer long on it.
I got my brother, he's in it, so we'll be moving all summer long with him.
Well, that's awesome, Tom.
Anything else?
Oh, I got a minister coming in.
With my minister, he gets sued right from the government.
Hey, I tell you what, just stay there.
We'll let you finish up when we get back.
Stay there, everybody.
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There is a chance
To use this disaster as a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
Again, five years ago, a lot of people were not receptive to the message that, hey, we got a corrupt government,
They're a bunch of psychopaths, they enjoy being cruel, they want to take your freedoms, they got a plan for world government.
But now you turn on the news, well, our both the presidential candidates lie in coffins, but it's no big deal, and yeah, the world leaders want a world government, the Supreme Court's following the UN's orders, and we're gonna face scan and thumb scan you to get a driver's license as part of a national ID card, federally standardized, but
The illegal aliens won't have to.
Ha ha ha.
I mean, if you haven't woken up now, something's wrong with you.
Now I find that about 90% of people I've talked to are receptive, are perceptive, already see a lot of the pieces of the puzzle.
Well, I got more listening to me and I have a
They're taking action.
Now don't agree with me if that's not the case.
Are you saying the case?
I mean, think back.
How many people go, oh yeah, you're right, something's wrong.
What percentage?
Well, I couldn't give you a lot there.
A lot of people just, you know, they want to dig a hole and go away from it.
So, they just don't even respond?
Well, when I preached in church here a couple Sundays ago about it, they just kind of got drooey face, you know, sad face.
I told them I had movies, I said what they need, I'm a shock, I had everything.
Well that doesn't mean they weren't listening, it's just scary when you first hear it.
Well the preacher, he preached it too, the one world government, but he didn't preach what I preached.
The Comtrails, everything, the Poison Honor, everything.
By the way, speaking of the Comtrails, I'm going to do a whole week of shows on this because, because, again, I grew up
In Dallas, with a major international airport, with jets flying over all day long, and at certain times of the year, when it was cold, jets at 30,000 feet or above would leave a trail, and I would watch them disappear with my papa.
Going back from the time I was sitting in my daddy's lap when I was four years old, to the time I was, you know, 25 years old.
I never saw what we've been seeing the last eight years or so.
And folks,
I took my wife and family to SeaWorld yesterday.
Had a lot of fun in San Antonio.
And I got up early in the morning, totally blue sky, blue dome sky, and I watched jets go back and forth, solid sprays.
I watched individual trails sit there for 3-4 hours, turn into total cloud cover.
I watched jets coming into the airport nearby, SeaWorld at 5,000 feet, with giant trails that were billowing downwards.
Man, I'm telling you something,
Has the atmosphere changed?
What is going on?
Well, like I tell you, Alex, I got a preacher.
It's his buddy.
He's coming in at the end of the month.
He gets his messages from the government.
People in there.
So the FBI is following him around now.
But when he comes in,
I'd like to give him your phone number so he can get on the air or something with you.
Why don't you elaborate that?
He gets his message from inside the government.
What does that mean?
Well, he's got people in the government.
Yeah, well, so does this show, but I don't understand.
What is he saying is happening?
Well, he's saying, last time I got a message from a preacher.
He said the German camps are ready.
Well, sir, I've been to the camps.
We have... Yeah, I know.
I know they're ready, too.
But, I mean, we have Associated Press, Rocky Mountain News.
These are for your safety.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
No, seriously.
I mean, we've got a concentration camp section on PrisonPlanet.com, which we probably should update.
It's a few months old.
Because now we've got General Eberhardt talking about, you know, the martial law, and we've got Tommy Franks talking about it, so there's been some new developments, but... Oh, since you've mentioned it, I might as well get to this article now.
Well, let's go to a few more calls and I'll get to this New York Times article about concentration camps.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Florida.
Mike, go ahead.
Alex, how are you doing today?
I've got two things I want to talk about first.
I don't know if you've happened to catch any of it, but on Howard Stern's show on Friday, his entire show was a rant about how he finally woke up in the Matrix, and how he feels like he's taken the blue pill, and it's all clear to him now.
And he went on to go into great detail about the religious group that I know that you had, the religious fellowship that you had the article from Harper's about, about a year ago.
And how those guys are in cahoots to throw him out, and he specifically mentioned Senator Brownback from Kansas.
Yeah, it's called the Brotherhood.
Yes, and he went on to say how Brownback had written a letter to his superiors, and how it's all come to clear to him now, and he believes it's all part of the religious right conspiracy to get him thrown out of his show.
Okay, you understand this is all Hegelian dialectic?
Yes, sir.
I mean, no, I didn't listen to Howard Stern.
I don't listen to Howard Stern.
I got emails about it.
I did read an Associated Press article.
It was off-drudge.
It was one of those AP Reuters.
I think it was AP.
I actually got it here in the stack, where he says that, you know, I've been set up by the religious right even to attack Mel Gibson.
He says they're taking over, you know, these crazy God people.
Bush, this evil Christian, wants to censor me.
When I came out for Kerry, Clear Channel suddenly threw me off.
I'm not going to be on the air.
I'm done.
And what's really going on is Bush is going to keep wallowing in his coffins.
They're going to keep, you know, Tony Blair is going to continue to channel Lucifer.
That's mainstream paper today, folks.
Uh, they're gonna continue all their real satanism, but yeah, they'll go after Howard Stern to make you think they're doing something.
I could care less about that potty-mouthed idiot.
Uh, Howard, I mean, the show is so boring, it just blows my mind.
It's pornographic on E!
I have flipped past it and stopped and watched it.
I mean, just unspeakable stuff during the family hour on there.
But yeah, I read his quotes about, I've woken up in the Matrix, it's a religious right conspiracy.
No, it's not.
It's the government trying to make the Christian right think Bush during an election is a Christian.
And so it's political jockeying.
And I predict that Howard Stern's going to be just fine.
He'll be back on those radio stations within six months, and his show will be bigger than ever, and that boring loser will still be on the radio babbling.
I agree with you very much, Alex.
I have a question for you.
This is my really important thing that I wanted to call you about.
Now, I live in Tampa Bay, in the Tampa Bay area.
John Kerry will be down in Tampa tonight at 7 o'clock holding a rally.
Now, I will be within earshot of him, probably about 10 to 15 feet.
And I wanted to ask you personally, what, if you were in my position, were going to be within 10 to 15 feet of John Kerry, in earshot range, what would be the one thing that you would ask him, or say to him, or yell,
What would you be?
The one thing that you would think would be the most important thing?
I would say... I would yell at him that... that we know that you're an evil one.
We know that you are cousins with Bush.
We know it's staged.
We know the voting machines are run by the CIA.
We know you're a fraud.
Your voting record is almost identical to Bush's.
You were for the war.
You're for napkin gats.
You're for gun control.
You're a wicked devil!
That's what I'd say to John Forbes Carey.
Thank you very much, Alex.
That's all I needed from you today.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call, Mike.
Mike in Texas.
Mike, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Well, I don't know if you ever heard of it, but I was watching Saturday Night on HBO 2, there was this movie called Militia, with Dean Cain, and I thought maybe it's all propaganda, but what's interesting is they were demonizing
Yeah, it's a Texas talk show host who talks just like me.
And, uh, by the way, I even have talked to some of the screenwriters.
I'm not going to go any further than that, but it's this Texas talk show host, and he wants to attack everybody.
And so the BATF flies up with helicopters and missiles him.
And if you talk about the New World Order, you're secretly a racist devil.
Two other things I wanted to mention about.
I mean, tell folks about the movie.
Oh, well, uh,
I couldn't watch all of it.
It was insulting to my intelligence.
What do you mean?
Describe it for people.
This is the talk show.
Well, they were showing the militia as rednecks.
And there's this evil talk show host who sits in a dark room.
Yeah, that's Stacy Keach.
And I'm sitting here right now, folks.
And he's talking about how...
People in D.C.
are minions of the U.N.
and vice versa.
The main character, Dean King, was saying that he doesn't like guns, he just carries it.
That's his job.
He doesn't believe people are throwing military-type firearms and all that stuff.
By the way, Mayor Bloomberg has come out and said that all guns should be banned and that
They're going to start a crusade against secret gun owners in New York.
They've rebuked the Republican Party and said you better come out and be anti-gun.
I mean, it's sick.
But yeah, this movie is all guns should be turned in and it's of course federally funded.
And the BATF flies up and murders all the militia with missiles at the end.
Because if you talk about the UN running the country, you're a secret terrorist.
But wait a minute, the Supreme Court has said they're under U.N.
control now.
They follow U.N.
So I guess they're terrorists, too.
Well, okay.
Two other points, one about the passion and one about your movie that the documentary you had made about Bohemian Grove.
Yes, sir.
Is there a possibility you could update it with the two clips you had of Bush and Kerry on their interview, as well as a clip on it that was on ABC about Bush praising Howard Stern?
During one of his award ceremonies?
It was actually, it wasn't Howard Stern, it was Ozzy Osbourne.
Yeah, Ozzy Osbourne.
And then, you know, Bush kind of gave some code words out there.
We'll be back.
Thanks for the call.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Marie and Steve and Inka and Paula, everybody stay there, we're going to get to you.
I'm going to read the Al Jazeera article because it's shorter than the New York Times.
We have the New York Times article paused as well there on the site for you.
So you can read both of them.
Detaining 100... I'm sorry, folks, if I'm stumbling around a bit here.
This has not happened before.
I'm looking down out of the office at a city truck shredding a giant tree trunk.
I don't know how long this is going to be going.
I'm not even sure if people can hear that.
So I was like, I watched them start cramming this giant tree limb into uh... several tree limbs into the city shredder and uh... so it was a bit of a distraction.
detaining 10,000 Iraqis there.
More than 10,000 Iraqi men and boys are being kept in a jail by their U.S.
occupiers with the youngest captive being just 11 years old.
According to the New York Times on Sunday, one village north of Baghdad is now completely devoid of men.
Even grandfathers as old as 75 make it to the detention centers.
These are all just quotes out of the New York Times.
And Abu Sayyaf is the only woman who tills the fields in that town.
Care for children, guard their homes, and carry the heavy sacks of grapefruit to the market.
Few know where their relatives are being held.
A U.S.
move to post some names on the Internet has proven largely useless with few having access to a computer.
No rights.
One villager, Fayal Abu Al-Hamid, pulled the newspaper.
It took the Americans five minutes to take my son.
It has taken me over three weeks to find him.
And it goes on to talk about how they have grabbed 10,000 people.
Some of the towns are completely empty of men.
And it's got U.S.
generals, and they're going, yeah, well, most of them are innocent, but we're not police, so we don't know how to do an investigation.
We're just going to hold them in these open-air camps.
And the same stuff's going on at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, but innocent people are kept there, while people who are criminals, who are connected to terrorists, who also happen to get visas issued to them by the CIA, are left alone.
Let's go ahead and talk to Marie in Oregon.
Marie, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you today?
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm calling, I sent you an email last week in regards to American Airlines flight 11 and flight 77.
Did you receive that?
I got a lot of emails about that stuff.
Would you like to just tell us about it?
Well, if one goes to the BTS.gov site, you can do a search on all flights in the United States.
They log every flight there.
Well, flight
Flight 11 and Flight 77 does not exist on September 11th.
It exists every day prior to September 11th and every day after September 11th, but they do not show as flight for September 11th.
Well, again, it's like all four of the flights only having 20% occupancy and it's, it's, it's... Again, these discrepancies go on and on.
I have seen that
And there were no Arab names on the passenger list, but then magically they popped up.
They don't have video of these supposed Arabs getting on the planes, and 9 of the 19 hijackers have been found to still be alive.
Yeah, I've read that too.
But here's my concern, Alex.
If those planes were hijacked and crashed into where they were reportedly crashed into,
Then American Airlines would have filed an insurance claim, right?
Well, American Airlines and United have gotten insurance, and they've gotten part of the $25 billion federal payoff.
Then they laid people off when the airlines could have operated for years not charging people running their regular routes.
And that even came out in the news.
So they use it as an excuse to downsize, lay people off, and make giant profits for their shareholders.
But how could they claim a loss on something that never flew?
Well, you see, the insurance companies are also part of the power structure in the system.
They don't ask questions.
They're owned by the big central banks.
Well, I'm aware of that, but I just, when I read this, and I went and did my own search on this to make sure that the information that I was reading was true, I just, I couldn't do nothing but sit there and shake.
I mean, this is... Well, here's the problem.
There are thousands of smoking guns.
There are thousands of red flags.
And each one, people have whole websites about them.
And yeah, no matter how wild it sounds, when you check it out, it usually turns out to be true.
And some whole books can be written on what you just mentioned.
Yes, I've seen that.
Yes, I've checked it out.
But it's like a magic trick.
Everybody saw the illusion.
That's what they buy, not the trick.
You've got to slow it down and look at it more carefully.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, Paul Watson is going to be riding shotgun with us for the rest of the show.
We have him up for an hour.
Sometimes longer on most Mondays here in the middle of the broadcast.
It is the halfway point of the show.
I do this broadcast Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central back from 9 to midnight.
Before we go to Paul and into a bunch of news and then of course your calls for those that are patiently holding
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Do we already have Paul Watson up with us?
Oh, I guess your mic's open, Stephanie.
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Let's go ahead now and go to Paul Watson.
And Paul joining us from the United Kingdom.
Again, he's the webmaster for Prison Planet.
Paul, there's a lot of news out today, and I know you've got a rundown of what you think is most important.
What's going on right now?
Well, I think the first thing we need to hit is this blare thing in the London Times today.
And we need to reiterate the disclaimer that even if you don't believe that the occult is real and is involved in world events, our leaders do, and that should worry people.
Because yesterday, the London Times reported that Tony Blair makes political decisions based on New Age channelings of a hidden force called the Light, in their own words.
And again, this isn't National Enquirer, it's the oldest and biggest newspaper in Britain reporting this.
Now, we reported years ago that he goes to all these Illuminati sacred sites, he's obsessed with it, he went through a violent Aztec rebirthing ritual at one of these bizarre facilities in Mexico, but obviously in the New Age, channeling the light, the lightbearer, that is Lucifer, and the light told him, do not go against George Bush.
Well, obviously, because the light is with Bush as well.
Well, we can go back to the Albert Pike's book, Morals and Dogma, the 33rd degree Freemason, founder of the Klan, where he states directly that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, and that Lucifer is the Light.
And as you mentioned, we've got the blurb also posted, a flashback, where Blair and his wife visited the Aztec pyramids on the coast of Mexico and entered into a psychic rebirth, which involved him getting naked, entering into a steaming pool, imagining phantom animal shapes in the water, chanting, and then
Well, also, there was some type of smearing on him, too, but I don't want to get into that on air.
Now, that was a mainstream newspaper.
Now, I talked about Francois Mitterrand, who died of prostate cancer a few years ago.
He was the big French president.
He was, before Jacques Chirac,
And he was known as the Sphinx.
Now, you live pretty close to England, I mean pretty close to France living in England, but a lot of people over here aren't aware of this guy.
France already has all the Illuminati symbolism, the torches, the obelisks,
They had the ritualistic sacrifice areas there.
In fact, a lot of that was involved in Diana, where she was killed underground.
That's exactly where the old goddess sacrifice site was.
And that's mainstream news, too, folks.
But the point is, Francois Mitterrand was called the Sphinx.
He was obsessed with the pharaoh complex.
He believed he was a pharaoh.
He believed he was going to be reincarnated.
And he spent tens of millions of dollars building that huge gold pyramid that is out front the Louvre.
It's 71 feet tall, which is an occult calculation.
And guess how many glass panes it has?
And this was under his orders.
I mean, how much more obvious, Paul Watson, does this have to get about where our leaders are at?
I mean, the news is talking about MSNBC, about Bush is called temporary, others are called the LZ Bub.
I forget what Terry was called in Skull and Bones.
They admittedly lay in coffins and worship Satan.
I mean, your take on that?
Well yeah, the thing with Paris as well is that all these landmarks are in direct line going from the Eiffel Tower down the Arc de Triomphe to this massive dwarfing pyramid.
Similar case in Washington DC, and on top of that the new design for the World Trade Center, 1776 feet tall, foundation of the Illuminati.
But with the Blair thing, I mean Blair claims to be a Christian and yet he's engaging in these neo-pagan,
I think?
We look at those races and their occultism was closely linked with child prostitution and paedophilia and every case we look at with modern day examples of child sex rings are time and again from Belgium to Portugal to France linked to higher level elites just like this Detroit case in Belgium at the moment.
And again with Blair we see, and we can go into it furthermore, that the so-called child sex rings that operate around Westminster are tied in to the very highest levels of the Labour government, which we've documented before on the website.
Now again, that's come out in mainstream British newspapers.
Yeah, it was called Operation Aura, an effort to track down practicing paedophiles.
It actually got quashed because many of the paedophiles turned out to be high-level Labour ministers, and the police were taken off the case.
The Dunblane killer, Thomas Hamilton, was one of these procurers of children for high-level sex rings.
And the handguns, which he actually obtained to go in and massacre the children at the Dunblane school, were provided to him by a character reference by Lord Robertson, the former head of NATO.
And the investigation into Dunblane was then put under a 100-year secrecy rule, which is unknown for basically any event in history.
And, um, Thomas Hamilton was also exchanging letters with the Queen, and it was publicly stated in the Sunday Herald that he was a procurer of children for a high-level sex ring in Britain, and so the case went under a hundred-year secrecy rule.
So, again, in each case, we see the elite linked to these child sex rings.
And by the way, the useful idiot neo-pagans go, oh, pagans are loving and sweet.
No, whether it was the Aztecs in the Americas or the Germans, you know, the Druids, they all sacrificed.
It was about oppression.
It was about the horned god.
It was about blood.
And you could say, well, that's not your devil.
And yes, it does demand sacrifices, but it's not Satanism.
Yes, that's what we call it.
That's what it is.
And, uh, you know, it's the same thing with this Belgium guy, uh, this demon, you know, and tied in with these kings and queens, and it's all over the news, people!
And it's so horrible!
Now, let's go over Tony Blair here, out of the Times in London.
And it says, in light of the damaging revelations of Blair's former business partner, Peter Foster, the Times of London today reported on Foster's allegations of the nature of Blair's relationship with his former guru, Carol Kaplan.
And it says, the article stated, and here's some quotes, Foster, who claims Blair phoned Kaplan on returning from a visit from George W. Bush in April 2002, said, quote, she told me Tony said that the war against Iraq was inevitable.
In the article in Vanity Fair, Foster claims that when Blair had clashes with Gordon Brown, he sought advice from Kaplan, who got her mother, Sylvia, to do a New Age reading involving a hidden force called the Light.
Foster said Tony would call on Carol, who would say, I think Mom to channel on this and ring you back.
And it says, so I'll ask my mother to channel on this and call you back.
Then she'd call back and say, you must not confront him on this.
Now isn't the right time, talking about Bush.
The revelation that Blair channeled the light, Lucifer, and based political decisions on it is unsurprising in light of the past history of world leaders' fascination with the occult.
And then we have a flashback, and I believe that was out of the Guardian, right?
A Blair-visited Aztec pyramid took part in rebirthing ritual with his wife.
Paul, are you on a cordless phone?
No, I'm on a long line.
I'm getting some interference though.
Yeah, you know, I tell you what, at the next break, let's reconnect with you.
Because I know you're over there across the pond.
Okay, that's one of the stories.
What response to this story?
I mean, are people angry about this?
Because the Bishop of Canterbury, you know, your official government bishop, says he's a pagan and does pagan rituals publicly.
So I guess this is pretty much mainstream now.
Well, the response has been, obviously, to route out the source and try and demonise them, which is Peter Foster, which is Blair's former business partner.
So now all the newspapers are putting into question his credibility because he's releasing these damaging revelations.
But the fact is that this is how world leaders are lured into the occult, because they can be compromised.
Like Bush laying in a coffin at Skull and Bones,
Michael Shrimpton, who was on the show a couple of weeks ago talking about the murder of David Kelly, also told us off the record that, and I won't get into any details because it's too lurid to mention, but that Blair is indeed compromised and that they have some very, let's call them, damaging photos which would completely abolish his term as Prime Minister and so time and again when world leaders are lured into this occult
Nature of day-to-day life and let it affect political decisions.
They then become compromised, which is why they follow the agenda locked down.
Well, last week the BBC came out and said, yeah, there really are these satanic rings.
This girl blew the whistle before this Belgium kidnapper for the elite was caught.
They say it's to frame bankers and judges and politicians.
I mean, this is sick, Paul.
And we've got the archive on
We're about to update all the archives so we'll have all the new stuff in there.
Where the top French procurer of children for child sex rings was also linked intimately with the elite.
Same case in Portugal where the leading socialist party was again linked in with all these issues.
Child prostitutes caught on UN slave ships
I mean, what happened to that story?
Absolutely nothing.
You've got an entourage of UN officials traveling on a boat with 1920 child sex workers.
Including Clinton officials.
That was the Associated Press, World Net Daily, four years ago.
And the woman that came out and blew the whistle on this, Catherine Bolkovac, was actually sacked immediately after she blew the whistle on some of the revelations concerning Dyncor.
But, sir, we've got an entire archive on how across Europe and... By the way, Paul, people have been convicted, people have gone public, you know, former heads of parliaments, former heads of governments, former top media people, I mean... And it's so huge!
And it's so disgusting.
I mean... It's scary!
It scares the living daylights out of me!
I mean, how are these people so evil?
And we just sit here like a bunch of naive sheep, giving our rights up, letting them put cameras up, letting them take our guns.
I mean, folks, when they get our guns, they're really going to get going.
I mean, they're really going to put the camps, kill millions of us.
This is what they do, people.
They love it.
These are killers we're talking about.
And why did they get into this in the first place?
Well, as you mentioned before,
When you get all the money and all the power, then where else do you find your kicks?
And then they start to degenerate into this behavior.
19 of the 22 great civilizations began to collapse when this moral decadence began to set in, and it starts at the very top.
And in every case, the Chinese, the Indians, the Romans, the Babylonians,
The Canaanites, the Mayans, in every case, blood drinking, murdering people, sacrifices, giant devil gods with horns, throwing children into fires.
Why is it the same everywhere, Paul?
Is there some force behind it, or is it all just magically happening?
Well, we know who's behind it, ultimately.
Even on a lower level they feed it in via the television and the distraction where things like the homosexual movement are legitimised and made natural.
Which now we're getting to a point where NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, are trying to merge their cause in with the pro-gay cause and saying that if homosexuals are allowed to have sex and accepted by society then
Pedophilia should be accepted by society.
And then of course there's non-governmental organizations at the UN, which NAMBLE is part of.
Yeah, the UN which gives out sex education books on how children can have sex with each other and inanimate objects, was the quote, and that was in the Washington Times.
So on every level, we see this being run down our throats.
Yeah, now they're going to have hate crimes cops who bring the homosexuals in, and folks, this is last week in the Associated Press, into the public schools to quote, talk to kindergartners and first graders.
I mean, you have these totally innocent children who are thinking about, you know, toys and playing and, you know, butterfly hunts.
And Legos, and then here come these wicked devils, and if you criticize it, oh, you're not for inclusion, Paul.
And in 20 years, the way this is going, pedophilia will be legalized.
This is where it's headed.
Well, they've already lowered the age in England, right?
God help us.
I tell you, folks, it's Sodom and Gomorrah.
Bunch of wicked devils running things.
We'll come back, cover more news, take your calls.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I know that Steve and Inka and Mike and Tim and Mike and Mike and many others have been holding patiently.
I promise, we'll go to your calls directly in the third hour here in just a few minutes.
We're talking to Paul Watson who's going to stay with us.
We have gotten a better connection to him over in England.
Paul, let me just throw out some news and get your comment on it.
Bush campaign says it won't pull 9-11 ads, CNN reports.
Despite public calls from some firefighters and relatives of victims of the terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001, Lord Bush and Cheney's re-election campaign said Sunday it is not considering pulling or changing television ads that include images of devastation from the attacks.
This is an entirely appropriate effort on our part, we believe, to recall a memory and to recognize what it is that
That's going to take place in terms of leadership to lead the country in the war on terror.
So Hitler's going to talk about the Reichstag and what he did when he blew it up, and you're going to thank him.
So the serial killers are going to continue to talk about how they found the body in the woods and how they're heroes, when in truth they're the people that did the murder.
That's the analogy.
Paul comments.
Yeah, and you'll notice that while the opposition adds to this, the move-on ads, which depict Bush as Hitler in some instances, although some of them have a liberal bent on them, a whitewash basically.
Nobody'll air them!
Not allowed to put them on TV magically now!
And so you see this split, even though, and obviously most of these stations are owned by Clear Channel anyway,
So, the move on ads have been banned.
The pro-Bush ads where he stands on the rubble of the World Trade Center proclaiming, you know, victory, basically.
That's what it was.
They're allowed to go ahead.
And the firefighters are infuriated by it.
The family members of the victims are infuriated by it, but they say they'll go ahead with them anyway.
If you want to talk about inappropriate, the next day he went to the CIA headquarters, walked in,
All the leaders of the CIA stood around him.
He smiled.
They just kept clapping.
The news said for three minutes, just, oh, oh, we've got the power now.
Oh, this is so good.
And they all got these big cash bonuses.
Nobody got fired.
But it was a big screw up, but still they get rewards.
And I mean, how inappropriate.
They've all dropped the ball.
And he walks in and stands there in the atrium.
It's just, oh, oh, yes.
Oh, we're all getting pay raises.
I mean, how sick is that, Paul?
Well, the head of the embassy that gave the passports to some of the hijackers got a $15,000 bonus.
Record bonus.
So, I mean, the line that, you know, we dropped the ball is disproven by the fact that anyone that did drop the ball, if you look at it from that perception,
They got rewarded anyway, so they were rewarded for failure.
But I mean, you know, all those CIA people weren't in on the attacks.
I mean, how could they sit there with a straight face and wonder, why are we clapping and having an open and laughing, you know, with Bush smiling and, you know, looking at everybody and, you know, pointing his finger, thumbs up?
I mean, disgusting behavior!
And the wavy American flags went up in the corner of Fox News and it all went downhill from there.
So, most people don't even see that, and yeah, you're right, most of the heads of the CIA weren't involved, but they can only wonder at the reaction that they got, you know, what exactly was going on, because they were all rewarded, both within their own profession and monetarily also.
Shifting gears, Iraq, BBC headline, hidden in plain view, Iraqis agree on new constitution, Iraq's US appointed
The government council has signed an interim constitution at a landmark ceremony in Baghdad.
And I've looked at the constitution.
You've got all these rights, unless the government says, and you can't release the numbers of who's been killed or died, and it's a secret police, but you've got rights.
I mean, it's a lot of double-think, but they're going, oh look, democracy in action, when it should be a republic.
Comments on that?
Well, what kind of constitution is it where the raids which go into one village find one
You know, rifle, and then, you know, twenty men get hooded and taken to the prison camp.
What kind of freedom is it where children who offer biscuits to troops, eleven-year-old boys, are charged with stealing them, and they're hooded and also taken to the concentration camp, so yeah, smells like liberation to me.
And by the way, they admit, a lot of people get beaten to death and die.
And there's whole towns with no men, and then the general laughs in the New York Times and goes, yeah, most of them are innocent, so what?
I mean, six, six, six, third hour coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, folks.
Now into the third and final hour of this Monday broadcast.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're about to go to Steve and Inka and Mike and Tim and Mike and many others.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson our contributor and webmaster of my website PrisonPlanet.com joining us and coming up we're going to get into a whole other plethora of really important news.
Like Stuart Juror, guilty verdict of victory.
He says against corrupt corporations.
See, she's the figurehead because we all know her.
She's not really rich compared to her globalist masters.
But since we all know her, she's a good scapegoat or figurehead who's not really part of the corporate structure.
And she did absolutely nothing wrong.
Something a little unethical?
She cashed out some stock because she got a tip it might be going down.
I mean Bush did that for millions of dollars in Harkin Energy.
My point is they've done it for billions, leveraged trillions in WorldCom and
And Enron, and what they're doing to the dollar, setting all that up, and then profiting off of it, Lord Bush and others, while they're out bad-mouthing their own currency.
Paul Watson, this was ridiculous with the Martha Stewart situation.
She's facing 20 years in prison for absolutely nothing, while Bush dances around doing things a hundred times bigger.
Your comments.
Well, yeah, it's another example of how they take one of the lower minions that's involved with it and crucify them where the elite get away with it.
Similar with the insiders trading right before 9-11.
The only repercussion from that, even though it led directly to former CIA Director Buzzy Crongod, was they prosecuted a few lower-level minions, a few Egyptian businessmen that were on the, you know, the edges of it, and so time again... Who admittedly, who admittedly got given the info by two FBI agents in New York!
Yeah, the trail led from the FBI back up to the CIA, but there was no investigation into that, because the people doing the investigation were involved with it, and then you saw these lower minions prosecuted, and the story was buried after that.
So it's all their big, fat, private cash machine.
A bunch of other news, we haven't even scratched the surface.
Coming up, let's go ahead and get to a call.
Let's talk to Steve in Michigan.
Steve, thanks for holding.
Great show.
Thank you.
I thought you were crazy when I first heard you on the internet.
And I'm glad to hear that you're doing the Chemtrail Show.
In Michigan here, it's like somebody's making a pattern across the sky like a blanket or something.
Hey, growing up we had blue skies.
A jet flew over and disappeared in a minute.
Now, five hours, same trails there.
Hundreds of trails.
You never have a blue sky.
There will never be another blue sky in Texas.
It's over.
And something's going on.
Yeah, I spent four years in the Marine Corps.
And the last year, when I was in Cuba,
And they gave me that questionnaire, would you fire an American?
Well, now we have official news articles they've done this, so it's not speculation, but there's different forms they give them.
How did they administer this test for you?
Well, we had a weekend that we were out doing exercises.
We came back, we had to do PT, and then we were rushing to go back and form up.
We had to jump in the shower and then form up, and then they gave us this test and said we had to form up in 10 minutes.
Then I wrote a bunch of curse words on it, and I thought I'd go see the man about it, and they just ignored it.
So you said, I'm not ever going to do this.
What type of questions, so it was a written test, it wasn't on computer, I mean, what type of questions did they ask you?
I don't remember the exact questions, but I know it did refer to Far North Americans, and a couple of questions like that, with a bunch of other questions, and they also gave us, when you come in,
For practicing when you first sign up, they give you a bunch of oddball questions too and they're yelling at you, you know?
They're trying to get it right and you're trying to get it done quickly.
I think a few of them were sort of psychological tests.
Well, the Marines now, a lot of them, especially in MP training, are like, will you kill your mother if I order you to do it?
Yes, sir!
Will you eat your mother's guts?
Will you kill school children?
That's put in the news.
Will you blow their little heads off?
Yes, sir!
Will you murder American children in order?
Yes, sir!
The Marine Corps is about murdering children.
Uh, by the way, those are quotes.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, the comments I made in the last segment I know sound totally insane, but I've read the mainstream media reports here on air about some of the chants
Some of the Marine Corps units now have, and it's about lining up school children, blowing their guts out, blowing their heads off.
You chant that you'll murder your family.
You chant that you'll do all of this.
And this is the new deal.
And you say, well, then you're not for the military.
If you're not for them chanting to kill children, you're some kind of commie.
Well, see, that's how it starts.
You know, tell a commie for mommy.
And then you accept that type of... I mean, to be a tough guy, you don't need to run around chanting, kill commies for mommy.
You know, or eat your guts and ask for seconds.
I mean, the point is, is that's how it starts.
The shave the heads.
I mean, really, it's cult programming.
And you can accept some of that, you know, that, well, we got to do this so they can fight wars.
And to a certain extent, that's true.
Having brainwashed killer zombies is a wonderful thing and telling them they're elite because they have this identity and doing all of this.
I mean, that was figured out, you know, thousands of years ago and has been perfected up to the level it is today.
And now they want to drug the troops with all these different drugs and things.
So you shave people's heads and put them in sleep deprivation and stress out their body and use peer pressure and then, oh, after all this pressure, well, you went through all of it for a reason.
You're a good guy now.
And look, if somebody wants to join that and go through that type of conditioning, that's their business.
And it might serve a purpose if it was to really fight some enemy.
But see, now it's to domestically act as our police force.
And you see the results of it.
Just arrest all the children, arrest all the men, kick their guts out if they smart off to you, put bags over their heads, chain them up outside for months on end, for years on end, and oh, now they're going to be acting domestically with this new rules of engagement.
And they're telling you how wonderful this is.
So going back briefly to Steve in Michigan, and we'll bring Paul Watson up as well.
Steve, so you say you thought I was crazy in the past, but what woke you up?
I spent two years in the National Guard after that, and when I did a two-week for the National Guard, I came back, and before they released us, the team leader said that George Washington was a terrorist.
And he seemed real unhappy about it.
He said, I don't want to talk about it.
That's it, and he let us go.
There's two guys from... So he was upset, but he'd been told to read that ADL script.
Yep, and then I came back and I heard you say that on the radio, and I never heard the blood cadence, you know, kill mommy or anything like that in Marine Corps, but I heard a couple of them in the National Guard.
It kind of bothered me.
Isn't it loving?
But see, the point is, no matter how insane all this sounds,
All over the country.
That's the FEMA ADL line.
It's in their handbooks.
All Christians are terrorists.
All homeschoolers.
All Founding Fathers are bad.
And so I guess he'd been told to tell you this.
Did he look down at the ground and go, I've just got to tell... Why did he even follow those orders?
That's pathetic.
So, I don't want to put words in your mouth.
I mean, was he depressed or you said you didn't want to talk about it?
I mean, he just said, I've got to tell you, the Founding Fathers are terrorists?
They had a couple guys in there that were from headquarters.
Oh, he'd been told to say it.
I got it.
Yeah, and they were sitting right in the room, so I think he, in order to stay a team leader, he had to say it or something.
He's not a guy like that.
He's, uh, he's so sick.
I mean, he's aware, he's aware of what's going on.
I think it's a red dawn, man.
It's red dawn.
It's a re-education center.
So, so, so there's two guys commanding officers there from headquarters.
And so the National Guard team leader had to say
But there was more.
I think he got... because he obviously didn't say what he was supposed to say.
Yeah, he got a thought after that.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Describe exactly what happened.
This is very important for people.
We were doing our mission planning and getting our gear ready.
Then we go in to the team leader, or I'm sorry, platoon sergeant, and he said this, that they weren't officers, it was
I think staff sergeant.
You said that there were people from headquarters there.
How many people in the room?
What setting?
Go over it for us.
It was the whole platoon.
It was sergeant and someone else from headquarters company.
You know, intelligence part.
Um, I forgot what their job is.
I don't remember.
Okay, but I mean, describe what he said.
He just, I mean, did he look down?
Did he look up?
What did he say?
He said, uh, the blue, it's kind of like it was, you know, it's kind of like they were, you're going to say this or else, you know?
And so he just blurted it out.
He said, I don't want to discuss it.
And let's leave.
Cause at first we were thought maybe he meant.
Word for word.
What did he say?
Cause it sounds like you're saying, he said, George Washington's a terrorist.
I don't want to talk about it.
They said, uh,
We were talking about tactics like small unit tactics and stuff and then out of the blue he said our founding fathers in Georgia Washington were terrorists and then he said what do you mean?
You mean like tactics?
He was like a guerrilla fighter or something and he said I don't want to talk about it and then he said get out of here and get your gear ready.
So he didn't want to give you the full spiel, yeah.
Well, I've got the full spiel, not just on the video that's in Road to Tyranny now, I've got it from other cops, other video, other CD-ROMs, other training manuals, everywhere they're teaching them this.
All Christians are terrorists.
All homeschoolers are terrorists.
All gun owners are terrorists.
All of us are evil.
If we have anti-U.N.
stickers, go ahead and arrest us.
And the cops just sit there and just bull... I don't know what's wrong with them!
I mean, I'm living in the Twilight Zone here!
Uh, hey listen, good to hear from you.
So, so, so you heard me talk about that, and you could, so how long have you been listening to the show?
Well, I've listened to you for about two years, on and off, and when I first heard you, I thought, well, you know, the Republicans were the good guys, and, you know, you must, must be, um, a liberal or something, or, you know, and some of the stuff you said I thought were crazy, like the chemtrails.
Like, you know, they're over my house now.
And, but, when you said Georgia Washington was a terrorist, that, you know,
I started listening every day.
Hey, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it and your service to the country.
Paul Watson, you want to comment on what he just had to say?
Yeah, well, going back to the bloodthirsty training of the troops, we had on Prison Planet the CNN video where it shows an Iraqi writhing around on the ground.
One of the troops shoots him dead.
Then they go up after and interview him and said, you know, how do you feel?
And the soldier said,
Hell yeah, that was great.
Let's kill some more.
And so that shows you the kind of mindset.
And the point is, is that, you know, I've got family who's killed people in war, you know, and, and, and, you know, old folks who killed a lot of people in Germany and France and in, um, in Japan, and these guys wouldn't talk about it, man.
They were tough.
And if you would get them to talk about it, they'd start getting a tear in their eye.
You don't run around going, kill, I love it, I love killing, I love it, I love it.
I mean, if you have to kill, you kill, but you don't run around, go ahead, Paul.
Going back to the will you fire on US citizens survey, we've already got all the urban combat operations going on in Iraq with the sound phaser and the urban surveillance system.
It was then admitted that Iraq is just a beta test for all this and that it's going to be shifted into US cities within the next five years.
The fact that they've settled this urban surveillance system and they're just beta testing it in Iraq with the sound phaser to disperse
And we've got articles, Washington Post, Reuters, it's been admitted that the Pentagon said the Smart City is a test, and he said, in fact, what was that in?
That was a few months ago.
He said, we've already put this in in U.S.
cities, and exactly, they plan to have that here, and now they're issuing national ID cards to all the Iraqis.
Yeah, that was in the Associated Press.
So all this urban combat training is geared towards US cities, not specifically for terrorist attacks in the aftermath, but for the aftermath of the economic crash where, in the words of Tatiana Korogina, Putin's former inner circle advisor, Americans will be naked on the streets.
And so that's why they're trying to develop these systems which disperse protesters, because they're going to use it after this big economic crash.
And then suddenly you hear it all over Clear Channel stations like it's the newest things in sliced bread.
Oh, these wonderful systems.
By the way, they admit today that they make you deaf.
They shatter your eardrums.
They are violent.
And microwave guns on top of the Humvees.
All of this quietly being prepared for us, Paul.
Yeah, I mean there are many hundreds and thousands of decibels above the safe level.
And in the LA Times article they were making the point that
If they use it in Iraq, it's not going to disperse the people.
It's only going to make them more angry, which then will shift into lethal, as opposed to non-lethal force.
So that's what it's becoming the justification for.
All of this is an antagonizer and it's a training aid to train troops to attack peaceful people.
That's all this is about.
I've read the policy reports.
I'll tell you, I hope these yuppies are listening, Paul, because we've got the World Bank documents.
They plan to take everything we've got.
What do you think about Warren Buffett dancing around laughing, going, the dollar's going to implode, you're greedy, you deserve it, while his profits double?
Yeah, these are the insiders telling us this, and yet people are still investing in the casino of the stock market.
And so, as I just said, the whole thing, all the urban combat training, the police state is geared towards the aftermath of the economic crash.
It's not necessarily related to faked terrorist attacks, that's just the primer to get all the legislation for the police state passed so they can then implement it after the economic meltdown.
I got an article here out of Tennessee, they're going, we're going to put Homeland on the streets, deputize local police for Homeland,
And then I turn on the news, and we did post that last week at News 8 Austin here locally.
They're just going, yeah, well, we did swear in our local police as federal and then UN police today.
Paul, it's really happening.
You know what?
They're not going to be able to drop the hammer.
I think they would have already done it, but we've been out there exposing them.
I really think we're holding them back.
What do you think?
Yeah, we've held them back since, you know, September 2001 from a massive terrorist attack, and so they are backpedaling, which is why they keep slipping up, making mistakes in speeches and so forth.
We can gauge the effect that we're having by their own mistakes.
But don't think we're in good waters.
We're in dire straits.
This is mortal combat.
I mean, these people are just savage of the core.
They can't wait to chew your intestines out of your body.
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I've stated this time and time again, it's so central.
I get on the air and I say that the government is teaching police and military that all founding fathers are terrorists, that freedom lovers are evil, that homeschoolers should be arrested, and people don't believe it, and then they finally hear it, and you cops out there haven't gotten this training yet, they soon will, and when they finally hear it, they'll either submit to it and go, okay, George Washington's bad, or you can join us, the crazies that think he was good.
Paul Watson, we're about to go to Inca in California.
There's a bunch of other news articles here.
Portable drug test for students to try out in Palm Beach.
And it says 23 county high schools are being trained to use a new drug test.
Whether they have a, whenever they have a reasonable suspicion that a student is using illegal drugs based on appearance or bad behavior, said school police chief Jim Kelly.
So now they do a drug test on you if they think there's a reasonable, see they're now police.
So it's not just police violating the Fourth Amendment, now it's the teacher.
It's like school teachers say, you will go on Ritalin or we'll take your child.
You know, if you don't put them on it.
Or school administrators.
And Lord Bush has said that nationwide, and now they want to make everyone drug test, guilty until proven innocent, to get into your own British bars they're starting this.
And if you say no, they call the police in on you.
Your take on that?
Yeah, Blair just announced two weeks ago the same program in British schools.
And as you mentioned, we've got a massive beta test going on at the moment in the south of England.
Where people lining up outside a club or a bar, they've got DNA swabs on standby to take a swab at the inside of your mouth for drug testing.
And if you refuse to take one because it's a total invasion of privacy, then they have officers, two officers on standby who will question you for suspicious behavior if you refuse to take the test.
Now come on, people!
This is not freedom!
Your child being drug test and frisk and police dogs jumping on them and you're like, well that'll stop the drugs!
They ship them in, idiots!
There's more drugs on the street now after the drug war got bigger!
The cameras in the schools are now linked directly to squad cars.
We've got a password protected internet stream where only our own employees can watch the children getting changed in the bathroom.
We're in a lot of trouble, people.
Inca, in California, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I've been at home for a little while, and I kind of feel a little bad about being off subject, but... No, you talk about whatever you want.
Thank you.
I started listening to you about a year ago, and around the same time I started waking up to the chemtrail issue, and I was so horrified at what you were talking about, and that aerosol operation that's happening over my town here in Northern California.
I started to make a website on this and I kind of took the Alex Jones philosophy that there's so much credible documentation out there we don't need to make up stories.
It's all out there if you do a little bit of research and I started Chemtrails911.com and there's just tons of US legislation and bills and things like that, government-sponsored studies, thousand-page long reports talking about the spraying of our sky with fine particles.
We got some great time-lapse photography on there
And I really, you know, I was wondering if maybe that we could set up a time or something that I could talk to you a little bit about.
Yeah, I'd like to have you on as a guest.
The website is... Pemtrails911.com.
And it's basically documented facts, factual with photos and time-lapse photography on there.
Yeah, I've actually heard of that site.
How many hits you get?
Um, maybe around 500 a week.
So you just put it up?
Yeah, about a year ago, you know, and it started out slow, you know.
Well, people need to see it, and so we'll, uh, we'll start, uh, we'll, uh, let me check the site out, and I'll try to have you on as a guest.
You know, this chemtrail thing, I haven't ignored it, it's just so huge, and, and, and, you know, you feel crazy at first, but, I mean, the entire sky was spray lines, and they never went away, and it was 80 degrees!
I mean, and they were at 2,000, 3,000 feet!
Giant plumes falling down towards me!
Paul, you want to comment on this?
Well, what's worse than the chemtrails themselves, people who don't admit the existence of them are the people who do admit the existence of them, but then say, oh, they're protecting us from global warming.
Well, we had the case two months ago with a school just a few miles from me where military jets were seen overhead spraying these trails.
The children out in the playground then started wheezing, coughing up blood.
They all had to be sent home.
Some had to be treated on the spot.
So, you know, how is that a form of protection?
And by the way, you've posted 50 articles where, you know, plague bombs released on Scotland, spraying troops, killing them, BBC, 1985.
I mean, they admit spraying England over the last 50 years many times.
So the thesis that they're trying to inoculate us against something is completely, you know, an antithesis to the history of, you know, biological testing on people in both U.S.
and British cities.
But I think the atmosphere itself has changed.
Because, I mean, it was a blue sky and by the end of the day it was just scripes everywhere.
Everybody stay there.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now understand, with the chemtrails situation, there's multiple things happening.
When a jet is up at twenty, thirty thousand feet and it's spraying, it's not spraying you.
And understand, five, six years ago,
Seven years ago, I remember a woman calling into my local talk show.
Nobody else had talked about this.
And she goes, you know, I live out here by the airport.
It's making us really sick and killing the plants in my backyard.
They're dumping jet fuel when they come in for landings.
And it's like, sometimes it's liquids, sometimes you can smell it, sometimes it's like cobwebs.
And I'm like, okay, well that's interesting.
And I've been out at the airport before, and you know, there's all these weird cobwebs come out and start hitting me in the face, and it smells like fuel.
And I'm sorry, I have a memory.
I'm cursed with it, I guess.
I remember when we had blue skies, or we'd have cirrus clouds, or the big calculus clouds, or the cumulus clouds.
But I remember seeing them up there.
But most of the time we'd have big blue skies on a cloud in the sky.
You never see that.
Never, never, never.
Fall, summer, spring, winter.
You never have those big blue skies in Texas.
And I've been all over the country.
I mean, you'll see at 5,000 feet a jet fly over.
I was out in California driving down the highway, on that big highway between San Francisco and L.A.
a few months ago.
The internal one, not 101, whatever the other one is, 4-something, I forget.
But I'm sitting there driving, and I watch a jet flying, you know, along the road with us towards L.A., and it flies over and leaves a trail at about 5,000 feet.
And I watch it start billowing downwards towards us.
And I watch them merging.
You know, they'll fly like on a line and create this whole bank of so-called condensation.
And then it'll just form cloud cover.
And it's designs and squiggles and lines and it's everywhere!
We don't have blue skies anymore!
And they go, well, that's just condensation.
Ice crystals are supposed to dissipate!
My entire life it disappeared in a minute!
No more!
Now four, five hours, one trail.
Paul Watson, I want to let Inka finish up what she was saying, but I mean this chemtrail situation, from all your studies, what's really going on?
Well, mostly we, you know, as far as like looking at documented evidence and things like that, we kind of see two areas in which
We're good to go.
Over the planet to reflect incoming sunlight and possibly mitigate global warming.
Now let me bring Paul Watson up.
Actually the Earth is darkened by 20% according to the NASA Goddard Center and it actually heats the Earth up.
So there are extreme contradictions.
And another area in which they find an area to spray is for warfare.
You know, a lot in connection with the HAARP facility that's going on.
A way to transmit radio waves
If there's a lot of magnetic particles in the upper part of the atmosphere, they can actually, you know, talk to submarines.
They can find underground caves, like they were trying to use the harp in Iraq for underground mines and things like that.
And they're kind of proud of this type of thing.
Yeah, they use it as a resonance.
In fact, if you look at the sky, it is like a resonance pattern.
Paul Watson, your take on this?
Well, a similar case in this country.
Seven, eight years ago, we could go three weeks in the summer with barely a cloud in the sky.
And now, you know, we're lucky to get a couple of hours of sunshine a day.
We've had reports before where people have walked up to airport technicians, you know, people on scout groups and organisations and tours of airports and things like that.
And they found airport technicians adding something to the fuel of the aircraft where, you know, aircraft experts would question this because it's not part of the normal procedure and the airport technicians would just, you know, say, you know, oh, we're under orders, we don't really know what this is, we've just been ordered to add it to the fuel of the airplane and so we've had those reports in the past as well.
Yeah, and we've got photos of them with spray nozzles on them and
Yeah, you know, a lot of what they call for is because if they're basing this... You don't have a radio up, do you?
No, no, just you.
Just some reason it's echoing, but go ahead.
Yeah, is that they, a lot of this falls, if they're taking the model of protecting, you know, with the fake sunscreen to mitigate global warming, that would be actually fall into the plans of why we don't really see the blue sky days, and they actually call that that is
You know, one of the side effects.
But, you know, incidentally, at the same time Edward Teller was coming up with this at Lawrence Livermore Labs, Ken Caldera was also saying that, you know, messing with the atmosphere like this could have, you know, grave environmental consequences and enormous health concerns.
The sized particles, which what we see in the lab results that have come back test positive for aluminum, barium, and sometimes titanium, which are highly reflective particles, that they're so small
According to the American Journal of Medical Association that these particles can actually infiltrate the lungs and get into the bloodstream and cause... Yeah, we know it's now showing up in people's brains at high levels.
It causes the Alzheimer type diseases.
Thanks for the call.
I'll check that site out.
I appreciate that.
Paul, we do need to spend more time on the chemtrails.
I mean, I'm going to go out with Timelapse Photography.
And I've got to start videoing this because, I mean, it's so ridiculous.
When a chemtrail sits there for four hours, I mean, I want to show this to pilots at 4,000 feet and go, OK, chemtrails are supposed to form at 20,000 to 40,000 feet.
That is your condensation trail.
Why is this at 4,000 feet sitting there for three or four hours?
Will you explain this to me?
Why is it billowing?
Paul, have you ever seen it where it billows down from the trail?
Like, like, like falling downward?
Have you seen that?
Yeah, I've seen that.
And we also, as you mentioned before, we have kind of spider's webs or
Angel hair, you know, hitting the ground, and a lot of people have mixed that in falsely with UFO reports, when it's actually coming directly from these chemtrails.
And I mean, look at the physical effects.
Allergies are up, and you can tell your listeners about that.
I don't know anyone that doesn't have them.
I know people who've lived with it their whole life, so they go, suddenly, last five years, I can't breathe, I've got it.
And people who've lived with it their whole life are suddenly, I can't breathe anymore, and I go, how many years?
Five years.
5 years, 5 years, 5 years, 5 years, 5 years, 5 years!
I mean, I've had the same sinus infection for 7, 8 years and no treatment available.
And many other people are in the same boat.
Many people, you know, flu rates are skyrocketing as well.
So the physical effects of this are clear.
Don't have to tell me about it.
I mean, it's just... I know this.
Jets at 4,000 feet don't spray a plume out that sits there for 5 hours.
And Paul, I'm not kidding.
I have sat there before and just watched the trail sit there for hour after hour.
Then it's proven by the fact that...
Most of the pictures show criss-crossing chemtrails, where planes will cross, you know, a distance of hours between each other, and leave trails which, you know, hang in the sky criss-crossing.
X marks the spot for hours and hours after that, so that proves that these are not, you know, just normal condensation trails.
Well, something changed six, seven years ago, and it's gotten a lot worse, and now it's just... Uh, let's talk to Mike in New York.
Mike, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
We should actually continue the chemtrails.
I have actually some information on that.
It's like four different programs going on with the military and all that.
So there's four different programs, go ahead.
The first one basically deals with where
The aerosol mixture up in the sky that they spray on you is supposed to support an RF ducting pipe for a warfare system.
Like it's a mixture of barium salt.
Yeah, I know they've done public tests that's admitted that they're using it to resonate and to control and to amplify their harp system.
Oh, being me up in New York, they did this in 2001 up in Fort Drum and up here up in
We're good to go.
I was up on my deck looking and I was looking at binoculars.
I mean, it started at about 9, 10 o'clock in the morning and by the time I was driving home from San Antonio, you could not see anything but trails.
I mean, hundreds of them.
That's what they're doing up here.
I look at the binoculars and I see the type of planes.
They're the white type, unmarked, tanker planes usually.
Uh, it's usually ones with... Okay, so that's one of the points.
What are the other three?
The other three, uh, there's one used by supposedly DARPA, uh, as to, uh, means to detect and decontaminate enemy biological attacks, uh, which uses a barium salt mixture as well, with polymer fibers in it.
Uh, there's also... You know, I mean, I'm aware of all these different programs, but go ahead and say the other two.
Uh, there is the one that your guest before, Nick Aica, said about the HAARP project and when it coincided with HAARP and all that.
That's the first one, yeah.
That was the first one, and then there was the... Let me look right here, I'm trying to look at... Well, they're putting biologicals into the system.
They're impregnating our minds with aluminum.
You know, it's the same folks who put sodium fluoride in your water and admitted poison.
Hey, listen, Mike, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
I want to finish up the call.
She's got a bunch of news here.
I want to hit with Paul.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, Ron.
Alex, so far I've bought three copies of Paul's book.
It's absolutely amazing.
Once folks have your films, they should get Paul's book, Order Out of Chaos, and then Tex Barr's book.
It is absolutely mind-blowing.
It's well put together, informative.
The information you gather from these books can pretty much complete a person's education, Alex.
I have been really impressed with it.
Other people have.
Also, Alex, here in Oklahoma, our state senate is about to vote on making permanent homeland security.
Before the veil of darkness falls over the state of Oklahoma, I'd like to appeal to your listeners around the country and around the world who have friends or family here in Oklahoma.
Contact them.
Send them your films.
Tell them what's going on and help us stop this.
Well, I've got an article here in Tennessee that they're going to make them local police, arm them, everybody's going to be anti-terror basically, and of course we're not going to find any terrorists, but see, every misdemeanor is terrorism now, so none of us have our rights, see?
So it's more lawyer speak.
Also, Alex, I came across a fellow the other day who has a relative back east who is an air traffic controller.
Well, that's admitted.
They grabbed all the tapes, all the transmissions, told the people to shut their mouths under national security.
Because they just were told to stand down, just sit there, you know, for hours with their thumbs in their mouths.
So what specifically did he say was confirmed?
I mean, what was he saying?
The part about 9-11, I told him the story about the 119th flight of the North Dakota Air National Guard, the happy hooligans scrambling and the lead plane bringing down flight 93 with two-side wonder.
And he said, yeah, I knew that.
And I said, well, how'd you know that?
He said, well, I have a relative who's an air traffic controller back east.
And he told me the story, except that he said that someone came around the next day and collected all the logs and tapes.
Yeah, I hear you.
Thanks for the call, Ron.
And, uh, you know, it's funny, Paul.
It's, we all know what's going on.
It's all out there in plain view, but again, no one's held accountable.
It's like last week,
With Aristide, who I'm no fan of, our government put him in, had our own special forces protecting him for the last 10 years, but then they throw him out of office, stage this deal, and then lie and say, no we didn't!
I mean, it's just the blatant lying, and then never getting in trouble for it.
Well, going back to the Colonel Don DeGrand pre-interview, people ask about Flight 93, you know, why was it shut down, why wasn't it allowed to go on?
It was because Flight 93 was delayed on the runway for about 15-20 minutes.
They couldn't let it go a flight, you know, go in the air and hit its intended target because the questions about the NORAD non-interception would be even more, you know, higher in volume because it would have been even later delayed than the flight that hit the Pentagon.
So it would have been, you know, around an hour and a half in the air before any kind of scrambling took place.
So that's why they... one of the reasons why they had to bring down Flight 93.
Real quick, I'm giving each caller a minute here because I've got to get to some final news with Paul.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Illinois.
Mike, go ahead.
Hey Alex, Ron, great job on what you're doing.
I want to ask Ron a question.
Alex, I brought this up when I talked to you last time.
Okay, Ron's a caller.
Ron's gone.
I'm sorry, Paul.
What I wanted to say is, the United States, obviously, we're losing all our jobs.
We're bringing in Hispanic workers and illegal immigrants and Bush grants amnesty.
What do you see happening in England and Europe?
Is there anything similar happening there like there is in the United States?
Loss of jobs.
Asia's taking all the work.
Mexico's got all the jobs.
I want to ask you about that.
Okay, Paul.
What's happening?
Same program, isn't it?
Exact same program.
Even the coal center jobs.
Whenever you phone up, say, your local, you know, cable company, the person that answers the phone is based in India, and the company directs them not to give their name or to make up a fake name, and actually trains them in what's going on.
Hello, this is Chris Jones!
Good to talk to you!
And then you get off the script and they go, you go, but now I'm sure I've got a problem.
And then, I like baseball.
How about you?
I mean, actually, that was on the news, that they teach them a little fight.
How is the baseball team doing?
No, no, I'm not kidding, folks.
I live in the industrial centre of, you know, the former industrial centre of Britain, one of the leading producers of steel in the world.
Now the factories are completely shut down, everyone's lost their jobs, and so it's the same programme, the race to the bottom, and amnesty under the Labour government has increased.
Basically it's armored police stations below the huge high-rise bank buildings with all of us living in third world compact city states being secretly arrested, going to forced labor camps, total enslavement, that's the future.
And the same programs introduced at the same time by the Anglo-Saxon mafia, the echelon countries, Britain, Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, same programs at the same time for the same agenda.
Mike, got to let you go.
Terry in Texas.
Go ahead, Terry.
Hello, Alex.
I want to back up what you've had to say about the chemtrails.
I'm not too far from San Antone, and I've been watching them for several months now.
I'm doing exactly what you said.
And the day will start off just perfectly clear.
Before the day's over with, we've got cloud-covered sky.
Well, with the stripes.
You can watch them laid down so clearly right next to each other that it's stripes.
Oh, yeah.
And you watch them start meeting and then meet up and turn into cloud cover.
Mm-hmm, exactly.
And that's been going on, you know, I've been watching it since you've been reporting on it.
And I tell my friends and they go, oh, that's just the way it is.
It's the weather conditions up there.
I say, not like this from border to, you know, horizon to horizon.
And they stay there forever.
Well, yeah, I mean,
Five years ago, did you ever see something like that?
Oh yeah, I grew up in Arlington and no, I didn't.
Not five years ago.
I'm like you, you know, growing up with no such thing as they dissipate in no time.
And plus, they didn't form at 5,000 feet.
No, uh-uh.
You can almost call us rocks at them now.
Thanks for the call.
You know, I'll try to cram gin in here.
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All right, my friends, final segment.
Paul Watson, we did cover a lot of the news today, but this article you posted, The Mark of Doom, talking about biological race-specific weapons.
Our government admits they have it, the British, the Israelis.
Dick Cheney says he wants to legitimize the use of this, so I guess killing certain races now is good.
But it's bad if you're against it.
Your comments on the whole genetic engineering situation?
Well, it's actually in the Project for a New American Century document, where people like Wolfowitz, William Crystal, Dick Cheney, talk about the possibility of using this type of weapon, not just to, you know, wage war, but also in their own words, to reconfigure world politics.
They're talking about a gene bomb which will eliminate one particular race.
Yeah, a biological weapon that could infect people according to genetic markers.
Not only would it allow for genocide, it would be created specifically for that purpose.
A recent report by the
British Medical Association stated that the rapid progress in genetics to become the basis for ethnic cleansing on an unheard of scale in the future.
All this police state is just being built for that right now to corral us while they're exterminating us and that's the Globalist's own plan.
Yes, to get people out of the farms, out of the wilderness, into the compact cities so they can launch this kind of attack successfully.
So they can bug bomb us.
Yeah, and I mean, they're talking about this maybe taking ten years, maybe never happening.
I mean, Israel.
Publicly, the Jane's Defense publication came out and said that Israel was already on the verge of acquiring this weapon.
The Nazis were developing it fifty, sixty years ago!
They've had race-specific weapons in federal documents for thirty years!
That's where the ideology springs from, and the Israelis.
In their own defense documents, they report that they're ready to use it, and willing to use it, against the Arabs.
And so, that's World War III right there.
Yeah, the Arabs are... Can you imagine?
That'll kill a lot of Jews, though.
It's the same genetic line.
They claim, though, they've got it down so specifically, though, that it'll just... Boy, I tell you, if you're one of these darker Israelis, you're dead.
But they're talking about some of the pharmaceuticals which they've got available will inoculate some people against it.
So, I mean, all the elite will take those drugs and all the serfs, the Arabs, will get hit by it.
Well, we know they've already got bioweapons out there.
Paul, people need to get my videos.
They're excellent.
They're waking people up.
I mean, that's not spin.
That's not hype.
That's the facts.
I can't describe how good they are.
You need to have them.
Your book, Order Out of Chaos, preeminent work on government-sponsored terror.
In a nutshell, what's in the book?
It's 320 pages.
It's about government-sponsored terror, how it's used to run through their unified political agenda.
Three chapters on 9-11, and many people are saying that
I mean I finished writing the book late, well early 2003 and a lot of that 9-11 stuff is cutting edge even now.
People are saying, well how did you predict that all this evidence would come out for remote control?
Well I was right on the cutting edge of it back then and now it's all coming out.
Yeah, I think so.
Or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
I'm sorry to June and others.
Call me back tomorrow.
Out of time today.
Be sure and join us tonight, 9 to midnight.
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We're very radical.
The world is round.
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Because things are going to get worse and worse.
People have to know who's behind it.
Thanks for joining us, Paul.
Back tonight.
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